#I'm from a family of fishermen
Spooktober Prompts Masterlist 2023
"They are calling us…" "Don't listen to them. Do you hear me? Don't listen to a word they promise you!"
The cameras show five people enter an elevator, but only four of them leaving it. Those four never remembered a fifth passenger.
"Aww, are you so afraid of the dark that you need me to hold your hand?" "I'm not holding your hand." "Then whose..."
At first, they believe it to be a bad joke, but when more and more graves of people who haven't died yet appear in the graveyard, they start to panic.
The camera she bought at a flea market already has photos on it. Since the people are wearing clothes from centuries ago, they believe them to be from a play. But they soon realize that those photos and events were real.
A child actress turned cult leader feels her power slipping and she needs to gain control over her following again.
When they started building the new school, they had expected to maybe find unexploded WWII bombs, but what they found instead was nothing they could have expected.
She heard footsteps behind her coming closer, but when she turned around, holding her breath, she could only see the dark and empty alley.
"Why did you choose the cemetary as our meeting place for tonight?" "Because only the dead can keep our secrets."
Going to your own funeral and see who would cry - it sounded almost fun. If it wasn’t for the fact that they could hear and see everything, but could not make a sound to stop them from closing up the grave around them.
A medium without a voice of her own, can only speak when a ghost speaks through her.
They had always felt that shadows seemed to beckon to them. But this time, when the shadows beckoned, they wore a sinister grin. (Submitted by: tumblebumblebee-63)
"I'm not haunting a filthy public bathroom, I'm a ghost with class."
A fun survival game TV show on a remote island becomes a reality when one contestant after the other turns up brutally killed. Right in front of hundreds of cameras and millions of watchful eyes.
Waking up to a child that you've never seen before, but that everyone assures you is your own that you've raised for years, is terrifying.
"Did you see that?" "Did I see what?" "That man... he touched the leaves and they immediately blackened and fell off. Please, let us go back before he sees us!" "Too late." The man in the dark cloak suddenly stood right in front of them and slowly reached out his hands to them.
What started as a fun midnight activity suddenly turned into one of them missing and the others running for their lives, trying to escape freaking zombies.
He always dreamed about being in a kdrama. He didn't imagine it to have a horror side plotline that feels way too real.
They said that when you die, you return to earth as your one true self. Why then, when he opened his eyes after being killed, were his teeth long and he hungered for blood? (Submitted by: ouilah)
She didn't think it would come to this point. She felt the cold stone of the gravestone in her back and before her the red glowing eyes of the creature crept slowly closer.
There are perks of being a ghost. Walking through walls was fun. Or haunting annoying people. But nothing was quite as nice as being able to just fade out of a conversation that you didn’t want to be a part of.
"I dare you! Come on, stop being a coward. There is no such thing as ghosts."
Someone wakes up to a text saying 'It's your lucky day!' and it turns out to be the worst day ever.
A family of vampires that lives unidentified in human communities, becomes paranoid and starts to believe all their neighbors are also supernatural creatures.
There are stories and superstitions abound about the seaside bluffs, but that's to be expected in a town of fishermen. One night, from the bluffs' direction, you hear someone singing, softly. (Submitted by: someoneoffthestreet)
Astronauts coming back to earth keep talking about hearing songs from outside the space shuttle. What they don't say, is that those songs followed them home.
Someone stared at her through the window. She had always felt safe in her own home, shutting out the scary, real world. But a window is just glass, and glass… oh it breaks so, so easily…
A plane disappears from the radar and then reappears multiple hours later at the exact same location in the middle of the ocean with no place to land and not enough fuel to just fly around for hours.
"We shouldn't enter! This place was abandoned for a reason!" "Come on, don't be a coward. We will be the only ones here!" "Okay, okay... I'll follow you. You don't have to push me!" "I... I didn't push you..."
A session of reading tea leaves ends in chaos when every single participant reveals a bad omen.
Something tells the home owner that the kids trick-or-treating in front of his house are not wearing costumes - and are not human at all.
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earthtooz · 2 years
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𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ─ when the reader receives hate ! pt 1
includes: reo mikage, michael kaiser, isagi yoichi
warnings: gn!reader, they/them prns in kaiser + isagi, 2k+ wc for reo, 1.6k for kaiser and 1k for isagi, ooc!characters, borderline panic attack in reo's, hate and negative comments, happy endings for all, let me know if i'm missing any warnings, bad wriitng LOL
a/n: ask and u shall receive ! bro why is the cover image so low quality i can't be assed to fix it - ANYWAYS ENJOY ANON !!!
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if there’s one thing reo is used to, it’s the amount of eyes constantly surveying his every move. there is not one aspect of his life that hasn’t been intruded by the amount of aristocratic families wondering how he’s doing. reo’s quite fed up with it himself. 
but of course, if there’s one thing dating reo mikage entails, it’s having those same eyes scrutinising your every move even harder- a fact you accepted before he asked you to be his. a fact you were starting to get used to.
despite all the glamourised smiles and ambiguous compliments of your relationship, there will always be some who aren’t afraid to voice their opinions.
which, is how you got stuck talking to some ceo’s daughter at a gala you were attending as reo’s plus one. 
“i’m not trying to be mean or anything, just honest,” she says with a particular slice of her hands, flaunting her expensive nails and jewellery. “but i don’t think you’re right for reo, and i know i am not the only one who thinks that! don’t you think it’s time you stop hogging him and y’know, return him to those who really deserve him?”
something disgusting churns within you at the way she talks of your boyfriend, as if he were some goal; a fish in a sea of hungry fishermen. the statement makes you feel violated, you can’t imagine how reo would feel being talked about like this for his entire life.
“and who might that be?” you counter, trying your best to remain calm and not give in to the storm within you.
she flares her nostrils, narrowing her perfectly painted eyes. “look around. take a good glance at the competition.”
“i won’t do that because there is no competition. reo chose me, whether you like it or not,” you firmly place your drink down on the table beside you before pointedly showing her the beautiful promise ring, encrusted with diamonds that reo himself placed on your finger. “besides, if there even was a competition in the first place, i’m afraid you’re all much too late.”
with a final sneer, she turns around with a pointed flick of her healthy, smooth hair before walking away, classy and expensive as ever.
just like everyone around you.
you, on the other hand, find it hard to breathe, and the luxurious fabric of your even more luxurious outfit is clinging to your body. before you even know it, you’re making a run for the exit, slipping past crowds of people and ignoring their looks of curiosity. 
no one would bother to look too long anyways.
you should be proud of how you managed to remain level-headed during that interaction, but you can’t help but give in to her manipulative tactics. you did take a good look of the competition and they all looked like millions upon millions of dollars. they have had their life plan sorted from the very moment of their birth, their destiny handed to them of a silver platter, and although you know to look beyond the materialism and gold, it’s hard to ignore it when you’re surrounded by marble walls and crystal chandeliers.
suddenly feeling like an imposter, you just want to hop in a cab and go home.
bolting through expansive halls with decorative arches and doors to match, you’re almost at the parking lot where the chauffeurs awaited, just a flight of stairs await your descent.
it’s not until a hand catches your wrist that you stop. 
turning around, you find no comfort in the familiarity of reo’s face which was laced with concern and worry. he’s panting, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin, and his hair was all over his face. was he chasing after you?
“y/n! where are you going?” the purple-haired asks, eyebrows furrowing even more as he notices the distressed state you’re in. he grabs both your hands, manoeuvring you to look him square in the eyes. except, it’s so difficult, you’re looking everywhere but at him. “i was calling your name the entire time, did you not hear me?” 
“reo, please, leave me alone,” you request with a shaky voice, trying to get out of his grip with no success.
“i can’t, not when you’re like this,” he protests, “deep breaths, y/n, come back to me.”
a few moments of silence pass by, allowing you to return to your senses as reo holds your hands against his heart, stroking your skin with his thumb. no longer overwhelmed and suffocated by your thoughts, it’s hard to look your boyfriend in the eye, cowering away from his gaze.
“what’s the matter?” he asks gently, pressing a hand against your cheek delicately. it’s warm. you want to melt into him.
“it’s- i, i had a really- you know what, nevermind,” you murmur, shaking your head, turning your back against reo as you pull your hands away from his. 
you miss the expression of heartbreak that appears on his pretty face. 
your cold actions don’t deter him. instead, it makes him more determined to stay by your side, chasing after you even as you descend down the stairs. since your shoes were a lot more complicated than his, the soccer player catches up to you quickly to guide you by the small of your back as he mirrors your pace.
“i want to go home,” you mutter to him once you’re on the ground, trying your best not to collapse under the gaze of so many, surrounded by butlers and chauffeurs.  
he nods with a gentle gaze. “let’s go home then.”
his kindness is not enough to shield you from the scrutiny that bears into you. “no, reo, you should stay, i’ll just catch a taxi home or something.”
he looks at you in pure astonishment, slightly taken back by your weird attitude. 
“but i don’t want to. why would i want to stay if you’re not?” asks the purple-haired. 
opting to remain silent rather than answer, you try to walk towards the main road of the highway, only to be cut off by reo shoving himself in front of you.
“and why would i let you take a cab home?” your purple-haired lover questions, placing both of his hands on his cheeks so you can finally look him in the eye. “y/n, what’s going on? something happened, didn’t it?”
taking both of his hands away from your face, you take a step away; once again missing the look of astonishment and heartbreak that appears on reo’s face. “nothing happened,” you say stubbornly, rubbing your hands against your arms.
“i don’t want to go home if you’re like this, can we please just talk for a little?” he remains behind you, getting the hint that you don’t want to be provoked or touched in any way, even if it’s killing him. the soccer player’s fingers itch with the need to embrace and trace every part of you that you’ll allow, but, for the sake of your fragile state, he doesn’t.
with a small exhale, you agree. it would be unfair for you to leave reo in the dark, continually brushing off his genuine kindness due to some chick that got in your head.
he leads you towards the gardens nearby which were dimly lit, yet still very beautiful. spring was in full season, so you could only catch glimpses of the beautiful flora that aligned the path, but there was no denying that it was still breathtaking. reo walks beside you, synchronising his footsteps with yours.
eventually, you arrive at a fountain in the middle of the garden. where you take a seat on its marble ledge, reo whispers ‘one second’ to you before running off to the bushes where the red roses were. he returns quickly, jogging back to you with a singular flower in his hands. 
“for you, my love,” he declares with a small smile, bowing with an extended hand, expecting you to take his gift.
you readily do, heart warming at his silliness whilst twirling the rose in your fingers. “thank you,” you reply, pressing a kiss to his cheek when he places his hand next to you so he can lean against the fountain for support. 
the promise ring you wear on your finger feels heavier than usual, especially when he smiles fondly at you, a lovesick expression on his face that is no doubt mirrored by you. 
but looking at him, you can’t help but recall the stinging reality that he lived in a world of glamour, decadence, and allure; only doubled by the fame that came with his life as a pro-soccer player. you love reo with your whole being, really, sometimes you fear that your feelings might be a little too much, but loving him with a materialistic barrier in between is difficult. 
the idea of letting him go than stealing him away from the world of mystique feels suddenly a lot kinder.
“reo,” you begin after a few minutes of simply being in each other’s presence. he looks at you with widened eyes and raised eyebrows, directing 100% of his attention towards you. with a deep inhale, you continue.
“do you ever think that… we’re not, meant to be?”
the silence is deafening.
“what do you mean?” he asks with a small stutter of disbelief, “of course we’re meant to be! you’re the one for me- you’re my soulmate!”
usually, when reo says that, it makes your insides gush and flutter, but now it riddles you with guilt and scepticism. “how can you be so sure?”
“y/n,” he sounds so very desperate. reo’s eyes have always been the window to his soul and seeing the way they shine with tears, your chest clenches with an unpleasant feeling. “why are you doubting my love for you?”
his hand goes to your ring finger, playing with the jewellery that you suddenly feel like you don’t deserve.
“you agreed, remember? you agreed to letting me love you forever and loving me in return. i put this ring on you because it’s always going to be you, no matter what circumstance, i’ll always choose you.” 
“but is choosing me the right decision?”
“yes, a thousand times yes, there will never be. anyone. but. you.” reo increases the amount of emphasis he puts into each word, now changing his position so that he stood in front of you, caging you with his build. “can you tell me what happened, beautiful? because something clearly did and soured my gorgeous y/n’s mood.”
the sudden onslaught of compliments, mixed with how close reo was, broke down your resolve easily, crumbling at his feet as you gave in to his gentle demands. 
“i met an unpleasant someone who told me i should give you up for people who deserve you more,” you whisper, throwing your arms around his neck, a gesture of equal affection and possessiveness. 
he hums, seemingly calm but you know better. the furrow of his eyebrows was one of scrutiny and distaste. you’re glad he’s trying to remain subtle, you’ve had enough of emotional responses for one night.
“and who might this unpleasant someone be?”
“i have no idea. she gave me a name but it went in one ear then out the other.”
pressing his face into the junction where your neck and shoulder meet, the soccer player revels at this chance to be close to you. 
“it was probably important though,” you reiterate, “and, well, might be able to benefit you a lot better than i ever can.” 
he scoffs into your skin, causing you to shiver. “no one’s name is as important as mine, my love, and no one can boost it more than what it’s already worth. if anything, those who have me gets the boost, i’m already the best.” 
his (rightfully deserved) cockiness makes you smile ever so slightly as you punch his shoulder. “are you implying i’m a gold digger?”
“well, you didn’t choose me, did you?” asks reo with a raise of his eyebrow. “i begged you to go on a date with me and you only agreed the fourth time i asked.”
the recollection makes a giggle slip past your lips- a sound reo dearly missed as he admires your beauty in the dim lighting of the gardens. he places a fleeting kiss on your neck before looking up at you. 
“of course, everyone else won’t know that and assume,” you point out before leaning in towards his lips, unable to resist him much longer.
“who cares?” he mutters against you before melting against you in a gentle kiss filled with love, reassurance, and promises. “they’re all irrelevant anyways, just a bunch of talkers with nothing to back up their words.”
“then what am i?”
“you’re my future. you’re the one that actually cares about me, more than my money or my soccer skills. remember the first day we met and you told me to get out of the way? back in college?”
“well you were blocking my path. i was running late to my class as well.”
reo chuckles, pulling away from you so there was a little distance between your faces. “never thought i’d want someone so bad just because they didn’t know who i was.”
“then show me,” you say with a little challenge in your tone. “screw the gala, take me home, reo.”
“thought you’d never ask.”
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“kaiser gets it in! a miracle shot, just what you’d expect from bastard münchen’s genius striker!” the announcer exclaims as the crowd shoots up in excitement, roaring and buzzing with excitement as the members of germany’s football team all swarm around the blond, cheering and celebrating. 
kaiser participates in the hype, fist bumping his teammates before running back to position, but not without sparing a look at the screen that was displaying the match. no one misses the kiss he blows in the direction of the camera and although the stadium is filled with squeals (from boys, girls, grown ups and children alike), you know something they don’t.
right before the match, kaiser made you promise that each goal of his equated to ten kisses, a deal that you readily accepted and bumped up to twenty as a way of motivating him to take the game home.
that kiss he blew was just a way of solidifying that he was thinking of you and the wink he sent straight after was just making sure you’d keep your promise.
you can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world with him. 
as the match progresses, you can tell it’s going to be an easy victory, with all favours towards your lover’s team - kaiser earning another two himself. 
it’s almost scary just how effortlessly he dominates, settling the score at 3-1 for bastard münchen, once again making feats you thought were difficult look effortless. as the whistle blew announcing the end of the game, roars fill the stadium once again and you too, jump up with the crowd to cheer as loudly as you can.
repping his jersey with his name on the back, it just feels too good, especially when you bask in the afterglow of a well deserved victory.
you don’t miss the amount of glances kaiser sends your way, antsy to be able to reach you and spend some time with you because he’d rather have you congratulate him than a bunch of old, white men that just want to sponsor him. they can get in line because you’re his top priority.
you hope he sees you and the heart you make with your arms over your head just for him. 
dawdling out of the stadium always takes forever because of the amount of people that always come to see his game so when over half the people have cleared out, you make your way down to the front row, where your soccer genius boyfriend was waiting for you.
