#I'm a genius give me a medal
birdyaviary · 6 months
I am working on a fan project. it is magical girl x-men (don't touch me) (no I am not emotionally well stop asking) and I was stuck on what to do with wolverine in uh. such a milieu
until this happened to me
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upon realization of he/him lesbian wolverine
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burr-ell · 7 months
A Not-Necessarily-Exhaustive List of Good Moments from C1 1-27:
"I have an intelligence of 6, I know what I'm doing"
"We're here to right wrongs, and right lefts—" "And write comment cards"
Tiberius Kraghammer
"We'll explain later. You're on the roof of Osama bin Laden's house"
"We'll be taking your weapons, your armor, and I believe your pride"
Percy making the first trick arrows for Vex after a shopkeep was a dick to her about arrows, which is canonically when she began to fall for him
Keyleth killing that one duergar from the TLOVM flashback
"I encourage violence"
Lady Kima being freed and then pulverizing the corpse of the duergar who'd been torturing her
Matt's fucked up body horror monsters
Scanlan taking a dump on a bed for the first time
Pike's crisis of faith when she slits a duergar's throat with her mace and her holy symbol breaks
When the limited T-shirt run went live and then sold out before Marisha could finish reading the announcement
Vax getting his foot burned off in lava
Scanlan the Kingslayer
"Can I use my Luck feat for this?" "You don't have any feet left"
Kima and Keyleth's argument (it was good, haters eat my shorts)
The origin of The Cube
"I'm Vax that's Vex ->" "I'm Vex that's Vax <-"
"Screw you, I want my final words with you to be indignant and irritated!"
"He has three-quarters cover" "I ignore three-quarters cover :)" "...then fuckin' fire!"
"Some people have no sense of fucking honor!"
Travis's notes that just say "I don't trust Clarota I don't trust Clarota I don't trust Clarota"
Percy reacting to the Briarwoods being namedropped during a council meeting
Meeting Gilmore on-stream for the first time
The Belt of Dwarvenkind and Grog's obsessive attempts to grow a beard
Scanlan's blue-shit-scrying potion
Grog "Philip" Strongjaw vs Kern
Vax giving Minxie!Keyleth a belly rub
The hydra fight and the beef with the Slayer's Take
Episodes 18 and 19, in their entirety, but specifically:
Zahra and Vex's initial rivalry-turned-friendship-turned-"I have a crush on Zahra"
Lyra. She's just. so much. idk of what but she is it
"I'm wearing the pajamas with the buttflap and the buttflap is down. The buttflap is DOWN"
Scanlan introducing himself to Rimefang as Burt Reynolds and then Matt, in his scary dragon voice, calling him "Burt"
"I'm sorry, I'm a genius, I'm sorry! Oh, god I'm clever!"
Zahra killing Rimefang
Percy and Vex working together on a history check (it's important To Me)
Wil Wheaton rolling five Nat 1s. In one session
Keyleth and Vax posing as a married couple to get information
Kash insight-checking Thorbir, believing he has to be actively sabotaging them because no one could possibly be that bad at their job (he's not, he really is just that unlucky)
Wil, playing a dwarven fighter, finally rolling a nat 20...for an insight check
The magic carpet losing its enchantment in a pit of acid and Laura's scream of horror from offscreen
"Rakshasaaaaaaa!" -jazz hands-
Kashaw and Keyleth, which was thankfully reworked in TLOVM but was also hilarious
Vex exasperatedly kissing Grog, portrayed by Laura kissing a bewildered Travis
Tyriok the cartographer
Grog, the Vasselheim merchant, and the first and only time Vex started beef with a retailer
Keyleth recounting a vision she had of her own death
The Aramente trial in Pyrah and a cameo from Thordak
Travis getting a medal from a fan for losing to Kern and Matt making it canon
Grog fighting Kern again and winning
Keyleth getting arrested. For the second time in Vasselheim alone
The first appearance of the man. The myth. The Viktor
Kynan's first appearance and Vax's idea of "tough love"
Percy telling his backstory to the party and them immediately affirming their support for him ("You don't have to get involved in this" "Oh, we are SO involved" "You said you wanted 'em dead!") and Taliesin himself being moved to tears over this
Percy creating Diplomacy
Vax and Keyleth bear-sitting Trinket and braiding pink ribbons into his fur
Gilmore finding out Vax wants to see him and teleporting in from half a continent away
Vax shaving half of Grog's beard and Travis breaking a mechanical pencil with one hand
The feast, where Percy actually threatens the Briarwoods to their faces while disguised as Vax
Vax and the Briarwoods. "Gosh you guys are good-looking"
Vax nearly dying and having a vision of the two people he cares about most: Vex and Keyleth
Sylas jumping out the window and doing a perfect 3-point landing...while Delilah blows the athletics check and faceplants in the dirt
Vex scoring two crits on Delilah
Tiberius getting Feebleminded
Percy's attack on Desmond. My horrid little skrunkly <3
"YOUR SOUL IS FORFEIT! DIE! DIE!" and Keyleth skipping her turn to just stare at Percy
Vox Moochina
Keyleth taking charge to save the ember roc
Keyleth conjuring a water elemental and Taliesin gargling water to translate her commands to it
And finally, the conversation between Keyleth and Percy where he privately confesses his own worries that he's going dark and that he's afraid of himself, and she expresses her concern for him and promises to be there for him
anyway c1 good
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miryum · 2 months
"Halloween II"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“Oh, hey there, Captain.” Y/n strolled into Wayne’s office without knocking. “Just curious, do you know what day it is?”
Captain Wayne slowly looked up. “Well, based on the fact that a week ago it was October twenty-fourth, it's say today is…” 
Y/n interrupted him. “It's Halloween,” she said bluntly. “Just say it's Halloween.” 
“It's Halloween.” 
“Aaaaaand what happened last Halloween?” 
Wayne sighed. “Last year, you bet me that you could steal my medal of valour. And you did. Consequently, I was forced to do your paperwork for a week and to say words I thought I'd never have to say: Y/n L/n is an amazing detective-slash-genius.” 
“But now it's time for round two of our Halloween bet!” Y/n announced. “This year, I believe I'll make things more difficult for myself. Let's say, what, I steal the watch right off your wrist.” She eyed the golden watch on Bruce’s wrist.
“Or we could just not do it at all this year.” Wayne shrugged.
“What?” Y/n exclaimed. “Sir, with all due respect, come on, man!” 
“It's not worth it just so you might call me an amazing captain-slash-genius and give me one week of overtime for free.” 
“All right, fine, I'll double the overtime,” she cried. “I'll triple it! I'll quadrupal it! I will five-drupal it. I'll five-drupal the overtime.” Wayne looked up, catching her eye. “Oop. Got his attention! He's coming back to me….”
“Just to clarify. If you steal my watch by midnight, I will do your paperwork for a week, but if you fail, you give me five weeks of overtime for free.” He raised his brows.
“I'm doing a cost-benefit analysis in my head… The benefits outweigh the costs. We have reached an accord.” 
“Accords!” Y/n yelled out in victory, pumping her fist in the air. 
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“Greetings, comrades,” Y/n strolled into the briefing room, wearing a three-piece tuxedo and top hat. “And welcome to the most important briefing of your lives. As you all know, the Wayne-L/n Halloween bet has been made, and the clock… doth… tick.”
“What's with the tux?” Jason leaned back in his chair, feet kicked up on the table. Damian, who was sitting next to him, pushed Todd’s feet off the table. 
“I decided to class up this year's event. If I look the part, I’ll be the part.” 
“What’s the part?” Cass snickered. “A bad magician from the fifties?” 
Y/n rolled her eyes and ignored her friend. “Let's get down to business. To defeat… the Huns! Anyway, I've been planning this for three months. And yes, Dick, that’s what I’ve been doing instead of work. You've all been given a specific role and a code name. Cass, you're Orphan. Sarge, Nightwing. Jason, my love, you’re Red Hood. Timmy, Red Robin- yes like the chain restaurant. Stop complaining. Steph, you will be Spoiler. Dami… I didn’t count on you wanting to help me. But no matter. You’ll be Robin.” They all nodded, Steph shooting her a thumbs-up and Damian protesting about the similarities between his and Tim’s nicknames. “Now, because of last year, Captain will suspect that you guys are helping me, so we’ll never get anywhere near his watch. However, the actual theft will be pulled off by Bart Allen, aka ‘The Flash!’” 
Bart sauntered in, grinning. “How you doing? Call me ‘Flash.’”
“Hey, I remember this guy,” Jason scooted forward, glaring at Bart.
“That's probably because you've arrested him twice for pickpocketing,” Y/n didn’t meet Jason’s eye, chuckling unevenly.
“You have a criminal helping you? That's crazy!” Jason jumped up, hand flying to his belt. He didn’t know what he would grab- his gun, his taser, or what- but he was ready.
“Grow up, Jason.” Y/n scoffed. “Now, we will all work together to move the Captain into position. Once there, The Flash (loving that code name) will remove the Captain’s watch and replace it with this replica watch.” She reached into her pocket and withdrew a satin box which held a copy of Wayne’s watch.
The team still seemed unconvinced. “Y/n,” Tim asked, “if he's been arrested before, are you sure he’s any good?”
Y/n presented proudly, “perhaps this will answer your question. Flash!” 
Bart smirked and pulled out Dick’s wedding ring, Jason’s wallet, Tim’s notepad, Steph’s hair tie, and even Damian’s knife. He was too scared to take anything from Cass. 
“Dami, why do you have a knife?” 
“Nevermind that.” 
“Great!” Y/n cried. “Let's win this bet!” 
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Y/n jumped in front of Wayne’s window and greeted him in a posh accent. “Salutations, Cap-i-tan. I was wondering, perchance, if thou would like to join thine in attending the ballet this fine eve?”
Wayne stayed in his seat. “I'll pass, choosing instead to stay in my locked office with my watch still safely on my wrist.” He held up his fist, displaying the watch, still on his wrist.
“I had a feeling you might say that.” Y/n raised a brow, a glimmer of a smile on her face. It was all going according to plan. “Thusfore, I have brought the glorious ballet to you, featuring our own lovely Cassandra Cain.”
Cass, dressed in tights and her black t-shirt, waved awkwardly to her Capitan before Y/n pressed a button on a comically large boombox and Swan Lake played on the speaker. Cass hopped into fifth position before elegantly beginning the dance. 
Y/n watched, entranced for a moment before remembering her plan and speaking into her comms, “Now, Red Hood! Go, go!” Jason knelt before Wayne’s office door and smashed it with a chisel and hammer, effectively making a small hole in the door. “Go Red Robin!” Tim somersaulted and pushed a smoke bomb into the hole, smoking Wayne out. Steph marched a line of criminals past Wayne’s path, blocking his way and pushing him back towards his fumed office. Dick dropped a bag of marbles from up in the ceiling, creating a minefield of slipperiness. Damian piloted a drone which “accidentally” crashed into Flash, an “innocent” bystander, who fell over dramatically. Damian pushed the controls into Steph’s hands, blaming her.
“L/n, that's enough!” Captain Wayne shouted.
“Ooh, that’s his angry voice.” Y/n hissed. Swan Lake continued playing in the background until she shut off the boombox.
“Sir, I am so sorry.” Wayne helped Bart up, apologising profusely. Bart slipped Bruce’s watch off his wrist and slid it into his own pocket. 
“I just wanted somebody to check my son's candy,” Bart explained. 
“Please, let me help you. On behalf of the sixty-sixth, forgive us.” 
Flash presented the watch to Y/n behind his back. Y/n whispered victoriously into the comms, “Flash has grabbed the package!”
“I'll have someone check your son's bag of candy immediately,” Wayne reassured Bart. “If you need anything, please, contact me.” Wayne pulled aside another officer and handed the bag of candy to him. “Duke, the candy.”
“I'll do that. Thank you.” 
Bart shook Captain Wayne’s hand again and flipped the replica watch onto the latter’s wrist.
“The replica is on.” Y/n grinned. “Game over.”
Wayne turned to his officers and they all stood at regretful attention. “I know this was all done in the spirit of a friendly bet, but it went too far. Am I understood? L/n?” His voice was low and menacing.
“Yes, sir. Completely understood, sir.” Y/n hung her head. “I'm sorry.” She muttered under her breath, “but not as sorry as you're going to be at midnight, when you realise you've lost everything.” 
