#I'm grateful someone took the initiative to do something though because I was worried no one would
likeabxrdinflight · 4 months
very strange getting a message from the mom of a current student of my middle-school-teacher-turned-friend who is organizing a little retirement gift for her. like. yes I do know she's retiring. we spent the better part of two hours on thursday talking about it over margaritas and mexican food. of course I'd be happy to write a short message to put in a little book of messages from former students but also please know that it's going to be filled with references you won't understand and I will be addressing her by her first name.
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jahnavisurenda-21 · 7 months
Demon Slayer||Yorichii Tsugikuni||Something More
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The Strongest demon slayer, found himself unwinding with you on a spring evening, in one of those peaceful moments where you or him did not have anything particular to worry about.
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If any of those days it could be raining heavily, or even thunder when you saw no point in going out, or the sun was so unpleasant a particular afternoon you would not leave the house. Nor would you allow Yorichii to leave, to which he would occasionally chuckle at how sometimes you could loosen up those initial feelings of stress and anxiety and just take in a moment to breathe.
"I'll return before the sun sets my dear, I want you to enjoy the treat you have been wanting to try." Yorichii insisted, when you clung to him.
You were an Apothecary, and your lover was a renowned demon slayer. So, even though you both were comfortable it meant you both were obligated to perform your duties.
"Please don't come back to the house my dear, when you are in the city it's not safe." Yorichii warned you,
Once it had been two weeks since you returned home because the city had a strange disease that was spreading through the lower parts of the city, you deduced it was a virus, which had been multiplying slowly and no one took any initiative to call a practitioner deeming it to be very expensive.
When your case got tricky you recalled that in the attic you had left some practice books you wrote some details about a plant that grew in the northeast side, since the details were so small and insignificant according to you, you just let them collect dust.
So that day in the pouring rain, you saw that the sun had not set, and you calculated that if you didn't take too many breaks, you could make it to your home. Maybe even see your lover.
So it was midnight when you reached completely drenched, and you knocked on the wooden door.
To see the usual emotionless features of Yorichii shift to surprise and then worry as he ushered you in the house, he pushed you near the hearth. Before he managed to get a warm bath ready for you,
He didn't say anything until you had settled in after washing yourself and settling down to some lovely homecooked meal,
He had cooked some tempura from lunch, and some Miso soup only then he look at you with seriousness, you had to seriously diffuse the tension.
"Why wouldn't you heed my warning? Even with the potential risk of demons, you should be weary. All though I'm grateful you came here with just tiredness it could have been--"
"The food is so good; did you make this for Lunch? I ate cabbage, and some tofu. When had you come back?" You asked completely ignoring his previous statement,
Yorichii sighed heavily, then stared down at you, until you returned the sigh.
"I had to come back, the villagers are suffering and I want to at least find out the root cause, I remember that in the first year we moved here My father's notebook, I had left it in the attic.
Maybe the younger Tsugikuni brother had seen something else in you, more than just talent and knowledge about herbs, and ayurvedic medicine, you had a genuine desire to help someone.
It was from that day that Yorichii to began accompanying you to the village.
He was stressed, and sometimes would torment himself with the past. Besides, the ugly part of the village, it was surrounded with crafty shops, and delectable street food, and the caretakers at the crest family household were extremely welcoming to demon slayers, and many people travelers, or Various practitioners.
You thought, a little bit of a change in the environment could ease the tension always being burdened by one task would do him no good.
Sure enough, it worked out in your cards, Yorichii talked to some swordsmen, and travelers who took an interest in him. You were definitely busier it was Yorichii who brought your meals on time and kept you hydrated.
One of those days when you finished a long shift from work, you literally jumped on the bed you and Yorichii shared startling him when you kicked the pillow and huddled inside the blankets.
"Oh, it feels so good to sleep!" You sighed, "My ankle hurts." You murmured.
"Your back, the residents here really seem to like you." Yorichii stated, "I like them too." You yawned stretching your arms.
"You worked hard Y/n, now they have hope."
You laughed, "It's not just me there are so many people who are trying."
You turned towards Yorichii, "How about you? Do you like it here?"
"You brought me here to relax, and I am grateful for that, let's both have a few days to relax alright dear?"
You smiled, "Sounds wonderful."
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amorelray · 1 year
I just watched this show for the first time and I was very pleasantly surprised with how much I liked it. I'm usually not much of one for animes with the main character as a very ditsy girl, but this one was different. Tohru wasn't my favorite character, even though she was the main protagonist. That's also not to say that I didn't like her, she just didn't resonate with me the way that Kyo and Yuki did.
Initially, I found myself drawn to Haru. He made me laugh and smile - a kind character in his own way. I appreciated him more than Kyo or Yuk; but as the seasons went on, I found myself really liking them.
❗SPOILERS❗ At the end, when Kyo🐈 and Yuki🐀 got their happy endings - I felt different for both of them.
Throughout the series, Kyo slowly reminded me of parts of myself. He'd put others first by sacrificing his happiness. I've done that myself for ages; it hurts, and it's lonely. I believe that Kyo felt this way too. He felt as if he was protecting Tohru and her heart from what his fated future was supposed to be. He loved her so much, that he'd sacrifice his own selfishness in order to see her happy, going so far as to believe that maybe she belonged better with Yuki. It pained me to see him like this, because I've done the same things. I'll push people away in hopes of saving them potential heartache that would be attached to myself. It's a very self-isolating mechanism and it hurts more than one might think. We think we're being noble, but we're just denying someone a chance to make their own choice. It's taken some growing up for me to learn something like that, and it took Kyo awhile too. Towards the end of Season 3, it can be seen that Kyo will throw aside what he's supposed to do and be for Tohru. The amount of physical affection he shows her versus the other Zodiacs was very prominent throughout the entire show, but even moreso towards the end. When he finally drew her into his arms with reckless abandonment and didn't transform, my heart sighed of relief for them. It was finally over. Their worries, their suffering, their strife - it was gone. Kyo was free & free to love. I felt like I should have cried, but I couldn't. I was merely grateful; happy that Kyo finally was able to have what it was that his heart truly desired.
Yuki on the other hand - I cried over twice. The moment their bonds were released and he hugged Machi, silent tears filled my eyes. He. Was. Free. It hurt seeing him hurt and I cried because he was finally released from his past of pain and imprisonment. I knew that as soon as the bond broke, Yuki could finally TRULY be himself. I always felt as of many of the other Zodiacs were quite a bit of themselves while under the curse, but Yuki always gave me the impression that he held himself back due to what happened when he was a child. He was always afraid of losing people again the way that he did when he had made his first set of friends. Watching all of it crumble and fall away filled me with a mix of things I'm not sure I can find the right words to describe - so I cried.
The second time was when he told Tohru how loved she truly was. He was always afraid to tell her exactly what she was to him, but when he did - there was so much gratitude and love. It was one of the most wholesome things I think I've ever witnessed. Seeing her realize that she'll never be alone and that the bonds they all CREATED will never fade, and watching him FINALLY accepting and speaking his truth was so freeing.
I really couldn't have imagined a better show or end to it. 💖 ~Stupid Cat🐈 ~Stupid Rat🐀
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It was not too long ago when I really experienced 'liking the idea of someone' for the first time.
He was perfect. Outrageously cute and handsome. I liked the way he spoke, and we had some aligned interests. Most of all, he seemed smitten with me. So shy that he would melt into a puddle.
The first two weeks, I felt over the moon. I was so giddy after the first time we hung out, that I felt extra anxious at his slow responses to texts. I didn't think much of it - he seemed busy - so I just let him know my worries, and reassured him that it'd be something that would naturally go away for me as we got to know each other more. Nothing seemed to indicate anything wrong, except for the periods between each reply.
We hung out again, and again it was great. But those gaps increased, and then I noticed inconsistencies in his messaging tone - I wasn't referred to using pet names anymore. I knew I wasn't imagining it, so I asked.
And there it was.
'It's not you, it's me.'
My stomach dropped. I put together the most understanding and mature message I could, let him know I still very much liked him and hoped to talk more but no worries if not. And then I cried.
I have my own abandonment issues, so this sort of thing always turns me into a crying mess for a while. It's easy enough, to let people go when they're not interested, especially when it's this early. But internally, I definitely thought it was me that did something wrong. Maybe I misread a cue somewhere, or made him uncomfortable. Maybe I was too much? This time I didn't spiral that far, I definitely didn't mistake his interest in me initially. I'm also more confident that I'm not bad. But the side of me that always feels responsible for every. single. thing. remains and shows up whenever this sort of thing happens. Even if I couldn't change anything now, I could at least think it through and understand what happened on my own, right?
It's a slippery slope, trying to please people. Depends on how desperate you are to get what you want. If I was younger, I absolutely would have shoved myself into a box trying to get other people to like me. It doesn't work, so I don't do that anymore. But there's one other habit I still need to let go of, and that is playing down my emotions when they're negative.
Sure I said I was sad, but I said it with a smile. I said no worries if not! Padded it out with some extra reassurances that I'd do fine. I am doing fine in a way - I took one day off of work to lie in bed and cry - and then managed through the rest of the week or two. The pain stemmed from confusion about what happened, a sense of guilt that I might've done something wrong, and feeling as though I'm not good enough. Those are my raw feelings, and I didn't mind feeling that, in all honesty, because I gained some great memories and emotions to carry with me.
But I should've been mad that he didn't want to talk through his concerns with me. Not that I'd beg, there's no point in that because it's not my responsibility. I should've told myself that it was a shame that this was how it turned out, because I expect communication from my friends and partners, so that we can grow our bond together. He made that decision, and that's his right.
Because I hadn't gotten to know him as he is beyond the initial stages, which might be closer to who he is as a person, perhaps in that sense I've only ever known and liked the idea of him. I partially disagree though, because the feelings that arose in me as a result of meeting him, are real, and it made me happy. Mainly because this marks the first time I've had intense feelings like this that is not a result of trauma bonding, or the extreme need of human connection. I didn't need him, I didn't look for him. And yet he appeared in my life, just briefly, and made me feel that way for a few short weeks, by just being himself. It's something I'll always be grateful for, even if he never knows the effect of his existence.
I'm confident that I would have liked all aspects of him as I got to know him more - I'd done this before with others (for better or for worse). I don't know if my unconditional affection is a curse or blessing honestly. But I don't believe that he could be bad, because he let me down softly. Towards the end of the week I managed to get towards ' it's not me it's him,' and I feel fairly better. I still get caught up in my anxieties from time to time, but that's more related to my own issues than anything else, and something I need to keep working on.
If he ever asks how I feel, I've decided that I'll say, "I'm mad at you, and I still like you." But I'll assume that this won't ever happen, while hoping otherwise, and instead I'll cherish this short interaction and carry on with my life, as I shouldn't stop my life for anyone else.
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allthefakepeople · 2 years
Thank you for fulfilling my prompt 💕. Please don't apologize for taking a few days. I can only agree with the last anon. I love everything you have written, thus far and you did brilliantly with my prompt. I especially love this line:
"He’s gone and I’m what’s left. And I’m right here."
I think it is unbearably sad that Wille percieves himself as only the 'spare' and is to a large extent also treated as such. Because I clearly only want someone to take proper care of him, how about "Thank you, mama" as a new prompt. And you decide whether he says it to Kristina, Malin, Linda or even Simon. And how he says it fond, grateful, jokingly...
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ok ok ok a few things. one i'm so so sorry this took so long to get out. i just got a little busy but today i was suddenly hit with this storyline and had to write it down. to say sorry i'm pretty sure this is one of my longest prompts haha. i hope it's okay that i combined these prompts i just thought they would work well together. it's definitely pretty fluffy but there is also for sure some hurt/comfort and some minor angst. @eyeofthedrgn i'm so so glad that you've enjoyed all my others.
also i have to admit part of this one was slightly influenced by a scene from the show teen wolf in which stiles calls melissa mom (if you've seen the show, if not then ignore this part of the message)
anywhoooo i hope you all like this one and that you haven't gotten sick of my writing yet haha
Writing Prompts (yes i am still accepting them, though again it might take a bit to get to them)
“Thanks Mama”/“Don’t worry, I’m staying right here,”
Wille doesn’t think he’s ever felt this sick and out of it in his life. To be completely fair, he probably could’ve gotten a handle on this before it got this bad, but his mother had hammered the point into his head that “the Crown Prince should  never appear weak” so what had started as a minor cold had become… hell. It had become hell. His head was fuzzy, he was sure he had a fever, he had chills but was also burning up, his throat felt like he’d just taken up sword swallowing and he wasn’t very good at it. In short, Wille felt like shit. He knows he probably looks like shit too. He curses his past self for not taking it easy and resting but with all the new responsibilities of crown prince and returning to Hillerska after Christmas, with all the stares and whispers and Simon, he instead thought he could just push through it when it was just a runny nose. Fat chance of good that did him now. Deep down, a part of him wondered if he let it get this bad on purpose as a punishment for his behavior before Christmas. He tried to push those thoughts away knowing they wouldn’t do him any good right now. Plus, in a wild turn of events, Wille and Simon had somehow developed a tentative friendship since Wille’s been back. 
When he initially returned to school his first mission was to find Simon and, even if he pushed him away, tell him that August was the one who had posted the dreaded video. He had been almost eaten alive by the guilt over the holidays over not telling Simon on that last day before break but he had just wanted to give Simon the chance to have, at least somewhat of a, joyus holiday. He knew it was pretty unlikely that he hadn’t managed to completely  fuck up Simon’s chance at a happy winter break with all of his drama, but he still hoped it was the case anyways. It was part of the reason he didn’t text Simon the information either, although part of the reason for that was the minor fear that Simon had blocked him and wouldn’t get the message anyways. He knew this was something that had to be done in person, so even if Simon didn’t ever want to talk again after, he was determined to let Simon know who had ruined them beyond recognition. 
He knew the conversation was not going to go well when he’d finally approached Simon on their first day back, looking as beautiful as ever though a twinge went through Wille at the dark circles under Simon’s eyes that hinted at restless nights, and Simon had immediately turned away from him. 
“Wille, please. I can’t do this today. Not yet at least,” Simon practically pleads. Wille hates himself even more for having to push past this boundary that Simon is clearly trying to set, but this is important. 
“I understand you don’t want to speak with me Simon. But this is really important.,” Simon still had his face buried in his locker looking for a nonexistent book, his shoulders had become even more tense the longer Wille stood there. “Look, you don’t have to ever talk to me again after this if you don’t want to. But Simon, please.” He noticed Simon’s eyes flick to him when the word please, softened like butter, had flown out of Wille’s mouth. Wille lowered his voice even more and cast his eyes around. Luckily the hallways were practically empty. “It’s about the video,” That got Simon’s attention. His face snapped. Simon’s eyes darted across Wille’s face, clearly searching for some sort of answer to what this could be, before settling on Wille’s eyes. Wille put all the emotion he could into making his expression as open and vulnerable as possible. Simon let out a big sigh, Wille tried to bite back a small smile knowing that he had him, before nodding slowly. 
“Fine,” Simon then gestured to the open door of the empty music room a few paces down. As Wille led Simon into the room and closed the door, the feeling of deja vu wrapped around him and squeezed at his chest. The last time they had been in here, Wille had never felt more helpless around Simon before. He was feeling that right then. Wille brought his hand up to his lips and bite at his nail but quickly pulled it away again, knowing that Simon’s eyes were on him. Wille’s were on the floor, not quite able to look Simon in the face when he explained who had ruined Simon’s life… Well apart from him of course. It was quiet between them for a few moments as Wille tried to organize his thoughts and Simon, who had always been more patient with him than he ever deserved, let him. However the silence started to stretch and bend, but not yet break, as Wille’s mind raced from how to tell Simon this into… Should he tell Simon this. Especially when he doesn’t have a plan on how to fix it. Eventually it seemed like Simon gave up on waiting for Wille.
“Well? What do you have to tell me,” Wille’s eyes darted up to meet Simon’s quickly, where Wille himself actually entered the room Simon had stayed right at the door probably so he could make a quick exit if things went south, before darting away. Simon sighed again, though this time Wille could tell he was getting frustrated. 
“Wille please. I don’t have time for this.” Simon sounded so defeated and lost that it brought Wille’s eyes back to his. Wille realized he couldn’t drag this out any further. Simon deserved to know even if it didn’t change anything. 
“I know…” Wille started then stopped again, eyes still skittish. “I know who posted the video,” At Simon’s sharp inhale, Wille looked back at him. This time he didn’t let himself look away. Simon looked like he wasn’t sure if he should feel relieved or angry or anxious so he settled on an expression  that somehow conveyed all three.
