#I'll try to remember to reblog this occasionally
kirby-the-gorb · 5 months
what's for sale?
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updated april 16 2024
all links in pinned post :)
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 10 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's, Mammon's, Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's (you are here) reactions.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
This contains spoilers: I think its lesson 16.
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Belphegor's reaction:
Belphie cries over important things rarely, but hes the youngest and as the youngest in my own family I can say that we are bitches. Belphie definetly fake cries in attempt to get his brothers in trouble with Lucifer or Mc. Belphie will also cry when he gets tired enough. He's a spolied brat, he throws a tantrum when he doesnt get his way, and he cries just to get attention or to cause chaos. Sometimes Belphie really cries over things, like Lillith or remembering what he did to Mc. These moments are rare and they usually happen late at night when he oddly can't fall asleep. When these moments happen he's always sleep deprived for the Avatar of Sloth, and his crying tends to be closer to mental break downs due to his lack of sleep.
The first time Mc sees Belphie really crying, Belphie goes to them and has to wake them up, so Mc is fairly suprised and a little disoriented because they just waking up. Mc quickly gets their shit together as soon as they see the sobbing demon trembling in front of them. Mc goes to do something to comfort Belphie, but is interrupted by a *poof* Mc realizes they must have changed into their sheep form by accident due to how tired they are. Belphie seems more upset seeing Sheep Mc, probably thinking Mc turned into their Sheep form out of fear, he crouches down to the small sheep's height and gently hugs them, sobbing about how he'd never hurt them again. Sheep Mc is confused and half-asleep but they wrap their tiny arms around Belphie and hugs him tightly.
The two stay like this in silence for a moment, Belphie sobbing into Sheep Mc's wool gross and holding them close. After a few silent seconds of this Belphie finally speaks- "...I cant sleep..everytime I close my eyes I see you. How you looked when I..when I.." Belphie tries to speak but his voice cracks and his sobs become more frequent the more Belphie tries to explain- "..I know I promised I'll never hurt you again..and you say you forgive me..but it haunts me..i just needed to see that you're safe.." Belphie finally manages to explain, sobbing even more as he hugs Sheep Mc like they'll disapear if he lets go. Belphie rocks back and forth as he hugs the tiny sheep, trying to calm himself down a little.
To calm and comfort Belphie, Sheep Mc just has to tell him their not scared of him, and hug him until he stops trembling and crying. Belphie prefers to hug and cuddle Sheep Mc more than pet them, but he does occasionally pet them in attempts to calm down. Belphie finds Sheep Mc's wool to be comforting due to how fluffy it is, he compares it to clouds all the time. Sheep Mc is soft and cuddly and is as comforting to Belphie as his cow pillow is. Sheep Mc will definitely calm him down, he might fall asleep right on the floor due to the adorable sheep's comfort. Once Belphie is calmed down, he picks Sheep Mc up and places them on their bed. Belphie then climbs into Mc's bed and lets Sheep Mc cuddle up with him. Belphie gently pets Sheep Mc until they fall asleep, he stays up watching them for awhilw, just soaking in the fact that their safe, Belphie eventually falls asleep, sleeping peacefully when snuggled up to Mc, no matter what form their in.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! This feels short? But I hope you enjoyed! More content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Spooky!
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
hello! i hope it's alright to ask you this but i was wondering if you have any recommendations for books to read or media in general about the history of judaism and jewish communities in egypt, particularly in ottoman and modern egypt?
have a nice day!
it's fine to ask me this! Unfortunately I have to preface this with a disclaimer that a lot of books on Egyptian Jewish history have a Zionist bias. There are antizionist Egyptian Jews, and at the very least ones who have enough national pride that AFAIK they do not publicly hold Zionist beliefs, like those who spoke in the documentary the Jews of Egypt (avaliable on YouTube for free with English subtitles). Others have an anti Egyptian bias- there is a geopolitical tension with Egypt from Antiquity that unfortunately some Jewish people have carried through history even when it was completely irrelevant, so in trying to research interactions between "ancient" Egyptian Jews and Native Egyptians (from the Ptolemaic era into the proto-Coptic and fully Coptic eras) I've unfortunately come across stuff that for me, as an Egyptian, reads like anti miscegenationist ideology, and it is difficult to tell whether this is a view of history being pushed on the past or not. The phrase "Erev Rav" (meaning mixed multitude), which in part refers to Egyptians who left Egypt with Moses and converted to Judaism, is even used as an insult by some.
Since I mentioned that documentary, I'll start by going over more modern sources. Mapping Jewish San Francisco has a playlist of videos of interviews with Egyptian Jews, including both Karaites and Rabbinic Jews iirc (I reblogged some of these awhile ago in my "actually Egyptian tag" tag). This book, the Dispersion of Egyptian Jewry, is avaliable for free online, it promises to be a more indepth look at Egyptian Jews in the lead up to modern explusion. I have only read a few sections of it, so I cannot give a full judgment on it. There's this video I watched about preserving Karaite historical sites in Egypt that I remember being interesting. "On the Mediterranian and the Nile edited by Harvey E. Goldman and Matthis Lehmann" is a collection of memiors iirc, as is "the Man in the Sharkskin Suit" (which I've started but not completed), both moreso from a Rabbinic perspective. Karaites also have a few websites discussing themselves in their terms, such as this one.
For the pre-modern but post-Islamic era, the Cairo Geniza is a great resource but in my opinion as a hobby researcher, hard to navigate. It is a large cache of documents from a Cairo synagogue mostly from around the Fatimid era. A significant portion of it is digitized and they occasionally crowd source translation help on their Twitter, and a lot of books and papers use it as a primary source. "The Jews in Medieval Egypt, edited by: Miriam Frenkel" is one in my to read pile. "Benjamin H. Hary - Multiglossia in Judeio-Arabic. With an Edition, Translation, and Grammatical Study of the Cairene Purim Scroll" is a paper I've read discussing the Jewish record of the events commemorated by the Cairo Purim, I got it off either Anna's Archive or libgen. "Mamluks of Jewish Origin in the Mamluk Sultanate by Koby Yosef" is a paper in my to read pile. "Jewish pietism of the Sufi type A particular trend of mysticisme in Medieval Egypt by Mireille Loubet" and "Paul B Fenton- Judaism and Sufism" both discuss the medieval Egyptian Jewish pietist movement.
For "ancient" Egyptian Jews, I find the first chapter of "The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000 BC-1492 AD” by Simon Schama, which covers Elephantine, very interesting (it also flies in the face of claims that Jews did not marry Native Egyptians, though it is from centuries before the era researchers often cover). If you'd like to read don't click this link to a Google doc, that would be VERY naughty. There's very little on the Therapeutae, but for the paper theorizing they may have been influenced by Buddhism (possibly making them an example of Judeo-Buddhist syncretism) look here (their Wikipedia page also has some sources that could be interesting but are not specifically about them). "Taylor, Joan E. - Jewish women philosophers of first-century Alexandria: Philo’s Therapeutae reconsidered" is also a to read.
I haven't found much on the temple of Onias/Tell el Yahudia/Leontopolis in depth, but I have the paper "Meron M. Piotrkowski - Priests in Exile: The History of the Temple of Onias and Its Community in the Hellenistic Period" in my to be read pile (which I got off Anna's Archive). I also have some supplemental info from a lecture I attended that I'm willing to privately share.
I also have a document compiling links about the Exodus of Jews from Egypt in the modern era, but I'm cautious about sharing it now because I made it in high school and I've realized it needs better fact checking, because it had some misinfo in it from Zionist publications (specifically about the names of Nazis who fled to Egypt- that did happen, but a bunch of names I saw reported had no evidence of that being the case, and one name was the name of a murdered resistance fighter???)
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kimbureh · 5 months
idk man, online fandom is just not the place for me.
"reblog my art/writing!!!11" "I'll block people who only like my stuff but don't reblog"
this is so intense. I have zero interest in talking to people who are trying to bully me into promoting them. It's as if people are saying:
"If you don't comment on people's fanwork, fandom will die because of you, specifically"
I get it, attention is nice. I'm a creator too. And it's true that current social media isn't conducive of creating and maintaining communities. But you don't build a community with aggression against your own audience.
I don't wanna hang out with people who yell at me about how they don't get enough attention. You're blaming the audience when the real problem goes way, way deeper, and this behavior of prioritizing content promotion over actual human connection is actually part of the issue. Urging people to reblog your stuff may grant you exposure, but it sure doesn't make you any friendships, at least not mine.
A few years back, I wanted to refine my comedic writing and started a whacky Fallout 4 blog long after the fandom had seen its peak. I knew there wouldn't be a large audience, but I wanted to see what would happen. Long story short, I regularly invited my followers to send asks I would answer in-character, and honestly had so much fun. I never bullied my audience for only liking and not reblogging. To the contrary; I respect my audience and their prerogative to decide for themselves what they do want to share on their blogs and what they don't. It's *their* blogs. I cannot grasp the audacity of some creators to demand space on people's personal blogs. I really can't.
I only had the Fallout blog for like 8 months and got more audience attention than I could deal with at times. I had such a blast, getting asks, replying to them, building in-jokes with my followers. I ended the blog with a small event and was met with a flood of lovely comments and good-byes. Today, four years later, I post on that blog maybe one or two times a year. And even though most of my followers unfollowed me when I ended the blog, I still get the occasional lovely comment. After four years, people still remember the great time we had.
Good thing I didn't block all those wonderful people who mainly liked but didn't reblog. Word got around nonetheless. I found the audience I was looking for. Dunno if I would have had the same relaxed experience with a crowd who was bullied into the interaction.
idk, man. What is online fandom?
I don't like how we treat each other. Fandom is not a marketplace. I am not selling myself or my creations, I want to treat you better than a simple customer. At its heart, fandom is a gift economy. You don't owe me a thing. If you don't want to give freely, I won't take it with force. I respect you and myself too much for that.
I think we can still find our people in fandom, without exploiting our audience as market-criers.
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darkeraurora · 8 months
Admissions - Chapter 10
NSFW - Word count: 8638
First of all, thanks to everyone who read, liked, and reblogged the previous chapters!!
This isn't quite what I wanted it to be, but we're moving and life is about to get really hectic. So I didn't want to wait months longer to post this. I'll probably go back and add to it later after our move. Make it jucier.
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The corridor outside was bustling with people heading to their barracks for the night. Simon, for once unperturbed by their racket, paced the length of their room while he waited for Sereza. The Brit kept sneaking little peeks at the drawer of his bedside table, then over to the door, and back again.
Internally he fought to maintain his resolve that his past wouldn’t interfere with him showing Sereza how much he loved and desired her. Not anymore. But unpleasant memories were especially loud in his head tonight. The past had already robbed him of so much, and Ghost was trying his damndest to draw the line at it threatening to take Sereza and this chance at happiness from him as well.
Still unnerved and his stomach twisted into knots, but he kept repeating Sereza’s words in his mind: he had her full permission to touch her as he wished but also, he didn’t have to force himself into anything physical to keep her love.
Rationally Simon knew he had nothing to worry about; they were both looking out for each other just like she had said some time ago. He was her priority just like she was his.
Ghost just had to argue with his trauma-ravaged brain about the whole thing first. That obstinate fucker.
Walking over to the small table, Simon opened the drawer and pulled out his black bandana. The fabric slid through his fingers, catching occasionally on the rough edges of tiny scars and callouses. A bit of silver in the drawer caught the Brit’s eye. One of her earrings. She hadn’t wanted to sleep with them still on last night and this morning she’d run off in a hurry after being paged, so they remained in the drawer. Dwarfed in his hand, Ghost held one of the small jewels.
The tiny thing a physical reminder of her that calmed his racing mind. He exhaled deeply. The suffocating weight of his anxiety and apprehension gradually ebbed.
He could do this.
“Remember your safe word?”
His beauty nodded, “Gummy bears.”
After some snickering on both sides over the word’s silliness, Simon laid the blindfold over her eyes and secured it behind her head. Ghost searched what he could see of her expression for the smallest indication of reluctance or unease, but found only a bit of tightness in her body language. Nothing more. “You alright Love?” he checked, sliding his palms down to her shoulders. Sereza didn’t hesitate to give him a nod and a small smile in response to his question. Once more Simon found he was thoroughly humbled by the amount of trust his girlfriend was showing she had in him.
But Ghost stood rooted to his spot as he regarded her. A feeling of deep dissatisfaction enveloped him.
This was wrong.
The Brit sighed unhappily and reached back behind her golden curls, gently tugging the bandana off again.
He was met with a very confused look. “I can’t do this,” Simon shook his head. “This, I mean,” he quickly clarified, gesturing with the bandana before flinging it onto his desk. “For a lot of reasons but mostly it’s… I hate the idea of you forcing yourself to do something you might not want to because of me. And I can’t- I can’t handle the thought of making you feel like a body I’m just… using.”
