#I'm being so serious when I say that I didn't think of the Danny Phantom thing till like. After I was like 'Oh I think this would be
odd-chips · 8 months
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"You keep drawing Tim and profile-"
Anyways it's cliche, but I'm a big, big fan of "parents hate The Thing, but kid is The Thing" trope!! (This has NOTHING to do with my Danny Phantom obsession. Whatever. Leave me alone. Please ignore the fact that his sister knows he's The Thing and has to try to help keep it a secret. Irrelevant.)
Currently I only have a vague undercurrent of a story where some important Roseberg matriarch was violently killed by some type of werecreature, and the family has held this resentment for decades. I'd like for it to turn out that what actually happened was she got down bad for the werecreature and they ran away together or something hoiJKLFD
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phantom-dc · 2 years
A deal with the Ghost King
First previous next AO3
Duke wasn't sure what was going on. He was about to head back home when he got an message from Dick, calling him to the theathre district. It didn't sound serious, but when Duke found almost the entire family on the roof he grew concerned. 'Hey guys, I'm here. What's going on?' Damian scoffed. 'Dick is being foolish. This is a complete waste of time.' 'Says the one that's been hogging the binoculers, gimme those!' Tim grabbed for the binoculers, making Damian fight for them. Duke was a bit confused. 'Do you guys want to tell me what's going on, or can I head home? Some of us sleep at night, you know.' Cass appeared behind him, startling him: 'Jason's dating.' 'Wait, really? Who?' Duke joined Dick and Stephanie by the roof's edge, hoping to catch a glimpse. He might not talk much with Jason, but he was still curious who would try and date Mr. Dufflebag. Some type of femme fatale maybe? Or maybe someone who was strong? He couldn't imagine someone waltzing up and just asking Jason out. He was very suprised when Jason left the theatre with some twinkish guy.
'So, what did you think? The main actrice really put her everything into her peformance!' Jason had taken Phantom to the theatre after lunch to see a play. 'I loved it! I never liked the book, but this was much better!' Danny had a good time, he had been pleasantly suprised. Jason was suprised. 'Wait, you don't like the book? You could've told me, so we could have gone to a different one.' Danny waved him off. 'It's fine, I didn't want to be rude. Last time I dragged you al across the Astronomy museum, remember? You didn't whine either. Besides, I liked it! Guess reading the book for a grade wasn't helping me enjoy it.' Jadon groaned. 'Reading for a grade. Nothing kills love for books faster!' Danny laughed, admitting one of his rogues was more likely to blame. 'Remind me to tell you about Ghostwriter, now THAT kills love for books!' Jason smiled, and kissed Danny. Suddenly he noticed something above them. It almost looked like... 'Is something wrong?' Danny noticed Jason grew alert. 'Nah, It's nothing. I just noticed the sun had gone down. I... wanted to watch the sunset with you.' Danny smiled at Jason. 'Just like in the play, huh? Never thought the Red Hood was such a romantic!' Jsson grew a bit embarrassed. 'I have an idea!' Danny grabs Jason's hand and pulls him into an alley.
Dick was confused. How could they have lost them! This alley was a dead end, and the whole family (minus Bruce) was here! Damian was pouting. 'If I had been in charge of this operation we wouldn't have lost them!' Duke didn't know how Jason had done this. One second they were here, and gone the next. Even his vision couln't expkain it. Tim, Cass and Stephanie were searching for secret escape routes. It wasn't like they had flown away!
Meanwhile, high above them Danny and Jason flew invisibly, enjoying their own second sunset.