Later, she strolled into records and leaned on the desk. Steph skipped in after her. “Hello there, Barbara, my lovely work wife. I believe a tall, nimble-fingered man named Bart Allen left a package for me.” 
“Yeah, it's here! Give me one second.” Barbara smiled and dug under her desk, pulling out the satin box. 
“Thank you! Here we go.” She opened the box and frowned. “That's weird, it's just a note. ‘Thanks for the watch?’ Oh, shit!” She stamped her foot. “Allen stole the Captain's watch!” She took a deep breath and tried to think rationally. “We're okay. It's not over yet. I still have two hours to find Flash and get Wayne’s watch back.”
“But how?” Stephanie raised a brow. “He could be anywhere! He could be in Canada by now. There’re so many forests up there. It’s like one giant hiding place.” 
“Steph, you’re not helping my anxiety right now.” Y/n bounced on the balls of her feet. “Okay, let's look up Allen’s arrest records, past addresses, known associates, et cetera.”
“L/n.“ Wayne stood in the doorway, beckoning her.
Y/n whispered hurriedly to Steph, “run, Spoiler, run!” She shoved the box into Steph’s hands. Steph made a pathetic excuse before running off.
“I'd like to ask a favour,” Captain Wayne offered. “Could we suspend this bet for ten minutes? Clark is bringing dinner for me and I don't think he'd appreciate this bet we made. This watch was given to me by his father just before he died.” 
“Oh!” Y/n squeaked. “A death watch. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.”
“Please,” Wayne sighed. ”Never call it that.” 
”Noted.” Her cell phone vibrated and Y/n laughed awkwardly. “You know what? You can have ten minutes, no problem. Love you, bye!” She hurried out of the room and into the bullpen where Steph was waiting. “Brown, Flash just texted. He said he wants to meet up. But we gotta be cool.” She glanced over to where Wayne was returning from records. “Captain's watching. Pretend I just said something really funny.” Y/n and Stephanie laughed loudly in a clearly fake tone. The former pushed her friend towards the elevator. “Let’s get outta here. We gotta go.”
Outside, Y/n explained, “okay, Flash wants to meet us in the alley by Sullivan and Danbrook.” The pair started towards their destination.
“What's the playbook, N/n?” Steph rubbed her hands together greedily. “You know I’m never opposed to tasing someone.”
“We go in hard and tough and take what's rightfully ours.” Y/n punched her fist into her palm.
Later, Bart declared, “I want three hundred dollars. I would say five hundred, but I feel bad swindling you nice young ladies.”
“Absolutely, no problem,” Y/n agreed immediately. “Whatever you need.” She dug open her wallet and cringed. “I have fifty dollars… can I Venmo you?”
“Oh, I have one hundred twenty,” Steph offered. 
“No, I’m not taking money from you,” Y/n muttered. “But I did steal thirty dollars from Jason the other week… How about… one hundred dollars, borrowing twenty from Steph which I’ll pay back.”
“And I want your sweater.”
“My GCPD windbreaker?” Y/n’s brows furrowed. “Why?”
“Cause it looks cool.”
“You know what, fine.” She slung off her windbreaker and chucked it at Bart. “Can I please have the watch now?”
“You already have it. You’ve had it all along.” Bart shrugged.
“What? What are you talking about?” Y/n patted her pockets. “No I don’t.”
“I put it in the glove compartment of your car.” He nodded towards Y/n’s old, dark blue Mini Cooper. “You think I'm gonna walk around with a stolen police captain's watch?” He scoffed. “I'm an idiot, but I’m not stupid.”
Y/n deadpanned, “well, I would say thank you, but even for a criminal, your customer service has been abysmal.”
“My pleasure.” He winked and started sauntering away. ”Have a good night!”
Y/n sighed. “Let's get back to the precinct and win this bet.”
Steph gasped and cried out, ”Y/n! Your car!”
Y/n’s car was currently being towed by a truck. “No!” Y/n started running after the tow truck, but it quickly turned a corner and was lost in the city of Gotham.
”Y/n, you parked in front of a hydrant.” Steph pointed to the hydrant that had stood in front of her car.
“Stupid fire department! I could’ve sworn…” She trailed off and shook her head. “Nevermind. We gotta think of a way to catch that truck.”
“Oh! How about this?” Steph grabbed an abandoned shopping cart and rattled it.
“Yes. I love the way you think.”
“Hop in.” Steph grinned. Y/n jumped in and Steph took off running, hanging onto the cart as if she was racing down the toilet paper aisle at Target.
“We're doing it, Brown!” Y/n cried, wind whipping her hair. “We're Tokyo drifting! You’re the champagne of friends, Steph!”
Eventually, they were forced to come to a stop in front of a large group of party goers. “I can't see the tow truck anymore!” Y/n complained.
“Maybe we can get a cab,” Steph offered. “There's still time to get that watch.”
“All right.” Y/n groaned as she fell out of the cart. “Excuse me!” She weaved through the crowd, yelling, “excuse me! Coatless cop coming through.”
A person dressed up in a giant teddy bear costume grabbed Steph and pulled her away into the festivities. “Y/n, where are you? Hey! Take it easy! Get off of me!” 
Y/n’s head whipped around, looking for her friend. A party bus pulled up and she heard Steph’s voice call, “Look, party bus! Toot! Toot!”
“Good idea, Brown. Move!” She pushed her way onto the bus and showed her badge to the driver. “GCPD. I won't stop the party, but I do need the bus.”
The bus driver, dressed in a ninja costume grumbled, but took off.
The party bus was loud and neon lights flashed throughout it. A stripper pole stood proudly in the middle and a woman in a skimpy ballerina costume held court on it. Y/n’s attention was immediately taken by a shirtless man in tight black jeans and a matching black mask covering his eyes to conceal his identity.
The man bent down, hand offered to Y/n. He smirked and cocked a brow. “Ma’am. May I have this dance?” He spoke like he was at a seventeenth century ball, not a rave inside of an old city bus.
”Oh.” Y/n’s cheeks burned, eyes roving up the faceless man’s body. “What is happening here?”
Another partygoer, dressed as a cat, exclaimed, “it’s Halloween, girlfriend! Lighten up!”
“It's Halloween!” The man who still gripped Y/n’s hand repeated.
Y/n contemplated for a moment before shrugging. “Well, gotta do something for sixteen blocks. Halloween!”
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Y/n stumbled off the bus, margarita in hand and a hickey on her neck. “Thanks for the ride!” She called to the bus riders. “Tag me in those pics.”
She walked up to the Impound Lot, only to be stopped by the supervisor who sat in an entrance box, looking bored.
“Hi there!” Y/n greeted the supervisor. ”I'm Y/n L/n, GCPD. You guys towed my car, and I really need it back.”
“Mm-hmm.” The supervisor seemed unimpressed. “Got a badge?”
“Yes, I do. Who do you think I am? A lying wannabe?” She dug into her pocket but didn’t feel the signature press of it against her palm. “What? Oh geez, my badge! Those shitheads on the party bus must have stolen it!”
“Listen, if you have a licence and credit card, you can pay to get it out?” the supervisor offered.
“Oh, okay! Thank you. Finally, something goes right.” Y/n sighed in relief before shrieking, ”it's gone horribly wrong! I don't have my I.D. or my credit cards, but I really need that car. Please, I'm begging you.” 
“Rules are rules. I can't do anything for you. Well… unless…” his eyes roved her form. Y/n glared at him and shut his window forcefully.
“Men,” she sighed. Trudging back towards the road, Y/n’s eyes slowly wandered to the fence, a devious smile growing.
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From atop the impound lot’s fence, Y/n commented, “look at the view from up here. I didn't know we lived near water.” She flipped her leg over and chuckled. “Look at me. I’m climbing a fucking fence. Ouch.” Her foot caught on the top of the fence. “Ow, ow, ow, ow.” She let out a scream as her foot became unstuck and she fell to the ground, scraping her elbow. “Okay. I’m in. Perfect.” She pulled herself up, groaning. “I can still win this bet. I can still win.” Flashing lights surrounded the impound lot and sirens filled the air. “No! No! Noooo!” She punched the ground in frustration.
“Freeze! Don't move!” The cop screamed.
Y/n grimaced. “There is a tiny chance I may not win this bet.”
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Wayne slammed his hand down on the interrogation table. Y/n was handcuffed to the table, the exact same place she was three hundred and sixty five days ago. “Start talking now!”
Y/n exhaled and said quickly, “you seem upset. Well… here's the story. Remember that little Halloween bet that we made? I mean, you probably don't even remember. It was so early this morning.” Captain Wayne didn’t respond, his face stone. Y/n gulped. “Anywhoozle, it turns out the criminal I hired to lift your watch was not trustworthy and I subsequently lost your death watch.” She shifted, trying to sink into her clothes in order to hide the hickey. “But in the end, I like to think this whole thing is gonna bring us closer together. And isn't that what it's really all about?” She tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace.
“What are you saying?” Wayne scoffed. ”My watch is right here.” He held up his wrist and Y/n saw an undetectable emotion in his eyes.
Y/n shook her head. “No, I made a switch. That's a fake,” she mumbled, head hanging low.
Wayne lifted a brow, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “No. This one's a fake.” He held up another watch, identical to the one on his wrist.
Her eyes went wide and Y/n’s mouth dropped open. “What? No. What? No. What? No. You were behind all this? You played me, Captain! B- but how?” She stammered. ”I've been planning this theft for three months! I’m a genius!”
”Yes,” Wayne conceded. He inspected his nails, just as he’d seen Y/n and Cass do whenever they had the upper hand in a conversation. ”But I've been planning it for a year. Last Halloween, after you won the bet, I went back to my office to do everyone's paperwork, but I did no paperwork. I started to plot my revenge. I began by creating a word cloud.”
Captain Wayne sat in his office, surrounded by paperwork. However, instead of beginning, he opened a pad of paper and wrote: Halloween 2. 
Y/n scoffed. “But how could you have possibly known I was gonna try and steal your watch?”
“I knew you would try to take something important to me. During the year, I drew your attention to my watch.”
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“You're eight minutes late.” Wayne pointed to his watch.
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“L/n, you're 14 minutes late.” He held up his wrist.
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“You're three minutes early... In Chicago.”
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Y/n realised, “you annoyed me into stealing it!”
“Exactly.” Wayne had a triumphant beam plastered to his face. “Now you had a target, but you needed a plan. Fortunately, it walked through the door, handcuffed to Todd.” 
“This pickpocket is Bart Allen. He can take anything off of anyone,” Jason announced to Captain Wayne one day.
Y/n’s attention peaked and she shot up. “Anything? Anyone?” 
”The look on your face is priceless.” Wayne commented before continuing. “I put Allen into my employ immediately. Fast-forward to this morning. You commenced your plan. Allen stole my watch and then replaced it with the replica. While you celebrated, Allen put my watch back in my pocket while he gave you the replica. The watch never left my person.”
Y/n’s nose flared and she grumped, “I can see that you're enjoying this.”
“Immensely. But not nearly as much as I enjoyed phase two.”
“Phase two?”
Wayne paced around the room, monologuing his master plan. “During your meeting with Allen, Tim placed a fire hydrant in front of your car, which he then towed away. Next, I had to take Stephanie out of the equation. She had a badge and a gun, and she would do anything to help you. She’s a good detective and a loyal friend. But I digress. Enter a parade of drunks that separated the two of you long enough for Richard to kidnap Stephanie.”
“But if Dick kidnapped Steph, how did Steph tell me to get on the party bus?” Y/n asked.
“Around eight months ago at a morning briefing, I told the squad that a group of thieves were targeting party buses, just so I could record Steph saying,”
“Look, party bus! Toot toot!”
Y/n gaped, crying out, “I knew Brown would never knowingly betray me! We’re besties!”
“With your jacket gone, you didn't look like a cop, but you still had your badge and wallet. That is, until you entered the party bus. Damian drove the bus while Cass’ dancing distracted you as a mysterious partier stole your badge.”
Y/n flushed. “It was Jason in the mask! You sly son of a bitch!” She leaned back and offered, “well done. But I have to ask, did those guys at the impound really smash my car?” She squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the pile of insurance and debt that would fall on her.
Wayne shook his head. “No, in fact, I had them wash it.”
Y/n chuckled. “Good one, Captain. You can't ‘wash a car.’ So how'd you convince the whole squad to betray me? What'd you offer them?” She squinted at her Capitan, certain that he had lost a hundred dollars or something of similar effect.
