#I'm bethany Esda
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audhdgoku · 7 months ago
There Is Something So Funny About Some Of The Skyrim Guard Dialog When You're Playing As A Khajiit
Vampire? "Your Skin's As Pale As Snow. You Scared Of Sunlight Or Something?" I'm A Khajiit. I'm Covered In FUR [Bonus If U Have Dark Fur]
Werewolf? "Is That Fur Coming Out Of Your Ears?" I Mean... I'm COVERED In Fur. "Ugh, You Smell Like A Wet Dog." I'M A CAT.
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vamprisms · 11 months ago
the wait feature in bethesda games is so funny. imagine a guy asking if he can sell you 30 bent tin cans and you are like sorry i can't afford them right now so he just stands there until wednesday
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drakonovisny · 1 year ago
the ambassador of house va'ruun is such a vibe honestly. he's been chilling alone in a dark snake-themed abandoned building overgrown with trees that produce hallucinogenic sap, not going out anywhere for years, to the point that the outside world had assumed he's long dead. but when they sent in spies to check up on him he decided to hide in the shrubs just to keep up the intrigue. i wish i got paid to do that
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landgraabbed · 2 years ago
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sometimes you gotta take in the lil details
#non sims#i'll come up with a skyrim tag#in my tes era again#(always i just go sleeper agent on it ig)#still in my modding skyrim era i'm sick so that's not v conductive to me actually playing morrowind so this is what i've been doing#sad bc nammu made some good progress he joined house redoran he's actually level 3 and somehow keeps invading every vampire tomb#(i run away bc i cannot deal w that right now)#his slave bracers finally broke off <3#i'll compile some screens and post tomorrow maybe#i truly am the people todd coward thinks about when bethany esda is concocting the latest installment of weird ass lore told through#environmental storytelling and esoteric books and an open world crafted with meticulous detail cursed with bugs up the wazoo#but yeah modding skyrim is being surprisingly fun after i figured out mod organizer#i have bookmarked some mods that require me to regen lods dyndolod or whatever it's called but i'll do that at the end#at least in morrowind that's how i do it#i did my engine fixes my bug fixes my graphics and sounds overhauls my model replacers enb landscapes and now my cities and locations mods#armor next and then i'll start overhauling combat#i'm gunning for dark souls like bc that combat style suits me rly well and i always hated melee in skyrim#(re: armors sforz i looked at your imitations previews and i'm in love i'll have fun experimenting w/ them i owe u my life)#but yeah...... 99% of my skyrim experience has been in ps save for a brief moment i pirated it on release on my shitty laptop i had then#it's been wonderful to actually mod it
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edgepunk · 11 months ago
kinda rough being an fnv fan when other fnv fans are Like That
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vault81 · 25 days ago
disabling survival mode when I get to a bit thats difficult just to enable godmode
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opuntiafruit · 3 months ago
(grips the chair) I should play fallout new vegas. again.
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voxel-loves-you · 1 year ago
Hey, Bethany Esda? I would pay for a Dad Jokes DLC for Sam. Not like a lot. But an amount I might be a little ashamed of admitting to. Have some examples:
Accidentally scanned Sam because he walked in front of you? — "That's a scanner, not a stud finder."
An opportunity to express you are tired/hungry/cold/etc? — "Hi tired/hungry/cold/etc, I'm Sam."
Stairs? — "I don't trust stairs... they're always up to something."
To Cora randomly — "You know, I'm reading this book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!"
Randomly — "I really used to hate facial hair... but then it grew on me."
And he must be very pleased with himself and laugh at all his own jokes. Because that is part of the joy/pain of dad jokes.
