#I'm hoping I can pull off the same level of good-looking editing I did with the Hanged Man because I need that energy back lmao.
morrigan-sims · 10 hours
The render I made today definitely wins the award for the one that probably needs the most trigger warnings, lmao. (Having an OC who is currently undergoing literal torture in his story will do that to your art...) I'm probably going to rerender it later tonight or tomorrow to fix a few things before I edit it, but I am very happy with how it looks so far!!!
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moni-logues · 2 years
The Fifth Date
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: friends/idiots-to-lovers
Summary: Yoongi finally realises his feelings for you... But you're on a fifth date with someone else.
Word count:
Content: literally no warnings necessary for this one except Yoongi being a moron
A/N: Happy birthday to my future husband, Min Yoongi! As I said in a post a couple of days ago, this one has had a real edit; it's fundamentally the same, but just (I hope) better.
‘A date. A date. It’s just a date. Why do I care so much? I don’t care. I don’t. It’s fine. She can do what she wants. Obviously. I'm not her keeper. She's a grown woman—an adult. I don't control her. I'm not trying to. It's fine. It's just a date…
'Well, it’s a fifth date. Five is quite a lot- it’s not; it’s not really a lot but it’s different from a first date. A fifth date definitely mean-‘
Yoongi jumps, startled back to the present. He’s supposed to be helping Jungkook finish his song, but he can’t focus.
“Ah, sorry, sorry, ok,” he replies and turns his attention to the screen, adjusting levels and playing the track again.
Music is where he always goes to relax, switch off, zone out, feel better. Music is where Yoongi is in control; he knows what he’s doing; he can feel the music; he can hear it before it even exists and he knows how to create it. He’s comfortable with music; the studio is his home, his retreat. It’s his happy place. This is what he does. This is who he is. He comes to the studio and the world outside its four walls disappears, doesn’t matter. Time passes unacknowledged, one hour, ten, who knows? Who cares? Music production is a flow state that Yoongi slips into whenever he can. Music is simple to him, pure.
But you’re on a fifth date.
Jungkook sighs, seeing Yoongi’s stare go blank once more.
“Yoongi, are you ok? You really can’t focus today.”
“I’m sorry, JK, I will do better. It’s fine. I can focus. Let's do it.”
“Are you sure?”
Yoongi nods.
“Because I know someone is on a date right now-“
“So what? What does that have to do with anything?” Yoongi asks, suddenly defensive.
Jungkook almost pulls a muscle refraining from rolling his eyes. Everyone knows Yoongi has feelings for you; everyone knows you have feelings for him. You’re honest about it, at least. Yoongi refuses to be. They’re not even sure if he’s being honest with himself, despite how obvious it is to everyone else. The two of you together is a no-brainer.
“And they’ve got no brains!” is Jin’s constant rejoinder.
It’s a very good point.
They know he’s just trying to protect himself. He’s been hurt before. But haven’t we all? And you can’t stop yourself being hurt from hiding away. Loneliness is hurt, too; pining is hurt, too. But Yoongi will not be told.
You look at your date across the table and smile. You’re having a nice time. The food is good. The company is enjoyable. You’re trying hard to focus on him: what’s likable about him, what makes him a good match for you—the very fact that he asked you out was a start; you have interests in common; he’s not unattractive; but he’s not Yoongi. Your brain knows that you have to let go of the Yoongi thing, but your heart hasn’t got the message yet.
Practice makes perfect, you remind yourself. You laugh at your date’s joke and take a sip of your drink. If he asks for a sixth date? Yeah, you’ll go. If he asks you back to his tonight? Yeah, you’ll go. Because Yoongi’s not asking. And you’ve given up waiting.
Not waiting as such. You aren’t waiting—you never were waiting. Because you know it won’t happen, have always known. He just doesn’t see you like that. You’re friends. Just friends. You did once think, maybe, that he might be showing interest in you, the way he softened and warmed up to you, the way he became almost doting, indulgent, always, always there when you needed. Then you realised that that was just him, really him, truly him, not the cool, shy exterior he had first presented to you. That made it all the harder, truth be told. You had liked him anyway: his shy little laugh, shoulders shaking, eyes closed; his knowledge on any and every random topic you could imagine; his thick dark hair and feline eyes; his obnoxious drinking habits that you nevertheless found endearing. He slipped into your heart and set up camp. It’s just what he is like. He dotes on his loved ones: you and all the others. You realised he didn’t have romantic feelings for you, but familial ones.
It isn’t exactly what you want, being his friend, being family to him, but you’ll take it. Rather that than nothing. Rather that than daring to tread where you might not be wanted—weren’t wanted—and being rebuffed, rejected. So, you date. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, right? Worth a shot! It isn’t exactly working but a girl’s gotta eat.
The studio session does not go well. It ends prematurely. Jungkook has to pretend to have had enough, to be too tired, to need to rest, anything to put an end to the torturously slow progress he and Yoongi are making. Yoongi is distracted and needs to let loose, he says. He sends a message to the group chat asking them to have drinks so they meet at the dorms and get some bottles out. Yoongi relaxes and forgets about you for a little while, distracted but this time it’s from you, not by you. He forgets, briefly, that you’re on a fifth date with someone else, smiling, laughing, drinking, not with him. He has fun. He gets a little bit tipsy, drinks more than he planned.
Then Hoseok turns in for the night and Yoongi checks the time. It’s late. He’d have expected you to have sent him a message by now, telling him how the date went. You always message. Always. Even when it goes well. Even when it goes badly. But it’s late and he hasn’t heard from you. A thought washes over him like cold water poured down his back: maybe you’re still on the date. It’s not like it’s not allowed; it’s not like you haven’t slept with other people in the time you’ve known each other. He knows you have. He’s fine with that. Of course, he’s fine with it; you’re just friends. But you are still on a fifth date and his stomach flips over unhappily.
He stares hard at his phone, willing it to do something, although he’s not entirely sure what.
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that a watched phone never boils?” Namjoon asks him.
Yoongi slowly puts down his phone and pushes it to one side.
“Waiting for a message from anyone in particular?”
“No,” he answers simply.
They know he’s lying.
“Have you met the guy she’s on a date with? He works at the company, right?” Jimin asks, his eyes all innocent and shining.
Yoongi nods.
“Yeah, he does. I haven’t met him.”
He doesn’t really ever want to. He’s not interested in who you’re dating; it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy. If you say he’s good enough, he’s good enough; Yoongi doesn’t need to vet him, interrogate him. He trusts your judgement. He doesn’t have to meet him. Ever. Well, he’ll probably have to at some point, but he doesn’t want to. Why would he? He’s just some guy.
The other members look at each other. They know this is your fifth date and there is a real possibility of more dates; they feel they have to do something to make Yoongi wake up and realise what he’s missing. They just aren’t sure how. They’ve tried everything they can think of. Yoongi is just too hard-headed. They’ve tried with you, too, egging you on, promising success, trying bribes at one point. You are hard-headed, too.
They talk amongst themselves about this guy – whom none of them know, but some have seen around the building; they talk about you and how they might see less of you now if you’re going to have a boyfriend. They wonder aloud if your boyfriend will have a problem with you hanging out with them, seven men, by yourself. A cold fist grips Yoongi’s heart at this – not seeing you? He hadn’t considered that but it’s true; the more time you spend with this guy, the less you can spend with him. He hadn’t realised before that this could actually mean losing you. How many married women does he know who hang out with seven men on a regular basis? (How many married women he knows at his age full stop—a solid zero—does not enter into his equation). Possessed by a forceful energy, he stands up and the others all look at him.
“I,” he starts, not really sure what he’s going to say, “have to go,” he says simply and leaves the dorms.
The others look at each other with trepidation and then shrug; what will be will be and they’ll be there to pick up whatever pieces there are later.
Yoongi leaves the building and starts walking. It’s far too far to walk to your apartment from the dorm, but he needs to burn off a little of his sudden energy. His mind is whirring, an overpowered carousel, an endlessly streaming slideshow of his relationship with you. He shakes his head and frowns deeply, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. He knows he’s coming to you but he doesn’t know what he’s going to say. He sees you, in his mind, on your date, laughing at some man, this company guy, holding hands, kissing goodnight. He shudders.  
He can’t tell you to stop dating other people, not if he’s not going to ask you to date him. But is he going to ask you? It seems insane. Impossible. The thought of asking you out is impossible. But the thought of dating you seems somehow… less impossible. Doable. Real. The thought of it being him walking you home. The thought of it being him who kisses you goodnight.
He laughs to himself. What is going on? What has been going on? He can’t have been this blind. Everyone else can’t have been right. He’s excited and terrified in equal measure. He wonders what you feel. If everyone was right that he has feelings, are they right about you, too? If it has taken him this long to realise, maybe you haven’t realised either. He might be walking into disaster. But he can’t stop. He’ll crash that fifth date if he has to.
After a couple of miles, he orders a car to take him the rest of the way. He stands for a moment outside your building; his limbs feel fizzy, his head feels light, and his stomach feels wobbly, but he pushes the intercom button anyway.
“Yoongi!” your voice comes through the speaker, quiet and grainy.
“Can I come up? I won’t be long.”
The buzzer sounds in reply and Yoongi opens the door and runs up the stairs. He has to assume this is a good sign. You’re in your apartment. You’re letting him come up. Your date is not—probably—not there, too. He breathes heavily outside your door, catching his breath, waiting for his heart to slow down a little.
It doesn’t. Not even when his breathing is even and he’s stopped sweating. So, he knocks anyway. When you open the door, you’re already ready for bed: make-up off, hair down, pyjamas on. He has to assume that this is a really good sign.
“What’s up?” you ask as you welcome him in. “Do you want a drink?”
“No, thank you,” he answers, sitting down. “I just needed to talk to you about something. How was your date?”
You sit next to him on the sofa and consider your answer.
“It was good! He’s a nice guy. I think we’re going to go out again next week, maybe.”
You don’t want to overegg the pudding but you’re not sure how to play it, how much to give away, how honest to be. Keep it vague, keep it simple. He will already know it can’t have gone that well if you’re here, all undone, ready for bed.
Yoongi nods, looking serious. Then he stands. Then he asks you to stand, too. Perplexed, you rise and stand in front of him, your expression questioning.
“I’ve been stupid,” he states. “I’ve been really stupid. I have to apologise to you for that. I don’t want to complicate things for you but you have to know this. I like you. I don’t want you to date that other man. I want you to date me.”
“Date you?” you ask, incredulous.
“Yes. That is what I want and I’ve wanted it for a long time; I just didn’t realise it until now. If you want to date that guy, that’s ok, but if you want to date me, well, I want that, too.”
He sounds so sure, so confident, but he doesn’t feel it. His hands clench and unclench at his sides; his ribs are taking a beating from his heart; sweat pricks in his scalp. He can’t say any more. His mouth has dried up. He can only stand and wait for your response. Whatever it may be.
You look surprised then confused, your brows pulling together over your eyes, your lip sucked into your mouth, chewed on.
“I guess—well, no, I know: I also want to date you.”
That’s definitely got to be a good sign. He nods sharply.
“Ok. Good. Fine. Good. That’s all I wanted to say.” A pause. “Sorry for barging in here. It’s late. I’ll let you go to bed.”
He turns to leave and you’re laughing, more incredulous now than before.
“Where the fuck are you going?” you cry, stepping forward and grabbing his arm, turning him around so he’s facing you again. “What are you doing?”
He looks like a deer caught in headlights, a little shocked, a little dazed, like he can’t believe where he is, what’s just happened. And he can’t. Doesn’t seem real. None of it does.
“Oh, I, uh,” he stutters, not sure himself what he was doing, what he’s going to do now.
“You can’t just come in here and tell me you want to date me and then leave! Are you even going to ask me out?”
He blinks and you hear the clock tick like the cogs in his brain turning.
“Do you want me to ask you out?”
“Oh my god!”
You turn, bewildered, really feeling that extra glass of wine you had at dinner. You rub your hands over your face and turn back to him with a smile.
“What are you doing on Friday?”
“Studio, probably.”
You roll your eyes and take a deep breath.
“No, what are you doing on Friday?”
You stare at him insistently, willing him to see the breadcrumbs you’re laying out for him, to take a fucking hint for once in his life.
“I’- oh. Oh. Uh, do you want to go out with me on Friday?”
“I mean, I was going to ask you out, but yes, yes I do!”
“Oh… Good.”
“Stop saying that!”
“I don’t know what else to say!”
You feel a little drunk, feel a tiny bit like maybe you’ve fallen asleep on the sofa and are just dreaming this. Because it’s come out of nowhere and Yoongi’s standing in your living room asking you out on a date and it’s everything you’ve wanted for all this time and it can’t just suddenly be happening. Just like that. So easy.
He’s blushing and so embarrassed, squirming a little as he stands in front of you, feeling so silly that he showed up so unprepared. Unprepared for any of this. He would have sworn up and down just a few hours ago that you were his friend and nothing more, but now he’s giddy, a little dizzy, feels like he’s actually drunk even though he sobered up on the walk. He feels like he’s dreaming, passed out on the dorm sofa, imagining all of this.
You both feel weird, exposed. You’re crossing that line, however inelegantly, and neither of you is sure how to do it. You laugh, awkwardly, nervous now in front of him. He laughs, too, rubbing a hand at the back of his head self-consciously, looking down at the floor.
“You can stay,” you offer, quietly, a little timid, not quite meeting his eye.
“Here, tonight. If you want.”
“Do you want?”
“You think I’d have offered if I didn’t?”
You take whatever Dutch courage you have left and close the gap between you, your feet neatly together between his, your fingers toying with the edge of his jumper. You look up at him through your lashes and he’s looking down at you, blinking hard, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides again. You tip your head up to him, willing him to take a step, to take his turn, to not make you have to do all the work.
It's a little much, Yoongi thinks, as he looks down at you. It feels fast, sudden, and he’s so hot, flushing all over as your little fingers pull gently at the hem of his jumper. For a second, he considers backing out, shuffling back just a little—and then he catches himself. It’s not sudden—because he’s known you for months now, he’s felt this for months even if he hid it from himself; it’s not fast, it’s slow. It’s been slow—he’s been slow. Everyone has been telling him, everyone has been saying it and he hadn’t realised, hadn’t got the message, but now he has, so why wait? Why pause? You’re right there in front of him, looking up at him with those enormous eyes, a little shy, a little spark of mischief there.
He unclenches his fists and places his hands on your waist as he dips his head and presses his mouth to yours.
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purecantarella · 2 years
Hard to Love
bc i loved the song sm and i wrote this last month before kinktober started but i still want it out there!! i hope you all enjoy this one!! edit before posting : this is subject to changes and edits bc i finished writing this at 2AM park rosé x reader disclaimer/s : smoking, cursing, and an angsty time. read with a level head.
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You'd known Rose pretty much her entire time in South Korea. She had met you when she had snuck out one night, needing some relief from the stress from another argument with her managers.
You just so happened to be at the right place at the right time.
You yourself needed a little break from work. Your co-workers were petty idiots and elected to push off all their pending projects onto you and the rest of your team because your boss had compared your work ethic to theirs.
After hours upon hours of sitting at a desk in a lowly lit room, you needed a break from the dreary office walls. You're greeted by an early morning chill. It had to be at least 2AM.
You breathe a tired sigh before carefully pulling a pack of cigarettes out of your back pocket. You swiftly place the stick between your lips, lighting the end ablaze while you leaned up against the cold wall of the alley way.
Of course you didn't mind people seeing you smoking, but it wasn't exactly smiled upon. You breath out a gray puff as you close your eyes, fighting off sleep as you did so.
Before you can completely get lost in the warmth the cigarette brought, a voice caught you off guard, "Bum me one?"
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden appearance of a young, blonde woman standing next to you. Her eyebrows creased and lips pressed into a thin line. She was clearly not in the mood to deal with anyone or anything.
You pull the pack out again, offering her the box. Quickly and without a second thought she pulls a stick out and you light the end of her stick without question. You watch her breath in the smoke and quickly huff it out.
"Thats the good shit." She whispers, you assume she thinks you can't hear her.
You chuckle, pulling the cigarette out of your mouth, "Penny for your thoughts, ma'am?" The woman looks over at you, irrediculously. As if you asked the dumbest question in the world before she laughs dryly.
"Ever just love your job but hate the people because their fucking pricks. Not understanding the slightest bit of creativity or freedom." She raves. You smile while you watch her run a hand through her blonde hair.
You take another huff of smoke before boldly blowing it in her diection, catching her off guard. She stares at you with wide eyes before you drop the stick and promptly step on it, "I have an idea on how shitty unimaginative co-workers can be."
You pause to get a good look at the woman. You knew she was famous, her face was plastered everywhere but you didn't really care for all that limelight. You meet her eyes and smile at her, "Try not to get caught. Would hate for the headlines to have my face next to yours." You lower your voice to a hushed tone, "Would hate to ruin the image of perfection."
You look around before slipping the rest of the box into her open hand. She laughs softly before you wink her way and turn a heel to return to your office.
In all honesty, you thought that would be the end of it until you met each other the next night, and the night after that, and each one after that. She was there waiting in the same alley and it had become the highlight of your work days.
"Don't people go looking for you when you leave?" You ask as Rosé leans against the wall, not really smoking just choosing to keep you company instead of being at YG. She laughs softly, before looking at you sarcastically, "Of course they look for me. I'm hot shit."
You roll your eyes before turning to her with a smirk, "Yeah you are hot."
The singer looks at you from her position on the wall, an amused smile and raised brow as she leans forward, challenging you. She lifts her hand and curls her finger in. You confidently stride up to her for her to tug you by the tie around your neck, "Is that right?"
"Yeah." You reply faking carelessness. She's fucking obsessed with it.
Rosé tugs you closer as she bites down on her lower lip, "I would argue the same." You place a hand on the brick wall behind her as you tower over her. The smirk on your face grows as she tugs you lower to meet her lips. It was rough and needy and it all left you breathless.
That was the beginning of the most complicated relationship you'd ever known.
After that night, you two saw each other far more often. She gave you her address, her number, and semi-free access to YG Entertainment's facilities. Rosé gave you everything she could in spite of herself.
While waiting for her, you flip through a poetry book that was on her couch as Hank looks up at you pleading. You eye him before checking the corner, making sure Rosé wouldn't catch you letting him on the couch. You grin mischievously
"He's not allowed on the couch, N/n." The singer warns while putting her earing on. You look up and you can't help the smile that sparks onto your lips as you look her up and down. "Aren't you an attractive specimen, miss Park."
You prop Hank on your lap, "Hanky, doesn't mommy look simply stunning?"
Rosé rolls her eyes, commanding her pet to get off you. She plops herself down on your lap abruptly. You grunt before pushing her blonde hair to the side. "Careful with that mommy talk, might get you in trouble, Y/n."
You don't respond just looking up at her adoringly, lifting your hand to stroke her cheek gently. As you do, the singer blushes, feels butterflies shooting around her stomach. Trying to brush the feelings off, she laughs nervously. "Stare all you want now, people would pay to see me this close." She plays off.
You lean up, pecking her lips gently, "How about we skip the reservation." Rosé quirks a brow and laughs softly, silently questioning you. "I just want to spend time with you. I don't want anyone gawking and interrupting that." You pause again, leaving a quick kiss to her nose. "Just the two of us."
Her cheeks burn up as you stare at her, affection overflowing in your eyes. You watch as her fight back a smile, Hank jumps beside you both and sits down beside you. Both of you laugh and you stroke his fluffy head as you plop your head on Rosé's shoulder, "The three of us then."
Rosé shifts her gaze from the puppy to your. A mix of giddiness and anxiety fills her as she watches you but for a moment it fades as you look up at her. She strokes your cheek as she nods, "Yeah...I'd like a night in with you."
The singer falls into your arms, not caring about the delicate fabric of her dress, just wanting to be more comfortable in your arms. It's foreign to her, letting someone so close to her. She breathes a calm sigh as you tell her stories of your life.
Your conversation drawls out deep into the night. It wasn't long until you'd fallen asleep with her cuddled up to your chest. Rosé stares at you, etching your peaceful image into her head.
Carefully, she brushes your hair out of your face, biting her lip as she her heart pounds madly against her chest. "God I wish I could promise you the world, N/n...you're a dream wrapped up in the most adorable face." She confesses, the smile on her face fades. "But I just wonder how long you'll last..."
Tears prick her eyes pathetically and hides her face in your neck, a soft sob breaking from her lips. You stir awake, feeling her tears on your skin. Immediately, sleep fades from your body and you force her chin up slowly in spite of her resistance.
"What happened? Are you alright?" She laughs, voice cracking as she does, while shaking her head. "It's stupid. Just a nightmare..."
You take her cheeks in your hands, wiping her tears away. "You can come to me with anything...a nightmare, if you're hungry, if you need anything. I'm your girl." She smiles and nods against your palm, leaning into the warmth you offered her. You smile and pull her into your arms, squeezing her delicately.
"I'll protect you from those nightmares."
"You're such a dork."
The night ending with your laughter, the sweetest melody she'd ever heard. She would do anything to hear it every day.
It'd been months since you and Rosé first met and became an unofficial item. It had been the most blissed out both of you had been. You'd been less crabby to your co-workers and she had so much energy during promotions.
It seemed like smooth sailing until one night, just another argument about the dumbest, most menial thing. The bickering boiling over into a fight about how much time she spends with single men and women who would kill to get her attention.
