#I'm also gonna keep this guy and transfer him up too
skippygiraffee · 5 months
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I got a used copy of Pokemon White recently (I'm gonna try and get some of my Gen III Pokemon into Home), and I checked the save file that was on the cartridge. Lo and behold a shiny Pignite was there, and so I evolved it into an Emboar!! I just think it's neat to see the little things people leave behind on saves, and I think it's one of the cooler things about buying used games
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hard--headed--woman · 3 months
I know I spent two days without posting any lesbian pride post lol but I swear I'm gonna post two posts per day in the following days to make up for it. I am again going to talk about an artist, but from a different period this time.
Rosa Bohneur !
(I love her name by the way... Bohneur means happiness in french and that's such a pretty name to have)
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Marie-Rosalie Bonheur, known as Rosa Bonheur, was born in 1822 in Bordeaux and died in 1899 in Thomery. She was a French painter and sculptor specialising in representations of animals.
She has kind of an interesting family story (mother adopted by a rich guy who found out later who was her real father, siblings all artists, father who met a lot of interesting people, links with many famous people...) but it would be too long to talk about it and I want to focus on Rosa herself. Do check it up if you're interested!
During her youth, Rosa Bonheur had a reputation for being a tomboy, a reputation that followed her throughout her life and which she made no attempt to deny, wearing her hair short and later smoking cigarettes and cigars. Her emancipated lifestyle never caused a scandal, even though she lived in an era that was very concerned with convention. Like all women of her time, Rosa Bonheur had to apply to the Prefecture of Paris for a cross-dressing permit, renewable every six months, in order to wear trousers, in particular to attend livestock fairs, travel or ride horses.
Here's one of her permits, from 1857 :
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And though many historians tried to deny the fact that she was a lesbian, she always refused to marry a man, has only ever had relationships with women and literally wrote that she never felt any sort of love, attraction or tenderness for men, "besides a frank and good friendship for those who had all my esteem". After the death of the woman she loved, she also wrote "If I'd been a man, I'd have married her, and they wouldn't have made up all those silly stories..." You got it : even if she didn't shout it from the rooftops, Rosa was very probaby a homosexual woman.
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Rosa Bohneur grew up in a fairly wealthy family, thanks to the financial support of her mother's adoptive father. But when her mother's father died, the family was left without any such support, and fell into dire poverty. When Rosa was 11, her mother died, which deeply traumatised her. She kept a lifelong admiration for her mother.
In 1836, at the age of 14, she met Nathalie Micas, who became her lover. Only Nathalie's death 53 years later separated them.
Her father remarried in 1842 to Marguerite Peyrol, with whom he had a last son, Germain, who would also become a painter. Rosa Bonheur did not get on well with her stepmother and when her father died in 1849, she left the family home to live with the Micas.
After her mother's death, Rosa Bonheur went to primary schools, was apprenticed as a dressmaker and then went to boarding school. Eventually her father took her into his workshop, where her artistic talents were revealed. He was her one and only teacher. Gradually, she developed a passion for animal art, which became her speciality.
She exhibited for the first time, at the age of 19, at the Salon of 1841. She won a 3rd class medal at the Salon of 1845, and a 1st class medal (gold) at the Salon of 1848. This award enabled her, at the age of 26, to obtain a commission from the State to produce an agrarian painting (paid 3,000 francs). The painting resulting from this state commission, "Labourage nivernais" was supposed to go to the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lyon. But it was so successful at the 1849 Salon that the Beaux-Arts department decided to keep it in Paris, at the Musée du Luxembourg. After Rosa Bonheur's death, the work went to the Louvre, before being transferred to the Musée d'Orsay in 1986.
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When her father died in March 1849, Rosa Bonheur replaced him as director of the École impériale gratuite de dessin pour demoiselles (or École gratuite de dessin pour jeunes filles). She remained in this position until 1860: ‘Follow my advice and I'll turn you into Leonardo da Vinci in skirts’, she often told her pupils.
In 1860, she moved to a huge house in By, where she had a huge workshop built, and ample space for her animals. One of her relatives wrote: “She had a complete menagerie in her house: a lion and a lioness, a deer, a wild sheep, a gazelle, horses, etc. One of her pets was a young lion she let run around. My mind was freer when this leonine animal died".
In June 1864, Rosa was visited by Empress Eugenie, who invited her to lunch at the Château de Fontainebleau with her husband. The following year, Eugenie returned to see her, to present her with the Legion d'honneur herself. Rosa is the ninth woman and the first artist to receive this distinction. About this, The Empress said :
“At last, you've been knighted. I am delighted to be the godmother of the first woman artist to receive this high distinction. I wanted the last act of my regency to be devoted to showing that, in my eyes, genius has no sex."
She was also the first woman to be made an officer in this order, in April 1894 (first female officer of the Legion d'honneur).
Rosa traveled extensively with her lover Nathalie, herself a painter and mechanical enthusiast (she invented and patented a railway braking system), and painted many pictures inspired by her travels.
In 1889, Nathalie died after some 50 years together. It was then that Rosa expressed her regret at not having been able to marry her.
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After Nathalie's death, Rosa met Anna Klumpe, a talented American painter. The two women moved in together some time later.
Rosa Bohneur died of pulmonary congestion in 1899, without having completed her last painting, “La foulaison du blé en Camargue”, a monumental canvas she had planned to exhibit at the 1900 Universal Exhibition.
She is buried in Père Lachaise cemetery, alongside Nathalie, her parents and Anna (who died years after her). She left her entire fortune to Anna, who, in 1908, published a biography of Rosa Bonheur and created a Rosa-Bonheur prize at the Société des artistes français. The Société des Artistes français posthumously awarded her the Medal of Honor shortly after her death.
Rosa could have had military honors at her funeral, but she specified in her will that she did not wish this.
There's a lot of interesting things to say about Rosa, her art and her history, so I suggest you do some research on her! She was a very talented and strong-willed woman who had a huge impact on French art and left a considerable cultural legacy.
Here are some of her paintings :
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I personally love them ! I am not a painting expert, I just find them sooo pretty.
See you tomorrow :)
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star1ight0 · 5 months
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader "could've said something"
Guess what! I have issues and crave comfort so HERE WE ARE AGAIN. (It's 11:48pm as of rn send help) (Just finished it's 1am and I fell asleep halfway through)
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Your quirk: Light manipulation. You can move and summon light, light bending, summoning balls of light ranging from small particles to large masses
Bakugou was always a.. scary kid to say the least. You two grew up together and he had a soft spot for you to say the least. When you got your quirk it was a lot to say the least between shining light in your faces and burning holes places. Eventually you got the hang of it. It did however make you wary of when and how you used it. Katsuki on the other hand seemed to get how to use and control his right away. The two of you trained together and Katsuki taught you how to make explosions with the light you could summon. The 2nd year of middle school you had to move because of your moms job and as much as he made it seem like he didn't care he made a point to ask you to keep in touch.
It was the second semester of classes yet you were just now starting UA high, class 1-A. Your mom had decided that because it was a little too far you'd move into your old house and she'd find work elsewhere, UA was a top school how could you say no to that argument? Late transfers and acceptance was rare enough for a top school. But it also meant you get to see him again. You thought about calling him and telling him but you thought it'd be better to wait till you saw him in person, you were next door now.
Most of your stuff was in your dorm by now, having the first day before settling in was a true blessing.
It was starting to get dark and the stress of it all was starting to hit you, thinking of how much you had to catch up being in 1-A and all. You made your way up the stairs finding the roof door. Making your up you got a text:
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Kat: Hey. You busy?
You: Never am
K: got a new person in the dorm next to me, if they are loud I swear I'll end them
Y: I'm sure you'll be fine, don't kill anyone please.
K: Not that I care, but you've been radio silence for a few days
Y: I think if you have to say you don't care you do. Sooo talk to me when you can process your emotions then maybe I'll talk about mine
Love you.
K: whatever
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"Everyone this is Y/N L/N, now be nice and be on time tomorrow" he said quickly walking away right after, a few people walked toward you to ask questions when they are all promptly showed away by the blond hot head. "The hell?! What the fuck were you just not gonna-" he was cut off by a hug. As he was debating on hugging you back you hear a girl's voice "GUYS THE NEW PERSON JUST HUGGED BAKUGOU!" the crowd of people grew and you felt a hand grab your wrist pulling you away. They all clump together continuing the conversation. You take the lead pulling him up the stairs onto the roof.
If anyone else had even remotely talked to him that way you were sure they'd be dust. But you cared about you too much to even yell at you unreasonably. Now at the top staring up at the cloudy dark sky you sigh mumbling to yourself "guess I'll make my own stars" you lied down on the roof making small glimmers of light float into the sky.
Not sure of how long you'd been out you looked at the time on your phone, bolting up at the time. Your new teacher Aizawa had instructed you to be in the common room by 7:30pm to introduce you avoiding using class time for it. It was 7:28. You bolt down the stars finding a room for people sitting with their teacher. You stand next to him with an apologetic face. You look around looking for something to focus on when your eyes land on blond hair and a familiar angry tone.
"Hi, I go here now. " You said with a smug look on your face you summon a little ball holding it for light between you. "Still gonna kill me if I'm loud?" You say in a teasing tone. You look up at him seeing a light pink on his cheeks. "I thought.. I wouldn't get a chance to see you again after I got kidnapped and everything. The least you could've done was say you were in town" he says a shift in his voice and body language making him self more guarded. "sorry I wanted to surprise you" you say wrapping your hand around his.
"I- I know we only ever all and text but I've missed you and being around you. A lot. "
"i missed you too. Ass hole."
"you love me"
He flinches at the words spoken feeling his grip tighten on your hand. Pulling you into a hug.
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aestherin · 1 year
goal 09: do you like sweets?
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You are fully self-aware that you have delusional tendencies, but you know yourself well enough to think that you weren't that far gone yet to the point that you will start seeing your long distance crush right in front of you.
He's probably real.
Taking notice of your presence, Scaramouche then turned towards you. His face was hard to read, other hand holding his phone and the other inside the pockets of his denim pants. His oversized black shirt was tucked, highlighting his good figure.
'Holy. He's got good style too,' you thought. It was simple, yes. But he carries outfits so damn well.
But what is he even doing here in your uni?
Since an eye contact has already been made, you flashed a sheepish smile and a light wave. Your loud personality online was such a huge contrast in comparison to how you're actually behaving now.
He just stared. 'Oh. So he's the cold type. God, he's exactly my type.'
"Aren't you going in?" You snapped out of your musings upon hearing his voice.
"I was about to. I'm starving," you chuckled. He scoffed. "I could use a bit of food, too."
"We should eat at the birthday party then."
You nod.
He looked away. "Go and eat inside. I'll find another place to eat at."
You flashed a look of disbelief. Scaramouche raised a brow in confusion. "Dude, you're literally already at a restaurant and you still want to go somewhere else to eat?"
"And you're hungry, aren't you?"
He sighed. "Look, I don't know if you know this, but the one holding a party — well, we're not on the best of terms."
Oh. Yeah.
There's that thing.
How the fuck could you forget that the love of your life is from the rival of your brother's team?
"Ah," You nod again. He seemed to take it as you understanding his reasoning and turned the other way, attempting to head off.
If only you hadn't tugged at his shirt.
"What the?!"
You led him to a lone bench at the parking lot, lit warmly by the streetlight just directly above it. "Sit there and wait for me."
"Excuse me?" He hissed. "What am I? A dog?"
"Your words, not mine." You grinned. "Just do as I say, okay? It won't be long, I promise."
He was about to retort but you cut him off by hurriedly entering the lively restaurant.
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When you got back, you easily spotted Scaramouche who was sitting comfortably on the bench where you left him. He immediately scooted over once he saw you.
"Wow," he remarked. "You know I actually doubted if you would even come back."
You chuckled as you sat and handed him his plate. "Do you have trust issues?"
"Shut the fuck up."
"Oh, so you do."
He rolled his eyes.
Your late dinner with him was mostly filled with a comforting silence, with some bits of small talk in between. The only ones left on your plate were delectable desserts, as well as the little pieces of food you left out.
"Do you like sweets?"
"No," Scaramouche speedily replied. "They're disgusting."
You subconsciously frown. "Shame. I like them."
"You can have mine then," he says as he picks up his portion of desserts and transfers them to your plate. Unbeknownst to you, his observant gaze failed to miss how your eyes sparkled in delight at the sight of mouthwatering sweets.
As he did so, Scaramouche also spotted some leftovers on your plate. "Do you not like bitter stuff?"
"My tongue can't handle them."
"Give it to me then instead of wasting food, idiot."
You let out a laugh. "Is that your way of saying you like bitter stuff?"
The man just let out a quiet "tch" before taking a bite.
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KEEP MY HEART — scara x reader smau
previous . masterlist . next
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SUMMARY —you find plenty of guys around you attractive, but there is only one you’re willing to make the first move on: the guy you first saw during your older brother’s soccer game. spoiler: he's a player from your rival university.
NOTES -> a lot has happened lmaoo i was so busy aaa -> i graduated hs finally :P -> i also submitted my requirements for college haha -> also can u guys believe i'm gonna be in college while my college smau is on going omg -> and apologies for ghosting HASDHADHA (also wtf fontaine livestream tomorrow already whaaat time flies so fast omg)
TAGLIST I (closed)
@lady-elodie @krnzysh @syriiina @unsterblich-prinz @xiaosonlybeloved @xiaomainlmao @cindywasneverhere @coquettemaiden @sunsethw4 @lunavixia @calickoh @arealistonao3 @lowkeyivorie @zyilas @mondaymelon @yukiipc @heartswonder @st0pthatsgay @ozzierenato @astreaa-express @shewolfmiko @lovelyycherries @myaaones @countessqin @aloveablechaos @letthewindlead @lunaavity @local-blueberry-boy @luminestars @layla240 @useless-potatho @atlaszi @alatusorrow @lahsram2201 @sakiimeo @user11918163805279 @vqazx @neigesprincess @kunicrush @yoursockstinks @hotgirlshit5 @mikctp @crucnhice @apotatouwu @yuaenri @sammybeefangirls @miko1ly @deffenferofjustice @etherisy @sagegreenthinks
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colorlessjayblog · 3 months
Supernatural High School AU idea: Here me out
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High school is full of monsters (metaphorically), and with Sammy being old enough to actually start that dreadful stage of pre teen, it's up to his big brother Dean to make sure lil Sammy doesn't have to deal with the shit he had to Unfortunately for him, his dad John Winchester just got promoted and decided, without even discussing it with his kids, that they should move out to the big city so he can live closer to the police station he's been transferred to. So all the street cred Dean had built up for 4 years that he was planning on using to keep Sam safe from bullies? Down the drain. Worst of all, the new high school the two were enrolled in is, for lack of a better terms, crawling with monsters (teenagers) that see two cop kids and immediately pin them down as fresh meat.
While Sam hopes to keep a low profile and focus on his studies, Dean immediately tries to make himself a bigger target for attention. He hope to building a reputation that could either get people to like him enough to not bother Sam, or scared of him enough that they wouldn't dare hurt his little brother. Either way, he finds himself with a busted lip and bruised knuckles, sitting in detention on the first week of school. Dean thinks of his dad at that moment, and the amount of shit he was gonna get when they inevitably call him and snitch. He thinks about ways to possibly get out of it (maybe calling Uncle Bobby to bail them out somehow) when the door to the detention room opens and Dean, to his surprise, was given a slap on the wrist and a warning by the vice principle When asked why, all Ms. Billie tells him was that a guy named Castiel vouched for his innocence and claimed it was all self defense. Dean soon meets his 'guardian angel' standing by his locker, not leaning against it, standing in front of it in the middle of the hall way like a creep. The trench coat that was two sizes too big didn't help They have the most uncomfortable stare off before Dean asks who the hell he was and all he gets is: "I'm the one who vouched for you, and saved you from detention" Dean doesn't trust the guy as far as he can thrown him, especially after finding out the guy was part of the school's Ice Hockey team, who Dean didn't even know the school had, since they also had a (more vocal) Football team, one that Dean was planning on joining to gain some jock rep. Castiel's reason for 'saving' Dean had been to try and recruit him for hockey, something Dean immediately turns down. Dean didn't trust whatever it was they were planning, certainly didn't trust the guy they sent as a representative. On the other side of the coin, Sam is struggling to find his footing in his new life. He's gotten used to traveling often, his dad having taken him and Dean out hunting numerous times through out his childhood, but this was permanent. He barely had any friends back in Kansas, he has less so now being the new kid. One thing was for sure, Sam didn't want to rely on his big brother for everything anymore. Not because he wasn't grateful, heaven knows Dean had been more of a father to him then his own dad, but that's just it! He doesn't want Dean to keep watch over him, he wants his big brother to actually enjoy high school and be a teenager, without having to worry about his little brother getting hurt or finding Sam on the wrong end of a fist. Sam wanted to prove to Dean that he was just as capable, independent, and strong as he was. Which leads to Sam finding himself among some bad company. He wasn't gullible by any means, but hormones and the itch to rebel and prove himself push him to some trouble he thought he'd never find himself in. All it took was one conversation with his classmate Ruby, and suddenly Sam finds himself involved in the most convoluted, and frankly cliche, high school deep shit drama. Now he has to keep secrets, sneak around, and uncover dirty laundry from people who are far too damaged to be in high school. Seriously, so many of them need to go to some kind of therapist or physiatrist. That or they need a better guidance counselor. Highjinx happen, fights break out, hearts are broken, and people discover things about themselves they wish they never did. All in time for the apocalypse (Senior Prom)
----------- Feel free to use this as a prompt or something! I'd love to hear people's ideas. Or hell, add on to the idea, what the other characters would be in this AU. I was thinking Charlie could be part of a DND or boardgame/video gaming club, some, some shit happens that leads to Dean and Charlie being friends. Thinking about Heaven and Hell just being two very different popular groups. Heaven group being the student council, preppy, rich kids. Hell being the rebels, delinquents, and outcasts. Cliche's like Vampires being goths, werewolves being jocks and all that
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canirove · 3 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 1
Summary: Liv and Declan, Declan and Liv, or the story about how a born and raised Tottenham girl falls in love with an Arsenal player... and its consequences.