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fatherentropy · 2 years ago
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solving my problems the same way I do every game by (attempting to) make Yorick. Except the haircut I designed for him is bullshit so we are improvising and ignoring the out of place outfit
figured out what my problem is with playing Skyrim and that it's that my brain wants me to be able to play multiple characters in one save for no real good reason
like superficially an interesting idea but I feel like too logistically complicated to have good use for
I just wanna do too many things that require a few different characters and leveling them to a point I can do shit is a pain
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spiribia · 11 months ago
[unexploded anon] first of all about the protags: yes. yeag. ur right. that aside you cant really... make any interesting decisions in fo4? which also leads to that fixed character feel. sure you can decide which faction to join but thats it. you dont get several ways of solving things like the nv moon quest for example. as soon as they went teehee no more karma and a voiced protag it was so over.
that aside my biggest grievance with bethany esdas version of fo(esp 4)is that they simply cannot write anything that isnt "the world was destroyed and it sucks now also the brotherhood of steel is here". theyre sooo scared to move on from it— or perhaps they are just afraid to say anything? a big point of fo1 and 2 and nv is bad thing happened how do we move on from that. they rebuild! they have huge cities! theyve started printing money again by fo2! things arent great sure but they are developing!
the plot in the new show revolves around who threw the first bomb so we can all point our fingers at the real bad guy actually which feels like such a big misunderstanding to me and again shows that they simply cannot move on from the hoho! big war happen! plot. they even went and nuked the big settlements so theyre back to that status quo and its just so LAME. wheres the hopeful spark of humanity in this. wheres anything that isnt just hehe bomb go boom heres the brotherhood of steal (while simultanously yassifying the ghouls so they look less scary as if they arent a direct result of the horrors of war youre so fixated on gg)
[unexploded anon] i guess theres nothing wrong with like. things that dont have to be deeper and you can just go and play fo4 and have fun with whats there but what always gets me is that it USED TO BE. cooler. it used to be cooler and had something to say and now its just an aesthetic to sell i guess.
sad! well theres always games from 1998 and nv to play.
definitely interesting to hear perspective from a first 2 fallouts enjoyer...this is a true war never changes moment. at this point i do think the brotherhood of steel and their big old promo material power armor is probably a brand recognition association with their brand. they do also seem to lean into marketable in-universe branding like the vault boy and nuka-cola but without the irony which is a critique i've seen a lot of that i'm inclined to agree with and also unfortunately kind of funny if i'm honest.
fo4 does seem like it could be fun if it's the sort of action game you're in the market for and i think if i was in the right mood it could be something i could've gotten further in. the universe contorted me into playing new vegas and only new vegas. i was so smoothtalked by todd howard's fallout 4 e3 presentation that i resolved to get it when it came out, and to bide the time before, got fallout 3 and found i could not get it to run on my laptop. i refunded 3 and begrudgingly got new vegas as a compensation, which ran like a dream, but i didnt get past the first time in my first attempt - i found the wasteland crunchy and unnerving with its evil beasts and thought "maybe fallout 4 will be more comforting - it's more colorful". then fallout 4 came out and i could not run it. so then i turned back to new vegas. and now i LOVE the crunchy wasteland and the evil beasts.
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thefallenangelsgang · 2 years ago
two and a half years ago (👀) I posted a list of headcanons right around when I started playing around with the ideas in my fallout WIP
I've decided they ( 1 + 2 ) need to be updated and added to especially after Death Shroud gave me so many great ideas/things I want to steal. Added break to save you dash my loves <3
I will keep adding to this lmao
Post #1 Revisions
Post #2 Revisions
Death Shroud Stuff I'm Kidnapping
Misc Stuff From Asks, Mods, and My Brain (AKA THE LONGEST SECTION)
From #1 (Link Here)
We are keeping chair bound Murphy
I may or may not be recanting my gangly tall 'n thin Hancock HC. I oscillate wildly between wanting him to be Eldritch God™ tall and "gimme uppies! :3" short. He may end up being both. His height will be whatever is funniest for the bit.
oh yeah Sarah Lyons got merc-ed B)
We are still kicking with Kellogg in Nicky's skull but with the added angsty-ness brought in by Death Shroud. Oh the plot! Oh how it hurts so good! Kellogg wanting to find someway to punish the SoleSu(s) and Nick for picking through his memories? Ugh! Give me it all.
