#I'm a fucking genius
livingd3adqpid · 1 year
Matt with long hair; Mello with short hair.
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milangakokoros · 3 months
I know I have you tired with the hyoshun but HEAR ME OUT
• Hyoga wearing a Nirvana t-shirt as pajamas
• Shun telling him "tell me 3 songs of theirs, you damn poser"
• Hyoga responding: "I'm using YOUR shirt and I couldn't find another one, you idiot"
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feather--fae · 11 months
fuck off i can't believe anne and mary were everything i could have wanted absolutely unhinged completley bonkers 100% meddling lesbians i'm literally obsessed with them i keep fucKING WINNING BITCHES!!!!!!
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dazzlerazz · 9 months
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hedjblogr · 1 year
shipping jill valentine with both chris redfield and carlos oliveira
call that a jill sandwich
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nightydraws · 1 year
You're in the cinema at Oppenheimer. It's about the middle of the movie.
Suddenly, you get an idea for your au. You know that it would be lost forever if u don't write it immediately.
So you do. You take your sketchbook from your backpack. While still looking at the screen, you write it on a random page. Then you close it and put it back into your bag, hoping no-one will ask you about it.
No-one did. After the movie, when you want to tell your mom about it, you try to think what it was about. But:
You have no idea what you wrote in that moment.
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safyresky · 2 years
Shadowy Snippet: Dite Comes Out
A/N: Been thinking of this one all week while fist fighting covid, given that it is ace awareness week! It's a little Into the Shadows snippet (shadowy snippet) I wrote a while back while having feelings well past ten o'clock. At one point in ItS, the Legates share their deepest fears—and Dite's is very close to home: she's afraid of coming out, as ace, to the other Legates.
Her scene here, her whole spiel, is very near and dear to my heart. Her coming out as Ace was my experience after discovering the term Asexuality, and trying to come out to my friends. It's very...personal, but I really wanted to share it because it's so near and dear to my heart, as is Dite, and it just felt right to share it with you all before the week ended.
So TW for aphobia; Dite shares her experiences with it for the whole first half. But I promise you, after she comes out, the Legates curb stomp any and all aphobia and love and support Dite just the way she is, as we all should do with all our ace/aro pals!
So, please enjoy! Happy ace awareness week!
(And sorry for the kind of like, not quite ending ending. It's a shadowy snippet after all—it's meant to continue into more Legates offering up their fears and such :). I did my best to give it a sort of ending ending)
Jacqueline sniffled, wiping away the wet with the palms of her hands. “I guess I just thought that maybe if you guys knew the truth, you wouldn’t accept me. You’d treat me different, or be as afraid of me as…as I’ve been.”
“Oh, Jacqueline!” Dite said, a warble in her voice. She was tearing up in a very cartoonish manner; it was very reminiscent of Studio Ghibli. Nearly flipping the table in her haste to fly over to the sprite, she grabbed her tightly and held her very, very close. “We’re you’re friends! We love you! We’d never turn you away. If you were to freeze right here, right now, we’d stay put and be with you the entire time. I’d be with you the entire time.”
Dite held Jacqueline’s cheeks gently, her warm palms wiping away the rest of the wet on her face. Jacqueline leaned into her hands with a happy sigh. “I know that now,” she said, her voice wavering. I am so in love, she thought, glad nobody could hear her thoughts.
Dite sniffled, hugging the sprite tightly and burying her head into Jacqueline’s shoulder. “I’m always here for you,” she said, quietly enough that only Jacqueline could hear. “Always.”
“Thank you,” Jacqueline whispered back, just as quietly with a careful squeeze.
“It’s funny,” Dite said, loud enough for everyone to hear. “I have the same fear as you do. Did you know that?”
“You do?” Jacqueline asked, dumbfounded.
Dite nodded, letting go of the sprite and turning to the table at large. Her fellow Legates—her friends—all stared at her. Curious. Waiting. “I do. Jacqueline’s fear is so similar to coming out, and I’m just as afraid as she was. I’m terrified, actually, to come out to you guys, but I guess I’m about to do it anyway!”
“Come out?” Myles asked. “You already did? You told us ages ago, Dite!”
“You did!”
“I remember that!”
“Yeah! You were all like I’M PAN and we were all like SICK!” Blossom said.
Dite giggled in spite of it all. “I did. You were all very supportive. But I wasn’t referring to that,” Dite said. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I’ve taught you all the difference between romantic versus sexual identity, right?”
The Legates all nodded.
“Okay, good. That’ll make this a bit easier. Coming out as panromantic was surprisingly easy! It wasn’t a problem, at home. I mean, most, if not all the gods are panromantic. My sexual orientation is, uh, is. Is different. It’s, well, none,” she said with a shrug and a flustered laugh. “I’m asexual. Ace for short. I don’t feel sexual attraction. Um, it was. When I learnt about it, about ace as a term, it was a relief. I thought I was broken, and I felt really bad about it. So learning about it from the ace gods was a blessing. Pun unintended,” she added.