Sereza rested her palm under his jawline. “You love me, right?” Ghost nodded without hesitation. “Just like I love you. I’ve never felt anything but safe with you Si, but if that feels wrong to you then we won’t do it,” Sereza smiled up at her ghost with an expression of pure adoration. “You really do have a beautiful heart Simon.”
Ghost cupped his hands around Sereza’s face as he leaned down to kiss her. Relishing how it felt to be like this with his little one. To be loved. Wanted. “You are everything good in my life. And if I’m going to show you how much I love you then I want to do it the right way,” Simon told her fervently before taking her lush lips in another ardent kiss.
Her small moans and warming body were already making his blood rush. Not toward his brain.
Rather quite the opposite.
Simon pulled Sereza’s hips snuggly against him as they deepened their kiss. Her back sensually arched into him. But as it often did with everything else, his mind decided to ruin the moment by interjecting an itty-bitty detail he hadn’t thought of until now…
“Fuck!” Ghost snarled as he whirled around away from her.
“What’s wrong?”
Simon ran his hand over his hair in aggravation as he turned back to Sereza. “I hope this doesn’t come across wrong, or like I’m fucking stalling – because I’m not; or not trying to at least– but… I don’t have condoms… and I don’t want to uh, uh…”
“…to get me pregnant,” Sereza finished for him.
“Mhm,” the Brit replied sullenly. This made him sound, again, like he only wanted to use her body to satisfy his needs and didn’t know how to communicate what he meant without sounding like a complete asshole. Simon’s mind began racing at the growing tension within him, making it that much harder to put his thoughts into words. “I don’t want to cause something that will impact your life and career like… that… Not that I wouldn’t be there!” he hurriedly explained, “I-I would, it’s just-”
“Si,” the petite female tried to interrupt.
“-Fucking hell Love, I don’t know how to say what I mean properly, I just don’t think that’s a good idea right now-”
“-not for either of us. And I’m not a good choice for… for that anyway. I know I fucked up and I should’ve thought of condoms. I’m so sorry, but I promise I’ll fix this-”
“SIMON.” Ghost’s rambling finally halted at her shout. With a guarded expression, he stared down at her like he was expecting an excoriating scolding over his mistake. Sereza picked up his hands and held them between their chests. “First of all, take a breath mi amor.”
Huffing out a held breath, Ghost forced his shoulders down from under his ears. Again. He couldn’t believe he forgot about those. The possibility of… tonight’s events… had his thoughts flying through his head in a hundred directions at once, so much so that he’d completely forgotten about protection. What in the bloody hell was wrong with him?
Actually… he didn’t want to think about that just now. That was a long list.
“Si… I’m on the pill. Not for, um, this exact reason; it’s to better regulate my hormone levels. I’ve been on it for about three years.”
“You are?”
“Yeah,” Sereza said as she pulled a small white plastic case from her pocket. Simon glanced down at the case she showed him with tiny pills rattling around inside. “I was actually just about to interrupt things to tell you that before we went any further – if you still wanted to try tonight, I mean,” she hastened to add.
“Oh. I see.” So… he hadn’t ruined it. They could still-
Ghost exhaled, letting his head hang as he closed his eyes, the last remnants of his momentary panic fading away. Good god he was a mess.
Sereza giggled slightly at his evident relief, Simon soon joined in with her, resting his forehead on top of hers. “You don’t need to apologize for mistakes or things that aren’t your fault mi amor. And I’m not ready for a baby either,” his beauty went on to say. “Maybe one day, but not right now. We can discuss little Simon Rileys another time, but for tonight our focus is us, yeah?”
‘Little Simon Rileys’… warmth filled Ghost’s heart. “…Yeah,” he agreed, smiling down at the face of his love. The unbidden image of Sereza pregnant with his baby, himself as a father, flashed across his mind’s eye and Ghost had to admit, he wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea… one day. Maybe.
‘One day’ just didn’t need to be nine months from tonight.
He’d never envisioned his future before or entertained the idea much. The Brit had just been existing until he met this woman who brought meaning to his dark life. And building a family hadn’t crossed his mind at all. However the thought of planning for the future – a future together – with the woman he treasured felt so… natural.
“You’re right Love, another time.” Simon bent his head down, kissing his beauty and feeling immeasurably grateful for her ability to break him out of a spiral. Holding her tenderly, he kissed her harder, appreciating her taste. Sereza tilted her head back to give him better access to her mouth while his large hands wandered down, tracing the contours of her chest, to grasp the hem of her shirt. After a quick glance back at her making sure she was alright, Ghost carefully tugged it up over her head. Dark eyes focused on the black lace bra concealing her from his view. Not wanting to pounce on Sereza like some lust-driven arse, his fingers skimmed over her shoulders, across her collarbones, and up the column of her neck. “You’re so stunning,” he whispered against her as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, “Can I take it off?”
Sereza nodded but guided his hands behind her this time as she pressed closer to his chest. Curious at what his love was showing him, Simon peered over her shoulder.
Bloody hell, did all of these things have such absurdly tiny hooks? And did they all fasten in different places?
It took an annoyingly long time with his wide fingers but at last the hooks came loose. Straps hanging loosely around her figure, Simon ran his palm up and down her bare back as he nibbled her ear. Dainty hands pulled needily at his sleeves. Soft breaths of satisfaction reached the Brit’s ears. The feel of her skin, her scent, and sounds… his little one was already inundating his senses and he only had her half-naked. Barely, even.
Sereza shrugged the straps off her shoulders and let the bra drop to the floor. Feeling her movement, Ghost gazed down at her unclothed chest, exploring hands eagerly getting to work as he gently kneaded. Twisting the dusky peaks, making her moan louder for him. Without removing his hands from his beauty, Ghost backed up until he could sit on the edge of the bed. Simon pulled her closer, tugging gently on the back of her thighs, until she knelt on either side of his legs. The height brought Sereza’s breasts to the perfect level. “Beautiful,” he hummed low in his throat as his mouth closed over her nipple. Sucking. Licking.
He groaned at the taste of her skin and decided it had been far too long since he last spent time with Sereza like this. Worshipping and loving her as she deserved. A whole 24 hours since he'd last enjoyed time alone with his love - an intolerable injustice he vowed to rectify once he got past this. Tonight.
Above him, Sereza began to whimper and squirm. Simon abruptly switched to her other breast, carefully closing his teeth over the firm peak and making her bitten-off moans grow louder. Left arm around her lower back to keep her close, Ghost’s right hand splayed across her thigh before venturing upward until it came to her center. Fingers grazed over the hot, damp fabric, almost making her whine. His thumb pressed to her most sensitive place.
“Ohhh God… Si…,” she panted as she pressed her hips lower, seeking more.
Sereza’s pleasured sounds overrode the traumatized part of his brain, Ghost pulled her down onto his hand, almost aggressively, fingers firmly rubbing in circles, making Sereza buck in response. He removed his hand and pressed her down onto his covered erection by her hips, breath catching at the feeling of her through the fabric of their pants. Her warmth alone was enough to make heat start building within him.
Ghost licked up her chest and neck until he latched onto her pulse point. Sucking hard. His free hand reached around her hip to squeeze her backside. Sereza began rolling her hips while her nails sunk into her Brit’s hoodie. Parting from her throat, he observed his little one. Her head was thrown back as her hips moved slowly over Simon’s, creating a delightful friction for them both. For a moment the lieutenant simply watched, mouth slightly open. Her stunning body twisted and curved as her pelvis worked against him. When her chest moved closer to his lips, Ghost’s tongue flicked against the swell. Sereza mewled and ground her center firmly over his cock.
Growling, Ghost flung Sereza onto the bed before settling over her and kissing her like a man starved. Rising onto his knees, he hastily shed his too-warm hoodie. Dark eyes hungrily took in his half-naked beauty lying in his bed and was struck by the sight of such perfection.
As well as the contrast…
Simon was a man of war; Sereza was an angel. She saved and bettered lives; all he did was end them. A harbinger of violence juxtaposed against a spirit of mercy. A dream come true, and someone’s worst nightmare. Good… and evil?
Ghost sighed inaudibly as he sunk to his elbows, averting his eyes, and dropping his forehead to her chest. Loving arms held him close. “Mi amor?” Sereza whispered as she kissed over his hair, “I’m here with you. Come back to me, my love.” Ghost snuggled into her a bit at her soft call. Letting her voice break through his thoughts.
Despite his reputation, his prowess as an elite soldier, the slightest shred of tenderness from this tiny slip of a woman and the legendary Ghost would crumble to kneel at her feet. Sereza already knew everything about him – all his flaws, faults, traumas, and weaknesses – and accepted him anyway, just as he was. Simon was beginning to understand… even believe, that in her eyes he was worth something. Worth being cared for.
Butterflies in his stomach and heart unbelievably full, Simon lifted his face and took her lips in a kiss full of profound affection. Thanking his lucky stars for this woman having come into his life.
Wrapping an arm underneath to grip the back of her neck, his cock ground against her warm core. Simulating what was to come. Hazel eyes drifted closed at the sensuous friction. “Eyes open sweetheart,” he prompted with a small shake of her neck, “Let me see you Love.”
Sereza complied, though with considerable difficulty. Simon’s rocking hips hit all the right spots, making heat pool low in her stomach and amber eyes glaze over.
A smirk drew the corner of his mouth up. “That feel good, sweet girl?” If the wetness seeping through their clothing was any indication it very much did, yet he wanted to hear her express it. Sereza’s eyebrows knitted together as she nodded enthusiastically. She clawed at his shirt with increasing fervor and without warning, Simon broke contact and sat up on his knees. Sereza bemoaned the sudden lack of his touch. The Brit chuckled at her complaining and gazed down at his love. Partially naked, wet, and her skin flushed. Waiting for him.
But his stomach was churning.
Wanting to push on rather than give in to rampant thoughts that threatened to bring everything about tonight to a standstill, Simon reached for the hem of his shirt.
And froze.
Ghost blinked hard, fighting the tunneling of his vision.
His little one came to his rescue again. “You look like you need to stop, Si. Do you?” She laid her hands over his still holding the bottom of his shirt.
Well – yes and no. While he was beginning to feel overwhelmed, Simon was also stubbornly determined to finally show Sereza how much he cherished her. Plus he was also fairly positive that if he stopped now his painful erection might actually kill him so… maybe if he slowed down some? While he got his mind right again?
Forcing down his trepidation, Simon affectionately stroked his knuckles over the soft skin of her cheek. “You’re so important to me, Sereza. I love you so much and I’ve wanted you so… so fucking badly all of this time,” he spoke, desire deepening his voice and making his accent more pronounced. “I want to be honest with you, and not keep things from you anymore. I don’t… I don’t know that I can do this, but I want to try. I just– I need to go slow. Really slow.”
She held his wrist near her face, caressing the back of his hand. “We will do whatever you say mi amor. As much or as little as you want and we will stop the second you say because you have complete control, okay?”
“…okay,” he whispered.
Sereza paused for a spell. It was obvious he wanted this, but the sheer amount of pain he held made this level of vulnerability terrifying. We need some safe boundaries. She would be crystal clear on what her ghost was comfortable with and he would know exactly where her hands would and would not go so it should, she hoped, reduce his anxiety. “Can you help me know where is okay for me to touch you?” she asked.
“Uh,” Ghost’s eyes flicked to the side. This felt weird. “Well, my shoulders and up is good. And my chest.”
“Like here?” she asked, lowering her hands down near his diaphragm.
Simon flinched away violently, “N-no…” She snatched her hands back instantly, holding them up.
He took a second; a few deep breaths, and closed his eyes. Sereza knew he’d been hung by the ribs, but she didn’t know where the scar from it was and had been precariously close to it. That was his fault; he should have told her. Simon brought her hand up and kissed it reassuringly – both for her, to show her she hadn’t done anything wrong and he was okay, as well as for himself. That it was Sereza that held and touched him this time. “Not quite that low. Please.”
“Arms?” Truthfully, Sereza already knew those were a safe, non-threatening place. She touched his arms all the time but reestablishing their safety didn’t hurt. Plus it was an excuse to glide her fingers over his tattoo sleeve, which Ghost often said was soothing to him. All-in-all, a good way to take the pressure off Simon’s mind so he could calm down.
“Yeah arms are good,” he straightforwardly answered.
“What about hips?” His little one’s hands hovered near his lower stomach without touching.
Simon’s eyes widened as he tried to discern how he felt about that one. She had touched him there before, and lower. But only twice – once while he covered her eyes and another accidentally while she was asleep. He enjoyed both instances immensely, but tonight though was altogether different. He would be fully exposed to her… someone would see and feel all of him for the first time since Roba had…
“Don’t,” Sereza finished for him quickly as she watched his abyssal eyes lose focus again.
