#I'll post em real soon hopefully
fluffomatic · 1 year
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I HIT IT!!!!! THE MILESTONE! Honestly, y'all, how is this even possible?? How many tickle freaks we got out there, huh? Mean that in a good way, lmao. We crazy but we're awesome, ain't we? Seriously, my friends, this is absolutely bat shit to me. I never thought in the 6 years I've had this tumblr that I'd ever reach numbers like this, so the fact that it's here? And it happened so casually, too? It hardly feels real. Without you guys, damn I don't know where I'd be. Maybe it's a bit sad, but this blog is everything to me. It's gotten me through a lot, I've met incredible people, shared my art, and created characters who are loved so much that I get lovely fan art of them! You are all so incredible people, so sweet and talented and creative. I can never truly describe how grateful I am for all the support. I hope to inspire (and fluster) all of you for the rest of time!!
As for the milestone poll, I'll be posting it soon. Of course, as soon as I reach 3000, my iPad breaks. Hopefully, it'll be up and running soon! I'll just have the poll run longer to give it more time! I'll probably post it tomorrow, so if you have any last-minute ideas, let me hear em before it's too late >:D
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jhilsara · 7 months
AHHH That was so gooood, I know the final version is going to be incredible!! I hate to keep asking for more because I don't want to bother you BUT if you want to keep posting them I would more than appreciate it. :> If not, we can always wait until the actual next chapter comes out. Whatever your comfy with!
I'll keep feeding you, I've had this doc for so long and hopefully this will motivate me *v* here's part 3
After every guest leaves the boys and MC are sitting on the stairs exhausted.
“So that went well?” Matthew “As well as it could have.” James sighs. “How was the drilling of questions all night?” Erik “Not as bad, but draining. How was the rest of your night after you were dismissed?” James “It was better after my father left.” MC “F u c k your dad.” Sam “What happened?” Matthew “Her awful father put his hands on her and left a nasty bruise!” Erik huffs out in irritation. “He what?!” Matthew and Damien “It’s over, I’m fine, Sam saved me.” MC “Let us see.” James gently asks She avoids their eyes but takes the glove off. It’s nasty. It’s a gross yellow with purple poking through. It looks disgusting. “Oh MC…” Damien gently grabs her arm to look at the damage. “It’s over. He left and Sam definitely broke his hand.” She huffs out a laugh. “Sam!” James “I didn’t break it! …I just fractured it. Aggressively.” Sam avoiding eye contact with James but smiling at MC MC starts laughing and soon the whole gang is giggling. “We should probably clean up…”
Before they can even start to clean the devils burst into the home with a gunshot.
MC ducks before she realizes it was a blank, but the boys are in front of her.
Seeing the devils, she realizes they are not the same thing as just demons.  
“Honey I’m home~”Malix twirling his gun “Get out. This place is protected by holy magic. Your stuff won’t work here.” Damien “I don’t need that to kill you.” Malix states. “We’re really not in the fucking mood Malix. Get the fuck out.” Sam “Oh? Sorry did I barge in on you lot whoring yourselves out like the incubus you are?” Malix “Excuse me?” MC She tries to push past Sam but he won’t budge. He pushes her back. “Stay behind me.” He hisses out to her. “Oh? Is that her? That warlocks kin? C’mon share her, it’s not nice to keep playthings to yourselves!” Malix She freezes and grips onto the back of Sam’s jacket. His fists curl. “She’s protected too you animal.” James Malix raises a brow, “That’s intriguing…” He looks past Sam and his eyes pierce into hers. A nasty smirk plays on his face. “We’ll leave… but watch it outside of this protective barrier. You’re in our territory incubi.” Malix shrugs and acts to leave. He turns sharply and points his gun toward MC, Sam shifts to block her but she can still see the red devil staring her down… like prey. “You too sweetheart. We’re coming for you.” Sam turns to face MC after Malix leaves and sees the real fear in her eyes. His anger dissipates enough to hold her. He wraps one arm around her to give her some comfort. “What are they?” MC “Devils… they come from Hell.” Erik spits out. “Then where do you come from?” MC “The Abyssal Plains…Demons come from a different realm. We all have magic of our own and free wills. Devils on the other hand, their magic is tied to hell. It’s not theirs. They only live to cause chaos, murder, and mayhem in the human world.” James Her brain goes a million miles a minute. Damien reaches out to grab her hand, “We won’t let him harm you. It’ll be okay.” Sam squeezes her in reassurance, “We’ll kill ‘em.”
They do not clean that night, they all decide it’s a morning issue.
The next day MC stays home. In her bed for most of the morning/early afternoon. She watches videos on her phone and none of the boys seem to come and see her. They must be busy.
She finally crawls out around the afternoon and slugs her way into the kitchen after taking a shower and making herself slightly presentable.
She hears the boys outside through the sliding window into the backyard.
Peeking out she sees them all training, mostly using Sam as their trainer.
They all look exhausted.
“How long have you guys been out here?” She calls out. They all stumble before turning to see her. “What time is it?” Matthew She checks her phone, “Like two?” “We need a break… and food.” James says. “We don’t have time for a break.” Sam barks back to him. “You want one too Sam. We need food anyway.” Damien side eyes his brother. Sam rolls his eyes. “You guys just chill out. I’ll make lunch.” MC turns back into the kitchen on her phone scrolling and ignoring the faint protest.
She makes them a simple lunch. Nothing crazy, just sandwiches with fruits and veggies.  She makes herself a homemade parfait though.
Once the guys are inside she puts their lunches on the dining table, all of them looking thoroughly beaten.
They eat, thank her, and go back to training.
She sees them all again at dinner, but this time she put her foot down and decided they were getting take out. No one was cooking after the day they’ve had.
They veg out in the living room waiting for dinner. MC sits on the couch and Matthew and Damien are leaning on her left and right side. Sam is sitting in between her legs on the floor and she’s idly coming his hair and half paying attention to the movie. James went off to the study and told them to call him when the food arrived. Erik went to take a nap.
The four of them all almost pass out on the couch together. It’s impressive actually.   
The next day MC has classes… she is afraid to leave the home. So, the guys rotate a schedule with her. Whoever is free takes her to work or school. Between the 5 of them there should be someone with her at all times.
