#I'm a jack of all trades and master of none lol
redstarfish-art · 1 year
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Which Jason is best?
All drawn by me. This is what it looks like when an artist does not have an established art style. XDDD
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merokado · 3 months
[chronically online] profiles: art students (and atsumu)
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microinfluencer 😜😜
first and foremost an Art Student
so so wiiittyyy, BIG flirt
okay this girl lichrally knows how to do so many things like CMON y/n is a MULTI media arts student ....
liiiike this mf has had so many hobbies in the past there's like so many different craft things in her room
literal #jack of all trades (but master of none)
no money for gifts? no problem! she just makes something out of the many items in her room
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like i said, she is That Girl
sooo carefree, so spontaneous
if you search up the definition of "social butterfly", a photo of her shows up
her photography phase never went away
the day after ANY time you go out with her, you will always receive the most beautiful, jaw-dropping photos of the day before
also she literally knows every student, of course she knows about every single party
and everyone loves her!!
saeko's a Hard drinker .... loves whiskey and has a bottle opener attached to her carabiner
lipstick lesbian (with crazy masc aura)
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slutty musician
ohhhh everyone thinks he's so cool and mysterious
which he is!! but his friends know he's a geek who loves theatre
he used to be a band kid, theatre kid, AND a choir kid
his favorite musical is heathers
semi puts up the "cool and mysterious" act because growing up, he was never really seen as attractive and he was tired of that!
he somehow wants to be perceived but hates it at the same time like lol he deletes his posts and deactivates and reactivates his social media accounts over and over
always used to get called a gay theatre kid as a joke (they were only half-right, he's bi)
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okay he's in both y/n and suna's life so you know he's chismoso
very nosy boy, is always sat for tea
especially when him, y/n, and bokuto hang out,, the tea is craaazy
kiiiinda a lover boy which is shocking for a lot of people since he looks like a womanizer
token straight friend in y/n's friend group but fits right in
beats the college student meals allegations (only ramen, ever) because he's a gym boy and eats healthy ... a lot of what he eats is osamu's onigiris though
he MIGHT be singlehandedly funding onigiri miya (jk, they have customers)
always going on dates trying to genuinely find love, but is struggling
masterlist | next
☆ mera's mail ! y/n is the only one with a private account because everyone else either 1. voluntarily airs out all their dirty laundry on main or 2. they just don't care. you decide who fits what! anyway, life's been crazy! just graduated shs, i'm so back guys :D will be posting suna's gc profiles tomorrow, then some more bonus content before the story really starts. sorry i <3 Foreplay (character building)
taglist: open !
@wave2love @suitstars @momozno @cle0we0 @wolffmaiden
@phoenix-eclipses @beatr2x @kenmacrumbs @riiceandsoup
@viscoolreal @ironicallyhetero @skazewrld @sunarins
@iwnnabeurss @sonicsolos @pookiebear16 @fairywriter-oracle
@i-am-trying-i-promise @dazqa
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tvckerwash · 11 months
thoughts on wash's fighting style and his position in pfl because I can (utc because it's really long lol):
wash is very unique among the freelancers for a variety of reasons, one is that he doesn't specialize in one specific area of anything, he's a jack of all trades who is able to fill in for other freelancers if necessary. for example in s9 when york was supposed to be unavailable for lock picking/infiltration duty, carolina immediately went to wash (and we are ignoring that york is not shown to be good at lock picking!) if she trusted wash to fill in for their specialist in one area, I feel it's not a stretch to imagine that he can do so in other areas as well.
need a snipper but north and wyoming aren't available? wash can cover. need someone to get into the enemies' computer systems in place of ct, south, or york? wash can cover. need someone for stealth or reconnaissance in place of florida? wash can cover. etc etc.
wash's combat style reflects that jack of all trades, master of none thing very well too, as the way that he fights is very grounded and pragmatic when compared to the rest of the freelancers. a lot of people like to portray wash as less skilled than the other freelancers, but in truth I believe that wash being able to keep up and compete with the other freelancers despite his lack of dramatic flare is a show of just how competent and skilled of a soldier he is. wash is so good at doing what he does that he doesn't need all that extra bullshit to get the job done. sure, he might not look as Cool and SexyTM as the others while doing it, but completing the mission and surviving to live another day takes precedence over all else.
another way of looking at it is that wash fights in the same way that the odst's do, that is to say that he fights like a human who cannot plow his way through the battlefield in the same way the spartans can. wash's style of fighting is one that employs careful planning and targeted hit and run tactics—this is most obvious in recovery one and s6 whenever he's fighting against the meta.
I also feel it's important to note that wash is not a cqc fighter, he can handle himself if he gets into a cqc situations but his primary weapon is the battle rifle—which is a mid/long range weapon. if I'm being honest wash's way of fighting makes waaaaaaaaay more sense if you look at him not as someone who is trained to primarily fight against other humans, but as someone who is trained to fight against 8ft 2 ton aliens with plasma weapons that can slice through the hulls of UNSC battle cruisers (ships designed to travel through space!!!) like a hot knife cuts through butter and have the technology to raze entire planets to the ground in a matter of minutes.