“I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you and they instantly said yes.”
“Fair.” Y/n sighed. “I’m a little disappointed, but it’s completely understandable. I'm not gonna lie, it turns me on a little bit.”
Wayne stared at her, disbelief on his face. “Hmm. So in addition to the five weeks of free overtime, I believe I'm owed one more thing.” He finally let his full grin through.
“Yes. Here we go.” Y/n took a deep breath in, but Wayne stopped her.
“One moment.” He opened the door and the detectives (plus Damian) of the sixty-sixth precinct streamed in, clapping and cheering.
Y/n took a deep breath and conceded, “Very well. Captain Bruce Wayne... You are an amazing police captain-slash-genius.” The team applauded and Y/n said loudly over the noise, “But be warned, I started planning next year's heist just this minute!”
“Good,” Wayne said. “Then you're only three months behind.”
“You sick son of a bitch,” Y/n growled. 
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The masked man ran his fingertips over Y/n’s waist, dancing to the music. He gripped her wrist and spun her around, pressing her against the wall of the bus.
“Oop! Hello…” Y/n raised a brow, searching the man’s face. He looked oddly familiar…
“Hello,” the man said in a low, gruff voice, leaning even closer to her. Y/n’s stomach turned over at his proximity. “You wanna have some fun?”
“I love fun.” Y/n said, “I have ten more blocks to have fun.” 
“Good.” The man’s lips brushed Y/n’s jaw and she shivered. 
“Oh, I like your version of fun.” 
His lips trailed down to her collarbone, leaving feather-light kisses in their wake. He found the spot that made her breath catch in her throat and smiled wickedly. “Perfect,” he muttered. As he began nibbling away, swiping his tongue over the sensitive spot, the masked man slipped something out of Y/n’s pocket and into his own. Her badge and wallet.
Soon, Y/n pushed him away, displeased that it was her stop. After she got off, Jason whipped off the mask and Cass did the same. Damian called from the driver’s seat, “Todd. You may want to sit down. You seem a little… excited.” 
Jason glanced down and blushed profusely, collapsing immediately.
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mothinabottle · 17 days
Hey hey I don't know if I've asked you this already (if I have I'm so sorry I have the memory of a goldfish that embodies an orange cat ^^")
I'm planning on making my dol pcs in the Sims4 and I was wondering if it'd be alright if I did the same with yours? I wanna have my friends dol pcs live under a roof (and see what chaos will ensure and post about it xD) once I've set my computer back up and done all the updates...there are so MANY updates ;-;
I understand if that's not alright with you though ^^
Dearest, it is more than alright! In fact, I am really flattered that you'd like to recreate them in the Sims 💙
Pls do tag me whenever these little demons do stupid shit, because I know they will.
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Did a small relationship chart with the final school uniform designs to guide u a little.
Resumed description of each PC below
Hana is quite easy. She/them is obsessed with having a perfect academic record and is the most prideful person you'll ever encounter. No one can be better than her at school or she will lose her mind.
Partygoer, academic genius, socially dumb, can barely boil water and usually stresses herself to the point of fainting and bleeding. Prefers to talk things out. Smokes a lot, drinks a lot
Neat room, everything organized except from the amount of papers scattered around. Likes to show off trophies and medals. Tons of band posters. Her electric guitar is her most prized posession. Voice has an incredible range and is very powerful, thus a great singer
Hana crossdresses a lot to go out and such. Only wears female clothing at school. Extremely tall (1.95 cm). Doesn't know what to do with her life
Masculine body, fit but max ass. It's difficult to describe her, but some drawings give a hint of her body type
Kari is tricky. Really violent. Anger issues. Fights a lot. Scars on her arms which she covers wirh her clothes. Manipulative, really easy to anger. Cannot draw for shit. Prefers having short hair but is scared of being seen as less feminine.
Overdoses on pills regularly. Sexual things are a sensitive topic, but isn't above using her body to get what she wants. Really small (1.47cm). Does her best to be seen as an angel, has a meltdown if sometimes makes her realize she is less than pure.
Room looks like an elegant room of a hotel. Extremely fancy with expensive stuff, but it looks so soulless it hurts.
Really curvy body. Max tits and ass. You get what I am saying
You can make her chubby, though. She would be happier if she was chubby like when she was a child. Only thin because fear of not being seen as conventionally attractive.
May is the trickiest. Since she is "dead", most things are left up to how you want her to be.
Important stuff would be:
-Very meek,
-Loves space and anything related to it. Best subject used to be Science
-Very kind. Selfless to the point of being an imbecile.
-Loves nature and is a huge dreamer.
- Hobby is knitting and watching movies.
-Unlike the first two, she always dreamed of having a family. Doesn't matter if big or small.
That would be all to kinda build sims for them. You can DM me if you have any doubts!
Thank you for this opportunity, teademoness, dear! 💙💙
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shmowder · 2 months
Thought about the fact that Daniil can be easily overpowered by a literal group of children and locked into jail in classic and made me think….daniil’s partner could easily just throw him over their shoulder, sick of him overworking himself? Just toss him over the shoulder and drag that bachelor to bed, he’s about to go on a rant with some Latin phrases interspersed? Pick him up and drag him away from the situation!
I do not imagine he would be too fond of getting picked up but like maybe if he wasn’t so short (I’ll forever stand by short king Daniil that man is not above five foot five max he’s like 5’3 max source I’m 5’2 and if I’m short so is he) and as weaker if not weaker then a child maybe that wouldn’t be an issue?
I only thought of this because of all the hcs where artemy picks up his partner and went hmmm it’d be funny if it was the exact opposite with Daniil!
- immune anon
He wasn't overpowered by them. They caught him off-guard in a semi-ambush and ended up locked in a cell. Daniil is still relatively strong, and he is definitely stronger than kids and the average person. Not so much in comparison to butchers or Artemy, at least not without a weapon. He used to get into bar fights during his university years. He just prefered to always have a pistol on him rather than go bare handed style.
He isn't short in canon either.
Depending on P2 or P1, his height can range from 5'7—6'0. The short king thing was just a fandom meme that I even indulged in sometimes, the whole "he's wearing platforms" joke when his shoes were the same model as everyone else. Mark holds the shortest male character model medal while Aglaya holds the tallest female character model medal.
The point I'm getting to is that we could still pick tall and strong people! A character doesn't have to be small or petit in order to be thrown over your shoulder. Let's keep Daniil strength and height the same as canon WHILE giving him babygirl treatment.
Imagine Daniil Dankovsky's shock when he gets picked up by a person like it's nothing. The last time someone could even lift him up was when he was still a child.
Maybe you're a person with deceptive appearance or wear baggy clothes that hide how strong you really are, or maybe you are proud of your muscles and don't mind flaunting them on the regular.
What matters is that when you and the bachelor made a turn into a dead-end fence wall when chasing the cat, which stole his stethoscope. Daniil didn't expect your next course of action to be picking him up and helping him over the fence.
You didn't even hesitate before grabbing his waist with both your hands, lifting him higher than the fence height and carefully dropping him on the other side before jumping the wall yourself.
It wasn't an easy task leaving the Bachelor speechless, but you achieved it in one single action. As Daniil got up, dusted the dirt off of his coat, and opened his mouth to say something to you.
Eyeing you up and down as if he was getting a look at your body for the first time, closing his mouth and deciding it's better to simply pretend this never happened.
The next time it happened was when you found him walking the street behind the stillwaters. Mumbling something to himself with each frustrated step, clearly having just left the Kain's crucible after a rather unpleasant conversation with the Judge.
Noticing the bags under his eyes as you approached him, realising that his mumbling is a Latin phrase, he's practising how to sound it out.
Adding the scrunch of his eyebrows, the strained posture, and the occasional yawns. It didn't take a genius to realise he's been working himself to the bone...again.
Taking a deep breath, you merely called out his name to get his attention, snapping him out of this haze.
Daniil surprisingly put up little resistance as you picked him up, with all of his heavy snakeskin coat and bag filled with medical equipment.
The familiar look of shock crossed his eyes for a second before his brain kindly reminded him that, yes, you can do that. He remembers. It is a thing which you do.
His body remained stiff as you carried him, part of him wanting to object and demand you put him down this instant, this is just humiliating. Another part actually realising how sore his feet are from walking all day, the ache in every muscle, how heavy his eyelids felt.
Not to mention, it was the middle of the night; the likelihood of someone seeing the two of you right now was slim to none. And the stillwaters was a very short walk away, directly the street below this one.
Exhaustion taking over, he closed his eyes for a moment. The next time he opened them up, he was already in his bed, relieved from his heavy coat and comfortable under the warm blankets.
The sun filtering through the window's curtains.
You received a letter that afternoon, half thanking you for stepping in when he didn't realise how dire his state was, another half chiding you for picking him up so casually.
But, he admits how clever it was of you to just go for it, knowing himself, he'd half declined out of insult if extended the offer to be carried to his bed like a damsel in distress.
You will take this with you to the grave, signed D. D.
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2smolbeans · 4 months
Hi there long time lurker first time asker, before everything else I just think you are a fantastic writer like you do the horror elements really. I genuinely feel suffocated some times reading your work.
Yesterday I realized 'Yandere best friend x obstacle reader' is my Roman Empire and I was just thinking about you explaining how Marco is a giant and defeating him is almost impossible but that what you are not understanding about, I don't have to win we can both lose. When I kill Marco and lay dying in a puddle of my own blood, I'd atleast be able to look at Angela with a shred of dignity on the other side.
Also I need to know did Marco poison Mila against us?
Can I be squid annon?
AKDKWJSISIQAAAA?!?!? Thank you so much?!?!?! That means a lot!?!? 😭💖
Im happy to know that you enjoy my writing and that it can convey a certain emotion haha!
And yes ofc you can be squid anon lolol ^^
Okay now that you mentioned Marco (one of my fav ocs), my neurons are activated and I'm gonna happily go on a long ramble ^^
Marco surprisingly didn't plot Mila against you! If anything, he only encouraged her habits of being anti social!
With you and Mila, you two were never really close in that friend group during your college years. You would only talk to each other when there were others like Angela or Matheias to hype up the conversations. Otherwise, when it was just the two of you alone, you just never clicked with each other. Conversations with Mila never seemed to go anywhere, and hangouts with you didn't feel as fun as it did with the others.
Now don't get me wrong, the two of you didn't hate each other! You were just awkward together..
So Marco didn't really have to do much with what the two of you already had (which was nothing). So really, all he had was not mention your name to Mila, and that was it! Mila simply just forgot about you ever since she moved on from the friend group.
Now, will he try to poison your relationship in the present? (The present being that the two of you are kept hostage in his apartment.) Probably, but not intentionally. He will play favorites which will cause the both of you to feel a discomfort towards each other. (Either due to stockholm syndrome or just a general disgust of "The way they are together is gross").
And yeah..Regarding fist fighting Marco and dying in the process, you would die a idolized warrior in the eyes of his previous victims- hell you'd be given a medal for being able to sucessfully take him down by the them! Unlike poor Angela..
Like everyone who's crossed Marco's path has been defamed, at the brink of death- fighting for their life as he inflicts the most gruesome beatings to their body- giving them a dramatic death as the cops have to fight the urge to gag when they see the aftermath..And Angela just dies by a bootleg foreign brand convience store snickers bar.
(I'm not joking, this is canonically how she dies in the og timeline and obstacle au)
He was literally like, "Nah she's not worth the effort." Got the bar from his local shady convience store, knowing full well that it had some form of peanuts and that the text on the wrapper was in a another language (she wouldn't know what was in the bar at the moment or bother checking at the moment since why would Marco give her something with peanuts, right?) while making sure to take her Epi-pen away, then geniuely forgot about it the next day.
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
I read your hd of singer Kaeya and I loved it 💕💕💕
And I was wonder is you could do some of Kaeya being in love with his rival in an ice-skate competition???
I love how you write btw <3
thank you <3 i also have no frame of reference for ice skating so
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Kaeya's such a tease. He's the same with you as he is everybody else - never willing to shut up and perfectly capable of pushing every single button that gets on your nerves at the same time. It's a talent, really.
The worst part is he's so amazing at skating. You can see the work he puts into it, the way he makes every turn and spin look perfectly effortless. Whenever he's practicing you can see his muscles all working together, rippling under his clothes as he sticks another landing.
It's beautiful. He's beautiful and you know that as an objective fact. So does he. He can feel the eyes staring at him, knows that he's practically a genius at what he does. He practically lives and breathes the rink, more at home under the stadium lights than he is his own lonely bedroom.