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
To explain the problem with how the Atsv fandom deals with Hobie a lot and sometimes with Gwen too............Hobie and Gwen have certain expectations put on them as a slightly older black character and a female character who's the male mc's love interest.Hobie is expected to be overtly sexual and uncommited to his partners('I hate labels' was him being nonbinary,please be fucking serious)and have a huge mean edge to him or either a caretaker to the Spiderband with no personality and stories of his own and Gwen is expected to be a 'normal' straight girlfriend-Hence all the emphasis put on her being a girl and Miles a boy even when it dosen't fit-including the toxicity frequent in white ones with black boyfriends specifically(that's what 'snowbunny' means btw)and her experiences as a friendless abuse victim who's trans and was kicked out by her cop dad for doing activism isn't something that you can ignore,because GWEN can't ignore it either and neither can Hobie with his own lived antiblackness and adultification that are inherently intertwined with eachother
Gwen wasn't written to be a stereotypical hashtag quirky cis white girl with no real problems besides wanting the guy to like her back,Gwen was CANONICALLY written as a usual TRANS girl and those are absolutely different because i known both closely and she reminds me infinitely more of tgirls who're pastel softgirls for gender validation instead of white woman fragility and the only reason her and Margo weren't a trio with Hobie pre-Miles is the same reason Peter B didn't come with Gwen to visit Miles and it's that writers wanted to isolate them from eachother to emphasize Ghostflower as if they didn't pull it off just fine in the first movie and when the only weak points in the second one are FROM them doing that and if you think about it for 5 seconds you'd realize that Margo and her have every reason to love eachother so much and hang out.And Hobie has plenty of interesting traits and potential even without his comics lore and he never shows interest in sex-Rightfully so,because this is a fucking children's franchise!!!-and any 'vibes' adult Hobie bullshitters got was them being creeps who can't turn off horny mode and you can just say you don't ship Ghostpunk and Punkflower instead of making a fool of yourself by denying how much mutual romantic interest and chemistry Hobie has with Gwen and Miles
And y'all WILDIN' if you actually think Hobie's Team Dad status to the Spiderband is something that takes zero toll on him but i know for a fact it eventually does and he tries to hide it because he feels guilty but they find out and let him breakdown and take care of him too starting from then on because he's not their ACTUAL Dad,he's a 17 year old and he's their best friend and that's what best friends DO.Gwen ain't a pick me either,she's a trans legend who didn't magically turn cis when she started passing contrary to how y'all think transfemininity work and Hobie didn't 'adopt' her,him taking her in was intersectionality and solidarity between black people and trans women which has an extremely important history in punk culture and deadass one of the first thing's i learned when i started my research after i decided to go pastel punk.You all look dumb as hell with these janky ass takes,especially those random hate comments i'm always seeing on Hobie x Spiderband posts and the defenses towards the cisfeminization of Gwen and don't even get me started on the Switfie allegations as if Hobie isn't obviously a The Cure fan and Gwen a Tv Girl one,and if you want minority characters to be written offensively with no depth so bad,go back to watching Danny Phantom and Miraculous Ladybug and leave Hobs and Gwendy tf alone!!!!!
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lexosaurus · 1 year
The Phantom Martian: Chapter 15
Existential crisis for Danno time wooooo!
This fic is a crossover between Danny Phantom x The Martian. I found out today that Perseverance recently captured footage of a dust devil that was five times the height of the Empire State building. This is unrelated to this fic but I just thought it was a cool little thing and wanted to share.
Summary: When Astronaut Mark Watney went to Mars, he knew there was a chance he'd never come home. Now, though, he's determined to last long enough for NASA to save him because this whole dying for science thing is not as fun as it sounds.
Meanwhile, Danny Fenton is just trying to keep his identity a secret amidst a potential crisis with his powers. Seriously, what's up with that weird current under his skin? Why is he having so much trouble controlling it? And why does it feel so familiar...?
In a fit of determination (and possible stupidity), Danny goes to Mars to save Watney, only to add to both their crises when he arrives and can't get home. Will NASA save them? Will Danny have a home to return to if they do?
Chapter WC: 5195
Fic Tags: Danny Fenton & Mark Watney, Canon Divergence, Ecton AU
Chapter excerpt under the cut
“Mark, and yes I'm being serious, but you aren't actually trying to kill yourself here, are you?” Danny asked.
“No. If I was, I'd just switch the oxygenator off and flood the Hab with nitrogen. And I'd take a Vicodin. Or several.”
Now Danny really didn't know whether he should be confused or concerned.
Mark continued on anyway. “Listen, a new probe will never work. They’re rushing it! They won't be able to build half of the stuff needed in time. The probe would be lucky to make it off the ground, much less be able to transport all the food to Mars intact. And that's why we're not going to go with this plan.”
“We're not?” Danny asked, his voice rising to an embarrassing pitch. “Um, no offense, but aren't we sitting ducks here? It's not like we can build a rocket to take us home.”
“Aha! I thought you might say that!” Mark pointed to Danny, and from an angle, he looked less like an astronaut and more like the Mad Hatter minus the hat. “See, the thing is, Daniel James Fenton Phantom, is that I've been thinking. A lot.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes. And I've decided something.”
Danny was almost afraid to ask. “What have you decided?”
“I want you to buckle up, my dear little overpowered alien child. My lost, damned ecto-contaminated soul. My little prepubescent ecton-fusion filled halfa.” 
“I've hit puberty, actually! I’m seventeen! You literally gave me a cake-shaped potato and tried to use Martinez’s cross as a candle on my birthday!”
Mark ignored him, hunching over to rest his elbows on his knees and tucking his steepled hands into his chin. “You and I are going to solve this problem using ghost powers.”
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kawaiijohn · 2 years
Prompts you say? 👀 How about some GrayGhost? 🥺👉👈
Reveal fic to get my brain back in the fanfic game. Let's go
Danny and Valerie have graduated and are dating. Identity reveal!
"So, how long have you known?"
"A while. You're not the most subtle person, and we both know it."
"What gave it away?"
"You keep gear in your backpack. You run off when ghosts show up. You're always looking for exits." A swallow. "There's more but we'd be here all day if I rambled it all off."
