#let me know if i made the wrong assumption there and ill delete this LOL
savefrog · 2 months
Hi!! I've followed you for who know how long now, and I wanted to say thanks for adding me to the post! I always love being able to bring awareness to the other ethnic groups in Japan. We've faced a lot of forced assimilation and cultural death, so I love whenever people get to know a bit about us ❤️
(If you want to learn more, there's some great stuff by a cousin of mine, actually! Lee Tonouchi is working on cultural and language preservation of Okinawan culture in Hawai'i, and he's heavily involved in Hawaiian creole as well. I have his picture book on hajichi if anyone wants pictures.)
Oh no, its a pleasure thank you so much for adding extra context! I felt it was really important to add that, I dont feel like I hear enough about the perspectives of ethnic minorities in Japan. Especially as I'm currently learning Japanese, I want to be aware of the other cultures and the issues there and not ignore them.
I may not be a linguist, or even knowledgeable enough to be an armchair linguist (though i really WISH i knew all the nitty gritty of like...phonemes and glottal stops and all that good stuff so i could fully nerd out lol) but i love learning about other languages and how they connect to culture. So absolutely looking at Lee's stuff and hell yeah, I'd absolutely love to see some pictures from the book - your cousin seems really cool.
If it was okay with you, i'd love to reblog the pictures/publish a blog submission or however you wanna share those pictures to try and spread some more knowledge about Okinawan culture??? I had never heard of hajichi before this ask but initial research has me interested in learning more, and I hope the revival movement has success.
My cousins are half Māori and although Im admittedly not very knowledgeable on their culture either (Id love to learn more from them, its hard since they live so far away and I only recently started connecting to one of them now that we're older and realized we actually are both HUGE nerds lol) Im reminded of what Ive heard of the efforts to get tā moko tattoos to be more accepted after ages of them being looked down on and pressure from colonization. From what I know of how tattoos are seen in Japan...I can only imagine what hajichi was up against 😰
Anyway, thanks for the reccs!
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kawaiikoala34 · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/kawaiikoala34/701191963308965888/wetmeadow-church-homosexuality-is-a-sin. on this post, you tagged “why are terfs like this?” when in fact the person who said the last remark is literally “anti-terf” and runs a whole blog about it, you can even click on the link right there in the post. op is the terf actually. bc radical feminists are defenders of homosexuality, the sexual orientation that means you are exclusively attracted to the same-sex. obv you must know nothing abt radfem beliefs bc a radfem would never say that homosexuality is a psychological issue- most radfems are gay or bi themselves. if you want to actually know what terfism (lol) is, read this https://www.tumblr.com/radicallyaligned/638494305605009408/radical-feminism-beliefs-the-basics?source=share
To be honest, I've let this ask sit in my inbox for a long time mostly because 1) I didn't remember the post referenced and I'm on mobile 90% of the time so it wasn't easy to search for it (can't just copy and paste from an ask on the android app version *sigh*) 2) frankly I just forgot about the ask for a while (lol) and 3) the wording is pretty accusatory which made me (rightfully or not) wary of dealing with the ask.
I have now looked up the post that I reblogged, and, well, yeah I seriously messed up. Wetmeadow, the op of the post, in their bio says that they are "gender critical" which is mostly/always a dog whistle for believing in gender essentialism and thus anti-trans. I saw the quote, taken out of context, and made some assumptions because it was reblogged by a blog that I follow and, because I follow them, trusted; I was in the wrong for not properly checking out the blog that was disparaged (terfslying) and for blindly trusting the veracity/legitimacy of a post just because a blog that I follow reblogged it.
I was debating even deleting the post altogether, I'm keeping it as context for this post and to show that I'm a human who makes mistakes.
Which leads me to the ask--to me, it reads as if the asker thinks that I am either stupid and/or had ill intent when I reblogged the post rather than just being a person guilty of thoughtless (maybe even borderline mindless) mobile blogging. I guess I'm just trying to say that while I'm pretty good at taking constructive criticism, this doesn't read like someone is trying to nicely point out a mistake. In general, in my opinion, if you really want to try and change people's minds or get them to see that they made an error, you should write to them as if you were telling a friend that they made a mistake because people respond better to honey than vinegar.
Regardless, thanks for letting me know about my mistake and showing me that I need to be more aware when I reblog more charged posts.
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
Omg your Iggy mpreg headcanon is so gooooddd! Will you consider to do another Iggy mpreg headcanon which takes place in the true ending?
Mpreg Ignis (Final Fantasy 15: True Ending Version)
AHAAHAHAHAH! I can’t believe that people really like the Mpreg Ignis Headcanon! Thank you so much!
Something you guys have probably noticed by now is that I’m not a huge fan of the true ending.
Not saying it’s bad, I just don’t like how:
•Noct dies
•Iggy is blind
•Ravus dies
I also don’t agree with the assumption that the alternative ending is a “happier ending” because Luna is still dead.
But I digress, I don’t think the ending is bad. it’s just not my favorite ending.
But I will do it. I will give the people what they want!
To make this one different than the Alternative ending this one will have;
•Ignis is Blind :(
•Noctis is dead (also Ravus)
•Ignis has his own restaurant because of course he should!!!
