#I'm just starting to collect those screenshots from now on
iwonderwh0 · 1 year
It sure sucks to be late, but to be honest, being in a dbh fandom in 2023 is kind of elite experience. You be seeing news articles and comments like that under videos about ai of today almost daily and it's honestly 🤌✨
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hussyknee · 2 years
i'm so confused rn, can you explain the goncharov thing?? i get off tumblr for five minutes
(Edits closed as of 28 Nov.)
Nah I getchu. So this post has been circulating for like two years:
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Link to post.
But yesterday, it had inspired someone to do this:
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Link to post.
Next thing I knew there were fake Letterboxed reviews.
Goncharov moodboards. Really good ones.
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Link to post.
Meta analysis. So many fake meta essays. Disturbingly good ones. And of course the memes. (Edit: HAVE I SAID THIS SHIT IS DISTURBING)
As you can see, the myth just started to grow, characters and ships and tropes being added one after the other, almost bizzarely without contradiction, until there was enough of shape to the whole thing for people to start posting fanfic about it on AO3. "No beta we die like ice-pick Joe" is already a tag.
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Link to post.
It was hilarious in the beginning, but the way it's developed within less than a day, kind of like it's being willed into existence, is freaking me out a bit. We're toying with powers beyond our comprehension. 😂😂😂
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Link to post.
Of course, there could be an ulterior motive as well.
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Link to post (tags mine).
Edit: guys, please tag these posts "unreality" so people with disassociation issues can filter them out (not this one, this is an explainer). <3
Edit 2: Aparently the boots in the original post are actually referring to a movie called Gomorrah that came out in 2008, directed by Mateo Garrone, based on the Scampia Feud. And other people had also been making posts about the fake movie for a while before the poster took off.
found by @thepotch
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Edit 3: Explainer: why did those boots have this movie on them anyway?
Edit 4: Alt text added to all images courtesy of @valentineish ❤️
Edit 5: Turns out tumblr has done this kind of thing before. Nine years in this hell place and I had to have "Squiddles" and penis smp explained in the replies.
Edit 6: This post collects the Lore so far.
Edit 7: Lynda Carter (real one)/ earns more/ Tumblr cred.
Edit 8: Holy shit y'all we have the theme music. With sheet music. And it's on Spotify!
I made this post 18 hours after the movie poster went up. Closed edits 27 hours after first posting. So all of the above happened within 45 hours of the movie poster going up.
Edit 10: Google document live-compiling all the lore so far (Day 3)
Edit 11: Masterpost of Goncharov soundtracks (Day 3)
Edit 12: Entertainment news articles covering the Gonch-posting (real) (Contd from yday)
Edit 13: The music from the masterpost all compiled into a 31-minute original score with video edits on YouTube (edit: unfortunately taken down)
Edit 14: Staff's Goncharov art showcase for Tumblr Tuesday
As of closing on Day 3 there are 371 works in the AO3 tag.
Updating with Day 3 shenanigans I missed yesterday:
Edit 15: Goncharov TV Tropes page
Edit 16: Ethics of Gonchposting
Important PSA 1 (how to reduce harm to Tumblr's neurodivergents)
Important PSA 2 (reality affirmation, anti-bullying)
Important PSA 3 (why you should stop trying to vandalise legit information sites)
Edit 17: Character lore from beezlebub whose poster they originated from
Edit 18: What we know about/ Director Matteo JWHJ0715 (#unreality)
Edit 19: Link to post with screenshotted and described NYT article (scroll down) and this golden exerpt from BuzzFeed: 💀
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(alt text included)
End of Day 4 there are now 485 works in the Goncharov tag on AO3
Didn't get to update this on Day 5, so these are the Day 5 doings:
More trailers!
Trailer 1 (My favourite)
Trailer 2
Trailer 3
Trailer 4
I also just found out about the Goncharov Game Jam.
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It appears this opened a day after after the meme took off.
Goncharov was first entered into Wikipedia between Day 4 and 5 (attempts to vandalise it with fake info don't count, incidentally – please knock that shit off) under List of Internet Phenomena. This was then expanded into its own Wikipedia page at the end of Day 5 because, according to the talk history: "the topic now meets the notability threshold for its own artice due to significant coverage in The New York Times and other sources cited." We're on Wikipedia, people!
And then we made The Guardian half a day later. So while the meme is definitely dying down to embers by now, it still stays winning.
YouTube channels with episodes on the meme:
InformOverlord (4:30)
Lessons in Meme Culture (2:43)
End of Day of 5 there were 511 works on AO3, and End of Day 6 (today) there are 556.
🚨BREAKING 🚨 from Martin Scorsese's daughter's TikTok (real actual)
tw: unreality:
We did it you guys!
Clarification: Francesca Scorcese asked her Dad about the meme and Martin played along. Please reblog this PSA to help Tumblr people with psychosis. Thanks.
Final edit: Day 8. Media reactions to Scorcese's TikTok (everyone from Forbes to Vulture). That one Tumblr user who said they'd do a screenplay if their post got notes has promised to shoot a single scene, but please don't be dicks just because you reblogged it; leave them alone until they get around to it themselves. As of end of Day 8 there are 609 works in the AO3 tag. I love all you lunatics. Peace! ❤️
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
Setting up AO3 Enhancements on a mobile browser
Hey there! Do you:
read fic primarily on your phone?
feel tired of having to punch in a lot of filter tags every time you browse for fics?
have an android device?
then I might be able to help you make fandom a cozier place! (and hopefully nip future drama in the bud, lol)
With this post, I'm gonna guide you through the process of installing the AO3 Enhancements browser extension, normally only available on desktop, on your mobile device. It works a charm, and I've been using it for months, and it's made the Undertale tag navigable again despite my utter disinterest in AU content.
Here's an archived version of the full post in case my dumbass accidentally deletes it for some reason
Let's get started!
UPDATE: For IOS users! You can download the browser app "Orion" which allows firefox extensions! No need to do this procedure, just install it and download the extension as you normally would from Firefox Add-ons
1) Download Firefox Nightly.
For those who are hearing of it for the first time, Firefox Nightly is a separate Firefox browser made specifically for developers. The name itself is due to the fact that it's patched and updated on a daily (er, nightly) basis. This makes it more prone to crashing and issues than the standard Firefox app, but I've switched over to nightly as my main browser months ago now, and if I ever encounter a problem, I just... download the latest update and I'm good to go.
What's crucial about Nightly, however, is that it gives the user access to various additional features. One of them being desktop extensions on mobile, which is what we're here for.
Here's the Google Play link.
2) Make a Firefox Account
This will be necessary to install the extension later
Once you've done that, go to the Firefox add-ons website and log into your account in the upper right (where it says "Biscia" in the screenshot below). Click on "View My Collections"
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3) Making an add-on collection
Since browser extensions are technically blocked from being directly installed by the browser, Nightly offers a workaround.
Create a collection, and give it a name without spaces to avoid errors.
4) Adding the extension
Here is the link to ao3 enhancements (if it's not showing up, try reloading the page in desktop mode). Scroll down until you see the option "Add to a collection" and select the one you just created.
You can do it with any extension! Go nuts. There's lots of good stuff out there. Just remember that it's not guaranteed every one of them will work, since they aren't intended to be used on a mobile device.
5) Activating debug mode.
In your browser, tap the little sandwich menu in the bottom right, scroll down and click Settings. It should be under "Save to Collection".
Scroll down even more until you reach the "About" section, and click on "About Firefox Nightly"
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Click on the firefox logo 5 times, and it should be done.
6) Activating your add-ons
Go to "View my profile" as seen in the screenshot in step 2. At the end of the link, there should be a string of numbers. Copy it.
After this, go back to the browser settings again, scroll down until you reach the add ons section and click on "custom add on collection". Paste the numbers you copied from your profile where it says "User ID", and the name of your collection EXACTLY as it appears in the link, where it says "Collection name". Mind, it's case sensitive.
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Press okay, and it should kick you out of the app. Open it again and, going in add-ons then add-ons manager, you should be able to add your extension.
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ATTENTION!! If you get the error message "failed to query add-ons" you either inputted the wrong user id or the wrong collection name
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To avoid this type of issue, don't name your collection something that has spaces or punctuation in it, as it might mess with the link formatting.
7) Setting up your AO3 enhancements filters
If everything's worked out fine, you should be able to visit ao3 and see a new drop-down window.
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Click on it, click on option, and it should open up a new window with all the settings available! Tweak them to your heart's content. Though mind, the background tag wrangling done by the ao3 volunteers doesn't work with this extension, so the extension is going to hide only the works tagged EXACTLY what you filtered. Character for character. This makes things a bit tricky when people aren't consistent with their tagging, but if it proves to be enough of a problem, you can just filter out the author name in full and be done with it.
You can choose to hide the fic behind a "show" button, or make it not show up at all. If you choose the latter option, and you blocked a tag that has lots of fics, it might look like certain pages of searches are almost empty, since all the fics were hidden.
And that's it! I sincerely hope this helps people avoid their triggers and other topics that make them uncomfortable. No more excuses fellas. You find a tag you haven't filtered yet? You add it to the list and move on. Easy peasy.
Hope I haven't missed anything. Let me know if you need any help!
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veone · 2 years
GSHADE 3.5.0 Cracked Tutorial Feb.2023
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‼️Update:3/2023‼️ Due to gshade somehow being online again! You can still install the program with this tutorial but to avoid the update to version 4.2 notification keeping you from proceeding-Download the program from mediafire and then turn your pc to airplane mode and continue the process below! Note that when you turn your internet back on that your going to get the notification still ignore it. That what I’m doing.
Alright with the recent events regarding the development team of GShade figuratively going under and the current version of this program available being far from perfect. It would be lovely to back to a version of GShade that doesn't have malware, the changes that disabled the depth of field effects, and the removal of some older shaders. So here's a tutorial on how to install 3.5.0 of GShade. It's the version that we as a collective switched to all those months back, when GShade popped off in the community. Also the version I used to take this picture and got from @toskasimz who sent me the files. She's the reason why I have my pretty pictures back. It took a long time to get my preset to look like this and the modern versions of Gshade and Reshade don't have the shaders for this anymore. The suggested skill level for this is basic knowledge of how to install Reshade/Gshade and knowledge of where to find the game Bin file and Program Files on your pc.