To him, it makes perfect sense that you'd be admiring him so often. He just wishes the observational, almost clinical way you watch him move wasn't just because you were trying to beat him. He wishes there was a tinge of warmth in there, not just some cold recognition of his skills and a slight nod when he looks at you.
"So, I noticed you staring at me again," he smirks as he skates up to you. You roll your eyes, sighing and crossing your arms as you try to skate away from him.
"You wish. I'm just making sure I know when to laugh when you trip."
He follows after you, gliding on the ice and circling around to face you from a safe distance.
"Oh, you wish. Don't worry - I won't be doing any falling unless it's for you," he winks, chuckling as you try to leave him behind.
"What do you want from me?" you finally ask him, diverting off to one of the walls and leaning against the ledge.
"Nothing really. I just enjoy bothering you. Is that so wrong?"
You roll your eyes again, going to practice your routine without knowing he's staring longingly at you.
Considering that you haven't clearly responded to any of his attempts to flirt with you he decides he might have to step it up a notch. He knows part of it is because he flirts a little bit with everyone, but he was hoping you would catch on the way that he did it with you was different than everybody else.
He's almost tempted to throw a judging, show you that these competitions don't matter as much to him as it might seem. However, he knows he doesn't want to do that to you and make things worse. Doing something like that would ruin your relationship forever.
So instead, he's now standing outside of the locker rooms, waiting impatiently for you to come outside with a bouquet of flowers. He assumes they're your favourite, paying attention to the ones you receive every time a competition ended. His hands nervously crinkle the plastic as he waits and waits, coming back to attention whenever he'd hear the doors open.
"Hey, Y/N, wait!"
You can barely hear him over the music in your earbuds, turning around to face Kaeya. The two of you were evenly matched, but this time you managed to win the competition between yourselves. A cocky smirk fits your face as Kaeya catches up to you, so caught up in the jubilation of beating him that you don't even notice the flowers in his hand.
"Oh? Came back to see what you're missing out on?" you tease, waving your medal in front of his face.
"Kind of," he laughs, giving you a very subtle once-over.
You were right, but not in the way you thought.
"I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done."
Kaeya thrusts the flowers toward you, seeming almost apprehensive for the first time in his life. You take them a little hesitantly, trying to hide how happy you are he seemed to figure out your favourite.
"Wow, you're being genuinely nice for once. What's it in for you?"
He can't help but admire you in the glow of the fluorescent lights, wanting to reach out and touch your face. You're more focused on smelling the bouquet, almost forgetting Kaeya was in front of you until he clears his throat.
"There is something in it for me. Dinner, with me?"
You stare at him, unsure if you understood him correctly.
"Are you just telling me your dinner plans or is there something more to it?"
"There's something more to it. I'm asking you to dinner. At least to celebrate your win?"
He can see the confusion on your face, seemingly beginning to put the dots together as you stare at him, then the flowers. A small smile graces your features and he feels his pounding heart slow down in relief.
"Fine. You're paying then, right?"
He grins, resisting the urge to grab your hand.
"Of course."
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isara0408 · 8 months
In the back of my mind, I am always thinking about seeing Kaga as the student council president. We know that there are a lot of timelines in the Yandere Sim world (Nemesis, male rivals, etc)
I always wondered if Kaga wasn't as eccentric as he is now. He is more,uh, normal (less eccentric, less destructive, not really into world domination, etc) maybe, he would have been a perfect person to run the position of student council president ( or at least be in it).
HEAR ME OUT, OK? Just let me explain.
If Kaga was more of a normal guy who is very interested and passionate about making gadgets and making the world a better place instead of making himself the leader, and not seen as the maniac of Akademi. He kept his raven hair, had good posture, had a professional side of him (which I'm sure he does), etc. He would have been a perfect student council president.
So far, we know that Kaga is the most intelligent student in Akademi. He's (probably) the most achieved student in Akademi as well for gadgets he made himself (and some that he made in his home). He is willing to build anything a person asks him to (the science club members). He has amazing grades and is a straight A student (I assume). He has won many science competitions (medals, thropies, maybe even scholarships), and he has the energy of a damn puppy. His determination is very high even if he's fatigued. He can be serious and formal in certain situations.
There's still a lot of things we need to know about him and mostly his background (which I'm pretty sure it's a spoiler)
We don't even know if he's a good leader to the science club members lol
Why wouldn't the students of Akademi want the genius of Akademi to be the president of the student council? The student council is meant to represent the school and the students within it (or that's what I think) Kaga can represent the school for his intelligence, his achievements at such a young age, his amazing talent, his grades, and he can pretty much improve Akademi in his own with his knowledge.
This maniac could have easily gotten accepted in the top university of Japan!
Sure, Kaga could easily deny this offer of being the president of the student council and be the leader of the science club like he is in the game, but why? The student council has more benefits and has the freedom to improve the school experience of the students, funds, events, prom, etc. He has the materials to do in front of him. He can even improve security with his gadgets and give better self-defense tools for the members.
Not sure if he'll be a better leader than Megami. (Even though she's not really present during the first 9 weeks AND we don't know how she will be in her week)
However, Kaga is more expressive than Megami, and more... human.
Kaga has flaws. Something Megami doesn't have (according to Yandere Dev), that's why he has the student council members by his side. He's not perfect. He's going to need help if he messes up or if he's not there to do it himself.
If He does become the president of the student council...
He won't be the president of the science club. It would be Horo, or Meka (when she enters Akademi), but if he was the president of the science club and was selected to run as student council president, he can leave the club and give the position of leader to someone else.
If Kuroko and Kaga face each other for student council president( we know what happens if Kuroko wins) but if Kaga wins...
Akademi will have the genius of the school representing them and the students.
He has many achievements, an amazing talent at such a young age, straight As, very expressive, and a determination that is one of a kind that many students might admire and get the attention of other people, and maybe Mr. Saikou himself. Who knows.
He can improve security in Akademi in his own way with his knowledge.
He can give his members better self-defense tools than just pepper spray. (As long as it's okay with the guidance counselor and headmaster)
Kaga is willing to make sure everyone is content and peaceful and making sure there are no problems.
He can interact with students and club leaders to see what they need or have missing, or need improving, or help with events. (I'm not sure if Kuroko does this. In the game, she just walks around and patrols. She does club meetings, but that's it )
He'll probably going to make Akademi look as good as possible for others to enroll. ( and be very extra, lol)
And much more than that.
If Kaga is president of the student council, the women that are now in the student council will probably be replaced with others. IF they are replaced, I believe these people will be good matches for the jobs:
Aoi -> Budo
Budo is the most popular student in Akademi. He is known to be heroic, strong, and determined to make justice and keep peace. No one wants to be on the bad side of Budo. He is the most respected and loved club leader from all of the male ones in Akademi and the guy that has the most admirers, too. He can fight back if his self-defense weapon is taken out of his hand.
Akane -> Uekiya
Uekiya is seen as the big sister to all of the students. Everyone loves, adores, and respects her. No one wants to be seen doing something bad in front of their sister who is willing to be there for them and show them affection when they need it, or need a shoulder to cry on.
Kuroko -> Geiju
I feel like Geiju would be a good vice president for Kaga. He is serious. He doesn't waste time on ridiculous things that keep his attention away from what's important (his paintings), and he makes sure everything is organized and the way it should be. Sure, he doesn't show emotion or talk a lot, but he is a good leader... for the most part, and he isn't afraid of speaking his mind and opinion to anyone, even if it can be harsh.
I imagine him trying to keep Kaga focused on the duties they have as student council. Geiju would most likely keep saying to Kaga, "Focus." And snap his fingers in front of him if he gets distracted.
Or Kuroko can just keep her spot. Idk. It depends on the situation of the election and the event all of this is happening too.
Shiromi -> Maka.
Maka and Shiromi do share the same eccentric personality. She would be the perfect one to replace her and take her spot as the treasurer, but it does depend on how Kaga sees her and the person who he is looking for as treasurer.
Or Shiromi just stays in the student council.
I feel this is what would happen if Kaga was president of the student council....
Unless Megami comes in and takes it all from him then... all of that was for nothing.
Megami and Kaga find a way to work together.
if Megami doesn't come and take it away, Kaga could probably be the new 10th rival for Ayano and be the only male rival in her way.
Idk. Just a weird idea au(?) in my mind lol
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
For the emoji ask:
⛔️, ❌️ and 🧠 (Donnie)
⛔ tons, but for ROTTMNT the only one I think is the lair games fic I've talked about on here before. tldr: Donnie and Leo's sibling rivalry boils over, they get mad, they fight, they make up, everything is happy again.
I'll stick what I did write of it under the read more after I answer the other questions.
❌ setting aside the obvious dead dove sorta stuff, I'm at a point where I don't really like writing Major Character Death as the main point of the story (as an incidental plot point is a little different). I'm also not really interested in hurt/no comfort, there's gotta be at least SOMETHING there lol.
I'm also not really interested in "everyone has a normal life" type AUs (like coffee shop or high school)
I'm sure there are more I just can't think of right now lol
🧠 (Donnie) I love the headcanon that when Donnie merged with the technodrome he fell a little in love with it. The implications of that are just *chef's kiss*
Donnie feeling so bad because that thing was used to end the world! But he's also never felt so fully and wholly understood. So accepted. So loved.
He feels the scars on his shell and he wishes he was still connected.
Anyway fic stuff (for the first question) under the cut:
“Welcome, one and all, to the Seventh Annual Lair Games! As is tradition, the first place winner of last year’s competition will now give a rousing speech!”
“Boooo!” Leo jeered as Donnie stepped up beside Splinter, his first place medal swinging around his neck. “Boooo!”
“Silence from the peanut gallery!” Donnie demanded, glaring at him, and Leo smirked back. It was what he deserved for being a sore winner - all he’d done for the last week was recount his victory from the last year, to the point that even Mikey was getting annoyed with him.
(When Leo had said as much, Raph just replied that he was a sore winner too. To which, of course, he said pish posh.)
“Ahem,” Donnie continued, folding his hands behind his back. “Gentlemen, as winner of last year’s Lair Games, I want to start this speech by offering some uplifting words. I want this to be a fun day for all of us, and so I hope you play fair, leave it all out on the field, and prepare to eat nitrogen oxides BECAUSE YOU’RE ALL GETTING SMOKED AGAIN!”
“Oh brother,” Leo heard Mikey mutter under his breath, and he chuckled.
“Now as for the prize, I think I have come up with something that will pique your interest-”
“I’m not switching rooms with you,” Leo called.
“-something that is not my room, random audience member. No, I have something better.” He theatrically cleared his throat again. “The three losing brothers will have to do whatever the winning brother says for exactly one week, starting from the moment the competition ends, and the losing brothers can only say nice things about him.”
“Hey, wait, does that mean we can ask you to build anything we want?”
Raph gasped, pumping his arm excitedly in his seat. “I can finally get my skate hawks!”
“That’s not-”
“Pizza oven pizza oven pizza oven!” Mikey cheered, throwing his arms up in elation.
“Hey, stop interrupting, this is my speech!” Donnie folded his arms, glaring down at them. “Why are you all assuming I’ll lose, anyway?”
“Uh, no offense, Donnie,” said Raph, “but you always lose.”
“I’m literally standing on the winner’s podium! Right now!” He waved the medal. “Do you not see this!?”
“Eh, last year was a fluke.” Leo waved his hand as though to erase the past. “Great idea with the prize, though; can’t wait until you guys are all calling me “Master Leo”! Ooo, or maybe I should go with “Your Highness”? Oh, or what about, “The Great and Powerful and Handsome Leonardo”?”
“Why don’t you just go ahead and add “humble” to that, too?”
“Great note, Raph. “The Great and Powerful and Handsome and Humble Leonardo”!”
“Oh no! We will be calling you no such thing, because after I win it is I who you will be calling “The Great Genius Donatello”!”
“If I win, you guys can just call me Mikey.”
“Hey guys, a note from your production crew,” April cut in. “Are you going to spend all day on this, because if so I’m gonna break for lunch.”
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Journal Entry #51 (part one)
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previously - Journal Entry #50
Hey everyone!
Guess who got one of his casts off?
Spoiler alert: it's me!