Author’s note: Best way to celebrate my birthday? By sharing a new story about my beloved 🥳🫶🏻 I started writing this story back in October after making this gif (that's how Declan looks on this first chapter), and I got so inspired that I even managed to write like a script with everything I wanted to happen from beginning to end, which doesn't happen very often or never tbh 😅 I hope you like it as much as I do, and as always, thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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"And don't forget about the national team staying with us next week. We need to be at our best, the club wants them to keep coming here and not go back to Carrington or any other training centre" our boss says.
"We always are at our best."
"I know, Alex. But you know what I mean.”
"Yeah, we have to kiss their asses" he mutters.
"Shh" I tell him, hoping our boss hasn't heard him.
"You know it's true" he whispers. "Since we don't have enough with our princesses, now we'll have new ones. And I'm sure they are even more annoying."
"If you dislike football and this job so much, why don't you quit?"
"I don't dislike football, Liv. I dislike football players, it isn't the same” Alex says. “And I don't quit because Tottenham is the team me and my dad support, they happen to pay really well, and I need the money. Besides, what will your dad say? He helped me get this job, I can't disappoint him."
"He'll survive" I chuckle.
"I don't think so. If I'm not here, who will make sure his daughter doesn't end up sleeping with a football player? Especially now that we are gonna have some Arsenal ones in the building. They are the enemy."
"That is so stupid."
"The rivalry between Tottenham and Arsenal isn't stupid, Liv. Please show some respect."
"Whatever" I reply, trying to focus again on what our boss is explaining.
"Ready to meet our new princesses?" I ask Alex.
"Well, too late. They are here" I say when the doors of the cafeteria open and the players from England's national team start walking in, Harry Kane leading them.
"Urgh, not him" Alex groans.
"Shut up and get to work. And don't forget to smile."
"I don't want to smile at him. Or at any of them."
"Hello, guys. Nice to see you again."
"Harry, hi!" I say. "How are the Germans treating you?"
"Good, all good. How are you around here?"
"All good too" I smile. "Same as always?"
"Same as always, Liv."
After Harry some other players like Rashford, Stones or Bellingham also come get their orders, and then…
"Hi, what can I get… you" I say, getting lost in the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. 
"A latte, please" he smiles.
"A… a la… a…" I mumble.
"Liv… Liv… Olivia!" Alex says, hitting my arm.
"Ouch! What?"
"His order" he says, nodding towards the blue eyed God in front of me. "Didn't you hear him?"
"I… Yes. A latte."
"That's it" he smiles again, the most stupid giggle ever leaving my mouth. What an amazing first impression, Olivia. 
"I… Umm…" I mumble again.
"Liv, hey! Long time no see!" 
"Madders, we saw each other three days ago" I say, my brain remembering how to work after hearing his voice.
"It feels like an eternity" he smiles. "Have you met Dec yet?"
"Mr. Declan Rice. The most expensive English football transfer in history" he laughs, wrapping his arm around the blue eyed God's neck and messing up his hair, somehow making it look even better than it already did.
"You… what?"
"You hadn't recognized him?" Madders says. "I know he's had a big glow up, but he hasn't changed that much since the Euros."
"Yeah… I…" I say, feeling my cheeks on fire and the stupidest person in the world. How did I not recognize one of England's best players?
"Anyway, can I get the same as always?"
"He asked first."
"But he plays for Arsenal and I am a Tottenham boy, Liv. What will your dad say?" Madders smirks. 
"Her dad?" Declan asks with a confused look.
"He's been working for Tottenham since before we all were born and hates anything Arsenal" Madders explains. "So if he finds out that you are favouring him over me…"
"You are so annoying, James" I say, rolling my eyes.
"Yet you love me" he smiles. "So, can I get my usual?"
"No" I say, turning around and getting Declan's order ready.
"You are so rude, Olivia…"
"Yet you love me" I reply, making Declan laugh. "Your latte."
"Thank you, Liv" he smiles as he takes his cup, our fingers barely touching but being enough to make my face burn once again. 
"You're welcome" I giggle. You are so lame, Olivia. Dear God.
"Can I get my coffee now or are you gonna keep smiling at each other like two teenagers in love?" Madders asks.
"What?" Declan and I say at the same time.
"Flirting with an Arsenal player, Liv… What will your dad say?"
"Shup up, James" I say, turning towards the coffee machine to hide that my face now must be the same colour as Declan’s Arsenal shirt.
"You are an idiot, bro" I hear him say before walking away.
"What? Why? What did I say? Liv, hey. What did I say?" 
"Just go drink your coffee, James" I sigh.
"You two are so weird… Made for each other" he winks, making me roll my eyes again.
Once I'm done with all the orders, I can't help but check around the cafeteria looking for Declan. During the Euros he had already caught my eye, but he didn't look as hot as he did right now. He was definitely aging like fine wine. 
When I finally spot him, he's sitting next to other Arsenal players, a soft smile on his lips while sipping his coffee. And then… Then he turns to look at where I am. At me. And his smile grows wider, making my knees feel like jelly. 
"Best coffee ever" he mouths, remarking each word.
"Thank you" I reply, definitely smiling like an idiot.
"Olivia, Olivia, Olivia…"
"Holy shit, Alex" I jump when I hear him next to me.
"Flirting with an Arsenal player at work? And him among them all? Your dad is gonna be so disappointed…"
"Shut up, Alex" I say, giving him a push that doesn't move him from where he is standing. "I'm gonna go check that we aren't running out of anything, you know how picky the boss is with that."
"Yeah, run away."
"Fuck you" I reply, showing him my middle finger and hoping no one from the national team has seen it. The least thing I need right now is someone complaining to our boss because of my bad behaviour.
As I leave, I can't help but look at Declan one last time, and to my surprise, he also is looking at me. And when our eyes meet…
"Holy shit" I whisper. Can you get turned on by a wink? Because I'm pretty sure that just happened.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Nav // Mickey Garcia
Summary: Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia has been keeping a secret, or three, from his new found family. After finding out he’d been transferred to North Island on a more permanent basis—he thinks now is as good a time as any to let the secret out.
Warnings. Believe it or not—this is a fluff piece. Fanboy x female reader. Slight mention of Smut.
Word Count: 5.1k
Author Note: This weekend we welcomed Rhett Abbott and Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia to the every growing list of fictional men I’d let rail me. This is such a fandom fluff piece, but it’s what you’re getting so either take it or don’t. Idk.
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Callsings. Everyone had one–every one carried a story, a reason behind the name that colleagues and superior officers referred to you as and knew you as. Once you had your call sign it stuck to you like super glue. There was no changing it, no hiding from it, no running from the probably embarrassing story that the callsign was born from the ashes of or trying to fix the personality trait that people hated enough to give you shit for or loved enough to want to remind you of every day. 
For Mickey Garcia, his callsign had two stories. The first was the most commonly told whenever he was asked about it. He was simply a nerd. He loved all things Star Wars and Star Trek. He adored Battlestar Galactica and honestly? If it had a Star in the title he was convinced he’d already be obsessed with it if given the chance to binge the series or movie trilogy. He was a Fanboy, so much so his aviation helmet shared the same font as the Star Trek logo. He was obsessed, plain and simple. 
But there was also another thing Mickey Garcia was a huge fan of that earned him his callsign way back in the days of his fighter school training. He’d never forget the first time he heard you say it. Although he carried an encyclopaedic memory around, Mickey swore there was only ever one thing, one person, one gorgeous woman on his mind twenty for seven, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days of the year. 
The love of his life, his best friend (Don't tell Payback), his devoted wife. Mickey was well aware that he belonged in the sky. He’d wanted to be just like his father ever since he knew how to walk. There was never a question surrounding what Mickey Garcia would grow up to be. He spent more time in the sky than he did down on solid ground, that was just something you learnt to live with.
Mickey Garcia was also incredibly mindful of the fact his heart hadnt been to the earth since the first time he kissed you. When you loved him? You had sent it clear out of this world. He’d love you forever, be your devoted husband, lovingly and completely yours forever. 
“Nav and the kiddos settle in alright?” Payback asked as he and Fanboy ran through their pre-flight checks. “Kinda missed her annoying ass.” Fanboy chuckled softly in response, humming at the soft jab his best friend sent his wife. He knew the minor insult held no weight, hell–Payback had been the one who introduced the two of you in the first place. He knew you longer than Mickey and you had even been married for. 
“Only got a few boxes left to unpack.” Mickey explained as he checked all his weapon systems. “But yeah, it feels good to have them here, just not too sure how I'm gonna break it to the rest of the guys.” It wasn't that Mickey didn't want to tell the Dagger Squad, he always had every intention. But he wanted to make sure he could trust these people with his life before letting them into his family. After the events of the uranium mission and having been offered a permanent posting in North Island, Mickey felt the time was right. “Nav’s pretty keen to meet everyone though.”
That you were, so when Mickey mentioned that the gang were all meeting up on Saturday night for dinner and beers at their favourite watering hole, the Hard Deck, and wanted you and the kiddos to come along you were more than ecstatic to finally meet the people who had kept your husband safe. 
“Hey, Miles!” Mickey called out after the five year old who booked it from where he’d placed him down beside the car in the direction of the group of people who looked as if they’d transported into a parallel universe. “Miles! Hey buddy! Slow your roll alright.” Scooping up the tiny version of himself as Miles Garcia giggled at his own antics, Mickey caught sight of his squad. All staring at him wondering what the hell was going on. 
“Fanboy—who’s crotch goblin is that?” Hangman asked as he sneered and pointed at the child who now resided on his fathers hip. Watching as you came out from around the other side of the car with what seemed to be a smaller, very much younger version of the same child wrapped in a baby wrap around your chest. “And who’s this?” 
“Uh—“ Mickey cleared his throat as you made your way to his side, placing a gentle but loving kiss to his cheek before rubbing the small of his back for moral support. “Guys, this here’s my wife, Nav.” Smiling softly, you waved briefly before Mickey went on to introduce your kids. “This is Miles, he’s five and this is Morgan, she’s only—six months.” He hadn’t forgotten, but for a brief moment Mickey had to count with his fingers.
The silence was to be expected as the group of naval aviators who stood before you in the carpark of the Hard Deck Bar took in the new revelations that Fanboy was and had been married with kids the entire time they’d been in North Island. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you all.” You were the first to break the heavy silence. 
“You’re married?” Phoenix asked in disbelief, she was careful not to utter it in a way that you may have taken offense to. 
“You have kids?” Rooster couldn’t stop staring at the five year old in Mickey's arms. He looked so much like his dad it was kinda scary. 
“You had a family this whole time and didn’t tell anyone?” Hangman scoffed, he couldn’t believe it—how could Star Trek over here land a wife and two beautiful children but he couldn’t even get a damn date. “What if something had happened to you?”
“Ruben knew.” Fanboy explained as the group made their way inside, Phoenix instantly filed back to walk with you. She wanted to be the first person to tell you how great a guy your husband was—not that you didn’t already know. “He was my best man.” 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Bob asked the question everyone was asking. It wasn’t a black or white response. But nevertheless Mickey tried his best as Penny pointed them all in the direction of the tables she’d placed together. 
“They mean everything to me, I guess I just wanted to make sure that you guys were all good people, good enough for them.” Although it hurt just the slightest amount, Bob understood. “Don’t tell him I said this but the jury is still out on Hangman—I just didn’t see another viable option of introducing Nav to everyone.” Bob couldn’t help but to laugh as he looked down at the child still in Mickey's arms. “I feel awful for not telling you sooner Bob.” 
“Don’t be, your family’s important, I understand wanting to keep them safe, keep them all to yourself.” 
Fanboy left it at that as he turned his attention back to settling his family down for dinner amongst his friends. Especially keeping an eye on you before settling in beside you. A hand gravitating to your knee under the table as Mickey looked into the wrap—Morgan sleeping soundly against your chest. 
“So Nav, what do you do for a living?” Hangman asked from across the table as you looked over to provide the sandy blonde your utmost attention. 
“I own a small photography business.” You were humble in your talents. “Boudoir mostly.” 
“Say Phoenix? You wanna get in on that action?” Rooster taunted as he popped a few peanuts in his mouth, wiggling his eyebrows, leaning back on the chair he’d perched himself on across the table from Natasha. “I’ll volunteer as tribute.”
“In your wet dreams Bradshaw—“ Phoenix hissed as she took a sip of her beer. “That’s a pretty dramatic juxtaposition from a naval aviator?” Natasha turned her head back to you, watching as you soothed the little girl who was starting to stir in her wrap. “How’d you actually meet?” 
“The academy—“ Mickey interrupted as Miles got to work colouring with the crayons Payback had asked Penny for when he went to fix up the first round at the bar. Returning with beers and ample colouring supplies for his favourite five year old. “Y/n was in the Navy.” It was yet another revelation the gang had a hard time processing. “Everyone still calls her Nav though, a hard habit to kick.” 
Mickey Garcia wasn’t all that fly with the ladies, he never really had been. He’d had a few girlfriends in his short life but nothing ever lasted long enough for him to start thinking about a future with them, or a family for that matter. 
“Hey Mickey! I got a friend I want you to meet!” Ruben cried out from across the amphitheater. Mickey pried his eyes away from the book he’d been reading for five seconds to turn his head his best friend's way. He’d heard of the girl from across the street, but your paths had never had a chance to cross until now. “This is Y/n, Michelle’s younger sister.” Within the space of five entire seconds, the trajectory of Mickey's life changed forever. He’d never been a huge believer in love at first sight, but as you made yourself known out from behind Rubens shoulder? Mickey knew he was fucked, in over his head. 
“You must be Fanboy?” Mickey stood as you held your hand out to shake his. 
“Who?” He asked, smiling bright as he found himself getting lost in your eyes. Ruben just laughed to himself, knowing from this moment going forward he’d forever be known as the man who introduced Mickey Garcia to the literal love of his life. 
“Fanboy right? Ruben said you’re a big fan of Star Trek—“ Mickey had never laid his eyes on a woman more beautiful than you. 
“Oh he did, did he?” Deadpanning Ruban, Mickey held his glare for a few seconds before turning back to you. “Well uh—yeah I guess that’s me, Mickey Fanboy Garcia.” 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” You had, and you’d loved everything you’d heard so far. So much so you’d begged Ruben to just cut the shit and introduce you already. He’d been dangling a carrot on a stick right in front of you for months.
“All good things I hope?” Mickey raised his eyebrow as you beamed his way, you’d definitely been shaking hands for far too long but you were both past the point of awkwardness, both just seeing who would break first. Smirking at one another like children. 
“Only the very best.” 
“I was uh, a navigation officer, callsign wasn’t all that unique but it did the trick.” You shrugged, looking around at all Mickey's friends as they tried to process everything they were learning. “I understand this is probably a lot for everyone.” 
“It’s not.” Rooster smiled as he looked at Fanboy. There’s been a switch flipped inside the proud mustache having aviator who loved a good Hawaiian shirt. “It just means that Fanboys got a lot more on the line than any of us ever thought.”
“Dadda?” The little boy sitting next to Mickey cooed just loud enough to gain his father’s attention. “I’m hungry—“
“Foods coming bud, here, you wanna sit on dad’s lap so you can tell all dads friends what you wanna be when you grow up?” The brown eyed, dark curly haired boy who looked far too much like Mickey scrambled from the seat he’d been sitting onto into his dads lap. Mickey let out an oof sound when Miles slammed his entire body weight down into his lap. He thought his dad was some kind of superhero who never felt pain or got tired. 
Whenever Mickey was deployed and on a detachment like he’d been on recently, you’d tell Miles that dad was off fighting bad guys and that once he knew everyone was safe and sound—he’d come home. Five year olds were easy to manipulate at bed time if you told them all the right things. 
“Go ahead buddy, tell ‘em what you told me.” Mickey coaxed the information he knew would melt his team's hearts out of his toddler by tickling his sides to invoke a chuckle so pure it even made Hangman smile. 
“I wanna be a superhero and fly planes like my Dadda.” 
“I never thought I’d hear someone say superhero and daddy in the same sentence while referring to Fanboy—“ Coyote snickered in the most wholesome way he could. “You got cute kids man I’ll give ya that.” 
“Nav, you look like you’re still glowing.” Bob mentioned cautiously. “You guys said Morgan’s only six months?” 
“Yeah—the last month and a bit was a little rough with the kiddos back in Miami while Mickey was stationed out here with you guys.” You were just thankful that everything had gone as well as it had and that everyone made it home. “But things are starting to mellow out.” 
“Do you not have paternity leave saved up Fanboy?” Jake Seresin was the last person Mickey ever thought that question would come from. But things weren’t that simple. 
“I’d basically just finished my leave when this assignment came about.” 
“It’s only for six weeks mamma.” Mickey cooed as he kissed your neck tenderly. Looking at you through the mirror of your bathroom as you applied a mud mask—Mickey had the same exact one plastered across his forehead and nose. His T-section. “I’ll be back before you even start to miss me.” 
“I know I know.” You smiled as softly as you possibly could. It wasn’t your husband’s fault he was government property and you knew better than anyone else now the Navy worked. “Still doesn’t change the fact it just be me and the kids—“
“I’ll call my parents and make sure they do a few weekends here and there.” It wasn’t a permanent solution, but it would help to patch the leak you knew would spring from time to time. “You know I don’t wanna leave you guys here, my girls and my best guy.” 
“But duty calls right, superman?” You turned in Mickey's embrace, with one move he had you up resting atop the vanity—legs on either side of his hips as he stood better yours. Your arms flung over your husband’s shoulders as he drank in the sight of you. His wife, his beautiful best friend, the mother of his two gorgeous children. 
“Hey you started that shit, it’s not my fault he thinks that.” Mickey beamed, leaning in in search of your lips. Kissing you softly before deepening the moment. Mickey had always been a big fan of self care days, he was adamant that’s how you both ended up with Morgan. “I love you Nav—I’ll be back before you know it.” 
“When do you leave?” It was four words that never got easier to ask, Mickey let the silence linger in the bathroom for a moment—just enjoying the time he had with you. You made things so easy, made it so easy to love you and the kids. Made it so easy for him to love his job despite the distance because even on his worst days Mickey knew he would eventually come home to you and it would be like he never even left. You were far too good for him and he knew that. 