I also personally believe that wash has the most military experience out of all the freelancers right behind florida, wyoming, and maine (who I hc as a spartan iii). we know that wash did his basic training in the leonis minoris system (a canonical halo system) and that system had two of the three planets glassed by the covenant in 2537, and wash directly references these events in the washed hands interview in the fan guide and the way he says it implies that he likely completed his basic training that same year. now I have some grievances with the timeline given in the book when it comes to the events depicted in the freelancer saga because it's just kinda weird, but everything prior to that bit is actually fine (though I hate the way that they decide to number the timeline lmao).
now in halo canon the human/covenant war ended in 2552, and according to the timeline in the rvb fan guide that was 1 year after alpha was sent to blood gulch. project freelancer is first cleared for funding 7 years BBG (before blood gulch), and recruits the 50 freelancers 5 years BBG. doing some math we can determine that pfl was cleared for funding in the year 2544, and the freelancers are recruited for pfl in 2546. so assuming wash finished his basic training in 2537 that would mean that he was in the military for 9 years before he joined pfl, and while wash is addressed as a corporal (e-4) in the washed hands interview he was most likely demoted to that after he was court martialed, and he was possibly going to be dishonorably discharged from the military because of his disorderly conduct.
using the current standards used by the us marine corps when it comes to rank progression, wash was most likely a sergeant (e-5) who was very close to being promoted to a staff sergeant (e-6). wash as a sergeant would've essentially been the assistant manager/co-leader of the platoon he was in while his staff sergeant was the manager/leader, and that would explain why he was able to even get into an argument with his CO in the first place. I believe wash held a similar position in pfl, as it's kind of implied that he did some management stuff in pfl (talking with internals/upper brass, him feeling comfortable with openly questioning carolina about whether york should be allowed on the sarcophagus heist, and of course he shows the ability to direct and somewhat lead south in recovery one, and him leading church, caboose, and the reds in s6, and him taking charge of the meta in s8).
even if wash wasn't a sergeant as a corporal he would've been in a position to be the leader of a fire team, so basically wash isn't some rookie who had no clue wtf he was doing as many in the fandom like to characterize him; he is an experienced and battle hardened soldier by the time he joins pfl no matter how you look at it.
to put all of that into context, carolina is born 29 years BBG, which would be 2522. so during pfl she's in the 24-28 range and she wouldn't have joined the military until 2540. I actually personally head canon that wash is the same age as carolina, but that he illegally enlisted at 15 because of a crappy home life, but ignoring my head canon and assuming that he joined the military at 18 instead, he would've been born in 2519.
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rimouskis · 3 months
get to know me game (as tagged by @yippayappa [thank you!])
do you make your bed?
Every morning! It's one of those chores that once I got in the habit, I now cannot NOT make my bed. It's an essential part of the morning for me! Also perhaps I'm kind of a control freak about my space and having an unmade bed would drive me batty.
what's your job?
WELL I'm about to start a new job ahaha so my job is: new :) but honestly I've had a mildly interesting and unorthodox career path, and I've worked in kind of a lot of "industries" for someone my age. There have been some weird vaults that look peculiar on my resume until I explain them. Jack of all trades, master of none, perhaps?
if you could go back to school, would you?
If it was free? Sure! Yes! I think...
can you parallel park?
I mean, yes. Can I parallel park WELL? that... is up for debate.
do you think aliens are real?
Statistically speaking I think it would be very, very unlikely no other life exists in the universe. Of course that life could be, like, amoebas jiggling around on a rock somewhere. I don't really buy into the idea that intergalactic space travel has been conducted by an advanced alien species, but I think life of some sort MUST exist out there!
can you drive a manual car?
No. My dad tried to teach me with his old Honda accord and I gave up after a single lesson lol
guilty pleasure?
You're scrolling it, baby!
No because I'm a sensitive baby with commitment issues :)
favorite color?
green 4 eva, baby!
favorite type of music?
I recently impressed a new friend with my varied taste in music 😌 I literally listen to bits and pieces of everything. Top 40 pop, rap, hip hop, rock, country, classical, hyperpop, metal, folk, alt/indie, electronic, synth-pop, tons of 90s rock (thanks dad)........ I like a LOT of stuff. There is so much good music in the world!
I've been really enjoying the new charli xcx album. However, I think my heart belongs to rock. I know I've hawked this artist a lot in the last year, but in my defense I've seen him twice in the last six months and he's a hell of a performer. So go listen to Des Rocs:)
do you like puzzles?
Depends. Can I solve them? Then I like them. Are they notoriously difficult and annoying and I can't figure them out? Then I cast them into the depths hahaha
any phobias?
Dead bodies. Can't be near them. Every funeral I've been to has been a careful act of avoiding the casket. It's like... the only bone-deep "my body literally will not allow me to get closer" fear I have.
favorite childhood sport?
I was a softball girlie for the longest, but I also enjoyed dance a ton while I did it!!! I played soccer, tennis, volleyball, and gymnastics when I was younger though, haha. My parents just threw us at the local rec center all summer long.
do you talk to yourself?
Rarely. Usually only when I do something stupid and I just say my own name in an appalled tone, haha
tea or coffee?
neither:) one tastes like bitter beans and the other tastes like bitter leaves
first thing you wanted to be be when growing up?
I think a spy 😂 I was SO into the Alex Rider novels as a kid.
what movies do you adore?
The Princess Bride, Twilight, Robots (2005), and Top Gun: Maverick are some of my favorites!
Tagging @horkey @ticklefighthockey @yabagofmilfs @timbitshockey @goofingup @simmyfrobby @icedbatik @idontlikeem and... whoever else would like to partake!
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xazz · 7 months
Eric and her Builds. All with dripped out Dresstiny because you can't kill aliens if you don't look cute!