One day while Sam is dropping her off on campus
The bags under her eyes are dark. Darker than she normally gets during finals week. She has the mirror pulled down in the car and stares at her dark circles. Sam looks at her out of the corner of his eye. “How much sleep have you been getting?” the question sounds harsher than he means it too. She sighs and slaps the mirror back up, “Between studying for finals, working, and stressing out about my life possibly ending because of some devils… about 3ish hours.” “Do you work tonight?” he asks She tilts her head in confusion. “No. I have the day off. My last class gets out at 1 today then I’m done.” “Good.” He grunts out. “I’ll pick you up and then you’re going the fuck to sleep.” He stops in front of her classes building. “What? Sam, I have chores and studying and a million other tasks. Plus… I just c a n ‘ t sleep. It’s like my brain won’t shut off.” “Don’t worry about it.” He places his hand on top of her head and ruffles her hair a bit. “Sam! I just did that.” She pulls the mirror down and pouts as she fixes her hair. He rolls his eyes playfully. “Like I said I’ll get you later and you’re taking a nap today.” She gives him a look of disbelief before getting out to go to class. “Bye Sam.”
• He wasn’t joking when he told her she’s sleeping. Once home Same throws her in her bedroom, demand she put on something comfy, and let’s her change alone.
She opens the door once she’s in her hoodie and shorts. “Sam I’m not sleepy so I don’t see how I’m going to nap. I should probably just study.” Sam pushes her back into her room, “Nuh uh, no way. Get in that bed.” She rolls her eyes but jumps onto her bed anyway, sitting cross legged on her blanket. “Scoot over!” Sam slips his shoes off and sits next to her. “Get under the covers doofus.” He chuckles at her. “Is the plan just you taking a nap with me?” She jokes and shuffles herself comfortably under the blankets. He rolls his eyes, “No. Lay down and just close your eyes okay?” She side eyes him for a second before fluttering her eyes shut. Sam starts running his hands through her hair gently and lightly massaging her scalp. She lets out a soft gasp and groans in comfort. She nuzzles herself more into her pillow.
• Before she realized it, she was asleep. She only realized she’s been out when she wakes up and realizes she wrapped around something… or someone.
Sam was out, snoring lightly laying on top of her comforter, one arm comfortably laying behind her. She was tangled around him, hugging him close like a stuffed animal. Her face flushed and she tried to untangle herself from him in embarrassment. She gently moved her arms off of him and tried to flip herself over, but Sam followed. He groaned and moved his body to face her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her towards him. If she wasn’t red she was now. She could see her phone next to her pillow and she relaxed into his grip and settled against his chest feeling his deep breathing. She was scrolling her phone for around twenty minutes before she felt him wake up. “What time is it?” he groaned out still holding her body. She giggles to herself knowing Sam isn’t fully awake, “It’s 7 at night.” “Five more minutes…” He mumbles into her neck. She shivers and that action has him sitting up STRAIGHT “Oh, my fucking god. I’m so sorry.” Sam She stretches and sits up, “Sam it’s fine you just feel asleep. We’ve been exhausted for over a week…” Sam looks her over and reads her sincere face. He sighs before he flops back down. He rubs his face in irritation before looking at MC “I’m more than exhausted…” he mutters to himself “What?” MC “It’s nothing.” He goes to stand up, but she grabs his wrist. “Sam…I-” she clams up blushing a bit and avoiding his eyes when she finally asks, “Do you need energy?” She feels him go rigid. “I’m fine.” He tells her in a hard tone. He doesn’t pull himself away from her touch. She finally pulls her gaze back to him and she can see how heavy the bags under his eyes are. He’s been training his brothers and trying to keep her safe for over two weeks now. He’s more than at the end of his supply. “Sam…you look like a dead man walking. Take my energy, I’m telling you it’s okay.” She can see him losing the battle internally. He scoffs and avoids her burning gaze. “Please. I promise it’s okay.” She sees his tense shoulders relax and he looks at her, eyes no longer green but rimmed in gold.  She smiles at him, a win. “Don’t look so smug, you’re gonna be tired after this.” He tells her as he moves his hand from her grip to holding it and laying her down. “Only if you do it right.” She bites back. “Oh, now you’re pushing your luck.” Before she can reply he’s kissing her. His hands don’t roam her body, but he keeps consistent pressure holding her waist down into the mattress. Her arms wrap around his neck and pulls him closer to her. Their mouths slot together easily and this is by far the best kiss she’s ever had. Unlike before when Sam kissed her, she’s acutely aware of the enthrallment. Which she’s realizing is making her crave him. She wants him all over her. She wants him to kiss her neck, caress her, mark her body up. She’s swimming in thoughts of Sam. Too much, she can’t decipher if they’re real feelings or just the enthrallment. Maybe she should have asked for instructions before she just dived into this. Sam shifts himself and kisses her jawline down to her neck. She lets out a moan she didn’t expect. She does not want him to stop. He chuckles into her neck and kisses her softly one more time before sitting back. “I’m good now. Thank you.” He’s smirking at her and she doesn’t know what her face looks like but she feels blissed out. She’s heaving, taking deep breathes, before she responds. “Uh yeah. Anytime.” She pushes herself to sit up facing him. Sam snorts and brushes her hair back, looking at her softly, “Don’t offer up something like that. I might make good on it.” He rustles her hair and leaves her room. She falls back on her bed, red in the face, heart beating astronomically fast.
• The next morning, she has Damien going with her to her class. She spends a lot of the car ride trying to focus on the music and not her very confusing feelings for Sam… or how she really enjoyed him kissing her. Nope not totally thinking about that while Damien’s sitting next to her. Or how confused she is about enthrallment.
Damien sighs and looks at her cocking his brow. “You know I’ve heard literally everything in your head and it’s the most over stimulating thing right now. It’s thought whiplash.” Damien She sighs and grips the steering wheel, she can’t hide from Damien. “How does enthrallment work?” she finally asks, her face red as a tomato. “Well, it obviously gives us your energy as incubi, but it doesn’t magically give you deep feelings for someone. It just enhances the pleasure of your experience as a human.” He tells her smirking. “So, my very confusing feelings aren’t from the enthrallment?” “Nope. That’s just you making yourself confused.” He has a very amused look on his face. “You’re not being helpful here Damien…” she pouts. He just laughs.