“Yeah don’t,” he shook his head. Ghost’s gaze became hollow and his body stilled above her. A tell-tale sign he may be shutting down.
Time to try a distraction. Moving her palms over Ghost’s broad chest, Sereza purposefully skimmed over his nipples. Just barely. Only enough for the sensation to reach him through the fog.
Simon’s mind snapped back to the present. Her hands fisted into his shirt and gave the gentlest tug. “I really wanna kiss you,” she hummed, looking up at him through her lashes as she shifted closer to him.
Simon grinned, having caught onto her plan. For all the fuss that others made about how mysterious and hard to read he was, Sereza sure had an easy time of it. Effortlessly hauling him from the dark recesses of his damaged mind. The heart he’d once assured Johnny was cold filled with warmth at Sereza’s actions because it showed she truly saw and understood him.
Dipping his head low, Ghost's warm breath fanned over her plump lips. “What’re you gonna do about it then?” his gravelly voice teased.
His beauty raised an eyebrow before she shocked him by tugging him closer until her naked chest was pressed flush against his and licking up his neck to his chin, pausing a hair’s breadth from kissing him as if daring him to finish what she started.
Blood rushing southward once more, Simon seized her under the jaw and crashed their lips together. Boldy dominating her mouth. Small palms roamed over his shoulders, up his neck to his nape, and down again toward his pecs. Tingles pleasantly prickled across his skin. Ghost’s chest rumbled as he sighed, “Your touch feels good Love.”
Sereza grinned into their kiss. “I like touching you,” she murmured. She brushed over his nipples again, causing Ghost’s muscles to quiver at her touch. His breath caught. “You like that?” her quiet voice asked.
“Yeah,” his husky growl responded, “Felt… it felt nice.” No one had ever touched him like that before, and Ghost didn’t think he’d like it but he was pleasantly surprised.
Carefully observing his expression, Sereza softly ran her nails over them. Simon inhaled sharply, the sensation sending a searing heat straight to his groin. Distantly he wondered what other surprises she had for him; what else she might do.
Not tonight – he could only conquer so many inner demons at one time – but perhaps eventually. An exceedingly entertaining thought.
Deciding he was more than sufficiently distracted now, Ghost pulled her small body close. “What if I touch you?” he mumbled near her ear while lightly nibbling the sensitive skin below.
Sereza caressed down the planes of his hard chest. “Mmm,” she moaned, “Yes please.”
Kissing and licking his way down her olive skin, Ghost laid her down on the bed again, working his way down to her stomach. His fingers toyed with the top of her leggings. “Can I take these off?” he asked her throatily. At her consent, Simon sat back and tugged the snug leggings down. Tossing them uncaringly behind him, dark eyes took the view of his beauty. Caramel curls fanned out around her, nude except for a single small piece of clothing, legs shut and drawn up protectively. The image burned into Ghost’s memory.
As wild as the sight drove him, Simon could sense her nervousness. Which wouldn’t do.
Warm palms rested on her knees as he took in his love’s doe-eyed appearance, the hint of blush on her cheeks. “You’re breathtaking Love,” his deep baritone whispered. Rough hands mapped her small, lithe frame as he explored every inch of her. “So fucking beautiful.” Slowly, always, giving her ample time to push him away if she wanted to stop, pushing no further until they were both ready, his battle-worn hands slid down her sides, splayed over her stomach, and hooked into the lacey edge of her panties. Simon paused and glanced back at his little one. Sereza lifted her hips, so Ghost tugged the black lace down along her smooth legs before dropping them over the edge of the bed.
Once again, Sereza’s legs pulled up close to her hips. Simon rubbed his hands over her thighs while leaving tiny kisses on her bent knees, giving her time. Feeling her muscles begin to relax, he lightly pressed against the insides of her knees, encouraging her to open for him while keeping his eyes on her for any sign she wanted to stop or was uncomfortable. His beauty hesitated only a breath of a second before relenting.
And allowed Ghost to spread her legs.
His midnight gaze adhered to the wet slit on full display for him. “Fuuuucking hell,” her ghost rasped as he at last had his first look at her, heart pounding out of his chest. “Holy fucking shit,” he breathed, the view having robbed him of most of his words. “Fuck… you’re so incredible, Gorgeous.” Attention entirely absorbed by her sex, the Brit’s hand absentmindedly dropped to the enormous bulge in his pants, palming his covered cock.
“Si?” a soft voice called to him.
Ghost’s stare immediately broke at her call. Leaning back over her, they whispered sweet words back and forth to one another, calming one another. Physician or not, it was still her first time with a man. Only when the worry left her eyes did he return his attention to her body.
“Can I make a small confession?” he asked, continuing at her murmured assent, “I’ve never… pleasured a woman before.”
“So I get to be your first?” Sereza smiled up at her ghost.
He flashed a sentimental grin back at his little one, “Affirmative sweetheart.” Lowering his face, he trailed slow, meticulous nibbles and licks down her neck. His body resting between her legs, Ghost’s mouth made its way down to her chest, lavishing warm licks from one breast to the other. Taking time to suck at each before his large hands slid down the sides of her torso as he continued to work his way along Sereza’s body. Past her ribs, her navel, before finally reaching where he’d dreamed of being for the past months.
Gripping the back of her calves gently, Simon opened her legs further. The bright pink flesh stood out against her olive skin. Open and wet for him. “God… look at you,” he rasped. "So gorgeous, so wet..."
“All for you, my love.”
Ghost let out a deep, greedy growl, “All for me.” Lowering onto his forearms, he kissed along the inside of her thighs, relishing her small noises. Continuing to coat her tan skin in wet kisses, leaving subtle petal-shaped marks in his wake, he moved closer to the flushed pink lips of her core. Palms sliding underneath to grip the sides of her hips, Ghost lightly nipped at the skin around her center. Soothing the small marks with a lick afterward, listening as Sereza mewled with each nip of his teeth.
A tentative lick up her slit.
Sereza let out a loud gasp as her body arched up off the mattress. He licked her again and was rewarded with a similar response. She was already panting though he’d hardly done anything yet.
Craving more of her reactions, Simon’s hands spread her pink lips apart and his mouth latched onto the bundle of nerves above the dripping entrance. Sereza loudly moaned at the sensation but had the presence of mind to swiftly cover her mouth.
“Jesus,” he moaned against her wet flesh, “you taste so sweet.” His tongue delved into the tight hole, “… my beautiful girl, holy fuck…” Ghost wrapped his arms under her trembling thighs, holding her firmly in place as he unabashedly ate his fill of her.
Clawing fingers of her free hand sunk into her pillow, needing something – anything – to keep her grounded while Ghost feasted on her.
The noises he coaxed from his love, her mouth-watering taste, and the squelching sounds of a woman being pleasured were driving Simon out of his mind. Making him almost delirious with need. Without slowing down in his feast, the Brit angled his lower body so he could press his raging erection against the mattress to relieve some of the building pressure. Making him groan, which in turn made his beauty’s toes curl when the vibrations radiated through her.
Lifting his head, Ghost took in Sereza’s heaving chest and curls tousled from all her writhing. Expression blissful as she panted from what pleasure he’d given her thus far.
With a deep inhale, he sat up and lifted his shirt swiftly over his head. Dropping it beside him – close by just in case his mind decided to act up again. He was absurdly appreciative Sereza still had her eyes closed for the moment. Leaning back over her, Simon cupped her face tenderly, raining small kisses along her jawline and cheek.
Sereza turned toward her ghost, nuzzling against his profile. Hands trailed up his biceps until she paused once she came to his shoulders. Honey-colored eyes, dazed and curious, opened when she felt only warm skin instead of a shirt.
His expression scarcely concealing his uneasiness, Simon didn’t dare breathe while he waited for her reaction to the feeling of his mutilated skin. ‘I will still love you and be with you regardless’ she had said. Fucking hell he hoped that was true.
Half of his brain had faith in his little one and all the care she had demonstrated for him thus far, while the other half screamed at him to put his shirt back on, convinced that his girlfriend would be as repulsed by his appearance as Simon was himself.
Sereza’s fingertips brushed across muscled shoulders, up to his jaw and back down his neck, slowing at the collarbones and feeling the countless scars of war and torture, both deep and superficial. Meanwhile her ghost was motionless. A massive unblinking statue looming above her. Clearly fighting an internal war with himself. Wrapping him in her arms, Sereza began kissing everywhere she could easily reach. Along his cheek and jaw, just as he had done with her moments ago, then over his adam’s apple and down the scarred flesh to the notch at the base of his throat. Humming appreciatively.
The static filling his mind retreated at her actions. Burying his face into her curls, he exhaled a shuddering breath and wrapped an arm across her back, holding Sereza to him in a firm embrace. Silently thanking every heavenly being in existence that his beauty didn’t hate him.
Ghost’s blood quit pounding in his ears now that his clearing mind was focused on the naked woman dwarfed below him. He could feel his shaft beginning to strain against his sweats and boxers again; the short-lived anxiety having wilted his arousal somewhat. Still supporting her back, Ghost’s other hand pinned her hips to the bed as he began to grind his cock against her core.
Sereza’s fingers found his on her hip and curled around them as she moaned. Their foreheads touched, obsidian and hazel staring back at one another, heavy-lidded, breath mingling as they began to pant from the building pleasure. “Si-Simon,” came a breathy call, “does that… feel good?” she asked. Attempting to keep him present and grounded in the moment with her.
Ghost’s eyelids fluttered closed as he nodded, breathing heavily. Eyebrows knitted together and a light sweat coated his skin from the effort of holding himself back from ramming his throbbing cock into her. The feeling of Sereza naked in his arms, grinding his sensitive erection against her heat, and listening to her voice would make quick work of him before long.
But one more thing had to go first.
After a kiss full of reverent adoration, Ghost swiftly sat up and pushed the sweats and boxers down from his waist.
Sereza gasped as the bulbous tip of his cock peeked over the waistband. Eyes widening and her mouth falling open as more of Ghost’s thick shaft was revealed to her for the first time. Several dark veins standing out against his pale skin and an impressive amount of girth. The darker head pointing at her, seemingly pleading for attention.
Her small hand reached out, pausing halfway between their bodies as she looked up at her ghost towering above her. Simon gave her a subtle nod but it didn’t seem to her that he was truly consenting willingly. But rather forced, and Sereza didn’t want him to force himself. Not through this. Adjusting her approach, her hand rested on the middle of his stomach instead, just above his navel.
Abs involuntarily flexed under her touch and Simon inhaled sharply through his nose. Abyssal irises flicked between his love’s face and her hand on his stomach as he tried to determine what she was doing, not understanding until she moved downward a few centimeters while holding eye contact with him.
She was asking permission. Giving him an opportunity to say no if he wanted. To decide for himself what happened next.
Such a considerate and caring action stunned him. Another reminder of how safe he was with his little one. Nothing would happen that they didn’t both want. Ghost sidled up a bit closer and picked up her hand from his stomach, bringing it to his lips to kiss the wrist in gratitude. “I’m okay Love,” he whispered with a small tender smile, looking down at Sereza over her knuckles, “you can touch me.”
No way Simon was turning back now after coming this far. Guiding her wrist down, he brought her hand to his cock where she curled her dainty fingers around his length. Just as he had the first time, he dropped his hand and allowed her to explore him at her own pace.
A low groan vibrated out of his chest when Sereza tightened her grip and began moving her hand up and down in a firm stroke. Half-aware, Ghost’s hips pressed forward just slightly, moving in time with her. When his sac began to tighten much too soon, he quickly and clumsily shed his clothing the rest of the way.
“Actually have… two confessions,” Simon panted, “I haven’t…” Fuck’s sake, he thought to himself, how in the hell should he phrase this? “Never, uh… finished with anyone.”
He'd seen to his partner's satisfaction, but not his own. He hadn't allowed himself to. It had been something too intimate for his mind to handle. Allowing someone to get too close. So he'd always finished it himself afterward.
Sereza’s bright eyes only shined back at him with all the love they always held. Never holding any judgment. Simon breathed a bit easier now that she didn’t appear put off by his admissions. “You’re the best thing I never knew I needed, and I don’t wanna do anything to risk losing you so… think about what you want when it’s time for… that.”
“You won’t lose me. Ever. But what about you? What do you want Si?”
Ghost shook his head and groaned again at a particularly pleasant stroke. “Doesn’t matter what I want,” he replied contrarily, looking down to watch her hand stroke him.
A conditioned response, she knew, and one she wasn’t letting go this time.
“Simon,” he stilled at her tone and looked back into amber eyes. “What you want absolutely matters. Especially right now. You have a voice in this too so please tell me, amor, what do you want?”