“Well?” Simon insisted. Wille took a deep breath, both quelling his own anxiety as well as his rising anger at the information he had. 
“It was August,” At the expression on Simon’s face over this, Wille almost wished he could take it all back. Simon looked resigned, angry, heartbroken, but also like he should’ve seen this coming.
“August…” Simon scoffed. “Of course it was August. Who else could it have been?” Wille stayed silent as he let Simon work through his emotions. Something seemed to occur to him.
“Wait… How long have you known about this?” Wille was dreading this question. He looked away, and hugged himself with his arms trying for some comfort but being unsuccessful.
“Felice figured it out right before break and told me,” Simon scoffed again, Wille flinched at it being directed at him.
“Before break… and you didn’t think to tell me when you first found out?” Simon’s voice rose slightly. Wille kept his gaze firmly on the floor now, not wanting Simon to see the tears steadily building up at the corner of his eyes. 
“I.. I just…” Wille started out stuttering. “I just wanted you to have a nice holiday. I didn’t want out last conversation to be about that,” Simon let out a harsh laugh at that.
“That wasn’t your choice to make Wille. I deserved to know,” Wille nodded at Simon’s words. He knew he had fucked up. He always just seemed to keep fucking up around Simon. 
“I know. And I’m sorry. It’s why I wanted to tell you as soon as I could after coming back.” Wille looked back up at this, Simon still looked disappointed before something seemed to occur to him. 
“But… wait. If you knew it was August, I’m positive you would’ve mentioned something to your mother.” They were getting to the part of this that Wille hated even more. “So why the fuck do I still see him wandering the halls of Hillerska?” 
“My mom…” Wille stopped to get a hold of himself. “My mother appears to have already known… before I had even made the statement,” At this Simon’s mouth dropped open. “She says the reason she didn’t tell me is she knew I’d ‘react like this’ whatever that means. Nothing is going to happen to him because she’s protecting him. But Simon,” He takes a tentative step towards where Simon is still stationed at the door looking ready to bolt. “ You have to know that if I knew who had posted the video or knew that she had known before I made my statement, I never would’ve made it,” This didn’t seem to be the right thing to say. Simon’s face darkened at the mention of the video.
“I… I don’t know if that makes it any better Wille,” Simon’s voice cracks at the same time as Wille’s heart. Wille nods.
“I understand.” They briefly stood together in their grief. Wille could feel the panic and sadness rising in him again. While he knew this conversation wasn’t going to fix anything, he had hoped they’d at least come out of it less broken. He wanted to be out of this room. He knew it probably made him a coward to want to run from this but he’d never claimed to be brave. He also didn’t want Simon to witness just how broken this all had left him. “That was all I had to say. Now if you want, you never have to speak to me again,” Wille’s voice hitched at the thought of him and Simon going through the rest of Hillerska, practically strangers who somehow knew just how the other person liked to be kissed, tears now making their way down Wille’s cheeks. He squeezed his arms even harder around himself, though it did little to help.
“Wille,” Simon’s voice was soft but broken. Wille interrupted not being able to handle that tone of voice. “Honestly, it’s okay Simon. You wanted space and I’ll give you as much space as you want for as long as you need. I’m sorry I pushed you to talk even now.” At his next words he made sure to look Simon in his eyes even though it broke him in two. “You deserve for everything to be on your terms now.” That seemed to break something in Simon, because tears were now running down his cheeks as he tried to keep them at bay. Wille couldn’t help himself. He walked right up to Simon and hugged him just like he’d wanted to since he’d let go of him before the break. Wille melted into Simon and his familiar smell and his familiar warmth. Simon held on just as tight, hiding his face in Wille’s neck. Wille could feel where his shirt was getting wet with Simon’s tears but there would’ve had to be a natural disaster going on outside for him to have pulled away. They cried against each other for what could have been hours or minutes or years or seconds. Wille knew they’d missed part of a class at least. Eventually Wille slowly started to pull back. He felt his heart clench at the small whimper that managed to escape Simon’s lips before they clamped down. Wille brought his hands from around Simon’s shoulders up to his face, where he gently brushed Simon’s tears away with his thumbs. Wille noticed Simon shiver at the soft touch. In a quiet voice, looking Simon in the eyes, Wille mumbled
“I’m serious, Simon. You don’t owe me anything. You can’t take all the time you want. I won’t force anything from you after this,” Simon’s eyes bore into his, so beautiful and so broken. Wille slowly brought his lips down and brushed them against Simon’s cheek, who closed his eyes and let out a breath at the soft touch. “Just don’t give up on me yet,” Wille whispered against Simon’s ear before slowly pulling all the way back, so they were only connected by a single joined hand. Simon looked him in the eye and opened his mouth. Wille braced himself.
“I could never,” Wille squeezed Simon��s hand and offered him a small but genuine smile that Simon just barely returned. Then Simon nodded once and opened the door. Wille let him. 
That whole conversation felt like a lifetime ago, but since then Wille and Simon had slowly but surely built back up to a friendship. Neither were ready to cross the line into something more yet, but they could both confidently say the other was their best friend. If they sometimes clung to each other a little longer than necessary or Simon caught Wille’s eyes on him lingering longer than strictly friendly, well they didn’t mention it. 
Either way, the second Wille had woken up on this day feeling like death warmed over, all he wanted was to go to Simon’s. A few weeks after Simon and Wille had started up their tentative friendship again, Simon had invited Wille to come over and, although he had originally protested worried that Linda hated him, Wille couldn’t deny the opportunity to spend time with Simon. It also seemed like his worries were for naught because the second he stepped into Simon’s house again, he was being pulled into a warmed, loving embrace by Linda. He melted into it completely and almost missed Simon’s unbearably fond expression at the scene in front of him. So yes, he wanted to spend time with Simon, who was slightly exasperated with him for not taking better care of himself, but what’s more is he wanted to spend time in Linda’s warm company. His own mother had never known how to deal with a sick Wille (or a sick anyone for that matter) so he’d never experienced the loving way Linda cares for her children when they’re even slightly under the weather. He knew for a fact that Simon wouldn’t even be home yet, since he had choir practice and Sara had riding, but Linda had always said that Wille was welcome anytime and right now, Wille was having a hard time resisting that pull. 
He doesn’t even know how he managed it, but somehow he found himself in front of the Erikkson’s door. He was knocking before he’d meant to and then the door was opening and Linda’s angelic face was on the other side. Wille’s pretty sure he even caught sight of a halo over her head but that could very well have been a hallucination from having a fever of 102. 
“Wille!” See, this is why Wille came here. No one was ever this excited to see Wille. 
“Hi Linda,” Wille attempted a smile but it probably came across as a grimace. He’s not sure how Linda didn’t immediately catch on to how awful he felt considering how awful he must look, but Linda had always been too polite for her own good. However she did let Wille come into the house, Wille vaguely noticed that Malin was hovering just slightly behind him. Huh, I guess that’s how I got here. Linda turned to him once he’d entered.
“I’m afraid Simon isn’t here,” Linda looked sincerely apologetic.
“Oh yes… I know that already,” Wille was pretty sure he was going to start swaying pretty soon. He caught on to the slightly confused expression on Linda’s face.
“Sara isn’t here either,” Now Wille was starting to feel a little sheepish at coming here.
“No, I know that too.” Linda studied him for a few more moments and then seemed to actually clock in to the fact that something was wrong.
“Wille, are you okay?” Wille tried to nod his head rapidly but that just made him dizzy and he put his hand out against the wall. 
“Umm. Not really,” Wille tried to look directly at Linda who now looked sincerely worried. 
“Do you need me to call Simon?” Wille panicked at the idea of Linda worrying Simon over something like this.
“No no. I just… ummm I haven’t been feeling too well today and… I just wanted to be somewhere that makes me feel safe… and that’s… well here but also I kinda wanted to be around you since I know you take care of Simon and Sara when they’re feeling sick and I…” Wille could tell he was just gearing up before suddenly he was pulled into some loving arms. He melted into it immediately, feeling the motherly glow of Linda. Even though Linda was significantly shorter than Wille now, he felt just like a kid again in her arms, burying his face in her neck.
“Of course I can take care of you. You shouldn’t even have to ask,” Linda whispered into Wille’s ear. Wille nodded before seeming to realize this close contact wasn’t the best idea. Hating himself slightly for it, he pulled gently out of Linda’s arms, who rubbed her hands down his arms comfortingly. 
“I shouldn’t be hugging you. I don’t want to get you sick too,” Linda waved her hand at this.
“I don’t get sick. Don’t even worry about it,” Then before Wille could protest, Linda’s hand was reaching up to his forehead.
“You sure are burning up though, how would you feel about laying down. I’m sure Simon wouldn’t mind you borrowing his bed for a few hours,” Wille felt entirely too weak to resist the idea of sleeping in a bed surrounded by the smell of Simon so he just nodded, leaning heavily into Linda. She easily took his weight and led him down the hallway into, what Wille knew to be, Simon’s bedroom. 
“Give me one moment Wille,” Linda had Wille lean up against Simon’s desk as she pulled back Simon’s covers and grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms from Simon’s drawers. It didn’t take too long and before he knew it, Linda was sticking her hand out for Wille to take, which he happily did, and led him to the bed. She had him sit down first.
“Do you want to change into something a little more comfortable?” Wille nodded sleepy at those words, before slipping his own shirt off and taking the pants from her. He knew that when he was more aware of it, he would be embarrassed about stripping in front of Linda, but right now he couldn’t be bothered to care about that. Once he was changed, Linda gently helped him lay back in bed. He melted into the pillow and the surrounding smell of Simon before he felt the covers being brought up around him. His eyes fluttered as he felt a gentle hand against his forehead and a whispered
“Sleep now, Wille,” He felt so safe and so comfortable and he was quickly slipping into dreamland but he let one thing slip before he did.
“Thanks Mama,” He didn’t hear a response as he was dragged under. 
Meanwhile Simon was slightly panicking. He hadn’t heard from Wille all day, nor had he really seen him. When he had seen Wille, Wille had seemed so out of it he hadn’t even noticed Simon was there. Simon was worried. He knew Wille hadn’t been feeling great all week, had been pushing him to rest, but Wille had been stubborn. Simon had texted Wille a few times to no response, which was already strange because Wille almost always responded. Simon saw a text from Linda pop up at the top of his screen as he refreshed his messages with Wille hoping for some form of response, but he brushed her message away, pretty sure it was about dinner or something. Then Simon had been called into Choir practice and had been able to distract himself for a little while even if Felice had made his worries flare up again by saying she also hadn’t seen or heard from Wille for most of the day. Simon ignored the face Felice made over Simon’s clear distress for Wille. Simon would have felt this way if any of his friends had gone off the raider. I mean, yeah he was pretty sure he was in love with Wille and had been since Wille had said it to him all those months ago, but that doesn’t change the fact that he would do this for any of his friends. 
When he finally left choir practice Simon pulled out his phone but he still didn’t have any messages from Wille. He decided to check Wille’s room once more to make sure Wille wasn’t just hiding away for whatever reason. When he got to Wille’s he was almost immediately sure that Wille wasn’t there because Malin wasn’t stationed outside but he knocked anyway. Not getting a response, Simon yet again started to panic. Pretty soon, Sara would be getting annoyed for having to wait for him so slowly Simon made his way to the stables, thinking maybe just maybe Wille might be there. 
He didn’t find Wille, just a frustrated Sara who he apologized to profusely. He quickly explained why he’d been late and she softened slightly at that.
“Maybe text Mama and see if she knows anything,” Simon thought about that for a moment and realized it couldn’t hurt. He also remembered the message she had sent before choir practice and felt guilty over having ignored it for so long. However a completely different emotion filled up Simon when he actually read her message.
Hi Mi amor. Just letting you know that if you’re looking 
for your boy, he’s resting here. He looked pretty worn 
out and seemed to need a place to crash. ❤️
Simon let out a breath of relief at knowing Wille was safe and then a whole new emotion filled him when he realized that Wille had gone to his house, knowing Simon wasn’t there, because he needed comfort from Simon’s mother. If Simon thought about it too long he might just burst into tears.
Gracias mama I was getting worried
when I couldn’t find him. How is he?
He seemed pretty out of it but he’s sleeping and
hasn’t woken up so I’m letting him rest.
I think he’d probably appreciate it if you
were here when he wakes up
Yeah Sara and I are on our way back now
Now that Simon knew where Wille was, he couldn’t get home fast enough. Sara seemed to notice his change in emotion because she didn’t comment, just let Simon drag her to the bus. By the time the siblings got back to their house, Simon practically broke the door down in his haste to open it.
“Jesus, Simon. He’s not going to disappear,” Sara teased. Simon just huffed and walked through the door. Immediately heading for his mom.
“How is he?” He knew he still sounded slightly panicked but Linda didn’t comment on it. 
“He’s fine, Mi amor. He’s still resting. I was about to bring this soup in for when he woke up but why don’t you bring it up for him.” Simon nodded and took the tray from Linda. He gently opened his bedroom door, setting the tray down on the washer across the way as he softly closed the door again, before grabbing the tray again and bringing it into his room. He couldn’t help but melt slightly at the sight of Wille curled up in his sheets. He quietly walked over to his desk, placing the tray on it before he was surprised by a sound behind him.
“Simme?” Simon’s heart jumped, both at the surprise of hearing Wille’s voice and at the nickname. When Simon turned around, Wille’s eyes were hazy but open, settled gently on him. He kept his own voice quiet when he responded.
“Hi Wille. I brought some soup if you want some,” Instead of answering that, Wille stuck his hand out and Simon couldn’t do anything but take said hand. He gently brushed Wille’s hair off his face as he looked down at the boy in front of him. He felt like he was filled with molten lava over the feelings that were rushing through him.
“Come down here,” Wille gently tugged at Simon’s hand. Simon nodded but released Wille’s hand anyways. Wille let out a sound like a whimper that Simon quickly squashed, bringing his hands through Wille’s hair again.
“I’ll join you in a moment. I’m just going to change into something more comfortable.,” That seemed to placate Wille for now because he let him go and Simon, as quickly as possible, changed into some pajama pants and a shirt. He would brush his teeth later. He slipped back over to where Wille was, who opened his eyes again when he sensed Simon coming closer. Wille grabbed Simon’s hand and tugged again.
“Okay okay Wille,” Simon chuckled lightly. He then climbed over Wille into the small bed behind him. Simon then wrapped his arms around Wille from behind, who seemed to melt into the touch immediately. Simon knew this wasn’t strictly friendly but he didn’t really care at the moment. Not when he had Wille in his arms again. 
“Will you stay with me Simon?” Wille’s voice was barely a whisper and heavy with sleep and raspy from his, what Simon had to guess, sore throat, but Simon heard it just the same. He briefly tightened his arms around Wille before responding.
“Don’t worry, I’m staying right here,” That seemed to be enough for Wille because he nodded, probably more to himself than to Simon, then he sighed. 
“Thank you.” Simon thought that that was going to be it, but as sleep pulled Wille under he uttered one more thing. “Love you, Simme,” Simon freezed. It’s not like this was new information. Even though he hadn’t said it since, Simon knew Wille had loved him since well before Christmas. However, Wille had been very careful with Simon’s boundaries since. He made sure that Simon was comfortable with everything and always made sure Simon knew that he could take moments to himself if things got to be too much, even if they were only friends. It doesn’t change the fact that hearing those words again from Wille, despite it probably being a byproduct of being sick, filled Simon with a feeling that he could only describe as pure, unadulterated relief and joy. 
He waited a few moments to hear Wille’s deepened breathing, making sure Wille was asleep, before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on Wille’s forehead.
“I love you too, Wille,” Even though Wille couldn’t hear him, Simon still felt insanely happy over being able to voice those three words to Wille. 
He knew that in the morning, if Wille was feeling better and up to it, they would have to have a talk about this and even though Simon was pretty sure he was going to catch whatever Wille had, Simon stayed wrapped up in Wille. He wasn’t going anywhere.
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hold-your-applause · 3 years
A commission for the lovely @tater-tati, thank you so much for your undying support. I do hope you think of this whenever you need to catch your breath
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You wished human spines were more efficient.
You could feel yours starting to go stiff from all the hunching over you were doing at your desk, which was made worse by the poor quality of your office chair. You hadn’t stood up for hours; you could feel your knees waiting to crack when you would eventually rise from your seat, and you knew your ankles wouldn’t be any happier.
You didn’t even want to think about your neck.
