#They treating each other like a couple who have been married for 30 years is very funny to me.
milangakokoros · 3 months
I know I have you tired with the hyoshun but HEAR ME OUT
• Hyoga wearing a Nirvana t-shirt as pajamas
• Shun telling him "tell me 3 songs of theirs, you damn poser"
• Hyoga responding: "I'm using YOUR shirt and I couldn't find another one, you idiot"
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acewritesfics · 10 months
Call Me Tommy | TOMMY SHELBY
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fic Type: Imagine.
Request: No.
Warnings: There's a little swearing. Rose is the name of Tommy and Reader's daughter, Caroline is the name of Rose's daughter (Tommy's and Reader's granddaughter) and Jennifer is the name of Caroline's Daughter (Tommy and Reader's great-granddaughter), hopefully that all makes sense. Grace and Charlie did happen but Lizzie and Ruby didn't because that would have added more confusion for me. There is also names for Reader's siblings. This isn't meant to be cannon in any way, shape, or form. ITALICS ARE FLASHBACK'S TO 1925 
Word Count: 1,969
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Jennifer walks into her elderly grandmother's room at the rest home. Though the 92 year old doesn't remember much from the last 60 years, Jennifer still loved visiting her Grandma Rose. She enjoys listening to the stories Rose tells her, ever since the young 30 year old woman was a child. Her Grandma Rose told the best stories and in the best way. And Rose never forgot telling them to her. It was one of her memories that refuses to fade. 
"Good morning, Grandma Rose," The young woman greets her grandmother with a warm smile and kiss to her cheek.  
"Good morning, Jenny," the elderly woman smiles, her eyes lighting up seeing her youngest grandchild, the one she's always been closest too and the only one who name hasn't left her mind. All her other grandchildren were familiar faces that didn't visit her as often as Jenny does. 
"How are you feeling today?" Jenny asks taking a seat across from her at the small table in her room. 
"About the same," she replies. "How's your mother?"  
Jenny's mother, Caroline, is Rose's second child and her first daughter. Her uncle, Rose's oldest and only son, died a few years ago from an illness and her younger daughter died when she was just a baby. 
"She's good, she's hoping to come see you next week," she informs her though she knows she won't remember it by time tomorrow comes. "She found something for me to show you," she reaches into her handbag, pulling out an envelope. Opening the envelope, she takes out the three photos that are inside and lays them on the table facing Grandma Rose. "Mum found these in the attic and thought you might like them." 
A smile graces Rose's lips as tears build up in her eyes looking at the photos with so much love that it makes Jenny feel emotional.  
The first photo was of a young woman who couldn't be much older than Jenny is now. The second photo is the same woman with a handsome man, on what looked to be their wedding day, instead of looking at the camera. They were gazing at each other with so much love and adoration it makes Jenny's heart melt. The third photo was the same couple, a little older, with a baby girl sitting on the woman's knee, and a boy who couldn't be more than 10 standing beside her as the man stood behind her with one hands on her shoulder and the other on the boys shoulder. 
"This was my mother, Y/N," Rose tells Jenny as she picks up the photo of the woman. "This was before she met my father. Her first husband died in the war. She was only 23. They weren't married more than 6 months. It took her a long time to want to love again and then my father came along. He was a widow himself, with a son, my half-brother Charlie. Do you remember your Uncle Charlie?" 
Jenny smiles fondly remember the elderly man that always snuck her treats as she grew up. He had passed five years ago. "He was a lovely man. You both never spoke much of your parents. How did they meet?" 
"My mother always said it was fate," She says, her eyes moving to the photo of the married couple as she picks it up. "They met back in 1925..." 
Y/N was growing frustrated with Adam, her older brother, as she stands in the only suit shop there is in Small Heath, Birmingham. The 34-year-old didn't want to be here in the first place but of course Adam needed a woman's opinion on the suit that was currently being tailored for him. She doesn't understand why he needed a new suit when he has plenty at home. He told her he didn't have a date or that he wasn't going any where fancy, that he just needs one and that should be enough of an explanation. 
Leaving Adam to be tailored, she looks around the ready made suits to see if she could find one she likes for him. Nothing in particular catches her eye. They all looked the same to her but she was no expert on fashion. If it hadn't been for their older sister, Edith, growing up, she wouldn't know how to dress herself appropriately, let alone someone else.  
"You would have been better off bringing Edith instead of me," she calls to Adam moving the suits along the rack, "Or better yet that girl you fancy. That's why you want the suit, isn't it?" 
"You really thought you were my first choice to bring with me?" he teases and winces after the tailor purposely pokes him with a needle. "Edith was busy with her children." 
Edith is almost forty and pregnant with her and her husband's 8th child. Y/N is lost on how Edith could do it, popping out babies all the time. Edith's oldest child, a boy who's 17-years-old, the youngest, a daughter, is 2-years-old. She's due to have her 8th baby in two months.  
"And the girl I fancy, is out of town for the week," Adam continues. "I know you don't understand this because you haven't put yourself out there in 10 years, but this suit is going to help me finally ask her on a date." 
"Is the suit going to ask her for you?" she teases her brother, earning a chuckle from the tailor.  
"For your information my dear little sister, suits give a man a certain confidence like a woman with a beautiful dress that was made just for her," he states confidently. "And at least I'm trying to date. You're almost 35, with no husband and no children, you're a spinster." He winces again as the tailor pokes him even harder this time. 
"I'm a widow actually. You're the one who's never been married," she growls at him coming to where he's standing. "Why is it okay for you men to sleep with any woman you want and not have to consider marriage or having a family? But when a woman my age isn't married with children, we're spinsters and unlovable?" She ignores the smirk on the tailor's face as she directs her glare at her brother. "You know what, you're on your own." 
She turns on her heel and goes to storm out the door when she bumps right into another person, almost knocking herself back on her bottom. Lucky for her, the person's hands find her waist stopping her from falling backwards. "I am so so-" 
She is cut off when her eyes connect with eyes so vividly blue that she could drown in them.  
"Sorry," she finishes barely above a whisper, as though the air in her lungs have gone.  
"Don't apologise," he tells her. "Are you all right?" 
She nods unable to find her voice. She's never met a man with such beautiful eyes. She feels herself enchanted by them. When he removes his hands from her, a coldness settles over her. It wasn't until then that she noticed how warmth she felt when he was touching her.  
Finding her voice, she decides to introduce herself, holding her hand out towards him. "My name is Y/N L/N." 
"Thomas Shelby," he introduces himself taking her hand in his, the warm feeling returning to her. "Call me Tommy." 
"Mr Shelby!" the tailor calls to the man in front of her. "I won't be a minute." 
Tommy nods towards the man, before looking back at Y/N. "It was lovely to meet you, Ms. L/N."  
"It was lovely to meet you too, Mr Shelby," she agrees. 
He gives her a small polite smile and moves past her to go towards the tailor. She watches him for a moment, taking him all in, from the way he walks to how he stands, to his mannerisms when he speaks and listens. She didn't know him at all but there was something about him that drew her in, and it wasn't just his beautiful ocean blue eyes. She finds herself wanting to know him and everything about him. Little did she know that he was feeling the same about her. 
It was at this moment, her brother, fully dressed joins her. "I'm sorry for what I said. I'm just worried for you, sister. I don't want you to end up like mother when father died. I don't want you to end up alone." 
"You don't need to worry about me," she tells him as Tommy's eyes connect with her own. She feels her heart skip a bit and her breath catch in her lungs but manages to look away from the handsome man, with his high cheek bones, plump lips and beautiful eyes. 
Her brother notices what's happening and lets out a small groan as he pulls her out of the suit shop "Of course the first man to take your fancy after 10 years is none other than Thomas Fuckin' Shelby." 
"You know him?" her gaze snaps to Adam as they walk towards their shared home.  
"How do you not know who he is?" he answers with his own question, looking at her like she's grown three heads. "Everyone from Birmingham knows who he is."  
"We're not from Birmingham, are we?" she scoffs. "So who is he?" 
"He's the fuckin' King of Birmingham. Leader of the Peaky Blinders."  
"Well, that just makes him even more interesting," she mumbles more to herself as she gazes back towards the shop, hoping to see another glimpse of the handsome gangster. 
"Your Great-Grandfather had quite the reputation in Birmingham, even in London. A lot of people would say he was ruthless, cold, demeaning and a lot of other bad words and he was those things but he was also very smart, caring, loyal and he loved my mother completely. She was his Queen and he treated her like one. Everything he did was for us and the rest of his family," Grandma Rose explains after telling the story of how her parents met. "You look him up on that computer thing you have, but don't believe everything you read. The coppers had it out for him and tried to make him out to be the worst human being they had met. But there was also someone out there much worse than him." 
"Do you think about them often?" Jenny asks her. 
She nods, "All the time, more so now since I'll be joining them and Charlie soon." 
"Hopefully not too soon," Jenny smiles sadly. The thought of losing her Grandma Rose breaks her heart. 
Rose reaches out to hold her granddaughter's hand. "I want you to keep the photos. They would love for you to have them. You look just like her." 
"My mother? I know." She gives her hand a gentle squeeze, hearing the words Rose always told her, more so now that she was losing her mind. 
"No, not Caroline. My mother, Y/N. You look just like her but you have my father's eyes. Those beautiful blue ones that could drown someone in them," Rose smiles and stands up from her chair. "I love you Jennifer, don't ever forget that." 
"I won't," Jenny says as she helps the elderly woman into her bed. "I love you too, Grandma Rose." She places a kiss to her cheek and goes back to the table, looking at the photos once more as she picks them up and puts them back inside the envelope.  
Jenny looks back to her grandmother who's already drifted off to sleep and smiles. She goes back over to her and places a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. The first she decides to do as she leaves the rest home is to look up Thomas Shelby, her great-grandfather. 
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CREDIT: Razorblade and dots dividers made by me. Peaky Blinders divider made by @/firefly-graphics. Support divider made by @/cafekitsune.
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TAGGED: @forgottenpeakywriter | @rainydayteacups | @bernelflo
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lesbiandarvey · 24 days
I’m curious what your opinion is on the different occasions that Dick calls Nix Lewis vs Lew vs Nix. Like what name does he use for which occasion/place/situation? Also do you think he has any other pet names or nicknames he uses for him like baby, sweetheart, etc.
OKAY SO. i looked up every instance of nixon nix lewis and lew with the shows transcripts and i came away with two observations:
the real intimate name is not lewis its lew
no other character besides dick calls him lew.