Note: This version is before the code that shut down your PC, if you manipulated the code of the program, was introduced. Use at your own risk. I personally have no issue with using it. I'm using my laptop I do school work on and I have no money to buy a new one so that's my assessment on how safe it is.
To start download this media fire file. It's a Rar file. Unzip it.
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In the unzipped version of this file, you should have a folder that's highlighted below called GShade.
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Inside that file are two folders. Program Files-G-Shade and TS4 Bin Folder. These folder names correspond with where the contents of these will go on your pc.
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Alright inside the folders you should have the following content in the Program Files-G-Shade
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Inside the TS4 Bin Folder, you should have the following contents inside it.
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Place the GShade folder from the Program Files-G-Shade into your computer's Program(x86) file. This may have a different name based on your computer.
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Next Place the contents of the TS4 Bin Folder which should be the G-Shade configuration file and the folder of GShade-Shaders into your Bin folder. (note I have gshade installed already so you won't have the extra files before installation.)
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Now go back to the Program(x86) file on your PC and go into the G-shade folder.
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Double Click to run the program.
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This is where you gonna need to pull your Reshade/Gshade knowledge. You just install the program as normal to the game. I will say I don't know if this will work with other games.
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Alright, this is what you should be left with after installing G-Shade. Everything transferred to the Program Files with the exception of this folder. Leave it be and go to the Program Files file on your pc.
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Once in the Program Files folder double click the GShade Control Panel.
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You should get the following screen Go to the Installations tab. Delete this file path. This is a very important step. It's not gonna work if you don't reinstall the program. Delete it and click Add New.
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Install the program as viewed above. Click Next and set up your screenshot folder.
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Click No on viewing the guild. You should have a control panel on your desktop. You can go in a convert you reshade presets if needed.
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Alright if everything was done correctly open your game. It'll take a moment to load and when it does you greeted with the following screen on start-up.
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Ignore the yellow text on the top. It says that your effects are disabled because it's not online. It works I could be misinterpreting what "effect" means but my shader work so I'm not complaining.
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And there you go. Installed, and works perfectly. Don't update it. I don't know what it'll do. I have not tried. I will upload an edited version of my preset later this week or tonight. I have to tweak the color of the fog and make a decent post. Enjoy! I am open to helping under this post and in dms!
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danrifics · 10 months
you all pestered me for it and here it is. the closeness analysis/ theory.
now if you didn't see I basically had this theory that the closer to BIG and COTY we get in the DAPG timeline the closer dan and phil sit to each other. Dan made a comment about how them playing Heartthrob being like a gay soft launch and that got me thinking of some other ways they could have done it and one of those being the idea that as time goes on you get less and less strict and worrisome about what others think of you and so they end up gravitating closer and closer.
This post will be under a see more cos its probably gonna be long af.
I will be splitting it into stages.
2014 -15
2016 - 17
sorry the screenshots arent clickable to make bigger tumblr only allows for 30 on a post so i had to group them together!
(i will not be covering horror games apart from in the revival stage and i will also not be talking much about gamingmas 2023)
2014 - 15
now when i initially went to collect my evidence, i was suddenly worried maybe i kinda had things wrong because i feel like in Donkey Kong Country (the first dapg video, see screenshot below) they're sat pretty close but honestly when we get to how they sit a lot later on you'll see that this is actually pretty far apart
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now here are some screenshots for the inital look at at the end of them we'll talk (this will be the layout for most of this post i think)
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now of course this is only a selection of those year's videos if i screenshotted them all i fear this post would never end. now these first 2 years are a good mix of at desk videos on sofa videos. i noticed from some other videos not show here that in sofa videos they rend to sit a lot closer to each other than they do at the desk, this is kinda funny to me cos really they definitely have room for a wider frame on the couch if they wanted to sit like normal people.
2016 - 17
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2016 and the start of 2017 feel like a mixed bag of how close together they are but i did notice that the more into 2017 we got the more they seemed to be shoulder to shoulder! these also started to wean out sofa sitting games (not 100% gone yet but almost). now if you're wondering why i've kept this screenshot apart its cos this is the last one in the first london apartment.
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and honestly from here on out is where i believe the "soft launching" begins!
so lets finish 2017 and see if im right!
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just had to single out this screenshot for a sec:
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in case anyone wondered that is the face dan made during dream daddy when phil reads "we were roommates for a while too"
anyway moving on
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watching these videos definitely feels like something changed btw, while they still arent as close as we'll start seeing them sit, i definitely noticed more often they were shoulder to shoulder. but like a new room has definitely changed the vibe a little bit between them, and now we can move on to the next and final year of pre hiatus dapg, where things as you will see immediately start to change.
like i said... immediately we are met with this, i would also like to let everyone know that 2018 is my favourite era of pre hiatus dapg
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lets see what the rest of this year will bring
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now i'm splitting 2018 up into parts because i need to do a whole talk about the tour situations so for now lets look at the above screenshots, now its very obvious that they are sitting so much closer to each other which i think is really funny considering how big that room is and often in this section of videos there is a lot of room either side of them so they literally do not need to be that close.
now lets talk about the tour bus. this is how close they're sitting
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thats for sure a 1 person seat yet they've both forced themselves on even tho the sofa literally behind them would have been perfectly fine to sit on, and they cant give me "this is the only place to set up the camera" babe its really not theres a whole surface behind you.
okay thank you for listening to this, moving on to the final part of 2018!
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(the last 2 screenshots are out of order oops)
idk about you but yeah i think they are definetly a lot closer than they were way back in 2014. i really dont have a lot to say other than that, and i have definetly proven my theory so now we've established that lets have a brief look at post hiatus dapg!
Now this is gonna be really brief its just a summary of where we are post BIG/COTY and post hiatus (things my brain still cant quite believe is real)
now here are the revival moments i wanna give a mention!
firstly sims season ep 3 when dan moves his chair away from phil and their wheels are literally locked together, pushing phil's chair too
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heres dan looking into the monitor and then moving closer to phil <3
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and finally
hand hold
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thanks for reading all this and sorry if it didnt live up to the hype lmao
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charmandabear · 8 months
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Office Hours - Chapter Two
You really want to get Astarion back for making you feel so flustered, but as a result you find yourself in a bit of an uncomfortable position.
Pairing: Astarion/F!Reader Rating: E Word Count: 3.7k Tags/Warnings: unprotected p in v sex, under-the-desk blowjobs, semi-public sex, vampire bites, modern au, college/university au, urban fantasy, enemies to lovers, poor gale doesn't deserve this
Oh shit she's writing? I had like six other things planned but I can't keep away from this world. Once again thank you @zipzoomzaria for the beautiful screenshots and also the inspo for Professor Astarion, and @aw11tht33tha for the beta!
You don't need to have read part 1 for this part to make sense, but it does help.
Read on AO3 ~ Masterlist
Ever since you slept with Astarion - or, perhaps more accurately, he fucked you mercilessly over his desk - you haven't been able to get him out of your head. It's been a little embarrassing, frankly. Every time you pass him in the hallway, a single glance over those round wire frames has you suppressing the moan that bubbles in your throat. One whiff of his fragrance and your pussy clenches in a Pavlovian response.
You're standing in front of your mailbox in the main office, reading some memo from the chair about season selection for next year. It's always a tedious process where no one can agree and you somehow all end up with shows you hate.
You smell him before you hear him, and you can feel your ears grow hot. He comes up behind you, standing closer than is probably necessary, and reaches above you to empty his own mailbox.
“Pardon,” he says politely, but you feel like he’s going out of his way to brush against you. A shiver runs down your spine as he very gently grazes the back of your neck while shuffling through the papers. 
He turns and starts chatting amicably with Grace. How can he stay so cool when you're practically in shambles? You pretend that you're still reading the short memo just to collect yourself. When he finally leaves the main office, you manage to turn around and imitate some semblance of a normal person. Grace catches your eye and frowns.
“Are you feeling okay? You're looking a little flushed,” she asks, genuine concern coloring her voice. You twist your face into a smile, hoping that it reads like gratitude rather than annoyance.
“Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. Probably just a little dehydrated,” you say, putting a little extra rasp in your voice to sell your story.
“I’m about to leave for lunch, I can grab you something from the student union, if you're thirsty.” She smiles sweetly, fully unaware of the double entendre.
“I'm good, I have some water back in my office. I appreciate the offer, though.” The smile is now plastered to your face as you move to leave the office. You bump into Karlach while trying to make a hasty exit.
“Gods, soldier, you okay? You look like you just got out of a sauna.” She claps you on the shoulder and your knees buckle. The technical director had spent 10 years in the army, so you can't really fault her for the nickname, or the smack to the shoulder, for that matter.
“Just a little thirsty, is all,” you reply, continuing to scoot your way out of the office. 
“Yeah ya are!” She points two finger guns at you and flashes a big suggestive smile. You freeze for a half second, then realize she’s making a generic lewd joke and not pointedly calling you out for your current condition. You awkwardly finger gun back as you finally slip through the doorway and book it to your office.
You sit down at your desk and grab your water bottle, taking a long sip. It's unbelievable how much of a hold he has on you. What you wouldn't give to be able to fluster him as much as he does you. Have him struggle for words. Make him look like an idiot in front of your colleagues.
You think back to your bathtub fantasy from a few days ago. You could not have predicted the dynamic more incorrectly. You really thought that you'd be the one in control, that you could have him coming undone for you. The image of him whimpering beneath you still sets your heart racing, though it can't be further from the truth. Your breath hitches slightly as the scenario plays out vividly in your mind, like your own personal erotica.
“It must be rather exciting, whatever's got your blood going that way.” His sultry voice interrupts your debaucherous thoughts and you yelp in surprise. You glare at him leaning in the doorframe, hands in his pockets and collar casually unbuttoned, looking like an absolute treat. He chuckles and saunters into your office, settling into one of the chairs across from your desk and crossing his lithe legs. Despite your newfound attraction, he's still an arrogant little shit.
