#I'll leave it up to interpretation what he's blushing about
muffin-gods · 11 months
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I was doodling and ended up putting more effort into the doodle than I was planning(it's still not great though)... So here. Consider this my last Fnaf drawing before I watch the movie. <3
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vespidphoenix · 5 months
Entirely at your service
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Tag list: @fanaticsnail @turtletaubwrites @weaversofnulbundin
It's Sanji's turn to stay on the Thousand Sunny while the rest of the Straw Hats explore a new island, so he makes his way up to the crow's nest for his watch. He is pleasantly surprised in more ways than one by what, or rather who, he finds up there.
Notes: NSFW, minors begone, lots of swearing, friends to lovers, porn with feelings, idiots in love, chubby OC, some angst, lots of fluff, praise kink, breast worship, consent really is sexy, inappropriate(?) use of observation haki, etc; word count 6.3k
AN: Baby's first fan fiction! Ya girl can have a little a shameless self-insert, as a treat. I've only seen OPLA and I'm not past the East Blue in the manga/anime yet, but I've done my best to keep everything consistent with canon.
AN 2: I use French as the language of the Celestial Dragons, and both Sanji and Amy are fluent. Most of the time, I'll put the English words in brackets at the end of the paragraph, but there are some recurring phrases that I'll leave untranslated: mère bleue is 'blue mother', as in Mother Ocean; merde is 'shit'; mon amour, chérie, and ma chère are endearments
Chapter One: you are here! | Next chapter | Masterlist
Edit: read this chapter on ao3!
(Banner courtesy of @cafekitsune)
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As soon as the hatch leading to the crow’s nest clangs shut, Sanji sets his snack tray on the floor mats and collapses with a dramatic groan. 
“Fuck me raw,” he sighs.
“As appealing as that sounds, that’s gonna have to wait another couple days per Chopper’s advice,” a feminine voice deadpans behind him.
Sanji sits upright with a start, nearly knocking over his water bottle. “Mère bleue!” he exclaims as he turns to face his crew mate; “for some reason I thought you were in the landing party today.”
Amy’s reply is drowned out by the pounding of Sanji’s heart when he blinks and notices just how casually she is dressed. He recognizes her sarong as a recent gift from a grateful cloth merchant—he would stand by the assertion that everything looked good on Nami, the original recipient, but he’d have to agree with her that it suited their crew’s interpreter better—and the crocheted halter top as Amy’s own handiwork. He feels a sudden itch to find out for himself just how soft a yarn she chose for this particular work of art…
For lack of a mirror, Amy could not see what her face looked like; but she imagined that if she could, her eyes would be wide and sparkling with mischief. It’s certainly the feeling she always seems to get whenever she’s face-to-face with the handsome blond before her: a grin pressing at her cheeks to escape through the seam of lips pressed together, eyelids spread as if to take in more of him.
(Sometimes, she reckons she could spread other parts of herself for that purpose, if she thought him willing to put his money where his mouth always seems to go.)
“I’m not complaining, mind you,” she continues to say, “but this is the third—no, fourth time in a row!”
Sanji gulps and shakes the slightly-glazed expression from his face. “I’m sorry, can you say that again? I was…distracted by your beauty.” He winks one piercing blue eye, and skepticism be damned, she feels heat creeping over her body and pooling between her legs.
Amy rolls her eyes and fidgets with her sarong in lieu of making a snarky comment about blindfolds.
“As I was saying while you were ogling me, I was going to be one of the landing party, but Nami insisted on having Usopp join her in mapping the island because my handwriting is so much better than his, so I should be the one to help you with inventory. She’s not wrong, per se, but this is the third or fourth time in a row this has happened, and part of me wants to call bullshit.”
“Part of you? What about the rest of you?” Sanji asks, resolutely fixing his gaze on Amy’s eyes instead of letting it drift to her bust or the soft rolls of her exposed torso.
This time it’s Amy’s turn to deliver a blush-inducing wink. “The rest of me is simply happy to be spending time with you.”
“Well, lucky for us, sweetheart, I took the liberty of doing inventory earlier this morning so that Miss Nami would have a grocery list,” Sanji replies after taking a deep breath, “so I am…entirely at your service.” 
Entirely at your service. The words tickle Amy as she takes in Sanji’s shirtless form, supine once more and sporting that megawatt grin. As her gaze trickles down from his abs to those steel-hard thighs, she can’t even bring herself to be annoyed by how smug he looks; Mother Ocean knows how handsome he knows he is, how hard he’s worked to earn those well-toned—
“Have I rendered you speechless, mademoiselle?”
Sanji’s voice, sultry and teasing, interrupts her train of thought.
Entirely at your service.
Sanji knows he’s close to some sort of victory when Amy’s face flushes even more deeply and she still doesn’t answer right away. There’s something uniquely thrilling about fencing with words and looks the way Mosshead trains with Wado Ichimonji—maneuvering, testing, anticipating, parrying, scoring—and he reckons it has to do with the way both parties win something if one goes about it correctly.
He watches and sits up as Amy walks around to his front before she settles next to the tray of snacks. His heart thumps harder in his chest the same way that foolish thing does every time they’re in such close proximity, not quite touching but close enough that he wouldn’t even need to fully extend his arm were he to caress her cheek—
“You don’t need to sit up on my account, handsome. Maybe I’ll take you up on your offer later, but right now maybe I’ll serve you some—how does that sound?” Amy plucks a single grape from the cluster and holds it above his mouth.
Maybe I’ll serve you some.
It’s not often Sanji allows himself to contemplate what he might do with such an offer. As a child, he’d served in order to live; as an adolescent and now as an adult, he lives to serve. But sometimes it occurs to him that letting someone serve him instead can itself be an act of…well…service.
(It will take some time before he allows himself even to think the word ‘love’ in place of ‘service’, and longer still before he allows himself to speak it; but it’s there, waiting like a daffodil bulb in early March for safe conditions to bloom.)
There will be time for Sanji to unpack all of this later, when a beautiful woman is not offering him a grape that looks as sweet and delicious as the person holding it, looking at him with the inviting heat of an onsen—or perhaps it is the sort of hunger that no amount of grapes can quench but he might be able to satisfy anyway. 
All Blue forbid he keep a lady waiting. He lowers himself back onto the floor mats and opens his mouth.
“Good boy,” Amy teases in her best attempt at a sultry purr, frowning when Sanji gives her a strange look and shifts uncomfortably instead of rolling his eyes. “Sorry, does my femme fatale impression need work? Too over-the-top, not campy enough, too demeaning?”
“No, that was—no, no, you’re fine,” he replies, suddenly a little breathless. “How about that grape?”
If Amy notices the hunger filling both his mind and his gym shorts, she mercifully does not comment on it.
There’s a look in Sanji’s eyes that, if she didn’t know better, Amy might call naked desire, and the idea renders her dizzy with want, or it could be dehydration—she’s not sure, not in this weather. She drops the grape in Sanji’s waiting mouth, pats his jaw, and gets up to let a breeze in through a window.
She can hear the slight frown in Sanji’s voice when he calls, “Are you alright, darling? Can I get you something to drink? I think I saw a fountain somewhere…”
“You’re not beating the waiter allegations from Zoro anytime soon, are you?” Amy chuckles, the cooler air having relieved her flustered state.
“He can call me a scullion for all I care; it’s a small price to pay to see you satisfied.” The chef curses under his breath; there are no spare cups up here, so sharing his canteen will have to suffice. He brings it to Amy with an apologetic smile.
She takes a sip and smiles gratefully, and allows her eyes once again to wander over Sanji’s chiseled body. “I have a tall glass of water to drink from, and that’s a good place to start.”
Sanji draws a sudden breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Keep talking like that, and we might not get to finish the snacks I brought up.”
A wicked grin spreads over Amy’s face, and Sanji knows he’s fallen into his own trap.
“How about I help you finish your snack, and you help me finish mine?”
He groans and tilts his head back, and the creeping heat that became smoldering want is stoked into flame by the huskiness of his voice, by the way his neck seems further exposed, there for the kissing—
“Say the word, Amy, and all of it is yours.”
Amy merely smiles. She steps past him, hooking an arm around the far side of his waist as she goes; when he spins around to face her once again, she tugs on the hand suddenly holding hers.
“You gonna have a seat or what?” she asks, nodding toward the tray.
A moment’s hesitation, and Sanji steps forward into the gap between them.
“Are you gonna call me a good boy if I do?” he asks almost under his breath, just above a whisper.
They’re standing so, so close together now, Sanji is sure Amy can feel his breath on her forehead and the place where his shorts are almost too tight to contain him—because she might have called him a tall glass of water, but to him her eyes are Dressrosi kahlua, and he is so drunk on her gaze he would confess to a lot more than his longings, just for another shot.
“I can call you anything you like,” she breathes, “when I am entirely at your service.”
Their lips meet now in a kiss that, for all the repartee and flirtation that preceded it, is gentle and unhurried, a moment to be savored. After a few moments they pull apart, all smiles, long enough for Sanji to remark:
“I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be my line.”
The pair dissolve into giggles and quick pecks as Sanji finally lays himself down beside the snacks.
To his left, recumbent and supporting herself on one arm, Amy realizes her mistake and gestures to the tray. "Would you mind passing me those?" she asks.
"I thought you were supposed to be serving me," he replied with a mock pout and still-twinkling eyes. 
"I was always taught it was impolite to reach directly across someone's personal space." Amy raises an eyebrow, still looking amused.
Gently, tentatively, as if reaching out to pet a cat, Sanji places his left hand on the small of her back. The hitch in Amy's breath at his touch and the way her eyes widen send a tingling sensation down his spine, straight to his groin. He flashes her the most charming smile he can muster.
"Chérie, in case I haven't made it clear, I want you in my personal space; and unless I am reading you wrong, in which case I apologize sincerely..." He begins to remove his hand.
"No, no, keep doing that—"
(Amy almost doesn't recognize that plaintive voice as her own, but the way his broad palm spread across her back and the soothing way he moved his thumb in little circles have seared themselves into her mind like an addiction.)
Sanji, that smug, sexy bastard, grins and does as he is told.
“…if I am not mistaken, you want me in your personal space, too.” 