"And? What of it?! Ghosts attack every single day- who wouldn't have an ecto gun in their backpack at this poi- nevermind. Fine. You caught me," a sigh, "what are you going to do about it then? Rat me out? Make it so I never have a day of peace in my life ever again? Blackmail me??"
"No! Why would I- Ancients you need better friends if that's where you'd think I'd go with this... What would it accomplish if everyone else knew?"
"Dunno, I can't tell what you're thinking half the time, and we've been dating for two years," a glare, "You're also keeping secrets... but I know better than to pry into it, unlike someone else."
"That's part of why I'm talking to you about it! I wanted to air it out between us- you know, like a healthy relationship? How many lies have we told each other because of our secrets? How many times have we bullshitted where we were going or who we were with? Neither of us have clean hands in this, Val."
Valerie finally looks Danny in the eye, her Huntress gear gently folded on the bed with a note placed gently on top-
'I know, talk to you after work. ❤️ Danny'
They'd been together for two years. Moved into the same apartment after graduation to get away from their parents and strike out on their own. Neither wanted to continue their education, not when the books are too expensive and they both had obligations to Amity Park they couldn't leave behind.
"Fenton, what on earth could you possibly tell me that's even remotely similar to my Huntress persona? You aren't cheating on me, right?" Her raises a single brow in question. He wouldn't dare, but if that's the case she knows how to hide a body.
"What?! No!!!" Danny starts laughing hysterically. "I could barely even get a date after knowing you for years! Who in their right mind would want this level of space case unless they already know me?"
"Alright you have a point-"
"Hey! You're my girlfriend you're supposed to be supportive!"
"Not when you've admitted to lying to my face, Fenton! So spill! If it's not cheating, but still involves lying through your damn teeth all the time, then what the hell is it? What is it that you are doing that could possibly even be on a similar level to me being Red Huntress?" She snaps, frustrated tears leaking from her eyes. She was tired and didn't want to dance around the point with him anymore.
"Alright, fine," he sighs nervously. "But you have to promise me you won't freak out or try to beat me to death with your bare hands first."
She's about to roll her eyes in response with a retort but sees how serious he's being.
"Alright. I won't kill you, but not promises on not freaking out." Valerie crosses her arms and sits on the bed to stare at her boyfriend.
"Alright cool." Danny rolls his shoulders in a stretch. "Ancients, I've literally never told anyone this on purpose, it's always been against my will that people see it."
Danny begins to pace through their shared bedroom with a somewhat panicked expression.
"Okay so then don't tell me- show me." Valerie responds. "If the words are too hard, actions speak louder."
Danny stares at her for a moment before swallowing nervously. He gives her a nod and then-
"I'm goin' ghost!"
A flash.
Everything just changes.
She opens her eyes wide in shock, her body tense.
"Uhhhh surprise??" Phantom says with the same awkward smile Danny has when he gives her a gift.
"I can explain..."
And oh how lucky Danny was to have hidden all the ecto weaponry beforehand.
Not because Valerie hated Phantom, but because her boyfriend was such an idiot to keep a secret this important from her for so long.
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
Ohhh new ship ask game. Paulina and Danny maybe?
"And... why do you want me specifically?"
Paulina flashed Danny her heart-melting smile. "Because! You've got a great shape for it, and you wouldn't want to let me down, would you?"
"Of course not," he said, trying to contain his sigh. Sure, he'd gotten over her more than a year ago, but he couldn't help it. He was a people-pleaser. Especially when it came to his people.
It still didn't mean he was totally okay with being used like this.
"Plus just think! The statement you'll make!" Paulina threw an arm around his shoulder and spread her hand across the horizon in front of them. "Picture it: some los- er, a lost soul finding their way because you, Danny Phantom, were bold enough to take a stand! How could you let an opportunity like that pass you by?"
To his credit, he didn't flinch when she used his celebrity name. After all, much to his (and Sam's) surprise, she had respected him enough to continue to call him Danny Fenton, unlike some kids, who for some reason thought they could just call him Phantom as he passed by in the hallway. Or even worse, the adults who would refer to him as Mr. Phantom, even if he was very obviously in human form.
But he couldn't deny the flashbacks of the shrines she'd built in her locker freshman and sophomore years. She'd torn them down immediately, of course, after the revelation, but they still burned a hole in his memory.
Plus she'd never actually admitted to having lost her crush on 'her' ghost boy. For all he knew, this was a ruse to get him closer to her.
Still though, Paulina was cleverly manipulative. She knew exactly what to say to tug on his core and make him want to give in.
He groaned. "Alright, fine, but this is a one-time thing, you hear?"
She squealed and grabbed his hand. "Oh, Danny, you're the best! I promise, if you hate it, you'll never have to do it again! I swear!"
He didn't hate it. Surprisingly.
Actually, it looked really... pretty?
