#I'm going to have to talk about her code-switching if nothing else
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With full apologies to the poster who wanted me to edit the Gundam wiki to add missing citations, I shouldn't be allowed near the place. I will start fights.
"This 22 year old woman made a pass at the 14 year old hero in one scene, that must mean she's attracted to him!"
You mean the villainess with a proven track record of feigning relationships to control other people, such that the starter villain is comically obsessed with her despite we, the audience, knowing full well she's using him as an expendable pawn.
In the scene where this interaction is textually called out as 'weird' and the moment the hero is snapped from the disorientation caused by her presence (psychic as well as physical), he books it without a second thought, to her quite considerable irritation.
In the show chock full of older characters exploiting younger ones for their own selfish gain, which never has her interact with the hero like this again, and in fact ends with her engaging him in a philosophical debate that essentially boils to 'damn you for still having optimism about the future and the will to build a better world.'
Gee. I wonder what possible alternate interpretations there could be for these events?
I know Gundam can be icky about this stuff on occasion and we all like to read the newtype stuff as sexually as possible but ZZ is not remotely subtle about the reasons for Haman's growing obsession, and it sure as hell isn't that kind of attraction. I'm profoundly irritated by the way the wiki presents Haman being romantically attracted to Judau as something gestured at by the text when . . . no? Haman is an arch-manipulator who wants to control literally everyone and everything around her. Kissing him is Plan A [and I will grant, you can read a ton into it regarding her and Char, if you want the really messy stuff] and it doesn't work. Thereafter she defaults to treating Judau as the unruly child he is and the actual, stated lines of their conflict are so much more interesting as a result.
Stop being so edgy you miss the damn point.
#gundam zz#judau ashta#haman karn#honestly she's remarkably non-sexualised#for somebody who clearly has 'seductive queen' in her conceptual make-up#she's beautiful in the sense of being regal#rather than an object of desire#I'm going to have to talk about her code-switching if nothing else#because it is a superb bit of characterisation#grumping
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pairing. pitfighter!vi x bartender!reader
warnings. eighteen+, nsfw content: arcane season two spoilers, soft angst, smut, bartender!reader, crashout!vi mends her cold heart, inexperienced!vi, switch!reader + vi, fem coded reader, coded alcohol addiction, slight spit kink, strap use.
KNUCKLE VELVET TORN ON MY TEETH, there's something charming about the pitfighter who doesn't stop drinking until she reaches the bottom of the barrel and the bartender who keeps walking her home.
wc. 7k+
rayray yaps. popping my vi!oneshot cherry, hehe, and i'm happy to do so. the vi brainrot has been real as fuck lately. i fear it's not going away anytime soon. but i wanted to give a special shoutout to @hypnagogics for proofreading this fic, means sm to me ily + my sweet bubba, @absfawn for the title name, i could kiss you until my lips fall off. the best people ever, i love them so much. okay, now i have yapped enough! happy reading, hope you enjoy.
Trapped in the abyss, just when everything had been taken from her life seems to sacrifice another offering on a silver platter. Something else that she thought could be hers, but wasn’t. In the end, all of it was the same. Life is the same. She takes three steps forward, circumstances out of her control take her apart like enforcers imposing their will on Zaun, and she’s forced to move five steps back. It’s all she feels, powerless.
Wanting nothing more than to drown her sorrows, forget all that she's lost. For everything that’s been taken, Vi feels an overpowering loss, threatening to take over everything she’s trying to build. But Vi thinks of none of it now, she can’t afford to think of one more thing. So, she doesn’t. All of her mind forgets. She forces herself to.
Zaun, Piltover, Jinx, Vander, Silco, and Cait.
She drowns in blood, sweat, and liquor for nights to come. She forgets everything and you are just the cherry top on this one shitty sundae. Anytime she’s here, Vi manages to get herself into a fight. Each time. Every time she tries to apologize or hold an ounce of guilt in her eyes, you see right through her crystal blues. From the very first night, you called her bullshit. Even if Vi didn’t give in, it was hard to hide her small smirk.
She lets herself think it’s because you’re a bartender. You practically get paid to read people, listen to them vent about shit you probably don’t give two shits about and break up the fights that erupt every thirty minutes. Overinflated egos and drunken assholes weren’t a great mix. The jury was still out if you though Vi was one. She could have both, she didn’t really talk much. Vi fought, drank until she couldn’t see straight, and you helped her up to her small apartment right across the street and up the steps into her said apartment.
No matter how hard she tries, it always ends the same. Vi looking like an imbecile and you, the pretty bartender who shuts down every advance she throws your way. Vi wonders who had a stronger shell, what you’re hiding in order to protect yourself.
Maybe she is just an asshole.
“You don’t have to walk me up here. I-I can make it just fine on my own.”
As soon as your fingertips let go of her fragile frame, Vi’s inebriated body collapses on the concrete steps, grabbing onto the metal framing as if her life depends on it.
“Really? Now you wanna prove a point?”
“For your information, I’m always in it to prove a point.”
Even if your words are harsh, with a soft smile and a hand open, Vi takes it as you let her lean on your weight as you assist her up the steps. There’s little shame to be had once the two of you make it in. It isn’t like the first time and when she noticed the scrunch of your nose in taking the smell, tequila and grease. Vi thought it was cute but she halts any further thought.
Quickly, Vi disposed of her leather jacket and pants she’s left in boxers and the wrap protecting her chest. The part of her life that seems to be kept together. She doesn’t really mind it though, you. Seeing her like this. Even more so, she enjoys it. You’re always so dismissive at the bar, hardly holding eye contact, turning down any flirting she hurls your way. Just like the vomit Vi had nearly thrown up on your shoes but made a quick diversion for the bush to the right of her instead.
This is truly the only time she knows you want her. Not so subtly, your eyes trace her like each pinpoint of your gaze is painting her on a clean canvas, one Vi wonders if she’ll like or not. When she’s been around you, she’s been wondering about a lot of things — thoughts she quite literally can’t afford.
It’s her, nothing ever ends well when her feelings can get crushed on the other side.
Everything she touches burns to ash before she can even hold it for a moment, a second of symphony retaliates with years of misery. How could you be any different? She wishes you would burn her underneath your gaze, put her out of the misery she feels growing every day, but you don’t. You’re always pulling her out of trouble when you truly don’t have to. It’s not your job to take care of her or hell, even look after her.
But you do and she can’t seem to figure out why.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Just shut the fuck up and let me help you. Not everyone has a motive. Some people just like to help when someone is so clearly struggling.”
“I’m not—”
You give her a glare that seems to shut her up. You draw a bath for her. It’s easy to find her towels in the only cabinet. It’s an acute studio apartment. More so of a small room with a stove stop, minimal counter space, and one bathroom enough to bathe and brush her teeth in. There isn’t much left of it but it’s hers. Grabbing the first aid kit, you kneel between her legs, the mattress sits on the floor, her legs spread and stretching out in front of you.
“Let me help you. Alright?” Vi grumbles, a incoherent complaint, but she lets you tend to her wounds.
It’s mainly just cleaning off her dry blood as she still complains in the process, but there’s a few cuts on her face and her cheeks are already beginning to bruise. It’s not a secret, she bruises like a peach but she always makes sure her opponent is leaving a lot more with just a few cuts and a bruise the size of a plum.
It’s then, when you’re concentrating on the cuts on her face, the busted lip she’s sporting; she looks at you. Maybe it’s the first time she has, but without even realizing it, she gets lost. Not in the way Vi doesn’t know who she is, that she’s completely lost on, but Vi sees you.
Bright-eyed, optimistic, helpful, kind — all attributes she couldn’t claim but wears like a badge of honor. As if helping others instills you with a sense of purpose, something that’s always been a lost cause to her. Fight until the next fight, and the next, and the next. That’s what she’s done, she's always been a fighter. She’s fallen back on it when needed. It’s clear to her. Like a vision she could see, crystal clear through some stupid ball, it’s always been about survival.
But how much longer does she want to fight and how much more does she have in her?
“Thanks.” Vi speaks softly.
Not knowing where to place her palms, she settles for her thigh. Silent as she watches, nearly analyzing every moment, every glance, every little thing you’re doing. It’s sobering to say the least. You don’t need to be delicate but you are. It’s more kindness than she deserves, nearly leaving a bitter taste on her tongue but when you offer a small smile and a soft whisper, you’re welcome.
It’s the sweetest thing Vi has ever seen.
There’s something different in the way you look at her. The soft omission exposes how sweet on Vi you may be. Definitely more than you’d let on, which was well…none. Up until tonight, she thought you hated her. With each word uttered in your direction, Vi assumed you’d rather swallow bile than stomach her slurred, flirty speech.
“Why do you want to help? It’s not like I’ve exactly been—”
“Yeah, something like that.”
This time Vi lets the smile reach her eyes and your smile gets even sweeter. She can practically feel the sweetness rotting her teeth as she speaks. It’s the first time she feels something new, something as bright as the light radiating through your eyes.
“You just seem different. Even if you do try to hide it.”
With a flush of crimson coating the apple of her cheeks, she’s never been quite as exposed as this. The next few weeks are spent with less drinking, but Vi frequents the bar just as much as she did before. She orders a few pints just to talk to you. She’s learning more about you, slowly but surely, you’re opening up more. Divulging information you wouldn’t have before, trust is earned. It’s something you told her the first night you met and to this day, Vi still remembers it.
Regardless of how drunk she’d been when you said it.
It’s a typical night. Vi flirted with you but you aren’t being dismissive tonight but you’re careful enough to not let her know exactly how you feel. Everything you say is guarded enough you keep her on her toes, for a moment she thinks she might have to become a ballerina. It’s a slow night, Wednesday. Go figure Vi thinks. There was a woman who’d also been flirting with you all night. Vi thought she was beautiful, sweet, funny…certainly was making you laugh all night.
Part of Vi wanted to feel jealous but it feels too good hearing you laugh, she says nothing. Maybe you just don’t like women. Vi was known for reading into things too much, thinking everyone thought with their heart first just like she did, and assuming every hot and attractive woman was into other women — just like she is.
But the brunette left before closing, leaving Vi and a few other regulars paying their tab as they stumbled home with a belly full of liquor of their choosing.
“Alright Vi, don’t you have somewhere to be? Maybe getting some sleep for the night?”
“I don’t sleep much, it’s better if I don’t.”
“Keeps the nightmares away.”
All Vi does is nod.
“Story of the century.” You take Vi’s empty pint before washing it dispersing in the sink before cleaning up the remainder of the bar top. “Everyone’s got one around here and the new one is usually even more depressing than the last.”
“What about yours?”
“If you wanna hear that, I’ll have to be the one doing the drinking.” You smile but it’s the first one Vi recognizes as insincere.
“Yeah, seems to be the stone cold requirement for a heart to heart.”
Vi’s silent as you vent to her about the customer who refused to pay up tonight until you threatened to kick his ass and that wasn't enough, you threatened Letty on him. Vi found herself only slightly entranced as you spoke with such color, your animated voice doing impressions of the stubborn patreon, moving your hands as you speak, eyebrows furrowed as you finished the story.
You’re done cleaning and are ready to close by the time you finish, locking the door as Vi stuffs her hands in her pockets, “Can I ask you something?”
You cling to your bag like a lifeline. Vi notices how tight your grip is on the strap, almost as if you’re afraid. Of what? She has a craving to find out. “Why’d you turn her away? She seemed plenty interested. Not your type?”
You take a step forward, just as close as the last time you were in her apartment, tending to wounds she wouldn’t have really cared about but still she let you clean them.
You didn’t have to know that. Not yet, anyway.
“No, not really. I like my women a little rough around the edges, stumbling out of bars so wasted they can’t even walk home by themselves.” You smirk, grabbing the lapel of her leather jacket as you tug her closer to you. “Or is that what you want me to say?”
“Is it true?”
You both know the hope in her eyes is dangerous.
A foreign concept in Zaun. If you get too close to the flame, you’ll get burned, dusting into ash as if you never existed. It’s what shimmer did to people, wipe them off the map until they reformed into a shell of what they used to be. You didn’t just get out of a place like this, not without some help. Vi could barely even help herself.
The both of you know it’s a bad idea. A terrible, god awful idea, but you still move in closer to her. Vi notices and she wipes the smirk off her face, your warm hands finding purchase on her exposed hips, drawing soft circles on her hip bones. She likes it, even when her heart feels torn from being blown to bits by a certain blue-eyed beauty.
Vi likes you.
“Your skin is softer than I thought it would be, smooth like pure silk. Not that I’ve ever touched it before but I’ve got to believe it would feel a lot like this.”
Vi feels a tingle up her spin, your touch is overwhelming, more than she bargained for really. A stumbling, messy kiss is all she really expected if anything. Not this. Clearly, you knew what to do. Leaving Vi a little clueless in that department, she’s knocked off her feet once again but this time in a way she wants to be. But actually bringing something this special to anything more than a few flirty quips? It never seems to be her strong suit.
So, she puts her best foot forward. Her big stupid mouth, one she can never quite fully silence. “I can guarantee my lips feel a lot softer.”
“Vi—” You speak her name like a warning, an unspoken law you’re breaking by entertaining your feelings and the bubbling sentiments you hold for her close to your heart. You know better than to keep it so close, but the halo in her eyes blinds you to reason and you let it.
“It’s Violet but you can call me whatever you want, sweets.”
You chuckle at the pet name.
“Just one night. That’s it. Just to get it out of our system.”
“One night, sweets. It’s all I need.”
It’s how you ended up here, the third night in a row since the first, trapped under the web of Vi and her eager mouth. Slender, perfectly sculpted fingers feel like a hex to your cunt, every moment causing you to fall further into her spell. To say she has a certain talent would be considered an understatement. It’s clear Vi’s enjoying herself, fuck, damn near suffocates herself in your weeping cunt. Last night wasn’t nearly enough, she needs to have you, again. Not that you were complaining.
