#I'm gonna have some food and then get ready for bed
rabbitindisguise · 11 months
Me, earlier this week: socializing :D
Me now:
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wondersinwaynemanor · 9 months
Everyone just goes to Dick's place and he welcomes them as long as they do something for him in return.
Jason knocks on Dick's door, helmet already off - Hey Dickiebird, *flashing him with a large smile* I'm gonna crash here cus Bruce knows where all of my safehouses are now and I don't wanna face him.
Dick - As long as you cook, Jay, cus I have a broken arm right now. And you patch up whatever argument you have with Bruce.
Jason - You're no fun, Dick. And let me patch your arm first, you're gonna bleed out.
Dick - Aw Little Wing looking out for his big brother.
Jason - You big goof.
Tim has made a duplicate key of Dick's apartment door because that boy is always steps ahead of everyone.
Dick is startled as he settles on the bed, getting ready to sleep - What the fu-Timmy! How did you- I'm not even gonna ask.
Tim flashes the duplicate key with exhausted eyes - Yup, already made a duplicate, Dick. And can I sleep in your place tonight? I don't think I can make it to the Manor.
Dick already has his arm wide open for Tim - As long as you don't snore, Timbalina, cus you've been awake for days now.
Damian tries his best to unlock Dick's apartment door with his katana.
Dick is already opening it before Damian can do it for himself - Hey, Dami.
Damian - Grayson. I'm here tonight cus my cycle has a flat tire.
Dick - But you know how to fix that, Dami. Is that an excuse cus you just miss me?
Damian, doesn't say anything against that - Tt. That's absurd.
Dick - You can stay here if you like, even for more than one night, as long as you let me cuddle you.
Damian - That's too childish.
Dick - Then you can't stay-
Damian - Fine, fine.
Wally already zooms inside Dick's apartment before Dick could even close the door when he got his food delivery - Hey, Dick. Gonna stay here for a while. I burned my place and I'm hiding from Barry and Iris.
Dick - As long as you don't burn my place.
Wally - Won't let anything happen to you.
Bruce is already in Dick's place before Dick comes home from patrol - Hi, Chum. Just checking to see how you're doing.
Dick - You're really getting soft in your old age, B. I'm good.
Bruce - Can I stay here for the night? Just to make sure.
Dick - As long as you try to get some sleep, B. Instead of moping around.
Bruce - I'll make sure you sleep first.
Dick - You gonna tuck me in like before?
Bruce, without thinking and hesitation - If you want me to.
Dick - Getting soft, old man, getting soft.
And Dick doesn't mind that his loved ones go to his place. They don't even have to do something for him in return.
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soaps-mohawk · 5 months
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 17: Alone
Summary: Your pack has left on their first deployment since you joined them, leaving you alone on base.
Pairing: Poly 141 x reader
Word Count: 6,866
Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe, a/b/o typical classism and sexism, ANGST, anxiety, fear, nightmares, PTSD, trauma, just super depressing overall.
A/N: I'm so ready for these next two chapters, you have no idea. Things are happening, things are gonna happen, it's just...so good. You'll see 🤭. They're pretty heavy chapters emotionally, but don't worry fluff will be coming very soon. I won't leave you hanging too much for too long.
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“We'll only be gone for a few days. A week at most. Dr. Keller will take you to and from meals and anywhere else you may need to go. If you need anything, contact Kate. We'll call when we can.” 
He leaves you with a kiss to your forehead. You’re forced to stand there and watch his back as he boards the plane, the ramp closing and sealing you off from them. They all looked guilty, as if it was their fault they had to leave, as if they were suffering as much as you at the idea of parting, even just for a short period of time.
You don't sleep that night. You lay in your bed and stare at the ceiling until far too late when you decide to abandon it for John's room instead. You slip under the covers, disrupting the immaculately made bed as you surround yourself with his scent. You’re on edge, the barracks far too quiet, far too empty. Every little sound has you tensing, holding your breath. The door is locked, yet it’s not the same without your pack there to protect you. If you scream, no one will hear you now. 
You manage to fall asleep at some point in the early hours, your mind plagued with horrible nightmares of monsters devouring and tearing you apart. 
You wake with the sun, dragging your feet back to your room. You miss the quiet sounds of your boys getting ready in the morning after their workouts, taking extra care not to be too loud. Now you wish for it. You want them to be loud and wake you, because then they’d be here with you. The hallway feels too empty, the barracks too large. You’ve spent plenty of time alone in the barracks, but it’s never felt like this. They’re not just across base from you, they’re probably in an entirely different country. 
You stare at their closed doors, all four of them feeling like voids knowing the rooms behind them are empty. Even Ghost’s closed door feels particularly empty. 
You shuffle into your room, locking the door behind you as you get ready for the day. You’re not quite sure what you’re going to do, now that you don’t have them around. You suppose you could just go about your day as you usually do while they’re at training, except you won’t have their inevitable return to fetch you for meals to look forward to. 
It’ll be days before you see them again. 
If you see them again. 
You force that thought back into the recesses of your mind. You won’t entertain it, not now while you’re still trying to process the fact that they’re gone. Even if it is a possibility. 
You’re sitting on your bed when the knock comes, clutching your phone in your hand. You don’t want to be without it, in case they call. You don’t want to miss a chance to talk to them, especially if it’s your only chance. Or a call from Kate telling you something happened.
You open the door, Dr. Keller standing in the hallway with a small smile on her face. It doesn’t feel strange having her in this space, even with the rest of your pack gone. She’s been here before, and you trust her. 
“How are you doing?” She asks as you step out of your room, closing the door behind you. 
“I don’t know.” You say, letting out a sigh. “I couldn’t sleep last night.” 
“I don’t blame you. Feels strange, being alone here, huh?” 
You nod. “Yeah. It’s too quiet. Too empty.” 
“I bet.” You follow her out of the barracks and into the cool morning air. “Let’s get some food in you and then you can take it easy for the rest of the day. I know this is a big adjustment, and it happened rather suddenly.” 
“Was gonna happen eventually, though.” You say. “For the three months I was with the CIA, they drilled it into my head that their job would always take priority over everything else. Still sucks.” 
“It does. Separation is hard for everyone in a pack, even if it’s short term. Add on the stress of their jobs and I can only imagine what it’s like.” 
“I’m trying not to think about that.” You say. 
“I think that’s the best thing you can do right now.” She squeezes your arm. “Come on, we’ll get the food to go and we’ll eat in my office. I usually do that anyway. It’s much quieter than the mess.” 
You get your breakfast, following Dr. Keller to the medical center. You are silently glad you won’t have to eat in the mess without the protection of your pack. The stares from the others might have been your tipping point, and without Ghost to scare them off, you’re sure it would have only been worse.  
“Make yourself at home.” Dr. Keller says, letting you into her office. “You can sit at the desk to eat, if that’s more comfortable. I don’t mind.” 
You take her up on the offer, sitting in the chair across from hers at the desk. She moves some papers out of the way before taking a seat herself. It feels almost strange, being so informal in her office, but then again, she’s always been more laid back with the formality between the two of you. 
“If there’s one thing I miss, it’s good diner food.” Dr. Keller says as the two of you begin to eat. 
You stare down at your porridge for a moment, having gotten used to the change in food over the last almost nine weeks. “I miss a lot of things.” 
“Would you ever want to go back and visit America?” Dr. Keller asks. 
You shrug. “I don’t know.” 
“I’m sure they’d take you, if you asked.” She smiles as you stare up at her in surprise. “I don’t think there’s much they wouldn’t do, if you asked. They care about you a lot.” 
“I’m starting to realize that.” You say. 
“Good. It’s reassuring to see such strong, natural bonds forming between all of you, despite how the situation came about. You’ve made a lot of good progress already, even with the few bumps in the road.” 
It falls silent between the two of you as you eat, finishing your breakfast. Your stomach churns with anxiety, hand closing around the phone in your pocket as if it might ring at any moment. It makes you sick, the thought of what they might be doing, what might be happening right at this very moment. 
“Can I ask you something?” You break the silence, needing to take your mind off your swirling thoughts. 
“Of course.” She says, looking up from the papers she’d been looking through. 
“Since I’m your only patient, what do you do all day?” You ask. 
She smiles. “I do a lot of things. After our sessions I log the notes I take and read over them, I make sure your medical chart is up to date, I read through a lot of studies and journals on new research and methods that may be helpful, I talk to colleagues all over the world, including here on base, and I sometimes go around the medical center and sit in on meetings and classes to keep my skills sharp.” 
“Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your skills here?” 
She shakes her head. “No. Before I took this job, I was caring for sometimes over one hundred omegas at various institutes. It was a high stress environment with long hours. While it was fulfilling work, there’s a high turnover rate for Omega Specialists in that field for a reason. Being a private doctor is a bit of a relief after that, and truthfully, the pay is considerably better.” She folds her arms on her desk, leaning forward. “It’s no less fulfilling than working at institutes. It’s nice to have the time to put together the best care plan for you and your needs.” 
“It is nice having an Omega Specialist to myself.” You say. “There were several at the institute, a lot of students doing their residency. They weren’t always...good at their jobs. A lot of them were just going through the motions, doing what the more experienced specialists told them to do.” 
“Unfortunately that’s rather common with residents.” She says. “Most of them don’t make it past residency. Like a lot of specialities in medicine, it takes a certain kind of personality to succeed as an Omega Specialist. Not everyone has it in them. I wish more schools and programs would take notice earlier before they get to their residencies and steer them down a different path.” She smiles at you. “Now my question for you. Would you rather hang out in here today, or would you prefer to go back to the barracks? You won’t hurt my feelings either way, nor will you be a bother.” 
You think about it for a moment. While your knee jerk answer is to go back to the barracks, what are you going to do? Sit alone in the silence and worry until it makes you sick? Sit in the rec room and watch TV alone and worry about your boys until the next meal time? As much as you want to be alone, you also don’t want to be alone. 
“I’d...like to stay here, if that’s okay?” You finally say, making your decision. 
“More than okay.” She smiles. “Make yourself at home, do whatever you’d like. Watch YouTube videos, dig into some books, take a nap. You won’t bother me in the slightest. You’re always welcome to hang out in here.” 
You look over the titles on the bookshelf, picking one that looks interesting before settling on the couch. You spend the day with Dr. Keller, relaxing in her office and going to meals with her. It doesn’t calm the anxious thoughts by much, but at least the loneliness is abated a bit. 
You return to the barracks after dinner, debating whether you should sit in the rec room or just go to your room. The rec room feels too open, too exposed without the safety of your pack, so instead you choose to retreat into your room, locking the door behind you. 
You let out a sigh, your shoulders slumping as tears gather in your eyes. Another night without them, another night without the safety and comfort of their presence around you. Another night knowing they’re not on the other side of the wall, a knock or a yell away. 
You fight the panic starting to bubble as you get ready for bed, your mind swirling with thoughts of something happening, someone breaking in, someone taking advantage of their absence to get to you. You know it’s an irrational fear. Most of the alphas on base ignore your existence, aside from the couple incidents you’ve had with them. The most they do is stare, though that’s to be expected as an omega. 
What if they’re holding back something more sinister, though? What if the only thing stopping them is your pack? This would be their opportune moment. 
You’re shaking, eyes wide in fear as you stare at yourself in the mirror. Sure, you’ve learned a few ways to defend yourself, but could you really utilize them? If the moment called for it, could you defend yourself enough to get away? Where would you go? Dr. Keller won’t be in her office all night. Could you run and seek protection from another medical professional that was still working? Could you find a different high ranking official on base and hope they’d help you? Could you go for the guards at the gate and hope they help you? 
Or would it be safer to run for the woods? Try to lose whichever alpha decided to attack you and hope you don’t get lost in the trees? You would just have to survive the night, and Dr. Keller would notice you missing come morning. What would she do, though? Call Kate? It’s not like the guys could just come home and help you. Would Kate even tell them something happened and put them at risk of getting distracted? What if something happened to them because of you? 
You turn the shower on as cold as it will go, stepping under the spray in your pajamas. You sink to the floor of the shower, letting the cold water snap you out of your panic and prevent you from distressing. No one’s coming through the door, no one’s going to try and hurt you. 
Your teeth are chattering by the time you reach up to turn the water off. Violent shivers rock your body, your hands and feet numb. You take deep breaths, feeling more awake and aware than you have since yesterday. 
The panic has dropped to almost nothing, your shaking now due to the fact you’re freezing. You strip out of your wet clothes, leaving them in the tub as you wrap a towel around yourself. You’re still shivering violently as you change into warmer pajamas, opting for one of John’s shirts and sweatpants. 
You slip under the covers of your bed, piling every blanket you own on top of the covers before tucking yourself against your giant bear. You won’t sleep, but at least you’re not panicking anymore. 
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The days begin to blend together without the routine of your pack to keep you steady. Dr. Keller comes to get you at the same time as you expect for your breakfast, and then you spend all day with her, sitting in her office, keeping yourself occupied while you wait for an inevitable phone call. It will either be your pack calling to check on you, or it will be Kate with bad news. 
You’re not sure which is worse. The anticipation of a call from your pack letting you know they’re all alright, or the dread that it will be Kate telling you something happened to them. 
You’re still not sleeping well, the anxiety and the worry you might miss their call meshing with the nightmares that were already plaguing you before they left. You’re exhausted and strung out, the worry beginning to eat you alive. You’re constantly on edge, every little sound close to sending you spiraling. 
Your thoughts have slowly shifted from missing your pack to ruminating about the fact they might not be coming back. It’s a risk you’re well aware of. The kinds of things they do put them at risk, every deployment carries the risk of one, or all of them, dying. One thing goes wrong, one small freak accident and your entire pack could be taken from you. 
You’re not sure you’d survive that. 
Most omegas don’t. 
“Still nothing?” Dr. Keller asks as you sit there, staring at your phone for what must have been an hour at least. 
You shake your head. “Nothing.” 
“Sometimes no news is good news.” She says. “I know you’d prefer to have any news at all, though.” 
“I can’t stop thinking...what if something bad has happened?” You say, fingers trembling from gripping your phone so hard. 
“Kate promised she’d call if something happened, right?”
You nod. “Yeah.” 
