#I'm going through the ten stages of grief
hercarisntyours · 9 days
no one fucking talk to me I'm seeing the européen premier for tfone before it even releases in the states I'm having a heart attack I can't breathe GUYSSSSSSSS I'm I'm I don't even know I need to be put in a fucking straight jacket I'm about to tbrow up i think idk I'm shaking like a milksbake shake shake
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pendragora · 4 months
Our fandom whines about the lack of nuance and critical thinking, but then fails to comprehend the complexity of human emotion when it comes to seeing something you like being ruined or executed poorly
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shinyspooks · 6 months
dpxdc scenario where Danny's hanging out with some of the younger heroes, and somehow they get on the topic of origin stories, and they're going in a circle talking about them, Danny's going to go last, but before him is Kid Flash (Wally West) and-
Kid Flash: so i heard about The Flash, my Uncle's, lab accident where he got struck by lightning, so i figured out what chemicals were present, waited for a stormy night, and recreated it to get my powers! alright, Phantom, you're next!
Danny, horrified: ...No. no absolutely not- I'm not telling you how this happened after hearing that, I- you recreated it?
Kid Flash: yep!
Danny: you could have died!!
Kid Flash: but i didn't!
Danny, visibly going through the five stages of grief: i need a ten foot minimum distance between him and me at all times-
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xoxoladyaz · 2 years
Deep down, Steve knows that it's only a matter of time until he gets caught.
It feels like he's gone through the five stages of grief, like, twenty times. He can't count how many hours he's spent rationalizing it: what Eddie doesn't know won't hurt him, this is normal, people do it all the time, and besides, Eddie would feel completely betrayed if he knew and their relationship is so new that it's just not worth the risk. The absolute last thing he wants is to upset Eddie and this will just make him upset so really, Steve is doing the honorable thing by just not telling him, by pretending that he's not hiding anything, that everything is fine.
But it's not Eddie that catches him; hell, it isn't even someone in the Party; it's Jeff, Eddie's friend/Hellfire Club member/Corroded Coffin bandmate who shows up too early for D&D at Steve's one day and sees something he shouldn't have.
"This isn't what it looks like."
Jeff walks into the kitchen and frowns, like he's confused by what he's seeing and why Steve is so anxious, why he's sweating like he's just run a marathon. "It looks like you're blending a bunch of veggies together in a blender."
Shit. "Okay, it's exactly what it looks like."
Jeff still looks confused. "And this is a big deal because - "
"Because I haven't told Eddie that the 'special pasta sauce' that I've been using the last three months whenever we have spaghetti and meatballs is actually entirely made of, like, ten different kinds of vegetables," Steve rushes out, and Jeff's face smoothes in understanding.
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. The dude has a weird vendetta against veggies."
Steve groans, slumping in relief. "Tell me about it. Do you know how hard it is to hide veggies in every single meal that I make for him? Because if I don't, then he's never going to eat them, and I'm worried about his health enough as it is."
Jeff nods. "It's the smoking, right?"
"The smoking, and the drinking, and I know he's sneaking out to smoke with Jon and Argyle, but he doesn't exercise and he only eats highly processed cereal with loads of sugar and I just don't want him to have a heart attack before the age of forty!"
"Hey, hey, Steve, man, your secret's safe with me." Jeff holds his hands up in supplication. "And for the record, I'm on your side. The dude is like a feral raccoon."
"I know," Steve sighs. "But he's my feral raccoon."
That makes Jeff start laughing. "If it makes you feel any better, my mom and I have been doing the same thing for years now. If you want, we could exchange recipes sometime."
"Really?" Steve perks up and now, now he's excited. "That would be great!"
"Sick. Need some help with the meatballs?"
And that is how Eddie and Gareth and Phil and Dustin and Mike and Lucas and Erica and Will find them later, chatting and laughing while Steve tosses his homemade noodles into his now-simmering pasta sauce, Jeff sitting on the kitchen island and drinking a beer.
This time, it's Jeff who looks like he's seen a ghost. "This isn't what it looks like."
"Oh?" Eddie asks, and his voice is totally controlled, which means that Jeff is screwed. "So you're not hanging out with my boyfriend and making him do that cute little blushy giggle that is my cute blushy giggle?"
"Eddie!" Steve scolds, but it's too late, Jeff knows his fate is sealed.
"Okay, it's exactly what it looks like."
(Jeff's rogue is caught in the blast zone when Dustin's ranger kills a large acid toad. Still, he can't feel too mad when he sees Eddie smirk and then lick the veggie sauce out of his pasta bowl.)
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writingmeraki · 1 year
hot & cold I
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a min ho mini series !
summary : Feeling the warm butterflies in your stomach as well as the cold sinking feeling in your heart wasn't the best especially just because of one person nonetheless you think it was worse because that person was none other than the guy you apparently hated with your entire existence.
( or you long crossed the blurry lines of love and hate when it came to Minho and were both just idiotic enough to not realise that until you had to force it out of yourself because of your stupidity.)
genre : angst, fluff, comfort !
pairing : minho x fem!reader, e2l, idiots to lovers.
warnings : mentions of alcohol and underage drinking, kissing and making out, cussing. both being dumb and too high on their ego. kinda blame it on Minho in this one I fear 😨
author's note : and as my obsession goes crazy, I knew I had to write a miniseries on Minho. I honestly have no idea how long it can be this time, it'll mostly depend on your feedback but also how long I make this but expect 2-3 parts more ?? this was written out of nowhere tbh because I had a really different idea for this. anyways enjoy and let me know what you think ! <3 ( not proofread as usual, we die like real men 😀)
based on this request !
word count : 4.3k
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"Maybe you should put that down now."
Kitty said, observing the way you tipped down the cocktail, be it a secret yet not secret alcoholic one.
You winced and shook your head as you smashed the glass down after, Kitty having to shoot an apologetic look to the temporary bartender, who wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else but a party of drunk and horny teenagers sneaking in alcohol and downing it as though they were going through all stages of grief at the moment or in moments of classical teenage stupidity.
"Oh- KAY! I think that's more than enough." She pulled your hands away from the other cocktail that was served up,despite this one now being the only non-alcoholic, she felt it was getting a lot and you whined at her, she narrowed her eyes at you.
"Y/N, you've had more than enough."
"Noooo, I'm fine I can handle ittt." Your words slurred and she gave you a blank stare, holding up two fingers, she asked
"Okay then, how many fingers I am holding up?"
You narrowed your eyes, trying to think hard and giggled as you spoke
"Kitty, Katty since when did you have six fingers?" A drunken smile sat on your face as you leaned forward pointing your finger to count the 'six' fingers.
You vision was blurry but you were still able to make out the outline of what was in front of you.
Kitty rolled her eyes and sighed softly "How much did you even have?"
You put up both your hands, all fingers up and her eyes widened almost comically, it only made you giggle at her expressions,
"TEN? please tell me TEN sips!"
"Nooo silly, of course not…it was just three glasses with that sercret ingredient." You whispered to her as you leaned in closer as though you were telling a top secret and in a way it was, your lips were turned upwards, dimples lightly peaking.
"Alright, we have to get you back to the dorms then! Let me call Q and Florian, then we'll go okay? You stay here. Don't move Y/N!" She pointed at you, her words strict but you couldn't think about anything other than how pretty she seemed at the moment, so without much thought you blurted out,
"You look so pretty, Kit, you really do." Your eyes were half closed but you could see her wearing a tight black dress, her hair done down and straight, her black heels only making her figure look leaner.
Kitty, despite knowing you were drunk, couldn't help but laugh at your words, she shook her head and told you one last time before disappearing to find Q and Florian as soon as she could.
Looking up, the ceiling was multicolored, flashes of blue and green danced across it and you looked in awe as if it was a piece of art.
You looked around you, noticing the way the entire place seemed to be overcrowded but people were having fun, either getting shit drunk or dancing as if it was their last time.
Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you
You smiled when you heard the familiar tune and lyrics, having hearing it from your roommate and also ended up falling in love with it, the beat was slightly altered to make it more party pop but it only made it more better.
Standing up and stumbling slightly as you made your way to the dance floor, the world looking like it was moving fast as you also moved your body along to the crowd.
You felt as though you'd been hit so hard when you ended up colliding harshly into the person and you braced yourself for the fall, feeling as if you're flying high to come crashing hard into the ground.
Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the world
And as cliche as it could get, you didn't feel the crash instead a stronger grip on your waist pulled you back up as the side face instead hit something soft yet firm.
You looked up and you felt the same awe when you saw the multicolored ceiling as though it was a piece of art, maybe even more, as your eyes scanned his face.
It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help me make the most
Colours shone on his face, highlighting his sharp jawline that you felt yourself get lost in, you continued to scan the bridge of his nose and his cupid's bow. You looked into his eyes and only felt your haziness increase as you felt the tug in your heart. They seemed to drink you in as you did him, and your gaze turned to the way one corner of his lips turned upwards.
The arm around your waist felt warmer than it should and you definitely felt the heat on your face, your entire body even. Your knees felt more weaker as you prayed your legs didn't give up on you, and with this the grip on your waist only got tighter.
Minho looked down at you, his gaze never leaving your face as he held you up. Staring at your lips for a little longer than he should have. The fact that he felt as if there were sparks of electricity running through just by the waist around your arm and most of your body weight on his, made him only want more. More than he should be wanting.
And again, letting your intrusive thoughts take the wheel of your actions, you lifted up one hand and brushed it along his jawline.
"Ouch…paper cut." Giggling at your ridiculous joke, you rested your head on his shoulder now, moving your arms around his broad shoulders.
Naturally, his own arms now fully wrapped around your waist and if someone, which more than a few heads turned, saw you in this position, it'd look more intimate than it should. Considering how far down you both go.
Minho smiled unknowingly, the sound of your giggles always making his heart race more than it should.
"I know you're clumsy as fuck, but I didn't think you'd fall for me this soon, I guess it would happen soon anyways considering how intelligent and good looking I am."
Your eyes moved to look up into his, noticing his lips pulled into a smirk that really only did more things unbeknownst to you,and you narrowed them before slurring out,
"You sound exactly like Minho, I actually thought it was almost you." You continued mumbling,
"But I know it's definitely not him, considering he was already busy with that…Madison." You rolled your eyes, slowly shutting them and you pushed your head back down onto his shoulders and moved closer to the crook of his neck, craving the warmth he radiated.
"Plus I'm sure he'd let me fall face first on the ground if I fell on him the way I just did." You mumbled into his neck, he felt himself control the shiver that run down his spine when your lips touched his neck as you mumbled.
Frowning, he spoke up, wanting to defend himself even if it seemed pointless,
"No, he wouldn't." He said firmly and you looked up at him as you thought of his words,
"Considering how we are, I don't think I'm wrong to assume he'd do that." Even though you were drunk, you spoke the words more smoothly as if it was a whole truth.
"Besides I don't even care what he does, he can go kiss that…that girl for all I care, no I definitely don't care if he does this with her, if he looks at her like that way."
Minho's expression turned down, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips pulled into a frown,
"What way?" He asked softly as he could see your eyes tearing up and you gulped sadly and you put on a dejected smile,
"How I wish, I wish he'd look at me, for once." You said more gently, whispering letting your vulnerable feelings speak up.
He only felt his heart sinking the more he took in the sadness and vulnerability showing on your face, he felt his guilt double than it had before as he recalled why he'd even been making out with Madison in the first place.
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He'd felt his entire focus zone in on the person who'd just walk in the place.
Even as much as he seemed to hate your mere presence, his eyes always seemed to drift towards you much to his annoyance.
His gaze felt heavy as it dragged from the shoes you'd worn to the hairstyle you'd done. Your outfit consisted of a maroon tight dress that had ended just below your knees, a teasing slit running just a little further up your left side, just enough to make someone want to see more.
Your lips were a similar shade of maroon as you smiled, depths forming on your cheeks that tugged at his heart, your hair done down and resting just below your shoulders.
You looked…you looked better than he could even describe.
Beautiful would be a word, but he thinks it underwhelms you.
Kitty was beside you in her black dress and her hair done down but his eyes couldn't stop drinking you in as if it was not enough for him.
He wanted something he shouldn't. He shouldn't be thinking about you right now the way he is.
He forced himself to look away, searching for someone else in the crowd.
He looked better than he should and you hated the way your eyes moved to the dip between his throat and shirt.
Gosh that's such an ugly fucking colour you thought yet you felt fainter as your eyes scanned the way his hair was parted, something you knew only he could pull off. Some loose strands sat on his forehead and you hated the way you felt your legs almost give up in these tight heels as you took in the way the blazer fit his broad shoulders.
Fuck he looked good.
You looked at him, observing him scanning the crowd as he disappeared away.
"Let's get this party started!" Kitty said excitedly to which you lightly laughed,
"Kitty it's already started, we are already like forty minutes late because of a certain someone but sure! Love the enthusiasm! Woo!" You chuckled as you saw her excitement bubble down and then laughing along with you.
"Let's go then girls! The best place at a party, the bar!" Q threw his arms around both your shoulders as he sloshed himself between you, now pulling you towards the bar.
The bartender served up five mocktails which you thought were too beautiful looking to be drank but you raised a toast,
"Here's to meeting new people and ending our bitchless eras!" You toasted as you giggled which was followed by the rest clinking their respective glasses onto yours as you took a sip.
"Guys,I have something." Florian spoke as he pulled a flask from his blazer and your eyes widened at the sight, knowing what it was.
"Oh My God! No way… now you're the real one for this." You said as he winked at you and opened the flask, the smell already indicating what it was as he poured in a bit into yours and his.
"Ohh me too! Me too!" Kitty said as she pushed her glass towards him and he poured in hers as well.
"The last for the best." Florian spoke as he poured it in Q's drink which made him look away and you smirked as you saw him almost blush.
"Now this is a real toast." You finally clinked your drinks for the last time, now taking in a sip, wincing yet loving the bitter taste that contrasted well with the sweetness of the cocktail.
"By the way, Y/N, I don't think you're ever going to be able to meet new people." Kitty spoke which made you turn to her in confusion.