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My right wrist only had a partial fracture, and after looking at my latest x-rays, Dr. Sato said the bone is completely knitted together now. I started physio for my right arm today, and guess what else? I'm cleared for limited daytime driving and light exercise, and the doctor says that if I keep progressing at this rate, she'll fully clear me for all my normal activities in a month. That means snowboarding. It means I can start training again, and eventually competing again if I want to.
Yuri doesn't like the idea of me getting back into competition, but he said he won't try to stop me if it's what I want. What I really want is to make it into the FIS World Championship next year and hopefully place in the top ten. Ideally, I'd like to be on the medal podium, but I have to be realistic about it. Naturally, I'm aiming for the top, but it's just that I have to be prepared not to achieve that, because as I've learned, anything can happen.
But, I've promised Yuri that I'll retire at the end of next season, regardless of the outcome at Worlds. If I have a year to mentally prepare myself for my retirement, maybe it won't be so difficult.
Dr. Sato says it'll be at least another two to three weeks before my left arm is ready to come out of its cast, and she says I'll likely have to wear a wrist brace for a few more weeks after that. Even though I'm itching to get back on the slopes, I'm trying to look on the bright side. Having one of my hands back in service has made a massive difference in the level of help I need, so I definitely shouldn't be complaining.
Talking about my arms makes me realize just how much time has actually passed since I recorded anything here. It's been about five and a half weeks since my accident, and the last time I made an entry was a little over two weeks after it. So, basically that's three weeks of radio silence. Sorry for that.
It's been a chaotic three weeks, but Yuri and I have been managing. Mom and Julian already went home, and Uncle Kaz left the day before yesterday, but Yuri's parents are still here to look after us. We're getting lots of support from our friends as well.
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Yuri finally got out of the hospital after having been in there for seventeen days. He's still mostly on bed rest at home, but I can see him improving little by little each day. He’s sleeping less and eating regularly now, and doesn’t seem to be in as much pain as he was before.
More than anything, I'm beyond grateful that he's eating. I don't even care that his meals are tiny and mostly consist of yogurt, fruit and rice, or that he has to be coaxed to eat, or that somebody often has to feed him. Anything's better than an NG tube.
Oh, and just in case you were wondering, Seiji was dead-on about the strawberry mochi. It did, in fact, turn out to be the thing that convinced Yuri to try taking one small bite of something. Seriously, never underestimate the power of desserts.
Now that I've mentioned Seiji, I should give you a little update on him, too. He ended up moving to the city after all, despite my best efforts at talking him into staying around.
You may have guessed the brilliant idea I had that day in the park was for Seiji to help take care of Yuri once he was released from the hospital. I thought it was a stroke of genius. It'd give Seiji a purpose and a reason not to leave, and it'd avoid the necessity of having a stranger look after Yuri while he's recovering. Unfortunately, neither Seiji nor Yuri went for it. That's not to say we didn't ultimately solve the problem anyway, but I'll tell you more about that in a minute.
The last I heard from Seiji, he'd gotten a job in a convenience store, just like he predicted he would. I'm not sure he's entirely happy with it, but he didn't seem happy here any more either, so I guess he might as well be unhappy with a change of scenery. I'd much rather he was happy, of course, but I have no control over that. Happiness is an inside job, after all. We each have to get into the mindset of choosing happiness for ourselves.
As for me, I can honestly say I'm happy in spite of everything. Setbacks notwithstanding, the future’s looking good for Yuri and me.
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In light of Dr. Sato's prognosis for my recovery and my ability to return to competitive snowboarding, I got in contact with Luke Smith, my former coach back home to see whether he'd consider taking me on as a student again. He said he couldn't do it, but he told me that he had the perfect person in mind for me to train with, and when he told me who it was, I might've shouted a little bit with excitement.
Apparently one of my former teammates, Davey Duke — or Daisy, as everyone calls him — is planning to retire at the end of this season, but is looking to stay actively involved with the sport. Daisy and I were always great friends, and we've kept in sporadic contact since I've been in Japan. Also, the guy's a freakin' rockstar. Having him for a coach, I'd be the envy of pretty much every other competitor in the sport.
Luke said he'd pitch the idea to Daisy and get back to me, but as it happened, I didn't have to wait for Luke. Within two hours of that conversation with my old coach, I had a text from Daisy that was in all caps with a huge string of exclamation marks. "YES, MY DUDE!!!!!! LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!"
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That matter having been unequivocally taken care of, Yuri and I have turned our attention to planning our move at the end of May. The goal is to be there and settled in well before Mom and Julian's wedding on the eleventh of June. We officially made an offer on the haunted house, which was quickly accepted, and we’ve transferred our down payment.
We’d been hoarding money for that down payment since the house went on the market, and we’re kinda broke now until Yuri gets next month’s allowance from his trust fund, but I can live with it. I’ve been broke before and survived.
One of the lawyers at Uncle Stephen's firm is dealing with all the legal details of the house purchase for us, which is a huge relief. An even bigger relief is that Uncle Stephen is personally handling Yuri's immigration paperwork, and he's waiving his fees.
In related news, I'm still debating with myself what to do about school. I've almost entirely made up my mind that I'm going to study nursing, but I'm waiting for my next appointment with Dr. Ishida before I commit to that choice completely. Dr. Ishida's pronouncement about my ability to read having more to do with my vision than my intelligence is still sinking in, and I want to get my glasses and be sure I actually can read as well as she thinks I can before I sign myself up for a course with lots of required reading.
The other thing I have to decide is if I'm going to try to start school this September or if I'm going to defer my studies for a year. I think it might be difficult to do a course with a clinical component while I'm competing. I'd have to travel for competitions, but I'd also have to prioritize my clinical placements, and since it's impossible to be in two places at once, I'd have to pick one. I think that'd be a less than ideal situation.
Meanwhile, Yuri has decided to take a leave of absence from his job at FutureBright Communications. His boss, Mr. Tanaka, assured him that he could still work remotely even if he was living in Canada, but Dr. Kasongo suggested that it'd be in his best interests not to work at all for a while. She thinks it makes more sense to focus on his health without having to cope with the pressure and stress of work.
Yuri resisted at first, but I think Mr. Tanaka might've guided him toward seeing reason. I know he really trusts and respects Mr. Tanaka, and I think the promise that there'd still be a job for him when he's ready to come back to work helped.
The human resources lady from FutureBright phoned here a few days ago to fill out the paperwork for short-term disability insurance benefits with him. He'll be covered for six months, which will get him through the spring and summer, and then they'll revisit the claim in early September to see if it'll need to be renewed for a further six months or if he can return to his job.
Personally, I think this is the perfect arrangement. Who wouldn't want a free summer in Willow Creek, with a percentage of their pay still coming in? Yuri can devote his time to getting healthy and doing things he enjoys, and when I'm not busy with work or training, we'll be able to go on all kinds of awesome adventures together. I'm really looking forward to that.
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Another thing both Yuri and I are looking forward to is having Takahiro and Fox join us in Willow Creek this summer. Fox is from the Willow Creek-Newcrest area, and when his visa expires at the beginning of August he'll be returning, and he's bringing Taka with him.
Normally, one might expect that they'd stay with Fox's parents, but apparently the Abbottsfords dislike "foreigners" and have some sort of weird moral objection to the fact that their son is in a relationship with a man. They sound like totally charming people, right?
According to Taka, Fox's father hasn’t even spoken to him since November, which utterly blows my mind. My mom and I would be beside ourselves if we were out of contact for more than a day or two, much less for whole months at a stretch. Even when Yuri's relationship with his dad was at its worst, they still spoke to each other every couple of weeks.
Just as an aside, Yuri talks to his dad daily now, and sometimes multiple times a day. I love to see how much closer they're growing lately, and it almost makes me sad that we're moving because it means Yuri won't get to spend as much time with him. But, like Mr. Okamoto has assured us, they'll come and visit and they can certainly still find ways to talk every day.
Anyway, in light of all the racist and homophobic nonsense with Fox's parents, Yuri and I have already agreed that Fox and Taka can stay with us if they want to, until they find a place of their own. The haunted house has a couple of extra bedrooms in the basement, so they can have whichever one of those isn't Sachiko's room.
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Yeah, Sachiko the ghost has decided to remain in the house. Robert and Kim MacAllister, the current owners, told us that they offered to bring her home to Mt. Komorebi, but she wanted to stay and see what it'd be like to share a home with people her own age.
That was kind of funny to me. I mean, Kim and Robert are in their early seventies, and as far as they can determine, Sachiko died about seventy-five years ago, so they're technically closer to her age than we are. Still, I get what she meant. She was in her early twenties when she died, and Yuri and I are in our mid-twenties now, so there's a certain logic to her choice.
Robert and Kim explained that they bought Sachiko a flower-arranging station, and decorated a bedroom for her, and even set a place at the table for her at mealtimes. Being a ghost, Sachiko doesn't need to eat or sleep, but they wanted to help her feel like part of the family. Yuri and I are planning to continue with that, so of course we can't give away her bedroom, even if she doesn't actually sleep in it.
Now, the only hurdle left to face is how we're going to break the news to Taka that our haunted house literally is haunted. Up to this point, he's seemed to think it's some kind of elaborate joke. He's not a big fan of the paranormal, and I think he might not want to stay with us when he finally grasps the fact that Sachiko is real.
But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, as my grandpa Michael likes to say. We'll certainly have plenty of opportunity to address the subject, since we've been seeing a lot more of Taka and Fox lately.
And why is that, you ask? Seiji may not have bought into my plan to help take care of Yuri, but Fox and Taka did. Or more specifically, Fox did, and because he already has his partner wrapped firmly around his little finger, our dear friend Takahiro is along for the proverbial ride.
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I'd like to take full credit for planning our circumstances to evolve this way, but I can't. In reality, Fox volunteered for the job and Yuri, perhaps concluding that we didn't have a lot of viable options, accepted his offer.
It happened a few days before Yuri got out of the hospital. I was there with him when Fox and Taka showed up for a visit. Yuri hadn’t been very talkative. He'd had a bad morning and really didn't want to do anything except be cuddled, but that hadn't put Taka and Fox off. They seemed happy enough to sit there and chat with me.
Fox was excited because he's learning to drive and would be getting his learner's permit soon. He happily declared that there'd be no stopping him once he had his own wheels, whereupon Taka emphasized the need for his own, because he certainly wasn't going to be driving Yuzu. Oh... If no one's mentioned it before, Taka has this SUV that he and Seiji painted an absolutely eye-popping shade of yellow. He calls it Yuzu, after the fruit, and I'm reasonably certain it's his most prized possession.
Meanwhile, Taka was excited because he just finished his first study module in language school. He only started taking English classes at the language school in January, so I felt like his achievement was impressive, and told him so. His English was okay to begin with, but it's improved by leaps and bounds since he started his course. He confided that he wants to get as much learning in as possible before the summer, because he wants to take the immigration language test so he can apply for a study permit and go to college in Canada.
"Looks like you've got a busy spring, then," I remarked.
"Yeah," Taka agreed. "Because I has big plans."
"I have plans," Fox corrected him, and they both laughed.
"I have plans," Taka repeated dutifully. "Why is that one so hard?"
"You'll get it," Fox said. "Don't worry. You're already so much further ahead than you were when we met."
"Because I practice with you. You're the best teacher I... has." As if the deliberate pause wasn't enough to signal that he'd used the wrong verb tense on purpose this time, Taka bestowed his partner with a cheeky little grin. "Best ever."
That caused Fox to blush an extreme shade of pink, and brought about my turn to laugh. "Anybody ever tell you guys how cute you are?"
"Everyone. All the time," Taka answered cheerfully.
Fox looked flustered, and mumbled something in Japanese that sounded like. "New topic. Begging you."
Taka looked amused. "Now who's showing his good language skills?"
"Maybe we do need a new topic, before Fox starts looking for a place to hide," I said.
"Okay," Taka agreed. "I know when to stop. We can talk about you instead. You're going to Canada before us."
"Yeah, at the end of May, but we've got to get back on our feet and make it through the rest of the winter and the spring, first. One thing at a time, right, Yuri?"
Yuri stirred slightly in my arms and said quietly, "I guess."
"Are you going home soon, Yuri?" Fox asked.
When he didn't reply after several seconds, I said, "His doctor says he can go home in a few days, but she won't release him until we sort out who's going to be looking after him."
"Won't his parents do it?" Taka asked.
"They will, but they can't be with us the whole time," I gestured vaguely with one of my casted arms. "And there's a lot I still can't do, so I'm going to need some help too."
