#I'm hilarious for this fyi
pathetic-gamer · 8 months
Too late, you Menstruate now
me, receiving this ask:
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corgiteatime · 1 year
I love seeing people call whatever is going on between Astarion and Gale as "toxic old man yaoi."
Because if you told them about it, Gale would look sad and say, "Toxic is a bit of a strong word. Everyone in this group has their own issues and-"
Meanwhile, the 200+ year old vampire shaking with rage behind him would shriek, "OLD?!?!?!"
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sometimes i remember someone bookmarked cyanide narwhal with the tag ‘self-insert’ and i have to stop and wonder if they mean they’re holding the fic by the neck all “he’s just like me fr” or if they truly think it’s a self insert. if it’s the latter i’m dying to know who they think the self insert is. please share. please,,
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rinusagitora · 9 months
Eau de Vie Poire
Fandom: Bleach Characters: Toushirou Hitsugaya, Karin Kurosaki, Momo Hinamori, Kisuke Urahara, Jinta Hanakari, Ururu Tsumugiya Pairings: HitsuKarin Words: 3.8k Summary: Karin got into college and Toushirou's had an okay growth spurt, so they're doing pretty good as far as he's concerned. What better Christmas present is there than boning your girl for the first time? Warnings: ABSOLUTELY shameless smut. AO3: works/52817095 A/N: HKGE 2023 gift for PinkDreamTiger on twt!
Momo's complaints become fog in the wintry air. "Lord," she says, "it's bitter today! Ugh, if spring doesn't spare us this torment...."
"You're all pink," he teases while elbowing her ribs. "Frostbite will soon take your nose."
"What? Lord, you're so mean," she hisses. "At least I don't have some freakish tolerance for this weather! Your eyelashes have frosted and you're fine with a light coat!"
He deserved that.
But he doesn't have any acerbity left inside of him. Sousuke took his sister from him for so long, destroyed reality, and replaced it with his mechanizations. It drove Momo mad for a few months. Their relationship wasn't repaired for years. But they're together again, brother and sister. It's all he wants now.
She stops outside of the Senkaimon and hugs him. "I love you, Toushirou, my brother," she says while cupping his cheeks. "I do hope you enjoy your vacation."
Toushirou hugs her. "I'll miss you, Onee. I hope you and your husband enjoy New Year's."
"We will. I'll see you next year."
"Yeah, see you next year."
It only takes him a few minutes to emerge in the World of the Living. He's met by Kisuke Urahara in his shop's otherworldly basement. Toushirou still isn't sure how he feels about Kisuke. He always gets the jeebies from Kisuke, but what unknown doesn't give anyone the jeebies? His girlfriend seems to like Kisuke and his company well enough, anyway.
"Hello, Hitsugaya-kun," Kisuke says while unfurling his fan. "Are you traveling with Jinta and Ururu today?"
"It's Hitsugaya-taichou," he says. "But yes. We agreed to go to Karin-chan's together. We're doing a gift exchange at her place."
"Ururu told me about it," Kisuke says. He claps his fan shut on his palm. "I'm just glad you all have each other. Our kids never had real friends before you and Karin-chan, you know."
Toushirou smiles. This is one of the reasons he can't bring himself to entirely hate Kisuke and his family. Yes, he's old, but living in the body of a boy forever has made him feel like a boy lost in a sea of far more experienced elders. But Jinta, Karin, and Ururu have made Toushirou feel less of an arbiter and more of an actual fucking person.
He slips into his gigai and meets Jinta and Ururu upstairs. She hugs him.
"Happy Christmas, Toushirou-kun," she says. Jinta proceeds to clap him on the back.
"Hey, man, how goes?" he says.
"Am I too early?" Toushirou asks.
"Naw," Jinta replies. "We ain't even doing, like, dinner."
"We are, she's just ordering pizza. Well, pizza and ribs," Ururu says.
Toushirou laughs. "Good by me." He definitely won't turn his nose up at home cooking, but the discovery of pizza altered his entire worldview for the better.
Apparently, it'll just be the four of them. Ururu tells him that Ichigo and his wife are seeing her family. Isshin and Yuzu are in Okinawa. Originally, Karin was supposed to join them, but couldn't schedule it around her classes. Which is fine by him. Toushirou isn't Ichigo's biggest fan. Ichigo was weird when Toushirou first started dating Karin. Were it about him being in his eighties, whereas Karin only turned eighteen in May, Toushirou would completely understand. But Ichigo seems to think Karin is in jeopardy in Toushirou's custody like he's going to deflower her. Toushirou knows he isn't a force to be reckoned with, but he's seen how Karin treats hollows and he's pretty sure Karin would snap his spine without a second thought and step over his corpse.
Karin waits outside the gateway of the Kurosaki home while tapping away on her iPhone. Once they're closer, she stands, waves, and hugs each of them.
"Hey, guys," she says. When Toushirou is kissed by her, he gets butterflies. "C'mon in. I know it isn't, like, homemade, but we don't want a repeat of the last time I tried cooking, do we?"
"I'm fine with 'za," Jinta replies.
"Agreed," Toushirou says. He's not one to turn his nose up at home-cooked meals, but the discovery of pizza altered his entire worldview for the better.
Karin dishes everyone a slice before taking a seat on the floor and adjusting her shorts. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble coming here during the holidays," she says.
"Not at all. Shit's always slow in winter. No one wants to go out when it's cold outside." Toushirou's shoulders bob while he folds his slice. "The real question is how it's going on your guys' end. I imagine the holidays are much harder as a student."
"I expected it to be harder. I'm not saying it's breezy or anything, but I'm able to pump out what I gotta to make time for myself." Karin proceeds to take a huge bite. Jinta kicks her foot under the table.
"At least you've got prospects," he says, sighing. "I think I'm doomed to work at my dads' shop for the rest of my natural life."
Toushirou cocks his eyebrow. "What? He didn't forge you guys' documents or something?"
"We haven't asked. It feels... ungrateful," Ururu says.
Jinta sighs. "Yeah. I mean... they've done lots for us." He kicks his legs onto the coffee table. "Asking 'em for a way out just feels like a massive fuck you, y'know?"
Toushirou pats his shoulder.
"Aaanyway," Karin says, "I got everyone's presents here! Hang tight. I'll grab them."
Jinta practically inhales the rest of his slice. "Hang on, I'm coming. I saw something huge in there earlier."
"I can carry it," Karin laughs.
"It's not heavy, it's just huge. You're gonna roll an ankle, man."
Toushirou stands, takes Ururu's plate, and grabs another slice for each of them. "Your brother's matured a lot."
"He has," Ururu agrees while she takes her plate. "I think having you and Karin has helped. Being konpaku divorces you from humanity, but..." she trails off while picking up her slice, and smiles. She's pretty while ruminating. Not the same way Karin is pretty. Toushirou is pretty sure Ururu isn't interested in dating men anyway. Rather, Ururu's pretty in the way serenity is pretty. The kind of pretty that makes him envious. "But having you guys makes us feel normal, y'know?"
