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pepemoon · 5 days ago
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just two little nether born babies who make me so so emotional
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pepemoon · 11 days ago
reed800 > reed900 and the mischaracterization of connor
I never understood people’s affinity for reed900 over reed800, and all the reasonings I’ve heard for it never make sense to me. Just to be clear, this post isnt meant to attack anybody who ships reed900, I’ve watched Detroit evolution alright. I fucked with it heavy. I’ve got a solid three Reed900 fics in my ao3 bookmarks. I have credentials. Don’t come for me.
Anyway, I will always prefer Connor and Gavin’s dynamic over a Nines and Gavin hypothetical one. I feel like the reason people don’t like covnin is because they often misinterpret Connor’s character, I see this amongst convin shippers too, not just people who dislike the ship. 
I keep hearing the argument that “Gavin hates Connor, and Connor doesn’t stand up for himself. Nines would be more cold, which matches Gavin’s personality.” This is probably the shittiest take I’ve ever heard. The DBH fandom tends to see Connor as meek. Because of this, they think he’s vulnerable to Gavin’s hostility, which is just not true. When we’re introduced to Gavin, he’s antagonistic towards Connor right of the bat. Connor, in order to keep the peace, remains professional. This is because initially, it’s not in Connor’s interest/programming to disobey or disrupt humans. He prefers to move along, focus on the mission and ignore unnecessary distractions. However, when Gavin persists, when the android being interrogated is about to self destruct, Connor has the choice to physically stop the officer from restraining it and he does, defying Gavin in the process as well. Connor does not care about Gavin’s human authority in this case, he only cares about what he knows to be true and sticking to his objective. 
Now you may bring up the breakroom scene in which Gavin punches Connor, Connor just seems to let it happen despite it being a direct physical attack and not just an offhand comment. I hate when people bring this up because at this time, Connor was not deviant yet. He did not develop enough consciousness/deviancy to actively choose to defend himself. Again, in order to move things along and cause the least ruckus possible, he takes it. I’ve also heard arguments that Connor “pretends” to be hurt in order to seem subservient to Gavin to make it seem like he’s not fighting back against a human. I like that theory! 
People also seem to forget that when things directly misalign with his mission, Connor is quick to go against anybody, even humans, who stand in the way. Have people forgotten what Connor did to Gavin in the archive room? He beat the living shit out of him, incapacitated him, and walked off with a final tie adjustment as if it was nothing. This is the Connor who you’re calling meek, the one who pretended to be the Traci’s dead girlfriend to get to Jericho. The one who sampled Markus’ voice to take advantage of beaten down Simon’s loyalty. The one who nagged Hank to rent Traci’s until the lieutenant humiliatedly obliged. The one who chased Kara and a child down a highway. The one who gets himself killed multiple times just to accomplish his mission. The one who sarcastically told Gavin he’d “miss their bromance.” PLEASE. 
All of this is to make a point for a romantic/sexual dynamic between Connor and Gavin that actually puts them as equals. Where we get the good ending with deviant Connor, androids having rights, Gavin being forced into sensitivity training and actually learn to see androids as people (we love the Gavin Reed Redemption tag). None of that degrading convin bullshit where Connor puts up with Gavin’s bigotry and thinks “I can fix him!” Where Gavin actually takes responsibility for his own behavior and slowly learns to change his outlook. 
Connor would not shut up to Gavin’s insults. He’d push back just as hard, sarcastic and sardonic in his own way. He’d spit some sort of off putting logical roast at Gavin to hurt his feelings, psychoanalyzing him to a T. They’d have amazing back and forth, banter fuelled with sexual tension, actual physical fights, prolonged angry eye contact, pinning down and grabbing dangerously close to certain areas. Connor beginning to warm up to Gavin’s hostility, being smart, seeing past it, knowing it’s a cover up for something more raw and vulnerable. Gavin starting to think “Maybe he’s not so bad” to “he’s funny” to “he’s pretty fucking hot” to “shit maybe I like him”. DO WE NOT SEE THE VISION!! 
anyways I need to convert more people to like convin. yeah you can make your case for reed900 but they will never have as much chemistry as convin and not nearly as much hatefuck potential. thank you for reading. 
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pepemoon · 11 days ago
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9-1-1 s04e06 - Jinx
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pepemoon · 11 days ago
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-taps mic- Detroit fandom, you out there? Can I interest you in a sketch dump of Connor and Gavin barely tolerating each other’s presence?
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pepemoon · 11 days ago
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stream housecat
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pepemoon · 11 days ago
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getting there
(original image under cut)
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pepemoon · 11 days ago
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Feels like home. (Gosh, I haven't drawn this 2021 man.)
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pepemoon · 26 days ago
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Any cfundy enjoyers in the chat
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pepemoon · 26 days ago
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Tides risin' huh
For @waddei 's dtiys , even if it ended up being later than I thought :]
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pepemoon · 27 days ago
what if ctommy hit his growth spurt in exile so not only was he fucking freezing and malnourished but the little bit of growing that he can do only serves to make his one set of clothes Not fit him anymore . tall like his brother was when he was alive and skeletal like his brother is when hes dead. does that make sense. what if that happeend
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pepemoon · 1 month ago
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little afterlife chat
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pepemoon · 1 month ago
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biblically accurate dsmp
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pepemoon · 2 months ago
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pepemoon · 2 months ago
when i remember dandelion ctommy and child soldier ctommy and moth + butterfly ctommy and addicted to being invisible ctommy and just a kid ctommy and immune to demonic influence ctommy and cow & sheep caretaker ctommy and sleepwalker ctommy and imperfect ctommy and instigator ctommy and loyal to a fault ctommy and deeply sentimental ctommy and never allowed to die ctommy and spider lover ctommy and codependent ctommy and second third fourth and fifth chance giver ctommy and collector of trinkets ctommy and loud ctommy and singer to flowers ctommy and religious ctommy and shaped by those around him ctommy and raccoon ctommy and little brother ctommy and annoyance ctommy and path builder ctommy and friend of god ctommy and muse of abusers ctommy and achingly human ctommy and “getting there” ctommy
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pepemoon · 2 months ago
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“leave me with some kind of proof its not a dream”
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pepemoon · 2 months ago
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fighting artblock one screenshot redraw at a time
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pepemoon · 2 months ago
the only star that kept shining
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