“Thursday.” Mickey said just barely above a whisper as he leaned in to kiss you again. This time more passionate, a lot slower, needier. “Thursday around noon, Payback and I are gonna catch a cab together to the airport, I didn’t want you having to wrangle the kids up just to pile into the car an—“ You cut Mickey off by pulling him closer by the elastic of his boxer briefs, snapping the material back against his lower abdomen when his lips were back on yours. The groan he let slip into your mouth almost made you want to try for another baby. But the two of you were very much happy with the two you already had. 
“Just promise you’ll come home to us?” You knew it was an empty promise, the ever looming possibility that something could go terribly wrong always crossed your mind. But you trusted Ruben to bring your husband home safely every time they flew. 
“Nav my dear, I’m lovingly and completely yours forever.” 
“Believing me, it was the longest six weeks of my life.” You sighed, running your hand gently over the sleeping baby girl wrapped up on your chest. “But we got through it and now it just feels good to be close again, I’ve heard such good things about all of you so I feel surrounded by family already.” 
Looking around the table as food started to arrived in bits and pieces. Mickey knew he had it all. He had his friends, he had his family and to him that’s all he ever really cared about. Hearing you laugh with Bob and challenging Hangman, watching you bond with Phoenix and click with Rooster. Mickey loved how Coyote sparked a flame inside you he hadn’t seen in years talking about what it was like to be a navigator. You didn’t talk about it all that much these days, you were just happy to be a mum and a devoted wife. But sometimes, every now and again you would miss the ocean. Missed what it was like to roam patrol boats and look longingly to whatever coast you were near. Mickey knew that, but Coyote challenged it. 
He loved his friends but they were now his family. Mickey Garcia had never felt so much love radiating around him as he sat with you and his children amongst the people who carried him throughout the day. His squad, his teammates. 
His family. 
A few months after the shocking discovery that Mickey Garcia was a husband and Father and not just some Fanboy Star Trek geek had settled in—the dagger squad had seemingly become like much loved furniture amongst the Garcia household. So much so that some had their own keys, some always had their hands up to babysit, some even knew that the back window was always slightly ajar and could be opened if drunkenly in search of a place to crash. 
Your house was the closest to the Hard Deck out of all the other houses that the daggers resided in, which meant more often than not you’d come down stairs in the early hours of the morning to feed Morgan and see a very hungover, very loudly snoring, very much passed out Jake Hangman Seresin on your couch. His chest sunken as he slept soundly, a small patch of drool seeping into the fabric with the back window cracked. 
“Jake—“ You’d nudged him, watching with a humorous smile as he jolted awake. “Coffee, drink it—then get out of my damn house.” 
“Yes mamma.” Jake would always reply, the term of endearment something the group picked up early into your friendship. Quickly becoming the one they all respectfully ran to with all their promises. The mum of the group.
Although Jake was the serial lounge hogger, it was Bradley Bradshaw who had once had a key and saw any time of the day or night to make himself at home. He never meant it in a malicious manner—he was just excited to be apart and of something bigger than himself for once. Neither you nor Mickey minded all that much—until Rooster had walked in on you and Mickey bare backing it on the same couch Jake would fling himself across after his drunken escapades. 
“So fucking pretty Nav.” Mickey cooed as you bounced on his length. Straddling his waist as his hands helps your hips steady—helping to guide you up and down at the pace you set. “God what did I ever do to deserve you—Ah fugh—!” 
“Ohhhh fuckk! Mickey baby you feel so good—why don’t you put another baby in me huh?” 
“Yeah? is that what you want darling girl? Another one of us?” He wasn’t going to say he hadn’t thought about it, a third little Garcia running around. The two you had were perfect, but a third? You’d be outnumbered. “You always look so pretty pregnant.” 
It was otherworldly the way Mickey looked up at you as he took your nipple into his mouth, you were still breastfeeding so the sensation of your husband sucking on your tits was all too much. Leaking into his mouth. 
“Ohhhh fughh! Mickey!” You were still bouncing, the head of Mickey cock kissing against your cervix as he slipped a hand between the pair of you to work you over. “I’m gonna—“ 
“Holy shit—“ Rooster stood in the entryway covering his eyes. “Holy shit I didn’t see anything!” The sound of your husband's co-worker standing in the entryway sent you skyrocketing off Mickey and fumbling for the nearest throw blanket. “Swear on my mother’s grave I saw nothing Mick!” 
“What the hell are you doing here Rooster! The door was locked!?” Mickey was holding a decorative pillow to cover his hard-on. His skin still flushed red because he was so fucking close it wasn’t funny—he was about to become a father of three. 
“You gave me a key?” Rooster caught himself smirking for a brief moment as the sound of The Jonas Brothers old number one hit ‘Burnin’ Up’ played through the house. It had been your song since yours and Mickey's Naval academy days. He’d gone as Joe Jonas one year for Halloween. The song itself had even played at your wedding. “Jonas Brothers? Really Fanboy, really?” 
“Bradshaw I’m a pacifist alright—“ Mickey sighed as he took a few steps towards the sandy blonde who was just in search of a ham and cheese sandwich. “But I’m about to pass my fist across your face.” It was needlessly to say Rooster, from that point going forward—always checked in before he entered with caution. 
But it didn’t mean the never ending revolving door of ragtag aviators stopped. No—if anything your house had never been fuller. 
“Hey Lovely.” You greeted Phoenix as she kicked her boots off, Bradley wasn’t too far behind her, next was Bob. “Here’s your Valentine’s Day package.” Unbeknownst to the group of aviators, a few months ago when Rooster had teased Phoenix about possibly taking up the opportunity to do a boudoir shoot with you, she actually said fuck it? And why not? She was a powerful woman after all who deserved to feel sexy and feminine. “There’s about fifty printouts, the dried petals from the roses and a thumb drive with like one hundred digital copies from the shoot on it.” 
“Thanks Nav—and honestly I can pay for it, really.” Natasha took the little box you gifted her before taking you into a warm embrace. 
“Don’t be silly, it’s on me.” Was all you said before you found yourself being hauled away by your screaming daughter, she was rather clinging at the moment and couldn’t be away from you for more than ten consecutive minutes before she thought the world was ending. It didn’t help that Mickey had shaved his head. She hardly recognised him at the moment. “Alright alright I’m coming darling.” 
“Did you actually do a boudoir shoot?” Rooster's hand slid up the side of Natasha's hip, pulling her into him as he whispered in her ear. “Because if so—“ Before Bradley has a chance to say he wouldn’t mind being privy to those private photos, Phoenix caught him out, leaving the taller, blonde aviator who’d subsequently stolen her heart over the course of a few years in a puddle on the floor in one of his best mate’s houses. 
“They’re your Valentine’s Day gift.” 
“Bob honey, you want a sandwich?” Mickey loved the way you just so effortlessly took care of his friends the same way you took care of him. “I’ve got peanut butter or I can do ham and cheese?” 
Bobs flushed a nice shade of red as he sat down beside Fanboy at the dining table, trying not to eavesdrop on the fact Rooster and Pheonix were in his peripheral vision practically eye fucking the ever living shit out of each other. 
“Ham and cheese please Nav.” Is all Bob utters before Miles is climbing into his lap. The two had a unique bond now that they practically wore the same kind of glasses. Miles thought he looked weird with glasses because none of the other kids in his glass wore them. But then Bob told him that his glasses could be his superhero disguise, for when he’s not saving the world like his dad. 
“Do you wanna play in the tree house with me uncle Bob?” How the fuck could he say no? Nodding softly before flipping the five year old over his shoulder. 
“Here, don’t forget your sandwich!” You cooed out as Bob made his way through the kitchen with your son strung upside down over his shoulder. “Eat before you go back to work, Mickey told me you passed out the other day because you hadn’t eaten since before seven.” Bob was quick to deadpan your husband as he took the sandwich you held out for him. Leaning in to kiss your cheek softly. 
“Thanks Nav.” He took a bite before pointing at Mickey, holding your son over his shoulder with one hand wrapped tight around the little boy's ankle as he laughed and screamed as the blood rushed to his head. “Snitches get stitches!” 
“Yeah dad! Snitches get stitches!” 
The Garcia household had become the home base for most things. Birthdays, public holidays, general get togethers, fried chicken Fridays, and seedy Sundays. But most importantly your humble abode had become the place people went to feel like they were at home. Not everyone was as fortunate to have their families in North Island. So you and Mickey became sort of the group mum and dad. 
“You aren't are you?” Ruben asked with wide eyes as you gifted him the small pair of socks that said best uncle ever on the tops. “You’re pregnant?” 
“After the display I walked in on a few months ago I'm shocked it hasn't come sooner–” Rooster mumbled as he looked at Mickey who sat nursing baby Morgan. Now a year old. “Congratulations by the way.” 
Your first two pregnancies had been pretty up and down. With baby Miles you suffered from hyperemesis. That was a little rough to get through when Mickey was deployed, but you had his mum and dad around to help you with things. He’d been your hospital birth baby. Epidural, all the drugs and medications readily available to help ease the pain. Morgan however, she’d been the at home birth baby. She was a breezy pregnancy so it made you wonder what it would be like to give birth at home unmedicated. 
“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” You were a sweaty mess as you laid back against Mickey in the blow up birthing pool in the middle of your living room floor. “I can't!! I can’t fucking do this!” 
“You can mamma, you’re so strong yeah? I've got you alright, you’re doing so well Nav.” Mickey had been a saint, he just knew what to do and when to do it. He was just thankful to be a part of such a magical experience. “You’re gonna bring our baby girl into the world–” It wasn't Mickey's fault that you were losing your mind from the pain. You just wanted it to be over, letting your head fall back against his shoulder as you cried in pain. 
“I fucking hate you for doing this to me.” Mickey couldn't help but to laugh softly as you placed a cool cloth against your forehead. “You did this to me, you idiot.” 
“I remember this being a two player game love, it wasn't just me.” There was not a single thing on this earth Mickey Fanboy Garcia wouldn't do for you. “You can’t not not deliver this baby Nav, she's coming regardless.” But when you groaned in agony? He wished more than anything he could take that pain away from you–but he couldn't. “You’re so beautiful–” 
“Oh my god it HURTS!” You shouted as another contraction took over your body, Mickey could feel how tight your belly was as the water lapped around your legs, spreading them to find more comfort as your doula walked you through what was going on from the edge of the pool. “Shut up Mick!” 
“Shutting up–” He mumbled as you groaned, so exhausted from your contractions. You didn't mean to lash out, so when your contraction was subsiding, giving you a little repreve for five seconds, you sobbed in in his shoulder-your back against his bare chest. 
“I didn't mean to call you an idiot, I'm sorry.” Mickey just kissed your temple lovingly. 
“You can call me whatever you want, I'm lovingly and completely yours forever.” 
“Yeah, congratulations guys, surely you’re gonna get the ol snip now hey Fanboy?” Jake smirked as he made a snipping gesture his way. 
“I've already booked the appointment for next month.” You added as you stood from your place in the living room. The entire group had come over for fried chicken friday. “If anyone else in the room wants to get a vasectomy let me know and I'll ring and add you to the booking.”
“Don't you dare come near me, that kinda shits barbaric.” Coyote cupped at his crotch. 
“It's minor surgery that can be reversed asshat.” Phoenix added as she slapped Javy upside the head in response to his statement. It made you all laugh for a moment until the conversation was drawn back to Bob’s latest conundrum. His crush on the new admin assistant in D block on base. It just felt like home when everyone was filling your home with laughter. Thinking back now you couldn't have imagined not knowing any of them. Ever. 
Everyone had one–every one carried a story, a reason behind the name that colleagues and superior officers referred to you as and knew you as. Once you had your call sign it stuck to you like super glue. There was no changing it, no hiding from it, no running from the probably embarrassing story that the callsign was born from the ashes of or trying to fix the personality trait that people hated enough to give you shit for or loved enough to want to remind you of every day. 
For Mickey Garcia, his callsign had two stories. The first was the most commonly told whenever he was asked about it, whenever his friends and colleagues were asked about it. They could lie and say it was because he was the biggest nerd they knew, but they didn't. 
Each time Rooster or Bob, Phoenix of Payback, Hangman or Coyote were asked about their friends' callsign. They told the truth. And the fact of the matter was Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia was and forever would be lovingly and completely yours forever.
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sofiareidings · 1 year
I'm Not Yours
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Summary: You're getting over a breakup and meet a cute guy on a case, what you didn't realise was that your best friend has been waiting for years. Warning: Swearing
A/N: I'm sorry my post is so late!! I had it queued up to post at 9am like normal and then it didn't?? And then I had a math test so I couldn't go on my phone or anything, AND THEN HALF THE STORY JUST DISSAPPEARED SO I HAD TO REWRITE IT?!?!? It has been quite the hassle. Also this was a prompt from @andiebeaword's 3000 follower celebration! The first sentence of the story was the prompt. Also, I meant for this to be gn!reader so if anyone sees any she/he pronouns for reader please tell me! Love you all <333
Word Count: 1.5k
Song Suggestions: Yours - Conan Gray
"I can't stand you choosing another person over me, again."
His bright blue eyes shined in the sun, a ray hitting across his face perfectly. Pushing his short brown hair out of his face while smiling at you made your insides flutter, completely forgetting about your ex now.
"So as I was saying, it would be best for you and your team to set up here. There's lots of room and we haven't used it in years." His voice came out in this long, deep tone. JJ walked into the room raising an eyebrow at you before taking over the conversation with the officer.
"What was that look?" Jumping slightly, you turned around and saw Penelope. It was that once a year situation where she actually had to join the rest of the team for a case. "Someone likes the officer."
The girls took any chance they could to get you to talk to the guy. They weren't wrong, you did think he was insanely cute but, you just weren't quite sure if you had the guts to really talk to him.
"I do not!" You laughed, "And even if I did…it's not like anything could happen." Penelope continued pestering and Emily joined the conversation and made sure to give her opinion as well.
"You better at least get his number, we're only gonna be here for a few more days." Penelope had been bugging you the most out of anyone, "Well, I let you sit on that thought. I need to go work my wonderful magics so I will talk to you about this later." She smiled and strutted away back to her laptop setup down the hall.
"What was Garcia talking about?" Turning back to the task at hand, Spencer was standing at a board. Working on the case. "Is this about that officer?" His voice was very flat, little emotion which was unusual for him. Especially around you, the two of you had been best friends since you transferred to the BAU.
"Yeah it was, she's trying to get me to get his number." Not turning from his work you started to flip through some files and continue to talk. "I do think he's pretty hot, but I also think it's way too early to start putting myself out there you know?"
"Yeah, yeah I guess I can understand that." Peeking over his shoulder briefly to look at you. Hearing the way you were talking about this guy was leaving him conflicted. The first day he had met you he'd already fallen in love. No statistic or math problem could explain how that happened. He's been sitting on the sideline for the past three years, watching you go from boyfriend to boyfriend, letting him be your shoulder to cry on when it was heartbreak after heartbreak. But honestly, he didn't know how long he could keep going like this.
"...But it could also be some type of fate thing. Like, I break up with a toxic asshole and then meet a dreamy police officer? I don't know, what do you think Spencer?" Walking over to him to put up some photos and thoughts on the board you look up at him, waiting for his response.
"Whatever you think is best I suppose," It took him a long time to respond, the way you were speaking of this guy was just breaking his heart more and more. It was taking all his power to not just scream 'I LOVE YOU!!' and see your reaction. "Do you want to ask him out."
"I think so, I guess he is really nice, and really good looking…" Going on about him a bit more, you paused then changed your thought process. "I mean everything and everyone is telling me to go for it but some small part of me is saying no."
"I think I'm just being paranoid, why shouldn't I put myself out there? It has been like three months. And if it doesn't work out, so what? At least I tried. I think I'll do it." Just like that, the hope died. Should he just say it? Get it out there and hope for the best? This was impossible.
"What does that mean? Are you just not ready to put yourself out there again or is it because there's someone else?" A small glimmer of hope ignited in him, maybe he still had a chance after all.
"I'm going to do it. So you can stop annoying me about it, Pen." She smiled and started to ramble about how it will be so good for you. The case had been solved and you were all packing up. Everyone with the exception of Hotch and Rossi were in the room given to the team.
"I'm so glad you're going to do this! You two would be such a sexy pair I just know it." You and Penelope continued to talk, but Spencer was just heartbroken. Standing on the opposite side of the room he could still hear you. He was packing up his things slowly, hoping to get a chance to talk to you alone.
"You should just go for it kid, don't let them get with another guy without you atleast saying it." Derek, giving his opinion to Spencer while leaning against the wall. Tossing a ball now that he was all packed up.
"What if you say something and they like you back?" Derek counter protested. Spencer thought about it for a minute, he had a point. But on the other hand he couldn't tell what would be worse; watching you ask someone else out again or telling you and losing such an important person in his life.
"I know, I just don't want to ruin three years of friendship. What if I say something and they never talk to me again?" He questioned, still listening in on your conversation.
"I'll be done in a minute!" You called out to Penelope and Emily. Still packing up your things it was only you and Spencer left in the room.
Finally throwing your bag over your shoulder you started to catch up to the rest of the team you heard Spencer call out to you. "Wait! Can I talk to you for a minute, please?"
"Yeah, of course." A little confused on why he sounded so nervous you stood infront of him, waiting for him to continue. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing it's just," He cleared his throat, no or never. "I was just wondering if you gave that officer your number yet."
"Oh, not yet. I was actually about to do that. Why do you ask?" Titling your head, curious. He started to fidget with his hands, not sure what to say.
"Oh, so you are going out with him." His voice barely above a whisper. "That's nice I suppose."
"Okay…" You smiled and started to head to the door. "I'm going to go now, see on the jet Spencer?"
"I- please, I need to say something." He tripped over his words, come on Spencer, just say it!!!
"Are you okay? You seem nervous." Why was he acting like this? It was so confusing to you.
"Okay, I'm just going to say it." He sighed, "I don't want you to go out with that officer. I mean if you really want to you should do it of course but I don't want you to because I want you to go out with me. If you don't feel the same way tell me but it's just, I can't stand you choosing another person over me, again." Biting the inside of his cheek, waiting for your response.
