#I'm fully aware im in the minority
Also if the drama really is about Viv saying Adam is perma dead or something it's kinda funny as while I'm not opposed to Adam coming back and like the AU idea of Sinnner! Adam
I kinda think it'd be best if he stayed dead tbh
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bunnyboysrus · 8 months
Of Monsters and Omegas
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I read this a/b/o thing a while ago, I don't even know who the original was by I can't find it again y-y
but it had a thing I'd never seen in a/b/o before, with an idea of an alpha, claim biting another alpha and turning them into an omega (talked to a friend and it turns out this is a thing that has been written about more than once, im just out of touch and its not even friday) and it was an amazing story, super well written, I just personally didn't like the ending cause I'm the #1 advocate for brat readers and not the biggest fan of crybabies or the total pheromone brainwashing that people write for omegas that make them do the complete opposite of what they would normally do, I'd like to think they have more resistance to the chemicals than that albeit at the cost of some physical and psychological pain. so im writing my own, thingy, with a different ending.
18+ Minors DNI - 6.3k words Content Warnings: stalking, obsession, death, fighting, violence, blood, torture(?), kidnapping, noncon touching, suggestive, gangs, some degradation, reader is referred to as 'princess' gender neutrally (im new to this so if theres anything i forgot pls let me know)
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The heavy sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoed against the stone walls of the alleyway concealing the battered figures of the people fighting within it. One person lay dazed and immobile on the ground already, followed shortly by a second body, this one out cold before he even hit the ground. The last two fighters standing were locked in a desperate grapple, and despite having been beset upon by three assholes at once, the would-be victim who had been pulled into the alley on their way home from a long day of college classes gains the upper hand for the third and final time. Your muscles burn as you grunt and send the last assailant flying into the hard brick wall, one final crack ringing through the tight, dark space as they slide down the wall onto the dirty ground, right into an unfortunately placed puddle of dumpster juice. They leave a splatter of blood on the stone where the back of their head split on the stained grit.
Blood drips from the knuckles of the hand you run through the sweaty hair slicked to your forehead as you stoop and pick up your backpack from where it had been tossed to the side. You spot a wallet on the ground, knocked out of someone's pocket at some point during the fight, and pocket the cash from that too, for the inconvenience. These scumbags were lucky they weren't dead, yet, anyway. For this? They'd probably be killed within the week once you gave their ID's to your older sister.
You continue on your way back home, wiping the blood off your knuckles and face with the sleeve of your coat as you go.
Why those grunts had seemingly staked you out was beyond you, other than the obvious reason of being a member of their gang's most vicious and historied rival. Your family was a notorious one, a family business dealing mostly in drugs but with a few spare hands in money laundering and data gathering. You were fully aware that what your family did was illegal in a dozen different ways, but it was what you had grown up in, it was what paid for your lavish lifestyle, so who were you to be judgmental? Besides, to compromise within a morally gray area, you know your family prefers to keep things as bloodless as possible, less clean up and attention that way. As a fresh adult who was only in your second year of college however, you were ignorant to most of those details, and chose to be so. You understood why your family didn't want to involve you just yet, and you didn't care to dig into it, the longer you could go with less responsibilities, the better. So, for now, you were content to stay in the dark and live your carefree, well-funded life.
Of course, that didn't mean you were naive or anything. You know very well that you were in constant danger of being attacked or killed, even as you lived a perfectly normal college life. So, as any self-respecting alpha would, you worked out intensely and routinely, to the point of being intimidating even to other alphas. Running into a few punks here and there was nothing to you, even when they came in groups like they had today.
The remaining smears of blood on your knuckles have dried into a crust by the time you get home. Once you've kicked off your shoes at the door, you hide the gory evidence of your altercation in your coat pockets as you step into the living room of your family's manor. Your sisters, Nina, the youngest, and Esme, older than you but younger than your brothers, Leon and Silas, are sitting on the couch closest to the TV, a drama of some sort playing as they shared a bowl of strawberries. Nina beams at you from the couch.
"Hey! How was your day?"
Nina was still in high school, which in your opinion was way worse than college, so the fact that she still had the spunk and energy to greet you so enthusiastically warmed your heart. You smile back at her as you head for the stairs.
"It was pretty good, I finally finished that project so now I don't have to stay late at the library anymore."
"That's great! That means you'll be home early enough to watch Cats of Heaven with me!"
"I should have enough time for that, sure." You chuckle. You had no clue what that was, but if you had to guess, knowing your sister it was the newest silly cartoon that she had become infatuated with. At least she wasn't trying to get you to watch the insufferable dramas that she liked to watch with Leon and Esme, like what was on now, but you would never admit to your siblings how corny you thought those kinds of shows were. You could only hope Cats of Heaven was something more entertaining than the standard soap operas you'd observed.
"There's pizza in the kitchen." Esme calls to you as you start up the stairs.
Ah, so Leon isn't home yet. The oldest of your siblings was the one who normally cooked, more often than even your mother. You call back an acknowledgement before jogging up the stairs to your room. After cleaning yourself of the day's grime, and the blood of course, you change clothes and trot back downstairs, heading for the kitchen to obtain some of the aforementioned pizza. Getting past the group project you'd been working on for the past three months meant more free time after school for the immediate future, and you were all too keen to relax with your family, even if it meant slogging through a show that was potentially horrendous.
You pad back into the living room, already halfway through one of the five slices of cheesy divinity on your plate. You were just sitting down between Esme and Nina when the sound of keys in the front foyer made you all perk up.
"I thought they weren't coming back for another few days?" Esme voices the question on all of your minds, 'they' being your parents and oldest brother, who had left on a business trip a little under a week ago.
"Maybe they finished work early and wanted it to be a surprise." Nina suggests happily, as the sound of footsteps in the hallway grows closer. You're hit with a sudden wave of apprehension at the same time as Esme, both of you standing abruptly to move in front of your youngest sister as a crowd of strangers step into the room with shameless casualness. Leading them, is an imposing alpha man with ink black hair tied at the nape of his neck and burning red eyes so piercing it almost made you shiver to be caught in their gaze. Almost.
The only thing that overpowered the rising fear was anger.
You sprint directly for the leader, arm pulled back for a haymaker, but some beta grunt gets in your way and takes the blow. It's clear from the confidence with which he steps in that he was unprepared for the force behind the fist, and ends up on his face on the floor, dead to the world. The first swing immediately spurs the others into action, and they surge around their leader to subdue you. It turns out to be a much harder endeavor than any of them anticipate, even when one lackey throws themself onto your back to weigh down your movement, you move as though the weight wasn't there at all, ramming backwards and crushing the brave idiot and one other against the wall. You're about to make another lunge for the leader, who has so far been lounging in an insufferably smug manner against the wall, watching the fight but not bothering to get involved, when you hear a shrill scream behind you that stops you cold.
You turn back to see Nina trapped in the arms of a muscly thug, and Esme thrashing on the ground at her feet, held down by two others. Your rage surges and you move to attack their captors, but the momentary distraction caused by your little sister's distress is all the time that's needed for three more men to jump on you and drag you to the ground. It takes 5 people altogether to hold you down as you curse and struggle against their hold trying to reach your sisters.
The leader of the home invasion chuckles condescendingly as he finally moves from his spot against the wall and walks closer, kneeling down by your face, a tight smile on his face that holds no amusement.
"You're just as feisty as ever, second youngest. I've heard all about your track record in fights, your unbroken win streak was so intimidating that I thought for sure it'd take more than that to subdue you. I'm a little disappointed."
"Fuck you!!!" It's all you can manage to spit out amongst your fury and exhaustion; normally you'd be able to throw off even five people, at least enough to get an arm free to strike out, but you were already worn out from your earlier fight. That, and a literal glob of spit that lands splat dab against the side of the assault leader's nose; damn, so close to hitting him in the eye.
The room goes cold and still, the thugs surrounding you and your siblings seem to take in a collective breath of anxiety, looking nervously to their leader for his reaction. To their surprise, he simply stares down intensely at the struggling alpha on the floor as he wipes the spit off his cheek... and licks it off his thumb.
"Oh, are you sure that's smart? You might not care about your own compromised position... but you care about theirs, right?" He glances over to the men holding down your sisters and in response to an unspoken signal, they draw knives and hold them menacingly against their throats. Esme growls furiously, but Nina screams again in fear as tears pour down her cheeks.
"Stop! Stop it, don't terrorize them! You're here for me, right?! Then just take me outside and beat me to death if that's what you want but leave them alone!!!" You still sound enraged, but even you are aware of the fear that leaks into your voice.
"Aww, worried for your sisters? Me too." The faux amusement in the alpha leader's voice is gone now, replaced with a cold fury chilling enough to send a zing of worry into your spine. The leader grabs a fistful of your hair in a painfully tight grip as he pulls your head up, his other hand spinning a set of keys around his finger. Your blood runs cold when you zero in on the plastic pink dolphin hanging on the ring.
Those are your mother's keys.
"You seem to think I'm here because you put a few grunts into the hospital. You're mistaken." The alpha tilts his head as his eyes pierce into yours, searching, but for what, you don't know. "You aren't aware of what your brother's been up to, are you?"
"You'll have to be more specific; I have two." You huff, trying not to stare too obviously at the dolphin, trying desperately not to think of what it might mean of your mother's fate for this asshole to be holding those keys.
"Silas." The alpha says icily, speaking the name like a curse.
Warily, you shake your head, the clawed grip on your head barely allowing the movement. "No, I'm not aware of anything my brothers and parents are involved in."
"That's unfortunate... But I'm already aware of that. It's cute, honestly, did they think leaving you out of the loop would keep you safe and uninvolved?" He gives your hair a sharp tug, eliciting a hiss from the fuming alpha. "All it did was make you the perfect tool for revenge."
"What the fuck are you even talking about you piece of shi-" The leader slams your face into the ground, and although the floor is carpeted, it only buffers the brunt force so much. When the leader lifts your head back up, your nose is dripping blood.
"I'm talking now. Unless you want me to kill your sisters in front of you, you'll shut the fuck up and listen like a good little bitch."
A growl rumbles through you which is met with another face first kiss into the floor, but the alpha doesn't signal anything to the thugs holding your sisters.
"Listen well, as I won't repeat myself. Silas kidnapped my sister, and I can only assume he claimed her. That, or he killed her, but I doubt it. Your mother was helping him to keep them both hidden, and to her credit she refused to sell him out, no matter how much we hurt her." The spinning of the keys stops abruptly as the leader catches them in his palm before dangling them in front of you. "I guess she didn't stop to think about what that choice might mean for her other children, left so innocent and unaware at home, alone. Maybe she had a favorite?"
Your blood runs cold as you take in the intruder's words. You had never been particularly close with Silas, hell, none of your siblings were. He had always been very distant with his siblings, while the rest of you went on to be incredibly close with one another, leaving Silas as the odd one out. That wasn't to say you hadn't all at some point tried to get closer with him, he had simply always made it clear he had no interest. This was probably also fueled by the coddling you had all observed from your mother; Silas had always been her golden boy, incapable of wrongdoing.
"I had no idea... None of us did." You can only hope the sincerity is clear in your voice and face; you genuinely had no idea your brother had done such a thing or was even capable of doing such. If the kidnapping was fueled by anything other than the feud between your families... The thought made you sick.
The leader considers your words, his chilling gaze never wavering in the slightest from yours.
"I believe you. From what I gather, based on what we were able to discern from the phone we took from your mother, she and he were the only ones in on it."
Your relief is short lived when a cruel, mirthless smirk creeps over the leader's face. There's a sudden sting in the side of your neck, you barely have time to register the pinch of pain before darkness rushes into your vision from all sides.
"However... That doesn't alleviate you of the consequences."
A sudden splash of cold drags you unwillingly out of the darkness. You open your eyes, gasping, taking in the dirty, gray stone, the puddle surrounding you; you're no longer in your living room. You now find yourself somewhere dark and cemented on all sides, the cold dampness pervading the space the kind that only comes from being underground. The only illumination comes from a single bare bulb swinging on a frayed wire over your head, the light it casts only making the space feel more unnerving.
Looming over you, face cast eerily in the darkness clumping up around the edges of the bulb's dingy light, is the leader of the home invasion. His red eyes are black in the shadow, but still alight with something cruel and mocking. He has a bucket in his hand, empty save for the last few drops of water clinging to the lip, the rest of it covering you.
"Good morning, princess. Sleep well?"
It's just the two of you, alone. No guards, no thugs, no sign of your sisters. You process this information a split second before you register the weight clamped down around your arms and waist, metal rattling loudly through the small space when you try to lunge for him, only to be stopped short by a chain attached to the wall behind you. You twist your arms violently, feeling the bite of handcuffs digging into your wrists, chains pulling taught where they're wrapped around your waist. Your captor laughs at your efforts.
It's when you growl in response to the taunting laughter that you feel more metal on your face. A muzzle. You can't suppress the fury thrashing around in your chest like a wild animal, growing more and more violent the more humiliation is piled on. The abduction, the laughter, the restraints, the muzzle. You kick and pull and yank and spit and snarl, don't stop even when the metal bites and blood makes your skin slippery against the cuffs.
"Aww, throwing a tantrum now? Cute." The words are barely enough warning before you're shoved onto your back, arms grinding painfully between the restrains and the dirty floor.
Your captor straddles you, his weight keeping your body pressed flat to the ground while one hand settles into the curve of your throat and squeezes. His palm presses lightly into your airway at the same time that his thumb rubs slow, pensive circles in the dip between your neck and collar. You shiver apprehensively when it brushes over the scent gland in your neck.
"I already told you I don't know where your sister is. Fucking kill me already so you can get even, just don't hurt my sisters. They're not involved!"
"Second time you've asked me to kill you... you seem quite keen on it." He smirks. "Unfortunately, you're all involved by virtue of simply being a part of that family. I know none of you are stupid enough to be completely ignorant to your family's doings."
Another growl bubbles up in your throat, only to be choked into silence when your captor tightens his grip around your neck.