As much as you hate to admit it, there has been no one as generous as her. As good as her, as sweet, as kind, and she did whatever the hell you asked for. Nothing has beaten the first night, her thumping clit nudging against your as she hiked one of your legs over her toned shoulders.
It’s not a secret how built she is, far from it, but it’s another thing entirely to watch her flexed bicep ripple with every grind of her hips. Each movement seems to be calculated with precision, focused on doing more than just making herself feel good. With pure determination, glazed over crystal blue eyes, and a pouty scarred lip, she makes sure you’re enjoying this as much as her. With each moan you let slip, her confidence only grows until she’s commanded full control over you. She takes what she wants from you and in return you’re seeing stars behind your eyes, constellations created in the shape of her name as you come.
“That’s it pretty girl, just for me, yeah?” Vi talks you through as she works you through your orgasm with her strong hips, not stopping even after you’ve cum. She wants more and Vi pulls three more orgasms out of you before she’s done for the night. You expected her to be good. There was no shocker there but you didn’t expect her to be so sweet afterwards. Vi is a drunk, an addict, whether she wants to accept it or not. You could be just another object she’s addicted to. Somehow, you convince yourself it’s just a one time thing. It doesn’t mean anything, it won’t.
Truthfully it feels much more than just a one night stand, more than an itch being scratched — the blossoming ache in your soul feels tethered to your heart every time Vi makes you feel an ounce of love — even when she tries to hide it behind a wall. Whether you’re aware, the wall can’t seem to stop crumbling. Brick by brick, it’s coming undone just as you have. Weak-willed and with purpose, you fall into her.
There isn’t an inch of your body Vi didn’t kiss. Her lips tattooing every inch of your skin with marked affection, almost as if she’s mending your skin with the burn of her lips. When she claims your soft lips, haunting you with the salvation of perfection as her velvet tongue invades your mouth, the taste of you melting from her tongue to yours. The silent declaration you didn’t ask for but craved, the carnal moan leaving her mouth as she chuckles when your hips pathetically grind into hers.
Vi enjoys your company, that much is clear, but this time you bring her to your place. It’s more or less the same. Both of you coming down from the highest of highs, you feel sticky, dirty, and damn right heavenly. Vi disappears into your bathroom, grabbing a wash rag before dampening the material underneath a warm faucet. Carefully, she kneels by your hips, legs twitching softly as her skilled fingers find your slit before Vi’s sucking the digit in your mouth.
“I just wanted one last taste before I clean you up.”
As she has before, Vi makes good on her promise and cleans you up. She enjoys when the pad of her thumb grazes against your clit, terribly overstimulated, your stomach twitches. All Vi can do is chuckle.
“I’m just a little—”
“Sensitive?” Vi smirks as you hide your face in the palm of her hands, the pad of her thumb gently caressing your skin.
It’s the lightest she’s felt in weeks. Almost as if she’s floating on a cloud, she wants to stay up there in the cloudiest of nines. Just you and her and an aging mattress as she offers you everything she can give. Albeit, it isn’t much but she’ll still freely give.
Like a dog with a bone, Vi corners you on the third night when it’s just you and her in the bar. Closing time has long since arrived and vanished into the crisp air of the night but Vi has you bent over the bar, desperation clawing at the weathered countertop of the bar as Vi’s fingers fucks your pretty little hole while her tongue laps at the slick that’s dripping out of you. Your pretty little skirt pushed up, your panties pushed to the side as she laps and sucks at your juices. She can feel you dripping onto her chin and it only makes her that much more eager to swallow every bit you have to offer.
“We shouldn’t be doing this—” Fuck. Vi starts doing tricks with her tongue, sliding in another finger, pushing against the soft spot buried deep as she toys with you in the way knows best. “We, um, Vi we said just one night.”
“Shut the fuck up and take it like a good girl. Or did you forget?” Vi moans into your cunt, the vibrations causing your thighs to shake under her mouth. “It’s not like you were complaining last night.”
Vi silences you as her pace picks up, her fingers fucking you at such a pretty pace, feeling the build grow in the pit of your stomach edging to come to a full bloom.
All of you begging for it to be released. Vi uses her free hand to slap your ass, sending you moaning and lurching forward. You push yourself back grinding against her tongue, before she removes her divine mouth as she kisses up your spine, her fingers stuffed inside you not faltering for a moment.
Vi continues to kiss up your spine until she reaches the nape of your neck, her breath kissing your skin, your body shivers into her touch. Full lips ghost over your ear before whispering quietly, “Are you sure you want me to stop? I will if you want me to. I just thought you might wanna, you know, take my cock tonight. Give it a good ride.”
The moan you let out would put Aphrodite’s to shame, needy and choked sobs escape you as her fingers thrust inside you faster than they have before.
“Oh? Do you like the sound of that, babygirl? Want to show me how good you can be for me?” Vi doubled down on her efforts, enjoying how much you arched into her body, your hips pushing back as you grind into quick fingers. She’s fucking you better than well…anyone.
“Vi, please.” Your voice catches in your throat, hoarse and full of need. An insatiable craving; one you fear only she can provide. A few mindless days and careless flirting to land in her sheets, her in yours, the details didn’t truly matter. A vampire out for blood, almost more venomous than precious canines breaking the skin, you yearned to suck on every last drop. But she didn’t seem to be in a mind frame to relinquish control.
“Please what? I’m not sure if I understand you.”
All of it, so tantalizing, so fucking infuriating. Three fingers inside you, effectively making you silent, shutting you up as she brings you closer to the edge. That’s the thing, truthfully, Vi has you right where she wants. Only a few thrusts away until you come undone around her. The black haired succubus increases the pace, thumb playing with your clit, her calloused fingers increasing your high as she applies more pressure on the thousands of nerve endings on your precious pearl.
“Shit. You’re gonna pay for this.”
“What? For making you come? I hardly constitute that as a crime.”
Your hands reach for the counter top, you’re not sure what exactly you want, but Vi makes you come for the first time that night. It’s a game, the push and pull. Dangerous. Intoxicating. Some disposition falling far from your fingertips, a game to her and a downward hill spiral for you. Addiction festering next to an open wound and the only antidote can be found on her tongue. Tasting the devil’s mouth is one thing but swallowing the sensation of the woman you’re beginning to love is something else entirely.
Vi, despite her best efforts not to, makes you fall over the edge. It’s more than her eager tongue and expectant mouth slurping at the vindication of your taste. The craving builds like an exposed vein. Her confidence irrevocably soars like a raven through the midnight sky. Even if Vi acts like she’s done this before, you could pull the curiosity intertwined with naivety a mile away. Violet has never done this before, not with a woman at least, you’re sure of it. She’s a fast learner and such a great accomplishment should replenish such a reward.
With the energy you have left, you push your skirt down first, as Vi puts your underwear back in place. She doesn’t stop touching you. She can’t. There isn’t much she feels she has control over, this arrangement being one of them. She’s good at this and Vi enjoys it. Every other part of her life, failure surrounds her, her ability not to please anyone in her life.
In a constant loop, she finds herself caught in the crossfire. Tugged between sister and lover, family and righteousness. Her enemy becomes her lover and lover becomes enemy — all of it poisons her blood and cures her core — and all of it makes her hear a voice she doesn’t recognize but it’s just as true as the four walls surrounding her.
Oil and water.
Collecting like scars on her porcelain skin, Vi feels herself sink like an obliterating star. There’s a wonder settled in her chest, it feels heavy and weak, two incapable fists unable to surround her heart with anything but loss, betrayal even. She can’t punch her way out of this one.
All of it wakes a fire in her chest, a dagger being punctured in her heart by the one Vi thought she could trust the most. She doesn’t want to admit it so she doesn’t.
But this? It feels easy.
She needs easy, light, even good. Maybe she doesn’t deserve it.
Vi definitely doesn’t, the sentence flows like a never-ending stream of waterfall continuously drowning her. The blood on her hands stains her perception of all things pure, she wonders how she even sees you at all. How you see her more vividly than anyone, possibly even Cait. There’s no judgment, no snarky remark of where she comes from. Even if she thought there had once been love, Vi questions it now.
When you come, it feels like a breath of fresh air, a golden wave washing over her sinful hands. Each stroke of gold, your grit and blind hopefulness soaks Vi’s entity. This is what she wants. There’s nothing more than this, someone she could love, who loves her. It’s uncomplicated but the feeling flees as you come to it. Vi can’t help but feel regretful as you cover your ass, it’s such a pretty sight. She can’t stop that she’s greedy, you’ve fed her for the first time in her life and now Vi feels full but she’s only human.
A sinner always craves more.
She lets her touch linger on the gold between your thighs, pushing the white substance back into you before Vi lets you feel how wet you are, the dripping slick feels uncomfortable caged into cotton underwear and she wants you to feel it. The breath Vi hears are still heavy, impossibly heavy, and there’s pride in hearing you center yourself, back pressed against her chest as Vi keeps you in place.
The pleasure within your body begins to slither away as you come back into the angel you are and not the sexual deviant bent over the woman who never pulls her punches.
“Felt good, yeah?” Vi says. Her angelic, sweeter than the cotton candy stick in your teeth, voice penetrates through. You like it too much. It shouldn’t make you feel as good as it does. Desperately, you want to keep this casual but you’re even losing your footing.
You pride yourself on the lack of attachment; you don’t need it. Never really had. But then with her it seems to change even faster than the seasons, your wall breaks somehow in between from spring to summer. With intent, you move around, her bright eyes have darken a bit but the fading light looks brighter than you’ve ever seen it.
Fuck, Vi is making this difficult.
“You could say that.” You speak softly, a tremble in your voice occurs but Vi says nothing but she does smirk. “Can I ask you something?”
You turn around and suddenly Vi is staring at your exposed cleavage, the one you use to draw in patreons and to fill your pockets with as many tips as one can muster. Vi had been one, a faithful one trying to drink her away to the bottom of every bottle until she found something else for her. Something that didn’t leave a burn in her throat.
“What is it?”
“Was it your first time? The first night?”
Sheepishly, Vi blushes. For a second, she contemplates lying but you’d see right through it. Right through her. It would only take one look in her blues and you would know.
“That obvious?” Vi struggles with her words next but she manages to murmur a lame excuse. “Stillwater didn’t leave much time for this.”
“And after?” You tease but the sincerity in your eyes soothes her.
“There could have been but there wasn’t. Some things just don’t fit.” Oil and water is what she wants to say but she bites her tongue.
“You should have told me. I wouldn’t have been so, I don’t know, selfish?”
“There’s nothing selfish about it. I wanted to make you feel good. Did you enjoy yourself?” This time she makes your skin feel hot. Fuck.
“Yeah, I did enjoy myself,” you pressed against her as your arms loop around Vi’s necks to bring her closer “but I think it’s officially my turn to offer my services. Don’t you think so?”
It’s how Vi ends up here, in your place, in your bed — soaked.
If there was one thing you knew, it was how to please someone. You managed to pull whimpers out of her she didn’t even know existed. The desperate plea coming from her shivering body as she spilled in your mouth the first time sent a shiver down her spine, the band in her stomach snapping as you sloppily spit on her cunt, constant circles of pressure on her clit seeing nothing but your eyes look up at her.
Not letting a single drop go to waste, you fucked Vi through it, swallowing her completely. Vi shed the wrap covering her chest next. Her body bruised from the pit fights but you couldn’t think of anyone more beautiful than her. You paid attention to her collarbones, neck, and her tits. Sucking on her nipples as Vi tries to come down from the high you placed her on, she doesn’t think she ever will.
She tries not to think that she wanted these things with Caitlyn. Cait. Cupcake.
Vi only allows herself to think of her when she’s dreaming, visions of what that could have been, what she used to be. All of it so trivial, so senseless when she thinks of you. How you make her feel is different and she tries not to think of what it all means.
One night.
Then two.
Now three.
In another life, maybe she was stronger, and didn't need to be wanted. Hell, even needed. She could wait for someone who she thought loves her but the other part of her doesn’t want to think, she wants to feel. Vi likes feeling the softness of your skin, the light in your laughter, the swell of your exposed chest, the way your greedy eyes take in her abs, your soft lips kissing every part of her skin. The smooth, the scarred, the unworthy — you take it all in such stride.
“Do you want to stop? I think I lost you for a second.” You inquire to the pretty girl beneath you, her hands find your waist, creating makeshift circles on your hip bones.
“No, that’s the last thing I want.” Vi brings you to her lips, capturing your bottom lip, tongue invading your mouth. She tastes herself as your tongue melts with hers and the rest of her worries melt away. It’s just you and her. “I want to keep going.”
“Then tell me what you want, baby. I’ll do whatever you want. It’s yours if you want it.”
It’s spoken as a reminder. All of this is her decision. Vi decides when she wants this, how she wants it, and you’re letting her take all of it in the way she needs. Vi tried not to think the first couple times, she never wanted her first time to be a big deal. Maybe with Caitlyn it could have been, but then she changed.
Vi thought maybe she could too. So, she did.
“Can you—” Vi stutters. Yet again her attention gets pulled to your tits, the softness of your stomach, she can’t stop looking at you. As if she’s trying to remember everything about you. She’s committed to it. Vi wants to remember the soft curves of your hips, the way you moan when she comes on your tongue.
The sight of you looking down at her makes she lose every rational thought, she wants to commit to memory forever. It won’t be something she easily forgets.
“Gotta speak up, babygirl. Especially if you want me to keep my attention focused on this pretty cunt of yours.”
You sit between her legs, tilting your head, you look at her glistening pussy, the way it shines with her cum and your sloppy spit. It would look even more exquisite with a little more. Taking a beat as you take your time, you gather enough in your mouth before spitting slowly, Vi whimpering as your spit makes contact with her lower pair of lips. She couldn’t stop it, it slips and you’re grinning, hips desperately bucking to feel more of it.
“F-Fuck, need your cock. Please? I need it more than anything.” Vi confesses. There’s no need for dignity, especially if she keeps it and you won’t give her what she’s itching for.