“you were incredible, my love,” you say as a greeting, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug, one that he readily returns. you don’t really care that he was sweaty, too overwhelmed by how proud of him you were.
not that your opinions really mattered in the grand scheme of things, but kaiser considered it a great lucky charm, one he holds highly.
“as always,” he mutters, pressing a kiss against your cheek. you giggle at the sensation, smiling widely as he continues. “tell me more about how amazing i was.”
rolling your eyes at his arrogance, you decide to indulge him, just a little. “the best out there, greatest soccer player of all time, and you looked so handsome too, my main character,” you pinch his cheek. “done?”
“not at all,” keens kaiser, smiling at you like a cat.
“get your stuff first and then when we’re home, i’m all yours.”
“i’m holding you to your promise, pretty, that’s sixty kisses from you.”
with a final kiss on the forehead as farewell, you bid him goodbye and watch as he runs off to get changed, joining ness who was waiting for him by the exit. the magenta-haired soccer player waves at you from halfway across the field, a gesture you readily return before turning around to go outside.
passing by the security guards who give you a little nod of acknowledgement, you’re relieved to see that the audience that gathered tonight had gone off into their cars, ready to go home for the night. 
you’re about to go around to where the players exit so kaiser wouldn’t swarmed by a flurry of fans and reporters, until you’re stopped by a hand on the shoulder. the grip wasn’t strong, but demanding enough for you to turn around and greet whoever wanted to talk to you.
it was a pair of teenage girls. they were well-dressed and pampered, but the look they were giving you was less than friendly. somehow, you already knew where this conversation was going.
“can i help you?” you ask, flashing them a smile.
one of them eyes you up and down, judgement very clear in her eyes. you cringe a little. “are you kaiser’s partner?” she asks. 
you nod in affirmation. you hate the sleazy feeling developing in your gut, expanding due to the scrutiny of their gazes. one of the girls nudge the other one in an ‘i told you so’ manner, which is returned with a smirk that is mischievous in kind.
“do you need something from me?” you question, finally letting your astoundment show on your face. really, you just wanted to walk away from this conversation and find kaiser so you could go home.
“yeah, we’re just wondering why, y’know, that he’d choose you.” 
“excuse me?”
“like don’t get us wrong, you’re pretty and all, but we just think that you’re kinda bland for him,” one of them states as the other hums in agreement. 
the audacity. you furrow your eyebrows and stand your ground.
“okay, cool. what do you suggest i do then since you seem to be experts in my relationship.”
“break up with him, duh?”
“and let one of you date him instead?” you scoff. “fat chance.” 
“just give him up, okay? we could love kaiser more than you probably ever could, clout chaser.”
“gold digger!”
now amused more than frustrated, you bite back the laugh that bubbles in your chest. it was entertaining seeing some sixteen year old girls try to tell you that you and your boyfriend (of two years) shouldn���t be together. 
being kaiser’s partner had its downsides sometimes, and it was mostly just the hate you receive for ‘stealing’ him off the market, especially since he was so young, some fans didn’t appreciate that he wasn’t an eligible bachelor. but, you’re used to it. so long as you get to watch him in the spotlight, you don’t really mind the darkness. 
you sigh, crossing your arms over your chest. “right… are we done here? because this ‘gold digger’ wants to see their partner and congratulate him.”
“what part aren’t you understanding?” one of them asks before the other one completes the sentence. “you and kaiser just don’t look good together!”
before you could answer, a heavy arm drapes itself over your shoulders. “aww, why not?” a familiar voice asks. the two girls in front of you freeze, panic evident on their faces. “what disturbances held you up from seeing me?”
then you see and hear an overload of flashes and camera clicks. kaiser must’ve caught the paparazzi on his way out and you suddenly remember that you left him waiting, feeling slightly guilty when you turn your head to meet his gaze. you wrap your arms around his torso, happier than ever to feel his warmth against your own. 
“what happened here?” kaiser asks, a question directed at you and you only. 
“they were just telling me that they didn’t like that i was a main role in your theatre,” you say, earning an eyebrow raise from your genius boyfriend. “how should we fix that?”
he hums for a moment, meeting the widened eyes of his fans.
“kick them out,” he simply declares before turning around with you still in his arms. you two pass by paparazzi, paying them little mind except from the small smiles you send their way. 
once you’re in a clearer, quieter area, your boyfriend turns to you and embraces you properly, a gesture you return eagerly as he breathes you in.
“what a way to sour such a good victory,” murmurs kaiser, voice muffled by his jersey that you were wearing. “can’t believe i had to play your knight in shining armour instead of the king that i am.”
you pinch his neck which causes him to flinch with a little shriek. always leave it to you to dumb down his narcissism.
“i was handling it myself pretty well, y’know,” you sigh, “being the michael kaiser’s partner, i’ve grown immune to the hate i receive.”
kaiser frowns, “i didn’t think it happened often,” he whispers. “i’m sorry. how many times have you had to defend yourself without me knowing?”
“it hardly matters-”
“-but it does. i don’t like when people slander you, less when it’s for no reason other than because you’re with me. you should be marvelled at and admired, just like the masterpiece you are.”
his words cause butterflies to erupt in your stomach, a feeling you mask with a playful eye roll. 
“yes but,” you counter, reaching to cup his cheek, “being with you makes up for it.” 
he smirks, contrasting the downhearted expression he wore moments earlier. kaiser’s skill of immediately recovering from whatever kicks him down truly is something to behold and at times, envy. “of course it does,” he boasts, dramatically flipping one of his bangs. 
“besides, i’m willing to fight back if it means i get to be with you.”
before he can argue back, you grab his arm and pull him towards the entrance.
“now come on, let’s talk about it another day. i believe i owe you sixty kisses.”
“make it one hundred now for leaving me waiting for so long.”
“if you get too greedy i’ll leave you on the sidewalk.”
“you’d do that to your king? how dare you!”
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“what does your mum like?” you ask a clueless isagi who simply stares at the range of perfumes that the department store had displayed.
“i have no idea,” he mutters. “i never really paid attention to what smells she used.”
“fragrances, yoichi, not smells.”
“oh. right,” the star soccer player rubs his neck awkwardly, smiling sheepishly at you after correcting his small mistake. 
he was so adorable, you wanted to pinch his cheeks.
this was the first time that isagi was buying a gift for his mother with his own money, and the first person he turned to for help was his partner: you, explaining that this had to be the best gift she’s ever received. for how much she’s done for him, and how much she’s supported his soccer career, isagi doesn’t know if he can repay it through money, but gifts are hard to deny regardless.
readily agreeing to help, you have memories of isagi’s mother welcoming you into the family with warm arms. she would tell you how beautiful you are, how excited she was to meet you, and that her son better treat you well otherwise you could always turn to her for help; a statement that made the star striker gulp.
“i mean, you could never go wrong with a few classics like carolina herrera, dior, or chanel?” you suggest, walking over to the section filled with perfumes contained in shelves, their respective brands displayed on top. isagi follows you like a lost puppy, clinging close to your side by holding your hand, squeezing it ever so often.
everything you’re saying is going in one ear and through the other, and isagi lets it show on his face. 
“don’t worry yoichi, any perfume you pick tends to be a good gift regardless, besides, we have the whole day to figure out what your mum likes,” you reason logically, just in case it might provide him with some relief in the midst of expensive, designer fragrances. 
“right,” he huffs, reaching out to read the labels of some bottles.
after a long hunt of going through the shelves, he eventually settles on a fragrance from maison francis (with a pricetag that made you gawk yet isagi was very calm about, agreeing without even thinking about it), but since the packaged version was locked in a glass cabinet, you opted to call a store attendant.
“that’s a great idea, babe, need me to go with you?” he asks, readjusting the strap of his beat-up bag, the one he’s had since high school. funny how some things don’t change for isagi, you love that about him.
you shake your head in response, telling him to ‘wait here’ before strolling off.
however, during this brief time of being without you, isagi was approached by a trio who looked like they were a family, the eldest holding a phone between his hand.
“isagi yoichi?” he asks timidly, fiddling with the phone.
the soccer player flashes a friendly smile, hoping to reduce any of the anxiety they might feel from approaching him. he was just an average, friendly guy after all. “that’s me, need anything?”
“can we take a picture?” the middle daughter asks, pressing her hands together in a pleading motion.
“of course! come on.”
the set of siblings smile eagerly before ambling to isagi’s side, who squats down so he could fit in frame. after a ‘3, 2, 1’ countdown, the photo is taken and just as the dark-haired athlete was about to stand up, a store attendant approaches.
“would you like me to take the picture?” they ask politely, gesturing to the phone.
simultaneously, everyone agrees and soon enough, the photo is taken and done, allowing isagi to high-five them before waving them off, the three of them thanking him profusely for his time.
the store attendant lingers, turning to face him with wide eyes of admiration. “wow, i didn’t think i’d ever get to meet you!” they exclaim. “i watched your match against the under-20 team like so long ago! you were amazing!”
“oh, yeah,” isagi chuckles, flustered at all this recognition, even though he’s been getting more and more of it lately, “thank you for your support.”
although he inwardly cringes at the line that he’s reused over and over again, the store helper thinks nothing of it, beaming back at him. “you’re super cute too, do you think i could get your number?”
isagi lets his shock show on his face before blurting out: “no, i have a partner already.”
the attendant’s face drops into a look of disappointment and the striker wants to run off to find you. you never should have left him alone.
“what a shame. the person that you were just with right?” isagi nods. “don’t know what you think is so special about them, i personally think you’re too good for them and should find someone better, but, it’s not up to me.”
isagi feels his vision zero in, growing red with each word. him? too good for you? what irony.
“excuse me?” he vocalised lowly- practically a growl as he eyes the employee down. “i’m giving you three seconds to get out of my sight before i-.”
he’s too preoccupied with the fury he feels to notice the way the attendant squeaks, eyes laced with fear, before scurrying off mid-sentence, fully intimidated by the striker. isagi sighs, slumping his shoulders. he’s never used that tone to anyone outside of soccer in an attempt of pre-game slander and now he just misses you.
where did you run off to?
right on queue, you materialise beside him, huffing with a pout on your face. “i couldn’t find any store attendants, that’s so weird! where’d they go?”
deciding against telling you that he just scared one away for trashing you, he simply leans his body weight on you, sighing when you embrace him tightly so he wouldn’t knock the both of you over.
“whoa, what’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” you ask, unable to hide the smile on your face from his sudden acts of affection. “everything okay, love?” 
“i want to go home,” he whispers against your shoulder. “spend some time with you.”
“what about the gift?”
“i’ll order it online. it can arrive in time.”
relenting, you pluck him off you with great effort. “if you’re sure then, okay, let’s go home.”
“we can get takeout from your favourite on the way home.”
“what’s the occasion?”
“thought i needed to show you how much i appreciate you.”
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jacesbeloved · 3 months
amidst the waves: special part
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summary: born a lowborn, your family a group of fishermen that supply the market; one day, it wasn't a fish caught but rather, a young man.
pairing: lucerys velaryon x fem!reader
notes: heree’s a special gift in the name of hotd s2 !! had this in the drafts for so long and just finished it after the first ep as a warm up for the fics to come :D i hope u guys enjoy
part: I, II, III, special
You had hoped for a nicer sea.
Inside of a sturdy wooden fishing boat, situated in the middle of the waters, all the while rain was pouring down on you, the waves wasn't cooperating as well.
Your hair was tied into a knot, absolutely drenched from the rainwater, as you desperately tried to help Alaine tie the net inside of your boat. Some of the sea creatures you've captured managed to jump back out because of the chaos inside of the boat.
"Are we not heading back!?" Alaine yelled, hands clutching the sides of the boat as the waves rocked the both of you.
"What do you think I'm doing!?" You moved the oars aggressively. Alaine groaned before joining you in rowing the boat.
Your hair strands stuck to your forehead by the time you arrived at a part of the sea where the storm had calmed down. Only a light shower of rain droplets fell on the both of you.
Alaine wiped her forehead tiredly, resting her head on her hands while you continued rowing. Desperate to head back home and escape any possible storm that may follow your boat.
Something seemed to feel wrong; like you were forgetting, neglecting something.
You sneaked your eyes to the side, a second before you sharply turned towards your sister's direction. Her skin was pale, body shivering.
"Alaine? Alaine!" You pulled off the extra piece of clothing around your neck and proceeded to place it around your sister. "Hey? Stay with me, okay? I'll bring us back." You whisper on her forehead and she weakly nods.
A sigh leaves your lips, forgetting the ache in your arms as you started to row continuously without any break.
It took the both of you an hour at most; your arms were practically crying and shaking. The fear and nervousness inside of you growing whenever you glance at your sister still trembling in your scarf.
The familiar shore reappears in your sight, even though it was still far away, you felt a bit relieved seeing it.
There was no one by the shore when you got closer. Your hut's door closed shut and you couldn't see any movement from inside of the open windows. You gently grabbed your sister's head, whispering her name on her head as you tried to wake her up.
"We're here, Alaine. Please stay for me," you spoke, rubbing her head as you started screaming your brother's name. "Arrel! Where are you! We need you, now!"
By your first scream, there wasn't anyone that came out to help bring you fully to the shore. You screamed Arrel's name again, this time even louder which caused Alaine to groan.
You apologized softly, pulling back the oars and rowing.
Someone yells your name, at first you thought it was Arrel but it wasn't.
There was another figure right beside your brother's. A figure that seemed taller, a little bit bulkier, and certainly more layered. The figure had a unique coat on, a luxurious one.
Your eyes go wide when the two of them run to your boat, pulling the front to the shore as your body freezes on the spot.
It's Luke.
Or, to be correct, Prince Lucerys.
"What happened to her, Y/N?" he asks out with concern, rushing to pull off the coat he was wearing and place it on top of your sister.
You weren't sure what to tell him; do you just answer and act normal as if there wasn't anything that went on between the two of you three years ago? Or do you ignore him, throw a tantrum, reject his offer of a helping hand?
"Y/N! What happened to her?!" You were snapped back to reality when Arrel was the one that asked you. Your eyes blinking erratically as you stammered through your words, telling them that it seemed Alaine caught a cold because of the rain.
"We have to bring her to the hut. Arrel, get some new clothes for her, the ones I bought, those are comfortable and warm enough for her." Luke instructs, your brother nodding as he runs off.
"What- Arrel! Help me bring Alaine there what are you doing!"
Luke sighs, obvious to him that you were ignoring him.
He grabs hold of Alaine's arm, helping her up with his hand on her hips. Despite not wanting to, you grabbed the other arm and proceeded to help your sister out of the boat. Choosing to set aside your pride for now.
"You should run inside. You're drenched! I will carry her." Luke says, stopping for a moment.
"No!" You yelled.
Luke huffs, rolling his eyes as he nods.
By the time you got to the hut, you had quickly finished dressing Alaine in a new set of clothes from her wardrobe, not taking the ones Arrel was handing you that were from Lucerys.
Arrel had brought in a pot with cold water, and you grabbed a towel and submerged it in cold water before folding it to place on top of Alaine's forehead. The younger woman was still shivering, even though her forehead was hot.
"Here," Luke joins, entering the open room with some liquid inside of a small cup.
You looked at him, confused. "This," he says, raising the cup. "It's tea. We can use it to make her sweat and get the cold out. We have to get the heat out of her body."
"I know how to treat a cold, Luke," you grumbled. Arrel is looking at you with an "are you serious" look. Another sigh leaves your lips. Arrel rolls his eyes and takes the tea from Luke.
You held the back of your sister's head up, helping Arrel and Luke as they tried to make her drink it. Making sure that none of the hot liquid falls on her. Alaine coughs loudly, grimacing at the taste.
When the two males get her to drink it all, you set her back down and wrap a blanket over her body. Letting her rest and sleep.
Hours passed by in such an awkward atmosphere. You were seating on the seat by the kitchen, quietly cutting an apple as Arrel assorted today's catch into different tubs. Luke was out for a bit, unclear to you what he was doing but all that you remembered was him borrowing a piece of parchment and some ink. After that, he stayed inside of the living room, right across from the open kitchen with Arrel in the middle.