"What exactly do you need?" Fox asked. "Is it like, actual medical stuff, or more like someone to help around the house?"
"The only medical thing would be to make sure Yuri takes his medication when he's supposed to," I said. "But, I can still manage that myself. It's the other stuff that we need help with."
"I could do it," he said.
I wasn't quite sure I'd heard him correctly. "You... what?"
"I could help you, and I'll bet Auntie Keiko would help too, if you asked her."
"I think she would," Taka said. "We can ask."
"You can help too, Takahiro," Fox added.
Taka hadn't appeared to mind being drafted by his boyfriend. "Yes, when I'm not at work."
"Perfect," Fox said. "Victor, even if Auntie can't help, you'll have Taka on Fridays and Sundays if you need him, and I'll be glad to come to your house every day and do what I can."
"You know what you'd be getting into, right?" I asked. "You'd be doing almost everything until I get at least one of these casts off."
"I understand."
As grateful as I was for his offer, I needed to make sure he really did understand. Being able to see properly again, I was able to do a lot more for myself than I could before. I was getting pretty good at using just my fingers to do quite a few things, and I was feeling comfortable picking up lighter objects like dishes or dog toys or laundry, but without the use of my thumbs, there were still plenty of tasks that were outside my ability.
"When I say everything, I mean literally everything," I said. "That'd include personal care, so uh... there'd be kinda gross stuff involved."
Fox laughed. "Are you trying to discourage me?"
"I'm not trying to discourage you. I just don't want you to agree to something without knowing exactly what you'd be in for."
"Thanks." Fox's determination was evident on his face. "I appreciate that, but I can do it."
Taka reached for Fox's hand, and the smile he gave him practically glowed with pride. "You are amazing. You wouldn't have done that before."
"I've learned a lot from you and your parents and Jin," Fox said. "Turns out, I'm capable of a lot more than I ever gave myself credit for, and I'm not scared to challenge myself any more. Plus, remember what you told me when we first met?"
"I told you a lot of stuff," Taka said.
"Yes, but I'm talking about what you said about kindness. You said the best way to repay you for your kindness to me would be for me to pay it forward to someone else some day."
"Right. I remember."
"Well," Fox said. 'I guess this is the day."
I glanced down at Yuri, who was curled tightly against my chest and clearly doing his best not to listen to the conversation. "Hey," I said softly. "Would you be okay with that? With Fox looking after you?"
He nodded and practically whispered. "I... I think I'd be okay with that."
I'm not sure Yuri was entirely relieved, but I can assure you I was. The issue of whether or not we'd need somebody from the home healthcare program had been a big one for us, and something I was glad we no longer had to think about.
Although I felt confident the home care workers were well-trained and trustworthy, my opinion would've made very little difference if Yuri was too scared to have them in the house. Being in constant fear wouldn't help his recovery. And yeah, it'd be easy to say his fear was irrational or unjustified, but given his physical condition as well as his past trauma, I'd tend to disagree. I mean, if I were in his place, I think I'd be scared to let a stranger into my house too, never mind letting them do personal stuff for me.
At least Fox was a known quantity. To be fair, we didn't know him all that well yet, but based on my acquaintance with him up to that point, I was satisfied that he would handle Yuri with care. Besides, I reminded myself, Takahiro's parents trust him to continue to live in their home and not cause any trouble, and apparently Taka's sister Aiko trusts him enough to ask him to babysit her three year old son. I reasoned that if he could manage looking after little Toshiro with no mishaps, then he should be able to handle looking after an adult.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
Prologue Yokohama - impressions
Oh, boy! Where do I start?!
I have no more tears to cry. Prologue was a trip down memory lane even for those fans of Yuzu's who boarded the train late. The clock metaphor - in the beginning time going backwards, taking us through his years of struggles and success - down to that last VTR, where the time started going forwards again, Haru Yo Koi being the present - spring finally coming.
The VTRs are to die for - not sure if Yuzu edited them himself, but they do feel like his touch is on them, so clearly he was heavily involved, as expected.
(Update: The VTRs are indeed edited by Hanyu-senshu himself 🥺)
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The overall quality of the show was super impressive. You mean to tell me that 6-min practice wasn't for a competition?! I was shaking waiting for the time to come and Yuzu to skate SEIMEI. And of course it wouldn't be a competition-style program without the 4S misbehaving. Like, HELLOOO, Yuzu's no longer looking for medals, all snakes abort, please!
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The transitions from program to program via VTRs were a rollercoaster experience. Tears of frustration, sadness, joy and then BAM! full on R&J1.0 got me yelling with delight in front of the screen after LGC, HNN and Hello, I Love You made me laugh at how carefree they were (yes, even HNN).
I mean, one of my favorite moments was when Yuzu turned the democracy (voting via bracelets) into a dictatorship: "Majority wants LGC, fine - have LGC. Now turn on those green lights 'cause I wannna do Hana ni Nare" (obviously, not a direct quote)
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A Fleeting Dream - omg... I watched that on repeat so many times I've lost count. The lights on the ice, the effects, Yuzu's costume, the TCC cool down routine integrated in a program - it just screams art! Which is what Yuzuru Hanyu's skating has evolved into.
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Ending with Haru Yo Koi and the StSq of Parisienne Walkways gave me whiplash - again. So of course that by the end of the live broadcast I was clapping in front of the screen almost giving Yuzu a standing ovation in my living room. It didn't feel like I was watching through a screen, it felt like I was at the arena in Yokohama.
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The only better thing would be to actually experience Prologue in person. Which is absurdly impossible.
10/10 for the production, for skating, for the class act and for taking over IdF so thoroughly I did not even have to stress about the men's podium until the last minute 😂.
Oh, and the audience actually coordinating to turn the bracelets with the blue lights on. Genius! I have no idea how they managed to, but I'm so glad Yuzu saw the gratitude of everyone.
Now, onto Hachinohe!
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P.S. If Étude is an option during the voting phase in Hachinohe - PICK Étude! Yuzu was almost begging for it today 😂
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
So many things! So much information! So much angst! So many beautiful visuals! I am going to just be describing so much stuff so be warned.
Ok, let's start from the beginning, you've got Aya throwing herself off the roof, and as I assumed it would, the plan works! The sword is out! And Bram has A FUCKING BODY???!!! WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT PART FOR SOME REASON! HE LOOKS SO LONG! And Aya is safe! Asagiri decided to put his hatred of children to the side for once and let her live!
But while he may have let Aya live he didn't let certain other people live. And so with that flawless segway let's go over to Meursault!
Yeah so FYODOR IS FUCKING DEAD. I am willing to believe he'll come back and will talk about how i think that'll happen on a different post but for right now HOLY SHIT HE'S DEAD!
So the scene starts with him walking outta prison with a gay little walk to meet Nikolai and they do their gay little thing, truly there is nothing more romantic then telling someone you'll kill them. And as Fyodor walks to the helicopter he drops a bit of lore that NO ONE ELSE HAS TALKED ABOUT! he said that Dazai was his first challenge since "him". WHO THE FUCK IS HIM???? The only person i can think of that coupd possibly fit the ridiculous genius role is Shibusawa, and it cant be him! Bones has visuals of Shibu they would've flashed a shot of him if it was him, and also that doesn't make sense character wise. This is Fyodor backstory information!
And speaking of, or at least slightly mentioning Dazai. THE BOI AIN'T DEAD! FYODOR CANT KILL HIM HE'S GONNA BE HERE AT THE END OF THE WORLD ALONG WITH COCKROACHES AND TWINKIES! And guess what else? CHUUYA ISNT A VAMPIRE! AND HE NEVER WAS ONE! BRO WAS ACTING! Tachihara is gonna have to relinquish his medal as best actor because Chuuya was spot on! Chuuya also has the vampire fangs still glued to his teeth from when Mori apparently put them there. Lol.
But back to seriousness, Dazai did a little speech about how Fyodor lost because he doesn't trust anyone and then they kill Fyodor by having the helicopter fly into the wall! Fyodor's last words were also from the Bible and according to what others have said they mean something along the lines of "oh god, oh god, why have you forsaken me", I don't think this line has much to do with lore besides like, religious Bible symbolism, but I have seen people theorize that Fyodor's gonna pull a Jesus and rise from the dead in three days! And seeing as I do think that this isn't the last we'll see of him, that could be true!
But now for the most important part of this section, at the cost of Fyodor's life Fyolai is now 100% canon! Some of the most delicious diversity wins are the ones that feel like losses at the same time. To elaborate more, after Fyodor dies the only part left of him is his arm and so Dazai picks it up and gives it to Nikolai say "Aren't you happy you killed him?" Which... technically he didn't kill him but I guess it sorta counts since it was part of the game, anyways, so Nikolai takes the arm and just cradles it to his chest,, so gently,, and says that Fyodor was the only person to ever understand him and that he is actually very sad now that he's dead, it's said much better in the episode I'm not good at dialog, and he just goes over to the wreckage and holds the severed arm of his one and only friend to his face and it's so sad, so gruesome yet so sweet, how tragic, how them.
Oh, and also Sigma is fucking dead apparently. I don't believe this because a good half of my theories are formed on a 'that wouldn't narratively make sense' basis, and by God would that not make sense narratively! And so I'm certain that Sigma is fine, we'll probably find out more about what actually happens in the manga, maybe he'll be in a coma until they need him to reveal the Fyodor back story, because they WILL be giving a Fyodor back story, he's done too much for his affect on the plot to just end now. I have a theory on how he might come back that I'll write later.
Onto a different topic, it's time for OLD MAN YAOI!
Holy shit the old man yaoi was so genuinely devastating. They cared about eachother so much! They CARE about eachother so much! The flower petals! The LITERALLY INSANE AMOUNT OF FLOWER PETALS!
Ok so, Fukuzawa reveals that he's not dead and was just waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and so he finds it and he goes at Fukuchi, they do a fight Fukuzawa gets the One Order and the nukes are deactivated! But wait, Fukuchi runs at him again, Fukuzawa slashes his sword-! But wait! Fukuchi is... smiling? Fukuzawa is now regretting his swing but it's too late to pull back now and so it slashes through his old friends throat, after he does this Poe's book falls out and they both get sucked in, leading me to be kinda confused because I thought you had to actually read it in order to be sucked in? But whatever it's not important.
So in the book Poe has written a couple scenes from Fukufuku's childhood, I assume Ranpo must have told him about the memories, or maybe him and Fukuzawa did some son and father in law bonding where Fukuzawa told him the stuff. Anyways, now the old Fukufuku are having a conversation as the young Fukufuku are just sword fighting, goofing around and being FRIENDS! AUGH! They used to be such close friends! And just, watching them being happy in the past was truly so sweet and devastating, why oh why did it have to end this way!
Now, along with the sad shit that's happening we're also getting some big lore! It turns out that the reason why Fukuchi was doing all of this was because he had gotten a message from the future that there would be a huge war that kills thousands of people, and that he did this as a sort of sacrifice a few for the many thing. And, another big gay and big lore thing, Fukuchi never actually intended to be the commander of the Army of Mankind, he wanted Fukuzawa to command it because he thought that Fukuzawa was so good he couldn't be corrupted by that amount of power. Holy fuck that was so gay! He is so in love! He cares about and thinks so much of Fukuzawa I wish things could turn out different so badly! Like, Fukuchi still kinda sucks (<- just remembered the whole Jouno situation), but he didn't use to suck and if the situation was different he might not have sucked now! The old man yaoi is so tragic! Fuck!
And so Fukuchi asks Fukuzawa to kill him, and Fukuzawa agrees, but when it finally comes down to it, he can't. Fukuzawa has always cared for the one more then he's cared for the many, and even if it would be for the best he just can't bring himself to kill his best friend. And then comes Teruko with a steel chair stabbing Fukuchi in the back! OK seriously now, Teruko comes in and stabs Fukuchi, it seems that its because he asked her to do so as she is quite upset about it, she hands the sword to Fukuzawa and proceeds to turn away,not wanting to look at them anymore, and Fukuchi crumples into Fukuzawa's arms and he holds him as be takes his final breaths, and as Fukuchi takes his final breath Fukuzawa starts Crying! Like full on screaming ans sobbing! Out of every duo I was not expecting Fukufuku to be the one to get the 'crying as you hold your dead partner in you arms' troup, but I'm not complaining! This was devastating.
One final bit about Fukufuku, it is honestly kinda funny how much Bones clearly adores their relationship. They get all the best animation and a whole new artstyle/coloring pallet just fir their scenes! As we've said before, Bones really like their old man yaoi.