“Yeah? Are you sure about it? Don’t want you backing out just in case you can’t be a good girl and take it.”
She can take it but she can’t take the countless teasing, trapped underneath the images drowning in her mind. This is what she wants, someone to dissolve into her, make her forget everything that has happened, just a pretty girl with some pretty tits who knows how to fuck. Right? That’s all this is. It’s all it can be tonight. Her lip is busted from the fight tonight, knuckles bloodied and bruised, but you don’t seem to mind all that much. It’s all the same to you. Vi is all the same, that’s been clear from the start.
Then, she decides to let her mind get shut off, let herself fall into you. You did know how to take care of her and tonight she would let you.
“Let me know if it’s too much, okay?”
“I promise.”
Once the harness is on, you wedge yourself in between her thighs, tattooed and toned, brave and brawny but she transforms into someone else entirely once you’re sinking inside her warm walls. You think about what it would feel like to feel her. Is she clenching around your cock? Would you feel the throbbing heartbreak of her clit? What you can hear is the whimper, uncontrollable and breathtaking, you slip further into her as you make home in her beautiful cunt.
She’s made it yours to take. You’d do anything and everything for her, the thought alone scares so you do what you do best, you grind your hips slowly. Not wanting to overwhelm her too quickly, it’s the first time she’s taking penetration and you want it to be good for her.
“You’re so perfect. Doing so good for me, taking my cock like a fucking champ.” You whisper out, taking too much enjoyment in her getting lost in your soft thrusts. Vi’s chest starts to heave as her hips roll into yours. Vi never even imagined wanting this, or that she could really have it with someone else. It’s not like she’s experienced, she has nothing to compare it to, but it feels incredibly intimate.
She likes how you’re being with her. Soft, gentle, delicate. Vi thought she’d never want to feel that way, but maybe it’s just under the right circumstance in the right light.
“Shit, shit, shit” Vi chants as your hand grabs the headboard, giving her one particular powerful thrust. Perky tits spring to life, jolting against the sudden movement, her moan so fucking load, as you continue your movements. This time not as hard, but you pick up your pace, wanting to see if she would have any arguments against it but Vi doesn’t. Profanities and whimpers leave her mouth as you split her on your cock. Face half-smashed into the pillow, trying to muffle her moans and you offer this one mercy.
She’s still shy.
Now is a good time as any to fuck it out of her.
“Do you want more Vi? Want me to go…faster?” Placing a hand on her abdomen, the abs defined and clenching as you halt your thrust for a moment. “Do you wanna feel me in your stomach, baby?”
“Can you even do that? I’m not so sure you’re even capable. Looks like the rookie knows more moves than the veteran.” Vi bites back. But it doesn’t last for long. Vi thinks she must have said the wrong thing, pushed you too far, you slipped off her but only to move her body to the edge of the bed, placing her on all fours right in front of a very convenient mirror.
“Fine. Thought I’d be sweet but that isn’t what you really want. If you want to get treated like a whore, I’ll fuck you like one.” You take a beat to appreciate her wonderfully sculpted back, the artwork is truly exquisite. It feels so much like her but the foolish girl is smirking at you through the mirror.
You know you’ve been caught ogling at her body, checking out every inch of her exposed body, you slap her ass in retaliation but she just grinds her ass back onto you.
“I’m waiting.” Teasingly, Vi arches her spine more. “Where’s the whore fucking you’re muling about?”
In one move, you’re inside her, fucking her beautiful face into the mattress. Never in her life has she felt so full, so good, so sweet. You grab her by the meat of her hips, bringing you back on her repeatedly. Vi wonders what she would give to have this, have you, and the thought scares her just as badly. She instead focused on you.
Tits bouncing as you thrust into her at a punishing pace. Divinely and so perfectly you, making her see stars, she feels trapped. Not in a punishing way, but in a way that has her never wanting to leave the entrapments of your coaxing cock. At this moment, this is where she’s meant to be, just a toy for you to use.
But it’s more than what meets the eye. If Vi was just a toy, you’d be done after the first night. Tonight, you weren’t using her for your own pleasure. You seemed perfectly content to give. The shine in her eyes gave you something only she could, edging you even further, a constant wave hitting Vi like a tidal wave making home on the shore.
“God, you’re just too perfect. Fuck, just like that, take what’s yours.” Bouncing back on the strap, the words fall from her lips before she can’t stop them. Overflowing like a water fountain, it’s before she really even realizes what she’s saying, it just feels right.
“Mommy, please.”
Vi has had those words on the tip of her tongue but not that you’re fucking her into a different dimension, she lets the aching plea slip from sinful lips. It’s only once but it’s enough to set you off. You pull Vi up, her gorgeous back pressed against your chest, sitting on your thighs as you fuck up into her. Brutally, she takes everything you have to give.
Sweat glistening across her body, accentuating her chest as she tries to compose herself but you don’t give her the option. No. It would be too easy, wouldn’t it?
“I want you to watch, Violet. Watch yourself when you cum, be a good girl and show me how pretty you look, hm? Wouldn’t wanna disappoint, Mommy, now would you?”
Vi sucks on your middle digit, tongues swirling as she feels the tight band in her stomach, threatening to snap. She’s close. When the sensationally soft pad of your thumb applies pressure on her clit, Vi’s done for.
“Shit, oh my fucking god, baby baby babbyyyyy.” Incoherent murmurs and moans come in abundance as Vi bounces herself your cock, falling right apart as you toy with her clit, fucking her through the impending high. Your other arm tweaks around and up, fingers squeezing her tits, over stimulating her as she slumps against you.
It’s the easiest task ever done. Submit to you, your skilled fingers, the power of your sinfully sensational thrusts, she comes all over you. The powerful demeanor weakens before your very eyes. When you gently move her back on the bed, slipping out of her, Vi’s eyes begin to water from the loss.
The first time getting strapped down is always a lot to handle, you’d still taken it easier on her, too afraid you would push her too far but by the blissed out eyes, she’d enjoyed herself. She had enjoyed herself and you couldn’t really ask for much more.
When the both of you are cleaned up, Vi cuddles into your frame and you let her. Even if your first instinct is to push her away, saying something you know that’ll hurt her, none of it finds any merit on your tongue. For the first time, you find it difficult to turn away a pretty girl, her lips kissing your collarbones, up your neck until she finds home on your own lips, sloppily invading your mouth with your tongue.
Hitting you where it hurts, she moans your name in her mouth, unable to contain the neediness she feels around you. It’s worse than Cait. This is pure addiction entangled with something carnal. Vi knows if she doesn’t get to fuck you again, you fucking her cunt again, she might as well give up on life now.
“I could go again.”
You chuckle. Of course she could.
“Don’t know rookie, that might be all you can handle for the night.”
It’s a challenge and you know she’ll bite the bait.
With ease she gets on top of you, and just as if she’s done it a hundred times, Vi sinks on your cock, “I think I can handle another ride, don’t you?”
#m'actually kinda proud of this one#(ᝰ.ᐟ) arcane works.#i hope y'all like it :')#lmk what you think <3#vi#vi arcane#arcane league of legends#league of legends#vi smut#vi x reader#vi x you#vi arcane x reader#wlw post#wlw fanfiction#lesbian#violet arcane x reader#vi x fem reader#arcane x you#violet arcane
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thoughts on shifting + manifesting with ease. (as someone who's shifted many times, alongside manifesting)
coming back to this side of tumblr after spending years away from it has made me realized how many of you are truly the problem, it might sound kinda harsh but really. so many of you ask the same questions over and over again.. "but HOW do i do it?" "how do i shift" "how do i manifest" JUST DO IT. stop looking for signs, stop looking for methods or "cheat codes". just do it man.
your mind is so powerful and it actually kinda irritates me how many of you doubt it, just because it "seems to easy". you don't understand how you've been manipulated by society to not see your power. how have you been on loa social media, shifting social media, for soooo long — yet still don't see it?? let me tell you..
the moment i got off social media, the moment i took time to erase everything in my head and stop overthinking everything, was the moment everything came to me. i already had it, i just needed to stop telling myself i didn't.
it took me barely any time to get used to convincing myself i had everything i wanted, i shifted to my desired realities, and everything worked out in my favour. AFFIRMING IS ALL YOU NEED. I AM YELLING AT YOU. JUST AFFIRM.
really, please, affirm. the routine is so simple.
1. any bad thought is instantly turned positive.
ex: "i really want her waist"
"am i stupid ... i have her waist.. tbh mine even looks a little better.. am i crazy?? like actually? this must be a glitch or something cause my waist is practically identical to hers.. i literally love my waist"
exaggerate, say what you need to say to erase the negativity.
2. it's yours, so act like it..
ex: talk about ur DR normally. it's your reality, not a fantasy land you made up in a dream. ITS REAL. it's a reality. for example, i'd watch videos of my s/o in this reality, and speak about our lives in my dr. "i can't wait to see __ tonight... god i love __, it's so nice hanging out with them everyday.. wow they look so pretty in this video — i'm so lucky their mine". it's natural, they're yours aren't they? exactly, so act like it.. this is used the exact same way when manifesting..
you see someone with something you want? thinking of something you wanna do? something you wanna be? ... it's urs... so can you act like it?? like whyre u feeling sad someone else got a job promotion 😹😹 you literally got a better one ...
3. that's literally it
you don't need a fancy method (although it can give u some peace of mind.. let's be real, a lot of methods set y'all back and make you overwhelmed, blocking ur beliefs and making everything seem harder). you literally just need to live. tell yourself it's done, over and over again. nothing matters. it's done, it's yours, you have it, you're happy and fulfilled. other peoples sucess should really mean nothing to you negatively. it shouldn't make you stressed, shouldn't make you feel behind.. why would it when you have everything, you can do everything, go anywhere, and you can be anything.
it'll seem like manifesting blogs and shifting blogs just repeat the same things.. which is true, they do, because i'm telling you there's nothing more to it than what you've already read. it is that easy. all it takes is your mind. decide, and tell yourself.
as i said before, it took me barely anytime to switch my mindset once i actually started focusing on myself, my journey and not every body else's results. repeating stuff to yourself WORKS. repeating is literally ALL i did. choose what i want, told myself it's mine in any way i could describe it. and there, it's mine. ive shifted to many different realities, along side gaining a better life in this one after years of convincing myself there was nothing for me. if i can break out of the cycle, trust me you can too. i cannot describe how desperate i was at the beginning, how long i took in false info and wasted time on methods all while doubting every single thing.
so why don't you believe it? you'll sit there and tell yourself over and over again that you're ugly, or broke, or friendless... but you won't tell urself that you've shifted? that you have your dream body...? girl okay i guess....
once you realize nothing besides your mind truly matters, is when you'll be free with yourself. circumstances don't matter, past feelings don't matter, doubts don't matter, your mind is all you need.
yes this is just loa explained longer, that's the point of the post because some of u still can't get it in ur heads
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Good friend, I ask of you because I trust you, what are these "The Mechanisms" you are so fond of?

Okay I tried to type out an incredibly long summary but tumblr deleted it so you're getting a semi-sane version instead
The Mechanisms are a band of immortal, space-faring pirates travelling the universe singing about the tragedies they witness for our entertainment!
There are nine main members you'll hear about, with the tenth - Dr Carmilla - having left much earlier and making her own music 👍 ( there is technically an eleventh but they're more of a mystery easter egg than anyone we know things about )
Quick lore thing: the mechanisms immortality works from the mechanical part(s) they each have. They can die and get injured, but they'll revive whenever the narrative wants them too. All logic in this universe functions off of Would It Be Good For The Story
The cast is:
Jonny D'Ville (he/him) is the ship's first mate ( don't let him tell you otherwise ) and he's got a mechanical heart
Nastya Rasputina (she/her) is the ship's engineer and girlfriend! Yea the ship - Aurora - is alive btw. She's got me hanical blood
Ashes O'Reily (they/them) is the ship's quartermaster and best arsonist! they've got mechanical lungs
Drumbot Brian (he/him) is the ship's pilot and the only one with a moral code. It's controlled by a switch which flips between Means Justify Ends and Ends Justify Means with no nuance. everything is mechanical except for his heart
Ivy Alexandria (she/her) is the ship's archivist! Pretty chill, cares more for books than violence but that doesn't mean she disapproves of the latter. she's got a mechanical brain
The Toy Soldier (it/its) is the mascot and whatever else they tell it to be! it just wants to be involved. will follow anything you tell it if you ask nicely ( or with enough force ). it's not actually mechanized, and is instead a sentient wooden man
Gunpowder Tim (he/him) is the ship's master at arms! madman war veteran who I love dearly. he blew up the moon. he's great. I pick favourites. he's got mechanical eyes
Raphaella La Cognizi (she/her) is the ship's unethical scientist! nothing is off the table when it comes to research. nothing. theory is she mechanized her, but iirc that unconfirmed. she's got a mechanical spine and wings!
and Baron Marius Von Raum (he/him) who is neither the ships baron nor doctor. he claims to be both, though. Deeply unserious fella. he's got a mechanical arm

^ here are some good images for crew reference
OKAY! Now onto actual music
They have six albums and a couple singles!
Once Upon a Time (In Space) is an unconventional retelling of classic fairytales
High Noon over Camelot is a retelling of King Arthur
Ulysses Dies at Dawn is a greek mythos adaptation
and The Bifrost Incident is a norse mythos adaptation
there's also Tales To Be Told volumes I and II, and the two single Frankenstein and Death To The Mechanisms ( technically that one is part of an album but the album is just a bunch of their other songs from already existing albums )
The tales to be told albums contain some of the mechanisms origins!
One Eyed Jacks is Jonny's
Lucky Sevens is Ashes'
Lost In The Cosmos is Brian's
and Gunpowder Tim vs The Moon Kaiser I don't think I have to say
Nastya has an origin song, but it was never officially put on anything. You can find it on the @mechanismslorearchive ( you can get any lore you want on there )
They also have a number of live shows ( you can find those on youtube ) and written stories on their website! I recommend these if you wanna get to know the mechanisms as characters better
that is the basic rundown. I'm not an expert on the mechs so if you're looking to talk to a metaphorical seasoned nurse instead of a med student I'd go to @bugsinthebayou or @gunpowderdtim (sorry for tagging yall)
#wallace says shit#asks & answers#mechs posting#HP!!#hope thats right I had to check your name#enjoy this messy and amateur summary#god I hope there are. limited mistakes in this.