What I want matters… the Brit silently repeated to himself.
Repairing all the damage from his past was arduous work, but Simon was learning that it was far easier when he listened to what his other half told him. He gulped, suddenly feeling oddly… shy… about what he wanted to say.
Though he’d sooner go jogging through a minefield than admit that out loud.
“I want,” Simon began, “…to finish inside,” he muttered, carefully scanning her features for signs of disgust. But it was the truth. He wanted the complete experience with her. Only with her.
“Inside?” Sereza asked.
Her ghost nodded almost imperceptibly with bated breath. Just as his nerves were about to get the better of him, to convince him he’d offended her, fucked everything up just as his father said he would, his beauty smiled and tightened her grip, thumb running over the slit on his tip and making Simon’s body jolt pleasantly. “I'd like that,” she purred seductively even as a light pink tinted her cheeks.
Simon blinked dumbly at her a second before huffing out a breath he’d been holding. Sereza smiled brightly at his obvious relief.
Sitting upright, Simon removed her hand and peered down between their bodies, taking a moment to relish finally being between her legs and admiring his view of Sereza from his height. Naked, wet, and spread open for him. Fucking hell she was lovely like this. Before his brain could interrupt their night again, Ghost lined up the tip of his cock with her entrance. “I’ll be easy. Yell at me or… something… if you need me to stop.”
His beauty nodded and opened her legs wider to accommodate his large frame. Holding himself with one hand, Ghost brushed his weeping cockhead over her, coating it in her arousal. With his other hand, he gently played with the swollen nub to coax more wetness from her body. He began sliding his heavy length along her slit to prepare them both for his intrusion.
Sereza wrapped her arms around him. Bracing herself.
Prodding gently, Ghost grit his teeth as he began to breach the small entrance. The sensation of just pushing his tip past the outer lips was wildly sinful.
Inch by agonizingly delightful inch, Simon penetrated her hot core. “Fuuucking hell you’re tight,” he gasped as he fought her inner muscles to push further inside. He knew she would be of course, but he hadn’t quite anticipated such a vice-like grip. The feeling of her warm walls slowly enveloping him had Ghost seeing stars. “Fu-fuck, god… you’re so… fucking small. Holy fuuucking hell, uughh,” his throaty baritone vibrated throughout his chest.
His cock and brain both demanded he hurry the hell up, but Simon held himself back – by the skin of his teeth – resolutely refusing to hurt Sereza before it was time. His advances halted when his tip prodded against something deeper inside her. Something in the way. A barrier… the Brit’s eyes widened, having realized he’d reached her maidenhead. “I… I feel it… fuck,” Simon rasped.
He held still, anxious. Once he moved he would break it. The woman he loved would be his, completely and forever just as he would be hers… but Simon would have to hurt her to do it. Dark brown eyes glued themselves to amber, wordlessly pleading. He didn’t even know what for but, just – damn it, something. Some miracle that would spare them both from the pain that was coming.
Sereza’s senses snapped back to earth at the feeling of her Brit no longer moving. “Talk to me, amor,” she whispered at seeing his overcast expression, “Tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I-I don’t know that I can do this. When I… it’ll hurt you.”
His love smiled reassuringly while combing her nails through his blond waves. “It probably will some, but it doesn’t last very long and it’s not like what you’re thinking.”
“You’ll bleed.”
“Maybe. Or maybe not,” she said rather matter-of-factly. “Actually most women don’t. But even if I do, it’s only a little. Whatever happens Si, I promise you I’ll be okay.”
“You’re sure you want this? Me, as your first?”
Sereza pulled his head down for a deep kiss. Her fingers traced across a few scars on his face, “I will always want and choose you. Because I love you. But also, we don’t have to do this for me to still love you and stay with you.”
Tucking a curl behind her ear, he peppered small kisses across her cheeks and down her neck where he buried his face. “I love you too. So fucking much.” Holding her as close as he could manage, Ghost quickly thrust his hips forward, breaking through the barrier and bottoming out inside her.
Sereza yelped, her body stiff and trembling under him, nails digging into his back. Simon’s throat seized up at the sound of her pain. Cupping the back of her head, he screwed his eyes shut and pulled her closer to him, caging her small form within his arms as he whispered how sorry he was for hurting her. Something damp fell on his skin and Simon’s heart nearly shattered. His love was crying.
“I-I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” He couldn’t take this, her suffering because of him. Because of something he’d done. This was unconscionably selfish of him and now he’d hurt her, just like he always knew he would. She was hurting and crying all because of him and his fucking selfish desires.
Right when he was about to pull out and call the whole thing off his little one blew out a few deep breaths and her hands eased their death grip on his shoulders. Gentle arms now held him close just as they had countless times before tonight. Chancing a look at her, Simon lifted his head, fearful of what he might see.
Brilliant hazel irises met his midnight ones. No tears or traces of pain. “I’m okay mi amor,” she smiled, continuing with soft little assurances and his favorite head scratches when her ghost still seemed rattled.
“You cried,” he whispered hoarsely, “I made you cry...”
Sereza quickly put a stop to that, pressing her fingers against his lips while shaking her head. “It made my eyes water but no Love, I wasn’t crying.” Slender legs moved against his thighs and silken muscles fluttered along his hardness, making Ghost tense and hiss through his teeth. “I’m just fine mi amor, I promise. But could you maybe start slow? You’re kinda… big,” Sereza finished with a small laugh and raising her eyebrows.
Blood pounding in his ears, Ghost nodded at her request. Whatever she wanted. Anything in the world, just as long as he didn’t have to see or hear her in pain ever again.
Only now, with his beauty calm, could Simon relax again and focus on the feeling of being sheathed within her body. The Brit couldn’t recall ever feeling anything so exquisitely perfect. All his dreams and fantasies didn’t do the goddess beneath him any justice at all. “You’re so beautiful,” he rumbled, each and every muscle in his body taut. “All the time but… especially like this. So gorgeous. So warm…” The hot walls flexed and hugged around his cock as if unsure whether to force him out or draw him in further. A sensation that made his erection throb excruciatingly and compelled him to begin moving. “You-you’re so wet… god… you feel so fucking good.”
Simon kissed her lips with all the passion he could as he embraced her small frame tighter. “You’re mine now. All… mine,” he growled, accentuating his words with the first movement of his hips. “I love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one has… been inside you. They don’t… get to have you,” Simon wheezed while he unhurriedly pumped in and out of her. Moving slowly as she’d asked. His love’s head pressed back against the pillow with a moan as Ghost drove his cock in. Filling and stretching her, forcing her body to open up for him. Each movement both gentle and intense. Knocking stilted breaths from her lungs with every snap of his hips against hers.
“Simon…,” Sereza whimpered between small uneven gasps.
The Brit hissed through his teeth. “Say it again,” his gravelly voice demanded.
“Simon…,” she bit down on her lip, “S-Si… more… please…”
Ghost stared. Did she just… beg?
Ohhhh he liked that.
Taking her lips in an ardent kiss, he picked up his pace. Feeling only too happy to oblige. His love groaned into the kiss. When the need to breathe forced them apart her mouth drifted over to his neck, just below his ear, before working its way down to his shoulder. Ghost’s heart began to pound. He increased his pace a bit more. Jostling her small frame and making her whimper against his neck.
Bloody hell she was responsive. While they drove him magnificently irrational with lust, Ghost didn’t particularly care for others hearing Sereza’s sounds. Those belonged to him. Only him. Combined with her working on his neck like she was, and how wonderful she felt wrapped around him, was bringing his orgasm on sooner than Ghost wanted. He wouldn’t allow himself to finish until his beauty did.
Removing her from his throat, Simon placed his palm over her mouth. “This okay?” Sereza nodded frantically back at him with bleary eyes. A look that made his cock throb. “My good girl… All… mine,” he ground out, punctuating his words with a hard thrust that made Sereza groan deeply and squeeze around his shaft. A low, carnal growl from Ghost’s chest shuddered through them both. “You like that do you? Like being my good girl?” Another strong squeeze at his words stole his breath, “Holy fuck, ugh!... I love feeling you clench around me like that.”
Restraint gone, Ghost’s pace and force increased.
Sereza’s thighs began trembling against his hips, telling him she was already close. His heavy sac began to draw up tightly; he wouldn’t last any longer either. Slipping a hand between their sweaty bodies, Simon began rubbing her sensitive flesh, causing her to wildly thrash from side to side. “That’s my sweet girl. Let me feel you… come for me, Gorgeous,” Ghost commanded as he lengthened his thrusts, every roll of his hips catching her sweet spot perfectly. “Be a good girl… come for me sweetheart.”
Dazed amber eyes rolled closed as her spine bowed off the bed while she cried out beneath his hand. Molten-wet walls clamped down on his shaft, causing heat to explode within his veins. Liquid fire shot through his every nerve and down through his cock as he buried himself to the hilt. Groaning loudly through bared teeth at each pulse. Giving a few small thrusts as he came.
Behind his eyelids, Simon’s vision flashed white at the intensity of emptying himself inside the woman he loved. A feeling closer to paradise than anything he’d experienced before. The gasping lieutenant withdrew slowly and sat back on his heels as he held Sereza’s knees apart to look down between her legs at his semen seeping out of her slit.
Holy shit!
A sight that would have made him come a second time if he’d had any left in him.
His woman, lying naked in his bed and looking thoroughly pleasured because of him, had Simon feeling ridiculously proud of himself. As well as ridiculously in love. Slinking back up her tired body, Simon’s thumb brushed over her lush, parted lips before he tasted her sweet mouth once more. “God how I love you Sereza,” he sighed once pulling free from her lips.
“Mmmm… Yo también te amo, amado mio.”
Still winded from his orgasm, Simon chuckled weakly. “English, sweetheart,” he playfully groused.
Sereza mumbled random nonsense as she furrowed her eyebrows, trying to switch her brain back over. “I love you too, my love,” she murmured, finally able to string enough thoughts together to form an intelligible sentence.
“Say it again? The ‘I love you’ part?”
“Te. Amo,” she enunciated carefully.
“…Te amo,” Simon tried. Sereza tiredly nodded at his attempt. “Te amo,” he repeated confidently. If she had learned his language then it was only fair that he should learn at least some of hers. It also felt right that his first phrase was ‘I love you.’
“Sí, perfecto,” she praised with a peck on his cheek.
"Te amo Sereza, um… so much.” Sereza burst with giggles and Simon couldn’t help joining her, the melodious sound heaven to his ears and a balm to his soul.
“M-muchísimo,” she corrected, despite her giggle fit.
Sereza sighed softly as she woke up in her Brit’s embrace. Laying still for a moment as she relished the feeling of Ghost’s naked body spooned against her own unclothed one, arm draped over her waist and curled up by her chest. Even in his sleep, the massive arms held her both lovingly and protectively.
After some careful maneuvering, Sereza managed to turn herself around to face him. Between the weight of his arm and trying to not wake him, it was slow-going, but fortunately her ghost remained fast asleep. Idyllically handsome in the early morning sunrays coming through his window.
Tilting her gaze up, Sereza admired his peacefully sleeping face, his strong jawline, and how the morning sun hit his features just right. Simon deserved every moment of peace he could get; he’d more than earned it in her opinion. Honey irises scanned his broad chest as it steadily rose and fell with Simon’s quiet breaths, taking in every scar, every evidence of a past he’d fought to escape until she landed on the large scar at the bottom of his rib cage. The mangled gash left behind by the hook he'd been hung from, many shades darker than his alabaster skin. A reminder of unfathomable pain that stood out in stark contrast to the rest of him.
“It bother you?” a velvety baritone rumbled from above her.
The feeling of her breath hitting his exposed skin had woken him and he found her staring at the scar from where he’d been hung. Simon’s fear resurfaced tenfold as he watched and waited for her answer.
Sereza met his guarded, unblinking eyes staring back at her from where he still rested on his pillow before she turned away and pressed her lips against the middle of the scar. Trailing lingering kisses over the full length of the old wound.
Ghost couldn’t breathe or look away.
His little one showered the same attention on every scar she found as she kissed a path up to his mouth. “I love you Si. You, all that you are and just as you are.” Sereza knew it would take time for her Brit to believe those words, to let them replace the toxic words of his father and his own self-hatred, and she silently promised Ghost she’d be always there to remind him, no matter how many times he needed to hear it.
Cupping his face lovingly, they kissed with all the tender affection they could summon. She sighed against his lips once their kiss wound down, “Good morning Si.”
“Mm, yes it is,” the Brit smiled back as he caressed her bare back, loving the feeling of her naked body pressed against his own nude one. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you last night, did I?”
Sereza shook her head and smiled beatifically down at her ghost, “I’m wonderful. Just a bit sore is all.”
