#I'm SO pissed
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cipheramnesia · 5 months
Dear all horror writers and directors everywhere, about to put a scene in the movie where your only character who isn't skinny, white, and/or straight gets killed first.
Don't. For fuck's sake don't. Please stop. I'm so tired of this.
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allison3k0 · 8 days
Okay so basically our school had a fun carnival thing that they do every September, and they require you to have a wristband so you can do everything that they're offering. (One of those ones that's like a hospital bracelet). So, me and my Bestie were about to leave the school in her car when I said "I need to get this thing off" cuz it was getting tight on my wrist. So, I just started walking toward my TC and my Bestie goes "Girl! Where are you going?!" in a pissed mom type of tone and I said "I'm gonna get him to help me get it off." and she was like "OML, he's not gonna have scissors" and I said "No, I know, I wanna see if he'll help me get it off." So, we walked over to where my TC was standing and I asked the other teacher who was there with him if "Anyone has scissors cuz I need to get this thing off" and they said no, so I asked my TC "Here, can you help me get it off?" and I reached out my hand in a fist. He put down his tumbler of coffee that he always has with him and was like ready to reach out when suddenly THE STAFF OF THE COMPANY THAT SET UP THE STUFF FREAKING HAD THE AUDACITY TO STOP A MOMENT FROM HAPPENING AND SAID "Hey, you wanna see a trick?" Like what else am I supposed to say, so I said "Yeah sure" and I put my arm out to her, so she took the loose end of the wristband from the inside and made it go around so that it was where the other end was, and she just pulled it and it came off. Now, I already knew you could do that, but the thing is, I WANTED HIM TO HELP ME LIKE COME ON. So I had to give a fake ahh reaction like "Oh! Wow! I didn't know you could do that! Thank you!" and I went to leave after that, and right before I left I saw my TC had a huge smile on his face while he was looking at me. I WANTED HIM TO HOLD MY HAND SO BADLY SO HE COULD TAKE THE WRISTBAND OFF, LIKE I LITERALLY WAS SO CLOSE TO HAVING AN ADORABLE AND WHAT I WOULD CONSIDER A ROMANTIC MOMENT WITH HIM BUT NOOOO THIS B!TCH *SS LADY HAD TO DO IT INSTEAD!!! I'M SO PISSED!!! YK WHAT, F THAT LADY, SHE PROBABLY GETS NO B!TCHES. I'm so f*cking done. I was THIS close to having a moment with him... Like even my Bestie who doesn't support my "delusions" at all said to me "He even put down his coffee, he was going to do it, but he didn't, haha" just to make fun of me but also I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE HE PUT DOWN HIS COFFEE AND WAS READY TO HELP ME LIKE OML HE WAS GONNA DO IT BUT THAT LADY HAD TO INTERRUPT A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT LIKE A FREAKING MOVIE WHEN THE LEADS ARE ABOUT TO KISS I STG I HATE THAT LADY LIKE OML PLSSSSS I WANTED HIM TO HOLD MY HAND SO BADDDDD I WANTED TO FEEL HIM TOUCH ME (Ayo? 😏) LIKE COME ONNNN.
Edit: I forgot to mention that my Bestie went to her car to cool off in the ac while I went to play smash bro's in a video game truck (where Mr S was stationed to help with) and when she came back to see me again she didn't see me outside the truck so she got my TC to look for me. Apparently she asked him "Is A in there?" and he looked to see if I was, and I was, and what's funny is I was completely absorbed in smash bro's so I didn't even notice (Also I won as peach against 3 random people from my school). So my Bestie told me "You're welcome, I got him to look for you." I was thinking like wtf you mean look for me? He knew I was there- but I was like "Oh???" and she said "Yeah I asked if you were in the truck and he looked for you in there. You're welcome." I WAS FREAKING OUT INSIDE LIKE SHE REALLY HAD HIM LOOK FOR ME LIKE SHE COULD'VE JUST CHECKED HERSELF BUT NO SHE HAD HIM CHECK FOR ME LIKE OML MAYBE SHE DOESN'T HATE ME AFTER ALL (she never hated me, I'm jk, but maybe she doesn't hate me having feelings for him after all, since she helped me in a way with him)
TLDR; School carnival wristband, wanted it off, went to TC to have him take it off me, lady staff decides to do it for me by showing me a trick. I'm pissed.