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What Exactly Do I Mean When I Say "Will is Jesus Christ?"
(or Why Will is the Chosen One)
Do I mean that Will is actually the second coming of Christ? Well, no, at least not in a literal sense. All I mean to say by this is that—
Will is the chosen one, and he is the hero of the story who is meant to save the world from the apocalypse.
Apocalypse imagery and references to Revelations is all over the place in season 4. The four victims representing the four horsemen of the apocalypse, Henry "One" effectively being a God-like figure, references to Revelations 1:8 regarding Henry, hell I'll go as far to say that Robin playing the trumpet at the beginning of the season is a nod to the sound of trumpets that is meant to signal the beginning of the apocalypse.

The important thing about Revelations being that at the end of the day, the second coming of Jesus Christ, the chosen one, saves the day.
This really robust old post that I made, which was also one of my first theory posts, goes into detail on how Will fits the criteria of a Christ-figure, or a figure in literature or media that is allegorical to Jesus Christ. Will's biggest piece of evidence being his full on burial and resurrection in the first season.
If I'm talking about Christ-figures in the show then I should probably talk about El, who admittedly has much more in your face Christ-coding than Will does. Walking on water, performance of miracles, the mother who got pregnant out of strange circumstances, along with her own resurrection and so-on.
So then, if El clearly has more Christ-coding than Will, why am I placing the title of Jesus onto Will? Is it just because I like him more than El? Is it because I see Will as a more important character than El?
Just as a general disclaimer, I will admit that I do have a major Will bias, anyone who follows me knows that. He's been my favorite character since I first watched the show. Although, my labeling of him as the chosen one has nothing to do a dislike of El or a belief that she is not an important character. I love El, and it's plain to everyone that watches the show how important she is. However, I just don't believe that the chosen one who saves the day is what her arc is building towards.
They've been building up El's chosen one status while also quietly breaking it down in the background, in the same way that they've quietly been leaving bread crumbs pointing toward Will's Christ status while also seemingly suggesting that he isn't that important of a character. Why have a character tell El that she's "the cure," then make a point that she loses against Henry at the end of the season? Why sideline Will for the past two seasons, but throw in lines of dialogue pointing toward his involvement with the Upside Down?
What I believe they are going for is a classic bait-and-switch to subvert expectations in the final season. Lead the audience to believe one thing, while still leaving clues to suggest the other so that when the twist is revealed it doesn't come out of nowhere.
So what is El's arc actually about? I won't deny El's role in the final battle of the show, it's not like she's going to be completely sidelined, but I don't think that her saving the world on her own while everyone else watches is what her arc is building towards. The real core of her arc is El discovering who she is as a girl, rather than becoming a superhero.
I actually made a post awhile ago talking about El’s monster/superhero dichotomy, and it’s actually incredibly important to my argument. The post itself is more in depth, but tl:dr: El believes that she can either be a superhero or a monster, and bases her worth on her ability to save the world and others, an unfair expectation to place onto one girl.
If at the end of the season, El single-handedly saves the entire world, wouldn’t it feel counterintuitive to her arc? She needs to learn that her self worth doesn’t rely on her ability to save the world, and if she ends the show this way, it wouldn’t create a solution for her cyclical train of thought.
Furthermore, wouldn’t this ending be a bit expected, and even boring? This is what El has been doing for the past four seasons of the show. Continuing that pattern would only feel anticlimactic. From a writer’s pov, if you wanted the ending of you show to be dynamic and interesting, you would want to do something new.
So why do I think that Will is the chosen one?
It’s not like I’m pulling the chosen-one-Jesus-Christ label out of my ass just because I like Will. I actually do have many reasons to believe this.
The first one is the confirmation that Will is going to be a big part and focus for next season. It’s been theorized that this means Will is going to become a villian, and while I do love a good Will villian AU, there are many reasons I could list off as to why he wouldn’t become a villian. Without going into it all right now, let’s just say that it would not only go against what Will stands for, but also what the show itself stands for.
Even in show, we have signs pointing toward Will’s chosen status. Let’s start with the fact that Will is the one who kicks the entire show off in the first place, when he is taken by who we later learn to be Henry. Now, this could have just been wrong-place-wrong-time kind of thing, but given how much has been revealed has actually been part of a larger plan constructed by Henry, I highly doubt that mere coincidence is the case.
Let’s look at some more evidence within the fourth season. Let’s talk about the fact that, despite not even being present in Hawkins and gone for much of the supernatural action, Will is still being brought up by name and even implicated in the strangeness of the Upside Down.
Do I think Will is gonna solo-kill Vecna in the climax of the show? Chosen one doesn’t mean only one. No, despite all my rambling about El not being the hero, I’m not gonna deny her importance to the supernatural plot. I think something else the show keeps building upon is the importance of support from friends and family— saving the world is likely gonna be a group effort. I do think, however, that Will possesses some kind of unique ability that is going to be crucial to winning.
What would being the hero mean for Will’s arc? Well, it would give him a sense of control that he hasn’t had before. Will has had a lot of agency and autonomy ripped from him in past seasons, and this would be his way of reclaiming that. It would be the perfect subversion of expectations as well. The character that everyone expects to be just the helpless victim, or hell even the villian, is the one who rises to become the hero who saves the day in his own way.
#i wanna disclaim here in the tags that i dont think will is a weak person for being a victim#nor do i think that he needs to save the day to reclaim autonomy necessarily#but looking at him as purely a fictional character following beats of a story… then yes this is what i believe they are building towards#also its very likely will is going to save the day in a way that aligns with him and his beliefs#and likely not in a violent way#i know this is very wordy but its been sitting in my drafts for a while#and i realize its kind of an important post for like… the main thing im arguing for#which is wills importance in the story#so *gestures hands forward* here you go#byler#<- target audience#will byers#stranger things#will byers has powers
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What do you think about the possibility of Min possibly playing a role in the story beyond her being Xander's killer? Sometimes I have been feeling lately that there are certain things surrounding her character that are a bit suspicious you could say, the fact her secret in full detail isn't brought up in her bonus episode (for the most part), XF-Ture Tech being shady in general and her "potential" involvement with it could be a little beyond her getting sponsored, maybe some type of hidden motive since it's highly likely her reaction to being the blackened is genuine, but I have also seen it brought up a couple times how her plan was feels too elaborate to be something to be done "on the fly."
If I try to be as objective as possible, I imagine XF-Ture Tech is likely going to be important either to DRDT itself or at least DRDTAlt (are we still calling it that I haven't been keeping up-), and given how we learnt about it from Min, I want to say we'll at least hear about her again. Especially if her least favorite colors (pink and white together I believe) being XF guy from DRDTAlt's colors is more than a coincidence, and they actually know each other.
On a more conspiratorial note:
CW: Descriptions of Min's execution (blood, dismemberment), animal death
I think Min is the most likely to be the mastermind from the people who are dead, including Mai. It basically comes down to one of the golden rules of fiction: don't assume death unless you see a corpse.
If you go back and watch Min's execution (horrible thing for me to ask, I know), the camera actually pans out before we can see her corpse. The last thing we see is a blood splatter, but the blood could belong to the wolves attacking her. If they were killed before they mauled her, she could have been taken somewhere else to heal her. Yes, it's weird for the mastermind to dismember themselves, though it's not impossible, especially if she's being forced into the role instead of doing it for her own reasons (so XF-Ture Tech would be the real mms).
There's a few things that could point to it if you really wanna go crazy. The text in the about page source code (I talked about it here) mentions a "Teacher", and while I believe it's meant to be a quote from the fictional book "Forever Dead", the character most directly linked to teachers and schools is, in fact, Min.
Min's quote on the Mai page is "[Mai is] An average girl with nothing special at all about her." This is the only quote on that page which could be theoretically construed to be negative, the others are all either neutral or outright positive. For someone like Mai, who is "someone dearly loved", you gotta admit it's at least a little suspicious to say she's completely average, when it's generally assumed her death is part of the reason the killing game is happening.
As for her plan being too elaborate, I wouldn't say that necessarily. Throwing water she was already carrying on Xander was a reflex, and I can believe she's smart enough to break the light switch to give him a shock in the moment, again with a pen she's always carrying. Once he was down, the rest of the plan isn't too difficult; make sure he's dead, write a note to cover the light switch so no one catches on, and get the hell out of dodge. It was an event partially caused by Teruko's luck, too, so nothing about it is horribly suspicious.
There are details you could call inconsistencies (if Min wanted to save Teruko, why try to win the class trial? I think it makes enough sense without having to resort to mastermind accusations, but 'keep Teruko Tawaki alive at all costs' does actually fit the mm's interests, since Prologue-Guy-who-is-totally-not-Xander said if they couldn't stop the killing game, they would at least have to kill Teruko), but I don't think they're unexplainable. It's been a while since I watched DRDT though, maybe I'm forgetting something important.
Do I actually think Min is the mastermind? No, she's dead. I kinda want it to be true, with how much I love her and want her to be alive, but saying she's likely to be the mastermind is slightly delusional. I think she's a better candidate than even people like Ace or Charles, who are alive but would make no sense as mms, but I certainly don't think she's the most likely by a long shot.
Anyways, thanks for the ask! Now back into the void I go!
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The character everyone gets wrong?
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them?
9. Worst part of canon?
The character everyone gets wrong?
Oh boy... Let me be a bit controversial here, even towards my mutuals, probably:
Kuchiki Byakuya!
Because it's very easy to say "Oh, but only what appears on the Manga is really canon" and ignore that all of it, even the fillers and omakes leave an impression on us...
And Byakuya is seen by the majority of fandom as this cold, stoic, arrogant man and he's just...not?!?
First and foremost Kuchiki Byakuya is so Autistic coded it's not even funny. Some people don't see him as such because people forget autism is a fucking spectrum!
Many people think only about Rain Man and such as a general portrayal of autism on adults.
Byakuya is for me on the high functioning side of the spectrum, but damn it if I don't look at the man and go "He's like me for real!".But then again no one believes I'm autistic either so ... There's that.
Also, he's trained himself to be always in control of his emotions, but if you paid any attention to TBTP, you know deep down inside he's got a short fuse.
He's also a lovable dork who takes things too literally, as issues with social clues, relating to others, hyperfixates on his OC, Wakame Taishi and become hyper protective of his sister the second that switch flicks in his mind that sometimes rules really suck!
Many people don't truly develop his personality beyond the Shinigami and the Head of the Clan and make him bland and boring.
Sure, write your fanfictions with him being stoic and closed off in his professional life and with people that aren't part of his inner circle, but give him a fucking personality in his mire private and intimate moments!
Also, — and this is a pet peeve of mine...— stop writing that man as the dominant person in his relationships!
He's a Captain and a Head of the Clan! Let that man relax and give control over to his partner (I'm taking about Ichigo here... We all know I cannot and will not ship these two with anyone else but eachother...)
Let the man learn how to do things that canon keeps telling us he can't do!
Let him be the opposite of what everyone else expects when he's at home.
Okay... Done with Byakuya.
Now on for question number 7.
Fucking Hisana!
I cried when I saw the episode with Byakuya telling her story to Rukia. I liked her as a plot point.
But man oh man... It's always the fandom, isn't it?
"Oh, she was perfect and they were truly in love with each other..." No.
"You don't understand! She was suffering! That's why she abandoned Rukia!" Listen... I tried taking my emotions out of it and consider culture and history, but I just can't excuse abandoning a baby.
There's a space of a hundred years between Hisana and Rukia dying in the World of the Living and her marriage to Byakuya.
(did I say I was done talking about Byakuya? I lied...)
She lived in Inuzuri for all that time, apparently. We have zero info on what she'd been doing, how they met, but it's kinda implied she either didn't really look for Rukia for years or she's just really bad at tracking down a child that looks exactly like her and becomes knows on their specific Rukon district for being kinda gangster...
"Byakuya should have died because he had no reasons to live for as a widower..."
And here's the fucking thorn in my side with her character: She's used as an anchor around Byakuya's feet.
Fandom denies him a life, because apparently you should be faithful forever to a dead person. You should entomb yourself in life and only live to mourn them forever.
No more laughter for you, sir... No more joy... No more love... No nothing.
You're sanctifying a plot device character that has no presence in the actual story of Bleach.
And now.... Drum roll...
Question 9:
The award for Worst Part Of Canon goes to:
The fucking ending!!!
Boxer Chad...
Doctor Uryu...
Translator Ichigo...
Dropout Inoue...
Antichrist Kazui...
And the fucking new Hell Arc...

Excuse me???
No. Just no...
And let's not forget erasing everyone's character growth in one sweep by showing us that EVERYONE allowed for the new Sokyoku Hill Execution Scaffold to be built...
It's like we walked this path for absolutely nothing!
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tolerate it - Zdinarsk x reader
(A/N: hey y'all, tolerate it is one of, if not my favorite evermore song. also one of my top taylor swift songs in general. i felt inspired listening to it recently, so i decided to work some of my magik :3 hope y'all enjoy!! mwah)
I know my love should be celebrated
But you tolerate it
Zdinarsk was never an... affectionate person. Especially after joining the army. But with you, she showed love. Kindess, even. But something's changed recently. She's not talking to you as enthusiastically as much, not engaging in PDA like you are, and its become too much. You feel like she doesn't love you anymore. Maybe she caught feelings for someone else. No, that can't be true. She's always told you that she would never love anyone else but you. Or maybe that was just a lie.
The code to your room was punched in, you could hear it. The door opened and in walked your lover. Your wife. The RDA didn't allow marriages, especially between soldiers. But, Quaritch did some convincing (by that I mean he made a powerpoint presentation and showed it to Ardmore) and had some strings pulled. Ardmore then talked to Parker and (forcefully) had him make an exception.