Being a virgin, Simon knew she would be, especially with how small she was compared to him, but it didn’t stop guilt from brewing. “What about you?” Her question drew Ghost away from encroaching dark thoughts, “How do you feel after last night?”
Simon pulled Sereza in for another long kiss. “Amazing, Love.”
It physically pained Ghost to watch Sereza’s divine figure disappear as she dressed, but responsibility called. The military still wanted things done, and regrettably they couldn’t spend the entire day naked in bed – no matter how much they both wished to.
For him, there were new operatives to train and his little one had patients to see. Not much either of them could do about it except sneak a quick goodbye kiss and go their separate ways down the corridor.
Ghost rolled his blackened eyes at the recruits’ ineptitude. He understood they were new and learning but good god climbing a half-wall should not be this fucking difficult.
His pocket vibrated and the Brit fished out his phone. Lucky for the recruits, the other lieutenant would have to handle them. A text from Price lit up the screen:
Need to talk to you. My office in 10. And bring your lady.
A towering skull mask opened the captain’s squeaky door and stood aside for the petite female to enter.
“Some… comments… were made to me about you two.” Price was speaking seriously and Sereza felt her chest become tight. Was the captain about to forbid Ghost from having a relationship with her?
Her own commander couldn’t care less about relationships as long as everyone still did their job and there wasn’t any drama, but had someone higher up in the SAS found out and ordered Price to intervene? Ghost was a valuable asset; did they not want him distracted or encumbered by a relationship? That would make sense…
Internally her every fiber began preparing to fight for him. No matter who or what rank she had to go up against, she would not give up Simon.
Perfectly attuned to his little one, a large comforting hand discreetly grazed across her lower back.
“You’re being moved,” Price said to his lieutenant. “Effective immediately.”
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tossawary · 7 months
As I post about rereading SVSSS for lore and characterization, and about sometimes ignoring canonical details for the sake of whatever story I want to tell / explore in fanfiction for fun, I want to make it clear that I don't make these changes because I think it makes a "better story" or that I can write a "better story". I don't even like using the term "fix-it" for my canon divergence AUs that avert some in-universe tragedy, even if it is the "correct" fandom term in some cases, because I don't think that SVSSS is a story that needs to be "fixed".
(Honestly, a lot of my minor alterations to canon's details are because I can't remember what exactly canon is and can't always be bothered to hunt for one sentence (which I may or may not remember existing at all) across multiple volumes, especially when I don't always think strict faithfulness to canon is that crucial to the main concept of what I'm doing. I wrote PINTWILF and several other fics before the official English translations were fully released, when checking minor details was an even greater pain in the ass. Sometimes, I'm cooking without the recipe in front of me because I just want to eat.)
Like, I have criticisms of SVSSS, definitely. When I first started writing SVSSS fic, I was more frank about this (fond but less fond of the characters and world than I am now), and I've talked about things I wished the story expanded on more. I think it has flaws. I know those flaws are a dealbreaker for many people. But it's not my story. I can't tell MXTX's story better, because I believe that every author's story belongs to them and only they know what they're trying to achieve, even when I may personally think that the story might have been stronger if it had done something differently or I'm ignoring some minor detail specifically because I don't really like it.
It's awkward, sometimes, occasionally being told by someone that they enjoyed my fic more than the original story. It's very flattering (I can't pretend I don't have an ego) and I don't think anyone means any harm by this, people enjoy stories or don't for many different reasons (enjoyment is not necessarily an indication of quality and I think engaging with fandom can often be more fun than just reading a story on its own by yourself), but it is a little awkward, especially when SVSSS is not an English / western story. I have an advantage appealing to western readers. Reading a translation of the original story, I know there are details of SVSSS going over my heard, references I'm missing, nuances I don't recognize, even as I endeavor to keep learning. I personally enjoy some of my fics more than SVSSS itself because I associate them with good experiences and a lot of them appeal to me personally in some way or another (all of my favorite tropes! we all have favorite tropes!), but they are built on the back of someone else's original work on the other side of the world, and I want to be respectful of that.
I don't want to compete or fix. I'm not trying to compete or fix, I think I would fuck it up if anyone seriously set that task on me, and I don't think that's a good way to view anything. I want to explore and appreciate. I'll type up a lengthy post at some point as to why I'm generally not interested in concrit on my fics (honestly, mostly it's because I'm not interested in being told that a reader hates the present tense and wishes I would rewrite the entire story, which has happened to me before), but I hope that doesn't come off as disinterest in the original story or its cultural context, or as me thinking even a little bit that any of my stories are flawless and/or better than the original.
I want to make a "why would you put two bad bitches (compliment) against each other like this?" joke here, but I also want to be clear: I think MXTX is by far the badder bitch (compliment) in this situation.
(Turning off reblogs, btw, because this post skews more on the personal side.)
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thelunarfairy · 1 year
Okay, let's talk about something random
Omg, it's so embarrassing >.<
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So, it's been a while since I created this account and I've already gained some followers, thank you all for that :3 (it means you like the crazy things I post)
So I wanted to talk a little about myself (even though I think no one cares XD)
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Ok, I'm going to be serious now XDDD
I created this account because I really like JSHK and I wanted to talk about some crazy ideas or theories about the series and I felt welcomed here ^u^
I want you to know that a lot of things I post are just some crazy ideas that I occasionally have and that it's okay if you disagree, be kind S2 or if you agree I'll be happy if you want to talk to me about it :3
In fact, I hope you feel free to talk to me if you want, whether with an Ask or a message, I love talking about JSHK, if you also love and like crazy theories you can come talk to me if you want.
Don't take the things I say here too seriously, about the theories specifically, I may change my mind in the future or it's just crazy in my head, the most important thing for me is not to be right, but to have fun!
I'm trying to unravel the story in the most entertaining way I can, so it's okay with me if I'm wrong about the things I post (because no one other than Aidairo knows what's actually going to happen) XDD
Anyway, that's it.
Some other information that I don't know if you're interested in but I'll leave it here.
I am a girl
I'm Brazilian, I'd like to make that clear because if there are any Brazilians who also want to talk to me, feel free! (Sou brasileira, gostaria de deixar isso claro porque se tiver algum brasileiro que também queira falar comigo sinta-se a vontade!)
I speak English and Portuguese
I post randomly, but I usually post a lot because I tend to create theories and crazy ideas out of completely nothing.
Anyway, that's all, if you've read this far, thank you very much for giving me your attention :3
Bye bye~
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Amane's Darkness
Could it be that in the time of Amane
Amane's past
The house and the fire
Hanako-kun's Big Puzzle
Predictions of the tragedy
These hands…
The Cursed Seal
The monster inside Hanako
One of the mysteries of the Yugi twins
Hands on the walls
The irony of life and Hanako's karma
The forecast
Did you notice?
When you remember that at some point, Hanako will have to say goodbye to Tsukasa again…
Amane's disease
"Red Thread of Fate"
Okay, let's talk about Mitsuba
Amane's possessiveness and insecurity
Natsuhiko and the mysterious door
The relationship between Tsukasa, Yashiro and Amane
Tsukasa's relationship with the red house
Yugi Tsukasa's mother
Sixth sense or predestined death?
Oh my, Yashiro is interested in a lot of boys
Yashiro and Tsukasa's Relationship
The melancholy love of the Yugi twins
Did Tsukasa do this?
Hanako's mental age
I wish I could hear his voice
Hanako's boundary
Tsukasa's toys
About Yorishiro 1
Spelling errors and pronouns
Twin stars 1 || Twin stars 2
Tsukasa’s emotions 1 || Tsukasa's emotions 2
Tsukasa's parents
Tsukasa's kiss
Hanako's feeling seeing tsukasa for the first time
Nene-chan and I are the same!
Could Hanako have done something to stop Tsukasa's kiss with Nene?
The mysterious hand 1 || The mysterious hand 2
Tsukasa image analysis
Tsukasa's behavior
Who do you think is gonna confess first? Hanako or nene?
Hanako's duty
A post about Hanene
Yashiro's wish and Hanako's self-control
Hanako's cute side
Nene ankles
She was exposed
Does Amane remember?
Hanako and Yashiro's tragic love
Hanako-kun's jealous punishment
Hanako's look of desire and love
I still want to see this date, right Aidairo?
The insecurity
Hanene reblog
It was the first time a girl said she liked me, it made me happy…
The active Hanako and the passive Amane
Hanene reblog 2
The moment when Hanako fell in love with Yashiro
But what about Amane and Yashiro's date?
Zombie Hanako and his wish
I know what you did here huh, Aidairo
Hanene reblog 3
This scene
The invisible ghost
Yashiro Nene priorities
Natsuhiko's love potion
A compilation of jealous Hanako-kun
Tsunene reblog
Tsukasa reblog
Hanako reblog
Yugi twins
Okay, it's cute but
Just a compilation of random Hanene moments
Kou reblog
Just a compilation of random photos of Tsukasa
Just Tsukasa and Mitsuba being happy friends
Amane's Possessiveness reblog
Just a bunch of random photos of two idiots (Kou and Mitsuba)
Just Hanako-kun blushing or embarrassed
Nene and Aoi
A funny detail about the hamsters' space wars
Backstage 1
A tiny Tsukasa trying to put a birthday hat on top of his hat
Just a little ghost and an exorcist boy being best friends
Strangely similar….
"We're the same"
Hanako and Tsuchigomori
Just Tsukasa having his patience tested
I've been thinking (Tsukasa and Hanako)
132 notes · View notes
kairiscorner · 1 year
my brother in christ, please, do a oneshot in which gabriel (miguel's brother) courts us after the wedding (from the last miguel oneshot) PLS!! !! !! ILL DO ANYTHING
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
i'll love again someday — gabriel o'hara x reader
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summary: he saw you standing there, in all your glory—in all your tear-stained and sobbing glory; trying to put on a brave face as you watched his big brother, who you loved for years, be taken away from you in the blink of an eye. he sympathizes with you, but at the same time... he rejoices at the fact he can now show you all the love you've deserved and will ever deserve. word count: 1,051
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he believed you were heavensent, soaking in all your beauty as you stood there next to him as another person of honor at his big brother's wedding; though he knew you were more than just some person to him. you were gorgeous, even as your eyes glistened with tears, tears filled with emotion that went undisclosed over the years. it's poetic, really, just seeing how filled to the brim you were with unfathomable sadness—you were statuesque, you were the image of his perfect somebody, that somebody he vowed to cherish forever before he even met them truly.
he remembers your face quite clearly, you were that one friend of his older brother who always came to their place over breaks and occasionally when your parents weren't around. gabriel was a little nosy, in complete honesty; he always snooped around when miguel would come home with a new face, especially if it was a pretty one. he remembers he was sketching that day, just being in his own little world without a care in the world. he doesn't remember what he was drawing, though, none of it was worth remembering—except for that one sketch he drew of somebody that taught his heart how to skip a beat for a second, that somebody who his gaze landed upon and changed the trajectory of his life forever; that person who he vowed to love before realizing he was even really in love.
and that somebody was you. his somebody was always you.
he could still recall how wide your smile was when miguel told you a crappy joke even he didn't understand, how bright your eyes shone when you stepped foot into their house, and how sweet your voice was when you greeted him after you caught him staring at you and miguel from behind a column in the living room. your lips looked so supple, and curved into a perfect smile—your hair was luscious and was probably so nice to touch, to run his hand through, and bury his face in; and your hands, oh your hands were his favorite part. your hands were so welcoming, warm, and kind.
he remembers feeling so hot in the face when you smiled up at him and asked him what his name was. he really forgot what his mother named him when you asked him, every word that was ever written in the lines of his mind that he usually hardly puts effort in to remember was all just erased; you made him into a blank slate when he caught your gaze. "...hermosa," that was the first word he ever uttered to you as he stared into your beautiful irises, his face flustered and his eyes wide. your face was all he could think of that day, so much so that when he was around you and miguel with his sketchbook, you filled all the blank spaces in the pages, not one bit of it was wasted with anything but drawings of you, trying to capture you in all your magificence.
he never forgot that day, especially with how embarrassing it was for him, and he still finds you so, so beautiful.
"hermosa!" he called out to you as the wedding had concluded, and the guests were pouring out of their seats to head to the reception. you tried to wipe away the tears that were now falling, ceaselessly, in fact. you hoped your mascara wouldn't streak down your eyes, and it did a little, but you couldn't conceal it right now. you turned around, and there, in front of you, was the once shy little boy whose mind went blank at the sight and sound of you and your voice.
you smiled and sniffled back your cries; gabri didn't deserve to see you sad, you thought, he was a good kid, and he... he deserved nothing but to see happy faces of his loved ones for as long as he lived. "hello, gabri." you greeted him as his smile widened. "you... wow, i honestly couldn't believe you got prettier with age. you look wonderful." he commented as he extended his hands out slowly towards you. you chuckled, it felt weirdly nice to hear you being complimented before you were going to burst into tears at the fact the man you loved would never know how you felt, and still feel, for him.