“She’s a woman of her word, I can say that much. I’m sure they’re fine. They’re very capable soldiers. They wouldn’t be in Spec Ops if they weren’t, much less on a highly specialized team.” Dr. Keller stands up, moving to the closet. “It’s still hard, not knowing where they are or what they’re doing. I remember when my brother told our parents he was enlisting. Our mother cried for a week straight.” She pulls a pillow and a blanket out of the closet. “I still don’t think she’s completely forgiven him. It’s hard for omegas when someone leaves the pack, even temporarily, especially if you can’t have constant reassurance that they’re alright.” 
Your brows pinch in a frown at her words as she kneels on the floor beside the couch. “Your mom was an omega?” 
She nods. “And dad was a beta. Wound up with two beta children, though I don’t think mom complained much about that. We grew up in a big pack with lots of people around us. I think mom would have been worse off if it had just been her and dad.” She sets the pillow on the couch, gently prying the phone from your fingers. “Come on, lay down.” She directs you. 
You do as she says, laying down on the couch, resting your head on the pillow. She covers you with the blanket, tucking it up around your neck. “Is that why you’re so good at this job?” 
She smiles, setting your phone on the arm of the couch above your head. “Maybe. I think it gave me more empathy for omegas and the struggles you face every day.” She gently squeezes your arm. “They’ll be alright. They’re probably just as worried about you, as you are them. But, you need to get some rest. You don’t have to sleep, just laying with your eyes closed will help.” 
You tilt your head, glancing up at your phone. “What if I fall asleep and it rings?” 
“Then I’ll make sure you get a chance to answer it.” She says, squeezing your arm again. “I promise. Get some rest.” 
You let out a breath, not wanting to risk falling asleep, but you close your eyes anyway. It doesn’t stop the thoughts from coming on, the nightmarish images the anxiety feeds your brain flashing before your eyes. What if they’re lying dead somewhere right now? What if something’s happened to Kate and she can’t tell you? Would you ever find out? Would you ever know? 
Despite the anxiety prickling through your body, the warmth of the blanket begins to lull you into a false sense of security. Perhaps it’s the sheer exhaustion from your lack of sleep over the last couple weeks, paired with the exhaustion from your constant worrying, but you find yourself slipping between sleep and consciousness as you lay there on Dr. Keller’s couch. You don’t mean to, but you can’t help it as you begin to drift off to sleep. 
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Screaming. It’s loud, piercing your ears. Something’s holding you, hands clutching at your form desperately. It hurts, nails biting into your skin, fingers gripping too hard, yet you don’t care. 
“You won’t take her from me! I won’t let you!”
You’re crying, sobs wracking your body as you cling just as tightly to the form holding you. 
Hands grab at you, squeezing and pulling, trying to free you from the constricting grip around you, but it won’t let go. You cling to it just as desperately, afraid of what will happen if you let go. 
You know what will happen if you let go. 
“She’s no daughter of mine.” 
The words bite into you, slicing through your skin straight into your very soul, the prickling pain of your own flesh and blood rejecting you making your skin crawl. How could he just let you go like that? How could he turn against you so easily, over something you have no control over? 
Pain erupts across your entire body. Something snaps, your ears ringing from more screams. You’re being pulled away from the safety of the hold around you, your body going cold as the warmth around you disappears. Hands close around you, fingers ripping into you as you're torn from your mother’s hold and into the unknown. 
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“Easy, easy.” 
You’re gasping, breathing wheezing as tears choke you. 
“Deep breaths. In and out, nice and slow.” 
Your breath hitches, catching painfully in your chest. 
“You’re alright, you’re safe.” 
You force your eyes open, blinded by tears as something is tucked into your arms. You squeeze the bear against your chest, hiccuping as you fight for control over your emotions. You’re on the couch in Dr. Keller’s office still. You’re not at what was once your home, not stuck in the nightmare you’ve lived over and over. 
Slowly breathing becomes easier, your sobs quieting to sniffles. The tears still spill down your cheeks, dampening the fur of the bear in your arms. 
“You’re alright,” Dr. Keller says, rubbing your back gently. 
You slowly push yourself up to sit, pulling your knees against your chest. You press your palms into your eyes, trying to get the tears to stop. Dr. Keller shifts her position, sitting next to you on the couch. 
“How long have you been having nightmares?” She asks quietly, watching you as you try to calm yourself. 
“Since my heat.” You say, voice rough from crying. You wrap your arms around the bear again, holding onto it tightly. 
“You haven’t said anything about it.” She says gently, shifting slightly so she’s facing you. 
“I didn’t want to.” You say quietly, shame burning through you. She’s not reprimanding you, yet you can’t help but feel like you’ve done something wrong. “I shouldn’t be having them, I mean...it’s not even that bad compared to...compared to what the others have gone through. The kinds of nightmares they have.” 
“It might seem that way to you, but trauma is still trauma. It might not be the worst thing someone else has gone through, but it is the worst thing you’ve been through.” 
Her words give you pause. You’ve never quite thought of it that way. The kinds of things your pack does, the things they’ve seen, the things they’ve done, are far worse than anything you’ve experienced. The things you’ve experienced may pale in comparison, but they’re your experiences. No one else’s. 
“If you want to talk about them, that’s what I’m here for.” Dr. Keller says, leaving things open for you to decide what to do. 
You don’t have to tell her. She won’t force you to do it. She won’t force you to do anything, to say anything you don’t want to. It might be nice, though, to let someone know, someone neutral, someone who won’t tell anyone else. It might be nice to finally put into words the things that are eating you, have been eating you. 
You lay back down, curling up into a tight ball on the couch. You hug the bear close to your chest, letting it ground you. “My nightmares, they’re always about the day I left for the institute.” You start, taking a shaky breath. “I haven’t had them in years.” 
“You were sent early after your presentation, right?” She asks. 
“The day after.” You answer. 
“Being sent to an institute can be traumatic when done within the normal time after presentation. I can’t even imagine what being sent that soon was like.” She lets out a breath. “Sometimes when we go through something traumatic, the brain and body hold onto it, because we don’t feel safe enough to process it in the moment. The brain can hold onto it for years, until we finally feel safe enough. Then the brain can start to try and heal from that trauma without us even realizing it.” 
“You think that’s what’s happening?” You ask. 
“It’s possible. Going through your heat successfully, being claimed, building close bonds with your pack, all could aid in helping you finally feel safe enough to process that trauma. Things usually feel worse as the brain works through the trauma, which could be why you’re having nightmares about that event suddenly.” 
“Is there anything that will make them stop?” You ask. 
“There’s some things we can do together that might help the process. I’m more than happy to help you with it, if that’s what you’d like to do. If you decide to, I think it will be a good idea to set up appointments at least twice a week, at least at first.” 
“What are we gonna tell John?” 
She gives you a look. “Well, I’d advise telling him the truth. I think you should tell your pack about your nightmares. They can at least offer you some comfort and understanding. Of course, that’s entirely up to you and what you want to do.” 
You let out a sigh, getting comfortable on the couch again. Dr. Keller adjusts the blanket over you, squeezing your arm gently. 
“Think about it.” She says. “We can talk about it more after they get back and things have settled back to normal again.” 
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You’re brushing your teeth when the call comes. You quickly spit into the sink, not even bothering to rinse your mouth before you’re answering, anxiety twisting your stomach into knots. You hadn’t even checked the screen to see who was calling. You’re just anxious to hear from someone after days of silence. 
There’s a beat of silence before the voice on the other side responds, the audio distant and slightly garbled, but you hardly notice. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” 
You fight back a sob, your inhale shaky as relief floods through you. “Alpha.” The title slips through your lips before you can even catch it, your body nearly vibrating at hearing John’s voice after so many days. 
“I’m here. We’re all here.” He says, distant voices sounding in the background. 
A smile tugs at your lips, happy tears blurring your eyes as you collapse on your bed. “Missed you.” 
“I know, we’ve missed you too.” 
You move to your bed, flopping down on the mattress in relief. “You alright? Is everyone alright?” 
“We’re alright. Few bumps and bruises, but nothing we haven’t had before. How are you holding up?” 
The urge to spill the truth to him is strong. You’ve been depressed and worried and there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that you haven’t panicked about something. You’ve been having horrible nightmares and haven’t been sleeping. There’s an ache in your chest that won’t go away, and you’re afraid it might kill you if you don’t see them soon. 
“I’m alright. Sad cause I miss you a lot.” 
“I know, sweetheart.” There’s a sound on the other end, something you can’t make out and the line buzzes for a second. For a moment you’re worried you were disconnected, but John’s voice cuts through the noise again. “We’re finishing up here soon, and we’ll be home in a couple of days.” 
You can’t help but sigh in relief at his words. They’re alright. They’re all safe, and they’re going to be home soon. You’re going to get to see them soon, touch them again, smell them again. “Hurry back.” You say, your voice shaky with emotion. 
“We’ll try, sweet girl. We have to get going, but we’ll be back before you know it.” 
Saying goodbye doesn't hurt as much as you expect it to. Maybe it’s the relief from hearing their voices, from knowing they’re really alright paired with the knowledge that they’ll be home soon. Two days doesn’t seem so far now that you know that’s all that stands between you and seeing your pack again. 
You roll over in your bed, pressing your face into the pillows. Nothing smells like them anymore. Not their shirts that they scented before they left, not your pillows or stuffed animals. The couch in the rec room, and even John’s bed have started to smell more like you. 
The first thing you’re going to do when they return is get a big whiff of each of them, even if you have to tackle Ghost to do it. You want to refresh their scents all over everything, roll around in them until they’re the only thing you can smell. 
For the first time in days, you manage to sleep that night. It’s not much, but it’s a deep, nightmare-free sleep, aided by the relief from the constant anxiety that has plagued you. 
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You update Dr. Keller the next day on the news of your pack’s imminent return. You elect to spend the afternoon in the barracks instead of her office, the building suddenly not seeming quite so empty now that you know they’re coming home soon. You clean up John’s room, making his bed again after you’d made a mess of it trying to sleep. They’re all going to be tired when they return, and you want to help them in any way that you can. You pick up your room as well, even though you know you likely won’t be spending much time in it for a while. You’re going to latch yourself onto them and not let go until the ache in your chest has disappeared. 
You bristle when the knock sounds at your door. You glance up from where you had been sorting the clothes you’d stolen from the guys from your own so you can get them to scent them again. You’re not expecting a knock yet. It’s too early to be Dr. Keller coming to get you for dinner, and she would have announced herself like she has been, if it was her. 
That means someone else is in the barracks. Someone you don’t know. 
Your mind races as you try to think of who it could be. You don’t know many others on base, and certainly no one that would enter the barracks just like that, unless it’s an emergency. Is there an emergency? You’re almost certain if there was an emergency on base, then there would be alarms going off or something. There’d be some sign that something was happening, but it’s quiet outside, or at least, there’s no noises you’re not expecting. 
The knock comes again, louder and sharper. Whoever is on the other side is obviously not going to just go away. You debate calling Dr. Keller, telling her someone is outside your door, getting her to help you on this, but instead you grab your phone, holding it in your hand as you move towards the door. 
You unlock it, holding your hand on the handle in case the person on the other side tries to force their way in. They don’t, so you open it slowly, just enough that you can see out. There’s a soldier outside your door. A woman. You don’t recognize her, but then again you don’t see many women on the base, and you don’t pay much attention to the other soldiers. 
Maybe you need to start paying more attention. 
She’s a beta, you can tell just by looking at her. She’s wearing scent blockers, keeping her scent from projecting into the barracks to erase the fact she was here. 
She says your name, staring at you with hard set eyes. “General Shepherd is waiting for you.” 
It takes you a moment to process what it is she’s saying. You’ve never met any of the higher ups on base. The person with the most authority you’ve met is John, but you know he’s only a Captain. There’s others above him, but you weren’t any concern of theirs, so you have never bothered to meet them. Even in your time with the CIA, the person with the most authority that you met seemed to be Kate. You hadn’t even been given names of anyone higher up than her. 
Apparently something’s changed. 
Something in the back of your mind begins to tingle. Something isn’t right about this. You should have called Dr. Keller, or even Kate. You shouldn’t have opened the door so recklessly. 
“But, I’m not supposed to-” You begin, unsure of what to do now. 
“It’s a direct order from your superior.” The woman cuts you off, her tone sharp and impatient.
You’re not a soldier. The only superior you have is John and he’s certainly not behind this. 
You wouldn’t dare say that out loud. Not right now. 
“Okay, okay.” You say, stepping back slightly from the door. “Let me just get some shoes on.” 
You close the door, staring down at your phone. You debate calling Dr. Keller or even just sending a text, but you don’t put it past the woman outside to barge in if you don’t hurry. You can feel the panic rising, the thought of someone invading your space so carelessly making the back of your neck tingle. So instead you slip on a pair of shoes, shoes you know you can run in, before you open the door again. 
She’s still standing in the hallway, stiffly at attention. Her gaze pierces into you, making your skin crawl. You close your door behind you, slipping your phone into your pocket. She doesn't say anything as she turns on her heel, walking down the hallway towards the door. You follow behind her, having to walk quickly to keep up with her. You’re reminded of your early days on the base when you would be escorted around by Ghost. 
You’d take those times back over this right now. 
Your palms start to sweat as you leave the barracks, dread starting to fill your stomach as you realize how much of a mistake you’ve made, leaving with this stranger. She could be taking you anywhere to see anyone. You’re not even sure General Shepherd is a real person. 
The thought of being led blindly into a room of alphas like a lamb being led into a den of hungry wolves nearly makes you panic, your steps faltering just slightly as you debate running. You could make it to the medical center quickly from here if you sprint the entire way. Would she chase you if you took off running? Would you get in trouble? Would the guys get in trouble if you did? 
You don’t want anyone to get in trouble. 
Especially not with this being the first time you’ve been on your own. They’ve put a lot of trust in both you and Dr. Keller in their absence. If you get into trouble while they’re gone, that might change things. You could ruin everything you’ve built by misbehaving. 
The woman leads you to a building you haven’t been in before, leading you down a clinical-looking hallway to a door. She pauses in front of it, turning to face you. You stare at her, still on edge. What if this is a test? What if they’re testing you to see if you’d just blindly leave with a stranger while they’re not there to protect you. 