Amy is speechless for a moment with an embarrassment she can’t quite explain, but she knows exactly how to get back at Sanji. With his hand back in its place holding her, she smiles sweetly and says:
“Thank you…”
—she moves not only to reach across him for the food, but also to straddle him entirely, which she is sure was his plan to begin with; but then she leans her head close to his, and her smile turns impish—
“…or should I say ‘good boy’?”
Pulling her waist closer with one hand and pushing himself up from the floor with the other arm, Sanji kisses Amy again, trailing along her jawline with an unmistakable urgency.
“Mon amour,” he pleads, “laisse-moi te montrer ce que tu m’inspires…” [Let me show you what you inspire in me...]
“Ho-hold on, lover boy,” Amy gasps, giving the smallest yelp when his hand squeezes a plush asscheek and presses her body against his hardness. “Don’t forget what you came here to do. We don’t—fuck—we don’t waste food.” She pushes against Sanji’s chest and hopes he can see the sympathetic reluctance in her face.
He whimpers. Sanji whimpers, and the sound of it is almost enough to break her resolve; but she knows that if he loved anything in the world more than women, it would be food alone. She presses her forehead to his and a gentle kiss to his nose.
“We don’t waste food.”
If Sanji didn’t know better, he’d think he was dreaming. If he’s dreaming, then woe betide the person who wakes him up, he thinks.
The afternoon sun backlights Amy’s head like a halo, and the breeze through the window causes her brown hair to flutter like a curtain or a sacred veil. Sanji thanks whatever deities are listening—for surely the vision above him is divine in source as well as appearance—for every person before him who fumbled their chance at the privilege that is now his. Hell if he knows what a rejected-princeling-turned-pirate-cook could possibly offer that is worthy of a goddess like this; but he would devote himself to her, be her high priest, beg her to take him as her throne—anything for the heaven in her embrace, if she would only let him.
We don’t waste food.
The reminder nudges Sanji out of his angst, and he grins. “Let’s have those snacks, then, before we get carried away and fill up on something else.”
He gives Amy one more kiss on her lips, chaste yet searing, and lets her go.
The absence of his hand on her waist feels like a loss, until she sits back to reach for the grapes and feels something pressing below her tailbone. She exchanges a knowing smile with the man pinned beneath her, handsome as a demigod.
“You know, if we share those snacks, they’ll be gone faster,” he muses, before dropping his voice even lower. “Then you and I can have our ways with each other.”
“Someone’s eager.” Amy winks and picks up a piece of bruschetta.
“Eager to please you, eager to serve you, eager to feel you in the throes of bliss—yes, I am eager, and you deserve an eager lover, Amy.”
Amy looks stunned. Sanji gestures to the bread slice in her hand.
“Mind telling me how that bruschetta tastes?” he asks. “I used a different combination of cheese and seasoning since we couldn’t find any mozzarella in the last port.”
You deserve an eager lover.
Amy knows this to be true, knows that a lack of sex is better than mediocre sex; but knowing is one thing, and hearing a would-be lover echo the sentiment is another. Not only that: Sanji says it with such conviction, as if pleading with her to believe it too. It's refreshing. Arousing.
So...maybe she leans forward a bit more than necessary when she brings a morsel to Sanji's waiting mouth, and delights in the way his noises of appreciation seem to be as much for the heft of her breasts as for the acidic tang of the diced tomatoes. Maybe she grinds her bottom on his clothed cock just a little when she reaches for another handful of grapes, and smiles with the knowledge that his moaning isn't only for the bursts of sweetness on his tongue. Maybe she is uncommonly thorough when licking the sticky tangerine juice off his fingers.
Entirely at your service.
Maybe I’ll serve you some.
Swimming as their heads are with heady lust, it takes Sanji and Amy by surprise when they find the snack tray empty. They stare at it in silence for a long moment, before—
“Should I, uh—”
“That went more—”
“No, sorry, you go—”
“You go—”
Sanji sits up, laughing, and Amy kneels in front of him, head cocked to one side.
“You wouldn’t happen to have any condoms on you, or know whether Zoro keeps any up here?” Amy asks quietly.
“Hm? I think Mosshead keeps all his in his belt thing; Franky’s shooting blanks and exclusive with Miss Robin, so they don’t need any—”
“Wait, how does Franky know…”
“Apparently the Surgeon of Death also does vasectomies from time to time—wish I’d thought of that the last time we ran into them.”
“Damn. But do you have any?” Amy asks, leaning closer and poking him gently.
Sanji sighs deeply. “Don’t got any rubbers on me, but I keep some in the bunk room…”
“Hmmm, mais je ne peux plus attendre.” With her left hand on his right cheek, Amy pulls Sanji in for a lingering kiss. “J’ai besoin de toi maintenant.” [but I can't wait anymore; I need you now]
“Fuck, Amy,” Sanji groans between hungry, open-mouthed kisses, “how’m I supposed to resist you when you talk to me all sweet like that?” He slides a hand just above the waist of her sarong for emphasis, and cautiously slips a couple fingertips between fabric and skin.
Amy allows her fingernails to lightly scrape his skin as her free hand finds his spine; the hand already on his face threads through his hair. “You’re not supposed to resist me,” she murmurs into his jawline as she pulls his head back to expose his neck. “You’re supposed to forget about that snack tray, forget about our crewmates”—she places a cluster of kisses along his neck—“and enjoy some time alone with your lover—”
Your lover. The words send shivers coursing over Sanji’s skin.
“—just…enjoy yourself for a while.” She looks up at him through half-lidded eyes and allows one hand to drift down to his waistband.
“Well, when you put it like that—merde, ça me sens bien—let me at least put a towel down for us?” Sanji reluctantly extracts himself from Amy, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand when he catches a pout on her lovely face. [that feels good]
“Make it quick, mon amour…vraiment, j’ai besoin de toi…” [truly, I need you]
Sanji pulls a couple towels from a nearby rack, drapes the larger one so that it flows from the bottom step onto the floor, and sets the smaller one beside it. Approaching Amy, he holds a hand out to her with the air of a gentleman at a ball asking a lady to dance. She takes it and pulls herself up to stand in front of him.
“We’re really doing this, aren’t we?” she asks with an adoring smile.
Sanji cups her face in both of his hands and looks her in the eyes. “We can stop at any time and it won’t cause problems between us, y’know that, right? I want this to be enjoyable for both of us.”
Amy lets her eyes flick down to Sanji’s parted lips before meeting his gaze. “What would really be enjoyable right now is you kissing me…”
“So needy,” he teases, but obliges Amy anyway.
“‘Needy’? The love cook calls me ‘needy’?” she replies with mock outrage. “You’re the one who tricked me into straddling you and got so horny over a simple pet name that you reverted to Celestial!”
Sanji gives her a mischievous smile and another peck. “You stepped into the trap very willingly, though, didn’t you?” Another kiss, lingering a moment, and he adds: “And I know for a fact you loved it when I switched languages.”
“Quoi d’autre peux-tu faire avec ta langue, hmm?” Amy whispers against Sanji’s lips. [What else can you do with your tongue]
“S’il te plaît, chérie,” he whispers in kind, his fingers dancing lightly along one arm as he lifts it to his shoulder, “je peux te démontrer…” [If it please you, I can demonstrate]
Suddenly he bends down, and with a grunt he lifts Amy by her thighs, one on either side of his waist. He sets her down on the towel.
No sooner does Sanji let go of her legs than Amy is on him, gripping his face with both hands and kissing him voraciously. 
“That’s so—ungh—so fucking hot, Sanji,” she moans. “Fuck, you’re strong.”
“You’re not that heavy, are you?” Sanji manages to say between kisses—not that he’s complaining. “Ten stone, twelve?”
“Fourteen last I checked,” Amy murmurs into his chin. “You’re so good at what you do, I’m always hungry for more.”
Sanji chuckles at her double entendre. “Fourteen’s nothin’, long as I let my legs do the work.”
“Definitely the sexiest legs I’ve ever seen.” Amy sucks lightly at the base of Sanji’s neck, and almost erases his train of thought completely.
“Merde—since your own, of course, right?” He places his hands on her knees and ever-so-slowly moves them upward.
“Mmm, naturally,” Amy murmurs, more interested in Sanji’s collarbone.
“Are you even listening right now?” Sanji asks, grinning with amusement as he pulls away. He laughs when Amy makes a whining noise and chases him with her lips.
“Your tongue is doing way too much talking, lover boy. Starting to think maybe you’re all talk.”
Sanji narrows his eyes.
Before Amy has time even to discern anything from his smile, Sanji’s gripping the back of her head in one hand and nudging her mouth open with his tongue. His other hand slides higher along her thighs, tantalizingly close to where she suddenly realizes she needs his touch the most. She moans into Sanji’s hungry mouth, the noise sounding more like a whimper than she would have liked to admit were she clear-minded; but her senses are consumed with him, and she can’t bring herself to care. His appreciative groans are like held notes on a saxophone; he smells of musky cologne and sweat in a way that registers as the essence of virility in the back of her mind; he electrifies her skin with the slightest contact; she can taste fruit and spice on his tongue, and—
“Sanj, there’s something metal in your mouth, is that a piercing or…?”
Amy leans back to peer into Sanji’s grinning mouth, and sure enough, the frenulum is pierced with a horseshoe bar.
She puts her arms around his neck and pulls him close again. “You know, I’d heard you described as having a silver tongue,” she teases, her lips a hair’s breadth from his, “but I didn’t think Nami and Usopp were being serious.”
Sanji kisses her again, delicate and sweet like a meringue. “It’s surgical steel, love, but I appreciate the sentiment.” He chuckles and Amy rolls her eyes fondly.
“Now, why don’t we go back to your talent show?” she suggests.
“A show, hmm? I’ve never tried exhibitionism, but we can talk kinks later, sure.”
“You know what I meant!” Amy laughs, giving Sanji’s shoulder a playful backhand.
“Oh, yes, that’s right: the talent show in which I”—Sanji places one more kiss on Amy’s smiling mouth—“pleasure this lovely lady”—he whispers before kissing behind her ear and sliding his hands to the laces of her top—“with my tongue until she”—loosens the knot holding the halter-neck in place and nips an exposed shoulder, prompting her to buck against him—“begs me to make her cum on my face.” He presses his face into her cleavage, and looks up to gauge her expression. “That one?”