"I do."
There comes a crash and a storm of colorful language, some of which Toushirou hasn't heard before. Jinta and Karin can be spectacularly creative with their vernacular. Toushirou and Ururu share a bemused glance before setting their food aside and journeying upstairs.
"I told you it was cumbersome," Jinta barks while he and Karin squat to pick up a dented present wrapped in red and white paper.
"Oh, shut it, dumbass! If I didn't have you to contend with, I could've done this so easily!"
"Quit arguing," Ururu groans. She strides between them and lifts it with ease Toushirou isn't sure he could accomplish with any meaningful results. Another reason to envy Ururu. It just seems to embarrass Jinta and Ururu, however.
Toushirou helps carry the rest of the presents downstairs. Karin pushes aside the table before setting the pile down and sorting through them.
"Um, okay, these two are your's, Toushirou," Karin says while she passes a pair of boxes in peppermint and pink wrapping paper. He can tell you almost instantly these were wrapped by Jinta and Ururu respectively.
It's better than Toushirou's brown paper, at least.
Karin passes out the rest of the presents before they begin opening them. Of course, Ururu starts with her enormous present, peeling off the striped paper, popping open the box, and sliding out a foam structure. She gasps and applauds.
"Oh my god, how did you get this?" she gasps as she pries a massive assault rifle out of the foam. Toushirou's jaw hits the deck.
Jinta merely sniffs with a snide smirk. "Oh, I made it. Although, Dad helped with the smaller parts. But I did the heavy lifting. He just read the instructions. We tested it and everything so it's a fully operational killing machine."
"That's a really thoughtful gift, but my dad would kill me if he found out we had a gun in here," Karin hisses. Ururu slips it into its sleeve.
Jinta receives a pair of gauges from Karin and gushes about how long he's wanted to pierce his ears, a pair of reflective sunglasses Toushirou found for him a couple of months ago, and apparently, Ururu bought him a baseball signed by someone famous as Toushirou is fairly certain sent Jinta straight to Heaven. Ururu's remaining gifts are necklaces he bought at a flea market and a pearl-handle knife from Karin. Toushirou becomes increasingly concerned by the amount of weapons Ururu has amassed today alone.
Karin makes Toushirou open his presents next. Jinta and Ururu bought him a spectacular tapestry of dragons.
"The authenticator-guy said it's a relic from the seventeen hundreds. We saw it and it was so you," Ururu explains.
"I'm surprised you could even afford this," he says.
"The vendor owed our family a favor, so he was happy to discount it," Jinta says while he rolls it and drops it into the tube.
Karin is beaming when he opens her present. It's a ring box with a trio of rings. By far, his favorite is the dragon head in silver. Hyourinmaru is even pleased, purring within him like a cat.
He's never considered accessorizing, but this changes his mind with this.
"Oh, wow," he says, slipping them onto his fingers and watching them glint in the overhead lights, "this is... these are spectacular, babe."
"I'm glad you like them," Karin replies. She's practically glowing and it's making him flutter. "I was worried they wouldn't be your thing, but Ururu said they'd still be nice decorative pieces, if you so chose."
"I love them," he promises.
He loves her more than anything, he thinks.
Eventually, they begin chatting. Jinta and Ururu excuse themselves later in the evening, leaving him and Karin alone in the home. Perhaps it's the hormones of nascent manhood, but it gives him ideas that set his heart pounding.
Karin slips onto his lap and folds her alabaster legs one over the other. His hand lays on her thigh while she kisses him.
Can she feel his heart pounding? The thought makes him paranoid.
"I'm glad you got to come today," she says. Her elbow lays on the cushion and she sets her temple on her fist. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," he replies. Her eyes are steel gray but somehow soft. He could swim in them like mercury. "I love you."
Karin kisses him. Her arms fall around his shoulders. It makes him inflate. She laughs while he adjusts his hips. It makes him worry he's inadequate.
"What?" he says.
"Nothing," Karin promises. Her hand falls down his neck and chest while they resume kissing. Her lips are soft, and her tongue laps at his lips.
Frenching once sounded unappealing, but as Karin presses past his teeth, he wants to smack his past self for being a goddamn fool.
They fall onto his back. Toushirou's fingers find her knees and pull them towards his pits so her pelvis lays flat on his lap. She giggles.
"What?" he croaks. Karin kisses his jaw and hums.
"You've just got wood."
"I-Is it, like, small or something?"
"Not at all." Karin sits up. Her nails scrape down the front of his shirt and it makes him buck. He wants to take it off so he can feel it on his skin entirely uninterrupted. He's stopped when Karin's fingers loop under the hem of her shirt. He's so excited he's almost sick. Almost. When she whips off her shirt, revealing a sports bra pressing her tits up and in, he salivates, but she's far from finished.
"H-hang on," she says. "This is always the hard part..." It takes her a minute to pull off her bra. Her shoulder pops as she pulls it off her bulbous chest and she grunts while pushing it over her head. Her breasts fall over her ribs, nearly reaching her navel. Her nipples are milk chocolate on her breasts. He reaches to pet its peak with his knuckle, and throbs under her pussy when meeting her soft flesh billowing around him.
"God, you're gorgeous," he remarks airily. It's like a dream here.
Karin smiles. "I figured you'd enjoy yourself."
She dips and kisses him again. Her hair falls around their face and he hugs her, flattening her breasts against his, drawing his fingers up and down the dimple of her spine. She hums and purrs.
"I should probably take you upstairs," he says. He kisses her neck before digging his teeth in. Karin's moan echoes against the walls. "This can't be comfortable for your back."
"Okay," she says.
It's a little awkward trying to stand up with her in his lap, but he's able to carry her by the backs of her thighs while they giggle and race upstairs. Toushirou fumbles with her doorknob before Karin reaches behind her and opens it herself. He stumbles inside and falls hard onto her mattress which squeals like a rodent beneath their descent, but she kisses him and keeps her legs loop around his hips, grinding his length against her while he's tongued.
"Sweet lord," he shudders. There's no way he can keep up like this. Her crotch makes his underwear sticky with precum, and he can already see himself driving into her pussy while her eyes roll back in her head and her tits rock like the tide.
Toushirou sinks to his knees in front of the bed. Her legs pull his shirt up to his pits until Karin apologizes and unhooks him. He whips it off and tosses it to one side.
With her legs open, Toushirou unties her shorts. Karin lifts her hips up while he pulls them down past her knees. He kisses the inside of her knee while she pulls her feet out and she giggles.
The exterior doesn't look like anything he imagined. He knows a lot of girls shave, but he didn't anticipate there there being two sets of lips, let alone the inside lips are longer than the outside lips. He pushes it apart with his thumbs and finds two holes, which makes way less gross than peeing and fucking with the same hole. When he kisses the exterior, it's a little prickly, on the outside, but the inside is smooth, plush, and wet. Toushirou is reminded here that he genuinely has no fucking clue what he's doing, but he hikes her legs over his shoulders, draws his tongue up and down the inside of her lips, and hopes for the best. 