We are cutting Billy and the Fridge. I don't want to deal with the nightmare plot holes it will bring up and Quincy will already have enough BS. Plus the more I think about it the less I like the whole quest and its placement. Fuck! Maybe he'll be referenced in Publick Occurrences? I don't care! We're loosey goosey bay-be!
- 10. can stay. I have no issues with them and nothing funny to add
From #2 (Link Here)
Now I can bring up my beloved Vault-Tec Rep. Him in the Death Shroud? Perfect. Beautiful. Stunning. I no longer have to call him Paul Eiding as a very direct nod to his VO. Our Beloved David Dwecker is married to Sheffield and they have a house in Sanctuary filled with Nuka-Cola memorabilia (for Sheffield) and collectable plates (the kind grandmothers display for our lovely Rep). They have a little sitting area set up in the carport where they hangout, smoke, and dance together to Diamond City Radio. I need this for my mental health okay?
Shaun being Autistic is something I really want to explore. I truly forget who I first saw say this but it is not an original idea by any means. I also think the poor thing would have some level of trauma from everything so exploring that is gonna be fun! (no it will not oh my god I'm going to dredge up all my childhood issues.)
OHHHH CHRISTMAS. YULETIDE. FEAST OF ST. NICHOLAS. I find the "Seth Patrick" bit SO funny in Death Shroud so that is staying but also I feel like the feast of St. Nicholas got jokingly flipped into a celebration of Nick Valentine (Same with Valentine's Day) and people are beginning to forget the correct version. Nick tolerates it with an eye roll and a wry joke about people needing to read their history books but secretly finds the whole thing funny. Ellie has a santa suit for Nick to don during "his" holiday. Also the school children in Diamond City send Nick "Valentines" on valentines day and he displays them on his corkboard.
Music. My god the Johnny Guitar bit had me by the throat during Death Shroud. Expand those music libraries! Before you know it I'm gonna give Travis a rolling ladder attached to bookcases upon bookcases of records and holotapes. I want to hear people complain about how many Andrews Sisters records survived and God why won't Travis stop playing them!
The Flavor of Goodneighbor needs to be so complex. Like a good pasta sauce. I better be so overcome by the layers and smells and textures. Better Goodneighbor and Better Third Rail are really good starts but I'm expanding the shit out of both of them I think. I want to feel like Goodneighbor truly is dangerous to be in. Being able to cross most of the town in one sprint burst isn't cutting it Bethany Esda! Make it truly baffling how Hancock knows so much about the happenings in his town.
- 8. are about the BoS and I stand by them. You will get to meet my Lone Wanderer and learn about the hierarchies a little better. I redesigned the Orders and added one I think? I have to re-sort those notes lmao. Also the piloting thing is like MAJORLY important to me because the frequency of vertibird crashes in game pissed me off to no end.
From Death Shroud (@chadfallout76podcast THANK YOU)
Danse is just... Like That now. I can't wait to explore his character before and after Blind Betrayal especially because he will not be leaving the Brotherhood and he will still be Like That. [spoiler warning ;) for my story lol] I can't wait for the beautiful moments that will be born of it.
I actually kind of love some of the plot points in Death Shroud like the Mob Family wars? Staying 100%. Same with Ma and Boss Lombardo and some of the other families.
As is Charlie but I refuse to let him die. I got very attached to Charlie and his death was so perfect but this time he gets to stay alive dammit.
Magnolia sending Magnolia flowers with her letters? Genius
Vault-Tec Rep (David my beloved) being the saddest, wettest cat of a man imaginable when he's in Goodneighbor? Also fucking genius.
"Fish-lips" Malone being part of the same family as Skinny has me so excited for more mob family bullshit.