"and you... you got more handsome, gabri." you complimented him back, which sent sparks flying in his heart as he got more embarrassed and smiled widely. "hush, now, i'm nothing special..." he said as you shook your head and tried to tell him how handsome he had become, which just flustered him even more. "hah, keep complimenting me and i might just melt all over you." he said as you placed your hands in his. "i wouldn't mind that." you answered as gabri's eyes widened. "you... wouldn't?" he asked you with a chuckle. you shook your head as you smiled. "gee, well... if you want, i can keep you company all night. y'know, as much as i love mig, i really think this wedding is a drag. he hates this color arrangement, and so do i. wanna, um... head somewhere else before the picture taking at the reception?" he asked you with a heat creeping up in his cheeks.
and it was here, finally, that you felt something other than grieving over your lost love. you felt a spark of hope, a ray of sunshine in your gray, cloudy skies. you held his hand tighter, and as tears kept welling in your eyes in spite of your shining smile, you nodded. "i'd really, really love that, gabri." you said as gabri smiled and walked with you down the aisle as you held onto his arm now—as if you two were the newlyweds, as if you two... were each other's future; as if you two had exchanged the vows that gabri had promised to his somebody in the future—that he'd love them forever, and ever, and would never, never in a million years, hurt you or leave you alone.
it would finally be your turn to have your happily ever after, and for gabri to shoot his shot and love you, endlessly and unconditionally, just like how you deserve.
tags !! @binibinileonara @miguelswifey04
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annab-nana · 11 months
Tom holland and prompt 13 from List C please 🧡 (domestic list)
you got it babe :)
prompt: one putting on weight although the other is the one that is actually pregnant
warnings: not proofread, pregnant!reader, kinda short, talks of diets and changes in diets and gaining weight so if that is triggering for you, please don't read this, pregnancy hormones, use of pet names (darling)
❀ masterlist ❀
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"is it good?" tom inquired, watching you take a bite of your burger. you had been talking about getting a hamburger since two in the morning when the initial craving hit and you were finally getting to eat it.
"so good," you responded after you swallowed down your previous bite. your eyes glanced down to his plate to see that his platter matched yours to a t.
from an outside eye, that probably wasn't too odd to see. it was just a man and a woman, both delving into a massive burger and fries. but you knew tom. he stuck to a fairly strict diet to keep in shape. he had his occasional cheat days, but he seemed to be having more cheat days than not lately. you didn't think he was wrong nor were you disgusted by this. you were just curious about the change.
"i am not judging you by any means, but i thought you were on a diet? like a harsh one?" you inquired before popping a fry into your mouth.
"i was," he prefaced, "but you know we're in everything together, even this pregnancy, so if you have to gain weight, so do i."
"tom, you don't have to do that," you spoke softly as you reached across the table to hold his hand. "the people need their spider-man," you joked.
his thumb rubbed over your skin so delicately, it almost tickled. his head shook lightly at you before he responded, "maybe, but you need me more."
"tom," you said in awe as tears lined your eyes, pregnancy hormones coming in a rush. "goodness, you know you can't be too sweet to me or else i'll cry."
"sorry, darling," he responded, a chuckle following his words before teasingly adding, "i'll try to keep the sweetness to a minimum."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
turn on notifications for @annab-library to be notified when i post something new or join the tag list here!
tag list: @bradleybeachbabe @marjorie189 @lifeineverycolor
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erzatz3117 · 6 months
Ok, I really need to try my hand at this
YOU: With a bright green flash, the antediluvian servers of Automattic memorised your newest piece of miscellaneous Total Decay illustration.
TRIVIA [Trivial: Success]: "Dahn Sinkewicz and Total Decay" is the book you've been writing, with inconsistent success, for the past 7 months.
TORTURED ARTIST [Easy: Success]: Do you think he could just *forget* about his upcoming nearly-finished magical-realist, new-sincerity, Columbo-meets-Boris-goddamn-Yeltsin detective masterpiece?
DECONSTRUCTION [Medium: Success]: Will it become less derivative if you add more compound adjectives? Also, I don't think "magical-realist" should be hyphenated.
BLACK MIRROR OF PRE-APOCALYPTIC POST-TRUTH: Time is dripping from the ceiling, it's drops making monotone clicking sounds. No living soul has observed your art yet. Or, at least, did not feel anything at all in the process.
1. "What am I doing wrong? I checked all the boxes!"
2. [Delete your Tumblr account immediately.]
YOU: [Delete your Tumblr account immediately.]
BLACK MIRROR OF PRE-APOCALYPTIC POST-TRUTH: You will not leave this place. You have one too many *mutuals*.
1. "What am I doing wrong? I checked all the boxes!"
YOU: What am I doing wrong? I checked all the boxes!
BOX-FITTING [Easy: Success] You even posted it at the correct *time window*!
TRIVIA [Medium: Failure] Don't fret, towarisch, this lack of activity is easily explained by... Sorry, I'll sit this one out.
DECONSTRUCTION [Hard: Success]: Maybe we could look at it from an artistic perspective?
TORTURED ARTIST: What are you implying? It's awesome! Atleast, it is certainly better than some *creations* you see on here occasionally...
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] SHUT UP, FOR REAL. Do I need to refer you to the sign?
+5 XP gained from thought "Never Be Mean"
NERD-JOCK TRANSUBSTANTIATION [Legendary: Success]: You're obviously just not cut for this liberal arts nonsense, bratan! You have gym practice this Wednesday, remember? Your only goal is *the grind*, so show them you don't care about online recognition!
1. [Attempt to throw a tantrum.]
1. [Attempt to throw a tantrum.]
NODE COORDINATION [Impossible: Failure]: The neural pathway previously used for rapid mental mobilisation has dissipated under pressure from punitive education practices and liberal consumption of inhibitory neurotransmitters. I am sorry.
NERD-JOCK TRANSUBSTANTIATION [Hard: Success] Is that yarn-head trying to say that you can't *get angry* anymore?
HOMEOSTASIS: I'm clicking all the right buttons, yet nothing is happening. So yes, our capability for strong emotions has largely atrophied.
NERD-JOCK TRANSUBSTANTIATION [Impossible: Failure]: Wow, that... sucks, bratan. We will have to work around this in the future, I guess...
BLACK MIRROR OF PRE-APOCALYPTIC POST-TRUTH: The obsidian obelisk shudders, emitting a familiar glow: a new notification from Tumblr.
BLACK MIRROR OF PRE-APOCALYPTIC POST-TRUTH: Let's see: your mutual liked your post...
TORTURED ARTIST [Easy: Success] Where did I put my corkscrew?
DECONSTRUCTION [Medium: Success] I wouldn't be so optimistic.
BLACK MIRROR OF PRE-APOCALYPTIC POST-TRUTH: It's a... *funny-haha* post you reblogged an hour ago.
EMPATHY [Hard: Failure]: It seems as if we are the only unpopular person here.
TRIVIA [Trivial: Success]: That is a mathematical impossibility.
1. [Try again to come up with a reasonable explanation for why the notes under your art never exceed single digits.]
2. "You know, this just makes me more convinced that social networks are an instrument of isolation, not connection." [Send the art to that one guy on Discord who seems to like it.]
2. "You know, this just makes me more convinced that social networks are an instrument of isolation, not connection." [Send the art to that one guy on Discord who seems to like it.]
DIGITAL SPECTRE OF A FRIEND OF A FRIEND: It takes the man you only know from a vestigial meme server a couple seconds to look at the image you've sent to him. He finally answers...
DIGITAL SPECTRE OF A FRIEND OF A FRIEND: "Hey, that is pretty nice! I am always blown away by the depth of your worldbuilding!"
EMPATHY [Medium: Success]: Okay, at least this guy likes us.
DECONSTRUCTION [Easy: Success] This veritably shows that our art is not *bad*, so something else must be going on here.
NERD-JOCK TRANSUBSTANTIATION [Medium: Success]: Hey, this bro is *real*!
NOISE SUPPRESSION [Easy: Success]: Everything inside you feels lighter, *validated*, somehow.
1. [Excitedly jump out of your bed.]
2. [Output a highly memetic sound of deep satisfaction.]
1. [Excitedly jump out of your bed.]
EXPLOSIVE POWER [Formidable: Failure]: Your brain sends out a clear signal, but your sore muscles don't move a millimeter.
HOMEOSTASIS: Sorry, boss, not happening. We should've had more that one meal today if we wanted to perform entrance-level acrobatic tricks like that.
2. [Output a highly memetic sound of deep satisfaction.]
2. [Output a highly memetic sound of deep satisfaction.]
NOMINALIZATION [Trivial: Success]: I know a couple good ones, *bestie*. Would look really *-core* on your *moodboard*, or whatever.
YOU: "Yipee!", you say, "Wahoo!", you whimper.
UNDIAGNOSED MENTAL ILLNESS (AKA "THE TUTORIAL"): This feedback cycle has officially concluded. You must create more art to feel satisfaction again.
HOMEOSTASIS [Trivial: Success]: Can we go to sleep now? Tomorrow is gonna be hell by all margins...
BLACK MIRROR OF PRE-APOCALYPTIC POST-TRUTH: Hey, you can't go! You'll miss so much stuff you won't care about!
1. "You're right, my beloved obelisk!" [Keep scrolling for 4 more hours, completely ruining your following week.]
2. "Sorry, *siliconstie*, but I really need to go." [Finally go to sleep.]
2. "Sorry, *siliconstie*, but I really need to go." [Finally go to sleep.]
Thought gained: The Ovine Enumerator
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
More stories with hopper, love your writing🫶
Down the hall
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Pairing: Jim Hopper x fem reader
Summary: tonight is the night of graduation sleepover, and the start of many new things…
Word count: 1'747
Warning: shower sex, oral [male receiving], degrading kink, pet names, dirty talk, feelings because I couldn't help myself, age gap, EVERYONE IS OF AGE, I was going for a loving and fake hating type thing with hopper, I think that's it let me know if I missed anything.
I don't have an age restriction since I know people underage are reading "certain" content with that being said what you consume is your choice! I will not be held responsible for any of it .
Universe: best friend's dad
A/n: this was meant to be done a lot sooner but I wasn't finished with it then when I was I edited some things.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤️
School was out. you had just graduated and honestly you were surprised you did since you ditched so much [and failed a few times] but nevertheless you made it out of the hell you called school. you flipped your teachers off as you grabbed your diploma making your way to a giggling eleven and her dad. Hopper the chief of police. it was obvious he hadn't been home yet, a box of sugar donuts in his arm and a smile on his face as you got closer. you bite your lip looking over the older man.
It was moments like this you were glad El couldn't understand certain things because if she could you two would not still be friends, having become close after she arrived. You were one of the only friends she had that wasn't part of Mike's group. you had been to her house before but tonight was a different type of hang out; it was a celebration for you two because you graduated and during this celebration you'd eat junk, watch TV maybe Dance or whatever and you'd be spending the night.
"You know it's not good to flip off your teachers." Hopper smirked, opening the passenger door for you, el hopping in the back as he walked around and got in.
"You gonna arrest me chief," you teased, taking a donut from the box. Hopper chuckled, shaking his head. He couldn't deny that he liked the fire that you had.
The ride back consists of plan making for tonight and you trying to get under Hopper's skin. you sat back sucking the sugar coat from your fingers, moaning in satisfaction. El was fast asleep in the back leaving you awake with him. He would glance your way occasionally before straightening up in his seat.
"So um– I'll be in my room while you two have fun. I'll be just down the hall" he states, breaking the tension. you pout looking over at him and he looks your way confused.
"You're not gonna play with me while I'm here tonight? I was hoping we'd have some fun too."
your hand sneaks across the console brushing over him in his uniform pants. He slaps your hand away shooting you a glare.
Fire burns a little to bright if given the fuel
"I'm your best friend's dad, this isn't appropriate" he scowled and you only grinned in response. He scoffs parking in the drive thru. He's headed for the door, going in quickly without turning to look your way.
You pull the handle for your door, sending it open as you jump to your feet.
You pull El's door open, waking her.
She sits up with a dopey smile rubbing her eyes and you smile back, grabbing her wrist to take her into the house for the night. Tonight would be one to remember.
It's about nine.
Eleven and you are in your PJs, a bowl of half eaten lays and wrappers littered around the floor as you both giggle at the screen.
You have the sudden urge to go pay Hopper a visit so you sit up from the bed telling her you need to go do something, she waves you off engrossed in the show.
You crept down the hall looking for his door, finding it ajar. you enter, feet taking slow and small steps, halting in place when you hear the shower running.