You’ve made a big mistake. 
The woman holds out her hand, and you stare down at it dumbly. “Your phone.” 
You continue to stare at her hand for a moment, trying to swallow the nervous panic rising within you. You don’t have much of a choice now but to obey. Your hands are shaking as you pass your phone over, the woman pocketing it before she opens the door. 
It’s bright inside, the LED bulbs burning your eyes. You’re uncomfortable and uneasy, a dangerous mix for an omega, but the person inside doesn’t seem to care. He stands from his seat, towering over you. He screams alpha before his scent even hits you. You’re thrown back into the memories of your father, the way he carried himself, the way he stood. Back straight like a rod, hands clasped behind his back, face pressed into a stern line. 
He’s in uniform, decorated with more patches and pins than you could put a name to. Army, you think, judging by the color of his jacket. It looks like General Shepherd is a real person after all. 
You try not to flinch as the door clicks closed behind you, sealing you in this room with an unknown alpha. Though it’s only one, you still feel like the helpless lamb standing before a hungry wolf. 
No one will hear you scream. No one will care. 
“My name is General Shepherd.” He says, his voice gruff and laced with authority. “I am the acting commander of Task Force 141.” 
You’re not sure if you should say anything, or even bother introducing yourself. He probably already knows you well, even though you’ve never met him before in your life. 
“I was one of the driving forces behind the omega initiative, and I decided the 141 should be one of the first to participate. I also signed the approval for you to be assigned as their omega, did you know that?” 
You shake your head. “N-No sir, the CIA didn’t give me any names.” 
“Good.” His lips twitch in what you assume was supposed to be a smile. It doesn’t ease your nerves any. “They weren’t supposed to. I’m sure you’ve learned that confidentiality is everything in this line of work.” 
“Yes, sir.” You try not to flinch under his gaze, piercing and probing. The back of your neck is tingling, every single instinct in your body screaming at you to run, to escape, to get somewhere safe. 
“I came here today to ensure your pack was doing as they were instructed. I’m impressed with what I’ve seen so far. You’re getting along well with them?” 
You nod again. “Yes, sir. There were some...bumps along the way, but we all get along fine now.” 
“Good.” He closes the file on the table, taking a step closer to you. You fight the urge to take a step back, not wanting him to invade your space while you’re so vulnerable. “The success of this program is imperative to the future of the military and its functionality. You’re doing important work here with the Task Force.” His hand lifts, slowly pulling the collar of your shirt to the side so he can see your mating mark. 
You fight the urge to lift your hands and wrap them around the back of your neck, the instinctual urge to protect yourself nearly winning out as he stares at your mark. Your heart is pounding in your chest, the fear-driven adrenaline making your fingers tremble. Half a second and he could scruff you, half a second and he could overpower you. 
No one would know. No one would care.  
“I’m satisfied with what I’m seeing so far. Of course, the true measure of success will be their efficiency in their current task.” He steps back away from you, moving back to the table. “How have you been adjusting to them being gone?” 
“It’s been difficult,” You say, breathing for a second to collect yourself. “But I know separation can be a rough adjustment at first.” 
His lips twitch again in a twisted smile. “You’re a smart girl. That’s why I chose you for this position. You’re doing good work. Your efforts will change the course of military history, hopefully for the better.” 
Something about his words don’t sit right with you. 
You’re trembling as you exit the room, led out by the woman that had brought you to the building. Your breaths are heavy as you try to keep a grip on the anxiety threatening to overtake you. Your hand is trembling uncontrollably as she give you your phone back, your knuckles going white as you clutch it to your chest. You’re sweating, the cool air chilling your skin as you step outside. 
You barely remember the walk back to the barracks, numbly following the woman as she leads you back to your safe space. It doesn't feel so safe anymore, now that she’s breached it. She entered without permission, breaking that trust that’s so sacred to packs. 
She doesn't even seem bothered by it. 
She pauses outside the door to the barracks, staring down at you. You fight the urge to race inside and lock yourself in the safety of your room before she can change her mind and enter again, or take you somewhere worse. You stand your ground, meeting her gaze. 
“Thank you for your cooperation.” She says, as monotone as she had been the first time she spoke to you. 
You finally realize what it was that made her seem so off to you as you think over her words. 
She’s American. 
“Thank you for escorting me.” You say politely, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Have a safe trip home.” 
You quickly enter the barracks, speed walking down the hall towards your room. You want to burrow under your covers and hide until the guys return and you can feel safe again. You pause in front of your door, staring down at the handle. The back of your neck is prickling again, anxiety burning hot in your veins. Your hands have begun shaking again, clinging to the phone still pressed against your chest. You fight the urge to hyperventilate as you stare at your door, half of your brain telling you to run and the other half stuck, staring in shock and disbelief. 
Your door is ajar. Open just a crack, just enough to be noticeable by looking at it. 
You always close your door. You always ensure it’s shut every time you leave the barracks, even when the guys are home. You remember shutting it before you followed the woman out of the barracks. You remember distinctly listening to the click of the handle as you pulled it shut behind you in the quiet of the barracks. 
You stare at the gap, the line of the frame visible. It’s open. Your door is open. 
Someone was inside your room. 
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@bobaprint @ashy-kit @anunintentionalwriter @mockerycrow @hayleybarnesx
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@darling006 @sheep-from-rad @ohgodthebogisback @willow-sages @scythemood
@daniblogs164 @mirzamsaiph
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giamee · 4 months
... aka something super self indulgent because i'm going insane right now
༊*·˚ featuring ➻ the hsr men
༊*·˚ gia's notes ➻ this is probably gonna get posted way after exam season is over but here it is!!! my coping mechanism!!! i have 3 exams in 8 days im gonna explode bro. and before that i had a THREE HOUR STATISTICS EXAM 😀😀
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you've been running yourself into the ground recently with revision- yes, it's important and you need to study to get good grades, as he is more than aware of due to your multiple stressed rants to him when he suggests that you take a break.
it doesn't bother him, not really. he knows that you're beyond stressed right now and don't mean to be so snappy. he just wants to make sure that you're still taking care of yourself despite everything.
he's in your dorm room, not really making much noise, scrolling through reals with his phone on mute, just present to keep an eye on you and get you to take a break whenever it's been a little too long since you've moved from your desk.
it's some time where it's debatable whether it's very late or very early- both of your sleep schedules are fucked- and there comes a little thunk from your desk that interrupts the otherwise silent room.
your boyfriend glances up, smiling in triumph as he sees that you've finally succumbed to the nap that he's been trying to convince you to take for the past... 36 hours? something like that.
and now that your body has finally given in to exhaustion, he springs to action.
you'd been studying for days, you'd done more than enough for your upcoming exam, and a solid few hours of uninterrupted sleep is exactly what you need right now.
he slips off of your bed, his movements quiet and calculated as he sidles up next to you. your glasses are smushed against your face, and he gingerly removes them as gracefully as he can. you stir a little as he does so, and he grimaces, waiting for you to settle again.
it looked like you would wake up if he carried you to your bed- looks like he'll have to improvise.
he snags the fuzzy blanket folded neatly at the foot of your bed, wrapping it around your sleeping form still sat at your desk as best as he can. he then takes one of your smaller pillows, coaxing it between you and the solid wood of your desk as best as he can before admiring his handiwork.
hopefully, you wouldn't wake up with a stiff neck.
and finally, as a cherry on top, he places a kiss to your squished cheek and sits back down to let you take a well-deserved nap.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ BLADE, gallagher, BOOTHILL ++ your faves!
you don't have to lift a single finger when he's around. luckily for you, his exams finished a lot earlier this term than yours did, leaving him ample time to help you as much as he is capable of.
and what an attentive boyfriend he is! amidst all the stress, you can't help but swoon for him all over again because of how attentive he's being towards you. he just wants you to help you study and not worry about anything else!
if you're hungry, he'll have a plate of food ready for you before the request has even left your mouth. your back or neck is aching due to being hunched over? his strong hands are rubbing circles into the muscle, making you sigh contentedly as the stiffness melts away.
he's honestly like an angel in your time of need.
you feel guilty about how one-sided this all is, but he merely smiles, giving you a quick kiss and assuring you that he understands and just wants you to do well. you almost cried because of how sweet he was being.
once these exams are over, you're definitely going to make it up to him.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ GEPARD, jing yuan, sunday ++ your faves!
despite not doing your degree, he's clever, and he knows enough without googling to help you out when you revise.
he's an advocate for the "teach someone about a subject until they understand it as well as you do" and luckily for you, he's all ears... and even if he does get some things a little quicker than your fried brain can explain, he still bites his tongue and plays a little dumb to probe you further with questions to test your understanding.
it'll help in the exam.
you've decided that this is way better than being cramped in a booth in the library- you have the freedom to wave your arms around and pace the room, to fully illustrate your thoughts and knowledge as he flips through the colourful flashcards that you made, reading the answers on the back of each of them, grilling you on the questions like a tiger mum.
he'll be damned if you don't get an A.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ dan heng, DR RATIO, welt ++ your faves!
in the days leading up to your exams, it was best to describe your stomach as a pit of nerves. it was honestly distracting you from revising, all the pent up anxiety that churned within you until you were on the verge of a meltdown.
and while you may be too stressed to realise all of this and do something about it, your boyfriend's watchful eye realises this.
and so he does what he does best- he makes you feel better.
he pulls your body to rest against his where he lies in your bed, his large hand drawing comforting circles up and down your spine- and after a few minutes he can feel you melt into him, your body finally releasing the pent up stress that it's been holding for too long.
"it's ok to take a break, honey."
you sigh into him, and he hugs you tighter.
"c'mon, let's go outside for a few minutes. it'll help you feel a lot better."
you shake your head.
"you wanna just stay here for a bit?"
he feels you nod against his chest.
"ok, then let's do that."
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ SAMPO, luocha, AVENTURINE ++ your faves!
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IF YOU LIKED THIS, TRY ... do you want somebody like i want somebody?
the sweet and caring nature of the hsr men is also shown through them being your roommate <3
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
Hii! Can i request yan cheater with male reader? I really like your writing, and I also love you sm! Have a nice day 💗💗💗💗
Thank you so much I'm gonna cry, I love you too!! Sorry if this is wonky, today was a very exhausting day for me mentally. I hope you enjoy anyway <3 come again :D i made the cheater male I hope you don't mind--
Yandere Cheater x M!Reader
Requests are open
TW: yandere behaviours, breaking and enetering, slightly digusting parts including human hair and organs.
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Ciaran was quite special. Very handsome, always surrounded by people. You aren’t sure if being with him was a blessing or a curse.
He swore he was yours only, but you can’t help but feel hurt when he is flirting with someone right in front of you. There are also times where his phone blows with notifications from different people. It hurt, your heart felt like it was shattering just to be put back and destroyed again.
But the last straw was when you got a message from one of his lovers, they got a moment ofweakness, they felt bad and spilled everything out in a long message. The cherry on top were screenshots and photos of them kissing each other.
You were sure this time your heart just ceases to exist. You cried a lot that day, not ready to face Ciaran. You packed his things and left them outside of the door.
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It baffled him how you would leave him just like that, it was just a small misunderstanding. It was, he thinks, just one time thing. You got just oh so boring he couldn’t take it anymore. He still loves you! He really does.
He missed your smile, your smell, how beautiful you looked in the rising sun when you just woke up. His heart squeezes in his chest. Another night spent waiting by your door, you won’t let him in of course, but he just likes to sit there, happily humming when he sees you through your windows. It became a routine, you never called the cops on him, which means you still must like him. Hope burned in his chest, and slowly the obsession for you began.
And he will get his little boyfriend back. You don’t feel safe in your house anymore, Ciarian gave up on sitting outside of your house yes, but now you can’t stop receiving messages and calls from random numbers.
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Sometimes the caller breathes, silently stuttering your name, sometimes even moaning. Calling you his little pretty boy and shit. It made your stomach twist. You called the police many times, but at this point they just don’t believe you because of your lack of evidence. Lazy bastards. You also began receiving gifts, your favorite food, drinks, clothes that fit you perfectly. There was well, one time where your friend was over and one of these gifts appeared, with a card attached to it. A box of chocolates.
You were very tired that day, barely keeping yourself awake, you told your friend to take it. They accepted gladly, and began to eat while you went to the kitchen to make some coffee for you and them, that's when you heard a shriek and gagging sounds. You ran to your friend and saw them pulling hair out of their mouth, there was some skin attached to it. Your friend threw up soon after.
So, after that incident their gifts landed in trash. You feared what you might find out in them next. You don’t feel safe here, but you don’t have enough money to move. So like a rational person, you took another shift. The less you are home the better. It turns out you were wrong.
You came back in the middle of the night, you were practically falling asleep while standing up. You took off your shoes and headed to the kitchen for a sip of water so you can head to bed. When you turned on the light you froze in place. A beautifully wrapped heart shaped box sat on the counter waiting. You swallowed, body moving on your own. The gifts never appeared inside of your house. Hell, they are getting bolder with each gift. As you got closer to the box, a foul smell filled your senses. It was sweet, a little fruity.  Your shaking hands hovered over the opening of the box, carefully lifting up the lid.
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Your scream echoed through the house, as you fell down to the floor. Inside of the box was a human heart, carefully placed and surrounded by your favourite flowers.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, and a warm breath on your cheek.
Your breath hitched, you didn’t dare to move as his bloody hands wrapped around your shaking form.
“Did you like my gift? Only the best for my boyfriend, do you forgive me now? Look how much I have done for you.” He kissed your cheek.
“I forgive you for kicking me out, I’m a better man after all of this has ended you know? Now we can be together forever.”
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Our Safe Haven
Wanda x little!fem!reader
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: None this is very fluffy
Authors notes: I had a thought while rewatching DSMOM yesterday. What if...Wanda hadn't been consumed by the darkhold?
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“Baaaaaa Baaaaaaa.” 
You woke up to the sound of sheep with a smile on your face. Jumping out of bed and changing into your shortalls and pulling on your perfectly white mid-crew socks. Your tongue sticking out a bit as you pull on your cowgirl boots. You were ready to bolt out the front door when Wanda caught you, we'll her magic did, making you giggle.
