#I'm An Albatraoz
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I’m An Albatraoz is Lauren from Sk8ter Boi after a makeover
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(Submitted by Anonymous!)
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karis17love · 11 months ago
opinions on Skater Boy? I personally believe I’m an Albatraoz is singing about her breakup now. And if we go off both maps. Then it appears the breakup was quite messy but in the present day they all seem to be doing well. I’m an Albatraoz is a ballerina and confident in herself and Tyler and Lauren seem happy together.
btw love your memes! They’re the highlight of my day!
I see it like this:
I definitely think the coach from "I'm An Albatraoz" is singing about Lauren. The song is about "Lorry" - the little mouse, who is portrayed, well badly. Lorry definitely fits Lauren as a nickname. Besides, Lauren seems quite short to me, so calling her a mouse would also fit, lol
I think that both coaches are confident, know what they want and were in love with the same guy, Tyler. In "Sk8er Boi", we see Tyler changing, he's not the same boy he was anymore.
I think Tyler was happy in his relationship with ''I'm An Albatraoz'''s coach, but he wasn't completely himself, not like he IS with Lauren, which probably made the breakup much more painful for The Ballerina, and that's why she's so upset with Lauren, because if their relationship was good in her opinion and Tyler still left her for Lauren, like how can you not be mad??
Especially since I think they may have never really liked each other, different characters, etc.
So this is how I see the relationship between these three coaches.
I don't have an opinion on the map itself yet, but I like it! I like that Tyler and Lauren have different levels of difficulty when it comes to this routine, it is definitely a better idea of ​​integrating two dancers at different levels than was done in "Shoutout". The choreography is cool, I love the colors of this map and the coaches' outfits, but also the interactions between them, like for example the whole lifting the other person. It reminds me a lot of the older jd games. I also think it's the perfect map when you need to get rid of excess energy, something like "Happier Than Ever" or "Dharma".
It's not my favorite, but it's definitely a very good map <33
Also- Thank you! Sometimes I wonder if what I add is not too cringe/ if my humor isn't weird or if maybe it's better not to add or remove them, etc., so your words are really nice and important for me💗🥺
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tartrat · 5 months ago
September Just Dance plus batch review:
I thought that these would be uploaded around half ten gmt yesterday (when songs normally appear to be released) so even though i was sick yesterday morning so i was refreshing the wiki to see if they were uploaded and then they were sometime yesterday afternoon. I haven't done I'm an Albatraoz and Narco in forever (Like sometime in 2020).
I'm an Albatraoz: I can tell that the scoring has been improved from unlimited, i remember the two gold moves at the middle being awkward to score maybe it was just me. I also remember really liking this back on JD2016 but i don't really think about it much anymore. Like its still a really good map. Also apparently AronChupa released a sequel to this song this year. I haven't heard it but if anyone has, is it good?
Narco: What i noticed is that they removed the gold move where you get down and stretch your arm back (Maybe it'll be changed maybe not). This was really fun, i'd say its my favourite from this batch. Its really funny how Mad love has been stuck in JD2019 whilst Narco, who's coach is a member of the Mad love coaches' guards, was in unlimited when 2020 came out. That's what mad love gets for the extreme's tracking being weird on kinect (or maybe that was a me problem)
Radical: I never did this one when it was on unlimited as i never really cared for it. So after my first time doing it, meh. Like it just looks weird to me and i know that quite a few like this one. Its probably because they add some sort of brightening effect to the coaches that gives them a subtle glow that looks nice where as this one looks like they just filmed in a dark room and didn't add anything to the coach in editing because they wanted it to just look neon. Like the Dark room is noticeable here and this is the only map that i think you can tell it was shot in an empty room. Like other maps take place on empty plains that mainly have background effects (Like lush life) but the coach actually looks like they're in the game. Radical just looks awkward.
Safe and Sound: You can very much tell that this one was a collaboration with a hair care product lol. Thats all i could think about whilst playing it. I hate the word mid because i feel most people use it to say they hate something but this one is mid, like middle of the road. I'd probably do it from time to time but thats only if i remember it.
My ranking for this batch is:
1 Narco
2 I'm An Albatraoz
3 Safe and sound
4 Radical
I was kinda hoping for Love Story and both versions of Scream and Shout and Levitating in this batch. I miss Love Story even though i whacked my hand off of my wardrobe doing the spin at the end in January 2022, then i didn't do it for a few weeks because i didn't want that to happen again lol.
Also my Ubisoft username is Tartrat155 if you want to add me. Idk maybe we can compare scores. Here are mine for this batch
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signanothername · 11 days ago
Challenge for the character ask meme if you so choose to take it: All of the questions you haven't answered about Cross or Error or! An approaching new contender Reaper.