"I mean come on, you won't be able to meet new people because you already are into someone." She continued and now looked towards Q, him nodding in agreement as you still looked in confusion.
"Oh please, don't look like a lost puppy now, we all saw the way you basically bore your eyes into Min ho as soon as you saw him like a hungry vulture or something." Q said which made Florian chuckle and you only glared at his words as though looks could kill.
"You don't plan a murder out loud now do you?" You defended yourself as Kitty rolled her eyes,
"More like you'd kill anyone who'd dare even hurt a fraction of his hair." Kitty said to which now both Florian and Q nodded, feeling betrayal as you looked at Florian, thinking he'd been on your side to which he only raised his hands in his defense.
"Look, Y/N, maybe you don't see it, but you definitely go past the so called hate line you both have." He said as he knew you surely felt more for him than the passive aggressive persona you showed when he was around.
"After all they do say the lines between love and hate tend to blur." Kitty said as she took a sip of her drink and you only scoffed, ready to reply saying you knew where you stood and you were gladly under the hate side, despising Min ho because of his unbearable personality that would make you so mad.
So mad you'd want to punch his pretty face at times.
"Uh oh." Q said suddenly as his eyes caught a sight that he wished wouldn't have but they quickly widened when he realised you were literally right next to him and probably heard him.
Naturally your eyes moved to where he was looking, and oh how you wished you also didn't see what you just saw but for completely different reasons that you couldn't put a finger on at the time being.
Minho stood next to Madison as he whispered something into her ears, which made her laugh, you saw the way his arm was wrapped around her waist, hiding her close to him.
You felt like throwing up as your stomach recoil and churn, moving your eyes, not wanting to think more of this than you should. But it seemed as though it was impossible as the image replayed in your mind.
You felt the tension in the air when your face twisted bitterly, noticing your friends also tensing up and felt guilty for suddenly changing the cheerful mood.
"Guys come one now, I don't care, now go and have fun!" You reassured them as they looked at you skeptically.
"Listen, he can go and fuck around with whoever he wants, I really don't care. We shouldn't let this ruin our moods. Now go." You bit on your tongue as put on a tight smile, no usual dimples peaking, a sign it was fake.
Hearing the firmer tone at the end, Q and Florian nodded as they held hands "Okay then, find us when you need us okay?"
Q said as you just mindlessly nodded and they also moved into the flow of the crowd.
Kitty still looked at you skeptically but you just smiled at her, now a genuine one telling her to go on and finish her agenda of meeting new people.
At least one of you seemed ready to move on.
"Thank you." You heard a voice suddenly speak up from beside you as you sat nursing the cocktail in your hands, it's coolness relieving the warmth your body felt.
"Oh someone with manners, I like that." You said putting down your drink, deciding that if he can fuck around when he wants, who were you to not as well.
The guy next to you turns towards you, him taking in your figure, a smirk forming on his face as he realised who you were.
"I'm Geon." He said to which you smiled.
"Y/N." You spoke up to which he chuckled which made you a bit confused,
"Oh I know." You raised an eyebrow at his words,
"It's an honor to have the hottest girl here talking to me." He said with a grin as you then lifted your drink to take another sip, after which you giggled at his words, even though you didn't think you would have even been phased if it weren't for the alcohol now slowly flowing in your system.
"Oh yeah? Tell me more." You leaned in closer to him with a smug smile, biting your lip lightly to which you think again, this probably wouldn't be happening right now if it weren't for the liquid courage or your mess of an emotional baggage.
This whole spectacle was being seen by someone who'd otherwise think you were both already together. He rolled his eyes, looking away as he clicked his tongue, folding his arms and a scowl of both disgust and jealousy forming on his face.
Of course.
He thought looking back at the pair of Geon and you.
"I think she's better than all the other girls, even Yuri, people say she's the prettiest but don't realize that they are wrong. And Kitty next to you looks so underwhelming but both of them are nothing but plain next to you."
And despite you starting to feel more tipsy, you controlled the urge to just flip him off.
Instead you leaned in closer, raising one hand and cupping his face, bringing your face near his ear, as though you'd whisper about how he was definitely right, a light smile forming on his face.
That's what he thought at least.
Chuckling lowly, you whispered sweetly,
"You know sweety, what type of men I absolutely despise?"
You briefly made eye contact with him when he looked down at you from the corner of his eye.
"The ones who bring women down in hopes of getting into my pants and thinking that will actually work."
You trailed your hand down his neck, fingers lightly touching, he gulped as he shivered under your touch, the grin forming on his face long gone when he heard the venom lacing your tone.
"Let alone the fact that they are my best friends, and trust me, if I wanted to I'd punch the shit out of you right now but,listen to me carefully."
You rested your hand on his collarbone,
"No girl is meant for your judging pleasure especially not for undeserving dickheads like you and if you dare talk to me again, trust me, I can do much worse than you can think."
You leaned back and patted his chest, grinning widely, but your eyes said a completely different story.
"Now. Fuck off."
And fuck off he did as he swallowed nervously, turning around and moving into the crazy crowd,mumbling something under his breath, you not really caring to pay attention to his words as you sighed out, rubbing your forehead with your fingers.
Men are nothing but disappointment, what did I even expect ?
"Hey guess what!- what happened to you?" Kitty said as she suddenly appeared from your right side making you surprised but you smiled at her reassuringly, not wanting her to know what that jerk said for obvious reasons.
"Oh it's nothing, it's getting noisy that's all." Kitty didn't seem convinced at all because she did spot you talking to Geon, not wanting to interrupt when he saw you whispering something to him,
Huh so she really was serious about the whole meeting new people thing?
But when he walked away looking a little paler, she figured it was not exactly what it looked like, deciding that she should intervene now.
"Oh-kay but you know what, I just…" You now looked forward your back facing the bar as you placed your elbows on the counter, leaning onto them, raising an eyebrow at her for her to continue,
"I am glad I came here, I'm glad we all did, I'm happy, for once and it feels so…so good to be happy with you guys who I didn't think would even be my friends."
She said smiling at you, her sitting down next to your stool, and you turned your neck, looking at her now,
You smiled, finally a genuine one and it showed when your dimples showed,
"I'm glad I met you guys as well." You told her and just as she was about to say something, her eyes trailed towards your left, narrowing to make sure she was seeing right.
She froze when she saw you look at her, naturally wanting to see what made her look the way she was looking right now.
"Uh! Well look you know I'm happy you…uh well you agreed to come here!" She pulled your shoulders a little forcefully, the rotating barstool moving and making you now face her.
You looked perplexed at her behaviour, especially how she almost knocked you out but she just smiled at you, a little too forcefully.
"I just think you should know you deserve better than you think and even if it's not-"
You called out to her, stopping her rambling, moving your hands up from off your shoulders.
"What's got you so…so nervous all of a sudden?" You questioned seeing her eyes still fixated behind you, her hand stopping you again from turning around.
"I just don't think you should see this. Really." She swallowed nervously and you waved her off,
"It's not that deep Kitty chill." You said but how you wished you'd listen to her.
You went rigid, seeing the sight now in front of you and clenched your jaw.
There was Minho in all his glory, kissing, no more like passionately making out with none other than Madison.
He had his arms around her waist as she played with his hair, and you could see her smile into the kiss. His mouth moved from her lips to her jawline and you watched her giggle as he seemed to be whispering something that made her laugh only more.
Why did it feel like someone just ripped your heart out and smashed it right in front of you with their bare hands?
You turned towards the bar, squeezing your eyes shut, holding your head in your hands as you felt the pounding in it get harder.
You gulped harshly trying to squeeze the image out of your brain,
"Y/N." Kitty put her hand on your shoulder, her warm touch contrasting the coldness you felt.
"Ah, I should have listened to you." You laughed but it held no humour. You could feel your emotions go all over the place as you replayed everything you'd seen till now.
Both of them laughing together, him looking at her as if she was the only on there, him focusing on her as if she was the only one there, him making out with her as if she'd slip away from his hands.
"You know what maybe I just need a little drink." You raised your hand up calling for the bartender and asking for two cocktails.
You put your hand out to Kitty expectedly, her frowning at the way you tried to act as if it was all right but she could see the unshed tears on your lash line.
Before she could say anything, you asked her quickly,
"Where's that whisky Florian gave you?" Talking about the flask she'd been hiding in her purse that was given to her by Florian.
"Y/N, you can't just drink away your emotions like this, you can't even handle alcohol-"
"Kitty, I'll be fine, just…just give it to me please?"
She sighed, she knew about your tendency to avoid talking about your feelings. She just opened up her purse and removed the flask just as the bartender served the drinks.
You took it from her and poured a questionable amount but you didn't really care at the moment, wanting to feel the high rather than the heaviness you currently felt creeping in your chest.
Raising a toast to yourself, you grinned up at Kitty, a sorrowness that only made her feel more and more sympathic for you.
"Here's to the most unluckiest person at the moment, me!"
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That was now half an hour ago, and here you were now wrapped tightly around the very person who'd made you feel miserable in the first place.
"You know it's not even his fault. We don't even like each other. I'm pretty sure he hates me but why the fuck does it hurt so bad?" You whined as you pulled away from the supposed stranger's, attractive one at least, body and stood up on your own.
You pushed his arms away from you and you almost stumbles but held one hand out when he tried to hold you again to prevent you from falling,
"Y/N you'll fall-"
"No, I'm fine, I swear. I don't even know why I just dumped that weird emotional baggage onto you, sorry."
"Thank you anyways, for you know saving me from breaking my own face right there, if you want me to repay you, just come to Chemistry class first period on Monday!"
You stepped away from him and trying to not cry because no matter how drunk you were you didn't want to cry over some stupid boy.
Minho stood there, his eyes downcast as he remembered the look on your face, he ran a hand through his hair, exhaling heavily.
How do I even begin ?
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023
feedback is appreciated hehe :D 💗
links : main navi !
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jenni going through the various stages of grief about the monterrey heat and has now reached...acceptance! 😂
"good morning, afternoon, evening. today i'm coming with another video because yesterday i complained...that we have trained like this at seven in the morning. but at ten now 35 degrees, 35 degrees..listen i'm happy because of this sun, this heat...and now i'm enjoying it. i wake up with a lot of desire to enjoy this wonderful day."
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foundmywei · 2 years
I finished reading "If we were villains" a few hours ago, so while I'm still going through the 5 stages of grief, here are the gayest scenes between Oliver and James that I made sure to save while reading even though I had no idea at first if it's going anywhere or not.
1. Oliver unconsciously leaning in when James was pretend-hitting him during class. (ACT I - scene 9)
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2. James covering Oliver with the fake blood on Halloween. (ACT I - scene 12)
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3. Oliver staying with James after the Halloween incident. (ACT I - scene 12)
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4. "I wanted to give Richard ten bruises for every one he'd put on James." (ACT II - scene 2)
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5. Oliver waking up next to James. "The strange sudden thought that I didn't want to move struck me." (ACT III - scene 10)
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6. Oliver kindly informing us that he's the only one who knows every inch of James. (ACT III - scene 18)
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7. "I desperately wanted him to stay, seized by the nonsensical idea that if he left, I would lose him, irretrievably.", "Forget to think of her." (ACT III - scene 18)
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8. Oliver being blindly, savagely jealous while watching James and Wren kiss during R&J. (ACT III - scene 18)
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9. Oliver thinking about James after having sex with Meredith. (ACT IV - scene 1)
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10. Oliver going to spend the night with Meredith in the hopes that it'll help him forget about James. (ACT IV - scene 1)
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11. Oliver yelling at James that he can't be mad at him or hate him. (ACT IV - scene 7)
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12. Oliver having a crisis while watching James and Meredith kiss. (ACT IV - scene 9)
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13. "He was my friend—much more than that, truthfully", "My infatuation with James transcended any notion of gender." (ACT V - prologue)
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14. ""You didn't tell me." I didn't realize until it was out of my mouth that that alone was worse than any of the rest of it.",
"I never wanted you to look at me the way you're looking at me right now." (ACT V - scene 5)
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15. "Worthy prince, I know't." and of course, the not so brotherly kiss. (ACT V - scene 6)
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16. "Of course, the only person I really wanted to see was James." (ACT V - scene 7)
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17. "You know why.", and James begging Oliver to let him make things right and kissing his hand the last time he went to see him. (ACT V - scene 7)
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18. "But more than that—you must know—more than anything, I just need to see James." (Epilogue)
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19. Oliver admitting at least to himself that he still is in love with James. (Epilogue)
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hollandorks · 1 year
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter six
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of your mother and grandmother, you’re forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke your heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, you vow to get to the bottom of your former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what you’re expecting. a
a/n: Slowing down a little in this chapter and giving a fun bit of insight into their relationship! With angst, of course. This fic is so much fun to write, I'm glad to see that others are enjoying it too! Also not to beg but I'm begging you to comment, reblog with comments/ comments in the tags, or message/ send an ask if you like this fic. I literally live off of feedback and have been getting mostly likes and maybe 5-6 people commenting. Anyways, enjoy!
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.7k
She might be able to expose a mob conspiracy and the Batman’s identity in one fell swoop. 
It was all she could think of as Gordon drove her home.
Y/n was fourteen years old when she realized that she wanted to kiss Bruce Wayne. She had only recently realized that she wanted to kiss anyone at all, and for some reason, her mind kept going back to Bruce. 
She still remembered the exact moment. 
It was in that moment, too, that she realized she loved Bruce as a bit more than her best friend. 
They were doing homework in the study under Alfred’s watchful eye. It had only been a few years since the death of his parents and Bruce was slowly but surely shifting into the anger stage of grief. He’d gone from shy and scared and emotional to angry and sullen and withdrawn. 
As they worked, Bruce nudged her knee with his and nodded to where Alfred had dozed off. They shared a secret smile and immediately quit working–they’d start again once Alfred woke. They hadn’t needed to say a word to communicate. Almost ten years of being friends had given them a silent language. 
And as the buttery golden afternoon light poured through the window and lit Bruce’s face, she felt it. 