I guess this takes place two years after The light is restored. Idk you change that if ya want to.
Apologies if it’s similar to the Alternative version, I did try my best to make this one different!
Yes it’ll albaby’s are default Female but you can change it if you want to!
Alright alright, less talking, Let’s go!
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(this does contain Mpreg =Male Pregnancy. Don’t like? Don’t read!)
•this man is a lot of things (hotter than satan is one of em.)
•but happy isn’t really one of them rn.
•Just broken up with his long time partner.
•things aren’t going well for him...
•than suddenly he’s getting sick!
• certain smells bother him, he’s throwing up every morning.
•it’s gotten to the point where he can’t really cook anymore at his restaurant. And he now has to supervise.
•not that it’s a huge issue since there are other amazing cooks there to help but Ignis does not like sitting on the sidelines.
•than a female co-worker, Shannon, asks Iggy what’s wrong, he tells her that he has a “strange illness”
•she asks what the symptoms are
•morning sickness
•Smell sensitivity
•Mood swings
•than she starts giggling.
•”Ignis, I’m a chef but I’m also a Mother of 3 kids.”
• “What are you imply, Pray tell?”
•”I think your Pregnant. You have the classic symptoms.”
•Ignis was dumbfounded. 𝘞𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵?
•He made a Doctors appointment.
•After what feels like 𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴, The Doctor comes back with the results.
•”Mr Scientia, The results are in. You are Pregnant! Congratulations!”
•Ignis was not one to be speechless but this...
•he wasn’t sure what to do!!
•he wasn’t sure if he was ready for Parenthood.
•He was Blind and he couldn’t never see what his child would look like.
•or, if it was the right time....
•so he turned to his friends, Prompto and Gladiolus, for help.
•Prompto had to ask if Iggy’s joking
•he wasn’t obviously
•Gladio asks if Ignis has tried to get the other parent involved.
•Ignis did tried to do that.
•it didn’t go well...
•the other parent outwardly admitted that they did not want to be in the baby’s life.
•Well Fuck
•Poor Ignis (someone hug him 🥺)
•Prompto and Gladiolus, being the best friends they are decided then and there, that there gonna help Ignis, no matter what decision he makes.
•Shannon, the coworker in question, steps up and offers Ignis tips on pregnancy, since she knows it can be stressful, especially with your first one.
•Ignis really appreciates it.
•she’s also leads when Ignis has a doctors appointment or is too sick to be there.
•8 Weeks: Ignis + Pregnant = Moody Ignis
•Little things bother him more than usual.
•Ignis almost Lashed out Prompto because he did something that annoyed him.
•Shannon assured Prompto that this is just a mood swing and that he didn’t mean it.
•at this point, Ignis and Shannon have started become close due to the fact that she’s basically has become his right hand man (or woman)
•Her helping more also has taken any stress Iggy has had about it off his chest.
•Ignis couldn’t be more greatful.
•12 weeks: a small bump has started to show. So adorable!
•And of course, ya know Prompto is gonna take SO.MANY.PICS of Ignis’s bump growing.
•he’s gonna scrapbook it (rip his sd card tho)
•lris already has started making baby clothes. Girl clothes.
•15 weeks: You thought he was a mom before? Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet!
•he acts real fatherly (or motherly) to the youngest employee at the restaurant.
•good thing to because the poor guy is always a nervous reck.
•he has talent but very little confidence. So Ignis assuring him, helps a lot.
•Shannon is now basically his iggy’s real hand man (or woman)
•she helps, even when Ignis’s there.
•not just in work, but in his pregnancy too (I swear. I did not mean to create a character)
•giving him tips, things to help him, with baby supplies to buy. She’s the real mvp.
•(let’s skip a little)
•20 Weeks: Ignis has already started to feel her move. It 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 his heart. (I’ll see myself out 🚪)
•All joking aside, he was genuinely touched (that wasn’t a pun. I swear!) by feeling her kick.
•At this point, Ignis had already found out it’s a girl. (Again, you can change it if ya want to.)
•much to lris’s delight.
•lord take the wheel....
• he tries to control himself, when it comes to his strange cravings (like pickles with peanut butter?? Wtf???)
•but he gives in when no one’s looking.
•𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰
•”I Noticed Ignis.”
•”I don’t know why you are referring to.”
•25-28 weeks: he’s already getting bigger (don’t say that to his face tho.)
•if you think his work is being put on hold while being very pregnant, you clearly have never met Ignis.
•of course, he is being a little more easy on himself. Not walking around as much and Shannon makes a lot more decisions (with iggy’s trust)
•but he is a workaholic, so he’s working til he takes maternity leave.
•(I’m really trying to add Gladio to the story but lol)
•Prompto is already getting a new sd card cause he’s taking SO.MANY.PREGNANCY. PICS.
• “Prompto, if you don’t take any unnecessary pictures, you wouldn’t have to buy another sd car-
•32 Weeks (I’m trying not to make this boring lol): He’s still working!!
•Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride, Nobody gonna slow me down!
•Shannon starts to get a bit worried.