You blinked your tired eyes slowly, trying to make sense of the words you had reread for the eighth time.
Or was it the ninth?
You sighed in aggravation, forcing yourself to sit up straight so you could lean back in your chair, wishing you could yell out all the tension in your body.
It’s not like anyone would hear you. You were the only person left in the building.
For the last two weeks, villains had been popping up in record numbers, so much so that many agencies were forced to work beyond their means in terms of staff, meaning countless extra hours and fewer days off. Not only that, you worked in the accounting department, and with your other coworkers feeling burnout and calling out, that left you on your own to handle the numbers. There was a serious influx of information regarding insurance, supplies, wages…
It felt like it was never ending.
The timing couldn’t have been any worse, either, seeing as you had arranged to end your employment at your current agency to move to a new one at the end of the month.
Before the workload began to overwhelm you, you had started to feel that your boss may have been taking advantage of your work ethic. You had a knack for finishing your tasks in record time, which meant you had time to spare to either get ahead of schedule or do the work of someone else who had fallen behind. It didn’t take long for everyone to catch on and hand off their work to you instead of doing it themselves, but ever the team player, you took it on without complaint. Not once in three years did you complain, committing yourself to the company as much as you could.
Which was exactly why you had ended up stuck here with more than you could reasonably handle.
You leaned forward, resting your palms on your desk to try to stretch out the knots forming in your back.
One more week, and you’d finally be working for Gang Orca instead of stewing at this dump.
You had heard wonderful things about his agency; there were far better benefits than you were currently receiving and an employee turnover rate so low it was almost too hard to believe. Your friend had gushed to you about how much she enjoyed working there and even managed to get you the interview that landed you a spot on their financial team.
Unfortunately, that light at the end of the tunnel felt farther off than ever before with the amount of stress you were accruing with these late nights at the office.
You winced as you felt a satisfying pop in your lower back, bringing you some short-lived relief before you felt your shoulders protest and force you to sit straight again.
You heard a door open and close somewhere on your floor, making you curse to yourself.
The janitorial staff was here, meaning it was past 10.
You jumped when you heard a low rumbling come from your right, making you whine at your muscles complaining at the sudden movement. After getting over the initial shock, you realized it was your phone, which you kept in your drawer lately to keep yourself from getting distracted.
You were surprised the battery wasn’t dead yet.
You fished it out of your stuffed drawer, glad you were able to catch it on the final ring before it went to voicemail. You didn’t even check to see who was calling before answering.
You internally kicked yourself at how tired you sounded.
You felt some of your fatigue disappear at the sound of the calm voice on the other end.
“Shoto, hey. Is everything okay?” You asked, unable to even pretend you weren’t exhausted.
“Yeah, everything is fine. I just got home.”
A relief, truly.
Being the son of the former number one hero of Japan brought Shoto a lot of attention, both good and bad. With crime on the rise, that meant his own work hours had increased, and while the extra money brought some comfort, you worried that he might overwork himself and get hurt.
Like you were one to talk.
“Good! That’s good.” You said, smiling tiredly as you quietly waved to the janitor that passed your desk.
“Yeah. Is everything okay with you?”
You paused, thinking of a way to answer that.
Shoto was a pro hero, and his job was infinitely more dangerous than yours. You knew that whatever difficulties you faced didn’t compare to anything he handled on a given day, so you tried to keep your complaining to a minimum. He knew about your job transfer, but you hadn’t been honest about the reason why. Your reasons felt trivial compared to a hero who goes out into danger most days.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just the usual. There was another call out today so I was the only one in the department. I’m just finishing up these balance sheets and then I’ll be home.”
There was a brief silence on the other end, but you thought nothing of it. Shoto was the type to think before he spoke, so these pauses were frequent.
“That’s really unfortunate, but I’m glad you’re almost done. How much longer do you think you’ll be?”
You looked over at your computer’s clock, squinting to try to see the tiny numbers on the illuminated screen.
“I don’t know, maybe another half hour? And then the drive home will be another fifteen minutes, so probably close to an hour?” You estimated, rubbing your tired eyes.
“Alright. We’ll get started on dinner then.”
You tensed, feeling guilt wash over you.
You had planned to make dinner for you, Shoto, and Hitoshi when you arrived home, hoping to surprise them before they got off their own shifts. You hadn’t told them about it, but you felt awful that you didn’t get to do your good deed for your boyfriends as you had wanted.
“You guys don’t have to wait up for me, if you’re hungry, please go ahead and eat, Shoto. And if you’re tired you can just go to bed, I’m sure you had a long day.” You insisted with a roll of your neck.
“It’s okay, we don’t mind. I won’t keep you any longer. Just be safe on your way home, and we’ll see you when you get here.” He said.
You nodded, hiding your sigh. “I will be. I’ll see you when I get home.”
With some quick affectionate words, you hung up, groaning as you forced yourself to get out of your seat.
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You were grateful that the elevator in your apartment building was functional again as you leaned against the wall, not paying attention to the number climbing with each floor you passed like you normally would. Your eyes were instead closed, listening to the familiar humming of the electricity running the car instead of the soft music playing from the speaker overhead. You had almost fallen asleep during your ride home in the cab, and you wanted to at least try to stay upright until you got to your floor.
Which seemed to be taking an eternity, if you were being honest.
You forced your eyes open, pulling out your phone to check the time.
You couldn't catch the heavy sigh that rolled out of your throat just before the door opened. The quick reprieve from walking had caused your legs to feel less like lead and more like concrete, which you tried to ignore as you fished for your keys in your pocket when you finally reached your door.
Your day was almost over.
The sound of the door unlocking was music to your ears as you pushed it open, dropping your bag on the floor so you could hold onto the counter to slip your shoes off.
You gasped when you felt something slide across your shoulder blade, jumping and whipping your head around to see a familiar pair of mismatched eyes looking back at you.
"Welcome home."
Your shoulders dropped along with your guard and you leaned forward, resting your face in the crook of Shoto's neck.
You could tell he'd already showered.
"I'm sorry I'm late."
You felt him shake his head, his arm moving down to trap you in a gentle hug that seemed to make the heaviness of your eyes disappear.
"Don't apologize. It's not your fault." He assured you, letting his thumb rub absently against your back. He made no move to pull away, and even though you felt like your ankles were going to give out at any moment, you weren't in any rush, either.
You moved your arms to wrap loosely around him as he tilted his head to kiss you briefly.
"How was your day?" You asked, pulling back to look at his face.
"Better than usual. I think things are getting ready to calm down." He responded.
That was good news.
"That's great. That means you'll be a little safer." You said, blinking as he turned you around and began pulling your coat off for you.
He hummed in affirmation as you pulled your arms out of the sleeves, allowing him to hang the coat up.
"And hopefully your workload will be lighter."
You made a face as you attempted to turn around to face him, but his hands on your round hips kept you rooted in your spot as he pulled you back to lean against his firm chest.
You tilted your head back to rest against his shoulders, feeling him tug on your blouse so it was no longer tucked in the waistband of your skirt. He slid his hand under the light fabric, resting his warm palm against the skin of your stomach.
You could tell he was using his quirk, and you weren't about to complain.
"The bath is ready."
You blinked and turned your head, seeing Hitoshi standing near the hallway, suspiciously still in his work clothes.
Shoto reluctantly pulled away.
"Come on." He said, leading you away from the door. "You need to get off your feet."
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Hitoshi had refused to leave you alone while you bathed, and at first you thought it was because he was worried you'd fall asleep in the water, but you understood the real reason when he climbed into the tub first. He'd put off taking a shower in order to join you, which made you feel guilty for just a moment before he assured you that he was glad to finally have a calm moment with you. Your schedules didn't exactly line up lately, so more often than not, one of you was asleep when the other came home. 
Hopefully, that would soon come to an end and things could go back to normal.
You allowed him to comb his fingers through your hair as he worked the conditioner through it, doing your best not to doze off as they massaged your scalp. He'd been adamant about doing all the work, and you didn't have it in you to argue with him on a normal day.
"You're taking tomorrow off."
Your eyes snapped open, turning your head to look at him in disbelief.
"What?" You asked dumbly, looking at his calm face.
"I called your boss and let him know you're not going in tomorrow." He said casually, looking unbothered as he moved you so he could rinse your hair without getting the water in your eyes, but you gripped the side of the tub to stop him.
"Toshi, I can't, we're understaffed right now. I'm all they have right now." You protested, feeling your stomach churn anxiously. "Everyone else is sick."
"And you'll be next if you let them keep taking advantage of you." He said, unimpressed. He gently pried your hand off the edge of the tub, carefully tilting you to try to rinse your hair again, and this time you didn't fight him. "They all called out because they know you'll pick up the slack, and this is their last chance before you leave. You're starting somewhere else soon, and you're not going to make a good impression if you're too tired to move the day you get there." He lifted you back up, moving some wet hair off of your face. "So you're taking tomorrow off, and all three of us are going to be unproductive on purpose."
His tone left no room for argument.
You swallowed, still feeling unsure.
"Also, what's he going to do? Fire you? With a week left?"
You let a nervous laugh escape you, the last of your anxiety disappearing.
"Thank you, Hitoshi. I wouldn't have done it myself." You said, resting your back against him and letting your hands gently sit on the edges of the tub again.
His own hands moved to settle over yours.
"We know."
The sound of the bathroom door opening pulled your attention away from Hitoshi and towards Shoto, who was wiping his hands with a hand towel.
"Dinner's ready."
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The blend of being in clean clothes, well fed, and Shoto's warm hands working on heating your sore joints made you wonder how you had managed to stay awake. It was well past one in the morning, and somehow all three of you didn't seem close to sleeping. Instead, you had all made your way to the couch to get a headstart on your lazy day.
Your legs were currently draped across Shoto's lap, his hand currently rubbing at one of your knees, melting the stiffness away with almost no effort. Hitoshi had assumed the same position he had in the tub, arms caging you against him.
It felt like it had been a lifetime since the last time the three of you were in the same room together like this.
You were glad to be able to breathe again.
Your train of thought was effectively derailed when you felt heat crawl up your leg, making your leg jump instinctively. You tried to sit up, but Hitoshi's arms tightened around you, refusing to let you move. Your eyes darted up to look at him in confusion, and for a moment he looked back at you, but before you could ask him to let you get up, his mouth was on yours, and your request died in your throat.
You closed your eyes, sitting still as you felt warmth glide over the skin of your thigh before ducking under the hem of your shorts.
You counted yourself lucky to have found people who would take care of you when you couldn't.
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
I'm about to get stupid specific! May I please have some Hisoka who's s/o has kids from a previous relationship (that he is very attached to) with 31 when the kids bio father tries rejoining their lives out of nowhere? Please and thank you!
Anon, I love you so much for this request! 😭💞
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did! 🙇
31. “They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
A/N: a bit long, but I had too much fun and I just love the idea since I read something like this with other HxH characters by @ask-hunterxhunter (definitely recommend them, their writing is awesome and really well-thought).
Also, (E/N) stands for “ex’s name”.
   When you had gotten into a relationship with Hisoka, you were a bit apprehensive. Not just because of Hisoka’s personality, but also because of your little... secrets. Anyone could figure out at least some of the reasons why getting into a relationship while having kids from a previous relationship was something to be slightly scared of. This was exactly your case.
   Of course, you hadn’t told Hisoka that you had kids during your first date. Or the next one. You really didn’t think that you’d get to go on even more dates with Hisoka in the following weeks or months, but somehow, you did. You were both getting along and everything seemed to go well. Maybe there was hope for this unlikely relationship. Maybe it was because of this that you decided to have a serious talk with Hisoka.
   Even during this date, he was as charming and teasing as always. He seemed the same even when you told him that you wanted to talk, though you thought you saw his smile falter a little. Honestly, you weren’t feeling any better. Hisoka didn’t seem like the type to settle down anytime soon and the thought of one of the most exciting relationships you’ve ever had in years ending so abruptly honestly left you feeling uneasy. But your children were more important.
   And that’s exactly what you thought about as you told Hisoka everything: the failed relationship that resulted in your daughter and son being born, the heartbreak and hardships, and the dating. You explained it in simple terms but with a firm conviction: since the relationship was getting longer and serious, you thought it would be the right thing to do; but it all depended on him. Hisoka’s face that day really left you wondering: would it work out? Would he leave you like others did? Or would he be the one to actually stay and try to make it work?
   Turns out, after a few days of radio silence, Hisoka asked to see you again. At least he’d break up with you face to face.
   Imagine your shock when Hisoka said he’d be okay with trying to work it out. Your kids were a little hesitant, but definitely open to meeting someone their parent trusted. Your daughter had immediately taken the initiative, shaking his hand as she introduced herself, while her younger brother timidly copied her. He did seem to be more confident when around you and his sister, but this was one of the moments when it didn’t apply. Hisoka just knew that he liked them already: kind and polite, but also brave - just like you.
   Hisoka had grown attached to them quickly, as did they to him. He was fun, coloured, knew magic tricks and seemed to be a magnet, always playful and charming. He was always up for playing with them and enjoyed the fact that they looked up to him. It was like watching two ducklings follow their mother whenever he’d be on the phone, talking and pacing around while your kids followed behind him, eyes sparkling and admiring him as they talked quietly about his conversation, coming up with their own ideas and theories regarding the caller and subject. It never failed to amuse your boyfriend and in turn, you.
   You had to admit that one of the best moments was after around a year or so of Hisoka being around and already considered part of the family. Hisoka was staying in your shared bed, both your daughter and son on either side of him, arms over his waist as he was reading. Their eyes were slowly closing, though you could see the struggle to keep them open as they blearily looked at the colourful pictures and tried to pay attention to his voice. It was honestly hard not to giggle or coo at the sight. Your boyfriend glanced at you, smiling and winking before going back to the book, making your heart beat faster.
   As soon as he was sure that they were both asleep, he took your son in his arms while you took your daughter, slowly taking them to their actual beds in their bedroom next to yours. When you were ready to leave their room, as you left only their nightlight on, you heard your son wish him goodnight, calling him daddy afterwards. Hisoka automatically wished him goodnight and left with you to your shared bedroom. He was quiet until the both of you were ready to fall asleep and your fingers went over one of his cheeks.
   “He called me daddy... ♣” He said in a low voice, looking a little... lost? And also little happy? Worried? You couldn’t really tell.
   “Are you okay with that, Hisoka?” You were worried. Your kids already saw your boyfriend as their father, which was adorable. But what did he think about this?
   Hisoka was quiet for a few more seconds before nodding, placing his hand above your own and keeping them both on his cheek. It must’ve really struck him if he didn’t really know what to say. But he seemed happier the more he thought about it.
   Soon, both of your kids started calling him that and when they saw that Hisoka didn’t say anything and neither did you, it became something official. You didn’t feel the need to ask your boyfriend about whether he came to see your kids as his own. The way he acted with them and how he was actually treating them so gently and lovingly was enough proof of what he actually thought about this whole situation - a shock considering how Hisoka could be. The father role fit him pretty well and you were sure to tell him that constantly, one way or another.
   What neither of you were expecting was a surprise visit from the kids’ actual father. Just like you’d told Hisoka when he curiously asked you, their father had left soon after your son was born. Apparently, being a father wasn’t really his thing, as he’d put it. You suspected that the fact that he couldn’t live his youth anymore or be with anyone else were also deciding factors in his decision to just up and leave in the middle of the night. You hadn’t heard anything about him for years and the fact that he just showed up at your house during a weekend was both shocking and confusing. The anger soon followed.
   “Hey, (Y/N)! Long time, no see.” Your ex greeted you, a smile on his face and looking almost the same as the last time you’d seen him. You couldn’t utter a word, but your eyes were wide as you stared at him, almost thinking that maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. But it was real, you knew it, so you quickly snapped yourself out of your thoughts.
   “What are you doing here, (E/N)?” You wouldn’t let him come in. And you also hoped that Hisoka was still staying with the kids on the couch, all of them watching TV together.
   “I came to talk. About the kids. About us.”
   “There’s no us. There hasn’t been since you left.” You crossed your arms, glaring at him.
   “Oh, come on, you have to understand and get over it already! I was young! I was scared! I wasn’t ready to have a family and raise kids!”
   “And I was? You think I was any more prepared than you?” You almost shouted, before realising that you didn’t want your family coming over or even being seen by (E/N).