Decided to see which character I answered the least amount of questions for and it turned out to be Error with only 3, so doing Error for this one
Putting it under read more cause I have mercy
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Answered here
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Everything tbh, his design, his story, his character, he’s just fun
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Would definitely put him in kinitopet cause it could be really fun
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I'm an Albatraoz - AronChupa
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
His trust issues dgxggzgzgzg
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
When they make him grumpy, I love grumpy characters, but if it’s done in moderation
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
When his Haphephobia is either completely ignored, or turned up to 11, where’s the balance 😔
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Yes, I think Error wouldn’t be too bad of a roommate (except for loud TV noises I guess dhdggxg), if Error doesn’t see me as an anomaly and erases me that is xhhxhxhxh
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Yes actually, I think we’ll definitely get along just fine
11. Would you date this character?
Hell nah
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Answered here
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
I actually love to think Error wouldn’t use all sorts of emoticons from >:( to <3
Also anytime I see a windows XP setup or program or design, Error is on my mind
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Honestly can’t think anything specific for him? He strikes me as the kinda guy that like, wears something that’s both comfortable and fashionably casual, but a bit messy looking
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
None, I love to think he’s absolutely bitchless
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Errorink (sorry errorink lovers)
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
DestructiveDeath (Error x reaper)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
His relationship with Swap
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Nothing in particular comes to mind
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Fresh, I will not elaborate
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Never written for Error specifically
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Something I like: when he’s shown to be actually a bit silly, Error is silly, I wanna see it more than seeing him grumpy
Something I don’t like: when he’s made into an absolute tsundere
23. Favorite picture of this character?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Rob - The Amazing World of Gumball
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impression: yoooo this guy got a cool design what’s his deal
Impression now:
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26. What's something the character has done you can't get over? Be it something funny, bad, good, serious, whatever?
Answered here
Character ask game
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albatross-the-wheelman · 2 months ago
"Let me tell you all a story 'bout a mouse named Lorry Yeah, Lorry was a mouse in a big brown house She called herself "The Hoe" With the money, money flow But fuck that little mouse 'cause I'm an Albatraoz- Whoo~!"
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localsimpissleepy · 11 months ago
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I was not expecting her to appear-
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lienspien · 5 months ago
Songs that make me think of our slut and whore bcj (I'm so serious about this I won't lie)
- looking at me - sabrina carpenter (IF YOU THINK THEYRE LOOKING AT YOU THEYRE LOOKING AT ME)
- genius by sia, diplo, labyrinth, LSD
- roxanne by arizona zirvas (he and James LOVE this song)
- Savage by bahari
- bad girlfriend by Anne marie
- play with fire by sam timnesz and yacht money
- hide and seek by lizz robinett
- hard 2 face reality by poo bear, Justin beiber and jay electronica
- im an albatraoz by aronchupa, little sis nora
- violent by carolesdaughter
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batink · 3 months ago
"A true warrior isn't immune to fear. They fight in spite of it" - Character: Jessica Jackson.
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Character: Jessica Cordelia Jackson.
Alias: Siren.
Nationality: Atlantean.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, super strength and metamorphosis (can change her form to appear more human-like or/and be like her dad).
Pronouns: She/Her.
Appereance: warm ebony skin, hazel eyes, thick eyebrows, black curly hair (3C), athletic body, big hands and short nails.
Age: 15 years old.
Backstory: Born and raised by a merman and an Atlantean, she was born in the outskirts of Atlantis and lived in the Pacific ocean with her parents until she was 9 and started to interact with humanity (her parents' request) and eventually made friends in the surface. Currently, she still lives with her parents but practically lives alone because her parents normally go to the cost most of the time.
She lives in Salta and currently she's one of the members of the Wonderlands and she represents the Knave of Hearts.
Her best friend is Aemie Harper/Lost Soul, and Jessica loves to train with her and loves her friends.
Random facts:
She's bisexual.
She's kinda based on Undyne.
Her favorite colour is red.
She could possibly be either Leo's, Ciel's or Aemie's love interest.
Either way, she's very outgoing.
Aemie braids her hair because Jess hates doing it herself because it gets easily tangled.
Her favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Also, promised drawing (guys please tell me if it's weird cause I've been investigating how to draw her properly ;-;):
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karis17love · 5 months ago
New Songs in JD+!
→ Safe And Sound - JD2014
→ I’m An Albatraoz - JD2016
→ Radical - JD2017
→ Narco - JD2019
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Songs on Spotify:
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buttsandboltguns · 1 year ago
oh! @frogblast-the-ventcore tagged me for the Spotify on Repeat thing! First tag :)
This'll be double fun since it's off a shared playlist! I'll mark which are my songs and which are my friend's!
Rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist & post the first ten tracks, then tag people. Only have a couple mutuals to tag unfortunately, but I'm gonna tag 'em!