Bruce was just going through puberty, his voice cracking and deepening, his body growing to that gangly, awkward height of teenage boys. She knew he was becoming a man. The thought always made a little swoop go through her stomach.
As he smiled that secret smile, she studied him. His lips looked chapped but, at fourteen, she’d never seen anything more alluring. 
She realized that he never smiled at anyone, even Alfred. Especially Alfred. And not her sweet, patient grandmother either, who easily coaxed smiles from y/n even when she was in the worst of teenage moods. 
Bruce only smiled for her. 
It was that realization that made her heart want to lay a claim to him. Quietly yet suddenly, her love for Bruce shifted into something more. And she wanted to kiss the smile from his lips like the bold women in the romantic comedies she liked. 
But it wasn’t until she was sixteen that she had her first kiss with a boy. And he hadn’t been Bruce Wayne. 
Two weeks after that, she had her first kiss with a girl to see if she liked that better. 
But the girl hadn’t been Bruce Wayne either. 
And every kiss after that, boy or girl or otherwise, was not Bruce Wayne, and it never measured up. She’d never kissed him, ever, in their entire lives together, but her heart knew that it would never want anything or anyone else. 
Kissing Bruce wasn’t what y/n dreamt that night, though, after she got home from her secret meeting with a cop and a vigilante. 
No, it was the last time she had slept in Bruce’s bed. 
As children, they had been almost like security blankets to each other. She had been only five years old when her mother had abandoned her for good and she had come to live at Wayne Tower with her grandmother. Her first nightmare woke her to a tiny face with bright blue eyes surrounded by wild, dark hair. 
“I have scary dreams too,” he’d whispered and then scooched up on her bed. They played with the dinosaur toys he’d brought with him until they fell asleep, side by side. It was as easy as that. She and Bruce became inseparable. Often they would sneak into each others’ rooms and play with various toys until falling asleep. 
And after the murder of the Waynes…most nights they spent together, two children seeking safety and comfort with each other in the way only children knew how. For three years, Bruce couldn’t sleep without her. 
But, as they grew older, Alfred and Dory forbade it, saying it wasn’t proper. They’d each, separately, gotten the birds and the bees talk. 
They were eighteen, a week from graduation, the last time it happened. By that age, y/n had harbored her secret crush for four years. She struggled to maintain that fine line between remaining his best friend and acting normal, and soaking up all of the attention he would give her like a plant left in the dark for too long searching for sunlight. 
That was back in his street racing days, where he invented new ways to make cars go faster then took to the streets to test them out. Alfred had caught him sneaking out that night and Bruce was angry. Too angry. She listened to them argue until she heard Bruce’s bedroom door slam and then slam again. 
So she’d ordered one of every kind of pizza (with his card of course, nice and new for his eighteenth birthday) and dug out all of the soda and snacks both salty and sweet she could find. They were going to have a movie night, and all of Bruce’s favorites would be featured. She had found over the years that Bruce could be cheered by unhealthy snacks and quiet company. Her other option was to create a distraction so he could actually sneak out, but she was selfish and wanted to spend time with him before college changed their lives. 
It took him a while to settle down and stop pacing and cursing, but finally, finally, he got sucked into the movie. Within an hour, he had given in and relaxed. 
It was one of those moments, frequent throughout her life, where he smiled just for her, and she fell a little bit more in love. 
The dream she was having at that moment wasn’t exactly right with the details. In the way of dreams, everything was slightly off, the proportions wrong, the specifics muddled. The food was blurry, incorporeal, the TV too close to the ceiling. The bed took up most of the room when in reality the room itself was huge.
But the feeling? The feeling was the same. 
She was in Bruce’s arms. He was a clinger when he slept, like she was a teddy bear that soothed him. In a way, she was, simply because of the habit formed in childhood. 
In the dream, she was safe once more in the haven of his arms. His breath tickled the hairs on the back of her neck and he was so, so warm. In life, she had rolled away because being too close to him had been almost painful in how right it felt. 
In the dream, she curled closer. 
She had missed their easy closeness. Even after they stopped sharing a bed, they had hugged or spoken in nudges or touches like the best friends they were. It was another of those things like his smiles that he reserved only for her. 
All that had stopped three years ago. 
Now, safe in the dream, y/n burrowed into Bruce’s comforting warmth. 
She felt whole. 
The grief, the pain, all of it was gone as his arms tightened around her. 
When she woke, her cheeks were wet. 
She and Bruce would never share that closeness again. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, she could see that that final night was the beginning of the end. College had further separated them, though the years after had made them close again. 
So close that she had felt confident in spilling her biggest secret. 
Only to have her heart broken. 
She was struck with the sudden need to see Bruce, to tell him she was sorry, to tell him she missed him, to tell him she forgave him for those awful words spoken between them. She wanted to be friends again. Even if it hurt. Even if he never loved her like she loved him. 
I don’t love you, and I never will. 
But he had loved her as a friend, once, and maybe still did. Maybe things weren’t ruined–maybe, with enough time, enough effort, they could be patched. 
Any alternative was better than her current reality. She couldn’t live next to him like strangers, ignoring their shared past. She couldn’t stop loving him, even if she only ever got to do so as a friend. 
She shoved her blankets away and rose unsteadily to her feet. She was still half-asleep, her brain sluggish, her eyes heavy. 
She couldn’t stop crying. 
She wanted, for a moment, to not feel so alone. 
She wandered to Bruce’s room first, but it was dark and empty. She couldn’t bring herself to enter completely the site of her heartbreak, so she searched the study next, where he could sometimes be found curled up with a book or tuning his guitar. Then she looked in the kitchen and all of the guest rooms. 
His parents’ room was still padlocked, as it had been for two decades, and she knew he wasn’t in there. 
Nothing in the library or gym, either, or the room with a desk he had named his office but never used. 
Nothing but dust and ghosts in the entire place. 
She just needed to see him. Just needed to tell him that she forgave him. Just needed him to tell her they could be friends again. Just needed him to tell her that he didn’t hate her. 
There was only one place left to search. 
She hadn’t been in Bruce’s private elevator in a long time. His elevator was for his use only, more private than even the private residential elevator. There were three destinations–the residence, a private exit to the parking garage, and the basement. 
In their late teens and early twenties, when Bruce was into modifying cars and racing them illegally, he had converted the abandoned Wayne Terminus station into a garage of sorts. Last she had seen it–maybe eight or ten years before–he had three cars all in varying stages of disarray. 
She pressed the button to take her down into the very depths of Wayne Tower. 
Nothing happened. 
She pressed it again. And again. 
She frowned. 
As far as she knew, this was the only way into that garage except for a secret tunnel that had been part of the old subway line. It opened miles away, though, and she had never been out that way. She wouldn’t even know where to start looking if she decided to try to find the end of it. 
She thumped a closed fist beside the panel and cursed colorfully. 
Could nothing go her way? It was thing after thing after thing the past few days and it all caught up with her when that stupid elevator button didn’t work. 
She didn’t fight the tears. 
It was all too much. Too much pain, too much loss, too much fear, too much everything. It had been the worst fucking week of her life and even the potential of her article wasn’t enough to temper it. She had survived, but at what cost? To have no one, nothing? To be murdered at some future date? To have a fucking mob hit out on her? 
The worst part was that she didn’t want to die, even though it would have been so much easier. 
Y/n sobbed and slid to the cold metal floor of the elevator. 
“Fuck,” she mumbled as she tapped the floor with her knuckles. She remembered the pain of the night Bruce broke her heart, as if it had been carved out, how she’d had to wrap her arms around her middle so as not to fall apart. That pain was back, but worse this time, because her grandmother wasn’t there to put her back together. 
She just wanted–she didn’t know what she wanted. She wanted things the way they used to be, before that night three years ago. She wanted her grandmother alive and her whole life ahead of her and Bruce to still be her friend. 
But she knew it was naive. Everything had changed and there was no way out except through. 
Yet how could she get through this? She drew up her knees and tucked her head down. How could she get through this without her best friend? Without her grandmother? Her life was at risk and she had nothing but the flimsiest bit of protection that Wayne Tower provided. She had no one to talk to, no one to make her feel better. 
The only thing she could do was investigate things herself. She could only get herself out of this mess. She only had herself to rely on now. 
The thought hurt. She cried on the floor of that small, dingy elevator for a long time. She cried for the girl she used to be. She cried for her grandmother. For her mother. For the loss of Bruce as a friend. For the fear that haunted her now. 
Her eyes fluttered open later as she felt herself moving through the air. 
It must have been a dream, because she was in Bruce Wayne’s arms. He glanced down at her with tired blue eyes. His dark hair was lank with sweat and plastered to his forehead, halfway in his eyes. Her eyes slid closed before she could focus on the darkness around the blue. 
It was a nice dream, especially after the overwhelming grief that had crippled her in the elevator. Her subconscious needed the comfort. 
She nuzzled her head into Bruce’s warm neck and hummed. He smelled like sweat and motor oil and Bruce. His heart thumped steadily in her ear where she rested her head. 
“I miss you,” she murmured, content in the fact that it wasn’t real. She could tell dream Bruce anything she wanted. 
But he was so warm, and she was so tired. 
She drifted off again.  
When y/n woke again, she was in her own bed. 
She stretched languidly. She could immediately tell she’d slept deep and well for once. 
Then she sat bolt upright. 
She had fallen asleep in the elevator, not her bed. 
Hadn’t she? 
She frowned. Maybe getting up and searching for Bruce had been the dream. The entire night had edges fuzzy with grief and exhaustion. Maybe she had searched for Bruce and fallen asleep in the elevator, only to walk back to bed half asleep. 
The only thing she knew for sure was that Bruce Wayne hadn’t carried her to bed. There was no way that had been real. Because only someone who still cared for her would carry her back to bed, tuck her in gently. And Bruce didn’t care for her anymore. 
Her heart ached all over again. 
She missed him. 
To keep her mind off of it, she decided to go ahead and get together an update and outline for her new editor Jansen. She didn’t have much, but she included the new knowledge of one suspect’s supposed suicide. After a quick search, she saw that the news hadn’t been released to the press yet. Score one for Gordon as an informant. 
The word informant rang a bell in her mind and she quickly searched her personal email for a response from Officer Martinez. 
Dear y/n, 
Thank you for reaching out. I’m real sorry you haven’t been doing well. I can promise that Lieutenant Gordon is the best there is for this case and he’ll do everything he can to catch the guy. 
One suspect committed suicide rather than tell us anything about the one who got away. But another one seemed scared by that and told us that the Gallo family had sent them. Maybe you’ve heard of them–New York mobsters. 
If you feel scared at all or see anything suspicious, here’s my cell number. I’ll also include Lieutenant Gordon’s in case you can’t reach me. 
We’ll keep you safe.
Officer Martinez
It was a professional but sweet response. 
And it scared her.
Confirmed ties to the Gallo family didn’t bode well for her. For Gotham, either. That meant they were reaching into the city, trying to fill the holes that Falcone left behind. 
She cursed quietly and added that to her list of clues. 
She rubbed her eyes. She hadn’t even had coffee yet. 
First, she needed caffeine. 
Then she needed to make a plan to figure out what the hell was going on. 
If only it were that simple. She had no contacts or sources in Gotham–at least none that would be able to tell her about the Gallo family. 
All she had was an eager cop, a detective, and the detective’s vigilante best friend. 
She hoped it would be enough.
Next Chapter
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thehistoriangirl · 7 months
If You Hadn't Left (Me) [Chapter 1]
I thought I would start posting in the first of February but oh well better now than never lol
I'm gonna post the other fic's masterlist tomorrow I think :3
Viktor x Fem! Reader-----2.9K----SFW*
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// M A S T E R L I S T
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Synopsis:Viktor was never supposed to see you again, just like you had promised that evening when you both ended up heartbroken and bitter toward destiny and all its twisted ways. So twisted as to put you back into his life not only as a temporal working partner to cover Jayce’s absences, but also as the maid of honor in the wedding where he’ll be the best man. Hypothetically, it doesn’t have to be that difficult to find a way around the river of memories flowing between you both. Though, of course, hypotheses are flawed. Just like that part of him that still craves another ending to this story. 
Tags: Second Chance | Angst | Exes to Lovers | Denial of Feelings | Viktor's horny down memory lane* | Reader is pissed | My man is going thru the stages of grief | MelJay bc Jayce deserves to be happy | Eventual Smut | Eventual Happy Ending |
Taglist c: @ihopeinevergetsoberr @blissfulip
That goodbye became a broken promise, cracked over the sound of your voice ever since he heard it at the Council assembly.
Sure, you had spat out the words fueled by betrayal and hatred, but Viktor took them like an oath to put in peace his stormy mind.
First coated in a lie so fragile Viktor was surprised it hadn’t fragmented before, and now this—he was sure he shouldn’t take another glass of wine from the walking waiters zigzagging across the opulent hall—but he had avoided you all night, and he knew Jayce wouldn’t let him go before arranging the “formal meeting” between both of you.
If only he knew...
We congratulate Miss Favred for winning the design contest for the new hall construction inside the Museum of Sciences and Technologies. Graduated from Piltover’s Academy with honors, you're the proof that progress and art are held hand in hand in this city.
Almost the same speech Heimerdinger delivered during your graduation ceremony, only that this time you were all alone on the stage, Viktor's hand grabbing his cane to not feel the growing sensation of emptiness.
Part of him thought it was mere shock. After all, you haven't seen each other in almost ten years; and a petty part of him was surprised he even remembered you, how the image of you was locked in the depths of his subconsciousness that only needed the ring of your greeting to resurface.
But now? Hours after the reencounter? He was so, so weak…
With a sigh, Viktor finally admitted it: stealing glimpses of your purple dress flowing against the gentle breeze was a weakness, though if the excuse lay in masochist interest or avid curiosity, Viktor wasn’t ready to clear his mind. Why would he, anyway? It was a couple of wine glasses too late.
Funny how some things defied the City of Progress where everyone was eagerly grasping the tomorrow.
Viktor just felt stuck in the past, down a path he wasn’t so sure how to slip through.