“Mama! Mama!” you cried out with a giggle as she carefully placed you down at the kitchen table. She turned around with your breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast. You wiggled in your seat as she set the plate down, leaning over to kiss the top of your head. 
“Good morning detka. Feeling small this morning?” She asked sweetly with a smile as you put some eggs on your fork and you nodded, shoving the food into your mouth, a little ‘mhmm' coming from you. Wanda simply smiled at you, the little light of her life that she found after The Westview Incident.
The moment you were done you bolted out of the house. Your great Pyrenees, Lola, getting up from her spot to follow behind you as you run to the sheep, letting them out to roam and running around with them.
“Apples, right?” Strange asked, making Wanda look up. She was pruning one of the many apple trees that were on the property the two of you had purchased with the money Tony had left everyone.
“Eventually.” She handed him the small branch that was blossoming. 
“I was gonna say real.” Strange said in an accusatory tone making Wanda's face fall.
“It's all very real. Thanks. I put the magic behind me.” Wanda looked over at you, watching as you herded the sheep with Lola laying nearby, watching. 
Strange followed her eyesight. Watching carefully. “Who's the girl?”
“Y/N. I met her after I left Westview. I was looking for a remote place to settle down and she worked at the general store in the secluded town. Eventually I found myself falling in love again.” Wanda smiled, a genuine smile before turning back to Strange. “Well, I knew sooner or later you'd... show up, wanting to discuss what happened at WestView. I made mistakes, and people were hurt.”
“But you put things right in the end and that was never in doubt. I'm not here to talk about WestView.” 
Before Wanda could ask why he was here you came running up, “Mama! Mama!” You hadn't noticed the man at first otherwise you wouldn't have called her Mama, you knew better as you shied away, pressing your face into her. 
Strange was befuddled by the exchange happening in front of him, but watched Wanda soothe you back down, “It's okay little one. He's a friend. He helped me save the world. Your favorite story to hear.” She spoke softly, kissing the top of your head. Wanda looked back at Strange, “So if Not Westview then what are you here for?” Wanda questioned as you looked up at her. 
It was rare that she talked about Westview. When you first met she had mentioned coming from there and that things didn't go as planned. She needed a fresh start. 
“What do you know of the multiverse?” The man asked as you turned slightly to look between them.
“The multiverse. Vis had his theories. He believed it was real. And dangerous.” Wanda's voice shifted slightly, her grip on you tightening ever so slightly. 
Vis…a name you'd heard twice. She always left him out of the stories she told. She tried once, but started to cry. The second was in passing, you heard her ask herself, “Would you have liked this Vis?” You pretended not to hear her. Deciding it was best not to acknowledge it.
“Well, he was right about both. We found a girl who can somehow travel across it but she's being pursued.” Strange informed the two of you and you looked up at Wanda happily about possibly a new friend, but Wanda looked worried. Her grip tightens further on you. A small squeak coming out of you. 
“Mama…” You spoke softly, tugging on her shirt. She looked down at you trying to hide the swirling emotions in her eyes. You saw it though and you didn't mean to, but it brought you right back to a big headspace. “Love what's wrong? What is it?” Your hands cup her cheeks and she practically melts at your touch. It grounds her back down. 
“I'm fine.” Her voice betrays her with a slight crack as she looks back at Strange. 
“You can bring her here. She'll be safe and Y/N can keep her company.” 
“Are you sure Wanda? It won't be too much trouble?” He asks as she shakes her head in response. 
“No trouble at all Stephen.” She plasters a smile on her face as Strange portals back to the temple. 
“What's wrong?” You ask sternly. “He's not here, it's just us Wanda. I know something isn't right.” She tries to pull away, but you hold her there.
“When we met I was in possession of something called the darkhold. It gave me a lot of resources, but it all came at a price. I found the price was too high once I got to know you. I knew I couldn't have both so,” her hands find yours on her face, “I gave it up so we could live our life. So I could leave my past where it belongs. But now with this I can feel that itch. The want—no the need for it again.” 
A pained expression covered your features. You could tell she was struggling and so you did the only thing you knew how to do when she got like this, her thoughts swirling and drowning her in her past mistakes, you kissed her. It was soft and she barely pressed back, but you felt it. 
“We'll get through this. I'm here for you Wands. Didn't I already tell you when you told me who you were?” Wanda looked down at you, waiting for the reminder, needing it right now. “You aren't a monster. What you did is in the past. We can't change that. We can only be better in the future.” 
She leaned her forehead against yours, a smile slowly spreading on her face. “Thank you for the reminder my little love.” She spoke in a whisper as you reached a hand to tangle in her hair, scratching gently as she closed her eyes. 
“We're gonna make it through this. Do what we have to and keep moving forward.” You tell her as she nods against you. 
“How'd I get so lucky?” she whispers.
“I ask myself that question every time I look at you.” you whisper back as you hear a portal opening behind you. Getting ready to face the next chapter of your life together.
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steddie-as-they-come · 10 months
sequel to my roommate steddie au!! here's the first part! tags have changed, it's now more mature with some fade to black sex
Steve’s so warm. It’s not fair.
Eddie must have half his wardrobe on, tucked under all the blankets on his bed, and Steve is just sitting over there, in a T-shirt and thin sweatpants, like the jackass he is.
"You look cold." Steve says, shifting a bit.
Eddie glares at him. "No shit, Sherlock," he bites out, trying to reign in his temper. All things considered, Steve's a pretty great roommate, sharing his food and his children with Eddie. It's not his fault the college decides to let their students freeze to death.
Steve, to his credit, just laughs at him. "Okay, fine. I was gonna offer for you to come hang out over here, since you're over the vent and I'm not, but if you're gonna be like that-"
Eddie practically teleports out of bed. "No! No, please, Steve, did I ever mention how great your hair looks today and how kind you are to me-"
Steve laughs again, moving out of the way and patting the bed next to him. Eddie doesn't hesitate to scurry up and tuck himself into a little cocoon of his own blankets, trying not to bump Steve's arm as he focuses on his homework. He doesn't completely succeed, and his hand brushes against Steve's bare arm.
"What the fuck?" he says loudly. "Why are you the temperature of a campfire?"
Steve shrugs. "I've always run hot." he says. "It's great during winter movie nights because everyone piles on top of me, but then I get banished during summer movie nights, which is no fun."
Eddie's already sprawled over his shoulder, sighing happily, like some kind of lizard on a sunlit rock. If August Eddie could see him now, he'd try to smack the shit outta him for falling for a straight guy. One who was his roommate, no less.
But it's hard not to when Steve is kind, and accepting, and a little bit stupid, and hot as hell. It isn't like he just tolerates Eddie's physical affection either, he seems to welcome it. Steve even started initiating it, wrapping an arm around Eddie's shoulders, grabbing his arm to haul him out of particularly big crowds, and the hugs. Steve loves hugs.
There's a darkness to Steve too, the way he moves, the way he's always checking over his shoulder, flinching at flickering lights, always ready for a fight.
It makes Eddie wonder if Steve is like him.
Eddie wiggles a bit, adjusting his chin to prop on Steve's shoulder. "Whatcha workin' on?" he asks, just to be nosy.
Steve rolls his eyes, leaning away. "None of your business." he teases.
Eddie misses the warmth as soon as Steve's gone. "Nooooo," he whines. "Come back. I won't look!"
Steve stays leaned away, raising his eyebrows. "You're so weird." he says. It's not in a mean way, more that he's bewildered that one person can be this strange. Eddie takes this as a compliment.
He pretends to freeze to death, jerking and flinching. "It's...so cold." he mutters. "I see...the light... All because my roommate...let me freeze to death..."
Finally, Steve's blissful warmth comes back, and Steve sighs, tapping his pen against his paper. Eddie tries to peek again, and recognizes familiar words.
"Is that a character sheet?" he yells, and Steve frowns at him.
"You said you wouldn't look!"
Eddie waves him off, grabbing for the sheet. "Steve, this is D&D. It's automatically my business when it's D&D."
Steve finally hands it over. "Fine. Yes, it's a character sheet. Dustin's birthday is next Monday, and I was gonna ask you if I could join your game as a present to him."
Eddie nods, inspecting the sheet. Dustin's been begging for Steve to join basically since they started their little arrangement, where Eddie DM's for them in exchange for no more open hostility in the dorms. It may have worked a little too well, given Eddie's budding crush, but c'est la vie.
Eddie hands it back. "You are supposed to give the DM the character sheet a couple days in advance so they have time to work you into the plot."
Steve winces. "Really? Shit, I didn't know that."
"It's fine, I got some ideas, just from looking it over. You can borrow a spare set of dice and one of my miniatures too."
"Oh good, I had no idea if I needed any of that stuff."
"Do you want me to do a little crash course for you?" Eddie asks, preparing to brave the cold to grab his little homemade handbook.
Steve gives him a deadpan look. "Are you kidding me? Dustin is gonna love being better than me at this. I might as well go in with a regular six-sided die and pretend I thought that's the one I needed."
Eddie laughs. "Fair enough." The cold touches his neck and he burrows back into his blankets. "This fucking sucks, by the way. The cold."
"You're a big baby, man. It's fine."
"Ah, yes. Forgot I live with a walking, talking furnace." Eddie rolls his eyes, muttering, "This is worse than the time I was left outside in the cold."
"Wait, what?" Steve turns to him, eyes flinty like steel. "You were...what?"
"Oh. Um." Eddie's not sure how much to reveal, but he figures it had to come out eventually. "My dad left me out in the cold when I was thirteen. I think he thought it'd fix me. I just got really sick, though." He laughs humorlessly.
"You said...fix you?" Steve says, and Eddie's heart drops. He backs away from Steve before starting to talk, trying to find something to defend himself with if Steve gets mad.
"Yeah." Eddie says. "He saw me...kissing a boy."
Steve's eyes widen, and then he scoots closer. Eddie's breath hitches.
"Me too." Steve whispers.
Now it's Eddie's turn to be shocked. Steve continues. "Not...not left outside in the cold. They'd need to be home long enough for that. But...bisexual. I like girls and guys."
There's a tense, charged silence in the room. Eddie draws up all his courage. "I like you, Steve."
Steve stares at Eddie’s lips. “Can I-” he whispers breathlessly.
Eddie, seemingly just as entranced, nods, and Steve leans forward, pressing his lips against Eddie. Almost unconsciously, Eddie tilts his head, deepening the kiss, and Steve hums happily. 
Eddie’s tongue swipes at the sealed lines of Steve’s lips. Steve freezes, then slowly, tentatively, opens his mouth. 
Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. Eddie practically pulls Steve down towards him, hands greedily exploring every inch of Steve he could reach. Steve gladly returns the favor, sneaking his hands between Eddie’s back and the mattress so he can feel the muscles lining Eddie’s spine flex and move as Eddie kisses him stupid. 
Eddie pulls back, breaking the kiss. Steve whines, actually whines, and dives back in, but Eddie stops him with a gentle hand on his chest. 
He kisses the corner of Steve’s mouth, and Steve chases it, leaning subtly towards Eddie, but Eddie just keeps moving, kissing a trail from his mouth to his chin, to the soft skin where Steve's jawline blends into his neck. Steve keeps moving, running his hands up and down Eddie’s back just for something to do. 
Eddie reaches the small curve where his shoulder meets his neck, and Steve feels a small scrape of teeth against his skin. He whimpers. 
“Oh?” Eddie says, the first thing he’s said since Steve leaned in. His voice is raspy, and Steve privately thinks it's the hottest fucking thing in the world. “There?” 
He kisses there again, but this time there's no teeth, and Steve stays quiet, breathing slowly, in and out, in and out. 
“Or…did you like it when I did this?” 
Eddie leans forward and nips at Steve’s collar, and Steve keens. “Eddieee…” he says, dragging the vowels out too long, leaving that name hanging in the air.
Eddie tilts his head back up and captures Steve’s lips in another kiss, tongue sliding into Steve’s mouth smoothly. He kisses for a few seconds, then readjusts and gently nips at Steve’s lower lip. 
“Please, please Eddie,” Steve begs breathlessly, not even sure what he's pleading for. Eddie seems to get it though, and slides his hands under his shirt to cup Steve’s waist.
Steve laces his hands through Eddie's hair and pulls, and Eddie lets out a moan, pushing Steve off of him and rolling so he's on top, enjoying the feeling of Steve under him on the mattress.
"I've never been so glad for the cold," he whispers against Steve's lips, and kisses him again.
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ericshoney · 4 months
Sweetheart ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Warnings: mentions of mental health, coping mechanisms, implied ADHD!Reader, slight innocent!reader, use of pet names (kid, sweetheart, petal, bub) in a platonic way.
Today you woke up at twelve full of energy. It wasn't unusual for you to wake up as a bundle of joy, but the time you woke was. You usually wake up at around two or three in the afternoon, not twelve.
You had slept in Nick's bed for the night, your own room being too "boring", or that's what you told Nick as you climbed into his bed to sleep. Not that it was unusual, you and Chris both struggled to sleep alone, sometimes you'd both share a bed, giving Nick and Matt a break.
When you woke, you saw Nick still asleep besides you. Not wanting to wake him, you slowly get up and go take a shower, getting ready for the day. After a bit, you heard Nick shout.
"You in the shower, kid?" He called.
"Yeah! Nearly done!" You shouted back.
You heard him mumble an okay before you quickly finished and got out, drying your hair as you walked back into the bedroom, seeing Nick sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone.
"Morning sweetheart." He said softly.
"Morning, how long was I?" You asked.
"Bout twenty minutes." He answered, making you nod.
Nick then went to shower and get ready as you headed downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Matt and Chris both awake. The two greeted you as you sat on the counter, swinging your legs.
"Your wearing odd socks." Matt mentioned, noticing your pink and blue socks.
"I got bored trying to find a matching pair." You confessed.
"Don't worry, petal. I'll sort it out later." He said with a soft smile. You returned it as Chris started showing you some edits on TikTok.
Nick soon joined the three of you as you then began discussing what you wanted to do for the day. The guys had a pre-filmed video so the day was yours.
"What about Target? Or the park? Or mini golf! Or what about bowling!" You rambled on quickly, making the triplets smile.
"We can do all of them bub, where to first?" Chris replied.
"Umm the park! No bowling! No mini golf! Target! Wait we haven't eaten so food!" You answered quickly.