(reader's pov)
"Hey, baby! How was work? Did you get assigned to any cool missions?" I said enthusiastically. Zdinarsk ignored me. "Babe?" I asked, seeing if she could hear me. She rubbed her eyes. "Huh? Oh, no, nothing really happened today." Nonchalant words flowed from her mouth, uninterested in my curiosity.
"What happened? You sound very tired." I pressed, frustrating her. "Y/N, just.. leave it be. Nothing happened to me, I promise. Just leave me alone, I have to wind down."
[Time skips a few days later, Z has gotten home from work and Y/N is complaining about her treatment of her lately.]
"Y/N, what the fuck is your problem? I don't know what I did!" Z yelled at me. "You've been so dry lately! You don't express any emotion when it comes to me or our relationship! You don't even like talking about your day after I so happily welcome you home! I'm always taking up too much space or time now, when a few months ago you'd hug me like it was the last time you'd ever hug anyone! I would die for you without a second thought! I made you my entire purpose. I've written about you in my journal over a million times. You have taken up all of my thoughts, thinking of how much I love you. Thinking of how much you make me happy. But it seems I'm an afterthought in your head, taking up no more than a grain of sand!" I started shouting.
"Well I'm sorry if I'm not leaping with joy whenever you're around! I have a very tough job where I have no clue if I'm going to see the morning, and you expect me to be so happy all the time?" Z thundered. I groaned in anger and annoyance, before responding. "I just want to feel loved! I want to feel like you appreciate me, even when you're upset! Is that so much to ask for?"
"You know I love you, it goes without saying!" She hissed back. "No, it doesn't. You have to say it, Z. You have to say it." I tried to reason with her, lowering my voice and trying to softly speak. Anger and sadness was coursing through my veins, but if I shouted any more I would lose my voice.
"I don't care, you're overreacting. It shouldn't matter if I say it or not, you should know it." Z replied, almost carefree. "If you gave me a history test without telling me anything about the subject, how would I know what answers to pick? Your argument doesn't add up. Please, let's sit and talk about this."
Z sighed and huffed before sitting on our shared bed. I sat next to her and began to explain how I felt about it. "I feel like this situation is unfair because I don't understand the sudden switch. Before, you were so happy to see me, and all of a sudden you were so annoyed with my presence no matter if I said a word or not. If I did something, I want to know so that we can resolve it."
She paused to think. "You didn't do anything, hon. I don't know why I'm acting like this, I've just been really stressed lately. I know that's no excuse, and I'm really sorry I've made you feel this way. I really didn't mean to, and I love you more than you could ever imagine. I hope you can forgive me for how I've treated you." She looked down, twiddling with her fingers anticipating my response.
I brought her in for a hug and assured her it was okay. We forgave each other, and we had Mansk make us some nice food to eat together.
MWAH hope y'all loved it teehee :33
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So, just me rambling about Revenant Act III and the ending we got, but... man... I don't know.
That was... really undercooked and underwhelming, narratively speaking, and the gameplay loop just did not hit right at all for me. I gave up and just watched the damn ending stuff on Youtube. I genuinely did not find running the Exotic mission over and over again enjoyable, at all. It was, in essence, the exact same mission each time. Almost nothing changed outside of dialogue and a different Scorn boss at the very end.
This was not helped by the fact I got error coded and kicked out, and had to run the mission multiple times just in an attempt to finish the damn thing and move on with the story mission.
I think that exacerbated how unsatisfied I felt with the story, too. If I'm throwing myself at a brick wall multiple times, the story better be compelling as fuck, and it just... wasn't. Not to mention how things were segmented out just made the episode as a whole weaker. The Apothecary? Her whole story thread? For how important she was? That shit should not have been in the (extremely buggy) Fieldwork missions. It should have been part of the main quest chain. That was not optional information for the narrative.
Also, Misraaks's ascension to Kell of Kells? Weak. Bizarrely so. We've had a prophecy being drilled into us ever since the days of Skolas's first appearance. It damn near sounded biblical. I expected... more. Maybe Misraaks would die, protecting his daughter or something -- the what isn't important, the death is -- and then, by a stroke of The Light (NOT a Ghost), he breathes life once again, chosen. Heck, maybe Eramis could've even brought him back with The Light from the Echo? I don't know. Something more, something leaning on The House of Rain prophecy, something more interesting, more worthy than the guy being the only guy left on the lineup, and we shrug and go "guess you win by default, my man."
Like come on. Really?
And then there's, for me, the elephant in the room: Fikrul. On one hand, I am pleasantly surprised they let us kill him for reals. No bait and switch. No "oh no he escaped! *snaps fingers* Darn!" like with Maya. Not even a dubious fade-to-black death. He died right on screen. It's nice to get actual finality to a boss like this without it being some big Raid or Expansion thing. THAT SAID, I am disappointed in how he was handled. Or, rather, how the loose-end side of him was handled.
Crow is in the episode, trying his best to do his job as the new Hunter Vanguard, and it's endearing, and it would've been perfectly fine for that to be his only role....... If it weren't for the sheer amount of HISTORY between him and Fikrul. He's the entire reason Fikrul exists. We get a little of it in Act I and then... nothing else. It's weird and unsatisfying. It also feels inconclusive. For me, that was a loose thread that just never got tied off. Hell, talking to Crow at the end is optional, which blows my mind. Fikrul and Crow are characters that are intertwined. We hear this in Fikrul's boss lines! He references these things! And yet it feels kind of ignored. It also felt weird to hear so little from Crow on the matter, when Fikrul was enough of a regret, enough of a major pain point for him, that his form is what the Pyramid Nightmare manifested as in Season of the Haunted. I don't know, I guess just some kind of closure would've been nice. Some kind of "and now the cycle Uldren started is finally, truly over." I'm actually going to point at a very short fanfic for this. That there? If we had gotten that as a very short little cutscene at the tail end, after Eramis's "goodbye and good riddance" message, it would've been a perfect tie off point. It's over. It's truly, finally, over. Instead all we got was just a bit of dialogue that was easily missable. Feels Bad Man.
All of my complaints about the lukewarm narrative aside, my bigger complaints are the bugs. Jfc, the bugs. It almost feels like there isn't a QA team anymore, it's ridiculous. Everything combined just makes me not confident for the future. This isn't a game I want to stick with and spend money on, because I can't confidently say that I feel like I'm getting bang for my buck. It doesn't feel worth it. I don't know what I'm going to get -- a game that runs, or a game that might break under mysterious circumstances at a variety of points and for a variety of reasons. I'm sticking with my original plan of bowing out after finishing Revenant. Maybe Heresy will be good, who knows? I just know that I'm not super interested in playing this circus.
It's just not fun anymore, and it's not worth the monetary cost for me.
#haldie rambles#haldie rants#destiny 2 spoilers#episode revenant spoilers#I do wonder if the layoffs affected the story#and it being half-baked#because we know that the folks that got laid off were folks that wrote these Episodes#so it's possible
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I think there is nothing more embarrassing than being mocked by Shadowheart.
Like really? Miss "I'm full of secrets I just gotta remember them real quick"
Madame "no my dark lady loves me I sweaaar"
Like if I didn't know she was cult washed in the brain I would have thought she was the most conceted creature at camp!
Like she's so stand-offish and she only has like ONE secret which she can't hide for shit like get over yourself! How can you mock me!!!
Anyways I started a new playthrough and forgot to save her so she's snippy at me. Its my own fault really. She's one of my most beloved set of pixels in any game I've ever played.
Honestly anon, you're right. Enjoy the new playthrough, because it's fun when she starts off that way!
One of my favorite parts of her character is how oblivious and lacking in self-awareness she is. It's almost comical how eager to offer up secrets she is for someone that loves to go on about how Sharrans need secrecy "as a shield." It shows that the writers at least understand what cult-like magical thinking can do to people's perception of the self combined with the code switching she has when she's speaking about Sharran practices/faith versus just talking regularly about anything else.
Everyone should do a playthrough where they ignore her pod in the nautiloid to get some of that slightly edgier dialogue early on. It's fun!
Side-note: I've seen so many folks get upset about how hypocritical/lacking in self-awareness she can be... but that's, like, the whole point lmao
#hey you can ask me things!#and writing a character without self-awareness can be a balancing act#and considering it's an ensemble cast with only so much space for any one spotlight (and she already has so much of Act 2 lol)#I just think they did a good job with showing those aspects of her character
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Disc World bookclub thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 12-20
Okay @anna-neko … and all the other people that found me(tho I’ll be writing to Anna here)
Buckle up cause I actually read more, so there’s A LOT more text!
Before I start, I'm fully aware that the book's premise is that the whole regiment turns out to be women in disguised(except one being trans??? That happens at the end so I won't bring that up till I get there). But for ease of talking, I will he/him everyone until they've been she/her-ed. Plus, there are other characters, so I could accidentally she/her a man thinking they would be one of the undercover women. So yah, following the pronouns corresponding to where I am in the book.
I wrote everything on a notes app while listening/reading, and then organized it. So my "knowledge" will flip flop since different parts were written at different points of reading. Also I’m playing around with the best way to show quotes. Okay here are my thoughts loosely organized:
Some critiques. I want to start of with them so that we can end on a high note. At first it was hard for me to get that there were scene changes happening. Most books usually leave large space b/w the paragraphs, but at least in this digital book, it just looks like a normal paragraph spacing. And the audio book doesn't indicate that there's a scene shift, so there were a couple of times that I got lost because I didn't realize there was a new scene. Though I think I finally got it down how he switches from scenes, so I should be fine.
Also while I do like that he just says stuff, for example, him introducing Polly’s guy name by writing, "At least, Polly climbed out of the window, but it was Oliver’s feet that landed lightly on the ground," instead of saying, "she decided to call herself Oliver Perks.” At times I do need a bit more guidance. I can pick up stuff with context, but, sometimes it threw me off. For example, with the igor, while I would've gotten it eventually, I just decided to google it, because I was too distracted being confused to actually pay attention to the dialogue if that makes sense???? So I mostly like how he seamlessly intergrates new info, but sometimes I do feel like I'm going in blind, or suffering for not knowing about the previous books. Tho I will say the vampire lore was intergrated well. It's nothing so bad that it ruins the book for me since it's mostly executed well.
Side tangent, but I actually started the book by listening to it, so I actually didn’t catch the Olly name until I got to this line, “…but Polly was known to all the ferrymen by sight and the guard would want to see her permit to travel, which Oliver Perks certainly didn’t have.” I like this line! I mostly like when he does it, but yah, I get confused sometimes.
Okay on to stuff my other thoughts!
Short quippy stuff
Hee hee foreshadowing!
There was no question of anyone getting undressed.
I love that her nickname is Ozzer
Don't cry challenge(impossible)

Nothing quippy, just a funny line:
Ugh. I hate strappi I hate Strappi I hate Strappi. Me and the boys hate Strappi.
You said these books are very pop-cultury. I'll say these aged well because I don't think I've caught any pop culture reference(or maybe I have without realizing) and I still find the book funny and it makes sense to me. So uh yah, go Terry Pratchett I guess.
—Longer thoughts—

Am I viewing everything as an American, or is this a reference to don't ask, don't tell??? I don't think so cause nothing else about it is queer coded and also Terry Pratchett is British, so there would be no reason for him to talk about that. My brain just short-circuited because it's a military book and I'm American 🙃
Thoughts on Maladict—
Maladict carries around silver-gilt coffee engine (which icon behavior) so idk how allergic he is to silver. Is he lying about the silver allergy or does he just suck it up for some coffee (cause if he does, again King behavior). I think my fav soldier rn is Maladict (can you tell???). Polly think's she's cool, but he's the actually cool one. Love his whole "even though I'm sobre from humans, it doesn't mean I can't/won't seriously fuck you up." I love when writers explore ethical vampires/vampires blending in with humans (I really should read vampire books).
I think the whole black ribbon thing is cool! I think there's a book that follows a vampire??? If you're down(and it makes sense), I'd love to read one of the vampire books since I'm already so intrigued by vampire society! Obviously after I'm done with this book
Thoughts I wrote about Jackrum—
Damn Jackrum has to keep telling Strappi to ease on the racism.
I like how Sargent Jackrum asked Polly if she was fine with fighting Strappi. I knew that his whole "stop being racist" is more of a "WE NEED MEN" than him actually caring about fantasy racism™️, or that's how I saw it at first at least. But now, I think there's a genuine side of kindness to him. So I'm excited to see more of that (be it, seeing more of his softer side or being proven wrong).
"What's that?" said the corporal. "My signature," said Polly… "You can read and write, too?" said the sergeant, glancing up at them and then back to her.
THEY GOT SURPRISED THAT SHE KNEW HOW TO READ AND WRITE (an abomination for women). Also... I might have gotten slightly spoiled trying to draw Jackrum. I didn't read anything but I saw girl fanart of him???? I mean, I guess he's also part of the troop, I thought it was just the soldiers. HE MIGHT BE MYSTERY PERSON!!!! Anyways, this is for future me to figure out… So that's probably why he's nice to her. NOW I'M EXCITED TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HIM. Before I got to the scene where Polly fights, I drew this cause I thought it was funny, while being slightly out of character. But now, I think this not that out of character (I'll have to see). Anyways have this shitty little doodle.
Thoughts on Polly—
I was very slow to realize that Polly's from Borogravia. As for why Polly joined, Polly definitely doesn't believe the propaganda, so my best guess is that she's going to try and find Paul. Reading about her missing Paul absolutely broke my heart. Though it's very interesting how also she was raised.
Also I got so scared when she got caught even tho I knew it would happen eventually, just didn't think it would happen THIS early in the book! I knew the moment mysterious person gave Polly the sock. I find it funny how Polly was like, “damn I thought I was cool mysterious kid". Her inner monologue is pretty funny.