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Legion duds. No real Build. Can use multiple exotics but I'm a weirdo and can be happy without an exotic. I swap out exotics as needed pretty generic Jack of All Trades Master of None style build bc I'm usually playing with @acel1en and I don't gotta think about it lol
So many moths. I have like... 100% grenade up time on the moths even when not using the Eris Gun. Just... so many moths. Blue moths, purple moths. All the moths!
'So I heard you need me on tether'. Generic Orpheus big tether build. I bring it out for raids/dungeons mostly. I just changed it's drip but I might need to again. Brown.
Hard Content/Stay Alive At All Costs/High Invis Uptime Build. Did the drip on this one a week or so ago and I love it. This comes out for GMs or fucking Simmumah because I can basically be invis forever. It's also the 'Ambulance' Build bc you go invis and revive your fireteam bc they DIED
Generic Lots of Blade Barrage Build. It's fun! Lots of super regen. Also she's so fucking cute! Spark of Joy my beloved. This replaced my YAS build after the nerf.
Toxic Strand Dive Build. I made it for PvP when threaded specter was really good. You go in deep, dodge out when you find someone nearby, the bombardiers damage the enemy and trigger the specter. Specter explodes and spawns threadlings. If the specter doesn't kill outright after the chip from the bombardiers the threadlings will get ya. It doesn't work all the time but BOY it's fucking funny when it does. Works good in PvE so long as I'm not playing with Ace bc he doesn't understand the concept of 'don't kill absolutely everything so I can get my silly build to work'.
Dance of Death Invis Arc Hunter. Pretty generic invis Arc Hunter for solo or team content. Good in lower level end game content like dungeons or raids. Great survivability if there's lots of trash mobs to kill. Produces Orbs of Light like it's its fucking job.
Generic Stasis Build. I am not good at piloting it at all XD Supposedly it gives me good resilience and has good survivability but I'm too stupid for it. I just wanna throw fucking supers man. It's my only Stasis build atm tho.
Fuck You Throwing Knife build. I'm not the best at piloting this one because you need to get into a groove with it. But once you get it you have unlimited throwing knives and your super builds up SUPER fast. It requires a bit more thinking than I often wanna keep track of.
Generic Fuck You Big Arc Build. You go up and punch things, make orbs, get Feast of Light 4 and slam your fucking stick into the nearest biggest pool of health points. Repeat. Generates a fuck ton of orbs but really relies on lots of ads to survive.
Newest build. All the Bey Blades. I made this build this week and it is INSANE. It makes so many tangles and in turn makes so many whirling maelstroms/beyblades. It's a very high risk build though since a lot of your tangles are made using grapple melee. Also has incredible uptime on the threaded spike. This build was just 'I wanna throw my knife a lot and make 1000 tangles'. It's so fucking fun in the Coil
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Get to Know Me
Hi! I got tagged in two different getting to know people tag games so I am combining them into one :) thanks will be at the bottom :)
Tags below the cut :) but also everyone that I tagged in an answer is welcome to play!
First Set
Last song: Dear Theodosia (@user-anakin, @saintlynomenclature @read-and-write- and I were being emo about all the Hamilton and RWRB parallels, listen to this song & think of Burr as Ellen/Oscar and Hamilton as Arthur)
Last film: Ferrari
Currently reading: Fic, lol, rn I am not chipping away at my tbr and instead slowly rereading Made the Right Selection by @clottedcreamfudge b/c @affectionatelyrs and I love cheerleader Alex/football player Henry
Currently watching: i don't really watch TV besides sports, but I guess Percy Jackson counts ???
Currently consuming: the last thing I ate was a ton of crunchy seasoned chickpeas
Currently craving: dark-chocolate covered honeycomb candy from Sprouts and also cheeto puffs. always, to both.
Next Set
1. Were you named after anyone?
birth name, no, but Rhys is a family name
2. When was the last time you cried?
i literally never cry but listening to dear theodosia in the car and thinking about the rwrb parallels made me tear up???? wild
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
soccer, basketball, lacrosse, swimming, volleyball, softball, track, cross country, tennis, kickball (I come by sporty spice nickname honestly). tbh I feel like I'm missing some, but I have played all of these at some point
5. Do you use sarcasm?
yeah (and then follows the anxiety that people think I'm being serious)
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their smile, probably, and general facial expressions
7. What’s your eye color?
grey/blue/green to be interpreted by others based on what I'm wearing or the lighting lol
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
sucker for love stories so probably happy ending, but scary movies are fun in big groups
9. Any talents?
see 4 aka sports, I'm kind of a jack of all trades master of none athletically. i can also do a pretty good array of voices or impressions, but not on command as much as when I'm reading something (when I was teaching kids would beg to me to read aloud, which was cute)
10. Where were you born?
this feels doxxy so I shall go southern USA
11. What are your hobbies?
writing, reading, watching basketball or f1, falling down a youtube spiral
12. Do you have any pets?
two dogs, two cats
13. How tall are you?
5' 4" i'm just a little guy
14. Favorite subject in school?
history or english, but i also love ap calc lol
15. Dream job?
i mean i'd love to just be a writer and get to travel/work from anywhere, but also people say making a hobby your job can be dangerous so maybe it's for the best (that's what I tell myself)
This was fun! Thanks for the tags for one or both of these @myheartalivewrites @firenati0n @cultofsappho @suseagull04 @14carrotghoul!!!
In addition to those already tagged, tagging @littlemisskittentoes @inexplicablymine @rockyroadkylers @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @gayrootvegetable @gay-flyboys :)
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Hiii! I hope this is not too random but you always have such good advices and it's always interesting to hear your opinion about different things.