•”Sir. I believe that you should take a break. Please”
•Ignis looked at his right hand and smile. “I should. Thank you Shannon.”
•36 weeks: He feels 𝘵 𝘪 𝘳 𝘦 𝘥
•his poor swollen feet :(
•thankfully, lris is secretly planning a baby shower.
•Everyone is coming.
•Shannon distracting him until she’s called to bring him over.
•when Ignis sees this, he’s tears up.
•"𝘪𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘕𝘰𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦."
• he gets so many adorable gifts.
•Prompto gets him a Chocobo Plush (classic)
•Gladio gets him a toy dagger. This son of a Bit-
•”Hey, you are never too early to start training!”
•Shannon got him a baby mobile.
•lris gotten him more baby clothes. Yay....(Am I the only one who can’t stand getting clothes as a gift?)
• lris had made an adorable cake. In his mind, Iggy admitted that she was as good as he was.
•this mf still working around the restaurant from his office.
•”Igg-Sir. Can we talk?”
•”Yes Shannon. And you can call me Ignis, were mutuals.”
•”Ignis. Promise me that when you enter in the third trimester, that you’ll take maternity leave. You’ll need to prepare for your baby.”
•Ignis was taken a back a bit. Yes, her concerns were valid but he didn’t wanna put everything on Shannon.
•”Ignis, I know that you don’t wanna put everything on me but...but you need to Focus on your daughter. You need to prepare.”
•”I’ll handle it. I know what I’m doing.” She smiled.
•Ignis chuckled back. “Really?” Getting up from his chair.
•”Well.” She left while looking back. “I have learned from the best.”
•Ignis laughed. He did taught her well. “Alright. I will. Thank you Shannon.”
•”don’t thank me si- Ignis. I’m just doing my job.”
•honestly Shannon has been a great support system for Ignis. Not just because she knows a thing or two or three about pregnancy, but she really has stepped up.
•Ignis considers her a great friend.
37 weeks: 9 months. He now has to get ready.
•it’s his last day at the restaurant. For awhile anyways.
•it’s actually really emotional. The employees are sad that they won’t see him for awhile but are happy that he’s taking time to be ready on fatherhood (**cough cough Motherhood cough cough**)
•To Ignis, There like a family, a family he gained when he lost so much.
•his eyesight
• and Noct
•After they’ve closed, they celebrate.
•Ignis and Shannon smiling at everyone.
•”I’m proud of you Sir.”
•Ignis smiled back. “Really?”
•”Yeah. Your the bravest person I’ve met.”
•”How, Pray tell?”
•”You may be blind but you certainly don’t act like it. You 𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 let it stop you. I’m- I’m really proud of you.” She choked up. 
•Ignis looked at her with his Emerald eyes and she looked back.
•”And I’m proud of you to, Shannon.”
•(let’s cut to the chase. Oooo. Foreshadowing.)•
•38 weeks: Ignis wonders how much his blindness will affect his daughter.
•he wasn’t lying when he said that his senses have grown. He basically doesn’t need any help.
•not that he wouldn’t have either way, but he doesn’t wanna be a burden on anyone. Including his daughter.
•Sometime during the day, Iggy starts feeling pain down his back.
•it wasn’t too bad, so he went on with his day.
•but the pain got worse.
•so bad that he started doing his deep breath’s.
•(y’all what it is!!)
•(weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee woooooooooooooooo 🚑)
•(that will never get old xD)
•The midwife tells him to get to the hospital, NOW!
•This is it.
•he has to be cut open....
• She was here.
•Ignis holding his daughter for the first time. Well, he broke down.
•he couldn’t see her but he was there to her hold her. He is there for her.
•”Hi Darling. I’m your Father.”
•she suddenly stopped crying and stared at his bad eye.
•After a week, hes able to take her home.
•And oh, If you thought Prompto took too many photos of Ignis’s pregnancy belly....oh boy.
•he immediately starts taking many, MANY MANY, Photos of her.
•she actually looked confused.
• Gladio joking said “so, when are we going to train her?”
•Ignis later made his food cold, on purpose later that night.
•Shannon got to hold her and fell in love with her immediately.
•”feels like holding my son for the first, all over again.” She said teared up.
•Over the years, She has grown to being a shy and a adorable little girl.
•She’s so helpful during work and is popular with the staff. They treat her like they’re siblings.
•She always tries to help Ignis’s blindness. Guiding him around.
•”Watch where your going Daddy.”
•Even tho, he can get around just fine. It warms his heart that she tries to help him.
•Of course, Ignis wishes that Noct could have Met her. Even once.
•but somehow, he believes that Noct is watching her in heaven.
•Noctis is so proud of his friend.
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Wow! So long! Well I hoped ya like it. I hope the true ending version is just as good as the alternative version.
I thought it would be cute that he would have a restaurant. ^~^ Gladio got the right idea 💡
Also I did not mean to create a new character, Shannon, but eh why not? I grew attached to her over the story (she sounds like a like Karen but she’s a good Karen. I promise.) and who knows? She might show up in other Headcanons 😉
Also whether you ship her with Ignis, is up to you. Hehehe. I don’t blame you tho.