"You know, I've thought for a while now that the older you've gotten, the less happy you've looked. The worst time, was right after your high school graduation, it was like the last of your light had left your eyes." His smile softens into something pitying, bordering on sympathetic even, but all you feel is chills running up and down your spine. "You always used to be so carefree, and spirited, it was crushing to see you looking so worn down and sad. It took me a while to realize what was killing the happy you I love so much."
The hands around your neck loosen as the leader leans down, hips shifting against your crotch as he moves, completely unbothered by the water soaking into his pants. He brings his face to your ear, lips grazing against the shell of it.
"Don't you think trying so hard to posture around like a big tough alpha is exhausting? I know it is, I know intimately the sort of shit we go through to come out on top as the strongest, the worthiest... But that struggle never suited you, did it? You've always seemed too sweet for it to me, more like an omega than an alpha."
You can't help but take the opportunity to thrust your head forward and slam it into your captor's face, forcing him back into his upright position. Ignoring the stalker shit this guy was just babbling was difficult, but you decided to skip it for now since honestly you didn't really wanna hear the details...
"You've gotta be shitting me, I've sent hundreds of you losers to the hospital and the grave since I was a middle schooler. If you're seriously trying to compare me to an omega, then I know you're full of it and just trying to piss me off."
He raises an eyebrow, surprisingly not retaliating against the bonk to his head, not yet at least.
"So, what would you call the manicures you get monthly with your sister?"
"I call that self-care and spending time with my sister. Fighting off all your fuckin' grunts wears my hands out and I'm not fond of scars. I deserve a relaxing hand massage for the trouble of beating your thugs up every week."
"And the mall trips where you spend hundreds on clothes which you follow up with a trip to that quaint little bakery where you always get a strawberry cream cake? That doesn't strike you as omega-ish?"
"Go to hell. For one thing, it's insanely creepy that you know all that, and for another, you're stereotyping like a motherfucker. Alphas aren't all meatheads that do nothing but eat raw steak, jerk off and work out, and all omegas aren't valley preps that do nothing but shop and primp. People who think like you are what's wrong with society."
The leader's deep red eyes stare intensely into your face for an eerily long moment before the corners of his lips twitch. At first its imperceptible, and while he clearly fights to keep a straight face, he can't keep down the chuckles bubbling out of his throat for long. He throws his head back in a burst of full body laughter, the least cruel sound he's made since you met him. When he finally manages to calm himself, the leader beams down at you as he wipes a tear out of his eye.
"My god... You're so fucking cute. Do you even hear yourself? You're only proving my point. You're meant to be pampered and taken care of, sheltered and safe from petty street fights and laborious expectations of strength and intimidation. You look so much cuter and happier getting your nails done than you do working out and swaggering around trying to be impressive and domineering."
This conversation had already been creepy since it started, but this was starting to genuinely unnerve you. You try to lean your head further away from the alpha on top of you, but he grabs the front of your muzzle, dragging you closer.
"Don't run away now tough guy. I thought a big bad alpha like you wasn't scared. How's it feel to be the one on bottom? Feeling threatened by the idea of someone putting you in your place? Scared?" He drags his tongue across the thin bars of the muzzle, his breath ghosting over your lips.
"What do you want from me?" You finally manage to ask, despite the tightness in your throat. As much as you expect to dread the answer, you can't stand any more of the back and forth while you wait in suspense for torture, for death, for something. Something other than whatever it is about this whole exchange that is making this guy so rock hard. You're trying to ignore it but, you've been feeling the unmistakable prod of this weirdo's boner against your crotch for almost the whole time you've been speaking.
"Still waiting on me to kill you? Knowing how proud you are, I bet you'd prefer death over what I have planned for you." The freak on top of you chuckles, his voice lowering to a husk as he leans down and nuzzles his nose into the crook between your neck and shoulder, inhaling deeply. "You smell so sweet even now, for an alpha...~ You'll smell even better soon."
Before you can ask what the hell he's talking about, you feel a kitten lick against your neck that makes you freeze. It's light at first, but quickly turns into broad strokes of his tongue and open mouth kisses from shoulder to jaw, wet and insistent.
No way. Nowaynowaynowaynoway. Obviously, no one is incapable of being sexually assaulted but it rarely ever happened to alphas, they weren't exactly the cute, easy targets creeps normally went for. It had never even been a passing concern for you up until now.
"Hey! Are you fucking-gh...!" You choke on your words when a sharp sting pulses through your neck. A heartbeat later, a deep and agonizing burning sensation starts to spread through your veins, up into your head where the white-hot burn is so blaring that it clouds your vision with spots, and down into your chest where your heart starts pounding against your ribs like it's trying to claw its way out. You can only gasp soundlessly as pain like you've never experienced rips through you, tearing screams from your lungs that die before they can even leave your throat, coming out only as gasping whimpers. It's after you feel a second bite and the pain is redoubled that you finally manage to shriek out loud, a sound so visceral and so unlike any sound or scream you've ever made that it doesn't even sound like you.
When he bites into your scent gland for a third time, the pressure building behind your eyes from the pain and the lightheadedness of screaming without pause for breath snaps. You can feel yourself losing consciousness again, and this time you couldn't be more grateful for it.
Your return to the waking world is much slower this time. Whereas before you were yanked out of the darkness with a splash of cold water, this time you find yourself wading through it, a lake of sludge thicker than cold syrup, and it was just as sticky and unpleasant as you imagine such a thing would be. Despite what feels like physical pounds of exhaustion weighing them down, you manage to drag your eyes open.
You feel cold and damp all over, a fresh drop of sweat rolling down your neck. A full body ache that sinks deep into your bones covers you; you feel like you're made of glass, fragile, weak and sore.
A strip of dim, greyed light is shining on the ceiling over your head; its all you can focus on as your awareness swims to the surface and clambers out of the heavy lake still trying to drag it down. You shift and lift one of your arms out from under the thick blanket covering you and notice gauze wrapped around your wrist. A small, delicate gasp to your side makes you turn your head. Nina is sitting in a chair by your bedside, clutching your other hand tightly between hers.
"You're awake! Y-You were sleeping so long I thought you'd never..." She sniffles, holding your hand to her cheek as hot tears drip onto your wrist. You slowly turn your hand to press your palm against her cheek, smiling softly.
"It's okay Nina, I'm alive, it's alright." Your voice is barely more than a croak, scratching painfully out of your throat. Nina grabs a cup of water from a bedside table and gently helps you take a few sips. When you've managed to drain the whole cup, you lay back in the bed with a wearied sigh.
"What happened? I thought for sure I was dying, I..." You trail off, thinking back to the odd conversation you'd had with the alpha who had led your home's invasion. Your head is pounding, and you feel so weak, like you're just waking up from the worst part of a flu, still feeling traces of a fever in the heat trapped in your blankets and the sweat clinging to your skin. A growl from the window pulls your attention away from your condition.
"That motherfucker... He did something to you." Esme is leaning against the frame of the large window casting the gray light over the ceiling a few feet away from where you and Nina are sitting, a cigarette crushed in half in her hand. You can't help but be faintly alarmed at the sight of it; Nina had expressly forbidden Esme from smoking, and she hadn't been caught with a cigarette in over a year. To see her with one in front of Nina, and for Nina to not be making any fuss over it, means something is seriously wrong. A distant rumble punctuates the tense silence that falls over you all, and you notice that the slim strip of sky visible through the partially parted curtains over the window is blotted out with storm gray.
"Did what to me?" You press. Your sisters exchange a look that is far too loaded to discern anything from other than Nina's palpable concern and Esme's frustration. You quickly get tired of waiting for one of them to tell you what is going on.
"Will one of you please tell me what is making you both look at me like I've caught some kind of fatal disease?" You huff, anxiety bleeding into your words. Nina glances one more time to Esme, who adamantly refuses to look away from the window as she throws down her ruined cigarette and retrieves a new one.
"You... Er, well you were... claimed. By Emil." Nina says quietly, staring down at her hands in her lap rather than you.
You stare at her blankly. What she's saying makes sense objectively, but you can't make sense of what it could have to do with you. Claiming was something exclusively done between alphas and omegas. You almost want to laugh and call it absurd, when you remember the sharp, burning pain of something piercing your neck. You shiver as you recall that the pain had been sourced in the same area as your scent gland. Your hand slowly, shakily, reaches up to press two probing fingers to your neck. Pain pulses faintly through you again when the tips of your fingers find gauze wrapped around it.
The weakness pervading your entire body, the nervousness underlying all of the other emotions swirling in your gut, the foreign sensation settled in your lower abdomen... Somehow, you know instinctively what it all means before your sister even says it.
"He bitched you. You're an omega now." Esme's voice has dropped to a low, hard to hear octave. You almost want to believe you imagined what you just heard, but you know deep down that what she says is true. The despair must show on your face, as Nina grabs your hand again, squeezing it tightly between both of hers.
"I-It'll be okay...! Emil is actually very nice, and he's genuinely-" She's cut off by the sharp slam of Esme's fist against the wall.
"Bullshit! Don't even start Nina. He bitched you and he expects you to roll over and be happy about it, but I say fuck that!" She snarls, her new cigarette meeting the same fate as its predecessor as she crushes it in her fist and throws it to the ground. "He's gone on and on at us trying to prove that this is all somehow what's best for you, but he just sounds deranged! He's a sick, obsessive freak, and he wants you to-!"
The sound of a door opening stops her short, and all three siblings jerk around to look at the newcomer entering through the door on the far side of the room from the bed. A woman in scrub pants and a sweater glowers down at all three siblings, looking supremely exhausted.
"You two, you were told you would only be allowed in if you didn't cause trouble. Are you distressing the patient right after they wake up?" She asks in a cold, droning voice.
Nina and Esme exchange defeated, worried glances before Nina speaks up.
"N-No ma'am, we weren't trying to be disruptive we were just-"
"Overwhelming someone coming out of a physically taxing ordeal that left them comatose for almost two weeks." She interjects dryly. "Come on, visitation's over, both of you out."
You expect your sisters to argue, to tell her off for expecting them to leave you alone and insist on staying with you, but to your shock your sisters resignedly stand up and head for the door. Once they've both shuffled out, the nurse (?) shuts the door behind them and trudges over to you. You flinch away from her touch, but she grabs you in firm but gentle hands, holding you still as she looks you over.
"I expected you to stay out for a few more days, but you're one tough little cookie. How are you feeling?"
Bewildered but too shell shocked to question, you answer the questions she asks you as she goes about taking your temperature and blood pressure. One impromptu physical later, she steps away from your bed with a satisfied nod.
"Alright, it looks like your recovery is progressing better than expected. You'll probably be up and about like nothing happened within a few days." You listen to her ramble about your condition before you can bring yourself to ask.
"What happened to me? Is... Is what my sister said true? Am I an omega?"
The nurse goes silent. The pitying look she gives you is all the confirmation you need.
"You should go back to sleep for now. Your body probably still feels very weak. Food will be brought to you shortly but try not to stress yourself out in the meantime." It's all she says before she hurries to the door, shutting your questions down with a firm slam. You scramble to your feet, swaying violently as soon as you try to stand. You power through it, holding down a lurching sensation akin to being on the verge of throwing up as you stagger to the door and wrench at the knob. Locked.
Fear and worry overtake you as you start slamming your hands and body into the door, though what you're trying to accomplish, not even you know. You're too weak to even stand, let alone break down a door, and before long, cold rushes into your limbs and you find yourself sliding down onto the floor, trembling and barely keeping down the bile crawling up your throat. You curl up into a ball and close your eyes.
When you awake for the third time, you don't feel nearly as ill. The ache in your limbs is still there, a mild constant, but it doesn't feel as debilitating as it did before. As you are in the middle of waking, you feel a cool hand brushing through your hair, and smell a sweet scent around you that puts you at ease. You can't help but lean your face into the hand petting you as your eyes slowly open. Snuggled against you, both arms wrapped securely around you... is that fucking freak.
You jerk away from the home invasion leader's hand, pulling him out of what looks like a deep reverie as you scramble to the side of the bed farthest from him. He smiles at you in amusement as he sits up, leaning his cheek against a fist propped on his knee.
"Good morning, princess. How are you feeling?"
You rub your hand over your neck, now free of gauze, feeling the bite marks in your skin in hyper-detail.
"You fucking... y-you, what did you do...?!" You demand, your voice a slightly higher pitch than you recall it being and shaking.
He chuckles like this was exactly what he was expecting, looking at you with a coy condescension that makes your skin crawl.
"I helped you; the first step to setting up our beautiful romance was making you an omega so I could care for you without any power struggles getting in the way. I'm not saying I look down on alphas having relationships with other alphas, but it just wasn't for me." His grin broadens as he crawls closer to you, closing the distance you'd put between you. You try to back up further, but he corners you against the headboard, arms caging you in on either side. He leans his head down, you shrink into yourself as he does but its not far enough, and his cheek brushes yours as he licks up the side of your neck. When his tongue glides over the bites on your neck, a shudder runs through you unbidden. A sudden rush of wetness between your legs shocks you to a frozen standstill. The freak looming over you takes a deep inhale, shuddering in ecstasy.
"I was right... You smell so much sweeter like this!" He presses against you, one knee parting your legs as one of his hands rubs the burning heat between your thighs. You reach to grab his wrist and pull it away, but his free hand catches yours and holds it down. The uncomfortable wetness gets worse as a heat purrs through your core, goaded by his touching.
You feel a foreign sensation crawling through your brain, sickeningly warm and disorienting. It urges you to pull your hands away, spread yourself open willingly before the alpha in front of you. It promises bliss in submission, ecstasy in relinquishing control to someone bigger and stronger than you, someone who could protect and ravish you-
A jolt runs through you as your captor's hand drifts up to dip underneath the waistband of your pants, his face lifting up from your neck to direct his affections to your lips. His attempt to take a kiss is stopped short violently by a fist slamming into his nose. He falls backwards off the side of the bed with an undignified yelp, curling up on the floor for an agonizing moment to hold his face as blood rushes between his fingers.