“I thought you couldn't come in uninvited,” you scowl, keeping your voice low for fear of someone overhearing.
“I don't recall being invited last time, but you didn't seem to mind,” he says with a laugh, and you squirm under his piercing red gaze. “Regardless, the rule only applies to homes, not individual rooms within a public university.”
Your frown deepens, unsure if he's being condescending or not.
“Is there something I can help you with, or are you just here to frustrate me?” You lean back in your chair and cross your arms, trying to imitate his casual authority. You're not terribly successful.
“You seem to be doing that perfectly well yourself, the way I could hear your arteries pumping from down the hall.” His smile widens, flashing just a hint of fang, and your resolve weakens. He stands and stretches his arms above his head, his shirt raising just enough for you to see a sliver of porcelain skin. You’re positive he’s just doing this to annoy you.
“Well, when you have a free moment, stop by my office, I have something to show you,” he drawls, an almost bored lilt coloring his tone. “And do try to keep that pulse of yours under control, it’s distracting to the point of vulgarity.” He glances at you over his glasses one more time before retreating into the hall again.
You cross your legs, trying to ease the ache between your thighs. He's absolutely insufferable. And he’s so much worse now that he knows he has this power over you.
You gather your materials for Voice and Speech, plotting ways to enact your revenge.
Against your better judgment, you find yourself walking toward Ancunín’s office after class. You take a moment before knocking on the door, smoothing down the front of your dress and tousling your hair to give it a little more volume.
Suddenly the door opens and Mol comes barrelling out in a huff.
“D’you believe this berk? Gettin’ on my tail for ‘academic integrity.’ Ain't nobody more integrous than me!” she grumbles, adjusting her bag angrily. She turns her heated gaze to you.
“Can you talk to your boyfriend and tell him to leave me alone?” she spits and you splutter involuntarily.
“Mol, we’re not–”
“Come off it, miss. Everyone sees the way you look at ‘im. Just work your magic so I can get back to gettin’ a college education.” And without another word, she's off. You blink, trying to make sense of what just happened. Are the students talking about the two of you?
Shaking your head, you knock on the door frame as you walk into his office. It's just as cozy as last time, warm light emanating from lamps in every corner to compensate for the blackout curtains over the windows. Honestly, how does anyone not know he's a vampire? You can almost hear his excuse, something about how “direct sunlight is ruinous to one’s skin.”
“Destroying students' lives by keeping them academically honest?” you smirk as you gently close the door behind you with your foot. He takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I swear, that girl is too clever for her own good. I'd almost respect it if she didn't get on my last nerve,” he sighs, putting his glasses back on and glancing up at you. His expression softens for a second before quickly shifting to mischievous. You slide over to him, leaning against the edge of his desk as you face him.
Any animosity you may have held dissolves as he looks up at you, his hand absentmindedly stroking your thigh just under the hem of your skirt. You shiver as you try to keep your voice steady.
“You said you had something to show me, professor?” You emphasize the title with the gusto of a young porn star. He smirks and pulls you down until you're straddling his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck and grind your hips into him, feeling the beginnings of an erection. He lets out a little puff of air that can almost be mistaken for a moan. He buries his face into your tits, running his nose along the neckline of your dress and slides his hands under your skirt to cup your ass. You breathe in sharply, your breasts rising to meet his lips.
Then a knock at the door.
You both freeze and stare at one another. You hear a muffled voice on the other side.
“Dr. Ancunín, do you have a minute? I have something extremely important to tell you,” Dr. Dekarios from the School of the Weave shouts through the door.
Astarion instinctually replies, “Just a minute!” and the two of you share a wordless exchange.
-What the fuck are you doing?
-I don't know, I panicked!
-What am I supposed to do?
-Hide, perhaps?
Without thinking you slide off his lap and under the desk. Just in time, too, as Dr. Dekarios doesn't wait for Astarion’s permission to open the door and waltz right in.
“Dr. Ancunín, thank goodness, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.” You can hear the Arcana History professor rush in and eagerly sit down in the red velvet lounge chairs across from Astarion’s desk. You groan internally as you realize that you might be stuck here for an unbearably long time.
“Actually, Dr. Dekarios, I was on my way out,” Astarion says as he starts to stand before quickly reversing that decision. You realize with a smug sense of satisfaction that he’s still slightly aroused.
“Completely understand, I'll keep this brief, then. So, the other day, you and I spoke of the use of bardic magic and its position amongst playwrights in Renaissance England.”
“Yes, I recall,” Astarion responds through gritted teeth. He sinks back down in his chair,  resigned to sitting through this conversation.
“And how it was common practice at the time to use magic from the college of swords as decreed by Elizabeth? Ben Jonson, Marlowe, Beaumont and Fletcher, they all used college of swords magic.” Dr. Dekarios’ voice increases in pitch with his excitement. You suppress a sigh, preparing yourself for a long wait in this cramped space. It’s not particularly comfortable, especially with trying to keep out of the way of Astarion’s long legs.
You might not have to keep out of the way. Maybe if you just… brushed your hand along his leg…
Astarion coughs to hide the sudden intake of breath your touch causes. He crosses his legs and you smile knowing it's to give himself a little reprieve. A feeling you know all too well.
“Yes,” Astarion says, his voice frustratingly steady, “I recall your enthusiasm in telling me this.”
You're trying to read his response. Is he into this? Is this a game he wants to play? You test your luck again, dragging your fingers up his thigh more deliberately. His leg quivers and he shifts his posture as the Arcana professor continues.
“Well, I had a thought. Consider this: Shakespeare brought about a major shift in how we think of the Western theatrical canon as it pertains to bard magic, correct?”
You scooch forward and press your tits into his knees that are now pinched tightly together. You slide your hands up his inner thighs, prying them apart slightly. You lean into his legs further as your hands continue their journey upward, squeezing as they get to the top of his thigh.
He kicks suddenly, a soft thump into the back of the desk. Is he telling you to stop? You pull back and glance up at him, the top of the desk obscuring most of his face. He's stiffly nodding along to Dekarios’ rambling.
“And remind me, what other major storytelling convention did Shakespeare also shift during this time?” You honestly can't tell if he’s actually asking, or giving Astarion a mini exam in his own specialty.
You wait for a response from him. He lets his thighs fall open and gently nudges your hip with the side of his shoe. No, his foot.
This mother fucker is playing footsie with you?
Oh he is definitely into your little game.
You push his legs open again, this time sliding your hands all the way up to his cock, and you feel it twitch beneath the wool of his pants. You gently stroke him and his hips give a subtle twist into you.
“I'm not sure–” Astarion begins, but stops short when his voice cracks. You nuzzle his bulge,  running your lips across it as it hardens. You slip a hand under him and give his balls a gentle squeeze. You can hear his breath stutter, but it's unlikely Dekarios can as he quickly answers his own question.
“The humors, correct? My understanding of non-magic literature isn't fully up to snuff, but I am correct in remembering this, yes?”
You lick a fat stripe across the fabric and you hear a metallic click above your head, like his watch just made sudden contact with the surface of the desk. You can imagine the veins in his hands bulging as he clasps them together tightly.
“Hm, no, ah yes, you are correct. Most English Renaissance playwrights understood characters as a balance or imbalance of the four humors.” Astarion manages to keep his voice relatively even, and you know you need to up your game. You reach up to undo his belt buckle as quietly and efficiently as possible. Luckily, you’re able to hide the noise within Dekarios’ exclamation.
“Yes! That's exactly what I was thinking! So, hear me out. What if these two shifts were related? In moving away from college of swords magic, Shakespeare felt less constrained by the four humors. Or perhaps the other way around?”
You reach into his pants and free his cock, now fully hard, and tease your fingers along his shaft. His hips buck a little more forcefully, as though controlling his movement is growing more difficult. You grip his pelvis tightly, holding it in place, and relishing the fact that you have the control for once. You flick the tip of your tongue across his slit and his hips twitch again under your hands.
“Could be…” is all Astarion can manage to reply. Hopefully at this point Dekarios is in a full-on oration and he won't need to contribute much, if at all.
You pop the head of his cock into your mouth, working the underside of it with your tongue. You clamp your arms down on his thighs, pulling them closer to you and pushing them into your tits. Your inner thighs grow damp as your own arousal quickens. You squirm as a miniscule moan works its way into your mouth. Not loud enough for anyone to hear, you hope, but you're certain that Astarion can feel the vibration because his hips jerk again. His torso and face above, or at least what you can see of it, gives little away.
“And this could even,” Dekarios continues, showing no sign of awareness of anything else happening in the room, “signal the shift into realism, could it not? Beginning with Shakespeare and culminating with Chekhov and Ibsen in the nineteenth century?”
You take in more of him, relaxing your tongue and letting him fill your mouth, discovering his taste. He almost lifts off his chair in his attempt to thrust into you, and you use it as a way to take him in deeper. Your jaw is beginning to ache with how slow you're going, but it's worth it to feel Astarion’s frustrated discomfort.
You can hear him take a slow breath before speaking again.
“You know who would absolutely love this discovery of yours?” His voice is low, smooth, as you bob your mouth on his cock. “Tav, the classical theatre professor. Her office is right down the hall.”
You choke and he deftly covers the sound of your gag with a cough.
“Bless you,” Dekarios says after a fraction of hesitation. He continues as though there was no interruption at all.
“Then I shall share my findings with her! Down the hall, you say?”
“Room 208.”
“Excellent!” Dekarios stands and you wrap your hand around the base of Astarion's shaft, letting some saliva dribble out of your mouth to lubricate it. You can hear the wizard quickly make his way out the door.
“Gale!” Astarion yelps as you twist your hand and swirl your tongue in tandem. He clears his throat and corrects his decorum. “Dr. Dekarios, the door, please.”
“Oh, of course! Apologies,” he says with slight chagrin, and then you hear the latch on the door click. Astarion rolls his chair back and grabs your hair, pulling you out from under the desk.