Anyways, I hoped who requested this, liked it 💙💜
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arvoze · 7 years
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man, this was sent like, nearly 2 weeks ago or w/e, and i completely ignored it bc i didnt have the energy/ability to care (you literally sent these when it was between 1 - 2am my time) but, it was recently brought to my attn that you put both me + lal in your byf (because i.... banned you from a server i guess, and that means lals at fault too?) so.
i guess it’s high time i answer this lmao. maybe you wont even see this. maybe youll vague abt me for the next few weeks and try and make me out to be a bad person, but i dont care lol. anyways this is under a cut bc its pointless drama i guess. ask 2 tag
additionally: this isnt rly meant to act as a callout post. but since u asked on anon (and im pretty sure we’re mutually blocked) i cant really talk about this privately. this is mostly just.. well. answering your question. ive written this little paragraph after i’ve written everything below, so like, idk dude, it happens sometimes, i get rly heated abt shit and then cool down after a while. so this is wild.
edit: i havent read this thru nor do i care about reading it through. are there a bunch of typos? probably. dont care though
i dont rly have the energy to pull up Everything esp because that lke.... requires going thru so many discord messages adn i really just. dont care enough to sift through everything
“but if u dont care why are you writing this” shut up u wanted answers didnt u lol
nyways heres just . some shit lmao
man firstly let’s deal w your post abt my server
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+ dont worry! ive got it archived in case u delete it bc who knows what ud do lol. nyways
lets just do some breakin apart on this:
i was lterally shaking at the time and having my OWN panic issues but i guess you dont rly take that into consideration lol?
this is one of the biggest exaggerations like ... you made it sound like the server was some big special place jdfghdkj theres literally 4 mods and 2 of them didnt even talk to you. the other 2 were me and lal
like half of the server isnt even fucken active on the server and the majority of the other half dont even care about unfollowing/blocking u. what a wild assumption. thts the funniest shit 2 me
please you literally sent me 3 asks when it was way too early in the morning 4 me expecting me to reply as if it was possible for me to give u all the reasons in like 10 minutes jesus christ
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ths is one of the ugliest posts ive ever seen + this was posted before you were banned frm the server. several ppl in the server have bpd + i was absolutely not willing to have smeone who says this sht abt their illnesses around (re: the whole “not actively in therapy” and shit. fuck off lol)
here’s some other stuff on my list that you might remember:
(kin stuff) being fully aware that my brother wasn’t - and still isn’t - okay with doubles with a specific character, and that you were specifically warned whilst he was offline, and you knew this was the case, yet decided that your best way of explaining something was..... fuck dude, whats the wording you used? “i’d say but some people here aren’t ok with doubles” or some shit which is! literally just as bad! and tht shit has fucked my bro up so severely tht he still fuckn..... thinks abt + the shit uve said In General (shrugging emoji)
heres a fucken wild ride for u: ur the reason he left th server anyways and why the second i banned u i was immediately happy because holy shit i can talk to my bro again bc i could invite him back! to a chat where he doesnt have to deal w someone who causes him constant panic attacks! wowee
lets not forget me expressing my extreme distaste of lying [person] + r.idged.og + ridg.epho.s but u completely ignoring that shit (+ wowie remember when u said lying was yr friend and that you didnt like me venting negatively abt them bc my nasty experiences r somehow less important than ?? tht shit??? lol anyways)
god the entire fucking drama w the lying shit . i cant believe i was on yr side for a while jdfghkj. that whole fiasco was so shitty. nyways thts nothing to do w me its just something that made so many ppl uncomfy
remember when you left the lying chat and then vented to us about shit but then rejoined the lying chat unbeknownst to us + caused shit again (surprise, i know about that)
you, generally, made several people uncomfortable (myself included), and as the owner of the server, i’d much rather kick one person from the server than have several people being uncomfortable. but if that’s an unreasonable thing to do then please, inform me, because that’s news to me.
whilst i dont support alex or alex’s partner in any way, shape or form (before u try and call me a fucken apologist/supporter/whatever lol), the blatant deliberate misgendering of alex’s partner on your byf was extremely shitty of you (which has since been fixed, but yikes).
(kin stuff) pretending to not be a double around lal, knowing he’s not comfortable with doubles (which, maybe you’re not! but given you’re kin w mc.ree + got that in your byf, and don’t have anything abt not follwing if ur x.phos in ur byf...... boyo)
god theres more but im not willing to dig up all the shit + also dont want to ask other ppl about their personal problems bc thats exposing them to a past/experience they probably want to forget about/never revisit
if u found this? congratulations. you got your answers.
if ur gonna vague abt me? go ahead. i dont really see what ive done wrong lmao.
also, re: why i didn’t tell you anything at all,
i was having a panic attack and almost throwing up
i kept trying to find reasons to keep you in the server, because i didn’t want problems to arise
i will literally never talk to ppl abt this kinda shit privately bc i dont want people to feel bad but 2 late
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Episode #7: “Crud Crud Crud Crud FUDGE” ~ Ruthie
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I hope we win the next challenge for Autumn, Kevin, and Ruthie’s sake.