) Rainy Day by Ice Nine Kills (me)
) Chasing Rainbows by The Reverend Horton Heat (friend)
) Simple & Clean by Ghostora (me)
) Voodoo by Godsmack (friend)
) It's Only Sex by Car Seat Headrest (friend)
) The Realm of Tomorrow by Unleash the Archers (friend)
) 乙女解剖 by Moona Hoshinova (me) (also if it was on Spotify, it'd be the Okayu Nekomata ver, though I love both versions!)
) Red Water Dreams by Aviators (me)
) I'm an Albatraoz by AronChupa & Lil Sis Nora (both!)
) Grave of the Fireflies by The Raven Age (me)
I've been picking through the shared playlist (it's over 3000 songs long, a combined playlist of both our libraries) , so I haven't actually heard a few of these songs from my friend yet. Time to listen to them!
@wujczak @wagglewings @accidentalslayer @nerdyogre
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year ago
heres an ask since im bored and i feel like it :DD
what songs should be played on loop in hell?
have some fast food 🍔🍕🍟
The Pucca theme song
I Know a Song that Gets on Everybody's Nerves
Barbie girl by Aqua
Baby by Justin Bieber
I'm an Albatraoz
And of course, Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up"
Keep it going!
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coldasyou · 1 year ago
all I could think of was the song I'm an albatraoz by aronchupa lol
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lyrics leaked not clickbait!!!
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its-fucking-tangerine · 2 years ago
comic list [new academic year reading]
this list would not exist without @albatraoz !! she's amazing!!
this reading list of jason appearances in comics and since im falling in love [/p] with jason todd, i'm planning to read most of them
specifically, but not limited to:
Batman #357-#399
Detective Comics #524-#567
Batman #400-403
Crisis on Infinite Earths #5, #9, #11-12
Batman: Under the Red Hood
Batman: Battle for the Cowl
Batman: Death in the Family
Batman: Death of the Family
okay, continued:
Robin: 80 years of Boy Wonder
Nightwing: Year One
Batman: A Long Halloween
Robin: Year One
Scarecrow: Year One
Dick's Gauntlet
Batgirl: Year One
Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn
Robin (Chuck Dixon)
A Lonely Place of Dying
The New Teen Titans
Nightwing (Kyle Higgins)
The Judas Contract
Probably gonna add more soon!!
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helmetkeeper · 2 years ago
i'm bored so here's a playlist based off of nimona :]. it's an awesome movie, i recommend watching it! i'd recommend the source material too but i haven't read it myself lmao. it seems super cool too though! i love how different they both seem from each other :D.
anyway anyway, back to playlist ^_^.
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it goes: "song" + "artist"
"Taking What's Not Yours" + "TV Girl"
"Human Fly" + "The Cramps"
"Heart of a Dancer" + "The Happy Fits"
"Chick Habit" (from Death Proof) + "Izzy Bardot"
"Viet Nam" + "Minutemen"
"Psycho" + "System Of A Down"
"Death On Two Legs (Dedicated To...)" (remastered 2011) + "Queen"
"Start a Riot" + "Duckwrth" and "Shaboozey"
"Punk Tactics" + "Joey Valence & Brae"
"At Doom's Gate" + "Andrey Avkhimovich"
"My Axe" + "Insane Clown Posse" and "Twiztid"
"Rainbow Factory" + "GLAZE" and "WoodenToaster"
"Jump Around" + "House Of Pain"
"YOUR HEAD'S ON FIRE" + "Louie Zong"
"War" + "Linkin Park"
"Heads Will Roll" + "Yeah Yeah Yeahs"
"Put It on the Line" (theme from borderlands) + "The Heavy"
"Ready To Die" + "Andrew W.K."
"Crazy Girls" + "TOOPOOR"
"Chop Chop Slide" + "Insane Clown Posse"
"Monster High Fright Song" + "Monster High"
"Kitchen Without Gun" (extended mix) + "YouSeeKenny"
"Monster Truck" + "Jazmin Bean" and "Zheani"
"Get Ready" + "2 Unlimited"
"How You Like That" + "BLACKPINK"
"I'm an Albatraoz" + "AronChupa"
"Be Afraid of Who You Are" + "EURINGER"
"Nobody Likes Me (Think I'll Go Eat Worms)" + "ABC Kids"
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dividers by @/kbedo and @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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oh-munda-kukkad-kamaal-da · 2 years ago
If you guys dont know this song.....know it ig
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localsimpissleepy · 6 months ago
crackship: Tyler x Lauren x I’m An Albatraoz
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I think this ship is cute
Based on the lyrics to Sk8er Boi, i think maybe I'm An Albatraoz could losen up around Tyler and Lauren, both helping her get some weight off her shoulders
I also think it would be cool to see that Tyler and Lauren were both exs of I'm An Albatraoz
Don't got much to say, but i think this ship is cute-
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