“You saucy little minx,” he growls and you stumble forward and into his lap, your lips crashing into his. He easily tears through your leggings and underwear, exposing your dripping cunt to the open air.
This man is wracking up quite the clothing bill.
He slides two fingers into you, roughly stretching you out and you groan into his ear. 
“You didn't seem to mind,” you manage to squeak out, repeating his words from earlier with significantly less dignity. You grind onto his fingers with his cock trapped between you, and your clit slides against his shaft. Another shuddering breath rockets through you as your whole body clenches around him.
He yanks his hand out of you and you whimper at the sudden emptiness, but you don't need to wait long for him to grab your waist and sink you down onto his cock. You can feel the skin toward your perineum tear slightly but the stinging pain is nothing compared to the delicious stretch that comes with him bottoming out. He shoves his fingers in your mouth and you arch your back into him, the taste of your own juices flooding your tongue.
He keeps his other hand firm on your lower back as he thrusts up into you. You cling onto his neck, pulling his mouth toward your breasts as they rise and fall with your stuttering breaths. He takes his hand away from your mouth and slides the hem of your dress all the way up to your chin. His lips latch on to your nipple poking through the soft cotton of your bra.
“Gods, fuck,” you groan as you continue to roll your hips into his, and he flicks his tongue against your tit. You push down even further onto him and pull the cup down, pushing your now bare breast into his teeth. His eyes flicker upward, glasses sliding down his nose slightly. You bounce harder on his cock and grip the back of his neck tightly.
“Fuck, please, bite me,” you whine, aching to feel every part of him in you. He doesn't need to be told twice and he sinks his fangs into the sensitive flesh around your nipple. You cry out but try to stifle the noise by pressing your open mouth into his hair. You can smell that citrusy fragrance he wears and your fingers claw into him.
He sucks your blood out from around your tit, and with every swallow he laps his tongue against you, over and over. You're certain his devil tongue will be your demise.
Your pace increases and it becomes harder to suppress your moans. You clamp your mouth shut and bury your face into his ear. He releases your breast and roughly kisses you to keep you quiet, the taste of iron filling your mouth.
You come with an explosive cry that gets swallowed into his kiss. As you're still riding the wave of your orgasm you can feel his, his hips rutting as his dick throbs with the pulse of his semen.
The two of you finally slow, the sticky mess between you squelching lewdly. You listen intently past the sound of your heavy breathing to try to hear any indication that someone overheard. When you deem it safe, you let out a sigh of relief that dissolves into giggles. He drops his forehead into your shoulder as the hem of your dress gets overtaken by gravity and slides down your front
You disentangle yourself from him, wincing slightly at the feeling of him sliding out of your sore pussy. You get a better look at him, your blood still smeared on his lips and chin, his now-flaccid dick slumped above his waistband. You're certain you can't look much better, dress rucked up around your waist, hair mussed and sticking every which way. 
You methodically put yourselves back together, Astarion stuffing his wet dick back into his pants, you straightening your dress and hair. You catch his gaze again and somehow he still manages to make you blush, his crimson eyes peering over his frames. He reaches out to tuck a wayward lock behind your ear.
“Maybe next time we’ll have sex in your office,” he chuckles. You swat his chest playfully only to find yourself drawn into him, not wanting to pull your hand away. It's strangely romantic, and if you were able to think clearly, his hands snaking around your waist might bother you. But your head is still spinning and your cunt is still throbbing with the aftershocks of your orgasm, and little could upset you right now.
That is, until the doorknob turns and Dekarios pops his head back in.
“Looks like she’s not–” His voice dies off quickly when he realizes what he's walked in on. He coughs, mumbles an incoherent apology, and backs out quickly.
“I swear to the gods I'm getting a scroll of arcane lock for that damn door,” he growls under his breath, and you lean your forehead against his chest in deflated embarrassment.
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diabolikangel158 · 3 months
Can you do vox x reader? Where you and vox were fighting (idk what about I am not creative) and he eventually starts to see he's wrong (RARE VOX MOMENT??/j) and he feels bad, so he wants to make you feel good, because his pride won't let him utter those two words. 'I'm sorry' is what this whole ordeal is trying to point to. But his pride won't let him utter those words.
"It Starts with Sorry"... Not for Vox Though
Vox x Reader 
Disclaimers: Not a healthy relationship, some abusive themes but nothing crazy (at least not to me). Small insinuation that there is some superficial Valentino x Reader.
Summary: Vox doesn’t know how to apologize, though it seems he has his own way of doing so?
God, I hate this. You cast an anxious glance at your phone as you ride along in the limo with the one and only Velvette. Your dresses were so extravagant that Velvette demanded that Vox and Valentino take a different limo. In truth, you were thankful for it, seeing as Vox was cross with you. You begin to review the messages that Vox and you had exchanged earlier while you were out in the city. You wonder if he is still angry with you; the thought of him being mad only made you more anxious. 
Vox: Hey, dollface, you’re going to be here in time for the party right?
Y/N: Voxy, I thought you said I didn’t have to go to this one? Because I went to the last one and was good? You know I’m not much for parties, we go to so many social events already. 
Vox: No, I didn’t. 
Y/N: I’m…sure you did, babe.
Vox: Babe, why would I ever say that? You know I need my girl at every event. <3
Y/N: Yes, but you said since I was being so good I could skip the next one, see? *send a screenshot as proof*
Vox: …Are you fucking kidding me? You are the most ungrateful bitch I’ve ever met. I could have anyone on my arm, but I choose you. Do you know how stupid you sound right now??!
Y/n: Okay, okay, I’m coming, I’ll get dressed. 
Vox: You better.
You sigh, scrolling through the messages. The shapewear underneath your unnecessarily expensive dress makes you sweat even more than you already were due to your nerves. Besides you, Velvette side-eyes you before rolling her eyes, whipping out a hand held fan and fanning your face with it. “Are you an idiot?! You better not stain that dress, it’s one of my prized collection pieces after all.” 
You nod quickly, muttering a soft apology. You take the fan from her and fan yourself. You take a deep breath in, blowing it out slowly. The car stops and the driver steps out to open the door for you and Velvette. Valentino and Vox are outside with showy smiles. Velvette exits before you with a confidence that you wish you had. 
You place the fan Velvette gave you on the car seat and step outside. The lights from the multitude of flashing lights nearly blind you. Vox grabs onto your arm and has you hold onto him. You use your other hand to tug uncomfortably at your dress, trying to find some relief from the tightness. “Stop touching it.” Vox tells you with a stern voice, but in contrast wears a dazzling smile. You do as he says. 
Vox leads you through the cameras and over to reporters. You bite your lip, uncomfortable. Vox feels your subconscious tug at his arm and he looks at you with a tilt of his head. “Vox, maybe I could go inside? I just spoke to reporters last week, so I’m sure they have nothing to ask me.” Vox’s smile widens, but there is strong annoyance in his eyes as he looks down at you. You know what that look means. Who do you think you are? Shut the fuck up and just look pretty. “Th-though of course, I suppose I should make myself available?” He nods, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
A microphone is shoved in your face. “Miss Y/n how is living at the Vee tower going? How does it feel to date the TV overlord?!”
Another one shoves the first microphone to the side. “Fuck off, I was here first Samantha. Y/n, are you wearing one of Velvette’s new dresses for summer? How does it feel to be so lucky to be close to some of the most powerful and influential Overlords in Hell?”
You open your mouth to try and reply to one question, when you are interrupted. “Do you even have your own thing going? Or are you gonna leech off the Vee’s forever?” Your eyes widen at that. “How does Vox stand you hanging off his arm all the time?!”
Vox responds smoothly, so used to the barrage of questions. He chuckles, “It just can’t be helped, Y/n loves accompanying me to these events and I just love indulging her.” He grins at the cameras, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and holding you closer. You don’t get a chance to reply to anything as Vox pulls you away and the reporters go to harass Valentino instead. 
You spend most of the night with Vox, but no words are exchanged between the two of you. He just wants you there for eye candy while he talks up other powerful figures. You are told repeatedly by other demons and overlords how fortunate you are to be loved by Vox, and doted on by the Vee’s. Valentino loved those comments the best, whispering about how he’d wish Vox would let him “dote” on you more. 
You sigh, “May I please go to the bathroom? I need a break.” Vox gives you and irked nod, but he releases his hold of your arm. You choose not to comment on it and rush off to the bathroom. It’s empty, thankfully, because the first thing you do is run into the first stall and dry-heave into the toilet, absolutely overstimulated. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and breathe heavily. Fuck. Walking over to the sink, you turn on the water and try to swish the taste of vomit off your tongue. 
Your phone buzzes with a notification; you don’t have to look to know who it’s from. 
Vox: Car’s outside. You can go. See you at home. 
You don’t need to be told twice. You plaster on your fake smile again and exit the bathroom, navigating your way through throngs of demons. You slip out and get inside the car, instructing the driver to take you back to the Vee Tower. 
Back at the Vee Tower, you wash up after the night, finally taking off the uncomfortable dress. You lay down in the bed that you and Vox share, pulling the covers to your chin. You feel a bit like a failure, recounting Vox’s harsh words. Perhaps you weren’t good enough for him. Why did he stay with you? You feel tears threatening to shed. 
Just then, Vox enters the room and looks at you hiding under the covers. He sits on the end of the bed by your feet, gazing at you; you don’t look back. In all honesty, you hope that he just thinks you're asleep and will leave you alone. 
Vox was told by Velvette that you had been throwing up in the bathroom on your “break.” He knew that you didn’t really like the spotlight that much, and you definitely weren’t used to it. Plus, although the many rude questions thrown at you don’t seem terrible to him, he’s a showman at the end of the day. You however… were a bit more sensitive. It was one of the things like liked about you. He rubs your knee, hoping it will bring you some hint of comfort. It also makes him feel better about himself, too, easing the weird guilt he is unused to feeling. 