Amy combs a hand through Sanji’s corn-silk hair, pushing it back from his forehead, and gasps with something like awe marbled with need. His lust-darkened eyes peering up at her from between her breasts might be the most erotic thing she’s ever seen.
Entirely at your service.
You deserve an eager lover.
“Oh, Sanji…” she sighs and leans back against the bench. “Please, yes, I need it…
“…do I get to serve you after?”
The question is so airy and quiet that Sanji almost doesn’t catch it, occupied as he is with the scent of Amy’s perfume and the solemn task of unbuttoning her from the other side. “What’s that, darling?”
Amy holds his face between her hands and pets his flushed cheeks with her thumbs. “Do I get to return the favor once you’ve made good on those wonderful things you said you want to do to me?”
“You may not need to. I’m pretty, ah, worked up right now—might be that I’ll follow you over the edge when you cum for me.” Sanji kisses her palm and, taking hold of her hand, guides it along the faint trail of hair leading to where he needs her touch the most.
Amy wants to press the question further, but contents herself with pressing her hand to the bulge in Sanji’s shorts. She gasps in wonder at his size and the needy cry that pours from his lips.
“Let’s find out for sure, shall we?” She turns her back to Sanji and lifts her hair out of the way.
Seating himself on the bench beside Amy, Sanji can reach the buttons just fine, but he welcomes the chance to lavish her neck with a flurry of kisses. He smiles against her skin at her giggling, and thinks of how quickly the sound is becoming one of his favorites.
Amy’s breath, already shaking, hitches when she feels her top come loose, and again when Sanji sucks lightly on the skin joining her neck to her shoulders.
“Sanji, please…”
“Shhh, darling, I’ll take care of you,” he murmurs as his hands snake over the bare skin of her waist to cover hers in the front. “Your body is so soft, so beautiful. I love it.
“Can…can I just…feel it for a moment first? Explore it, admire it for a bit before I ravish you?” Sanji continues, tracing with his fingers the places that had previously been covered.
“Just as long as your body stays on mine.” Amy sighs dreamily and leans against him, eyes closed, happy to let him fill her senses once again.
There has, historically, been precious little in Sanji’s life that could be described as soft or tender. Such is a hard-working life at sea, to say nothing of what came before his stint on the Orbit; even on such a well-appointed ship as the Thousand Sunny, piracy is piracy, and the oceans swallow the weak. So when something comes Sanji’s way that could be construed as even the vaguest promise of devotion, he has learned to seize it, to enjoy it while he can, before the Blue Mother’s waves inevitably carry it out of reach.
He does not seize Amy, for she is not a pipe dream or a fantasy: she is substantial, in multiple senses of the word, generous in the warm plushness of her body and likewise in the beauty of her soul. He paces himself, like a man who has known starvation followed by plenty; though he does have to take a steadying breath when she sets aside the bralette and turns toward him, now bare-chested. One hand goes to her heartbeat, one to her shoulder, trailing downward and leaving a tingling heat in its wake.
“I want to figure you out, chérie, before I take you apart,” Sanji rasps in Amy’s ear as he engages his haki.
Amy has a hunch she’s in for some of the best sex of her life. Not that she has a great deal of first-hand experience for the love cook to exceed—men did not often stay in her life long enough for attraction to develop—but even if Sanji is as much of a serial womanizer as Nami and Zoro make him out to be, he has already proven attentive and empathetic enough to be above average. It’s not his skill she’s worried about—
The casual flick of a thumb across a now-stiffened nipple jolts Amy back into the moment with a squeal.
“Fuck, Sanji, that feels so good, do it again…”
He obliges, of course he does, and pleasure like an electric shock goes straight to her cunt, suddenly flooded with slick. She arches her back, leaning forward into his touch; and he must have heard the needy impatience in her wordless moan, because he pulls her flush with him and nibbles her ear. 
“Où d’autre, where else do you need me?” Sanji murmurs. “J’ai besoin de te plaîre…” [Where else; I need to please you]
Where doesn’t she need him? Amy wonders. “Everywhere, babe, jus’—fuck—everywhere. My neck, my hands, my tits, need you inside, everywhere.”
Sanji’s face lights up like he’s received the best news of his life, and he kisses her again. 
“As my lady commands.”
As he nibbles at her ear and her neck, Amy can’t resist rolling her hips against him, flush as she is with his hardened abdomen and his cock, and spirits it feels so good—
“Amy, my love,” Sanji pleads, “I don’t want to cum yet, let me do this for you—”
“But Sanji…”
“Amy. Don’t you want me to keep my promise to you?”
He stands and pulls her up as well, and continues: “Don’t you want to find out what my tongue can do? I should think you wouldn’t want the talent show to end so early.”
“Your fingers untying my skirt are giving me a mixed signal,” Amy mutters, though her fingers digging out the knots belie the annoyance in her words.
“I’m going to have you lay back for me, darling,” Sanji says as he folds the sarong, “and I want to have a cushion for your beautiful head.” He holds the garment out to her, and he’s looking at her with such tenderness that she feels something clench in her chest. “Your comfort matters to me.”
“And you feeling good matters to me.”
“Tell you what,” Sanji offers as his hands push gently on Amy’s hips, encouraging her to sit. “I get to taste every part of you, and you get to shower me in praise and ‘good boys’ to your heart’s content. How does that sound?”
“And then I get to play with your cock?” she asks, pouting slightly but positioning herself on the towel nevertheless.
Sanji makes a choked gasp. “Merde, yes, then you can play with my cock.”
“Sounds good to me.” Amy leans back and watches as he hems her in, elbows on either side of her shoulders, powerful legs astride her own.
Sanji takes a deep breath and considers what he learns from his haki. Amy shudders almost imperceptibly with each heaving breath; her eyes, wide and dark, dart between his eyes, his lips, his chest, and occasionally his groin. Her back is arched just enough to not have the steps’ wooden lip pressing into her, or perhaps she means to draw his attention back to her sizeable breasts; and her knees are turned outward, as though readying her legs to cage his lower torso close to her own. She smells of jasmine, sweat, and the spiced tang of arousal, so much arousal. 
He can’t wait to taste her. With no dissonance of thought or feeling in her aura to give him pause, the tasting begins.
He starts, quite naturally, with her mouth: lips that capture his sight whenever she has occasion to wear lipstick, staining his fantasies a pomegranate red; gasps and moans that spill from her like an overturned glass of sparkling wine; the lingering taste of sweet words and peppery olive oil on a tongue seeking out its counterpart to pull him closer. When the cruel need for oxygen forces them to pull apart, Sanji and his own clever tongue find the sensitive spot just behind Amy’s ear that he knows will make her nerves sing—
“SANJI, oh gods!” she cries, sure enough—
“Amy, chérie, would you be very offended if I were to leave a souvenir on your skin?” Sanji asks in a husky voice while he has her ear. “A mark of my passion, so to speak?”
Amy does not answer right away and her frenzied groping stills, but her embrace remains steady, which soothes his unease. She’s considering it, Sanji reminds himself.
Finally, she caresses his cheek, and he takes the chance to kiss her inner wrist. “Put them in places that can be covered with ease,” she replies decisively. “Whatever…this is”—for the first time since he found her in the crow’s nest Sanji hears a note of apprehension in her voice—“it’s our treasure, and I’d like to enjoy it that way for a bit before making it known to anyone else.
“We may be Straw Hats, but we are still pirates,” Amy continues with a smile returning to her face. “I think we’re allowed to be a little cagey about our hidden treasure.”
Whatever this is. Our hidden treasure. Sanji feels something shift in him at Amy’s words—not a jarring shift like a fall or a sudden change of perspective, but a shift like the changing of plans or steering a vessel in a new direction. A shift like soil making way for growing roots.
In the meantime, Sanji’s cock is twitching at the prospect of marking this woman as his, and again with the thrill of keeping a secret. “Such an angel,” he groans into her neck, “such a privilege just to touch you.”
Such a dangerous business, this whole falling-in-love thing, Amy thinks to herself. No, she’s not in love, not with one of the most notorious flirts on the Grand Line, even if he does look like he belongs on a magazine cover instead of a pirate vessel. Even if she isn’t merely imagining the heartbroken look on his face at the words ‘whatever this is’. Even if he is the most caring lover she’s ever had—because that’s just the thing: he does love generously, he loves in defiance of the sire he left behind, he loves and he loves and it would be selfish of her to want some part of it to be hers alone, wouldn’t it? No, she’s not in love with Sanji, but the cliff’s edge is right there, and the call of the void is strong.
“Chérie, have I lost you again? Is everything alright?”
Sanji’s handsome, smiling face is hovering above her chest again. Amy runs her fingers through his hair—he closes his eyes and hums at the sensation—and tucks it behind his ear.
“I was just…distracted by your beauty.” She smiles and winks.
“Using my own lines on me, are you?” Sanji growls in mock annoyance.
“What?! I’m just learning from the best.”
“Clearly flattery works, or else you wouldn’t be straddling a mostly-naked woman right now.” Amy begins to drag one foot along Sanji’s leg for emphasis.
In lieu of an answer, he shudders and trails a finger along the side of one breast, which he lifts toward his mouth. While Amy lets her head fall back against the improvised cushion, he mouths at one pebbled areola with relish and strokes the other with a firm thumb, basking in her babbled praises over the next several minutes.
“That feels so, so good, darling, so good…
“Gods, your tongue is incredible—yes, just like that!”
“Oh, fuck—could let you do just this to me for hours…”
…and Sanji thinks, feeling the way she bucks and tenses under his caresses, he’d be willing to do it, too, his own erection be damned, if he didn’t think muscle cramps on his part would put a damper on her pleasure. If nothing else happens between him and Amy, he could at least go for months touching himself just to this memory.
Mercifully, the sound of a soft chuckle interrupts Sanji’s anxious thoughts before they have a chance to spiral. He leaves off the sucking motion of his tongue and looks into Amy’s half-lidded eyes. “Chérie?” he inquires tentatively.
She again combs his hair back with her fingers, still smiling. “It just struck me as funny, the way you looked like a boy licking his first ice cream cone of the summer.”
Sanji stares a moment before spluttering with indignation. “And what is a man supposed to look like as he is worshiping at his lady’s breasts?” 
Unfortunately, this serves only to make the lady in question laugh harder, albeit with fondness, and touch her forehead to his.