"Oh," Was all you could say at first. You didn't really know what else to say. "You, you like me?"
"Yeah, I do. And if you don't feel the same way I get it and pretend I never said anything because I don't want to lose you. But if you go out and date this guy I'm going to have to put up a boundary, I'm sorry."
"Spencer, I don't know what to say," You laughed lightly, not sure how to say what you were thinking. "I feel the same way, I just assumed you never would like me back so I have been trying to get over it."
"Really?" He smiled and gave that puppy-dog face he always made. "Are you serious?"
"Why would I lie?" Throwing your bag over your shoulder you hugged him then stepped back giving a small smile. "We should go though, the jet is supposed to leave like now. But can we talk about this later?"
"I would like that." The two of you started to head out, and you completely forgot about the officer. Spencer just walked out with a huge smile on his face. Why didn't he say this sooner???
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
Deceitful Youth: "III - Eyes on you, always"
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< previous | Masterlist | next >
The ringing of the bell echoed throughout the school's hallways, alongside it are the sounds of shoes swiftly coming into contact with the marbled floors. Quickly turning corners and going up stairs, you finally made it to your destination. Panting heavily, the both of you took a moment to let air into your lungs. You didn't even notice you were still holding hands with the new girl when you knocked on the door with your other hand.
After giving the two of you a questioning look through the small screen glass on the door, the teacher let you in shortly. Her expression quickly changed after registering the presence of the person you brought with you. "I see you took it upon yourself to bring in the new student. You really are such a hard worker, y/n." You were quick to dismiss what she said, a little embarrassed by the compliment and a little guilty since you only happened to bring the new girl here by coincidence after bumping into her.
"Really mrs. ningguang, I don't deserve to be called such after arriving late like this, it's unbefitting of me."
"Alright, alright. Best you take your seat now so we can begin the lesson. Oh, but have your friend here introduce herself first to the class, please." You nod your head. Turning to your friend, you felt how her hand slightly clenched yours, an unreadable expression on her face.
Introductions were unnecessary, It's not like he came here to make friends with a bunch of nobodies anyways, but the caress of your touch, both of your hands now clasping his. It surprised him, and the determined look on your face said he had nothing to worry about.
"No worries! if you end up getting scared then just focus your attention on me, it'll be easier and less overwhelming." You gave her a smile before completely letting go of her hand and heading to your seat. Good thing you did because if he was in your presence any longer he'd have surely fainted on the spot. Red quickly brought color to his face, as he could only sheepishly smile.
This was the [y/n] that had helped him in the past. The same girl that insisted on staying by his side even when others had disregarded him. The thought of you alone was more than enough to sooth him. You took away his pain, gave him a new meaning to what he wanted to be with you
But you also caused it when you decided to transfer here.
'focus my attention on you, huh?' He was already standing in front of the class 'I'll make you crave it', the room's gone silent. A few of them still whispering among themselves, but she didn't pay them any mind since her sights were already set on you.
"The name's Scara—" (Using his real name was far too risky. In the past you were one of the only few that he allowed to call him by his real name, Kunikuzushi. He'd prefer if people called him by the new name he made up for himself, but you didn't know that.)
He said a few more things, throwing in some random hobbies and ambitions all while maintaining that sweet voice, but what he said last had you holding in a laugh.
"Oh, and I'm not into guys."
The bell rang to indicate it was finally time for recess. You could hardly keep your hand steady to fit your coin into the vending machine, still thinking about how scara ended her introduction. "What was that about? Not gonna lie but it kind of caught me off guard." A soft laugh escaped your lips, the coin finally slotted in and your favourite snack fell out.
"I don't see what's so funny." He was able to calm down his previous elation from meeting you. Finding it natural to hold a conversation with you now.
"I guess that's just something I wouldn't expect coming from a pretty girl like you, you know?" You said it so calmly while opening your bag of food, you weren't able to notice how red Scara got again. Were compliments this easy to give and receive between girls? He could hardly keep his composer, but inside he's feasting on any positive comment you send his way.
"I dislike people in general, but guys are just the worst." he said it in such a sickening tone but his face stayed neutral, giving you a glance before the clink of the vending machine sounded. He was trying to see based on your reaction how comfortable you were with the topic. Did you perhaps have a change of mind? Was it still necessary for him to keep up this facade? Did you still look at guys with that same amount of discomfort and disgust your mother had?
You pondered for a moment, before a single chuckle left your lips.
"Yeah, guys are just the worst."
You started munching on your food, brows furrowed as you made your way back to the classroom. "Dthey jusht can't vbe chtrusted!" your words were barely audible as you continued to angrily speak your mind. Not that He minded, Scara seemed more focused on the sound of your voice. He hasn't heard it properly in so long (even now when you're talking with your mouth full, but that's besides the point), and even back then, the sound of your classmates and the background noise of your previous school grating his ears. You were actually talking to him, the nostalgic feeling bringing a contented smile to his face.
It was just like back then when you first approached him. You didn't have trouble speaking your mind before you started to distance yourself. The empty feeling in his chest started to fester, to the point that not a minute, not even a second goes by that he's not thinking about you. That he's not imagining the warmth of your first hug. That he's not dreaming of you and him together.
He was scared, that one day you'll disappear for good and all he's left with is the faint image of you and the past memories you shared. So he made sure to watch over you whenever he could. Slipping extra money into your bag whenever he'd hear you complain you didn't have enough on you, (in exchange he'd take one or two of your hair ties). Scaring off any guys that would linger near you locker (so that he could slip in some of the love letters he wrote.) Following you around to make sure you got home safely ( snapping a few pictures whenever he could).
He did all those things out of love, because he cared for you. There are times he wished you'd notice him, how much he's doing for you that it actually starts to hurt. He just wants you to look at him again, the same way you did back when you were younger, more innocent.
But he's afraid. Afraid you'd look at him the same way you looked at other men. Having your eyes on him, only for you to scrunch your eyebrows and morph your face into a look of disgust. It feels too cold, too cruel it has him shivering. He looks at you with so much love and adoration, and not once has he given you such a hateful gaze. So until now that was the extent of it all. Hand reached out but never enough to reach you, as if afraid to hurt you, but more terrified to hurt himself.
The sound of fingers being snapped slowly started to fade in. "Hellooo, Scara? You were spacing out just now." You looked pretty worried, but Scara dismissed it by giving you a genuine smile. 'Good to know you still cared'
"I'm fine. We should hurry though, don't want to be late again, right?" He already took hold of your hand, giggling to himself while you gave him a confused look, but nonetheless smiled along.
He liked that look on your face. He hopes that one day you'd look at the real him that way, but right now this was enough. You were finally looking at him again, and he's able to look at you without being scared that you'd leave. He'll make sure to keep a close eye on you. He won't tear his gaze off you so easily this time.
@r0ttenhearts @kazuuhhaaaa @ahseya @reirea-002 @silaswritesthings @scaraapologist @magica-ren @sketcheeee @dan9a-00 @bdf2 @tearsin @randomnl @xinhar @after-determination-tale @valeriele3 @serossidechick @worldhardtibbysoft @darkxrain @cloudycloudd @lazy-sanns @scara-alzwari @silly-ez @featuredtofu @st4rcheese @scara-obsessed @reisinnie @sky-angel101 @layla240
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kattze · 7 months
PT.1 GHOST X GN READER slow burn
So y'know a few people MIGHT read this and honestly if you do THANK YOU!!!!! anyways if there's any mistakes please tell me (pretty please with a cherry on top).
I slowly walk to my Captains office dragging my feet along the way. "Christ... I'm about to get an earful." I roll my eyes at the thought of getting another lecture, but I won't be surprised if I do... either way it's not my first time messing up during missions and causing people to die it's not the most positive thing about me...I cringe at the thought of people dying because of me.
I pause in front of the captain's office pondering on my choices before knocking. I hear a firm, "come in '' I make my way into his office. He gestures to a chair in front of his desk.
"Sit down soldier," he sighs and shakes his head before speaking once more "You are being transferred to a new base which means a new team." He looks at me studying my reaction
I shake my head before responding "so I'm not getting discharged...? Well...where am I going sir?" I say curiously waiting for his response.
"I am not sure, soldier but they'll be here at 1500 hours. I expect you to be ready for departure." He leans forward with a stern expression. "You may leave." He gestures towards the door. I quickly leave and go to the barracks.
I look at the clock next to my bed and it reads '1445 hours' 15 minutes before I leave. I have my belongings packed and ready to go. I rub my eyes and let out a yawn. I wander around base until it's time for me to leave. I walk to the helipad and get into the helicopter. I look at the old base that I'll never see again as the helicopter takes off. I lean my head back and take a nap, I wake up once I feel the helicopter landing. I exit the helicopter and I am greeted with a guy with a fishing hat(or bucket hat idk whatever makes you happy) , and another guy who's tall and bulky, who's also wearing a ski mask with a skull. The older looking one with the fishing hat walks up to me. "Captain Price, good to meet you kid." He offers his hand for a shake
I shake his hand and introduce myself "good to meet you too Captain. I'm Y/N L/N but my codename is c/n."
He smiles and points to the guy with the skull ski mask. "That's Lieutenant Ghost, he'll show you around, and you'll get to meet the others soon."
Price walks away and Ghost stares at me like he's reading my thoughts. He turns around and starts walking. "You comin' or you gonna keep staring like a twat?"
I raise my eyebrows in surprise and scoff at the insult. "Yeah yeah I'm goin ''" I shake my head as I make my way towards him. He's quite tall and built, I wonder how long he's been in the military? I decide to ask out of curiosity
"so, how long have you been in the military?" I ask as we continue to walk towards base.
"None of your business." He answers coldly as we finally enter the base.
"Jesus.." I roll my eyes at his answer. He shows me around base keeping his cold and monotone voice the same throughout the whole tour. He walks me to the barracks,
"You'll be staying in the barracks, lunch is in 20 minutes." Before I could respond he turns and walks away.
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Honestly if this flops I'll probably continue posting more parts out of boredom idk it depends.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 7 months
Jungkook smut...cuz he is jealous....college au.....plz?
MINE | JJK Oneshot
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Pairing/s: Senior!Jungkook X Sophomore!Reader
Genre: College AU, established relationship, smut, fluff
Warning/s: creampie, unprotected sex (don't even think about it), degradation, proud jk, jealousy (obviously), possessiveness, mentions of JK having sex with someone else, Hobi almost catching them half naked, please comment if there's something I left out.
Word Count: 1.8K
A/N: I know it took me more than a year to respond to this I'm sorry ;-; also not proof read.
The two of you had met when Jungkook was a junior at Seoul National University. He was all over the place when you two first met. He had a reputation for sleeping around. He liked to enjoy his life, as he put it.
His roommate and fellow junior, Jung Hoseok who was coincidentally also your best friend, tried all he could to keep you away from Jungkook.
Now, Jungkook wasn't deterred in the slightest when you slapped him for touching your ass once while trying to talk to you.
Nor was he deterred when you gave him a long list of reasons why you and him couldn't fuck.
But he was taken aback when he realised he couldn't get an erection without thinking about you. Not even when he had the new blonde transfer student naked in front of him.
He was in deep trouble and was depressed. And Hoseok inviting you over to the dorm wasn't helping. Your laughs were stuck in his head.
It wasn't until one day, you decided to talk to him while at a party.
"Hey, is this seat taken?" You referred to the empty seat on the couch beside him.
He was annoyed. How could you talk so nonchalantly, as if you weren't the reason behind his huge popularity decline?
"Aren't you a freshman? I thought you were allowed at parties?" He replied
You took the seat beside him without his permission, "Hobi knows a lot of people, he got me in."
"Right, Hobi." He shuffled uncomfortably. You weren't wearing anything too flashy or showy. It was just your scent, your voice, that overwhelmed him.
The way you looked confident yet scared of people at the party did things to him. He didn't want to admit it, but he had actually developed feelings for you.
"Um, if you don't mind, I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Sure, why not." He sighed.
You took out an almost crumpled piece of paper from your bag and held the inked part to him.
His face could be compared to the paper in question the way it became devoid of colour.
"Where did you find this!?" He exclaimed snatching it out of your hand.
"Hobi saw it lying on the dorm floor a few days ago and deduced that you drew it." You smiled ever so softly.
Jungkook was petrified and embarrassed. Were you laughing internally for his child-like crush over you?
"If you are gonna draw me, you need to show it to me too." You laughed, "It's a really great drawing, I love art too."
Jungkook could feel his shoulders relax as you crinkled your eyes in laughter. Maybe dating and committing wouldn't be as bad as he thought.
Back to the present, it had been more than a year since you two started dating. And Jungkook realised loving you was the best decision he ever made. Saying he loved you, would be an understatement and he tried to tell you that everytime he could.
You had changed him. His grades had gotten better, his friends liked him better and well best of all, he had you.
Ofcourse, Jungkook was never a jealous guy, atleast that's what he told himself.
But looking at you laughing with someone that isn't him, didn't really sit right in his head.
Jung Hoseok, your childhood best friend, the person who had grown up with you. Where there was Hoseok, there was you.
Jungkook knew you didn't see him that way. But being one of the only people that knew about the fact that Hoseok had a thing for you a few years ago, made him even more frustrated.
You never did anything that hurt Jungkook, you never even knew that Hoseok liked you. If you did you would probably refrain from the hugs and even conversations with him.
But you didn't know, that's why, when the three of you were assigned a biology project together, you were estatic.
The three of you sat on the floor of Jungkook and Hoseok's shared dorm discussing about the merits of human reproduction.
You cheerfully drew a diagram of a penis while humming to your favourite song.
"You do know, that is not how you draw the carvernosa muscles?" Hoseok asked.
"Hobi, I did research on this, I think I know what I'm doing."
"I mean, I could show you a real life model." He smirked.
"Where would you find a- Hobi! Are you serious?" You exclaimed and smacked his arm.
Jungkook wasn't having it, he rolled his eyes and focused on his work. But he tried his best to not stab your dear friend with the pencil he held in his hand.
Hoseok excused himself to go to the lounge for a quick smoke.
"I bet you wanted him to show you his penis real time." Jungkook scoffed.
"What are you talking about?" You asked.
"You should've put him in his place, Y/N."
"Jungkook, it was just a joke, you know he didn't mean it."
He let out a chuckle, "Look at you being a whore." He looked at you with dark eyes which you failed to notice.
"Hobi is harmless, he doesn't like me in that way!"
"Bet you want another dick to ride, mine isn't enough for you?" He held your chin and brought you closer to his face.
"Hobi isn't-"
"Fuck him." He cut your words off followed by closing the distance between your lips.
You hadn't seen him like this before. So full of rage and passion to prove his worth, not that he needed to do that.
But something in the way he growled when he pulled you closer onto his lap had you leaking onto his jeans.
"We can't fuck right now, baby." You panted out.
"Don't you want your precious Hobi to know who you belong to?" Kissing you again, he traced his hands up your thighs, hiking your skirt up with it.
He grabbed a handful of your ass that had you moaning straight into his mouth and intertwining your hands into his obsidian locks.
"Want you... So bad-" You let out while grinding on his semi-erect clothed dick.
"Yeah want to be fucked dumb by your boyfriend?"
You nodded desperately.
He signalled you to get onto the bed. In your dick-hazed state, you didn't realise it wasn't Jungkook's bed.
This had him smirking more. He was going to fuck you on your dearest friend's bed. His ego probably shattered the roof with how high it got.
"Skirt off" He commanded and you proceeded to pull yourself out of anything that kept you from having him inside you.
"Please, I need you inside me." You moaned out as he slipped a finger inside your sopping cunt.
You sighed and closed your eyes, he knew how desperate you could get for his cock.
The sound of his belt unbuckling was followed by him dropping his pants just enough to fuck you.
His length sprang out glistening with pre-cum. It had your mouth watering but you needed him somewhere else.
"I hate you so much." You pouted as he lined himself up against your pussy.
"Yeah? Then how are you so fucking wet for me?"
His bulbous mushroom tip teased your slit before slowly pushing itself into your welcoming and wet orfice.
He had to catch himself from falling onto you due to the pleasure.
"Shit- should've loosened you up first." He said trying to help you take him in by rubbing your nub.
"Jungkook-" You cried out, tears already forming as the stretch was slightly unbearable.
"It's okay baby, you'll take me like the good girl you are, yeah?"
You nod. He pushed himself further into you with one sharp thrust. It had you screaming with both pleasure and pain.
"Shit, shit, shit, baby, are you okay? Should I stop?" He cupped your cheek pressing his lips wherever he could onto your face and neck.
"No, please, keep going." Hearing this, he pulled out till just his tip was inside you and thrusted back testing the waters.
Looking straight into your eyes, he picked up his pace.
"Look at you, Y/N, looking like a sin." He chuckled darkly. "I'll make sure you wouldn't want any other dick, except mine."
"Please, I only want you..."
"Imagine your best friend's face when he realises I am fucking the living shit out of you on his own bed." He smirks egoistically, "He wouldn't be able to sleep for days."
The thrill of it had you clenching his dick making him falter his pace for a quick second before picking it up again.
The mix of both of your arousals pooled around his cock as it disappeared into you.
He hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled them up. This new angle had both of you moaning. The students from the neighbouring dorms probably heard you.
Sex-life with your boyfriend was really good, he fucked you almost everyday and left you satisfied.
But his pace today was animalistic. His eyes were blown out and bangs stuck to his forehead due to the sweat.
"Gonna fuck you so good, gonna make sure Hoseok knows you walk around with my cum inside you." He groaned.
The bed, Hoseok's bed, was knocking it's headboard onto the wall making relatively noticable sound.
"Say it." He asserted, "Say that you're mine and mine only."
"Fuck, I'm yours Jungkook!"
"Yeah baby, you're mine. Gonna- fuck- marry you one day."
His pace had your back arching and his words helped you reach your climax.
"Shit, come on, baby." He lifted your legs onto his shoulders, thrusts indicating that he's about to come as well.
You let out a load moan as you came coating his dick with arousal. Not even a few seconds later, came as well.
He slowly thrusted his cum into you as his cock softened.
Pulling out, he realised he came much more than he imagined and it leaked out of your pussy onto the sheets.
He smiled proudly. You looked at him in disbelief. Was this the same man a few seconds ago?