OKAY. FIRST of all i was under the impression the usage of “lewis” by dick would be so emotional and raw and intimate that we don’t really see it. but the only usages of “lewis” by dick is in currahee and points. he calls him lewis in the mess (aka in the public sphere) in 1x01 and introduces him to harry as lewis. interestingly, harry calls him lewis in the last patrol so like that’s an accepted name for his friends. its only harry and dick that call him lewis though. dick also refers to him as “lewis nixon” directly to the audience in points when he says “it had been two years since lewis nixon and i joined the paratroopers”
dick calls him nix in the field. that’s his accepted nickname when they’re at work and i think that helps dick differentiate between his friend lewis and Nixon, The Intelligence Officer. he calls him nix when he jumps on the tank with him in day of days, he calls him nix when nix’s helmet gets shot so know its obviously a fond nickname. even when dicks stomach drops and he thinks lewis is dead for half a second he calls him nix—not because hes self censoring but because thats the name of the man he loves. notably no one else calls him nix. i think col sink might have called him nix once but to everyone else he’s “captain nixon.” and that’s really where the rubber meets the road is that the men call him nixon or capt nixon (perconte calls him nixon in why we fight, webster calls him capt nixon in last patrol), obviously out of respect/deference for his rank and the fact that like, they dont really know him as a person just as the intelligence officer
but LEW? that’s the real intimate one. dick is the ONLY person who calls him lew. and its only when they’re alone the uses of lew i found were
in crossroads when he’s waking him up and theyre alone in their billet
in breaking point when nix gets the 30 day pass and theyre talking in their tent away from the men
in why we fight when nix is getting divorced* dick asks lew? when theyre all packing into their trucks
in points when dicks voice over is talking about my friend lew died in 1995
*okay so like, the why we fight lew breaks the pattern cus its the only one where theyre around other people. i could argue dick slips up and uses lew instead of nix cus hes still freaked about operation varsity and treating nix with kid gloves . but idk feels like kind of a stretch i think he just said lew instead of nix cus he did, not for any particular reason
“nix” is his name in the field and at work but its still a little nickname for him and used everyday. i can see dick calling him nix even after they get home. i think people assume nix is a formal name dick is using cus its his last name, but its the opposite because nix is still called “nixon” by other men THATS the formal one
“lewis” is used casually and formally but used by dick and their friends. well just harry thats their only friend
“lew” thats dicks private nickname for lewis that is him staking his claim on his babygirl. only dick gets to call him that. and if its a question of what i think dick calls him in bed im definitely gonna go with lew.
as for other nicknames i think they call each other honey absentmindedly yknow in that married couple way (“honey, where do we keep the whisk?” “honey could you not leave your dirty clothes on the floor in the bathroom?” stuff like that) i did read this fic where dick calls nix “darling” like very rarely, only when it’s the two of them i love that. also i read somewhere that when nix calls dick “guts n glory” (points) that means hes fucking furious at him (he called him guts and glory for applying for the transfer to japan) which i 100% take as fact. also nix doesn't have any everyday nickname for dick but the way his voice drops three registers and he goes “...dick 🫦” is obscenely sexual
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bengiyo · 7 months
She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat 2 Eps 17-20 (Finale)
Last week gave me everything I wanted and more. The whole squad went over to Yako's place for a curry party and everyone had a great time. Later, Nagumo got a diagnosis for her condition and got to have personal time with Yako. Kasuga and Nomoto continued to work on their communication and making sure they aren't trampling over each other. They're continuing to work on this move. Seriously, we had a curry party and a s'mores party last week. We planted strawberries together. Let's finish this.
Episode 17
Looking for housing is so stressful. I was wondering if we'd get into housing discrimination in this.
Red beans in Japan are different from what we eat here. Theirs carry a naturally sweet profile that doesn't mesh well with creole cooking.
I feel like those beans needed to boil longer, but that's me thinking in my home cooking terms.
Yes, ladies, tell each other how happy you are to see each other.
@furritsubs thank you for the note about Azuki beans.
I'm really enjoying the way they're handling this situation. The realtor wasn't trying to be homophobic, but the systems he was upholding with the landlord references reinforces the status of same sex households. I also like that they acknowledged how circumstances closet people in ways that hurt them. This is good payoff from the news bit we saw earlier in season with Kasuga.
Getting a tasty treat in before going back into the fray is so valid.
Kasuga being even more affectionate about Nomoto's food now that they're dating is exactly what I wanted.
Episode 18
Oh fuck yeah, let's continue to unpack how structural homophobia makes people scared to share something that should be a joyous occasion.
Amused that Yako is the primary person using Nomoto's given name.
Are we going to have a takoyaki party next??
COME THROUGH, YAKO!!! You gotta help your folks get through this bullshit, but never let them forget that it's bullshit!!
I am relieved that we checked in with Ms. Fujita about divorcing her husband at the same time as we're working through LGBT housing issues. Single divorced women likely also face huge challenges in housing when marriage is the goal we're being pushed into.
Wow, Sayama, you are in contention for the Yihwa Best Girl Award this year. You are an ally. Love the way she examined how what she said might have been hurtful.
Feeling like you somehow failed because you didn't get married in your 20s is so real. I sometimes struggle with this in my 30s.
This show uses its characters to illustrate its political points in a way that feels gentle and accessible, but also carries a sense of urgency. Women are facing extreme reproductive pressure right now, and it's clearly not making those who don't already want husbands and children happier. Hell, it's making them resentful to the point of divorce as they get older.
Hold on. Gotta cry a bit about Nomoto telling Kasuga that being told outright that hiding who they are upset her made her feel better got me.
Episode 19
Takoyaki Party let's goooooo!!!
A party where you cook together like this is always so much fun. We had fun with some friends' kids a few weeks ago teaching them how to make pancakes and letting them add their own toppings before, during, and after cooking.
Nagumo managed to enjoy a bite of food with them. Hold on. Crying again.
We've seen takoyaki a few times lately, and I am very impressed with this cooker.
Yako, tactful as always, is gonna check on Nagumo. I love her.
This is so important. Couple formation does affect the friends around them, and I'm really glad Yako let Nagumo voice that she supports her friends even as she knows she's going to miss the dynamic they've had. Yako is so right to point out that a change doesn't mean it's over, and their friendship will last if we all continue to reach out.
This realtor scene is so good. I like how politely she asked for them to disclose their relationship with the express purpose of securing ideal housing, and we're getting into how the financing of housing can affect people's privacy. She's also owning that landlords can discriminate against couples. I also appreciate that their meeting room was private.
I'm ready for the moving in party!
Episode 20
They got the house!!
A crab cream croquette party!!!
Wait, where's Nagumo? I wanted her to try a croquette too!
We are on the bed together. This is not a drill.
Yes, let's acknowledge that they have liked each other since season 1.
The intimacy question is on the floor!
They are finally hugging!
That was very sweet, and felt right for them. I'm glad they had that moment in the old place before they moved.
Cried because of Ms. Fujita and Nagumo possibly getting hired.
So glad Yako and Nagumo are still hanging out! That's really how some friends groups will be. Two people will just gel at a party and grow close.
Oh hell yeah we're at casual intimacy now.
I'm so excited to see where the TV goes next season!!
Oh my goodness Kasuga is wearing a lighter sweater!!!!!!
Final Verdict: 10, Go Watch This Immediately and Then Show it to a Friend. Seriously, do not make excuses for yourself. You owe it to yourself to watch this show. Between this, Ossan's Love Returns, and What Did You Eat Yesterday? coming back, we cannot stop supporting our shows about older people getting together and forming their own forms of family. This show built on the foundation of its first season and made every little detail feel so potent and impactful. I did not expect the pen pal to grow into a trusted confidant and core member of this friend group, nor was I expecting the women at the supermarket to help Kasuga as much as they did. This season was excellent, and will be joining WDYEY on my comfort watch rotation.
Big thanks to @furritsubs and friends for making this watch possible.
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ninnosaurus · 6 months
(stands in your doorway nonthreateningly) plz tell us more about mob au
This is going to be VERY long so I do apologize for the long read... I'm going to put it under a "Read More" with some trigger warnings for LGBTQ-phobia, abuse, Stockholm syndrome, and well. Honestly? Don't open the "Read More" if you're not ready for what's to come. This Bayverse based Mob AU is... Dark
So, this unnamed mob au was co-created between me and an old friend of mine that's not around social media anymore.
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Basically: Splinter figures out he's smart enough to manipulate from the shadows and use humans as puppets to do his bidding. He creates this huge underground crime imperium and becomes one of the biggest crime lords of New York. The Hamato Enterprise deals with weapon productions, drug deals, hitman services and god knows what under the disguise that they're Good GuysTM. Under the disguise that they're helping New York and the world around them.
Splinter is the Head Boss of all of them. While the brothers all have their own "districts". Leo, being the oldest, is set to become the new Head Boss when Splinter dies. Currently, he's mostly a student to learn how Splinter runs the enterprise. He owns a little bit of all of his brothers' districts. Is known to be diplomatic. His first choice is always to TALK to his enemies, to try and come up with something that doesn't have to result in death. But he's not a stranger to killing them. He can and he will if someone deserves it. He is proud of his standing. He's very proud of being the Heir to the Hamato Enterprises and is studying very hard under his father. Leo, like Raph and Mikey, is in an arranged marriage with a woman called Bella. While Bella IS in love with Leo, he's more like... "I like you, I do. But I don't have romantic feelings for you." The only reason they're married is for them to produce more potential heirs, namely; sons. Which they never manage to do. They try, god knows they try. They just... Never concieve, you know? Somewhere along the timeline, Leo hires a streetwise man who was caught trying to steal from him, Loukas. Loukas quickly works his way up from runner to the very top of the bodyguard ranks. Platinum rank. The Platinum ranked body guards are the ones who works absolute closest to the brothers. These guards have their own personal living quarters in the main house. Luke is also the man Leo falls in love with. This is where the problems start. Splinter does NOT approve of that. Splinter has that twisted misogynistic world view, I'm not going to go into absolute detail about it here because I don't want to upset or trigger anyone, let's just say he treats his granddaughters as a way to "Create strong bonds between clans". So, Leo starts sneaking off with Luke in secret. On the outside, Leo is happily married with Bella. They're trying to have a kid and everything is good! Behind closed doors; Leo is helplessly in love with Luke and want nothing more than to be with him. It's thanks to Luke that Leo slowly but surely starts to change his view on all of this. On his life, on what his family is doing and what he's been an active part of for close to 30 years.
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Raph is the head of weapon dealings and productions and is well known as THE most ruthless brother of all of them. His method is always "Well, just kill'em." because if they're killed, there's less paperwork. At least according to him. Despise the fact that Leo is the heir of everything, because it's something HE wants. Raph has always dreamed of being the one to take over Splinter. He views the family as the one family that should rule all of New Yorks underground workings. He's in an arranged marriage with Jen. An... extremely toxic marriage. Everyone knows they're both openly cheating on each other. But she does makes him happy in a twisted, toxic kind of way. They have five kids, and is the first couple that produces a son, something Raph loves to boast to Leo about. Without a doubt the most abusive parents of the ones that are parents. I'm not going to go into details about that part because it's very dark.
Raph hates Loukas so much it's insane. But not for the reason mentioned above, he just hates him because Luke is "way too happy and nice".
He looses an eye in a fight with Leo at one point.
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Donnie is the head of the security, IT and surveillance department and has eyes and ears everywhere. And I mean everywhere. If there's something he knows his family should hear or see, he can make it so.
He holds every secret the family has. Got access to all emails, bank accounts, tapped phones and everything. Splinter knowing this, has dubbed Donnie his personal right hand. Donnie is always close to Splinter. It's rare to see Splinter out of his office, but if he is; Donnie is right there next to him.
This one also dishes out a lot of the torture that takes place in his underground labs and cells. Known for using their enemies as... "toys" and "guinea pigs" for experiments. Sometimes he gets bored and decide to inject them with poison, sit back with a tablet and just tell them to "I'll just sit right here until you feel like talking", knowing they'll talk eventually. His twisted like that.
Probably the only one of his brothers who actually and truly fell in love with his wife Alice who also loves him in a healthy way. They have twin daughters who he is EXTREMELY strict with. Being his kids, he believe that if they're "Not as smart as him, it's a waste of his time." It's okay, Alice is actually a good mom and tells him to buzz off when he goes too far.
The only one who actually knows about Leo and Loukas. The reason he doesn't say anything? He knows that if Raph was to take over instead of Leo, New York would become a war zone. Raph would wreak havoc through the entire city and Donnie doesn't want that. He's not thrilled what his oldest brother is doing, but he'd rather delete CCTV footage than let Raph take Leo's place as the heir.
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Mikey is the head communicator. This dude makes connections, he hold fundraising events, he runs their facade social medias. You get the point.
He's rarely actually involved with what his brothers do. However, he does look up to Raph a lot even here. He mostly sticks to himself and focus a lot on his connections. Travels a lot. Has an extremely obsessive and addictive personality. If he loves you, he L O V E S you. He thinks about you. He stalks you. He keeps track of you. If you hurt his feelings? You're dead. Sorry, but you don't break up with him without dying. Is married to Amber. How they met isn't really figured out or stated, all that's known is that he... kidnapped her. He'd built a room specially for her in his house, where he held her. Brainwashed her into loving him, and even managed something that's almost impossible: He made her imprint on him. She's obsessed with him, to his utter DELIGHT.