“I don’t know, I don’t know! It felt so good, but when I opened my eyes, there you were, swirling your tongue like you were afraid of letting your mint chocolate chip melt—”
“Melt?!” Sanji echoes, still playfully indignant. “Oh, I’ll make you melt—”
—to which end he pushes Amy back down and renews his ministrations with a vengeance, licking and sucking and nipping the sensitive buds, and tickling her sides. His hands slide lower and lower along her hips until he’s teasing the skin just above her panties; and when she makes no move to bat his hand away, he dips two fingers into the heat of her folds.
Amy never knew sex could be so fun.
Well, no, that’s not quite true; she’s long known, in an intellectual sort of way, that feeling safe and relaxed emotionally is conducive to both having fun and to having good sex. But the wisdom gleaned from others feels like an understatement compared to the euphoria and the anticipation suffusing her right now.
“You—” she pants, smiling, “you’re as good as your word, ah-aren’t you?”
Sanji releases a reddened nipple with a lewd smack.  “And you, love, have been melting for a while already, haven’t you?” He runs a finger along her slit, grinning wickedly at her wetness. 
“Oh fuck, Sanji, keep—keep doing that…”
“Tell me, Amy, is all of this for me?” Sanji all but purrs. Her pussy clenches at the sight of him licking her slick off of his hand and she whimpers.
A whimper is not enough for him: his fingers tease her clit, dancing around but never touching it. He flicks a nipple with his tongue. “I need words, ma chère…” he says.
Amy does not have words, though. There is nothing in Amy’s world save her body, and Sanji’s touch, and pure sensation.
“Answer me,” Sanji insists in a rumbled voice; and when he hears no answer but more wordless whimpering, he bites on Amy’s nipple and strokes her clit at the same time.
“Fuck! SANJI!” she screams, mustering the last two words in her brain as her world turns from pure sensation to white-hot ecstasy.
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Likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated, especially if somehow I fucked up post formatting or my French grammar LOL
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nic-42 · 6 months
Married is not the same as just lovers!
I wanted some interaction between Chikage and Shinichi with a touch of humiliation from Toichi and Kaito, it will be long so I'll make a cut
"The day you sleep peacefully and wake up at 2 in the morning and go downstairs and find your magician husband making a house of cards on the kitchen table while the poor guy tries to open a package of gummy bears, you will know how is to be happily married."
chikage said to shinichi as he cut the potatoes for dinner. shinichi was, to say the least, confused. There were only 3 months left until his wedding with Kuroba Kaito and he was helping his mother-in-law prepare dinner for his future husband and father-in-law when the topic of conversation suddenly changed to… this strange comment.
"What? How am I supposed to interpret that?"
Shinichi was trying to figure out, why did this family always speak in code? Not even his parents were that annoying.
"Well honey, I'm referring to your relationship and the changes it will experience, being married is very different from being lovers, when you marry Kaito you will discover things about him that no one else would understand!"
While Chikage put the pan on the fire and moved the meat from the bowl, Shinichi remained thoughtful. He already knew Kaito very well, what else should he know?
"but kaito and I already know each other very well, I don't think it will be a big change"
Chikage chuckled as she looked for something in the refrigerator and with all the cerenity in the world she began to explain.
"I thought the same thing when I married Toichi, but reality slapped me in the face when we started living together as a married couple, I never imagined that my beloved had such… 'peculiar' tastes and habits, you know"
she cleared his throat
"I still remember when I discovered that Toichi spoke in his sleep, it was very strange and funny! I discovered that if I whispered a little I could manipulate his dreams, when I discovered that Mr. gentleman was capable of insulting at such speed when he thought he was alone, when I discovered that he had insomnia and did strange things when he was sleep-deprived, or when I discovered that he loved talking to Kaito when he was barely born! Oh~ it was hilarious to see him interpret our baby's noises and gestures to continue the conversation!"
Shinichi was perplexed, he had no idea that his father-in-law could be so… similar to Kaito in the sense of being adorably weird. It was when a question crossed his mind, what would his kaito be like when they got married?
"So, was it a very drastic change?"
Shinichi began to prepare the salad without taking his eyes off his mother-in-law.
"Oh yes it was! It was a huge twist. going from 'Prince Charming' to 'I don't know how I got here if I don't even know how to boil water' and it was very fun, somewhat difficult but that's what life is about! change others and let others change you"
Shinichi looked lovingly at his mother-in-law, she was right, he and Kaito were young and still changing. It would undoubtedly be fun to evolve with his beloved, but he returned from his thoughts to be able to finish dinner. After many jokes and exchanging secrets from their lovers, dinner was served on time when the front door opened.
"kaa-san, shin-chan, we're home!"
Kaito entered and behind him came his father. Shinichi ran into Kaito's arms and kissed his cheek welcoming him, Kaito blushed and smiled while his parents murmured and laughed behind them. Already seated at the table, the magicians praised their loved ones.
"It's delicious, honey! Your seasoning is always so smooth and unique!" Toichi said while licking his fingers, completely leaving aside the cutlery.
"and the meat is juicy and tender, I'm impressed by how well you cook now shin-chan!" Kaito took another big bite, staining his white shirt.
both cooks looked at each other and laughed
"oh kai-chan, look what a mess you've made! my little messy baby!" Chikage said with a sweet tone and pinched Kaito's cheek.
"um, oji-san, there," shinichi said, holding back a laugh as he brought the fork to toichi.
both wizards looked at their hands/shirt, became silent and turned as red as a tomato.
"oi, chika-chan!" "oi, shin-chan!"
I had to get this out of my system, I love this beautiful family relationship, next is an outing with the kudo! maybe a halloween dance? or wedding preparations? I still haven't decided, help me with that
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
HC for Nikolai, pls!! Love it how you describe him! ☀️
First of all, thank you so much since I wasn't sure, anyone would find my interpretation of this character pleasing in any way, because he is... not the nicest guy out there in some situations. I never wanted him to be a saint and I'm happy, we are together in this boat with you)
Second, please next time let me know if you need only sfw or also nsfw versions, because when it comes to CoD, especially to this man - I need to be restrained, otherwise things might happen... I'll try my best to behave this time.
TW: a bit of swearing.
So our guy is a fixer. No, wait, he is The Fixer. Nikolai comes from the culture and time, where everyone saw each other as a vital source of information, services or goods, that one day may help or even save them. That's why Nik always knows a guy, who knows a guy - it's just his nature.
What's in there for you? Let's say, you were deployed for a longer time, you've initially planned, and you are out of some medication, you normally buy in your home country. It's not a matter of life and death, but you would feel nicer, if you had it. But here is the problem: in this part of the globe, no one ever heard of such a medication. Of course you can always go to Price or even Ghost for help, and they will go above and beyond to get you what you need by the very next day. But if you need it in the next few hours? Yep, Nik is your man. He can get anything, anywhere, anytime.
That be said, his most significant weapon is not his body or friendship with Price, not his heli, not even Chimera - it's his tongue. He may never read a single book on psychology, but he feels, what and when to say to push all the buttons, he needs.
Believe me, you want to be on his side, when he starts talking, because he can be cold, manipulative and ruthless in negotiations with his enemies.
Nikolai tries to guard you from this side of him (no matter if you are just his squad mate or love of his life), but it's not always that easy. And if it happens so that his words hurt you in any way - he will feel disgusting. Guilt will torment him for a very long time, because Nik will be sure that no apology is enough.
Ok, before this gets too dark, let's talk about the other side of this skill of his. He loves to fluster you. It amuses him, how just a few words and an occasional touch can paint your pretty face red.
Can and will flirt with you just to see, where your borders are. Will start it in private, only to allow himself comments on the verge of flirting when the rest are around. He can't help it: panic, that he awakes in your eyes is too cute and endearing.
Of course, he will stop it right away, if he sees, you are really uncomfortable with such interactions. Nikolai wants to be a friend, not a terror.
But if you actually answer back? Buckle up, because Nikolai is not the one to back away easily. His commentaries will become more explicit to the point, where he leans over your ear for just a couple of seconds, but you are suffocated by the heat that hit your head for the next hour.
Don't even try to make him blush and lose his concentration in return. Or try, but be ready to fail. Your fingers tucked under his shirt, wide grin accompanying some frivolous joke leaving your lips, all for the sake of making him flustered? Won't work. All you are going to get is a smirk and a sly squint. "Go on, show your pilot, what you have on your mind."
Nik will notice and remember every reaction on his words and actions. Btw, let's hope you don't have a thing for accents, because he may play it cool, be he definitely will remember, how you hold your breath for a short moment every time you hear his voice right above your ear.
Your personal space is a relative concept to Nikolai. He respects it, but keeps changing his opinion on how wide it is, sorry.
One of the best, most loyal friends, you could ever wish for. Always on your side, even if you are wrong.
If anyone hurts his friends and loved ones - Nikolai doesn't give a flying f*ck about laws or moralities. If anything endangers you - it is to be dealt with, even eliminated. If anyone takes you from him?.. Well, they better have a d*mn army ready.
Because Nikolai not only pulls his many strings and has the support of war heroes like Price - Nik may come after his enemies with the Chimera. And this is where things might really get sinister, since... Not all Chimera mercs are famous for their compassion and law-obidience.
Putting it in a very light wording: those who manage to survive an encounter with this organization will soon envy those who did not see their next dawn. And Nik won't hold himself or his men back until you are safe in his hands again.
I don't want to end on a sad note, so here are random fluff hcs.
Of course Nikolai can take 'no' as an answer, but if you are that 'unsure, need a bit convincing' type, he'll gladly proceed. You will be surrounded by his attention and small manifestations of care.
Expect to be constantly wrapped in his jacket if you accidentally mention that you're freezing in a helicopter.
Little presents, knick-knacks from all over the world. But there is a story behind every single one. A story, he whispers to you, after he dragged you to a far table, away from prying eyes.
Light touches. Not suggestive ones, but comforting. Because despite his jokes and flirting, he offers not only his body - most of all, he wants to share his warmth with you.
He loves to make you laugh and will develop inner jokes with you.
If you feel, you are slowly but surely falling for him - make sure to not tell anything to Price, because those two have no secrets between them.
Nikolai will cook for you every time you visit him. Not because his food is something worth of a Michelin restaurant, it's just an old habit: guests must be fed. Don't forget, he comes from a place, where people often had to cook a full 2-3 course lunch from a scrap, so feeding you is not a challenge for this guy, even if you show up at his door at 3 am.