It's a strange taste. Not something he dislikes, but not something he's going out of his way for. Now, the way she shudders and slips her fingers in his hair is something he'll be coming back for time and again.
Karin says, "You're too low," and her fingers slip under his chin. She lifts him to an inflamed piece of her cunt. "Concentrate on-- oh god," she says.
He gets the point. Toushirou eagerly laps at the swollen hood of her clit and wants so badly to stroke himself but finds himself lacking while multitasking. He can come later. Right now, he just wants to see Karin squirming in ecstasy.
"Yesss," she says while pushing him by the back of his head against her. "Oh, baby, you're-- oh god," Karin's side curls towards her hips. One of her hands covers her mouth while she moans. He grabs her wrist and pries it off her. Instead, she props herself on her elbows and shakes. "Oh, that's good honey, that's good..."
He could purr like a cat now. Her approval has always given him stirrings, but this makes him drip.
"Keep it up, just like that," she says. He picks up the pace and she smacks him. "I didn't say faster, I said to-- ohhh, you're a quick study, Toushirou, you're a-- oh my god--"
She falls onto her back and her legs extend. He knows she said to keep doing as he was, but he pushed up her hood with his thumb to reveal the head of her clit and rubs it with his tongue. She pushes him hard against her, fingers splayed against the back of his head like she palms a basketball, and pleads, screams, for him to keep going until her breath is gone and all that's left are long moans. She writhes as he rides through her climax, milking it for everything, for every appraisal he'll receive once she finishes.
She pushes him off her cunt and he catches strings of her orgasm before licking his lips. She bites her lip with a heady gaze. "That... that was... wow," she says. His chest swells and he smirks. "Go rinse your mouth out. We're not finished."
Toushirou wants to keep the taste a little longer, but he's beholden to Karin's orders, functionally enslaved to her whims. He rinses his mouth before blotting his face dry and staring at his erection in the mirror in the bathroom. There's a wet trickle meandering towards his sac. He's got no idea where this is going but likes it. She could collar him and he'd be damn grateful.
He returns to Karin's bedroom to find her on all fours with her ass in the air. Toushirou runs his fingers through his hair and turns away with a string of swears.
He definitely could've seen this coming, and it's something he wants, but this is his first time. He knows from whatever gross boy-talk from the academy and the office that men don't last long. She's way out of his league and this is probably the most terrifying thing to end tonight would be to come prematurely. And, yeah, she's come already, and he's definitely going to come, but it seems unfair to take a pounding and not get anything out of it.
Karin finds him outside the door. Her eyebrows are upturned. "Did I come on too strongly?" she asks.
"What? No," he replies, "I'm just... really, really close to finishing and it's... it's embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed," she says. Her palm glides across his shoulders. "It's... I mean, I've fingered myself, but it hasn't really gone anywhere. This is for you, honey. I wanna fuck you."
He blows air through his lips. He knows she doesn't mean to, but there is something spectacularly seductive about how it's said. Maybe it's the candor.
He kisses her before she pushes him inside. Karin pulls him onto her like a blanket. They part from their kisses, only briefly, so Toushirou can feel for her entrance with the head of his cock in hand. He thinks he's found it for a moment and slides forward, but it's only her lips and she laughs when he slips onto her pubic bone. It makes him hot with shame.
"Hey, it's okay, here." Karin folds her knees to her chest. It spreads her and gives him better access. Toushirou is easily able to slip inside of her.
The clinical technicalities are easily described. She's soaking wet and pillowy. The feeling, on the other hand, is ineffable. He moans as warmth and relief and need overcomes him, and inadvertently gyrates. Toushirou has to anchor himself on his forearms on either side of her head and take a breather.
"Are you okay?" she asks.
"Better than okay, I'm just trying not to come just yet," he says as he lays his forehead on her breast. The hum Karin utters gives him the impression she's impatient and his performance anxiety returns.
He kisses her with tongue and slowly rolls his hips forward. Her splayed hands run down his spine and onto his buttocks, where her fingers and nails dig crescents into him. He pushes his weight onto his hands to free his bottom side of his weight for thrust. The friction of pistoning into her is ecstasy. Toushirou moans, hard, basking in her. Karin's hands float onto the back of his shoulders and she joins in Toushirou's noise-making. He parts to see her eyes have shut.
"Harder," Karin tells him, and it sends electricity down his spine. Toushirou picks up the pace and the sound of clapping flesh-on-flesh and the squeal of her box spring.
"God, yes," Karin hisses. Her arms fall back, so Toushirou pins her legs up by the backs of her knees and resumes. His back and abs burn, but god, does he feel great. He feels his orgasm build and coil inside of his pelvis. "Oh, don't fucking stop, Toushirou, you're-- oh god," she continues while writhing. Karin founds herself while her eyelids flutter. Her gorgeous, steel-gray irises have rolled into the back of her head.
The visage makes him snap and he shakes. For a moment, his rhythm stutters while ejaculating. It's like high tide overcomes him, an orgasm better than whatever mediocre results onanism gives him. But he can't stop. At minimum, he wants the bragging rights to making her come twice in less than ten minutes, and be able to prove it to a skeptical audience.
For the second time that night, Karin tremors and chokes and utters long, deep, hoarse moans, as musical as her squealing bedsprings. She's shivering around him, milking his cock, and it's like a dam breaks.
He tries to keep pace while spilling into her, so Karin's orgasms can be as good as his is, because it's magical. It's the best thing he's felt in years.
It ends. He falls onto her mattress and pants like he ran a marathon. Karin swings her arm over him and kisses his eyelids.
"You're a fucking Olympian," she giggles while turning onto her back. He likes how her breasts jiggle.
"I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did," he confesses while rubbing his cheek against her pillow. Her praise makes him flutter inside. "The fuck did we wait so long to do this?"
"Oh, I would've been so bad."
"The great part of owning a pussy is the impossibility of being bad in bed from what I've been told."
She laughs. "Fair enough... let's wash up. I need to run out for some morning-after pills."
He looks down at his flaccid penis. "Does this even, like, work like that?"
"Good point. I'm not sure... I'll ask Urahara-san. Can you start the bath for me while I call?"
It feels weird to talk to Kisuke about their sex life, but there's no one else to ask, so he starts the bath. She comes back a few minutes later and pulls her hair tie out and shakes out her hair. She's beautiful like this, he thinks. He'll never understand why men complain about their wives. Karin kisses him, tells him he doesn't have any potency, and Toushirou's pretty certain he wouldn't care either fucking way, because this woman is the one of his dreams.
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the customer: two iced matchas please
me on the 11th hour of my shift: okay! one iced latte coming right up
the customer: i said iced matchas
me: oh! sorry! iced matcha! that would be 4 euros
the customer, slowly, staring into my eyes: two. iced. matchas. please.