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SO UHM YEAH. There's a bit from the mob au that was mostly one of those fun things we played with for a while. It is extremely dark. Never decided if I wanted to actually make something out of it, but it's there. This au also has a "Good ending" and a "Bad ending". If anyone has any questions or wants me to go into those details too, I'd be happy to!!
Thank you so much for letting me rant about this, Nonnie 🥺
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cloudberry-sims · 2 years
A Decade Through Time: The Alderberg Legacy: Year 1612
It’s been almost a month since the last update , so here another one! Mostly a side house update though. 
From the Beginning I Currently
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It was a rainy , dreary day in 1612 when the 18 year old Jane Wolfeden went out to the tailor shop by the orders of her mistress to pick up a new dress she had been commissioning. 
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It had been many years since the former tailor , Isaac Stanwix , owned the shop and it was now in the hands of a handsome 21 year old man named Rodger Crawford. 
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However , it didn't take long before Jane and Rodger started to see one and other , although secretly at first. 
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She didn’t wish for Widow Dagworth to know about their little romance , she was scared to lose her job and housing if she knew that she been seeing the tailor on her days off. 
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But it didn’t take long until Rodger asked for her hand in marriage , which she accepted in heartbeat. 
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This was chance of a better life for Jane , hopefully filled with stability ,safety and love. 
The same can’t be said for Philips household... 
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By the time she was 6 years old , little Philippa Alderberg knew that her parents were unhappy together. 
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They had always something to argue about- laundry not being done , food being uncooked , not having enough coin for the month... Philippa was thankful to the watcher that they at least didn’t argue about her that often.
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Her father adored her , in his own weird way. He was nice yet overprotective , wanting her to stay home or go with him to the market to sell whatever they had made that winter. He would have outbursts if he didn’t know where she was. It was exhausting. 
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It’s like he didn’t trust her mother , although Emma was also very loving , yet not as smothering as her father. She let her go out on her own and play with other children.
If  Philippa was to be honest to the watcher , she preferred her mother to her father but she would never say those words out-loud as she didn’t want the watcher’s dice to have any ill intent. 
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By the end of the 1st quarter of the year , the Calott’s had a nice , peaceful night after a long days of treating the ill. 
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Ursula Calott , now 30 years old,  had put her daughter Hester to bed for the night. 
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It was at night Ursula and Magdalene could breathe at easy and enjoy one and others company without worry. They been together for 10 years now and hope that they will continue to be by each other sides for many more.
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3 months later , at the Kellogg Farm , Geoffrey and Parnell Mildmay welcomed their 3rd child: A little baby girl. 
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Avery , now 2 years old , was very curious over the small babe in swaddle. He took in everything about Christiana, that she was tiny and very sleepy , that when she cried she was hungry. A very smart lad they had , his parents agreed. 
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3 months after Christiana’s birth and Avery’s second birthday , Silas Wolfeden aged up to a toddler as well.
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Silas and Avery were very close in age , and the 1st cousins were more like brothers then anything else.It was a good thing , as the boys needed the company. 
The Wolfeden girls were too old to play with their baby brother and Christiana was “too little” to play with for Avery. The family hopes that the boys will continue to be good friends. 
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It has been 6 months since Jane and Rodger’s wedding , and the couple finally got the confirmation that she was expecting their first child together. 
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Rodger was very happy and wished for a son , so did Jane, although jokingly said that boys were rare in her family- it took her mother and father 17 years to have a son after all. 
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At beginning of the 4th quarter of 1612 ,  Barbara Horthall had arranged a meeting for her oldest son , Jasper , with a sorted someone. 
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Tieica Brokhil was the daughter of a dear childhood friend of Barbara's , and the one she been eyeing for her son to marry since Tiecia became a young lady.  
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Jasper liked Tiecia , she was a fun and loving lady who adored dogs and silly games. A good heart and light head.
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When Tieica first kissed him after giving her yellow blooms, Jasper knew that he would fall in love with her.
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If he already was not by the time wedding bells ring for their union. A much happier couple then that of Abel & Barbara... 
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Shortly after Jasper Horthalls marriage to Tiecia Brokhil , Jane Crawford went into labor. 
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Jane had the support of having her mother , her grandmother and younger sisters , as she was scared of giving birth alone. 
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Just like her mother and grandmother before her, Jane’s first child was a daughter- Ruth Crawford. Although she knew Rodger wished for a son , she was happy and content to hold her baby girl close to her. Besides , they will be able to have more children, one surely has to be a boy. 
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Across the green hills and dales of Outland , a young man was running with a sprint in his step. It was no other then Caleb Alderberg , Griffyn’s eldest son with his 1st wife.  The now 13 year old boy was a handsome man , inheriting most of his features from his dear departed mother. 
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Caleb was a very stern boy: He didn’t show much of his thoughts or feeling other then grumpiness , but he was not unfeeling. He liked beauty and could easily find it in the world around him with its flora and fauna. 
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The attic room has become his sanctuary , there he would write and draw from memory of the things he saw and discovered from his adventures. He was good with the quill and words for a man who never said much. 
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Meanwhile at the Friswell house , the now 40 year old Garitt had exciting news to share with his oldest son - that he has now found a betroth for him to wed in 2 years time. 
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The 15 year old Stephen didn’t share his fathers enthusiasm, for he did not wish to marry at 17, that was way too young for his taste.
 But his father insisted that Lady Isley would make a lovely bride and mother to his children and that it was something his mother would have approved of. 
If your wondering about why Philippa is referring to the watcher and the dice so much , its because she has the never nude trait = pious/religious. I think if a sims has supernatural skeptic they will also be religious , but so far only 1 has that trait. 
Next update we will spend more time with the main family. 
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snowball-maltese · 2 years
Okay massive info dump for my 1938-1939 octonauts au- Sorry
Beware is mentions homophobia, racism, and sexism - I am not homophobic at all! I hate all that so much!!!
But everyone was like that, it was the 30s
In this au unlike the official Octonauts, everyone is human and everyone is American (unless stated otherwise) as this takes place in New York City from 1938-1939. sorry this will be long.
Barnacles is a thirty-two year old cruise captain with traditional masculine values. He stands by his principles and stands for what he thinks is right. He is somewhat sexist and homophobic, not because he is a bad person, because everyone is at this time. He is simply following values his father had taught him.
Dashi is his sweet twenty-seven year old girlfriend. He has to leave her during the summer periods of the year thanks to his profession. They really do love each other, but she gets a little fed up with with his masculine views sometimes. She is a typical young woman of her time- listening to popular singers and artists like Glenn Miller, Bing Crosby, and Fred Astaire on the radio.
Kwazii is a twenty-eight year old New York gangster of the thirties. He is an associate of the Gambino crime family and has ties to several Italian “made men” of the crime family. He is really unhappy in this line of work, but is far too deep to go back now. He is a criminal whether he likes it or not.
Peso is a young twenty-five year old Spanish immigrant looking to start a life for himself in America as a doctor. Though he is having a hell of a time finding his place. As an immigrant he is already treated differently, but he is also secretly homosexual- something frowned upon by society. He finds himself treating a ginger man named Kwazii with whom he quickly falls in love. He is aware of the man’s crime connections but is too infatuated by him to care.
Shellington is a thirty-one year old scientist at New York University in the department of biology. He is considered nerdy and weird. Women don’t pay attention to him and are put off but his hyper-fixation on biology. He pretends all is fine and dandy but is actually very lonely and sad. He buries his feelings in his work and tries to forget his sadness. He and Dashi grew up together and consider each other siblings.
Tweak is a thirty-four year old woman working at her father Marsh’s shoe shop. Her father desperately urges her to get married, but she is passionate about woman’s rights and is very vocal about how she doesn’t need a man to live her life. So she has been deemed a spinster who is not worth the trouble of talking to by men. Despite her saying she is glad men pay no attention to her, she is very lonely. She and Barnacles are acquainted with each other because Barnacles buys his shoes at her store.
Inkling is a fifty-seven year old professor teaching biology at New York University. He is a mentor to Shellington and helps him get over his loneliness. The professor is madly in love with the Chinese immigrant, forty-three year old Min, whom he had met years ago. He is ashamed because mixed race couples are frowned upon, but is driven crazy by his feelings for her. He can’t tell anyone as he is supposed to be a respected conservative man to everyone who knows him or takes his class.
The story takes place from around Christmas 1938 to the beginning of World War II (September 1st 1939). The story is about unexpected people of the thirties, and America — Barnacles and Dashi’s in this case — learning to judge people for who they are and not for their race, nationality, sexuality, gender, or interests.
Sorry for huge information dump!! I wrote a lot last night 😅
Love to hear feedback 👉👈
I feel like this story’s theme song is Somewhere Over the Rainbow
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This is a drabble based off of Second Sons by @avengingangelfanfic !
Set 25 years into the future in that same fanfic universe, at Storm’s End. Catelyn (faceclaim: Gemma Ward) is married to Royce Baratheon (faceclaim: Edward from the netflix show The Last Kingdom) and they are waiting for a very important raven from King’s Landing.
EDIT: I have decided to name this fic "Life Eternal"
The servants at Storm’s End were on edge. The Lord and Lady Baratheon had been at odds since that morning, when a raven came from King’s Landing informing them of the Princess Lyanna’s labors having begun.
The pregnancy had come as somewhat of a shock to the couple, who had stopped using preventions around three years previously and assumed Lyanna was going through her change of no longer being fertile since she hadn’t conceived despite zero change in their very frequent intimacies and her bloods becoming irregular. It was also a shock to the kingdom and to all of Prince Aemond and Lyanna’s children, six total, all girls. The youngest, named for Rhaenys, had been born when Lyanna was 30....ten years ago.
The young Rhaenys was excited for a new sibling whereas her older sister Alicent (the third of the six and also five moons gone with her very first child) had been quite distraught at learning that her parents still participated in ...certain activities, and their “advanced” age, too!
Catelyn, now married 7 years to Royce, having given him 4 sons (All currently visiting their grandfather on Dragonstone, save for the youngest who was off somewhere on the grounds with his nurses) was quite unfazed by this, being the eldest and so having witnessed the longest out of any of them the great love her parents had for each other.
Catelyn was the most like her parents, too, being matter of fact and quite clever. She had also carried with her the habit of all Targaryens making bets over anything and everything, having wagered the new babe would be another girl. Royce has countered it would be a boy. He rarely won bets against his wife and was rather sour with her attitude that she would win yet again.
“Husband? Is it not tiring? Losing so often?” Catelyn asked playfully, lounging on a worn chair in their chambers.
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Royce remained stone faced.
“Victory is not automatically your due, wife. We have not received the raven announcing the birth yet.” Royce continued to sulk at Catelyn’s demeanor.
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He loved her more than anything...but silently begged the gods to please, PLEASE let him win this bet. Catelyn has said the winner would decide on a penalty for the loser and he suspected she was still upset at him for being annoyed with her dragon riding a month ago (he KNEW she had only gone flying because the lord Beesbury’s son, who was agonizingly boring, had come for a visit. Royce had treated with him alone, almost falling asleep in the process)
*a few hours later, Catelyn and Royce are having dinner in one of the balconies facing the ocean when a deafening roar is heard, a thunderous rumble felt. Aemond Targaryen has arrived and there was only one reason for that*
Catelyn made it to the courtyard first, diving into her beloved father’s arms. Aemond Targaryen, now with slightly more wrinkles and getting on in years, never gave thought to rules of decorum when greeting his daughters in a non-official setting. He lifted Catelyn off the ground and spun her, but only once. His bones were not quite so young anymore.
Royce followed into the courtyard soon after, also receiving Aemond’s affection openly and being squeezed into a hug, laughing with his father in law. A new babe was always a happy occasion, no matter the gender. However, there was the matter of the bet...
“A small babe, as small as Catelyn once was, but thankfully healthy.” Aemond said, speaking to Royce and holding a hand from each of them. He turned to Catelyn. “Your mother is well! I think this was the easiest of her labors, though not quite as quick as Baela’s when she gave birth to Aemon and-“
“I’m glad of it, father, but what of-what have you named the child?” Catelyn asked.