Your youngest sibling suddenly stands up, informing you that he'll be taking them to the market and that he left some to cook for later.
"W-what, you're leaving now?" You stammered, eyes flicking over to Luke before snapping back to Arrel.
"Yes. I have to get these to the market. I have to buy some herbs and other food as well, some you can use for our dinner with Luke later-"
"I appreciate the thought, Arrel, but there is need not of an extra dinner. I can leave before dinner if needed-" It was Luke's turn to speak now.
Your lips go dry, Luke gulping, Arrel staring at the both of you weirdly.
Taking none of yours statements into account, he leaves the hut. Ignoring your empty threat.
That is why here you both were. Sitting in silence, not a word spoken, no stories of what happened in the other's life for the past years.
You lean back a bit, catching a glimpse of the sun setting so you stand up. Rubbing your hands on your hips. "I'll start cooking."
Luke was quick to stand as well, following your footsteps to the kitchen. "I can- I'll help!"
"No need. Sit."
"Nonsense. I used to cook for your family all the time." He says with a chuckle, an attempt in lightening up the atmosphere. "Used to, Luke. I'm sure your maids and cooks cook for you now, of course you'd forget how to grill and cook."
He grabs the small pail filled with fish, running outside and away from you.
Being the person that you are, you ran after him. Dashing out of the door while screaming his name, glaring at him. A smile draws on his lips as he runs near the shore, the weight of his clothes evidently wearing him down.
You shove him hard, gripping the padded shoulder of his shirt when you catch onto him. Luke laughs at that, acting as if he was getting hurt with each time you smacked his shoulder.
"Give me it; I'll cook," you demanded.
He calms down a bit, sealing his lips as he thinks for a second. Eventually, he hands you the pail with a small grin. "As long as you'll let me help."
Your eyes narrowed at him, and he walked away without a word. Luke catches up to you with no problem and sets out to walk beside you with his hands behind his back.
"I missed you, you know," he said. The sudden statement surprised you, a faint red hue threatening to show on your cheeks.
"I wrote to you many times," and you started to feel a bit apologetic. Remembering the times when a random raven flies to your hut, having a letter with Luke's signature? Speaking about how being with his family was weird but great,. He was still weird even after months, but he grew back into his family. Though he also missed staying in the hut, in his own little tent, grilling seafood at night for dinner.
"I didn't know you did," you lied.
You hear him scoff a bit: "I found my letters underneath your bed; Y/N. Arrel showed them to me."
And there it is. The nerve to apologize after being caught.
"I assume you have your reasons, and I respect that." He cuts off your train of thoughts, already assuring you when he sees the guilt strike your face.
"Forgive me," you said. "There is nothing to forgive, Y/N. I understand that we did not really leave each other on a good foot." He spoke with some sense of maturity, different from the one he already had way back.
You nod, pursing your lips.
The two of you remained silent, him watching as you prepped the fish, expertly using your knife quick and clean.
"So what brought you back here?" It was your turn to speak, opening up a conversation.
"I told you." He smiles at you. "I missed you."
You look away from him, acting as if you were looking for something, just to avoid him seeing your cheeks. The sun was still setting, and he would still be able to see the rosy stains on your cheeks from his reply.
"And the sea," he laughed, pointing at the waters. You laughed with him, and although it was forced, you tried your best not to. "Of course, the sea."
The rest of the conversation passed by awfully comfortably. It was like two childhood friends catching up about what happened in their lives. Loud laughs and playful remarks thrown here and there whenever one joked about something.
Arrel arrived, not really interrupting them when he did. Just simply walking inside the hut silently carrying some other already cooked food.
You remember one simple question that you had—something that was lingering in your head for the whole day ever since you saw him today. "What is it, my lady?"
"So, uh, how is life betrothed?" The response you got caught you off-guard.
Luke laughed. He laughed. Loudly. Not just a simple laugh; no, he was laughing hard.
You got thrown off by that, shaking your head and looking away. Focusing down on what you were cooking over the fire, as you just chose not to push on it. When he laughs at your name, you scowl. "What?!"
A loud roar cuts you both off, and your heart almost falls out of your ribcage when you see two big dragons flying in your direction. Your hand immediately comes over to grip Luke's arm, squeezing it as you point at the two creatures with fear on your face.
Compared to the pure fright on your face, Luke's face had relaxed as he recognized the two dragons despite the dark skies.
Both dragons flew above them, circling their little vicinity before the two dragons disappear for a few moments. Taking deep breaths, you slowly released your hold on his arm. A small smile appeared on his face as you went back to the clay pot hanging over the fire as if nothing had happened.
He followed you to your spot, ghosting over the fire as he watched you in silence. I watched the way your forehead creased in concentration, but the nibbling on your lips told him you were still irritated.
"I do not have a betrothed, my lady," he says the answer that was interrupted before.
"Rest her soul."
Luke shakes his head, "She is not dead. The betrothal was called off a few days after I returned."
"Oh!" you sigh, biting the inside of your cheek awkwardly at the piece of information. You didn't necessarily know what to do with the information but it certainly did lift a lot of weight off of your chest. "That is... unfortunate."
"Incredibly unfortunate," Luke echoes in the most monotone voice you ever heard. A deadpan look on his face.
You were about to take notice on that response of his when three figures appear behind him. I am walking towards the both of you. Luke, looking back as well, turns again to you but now with a genuine smile.
When they come closer, your breath hitches. It's Queen Rhaenyra with Prince Jacaerys and Joffrey.
"Your grace," you say, taking a knee and bowing to them. Luke glances at you as he does a shallow curtsy himself before he stretches his arms to hug his family.
"It is our honor to meet you, Lady Y/N. You are my son's savior," Rhaenyra reaches to shake your hand, a look of genuineness on her eyes. Jace and Joffrey reach as well, each taking turns saying their greetings.
"You praise me, your grace. I simply did what any normal person would do. It is more surprising and commendable that Prince Luke—" you pause, "Lucerys—managed to live through our impoverished, penniless—"
"Y/N." Luke stops you there, holding your arm with a frown. "You should not bring your family down. You guys have been more than welcoming and accommodating for me."
"I agree with Luke. It is us that are in debt to your hospitality. Without you, I do not think our family could have been complete again." Jace cuts in with a solemn smile.
Rhaenyra comes forward, glancing at your family's hut. "Oh, my parents are yet to come back from the town. My brother, Arrel, is also in the market for dinner—perfect!"
"I had just remembered. I will be able to cook a bigger dinner once he arrives."
"There is no need, dear. We have come here to express our gratitude for your hospitality to my son," Rhaenyra says softly. "May we?" You nod eagerly, opening the front door of your hut to welcome the unexpected family.
Luke tends to Alaine first, covering her with the curtain to provide her with some privacy as she is sleeping, before he happily accompanies his own brothers. Even telling Joffrey to start fanning the pit of fire while Jace skewered the fish. You and his mother having a cup of tea inside.
"You are all fishermen?"
You nod, "My mother and father deliver these seafood to King's Landing on occasion, which is why only us three are left here."
Rhaenyra hums, looking around. "Luke has told us all about this. According to him, he learned a lot more lessons on livelihood here than in King's Landing."
The two of you share laughters at that. "My apologies, your grace. My family—I included them—had not known of Luke—Prince Lucery's status so we had treated him as normal as we would any other person."
"There is no need to call him with such formalities. I am aware of the relationship you both share," Rhaenyra replies and you look at her awkwardly.
What even is this relationship that she speaks of? You weren't quite sure.
"There is no need to feel troubled, Y/N. If my son has yet to tell you, his—"
"Betrothal was called off," You finish for her. The Queen sends you a knowing look as she nods. The two of you comfortably sitting in silence.
A gasp disrupts the silence, "Oh my, your grace," Alaine's head falls to bow. Gulping as she looks at you with major confusion. You shrug discreetly, not knowing how to reply.
"This is Alaine. Our middle-born." Alaine does a curtsy with nervousness before Luke's call from outside echoes inside. "Mother! Y/N! Dinner is ready. Arrel has arrived back as well!" Luke yells from outside.
The three of them head back out to reveal the four boys getting along with each other. Arrel, despite being younger than the other three, is tallest and is the one ordering them around. They were fixing the plates and preparing the cooked meat.
Alaine had already run to the food as soon as she came out. You and Rhaenyra... still chatted.
"I know my son's attachment is heavy but I tell you this as a mother: all I want for Luke is happiness. He is to rule Driftmark after his grandfather. I figure it will be an incredibly burden, not to discredit your or..."
"Your grace, I do not know."
"Mother," Luke calls. The two of you turning to him. "You shan't pressure Y/N. Let us have supper."
Rhaenyra squeezes your hand as she sighs, nodding while pulling the both of you to where they were eating.
It was a rowdier but definitely cozier supper. Laughters and stories both from the sea and the castle were shared as if there weren't a barrier between their status—because to them, there weren't.
Luke was right beside you throughout supper. Comfortably jesting with your siblings and his. It was all too casual.
The two of you share a look at that moment, eyes staring longingly at each other. A smile comes onto your lips when you feel his hand slowly and softly creeping into your free hand. You glance at his hand, then at his face.
He's smiling at you. One that pulls at your heart again, just like before. Only this time, he's sure he won't be leaving you any time soon.
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my favorite halloween story has little to do with halloween but: once at a college costume party i met a post-grad student who grew up by the coast and came from a family of avid amateur (semi-professional? her mom regularly won tournament prize money) fishermen (fisherpeople?), with the result that she (the post-grad student) had grown up regularly eating fresh seafood multiple nights a week, that was the basic family meal, and when she got to college (hundreds of miles inland) suddenly fresh seafood was very hard to find (on a college student's budget) and she was so frustrated that in junior year (after she moved into a sorority house and had enough space) she concocted a plan to purchase her own aquarium specifically in order to farm/breed her own fresh seafood, and i'm assuming she was so gung-ho that she didn't do her research bc no sooner had she purchased an enormous aquarium off of [craigslist i'm assuming] than she discovered that local pet (aquarium? fish supply) stores either (1.) did not sell species of fish she was interested in eating, (2.) did sell fish she was interested in eating but they were tiny/would take too long to grow to a size worth eating, or (3.) sold fish-she-would-want-to-eat of a size-she-would-eat but at a price that made them more expensive than just going to the fish section of the local grocery store (((did she think they would be cheaper? and if so why buy an aquarium at all why not just buy and quickly consume the fish???))), or (4.) a combo nation of the 3.
But ANYWAY by this point she has already purchased the aquarium, so she goes ahead and buys some tiny fish of a species she was interested in consuming (i want to say guppies. i know they weren't guppies it was another species entirely, probably several different species, but in my headspace that detail has been overwritten with the label "[guppies]" so guppies it is). anyway the guppies don't look particularly delicious but she's observing them pretty often (multiple times a day) in order to track their growth, and soon she's regularly jotting down notes and calculating their caloric intake and predicted weight increase and she's tweaking the aquarium settings to facilitate growth and--basically she becomes an aquarium person. you know, those people who have an aquarium and are heavily mentally focused on the having and maintaining of said aquarium (often in a supposedly leisurely but also completely serious and sedately obsessive manner).
so she gets really into it, and is encouraged by her sorority sisters (who are having fun naming and making up back stories for all the different fishies), and yes i guess she also grows attached to the fish (but this isn't the story of a bunch of fish not getting eaten, ok, she doesn't eat those fish, those fish are no longer for eating, but she still eats plenty of fish whenever she gets the chance, at restaurants and at her parents' house i assume, fish are still being eaten, she does not end up a reformed former fish-eater). oh, and then she goes on to write her senior thesis (? or class thesis or. some final project paper thing) on the fish (or on her aquarium ecosystem? something to do with aquariums), and she decorates her graduation cardboard hat thing with a little finding nemo plushie sewn on.
*GASPS FOR BREATH* (no no wait. ***GULPS LIKE A GUPPY*** hah!) anyway this all happened several years before i even met this woman whose name i don't remember at a college halloween party, but the reason i know this backstory is we had both had too much halloween punch and i asked her "so what are you studying" and she started telling me about how she was in the final year of getting her PhD in Marine Conservation
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plantsjustwannahavefun · 11 months
I used to think that the reason I wasn't satisfied with Izzy's death was because I was too attached to his perspective as a character and couldn't focus on the big picture of the season and the main Gentlebeard relationship enough. I mean, I was still convinced that his death and the way it was carried out was a shit writing decision, but everyone else outside the Izzy Canyon circles seemed fine with it, so I was starting to think that maybe they were right.
So I looked back on the rest of the season and rewatched the finale... And realised something that I'd been trying to ignore because it was too painful to admit. A huge part of why Izzy's death hit so hard (in a bad way, not that delicious masochistic pain of having a beloved character die a good, narratively satisfying death) was because throughout this season he was the only character who actually had a satisfying arc and development. Practically no one else did. I didn't actually care for Gentlebeard this season, not the way I cared in S1. From episode 1 to 8 and a half, Izzy's arc was crafted with more care, kindness, subtlety and narrative weight than the main Gentlebeard arc which, in comparison, felt like a string of choppy beads badly tied together in an approximate shape of an arc, but collapsed as soon as you looked at it too closely.
Yes, we all know this season suffered for being 2 episodes too short, but I don't think that's all there is to it. This is starting to feel like GoT season 8 all over again. Would it have been better if it wasn't so rushed? Maybe. Or maybe it would have been even worse because this season just didn't seem to know what to do with itself or the characters. The themes and symbolism are all over the place and completely inconsistent. Ed and Stede's characters are practically back at the same place they left in S1. All they did was bounce off the walls back and forth with no real growth. As soon as they took a step towards fixing their relationship or growing as people, they either tool three steps back or it just got dropped. Stede letting fame get to his head? Interesting and realistic development. And how was it resolved? It wasn't. Stede and Ed being whim prone? I'm glad they brought it up. And then they just fell for another whim and it was presented as a satisfying ending.
Ed went from the Kraken, to taking the first steps towards being Ed, then suddenly all the way to being Ed by way of a Night of Magical Healing Sex that he he didn't actually want to happen because he wasn't ready. And then all of a sudden he pivoted to abandoning Stede and piracy and becoming a fisherman... for 5 min. And then back to Blackbeard again because two fishermen were mean to him for 5 minutes. And then abandoning it again to open an inn. How was any of this even remotely coherent or satisfying? They didn't even have a single conversation about any of it. Ed had more proper closure and communication with Izzy during his dying scene than with Stede and the rest of the crew put together. Izzy's arc got sacrificed to do the heavy lifting for Ed's arc and became nothing more than a shortcut to speed run his character growth. Except it didn't even lead anywhere. "Ed, they're your family, they love you" no they don't, he didn't even have a single positive conversation with any of them except Fang. Of course this could have been the point, and Ed could have seen Izzy's death, his own discovery of found family and his dying words as a pretext to repair his relationship with the crew. But he just left them and stayed with Stede instead.
Sure, you could say this was only the second act of the story, and S3 will resolve everything. But the second act is still meant to move the story and the characters forward in some way. Yes, of course if we get S3, I imagine Stede and Ed's life as innkeepers won't exactly be idyllic. But the problem is that the conflicts they'd have will only be a rehash and repeat of the same conflicts they've already have, or were supposed to have, this season. Multiple times, even. We already know that Ed is simply unable to live with himself no matter what life he chooses. The title of S1 was literally "wherever you go, there you are". We already know Stede's love isn't enough to fix him. We already know their goals in life are completely opposite. Maybe they could have shown Stede realising, after his humiliating in S7, that piracy wasn't all it was cracked up to be or he isn't suited for it, and that's why he chose to leave it behind and open an inn, but that's not the explanation we were given. It was just another whim. They literally didn't learn anything this season. They had two baby conversations in E4 and E5 and didn't take anything from it, just kept doing the complete opposite of anything. "We're both prone to whims, let's take things slow" became "let's take things extremely fast by moving in together permanently and becoming entrepreneurs". They never talked about the actual, deepseated, longstanding trauma issues they needed to resolve before they could even begin to have a proper relationship. They literally got a heavy-handed glimpse in what their life would become if they just stuck together without addressing their own personal issues, and chose to do that very thing. It that's what S3 is going to address, then why were Anne and Mary part of this season instead of the next one?