Thank you for coming to my TC Talk 🥲
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balkanradfem · 9 months
"Growing flax to make linen was one of the oldest human activities in Europe, particularly in the Rhineland. Archeologists have found linen textiles among the settlements of Neolithic cultivators along the shores of Lake Neuchâtel in the Jura Mountains west of Bern, Switzerland. These were elaborate pieces: Stone Age clothmakers of the Swiss lakeshores sewed pierced fruit pits in a careful line into a fabric with woven stripes. The culture spread down the Rhine and into the lowland regions.
The Roman author Pliny observed in the first century AD that German women wove and wore linen sheets. By the ninth century flax had spread through Germany. By the sixteenth century, flax was produced in many parts of Europe, but the corridor from western Switzerland to the mouth of the Rhine contained the oldest region of large-scale commercial flax and linen production. In the late Middle Ages the linen of Germany was sold nearly everywhere in Europe, and Germany produced more linen than any other region in the world.
At this juncture, linen weavers became victims of an odd prejudice. “Better skinner than linen weaver,” ran one cryptic medieval German taunt. Another macabre popular saying had it that linen weavers were worse than those who “carried the ladders to the gallows.” The reason why linen weavers were slandered in this way, historians suspect, was that although linen weavers had professionalized and organized themselves into guilds, they had been unable to prevent homemade linen from getting onto the market. Guilds appeared across Europe between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries but many of the items they produced for exchange, like textiles and soap, were also produced at home right up through the nineteenth century. The intricate regulations of the guilds—determining who could join, how they would be trained, what goods they would produce, and how these could be exchanged—were mainly designed to distinguish guild work from this homely labor. That linen making continued to be carried out inside of households—a liability for guilds in general—lent a taint to the linen guild in particular.
In the seventeenth century, guilds came under pressure from a new, protocapitalist mode of production. Looking for cheaper cloth to sell on foreign markets, entrepreneurs cased the Central European countryside offering to pay cash to home producers for goods. Rural households became export manufacturing centers and a major source of competition with the guilds. These producers could undercut the prices of urban craftsmen because they could use the unregulated labor of their family members, and because their own agricultural production allowed them to sell their goods for less than their subsistence costs.
The uneasiness between guild and household production in the countryside erupted into open hostility. In the 1620s, linen guildsmen marched on villages, attacking competitors, and burning their looms. In February 1627 Zittau guild masters smashed looms and seized the yarn of home weavers in the villages of Oderwitz, Olbersdorf, and Herwigsdorf.
Guilds had long worked to keep homemade products from getting on the market. In their death throes, they hit upon a new and potent weapon: gender. Although women in medieval Europe wove at home for domestic consumption, many had also been guild artisans. Women were freely admitted as masters into
the earliest medieval guilds, and statutes from Silesia and the Oberlausitz show that women were master weavers. Thirteenth-century Paris had eighty mixed craft guilds of men and women and fifteen female-dominated guilds for such trades as gold thread, yarn, silk, and dress manufacturing. Up until the mid-seventeenth century, guilds had belittled home production because it was unregulated, nonprofessional, and competitive. In the mid-seventeenth century this work was identified as women’s work, and guildsmen unable to compete against cheaper household production tried to eject women from the market entirely. Single women were barred from independent participation in the guilds. Women were restricted to working as domestic servants, farmhands, spinners, knitters, embroiderers, hawkers, wet nurses. They lost ground even where the jobs had been traditionally their own, such as ale brewing and midwifery, by the end of the seventeenth century.
The wholesale ejection of women from the market during this period was achieved not only through guild statute, but through legal, literary, and cultural means. Throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries women lost the legal right to conduct economic activity as femes soles. In France they were declared legal “imbeciles,” and lost the right to make contracts or represent themselves in court. In Italy, they began to appear in court less frequently to denounce abuses against them. In Germany, when middle-class women were widowed it became customary to appoint a tutor to manage their affairs. As the medieval historian Martha Howell writes, “Comedies and satires of this period…often portrayed market women and trades women as shrews, with characterizations that not only ridiculed or scolded them for taking on roles in market production but frequently even charged them with sexual aggression.” This was a period rich in literature about the correction of errant women: Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew (1590–94), John Ford’s ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore (1629–33), Joseph Swetnam’s “The Araignment of Lewde, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women” (1615). Meanwhile, Protestant reformers and Counter-Reformation Catholics established doctrinally that women were inherently inferior to men.
This period, called the European Age of Reason, successfully banished women from the market and transformed them into the sweet and passive beings that emerged in Victorian literature. Women accused of being scolds were paraded in the streets wearing a new device called a “branks,” an iron muzzle that depressed the tongue. Prostitutes were subjected to fake drowning, whipped, and caged. Women convicted of adultery were sentenced to capital punishment.