"W-What the hell... Aren't you...?"
"GO TO HELL YOU UGLY FREAK!!!" The panic you feel is pushed down, rage swallowing it entirely. The alpha on the floor quickly backs up as you get to your feet, fists clenched and shaking in fury.
"But I claimed you...! You can't-"
"I don't give a shit what you did! Did you seriously think I'd tolerate you touching me?! Get the hell OUT!!!!!" You scream loud enough to make your voice hoarse in your already aching throat, grabbing anything you can to hurl at him. Pillows and plastic cups chase him out as he scrambles back to the door, muttering a promise to visit again once you're in a better mood. A pillow smacks into the door with alarming force in the spot where his head had been just a split second earlier. As for the idea of you ever being in any mood that would make you tolerate being in his presence...
Fat chance of that.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
hello my love <3 can i request fluff with lockwood where y/n is sick and she also has injury on her hand (something like lucy's maybe?) and when lockwood wants to clean it she's not happyy about that 'cause she only wants to sleep and he's like "i'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? you have to listen to me, love", btw i absolutely adore your stories, keep writing cause you're amazingg, mwah <3
a/n: of course!!! domestic lockwood is the best in my humble opinion. and im so glad you like my stuff so much, love you my dear <3 also taking this as an opportunity to apologise for the terrible titles for most of my fics i spend ages thinking but can never think of something good lmao
warnings: minor injury detail gn reader
Perfect - Anthony Lockwood
The library is the warmest room in the house, and by far your favourite, so it's no surprise when Lockwood finds you there, curled up on your designated armchair close to dozing. He smiles at you as he steps in, carrying a tray of something or other that he places down on the little coffee table before sitting in his armchair.
There's something about him today that makes you want to laugh. Maybe it's the way he's been mothering you all day because you're ill. Maybe it's the lack of Anthony Lockwood professionalism he has today, what with his crinkled hoodie and pink fluffy socks - aren't those the ones George has been looking for? He's so unlike his usual self today, but also inadvertently just like himself. A walking anomaly.
"How are you feeling now?" he asks quietly, as if your ears may explode if he speaks too loud. "Any better?"
"No better than I did seven minutes ago," you say with a laugh. "Lockwood, you don't have to keep a constant eye on me. You've got things to do."
"One of which being to take care of you," he says. "Which reminds me, are you finally going to let me take a look at that cut on your arm? It needs cleaning."
"I trust you with my life, but I do not trust you with the first aid kit. You'll shove half a tube of Germaline on it. Besides, I want to go to sleep, and here is cosier than my room."
He gives you a look, but it's halfhearted. "You can sleep once I've cleaned it. I've brought you some of your favourite biscuits and a brew in return."
You lift your head from where it had laid on your arms. "Doesn't sound like a very fair trade for you."
"Ah, I'll cope."
"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sure it's healed amazingly and then I'll be back to my wonderful self in no time."
"I'm not leaving until I've at least taken a look at it. Then after that, you can have your tea and go to sleep." His grin is dazzling then. It's the kind he always uses when he's trying to get his way. "I'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? You've got to listen to me."
If you could be bothered, you could push for him to leave you in peace, but your head feels like it's full of water and you want to go to sleep. So, begrudgingly, you shift so that your arm hangs over the armrest of your chair.
The gentleness of Lockwood's hands as he takes your arm and slowly, carefully peels off the plaster you haphazardly placed on shocks you. His fingers are soft, holding your arm as if it's a delicate thing that could break at any moment.
He takes a minute to just look at the gash on your forearm. It's no longer than your index finger, cutting diagonally across halfway up, and it's still oozing some blood. The plaster is covered in it, and he deftly throws it into the bin before taking his little first aid kit from the tray he brought in. Its original purpose was for you to use it on him whenever he got banged up on cases, which was more often than not, but there's something strangely special about him using it on you now. It makes you feel a little giddy.
"You got this from a glass door, right?"
You're acutely aware of his touch as he shifts his grip so as to clean the cut. "Yeah. George knocked me into it by accident. I'm surprised this is all I got out of it."
His reply comes in the form of a quiet hum. As he cautiously cleans the wound, you watch as his brows furrow a little with concentration, creasing a little line between them, and his top lip twitches a little bit. A little quirk, you've noticed, when he's particularly invested in something. Usually, it's the latest gossip rag, in which he always loses sight of the real world, but now it's you. A small flutter arises in your chest.
He wipes over a small part of the gash, and you suck in a sharp breath. The sound makes him falter, the wipe hovering an inch above your skin as he looks up at you.
For a moment, then, you forget about the pain. Through his thick lashes, his eyes are brimmed with worry and apologies, but after insistence that you're fine, he continues to clean the fresh blood away.
"Let me put the cream on the plaster," you murmur. "You'll put way too much on."
He smiles. "Who's the qualified doctor here?"
"In all honesty, Skull is probably better at this kind of thing than you are."
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
But, even still, he passes you the tube of Germaline and a long plaster. A moment later, you pass it back, and with delicate hands, he places it over the gash. It stings a little, and you hiss at the sudden cold, but the feelings are gone before the minute is even over.
"Perfect," he says with a soft, private smile. "All sorted."
His hand lingers, still holding your arm, and you suddenly feel more awake than ever. It's as if the tiredness has just melted away into the cushions of the armchair and down into the floor with only his touch, and you yearn for him to not let go. To stay exactly where he is.
And, as if having read your mind, he does.
If someone were to walk in, the scene would be strange. You, curled up in your seat with your arm hanging over the armrest, head resting on your own shoulder, and Lockwood, holding your arm as if it's some valuable thing, and simply looking at you with those expressive eyes of his.
"How do you feel?" he asks. His voice is a little breathy.
You're trying not to focus on the feeling of his fingers slipping down your arm until they almost - almost - slot in between yours. You shift slightly so that your head is in a position that isn't causing a crick in your neck, and it only grants a better view of him. His dark hair glowing bronze in the firelight, the ever so faint freckles on his nose, the dip in the left corner of his lip that insinuates another smile.
"A little better." The words almost catch in your throat when his fingers curl around yours just so. They don't hold yours, but they're so, so close. You can feel his pulse - or is that yours beating wildly out of control? "Do you have any paracetamol?"
He takes a second to realise what you've just said, and his hand leaves yours as he rakes about in the first aid kit for the painkillers. Out of pure mothering ability, he pops two out of the packet and hands them to you along with your mug of tea. Not the nicest thing to swallow them down with, but it'll do.
"You need to be more careful on cases," Lockwood says.
"Tell that to George. He's the one who bumped into me." Then, you shrug. "I suppose I shouldn't have gone when I've got the worst head cold I've had in yonks."
A breathy laugh escapes his lips, and you notice how he's looking down at your hand.
It's a bold move, completely unlike you, but you reach for his hand, looping your fingers through his. His hand is warm and, yes, that's definitely your erratic pulse.
It takes a lot to catch Lockwood off guard, but that does the trick. For a moment, it's like he can't decide whether or not to look at your linked hands or at you, and you laugh at the sight of it.
"This is wholly inappropriate," he jokes. "Doctors and patients shouldn't do anything remotely like this."
You must be out of your mind entirely because you lean over and press a kiss to his knuckles. "What about that?"
The expression on his face reminds you of when the TV signal has gotten busted, and the four-person-army of Lockwood and Co, plus a glowing and crude Skull, are sitting around it angrily waiting for it to stop buffering. When the picture freezes, glitches a little bit, and buffers for even longer. You can almost see the buttons and wires in his mind, struggling to compute what you just did.
That's not to say you aren't the complete same. Truthfully, you shocked yourself with the kiss, and you sit here now, staring at the spot where your lips touched his skin.
You're ill, you remind yourself. Maybe he'll pass it off as delusion.
"Would you mind if I weren't your doctor for a little?"
Frowning a little, confused, you say, "No...?"
You've never seen a person move as fast as Lockwood does then. Before you know it, he's leaning over your entwined hands and his lips are brushing yours so softly, giving you room to move if it's something you don't want. But you do. You want it more than anything.
Everything seems to melt away at the moment you press your lips firmly onto his. The library, the fireplace filled with dancing orange flames, your horrible cold, the sting of anti-septic cream on your fresh cut. You're aware only of his lips on yours, his fingers twisted in yours, the warmth of his hand. Every nerve in your body feels as though it's about to combust. Your heart is practically beating through your chest. God, your hands are awfully sweaty.
Only a moment later, he pulls away, but his face stays so close to yours that you can feel his breath on your cheek.
You want to say something romantic, maybe something smart or snarky like you usually would, but all you can think of is, "You're going to get a cold now."
"It's just as well we have Skull, then, huh?" His laugh is soft and airy, and you could catch it between your lips if you so wished. "I'm sure I'll be fine."
His gaze flickers between your eyes and lips, and you're positive that if he weren't holding your hand right now, you'd implode in a burst of sparks and fireworks.
"Well, if you're so sure -"
Knowing where the sentence is going, he presses his lips to yours once more, and it's perfect.
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butterscotch-brigade · 8 months
🐴 eat-the-alicorns Follow
sick of ponies saying shit like "luna > celestia" or "celestia is a tyrant, luna is best princess" like you know equestria is still a monarchy right. it doesn't matter who you "stan" they're still both members of the royal family. i should not have to explain to you why "stanning" a literal monarch is wrong
🌚 moonrises Follow
Somepony's a Celestia stan
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
read my post again
🌫 books-and-friendship-deactivated10102010
Excuse me, but can you please explain to me why the monarchy is so bad? I'm from the Dragon Lands, and we choose our leaders by sending them on a dangerous quest to retrieve a scepter from an active volcano. Thousands of dragons die every millenium to this gauntlet alone. How is that any better than living under the alicorns' comparatively peaceful and diplomatic rule?
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
girl you're literally a twilight sparkle stan blog i'm not arguing with you. go read books egghead
🥀 unlucky-rosepetals Follow
op thats not just a twilight themed blog that is the actual princess twilight herself
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
⛅️ chasingcloudstildawn Follow
🥕 beyond-my-garden Follow
🌅 sunny-daze-haze Follow
Welcome to Tumblr, the only website where you can cyberbully the princess of friendship into deactivating. Well done guys
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
"cyberbullying" she's taken on Actual Demons From Tartarus i think she'll be fine
📰 gxbby-gxms Follow
one of those "demons" was a literal child btw. yknow the one currently encased in stone in the canterlot sculpture garden
🎭 chaotic-strings Follow
Being a minor doesn't make you exempt from the consequences of your actions????
🐴 eat-the-alicorns
SHE'S A /CHILD/??? LIKE AN ACTUAL CHILD. and she's FULLY aware of everything going on around her??? tell me why you think eternal petrification is a fitting punishment for a child
⏳️ timeywimey Follow
@/chaotic-strings is Discord btw. In case you're wondering why he's advocating for turning a child to stone. I love sucking hooves
⏳️ timeywimey
🎭 chaotic-strings
🍎 i-say-eeyup Follow
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wrestletotheground · 6 months
Uhmm I'm in need of a ross smutty workout blurb cuz oh man I'm down bad and I need him to destroy my p**** respectfully
hi responding to this ask after way too long here's a video and long ass blurb (1.6k words) as compensation 😇
18+ minors dni!!!
'urghh- fuck'
ross' groans and grunts of exertion from working out echo through the apartment and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't making you insanely turned on. you do all you can to resist interrupting him, pressing your thighs together as you shift around on the couch for some type of relief. it doesn't help, his huffs and groans are getting louder the longer he's at it.
picturing your boyfriend, sweaty and breathless in his skin tight workout gear is what makes you finally give in. you get up and make your way over to the spare room where he has his little at home gym setup.
you peep your head around the door to see ross lying down doing bench presses with a bar that must weigh more than you, arms straining with every lift. you can see the little tufts of hair in his armpits when he lifts it up, moving slightly with every flex of his shoulders. his legs are on full display facing out towards you, and the nylon material ending barely halfway down his thighs isn't doing much to hide his bulge. the sight of him nearly makes you cum on the spot, and a moan involuntarily leaves your throat. you freeze in place, but of course he heard you, there's no going back now. he places the bar back in the holder above his head and cranes his neck up to look at you, a soft smile playing on his lips.
he sits up as you walk over to him cautiously, hyper aware of the sticky mess already forming between your legs. 'hi baby, need something?' you climb into his lap without hesitation, your brain already short circuiting at the way the bulge in his shorts pushes against your core. his arms, back and forehead are damp with sweat, which somehow makes you even hornier. 'no... m-maybe... just like hearing you is all,' you murmur, a flush rising in your cheeks.
his face breaks into a knowing grin as his hands run up and down your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 'hm, why's that angel?' he asks, bringing a hand up to push your hair behind your ear. it's at that moment you realise he's wearing his gold chain. that and the tank top is a dangerous combination. 'ross...' you whine, turning and looking away flusteredly, before he grabs your jaw and turns you to look at him. he tilts his head back, drinking in the lust written across your face. 'use your words baby, what do you want?'
'you.' it barely comes out as a whisper but your hands make up for the lack of words by threading through the hairs at the back of his neck, pulled tightly into a ponytail, and tugging just under the bobbin. he groans and rests his forehead against yours, eyes fluttering shut. you can feel him hardening quickly under you, getting more turned on by the second. working out always made him like this. all the extra testosterone pumping through him meant he usually needed something to take it out on, be it you or his fist with a picture of you in front of him when you weren't around.
'how long had you been listening to me angel?' he whispers, tracing his fingertips down your back gently. 'too long, im- mmh- need you, daddy, m'so wet,' you whine, grinding on him harder and ignoring the humiliation creeping through your mind at how pathetic you sound. 'god, someone's needy today,' he smirks, although his eyes are already dilated gazing at you.
he's entranced, fixated on how easily you submit to your own desires.
he picks up the bar behind him and lets it fall to the floor with a thud, making space to lie back fully with you on top of him.