"So you're saying that I'm easy to win over?" She yells out as throw your head back in frustration, groaning loudly before falling into irritated laughter. "Now you're trying to belittle my emotions! Why the fuck would you stand there and just laugh!"
"Do you know how fucking insane you sound right now, Roseanne. I'm not the one who stayed out all night last night, drinking and partying with rando people!" You bark back to which Rosé scoffs and crosses her arms. "Why can't you just trust me, Y/n?! Those are my friends! What are you going to stop me from seeing my friends?"
She pauses to step up to you glaring down at you, "Who sounds fucking crazy now?" The singer stomps off to the kitchen, grumbling to herself that she just wanted a quiet night in.
"Is it so much to ask that as your girlfriend you—" Rosé laughs madly as she slams a cabinet door.
"We are barely together! Get it in your head that you're—" You cut her off, practically seething with anger as you hiss out, "What? A passing fancy? Is that all I am to you, Chaeyoung?"
"Well maybe you are." You're taken aback, your eyes go wide as you stare at her expression. Waiting for the shift, the guilt, but she remains cold and her eyes continue to stare you down. You run your hands in front of your face as you hastily grab your things on the kitchen island.
"You are absolutely impossible to love Park Rose." Rosé freezes from her place in the kitchen as you rub your eyes gently, tiredness running through your body. You loosen your grip on your coat and purse. You turn back around to face her but before you can say anything her hand is up in your face, instantly silencing you.
She flashes you a tight smile as she pushes herself off the counter. Clearing her throat, subtly reaching up to push her tears back into her eyes.
"No." She snaps, her smile unwavering but you see the twinge of hurt on her face, the sparkle of her tears. You take a step forward, an apologetic look on your face but she shakes her head, "You're right. I'm hard to love."
Rosé chuckles, running a hand through her hair. "I will..." She shoots you an awkward set of finger guns, "...See you, Y/n. You can..." A soft sniffle falls from her as she turns around, waving you off, "Uh...you can let yourself out."
You stand in the doorway, bag seeming heavier than when you packed it. You stare down the hallway, playing through every scenario you could. Doing anything to stay where you were for a little longer. Bringing you back to reality, Hank paws up your leg, whining softly.
You pat his head gently, smiling down at him with a sad smile, "Take care of her for me, bud. She and I are looking for different things right now..." You pause, chuckling to yourself, just how stupid you must look. "I love you Hanky and I love your mom too. Make sure she takes care of herself...alright?"
He barks softly, seeming to understand you. You offer him a proud nod before commanding him to go to Rosé's room. You pull the bag back onto your shoulder, looking around the room one more time before huffing and stepping out the door.
Rosé peaks from the hallway...regret and a bitter taste resonating with her. The words she spat at you were vile and she wished she'd never said them. But she was too late.
"You're impossible to love." Your words rang in her ears as she slid down the corner of the wall, her tears dampening her cheeks. Soft sobs that clung to her chest during your argument released and she could no longer control herself.
All night she wailed as you lay in your bed practically tearing your hair out from regret and frustration.
Weeks later, you still hadn't recovered from your argument with Rosé. Unsure where you both stood, if you were still a couple or not. But you didn't want to face it.
Though as much as you wanted to, it was impossible to avoid Rosé. Her face was plastered on every billboard, your co-workers talked insistently about the group's songs releasing soon, and you still saw her in the street from time to time. She met your eye before quickly pulling her gaze away.
It hit harder than you thought it would have.
"I have to say I didn't think Rosé would hit so hard!" You flinch at your female co-worker's words. You peak up your cubicle and see three of them talking amongst one another. The other two agreed as the third fiddled with their laptop, replaying a portion of a song from the group's album.
Your blood ran cold as her words rang in your ears, "Cause I'm hard to love."
Rather uncharacteristically, you hop to your feet and approach the gabbing women. You smile politely, to which they're shocked...they'd never seen you speak to them not about work. "Sorry to bother you...but what song was that?"
They stare at you gobsmacked before explaining it was Rosé's latest solo song on the group's album. As quickly as you came, you disappear, searching the song's title online, pulling your headphones onto your head quickly.
Your hands tremble as you read the title over and over again in your head. Swallowing thickly, you click the thumbnail of the song. The words making your heart tremble. Hearing her voice, even if it was a recording, was the sweetest catharsis you'd ever felt but at the same time her words...your words...stung you in ways you didn't think could hurt.
It was all new. You wanted to see her. You needed to.
"Are you alright, Y/n?" Your co-worker asked, her expression soft as she motions to the tears falling from your eyes. You quickly wipe them away as her hands are on your shoulders trying to console you.
You push yourself out of your chair quickly, "I..." You clear your throat, trying to keep your voice from cracking. "I need some air...I'm going to..." You point out the door before dashing for it in spite of your co-workers calling for you.
As you make it out of the office building, a sense of clarity hits you. All the moments you shared with Rosé smack you across the face, imagining how you felt when you were with her. You pant and run your hands through your hair desperately, the realization that you just let go of the greatest coincidence of your life.
Thunder clapped, pulling you out of your daze.
You stare up at the darkening sky, cursing to yourself. A day you chose not to wear a coat...of course. Without thinking twice, you're quick to dash through the busy streets, feeling droplets of rain pouring onto your skin, leaving you soaked but all you can think of was that day you left her in her apartment.
The broken look on her face, the tremble in her voice, the things you said, and the things you wanted to say. Each thought pounds through your body. Pushing you forward until your breath is ragged and your legs are sore.
A sense of relief floods you when you see the YGE building in the distance, you smile tiredly before sprinting. It wasn't long before you were dripping in the lobby of the entertainment building, garnering stares from staff.
The receptionist stares at you, deadpanning, "I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks."
You laugh before nodding, "It's been hell trying to stay away." The young woman nods before looking over the schedule. Clicking her tongue softly as you tap your fingers anxiously along the desk.
Her words fade in the background as you look up and see Rosé, typing away at her phone as her managers surrounded her. You see the familiar tight lipped expression as the older men around her speak to her.
She looked just angelic as the moment you first saw her in that alley.
You're frozen in place as everything returns. The good, the bad, the past few months and how it felt to have her with you. In whatever way, you wanted to be with her.
Your feet take you out of the building, following her to the van. "Park Roseanne!" Your voice echoes through the open parking lot. Her managers look around to glare at you, they never did like you, thinking you were a bad influence on Rosé and her eyes immediately find you.
"Y/n?" She puts her phone away, and stares at you. The singer tries to uphold a stoic and distant demeanor but she was glad to see you. Seeing you brought her so much joy. "What are you doing here?"
For a moment you don't know what to say. Your mouth is stuck and all you can do is open your mouth then close it. Her manager's scoff and tell her, "Chaeyoung, this is a waste of time. Let's go." He guides her back towards the car.
You snap into action, "No, you've had control over her for far too long, sir." He glares at you, the singer beside him stifling a giggle. Composing herself, she"Say what you need to say then."
Your eyes locked, a flare of sincerity flashes over your face. "You aren't hard to love. I shouldn't have ever told you that. I..." You pause to catch your breath, Rosé stares at your soaked figure. You blush under her intense gaze. "You're impossible not to love. You're gentle, and hilarious, and gorgeous, and so unlike any person I've met. It makes me nervous and excited and I was scared that I couldn't keep up with you and you'd see right through that."
Rosé's hands tremble as she watches you pour your heart out, unsure if what was dribbling down your face were strayed raindrops or tears.
"I know you can't give me everything, I don't want you to have to. I want you to go out and live your life, be the success you can. I want you to be your authentic self."
You laugh, pushing your damp hair out of your face, staring up at the thundering sky. "I don't care that you can't give me everything...I just want to be with you, strings or no." You pause and laugh tiredly, "I love you, Rosie."
"Okay, I've heard enough of this idiocy. Chaeyoung, we need to go. You'll be late to dinner." Her manager ushers. For a moment she's frozen in time. All she can think of is how much she missed you, just how every song in her head was your voice, and just how sad and genuine you looked standing in the rain.
Rosé steps into the van, your heart sinks as she does. Her managers breathe a sigh of relief, giving instructions to block you from YGE's systems. You gnaw on your lower lip, disappointment sinking in your stomach. You turn around a sense of dread knowing you'd have to go back to a life without Park Chaeyoung.
As you walk away, you hear the faint sounds of pitter-pattering footsteps.
"Chaeyoung!" Her manager's call out in a panicked tone. And before you can react, her coat is above your head, covering both of you. You flush under her gaze, seeing just how close she was. It had been far too long since you'd seen the singer this close. "You're going to get sick if you stay in the rain for too long." She jokes before smiling up at you, brightening the grey sky.
"It's not going to be easy. I'm going to be so busy, so hard to trust, and I might just hurt you..." She pauses nudging her nose against yours, a broken expression on her face. You lift your hand, offering her a small smile as she whispers, "I might just fuck it up...like I do everything..."
"I want to try. Let me be the one in a million for you, Rosie." You laugh pulling her closer, her hands tightening around the coat above both of you. "If you fuck up, we'll fuck up together." You peck her lips gently, allowing the touch to linger.
You smile as you pull away, watching as her cheeks redden. "It's you and me, Rosé."
She giggles and tilts her head in shyly. "God, I love you, Y/n."
"Let's get you dried off, come on." Her events for the evening being the last thing on her mind, she lowers one of her hands, taking yours. You look down at the interlocked digits and a flood of warmth flowing through your entire body.
The warmth heating up your chilly body and for Rosé, she didn't feel so alone...so genuinely loved so to speak.
and im soft and this took much longer but also i wanted to do the idea justice and i wanted my return to angsty floof to be memorable HAHAHAHAH i hope you all liked this one!! classes started up again and have me on my knees wishing i was dead HAHAHAHA but i will see you all vv soon!! i love yo all and take care of yourselves, my lovelies 💖 - r
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hi, hi, hiiii! I’m here to send a request for your event :D
Can you maybe do a High School AU with Nozel who happens to be y/n’s academic rival? I’m a big fan of Enemies to Lovers so the trope got to be that one ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ Thank youuuu
Congratulations on the milestone!
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
./づᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°
i shoot u >:(
૮꒰ ˶> ༝ <˶꒱ა
./づᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊°.~♡︎
with love tho-
{Aine's 1700 Event}
Omg you cutie. I love all the emoticons hahaha!! Come here lemme gib you kithhhh ♡
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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Edit: @wifeoflangrisvaude I thought I should tag you here as well since this request is from you too <3
And we have another same request hehe ♡ are you two like twinnys or something hehe the exact same troupe too.
And omg A YEAR (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ come here let Aine gib you Kith too. ♡♡ Thank you for the lovely wishes and I hope you continue making people's day with my work ♡
This request is.... So classic. *chef kiss* I love good ol classics ♡ I'll go with high school AU instead of college because of the plot I have in mind. ^3^
AU: High School Characters: Nozel Silva x F! reader TW: slight angst, unchecked, vulgarities. This is long ass for Aine's standards. It should be divided into chapters but I'm lazy so..
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You closed your locker door after getting your books for the next lesson. The hallway went silent.
Opps. Did I slam it too hard?
You turned around to look at everyone's reaction, hoping to not get the weird looks.
But you met eye to eye with Nozel Silva. His face seemed to forever be in a scowl but the girls were all squealing over him. You'll never know what they see in him.
Nozel's eye darted away from you like you were some sort of diseases that made his eye hurt. And you simply rolled your eye.
"Acting all high and mighty just cause he's rich and studies well, lmao" you said sarcastically as you leaned against your locker and crossed your arm.
Nozel's eyebrows twitched a little as he heard your comment. He turned his head back a little to glare at you, both of you scowling at each other.
Your bestie, Vanessa pulled you away, whisper-shouting at you, "let's just go, y/n!"
Both Nozel and you didn't start off this way. You both never bothered about each other's existence at the start of the year, but because both you and Nozel were the top student of the cohort, you were always 'fighting' over the first position.
There can only be one number 1 and that person will get the scholarship to get in Clover College, the prestigious college of your area.
Whenever you took the top in the test, Nozel would give a frown like someone owed him money. He was also always acting cool and confident, like money could resolve all his problems. Well, it could really resolve 99% of your problems but.. you just didn't like his stuck up behaviour AND you really needed the scholarship so you both became "rivals" somehow.
"I dont understand why does he need to vie for this position with me? He's bloody rich so he doesn't need the scholarship to get in??" You stretched yourself to get ready for PE class later than evening.
"Well, it's like an honourable thing for the family name," Nebra sat beside you and sighed, "he's pushing himself a lot, that brother of mine, but he really doesn't mean any harm. We get it from him sometimes too."
In Silver Eagles High School, certain lessons were mixed between the different levels, example cooking, PE or art lessons, so you got to be in the same class as Nebra, Nozel's younger sister. Somehow, you both got along despite you and her brother's rivalry.
"Well, if he treats you guys this way as well then it's not about the family name" you lifted your hand in an inverted coma, "it's just his ego?"
Nebra giggled, "oh y/n, you're the only girl I've seen that talks about my brother this way."
Nebra liked you. You were real and down to earth and you really worked hard for everything that you got. And you were the only one that doesn't squeal over her brother.
Most girls that liked Nozel were only because they liked his looks or his money. But thankfully, Nozel doesn't give them more than a second glance because he was very focused on his academics and his sport, archery.
He was also the teacher's favourite because he's smart and responsible and always brought back Medals in Archery. He was indeed the Model student.
But you were not bad yourself, you always excelled in academics and you were on the school's volleyball team with Nebra and Vanessa, except that it was a team sport so you were not as recognised as Nozel.
Nebra often thought that you and her brother would be a lovely match if it weren't for the both of you fighting over the top position. Well, one can only imagine, Nebra thought to herself.
"oi, y/n~" Josh came to your desk, "could you like, teach me how to do homework?"
"How do I teach you if you don't even come to class?" you gave him a stoic expression.
Josh was the school's hockey team MVP. He was great at his sports and was also another ladies' favourite but he always skipped class. He always used his Hockey trainings as an excuse like he was tired or injured etc and the teacher's had no choice. But his academic results were a disaster.
"Hey now, give me a break will ya, training has been killing me, at least let me study your homework then?"
"You mean copy?" you raised a brow
"No~ don't say it like that.." Josh gave you a sheepish smile, "I thought a pretty face like you would be nice too"
"Give me a break, Josh" you rolled your eyes at him.
"being a brag just cause you're top in class?" Josh started to speak sarcastically and his friends sniggered.
You ignored him but he grabbed your bag, "eh eh pretty face, better not be too proud yeah? Sharing is caring"
You struggled against him, but he was huge and strong, so your efforts were futile.
A hand smacked Josh's arm, causing the Hockey player to let go of his grip on you.
"What a disgrace, bullying a girl." Nozel gave Josh a look of disgust as he walked past towards his desk.
"it's none of your business rich boy," Josh glared at him, the other boys squaring Nozel up, but Nozel had his Lackeys back him up too. (well, cause he's rich yknow) Both staring down each other.
"It's none of my business but I'm trying to study here and you're bothering me."
Josh knew that he could not offend Nozel. The Silvas were very authoritative and had great influence in the country. Once, someone tried to beat Nozel up in Middle school, but not only did Nozel know self defence, that guy got expelled and hearsay that no school in the country accepted him after.
Josh stomped off in a huff, "I'll remember this Silva. You better watch out y/n."
"What a waste of my time," Nozel Muttered when he left.
You pursed your lips. You hated to owe him but you did. "Thanks."
Nozel took one glance at you and he went back to his desk, completing his homework.
You sprained your ankle at volleyball training, you could barely walk, so Nebra offered to give you a ride home after training, since she had a chauffeur come get her.
But as the door opened, Nozel was seated inside. You both stared at each other, the tension rising again.
"Are we some kind of hitch service now?" Nozel spoke coldly.
"It's fine, Nebra, I can just-"
Before you could finish, Nebra held your hand and sat into the car.
"She's injured, brother, anyway her house is on the way, move over a little." Nebra nudged her brother into the car so you had space to sit in the Bently too. Well it was spacious so there was more than enough space.
Nozel let out a small "tsk" but he remained silent as he leaned back and closed his eyes, tired from a day of archery training.
You and Nebra ignored Nozel and made small little chats about the day as you guided the driver to your home. Soon enough, you reached your place.
"Your house looks cute and cozy just from the outside, y/n!" Nebra looked at your little home.
"Come by one day, my mom is a pretty good baker," you beamed at her and thanked her and the chauffeur for sending you back.
"You friend has good manners, young lady Nebra." The chauffeur commented, which Nebra agreed.
You were late for school the next day. You had trouble sleeping at night because of the pain in your foot and you didn't have time to see a proper doctor yet, so you put on a guard and waddled as fast as you can to school.
The lecture already started when you arrived, and you mumbled a "sorry" to your lecturer. There was not much seats left and you just scrambled into the nearest available seat.
You already felt a cold vibe coming from beside you and you glanced to your side, mentally cursing yourself for choosing such a seat. A seat beside Nozel Silva.
fuck it, you thought to yourself and quickly took out your notes and tried to figure out where the lecturer was at.
You flipped back on forth, until a page was shoved beside you, showing you the slide the class was at at that moment.
You looked up at Nozel, his eyes was focused on the lecture in front. You've never been this close to him before, and you noticed his lavender eyes, a hint softer than Nebra's and you thought that they were really pretty. Even prettier than Nebra's, you would say.
You shook off your weird thoughts and whispered "thank you" to him. To which he just nodded.
The bell rang, signifying the lunch break and everyone quickly packed and scooted out of the lecture hall.
Because you had some things to catch up on from missing 30 mins of class, you were still scribbling in your notes. You tried to quickly pack up so you could head to the front to ask the lecturer about some questions you had, but someone knocked into you, spilling the contents of your bag onto the floor.
Said person ran out of the hall, mumbling a "sorry", leaving you picking up everything amongst the crazy stampede of humans leaving the room.
Someone bent down, helping you to pick up your notes and stuff. You looked up, about to thank the person and it was Nozel Silva. You were so surprised and shocked when he handed you your file with all the notes inside picked up and slotted nicely.
Now you were looking at him close up, face to face. His face was flawless. What does this guy eat? His features were pretty nice, he had a pointed nose and chiseled jaw line, you kinda understand why many girls fell for his looks.
"T-thank you," you stuttered upon realising you might have been looking at him a little too long. You took your things and turn to head towards the lecturer, but he was long gone.
You let out a sigh. What a morning.
Nozel handed you something. It was his notes from today's lecture, "pass it to Nebra when you're done." and he walked off without another word.
You swore your heart did a little skip at that moment and your perspective of him started to change a little.
"Tell Nozel Thank you for me," you returned the notes to Nebra at the next training. You passed some muffins to her as well. "From my mom, for you guys for sending me home and helping me out!"
"I can't believe my brother lent you his notes" Nebra wriggled her brows at you.
"Well, maybe he knew why I was late, since you guys sent me home the other day and he decided to show some mercy." you laughed.
The next day, you were walking to class with Vanessa and you saw Nozel from afar, coming towards your direction, your heart thumped a little faster thinking about what you were going to say to him.
Should I say hello, or ask about the muffins, or thank him again for his notes.
"Nebra is sick from eating your stupid muffins." he glared at you, "what did you put in them?"
You were flabbergasted and was totally caught off guard.
"What?" you managed to squeak out.
"Tsk, can't talk now?" he was more annoyed now.
"I-is she ok??"
"The doctors came to look at her this morning and gave her some painkillers, she was vomiting the entire night."
"Is everyone else okay?"
"Only she ate your muffins. Thank god I didn't eat that cheap thing." he shook his head.
"Hey, don't be rude, Nozel, obviously y/n didn't mean it??" Vanessa stepped in front of you.
Your chest was in pain. It felt like a dagger was being stabbed straight into your heart multiple times. He didn't even try the muffins, he thought it was cheap and Nebra was sick.
You didn't know how to feel. You felt genuinely bad and worried for your friend and you were hurt that the muffins you helped your mom made were being insulted this way.
For the past week, you really thought differently of Nozel. You thought that he wasn't that bad of a person and you were excited to see him again.
You didn't even realise you were crying until your vision turned blur.
"I'm s-sorry." you lowered your head and looked at your feet, not wanting him to see your tears fall.
But he did. He was dumbfounded and panic stricken when he saw the tears form in your eyes. He didn't mean to make you cry... He pursed his lips, unsure of what to say now. He mentally chided himself for using such harsh words towards you.
He was just mad and worried about Nebra and the year end exams were coming up, she couldn't afford to miss any classes.
"you happy now, Nozel?" Vanessa held you and chided Nozel, "do you rich people have no manners?"
Instead of apologising like he should, he coward away, turning his heels and walking off.
When he turned his back on you and left, your heart shattered.
For the next few weeks, you always avoided Nozel and you didn't even look him in the eye. Although Nebra was already better, but you didn't know how to face Nozel after what he said.
You really thought that he was a good guy afterall, only to be proven otherwise when he insulted you and your mom's muffins. But you couldn't really argue much, since it was a fact that Nebra did get a tummy upset after eating your muffins. You could only feel dejection and disappointment.
The finals were around the corner and everyone was more focused on school. You worked your ass off, studying day and night endlessly, hoping to get that scholarship and getting into clover college.
Nozel sees you in school very often. Since the both of you were the top students, you both hung around school to study very often. There were many times where there was not much people in school anymore and both bumped into each other.