Sitting there, a half hour after Paulina had approached him, he rotated his hand, letting the sun catch the different colors in the polish she'd painted on his nails. At one angle, it looked like a deep, vibrant teal, and if he tilted it just to the side, it turned into a rich, shiny purple. Tiny sparkles covered the whole nail, reflecting like hundreds of itty bitty stars in a sky that he held on his finger.
"How'd you get it to do the multi-color thing?" he asked absently. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight.
Paulina was still bent over his other hand, working on painstakingly applying more polish. He didn't understand, considering she'd done that hand in the same holographic colors, but she insisted it wasn't finished. "I didn't do it. It's just the polish. Now cállate! I'm trying to concentrate."
Apparently she was very serious about her manicure skills. The way she shushed him, stuck her tongue out a bit as she worked, and moved ever so carefully, it all showed a dedication to the art that he had never realized was possible.
Another two minutes passed before she sat upright, nearly causing Danny to jump three feet in the air. "There!" she said triumphantly, putting the lid back on the polish bottle. "Tell me what you think of that."
At first, he couldn't see what she'd done differently. The nails were shinier than they had been - probably that clear bottle sitting to her side - but nothing else had changed.
And then he saw it.
Only on his ring finger, his logo, perfectly painted out onto the nail in white. It stood out against the purple and blue and green of the polish underneath and brought out the tiny stars even more.
His heart caught in his throat. Sure, he'd seen plenty of people wearing his logo in many different ways by now, but this... something about this was different. Maybe it was how he couldn't help but see the depths of space now at his fingertips. Maybe it was how she'd clearly spent a lot of time and effort making the logo look absolutely perfect, without a stray line to be seen. Maybe it was how instead of standing out loudly, garishly like he saw on so much other merchandise featuring it, it somehow simultaneously blended in yet stood out elegantly, subtly.
Paulina watched him gape wordlessly at his hand. She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a proud smile. "Told you it'd be great," she said with the confidence of someone who'd never doubted her skill for a moment.
She had every right to have that confidence, as far as he was concerned.
He looked up at her, still unable to speak, and her grin only widened. "Do you want me to do the other one?"
Danny immediately nodded, then stopped himself. "Would... would it be weird if I... left it on?" he asked quietly. He wasn't opposed to the polish itself, of course, but to walk around school, around town with something that wasn't really his? Even if he loved it?
Her laugh tinkled in the air. "Of course, silly! Why would I spend so much time just for you to get rid of it?" she giggled as she reopened the bottle.
Her grin didn't fade as she bent over the hand he'd been admiring. "Just wait till you see what other designs I've been working on."
"You have more?"
She glanced up at him. "Uh, duh. But... I suppose you said it was just this one time," she said with a sigh.
Danny blushed. "Well, I - uh, you know... I mean, maybe you could... um... again - only if you want to though! I wouldn't - I can't -"
Her laugh echoed across the field and up into the sky.
~~Send me a ship and I'll write the first scene that comes to mind between the characters!
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avlillustrations · 2 years
As a Halloween treat I thought I'd post an old fanfiction I wrote years ago. I totally forgot about it until someone liked it on deviantart.
It's a silly little Danny phantom/Tak and the power of juju crossover one-shot. I really like it though!
"My hair isn't food you know." Danny muttered, though he wasn't particularly bothered by the rhino chewing on the split ends. It was better than being harassed by the villagers. Ever since he defeated Vlad and saved the moon Juju, the villagers wanted him to do everything. It'd gotten so bad that he had to resort to hiding out in Dryrock Canyon just to get some alone time. It even made him long for the time he was just Clockwork's errand boy and everyone ignored him...
"Danny," and nobody looked for him when he made it clear he wanted to be left alone. "Danny, I know you're here. Clockwork wants to see you!"
Danny groaned, "ugh. On my way, Dash!"
"I said I'm..."
"DANNY!" This time Dash's yelling was accompanied by a annoyingly loud chittering sound: Nerbils. Danny cursed under his breath and stood up from his hiding spot behind the summoning shrine. Dash was helpless against Nerbils, you'd think differently because of his size, but the little pests tend to attack in pacts of ten or more so...
Danny hoisted himself up the cliffs to the path of the sun temple. Dash was one cliff higher, with the dead magic Nubu plant. A swarm of at least seven Nerbils had him pinned to the dusty ground. "DANNY!" Dash squealed again. (Yes, big macho man Dash Baxter squealed. Though he would definitely deny it if he were confronted.)
Danny rolled his eyes. Dash really was pathetic. Danny grabbed the spirit rattle from his holster and began raffling though the juju talismans in his leg pouch until he found the one he was looking for: Conversion. One of his personal favorites. Who wouldn't want to turn a Nerbil into a chicken?
"Damn it, Danny. Get this flesh eating monstrosities off of me!"
"That's funny," Danny deadpanned. "I didn't know chickens were flesh eaters."
"Wha...?" Dash opened his eye and saw that indeed he was no longer being bitten and scratched to death by little bat-like monsters. Instead he had a bunch of chickens scratching on his chest and one was attempting to nest in his hair. "Shoo, shoo, stupid birds."