'watch, you'll break the floorboards,' you say, leaning down with a smirk in your eyes as if you're not worried about the weight falling so hard. you grind into him slightly as you press a hand onto his chest, making him burn with desire for you. 'oh I'll show you breaking the fucking floorboard-,' he barely finishes his sentence, pulling you into him harshly and attacking your lips with his. you gasp at the sudden contact and the intensity of the kiss, melting into him instantly. breathlessness takes over the two of you, rutting against each other desperately as your hair falls down around his face.
his cock is thick and hard between your legs, straining against his sweaty gym shorts. the feeling of it makes you clench uselessly as you fumble around with your hands to pull them down. he lifts his hips off the bench to help you pull them down, taking his boxers with them. you look down and your head goes fuzzy when you see his erection, red and throbbing already. he inhales sharply as you instinctively take it in your hand, slinking down his legs to bow your head down. he stops you just before your tongue touches off him.
'darling, not n-now, mmh, need to fuck you, okay?' he manages to say between heavy breaths. you nod your head yes, smiling coyly at the fact he's so needy and worked up already. he doesn't even notice how his hips involuntarily rise to meet your lips in contradiction to his words.
'lie down,' he says, slipping out from under you as you lay down obligingly. goosebumps prickle your body in anticipation. he gets up to stand towering over you at the foot of the bench and drags you down by the waist until you're right where he wants you.
you spread your legs instinctively and his eyes are instantly drawn to the pool of wetness seeping through your shorts. 'fucking hell, must have been torture sitting out there for so long, needy little whore,' he says with a smug grin. you can't help the way your eyes flicker between his face and his cock, your pussy throbbing at the thought of him inside you.
he pushes the skimpy bottoms to the side and trails a finger up your soaked cunt, making your eyes flutter shut and a desperate whimper escapes your throat. he can't help touching himself at the sight before him, biting his lip to stifle a groan as he works his fist up and down in anticipation, beads of precum rolling down his shaft. 'perfect', he mumbles under his breath. your cheeks flush.
he doesn't waste another second before hooking his fingers under the waistbands and all but ripping your pants off, throwing them aside carelessly.
you lie still, fawning up and waiting for him to make the next move. he returns his hand, this time slipping in two fingers with barely any resistance. he twists and curls and spreads his fingers as if you're a toy, trying to find the position that makes you drool.
and he does. he manages to find a spot inside you that has you seeing stars instantly, arching your back and letting out an obscene sound as he keeps hitting it perfectly. the sight of you is too much for him and before you can even think, the digits are replaced by his cock nudging at your entrance.
as soon as he pushes his tip into you, you know you're not going to last long. soft moans fall from your lips with every thrust. his arms tremble with fatigue over you, but he doesn't falter. if anything it spurs him on to fuck you faster.
the smell of musk and sweat and Him clouds your senses. it makes you impossibly more turned on, throwing your head back as he whines into your neck.
'ughhh- fuck, always so tight and wet for me, good girl'. 'your good girl,' you agree. his hands are on your shoulders, pinning you exactly where he wants you. he brings his hand down to your lower stomach, using his thumb to swipe back and forth over your clit. you can't help the pathetic whimpers that fill the room, it feels too good to care.
it's messy and hot and it feels like you're both on a high, chasing the end of each other. your hands wander all over him with the indecisive need to simply be as close to him as you can be. his eyes are inches from yours, an intense, almost primal stare burning through you.
'fuck, darling, I'm so close, you want me to fill you up? want this pretty little cunt dripping with me hm?' you nod your head, jaw slack, barely able to speak as pleasure courses through your veins, his words only making you whine further.
his thrusts get sloppy and fast as your insides are set aflame, and suddenly you're plummeting, gripping onto his back, leaving nail marks on the back of his neck and crying out. he's not far behind you. one final thrust and his eyes flutter closed, lips pursed shut as a heavy groan rips from his chest. he attacks your lips once more as he moves slowly and precisely, spilling every last drop into you.
he pulls away and his greedy eyes scan your body, taking in how fucked out you look; lips red and bitten raw, chest heaving with every breath under a glossy sheen of sweat. 'fuck, i think I've done enough working out for the both of us,' he laughs.
you eventually manage to move to the bed and lie down into each other for a while, between giggles and kisses, basking in the mutual infatuation between you.
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skelliko · 11 months
hello everything is fine? I wanted to make a different request, could I make them discovering that y/n has narcissistic personality disorder? thanks!
hii I'm all good :)
sorry if it took a while to write it, I wanted to get the right Information about the disorder and thinking about how they'd react or do was kinda hard. though for clarification i was unsure half of the time on how to write about the disorder since I knew nothing so I'm sorry if there's parts that aren't true.
tbh I contemplated not doing this 1 purely cause I didn't want to offend anyone, if needed to or if anyone asks I will delete this post.
(by the way Im not saying that people with that disorder can never be loved, it can just be a little difficult)
★- Tokyo revengers
featuring: kazutora, chifuyu, Baji
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°- Kazutora hanemiya
• he'd hate the lack of emotion and sympathy you'd give him sometimes but would brush it off since he knows he also gets like that
• though sometimes he'd be okay with it, if he's talking about something touchy about him he doesn't want an over-reaction to it. but he still craves that sense of care from you
• would bicker about who's fault is who's, "it's your fault"- "no it's yours!"
• he'd take notice of your self worth and admire you a little for that
• he'd notice your need for attention but then would get confused if you seem to not show much reaction towards it
• he'd hug and keep you company, and give you compliments
• he wouldn't notice at first but once he got the gist of your whole self and analysed you he then soon enough become sceptical of your disorder
• he'd pity you but not say anything of it yet
• if he realises that he's unintentionally made you jealous or envy someone cause he gave his attention to someone else when around you he'd panic a little
• though deep down he likes you jealous cause it shows you still have care of him
• he'd try and show you his care that even despite your disorder he still cares very much about you
• he aware that he has his own problems, sure he's not aware all the time but despite you not showing much emotion or sympathy you still picked him, and he picked you
• he knows that disorders and behaviours like that are sometimes caused by trauma or a type of upbringing, he fully understands that. so he tried to make you open up a little to him but slyly asking you a few minor questions
• whenever he notices you trying to help him or someone else kazutora can't seem to find it amusing since he can tell that whatever your saying won't be helpful
• he'd out of the blue ask you things about your disorder, not even saying that he knows beforehand
• "how do you feel in certain situations? is it actually all plain and numb or is there more to it?"
• in the end you're both considered to be red flags, it just so happens that you both can also understand each other. but if one gets a little out of control you will be separated
°- chifuyu matsuno
• he'd be confused and even a little hurt by your behaviour
• he noticed your struggle and lack of desire to apologize, but he wouldn't hate you for that, he gets that apologizing can sometimes be embarrassing
• but if it's over something major and notices your half-assed apology he'd confront you about that
• he'd get hurt by the lack of sympathy you'd give and when you do show a bit of it he's sceptical of it being fake
• sometimes he'd feel useless in the relationship
• he'd quietly and calmly watch as you fix your hair or do something about your appearance before coming up to you from behind and tell you "you're always pretty"
• he'd realise your need for attention and would shower you with compliments throughout the day without thinking much of it, he actually kind of likes that
• "I like your hair" "that colour suits you" "your amazing at what you do"
• he'd be a bit slow in noticing that sort of thing but once he finally realised and sticks together all the signs of your disorder he seems a little stuck in his mind about it all, cause he knows it always ends up toxic in the end.
• but he also wants to show you that he can still care for you
• he purposely did research about your disorder in hopes of understanding you a lot better
• he'd try to be caring and gentle but it'd wears him out sometimes and even puts pressure himself on
• he didn't want to be an dick and abandon you cause of your issues but he finds it difficult to contain, it's easier to let go than keep it up and have constant worry that he's not doing anything right
°- Baji Keisuke
• there'd be a bit of arguing and he knows that neither of you would back down so Baji always tried to back down first and avoid any arguing or disagreement
• he can be understanding when he first realised that you try so hard to impress others, he'd come up to you about it and reassure that you're already perfect for him
• he'd give you the needed attention that you crave
• he has his boundaries straight and would tell you if you do something that he doesn't like
• on the outside he plays along with your self confidence and agrees but deep down hes holding his tongue back
• it wasn't until the middle of your relationship that he connected the dots to your disorder
• he didn't say anything about It but in his mind he was thinking hard about the relationship between the two of you and the change that had happened half way
• how long would he let it keep up before it started to become toxic?
• whenever your hanging out in a group he'd give you attention by holding your hand or an arm over your shoulders, or if your sat down he'd rest his hand on your thigh
• he's patient with you on the outside but on the inside he isn't
• he'd start to confront you about certain things a lot more but in a calm manner in hopes of that helping you a little but would sometimes get agitated by your lack of care
• despite knowing and experiencing your narcissism he will try to stay with you and make it work but if things start going to the left he'd leave immediately without a doubt
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originemesis · 8 months
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"creation took 7 days; now watch me fuck it all up in one night"
canon divergent adam / abel // haz.b.in h.o.tel
21 + / mid-low activity / private
ordained and entertained by skeu ; icon templates by cinna! 💜💛 human icons by bbglucifer ;p <3 --- > xxx
side blog: vortex @gutstaken
here are some cool people 😎 : @deathinfeathers , @voxistem , @lilitophidian , @cast-you-dxwn , @2ndrib , @atomeyes + @sainticidal , @arachn0philia , @drraphaelmd, @brokendreamscreation , @hlylight , @chasingrainbcws , @danger-tits-lute , @hclluvahctel
about // playlist // active headcanon // current verses // rules [beneath]
Blog is 21+ for content concerns and mun is 25+ (an old) and will not interact with minors on this blog. minors should technically not follow me here either ~ so, don'tttttt...do that? thanks! if i catch you, you're yeeted to the shadow realm.
Do not follow this blog if you are sensitive to the sensitive topics related to this particular genre. I tag with "content word cw" for the extra wild stuff, but that's about it. adam literally has the highest swear/slur count in the show and he's only in 3 episodes, so be aware of that.
I tend to be private/selective as i get fairly overwhelmed with too much activity. i really get into plots though, and i'll spam the dash with some silly original dick chauvinism from time to time when ive fed my inner gremlins past midnight. That said, I do get easily overwhelmed when I'm following too many people and multi muse blogs in particular can exacerbate this feeling, so if I do not follow back - I might just not be in a good place to atm or I just don't see possible interactions btw our characters. It's nothing personal! ^^
This is a mutuals only interaction blog for my sanity (anons being fine). if i can see plots happening between us, i'll likely follow. but i get overwhelmed easily so please don't take it personally if i don't follow back or follow back right away.
I am not exclusive, but I prioritize my plotted threads and may have some mains/activity based off that as far as my main verse goes. But I will never be fully exclusive and i enjoy exploring different character dynamics. Also multiship is fine, but I am not exclusively here to ship or write suggestive content. My muses have always and will always require plotting and scene chemistry for me to consider writing ship material. In the case I do reblog shippy prompts still feel free to send in ofc! I'll see if I can make it work or not.
If I don't get a follow back within a week or two, if blogs i follow go inactive for up to 6-7 weeks, or if there's just no attempt on either of our ends to connect for an indefinite amount of time - i'll occasionally go through my list and soft block to clean things up. if we ever want to give it a go in the future, the option is there for us to re-follow and resume! i have in the past been made to feel like I'm walking on egg shells in rpcs regarding these matters and id rather avoid it here...im just here to chill, write and leave weird surprises in dms.
I don't like the feeling of being 'collected' so...if you are interacting with multiple of my muses, I ask you have a different dynamic for mine than them. This is just an act of courtesy I also extend to my rp partners. I interact more with folks that have a special relationship with my muse, so it's needed to deep dive into more interesting topics for me. I also do not usually interact w/ other of the same muse cuz I feel like I 'absorb' how others play him and I want to keep my version separated from that. I might give it a shot some times though depending on how it's presented.
I know that Adam is a bad guy. He's insufferable and can push buttons- but I am not him and I dislike constantly feeling like I'm being barraged for his actions, especially since I consider him to be a heavily layered character that should not be shoe horned into a standard 'ok irredeemable and never allowed nice things' box. So- if you honestly hate this character please don't interact. I am here for exploring taboo topics and ways that a flawed character can make others think he's justified, betray them, make people feel COMPLICATED things... I also love torturing my muse and taking the piss out of him, so I don't need people moving in and tying to constantly put him down/ruin his current plots by being god modey or not at least asking me how we should proceed in a power dynamic, or relationships cuz you don't ship what I ship, or find my interactions with other characters 'toxic' and 'not allowed'...let me explore and enjoy what I like on my blog within reason and do talk with me on dms if you don't like how things are going with our muses and you wanna explore other routes. I love to plot and I am very reasonable.
This post/my rules and conditions are subject to change based on what I get up to on here.
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druidshollow · 1 year
I'm so curious about Fires now, do you have any fun facts on that little malfunctioning thing?
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( @bleedingtooth so u also get a ping lol)
looks like its time for a FIRE POOOOST
as per usual and since i havent shared much about him yet im gonna drop some fast facts real fast
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(at the moment im having a bit of a crisis with the timeline so some dates are subject to change and shift around. originally fire was going to be older and i cant remember if id mentioned that yet or not but whats in this post is whats accurate cool thanks for understanding)
everlasting fire was the creation of flowers (as admin) and descent (as project lead). when they graduated from the school of solutions they were endorsed by a high councillor and allowed to develop their own iterator project. young and ambitious, the two were elated to have the honour and determined to do well with it. flowers in particular was intent on impressing his peers and superiors, and developed a new genetic code that would form the iterator's microbe structure much quicker, making the construction of fire move much faster than normal. his peers were quite impressed. top scientists of the iterator project overlooked the code, but none spotted its fatal error, and it was allowed to be used to construct fire.
the problem with this code is that the taboo buffers are built into the iterator's genetic structure, and in this rushed development, a few microbes didn't properly grab onto the taboo laws. it was a small error but was unfortunately enough for fire's emotional outburst and impulsivity to overcome the taboo laws built into him, even if just for a moment.