Your hair was the same, richly stylized and decorated with a geometrical headpiece that looked like a crown from Viktor’s angle. Your time in Shurima had replaced the Piltovan style built by several layers of clothes like vests and corsets for simple, airy fabrics that played with transparencies. The deep shade of violet pooled in continuous drapes ironed in the long skirt falling freely around your hips and down your legs, a gold-threaded corset hugged your waist and framed your bosom, the fabric slowly fading into a lavender tone held like loose sleeves with golden bracelets.
You were covering your mouth while your eyes closed in amused crinkles for whatever the young merchant Mauriel Garfen was telling you as his expert hand twirled you around the ballroom. It didn’t matter much, as Viktor could paint it just fine: with the vivid dark pink adorning your lips, though he knew your favorite color was more of a burnt brown, or maybe even red—
"That's enough for today," Viktor mumbled, eyes looking intently at the crimson liquid as he swirled the stem around his fingers before settling it down against the nearby windowsill.
Suddenly, he heard your happy squeal as you went to hug another young woman dressed in a vivid teal, halter dress. Her curly black hair bounced as you two swayed. Viktor didn’t remember her vividly, but she had been one of your friends ever since your undergraduate years.
If only… Though he knew he didn’t have any right to be greeted as warmly. If even he had any right to be greeted at all. Only because you had returned. Because of course, you did.  Once you had told him that despite the high number of students inside the Academy, you'd find each other in one way or another.
“No, not like fate,” you have told him, voice groggy with slumber as you laid against his chest, hands pointing at his dorm's ceiling where she had stuck luminescence cut-outs of stars. "Entropy."
You were right, from all his perfectly calculated plans tumbling into a state of chaos, one he surprisingly wasn’t against.
Until he was.
Garfen twirled the both of you, giggles bubbling like the nearby tray of drinks a waiter was carrying toward the Councilors discussing on a corner of the hall.
You looked like that photograph he kept in the bottom drawer of his tattered closet, only that the sepia tones eating it away had been repaired with the tone of your skin, the void he left behind replaced with you looking like a fairy queen with your golden crown and dashing company.
Someone more fitting. But Viktor was now the co-creator of Hextech, wasn’t that enough?
His fingers tangled around the glass’ steam, barely feeling the hot sensation of the alcohol down his throat as he gulped it all.
You’re so pathetic, Viktor. Get over it. Why haven’t you done that already?
“Vik! There you are!” He almost dropped the glass with the impromptu voice of Jayce chiming in his roaming thoughts. “I’ve been looking for you all night.”
"You know I'm not… eh, akin to this kind of party," he said, only half a lie. He'd been hiding inside a balcony and then, when Jayce passed by, Viktor slipped between a corner and a column. Now, he'd been too distracted to notice. "I've been unwinding."
“For a moment I thought you were already gone!” He patted his shoulder. “I’ve wanted to introduce you to Miss Favred since morning, but I suppose you had duties to take care of after the meeting.” He had bolted out of there as soon as Councilor Medarda called the session off.
His jar tightened, just as the grasp on his formal cane, naked metal replaced by a coat of black marble and polished wood on its handle. “Jayce, I don’t think this idea about the Hextech Wing would be… good,” he started, pouring in all the thoughts that had flown inside his head ever since the morning meeting. “This isn’t what I imagined when you told me we would celebrate the first decade of Hextech’s creation.”
“No, listen to me,” he replied, almost through gritted teeth. How pitiless of him he couldn’t even manage his feelings in public. “We want to help people in need, not to gloat about a fancy exhibit at the Science and Technology Museum. This is just another excuse for the Council to gloat about their grandness. What would the exhibit do for the people who believe in us, hmm? For us as scientists, even? Are you listening to me?” His friend had shifted to his embarrassed posture, where his tall body was trying to shrink into a ball, with hands tightly grabbed against his stomach, gazing at the floor. "Jayce—?"
“We’ve arranged that part of the Museum’s entrance fee is going to be destined to fund upcoming Hextech projects. That way you won’t need as many sponsorships,” Mel interjected behind him. Viktor turned to look at the Councilor, frozen to see the figure tailing close behind. “I believe we talked about it in the past meeting.”
Surely. Not that he would admit he had been too distracted by the nervous movements of your hands gesturing away to explain your design to oblige his mind to follow the Councilor’s debate sprinkled in between.
“Perhaps what he’s referring to is about how much time will it take to seize a positive quantity to fund a project,” you said to save his embarrassing stunned silence, poking your head from behind Jayce’s wide back. Your eyebrows arched slightly, head tilted toward Viktor.
The movement is so familiar from when you helped him through the boring, long seminars with haughty professors and even mouthier classmates. A head tilt and a slow gaze once you had laid the counterargument, ready for him to lock the possibility of a reply with his conclusion.
“I… That wasn’t what I meant,” he said, surprised by his cold tone.
You blinked at him for a moment, a frown slightly forming between your beautiful eyes. He didn’t dare to back out from it, he didn’t have a reason why.
Jayce cleared his throat. “Um… well, Vik, this is Miss Favred, she’s going to be the designer of the Museum ampliation…” He said, and you stepped next to Jayce, lips in a neutral yet mocking smile, with the curves of your lips turned up.
“It’s been quite some time, Miss Favred,” Viktor mustered, a smile plastering on his mouth that was too wide and toothy to be considered polite.
“Likewise, Viktor,” you said, tone sweetly as you extended your hand toward him.
Viktor almost wanted to yank it away once he felt a surge of electricity tingling up his arm once your long and elegant fingers wrapped the reverse of his palm. You giggled, nails digging into his skin with discreet violence.
His lips pressed in a thin line that couldn’t be faked as a smile even as he continued shaking your hand for a minute too long, wanting your eyes to decode the hidden message in his. What are you doing here?
“Oh, do you know each other?” Mel said after calling your name, which made you yank your hand away from his grasp.
“We were acquaintances at the Academy,” you said, gesturing away.
Classmates, the word slipped with an acid aftertaste when Viktor tried to back you up. "Very close classmates." Because of course, this was the perfect time for his brain to break under pressure. Yes, so close you slept against his chest every other night, so, so close that he even burrowed inside of you—
Mel turned to you, with an almost accusatory air. “What a surprise!”
“That was many years ago.” Your gaze swept from Mel’s to his, if only for a second. “I had forgotten about it.”
Oh, so that’s how you wanted to play?
"Well, I'm glad you two can reconnect after so many years!" Jayce said a big grin on his face. The sweet oblivious Jayce. “It’ll be good for Vik to have another friend! It’s… slightly difficult for him to open up and get new ones.”
Viktor glared at him. “Why are you talking about me as if I weren’t here?” he replied, while you mumbled:
“I wonder why that is.”
His head turned toward you in a movement so quick that some of his pushed backward-styled hair fell over his forehead. "Pardon?"
You smiled at him. “I didn’t say anything.”
Oh, you—
"Why don't we leave you two to talk?" Mel said, ignoring the pleading look you sent her when Jayce nodded, saying that there must be a lot to tell between the both of you. “Councilor Talis, let’s go for another drink. There’s something I need to talk about with you.” Probably about the wedding. Not that Viktor was interested in the matter when he had you in front of him. 
From all the stolen glances, he had pieced you whole like a puzzle, filling in the missing pieces eaten away by time with the new image, though he knew some things wouldn't change. Like the way you smelled like hyacinth and mangoes, your favorite fruit. All that freckles and moles and scars dotted around your body like those two small ones peeking over the square neckline on the left of your collarbone, which he knew balanced out with the two tiny moles under your right breast.
Surely your skin was just as heavenly soft as back then despite the occasional roughness of your fingers from working so much. Your palms were always warm against his cold fingers during winter. 
“Viktor," you called him. And he frowned to conceal what he had been thinking all the damn night.
 “Why don’t we strike a deal?” you said, arms crossed, disrupting what would have been his doom if he continued.
“Do I look like someone that would strike a deal with a devil, Miss Favred?” Viktor said, arching an eyebrow almost in a flirty way. Just amused enough to push you to the edge of your years-trained composure. You certainly played the part, with all the allure and the deep gaze of your eyes.
“I suppose this must be awkward for you, too.”
“It isn’t awkward for me,” he lied. “You should worry about your work instead.”
“So ready for me to leave?” You chuckled. “I think you should know that I applied to this contest because I need the spotless curriculum if I want to be the new Interior Design teacher at the Architecture Faculty.”
“You’re just trying to annoy me. You said you would leave and never return.” Better put, Viktor cornered you to say so, but he wasn’t going to let his mouth run free.
"And you said we were going to get married," you replied, and Viktor felt himself trip backward if it weren’t for the support of his cane. “So I guess we’re even.”
Viktor stood there, stunned golden eyes wide open. He started calling your name, but you had your hand raised.
“You’re right, my bad. That was unnecessary.” Your hand arranged a loose lock of hair poking your cheek. “Anyhow, I’m not going to mention anything about the… past. So you don’t have to worry about me running out my tongue—despite how close classmates we’ve been.”
“Now you’re just being…” improperly brash, dangerously cheeky. Almost as if you’d been pushing him over the edge of his decorum to see if he’d cornered you against a wall to seal your endless rebukes with a kiss. Or many. “…insufferable.”
"Don't worry." You waved away. "I'll finish my job as fast as humanely possible, and then we won't have to see each other again. Because I know you aren't fond of assisting the Progress Day's party."
He crossed his arms, letting the handle of his cane hook on the curve of his elbow. "I'm not sorry to disappoint you—but I'm very fond of Progress Days. I've changed," Viktor said, but it was only a half-truth. He wasn't sure how he could change a feeling that lay hidden deep inside, frozen in time instead of giving them a real burial. You only had to dig to start seeing the uneven silhouette of the memory boxes where nothing should be more than black earth.
“Anyway,” you replied, your tone bleeding with sarcasm. “That’s my peace treaty. I know Mel and Jayce will feel awkward if they ever discover that they’ve arranged old flames as partners, so let’s just forget it. I assure you it’s nothing that could endanger the quality of this project.”
Let’s just forget it. You were right, as you had always been, and yet…
I've already forgotten you, Viktor, you said inside his mind, a smile that once had left him breathless now hurting him in the unspoken truth that now you were better without him.
Of course, you were better without him.
Yet, Viktor couldn’t help but seek your left hand accommodating the deep V line of your dress for the poignant sight of a band on your finger.
“I’m not a passionate teenager, Miss Favred," he said, his tone devoid of any warmth. "I assure you I'm not interested in dwelling in the past. So rest assured, I won't embarrass you." It was totally unconscious that his voice dripped with contempt.
You curled your upper lip. “You’re such a fusspot, always the victim.”
Viktor inhaled sharply. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing,” you spat, taking your skirt with your fists as you were ready to stalk away.
The parallels made his heart squeeze in a painful grip. Was history about to repeat itself?
Before his brain could recollect the action, Viktor had called your name, hand extended open as if wanting to touch you. “Wait—” As if he had something to tell you.
You ignored him, stopping when Jayce approached you both from the complete opposite direction Mel and he had gone at first. Also, you couldn't point out if the dark marks of brown smeared on his face were just a plaything of the lightning or marks of kisses.
“Are you leaving so soon?” Jayce told you, hand over your shoulder.
“Yes,” you told him with a smile, completely ignoring Viktor. “My feet hurt and I’m afraid I haven’t recovered my sleep schedule since my return.”
"Well, maybe Viktor can walk you home?" he offered. "For what Mel told me, you live near his apartment." Not that he had moved a lot since you left, but seeing the surprise in your eyes felt like a little victory.
“No,” Viktor and you said at the same time.
“I mean—,” you started.
“I want to stay a little longer,” Viktor said. "As I should be open to enjoying these celebrations more. Hextech anniversary only arrives once a year!" He tried to laugh, but Jayce looked at him with such a concerned frown it was hard to keep his act. Your contained snort wasn't helping.
“Vik… I think you’ve had far too many drinks.”
He glared at Jayce for what felt like the thousandth time. "I'm fine, Jayce—”
"Well, goodbye!" you chirped, getting on your tippy toes to kiss Jayce's cheek, and then, forcefully, approach Viktor and give him a goodbye kiss, too. More like a rude smack, with how forceful you were.
"Tomorrow, eight sharp," Jayce told you, poking your side with his elbow. "Viktor doesn't like it when I arrive late."
“I can’t wait,” you beamed, eyes boring into Viktor’s. As if daring him to say something.
"Me either," Viktor lied.