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sasslett · 2 years
I love how things just sort of *happen* when you write. Recurring jokes. Inside jokes. Repeated themes. Character actions. Like I never intended for any of this to happen, I never intended for Jess' ruined boots to be a running gag, I never intended for the Ultima Weapon to become the biggest in-joke between my OCs, I never intended for that single line of dialogue in my earliest chapters to become my character's repeated guiding principle but here we are.
And it's glorious.
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boss-the-goofball · 2 years
So after some thought and seeing an anon send you answers one of their OCs gave for that Questionnaire, I figured it would be a fun idea to use one of my OCs for this
Specifically Akatani Min who is....a fun choice for a lot of reasons~
1. My eyes are brown, but if it helps I do have white hair. Traits my own son inherited, while he got his father’s Quirk. Though one of my parents did have green eyes, so it’s very likely a recessive trait.
2. Surprisingly it is despite my age. But I would rather not let that blasted Garaki even think about touching me. That old coot will be getting a face full of cane if he even looks at me funny, especially since I’m obviously the superior medical professional around here.
3. If you knew even a lick about genetics then you would know there is a possibility of a child between the two of us having green eyes if you also have a gene for green eyes. Or did Garaki fill your brain with his crackpot bullshit theories?
4. Oh I put a tracking device on my son ages ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if he figured it out by now, but I doubt he minds because he knows me well enough as a mother. Though it has gotten difficult keeping up with him with how fast he can get, but I think he’s finally starting to slow down.
5. It depends on who makes more money, and I sincerely doubt you have as much capital as me. Who knows...
6. I’ve already adopted before, so I can adopt again. I have plenty of room in my house.
7. I have cooks for that, but I do know how to make dumplings. My son absolutely adores them, same with my dear granddaughter. Now she is the absolute cutest! I say that even though she is probably in her 40s by now, but still absolutely adorable with her round pinch able cheeks, I hear she has a son with similar cheeks. If only I could meet him...
8. I have finished reading hundreds of stories in my long life. Some endings are pretty lackluster however, especially the one from those Captain Hero comics. But that will get me rambling like an old lady and my son always begs me to stop.
9. My late husband used to wear ties, but I was always neutral about them. A man shouldn’t be defined by what he wears.
10. Design wise I would have to say the Demon King, but his actual character left much to be desired. You would think he would be some type of mastermind, but instead he focused too much on fighting Captain Hero that he lost sight of his goals. What a waste of potential.
11. Never! In fact, I’m going to include a picture of my son at the very end of this little questionnaire.
12. My house is large enough to fit plenty of people
13. I would adore having someone like him as a grandson-in-law. Such a shame my granddaughter chose to marry some idiot businessman who only cared about appearances.
14. My son’s hair can look a little spiky sometimes, but he knows to clean himself up when he comes home for a visit.
15. I do have a couple bank vaults in my home, but those are purely for storing valuables.
16. I have seen the times before the Hero System came to be, and I would rather see something better be formed than outright destroying it.
17. Obviously the answer is B, I know the gap between my husband and I was fairly large though. But that’s unavoidable when you have a type of Longevity Quirk, no?
18. My son is actually a Hero, though he should be retiring soon enough. I would not be opposed to a new child wanting to be a Hero, but only if he has the right tools for it.
19. I know there were times when I had to discipline my son, and I hear he took some of my lessons to heart when dealing with his best friend’s child. I will admit I was a little harsh on him, but I’ve grown wiser and if I were to have a new child than I’d probably spoil them rotten. I know I did that with my granddaughter.
20. Not a lot of options? Well better than naming him after that quack of a doctor you seem especially fond of
21. If we’re in my house then I will have my butler suffocate you with his Quirk. But if we’re at your home then I will just leave.
22. No thanks
23. I would be very hypocritical if I were to judge you for being a criminal or villain.
24. I technically did not pick Option C, but I will say my preferred color of choice is actually red.
25. Well I haven’t resurrected my last husband, so that should be an easy answer. And no, I don’t need your life insurance or money.
26. I only filled this out for fun, I truly do not like you at all. But my beef is more with your doctor friend as I consider him as my personal rival.
But as promised, here is a picture of my son!
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isn’t he simply the cutest?
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fastandcarlos · 2 months
The Chosen One : ̗̀➛ Charles LeClerc
summary: as part of the f1 media team you get to meet a lot of the drivers, however there’s one driver who seems to take an extra special liking to you
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liked by lancestroll, carlossainz55 and 79,302 others
ynusername: another fun week at the paddock, look out for some AM content coming your way on race day 🏎️💚
username1: we love new yn content!! 🫶🏻
lancestroll: thank you for being the perfect partner to have with us this weekend!
ynusername: @/lancestroll it was awesome to spend some time with you 💚
carlossainz55: excuse me come and film some ferrari content asap
username2: cannot wait, i've been dying to see you in the aston martin garage 🤩
username3: now this i just know is going to be hilarious
lewishamilton: you're such a traitor...last week you were all over mercedes 🙄
username4: i always thought that green was your colour yn hahah
danielricciardo: it's been too long, come back and film with me kiddo 😭
ynusername: @/danielricciardo gimme a time and a date and i'm there
username5: the queen is back 👑
charles_leclerc: still waiting for you to hurry up and come and visit ferrari
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc blame my bosses not me
username6: everyone spam f1 until they let yn and go and film with c2 pls
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liked by leclercgirl101, ferrarifan7 and 1,482 others
f1content: rumours continue to swirl as charles and yn are spotted enjoying their downtime together in the miami heat ☀️
username7: if this is true i swear i'll throw a party and everyone is invited 🙏🏻
username8: surely i can't be the only one thinking they look so well suited together
username9: is this why yn's been avoiding the ferrari garage??? 🤔
username10: two people do not colour coordinate for no reason fyi
username11: peep how comfortable they look to be together 🥺
username12: i refuse to accept that these two gorgeous humans are not dating
username13: yn is the only person i will give charles up for ngl 😂
username14: it's about time yn found happiness...praying charles is the man
username15: yn isn't even working this weekend and she's there, charles must be hella important to do that 🥺
username16: if this isn't true prepare for the sound of my heart breaking
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liked by pierregasly, estebanocon and 89,301 others
ynusername: another week = another garage. thanks to alpine for a great couple of days 🥺
username17: my favourite creator and my favourite team, thank you f1 gods 🙏🏻
landonorris: fuming!! remember when you told me mclaren was your favourite team
estebanocon: don't think i've laughed like that for a long time, you're the best!! 😂
ynusername: @/estebanocon all thanks to the talented driver who joined me
georgerussell63: i swear these days you're more popular online then the actual drivers
username18: another week of impatiently waiting for yn to film with ferrari 🙄
charles_leclerc: EXCUSE ME WHAT ABOUT ME!?!? 🤯
username19: poor charles is gonna have a breakdown if yn doesn't appear soon
pierregasly: can't believe you refused to take the alpine shirt that i gave you 🙂‍↔️
ynusername: @/pierregasly do you know how many drivers would never speak to me again if i accepted???