There was always a tension and awkwardness in the air. Nozel didn't know what to say; he regretted the words the moment it came out from his mouth.
Truth to be told, he admired your spirit. Not many people could be this determined and disciplined. You were always kind to teach your other friends patiently while he would always lose his patience.
You were popular amongst your friends, but he knew that many around him were just interested in his wealth. He lowkey wanted to be friends with you but he didn't knew how to ask. And ever since that incident, you wouldn't even give him so much as a glance. And it actually broke his heart a little.
"Nozel,"Solid, Nozel's younger brother, came to him one day, "I've got news you might want to hear about."
"What?" Nozel was still deeply concentrated on his work in front of him, he was studying like a machine these days, pushing himself for the final lap.
"One of Josh's lackeys fell out with him,"
"I'm not interested."
"that's not the point-"
"then get to the point." Nozel cut him off.
"I'm getting to it! Anyway he told someone that he put something in y/n's muffins."
Upon hearing your name, his ears perked up and started listening to the conversation. "what muffins?" he pretended to not remember, but he knew exactly what his brother was talking about.
"The one y/n gave to Nebra! Josh wanted payback for the other day when you embarrassed him. He thought you were gonna eat them, but he put some constipation meds in there.."
Nozel stared a hole in the younger Silva, "evidence?"
"Well it was awhile ago so we can only take his word for it. So technically we can't really report him or shit." he shrugged, "I just thought you wanted to know, since you scolded y/n about it..."
Solid zipped up his lips when he saw the tone in Nozel's face change. If looks could kill, he felt that he would have been murdered by Nozel.
Nozel Silva seldom felt regret. But now he was haunted by it. He already felt bad for his harsh use of words and now he felt like he was being kicked in the gut a thousand times.
He never thought of himself as dumb until today. He wanted to apologise to you but he had no idea how to.
"Nebra," Nozel came to his sister's room that very day and told her everything that happened.
"I can't believe you said that to y/n!" Nebra gave her brother a look of disgust.
"she didn't tell you?"
"no? she only said that she heard I had a tummy upset and she felt bad and apologised to me."
Nozel felt more pangs of regret hitting his chest. It really felt like getting smacked in the head with a frying pan. You're really an angel through and through.
"I'll apologise. Let me know what she likes."
"Yeah brother, you deal with y/n and your studies and I'll deal with that Josh guy... How dare he do that.." Solid cracked his fingers.
"I'll help you!" Nebra nodded at her brother.
A cake box with a beautiful red ribbon was placed on your desk the next day. You looked up at the gifter. It was Nozel. His face was slightly awkward and his ear tips were red.
"s-sorry about the other day" the Silva coughed out.
Your heart thumped in your chest, you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks. Even though you told yourself you were mad at him, you couldn't help but feel the butterflies at this moment.
"It wasn't your muffins, it was Josh." Nozel told you everything that Solid told him.
"I can't believe that idiot!!" you furrowed your brows, "how can he do such a thing!"
"we'll deal with him. don't worry." Nozel nodded to you and your heart skipped a beat. He was so suave and cool, you felt your face reddening and you had to purse your lips to not smile.
"Nothing a little money cannot solve.."
"geez, you rich people... I can never understand.." you gave a little laugh, to Nozel's surprise. It was the first time in 3 years you laughed in front of him. And you looked kinda... cute.
*cough cough* Nozel tried to cough away his oncoming blush and he quickly excused himself.
You opened up the cake box and noticed a little card inside.
y/n: sorry for using those harsh words at you. They don't hold any meaning or malice. My apologies for wronging you and your muffins. All the best for the finals and have ample rest and water. Nozel.
You couldn't help but smile gleefully at the beautifully handwritten card. Even his handwriting was graceful and neat. What else can this Nozel not do?
It was getting late on a school day and it was just one week to the finals. You were studying alone in the library, your study buddies already calling it a day.
"Still not done for the day?"
You looked up. Nozel took a seat beside you.
"Just finishing up the l last few chapters, you?" you gave him a shy smile, ever since that day, you both would smile at each other or give little nods when you saw each other.
Some days you both could sit beside one another in lectures or class. The people around you were shocked.
"I'm done actually, but I can wait for you. It's getting late and there's no one here."
"Oh no it's fine-" you tried to wave him off but he was already opening one of his notes.
You threw in the towel at 9pm.
"I'll send you back, it's on the way." Nozel insisted. His chauffeur was already waiting at the school gates with their Bently. "You can rest abit in the car. It's what I usually do."
You wanted to protest but you were extremely exhausted from a full day of studying. So you hopped onto the Bently.
"All the best for the finals, y/n." Nozel gave you a smile. He looked really handsome even under the dim lights of the car.
"you should smile more," you blurted out.
You both stared at each other wide eyed, the heat in the car rising.
"T-thanks for the trip back!!" you quickly got out of the car.
You got finals done and dusted. You felt a huge rock thrown off your back. You were finally free! It was time to focus on the upcoming spring sports tournament.
You focused on your volleyball and Nozel focused on his archery. You thought about him a lot actually. But since there was no more school, you saw him lesser.
Only during days where your practice was on the same day and you would bump into him or see him when he waited for Nebra.
Nozel too, wanted to talk to you. But he had no idea how to and your common topic was studying, which you no longer needed to do right now. He felt a little sad on some days and he found himself thinking about you a lot more.
He started to make excuses to come see Nebra at training, so he could steal a glimpse of you.
When you played volleyball, you looked so cool and sexy. He started to ask Nebra more about the sport, so he could understand you a little more.
The results for the finals came out. Nozel took the top place and he got the scholarship. You couldn't help but feel disappointed but you were truly happy for Nozel. He had studied hard and he was really, really smart.
Well, now you had to go home and think of a way to raise the money to even pay for Clover College. Maybe you could take up a summer job or some sorts.. Or borrow money..
"y/n." a familiar voice was heard.
"Nozel, congrats!" you beamed at him.
"T-thanks." a small blush crept onto Nozel's cheeks. "I don't need the money from the scholarship."
"uh-huh. of course you don't-"
"I'll give you the money." Nozel said before you can finish whatever you wanted to say.
"Scholarships don't work this way, dummy," you giggled.
"I know, I already have the money for college. So since I'm getting in via scholarship, I'll give you the money. You deserve to be in Clover College and I'm 100% sure you'll get in."
"wha- why? You don't have to. I can't accept this."
"You don't have to accept but it'll be a pity to not be able to study in a good school because you don't have the funds."
"I- I can work part time and raise the money!"
"Take it as thanks for always taking care of Nebra. Or for wronging you about the muffins. Or that I'm sharing this scholarship with you. Or that I just want to continue to be in the same college as you and study alongside you." Nozel blurted out.
You stared at him, his face turning into a tomato after his confession. You mouth was agape and you had no idea what to say. You heart was going at a thousand miles an hour.
"Will you go out with me, y/n?" Nozel spoke softly, keeping it between the both of you. "I do think that I'm in love with you."
You finally understood what it felt like when they say your heart is melting. You felt like the luckiest girl at that moment. The Nozel Silva is in love with you?? The perfect, the 10/10, the guy that every girl wants to have but he doesn't even give them a second glance is now staring at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's seen.
You took a step forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, enveloping him in a hug. It never felt so right before, at that moment, both your arms wrapped around each other. Why didn't you both realise this before? That you were this perfect for each other?
"Yes, Nozel. I think I'm in love too." you said into the crook of his neck.
Thank god you were hugging him so you couldn't see him smiling goofily with his face all red. "I promise to take care of you, y/n."
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College! Nozel Silva x F! reader HCS:
So you two are in the same school and you two are like super glued together. Besides playing your sports and being in different classes, you both were practically together all the time.
People thought that you would get tired eventually, but no. Power couple Nozel & y/n is strong.
Boy always waits for you to end your trainings and he carries your bags for you.
You both go to each other's games. First thing after every game is a kiss.
He's still Mr Perfect but he's not so high and mighty with you by his side. You're teaching him to be humble.
He spoils you rotten. Hey, he's rich so..
Mama Acier loves you! You stay over at their place so often and mama Acier spoils you rotten too. Nebra is over the moon about you being her brother's girlfriend and she thinks nobody else is more suited.
He gets grumpy when you go work at your part time job. You insist on paying him whatever you can for his money for college. But he takes the money and buys you gifts or bring you to eat instead.
Whenever you both argued he would still send you good morning and good night text messages. Even if you ignored him, he'll still text you about his day and stuff.
If you ignored him for too long, prepared for the bently to pull up to where ever you are and you'll be pulled in.
Whenever you both are at the movies it turns out into a make out session. Sometimes you miss the movie so he buys another round of tickets again.
He proposed to you on the day of your graduation.
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waltnut · 3 years
Yes, I'm a THIRSTY, HORNY and DEHYDRATED bicht. But I am proud of myself. Can I request more NSFW head cannons of our monster boyfriend? But don't make it dark, maybe add some after segg cares if you want? I LOVE YOU.
Don’t make it dark?? Don’t you know what I’m about??? I can’t believe this.
No I’m joking lol well damn, NSFW? Okay well, this is for the Monster Fuckers so kiddies look away. I’m sorry to those who don’t like NsFw. I will tag it as “NSFT” for Not Safe for Timeline but I also hide it under the cut. I’m sorry. I had fun with this...now I’m embarrassed lmao You guys seem to like these so...
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The prompt has me thrown a bit, but I’ll just make some stuff up, I hope that’s okay.
NSFW Headcanons - Monster Boyfriend edition: Demon Lords, Vol. 1
Adult content. These are demons. If this disturbs you, then stop reading here. Otherwise, enjoy?
Level 3
He sheds his feathers on his body when he’s nervous. MC makes him nervous when he’s like this. What do they think of him? Is he ugly? Would they call him a monster?
He’s the most submissive in this form. Gentle touches make him shiver and jump. He feels the most vulnerable and actively moves away from MC if they try to be intimate.
But he wants the intimacy. It’s reassuring. He’s still wanted. He actually might cry a bit. He’s sensitive, be nice.
MC will have to do most of the initiating. After the first time MC had had intimacy with him like this, he will be more confident the next times they engage in any sexual activity.
Level 4
All the pride and confidence. None of that level 3 sissy business, he will have you.
He’s very grabby, and maybe grips a little too tight. He likes the power of being stronger than you. He wants you to know it.
He seems to always have his wings as wide as he can make them. It must be some sort of mating dance. He does have that part bird instinct in there somewhere. He wants to show off, maybe intimidate you a bit. Does he like fear?
Might use the feathers on his tail to tickle you to make you squirm while he has you. What fun!
Level 3
He is very clingy. He wants to always be touching you. Even if it’s just the tips of his wings or tail, he wants to have the physical touch.
As he goes through this level, his ability to sense any Greed from the MC to be highly erotic. Talking about buying those new clothes you’ve been wanting? Turn on. Saying how you’re gonna share any of them with him? He can’t contain himself.
He loves pets. Brushes against his hair, feathers, scales, will make him coo. Bird noises, gotta love them.
Easy seduction outfit, should you choose to wear one, anything shiny. Gold chains? Perfect. Sheer black clothes but with gold edges and designs? Also perfect. He can’t resist the shiny.
Level 4
Don’t even think about leaving him, until he lets you. You’re part of his treasure now and he will preen and polish you accordingly.
Lazy in this form, expect lots of cuddling with the dragon. He’s quite warm. The texture on his underside is soft like skin even though it looks like lizard scales. Don’t be surprised when you feel surprise boners while laying with him. He may be lazy, but he’s not tired.
Touching the skin texture of his body is a great seduction tactic should you need one. It’s the sensitive side to his body while the rest is covered in feathers and scales.
While he will dress up MC in gold as a mating ritual, should MC do the same to him, it is the greatest indicator that you are accepting his proposal for intimacy.
Level 3
Two dicks. Look we all know it. We all agree. Moving on.
Touching the purple frills on his ears is like touching his junk. It’s a highly erroneous zone for him. But be gently, they are very soft and sensitive.
Do you even lift? Well you might need to because he is going to be wrapped around you the entire time. He’s quite heavy and good luck getting out of that one.
Laying with him in water is the best way to show any intimate intentions. Even if you think it’ll be a relaxing chill in the water, think again.
Level 4
Now if you’re brave and choose to sleep with a giant ass sea monster, you’re in luck because he can manipulate water to allow you to breathe in the water.
He is the largest of all the brothers in terms of monster size. He’s a giant sea dragon. So be careful when dealing with...well, his size.
He likes to flip you around in the water, so staying in one position is not an option. It’s like a dance!
Want to know if he’s into it? Watch the orange fleshy bits on his sides. The more he glows the more you know!
Level 3
If you’re into having sex after yelling and screaming at each other then congrats! So is he. Angry sex is what he’s about. He’s wrath. I mean, come on.
Belittle him. No really. He’ll want to prove you wrong. Fuels the fire.
Extremely dominant. Don’t even try to top him. Also you just finished? No rest for you, you’re going again.
He’s gonna scratch and mark you. Bring some bandaids.
Level 4
Okay first of all, you really want to sleep with this? He’s terrifying. He is an actual hell spawn. Well okay, be prepared for selfish sex. He’s rough.
Want to know if he’s into it? Watch the flames on his back. Can you pass your hand through it without it burning you? You pass. It’ll grow brighter and larger the closer he is to finishing.
Most likely to choke you.
Will call you names during the act, sorry. The “not nice” kind.
Level 3
Words are your biggest weapon. Constant love and adoration is all you need when he’s like this. You won’t even need to touch him to work the magic.
As the avatar of lust, he knows the human body of all genders. His genitalia resembles a males’ but it does have a clit on the bottom side of the head of the dick. You can get real creative with that.
Kiss and touch his ears! He loves it. They might flick at your touch, but he’s into it.
Is able to have his scorpion tails in this form if he chooses to, and he likes pushing and pulling you around with them.
Level 4
More of a Dom in this form. He also enjoys a good mess.
Don’t grab onto his tails, he’s not into it. But grabbing onto his mane? Go right ahead with that.
A little bitey. Vampire tendencies.
Most likely to try and sex you on the ceiling. Why? Not sure. But he’s able to do it so just roll with it.
Level 3
Look at that long ass tongue. He’s gonna use it. Why wouldn’t he use it? You’re gonna want him to use it. The paralysis saliva he can produce is something he can choose to use.
Will jump on you out of nowhere. No literally, where did he come from? It’s 3 Am and everyone else is asleep. But a good smack will get him to stop if it’s unwanted. Bad puppy.
He might share his food with you if he’s offering intimacy. Like with his mouth. Like it might already be chewed a bit.
Chromeo lyrics: ((Don’t turn the lights on! I want to see you in the dark~.)) His eyes are sensitive, okay.
Level 4
You ever had sex with a Minotaur? You ever wanted to?
Will carry you off to a secluded area that he has found for himself. He doesn’t want to be disturbed.
The longer you go with him, the hotter his body feels. Just like when he feeds, he’ll have steam coming off his body.
Most likely to hump your leg.
Level 3
He enjoys you being uncomfortable. Emotionally or physically.
Sleep paralysis demon. Hey, at least you won’t be doing most of the work.
He’ll quietly hum a lullaby to you to see if you’ll accept his intimacy proposal. If you hum back, you accept. Careful, he might hum your favorite song.
His wool is so soft. Why is it so soft? You need to touch all of it.
Level 4
If you’re not banging irl, you will in your dreams.
You ever wanted to have sex in space? He can make the best magic Galaxy projector you’ve ever seen, and without the paid promotion!
His wool smells of soothing herbs and incense. So despite his creepy ass behavior, you find a way to calm your nerves.
You’ll have the best sleep you’ve ever had afterwards.
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harlowdoylepi · 3 years
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "Harlow, what happened to TA-418 Thursday??? You left us in suspenseeeee."
Ok maybe you weren't thinking that. But I'm posting the next chapter anyhow 🤷🏼‍♀️
So it is my pleasure to present to you the extended edition™ of TA-418 Saga Part 7: Warning Signals.
Richard sat down on the grass at the Odyssey Cemetery. In the distance you could see Odyssey Community Church, just at the edge of sight. His gaze fell to the headstone in front of him reading Tom Riley, husband, father, uncle, and friend, in the loving arms of his savior.
“You would like that, Tom.” Richard said aloud. He didn’t know why he was talking out loud, but he couldn’t simply keep his thoughts to himself. “I - I hope you know how much I appreciated you. You showed me forgiveness, and I think even taught me to love again, in a way. “
He sat there in silence for several moments.
“I’m sorry I missed your funeral. Connie told me they couldn’t find me anywhere in time for the funeral, and by the time they could contact me, it was long enough that they hadn't thought to tell me.” He buried his head in his hands. “Where was I, anyway? I don’t remember; it probably wasn’t very important, and nowhere near as important as being there.”
He had a lot of regret at this moment. “I wish I had made more time to come over here, and to tell you how thankful I was for everything." He paused for a long moment, "I- I’m so sorry.”
A hand on his shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
Richard turned around. Blair stood there, with a look of concern on her face.
“I - I’m alright.” He gestured vaguely to the grave. “He was an old friend of mine.”
“Ohhh, I see.” Blair’s eyes seemed to communicate a deep level of understanding. She sat down beside him.
“He died a few years ago, but I didn’t know until a few days ago.” Richard stared sadly at the small flower that bloomed a foot in front of him. “Once I moved to Chicago, I sort of lost touch, and….” Work had been hard to find for a while, and he had moved around a lot, jumping from job to job, apartment to apartment, all over Chicago, before he finally found a stable job.
“And you feel bad for not being there at his funeral.” Blair finished his thought.
“There’s a lot of things you wish you could say. All the things you should have said, or shouldn’t have. The things you did, and wish you never had thought of. There’s things that you wish you could have done, and meant to do together. You feel like you’ve missed a lot of opportunities.” She said softly.
Blair paused; an embarrassed expression came over her face. “Sorry. I’m probably not helping anything.”
“No, just the opposite. I didn't know how to put it into words, but that's what I meant. What you said makes a lot of sense." He straightened his posture. "The question is: where do you go from there?”
“When you find an answer, tell me.” The corner of her mouth turned into a smile. “I think you just have to try and go on with life the best you can.”
“Yeah.” It sounds like she speaks from experience. He wanted to ask, but decided against it. Blair didn’t strike Richard as a person who would willingly open herself about that, especially to someone she didn’t know very well, comparatively. He deeply wished he could ask her though.
“Losing someone you love pulls the carpet out from everything. I don’t think the sting of it ever hurts less, it just gets a little less frequent. Even then…” Her voice trailed off.
“It comes back in waves.” Richard responded. “Well, I don’t know. I don’t have very much experience with losing someone to death. None of my family members, though I didn’t come from a very good family background.” He sighed. “I don’t even know if my parents are still alive anymore.” Even then, he doubted he would feel the same level of grief for them as he had at losing Tom.
Blair shook her head. “No you’re right. It does come in waves.”
“Once the initial grief wears off, life goes back to as it was. Just not in all the same ways.”
“People may change, and things go wrong, but just remember; life goes on.” Blair recited quietly.
Richard looked at her curiously.
“Mac Miller. I can’t remember where I read it.”
“It’s true.”
Blair gave a small smile in return. Richard couldn't help but return one.
She glanced down at her watch. “I’d better go. I have an appointment to keep.” She got up, and Richard followed suit.
“Yeah, I better get back to the antique shop.”
“And Blair?”
“Thanks. Your insight was helpful.”
Blair looked surprised. “Oh, uh, anytime. And - thank you too.” She answered a little awkwardly. A pause. “It’s always helpful to talk about these things sometimes, you know, with fellow Christians and stuff. You don’t get that very much in my line of work.” She admitted.
“Yeah.” Said Richard. Coworkers who shared the same faith were few and far between. Years of working in Chicago had taught him to hang on to God, and to be thankful when he had Christian friends.
“Bye.” Blair waved slightly and exited the graveyard.
“See you.” He waved back. Richard walked back to the car, but it didn’t feel like it was walking. More like floating. Ten feet off the ground. He didn’t dare say it out loud, it sounded so sophomoric; he wondered if he was falling in love with her. He had only known her for a few days, but wow, he liked her a lot, and not just because she had saved his life. Though he had to admit, he had a good amount of respect for a woman who carried a gun. She had a sharp mind, and was a bit mysterious. She was definitely someone Richard wanted to get to know better.
Mitch was driving back to his hotel in Odyssey. It had been a long day of shuttling international criminals to high-security prisons several hours away in Springfield. He sighed tiredly, as he took the exit. Before long, he arrived at the Odyssey Hotel. As he entered the lobby, something caught his eye.
He turned and scanned the dark parking lot.
Strange… there was one car he had seen before, but not here. He saw it when he was still about an hour away from Odyssey.
He could tell it was the same car. He recognized the dented fender and the right headlight that was a slightly different color than the left. The driver was looking out into the parking lot with a scowl on his face.
They accidentally locked eyes.
He glowered at him still.
Mitch’s stoic expression did not change, as he waited for the other to break eye contact.
Finally, the driver looked away.
Mitch turned away, walking through the automatic sliding doors. He didn’t know why he forced himself to stare at the guy until the other broke contact. Maybe just to say; Don’t mess with me. You’re watching me, but I’m watching you, too. Well, he didn’t know that the man was watching him. But he did know the odds of the same car coming from where he was coming and going to the same hotel were slim. Considering what had happened when he was in Chicago, it made sense.