"Sweetheart, take a deep breath. How about we go to Target, get some food and head to the park first?" Matt suggested calmly.
"Then we can go to mini golf." Nick continued.
"And end the day with bowling." Chris finished.
"Sounds good! Let's go!" You cheered, rushing to the stairs down to the car, the trio laughing softly.
"I'll get her shoes." Chris mentioned, grabbing a pair of your Converse.
By the time the triplets made it to the car, you were already sat in the back having unlocked the car, and playing a game on your phone.
"Bub, your forgetting something." Chris said, as Matt started the car. You looked up and realised he was holding your shoes.
"Oh right." You giggled, slipping them on and putting your feet on Nick's lap, letting him do your laces.
"To Target!" You cheered.
Music began to play as you looked out the window, watching the world go by and before you knew it, you had arrived at Target. The guys got out first before you, something they always did, in case you walked out in front of a car from being distracted.
"I'm gonna get some sour gummy worms!" You said, already excited for the sweet treats.
"Kid, you don't need anymore sugar." Nick said with a laugh. You stuck your tongue out as you all went into the large store.
You all started looking around, grabbing some stuff you wanted for now or later, Chris grabbed a large case of Pepsi saying he was running low, but you knew there were at least ten cans in the fridge. You then drifted away from the guys, a few fidget toys grabbing your attention.
As you looked at the different toys, Nick, Matt and Chris started to panic, not seeing you by their side. The trio were protective over you and knew you didn't like being alone, so losing you in a large store wasn't good.
"She was just here!" Matt exclaimed.
"Where would she go?" Chris questioned.
"There!" Nick shouted, pointing out your small figure by the end of the toy aisle. You had a good handful of fidget toys now.
The three rushed over to you as you looked up at them with a sheepish smile. Knowing you made them panic.
"I got distracted..." You mumbled, holding the fidget toys.
"It's okay, petal, but tell us next time. Or grab one of us." Matt said gently, running a hand through your hair.
"Yeah bub, we don't wanna lose you in Target." Chris added.
"We're not mad." Nick reassured you, knowing you were thinking that.
"Okay! But look at these! They light up too!" You cheered, showing the brothers the toys you found. They smiled, knowing you were happy.
"We'll get all of them, sweetheart." Nick said, taking them to hold, in case anything else caught your interest.
You smiled wide as you all continued shopping before heading off to the park. The guys cherished days like this with you, knowing you'd get a lot of your energy out and be extra happy.
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hi hi hi! so i was wondering if you could possibly write a little johnnie Smut and fluff where maybe johnnie invites his gf (reader) to be in a video with him and Jake (possibly a Halloween type video) and jake making his silly little comments about johnnie being a virgin and getting no pussy and reader makes a lil comment agreeing w jake. Johnnie being salty the rest of the video and it leading to smut w a lil choking maybe 😜🤭🤭🤭
(i love your writing, feel free to tweak this however u please!)
𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧? - 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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contains: dom! johnnie x f sub! reader, fluff, smut, p in v, choking, fingering, spanking
word count: 1.5k
this request is mmm i needed some dom johnnie
story below the cut
emo guy:
baby wake up
mmmm whats up
emo guy:
wanna be in a vid with me and jake pleease
ok only bc ur so cute
y didnt u tell me this in person?
we live together
emo guy:
oh shit i forgot
johnnie opens the door to your shared room to find you sprawled out in the bed. you see he's already ready to attack the day, which is surprising, considering he normally doesn't wake up before 2 p.m. you stare at him for a few moments, not saying anything, before playfully pretending to fall back asleep. he takes this as a challenge, walking over to the curtains and yanking them open, almost blinding himself in the process.
"aughh johnnie it's way too bright" you yawn, the light hurting your eyes. he walks back over to you, leaving a quick kiss to your forehead. "c'mon you have to wake up, jake wants to film a video." you sigh, "what are we gonna do?" he looks at the ceiling before looking back down, "i don't know, i think he wants to buy some halloween stuff or something." "okay tell him i'll be ready soon," you say while stretching your limbs. scratching your head, you get up. "we're gonna leave soon, don't be too long babe." johnnie says, walking out of the room.
you finish your light makeup, as you had already styled your hair and put on some clothes that consisted of johnnie's shirt, no name pajama pants, and socks with birks. it wasn't too much, but it was still so cute on you. johnnie watches you finish your makeup, coming up to the vanity. "how did i manage to get the prettiest, loving, and sweet girl ever?" he says, peppering kisses on top of your head, putting his arms around you. "ooh someone's feeling lovey dovey today," you say, pulling him in to a longer kiss. jake bursts through the door, "i- ew, okay guys stop licking on eachother. mama bear needs some candy in her system right now, and i don't need to see all that." he says in a funny southern accent, leaving the room. you laugh a little with johnnie, as you see jake grab his keys, heading to the garage, which is a signal for you guys to get your butts out of the house.
this time, you were the designated camera man, so you held it while they walked through the parking lot. "-and this time we actually have a special guest," you turned the camera around on to yourself and waved, "hey guys, i'm gonna be babysitting these nerds because they got kicked out last time!" johnnie makes an offended expression, "um excuse me it was actually jake who got kicked out because he wouldn't stop screaming" "guys stop ganging up on me" as you film them walking in the store, jake loses spatial awareness, crashing into the metal racks behind him, causing a laugh to come from you and your boyfriend. "oww what the hell johnnie why would you push me like that?" "yeah johnnie why would you do that to poor jake?" "okay how is that fair-"
the video continued like normal, just you three being idiots and making dirty jokes. the shopping cart is almost full to the brim with junk food, random costumes, and halloween decorations. "oh my god johnnie, we have to get you this." jake says, as he holds up a really stupid costume. "that's definitely something a discord mod virgin would wear." "yeah that's exactly my point." "seems pretty realistic." you and jake say at the same time, making fun of johnnie. bursting into fits of laughter, the two of you take turns roasting him. "what do you mean dude you get absolutely zero pussy" "okay y/n help me out here-" "yeah the only girl johnnie hangs out with is you jake." you say, following up his comment. "hey!" johnnie rolls his eyes, looking away and scoffing. you and jake didn't notice, continuing to joke around about johnnie's lack of action, which obviously wasn't true because he was dating you.
typically, you guys wouldn't get mad at eachother when you took turns embarrassing the other, but for some reason he actually seemed slightly pissed. "anyways.." jake continues talking about anything he can think of. for some reason, your boyfriend still looked salty, making snarkier-than-usual comments towards his friend. you guys ended the video, as jake drove home. johnnie stayed quiet on the ride home, and you were thinking if you genuinely might've hurt his feelings. even though it was unintentional, you were determined to find out. jake walks back to his room and shuts the door, presumably going to take a long nap. you turn to johnnie, "are you okay? i'm sorry, i was just teasing you if anything." not saying a word, johnnie grabs your hand, tugging you back to your shared room.
when both of you get inside, he immediately locks the door and pushes you on the bed. "wha-" he puts his hand over your mouth, leaving you unable to speak. "so you wanna embarrass me in front of the camera huh? i really don't get any pussy, right?", he says while pulling down your pants. you moan out, feeling the friction of his hand against your crotch. "look at you, you're already so wet. do you wanna tell them how much of a slut you are for me, or should we just keep that between us?"
johnnie starts rubbing your throbbing heat through your panties, not letting you answer. he attacks your lips with a passionate and lustful kiss. you kiss back, moaning into it and easily giving into his control. he starts marking your jawline with bruises, as he slides a finger into your soaked pussy. he groans, feeling a tent grow inside his pants. "m' please.." you whine, as he forcefully adds another finger, speeding up the pace. he takes off your lacy panties leaving you completely vulnerable. as you feel yourself getting closer, he removes your shirt. you're finally about to cum until he removes his hand, leaving you practically whimpering for more.
"only good girls get to cum, but you've been really naughty, haven't you? now you have to hold it in." "shit, please johnnie," you say, climbing on top of him while taking off his shirt. he unclasps your bra, quickly sucking on one of your breasts, making you arch your back. while he does this, you get yourself situated on top of his crotch. he takes both of his hands as he gropes your butt. being as horny as you are, you start grinding on his hard-on through his jeans. you whine his name as you start having an orgasm on his pants. "i told you to fucking wait. now you're gonna get it rough whether you like it or not." he moves you off of him, taking off his jeans and his boxer briefs. he flips you on your stomach, and pulls you hips up leaving you in a doggy position. johnnie teases you, rubbing his tip on your now sensitive and overstimulated clit. with that, he takes his hand and gives you a harsh smack on your ass, making you groan loudly.
instantly after, he pushes his full length into you, making both of you moan out. you dig your face into the nearest pillow, trying to deafen your sounds. he starts his pace, getting himself adjusted while groaning. "don't do that, i want to hear your slutty, pretty noises." "w- what if jake hears?" you manage to whimper out. he is attacking your pussy at this point, slamming into you. "then he can hear how no one can fuck you as good as i am." he slaps your ass again, and this time you fully release a moan. "mm fuck" he holds your neck, slightly choking you as he pounds into you. both of you are close to your climaxes. "cum on my dick baby." johnnie groans as he starts rubbing his fingers on your clit, helping you release. while shaking, you shudder out and squirt all over his dick. he follows after you, cumming inside you. (you're on birth control)
he takes himself out of you and stands up. you're so dead at this point that he puts on his boxers, and heads to the bathroom. johnnie comes back with a wet hand towel, cleaning you up and puts a new pair of underwear on you. he also holds you while putting one of his t-shirts on you. "thanks baby." you tiredly say, laying back down on the bed. he crawls right next to you and you cuddle up into him. "so... are you gonna stop making the virgin jokes?" you both laugh, soon falling asleep.
you're eating cereal for breakfast next morning as johnnie is pouring himself a cup of water. a tired jake comes out of his room, the first words out of his mouth being; "okay guys what the fuck was that?" you look at johnnie, obviously embarrassed as he has a smirk plastered all over his face.
thank you for requesting! i've been sooo so lazy and it was hard to finish this one but i did it to feed you guys xoxo
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lemoncrushh · 6 months
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>> Learn a little about me and my writing here <<
>> Check out all my old fics on Wattpad (2015-2022) << * I am currently reposting old fics here since Wattpad decided to delete some. *
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Everything is in order from oldest to newest. You will see me adding more links to the top as I'm reposting old fics.
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You Said You'd Never Leave You worry that you can no longer handle being Harry���s girlfriend.
Show Me Your Texts, or It's Over Harry finds out you've been in contact with your ex and gives you an ultimatum.
Just for the Record After returning home from a concert with Harry, you share a smoke and a bed.
Scars You have scars and are hesitant about letting Harry see you naked for the first time.
I Miss You You’ve grown frustrated and lonely because Harry is always busy.
Best Friends You and Harry are best friends, but he would love for it be more.
Rooms On Fire (The Morning After) You meet Harry Styles at a party and have an amazing night.
Slave 4 U 2 Harry is ready to take you home for a little role play.
The Opera You and Harry can’t keep your hands off each other at the opera.
My Home You and Harry visit his family, but you have to stay in Gemma’s room.
A Night Out with Harry You take care of Harry after a drunken night out.
Back For You Harry is in town, and you go visit him at the hotel.
Melt A sexy evening with Harry.
Heartstrings You become One Direction’s new guitarist and you and your best friend Harry realize you have feelings for each other.
What's It Like You can’t sleep and decide to pay Harry a visit in the next room.
The Lucky One Harry is not too pleased when you run into your old high school crush at a restaurant.
Too Long It’s been too long since you and Harry have had sex.
Anniversary Pancakes Harry and his daughter make breakfast for his wife on their anniversary
We're Gonna Have a Baby Telling Harry he’s gonna be a dad.
Lyrics and Melodies: AM A very smitten Harry takes Julia back to his place for drinks and more music.
Claiming His Territory Harry gets jealous when he thinks another guy fancies you, and he decides to claim his territory.
This Is Me You're Talking To You and Harry are divorced, but you both still have feelings for each other.
Meeting Harry Styles After actress Mia Tangelo meets Harry Styles at a One Direction concert, he surprises her by showing up at her film premiere.
Kiss Me Kiss Me Samantha and Harry’s story of young romance and a first kiss.
Sweat Some post-workout sex.
Saturday Night Harry needs comforting after his performance on SNL.
Live From New York Harry’s on SNL and he gets a little jealous when he thinks you’re not there for him.
Leather and Lace The night Harry sang with Stevie at the Troubadour.
I Wish That It Could Be Like That An affair with Harry has taken its toll and is no longer enough.
Faithfully Harry shares the story of how you two met and fell in love.
Running On Empty An unfortunate incident at the gym.
Sometimes It Be That Way Soon after a breakup, Lilliana met Harry…but their relationship may have been doomed from the start.
Stones T-Shirt Commenting on Harry’s Rolling Stones shirt at a party leads to going to a concert with him.
Carrot Cake Harry has something he’s been wanting to ask Y/N, but the timing is never right.
Kinda Perfect It’s a girls’ night out and Harry shows up, but you decide not to let your new friend Tiffany know that Harry is your boyfriend.
What Happens In Vegas... Your Vegas trip to celebrate your friend’s birthday turns into a night you hadn’t expected when you meet Harry Styles in the casino.
Easy Like Sunday Morning It's your last day with Harry before he leaves.
Connect Not wanting to lose their connection, Lily takes a surprise trip to see Harry.
Comfort Food Jessica, a self-proclaimed foodie, helps her classmate Harry study for their Biology test.
Her Album Harry has finished recording his album, and he wants her to hear it. [in Harry's POV]
Ruin the Friendship It’s Ella’s birthday, and her best friend Harry plans to tell her how he feels about her.
You and I Alyssa always wanted Harry, so every time he called, she was there waiting for him at the bar. But one night, things shifted between them.
Rain Rain Lexie is on her way to visit her sister, and she’s taking Harry on the road trip with her, planning to drop him off at his friend’s house for a wedding. But the weather has other plans.
That Sunday, That Summer Kelly’s roommate Bianca talks her into participating in a celebrity charity scavenger hunt that Harry Styles surprisingly attends.