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Did y'all enjoy the show cause if ya did
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I mean the blindside didn't go according to plan BUT it needed to happen. This whole Autumn-has-to-do-what-we-say and we-can-come-for-her-whenever shit? Yeah that ended tonight and rightfully so. Lily knows I almost ended her but then I saved her life so she better not ever come for me again cause if I so much as hear a whisper of my name 
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I wish y'all could've seen my pm's but since you can't, let me just let y'all know: if you ever want to learn what's REALLY going on in your tribe? Have a tie vote between 2 people who both deserve to go. That's some scary shit and everyone now knows I'm wild so every single person was messaging me after that tie vote: - Lily sincerely apologizing this time, coming clean about Archipelago, and begging for her life - Emily sending the entire text of her alliance with JD and Zach to expose JD coming for me - JD telling me she was being selfish (once I confronted her) and she just wanted Duncan's loyalty; apparently I was in the way so that's why she spoke ill of me - Ruthie telling me she won't flip but having PTSD about rocks so she flipped - Kevin telling me don't flip but feeling petty about JD's vote so he flipped - Zach and Owen acting like they'll flip but then not Basically it didn't matter what I did, but in the moment everyone was scared shitless and the sky was falling and it was beautiful. Honestly I hate I made that promise to Amanda in my video interview about not being petty hahaha but it's fine. JD gave me her blessing to win; Ruthie has promised her loyalty; Owen swore he would vote Lily when the time came; and everyone learned I am just that cracked
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Is it just me or is my tribe throwing this challenge to maybe vote me out?  This is NOT cute I hope I'm just paranoid but I'm going to surprise them and win this whole thing by myself even if they DON'T help this is not a cute look. I hope I'm just paranoid. ________________________________________________________________ I'm so stressed these people really aren't going to try on this challenge, are they?  crud crud crud crud FUDGE
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So I'm on the bus right now and trying to think worst case scenario (i.e. we lose the next challenge). I am starting to think voting against Cameron/Dana/Will premerge is the wrong move. Not only do I love them all with my whole hort as people, but our alliance seems genuine. Additionally, I'm hoping that while that 5 is a scary group come merge, their separation since the swap will cause divisions. I think right now, I sorta want a F6 of me, Ashvika, Duncan (potentially the F3 I want right now) with Will, Dana and Cameron? I dont entirely know but that's sort of what I feel like could be good? I'd also like to see Kevin and Autumn go far, like they are super sweet and I feel like its unfair for the disconnected people to be targetted so quickly. I dont even know. Priority 1? Still winning the challenge
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When it comes to challenges, something I have to say to myself is this... "What Would Jordan Pines Do?" We love loopholes. Loopholes win challenges. Let's see how we do.
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Okay, someone else is helping with the challenge now, I feel like a complete bitch for thinking they were trying to set me up. 
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Good thing literally three people have been working on this challenge (to my knowledge) and I've been busting my ass to find as many ridiculous connections between these players as I can. I do NOT wanna go to tribal it's just not in my plans, in my schedule.
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So i'll just rehash the last tribal vote. Essentially, about two hours before I thought it was going to be 6-1, knowing Lily couldn't vote due to a task provided by the now-closed Archipelago. WOOH thank god it's shut btw. However, Owen messages me around 8:30pm saying that Autumn made a rumour that the votes were going to go 3-3-1. I instantly go shocked because i'm like... wow Owen's acting REALLY shady... i'm leaving. I was expecting it to be my time. I call Emily and while on call, after leaking the rumour of the vote, I found out by Autumn that apparently her/Ruthie/Kevin were going to flip and vote out Lily. I didn't think this could happen because Kevin was close with Lily (since he leaked to Lily in the first place about the vote) and that Ruthie wouldn't lie to me. I was naive whew. I refused to tell Emily anything and I act a little like... edgy and then Owen leaks it so I just go with it. I trust Emily the most but I didn't want to cause any chaos. It goes to about 9:30 - 30 minutes prior - and everything seems fine still. I check up again with Ruthie and Kevin - they both say they're voting JD. Everything is according to plan. Autumn tells me her whole plan and in hopes, wants me to flip at the revote. Despite me thinking Lily's a bigger overall threat and it would weaken Emily's connections (meaning she could potentially be more loyal to me), I figured enough that she may feel hurt by me and I couldn't do it smoothly without causing some friction. Tribal occurs. On the call it goes 3-2-1 and there's one vote left and I truly was like "adios JD!" then... it ties. I literally am IN SHOCK! I tell Emily straight up after calling her again saying that i'm flipping if they remain intact cause i'm not going to rocks. I'll explain my thought process. Despite Lily being a bigger threat (mentioned above), she ranks at a 0 with me. We don't talk; we aren't close. That's a poor score. But by keeping her after half the tribe has flipped on her, it'll go up to a 1. Wooh upgrade! Now for JD. She was at a 3 at the start, but based on HER past actions, she was at a -1. Keeping her would make it go to -2. Simple maths --> 1 > -2 - so I decided that Lily is in my best interest to keep around. I work on Ruthie so much to get her to flip. Emily works on Kevin. Lily works on both. We promised Ruthie she wouldn't be the next vote if she flips back. Is that true? Sure. She'll stay around. But I want to form a solid majority (for this tribe) with Owen, Lily, Emily and myself - and pick off Kevin and Autumn next respectively. Maybe flipped. Don't matter to me. They really put themselves on the bottom by doing this. In before I leave WOOH! Autumn flips because Ruthie/Kevin did, and in an unanimous revote, JD leaves 6-0. I feel bad but it's kind of like brought upon herself. I'm excited to see how the other tribe perceives this since it was such a crazy vote whew. I'm just so exhausted by last nights events that i'm literally not talking to many of them right now. I'll work on damage control briefly later, but right now it's like... whatever. Owen is making Autumn sketched - or she thinks I ratted the plan out which I KIND OF did but it was mainly Owen and without being direct I want her to lose that trust with Owen but feel more loyal to me. We'll see how things work. I really like Owen so I kind of don't want to throw him under the bus, hence why i'm being like passive about this.