So, I have this idea for a serialized web-novel that I really want to stick with, write it and actually publish it. But I'm afraid that I'm not good at writing and I'm not sure how to improve. As an academic/teacher who writes fiction, is there anything in particular you would recommend? Like the list of books?
Also, everyone says you can be good at only one thing so you should invest your time in mastering that one thing, otherwise you are going to always be mediocre, Jack of all trades. I have BA in Philosophy, work as a video editor and dream of writing that particular story. Am I too over the place? I thought that I could connect writing to philosophy as there are a few philosophers who write fiction, and connect it to video editing bearing in mind that video editing is also a form of storytelling and can be connected to scripting, in a way.
Ideally, I'd want my story to be in a comics formats, but then I'd also have to learn drawing, which I would absolutely love to do, but then will I be turning into mr. Jack even more? Lol.
First off, my chillun, I am here to safely inform you that the idea of "jack of all trades, master of none," thus implying that it's stupid to do a lot of things when you could devote your time to Doing This One Thing Only, is a pile of crap. What is life even FOR, if not to try new things, experiment, see what you like, make mistakes, and learn how to do it better? Especially when it comes to art??? It is the primal and timeless impulse of human beings in all ages of the world to make art, the end. Someone who has written a "bad" story or drawn a "bad" picture is still 100x more of an artist than some yokel who feeds stolen art into an AI algorithm and presses a button. They have made something original and creative and maybe it's not as good as those who have been doing it more or for longer, but WHO CARES? You can try again! You can laugh it off or pretend it never existed or whatever, but honestly, you should NOT be ashamed.
This whole "do only one thing and don't waste your time with unproductive side hobbies" idea is also an extremely capitalist conceit: you should spend your time being Financially Productive At Your One Skill, and not doing things that bring you joy solely because they bring you joy (even if not money). It presupposes that the only purpose of life is to be generating Profit at all times, which you can't do if you're not "good," etc etc nonsense. (Clearly, I have strong feelings about this.) So if you want to learn how to write and draw in order to make a web comic, you should do that! It doesn't matter if this is totally unrelated to anything you've done before. You don't need to justify it to anyone. You can just go "you know what, I want to do this" and do it!
That said, if you want to produce it to a publishable level in a reasonable timeframe, in this case it might be good to partner up with a person and/or persons who have more experience than you. You can be the storyboarder/show-runner/ultimate mastermind, but you can also reach out to writers and artists who have already practiced to the level needed, so you don't have to spend years becoming good enough (whatever your definition of that might be) to produce a quality product. You have experience with video editing and production; great! You can find someone else whose skills enhance and collaborate with yours, and who can do something that maybe you can't. But if you practice in the meantime, you'll understand more about how it works, what you want to do, and how to translate that into narrative/art form.
As ever, my only advice for people who want to learn how to write better is a) write, and b) read. Find writers whose style you enjoy, whose particular technical skills you want to emulate (is it character development? World-building? Plot twists? Smooth prose? All of the above?) and see how they do it. Sure, there are plenty of writing books out there who purport to tell you How To Do It The Right Way, but honestly, I don't think I've ever read them. I started writing around the age of 7 and worked at it ever since (along with a lot of reading, so yes). Some people might benefit from a more structured/guided approach, so if you think that sounds like something you want to see, even if it's just someone putting words down on a page about the basic technical craft of writing, then I do encourage you to check it out. But if at any time you go "eh, this doesn't feel like my style" or "I don't want to do it that way" or "this isn't quite what I'm looking for," you can shut that book and try something else. This, too, is entirely fine.
I realize that for many of us, writing is the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, and it's hard to share it if you feel like it's less than perfect, but at some point, you will also need to start doing that. The nice thing about fandom is that we are all amateurs (i.e. not being paid for it, not necessarily "bad," since I have seen plenty of professionally published books that make me go YIKES), and there's generally a forgiving and supportive atmosphere. If you want to write about two blorbos kissing or not kissing (as the case may be) or whatever else, chances are there is someone out there who wants to read that story, and they will enthusiastically respond to you about it. Strangers who offer unsolicited criticism on fanfic are obviously dicks, but there are also beta readers, people who read your writing to support you and also suggest what can be made better or more polished or otherwise better. So if you think that's a feedback structure you might benefit from, put your toes out and see what kind of response you get.
Anyway, this is all to say: write, draw, make art, do it badly, do it again, you'll get better, and don't feel like you have to excuse it or explain why. In the case of this particular project, if you have a strong artistic vision but not the technical skills to execute it to the level you want, consider reaching out to people who DO have those skills and might be interested in collaborating with you. Write a lot. Read a lot. Find what works for you. And have fun.
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Bee Movie
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According to all known laws of aviation... eh, forget it. You know the rest.
So uh... Bee Movie is surprisingly pretty good? Yeah, I know, I'm surprised too. I mean of course, Bee Movie is an Iconic Staple of Meme Culture and for good reason, its humor is just... probably some of the most insane shit out of Dreakworks ever (more on that in a bit). But it's also a pretty compelling roller coaster ride of a movie that held my rapt interest the whole way through???
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So what's the story here? Barry B Benson is a bee who ventures outside the hive and meets a florist named Vanessa, whom he of course falls in love with (and she falls for him too, its fuckin weird man). Eventually, Barry discovers that humans make a profit off the backs of bees by selling their honey, so he decides to sue the entire human race. Yeah that's really the fuckin plot they came up with. It's fucking wild, man, from start to end.