   “Look, I’m not here to fight. I want to talk to the kids. I want to get back into their lives and-”
   “No. Absolutely not. You left and that’s that. If you would’ve come after a bit of time, maybe I would’ve overlooked this. But you came now. After so many years.” Your ex opened his mouth before you felt a presence behind you. You felt Hisoka’s arm go around your waist protectively before he gently came to stand beside you, slightly pulling you so you weren’t in front, just in case something happened. Though you both doubted that.
   “And who might you be? ♣” Hisoka asked with a smile, though it was one that you had never seen before. It looked cold and sharp, like it could cut. Your ex gulped, clearly feeling the bloodlust aimed at him that was slowly growing in intensity.
   “I’m (E/N). I-I’m here to talk with my kids.” You felt your boyfriend tense just the slightest bit and he actually made a card appear between his pointer and middle fingers.
   “Since when do you get to decide that? I think my lovely (Y/N) right here is the one who gets to decide who the actual father is. ♣” The TV was still on and you actually looked behind, grateful that your children were still in the living room. You only hoped that things wouldn’t escalate, though you already had a feeling things wouldn’t go so smoothly.
   “I am their father! I get to decide when I want to see my kids!” (E/N) shouted angrily, apparently not caring about the bloodlust anymore. That is, until he felt it come in waves. Even you started sweating a bit, scared about Hisoka’s power. You hadn’t felt anything like this before, not even during his hardest matches at Heaven’s Arena. This was another type of bloodlust - it was more personal.
   “They’re not your kids, back the fuck off. ♣” Hisoka’s smile was completely gone and he almost seemed taller, more powerful than before. It was also one of the first times you’d heard him curse like that and were honestly worried about where you’d hide your ex’s body if he got murdered. You squeezed Hisoka’s bicep subconsciously when you saw (E/N) open his mouth again, only to see him stand frozen as a thin cut appeared on his neck. One corner of Hisoka’s card had a bit of blood on it and both you and your ex stared at it in shock. A trickle of blood slowly started going down, staining his shirt while Hisoka stared at him with anger and barely restrained murderous intention.
   “Leave. ♣”
   You had never seen anyone run so quickly in your life. (E/N) almost tripped as he tried to get away, not even glancing back as both you and your boyfriend stared at his retreating back until you couldn’t see him anymore. Hisoka’s arm pulled you into his side and he pressed a kiss to your temple, sighing and making you return to reality.
   “Are you okay?”
   “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that, lovely? ♦️” You assured him you were fine before the both of you went back inside, finding your kids playing together while the TV filled the background with noise.
   “Daddy, who was that at the door?” Your daughter asked, confused, especially when she saw that you were both a little more tense than before. She must’ve noticed that you were both taking your time at the door and the yelling probably made her take action, trying to distract her little brother before you both returned.
   “No one important, munchkin, don’t worry~ ♥️️” Both of your kids ran towards you and hugged you before Hisoka scooped them up in each arm, both hugging him and then pulling you in as well for a big group hug. Hisoka smirked and kissed you on the lips, making both of your kids say ewww loudly before he also kissed them on the cheeks, with you tickling them.
   “Can we have pizza for dinner?” Your son asked, looking at you with those big, innocent eyes of his.
   “Sure, go and choose the toppings and everything.” Hisoka put them down before they dashed to the kitchen, where the menus were. You boyfriend hugged you tightly, kissing your neck and swaying you a little.
   “Thank you, Hisoka. For everything.” You hugged him back just as tightly, thankful to have him and your kids.
   “No need to thank me, lovely~ ♥️️” He felt just as thankful for the chance you’d offered him.
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heresathreebee · 3 years
That G-D Ring of Yours
High Fidelity’s Robyn Brooks X Female reader
Summary: You seek comfort from your neighbor Rob
There's probably gonna be a part 2
Word count: 2.5k words
Warning(s): +15 | implied cheating, internalized homophobia, heterosexism, author and Rob swearing, no hate to polyamorists but major hate to bad faith players, shameless self insert, no beta, barely edited, long as fuck I'm so sorry
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Author's note: I'm having anxiety for no discernable reason and my brain has decided this is ideal fuel for a fic, so please enjoy. EDIT: ha ha yeah still anxious but we're doing stuff about it
"-- And she just touched my hand by accident and I just felt this–  this spark between us…" 
It was so sweet how he was talking about it. Or at least it would be were this not your fiancé explaining how he had been seeing another person behind your back. Had you rushed into things with him? Gotten hitched after three months because of familial pressure to settle down and start your family? Quite possibly.
But it didn't make that stabbing in your gut hurt any less. 
You had been a little gung-ho from date number 1, but he had been right there with you the whole time. Date number 2 happened the following weekend and then you just kept seeing each other more and more until before you knew it you had been introduced to each other's extended families and announced your engagement on Valentine's Day. 
You started to suspect something was amiss on Sunday, when you were braiding your hair on the bed and he had gone to take a shower. He accidentally set his phone screen aside with a text chat still open. Thinking nothing of it (he had already told you he was talking to Mark about getting drinks tonight), you looked at the name and saw it belonged to a woman you had never heard of before. Your immediate reaction was 'she must be a new coworker or a cousin,' but then you glanced again and saw the text conversation mirrored the same kind of ‘sentiments’ he texts you. 
The dirt burned into your brain for eternity: 
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You had looked away then. You were actually not going to say anything at all to him that night– had planned to bring it up after Tuesday dinner with your auntie's family, but something came up. It turns out that Jessabelle also frequented the same Starbucks as you (and she's your age, not a teen like you worried). You can't even find it in you to be mad at her since it seemed like she had no idea who you were when she showed you the picture of her date at a baseball game. You tried not to puke as you asked for her number and to send her that picture "for her contact profile." 
You hadn't heard a word your fiance had said since the beginning of the phone call and you cut him off with some excuse you barely remember. You tossed your phone carelessly onto the couch and laid back on the cushions in defeat. What now? 
You weren't really a drinker or a smoker, and you didn't exactly have friends who would be supportive right now. You could hear them now, your family too– asking you what you did wrong, telling you to just forgive him or how to get even, or simply saying 'well what do you expect? Boys will be boys.' 
Maybe… no, you definitely need to get this off your chest before you do something stupid like pretend to forget about it. You had a bad habit of that because you tend to fall fast and hard. Perhaps your neighbor could give you some advice. 
Thank the Lord for fire escapes. Rob lived on the floor beneath you, always playing something good from her huge collection of vinyl records. You've told her at least a hundred times before if she played nothing but Phil Collins for the rest of eternity, you could die happy. You crossed your fingers and hoped you weren't being weird or invading her privacy. 
Thankfully, she seemed to be expecting you. She even motioned that the latch was undone and waved you inside. Ok the second wine glass made your face grow hot. 
"I'm not interrupting am I?" 
Rob gave you a warm smile. "I could hear you pacing around your kitchen for about an hour. Was about to come and get you actually." 
She pressed the glass into your hand and you made an effort not to grimace. Rob liked her drinks cheap and strong and she never held back. You tried a sip just to be polite, and she snorted at the face you pulled. 
"That's right, you like that sweet stuff. What's it called again?" 
"Stella Rosa," you mumbled, grateful when she takes the glass back and hands you a water to replace it. 
"Favorite flavor," she asked looking at her phone. 
"Uh… the peach and the rosé. They're all pretty good, not gonna lie." 
"OK, take this, grab a blanket from the hall closet, and tell me what's going on." 
You curled up on Rob's couch and put your feet up. There were piles of records all over the place, empty beer cans and a pizza box or two on the coffee table. Your neighbor tapped away at her phone screen before silencing it and slipping it in her back pocket. She gave you a minute or two to speak up, sipping her drink like you two had all night. Which actually you did as you did not want to see your fiancé right now. 
You felt two fingers gently tap your forehead. "Come on, dreamer, tell me what's going on in that head of yours." 
You swallow the lump in your throat. "I feel a little over dramatic saying my life is about to fall apart." 
Rob raised her eyebrows at you. "Damn, OK." 
You rush to correct yourself– explain your weird sentiment in more detail but you end up just vomiting words until your voice is hoarse. 
"I mean– like– like it's not falling apart per say or whatever– I… the rest of my life is fine its just my relationship that's screwed. Which I guess I'm more worried about because it's gonna screw up all my other relationships for a while too– dang it, let me start over–" 
"Babe! Slow down. Breathe." Rob switched drinks with you and against your better judgement you took a sip. Oddly enough it did calm you down. "So… it's your fiancé, right? What did he do?" 
You stared at her trying to unscramble your thoughts. "He… I found out he was kind of... dating another person. After I found out, he tried to explain that he didn't think I would mind–" 
Rob barked, "let me guess: he didn't think you were exclusive? Pull the Main Chick, Side Chick schtick? Tried to claim 'polyamory' after he got caught?" 
Two and two clicked together at last. "Yeah… yeah, he did!," you scoffed, "and it's not like it didn't ever come up in conversation: we spent our third date talking out our, like, sexualities and fantasies and fetishes and shit. If he was polyamorous, wh- why wouldn't he have brought it up then?" 
"That is so fucked." 
You took a deeper draft of her wine, coughing before setting it aside. Up until now, you've been numb. Now there's this wave of anger boiling up to the surface and you hear yourself getting louder. Rob doesn't flinch but she does give you this look of empathy unlike anything you've seen before. 
"If he– if he would have just asked me, I would have told him it was fine. My family does shit like that all the time: nobody bats an eye! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, he wouldn't have been so freaking sneaky about it. He literally lied, Robyn!" 
You whipped around and for a brief moment you knew you looked crazy. "He said he was going out for drinks with his guy friend, but he was making plans to go to a baseball game with a girl I've never heard of! If he really thought I wouldn't mind, or if he 'thought I would understand,' then why would go out of his way to lie about who he was with?" 
Someone buzzed Rob's door and she left you on the couch momentarily, coming back quickly with two bottles of your favorite wine. "Damn girl, these are kinda bougie: Peach or Rosé?" 
"I--"you choked, "Robyn you didn't have to–" 
"Peach it is!" She unscrewed the caps and handed you the whole freaking bottle of white, downing the last of her merlot and getting a fresh glass for you. 
You felt a little guilty she had spent money on you. But then again it had been her choice. If she didn't want you there, Rob wouldn't have let you in in the first place. Maybe you were just a tinsy bit worried you shouldn't be here. 
You and Rob took a break from talking to put on music and get a little tipsy. It came much easier with the help of the Stella Rosa, though Rob initially complained it was 5.5%, she did get accustomed to the sweetness pretty fast, and after consuming half the bottle, realized it was a little easier to get carried away with a drink like this. She admitted it was her first time trying rosé and now she was hooked. Eventually you started talking again, just spilling your guts out with no filter anymore. 
"I really think I just hate myself," you said cuddling the cool glassware. "When I found out, I wasn't even thinking of it as a betrayal of my trust– it felt like I was trying to come to terms with it so I could continue with the relationship. Not because it would make me happy but because… I don't know… it's what everybody else wants me to do. They don't even know about it and I was fully prepared not to tell them even though they'd want me to marry him whether they knew or not." 
Rob barked a laugh of surprise. "Doh-K!" 
"Nothing, nothing…" she said, "keep going." 
You stared off into the middle distance and leaned into her side. She was a tiny bit warm despite her lithe figure. Made you want to throw your blanket over her shoulders and share your greater warmth. 
So you did (you're not great at acting out your desires but this is nice!)
"It's just easier," the words left your mouth unbidden, "I don't even know what that means, but it's true. I don't want to marry him anymore but I don't want to break it off. Not marrying Fiancé means disappointing my family. It means having to find an entire new man to marry sooner rather than later because I'm already 'behind' and lowering my already low expectations. 
"It's not gonna make me happy, but I just think it's easier to keep this wedding going because at least I won't have to find somebody new who might not be as good for me just because I didn't want him. Another man won't make me happy so there's no reason to drop him... except that I don't want him." 
Rob's brow furrowed. "Are you saying it's easier for you to please your family than it is to be happy?" 
"Yes? I– no, I– … I don't know," you sigh. "I guess you could say my priorities are a little… mismanaged." 
"Sure, you could say that." Rob wrapped her arms around your shoulders and you inhaled the scent of her soap and cigarettes. "What if you tried… like… not doing that anymore...? You just said you do whatever your family wants you to do. So, just like do what makes you happy for a change." 
It really does sound so simple the way she puts it, doesn't it? Why are you doing this to yourself? You're not dependent on them for money or security or happiness for that matter. So... why has your whole life been centered around pleasing them? 
"I think… I think I've never really sat down and thought about what makes me happy," you admitted. "I think it's just been that way forever and I might have been too scared to try anything else." 
Rob hummed. "Are you still scared now?" 
Are you? You look into her eyes and ask yourself a question that has never crossed your mind with such depth. You used to be scared– but what is it about your happiness that you are so afraid of? OK, let’s start a little simpler: what are things that make you happy? 
“I like…” you swallowed, trying to break down the barriers you’ve built years and years ago. “I like… coffee. I like… short skirts. I like… girls– I like… my job. I like… music. I think I’d enjoy camping, you know, some day…” 
Your words… these things seemed so arbitrary and trivial. But in your house, these things cause dissent. “My family has an opinion about everything. There’s no right way to live in all of their eyes, but I think I figured out a way to get past it. Keep my head down and do what’s expected of me. Graduate college, get a respectable job, find a man to marry, drop the job and become a mother. Just… don’t make waves. It seemed better because the cousins who didn’t or couldn’t… well they became the butt of every joke at the family dinner. Lisa had one miscarriage so she was a ‘failure’ and Don never dated girls so he was gay and that was ‘bad,’ but grandma Zelda did everything a good Christian woman could do and they still gossiped about her behind her back… 
“And I just… I just let their ignorance control me for my entire life.” God, you could cry right now, but somehow it just felt too good to say it outloud. “That.. that is so fucked.” 
Robyn snorted, and you turned to her as if you’d forgotten she was there. There it was again, that sympathy. Not pity, she did not burden you with tears of her own or try to be angry for you. She just listened and understood. You twisted the diamond encrusted ring on your finger and stared at her. You felt it, that feeling in your heart. No one else had given you that look, like she could really see you. 
“You’re not going back to Fiancé, are you?” Her question was equal parts worrisome and hopeful and you already knew the answer in your heart. 
And that was it. Decision made. Actually easier than you'd thought. Maybe not down the road but it felt good for now. There's the telling your fiancé it's over, the moving out, the public announcement, the inevitable feeling of failure, your family, god, his family too. Untangling your lives would be long and hard. You're not sure if you have that level of commitment and motivation in you but fuck it. Problems for tomorrow.
You rest your head on Rob's shoulder and hope your not pushing any boundaries. She doesn't stop you though, in fact she snuggles you deeper into her. You get the feeling she's been here before though your not sure which side or how bad it was for her.
"I like you way more in the few times I've met you than any man I've ever dated," you heard yourself say. "I'm sure that means something but I'm too tired to decide anymore. No tonight at least."
Rob chuckled. "I like you too, sugar."
If you made it this far, hi 💛 appreciate you, leave me a comment! Or just comment "💛"
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adverb-slut · 4 years
Can I get some Mammon fluff? Like he or MC are upset about something and they come to one another for cuddles? I think that's cute.... Plus I'm in need of a hug 🤗
Sorry, anon this took so long!!!  Mammon was being a butthead throughout this whole fic and was not cooperating!  And this is not exactly cuddling, but I hope it suffices!  AND OMG ANON YOU SHALL BE HUGGED  🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Also, as usual, this story can be read on AO3 here.  Additionally, I have a few more writing requests to do, but feel free to send more if you’d like!
Avatar of Greed
Mammon barges into your room very upset. You may not have all the answers, but you sure know when someone is in need of a hug and a listening ear.
Word Count:
You tap your fingers on your desk and stare daggers at your Poison Lore 1001 homework.  Your assignment is to create an extremely volatile aphrodisiac using belladonna, hemlock, and another toxic, yet arcane plant native to the Devildom—which is what stumps you, because as a human, how are you supposed to know what toxic plants are native to the Devildom!?  
You growl in frustration.  You aren’t supposed to use the internet to acquaint yourself with said plant and you can’t find your library card in order to check out a book at the Royal Library to find out what it might be.
Resting your head on your desk, you sigh.  Before you can decide that the assignment is a lost cause, you hear your bedroom door swing open.  Someone stomps in and sighs dramatically; you can hear them flop onto your bed. You already know who it is before they say a word.
“Mammon,” you groan, not raising your head.  “What did I say about sitting on my bed?”
“‘None of the members of the House of Lamentation are allowed on MC’s bed,’” he recites.  He pauses and then amends, “‘Cept for the Great Mammon, ‘cause he was MC’s first.”  