Royce smirked. He KNEW that his wife knew that her own father knew about their betting wars. Aemond Targaryen certainly knew about their current bet, yet Catelyn insisted on being covert. Asking for the name instead of if the babe was a boy or girl...
Aemond smiled at Catelyn...and then turned to Royce. “We have named him Daemon.”
Royce broke out in laughter, pulling his shocked wife into a hug. Aemond walked away into their castle, calling that he needed use of the privy but really, he was getting out of the line of potential fire.
“Oh,my love, I think you know what this means!” Royce crowed, holding her close by the waist.
Catelyn sighed. Rolling her eyes, she conceded defeat. “Fine. What of the punishment? What is my penalty?” she asked, fiddling with his robe buckles and avoiding his eyes.
Royce lifted her face, moving in close.
“I think the winner...should get a kiss from the loser,” he whispered, still grinning with glee.
Catelyn lifted an eyebrow, a smile on her lips. “That sounds more like a prize for me, husband.”
“Oh, I assure you, it’s definitely a prize for me”.
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endlessreruns · 2 years
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(Jimmi Simpson) [The Repentant]. Please welcome [Lincoln Abernathy (he/him)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [45]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [THE COMMUNE]. You may see them around working as a [CARPENTER].
Name: Lincoln Abernathy
NickNames: Link (only close friends call him this)
Face Claim: Jimmi Simpson
Age: 45
Gender/Pronouns: cis male, he/him
Orientation: Gay (closeted)
Commune Resident
Occupation: Carpenter
Traits: Empathetic / Hard-Working / Charming / Repressed / Paranoid / Repentant 
(tw: internalized homophobia, forced marriage, infidelity, suicide attempt
Lincoln is a born and bred Huntsville native. In fact the Abernathy side of his family can trace their roots in the town all the way back to the mid 1700s when Liam Abernathy and his family first immigrated to the area from Scotland. It was Liam’s first son that started a carpentry business that was passed down over the centuries and as a kid Lincoln would help his grandfather and father in the shop out behind the family home. 
As Lincoln got older he started to feel different, a way that he couldn’t explain, and he never brought up to others around him in fear of them not being able to understand either or would turn around and shame him for. Whatever these strange feelings were only increased as he started high school and as he watched his peers starting to date he only felt more and more isolated in his feelings. It was in his sophomore year of high school that Lincoln started to date Andrea Welton, an attempt to somehow fix himself and be normal. If he had a girlfriend then that would mean he was normal after all…right? They were already friends, so it would work. He could make it work.
What neither one of them expected was that a couple of months into dating Andrea came over to Lincoln’s place in tears announcing that she was pregnant. Both coming from homes that widely preached and believed in the idea that having children out of wedlock was a sin, the two were practically forced into a marriage. Of course that didn’t keep them, especially Andrea, from becoming the topic of town gossip. After all why else would a seventeen year old and her sixteen year old boyfriend get married? 
The marriage was never completely loveless. It was just more so that as the years went on Lincoln realized that the way he loved and cared about Andrea was not the same way that she loved and cared about him. The two stayed together and when Lincoln was 25, his daughter was born, 9 years after the birth of their son. Still, Lincoln tried to bury those feelings and desires that had started surfacing when he was 14 years old down. 
However, one can only bury things so far and for so long. Lincoln was in his early 30s when it first started. Trips out of the town to hidden away bars where drinks were had and maybe there some glances and dances exchanged. It grew from there to hookups in pickup trucks, and each time Lincoln would return home with some sort of treat for Andrea and the kids to apologize for being out so late. 
The week of April 26, 2012, Lincoln lied about going to visit their son, who was now in college, over the weekend. It would be a couple hours of a drive so leaving early Thursday would make sense. Get there Thursday night and then have Friday, Saturday, and part of Sunday. In reality Lincoln was going a few towns over in order to meet with the man he’d started having an affair with in February of the same year. On Sunday he drove to see his son, being closer in distance now, and that way it wasn’t a complete lie. 
Monday he drove back towards Huntsville, stopping, as always, to grab something for his wife and daughter on the way back. When he got back into town he wasn’t prepared for what he saw, and when he got to his home the door looked like it had been destroyed by something. It was in his and Andrea’s bedroom that he saw the mutilated bodies of his wife and daughter. At first he thought it was an animal, but there was no animal he knew of that could do this kind of damage, and the state of the door, or what was left of it, didn’t add up to animal either. 
Seeing them there, like that immediately filled Lincoln with an overwhelming sense of guilt. He should have been here. He should have protected them somehow. It was by chance that the sheriff had come to check on things, and found Lincoln sitting on the floor next to the corpses of his wife and daughter and the barrel of a gun pressed against his temple, and muttering the words “It’s my fault. It’s all my fault” over and over again. 
A few months after everything he found he could no longer live in that house, and so he turned to the only place he could think of. The Commune. A year later, Lincoln would save a young person, who he would learn was named Lucy, and was around the same age his daughter had been. 
From the moment Lincoln came home a decade ago, Lincoln has been under the belief that he is the cause of everything. That God had sent the monsters as a punishment because of his sins, his unnatural desires and infidelity, and that if he atoned enough for them and did enough good that they would go away and people would be able to leave the town again. The only thing is he doesn’t know how much is enough or if it ever will be.
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theglitchywriterboi · 3 months
I understand people's apprehension regarding big ages gaps when one person is in their early 20s [like 20->24] & the other person is in their late 30s->40s, but I feel like the whole "Omg what do they even talk about/have in common" is a dumb ass hell argument.
They could have lots of things in common !!! Maybe they're both passionate about the same things [environment, social justice, career, etc], maybe they have the same hobbies [board games, hunting, reading, etc] maybe they have the same interests [fav shows, music taste, comics, etc], same political views, etc. Hell, maybe you can't fathom a young person wanting to start a family young, but maybe that person wants to have kids &/or be married berfore 25 & the older person is just now becoming ready
Again I understand why people are wary of it, but that argument only serves to divide people imo.
Age gaps can work, yes its difficult due to the experience gap [older person has been working more, done more in life probably, etc where as the younger person is probably just starting out] & there is an inherent power dynamic.
Educate young people on red flags & things to watch out for obviously, but I think we should stop treating ALL young people dating an older person are victims & all older people dating a younger person are creepy predators. Sometimes yeah that's the case, but other times you're just being a dick to a couple for literally no reason other than you personally think their relationship is icky.
Obligatory: This is about adults who meet & know each other while both parties are 18+ & this is about happenstance, not like 50 year olds that regularly seek out fresh 18->19 year olds to date
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lanietestsatheme · 1 year
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Full Name: Rowan Louise Aubri Nickname(s): Pop Tart Pronouns: She/Her Birthday: December 27 Age: 21 Status: Mistress Major: Entomology Species: Human Special Powers: None Sexuality: Pansexual, mostly heteromantic I am a: Submissive I want a: Dominant Turn-Ons: Sensory Play, Light Bondage, Breath Play, Ball Gags, CG/l Tendencies, Romance, Multiple Partners Turn-Offs: Rudeness, pet play, extreme pain play
Rowan Aubri has been known all her life as little else than being Hawthorn Aubri’s little sister. Their parents loved them both equally, but with them both being highly successful and sought-after botanists often found the siblings caring for each other in Colorado as the couple took field research trips. A sitter was standard when they were younger but Sage’s memories of them are hazy – only her brother made a lasting impression. And it wasn’t bad, even if it meant eating macaroni and cheese and hot dogs a lot (never together, though, Rowan was absolutely insistent). But it also meant that even though Rowan had plenty of girl friends at school, it was mostly Thorn’s that hung out at the house, all of them treating her like the little sisters they always wanted but never had. As the siblings grew, so did Hawthorn’s renown. Her brother excelled in both academia and sports, even managed to meet the girl he would eventually marry within his first year in high school and intended to go into botany, like their parents. Thorn was the poster child for success, casting a tall shadow and setting high expectations for his sister to follow. Rowan tried. Truthfully and earnestly, she did. But she just found the ceiling too high. Her grades were good, but not perfect. Athletic talent had apparently skipped her, as well as a passion for plants beyond their care. She talked too much to have Hawthorn’s charisma, could never quite pull off the graceful and elegant figure that her mother held, never could hold the attention of a room like her father. And it didn’t help that it felt like everyone she met heard the last name Aubri and was eventually disappointed when they found that she and her brother weren’t alike, lumping her into ‘Thorn’s little sister’ category yet again. High school came and went with no change. Attending college in the next state over went the same (how could people in Wyoming still know who the hell her brother was?). Rowan even attempted to go into botany to finally sate her parents, but it was still to no avail. Word reached her about the Institute, an opportunity to get her degree in the field she wanted and wasn’t forced into. And so she comes now, none the wiser about the facility’s secrets, eager to shake off her parent’s pressures and finally find something (or even someone) that makes her happy.
✚ Generous, bubbly, forgiving ▬ Naive, insistent, talkative
Rowan's faceclaim is Chloe Bennet. // Ali, 30+, She/Her, CST
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Real or Fake? | Bucky Barnes x reader
Requested by @edencherries​ / Summary: Nat and Steve try to set you and Bucky up by sending the two of you to be a fake couple on an undercover mission at a fancy gala. Will you two still be pretending by the end of the night?
A/N: okay so I absolutely love how this one turned out. Yes, I used Hunger Games (if you’ve read them, you know) as an inspiration for the whole real or fake thing. Obviously it is fiction and a hair cut/growing a beard isn’t a good disguise for the Winter Soldier, but this is my story and I can write whatever I want. (You’ll understand this after you read it) 
@edencherries​ I hope you enjoy! Thank you for requesting!! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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“and that’s why we are going to send the two of you in there.” Steve is standing at the end of the table with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Come again, who are the two you are talking about?” You ask, looking around the table. You wanted to make sure you heard him correctly. 
“You two, y/l/n.” Nat motions to you and Bucky with her fingers, “It’s time for you to be the undercover couple instead of Steve and I.” 
“They’ve seen enough of Romanoff and Rogers to know who they are. It would blow the whole mission.” Tony explains. 
“Okay but won’t they recognize me as the Winter Soldier? It’s not like that is a secret anymore.” 
“Exactly.” You add, “So, it can’t be me and Barnes.” 
“I’m not against it being you and I.” Bucky says from across the table, “I just don’t want to put you in danger because someone makes me out as the Winter Soldier.” 
You can’t help but blush at Bucky’s protectiveness. I mean, if he doesn’t care about it being you and him, then you shouldn’t either. You relax in your chair to hear what Tony has to say. 
“Yes, well that’s why you’re going to have to cut your hair and grow this out.” He motions to his chin, “Just a little scruff. That’ll probably be just enough to hide the Winter Soldier look.” 
Bucky subconsciously runs his fingers through his long hair, “If you say so.” 
“You guys are going to really have to play the part.” Nat begins, “I mean, you two have to look like a married couple, in love. Not all embarrassed to touch or look a each other like you’re doing now.” 
“We get it, Nat.” You mutter. 
“Good.” She smiles, “Lets go get you your wardrobe picked out then. The GALA is in a week.” 
“Barnes would like this one.” Nat holds up a dress and you scrunch your nose up at it. 
“Why does it matter if Barnes likes it? Shouldn’t I be the one who likes it?” 
“because he’s going to be your husband.” Nat shrugs and browses through the remaining dresses. 
“Fake husband.” You correct before finding a dress that you adore. 
“Not enough cleavage.” 
you groan, “Nat! Come on. I don’t want my hoohas out in the open.” 
She sighs, “Alright alright, go try it on.” 
You do as she says and when you come out wearing the dress, her mindset changes, “Okay, fine I actually like it.” 
“Then I’m going with this one.” When you turn to leave you hear her mutter something about Barnes is going to love it. 
“We really have to try on tuxes? I have plenty.” Bucky says to Steve. 