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artist's rendition of everlasting fire's microbes
to understand WHY fire attacked descent we have to understand the kind of guy fire was!!!
like i stated earlier, fire was very young by iterator standards when we was shut down. he was immature, impulsive, and a bit quick-tempered by nature.
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deep down he struggled with feelings of loneliness (running theme much) and envy. fire wanted to feel like a part of society but the iterators were so alienated from their colonies and creators. he grew embittered over time by his desire for freedom.
the attack was really a wrong place at the wrong time situation. it was the minor cycle after a large festival (always a hard time for fire), and descent had been alone with fire in his chamber, talking to him about the festivaal and what she'd done during. his emotions welled up, having never had a real outlet, and in combination with his poor impulse control and his malfunctioning taboo buffers it culminated in fire using his gravity powers to apply crushing force to descent.
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i think it was a moment of blind rage, that fire wasn't even fully aware of what he was doing. he just snapped and lashed out at the closest thing, that unfortunately being descent.
flowers shut fire's power off right as fire started to come back to himself. later, before his shut-down, fire was briefly powered back up to be questioned. he expressed confusion, fear, and mortification at what he'd done, and couldn't comprehend how it had happened. he was beyond remorseful and terrified of himself.
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fire was consequentially demolished. flowers helped design the creatures that were employed to carry out the demolition in return for keeping his position of power in the aftermath of his mistake
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the-keys-system · 3 months
Haiiii :3 System intro and alter intros!
Lets see... Have known about this site since we were in middle school but have always been intimidated by it. So just going to pretend as if I know what I'm doing and no one else exists!
This will be a system intro, mostly talking about the most frequent fronters who want to post and our interests!
We are a traumagenic system, AuDHD (plus a few others that we're not comfortable sharing online) and just trying our best. Collective pronouns are they/them
We are in a polyamorous relationship with two singlets outside of the system! It's very nice and we all love them very much. If you want to ask questions about our relationship, don't be afraid to!
Interests include cats, and listening to music while driving (or in call with our girlfriends).
@keys-nsft-18 is exactly what it sounds like... I caved. MINORS DNI WITH IT!!!
Now it's time for alter intros!
Hello!! Im Holden. I am still trying to figure out my role in the system. I am also still trying to figure out what pronouns i like, but im comfortable with anything!
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Ill try to get others who post frequently to make intros too, but we shall see.
That's it for us! We're not fully aware of how to act on Tumblr, so sorry if we get anything wrong, just keep in mind that if you don't tell us we won't know that we did anything :D
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conanssummerchild · 22 days
my own ranking of every rick and morty episode, inspired by the lovely @fandomwe1rd0 :3
sorry this is a bit scattered, the random quotes are just lines that i liked/found funny. i had to shorten all my reasonings by a fuck ton bcs i was just going on forever lmao, so if some things feel kinda cut off, that's why.
i binged all of rick and morty in like a week to make this, just to make sure the ranking was fully accurate to me and it took me way to long but i'm finally done !!
btw this isnt a ranking of which episodes are objectively the best, its very biased and just my personal opinions, im aware some epsiodes definitely shouldnt be as high as they are but a lot of them are just my comfort episodes 🤷
f tier: episodes i actively dislike, have little to no redeeming qualities.
71. rickdependance spray: audibly said "oh, fuck no." when i realised this was next. the rest of weird-ish episodes have some redeeming points but this one just has no plot relevance and isnt very funny.
70. raising gazorpazorp: main reason i dislike this episode is the end credit, it reminds me of when i was listening to family line and my dad insinuated conan was making it up and that if i got famous i'd do the same, like, no, if i talk abt what a shitty dad you are its bcs you were a shitty dad, do better. anyway i just thought it was an unfunny joke. due to daddy issues. also its just a boring episode.
69. a rickconvenient mort: summer and rick's storyline was ok but not enough to make up for how much i hate planetina. i liked beth in this episode. rick and summer's dynamic was nice too, but unhealthy.
e tier: episodes i don't dislike, just find boring/have bad elements but more redeeming qualities.
68. m. night shaym-aliens!: the little crystal wrestle was adorable. other than that not a super memorable episode.
67. rise of the numbericons: the movie: i didn't hate it but compared to the rest of s7 it was pretty weak. i think mr goldenfold is funny, but not enough to get his own episode. it would've been more entertaining if rick was in it lets be real, i missed him.
66. interdimensional cable 2: tempting fate: i care very little about jerry's penis. the interdimensional cable was good as usual though.
65. how poopy got his poop back: fine episode, not my fav. i liked seeing bp and squanchy again.
64. edge of tomorty: rick die rickpeat: "Damn, Morty, you're bad at maths, but I'm giving you an a-plus in confidence!" an okay episode.
63. rick: a mort well lived: pretty weak episode to follow solaricks. summer's die hard was good. some cool emotional components.
62. rattlestar ricklactia: "Hey, Morty, listen. I can tell you're pretty upset about the whole snake encounter thing, so I'll tell you what. I'm just gonna go ahead and avoid you for the rest of the day." rnm were kind of cute at the end. yk, until rick punched morty in the face :/.
61. the jerrick trap: sorry ik a lot of ppl love this episode but tho burger & fries were cute characters its not all that for me. memory rick's return, however, was all that. i love him.
60. childrick of mort: "Oh my god, grandpa, you fuck boy." rick being a space nerd <3. loved to see more of beth and rick together but other than that this episode was kinda mid.
59. amortycan grickfitti: honestly made me feel bad for jerry which isnt easy, i sort of liked rick here, he seemed reluctant to let the hell demons make fun of jerry, he still did, but even apologised with only a little prompting. can't say the same for beth. summer and morty were sweet in this episode, i wish we would get more of them.
58. rickmancing the stone: "I don't know why I'm crying." "Well... try crying 15% less?" not bad, i liked the emotional components.
57. mortynight run: again, not super memorable to me. the roy montage was good. You kind of wasted your 30's, though, with that whole birdwatching phase." the animation for the song was great.
d tier: mostly okay to good episodes with minor faults that i can look past in the general scheme of the episode.
56. one crew over the crewcoo's morty: fucked up what rick did to morty. and to mr pb, his life went to shit after this, bcs of rick.
55. night family: had some great moments, but wasnt my fav.
54. anatomy park: loved dr bloom, john oliver voiced him perfectly.
53. lawnmower dog: sweet scenes between rnm. liked the dream inceptor, loved scary terry, snuffles was good too but not as much.
52. claw and hoarder: special ricktims morty: "Are you gonna slay it?" "First off, i always slay it, queen. Secondly, yes." summer being on morty's side was nice. while the soul orgy was a bit weird, the rest of this episode was pretty entertaining which is why its higher up, sorry.
51. bethic twinstinct: jerry saying he would khs, not cool jerry fuck you. "You ladies discuss responsibility while i get stoned and play video games with your kids." the end 💀 i felt bad but it was funny lol.
50. final desmitation: maybe my fav ep of jerry and rick's relationship. i liked seeing rick disapprove of them making fun of jerry, had some funny moments and i even liked jerry here.
49. a rick in king mortur's mort: not the best but i enjoyed rickbot being nice to morty. also this episode sets up for rmrm which i love.
48. promortyus: morty's little yee-haw 😭. and their conversation, so sweet. taking the adderall line as an adhd rick confirmation. "It is my thing. Just like yours is dying alone," get his ass. i feel like the romance couldve been a compelling story if the hosts werent rnm.
47. the whirly dirly conspiracy: rick's take on jerry was accurate. "But no, like father like goddamn daughter! You wanna be like Rick? Congratulations, you're just as arrogant and just as irresponsible!" morty ate. i prefered summer and beths storyline to rick and jerry's.
c tier: solid, episodes, some have a few faults but theyre small
46. mort: ragnarick: it's so high up because i found rick to be likeable and liked his dynamic with morty. ricks clone was cute too.
45. look who's purging now: "Screw you, Rick! I'll purge you too, you old rickety piece of crap!" rnm's storyline was great, i liked arthrisha.
44. the ricks must be crazy: "I dropped out of school. It's not a place for smart people." "Ohhhh, snap!" lmao literally my reaction. "Ooh. Wow. Gaaay!" "That is pretty gay." not much more to say, good ep.
43. never ricking morty: rnm were sweet in this ep. the gay ass song with rick and bp. "Rick are you– do you need to go to the hospital?" the forehead kiss was sweet. (we're ignoring "Lips if you want.")
42. mort dinner rick andre: mr nimbus is a great character. the wine storyline was a bit boring. "I havent been to a full week of school in years! I don't know shit!" love the peek at rick's backstory too.
41. rick potion #9: important lore episode. some funny bits. morty was a little creepy in this one. i love jerry primes character development. first look on down from the bridge moment !!
40. forgetting sarick mortshall: "What are you, eight? Is this macaroni art? You expect me to believe you built this because you don't care?" liked ricks storyline and he actually does seem to be showing minor development. the end song was good. liked garbage goober's lore.
39. morty's mindblowers: rick removing whatever memories he wanted was fucked up. rick saying granite instead of granted will always be funny. also him losing in chackers and skiing into a tree.
38. mortyplicity: entertaining enough if a little convoluted, i liked it though. sweet moment between the decoy family, shame they died.
b tier: good to great episodes.
37. big trouble in little sanchez: actually liked jerry and beths storyline in this one. tiny riiick !! "old rick! ruining everything!" good episode.
36. pilot: good intro, sets the tone. rick is such a dick (affectionate). rnm's dynamic !! the animation is great. overall great episode.
35. pickle rick: ik its a overrated but i think its good. hes pickle riiiick. dr wong's speech to rick was actually really good and accurate.
34. meeseeks and destroy: rick was such a whiny bitch this episode (affectionate), up until the mr jellybean stuff, which i liked bcs it was handled well by the writers and rick was actually very sweet.
33. rick and morty's thanksploitation spectacular: president curtis' alcoholic sci-fi boyfriend is probably my favourite way rick has been refered to in the show LOL. overall i enjoyed this episode.
32. something ricked this way comes: idc now but, the first time watching rick's r slur speech it was obnoxious and offputting. summer and rick were great, i adore their dynamic, love summer and rick episodes, but idrc for jerry's storyline, he bores me so bad.
31. full meta jackrick: "Rick can't change, Morty. Change is what you might call his Kryptonite." there were a lot of things i liked abt this ep.
30. vindicators 3: the return of worldender: very good episode. forever a believer that the ride was for morty and rick just chickened out.
29. a rickle in time: the va for the testicle monster was great. beth and jerry's storyline also wasn't bad. rick jumping into the hole and sacrificing his life for morty, im sobbing. great episode.
28. the vat of acid episode: morty trying to make rick feel better about not being able to make the thing was very sweet. morty's relationship with that girl was adorable, so sad it was erased by jerry's dumb ass /lh. fuck rick in this episode. the end was funny.
27. rixty minutes: while i do love interdimensional cable this episode would've been lower if it wasn't for all the character moments. "You can't leave, you're 17." "Yeah, and I'm not pregnant. I'm gonna have better judgement than you guys had at my age." loved summer getting screentime. beth and jerry's moment was quite sweet.
26. ricksy business: bp and squanchy !!! >:) bp coming through with the deep speech. the montage of rick morty and summer at the end is so adorable i love them sm <3. "I love my grandkids." "Aw :)." "Psych, just kidding, my new catchphrase is i dont give a fuuuck!"
25. get schwifty: first president curtis episode !! i love him. love morty and bp interactions haha. "In bird culture, this is considered a dick move." "It is random debris. I found it in my carpet. I don't know what humans eat." crying i love him sm. one of my personal favs lol :).
24. juricksick mort: tbh i mostly like this ep bcs of "You pompous autistic cadaver!" but there was other good moments and it was entertaining. rick was funny and likeable and very much a disaster of a human being, as i was promised when i started watching rnm.
23. star mort rickturn of the jerri: space beth !! "You cosplay as your shitty father in his 30's." "Its funny. I always wondered who would win if we ever fought." "Then you were always a bad friend." :(. "Holy shit, I'm a terrible father." i forgot how good this episode was, very angsty.
22. total rickall: genuinely love this episode. KEITH DAVID >:D. rick's "weird made-up sounding catchphrases" compilation is one of my fav moments in the show lol, everyone looks so concerned 💀.
21. rest and ricklaxation: "Grandpa's here." SOBBING. "Because you kept drunk-dialing me and crying about it!" "I wasn't crying!" loved jessica and ricks dynamic lol. great episode.
20. rickfending your mort: great follow up to unmortricken, i like that rick doesnt just go back to normal and we see it takes a while and even then its only bcs morty steps in. morty making up titles for all their adventures is adorable. great sweet scenes between rnm.
19. the rickchurian mortydate: autistic rick !! also minecraft. the president is such a pathetic loser lol <3. i loved rick and morty being on the same wavelength in this episode. the ending was good.
18. wet kuat amortycan summer: summer-centric episode !! rick was likeable, liked seeing him clumsy getting his grove back. him saying summer reminds him of diane again, he's getting so much more open, im so proud, can you imagine s3 rick being sincere like that?
17. close rickcounters of the rick kind: best s1 episode, love citadel episodes. evil morty !!!!! some funny moments. "You're crying? Over a Morty?" sobbing. "Yeah, but wheres the transmitter?" and the evil morty song oh god, best scene ever fr. i love my evil guy :3.
s tier: outstanding episodes, the 16 best imo.
16. that's amorte: FANTASTIC episode, the end montage is the only part of any rnm episode thats made me cry a little, it would be higher up but i have some personal favs which i put higher. i feel like this episode was very classic rnm after having them separated half of s7.
15. the old man and the seat: jerry and morty's dynamic is pretty funny. tony and rick's storyline was fantastic. some pretty angsty stuff. "The saaaddest piece of garbage in the entire cosmos."