Mitch walked to the elevator, pressed the button, and waited. Time will tell.
Jay walked down the sidewalk on his way to school. He rolled his eyes and sighed, humming absently.
School was boring. He wished he could skip out today, but he had already exceeded his limit for excuse days.
There were so many other interesting things to do other than solving for x or writing 1,000-word essays on Ernest Hemingway.
He wanted to go and watch that old building, to see if anything else weird was happening there.
He also wanted to see if he could find more clues to what was going on, mostly to prove to Buck and Cooper that he was right.
He checked his watch and saw time allowed about a half-hour before school. Why not?
He took a detour and passed by J and J Antiques, down a block over, down the dead-end street, and tramped through the woods for about 300 yards before coming to the clearing. There was a road a block over that went around the woods and led to this place, but this way was quicker, and in Jay’s opinion, cooler.
He approached the building quietly, took off his backpack, and set it by an aspen tree. Jay quickly ducked into a bush nearest to the building. He peered through the branches and leaves. No cars or people were there, from what he could see.
He jumped out, and ran toward the building, humming the Mission Impossible theme under his breath. He jerked his head from side to side as he got closer, seeing if anyone was coming, then darted around the corner of the building. Aligned himself with the wall, he started tiptoeing down, when something caught Jay’s attention.
There was a metal trash can down at the other end of the wall with a couple of cardboard boxes sticking out of it.
He slinked over to it and opened the top, inspecting the inside.
There were a couple of boxes that had been collapsed, he pulled one out and looked at it. There had been a label on it, but it had been torn off. He pulled it out and studied it closer. Nothing. All labels had been removed. Jay quickly pulled out the other box but the result was the same. No labels, but they were torn off. He looked inside the trash can, and saw a scrap of brown paper, matching the cardboard.
He reached down and picked it up. It was torn in half and had a weird-looking symbol. He squinted and flipped it upside down. What was it? It appeared to be some kind of circle, but it was incomplete. There were strange curves on the inside of this circle and they pointed towards each other.
“Why does this look so familiar?” Jay mumbled out loud.
He’d seen it somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember exactly where.
Motors rumbled in the distance, and they were growing louder.
Jay snapped to attention, realizing he’d lost track of time, and that the people who were there yesterday were probably coming back. Panicked, he quickly shoved the scrap of paper and the cardboard boxes back into the garbage can.
Things were getting weird around here.
He darted into the woods, crashed through the brush, snatched his backpack, and ran off.
About ten seconds passed, and if Jay had slowed down and gotten four steps closer, he would have noticed that something was hiding in a small crevice in a rock by the large oak tree, behind several shrubs. If he had paused to look, he would have noticed that something was a person. And if he stayed, he would have seen who this person was, and watched them get out and walk down closer to the building.
At school, Jay was having a harder time than usual concentrating on his work. His mind was spinning. He couldn’t place where he had seen that symbol, and it was driving him insane. The day passed by more slowly than usual. Science class came as the last class before school was out. It was a relief to see the home stretch of these seemingly never-ending classes.
Biology was taught by Katrina Meltsner. They were doing lab work watching bacteria grow in petri dishes. It was interesting, but mostly because Zoe was his lab partner.
Ah yes, Zoe, with her honey blonde hair and hazel eyes, and cute giggle. Jay sighed dreamily. She makes fried chicken taste bland. Surely she would understand.
However, he couldn’t just go up and ask her, it was a matter of waiting for the right moment.
“Alright class, please take notes on the growth you see happening in dish one, and contrast it with the growth you see in dish two.” Mrs. Meltsner walked by each table, observing the students taking notes.
Now seemed like as good a time as any. Once Mrs. Meltsner was out of earshot, he looked at Zoe with his best smoulder, and said in a low voice. “Zoey, you’re the one I can come to at times like this.”
Zoe looked up from her notes with an impassive expression. “What happened this time, Jay?”
Jay continued his soliloquy. “When all others have fallen away, you are still there. You stand above the rest, like the Empire State building.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“I have something that has been driving me absolutely bonkers.”
“Oh, is this the ‘is expired poison less poisonous or more poisonous’ question again?”
“No, not that again. It’s actually something far more deep and mysterious than even that was.”
Zoe raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips. “Oh yeah?” She said, not sounding altogether convinced.
“Yeah.” He leaned in. “So you know that old building not too far away from J and J antiques? The place that is kinda surrounded by some woods and a couple other places that are abandoned?”
“What about it?” She inquired.
“Well I saw some weird things around it.”
“Like what?”
“Well, I did a little looking around, -”
Zoe put down her pen and stared at him with shock. “Jay! You were snooping?”
Jay held his hands up. “Not snooping, just doing some extensive investigating that required me to look up close.”
She crossed her arms. “Looking up close at something that was not your property.”
“Hey, as far as I know, that place is no one’s property. It’s condemned and no one owns it. Anywho, when I was looking around I saw some boxes in the trash can and I looked at them, but there was nothing helpful, then I -”
Mrs. Meltsner came back around with a box and was putting the petri dishes inside of it.
“That’s all for today, class, tomorrow will be our last day for this experiment.”
She passed by Jay and Zoe’s corner of the table, and placed their dishes into it.
“Yeah but it’s so weird, I saw a scrap of paper and it was one of the labels that had been torn off. There was some picture or symbol on it. I know I’ve seen it before… but I can’t place….. where.” Jay’s sentence lingered as the box was placed beside him.
“That’s it.” He whispered.
Zoe leaned in, her interest now peaked. “What’s it? What was the thing you saw?”
Jay took no heed of her. “THAT'S IT!” he shouted.
At that moment the school bell went off, making her jump.
He bounced out of his seat, grabbed his book and pencil, and raced out the door.
Zoe jumped out of her seat. “WAIT, JAY? WHAT’S IT??.” she yelled after him.
Mrs. Meltsner looked thoroughly confused. “What was that all about?”
“I have no idea.” she shrugged, “Well, Jay’s Jay.” She turned and picked up her supplies. “What was he talking about?”
A few minutes later, Zoe ran up to Jay’s locker.
“Just what did you think you were doing in there?”
“I just realized where I had seen it before.”
“Seen what??” Zoe was growing increasingly agitated.
“You know that symbol on the side of Mrs. Meltsner’s box?”
“The biohazard sign? That’s used as a warning to tell people if something could be biologically dangerous to someone’s health. Why would you have seen it at the old complex?”
“I don’t know, but my batman senses are tingling. It’s time -” He dramatically reached into his locker and grabbed out a deerstalker cap. “To switch from my alter ego, ruggedly handsome mastermind, and gentleman extraordinaire, Jay Smouse,” He put the hat, which was a little too big for his head, “To brilliant scientist and one of the greatest detectives of our time, Sherlock Holmes,” he dramatically held up two fingers, “ 2.0”
Zoe squinted at him. “Just don’t get into any trouble.”
Jay casually leaned against the locker. “Tut tut my dear lady, I shan’t do any such thing. Don’t worry about me, just get ready to write the biggest story of the year when I blow this case wide open.”
She didn’t look convinced. “Are you really sure there is anything to this?”
“I told you earlier, my Batman senses are tingling! And when they do, they are never wrong.”
Zoe put her hands on her hips. “Batman doesn’t have spidey senses like that.”
“Well, something’s tingling, and I’ll get to the bottom of this mystery.” He winked at her, “Just you wait.”
Zoe rolled her eyes. “I’ve had enough of this. I’m going to miss my meeting with the Odyssey Owl staff.” She turned and walked away.
“Just you wait Zoe.” Jay looked in the small mirror on the inside of his locker, “Just you wait and see.” He said, winking at his reflection.
Buck and Cooper walked into the locker room. The room was nearly empty already, because they had stayed late to help put away the gear.
“I think we have a really good team this year.” Buck observed.
“Yeah we do. We have several from the senior class this year too.”
“Yeah.” Buck agreed. He began unstrapping his shoulder pads. “Are you preparing for the test this friday?”
“Yes. I’m feeling pretty confident about it too. Though I’ve always had a natural grasp of history.”
“Same here.” Buck walked up to his locker and opened it. “Master Buck Oliver!” A voice shouted from the inside of his locker.
Buck jumped back and yelled. “What in the-”
“Aye, don’t get yourself into a panic, m’lad, ‘tis just me.” said Jay in an indecipherable accent, as he casually walked out of the locker.
“What are you doing, Jay?” asked Cooper with some annoyance. “And how do you still fit into those lockers?”
“I, my good sir, am not Jay, I am the brilliant scientist and one of the greatest minds of our time, Sherlock Holmes, 2.0. And fitting into the rank smelling storage compartment ‘twas not an easy feat, let me tell you that.”
“Oh really. And what would Sherlock Holmes 2.0 want with us?”
Jay held up one finger. “One thing, Sirs Calhoun and Oliver. That you give me any information you have on the old building.”
Buck slammed his locker shut, and crossed his arms. “Are you serious?”
“That again?” Cooper frowned.
“I have come across some clues that are vital to this case, however, I do not have sufficient information yet. I need your help.”
“With what?”
“I’m going to investigate this case further, but I need a Watson 2.0. Or two watsons to my 2.0 or…”
“What does that have to do with us?”
“I needeth your assistance for some extended surveillance and reconnaissance.”
Jay spoke in his normal voice. “Oh c'mon, You know…. Staking out the place.”
Buck and Cooper stopped and looked at each other.
“No.” They answered at the same time.
“And why not?”
Buck cocked his head. “I can give you at least ten reasons why not.”
“And I can give you plenty more after that.” Cooper added.
“And have we also mentioned that you don’t even know if this is real, or not?”
“Very well, I shall recruit someone else. But don’t come to me when you realize this is one the biggest cases of our time. Because by then, I will have blown it wide open to smithereens.”
“Somehow, I highly doubt we will.” Cooper remarked.
Jay held up his hand and started walking backward out of the locker room. “Ta ta.” he said, switching back to his strange accent. “ I shall find myself someone else to afoot the game with.”
“Yeah you do that Jay.” Buck called after him.
‘Sherlock’ waltzed out and dramatically shut the door behind him.
They boys put their gear in their lockers.
Cooper smirked, trying to hold back laughter, then started laughing quietly.
Buck looked at him amusedly. “What are you laughing about?”
“I was just thinking: what if Jay’s right?!”
They both burst out laughing.
“That would be crazy!”
The twosome exited the room, and went out into the hall of the school.
“Hey, have a good weekend.”
“See you at church on sunday.”
Jason and Richard walked into Jason’s office at J and J Antiques. They had just come back from delivering something down at Chadwick Hill.
“I’ve made some really good progress on recovering the systems, I should have it back in working order by the end of next week.”
“That’s awesome. Thanks so much.”
Richard shrugged. “No problem.” His phone dinged. He pulled it out, looked at the screen, and smiled softly. Blair had replied; That sounds really fun! I wish I could make it, but I have an important meeting that night. Sorry. :(
Connie had invited everyone to her house for a game night, and asked Richard if Blair would want to come.
Jason glanced at him knowingly. “Who texted?”
“Blair.” Richard answered.
“Oooh, Blair, huh?”
“She’s a nice girl.”
“She is, yes.” He replied nonchalantly.
“And you got her number?”
Jason leaned against the desk, and half smiled. “Reeeally?”
Richard looked at him sideways. “It’s not like that.”
“Yeah, not yet.”
“And I don’t know if anything will come of it.”
“Mm-hm” Jason nodded, looking like he didn’t quite believe it.
“Yes, really.”
Richard looked at the bookshelf, his eyes fell on an old landline phone on the shelf. “Oh wow, I haven’t seen one of these in a long time.”
“Yeah, I’ve had it a long time, back when I was living in D.C. and somehow I couldn't bring myself to get rid of it.”
“That’s really cool, it’s -”
Richard’s jaw dropped. “It- It’s ringing?”
Jason appeared as shocked as he was. “Uhh yeah, It’s a really weird phone.”
“I guess.”
“Um, Richard, I think I hear Jillian calling you downstairs, would you go see what she wants?”
“Why would I-" he paused, "oh I get it.”
"Thanks.” Jason mouthed the words. “And don't tell Jillian."
"Not a word." Richard put a finger to his lips as he opened the door and exited the office.
Jason picked up the receiver. "H- Hello?"
"Hello Agent Whitaker." A very familiar voice answered.
“Where are you?”
“Outside the exit of your office. On the fire escape.”
“I’ll be right out.”
Jason quickly pulled on a jacket from his coat closet and opened the door to the fire escape, where a rush of nippy air greeted him. It was abnormally chilly that day, even though it was mid spring.
The place was pretty secluded, it faced the alley, and couldn’t be seen from the street.
“Are you out here?” Jason asked in a low voice.
“Yes.” A person came out from behind the opened door. She wore a gray hoodie and blue jeans. It was a generic look, but she knew that. That was the whole idea. “I was kind of surprised that you didn’t start searching for me.”
“I should know better than that by now. I knew that if you wanted to be seen, you would make it happen in your own time. I just had to wait.”
“You’ve never been too good at waiting. But I’m glad you did.” She put the hood back and ran her hand through her auburn hair.
Jason smiled. “Hello again, Tasha.”
“Hello Jason.”
“You called my phone.” He noted.
“It was a long shot, but I decided to give it a try. If it didn’t work, then I’d find out what your cell number is.”
“Well frankly, I forgot that I still had that phone in commission. I was just as taken aback as my friend.”
“Is he suspicious?” Tasha inquired.
“Richard? Nah, he’s pretty good about these things. I’d rather have him in there than Jillian. But I’ll tell you about them later.”
“You may not have time.”
“Because I’ll have to go soon.”
“Will you come back?”
“Don’t wait around.” She smiled, “But you never know. I might show up where and when you least expect it.”
Jason frowned. “Are you on the run?”
“No. I’m not.” Tasha said, rapidly blinking.
Jason could read what she was blinking in morse code. Yes.
“Alright.” He answered nonchalantly. “I still have some questions though.”
“And I will try to answer as many as I can, some other time. But for now, I will ask you one question before I go.”
“What is that?”
Tasha leaned in and lowered her voice. “Did you receive the package I sent you?”
Jason matched her tone. “Yes. It’s in a secure location, and no one but me knows about it, just as you instructed.”
Tasha nodded, impressed. “Have you told Whit?”
“No, not yet. Should I?”
“That would be advisable.”
“Alright. I need to go.” Tasha turned and started down the stairwell.
“Yes Jason?”
“Be careful.” His voice was a near whisper.
Tasha smiled and there was sentiment in her eyes. “Always.” She answered.
She disappeared down the flight and Jason turned to go back inside.
Jason hung up his jacket on the coat rack. “God, help me stay calm about this. You care for her even more than I do, and you know exactly what is going on. I pray that you would protect Tasha, and whoever is involved-”
“Mr. Whitaker?” A voice rang from downstairs.
“The appraisers are here Jason!” Jilllian called up to him.
“You hold us all in your hands, God. If there is something more I need to do, let me see it, and know when to act.” He took a deep breath and felt a sense of peace come over him. He started down the stairs. “I’m coming.” He called. He walked down the stairs. Whatever was happening, God was in control.
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qwanderer · 3 years
Loki in the Hall of Mirrors
This story is complicated. Not, like, as a plot, not particularly, but philosophically and thematically. It's got that great play of hero against villain that I love about the Loki story in general and that makes it all so divisive and messy. And I love it even more than I did on first watch.
The first time I watched the desert landing scene, I was like, "Wait? What happened to Allspeak?" because the people who live there don't seem to understand him. But on the second watch, I realized it could be a lack of context, rather than a break in translation. These people probably have an even chance of knowing nothing about Norse myth. Like, what if an alien came up to you and said "I am Boogle of Bofgar, I carry a burden"? You would still have questions like "What the hell is a boogle and why are you carrying your shit here?" So the basic dynamic of Allspeak is probably still functioning, and Loki probably understood their questions, but he was still trying to figure out how to answer when he got distracted by the TVA people.
It could even be an innate psychic ability rather than a magical one, as he seems to understand everyone in the TVA, including the man who can't be fluent in all languages like the field agents because he has never heard of a fish and the seemingly nonverbal robot. (Which of course makes me want Loki talking with Dum-E and the other shop bots! But I digress.)
Okay. I want to start talking about the next-level manipulation shit the TVA are pulling on Loki here. Time, as they say, moves differently in the TVA, and one might even assume that they can avoid having to deal with more variants at once than they can handle. And yet we see them dealing with exactly two other troublemakers during Loki's onboarding.
The first, I'm going to call little echo man.
Little echo man is incredibly annoying to Loki, because he does and says everything Loki might find himself inclined to do and say if he wanted to be difficult. Little echo man does these things in little annoying undignified ways, making them look silly and petulant. Little echo man protests and questions and pushes back, in his business suit and his long dark hair and pale skin, and clearly thinks everyone should treat him as important even though every indication is that he is an annoyance and an afterthought.
Perhaps he's a plant, and perhaps he's just a variant of an annoying but predictable regular they see who they lined up at the same time on purpose. But he is on purpose. Everything he does screams directly at Loki, "Don't do this."
We'll get to the second convenient intersection later.
The most obvious layer of manipulation is simply the beraucracy. They put him up against a series of obstacles which he needs to deal with to get anywhere else, and nothing he does can get him past those obstacles except compliance. All of these obstacles have personality, but they are not personable. They treat Loki like a bag of trash they have been tasked with taking to the curb. Annoying, distasteful, but ultimately routine. His silver tongue isn't going to get him anywhere because these people simply don't care.
I think a lot of these he just goes along with to see where it gets him, since at this point he still believes he has his magic in reserve. But the fact that he steps through the robot fryer even though he thinks he might be a robot without knowing (as others have pointed out, he spent thousands of years as a frost giant without knowing it, and he's recently spent time in the control of the being who shaped Nebula) is a testament to how deep they've already got their hooks in him.
They treat the robot fryer like it's routine, but come the next obstacle, they kill little echo man like it's routine, too. Because he didn't comply.
Loki is slowly being ironed flat to thread into their compliance mill.
And then - I love this, because it reminds me of one of my favorites among the multiplicity of Lokis, GoS!Loki - they put this line in as punctuation between the impersonal, compliance, don't phase of their manipulation and everything that comes after it.
When he's set before the judge, someone actually paying some attention to him, this is his chance to use his silver tongue on someone who will listen. But, although the judge listens, she treats him the same as all the other obstacles have - like listening is a distasteful chore she would like to be done with.
So it seems like the perfect moment for a dramatic escape. Except his magic is gone.
"It's not your story," the judge says. "It never was."
That hammers in all the worst things Loki has ever believed about himself - that he stands in the shadows of others, that he will never have the central place he was raised to desire, that he is, and always will be, a villain to be vanquished rather than a person with choices and agency.
Enter Mobius.
Mobius is a big echo.
He draws all the attention in a room. He is everything that Loki wishes to be - he is powerful, informed, prepared, in control. Capable of charming the judge. And most importantly, he is actively interested in Loki.
At this point in Loki's journey - both in the show and in his life - that has to be irresistible.
So Mobius is in a perfect position to wrap Loki right around his pinky finger.
He listens to Loki without shutting him down, the way all the obstacles have. When Loki tells Mobius he's going to burn down the TVA, Mobius suggests a couple of places he might want to start. One concrete, small, mischievous. One an indication that he's open to Loki doing larger, more significant things here in the future.
He shows Loki his own past and future - but carefully edited, to paint a particular picture.
So many echoes, so many reflections - Loki is in a house of mirrors. Lost, disoriented. Distorted one way, then the other. Magnified and examined.
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Loki snarks, and Mobius comments, "Makes you sound smart." Affirms Loki for that little mischievous bit of personality.
Mobius shows Loki some of the most terrible things he's done, and questions them. Pushes Loki away from them. Then changes direction before he can get too heavy-handed, to basically fangirl over the DB Cooper adventure. That's mischief. That's good. I like that.
Punishes him for a small infraction, just to remind him who is in control and that even looking threatening could be seen as a problem.
I think it was at about this point that I got hard reminded of the dynamics of the show White Collar. It's a buddy cop show on a basic level and sometimes the relationship can be very sweet, but sometimes Peter spends one too many times reminding Neal that he can send him back to prison any time he wants and the power dynamic shows its messed up edges.
Mobius is part of the machine, and the machine is doing terrible things to Loki, but I have at least a sliver of hope that the relationship could gain more balance - more genuine balance, not based on the faux freedom that Loki has gained by the end of the episode. There's something to be said for making changes to a system from within that system, but for that to be meaningful change, Mobius would have to change as a person.
Anyway, this current nastily powerful Mobius pushes Loki as hard as he can, and then is conveniently interrupted by the actions of another variant, leaving Loki alone with his remote.
It could easily have been on purpose. The only thing Loki learns by escaping that room is that the TVA is more powerful than any force in the universe, in his experience.
Let's talk about the other Loki variant for a minute. It took me until the second viewing to realize the symbolism of leaving a small child the only survivor in a place of worship, then giving her something to turn her blue.
Odin said he found Loki in a temple, in the aftermath of a battle.
It's actually frighteningly easy to imagine how a distraught Loki could get to a place where he feels the need to genuinely burn down the TVA, and kill every agent in it. Because the TVA put certain clips in his little future show, focusing on the death of his mother, the way his own actions affected it, and the futility and brutality of his own death at the hands of Thanos.