“yeah but you need a new one for this gala.” Steve shrugs, “Plus, Tony’s paying for it so why not.” 
“Are you sure that sending y/n and I is a good idea? We don’t talk that much.” 
“You guys are going to be great. I mean you two work well together. I’ve seen the two of you out in the field. The chemistry is great.” 
“yeah but that’s.. not even close to acting like we’re married and in love.” 
Steve sighs and puts a reassuring hand on Buck’s shoulder, “Look, you got this. Y/n is a beautiful woman and you two work well together. Who knows, maybe you two will fall in love by the end of the night.” Steve shrugs. 
Bucky rolls his eyes, “Yeah right.” If only he knew. 
~ Night of the Gala ~ 
Nat had spent the afternoon getting you prepared for the gala. She went over the target and what needed to happen tonight while she helped with hair and makeup. And by helping, I mean she told the ladies what to do. 
“And most importantly, have fun with Barnes tonight! It’s a luxurious night at one of the most anticipated parties of the year.” 
“Okay, but we’re still on the job. We still have to get intel on the target.” 
“Yeah but you two have to play the part, so you still get to have fun.” She fixed the bottom of your dress so you could see the final look in the mirror, “You look stunning!” 
You tilt your head as you admire your reflection in the mirror. Getting dolled up like this was a rare occurrence, so this was a treat. “Its not too much?” 
“No, it’s perfect. Tonight is going to be great.” She gives your shoulders a gentle squeeze, “We should get you to Barnes. He’s probably waiting for you.” 
“I don’t know if I like this new look.” Bucky rubs at the stubble on his cheeks and chin. 
“Facial hair is popular now. All the ladies love it.” Steve hands Bucky his suit jacket; you’d be down any minute now. 
“When have I ever had to worry about what the ladies loved on men? They loved me anyway.” Bucky chuckles as he slips the suit jacket on. 
“Yes, well, some of us weren’t that lucky.” He peeks over his shoulder when he hears you and Nat’s voice, “Look, if the night goes well, look in the left pocket of the jacket.” 
Bucky looks at his best friend in confusion, “What?” 
“If the night goes well, left pocket.” Steve quickly mutters out, but it was more of a jumbled mess as you and Nat approach. It leaves Bucky wondering what the heck Steve meant and if this was a mission, why would it matter if the night went well? He didn’t wonder for long, because his attention was somewhere else as soon as he laid eyes on you. 
You wore the dress with such a confidence he wondered where it could have been all this time. Yeah, he’d seen you out in the field, kicking ass, but this was a different side of you; a different confidence. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you outside of your field uniform. Well, there was that one time... Knocking is very important. 
“You..You look..” Bucky was tongue-tied. There wasn’t a word in the dictionary that could describe you. Not a word that would capture the immense beauty of what he was looking at in this very moment. 
Luckily, Steve jumped in, “I think he’s looking for.. beautiful, stunning. You know somewhere along those lines.” 
Bucky suddenly felt underdressed. did he put enough gel to slick his hair back? Did it look okay? Was his suit good enough? Did he put on enough deodorant? He put on his underwear, right? 
“Your new look fits you well.” You motion to your face with your finger, “You look very handsome.” 
He clears his throat as he fiddles with his coat, “It’s scratchy.” 
You giggle, “facial hair is very popular now though. The ladies love it. I know I do.” 
Bucky wasn’t sure why, but that comment made him feel giddy inside. What the hell was going on with him? Snap out of it Bucky! “Should we get going?” He holds his arm out for you and you gladly take it, slipping your arm through his, “Yes we should. Don’t want to be late!” 
When you arrived at the event, the two of you signed into the party under fake names of course. As you made your way to your table, you two began searching the crowd for the target. 
“I haven’t spotted him yet.” 
“Yeah I don’t...” You take another look and you finally spot him as he enters the room. “He’s just entered the room.” 
Bucky pulls your chair out for you, “Yeah I see him.” 
“Apparently we’re supposed to gather intel on the guy, but Nat never specified what kind.” 
“Steve didn’t mention it to me either. I guess we’re supposed to keep an eye on him?” 
So, that’s exactly what the two of you did. You two played along as the happy couple, talking with the others at the table while dinner was served. 
“So, how long have you two been married?” The woman asks with a smile. Oh god, you two didn’t even go over anything like in the car. 
“4 years.” Bucky smiles at you as he takes your hand in his, “But we’ve been together for 6.” 
“Oh that’s so wonderful! My husband, Carl and I have been married for 30 years!” 
“Wow 30 years? That’s.. amazing.” You comment, thankful Bucky took the lead. 
“You want to know the secret?” She leans in closer, “the sex!” 
“Oh?” Bucky asks, raising his eyebrows questionably at you. 
“No no!” She laughs, “I’m only messing with you two. This is going to sound so cheesy, but it’s love. It really is.” She looks longingly at her husband, “If you two love each other, that’s only half the hard work it takes to making a marriage last. The other half is being truthful. And of course respect, and trust. There’s a lot that goes into a happy and healthy marriage.” 
You didn’t know if it was on purpose, but Bucky gently squeezed your hand at the end of the lady’s advice. Something about Bucky shifted after the two of you talked to that older couple. Bucky kept his hand on you, whether it be to hold your hand, put his hand on your thigh or even around the back of the chair. It left you feeling confused, because from what you’d heard, Bucky wasn’t one for physical affection. You weren’t sure if he was playing the part well or if this could somehow be real affection toward you. 
The two of you swayed softly to the music. Bucky held you close to him, one hand in yours and the other on your waist, “Are you enjoying the night?” 
“We’re technically supposed to be on a mission.” 
“Yeah but we can still enjoy ourselves.” He pulls away to look down at you, moving a piece of hair of your shoulder, his fingers grazing your soft skin. 
“Are you enjoying it?” 
He chuckles, “I asked the question first, doll.” 
You playfully roll your eyes and shrug softly, your eyes dancing around the crowd to make sure the target hadn’t left, “It’s only pretend..” 
“Is it though?” 
Your eyes snap back to Bucky’s. 
“Is it only pretend?” His hand leaves your hip to run his finger along your cheek, “Are we really faking this?” 
The skin on skin contact sends a shiver down your spine, goosebumps covering your body, “I don’t know, Bucky. Are we?” 
He smirks softly, “You really don’t know how to answer a question do you? You’re supposed to answer it with an actual answer, not a question.” His hand moves to your neck, cupping your cheek as if he was going to... 
And then his lips meet yours. Bucky Barnes was kissing you. Oh god but was this real or fake? Was this a part of the married couple look? Was he only playing his part of your pretend husband? Even with the confusion, you returned the kiss. Your hands going to the back of his neck. If you were being honest, you didn’t want it to end. 
Bucky’s lips slowly leave yours, his eyes locked on yours. 
“Real or fake?” You whisper, gulping, “The kiss, was it real-” 
To answer your question, his lips pressed against yours again. 
As the party neared its end, you and Bucky decided it would be a good time to leave. Walking out of the event center hand and hand, Bucky remembered Steve’s advice. He patted his jacket and felt something in the inside pocket. When he pulled it out, it was a hotel key. The same one hosting the gala. 
“That sly bastard.” 
When the two of you opened the hotel room, inside it was only one large king size bed and a dozen roses sitting on the bedside table with a bottle of champagne and of course two glasses. There was also a note - 
 if you’re reading this, it means the night went well and our plan worked. Please make sure you give us credit at your wedding. Also, order whatever you want because Tony’s paying. We’ll tell him that later. 
p.s. don’t be mad, this wasn’t a real mission. We picked the guy out from the guest list and told you to watch him. - Nat & Steve (aka Matchmakers) 
Marvel tag list: @hommoturttle​ , @iheartsebastianstan , @5jacobm5​ , @lovely-geek​ , @fangirl-swagg​ , @1-800-thanos , @jessyballet​ , @katiaw2​
All my works tag list: @blossomreed , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore , @abbiesthings , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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spidermaninlove · 3 years
Anon, please. (Your choice: post or not. I primarily needed to vent.)
The assumptions I'm making in here will put some people in a snit, so be forewarned. I'm just well past pretending like I think T&Z aren't soon-to-be married. It is what it is, folks.
That said, I think maybe the most significant takeaway from Tom's recent interviews is that there is one constant: family is his priority and will drive the decisions he makes in and about his future -- and the decisions he makes will be joint decisions with Z. Everything else -- maybe he won't act anymore, maybe he'll quit and come back, maybe he'll be a carpenter, maybe he'll produce now and again, maybe he'll focus on TBT, maybe he'll be exclusively a stay-at-home dad -- seems like it's secondary, and therefore open to discussion and subject to change.
In addition to what's usually brought up about it, we need to remember that, yes, their lives as actors are inherently complicated, in a logistical sense, but those complications will only multiply exponentially when they have kids. They know what it's like to be away from each other for long stretches. Factor kids into that, how family-oriented both of them are... These two aren't going to go the nanny-route and see each other (and/or their kids) for smatterings of days here and there. Of course they're thinking and planning: family is the most important thing to them, so there will be compromises and sacrifices (in addition to desires) that will ensure that T&Z&kids are able to stay a family unit that is TOGETHER location-wise, priority-wise, emotion-wise, etc.
To those freaking out about T&Z's ages (regarding being parents), I'd like to remind you that 1) they're adults on their way to 30 (just because we remember them really young doesn't mean they're actually frozen in time) and 2) there are upsides to intentionally having kids when you're younger. I mean, at least in your 20s - early 30s you have energy that can somewhat match a child's. And there's no magical or "right" age or time for an able, willing couple (or person) to have children. There are times that are "more convenient" than others, but you oftentimes can't anticipate convenience (and conceiving (or adopting) a child is a little more complicated than just picking a desired timeframe).
This is already way too lengthy, so for now I'll rein in the rest of what I want to say about what Tom has specifically said and implied (and what can be inferred both from that and from what we know of him as a person) and, instead, offer this: some "fans" need to stop treating Tom, in particular, as if he's a character in a movie whose narrative can be storyboarded, written, revised, agreed-upon-by-committee, manipulated, cut for time, and ultimately produced. He's a human being. He's not a Spider-Man action figure with moveable parts.
By the way, I think it's freaking adorable how much Tom wants to be a dad -- whenever that may be -- and how freely he talks about it. That doesn't happen often. The man's in love. And Z obviously loves him and the idea of being a mom, too. Sweetest, silliest, most loving and fun-loving parents in the universe.
moi:  Tom’s recent vocalization regarding having kids tells me he has been thinking about a future with someone and we know who that someone is.  And whenever they decide to have children, whether it’s tomorrow or 10 years from now, that decision is entirely up to them and only them.  When they do begin a family, I trust their decision is the right one for them.  My opinion, and anyone’s outside of their trusted circle, doesn’t matter.  
I’ll add I respect Tom for wanting to be a present father, and if that means taking time off from the biz, I support that decision 100%.   
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All right y'all thank you for your feedback on Part one of my Mayans post, if you haven’t seen it please check it out here.
At the end of the day, gossip is gossip and there’s no way to 100% verify the truth behind it; however, some of us do have legitimate sources. I have a friend who works in PR for a different studio, but guess what? All the PR peeps know each other and they talk. Peep (my source) I actually met many moons ago at a PR event here in Australia. We bonded over a different fandom and here we are.
I also have a couple of friends that I know from tumblr that work in the industry that have either told me things that they have heard or know of.
I’ve asked her to suss out some of the rumours that have been sent to me, so these are a mix of both our options and other sources.
I would also like to point out websites like lipstick alley and reddit are not reliable sources to get gossip from, it's just keyboard warriors. If you want good celebrity gossip (Mayans wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar though) check out deuxmoi.
So buckle up and let's get into the drama.
So back to post one and the lack of PR within Mayans coming from FX etc. It's also not coming from the cast or the crew, all of the posts they have posted recently are old pictures. They have been posted previously either on their feeds or on stories. And I get the whole “Not leaking info from set” that studios have but this isn’t a Marvel movie. Actually I feel like we saw more content from the latest Spider-man movie than we have so far from Mayans S4.