If you wanna get into the taglist lemme a comment below! 🤗
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I'm tired so y'all get angsty Nimona headcanons
So apparently since I’m a masochist I was thinking about how Nimona would react to the boys dying 
Specifically the order cause I feel like that would contribute to how they would react 
If Bal died first he would be crushed and kind of just shut down and close himself off
After a while he would start taking longer trips and meeting new people and the hurt would lessen year after year 
After a while they kind of notice that they left Ambrosius alone
They didn’t mean to it was never their intention to recede into themself 
But that’s what happened and when they rejoined his life he didn’t miss a beat 
He just acted like they never left and that hurt ten times worse 
Especially when she realized that Ambrosius never fully dealt with his death 
At least not in a proper way
Ambrosius passing soon after they reconnected was just another gut punch 
It was like she finally started to recover just to be thrown back down
And a small part of her just a teeny tiny part of her was bitter about it 
And she fucking hated it
If Ambrosius died first I think she would still be angry 
She wouldn’t shut down like Bal she would lash out 
She would act like his passing away was just another betrayal by someone she trusted 
And again it would take a very long time for her to stop viewing it as that
They would never lash out at Bal though
They saw the effects and noticed how deep the sadness ran so they would always hold their tongue around him
One day Nimona made an offhanded joke about how Bal’s eyes should be studied cause they should be able to get even bigger with age 
And Bal just starts laughing 
And he doesn’t stop
Even as he’s bent over sobbing there are still laughs sprinkled in
He asks Bal what was wrong and he says “oh nothing starlight” he keeps pestering him until he finally says 
“You know I don’t think I ever had a chance to miss him because I see him every day when I look at you” 
And they just sit on the couch and seemingly go through every stage of grief 24-hour period 
When Bal dies a couple of years later it’s still like a gut punch
And he wants more than anything to dig himself into a hole and never come back out 
But he doesn’t 
It takes a long time for him to start letting people in again
So I don’t know if the boys were living together or if they were still living in the dorms before the knighting ceremony 
But there in either situation there is something so utterly heartbreaking about the idea of Ambrosius having to rummage through the destruction of people barely knighted  
Desperately trying to pick out the undamaged bits of Bal and clinging to them
I can also just imagine him searching through his phone frantically looking for old photos videos and voicemails 
Trying to figure out if he was genuine or if he was talking with a mask for a decade 
He goes back and forth between knowing those are his genuine smiles and laughs and that’s really love in his eyes 
But then he also has moments when he remembers that he might not know what his real smile looks like or what his real laugh sounds like 
And how can he know what love looks like when he might have been faking it this whole time 
He stops looking through his phone for a while
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Satoru Gojo x Reader 3
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Third part to these
After the incident two weeks ago, you had decided to make another appointment with your local child therapist. Your daughter had recently relapsed back into violent behaviour and you were now at your wits end. "I've tried taking her phone and even unplugging the internet but nothing seems to be working doctor!" The man on the other end was scribbling notes down. "Have you ever thought about group counselling?" _________________
"Honey, c'mon, I'm taking you to that new convention!" You groaned. You knew your mother was trying to help with your depression but you were still in the five stages of grief. Currently, anger. You thought about setting fire to some pictures of Gege that you had printed off but you decided against it. Fire now just made you think of fraudkuna. "Yeah, yeah mom..."
It was now ten minutes into the drive. "Are you sure this is the right way?" Your mother was now sweating bullets while trying to come up with an excuse. "I promise we're almost there pookie!" The car then drove up to a familiar building. "Hey, wait a minute! This isn't what we agreed to!" Your mother sighed. "Dear please don't make this difficult. You don't want me to get the leash out again do you?"
You stuck your tounge out and refused to exit the vehicle. "Fine, have it the hard way. The receptionist soon heard screaming and the doors burst open. Your mother had a dog leash around your neck and was now dragging you to your appointment while you tried to fight her off in vain. "Ah. Room 236!" She opened the door and flung you inside. "You better behave or no chicken dinasour nuggets for dinner!" could be heard down the hall.
"Damn it!" you cursed. You hated seeing your therapist. "Why hello (insert Gojo stan you know here). Now your mother informed me that you are in a state of severe depression which resulted in maladaptive daydreaming."
"Nani? What's that mean?"
"It's a mental health issue that occurs when you spend a large amount of time daydreaming. You've made up a fantasy scenario in your head about, what was it?" The doctor looked through his notepad. "Mojo Gojo?"
"...Yes, well. That's what I'm here to help deal with. I have another patient that is similar to your case. I believe that group therapy sessions could help the both of you. Now let me introduce (insert Sukuna stan you know here)."
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" You began to scream at the other girl. Unfortunately the two of you were well acquainted. She also went to your school and was part of your anime club. The two of you frequently fought over who had the better husbando, often landing yourselves in after school detention. "You have shit taste! Everyone knows Gojo sama is the strongest!"
The other girl cocked her head and smirked. "If he's so powerful than why did he lose? Out of all the fish in the sea, he's not that special!"
You crossed your fingers and uttered the phrase "Domain expansion. Infinite Void!" You then rushed at your opponent.
"Domain expansion. Malevolent Shrine!" Next thing you knew and you were getting cut up with a switch blade. "Cleave!" The doctor sighed. "Not again. How many times have I told you, no weapons!" He grabbed her by one of her oversized kimono sleeves and dragged her away.
"Now girls, you know mojo gojo and simpkuna aren't real, right?" The other girl got up to stand on her chair. "FOOL! You shall address the fallen by his full name, Ryoumen Sukuna, King of Curses! Now get on your knees and beg for mercy, you peasant!" The doctor took out his notepad and began to write something.
- Patient one is worse than last time - Tattoos are now done with permanent marker - Seems to believe that they are in love with the devil - Strongly recommend sending patient to a local church
While your enemy was fuming, you were laughing at them. "Aww, did someone get their husbandos name wrong?"
"Shut it, kouzo!"
"Yowai mo!"
The fire department was now on scene. During the fight, you were overcome with a strong smell of gasoline. Then the match was lit. That crazy bitch. "Damn! She really just tried to cook me!" The doctor was giving his statement to the police when your mother drove up. "Oh my god! Please tell me you're all right!"
You tired to push her off you. "I'm fine mom! See!" You tried to show her that you had no third degree burns. "I'm not maki!" Your mother was about to question what you meant but then decided that your safety was the priority. Suddenly an officer showed up. "Mam, we would like to speak with you."
Your mother was relieved that you didn't start an arson attack but was disappointed to hear that you instigated a fight. "I'm sorry sweetheart. There will be no dino nuggets tonight!"
"But mom-"
The other child watched the situation unfold and began to laugh maniacally. "All right, off to juvie with you!" She let the officers take her away. "I've got time to kill. Hopefully Asmus releases my Sakuna sama preorder by then!" 
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idontlikeem · 6 months
i'd like to talk about grieving, a little bit. as in the past, discussions of death and cancer below the cut, don't read if this will hurt you, etc....i'm having a bad day and i just need to stream of consciousness for a little bit. sorry.
so my mom died. if you've read my personal posts before or whatever, you probably figured that out. it happened on thursday february 15th around noon. luckily we had a bit of notice that it was coming, so i was able to drive down the saturday prior and spend time with her—three full days where she was pretty much still herself, and part of a fourth.
it's been a really hard month. like, obviously. but i think a part of me still wasn't quite ready for it. i don't know how.
my mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer in fall 2011. she had a mastectomy and went through chemo, and that was hard and scary, but it was i think technically considered stage one—a tumor that was definitely growing fast, but it hadn't spread out of the area, like not to her lymph nodes or anything, and with the treatment she went almost ten years totally symptom-free. right at the start of the pandemic, the cancer came back, but this time it was already stage four, and it was in her abdomen and uterus and intestines.
there was a time when we weren't sure she'd live more than a year. endometrial and other reproductive cancers aren't 'sexy' like breast cancer is, they're not widely studied and there aren't a lot of treatment options. when she had breast cancer i hated 'save the boobies' campaigns (and please never donate to susan komen), but now that my family has lived with another type of cancer that doesn't have tits as a draw, i hate them even more.
my mom made it four years, pretty much, since the first diagnosis. she did chemo, and radiation, and went on medication trials, and put her body through hell to try and fight it. she lived longer than i think any of us thought she would.
the problem with that is how long i've been existing in a state of grief.
i've had years to prepare for this. i've thought about it literally thousands of times—how i'd feel, how i'd tell people, what i'd do after. i pictured it, because i was trying to plan. i was trying to get myself ready.
turns out pre-grieving isn't real. turns out you can't get this pain out of the way by experiencing it in advance. much to my chagrin. i'm not sure there was a way to avoid it, though. so here i am, with four years of grief behind me, and not one second of it has made what's going on now any easier.
some days i forget. every time i'm on twitter or instagram, there are posts i want to send her, and then i don't know what to do with myself. for all that my relationship with her had its hard times, she was my mom, she was my best friend. i love her more than anything and i don't know what to do with myself now that she's gone.
i've been sort of just surviving for the last four weeks. my apartment is a mess, i'm barely leaving, i haven't been good at responding to people. so today i thought i'd at least clean up a little. i'd gone to target a day or two before i drove down to my parents', and i figured i would start with those bags, because they were just sitting there.
i'd forgotten that i bought valentine's day cards for my whole family that i wanted to send. one for each of my brothers, one for my dad, one for my mom. i never sent them, obviously, i didn't even bring them with me. i burst into tears when i pulled them out of the bag, and i've been crying pretty much all day since then. i'm never going to pick out a card for my mom ever again.
i also have a notes app file sitting on my phone. she wrote each of us letters, and my dad sent them out to us, but i haven't been able to open mine yet. it's the last new thing she'll ever say to me. how could i possibly be ready for that? how do i know when the right time to read that will be?
one thing my mom wanted was to die at home. she didn't want it to be in a hospital, and i get it. she spent a month in the hospital after christmas, and god knows how much time cumulatively over the last four years. the fact that she was able to push to get home is something i don't understand, because she was so sick—but she did it somehow. she was able to die in her bed.
and i was with her. like. i wasn't just at home, i was with her.
something they don't tell you about having someone die is you have to start arranging stuff before it actually happens. when we woke up on the 15th, we knew it was only a matter of time—her eyes weren't all the way open and her breath was labored, and she couldn't talk, although at first she still tried to say stuff. we sat there with her and kept her company and talked to her. hospice came by around 11 or 11:30, i don't even remember, and said that based on whatever measurements or readings they take (pupils? breathing? i don't know), it would be between 4-8 hours, and he recommended that my dad call the funeral home. because you have to do that first.
so my youngest brother was driving down from where he lives, my middle brother was in his room, my dad was in his room on the phone, and i stayed with her, because....well, of course, right? and i was just kind of talking, and crying, but trying not to...i don't know, beg her to stay? ask for more time? the nurse said she could still hear, they're pretty sure that hearing and understanding what's being said is the last thing to go, and i didn't want her to feel bad or guilty, or to hurt herself in an effort to stay longer even though there's nothing more that i've ever wanted in my life.
so i told her, you know, we'll be okay. it's going to be unbearably sad, and it's going to suck, but all the stuff we did as a family with her—we'll still do it. and we'll be okay. and there's nothing more important to us than her not hurting anymore, not being miserable and stuck and just...not herself. all that matters to us right now is her, and she didn't have to worry about us, because we'd be okay.
and she took in a breath. there was a pause. she took in another one. and she stopped. that was it.
i didn't even realize at first, not right the second it happened. the hospice booklet had talked about a 'death rattle', about how it happens almost all the time, but that it's more distressing for the people with the person dying than them, that they're not in pain. how the fuck would they know that, i'm not sure i believe it, but...it's what i was expecting. that didn't happen, though. she just stopped breathing.
the amount of guilt i felt for my dad being out of the room...i don't know if that will ever leave me. he said it was ok, because he was having to deal with stuff, and he'd spent a lot of time with her and it was fine, but jesus. how do i not feel like i stole that from him?
i've felt like a shell ever since. i'm back where i live, and i'm getting up and going to work and taking care of my dog and trying to stay connected to life, but...i don't know.
how is it that she's gone? how is this possible? how am i supposed to go the rest of my life without her?
i had four years to get ready for this, and i wasn't. i don't think there's any way i really could have been, but still. it doesn't seem fair that it was so hard for so long, and for NOTHING. nothing is easier now.
i'm sick of feeling sad, and hurt. i feel like i should be over it or something? i don't know, maybe just less actively affected? it's been a month. people's parents die all the time, right?
what am i supposed to do?
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Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Thank you for the Ask! Typically I find these questions difficult because I consume a lot of content and I love so many things dearly, and I inevitably forget about things that I cherish and then feel bad about it. So here are 10 of my favorite pieces of media I’ve pulled from my mental list of all the things in the world that have made an impact on me, I’m going to do these in alphabetical order
180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us 
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I only saw this show recently but it is an absolutely gorgeous piece of media. I have a bit of a theater background and this show definitely reads like a stage play, in the dialogue, in the setting, in the way that Nike carries himself around the space as Inthawut. This is a perfect piece of media in my opinion. The performances are a masterclass in acting, the use of vertical lines that place barriers between the characters or that cage them in, the complicated dynamics between the characters, the throughlines of grief and pain and loneliness that just radiates out of the screen for every character in this story. I have been through some shit, let me tell you, but there was a ten second moment in the final episode of this show that sent me in to the worst emotional distress of my entire life for a totally innocuous, complete reasonable, and minimally tragic scene and for that it does deserve immense praise. 
Big Eden 
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I am making up for forgetting to put Pike on my Favorite Characters list by remembering to put  Big Eden on my favorite media list! I saw Big Eden for the first time in my freshman year of college. Back then I was not aware of, or at leas was not acknowledging my own queerness, and to find a film like this one just healed a part of my soul I didn’t know was wounded. When I say I watched this film back to back two or three times when I first saw it, I mean that this is one of if not the only film that I have immediately started from the beginning the second that the credits started rolling. I love this film for what it gave me, an older queer romance, non-existent homophobia, PIKE! Some of the greatest lines of all time, that to this day get reactions out of me, mainly:
“I just want things to be nice for him” 
"Well, screw you, Henry Hart. I do know what love is. You are my family. And I'm sorry... I'm sorry if that's not good enough for you."
“Why can’t you see how much love there is that people want to pour on top of you? I can’t help thinking that your grandma and I didn’t do right by you somehow. I feel like maybe we taught you something wrong, because you won’t tell me who you are. Did we teach you shame? Did I teach you that? Because it would break my heart if I had,” (watch the scene here)
Don't let the stars go out at night, don't let the moon break your heart, indeed.
I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You The Moon
ITSAY/IPYTM is two parts of one continuous story and therefore counts as a single piece of media. 
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I just got done gushing about this show the other night, because for me it is a foundational piece of queer media. It is one of my favorite pieces of media, point blank, period. Queer characters are allowed to complex, three-dimensional, and frustrating. They are allowed to make mistakes, and hurt the people they care about in their quest to better understand themselves. They are human. And the emotional honesty and vulnerability that the script and the actors showed struck deep in to my experiences figuring out my own identity. It has some of the strongest characterization that I have ever seen in media. The actors commit to the craft, the production team clearly put love and care in to every aspect of this show, every frame of it. The director trusted the audience to understand what was happening and trust the actors to play with silence. There is so much silence in this show because the actors portray so much with just the way they move around the space, the way they carry themselves, the way they look at each other. It is a gorgeous, gorgeous piece of media. It took me three watchthroughs of I Told Sunset About You before I was able to form a single analytical thought about it, because the first time I saw this show my brain went fuzzy. This show rewired my brain and changed my DNA. 