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Our characters here are just as wild to match that crazy ass plot. Barry is a snarky lil fella, but you can tell he cares about his... people? Bees? Idk man this movie has short circuited my brain. Anyway, Barry is a fun character to follow as our main. Vanessa is a little less developed and kind of all over the place personality wise, and well... she falls for a bee. Enough said. Barry's best friend Adam is cool, almost dies from stinging a guy, so that's fun. We also have Ken, Vanessa's ex-boyfriend who literally gets cuckolded by a bee this movie is actually insane.
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The comedy here is just... ridiculous. Again, there's a reason why this movie has produced so many iconic memes. I cackled out loud at some of these jokes and references, many of which I imagine would probably go over a kid's head (the Sting and Ray Liotta jokes especially like... c'mon those are some deep cuts). It's kind of breaking the recent trend I've been noticing from Dreamworks where they're aiming down for a younger audience. Instead, Bee Movie harkens back to their earlier movies, aimed more at adults with blink and you miss them naughty jokes that are actually really funny here?
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The animation is also like... insanely impressive for the time this came out? Some of the camera angles and movement on these bees is just... amazing? The flying scenes really make you feel like you're flying along with Barry, taking you through densely colorful and sometimes actually beautiful setpieces. I also enjoyed the worldbuilding inside of the hive and all of the little devices they use to produce honey. I feel like this movie is doing what Antz was trying to do, but accomplishing it so much better, with way less Rancid vibes than Antz had.
The music is also fairly solid, not as many pop songs as you'd expect from a memey movie like this, but the ones that are very are pretty good and backed by a competent score. I think my biggest gripe with this film is... well, it's a little all over the place and out of focus? Like one minute it's about Barry struggling to figure out what he wants to do with his relatively short life, then its about him falling for Vanessa, then its about suing the humans, then its about restarting pollenation so the entire planet won't shrivel up and die? (yeah did I mention this film has an environmental message?) Really, this movie is kind of just... a jack of all trades and a master of none? All of its various plots are ok, but none of them are standout fantastic. It's just... a little messy??
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But really, I did enjoy myself watching this movie. I didn't think I was going to, because its been years since I've seen it and well, the internet rags on it all the time, but it's surprisingly well-made! It really is Dreamworks at their most Dreamworks (warts and all) and I think that's a testament to why its so memorable (in both good and bad ways lol). Anyway I just got one last thing to say before wrapping up this review:
Ya like jazz?
Overall Rating: 7/10
Verdict: Watch the Entire Bee Movie but every time they say literally anything the movie starts over until you die
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Previous Review (Shrek the Third)
Next Review (Kung Fu Panda)
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actualbird · 10 months
I guess I'll call myself 🔥 anon??? Idk lol. I changed my writing style with that first ask, but whatever. This is important, so who cares.
Anyway, I get it. I come from a family of artists and academics and teachers. My childhood dreams were to be a painter, a marine biologist, or someone super smart with a well-paying job. After that, in high school, my dream was just ATAR. Get a good ATAR score. Be good at learning and be told, "Yeah, you could go to university."
It's a year or so after that goal was set. I'm moving down to general classes and doing things I love more. My business cert is no longer there just to say "I have a certificate", it's because the teacher is one of the nicest teachers I've ever met and I like the class. Take IT because it's easy. Do human biology because you think the immune system is fun. I'm younger than you, sure, but one of the best things I've learned is exactly what that old saying says.
"Jack of all trades, master of none
but better than a master of one."
I'm having the time of my life. Will I end up getting higher education? Probably. Because I want to. Is it okay if I drop a course halfway through and never pick it up again? Is it okay if I have to ask teachers to slow it down?
You don't have to be good at school to be good. I'm awful at it, and gifted kid burnout destroyed my life for a while. But I have friends and family who love me, and slowly, I'm learning to love myself, too.
I wish you all the best.
hi again fire!anon i
fully teared up reading this JKHSVJFHDKSDFKJSD
you might be younger but my gosh youre a whole lot wiser than i was when i was at uni age.
youre right and i agree with everything you said. i guess im just still stuck in that weird portion you mentioned of set academic/career goal -> set academic/career goal -> set academic/career goal that now that im in a place where i can start wanting things that are a bit more outside of the usual goals i had before. it's scary as fuck!!! i wish somebody could just tell me what to do instead!!! but i absolutely believe in the essence of doing things because you love them
while im not in class anymore, im a notorious hobby hopper. i learned how to crochet for funsies and i dont anymore but i still loved doing it, i have on and off durations of being obsessed with origami, i keep wanting to learn basic html for website building but keep putting it off because im worried im not smart enough to be able to handle it but honestly, when i have the time and motivation, i should just do it.
im like you in the sense that gifted kid burnout also ruined my life a bit, i think it uh....still is up til now, probably, judging by how badly 90% of my life's decisions are still made on the basis of whether or not i can get A Good Grade At Task HVSLBDFJSDJFK. but eventually, i hope it lessens its hold on me. i think one of the hardest things about going from student to adult was accepting that i cant Get A Good Grade At Life. absolutely mindboggling to me. can someone else please tell me what to do and if im doing good at it? please? i dont think i ever stopped being a student vying for validation. or rather, i havent stopped yet
itd be nice to stop. and just do shit cuz i like it. the idea sounds heavenly to me like a clear day. maybe things will be okay ;-;
i wish you all the best too, fire!anon. thank you <3
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ivanwm-05 · 10 months
Just found your IF and can I just say it's AMAZING!