14. the abc's of beth: rick and beth episode !! rick saying that an adventure clearly needs morty in it, aw. i did not care about jerry's storyline at all. beth had no right being so relatable in this ep.
13. ricktional mortpoon's rickmas mortcation: rick relapsing into finding prime !! "I'm not touching that thing. I'll get neurotypical cooties." ok, so ik a lot of ppl don't like the speech rick said to morty, but i do, he was going through a LOT, this clearly took him quite a few steps back in development and healing, i think it was less bad than a lot of other things he's done and way more justified.
12. fear no mort: loved morty getting his time to shine, LOVED diane and rick. morty realising rick wasn't in the hole has to be one of the best moments in the show. rick not going in the hole at the end bcs morty told him not to, hope some day he'll get to the point of doing things for morty in front of him so he can realise how much he cares.
11. analyze piss: look at rick asking dr wong for advice. him relating to piss master :(. also i read a phenomenal fic abt this ep (tw sh) (link).
10. air force wong: UNITY RETURNS! Rick was kinda childish in this episode but i feel like it was justified, he wasn't being a dick just bcs, he was hurting, and he even kinda apologised to summer, hes trying. rick going to drink with the president instead of being alone.
9. the rickshank rickdemption: RICK PRIME. "That, diane, is the last great idea that will ever be had in this garage." :((((. ricks backstory. "he's not a villan, summer, but he shouldn't be ur hero." fantastic ep.
8. rickmurai jack: love two crows rick. rick's full "crybaby" backstory !! "Now you're evil morty, too. sooner or later we all are. on this side of the curve." THE END OH GOD. THE MUSIC. EVIL MORTY LETTING OUT A SIGH OF RELIEF. INSANE finale.
7. gotron jerrysis rickvangelion: rick is so spectacularly autistic in this one. i like how he doesnt silly hyperfixtate, he full on unhealthy hyperfixtates. i practically know this ep off by heart. comfort ep fr.
6. rickternal friendshine of the spotless mort: im not sorry for putting this up so high, i love this ep so fucking much. memory rick is so silly i love him sm. "You were a good friend, Rick. Goodbye." the blood ridge confession makes me FERAL. i can quote it word for word.
5. the wedding squanchers: THIS EPISODE. rick watching bp die in front of him. rick turning himself in :(. "everyone i know goes away in the end." the music was so good. "he's not coming back, is he?"
4. the ricklantis mixup: best citadel ep, fight me. j-22 trying to save simple rick only to suffer the same fate :(. slick jumping into the wishing portal. the ending was phenomenal, every single storyline was amazing and important. and evil morty returns.
3. auto erotic assimilation: love unity and ricks dynamic. blim blam humbling beth and jerry. jerry using the weed whacker right in front of the garage where rick just attempted. and no one notices. bc that's how it is. "do you feel it?" is a great song. maybe this ep is higher than it should be but it's my comfort ep, it means so much to me.
2. solaricks: first time we get to see dimension c-137 out of a flashback !! "I hope Summer knows what happens to the people you love!" "Oh, am I cool enough for you now? Well, that was easy. It only cost me fucking everything." "I don't know him. You're my grandpa, rick." rip jerry prime, my fav jerry. THIS EPISODE IS PHENOMENAL.
1. unmortricken: ok anyone who knows me knows this is my fav ep bcs i never stfu abt it. i mean, evil morty backstory, rick beating prime to death, GOD. ian cardoni was COOKING with the delivery of those lines, and the lines were fantastic. some good rnm moments. the angst is so good. "How's it feel? Better? No? Exactly the same? Yeah, it always does." best look on down from the bridge moment.
i keep going over this a million times just to make sure everything is perfect but idk, some episodes are maybe interchangeable, im just going to post it bcs its been rotting in my drafts for quite a while now, everyone promise you dont hate me for putting an episode 1 slot too high or low /j
and sorry for all the jerry hate in this post, i dont hate him i just find him boring, so eps where he's the centre tend to be lower on the list.
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a little Welcome Home theory that's probably me looking entirely too much into a single line <3
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so i was clicking through the site for the thousandth time and this line caught my eye. maybe its 4 am and i haven't slept, maybe i'm onto something. who knows!
but this little thing... "and lively sets unlike anything seen before!". yeah, it could just be them propping up the show. OR maybe the puppets have been alive the whole time, fully autonomous but entirely unaware that they are puppets on a show. maybe to them, the neighborhood is real, and they simply cannot comprehend the presence of humans so their puppet minds don't register them. this could make for a "cosmic horror but for puppets" spin, which would be sick as fuck
their daytime is when the studio lights are on and people are around. idk how the people would teach them the scripts - maybe they did it at "night"? or maybe there was no script, and the puppets would automatically come up with their own shenanigans, dialogue, and segments that aligned with the show, bc that's what they were made for.
bc its not like the whrp team have physical puppets, or much other than art & reports, right? any information on the puppets - like Howdy being rotated between live-hand and walk-around - could've easily been a lie by the creators of the Welcome Home show. i mean, i don't think it would've gone down well if they came out and said "yeah the puppets are alive"
and now that i'm wondering how they could have living puppets, weren't the 60s/70s chock full of cults? could the WH creators have dipped into the occult to create living puppets for a ground breaking, popular, lucrative show, using minimal effort because "the show writes itself"? all they have to do is film and maybe change the puppets' costumes. if that - they could have set up hidden cameras or something.
and this is gonna sound even more far-fetched, but what if creating the puppets required human souls to power them? im not suggesting that the puppets have locked away memories from a "human life", bc that would be uh... a lot. but it's enough that given time and the right prompts, they could gain awareness, and maybe the soul does influence them in minor ways - in likes and dislikes etc.
and Wally being aware means that he fully saw the humans running the show. and maybe the occult thing is what's under Home - the source of black magic that brought the puppets to life seeping out. and he's aware because he looked into that source and it flipped a switch in his lil cotton brain
maybex2 this is what caused the show to not only shut down, but be wiped from existence. the magic seeped into Home, maybe killing someone in the process, and Wally was revealed as aware. maybe on live television. so the creators panicked and shut it all down, tried to destroy everything and gaslight the country into forgetting it ever existed. maybe in the hopes that once no one remembers the puppets, the magic will leech out of them and leave them lifeless
and that loops back into Wally being the only one referred to in present tense in the neighborhood bios. he's still aware, maybe trapped in the studio, alone. i mean, i sure hope he's not alone - i hope he has his friends with him. unless they're all decommissioned (dead)... maybe Wally is trying to bring them all back or "fix" them?
but then there's the case of all of this currently going down online. have the puppets' consciousness somehow been transferred to the internet? or has Wally gotten his little felt mittens on a computer? something else? and then there's the whrp team... could they be fake, and its really just Wally trying to cobble together the remains of his life/friends? i mean, the Question-Answerer sounds like a title a kid or naive puppet would come up with. people would've called them the Curator or somethin?
i have too many thoughts
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molsno · 2 years
im the genderkoolaid complainer anon from earlier just saw your response- that transunity shit is soo bullshit 😭 (saying as a black person) its literally all lives matter for trans mascs. most trans men from Real Life aren't even that annoying ey're just the most insane vocal minority. i could get behind transunity if it was like uplifting trans ppl of any flavor no matter what (ex: trans mascs standing with your trans sisters when faced with transphobia/transmisogyny(noir), trans fems standing with their trans brothers when faced with transphobia/transmasc hatred then making out about it) but its just like ":/ Why are the girls getting more attention than me!!! I have it worse than them!!! [totally not bio essentialist]" It's crazy. literally most online subset of mascs. there's a reason many of the truthers r white they've never experienced or know what basic intersectionality is
I mean yeah I'm all for trans unity in the sense of sticking up for each other against transphobes and supporting each other when we're in need, but like there has to be an acknowledgement that the things we go through are not exactly the same and that there are privilege dynamics between us even as fellow trans people. I generally like to assume good faith, so I feel like some of the people who are suckered into transunitism genuinely believe that it's good-natured and don't realize that it's spearheaded by a bunch of transmisogynistic trans guys. I'd like to think that some of them can actually be shown the truth, but they need to be willing to listen to trans women first.
and yeah, you're absolutely right. I've compared it to "I'm not a feminist, I'm an egalitarian" plenty of times before but all lives matter is a great analogy too. a lot of poc have pointed out that transandrophobia truthers are mostly white, and I've definitely seen that too. it makes sense then why they all view oppression as strictly interpersonal, rather than being anything systemic.
something I've also noticed is that they use the fact that black men are portrayed as more dangerous and are thus subjected to more violence as proof that antimasculism is real. now, I'm white, and I'm fully aware that because of that I don't have the nuance to describe the causes of this phenomenon in detail, but it just seems so callous and cruel to use the violence black men face as a tool to strengthen their ideology. and in doing so, they explicitly ignore the fact that black women (and black trans women especially) are ALSO subjected to violence due to being portrayed as a threat to white cis women and white children. it's just another way that transandrophobia truthers demonstrate the biologically essentialist "afab = vulnerable, amab = dangerous" attitude that they've all internalized, which is wrong for many reasons, one of which being that afab people are only portrayed as vulnerable if they're white.
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 year
A Weekend Away (Falk Maria Schlegel x Fem! Reader) - FLUFF/SMUT
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WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, MINORS DNI, MDNI, 18+, pnv sex, fingering, praise kink, unprotected sex. Mostly fluff, mutual pining, Falk being a sweetheart
A/N: I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE!! This was a request I got a while ago from a wonderful anon who wanted some Powerwolf smut, IM HERE TO DELIVER!!
Prompt: "Every thought I have about you is improper
Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!! ❤️❤️
"(Y/N)." You glanced up at your name being called from Attila's office.
"Coming." You respond, finishing the sentence you were writing before leaving your desk. You approached his desk where he was buried in paperwork like usual. 
"I was supposed to be attending a conference with Father Falk this weekend, I'm going to need you to go in my place." He didn't bother to look up from the form he was filling out, a blessing on your end. He wouldn't be able to see your wide eyed, flustered gaze.
"Does, um… Is Father Falk aware of this?" He shook his head. "And the rest of the high clergy?"
"They all already have prior engagements." You nod. You stood there in silence for a moment, searching for any last ditch attempt at escaping. "What are you not telling me?" Now you were in trouble, he had a knack for knowing when you weren't being fully honest with him. Attila set his pen down, giving you his full, undivided attention. "Has Father Falk treated you poorly?"
"Oh, no, it's nothing like that." You should have just accepted his request and left. Attila always had a way of prying your deepest secrets out of you, and now was no different. Your best option was trying to skirt around the root of the problem until you could find a way to slink off. "Father Falk has never been anything but kind towards me. You've known him much longer than I have, I'm sure you're aware that he's a perfect gentleman." You chuckle awkwardly, a memory of Falk holding a door open for you flashed through your mind. His kind eyes, bright smile, and gentle voice. You felt yourself starting to sweat. You swallowed thickly, trying to force a smile into your face. Attila raised an eyebrow at you, noticing your flustered demeanor in an instant.
"I see." He gives you a knowing smirk. Shit. He waves you on, "if you have any questions about your duties this weekend I'm sure Falk will have no issue answering them for you." You nod, politely dismissing yourself. "Oh, and (Y/N)..." You freeze, "try and relax." He chuckles softly as you flit out the door. You made your way down to Falk's office, knuckles tentatively knocking against the door frame.
"Ah, (Y/N), what a pleasant surprise." He studies you for a moment under his kind gaze. You notice him glance at the clock on the wall. "I would like to warn you I do have to leave shortly, but what can I help you with, my dear?"
"Father Attila sent me, I guess I'm going in his place for the conference." You found yourself nervously swaying on your heels, far more focused on the floor than the man sitting in front of you.
"Oh good, I was worried I was going to end up going by myself." He chuckles softly. "Well, I suggest you bring formal attire, we usually get invited to a lot of dinners. We'll leave in about an hour." You hurried back to your room to pack, not wanting to keep him waiting. You sighed as you shrugged on your backpack, dragging your other suitcase behind you. You jumped back slightly as you opened the door, being greeted with the image of Falk standing there preparing to knock on your door.
“Oh God, am I late?” You ask frantically, checking the time.
“Not at all!” He rushes to reassure you, wildly waving his hands as if to brush off any remaining anxiety. “I just wanted to help with your bags, it’s a long walk down to the garage.” He chuckles, you feel your shoulders relax. He moves cautiously, not wanting to startle you any further. He takes your suitcase, the two of you walking in silence down the hallway. "Are you nervous?" He tries to break up the silence with a single question.
"A little." You chuckle. "Every time I've had to go to one of these conferences it's always been as a mediator. I'm sure you're well aware, but Father Attila has a tendency to be a bit abrasive." Falk laughs and nods.
"That's one way to put it." He glances over at you, eyes trailing over your frame for a moment. "I'm glad he asked you to go in his place, I couldn't have asked for better company." You blush, smiling down at the ground to hopefully hide your bashful expression.
"It'll be nice to spend some time with you as well, Father Falk." You loaded your bags into his car and set out on your way. You kept to yourself mostly during the ride there, you and Falk on friendly enough terms to be comfortable around him but you didn't have the slightest idea what to talk to him about. Everyone always marveled over the fact that you spoke with Attila effortlessly, they seem to neglect the fact that you had been his assistant for the better part of a decade in order to reach the level of comfortability the two of you had together. You reached for the radio, wanting at least something to break up the silence in the car. You jumped slightly as Falk's hand collided with yours. Your eyes snapped in his direction, worried he would be upset with you. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Your voice trailed off at the sight of his gentle gaze studying your face
"Great minds think alike, huh?" He chuckles, motioning for you to continue. You hesitantly reached out for the radio, taking one final glance up at him to make sure it was really okay before selecting a station. You picked something you felt like you could mutually agree on before allowing yourself to sink back into the warm leather of the car. You noticed a puzzled expression cross his features, "this is what you normally listen to?" You shake your head with a giggle.
"No, but I won't make you suffer through my music." You joke.
"Well then, how am I supposed to learn anything about you?" He asks with a small smirk, the mischievous glint in his eye impossible to miss.