His mouth, on the contrary, says, “Oh c’mon it wasn’t even that bad. Why do you always have to be such a damn crybaby.” Yeah, because you being so overly stimulated that you vomited was totally not a big deal. He gets up and leaves for a moment. When he returns, you hear him set some items on your bedside night stand. You open your eyes slightly to see a glass of water, along with crackers, apple sauce, and nausea medication. Randomly, there is a singular rose, too. You look up at him and he sighs. “It’s seriously not even a big deal, you’re so fucking dramatic. I don’t know why I keep around.” He leans down and kisses the side of your forehead before leaving to change out of his suit. 
If you could answer the reporter’s question from earlier about how it feels to date the TV overlord… you’d say it feels pretty…confusing. 
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thefirstknife · 9 months
Riven's Lair has new lines! The two I am most attached to are Crow and Osiris discussing Osiris' whereabouts during the Great Hunt and Crow and Osiris discussing some peculiar stuff about Oracles.
First, didn't grab a screenshot of the starting line but it's just Crow asking Osiris what he did during the Great Hunt, Osiris replies:
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First, great information about Osiris' timeline. Osiris scholars everywhere rejoicing. He was Vanguard Commander during the Hunt! There were always some questions about how long he's been Commander and which events fell under his tenure as Commander, this is a great little detail.
Crying also about him mentioning Ikora, given the stuff in WQ CE where Ikora talked about her experience in the Hunt and also her making a wish "for a teacher greater than me" and "I once wished to know more about Ahamkara. Wish granted."
The next one, Osiris:
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This is some wild shit, what the hell is going on with the Vex. There were Oracles in the seasonal story mission and Osiris was very confused about them being outside of the Vault of Glass. Some lines from Crow and Osiris from the story mission:
Crow: I remember the Sol Divisive doing all sorts of weird things in the Black Garden. In the deepest parts, they were experimenting with paracausal forces... Adjustiing their code to more closely reflect the way they perceived the Darkness. Osiris: But to no avail, to my recollection. Perhaps this is the end of those experiments. Perhaps it is something new.
And after that:
Osiris: Oracles... outside the Vault of Glass. I did not think it possible. Crow: Are you seeing those readings too? Osiris: Resonance. If they are tapping into the Darkness's memory, it may enhance their predictive capabilities. Crow: Looks like the Witness might've taught the Sol Divisive some new tricks. Osiris: Or the Sol Divisive sought to align their collective more closely with that which they worship. Crow: Either way, I guess now we know how they got ahead of us.
What is happening with the Vex. I'm losing my mind. This is some incredible stuff going on which I don't think we'll be fully solving this season even because it's not really about the Vex, but these feel like some setup and hints for stuff going forward 100%. Like, the Vex are going to finally get paracausality, aren't they?
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hananoami · 2 months
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˗ˏˋ ♡ 𝓪𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝓵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍 𝓾𝒑 𝗐/ 𝓢𝒚𝒍𝒖𝒔 ♡ ˎˊ˗
I know it's only been three days since v2.0 -- Opposing Visions -- began, but I've already raised my affinity level with SYLUS by a substantial amount thanks to all the new memories that were added into the wish pool and resources that I've been saving. I unlocked his companion on July 15th and since then we went from affinity level 1 Crush to level 50 Lover status! As of writing this I am now half way to done to reaching his Devotion level. Only 50 more levels to go before that ring is mine... A lot of those affinity points came from obtaining and leveling most of his new memories. You also earn points for doing things for the first time with him. I would go into detail, but it might be easier for me to just say there's whole list that you can easily access in game under [With Him > Memos] that reward you with 500 exp per. Not to mention listening to all of his audio stories in By Your Side and Falling For you as well as reading his Anecdotes, Land of the Lost. Forgive me for the mega thread that is going to happen... I'm not entirely sure how I want to go about this. I generally try to take a screenshot of each level up notification as a personal keepsake with the love interest, but Sylus has at least 50 screenshots. Each affinity level unlocks something new and there were even some collectibles that came with special notes. I guess I'll just go in order an recap as many levels as tumblr will allow me to upload in a post. The main post, this one, features a screenshot of the first time I've started gaining affinity points after I unlocked him in Main Story [Long Awaited Revelry] 1-8. The second screenshot is my current affinity level. I will elaborate more on their respective rewards unlocked in later threads to make it easier to follow along with. I am aware that there are hunters who do not wish to see spoilers. While it is not story related, his affinity levels and rewards are new so I will be tagging my post with spoiler warnings. If you wish to avoid them please mute and block the following: #love and deepspace 2.0 #love and deepspace spoilers #lnds spoilers
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serenaoffaerun · 1 month
Gale/Thaliel post-first sex brain rot
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This isn't a part of any story yet, but might be part of my future long-form fanfic about my wizard-on-wizard playthrough. Just something I've had rattling around in my head.
Also, this is an older screenshot of a different "Tav" in my playthroughs, but when I go to actually write this story, I'll be using ones with Thaliel and even my own artwork.
And so, I present to you: a little post-smut snippet to round out your work week.
No beta reading, no proofreading - we run to the weekend with reckless abandon, friends!!
Note: the sex. It was mind-shattering. 🥵
Gale relaxed on top of Thaliel, both of their sweat-coated bodies glistening in the moonlight. His head rested over her heart, which was hammering just as strongly as his own. While still coming down from their collective ecstasy, he suddenly started shaking, trying to hold back sobs.
As his breath shuddered and he gasped for air, Thaliel stroked his hair gently, saying, "What's this? Honey, what's wrong?"
Gale cries harder.
"Gale, talk to me, My Love, please…"
He whimpers between gasps of breath, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
Her mind races with concern as she wraps one arm fully around his back, curling her fingers into his hair with the other hand. "Sorry for what, Sweetheart? Please tell me, it's alright…"
He takes another shuddering breath and chokes out, "I'm sorry for making you wait on me all those years. Those wasted years chasing the wrong path, the wrong person, and wallowing in self-pity… I've wasted so much of our time, My Love, I'm so, so sorry…"
He can't stop sobbing and Thaliel's heart shatters. "Oh, honey, no… No no no, please don't talk like that," she coos into his hair, tears falling from her own eyes now. More sobs continue to rack Gale's body. Trying to breathe through her own tears, she continues running her fingers through his brown and silver tresses, shushing him while rubbing gentle circles into his back.
"Gale, my love, my life's purpose, listen to me."
He takes a deep breath and sniffles.
"Please don't think like that. You and I, we wouldn't be who we are today if we didn't have the chance to live our lives as we have up until now. We may never have met. I might not have continued my wizarding studies, you could have been a different person entirely... Someone without your gentle, caring nature. We wouldn't be here, beside our friends, trying to save all of Faerûn."
Both sniffling now, she pushes his head up so he'll look at her. Through her own tears, she smiles as she caresses the side of his face.
"My handsome, brilliant, dearest love of my life, look at me."
His warm, chocolatey brown eyes, red from crying, gaze into her deep emerald ones, tinged with the same redness. She grabbed both sides of his face and continued in a soft, trembling voice, "If the world were to end tomorrow, I will have had the fullest, most meaningful life I could have asked for, just because of this one day with you." Her voice broke at the end and she couldn't stop her face from crumpling, mirroring his own.
They both collapsed into tears again as he fully wrapped his arms around her and rolled them onto their sides, holding each other with all their might and refusing to let go. They soothed each other through their mix of sadness, fear, joy, and elation with the sounds of dozens of whispered "I love you"s.
As the two lovers laid on a blanket in the grass, they cried out all the emotional weight they'd been carrying: the stress of battle, the uncertainty of the future, the days and nights of pining for each other, unaware of the others' true feelings. It was the most cathartic, restorative cry either of them had ever had, simply because they were together. They had started what would hopefully be long, long journey through the rest of their lives. Together. True partners that had discovered their 'person' to help carry their burdens with them. The one they would cherish and protect and comfort with everything they had. In this vast configuration of time and space, they had finally found each other.
As the sniffles and tears slowed, Gale and Thaliel were lulled to sleep by the sounds of crickets, waves on the shore, and their hearts beating fully and steadily for each other.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 15 days
Sorry if I'm misremembering something you said, (or if I alr sent this ask, I am Forgetful), but why do you think novel!LXC recovers post canon but CQL!LXC commits suicide?
big mood re: the forgetfulness, anon, my memory is a tea sieve!
quickly just to give credit where credit is due, i first started thinking about this possibility after reading some meta on the subject first by @xiyao-feels and then through some follow-up discussion with @confusion-and-more so i am certainly not the first blogger in the jgy stan corner of the fandom to have this thought! the tl;dr version of why some of us think novel canon lxc survives (not recovers--i do not think he ever recovers from jgy's death, and yes, i am being very specific about saying it IS jgy's death that destroys him, but i can come back to that in another post) is because he does remain in that position in the post-canon extras, even if he is definitely aboard the struggle bus (e.g., his body language and detachment from what is going on during the banquet extra).
to enter Speculation Station™️ however, as long as there is a possibility of jgy (and nmj, too, to some extent, but i truly believe jgy would be his priority) either regaining his spiritual cognition, or some other means of helping his soul pass on peacefully, i think lxc would be committed to making one of those two possibilities happen. but also, strictly in terms of what we are given in the text, lxc remains sect leader, even if he's a ghost of his former self in terms of his ability to function normally. if he was no longer sect leader for whatever reason, lwj would have to contend with that, and i think mxtx would have written about it because wangxian are her special little guys. ....(derogatory)
in cql, however, here's what we know about the state of the jianghu after the guanyin temple sequence:
nie huaisang is not the new chief cultivator--lan wangji is, which is... certainly a choice;
there is no precedent in the canon for a chief cultivator to assume leadership of the jianghu without also being the leader of their own sect;
sect leaders remain in charge of their sects until their deaths. there's no abdication or retirement;
it follows, then, that for lan wangji to become sect leader, lan xichen has to be dead.
like... i suppose there are some assumptions at work here; e.g. would his death have to come about as suicide? couldn't it have happened through other means? but i think they are assumptions grounded in what we actually see in the show: lan xichen was willing to die with jin guangyao, and then is not seen or mentioned again after that last devastating glimpse we see of his face while the junior quartet talk around him, right after jin guangyao's death. i can't track down my screenshots now because my collection is such a disorganized mess T_T but if i can find them i'll reblog this post with them included, because it's... it's bleak.
anyway, there you go: my thoughts about why i think novel canon lxc survives, but cql canon lxc does not.