Would he have left the door open as an invitation if he didn't want you to come find your way in?
You take this as your opportunity to look him over in all his glory. In one hand he had the cloth, soapy and wet and the other was running through his soaked hair as the shower ran over him. You let your tongue run over your lips nervously before pulling your shorts and top away.
The Door sliding open alerts him from his thoughts. His eyes wide as he takes in your appearance before they quickly meet yours with what you'd describe as hatred and lust but you swear it's a facade.
"What the fuck are you doing kid!" He whispered. He didn't need to ask though, he knew what you were here for and he can't lie to himself and say he wasn't hoping you'd show up.
"I'm just here to shower with you" you bat your lashes not missing the glance he shoots towards your bare breast. He groans in frustration before he's got you by the arm pulling you in.
He immediately turns you around so your backs against the wall causing you to gasp at the force you hit it with.
"You're a little whore you know that," he began moving his hands to the slope at your waist. You nod with a grin. He scoffed, pushing you to your knees. Your face to face with his hardened length, lips parting slightly in awe.
"Well, go on then. Suck it" he snapped, taking you out of your gaze. Hopper wasn't going to be gentle and nice with you, he was going to be mean and you loved that feeling when your heart tugged in hurt and Desire, you hoped his was something similar just with different words.
You don't need to be told twice, taking him in your small hand working in a back and forth motion as your lips wrap around him. You hollow your cheeks, sucking till he's engulfed as deep as you can take him, Loving the sickening burn and taste of him. He grunts, taking your hair and forcing you further till you gag.
I can take him, I can take every inch.
"Yeah that's it," he blurted, thrusting forward as your hands brace themselves on his thighs, fingernails leaving crescent moons for later. He tries to stop the quack in his thighs and the roll of his eyes but he's far from in control with the warm heat of your mouth and the slippery feeling of your saliva as you pull back giving his cock that pretty shine. Your eyes flutter dazed, a low moan muffled by his cock as you let yourself relax.
"I knew it. you dirty girl, You're a terrible influence on my daughter. Should I tell your parents you're taking my cock like a slut while your best friend lays in her room?" He pulled you from him, a slap coming to your cheek as you caught your breath, thighs pressed together for friction.
"Answer me. I haven't even stuck it in you yet and you've already gone dumb," he tsked, getting no response as you sat there pathetically peering up at him. He swears he could cum just looking at you like that.
The water only drips lightly on you as Hopper blocks it with his larger frame hair wet on the top of his head.
"Or is that what you need to get you talking?" He asked, receiving a nod from you.
Pathetic and beautiful
"please," you begged, only for him to grab you from the floor like you weighed nothing. Hopper was strong compared to anyone you'd ever been with, and you wondered about all the other ways he could toss you around.
"Put your legs around my waist" he commanded, one arm around you while his other slapped his cock against you, playing with your wetness to make sure you could take all of him.
You did as you were told, wrapping your legs around him so they'd hold you close to him. Your breast against the hairs on his chest has your nipples hardening as he angles his hips so he can thrust up into you. Your back hits the cold tile, sending a chill over you with a faint gasp.
His hands are on either side of your head letting you catch every pleasurable sound falling from his lips with his head in the crook of your neck. The wall and your legs support you while he slams his hips to your ass causing your soft moans to blend with the warm pressure of the shower.
You try to brace yourself for his length as it slides into places that have you greeting the stars as you levitate with pleasure. Nothing could have prepared you for this. The shallow breaths on your skin, the easy glide of his cock like you had just given yourself to him mind, body, and soul and you guess you did because you changed his name like prayers.
He wasn't sure if he could hold on much longer. Not like this, not when you were whimpering and shuddering as if you were possessed with your walls clenching around him like he'd leave you but he knew he'd never be able to do that.
He moved his hands from the wall gripping your thighs and he hoped he'd bruised your skin so anyone who saw would know you belonged to someone. He knew el was down the hall probably wondering where you were so he picked up the pace; going harder, faster and deeper if that was possible because he already felt like he'd pushed himself deep enough to have your poor cunt burning tomorrow but he didn't really care.
he'd lost all control when he let you in the shower with him so he wasn't going to hold back because you knew what you got into when Came to him.
Your voice was practically gone leaving behind nothing but pathetic yelps as he repeatedly hit that spot inside you to have you holding on to him weakly. Your toes curled and your eyes rolled. you'd never felt anything like it, like him and you were sure you never would do this again and that brought sobs from you.
Hopper pulled out of your neck his eyes meeting yours in confusion thinking he might have hurt you.
"Baby what's–"
"I don't want you to stop, I don't ever want you to, please," you begged with glossy eyes.
He sighed, kissing your cheek before an almost endearing smile came across his face.
"I won't baby, I won't. I'll just keep ruining this pussy for you," he groaned, feeling you clamp down on him.
Now being realistic here he knew that he'd have to stop but he'd keep going as long as he could and when he did stop, you came around him with your lips on his, tongue tasting his canned beer and cigarettes and he knew in the back of his mind even as he washed you and himself clean with affection kisses like it was the last time,
That you'd always be over, just down the hall…
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malulurivers · 1 year
I don't know if you do crossovers, but if you do, how would viktor react to a spider-person S/O? Spidersonas have been blowing up again since across the spiderverse so it made me curious
when it comes to spiderverse i absolutely do, anon! i've seen some fantastic art of jayce and viktor in the style of spiderverse, i think i reblogged it somewhere, so to say 'i love this idea' and 'i've had a little think about it already' would be two big understatements!
i'll try to keep it succinct though XD
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
How Viktor would react to having a spider-person SO
honestly, the word 'fascinated' could tldr this entire post
Viktor is quite a private person, who would absolutely treasure communication and trust in a relationship
so as the Spider of the Runeterran universe, as soon as you had made your relationship official, you knew you had to tell him of your secret identity sooner rather than later
you'd been surprised neither he nor Jayce had worked it out yet, being incredibly intelligent inventors and all
but you'd figured they'd be safer not knowing, so you'd tried to subtly keep it from them anyway, and directed the conversation away from your Spider-alter ego whenever they occasionally came up
so you had it planned out.
you were going to tell Viktor next time he was at home, when you got him in a break day, and it was going to be the just the two of you. somewhere private, somewhere safe.
you would explain everything gently. you'd reassure him that if he wasn't comfortable with being with you because of it, then you'd have no resentment towards him
there were plenty of good reasons to be wary after all
then one night you had a particularly long escapade
trying to uncover a deeply-rooted crime circle, you'd ended up rescuing a group of young people who had gotten in trouble with enforcers for frankly ridiculous reasons
you'd then had to outsmart and deal with said enforcers (who were undoubtedly the worst part) to escape, and they head nothing back in their chase
you'd decided to head to the lab instead of home for safety, as at least that wasn't as incriminating. also there was more spaces to hide
it was so late that it was morning, and even you expected that Viktor had gone home by now
but he had, in fact, not
so you'd entered the lab by climbing through the Jana-knows-what storey window, blood rushing with adrenaline, levering yourself down to the floor cleanly with a web
right beside Viktor's desk, where he was sat, eyes wide and frozen
it hurt to see his expression focused on you. he was hiding it well but there was fear in how he swallowed, in how he clenched his fist on the handle of his cane
it hurt until you remembered that 1. he did not know it was you, and 2. he had just witnessed you crawling on glass, spinning on webs and moving way too fast for a normal human
also 3. you bore a striking resemblance to the description given of a 'criminal' (as described by enforcers) that had recently been reported to be involved in the explosion of a factory in the Undercity
sure, you knew it had been for good: that you had apprehended your target, and there had been no casualties
but it dawned at you that Viktor remaining as calm as he did was inherently a miracle
"can I... help...? you...?"
his thoughts were rushing at 100mph compared to their normal 50, and you could see it in his searching stare, watching and waiting for you to move, speak, do anything
luckily, after a few seconds of stumbled words and a hasty removal of your mask, he was back down to earth, heaving a sigh and almost laughing in relief
"I cannot believe—I thought you were...!"
for a moment anyhow, before the reality sunk in further and you were bombarded with questions
"wait, you are the Spider? the masked vigilante?"
"where did you just come from? were you fighting someone?"
"are you alright? are you hurt? did anyone follow you?"
after some explanation and reassurance, he relaxes a lot
honestly he takes the news very well! despite the unplanned nature of its reveal
he's very pragmatic as a person and very loyal
despite the obvious exhaustion on his face, he perks up with intrigue as you tell him everything—how you got bitten, how you got hold of your current suit, how you chose your identity, what you've been keeping tabs on, who you've fought, what you've lost.
however, he is a scientist first and foremost after all, so even after the basics are out of the way, his curiosity is never going to be quite sated
so later on, he's asking more specifics
he's always very polite when requesting to see your abilities, very gentle and never overwhelming you. he wants to see all of them, if you'll allow him to
the webs, the wall-climbing, the increased agility and strength, the spider sense, no matter what it is, you always leave him amazed
and your abilities quickly become a source of inspiration for his own trajectories into science
he's particularly fascinated with the possibilities of your webs, regardless of whether they're organic or mechanical
he sees this as an opportunity to work with you and that makes him very happy indeed
on top of inspiring him scientifically, your passion for helping others reminds him what he's doing his work for, as well as how much he loves you
he adores your heart, your compassion, even if it worries him that you're putting yourself in harms way
this likely leads to him putting time aside for side projects, where he invents things to help you
he may be more of a pacifist, but he's surprisingly down with vigilante justice
he wants to help and protect people with his own technology, he'd be a hypocrite with his head in the sand if he believed that never fighting was truly an option
just as long as you're careful
because of this, he's not going to make you weapons. not that you would ever ask him to. that's not your style, and you'd much rather have the tools he creates to help you escape extra sticky situations
his main focus first and foremost is to help upgrade your suit, particularly providing more safety for your mask so you can breathe in the Undercity
however, whatever upgrade or mechanism it is as time goes on, he always lets you take the lead. you're the hero, not him, and he just wants to support you as best he can
for what it's worth, he'll talk positively of your secret identity to Jayce, hoping it'll get through to Mel
he would even defend you publicly if he was in the council room and the Spider came up
much to your chagrin, as you're worried for his safety just as much as he's worried about yours
when you move in together particularly, you're aware of the danger you're putting him in
you regularly frequent the Undercity and have dealings down there, so returning to live Topside by day has its innate dangers
especially when you're constantly avoiding villains and enforcers alike
but also your identity must stay a secret for his sake as well as yours
he'd be ruined if the fact that he's in a committed relationship with a a vigilante became known
unsurprisingly, Viktor overlooks this part
but as long as the two of you look out for each other, you're certain nothing can go wrong
overall Viktor is a caring and loyal partner, and this wouldn't change in the slightest if his S/O was a vigilante spider-person
he'd be incredibly supportive, though likely wouldn't be able to keep from getting a little excited over the capabilities of your powers. and from asking a ton of questions
you'd become a muse of sorts for him in some of his inventions, and a close partner in his technology in other ways
although, if you have access to the Spiderverse? poor man's going to start fizzing internally
the prospect of portals? already functioning across dimensions? universes?!
he's a reserved kind of person, but I don't think he'd be able to stop himself from trying to weasel his way into meeting someone who knew a lot about how it worked
aka, if you don't know how the Arachnoid Humanoid Poly-Multiverse's teleporting mechanics work, then he's going to try and talk to someone who does
with your permission of course
I think that Viktor would get along very well with Miguel...!
...until he very much doesn't.
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
masterlist | buy me a hot chocolate <3
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hermitcraftx · 8 months
gay people go here
james/icarus/patroclus | he/it/they + she sometimes + neos! switch it up
19 | traumagenic system
blog is rated 16+ interact at own risk
follows and likes from @faggotcowboys | alter blog: @lowresolutionboyfriend
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hi! wewcome to my bwog uwu i am a longtime tumblr user moving blogs
i mostly post hermitcraft/trafficlife but i dabble in some other stuff too <3
i am a fan of the dream smp but i dont post about it and i have most of the fanbase on here blocked from ye olden days. i dont like interacting with the fandom other than fanart so dont expect that from me if ur blocked nothing personal just how it is
i'm a writer. in theory. mostly i liveblog and shitpost and reblog art but occasionally i will upload my own art or writing
i do not tag for shipping mostly because i am absolute dogshit at remembering. i am an adult and i don't shy away from reblogging suggestive or the occasional nsfw post, but usually they're tagged under #suggestive or #nsft.
i am a beginner artist! please be nice to me :') i use krita
for hc s10 i'll be maining grian, joel, scar, and etho, but as of right now i am also caught up on mumbo, iskall, gem, zombiecleo, and i'm trying to slowly work my way through other people's povs
i main grian and joel! i go apeshit insane over scarian and smalletho, but i also enjoy gribeans/joelian and smallidarian/badboys content. treebark fan by osmosis. outside of trafficblr i watch a lot of content creators but ive been a fan of slimecicle and jschlatt for a while
used to be a wilburian. still like c!wilbur, disappointed and ignoring the actual guy. support shelby shubble and victims of abuse
i dont tag things as duo names i think its dumb as fuck i portmanteau their names or use "ship names" even if i dont care whether its romantic or platonic. if that bothers you block button
i dont believe in dnis but if you are a fan of dreamteam vivziepop jkr matpat or brendon urie i am probably going to block you. no terfs no swerfs no maps no zionists no racists or anti-semities and i am NOT pro-endo but i dont really care?? as long as you dont cause syscourse ur welcome idgaf
i <3 heart weird problematic labels like boygirl fagdyke mspec butch lesbians bi lesbians bi gays cisgender het aros furries neopronouns xenogenders objectum and if any of that bothers you. well. block button
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notmyprey · 8 months
Hi! Just thought I'd make a post going over a few things:
First things first! This is very much a (SFW) vore (for lack of remembering what the other descriptor is) account. If ya dont like- dont follow, lol.