When she gets home that night with Erik she goes straight to her room. She’s not super hungry and her stomach flipping around is absolutely her nerves.
She’s in her room, staring at the ceiling, when someone knocks on her door.
“Come in!” she doesn’t move from her spot. “Have you been like that since you got home?” Sam She sighs and sits up, “Yeah just doing some mental gymnastics.” He laughs, “Don’t work too hard there you’ll blow a fuse.” She rolls her eyes and throws her pillow at him, that he easily catches. “What do you need Sam?” She asks smiling. He tosses the pillow back to her. Now he looks flustered, with a tinge of pink that lasts for a second before his eyes lock with hers. “I want you to know my real name, in case anything does happen with those Devils…” His voice is serious. “Real name?” she tilts her head. “Demons usually don’t give out their real names to humans, or each other really. Names for us have power. So, if you say my name, I’ll find you. I can literally appear if you need me.” “Oh…” she looks down at the pillow in her hands and fidgets with the edges of it. Her face is warm. She doesn’t notice Sam coming closer to her as he leans in to whisper in her ear, “My name is Aomaris.” A shiver runs down her back as he steps back. “Aomaris.” She tries it out, making sure she says it right. Sam’s face flushes red. “Uh, yeah.” He chokes out and looks away from her. He takes a deep breath before he continues. “Use it if you need me, okay?”
• She keeps his name locked in her mind. Running it around and around and around. She almost whispers it to herself once more before realizing how mortally embarrassed shed be if he just showed in her room not even ten minutes after he told her. • She didn’t realize how soon she would need to use his name. • It’s her graduation day from the school of business at her university, but she’s already applied to continue her education at the graduate level. She can have a masters degree in a different field. But for now, it’s her undergrad graduation and by god she is going and then partying with her friends. • All of the boys show up for her, and her father is no where in sight. She kind of feels relieved from that. • After graduation she takes photos with her friends and the boys join. It is a celebration.
“I’m going out with everyone, I’ll see you guys later tonight!” “Be safe!” Erik calls after her, knowing she’s with people is reassuring, but not completely settling. They are all humans MC goes with her friends to a couple of bars and having a blast. So much so she doesn’t realize she’s put herself in danger. Its late, around midnight, and she steps outside to get some fresh air. She unlocks her car to grab her jacket to keep her safe from the biting cold inside the bar. When it happens. She wasn’t paying attention and was alone. She gets shoved into her own back seat and before she can fight or scream she gets blindfolded and gagged. She clenches her face as it all happens, she’s seen enough true crime to know that she can move her face to mess with the blindfold and gag to loosen them without her captors knowing. They snatch her keys from her hand and whip her car away from the bar. Hopefully her friends can call for help. They know she’d never leave without saying something. Her phone was still on too, in her pocket. As long as they don’t turn it off yet, they can track her location. She overhears them talking and she realizes it’s the devils… and her heart plummets. She can see the road in the slim part of the blindfold she gave herself to look through. They’re downtown still. But just barely… Once they throw her car in park she’s hauled out of the vehicle. She’s thrashing against whoever is grabbing her but their grip just tightens. They throw her down onto the hard concrete and rips her blindfold off. She blinks trying to adjust to the low lighting. Malix stands in front of her, smiling at her like she’s a meal. She tries to meet his gaze with a glare, but her body shaking definitely gives her away. His smile is like a feral beast eyeing her up and down. He grabs her face pulling her closer to him, his grip hurts. “Told you it wasn’t safe out there girly. Can’t wait to gut you and leave your remains for those incubi.” She pulls her face back with all her force and headbutts him. It sends him back for a moment, and knocks the gag out of her mouth. She gasps taking a deep breath. Before she can shout for help Malix’s fist collides to her mouth. “You little cunt!” She’s bleeding and spits out a mouthful of blood before shouting, “Aomaris!” she chokes as she shouts but it works. A bright light cuts through and the Devils shrink back. In front of her is Sam and he finds her eyes immediately. His eyes widen and he rushes to her grabbing her gently by her face. “You okay?” he asks. His hands are shaking as he moves her face to see the damage. She just nods her head melting into his touch. “I got it okay don’t worry.” A gun shot goes off and Sam moves them before it can make contact, with his speed. He turns and glares back to Malix with his smoking gun. “I won’t miss next time Incubus.”  Malix growls out at them. Sam gently leans MC against the wall and turns to fight Malix.
• During the fight Sam loses his glamor, but Damien and the others find her and block her vision before she can see. It’s mostly blurs and hues of green. • Damien and Erik and fussing over her and assessing the damage. • While everything sounds like she’s in an echo chamber, she clearly hears James tell Sam to stop and Matthew give him a potion. • “Let’s go home. MC needs to wash up and ice her face.” Erik says and picks her up gently to put her in the car. • At home they tell her to take a shower and just rest. Erik sits on her bedside with an ice pack for her face and a glass of water with some pain killers.
“Where’s Sam?” she asks. Erik sighs, “Getting chewed out by James and probably blowing off the last of his adrenaline. He’ll come see you in the morning love.” She nods her head. “Thanks Erik. Did my friends call?” She noticed they had blown up her phone and she had told them she was home now. Erik nods. “Yeah they did. That’s how we knew something was up, then you called out to him. We just tracked your phone after Sam left.” She nods and sinks into her bed. “Do I tell them I got kidnapped?” Erik shrugs. “It’s the truth, and it’s true we just tracked your phone. So up to you. They’ll be mad if they think you just bailed without telling them and making them worry.” “You’re right…” “Don’t worry right now, just go to sleep. And if anything feels bad in the morning we can go the hospital.” Erik.
Her face is swollen from Malix’s punch but she had stopped bleeding the next morning. A massive purple bruise is on her check and she hisses touching it. She can’t cover that up.
There’s a knock at her door.
“Come in.” “How ya feelin’?” She turns quickly and sees Sam in her doorway. Arms crossed over his chest. “Could be better.” She smiles softly at him. She sees his eyes focus on her bruise. He comes into her room standing in front of her, holding her face and looking. “If he was still here I’d kill him again…” he says in a low tone. “It’s over.” She places her hand on top of Sam’s and leans into his touch on her good side. “Shouldn’t have even fuckin’ happened. We should have been out with you.” He growls out. “We don’t know that. I shouldn’t have left my friends to grab my jacket. It’s over now. No use in thinking what if.” Sam removes his hands and pulls her into his embrace. His grip is tight but she sinks into him and wraps her arms around his waist. “Thanks, by the way. I don’t know if I told you thank you.” She mutters into his chest. She feels him chuckle. He kisses the top of her head. “You don’t need to thank me. I would have found you no matter what.” Her grip tightens and she thinks her heart skips a beat.
