#I'm just really tired
shiyorin · 7 months
Two moods
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metabolizemotions · 5 months
They only fetishize queer people. Especially our pain. We are not real, entire human beings to them. The celebrate the straight couples - their relationship, intimacy n all; fetishize the bodies of queer men; n fetishize the idea of queer women.
The extent to which they tolerate our sexuality is the short snippets in promo clips. They only want to exploit our online engagement. Ironically our viewership might be bringing in the ad buyers who r trying to erase us.
They try to erase the specificity of the "queer" part, but only use the pain, the convenient stereotypes, the virtue-signaling part to gain brownie points n for good drama. They joke about cultural appropriation n did exactly that during the pride episode with the straight couple's proposal. Same-sex marriage. What are you talking about? It's about queer hate n straight allyship.
They capitalize on the "women" part, to further fetishize our biology. So if it's 2 women in a relationship - it's double the drama about making babies, bad genes, n jokes about hormones n our body parts. But it's 2 women, how can they possibly manage w/o "big, strong, sensitive", straight men with good genes to contribute n overflowing empathy to deal with them being emotional n hormonal?
It's 5b, it's pride, it's the burning man all over again. First they elevate Jack, now Beckett. Pride was about cheating queer men n high queer woman. An intimate scene of Marina must be minimized n hidden among the others' or edited to death in a montage. It's as scary as a man burning to death.
The fact that they haven't even shared a proper kiss this season through any joyful or emotional moment... They just come up with more ways to obscure the kiss, if any. Bad lighting, bad angles n bad editing are prerequisites. They r also written into the script.
Of course they make an important life decision in the NICU, n it's completely inappropriate for a married w|w to share a quick kiss - which we saw via the back of their heads. Unlike a gay man having sex with an ex at the funeral of the ex's dad - while cheating on his partner - twice. Perfectly lit with no obstructions of course.
Even in their ugly kitchen they're assigned, with a perfectly good scene setup, nope. Too brightly lit for queer woman - save it for a long morning kiss b/w gay men in their nice kitchen.
Emotional scene about Carina's fertility issues and reciprocal IVF - okay a kiss allowed grudgingly - but just 0.5 sec. Their lips touched. You get the idea. Why are you fans so demanding? Time is reserved for the 101th proposal of the straight couple n their extended kisses. A proper Marina love scene? You perverts. More explicit sex scenes b/w straight couples are needed.
I don't want to rehash about Jack. I've said plenty about Beckett. Just that men's mistakes are dismissed and minimized. It is not enough to show every painful step of Maya apologizing and making amends. Maya and Carina must also be used to make the audience sympathize with Jack and Beckett. It is a deliberate yet thoughtless choice to use Carina's SA trauma to sympathize with Jack. Just as it is to use Maya's family trauma to sympathize with Beckett. Esp the context of the shot. It is esp violating. They might as well just get Jack to show up for this. They never really got it, did they?
However one chooses to justify these choices, it's not only unnec but wrong to include the men. Esp not Beckett - the man who bullied her for months till her breakdown. Even if he never apologized and they insist on using Maya's pain to make him look good in his redemption arc, idc at this point, but this is just not the time.
If it must be a man, get Travis. Make it a conversation b/w queer people, about queer hate, about their families. Travis sympathizing with Maya, about a journey he wouldn't know about. Way better than jokes on hormones with the guys. A cheap way to get a laugh at an arduous process. I thought we left 5b n mocking queer women behind.
It could have been one beautiful scene with Andy and Vic. They haven't had a proper one since s1 & 2. They would have understood about Mason, if not for their long friendship, there's 703. It could have been about the pain women go thru - Andy and Vic about their abortions or Maya about experiencing what Carina underwent... The show really isn't big on female camaraderie.
But it should really be Carina. Among all the scenes of Carina in the station bathroom - which have been a lot - this is probably the most appropriate if they must set it there. Definitely more so that her own insemination, which was ridiculous.
These are moments that they should only share with each other, privately n intimately. These precious moments that are dwindling - few n short to begin with. It's not irl, it's one scene in an ensemble show. They sure could have romanticized this. It doesn't even have to be half as dramatic as a regular scene of their golden couple. D & S will create magic.
Esp in this episode, there's so much to unpack. With everything they've been thru on their own, the ending could have been about them at home, checking in n sharing their day. Talking about the lawsuit, the hate on queers, their brothers, the boundaries they had to set with their families... Doing the trigger shot together - esp after their emotional scene in 705 n to cap off the morning scene. A perfect setup for their emotional n physical intimacy.
But of course it didn't happen. Other important moments in their lives about their new home n new baby were also short parts of wordless montages. They are even less important than scenes of the others having drinks n sex.
Queer women just don't matter.
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the-13th-battalion · 1 year
I've said it before but I'm gonna say it again, but louder
If you want a fic updated, the best way to do it is to offer support and love
This does NOT mean commenting, "Any updates?" or "Are you still updating this?" or something similar, or messaging something of the same lines like, "When are you updating this fic?" That's actually a way to push the fic update even farther back. That's demotivating and frustrating as an author.
We love writing our fics! And honestly I've never written a fic I didn't intend to finish, and I don't know any other authors who don't feel the same as me! All our fics are intended to be finished! What kills it, in my experience, is namely a lack of enthusiasm from readers.
Let me explain.
I write the fics I want to read. I write the fics I want to be canon. I write my heart. I share it because I want to feel a connection with people. I feel boosted and accomplished when someone shares the experience of my story with me. Even when it's only one or two people commenting on details they loved or sending me incoherent screaming, I am filled with joy and connection and I want to keep sharing!