Nikolai will invite you for walks in the forest. In summer and spring, you can agree without worries. In autumn and winter, it is better to be careful. Early autumn is the mushroom picking season (then your walk can drag on for hours). Winter... Do you feel safe in a forest covered with snow with a big Russian guy? Do you? Well, I have 2 words for you: snowball fights.
Don't blame me for not warning you, when you end up with snow in every single piece of your clothes and Nik hovering over you, not letting you rise from a snow pile. Of course, he'll help you get dry, warm and cozy afterward.
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Confessions (part 10)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Tw: physical and sexual abuse, toxic relationship, selfharm, eating disorder
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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~fast forward two weeks~
You're sitting on the couch scrolling through your Instagram as you hear the door being unlocked and opened.
"Hey, I'm back" Rhea shouts. "Hii" you reply. You get up and enter the hallway to greet her. "How was your day?" "As always" she brushes it off.
"How was your's? Did you finally leave the house on your own?" she chuckles. You playfully hit her and you both laugh.
"I'll take that as a no" "Admit it you just want to get rid of me" you tease her. "Definitely not, but we still gotta talk" she replies, leaving you a bit concerned.
You follow her into the living room where Rhea is already sitting on the couch. "Dont worry it nothing serious" she chuckles as she sees you face.
You relax a little and sit down facing her. "I wanted to talk about what you plan for your future. Like, getting a job, maybe your own apartment.. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mind you living here with me, I like having a roommate, really. It's just something I've been thinking about lately."
You look down on your lap fidgeting with you fingers. She's lying, she doesn't want you here. You're a burden! Your mind tells you.
Demi takes your hands in hers gently stroking them. "I mean it y/n, I like having you here don't worry about that" she calms you down.
You smile, "to be honest, I don't know what I want to do with my future.. I don't even know how to interpret my own feelings.."
"What do you mean by that?" Rhea asks. You sigh "there's someone I really like, I just don't know if it's in a platonic or romantic kind of way.."
"Ooh, do I know him?" Rhea smirks. You feel your cheeks getting red. "Naw, you're blushing. Is it.. Damian? She teases you.
" What? No.. I mean, he's a nice guy and everything but.. uh, never mind.." you say and get up. "Hey no wait. It does mind!" Demi pouts.
You pretend you didn't hear her and make your way to the bedroom. "Y/n! Come back here!" she shouts and runs after you.
"y/n!" she throws you onto the bed and turns you around so you look at her. She places herself on top of you and holds your wrists over your head just like you once did with her.
"Tell me now" she pouts and you laugh. "Fine.." you sigh "I won't tell you exactly who it is but.. It's not a.. him.." Rhea looks at you confused.
"Wait.. So it's a.. Girl?" you blush and nod. Rhea squeals from excitement "do I know her?" she asks full of enthusiasm.
"I will not comment on that" you say. "Ooh so I do" Rhea gets even more excited. She releases your wrists and sits upright on your hips.
You lean on your elbows to lift your torso off the bed and grin at her. It takes her a moment to realize but then it hits her like a brick on the head.
"Do- You mean me?!" "Of course I do, stupid!" you laugh before getting serious again.
"Listen Rhea, I know it might make you uncomfortable now, regarding the fact that you're straight and we sleep in the same bed at night and everything and-"
You're cut off by her kissing you on the lips. God how can someone have such soft lips! You're surprised but quickly return the kiss.
Demi pulls away and looks you in the eyes. "Remember when we were cuddling in bed and I told you I really liked you?" you nod "that's what I meant" she says and kisses you again passionately.
She cupped your cheeks earlier and you wrap your arms around her waist and torso pulling her closer. She deepens the kiss and a soft moan escapes your lips making her smile.
Oh my God how can somebody be this perfect. You both pull away to catch your breath and smile at one another. "I love you Demi" you breathe out. "I love you too y/n"
And here's part 10 :) Let me now your suggestions etc and if you wanna be featured in the taglist
Taglist: @babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000
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becausesomething · 8 months
Chapter 9 - Secrets revealed
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Sabaody headcanon, all the supernovas in one palce for the 1st time!
warning: lesbian relationship, kid situationship, law colorful relatiosnship, feelings, confrontation, fight
I still tried to fall asleep but without success, I decided to go take a shower and when I come back I had a tray with a glass of orange juice and a plate of eggs sautéed with bacon and bread.
-KIDDDDD, how's that hangover?
– Killer shouts as he enters the room.
- You want your death sentence, I swear it will happen one day. Doesn't that woman know how to be silent either?! – the bath had helped the headache, but all that screaming made it come back.
-ihihih, job done – Killer closes the door as quickly as he entered.
I hear screams in the hallway, I bet those two are fighting with each other again. I don't care, I mean yes I do, or maybe it would be better not to.
-Kid, are you awake? That idiot Killer doesn't know what a beating he's going to get when he catches him. – Like Killer, she opens the door and suddenly enters the room.
-Eriss, don't even think, enough confusion. Did you get any information? – I take the tray and go sit on the sofa.
-Yes, there will be a human slave auction today. And I heard rumors that some celestial dragons would be present because of a mermaid being captured. Scum. – she leans against the edge of the door and starts playing with the choker pendant.
-Let's investigate, we'll leave in 4 hours, inform the rest.
-Yes captain! – she bows and that makes me roll my eyes, I don't know if I interpret it as respect or just provocation.
Eriss POV
It was the first time that all the supernovas were in the same place, the presence in that place was impressive, and by instinct, I got closer to Kid. I feel his gaze on me, I hope none of Kimi's marks are visible, and it's just because I'm looking for a little protection.
On the other hand, several times my gaze meets Law's, I wish I could talk to him and tell him the news. I guess I'll have to wait until later.
As expected, a battle began between the most talked about trio, Kid, Law, and Luffy, against the navy. Between insults, it was impressive their skills and how strong they had become.
Killer had pulled me to an area hidden from the sailors' view and we were left to absorb that epic battle that was going to start revolutionizing the world. It started as quickly as it ended.
Kid comes towards us - Let's go back and prepare to set sail, the navy will be at our heels soon, it's not safe here anymore.
We started running until I heard a voice calling me.
-Eriss-ya, are you okay? - Law runs up to me and gives me a hug.
-Of course, she's fine! - Kid shouts.
-I wasn't talking to you Eutass-ya, get out.
-You don't give me orders!
-It's better to leave the insults for later, the navy discovered us. - I point behind them.
Not even running, those two were able to stop insulting each other. The navy begins to gain ground and both begin to use their powers to slow them down. We ended up at a dead end, but luckily someone opened a door for us.
We entered a kind of warehouse. I was catching my breath when I felt lips touching mine, it was Kimi, I let myself get involved and forget about the situations I had behind me.
I heard them both saying my name in perplexity, but my attention was only focused on her tears.
-Kimi, why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?
- I wipe her tears and hug her against me.
-No, I was worried about you when I found out that you were involved in the mess at the auction. I couldn't let you go without saying goodbye.
I feel Kid's fury flooding the room and a whistle disguised as Killer's laughter. I turn to them and Kimi wraps herself around my arm.
-This is Kimi, a friend. - I say, trying not to blush at the embarrassment and my secret being revealed.
-Eriss-ya talked a lot about you, it's good to know that you're alive. - I look at Law and he smiles slightly. Our looks said everything that needed to be said at that moment and that made me relax.
-Are you able to explain? How does this Dalmatian head know more than me? - the veins on Kid's forehead begin to show.
-She's a friend, didn't you hear it the first time?
-But the kiss? What does that mean? Since when?
-Damn Kid, I'm bisexual, Kimi was the first woman I was with. I thought she had died, but she was able to find me. Happy now?!
Silence settles.
-We can't stay here long, the navy is still looking for us. - Law approaches me and whispers to me - you need to say goodbye.
I look at Kid who looks away, I wanted to explain everything to him but it wasn't the right place or time.
I grab Kimi's hand and pull her to a corner so we have a little more space and privacy. I didn't want to say goodbye to her, not now after we had met again and the night we spent together. Between hugs and tears, we accept reality. One last kiss with my first crush.
I go over to the boys, I touch Law's arm, and whisper to him a thank you. He looks at me deeply, as if reading my soul, he knew what that moment meant for me.
-Kid, I'm ready. - he looks at me sideways and mumbles between his teeth.
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mdhwrites · 10 months
What do you think about Huntlow? Was it really supposed to be a canon ship or just there for the fans to be interpret?
So as a couple they're fine. I can see them being happy and cute but also INCREDIBLY boring because you have a girl with not a lot of personality with a boy who struggles to keep a consistent personality. A cardboard cutout for hugs and an angst bucket. That's not all that interesting to me.
That may sound harsh but as far as their interactions go and how they behave with each other, that's what they look to me together as. I find both more interesting separate than together because together they're just... happy. Which again, good for them, it makes the ship fine but there's no narrative hook for me there. Not enough contrast for me to ever imagine them fighting because neither holds enough of an opinion about something to have a fight. Admittedly, that's still better than Lumity where I wouldn't expect Amity to ever stick to a position if Luz told her not to by the end of the series. That doesn't make it interesting though.
As for whether or not they're meant to be canon... Yes. Not just because of the blushing but actually because the show likes to have relationships as part of transformation and who the partner is almost always dictates to some extent the transformation that has/will happen. This isn't even only romantic. Lilith and Matt both befriend comic relief characters (though I suspect Gus and Matt were meant to be the mlm rep which... Your decision on how to feel about that) and thus their characters become comedic and punchlines which brings them narratively closer to their partner. 'Mama Eda' as a term comes from the episode that Raine is introduced where Raine's calm and focus actually reflects how much Eda has given up chaos for responsibility. Though shoutout to this happening in reverse as well as Raine becomes a duplicate of Eda during Them's the Breaks because these writers literally only know one type of relationship to write. And finally, of course, Amity becomes more lighthearted and carefree and stops caring about consequences as much, just like Luz. When she fully is willing to abandon anyone but Luz, they get together. -_-
It's part of what makes the relationships in TOH feel inherently toxic to some extent, at least to me. Rather than highlighting what makes each person unique and those strengths being what each other admires in their partner, it's much more about one conforming to the other. Losing their identity and picking up the one that belongs to the person they like. Which, you know, isn't good. A partner should push you to be the best version of yourself, not a new person for them.