A little treat
So I know I keep saying theres more but there is more.
I skip a little around timeline wise and I put the beach episode stuff after the devils... cause it felt kinda shitty to do Diana RIGHT AFTER like poor girl can't catch a BREAK
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Dynaco Repair Post No. 3
Friday Evening 12-15-23
Welp, no real physical progress to speak of today, although an interesting factoid caught my attention in researching all this and it may solve the PAS problem without much more intervention, if my thinking is correct.
On the PAS preamps, the diode kit does NOT replace the 12X4 Rectifier Tube! The diode kit on the PAS only provides the filament (LOW) voltage to the four 12AX7s. The 12X4 provides the HIGH voltage to the tubes! My 12X4 was not lit up on my test run!
So I found one on eBay for six bucks, and it will be here around the time the wafer switch arrives. Again, timing.
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And yes, I have decided to go much slower with things going forward. Too antsy to get it done leads to sloppy work and breaking things. Ya think I woulda figured it out by now....
At any rate, the cover and base are slipped back into place on the PAS, and it's set aside. I will be turning my attention to the ST70 in the interim.
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"Bone Stock", just like I like 'em. And all original.
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The dust and most of the corrosion will polish off the outside without much hassle. And rummaging through my bin of Dynaco parts, I came across one of these that I ordered a number of years back as a "spare" ( I thought they were all gone)...and so I will be replacing the original can cap with a fresher, never-used now-older-stock can cap.
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Underneath, it's as clean as it gets, actually.
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And again, everything is original. The electolytics get replaced by literal miniatures of their former selves, and the selenium stack in the very center gets replaced via diode.
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And yes, the original beige & brown cord is stiff with age. I found a new manufacture 2-wire non-polarized cord, rated 10Amps, that I will clip the end off of and use.
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And with that, I'm going to end this one for tonight, and pick things back up tomorrow. I will probably decide to go with cleaning/polishing the top, front , and back of the chassis first, to get it out of the way. Plus, it's quite the big payoff, visually, once it's all shined-up to the tits and sparkling!
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While I didn't get much polishing done due to the crazy of the last couple days, I did manage to put the new power cord on.
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Wednesday evening, 12-20-23
Started this afternoon, and got the rectifier replaced with the diode, and did the swap-out of the bias-circuit components. Both went fairly smoothly, without much fuss.
First thing was to unsolder the two leads from the selenium stack:
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Replacing the long screw and stack with a shorter screw and two-lug terminal strip was easy enough, and the two leads were cooperative in going to their new lugs. Here's the diode and leads soldered in place:
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That done, I turned my attention to the bias circuit replacement. Here's the new parts, pre-install:
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After looking it over, I figured the best plan of attack was to leave the leads all soldered in place on the old lug strips, and then resolder onto the new lugs, one at a time, after I populate the new strip with the replacement parts.
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This was a little more challenging to get soldered, just because of the awkward size of the components and ensuring that there was at least a solid physical connection to solder. But things ended up going in fine, taking up a lot less room than the old parts:
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The next thing to do to the ST70 will be replacing the big quad can cap, and then it will be ready for tubes (which will hopefully be coming soon). I will tackle that in the morning. You can see the white spray of capacitor innards all over the corner of the PC board, as well as across the chassis on the other side. It will be the last piece of the puzzle, to get this replaced.
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One last note for tonight: the 12X4 didn't come today, for some reason. It's scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. If I get the can cap done in a reasonable amount of time, I'll start in on replacing the broken wafer switch.
Thursday evening, 12-21-23
After a few delays, I finally got to sit down and do some decent work on the Stereo 70. First order of business was ugly, but it had to be done: unsoldering all the leads that go to the quad can cap, and getting the thing out of the chassis. Using my 30-watt pencil made it go a little quicker; also clipped the leads on the two resistors to swing them up out of the way so I can get at the rest of this mess.
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Gaze into the abyss!
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Look at all that dust and gunk! Time to put in a little elbow grease on the chrome.
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A stiff brush made quick work of most of the offending dust on the driver board, and I used it on the area around the transformers.
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And I found an easy solution for most of the gunk on the chrome, using a soft rag and some Meguiar's ScratchX scratch remover for auto paint. It was handy. It works! Now go back and look at how dirty it was after you gaze upon it after just an hour or so of going over it:
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And welp, it looks like I hit the photo limit again.
So now I go start Dynaco Repair Post No. 4!
And links to the first and second repair posts:
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universalundernet-a · 4 years
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I’m still working on replies, I’m sorry it’s taking so long to do them all. I just want to get them across my sideblogs to a point so when someone replies to them, or multiple, I won’t be overwhelmed.
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dukeofonions · 3 years
I wish they’d stop posting short(ish?) videos and content and just. Give us the episodes. Like of course you had to have something for five years but we’ve had like two or three other videos with the sides included to keep the fandom excited but no real content and it’s getting irritating. Stop foreshadowing orange just GIVE him to us. Once you get Roman’s feelings dealt with first, anyways. What is their focus anyway?? You can’t tell
I mean if it's any consolation, from what I've heard they've been making pretty good progress on the script for the finale so hopefully it'll be heading into production soon.
Personally I'm glad they seem to be getting into a habit of releasing more videos frequently (granted I haven't watched most of 'em besides Sanders Sides) but hey if they can commit to posting videos regularly, no matter the length, then I'm all for it.
Do I still question why some of these non-scripted videos take so long to come out? Absolutely 100% I don't get why some of these take months. Like I forget half of these were filmed live even when I was there watching.
But who knows? Maybe they're finally getting into the swing of things. I'm still not subscribed to second channel and doubt I will again (I'm more curious about scripted content anyway and I'm also just kinda drifting away from it all) but I'm still gonna keep an eye on Sanders Sides since I wanna know where it's gonna go and I'll admit the Roman series looks fun. But that's about as far as my investment goes at this point.