So why are the "Any updates?" comments not the same feeling? Simple. No connection. They make me feel sour and disheartened, like the person only cares about getting more content and not sharing a story with me. What use is there writing a fic, spending hours and hours crafting a story I love, when all people care about is getting new content for their fandom?
I don't mean to sound pretentious or like I'm begging for positive feedback. I'm not, really. I'm saying that if you really want those updates, go back to that fic and leave a comment telling the author something you enjoyed. If you want fics similar to that one, even, go back and leave a comment about something you loved.
It takes thirty seconds to type, "I loved when (character) said (this thing) about (character). So cute!! Thanks for sharing!" This will earn you more chapters, more fics, and the undying love of your favorite fic authors.
Go forth and comment.
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uozlulu · 5 days
Good morning to everyone but my body that kept me up all night last night because it's trash
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soupsandstars · 2 years
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Hulk sketches from today!
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snovyda · 1 year
Sixth air raid in one evening. And I don't even have the emotional capacity to feel ANYTHING about it...
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le-panda-chocovore · 1 month
I'm not not happy that she's back, I love her, I want all my babies to be alive and fine, but i'm just like... Why ??? How ??? Why now ??
It's been more than 200 chapters. It's been fucking years. I made up my mind, I mourned and grieved her, and I moved on. So it's just... Wierd, I guess ? To see her spamming like that ?
Idk, I think I feel like Gege was in a rush to finish the manga that he's just going to speedrun the fight, and he needed an OP character able to do enough damages to Sukuna to justify this, so ✨ SURPRISE ! She's here now !!! ✨
He confirmed she was dead and now what ?
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chishigure · 3 months
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crepuscularray · 10 months
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Deercember Day Five: Persian Fallow Deer | Apothecary
The Persian fallow deer (Dama mesopotamica) was once native to all of the Middle East, but currently only lives in Iran and Palestine/Israel, the latter of which it was reintroduced to. It has been listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2008. After a captive breeding program, the population has rebounded from only a handful of deer in the 1960s to over a thousand individuals. The Persian fallow deer is only morphologically distinguishable from other fallow deer by having antlers that are less palmated. The deer prefers woodlands of tamarisk, oak and pistachio, and avoids roads even with little traffic, which limits its spread and movement. More information here.
References: Deer and Background, Stone Cottage.
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cold--carnage · 11 months
I think it's just me. I think it's just me trying to justify my own dumb ideas
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 11 months
Take as much time as you need! We appreciate you no matter what, your mental health matters 😌
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Thank you. I'm struggling haha. I've turned off asks, not for forever, but just for a little while. I really enjoy writing but the struggle is real.
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willows-livereads · 1 year
So uh.. this was just gonna be a place to post about whatever I'm reading at the moment, but with every other social media site falling to shreds, I just might as well blog to get this off my chest.
SCOTUS passed a ruling today. Basically says it's ok, at least for small businesses or whatever, to hang "no gays" signs. de facto, at least. and it's got me feeling a lot.
See, there's a coworker of mine, in retail hell. A petite, middle-aged women whose really friendly. We chat a lot, and I adore our chats, but there's always a glimpse of uglier stuff lurking beneath the surface. She seemed, at least to a nominal degree, to be skeptical of mail-in voting when that was being talked about so much, anti-vaccine mandates. She seems to have that acceptable level of discomfort with people that use food and housing assistance, clinging to anecdotes about people abusing those systems. She accepted me when I came out as trans, which I admit I was mildly concerned about, but I feel I'm "one of the good ones" in a way.
I bring her up not because I think she'd be ok with this ruling, but because I feel there'd be a "...but-" after. Maybe I'm being a little uncharitable, but I bring her up because she's who I picture when I imagine the common person out there who isn't terminally online, who isn't rabidly anti-gay or fervently xenophobic or grossly chauvinistic or any of that jazz, but who still votes R down ballot. The common person who may not have fierce opinions on the culture war bullshit but is nonetheless firmly inside the conservative media sphere. The normal shit like Fox or... well whatever else is standard fair media for Xers.
My point is that I just want to grab someone like that, and shake them by the shoulders. I want to, in a way purer than words can express, explain to them just how sickening it feels to me. There's this weird sort of unspoken assumption that "well the big businesses are available everywhere now and they'll never start doing that" and that that somehow just stops segregation from happening again. Maybe that's actually the case, I don't know, but this is about more than that. That 'NO GAYS ALLOWED' sign isn't just a factual statement that I can't go do business there, it's a public, proud declaration of hostility toward me; proclamation in the town square that I am not welcome here—not just "here" as in the owner's storefront—but in their town, in their community; and it's an implicit demand: "Know your place, subhuman."
And I just want to ask them how that is any different to the song and dance they did sixty years ago, and why that makes it any more acceptable than it was then. I want to believe that when I ask those questions, I wouldn't already be seeing the cogs turning to crank out an extra layer of justification for that carefully crafted narrative.
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dantesleftball · 1 year
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still poetryingtosurvive
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nautilusopus · 1 year
genuinely is kind of amazing how quickly ever crisis and remake sucked all the joy out of vii for me that i've managed to maintain through like 17 years almost overnight
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tearlessrain · 1 year
also I love that this is coming like a week after everyone blew up at them so bad they had to pretend that they just misspoke and we totally misunderstood and everything is totally fine and they'd never do something like that. the vibe I've been getting, at least, is that everyone's still kinda pissed about that. this seems like a bad time to change the entire layout to something that is objectively bad and blatantly copying twitter.
I know site owners never actually care about user feedback on a decision they think will make them a little more money, but I sent feedback to customer support anyway and strongly encourage everyone else to do the same, maybe if enough of us do we can annoy them enough to at least look into it.
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theknifeclown · 1 year
im being a little special
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