username20: i wish the drivers adored me as much as they adore yn ngl
lancestroll: heartbroken that you've already left aston martin for the opposition
username21: how can one person be wanted by so many teams??
carlossainz55: i'll give you a million dollars to come and save my teammate 😂
username22: not charles being publicly thirsty for yn omg
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liked by charles_leclerc, olliebearman and 89,492 others
ynusername: apparently this is the only garage im allowed in these days 🤷🏻‍♀️
username23: according to who yn wtf??? please tell me this is charles' doing 🙏🏻
carlossainz55: i always thought that red was your colour anyway
oscarpiastri: btw papaya definitely looks better than that!! 🧡
lancestroll: no way, green is definitely more your style yn! 💚
maxverstappen1: excuse me no one can compete with yn in navy blue thank you 💙
username24: not all the boys fighting over yn like she belongs to any of them
username25: clearly no one has ever seen yn in baby pink *chefs kiss* 🩷
charles_leclerc: it's about time you finally listened to me...
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc i'm yet to be fully convinced...
username26: the mic in hand...does that mean...content?? 🎤
username27: yn in red and charles in red seem like the perfect pair ngl
danielricciardo: just ignore them all and come and interview me instead, we'll have the best time 🥺
ynusername: @/danielricciardo omw now 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 101,486 others
ynusername: the interview you’ve all been waiting for, see what I got up to with the men in red during race weeekend 🏎️❤️
carlossainz55: the best time with you, we love you yn!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
username28: about time i can't believe it
landonorris: as much as i hate to admit it, you three are a pretty funny trio 😂
ynusername: @/landonorris i'll take that as a compliment coming from you!
username29: now THIS is the content that we've all been waiting for
username30: my heart just stopped for a moment to make sure that this is true 🥺
danielricciardo: i still confidently argue that we'd have a better time
username31: not me watching this on repeat for the whole weekend
charles_leclerc: my belly still hurts from laughing so hard...i hope you're proud of yourself 😂😂
ynusername: @/charles_leclerc ngl feelin' pretty smug rn
username32: screw the race, this is the content we came to see
arthur_leclerc: don't tell charles but he's not stopped talking about how great you are since this interview 🤭
charles_leclerc: @/arthur_leclerc you know this is a public comments section, right??
username33: do you know how long i've been waiting to see a post like this??
username34: all my christmasses just came at once
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liked by pierregasly, ynusername and 2,593,706 others
charles_leclerc: KING OF MONACO 👑🏎️
username35: we're so proud of you charles congratulations! ❤️❤️
ynusername: such an awesome drive, couldn't be happier for you 🏎️🏁
charles_leclerc: @/ynusername thank you for coming to cheer me on!!
username36: about time...bow down to the king 👑
maxverstappen1: congrats brother, i'll catch you next time
landonorris: i can see how hard you you're trying not to cry here hahah
username37: you deserve this more than anyone else in the world 💕💕
oscarpiastri: no one deserved to win more than you today, thrilled for you bro
username38: enjoy the celebrations, they're so well deserved king 💞💞
carlossainz55: the only time i'll ever say that i'm happy to lose to my teammate hahah
charles_leclerc: @/carlossainz55 just call me the smooth operator lol
username39: someone please stop the tears from falling now 😭
georgerussell63: damn that was a pretty good drive charle
username40: i've never been so on the edge of my seat in my life
lewishamilton: enjoy the monaco celebrations tonight!! 🍾
username41: i'm not even driving yet i feel like all my dreams have come true
pierregasly: we're all so proud of you, all the hard work was worth it my friend
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liked by charles4life, ferrarifanforever and 1,707 others
f1wags: is this the proof that we needed? during the summer break charles and yn have been seen lapping up the french sun on a local private yacht 🤔🏎️
username42: nobody speak to me i am officially deceased 😭
username43: surely no one can argue with this now
username44: thank you f1 gods for listening to my prayers 🙏🏻
username45: look at those smiles, they're perfect for each other
username46: obsessed obsessed obsessed 🤩🤩🤩🤩
username47: it doesn't feel right to be so happy for two people who don't know who i am
username48: i hope they know just how happy all us fans are for them
username49: my heart is so happy rn ❤️❤️❤️
username50: just hope that all the fans can get behind them and help them see how adorable they are
username51: it's my birthday today, and now my wish has come true!!
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liked by ynusername, lewishamilton and 3,592,103 others
charles_leclerc: shout-out to my biggest fan, thank you for always cheering me on 🫶🏻💕
username52: not charles coming at us with the hard launch like this ❤️❤️
landonorris: at least now i'm not the only one who has to listen to you gush about yn
username53: i was not prepared for such an adorable set of photos 🥺
pierregasly: oh you have a girlfriend?? you should've mentioned it hahah 🙄
username54: how did these two ever think we wouldn't find out about their relationship
georgerussell63: excuse me, double date is when? 🤔
carmenmmundt: i second what george just said 🫡
ynusername: @/carmenmmundt i'm all yours whenever you want me
ynusername: couldn't be prouder of you...you never fail to blow me away 🩷🩷
charles_leclerc: @/ynusername i try my best just for you my love
username55: did i mention how obsessed with these two i am yet?
username56: my heart is racing a thousand miles an hour seeing these
carlossainz55: can't believe you tried to pretend that you two weren't dating to the whole team, as if it's not horrifically obvious?? 🙄🙄
username57: i'm so happy to see charles with someone whose rooting for him like yn does
username58: btw if there was a competition for cutest couple these two would definitely win 💯
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 104,684 others
ynusername: I could get used to all this romance stuff with you 🥺💞
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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liptonrm · 1 year
Been having the best time with off-tumblr fandom friends lately. Two of them are obsessed with The Last of Us and are deep in their Pedro Pascal era, and another just watched Wheel of Time and had to scream (excitedly) at me about it.
The Pedro Pascal thing is especially funny because they keep on dropping Pedro Pascal lore and i'm all uh huh uh huh, i saw that in gifs on tumblr.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 2 months
bonus movie one-shot leak partial translation/note (bkdk bits)
This is the only time I'm gonna be doing this -- but since this is a bonus extra and it's so cute and I translated live on discord anyway, fine, here ya go!
But just the Kacchan parts~
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Kacchan: "All Might is watching, so I'm gonna get head ahead of you, De...Izuku."
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Kirishima: "What's with the way you're saying his name? You're still not used to it, I guess." Ashido: "Must feel weird, huh, Midoriya." Izuku: "Yeah... It was the same thing for more than ten years, after all..."
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Todoroki: "Not really, it's nice, isn't it? It's a thing that childhood friends call each other by their given names, right?" Kacchan: "IT AIN'T. What the hell would you know about it!" Todoroki: "Weren't you childhood friends?" Kacchan: "I JUST CAN'T GET AWAY FROM THE GUY, DAMMIT!"