As a cultural project, this was not merely recreational sadism. Rather, it was an ideological achievement that would have lasting and massive economic consequences. Political philosopher Silvia Federici has argued this expulsion was an intervention so massive, it ought to be included as one of a triptych of violent seizures, along with the Enclosure Acts and imperialism, that allowed capitalism to launch itself.
Part of why women resisted enclosure so fiercely was because they had the most to lose. The end of subsistence meant that households needed to rely on money rather than the production of agricultural goods like cloth, and women had successfully been excluded from ways to earn. As labor historian Alice Kessler-Harris has argued, “In pre-industrial societies, nearly everybody worked, and almost nobody worked for wages.” During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, monetary relations began to dominate economic life in Europe. Barred from most wage work just as the wage became essential, women were shunted into a position of chronic poverty and financial dependence. This was the dominant socioeconomic reality when the first modern factory, a cotton-spinning mill, opened in 1771 in Derbyshire, England, an event destined to upend still further the pattern of daily life."
- Sofi Thanhauser, Worn: A People's History of Clothing
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republicsglory · 2 months
i look at mercurial knight cookie and through her tag and i think Damn. what a waste of great potential. not even estrogen can save her (i hc her as tfem 🤍)
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it's just so baffling to me. you create such a tragic, almost disturbing concept! then put it to waste? i don't think many people have thought about how unnerving the faerie kingdom's tradition of the silver knights is! they sell their soul for strength, they give up EVERYTHING. did these knights not have families, no? do they never long for just a morsel of the past?
do the other faeries just...forget who that knight used to be?
freaky as HELL. clearly you can be devoted and blessed without selling your soul — hell, look at the paladins! you're telling me white lily (virtue of freedom), nor pure vanilla nor anyone else saw this and thought Hey Maybe That's Not Fucking Normal???? props for being nice about it i guess😭😭
mercurial knight had so much potential, and yet it's all wasted. you CAN make a character with no identity good i promise you devsisters....
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kaleidoscope-vol2 · 7 months
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emperorofthedark · 1 year
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Inner Court
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lookingforsneha · 3 months
Just finished chapter 112 of atyd and my god do I absolutely hate Sirius rn, like my man, wtf is up with you, you absolutely oblivious idiot. Like wtaf, he fought with Em, was so rude to her, and wouldn't even let the poor girl process.
I'm so pissed at him.
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leafycasper · 1 year
Is anyone else pissed off about the Ahsoka ending? Like, I'm livid! Sure, there were some things I was hype about. Glad we finally got more than a name drop if Kanan, Ezra has perfect casting, and I love the statues of the Father, Son, and Daughter. I love that Ezra got home. But like, they're just stuck now? And Ahsoka's ok with it? Like, if it had just been Ahsoka, I wouldn't be mad, I think her leaving to live the rest of her life just chilling would be an acceptable way to end her story. But Sabine too?? Am I missing something??? Also, I've been against force sensitive Sabine since the beginning and I'm soad that they went through with it. Idk maybe I missed something but this ending was just so bullshit to me. Plus no Jacen, not Ezra and Hera hug, no Zeb!? Like where tf is he???? And his husband!?!? Pissed, inconsolable. Filoni I'm at your door and I'mma go all Skywalker on your ass.
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gavidaily · 1 year
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FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid 05.04.23
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demivampirew · 1 year
Happy Sunday to everyone except Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, every producer and writer for The Witcher for ruining such a cool story. Motherf*ckers! I'm still beyond pissed at them.
My thougths on this season:
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zaynontour · 5 months
first our very human writing, the words we poured our blood, sweat and tears into is stolen to train ai. and now we, the writers are being accused of using ai to write as ai detectors recognise our very human writing as ai written. 🙃
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drakonovisny · 3 months
spent the entire evening creating a new head morph for my warden in dao toolset, but now i can't fucking add it to the game fml
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burntpink · 6 days
i can't believe my succulent's flower stalk broke during the storm last night, it was so unique. the world really is always trying to tear a bad bitch down
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lonely-crescent · 4 days
Sometimes I feel like the most naïve person ever, like I'll just accept people's opinions as facts or bow down to whatever they say without even considering challenging them, the inferiority complex is so strong that if you disagree with me with enough conviction I'll probably believe that you're right and I'm wrong
I'm so easy to gaslight and manipulate it infuriates me
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princelancey · 1 year
Before vs after having to deal with the Aston strategists 🙃
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