Huntlow... Is both the same and different. The plus side is neither conforms to becoming the other person which is good! This happens because instead of a single arc being capstoned by the two finding each other like the rest, it's actually twin arcs meant to highlight one another. Hunter's arc of becoming pathetic and losing all of his actual skills, control, prestige, etc. like that ends with him becoming small, a failure and really just not much of a fighter at all. Not because he disavows fighting but because he's just bad at it. This all is meant to help Willow look stronger, more competent and more confident as she refuses any side of her that was shy for someone who will make you listen to her: Period. Remember, she does still force Hunter, against his will, onto the Grudgby field because while she talks a big game about being like him with her magical issues, she is still the Titan blessed prodigy while he has an actual disability.
Which... Boy scars from my brother are real sharp on that point and I'll just leave it at that.
Honestly, when described like that, you can see why the two were meant to get together. In a story actually about the two instead of Willow being a character who sat out almost an entire season until her boyfriend showed up, it could have been really interesting to see the two helping each other grow like this. They also would have needed more consistent characterization for this too. As it is, it's just boring because they don't have an actual dynamic between one another, just a meta one I can analyze onto them that is over by the time they get together.
Which makes Huntlow just like any other TOH relationship, for better and more often worse.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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leorawright · 2 years
May I please request a tf2 scenario where the merc and reader go to karaoke? The reader ends up singing to their merc crush using said mercs’ favourite song as a type of confession? Thank you!
And also please take that test next week!!!
Oh yesss (I'm completely clueless on romantic songs so I'll just leave that up for interpretation😅)
Mercs reaction to their crush confessing through song
Definitely super flustered and confused
When it clicks what's happening he's looking around and pointing at himself to make sure it's not aimed towards someone else
When you confirm it's for him his face explodes in a cherry red blush
While you finish the song he's got the biggest smile on his face and when you sit down he tackles you in a hug
It took him a while to process the lyrics and then process why you were staring at him
When it clicks tho you can see the light blush decorate his face
He's not quite sure how to bring it up once the song is over so you might have to do it yourself
But he'll freverently accept once you ask
He catches on almost immediately and can't help the big smile on his face
When you sit back down he leans Iverson and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek
He honestly thought the song confession was absolutely adorable
Or maybe it was just because it was you singing the song
Gonna take them a second to catch on
But when they do they bring their hands up to cup their gas mask in surprise
They're definitely happy and estatic that their crush just confessed though
When you sit down they throw their arms around you and press their gas mask to your cheek
It took a lot of convincing to get him to come to karaoke in the first place
But now he doesn't regret it when he hears you confessing
It was certainly a surprise but a welcome one in his book
He'll give you a little nod when the song ends before you sit back down and he whispers that you loves you as well
Medic is certainly surprised that this confession was the reason you dragged him out of his lab
You can easily see his blush despite the dim lights and the smile on his face
When you sit down he can't get any words out so he just nods excitedly with a smile on his face
He wasn't having a good time being around people until you confessed
Suddenly all that was gone and replaced but utter joy
He never expected you to confess to him and his mood is automatically fixed for the rest of the night
He doesn't say anything when you sit back down just silently reaches over to hold your hand
First of all how did you find out his favorite song and second he accepts
He knew you were really excited about karaoke for whatever reason so he went with you to see you smile
But now he's the one smiling at your confession
For once you've managed to surprise him congratulations
But he quietly accepts when you sit back down
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partyanimal167 · 1 year
A companion fic to "Self-Indulgent," but can be mostly read on its own. A reader on AO3 asked some important follow up questions, and I was like "damn, I could write more." Plus, there's something naughty about some pinning competition between Doffy and Croc.
Decisions, decisions. Damn, a girl wouldn't mind getting used to this kind of attention, really.
You fidgeted under the lustful stare you were under-- blushing and scratching your cheek awkwardly. You were really trying to stay under the radar, but when that deep rumble summoned you to the office, you knew there was no way you were going to stay hidden.
"Fufufufu, did my princess have a good weekend?" you blushed at the comment. You had an idea why he asked that, but there was still a chance for you to play dumb though.
"Ye-yes, sir. I jus-," you were going to start some ridiculous rant about shopping and what not.
"Seems I need to pay Croc a visit; tell him to be more gentle in bed."
Your eyes grew large and shot up to meet those tinted sunglasses. You couldn't ignore the deep blush on your face, how the room suddenly grew hotter. "Excus-," you quickly shut yourself up as your boss stood up and walked around to you. He lifted your chin before caressing your bottom lip. So softly, he trailed down before tapping a darkened spot on your neck.
"It's unprofessional to come to work with a hickey, doll. Someone might get jealous." he chuckled, but you knew that could be interpreted as a warning.
You continued to blush but twirled a lock of hair and batted your eyelashes. "Oh I'm sorry, Doffy." your fingers danced on his arm. "I'll be sure to make it up to you."
He grinned and kissed your cheek. "I'm sure you will."
Even knowing that for now Crocodile just wanted you to sit pretty during business meetings and lunches, you still were reluctant about attempting to leave the generous care and protection of that notorious Donquixote. If you could play your cards right, maybe you could bask in the riches and attention of both men. Crocodile wasn't pressuring you too much about becoming an actual worker. You still had your information network and allies as well as the pirate common sense to spot a rat when necessary. You proved your value for sure, but that didn't alleviate all your problems. For instance, there wasn't really a way to work yourself out of this specific situation.
You chuckled nervously as those dark eyes peered down at you unamusingly. You had been avoiding that look for the last couple hours, but here you were. Your attention shifted as you were pulled closer to your host. "Why the long face, Croc? I'm sure the meeting wasn't that bad." Doflamingo laughed. You blushed and eyes wandered aimlessly trying to pretend to be anywhere but here.
"I normally don't mind your usual eccentric behavior, but this is a little much even for you." He drawled out--not bothering to blow his smoke far from where you two sat. "You're trying to show off."
"Fufufufu, I'm just bringing along some nice company for this fine lunch. Surely, you would do the same."
"Of course, you don't come across company as lovely as Y/N."
You nearly melted and finally allowed yourself to look up. There was something dark yet intrigued in Crocodile's eyes. You fought a shiver as your hand was brought to his lips. "It'll be my pleasure to see you home."
"She's coming-,"
"Why relax, sir, you can't have a lady waiting. I'm sure those gentlemen have a lot to talk to you about still." Crocodile immediately shut down and gestured to the group of men chatting away nearby. He lifted you up then wrapped an arm around your waist, hook lightly running along your side. "I'll be gentle with her."
He was not gentle with you.
You moaned as you were flipped onto your stomach and felt two fingers shoved into your cunt. Squelching rung in your ears as you gushed onto Crocodile's fingers. "I don't think that spanking did anything if you're still being a brat. I asked you a question, doll. Who's dick are you begging for every night?"
You clenched the sheets, and your hips rocked along. "Uh fuck, yours- yours, sir." you sobbed. You sunk further into your plush bed as he loomed over you.
It was not your best idea to tease Crocodile on the way to your place. He only sat and listened to your rambles about how your outfit was sent to you, limo picked you up, that everyone was captivated by your entrance, that you didn't mind feeling how strong Doflamingo felt just by sitting next to you. Once you two were inside, you were getting pushed off the floor and kissed breathlessly. Your clothes now in shreds below. "Don't go wearing another man's clothes in front of me."
Crocodile bit your ear and kept fingering you. "That's right, dear. I know you're smart. You knew what would happen if I caught you clinging to that bird. Want me to send you off to him just like his? I'm sure you wouldn't mind. Want to handle the both of us? I know how to fulfill a whore's needs."
Oh those words were tempting, but you were too distracted to go off daydreaming about a bed-breaking threesome. Crocodile smirked feeling how you clenched onto him. Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out. You groaned and slammed a fist into the mattress. "No sir, please! I wanna cum!"
"Hehe, who said you could? You hurt my feelings," he faked a painful tone. He chuckled as he sucked his fingers. "It's not nice watching you flaunt yourself in front of him. I know he's still being used in your shows." He started rubbing himself at your entrance. "I think I'm being generous with you." He let out a deep breath in order to keep himself restrained. He wanted you sobbing and begging for his dick first.
You looked up at him and panted. "Yes, so nice sir, please. I'll be good I promise."
Crocodile chuckled darkly. "Oh, I'm not that easy, love." he only gave you an inch. "I don't like sharing." he pulled back. He quieted his pant that escaped. He wanted that hot soft feeling around him, but there was still a lesson to be taught. "You like playing around with me; you'll get hurt." he gave you a little more. "Ugh, not that you'd mind I'm sure." he grunted. He slapped your thigh to try to ground himself. "Maybe you don't deserve this after all-,"
You threw yourself back and groaned feeling most of him inside. You rocked forward then back again. "Stop being mean daddy," you moaned at the fullness and didn't mind the slight drool out of your mouth. "I want it now!" you whined.
Lesson be damned at this point. Crocodile grabbed your hips and started setting a heavy pace. "Fucking brat," he bit his lip. His hair was starting to become a disheveled mess. He remained barely aware of his hook as he continued to use you to get off. You didn't want to be a good girl, then that was fine. He wasn't going to play nice anymore.
Your eyes started to roll back as he bullied your cunt. So good, so good.
"I'll make sure you remember who's pussy this is." Crocodile grinned. "I'll get it to stick in that brain of yours."
Doflamingo frowned as he watched you continue to clean tables and sweep without so much as a glance in his direction the entire night. The staff fluttered around him with the usual praises and compliments. He knew he didn't want Crocodile leaving with you those nights ago, but he couldn't have gotten out of that discussion even if he really wanted to. The sacrifices necessary for business.
He finally got you alone in his office after closing. He wished he was amused by how you fidgeted and avoided his tinted gaze. After a minute of so of silence, he lifted his head from his wrist and sighed. "Oh princess, don't give me that attitude. I have something important to tell you."
You pouted and reluctantly looked up. "I got in trouble because of you." you huffed.
Doflamingo closed his mouth then chuckled. "Because of me?" there was some amusement now.
You nodded before folding your arms and turning away. "Yes, daddy was very mean to me. So I have to be on my best behavior." you explained.