"You could always just ask me." You turned yourself slightly in your seat to face him. "I'm not that scary, am I?"
"Scary? No. Pretty enough to make me forget how to string a proper sentence together? Absolutely." You watched as his eyes widened slightly, the realization that he had just said that out loud rapidly setting in. "Sorry."
"There's no need to apologize, I'm flattered that you think I'm pretty." You both sat in silence for a moment.
Falk cleared his throat, "so, are you more of a dog or a cat person?" You can't help but laugh at the question. You watch a smile creep across his lips, "what?"
"Nothing, I just didn't expect that to be the first question you asked me." You let your head lull to the side to look at him. You don't think you had ever seen him in casual clothes, and it was definitely a sight you could get used to. "I'd say I'm probably more of a dog person." He breathes out a laugh as he nods.
"Good answer." The two of you went back and forth asking questions for pretty much the whole car ride. You were honestly a bit shocked to discover just how much the two of you had in common. You pulled up to the inn you would be staying in, the car filled with the jovial sounds of laughter and excited conversations. "Father, welcome back." The plump old woman at the check in counter greets Falk with a bright smile. 
"Happy to be back Esther." He motions to you. "This is Father Attila's assistant, (Y/N), she'll be staying with me this weekend." Esther looks between the two of you.
"Oh goodness. Well, I would just like to let you know that the room you booked for only had one bed." She grimaces slightly as she informs you.
"Are there any rooms available with two beds?" You noticed him pale slightly as she shook her head.
"Unfortunately we're in the height of tourist season right now, we're full up I'm afraid." She ponders over your options for a moment. "It looks like all of our cots are already in use as well… your room has a couch, maybe that's something? I'm incredibly sorry Father, I wish there was more than I could do. I'd be more than happy to give you a refund if you'd like to try booking elsewhere-"
"Nonsense, Esther, we've been coming here for years, we want to give you our business." He smiles warmly at her. "We'll work with the couch, don't worry." He pats the desk, trying his best to reassure her that it was fine. You lug your bags up to the room. It was surprisingly spacious for an inn; fresh white linens matched the curtains that billowed in the breeze of the open balcony door, a small seating area with a couch and two matching chairs occupied one corner of the room. You jumped slightly as Falk rested a hand on your shoulder, "you make yourself comfortable, I'll take the couch."
"Oh, Father, I can take the couch, it's really no problem." You could tell by the expression he was giving you that there was absolutely no changing his mind. "Are you really sure? You should be well rested for the conference."
"I'll be just fine." He gently pats your head with a smile as he walks past you. "And, (Y/N)?" You give him a hum of affirmation. "It's just Falk." He chuckles.
"Right," you grimaced slightly, remembering all the times he had tried to correct you out of using honorifics with him, "sorry." He smirks slightly as he sets up some of his work on the small table. You sit on the couch next to him, letting the warm air wash over you from the outside. "This place is really nice."
"We've been coming here for years, Esther used to attend our church actually. Not to mention, since it is tourist season for them, they set off fireworks on Friday's which we can see from our room." He breathes out a laugh at your excited expression, eyes studying your features for another moment. "Would it be alright if I took you out to dinner tonight?"
You nod, giving him a bashful smile. "I'd like that." After finishing up some paperwork the two of you got ready. Dressed in your finest formal attire Falk brought you to one of the nicest restaurants in town. It was beautiful, but the atmosphere felt stiff compared to what you were used to. You felt like everyone in the room could tell that you didn't come from a lavish background and it honestly made you feel a little self conscious. You set down your menu with a sigh, nervously fidgeting with the edge of the tablecloth. You glanced up only to see Falk peering over his glasses at you. He sets down his menu, stopping your waiter as he passes by. He explains that the two of you had gotten called away to handle an emergency so you would be giving up your table, tipping the man before motioning for you to follow him. You eye him curiously as the two of you leave the restaurant.
"It was a bit stuffy in there, don't you think?" A soft smile creeps its way across your lips as he offers you his arm. "I think I have a better idea." It was obvious that Falk new this town like the back of his hand, weaving through streets and across a park until the overly serious tone of the fancy part of town subsided, giving way to a beachfront paradise that was filled with laughter, pings and whirrs of the boardwalk arcade and the bright flashing lights of the midway that seemed to stretch out endlessly before you. "Come on, let's go have some fun." Your hand slipped into his effortlessly as the two of you darted off into the crowd. Your night was filled with fried food, sweet treats, and excellent company with Falk by your side. You couldn't help but laugh as he handed you over the biggest cloud of cotton candy you had ever seen.
"You know, you really didn't have to do all of this." You were drawn in by his soft gaze, having him look at you the way was, he made you feel like you were the only two people in the universe.
"I never get to do things like this with you, I want to make the most of it." Warm fingers brushed across your cheek, carefully readjusting some stray hair that had wandered into your face. You felt your cheeks grow warm at the sensation of his touch, undoubtedly a blushing mess before him. You continue down the midway, Falk chuckling at the sight of people staring at your vastly overdressed appearance. The two of you strolled to the end of the boardwalk, leaning on the rail to look over the ocean below. The moon skirted just above the horizon, the energetic sounds of the midway fading away to the quiet lapping of the waves against the posts. “I’m glad to see you’ve relaxed a little.” He smiles at you
“You’re very…” you pondered for a moment to think of the right word to use. “Easy to be around.” You shifted slightly, your hand brushing against his. He hooks his pinky with yours, both of you silently staring ahead in hopes the other wouldn’t notice your flustered expression.
“Can I tell you something?” You give him an affirming hum, hand slowly drifting on top of his, you carefully pushing your fingers through his. "Getting to spend today with you was… incredible.” He chuckles nervously, his breath shaky as he lets out. You smile, shifting closer to him.
“Falk?” You say his name softly, eliciting a hum from him. “I’m really happy I get to be here with you.” He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. He glances down at you, a tender fondness in his gaze. His eyes drift down to your lips, warm breath bouncing off your skin. You slowly straighten yourself up, lips barely out of reach of his own. Your eyes meet his once more, an almost expectant expression on your face. You wanted Falk to kiss you more than anything else, all of the small lingering touches and flirtatious comments over your time of knowing him building up an impeccable sense of want for the man that stood before you. He clears his throat, turning back to look out over the water, not wanting to accidentally take things too far. You shivered in the cool ocean breeze, goosebumps forming on your skin. A warm arm wraps itself around your shoulder.
“Come on, before you freeze.” He offers you a chuckle and a kind smile, allowing you to snuggle into his side as the two of you lazily made your way back to his car. The drive back to the inn was mostly silent, a slight sting in your chest as you thought about how you would have liked this night to play out. “I’m sorry if I made things awkward.” He states quietly, eyes focused on the road before him.
“You didn’t.” You tried to reassure him. “I had a really nice time today." You watch him hesitantly reach out, fingers trembling slightly as they ghost over your skin. You take his hand in yours, feeling his muscles relax at your touch.
“I meant what I said back there, I can't remember the last time I've had so much fun.” He swallowed thickly, forcing out a nervous chuckle “I’m sure you don’t remember the first day we met, but I haven’t been able to keep you out of my mind since that day.” You let out a chuckle, you remember that day well. You had just started as Attila’s assistant, a position you were beyond nervous to take on. You had gotten them both drinks while they were having a meeting in his office only for you to spill Falk’s drink all over him. You were too stunned and embarrassed to speak. You felt tears start to prick at your eyes, your mouth moving but no sounds seemed to be coming out. Falk laughed, standing up and giving you a soft pat on the top of your head. “Trust me, a little spilt water isn’t anything to fuss over.” The second your eyes met his, you were lost in them, warm brown irises stared back into yours with a gentleness you had never experienced first hand. He takes your hand, giving it a firm shake. “Falk." It took you a moment to find your voice.
“(Y/N)," you introduce yourself. Snapping yourself from your hypnotized state you started to panic all over again, "I am so sorry about this Father, would you like me to get you a towel?” He waves you off with a grin.
“Don’t trouble yourself, I’ll be alright.” You hadn’t forgotten his smile even years later, the same smile that was ghosting over his lips now. “You walked in wearing that cute little sundress you used to wear all the time, the one with the sunflowers all over it. I don’t know if you noticed but I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you the second you walked in the room.” He chuckles.
“I was so embarrassed.” You hide your face in your hands, both of you struggling to contain your laughter. “I still haven’t lived that down." Your shoulder pressed against his as the two of you turned into the inn's parking lot. He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. You breathe out a laugh, "you were always so kind, even before we got to know each other… it's one of the things I like so much about you." The two of you shared a bashful grin before heading inside. You sat on the edge of the bed, smoothing out the plush comforter under your fingers as you watched Falk set up the couch for the night. "I really don't mind swapping with you." You state bluntly. He turns to you with a smile as he drops a pillow on one end of the couch.
"You know I'm not going to let you do that." He approaches you slowly, kneeling down in front of you so he can meet your eyes. "I'll be just fine, try and get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow." A warm hand cups your cheek, thumb languidly running over your skin. You nodded, giving him a soft smile before the two of you reluctantly part for the night. Your gaze drifted over to Falk, body haphazardly sprawled out, the sound of his quiet snoring filling the room, after hours of tossing and turning you finally noticed the welcomed heavy feeling of sleep settling behind your eyes. You drifted off into a dreamless sleep only to be awoken the next morning by the smell of coffee filling the room. You rolled over with a tired grumble, pushing your bed head haphazardly out of your face, keeping yourself buried in the bed's soft comforter. You rolled over to be met with the sight of Falk studying you, a gentle smile on his lips, reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, two cups of coffee sat before him on the table next to his folded up newspaper.
"Mornin'." You mumble, still processing being awake.
"Good morning." Falk can't help but chuckle at your disheveled state. "I brought you some coffee. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to disturb you." He picks up both cups, sitting on the edge of the bed. You take the warm mug in your hands, locking eyes with Falk as you bring it to your lips. Your nose reflexively scrunched up at the taste. "Not enough sugar?" You shake your head, he chuckles. "I'll keep that in mind for next time." He couldn't keep his eyes off you, his gaze held nothing short of pure adoration for the sight before him.
"How'd you sleep?" You set the mug on your nightstand, pulling your knees to your chest as you sit and talk with him.
"I slept just fine, the couch is surprisingly comfortable." He smiles despite the fact you knew he was lying. You could see the stiffness in his movements, the shifting of his position to try and subside the full ache in his body. He gently tilts your chin up with his index finger, "I know that look, I'm fine, I promise." You nod. 
"You're staring." You point out with a grin.
"Sorry." He lets out a bashful chuckle. "I just can't get over how beautiful you look right now." You blushed, laughing quietly as your gaze fell to your lap. The two of you sat and drank your coffee, quietly discussing the day ahead events. "I can't even begin to tell you how insufferable this man is, but try to grin and bear it the best you can. We mainly do business with his son, unfortunately this time he has to come in his son's place." He explains about the meeting you were currently getting ready to attend.
"Falk, you know my job is just to sit there and look pretty." You tease, he chuckles.
"If I remember correctly you have quite the sharp tongue, Schatz." You catch his gaze in the reflection of the mirror. A slight smirk on his lips, he definitely wasn't wrong. It was fairly often that you would get chastised by father Attila for your blunt attitude and quick wit. 
"I'll be on my best behavior." You smile, causing him to laugh. You hadn't expected that to be such a difficult promise to keep. You sat in the chair next to Falk, smiling through gritted teeth as the man on the opposing side of the desk cut off your train of thought for what must have been the tenth time in the last hour. You saw Falk’s eyes drift down to your hand, your pen about to crack in half you had such a tense grip on it. You hadn’t been able to get a single word in since the two of you arrived. You sat in the chair at Falk’s side, posture absolutely rigid as you struggled to hold your tongue. The three of you stood, Falk placing a hand on the small of your back to guide you towards the door. The second you were out of earshot of the man you began to complain. “I’ll never understand why it’s a necessity that I go to these meetings when I won’t be able to get a word in edgewise.”
“I warned you he was going to be difficult.” Falk reminds you with a chuckle. You fell into the passenger seat with a groan, slumping down in the seat. “You did a great job.”
“I didn’t do anything.” You rebuttal.
“You didn’t need to. You simply needed to gain experience dealing with difficult clients, which you succeeded in doing.” You nodded, he did have a point. “I don’t know about you but I think we earned the rest of the night off.” He offers with a smirk. You found yourselves sitting across from each other on the bed in your room, eating chinese food straight out of the container, an amused expression on Falk’s face as he listened to you ramble on about nothing in particular, he just enjoyed listening to the sound of your voice.
“What’s that look for?” You question him with a smirk.
He shakes his head, “it’s nothing… it’s just nice watching you finally open up.” You look away with a flustered expression. It felt almost effortless to be around Falk, his presence alone enough to put you completely at ease. Before you had a chance to respond you were cut off by the sounds of fireworks going off outside. Falk grabs your hand, tugging you in the direction of the balcony door. An arm slips around your waist as the two of you step out into the night. Bright bursts of blues, greens, and golds popped across the inky black sky. Your eyes widened, childlike amazement taking over your features. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re here with me.” Your body moved before you had a chance to think. Your arms slid over Falk’s shoulders, guiding his lips down to meet yours. His hands rested firmly on your waist, a surprised yet satisfied hum escaping him. Your mind finally caught up with your actions you suddenly pull back, fingers flying up to your lips in pure disbelief that you had just done that
“Falk, I am so sorry.” You desperately scrambled out an apology. “I don’t know what came over me.” Before you had a chance to panic even further his lips were on yours once again. One hand laced its way into your hair, the other securing itself around your back to keep you pressed close to him. Your fingers slid into his soft hair, deepening the kiss as much as you could. Both of you part with a breathless sigh.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He says through a quiet chuckle. You wave a sarcastic, chastising finger at him.
“And here I thought you would know better than to give into improper thoughts.” You can’t help but giggle as he looms over your much smaller form.