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pompadourpink · 1 month
hi mom! i'm starting uni in september, i'm moving to a new city so i need to start shopping and all, but also my parents didnt really give me advice and im the eldest so im kinda lost, do you have any advice?? XX
Hello darling,
The ABC:
Uni is scary because your free-will goes from 8 to 90 in two months and freedom is intoxicating. Making up for lost chances can lead to bad choices (spending, dating, partying).
If your family failed to parent you, it is now your job. Autonomy is essential. Learn to cook, budget, clean, be clean, save, be a good citizen, make scary phone calls, keep yourself safe, prioritise.
No one will force you to get up and study, or hire you at 21 when competing with a bright 18 year old. Effort will not betray you (being a grown lazy gifted child will).
Have shared hobbies, from movie Sundays with a girlfriend to knitting with your sister. A social life is a happy life.
Trust your body, it knows. Stomach cramps mean we hate him, daydreaming means try, yawning means bed, not coffee.
The home:
Make a cleaning schedule, be open-minded and reasonable, do not do or say anything your landlord wouldn't like (I fully recommend having roommates once for exposure therapy).
If you have a neighbour your age, introduce yourself. Having that phone number will one day mean not having to sleep outside or getting a package stolen. Thank them with food.
Start documenting problems right away (photos, timestamps, screenshots, testimonies) as you may need to take action later. No emotions, you're just "worried about everyone's wellbeing".
Mould, vermine and leaks are enemies. Act yesterday.
Avoid big purchases. You don't know what the future (location, size, taste) looks like. Go secondhand, neutral, practical.
Avoid silly purchases: streaming, takeout, drinks, fast fashion. You will not regret having a downpayment saved in ten years.
If you ever need to do emergency laundry, put a bin or a bucket in the shower, add water and detergent (+ soda crystal for stains or whitening), wait an hour, rinse, wring, hang.
The shopping:
My grandmother has kept her house clean with a broom, bucket, squeegee broom wrapped in a floorcloth and Marseille soap since the 60s. When something doesn't work, look back.
Must-haves: cleaning (see #1 + cloths, soda, lemons, white vinegar, steel wool), hygiene (scraper, net, shower head filtre, first aid), night (good pillow, plugs, mask) supplies, freezer if possible, water filtre, reusable period protection, winter clothes, long chargers, sunscreen, friend living at home who will lend you tools.
Must-not-haves: anything trendy, collections (even books), a pet - don't let Felix keep you back, sleep over and study in Paris!
Have an emergency kit (+ whatever you need) + a smaller version in the car/at the office (with cash).
Fresh fruit, starches, a few types of frozen vegetables, of cans of legumes, of fresh, canned and frozen protein, a treat, something fun once in a while to experiment + a (bi-)monthly outing.
A couple of formal outfits. Large black dress pants, white shirt, dark grey thin jumper, pencil skirt, blazer, large coat, trench coat, loafers, heels, tall boots. Never slouchy or skin tight, plain.
Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, thrift stores. Spend a few hours making a perfect home board on Pinterest instead of listening to TikTok and taking what Ikea gives you.
The social life:
Make one or two real friends and cherish them forever. Support each other, travel, buy a house together, idk.
Don't be afraid to be/do things alone. You shouldn't be afraid of what your head says when it's not distracted.
Don't miss out on huge opportunities for people. Some are around out of necessity and will ghost you after graduation.
Do not try to impress, especially people you don't like and who don't like you. Do not do or say anything cops wouldn't like. Be a homebody who doesn't drink if that's what you want.
Do not try to educate those who will not learn.
Do not befriend someone who lacks confidence as they will make you pay for their jealousy, nor someone who wants a free therapist. Those relationships will be one-sided.
Befriend a couple of older girls. They will see through the lies of the people (men, classmates, employers) trying to fool you.
The love life:
The thirty-two year old man doesn't find you mature, he finds you inexperienced and malleable. Don't try meth thinking you're special enough to not get addicted.
If a date mocks you and you get mad, either that is who he is or he hates you. If you got mad, he is not for you. Your job is not to pretend you don't care so he can have a girlfriend.
Ask yourself if you would tell your best friend, mother, Taylor Swift, that he (hers) didn't mean it like that. If not, take a break from dating and think about why you think you don't deserve respect.
Don't forgive what you don't want to tolerate.
Don't try to force a relationship with someone who made it clear that he is, for whatever reason, not interested. You will be played like a fiddle until he meets someone he wants.
Don't try communicating with someone who is messing with you on purpose. No one ignores you for three days or sleeps with your friend or breaks your favourite necklace after an argument by accident. Also, your husband would never.
The daily life:
Have a clean e-mail address (firstname.lastname) for official biz and a casual one (f.lastna) for everything else, a solid password (Lanadelrey1984#) - change it yearly - and a list of the usernames and passwords you didn't pick.
If you don't trust your parents, block them off your account or open a new one when you turn 18 before they rob you.
Save a year worth of expenses, don't purchase what you couldn't buy twice now, don't replace what still works, give yourself week-long thinking periods before spending.
Get folders for your paperwork and keep them safe + take pictures for an encrypted Drive (beware of iCloud): diplomas, flat, car, big purchases, work, taxes, health, etc.
Print pics and make albums. One day, the app will die.
Mind your health. Exercise weekly (cardio/strength, ex: runs + weighted Pilates), walk, get more water, sleep, and fibre, take vitamin D, mind your eyes/ears/skin/teeth, stretch, leave.
Only invest energy, money, or time into what is worth it. FaceTime before the date. Get secondhand leather boots instead of replacing plastic. Drop the book after 100 bad pages.
Refuse conversations with people whose lives you wouldn't want, who happily overwork for a mediocre wage and don't know how old their children are. The handcuffs are homemade.
The job:
People will not forget how you made them feel and the world is a small place. Colleagues, clients, bosses will gossip: make sure it is for good reason. Dress and look clean, stand straight, be on time, never ever gossip, even when you were wronged.
Understand the power of sobriety. Be known for the success of your last project, not your bright skirts or temper.
Protect future you so you get the promotion/project/raise. No friends, no enemies. Smile, have neutral answers, make them talk, move on, make your IG private, google your name.
Lie. You don't avoid them, you eat lunch with your nana (hi Paula, no, I forgot about the hairdresser's), weren't unemployed, your father was ill, cannot go out, you have a birthday party.
Act boring with the jealous old woman or the obnoxious man. Take the fake compliment for a real one, don't understand the innuendo, have too much work to chat. Bullies get bored.
Instead of clapping back (see #3), be Cinderella, who ignores the insults and turns to Mr. No nonsense, who has been there twenty years, worryingly asking if Ethel is okay, I don't know what to do (no mention of ego, you're just distraught about her).
Sites to look up: Proton (mail, VPN, drive), Notion.
(PS - apologies if the she/he thing doesn't match you, this is a flexible plan for all of my children)
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Alecto the Ninth News
Part One
Alright friends. We are all chomping at the bit for any Alecto news at all. So here is what I've compiled from interviews, podcasts and AMAs. Sources are linked and screenshots have alt. text.
I've also included a little commentary or speculation on some points but ultimately that's not the focus of this collection.
Under the cut because I feel like it's going to get long.
So many screenshots, it turns out I'll have to split it into 3 posts.
If you enjoy this post please reblog so more people can see it!
Jump to part ■ Two of the post
Jump to part ■ Three of the post
I'm making this post on mobile, so forgive any wonkiness. Also tumblr ate this post once already *screams into the void*
• The book starts with Harrow in Hell. A reference to the Harrowing of Hell. Based on the presence of a porn mag I'd guess it's her own little river bubble inside Alecto but still just speculation.
Source: Tamsyn reads to us! Video with written description
• There is a wedding of some sort. Possibly other excuses to dress up the characters in formal ware. Some people have expressed concern that this was referencing the N- and C- wedding in Nona, but nope. We have confirmation that it is in book 4.
Source: Twitter
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The next series of screenshots are all from the same tor.com interview: TM on Lyctorhood and Genderfuckery.
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• This first one again confirms allusions to the harrowing of hell/ the decent of Christ. For those out of the loop the tldr:
The harrowing of hell is an Old English and Middle English term referring to the period of time between the Crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection. In triumphant descent, Christ brought salvation to the souls held captive there since the beginning of the world.
A lot of speculation has gone on around about Harrow and her role in freeing the souls trapped in the river/reviving the river from whatever is poisoning it. [ *cough*JOD*cough*].
Also another reference towards formal outfits for the cast. So at least the wedding if not multiple formal functions.
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• The question of Harrow and Gideon's souls will continue into Alecto. Looking forward to info on how enmeshed they've become and/or if they can be separated.
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• I mean this quote is infamous by now. Which of our faves is it in reference to? All of them?
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•I feel like we haven't seen enough about the differences between rebirth [a la Paul and Nona] vs Resurrection [Gideon/Harrow?! Someone else?] So while not a direct promise of anything in Alecto, I feel like the implication is there.
•The next two screenshots are about the Alecto cover, which is complete[the first from the above interview:]
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•and the second is from an AMA from Aug. 5 2020
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• The cover is definitely done since she was talking about it in 2020 and reaffirmed right before Nona’s release. I feel like they are waiting until they have a better idea of a publishing date before release. Maybe we'll get news in Q4 after the Nona paperback release and excitement dies down?
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• From the same 2020 AMA. As this is pre-Nona, it could be possible that the heist mentioned deals with Gideon's body [either the Houses heisting it from BOE which happened off screen or the heist of Gideon's body from the barracks]. But I included it just in case that isn't what is being referenced.
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• Same 2020 AMA: Again this could be covered in Nona as being what the John chapters were about, but also maybe not.
Source: TazMuir tumblr post from April 2020
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• Another infamous quote at this point. Definitely feels like this is about the 'Third Most Toxic Polycule' of Harrow/Gideon/Ianthe and maybe Alecto is in this loop as well. With all the references to weddings and relationships I'm wondering who out of these four is marrying who...[maybe it's someone totally different, but my money is on someone in this situation]
Click to see part two!