And as a side note, anyone that thinks that Billkin is a bad actor or a bad crier can kindly meet me outside the Denny’s parking lot at 3am because I will not stand for Billkin slander in my household. That man is absolutely demolished the role of Teh. The constant fidgeting, the way his whole body just screams out whatever he is feeling without him ever having to say a word. 
Moonlight Chicken 
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I have talked numerous times about why this show remains my favorite, and a lot of that has to do with the community that I gained around me because of it. But stepping back to the piece itself, I love how much this show is really dedicated to the importance of community. To showing the different mindsets of three generations of queer people, the way they struggle and don’t. The conversations that happen around poverty, and disability, and grief. The way that Li Ming and Heart are screaming to be understood. The way Jim has been hurt too many times and how that makes him scared to start over with Wen. The way Aof was able to take this BL structure and transform it into the story whose primary focus is on how a queer elder keeps and cultivates a relationship with his queer nephew. Jim and Li Ming’s relationship is the focal point of this show and I am so grateful to have that. The acting is phenomenal, the lighting is incredible, and it is a very technically strong piece. I know that Aof tends to tell us sad gay stories, but by god am I in love with every single Aof show I have seen (GOBK(with Jojo), ATOTS, HCTM, BB, MLC)
Pushing Daisies
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What a deeply deeply tragic story wrapped up in the shiniest paper! I will never get over the fact this show got canceled because it is one of the greatest of all time. I love that Lee Pace has acknowledged how queer this show is, and how intentional that was, even though it was not discussed at the time of its release. Like, fundamentally this is a show about a man named Ned and his partner Chuck who can never touch. I’ll talk about this a little later too, but I am just such a sucker for stories where people can’t touch each other. I love the angst in it, the wanting to, the need to be intimate, to comfort, to care for someone and just…not being able to hold them. I loved watching how Ned and Chuck navigated this issue, the kissing through plastic wrap, the dancing in beekeeper suits, them getting excited for winter cause it meant they could wear gloves and hold hands like any other couple. 
This show is hilarious and funny and fast, with a really intriguing concept and an extremely clear vision and it did not deserve the end it got. 
I heard it might be on HBO Max, not sure if that is still true, but if you can find you, and you haven’t seen it, you should absolutely watch it, and if you have seen it, this is your reminder to watch it again. 
Before I begin, I just want to say 
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Once again, another incredible show, with very interesting themes, and things to say was canceled before it’s time. I will die mad about the fact that Netflix did not give this show the room it deserved to tell the story THAT THEY PITCHED TO NETFLIX AS A FIVE SEASON ARC. This show was so good, it got my homophobic dad to watch the whole thing without even squirming at the gay sex (like he did when he watched Game of Thrones). 
I love love love love love this show. I love the way it connects people from all over the world, I love that these random strangers become a family, I love what it says about every day people being important, having important skills, and how much that can vary from being a good actor, knowing chemistry, driving, and being a skilled martial artist. I love how sex positive this show was. I love the utilization of orgies to demonstrate the way these characters are all connected to each other. I loved the mystery behind it all, they way the function of this psyllium network got progressively more understandable to us as time went on in much the same way that the characters get used to it. I love the humanization of drug users, that it touches on the struggles of trans people, queer people, eldest daughters, poor people, etc etc etc; ON BODY AUTONOMY IN MEDICINE!!! I truly believe there is something for everyone in this show and even though I am mad we really only got a two hour filmed storyboard of general concepts the Wachowski sisters were planning on diving in to over the next three seasons, I do love with my whole heart, for the memes, that Nom’s mother gets over her transphobia as a result of one very good weed brownie. 
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
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I got in to these books after seeing the first season of Shadow and Bone on Netflix. Full disclosure, I did not read the Shadow and Bone trilogy, I will not read the Shadow and Bone trilogy, I do not care about the Shadow and Bone trilogy. This is a Crows Only household. Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom are very incredible heist books first of all. The main plot is compelling in and of itself, before you even add the characters in to it. And what phenomenal characters we have: Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Matthias, NINA MY BELOVED. I’m glad they aged them up for the show, but it is very funny to me to think of a bunch of gremlin teenagers running around and taking down criminal empires for the sake of revenge...and coin. Leigh Bardugo is a disabled woman and I love that she gave Kaz her same disability because it means that we get a really authentic portrayal of disability. His cane is seen as important, he is never embarrassed by it, and his chronic pain is always highlighted. (can we also talk about how pissed Kaz was when Genya offered to fix his leg?). I love how contradictory he is, how much he loves Inej and wants to be with her, and wants to touch her, and the way his trauma and touch repulsion just constantly stops him from being physical able to do what he actually wants. Inej, who loves Kaz back, and sees the boy underneath the image of a monster he has crafted for himself, who has her own hang ups around touch and understands Kaz, but values herself enough to not pursue a relationship with him if he will not or cannot work on himself. Who grew claws with the knives she carries with her, who herself is a walking contradiction, deeply religious and also murderous, and so brave, and kind, and patient, and who I love with my whole heart. 
Wylan, whose own father tried to have him killed because he was dyslexic. Jesper who has been hiding who he is because of what his power did to his mother, who is always the comedic relief while harboring pain, our favorite gambling addict, ADHD, gunslinger. Matthais who has to confront a lifetime’s worth of propaganda. Nina who is just an all around badass motherfucker, who is fat and sexy and brilliant. My favorite superspy <3
The Fall (2006) dir. Tarsem Singh 
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You really have to go looking for this film if you ever want to watch it, because it has almost entirely been wiped away, which sucks because it is one of my favorite movies. Why? 
Because it is one of, if not the most visually stunning piece of media I have ever seen. The plot for this film is a stuntman (played by Lee Pace) falls, is injured, and hospitalized at the same time as a 5-year-old Romanian immigrant who fell and broke her arm picking oranges. Roy (the stuntman) starts telling Alexandria (the little girl) a story, to manipulate her in to doing things for him, like spying on people and stealing pain meds. The movie cuts between real life, present day, and this grandiose epic tale that he is telling. This was 150% a passion project on Tarsem’s part, he spent 30 million of his own money making this movie, for it to only make 3 million in theaters upon it’s release. It took four years to film and was filmed in 24 different locations. 
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I love the overarching story, and how the growing friendship Roy builds with this little girl literally saves his life. The cast of characters is certainly interesting, Charles Darwin is a character in Roy’s story, but by GOD is it just a great watch, hours of stunning cinematography, with incredible costumes. Would highly recommend watching this if you can find it. 
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The Magnus Archives
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I love this podcast for many reasons. First, because I think it was absolutely brilliant to start this show off as almost an anthology, lulling the audience in to a false sense of security by having each early episode be completely unrelated to one another, until they aren’t. Until names start popping up in multiple tales, until monsters and ghosts and any number of other unexplained creepy things start showing up in other people’s stories. How slowly you start to realize everything is connected and always has been. That set up was just…beautifully handled. Second, I love what this show says about survival and fear. That the more we believe in fear, the more powerful it gets. I love how often the survivors of these tales come out the other side of these experiences by thinking of people that are important to them, people they love. When The Buried tried to get that spelunker trapped in the cave, it was the thought of finding her sister, of getting help for her sister that got her through the other side. When Martin is in The Lonely, it is his thoughts of Jon that get him through the other side. I love that the avatar of Death is kind. I love that the Boneturner just wants to build a garden. I love the experiences and the world that Johnathan Simms builds in every story, and that he is able to create so many different types of fears, a little something for everyone. I love the heart at the center of this show. 
The Princess Bride
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Again, another piece of media that is fast paced and full of quips, with a beautiful, ridiculous, hilarious story, and a solid emotional core. I was raised on this film, which is part of why I love it so much. You can see and feel how much fun the cast had making this film. To this day it is beloved, highly quotable, and poignant. Also a great fencing movie, but I’m biased on that end as a fencer myself. I don't have much more to say about this film because I think it is perfect and I have no notes, but I will say I love how much this film helped Mandy Patinkin process his own grief around the loss of his father.
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violetfairydust · 16 days
WIP (Mon)Wednesday
Thank you so much for tagging me @endwersed! <3
This is from a fic I started recently I'm really getting back into the swing of. Stiles hosts a true crime podcast and covers the Hale fire and gets an email from Derek with a fun proposition.
Stiles showed it to his friends. Scott gave his nod of approval, though Lydia crossed her arms.
“I’ll be fine, Lyds. We’re talking on the phone, I’m not going over to his house. I do a true crime podcast. You think I’m going to go to some shady location to meet someone?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Stiles stood and slid around her toward the door. He tried to say reassuringly, “I’ll call him and give you a debriefing. Would that make you feel better?”
She raised her eyebrows. “I’ll prepare myself.” As he slipped out the door, he heard her add, “To research your death.”
He took the stairs on the other end of the dorm house. Even though he was a few stories up, it would be faster than the elevator. The adrenaline carried him down the steps until he reached the quad. His hands shook as he typed the number into his phone. He realized he didn’t give Scott his phone back, so he pocketed it as he paced the courtyard. He scanned the quad for an empty bench, but the weather was nice and brought out the loud kids. He kept walking as he waited for Derek to answer.
Immediately, Derek’s green eyes were beating into Stiles’ face.
“Hey, man. Thanks for reaching out to us.”
“You’re sure it was eight?”
Stiles stopped and blinked. “Um... Nice to hear from you, too. I’m Stiles.”
“I know who you are,” he snapped. “You’re sure it was eight? Eight bodies?”
Derek went silent. Stiles wandered while he waited for a response. Did he go deaf or did Derek’s Wi-Fi go out?
“Buddy, I researched this myself. I fact checked everything. I had my researcher fact check me. I had my researcher fact check the fact check. Yes, eight.”
“Not ten?” His voice was quiet.
“No! Eight. Eight! Ocho. Huit. Acht. Osiem. The punchline of why is six afraid of seven. I swear to God. I can send you every article I read. The reports all say eight.”
Derek sunk back into the couch. He muttered under his breath after a moment of silence. “Who were the eight?”
“I don’t know. I couldn’t find much. I thought maybe your sister didn’t authorize police to release that information to the public or... something.”
Stiles wasn’t going to say they couldn’t be identified. It appeared Derek was zipping through the five stages of grief every ten seconds. He already lost everyone he cared about and it wasn’t the greatest time to make it worse. Teeth were the only things that didn’t burn in fires, so they could have used dental records. It would be easier if they simply weren’t named in any of the articles. Maybe another person fell down on the job, too. Every second Stiles thought about it, it seemed more and more like a cover up.
“There were eleven people,” Derek started slowly, “and three made it out.”
“Your uncle.”
“But who are the other two?”
Stiles didn’t have an answer. What could he say to that? He did all the research he could. There was no article left unturned. Lydia didn’t find anything that he didn’t. There were a limited number of articles and videos and reports Stiles could get ahold of and he got ahold of all of them.
“I need you to help me,” Derek said.
No pressure tags: @amityfarms @windspearspunch @sapphiczebra
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naughtynoodle · 15 days
The Promise of Something Sweet
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After complaining to one of your old friends about not being able to get ahold of the famous chocolate muffins in the Olympic village, you get an invite to help prepare a batch just for yourself.
CW: 18 + , smut with some plot
Tendo x Ushijima x f!reader
WC: ~ 4.4k
You let out a sigh, resigning yourself to the nearest table. It had been the tenth day with no sign of the infamous chocolate muffin and honestly you were starting to get irritated. You had seen many athletes with multiple of them on their trays and couldn't help but get upset over how selfish it seemed to you. But, there was nothing you could do about it. It didn't seem to matter what time you came, there were never any there. Suddenly a tray clanks down next to you, which brings you out of your thoughts.
You look up and see your old high school classmate, Ushijima. You nodded in greeting before going back to your own meal. The two of you ate in silence for the most part.
“Congratulations on making it to the next round.” His deep voice breaks the silence.
“Thank you, and you as well. I know the last game was close.” you reply before taking a sip of water. You can see him nod in your peripheral vision. “I still can't get over how much Hinata has changed.”
He snorts, likely agreeing with you. He never thought the scrawny boy would evolve as much as he had from high school. He used to be an awful player.
“I still remember how mad coach was when we lost to Karasuno in third year.” He reminisced, a small on his face.
“Nobody saw it coming, to be honest.” You set your elbow on the table and rest your chin your palm while looking towards him. “It was nice to claim victory over you by going to nationals though.”
His eyebrows raise at your teasing tone and you laugh.
“I'm teasing, Ushi.” You speak again and he hums in reply.
“Have you seen Tendo since we arrived?” He asks, food long forgotten as he watches you shake your head.
“No, but we have texted a little bit.” You sigh, “Though I admit I have been tempted to complain to him that his muffins are too popular.”
Ushijima looks at you in question, watching your lips form a pout.
“I haven't gotten to try a single one in the ten days we've been here. It's such bullshit.” You huff, looking off across the cafeteria. You miss the look of amusement on his face before he whips out his phone and sends Tendo a text.
“They are good.”
Your head snaps in his direction and your mouth falls open in shock.
“You've had one?!” Your eyes narrowed in betrayal, “And you didn't share. How rude.”
“I'm under no obligation to share.” He replies steadily and you cross your arms.
“We've always shared sweets, even in high school.” You argue and his lips quirk up in amusement.
“You mean the three of us did.” He corrects.
“So you're saying you only share if Tendo is involved?” You scoff at your friend.
“That's right.”
“I'm going through seven stages of grief and you're only making it worse somehow.”
To this he laughs at before shaking his head. Just when you're about to bicker with him some more your phone pings on the table, showing a text message from Tendo.
[ Satori: I've heard you have a little problem. ]
Your eyes traverse towards Ushijima who not so subtly refuses to meet your gaze and instead goes back to eating his food.
[ You: I didn't realize he had become such a gossip.
Satori: You'd be surprised. Anywayyys, are you busy tonight?