You moan and turn behind you, where you see Mammon lying all starfish-like on your bed.  “I don’t remember adding the last part.” You walk over and poke him. “Get off.”
“No,” Mammon whines, slinking further into the sheets. “MC, ya gotta let me stay.” 
Again, you poke him.  “Why?”
He sighs.  “Just do it, okay?”
Surprised with his answer, you finally decide your homework is most definitely not going to get done and scoot onto the bed with him, sitting on your pillows with Mammon sprawled out in front of you.  Absentmindedly, you fiddle with his hair, not noticing the blush that spreads across his face as you do so.  
“St—sto—”  he sputters incoherently for a few moments, before closing his eyes and retreating to silence.  The two of you sit like that quietly for a spell, before he breaks it again. “MC,” he begins, his voice so faint that you barely can hear it, “d’ya think I’m annoyin’?”
You don’t miss a beat as you continue playing with his hair and answer, “Yes.”
“Whaddaya mean by that, huh?” he demands, his blush growing even deeper and his eyes flying open.  “Didn’t ya hear what I asked? I asked if ya thought I was annoyin’!”  
“I know; I said ‘yes.’”  He doesn’t see the tiny smirk that forms at the corner of your mouth.
Mammon fidgets, his face tomato red now.  “K—keep talkin’ like that MC, and I might actually believe ya!”  He pauses again, and sits up, turning behind to look at you. He looks down and his voice turns into a whisper.  “… Do you really think that, though?”
You look at him, raising your eyebrows.  Before he had looked down, you had seen something in his dark blue eyes—something you hadn’t noticed before.  
You had always noticed the pools of a desire for validation that rippled in his dark sapphire irises, but today—today, you saw thin streams of desperation swirling amongst them, as well.  You decide that the time for teasing the tsundere, tsundere demon is over. You pull him back down, letting his head rest on your lap and scoop a pillow off your bed.
“Wh—whoa, MC!” he exclaims.   You didn’t think his face could get any redder, but somehow it does.  “I know you’re desperate for The Mammon, but ya didn’t even answer my que—”
Before the fool can finish his sentence, you whomp your pillow across his head.  You blush, grit your teeth, and answer his initial question, saying, “If I found you annoying, I wouldn’t sit here and listen to you babble, would I?”  
Mammon coughs in embarrassment and wisely avoids eye contact—a fact which you are very grateful for, because what would you do if he saw how red your face was now?
You try to regain your composure.  You clear your throat and wonder, “Why do you ask?”  You ponder if one of his brothers had said something to him for him to ask such a question, but then you remember Mammon’s neverending patience when it came to the verbal lashings that his brothers magnanimously granted to him. 
“It’s nothin’.”
You remember the desperation you had seen in his eyes and in your most wheedlesome tone, cajole “Come on, say.”
“I told ya, it’s nothin’ for you to worry about, MC.”
“Please say.”  You take a deep breath and muster your sweetest voice.  “For  me?“
“AAAH!” he grumbles, nestling his head deeper into your lap.  “MC, you know damn well that I can’t say no when ya use that voice!”
You smile in satisfaction and amuse your fingers in his hair once more.  “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Mammon turns to his side so you can no longer see his face and sighs.  “Fine.” He takes a deep breath. “MC, what sin am I the Avatar of?”
“Stupidity.”  The tease pops out of your mouth without your consent.  
“HEY!  Stupidity’s not a sin and you know it!”  
You stifle a laugh as you notice that he doesn’t deny his idiocy and try to remain serious.  “Alright, alright. I know you’re the Avatar of Greed.”
“Mm-hm,” he agrees.  “And ya know what? I’m damn good at what I do.”  Mammon’s confident tone falters for a moment. “Sure, I’m klepto as hell, but it’s not like I can help that … y’know?”  He pauses. “I’m greedy—it’s who I am. When I see somethin’ I like, I gotta have it, no matter what.” You don’t notice that he lightly coils his fingers around your calf as he says this.  
Saying nothing, you nod at his spiel.  You know the secondborn demon well enough to realize that he has more to say.  
And he does.  His voice lowers to a whisper and he wonders, “Then why am I always gettin’ blamed for bein’ who I am, huh?”  You can feel his head shake in your lap. “Sure, I guess me lootin’ stuff isn’t fun for everyone, but it’s not like I can help it—it’s instinct.”
You’re not sure how to answer his question, so you continue your silence and let him talk.  
“But hey, doesn’t everyone notice that it also ain’t fun for all of us to have to explain to the whole class why Belphie’s sleepin’ during lecture again or to open the fridge and realize Beel’s eaten damn near everything?  Or hey, do they think it’s easier to have Asmo hittin’ on everything with a pulse?  Maybe it’s better for Satan to blow up the House in some kinda tantrum or to have Levi freak the fuck out ‘cause some rando on the internet has a Ruri-chan figure that he doesn’t?  Or to know that Lucifer—” his voice breaks, but he swallows quickly and continues, “—to know that Lucifer’s so fuckin’  perfect that I can’t think of any flaws for him?”
Even though you vowed not to interrupt him, you decide it’s best to cut him off there.  “Lucifer’s not perfect.”
“Trust me—” Mammon’s voice breaks again as he turns his head deeper into your lap.  “—trust me, MC, I know that! Ignore ‘im for a minute here.” He sighs and pivots so that he faces the ceiling, and you can see that his eyes are ever-so-slightly glassy.  “Just … why’s that okay, huh? Why’s everything all hunky-dory for them when they’re givin’ into their sin, but all pitchforks ‘n’ torches for Mammon?”
You pull your hands out of his hair and bring them around his shoulders.  For once, he’s too distraught to blush. You’re not sure why his brothers act the way they do, but you are sure of the response he needs.  “It’s not fair.”
“No,” he mutters, “it ain’t.  And it’s not like it bothers me a lot, but sometimes … when I get to thinkin’ … ”
That’s when you realize that the desperation you had seen earlier in his eyes wasn’t just his desperation to be validated, but desperation for someone to just listen to what he was saying.  
You’d seen how the other six demons reacted when Mammon spoke—they’d tromp over him (although … could you really blame them?  Mammon’s dialogue usually made it clear that he was merely operating on one brain cell). Perhaps it was in an effort to tease, but even then there was only so much a demon can suffer.  You’re even more thankful now that you had let him monologue for so long. If anyone deserved to, it was the silly secondborn. 
You don’t even have to think as you yank him into a seated position and wrap your arms around his back tightly; you don’t let go as you slowly rub circles into his back.  Graciously, you decide to do him a favor and not make the adorable little squeak! he elicited as you did so public knowledge.
“H—hey, MC!  Ya don’t have to feel sorry for me or anythin’!”  He blushes, having regained some of his cockiness.  “I’m a demon for cryin’ out loud!  I don’t need a hug!”  Nevertheless, he takes a deep breath and leans into you.   
Your head is nuzzled into his hair as you murmur, “Shh … everyone needs a hug, sometimes.”
You feel his body stiffen and you worry that that was the wrong thing to say.  However, Mammon turns around and wraps his arms around you, just as tightly.  
You breathe warmly into him and stifle a laugh when he meekly asks, “Y—you’re not gonna do this for my brothers, right?”
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kuryoomi · 4 years
scars to your beautiful (kageyama x reader)
➸  genre: angst and fluff.
➸  pairing: kageyama tobio x reader.
➸  word count: 1.5k
a/n: wHEW. i wanted to write something meanigful, but idk how it turned out !! honestly idek if this is either angst or not lowkey,,, heart fingers.
synopsis: kageyama helps (y/n) love and embrace the scars from her past.
WARNING! mentions of relationship abuse.
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warm, red blood oozed out of the exposed wound, the sharp pain visible on your face. from your left side, a little boy was apologizing to you several times with tears in his eyes. and from your right, kageyama extended an arm to lend you a hand.
"thank you." you took his hand and pulled your body up from the ground, blood still gushing out from your scraped knee.
"i'm s-so s-sorry!" the little boy sobbed in between his words.
smiling at him, you shook your head before patting his head, "i'm fine! still moving, you see?" you shook your leg to prove yourself to the little boy.
"still, be careful. you might seriously injure yourself if you don't!" teasingly, you scolded the little boy, causing him to nod his head ferociously.
"i'll b-be careful next t-time!" swallowing his tears, the little boy picked up his skateboard before running off.
seeing as the boy disappeared from their sight, you let out a breath before stumbling to keep your balance.
"oi! don't fall!" kageyama pulled you back up, "c'mon, i'll help you get seated."
he helped (carried) your body while searching for an empty bench in the park. spotting one in the distance, he continued supporting you before setting you down on the empty, wooden bench.
adjusting your position to your comfort, a sigh left your lips.
"of course this had to happen." you thought to yourself, "i knew this day was going too smoothly for my own liking! ugh, why can't my first date with tobio be a success?? curse you, bad luck!!"
"(y/n)." kageyama interrupted your thoughts, "can you roll up your jeans for me?" he was knelt in front of you, one knee up and the other knee down.
"huh?!" you snapped out of your internal conflict, "why?"
oh no.
"so that i can see your injury." he pointed directly at your knee, "the blood is seeping through your jeans."
oh no. anything but that.
"pfft, i'm sure it's fine! no big deal." you swung your legs back and forth, "you see?" unknowingly, your face gave away your pain.
he took one look at your before shaking his head, "(y/n), don't be ridiculous."
you hung your head, avoiding his eyes, before beginning to slowly roll up your jeans. as more skin got exposed, your fingers hesitated.
kageyama noticed your hesitation and helped you roll your jeans up, thinking that the pain prevented you from continuing,
"no— wait!"
a long jagged scar snaked down the side of your leg, close to your knee. the skin around the mark was slightly discolored, suggesting that it did not heal properly. this was something you did not want kageyama to see, at all. but what could you do? lady luck was not on your side today. you grimaced, too afraid to see the male's reaction.
without any comments, kageyama stood up from the ground and turned his back towards the female.
"i'll be right back." he spoke before jogging away from the bench.
oh no.
he thinks they're ugly.
oh nonono.
what if he decides that i'm worthless—
haha, no way.
as if.
tobio isn't that kind of person...
is he?
amidst your worries and doubts, you noticed kageyama return from somewhere with a plastic bag hanging from his grasp. you jumped up from the wooden park bench, ready to explain yourself.
"t-tobio! you're back!" you shuffled your feet nervously as he stopped in front of you with his eyes on yours, "don't worry! i can explain my— my um. my scars! haha see, i was in this crazy relationship a few years back and my boyfriend wasn't exactly the best person alive. b-but it's all good now! he received his punishment and i'm—"
partially listening to your rambles, kageyama silently sat you back down on the bench. without a single word, he retrieved the item he bought from the convenience store (a first-aid kit) and opened it up before quickly soaking a piece of cotton with bottled water.
"we have to clean up your wound, first." he spoke calmly as his hands dabbed the piece of cotton on your knee.
unable to process his actions, you watched as he peeled off a bandaid before sticking it onto your wound. he pressed his fingers against it lightly, the bandaid sticking well to your skin. he was gentle, almost as if he were working with fragile glass, yet firm at the same time.
"and now we're finished." he smiled softly and awkwardly made jazz hands, signaling his finished work. still struck by silence, your eyes were glued on him as you watched kageyama throw away everything except the first-aid kit, "tobio.."
he returned back to the bench and sat down, his hand reaching out to give you whatever was left inside the first-aid kit.
"here. don't want you being unprepared again." with a kind smile on his lips, kageyama leaned back against the bench and stretched him arms out, "now you can continue your story, if you want. i'm here to listen."
initially, you weren't sure how to feel when he offered his ears to you. strange, right? just moments ago, you were desperately trying to explain yourself, your scars, to him. but now that he was actually listening, it was odd.
as shocking as it may seem, you weren't used to someone offering to listen to your voice, your past, your story. maybe it was because of this reason that you actually felt nervous to say anything.
but you were compelled to tell him. this guy, who had only known you for a couple of weeks, had knocked down any barrier you had built from a previous relationship, in a matter of minutes.
was it the way he looked? at you? or was it because of his caring gestures— you had no idea. whatever it was, it worked to his favor. you instantly desired to spill everything out to him. after all, you just couldn't hide it in any longer.
"my- uh. my ex-boyfriend was abusive, both physically and mentally. he would verbally tear me down with harsh words before resolving our fight with his fists. honestly speaking, it wasn't even a fight. whenever he spat out insults to me, it was all one-sided."
you paused, contemplating on whether or not to continue. spilling details about your painful past was overwhelming, to say the least. you swung your legs back and forth, allowing your silence calm you down. luckily, kageyama was patient.
"he told me that i was ugly with all these scars—said that i should be grateful he was at least willing to be with me, even though he was the one who gave me these."
another pause, with kageyama's eyes widened the slightest bit out of anger.
"my parents eventually found out, even though i didn't want to trouble them with anything, and they reported him. he received his punishment, and i got a restraining order! happy ending to a not-so happy story." immediately, you faked a laugh and encouraged a smile on your face, as if to show kageyama that everything was alright now.
but kageyama saw through it. vividly. even if both the corners of your lips curled upwards, your eyes betrayed you. no matter how convincing your smile looked, if the eyes weren't sincere then nothing was.
you gulped softly, expecting the silence from him. you figured he was processing the information you had given himㅡ it was a lot to take in, after all.
"your ex-boyfriend seemed like an ass." he stated bluntly after a painful silence as his body turned towards to face you.
"yeah, he was. i honestly don't know why i stayed with him." another laugh escaped your lips, nervously this time, "maybe i depended on him too much. pathetic, right?" you glanced down before lifting your wounded knee upwards, "now, i got all these ugly scars marking me for the rest of my life."
"they're not ugly."
you turned your head to the side, "excuse me?"
he shrugged, "your scars. they're not ugly." kageyama said once more, "nothing on your body should be considered as ugly. why would they be?"
"because they make my body seemㅡ destroyed."
he shook his head, "no. your scars show everyone how brave you are. how you survived through the worst of times to make it to the present."
kageyama crossed his arms before continuing, "the scars on your body from your past make up your own constellations. if anything, you should be proud and embrace them."
you bit your lip. since your previous breakup, the concept of loving your body seemed impossible. of course, you'd been trying for years now, but failed every single time. heck, was it even possible? you wanted verbal assurance.
"doㅡ do you think i'm capable of embracing them?" you asked, your voice laced with hope.
kageyama stared at the female, a brief moment of silence between the two of you. he was positive that you were more than able to embrace your scars. you were strong in his eyes. of course, he was willing to help you in any way, shape, or form.
with a hand on top of your head, he gave you a small smile before nodding his head, "absolutely."
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arknights-imagines · 4 years
Can I have HCs for cuddling with Nearl please? If that's too specific than any kind of fluffy stuff is fine!! Thank you! 🥰
Hi anon! ✨ you can definitely have Nearl cuddle hcs! 💞 I hope I did Nearl justice 🥺 Please enjoy! 🌸
Cuddling with Nearl
Headcanon format; written in second person, but mostly from the Operators perspective
Contains: Nearl, gender neutral Doctor who's meant to be the reader, implied established relationship, and lots of softness 🥺
Word count: just about 1.1k
・ Nearl may not seem like the most softest person, but she definitely has a caring heart; that especially applies to you.
・ You're very precious to her, and more than anything, she really wants you to be safe. She's ready to protect you with her life at any time, but when it comes to showing affection and being physically affectionate, the Kuranta is a little inexperienced.
・ Nearl is comfortable with you initiating anything, she quite enjoys when you gave her a hug or a kiss, as a matter of fact. But she's a little more hesitant when giving the same things back to you. It's not that she doesn't want to, but more so she's nervous about slipping up or making you uncomfortable.
・ Because of both your work, you two couldn't exactly go on dates together, sleep in the same bed, or other things like such. Other than a few hugs and kisses every so often, you two weren't exactly the most physically affectionate pair, but that was in no way a bad thing. Nearl cared very, very deeply about you, and she didn't need to show that though physical means. Her words and small gestures were enough.
・ But, everyone needs some affection and someone to hold sometimes, and Nearl was really no different.
・ One night, you had visited her room to talk about an Operation; nothing out of the ordinary, but you two had been discussing it for so long that it was evening by the time you were done. You were prepared to leave and head back to your office, but Nearl had spoken up before you left.
・ "Umm, may you stay with me tonight?"
・ The Kuranta was obviously a little nervous, but she stood by what she said regardless. Unfortunately, the two of you had been rather busy, and in fact, she barely got to see you outside of work occasions.