"inseparable" is a hilarious oversimplification of what Kacchan actually said, fyi
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I went with "just can't get away" because it shows he's feigning annoyance/displeasure at it, he's being argumentative and denying that he ever intentionally maintained their relationship. The kanji literally means "rotten bond"!
He's being a tsundere, friends. <3
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jmdbjk · 2 months
Mental gymnastics...
I am flipping out. That's all. Just my brain doing cartwheels and whatever those things are called where you flip between those high bars and let go for a breathless second and then grab onto reality again. Or this...
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Too much Olympics these past few weeks I guess... anyway.
WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! I may or may not mention scenes in detail and their outcomes during these long rambling messy posts beginning with the next sentence.
Before I get into it... kudos to the staff for keeping up with these two and for suffering many extremely anxious moments as Jimin and Jungkook drove themselves through NYC, as Jungkook and then both Jimin and Jungkook rode the motorcycle through traffic, and the few heart stopping moments when JK flipped his kayak over and then they took off down the river alone before staff caught up with them. Not to mention probably looking up the nearest ER/urgent care facility in case Jimin got too dehydrated from his bout with the stomach bug.
Seriously though, their lives and global headlines had to flash before their eyes when JK disappeared underwater under that kayak... so big applause for the staff/production crew for not shitting THEIR pants thirteen times too.
So here are some of my thoughts. I'll begin with the first episode...
Episode 1:
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In the opening scene, I'm assuming this is Antoya Korean BBQ restaurant. They were talking about JK's sore throat and that he had to visit a medical facility. Jimin kept on about it. It seemed like JK's "stop babying me" attitude bubbled up a little bit. Let them be them. As you can see, JK adjusted Jimin's beanie so he could see his eyes. They were fine.
Pause and reflect: they didn't know what to expect with this idea of a travel show. The moment above happened on Thursday evening, July 13. Both of them were working. Jimin was still working on his concepts, photos, MV and whatnot, planning to finish everything for Muse in the coming months. Jungkook had a full schedule for promoting Seven which was dropping the next day. He had to get up early for Good Morning America concert in the park.
I'm stating all this for point of reference. Nothing is static. JK was in work mode: he had a performance the next day and also not feeling well himself. Jimin had been on a plane for 14 hours. Just keep these things in mind before jumping to conclusions.
In the next scene (the next day) back at the hotel after JK's done with his performance and when he's packing to go on this trip he's all in and ready to go. Hurry up Jimin!
Jimin asked him how the live performance went. As we know, the GMA live performance was mostly rained out. Before the storm came through, they quickly pre-recorded the performances before it would have been time for the live broadcast and then shut it down. Jungkook had to be driven quickly to the studio to be interviewed to fill the leftover time in the program that more of his live performance would have taken up.
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Hearing Jungkook say "this isn't my first rodeo" was never going to be on any bingo card in my lifetime.
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I don't know what he was scribbling on that iPad but it looked geometric. He was focused. Maybe it was something for the next week's performance, maybe it was a sketch for music show staging, trying to recreate that flower archway they saw at Antoya the night before? maybe he was doodling in Canva... we don't know.
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Me either, Jimin... (this was the first of all the hilarious gems that begin to shower down on us).
They are both known to be perfectionists when it comes to their work. And we know they've also both performed when feeling less than 100% on that stage. Jungkook realized there were circumstances beyond his control and he took it in stride.
FYI, in New York City, they stayed at the Loews Regency on E. 61st Street in Manhattan. It is between Madison Ave. and Park Avenue and not far from Central Park. Swanky. The suite looks like the 2-bedroom "Park Avenue Suite" and runs $2100 a night... gasp. Yes, its the same suite where JK did his live after his rained upon GMA appearance. During this live he mentioned being poked with needles, IV's and shots in the butt as well as teasing us with what would become Are You Sure:
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No, I don't think Jimin stayed in this suite with JK. Jimin's room had a smaller bathroom and a shower curtain instead of a glass shower door. Staff with camera woke him up.
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To be that beautiful when rolling out of bed... anyway, I digress...
It truly was unplanned and spontaneous as if they were doing this with the idea of "let's try it and see if it can be viable." Even Jimin wasn't sure if any of this could be aired.
Once they got in the Jeep they started to find their groove. Being alone, just them, was what they needed. They could focus on what was ahead of them. The driving moments were some of the best for me.
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We eventually learn that Jimin wasn't feeling well and I'm certain this is what Jungkook was telling Yoongi during that episode of Suchwita, along with the elbowing in the nose.
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Seems like Jimin's stomach trouble started when they were at the first restaurant, the burger place. The bathroom visits continued at the brewery and into the evening at the campsite.
Jimin had some sort of stomach bug that kept him on the toilet a lot and he ran a little bit of a temp. I am sad that he wasn't feeling 100% when they were on the yacht the next day but he still seemed to enjoy it enough to find the humor in his situation. He was a real trooper.
It sure didn't stop him from eating. My man was very brave in that regard. Me... no way I'd be stuffing my face with a big greasy burger when at any moment I might need to make a run for the toilet.
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They get back on the road and these are the moments that I wait for:
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After arguing in satoori about who is the worst driver between them, they start shopping at Dick's.
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And get recognized...
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After shopping excursion at Dick's, they finally head to High Nine Brewery...
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Jimin's first sample wasn't to his taste (again). His taste buds were probably a little off since he had the stomach thing going on... but JK's eyebrows say that his sample was pretty good.
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They finally settle on a hard seltzer and a pale ale and relax for a little bit. Jungkook is still wondering what would make good subject matter to film. They are truly making it up as they go...
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Jimin proceeds to explain and an interaction happens and I am not sure what to think about it:
I am going to end this post here because they are now on their way to the kayaks and that segment deserves its own post and I have too many screen shots of it to fit in this post.
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[These are all my own opinions about what I am seeing and hearing them say and from what I am observing from the video. It's ok if your opinion is different from mine.]
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teriri-sayes · 6 months
Reactions to Chaos Creator's Chapter 266
New title - 33. Do You Think It's Possible With Your Own Power?
TL;DR - Cale reveals that he was an otherworlder sent by a god to stop the god-wannabe dragon. Freedom spies on the emperor. Jungwon says that Dragon Lord came to visit him. Cale is troubled because of gamer Alberu.
The Discussion First half of the chapter was a continuation of Cale's "discussion" with Emperor Alt. Cale revealed about his otherworlder status and his mission, giving Alt false hopes of power when Cale added that he would leave this world after his mission was done.
Of course, Cale knew that Alt's ambition would be hard to achieve, especially when King Dennis was present. Dennis had slyly offered to assign "aides" who would do chores for the mages and swordsmen in Cale's group.
With the great upheaval happening 200 years ago, magic and swordsmanship naturally regressed, so Cale understood why Dennis wanted his kingdom's theoretical mages and reserve swordsmen to "become aides" of the mages and knights in Cale's group. So Cale agreed to Dennis's offer, referring him to Ron and Rosalyn.