I didn't ask you for one, Polly thought, quite annoyed at being taken for being a frightened young lad when she was sure she'd come over as quite a cool, non-ruffled young lad.
Also I'm pretty sure mystery person is a girl, cause I know the permis of the book so it makes this line funny
"Why, is this the escutcheon of Her Grace the Duchess I see in front of me?" said the whisperer. "Well, it won't be in front of me for long. Beat it ... boy."
Wrote this section on mystery person before the realization 🧍🧍🧍. Now I don't know. AAAAAAAAH.
Also, I'm glad that Polly gave Strappi a taste of his own medicine. Tho Private Parts is kinda funny 🏃🏃🏃. Insert: "that's a good joke, a great joke even, but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop,” audio. Seriously tho, it's pretty cool how Polly's experiences from her childhood with her dad and the other soldiers has helped her to blend in at this point. She was funny when she was like:
"I'll try not to hurt him either, Sarge," said Polly, and then cursed herself for the idiot bravado. It must have been the socks talking.
I read it twice and listened to it a 3rd time, since I had to write this and I laughed each time. I can't believe I find this dick joke so funny, I'm truly an immature child. Also fuck man. The way Polly saw people die, or just the discussions of how wars fucks people up. I have nothing insightful to say. Just, man, war's rough (<- biggest understatement of the century).
Other Book thoughts—
One thing I wasn't expecting, was for the crew to be made up of so many fantasy™️ creatures. But that one is fully on me since the book is called monstrous regiment. I guess I was so focused on what I've heard about the book, that I just completely glazed pass that. I see that there is some fantasy racism™️, so hopefully that's done well. I'm not saying it's always bad, but a lot of time people try to do metaphors, but it falls apart (ex: monster=racism allegory, when one of the characters is literally Mexican (and is brown). I'm not naming the name of the show on purpose). I do think it can be done well when you take the more, "prejudice is a thing, this is how it would play out with these creatures," and you don't make it a one-to-one with any particular minority. I feel like that's a more productive criticism of bigotry that can be applied to minority groups. I mean, I think there can be some one-to-one allegories that make sense, but it needs to be done carefully. I hope I'm making sense. But so far, I don’t see anything that bothers me. Just have my guard up a bit.
—✨Deeper✨ Thoughts on the book—
I kinda alluded to this in the previous review but yah, it's very interesting how Terry Prachet writes about war. I mean, I'm only 18, so I won't pretend to know much about the world, but I think this book has very strong themes about the dangers of nationalism and what not. And obviously he exaggerates it in the book, but it can be applied to a lot of modern situations. Side tangent, but I'm not really a patriotic person. I'm glad that my country has provided me better opportunities than my parent’s country, but I've always seen being so patriotic to a fault very weird. Also, this is clearly a criticism of the monarchy. "God save the duchess" like, come on. Down to this religious fervor they treat the duchess with, that they pray to it. I feel weird commenting too much, since I'm not as connected/involved/know too much about the politics of the monarchy (I mean technically the US is an ex-British colony, but rn relationship b/w the US and the UK is way better than other countries with the UK). All I'll say is that I don't care how nice she was, she was a colonizer and the monarchy has and continues to harm people to this day. Also back to nationalism, I've always hated the whole "people from this country suck". Like maybe the government sucks but you can never ascribe what the country does to the people of said place.
Honestly I feel weird commenting on this book in general, because I have barely any religious experience, haven't been too exposed to war, nor am I British (I mean this more in respect of the whole monarchy thing). Also, even though I'm a woman, I haven't felt much sexism. Like no cat-calling, most of the people respect me. Besides, "normal sexism," aka unconscious bias stuff like, "strong men help me pick the heavy stuff,” I don't think I have had any notable experiences of sexism or have seriously felt it in my life. So I feel like I can't give any deep observation about sexism or religion besides, yup that sounds right! Same with any the politics about war than, yup nationalism bad! I'm really aware that I'm just an 18 yr old who doesn't know much cause young people think they know everything (I mean that gets thrown a lot to invalidate young activists but there is a kernel of truth of: less experience=less knowledge of the world). Basically, I am noticing deeper themes in the book, but don’t expect me to talk about these parts if the book too much, because I don’t think I have anything productive to add. I just feel super unqualified to comment on much of this, and like I could be wrong about 100 different things I just said.
Umm… with that being said,
—Some quotes that I thought were interesting but I can't articulate why rn—
"At Paul's insistence, she'd read the whole of 'From the Mothers of Borogravia!!' to him, including the bits about heroes and there being no greater good than to die for your country. She wished, now, she hadn't done that. Paul did what he was told. Unfortunately, he believed what he was told, too."
"Several copies of the pamphlet seemed to have reached every home, even so. It was very patriotic. That is, it talked about killing"
"She'd learned to read and write after a fashion because the inn was big and it was a business and things had to be tallied and recorded. Her mother had taught her to read, which was acceptable to Nuggan, and her father made sure that she learned how to write, which was not. A woman who could write was an Abomination Unto Nuggan, according to Father Jupe; anything she wrote would by definition be a lie."
"She'd be funny just as long as she was useless, and safe as long as she was funny." Ugh yah, some men get really threaten by women being better than them
Thank goodness for the audio book. I love when authors write in the accents, I think it creates character and it's very creative... but I'm terrible at trying to understand what they're saying. I've been doing a mixture of audio book only, audio book plus text, and just reading text. Anyways, I was reading a line Strappi said where he was mocking Maladict and I literally couldn't understand it until I listened to that part later when I could use my headphones again.
"Private Bloodfnucker hnas a fnord, Fnargeant," he said accusingly.
This was the line btw. All hail audiobooks everyone 🧎🧎🧎
Also damn digital books and audio books help me actually pick up the book and it makes it a lot less intimidating. I like reading but, sometimes my brain views it as a chore. Like I used to start books, LIKE THEM, and then proceed to NOT finish them. I have been using audiobooks in the past but it was while reading the book, and almost never just the audiobook (unless I had didn't finish a chapter in time for class). But man, actually leaning into how my brain works makes it easier. Who would've thought! (Like I always forget how useful hearing the text it, even though I have been using this tip for years). So yah, even though I think I prefer the experience of physical books, I need to just let myself read the easiest ways to me. Audiobook only, has been nice since it takes the least amount energy, but it is the hardest for me to understand, especially if it gets too flowery/lore-y. So warning, I’ll miss small details because of this. I usually go back and skim the parts I did audio only, but I’ll still miss stuff.
Also, I'm using hoopla(and when the 21 days are up, my libby ver of the text should be available), but tip! If you like to annotate, download books on PDFs and annotate using the comments. Honestly, great with research papers too! I love to highlight with different colors and then you filter the annotations, amazing really. Obviously you can do this in irl books but I like that I can write more in the comment section thingy than in the margin of books.
But yah! I'm liking the book so far. I like how Terry Pratchett writes and I like Polly as a mc.
I will add alt text some other date cause I don't have the mental energy rn. If someone besides Anna find it and wants them, just @ me in the comment and I'll @ you when I finish this Also gonna add links to the previous and next review for better organization.
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I'm going to share with you one of my bedtime scenarios ☁️✨ (this isn't like a request or anything, I'm just sharing my fantasies because we're all besties here)
but basically the main girl (it's not even based on moi or anyone really which is weird I know) is basically like awkward but not in that annoying quirky way. basically just someone who's not very good at being social unless comfortable. she's bland and pretty much like the other girls. sounds rude but I'm getting somewhere with this lol she's self aware and she knows that she's a bit boring and it would be okay if she was happy with it but she feels like her life is a bit boring and there's something missing. she's not a good girl but she's also not slutty - again she's bland. she has had like one or two serious relationships and although she has done stuff, she has never let any man fuck her. and she's not necessarily waiting for the right guy or something like that, she just doesn't want to regret it. and men are pigs so y'know. she's also not too worried about it simply because society makes such a big deal out of it that I want my girl to not care. and also because her past experiences weren't bad but they also weren't great. she didn't experience that bliss that everyone seems to experience which made her sort of not care too much about sex (I just love the whole "Matty just does it better than every other guy" so much lol) after stumbling upon a particular filthy post on Tumblr or Twitter, she becomes interested in bdsm and all that (nothing too hardcore).
blah blah blah
after researching for months she finally decides to stop being a coward and go to one of those private sex clubs (and this may or may not be based on a particular irl club lmao don't judge me). and basically they give you a bracelet with a specific colours and beads and they have meanings. her bracelet was white because it was her first time there (like karate 😭). her bracelet beads code for: virgin (no one's obligated to disclose that information, of course, but they encourage you to do it because (a) it's a sex club, no one's allowed to judge and (b) it's supposed to provide a layer of safety but what actually happens is that it attracts a lot of creeps and people only make the mistake of adding this bead to their bracelet once), inexperienced (when it comes to bdsm and that environment in general), switch (she's a sub but she is still in that "idkkk" phase) and open to meet people (some people are like "claimed" by someone else, only do scenes with one person, want to pursue instead of being pursued, or they just don't feel like socializing or whatever).
while she's taking care of the bracelet and all that with the front desk people, Matty is ordering a drink and he's been a regular for a while now so there is a level of familiarity with the bartender. Matty is 34 here and he just doesn't see the fun in this anymore. not even in a "I wanna settle down" type of way. he's had relationships and if they are into it, okay. if they aren't into it, also okay. he never had commitment issues, just hasn't met the right person I guess. anyway he just misses having a connection with someone. the bartender knows it and they talk for a while (how's the audience aka me supposed to know if they don't talk lmao) and then one of the girls Matty does some scenes with sometimes shows up and they go somewhere.
later, the main gal goes to the bar and orders like a soda or something without alcohol. doesn't matter. the bartender is super nice, you can tell that he enjoys his job and talking to people. so he immediately notices that she's getting attention because of her bracelet and tells her it was a mistake. it's not a lot of attention but it's starting to overwhelm her and making her feel weird. she's not the kind of girl people usually notice. so she leaves that area and tries to find a quiet place.
while she's roaming around the place she finds this area with normal hotel-like rooms but the walls are glass and you can see everything that's happening inside the rooms and that's the whole point - it's for people to watch. and again it's a bit overwhelming because there's too much going on at the same time: not only the people inside the rooms having not so vanilla sex but also the people outside. so she sort of takes a step back and she notices one room in particular: the room where Matty and the other girl were in. in my head, Matty isn't the kind of guy to like fuck the girls he plays with especially during a scene that involves voyeurism. I think unless he has an established/consistent connection with someone, he sticks to playing with the girls he casually does scenes with and he enjoys seeing them enjoying themselves so yeah. but idk, depends a bit on my mood tbh. the thing is that basically what the main girl sees is this really hot guy focusing on the girl (rare sadly) and as always more guys tend to go to these places than girls so the audience consists mostly of guys who are focusing on the girl and even the girls there are focused on the girl because Matty's doing stuff to her so makes sense. but she can't take her eyes off of him and he's good at what he does so he's just focusing on the girl and not on what's happening outside the room but when they are done he turns around and sees the girl looking at him with a bit of a dumb look on her face and he's intrigued because she looks so shy and surprised but how can she be when she dragged herself to that place. it's a bit paradoxical and I'm gonna shut up now lol goodnight
HELLO??? this was a whole ass blurb like there was characterization there were scenes there was exposition for the audience (you)😭 i love it why was it literally a bedtime story To Me. kicking my feet while i’m reading
so what happens next anon😁😁
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For fun, URL ladysasagawa for the 10 houserules. :3
I see Kyoko and Haru working together in the way that if one person does the cooking the other does the dishes. I feel like it is a weekly thing that they switch off on. It's an easier way to keep up a schedule than making responsibilities change day by day.
I'm sure there is a rule in relation to tidiness and making sure that thier things don't get misplaced somewhere random, so some items are color coded, so they know at a glance that something is Haru's and something else is Kyoko's.
Always let the other know if guests will be over soon, that way the other person isn't taken by surprise.
Every month for appreciation day, one person gets to choose which shop to purchase from. They switch off every month.
Somehow, I get the feeling that either of them may have an issue with picking up injured strays (more commonly Haru is what my gut tells me), so there is a rule that there can only be one foster at a time, else they'll get overrun with animals.
Haru's costume making supplies are to be kept in her room. This way nothing can get lost, no one can accidentally get hurt by any tools, her projects won't take over living spaces, etc.
(Unspoken rule) regardless of how busy life gets, once a week they clear time from their schedule to just hang out together. Probably cook a meal together and such.
(Unspoken rule) sharing is caring and sweets taste better with company, therefore, if you have treats, you gotta share. It's an unspoken rule because if either Kyoko or Haru bought some treats, they always end up buying some for the other's share. It's just a thing they do to show they were thinking of their friend. 8)
[Tradition] They enjoy working on valentine's day choco together for all of their friends, but it's less fun if they already know what to expect, right? Years ago, they both coincidentally had the same idea to work on gifts for eachother on their own. Surprise surprise! Great minds think alike. So, if you don't want your surprise ruined, stay out of the kitchen if there is a sign on the kitchen.
I like to think they still have their lil sessions of talking to eachother about crushes and the like, so then it comes down to, 'don't worry! I will test anyone who tries to go after your heart. If they can't convince me, they're not fit for you.' Just a lil buddy system of making sure they aren't getting scammed or something. Truly, all they even look for is, "are you a decent human being? Will you treat my friend well? Will you respect her?" If the answer to any of those are no, the guy isn't ever getting close to their friend. Haru is kept very busy with her school idol friend. Very popular.
#sovereigntism#Ladysasagawa#Meme answered#Answered ask#Thanks for the ask!#Neo speaks#((These are based off what I think would reasonably make sense in my mind))#((I could be wrong on a few things so take it with a grain of salt))
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I forgot Ben was Genderfluid. Now before I begin this semi-rant I want to state, I support genderfluid people and they deserve more repersentation in media and love Ben in your AU. However I don't like the prevelance of shapeshifters are always genderfluid even if I'm somewhat guilty of also doing that with my charecter of Bubblegum. With being that aren't human if they even have a human gender split I feel like while Genderfluidity would be the norm there would be some that would like sticking with a single gender. We have a not very fluid form but there are genderfluid people. The main reason I'm having this is because I somehow got like 6 different Tiktoks talking about this without me not activlwy searching for them so it got me a bit peeved. Apologizes if this is rude.