I remember everyone saying they wanted Ed and Stede to reunite as quickly as possible in S2, and I get why. They have great chemistry together. The season is about them. But for it to work, spending more time apart is exactly what they needed. They needed to learn how to live with themselves and others, first. Romantic love alone can't fix you as a person. You have to fix yourself first. Community can help (as with Izzy's case), but you still have to put in the work. In retrospect, I'm glad that Izzy didn't get a love interest this season - because he wasn't ready yet, and had to learn how to have normal relationships and friendships with other people before attempting an intimate romantic relationship, lest he ended up falling head first unit another toxic mutually dependent relationship. That's what Stede and Ed should have tried too. Instead the show just ended up using Izzy's death as a quick surgical fix, robbing Ed of his agency and having to do the hard work repairing himself and his relationships with other people. There's a sad irony in getting exactly one character's arc just this, and then using it as a sacrificial lamb to patch over the main character's arc.
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zekie78 · 9 months
Platonic Yandere Strawhats finding a abandoned child and taking them in
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You were drifting, you were cold and you only asked in a low voice where your parents were, this was just going to be a normal day ... A normal fishing
This day was a sunny day, your father told you that they were going fishing just beyond the reef, as there was a big herd of fish coming in for the season, so you, your mother and father ventured out to sea, beyond the reef. Everything was fine until suddenly a storm suddenly caught you (the changing weather of the Grand Line).Since your family were fishermen for obvious reasons from an early age, you were taught to swim and fish.
So in the blink of an eye you were in a storm and your boat, being very small, only needed a wave to hit it and break it, you felt from one second to another the water, one second more your mother screaming, your father under water and the other .... You were alone
But while you were crying not seeing your parents you saw in the distance a boat approaching, you couldn't distinguish which boat it was because of the storm so you just tried to scream for help and fell down in a faint.Again and again you heard your mother's scream , your father under the water .... And the boat was like a loop everything was going on until suddenly you woke up.
All of a sudden you saw that you were in a bed , you looked around and saw things that would belong to a doctor , you sat on the bed and even with the sound of the sea raging in your ears , you pressed the sheet but everything would pass when you heard that the door y open and Into a "Racoon?"
Then - "I'm not a raccoon, I'm a reindeer" from the already located by Chooper entrel to see you, from one moment to another 9 more people were in the room, several men, a couple of women, a skeleton and a very large man and metal. That's when they began to introduce themselves and ask you what had happened and why they had found you on the high seas before answering, you started to cry because you remembered once again the accident and the storm, which everyone noticed but you felt hands coming out of god knows where and started to wipe away your tears. After that you introduced yourself as "Y/N" and you were 10 years old. Even after that explanation you were fed by perhaps the best cook, the man Brook played the most energetic tunes to get you out of your depression.
And so began your life with the straw hats Luffy is like your big brother and you always played with him , Ussop and Chooper you liked his attitude but there were times when he played with your cheeks , squeezed them and hugged you after that.
Zoro on the other hand was Tough as he would always come in but for strange reason he wanted you there with him or watching him or teaching you some moves, all well and good. But the weird thing is when you were sitting and before he took his nap, he would take you and sit you on his lap and hug you like a cuddly toy.
With Ussop you always knew he was lying, but sometimes he would start to say some words that you didn't like -" I can't believe that in a moment you would want to leave, without us you wouldn't be able to come".
Nami well, at the age of 10 years old you already owed more than 10 thousand berry and you didn't know why "-Ransom fee, fee but membership, not because you are a kid you are saved"- that changed when you were next to her drawing whatever, while she was on her maps but sometimes she looked at you and asked her to be the one to keep your drawings which she didn't do and took it with her. Robin so that it would not be seen as an attempt to leave the ship and it shows in the drawings.
With Brook you only hung out with him when you were feeling depressed and asked him to play you a song to relax you. Franky is the one you had the most fun with, his encouragement, that he always wanted to get you involved in his work made you smile and so on. Robin, with her you got on a maternal side , it was her who was going to wake you up for tomorrow and it was her who sent you to sleep..... The strange thing is that she always wants to see your drawings, to know what you think and you always know that she is watching you because you want to be alone and you see an eye on the wall, to know what you are going to do, everything about you, something that was supported by the captain.Since they all knew one thing By a miracle they got that gift, tender, small, perfect influencer How would you let go of your adorable child
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heavenlymorals · 3 months
Biblical References in the RDR Games: Part 2
You guys seemed to LOVE my original biblical references post for Red Dead so I am here to post some more because there are SO MANY. And like before, I am aware that some of these may be complete reaches, but it's my blog and I do what I want 🙃
Enjoy babes ❤️
@headersandheelers @secretcheesecakenacho Since you guys wanted to get tagged ❤️🤭
Arthur and Dutch mirror Moses and Pharaoh in chapter six. Arthur begs Dutch to let his "chosen" go, who are the people who he believes have a chance in living without the baggage of the gang (the women and John and his family). Dutch refuses to let them go, which creates the biggest conflict in chapter 6.
Arthur kicking out Strauss gives me heavy Matthew 21:12-14. Basically, Jesus kicks out loan sharks and sellers from a temple designated as a house of worship where people can be helped. Their presence destroyed the sanctity and the purity of the temple. Both the gang and the temple existed originally to help folks, but the presence of people like loan sharks destroy that original mission. So yes, Arthur kicking out Strauss is a parallel to Jesus kicking out the loan sharks from the temple.
The color for high honor is blue while the color for low honor is red. Blue in the bible is very often associated with heaven and God. Red in the bible represents the flesh that humans are trapped in during their time on earth, which can then correlate back to sin and violent.
Micah was a prophet in the bible who is most known for predicting the fall Jerusalem. Micah in the game also predicts the fall of the gang in the sense that he was the one who caused it. The name Micah also means he who is like God, so the irony is kinda funny.
John being able to see the cracks in the gang before many of the other characters could very well be a reference to this passage: "For you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free" - John 8:32. Abigail in RDR also says this which is a reference to this passage: "You knew the truth, John. And they hated you for it."
Just another passage that reminds of Arthur's redemption and the whole searching for peace thing: "Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it" Psalm 34:14
The mission "A Fisher of Men" is a reference to Matthew 4:18-20. "While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him." Of course, beyond just the action of fishing with Jack, this is also a parallel to Arthur's empathetic yet still firm style of talking to Jack. "It's about time you earned your keep." "You got to stick at things, Jack."
The mission "The Sheep and the Goats." In Matthew 25:31-46, it describes how God will separate people in two groups. The "sheep" will inherit heaven and the "goats" will be damned. You can connect that to the gang as well. The sheep are the ones who leave Dutch while the goats stay with him and become damned or a shameful version of who they once were.
Also note in the epilogue how John says he doesn't like goats and chooses sheep as the first animals to raise on his ranch. That could also connect to Matthew 25:31-46.
The mission name "Do Not Seek Absolution" is really interesting to me because it's the first biblical mission name that could either be a reference to scripture, which I'm thinking Deuteronomy 12:13 in the sense that one shouldn't offer their praise or worship to false gods who won't answer prayers (think Arthur and Dutch and how Arthur was still following Dutch after the gang lost it's original image) or a rejection ofa the Christian mindset of the time. Absolution is the idea of the promise of having your sins forgiven by God. It might be saying that Arthur should try to redeem himself by his action towards the person rather than his guilt towards a higher power.
Molly getting burnt rather than having a funeral is less a biblical detail but more a cultural detail. Though cremation wasn't really condemned in the Bible, the passages about being buried in the ground or in tombs was the people's standards in how they wanted their dead body to be handled due to religious reasoning. Whether or not Molly is Protestant or culturally Catholic (I lean the latter), the fact that Grimshaw asks for her body to be burnt just adds so much more weight to how cruelly traitors of the gang were dealt with
Love this stuff sm
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chloesolace · 10 months
My Tears Ricochet - Ascended!Astarion x Reader
summary: You helped Astarion ascend, not knowing what consequences this would have for your future together. After the changes become more and more noticeable, you realize you have to undo this mistake
pairing: Ascended!Astarion x Reader
word count: 1.7k
warnings: angst, light gore, major character death
a/n: I am back from the dead with an Astarion story <3 At the moment, I won't be taking requests so I can focus on my bachelor's and family as we're going through a bit of a rough time, but I will be uploading a Taylor Swift series here and there. Essentially, I'll write multifandom one-shots inspired by Taylor's songs to get back into writing. When my situation improves, I'll open my requests again! And don't forget to join my Discord server if you wanna be kept up to date with my writing
Masterlist - Discord Server - Request Info - Taylor Swift Series
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We gather here We line up weeping in a sunlit room And if I'm on fire You'll be made of ashes, too
You stared at your hands. Your skin was dry were blood did not cover it, your nails dirty. There was a faint scream in the distance, but all you could hear was the loud ringing in your ears. It felt hard to breathe, as if you had to force out every single breath and keep reminding your body to suck the air in and push it back out of your lungs. It smelled metallic, and it made you sick. 
The clock to your right ticked away time you forgot you had. The ticking was, in fact, the only thing reminding you that time was still passing. Your muscles were frozen, unable to move as even the slightest twitching of your fingers felt stiff and forced. 
The shutting of a door made you jump, and you instinctively wrapped your hands around the armrests of the chair you were sitting on, smearing blood all over the dark wood. You looked up in the direction of the sound, and found your lover entering the foyer, humming a triumphant tune as a thin trail of blood ran down the corner of his mouth. When he spotted you, his lips formed a grin. 
“My love,” he said, flashing those pointy fangs at you. Astarion raised one hand toward you, a silent order for you to stand up and take it, but you remained seated, hands still wrapped around the chair. Silently, you looked at him. 
He waited a few seconds, his gloved fingers flexing in annoyance as you did not comply. “My love,” he repeated with a more assertive tone this time, and when you still did not react, his red eyes narrowed. 
“Get up, dammit,” he said through pressed teeth, emphasizing every word while his outstretched hand took on the form of a claw. You felt your breath quicken, something he no doubt noticed as well. 
You tried to ignore the shiver that ran down your spine as you stood, wiping your hands on your trousers while you approached him cautiously. Keeping your eyes locked with him so he wouldn't notice the way your hand shook, you placed it into his and withstood his gaze with a raised chin. 
The moment your hand landed in his, he abruptly pulled you towards him, digging the fingers of his free hand into your shoulder. His lips were near your ear, and you could smell the same metallic scent tainting his breath which had invaded your nose as you looked at your hands before. 
“You come when you are called,” he hissed, digging his fingers deeper into your flesh. “How does it look to our subjects when I cannot even control my consort?”
You swallowed, only barely managing to meet his gaze when he pulled away, keeping his hand wrapped around yours. You forced a smile, your eyes glassy. 
“Of course, beloved. I apologize.” Your voice did not shake, and you were proud of that, yet you could not help the faint jump as Astarion took a strand of your hair and twirled it between his fingers. 
“The fishermen have sworn their loyalty to us,”he proclaimed, any hint of anger gone from his voice. “I only had to drain three of their blood for them to comply, but I believe it certainly left an impression.” 
“You always had a thing for theatrics,” you replied, your voice void of emotion. “If it is one thing you know how to do, it is how to leave a lasting impression.” 
Astarion laughed at that, briefly touching your cheek. It was a soft gesture, almost as soft as he had been with you that night after Moonrise Towers when you were badly injured and he had tended to your wounds. 
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to suffocate the memory. 
“I am an expert in quite a lot of things, my dear.” He laughed again as he turned his back on you, finally wiping the blood from his chin. He tasted it once more, reveling in the sweet taste. It made you sick to know this was the blood of innocents. 
“Tomorrow night you will know the sweet taste of blood. You will drink from my wrist as if it were the most precious goblet, carrying the most exquisite of wines. For a moment, you will know no greater luxury,” he proclaimed before his voice dropped an octave and he turned back around, wrapping an arm around your waist. “That is, before you taste yourself on me, of course.”
Weeks ago, this would have excited you. But now, knowing that you had little choice in the matter, it turned your stomach. You stared into his eyes, a shade of crimson that you had learned to love in the most unconditional ways, and yet now their weight seemed to almost crush you. There was no spark of the man you once knew, he merely bore his face like a mask, grotesque in the way it gives you comfort while stripping you of it in every way. 
“I should rest,” you said, laying your hand over his in an attempt to break physical contact, but still trying to make the touch feel loving to him. “Today tired me. I don't have the benefits of vampiric endurance yet.” 
“Emphasis on yet. Soon, you will.” 
You smiled faintly. You saw in his eyes that he thought you were merely saying goodbye to your mortality, but you would never think of it. You would rather flee this palace and Baldur’s Gate and never return to this wretched city. Your Astarion, the old Astarion, would have never expected you to become his spawn, not after the pain he had experienced as a spawn himself. How it had made him a puppet, ready to do his master’s bidding at any given moment. This was not love, and though it was hard to accept, you recognized it now; it was obsession. 
You brought yourself to plant a soft kiss on his cheek, inhaling his scent as you closed your eyes and pretended you were still in that camp, celebrating your victory for the tieflings, with wine and laughter at every corner. It was the first night you had spent with him, reduced to a bittersweet memory that had burned itself into the back of your mind. 
That night, you waited in your chambers on the bed, the soft silk sheets beneath you feeling luxurious and comforting. A single flame danced between your fingers, which you had produced to warm yourself. The Szarr palace was not doing much to shield a mere mortal like you from the coldness of the night, but you knew how to help yourself. Magic had never failed you before. 
Your gaze fell upon the window in front of you, pressing your lips together in a fine line. It would have been easy to break it and flee, but he was not easy to trick. He would hunt you down, you were sure of it. 
Without warning, he entered your shared chambers, sighing deeply as he shut the door behind him. Astarion was wearing a dark red bathing robe, and his silver hair was slightly wet. There was no sign of blood when he let the robe fall to the floor, and an image of the red liquid forming tendrils in clear water crossed your mind, but you only blinked the mental picture away. 
When his eyes locked with yours, he smiled as if you were a special dessert he had been looking forward to all day. Astarion crawled on top of the bed before he came to a halt before you. Though he was kneeling on the sheets, you still felt smaller than him. You knew that to him, you would always be just that. 
“There you are, darling,” he said in a low voice, pulling you closer towards him as he buried a hand in your hair, softly massaging your scalp. “My little treat.” 
You blinked the tears away and tried to ignore how fast your heart was beating as you placed a hand on his cheek, cold skin meeting your palm. “Hello, Astarion,” you whispered, smiling at him as tears blurred your vision. 
“Do not be afraid,” he reassured you, but it did not sound sincere. His hand dropped from your hair to your chin, where he trapped it between two fingers and forced you to look at him. “You will awaken as a creature of the night. Mine and mine only.”
You sniffled, brushing a strand of hair out of his face, eyes flickering between his. In his irises, you saw the blood of those brave enough to withstand his tyrannical reign. You could have sworn they had deepened in color, too. 
“When I asked you if you were still the same Astarion, you said that you were,” you began, and the grin faded from his lips. “But that is not true. You changed. I wanted to give you everything you ever yearned for, I wanted to give you the whole world. But I failed to see that what you wanted would ruin you. I should have believed that I was enough to make you happy. I wish I could have believed that.” Your voice broke, but you saw the anger in his eyes, so you quickly continued. “You already had a dream. I only wish that instead of his power, that dream would have been me.” 
Hot tears fell down your cheeks as you finished, and before Astarion could even reply, you stood and spoke the words you would regret for the rest of your life. Almost immediately, a ray of light so bright appeared, that you had to shield your eyes for a moment. His screams penetrated your ears as the smell of burned flesh forced its way into your nose. You lowered your arms when your eyes got used to the brightness, possibly only thanks to your affinity to magic, and you immediately regretted having looked at him; his wide-eyed stare was fixed on you, and his face turned into a grimace of pain and agony. 
You sank to your knees on the floor as you watched him get weaker and weaker until the screaming stopped and his body lay motionless on the floor. He had fallen from the bed when he tried to get away from you. 