A knocked startled you both.
"Can I come in?" A very doubtful Hoseok asked from the other side of the door.
"Yeah, come in." Jungkook answered.
"Jungkook!" You covered your bottom half by pulling your shirt down.
Your best friend was disgusted to say the least. You realised that the walls were pretty thin and he could've heard you.
"Ugh! Did you guys have to do it on my bed?" Are you serious right now?"
"Hobi, I'm sorry, we're kind of naked, would you mind just shoo-ing away for a bit?" You said in a desperate tone.
"You know what? Keep the bed, I'll sleep on Jungkook's one from now on." Hobi turned to leave.
"But we've had sex on my bed too." Jungkook added.
"Just keep the whole room." Hoseok slammed the door shut.
Jungkook simply laughed.
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chxnsaphrodite · 1 year
Message in a Bottle (minho x reader)
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minho x reader fake dating college au!
a/n: i'm a lil bit too proud of this piece so if you hate it keep it to yourself, this is also the first full-length fic i've written so. inspired by the love hypothesis! came up with the idea originally a year ago after finishing the book.
words: 11.2k
warnings: smut with plot, reader is a virgin, reader uses she/her pronouns, typos, slight corruption kink, protection IS USED FOR ONCE. minho calls the reader a whore like once...maybe twice, lmk if i missed any.
to say lee minho was boyfriend material would be a mere understatement. to be honest, you saw him as nothing better than just some guy who plays with girls around campus, yet here you were, sealing the deal with him. “it would be for like two months, tops,” minho said. you bit the inside of your cheek.
“and what are you getting out of it? what would you gain?” you asked him.
“lia getting off of my back,” he replied snarkily. lia and minho were exes you could say, but lia was the most consistent girl minho has ever been with. they were known to show up to campus parties and then mysteriously disappear, probably jerking each other off in the host’s room. you were pretty sure minho had every possible std there was out there considering his reputation. but yet here he was, asking you to fake date him for two months. “listen if you’re uncomfortable we don’t have to, but i’m just saying you’d have a reason for the board to believe that you’re gonna still attend miroh college for the rest of the school year and you could get the funds-”
“okay okay i’ll do it just, lets make up rules,” you said, cutting him off. minho smirked.
“lay it on me,” he replied.
“first of all, no kissing, like ever,” you said.
“how are people gonna think we are dating if you wont kiss me?” minho asked.
“well there’s other ways  to show affection-”
“you really think someone would believe i wouldnt kiss my girlfriend in public?” minho pointed out. 
“okay um, but i- i dont know-”
“have you ever kissed someone y/n?” minho questioned you. you felt your face burnt up slightly.
“i uh well this boy in my 6th grade-”
“no i mean really kissed,” minho added.
“it was pretty real to me,” you commented. minho chuckled.
“okay, so no kissing, but pda?” he asked. you nodded.
“yeah like, hand-holding and stuff,” you stated.
“got it, could i add my own rule?” minho asked.
“sure,” you said.
“dont fall for me, i mean the whole point of this is so i can get a girl off my back, not get another one on,” he said. you nodded confidently.
“will do, won’t catch me slipping,”you replied. minho stuck his hand out to you.
“so its a deal then?”
you desperately needed this grant from your school, and rumors of you and minho dating would be the perfect way to convince them. this was the first time your school had ever declined your request when it came to your films. your short films had gained multiple awards and praise for miroh college, but it’s because of these awards that other colleges had offered to give you a full-ride scholarship to their schools. to be honest, you had played with the idea of transferring to a film-based college, but you were waiting for one in particular. stray film college had been your dream school since you were 15, and they finally reached out to you. they promised a full-ride scholarship if you could produce one more film, a film that needed to be a personal film. you had no idea what to do for it, but you knew you would need funds for the mic set and to possibly pay actors. you don’t know how or why, but somehow the school caught wind of this, and now suddenly they refused to help you with production altogether. you hate to admit it, but minho’s plan could very likely be the key to your dream school.
you were typing yet another email to your department’s head when someone tapped on the top of your laptop. you looked up and met eyes with your friend, hyunjin. hyunjin ran his fingers through his currently, long blonde hair. “blonde again jinnie?” you asked. 
“i needed a change, plus i haven’t tried blonde with my long hair yet so i figured now was the time,” he replied. you chuckled as he took a sit across from you. the two of you met up in the school cafeteria often, ever since you guys met as freshmen. hyunjin was actually the only actor that would always act in your films for free. that’s how the two of you became friends in the first place. “what are you working on now, y/n?” hyunjin asked.
“typing another email, i need to get the funds,” you replied.
“you think they’ll give it to you?” he asked again. you sighed.
“no, but they might soon,” you replied.
“whats the plan? do i need to beat up mr. park?” he questioned. he said the last part with a smirk.
“no hyunjin, this plan does not require anyone being beat up,” you said, you looked around, “it’s a secret for now, i’m sure you’ll hear within the next few days or so.”. hyunjin turned his head to the right.
“what’re you up to?” he asked.
“so many questions! just dont worry about it. you just have to know i have it figured out,” you told him. that was when the messages started.
[minho: hey we need to go to this party tonight
[minho: lia is bringing her entire group there
[you: um ive never been to a party before…
[minho: ur shitting me right?
[you: nope.
[minho: ill pick you up, just be ready in like an hour or two.
[you: hour?
[minho: 2 max, you need to meet some of my friends before hand
[you: i know your friends.
[minho: you know the rumors about my friends, but you dont know my friends
[minho: plus how exactly do you plan on getting home if i end up black out drunk?
[you: 2 and half hours.
[minho: deal.
you closed your laptop. “looks like part of my plan is taking place, ive got to go get ready,” you said, standing up.
“call me later?” hyunjin asked. you shrugged.
“ill be out pretty late,” you commented.
“y/n…you’re not prostituting are you?!” hyunjin asked.
“no! just dont worry ill explain later.”
you stood in front of the mirror looking at your outfit. you had picked a slightly skimpy outfit, but felt it was appropriate for the occasion, it was a baby pink pleated skirt with a black t shirt. that was when you heard a knock at your dorm’s door. you sighed, knowing it was probably minho already picking you up. you opened the door, and was greeted by a well dressed minho. “you ready?” he asked. you nodded.
the car ride to wherever minho was taking you was uncomfortably silent. to be honest, up to this point you and minho had rarely ever spoken, let alone crossed paths. “so uh…who’s hosting the party?” you asked.
“chris bang,” minho answered flatly.
“i thought you guys hated each other?” you questioned.
“listen, he comes to my friends’ parties all the time, its more of a rivalry if anything,” he stated. you looked out of the window. chris bang was another infamous man around campus. he was the head of the double knot frat, and had a similar reputation to minho. chris’ rep was totally different, where minho was known to be a complete heart breaker, chris was more of the never the same girl twice kind of guy. he never really talked to girls long enough for them to think he liked them, but long enough to be intimate. unbeknownst to you, minho really did hate him. he just didnt make a big deal about it, besides there were more important things to be focusing on, such as making lia go away. minho pulled into an apartment complex. “attention passenger, we have reached destination jisung and changbin’s apartment,” minho announced. minho walked over to your side and opened the door for you. “m’lady” he said, motioning his other arm towards the apartment entrance. you laughed a bit before standing up.
“thank you, sir,” you told him. you closed the car door behind you, after which minho put an arm around your shoulder. you jumped at first being shocked by his action.
“remember, im just your lovely new boyfriend,” he whispered into your ear. you nodded. minho walked you to the door. minho knocked on the door, and surprisingly neither jisung or changbin answered. “seungmin! you’re coming along?” minho asked the man who opened the door.
“why not, haven’t gone out with you guys in a while,” seungmin answered. seungmin met eyes with you and raised his eyebrows. “who’s the chick?” he asked. 
“the chick is me. i’m y/n, minho’s girlfriend,” you introduced. seungmin looked over at minho in slight disbelief.
“seungmin the airconditioning is on, close the door!” changbin called. changbin walked over towards the door to see what seungmin was doing, and once again you were looked at with wide eyes. “who-”
“this is y/n, my girlfriend, i was going to tell you guys once i got inside but seungmin felt the need to question us before hand,” minho explained.
“y/n? as in film major y/n?” changbin asked you. you smiled at the recognition for films, and nodded.
“the one and only,” you replied. changbin stuck his hand out.
“your films are awesome, it amazes me that someone that’s my age could produce something like that,” he told you. you shook his hand.
“wow , uh thank you, i didnt take you to be the film type?” you stated. changbin nodded. 
“come in come in!” changbin said excitedly. 
“is it just me or does changbin look more excited to talk to your girlfriend than us,” seungmin mumbled to minho as the two of you walked in. minho shrugged.
“as long as the lady is happy,” he replied. seungmin looked at minho again. 
“since when did you care this much about your girlfriends?” seungmin asked.
“since her,” minho replied, pointing to you and changbin happily chatting. jisung bursted into the room form his bedroom. 
“alright let’s get the show on the road, wooyoung is saying chris has some free alcohol and i do not want to miss it,” jisung announce, car keys in hand. jisung looked over at you, “hello there, and who might you be?”. minho protectively put his arm around your shoulders.
“y/n, is my plus one tonight,” minho grinned. you nodded.
“also minho’s latest girlfriend,” seungmin commented. jisung looked at you and minho and shrugged.
“okay, whatever, we need to leave, like now,” he told everyone in the room.
the moment the 5 of you arrived at the party it was complete chaos. there were girls completely topless dancing on tables, people trying to down as many shots as possible, and pda in every corner. minho grabbed your hand. “follow my lead,” he whispered to you. for some reason, minho holding your hand made your heart skip a tad. you nodded. minho led you to the porch in the back, where there were many familar faces, but particularly lia and her posse. lia had 4 other friends, yeji, ryujin, chaeryeong, and a freshman yuna. as far as you knew, they were all daddy’s money and felt some sort of entitlement at miroh college. other faces you recognized on this porch was of course, chris bang and his close friends, felix and another freshman jeongin. “lee, nice of you to show,” chris commented. minho looked back up.
“wouldn’t miss it, bang,” he replied. it wasnt until you noticed lia practically glaring at you that you remembered you were still holding minho’s hand.
“y/n? right?” chris asked you. you nodded. chris looked back between you and minho. “you two an item or something?” chris asked minho
“my girlfriend actually,” minho answered. 
“you ever been to a party before director?” chris interrogated. you hesitated before nodding.
“no she hasn’t,” lia said.
“yes i have, maybe you just haven’t seen me before,” you shot back.
“really? well then maybe you wouldn’t mind playing a few drinking games, you know, with the girls,” lia added. you nodded, more confidently this time.
“totally,” you replied. lia looked back at her girls, and at the same time minho whispered to you,
“y/n are you sure about this? i could easily think of a way out of this-”
“let’s go then,” you stated confidently to lia. lia smirked. 
“sounds fun, you boys won’t mind if we disappear for an hour or two,” she asked. minho glared at lia, knowing she was up to something. “oh c’mon minho, let the girl have some girl time, besides who knows, maybe by the time we’re back you’ll have found someone else to play with,” lia replied snarkely. minho clenched his teeth, but you put your hand on his shoulder as a way to tell him it was alright. yeji got up form her chair.
“let’s go,” she told her friend. you followed the 5 girls back into the frat house, where you ended up in some unknown person’s room. there were many other girls you recognized from around the campus in the room. yeji picked up a random bottle on the floor and read the name. “here, “y/n, you’ve surely had this before,” yeji picked up a bottle that had the name ‘jagermeister’ printed on it, and handed it to you. truth be told, you knew next to nothing about alcohol, let alone had you drunk more than the champagne you drank at new years.
“of course,” you lied. yeji looked back up at lia. 
“why don’t you take a drink or two?” lia said, handing you the bottle. you opened the bottle, and got a whiff of a black licorice that made you want to throw up an entire lung. “go on,” lia told you. you gulped before you started chugging it. the other girls looked at you in shock.
“y/n are you okay?” chaeryeong asked you. you squeezed your eyes and nose before nodding.
“yeah, totally, like i said, i’ve drank before..” you trailed off, “maybe not as intense as that.”. lia let out a scoff. you stood up. “either way, im gonna find minho,” you said. you walked away from the room, and as you closed the door you sighed. 
“girls giving you a hard time?” a familiar voice called. you turned to see jisung. 
“uh yeah sure,” you answered. 
“y’know its only because lia believes you and minho’s ruse,” he replied. 
“yeah i- wait what?” you asked surprisingly.
“i can read right through you two, minho may be able to fool the others but he still can’t fool me,” jisung explained. you looked at him, and started to open your mouth when jisung said, “don’t worry i wont tell anyone, i’m not sure why you two decided to do this, but i won’t tell,”.
“thank you, jisung,” you said. jisung moved to the side.
“welp, i’ve gotta go do what i was doing before i met up with you,” jisung told you.
“yeah, of course,” you replied. jisung walked passed you, and you watched as he left. you walked down the stairs to the first floor of the frat house. as you stood and watched chaos, you could suddenly feel the rush of the drink from earlier sinking in. it was then you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“y/n are you okay?” minho asked. you stared at him for a second before feeling a sudden rush to your gut. you shook your head before you threw up all over minho and yourself. 
it was like the world stopped in that moment and your first instinct was to run away.
you ran down the street, with no real destination in mind other than far away from the doubleknot frat. suddenly your fuzzy mind was interrupted by a voice.
and suddenly you were blacked out.
you groaned as you awoke in an unfamiliar bed room, but a quick sniff of the bed sheets you recognized it was hyunjin’s. you sat up and felt your head pounding. “goodmorning, sleeping beauty,” hyunjin said, standing in the door way. 
“what happened?” you asked.
“i should be asking you the same thing,” hyunjin replied. you thought for a moment on the events of last night.
“i know i was at chris bang’s party,” you said, “oh my god minho!”.you reached for your phone, which hyunjin had (thankfully) taken the liberty to plug in for you. just a glance at the messages you suddenly remembered a key moment from last night.
[minho: hey where are you?
[minho: y/n this isnt funny, answer your phone
[minho: im sorry.
“whats got you so worked up, and whats up with you and minho?” hyunjin asked.
“have rumors already spread?” you said. hyunjin let out a sigh.
“unfortunately a bit more than just some rumors spread,” he told you, showing you a video someone had taken of you throwing up on minho. you closed your eyes and lifted your head back.
“of course,” you let out. hyunjin wrapped and arm around your shouldand rubbed your arm.
“hey on the brightside i brought you some hang over food!” hyunjin announced. hyunjin got out of the bed and walked to the kitchen. you sent a quick message to minho.
[y/n: im so sorry a million times over, could we meet up today?
[minho: yeah, campus research center?
[y/n: sounds good.
hyunjin walked in with a breakfast bagel sandwich and a smoothie concoction. “what;s the drink?” you asked.
“hangover juice,” he answered. you took the drink from his hands and took a big gulp of it. you squeezed your eyes and nose.
“that is so gross why would you even give me that!” you exclaimed.
“i never said it was good,” hyunjin mumbled.
the school’s research center was surprisingly empty, with just a few students surrounding you. you waited until minho finally showed up. 
“minho,” you called. 
“you ever heard of answering your phone?” he asked aggresively.
“i know, im sorry, i can pay for dry cleaning-”
“thats  not what i was worried about, you rand out of the party with no one, drunk and alone, do you know how scary that sounds?” minho asked you.
“i- uh, yeah,” you replied. there was an awkward pause.
“i’m sorry, y/n, i was just, i was really worried,” he stated. you nodded. “so you got home safe?” minho asked. 
“yeah, my friend hyunjin found me, luckily,” you asnwered.
“good,” minho said. 
“did lia believe it?” you asked. minho smirked.
“totally,” he told you, “according to changbin she wouldn’t shut up about it, but then the whole throwing up thing happened..”. you smacked your face with your hand.
“what am i going to do that video is so embarrassing,” you said.
“oh that's nothing, last year a video of jisung stripping completely naked surfaced,” minho told you. you shivered at the thought of a video of yourself stripping being spread without your consent. “besides its only spreading because i mean, who would expect you to be at bang’s party,” minho said.
“was it really that big of a deal?” you asked. minho nodded.
“look, this crowd of typical college kids know when theres someone new, let alone someone who’s already known around campus for films,” minho answered. there was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
“so uh, what now?” you asked.
“well i guess we have to make some more exclusive meetings now that the words out,” minho replied. 
“so dinner?” you suggested. 
“sure,” minho said.
unsurprisingly, you arrived first to the local restaurant on campus. though it wasnt uncommon, minho was slightly late, but it had already been 15 minutes. you sighed as you checked your phone, expecting a text message saying he was caught up in something, but to no avail, nothing. suddenly you heard someone knock on the table. “minho- oh, uh chris,” you said, looking up at the bleach blonded man.
“fancy seeing you here, y/n, lee leaving you waiting?” he asked you.
“well not really, im actually here early,” you lied. 
“mind if i take a seat?” he asked, motioning to the booth seat in front of you. 
“i- uh- yeah sure?” you replied. he chuckled.
“you sound scared, i’m just taking a seat until your boyfriend gets here, someone’s got to look over the pretty ladies,” chris said flirtatiously. you let out an awkward chuckle. “so, you and minho, how did you two meet?” he asked you. you quickly tried to think of a lie.
“uh, highschool,” you answered. chris looked at you suspiciously.
“lee didn’t go to our highschool,” he stated. 
“okay well- wait what? our school?” you questioned.  he turned his head slightly.
“do you not remember me?” he started, “we were in the same home economics class.”. you sat there and thought about it. suddenly you gasped.
“bang chan?!” you exclaimed. he giggled.
“yeah, i don't go by chan anymore, just chris,” chris told you, “i actually was wondering if you’d do me a favor and keep it between us?”. you nodded.
“of course, im just embarrassed i didn’t recognize you earlier,” you told him.
“no it's okay, most people didn’t or don’t, but i was more shocked when i heard your name spring around,” he explained.
“yeah well, that makes two of us, i never expected my films to get much praise,” you replied.
“i could, i still remember that jackson guy having you edit is student president video,” he said.
“you remember that?! don't speak of my dark past,” you said. you both laughed and smiled at each other.