Ruffino's and the Black Rose is being transplanted somewhere and maybe might be near the Combat Zone. New den of sin anyone?
Obviously I'm not going to attempt to pull apart the fabric of reality in-canon but my god Death Shroud was fun <3
Some new Misc HCs
Diamond City is bigger and more populated, kind of in the same vein as the Goodneighbor HC. I haven't found a mod layout I like so I might end up redesigning it (Please kill me)
This is an old one from an ask! Hancock will help work the bar at the Third Rail occasionally. He's a notorious show off and his cocktails are mainly just straight liquor but he entertains the hell out of people when he dives over the bar to take orders and bother Whitechapel Charlie. There are major losses on nights he bartends due to the fact he forgets (sometimes purposefully) to take payment. Regulars know to put the cash in the tip jar so Whitechapel can collect it at the end of the night.
Another thing I'm keeping from an ancient ask, Danse wants kids. Badly. And the crushing blow of being sterile really fucks with him for a while. but he eventually comes to terms with it. He's also still touchy (as in he's always touching his partner) per that ask because I think that's cute.
I'm just going through old asks now lmao. Nick and Ellie dance together like the true father-daughter pair they are
I forgot who drew this but I once saw someone pair Sturges and Ellie together and that is the cutest damn thing so it stays.
MacReady got the Lone Wanderer's Grognak magazine as a gift for letting them into Little Lamplight and it's one of his prized possessions.
Macready and the Lone Wanderer's reunion is very cute my dudes.
More general slice of life stuff like fishing on the mainland and boats, more things to do in general, transportation, cool amputees, and other shit listed in this post I reblogged YEARS ago
OH Travis and Scarlett get married <3
Danny Sullivan skips town after taking the fun way down from the mayor's office and travels with some cross country caravans before coming back to work in Diamond City. YES HE LIVES!
Holy fuck i forgot I had this mod but the Institute projects the sky up on their ugly concrete dome because this mod fucks hard
Just the general vibe of raiders employing children and stringing more dead mutilated bodies about. There are mods for that and let me tell you they make the raider camps horrifying. No I will not be linking them. But they are available on Nexus should you want them.
Okay I'm changing the layout of everything apparently: Including but not limited to the Railroad HQ, The Prydwen, Vault 111, etc. Fuck game design I guess lmao. I like XFreakish's Railroad Redone and NordKitten's A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul for in game and basically plan to build off of them.
The asks: Hancock bartending, Danse wanting kids and being into physical affection, Nick and Ellie Dancing + MacReady and the LW's Grognak (same ask)
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Normalize Fat People
it still bothers me that the most accurate and flattering fat character i've ever seen in a videogame was a fetish mod for the resident evil 2 & 3 remakes. like, it make Jill/Claire look like an actual plus-sized person, and its really frustrating that the only time i really see representation let alone body positivity for fat people is because horny people had to mod it in (no shade to kink, i just want the mainstream to acknowedge how hot fat people and muscular women and enby ppl can be). Like, fallout 4 is the first bethany esda game i'm aware of that lets you be fat, but its pretty lacking in variety. I'm a simple sapphic - let me see fat and/or beefy women when I play viddygames. let there be butches, and dykes, and twinks, and muscleguts, and let there be more than like 7 body types - especially when in so many games, like 3 of those 7 are child, old man and old woman. let people see themselves in videogames, please.
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thana-topsy · 2 years ago
for the Asks to Spread the Love: 2, 8, 15, and 21! ~throughtrialbyfire
Answered #2 in this post and #15 in this one!
8. Best thing about canon
The Unreliable Narrator
TES has gifted us an amazing boon that I think a lot of fans take for granted, which is that so many of our "sources" on the lore come from in-world opinions and understandings of events. There are very few instances in which we have Bethany Esda telling us "this is, for certain, the truth of things".