Alright here are some of my anons;
“I saw the asks from another anon about this Mayans drama, so I decided to have a look around. Now am I trippin or are people really coming out saying Emily and JD had an affair???Like is any of this true as in like there’s evidence or is it just a bunch of upset fans cause Clayton’s off the market? Oh and by the way I’m in no way a Emily or Clayton fan, but some of what I’ve seen could be career ending”
There is no way Emily and JD had an affair, there is no evidence of this and the basis of this rumour appears to have come from a “fan”. JD spent his break with his family, he was constantly posting loved up photos of his family, and they look genuinely happy.
So many people are talking shit about Emily and it 100% stems from jealousy. But not a single person has asked what a 36 yr old man wants with a 23 year old girl.
“So I don’t know if you have been asked this but what’s you take on the rumour that Emily T hooked up with Michael Irby and other older male costars? From what people are saying Gino and Danny are about the only two that didn’t hook up with her.”
Y’all seem to forget that Emily is still a young adult, she’s 23, they met her when she was 19, if she's having affairs with her older married co-stars, we should be asking why they are in their late 30s to mid 50s with her. It would be a clear power disadvantage and it's disgusting. Also I have zero belief any of these rumours are true. These rumours have come from “fans” no legitimate gossip site or whispers within the community have come up about these.
Peep agreed that none of the affair rumours are true, she's asked friends who work on the Mayans set and apparently it's all bullshit.
Did Clay and another cast member get into a fist fight?
So I’ve heard that Clay and another cast member got into a fist fight, 3 different sources have told me it wasn’t a fist fight but they did get into a verbal fight stemming from Clay acting like he's better than everyone else and treating the crew like shit. Another cast member stepped in and blew up at Clay about his behaviour and it did almost come to blows but they were separated before it happened.
Did Clay get fired?
The last thing I heard on this subject is no, but he’s on thin fucking ice and if he doesn't get his shit together he's out on his ass.
Are Clay and Emily a PR relationship?
While I would like this to be true as far as my sources go its a legit thing, and honestly everyone I know who works in PR said this would be a terrible fucking PR stunt cause of the age gap and the fact he’s known her since she was pretty much a minor. As you can see from the downward trending of Clay online it's blown up the wrong way.
I’ve heard a few other things but I don’t want to post about them because I would still like a second source to confirm as they are pretty damaging rumours. though some of them are pretty clear to anyone who has two eyes.
I hope this answers some peoples burning questions, if you have any more let me know.
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eddieheart · 2 years
Fandom: Shameless
Pairings: Mickey x Ian
Words: 1746
Description: One day Terry Milkovich shows up with a wife. All his kids are confused, especially Mickey. She’s younger than all of them and she’s quiet strange.
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Terry Milkovich has kept a secret for four years, a young girl in his basement. Now that's she's 18 and legal he forced her to marry him. She the new stepmom and people have questions, including why she has such a great knowledge of the Milkovich's private lives.
May 30 2020 - June 11 2022
It was a brisk autumn day, Mickey was walking home from Ian's. It didn't take to long to get home maybe 15 minutes or so, Mandy was already home.
He pushed open the door and was greeted by his younger sister, arms crossed and looking concerned. Behind her he saw his dad walking around, once he saw Mickey he charged over.
"I gotta talk to all of you- couch now." Mickey peaked over his dads shoulder to see his brothers already there and waiting.
He walked over calmly at sat down, Mandy close behind him. He looked over to his dad who was sitting across from all of them on an old lazy boy.
"Hey! Come 'er!" He yelled out to the kitchen.
Mickey craned his neck back to see who was walking out. It was girl with brown hair and a slight build. She stared at the floor and hurried over to Terry.
Mickey's brothers looked around confused and glanced back at their younger siblings. They all looked back to Terry.
"This is Lillian, we got married yesterday. She's your new mom. Treat her well. Lillian these are my kids." He looked completely unamused at he spoke.
The Milkovich siblings looked at each other in shock. How the fuck has their dad gotten married.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She spoke softly barely discernable.
Terry reached over the coffee table and turned on the tv. He picked up a gun and started fiddling with it. Taking it apart to clean maybe?
He looked up at her with distain. He clenched his jaw and looked up at her again.
"Lillian dinner?" He asked expectantly.
Her eyes widened.
"Yes sir, I'll start now. Is there anything you'd like?" She swallowed and looked at him timidly.
"That pasta salad I like, somin' else too. I got a job,'watch the kids while I'm away. Iggy!" He shot up and followed his dad to the door and out the house.
The eldest brother walked off leaving Mickey and Mandy still there. She smiled politely and spoke softly.
"Is there anything you'd like for dinner?" They looked at each other and then back at her.
"Na' I'm good thanks." Mickey said cautiously, she nodded and walked to the kitchen.
Mickey looked to his sister and got up to follow Lillian.
"So uh, you and my dad huh?" He asked. "How old are you anyway?"
She paced the kitchen nervously picking things from the fridge and placing them on the counter. She quickly glanced over then back to the ground.
"Yes, I'm eighteen." She spoke softly.
Mandy looked over at her brother, wide eyed. She was younger than the both of them. Mandy 20 and Mickey 21.
"Wait so your saying she just showed up?" Ian looked at Mickey confused.
"Yeah fuckin' weird right. Girls like 18 shows up out a' no where actin' all weird. Been here for like a couple months now too. C'mon you'll get it when you meet 'er." Mickey grabbed onto Ian's hand and pulled him towards the house.
Mickey pushed open the door and looked around. He was quiet, he leaned over to Ian's ear and pointed.
"She's back there." He spoke barley audible, like they where hunting in the woods.
Ian cocked a brow as they walked farther into the house. Terry's bedroom door slammed shut and he waddled out popping a cigarette into his mouth.
He glared over at the boys, scoffed and walked passed them.
"The fuck are you lookin' at." He zipped his fly and walked out of the house.
Just as the door slammed shut Terry's bedroom door swung open and a flash of something passed by into the bathroom. She didn't even close the bathroom door before she was knelt over the toilet spitting something up.
After a minute or so she got up and they could hear water running in the sink. She rinsed her mouth and walked out of the bathroom. She seemed angry at first but as soon as she saw the boys she pulled her sweater closer and looked down, timidly.
She was wearing some of Mandy's old clothes, a purple loosely knit sweater, jeans and a tank top.
"Oh, um hello Mickey you've brought Ian, would you like something to eat?" She walked past them keeping her head down as she passed them into the kitchen.
The boys looked at each other in confusion before following her to the kitchen. She kept her head facing down the whole time, but Mickey could see what she was hiding.
"The hell was that about?" He looked to her concerned.
"It was nothing, don't worry." She looked up as she spoke.
"Y' know you don't have to act like that with us. Not when he's not here." She glanced over at them. A big bruise was forming around her eye.
"I appreciate that Mickey." She looked at them nervously before sitting on a wooden chair near the kitchen table.
"He hit you?" Mickey asked calmly.
"Yeah." She let out a sarcastic laugh.
"What happened." She looked up to Ian. Her head looked to the floor again before she said anything.
"I'm pregnant."  Her voice broke as she spoke, eyes glistened. The boys looked slightly shocked.
"Congratulations." Ian half heartedly replied. She just shook her head and looked at the ground again.
"Yeah." The room was overwhelming silent, the sound of a faucet dripping in the background, before Mickey spoke again.
"I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. Why the fuck are you with my dad huh? We don't have any money. Is his dick that good?!" Ian stayed silent in the corner.
Lillian slammed something down onto the counter.
"Better me than your sister at least." He looked over at her.
"How the hell do you know about that? Now that I think of it, I didn't tell you Ian's name. What the fuck is this?" He walked closer to her as he spoke. "Why are you here? Huh? Why don't you just leave?"
She let out a short sarcastic laugh.
"Like you don't know." She glared back at them. "You really don't know?" She sounded almost angry now, but the boys still looked confused.
"You don't know? I haven't left this house in six years. You think I had the choice of suitors."
"What the fuck are you talking about!?" Mickey asked, confused. She shook her head.
"You really don't know?" Her eyes watered as she continued. "I was like eight when I hit puberty, early bloomer and all that. When I was about eleven or twelve I looked about sixteen y'know. I was walking home from school one day and your dad pulled up. I was near some trees. Away from everyone. Said he needed directions." She paused.
"He pulled me into his car and took me home with him. He had my library card, it had my name and birthdate. I tried to get away before, he always brought me back, always. He had this friend one who's good with ankle monitors. He jerry-rigged one with a dogs shock collar. I never tried to run again." She cried as she spoke.
"He only took it off and let me up because I'm eighteen now, perfectly legal. But I've been here for a long time. The floors are wooden sometimes I could see through the cracks or through a knot that had fallen through."
"I saw what he did to Mandy, I saw what he did to you, to Ian, Iggie and Collin. I've seen things I wish I could bleach from my mind. If I do what I'm told maybe I'll get out when he dies." Ian looked at her sympathetically.
"What about the baby? You gonna keep it?" She looked up at Mickey, head shaking and tears falling from her eyes now. She quickly wiped them away.
"I don't really have a choice, do I?" Ian looked at her with pity and Mickey just looked uncomfortable and confused.
"We should have dinner sometime, just you. You can come to my place I'm sure my family would love to meet you." Ian said trying to change the subject and hopefully lighten the mood.
But she just laughed sarcastically.
"I haven't left this house in six years. I doubt I'll be leaving anytime soon." Mickey licked his lips and tightened his jaw.
"Why don't we just go?" He looked between Lillian and Ian.
"He'll find me, he found you didn't he?" She looked down tears falling from her eyes.
"If we go now, we have a head start. We can hide you at my house, Fiona will be fine with it." Ian said.
"Are you sure? You'll all be in danger if I'm there. He'll look for me, he'll make you look for me." She looked to Mickey fearfully. He shook his head and leaned down towards her.
"You're going to Ian's, alright? Get anything you need now and we'll go." She looked shocked, she stood on shaky legs. Like a newborn fawn she stumbled towards the boys.
She practically lunged at Mickey, wrapping her arms around him. Squeezing tightly. She sobbed but pulled back. She wiped her face and turned towards Ian next.
He was more receptive to the whole 'hugging thing' than Mickey was. He put his arms around her and patted her back gently. She let go of him and looked to the both of them.
"Thank you so much." She turned and ran down the hall. They could hear steps down to the basement and then back up.
She held a small blanket neatly folded in her arms and a small stuffed bear under the other arm.
"Is that all?" Ian asked sadly. She nodded softly.
"Let's go then." Mickey put a hand on her back and led her to the door. Ian opened it and usher the girl out of the house.
She walked onto the pavement and took a deep breath, it wasn't exactly fresh air, but it was the best she'd gotten in six years.
She leaned over, grabbed Mickey's hand and nodded. They lead her down the street.
Part 2:
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kimnjss · 4 years
desperate housewife | jjk
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⇢ pairing: jungkook x reader (ft. taehyung) ⇢ genre: smut. ⇢ word count: 5.5K ⇢ theme: husband!jungkook, housewife au, established relationship ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: soft angry guk, car sex, nipple play, unprotected sex (stay safe loves!)… this was lowkey kind softcore, ngl.  ⇢ summary: bored with your husband gone all the time, you decide to take up a new hobby... jungkook can only seem to focus on one thing when it comes to your new pastime. ⇢ A/N: this was heavily influenced by desperate housewives, okay. ive been binging it during quarantine nd kind of spit this out lmao. also!! want to apologize if this feels all over the place, kept on stopping nd starting again... so yeah!
The day your husband proposed, he gave you his word that you'd never have to lift a finger once you were married to him. His faith in his career and talents fueling his proclamation. You would've said yes even without it, but it was nice how badly he wanted to treat you like a princess.
You and Jungkook had been together for two years before he decided to get down on one knee. He made it known that he thought you were the one from the beginning and you had always thought, it was soon to tell- but he was right.