・ "I'm…aware it's...rather shameful, but I regret not being able to spend time alone with you." Nearl confessed, still looking a little unsure. "If you could possibly stay, I would be grateful."
・ You couldn't really refuse her, nor did you have any reason to, so with a smile you nodded and assured her that was just fine. Nearl straightened a little, smiling back at you and giving you a gentle thank you.
・ The both of you sat on her bed for a while, both occupied with your own small tasks as you spoke comfortably. Of course, Nearl would've liked to share dinner with you or walk around under the stars, but in their world of ruin, just sitting with you alone was enough for her.
・ Yawning a little, you had put your papers away, turning to her with a small smile. The Kuranta looked so cozy and inviting, you had the strong urge to just give her a hug, and so your next words came out a little suddenly, "Margaret, now that we're alone, could we maybe cuddle or something?"
・ Nearl blinked, her head snapping to you. She knew what cuddling was, yes, but you two had never really done anything like that. The idea of having you so close was nice, but what if she underestimated her strength and accidentally hurt you? She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if that happened.
・ "Oh, umm, you would like to do that with me?" She asked slowly, and you nodded, "I would. But only if you're comfortable with it."
・ Her heart swelled up a little at the fact that you wanted to make sure she was okay with it. She wasn't used to the soft feeling she had when she was around you, but she cherished it nonetheless.
・ Placing her book down, she nodded slowly. "I am comfortable with it, but I must confess, I'm unsure on how to go about it." You smiled, assuring her it was alright again, before lying down and motioning for her to do the same. She was a little stiff, but once she was lied down, you snuggled up close to her with no hesitation, wrapping your arms around her waist.
・ Nearl blinked, obviously surprised. You were so close, and the way you were hugging her felt unbelievably warm and inviting. Still, at the same time, you were still fragile in her eyes compared to herself.
・ You seemed to sense her nervousness, because you spoke up, voice muffled a bit by the fabric of her shirt, "Margaret, you can hold me, don't worry."
・ "I may? Then….I shall." Slowly, she wrapped her arms around you, heart swelling at the safe feeling that came over her. Nearl was tense for a few moments, but as time passed, she relaxed, holding you to her chest comfortably.
・ The Kuranta let her eyes slip shut, enjoying the warm security that filled her as if she had been wrapped in a warm blanket. It felt right to have you so close. Your face was snuggled into her chest, and her chin rested atop your head. Cuddling you gave her the same soft, tender feeling as kissing or hugging you did, but it was a little more intense, it lingered for longer.
・ Nearl couldn't help but think about how grateful she truly was for you. You were her reason to fight, her drive, her light. Shethe Kuranta was so thankful that she was able to be able to cuddle you like she was, she was so thankful you were safe and with her.
・ Her arms tightened around you a little, holding you closer to her. She took a moment to breathe you in, before leaving a light kiss on the crown in your head.
・ "My light, every moment with you is a ray of hope for me. Thank you." Her nickname for you left her lips carefully, "I have swore this to you before, but I promise that I shall protect you from all harm, without fail. I shall fight so that we may share moments like these in the days to come." Nearl's voice was soft and sincere, words meant for you and only you.
・ You nodded, snuggling closer to her chest, mumbling a quiet word of thanks and acknowledgement. Letting her eyes slip shut as she completely relaxed, Nearl tightened her arms around you protectively and with warmth.
・ She didn't speak after that, but she didn't have to. Whatever she didn't say, you already knew. 'My light, I shall do everything within my power for you. Someday, I hope we will see a day where the world is free of struggle.'
・ After that night, cuddling you and holding you close was comfortable for Nearl, and she enjoyed every time you two had time to cuddle.
・ Every time, it was always the same; it was warm, safe, and secure. The Kuranta held you close to her heart for while promising she'd always protect you.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Lemme get the timeline right, so Dick was about 15-16 when first Teen Titans happened, then he came back to Batgirl's debut, some time later he left for college & that was the issue where Bruce is kinda teary, looking at Dick's prizes, Dick teases him a lil? Or was that golden age? Then he's recruited by Raven, NTT happens, but the firing... I'm confusing these parts. He got fired after getting shot by Joker? He was Robin then so before Jason, but was he with NTT or in Gotham?
LOL don’t worry about being confused, because it very much IS confusing thanks to so many continuities and retcons.
Personally, I tend to go with pre-New 52 timeline and then just later stories like that timeline never ended and just kept going with New 52 and Rebirth stories....with any discrepancies being like....’flashback stories’ retroactively inserted at the appropriate point in the characters’ histories. That’s just my approach though, doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.
But pre-New 52, the ages up until Dick is around 16 or 17 are pretty flexible.....you can kinda pick and choose when you view the first Teen Titans having formed because there aren’t any hard age milestones to use as a marker. So regardless of what you go with, up until Dick was about sixteen, maybe seventeen, he lived full time in Gotham with Bruce, was Robin, and ‘moonlighted’ with the Teen Titans, who in their early years were kinda more an excuse to hang out with their superhero friends rather than like....a specifically focused team.
THEN is when it gets confusing, because enter the Age of Retcons:
ORIGINALLY, pre-Crisis of Infinite Earths, aka Retcon-Palooza, Dick went on to become Nightwing while he was still on good terms with Bruce. Bruce took Jason in and adopted him, but there was zero conflict with Dick over this....in fact, at this point in the comics, Jason was ALSO an orphaned circus acrobat whose family had been friends with Dick’s family, and DICK was the one who helped him after his parents were murdered, and took him to Bruce, which led to Bruce adopting him. 
(Fun fact, and part of why I side-eye people who dismiss retcons as ‘not counting’......Jason’s extremely iconic and well-known history as a street kid who Bruce found stealing his tires......only spanned about TWELVE ISSUES. Before his death, he literally only existed with that origin for about a year’s worth of comics....as opposed to pre-Crisis, when he existed for SEVERAL years worth of comics as the plucky acrobat who adored Dick and was always doing his homework and saying “Robin gives me magic” and stuff. Fandom lives mashing these two versions of Jason together, which is fine, but they have zero problem plying his twelve issues of having grown up as a street kid for angst, while being dismissive of other characters’ retcons, and that’s right up there when talking about Things That Make Me Go HMMMM).
Anyway, so originally, pre-Crisis, Dick moved on to become Nightwing when HE was good and ready, of his own volition, because he felt he was entering a new stage of his life and wanted to reflect that. And then HE gave Robin to Jason HIMSELF, like, literally bequeathed it to him, brother to brother, with Jason being appropriately grateful to HIM for that rather than crediting Bruce with it, who had absolutely nothing to do with it other than looking on fondly and proceeding from there with Jason as his partner. Dick then transitioned to living and working with the New Teen Titans full time in New York. 
He also briefly went to college at this time, but dropped out after just one semester or one year or so......which other people often skew to make it sound like he’s lazy or spoiled or just wanted to live off Bruce’s money all of which makes me gnash my teeth, lol.....nah, he already had the equivalent of several college degrees just from growing up being trained by Bruce. Dick dropped out for one reason only: nothing he wanted to do with his life benefited from a college diploma specifically, and none of the jobs he went on to work later required one. He’s a kid who comes from a family who never went to college either because they didn’t NEED to in order to do what they loved....and Dick was no different. People love to cite that Dick was already fairly old when his parents died and that’s why ‘he didn’t need Bruce to be his parent as much specifically’ or whatthefuckever....but then they turn right around and act like he should live his life more according to the expectations and standards of Bruce as opposed to.....in keeping with his first family and their priorities and whatnot. BUT I DIGRESS.
But anyway, at this point, he mostly lived in New York and came back to Gotham every now and then to visit or to help with cases. Babs had at this point been Batgirl for some time, before he became Nightwing, but again, the timelines are messy, so the only real marker that’s important IMO is that her history with Bruce and Dick as Batgirl predates Jason joining the family, AND post-Crisis, when Jason had his street kid origin.....I think she interacted with that version of Jason maybe once?
My point there is there’s a lot of piling on the angst and pointing back to Dick as the ultimate culprit, with people making a big deal about how Barbara and others were constantly comparing Jason to Dick and resenting him for not being Dick and this made Jason’s childhood even with Bruce especially difficult....but again, nah. The vast majority of the time Babs/Batgirl co-existed with Jason/Robin, it was pre-Crisis Jason, which meant that he was on great terms with Bruce AND Dick and Dick was on great terms with Bruce, all of which means....NOBODY WAS RESENTING ANYBODY OR COMPARING ANYONE TO ANYONE ELSE, THEY ALL COEXISTED JUST FINE.
This is where it gets messier and more complicated, because JUST LIKE the comics retconned Jason’s origin to make him a street kid - and which NOBODY has trouble acknowledging or balancing......the comics ALSO retconned Dick’s departure from Gotham. Now it was because there was a story in which Dick was shot by the Joker, Bruce freaked out about his safety, and decided the best way to express this was by firing Dick as Robin and alienating him. Dick lingered for a few weeks, its said, in the hopes that Bruce would change his mind, but when Bruce didn’t, Dick finally packed his bags and left to go live with the Titans full time, where he became Nightwing. Its further said that this was the last contact they had for about a YEAR AND A HALF.....with Dick being the one to make the first move to resume contact.....when he found out from the papers both that Bruce had taken in a new kid (Jason) and adopted him already, AND made him Robin.
(A name which no matter WHAT origin you go for in terms of what it means to Dick, is regardless HIS CREATION, the mantle HE made for HIMSELF, and was never Bruce’s to give away, whether or not you go with the take that it was Dick’s mother’s nickname for him, or it being a reference to Robin Hood, Dick’s favorite childhood hero).
Anyway, Dick confronted Bruce about this, and Bruce basically just....acknowledged this without actually ever putting the words “I’m sorry” or “I messed up” in there, and that was Dick’s one and only ON THE PAGE interaction with Jason post-street kid origin before A Death In The Family....which occurred like two story arcs later. 
(However, something I like to point out is the issue where Dick and Jason meet after both their respective retcons, was a FLASHBACK issue. It literally starts the issue off with the caption “One year ago”.....meaning that even though Jason died only two story arcs later and we never saw Dick and he interact on the page again, that issue was deliberately scripted in such a way as to allow for a good couple years to pass IN UNIVERSE....which, IMO, is where Dick and Jason’s sibling bond and dynamic had more than enough time to form. Just because Dick was on bad terms with Bruce doesn’t mean he ever took this out on Jason, and we know from later stories that they at least interacted a few times we never saw, like when the two of them went skiing together - so while people act like they barely knew each other because Dick was never around, IMO there’s literally no reason to assume that Dick wasn’t just as good about reaching out to Jason and forming a sibling bond with him after that first initial meeting, as he later was with Tim and Cass and Damian. In fact, given how familiar Dick and Jason seem to be with each other after his return to Gotham years later, IMO the thing that ACTUALLY strains credulity is the idea that before Jason died, he and Dick only interacted a bare handful of times. Nah. That doesn’t track.)
ANYWAY. That’s how all that played out those two different times, and why there’s so much confusion, BUT I maintain a huge part of that confusion is artificially produced.....by people deliberately trying to mix and match continuities in a way that just flat out doesn’t work. Sooooooo many times over the years, we’ve heard takes on how Dick ‘quit’ being Robin and then Bruce made Jason Robin and Dick resented both of them for this, but uh.....that’s the one version of things that DIDN’T ever happen. There were two distinct ways it played out. In the first, Dick quit voluntarily, and then made Jason Robin himself, and he and Bruce and Jason were all on great terms. In the later version, (the definitive version, because just like Jason’s street kid origin, it was the retcon, yes, but it was also never refuted or contradicted, the way it would have to be to ‘reset’ canon to that earlier sequence of events/state of affairs) - but yeah, in the later version, Dick was fired, Bruce made Jason Robin, and Dick resented BRUCE for this.
But people keep trying to play mix and match so Dick both quit - thus ‘giving up his claim to Robin/theoretically having no basis to object to someone else being Robin’....AND Bruce made Jason Robin - thus getting ‘credit’ in Jason’s eyes for giving him this mantle, responsibility and trust - with Dick then resenting Bruce for giving away the thing he ‘gave up.’
And that’s so disingenuous and obnoxious, when people try and play that game. They don’t want Dick to have ‘the right’ to the same complaints they have about Jason and Tim being ‘replaced’ but they also don’t want him to get credit for giving Robin to Jason because that would imply a strong brotherly bond and connection between them, one in which Dick clearly loves his little brother, and its just....uggggggh. So annoying.
Anyway, that’s the scoop, the buzz, the happening.
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scattered--pages · 5 years
For the Lukanette lyrical prompt: "And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't/So here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road/And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope/It's a shot in the dark and right at my throat", cause Florence is love
Notes: Ummm, so, I love you?! Because Florence really is love and omg this song ♡ Thank you heaps for this prompt, dear!!
Send me lyrics as a prompt for a Lukanette ficlet or a drabble? ♡
Shake It Out
Rating: Teen+
Word count: 2759 (okay, whoops, this ended up being longer than I planned  ♡)
About a year and a half has passed since Marinette has received the humbling, but painfully difficult task of being the Guardian of all the Miraculous. It was a role that was exhilarating, beyond exciting, a chance to grow like none other before and it ended up brining far more positive things along than she thought it ever would. However – after a very good start and after almost a year of handling everything somewhat well, Marinette got tired. Stressed. And afraid. And so, this also brought far more negative effects in ways she didn’t really even imagine initially.
Of course, the ever-rising thought of her making a wrong mistake, a bad choice, a slip-up with consequences far too grave and any or all of these resulting in the doom of entire Paris or the fate of the Miraculous, but the consequences she failed to predict were the ones affecting her personal life. Marinette’s life, not that of Ladybug.
 And there were truly moments where the line between the two faded. Where she was suddenly skipping school or being late so much and so often that it reached the level where the principle had to alert her parents and she almost got expelled, all the while being horrified and desperate in finding ways to justify her actions because, of course, she couldn’t say the truth. She could never say the truth about this. Or the time when each new threat arising in the city due to the re-empowered Hawkmoth/Mayura team started suddenly bubbling up so much internal pressure for her that she was forced to find a way to first deal with her own genuine, painful and terrifying panic attacks before she could transform and deal with the actual attack taking place outside.
Or when the more outspoken and brave Ladybug overtook the typical ‘Marinette’ in certain situations of extreme emotional hurt or vulnerability, causing her to distance herself from a few friends of hers due to her growing either too withdrawn from them or, on the other side of this spectrum, to lash out suddenly in select moments of jealousy or even slight anger. Being a Miraculous Guardian at the tender age of now 16 was insanely challenging to say the least and even though this fact only started to truly catch up with her recently, it affected both her and those around her enough to cause an overwhelming amount of worry, anger and frustration from all sides. Except from one person.
And as she paced along the Seine nervously, back and fort, during what was supposed to be a calming walk for her, in her civilian form, this particular calming voice was what snapped her back from her over-thinking mind back to reality.
She jumped a bit, even though the voice didn’t really startle or scare her, as much as it simply surprised her.
“Luka? Wh-What are you doing here?”, she wrapped her arms around her, suddenly aware of the slight chill outside, her cardigan far too thin for an early spring evening by the river such as this one.
He smiled a sad, worried smile at this and proceeded to take his jacket off. “My home is right there, remember?”, he teased gently, nodding towards a boat a bit more downstream along the river’s flow as he pulled his jacket around her.
“Oh…!”, Marinette followed the direction with her gaze and her jaw dropped slightly. She didn’t realize she managed to pace back and forth and here and there for so long and so out of focus of reality that she managed to reach all the way to here without even realizing it. “But, n-no, no!”, she attempted to slowly shrug the jacket off, “You’re going to freeze!”, her hands reached to get it off and hand it back to Luka but by placing both of his won hands against her shoulders carefully but firmly with a teasing smile, he made any attempts of detaching said jacket from her body near impossible, to which she even frowned slightly, causing him to instantly chuckle and shake his head.
“I’ll be fine, even without the jacket, I’m wearing a sweater that’s even slightly too warm for my taste, and I’ll honestly feel worse if you freeze when I can do something to help that.”
She exhaled, her expression suddenly that of sorrowful, almost guilty confusion.
“Why are you still putting up with me?”
He simply shrugged, the playful hold on her shoulders easing as he stroke them with his thumbs gently. “Because I care. Because a lot of people care about you and it breaks my heart that you seem to not believe that.”
Her expression now remained the same, as well as the emotions it carried, save for the sad smile that she added to it slowly, her head tilting to the side a bit.