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I've been SO cracked trying to decipher the vote last time. My current assumption is that Lily didn't vote (I still don't know entirely why) and the vote was: JD: Emily, Zach + Kevin...? Lily: Ruthie,Owen & Autumn? Kevin: JD I am confident that JD voted Kevin and Lily didn't vote, and then in the revote: 'i’ve been rocked out once in this series and it was enough, i’m sorry!’ - Ruthie "I mean, you voted for me." - Kevin "the alternative is just not happening for me. i’m confused how we even got here in the first place because this made no sense." - Emily and then if I had to guess the other 3 "EVERYTHING THAT IS CREATED WILL AT SOME POINT BE RECREATED AS SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!" - Owen "orange juice" - Zach "I promised Amanda and my admin parents I wouldn’t be petty so :( Thank you for everything/ I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you!" - Autumn ANYWHOMST I AM CRACKED TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT
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I'll be honest... i keep putting in the tribe chat that i've been trying pretty hard at this challenge, and it's not that I haven't given it a shot, it's that i'm too dumb and all my energy is going to cultivating my instagam aesthetic.  
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Major sigh
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AHHH, my sanity she's gone, but the survivor wiki isn't getting deleted like I threatened since we won
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i made this before the immunity results were posted
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I don’t,,,, trust Owen like at all lol but I think we can make it out of this vote alive. Also I love Zach with my WHOLE HEART if he betrays me in this game I’ll cry he’s literally my favorite person. He’s just sending me weird facetuned pictures right now and we’re just laughing and like this is WHOLESOME CONTENT is this what it’s like to have actual FRIENDS I love ORGS
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Save me from the dentist please I hate this place I keep thinking they’ll call me back and they don’t ack hfgfgfghfggfghg I want this over with I have nothing to say about the game right now btw Why don’t they call me back AGHHH
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Holey Moley, I'm so glad we won. As much as I talked about voting against Dana/Will/Cameron, I truly don't think I could've done it. I love them so much as people, and betraying them so nastily (Dana for the second time) is just.... not something I could've faced doing. Like, I feel like if we went to tribal (or indeed go to tribal next round if we don't merge), I probably would've played it safe and voted Charlotte? I just- ack the more I think about it, the more I'm like- I truly couldn't have betrayed those 3 like that, I love them all so much. On another note, I went HAM on that challenge, like truly any more time spent looking at those wiki pages and I was gonna *scream* if we lost. Side note, I am also incredibly annoying, like while I'm sure the tribe is grateful for my challenge contribution, I think I just annoyed everyone. And I put an ALMIGHTY target on my back by doing so much for the challenge, like I'm a challenge flop so that's so funny to me. Side note: I found it so funny that on call, Cameron said something about having the  idol, and Will & Dana both did like a *pretendstobeshocked.gif*. It was SO FUNNY, because they didn't know I knew, it was wildt. ________________________________________________________________ I have a bad feeling Ruthie or Zach is going home, and I'm truly not a fan of either of those options.... Lily is the person I'm least connected to on that tribe, but I assume since she was kept safe in a tie vote by the tribe and 3 people didn't vote for her in the original vote, that they are gonna be a majority of four.
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Tribal council very clearly fucked me up and it's all Autumn's fault rn fskajfhkjd like..... I told her about Lily's power because I trusted her, and she took that and completely blew it up into something to use against Lily with other people, so now Lily and Emily obviously know that Autumn found out and if Lily honestly only told Emily and I then...it's not hard to figure out. I told Emily that I told Zach about it. And Emily said that maybe Lily told Kevin who told Autumn but???? If Lily says she didnt tell Kevin, I doubt Emily would believe that she's lying for some reason. And then in her tribal answer Emily said that stuff about how she's probably being manipulated by someones kindness and I'm sitting here like that picture of the rat.... fsdkajfhkjdsfkd :( it's not my fault im such a snake. I just can't help myself. it's in my BLOOD. So Emily suggested Kevin and then also Autumn suggested Kevin? And part of me thinks that makes sense bc if Autumn and Lily were both takin heat last round then they might expect one another to be idoled and want to target someone else. Kevin seems a good middle ground for that. but at the same time....it seems suspicious they'd tell me the same name. Like they have talked and agreed that they're telling me kevin but really voting me fsdkajhfkjds fuck my whole life. I don't think Zach would betray me? And I don't think that Emily would do something without telling him... But if she and Lily don't trust me anymore and I did something to make Autumn made, they could get the votes to send me out :'( and I don't like that. I considered playing my extra vote but the most that can do is making something 4-4 if I'm going home anyways? Like say I'm getting four votes and kevin gets three, I use my extra vote and it ties 4-4 me and kevin but I dont vote on the revotes so they could still send me out 3-2. and if it's like...five votes me, two votes kevin, I use the extra vote and i'm still out 5-3? so it literally doesnt help me at all unless somehow the votes are being split for an idol. Which....maybe I could make happen but I dont like the idea of split votes either bc then even three votes could flip and send me home. god dang it. I'm going to call with Emily and zach and hopefully I feel better about it. If they play me and I go home I'm really going to fucking cry.