“But appreciated,” Charlie said.
“Speak for yourself,” Jacqueline shot back.
Dite giggled. “I told my parents right away. It was so reliving to have the term, I felt, well normal! And Mom and Dad were super supportive. Of course they were! God of Love, Goddess of the Soul? They understood completely and were really happy for me,” she said, hand sliding from her neck to her chest. “It went so well that I thought it’d go just as well with anyone else I told.”
“It didn’t, did it?” Jacqueline asked quietly, a chilly hand on the goddess’s forearm.
“No,” Dite said, the tears pooling now. “Not at all.”
A few tears fell; her wings fluttered in front of her, wiping them away carefully. “Dad’s side was ah, bad. Mom’s side was somehow worse! Diana and Artemis and Athena and Minerva were super supportive. I mean, of course they were! They’re the ones who taught me about asexuality, and the spectrum, and everything! But the rest of the gods? Holy guacamole,” Dite said, flushing. “It was all, that’s just a fancy way to call yourself a virgin and not feel bad about it! or, like, you just haven’t met the right one yet! And the best? Oh, the best was when my dear old grand mater said I wasn’t living up to my namesake. Um, hello? It’s like, have you ever heard of hedonism at all? Not all pleasure is inherently sexual! I would know! I’m the ding dang Goddess of Pleasure, for goddesses sake! Gods, it is SO on brand for Venus to say something like that. Aphrodite would never!”
Dite huffed, tucking her side bangs back behind her ears. Xander looked like he wanted to speak up; Jacqueline glared at him, making a silent shushing motion.
“Anyway,” Dite continued, her wings fluttering, a few feathers falling down. “I hoped that maybe with some casual friends it’d be better. They’d be more accepting, you know? But that was a mistake. When I told them I was ace and explained it to them, I got laughed at and called. Well. A baby. They thought the whole thing was hilarious, ridiculous; I tried my best to explain that it wasn’t but they were so caught up in the Roast of Hedone that they did not listen. They talked about sex things and when they used a term I didn’t know, I was told ‘oh, don’t worry, we’ll tell you when you’re older’.”
The Legates grimaced; someone hissed.
“Right? It was awful! After that experience, I confided in another friend of mine, who I was very close to. And they were so supportive and accepting and it was so nice! But then it wasn’t. It was all kind of misunderstanding questions, which is fine, you know, I’m all for educating people on various sexual and gender identities, so I was more than happy to clear up any asexual misconceptions they may have had! But then it was like, if I cracked a sex joke they’d be like ‘haha, I didn’t expect THAT from YOU given that you’re ACE!’ I mean, come ON. Just because I don’t experience sexual attraction doesn’t mean I’m not going to leap at the opportunity to make a good that’s what she said joke, right?”
“Oh my god, yeah!”
“Thank you! GODS it was so FRUSTRATING,” Dite said, blinking tears out of her eyes and clenching her fists. “They kept making comments like that, and it hurt! A lot. But I think what hurt the most was when they outed me to a bunch of mutual pals. And I was RIGHT THERE!” Dite said angrily, gesturing angrily in front of her, hands splayed. “And they just said it like it was nothing! As if being ace was meaningless compared to coming out as gay or trans or non-binary. And don’t get me wrong, coming out as queer in any way shape or form is hard. I don’t want to dismiss the struggles others have had. But so is coming out as ace. It isn’t any less hard as any other queer identities.”
"I hope that friend isn't your friend anymore," Charlie said, darkly.
"They're not," Dite said. "And I miss them! A lot! But someone outing you is a hard thing to forgive and forget."
"Especially when there's fire involved," Jacqueline said.
Dite chuckled. She sighed, closing her eyes tightly. “I stopped coming out, after that. I didn’t tell anyone else.” Her eyes snapped open. “And it’s been like, a growing fear the longer I stay in the closet. And every time I fought the shadows, all I saw were the only people I haven't told say all of those things back to me, but somehow meaner!”
“Us,” Spring asked without asking.
“Yeah,” Dite confirmed, sadly. “And even though I knew deep down that none of you would say or do things like the shadows were making me think, I couldn't be sure. Not with all of my past experiences.”
Wings droopy, Dite sniffled, wiping more wet off of her face with her forearm. Her hand got cold, suddenly; she looked down, blinking away tears, her heart (and wings) fluttering when she saw Jacqueline’s pale hand entwined in her tan one.
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with that,” Jacqueline said, voice heavy. She gazed up at the goddess, her eyes looking watery. “We’ve come a long way, but people are still spiteful and afraid of what they don’t understand.”