And now we get to everyone else, such as SSKK! The neck bite was fine, it wasn't slow and sensual but I think it made up for it by being kinky as heck! Like, look me in the eyes and tell me that wasn't kinky. Atsushi sure seemed to think it was! Other characters include, Juni and Kunikida! They're awake now! They're alright! And so is Ranpo! Kenji and Tecchou are up! My boys! We unfortunately will not get an angsty Suegiku vampire reunion it seems, but its fine, i guess. (<- it's not fine but whatever, it is what it is, I just hope there is some angst when they do meet up again, didnt Asagiri say he wantedto further exoand their relationship?) And of course the most important characters to show up in the outro, LUCY AND KYOUKA! THE GIRLS ARE HERE! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE THEY BEEN! and where's Yosano??? They just, didn't include her at all where is she????
And finally, the two hour time skip.
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!??!
The airport is on fire?! A floaty gid-lookin guy that looks like Fukuchi is fighting sskk?! AKUTAGAWA HAS A NEW OUTFIT!? My boy got rid of his coat and his Victorian vampire aesthetic and decide to go even further back in time by doing a knights outfit! He has a little eye guard thingy! It's both very stupid and very cool looking and the most important thing is that he's PRETTY! BONES DID IT! THEY FINALLY LET AKU SMILE AND BE PRETTY! THANK FUCK! And when I say they made him pretty I mean they made him Pretty! Bro looked majestic! And Atsushi too! I mean he was wearing the same outfit as always but he looked very nice and!! He smiled at Akutagawa!! He fondly and softly smiled at Akutagawa!!!! Holy shit sskk canon! But also still what the fuck is happening.
Anyways, I have written a lot of stuff and I still have some thought left over, so I might make a second post later, when I'm not supposed to be asleep perhaps.
TLDR; that was a great episode and a very fun end to the series, all of our ships are canon, and i am super excited to see how this will be in manga form! Wow it's weird to be thinking about being excited to see the manga adaptation of the anime instead of the other way around.
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thestarsarecool · 2 years
John Lennon: Please, Your Majesty, Can Our John Have A Free Pardon?
Andrew Tyler, New Musical Express, 19 January 1974
Heavy breathing over the phone as ANDREW TYLER gets the lowdown from LENNON in L.A. Genius is police harassment, says the Walrus
I don't know if you ever read the New Improved NME – if not, maybe some hepcat of the Royal Household will pass on the word.
Now that you've seen young Anne married off to her heartthrob cavalier, and what with Charles playing googlies with Lady Jane all around, maybe you'll have time to reflect on the dilemma of one John Lennon, a Liverpool slum-kid genius who used to play in The Beatles and who, at the peak of his career, committed a kind of revolutionary hara-kiri when he returned your MBE medal.
It was a far out medal, your majesty, ace Organic and nice on the chest, but it wasn't actually you as a mum and companion of the horses he was getting at. It was all that Services To Exports/Build A Better Britain/Screw the Man On The Factory Floor bit that brought a lump to his shaving bowl.
Anyway, after the medal-dumping ceremony he kept getting visited at queer hours by squadrons of policemen and, before you could say cold turkey John was being court-martialled for possession of marijuana – a substance he swears was absent from his life around this time.
He now lives in New York City but because of his record the authorities over there won't give him a Green residents' card, which means if he leaves the country he'll never be allowed back in.
So now, our Queen, it's all down to you. All you have to do is say "OK, you nurds, enough's enough. I pardon thee John Lennon, on your feet and have a nice new year", and everything's back to normal.
John's not one to beg and grovel at your Royal appendages, but on the phone recently he did say it would be a great way out. So what do you think? There's a whole bunch of us who'd love to see John over here again for the odd visit.
And you know something, it's the only thing preventing John. Paul, George and Ringo working together again. Paul, you see, also got busted for substances and he's not allowed into the States any more. Ironic, isn't it?
Love, etc.
"I WOULD HAVE thought I've done more good for Britain than harm, wouldn't you?" John enquired over a faint line from Los Angeles.
Yes, I would have thought so.
"Did I tell you about the commerical we've done for the new album? Hah. It's great. We have the Queen plugging the record for us. It starts inside the house with a gate swinging open, over a red carpet and then inside. It's all done in very good taste, Your Majesty. It's a friend of mine in drag, as it were.
"There's 'Land Of Hope And Glory' and someone says" (in a plummy warbling voice) "'I've been asked to do this commerical. It relates to a gramophone record...' and it goes on like that. I'm hoping her Majesty will be able to laugh at it."
He won't say who the friend is but here's a clue. He works for Apple and he's a real queen. The correct answer is not Allen Klein.
"A few vodkas and it was all over." John reports. "His identity will be revealed by himself. I'm not sure how much he wants people to know about it."
Did he see the bonding of Mark and Anne and was he profoundly moved?
Young Mark and Anne.
"Oh yes."
What was your reaction to that?
"I didn't really have one."
Did they show it over there?
"Yeah. They had it on from two o'clock till dawn, or something. So we had the single. We didn't get to see the album though. I thought they looked all right. But I didn't really feel that much about it. I thought Anne's figure looked nice. They should have held it in Belfast, though.
"I was thinking of writing to the Queen, you know. I hope she reads NME. Yeah. I was after a pardon for being planted by the cops and being hassled for three years and everything that happened. That's one way to solve the problem.
"That so-called bust I was involved in has left me with a criminal-record. That's the legal reason they're trying to throw me out. If that was taken away there'd be nothing they could do."
Now here's a weird twist to the murky affair. The cop who starred in the Lennon bust has, himself, been incarcerated for four years for perjury relating to a drug bust case.
Detective Sergeant Norman Pilcher has has just been put down for four years. At the trial all sorts of stuff came up. Conspiracy and the like.
But Lennon suspects the case of the malfunctioning blue meanie is unlikely to directly affect his own case...
"The thing is, that in those days we were clean. We didn't have any stuff. But they kept on hassling and hassling and bothering Yoko and the deal was that if they left Yoko alone – and she was pregnant at the time – I'd cop a plea.
"And now the real answer is for me to get a pardon...but because I'm a naughty boy I don't suppose they want to give me one."
What he's still trying to figure out all these years later is what those gloating reporters and photographers were doing outside his place when he and Yoko were being escorted to their cells. Jack Warner and Edgar Lustgarten had always intimated that an arrest was a reasonably private business...restricted to the "guilty parties" and the officers concerned. Why the jamboree?
Lennon has an explanation: "A friend of mine from Fleet Street gave me a call after he'd overheard a cop in a pub saying how he was going to get The Beatles. Yeah, was was gonna get The Beatles. Which meant me. I mean, he's not about to bust Ringo or Paul. I was really up for grabs what with Two Virgins and living in sin with a foreigner and all."
Is our Queen about to be sympathetic to Lennon's plight? Can she relate to her stone-turning expatriot? They'd hardly make suitable tango partners but they do have at least one common point of interest: The Goons.
Yessir. Like Prince Charlie, Sister Margie and Tony Legsstrong-Jones, the Queen is alleged to have chuckled along with the Goons after her Sunday joint...not unlike Lennon who recently reviewed The Goon Show Scripts for the New York Times.
"It was a bit like doing a school essay." he say. "But like all my generation I was really drawn to The Goons. In many ways they influenced The Beatles as much as rock 'n' roll – Elvis and Little Richard. They were, to my generation, what we were to the next.
"I admire them all – but I've always reckoned Spike was the real lunatic."
WHAT ABOUT the trench-coat warfare. Is he still being visited and molested by the American gendarmerie?
"A year or so back they were following me around everywhere I went But I suppose they must have got bored going to the studio and hanging around for hours at a time. And they were tapping my phone. I think they wanted me to know they were doing it too because I kept hearing heavy breathing. It scared me at first but now it's a bot of a joke.
"No, I wasn't on Nixon's list of unfriendlies but I was on somebody's list, that's for sure."
There's a pattern to it all, he suggests. Not necessarily a coordinated conspiracy but a series of connected happenings that have numbered all the leading 60's cult figures.
Lennon's marooned in America, McCartney outside of it. The Stones are having to tread very lightly indeed, and Hendrix, Morrison and Joplin are dead.
"If they can separate all the big names in pop they effectively cut off the, quotes, "revolution" at its source. No more Woodstocks. No more mass gatherings. The real changes aren't gonna come from politicians. It's going to come from the artists and musicians.
"Even Bowie is a threat in a way."
Explain yourself, sir.
"Well, if you get Bowie on TV and somebody switches on in Ohio or Bradford and they see this person looking out at them, it's going to affect their whole way of life. He doesn't have to say Power To The People Right On. He is the message in himself. It's like holding a mirror up to society. It makes people react in a specific way that's better than having them half dead listening to Sandy McPherson.
"I just think it's all great. I'm not saying I'd do it but people like Bowie are an extension of rock 'n' roll. He still rocks like shit and keeps us going until the next phenomenon, ho ho, which is going to be this year, isn't it?"
Maybe the very next sensation will be curvaceous Ringo whose single is hot stuff in the States and whose album leapt into the Billboard charts at 4 – two better than John's Mind Games.
"I sent him a telegram last week saying: 'Congratulations. How dare you. Write me a hit song.'
"It's the first real pop album he's made and it's a good album. He deserves it. He's going to need all the royalties he can get to paper Ascot" (The home he just bought from Lennon). "He's going to need that hit just to keep up the garden."
JOHN'S OWN album didn't receive quite the same dazzling response, although it's nowhere near the bunch of horselicks Tony Tyler suggested in his review a few weeks back. Tracks like 'Out The Blue', 'I Know (I Know)' and 'Bring On The Lucie' are sumptuous groovers that fairly parallel his work on Imagine. Honest.
Was he after the grumbling T. Tyler's noodles?
"I'm going to send 'im a deaf aid and a book of instructions on How to Write. Obviously I'd prefer it if he, or whoever it is, liked it – but I'm not about to cut my throat, if that's what you mean.
"A lot of times you get critics reviewing themselves, so if they do slag you off it doesn't mean anything or, if they overdo the praise bit, that means nothing either.
"Praise is never satisfactory unless you can be sure the person has actually listened to your work and knows it inside out. I'm not saying people should spend their lives making in-depth appraisals of me albums – but praise, or the other thing, doesn't count for much unless they've take the time to understand what you're doing."
Right On.
Actually John was due for a critical trampling. After the suffocating Best Album In The Universe stuff tipped over Imagine and The Plastic Ono Band LP, coupled with the knifings Paul has had to deflect since The Split. Lennon only had to put one foot wrong – as he did with Sometime In New York City – for the blades to be turned on him.
Critics were feeling remorse at the way they growled at McCartney and Lennon was the obvious target upon which to assuage their embarrassment.
"I would say New York City stands as a piece of work. It sold 200,000 instead of half a million. The whole thing's relative. If I'd been a smaller artist I'd have been pleased to get that amount of sales. I have no regrets...only that it didn't get a lot of airplay on the so-called FM stations of the Left.
"The only one that really got into it was Pacifica which has heavy programmes on politics, lesbians and things like that – anything people want to do. It's a pretty good station. Nationwide. They've even got tapes of Yoko and me from the Sixties singing Japanese folk songs."
Talking of oldies, he is now well into his Oldies Mouldies album, currently being waxed at A & M in Los Angeles with a spellbinding cast of several millions. On the guest list so far are, among others: Steve Cropper, Jim Keltner. Hal Blaine, Jose Felciano, Leon Russell, Jeff Barry, Barry Mann, and Jesse Ed Davies.
We called George the other day and said he was having a great time and wish you were here. George said he was on his way and hasn't been heard of since. Paul, of course, won't be able to make it.
"Yeah, I miss Paul a lot. It's been a year since I've seen him. He came over with Linda to me place in New York. Course I'd like to see him again. He's an old friend, isn't he?"
He says he can move around a bit more freely now...for meals and odd visit to the movvies.
"I still get recognised though. I think it's me nose. But I can generally go to the movies. The last film I saw was Behind The Green Door. (An extraordinarily rude film.)
How was it?
"The first 45 minutes were interesting, then it got a bit boring. When you've seen one cock you've seen them all."
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howlingday · 2 years
Ironwood: (Gets in his limo) Take me to headquarters.
"Winter": (Finger guns Ironwood, Slams the door shut)
Ironwood: That... wasn't like Winter at all. Winter?