Danny snickered," I don't want to hear a word about this Danny." Dash growled as he stood up.
"I wasn't gonna say anything." Danny snickered again, a little louder this time.
"And no laughing either."
"Sorry, can't promise you that." Danny began laughing in earnest.
"Damn it Fenton, it's not funny!"
"It's always funny when you're involved, Dash."
Dash scoffed. "Yeah right, whatevAH! Nubu plant!"
Danny looked and sure enough, there was a Nubu plant, freshly sprouted. Although, something was...off. The plant wasn't hissing or snapping at them as the plant species was known to do whenever there was prey around. In fact it was quivering, as if it were afraid. It was also the smallest Nubu plant Danny had ever seen, even for a sprout. Usually, freshly sprouted Nubu plants were tall enough to reach his knee, adolescent Nubu plants were about waist height, and fully grown magical Nubu plants were exactly the same height as he was. This one though, it barely reached the midpoint of his calf.
"What are you Doing Fenton?"
"Shut up Dash."
Danny inspected the plant a bit closer. The nubu plants quivering was more noticeable now that he had gotten a better look and he could finally see why. It had no teeth! And out here in Dryrock Cayon, where there was no grass or weeds to camouflage the little thing, having no teeth was a death sentence.
"Seriously Danny, what are you doing?" Dash asked again, his voice wavering a little bit, but at least he wasn't freaking out anymore.
"I'm taking it back to amity with me."
"What?! You can't be serious Danny. You know how dangerous those things are."
"They're only dangerous from adolescence to adulthood." Danny replied sharply. "Sprouts like this one are just a nuisance." Danny would know, since he'd been bitten by them more times than he could count. The bites didn't even hurt that much. It just felt like walking through a field of thistles.
"It'll be fine Dash. Look, it doesn't even have any teeth."
"If it doesn't have any teeth then why are you taking it?"
"I'm taking it because it doesn't have teeth." Danny snapped, "without teeth, it won't be able to catch prey or protect itself from predators."
"I don't think Clockwork will approve of you keeping that thing."
"Says you, Clockwork won't care." Danny had an idea. "In fact, I think he'll be happy to have a reliable source of Nubu flowers around."
"I'm pretty sure if I take care of this little guy now, he'll be a little more docile when he reaches adulthood."
Dash was confused, "Which means?..."
"Which means when Clockwork needs a Nubu flower for a spell, he'll have a domesticated Nubu plant within reach and I won't have to hunt down a bunch of them just for a few flowers." Adult Nubu plants were rare enough now-a-days from people trying their best to kill the sprouts whenever they bloom. And whenever Clockwork needed one of the flowers Danny had to travel miles to find a feral one to kill and once they died they would no longer produce flowers. Which was why it was better to get the flower while it was still alive. The flowers grew back then.
"Yeah, sure. Just grab the stupid plant and let's get out of here. I hate Dryrock Canyon."
Danny nodded only half listening to Dash's complaining, while he focused on digging out the plant without tools and without severing its roots (Nubu plants could feel pain unlike other plant species). "So what d'ya say, little guy," Danny said to the no longer quivering plant. Do you want to come home with me?"
The plant purred.
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They sat across from each other in the hallway, the sound of Maddie Fenton's shouting was muffled through the door of the principal's office.
Wes leaned back with his arms crossed as Walter Weston's voice broke through the noise, issuing an attempt at an apology that seemed to fall on deaf ears as the yelling continued.
"Your son might think it's just some funny joke, but I will not have anyone accusing my son of being that lying, manipulative, piece of ectoplasmic scum!"
Danny sank lower in his chair, face tightening with every word.
"You know they wouldn't say that stuff if they knew the truth." said Wes, cutting into the tense air between them.
Danny's head thumped back against the wall as he rolled his eyes.
"You cannot possibly be that fucking dense." Danny's voice was strained with frustration.
Wes felt heat flood into his cheeks as his chest coiled with anger.
"Well it's true." he spat. "They wouldn't think Phantom's a monster if they knew he was you."
Danny's nose wrinkled in an expression of mild disgust.
"For the most observant guy in school you are unbelievably blind."
"Oh I'm blind?" the squeak of Wes' sneakers echoed down the empty hall as he stood over the other boy. "You're the one who can't see how much easier your life would be if you just told everyone who you really are. But no, you have to keep it this big secret just so you can feel special, because you just wanna keep playing superhero."
He jabbed a finger in Danny's face as vibrant blue eyes glared up at him through dark bangs.
"You're choosing to get detention for missing classes, you're choosing to get beaten up by Dash all the time. You're choosing to be the least popular guy in school when you could turn it all around overnight if you wanted. You're choosing to listen to your parents talk shit about you-"
Danny's fist didn't race up to grab Wes by the collar, Wes simply blinked and cold fingers were suddenly curled around the neck of his basketball uniform.