“Or just bigots,” Night added.
Dite gave a watery laugh; Jacqueline squeezed her hand. “That too.”
“And with how hyper sexualized ordibeing culture is?” Olivia said, looking cross. “Everyone is like, sex obsessed! It’s…” she searched for words, coming up empty.
“Yucky,” Myles said wisely.
“Yes! Exactly! It’s yucky,” Olivia agreed.
Dite’s wings gave a hopeful flutter.
“And the emphasis in most cultures on the nuclear lifestyle, and children,” Xander added. “It’s mind boggling. They don’t care about your sex life when you’re hetero, but the MOMENT you come out as anything but, let alone ace? It’s suddenly a Big Deal,” Xander said, angrily. “Dite, I need you to know something. It’s very important,” he continued, reaching over the table and placing his hand gently over top of Dite’s free hand. “You are not alone,” he began, looking right into her teary brown eyes. “I’m also ace! Ace and aro!” He said with a grin.
Xander nodded. “Really! I’ve known about the label for years, but I’ve never felt the need to come out. Just knowing the terms existed and defined what I was feeling was good enough for me! It makes me feel like less of an outsider. And I hope that sharing this with you makes you feel far more welcome than anyone has ever been any time you’ve tried to express yourself. You are not alone, Hedone.”
“Yeah!” Myles said, shooting up in his seat so fast that the chair fell over. “This is an ace safe space!” he declared, hoping onto the table. “Safe ace space? I think that’s got a better ring to it,” he said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin, and yes, still standing on the table. "A safe space for aces! That's the one. Safe space for aces!" he declared again.
“Awwh, you guys,” Dite said, with a wobbly smile, her free hand on her heart. “You’re all so sweet, I’m… this means so much to me,” she admitted, “I can’t even find the words to express how much I…ah! Just! Ah!”
“You mean a lot to us,” Jacqueline said, grabbing Dite’s hand in both of hers now. “We love you for you, Dite. And we’re here for you! Listen,” she said, standing up from her seat and grabbing the goddesses head, turning it towards her. “If anyone, anyone, ever makes you feel that way again, or makes comments like those people did about you, I will freeze them right solid. Like, it’s on sight.”
“That’s very sweet Jacqueline, thank you,” Dite said with a soft smile.
“I would happily kill for you, Dite,” Jacqueline replied, earnestly.
“Okay, maybe tone down the murder, Jacqueline?” Spring asked.
“We could also just disappear them for you,” Night said. “Right into the void,” he added.
“Night!” Spring chided.
“Ou yeah! You chuck someone into the void, you’re never seeing them again. Erases them right out of existence!” Day added, chipper.
“Day!” Spring chided again.
“Cleaner too,” Night added.
“Hang on a sec,” Myles interrupted, turning to face Xander now, yes, still on the table. “Aro? What’s that mean?”
“Aromantic! It’s the flipside of asexual,” Xander explained. "So while Asexual is little to no sexual attraction, Aromantic is little to no romantic attraction."
“THERE’S A WORD FOR IT?!” Myles shouted.
“Yes!” Dite said with a laugh. “Of course there is!”
The other Legates laughed, Olivia gently pulling her brother down from the table. Dite smiled to herself; seeing the reactions of her friends be so positive? And warm? And knowing it wasn't just her? She found herself filled with so much warmth, hope and confidence! Those shadows had been wrong. Dead wrong.
And Dite couldn’t wait to pummel them the next time they tossed some casual aphobia her way.
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I just thought of a plot for the myspace AU
it could be several months before you guys see it. But I thought of it. Frenchie, Wee John, Jim, Oluwande, Roach, and the Swede are involved now. As are Black Pete, Fang and Ivan but they're involved in a different way.
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plsdnttm · 1 year
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yippee!!!!! I fixed my own toilet!!!!! I can poop in peace again!!!!
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bluehellspawn · 2 years
They should make a jazz X funk song for every single superhero ever
It'd make them actually cool and help marvel fans get bitches
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
99% of fictional empires: Evil, meant to echo the imperialistic bullshit of real-world atrocities and the horrible history of colonialism. You know it's bad and meant to be bad.
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lilgoblinbitch · 6 months
i think tonight is a rewatch episode four and crack open a bottle of wine type of night.
"why" you ask? because...
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BECAUSE my brain is fuzzy and is going a million miles a minute from watching this scene. it is a cinematic masterpiece and i need to cherish it again.