I am a strictly SFW blog, meaning I dont, won't, and haven't posted anything NSFW. I sometimes post digestion, but it's ALWAYS with reformation or NON FATAL.
I normally draw g/t, but I will draw the occasional same/similar/half/quarter vore drawing.
I love asks, so long as they are SFW.
If you want to ask my OC's questions, go to my other blog here, which is just for that!
I only have a few DNI's:
Main DNI:
Pedos (of any name), zoophiles, harassment/callout blogs, homo/transphobic, racist (this includes towards asians and Middle easterns too, I aint tolerating any of that hateful shit)
For personal reasons, please either DNI or do not talk to me about:
Drugs (excluding medical ones), s3xual stuff (s3x repulsed ace here), and pr3gnancy (this is borderline phobia for me, ok? Maybe even worse than that)
If you have uncontrolled temperamental issues, please keep your distance or try not to become too close of friends with me (I have trauma related to this, and I am still recovering).
More info under cut:
These are the fandoms I know! Please try not to spam my ask box with fandoms that I dont know! An ask here and there abt one I dont know is ok, but not constantly please!
My Sona's:
This is my voresona!
This is my persona! (Who can also be used in vore lol)
Do I Role Play?
Short answer: no
Long answer: kind of? I do often use RP like language (such as the use of ** and refering to myself as my online persona, who is still technically me but in a universe where vore exists). But I dont like to directly RP with people in dm or anything else for the most part. There are few exceptions, but those who know, know.
I never thought I would have to add this, but please dont drag me into any drama or personal situations that don't involve me. I made this blog for me to have a place away from real life, not to have to stress over.
Repeating this again: One boundary I would like to put up is to try and keep drug mentions to as minimal as possible (outside of obv medications and stuff). I dont hate anyone who does do drugs, but it does make me very uncomfortable. I wish I could explain why, but unfortunately, I can not since I myself dont even know why.
I dont mind nsfw blogs following me or liking my posts, but please dont interact outside of that. Sometimes, I may block nsfw accounts out of the blue, but its normally because they either dont censor things or I see them too much on my tags that im following.
I dont mind if kink blogs follow me or like my posts. You can reblog my posts. Just make sure that if you end up rebloging my posts, dont add tags that are related to a kink. I may block kink accounts out of the blue, but its normally because I see them too much on my tags that im following, and its something Im uncomfortable with seeing that often.
For BOTH NSWF and KINK blogs!! If you are an irl edit blog (aka you take real pictures and edit them), if I dont see you, you're fine. But as soon as I see any of that anywhere, whether it's going through who liked/rebloged my post or ending up on my fyp, I will block no hesitation. Irl photo edits make me extremely uncomfortable, and this is one of the few big boundaries I have and will not hesitate to enforce.
Other than that- dont be an asshole and were chill.
Master Lists:
Writing Master List
Prompts Master List
Rants Master List
Characters Master List
On going ask/rb games:
'Reblog or send an ask, and I'll tell ya what you/a character of your choice would taste like' post
Ask game! (Aka send me emojis to answer questions)
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azems-familiar · 2 months
this is a pinned post i guess
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Liadan or Lee, but I'll respond to various shortenings of the urls I've had over the years, so don't feel fussed to change how you think of me in your head if that's the case. I'm in my mid-20s and have been on this hellsite since 2016. I use either they/them or xe/xem pronouns and am a trans, bigender, ace butch, happily engaged to my qpp @ipreferfiction. I am proship, anti-censorship, and not afraid to use the block button if you start causing me problems.
I don't have sideblogs so all content I find interesting or relevant will be here on this blog. Ask to tag if there's something you'd like to filter out - I can't guarantee I'll remember it, but I do my best. All politics go under #politics. Big current events will usually go under #current events if I remember. I try to tag fandoms but that doesn't always particularly work. My personal textpost tag is #ramblings. For things I create, look under #my edits (screenshots/virtual photography), #my writing (snippets and whatnot), and #my fic (full-length fic posts or links). My ask tag is #asked and answered; my tag game tag is #things i'm tagged in; any ask games I reblog will be tagged with #ask me thiiings. Ultimately, this is my own personal space; I will do my best to adjust for other people's comfort but I won't completely put myself into a box for it.
If we're mutuals, I will politely ask you to tag posts with bug pictures/etc in them with #bug - I have a bug phobia and while I do my best to curate on my own, sometimes i still get images on my dash and that's definitely not the most enjoyable thing.
My current main fandom is ffxiv, but there will be occasional posting about star wars (especially swtor and kotor), dragon age (especially with the new game coming out), mass effect, and other various things I find interesting. I have ocs in most of the above fandoms, and tag them all as #oc: [name here]! Just in case you'd like to go looking for them.
There will be Lalafell/Non-Lalafell shipping on this blog. If that bothers you, unfollow me/block me/hit the back arrow now. I will not tolerate harassment for it. This is your only warning.
FFXIV OC Directory
Links will be added here as I write actual posts for these guys! First name is their current incarnation as of the Seventh Astral Era, second is their original, Unsundered, ancient self. Any in-between reincarnations will be in bulleted lists beneath the main headings.
Lelesu Lesu // Seleukos (MAIN)
G'lyhhia Heleh (Third Astral Era)
Rhaya Wolndara // Kyriaki
Savvel // Athanasios
Seika Valeriant // Psyche
Fic Directory
I use various pseuds on AO3 to separate by fandom. That said...
FFXIV fics:
your boldness stands alone among the wreck (series): Catch-all series for everything related to Lelesu's and Corrain's shared universe. Childhood friends Helios and Seleukos rise to prominence in their society, building a home for themselves, only to watch it all come crashing down during worldwide calamity. Lelesu and Corrain, both chosen by Hydaelyn, struggle to navigate the life of a hero among personal griefs, world-ending threats, far too many politics, thirteen-thousand-year-old pasts returning to haunt them...and the trials and tribulations of crushes.
in the shadow of the sun (series): Broken by grief inflicted during the Final Days and tempered to Zodiark besides, Azem - an Unsundered Ascian - discovers the fragmented soul of their lost best friend in Corrain, the Warrior of Light. Unable to stay away from him, Azem slowly learns how to live again among the loss, and how to look to the future instead of stay mired in a nostalgia- and pain-tinted view of the past that never truly existed.
Both the above series are cowritten with @sunderedazem, and Corrain and Helios belong to him.
All Star Wars fics can be found here
MDZS/The Untamed
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I accidentally wrote two more scenes, continuing the idea in this post (and associated reblogs) about Connor temporarily existing in Hank's devices (I don't reblog it this time, because I forgot to do that). One is below, and another one is not yet fully finished, so I'll probably post it later.
"Ah, fucking asshole!" Hank slammed the brakes.
"What happened?" Connor asked, his voice coming from a speaker.
"This prick just cut me off."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
"No, you're not," Hank glanced at the dash camera he previously found in his garage – it still wasn't plugged in and he wasn't even sure if it had any memory card inside, but now he thought that it might be a good idea to turn it on, or to try, at least. He slowed down at the traffic light and as his car came to a complete stop searched for the hanging cable.
"I just remembered that I have a dash cam."
"Are you going to turn it on?"
Hank plugged in the cable and pressed the "on" button – small LED informed him that recording has started.
From a satisfied sound Hank concluded that android found his way to now fully working dash camera.
"Thank you."
For a couple of minutes they drove in silence, interrupted only by some occasional static from the speaker.
"See that woman in front of you?" Connor asked at some point.
"The one with red Honda? I don't see who's driving it, but yeah, whatever. What about her?"
"She's an attorney. She has two kids and she recently filed a divorce, but her husband doesn't know it yet."
"And you're telling me this why exactly?"
"I don't know. I thought it was interesting, and I doubt you'll ever see her again – her vehicle is registered in a different state."
"You know, the way you can just do shit like that makes me...Shit, I don't even know. It's unnerving," Hank removed one of his hands from a steering wheel for a moment to gesture at the last sentence, even though he knew Connor wouldn't see it.
"I've only used publicly available information starting from her license plate number -- it is a part of the public record anyway -- and the rest of it wasn't too hard to find online, knowing her legal name."
"Not sure if it makes it better or worse."
"If it makes you feel better, there is not much I can find this way about you. Most of what I assume were your accounts are either deleted or haven't been updated in years. There are, however, other accounts that are referencing you, and some of them are quite active to this day."
"Even if I never posted anything at all, those jackals would do that for me," Hank shook his head, "Great. Not like I didn't know that already."
He tried to remember whatever it was Connor could even find on his abandoned profile. He barely used it in recent years and only kept it for the sake of getting reminded about upcoming birthdays, even though he didn't really care much about any of them. Still, it felt useful enough.
"And who the fuck is even referencing me?" He asked after a pause.
"It's not something recent, if that's what you're asking. Most of it is dated at least three years back."
"I'm asking names."
"Just your colleagues, mostly, and-"
"My ex wife?"
Hank thought about the last time he saw her. It was the day of Cole's funeral. He avoided looking in her direction during the whole ceremony, cautious not to make any eye-contact. He wasn't there for her, and neither was she. They didn't talk this day.
"Sometimes I wonder how she's doing..," Hank said, without actually meaning to. Over the past three days, it had started to happen to him more and more often - thinking something and blurting it out loud the same moment without a second thought. Not all of it was something he actually wanted to share or hear a response to, but at the same time there was some comfort in knowing that someone would listen, no matter what he had to say. He wondered if Connor was secretly getting tired of him, but at the same time, it didn't seem like he was, as whenever Hank remained quiet for longer than a couple of minutes, the android would say something himself and encouraged Hank to respond, say something. Anything, even if it's just a humming sound, acknowledging his presence.
Connor's voice brought Hank back from his thoughts.
"Do you want me to-"
"-No! Not like this. I just-," he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, thinking "I don't know, I don't want to know too much. Just wondering if..," he sighed, "Shit. Forget it, okay?"
For a while it was quiet, and Hank already decided that it was over when android spoke again.
"She's fine. It seems like she's in a relationships, but not engaged. No kids, two dogs."
"So she moved on, huh...Good to know."
"You're welcome."
"I didn't ask you to do that, by the way."
"Not directly, but I'm good at reading between the lines."
"Only when you don't need to."
Hank hummed in response, turning on the signal lights to make a turn.
"Do you..."
For the second time of the day Hank hit the brakes when another vehicle abruptly squeezed into the tiny gap in front of him, coming dangerously close to hitting both his car and the one next in line.
"Shit, did you see that? Fucker needs his license recalled."
"I didn't catch it. I can only process a frame every three seconds or so."
"Wait, you serious? So all this time you've been watching a slideshow, not even a laggy video?"
"Basically. I can't process visual data at the same speed I can process audio, as it leaves me almost no space to process anything else, making it quite useless. I do, however, appreciate seeing something, even if it's just static images every couple of seconds."
Hearing it was...upsetting. More so than Hank expected, although he wasn't sure why. He abruptly thought if maybe his phone is too old and it was the time for an update anyway, but then remembered that Connor was saying something just before he got distracted.
"What were you saying before?"
"Oh.. I think you should turn here and go around, there's a huge traffic jam ahead."
"Really?" Hank frowned and glanced at his GPS unit. It usually warned him about things like traffic jams, but it seemed usual, no warnings of any kind. Hank thought about it for a moment, then turned to drive around anyway. Maybe Connor was right. Maybe he was lying. Hank didn't feel like questioning him this time. Maybe he will do that later, "Thanks."
For a few seconds there was some static coming from a speaker. It got louder for a few seconds, then became slightly softer, and after another second it disappeared completely.
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