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Marriage and Murder Pt. 1 (Shelby!Reader)
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a/n: I'm a bit disappointed I had to post this in two parts, but alas, the original one-shot was too long for Tumblr.
summary: Things get progressively darker as you try to survive Tommy and Grace's wedding night.
words: 3101
warnings: Themes of drinking and sexual assault.
 "(y/n), for fuck's sake, hurry up!" Polly shouted from the betting room. She, Ada, Finn, John, and Esme were dressed in formal clothes, waiting for you to get ready.
  "Five minutes, Pol!" you called from your bedroom.
  "I swear to God," your aunt said under her breath as she checked her watch. "It's her own brother's wedding and she's decided to take her sweet time."
  "What's taking her so long anyway?" Finn asked, bored to death.
  "She probably looks ugly as hell and can't stand to face it," John whispered, earning a chuckle from Finn and a smack to the back of the head from Ada. 
  "I don't care 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 she's doing, if that girl's not down here soon we're leaving without her." Polly huffed.
  What Polly and the others didn't understand was that you were by 𝘯𝘰 means taking your sweet time. If anything, you were practically tripping over yourself to try and find a dress to wear to Tommy and Grace's wedding. You'd accidentally ripped the dress you were supposed to wear the night before when you'd gotten your arm stuck in one of the sleeves. Now, you were caught between a rock and a hard place; go downstairs and face humiliation, or stay in your room and face Polly. You could tell today was going to be stressful.
  You were legitimately considering cutting off the sleeves of your dress entirely when Polly came bursting into the room without warning.
  "Pol, wait!" you shouted, instinctively holding your arms in front of your head for self-defense.
  "I don't give a shit if you're ready or not, we're going," Polly growled. She grabbed your arm, unknowingly pulling at the rip in your dress. With one strong yank, your aunt had doubled the size of the tear. The two of you froze in shock at the damaged material.
  "𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴, (y/n)," Polly muttered.
  "I know, it's awful." you sighed.
  As you stood there, Finn peeked his head into your room. Immediately, he saw your dress and gasped.
  "𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵, (y/n)." Finn chuckled. "What the hell did you do?"
  "Go away!" you shouted angrily. You grabbed one of your shoes and chucked it at your brother, hitting him in the shoulder. He stumbled out of the room laughing.
  You threw yourself face-first onto your bed in utter despair, sighing dramatically.
  "Oh, Pol, this'll be the death of me," you whined, your voice muffled by the covers. Your aunt rolled her eyes as she lit a cigarette.
  "Stop feeling sorry for yourself," Polly spoke. "We'll figure something out."
  It wasn't long before Ada and Esme had made their way upstairs and into your room. The four of you sat in silence, quietly brainstorming. Suddenly, Esme stood up.
  "I've got a dress that might work," she said, and immediately rushed to go fetch it. Your face lit up, and you excitedly hopped off your bed to go with your sister-in-law. Ada and Polly exchanged glances.
  You followed Esme into her and John's old room, where she was digging through her closet.
  "Now, (y/n), you're a bit smaller than I am, so hopefully this won't look too awkward on you," Esme said, tossing clothes in every direction.      
  "Now, if only I could find the damn thing."
  "What's it look like?" you asked.
  "See for yourself," Esme responded, pulling out a green shapeless dress with beaded lace embroidery.
  You gawked at the beauty of the thing; it was an excellent balance of elegance and youth. Not too modest, not too sexy; it was superbly tasteful.
 "Oh my God, Esme, it's perfect." you breathed. 
  "Hurry up and try it on!" she urged, pushing the dress into your arms. With that, she rushed out of her room.
  To your relief, the dress fit perfectly. You barely had any time to show it off to the others before Polly had rushed everyone out of the house and into the cramped car, practically dragging you all by the wrists. 
  The five of you slipped into the chapel quietly as you could. Tommy gave you all dirty looks as you scooted into the pews one by one. 
  "Where the fuck've you been?" Arthur whispered to Polly as she sat down next to him.
  "There was a complication," Polly answered. "Nothing worth worrying about now."
  "Complication my arse. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 one took forever to get changed." John scoffed, pointing his thumb towards you.
  "It wasn't my fault, the dress ripped!" you whined. 
  "It was 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 your fault, (y/n)," Finn added smugly.
  "I swear to God if you three don't 𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘵 𝘶𝘱 I'll drag you all home by the ears." Polly threatened under her breath. Nobody had anything to say about your dress after that.
  John grumbled as Grace entered the chapel.
  "Here come the fucking cavalry, late as usual." he griped.
  "I don't get it, why's everyone hate them?" you asked in a whisper.
  "Well, first of all, they weren't supposed to wear their uniforms. Just goes to show they're disrespectful bastards." John whispered back.
  "𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺? That's all it is?" you questioned.
  John sighed as he tried to find the right words for the situation.
  "Listen, (y/n), just stay away from them. Half those men are self-righteous pricks who'll take advantage of you if you give 'em the chance," he warned.
 "Hush." Esme chimed in, squeezing John's hand. "They're exchanging vows."
  Your gaze turned to the men in red uniform as Tommy and Grace stood at the altar. You accidentally locked eyes with a boy who couldn't have been older than twenty. Not sure what to do, you smiled politely at him. To your surprise, he smiled back.
   Your exchange was cut off by the sound of Jeremiah Jesus's voice filling the room.
  "I now pronounce you man and wife." he declared, and everyone in the chapel applauded as Tommy and Grace shared a kiss. You couldn't help but feel a pang of pride as you watched your brother smile at his new wife. There was something magical about the way he was able to just 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘹 in her presence, especially since you couldn't think of another day Tommy wasn't trying to take over Birmingham.
  𝘖𝘩, 𝘛𝘰𝘮, you thought wistfully, 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦?
   Unfortunately, the warmth of the wedding ceremony quickly faded as everyone gathered outside for the family photo. Nearly ten minutes went by as the Shelby clan struggled to organize themselves into a tight group.
   You initially tried to stand behind Polly and Arthur to be near the other women, but that plan quickly failed when you realized you were too short to stand behind either of them. It was a tremendous effort to try to force yourself in between them, and the result left you in a painfully awkward position where you were left standing sideways. The ultimate solution was to have you stand with John's children; you were mortified.