It was now your screams that filled the room, pressing your hands to your heart as you felt it physically ache. You had just saved countless lives and kept families together who would never thank you or even know about this sacrifice. And yet, it felt as if you had killed a part of yourself in the process.
You had to kill me but it killed you just the same Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet
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sailor-aviator · 1 year
Fool's Fare: Chapter One
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Fool's Fare: Chapter One
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it.
Trigger Warnings: Alcohol, Jake Seresin, suggestive language, fear of abandonment. I think that's it?
Word Count: 2.87k
A/N: Wasn't sure I was going to post again tonight, but here we are! Not sure I'm going to post a fic update tomorrow, but I might work on some drabbles and post some of the asks sitting in my inbox. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated. 18+ ONLY!! You can find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The cool, night breeze twisted its way through the door of the crowded pub as a group of patrons exited, offering the briefest relief to your clammy skin as you busied yourself behind the bar. Patrons crowded around the various tables, some laughing in the open while others crowded in the dark shadows of the corners. Your regulars were easy to spot, most of them fishermen. Their carefree attitudes set them apart from the strangers passing through who kept themselves closed off and guarded in an unfamiliar places.
“Y/n!” Called Tom, one of your regulars. He had been a good friend to your father, having known him from his early fishing days. Tom had done well for himself, having been able to put enough money away to buy his own ship - the Iceman. “How’s about another ale!”
“Coming, Captain!” you hollered over at him jovially, already moving to grab a fresh glass. You had always liked the old captain, and had considered him to be a part of your family growing up. When your parents had died, he had seen to it personally that you were taken care of and that Bradley was able to secure steady work on the various shipping vessels that docked on your shores. “Where’s Rooster?”
“Should be coming along soon, I suspect,” Tom smiled warmly. Bradley had been picking up different odd jobs as of late, his latest one being aboard the Iceman loading and unloading cargo. He had been dodging your questions about it as of late, and you had started to wonder if he was up to something.
“He’s going to work himself into an early grave,” you grumbled, sliding the glass of ale down to the captain who caught it easily. “He won’t even tell me what he’s doing all of these jobs for.”
“I’m sure he has his reasons,” mused Tom, lifting the glass up to his lips to take a swig. “He probably doesn’t want you to worry.”
“He’s worrying me by not saying anything,” you countered, leaning against the bar. At that moment, the pub door swung open, and an exhausted looking Bradley stumbled through. You rounded the bar to help him sit down as he staggered onto a stool. “Bradley, for heaven’s sake!”
“Think you can get me an ale, Guppy?” he asked, rubbing at the bags under his eyes. The tips of his ears and nose were seared pink from hours spent in the intense sun, and you frowned at him.
“What you need is sleep,” you countered, but Bradley shook his head, fixing you with tired, pleading eyes.
“Please?” he asked again, softer this time. You sighed, moving back behind the bar and pouring him a draft before sliding it over to him. He grabbed it, raising it up in a silent cheers before tossing his head back with a long swig.
“Easy, lad,” Tom frowned, watching the young man as he took another long pull from his glass. Bradley set his drink down, absentmindedly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Another,” he told you, but you shook your head.
“No, absolutely not,” you scowled as the furrow between his eyes deepened. “You need to go home and rest, Bradley.”
“She’s right, lad,” Tom started, twisting in his seat to face the younger man. “You’ll work yourself into an early grave if you’re not careful.”
“I’m fine,” Bradley muttered, resting his head against the palm of his hand. Tom gave him a wry smile before clapping his hand on the other man’s shoulder. He shot you a wink before getting up to join his crew that was gathered on the opposite side of the room. You watched him go before turning back to look at Bradley with a frown.
“C’mon, Roos,” you prodded, leaning your head down so you could meet his gaze that was fixed on the bartop. “Tell me what you’re up to.”
“Nothin’” he grumbled unconvincingly. You rolled your eyes with a purse of your lips.
“I’m having a hard time believing you,” you sniped, snatching the glass away from him. Without another word to him, you poured another ale and offered it to him. He took it, offering a small smile. He met your even gaze just long enough for you to see the flash of guilt that flitted in his eyes. “What was that?”
“What was what?” he asked, taking a small sip from his glass.
“Why do you look guilty?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bradley Bradshaw,” you hissed, eyes blazing, “I have known you for twenty years now. Either you tell me what you’re up to right now, or I will personally see to it that you won’t be able to get another job for a month.”
“Alright,” he winced, setting the glass down and finally meeting your stare. “You have to promise me you won’t yell.”
You scoffed. “Are you twelve?”
“Guppy, promise me,” he insisted, hazel eyes pleading with you. You studied him another moment before sighing.
“Alright, fine.”
“I’m leaving.”
“You’re what?” you shrieked, causing some of the patrons to turn to the two of you as Bradley hissed at you to be quiet.
“You promised you wouldn’t be mad.”
“That was before you told me you were leaving,” you snapped. “Where are you even going to go?”
“I don’t know yet,” he admitted, leaning back. “Still need to find a crew that will take me on long-term.”
You stayed silent, watching him with furious eyes. After a couple of beats, you turned to walk back around the bar. “Caroline, I’m leaving.”
She waved after you, moving to tend to some patrons on the opposite end of the bar. Bradley watched you walk away with wide eyes before getting up to stumble after you. You flung the door of the pub open before setting off with a brisk pace down the road.
You ignored the man behind you, tears starting to gather in your eyes.
The tears began to fall, the trails they left behind on your cheeks turning to ice in the cool, night air. You turned to walk down to the beach past the docks. How could he drop that bomb shell on you? How could he keep that hidden from you in the first place? Your anger only served to cover up the true emotion you tried your hardest to ignore. Betrayal.
“Y/n, please,” Bradley begged, his long legs having helped him catch up to you by now. You stopped in your tracks, feet sliding into the sand beneath you as you whirled around. You shoved Bradley with all of your strength, shock at the unexpected movement being the only reason stumbled back at all.
“How could you?” you cried, tears falling quicker and your breath coming out shallower as you fought to keep your composure. “How could you just plan to leave me?”
“It’s not like that,” he started, but you shook your head.
“Don’t lie to me, Bradley,” you seethed, hands now clenched at your sides. “Don’t. I deserve the truth. Were you even going to say goodbye to me, or were you just going to vanish one day?”
“Of course not,” he murmured, staring at you with eyes once again pleading with you. “I would never do that to you. You know that.”
“I thought I knew you well enough to know that you wouldn’t leave,” you shot back, causing Bradley to wince. “Guess I don’t know as much as I thought I did.”
“Y/n,” he sighed, running a hand over his face and looking out at the ocean. He seemed to be mulling over his words. “It wouldn’t be forever.”
“That makes me feel so much better,” you laughed humorlessly.
“It wouldn’t be forever,” he continued, giving you a pointed look. “It would only be until I earned enough to buy my own ship.”
“You can do that here,” you argued, but Bradley shook his head with a small, empty laugh.
“I can’t,” he said. “I’ve barely earned enough these past weeks to live off of for a month out at sea. I’d be buried in the ground before I earned enough to buy a ship, and you know that.”
You couldn’t argue. You knew he was right, and you knew that this was not the life he had dreamed of. He had dreamed of going off with your father on one of his many voyages before the sea had claimed him. It had been years, but the pain of his and your mother’s passing still felt fresh in your heart.
You saw how Bradley looked longingly out at the sea when he thought you weren’t looking, or how he always looked happiest standing on the deck of a boat. No, Bradley was meant for a life at sea, and you knew it. You just never thought he would leave you behind.
“It won’t be forever,” he says again, moving to put his hands on your shoulders, bending down so he was eye level with you. “And when I earn enough money to buy my own ship, I’ll come back for you.”
“That could be years,” you croaked, your voice barely above a whisper. Bradley sucks in a breath before slowly nodding.
“You’re right,” he conceded, wiping the tears from your cheek.
“What if you forget about me?”
Bradley huffed out a laugh before drawing you into his arms. He hugged you tightly, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “How could I forget my baby sister? Besides, I think you’d swim across the ocean to find me if I ever forgot about you.”
You huffed a laugh, wrapping your arms around him. “You’re probably right.”
“‘Course I am,” he chuckled, pulling away from you. “Now, c’mon. It’s freezin’ out here, and I’m exhausted.”
You allowed him to lead you up the hill to your shared home. He left a chaste kiss to the top of your head before wishing you goodnight. As you lay in bed that night, you obsessed over the one question you had refused to allow yourself to ask him down at the beach. What if the sea claimed him too?
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The following night, you found yourself back behind the bar of the pub. You had heard snippets of chatter amongst the locals about an unknown ship that had docked on your shores.
“I don’t like the look of’em,” Tom had told you and Bradley as he sat at the bar. A lull in the crowd had granted you a moment to stop and talk with the two of them.
“Why’s that?” you asked. He frowned.
“When you get to be my age,” he grumbled, “you can start to pick out the rotten sorts from just a glance.”
Before you could respond, the pub door swung open, hitting the wall with a thud. All three of you turned to see a large group step through the doorway and into the warm glow of the lantern filled room. A blond man stood at the front of the group, lips curled into a confident smirk. You noted the handsome features of him and his companions, and you knew the other women in the room had as well due to the scattered giggles from around the room.
“That’s them,” Tom mumbled, taking another sip of his ale.
The blond scanned his eyes across the room before catching sight of you at the bar. A twinkle of intrigue shone in his eyes as he began to saunter over to you, his crew dispersing to find a table to sit at. You shot a weary glance at Tom before moving to meet the tall stranger on the opposite side of where Bradley sat.
“Evenin’” you greeted with a polite smile. “What can I get you?”
The man looked you over with lick of his lips. “An ale, and your company if you’re offerin’ that too.”
You felt your cheeks grow warm. It wasn’t the first time a patron had made a pass at you, but it was the first time a patron was that devilishly handsome. “The ale, I can get you, but I’m not in the habit of entertaining sailors.”
“Shame,” the stranger grins, watching as you pour his drink. You hand it to him, and you feel a shiver run up your spine as his fingers graze yours. “Would have been nice to have someone as pretty as you in my bed tonight.”
You saw Bradley’s jaw tick from the corner of your eye, and you shot him a warning glance. This part of your job wasn’t new, and you had long since learned how to handle yourself in these situations.
“I believe there are more than a couple of girls over there who would be willing to warm your bed tonight, Mr…?”
“Seresin,” he said with a cheeky grin. “Jake Seresin. And I’m not interested in having anyone but you, pretty girl.”
“Well, then it looks like your bed will go cold tonight after all,” you said to him. Bradley snorted, trying to cover it with a cough, but Jake ignored him.
“Seresin,” Tom grunted, causing all three of you to look at him. He shook his head, and turned to glare at Jake. “I’ve heard of you. You’re a pirate.”
The conversation died in the pub as everyone turned to look at your little group by the bar. Jake’s easy grin never faltered as he stared back at Tom.
“Pirate is such a nasty word,” he drawled, taking a sip of his ale. “I prefer the term…liberator.”
“Whatever you call it, you have no business here,” Tom snapped.
“I beg to differ, my friend,” Jake countered, moving to stand. Turning to the rest of the room, he stated, “I’m looking for men to join my crew. You keep what you can carry with you. If you’re interested, come see me.”
And with one final glance at you, he sauntered off towards the back of the room where his crew had taken up purchase.
“Pirates?” you asked, looking at Tom hesitantly. He shook his head and got up to go join his own crew in the corner. You peered at Bradley from the corner of your eye. He studied the rim of his glass as he stroked it thoughtfully.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked him. He jumped as your words pulled him from his train of thought.
“Nothing,” he said quickly, refusing to meet your gaze. You studied him him for a moment until you saw the quick glance he threw towards the back of the room.
“No,” you snapped, causing him to finally meet your gaze. “Absolutely not.”
“What?” he scowled, but you fixed him with a glare and a finger pointed into his chest.
“Don’t even think about it,” you hissed in warning. Bradley glared right back at you before hopping off his stool and strutting towards the crew at the back. You scrambled around the bar after him. You closed the distance just as he stopped in front of Jake.
“I want to join your crew,” he stated. Jake looked at him with an amused look, eyes flickering to you as you pulled on Bradley’s arm so that he faced you.
“Bradley, don’t,” you begged.
“Y/n, enough,” he snapped down at you, taking you aback. His eyes softened as you looked up at his broad frame with hurt bewilderment. He let out a long sigh, running a hand through his sandy brown locks. He looked back at you before continuing. “Don’t you see, Guppy? This is my chance. If I don’t go now, who knows when I’ll get another opportunity to leave and make my fortune.”
“Roo, you’re my brother. I can’t let you do this,” you pleaded, taking his hand in yours. You willed him to listen to you, but it was no use.
“I’ve made my decision, Guppy,” he said. You couldn’t stop the flash of hurt you knew passed over your face as Bradley turned back to the captain. You looked around at the other patrons desperately before settling your eyes on Tom. He was already looking at you with a solemn expression, shaking his head.
“Sign here,” Jake instructed, pointing to the piece of parchment he had rolled out onto the table. Bradley obeyed, scratching his name in quick strokes to the bottom. You felt the tears start to run down your face before you could stop them. You couldn’t stop anything, it seemed. Bradley straightened and turned to look at you. The two of you stared at one another for several moments before you turned on your heel and stormed away from him.
That night, as you lay in bed, you dreamed of the sea. You dreamed of blue and green swirling around you as you struggled to breath. You dreamed of splintering wood and echoed shrieks that were drowned out by thundering waves. You dreamed of strange creatures that lurked the deep as they waited for their next meal. You dreamed of golden hair and cocky smirks as they taunted you beneath the waves. You dreamt of a cold, calloused hand that pulled you under until the surface was nothing but a distant memory.
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dira333 · 6 months
If I’m not too late for the most recent game I’m going to say Kisame 24!
The plotbunny game is always ongoing, so there's never a "too late"! Thanks for calling in!
Your prompt: Lonely water, won't you let us wander (how fitting!)
Lonely Water - Kisame x Reader
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The ground is slick from recent rain as you run, the mist swallowing all color.
"Wait for me!" You call out with the annoyance only a five-year-old can muster, "Kisame!!"
"You're too slow!" He grinds out only moments later when his arm shoots out from your right, pulling you down a narrow alley.
"I'm not!"
"Are too!"
You huff and try to step on his foot, but he moves out of the way just in time.
“Come on,” he grumbles, clearly annoyed, “We’re going to be late.”
It’s not easy growing up in Kirigakure. But it helps to be a child, quick on your feet and small enough to get into all the spaces grown-ups can no longer slip through.
There’s work at the docks for children, but you have to come at the right time and know the right people if you want to keep the money that you earn.
Kisame’s good at that. He’s taller than most of the children your age, so he’s not good for most of the work, but the fishermen are afraid of him and the Shinobi let him get away with almost everything. 
“Here,” he pushes you toward one of the older ships, “I’ll pick you up in an hour.”
There used to be a time when your father didn’t want you playing with Kisame. Back then you still had money, a nice house, and people working for you instead of the other way around. But father got into fights with the wrong people. One day he just never came home.
“What’s a nice girl like you doing at the docks?” The guy asking has no teeth left. His gums have turned grey and his eyes have turned cold. You press yourself against the walls, well aware of the small sum of money that’s hidden in your pocket. The captain of this ship pays fairly, even though it’s never enough for the amount of work, never enough for the rising prices.
“Hands of my girl!” Kisame snarls from behind you, teeth bared. The threat is effective.
He guides you down the dock and up the streets, through the market where you buy a loaf of discounted bread and a few small fish. It eats up most of your earnings, but Kisame’s hand is warm around yours, his grip strong and self-assured. Everything will be okay.
- - -
The rich women of Kirigakure love their luxuries. Expensive dresses, expensive food, and, most importantly, cosmetics made from the finest ingredients.
It had been Kisame’s idea to get you into a pharmacy family when you didn’t show any signs of talent for the Shinobi traits. 
You’re good at this kind of work, and it pays well. Well, enough to feed Kisame and you. If he keeps rising in the ranks like this, making more and more with each mission, there might be something like a future for the two of you. If he thinks like that of you, that is?