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mrs-gauche · 25 days
Vows & Vengeance Episode 1
ALRIGHT GUYS! As always, I'm super late to the party (although for once, I actually have a good reason, which is that I'm currently kinda in the middle of renovating my place lol), and while I first listened to the episode on Thursday, I just wanted to let it sink in a bit and listen to it again a few times, to really appreciate all the details. :D So here are a trillion few notes on the first episode (spoiler, I loved it! <3333) and I hope this doesn't sound too jumbled, I haven't had a lot of sleep lately. 😂😂💀💀
- Ok, so my first reaction to the ending was basically: "OH MY GOD NOTHING CAN EVER GO RIGHT", "DAMN THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY" and sobbing for Elio, I guess. lol
- My general thoughts: I loved it!! ❤️❤️❤️ I felt like it was gripping and immersive from the beginning, but also genuinely funny and moving at times! I think this first episode did a good job of setting up the plot, the pacing was good and I'm already invested in the new characters! The sound design and voice acting was top notch (albeit maybe a bit over the top and a little cheesy in a couple of scenes lol) and I absolutely LOVED the little nuggets of the Veilguard soundtrack we got throughout (Zimmer and Balfe confirmed!!). There are a few tiny nitpicks, but overall this was fantastic and correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never heard of a game being marketed with an audio drama before? 😂 But looking at Dragon Age's amazing voice cast (and the fact that they all made us develop a voice kink lmao), this makes so much sense and I need like a hundred more of these in the future. lol
Notes on the episode itself:
- The narrator reminds me so much of the ones in these old anime dubs. I was expecting him to be like "LAST TIME ON DRAGONBALL Z". He got lost in the wrong dragon franchise. lol Really cool voice though!
- I LOOVE how it starts off with a minute of just the ambient sounds, chatters and music of the tavern, to really get that immersion, as if you just walked into this place yourself. - That new rendition of "Oh Grey Warden" hit me in the feels ngl.. ;-;
- Nadia just walking it and poisoning Olen to get answers was such a badass introduction to our main character! - I like how the narrative is neatly tied together by making this a retelling of what happened, starting off with loads of questions and by the end we're back in the present again.
- Nadia and Elio are so sweet nawww <3333 - Those sounds of Elio waking Nadia up were straight up ASMR. lol - The tune that's playing in the back here is sooo nice, I wonder if it's part of the new Love theme or something. 🥹❤️
- A sort of forbidden love between Liberati and Altus, oh this better end f*cking well!! 💀💀💀 - Well, that birthday got cancelled REAL fast. lol - I get Nadia's outbreak, but DAMN, she went OFF on him from like 0 to 100 in a heartbeat. lmao I guess something was bottling up for quite some time. - "I'm sorry" Oh no. I notice a certain pattern. *sob* - Again, that track that's playing here, wooow. Goosebumps! It's a super tragic rendition of the main theme. I just know this one's gonna hit so hard whenever that plays in Veilguard. 😭
- I wonder if the docks here are the same we've seen in screenshots. :3 - The soundtrack that's playing here reminds me SO MUCH of Unravel (one of my favorite tracks in recent years! <3333) - I like Nadia and Vik's dynamic. Super authentic. :D
- Nadia's reaction to the gold and then "TRIPLE the bag for delivery??" Yeah, Solas truly is the richest apostate hobo in all of Thedas. Those vaults from Trespasser come in handy now. Good thing the currency of old Elvhenan is apparently still valid. lol - Solas' quest of collecting every ancient powerful artifact continues. - Isn't this like the second time now that Solas indirectly hired someone to break into the Archives? lol They really need to improve that security. (Watch there being a quest in Veilguard where you have to break in there again, but it's impossible due to the amounts of guards now and Solas is like "Yeah, that might be my fault, sorry." lol)
- Super random thought, but judging by the sound design, there's gotta be lots of chickens running around in the streets of Minrathous. lol - NEVE!! <3333 (I'm sorry to anyone who had the wildest conspiracy theories about that teaser image and was expecting someone else. lmao) - So, wait. Does that mean Solas also anticipated Neve to talk to Elio? Or maybe someone else was supposed to do that but Neve got there first? lol
- Nadia and Vik have got to be the noisiest thieves I've ever heard. LMAO HOW did you manage to steal anything until now?? 💀💀💀 - I love how you keep hearing Vik laughing in the distance while distracting the guards. lol
- I wonder if all the turmoil could have been avoided if they just informed Elio about his ancestor's connection to the Eye and the Venatori from the get go. I guess he needed that push of knowing to never be able to return to his life in Tevinter to go along with it, but.. *sigh* poor Elio. - "I trust you." UHGGHH We were on the right track there. 😭😭 - That music AGAIN?? Chilllls!! - Nadia just casually destroying hundreds of years worth of relics. Love it. lol - "FLAME BLAST!!" Oh, this is so anime. lmaoo - Elio going from "WE'RE NOT DOING THIS" to fully enjoying beating up templars and go full criminal in a matter of seconds as soon as he sees his girl in her element. He loves her so much. <33
- "Who's the hat?" lol - That groan after the Dread Wolf name drop? Yeah, that was actually me. lmao - So, I assume this also ties in with Neve already knowing about Solas and his shenanigans in Minrathous when she met Varric in The Missing. Maybe it was this very incident that Neve was talking about? - Noooo, Vik!! 😭😭 (I knew you for like five minutes, but you made in impact. lol) - Sooo... I take it these "assassins" were actually Venatori, since they were the ones going after the Eye in the first place? Or am I stupid now? - "The eye went boom!" Love that delivery. lol - "She's trying to freeze the bay!" Yeah, Neve just DID that. What a boss. - "An elf with a fancy tongue." Oh, I know who THAT is. lmao
- "Me and you." 😭😭😭😭 You two are killing me. - That motif AGAIN. 😭😭😭😭😭 - Oh, for fuck's SAKE. Solas really always has the best flippin timing. They're all sweet and loving and here goes our disaster man "I'm about to ruin this couple's day so good." 💀💀💀 It's her BIRTHDAY, dammit!! - "Ominous looking chap in the road" lmao All I could think of there was THIS (for anyone who gets the reference LMAO)
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- How is it that I knew he would appear in this episode from the teaser, and yet I still freaked out so hard. lmaoo After such a long time, it's like any second of new Solas content makes my heart skip a beat (or several). 😭😭 I still can't believe we're getting all this. 🥹
- Look, I may be a Solasmancer and have my biases, but godDAMN.. GDL is so good. HE IS SO GOOD. That Welsh accent. That rolling lilt. A voice like velvet that can be both so smooth and so sharp. There is just something about his performance that has you on the edge of your seat every time he's talking and I looove these little moments when you can so clearly hear that cheeky little smile in his voice. 💜
And it's so nice to hear him talk so calmly (well, at first at least lol) and kinda playful again, opposed to how super anxious he sounds at the beginning of Veilguard. 🥺 It's kinda interesting to compare this performance with DAI now, because now he's fully embracing the Dread Wolf role, and I keep thinking this is him after being isolated for the past ten years. ;-;
- Anway, so Nadia "unknowingly employed by the Dread Wolf" gets her pay from Richie Rich and girl, that would've been the moment to LEAVE. *sob* - "What other choice do we have?" Well, I dunno, RUN?? lmao - *chuckles* "I will demonstrate." Alright, I'm dead. Why did you say it like THAT? T_____T - Hearing Solas talk in elven after so long.. Dead again. Overkill. And yes, he's saying the exact same thing he said to Sera once. No, we don't know what it means. lol Maybe Sera IS actually an ancient magical artifact and he tried to trigger.. something. lol - That whole flippin dialogue. Solas please stop talking like an old witch trying to lure her prey into her lair. 💀 - "I do not play games." *screaming* - Honestly, I was like "NOOO WHY would you GO with himmm" but then I remembered, SHIT I WOULD FOLLOW HIM ANYWHERE. Hell, I *HAVE* followed him anywhere. To Hell and back. 💀💀💀💀💀 - Solas' persuasion game is at maximum at all times.
- "Energy is neither dark nor light." Speak for yourself, Trickster God of In Between. - "It is the Fade. The Veil is fragile here."
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- Solas finally gets to answer questions again, but Nadia is rude about it. 😂 Solas slightly approves AND disapproves. lol - "Kindly remove your blade from my neck."
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- Those damn Venatori at it AGAIN with their hunt for magical McGuffins. After TN and the Missing, I'm starting to believe that is all Solas did in the last ten years, snatching one deadly toy out of the their hands after another. lmao - "And it is up to me to ensure we arrive at the best possible outcome." Oh, we're so doomed. - "You're sharper than you let on." Here we go again with the backhanded compliments. lol Ohhh, how I missed it.
"Some people confuse a reckoning as an ending." "I seek... regeneration."
Holy shit. The voice. The long pause. The delivery of that last line. Shivers down my spine. It feels eerie. Like he sounds.. desperate.. and maybe a little.. insane? lmao (That's how you start to talk if you've been separated from your soulmate for ten years 💔💔💔)
Ok look, I've seen a TON of people thinking that, because of the way he says this and him using the word "reckoning" ("For a reckoning that will shake the very heavens"), this HAS to be whatever part he took of Mythal speaking now that has taken over his mind or something. But.. I don't think so? lol
I honestly think this is just Solas who, after a thousand years of preparing to "heal" the world again that he broke, even after admitting to himself that this world and its people are in fact real and he has to destroy it, is SO close to getting there now and there's NO ONE who could possibly understand him or how he truly feels or what any of this or the Blights/Titans/spirits/gods/Veil even truly ARE, so no WONDER he sounds a little f*cking unhinged. 💀💀💀
The choice of words is very interesting though.. "Regeneration" is not something he has ever used, BUT it immediately made me think of the line "But still, some hope remains for restoration" in Trespasser. This is what google tells me:
Regeneration represents a form of upgrade from restoration. If restoration means “to make something well again,” regeneration, for some authors, means “to make it better” than a (supposed) origin condition.