  "Christ, I look like a 𝘬𝘪𝘥," you whined, showing the picture to Finn. The two of you sat together at the base of the stairs in Tommy's house, trying your best to avoid the crowds of people wandering the halls..
  "It's not that big a deal," he said plainly, taking the picture in his hands. "Nobody really cares."
  "It's a big deal to me." you mumbled.
   You could see John and Arthur approaching from a distance. By the looks of it, they'd already gotten their hands on some champagne.
  "Finn. Tommy wants a meeting in the kitchen." Arthur spoke as he passed by.
  "I should probably go with him." Finn sighed as he stood up.
  "Wait, take me with you!" you pleaded, grabbing onto his arm. "I've got nobody else to talk to."
  Finn quickly leaned over the stairs to check if Arthur and John had gone. Once he saw the coast was clear, he turned back to you.
  "Fine. But you shouldn't say anything," he advised.
  "Wasn't planning on it."
  You and Finn had assumed the meeting would be family only, but as you snuck your way into the kitchen you were surprised to find a swarm of Blinders men crowding the room. You instinctively stuck close to your brother, trying your best to avoid bumping into anyone. The two of you slowly hovered towards the center of the room, where the immediate family gathered. There Tommy stood in the midst of it all with a cigar in his hands. 
   "Right. Today is my wedding day." he began, and the room fell silent.
   "Yeah, and you said there'd be no uniforms, Tom." John interrupted, and a few people murmured in agreement.
  "In spite of there being bad blood, I'll have none of it on my carpet." Tommy continued, ignoring John's comment. "For Grace's sake, nothing will go wrong today."
   Tommy began circling the room as he spoke, making sure to lock eyes with every man present.
  "And if any of you fuckers do 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 to embarrass her, kin, cousins, your kids, your horses, 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨.."
  Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Tommy noticed you standing there next to Finn. He froze for a moment, then furrowed his brows. You cursed under your breath.
  "What are you doing here?" Tommy asked, but it felt more like an accusation.
   You realized every man in the room had their eyes on you. You shifted uncomfortably.
  "It's a family meeting, isn't it?" you grumbled. "Last I checked I was a Shelby."
   Tommy sighed deeply and rubbed his eyes in annoyance.
  "𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵? I'm glad you're here because there's something I should say." he began. You crossed your arms defensively.
  "You've been wild these past few months, (y/n), don't think I haven't noticed."
  "So?" you scoffed.
  "𝘚𝘰, I won't have any of it tonight. I swear, if I find out you've been drinking, flirting, or doing 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨  that might damage this family's reputation, I assure you that you'll live to regret it. 𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥?"
  You didn't know how to feel about Tommy's words. In a way, he was right; you'd been drinking more than usual as of late, not to mention fooling around with some of the boys you were going to school with. You didn't understand why that was such a big deal though, especially since you were a saint compared to your brothers. Really, the whole thing seemed unfair.
  "Yeah, I understand." you finally answered. "I'll just spend the night boring myself to death while you boys do whatever you want." 
  "That's the spirit." he shot back.
  "Tommy, what about snow?" Isiah asked from across the room. You silently thanked him for taking the attention off you.
  "There'll be no cocaine," Tommy answered sternly. A few men in the room sighed.
  Tommy took the opportunity to get back to his speech.
  "No sport. No racing. No sucking the petrol out of their cars. You give them 𝘯𝘰 excuses to look down their noses."
  The room was uneasy. Nobody was sure what to think as Tommy stood there, almost desperately trying to talk sense into his men.
  "But the main thing is, you fuckers.." he began.
  "Why are you mad at 𝘶𝘴, Tom?" Finn mumbled.
  "..in spite of provocation from the cavalry.."
  Tommy walked along the line of men standing around him, getting close to Arthur, then John, then Finn, then finally you.
  "..no fighting. 𝘕𝘰 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨!" 
  And with that, everyone was sent out of the kitchen.
  The party started slow, and you found yourself wandering around the house aimlessly with nothing to do. Everywhere you went people were already drinking, and a part of you wanted nothing more than to join them. The other, more sensible part remembered Tommy's warning and decided to avoid alcohol for the night. As much as you wanted to piss him off and indulge yourself, you knew getting drunk would only prove that you were irresponsible. 
  Dinner in the great hall was an absolute disaster. You sat between Finn and Ada, who were both caught up in their own conversations. You were starving, and Tommy and Grace had been taking a suspiciously long amount of time to get ready. Even after they'd finally come downstairs, Arthur had to get through his speech before anyone could eat.
  "Now, I'm not one for speeches." Arthur began. The poor man looked like a deer trapped in headlights.
  "Sing then!" John shouted. Esme grabbed his arm wearily.
  "I've got a speech written down here. but it's not everything I want to say." Arthur droned on. You buried your head in your hands.
  "Arthur, just read what we've written down," Tommy said softly.
  "I will, Tom. But first, a few words from the heart." 
  Arthur gently placed the small piece of paper into one of his pockets, then cleared his throat.
   "𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬." Tommy breathed.
   "I'd just like to say that my brother helped me survive hard times. Trouble in my head.."
  As Arthur gave his speech, you noticed Polly staring at a man who sat opposite her. He was older than she was and wore a dark suit that matched his serious expression.
  "Who's that?" You leaned over and whispered to Ada.
  "Kaledin something," she whispered back. "Don't bother talking politics with him, I've already tried."
  Unlike Ada, you weren't interested in having political debates with strangers. Still, there was an air of mystery surrounding the man. Something about him made it impossible to look away, even when he met your eyes with his. You felt a shiver run down your spine.
  Arthur's trainwreck of a speech was eventually cut short by Tommy. You felt bad for your eldest brother, but you were desperate to eat. Polly gave you a disapproving look as you scarfed down your food, but you didn't care; you were too hungry to act like a lady.
  An hour had passed since the food was served, and by then everyone had made their way into the ballroom.
  John and Arthur had set up a boxing area outside with Tommy's reluctant permission. After hovering around Polly for nearly half an hour, you finally gave in and went outside to watch the fights.  
  You were used to seeing your brothers fight, so not much could faze you in the boxing ring. Tonight was different, though. The men had such anger in them as they landed their punches. It was almost disturbing to watch Finn get knocked into the ground by a man in a red uniform.