There was a spark under Doflamingo's skin from that little peek into your bedroom business. He still liked how that word rolled off your tongue though. He grinned. "I see. Well, I'm sorry princess. I have some more bad news for you though." you looked up at him confused. "I'm afraid I have to let you go. Can't have so many on the wait staff especially one that attracts so much attention."
Your heart dropped for a moment. Of course, you had considered leaving Doflamingo's shadow, but you were still putting that plan together. It was a backup really. You didn't think that you would need to go running to Crocodile so soon especially after tiptoeing between the two men. It seemed as if Crocodile was right about you being tossed to the side by Doflamingo. It sped your anxiety up knowing that there were challenges coming your way.
"Wait, Mr. Donquixote! I can't go yet- I," you stopped after his hand was held up. You turned your head slightly as the man stood before you. Even leaning onto his desk, he was still quite tall and loomed over you.
He grinned as he ran his gaze up your body. "Fufufu, no need to fret little one. I just have a more important assignment for you is all."
You processed his words for a moment before slowly nodding. "What's the assignment?"
"A spy?" Robin chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and laughed. "Oh my gosh, you're so dramatic! I'm not a spy. I'm just going to be confirming some information for him." you held up a button-up in front of yourself. "How does this look?"
Robin smiled. "Great!" You beamed before tossing it to the sales rep who was following you two around. "I can't believe Croco-san is letting you go."
"I'm not."
You simply laughed as you stood on your tippy-toes and kissed him on the cheek. "You said you were happy I wasn't going to parading around 'that bird.'" you mimicked his voice.
"That doesn't mean you get to work for him still. You work for-,"
"I," you interrupted "am a freelance worker. You agreed to that." Crocodile exhaled a puff of smoke, annoyed. "Besides, Robin-chan is going to be helping me out. It's nothing shady. It's work for the business you three own."
"It's Doflamingo; there's always something." Crocodile mumbled. He shook his head as he reached into his suit coat for his wallet. "As long as he knows who you come home to."
You did a twirl and beamed. "Yay, I have the best bosses." you joked.
Crocodile's jaw twitched. This woman...
I want to work for both of them. I want to be spoiled (crying emoji)
I don't know how much I like this add-on tbh, but thank you for reading! I hope the Crocodile fans enjoy at least. He's so yummy!
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Hello! Can I ask for some Ace x Levi fluff oneshot?
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This one took a few days to conseptualize and write since i'm not the best at interpreting drdt characters, but I think i've got it down! Fluff isn't my strongsuit but this came out really cute in the end! Hope it was worth the wait
NOTES: Pre-KG/Non-Despair AU, pre-established relationship, FLUFF!!, mild swearing(Ace being Ace), oh my god they were roomates..
~ Ace M. x Levi F. (Oneshot) ; Movie Night
Word Count: 1315
"FUCKFUCKFUCK-!!" Ace screeched, the poor jockey was called out to practice for an upcoming horse race, but before his manager could get anything set up it started pouring rain. He was sent back to his dorm because they still had time to reschedule the session at a later date. Unfortunately Ace was absolutely NOT ready for this to happen and had to run back on his own, leaving him soaking wet and his uniform ruined- he'd definetly have to do the laundry when he gets back.
After a bit more running and being irrationally angry at the world for attacking him like this, Ace swung open the door to the building, taking the elevator up he returned to his and Levi's shared dorm. Levi was sitting on the couch, reading a magezine but ironically having the weather channel playing on the tv as background noise. He looked over as the door clicked open, Ace looking something akin to a grumpy, wet cat. The designer would huff out a laugh had he not been conserned over the well being of the other, it was raining pretty hard outside.
"Stay on the mat, Ace. I'll get you a towel.." Levi stood up and set aside what he was reasding, rushing into their bathroom to emerge with two neatly folded towels in his arms.
"You really did get caught up in that storm, huh?" Levi asked him, handing Ace one towel for himself and using the other to dry the shorter ones hair.
"Fucking-- Obviously!" Ace's eyes screwed shut as his hair was messily dried, he was clearly pissed and Levi knew him well enough to understand why. Instead opting to stay silent and allow Ace to cool off, removing the towel. "S-Sorry. This is just so damn annoying.. It said CLEAR SKIES today, it wasn't even cloudy when I left!"
"I know, love. I know.. Perhaps you should consider taking a shower. You're far too soaked to simply dry off on your own, you might get sick from the cold."
"Psh? Sick? I'm almost never sick! I'll be fine if I just change out of these wet rags…" Ace tugs on his uniform to bring attention to it, realizing how gross he feels with it on.
"Ace.. I insist. It would benefit both of us if you did, I can assure you."
"What's that supposed to mean-?"
"Ah, forget it- I didn't mean to say it like that. I meant it would help you feel better if you took one."
Ace raised a questioning brow but decided to let it be for now, slipping out of his boots and leaving them on the doormat to clean later on. "I'll clean that up later, sorry for all.. of that." He half-mumbled.
"It's no problem, really. I'm just worried about you Ace.." Ace turned around, covering the small blush on his face as he made his way into the bathroom to take a shower. It was still weird that someone could- no, that Levi could care about him so much. Sometimes the redhead wonders when he'll tire his boyfriend out. The thought put him in a more solemn mood than he wanted to be in, but he tried to brush it off.. He'll overthink it later.
Levi sighed, running a hand through his hair. His boyfriend was going through a lot right now, he may be a little.. Ignorant to other's feelings at times, but this wasn't hard to pick up on. The only problem now is- "What can I do about it….?"
He spent the next 10 or so minutes pondering it, Ace, Ace, Ace… What does Ace like? Of course- Levi has the basics down, but he was thinking of more. He thinks Ace deserves a little more tonight; so he took out his phone and dialed up a number, clearing his throat as the person on the other end picked up quickly.
Around 20 or so minutes later, Ace was out of the shower and completely dried off. Most of the stress melted away from him and he was in a more casual set of clothes, it could even be considered pajamas.
Ace, walking out of the bedroom, realized that Levi was nowhere to be found. Well, that is until the front door swung open a little harder than the stylist seemed to want it to, grimacing slightly at the bang. He set down a paper bag on the coffee table in front of their couch and finally noticed the jockey looking at him with a confused and curious expression.
"Ah- you're already out-- Sorry I thought you would be in there for a little longer."
"Uhh Levi? It's been 30 minutes, i'm not tryna take 10 years in the shower and waste all our hot water."
"Y-Yeah well I was just.. Not ready- Nevermind, you're here now so I guess you should come sit."
"Well whats all this for-?" Ace walks over and peeks inside the bag. Levi sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
"You weren't very pleased after you got home, even though you are much calmer now in comparison.. I thought it would be nice to treat the both of us to a movie night." He smiled.
Ace was a little taken back- Levi is usually good with helping him calm down or making him feel better but this is a little more than he had expected, especially considering it's so late. The jockey fiddled with his shirt collar, he's not usually.. flustered like this. Not outwardly.
Levi took off the coat he was wearing and went into the bedroom. "Why don't you pick out the movie for tonight? Grab whatever you want from the takeout I ordered.. I know you don't like meat so I tried to find something small that you might like."
"…Thanks, Lev. I uh- I- I mean it. I'll pay you back." Ace hid his face with his shirt, but he was clearly blushing.
"It's no problem, really. I did it for the both of us, because I love you."
Levi turned around into the bedroom with a grin, probably went to get some pillows and blankets for the couch. Ace was a flustered grumbling mess at this point, muttering something under his breath as he looked to see what movies they had physical copies of.
"Levi would probably like something chill or whatever… Maybe a little old? He looks like he likes older movies." Ace mentally cursed himself for never really doing this sort of thing with Levi, the guy was too selfless to him sometimes.. Made it a little hard to know his tastes, especially he wasn't exactly easy to read either. (Not that Ace could pick up on that, really)
But Ace noticed a movie he knew nothing about, it looked.. Sort of old? Definetly foreign because of the style of animation. Quickly skimming the back he decided.. Yeah! This would definetly work. Plus, he'll get to watch a movie he's never seen before, it should work out great!
"Alright, we're all set up. What movie did you pick?" Levi was in a t-shirt and some sweatpants, he was holding one of those chinese takeout boxes with shrimp fried rice inside, a pair of chopsticks in his other hand.
Ace popped open the dvd player and got the disk out of it's case, putting it in and grabbing the remote. "Oh well- I found this movie i've never seen before n shit, 'Howl's Moving Castle'? I dunno it looked like something you'd-" As he turned around, he met Levi's gaze, his face was clearly lit up with excitement. A rare sight to see, even for Ace! Someone known to always be so calm practically had stars in his eyes.
"Ah! I love that movie! It's- It's really good. I think you'll really like it Ace!" The redhead sat down next to his boyfriend, still in awe at the other's pure joy.
The stylist scooted closer to him, as the movie started. Ace hesitantly wrapped an arm around the other's waist and pulled himself closer aswell. Maybe today was a good day afterall.
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lost-jams · 1 year
Brushes And Beats chapter 04
pairing: JiminxReader
genre: fluff with a pinch of angst
trope: enemies to lovers
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:That awkward moment when your crush laughs at your life choices:
In the midst of my internal turmoil, Fumi walked into Starbucks, her eyes searching the crowded room until they landed on me, whIle I shot her a 'HELP' look.
"Before we start, do u want something?" she asked "I didn't bring much money with me, I already had a large frappuccino a while ago" She raised her brow "I asked do u want something, not if u had money with you"
"I'll have what you'll have" I replied sheepishly, while feeling her piercing eyes.
As we both settled at our table, she began "I have a theory, with your situation, you've been single for a long time. It has been 3 years since your last relationship, and you last got laid two years ago, you are a virgin again, and You are sexually frustrated, Jimn is an idol, he symbolizes everything you desire, but can't have it is only natural that you are drawn to him, also with all the time you spent with him"
"Wait, hold on a second, Fumi!" I interjected with an air of disbelief in my voice. "First of all, that's... that's not how virginity works. And secondly, that's a wild interpretation. Jimin is my... my aggravator! Yes, we spend a lot of time together, but that's work, not pleasure. And above all, it's more of mutual irritation than desire. Just because he's an idol doesn't mean I'm falling for him. The dream was ... weird, maybe disturbing, but it doesn't mean anything. So, put a lid on your wild theories, Fumi!" I concluded, hoping that my vehement denial would put an end to this conversation. Fumi simply smirked in response, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Well, Y/n," she responded calmly, "Even the greatest denials often conceal the barest truths. Or as Freud would say, 'There are no mistakes.' Take your time, my friend. Things are not always as they seem at first." She then leaned back, her gaze never leaving mine, her smirk growing into a teasing grin, reveling in the shock written all over my face.