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Me after that last tribal: 
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God. Owen leaked something that night about JD being messy in her original tribe. I played with her in Motunui and honestly her plans were #cracked so I should've expected that??? I think I repressed that memory. Oh and also she um voted for me which wasn't very nice :( I have no idea what to do this tribal. I told Owen before I flipped that I didn't feel safe so he promised to vote Lily with me but I don't want to vote Lily anymore but I don't want to seem wishy-washy to Owen and get voted out and I don't really have any solid allies so???? More at 10 pm I guess
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Zach pronounces Mario like mare-ee-oh... I know who's getting my vote tonight
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idk who the fuck zach thinks he is????????????? it's literally not "mare e Oh" what a MOFO THOT. im voting his ass out, it's pronounced mario like how it looks like mar ee oh god DAMN. woof woof grrrr (poke) ashvikanow that we won immunity and don't have to worry about safety this week, i need to start thinking of a plan for merge and how to break up a power alliance that will likely form between some of the bigger players 
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I'm over here, winnin another immunity, just praying for the megre at this point honeys! I WANT LILY TO GO. TONIGHT. PLEASE GOD MAKE IT HAPPEN. 
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I love how obvious Zach makes it that he, owen, emily and lily have an alliance that I'M NOT INCLUDED IN. 
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It seems like everyone's uncertain and confused so either this is some elaborate scheme to fuck me up or the tribal really just did #that to everyone. It makes me feel really uneasy nonetheless nnnnn but I don't wanna be pushy or anything bc I'm not really in the position to do it? 
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Okay, so it looks like we are merging tonight which AHHHHHHHHHH! Anyway, I am so glad our tribe didn't go to tribal. I genuinely don't think I could've truly voted against Dana/Will/Cameron so it would've been a case of disappointing Duncan. For the time being anywhomst, the question becomes... who is gonna go at the Atalaia tribal tonight... Here is what I know: - Owen has an extra vote playable tonight or at F7 -  That Autumn/Owen and Lily/Emily are gonna be close So with that said, I am gonna try and add that information, to the assumptions I've made: - It looks like Lily didn't vote last time and here is why I think it must be her. Six people voted in the revote, which means Lily and JD didn't originally vote for one another. Additionally, the Kevin voting confessional of: "I feel like I do this everytime we are in a game together. Sorry babes" and the JD voting confessional of "I mean, you voted for me." seems like its JD voting for Kevin and then vice versa. THUS, Lily must not have voted, but whomst knows why is the real question.... That leads onto the next question, if JD voted Kevin and Lily didnt vote, who did the other three vote for? Well, I assume Autumn/Owen voted together and Emily voted for JD (especially since she threw her name out during the One World vote). From there, I'm trying to analyse the voting confessionals.... "‘I AM SORRY I’M SO CRACKEDT I CHANGED MY VOTE LAST MINUTE BECAUSE I HEARD TEA, I’M SORRY IF THE TEA WAS INCORRECT TEA!!" is I think Kevin Owen or Autumn? "You seem like a great person and all but this game we haven’t really connected and that’s why my vote is going towards you. I’m sorry!!" feels like Emily, Ruthie or Zach "Sorry, love ya." feels very Emily "Kim Kardashian it’s what she deserves gif" this one is tough because its quite shady? Like quoting gifs is a Duncan thing but he obviously wasn't at that tribal, so I'm gonna give up on voting confessional analysis because I'll learn what happened tonight anywho. But with that said, the revote confessionals are much clearer the one about rocked out is of course ruthie, the one about you voted for me is kevin, the one about the alternative not happening is emily(?) which leaves 3. The petty one directly addressing amanda makes me think its autumn since amanda helped host himalayas, orange juice is probably Zach, which leaves the last one as being Owen. WHEW
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I really hope we merge tonight because I'm ready to start playing this game even harder, I'm ready to take out the big threats and the fan favorites and make it to FTC again - and win this time. I'm making sure my emotions are in check, which isn't something I can say about a lot of the other players. Playing with your emotions is always dangerous, especially on an All Stars season when we all know each other to a degree. You let someone like Lily or Emily make it too far into the merge (even just one or two rounds) and don't take them out when you have the chance, all because you like them too much? Looks like you won't be winning this game. All I know is that my ride or dies are Dana, Cameron, Ali, Owen, and Autumn and everyone else is expendable, I'm ready to cut them as soon as I get the chance. And anyone in that five immediately becomes expendable when it isn't good for my game anymore. Owen and Ali... I love them dearly but their love for Emily better not be blinding. I would love to sit with Dana and Cameron at the end, I just need to make sure I can actually get there first. If it isn't Lily or Emily tonight, it'll be interesting moving forward because that means someone's made a couple promises here and there to Lily... Hmm...