Friends Don't Harry and Gabriella have been good friends for a few years. But neither of them knows the feelings the other has.
Dressing For Revenge // Part 2 Still heartbroken from finding your ex cheating on you, you go to a nightclub with your friend Kelsie, where not only do you run into your ex, but also a handsome gentleman who’s willing to help you get over him.
Kiss Me Deadly The annual Halloween party at the local pub has Y/N excited when she decides to invite her boss at the University, Mr. Styles. But she soon begins to second guess her decision when Harry starts acting odd. Is Harry Styles really who she thinks he is? Will this Halloween be a fantasy come true…or the kiss of death?
Through the Wall Harry is your handsome neighbour, and you keep hearing him through the wall.
bad idea harry styles is back from uni and he looks better than you remember. problem is, he's your ex's brother.
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored part 2 of bad idea - after that one night with harry, you can't stop thinking about him...but things don't exactly turn out like you'd hoped.
Touch You’ve been having a hard time getting yourself off, so your roommate Harry offers a hand.
Filthy Cute You and Harry are in a secret relationship, and you get a little jealous when you think he’s flirting with your friend.
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Out of Bounds After a few years of being a housewife, Tisa Jordan decided to go back to school. Hoping to find inspiration and a new direction in life, she didn’t expect to meet Harry Styles, a handsome British twenty-year-old. [39 chapters, reposting daily]
Cubicle  I’m Harry. I have a mundane job where I sit in a cubicle all day. But things just got better because the hottest babe just started working here. And I’m determined to make her mine, even if just for one night. I’m Roni. I just started this new job, but all I can think about is the hottie in the corner cubicle. I think he likes me too. [22 chapters]
Fratboy Harry Harry Styles was a boy with a reputation, one that you couldn’t care less about. Yet one night at a frat party changed everything. [10 parts]
The Entertainer Set in the 70s, Sky Jones, a young woman from L.A., meets Harry Styles, an up-and-coming musician and frontman for the band Wildfire. Told in first person from Sky’s point of view, she shares her journey and what it’s like to fall for a rockstar. [10 parts]
Too Far From Texas Stacey Barnett is a writer and a single mother. Her hands full with two daughters (one with special needs), a newly published novel, an extroverted best friend and a controlling ex-husband, the last thing she expects is to meet an international pop star. [33 chapters]
Seven Six Five They met once seven years ago. Now music has made them cross paths again. (Real Harry x Plus Size OC, enemies to lovers) [6 parts]
Tattooed Heart You are a cocktail waitress at a swanky lounge. Harry comes in one night, and you instantly dislike him. But another encounter eventually changes your opinion. (Tattoo artist!harry x waitress y/n, enemies to lovers) [6 parts]
The Entertainer II * Updates will be sporadic * What if it wasn’t the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky’s story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Wild Horses * Updates will be sporadic * Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
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itsnevercasual · 4 months
clarisse x reader where y/n had been noticing clarisse like getting distant( like not holding her hand for more then 4 seconds just small stuff that only y/n notices😭) and then the day percy breaks her spear she's mad and y/n trys calming her down but clarisse just yells at her about how clingy she is and to leave her alone and basically she regrets it and apologizes multiple times and after like a week y/n forgives her and it's cute (I NEEDDDD THE PLAYING HARD TO GET PLS I HATE WHEN SHE FORGIVES HER EASILY)
I Miss You, I'm Sorry
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pairing: clarisse x apollo!reader
summary: clarisse is distant and cold, and y/n is officially done.
warnings: none?? i don't think?
you'd been with clarisse for around three years now. at first, a lot of people were confused. clarisse was, essentially, one big ball of anger, and you were a ball of sunshine. after a while, though, it made sense. you balanced each other out. plus, clarisse was a lot softer with you.
but recently, clarisse had been acting different. ever since percy jackson came to camp, actually. she was a lot more angry. and perhaps it was because you'd welcomed him to camp and generally tried to be nice to him. you couldn't help it, he reminded you of your brother, who had a mortal dad and stayed at home with your mom.
when you'd sneak to the ares table during meals, she'd hardly acknowledge you. when you tried to hold her hand, she'd let you, for all of six seconds. you weren't sure why. you hadn't done anything to personally anger her, had you?
you must have. because even as the two of you got ready for capture the flag, she ignored you.
"hey, claire?" you said, turning to her. you were just about the only one she let give her a nickname, and you'd settled on claire. "can you help me with my armor? i think it's crooked."
"you can do it yourself, i'm sure."
you frowned. she'd usually jump at the opportunity to help you- to touch you, to breathe the same air as you.
what did you do wrong?
you had one of your siblings fix it for you.
luke had outrun you with the flag when you heard a scream from the beach. you recognized it.
"clarisse!" you shouted, bolting towards the sound.
when you got there, you saw clarisse sitting before percy, her broken spear between them.
you ran to her side and helped her up as the other team began celebrating their win.
"claire, i am so sorry about your spear. we-- i can fix it! or i can have one of the athena kids do it! someone should know how, right? probably. yeah, we'll have them fix it, and it'll be-"
"can you just leave me alone?" clarisse snapped.
you froze. pulled your hands away, and retreated into yourself.
"oh," you said, clearing your throat.
"gods, you're just so clingy! i just need five minutes of peace."
that's when she seemed to realize she hurt your feelings. she sighed, her face softening, "y/n-"
"i'm gonna go."
"i didn't mean it like that-"
"yeah. i'm sure you didn't."
you crossed your arms as you walked away, resisting the urge to cry.
during dinner that night, clarisse came up to the apollo table.
"y/n?" she asked.
you kept pushing the food around your plate, ignoring her.
"y/n." she repeated.
she sighed.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean it-"
without saying anything, you stood up and walked off.
clarisse didn't follow.
you were sitting by the lake, your feet in the water. you heard someone come from behind, and you knew who it was.
you sighed.
“y/n..” she started.
“i’m not talking to you,” you stated. you crossed your arms and kicked your feet in the water.
“please, i’m sorry—“
“i don’t care. you really hurt my feelings, clarisse. you could’ve just told me you want space instead of acting like you hate me.”
“i don’t—“
“just go, clarisse.”
she sighed and didn’t fight you anymore.
clarisse had done what you asked for the past few days. she didn’t come up to you or try to apologize.
you were getting ready for bed, braiding your younger sister’s hair, when someone knocked on the cabin door.
assuming it was some late night check, you sighed.
“i’ll get it.”
you walked over to the door and opened it, and clarisse was standing there.
you didn’t even let her speak before you shut the door.
“who was that?” lee asked.
“no one,” you shrugged, sitting back on the bed and resuming the braids.
“why don’t you just talk to her?” percy asked you. you offered to help him train with the water as best as you could.
“because. i usually do, but she’s been rude to me for a few weeks now. i just wanna makes sure she knows i won’t put up with it.”
percy shrugged, “makes sense, i guess.”
even though you had a poker face around clarisse, it did make you sad every time you shut her down or pushed her away.
you just wanted your girlfriend back.
after dinner, you really just wanted to go to your cabin and sleep. however, when you opened the door, a bunch of candles were lit.
“what the—“
clarisse was standing next to your bed with a bouquet of flowers. they were your favorites— hibiscus. they didn’t grow anywhere near long island, so she must have gotten a demeter kid to get her some.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have snapped at you. i just.. i’ve worked my whole life at camp to be recognized by my dad, and percy gets all this fame and glory in a few weeks. it’s not an excuse, but i just.. wanted to explain myself,” she said, extending the flowers toward you.
you kept your arms crossed.
“i want to be around you all the time. i didn’t mean to act like i don’t wanna be with you, because i do. i mean.. besides, who else is able to calm me down?”
and that made you laugh, “nobody,” you took the flowers. “thank you for the flowers. no one’s ever gotten me these.”
she shrugged, “i figured it was about time you got your favorite flowers.”
you smiled and quickly turned to her.
“so.. we’re good?”
“we’re good,” you nod and plant your lips on hers.
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stylespctals · 2 months
The nanny | Part 2 - Confession
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Summary: where Y/N is the nanny for a little girl named Stevie Styles. Her job consists of traveling all around the world with the girls rockstar dad - Harry Styles. What happens when Y/N and Harry start having feelings for one another?
A/N: part 2 of The Nanny series!! Enjoy!
Word count: 3k
Warnings: smut oral f/m receiving, fluff fluff fluff, slight bit of angst but not really, accusing on Harry's end, mentions of weight (Y/N is medium/plus size sorry for not mentioning before but I dont think it really makes a difference 😊)
Part 1
"Miss Y/N!" you hear as you feel a weight jumping up and down on your bed. You slowly open one eye to see a messy-haired four-year-old, still clad in her ariel pajamas, smiling at you brightly.
"Hi! What are you doing in here you troublemaker." You say as you drag her down on top of you to start tickling her.
"She wanted to wish you good morning, I told her to wait until you were up but she ran in here before I could stop her." You hear a deep voice say from your doorway. You look up and see Harry, only wearing pajama pants and no shirt, leaning against the wall smiling at the two of you.
You look at the clock and see it's seven-thirty in the morning. "Well you're up early," you say hugging the girl close to you. She giggles, "Daddy woke me up 'cause he has a surprise for us!" she gets up and runs to her father and he picks her up and holds her above his head while she squeals.
"Well how about me and you go make breakfast and let Miss Y/N get ready?" He says starting to walk out of the room, giving you a wink. "Oh my gosh can we have pancakes with chocolate syrup and whipped cream!" you hear Stevie yell as she runs towards the kitchen. Harry laughs and follows her down the hall. You sit there smiling, covering your face with your hands, feeling giddy.
After you get up you head into the kitchen to see Stevie sitting on the counter kicking her feet as Harry cooks the pancakes. You see a pile of bacon sitting off to the side, so you walk up and grab one as you slide past Harry.
"So what's the surprise?" You ask as you lean against the counter looking at him.
"I'm gonna be honest the surprise is more for Stevie than you, but I think you'll enjoy it too" he whispers to you, a cocky grin on his face. Leaving you slightly confused.
"Okay let us eat, then I'll get you ready okay lovebug?" he carries Stevie to a stool and places a plate in front of her, she immediately digs in. "Are you excited for your surprise?" he asks, surprised at her quick eating.
"Yes!" Stevie tries to say, her mouth full of food.
You all eat then head to go and get ready. You dress in a black top with pink bows tied on the sleeves and ripped jeans with more bows on the pockets. You accessorize with some simple gold jewelry and pink and white Gucci x gazelle that Harry gifted you.
You walk out of your room into the living room to see Harry helping Stevie put on her little shoes that match yours.
You look at their outfits to see Stevie wearing a pink romper with all the Disney princesses and frilly socks.
Harry, you could not keep your eyes off him. He is dressed in a white shirt, Mickey Mouse on the front, and baggy blue jeans with rips on the knees. He had his hair pulled back by his sunglasses and he had the same shoes on as you and Stevie.
"Hey look we match!" you announce as you walk in the room. They look up at you and Evie runs towards you and tugs on you, dragging you to the door. "I know Daddy picked my outfit and shoes out. But let's gooo please," she says. You look at Harry with a surprised look on your face.
"Yeah lets go. You got everything?" he asks. You nod and you guys pile into the car.
You guys have been in the car for about 45 minutes. Until you see the large sign that says Disneyland in a fancy font. Harry starts pulling into the parking lot making Evie perk up.
"Oh my god! Disneyland!" She screams, bouncing up and down in her booster seat. "I love you, daddy! Thank you." She almost cries.
"You're welcome, lovebug. I love you to the moon and back." He smiles, his heart warming at the sight of his girl so happy.
"This is amazing, thank you, Harry. But you know, you didn't have to take me with you guys, it could've just been you and Evie. I know how much she's been missing her dad." You say, so extremely grateful to be here, but not wanting to intrude.
Harry looks at you like you're insane. "Y/N I told you this yesterday, you are one of the most important people in my life, and Stevie's. Our lives would be so much different if you were in it and I can't imagine you not being here." He holds your hand, still baffled at the fact you thought he didn't want you here.
"Sorry, I just get a little scared that I'm intruding." He smiles and tells you it's okay and to just trust him.
You spend the rest of the day getting dragged around Disneyland by a very eager four-year-old, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
You guys arrive home absolutely exhausted. Evie is completely passed out and Harry heads to take her upstairs. "I'm going to shower after I put her down. You wanna meet down here when we're done and chat?" He asks
You nod and smile, "Of course, I'll see you down here in a bit."
After your shower, you pull on a brown pleasing jumper and pink plaid sleep shorts. You pull on some fuzzy socks since you know you’ll get cold.
You walk into the living room to see Harry setting up your glasses of wine and putting vinyl on his record player at a low volume.
He’s dressed in blue plaid pajama pants and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. His hair is wet and covering his forehead messily; you don’t think he’s ever looked so good.
You settle down on the couch, Harry smiles at you and sits close to you. You guys start chatting about your day and how adorable Stevie is, so happy that she had fun and enjoyed her day.
“Sooo any new relationships going on in your life?” you ask, teasing him by wiggling your eyebrows.
He chuckles and shakes his head no, “I think I’m ready to settle down with someone that matters.” He says looking deeply into your eyes.
You swallow and nod, “Yeah me too.” you say, your cheeks turning a deep shade of red.
“That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about…” he says, fidgeting; looking really nervous.
You turn your head sideways and look at him with a questioning look coming across your face.
“I’m very nervous to tell you because I’m scared of what your reaction will be. Even if the reaction is good what if it’s for the wrong reason?” he starts to stress about this making you place your hand on his leg and rub it assuringly.
“You can tell me anything Harry I promise I won’t judge,” you say making sure he knows you are here for him.
He looks so deeply into your eyes, you feel your face heat up and a different look enters his eyes that you’ve only seen a handful of times.
“I think I’m in love with you.” he blurts out. Immediately regretting saying it, thinking of all the ways you could reject him.
“What?” you gasp, you swear you feel your heart stopping in your chest.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” He stands up running his fingers through his hair. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I just thought you felt the same way which you obviously don’t. I’m so sorr-“
You stand up and cut him off by pressing your lips against his. He gasps into your mouth, and you wrap your arms around his neck; pulling him closer to you.