They don't show him the destruction of Asgard, his own role in helping save the evacuees, and the way Thanos decimated the population of that transport before it could even reach Earth. They don't show him the devastation of his home or his capacity to do good.
A Loki who knows that the power of the TVA exists and that he has the capacity to be Asgard's heroic savior would do anything to get that power and save his people.
But we haven't met that Loki yet. I'm sure we will, and it's going to be exhilarating.
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This Loki is being taught the importance of control over little things, and so when he gets his collar off and onto that guard, he toys with her, just to see that he can. They have been toying with him and it's oh so satisfying to turn the tables. But it's still compliance in its own way, the petty little mischief that Mobius has been steering him towards.
Loki has been given just enough freedom, just enough choices, that it seems like his own choice to watch the rest of the slide show and come to the obvious conclusion - there's no "out" to go to. His life has gone on without him, and ended. And there's really no point in his trying to fix it. No putting things back the way they were.
So he admits to Mobius - the person who has listened hardest, probably, besides his mother - he admits that he is small and scared and lashing out. That he doesn't know what to do.
Of course, this is when Mobius introduces the task the TVA has for Loki - to take down his other self.
Oh, I can't wait for the next episode! I want to know where this is going.
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(I've popped in some panels from Loki: Agent of Asgard because it's my favorite and the show is giving me feelings about it.)
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bestfrownsforever · 3 years
Heartache Arcade
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Sorry for not having a proper cover again...hopefully these will do.
Also 1. my friend CLG is my co-editor now! Per's a master at finding grammar mistakes even I miss (ex. if you want the re-edited Dawn of a New Era then it's on Amino) so per'll be helping me from now on!
And 2. I'm hoping to keep a consistent schedule so expect a new Best Frowns Forever story every Tueaday! Starting with this story...
After having some brief fun as a Frown Lord, Puppycorn already hit a massive roadblock.
"Anyone else think this job doesn't make a whole lot of sense?" he asked while meeting with his co-workers around his bedroom table, "I mean yeah, it's fun to hurt people and stuff, but if we're so good at our jobs, then won't everyone be too scared to go outside anymore? Or maybe they'll leave the kingdom!? And if they do, should we want them to because it'd be bad if they did!? What should we DO!?!?"
Unikitty wrapped an arm around him from across the table. "Calm down, little bro," she assured him, "They're not going anywhere when the rest of the world sucks too."
"The solution's easy," Grandmaster Frown added, "Try luring them in with something fun and cutesy and make them almost want to suffer!"
"Oh come on," Hawkodile objected, "Something big pops up in the kingdom out of nowhere with us openly running it? They'll know it's a trap."
"Unless they're so desperate for a break that they'll take anything that looks happy and shiny," Dr. Fox suggested, "And Master Pain was the king of cringe before Frown's birthday."
"I'm saying that as a compliment! You probably still like all that kiddie junk the citizens miss anyway, so why are you complaining about no ideas?"
Unikitty flew over to her brother. "I think she's trying to say that instead of using the things you like to try being cool, you can use them to actually prove your coolness as a Frown Lord!"
"Okay," Puppycorn considered, "But I already did accident-prone skateboards and roller skates...and that spiky ballpit."
"You mean I did them and you STOLE MY CREDIT!?" Dr. Fox reminded him before Brock pushed her away.
"Okay, someone needs a timeout...and if it helps, I've had the idea for a haunted arcade for a while now. But you're not wrong about the whole obvious trap thing, so from one gamer to another; how would you make it work?"
Puppycorn thought long and hard about the possibility until it hit him like his past self running into a brick wall.
"WAIT, I've been thinking into this job too hard! Grandmaster Frown did all this to be himself again, right? So maybe instead of haunted, the games can just be really hard to beat!?"
Everyone seemed interested except for the pouting Dr. Fox.
"But if they manage to win those games, wouldn't that be the best feeling ever?"
Puppycorn hummed until he lit up again like the lightbulb popping out of his head.
"They'll only get a few tickets and we'll make the prizes super expensive!!"
"Good enough."
Grandmaster Frown rose. "Then let's get to work, people! These games will need some Frown Lord-flare, and they sure aren't gonna make themselves!"
Puppycorn and Brock were the first to follow him to Dr. Fox's lab, dedicate many long days to porting the most difficult games they could find, and even more to making their own until after countless attempts at giving up, Puppycorn finally saw all his hard work pay off and open for business.
No one saw exactly when the new building appeared in the middle of town. It was just another rainy afternoon with nothing going on until people looked at their windows to see a massive, pale gray block of an exterior with a burgandy arching roof and neon colors everywhere from behind the windows. A tall sign next to it read "Heartache Arcade" with "& Casino" under it in smaller letters, both in some of the same bright neon colors.
Most closeby citizens came to the conclusion that their tyrants set it up, but some of them approached the arcade anyway, as if to say "How are they gonna break us this time?"
When they stepped in, they were greeted by giant rooms with arcade machines, gambling tables, and brighter lights everywhere, with a large prize counter and shelves for toys and other kinds of trinkets in one corner. They couldn't believe how everything seemed so...innocent.
They split up, each walking over to a different game or observing more of the retrospective dream around them, while Frown and Puppycorn spied on them from behind an "Employees Only" door.
"C'mon..." Puppycorn whispered, "Just play the games already!"
"Give 'em a bit more time," Grandmaster Frown replied, "They'll rip themselves in half before you know it."
Puppycorn turned to the nearest citizen, Theodore, stepping up to a slot machine, which hated having them there, but the others convinced him that gambling would make things all the more entertaining to watch.
"Supreme Slots, huh?" Theodore wondered before shrugging, "Well, guess it's worth a shot."
Puppycorn wasn't too surprised when Theodore bet the little money he had and won on his first try, only to get too cocky and lose it all too fast. Grandmaster Frown had a good laugh while Puppycorn looked the other way to spot Bim-Bom wrapping a hand around the joystick for the game he was most proud of; Furious Fetch.
Bim-Bom seemed happy at first, but just when Puppycorn worried even more, she got a a little confused as to what she was playing. Did she get to the lava pits yet?, he thought, Or the bugs? She's gotta know how hard running and jumping is by now though, right?
Then he heard the Game Over music.
"What!? There's no more lives!?"
Finally, a good reaction. Puppycorn was already holding back laughs and wagging his tail watching Bim-Bom pull out another token to play again. And then another. And another until she almost reached the end of the first level.
"WAIT, jumping on them doesn't kill them either!? What gives!?"
"That's the point!" Puppycorn snickered. She clearly wanted to give up but pulled out another out coin anyway. Maybe even keep going until she didn't have any left. But as if his silent prayers were answered, Bim-Bom slipped the token into the slot and lost almost as soon as the level started that time. Screaming, she stormed off to try something else as Puppycorn lost it.
"Cut it out!" Grandmaster Frown ordered, covering a hand over Puppycorn's mouth, "The evil laughing can wait, just don't blow this for us."
Puppycorn nodded, prompting his boss let go. They continued to look around, realizing more and more citizens were getting frustrated over what they were playing. And switching to other games or slots didn't help, it only strengthened the chorus of the most mixed reactions they'd ever heard in their lives.
"These games SUCK!"
"This was all the money I haaaaaaad!!"
"I can do this, I just need ONE more coin...anyone got some?"
"At least this isn't the other stuff we've had to put up with, calm down guys!"
"Are you nuts!? This is WAY WORSE!"
Puppycorn was too proud of himself to keep the door open. He shut it to chant and dance without a care until Grandmaster Frown laid a hand where his shoulder would be.
"Not bad, Pain. Consider this your first
independent accomplishment."
"Really!? Aweso-"
They jumped at the sound of a sudden crash from the back room.
"Yeah," Frown ordered, "now take care of this place before the ragequitters can."
Puppycorn proudly nodded and saluted. "I'll do my best, boss sir!"
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bird-in-a-cage · 4 years
#42 from the prompt list... I mean I'm sorry but... I NEED TO SEE THAT.
Wow, am I sorry this took so long! This was a tough prompt but, thanks to @cockasinthebird for being a wonderful human being, we got through it. So I hope this was worth the wait!
Prompt list is here if anyone wants to throw a prompt at me!
#42: “I didn’t say “sex party” as in orgy.  I said “hex party” as in witches.”
So far, college had been okay. It was as hard and challenging as Steve had expected, but he was getting on almost well. He had to spend a lot of time studying in the library, reading and re-reading source materials, typing, editing, deleting and starting all over again with essays and assignments sure. But it was different from high school, on a deep level he wanted to be here, amongst the old stone buildings that either held no heat at all or far too much depending on the weather outside, surrounded by people who also shared a passion for learning. It was different to focus on what he wanted to learn instead of just having to cram a little bit of everything into his brain everyday.
Turns out, if he was just allowed to go a little slower and take his time, he wasn’t as dumb as everyone back home at thought.
He’d gotten into college by the skin of his teeth, pulling far too many all nighters and living off five hour energy to drag his grades up when it was almost too late, pulling in every favour he had to retake anything below a C with nothing but a prayer and a pleading smile, somehow managing to not go completely insane in the process. Getting a 3 point grade average at graduation had been nothing short of a miracle. He wanted to say his parents had nothing to do with his acceptance into quite a nice school, but in reality Steve knew they probably greased a palm or two. Maybe helped pay for the new set of band uniforms that were recently unveiled.
The college itself was beautiful. Steve had fallen for it on his first visit. Old stone buildings, a large green campus area, a good surrounding community, regular activities and groups to go meet up with and try different things with now he was getting out of small town Hawkins and away from being stuck in what he knew. 
There was something a bit…odd about the college though. Steve would be sat in the library, for example, finishing up a comparison piece when he would hear the telltale low battery beep from his headphones. He always forgot to bring a charger. He knew it was on his nightstand back in the dorm room, wrapped around the drawer handle so he wouldn’t forget to lift it this time, so it was pointless checking his bag for it. He would go to pack his things away, open up his slouchy backpack and there it would be, his exact one because he’d wrapped a piece of green tape around it when his roommate kept stealing it and swearing blind he hadn’t, laying curled around his water bottle..
That wasn’t the only example though. Things would just appear when he was looking for them. Books he needed from a completely different section would just happen to be on the shelf he was currently looking at. If a flavour of soda was sold out at a vending machine, he would pick another, but the one he originally wanted would tumble out, ice cold and somehow impossibly refreshing. None of them were a major inconvenience by far, but it was just odd. 
The only small downside to the college of his dreams is that he forgot to investigate anything about the fraternities and sororities. Steve didn’t really have any desire to be in any frat even if offered, they were just houses for boys to pretend not to be at least a little bicurious as they bumped into each other all sweaty playing sports, using basketball as an excuse to touch each other’s muscles. Flat out no homo-ing each other. Steve was out and proud at college, didn’t need an excuse anymore other than “you’re hot, you wanna?”. The days of bi-panic and needing a thinly veiled excuse such as helping someone he thought was cute off the ground in the middle of a match were long gone.  Steve had been to a couple of frat parties, naturally, everyone did. They were kinda fun if you hung around outside away from the thick, choking air of sexual tension that was threatening to bubble over at any minute.
Everyone knew frat houses were just potential orgy dens, right?
There was one frat house though, just off campus and to the right a little, that gave off a weird vibe. The Omega House. It didn’t look that special, had dark grey panelling on the outside, windows trimmed in white, the omega symbol on the outer wall above the door painted in silver that reflected the sunlight and looked almost like real silver. Like the college itself, it was just odd. As far as Steve could tell it didn’t have many members, only four, as far as he’d counted, would walk around in blazing orange letterman jackets with that emblem stitched into the back and a smaller one on the front right breast. He didn’t know what majors they took, probably all on sports scholarships with how stacked a couple of them looked, and one liked to hang around the library. Always in sunglasses even indoors, tight jeans to combat the slightly too big jacket. Blonde hair shaved at the sides but longer on top, not wildly long but just enough for natural loose curls to develop.
Not that Steve had been looking at how handsome he was at all.
Thinking about it, he seemed to always be around when the odd things happened. When there would suddenly be a spare chair even though all the tables were packed with other students trying to do their work, a fresh stack of post it notes in Steve’s bag when he needed to write an annotation down quickly, a newly sharpened pencil just happening to be on the floor by his feet when he’d lost his before class. The rain suddenly starting as soon as Steve got into a building when he’d forgotten an umbrella like it was waiting for him to be safe and dry.
There was just something weird about the whole thing. Not enough for him to freak out and want to go home though, no way. He could deal with weird and slightly odd far better than being stuck in a town going nowhere, where his only future was getting a job in his father’s company and a wife he didn’t love, cranking out a couple kids after a year of so and slowly but surely morphing into a mirror image of the man he lowkey despised.
Even the thought of that was horrifying. It was bad enough that genetically they might look similar one day. Hopefully many, many years in the future. When plastic surgery was cheap.
The library was quiet when Steve entered. Of course it was, it was a Friday night. There were a number of parties and gatherings happening all over the place, but this week he’d promised himself to be good. Study now and party later. He’d been invited to a glow paint, totally-not-a-rave party happening just outside of town that he was pretty excited for. He’d been focusing hard on his studies so it was time to let off some steam. And maybe that steam had been building for quite some time cause ol’ Lefty wasn’t doing the trick anymore, mashing his face into a pillow in the dead of night, furiously jacking off under a blanket and praying his roommate didn’t wake up or come back soon. And, maybe sometimes, Steve thought about that cute blonde in the Omega House jacket and how good it would be to see those thick lips all slick and swollen wrapped around his cock. Really those thoughts were just between him and God, who he hoped wasn’t paying attention most of the time he was alone in his room.
Steve found the spot he liked, towards the back facing towards the window where he couldn’t be distracted by people walking in, and pulled his laptop and the well annotated copy of Dracula he was working from. His half finished essay sat on the screen, cursor blinking at him accusingly, demandingly even. He sighed at it and opened up to the page he was last working from when the chair next to him was pulled out. Not even one or two over, obeying the unspoken rule of the Personal Study Bubble. No, the very next chair. Steve could see orange reflected on his screen. He frowned slightly and turned to just give a passing glance, hoping for a the fuck? expression, when he saw staggeringly blue eyes staring back, nestled into tan freckled skin, natural curls just reaching down into the field of view. The regular sunglasses had been tucked up into the neck of a black tee. The back of Steve’s neck felt instantly hot as he looked away, hoping for a moment he hadn’t been seen, but that was impossible. He was right there.
“Hey, haven’t seen you around before. Must be in the same class though.” His voice was deep and Steve felt his legs turn a little bit to jello. He chanced another glance and saw the guy was holding a copy of Dracula too. Steve wasn’t sure he’d been holding it before… 
“Well, I attend almost every lecture…”
“You must do if you’re in here by yourself on a Friday,” the guy smiled. It didn’t look cruel, neither did it sound like he was making fun. This was already confusing, and Steve wasn’t the greatest with people at the best of times, let alone he around guys he thought were kind of stupidly handsome from afar, and apparently just stunning close up.
Steve just nodded and shifted in his seat slightly since this guy clearly wasn’t going to go away any time soon. He didn’t have anything on the table in front of him, didn’t even look like he had a backpack for the potential of anything. The odd feeling was definitely strong and getting stronger. “Can I… can I help you with something?”
“That depends,” the book was quickly tossed aside and the guy nudged closer with his chair, Steve could smell his cologne. It didn’t smell like anything he’d tried before. It was floral but dark and spicy, but also fruity too. Slightly burnt lemon and vanilla loaf? His hand wrapped easily around Steve’s freer one. His skin was warm, a little rough maybe from weightlifting which he clearly did, applying a comforting amount of pressure. Steve couldn’t help the skin on his arm breaking out in goose pimples. He glanced at their hands together and his throat felt impossibly tight. “I’m Billy by the way.”
“Great. So, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but things can be a little, strange around here-”
Steve glanced at their hands again, felt that blue steel bore into his eyes and further back. “Oh they’re strange alright…”
“You ever wondered why?” This guy, Billy, grinned something devilish and let Steve’s hand go only to put it on his knee, squeezing firm but not unpleasant. Steve was sure he was starting to sweat under the attention of all this. Yeah he had fooled around with a couple guys drunk at parties, stumbled into a dorm room or two he didn’t recognise to have some fun and wake up with carpet burns over his back and his knees, but this felt very direct. Especially when Billy’s hand started slowly drifting higher. Steve couldn’t even say he didn’t want it, he’d been staring at this guy from a distance for months now, but to have him suddenly be right in front and touching with obvious intent. It was something else.
“Uh, n-not really. Sometimes maybe?”
Billy’s eyes turned from cool to blazingly erotic in an instant, for just a moment, then back to cool again. He nudged even closer into Steve’s bubble, who was more helpless than a fish on dry land at this moment. 
“Would you like to know why?” The way Billy’s tongue licked over the L was something filthy. If Steve had been set jello before he was now quickly melting into a sweet pool of tangy cherry. “My friends and I can show you.”
Steve felt like he was drowning. This wasn’t happening, it couldn’t be happening. But still BIlly’s firm hand crept ever higher until he was practically cupping Steve through his jeans, inching closer until their lips were connected in the middle of the library. Steve’s eyes fluttered closed. He was already boiling alive in his skin from all the attention and Billy’s lips weren’t helping. They were as plush as Steve had imagined. Maybe not in the right area just yet but with the way Billy was pushing his palm directly against Steve’s slowly awakening dick they just might be soon.
He was half hard when Billy pulled away, flushed bright red like he’d been sunburnt.
“Come by the house tomorrow night, you’ll see. We promise you’ll enjoy it.” 
With that, Billy winked, slipped his sunglasses back on and left. Steve blinked at nothing for a long time, trying to piece together what the hell had just happened to him.
Did… did he just get invited to an orgy?
He packed up quickly and went back to his dorm, there was no way any studying was going to happen now. It didn’t happen throughout all of Saturday either. Just the memory of the whole short incident rolling around and around in Steve’s mind, of Billy’s words dripping from those lips and the feel of his hand pressing just right.
He’d definitely gotten invited to an orgy.
He lay on his bed for a while just thinking, tapping his forefingers together as something for them to do. Steve was kind of flattered really, he knew he was nice looking, but there were far better looking guys on campus, and from the stories he’d heard they’d probably be up for it no questions asked. It also popped into his head that the guys he’d seen wearing the orange Omega jackets were a lot more jacked than he was, and Steve had seen enough porn to know what that probably meant. A part of him knew this was utterly insane. Shit like this didn’t happen without a bored camera crew and fourteen different close up angles.
But then maybe it did happen. He was from a small town after all. He was pretty sure his neighbours three doors down were swingers from all the cars that would suddenly appear once a month for just a night. Least that was the rumor that he may or may not have pushed a couple times. And, afterall, wasn’t this what college was about? Being out there and experimenting with crazy shit you wouldn’t do in the real world. He’d taken ecstasy in his first few weeks at a warehouse party, he had no desire to do that back home.
So, maybe he was warming up to the idea of being a bottom at an orgy party being held in the weird grey frat house. Who was anyone to judge? Steve just wasn’t going to tell anyone about it, that’s all.
He felt nervous standing on the front steps of the Omega House. All the blinds were drawn inside. He didn’t know what to bring, what was customary? It didn’t feel right to bring, like, snacks, so he’d just brought himself, already flushing and trying not to get hard by just the thought of Billy getting his hands on him again, how good he must look naked and sweating, finding out what those lips could really do.
The man himself answered the door after two sharp knocks. The grin he wore was sinful, eyes wild and excited, grip firm as he pulled Steve easily inside the dark room. Steve wasn’t sure what to expect, but low mood lighting, a coffee table in the middle of three couches covered in books and blank papers, and every other surface holding up thick lit candles dripping with wax wasn’t it. It also appeared to be just the two of them.
It wasn’t entirely what he had signed up for. But Steve wasn’t exactly complaining.
“Man, am I happy you actually came,” Billy started, pulling his letterman off and hanging it over the banister like a coat hook. His black tee had the sleeves ripped off, his arms were nothing short of statue worthy. He ruffled his hair a little, the curls bobbing just so. They looked delightfully soft. “The rest of the guys are at some sorority bullshit, but they’ll be here later.”
“Uh, o-okay, cool.” Steve tried to sound confident as he went to go take a seat on one of the couches. Billy sat next to him, up close and personal again and it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. He was radiating body heat which Steve wanted to eat up greedily. He noticed some of the books on the table. A copy of Frankenstein, a very old looking copy of Dracula, maybe second edition, a copy of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and copies of both Malleus Maleficarum and A Guide to Modern Witchcraft. Those titles mixed with all the candles and the mood lighting and Billy’s staring and frankly demonic grin led Steve down the path that seemed the most obvious to him.
This was a sex cult house. And it was about to get all Rosemary’s Baby up in here.
Billy’s hand was back on his thigh again, heavy and pressing, taking Steve out of his deep barrel of thoughts. The grin was back on his tanned features. “You look nervous.” He gave Steve’s thigh a squeeze. Even though he had no idea what was going on it still made his cock jump alert in his jeans.
“Well, I’ve never exactly been to… one of these before…”
Billy’s eyebrows furrowed together a little, he still wore a smile though. It suited his face. “One of what?”
“You know...?” Steve rolled his hands as his face turned ever redder. He was sure it could almost be seen from space. He wasn’t a prude by any means, but growing up in quite a strict household meant he just struggled saying some things out loud. So he whispered it instead. “...an orgy?”