"Have you even remotely considered that telling the professional ghost hunters that I live with that I'm part ghost might not be the best idea? My mom is literally yelling about how much they want to tear me open right now."
Wes couldn't help but notice that that was, in fact, exactly what she was currently yelling about.
"They wouldn't do that." Wes scoffed, batting Danny's hand away, it was like hitting a marble statue that only decided to move out of politeness. "They're your parents, they wouldn't hurt you."
"Are you sure about that?" Danny asked, Wes wasn't exactly sure when he got up from his chair, but they were standing face to face now. "Would you bet your life on it?"
Wes suddenly felt rather cold, but he refused to let Danny see him flustered.
"No, but I wouldn't go around betting my life on anything," Wes smoothed the wrinkles out of his shirt collar. "That's just stupid."
"Then why," Danny grit his teeth hard, "Are you so comfortable betting mine."
Wes opened his mouth to retort but suddenly found himself at a loss for words as Danny's question sank in and the cold chill in the room ran sharply down his spine.
They wouldn't really hurt him. He was sure of it, they were his parents. They would never, he was sure.
Would he bet his life on it?
"There's about three things that can happen if I tell my parents." said Danny, wandering slightly down the hall, looking down at his shoes. "One, they believe me, they put aside an entire lifetime of prejudice and accept me for who I am, hooray!" he shook his hands in a rather sarcastic gesture of mock celebration.
"Two!" he continued before Wes could interject. "They believe me, but they think of Phantom as some kind of disease, something that should be gotten rid of, something they can cure."
He turned on his heel to face Wes once again, holding up three fingers.
"Three... they don't believe me. They think Phantom is controlling me, or he's killed me and taken my place, that this is just some evil plot to manipulate them. They try to kill me."
Danny shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked at a piece of rubbish on the floor.
"Which means I only have a one in three chance of things going okay, and that's being generous and ignoring all of the other things that could go wrong. I don't like those odds, Wes."
Wes swallowed hard. He hadn't thought of it like that, he hadn't even considered it at all, but one in three? That didn't seem right.
"What do you mean one in three?" Wes asked, "Only one of those was really bad, what's wrong with them finding a cure? You hate being Phantom."
Danny looked up at him with a surprised expression, before frowning hard.
"I don't hate being Phantom, and it wouldn't matter if I did. Phantom is a part of me, I can't get rid if it. The last time I managed to split my ghost half from my human half it took half of my personality with it, and if I'd stayed that way for too long both sides of me would have died, for good."
"You don't know that it's impossible." said Wes, refusing to back down out of pure stubbornness at this point, even though the conversation was leaving a sour taste in his mouth. "Your parents are geniuses, if anyone could figure it out they could."
"Wes," Danny rubbed a hand over his face, looking very tired. "I asked the most powerful omniscient ghost I know if it was possible, there isn't a single timeline where I survive a permanent split. It can't be done, and I don't want it to be done."
"But why?!" Wes' arms opened in a desperately questioning gesture. "You don't even use it for anything! All you do is fight ghosts and lie to everyone! Why would you want that?!"
"It doesn't matter why." Danny hissed. "This is my life, my body. I get to choose what I do with it, and I should get to choose who I tell about it instead of having some selfish prick outing me to everyone without warning!"
"He WHAT?!"
The boys both turned around to find Mrs Fenton and Mr Weston standing in the doorway to the office. Maddie had a hand over her mouth, and Walter's jaw was hanging from his head.
"Did he just say what I think he said?" Walter asked.
"Yes! Finally! Dad he's-"
"You outed him?" Walter grabbed Wes by the shirt and marched him down the hallway. "You can't just do that sort of thing with someone's personal life! The ghost thing is bad enough but this-"
"What?" Wes' eyes widened as he realised what his dad was saying, "Wait, no! That's not what we were talking about-"
"We are going to have a very serious talk about this." Walter turned around, still shoving Wes ahead of him. "Mrs Fenton, Danny. I am so, so sorry about this, all of this."
Maddie slipped a hand over Danny's shoulder and squeezed as the Westons disappeared down the hall.
"Did he really tell everyone about that too?" Maddie asked in a dark tone. "If anything happens to you because of this I'll-"
"It's fine mom, it's fine." Danny assured her. "It doesn't matter what he says. Nobody ever believes him anyway."
He really hoped Wes learned something from that conversation, but somehow he doubted it would change anything.
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Tagged by @redoaktreehill !
Thanks for the tag, now onto the questions:
How many works do you have on AO3?
44 = BNHA
6 = Persona 5
5= Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2 = Danny Phantom (but one of those is a crossover with Justice League and John Constantine)
2 = Miraculous Ladybug (but one of those is a crossover with Batman)
3 = The Batman, Constantine and Justice League crossovers
1 = Assassination Classroom (a crossover with BNHA)
1 = Sk8 the Infinity
1 = Fire Emblem: Three Houses
What's your total AO3 word count?