“could i maybe have your number? maybe we could do some good old high school reminiscing together?” chris asked. you nodded. 
“yeah of course,here hand me your phone,” you said. you took chris’ phone and typed your number when someone cleared their throat. you both looked up to minho. you handed chris back his phone. 
“bang, would you mind telling me why you’re talking to my girlfriend?” minho questioned chris.
“i was just leaving actually,” chris said, standing up from the booth. chris walked away, and minho watched as he left. minho sighed before taking a seat where chris once sat.
“he didnt do anything right?” he asked. you shook your head.
“no uh, he was just asking some basic questions about us,” you answered. minho sort of looked off for a moment, you felt like he wanted to know more, but knew he wasn’t going to ask. “anyway, you’re late, like way late,” you stated.
“i know im sorry,” he replied. you sighed.
“it’s fine i guess,” you said. minho reached for your hands across the table and lightly squeezed. something about it, despite you knowing it was an act, felt so nice. it felt, right, to be with minho at that moment, and undoubtedly minho really wasn’t that bad of a guy. he seemed to care deeply about whether or not you were comfortable with specific things or whether you were safe. but part of you just thought that it was minho being a decent human being, and you curse yourself for setting your standards in men so low. “chris seems, nice enough, why do you guys hate each other so much?” you asked. minho didnt answer.
“its not important, really,” minho began, “we just don’t mesh i guess.”. you decided not to push more. you looked up from minho, and spotted some girls a few tables down looking at you and minho. “are they looking?” he asked. you nodded. he smirked. “great, surely they’ll tell all their little friends,” he responded.
“hopefully,” you responded. 
“you’re dating who?!” hyunjin exclaimed. you quickly shushed him. 
“not so loud jinnie, it’s still a library,” you replied, “plus i thought the rumor would have spread by now.”. 
“i mean yeah, but i just assumed it was fake, y’know never took you as minho’s type,” he stated. you sighed.
“well, uh, i am so,” you said. hyunjin wrinkled his eye brows and leaned in. 
“you’re totally fibbing,” hyunjin wh 
“pshh what?” you stated loudly. you flushed at your sudden burst before clearing your throat, “i mean, what? why would i lie about that,” you said. hyunjin chuckled and crossed his arms.
“i don’t know maybe to convince the board you have a reason to stay at miroh,” hyunjin said flatly. you sighed.
“okay,” you admitted.
“seriously?” he asked. you nodded in shame.
“but look, it’s just until stay college can view my film,” you told him. 
“now everything makes sense, the secrecy, the parties,” he started listing.
“look, but you can’t tell anyone, not even his friends know,” you explained. hyunjin zipped his lips.
“your secret is safe with me,” he stated. someone cleared their throat behind you and hyunjin, startling you both. you turned around and to your horror met eye contact with chaeryeong. 
“woah! chaer! didn’t- uh, see you there!” you said nervously.
“i heard everything,” she said softly. you looked at hyunjin terrified. 
“well, uh, y/n and i were just talking about a film she’s making right?” hyunjin lied. you nodded.
“and the film includes y/n fake dating minho?” she asked. you looked at her pleadingly.
“chaer look i can explain-”
“im not going to say anything, even if the other girls knew, we all know lia needs to get over him,” she stated.
“thank you thank you thank you!” you exclaimed.
“i actually came over to talk to you, like a friend maybe?” she asked. hyunjin looked at you warningly.
“why?” you asked.
“someone has to make sure lia doesn’t make your life a living hell, and you’re gonna need someone besides minho to have your back,” she said.
“i have her back!” hyunjin exclaimed.
“okay, but you’re a guy, she needs some girl advice,” chaeryeong said, “and you don’t exactly run with our crowd.”. hyunjin sighed.
“i suppose,” he replied dramatically.
“hyunjin you can’t ‘suppose’ things for me! but either way, what would you get out of this chaer?” you asked.
“nothing other than lia getting over minho and a cool new film friend,” she said. you thought about it, chaeryeong is a super nice girl. out of all of the girls she had the friendliest aura. 
“alright,” you said.
before you knew it, you were back in jisung’s car with minho and his other friends. chaeryeong had given you a warning about this party earlier, so it was no surprise when you received the text from minho. this party seemed even crazier just from the outside. minho gripped your hand. “promise you won’t go drinking by yourself again,” minho said. you nodded.
“i won’t,” you replied.
“love birds come on!” changbin called. the house was trashed, and there were plenty of people dry humping and making out in clear sight. you don’t know when but at some point you stood there and stared at your surroundings, and it was then you realized you had lost minho. not only minho, but changbin, jisung, nor seungmin were nowhere to be found. you quickly took out your phone to text one of the four, but a familiar voice called to you.
“y/n? lee brought you along again?” chris said. you looked up at the familiar man. you nodded.
“yeah but haven’t the slightest clue where he went this time,” you said. 
“he left a lady like you unattended?” he asked you.
“oh no! i uh, i actually left on accident and i-”
“relax, y/n, i was just messing with you,” chris told you. you chuckled nervously.
“right,” you said. chris gave you an endearing smile, which sent slight butterflies to your stomach. 
“so, you know who hosting this party?” he asked you. you shook your head. “you’d be shocked to know this is mark lee’s place,” he said. 
“mark lee still lives around here?” you asked.
“apparently, he invited me actually,” he added. 
“he was probably shocked to see bang chan with an amazing build to,” you said. you then realized what you said. “oh my god did i just say that im so sorry-” chris laughed at your mess up.
“its alright, besides, nice to know you think i have a nice build,” chris flirted. okay so maybe you knew you shouldn’t be flirting with bang chan, or chris bang or whatever everyone called him. but it couldn’t hurt right? it’s not like you and minho were actually dating. but something about him was so…relaxing. he felt like someone you could spend time with and have meaningful conversations with you. 
“y/n! there you are! we’re playing truth or dare in- oh, hello there bang,” minho said, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“truth or dare? what is this middle school?” you asked minho.
“pretty common at these parties, lee, you didn’t tell y/n about one of the traditions at mark lee’s parties?” chris asked minho. 
“well i didn’t think it was that important, some of us have other priorities than just partying, bang,” minho replied.
“ouch you really think that lowly of me, lee?” chris said, putting his hand over his heart.
“actually, bang, i would like to know why you are talking to my girlfriend,” minho stated snarkely.
“okay so truth or dare why dont we just go babe!” you told minho, calming him down before he started something. minho wrapped an arm around you, before he turned the two of you away from chris. minho leaned into your ear.
“i wouldn’t hang around him much, y/n, not unless you’re with one of us,” minho told you.
“why he seems alright?” you replied confused.
“just take my word for it,” minho said. you sighed. soon you found yourself ina room surrounded by a mixture of people you’d met and not met, and of course lia and her friends were there. you made eye contact with chaeryeong and grinned. “alright why dont we get started,” minho announced to the room. you and minho took a seat next to each other on a couch. 
“minho you didn’t tell me your lady was y/n,” mark lee said.
“hello to you again mark,” you replied.
“you know mark lee?” minho asked you. you nodded.
“don’t worry about it,” you stated. for once minho didn’t push for more info, and the game began. it was a typical drinking game with the occasional sexual request. honestly, it seemed everyone in the room had forgotten you’d existed until it got to mark.
“so y/n and minho, you two are an item, right?” mark asked. 
“yes,” minho answered.
“but yet i’ve yet to see you two have any action like you and lia,” mark told minho.
“why should we have to?” minho asked.
“i’m just saying maybe you don’t like y/n that much,” mark stated. ouch. okay maybe you weren’t actually dating but that did tang your feelings a bit.
“mark, me and y/n are none of your business,” minho said.
“besides we don’t need to flaunt that we like each other to everyone,” you retorted. 
“then why don’t you prove it?” mark asked.
“what? lee this is obviously ridiculous,” minho said. 
“no i don’t think so,” lia added, “you and i had our fun didnt we?”. lia looked at you after saying this.
“y/n i dare you to get on minho’s lap and make out with him,” mark told you.
“mark why are you so obs-”
“alright,” you replied confidently. you got up from your seat before draping yourself on top of minho. you leaned your head in and touched his forehead. minho looked at you with shocked eyes.
“are you sure?” he wh you nodded, and as soon as you gave him permission, minho wrapped his arms around your shoulders and leaned in to kiss you. everyone in the roomed seemed to ‘ooh�� and ‘ahh’ but honestly you drowned it out. minho took the lead, and even wrapped his arms around your waist. minho dominated you completely. unconsciously, you grinded against minho’s abdomen, feeling a surge of excitement down below. minho slowly pulled his face back. without realizing it you whispered softly:
“wow,”. suddenly you stood up and took your seat next to minho.
finally the night seemed over, and minho was driving you home. “y/n, have you ever done that before?” he asked you.
“done what?” you asked back.
“you know…making out,” he stated. you blushed a little bit.
“um, no,” you replied. minho inhaled sharply.
“y/n…have you ever kissed anyone before?” he implored. you paused before answering. 
“i uh well i-”
“don’t tell me i was your first kiss,” minho said.
“i won’t then,” you replied.
“y/n,” he said, “you could have said no.”.
“its okay! it was just a kiss right? i mean im not 15 anymore minho,” you told him. minho bit the inside of his cheek. you could tell something about this had bothered him. you weren’t so sure why, it’s not like minho had that much of a conscience anyway. 
“well you also said at the begining of this no kissing,” he sreplied.
“we were in a circumstance where it was needed,” you said. honestly, you had forgotten there were rules to this arrangement. you didnt want to say it out loud, but you’d grown used to the arrangement. used to people calling you minho’s girlfriend, or vise versa depending on the person. 
there was one rule that was bothering you. you’d never had sex. like period. masturbation, maybe, but you never really tried it. once you got home that night you tossed and turned, possibly trying to sleep, but you could only think about minho’s lips. you feel slightly ashamed to be having this naughty thoughts, secretly wishing minho would trace his hands down your body. and as you started to imagine, you found yourself copying these actions. minho using his lips to gentle kiss down your body until finally reaching your aching core and then- you heard a knock at your door. you got up, flushed a little from what you were about to do, and left your bedroom. you opened the door to see minho. “minho what are you doing here?” you asked him.
“i don’t think we should do this anymore,” he told you. 
“wait what? why?” you asked.
“it’s gone too far,” he said, “you’re breaking the rules you set for my own gain, plus we’ve yet to do anything that will benefit you.”. you thought for a moment about what minho was saying.
“you promised me two months, the board hasn’t even changed their mind about my funds,”  you stated, “plus if you want to do something for me, we can go to the film fair tomorrow, our school is hosting it.”.
“are you serious?!” he exclaimed excitedly. 
“yeah it’s whatever, i can just uninvite hyunjin,” you said, “plus the head of the film department will be there, surely seeing us will make some sort of change.”. minho grinned.
“great,” he said.
you waiting for minho’s text saying he was outside the next day. the film fair was one of your favorite events of the year, before the whole holding back your funds thing. it was a great time to get feedback and other techniques from fellow directors. originally you were going to take hyunjin, you guys typically went every year, but you figured taking minho with you this one time would not be too big of a deal.
[minnie: im outside
you smiled at the message before stepping out and getting into his car. “is this outfit okay?” he asked you. you chuckled. “what?” he asked.
“it’s just here you are asking me if what you’re wearing is appropriate for a film fair,” you repleid.
“i’ve - uh, i’ve never been to one,” he admitted. 
“obviously, stop being so nervous it’s just like going to a festival,” you assured him. 
“hey don’t make fun of me!” he pouted.
“okay mr. popular, let’s get to the fair,” you said. the fair was as busy as ever, and a part of you was excited to just show minho around. you led him to the screening theatre, where you watched many films, but one in particular played that seemed to change the vibe between you two. film was art, and often directors and script writers include things from personal lives, what you weren’t expecting was for a sex scene to begin playing. minho glanced over at you, biting his lip slightly before turning back. you were incredibly focused on the camera angles and how the director was able to get a cinematic look at the scene, but minho could only be reminded of last night. he assumed you just didn’t noticed how much making out with you affected him, he fought back a lot of impulses to just pin you down right then and there. the thought of you unconsciously grinding against him desperately turned him on in a way he’d never been before. the thought of how unknowing you were when it came to relationships was attractive to minho in a way, it was almost like he could corrupt you by himself. “minho?” you called. minho shook his head from his thoughts.
“yeah?” he asked.
“i’m sorry, is this boring?” you replied.
“no! no! i was just spacing out, you know,” he answered. you got up and grabbed his hand.
“let’s go see other things! plus i need to make sure we’re seen by the other professors!” you exclaimed. minho nodded and gripped your hand back, following you. the two of you were walking around the festival until you were stopped by another student holding a camera. 
“could i snap a photo of you two? it’s for the school’s newspaper,” the student requested. you turned your head towards minho who nodded that it was alright. 
“sure!” you answered. 
“alright now pose!” he told you and minho. you leaned your head towards minho as the picture was taken. “hmm, i'm not sure if this is the shot i’m looking for, could we maybe be a bit more romantic, like maybe a kiss or something?” he asked. you looked at minho nervously.  minho saw your worried look.
“uh, maybe not,” he answered.
“c’mon! just a peck on the cheek?” the photographer asked. 
“okay,” you answered, without really asking minho beforehand.
“alright now 3-” you closed your eyes, getting ready to give minho a peck on the cheek. “2-” you leaned in, “1!” expecting to feel minho’s cheek against your lips, instead you met minho’s lips. the two of you looked at each other with wide eyes before quickly pulling away from each other. “aww, now that’s a cute one! thanks you two!” the photographer said, quickly walking away from the two of you, probably so you couldn’t deny the picture being used. 
“y/n- i’m so sor-”
“miss l/n!” a professor called. not just any professor, but your film super visor. dr. han was the main person in charge of whether or not you could get funds for your big film. 
“oh hi there dr. han! fancy seeing you, the film advisor, at our local college film festival,” you said awkwardly, knowing he just witnessed you and minho’s accidental kiss a second ago.
“yes, fancy it is miss l/n..i was rather surprised you didn’t submit a film this time around,” dr. han commented. bullshit. he knows exactly why. 
“oh i’m just saving up for film equipment!” you said. minho looked at dr. han and back at you. minho had only really heard rumors about dr. han and how strict and intimidating he is. he also could see through dr. han’s bullshit as well as you could. it was pretty obvious there was a hint of tension between you and the professor. and not the good, sexual, kind. the kind that was between him and chris kind of tension. 
“and who’s this that you’re with?” dr. han asked.
“oh this is-”
“lee minho, y/n’s boyfriend! so night to meet you dr. han, y/n has told me so much about how you’ve helped her and her films!” minho interjected. dr. han looked at minho suspiciously.
“ah yes, mr. lee, i believe i’ve heard some students mention you two are new item,” the professor said to minho. minho didn’t like dr. han. he decided this right there. why would  a professor be so invested in rumors around the college? minho put his arm around you and laughed awkwardly.
“yeah, i guess we have been pretty open about our relationship, right y/n?” minho asked you.
“yeah, sorry you had to see me in such a casual way professor,” you apologized.
“oh its no problem, students should be free to…express however they want,” dr. han said. there was an awkward silence that followed his sentence.
“well, minho and i have other film festival things to see, it was nice seeing you dr. han!” you said, taking minho’s arm off your shoulder, and grabbing it to walk away. 
“that’s the ass that’s withholding your funds?” minho asked. you sighed.
“yeah, but he’s probably the one guy i have to get through to get my funds. so it’s priority that he knows we’re dating. thank you for the save,” you told him, “either way is there anything else you’d like to see, i come to this festival like every year so.”. 
“what’s your favorite thing at this festival?” minho asked you. you thought about your answer for a bit.
“okay, its boring though,” you answered.
“i don’t care,” he said. you smiled, you realized you were still holding minho’s arm, and let go. 
“okay follow me!” you exclaimed
you took your id out of your bag, and used it against the photo lab’s door. “this isn’t apart of the festival,” minho commented.
“no, but since everyone is at the festival no one is gonna come in here, also it’s so much quieter in here,” you replied, opening the door to the dark room. the two of you walked in and minho let out a quiet ‘wow’. you looked at the slight red rays against minho’s face with a smile while he stood astonished at the room.
“what is this place?” he asked. 
“dark room, it’s used to process film,” you answered. minho looked at all the processing images around him, before turning back to you. you walked over to a clear empty table, typically used to set your things down before doing anything else in the room. you pushed your self up before taking a seat. “i love this place, i mean i don’t think i’ve used it since freshman year, and since the first award winning film i made,” you said, “i’m sorry i’m talking too much aren’t i, i’ll just-”
“no no! i-,” minho started, “i like hearing what you like.”. minho stood in front of you, the two of you staring into each other's eyes. you hadn’t noticed it before, but his eyes were this almost black tone, which made the lights reflecting off of them look like mini stars. there was a silence between you two, it was comfortable though. minho brought a hand up to your cheek and rubbed his thumb against it. 
“minho,” you called. he hummed, removing his hand, but you quickly reach for it to go back. his skin was incredibly soft for a college man, let alone one like minho who you assumed couldn’t have a skin routine. you rubbed your thumb across his hand before he put his forehead against yours.
“can i kiss you?” he whispered.
“please,” you answered. and for the first time, minho kissed you. not like for show, but really kissed you. this kiss felt different, it was definitely real, but it was also heavy. eventually this one kiss turned into another, and then another, until finally the two of you were making out. you spread your legs, allowing minho to stand between them as he continued kissing you. minho eventually moved from your lips to your neck, and the sudden contact made you let out a mewl. he pulled back.
“is this okay, y/n?” he asked. 
“more than okay, please just- don’t stop,” you begged. minho smirked, hearing your request turned minho on more than he’d like to admit. his demeanor changed from an intimate one to a much darker, and sexier one. he began to suck on different parts of your neck, above your collarbone, under your jaw, your jaw line, really anywhere he could. “min please,” you said. he stopped kissing, and looked directly into your eyes. the once star filled eyes were full of determination and want.
“please what baby?” he asked. the low tone of his voice when he said the pet name sent electricity immediately down to your core.