“Schatz, every thought I have about you is improper.” You’re met with a toothy grin and a devious look in Falk’s eye. You let out a startled squeak as you’re suddenly lifted from the ground, Falk’s arms slipping behind your thighs and guiding your legs around his waist. His lips trapped yours in another mind numbing kiss, both of you laughing as he drops you on the mattress. Hot breath trailed down your neck, goosebumps littering your skin at his slightest touch. His hands slid under your shirt, successfully pushing up the fabric in the process until he was easily able to pull it off over your head. You situated yourself on your knees, hurriedly undoing the buttons of his shirt. His lips ghost over yours, a smirk crossing his features as he keeps himself just out of reach. He sits at your side, wrapping an arm around your waist and guiding you to straddle his lap as you haphazardly push the clothing off of his shoulders, fingers trailing down his exposed chest. You looked at your trembling hand, unsure if there was some sort of unspoken line you shouldn't cross. Falk's hand completely engulfs yours, eyes snapping to his in an instant. "We don't have to keep going if you don't want to." He says in a gentle, reassuring tone.
"It's not that I don't want to, it's just…" he raises a curious eyebrow at you. If you were being completely honest all of this was a bit overwhelming. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't dreamed about what this moment would be like, your late night fantasies were often filled with the thought of Falk. But now that this moment was no longer a figment of your imagination you didn't have the slightest idea where to begin. "I think I might be a little nervous." You let out a flustered giggle. Strong fingers kneaded at your thighs, a patient smile resting on his lips.
"There's nothing wrong with being nervous, Schatz. Just try to relax and let me take care of you, think you can do that for me?" You nod, relinquishing full control over to him. He carefully grabs your wrist, pressing the hand that was barely grazing over his skin flush against his chest. You felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat thrum under your palm. He lifted your chin slightly with his knuckle, golden brown eyes locked intently on your own. You felt him fumbling with the zipper on your skirt, he breathed out a laugh. "See? You're not the only one that's nervous." He jokes with a chuckle. You felt your body relax at the sight, you felt safe with him. You help him with the zipper, shimmying out of your skirt. You can't help but smirk slightly, noticing his eyes completely glued to the sight of your ass finally being freed from the right confines of your clothing. He reaches out for you, a delighted squeal passing your lips as he playfully pushes you onto the bed. You bite your lip, fully entranced by the sight of him crawling on top of you to give you some much needed attention. You gasp at the feeling of his teeth grazing over your exposed skin before he got to work biting and sucking what you were positive were going to be deep purple bruises come tomorrow morning.
"Fuck." You tossed your head back against the mattress, you could feel him smirk as he relentlessly toyed with a rather sensitive spot of your body. A sinful groan tumbled from his lips as he ground his hips against yours, a noticeable bulge pressed against your already soaked core. A hand slipped between your legs, rubbing slow, languid circles around your clit that had you mewling and shuddering beneath him. Your breath hitched as he effortlessly slipped a finger between your velvety folds, giving your aching cunt a moment of relief. He watched your expression carefully, paying close attention to how you responded to his expert fingers. You felt a knot beginning to form in your stomach, rapidly winding itself tighter, bringing you right to the brink of your climax. You whined as he pulled out of you, growing need pooling endlessly in your core, the feeling only growing stronger as the threat of your orgasm subsided. You watched with wide eyes as he slipped the digit into his mouth, reveling at the taste of your juices on his tongue. You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight, unable to look away as he smirks down at you.
"So wet for me already," he chuckles darkly, "such a good little Maus I have." Whatever was left of the clothing he was wearing was quickly discarded, the feeling of him teasing the tip of his hardened length at your entrance sending a shiver of anticipation through your body. The two of you engaged in a silent conversation, letting Falk know that you were absolutely ready for anything he had in store for you. Your cried out as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, a slight sting from him stretching you out. You felt every inch of him enter you at his agonizing pace. He grabs your jaw, your gaze snapping back to meet his in an instant. "Eyes on me Maus." Your head was already spinning, a smile dominating your lips as you struggled to follow his orders. He gradually began to pick up his pace, every snap of his hips eliciting desperate, feverish moans as you dug your nails into his back. Your voice harmonized with his, low gravelly groans that only made your body hotter the longer you listened to them. "Sheiße." He curses under his breath, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, his strokes gradually losing their relentless rhythm. Your lips found his, taking the plump flesh between your teeth in a quick nip that sent a shiver down Falk's spine. He straightened himself up from his position on top of you, grabbing your hips roughly and slamming into you, determined to make you finish before he did. 
"Falk… please…" You gasp out breathlessly, your mind numb with pleasure but it still wasn't enough to send your orgasm crashing over the edge. His fingers were back on your clit in an instant, soft spoken words of praise only adding to your dizzying headrush. He leans down, kissing you deeply as the ever tightening knot in your stomach finally snaps. You let out a muffled scream against his lips, your back arching up off the bed, your chest pressed flush against his. His thrusts became sloppy, any semblance of a rhythm gone as he let his own climax wash over him, both of you collapsing in bed next to each other, the sounds of your labored breathing filling the otherwise silent room. You felt a wet sob start to bubble up in your throat, tears pricking at your eyes as you came down from your high, various thoughts and feelings racing through your mind left you entirely overwhelmed. You sucked in a breath in an attempt to steady yourself, but Falk already noticed that something was wrong.
"Schatz? What's wrong? I didn't hurt you, did I?" You shook your head, knowing that if you tried to speak you would just end up crying. He pulls you into his chest, rubbing your back soothingly. 
"I'm sorry, just give me a second." You tried to force a laugh.
"Take all the time you need, I'm not going anywhere." He holds you close, skin sticking to his in a tangled mess of limbs.
"You're not going to… stop speaking to me when we get back to the Abbey, are you?" Memories of past situationships blared in your mind, planting a seed of doubt in you. In the past it was always the same. Someone would make you believe they loved you only for them to leave once they got what they wanted.
"Of course not sweetheart." He places a soft kiss on your forehead. "Unfortunately you're stuck with me now." He chuckles. You smile, breathing out a laugh as you place a kiss to his collarbone. He clears his throat, shifting nervously. "I think I might be in love with you." He states quietly, his voice shaking in a way that was impossible to miss.
"Yeah?" You smile up at him, resting your chin on his chest. "How do you know?" The two of you exchange a bashful grin.
"Four years ago…" he starts his story, mulling over the details for a moment before continuing. "You were making some huge spectacle because Attila did something to piss you off." You laughed, that definitely sounded like something you would do. "You left the Abbey, you said you were going to some concert and you were going to stay the night at a friend's place or something. I don't remember all the details." He began playing with your hair, twisting a strand between his fingers. "You called me at one in the morning in hysterics asking if I could come pick you up. The entire way there I wasn't thinking about how tired I was or about the three hours drive ahead of me. The only thing that I could think of was whether or not you were safe, if anything had happened to you there would have been hell to pay when I got there. When I pulled up… and you rushed into my arms… and I just got the chance to hold you. I think that was when I knew." You place a soft kiss to his chest before nuzzling your face against him.
"I felt so bad asking you to drive all that way." You laugh quietly. You trace your fingers over the intricate tattoos on his arms before resting your hand on the side of his face, languidly running your thumb across his cheek. "I love you, Falk."
"I love you too, Schatz." He returns the confession with a smile, pulling you into a lingering kiss before the two of you drifted off in each other's arms.
Taglist: @ramblingoak @mustluvecho @moss-the-moth @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @kissingghouls @jennmakesitweird @gothdaddyissues @jumpcauseimfroggy @belnovacaine @iamsarahsaysso @angellayercake @vampghoulette @rabidghoul @littlegirlsdontplaynice (I think I got everyone if I missed you let me know!!)
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butcher--bird · 1 year
Quick question about your Urchin OCs, what's the deal with their whole Super Sea Snail thing in your eyes? Are they eaten, used as currency, resold, just hoarded for no real reason? Why exactly do they want them? Additionally, do the snails themselves in your version of things have any lore or anything attached? Snailore? idk, I just like snails.
i cannnnnt remember if i answered this before? maybe i have in my head but never answered the ask lol.
but to me, they're eaten. not only just because they're based off an irl sea snail that is eaten commonly in Japan, Turbo Sazae. but because like, obviously Spyke mentions he likes the 'juicy insides' of the snails, and Murch has shellless sea snails in his briefcase. also, there's an empty sea snail shell on a grill in Pirahana pit (can't remember which game it is tho, so). not to mention the ones sitting near the boys *tremble* seemingly well aware of their fate.
the properties they want seem to be solely in their shells, its just a bonus that they can eat the snail itself. I've said before that most species that do eat the super sea snails seem to cook it? prepare it properly? whatever, im not familiar with how the real snail itself is eaten but since the super sea snail has a little cute face poking out of its shell i think its safe to say that they do not have an Operculum, so they don't need to be drawn out. Spyke just eats them as is, alive probably, because he's fucked up. Murch and Pierce are normal about it. Pierce probably feels a little bad, their little beady eyes remind her of her beloved pet Planarian...She doesn't actively seek them out like her brother but she won't refuse if you choose to give them to her.
snail lore you ask? well, here are some things i thought of a little bit while doing the dishes today JSJSAJDJAC.
I don't know if it's intentional or just a simple continuity error, but it seems the sea snails get small every game, but are back to normal size when you see them around Spyke in the Inkopolis expansion pass. My silly little explanation for this may be that the fluctuating sizes you see them may just be because they're separate local subspecies. and let me remind you that subspecies rank *below* species so there are no real *STRIKING* differences between them aside from size and maybe a few other minor phenotype things. also, a super sea snail cannot come out fully of its shell. just like *real* marine and terrestrial snails, the super sea snail's organ system is solely concentrated inside its shell. (I'm well aware that the little shell-less ones in Murch's briefcase are just little cute blobs BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!!! so I'm cutting that little snippet of canon out to support my grotesque ideas. thank u)
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psychoticcultureis · 2 months
hi this is kinda random. So my family has a genetic predisposition to mood disorders (esp. forms of bipolar) and i have relatives that did go through psychotic breaks. I definitely have mania and I'll hear people calling my name, specifically my mom. I'll see silhouettes of my cat when I know he isn't there??? But then again these might be just normal things. Maybe my mom is actually calling my name or I'm hearing something else? None of these are really that detailed at all, but they are sort of always around. I haven't had any persisting delusions that I'm aware of. Unless you would consider hypochondria a type of delusion? Like I would get a pain in my side as a young kid and would fully expect to not wake up the next day. I definitely have some traits of paranoia, when I get stressed enough I feel like I'm being watched, have an urge to cover windows, hide, etcetera. I don't have spiritual delusions as far as I can tell, but I do think I'm relatively smarter/more in-tune than others? I spend a lot of time thinking about the nature of existence, and have my whole life. It's taken me into concepts like tupamancy and the ways thoughtforms can interact with quantum particles. (which took me into syscourse and I did have a manic episode where I was worried about being doxxed??). Either way discovering my mood disorder and the psychosis in the family has made me start to doubt beliefs that I already have. Or can you have a delusion that you're delusional? I just don't feel as if I belong in spaces like this because I haven't had a break, persisting delusions, or severe hallucinations. I can tell that I'm a bit manic atm so sry for any rambling or unreadable stuff lol
(also ty for this blog!!!!)
im so sorry that it took me so long to get to this, ive been low on spoons for a while. i dont want to pass any kind of judgement on whether you belong in spaces like this, but if it helps i experience similar hallucinations myself. i used to have much more severe hallucinations, but now it is mostly phantom cats and people calling for me that aren't there.
i wouldnt say hypochondria is a delusion on its own, but past a certain point it could be classed as one if you're unable to shake the belief despite evidence to the contrary. im maybe not as qualified to speak on it though? since i experience pretty severe hypochondria myself after having been hospitalized a lot throughout my childhood, so its mainly trauma based for me.
i think if spaces like this are beneficial to you, or you can relate to anything being said, you have a place here, no matter how minor your symptoms are, and despite not having had a clear break.
its been long enough that i hope you're doing alright after your manic episode, i know they can take a lot out of you. get some rest if you can, im sorry again that this took a while.
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savefrog · 2 months
Hi!! I've followed you for who know how long now, and I wanted to say thanks for adding me to the post! I always love being able to bring awareness to the other ethnic groups in Japan. We've faced a lot of forced assimilation and cultural death, so I love whenever people get to know a bit about us ❤️
(If you want to learn more, there's some great stuff by a cousin of mine, actually! Lee Tonouchi is working on cultural and language preservation of Okinawan culture in Hawai'i, and he's heavily involved in Hawaiian creole as well. I have his picture book on hajichi if anyone wants pictures.)
Oh no, its a pleasure thank you so much for adding extra context! I felt it was really important to add that, I dont feel like I hear enough about the perspectives of ethnic minorities in Japan. Especially as I'm currently learning Japanese, I want to be aware of the other cultures and the issues there and not ignore them.
I may not be a linguist, or even knowledgeable enough to be an armchair linguist (though i really WISH i knew all the nitty gritty of like...phonemes and glottal stops and all that good stuff so i could fully nerd out lol) but i love learning about other languages and how they connect to culture. So absolutely looking at Lee's stuff and hell yeah, I'd absolutely love to see some pictures from the book - your cousin seems really cool.
If it was okay with you, i'd love to reblog the pictures/publish a blog submission or however you wanna share those pictures to try and spread some more knowledge about Okinawan culture??? I had never heard of hajichi before this ask but initial research has me interested in learning more, and I hope the revival movement has success.
My cousins are half Māori and although Im admittedly not very knowledgeable on their culture either (Id love to learn more from them, its hard since they live so far away and I only recently started connecting to one of them now that we're older and realized we actually are both HUGE nerds lol) Im reminded of what Ive heard of the efforts to get tā moko tattoos to be more accepted after ages of them being looked down on and pressure from colonization. From what I know of how tattoos are seen in Japan...I can only imagine what hajichi was up against 😰
Anyway, thanks for the reccs!
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