Your agreement was no short of immediate, wedding date set for an exact year after that day and you couldn't wait. Jungkook was oddly helpful with the planning and organization, way more than you'd expect a husband to be, but he was genuinely interested.
With his help, you two pulled off a gorgeous ceremony. His family and yours filling the place, watching as you agreed to become one with this man. It was all you wanted. Becoming Mrs. Jeon Jungkook was the best day of your life. Three days after your honeymoon in Malta, Jungkook was urging you to quit your job.
You did.
Jungkook was serious about keeping his word, didn't plan for you to lift a finger at all. A maid was hired to do the cleaning, chef to do the cooking, a yard boy to tend to your pool and pretty garden. You even had a personal driver to drive the car he had purchased for you.
Not once did you think of complaining. It was nice. Not having to worry about this or that or the other thing. Having everything done for you really freed up time for you to do the things that you really liked to do. The only problem was, you've been busy working your whole life you never really had the chance to figure out exactly what that was.
And it wasn't like you could hang out with the husband you loved so much, he hardly had time to cut his hair, let alone hang out with you. So you spent your days at home, chatting with the members of your staff and counting down to the days that Jungkook was able to come home.
It wasn't until you caught yourself in a heated argument with the yard boy about the exact inch length of your front lawn did the realization hit you. You needed a hobby. Shopping, getting your hair and nails done, that wasn't going to cut it. You needed something that was just for you.
You just needed to figure out what that was.
Sat on the couch with your feet propped on an ottoman, you flipped through your catalog. Sulin, the maid, stood across from you, wiping the windows down with glass cleaner. The sound of a car door slam had your fingers stilling, your body perking as your attention was brought to the large window in your living room.
“Mr. Jeon is home,” Sulin informed you, but you were already standing; all but running out the front door. Jungkook was waving goodbye to the man who had dropped him off, hands clutching his way too large suitcase. “Baby!” You squealed, not being able to contain yourself as you leaped for him.
Your husband and his ever so impressive reflexes were catching you easily, allowing your legs to wrap around his waist as he leaned up for a starved kiss. His hands were properly placed on your sculpted bottom, slowly inching up to grip the flesh. A squeal flew from your lips as you pulled back, playfully swatting at his shoulder.
“Do you really think the Jefferson's want an eye full of you groping your wife on the front lawn?” You questioned with a raised brow. Jungkook shrugged his strong shoulders, tilting his head up to reach for your lips again.
“The Jefferson's have been married 30 years, have six kids, I think they know a thing or two about groping.” You pushed the thought of your ancient neighbors going at it, instead deciding to concentrate on the cute dimples indenting your husband's cheeks as he flashed a boyish grin. Not only was this man blessed with deadly good looks, but he also had the heart and spirit of a young child. Things never got boring with him around.
Your hands cradled his face, leaning down the rest of the way to press your lips to his again. “I've missed you so much.” Your words are barely comprehensible, considering your mouth is smushed against his. Somehow, he understands you totally, sharing your sentiment with a wide grin.
His hands finding your ass again, Jungkook holds you to him as he begins taking long steps toward your house. You could feel his length against your thigh with each step he took and you knew exactly what you were in for once you reached the bedroom. Or maybe the kitchen. Hell, he might even give up on the front porch and do it there.
Yeah, things never got boring with Jungkook around.
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An entire week had passed since Jungkook came back home. A whole week filled with laughter, games, impromptu trips, spontaneous dates. A full week of fun with the man of your dreams. Every waking moment was spent together, genuinely enjoying each other that you forgot he would be leaving come Sunday.
This is why you wore a permanent scowl on your face as you neatly folded his clothes, taking on the task to pack his suitcase. Sulin had been doing it when you entered the bedroom, but for some odd reason, you felt like you wanted to. She was more than happy to pass the task on to you, moving to get dinner started.
Since it was Jungkook's last day in the house, Sulin had suggested she made all of his favorite foods for dinner tonight. No protests on your husband's side, of course, and you figured your waistline could suffer if it meant witnessing that huge bunny smile that took over his features.
Warm arms wrapped around your waist, chiseled chin nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Jungkook pulled you into his embrace, taking in the sweet smell of the perfume you prayed whenever you got out the shower. “How's my princess doing?” His tone was soft and caring.
Jungkook knew that you were upset that he was leaving. But he also knew that you weren't upset with him. Couldn't be upset with him because you knew what you were in for from the beginning. It just annoyed you that his job always cut into the time that the two of you got to spend together. He was hardly ever home, never really unpacked when he was home because it was just a matter of time until he was leaving again.
It was like your house was just a rest stop and that annoyed you, passionately. You didn't want to make him feel bad, though. You knew he was trying his best; could tell with how he fought sleep when he was back just so he could spend time with you. It was hard on him too, so there was no reason to make a stink out of it.
You pulled his suitcase closed, zipping it before turning in his arms. Your scowl had morphed into a pout, arms wrapping around his neck. Lifting up on your tiptoes, you pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “I'm okay. What time is your flight?” You wanted to know just how much time you had left with him.
“Javier will pick me up right after dinner.” Guess you only had a few more hours left with him then. A sigh slipped from his lips, his hands cupping your face and thumb brushing over your cheek. “I won't be gone long this time. Just a week or two and then I have a month off,” He offered up with a grin and you matched it, nodding your head.
“Can we visit that resort when you get back, then?” You looked up at him hopeful, his head was nodding not even giving a moment to think of the request. “Whatever you want. Just put it on the schedule. A whole month, I'm all yours.”
It was like time was on a treadmill whenever you were with him. Before you knew it, dinner was being served and the two of you sat across each other at your way too big dining table. “You know,” He was speaking after some time had passed without either of you saying a word.
You were playing with your food, eating in slow motion as if that would keep time from moving so he wouldn't have to leave just yet. Head lifting at the sound of his words, you tilted your head to the side. “Sammie Fields and a couple of her girlfriends all take dance lessons at the gym across town.”
Face contorted, you tried to figure out why he was offering up this information all of a sudden. “Alright, you got me. Why are you telling me this?” You pushed out a laugh, hoping not to sound too harsh. You just wanted to enjoy your silent dinner before he was being whisked away.
“Maybe you should join them sometime?”
“Is this your way of telling me that I need to start working out? Believe it or not, Jeon Jungkook I'm in-” He was quick to cut you off, quick denying shakes of his hands as he leaned toward you. “No! No, it's nothing like that. I just... you said that you were bored,” Your cheeks darkened, had forgotten that you had shared that with him while catching him up on everything that had been happening while he was gone.
“Oh, yeah. Right. Sorry.” You smiled sheepishly and he shook his head. “I don't really get along with Sammie and her friends. Don't think they'd really care for me tagging along.” It was no secret that the girls on the block weren't all too fond of you. You weren't sure why, but they didn't really seem interested in being your friend – had their little clique made before you even moved in.
And they weren't taking any newbies anytime soon.
“Ugh, I wish you could just come with me. I hate that you're stuck in the house bored all the time.” It had been suggested and shut down when you two first got married. Jungkook didn't really want to travel without you with your marriage so new, so he came up with the idea that you just came along with him.
His manager was quick to veto his proposal, deeming you an unnecessary distraction – the asshole. “I'll be fine, don't worry about me.” You pushed a smile onto your face, but he didn't look convinced; cut into his pork with a quizzical look on his face. His teeth worried his lower lip and you could almost literally see the wheels turning in his head.
“Or! You know what, I could take up tennis?” You suggested, with a grin. “Tennis? Since when were you into tennis?” A shrug of your shoulder was sent in his direction as you reached forward to grasp your wine glass, bringing it to your lips. “It's never too late to learn,” He nodded.
“Are you sure you're going to like it? I mean... not to discourage you, but baby, I've not even seen you pick up a ball. Well, besides...” From the smirk on his face, you knew exactly what he was alluding to. You rolled your eyes, trying to hide the smile that tried to peek through.
“It could be fun,”
You could tell that he was happier now, at ease knowing that you weren't just going to sit around watching grass grow as you waited for him to come back. “Alright, then! I'll get you the best trainer there is. Let me just...” His hand reached for his phone on the table, your hand quick to stop him.
“You don't have to do that, baby. I'm sure there are plenty of good enough trainers at the gym. Cheaper too.” Although you loved being pampered and spoiled by him, you didn't marry him because he was stinking rich.
You married him because you were madly, deeply, truly in love with him- so there was no need for him to hire 'the best' anything for your new hobby.
“I guess if you're sure.”
“I'm sure. I'll head to the gym tomorrow and meet someone,” He nodded, attention being drawn back to the meal in front of him. Finally being able to enjoy his favorite food without worry creasing his brows.
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Two days after Jungkook had left, you were dragging yourself out of bed and heading straight to the gym. You were excited, always had liked tennis and the whole idea of it; you figured it would be fun to actually play it.
Finding a trainer was a lot easier than you had thought it would be. After a brief conversation with the lady at the front desk, she was leading you down a long corridor into a sectioned off area of the gym. More elaborate work out machines were back here, a large TV and a sauna.
“Mr. Kim.” She called to the man running on the treadmill. A fitting long-sleeved top hugged his muscles, loose shorts bouncing with each movement of his strong legs. The woman called out to him once more before he was pulling the headphone from his ear, pressing a few buttons on the machine to slow his steps into a walk.
“What's up?” He replied, a bit out of breath.
“This is Mrs. Jeon,” She introduced you formerly, despite how you insisted she uses your first name. The man cocked a brow, sparing a sideways glance in your direction. Undeniably handsome, a face appears to be carefully structured by the gods. A strong jaw, pink full lips, cheekbones, nose a little large but fitting for his handsome face, dark intense eyes guarded by long eyelashes. Even his eyebrows were pretty, what the fuck?
The man pushed a long finger against the machine in front of him, stopping it completely. “She's in looking for a tennis trainer. I figured you would be fit for it.” He was hopping off of the machine, turning to face the two of you fully.
“Have you ever played before?” His words were directed to you, but you were distracted by the deepness of his voice. Did he really sound like that... all the time? How intimidating. His head tilted, awaiting your answer.
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, desperately trying to rake your brain from what he had just said. “Oh!” You spoke a little too loudly. “Not really, no. I've just always wanted to...” The intense way he was staring at you had your sentence trailing off.
He didn't speak, eyes scanning over you carefully; making you feel small. Even the girl that brought you here sensed the odd tension, shifting uncomfortably on the balls of her feet. His tongue pushed out to lick his dry lips, a smirk taking over his features as he dragged his gaze back up to your eyes. What you would give to know what was going through his mind just then.
“It'd be my pleasure,” His voice velvety sweet with some promised laced in his words. You grinned, taking hold of the hand that he had extended out to you. “I'm Taehyung.” He introduced himself with a small smile.
Taehyung nodded at the sound of your name, going to release your hand from his grasp just as the piece of jewelry wrapped around your fourth finger caught his attention. Mindlessly, his fingers brushed it, his eyes finding yours once again.
There was something going on in his mind, you knew it. Could tell by the furrow of his brow and the smirk on his face. You just couldn't decipher what it was. His hand was dropping yours, slipping into the pocket of his pants.
“Lynn will set you up with my schedule. See you soon, Yn.” Taehyung flashed that teasing smile before tucking his earphone back in and climbing back onto the machine. Lynn led you out the same way you first came, stopping at the front desk to schedule you.
No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on the words coming out of her mouth, you couldn't shake the thought of Taehyung from your mind. It was weird. Sure, you've been swooned by attractive guys before, you were married; not blind. But this was different, he was different.
You didn't know what it was and you were scared to find out. There was no point in either way. These were just tennis lessons. Nothing more, nothing less. You were married so that was it. Halfway home, you wondered if you should turn around and demand a different trainer. Decided against it, surely nothing will happen..., right?
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Two weeks had passed since Taehyung had become your personal trainer. It was fun, learning the sport and getting to know the mysterious man that paid so much attention to your skills. He had this set narrative of what you were capable of and never accepted less, always pushing you and oddly you liked it.