You’ve barely turned sixteen when he steals you from your bedroom one night, whisks you out of the village in a heartbeat. He’s gotten taller, broader in the shoulders, wears a proud smirk even when there’s nothing to be proud about - you’ve heard about the Chunin Exams. “Where are we going?” You ask, breathless. He’s too handsome for his own good, his light can’t be dimmed by neither nightfall nor mist.
“To the water.” He urges until you hit the shore, freezing cold water running over your toes.
“What’s going on?” You ask, hand curling around his. You don’t want him to let go. But he does.
“Nothing,” he insists, looking up at the stars, “I just can’t breathe properly in the village. I need to be out of that damned mist.”
You laugh. “You’re lying. Something’s up.”
He grins at that. “Fine, you caught me. I got promoted.”
“Really?!” You press your hands to your lips before they can do foolish things, like take a hold of him.
“Really! I’m working directly under Fuguki! If everything goes well, I might be a member of the Seven Swordsmen too, soon.”
“And then?” You ask, regretting the words the moment they spill from your lips.
“What do you mean?” Confusion draws over his face like clouds over the moon. 
“I-I mean, I… what do you plan to do… when you reach that?”
“Well, be rich and famous, I guess.” He shrugs. “I don’t know how much they’re paid per mission, but I guess if I saved a little, it wouldn’t be too hard to buy a house. You could come by and cook for me then.”
Something cold and uncomfortable wedges itself into your heart. Your lips move on their own again.
“Wouldn’t I live with you then?” 
You’re painfully reminded that Kisame is a Shinobi. He freezes, face completely still, but you know his mind is running a mile a minute just by the way he fixates on you. That’s how he used to look at the fishermen, trying to figure out who to avoid and who to trust.
You know he’s figured you out when he speaks up.
“Listen,” he says, “We’re friends. We grew up side by side, but if you want to have a husband and a little cozy house, I’m not the man for you.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you rush to say. It’s a lie. Kisame’s always been able to tell when you were lying, but this time he’s not calling you out on it. 
When he takes you back to your room shortly after, he does not look back when he leaves and you wonder if you’ll ever see him again. 
- - -
Kisame Hoshigaki is a name known by all and feared by many. 
They praise his loyalty, ready to slaughter all his comrades to keep the village safe. 
It’s been almost two years since that day at the shore so you’re a little surprised to find him in your bedroom once again.
“Hey,” you’ve learned to go along with his antics long ago, so don’t scream when you find him slumped over your bed late at night, the bandages around his arm an ugly shade of red.
“Hey.” He grinds out. “Long time no see.”
“Whose fault is that?” You ask, unable to keep yourself from being a little petty.
He does not apologize, not that you expected him to. 
“Did you get hurt?” You step up to him, hands reaching for the bandages. He moves away before you can reach him, his eyes boring holes into you.
“Why are you always nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” You ask back. 
“You don’t owe me anything, okay? I kept you safe, but you kept me fed. We’re even.”
“I know Kisame,” you insist, voice softer than it probably needs to be, “I’m not doing this because I owe you.”
“Then why?”
Your hands clench and unclench next to you, your heart heavy in your chest. You don’t want to say it, but what good does it bring to keep it in when he already knows anyway?
“I love you,” the words hang heavy in the air, “Love cares. Just because.”
Kisame buries his face in your bedding at that, body stiff as a board. You give him a minute to gather himself, to leave or do something else, but he doesn’t. When you reach for the bandages this time, he lets you.
When it’s time for you to sleep, he still hasn’t moved. Gingerly, you slip into bed next to him. He rolls a bit to the side so you can properly get under your blanket, face blank of any emotion. But his good arm comes out to pull you close as soon as you’re under the blanket. 
Kisame doesn’t apologize nor does he address the topic at hand. But you should have known that that’s not something he would do.
- - -
The sky is clear for once, the ever present mist retreating from the shore.
The sand is cold underneath you, but you’re not willing to budge. 
Something’s bothering Kisame, enough to drag you here. His knee is pressed against yours, the only form of touch he allows outside of the walls of your bedroom. His skin is warm and reassuring even though his silence is not.
“Do you ever feel stuck in place?” He asks suddenly, his voice barely above louder than the waves crashing.
“Sometimes,” you admit. “But I guess for different reasons than you.”
“What are yours?”
“There’s this guy I love and I guess he likes me too,” his lips quirk up, just a little, “but he won’t allow it to be official. So we have to hide in my bedroom when all I want is to hold his hand and make him breakfast and lunch and dinner.” You rest your head on your knees and look out onto the water, “What are your reasons?”
“There’s this girl that I love,” he admits, voice barely quivering at the last word. You force yourself not to look at him, but your knee presses harder against his. “And I want to give her a life that she deserves, a life that she had growing up. Where there’s food on the table everyday and she doesn’t have to worry that I won’t come home one day. Where our kids won’t have to fight for their life and people are honest to each other.”
He sighs. 
“But I fear we can’t have that life in Kirigakure.”
You swallow against the tears that are threatening to fall.
The waves keep crashing, like they’re stuck too, forced to come in again and again and again.
“Lonely water,” you sigh out the prayer your mother tought you, “Lonely water, won't you let us wander? Let us hold each other.”
Strong arms pull you in until your head is resting against his chest, his heartbeat loud and steady in your ear.
“Will you leave with me?” Kisame whispers into your ear.
You listen to his heartbeat that’s as steadfast as the waves and close your eyes.
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lifblogs · 1 month
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@summer-of-bad-batch Week 11 Prompt: "I didn't think I would get this far." Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1909 Summary: Tech has gone missing on Pabu, and his family tries to find him, helping him away from a dark path. Author's Note: Okay, so this fic alludes to suicidal thoughts, but never uses the word. However, despite the heavy topic, I think this is tame enough without any graphic depictions of even catastrophizing thoughts or nightmares, that if this was an episode, older children could watch it, and might even need it to relate to. I'm sticking by my rating here. (Also, happy Tech Tuesday, everyone!) READ ON AO3
Hunter awoke to Omega shaking him. It didn’t take long for him to come to full consciousness thanks to all his years as a soldier, but the sleepiness still lingered in the back of his mind.
“What is it?” he asked. “Is everything okay?”
“I think Tech’s missing.”
Hunter shot up out of bed.
“What? Why?”
“Well, he’s not anywhere in the house. I already looked. I thought I heard him leave hours ago, right before dawn.”
“And he isn’t back yet?”
Omega shook her head.
“Are the others up?”
“Mostly. Crosshair’s still grumpy.”
Despite the perhaps dire situation on their hands, Hunter gave a small laugh. “When isn’t he grumpy?”
Omega leaned against him, but then grabbed his arm and started dragging him from the room.
When they got to the kitchen, Wrecker and Crosshair were already there. Crosshair was leaning over, like he was protecting the mug of caf in front of him, its steam wafting into his face.
Omega sat in Hunter’s chair at the head of the table, and Hunter leaned against their counter, arms crossed.
“Are we absolutely sure he’s missing?” Hunter asked.
“Well, he’s been gone awhile,” Wrecker said. “And he, um…” Wrecker stopped talking, turning his head away, scars jagged in the morning light.
“What?” Crosshair asked, tone venomous.
Wrecker was rubbing the back of his head, and Hunter leaned forward slightly, seeing the guilt that crossed his face.
“Last night wasn’t so good for him,” Wrecker said. “He mentioned not feeling like himself anymore, and that he was scared, and the nightmares wouldn’t leave him alone. I’m not sure he slept at all. And he seemed on edge, or… maybe like he was planning something.”
Hunter’s stomach plummeted.
“We need to find him. Crosshair, Omga, search lower Pabu, take Batcher with you. Maybe she can sniff him out. Wrecker and I will take Upper. And I’ll contact Echo, see if he’s talked to Tech at all recently. He could be trying to leave Pabu. Or…”
“Or worse,” Crosshair sighed, getting to his feet, readily abandoning his caf he loved so much.
Omega’s face crumpled, and she gripped Hunter’s hand hard when she got up.
“It’s all right,” Hunter told her, even though he wasn’t sure it was all right. Tech could be— No. He’s not. Don’t think about that. “Tech’s gonna be okay. We’ll find him.”
Hunter was the only one not dressed, so he rushed to do that as Crosshair, Omega, and Batcher left.
Then, he and Wrecker headed out.
“Let’s talk to Shep first,” Hunter suggested.
Wrecker nodded. “Good idea.”
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The sun that usually felt so nice on Omega’s skin, like a brilliant, comforting warmth, now had arms that gripped her tightly, its presence oppressive.
“Do you think he’s—” Omega started as Batcher loped off ahead of them.
“No,” Crosshair cut in, almost immediately banishing the dark images in Omega’s mind.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.” The situation was making her moody. Plus she was due for her period soon, and she now recognized that she got emotional right before those.
“Of course I do, because I’m thinking it too. He’s alive. He  has to be.”
Tech didn’t have many friends on Pabu these days, and Phee was away on business, so they didn’t have to bother searching houses or talking to many people.
Though, the fishermen and workers at the docks mentioned seeing him early, probably while the sky was still gray.
“Which way did he go?” Crosshair asked the bearded man before them, who was busy feeding Batcher a fried fish.
He adjusted his hat. “He took a boat out, heading southeast. Boat’s still missing.”
Someone else heard their conversation, a younger woman with skin darkly tanned from the sun. “Should we send out people to look for him?”
Omega could tell Crosshair wanted to say they had it covered. It was in the tight way he crossed his arms, the severe line of his mouth.
Omega tugged on his sleeve, imploring, and he looked down at her.
“Yes, that would be good,” he ended up saying. “I’d like to take a boat out as well.”
No one had a problem with this, and soon Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher were in a skiff, heading across the ocean. Omega leaned against the rail, letting the salt spray cool her somewhat. Her other hand idly petted Batcher, who was beside her, excited to be out on the ocean.
Knowing Tech had taken a boat out didn’t make her feel better. He could be anywhere, could have done anything to himself out there.
“Did Tech talk to you at all?” Omega asked.
“Why would he talk to me?”
“Well… you both went through traumatic experiences. You’d understand.”
Crosshair surprisingly didn’t seem to harden, to shield himself, as he looked at her. His face softened, and his eyes grew wet.
“So would you.”
She hung her head.
The reason she’d heard Tech leave so early was because she couldn’t sleep. The first half of the night had left her plagued with nightmares that made it so she couldn’t even move, body so afraid it froze her completely. And the rest of the night was spent trying to banish the dark feeling in her chest, the fear grazing across her skin. Nothing had really worked, and she was tired, could feel it in her eyes, and the way the lines of what she’d been trying to read blurred together. Trying to sleep in the early morning hadn’t done much, and she still felt terrible from it.
And now she felt even more terrible because her fear and anxiety had kept her from seeing what Tech was up to. He’d needed help, and she’d just been useless, frozen and afraid in her own bed.
“It’s not your fault,” Crosshair said. “You’re a kid. It’s not on you to take care of these kinds of things.”
“But how could I not?” she said. “I’m trained, just like you.”
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what is? I’m older than you.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes. And Omega felt heat rise in her.
She huffed and turned away, leaning over more, hoping the water would cool her intense feelings. Batcher put her front paws on the rail, mouth open, tongue lolling. Omega petted her, actually paying attention this time because what else was she supposed to do with this anger?
After a lot of silence from Crosshair, Omega’s anger had dampened, and Crosshair said, “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
She sighed, and sat on the bench across from him.
“I’m already upset. That’s the problem. Or, I guess Tech is. I’m scared, Crosshair. I’m really scared.”
Her mind conjured up horrible images, kicking up her heartbeat, her breathing faster and shallow, and her throat ached, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.
Omega wanted to curl into herself, and cry, but a soldier wouldn’t. So she didn’t.
Crosshair took a break from steering to put a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m scared too,” he admitted.
Time seemed to pass too slowly, yet too quickly all at once. Maybe Tech’s life was slipping away from them.
When Pabu was almost completely out of sight, they found a skiff similar to theirs, bobbing on the waves.
At first Omega couldn’t see anyone in the boat, and her heart beat wildly, climbing up into her throat. Batcher started barking, telling Omega to search harder. Then she saw a lone figure, and she straightened, trying to get a good look at him.
Oh, thank the stars, it was him!
“Tech!” Omega called.
He didn’t respond.
Crosshair’s answer to this was to get in close, and lash the two boats together before jumping over to the other one. Batcher followed.
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Tech lifted up his head, somewhat surprised that anyone had found him. Batcher was licking him, and he gave her a few pats. Crosshair took a seat across from him, and Omega rushed over to give him a hug once Batcher settled down. Tech returned it with numb arms.
Omega pulled back, and he turned his head away again, somehow ashamed he’d been found, that he hadn’t done what he had originally came out here to do.
There was darkness in his chest, and hot fear beating away in his body. His body. How odd it was to call it that, what with all the parts that were missing, all the scars, all the cybernetic and mechno “enhancements.” He knew some of them were technically aids, and they allowed him to walk, and see, but they were parts that were forced onto him by… by… Him.
Tantiss was years away now, and he’d tried getting used to his body, had talked to Echo about it over his comm chanel again and again, had tried to train, and even do fun things with it, like playing on the beach with Omega. Still, he wasn’t the same as he was. And he never would be again.
Tech hated his body today. Had hated it all night. Had tried ripping his mechno-fingers off in a frenzy, before remembering them they were anchored to his joints in his hand. He’d even tried wrecking his mechno-leg, but its design was perfect. Trembling fear had begged him to damage his cybernetic left eye, but that was when he couldn’t take it anymore.
He didn’t want to be here, but he was. Somehow he was, and his family had found him, like they’d found him before.
He took in a shaky breath, looking at them, seeing the signs of aging—the few new wrinkles on Crosshair’s face, Omega’s height—and he knew he himself had those signs, his hair graying.
How am I here?
Tech felt numb at this point, and not one with… with the body he was supposed to be in.
Before he could really understand it, he was crying, and Crosshair held his arm, rubbing it, and Omega came in for another hug. Batcher licked his hand, not fazed by the mechno-fingers.
“What’s wrong?” Omega asked.
Tech wanted to laugh and say, Everything.
Instead, he found words that somehow explained it all, getting out through his tears and his aching throat, “I didn’t think I would get this far. I never thought I’d make it, that I’d live. At—at times I wasn’t sure if…”
Despite what he had originally planned to do, he couldn’t get the words out, turning his head to look at the waves and their cold depths below.
“Me either,” Crosshair admitted.
Tech looked at him with a new light right then. They’d talked—of course they’d spoken of that place, but…
“But it’s okay,” Omega said, words shaky as if she didn’t truly believe them. “We all made it out. He’s gone. We’re never going back.”
“So what do I do?” Tech asked. “What am I supposed to do now? Even now I’m not always used to living here.”
Omega took his hand, looking at Crosshair, and he seemed to know what she was thinking, and he nodded. “We can find out together,” she said.
“Let’s get you home,” Crosshair told him.
Home. Perhaps he would like to go home.
Tech nodded, and Omega stayed in his boat on the way, assuring him that maybe there could be more than just surviving, that there was an after that he could be a part of, and it could be worth living for.
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months
1655 Catalonia dashboard simulator
(conveniently translated to English)
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🗝️ stgeorgeisahottie follow
Okay that's it, I'm blocking anyone who gets involved in the Genovese discourse. I don't care that the Giudice got their Barcelona house attacked by a mob, they were the first ones who started the fight by insulting the fishermen. They had it coming. The Council of the Hundred has hanged the fisherman who instigated it anyway. Topic closed.
🌬️ lariberathot follow
Seriously? Dude you have no idea what you're talking about. The Giudice had their storage room full of gunpowder. We were lucky that the flames didn't reach it when the mob set their house on fire! It would have blown up this whole part of the city and get hundreds killed!
🗝️ stgeorgeisahottie follow
I told you I don't care? And it wouldn't hurt Barcelonians to stop setting shit on fire for once.
🧭 just-a-genovese-sailor follow
For real?? This is your concern?? That it could have blown up the city?? What about the Giudice who got their house stormed!! You really have no sympathy for the innocent Genovese banker families huh? You're all just jealous because they're richer than you'll ever be. Well guess what, they are where they are because they worked hard! Unlike you lot.