You pull away with a smile on your face. “I know I’m in love with you.” You say with a giggle looking into his eyes. His face breaks out into a smile and he pulls you in for another kiss.
“I know I’m in love with you too.” He mumbles against your lips as he lays you down on the couch climbing on top of you.
Suddenly he pulls away with a sort of distressed look on his face, “Are you sure you aren’t just saying this because of who I am?” He asks.
You push him off you and look at him like he’s crazy, “How could you even think I would ever do that to someone? Especially you.” you say getting kind of angry at him for accusing you of that.
“No no Y/N I didn’t mean it like that.” He rushes out reaching to grab onto your hands, “It’s just I can’t even count how many times that has happened to me before and I’m just scared because even the people I’ve really trusted have just used me.” he says looking so upset making you frown.
“I would never do that to you,” you say taking his face in your hands. “I love you, Harry, I swear I have since the moment we met.”
He smiles, looking at you fondly, “Me too, I’m so sorry for doubting you. That’s just a constant fear surrounding my head.”
You smile and pull him into another deep kiss, making him fall on top of you. He props himself up so he’s not crushing you, and runs his hands across your waist.
You guys sit there making out for around 15 minutes when his hand starts traveling lower and his mouth moves down to your neck. You moan as you feel him lick a stripe up the side of your neck.
His hand freezes when he reaches the top of your shorts, “Is this okay?” he asks, tugging on your shorts, indicating he wants them off.
You nod, breathing heavily. He grabs your chin and looks in your eyes, “Words baby.” he says sternly.
“Yes, please,” you say breathlessly. Wanting- no needing him to touch you.
He smiles and continues kissing and sucking at your neck while pulling down your shorts.
Once your shorts are off you stop him. Wait-“ you say, making him back away and stop touching you. “Should we move this to the bedroom,” you say, flustered, pushing a strand of hair out his face.
He smirks and nods, standing up and grabbing your shorts, pulling you towards your bedroom. Your room is on the first floor while his and Stevies' is on the 2nd, so you decide yours will be the safest one not to wake his daughter.
When you get to your room he picks you up making you scared that you’re too heavy for him to hold and you try to get him to put you down.
“Harry no I’m too heavy,” you say, squirming a little.
He drops you on the bed and looks at you with a stern look on his face. “Don’t you ever say that about yourself. You’re perfect,” he says climbing over you and kissing all over your neck making you whine.
“Can I take this off?” He says, pulling on the jumper you have on. You sit up and pull it off yourself, revealing that you’re not wearing a bra. He almost moans as he sees you bare before him.
“God y/n you’re going to kill me.” He says as he leans forward and buries his face in your breasts. You moan and grip his hair as he takes your nipple in his mouth, sucking hard.
“Off.” you moan as you tug at the back of his shirt. He leans up rips his shirt off and slides his pajama pants down to reveal his tight briefs. A bulge is very prominent in them, making you bite your lip.
He starts kissing down your breasts and over your plushy stomach, making you suck in. You look down and see him give you a look which makes you let out a breath.
He starts pulling your wet panties down, looking up at you for approval. “Yes please do whatever you want.” you gasp, making him smirk, pulling your panties all the way down revealing your soaking wet cunt.
He spreads your legs wide and you watch him bite his lip as he stares at your pussy. “So fucking pretty.” He says leaning in and kissing around where you want him, his lips dragging on your inner thighs and mound.
“Stop teasing,” you whine as this goes on for a while, he smirks.
“You want my mouth on your cunt baby, don’t you?” He says, a cocky smirk on his face. You almost roll your eyes but you know he’s right. You whine and nod your head quickly, “Please.” you say sweetly making him immediately latch on to your pussy his eyes rolling back in his head at the taste of you.
You let out a shamelessly loud moan as you lift your hips up into his mouth. He wraps his arms around your hips holding you still as he sucks your clit into his mouth.
You almost scream as you bite your hand to keep you somewhat quiet. You’ve never been eaten out before and you never thought it would feel this good.
He keeps alternating from sucking a licking around your clit until, he slips his tongue into your hole, making you lift up and grip his hair; bucking your hips to match his pace.
You're withering around feeling your orgasm build up quicker than it ever has. “I’m close, H” he starts going faster his head moving in between your legs making you cry out as your orgasm crashes through you, your legs shaking from the feeling.
You take short gasps of air as the aftershocks of your orgasm pass through you. Harry slides up your body and catches your lips in his, you whine at the taste of yourself.
"Was that good?" he asks, rubbing his nose against yours. You grip the hair on the nape of his neck, smiling, "So good." You giggle as you pull him back into a kiss.
After a minute you pull away and flip you guys over so you're now on top. "My turn now." you giggle. You drag your lips over his body until you reach the top of his briefs, you take the material in your teeth, "Can I take these off of you huh?" he nods eagerly, "Words baby." you mock him.
He rolls his eyes, "Yes please." He says, petting your hair as you start to drag down his underwear. You gasp as you see his cock spring out, not expecting it to be so big.
You start by taking his cock into your hands, spitting into your palm to help your hand glide over him. You do this for a few minutes until you decide to lick stripes over him, making him moan and whimper your name. You take his cock in your mouth and start bobbing your head up and down surprising yourself and him with your confidence.
"God y/n," He whined trying not to grab your head and push you further down. You decide to try and deep-throat him, you gag and pull off of him.
"Sorry," you say, embarrassed.
"Y/N it's okay, do what you can handle I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you." You smile and nod and continue on with what you are doing.
Your tongue circles around his mushroom tip, tasting the bitter taste of his precum, but you don't mind the taste; you enjoy it.
You suck him in your mouth again, using your hands for the parts your mouth can't reach.
"Y/n, baby I'm so close. Please don't stop." You start moving your head faster wanting his cum down in your mouth.
You stop and suck harder as you feel his cum burst into your mouth the thick liquid filling up quickly.
You pull off him when you're done and his cock starts to soften in your hold. You lick the rest of his orgasm off his cock and swallow the load he left in your mouth.
You crawl up his body and lay on his chest.
"Wow, I wasn't expecting that today." He says, a chuckle leaving his lips.
"Me neither," You giggle cuddling into his chest. You feel yourself starting to drift off on his chest.
"Y/N, I might have to go back into my room in case Stevie wakes up and comes to my room." He says sitting up.
"Oh," you say disappointed, reaching over to grab your hoodie, pulling it over your head, and getting up.
Harry grabs your hand, pulling you back into his arms, "You know what let's both move to my room, so what if she comes in, we will just tell her what we are because I love you so much and I know she will be happy." He says. You smile so big and large. He gets up pulling on his underwear and pants and throwing his shirt and your clothes into the laundry bin.
He picks you up and sets you on the bed, grabbing you a new pair of panties and sliding them up your smooth legs. He lifts you up your legs wrapping around his waist and he carries you up the stairs into his room. He lays you down on the bed and climbs in next to you cuddling into your backside.
"I love you so much. Goodnight, love" He whispers in your ear making you shiver.
"I love you too. Goodnight, H."
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all enjoyed it.
I am so incredibly grateful for all the support I got on the first part of this series and it also being my first post. Im so happy to build a platform on here and look out for new stories coming out.
Lots of love xx
- Mae
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chanswifey · 1 year
Seventeen as your boyfriend | S.Coups
The protective kind, especially in public
Always got his arm around you to keep you close, holds your hand to cross the road, makes you walk on the inner side of the sidewalk
You swear he gets a few inches taller when someone accidentally bumps into you or acts rude toward you, he's in full confrontation mode
Will order you food out of the blue just to make sure you have something to eat
At some point, you start to send him pics of you eating or Facetime during meals to try to make him stop so you don't need to throw away any more food
If you need to take any medications, he will get a reminder on his phone so he can make sure you never forget to take them
Scolds you to get a check-up with a doctor every six months
He's just so soft and completely whipped for you
He's got a little twinkle in his eyes anytime he looks at you
He's so whipped he will cry laugh at your jokes even when they are mid
The boys tease him so much because of it but he low-key doesn't care (will start bickering tho)
His love language is gift-giving, but also playfully fighting
Will sneak behind you and lift you by the waist while you are inattentive
Jumps on top of you in bed to wake you up
Randomly bites you
If you need anything, all you gotta do is ask, his card is READY
He WILL take offense if you don't let him pay
"You don't love me anymore??"
"That's not what I said"
"That's what I heard" and it's all just because of some cheap popsicle you bought because you suddenly craved it.
Date nights are almost always at some expensive place, he loves to dress up for you, and seeing you in the new dress he got you
By the way, boy has some bomb taste for clothes, you just give up and let him choose them for you at some point
He's an absolute baby in private
Loves to get babied by you, like breakfast in bed or just snuggling with him before sleep
Does baby talk but WILL NOT admit to it
Will act cute to get his way with you so be prepared (ur gonna fail so just act hard to get at least u know)
When he's on tour or at some schedule late at night he will take some time to call you so his voice is the last thing you hear before falling asleep
Sometimes he falls asleep first and you just don't have the heart to hang up on him so you just lay there watching the ceiling and hearing him breathe ✨🥺🤏
2023 © chanswifey — do not repost or translate
author's note: Yay I'm back! I missed this blog, I definitely need to get the hang of it again so please be kind lol. If you like this it would mean the world to me if you liked and reblogged, I'm also always up to hearing feedback. ❤️
mlist | request here | what I write
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cvnt4him · 24 days
izuku or reader walking in on the other masturbating 🙀
guys i love him so much i’m gonna explode
It's late and I've been feeling very bad, I've been trying to animate for this man I'm in love w to get his attention but it's drawing as hell. So take some wack ass shit of my pookie sweetie honey bunches cutie patootie girly pop schnookums sweetie pie.
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You were just making it home from work, tired and craving to lie in your husband's warm welcoming arms. Today was a long day and you had stayed a little later than expected, you texted izuku at the time you normally got off telling him you'd be home late and that he shouldn't wait up.
With a sigh and a low hang of your shoulders you unlocked your front door and walked inside, the smell of food barely present he had cooked despite having worked himself. It was sweet that he did little things like this to show you he cared and appreciated you.
You set the keys down on the key ring and took your shoes off, hanging your bag up as well. You were ready to jump in your bed next to your husband and call it a night, the thought of that sounded so good and had clouded your thoughts completely before you were snapped out..
You walked to your door and heard noises coming from behind it, your heart sank. What the fuck.... The sounds were lewd, moans and whines being heard. Your first thought was what any normal person would think. He was cheating on you, but just as you were about to slam open that door and beat someone's ass, you heard a pathetic high pitched whine of your name.
“ y/n~ please... ”
Everything started making much more sense now, izuku was masturbating! The thought made you chuckle, you wanted to see the sight of it. The sight of your precious husband lusting after himself, chasing his orgasm yearning to cum. For you at that, he kept moaning your name like a girl.
His moans were so high in octave and almost similar to a porn stars, hell they'd be envious. His sounds were so precious and alluring you wanted to see him terribly so. You slowly and quietly cracked open the door, just enough for you to see your husband.
To no one's surprise, he was touching himself. But it was the most delicious sight in the world, his head was thrown back in pure ecstasy his mouth wide open and such lewd moans were leaving like melted butter, they just fell from his lips so naturally all the slutty things he was murmuring to himself. Something about it hurting and how he wanted to feel his cock deep inside of you
None of those wonderful things could compare to how he was pleasure himself, it was the most pathetic and desperate shit you'd ever seen from him. And it's like hes just so accident prone to doing pathetic things, like whining and he doesn't get his way, or burying his face in your ass with a stupid whimper when you're lying on your tummy. He was just a pathetic guy sometimes.
Izuku had his thighs wide open, his cock twitching and leaking so much cum there was so much coating his hands his thighs and his tummy, from what little you could see it looked like some had even gotten on his face. His hand was hurriedly stroking his fat milk crying cock, his thumb occasionally grazed over his tip and smeared every little ounce of cum that prickled at his engorged and furiously red tip.
His cock was throbbing and aching you could tell, but that wasn't stopping him. He was desperate and he knew what he wanted, but that wasn't all, oh no. He was using his other hand to shove a dildo inside of his ass, he wasn't moving that hand ad fast as he was his dominant hand [his right hand, the hand hes jacking off w] but he was still shoving it inside of himself.
It was so cute you wanted to cry, he was so horny he couldn't help himself he wanted to feel maximum pleasure, as much as his body would let him. Who knows how long he's been going at it, who knows when he intended on stopping, if he even did! All you knew was this was far too delicious to let end so quickly.
You crept in the room closing the door behind you, you walked towards him silently your socks quieting your steps. You say at the foot of the bed right in front of him, he didn't even notice. You were fighting the urge to burst out laughing, he was being so sneaky lusting after himself like this.
With a small sigh you trail your hands up his cum covered thigh making him pull his head towards you with a wide eyed expression, he let out a small scream and jumped stopping both of his hand movements. He was so embarrassed he face had gotten even more red, you could fully see his fucked out face. The sweat on his forehead shining under the moonlights glow sticking some of his now dampened hair to it. His tear stained cheeks, all red and covered in tears and some of his cum that you could see. His lips that had clearly been chewed on plump and a deep shade of pink. His eyes were glossy and still leaking some kind of tears.
You giggled at the shocked expression on his face and the fact his cock was still twitching. You looked him deep into his sweet blown wide eyes, he bit his lip started shaking he whined loudly his eyes fluttering shut. You were confused, what could've caused this sudden reaction? You looked down to see his cock spurting out a fuck ton of cum.
“ fuck.. I'm c- cumming...”
He said defeatedly, not even going to hide it. You'd walked in at the right time, he was just so pent up and so close he couldn't help but to cum under your intense gaze. His poor cock just leaking out cum, it was basically crying.
He was so needy that he had completely ruined himself at the sheer thought of you. What a fucking whore. His hands were up and he stuttered on his words trying to find an excuse to explain what else was doing, touching himself in your shared bed his cum not only on the covers but literally all over himself too, not just that but a dildo still in his fucking ass. There was no explanation and you both knew that. There was no point in trying to explain something that didn't need to be explained.
“ m’sorry baby.. couldn't help myself... felt too good..”
“ shh baby, it's okay. I understand. you were needy and were all alone... what else were you to do, huh baby boy?”