“please more,” you said. minho chuckled as he reached for the hem of your shirt. you lifted our arms up, allowing him to easily take it off. he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“aww pretty baby, has anyone ever seen you like this?” he questioned. you shook your head. he pressed his lips on your chest, just above your breasts. 
“no one, just you minnie,” you told him. he pampered your chest and collarbone area in kisses. 
“you’re so innocent baby,” minho commented. you groaned at what he said. “what? am i wrong?” he joked with you. he then started kissing your stomach and lower abdomen. you could feel yourself getting hotter. 
“minho please touch me,” you requested.
“touch you where?” he asked. you whined.
“you know where please,” you continued. he smirked, and grabbed your cheek.
“here?”, you shook your head, he moved his hand to your chest, “maybe here?”, you once again shook your head, and in response minho for once moved his hands to your inner thighs, “here baby?” but before you could answer, minho moved your skirt up and made contact with your clothed core, “is this where you want minnie to touch you?” he asked. you nodded. he chuckled again, and started rubbing gentle circles around your panties. “i bet you’ve thought about this,” he started, “you’ve touched yourself wishing it was my hand haven’t you, y/n.”. you nodded to minho’s statement. you subconsciously began to grind against his hand and minho brought his other hand to your shoulders. “patience baby, minnie will make you feel all sorts of good, you just need to wait,” he told you. you whined. he then moved his hands to the sides of your hip and gently pulled down your panties. “you’re so wet for me y/n,” he said, suddenly bringing a finger between the lips of your pussy. he rubbed up and down before circling your clit. 
“min,” you moaned.
“what?” he asked. 
“please put those inside of me please,” you begged. minho smiled.
“so demanding for someone who's never done this before,” he said.
“minho i need you please,” you told him. minho gentle moved the same finger circling your clit into your pussy. you moaned at the contact immediately, this felt way better than your own fingers. minho set a steady pace before his thumb began rubbing you clit. “fuck-” you let out.
“does it feel good baby?” he asked you.
“yes-s-so good,” you answered him. 
“good girl, your hole is so tight, do you think it could take another finger?” he asked. you nodded urgently. minho added another finger, this time his movements speeding up. it was embarrassing to you, as you felt an oh too familiar knot form in your stomach. you instinctively began grinding against his hand. upon noticing this, he removed his hand from your pussy. he then put both fingers in his mouth and let them out with a pop. you whined at the sight.
“h-hey! why did you stop?” you asked. 
“because i want to taste your cum first hand,” he answered. the statement sent shivers down your entire body. just his fingers alone had you cumming after mere minutes, the idea of his tongue exploring your entire private had your heart beating at a million miles a minute. minho wrapped his arms around your back, and pulled you forward on the table. he then leaned in and kissed you passionately,even sucking on your bottom lip before letting go. “are you ready?” he asked you. you nodded eagerly. minho then got on his knees and used his hands on your inner thighs to spread you out some more.”stay still for me baby,” he told you. you nodded. minho then dived straight into it, lapping your lower lips.he sucked on your clit,causing you let out an embarrassingly loud moan from how good it felt. minho’s tongue then entered your entrance, and licked our walls surrounding it. once again, it wasn’t long before you came on minho’s tongue. 
“fuck minho oh my god i’m so sorry-”
“no don't apologize, that was so hot baby,” he assured you. he pulled your panties back up, and you grabbed his arm.
“minho please i want to make you feel good too,” you told him.
“y/n, you really don’t have to, i don’t want to take all your first time’s away from you,” he said. you used both your hands to grab his right hand.
“please minho, please let me suck your cock,” you begged. 
“fuck y/n, you’re so intoxicating,” minho admitted. minho gently picked you up off of the table and made you stand against the table. he then unbuttoned his pants, and unzipped his zipper. you easily sunk down to be at level with his member, and pulled his boxers down releasing his erected cock. you looked back up at minho as you wrapped your hand around his shaft. “don’t look at me like that,” minho said to you.
“like what?” you asked.
“like you’re waiting for my permission,” he answered. 
“no i’m not i just…i don’t really know what to do,” you admitted. minho brushed his hand through is hair.
“okay, i’ll teach you,” he told you, “first grab it with both your hands, but not too tight, okay baby?”. you nodded, and moved your hands accordingly. he hissed at the contact of your hands and his member. “now start moving back and forth,” he instructed. you then followed suit, starting at a slow but steady pace. minho let out a breathy moan. you movd you hands up and down minho’s shaft for a few moments before he lightly pushed you away. 
“what happened?” you asked him.
“y/n…i’m sorry i can’t do this to you, not now at least,” he told you. you putted lightly.
“why not?” you replied.
“you need to have your first time with someone you actually like, not just someone like me,” he explained. he got up, zipped his pants before holding your right hand gesturing you to get up from your knees. “c’mon, let me drop you off,” he said. you shook your head.
“nah i uh, i’ll stay here a little while, you can go, i’ll catch a ride from hyunjin or the bus,” you added. he nodded. 
“text me when you get home okay?” he asked. you nodded, and with that you watch minho leave you in the dark room, with all the processing photos there to watch minho walk away from you.
by all accounts,everything that happened the day before felt wrong, but minho couldn’t quite understand why. he’d messed around with girls since he started college and felt nothing. he messed around with lia for a while and honestly, he wished he could feel guilt. but you were different. the thing about sex to minho is that it has lost all meaning to him. with you, it almost felt better, like there was some true feelings behind it. it scared him in a way. he’d never really felt this way about anyone before. sure he’s had girlfriends, and sure he’s had sex, but with you, he secretly hoped this fake dating thing could possibly be a forever thing. the truth is though, that he knows it has to end eventually. and he’s terrified that if anything more happened yesterday you’d turn into all the other girls he’d fucked. he’d get what he wanted from your body, and then you’d be uninterested, or worse he’d be uninterested. he liked the way his stomach felt when he saw you. he liked the way you talked passionately about films and their directors. he liked that you showed him a secret room that you went to for tranquility. he liked you. maybe even more than that, but he’d never voice that. not when he knows you don’t feel the same way. you would never like someone like minho. aside from your reputation of being a film director, those who had spoken to you could attest that you weren’t just someone that casually dated. infact he can’t remember if you’d even mentioned dating someone before. oh god. you haven’t dated before. minho is all you’ve ever known. and he knows he’s not the greatest option-
“hello, earth to minho?” jisung said. minho shook his head free of his thoughts. 
“what were you talking about?” he asked his friend. jisung sighed.
“you’ve been like this all day, what’s going on?” jisung asked.
“oh nothing,” minho lied.
“is it something with y/n? i know you’re not used to these kinds of situations,” jisung told him. minho shook his head.
“no it’s nothing, really,” minho insisted, “just class work.”. jisung looked at minho, as if he knew minho was lying. jisung chose to move on from the topic knowing minho would  probably not tell him anything more.
“well anyway, lia is hosting a party tonight, it’s gonna be a big deal, and she wanted me to tell you you were free to go,” jisung repeated.
“cool, i’ll tell y/n, she’ll love to experience something other than bang’s parties,” minho said.
“i don’t know, lia didn’t mention if you could bring y/n,” jisung replied.
“well i’m bringing her anyway,” minho stated. he opened his phone to text you, but he suddenly remembered his thoughts from earlier. in the past sending you a text was simple but now he’s self-aware of every word he uses to send you a message. he would start typing, only to have to retype the message.
you jumped at the sound of your text notification going off. you hate to admit it, but you’d been waiting all day for minho to text you. after last night's events you’ve had a lot of thoughts. to be honest your main concern was whether or not minho would end your deal. but you couldn’t end the deal, you’ve yet to receive an email about your funds and i mean that was totally the only reason. not because you feared the two of you would never talk again after the deal.
[minho: there’s a party at lia’s…are you good with going?
[y/n: yeah totally! what time would you pick me up?
[minho: probably 8ish
you glanced at the clock. it was 1, which meant you had  7 hours. 7 hours was enough time to talk to chaeryeong before hand.
you were on your own. chaeryeong responded to your text saying she was cramming that night for a test tomorrow. minho and you entered together but he was quickly distracted by his friends and other party activities. “oh hey y/n,” a female voice called. you recognized the voice to be yeji’s, another one of lia’s friends that you’ve met before.
“uh, hi,” you answered.
“minho leave you lonely again?” she asked you.
“oh, no, i just prefer navigating these things on my own,” you lied. you couldn’t let these girls see that they were getting to you. you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn’t let that happen. 
“you should join us, lia is having some select people to play some drinking games in her guest room, you should join,” she told you. your initial reaction was to say no, but the thought of pissing lia off was very appealing. you smiled.
“yeah lead the way,” you replied. yeji led you upstairs to the room this drinking game was being played. once you reached the room you immediately noticed that minho was nowhere to be found. everyone sat in a circle, a beer bottle in the center. you’ve seen enough movies to know what this is. someone spins the bottle and the two on the ends end up doing something. yeji handed you a shot glass.
“it’s fireball, trust me, this game is a lot more fun when you’re drunk,” she told you. she also appeared to have a shot, but she was waiting for you to drink yours. you were a tiny bit hesitent, but a shot surely couldn’t hurt? you quickly then took the shot. it was probably the grossest and strongest thing you’ve tasted, but after the unnecessary anxiety the past couple of days, you culdn’t lie that the rush of alchohol felt nice. yeji and you sat in the circle before another friend of their’s, yuna, was in th center.
“let’s stat the game shall we?” yuna asked. the room cheered as she set her hand on the empty beer bottle. 
a couple rounds had passed, and by the grace of god, you had yet to go. you had learned that the punishment was for the two people on the ends of the bottle had to make out for at least a minute. you felt a little tipsy from the shot earlier, but nothing more. suddenly, lia appeared in the center and said, “seeing as it’s my party, i think i have a right to spin the bottle,”. you knew this could not be good. lia spun the bottle and as the bottle spun “mysteriously” her foot tapped the glass, leading you to be one of the players. “oops!” lia said. you looked up and met eyes with chris. oh thank god. you had made your way over to him, and boldly sat on his lap. it felt wrong. i mean it’s not like you and minho were really dating right? it’s not cheating right? but that didn’t matter. you were determined to prove lia wrong. about what, you didn’t know but this gme was now in your court. 
“y/n you-”
“shh,” you cut chris off, “it’s just a game right?”. you smashed your lips against his, not quite sure how to make out you sort of tried sucking on chris’ bottom lip as minho sucked on yours merely 24 hours ago. tons of squeals, and ooo’s and ahh’s were heard until they abruptly ended by a dead silence. you broke the kiss only to see minho was right beside you, and suddenly he threw a hard punch at chris, pushing chris backwards. 
“this is some stupid game, lia, grow the fuck up and get over it. i’m not leaving y/n. especially not for you. and bang, keep your hands to yourself and think twice before touching my girlfriend ever again.” minho stated coldly. minho grabbed your hand, sort of forcing you to stand up. “we’re leaving. let’s go, babe,” he said, leading you out of the room. 
the car ride back to your apartment was silent. you felt bad. you hadn’t thought it was personal, honestly, but you felt bad. minho put his car in park as he found a space at your apartments. “minho i-” you were quickly cut off by his lips pressed against yours. this kiss was very different from the warm and heavy from the day before, this one was needy and demanding. you kissed back, of course, and attempted to continue the kiss, but minho let go. 
“god you are so insatiable, do you know that?” he told you, “do you know how badly it’s taking everything in me not to just devour you right here, right now.”.
“then do it,” you stated. minho sighed.
“i can’t,” he said.
“why not?”
“becuase it’s you..”
“what’s that supposed to mean? is there something wrong with me?”
“no and thats the problem!”
“i’m not following,”
“do i need to spell it out for you, y/n?”
“i like you. like like you. this isn’t fake to me anymore.” he admitted. a silence flooded the car. he sighed and leaned his head against the head rest. “i like you, y/n, and you don’t have to feel the same way, we can end this now if you want. i broke my own damn rule,” he said. you wereat a loss of words. maybe because a boy has never confessed to you like this, hell a boy has never confessed to you. “i’m sor-”
“i mean the rule was that i can’t fall for you, not that you couldn’t fall for me,” you said. minho laughed.
“okay whatever, can you please say something back to my confession that’s serious,” he asked.
“oh, oh, i like you too minho. i guess i broke your rule,” you replied. minho chuckled.
“i think this is the most awkward confession i’ve experienced, now can i please kiss you, as your boyfriend?” he asked.
“i mean you were already-” minho cut you off with a hushed kiss. this kiss was like the first, warm, sweet, genuine. he tried to pull away, but you wrapped your arms around his neck. he began to kiss somewhat harsher, demandingly. you could feel yourself become aroused just by his kiss. minho let go.
“i need to have you, baby,” he said. you nodded and the two of you got out of his car. as soon as you were inside your apartment, minho pressed you against the door, pressing his lips against yours harsher than before. he grabbed both of your wrists and held them above your head as he continued to kiss you, eventually kiss your shoulders and your neck and underneath your jaw. “i need you to tell me you’re okay with this, because once i start i will not stop unless you say a safe word,” he told you.
“safe word?” you asked.
“its a word you’ll say if you’re ever uncomfortable and we need to stop,” he answered.
“bunny?” you said.
“perfect,” he replied, before undoing your pant buttons. he rubbed your core through your panties, and you let out a whimper. “what’s wrong baby?” he asked.
“i need you,” you said.
“fuck, y/n, you cannot just be saying that or else i’ll need to fuck you right here,” he replied. you whined at his statement. “what? is something wrong?” he asked, genuinely.
“no, nothing is wrong it’s just, you’re so hot,” you told him.
“such a desperate little baby, getting turned on just by my words,” he said, “i’m going to make you my little baby, you’d like that wouldn’t you? would you like to be minnie’s little cum whore?”. he then put his hand down your panties, rubbing his pointer finger over your clit. 
“f-fuck,” you let out in a whisper. 
“i know you like my fingers more than that, be loud for me baby,” minho instructed. suddenly he inserted two of his fingers into your core. he moved at a steady pace, one that wasn’t too fast or too slow. “god you’re so tight,” he commented to himself. 
“m-min i-i’m-”
“don’t.” he told you, “trust me i can feel how tight you are, but tonight i want you cum on something else.”.
“wh-what?” you said. minho removed his fingers from your dripping cunt. minho picked you up and walked towards your bedroom. he sat you on the edge, took off your pants and panties, then, grabbing your  thighs he pushed your core to his face and immediately began lapping at your pussy. you brought your hands down to grip minho’s locks as he went down on you. “minnie oh shit– that feels so good,” you said. he huffed against you as a response. suddenly, you felt fingers entering you again, this time at a much faster rate. you felt like this was cloud 9. nothing could feel better than this moment. “min- i-i can’t hold it anymore please,” you begged. minho suddenly pushed away, and ou whined at the loss of contact. he pulled down his pants and you could see his length through his boxers. it was practically begging to be freed. minho ran his fingers through his hair. 
“do you have any condoms?” he asked you. you remembered you had a few in your drawer, some for safe keeping. minho walked towards your bed side drawer and took the condom out. he ripped it open and pulled down his boxers. his member sprung, and seemed to be slightly wet from his own pre-cum. he pumped himself a few times before he put on the condom. he then came back and leaned over you. “are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked. you nodded your head. you took your right hand and gently held his cheek.
“more sure than i’ve ever been,” you answered. and with that, minho took your hand and held it, intertwining your hands.
“alright, now this may hurt a little baby, but i promise i’ll make you feel so good. please just say your safe word if you want to stop.”. you nodded. minho rubbed his member between your lips, using your wetness as lube. he then aligned himself to your opening, and slowly inserted himself in. you squeezed minho’s hand at the slightest pinch you felt from his cock entering you. minho slowly inserted himself inch by inch, until finally he bottomed out, causing him to let out a moan. “god your pussy is amazing, are you okay sweetheart?” he asked.
“yes minnie,” you started, you could feel yourself clench all of the sudden, “please move.”.
“of course, i’m gonna use this pussy as my personal pocket,” he answered you. he then brought himself out before entering again. minho began to thrust, each pump getting faster than the last. “g-god you’re tighter than i though, i could use your cunt all day,” he stated. you moaned at the thought causing minho to chuckle. “you like that huh? you want to be minnies little fuck toy?” he said. 
“y-yes please, just, don’t stop this feels so good,” you managed to let out. minho began a steady pace, similar to his fingers that was in between fast and slow. “min i feel it-”
“thats alright baby, cum on my cock. show minnie how good you feel, my sweet.” he said. you felt yourself unravel, letting out some curses and versions of minhos name. it wasn’t too long before minho came as well, cumming inside of his condom.
when you woke up, you felt the warmth of minho’s arms around you. he smirked. “goodmorning sweetheart,” he said. you yawned.
“have you been watching me sleep?” you asked.
“don’t ruin the moment!” he said, “i just wanted to look at my perfect girlfriend.”. you loved hearing that come out of his mouth, genuinely. you snuggled yourself into his chest.
“i could just lay with you all day,” you said.
“is that so?” he replied. you nodded.
“i’m being so serious,” you repled. minho ran his fingers through your hair. 
“do you think you’ll get the funds to your film now?” he asked you.
“i’m not sure, not unless you released our sex tape publicly, but in that case it better not have been for free,” you answered. minho laughed, and you listened to the way his voice sounded with your ear pressed to his chest. 
a/n: i hoped you enjoyed it!! <3 thankss for reading.
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hermitagereheadcanons · 10 months
Impulse regressing around zits crew head canons!
He's cheery and giggly as a little, very easily entertained by his friend's antics. He's also entertained by his own mischief, which doubles while small. There's nothing like seeing his friends react to his pranks or silliness.
Zits love how silly he can get, even if sometimes it means him spooking them or making messes. Sometimes during a good day, they can get him to tire himself out on giggles and make naptime easy.
This is good bc his overworker tendencies as an adult transfer over as a very restless and curious kiddo who Hates being told to stop what he's doing unless the new thing is equally or more interesting.
He's also extra sensitive. Poor baby cries easily. He's not big on cuddles unless it's with a stuffie or blankets, but he likes being picked up, even though big Impulse gets embarrassed by it. Lil Impy NEEDS positive reinforcement and delights over making people happy and helping, so naturally if someone gets upset with him, his whole day is ruined.