🌬️ lariberathot follow
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43 notes
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⛏️ isthecatalanrepublicbackyet follow
102 notes
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🏰 pauclarisdidnothingwrong follow
What if a monkey but wearing a jumper?
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🏰 pauclarisdidnothingwrong follow
Easy website
32,893 notes
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🪻 itsyagirlmariagna follow
Never marry a tanner. This whole house fucking stinks.
7 notes
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🪿 sainteulaliadevotee follow
Idk I don't know if I agree or not with the latest edict that says we're not allowed to drink chocolate during mass anymore. I get that we're supposed to pay more attention to the priest if we want eternal salvation but melindros are just soooo good
1,543 notes
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😶‍🌫️ senyor-roger
Say what you will about Plana de Lleida weather but at least we're not getting sacked by pirates every other day lmao
#i keep seeing everyone complaining about it #you knew it was going to happen #just move out #like i'm sorry if your mother got kidnapped by pirates but at this point it's your fault
12 notes
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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
The Cat's Meow
Captain Kuro x Female!Reader. (One Piece Netflix Series) Fluff. Suggestive content. Reader is part of The Black Cat Pirates. Secret relationship. Reader is Captain Kuro's First Mate. ☆Set before the events of Syrup Village☆
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Ever since you were little, you always wanted to set sail across the seas, to see the many wonders that lies beyond the horizon and have many wonderful adventures, so that you always had a new tale to tell to the other pirates, sailors and fishermen in the local restaurants and taverns. You're family had other ideas, which is why you fled and snuck on aboard a ship one night, just in time too as the ship was just leaving port, bound and sailing wherever it's Captain wished it to go.
It wasn't until you were found by the crew that you realised you weren't on any ship, you were on the ship of the Black Cat Pirates and now, the crew was dragging you by the scruff of the neck of your clothing to their Captain, the feared Captain Kuro.
You gulped as Butchi dropped you to the floor inside the Captain's quarters, you had heard stories of Kuro and his deadly claws and ability to move so fast and quietly, like a ghost. You also heard of his ruthlessness and you shivered as Butchie and Sham addressed their Captain.
"Captain Kuro sir! We found this dirty stowaway on-board the ship" Bellowed Butchie.
"Yes, she was sneaking about below deck like a rat in our food stock" Hissed Sham.
"Wait I can explain...!" You Cried but flinched as Sham hissed at you, baring her teeth.
Captain Kuro stood up and walked over to where you were and you felt yourself tremble, knowing this how you will die, by the claws of the ferocious Captain Kuro.
"What are you doing sneaking on board my ship and why?" Asked Captain Kuro, looking down at you with a sneer as you froze upon seeing the long, sharp claws he wielded. You couldn't answer, the words gone as you just couldn't stop staring at the deadly clawed gloves and knowing that's what's going to kill you.
"Answer the Captain!" Shouted Butchi, making you jump at the sudden sound of his voice and you began to babble.
"I'm sorry I snuck aboard, I had no choice! There was no where for me to go as my family will find me! I just wanted to see the world, sail the seas and live you know? I just jumped onto the first ship I saw leaving port and well, here I am" You Babbled, tears welling up in your eyes.
Captain Kuro and the two crewmates listened to your explanation without a word.
"Please forgive me Captain Kuro! I know you must be suspicious but believe me when I say I come with no ill intent to you or your crew. You may do what you wish with me. Maroon me on an island, drop me at the next port or anything! But please don't take me back to my family, please" You Pleaded, tearfully.
Captain Kuro said nothing, just looked at you with cold, calculating eyes before smirking.
"So, a run away from home? Wanted to be rebellious? Be a pirate? *tsk!* You have no idea what you are getting into young lady" Remarked Captain Kuro with a tut. You said nothing, just kept still in the spot you were dropped in.
"Very well, we are far from the port now and I'm not turning the ship around to drop off some runaway brat!" Spoke Captain Kuro with a sneer as he ordered you to stand up on your feet, which did on shaky legs, still unsure if you were gonna die or not.
"Welcome on board, little stowaway! Don't expect this to be a 5-star cruise. You will be part of my crew now. You will work to earn your keep on this ship, if the crew works you work. I don't tolerate slacking from my crew and I will not tolerate it from you. Do you understand?" Asked Captain Kuro, glaring at you.
"Yes Captain" You Replied nervously, nodding your head.
Captain Kuro smirked at you as you addressed him as "Captain".
"Good. Learning already. Right little brat, go with Butchi and Sham, they'll show you where you will sleep tonight. We have some cheese and bread, you'll have that to eat tonight. Tomorrow you work" Ordered Captain Kuro sternly.
"Yes Captain. Thank you Captain Kuro" You Said, grateful. Captain Kuro waved you off with a slight sneer and you left the Captain's quarters with Butchi and Sham.
At the first light of dawn, your new life began on board The Bezan Black. You swabbed the decks, helped unload and load cargo, helped cook meals, fished and hunted, helped the crew in every way you could. Along the way you gradually earned your new crewmates's respect, especially Butchi and Sham. You really earned their respect during an attack by Marines.
You had picked up a sword and thanks to your rich family's upbringing of horseriding and fencing, you fought off three Marines much to the surprise of Butchi and Sham, even to the surprise of Captain Kuro who was impressed by your swordfighting. Thanks to that, Butchi and Sham saw you as a Black Cat Pirate and on a full moon night with a sea calm and quiet, you were fully made an official Black Cat Pirate.
As a pirate, you did see wonders and had some adventures that you were proud to be part of. You sought and found treasures, saw amazing sights and of course had epic battles, mostly with Marines.
During all that, you moved up through the ranks in the crew. Captain Kuro saw you as reliable, diligent and cunning. He admired that in a person and in his crew. So when Captain Kuro made you First Mate, everyone was surprised but were happy except for Jango, who was Captain Kuro's original First Mate. But Captain Kuro had made his decision and he expected his crew to respect that.
You and the feared Captain kept things professional. Until he kissed you in his quarters during a celebration after a successful raid. You kissed him back and soon you two began your relationship, but in secret. Captain Kuro wanted to keep his image and status as a ruthless and fearsome pirate Captain in front of his crew and enemies. You respected that and both of you would carry on the image of feared Captain and his loyal First Mate in front of the crew and enemies, but behind closed doors you and him were lovers who would spend many wonderful nights in each other's arms, everything around you two disappearing till it felt like it was only just you and him in the world.
One year or two had passed and you smiled as you thought back to the night you were taken in by the Black Cat Pirates, became part of their feared crew evening earn a new name in the process and becoming "Hellcat" instead of Y/N. But with Kuro and behind the locked door of the Captain's quarters, Kuro still called you Y/N.
"Something on your mind, my kitten?" Asked Kuro raising an eyebrow and smirking at you. You smiled at him and approached him.
"Was thinking about the night I snuck onto the Bezan Black and I was introduced to you and the Black Cat Pirates" You Recalled as Kuro gave a chuckle at that.
"Ah yes, you were just a bratty stowaway sneaking about my ship like a stray kitten" Teased Kuro and you gave a giggle, nudging him as he laughed softly.
"Hey, I wasn't that bratty" You Teased.
"But look at you now, a proud member of my crew" Remarked Kuro smiling.
"And your lover" You Added as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in close to kiss you passionately and you eagerly returned it. Things were about to go further until a bang on the door broke the spell.
You and Kuro pulled away to straighten yourselves up before Kuro unlocked the door and Jango rushed in, he looked haggard and panic-stricken but he looked at you as you made yourself busy by looking at a map, glaring at Jango when he stared at you.
"Something you care to report Jango?" You Asked sternly.
"What's she doing in here?" Asked Jango, shocked. Kuro glared and his face darkened.
"She is helping me map out potential raids and coming up with a strategic approach to each one. Why? She's my First Mate! Are you here to tell me something or waste time?" Asked Captain Kuro, snarling.
"Captain! Marines have been spotted and are fast approaching!" Jango Cried. You looked up at that, shocked and Kuro looked annoyed.
"Marines? Again? That's the third time this month! Jango, prepare the crew and wait for me outside! Now!" Ordered Captain Kuro and Jango fled outside to get the crew.
You turned and saw Kuro, he was annoyed but also looked tired. You frowned, you've seen Kuro was looking more tired these days, especially with the Marines constantly attacking.
"Kuro?" You Asked, worried as you approached him. He looked at you tiredly but embraced you nonetheless.
"These Marines keep coming for us, for me. They won't stop till they have me. It's getting tiring my dear, quite tiring" Kuro Replied softly.
"What will we do?" You Asked.
"I have a plan my kitten. I've been planning this for months. It will work perfectly and it will make the Marines never bother us again" Explained Kuro, smirking as he recalled his plan.
"You are called 'Kuro Of A Hundred Plans' for a reason my dear" You Remarked and you both shared a smile.
"First though, I must deal with the Marines. Then our plan can begin" Declared Kuro as he pushed his glasses up with his palm.
A crescent moon hung in the sky that night, the Marines never stood a chance against your beloved Captain Kuro. By the time you and rest of the Black Cat Pirates arrived, only one Marine was left alive though badly wounded. Kuro stood amongst the bodies of the Marines, the deck covered in blood, bodies and giant claw marks.
"Now, we can begin our plan Jango. But first, Hellcat! A word in private" Shouted Captain Kuro and you followed Kuro to a private corner.
"Listen to me my dear and listen good. I must stay here with Jango to set the plan in motion. There's a boat for you to get you back to the nearest settlement or town, Butchi and Sham will escort you" Explained Kuro.
"Will Butchi and Sham come with me to shore?" You Asked. Kuro frowned.
"They will only see you off, they must stay with me" Replied Kuro.
"But wait, what about you? Will you join me?" You Asked, worry growing as Kuro's eyes filled with a strange sadness as he gazed at you.
"You will be coming with me, right? My love?" You Asked, feeling dread seep in to your heart.
"I will join you on shore when everything is ready. Butchi and Sham too" Replied Kuro.
"You promise me Kuro?" You Warned, feeling afraid to leave Kuro's side.
"I promise you kitten. I promise" Kuro Vowed and with a quick kiss you two parted ways.
Butchi and Sham lead you to the boat. You got in the boat and looked ahead to see the lights of the nearby town.
"Goodbye Hellcat" Cried Sham as you began to row. You waved at the two.
"I'll see you on the shore!" You Shouted, smiling but you frowned as Butchi and Sham waved at you sadly, Butchi shaking his head.
You reached the shore and landed. You watched the two ships, anxious and wondering what was Kuro's plan to get rid of the Marines.
Hours passed until you saw the Marine ship sailing. You frowned as you looked over at the Bezan Black which stood still and dark. Fear flooded into your brain, but you still held out hope that your crewmates and beloved Captain were safe.
But as the Marine ship sailed into the night, you heard a voice shouting from the ship. You listened closely and your heart sank upon hearing a somewhat familiar voice shouting loud and proud from the deck of the ship.
"I AM CAPTAIN KURO OF THE BLACK CAT PIRATES!" Echoed throughout followed by the gruff voice of a Marine shouting: "I HAVE SINGLE-HANDEDLY DEFEATED THE BLACK CAT PIRATES!"
Your heart shattered at hearing those words and you clutched your chest, tears welling up as you let out a loud wail and you sobbed as you sat upon the sands of the beach. You mourned for Butchi and Sham. You mourned for the Black Cat Pirates who were not only your crewmates but also a family to you.
And most of all, you mourned for your beloved Captain and love, Kuro.
Syrup Village. Present Day.
You looked over at the flyer you found pinned up in one the establishments.
"Maid Wanted.
We are currently looking for a woman who has experience in cooking and domestic tasks. If interested, please go to this address for further details."
You were looking for a decent bit of work to make some money. Despite no longer being part of a crew, your inner Black Cat Pirate never died, despite being the only living member of the fearsome pirates. You had a few run ins with Marines and recently a brush with some Arlong Pirates but you held your own against them.
As you arrived at the address you were greeted by a ram like man called Merry.
"Ah! Hello there miss!" Greeted Merry.
"Uh hello there. I'm here about the job" You Replied handing Merry the flyer. He smiled at that and took inside the grand house.
"Oh Miss Kaya will be delighted that you've accepted! Oh Miss Kaya! We have a lady here who wishes to apply for the job!" Cried Merry happily. You told Merry your name and he smiled.
"Just out of curiosity, did you work previously?" Asked Merry politely. You smiled warmly.
"Only on a ship. I was a cook and I sometimes cleaned the decks. That's all" You Replied as you remembered that beautiful ship, the Bezan Black fondly.
Suddenly Kaya made her appearance and she wasn't alone. She was standing with a butler of sorts, but your heart stopped upon seeing him.
"Miss Y/N, this is Miss Kaya. And with Miss Kaya is our finest butler, Klahadore!" Announced Merry happily.
Klahadore stared at you and you stared at him.
"No...it can't be....y..you were captured....and you....were executed!" You Thought as you stared at Klahadore who then smirked at you and shot you a wink.
"It is you.....Kuro!" You Thought with pure joy, tears nearly welling up your eyes. You composed yourself and introduced yourself.
"What a lovely name!" Bubbled Kaya smiling at you sweetly.
"A charming name for a charming lady" Replied Klahadore, smiling at you and making your heart race.
"Miss Y/N tells me she worked on a ship, just like you Klahadore!" Recalled Merry.
"How interesting" Remarked Klahadore, smirking at you.
After introductions, Klahadore offered to show you around privately. Once alone, you both embraced each other in a loving, passionate kiss. Tears of happiness streamed down your face as you were finally reunited with your beloved.
"Oh Kuro! I thought you were captured! I thought everyone was gone!" You Sobbed as Kuro held you in his arms.
"Oh my sweet kitten, I'm sorry for causing you such distress. But I was afraid that there was a possibility of the plan going astray, which is why I sent you away to avoid any repercussions. Thankfully my plan didn't fail. But I'm sorry my love you had to bear such a pain" Explained Kuro pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Where are the others?" You Asked.
"Oh, they will come soon. This is all part of my plan. Now that you are here, we can really start" Recalled Kuro smirking.
"Does this plan involve separation?" You Asked, anxiety skyrocketing.
"No. Not anymore. My sweet kitten, we'll never be apart again" Promised Kuro.
"Promise me?" You Asked unsure.
"Promise" Assured Kuro and you two shared a deep kiss.
Kaya's parents set up a room for you to sleep in but you always snuck off to Kuro's room and sleep there, in his arms just like the days when you and him sailed upon the sea.
But you knew Kuro's plan was just beginning and you both smiled as Kuro plotted his next move. You snuggled closer to him, happy to be back with your beloved Kuro.
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tossawary · 7 months
Posting about my reread like this in an attempt to help me remember some of these small details... I am quite bad at remembering things from the beginning of a book by the end of it, partially because small, easily overlooked details often become far more meaningful and therefore memorable on the reread.
Some quotes and thoughts on Binghe's birth + adoption, Tianlang-Jun, Su Xiyan, and the poor, unnamed washerwoman:
"Immediately after birth, Luo Binghe was abandoned by his parents, swaddled in white cloth, and put in a wooden basin that was lowered into the Luo River. This occurred on the coldest days of the year, and it was only thanks to fishermen pulling him out of the water that he didn't freeze to death as a baby. Because he'd been drifting along the Luo in the season when it was choked with thin ice, he was given the name Luo Binghe.