Izuku whimpered and his lidded expression came back, his breaths were shaky and he was still just so hard. His cock looked so red and messy it was almost such a good look on him.
“ it's okay baby, I'll take good care of you hm? how does that sound?”
He whined in response a wobbly smile forming on his pink tinted lips, he was in for one hell of a ride and he couldn't wait. So eager to please and so ready to cum buckets more for you. After all it was your fault he was like this, you'd let him please you, right?
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AN: yummers bro he is just so urghehab. I need him I just NEED to have him a withering mess for me bruv.
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astarionapologist · 8 months
My head too is full of bg3 so I'm gonna go ahead and suggest/ request a Halsin x female Tav fic, smut is very welcome hehe :)
Also I'm of the opinion that this man definitely has a breeding kink so if that's something you would write, I'd be really happy about it ^^
Have nice day :)))
but no seriously he’s such a big sweetie pie I love him sm
Warning 18+ minors please don't interact!
Includes breeding kink and biting and soft horny Halsin
Nature’s embrace: Halsin x reader
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After you finally arrive to baulder’s Gate your next mission is the most important one yet! It’s time to go find a nice spot to set up camp. Exhausted and tired of walking Astarion begs you to take a break! Stay at a tavern for a bit! Stay under some shady buildings! Hells under some trees maybe! Point is he’s done for the day and is begging you along with the rest of the group to agree with him for break. In which you all decide to rent out a room for a couple nights in the Elfsong tavern.
After unpacking and changing out of your armor into more casual clothes your realized how starved you were after such a long journey here. Little did you sense the tall rugged elf was beside you.
“Hungry aren’t you?” He says grabbing both your shoulders in an attempt to scare you.
You let out a shriek and push him away from you unaware of who it truly was.
“GAH HALSIN- you can’t do that to people!” You huffed
“I’m sorry little dove, I couldn't resist, and I overheard the growl of your stomach. It seems you're in need of your next meal. Would you care to join me downstairs? I wouldn't mind covering the expenses, of course."
“Oh? Sure that sounds great thank you! I’m starving! I need to get my hands on something to eat soon or I’ll go crazy” You said slightly daydreaming of all the tasty food you smelled walking past the kitchen to the rooms upstair.
“Me too” Halsin whispered under his breath as his eyes traced the outline of your body.
Your cheeks blushed as you overheard this but since he wanted to be quite the jokester earlier you decided to pay him back~
“What was that? You said as you looked up at him purposely with big doe eyes
“"Oh, uh, me too. I find myself quite starved. To uphold our strengths, we should venture forth and procure something to eat, don't you think?” He said with a hint of panic in his voice
He lets out a small sigh “Let us be on our way”
The two of you head down stairs and sit down at the bar table. You order a bowl of mushroom stew with a wine to complement the mushrooms undertones. Halsin unsurprisingly orders a large juicy steak with a heaping pile of steamed vegetables on the side. Along with you he decides to order a glass of wine. Enjoying each others company you finish your dinner together and decide to head back upstairs. However almost everyone was already asleep in their sections of the floor.
“Ahhh it is getting late little dove, you should go and get some rest. We can always chat more some other time.”
You would be foolish to deny the small trace of sadness that lurched in your heart as he spoke. Unfortunately, your eyes held a bit of sadness that the old Druid could easily detect.
“Oh dove but please don’t worry, I promise we can spend more time together just the two of us eventually if that’s something you’d enjoy?”
You look up at him and give him a small smile and nod.
“Yes I would love that, your company is more than wanted.”
He smirks a little and smiles back. The two of you walk back upstairs to call it a night after enjoying your evening together. Finally, in the comfort of your bed, you slowly drift off to sleep... That is until the middle of the night when you wake up, startled by the sound of commotion near one of the beds beside you. You open you eyes to see Halsin getting ready to leave to who knows where.
“Halsin?….” You whisper at him
“Oh no.” He clears his throat
“My sincerest apologies, I did not mean to wake you from your slumber.”
You get up and sit towards the edge of the bed, you’re a bit groggy still but you decide to ignore it worried your companion is in trouble.
“What is it? Is something wrong? Why are you up so late? You asked in a hushed whisper as you turn on a dim light next to you.
As you look at him, the tall elf blushes, realizing his problem is now more obvious to you. You slowly looked down to see a large tent in his pants. How his crotch looked painfully erect it was almost begging to be attended to.
“Ah… I see…”
“I’m so sorry- it’s just the city is so stressful and I’m having trouble adjusting… not to mention how you-..” He stops talking and swallows a bit of fear as he realizes he just mentioned you.
“How I?” you blush a bit already knowing what he means. Unsurprising enough, Halsin and you have always had a habbit of giving each other bedroom eyes from time to time. You've always noticed how often he’d look at you, especially how his eyes would stare at your ass and thighs. However you both never really acted on anything, you were always too busy on the mission at hand….that is until now.
He sighs “Please you tease me enough as is…. The way your hips sway as you walk… your deep and longing stares….it all drives me mad.”
He turns away from you and says, “I never wanted to do or say something because I thought the timing was always off... And I understand if you wish to ignore me now. I am sorry for disturbing your rest.”
You get up from your bed and hug him from behind.
“Halsin… please don't leave, I would love to be able to spend the night with you… if you’d allow me?”
He chuckles “If i’d allow you?”
He grabs you by the wrist and twirls you to face him. Then he quickly picks you up carries you on one of his shoulders.
“I hope this will suffice as an answer.” He says with a light growl
He takes you to more secluded part of the floor away from any of your companions. He carefully plops you onto a large bed and begins undressing himself. When he’s finished he carefully picks you up yet again and plops you down on his lap.
He looks deeply into your eyes as his hands graze the first button on your shirt. You carefully nod and take a deep breath as he takes no time to undo all the buttons of your shirt. Luckily for Halsin you typically always sleep in your dress shirt and nothing else.
His eyes lit up as he saw the perkiness of your breast appear from underneath your shirt. Without wasting time he takes one into his hand and plays with it while taking the other one into his mouth. He swirls his tongue over your sensitive nibble slightly grazing it with his teeth. This earns a slight low moan from you as you wrap your arms around his shoulder.
He releases your breast from his mouth and kisses you deeply and hungrily. He grabs you by the hips and ass and slowly begins to move you across his large muscular thigh.
“Ha-… halsin.. please I need more,” you say as you grind needily on his thigh.
“You’re not ready, I don’t want to hurt you little dove” he says while kissing your cheek
He then slowly moves you off his thigh just enough for him to stick two fingers inside you. You gasp and hold onto him tighter as he slowly pumps his fingers into your soaking wet cunt.
He uses his other hands to spin small light circles around your clit and begins to speed up his fingers as he continues to pump them inside of you. By now yours seeing stars as you tilt your head back breathing deeply as you feel the druids fingers deep inside you. He can tell you’re close by the way you begin to tense up around him. He curls his fingers making sure to rub you sweet spot of yours to allow him to hear the wonder sounds you make as you come undone around his fingers.
You take a deep shaky breath and looked back into his eyes.
Gods. He thinks to himself, he could have easily finished just watching you come undone by just his fingers alone.
He flips the two of you over so that you’re now underneath him. You moan as you feel his tip rub against your hole.
“Are you ready? I don’t want to hurt you.” He says attempting to suppress how needy he truly is.
“Oh god yes, please hurry! We’ve both waited long enough.” You begged
He carefully slides in slowly so you can take your time adjusting around him. With a small hiss, he bottoms out and is completely inside you. He pauses for a moment kissing your forehead before he slowly begins to move. A slow yet deep pace was set as the druid gripped your hips hard as to not lose control.
You bite his neck in order to keep quiet, yes your other companions are sound asleep and unable to see the sinful acts that are taking place however you still attempt to keep quiet. The sound of skin slapping slowly starts to get louder as Halsin begins to speed up. You look up and make eye contact with him, his eyes are glowing a beautiful shade of gold.
“You drive me wild little dove…. I want to fill you up so badly.” Halsin grunts as he continues to pound deep into you.
“I want to see you squirm underneath me full of my cum…. I want…. Nothing more than to see that.” He huffs and growls out the last part.
“Fuck Halsin… I need you, I need to feel all of you, I need to be filled with you.” You say in between gasps
You’re both extremely close, he grunts as he feels how you quiver and shake around his angry and sensitive cock. He grips your hips tighter and begins to pick up the pace, lifting one of you legs up in the process. You let out a whine as you feel yourself getting closer and closer. Then suddenly a heavy feeling of pleasure consumes your body. You shake and grip his body as he continues to pound his way through your orgasm. When a deep and heavy grunt he finished deep within your cunt, making sure to get every drop deep within you. He pulls out and collapses next to your exhausted figure.
He pulls you in tightly to his chest and kisses your forehead before gently rubbing circles on your back. You slowly drift off to sleep as you hear him quietly say
“Goodnight my little dove”
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like always I did not proof read 👆but I still hope you enjoy, sorry if this was a little rough it’s my first time writing smut.
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deanswhiskey · 5 months
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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⛥ ⛥ ⛥
summary; its sams birthday and his wish comes true
wc; 1,113
warnings; nothing but some kisses
authors note; AAAAHHHHH IM SO SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN AGES BUT I WANTED TO PUT OUT SOMETHING FOR SAMS BIRTHDAY AND IK ITS LATE BUT OH WELL i promise ill start writing more when i'm done with this semester :))) also this is proofread bc i rushed to put this out apologies for any mistakes
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the late, late night of may 1st was spent alone in the kitchen. you were so graciously baking your best friend sam a beautiful birthday cake.
since arriving to the bunker and having a ginormous kitchen all to yourselves, you thought it’d be a great idea to start baking and cooking again. being on the road, hunting monsters, you never got the chance to cook or bake. the only cooking you ever did was heating up some frozen dinners for everyone from the store.
not that you minded, sometimes they were good; but nothing, nothing, ever beats a home cooked meal. and to top it all off, homemade dessert.
that’s why when you all settled into the bunker, you went on a big grocery spree and bought almost everything in the store.
the very first meal you cooked was fettuccine alfredo with chicken. something your mother used to make all the time when you were younger and have loved ever since.
when sam and dean walked into the kitchen they couldn’t help but notice the divine aroma.
“‘m my god, what’s that smell,” dean asked searching around for what could be it.
you moved out of the way of the stove to show them a view of the food, “it’s fettuccine alfredo and chicken. it’s almost ready, fo you two wanna set the table?”
they both nodded with enthusiasm, getting plates and forks and knives and set them on the table nearby.
the noodles, sauce, and chicken were finally done and incorporated. you took the pan and a large spoon to scoop it with and headed over to the boys who looked like they were about to start eating from the pan. as soon as the food hit their plates they wasted no time digging in. you chuckled as you watched them almost eat it whole.
that night marked the start of some of the best food sam and dean had eaten.
so now you were baking and decorating the most extravagant looking cake for the man you were secretly in love with.
you don’t know when it happened but something changed and you no longer wanted to just be friends; you wanted more. more than just a quick side hug when celebrating, more than just high fives. you wanted whole, endearing hugs; you wanted to interlink hands and never let go.
the cake you were baking you surly knew sam would like. it’s his favorite cake flavor and a beautiful frosting color. you even added ruffled borders on the top and bottom and near perfect lettering on the top. this cake was made with love.
it was 11:49 pm when you finished and you had flour in your hair, frosting on your shirt, and excess batter on the counter. the cake was put in the fridge to chill over night and the kitchen was finally cleaned 10 minutes later. you quickly showered before hopping into bed with a small smile on your face knowing your best friend would be so happy with everything.
morning came and you and dean had to be the first ones up to set out everything. dean went out to buy balloons (that you and dean so tiresomely blew up) and banners to hand from the walls. he also set out the few presents the two of you bought, even after sam said he didn’t want anything (you both knew you were gonna buy him something anyways), and you set out the cake with the candles, lighting the fee of them up.
sam walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!” he jumped at the two of you screaming.
after his scare went away, his eyes lit up like a child at their very own birthday. he rushed over to you thanking the both of you for doing this. he glanced at the cake, “did you make this?”
“with love,” you nodded.
“make a wish, brother,” dean patted his back. sam closed his eyes thinking, he knew exactly what we was going to wish for. he bent down slightly and blew out the candles. you didn’t bother with making breakfast because you knew cake for breakfast would excite anyone.
sam was very giddy to open up his presents. he was ever so thankful for the few new flannels, nice watch, and a new belt you guys gave him.
the three of you sat in the movie room and watched a bunch of old movies. sam has grown very fond of old films. he likes western ones the most.
it was getting late and dean decided that he’d had enough of movies and was feeling sleepy.
now it was just you and sam, on the couch, in the movie room, alone.
the movie was at a slow part, just the main two characters talking in an old western barn.
“did you have a good day?” you turned to sam.
he looks over at you, he loves that smile on your face. “i had probably one of the best days ever. that cake? phenomenal, probably the best thing you’ve baked.”
you blushed and looked down. after a moment of silence you looked up again, sam still looking at you, “what’d you wish for?”
“i cant tell you that,” he chuckled.
“c’mon,” you dragged out.
“no, i can’t!”
“please, for me” queue the big puppy dog eyes.
how could he resist those eyes? “fine, but you can’t get upset.”
why would you get upset?
sams heart is racing. “i wished for you.”
“mhm, you.”
“wh- i- why me?”
“because you’re all i’ve ever wanted.”
you were speechless. “sam, i-”
“you don’t have to say anything, it’s okay.”
the saddened look on his face broke you’re heart. “listen to me sam,” you started to smile. “i feel the same way. i mean it when i said that cake was made with love.”
a smile grew on his face. “can i kiss you now?”
it felt like you couldn’t breathe, “yeah,” it came out as a whisper.
sam gently cupped one side of your face as he drew in closer. his lips brushed yours before he fully smashed his lips to yours.
you’ve dreamed on this moment for a while. it was more than you could’ve ever imagined. his lips were soft. he tasted slightly of whiskey that the three of you sipped on earlier and it was perfect.
“my birthday wish finally came true,” sam says just above a whisper.
“good, i’m glad.” you smiled.
the two of you fell asleep on the couch with the old western movie quietly playing in the background. both you and sam fell asleep with a smile on your face in each others arms.
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