The Messages It seemed like the area near the ruined temple of the Chaos God was a no-signal place because Sui's group stopped contacting them after teleporting there. And while Cale was thinking of eventually going there too, he received two messages.
One was from Jungwon who said that the Dragon Lord personally visited him. What? How? Did the Central Plains have a World Tree where the Dragon Lord could use to trace the source of the world and talk to Jungwon, like how he did in Aipotu?
But Cale was more alarmed to read the 2nd message which was from Alberu. Yeah, Cale's bad premonition was correct. Alberu had indeed become an obsessed gamer! 🤣🤣🤣
Alberu's message: I heard that the game is getting a large update patch. It's said that from now on, game users can also build a nation. I plan to try it too. Cale: Ha! Alberu's message: FYI, I was selected as a Rising Newbie, a rising powerhouse among newbies. I think I will participate in the best rookie competition as Roan's representative. Cale: Ha! (Alberu Crossman. That person plans to establish a kingdom in a virtual reality game and be the king. And what? Rising Newbie? How immersed were you in the game to get a title like that!) Cale: *video calls Alberu* Alberu: What? I'm busy now, okay? *moving his pen nonstop* Cale: *shocked* Alberu: What's wrong? What happened? Raon: H-Human! The crown prince has puffy eyes! His cheeks are sunken! We have to give the crown prince 10- no, 100 apple pies! Cale: *covers face with both hands* Aren't you tired? Alberu: *stops writing and smiles* You mean doing both work and games? Cale: Yes. Isn't it better to do it in moderation? Alberu: *shrugs* Isn't it worth a try? Raon: T-The crown prince looks like my human now! Cale: This is driving me crazy.
Oh how the tables have turned. Cale and Alberu have switched their iconic lines of "It's worth a try" and "This is driving me crazy" 🤣🤣🤣 And that Rising Newbie title. Yeah, that's pretty much confirmation of Alberu's game addiction. What have you done to him, Cale?
Ending Remarks The last part about gamer Alberu was hilarious. Next chapter would be Cale's meeting with the pope. I guess we're going to find out soon the chaos the three troublemakers had done there. 😂
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littlebreadrolls · 5 months
shang qinghua and his bemused king (art)
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this relationship dynamic is hilarious to me, so i drew it. like, i imagine mobei jun initially thinking shang qinghua was so loud all the time because that's just how humans are. but then mobei jun meets sqq who isn't like that at all, and he realizes that shang qinghua isn't loud all time because he's human but because he is just Like That
(fyi, i'm trying out a new lineart method here and it exhausted me so much that i just decided not to shade this. pls do me a favor and pretend that this is a purposeful aesthetic choice and not me being lazy :'))
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
TUA S4 alternative options for the Five *event*
Spoilers below, not meant to be taken seriously FYI
Now, I like my Five as AroAce as I am (extremely). But given that TV shows and society has this bullshit propaganda that 'romantic love simply Must occur for a complete being!!' Here's some alternatives that they could have gone for that might have been just as bad but I'd have hated less. (BTW no hate if you write romantic Five Fanfic, not for me but you do you, just wanted this one character to be safe from canon romance)
Bring The Handler back: That would be one fucked up relationship, don't get me wrong, but given they wrote a destined-to-be-fucked romance, have Five struggling to adapt and being coerced into a relationship by her and then realising it's shady and he DOESN'T need this sort of connection because his FAMILY is enough for him and have him kill her.
Make him and his colleague have a thing. True, potentially also problematic as mentally depending on your POV he's 60 or 13 or some mingle-mangled nightmare of the two. In the favour of this pairing I have only that I liked (was it Derek??'s) character design, they've clearly got some similar interests as they work together, they will have therefore spent some quality time together in a Safe space where they could have made a reasonable connection.
Dolores is real in this timeline, or Five somehow birthed her into being. (honestly I thought his colleague was going to turn out to be Dolores and of all the possibilities I would have accepted that the most) For this to work I think Dolores would have needed to be one of the 43 all along and maybe someone who can transplant their consciousness who did similar to Five and got stuck like that, went comatose and mad with it (therefore staying around 13) until Five found her. There, with that, you can fudge around the problematic age thing, they grew up side by side. Thus she and Five really did have a connection, really could talk, and now he gets to live into his old age with someone both mentally and physically the same age as him.
Give him a therapy dog in Pennycrumb that's better than a romance surely who doesn't love a pet?
Kenny's Mom. Idk it would have been whacked AF but I would have laughed my head off and know Five had just lost the plot completely.
He falls in love with another version of himself he meets on the subway. Hell, why not make this a Five that changed gender in the apocalypse and met a mannequin named Donnie, that way we also get more queer representation. Yes, this would also, in fact, be weird AF. But legit hilarious and someone who can match his experience and intelligence. And age.
Let him just have one night stands, that's midway happy right for TV? Just don't make me watch any intimate scenes. You have a Whole other cast, use them. Hell, be brave, do a Klaus / Dave Ghost sexscapade instead.
He has re-found mannequin Dolores. Man has never dealt with his issues that we know of - the show never tells us he does. I thought when they first turned up in the apocalypse from the trains and the sunlight was shining on Dolores that Five was going to steal her. But he could also have just found her again because he couldn't cope.
I think that's exhausted all my awful joke options (though honestly the Dolores two aren't even that bad) would love to hear which your favourite out of these awful options is.
Please reblog for votes, I'm having way too much fun here.
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
I love how you write and it makes me so glad you are here.
can I ask what inspired you to start?
signed - a maybe inspired future fic writer
This is such a wonderful ask! 🥰
I'm glad you enjoy my writing. I have ideas and I write them is my short answer and explains nothing I realize.
The long answer:
I've written fanfic before, off and on for maybe the last 10-15 years. Very different fandoms. Started out with anime, dabbled a bit in Yaoi then transitioned to Marvel and now I'm firmly planted in the Pedro Pascal, Oscar Issac, Benny Miller triangle of hotness.
Fanfic for me is an expression of a story, show, movie, video game or pice of media that I enjoyed so much, I just had to make something. I can't draw, no mixing of hot tracks or beats, I've just started dabbling in photo editing this year and am a beginner at that. It's all purely fun for me. I enjoy it and it's fun to share with other people who create and are like, "Hey! You like that? I like it too. Let me see yours and I'll show you mine. Where'd you get the idea for that?" And then hilarious conversations leap from there.