Luo Binghe spent his early years wandering the streets, hungry and cold - a dreary childhood. A washerwoman who worked for a wealthy family took pity on him, and since he had no children of her own, she adopted and raised him as her own. Mother and son were poor, and they suffered much humiliation at the hands of their rich patrons." - Chapter 1, pages 9-10
"As it turned out, Luo Binghe had been born to the Demon Realm's Saintly Ruler and a woman of the Human Realm; within his veins flowed the blood of the ancient, heaven-fallen demons as well as that of the human race. His father, Tianlang-Jun, had been sealed beneath a great mountain, trapped for all eternity. His birth mother had been a disciple from a righteous cultivation sect, but shortly following Tianlang-Jun's dealing, she had been expelled on suspicion of having secret ties to demons. She had died from a postpartum hemorrhage after giving birth to Luo Binghe, but prior to her death, she had set her son adrift from the lonely ship she'd birthed him on. It was the only way she had been able to give Luo Binghe a chance to survive." - Chapter 1, page 11
I view a lot of these small details as somewhat flexible, with the different levels of unreliable narration going on. We are being told these things by Shen Yuan, who may be misremembering these details (as any reader, myself definitely included, does), and who read them as told by Airplane, who may have retconned prior details as he came up with new ideas, forgotten small details as he wrote millions of words, or was just lying in the narration for later reveals that never came to fruition. Shen Yuan may have also been reading dialogue between characters who also didn't know what they were talking about or were lying to each other.
So, I can do what I want with a lot of this, I feel! Shen Yuan doesn't necessarily know what he's talking about here. (More details will be revealed later on, I remember, and I will be looking out for them.)
Interesting things to remember here! Tianlang-Jun was apparently probably sealed during the winter, maybe late autumn at the earliest, which was probably unpleasant for snake demon Zhuzhi-Lang. I'm currently imagining Tianlang-Jun leaving his nephew to essentially hibernate somewhere to avoid the weather, promising to stay out of trouble (actually planning to meet up with Su Xiyan), and then just not coming back.
Su Xiyan apparently gave birth to Binghe on a ship! That's interesting. I had forgotten that detail if I ever took note of it.
I knew that the book implies here that Binghe was found by the washerwoman a little later into his childhood, but I'd forgotten the fishermen detail. I usually intentionally ignore this and just go with the washerwoman finding Binghe (which is what the animated show did, I think), because if Binghe was honestly "immediately" abandoned by Su Xiyan, then he would have been a newborn! Someone HAD to have been looking after him. This is one of my pet peeves in fiction: Binghe HAD to have been breastfed by someone OR this world must have an equivalent to baby formula for him to survive. (This is the main reason I conceptualized Luo Jiahui in PINTWILF as a young woman who had recently had a stillbirth, just so she could breastfeed this newborn baby.)
It's possible that Binghe had a series of caretakers who fell through before his adoption, leading to brief periods on the streets as a young child, and/or he did a lot of "wandering the streets" begging and scavenging AFTER his adoption by an extremely poor woman (and the sentences there are just a little out of order). Even if demon baby Binghe COULD survive on other food somehow, newborns can't... walk... or crawl... or lift their heads.
If I have to stick to what's written here as closely as possible, then I would go with the following interpretation: newborn Binghe being found by fishermen, who take him to town to see if anyone has lost or abandoned a child, or if anyone is willing to take one in. The only person to agree is this washerwoman. People in town possibly donate some means (baby formula equivalent, kinky plot device plant that kickstarts lactation) to feed this baby or cruelly tell the washerwoman the baby will die. Possibly, the washerwoman goes deeply into debt asking these rich patrons for the means to feed this baby. As Binghe grows up, he spends a lot of time on the streets, begging and scavenging to help his extremely poor adoptive mother. End mostly canonical interpretation.
If we wanted to get a little wild, we could also go with the interpretation that Shen Yuan is incorrect when he uses the word "immediately". Either he misinterpreted something Airplane wrote, or a character relayed information incorrectly in PIDW, or the SVSSS just formed differently to Shen Yuan's impression based on very vague information that Airplane may not have been keeping consistent.
Maybe Su Xiyan actually lived for several months on this ship after giving birth, creating the seals and somehow managing to feed her newborn child (the poison that killed her is a problem with breastfeeding here, but idk, maybe heavenly demon babies can drink blood for all we know, which is something Su Xiyan would know but the washerwoman would not), before setting Binghe adrift. Binghe would be too young to remember this time with his birth mother. I'll have to see what Wu Chen from Zhao Hua Temple says when I get to his explanation of what happened to Su Xiyan in the third book.
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echantedtoon · 6 months
Ocean Deep Ch2 Spectacles And Scales
((Warnings for mistreatment of the mers by the sideshow owner and some of the other people, Buying and selling of mers, mistreatment of animals briefly shown, etc.
 typed in random anime man into Google and this is the first photo that popped up so I'm using this as reference to what Akira looks like.
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It was a beautiful day today. 
That's usually what the default positive thing you thought was whenever something went wrong or you were feeling bad. You'd look outside and even if it was raining, you'd still find something outside to think about. The clouds looked like funny bunnies today. The next the sky would be a beautiful blue. Those flowers look wonderful. The snow looked sparkly in the sunlight. 
Anything to stay positive in the crazy world ruled by creatures unseen and more powerful than the average human. You've never seen one personally thank the gods, but you knew something must've been going on with all of the disappearances that's happened for hundreds of years. Whether it's some humans, natural accidents, runaways, or something else you didn't know but you weren't going to be one of the ones that ended up disappearing. You had a plan for your life. 
You wanted to work on yourself and maybe find someone to settle down with, and then maybe have a few children later down the line when your career was solid and you knew you'd be secure enough. Maybe even adopt a few animals! You've always wanted a small pony! Maybe a big dog you could roughhouse and snuggle with. That'd be nice. Just you and a domestic life. But for now you were just content with just working at the local florist shop and putting your life together. 
It wasn't bad. You got to help with lots of pretty flowers all year round, there was always the pleasant smell of flowers in the air, it earnt you a decent living, it wasn't too far from your house, and your boss was a very kind old lady who's been doing this for years. You were lucky to have found such a good job. 
"Thank you for coming by. It's always so nice to see you again, Akira." 
You briefly looked up from where you were watering a pot of begonias with an old teapot. One of the local men was in today buying a small bouquet of peonies for whatever reason he wanted them. Being a decently big town, you kinda knew him but with the town still being big you also didn't. You knew this man, Akira, was the son of one of the fishermen families while his mother's family were glass blowers. You only knew that because your boss mentioned that Akira's mother's family were the ones that made the giant glass greenhouse connected to her house, she used it to grow all her flowers year round. But outside of that and just seeing him around every so often, you didn't personally know Akira. But he also had a reputation for being handsome. 
He certainly has the looks to back that up. Greyish-white soft hair. Silver eyes. A tall muscular physic. And a handsome face that looked like it was sculpted by an excellent artist. You only gave a brief look over your shoulder as the two spoke.. before going back to work. It'd be rude to stare while they spoke and you had a job to do which was to finish watering these plants. 
"You too, Mrs. Satoshi. And may I say you don't look a day over forty."
A strong of chuckles that had you rolling your eyes and inwardly groaning. "Oh, stop. You always say the sweetest things to people."
"I can't help it if I wear my heart on my sleeve.~ But while I'm here, I might as well give you this." You heard a distant sound of rustling paper and a moment later Akira spoke again. "Here! I've been handing these out for everyone to see."
There was a pause of silence before your boss hummed again. "Your uncle finally gotten that display up has he?"
"Absolutely! He calls it an 'ocean viewing through glass' and he's planning on showing it off at the end of this month!"
"Having a small tank of pet fish is one thing, but who's ever heard of people keeping giant tanks full of fish just for people to gawk at? Anyone can just go down to the beach and see most of the critters in the water."
Akira gave a deep chuckle in return. "Oh it's going to be be so much more than 'just fish's, Mrs. Satoshi. The opening night is free to everyone who shows up, and there's going to be plenty to see."
"I'll certainly think about it. Tell your family I said hi."
"I certainly will." Footsteps carried away the man from the counter before they slowly came to a stop right behind you. The sudden feeling on eyes on your back had you pausing before turning over your shoulder and finding Akira staring at you with a half lidded smiling face. "I can't forget about your lovely assistant now!"
You blinked and a second later a hand held up a piece of paper to you. F/c eyes glanced at the parchment and noticed that he must've pulled it out of the bag slung over his right shoulder since a few more corners of paper were sticking out and the top opening. The paper made some crinkle sounds when he waggled it at you pulling your attention back to it, and slowly you reached out to take it from him. Your eyes gazed over it and it became pretty apparent that it was a flyer advertising the opening of a new business. Hand written too, detailing the opening date and time and other things. 
"Oh...Thank you," you remained polite.
He smiled maybe a bit too widely but only turned to start walking away with the flowers in his hands. "I hope to see you there."
You watched as he left through the front door and slowly looked back to the flier in your hands.. before just putting it away and carrying on with your business. The roses were in need of the water and the flowers weren't going to water themselves.
"You know I think he likes you."
"...What?" Your head turned to the smiling older lady.
"He passed by here practically every day and he always gives a look at you through the window," she teased, "He's a rather handsome young man, and his family has such a profitable business."
You grimaced. "That's just really creepy. If he likes me then he can be a man and talk to me about it, and I don't even know him. We're strangers. Besides-" You turned back to the flowers pouring more water from the large teapot in your hands. "-he's not my type."
You just wasn't feeling like getting close to Akira. He gave you a bad feeling, and genuinely he really was not you type. He looked really handsome but it was more than good looks that counts. What about personality and character? Nah. The other girls could have him for all you cared. The older woman only hummed in thought before shrugging.
"If you say so, Dear. Just remember you're only young once. It wouldn't hurt to find someone nice to settle down with before it's too late."
"I also have my whole life ahead of me so I have plenty of time to settle down and find someone if I even wanted to. I don't want to rush into anything that I'll just regret later." 
You didn't want to end up like so many unhappy couples you've seen over the years. Fighting and yelling and having affairs- No. You didn't want that. You were going to take your time and if someone comes along then it'll happen. If not- Well you can always get that pony or dog you've always wanted to keep you company. You didn't need to be married or have children to have a good fulfilling life. 
Besides you were perfectly content right now with how things were. You didn't need anything changing or any surprises. Everything was just fine how they were. Not a single thing needs to be added. 
"Are you going to his uncle's grand opening? I think it would be quite interesting to see what all of the excitements about."
"I don't think so. It's just going to be a bunch of fish in giant tanks. If you ask me, that's too much work to maintain. Not to mention that the amount of cleaning the tanks and constantly hauling new water to replace the old sea water-..." You shook your head. "No. Not worth it if you ask me."
She hummed turning to grab a pair of tweezers and cut away the dead leaves off a miniature rose bush. "Well you never know. It might be fun to just go and look. It is going to be free after all. "
You both left the conversation at that and didn't bring it up again. There was no point. You didn't want to go and really you shouldn't to not give Akira any more encouragement for his creepy behavior. It made a shudder run through your spine and you cringe in disgust. You'd definitely be avoiding him from now on. You'd just ignore him and everything would be fine again.
With a sigh of relief, you just went on about your day and ignored the feeling in the back of your mind. It was nothing.
You hadn't heard anything else for the next three days, and it was just business as usual around here. You were having a peaceful time with your work and had all but forgotten about the encounter with Akira or his uncle's 'grand opening' except for the occasional old flier on the ground or the occasional topic of it being brought up in conversation, but it wasn't very often and you'd forget about it quickly after anyways. But there was one strange thing that happened to at the end of the week. It was really a spectacle. Really it was. Not really a thing you'd usually see around these parts. You hadn't even noticed it really, with your back towards the roads. You were too busy helping your elderly boss pick up big plant pots outside that her frail body was too weak to lift. You'd be needing these for an upcoming big delivery for (ironically) Akira's Aunt Linna as you were informed by your boss. Apparently she was planning on adding a whole lot of giant rose bushes around her home and these heavy pots were gonna be used to transport the bushes over once they were ready in one of two weeks. Unfortunately your work was interrupted by your boss when the kind lady looked over her shoulder and gasped catching your attention.
"My oh my." She looked surprised with a hand to her chin.
You followed her gaze and paused surprised as well as a few other people on the streets around you. Coming from up the road was two giant stallions being pulled along by a strong looking middle aged man. He was cursing at the animals straining to pull along their cargo and angrily whipping the reigns with each curse.
"That's sick!" The words escaped you before you could even think.
A nasiating disgusted feeling churned about in your stomach as you watched as the poor animals strained and slowly came up the road and past you both. The sounds those poor ponies were making made you want to grab a whip and swing it at the gruff looking man as they slowly walked by you. The cargo they were straining to pull was...Well you couldn't tell what it was. It was BIG. At least six feet high, ten feet long, very rectangular, and covered by old wet tarps tied together by ropes. Your eyes widened looking up at the thing as it slowly pulled past you with the man yelling at the struggling ponies, briefly a shadow fell over you both and you froze solid as it continued to be pulled by you both. 
"It ..seems like they had come up from the beach. That's probably one of the tanks Akira's uncle wanted for his opening," your boss eventually broke the silence and pointed out the size of the presumed tank.
You didn't say anything about it for you were frozen in shock. For your eyes could have SWORN they saw the brief sight of a hand and half a face peeking out at you from a gap in the tarps..The light. You told yourself. It was just the light playing tricks on you. There's no way a human was under that tarp. You were seeing things. You shouldn't involve yourself in this. Forget it. Don't get involved in this. It wasn't worth it. Nothing good would ever come out of sticking your nose into other people's business anyways. You turned away from the sight of the cart disappearing and the distant cries of the man's cussing to place another heavy pot down off to the side, the last thing you needed was unnecessary drama in your life. 
Besides it's not like whatever Akira's family was doing would affect you.
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nardo-headcanons · 8 months
i was looking at your naruto headcanons and they are amazing especially the ones about kirigakure!!! i was wondering if you'll have somes about gender dynamics and expectations in kiri. just asking... also i found out you do art as well...NICEEEEEEEE (im canonsinthehead btw...)
Hii! I'm happy to hear you enjoy my ramblings about Kiri and my art!! Makes me feel like I'm not just screaming into the void.
cn: mentions of colorism, sexism and queerphobia
Gender Expectations in Kirigakure
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The role of women in Kirigakure
Generally speaking, it used to be rather uncommon for women to become kunoichi. One of the women who did was Ameyuri Ringo, who quickly became an idol to many young girls in her time. The idea of a woman swordsman was ridiculous - yet she fought her way up to the top. The shinobi affilitation was a very men-oriented field and those women who did became fully fledged shinobi were battle hardened and didn't take shit from anyone.
However, it was very common for women to be part of the workforce, since many citizens are on the poorer side, women from higher ranked families being the exception. The most common jobs taken on by women used to be rice and fruit farmers, seamstresses or business (co-)owners.
This has changed, however, once the fifth mizukage, Mei Terumi, rose to power. She encouraged young women and girls to fight for their dreams and become shinobi as well.
Women of the middle and higher classes are expected to take care of themselves, look pretty and be gracious, elegant and soft-spoken. Arranged marriages were nothing uncommon, often leaving the women with no choice in the matter.
Men's role in Kirigakure
Men are expected to be hard workers, providers for the family, but the image of the ideal man does differ from other cultures. Men in Kirigakure are rather comfortable in their femininity and it is not uncommon for men to wear makeup, do skincare and sleep with silken bonnets to take care of their hair. This often leads to Kiri men being seen as effeminate or flamboyant.
The exception to this are Kiri fishermen and sailors, who have adopted a more 'westernized' view of masculinity. Often foul mouthed and abrasive, they have formed their own subculture of 'new masculinity'.
Gender outside of woman and man
It is not uncommon for youngsters and teens in Kirigakure to reject the idea of being either a woman or a man, however it does lead to scrutiny and condemnation of Kirigakure's older population. People assigned female at birth are more often scruitinized than people assigned male at birth.
The beauty ideals in Kirigakure
Fair, pale skin Fair skin is seen as a sign of wealth and beauty in Kirigakure and a very desirable trait to many people. Skin bleaching creams are widely available and there are many problems with colorism in Kirigakure.
Long, luscious hair Another sign of wealth, long, open hair is seen as the beauty ideal because it means not having to work a tedious job where long hair would be seen as tedious.
Brown eyes In a country where people with kekkei genkai were frequently hunted down and killed, it is to be expected that anyone with a rare or unnatural eye color would automatically be seen as a freak, leading to brown eyes being the beauty ideal in Kirigakure.
A plump, well fed looking body This is pretty much self explanatory, as more plump bodies are seen as a sign of being well fed and able to afford leisure time.
That's all, folks!
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