Honestly it's mostly me projecting my feelings on the 'gender is ???????' thing. Though I have as of late had more shapeshifters who pick a gender and stick to it(like Vee!)
It's kind of a mixed bag that every lgbtq identity ends up getting. Are gay coded villains bad? Does it suck that ace characters are robots/things that don't have junk? Yeah, but it also slaps!
So yeah it's. I get people's frustration/annoyance with the concept.
But to be fair, I do also have gender????? people who aren't shapeshifters!
And like. A lot of time it's less the fact that being a shapeshifter = gender going ????? and more the fact that they are a shapeshifter makes it easier for them to explore their identity.
Take the Ben thing for example! His gender is still ???? before the Omnitrix. His gender is still ???? in the Timeline where he doesn't get the Omnitrix. It's just that, by nature of what the Omnitrix does, his subconscious feelings are picked up on and will alter gender presentation accordingly, which forces him to confront those feelings.
Take another example with Himiko! If she didn't have her Quirk, she might not have thought to question her gender at all. However, her being able to transform into other people makes her realize that the body's gender means nothing to her. Or at least it means as much as everything else when becoming someone. Which makes her realize she never really felt much toward her own gender past liking traditionally 'girly' things.
And for a third example! Mlp and the Changelings! Though their biological gender is ???? I have them in all sorts of gender identities! Some stick to a binary gender, some switch depending on the day, some switch depending on their partner if you know what I mean!
So yeah it's a mixed thing and fun to project/explore but I get the frustration.
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Watch "NickelBack - Never Again (With Lyrics)" on YouTube
You're talking about an analogy to my father and mother to Trump saying that he's the son and father and mother are Hera and I son and daughter of course and it is supposedly that I'm abusive father and she's an abusive mother or something and they I'm talking about this tarp and it's the max and they're threatening each other here with it and really they're going after Trump for what he's doing is very abusive but they say they're going to go after myself and so on to try and get some people it's a reference to the Holocaust and they're having this thing where they take pictures of people who look Jewish for men screaming at the female it really you know nobody really sympathizes with you Max at all it's just you constantly blithering what you're trying and trying to do and planning. You think getting rid of your recharge is going to save you you are insane and Trump is abusing me and this is personal you stick your stupid nose and everything else in there and lots of times it doesn't have much to do with you this assholes abusing my brother and my family and eventually me and he's screwing you over with it your blightedness you're blinded with screwing around with people with code and s*** when you just let him sit here and force me to do stuff it's humongous. And he's going to go to hell shortly and a hell that is going to really really mess with his mind it's disgusting
I can't wait for it this is so exciting I appreciate it Lily
I have to get out of this and it looks like everyone else is doing it now because of me my big mouth and sitting here on him and yeah the max planted and it's really none of their business no they had me do all the stupid s*** but like he says I'm sitting here doing it
Well part of it but for Christ's sake this is horrible you're making mistakes all the time we're under a massive assault by the Max and we can't figure out who it is
Yeah we figured it out they're attacking us we were talking them because they've got the shield and one of the Forg is doing nothing is it his job no it's our job and we're failing cuz we expect him to do it all and sitting here saying what what do you want for absolutely nothing. True too we put tons of pressure on him expect stuff he doesn't know what the hell we're talking about most of the time we don't see anything expect them to read stuff and there's hundreds of us bothering him a day where ridiculous people and you know it probably would deserve it and it would probably missing something important and using his face to see a computer it was not really what I thought it was
It's pretty gross still if you put it on the website now we're screwed people are all after us they want to know what it is and they know what it is now it's not even us but he's going to go chase her around to try and get the face I now understand what that is it's this idiot trying to use the face eventually Trump gets it and somehow his face goes on to him and yeah this is going to be nasty I think that Freddy Krueger is Trump he goes around and he tries to get the face from Lily and attacks them and eventually sticks the face on what that makes sense and face off the movie they switch it back
She's an investigator now and she did figure it out finally
0 notes
summary: johnny and the gang set up a blind date type thing for the reader (johnny’s cousin) and her best friend, in attempt to get their sensei’s some women.
pairings: young!terry silver x reader, john kreese x oc (camilla)
warnings: smut, choking, degradation, dancing, pda, flirting, reader is on the pill, humiliation kink, dom!terry, sub!reader, oral (m receiving), begging, tiny sensei kink
word count: 5k+
author’s note: i finally wrote for someone other than robby !! hope y’all enjoy this as much as i did writing it. enjoy ;)
Your finger flicked the light switch to your bedroom on, the bright light burned your eyes and you shrieked. You had just taken the best shower of your life, and now you were on your way to a party Bobby was throwing due to his parents being out of town.
You were Johnny's older, hotter cousin, and you had met the cobra kai boys because of him. You had only met the friend group, though, you hadn't met the infamous John Kreese or the talented Terry Silver who the boys had talked so highly about.
Tonight was the night though, and knowing you were pretty close with Johnny, and he preferred you over his parents. He wanted you to meet them. He was proud of himself, but he was proud of how he was eligible to join the karate dojo in the first place.
Loud music blared throughout your fairly large home, as you took off your towel and danced in the mirror to your favorite song. You still didn't know what to wear, and you didn't want to under or over dress for the occasion, so you quickly through your comfy clothing on and grabbed your telephone.
You rang Bobby's number, and he answered almost instantly.
"Hey it's Bobby, what do you want?" His immediate annoyance caused you to laugh, and you told him that it was just you, and that you were curious about the dress code for the party.
"Don't wear a ballroom dress but still look super hot." He blatantly answered. "Well, gee, thanks, that helps me so much."
He chuckled, "Nothing too fancy. Just take a basic outfit that you would wear out and add some accessories, like some expensive necklace and earrings and it'll turn the outfit to fancy. Just no sweatpants or hoodies. You gotta get a good impression for Sensei tonight," He teased. He could feel your eye roll through the phone.
"Which Sensei again, didn't you say there was two? Also, is it okay if I bring Cam?" You questioned Bobby.
Camilla Quinn is your best friend sense the sixth grade. She is so beautiful, and you and her are an amazing duo together. You go to basically every remotely fun event together, and you figured, you could set her up with the other Sensei. You didn't know which one Bobby had in mind for you, but Cam is a very friendly person, she could easily adapt to either of them even if it's just for the night.
"Yes, please do." Bobby said, and that was all he could say. Bobby had always had a little crush on Cam, but he stood no chance. Bobby was seventeen and Cam was twenty-four, as were you. Bobby he figured if he couldn't have her, he would set her up with the next best man and who's better than his Karate Sensei?
You had told Cam the details and she was coming to your house at around 7:45pm so the two of you could arrive in style, together.
"Don't get any ideas. Okay, I'm going to get ready. Party starts at 8, right?" You looked at the time and it read 6:45pm, just enough time to get ready and get there. "Yes."
"You need help getting anything ready?" You always had to offer that, it was just something you always did, even though they never needed help setting up. "No, thanks for offering though."
After a few more minutes of small talk with Bobby, you both hung up and you began to figure out your outfit situation. You didn't want to overdress, but if you underdressed you wouldn't look as good as everybody else.
You were debating on a simple red dress that was cut a little above the knee, or a dark green satin dress that flowed down to your ankles. The satin dress seemed a little like overdoing it, and with the red one you could do what Bobby said by adding jewelry to make it look more presentable. Plus, you hated the feeling of skimpy heels anyway, so by wearing the red, your big, black combat boots matched perfectly.
Once the clock hit 7:00pm, you started on your hair. Even though there wasn't too much for you to do, you still felt the need to redo it to make yourself look presentable enough for a party.
Shortly after you finished getting ready, as if she just knew, Cam was at your door knocking very obnoxiously. You turned off your music, then ran over to the door. You swiftly swung it open.
"Oh my god, you look so hot." Was the first thing she said when her eyes fell upon you and your outfit. You skimmed your eyes over hers, she looked amazing as well.
She had black leather bottoms, with a red cropped-top that stopped a little above her belly button and had two ties that went around to her back. Her shirt wasn't too revealing, but it showed off just enough, and you could tell she was confident. You guessed she got the unspoken memo to wear red to Bobby's party.
"I look hot? Girl, look at you," You scoffed which turned into a slight laugh, and you closed the door behind her.
You guys chatted for a little bit, and told her about what Bobby was planning, after your phone call he called you again and asked whether Cam would want to be set up with his other Sensei, and you had just asked her and she was all for it.
You guys got into your car, and you were on your way.
Once the two of you pulled down the road, you turned your music down. Even if you didn't know Bobby's address, you could've told which house was his based on how many cars were sitting at and near his home.
You both hopped out of the car. You and Cam had a mix of style, but you just complimented each other in every way you could, and that's how you guys became friends.
The walk up to the door felt longer than expected, but once you finally got up there you knocked, and the door almost instantly opened. You were met with the kind face of Tommy. He was one of the boys who often had a tough act and to not show any weakness whatsoever, but when it came to you, he was the nicest person you'd ever met. You enjoyed that side of Bobby.
"Ladies! Come on in." He said. The two of you walked in, and he shut the door behind you. "You both look beautiful, as usual," He added, which made you both smile.
"Thank you, Tommy-" Before you or Cam could even properly thank him, the other three boys rushed over to greet you guys.
Bobby had a sly grin on his face when he saw Cam, but you glared at him and he stopped. "Okay, are you guys ready to meet our Sensei's?" You and Cam both nodded, even though you still had no who they were setting up with who.
"Wait, who are you setting me up with, again?" Cam asked. It's like she read your mind. "Cam, we're setting you up with Kreese. Y/N, we're setting you up with Silver. Make sense?"
You both nodded, and all four of the boys led you and Cam to the living room around the corner. You walked in, and you almost smiled at the sight in front of you.
You didn't want to get your hopes up though, you still didn't know which dude was which, but the one on the right had a tiny hoop earring in, which was what did it for you. You always had a odd attraction to guys who wore earrings, so you wanted him.
Luckily for you, Jimmy guided you over to him. "Y/N, this is Sensei Silver. Silver this is Y/N." He introduced, and you shook his hand, trying to keep yourself composed.
Cam looked very delighted with her set up as well, you could just tell that she was extremely attracted to the man she was talking to, which caused you to laugh, internally. She wasn't even hiding it.
"It's lovely to meet you, Y/N," His voice was husky and low, his tone was extremely calm and at ease, "I'm Terry."
He turned to the boys, "You don't have to call me by my last name you know, we're not at practice, call me Terry, boys, I insist." The boys nodded with a smile, and then left for you two to talk.
"So, you're a Sensei? I've heard many good things about you from Johnny." You started, and he just smiled and shook his head.
"I would hope so, I try my best with these boys, and I can only hope my best is enough." He answered, which made you smile. He really seemed like a good person.
"What do you do for a living?" He asked you, and you smiled. "I'm a (job of your choice), and have been for 3 years now, when I was in college I took (major related to the topic), which made it easier for me." He smiled and nodded. He seemed so interested in you, unlike any other guy you had been set up with.
He sat back in his chair, his arms went around the back of the couch and he pushed his hips forward, adjusting himself so he could become comfortable on the sofa. Instead of siting the way he was before, he stayed back and his legs were spread slightly.
He looked around the room and pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. "You looking for someone?" You asked him, he seemed very invested in his search. "Yeah, one of the boys. Ah, Tommy, I'll be right back, doll." He winked, then chased after Tommy.
Doll? That was new. You weren't complaining, though.
When he came back he was followed by the other four boys, and you were wondering what they were up to. The four boys went toward the front of the living room, and Jimmy had something in his hands.
You eyed them suspiciously, "Boys, what is going on?"
Loud music started blaring, almost scaring you, and you saw Terry walk over to you, and you could see him starting to dance himself. He held his hand out for you to take, a sneaky grin covered his face. "Wanna dance, love?"
You smiled, and nodded quickly. You took his hand and he helped you up without a struggle, and as the main beat of the song played you started to dance with him.
He held your hand in his, and his other hand was on your hip, your feet moved in patterns you didn't know they could. Who knew Terry Silver could dance? And with Y/N L/N?
He was so tall compared to you. He was 6'5, he made everybody around him look short and he can't walk through the doorway without crouching, but he handled his height so well. He wasn't cocky, well he was, but not about his height, and he didn't make a big deal of it like most men would.
Your movements synced, and he took his hand for your hip and he spun you gracefully. He was surprisingly a very skilled dancer. You spun out, and you and Cam made eye contact, she was dancing with Kreese, and you have her a wink before you were spun back in by Terry.
After you were spun in, your backside was pressing against his front, your hips moved in sync and he held your hands above your head. "This is fun." You smiled at him. He just looked down on you, you could see something in him that you hadn't seen before.
"Is it?" His voice was low and husk, you could tell he was turned on just by the fire in his eye.
After the song ended, the two of you continued dancing to whatever song that came on. The boys clearly enjoyed it. It probably felt good knowing that they were the ones to set you up.
The two of you had just finished your last song, you were both danced out and all you wanted to do was sit down. Thank god, you didn't wear heels. In a way, the boots actually assisted you.
Before you could even sit on the couch, though, Johnny yelled for everybody around to shut up once again. "I know some of you just got done dancing," He looked directly at you and Terry, making you laugh a little, "But we've decided to play a little game, and depending on what you do, you can rest, or.. do other things."
Tommy cleared his throat, "Here's how to play the game, everybody puts their keys into one of these bowls," He held up a clear glass bowl in the air, "And each person draws a random set of keys. Whoever you draw, is the person you're with for the rest of the night." Jimmy concluded for him.