Regeneration: "a renewal or restoration of a body, bodily part, or biological system (such as a forest) after injury or as a normal process/ or a spiritual renewal or revival"
You know.. if I read "restoration of a bodily part or biological system", you know what's the first thing that comes to my mind yet AGAIN.
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Look, that Titan's body is SPLIT IN HALF and we know that this was kinda the catalyst for everything Solas did back then, so... I'll just leave that here and listen to rest of the episode now. lmaoo
- "And the eye will make us fix that?" "More or less." dksdjjgdkfvlf THE SMILE IN HIS VOICE. What does that even MEAN? What do you MEEEAN, SIR?? I would've RUN out of that cave SO flippin FAST. - "And you're sure this is safe?" "As safe as we make it." *literally two minutes later* "SOLAS, SOMETHING IS WROOONG!!" This is a goddamn comedy show. lmaoo - "Silence, please." lol at him still being polite. - "This is all to be expected!" *five seconds later* "WE MUST FLEE!" I BUST out laughing. WHY are you such a DISASTER. Nothing EVER goes right and yet you always keep trying, you fool, omg!! - I don't think we have ever heard Solas so distressed. lol Like, not even when Wisdom died or at the beginning of Veilguard. - "Take my hand!" I would've never thought to hear THAT Trespasser line repeated under those circumstances, but here we are. lmaooo - We know Solas is a hopeless romantic, so for him to see that sweet couple torn apart because of him, and him still trying to save Nadia, I'm not ok. - Solas being responsible for Elio getting banished to the Fade and him being trapped there not long after.. Do you believe in karma? 😂 - "I'M SORRY!" WHY DOES IT ALWAYS END WITH HIM SAYING THAT. 😭
- So.. uh... what even WAS the plan, exactly? lol Like, what was supposed to happen?? Maybe they should've asked a few more questions after all. 💀 - That following scene with Nadia all alone. I got chills again. That hit different. ;-;
- "Where can I find this wolf??" Oh, she is about to hunt him down. 😶 "...I'll be back." Nadia in full Terminator mode now. 😂 - How are she and Elio connected now though? How can she hear him? 🥺 And I can't help but think about whoever was left in the Fade in DAI again, too. 😭😭😭 - Not the credits making me almost sob AGAIN because of the music. 😭 It is so so good.
So there we are. Everything went wrong, a couple is doomed and Solas is sorry. So, nothing changed. LMAO Everything as usual. 💀💀💀 Solas, I swear, if you don't get these two back together again and pay Lavellan a visit afterwards, my Rook might rethink listening to your advice in Veilguard. lmao
I can't wait for that next episode! This was so much fun and an amazing start, and I'm so excited to hear all the other companions! :D ❤️❤️❤️
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Good Omens, staying skeptical, and the mystery and the lie at the heart of Gravity Falls
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-Neil Gaiman, 29 June 2023
I recently came across this post by @apathetic-revenant, which goes into extensive detail about a whole secret meta lie generated by Alex Hirsch, creator and head writer of Gravity Falls, midway through the show.
It went like this: the show was very focused on mysteries, codes, ciphers, etc, and early on a character discovered a mysterious journal with an unknown author, and this drove the plot. There were clues placed in the show so that people could solve the journal author's identity, or more probably so that it would all make sense in hindsight after the big reveal. However, the show ended up with a larger-than-expected fandom who started organizing online in a way the creators hadn't expected or planned for, and they were worried everyone would collectively solve the mystery too easily, too soon, and the suspense and appeal of the story gradually unfolding would be lost.
So they took a fake BTS photo that appeared to reveal the journal's author and "leaked" it online. To give it credibility, the show's creator posted "Fuming right now" and then deleted the post soon after, once they were certain it had been seen and screenshots taken. The Gravity Falls fandom then stopped trying to solve the mystery, as they believed the answer had already been revealed. It was a solution "targeted toward delaying that group problem-solving, without actually affecting the experience of any individual person watching the show."
Ok, Good Omens fandom. Are we Gravity Falls all over again? Are we also experiencing meta lies?
Is it possible that Amazon's marketing department has just released a new promotional video about Aziraphale & Crowley's "timeline of interconnectedness" (discussions here and here ) where they honestly:
got several of those timeline dates wrong, including labeling the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 as belonging to the same year?
mixed all the season 1 and 2 clips together so they're completely interconnected and out of the order they were presented to us so far?
didn't consult with Neil Gaiman for even a moment to be sure they had their facts straight? (Or literally anyone else who's spent years working on it? Or even someone who has just watched it once while paying attention?)
didn't understand the way most series tell a story by moving through time in a realistic linear fashion?
When Neil said today that "time is fine" in response to questions about the timeline of interconnectedness video, was he trying to misdirect the fandom away from the mystery that's clearly hidden throughout both seasons (and especially season 2)?
The Good Place seems suddenly more relevant than I'd imagined:
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Neil has told us that his Tumblr posts aren't canon. He's also said:
"Never trust the storyteller. Only trust the story."
"Writers are liars, my dear, surely you know that by now? And yet, things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot." -Both quotes are from The Sandman [link]
So here's my plea to whichever part of the fandom might read this: Stay Skeptical. It's wonderful to talk to Neil about his characters, the worlds he's created, his writing process, his views on world events, his sense of humor, his kindness, his compassion and empathy, and his good advice & encouragement for the entire range of the human experience. I respect him very much, and I'm thrilled he's here on social media talking to all of us. (Except he doesn't have social media, obviously. He's like Schrödinger's Social Media Neil-cat.)
I'm looking forward to all the surprises I'm certain are in store for us (and Aziraphale and Crowley) in Good Omens season 3. I trust Neil (and Terry!) to deliver our beloved characters to a very satisfying ending. But I don't trust Neil to honestly answer all of our questions on social media - and neither should you.
Especially not when he's already blamed obvious season 2 changes to the Bentley on the "lighting" (as just one example).
With lots of thanks to the members of the @ineffable-detective-agency - including @bbbitchvibbbez, @kimberleyjean, @maufungi, @noneorother, @theastrophysicistnextdoor, and @thebluestgreen for all their excellent fact-checking, ideas, and discussions!
Interested in diving further into all the Good Omens mysteries? I have more posts plus Clues and metas from all over the fandom, here.
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catsharky · 9 months
I've just discovered your Rolan x Tav comic.
It's SO neat and accurate, in matter of deign and details!
In case you don't mind, of course, I have some questions you maybe have answered before:
What software do you work with? What kind of pencils do you use? How do you manage to set so neat and clean results? Do you need many references for that or is just a gift you have? How many years have you been drawing to achieve those results?
I don't mind at all! And I don't believe I've answered any of these questions before, at least not since I started doing my comics.
For software I mainly use Clip Studio, though I do also use PaintTool Sai (v2) for certain things that I feel it does better. All of my Mass Effect comics are lined in Sai, for example because things like armour have a lot more inorganic shapes and require long, sweeping, unbroken lines, and I like the pen stabilization in Sai far better than CSP's for that sort of thing.
For how long I've been doing art, I've been at it basically nonstop since I was 9 (so 20 years now, jeez). I was in an art program throughout highschool, went to college for art/animation for 4 years, and I'll have been working professionally as an animator for 8 years in May! So there's a lot of practice there for sure.
And yeah, I use a ton of references. Usually a good chunk of the time I'll spend on something is just collecting or making the reference material I need for it.
I'm putting the rest under a read more because it's pretty long:
(Tumblr keeps eating my formatting so sorry if this is a little scuffed)
Because I'm normally working full time and doing this stuff in my free time after hours and on weekends, if I know I'm going to be drawing something a *lot*, I'll usually put together some kind of reference for myself in 3D so I can take some of the brainwork out of it and get more out of my evenings even when I'm feeling fried. It also means I put as little extra strain on my wrist as possible because I injured it a number of years back and it gets angry at me if I go for too many hours in a day.
But to give you an example, for Ember I have a Sculpt of her head that I can use to reference any angle I want, or to draw directly over top of for tricky angles. How I draw her isn't quite 1:1 to the model, but it gives me a base structure and landmarks I can build on top of.
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My basic workflow is to take the angle I want, draw over it using the model as a guide (while picking and choosing where to stay true to it and where to say fuck it and do what I want), then I get rid of the 3D and do another pass, tweaking and redrawing anything I'm not totally happy until I'm satisfied with how it looks. I draw Ember with a slightly softer, more rounded face than the model has, for instance. Just because something looks right in 3D doesn't always mean it looks right once translated to 2D and I don't care if something is technically "correct" if it doesn't feel right or isn't conveying what I want it to properly.
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I'm also always checking reference screenshots to make sure I'm in the right ballpark of how something should look. I actually have a wall of photos next to my desk and while I didn't put them up for that purpose, it has come in surprisingly handy for quickly checking face or hair details when needed. I also just have a big folder of screenshots and other saved reference material.
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I don't have a problem noooo~ 😅
Additionally, if my art has a background these days, there is a 100% chance that's a 3D set I built in Blender because I hate drawing backgrounds, but I do like building them in 3D.
Here's two examples: the area around Astarion's bed, which I built out of some of the in-game assets like a lego set (this was a pain in the ass, it probably would have been faster to just build it from scratch based on screenshots 😩) and a closet I modelled for something that's still a WIP.
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I'll get the angle I want, have Blender generate some linework from it and then grab a basic render of it to slap into CSP so I can draw the characters over top of it.
And as for brushes: the main brush I use in CSP is just the default 'Real G-Pen', with opacity effects turned off and these pressure settings: (I like to keep it simple, and I have a bit of a heavy hand so the altered pen pressure just helps me get a smoother taper). I change up the stabilizer settings depending on what I'm doing. Lower for things that need short, quick lines like hair and higher for most other things.
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For Sai, I use a 9B pencil I found a number of years ago on Deviantart (I think?) and I wish I could link you to the original post I got the settings from, but Deviantart's search is... bad and I'm unable to find it again.
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I hope that answered all your questions! If not, feel free to ask more!
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