I really really enjoyed reading it and I'm so excited to get more into the story. Lol feel hella awkward realizing Murphy is an RO...after.. well you know...
My only question for now would be as the author when deciding on adding stats how many would you advise we focus on? Like there's a whole goddamn list you can add XP to but obvs if you spread yourself too thin its a case of Jack of all trades yet Master of none if that makes sense? Lol
Anywho. This is like really great and I can't wait to meet MCs lil sister and all the other ROs.
Well, the decision on the best stats to increase is going to be mostly dependent on your view of your MC and your powers, cause sometimes certain stats increase the efficiency of your powers.
For example, If you play Enhanced Senses and are looking forward to getting it OP, later on, you're gonna want to make sure your MC's Physique stat is top of the charts, and if you're dealing with Divine Arsenal increasing your MC's Intellect a lot could bust your ass out of some pretty difficult situations.
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wilbzo · 3 months
Interest list 👀
Thank you for the ask! Honestly I've been waiting for an excuse to do this but I was being lazzyyy. I'm into a LOT of stuff and I dont have special interests persay but I do hyperfixate hard.
I'm pretty new to fandom stuff and have just kind of been enjoying things by myself for ages so lmk if I'm doing this wrong lol. This isn't nearly everything but I will update this if I think of anything :]
Main Interests ATM (I will pretty much be ur instant friend if u like these things and I am really not normal about them...)
The Magnus Archives
Hades (the game)
Raccoons and birds!!! (not a fandom but i love those guys)
Stuff I like a lot!
Night in the Woods (This game means SO much to me)
Adrianne Lenker
Shera (catra :3)
Stardew Valley
Hollow Knight (I could talk about this game for hours...)
Darkest Dungeon
Steven Universe
Zelda BoTW/ToTK
Gravity Falls
Generally I just like indie games with good art lol
Video games :3
Reading (my favourite book is The Humans by Matt Haig)
Long walks and exploring!
Learning random skills like knitting or guitar to a passable level before immediately giving them up (never let them know your next move, jack of all trades master of none, you know what im saying.)
Hope this helps!!!
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I think the fact that Chris is neither interested in directing nor in producing, just goes on to show the extent of his "interest" in his art. TBH I don't think he's much interested in acting as well, coz had he been, he would've done far better roles than the ones he's done, barring a couple. 99% of his roles are just fluff types where he isn't exactly show casing his acting prowess. Sometimes I wonder how his acting career would've been had he not found fame through marvel. And by the looks of his career trajectory so far, that's all he's interested in - fame and adulation. I think all this talk about how passionate he is in acting so much so that he doesn't wanna divert his time and energy to other areas like direction or production etc is just bluff to portray that he's passionate about something. I don't think he's "passionate" about anything per say. And this is exactly why he feels so lost and clueless with himself, coz he knows the truth even though he portrays otherwise to outside public. People who love their art keep on pursuing it relentlessly and keep on going deeper and deeper into it.
I'm myself am a jack of all trades, master of none, lol. So I can recognise a hypocrite when I see one. Takes one to see one as they say, lol.
I'm going to agree to disagree. In this early career I see him trying to push himself with roles like Sunshine, Fierce People, even Loss of a Teardrop Diamond and Street Kings. And those were all at a time in his career where he basically had to take what he was offered or have no work at all. Even up to 2012 he was taking projects like Snowpiercer and The Iceman, both stretches in his repertoire. Perhaps taking the Broadway part in 2018 was the last gasp of him caring about branching out in his acting career. Maybe now he feels like he's done it all. Who knows.
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indulgnces · 1 year
Tumblr media
☆ –– (caitlin stasey, she/her, cis woman) who is james grey anyways? ew. you don’t know about her, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling 30 and crocheting feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re selfish and fickle because they care, but they’re also passionate and authentic in the best way. she works to make a little money as a(n) radio host they’ve rented on a place on cornelia street in the form of an apartment. august & cardigan is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore. –– pinterest.
name: james grey
age: 30
birthplace: brooklyn, new york
current residence: cornelia street, nyc
gender: cis woman (she/her)
sexuality: bisexual (w/a preference for women)
occupation: radio host
face: caitlin stasey
positives: authentic, passionate, easygoing, confident, observant
negatives: selfish, fickle, aimless, cynical, irresponsible
character inspo: eddie munson (stranger things), robin buckley (stranger things), hope (booksmart), graham eaton (but I'm a cheerleader), donna pinciotti (that 70s show), steven hyde (that 70s show).
had a relatively normal childhood. grew up in new york as the only child to a seemingly loving couple. but, like most marriages, theirs ended up dissolving around the time james was ten. big bummer.
her time was split between her parents places after her mother ended up moving, generally living with her mother during the school years and with her father during the summers
loves her mother, truly, but she always tended to favor and take after her father
showed great potential in school, but was largely academically unmotivated. think the smartest kid in your on level classes who refused to go up into honors/ap level classes. classes bored her because they were easy, but she had absolutely no motivation to go to the classes that "challenged" her like her teachers recommended, so she just skipped classes lol
the most notable revelations that came out of grade school to james was that she liked girls, and she was capable of being much crueler than she thought (see: folklore love triangle)
also, that she had no idea what the hell she wanted to do in life
went to college because it was the Next Step to do, but ended up dropping out after two years when she still didn't know what to major in
after dropping out, she moved back in with her father in nyc and started a chain of aimless jobs. some of those jobs: barista, receptionist, model, podcaster, etc.