Billy stared at him for a moment before breaking into laughter that wasn’t at all humiliating. He must have sensed Steve’s rapidly growing discomfort and indignity because the laughter quickly died and turned more into gentle questioning. “Did you think that was what this was gonna be?”
“Well I don’t know what else this would be!” Steve spat out in frustration. He hated not knowing the whole story and here he felt he barely even knew the first line of the novel. Billy smiled warm like a summer day and cupped his cheek. He felt instantly calmed, being swallowed up by those cool blues like a gentle river on an August afternoon.  “I said I’d explain about all the odd things that happen around campus. They’re from us in this house. We’re kind of, different.”
“Different how?”
Billy took his hand back and snapped his fingers loud and piercing. All the candles extinguished themselves at once. Not a breeze to be felt. It wasn’t scary, or spooky, but it was pretty cool. “Different different. You’re the only person who’s seemed to notice. And, by house law, that means you get initiated. You get to know that we’re all witches.”
The word hung in the air and seemed ridiculous. But, at the same time, it didn’t. It did certainly explain how chargers and post its and pencils would suddenly just appear whenever Steve needed them. He still wasn’t completely convinced though.
“Witches?” He repeated back carefully, just in case he’d heard that wrong too. Billy nodded and clapped his hands. Every candle reignited themselves, flickering back to life one by one in a circle around the room. A bottle of whiskey and cans of coke appeared on the table where there had been just papers before. The books remained. There was a proud look on his face. Short of being drugged at the door and this all being a crazy fever dream, this was definitely real. Steve didn’t really have any reason to not believe his eyes and what was happening around him. Billy didn’t look like David Copperfield that was for sure. “So, not an orgy?”
“No. Not an orgy.” Billy chuckled and repeated back. He must have seen Steve’s face go from confused to understanding to a little disappointed all within the space of a few seconds because his hand was high on Steve’s thigh again. Maybe the guy just didn’t understand personal space? That seemed growingly likely. “I don’t think I’d wanna share you anyway.”
Steve felt the flush on his face again, but he grinned through it this time. Weird, spooky, otherworldly shit could be saved for later if there was even a chance of getting what he’d been thinking alone in his bed. “But you’d wanna maybe...?”
He let the question stay floating between them as Billy smirked lewd and pressed himself up against Steve’s body. “Bet you’d love to find out what I can do with my fingers pretty boy…”
Oh, Steve really would.
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bby-ahgastay · 4 years
dance partner - lee know
a/n: so i this is an idea i had for a little mini series. unlike the one with stoner!jisung this will have more plot but idk how long it'll be quite yet. if y'all like it i'll write more! (i haven't edited it but i will later sorry for any mistakes). (also thank you for how well stoner!jisung one and two did, three is on its way too i promise!)
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you couldn't believe you let yourself end up on some stupid dance show. especially now that you've been told who your partner is.
lee minho wasn't someone you had met before coming here, but from what you've seen from him you knew you wouldn't want to have to interact with him too much. he just seemed like a stuck up jackass of a celebrity. so of course, with your luck, the judges decided that 'based on the way you two move' that you'd be perfect partners for at least this level.
you had been struggling with your career a bit lately. you were a dance instructor, one who used to do very well for herself. but then you started losing business. you weren't even sure why, but it happened. you had heard about this show that was casting dance instructors to work with famous celebrities. you never exactly wanted to be in some flashy dance show with people who are either rude to begin with or wait until you trust them to screw you over. yet here you are. and it's been hard, but you've managed to keep a good enough distance from most people here.
you only grow more and more annoyed as you wait longer for minho. he was supposed to meet you to practice almost an hour ago. you've stretched five times now, practicing as much dance as you can while you wait. there's only so much you can do without him, you two are supposed to be choreographing a dance together. and you don't intend to do this shit yourself.
it's been nearly two hours by the time you give up. you were sitting on the floor against the mirror, texting minho again. a sigh falls past your lips and you turn your phone off, pushing yourself towards your bag on the floor. "he hasn't responded the other ten times, he's not gonna respond this time either..." you mumble to yourself. you collect your stuff and prepare yourself to leave.
as you move for the door it opens, minho striding in, eyes sharp and a cocky aura to him. "minho! what the fuck!" you exclaim, looking up at him as he walks closer. he stops and blinks down at you, a blank look in his eyes. 'this asshole looks like he doesn't even know my name,' you shake your head internally.
"what are you doing? leaving? come on, don't slack off, let's start," he shakes his head disapprovingly, a scoff leaving your mouth as you stare at him wide eyed. you follow him more into the dance studio, throwing your bag back to the floor by the mirror.
"are you kidding me?" he acts as if he can't even hear you, settling in and beginning to stretch. "minho, are you seriously just gonna act like you aren't two hours late? you couldn't even text me back?!" nonchalant as ever, the boy just rolls his eyes and continues his stretches.
"calm yourself, uh..." he tilts his head and squints, obviously blanking on your name.
"y/n," you speak through gritted teeth, hoping he realizes how done you already are. but he still just waves you off, arrogance radiating off of him.
"whatever, y/n, i'm here now okay? let's just start instead of wasting time fighting, it's useless," the tone of his voice is so convincing, it only frustrates you further. you open your mouth but just have to close it again. what could you even say to him anymore?
'i really pity whoever has to date this asshole,' you think to yourself. he seems impossible to fight with. so all you can do is stretch with him, even though you've stretched more than enough for sure.
working with minho wasn't as bad as you'd expected, he seemed surprisingly professional when it actually came to dancing. there would be a couple times you thought maybe he was flirting, the way he would look right at you with that smirk after showing you an especially sexy move, or how when you two danced together he would hold you against his body just a little extra close. but then he would be back to his cold self as soon as the music stopped.
'he's just a seductive dancer,' you tell yourself. you hate to admit it, but something about him had you rubbing your thighs together, feeling the wetness gathering.
by the time you guys were packing your things up to head home it was dark out, nearly ten already. "well... bye, i guess," you call out to him, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. all you got was a soft grunt in response, his back to you as he zipped his bag up.
you purse your lips and turn around, making your way for the door. you don't make it very far before you feel a hand on your arm, pulling you back and pushing you against the wall. you gasp in shock, looking up him as your heart races.
"why don't you come to my place tomorrow, sweetheart? some people are coming over for drinks and stuff... i figured we should hang out a little more if we're gonna do this," his tone is playful, you can tell he's hinting at more than just hanging out. the words that lie behind what he actually said are definitely dirty, and usually you'd be offended. but usually it's not an attractive dude hitting on you, and you have to admit that you liked the way he touched you when you danced. his hands felt like they were supposed to be on you.
"fine... but did you really have to push me against the wall? it just feels like a bit much," your lips turn up in amusement as he scoffs. he begins backing up a little, and you place your hands on his chest and playfully push him back. but as soon as you touch him his hands are on your hips, shoving you back into the wall.
it shocks you this time too, and you stare up at his smug expression. "don't let yourself think you're in charge here, babygirl, you're not," he growls in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. "understand?" a moan almost leaves your mouth as he glares down at you with dark eyes. you lick your lips and nod your head slowly, submitting to him in a second.
"good girl," he mumbles. minho leaves a kiss on your forehead before grabbing his bag from the floor and leaving. you stay in your place for a moment, trying to process what the fuck just happened. you feel your heart clench and your face heat up as you think about seeing him tomorrow night.
and then you remind yourself. the guy you're getting all excited about was the same guy who showed up two hours late without any text or warning at all, he barely said anything to you before this and when he does he's just telling you he's gonna turn you into another fuck... no way will it be that easy for him.
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
I'm not going to review the season finale in quite the same way as I've usually written something afterwards. I'm ultra tired due to distinct lack of sleep. So it is more truncated than I'd intended. Also unedited so advance apologies if something makes no sense or is misspelled etc.
The episode was facing the challenge of not only being edited after COVID-19 shut down production, but what was intended to be the penultimate episode became the finale. So I'm trying to take that into consideration.
First part in Kara's loft. It was choppy. Don't get me wrong, I had nothing against the humour, or the scenes in general. Although they missed the glaring opportunity to place a "flew here on a bus," moment! It felt pretty disappointing they didn't recognise what has become an iconic line within the SG fandom, and made it even more iconic.
Before the bus though, back at the loft, considering that Lena had literally only just arrived at Kara's, with all that entails, it felt completely out of place for that context. Did it have been overwhelming heavy at that point? Absolutely not. But it was too close to slapstick at times for me and internally I was cringing. I admit, I'm not sure where they could've put it in, but perhaps if they'd just lowered it a fraction, made it a little more subtle a couple of times, it would've helped for me.
Some of the dialogue (especially early on) was also all over the place for me. It did get better as the episode wore on, but I wonder how much was the need to redo parts of the episode because of COVID-19? Unless they think to put an episode as intended in a future season DVD (perhaps S6 DVD), or someone gives us full details via an interview we will probably never know.
Which brought me to one piece of dialogue that I wish they'd not put in at all!
In 5.18, as I've spoken about a lot on Twitter especially, the way Lex screams into Lena's face, and Lena's flinch, and how that had been me 20 odd years ago. They then had the line as Lena talks to Kara; "Go ahead. Scream at me if you have to, I know I deserve it."
I know for many, they'd just see it as a line to use, but .... for many of us who have suffered abuse, who recognised (& in some instances were triggered) by last weeks episode, to not have acknowledged why that line was so problematic is worrying. It heavily suggests they're not going to address Lena's trauma and abuse because they really don't understand it (& again, if anyone believes she didn't suffer trauma and abuse, but accept others in SG do, go away with your bias from my page), but considering they haven't addressed much of Kara's trauma, particularly watching Argo destroyed again, being stuck for months during Crisis like they were, etc - then I guess it isn't a surprise.
But it is uncomfortable as hell to watch a line like that glossed over.
Overall though, I did enjoy the episode. Once that 1st half was over, especially (baring a few moments, including watching Alex do her badass Mission Impossible meet Cirque du Soleil moment because that was awesome) it felt much more like SG of previous seasons. So that was great.
Watching Lena as she watched Alex and Kara hug behind her was so emotional. Watching siblings love unconditionally. Something she thought she had with Lex, only to realise he hadn't changed at all. Lena didn't need to say anything, as once again Katie's acting brought all the emotion Lena was feeling to the fore.
Having Lena and Alex mirror they choice of words in regards Kara was pretty iconic. Then having Alex whisper, "Jinx." really made it work.
Seeing Dreamer in her element, including some great lines again. "I can't believe you left to fight Earth, Wind & Fire without us." "Guess they didn't take the bait? Maybe you should've been meaner?" As they begin the fight with J'onn, M'gann Alex and Dreamer - Alex to Dreamer: "You ready?" Dreamer. "Nope." Alex. "Me neither." Dreamer at her best imo.
Kelly going all, damn my girlfriend is hot & I want sex right now despite the circumstances was pretty cute and funny.
The Kara and Lena monologues being in unison. Now that was pretty amazing and one of the best parts of the whole episode imo.. But again, you feel as if they're matching Lena and Kara together with those scenes as a couple.
Lena not only protecting Kara, but stopped Andrea from going down a dark path as Acrata. Was also great.
Last frame of Lillian. Does it turn out she is the head of Leviathan? Because again they laid out more than once the leader was a woman. It has been noted several times now in different episodes. I was hoping Lena's biological mother, considering she knew of the legend of Acrata, but it is now looking more likely this reincarnation of Lillian is who it is, unless it is a character we've not been introduced to, but I highly doubt that.
The 2nd half of the episode was what we missed so much this season. In fact aspects throughout the episode were missing for too much this season.
This includes the women being the focal point of it. Brainy though absolutely rightly taking a strong subplot to what else was going on. J'onn ably supported by M'gann. M'gann who managed to advise Nia on embracing her dreams and not trying to avoid part of them. Dansen actually working together and both being badass in their own way (after all, this is something I've advocated for much of the season, & while fantastic to see, it never should've taken this long. Now where have we heard that before?)
But we still have glaring unanswered questions that I can't imagine would've been answered in 5.20.
Every indication since 5.17 is Kelly knows Kara is Supergirl. Yet we don't know for certain, because they've failed to show us how or when. I've said before, considering every other person who knows Kara is Supergirl, we had them tripping over themselves to explain to the audience how it happened. I'm pretty annoyed that we as the audience don't get given the same courtesy with Kelly. This is why so many of us feel short changed on some characters this season. The really aggravating thing is would only take a few lines to clear it up!
Now onto Alex. This ties in with J'onn. Where are they getting the money to survive? Did J'onn manage to accumulate enough over all the years he was on Earth to finance everything & pay Alex a wage? No clue.
Also, are Kelly & Alex living together? Or do they have keys to each others apartments? Yes, Kelly was at Alex's in 5.17 so the answer is pretty much yes, but nothing has been said! We knew more about Brainy & Nia's living arrangements from 5a than we do Kelly & Alex.
Kara's trauma. Lena's abuse & trauma. See above.
Lastly, the one most I know want (except a few vocally against), leaning towards Supercorp becoming canon. Again for another season, we end up with the, 'Maybe they'll do it next season.' being said. Particularly as in 5a they really went all out on Supercorp parallels to Clois and at times Dansen, plus even a little on Brainia. But unless something pretty fundamental changes behind the scenes, they're going to recognise what their biggest draw is, keep baiting but never fully go into it. And that is what I fear the most. When you've got media, even non-Supergirl fans saying it, but the show refusing to acknowledge it - that could be their legacy, and it will not look good or have a lot of fans look back kindly on them for it.
The 4 seasons it took for Lena to find out Kara was Supergirl was, in the end, terribly executed. This waxing and waning as well of; is Lena good or bad? Will she follow in the Luthor footsteps?
She is flawed. She's made some pretty awful mistakes. But now they're said she is good. She isn't evil or a villain. So now that line they've drawn needs to stay there! No more ambiguity on her character being a villain.
But you know what's not good? Feeling you can't trust the show to draw a line under that aspect of the character. That doesn't mean you have to have any one of them not be flawed, or to even cross some lines (they've all done it at some point, some moreso than others, but not one character is innocent).
When the show is now generating that level of mistrust on how they could handle future events, that is a problem.
Season 5 overall (particularly 5b) was absolutely horrendously bad. It had some moments of sheer brilliance (either individual scenes, or some episodes), but the rest was just flat out awful. Irrelevant. Messy. No cohesion. 5b became too much of the Lex Luthor show. Certain character additions were vastly unpopular and definitely caused down turns in viewer numbers (& again, from far more than a section of fandom). As did keeping Lena away from everyone for so long.
To sum up. Season 5 was a disaster.
Season 6 needs to have considerably different direction to even try & pull back some viewers (if they can at all). Distrust is rife.
The worst is no-one in the cast deserved this, especially as they're so talented. Some of the performances, even with how poor much of the season was, have been magnificent. But as the saying goes, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
I've never been so relieved a season is finally over. We'll watch our favourite episodes for sure, of which there aren't many, but a full rewatch of the season we normally do will not be happening. Some episodes were better off consigned to the trash.
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cesaray · 4 years
Ehy there! I'm the same anon as before. Wanted to let you know that your answer was very cool! I personally prefer BrBa (there is a weight in BrBa that I genuinely love despite feeling emotionally drained every time I rewatch S5), but I totally get what you mean with BCS being lighter and so, easier to watch. This said I'm curious, what do you think about the various characters? Other than Walter White, who is probably the biggest asshole in history (to be fair, that was the point though) lol
hey anon! i get what you mean by the weight in brba and perhaps a few years back i would’ve liked that as well, but in these trying times bcs hit the spot better for me. maybe i’ve evolved as a viewer as well and now also looks for other factors that make a show ‘good’, beyond ‘dark and gritty’ and the like 
now characters - overarching comment is that i like how complex and morally gray they are 
>>> [as of now i’m on 5x09 so i don’t know anything that happens hereafter] 
- jesse: perhaps the character that the audience feels the most - he was absolutely not ready for the whirlwind ordeal he got himself into. he’s desperately trying to retain some humanity but at the same time is constantly being threatened, cajoled, and deceived back into the fold. talk about trauma! there is still so much good in him and i hope he gets to a good place again. protect him
- mike: what a guy!?! mike had similar motivation to walter at the outset (to provide for his family) but went down the road very differently. he’s methodical and pragmatic but didn’t get consumed by ‘the game’. i think his backstory in bcs was brilliant and it shed more light on how a former cop came to do what we see him doing on a day to day basis in brba. 'providing for kaylee’ as a sole motivation for turning criminal is too thin, while the story with matty made the character of mike whole, because it made a crack in him that let other things in. absolute legend. shame he got off’d by walter with his tiny gun
- fring: what a great character - giancarlo esposito did an amazing job with him. a man so meticulous, so rational, so careful, whose eventual downfall stems from his irrational, burning hatred for the man who killed his lover (getting black sails vibes here guys). and what a very terminator way to go. i have manythings to say about fring but also nothing at all because he’s just *chef’s kiss* 
- lalo: exuberant, flamboyant, surprisingly well-adjusted lalo. how brilliant. the biggest menace up north in a floral shirt. brings real diversity to the salamancas who otherwise are blanketed crazy or crazy. gets hosed by kim about getting his shit together? actually proceeds to get his shit together. absolutely dying to see him in bcs s6
- skyler: for the first few seasons skyler kind of served as the mirror, reflecting the horrors of walter’s grotesque transformation. then she corrupts herself and helps walter launder the money in an attempt to protect her family, only to find that there is no end to walter’s pursuit for more, and this time the danger comes from not who walter associates himself with, rather from walter himself. i hope something good happens to her!! [edit during 5x12: i take it back - the blasted woman wants walt to kill jesse] 
- jimmy: saul goodman as we see him in brba is a completely flat character - he’s a dirty lawyer. that’s pretty much it. bcs is the polar opposite. i remember watching bcs and reflecting that (esp the first few seasons) the show was not in a hurry to go anywhere, but rather explored every possible angle and just let the audience bask in Good Writing. jimmy mcgill who started off just wanting to get his place in the world, and ended up finding a way to do that by becoming saul goodman - leaving his family name, his brother who loomed over him all his life behind. with that said i feel like there’s quite the gap to fill between end of s5 bcs and brba
- nacho: ngl he’s kind of a fav of mine. what’s up with him constantly trying to kill his boss? dude singlehandedly accelerated the demise of the salamanca name. and what a backstabbing little bitch after lalo brought him to his HOUSE and poured him (expensive) drinks by the FIRE. absolutely dying to see what happens in bcs s6. (although i think my boy ignacio is destined for tragedy here... )
- kim: what can i say about kim other than that i love her?? brilliant, fiercely protective kim. kim kind of mirrors skyler in that initially she gets pulled into the orbit of someone else’s chaos. however kim saw the dark side and on some  subconscious level, liked it. also she’s So Good at her job and it’s so enjoyable to watch. she’s also the reason lalo knows about the cayman islands 
there are other characters i could write about but i will end my little essay here 
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In My Veins (3/?)
House, M.D. Fanfic
Thanks to everyone for reading and for the notes left. I really do like reading your thoughts, so keep them coming. Also, those worried about House and Cuddy getting back together quickly, don't worry. It's not that simple, no matter what was in the last chapter and what you might think after this chapter. Also, fair disclaimer, I might have some details wrong as far as what happened at the end of the show... sorry, just go with it. And I know Cameron was gone... she's back because without Wilson, I needed a but of a sounding board. She won't be annoying, don't worry.
My song companion piece for this chapter is APOCALYPTIC by Halestorm. You can find it on Youtube. Great band, and it really inspired the ending. Also if I actually owned House and characters, I wouldn't have to write fanfic...I just would have made it all canon, so there's that.
A huge thank you to @love-hope-faith-feels-like-a-lie on Tumblr for helping to brainstorm a but and for reading all my stuff and helping edit and give feedback on what works and what doesn't. Enjoy!
"House isn't dead?"
Cuddy looked up from her desk to see Dr. Cameron entering her office with the memo she had sent out to everyone on the board about hiring House. "I know. I rehired him."
"No, I know. I just meant... you're not surprised? How long have you known?"
"Wilson told me at the funeral." She went back to her work then like it was no big deal. It really wasn't to her at this point.
Cameron was quiet for a moment, digesting all of this. "So you've known this whole time that he faked his death? Why didn't you say anything?"
"It wasn't my place."
"It wasn't your place to let everyone who was grieving know that he was alive?"
Cuddy had a 'seriously' look on her face when she glanced up from her file. It was House... the only two people legitimately grieving for him were Cuddy and Wilson. "No, it wasn't. I was no longer his boss. I was no longer his girlfriend."
Cuddy breathed deeply. "I was already gone. Wilson was dying. He wanted to be there for his best friend for once. I wasn't going to be the one who stood in his way."
Cameron was quiet again. "You're still in love with him."
Cuddy's eyes widened. "I am not...I'm the one who ended things. He drove a car through my house!"
"And you still love him," Cameron insisted.
"I left to get away from him."
"Leaving someone doesn't mean you stop loving them."
"Is that why you're back here working at the same hospital as Chase?" Cuddy deflected then.
Cameron was quiet for a moment. "Is that why you rehired him?" she countered with a pointed look.
Cuddy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I hired him to keep an eye on him. Wilson was all he had. I just want to make sure he's not going to self destruct more than normal."
Cameron just shook her head. She could see House entering the hospital through the glass door of Cuddy's office. "I hope you know what you're doing, otherwise the hospital is going to be ground zero when the time bomb goes off."