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Alright I tried to break the silence by suggesting Autumn's name to Emily and Owen. Let's hope this doesn't backfire. Owen seemed chill with it, Emily hasn't responded yet. We could probably get Lily on board with t easily. I chose Autumn because she's shown her true colors last tribal: from what she told me her motivation to vote Lily was that she has voted against her, which was a bit individualistic of a motivation. We're all playing for ourselves, but compromise is a necessity. She's also shown she's not afraid to make big moves even when there's like 15 people in the game. So...I hope this works, or if it fails, I hope I'm not the one hurt by it. 
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sooooooooooo I feel like they're gonna vote me still bc some sketch stuff is happening. Kevin suggested Autumn, Autumn suggested Kevin, ruthie I have no clue, and then Emily added us to an alliance with Lily (and Zach) so that's cool and Lily sfsdkahfj rolld a D20 and settled on Autumn. Voting one of my close friends off bc the dice that be told me to? inch resting. I do feel a little bit guilty voting her....because I love her and I want to get to know her better and she was part of my original group. I think she's someone who will tell me things. And also she's going to be more of a threat than Kevin is for sure. But....she really blew my shit up last round and I don't like that. At all. And she's always gonna wanna do her own plan... And honestly cutting her makes the group of five seem a little less scary and hopefully it proves to Zach/Emily that I'm with them over Dana/Cameron/Will. Am I? :~) prob not ! So I just have to get over my guilt and do the wrong thing I guess. I just have to be the person I have always been I guess fakdsj since Emathia. Before? Vote out my friends and show no mercy. Now? Still vote out my friends and show no mercy. The closer we get to tribal though the more I get worried. Although I did message Lily earlier and tell her how I've always wanted to work with her and apologized for being shady before and was like...i hope i proved I'm not ever gonna write ur name down fskhfdkdshfkjshfjkdsjkf oop!
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I would like to thank not only but also Jesus for allowing me to make top 13 and what I expect to be the Merge. Ali and I know the whereabouts of 3 of the where (I presume to be) 4 idols are. With merge coming a fifth will be put into play and I’ll do anything to get it. I’m really glad that I’ve been having fun since the game has started. Like I’ve been having a blast! I came here to have fun and to win the game. I’ve had my fun and games already but when Merge hits? It’ll be another story. It’s the calm before the storm. Merge is going to be a blood bath and I’m ready to dive in face first. I’m kind of shook at myself because I haven’t promised anyone final 2 which may come back to bite me in the ass or it may free me. I wouldn’t mind sending home one of the great values home at the first vote but we’ll have to wait and see how everyone else feels I guess. As long as I come out on top I don’t really care how it happens. Now the odds of me succeeding are slim to none but hey! A bitch can dream right? 
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CROSSROADS IS UGLY SORRY I'M LATE!!! I fought to keep both Ryan and Haley and it didn't work so yet another person I like/ trust is going home. You know it's bad when I join the majority out of safety. And that little group of Founding Fathers who think they run shit ever since they got rid of Chris? Yeah they can choke and I'm getting really tired of their mess ________________________________________________________________ Hi don't send that last one to the VL because it's meant for Crossroads lmao sorry I'm old and don't know how to read
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please let the third time be the charm, let autumn go tonight khgkjshgjksd
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Always out with a 5-2 blindside, Athena is so poetic. Know that I'm rooting for everyone on Lorohna plus Ruthie. Honestly this game has been very high school and varsity cheerleading-esque so I'm disappointed but not surprised. Lowkey this particular game was really bad for my mental health, constantly feeling targeted and marginalized so.... here I am feeling somewhat relieved and at peace
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Highkey they're just bitter about the tie vote but seeing how Lily took three fucking shots at me in the course of the game, I was 1000% justified in that move. Also Owen and Zach are catering to the wrong HBIC and made 7 enemies on the other tribe by being ugly like this. Between that and being up Emily's ass/ worrying about her feelings, they've already lost know that. Kevin is really on thin ice as it is. Karma has all sorts of stuff for Emily and Lily- kisses, hugs, blowjobs, you name it. Also I'm living for how offended the 5 of them were by me saying I liked Lorohna better hahahahaha. Ummm y'all just murdered me remember? For not being your puppet?? And you still expected me of all people to kiss your asses and go gracefully???
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Athena fun fact! The 5 people who voted Autumn out in Himalayas lost and the 1 person who didn’t vote Autumn went on to win the season! So congrats to the All Stars winner sitting among Lorohna and Ruthie; the admins and I look forward to seeing the rest of you in Season 14!!
Autumn becomes the 7th person voted out of Athena All Stars in a 5-2 vote. You can see Autumn’s preseason interview here.
0 notes