Your game was getting better as the days rolled by. Time no longer standing still with this new hobby of yours. You two met every day at 3 o'clock, most lessons lasting for an hour... maybe two if he wasn't busy, three if he got hungry in the middle. It was fun and you were quickly feeling as though you could think of the man as a friend.
The tension that surrounded you two when the first meeting had died down. You weren't interested, no matter how many smirks he threw in your direction. Jungkook was the love of your life and messing that up was at the bottom of your list. It wasn't even on your list. Taehyung got the hint without you having to spell it out for him. You appreciated that.
A gentle hand on the small of your back stilled your movements, your head turning to face the handsome man standing behind you. “You need to straighten your back,” His deep voice instructed and you nodded your head, following his orders.
He smiled, hand leaving your back to grasp your elbow- the other hand reaching for your wrist. “Tuck your core in when you swing, gives you more power.” The hand on his elbow dropped, splayed fingers landing over your belly button. You brought your arms back, tucking your core in and going for the swing.
You could feel the difference. “Oh! I didn't think it would-”
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” Your sentence was being interrupted by the booming voice of your husband. His face twisted with anger as he approached the two of you. “Get your hands off my wife!” He shouted, the words making Taehyung release you, jumping back a few steps.
“Jungkook? You're back early.” It was the only thing you could muster in your shock. Never had you seen him this angry before. His hand wrapped around your wrist, tugging you behind him as he stood square in front of Taehyung.
He sized him up, jaw clenched and fists balled. “Who do you think you are? Touching her like that?” Despite having the big muscle pig that was your husband in his face, Taehyung didn't seem the least bit intimidated. Arms crossed over his chest as he stared up at Jungkook, bored.
Sensing this could take a turn for the worse, you decided to step in. “Jungkook, baby. Relax. He's my trainer!” Jungkook only half-listened to your words, squaring his chest as he stepped closer to Taehyung.
“Does your trainer know that you're happily married?” His words were delivered through clenched teeth to the man standing in front of him. Taehyung was rolling his eyes, hands patting at your husband's shoulders.
“I suggest you calm down there, buddy. I can have you kicked out and your wife banned with a snap of my fingers.” He wouldn't do that right? Ban you? You two were friends, he was just saying that?
You didn't want to be the one to call his bluff. Hands finding Jungkook's elbow, you tugged him toward you. “Let's just go, baby.” He scoffed, tugging his hand from your grasp before turning and passing you, stomping up the hill.
You quickly followed behind him, legs moving quickly in fear he might leave without you. He had stopped in front of his car, hands in his pocket. You landed a soothing hand to his back. “Baby, I promise you. Nothing like that was happening. He was just helping me with my form!”
His hand pulled out from his pocket, your big, expensive wedding ring between his fingers. “Why aren't you wearing your ring?”
“Oh.” You could feel your cheeks darkening, embarrassed as if you had been caught. But you hadn't! You just knew what he was thinking and how all of this looked. You reached your hand forward, taking the jewelry from his hand. “I only take it off for training, I didn't want it to fly off.” You tell him, and it's the truth.
He doesn't believe you, rolling his eyes right in your face. “Yeah, fucking right and you just so happened to get paired with the young attractive trainer, rather than someone who is actually qualified.”
“It's not like that! Don't you trust me?” Wedding ring secured back on your fingers, you reached up to cup his face in your hands. You offered a soft smile up at him, thumbs stroking his clenched jaw. “I would never do something like that, baby.”
Scowl not falling, but an arm wrapping around your waist; you could tell he was softening. “It's not you, I don't trust.” He grumbled and you nodded in understanding, standing up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
“I know, baby. You'd be the first to know if he tried anything,” Your words are murmured against his lips. The grasp he holds on your waist tightening as he pulls your body tighter against his. You feel his grasp dropping from your hips to your thighs until he's lifting your body off of the ground; easily wrapping your legs around his waist.
Your back is being pushed against the cool exterior of his car, his body pressed tight against yours as his kiss gains intensity. His mouth desperately searching yours as if trying to imprint himself on you. His hand slid underneath the bottom of your tank top, smirking at the realization of your lack of bra.
Jungkook was breaking the kiss, leaving your lips yearning for more of him. Dark eyes stared into yours, heavy breaths leaving his lips as his thumb caresses your hardening nipple. “I can't fucking believe you.” He snarled, fingers pinching at your nipple; making you yelp.
He didn't even allow you a moment to reply, lips crashing against yours with much greed, hunger as his hips pushed up into yours. You could feel how hard he was even through the fabric of his jeans and you wondered if he'd fuck you right here... against his car where anyone could walk by and see you.
The thought had a rush of arousal pooling between your legs. You leaned into his kiss, returning everything that he was giving you. Jungkook's kisses were everything he was; sweet, passionate, determined, horny. His hands dropped from your body, grasping the behind you as his tongue pushed further into your mouth.
With unbelievable swiftness, Jungkook was pulling the car door open, lifting your body off of the car and laying you across the back seat. Reluctantly, he broke the kiss to climb onto you, trapping your body between his strong thighs.
You slid your hands up the front of his shirt, the rapid beating of his heart surprising you. He still wore that scowl on his face and you frowned. “I love you, Kookie. You know that, right?” You offered a sweet smile up at him, which he only nodded to. His hands hastily pulled your shirt up and over your head.
His face was buried in your neck, attacking your slightly sweaty skin with his lips and teeth. Big hands grasped your breasts, teasing them. Hearing the whimpers, the moans that his touches caused did wonders for Jungkook's ego. He loved knowing that he was the only one that could get you like this, see you like this. Fuck that Taehyung guy, you were his and he was more than willing to prove it to you.
He couldn't help the primal instinct to cover your body in his marking to make it completely and utterly clear that you belonged to him. Quickly, his hands were dropping and rounding your body to grasp your ass; using his grip to pull your body against his. At that exact moment, he was sinking his teeth into the skin just above your collarbone, sucking harshly on the spot right after.
“Fuck, Jungkook!” He loved the sound of your sweet moans. Loved it even more that it was his name falling from those pretty lips. Jungkook rolled his hips forward, grinding his hard and growing erection against your scarcely covered pussy. Such a tiny useless skirt, did you really think he'd have nothing to say about you prancing around in this?
Your shaky hands found the dark curls of his hair, tugging at the roots as his lips dragged their way down your chest. You were already so needy for him, back arching in an attempt to push your breasts closer to his lips, hoping he'd take the hint. He did. A breath of relief fell from your lips as his mouth finally wrapped around one of your hardened buds, wet tongue drawing circles around it, pulling desperate moans from your lips.
He was pulling back with a hiss, teeth sinking into the flesh of your tit, making you yelp. His gentle tongue soothed the skin, dark eyes peaking up to admire your lust-filled, half-lidded eyes. A gentle kiss pressed against the marked skin, “You're so pretty like this.” He grinned.
Jungkook reached his hand down to still the grind of your hips that had started without your knowledge, he pinned you against the leather seats and you whimpered. “What is it that you want, baby?” Fuck, his voice. It wasn't often that Jungkook took on a dominant role, sort of liked to go with the flow. But right now, the way he was looking at you, handling you, hand an unfamiliar twist building in your stomach.
There was no way you'd be able to keep your composure if he kept on like this. “I need you, Kookie. I need to feel you.” Never did you think he'd be down for car sex, but you weren't opposed to the idea; not one bit. With that, though, you knew that you had to be quick; there was no telling who could come rushing down the hill. Which meant foreplay wasn't really in the cards for you two right now.
Jungkook was quick with leaning back on his knees, tugging at the buckle of his belt until it came undone. He only pushed his jeans down enough to pull his cock out. No matter how many times you saw it, you always seemed to find yourself mesmerized by Jungkook's cock.
It was no surprise that it'd be long, Jungkook was a big guy and it was only fitting that he'd have a big dick. Rested nicely just inches below his belly button. It was thick too, pretty veins wrapping around the length and a pink tip that had your mouth watering and pussy clenching.
Jungkook watched you expectantly, a subtle smirk on his lips. He had definitely caught you ogling. It took you a moment to figure out why he was looking at you, but you were quick to catch on, lifting your hips to wiggle out of your tiny skirt. “Fuck, baby.” He breathed, eyes fixed on the way your panties clung to your damp lips. You felt your cheeks darkening.
He never had to do much to get you like this. A giggle left your lips, “You're the only one that makes me like this.” You reminded, hands reaching up to reach for his shoulders as you pulled his body down onto yours. The smile that took over his features didn't go unnoticed. His hand was fitting itself between your legs, long fingers rubbing at your folds gently.
Freehand lining the thickness of his head up with your center, and sliding all the way in with one powerful thrust. You let out a loud cry, caught off guard although you expected the intrusion. Gentle lips pressed wet kisses against your skin, allowing you the time you needed to adjust to his large size.
It didn't take long for you to get used to him being this deep inside you. Yeah, he's been gone for weeks, but your body had grown accustomed to him, always recognizing his return. Just a single roll of your hips was enough to get him to fuck forward, the breath he had been holding being let out.
He was quickly losing himself in you, forgetting if he had ever been mad in the first place. It was like he wanted to make sure you felt every last inch of him. Gradually, he was speeding up the movements of his hips, tickling the sweet spots buried deep inside of you before full-blown pounding against them.
Each thrust hit right where you needed him to, high, needy moans fell from your lips. Calls of his name as your nails dug into his back. You could feel yourself climbing higher and higher toward your release. Jungkook's hand grasped tightly on your thigh, lifting your leg to reach deeper inside of you. He was panting, sending you praise, reminding you that you were his.
Nothing else seemed to matter at this moment. Not the fact that you could be caught at any moment, the uncomfortable bend laying in the back seat of his car caused, Taehyung; it was just you two. “Kookie, I'm gonna...” You tried to tell him, the pleasure making its way into your veins and spiking through your body; cutting your sentence short.
He understood you completely, though. “Shh, I got you, baby.” He rasped, eyes finding yours in the cloudy haze of pleasure the two of you had created. He loved to see you like this, fucked out and desperate for him. His hand was sliding between your legs to find your sensitive clit, using his fingers to push you over the edge.
Nails dragged down his strong back, as you clenched down around him. With one final call of his name, you were falling apart, hips bucking and head falling back. The sight of you unraveling, was enough to push Jungkook over the edge. His head ducked into the crook of your neck, teeth, and tongue finding your salty skin. He pounded his hips powerfully into you until his body was stilling.
A drawn-out moan left your lips at the feeling of his thick release coating your pulsing walls. Warmth spread throughout your body as you began to relax under him, breath heaving as your body laid limp against Italian leather.
“Fuck,” Jungkook breathed out a laugh, eyes dropping to watch his dick slip from inside of you. The mixture of your release dripped out of you and he watched, amazed. “You're my perfect girl.” He complimented with a wide smile, droopy eyes lifting to find your smiling face. “I can't believe we just-”
His words were being cut off by a sharp knock against the window just above your head. Your body sprung up, arms wrapping around your body to cover your bare chest. Wide eyes landing on an annoyed-looking Taehyung.
“You can't do that here!” He called through the glass. Jungkook was smirking, reaching for the door to roll down the window. You stopped him, only being able to imagine what type of snarky remark he was about to spew.
“We're leaving!” You called back, officially kissing your weekly tennis lessons goodbye when you saw the scowl on the older male's face. He turned with a roll of his eyes, stalking his way back up the hill. “He's an asshole,” Jungkook noted and you laughed, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips.
“Just take me home, want you to fuck me properly.” He perked up at the sound of that, hands quick to adjust his jeans before he was climbing into the front seat. “You lay comfy, I'll have you home in no time.” He grinned, quick with turning the keys in the ignition.
God, you loved this man. With every fiber of your being, you loved him. He was perfect for you and you could never imagine yourself with anyone else. You were sure he felt the same, making sure that you knew it every single day. The time apart only made your heart grow fonder, made every day with him that much more special.
You wouldn't change a thing.
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