  "Gruesome, isn't it?" A voice asked from behind you. You turned around to face the very same cavalry boy you'd locked eyes within the chapel. Only now, he was standing a mere foot away from you and the two of you were practically alone.
   "William. Fraser." the young man said, extending his hand.
  You took his hand in yours and shook it. The dim light from the boxing ring illuminated your faces, and you were able to get good looks at each other. To your excitement, not only was he young, he was 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦.
  "(y/n). Lee." you introduced yourself, lying through your teeth. You were done being a Shelby today.
  "Mm. I thought you were a gypsy." William spoke. You raised your eyebrows in amusement.
  "Really? How could you tell?" you asked.
 "It's the dress. Very... 𝘣𝘰𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘢𝘯," he replied.
 "It was a gift, it's not mine," you assured, flattening the dress out. You suddenly felt a pang of self-consciousness.
  "Oh, well it suits you well enough." And with that, William placed his hand on your waist. 
   "What are you doing?" you asked, chuckling nervously. 
  "Enjoying myself."
  He slowly started to pull you into a kiss when you noticed Finn in the boxing ring. Another one of the cavalry boys had landed a particularly heavy blow onto his gut, and he fell onto the ground in defeat. You pushed William away to watch the scene.
  "You know him?" William asked.
  "He's my brother," you responded quietly, not taking eyes off Finn.
  "He fights well enough for a boy his size, I didn't expect him to last as long as he did." William retorted.
  "He's really good, actually. Likes it a lot, too," you said, relaxing as you saw Finn get up and shake his opponent's hand.
  William took the opportunity to pick up where you left off and started to wrap his arms around your waist. You hesitated and stepped back.
  "Wait, we shouldn't. Not in front of them." you gestured towards the crowds of people who were watching the fights.
  "Good point." the young man hummed into your neck.
  You lead William to a fairly secluded area of the gardens. There was a small, wooden bench that was nestled in between some of the bushes that lined the back wall of Tommy's mansion. The two of you sat together; there was an uncomfortable sexual tension between you.
  William kissed you slowly as his hands wandered around your torso. You kept trying to cut him off, but he was persistent. If you would grab his arm, he would use the other one to pull you closer. If you turned away, he would kiss your neck. 
  "William I don't think we should do this," you whispered.
  "Don't worry, love. nobody's around. You won't get in trouble." he assured.
  "𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦, just stop." you pleaded.
  "Relax, I promise I'll make it worth your while.
  With that, you'd had enough. You started smacking your palm against his shoulder, and he finally separated. 
  "𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵? I thought you wanted this!" William snapped.
  "Why didn't you stop?" you asked him with a hurt look on your face. "I was 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 you to stop!"
   "𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯, don't act like you didn't want it. You took me out here for a reason." he countered.
  "I didn't think it would happen so fast!" you shouted.
 William huffed, stood up, then brushed himself off.
  "𝘎𝘺𝘱𝘴𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩." he spat, then walked away.
  "What the 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 did you call me?" you shot back. "Do you even know who the 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 I am?"
   William froze in place and turned around. He gave you a dark look as he lit a cigarette. The red glow of the tiny embers illuminated his face.
  "My name is (y/n) 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 Shelby." you hissed, and William's expression changed. 
  "You're related to the groom?" he realized.
  "I'm his sister," you spat.
  The young man sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair. 
  "𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘵.. I had no idea. Let me make it up to you." he began, but you were already leaving.
  "𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶." you scoffed as you passed him. 
You made your way back to the ballroom, leaving William standing there alone.
 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, you thought, heading straight for a bottle of wine.
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bts-reveries · 4 years
waste it on me | part 26
(photos after text)
“They finally get together and now they have to be separated again,” Miyeon says as she watches you and Jungkook walking hand in hand at the airport. You all just landed and your short trip to Jeju was now over. Unfortunately, this meant that your time with Jungkook was over too. 
“I know,” Jin responded. “You guys have everything already?” He says, facing the other 3 boys who were leaving with Jungkook. 
“Yup, all we have to do now is say goodbye I guess,” Hobi says with a sad smile. Their time in Korea was a little longer than planned, but nonetheless, it was a fun trip with unexpected surprises. They made new lifelong friends. They didn’t think leaving Korea would be so hard.
Jimin pouts, his eyes watering slightly at the thought of being away from his new friends who quickly turned into family.
“Aigoo~” Jin says, pulling Jimin into a big hug. “Even though you can be annoying sometimes, I’m going to miss you,” he laughs. Jimin wraps his arms around his hyung, laughing into his chest.
“You guys better invite us to the wedding,” Hobi says, giving Miyeon a hug.
“Of course I will,” she says, hugging him tightly. 
Namjoon looks over at Yoongi who gives him a small nod. He laughs as Namjoon throws an arm over his shoulder, pulling him in for a side hug. 
“Ah~ Namjoonah. I’m coming back again for that hard drive,” Yoongi said, tapping Namjoon’s side. Namjoon gives him a closed smile.
“I’ll look harder for it, hyung, don’t come back too soon,” he says sheepishly, knowing he flipped the house around trying to look for that hard drive.
“No come back sooner,” Taehyung says, “maybe hyung would find it right away if he knew you were coming back already.”
“Yeah, just go to LA real quick to grab your things and come back,” Miya pouts. 
“Wish it was that easy,” Yoongi laughs. The eight of them exchange their goodbyes and I'll miss yous as you and Jungkook continue to walk farther and farther in silence. 
“I know we’re trying to avoid saying it but let’s turn around so I can say goodbye to the rest of the group,” Jungkook says with a small smile. You sigh, but nod, as you two turn around and begin walking back to where the group was standing around.
“You promise to facetime me though right?” You say sadly as you two are walking, your eyes were stuck to the ground.
“Yah~ don’t be sad, I’ll be back sooner than you think. Okay? Stop pouting,” Jungkook says, squishing your face. He giggles, leaning in to give your lips a small kiss. Making you smile.
“There you go, keep smiling and I’ll come back faster,” Jungkook says, smiling back at you. You giggle leaning into his side. 
The two of you are closer to the group now and they watch the two of you.
“Ahh~ There’s the love birds. Hurry up Jungkook, say goodbye so we can leave,” Hobi says, walking past the two of you and patting Jungkook’s back as he passes. You frown at Hobi and he laughs.