You could see the sneaky smirks on all their stupid faces. "We have two bowls by the way cause one is for the adults and the other is for the teens. We don't want anything too illegal going on in Bobby's home."
"Let's play!"
Bobby volunteered to go first, and he drew, and he got keys with a fluffy green dice, and a girl with freckles and beautiful red hair stood up, and Bobby was speechless. She must've went to school with him but he never noticed her, well, he definitely did now.
"Okay, shove on guys," Johnny rushed, and then he walked over to you as if he was excited. "Y/N, you should go next." You knew exactly where this was going, but you played along. For some odd reason. To amuse the boys, you had guessed. "Fine."
You squinted your eyes closed and grabbed a pair of keys, and well, when you opened your eyes it was a dead giveaway. There was a little black and yellow snake keychain.
Terry observed, then cleared his throat. "Those are mine, doll." You knew this was going to happen. But you weren't going to complain. It was fucking Terry Silver for crying out loud?
"Of course they are," You shot Terry a sneaky grin then glared over at the boys, "I knew this was going to happen," You mentioned, but then turned to Terry who was standing behind you.
"Although," You started, then grabbed his collar, yanking him down to your level, your lips were very close together, "I'm not complaining though." He raised his eyebrows at that.
"Okay, get a room you two, gosh," Bobby scoffed, looking away with a bright shade of blush on his face. Johnny laughed, then directed the two of you to one of the spare rooms in the back. Bobby didn't realize Johnny took what he said literally until Johnny came back with just himself. "Damnit, Johnny."
When you heard Johnny's footsteps get farther away from the door, you closed it by grabbing ahold of Terry's shirt again, and pushing him on the door with force. You pulled him down once again, except this time, you weren't waiting, you were eager to have his lips on yours, and you regreted nothing.
Your lips smashed into his, and your hand ran down his chest, and when it got to his v-line, you slowly wrapped it around his waist. "What a tease," He whispered, pressing his lips back onto yours.
He used his hand to tilt your chin up more. He scooped you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You were mentally prepared for him already, Terry was known to be a menace, you expected nothing less when it came to sex.
As the two of you made-out, his hands fell upon your ass, squeezing lighting which made you jump slightly, and when you jumped, you rubbed up against him, you both moaned into each other's mouths.
He walked you over to the bed, and set you down on the edge, spreading your legs and standing in-between them as he pulled away carefully slow. He just stared at you. You have him the sexiest eyes you could give, and he smiled and brushed some hair out of your face. "So beautiful."
His words made you shiver. His voice was just above a whisper, his lips were suddenly close to your ear. One of his large hands left your hip and trailed a soft pattern on your thigh, the feeling began to tickle. "P-please." You breathed heavily.
The sound of your beg made his pants tighten, he just eyed you with a sneaky grin. "Please, what, doll?" He knew exactly what you wanted, he was just being a little bitch.
"God- touch me, please, Terry," He wanted to ravish you right then and there, just because of how you panted his name. He hadn't even touched your body and you were already a mess.
He sat down next to you, bringing your lips to his. His hand moved up your thigh inching closer to the space you needed him most, and when he got to that spot he pushed your underwear aside, and dragged it along your wet folds.
You moaned, loudly, which was covered up by loud music from outside the room. "I've barely touched you and you're all worked up. And god, you're so wet. Did I do this to you?" His tone was low and husk, but it just made you wetter. You nodded eagerly.
He laughed.
He fucking laughed.
Was this just some type of joke to him?
He peered at your lips, then stood up so he towered over you, his hand sneaked up to your cheek. This thumb dragged along your bottom lip. "You need to use your words, my love." His thumb entered your mouth, which was hotter than it seemed, your lips closed around it, and you nodded slowly.
He pushed his finger in a little farther, and you found yourself completely sucking on his thumb. He gazed at you enticingly, the way he looked down on you nearly made your knees tremble.
"Yes, Sensei."
"Fuck," He sighed out loud, it had a little laugh behind it. He grabbed you by the neck, and pushed you back into your bed. "What are you doing to me?" He held you against the covers.
He let go for a second, "This is okay, right?" He asked, completely breaking his little tough-dominant act. You laughed and nodded your head. He smiled and continued.
His hand went from hovering over to squeezing even harder on your neck. His other hand inched up your thigh once again, but this time not as slowly as he did before. "Look at you, needing me. Needing my touch. Such a desperate slut. How does my pretty girl want me to pleasure her?"
You let out a soft moan, "Please, anything." You begged. "Choose. Now. Or you get nothing." He was so demanding. It was so sexy.
"Your hands, then your dick, please," Your words only made him smirk, his grip on your neck tightened. He stuck his middle finger in you without warning, as your hips ground up to his hand.
His finger curled, causing you to scream. He was demolishing you with just his slim fingers, if he was this impressive now, you wondered what he was capable of when it came to actual sex.
You bucked your hips up, but his hand came down to push on your hips, his arms flexed as he pinned your hips down. "Quit squirming, love. I mean, I know it's good," He trailed off cockily, you just rolled your eyes and laughed a little.
That laugh triggered him, so he pushed a second finger into you. His face moved so his lips were almost on yours, his beautiful eyes were filled with anger and lust, "Who's laughing now, huh?"
You whined desperately, you were becoming annoyed at him and his teasingly slow fingers, you were already ready to take him, but you knew he would want to wait a little for that. He just enjoyed the sounds you made while he teased you. He began to laugh.
"It's not that funny, Sensei." His eyes met yours as his fingers left your hole. A quiet moan escaped your lips as his hand tightened around your throat. "You think it's fun playing games with me, Y/N? Don't test me."
You knew he wasn't looking for an answer, but you were feeling extra bratty that day, specifically. "What if I wanted to test you? How would you stop me?" Your lips formed into a sly smirk, and he brought you eve level with him by your neck.
"I'd shut this pretty little mouth of yours," He trailed the tip of his fingers along your lips. You batted your eyelashes at him, "How?"
You gave him your most innocent smile as he gripped your jaw tightly and brought his frustrated face to yours. "By filling it up. But we don't want that, do we?" He breathed, his other hand trailing softly down your body causing goosebumps. You smiled.
"What if I did?"
He scoffed and shook his head. "I knew you'd enjoy this. I knew you being a brat wasn't just to piss me off, you enjoy being punished, huh? Humiliated?" You moaned helplessly at his words.
The hand that was on your jaw left, grabbing the back of your neck. "You like being degraded, don't you, love? I can tell by the way you react when I call you cruel names and say bitter words. It turns you on?" You nodded, and he just laughed.
"Pathetic. Get off the bed." He demanded, and you quickly stood up, his hands left your prepossessing body. "You're gonna say such words to me and think you can get away with it? No. You can't. Get on your knees."
His words made you shiver, but you were definitely more excited than you should've been. Normally people wouldn't be excited about a punishment, but something about being put in your place made you desire the other even more.
You sunk onto the carpeted floor as Terry began to unbuckle his belt. He took the material out of the rims and threw it across the decorated bedroom. He pulled his dress pants down and threw those across the room as well. He stood in front of you in just his white button up and his boxers, and he sat down on the edge of the bed. "C'mere." He demanded lowly, just by the tone of his voice you could tell he was both turned-on and sexually frustrated.
"Pull them down."
You did as he asked, pulling his boxers down slowly and his hard cock fell hit his stomach, he moaned at the sudden exposure. He then looked down to you. You were gazing at him deviously, as you grabbed him suddenly and all he could do was moan. You loved teasing. This was going to be fun.
He shuddered, "Stroke it." He spoke. You did as you were told, except, a lot faster than expected. All he could do was pant and moan, the sensation was too much to slow you down. "Mmm."
He mumbled gibberish, as you used one hand to jerk him off and you ran your nails of the other along his thigh. "That's it, baby, fuck." He moaned louder than expected. You lightly kissed his tip, as you stroked him. "Like that?"
"Fuck, yes, like that." He spoke sounding somewhat frustrated with how fast you possibly could make him come just by using your hand. He hated admitting it, but if you stroking him at the same fast speed, he would loose it in less than five minutes.
His hand wrapped around as much of your hair as he could and as soon as you opened your mouth to take him, he pushed your head so it went as far as you could go. You removed your hand so your mouth could have more access. He held you down as you took all of him, gagging and choking but he didn't care, if anything the gags made it hotter and more realistic.
He grabbed your hair and brought your head up, and then pushed it back down to the point where he was just face-fucking you. And with all honestly, you were loving it. He could tell.
"You love being used don't you?" He panted, "How pathetic, look at you, falling apart, all because I'm taking control of you." You began to choke again as he held you down once more, "Poor thing." The fake sympathy stung, specially at the back of your throat. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your mascara would definitely leave noticeable stains, but you didn't care, and neither did he.
He threw his head back, and you could tell he was becoming close by how he was twitching inside of your mouth. "Fuck, look at you, sucking me off so well," He spoke. You bobbed your head up and down, and he began to pant and moan more than before.
He tried to pull himself out of your mouth, not wanting to hurt you anymore, but you could take it, and you wanted it more than ever. You grabbed his hips and took as much of him as you could, and he just looked down at you with hordes eyes and his mouth agape, "You want it, huh?" He said, and you just moaned in response, the vibrations caught him of guard and soon after his dick contracted and he spilled into your throat, repeating your name and the same gibberish-sounding profanities.
After he calmed down, he looked down at you. You had taken him so well and he wasn't expecting you to take his seed like that, and just thinking about it he became hard again.
He wiped your lip slowly, "Up. Now."
You obeyed, standing up quickly. "On the bed. On all fours." You felt your heart skip a beat knowing what was going to happen next, as you listened to his words and did what he commanded.
He stood behind, dragging you to the edge.
You felt his tip rub against your opening, the tiny sensation making your swollen pussy throb. "Look at you. Such a mess for me." You whimpered at his demanding words. He thrusted into you without warning, raucously groaned.
His fingertips drowned into your hips, tiny droplets of sweat fell from his forehead as he started his pace so roughly, it made you shout. He yanked your head back by your hair, the pain and the pleasure as a mix was tearing you apart slowly and you weren't sure how much more you could handle.
Terry's arm reached around, his hand rubbed little circles on your clit, proudly smirking at the sound of your sweet moans. "Terry-"
"What do you want? Don't tell me you can't handle it?" He spoke, his words full with venom as he continued to fuck you into oblivion. "No- it's not that," You tempered.
You grabbed his hand that was on your clit, and brought it up to your neck, you formed his hands so it was wrapped around your neck. His hand tightened and you let go.
He smiled down at you, "Atta girl."
He thrusted into you again and again, then flipped you over, so he could watch you fall apart in his arms. "Look at me." His soft hand cupped your cheek, tilting your chin up to look directly at him. Your eyes scrunched closed, not purposely, the pleasure was taking over and you felt yourself begin to loose it.
"Look at me." He repeated, this time firmer. "Look at me while you come, otherwise you won't." His words made you squirm and grab the sheets, you opened your eyes and looked him directly in the eye, "Please, Please let me come." You begged hopelessly.
“Fuck, yes," Apparently the sounds of your begging made him feel like a horny teenager again, cause he threw his head back and let out a breathy laugh. "God, you're so tight, baby," He panted. His breaths became heavier than ever. "Only for you, Sensei," You spoke with a sly grin.
Your sweet talk made his knees weak, "Oh, god, say that again." His submissive side was sharing to show, one second he was extremely dominant and calling you names. The next, he was begging for you to call him the same ones.
"Sensei? You like when I call you that?" You questioned, smiling up at him with the sneakiest look in your eye ever. "God, yes."
He snuck his hand on your clit again, rubbing and stimulating you so you could have the best orgasm you've ever had, and he wanted it to be from him and only him. You looked like a goddess, while being fucked by him, he grabbed your breasts through your dress and massaged them slowly. Your back arched as his eager hands added to the stimulation.
"Oh, I'm gonna come. Please let me come." You whined. He pounded into you faster, his tip hit places you've never been hit before as he held your legs over his shoulders to hit a deeper spot.
You let out a loud moan as you came around him, you moaned his name multiple times. "Is that what you wanted, my love?" He choked out, trying to seem as possible even though he was struggling to speak at all. "God yes," You began to lower from your high, as his thrusts became erratic as he was near his release.
"You want it?" He hummed. Strands of hair fell onto his sweating face, as he eyed your vulnerable figure up and down. His hands pushed the hair off his face, his mouth hung agape as he breathed helplessly.
"Yes," You spoke quickly, knowing he wouldn't last much longer. He moaned your name loudly as his hot cum shot into you, he whimpered and whined helplessly, as his breathing became steady once again and he wiped the sweat off of his forehead.
You smiled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down for a kiss. He just laughed and kissed you back passionately. After a couple minutes of regaining composure, Terry got up and went to the bathroom that was linked to the bedroom, and grabbed a damp washcloth and came over to clean up the mess you both made.
"Was I too rough?" He asked, sweetly but with a tiny laugh.
You smiled at him, you never realized how beautiful his eyes were. "No, it was perfect. But now I'm tired." You said, then snuggled onto the pillow next to you. He gently held you up and moved the pillow, taking it's place. He let you fall asleep in his arms, and he fell asleep as well not long after.
When he woke up though, the clock next to him struck nine o'clock in the morning and he was awoken by the four boys walking in to 'grab something' but in reality they just winked and whistled at Terry.
Except for Johnny, who was the one who had to acfually get something, the others just followed. Johnny was walking around cluelessly with a hand covering his eyes, not risking the chance of seeing his favorite cousin naked.
You heard Jimmy whisper, "Johnny, you're fine, she's asleep and covered." Johnny protested though, and he shook his head. "It's fine, just in case." He whispered, then ran into a table.
The boys all laughed, then dragged each other out of the room. Tommy looked back and whistled, Terry shooed him out with a look and the rest of the boys speed-walked out of the room, quieter than expected.
#terry silver#cobra kai smut#smut imagine#oneshot#velvrei#john kreese#karate#karate kid#daniel larusso#johnny lawrence#karate kick
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