876408 words!
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
1) The old Bait and Switch (10,019 kudos)
2) #NewestWayne is trending folks (5663 kudos)
3) (The original) A fraudulent claim to immortality (4442 kudos)
4) Rooks and Bishops don't get to choose their moves (3941 kudos)
5) Blood Stains The Skin Red (3620 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to most comments! Though most of the ones I reply to are ones where I can actively engage with the commentary, like if someone asks a question or suggests something I could edit.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Uh... give me like half an hour to scour for fics that AREN'T pure angst....
Okay so it's either 'Care to be my Ganimard?' Or 'Rival Soup' which are both crack slightly shippy Persona 5 fics about Akeshu's dynamic! Could also be 'You're telling Me A Shrimp Fried This Rice!?' Or 'Iida isn't the boss of you' which are my only crack BNHA fics but Fried Rice is a more happy emotions after sadness kind of ending rather than like fully happy and Iida isn't the boss is incomplete so-
Pretty much everything else is either currently unfinished, abandoned, being rewritten or you know... without what you would typically call a happy ending so these two are really my only options, you wouldn't think I don't like reading angst.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Now that's a loaded question.
We've got Izuku dies in this one where it does what it says on the tin which was a sleep deprived 'ha but what if' rewrite of Kamino fic, Nomu 2.0 which (as described by a commentor) has Of Mice and Men vibes. Disrupted Celebrations is another contender because Izuku goes through every stage of grief and then gets to go through survivors guilt AND imposter syndrome before ultimately not having a good time!
For P5 it's probably Where Justice Goes To Die which is a 2/2 fic with a twist and any 2/2 fic HAS to be angsty and bittersweet or it's just not a 2/2 fic you know?
It's hard though because a lot of what I write is angst...
Do you write crossovers?
Yep! All the time, some of my favourite fics I've written are crossovers but that's mainly bc they're my little passion projects? Like I write most of my fics bc my brain refuses to shut up but my crossover fics always end up with like 40 page gdocs before they're even written because they're my babies.
Also when I still wrote on wattpad my first like major serious fic was an OHSHC/AssClass fic so it's in my writing blood you know?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A couple of times
I don't tend to write ships as a main focus but my only ship fic has gotten a bit of hate, mainly by one commentor who didn't like the ship or the characterisation (even though I used both a Character X salt tag and claimed it would be slightly OCC-ish to start with) and who didn't seem to like reading tags properly. I couldn't actually write for that fic for a while because everytime I clicked on it to update I just... kept looking at those comments and feeling like rubbish but then some random reader just started arguing back for me and I kind of realised that people will always dislike things but you're writing for yourself and the added ppl who will read your work despite its flaws because they've also exhausted every other fic under the pairing tag!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I'd like to be able to write smut, if only so that I could convince myself I'm not practically victorian in my inability to not be instantly red in the face with the concept of smut. However since its a running joke between myself and my friends that every fic I write is already smut I'd never live it down if I actually wrote any.
There was a brief escapade though into the world of writing smut, but I doubt anyone that follows me on tumblr ever actually read my stuff on A03 at the time the fic in question actually existed, and if you know which deleted fic I'm talking about no you don't.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Like 5 times on Wattpad? Can't remember which ones since I've blocked out most of my Wattpad content but I remember being really upset about it.
And an entire first chapter from my only ship fic on AO3! The account got reported pretty quickly since there's a limited number of fics for the ship so you can notice pretty quick if somethings a repost.
And tagging....
@adorable-deku & @aobawilliams !
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constellaj · 3 years
I do adore your gay Lucky in Love rewrite. But I do wonder how you do a rewrite within the actual episode. Such as Dash's POV of the water park shenanigans (I'm convinced that that the water guns are filled with soda, to get the sprayie sticky) and Dash's POV of the "We're dating now!" hallway moment (maybe Kawn can ask Dash if he's okay) and begrudgingly acknowledging that "Paulina" likes Danny (the look on Dash's face and the "jerk, I mean pal")
I would say that the thing that ought to be redone in Lucky in Love is the characters motivations, for nearly all of them at points in the episode.
I do not buy that Johnny would have wondering eyes when he so devoted to Kitty, and the whole "to make the ex jealous" is a lame trope and Kitty was way to affectionate to Danny for that. I would buy that moving from the ghost zone to the real world is stressful adjustment (hiding from the Fenton ghost hunters and such) could inspire fights and they break-up. And Kitty tries to be on her own for awhile but doesn't know how to handle that, and gets re-bound feelings for the only other eligible ghost-boy around (which Shadow catches wind of which makes him furious and he tries to kill Danny before Kitty make "horrible mistake"). Kitty should have purposefully picked Paulina to possess because she's a high-profile girl who Danny is already crushing on and mean enough to "not deserve" to be in control. And when Danny finds out the truth, I think Kitty could have added the threat of physically hurting if he didn't comply (such as I like Kitty, she has zero qualms about completely taking over others girls lives and expending them, which is scary).