“Except, a) I’ve been horrible to everyone and about pretty much everything lately and b)…”, her gaze flickered to the side a few times, cheekbones reddening in a way that made her grateful for the fact that the streetlight reflecting from the water’s clear surface wasn’t that strong of a light source at all, “… you care about me… differently…”
“You know…”, Luka now returned her sad smile, only it carried a different background entirely, his eyes drifting to the floor while he started to slowly let go of her, “I’m an idiot because I… don’t think I even really asked you if you minded that…” He prepared to step back but, within a second, Marinette’s hands were on his, keeping them in place.
“No, no!”, she was surprised by how quickly and confidently she said that, but a much as it made her face feel like it was completely burning now, she didn’t take it back. “Luka, you… Know I dont.”
And true, he had a reason to believe so. They weren’t in a relationship or anything like that yet, like Kagami and Adrien or Nino and Alya were, not officially, but they were spending majority of their time together, in their civilian forms and, of course, unbeknownst to them, in their Miraculous forms as well. More than that, they grew incredibly close quite fast. To the point that now, almost a year since Marinette made a point to get over Adrien, Adrien was just a friend and an occasional fleeting painful sting at her heart, but the majority of her affection and her emotions were now finally allowed to belong to Luka. To the point that they have already had a couple of brief moments of weakness resulting in a kiss, but nothing more was said or done. And because of the latter fact, because it was nothing more, Luka didn’t dare to be convinced that this was a confirmation of anything or to push or prod, but this time, he felt he needed to push slightly in the opposite direction in order to prevent himself from pushing on in this one.
Still, even after her hands gripped his and she, very determinately, kept him close to her, he didn’t know how to react, instead only staying still for a second, followed up by a barely noticeable quiver of his lower lip as he opened his mouth to speak but found himself unable to. She noticed though.
Her broken smile widened slightly. “I’m… being selfish, actually. There’s this… someone, erm…”, she shook her head, trying desperately to remain as vague as possible, “ …something, taking over my life and my composure a lot for awhile now, very incresingly so, and vou’re the only thing keeping me grounded and sane lately and… always have been one of the few people making me feel safe and sure of myself and, at least due to this, I really don’t want to let you go…”
What she said was a partial lie, but for once, he didn’t catch it.
“So it’s…”, he took a breath and nodded firmly, more as a way to keep himself strong than anything else, “… just because of that…” Suddenly he made sure to quickly continue, “And I want you to know it’s perfectly fine if it is, I’ll still be your fr-”
“No…” It escaped Marinette’s lips without her control. But once again, she didn’t regret it or take it back. This newly found courage paired with an impaired capability of hiding her feelings at least had some good uses, it seemed. “No, it’s not just that.”
Stunned yet again, Luka stayed silent, looking back into her eyes, running her words in his head over and over again to make sure he understood them right this time until a melody reached them, played from a near-by cafe, catching his attention.
And when he looked back at her, he smiled again.
“That… something, that’s keeping you down… You never told me everything, so I’m sorry if I don’t always manage to make you feel better as best as I could…”, she was already prepared to counter him on this immediately, but he simply placed a finger against her lips, “… but there’s something I haven’t tried yet.”
Against his touch, her lips formed a small puzzled frown, which was a vision so beautiful and adorable to him that he could have kissed her right then and there and never let her go.
“You know, one of the best ways to get rid of a lot of negative emotions, expectations or fears…”, letting go of her, he moved away slightly and outstretched one of his hands, “…is dancing.” He cocked his head to the side, asking a question without words.
“Oh, nooo, n-no, no, no… I don’t dance, or to be more precise, I’m quite sure I can’t dance!”
“Everyone can dance”, he shrugged with a soft smile, “I’m not asking you to waltz with me or do the tango”, he grinned and she chuckled, “I’m just asking you to dance.”
She bit her lips, feeling a very slight hesitation… but took his hand, nonetheless.
“Okay…”, she smirked, “Teach me.”
Reciprocating her smirk, he took her hand and slowly pulled her closer until they started moving into almost a slow-dancing kind of way. He spun her around and then back into his arms and there was something about how easily and naturally he did that, something about that gorgeous crooked smile he was giving her, just inches from her face, that made Marinette feel incredibly warm and exhilarated in the way, she came to find, only he could make her feel. But they weren’t at the cool, calming ice rink now. And the breezy spring evening was suddenly not cold enough to keep her as in check as she wanted to keep herself whenever he did something that caused this beautiful, dizzy feeling to arise inside her that quickened her heart and breath.
But, for once, perhaps because she so desperately needed something like this, she didn’t want to fight getting lost in a moment like this one. She craved and needed the way he made her feel, safe and wild at the same time, feeling just secure enough to almost be able to let go completely. Marinette never felt like that. Marinette never acted like that. Not even as Ladybug, not even at the peaks of her confidence. But with him, it just happened. And normally, she would wonder over and over again in her head if he could somehow sense this, how he’s literally driving her crazy in a way, if he thought her to be a foolish, silly girl for letting him affect her this much, especially since she practically rejected him at first and since, ironically, she felt that all of these feelings became immensely obvious and accentuated after she removed any barriers that she once upon a time used to carefully set in front of the emotions that were steadily growing for him because she wanted them kept down and silenced for Adrien. But not now. She moved with him and laughed with him and let him sway and spin her in his arms and she could swear she never felt more alive.
It was a couple’s dance of sorts, the one that they were sharing, but it wasn’t defined by any specific set of steps or movements, more like a combination, actually. And that was the beauty of it, it was just defined by – them. And as the music picked up its tempo and volume slightly and she found herself dipped down in a way that perhaps started teasingly and playfully, she could feel her heart wanting to burst in warm sparks in her chest sparkling and spreading through her torso in a way she didn’t expect so suddenly. It felt like sparks flowing down her body and as it instinctively caused her to bite on her lower lip, she could have sworn that she felt his breathing hitch for a moment. Because the way he leaned over her, pulled her waist against his, much closer and tighter than at the ice rink, as he started to pull her slowly back up, eyes staring into each other without blinking, bodies close to the point she could feel the tempo of his breathing through the movements of his chest against her… It flipped some sort of a switch inside her. Everything has been so wrong and so irredeemable and so wrong lately, the pressure constantly dropped onto her shoulders unbearable and so strong that she was fully convinced she truly couldn’t handle it at all. But now, here, with him, like always, all of her feelings just floated to the surface. Or perhaps rushed, ran and instantly flooded to the surface would be a better description of what she was feeling when he leaned his shoulder down against her, breathing heavily, as two teal eyes peered right inside of her and made her melt. And, for once, Marinette was completely and entirely sure that at least for now, she was enough. She was strong. She was alive. Her skin was burning and the air flowing heavily through her lungs at a tempo she wasn’t used to felt like breathing for the first time in months. There was no way on Earth she was letting this go. There was no way in hell she was suppressing anything tonight. As a rebellion against Hawkmoth wanting to see her destroyed, against people who knew her and were ready to judge or leave her when she was clearly going through something akin to a nightmare, against any residual feelings for Adrien and against this whole nightmare as a whole – Marinette was going to grip paradise tonight, she’s going to be young, and free and hungry and loved and to hell with anything else.
She was fire and she wasn’t blushing or pulling back this time or looking away and still, still Luka was careful and doubtful, his gaze searching hers hopeful but confused. And somehow this, the heart and patience and kindness of the boy in her arms tipped her over the brink and without being able to even control or plan it, her lips crashed against his… And they stayed like that for a second, two, before his lips caressed against her lower lip in a way that caused less than a moment to transpire before her teeth grazed his upper lip with her next kiss, then her tongue, and when his tongue just barely brushed up against hers, her mind seemed to have swerved like she was intoxicated, because the next thing she realized was that her hand was tangled in his hair and grasping at his back, pulling him somehow even closer, closer against her, before he lifted her up, swiftly and effortlessly onto a small half-wall behind them and, oh, it made her want to never let him go. She gripped at the firm shape of the small of his back and one of his palms cupped her face, stroking her lip as he kissed it hungrily, the other running against her outer thigh and something between them must have been electric because they both shivered at the same time and chuckled sweetly against each other’s lips.
There was no care or thought left in her mind other than him. Her head, her heart and her body screamed only Luka. Luka. And only Luka.
Her home.
Her acceptance.
Her freedom.
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Febuwhump day 1 “Trapped”
Characters: Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page
Fandom: Daredevil (TV)
Word Count: 1,500
Warnings: Trapped in elevator, mild claustrophobia, punctured lung, passing out, hospitalized, broken ribs
Summary: Matt’s fine. That’s what he insisted. But on their way from the courtroom Foggy and Karen realized it was worse then they thought.
A/N: So, I know 0 things about law or law practice, and this piece was made entirely for the whump so...yeah. Also, the medical accuracy is probably not on point, research only goes so far!
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“Can you make it down the stairs?” Asked Karen as they exited the courtroom after a long day.
“Yes. I’m fine.” Matt replied, grunting with an effort just to get the words out.
“Not a chance buddy, we’re taking the elevator. If we had my way you’d be in an ambulance right now,” said Foggy with his usually light tune, although it seemed a little too forced then usual.
“Was I really that bad?”
“Matt, you're a wonderful Lawyer, but, you look like crap and I tell ya everyone in that room knew something was up,” Foggy said directing his friend away from the stairway towards the elevator.
Matt didn’t fight him on this, he leaned into his friend as they walked, “We still are winning though.”
“Yeah. We’re a great team. But you have to admit Matt, you are reckless. Why’d you go out the night before our big case?”
“Crime doesn’t take a night off, Karen.”
“But you can,”
The Elevator doors opened up and Matt got in, steadying himself on the railing. His ribs were aching, he could tell that he had at least 3 broken, and even more bruised. His head was still throbbing from the hard hit he had taken the night before.
“Matt, do you need help? Like real help? I think Claire’s in town, I can try to get her-”
“I’m fine,” interrupted Matt, “couple hours of sleep and I’ll be hitting the streets again.”
“Matt! You’re gonna kill yourself,” Karen couldn’t hide the hurt in her voice.
Matt’s reply was interrupted by a lengthy coughing attack. He slumped further against the elevator wall, the weight of his own two feet suddenly overbearing.
“We’re gonna get you some help, okay?”
Before Matt could even process what Foggy had said he felt himself lurch forward, the whole ground came with him. Looking around him he saw Foggy and Karen in the same panic tossed around the room. Although any exertion at all deepened his pain, Matt closed his eyes and tilted his head to get a better focus. Getting a picture of the whole room around of him, Matt ‘saw’ with his power that the cords holding up the elevator were stuck.
After an agonizing minute of gears grinding loudly, the elevator lurched one last time before planting itself firmly in-between floors. The rapid movements and loud noises were quickly overwhelming Matt, his back still leaning on the wall he slid into a sitting position on the floor, clutching his chest.
Foggy leaned over by his friend, placing a reassuring hand on Matt's shoulder, Karen pulled the emergency call button on the elevator, nothing happened.
Matt’s shortness of breath along with his ever so slightly blue hue in his skin was making Foggy and Karen start to panic.
“Uhg. There’s no service! I can't reach anyone!” said Karen in anguish.
Matt looked up at her, he meant to give her reassurance, tell them both that he was fine, that they’d get out of this, but nothing came out. In fact, nothing was coming in. Matt took a deep breath but the oxygen was too stubborn to come in.
After another minute of continued wheezing, it subsided for a while. Matt just sat there, his eyes closed taking in more air, but nothing eased the tightness he felt in his chest.
Karen continued pacing the room, phone in hand, while Foggy rubbed Matt’s back and tried giving him words of comfort, but Matt could barely even hear him over his own rapid heart rate.
“Okay, Matt, when did you start having symptoms? It might help narrow down what’s wrong and what you need.”
Matt furrowed his brows together, why was it so hard to think? “Uh, last night my chest began to hurt, probably because of the broken ribs, but it wasn’t hard to breathe until about an hour ago,” Matt’s voice hitched as his last word spurred another coughing fit which increased his chest pain.
“Okay, no more talking for you, just, take it easy Matt,” said Foggy as he scanned the room for the third time.
The elevator wasn’t big, but it also wasn’t small, to Foggy, it was a death sentence.
Claustrophobia wasn’t something Foggy initially thought that he suffered from, but the way the walls seemed to close in on him and he was starting to feel nauseous didn’t give him much of a choice. Foggy couldn’t be freaking out right now, Matt needed him.
Besides, elevators stopped all the time and no one gets hurt.
The elevator doors stood still as if mocking them for being trapped. By now both Foggy and Karen had run their voices hoarse with hollering for help and pounding on the door. They needed to get Matt out of there, but with no real end in sight, all of their moods were quickly fading.
“Matt, how are you doing?” Karen quizzed him.
Matt nodded his head at her, words just weren't coming anymore. He was no doctor, but he’s been hurt enough to know what a punctured lung felt like, if only he would have recognized it earlier he wouldn’t be in this situation.
He tried to hold on, he fought, but the sweet temptations of rest were too strong, Matt’s eyes fluttered shut as his shoulders slumped further against the wall.
“Matt! Matt!” shouted Karen as she rushed to his side, tears streamed down her face as she put a hand to his neck, desperately hoping to feel a pulse. She was greeted with a thready response, but it was something.
With a startling and grinding crunch Foggy and Karen clung to the walls, worried the elevator was falling, but as if on cue the elevator doors were pried open, behind the door was mostly metal work, only the bottom third of the doorway actually opened to the hall. Two officers awaited them as they stood over Matt.
They weren’t trapped any longer. But they weren’t out of it yet.
Foggy and Karen worked together to gently drag Matt’s limp body towards the opening, a police officer firmly gripped his shoulders sliding him from across the floor through the doors and out of the elevator.
In a frenzy, Karen and Foggy found themselves as well out of the faulty elevator and being attended to by local authorities.
“You guys are lucky, someone called in a late elevator making ‘suspicious’ noises, no one else wanted to check it out.” one officer told them as his partner called in a medic for Matt.
The ambulance arrived quickly, a team of medics hauling a stretcher immediately started to check them over.
“No, we’re fine, Matt, help Matt,” Karen insisted, pushing a Paramedic away from her.
One of the first respondents was looking over Matt, who now lied on a stretcher, “Looks like we got a Traumatic pneumothorax, we need to get a chest tube in him, stat,”
“Is he, is he gonna be alright?” Foggy asked his throat tight.
"Yes, if he gets everything he needs now, he'll make a full recovery."
The EMTs and Paramedics pushed Matt on the stretcher into the awaiting ambulance, Foggy and Karen at their heels. 
"Matt, Matt, were right here okay? We're  not going anywhere, alright?"
Matt's still heavy eyelids groggily opened and the fuzziness in his head died down as he became more conscious.
The sound of heels clicking on the hard floor altered him to Karen's presence pacing the room, and Foggy, Matt could hear his heartbeat pounding from the chair. 
"Matt! You're awake! Thank God," Foggy said rushing towards Matt's. Karen quite pacing and joined Foggy at Matt's bedside. 
"It'll take more than that to stop me," Matt said halfheartedly, his voice not as pronounced as usual.
Matt could feel the tension in the room, he faced his friend's direction. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so reckless. I should've been smarter, gotten help sooner. I’m sorry for putting you guys through that." 
Foggy squeezed Matt's IV laced hand, "No, Matt, you were just thinking of others. I’m sorry for making you feel like you need to apologize for just looking out for people. But, next time? Come to us when your hurting." 
"Yeah Matt, we can help you," Karen cut in. 
"Now how did I get lucky enough to have you two in my life?" Matt said, his smile genuine.
Matt's chest was sore, he felt as if his whole body was replaced with sand, everything was so heavy, and the tube in his chest was uncomfortable, to say the least. But his skin was no longer blue, and his breathing was regulating out. But most importantly he was surrounded by his friends and partners and all in all, alive. 
In the elevator, trapped and dying, he didn't know if he would ever see another morning, experience another day, fight another night, but here he was. 
With a grateful look on his face, Matt addressed Foggy and Karen. 
"So, you ready for another day in court?" 
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jooheongif · 6 years
it's theory anon,hi!!how are YOU?i'm really good rn thanks:)) thank you for your kindness again,i'm really happy i could somehow help to help you feel even a tiny bit better and hope you're doing well now,too(and it's ok to not rest on your day off but it's also ok to do so if that's what you feel is right for you atm!).about the mf(ilm), i thought the same thing, it felt like a parallel universe type of story!i also really love plotlines about friendship, (again cont.i'll try to be briefer!)