You: Not really, no
Satori: Great, meet me here at 6
Satori: {location attached}
You: Is that your apartment? I could leak this to all the fans y'know
Satori: yeah yeah, see you at 6 ]
“You're unbelievable, I can't believe you told my secrets.” You lightly shove the man next to you who feigns innocence.
“Since when have you had secrets from us?” He looks at you pointedly.
“Everyone has at least one or two secrets, Ushi.” You start to clean up your tray, “Anyways, I'm going to go shower and nap before meeting Tendo later. You try and rest up too.”
“Enjoy the cardboard.”
You flip him off while walking away.
There was a light breeze blowing through the skirt of your sundress as you made your way to Tendo's apartment. It was only a twenty minute walk much to your surprise and it was cooler now that it was evening time. He had texted you while you were sleeping with the code to get to his place.
You let your mind wonder to how much he had changed in the over ten years since graduating. There were video chats that came up every once in a while but probably not near as often as they should. Volleyball was what originally started your friendship with the two boys and close friendship blossomed after that.
You entered the code and made your way up to his apartment, it was on the very top floor so it was like a small workout and one you didn't enjoy. You knocked on his door anda minute later it opens to reveal a now short haired Tendo sporting a big grin.
“Tendo!” You cheer as he pulls you in for a hug which you gladly return. You hang your purse on the little rack he had mounted on the wall and take off your heels before fully entering.
“Actually I spilled sugar on the floor so you may want to keep your shoes on.” He gives you a sheepish look and that's when you noticed the broom in his hand.
“Noted.” You reply as you slip them back on and follow the little hallway that leads to the kitchen. You leaned against the door frame as he swept up the scattered sugar. “How is Paris treating you?”
“It's been good, probably the best choice I could've made for myself.” His eyes scanned the kitchen and you notice the dust pan is closest to you so you pick it up and hand it to him.
“As long as you're happy.” Your eyes follow the litter of things on the counter, most likely all for the muffins. “It's really weird seeing you with short hair, just wanted to say that.”
He chuckles at you before washing his hands.
“The ladies love it.” He gives you a smirk and you roll your eyes before snorting.
“Yeah sure, Tendo.”
“It's Satori to you ma'am.” He corrects as he puts on his apron.
“Okay, Satori.” You say dramatically, “I didn't realize bald was in now.”
“I'm not bald!” He huffs.
“Basically.” You retort, “There's nothing to grab on to.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” His eyebrow quirks up and you feel your face start to heat up but you click your tongue and turn the other way.
“Get back to work, mr baker man.”
He gives you a dismissive wave before turning back to his task.
“How have you been? Still planning on returning to Spain next season?” He asks while sifting flour, you walk closer to him and take a seat on the clear counter space and hum in thought.
“I'm not sure, while I've enjoyed playing with them the last four years I think I want to move on.” You say and he makes a sound of question, encouraging you to continue.
“I've been offered a spot on the D1 team from Berlin and a D1 team from Denmark.” You paused, “I haven't been able to decide, but they're giving me time to think about it.”
“Two teams trying to vie for your attention, huh? Must be nice.” He gives you a look you can't read before turning back to his task.
“I'm not sure about that. Frankly it’s a little overwhelming.” You sigh, tapping your fingers against the cool surface of the counter.
“What's overwhelming about it? You just have to decide which benefits you more, right?” He says it like it's the easiest thing in the world. “Can you get into that cabinet and grab me an extra bowl please?”
You hop off the counter and open the cabinet he pointed at. He watches as a look of irritation washes over your face, and he smirks. You stretch your arm up to try and reach a bowl, which was just so handily on the top shelf but you weren't close. You huff and throw your leg up onto the counter and climb up. Just as you secured the bowl in your hands you feel hands grip your waist, causing you to freeze in place.
“Careful now, wouldn't want you to fall and break my bowl.” His grip tightened ever so slightly as he helped you get down, a blush spread across your face as he thanks you for grabbing it and taking the few steps back to the mixing bowl.
“Maybe if you didn't put your dishware so high up that wouldn't have been a possibility.” You grumble before taking your seat back on the counter, flashing him an irritated look when he laughs.
“S'not my fault you're still a shorty.”
“Asshole.” You mutter and cross your arms.
“Is that any way to talk to your muffin savior?” He teases and you flip him off.
“I wouldn't have needed a savior if Ushi wasn't so stingy.” You huff again before making air quotes, “I have no obligation to share unless Tendo is here.”
You try and make your voice deep which cracks Satori up, and he's about to reply when his doorbell buzzes. He pushes a button and goes back to adding the chocolate to the bowl.
“I'm totally telling him you did that.” He snickers, giving you a side eyed glance to which you shrug. You watch as the mixture becomes darker and thicker in texture before he's pulling out a spatula to scrape the sides of the bowl. When he seems satisfied with his work he pulls the spatula out of the bowl and walks closer to you, spatula still in hand and covered in batter.
“Open up.” He holds it out towards you and your brow quirks up before a teasing look crosses your face.
“You gonna make airplane noises for me too?” You grin as his eyes narrowed in feign annoyance, but he lightly jumps when there's a knock on his door.
The sudden jolt caused the batter to drop onto your chest but he didn't seem to notice as he thrust the spatula into your hand and he leaves the kitchen to walk down the hallway. You mutter profanities under your breath at him.
Then you lick the spatula and the taste of chocolate floods your senses which makes you hum in delight and forget about your annoyance with the red haired man. You start to reach for a napkin when Tendo walks back into the kitchen and tuts his tongue at you.
“First you try to break my bowl and now you're making a mess in my kitchen? What a terrible guest you are.” He shakes his head as he takes the spatula away from you, your mouth agape.
“Hey! I did not try to brea-” Your sentence is cut off with a shocked gasp from your lips. Your eyes wide as you watch Satori lick the chocolate batter from the top of your breasts.
Your shock is only increased when the large figure of Ushijima enters the kitchen to the sight of his best friend bent over and licking on your chest. He sees the shocked look on your face and steps closer to the two of you.
You open your mouth to try and defend yourself.
“Starting without me, Satori?”
You were sure your eyes were about to pop out of your head at this point when Ushijima leans in and wipes excess batter from the side of your mouth before licking it off his own finger, your eyes tracing the movement. He hums before he leans in even closer, his lips just barely ghosting over yours as Satori continues to kiss on your chest and lower neck. Your face was on fire, a million thoughts flowing through your brain but at the same time you couldn't even form a coherent sentence if you wanted to.
“Ushi. . .” You whispered, still a little confused at the predicament you had found yourself in. He analyzed you for a moment before pushing his lips against yours. Your eyes flutter shut as his hand cradles the back of your head to pull you closer.
The kiss was soft, testing. A whimper gets swallowed when Satori finds the perfect tender spot on your neck.
“So pretty for us.” Satori mumbles against your skin as you pull away from the kiss, lightly panting and trying to compose yourself.
“What is happening right now.” You mumble unknowingly, and the two men stand up fully and look down at you. You suddenly feel like their prey, as your eyes dart back and forth between the two.
“Don't tell me you don't remember?” Satori teases, his hand drawing lazy circles right above your knee. Your face tells them that you have no idea what he is referring to, but they couldn't be upset. Afterall, the three of you were very drunk the night the promise was made.
“If we're all single by the time we're thirty, let's have fun together.” Ushijima murmurs and you swallow thickly.
“I don't recall that.” You mutter, “And I'm not thirty yet, neither are you Ushi.”
He chuckles and his hand squeezes your waist.
“My birthday is right around the corner, but you still have another year; that's true.” He steadily says, “However, I'd say it's close enough hm?”
Your breath hitches as his other hand trails up your thigh and disappears under your dress. Your heart was beating out of your chest when Satori's predatory gaze pulls your attention towards him.
“You're dressed up so nice today too, it'd be a shame to waste it.” He smirks down at you, his fingers tracing your dress strap before cradling your jaw and forcing you to look up at him fully. His kiss was more dominant, like he was trying to consume you. He quickly swallowed your gasp as Ushijima's fingers pressed into your clothed core while humming in approval.
“Responsive already, good.” You hear his deep voice mutter, while his finger strokes up and down on the outside of your already damp panties.
“Let's move to a more comfortable place. Toshi if you don't mind.” Satori takes a step back and then you're being thrown over Ushijima's shoulder and you yelp in shock. He only manages to turn when you feel him stop and then feel a finger prod at your hole through your panties which makes you squirm.
“Look at that, you were right Toshi. Very responsive.” Satori chuckles and presses his finger in further which causes you to whine and in turn earns you a light slap on your ass.
The three of you made it to Satori's bedroom in no time and when you're finally back down on your feet Ushijima grips your chin and smashes his lips against yours. You stumbled a little but not far because Tendo was right behind you and quickly grabs your waist.
He groans when your ass rubs against the hardness of his cock in his pants and he can't help but pull you back harder against him for more friction. He startles when he feels your hand reach back and smooth over the prominent erection. And the groan that escapes Ushijima tells him that he's getting the same treatment.
Holy shit, had you done this before?
His thoughts are distracted when you give him a light squeeze causing him to curse under his breath. Tendo pulls both of you onto the bed, the movement causing the two of you to break off your kiss. You were certain you were going to combust from their hungry gazes.
“Off or on, Satori?” Ushijima says as he fiddles with the end of your dress.
“Off.” You and Tendo say at once, Ushijima raises a brow at you with a smirk.
You stand up and guide your friend to sit next to the other, their expectant gazes never leaving your form. You weren't sure if they could tell how nervous you were but it was too late for second guessing. You slowly turn around and move your hair to one side, revealing the lace up back. Someones, you weren't sure who's, hands untie the ribbon and hastily loosen the rest of it up.
You made a slight show of it, letting one strap fall off your shoulder before the next. Lightly holding the fabric in the front while it slowly drops down the length of your body. Once it was pooled at your feet you gracefully step out of it and slowly bend over to pick it up, hearing sharp inhales from behind you. You were still in your heels as you walk to hand the dress over a stray chair that was in the room and then you slide out of your heels before turning around.
You see as both of their gazes zero in on your chest before they're groaning in sync, causing you to giggle.
“Fuck, they're pierced? Babyyy.” Tendo groans once more, running a hand down his face but peeking through his fingers as he watches you approach them again.
Ushijima is the first to touch them, biting on his bottom lip in contemplation.
“So pretty for us.” He finally says, his thumb running over the little diamond ends. “How long have you had these?”
“Since my twenty-first birthday.” You answer, trying to retain your confidence. It wasn't hard to though, with the way they were looking at you.
“You've been hiding this from us for that long?” Tendo says in disbelief, tugging you closer.
“I'm sure there are secrets the two of you have kept from me.” You're rolling your eyes.
“Nothing this big!” Tendo argues, his hand subtly moving to caress your thigh.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Was I supposed to text you two a picture of my tits with them freshly done?” You're smirking at the two of them.
“Yes.” They both answer and you laugh and shake your head. You're about to reply when you feel Tendo rub you from the outside of your panties once again which caused you to gasp and grip onto Ushijima's shoulder to steady yourself.
“Poor thing's being neglected right now, look how needy she is Toshi.”
He hums in agreement before maneuvering you to sit on the edge of the bed, taking a knee on the floor.
“Let's get these out of the way.” He says while simultaneously pulling your panties down and tossing them to Tendo. “What a messy thing you are, I think Satori was right.”
Your cheeks flare up once again as the large man makes himself more comfortable between your legs. You watch as Tendo hands Ushijima his phone.
“Let me see.” He says as he pulls you back to fully rest against his chest. They both look at you and you nod your head in consent. You hear the click of the camera before the phone is now back in Tendo's hand. He lets out a low whistle.
“Such a pretty pussy you have, can't believe you made us wait until we were thirty.” He tuts next to your ear and you huff.
Whatever retort you were going to come up with quickly vanished when you felt hot breath on your core. You sucked in a breath of anticipation and maintained eye contact with him as he gave your clit a little flick with his tongue.
“Shit.” You whisper, trying to stay still. His licks were light and teasing, but so good. Your hand grips the sheet in effort to keep yourself grounded.
Then you feel Tendo's hand grip the back of your head and moving it to the side so he could have access to your neck. His breath on your neck made you shiver. His other hand smooths over your torso before making its way up to your breasts and pinching your nipple. You arch towards his touch and he chuckles against your skin.
A harsh suck to your clit has you crying out, your spare hand shooting down and gripping Ushijima's hair. His eyes were now shut in focus, his large hands keeping your legs nice and open.
“Is that what you meant earlier when you said there was nothing to grab?” Tendo's teasing voice says next to your ear, “Gonna use him pretty?”
He smirks when you nod.
“Dirty girl.” He bites your ear and you let out a shaky breath.
Your hips started rocking into his face, which he didn't seem to mind. He actually moved his hands under you and pulls you closer to his face.
“Ah! Fuck Toshiii.” You cry out and turn your head to face Satori. Your spare hand leaves the sheet and grabs the back of his head. He looks at you in question but you just push his face closer to yours and kiss him hard. You feel him smile into the kiss but he's just as enthusiastic, tongues dancing. You feel your clit being sucked on once again and you break the kiss with a soft pant.
“Satori.” You mutter.
“Oh? About to come so soon?”
You nod.
“Feels good, fuck.” You reply.
“Hear that, Toshi?”
He moans into your cunt and you arch your back, muttering out 'please'. He seemed to have heard you as his tongue rapidly flicks your clit as he sucks on it, tipping you over the edge with a moan of his name.
You're moved further up on the bed by one of them and then you feel a mouth on your cunt again and you look down to see Tendo taking long swipes at your folds.
“Couldn't let him be the only one to get a taste.” You gasp as you feel one of his long fingers probe your entrance. He makes quick work of you, bending his digits just right.
“Satori, please!”
He hums in reply against your pussy and then a hot mouth envelops one of your nipples. It didn't take long for the dual stimulation to send you over the edge once more. You sit up with a huff.
“I need one of you to be in my mouth, right now.”
Your admission leaves them sort of stunned as they both quickly take of their clothes. You're soon flipped onto your hands and knees and Ushijima takes his place in front of you. He was thick and you almost drooled at the sight of him.