The A-list being a literal exclusive club with limited members is too dumb to be silly. But friend groups splintering and shifting due to one or more friends changing, or when newly-dating teens unintentionally neglect their friendships, is something I do buy. Dash could be so livid about his best-female-friend suddenly and inexplicably dating his crush that he becomes unbearable to be around even for Kwan, who might want to try to make new friends, and give Sam and Tucker a try.
As for Danny, when he found out that Paulina was being possessed by a girl ghost the whole time, it seemed that his initial concern was getting Paulina back in control of her own body, which is the correct response. But then it shifted to him feeling "suffocated" by Kitty. His discomfort should have stayed on the fact that Paulina was being dated against her will, which should make Danny feel sick with guilt.
This turned out longer than expected. You can pick and choose what to respond to if at all.
(tl;dr for anyone who doesn’t know my lucky-in-love-but-gay rewrite:
Johnny and Kitty are taking a couples’ break, and Shadow, who feeds on romance, is whining like a spoiled dog about it. Shadow goes to find another hopeless romantic to possess to eat up love, and encounters Dash watching the romance channel. Dash gets more and more flirtatious, ghostly, and adopts a biker aesthetic as Shadow pulls at his emotions; not fully possessing him, but amplifying his feelings. Shenanigans ensue when Dash can’t decide if he has a bigger crush on Phantom or Fenton. Danny has to find a way to get Shadow out of Dash before Dash becomes reliant on him. Kitty needs to get Shadow back because, if Johnny doesn’t have Shadow, he becomes much more vulnerable.
biker dash art / full ep post)
this is all super fucking inch resting and im publishing this so the rest of the world can see but like generally speaking i think lucky in love is a shit fucking episode all around and it really can’t be saved. johnny and kittys dynamic is so petty and so inherently “Haha i hate my wife right boomers” that I cannot accept it as a way anyone would actually act and for that I don’t think the episode could ever really be “good.” I like to think of johnny and kitty as hapless mushy lovebirds. their only ‘couple fights’ are saying things like
Tumblr media
{ID: a discord script I had with @crystalfloe​. it reads: Johnny: Well what do you want me to DO? You know you’re at fault too here- what about all those road trips huh, constant road trips with you snuggling me from behind?
Kitty, scowling: You gave me a BLACK ROSE on my birthday, you KNOW that’s my favorite color!
Johnny: Yeah, you got me the EXACT part I was wanting for my bike even though I only said the name once! You just REMEMBERED!
Danny: Woah hey let’s not fight here.... does this count as fighting?
Kitty: YOU spent the entire day I was sick making me food even though you had a BOYS NIGHT planned!
Johnny: YOU’RE just a BEAUTIFUL LOVING PERFECT PERSON! And now Shadow’s a glutton for ROMANCE!
Kitty: Well maybe if YOU weren’t so SELF SACRIFICIAL and full of UNBRIDLED CARE AND INTIMACY he WOULDN’T BE!
Johnny: How DARE you say I’m the more loving one and therefore the PROBLEM-
Kitty: I’m really starting to hate you and your CUTE FACE, Johnny!
Johnny: Yeah- well, I’m starting to get real sick of your adorable EYES, Kitty!
End ID.}
If you want to rewrite Lucky in Love, to me, you have two options: absolutely decimate canon, or work within it. Decimating canon (ie, making Dash gay) comes with also deconstructing Johnny and Kitty’s toxic relationship into something actually worth rooting for, which in turn unravels the entire episode because the premise is... it’s a bad relationship. If you want to work within canon, the episode as is is pretty much the best you can get, because no way in hell would they let Dash be gay in canon.
While your takes are interesting, it’s not the kind of media I personally would like; the whole “Kitty could have added the threat of physically hurting if he didn't comply“ doesn’t sit well with me at all, so I can’t say it’s something I would ever engage with, personally.
Also, I don’t need canon to be 100% serious all the time, personally I love the bit about the A-Listers having a formal club with like, paperwork and stuff, it’s genuinely funny and also provides a nice clean-cut metaphor for how Danny as an “unpopular” kid might view the way the popular kids work. I don’t think the writers thought that was actually how popular kids work, I think they were playing with it and expanding on how a kid might see it.
You’re right that the focus of the episode should have been on Paulina’s bodily autonomy, which I think the OG was lacking in even as is because we didn’t get anything from Paulina’s POV; she’s treated more as a prop than a person, which, yikes.
But in summary, while this is interesting, none of it is how I would rewrite lucky in love if given the chance; if canon-divergent, I’d probably tweak the biker dash concept; if canon-compliant, I’d try to make it more of a jokey episode, maybe making the conflict between Kitty and Johnny a “I have to get him a secret birthday present without him knowing” instead of a “I am going to make him jealous by cheating on him.”
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