Why is this a good thing? Because it leaves room for endless amounts of speculation and interpretation. Which is GREAT for transformative works, especially when it comes to crafting original characters. They can have opinions and beliefs based on other fallible opinions and beliefs that we find in the world, and I think that makes them all the more real for it.
(This also makes most arguments over what the "correct" opinion or belief is completely moot, which I take great delight in).
21. A favourite fandom event
I really loved the Skyrim Sexyman Poll. Honestly, it's the entire reason I'm using tumblr again. It was so much fun and one of the brighter fandom events I've ever participated in. Thank you @incorrectskyrimquotes, you brought my ass back from the Void.
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edwardalbee · 2 years ago
hi i'm bethany esda. thank you for playing my indie game
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years ago
how about 6, 23 and 30? :0 not sure if any of these need to be game specific, but if so then NV please ^v^
Sounds good! Thanks for the ask! 😁
And it's only a little specific lol, but I ended up kinda answering for all of them 😅
6. If you could have one creature as a companion, what would it be? 
Ohhhhh, this is so difficult 😩 the obvious answer is deathclaw, I think, and that would be a spectacular companion, don't get me wrong, but... I also really like the pseudo-dog types. I'd love to have a mutant hound, or in NV's case, a night stalker would be very cool... but also brahmin and bighorners would be interesting too 🤔 ahh, I'm too indecisive for this, they're all too good!
Really, they just need to expand to more than humanoids and Dogmeat/Rex... and robots... Ok, so they have a decent variety, but I want more aminals, dangit.
23. Which SPECIAL stat do you tend to make the highest? 
It's generally either charisma (usually in FO4's case) or intelligence, but I'd like to do a lucky character sometime in the future, since that seems very fun to explore.
30. 3 things you’d like to see in the next fallout game?
This is a great question, and already partially answered above! But I'm gonna go over it again.
First, I'd like to see a bigger commitment to character development with the companions/npcs. As much as we all complain about the writing in FO4 (and for good reason), Bethany Esda really has shown growth in the way the companions have become more individualized characters with interesting backstories from FO3-FO4. But obviously there was still a lack of development and closure for a lot of these characters, a lot of tragic backstories they have in common *cough cough dead wife *cough and an overall lack of depth and care for the female characters (Clover, Cait, Curie, Cass, Cross why do all of their names start with C? and somewhat for Piper and Veronica as well.) And I do tend to play Fallout not for the combat/gameplay as much, but more for the story and character connections and the interesting environment; so I'd call for more companion quests and unique characters that really ground you in the world and help you to form emotional connections with them, and, in turn, become more invested in the game, story, and world as a whole.
Second, this is really just a critique for FO4, but please bring back the proper elements of roleplaying! Don't give our characters a whole ass backstory that's difficult to stray from or build off of if you want to stay true to cannon with your OCs. Also, for the love of god, bring back the dialogue options that aren't just one word gists of the whole actual line. I can't tell y'all the amount of times I went back in a save for saying something wrong 😩 Like.... I wanted to be sarcastic in a funny way, not be an asshole to Nick, geeze.
And last is that one I said earlier, where it'd be interesting to have different creature companions, but also, just more variety in general with the companions. Give us more female characters, more companions from different factions (Legion, Great Khans, Fiends, The Kings, Enclave, etc.), and more characters that are canonically trans, or have a specific sexuality/romantic preference instead of blanketing everyone as bi to be available to any kind of OC (which is awesome for some, but also, I'd like to see further commitment to diversity), which also means I'd like to see different races and ethnicities depicted as well.
ANYWAY, that was pretty long-winded, and just sort of word-vomited out, but hopefully it all makes sense.
There's definitely quite a few things I would want to see changed for future games, but also, I don't want to completely drag the ones I've played, since, clearly, they've had an enormous impact on my life. But I'm a true believer that most of us who enjoy these games, yet still want to see them change, want that because of how much we care about these games and we only want to see them improve more and more.
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cidnangarlond · 2 years ago
hi I'm bethany esda and thank you for playing my game
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