You give his tip a kiss when you feel Satori prod your entrance, so you rock your hips back into him.
“Minx.” Ushijima murmurs and you smile up at him before taking him into your mouth. Tendo's hands find their place at your hips before rocking steadily into you, making you moan around Ushijima's dick. Satori was long, prodding the deepest part of you.
You three settled into a good rhythm, moans filling the room frequently. You pulled off of Ushijima to get a quick breath, looking up at him through your lashes.
“You wanna know something?” You say lowly, they hum in acknowledgment. “I don't have a gag reflex.”
They both suck in a breath and you put Ushijima back in your mouth again and suck hard. You clenched around Tendo and he hisses before smacking your ass.
“Who would've known our innocent little libero was actually a bit of a slut?” Ushijima says and you moan around him.
“Is this what they taught you in Spain?” Tendo teases and you shake your head, or at least try to and they laugh at you.
“Fuck this mouth of yours is sinful.” Ushijima moans, gripping the back of your head tightly, “Bet your pussy is even worse.”
“It's like a vice.” Tendo replies, watching as his length sinks into you over and over. “Ready to switch, Toshi?”
You assume he nodded because he was pulling out of your mouth as Tendo left your cunt. Tendo didn't stay up on his knees like Ushijima did though. Instead he pulls you to the edge of the bed and flips you on to your back.
You smirk up at him and hang your head off the edge of the bed, and then open your legs widely for Ushijima.
“Fuck, you're perfect.” Tendo mutters as he pushes himself into your waiting mouth. Just as Tendo nudges into your throat you feel Ushijima penetrate your awaiting entrance. He was videoing the interaction between the two of you before panning to himself entering you. You were moaning as best as you could.
They both cursed under their breath. It was a slow start, them wanting you to get used to the new position. Your hands grabbed at Tendo's hips and pulled him all the way into you which makes him gasp in surprise and pleasure. Then you wrap your legs around Ushijima and nudge him all the way in as well. They seemed to take your hint.
The power that Ushijima was putting into his thrusts was making the bed shake, and they both greedily watched your tits bounce at the force of their thrusts, reaching out to pinch and tweak your nipples. Your eyes were rolling into the back of your head at this point.
“So perfect.” Ushijima mutters and Tendo moans in agreement. You were grabbing onto both of them tightly and they knew you were close.
Ushijima spits on his fingers and roughly rubs your clit, grinning at the sound of your broken moan trying to escape with Tendo's cock in your mouth.
“C'mon pretty, you gonna come for us again?” Tendo teases, holding your hand.
“Come on my cock, baby.” Ushijima says, still rubbing your swollen nub. Not even five seconds later you clamp up and shiver as your orgasm rushes through you, triggering a chain reaction for them to cum as well.
You're gasping for breath when Tendo leaves your mouth and he gingerly moves your head back onto the plush surface of his comforter. You all sit and lay on the bed silently, heavy breathing the only sound. Your legs were quivering as they both rub soothing circles on your skin. You had no idea what time it was but didn't care.
“So, we're doing this again when we both win gold right?” You whisper out and after a beat of silence the boys start laughing and nodding.
“I also need my post sex muffins.” You add, patting both of their legs which causes you all to start laughing again.
tysm! hope you enjoyed ◡̈
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
You always have such insightful posts! Thank you!
I was wondering what you thought the ten best golden wives episodes are and why
Oh, my goodness, thank you so much!! That's so sweet!! I’m really glad you enjoy reading my thoughts :)
And that's an... impossible question, oh my god. You might as well be asking me to count the stars in the sky 😂 Honestly, any episode could do -- their love for each other (whether you think it's platonic or romantic, whichever colour you want to give it) is just so woven in the way they talk, the way they move, the way they're affectionate with each other... I'm fairly sure that I could find at least one Golden Wives moment for every episode (with the possible exception of S2E26 Empty Nests, but I'm not willing to watch it again to find out).
That being said, there are some episodes that feature a specific focus on the relationship between the three of them. Through a lot of deliberation, I managed to narrow the list down to these, which you can count as my favourite 10 (in no particular order) -- under the cut, because of course I have a lot to say about them:
S1E5 The Triangle
An absolute banger. The fight between Blanche and Dorothy is harsh (they're both really hurt!!), but Rose gets to show off her abilities as she works to bring them back together (which is the literal expression she uses!!! she wants to 'get Dorothy and Blanche back together'!!!). And I mean -- that final reconciliatory hug?? The way Dorothy and Blanche look at each other?? Them yanking Rose into their hug??? Hello???? Wives behaviour????
S3E15 Dorothy's New Friend
I think my appreciation for this episode is renowned, at this point. Blanche and Rose working in tandem are adorable; I love that they do their best to warn Dorothy about Barbara, but they also try to get along with her, despite her treatment of them, because, well -- if Dorothy likes her, she can't be that bad, can she? And I love that, despite her anger and objections, Dorothy is really worried about the way Blanche and Rose feel! She says out loud that she values Barbara's friendship, and that's why she feels like she can ask her advice on someone as important to her as Blanche and Rose. Besides, I love the casual intimacy they throw in there! This is really a constant in the show, but it's so nice when it takes the spotlight like this. When speaking about Rose's masquerade ball, Blanche says: "Since when do we have to say we're going? We've gone for the past five years. We may hate it, but we always go." It's so obvious that they're going, because this is important to Rose, that they don't even have to say it. You get what I mean?
S6E12 Ebbtide's Revenge
Hear me out for a minute. This is, of course, an episode centered on Sophia and her grief for the death of her son, and it's excellent at that. But let's not forget that Phil was also Dorothy's "kid brother", and while her pain may take second stage (except for her beautiful, heartbreaking eulogy) while Sophia's is in the spotlight, it's still very obviously there. And what does she do to face the immense, unthinkable pain of losing a sibling? She turns to her wives, that's what. Rewatch this episode and pay attention to just how much Dorothy physically leans on Rose and Blanche, whether it's reaching for them, holding their hands, touching their arms and shoulders... Dorothy is always very physical with the two of them, but I feel like it's especially meaningful in this one. And, for their part, Blanche and Rose act exactly as two people with a grieving spouse would (or, at least, should) do; they support Dorothy (and Sophia) as best they can, they take care of practical things (like preparing snacks), they mostly stay out of the feud but they (especially Rose) try to offer another point of view when they think it's going to make a difference.
Also, this quote from Dorothy to Rose:
"Honey, you've been more than a help. I wouldn't have gotten through the past few days without you. I mean it."
S5E19 72 Hours
This is (unsurprisingly) one of my favourite episodes in the series, and it's especially good from a Golden Wives lens as well. I've been meaning to take a detailed look at this episode and examine Dorothy and Blanche's support of Rose, and how it shows a) how much they love her and b) how well they know her (which might actually be the same thing, now that I think about it). And Rose, of course, relies on them to an incredible degree; it takes her a little while, but eventually she allows herself to be openly angry and dejected, to lose her happy-go-lucky attitude with them, which is something she only does when she's at the end of her rope. And she's right to, because they hold her up. Look at what she says when she finally gets the good news:
"You guys were terrific. Thank you for being there for me. And thank you for making me feel you'd always be there for me, no matter what happened."
I could go on, but I'd like to make a post specifically on this episode as soon as I get the time (and some brain power...), so I'll postpone any additional observations for now.
S1E22 Job Hunting
This fills the same 'niche' as 72 Hours, in that it's an episode where Rose has a serious problem and Dorothy and Blanche give her the support (both practical and emotional) she needs to get out of it. It takes a spot of its own because it's REALLY heavy on the physical affection, even by Golden Girls standards. There's LOTS of hand/arm holding, hugging, laying next to each other in bed, sitting close, plus a cheek AND a forehead kiss. It's a delightful little gem.
S2E1 End Of The Curse
The whole mink business would be enough for me to consider putting this one on the list. Dorothy and Rose working together on a silly thing like this always warms my heart; they're a delight to watch. Of course, though, the reason why this is here is because of Blanche's situation. As always happens when one of the Girls has a problem, there's lots of physical and emotional support (Dorothy and Rose literally run after Blanche through the house to try and comfort her -- two times!!), but the real kicker is all the baby stuff!! I'm not a big fan of children, but it's impossible not to be endeared by Dorothy and Rose acting like proud moms ("the baby will have three mothers!") before the pregnancy is even confirmed, splitting up chores and bickering about the college he'll go to, while at the same time showing Blanche their unconditional support. And -- Blanche loves them for that, of course. She goes through a lot of emotional distress in this episode, but she comes out on top, and it's because of the Girls:
"It was you girls. Yes, you just let me carry on and be crazy and you were right there through it all. [...] You were caring and supportive and I wanna thank you for it -- I'm really lucky to have friends like you."
To be honest, I like her similar speech in the pilot just a bit better, but between the two this is the episode I prefer overall (if only because their characters are well settled at this point!).
S3E3 Bringing Up Baby
This is such a comfort episode for me. First of all, we get the whole raising a baby theme again (with both Rose and Blanche going from scared/unwilling to enthusiastic participants as soon as they figure out that they're going to raise the baby together!!). Dorothy and Blanche are all over each other, even more than usual -- they barely ever stop touching, like, hello?? Find a room, girls?? And Blanche's sheer glee at the thought of getting a Mercedes for all of them -- her "Don't you just love it? It's ours!" lives in my mind rent free!! And then, of course, the nose kiss. I melt out of sheer adorableness every time I watch this one. The kiss itself is super cute, but it's just the whole scene -- Blanche and Dorothy getting each other's intentions with a single look, the way Blanche smiles as she leans in and then boop's Rose's nose on top of the kiss, Rose immediately dissolving into giggles, Dorothy hugging them super tight, I love them so much oh my God 😭
S2E10 Love, Rose
Do I even have to explain this one? Blanche and Dorothy writing Rose letters? Love letters (as in explicitly romantic letters!!)? Complete with poetry? And they write them so convincingly that Rose gets the biggest crush on the author of the letters?
"It was so nice. It was so important to me that someone cared about me as much as the person who wrote those letters. It meant so much to have somebody like that in my life."
"You do, Rose, honey! You have us!"
"We're the ones who wrote those letters, Rose, and we meant every word."
Are you reading this?? Are you?? Oh my God?????
S7E4 That's For Me To Know
I adore this one and I'm not sure I can explain why in just a few lines, but I'll do my best. The way the Girls handle the major conflict of the episode (the threat that they can't all live together anymore) is so so sweet. They squabble, but they apologize and reconcile quickly; they 'vote' Dorothy out and are immediately heartbroken about it; Rose decides to sacrifice her happiness and move out herself, so the other Girls can keep living together, and she's so clearly devastated about it. I've already noted down Dorothy's speech a couple of times on my blog, but I just have to share it again, because it perfectly sums up the reason why this show works so well, imho:
"I'm afraid that no one's leaving. You see, we're a family here. Well, not the conventional one, but we love each other and [...] It's real love, Mr. Benson. It's an honest love. And, yes, we might have secrets that we stubbornly try to hide from each other [...] But we're a family nonetheless, and you can't break us up."
You see? You get why I go feral over this one? And then -- AND THEN -- Blanche decides to make them co-owners. I have no words to explain how monumental this is. This is the house she lived in with her beloved George for years, and she decides to sell part of it because she can't bear the thought of separating from her Girls. "That way you'll have equity and nobody can make you leave." It's the wonderfully poetic conclusion to the beginning of their journey; they met as landlady/renters, each alone in her own way, each hurting in her own way; here they become co-owners, equal and together, each a part of a single tight-knit unit. It's the closing of a circle. You get what I mean? Oh, I love this one so so much.
S7E23-24 Home Again, Rose
I cannot be coherent about this one. I cannot be coherent about this one. It's just. I should do a play by play of literally every second of this episode to explain why I love it so much. If I had to pick a favourite, it would be this one. It's the family of it all, the fear and then the desperation and then the joy, the casual expressions of love, it's Dorothy screaming and begging for help as soon as she realizes Rose really has fainted, it's Rose asking Kirsten to take care of the Girls while she's going under for open heart surgery, it's Blanche saying that's what house mortgages are for as if it's obvious, because to her, to them, it is. Of course they're going to help Rose with everything they have. Of course they’re going to take care of her, of course they wait for her in the hospital even if they can’t see her, of course they pray for her, of course they promise to freeze their heads for her, because they love her and she loves them. Love is stored in Rose, Blanche, and Dorothy holding each other's hands as if they’re keeping each other above water. If it’s not like that, then I don’t want it. (Coincidentally, this is also one of the best episodes when it comes to the bond between Sophia and the wives. The way she greets Rose with ‘Welcome back, baby!’ when she finally returns home lives in my mind rent-free.)
I need you to know that it took me a good couple of days to compile this list. I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since I read your ask. I wrote down about five different versions before settling on this one, and so, I think I've earned the right to mention some special runner-ups:
S1E25 The Way We Met: come on. The Great Herring War? One of the best scenes in the show -- and an incredible demonstration of chemistry from the Golden Wives.
S1E8 Break In / S4E20 High Anxiety / S5E1-2 Sick And Tired / S5E11 Ebb Tide / S6E9 Mrs George Devereaux: for when you need to scratch that hurt/comfort itch.
S3E21 Larceny And Old Lace / S4E4 Yokel Hero: I'm always a slut for the times when Dorothy and Blanche need to earn Rose's forgiveness (and get it immediately, because she can't stay mad at them).
S2E21 Dorothy's Prized Pupil / S5E23 The Mangiacavallo Curse Makes A Lousy Wedding Present / S5E24 All Bets Are Off / S7E19 Journey To The Center Of Attention: all super cute, involve a conflict and a beautiful resolution, great watches. They lose a couple of points in this context because you asked specifically about Golden Wives episodes, and these highlight a couple within the Girls (Rose/Blanche, Dorothy/Blanche, Dorothy/Rose, Dorothy/Blanche again).
Thank you so much for your ask -- answering it was hard, but I had a great time going through the episodes and picking the ones that stood out! If you'd like to share your top10, I'd love to read it :)
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