What inspired me to start specifically in the Pedro Pascal fanfic world was The Mandalorian. It was the first time I realized, "that's the man I've seen before!" And then realized I've seen Pedro Pascal in many of my favorite shows, (The Mentalist was watched for the sake of completion. After season 6 and the first episode of season 7, there wasn't a real reason to continue other than spending time with my mom. She's fine, when I tell people that they think she's passed on but the woman is still lifting 50 lbs mulch bags in her mid seventies. She more than fine.) I then became fixated on this man, reset the password on my AO3 account and found Pedro Pascal character fanfics. I was then led back to Tumblr which before I was on years ago for anime and read fics by @secretelephanttattoo ( I shall always sing about Headshots. It inspired the first fic I posted on Tumblr and is just so damn cute. El is also just a sweetheart.) and @morallyinept whose Tendrils fic only deepened my brain rot for that tall beskar bucket, she's also a dear friend who's made me laugh, cry in a good way, inspired me and very time I turn around she's crafting something new. Fics, banners, self-care, doodles, smut, databases, and all sorts of Pedro interviews and dialogue. Because I'm a fangirl of them both and many others actually, I keep 👀 on them.
What keeps me going is the fandom overall and that despite, recent tribulations let's say politely, we're all still here. Geeking out over a goofy, handsome, I know he gives the best hugs, actor who loves what he does and has been working at it for years and it's finally paying off.
I've met wonderful friends and moots who reach out, give me encouragement, tell me I do well (I'm starting to listen to them I swear. I'm not good at taking compliments in person so it's even worse online FYI.
So I hope this answers your ask and I do encourage you to write that weird, funny, smutty, cute, sweet, dark, twisty, angsty fic that you want to write. I do hope whoever you are, you tag me in it so I can read it. 🤭
Special love to the following and if I left anyone off, I'm sorry. It's after work, I rubbed my eyes, wipes my glasses because I got them wet while writing this and it was a lot:
@maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @magpiepills
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings @for-a-longlongtime @i-own-loki @undercoverpena @connectioneverywhere
@soft-girl-musings @perotovar @julesonrecord @lotusbxtch @604to647
@yorksgirl @pedroshotwifey @fhatbhabiee @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @bitchwitch1981
@jessthebaker @avastrasposts @inept-the-magnificent @lady-bess @grogusmum
@schnarfer @boliv-jenta @iamskyereads @iamasaddie @chaithetics
@tinytinymenace @yourcoolauntie @alltheglitterandtheroar @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl
@trulybetty @laurfilijames @wannab-urs @legendary-pink-dot @din-cognito
@sin-djarin @beefrobeefcal @spacecowboyhotch
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cocoagenie · 1 year
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𝙄ñ𝙖𝙠𝙞 𝙂𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙮 𝙭 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙛𝙚𝙢 | 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝘿𝘾𝘼𝙉𝙊𝙉 <3
[P💕: i crave him]
[Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more !]
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☆ Iñaki can definitely be troublesome if he's bored. I'm talking face/body paint cosplays, hiding your things, pranking you with his perfect acting skills type of trouble
• its truly hilarious and a bit concerning to catch him with his whole face green and a dinosaur stuffed hat clipped around his head
☆ "ki.." he has his back to you and stares at the walls like there much more important
• will scream over games in his phone, for instance if iñaki runs out of time and fails a challenge you can here him crying out from the bathroom
☆ he suggests the craziest things on tiktok and you are a sucker for a good time despite you both hating to clean up behind yourselves. You have an eighteen minute long video of you both slipping on the soapy kitchen floor btw ;p
• iñaki often walks around your apartment a bit weirdly so he's bound to stub a toe or bump his shoulder into the edge of the wall, always cursing in Spanish which makes you burst into laughter
☆ you both truly are unfiltered around eachother and hes feels so lucky that he got two for one, (you're not only his best friend but your his girlfriend too.) Iñaki thinks that's epic
• skating time is sublime.
• "you– geezer, just hold onto me?" You laughed as Iñaki rolled around the skating ring like an elder on life support, he obliged but that cost you with the way he gripped your hands.
☆ "Damn, kiki!"
• "Slow down!!" He wobbled.
☆ "We not going no damn where!"
• on the court he will demolish you. Iñaki's always in your face, running around you as he dribbles the ball and shoots, it hits the rim sometimes
☆ "you're ass.." you kick some pebbles as he jogs for his rebound and runs back to you with a grin. Sweat beading at his forehead and wetting the roots of his curls.
• "oh? well then you make the hoop" you both are nearly the same height but he's still slightly taller. (He looks scrumptious in loose tanktops fyi) The basketball is pushed to you as you roll your eyes and take it. Iñaki situates beside you and watches you move forward but hands on your hips pull you back.
☆ "Do it from here." You got ready to argue but just huffed and dribbled the ball once to make sure it was hard enough and not flat. Your dominant arm bended and launched the ball for the edge of the square. It rolled around the rim but fell off and Iñaki suppressed a laugh.
• he talks so fast in English and Spanish that you often tell him to slow down. He laughs at that because he's still getting used to someone truly listening instead of talking over him
☆ iñaki flexes his facial hair and that often gains your attention so he ends up getting his mustache and sideburns cleaned up while you're on his lap
• "please amor, don't cut it too much."
☆ "shh shh, look?" You raised the mirror and when he saw the results iñaki felt ten times more flashier and he thanked you with a big kiss of course
• bro looses his marbles when he can't find his glasses and you love to watch him suffer as he looks everywhere while their RIGHT ONTOP OF HIS HEAD.
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The sweet things
☆ he needs to have you by his side but doesn't like to really admit it so when you're doing something or simply lounging around he'll come to you like puppy and lean on you, or play with/link your hands
• iñaki bites and asks before hand too lol
☆ teaches you his first language and loves how you have your way of pronouncing certain words, he also praises you and says you sound like a natural after correctly saying a sentence
• love love lovesss your cheek kisses since your lips are already plump and soft. Fall is here and it tends to get chilly so iñaki jokingly asks you to prescribe him with some so he doesn't freeze to death
☆ let's you play in his hair especially when it grows out, you put it in ponytails, side cornrows and twists until he's snoring against you
• iñaki doesn't have a foot fetish but will massages your feet when their sore. He's the best at it, courtesy of the practice with his mother
☆ since you love vinyls and CD's he brings you shopping with him at special stores that sell hand me downs, movie cds or song records
• you both enjoy a good thrifting spree!
☆ picnic dates are sweet but getting something to eat downtown and exploring the lower city makes you feel like jasmine and iñaki is obviously your aladdin <3
• "should we jay walk?" You look at the currently empty street as iñaki's hand is gripped in yours, his eyes keep flickering down both ends of the street before he suddenly tugs you across with him
☆ "Vamanos, vamanos!" You snort and run across as you both eventually make it to the car.
• he often asks you why you fell in love with him and you're always ready to provide an answer.
☆ "You have this weird charm that I'm drawn to.. plus you were kinda mysterious with the way you used to sta-"
• "okay okay I get it!"
☆ "Nah you used to stare into my soul remember?"
• Iñaki felt incredibly shy around you, he still does now that you're both together he just knows how to hide it now ;)
☆ matching charm bracelets and rings. 😭
• he's the pure embodiment of "just happy to be there!"
☆ will always polish the hand you can't do
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