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misteria247 · 20 days
I think one of the many reasons I like the TimmyJimmy ship so much is because Jimmy is like a positive influence for Timmy. Jimmy represents a brighter tomorrow in a way. That despite everything that Timmy's come to accept about himself and believing that he's essentially a bane of everyone's existence, for some reason Jimmy wants to be around him. Like imagine-
You're Timmy. For years you've been essentially told that you're not wanted. That your personality is annoying and unpleasant, that you make everything worse just by existing and breathing. That no matter what you do, everything goes up in flames. Your parents make it known that they'd rather do anything else than be around you. That they only find value in what you rarely offer. The kindness that you display often times backfires or gets taken for granted. Your friends, while they care, clearly prefer each other's company over yours. Literally the entire world is hellbent on reminding you that no matter what you do, someone's gonna be angry at you or just not give a fuck. The only good thing in your life is your adopted fairy parents who love you to bits and pieces. And it's because of them you still continue to do your best even though some days you wanna say fuck it.
And then one day you meet this boy from another universe.
He's smart, a bit cynical and can be rather blunt and for some reason he rubs you the wrong way at first. But once you both start to get to know one another, you find yourself enjoying his company and to your surprise the feelings mutual. You tentatively enter this friendship with him, excepting the other shoe to drop. For him to reveal his "true" feelings towards you. For him to finally become sick of you. You wait and wait and yet......
He never does.
Before you realize it, you're apart of a team involving a ghost and a sponge, with this genius being the leader and you being the muscle. You grow close to them, and over and over again you're forced to entertain the idea that maybe you are worth the effort. This boy includes you in his plans, and takes your words seriously and let's you into his lab. You're the first person he goes to, and he's always willing to explain his inventions and the science to you even though you don't understand. And when there's fights and you think that this is it, that he's finally had enough.....
He throws your expectations right out the damn window.
Over and over and over again he takes everything you'd learned over your lifetime and burns it to the ground. He sticks with you through thick and thin, and is willing to stay with you because he wants too. Slowly making you begin to actually be comfortable in your own skin. To let that side you're always keeping quiet out more. And then one day you look at him, you see him smiling and laughing at some joke you said and you see the light and mirth in his gaze, the sincere emotions that you bring to him just by being yourself. And it's then you realize that maybe you can have good things in your life. That there's truly a rainbow at the end of every storm. That when you look at him, you feel like spring.
Just ugh they make me insane-
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imerian · 19 days
My (very old) loscar brooch (?) that i just now made doodles for
More pictures under cut
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#loscar#logan sargeant#ls2#oscar piastri#op81#and now starts the rant#my fave detail is probably tge eye. there few beads like this and they were laying around until my friend said that they look loscar relate#so o started making making whole thing around that bc in my opinion it's genius (also sorry this is gonna have extremely long tags bc i had#run out of them once. maximum is 30 apparently)#I'll go by lains from here so first obviously eagle. i think it's hilarious and what's even funnier is that i bought those charms before#even knowing who Logan was. just for shit and giggles#also to coala i added a bead on top to somewhat match the height#also i love mixing up their colours bc I'm insane about that. how they ideal negatives of eachother and how orange fits logan while blue-os#so i also mixed it up with those animals charms and their attachments here#next stop - oscar lane. there not a lot of black which is bas but at least last heart is actually black. beads above it represents eyes#(you can see with doodles) and next one is for his hair but i couldn't find how to show it#and round see through bead i use for his helmet bc it shines with red yellow and blue#middle part - i talked about the eye but also beads above it. i tried to match tones so they won't clash#then fish and i love that it's in form of heart bc i associate both of them with water so much i needed something here#and bead underneath that is for Logan eyes ofc. for doodles there tried to use brown so oscar would have blond/logan brown but didn't work#AND READ HEART. “-WELL IT'S NOT YELLOW” “PREMA RED THEN?”#as you can see I'm totally normal about their prema times plus i love how it stands out with everything else and can be read as#usual meaning of red hearts. also made out of corals so it fits them too#and last but not least - Logan my beloved#first and foremost STARS#I added as much as humanly possible party bc of American meme party bc i fucking love stars and associate him with them#also added all williams shades of blue and even white so it covers all that#okay no I lied a bit bc i used a button for their dark blue#another thing i would like to mention is metal ring bc it has extremely small hearts on it that you need to look for to notice#I HIT LIMIT FUCK.last thing to say is how I tried to play with circles in middle of every lane. okay goodbye
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hibanny · 22 days
Marcille's artwork + dorm tap and combat animations for the Arknights x Dungeon Meshi collaborative event "Delicious on Terra"
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nectardaddy · 15 days
the four horsemen as the seijoh 4⁉️⁉️
well it's already been established that I'm mattsun and @honeekyuu is makki....
and I think @eggyrocks needs to be iwa bc they are the OFFICIAL iwa stan of tumblr so that leaves @mollyrolls as oikawa 😭😭😭
but oikawa and iwa are up for debate between molly and eggy lmao
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