Grumpy baby Impulse comes about from: too much teasing, not enough sleep, things not working how he wants them to, etc.
Skizz and Tango are his "uncles". Zed isn't exactly opposed to the term for himself, but it does make him feel old. Skizz is actually fairly paternal about it, he can get protective over lil Impy- which Tango thinks is funny and endearing- but he IS still a best friend and as such is obligated to tease the little guy, albeit in a gentler way.
Joker (from jits streams) eventually is let in on it and he's more of an older sibling figure who is constantly encouraging Impulse's mischief. There's a bit going on where Joker also gets put in time out for things despite not being regressed himself, which everyone gets a laugh out of, and it keeps Impulse from always listening to his bad influence.
I'm gonna be giggling about Joker being put in time out for ages. I can imagine him protesting, all indignant, and Impulse giggling hysterically when Tango and Skizz add 5 more minutes to his time out for backtalk.
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 11 months
the promised thoughts about wblue
okay so i DID very much go and rewatch it lmaoooooo so first half is like thoughts i was thinking last night and then a liveblog-ish with different subs than the ones i watched yesterday. also i tried to write out the lyrics of the song but there some parts i definitely missed
when your entire infrastructure apparently rests on one (1) laptop working and your fucking president destroys it (instead of the alien who is causing brainwashing) for his little retainer
said retainer put a fucking shoe in your president's face the first time he met him, btw
said retainer was also like a TOUGH GUY once upon a time, with a real life of crime where he made counterfeit money, but he saw a man so beautiful (that was into a cashless society) and went "okay time to be silly :3"
also when you have a filter on your flashback that starts lifting only when you decide to follow this nerd who can build tech really well
also also when the sparks of a VERY IMPORTANT LAPTOP just have this cherry blossom feel instead of what was probably supposed to be bad-assery. was that just me? might have just been me. anyways.
BUT LIKE. YANMA DECIDED THAT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. THE WHOLE THING. LESS IMPORTANT THAN SHIOKARA. i dunno if the other kings would make that decision. like i think himeno, rita, kaguragi, and jeramie would go for defeating hilbil. but also i'm not sure if the other retainers would use the lie detector like that. gira MIGHT destroy a country for like the orphanage kids tho.
i wanna see the history books of this like what is jeramie gonna WRITE for this. "so the bisexual yanma gast, against the uchu jester hilbil, chose his retainer shiokara over the country"
not that jeramie would know this but the fact the hacker gang instantly transferred loyalty to yanma was very funny, considering that they were yelling at shiokara after the time skip
something something yanma being more presidential (think that gira hype scene) is in a coat of a similar style to yankii!shiokara's
i did legit think they had known each other since childhood but i guess toei wanted more homoeroticism than that. cause like. this would have been about say…7 years of knowing each other? 2 years of timeskip, let's say yanma was president for about 3 years cause he DID know racles before the show started proper, and 2 years or so to be able to TAKE that president role cause i DOUBT they beat up that old man and immediately started running the country
when KAGURAGI says to prioritize taking back n'kosopa and then like. no
no seriously why is your ENTIRE FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE dependent on ONE LAPTOP not breaking i don't think that's even how it WORKS don't you have to destroy cables and stuff too like if this computer goes does it self destruct the internet cables or did the n'kosopaians have no internet for three seconds and go on a rampage
when yanma is the wise king supposedly but also uses his face instead of i dunno his HANDS to block shiokara's stomping foot on the laptop. you know. that laptop he will break FOR THE GUY WHO WAS GOING TO BREAK IT
MY NERD ASS WILL BEAT YOUR YANKII WAYS, says the guy who will become more yankii and for the most part less nerdy over the years
yanma doesn't even fucking move. he KNOWS shiokara won't hit him
hey not to be dark cupid AGAIN about this. but. maybe if you had KISSED HIM HERE you wouldn't have needed to destroy your country
shiokara gives very "shoves nerd against a locker" vibes as yanma keeps resisting the other guy
the song "zero to hero" but like "zero to one" instead
ENGLISH LYRICS (GUESSING): no one can change destiny, (yeah?) but life is all uncertain(ly?) and we must be bullshit. i can tell you a to z [FIST PUNCH SOUND] turn on the radio tune into your heart(?) oh, i don't care(?) my life is gone, so take it back and away(?) what's wrong? (or won't you run) so what i'm still alive [hilblil talking] hard times coming [more talking] i'm still alive and the music's coming [talking] i'm still alive and {???} tonight {???} you can't go
shiokara has MADE HIS DECISION and it's following yanma watching someone go super gay in front of your very eyes
the way hilbil is like "ew. yaoi. cut it out"
yanma will not go to the top without shiokara. at all. his loyal slack-jawed tanuki MUST be by his side
gira: …………i guess i can understand being that gay yeah
YANMA HAD TO DO IT. FOR SHIOKARA. HIS SILLY RABBIT yeah i'm normal about this mhm
when you're like OH NO THE WHOLE COUNTRY. FOR ME.
when you were moved by something you couldn't see……..I UNDERSTAND YOUR SUBTEXT
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disdaidal · 8 months
college au!!!! 🫶🏻
🙊 Omg. Okay, so this is yet another Zakkura/Clack AU that i'm having in the works right now (I swear I'm not obsessed, but these boys are so good and these ideas just keep popping in my head out of nowhere). 🙈 I kind of really love this AU, and I've already written pieces of dialogue there and there, which I really need to connect somehow, at some point.
But anyway—
Again, I'm gonna do a little ramble about the story under the cut and then post a snippet of the story as well. If you're curious, feel free to check it out. And if not, then feel free to skip this altogether. :)
My (not so ) little ramble about the story:
I have this idea where Zack is a popular guy, a captain of the football team. But he's not popular in a mean, bullying kind of way—he's more like a super social puppy that makes friends with everyone and always helps and protects those in need. He's tall, strong, and athletic, and has a pretty girlfriend called Aerith (who's really not his girlfriend 'cause she's totally gay, but anyway). He's not very bright or intelligent, but he's confident, charming, flirty, and naturally very good-looking, so that kind of makes up for it.
And then in comes Cloud, the new kid in town, who's this scholarship/transfer student (I actually don't know how that even works, but that's not important lol). And unlike Zack, Cloud's smart, good at most subjects, athletic, and also really pretty, which Zack can't ignore, of course. He seems perfect, right? Except Cloud's a total nightmare personality-wise. He's antisocial, aloof, and a bit of a bitch. He hates most people and just wants to be left the fuck alone.
Because Zack's confident, wears his heart on a sleeve at all times, and also has like one brain cell— soon there's this tall, super social, endlessly energetic chatterbox with a massive puppy dog energy following around this short, quiet, awkward, grumpy cat with a resting bitch face, high walls and trust issues, guarded emotions and a storm cloud looming over his head... surely nothing can go wrong there, right?
And because Zack's kind of obtuse and doesn't really care about studying, while studying is all Cloud really does in his spare time because it's not like he's all warm and fuzzy inside and has made lots of friends (aside from his childhood friend, Tifa, who's also very gay and now she also kind of has a crush on Zack's 'girlfriend' Aerith, which complicates things just a little)—Zack fails chem. And Zack finds himself in trouble because if he doesn't pass, it's *bad*. So he obviously needs help with that and knows someone (Cloud) who's good at chem. :-D And then somehow, he manages to persuade Cloud to tutor him in chem and well.
And since they have to get along—it's tough because Cloud's still kind of a bitch, and Zack still only has that one brain cell that he doesn't like to strain too much—they start gradually developing feelings for each other. Well, okay, Zack's been all heart eyes motherfucker since day one, and he's terrible at hiding it, so it's not like anything's changed, but Cloud's been reserved, aloof, and kind of mean to Zack, and now he's slowly starting to get used to Zack being all puppy-like around him, and also starting to find it kind of endearing, and that's how he realizes he's in trouble. Oops.
So, then they both end up at this one house party. Zack goes there with Aerith because they both love parties and his 'girlfriend' needs protecting from all these nasty, horny jocks, and Cloud goes there because his (very gay) girlfriend Tifa knows Aerith is there, too, and she doesn't want to go alone. And Cloud is, like, so not a people person (as if that wasn't clear enough already); he finds himself a quiet room that still isn't occupied by horny couples and rolls himself a joint.
And then Zack finds him and joins him because it's not like Cloud has anything better to do than entertain this stupidly hot jock who he also has to tutor for a moment and who he totally hasn't any feelings for, and well...
Here's the snippet from my story:
A moment later, they’re both sitting on a bed, really close to each other. Both high and fuzzy, their shoulders almost touching. They talk about past, fun stuff and giggle stupidly at just about anything.
Zack leans back on his elbows and tips his head, baring his throat—the world keeps spinning in his eyes, and for a moment, he thinks he sees stars. Cloud can’t take his eyes off him. The pretty blonde bites his lip—he yearns and he desires.
Zack’s so fucking gorgeous. Cloud knows it's the weed talking in his head, but he's not blind. Zack's all tan, tall, lean muscle, big arms and broad shoulders. His long, jet-black mullet is always spiky and looks silky and smooth, and Zack always smells so good whenever he sits next to Cloud. It drives him insane.
Zack's Adam’s apple bobs a little as he swallows, and his strong neck looks so soft and inviting. Cloud knows the weed is still talking in his head, messing with his brain, but he wants to put his mouth on Zack's throat. Like a feral animal. He wants to kiss it and suck it and bite it. Cloud's almost itching to find out what kind of pretty noises he could pull out of Zack if he did.
Cloud wants to mark Zack. Like he owns him. Leave pretty little bruises all across his neck and admire his handiwork afterward. Bathe in the knowledge and satisfaction that it's all his doing and that Zack will have to bear his mark at least for a few more days.
Zack’s hair is sweaty, spiky, and slightly tousled. There's that one stubborn, long strand that sticks to his face like glue. Cloud wants to touch it and brush it away.
Then Zack opens his eyes and looks at Cloud. Even when Cloud’s so fucking high that he literally sees double—two pretty, dumb jocks in front of him instead of one, as if one isn't already enough—he can still distinguish Zack’s turquoise eyes. They’re so clear and piercing and very pretty, just like the rest of him. His dark eyelashes are also very long, Cloud notices, making his pretty ocean eyes look even more stunning, if possible.
This moment between them is practically magical because, for a minute or two, none of them seem to find any words to say. They just stare wordlessly at each other, high and dazed—no thoughts, brain empty.
Until Zack decides to open his big, dumb mouth. Sounding even dumber than he usually is, totally not high or slurring or anything as he asks Cloud:
“Why are you staring at me?”
And just like that, it kills the magic of the moment.
Cloud can't help it. He snorts ugly. Laughs at it, too.
"You're staring at me, too."
Zack frowns. Scrunches his nose. He's so adorable Cloud wants to punch him. “Umm, yeah, ‘cause you’re like... so very pretty. If you were a girl, I’d almost want to kiss you now. Kind of. Is that weird?"
If Cloud were any more sober now, his face would instantly burn up and turn crimson all the way up to his ears. Zack is making a bold statement—saying he wants to kiss Cloud—and all Cloud wants to do is grab Zack by those dumb little ears, pull him into a kiss, and lick into his mouth like he's starving for it. Like he won't regret it tomorrow, which he certainly will.
But Zack also said he would kiss him if he were a pretty girl. It doesn't make Cloud feel any better, but strangely, he doesn't really care.
He's growing incredibly hot in his clothes—again, Cloud knows the weed is part to blame—and the fact that Zack is so stupidly attractive, stupidly high, and also just really fucking stupid in general, which kind of turns him on even more, doesn’t help.
He grabs more weed and starts quietly rolling another joint. His long, thin fingers keep shaking, and he still sees double, and he can barely focus on what he's doing, but somehow, in some way, Cloud still manages to put together a half-decent joint, at least.
“Want another?” he asks Zack, slurring. His head buzzes pleasantly, and he hopes the answer is yes.
Zack seems to ponder the question for a few seconds, but then he already nods eagerly like a puppy wagging his tail, as fast as he can, in their current state. “Sure.” Which pleases Cloud immensely.
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tactician · 1 year
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yesterday i managed to hatch a shiny horsea in my copy of emerald version!!!!!! this shiny is one that means a WHOLE LOT to me for so many reasons and i am absolutely gonna start up what will hopefully be a saga of posts related to him.
the gist of it is that this little one is, first and foremost, a nod to my beloved dnd oc, reides. secondly, he is gonna be my first earnest attempt at the ribbon master challenge!
the ribbon master challenge is a really fun - yet really difficult! - challenge which consists of trying to get as many marks/ribbons on one pokemon as possible (basically, from their origin generation to the current one). there are many resources related to this challenge, my favorite one being athis' ribbon handbook. you can see a lot of people talking about this challenge on the pokemon ribbons subreddit as well as in random places online (like this post right here LMAO). there are also quite a few videos about ribbon master challenge attempts on youtube, too; again, my personal favorite one is the story of toast the scizor.
anyway, i talked about potentially attempting the challenge back when i successfully manipulated gen4's rng for a shiny of my fav mythical pokemon, manaphy - which i also named reides, as i associate manaphy with him. i eventually strayed from that idea, however, because i really, really want my first ribbon master to have the gen3 ribbons; most importantly, the hoenn contest ones. (this is 100% just a personal thing - ribbon masters that are from gen4 onwards are obviously still incredibly awesome and i still wanna try the challenge out on my beloved manaphy at some point. i just have a lot of nostalgia associated with gen3's ribbons so i want my first attempt at the challenge to include the grind for them.) that being said, i didn't want to stray from the initial concept of putting it on a pokemon that i associate with reides, so…
that's where this horsea comes into the picture!
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i've associated reides with the whole horsea line for a loooong time - longer than i've associated him with manaphy, tbh! i even have a post mentioning that i hatched eggs for a shiny one - also named reides - in ultra sun. i struggled a lot with if i wanted to evolve that horsea fully or not, ultimately deciding to keep him as a baby. but i always wanted to catch another one which i'd evolve fully. i mean... look at this thang.
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shiny kingdra absolutely rules, and the royal theme that it has going on is, again, very much up reides' alley. it seemed like my procrastination re: actually hunting for that second shiny horsea actually paid off, in this case, because i realized it'd be sick if my ribbon master was a shiny kingdra. that way, my other shiny horsea can remain as a unique hunt, too.
beyond my shiny requirement, i wanted the horsea to be male, like reides, and for him to have a nature that suited reides' personality. since i already have a brave manaphy, i was torn between quirky or bold for him, but i ultimately decided on bold. so... a shiny, bold, male horsea was the goal. this isn't an impossible shiny hunt by any means, but... well... <3 let's just say i wasn't in the mood to phase on tons and tons of different shiny horseas that didn't meet my somewhat-specific criteria. frankly speaking, it would sour the entire experience for me. add emerald's wacky rng to the picture and it just... wasn't fun to even think about. so i figured that i'd take yet another page from my manaphy's book and that i'd rng manipulate for my ideal horsea. furthermore, i decided that i'd try to hatch my horsea in a cool spot - hence the 'seafloor cavern' met data. (sadly, since i'm transferring him up through the generations, this data will eventually get replaced with a blanket 'hoenn region' line - but i still wanted to do it!!!)
once i had a general Plan of Action, it was time to execute it. a few weeks ago, i made a post about learning how to rng manip in gen3. in that post, i showed you guys my shiny treecko, ivy, and vaguely mentioned in the tags that having the means of shiny hunting in emerald opened up a lot of ribbon master challenges... but i didn't mention my true goal of learning the inner workings of gen3; namely, reides. LMAO. by shiny hunting for that treecko, i was able to deduce my tid and sid combo, which would aid me in my future rng-based shiny hunts in that particular game file.
i then had to play through the entirety of emerald's plot. at first, i dreaded this, since i wanted to grab my horsea asap and get right into the challenge - but it was a TON of fun! i kept practicing different rng hunts and ended up getting four more rng-based shinies in addition to my shiny starter and reides. plus it was just plain nice to re-visit gen3's storyline after all these years. once i got the super rod in mossdeep city (since horsea is a super rod-specific encounter) and my seventh badge (since i needed to be able to use dive so that i could get to the seafloor cavern), i caught a male horsea and a female horsea, popped 'em in the daycare, and - through MUCH trial and error which could, in itself, end up as a huge post - managed to hatch this perfect little horsea.
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given all of the setup that went into getting reides, i knew that i wanted him to be on my very first team that beat the hall of fame. it was only fair, considering that the team pretty much existed because of him! and, while this post is focused on reides, trust & believe that i still developed a TON of fondness for the rest of my lovely storyline team! i couldn't have possibly gotten reides his first ribbon without the help of ivy the sceptile, popsicle the cradily, metal the aggron, chimney the camerupt, and miku the flygon!
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next on the emerald agenda is ev training reides. i am going to be training him alongside a latios named albatross, a beldum named origin, and a bagon whose name is currently pending as i try to think of something! i've never ev trained in a gen3 game before, so... fingers crossed that it goes well and that i can keep count of the encounters without fuckin up! ;LDFSGKD;FKG i'm ev training so that i can get the effort ribbon on reides but ALSO so that we are at full power for taking on emerald's battle tower afterwards. i'm SUPER nervous about doing this, as i have never attempted the battle tower before, but i'm hoping that it'll go okay!
in addition to aaaaall of this chaos going on in emerald version, i dusted off my good ol' wii and started a replay of an INCREDIBLEEEE game called pokemon colosseum, since i'll need to send reides over there eventually to get a ribbon for clearing 100 battles in a row over on mt battle. (luckily, i still have the necessary hardware from my childhood for doing that.) mt battle is going to be seeing a lot of me, as i'll also need to grind for pokecoupons there so that i can buy special berries which will help him in becoming a contest pro back over in hoenn. colosseum's plot also gave me the chance to soft-reset for a bold-natured suicune that will probably get ev trained too, and who will likely join reides in all of his future battle tower endeavors. i named that suicune after reides' in-universe god, 'persana.'
so... yeah! the setup for this challenge alone has been A Lot but i can honestly say that i've been having so much fun with it. i feel like i'm interacting with like... every single aspect of gen3 at the moment. it's totally revitalized my love for pokemon as a whole and i'm really hoping that i can stick to it and complete the challenge in its entirety!
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