“I’m kidding Yn.” He walks to you to give you a hug, whispering to you how much he’ll miss you. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook walks over to Jin and gives him a hug as well.
“Congrats again hyung, I’ll see you again at the wedding?” Jungkook laughs. 
“Yah, I better see you sooner than that,” Jin says, patting the young one’s back. 
“Yeah, you have to be here when we’re preparing for the wedding too,” Miyeon says as she hugged Jungkook afterwards. Jungkook says goodbye to Namjoon and Miya next, leaving Taehyung for second to last. 
“We’re good now, right?” Jungkook says as he stands in front of Taehyung.
“I guess so. But keep your promise this time. I swear I will come for you if you stop talking to my Yn again,” Taehyung says. 
“Correction, she’s MY Yn now??” Jungkook says, making Taehyung laugh.
“Good. Now give me a hug, I can’t believe you’re leaving us for LA for a second time,” Taehyung says, pulling Jungkook into a hug.
“Hopefully the last,” Jungkook whispers. Taehyung gives him a confused look when he pulls away. Jungkook takes a deep breath before facing you and you already had some tears running down your face.
“Aish- I told you to keep smiling didn’t I?” Jungkook says, voice cracking, as he quickly pulls you into a hug. This is what he didn’t want to happen ten years ago when he left for the first time. 
The two of you just hugged for a while. Silent tears running down Jungkook’s face as you quietly sobbed into his chest. The rest of the group had already left to give you two some final alone time. The three LA boys went to get food as they waited, while the two older Kim brothers and Miyeon went back to their car. Miya and Taehyung went to eat as they waited for you to finish. Not wanting you to walk back to the car alone.
“You’re making this so much harder for me,” Jungkook laughs as he wipes his face. You sniffle.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would be this hard,” you say, managing to smile up at him. “I bet I look really ugly right now don’t I?” You grimaced. Jungkook laughs, wiping the smudged mascara underneath your eyes. 
“No, still pretty. Like always,” he smiles. You laugh, slapping his chest, making him smile bigger. 
beep beep
Jungkook looks down and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He tries to not look upset at the text he received so you wouldn’t start crying again. 
“I have to get going so I don’t miss my flight,” he says to you. You smile for him even though you didn’t want to leave him at all. 
“You should get going then,” you say, stepping back. Jungkook lets out a sad laugh, knowing that you were trying to be brave for him.
“I will. I’ll call you, facetime you, text you whenever I can. I won’t randomly stop talking to you so don’t worry about that, okay? If I randomly stop talking, it’s either I’m asleep or dead, so text one of my hyungs to make sure,” he jokes, trying to make you laugh once more. You do, it makes his heart flutter.
Jungkook leans towards you but hesitates and he gets shy all of a sudden. You notice and you make the move instead, leaning up towards him to give him a kiss.
It was a long kiss. Jungkook felt as if time stopped right when your lips landed on his. Meanwhile, you felt as if your kiss would make him miss his flight. You pulled away and hugged him tightly. Pressing your cheek against his head. 
“Get back safely okay?”
“I will.”
“I’ll miss you,” you say.
“I’ll miss you more.” Jungkook pulls away, taking off his jacket quickly.
“What are you--”
“Take this with you,” he says, handing you his jacket. “It won’t be cold in LA as it is here. You need an extra layer.” You smile. It smelled just like him.
“Hold onto it until I get back, okay?”
“Okay, get back quickly so I can give it back to you.”
“I will,” Jungkook says, leaning in for a quick, final kiss.
“Now go, before your hyungs get mad,” you laugh. Jungkook nods, waving at you and walking off. 
You continue to wave at him as he’s walking away. He turns around to wave back at you every now and then, but when he turns a corner you drop your hand to your side.
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waste it on me
☞part 26: baby☜
→ pairings: jeon jungkook x reader
→ a/n: sorry this is kinda cheesy rjfrefhef also if there’s any typos, i’ll fix em later. i read over it already but then again i only had 2 hours of sleep and im SO ready to knock out rn
→ taglist:
@kookiemonstersugatea @lylanie12 @crazyferalvigilantedragonwriter @serious-addiction @zamasus-sugarbaby @cosmicdaylight @strwberry-jam @ratking101 @chiminilove @ask-blogger-miss-prussia @lyssjeon @moonlightrose19 @blueberrykenn @jungmanor @forkpops @nochujjk97 @bldvnbln @hplsmoon @kirbykook @girl-with-luvvv @vantaexx @ephyra1230 @girlwiththeglittereyeliner @akirathao @catspancake @kawaii-desv @strapsforyoonie @dammit-jjk @to-onystark @butterflylion @apollukee @xionysus @ilyluuna @uglyratlmao @iridescentplethora @monosomes @tomowasu @taekookcaneatme @mayumioutloud @rjsmochii @super-btstrash-posts @hellotherehoneybee @betysotelo18 @moon6rop @kxk-soul @honeycutelove @cchristinnaa @io-is-lame @shadowstark @goldenchemistry @incredibleella @sope-and-shine
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all-or-nothing-baby · 5 years
Dean's POV • Dean has a new obsession • Castiel's lips • Dean thinks he's straight • Oh Dean • Hilarious Dean Winchester • Pining Dean Winchester • Dean Winchester is a silly sausage
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand finally, the ol'gal is on ao3.
If anybody's interested, I've edited (and extended), uploaded and published the first little Destiel ficlet I posted on here for you guys - 'No.61,457' - onto my newly polished ao3 account:
The 1st time it happened, Dean thought: They look chapped.
The 2nd time: Chapped but... really soft.
The 3rd: Why'd I just think that?
4th: Why’m I lookin’ at ‘em again?
5th: But yeah, real soft and kinda… fuck am I doing?
6th: Okay, stop.
7th: Dean, just stop.
8th: Ah crap, I'm doin’ it again.
So, if you fancy continuing/a gander/re-read, click the link above!
I'm currently failing attempting to write a long, multi-chapter fic which is making me want to scream at how disorganised my writing is work at a better pace, as I'd LOVE it to come out before S15. I doubt it'll happen... but stranger things have happened in Supernatural at sea.
Anyways, I'll be editing, uploading (and hopefully, soon writing more) works to be published herin, so watch this space... if you wanna.
Love you all!
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(And to those of you who actually read to the end of my ramblings: I salute you!)
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