The two women exitted the office and walked out of the clinic just in time to hear House's declaration. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have cured death!" he started. "Elvis is back in the building. If you've got questions, direct them toward Dr. Cuddy," he pointed in the direction of her office in the clinic with his cane. He then started toward the elevator.
Cameron simply looked at Cuddy, as did the other staff in the lobby. "Yeah, this isn't going to blow up at all," she said sarcastically, walking away from the mess House had seemingly already made.
Cuddy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "House, my office," she called before he could get too far.
He stopped and smiled slightly. "I knew it wouldn't be long before she just had to have me," he commented as he passed the nurse's station on the way into the clinic. "You bellowed?" He smirked as her office door closed.
She wasn't going to let him get to her. She wasn't going to bring up the kiss or anything about them. This was all going to be professional. "Maybe give the staff a few days to readjust to you before you start making bold declarations like you did this morning. Most of them are still shocked to see you alive."
"You mean you didn't post my picture all over the hospital and announce my out of retirement tour? Bummer," he commented.
She rolled her eyes. "The only people who got a memo was the board of directors. I have to notify them of any new doctor I hire in as a department head. Or in your case, a co-head."
He arched an eyebrow. "Co-head? I don't share my dictator power, you know that."
"Well you're going to have to learn. Dr. Chase took over diagnostic medicine when you left. He's done a good job, and I'm not going to demote him just because you've come back."
"Chase stole my department?"
"You left, House, that's not stealing. The hospital wasn't going to just keep the department around without an attending to run it. Chase was the most qualified. And he takes more than one case at a time," she countered, taking a seat behind her desk and crossing her arms. It was the safest place for her right then. It kept a barrier between them.
"You're really keeping him in charge of my department?"
"He's not in charge. You're both in charge. It's a good thing, House. It's going to let you ease back in. It gives you the puzzle you need. And Chase isn't Foreman... he's not going to butt heads with you or override you. I'm the only one who gets stuck in that particular level of hell."
He didn't like that arrangement, particularly, but she did have a point. Chase wasn't as bad as Foreman. He could usually manipulate Chase into getting what he wanted. "This isn't going to work," he said simply before leaving to begin the familiar walk back to his old office. He knew she wasn't going to give in, so he was stuck in the situation, at least for now.
When he stepped off the elevator, he walked down the familiar hallway. He passed by a familiar office and stopped long enough to give it a look, seeing the new name on the door. Taking a deep breath he continued on until he pushed open his old door with his cane and stepped inside.
"House..." Chase looked up from the file he was starting to review. "You're not dead."
He just gave the other man a look. "Clearly." He moved further into the office, going to the desk and dropping his bag, looking out the window toward the balcony that was on the back of what used to be Wilson's office. He breathed deeply again before grabbing his bag and turning to leave the office just as quickly as he'd come in.
"House!" Chase started.
"If you've got questions, call Cuddy," he called over his shoulder.
"We have a case!" Chase called from the open office door, only to see House continue walking. "House!"
House got on the elevator and went back to the main floor. He marched right back into Cuddy's office, past her objecting assistant. "I need a new office," he stated, leaning on his cane as he stood in front of her desk.
She took another moment before looking up from her file. "What's wrong with your old office?"
"Don't like it. Chase made it into a shrine for his ex-wife."
Cuddy just rolled her eyes and went back to her work. "You aren't getting a new office."
"I can't work in my old office. And while we're on the topic of needs...I need to hire a new team."
She looked up again and leaned back in her chair since he clearly was not going away. "You don't need to hire a team. The Diagnostics Department is already fully staffed with a team of excellent doctors."
"That's Team Chase. I need Team House. You have two department heads. We each get a team," he insisted.
She shook her head. "That's not how this works. You share the team that's there. It's not unreasonable. You personally only take one case at a time... I'm not hiring more doctors into that department for one extra case. I don't have the budget for that because I hired you."
"My salary is not equal to what it costs for my own team."
"No, your salary isn't. But when I hired you, I not only had to budget for your salary...I also had to budget for your lawsuits, the MRI machines you always seem to misuse and break, and all the other various incidental costs that come with employing an egomaniac like you," she pointed out. "Use the team. They're good."
He clenched his jaw for a moment before hitting his cane on the ground a few times. "Fine. I'll use Team Chase under protest. I still need a new office."
She shook her head. "There is no office available. Your office is fine. It's the biggest office outside of mine."
"Right... great idea. I'll just use your office until there is one available."
Her eyes widened and she pushed her chair back from her desk. "You will not!" She stood to face him.
"Then find me another office. Otherwise I'm moving in."
"I told you, there is no other office."
"Alright, Roomie," he said, moving to take a seat in one of her more comfortable chairs. "When my stethoscope is on the door, it means I've got a hooker in here."
She managed to contain her temper, instead moving back behind her desk. Maybe if she just ignored him, he'd realize he wasn't getting the attention he wanted and just go away.
House stood on her porch, beating on her door with his cane.
"Stop making so much noise. You're going to wake up Rachel," Cuddy said, pulling her robe tighter around herself as she opened the door.
"Not my problem. I wouldn't be here banging on the door if her mother weren't such a controlling idiot," he pushed past her.
"Right. Why don't you come in. We can talk about how I'm the idiot," she shook her head as she closed the door. She had expected to butt heads with him again, had even expected him to show up at her house to argue his point. But she hadn't expected it so soon. He hadn't even been back a whole week yet. She also wasn't sure what, if anything exactly, had set him off.
"You said I could have a team."
She just looked at him for a moment. Really? This was what he was so upset about? "I already told you. You do have a team. Chase and the three fellows that make up the diagnostics department."
"And I already told you. That's Chase's team. I want my team."
She gave a soft laugh. "There are four doctors...five, counting yourself, that make up the diagnostic department. Six if you count bugging Cameron in the ER with your theories. Seven if you count me vetoing your crazy theories and unnecessary procedures. That's more than enough to bounce theories around and handle your single patient of the week. I'm not letting you hire anyone else."
"First of all, you're not a real doctor, so you don't count," he started in on her. "Cameron isn't nearly as helpful now as she was when she worked for me. And Chase's team is too busy dealing with Chase's patients to be worried about my patient. I want my own team," he insisted angrily.
"No," she crossed her arms. "There are three doctors you can use to your heart's content. One patient a week does not justify me adding another team to your department."
He rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot!"
"You already said that," she pointed out.
"You're a horrible doctor. And you're cheap. You being a cheap idiot is what killed my patient!"
Ah... so that's what this was about. His patient had died. "You want to blame me because you didn't figure out the diagnosis," she stated.
"I'm blaming you because you're too cheap and too stubborn to let me have my own team. If I had my own team, they would have focused on my one patient instead of my one patient and Chase's three! My patient died because I don't have a team that is focused. We missed something because the team had to split their focus! They had to split their focus because you have some ridiculous urge to try to control me! This is on you!"
She gave a laugh. "Really? I think you've more than proven over the years that I have no control over you. You're uncontrollable," she countered. "Even when we were together you made it clear that I never controlled you."
He clenched his jaw and turned a bit more to really square off with her. She wasn't pissed off enough yet... he'd poke a different spot, push a different button. "That's what this little power play is really about. Me. You're still hot for me. And it drives you crazy."
She arched an eyebrow. "What are you even talking about?"
"You're pissed at me over everything that happened with us. This is your way of getting back at me for the way things ended."
"Don't go there," she warned lowly. That was a very dangerous hole to go down.
That's exactly where he wanted to go. He'd found the exact button to push and now he wasn't going to stop. This was the reaction he'd wanted. "Our entire relationship, you constantly said you never wanted me to change who I was. You knew how screwed up I was. You acknowledged it. I think it even got you off. You said you never wanted me to change. But in the end it did matter. Turns out that you really did want me to change after all. You probably thought you were such a great catch that you could make me change."
"I didn't break up with you because you didn't change. And for the record, I never asked you to."
"No, it was because one time when I thought you were dying, I slipped up. I thought I was losing the woman I loved, and I took a pill to numb everything for a few hours because I didn't know how to deal with that kind of pain."
"House, stop," she swallowed hard. She could feel her temper flaring with every word.
"I made one mistake. One. And the almighty, perfect Dr. Cuddy just couldn't be with anyone who isn't as perfect as she is! Only aside from your ass, there's not a perfect bone in your body."
"One mistake?! You think you only made one mistake our entire relationship? I never said I was perfect, but you...you lied to me. Multiple times. You weren't there when I needed you. You never showed up when I needed you... it was only when it was convenient for you and your damn ego! When I was sick you brought your whole team to try to diagnose me!"
"Because I was trying to save you!"
"You don't get to run around playing God! You can't decide who lives and dies, House! You can't save everyone! I didn't want House the doctor, I wanted House the man I loved!"
"This isn't about money or even you being stubborn. This is about you and me. This is about you being so angry at yourself that despite everything I've done, everything that happened, you can't help but still want me. You're still attracted to me, and you hate it,  hate yourself. So you're blaming me... taking it out on me with the one thing that you can control. My work," he growled angrily.
"If that were true, why the hell would I have rehired you?!"
"Because you want to fuck with me... in both senses of the word!" He yelled at her. "It's not my fault you can't control yourself around me. It's not my fault you still want me and what only I can do for you. It's not my fault..."
She interrupted him with a hot, angry kiss. It was searing and fierce, biting his lower lip roughly. When they both pulled away a moment later, they just stared at each other... really, more of a glare. They were both angry...at each other, at the situation, at the truth. They both were upset. That was it... the gasoline had been poured on and this was the final spark that caused the explosion.
Her hands fisted in his shirt pulling him against her as her lips crashed hard into his. His cane dropped as his hands yanked her robe open and began roaming possessively. There was nothing tender or gentle in the way he touched her... nor in the way she touched him. This was raw, unbridled passion and lust... tension that had been building between them probably since things ended if they were being brutally honest with themselves.
Her robe finally fell from her shoulders and her back hit the wall hard. His fingers were rough on her skin, grabbing her body in ways she knew would leave bruises, but she couldn't bring herself to care... leaving her own marks on his body from her mouth and nails.
She didn't even care about his shirt, going straight for his belt and jeans. They weren't going to make it to her bedroom. Even if this weren't such an urgent need for both of them, she wasn't ready to invite him back into her bed. So she shoved him down on the couch, yanking his pants over his hips in the process. She moved to straddle him, teeth moving over the skin of his neck until they sunk into his pulse point hard, eliciting a deep groan from his chest.
His fingers dug into her hips hard enough to leave fingerprint bruises, and his eyes were dark as they met hers. He quickly pushed her to her back underneath him on the couch, unwilling to give her the control he knew she wanted. His mouth ravaged every inch of available skin, biting and sucking, leaving marks everywhere that would serve as a reminder of him. At the same time his hands moved underneath her nightgown groping possessively, pulling her close and making sure he reminded her that no one else knew her body the way he did.
She gave him a few minutes to think he was in control, but there was no way she was letting him keep it. Her hands groped his shirt and pulled it over his head, tossing it somewhere to the side. Before he could realize it, she gave a shove to flip him to his back, which sent them both falling off the couch. He landed on the floor with a thud and a grunt, and she landed on top of him triumphantly. Her thighs straddled his, and she pinned his wrists to the floor on either side of his head, refusing to let him touch her for the moment. Her mouth ran along his throat, teeth grazing the skin as she dropped her hips.
By the time they were done, they were both still laying on the floor where they'd landed when they rolled off the couch, only he was now on top of her. His shirt was on her coffee table, his pants still around his ankles. They both had red marks on their bodies that would most likely turn into bruises, bite marks in various places, and she'd left rather nasty scratches down his back with her nails that had broken skin.
Neither said a word. Neither even moved until soft footsteps were heard in the hall. "Mommy?"
Shit. Rachel was awake and apparently out of bed. She gave House a shove so she could slip out from underneath him. "Go back to bed, Sweetie. I'll be there in a minute, okay?" She called to her daughter, hoping her voice still sounded normal. She waited until she heard the footsteps fade back down the hallway before getting up, still without a word to him. She straightened her nightgown and picked up her robe as she disappeared to take care of her daughter.
House laid on his back, staring up at her ceiling for a few moments before finally sitting up and redressing. Pushing himself up, he limped over to where his cane had landed and picked it up before silently letting himself out of her house. He stood on her porch for a few moments, trying to process his conflicting thoughts and feelings before shaking his head and starting toward his bike. He couldn't let this happen again. He knew he'd never be what she needed. He wasn't the right guy for a single mom. And he knew that she knew that. So he wasn't going to torture himself with the rejection that would inevitably come.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
ThunderCats Roar - “Driller”
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Co-Executive Producer: Victor Courtright
Supervising Producer: Nate Cash
Producer: Marly Halpern-Graser
Story by: Victor Courtright
Teleplay by: Marly Halpern-Graser
Directed by: Jeremy Polgar
Is it killer, or is it filler?
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This episode begins with Panthro doing repairs on that mighty ThunderTank. I never really talked about its looks, as this is one of the first good clear shots of it. This ThunderTank looks even more like a cat than the original, with a big red nose and a cat-like mouth, and it has a perpetually sticking out tongue. It's not as fierce looking as its original counterpart, but considering this is more of a comedy than an action show, it's fitting.
Panthro finishes the job, as indicated by the ThunderTank shining, and he talks to himself about how it must have been so long since he didn't have to fix something. He really must like to tempt fate with that one, that kind of saying is usually followed by everything breaking at the same time.
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Surely enough, everything starts to break, all at the same time, and it's all because of his teammates. Cheetara broke the ThunderTread by exceeding its maximum speed it can handle, and the ThunderKittens broke the ThunderFridge trying to get that sweet ThunderCake.
Even the ones that are usually more competent than the others are involved with this massive breakage, as Snarf, the robot cat-dragon-thing with an intelligence level of 20 according to the first episode, is messing around with some wiring like it's a ball of yarn. Panthro doesn't even know what it is, and one thing I'm thinking of is that I'm surprised they didn't pull out a "samoflange" joke yet. As for Tygra, the usual straight man, he's just the victim of a falling ThunderSecurity Camera.
Suddenly, Sadako shows up, calling out to Panthro, presumably telling him that his 7 days are up, and he has to pay for that one month of Youtube TV whether he likes it or not.
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No, that's just Lion-O drawn with much longer hair than usual for the sake of the Sadako gag, and he needs his blowdryer fixed. Not a ThunderBlowdryer, just a regular blowdryer. For a second, I thought he was melting, too, but that's actually his fur. They are cat people, after all.
All of the other ThunderCats come in, and Panthro tells them that he'll get to work on all of those problems, and the only repayment he'll need from his teammates is the appreciation he gets for doing everything. Que Lion-O throwing that fixed blowdryer to a wall, breaking it immediately! Get it, because Lion-O is selfish.
It's quite clear, even with Panthro's assurance that it was a easy mistake, that this is getting to him. It doesn't help that he hears something else breaking just outside. He assumes it must be yet another one of his teammates...except they're all here.
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The alarms go off, and Lion-O knows what the ThunderCats should do in this situation as their great leader.
Lion-O: The lair is under attack! ThunderCats...PANIC!
(everyone panics)
See, it's funny because this isn't normally what happens! All of the ThunderCats search through various rooms, seeing that someone has been drilling through all of it, leaving giant holes everywhere. Worst of all, whatever is causing this has taken Lion-O's cake! Tygra shows up to tell Lion-O that he found it. No, not the cake, much to Lion-O's chagrin, as he'll never know the truth about that. Alas, poor ThunderCake.
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The drilling came from this new robotic man with a drill for a lower body, named, appropriately, Driller. This was a character who first appeared in the eighteenth episode of the original. In the original, he was a mercenary who accepts diamonds as payment, which he will use to sharpen his mighty drill. At the very least, he confirms his want for diamonds in the first minute of his appearance, as the first thing he does is scan if those strange cat people have them.
Tygra tries to stop this new potential threat with a "stop right there, miscreant" and an all important pointer finger, and the miscreant just says no and continues drilling. He doesn't say "no" like a villain would say "never", just an uncaring "no".
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There are higher stakes. According to Panthro and what looks like a portable video game console, Driller is heading towards the lair's Thundrillium core! If that gets destroyed, the rest of the lair goes with it. This comes much to the shock of everyone...except for Lion-O, who has a stupid face on throughout this speech. Lion-O only seems to care when Panthro clarifies that it's his stuff that's on the line, too. Get it, because Lion-O is selfish.
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So they all try to fight him, but it's no use. Even with his need for diamonds at the time, his drill is still powerful enough to spin both Cheetara and the ThunderKittens out of the way. It takes Panthro's super strength to do any kind of stopping, but Tygra tries his best to be useful with his special ability to have a bola whip. I could take this as confirmation that they just got rid of one of the ThunderCat's special powers, though I doubt disappearing would have helped this situation. It almost seems like all is lost and Tygra is about to get a hole in the head, all until the Bola whip eventually makes his drill stop.
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They take him in for questioning, and he properly introduces himself as Driller, and he drills. One point that ends up being a sticking point for Lion-O is that he's trying to get diamonds so he can sharpen his drill, which he uses to drill for more diamonds, and even his tiny little brain can admit that is an unending cycle with no real point.
He compares this to shampoo, which has the specific instructions to lather, rinse, and repeat, but one shouldn't repeat forever. Nice to see that blowdryer scene is relevant to the rest of the episode; he seems to know his hair products. He knows enough to know that shampoo is pointless, just like drilling just for the sake of drilling.
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While the former is certainly wrong, as Tygra points out, Driller does not take that advice too well. He looks at the diamond on top of his head, which pops out instantly, and he tells himself that he is pointless. He lies down on the ground, clearly saddened of this realization, and this makes everyone else sad too. There is one exception, who boasts that he is glad to help. Here's a hint: it's funny because he's selfish!
Panthro tries to calm his senses, saying that his life is also an endless cycle: he fixes things, his teammates break them, he fixes them again. Driller then gives him his own bit of foresight.
Driller: So Panthro is pointless too?
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I always wondered what that guy from that one Radiohead music video was talking about. And yes, Lion-O never gets this, either. Even in the end, he just kind of gets told to do the right thing eventually.
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One week passes, and the Lair is still just as holey as ever. Tygra decides enough is enough, and something must be done about it, but Lion-O is happy about this new home arrangement, as he can jump straight from his living room to the kitchen in one jump. The ThunderKittens are happy too, as Lion-O made them a toy out of the shower curtain to cover up one of the holes, a...
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Yes, with a choir, too. It doesn’t work too well, though, as it eventually breaks, and we get this overly long joke about how they have to wait for WilyKit and Kat to hit the ground. Lion-O assures the rest that they have to hit the ground sometime. Don’t worry, they turn out to be okay, because nothing has to make sense in this wacky comedy.
Even Lion-O admits that something has to be done. The problem is that Panthro is still depressed and feeling pointless, and he doesn't want to do anything. They do bring up one thing they've been ignoring until now: what about the Ro-Bear Berbils? They built this whole lair from scratch, certainly they would be available to re-build the lair without having to do anything!
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Unfortunately, they're busy working on Castle Plun-Darr. Interesting diversion from the original, and it's also interesting to watch this after the episode of the original that explained the origins of that series' Castle Plun-Darr. At least this species is okay with being slaves, because that means they can build something. They didn't want payment from the people who would pay them.
...actually, come to think of it, they probably wouldn't have any Third Earth money, and it wasn't until this episode where they realized they had diamonds. Hmm, let's let something else distract from this, shall we? Cheetara manages to find Panthro, who was literally under her feet, but he's still depressed and unwilling to just fix what will eventually be broken. Even when our favorite baby king begs him to, he won't budge, so he makes a great plan.
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To finally give him a point, Lion-O decides to trash the one room of the Lair Driller didn't destroy: that room with the Thundrillim in it! Now he can fix everything he broke, including that unimportant circle thing he was told would blow everything up! Admittedly, that one wasn't intentional, and Lion-O finally has an expression other than pure happiness over the silly things he does. It might have been more than alarm than anything else, though.
See, as he's basically a kid, he only seems to feel remorse whenever something really goes wrong. The original Lion-O had the excuse that he was a kid. Roar Lion-O is just a really, really silly character in a really, really silly cartoon.
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They go to Driller, who is eating popcorn, watching an episode of Building with Berbils. They are really using those Berbils this episode; they must be making up for their lack of appearances since the first episode. Also, how is he even enjoying that popcorn? Is that an alternative fuel source? Whatever.
Panthro, having dots for eyes for no real reason other than they didn't want to finish drawing the ThunderCats, begs Driller to drill, as only drilling can solve this problem somehow. Lion-O tries to handle it, because that worked so well for the rest of the episode, with a speech about drilling.
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Or, since Driller is a robotic being, Panthro can just rewire his positronic brain to bypass all of his emotions. Thanks to this rewiring, Driller stops caring about anything, being happy all the time, and he doesn't mind this at all because he's always feeling good. See, all we had to do was essentially brainwash the guy to be good. That's what heroes should do!
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To make a long story short, Panthro fixes everything, just as he always does. To make a short story long again, he has the unwillingly-happy Driller drill directly to the core, and then pushes his "Reverse" switch. Somehow, for reasons that are surely different than "this episode needs to end", this stabilizes the core. Even the show is aware of how silly this is.
Lion-O: He stabilized the core by unstabilizing it in reverse!
Tygra: That's how science works!