Neo: (Drops her disguise, Waves from the driver's window)
Ironwood: (Reaches for the door, Child-locks engaged)
Neo: (Stomps on the accelerator)
Ironwood: I don't know what you want, Neo Politan, but when I get out of here, you are in for a world of hurt! Do you hear me?! You are dead!
Neo: (Fake yawns, Tongue lolls out at hitchhiker on the side of the road)
Roman: (Showing leg, Waves at Neo) Yoohoo!
Neo: (Slams the brakes)
Ironwood: (Smacks into the floor, Looks at the window) Torchwick...
Roman: (Opens the door, Gets in) Why, hello there, Jimmy! Do I have the deal for you? (Nods to Neo, She drives) Ooh! How much this baby get on the gallon?
Ironwood: What do you want?
Roman: I see us as equals, Jimbo! Sure, we're different as they come. I'm street-smart, you're a military tactician. I'm a genius criminal mastermind, and you're the head of the largest military on Remnant. I move as freely as I want and you have a massive stick right up your-
Ironwood: The point. Now.
Roman: We're both men of vision, but we're constantly stopped by children in spandex. I have little Red, and you've got the shining toilet. But I can fix that problem of yours.
Ironwood: ...I'm listening.
Roman: Give me one billion Lien and I'll kill The Knight.
Ironwood: (Chuckles) What makes you think you can handle The Knight when you can't even handle a little girl in cape?
Roman: (Sneers) That little girl is more trouble than you'll ever know. (Smiles) Besides, I've got just the edge I need to handle Knighty-Knight. (Opens case of glowing dust crystal) See? Purest dust money couldn't even buy!
Ironwood: ...This cannot be traced back to me. Ever. In any way.
Roman: Oh, you'll be keeping those good boy medals! I swear! (Extends his hand) Do we have a deal?
Ironwood: ...(Takes his hand) Deal.
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madwoman14 · 2 years
Ah I love that you loved it! The song if you don't know is Perfect by Selena Gomez and I just think it's so beautiful and such an interesting take on a jealousy/love triangle song. Just cause there's really no hate or anger directed towards the other woman or the guy who's cheating on her, the only "hate" in it is directed towards herself. It's about her own insecurities coming to surface because of this love triangle.
I said in the tags of the gifset that it really isn't supposed to be about ship stuff, it's more of a character study of Malia, and I really meant it. I've been thinking about this a lot since it hit me that Lydia is really great at everything Malia struggles with when turning human again. She's very socially intelligent, which is a key part of her entire popular status. It's something I find really interesting about Lydia, her entire image is very carefully constructed to give her as much status as possible, which is why she pretends to be dumb and why she's threatened when Scott starts to surpass her boyfriend in lacrosse skill, while Malia can't even hold a conversation "normally" yet. It's also about Lydia's good grades, specifically math, since that's what Malia struggles the most with (it's why in the third gif I chose the shot of Lydia helping her in math class).
All of that is why I think the song fits Malia so well. I think her insecurities are inherently intertwined with how she views Stiles and Lydia. She loves and admires both of them while thinking that they're everything that she's not "Ooh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love, like you, like you".
The song is also very clearly queer, with how much she fantasises about and romanticises the other girl in her head "'Cause I hear you talking 'bout her in your sleep And now you've got me talking 'bout her in mine / I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too / I could love her, too, like you, like you" and as an avid malydia lover I think that's a really cool concept to explore. Just mushing together all my different thoughts about these characters together.
i need to start paying you, these words! i didn’t know the song so thank you for that! i agree with the love triangle thing, lydia or malia weren’t painted as the “other woman” there wasn’t jealously or hatred in the triangle, like in the scott allison and issac thing for the most part. i do think malia struggled with coming to terms with herself because for a good chunk on the show she was basically on The Outside of the pack. i don’t think the pack was aware but there was a barrier between the rest of the pack familiar with the human world and malia tate former coyote. the hand reaching out to her was stiles but still she was on the outside of whatever bond stiles and lydia had. lydia and malia really are totally different characters and i never noticed the significance of math for them. there’s lydia “future fields medal winner” which didn’t go with her facade and malia who just can’t get the hang of it (i saw the lydia was from the math scene!! your mind= genius). both of them want hate being on the outside but the outside means different things for both. for lydia she can let her mask down around the pack but that’s where malia wants to fit in- the whole little mermaid thing comes into here. i feel like there was no totally straight person in that show, especially malia and lydia so the song fits. also i need to hear your take on the malia introduction hallway scene i can never tell what expression is on lydias face, seen countless opinions on it and need yours. also the gif set was so wonderfully crafted mal and there was so much thought behind it’s really amazing.
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i-like-eyes · 3 years
Interesting Daroach Dialogue
Hey y'all, trying something different from my normal content. Recently the Kirby JP Twitter posted some Squeak Squad themed tweets regarding the characters, including what was new information to people. What was said in the tweets was information already present in Mass Attack, but most people haven't played a nearly 10-year-old spinoff DS title released at the end of the console's life span. Daroach has over 300 lines of dialogue in Mass Attack, the most out of any character in the series. Because reading wiki's are lame, I've listed some of his more note-worthy dialogue for those that are interested.
Side note: While I may or may not get to writing a separate post analyzing this (homework takes priority rn), I want to note that any and all dialogue listed is up to interpretation. I write context when needed and will sometimes explain my reasoning for why an excerpt is interesting, but Daroach's real motivations are vague. I don't think there is one "right" interpretation for this game, so have fun.
Spoilers for Mass Attack under the break!
Daroach's airship serves as a hub for the Kirby's to stay at. He has the Kirby's collect medals for him, but they are not required to finish the game. He mentions being on the Pupupu Island several times in his attempts to collect the treasure, but he needs Kirbys' help for tasks he cannot complete (like needing 10 Kirby's). He exists to give exposition and hints during the game, while also sprinkling some snarky but encouraging tid-bits.
Introduction (Despite Mass Attack coming out after Squeak Squad he still introduces himself suposedly for new players):
"Welcome, my little friend! Or should I say...friends? I am Daroach, the captain of the treasure-hunting Squeaks. I have sniffed out a stash of riches that I must possess. Medals, on this island! Would you help me collect these medals?"
If the player selects yes:
"Excellent! I have a nose for gold, so I'll be trying to find the locations of medals. Return to me anytime you need a treasure tip."
If the player selects no:
"No? Oh, I see! You are toying with Daroach, like a cat plays with a mouse. You say no when you mean yes! Daroach likes a good sense of humor. And do you know what I like even more? Medals! So help me collect them all. Return to me for hints. Now, good luck."
Once you collect all the medals (only crazy people have seen this):
"Marvelous! You've collected all of the medals! And THAT concludes my business here. Let me just take those off your hands. Now good-bye. Farewell. So long. And see you around the cosmos. Oh, don't look at me like that! You know I'm deeply thankful for all you've done... But I suppose some sort of thank-you gift is in order!"
*gives you the boss rush mode or something*
"Now I think THAT really does conclude our business! I must be off, since a treasure-hunter's job is never done. I hope we meet again someday."
Information on the Squeaks:
"My friends moving down below are known as the Squeakers. They do most of the intel gathering around here. They're the ones who found out where most of the medals are. But the Squeakers are timid, so that leaves only you to get those medals for me!"
"Below me you see Spinni, the most stylish member of my gang. And he ferrets out treasure like a pro. But he's taking a break from the biz right now. That's why I'm relying on you."
"My floating friend there, Doc, built my airship. He's a genius when it comes to machines. Right, Doc? Hmm. He's getting on in years now, but I'm sure he's got a lot of big ideas knocking around his head."
"I've seen a lot of great airships in my travels. But my floating friend Doc, there, made this one. And it's the best around."
"The fellow behind you goes by the name Storo. He's always been a big guy, but don't worry. He's really a pussycat. So to speak."
"My friend Storo behind you might seem like a brute. But would a brute brush his teeth until they're all minty fresh? So, best not to judge a book by its cover."
"Seeing how close Big Birdee and the Wee Birdees are makes me tear up... My crew is my family, and they're the best around."
Mentions of "sources", probably the Squeakers:
"My sources say that there's a quirky kind of candy out there."
"My sources tell me that this island was once the place of an incredible battle."
Regarding Whispy Woods:
"I feel like I've seen the boss of this island somewhere before..."
Regarding Dedede Resort:
"This island is so tropical, yet you can ski as well. No better place for a getaway, I guess."
"I used to steal the hearts of young ladies by the seaside here. But that was long ago, before King Dedede came to spoil its shores."
"Dedede Resort has a castle that King Dedede had built. It's supposed to be beyond tacky."
(Note: While he pokes fun at the Dedede Resort he doesn't make any snarky comments when describing the actual Dedede boss fight.)
This bit from his description of Lady Ivy:
"Like all beauties, she's got a thorny side!"
Repeated hints, a little self-aware:
"What? You knew that? Then what are you waiting around for... Small talk?"
"You may hear me prattle about the same things. It's just that I'm a single-minded sort of rogue."
Leaning on/breaking the forth wall Daroach casual gamer confirmed:
"As the captain of an airship with all sorts of buttons and blinky lights... I know the value of a good manual."
"They say to always play games in moderation. That makes perfect sense to me. It leaves some time to scout out treasure!"
"If the power light on your Nintendo DS turns red, it's time to recharge the battery. Seems like a good thing to know."
"I wish I could get my hands on one of those Nintendo 3DS systems. Seems like they're worth their weight in gold."
This one is interesting for mentioning tomatoes, but not noting that he hates them; either it wasn't necessary at the time or that detail was added during Star Allies:
"Bananas are better than apples. And melons? Better yet. Maxim Tomatoes produce the juiciest results of all."
Has a playful side:
"Which is your favorite way to get to those hard-to-reach places? Jumping? Or riding a star? Me, I think I couldn't choose!"
"How's that little game go? She loves me... She loves me not... I think that game doesn't apply to some of the flowers here. They're not going to love you if you pull their petals off!"
"Seen the rainbow pinball table yet? That game is ridiculously addictive."
"I used to go to the bubble-bursting attraction at Dedede Resort all the time. But I could never pocket any medals that flew by. If you jump high enough, you can grab them."
Is very sensitive/uptight:
"I can't stand rain. It makes a slimy mess of my fur."
"Slimy stuff gives me the shakes. See? I'm shaking just thinking about it!"
"Rain rarely falls in this desert. All this dry air is making my fur itch!"
"Cemeteries give me the heebie-jeebies, because anything could pop out at you."
"It's ridiculously hot here. Too hot to be wearing a cloak."
He is so encouraging it hurts:
"I've always been a big fan of underdogs. I guess that's why I'm helping you out."
"Return here, of course, if you run into any trouble out there. Good luck to you."
"Be careful in there. It sounds bleak."
"Saving the world from darkness can be exhausting work. Don't forget to take a break now and then."
"Stay together to survive."
"Return to me safe and sound!"
Rats are canon to the Kirbyverse apparently:
"Rhino Beetles are like rats deserting a sinking ship. Those little insects are smart, all right."
Daroach, Kirby doesn't have-
"But you'll need to run toward the medal quickly, or else it will slip through your fingers."
"I bet you can trick one into blasting its treasure into your hands."
Mofo just casually mentions a moment from his childhood detailing his wacky adventures on the Pupupu Islands whereas Zan-
"I remember searching for treasure on this island when I was young. It suddenly started raining. I ducked into a cave. When I saw some plant squiggle on the ceiling... I lashed out at it, pulled it down, then found myself crashing through the floor! I fell down a hole, and when I finally landed, I saw a flicker of gold nearby. There were enemies too, and I barely escaped with my life. I wonder if that treasure is still there?"
Make of this one what you will:
"Here's a tip that's gotten me a long way in life. Steer clear of any cake that's thrown at you."
"Necrodeus hates light and wants to steep the world in darkness. As a pirate, I can respect that. But with no light, all my treasure would cease sparkling. And I can't have that. Do everything in your power to stop him. My gold must shine!"
"A rainbow seems to be a universal symbol for harmony! But I wonder what Necrodeus sees when he looks at a rainbow? Probably gives him a headache."
"Take it from me. The bigger they are, the harder they fall."
"They say that no one lives on this island. But strange voices come from one of the buildings here. Perhaps it's ghosts, if you believe in such things."
"When in doubt, hurl yourself against a tombstone and see what happens."
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