(i’m so sorry i wrote a rly long reply so i’m gonna put this under read more !!)
2. friendship is beautiful and i feel oftentimes underappreciated(but not mx!there they go again being amazing) so i love the concept. personally i like not knowing what exactly the producers were thinking because having my own interpretation of something and seeing other ppl have their own fills me with wonder,like,that's art!so many people think so many different things and no one's wrong i love it!!your thoughts about them appreciating everything they've done so far,you're absolutely right(cont) 3. i hope they are able to bc everything's so hectic for the.i get lost just looking at their official schedule,i don't know how they do it but i also hope they are aware of all these things bc those are all mindblowingly huge accomplishments in my opinion and i just want them to feel like their hard work is worth it,yknow?(is this comprehensible?)and i know they feel pressure because as you said the business is nasty but yea i hope at the end of the day they can feel like (cont.???again 4. everything they've put so much of themselves into is worth it,i love their energy and fierce determination and i just don't want them to lose it but maybe as you said feel less pressured..but then the only way would realistically be to make sure they get awarded in the Real World so we're all doing our best in the system&hating it as you said:/ they just mean so much to so many people i want them to feel that too!i try to contain myself but here i go again! sorry it's so long AND i have more(con 5. also!thank you for your big reply and sharing your thoughts i mostly just agreed with (but you're right so what else can i do),i don't have mbb friends to vent to and fanperson(is there a gender neutral term for fanboy/fangirl?) over mx with and this is really nice and fulfilling(again,if i'm boring you,you can just delete the messages and not reply!) so THANKS!it's great to strive to be a better person but i feel like one(you) should also acknowledge the good things they're already doing(cont?) 6. you showed such pure kindness and really melted someone's(my) heart and that's a Big Deal!djkghddgwe can agree that we both inspired each other :') also please i feel like you're such a wonderful soul and you really deserve every bit of gratitude and appreciation i managed to express(i feel a lot moreprobably) so!yeah!reminder that you're lovely and deserve to be appreciated and i'm also very,very happy you're here!you made my day brighter for the 2nd time now wow!thanks! i hope you and(cont.:() 7. your gorgeous heart are taking good care and enjoying your day/night! and this cb!i really like it i haven't had time to listen to the entire album but jealousy!is a bop honestly it's my type of jam and the choreo is stunning and so are their voices!iwas so skeptical about the lyrics(they could've been like hero or stuck and those made me a bit >:/ honestly) but i really should've known they wouldn't fail me in any way ever!i can't wait to hear the rest of the songs i hope you enjoy them too!bye
hi theory anon, it's nice to hear from u again ! firstly, i am so sorry for the slow reply to this ! but im rly glad to know that u are doing good :-) i'm doing ok too thank u !! how are u ? kfjjfdsjfdf sorry that u had to read my tags but thank u for saying that !! i just feel so guilty when i do nothing bc im absolutely terrified of time passing too quickly ? just the thought of letting a few minutes go to waste is overwhelming ? even though i know it's not rational to think like this but ??? theres just this constant feeling that im running out of time so i try to get rid of it by always doing smth ?? and feel bad when i dont ? idk ?? but anyway im working on it and ill be ok ! sorry..not to be dramatic and tmi and all that kjdfdj istg this blog gives me too much freedom to say...too much :( (hope the internet folks that collect metadata never read the garbage i write bc..yikes they aren't gonna hav the best time) anyway..yea. what a paragraph to start off this reply :( sorry for the honesty and saying so much all the time btw :( not that being honest is necessarily a bad thing but ! idk every time i write smth i suddenly feel extra self conscious and feel like deleting it bc im rly embarrassed and always end up having big regret later when i reread anything ive typed up !! but i just keep writing them anyway bc...idk ?? i'd rly hate it if someone got discouraged from sharing their thoughts/worries/feelings which i think is a rly important human thing :( so  yea im rly embarrassed w anything i write but i'll keep doing it anyway bc i'm all for that kind of stuff and sometimes i know its not easy and it takes someone a lot to share that and its a good thing and i dont ever want anyone to feel discouraged from doing that ! anyway i just felt like i rly needed to say all of this..but pls dont feel obliged to reply to this mess !! anyway back to mx ! you are right :( i also hope mx feel like what they've done is worth smth w/e their definition or standard of that is :( like.. all of the hard work they've put into being mx it certainly means so much to fans but i hope all the hard work they've put into being mx also means smth to them at the end of the day and they are happy w what they're doing and what they've achieved so far :( and yes we'd love mx to always be rewarded in the real world :( though we love them and we want to get them a win, i know that everyone has their commitments, means and different circumstances and we can only do so much :( but even if u think its just a small contribution, everything adds up and counts and i know that all mbb hav contributed in some way in helping them get another win for this cb ! there are some mbb who can't buy albums or streaming passes and things and i hope they don't feel bad for this :( even if all you can do is watch the mv once or twice, even if you could only vote, i hope you know that it all counts and matters !! abt mx's schedule, i get tired just by looking at their weekly one idk how they can even put up w it all ?? after this they'll hav their japanese album and things and then they'll have their concerts and on top of all that apparently [some of them are also studying] ????? they are so hardworking :( HOW do they do it !! just..thinking abt their schedule is overwhelming !!! also pls dont think that you're boring me or anything like that :( im so thankful for any msg i receive and the fact that u actually took the time to type out smth to send to me ?? im so grateful ?? u are never boring !! honestly even if u sent me a stainless steel dishwasher manual w the page length of like..23 bibles, i'd still love u for it and i'd prob read all of it :( btw thank u sm for saying all those kind things !!! receiving kindness for the 3rd time is rly !!!!!!! and once again i've done nothing to deserve it :( i dont even know what i can say to you that will ever be enough to thank u again or to top what u hav already said ! if there was like a...maslows hierarchy of kindness of smth, ur at the very top of that triangle and anything i say will never be as kind as what you have said !! for you, i can agree that we both inspired each other :-) but really thank u so much from the bottom of my heart :( i hope you know how kind and lovely u are too ! if nobody told u this today, i wanted to say that im rly grateful to know u and i'm happy that you're here !! thank u again for being so kind and thoughtful and for making me smile !! :( same, i havent properly listened to the whole album either bc ive just been letting it stream in the background (but i dont count that as a proper listen unless i listen w headphones tbh) ill give it a good listen one day ! also im a repeat 1 kind of garbage person until i feel the need to listen to a new song ?? and rn jealousy to me is a song that gets better w every listen ??? shes too powerful atm :( one day ill listen to another song but today is not that day ! Actually.....I think jealousy is my fav mx song ???? before this cb i didnt hav a fav bc i couldnt pick the song i liked most out of blue moon/blind/fighter/incomparable. i was just gonna base it off the one w the most play count out of those 4 but now i know its jealousy ! what are ur fav mx songs ?? btw i know im always saying that anything mx releases is always a masterpiece no matter what, but in all seriousness its ok if u didn't like smth they released. i don't think it makes u any less of a mbb if u didn't enjoy a certain release or if u only liked one aspect of a thing but not so much the rest of the thing. anyway not to sound so...stale and commonplace but for lack of a better word/sentence, at the end of the day your own reactions and feelings to a piece of art like music...it's all just subjective isnt it ?? not liking that thing doesnt mean that its not a masterpiece or its any less of a masterpiece to someone else either so !! it's ok !! anyway this is rly....ive written a lot and its all over the place and incoherent probably :( i'm sorry !! feel free to reply whenever u feel like it, or no pressure on never replying at all btw ! also feel free to disagree w anything i say ! thank u sm for talking to me abt mx bc ive also got no mbb friends so !!! thank you :( theres so many times where i rly want to start a conversation w someone but im too scared and also i've got no clue abt how to initiate conversation ! and the times when i do manage to...i get stuck on how to keep the conversation going ? but when i figure smth out then im coming for u @ friendship !! i hope u had a good weekend and that you got some rest and that ur doing ok wherever u are !! until next time, take care ❤️❤️❤️
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prncssjn-blog · 7 years
ya girl's back and she sees your doing BBSS ships know and you know i'm weak for ships sO... would I be able to request a BBSS ship with Astro?? Thank you!!
Of course friend!
Boyfriend: JinJin. To be honest quite honest, I thought you’d be super compatible with JinJin even before you requested your ship (heheh) - so this was my first choice and I really stand by it! Soft boys are goal boys and like you said, JinJin is so soft when it comes down to it. You see it with every single interaction he has with each member and the fans; he’s incredibly caring and I think it’d translate so well into your relationship. Like, instead of viewing you as initially cold he’d make a genuine effort to get to know you and not let initial shyness or awkwardness effect any part of your relationship. Actually, I think he’d notice your wit and humor more than anything at first and just be immediately drawn to you. In my mind you absolutely fit into his ideal type and he would probably be in awe of that fact as well.Like I just imagine a social gathering, and you’re sitting with a group of your friends and his friends and you make a witty response to someones comment and he’s just like… “Oh my gosh…” And is so enamoured with you the rest of the night that he makes it a personal goal to get your number. Another thing I can see JinJin appreciating in you is how easily he can sit down and just talk to you, about anything and everything. As leader (and also the compassionate person he is), I can see him bottling a lot up and knowing he has someone he can come and just vent/rant/converse to would make his heart so warm. The fact that you’re so level-headed would also give him such a piece of mind because I feel like he can get a bit emotional sometimes, and your advice would honestly mean the world to him. Also it would definitely be mutual, of course, cause he would make himself 100% available to listen to your worries whenever you’d need it. And he would honestly never make you feel like you’re being “too negative”, your worries are his worries and this would honestly be the most loving relationship ever?? I support it. I think he’d also love that you’re a huge nerd and would probably purposefully try and banter with you over who’d win in what video game, etc. just cause you’d threaten to brawl him and seeing your stubborn side would honestly give him heart eyes. Like, just imagine him being like, wanna race through Ikea to see who gets to the food court first? Wanna theorize who we think the murderer is in Agatha’s book? Wanna see who can draw each other fastest? And it’d make you both hella competitive but also double over in laughter cause you can’t believe how well you get along. One of your interests that I think he’d take particular interest in is your writing. He’d probably keep asking you to write a poem about how handsome he is and you’d just be like “okay relaaaax”, but he wouldn’t let it go.  And then he would, in all seriousness, keep suggesting you write a song together for his rap and it’d lead to your first times visiting the studio and spending late nights together, composing, etc. And the song you produce together would obviously be a masterpiece ~
Your maturity and intelligence would also constantly be something he’d appreciate in you. I can just imagine you both driving somewhere and him breaking the silence by asking you something about psychology and being so interested that he just sits in silence and listens to your every word until you get to the destination. And then he’ll of course be like, “Okay, we’re continuing this when we get back and you have to guess my MBTI type” (which you’d already have guessed pretty much perfectly, but you just nod) ;) I feel like you’d both teach each other so much and just be such an intelligent couple ~Soooo yeah, I think you can tell how much I ship this ^^ ~Best Friend: MJ. Okay so you’ll see my reasoning for this later especially but I firmly believe that you and MJ would get along (especially because you get along with me and I definitely have very MJ moments LOL). I think your relationship wouldn’t begin immediately, but once it does it’d definitely be because you both realize how funny you are. Where he has very goofy humor, I see him really liking your wit and it’d be such a good balance I think.Anytime you’re feeling a bit under the weather, MJ  would also drop everything to see you smile and make you laugh. I can see him being very understanding and constantly reminding you of the little things he loves about you and how much of a great person he thinks you are. He’d also love your kindness and loyalty and feel so grateful for your friendship. Like I honestly see a little bit of a Yoongi / J-Hope thing going on between you and I feel like it’d make for such a solid, healthy friendship. I can also see MJ loving that you’re into musicals and probably begging you to karaoke the soundtracks with him. He’d also love that you’re so creative and imaginative, and would mention random story openings that you’d finish off together. Like he’d just randomly be like, “Okay so imagine this; your memory gets wiped, but you’re only left with this image -” and by the end of it you’d both have constructed an honest masterpiece.He’s also definitely here for a good time so it’d be an honest good time with the both you for sure; he’d make your time together like “biting into a crisp apple” ;)) cause everything would just be so smooth and so loving and free; a friendship to envy. Sibling: Moonbin. This, for some reason, was the hardest decision to make for me??? But I landed on Moonbin because I can see you both having a really sweet sibling bond. Like, he’s a very dedicated and loving person, and since you’re both affectionate and loyal I feel like there would be an incredibly strong familial bond and loyalty between you.You’re both also introspective, but because of that, I think you’d have a really innate way of knowing what the other is feeling and when you need to check-in. And you’d always make time for each other at the end of the day, no matter how busy his schedule is, etc. Your conversations would also be so insightful and respectful cause you’d both know how to be there for each other and make each other feel heard and respected.I can also see you guys being the most dynamic pair ever like, he’s so involved in dance and singing, but he also finds interest in puzzles, fitness etc. And you’re a phenomenal writer, are soo creative, and so knowledgeable in psychology and humanities like - people would be in awe of how intelligent and involved the pair of you are. And video game sessions would definitely be a weekly tradition for you both, like, no matter what, Friday night are game nights and you both look forward to it so much (cause ya’ll are hella nerds ;) )I also feel like where he’s very very soft, you’d be able to drag him back to reality in times that he’d need it and he’d be super thankful for it. I see him being the type to constantly tell you how lucky he is to be your brother (and you’d be super thankful for him too).Secret Admirer: Okay so, 1000% Eunwoo. Like without a doubt in my mind. This is where I struggled earlier in deciding who I think would be your best friend vs. secret admirer because I know Eunwoo would be drawn to you one way or another. However, while I do think he’d be really enamoured with you, he’d probably be a little initially upset that JinJin confessed first (and you accepted). As a result I can see him holding his emotions inside himself and refusing to even confide in Moonbin (cause he’s your brother) for a bit. But, when it comes down to it, he would be absolutely nothing but respectful to you and JinJin and seeing you both happy would make him just as happy. Regardless, ya’ll would have a lovely relationship.I can see him absolutely loving your intelligence and really appreciating that you’re more introverted, especially because he seems to enjoy a particular calmness in life. Like, even if it were just sitting in silence, listening to songs on repeat, or reading a book - he’d love that you were together and that he’s in your company because he just appreciates it so much.I also think because you’re so good at reading people, and are also so kind, he’d really fall for the fact that you can understand him so well, even when he’s struggling to understand himself, or is feeling overwhelmed. Like, if you related to him about people initially thinking you’re a bit cold he’d feel so relieved and touched because someone finally gets it. This would honestly be the thing that would make butterflies swell in his stomach around you, and he’d probably show it by teasing you or getting really quiet sometimes cause he feels like he’s blushing too hard. Like I fully believe you could both be un-apologetically yourselves around each other and would have the softest relationship ever. Eunwoo would constantly remind you of how intelligent, talented, and compassionate you are while trying his hardest not to make his feelings obvious (even though he totally would be). He’d also make sure he was always there for you when you needed it and would never fail to remind you how much he loves you for always being there for him. And and as for the other two… Rocky: Rocky would think you’re really cool, tbh. Like he’d see how you are JinJin, MJ and Eunwoo  and just be like “how is somebody so funny? and smart??? and nice?????” and just be super drawn to you. Even though you’re the same age, I think you’d almost have a sibling-ish bond and you’d be able to give such great advice to one another. Like, if he ever senses that you’re having a bad day or are thinking negatively about yourself he’d be first to be step in and be like “you are perfect!” and try and make you see what’s there. I also see him tapping into your willingness to dance and sneakily being like “You know… if you ever want to learn… Rocky’s got you covered ;))))” and you’d eventually take him up on that and it’d be a WILD time. I also think he’s an undercover nerd, so he’d find it super cool that you’re into so much pop culture and you’d have loads to talk about ~Sanha: I think because Sanha is still very much a kid, he’d probably be a little intimidated by you and first, and you by him because he’s just so hyper, but at the end of the day you’d have nothing but love for one another. Again, you’d have an almost sibling-ish relationship, and he’d warm up to you a lot over your compassion and your wit. I think it would start over you reassuring and complimenting him on his dancing/singing/guitar and he’d just be like, “Really!? You mean it?” and because you’re honest and kind to him he’d probably value and cherish your opinion so much. Since you’re creative and his imagination also runs wild, I can see you both also ending up having some very interesting conversations with one another and both doubling over in laughter cause you had no ideas your imaginations would take you where you end up. So basically, all of Astro would absolutely love you (who wouldn’t?) and I really hope you enjoyed this
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