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It's no Respek Knuckles. At this point, I honestly expected a scene where Driller goes backwards, somehow causing the holes to disappear. Maybe that's what happened, but they didn't animate it.
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In the end, Driller becomes his...
Oh hush. As payment for helping him find his point again, not only does he accept his new head rewiring, he offers to fix Panthro's head wiring with his head drill! I guess that's one bit of comeuppance, even if he never gets to do it.
Lion-O reassures Panthro that he will continue to have a point too, as he broke everything already, and the rest of the ThunderCats and Driller laugh at how he has learned nothing. Driller then teleports, and Cheetara asks what was the point of him even being here. I don't really get it.
How does it stack up?
The creep factor of this episode's solution aside, this isn't a terrible episode. Most of it is just Lion-O being silly and not really being that funny outside of maybe a handful of jokes, and the rest is unnotable at worst. It's adequate. Three cats.
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Next, unicorns! Yup, they did exist in the original, believe it or not. Honestly, I'd be surprised if they didn't exist in a universe with cat people in it.
← Prank Call 🐈 Secret of the Unicorn →
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aworldoffandoms · 5 years
For the drabble prompt I'm asking for #28...or #12. Or both together cause that sounds like a fun Tuesday. XD Stay wonderful!
Authors Note: This is adrabble from the drabble prompt challenge. It’s number #12 and #28. It’s myfirst one so please let me know what you think of it! (also be gentle haha)Thank you for the ask @harlequinash! This is quite long as my words got away with me but Iswear I’ll be brief next time lol. Hope you enjoy!
This drabble is separate from my series ‘Runaway’ but I’musing the same MC haha
[Edit: The outline and placing of stuff on this post are messed up on the mobile version yet seem fine on the desktop version. Just warning you :) ]
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC[Ariel]
Word Count: 1, 982 (give or take)
Warnings: Swearing, drunkenness
The Queen of Cordonia could hold her liquor. She was a master at it.Being an American and New Yorker, respectively, she had her fair share of night’s out. A few times after long week’s ofcorrespondence with delegates, ambassadors and many insufferable nobles she lether hair down and dabbled in a few drinks to calm herself or have fun.
She didn’t know how Liam did it. He was the epitome of a king and thequeen herself? Well…let’s just say she was still learning.
It’s only been 6 months since the wedding and she’d been thrust rightinto the work of a monarch and she had been run off her feet since.
She was exhausted.
So, it was after a long day of meetings, a bill passing through theRoyal Council and a very long, detailed meeting with their Director of RoyalCommunications, that saw her sitting in the lower wing of the palace in the secluded bar just outside the copious palace grounds.
She was sitting at the bar, a glass of whiskey in her hand, sipping onit slowly, thinking about her schedule tomorrow which consisted of brunch withthe Queen Mother and a few meetings she had to attend with Liam. A burst of exhaustionwent through her.
I am so ready for sleep…
A booming voice rang through the quiet space of the downstairs bar andAriel winced at the volume, her body jumping in shock. Her mouth pursed into ascowl, having enjoyed a few moments of silence before the hurricane known asMaxwell Percival Beaumont flew in.
However, as soon as she met the excited, blue eyes of her self-adoptedfun-loving brother, her earlier annoyance fizzled out to be replaced by abright smile. Maxwell’s energy seeping into her tired bones.
“Hey, Maxwell. What are you doing down here?”
Maxwell shoots Ariel a grin, nodding to the bottle of Russian vodka onthe shelf next to the bottle of Jägermeister. On further thought, Maxwellpointed to the Jägermeister as well. The bartender nodded, handing over bothbottles before putting down a shot glass.
Ariel stared at her friend, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Maxwell…whatthe hell are you doing?”
“Well, Your Majesty…I believe that for a woman who has been working ashard as you have deserves a load off so…” Maxwell pauses, reaching over the barand grabbing more shot glasses. “I think it is time for some alcohol!”
Ariel resisted the urge to groan. She could hold her liquor, yes. But Russianvodka, Jägermeister and the already two glasses of whiskey already buzzing throughher veins would not be a good combination in the long wrong run. Mixing drinksis always a bad idea.
Ariel gives him a long-suffering look. “Maxwell…that’s very thoughtful.But I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have brunch with Regina tomorrow and Ican’t afford––”
Maxwell interrupts her with a wave of his hand. “Bruch, smunch. Youdeserve this.”
“No buts, Ariel. You need to relax a little. All that queenly stuff andpaperwork isn’t good for one’s social life.”
Ariel stares indignantly at Maxwell. “I have a great social life,Beaumont!”
Maxwell scoffs, a laugh bubbling up from his throat. “Yeah, because youhave to. You’re the Queen of Cordonia but that doesn’t mean you socialise withthe right people.”
Ariel raises an eyebrow. “Are you implying that you’re the right people for me to be hanging with?”
Maxwell’s grin grows wide. “Naturally.”
“Oh, Maxwell…” Ariel laughed, shaking her head at the youngest Beaumontbrother. He was so incorrigible. Despite how tired she felt, Ariel couldn’thelp the smile lifting her lifts. Maxwell was just that kind of person whoalways lit up a room with his energy.
Ariel finished off the last of her whiskey, setting down the glass witha soft tap against the bar. She groans as she stands up, her feet throbbingfrom being on them all day.
“Uh, uh. Where are you going?”
Ariel stares at him for a minute. “I am going to bed, Maxwell. I havestuff to do tomorrow.”
Maxwell rolls his eyes but continues to pour two shots of vodka forthem both. “Come on, Ariel. You know you want to…”
Ariel sighs, running her hands through her hair. “I have a feeling youaren’t going to stop until I placate you and say yes.”
Maxwell leans back, grasping the two shot glasses and handing one overto her. 
“You’re quite right about that.”
Ariel rolls her eyes, the hint of another smile on her lips as theyclink glasses and they both toss back the shot, the strong Russian alcoholburning down her throat as it went. 
“Maxwell…you a succhh a bad in-plueence on me…”
“Whaaat can I say, Ariel? I am one half of the Brothers Beaumont. Ihaaavve to be at least good at something, right?”
Ariel giggles, the sound loud in the room they occupied. They had movedfrom the bottom level bar to the drawing room next to it. Maxwell and Arielwere seated on the ground, their backs leaning up against the sofa.
“You know what, Maxwell?”
Ariel lolls her head to the side, her mind a haze with the amount of alcoholshe had consumed.
“I think I could beat you at a game of lava.”
Maxwell looks at her quizzically despite his inebriated state. “Lavv-a?What kind of game is that?”
Ariel’s lips pull up in a large grin, her excitement growing. This is onegame that Maxwell wouldn’t know about.
Ariel pours herself another shot of vodka and downs it, slamming the glass on the coffee table before standing, wobbling on her feet slightly.
“Okay…now, I will teach you this custom. It was basically the childhood gameof all American child-renn…”
Seeing Ariel’s smile, Maxwell follows her, jumping up on his feet,himself almost falling over.  “Okay! Showme this custom of yours, Little Blossom!”
Ariel laughs, clapping her hands in childlike excitement. “Okay. Soooo…youhave to pretennd that..the ground is hot like lava and that everyything else isssaaafe. So…let’sss say I call out ‘lava’…then we’d have to find the n-nearestpiece of furniture and stand on it. The first one to fall down or trip loses.”
“Buuut…” Ariel says, lifting up a finger. “The last one to land on a piece of furniture has to take a drink.”
Maxwell smiles, nodding his head in drunken excitement. “Ooooh…let’s dothisss. P-prepare to lose, little blossom-m.”
Ariel and Maxwell begin on opposite sides of the reading room. Both ofthem in the middle, eyeing prospective places to keep off the floor. With themany shots of alcohol running through her system Ariel gives a devious grin toMaxwell and shouts at the top of her lungs,
With that yell, Ariel shoots away and jumps on to the nearest thing shecan find which was a cream coloured reading chair beside the fireplace. Maxwellhad found a brown oak coffee table to settle on. Both Ariel and Maxwell laughas they take turns in jumping on the furniture, shooting back vodka and yelling‘Lava’ a few times their voices almost raw.
“Lava! Oh, Ariel—watch out!”
In her excitement to get to safety on top of the sofa, Ariel missed herfooting and with the momentum of her upper body she tumbles over the back of thesofa and lands with a loud thud.
“Ow! That f-fucking hurt!”
“Craaap! Are you alright?”
“What in the world is going on in here?”
Ariel freezes, her body going rigid at the voice. She recognised it. Herface scrunched up in a grimace. It wasn’t many times that he saw her drunk butnow was one of those times.
Ariel thought it best to stay behind the sofa. It was the safest place forher to be right now.
Ariel peeked underneath it, seeing Maxwell standing atop the piano. Shestifled a giggle that wanted to bubble up from her throat but she slapped ahand on her mouth to stop it.
“Maxwell? What are you doing on the piano?”
Ariel sees as Maxwell stumbles for words, himself swaying on the pianotrying to appear sober but failing miserably.
“Um –– I…I don’t…you see…it was Ariel’s idea…”
Thanks a lot, Maxwell… 
“Ariel? Is she here? Where is she?”
Ariel closes her eyes as her heart beats widely against her chest.
Shit. Shit. Shiiit.
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
Ariel hears a sigh and feet hitting the floor before a shadow passesover her form and she inclines her head upwards and locks eyes with herhusband. His face was a neutral mask of stoicism but his eyes told a differentstory.
He was mad…but even in her drunken state she could see remnants ofamusement in them too.
“What are you doing down there, my love?”
Ariel stares at Liam for a small while and then she grins. “Oh, I’m justplaying Lava with Maxwell. You know…a game…with a few shots of vodka here andthere.”
Liam’s shoulders shake with a low chuckle and he shakes his head. “Ariel…whatam I going to do with you?”
Ariel smiles from her position on the floor. “Uh…maybe take me to bed? Ithink I had a little too much-h to driiink.”
Liam smiles, his blues sparkling with affection before he bends down andscoops his wife into his arms. “Come on, my queen. Let’s get you to bed. Youhave a long day tomorrow.
Ariel smiles, giving Liam a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “That sounds nice.I love youuuu…”
Ariel’s eyes were already slipping shut. She feels the low rumble ofLiam’s laugher against her ear. “I love you too, Ariel.”
Ariel awakens, her eyes throbbing and her head pounding. She felt likeshe’d been thumped in the head a few times.
“Ugh!” Ariel groans. “My head…”
Ariel tries to open her eyes but the light against her lids is painfuland she snaps them shut with a hiss.
“Sore head, Ariel?”
Ariel lies back down against her bed and groans. “More like a sorefreaking everything.”
Liam chuckles, leaning down to kiss Ariel’s forehead gently. “I’m sorryto hear that, my love. But unfortunately, duty calls…you have a meeting in an hour withRegina.”
Ariel’s eyes snap open, all thoughts of her pounding headache gone. Inher rush to get out of the bed, her feet tangled up and she falls to thefloor, her arms flailing about.
She lands on the floor with a loud thump. “Geez! Ow.”
Liam’s warm laughter fills their bed chambers and wraps around Arielmaking her shiver. “That’s the second time you’ve done that.”
Ariel pops up from the floor, giving her husband a questioning look. “Secondtime? When was the first time?”
“When you were in the bottom parlor and hiding behind the sofa?”
Ariel brings a hand to her forehead and scratches it in confusion. Theevents of last night all but a blur.
“How drunk was I?”
Liam grins, his eyes crinkling atthe edges with mirth. “Drunk enough to proposition me, strip down to your underwear before passing out.”
Ariel gasps, her head beginning to throb louder. “Oh. Sorry…” 
Liam chuckles, running a fingerdown her cheek. “No qualms about that, my sweet. Maybe another time.”
Ariel gives him a sly smirk. “I’llbe holding you to that.”
Liam chuckles, giving her a quickkiss before heading to the doors that lead out of their suite.
“I look forward to it. Oh, andAriel?”
Ariel glances back at her husband. “Yeah?”
“Maybe next time we can play ourown game.”
Ariel gulps. “I––I look forward tothat.”
Liam gives her a wink before slinkingout the door and leaves Ariel to take care of her throbbing headache and the fact that she had to appear sober in front of Regina when in fact she had a killer hangover.
This was going to be a long day,indeed.
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goldenlie · 2 years
Andy I had presentation today and I guess it went fine, tbh it's more of type of class you present and every student will receive same easy great grade and that's nice, still stressful af giving oral presentation with a friend in front of people... I pulled all-nighter and I'm sleepy too ;-; And I got dragged into korean dramas recently, watched Beyond Evil (highly recommend) and I'm halfway through The Devil Judge (also recommend so far), well at least I can't say my procrastination sources are monotone, always something new. I feel like my recs jump all over the place and I send a lot, so don't feel pressured to keep on top of them! I hope you'll just end up with a list of things you'll get around to when you want and hopefully enjoy them! Hope you had nice weekend sunshine ^_^ Remember to drink water and eat well! and sorry if this is all over the place I'm pretty sleepy ;-;
AGNES POP OFF!!! Ate the presentation up fr as usual. Presenting to the class is absolutely terrifying, I don't know if I find it worse presenting to people you know or those you don't 😵 It's been a while since I've had a group presentation to do but I hope considering it was with your friend it took some of the stress off your shoulders! Not sleepy 😭 I hope you got hours on hours to relax after to make up for it!!
I have yet to watch those kdramas so I'll add them to the list of recs let's gooo! I just googled them and they both look real good, it's very much the genre that I enjoy watching from kdramas. I think I'll end up choosing The Devil Judge first because I love the sound of it ngl, I hope the endings of both are satisfactory. I find the most in kdramas that the plot is literally god sent but the ending is so rushed or unfitting? At least in a lot of my experiences anyway. I admire the fact you can watch two at once that's beyond my level yet I'm afraid. The most I can do is watch two anime at the same time but like even that's pushing things gn. I think my favorite kdrama I've seen so far would have to be Vincenzo but that is quite the popular opinion. Another few that got me for a while were Extracurricular and Sky Castle, I don't remember the details much but I feel like Sky Caste did lose me somewhere along the line so maybe not the best rec. I've not seen too many other bangers recently but on my list is Crash landing on you. I'm not crazy for the romance genre more into the action / mystery (Alice in borderland actually is a popular Jdrama that's decent enough but nothing too special, still decent watch if you haven't seen!) but something about this one is pulling me in 😭 I'll update you on it but let me know if you've seen/watched it! I also watched Hotel del Luna not too long ago and I enjoyed it a fair bit although it did get heavy on the flashbacks (of scenes we had seen not like new info) in the latter half of the show which got sickening. Although kdramas and kmedia alike do love a good replay. I sometimes watch random singing shows, weekly idol, and I used to watch that one advice show that had like 400 eps?? But with them you get everyone and their distant relatives reaction to literally anything it's so annoying 😭 A staffs water bottle could fall over and the cameraman will pan to row 237 to get their expressions.
I started Hannibal 😳 I was notttt expecting this from it, I knew very little apart from a man ate people's organs but holy fuck. When we first meet Mr Hannibal himself, it's a very brief look at his face but his expression very much looked like a threat, it was not something I've seen done so well in a show for a while and I don't even know if it was the sunlight on the train shading his face or what but it hooked me 😭 Ok I have my raw thoughts wrote out after every ep (mostly) and the main points I've got so far I'll summarize them. Edit: I started writing this before finishing s1 which I now have, but I'll update my points with my current thoughts! Also this is my apology in advance for inevitably misinterpreting the scenes bye. Ok firstly, fucking a big one for me was Abigail's friend whose name escapes me being murdered and left in the hunting house- where he knew they were going to holy shitttt my jaw dropped. But very important it seems that truly there's only a handful of potential killers, those that were witness to her coming over and visiting Abigail the day prior. Obviously it's easier to say this when we know who did it but truly in my opinion it could've only been between the brother of the initial copycats victim, Abigail, Will, or Hannibal. (Edit: Fast forward to the end of season 1, yeah I think this point was realized 😭😭 and captilized on. I believed it could be wrote off as the brother of the victim killing these people however, once Will started piecing together the copycat killer to the other victims it was very fucking clear it was either him or Hannibal to the entirity of the staff. The one fatal flaw or perhaps intentional moment was Hannibal placing the blame of those initial murders on Will. Although I believe it to potentially be intentional as he seems to want Will to know what he did. I initially believed the end of s1 with Will being accused as the backup plan or a Get out of jail free card for Hannibal to utilise if necessary. However, the breadcrumb trail in the direction of Will inevitably being arrested and his house being searched was too prominent, the hiding of the true MRI results, the keys and gun left on the table after planting the worry of the female FBI staff psychiatrist (Anabelle? Begins with A?) being murdered. The fact we saw Hannibal alter the lures oh so early in the season showcases just how long he has this plan in motion, the extent of his thought process, and the fact it was in fact the original plan, this was how he wanted it to go).
I'm almost done with s1 (so true) and I'm at the part where Hannibal says he's considering a friendship with Will and later that episode is like hey, you should really go to that music shop. My (initial) interpretation was this man wasn't liking the idea of someone (Will) becoming close to him and allowing him to peer through his many many walls as his psychiatrist said. Yet, his expression when he heard Dominic(?) Say he killed 2 people and then the either surprise of Will surpassing expectations or the relief of seeing Will alive (mix of both?) flashed on his face when Will walked through the door hello. (Edit: Literally wrong as hell ok my new interpretation was he was establishing a reliable source in his psychiatrist by furthering her belief that he wants to help Will, so when questioned by authority she would only sing the song he wants, that's why he said he was "considering a friendship". Although maybe that is true it had a much bigger underlying reason for being said that went over my head initially 😭 Also I definitely think he was relieved to see him alive although now it seems that it was for a continuation of the plan he had in motion). Also not to mention the hints Hannibals low-key dropping?? The stag statue, was that always there?? The they're harvesting the organs comment which steered Will more into focusing on that aspect. He has Will tethering on the edge of discovering the truth. Perhaps the adrenaline of having someone with the potential to uncover the depth of your actions is an addictive one. (Edit: I could be wrong as hell with literally everything I've just said gn but this is what I'm thinking at least in conclusion to s1. I will hold off updating you any further until I complete s2 and then again big finale S3, I could be missing absolute key info tbh that would further explain pieces here but I'm really enjoying it so far! I thought I'd give you the little update while everything's more or less fresh in my head ^^).
Sasaki and Miyano, I know you said you didn't finish it all those weeks ago (although you easily could've now) and honestly I'm only going on to EP 5 but it is simply very sweet 😭 I don't think I can choose my favorite character although as of rn is between the two of them, its interchangeable between eps. My one critique has nothing to do with the plot but the shapes that we see on screen every minute bye it was kind of sickening at first but now I've got used to it. I haven't actually gone back to it in about a week but I must make time for it again it was just a heartwarming show. I love how fast the progression of time is in it, like we're not stuck in a year at school we are speedrunning the experience and honing in on important / telling moments of their interactions and feelings. Very cool, thank you for the rec because honestly I would've never found this! I was initially going to watch uhh is it Hanado-kun? but the anime it's the prequel of! I read the synopsis last weekend and it sounded like a lovely watch however, I did feel like my vibe was too stressed out to enjoy it. It was like settling down to watch a Ghibli movie I need my mindset to match. I say this, watch me go in to watch it and it'll somehow be a murder mystery. Besides the point, I am looking forward to seeing it! I enjoy a good 12 ep anime tbh especially after not committing to one for a while. I remember the last 12 ep one I watched must've been Sk8 the infinity? I enjoyed it a lot (very casual watch although it got me binge watching it over like two days), it actually persuaded me to buy a skateboard 😭 I did the same thing with Haikyuu and bought a volleyball, God I'm easily influenced. Actually on the topic (kind of) I bought a bike recently! I hadn't ridden a bike since I was like 11 and decided to take my bike down a massive field (top 10 best decisions) however comma my tire did pop on a rock in the ground (no one saw this fate coming) and I hadn't been able to get it fixed since 😵
As well on the side I saw George went live on his alt there for like 4 hours amen good food George I haven't seen it yet but I probably will have it on at some point. Let me know if you've seen or if it's good! I also saw Karl, Foolish, Quackity, Punz, and Sapnap meet up but like in passing photos and screenshots I didn't actually watch anything. I did a screenshot of mid stream Karl and Foolish risking it all live for one another, good for them good for them. Also the MCC team reveals, I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this team. I can't even guess how the dynamic will play out but I will witness it all the same. On the side, sorry there's like a George update section of my mind lighting up rn, but Wilbur and George seem to be in an upcoming MrBeast vid? Me when more content 😍 yet, the content of them will probably span 3 minutes out of 10 but I don't think I can be picky. I'm actually excited for Techno and George on the same team too, I remember last year they were seen playing bedwars together for a little while but I don't think anything content related came out of it. I think they'd work well on screen tbh although I don't know if this is a genuine assessment of their dynamic or just me wanting it to be true. Yet, as you said before George just has a tendency to get on well with people.
I am absolutely loaded with recs which I'm very thankful for as everything I have seen so far has been so fucking good amen. My week was quite busy surprisingly at work so I'm very relieved to see the weekend again, I hope your week wasn't too stressful! I know your exam season is looming over right now but you've got it in the bag, easy peasy, literally no bother for you. I hope you still get the time each day to relax and unwind for a while! Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I have a lot I must reply to you with bye I have little pieces wrote for each so I will get there albeit slowly. Thank you for the well wishes, enjoy your kdramas or anything else you might start or return to legend!!
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