somehow ended up as a radio host for a small satellite radio station, and has been doing this for the last year, and she honestly likes it more than she thought she would.
her father owns a bar in greenwich, and over the years she's also liked playing bartender there from time to time.
she's honestly just trying her best to get by.
jack of all trades, master of none type.
has picked up and dropped hobbies as easily as she does jobs. some past hobbies: skateboarding (in high school, still does it when she's particularly stressed), drumming (had a small stint with a band in college), baking (gave up when she kept burning/undercooking all her treats). she's currently into crochet, and likes to do it when she's on the air or when she's watching movies at home.
thrifts most of her clothes. style leans vintage, fringe, leather, flare/ripped jeans, converse, but with a touch of femininity with flower prints and hair ribbons. (x)
has always found it easy to talk to people, has always been super laid-back and easygoing, but was never the popular type. can't stand crowds or fake people. charismatic loner burnout vibes.
420 friendly baby!!!!
when she was in high school, she got her hands on a tattoo gun kit and did shitty little basic tattoos on her friends and herself. the ones she has have mostly faded, but consist of small little figures/symbols on the insides of her fingers.
bi bi bi! strong preference for women. BIG flirt. lots of rizz. she's giving this tiktok. big top energy.
best gives love through physical touch and quality time. best receives love through words of affirmation.
established connections.
omar ruiz-osman - the mark to her callie
daisy st. james - ex-girlfriend, daisy's gay awakening
charley zhao - queer/musical friends
caroline davis - flirtationship/one night stand
elody maverick - rival
theodore clarke - frequent coworker
lucas duchannes - flirtationship
oliver langham - regular annoyance/friend
juliet eisley - crush
adira ruiz-osman - friendly exes
wanted connections. (page!)
james was born and raised in nyc until she was 10, and then at least spent nearly every summer in the state up until she moved back permanently at 20.
on the main: her best friend & her crush connections (bff pinterest & crush pinterest)
the mark to her callie (vibes): very similar to steve/robin, except sex is in the equation! perhaps they first met as friends and then added fwb into the equation, or maybe they started as a fuck buddy that evolved into a genuine friendship entirely by accident. either way, this calls for a genuine friendship connection where sex is/was a key component of the relationship at one point or another. would be up for this dynamic to be something that is already settled in game (they already Know the ins/outs of their dynamic well), or as something brand new that they're navigating and we write out from the beginning!
relationship inspired by this gifset: a flirtationship, basically! james likes to flirt with your muse, who either plays oblivious or is actually oblivious. james keeps it up to see how long it'll take for your muse to either catch the hint or make a move. (w)
your friendly neighborhood bartender: her father owns a popular dive bar in the area, and over the years, james has taken shifts at the place, playing bartender whenever she is out of a job/needs money/is bored. your muse is one of james' regulars.
friends. very general. james is super chill. she can be a sarcastic ass sometimes, but it’s all in good fun. overall a very easygoing, laidback individual.so she’s bound to have a good group of friends in the city. people she smokes with. queer friends. neighbors at her apartment complex. people she goes bar hopping with to pick up girls. people she thrifts with.
past work connections. between the ages of 20-28, james worked a series of different jobs as she tried to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. and it was through these jobs that she met your muse! maybe they were coworkers, or maybe they were a regular at james work. anything works! the following is an incomplete list of her past jobs (more can be added to fit!): barista (she did this for like two years purely for the vibes), receptionist, model (small stint, usually for her photography friends), nursery home caretaker (liked this more than she thought she would bc old ppl are batshit crazy), podcaster (I like to think she didn’t run her own show, but rather was a super frequent guest host on her friend’s show).
hobby buddies. like jobs, james has cycled through a number of hobbies as well. she tends to hyperfixate on one hobby for a period of time before moving onto something else. maybe your muse was someone she met through these hobbies! here is another incomplete list of her past hobbies: skateboarding (primarily in high school, but when she’s stressed, she takes to skateboarding around the city or central park), drumming (led to her being the drummer with a small garage band in college. nothing serious, very amateur, and dropped it after dropping out, but showed off at house parties over the years if she was drunk/trying to impress a girl), baking (massive fail, if any of her friends tried her creations, they regretted it), bingo (got really into it while working at a nursery home, still goes to a game at least once a month), crocheting (current fixation, really into crocheting clothes right now and small plush).
exes. while james isn't opposed to love, she generally is far too fickle to stay in a relationship for long. while she hasn't been actively looking for anything serious. I'm sure one or two relationship developed into something serious despite her best efforts, but she's single now so it must have ended for some reason or another.
situationships. subsect of the above, because I feel like this is actually more where most of james past romantic/sexual connections lie. lots of flirting, dates, hook ups with absolutely none of the relationship defining! james wasn't stressed about it, but maybe your muse was. the undefined nature of it all could have led to some potentially messy situations. or maybe your muse was just as down for it, and their situationship faded naturally without any hard feelings.
I really want anything and everything in between! these are just general ideas, I'm open to all sorts of plots! &lt;; 3
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oflgtfol · 5 months
trying to juggle my jobs rn and i just feel so like . lol. like jack of all trades master of none. No i do not have a full time professional career but i work all these weird ass, unique, semi specialized, and not connected at all jobs that make people double take every single time they hear about Any of them. michaels is my most normal one UNTIL i start talking about framing then everyone is like what the fuck. i was telling my coworker at my other job about framing and he was teasing me about how passionate i was getting about like frame anatomy and construction. he had me rating his framing setup for his college diplomas and i was like "well i like the fillet but the mat is uneven and the glass is not anti-glare and also probably not anti-UV" and all his only response was. asking me what a mat was. and then at michaels i talk about my other job and everyone is always like dude that's so cool. they're more wowed by the uniqueness of the job but sometimes they ask me about the logistics too and then i'm getting the teasing about being passionate about some niche nerd shit. i cant even talk about that other job here because it's so weird and specialized that i'd doxx myself. and my internship. i've mentioned it before but i tend to avoid outright discussing it as directly since it also is more high stakes than michaels but its still like, augh? it had me in contact with fucking county executives over both the phone AND email and shit about stuff pertaining to social work and welfare. augh
oh and another point of chaos to all this is also a volunteer opportunity/informal unpaid internship that someone at my other job works at and i saw her hoodie for it and was like omg i totally wanna join. and i definitely definitely cannot talk about what that is cuz that will 100% doxx me as well if i ever were to work there. all i can say is that it is an actual scientific research thing. but like how the fuck do i have time for any of this and why does none of this have anything to do with each other. custom framing for art and photography; social welfare programs; scientific research; [redacted]. there's so many cool and interesting things in the world why cant i do all of it
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(hoping you don't mind the ask!!! Feel free to ignore otherwise💙) Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈 🌈 ← I'm actually deciding it's negotiable, send it to whoever you want!!
I never mind an ask coming from my Tumblr crush!!!!!!!
1 - I don't have a lot of hard fast opinions. This might seem like I'm wishy-washy or don't actually believe in anything truly, but I've come to realize that what this really just means is I'm very open to many different sides. I do have things I believe strongly in but, but in most cases I like to see the world through everyone's shoes, and doing so means a lot of opinions I might have aren't strong and set, because everyone is so different.
2 - Jack of all trades master of none, better than a master of one. I think the fact that I get so interested in everything and want to learn everything and go in so many directions is a good thing at the end of the day. Frustrating? Yeah, but I think I have decades more to become a master of all of my trades.
3 - I am openly queer in my day to day life, not only because I was forced to live my entire life in a multitude of lies for many years, but because I want to be the safe person people can always come to. And it's worked! I've met a lot of people that they've been able to have that one person they're out to because I do this.
4 - I was raised to be the kind of person I despise. I was homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, even probably a little racist growing up, but when I got older I made the conscious decision that I didn't want to be that, that those weren't the things I believed in, and I changed and in doing so lost contact with practically all of my family and friends. I think it's incredibly cool that I was able to make that kind of choice, that I was able to turn around from being honestly a terrible person, even when that meant losing all support systems and loved ones.
5 - I think (I hope) I'm a generally uplifting person. I like supporting the people around me and making sure they feel loved and supported, and I will even modify my communication styles depending on the person just so that they can best understand what I'm trying to say, which is that I believe in them and care about them (you're absolutely included in this by the way, you're very cool and definitely on my list of people I care about making sure hear that often)
God that was harder than I thought it was going to be. Thank you for the ask (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡, I would send you the same immediately back but you've already answered it lol, but you are among my list of favorites (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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ask-obt · 1 year
what would the fighting moveset be for the obt cast (aka. Rune, Dielle, Inigo, Malachi, Eilwyn, Julius, Guildmaster?) be if they were pulled into a fighting game?
// I'm not much of a fighting game buff, but I can at least give you their in-comic (and in-game) movesets to give you a jumping off point for your own imagination! These movesets reflect what they knew as of Chapter 7.
Rune In-Comic: Feint Attack, Powder Snow (that's it lol) Rune In-Game: Feint Attack, Powder Snow/Ice Shard (started with Powder Snow, but it was kinda OP early game so I switched it to Ice Shard. Still stylized as Powder Snow in the comic because little snow flurries seem less powerful than ice chunks), Attract, Imprison Malachi In-Comic: Spark, Bite, Quick Attack Malachi In-Game: Charge, Spark, Bite, Quick Attack Inigo In-Comic: Double Kick, Poison Sting, Scratch Inigo In-Game: Double Kick, Poison Sting, Scratch, Tail Whip Dielle In-Comic: Thunderbolt, Scratch (only referenced on the ask blog, only has ever used Thunderbolt in comic lmao) Dielle In-Game: Thunderbolt, Scratch, Fake Out, Screech Eilwyn In-Comic: ??? (prefers using items or environmental hazards over moves) Eilwyn In-Game: Water Pulse, Hidden Power, Twister, Refresh Yohann In-Comic: Confusion, Water Gun (he knows it, but rarely uses it) Yohann In-Game: Confusion, Water Gun, Disable, Tail Whip Julius In-Comic: Noxious Gas Combo (Toxic & Venoshock link), Tar Shot, Flamethrower, Sucker Punch (pokemon in OBT can learn more than 4 moves, but yanno jack of all trades master of none and all that) Julius In-Game: ... None! If you thought there was a Skuntank fight in this game, I am sorry to say you suffered from the Mandela effect. The Guildmaster In-Comic: Hyper Voice, Oblivion Wing, Dazzling Gleam, Wish, Protect The Guildmaster In-Game (based on the guild's final exam): Sing, Disable, Defense Curl, Double Slap Keaton In-Comic: Hyper Voice, Synchronoise, Agility, Air Cutter, Feather Dance Keaton In-Game (based on the guild's final exam): Fury Attack, Mirror Move, Peck, Roost
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