"Alright," Fumi began, her tone turning a bit more serious. "Y/n, it's not just about being single or sexually frustrated, though I believe those might be contributing factors. You spend countless hours with Jimin due to your work. You're privy to a side of him that others are not, including his flaws, vulnerabilities, and even those moments of unguarded sincerity. You've seen him at his best and worst. On top of that, yes, he's a pop star, which adds an allure, but there's also this... competition between you two. That adds a certain excitement and tension, doesn't it? It's not uncommon for feelings to get complicated in such circumstances. The line between love and hate is often very thin." Fumi concluded, her gaze steady on Y/n, awaiting her response
"Can you really not see anything engaging about him?" she retorted, her voice laced with frustration and exasperation. "Yes, I suppose, I can see how he might engage" A sudden flashback comes "a person" Due to my pause Fumi raised an eyebrow curiously, encouraging me to continue.
"That's not what I meant," I said quickly, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks as my mind drifted back...
We were helping Jimin to get unready after his concert, He didn't even have the strength to remove his makeup himself, so I volunteered to do it for him.
I could feel my eyes widening as Jimin slipped off his jacket, revealing a form-fitting t-shirt clinging to his well-toned body. It was a sight I was familiar with but never failed to stun me.
The fabric stretched over the defined musculature of his chest and arms, his biceps visible as he raised his arms to tie up his hair. The movement of his muscles evident and tantalizing under the soft lighting of our work studio. I gulped, my lips feeling suddenly dry.
Unconsciously, my eyes traced the line of his body, from his broad shoulders tapering down to his slender waist. He was lean and fit, a testament to the hours of strenuous practice he engaged in daily, the same ones I have witnessed for countless hours. Yet, there was an unintended eroticism in the way the shirt hugged his torso, and I blushed at my thoughts.
What was I doing? I looked away hastily, chiding myself for letting my gaze linger. This was Jimin, the one with whom I competed daily, my professional aggravation. But there was no denying the fact that he was attractive and seeing him like this stirred something within me I refused to acknowledge.
With a sudden gasp, I reluctantly disengaged from my thoughts, forcing myself to treat him as the vigilante he was, at least in public.
But now, I was beginning to question the true nature of my feelings, and against all better judgment, maybe the clash of rivalry and attraction wasn't as clear cut as it seemed. I shook my head, staring at Fumi "Find me a date" I blurted out, desperately hoping to distract myself from the confusing emotions that had taken hold of me. Fumi's eyes widened in surprise at my sudden request.
"Just open Tinder" she shrugged as she took a sip of her drink.
Left..left...left...I swiped left on profile after profile, not genuinely interested in finding a date but desperately attempting to divert my attention from the unexpected turmoil within me. As I swiped through the endless sea of potential matches, my mind kept drifting back to Jimin. Swiping through the endless sea of potential matches, a sense of unease and guilt settled in my chest. I don't like this.
"Are we looking for mates, birdy?" My finger froze when I heard Jimin's voice from behind.
Caught off-guard, I quickly tried to pretend I wasn't startled. "Just sorting through some...messages," I blurted out, my voice noticeably higher than usual. "And, for your information, staring at people's screens over their shoulder is considered intrusive." I raised an eyebrow, urging him to back off. "In fact, it's generally regarded as rude."
As always, Jimin remained unfazed by my words, his lips curving into a knowing smile. Somehow, his smirk only added to my annoyance... and strangely, my nervousness.
Gaining composure, I face Jimin with a forced nonchalant smile.
"Intrusive, huh?" he chuckled, his eyes still locked on mine. "And here I thought we were past formalities, Birdy." His tone was playful yet with a hint of a challenge. "Besides," he continued, "I was simply curious about who will be unlucky enough to capture your attention." The way he said it, it felt like he was testing me, pushing my boundaries. I bit down on my lower lip, not sure how to respond.
"Ahh, yeah, I'm sure you're just dying to know who's captured my attention," I replied sardonically, my tone dripping with sarcasm. Jimin chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down my spine. I turned my attention to my phone and immediately swiped right on the first person I saw. " There, this is my mate"
Jimin tilted his head slightly, an intrigued expression on his face. "Really? This quick?" He asked, trying to take a peek at my screen. His eyes lightly fluttered in surprise as he got a glimpse of the profile I had just swiped right on. A laugh escaped his lips then, a genuine, full-bodied one with his head thrown back and his eye wrinkles showing.
"Wow, Birdy. I didn't know you had such...interesting taste," he said with a teasing smile, ruffling his hair as he continued to laugh, "Can't wait to meet the lucky one at the concert after-party!" His final words echoed in my head as he walked away, still chuckling. The unexpected turn of events left me stunned, my gaze fixed on the spot where Jimin stood just moments ago, leaving me questioning if that was a hint of jealousy I sensed in his remarks.
Why would he even be jealous.
Jimin's POV
I watched as she swiped right on her phone, pretending to have found someone she was interested in. She is such an open book at least to me. It has been 6 years we are working together and I know every little quirk about her. From her sarcastic tone to the way she bites down on her lip when she's nervous, I've become an expert at deciphering her behavior. But this time, something was different. She seemed guarded as if she was purposely trying to hide something from me. As I walked away, laughter bubbling up inside me, it was clear to me that something had changed between us. I couldn't shake off the feeling of jealousy that slipped into my remarks.
3 years ago, I realized that I was slowly falling for her, not just as a colleague or competitor, but in a way that blurred those professional boundaries. It was an inconvenient truth I tried to ignore, but now, seeing her potentially interested in someone else, I couldn't ignore it any longer. But she wasn't mine, to begin with, and I had no right to feel jealous or possessive over her. She already had someone in her life, someone who wasn't me- a fact that I had to accept and respect.
Then one day I saw her crying to Fumi, I tried not to eavesdrop on their conversation, but I couldn't help but catch snippets of what they were saying. "He cheated", she sobbed. My heart clenched as I listened, realizing that the person who had hurt her was the same one she had been dating. "He said he didn't see a future with me," she choked out between sobs.
I felt a surge of anger and protectiveness toward her, wanting to comfort her and make everything right. But I also knew that crossing those boundaries would only complicate things further.
I had a decision to make - to continue being her friend and confidante, or risk everything by revealing my true feelings. As I grappled with my emotions, I couldn't help but remember the Japanese woman's words about amae - the selfish expectation of being cared for without reciprocating.
It was clear to me that my feelings for her were more than just a simple crush. They had grown into something deeper and more profound. The jealousy I felt wasn't just a reaction to seeing her with someone else; it was rooted in my fear of losing her entirely.
And I am not letting her go.
To Be Continued...
chapter 03 || chapter 05
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Hope you are having a great dayyyy!!!
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ataintedcure · 1 year
While I'm sad that the next chapter is gonna be the last one, I'm also happy for Hyacinth!!
They deserve their happy ending so fucking much <3
ITLOF has been a very heart wrenching, angsty, fluffy fic that has so many moments in it that I absolutely adore!! I'll be sad to see it end, but at least Hyacinth will get their happy ending!!
Although, since we're on the topic of it ending-
I have a question about OTLOF, the one where there's what-if scenarios. I'm wondering if you'll continue that one?
The reason I asked is because there's this thought I've been getting ever since reading ITLOF, which is, "What if Hyacinth didn't have their eye taken from them?" And, "What if they met the Bad Sanses?"
I just wonder how different the outcomes would be if it came like this!
Sorry for ranting, I just needed to get that question out, lol
But seriously, I'm so excited for the last chapter!!
Aww, thank you for the flattering words!! I blush! <3
About OTLOF, I'm planning on deleting it and just adding the extras as the 42nd chapter of ITLOF. I did this because it's likely I won't be continuing them :(
I've fallen a bit out of love with Undertale, and I didn't want to leave a work with only 2 incomplete chapters, hence the merging with ITLOF. I'll be moving on to other fandoms after completing this story!
I think you have great ideas for what-if scenarios! They definitely sound interesting! I've got a few others listed too, but again, I'm finished with this story (at least for now - who knows about the future).
HOWEVER, I've said this before and I'll say it again, I DON'T MIND if people wanted to use the character and write their own interpretations of what-ifs! As long as you credit the character to the story, I'm pretty open about things (and if you had questions or needed advice about how Cinth would react to something, I'm completely fine with answering them) <3
As for your actual question about the bad sanses and hyacinth with his magic!eye:
I think it would definitely depend on WHAT bad sans Cinth meets. He'd definitely sympathize with the Horror!bros (as I'd originally intended to write out) and mayyyybe Dust (poor bastard can't help the fact that he hears voices and went mad, andhe'smyfavoritehaha), but bad sans who are just bad cause they wanna be (coughNightmarecough) probably wouldn't get along well with him. Cinth is morally grey sure, but he still has morals (at least in regard to other monsters).
If Cinth had magic this fic would probably be a lot more chaotic. For one, there'd probably be a lot more death (on account of attacking humans), and less character development. I'd like to think his loss of a magic eye forced him to slow down and think about things. For example, he'd just attack the other skeletons in the house rather than talk with them. And THAT route would've taken this fic for a turn, lol - ranging from potentially confining him in a room to straight up killing him (or vice versa considering Cinth's LV). Not to mention the loss of his eye unsettled Cinth, it made him feel vulnerable and weaponless - only exacerbated in an unknown environment. You could say it upped the stakes of his stupid decisions (which usually would've been fine had he been as powerful as he used to be).
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Hiiii! :) Don't mind if I request Hu Tao with Xiao (platonic or romantic of your choice) with sentence starter "What would I know of the adepti? That kind of stuff is top secret!"? This is Hu Tao's official dialogue about Xiao and I think this little secret could also be about his sensitivity. Thank you!
Hello! I hope you enjoy this~ i guess this can be platonic, but also romantic? I'll leave it to your interpretation hehe
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"What would I know of the adepti? That kind of stuff is top secret!"
That was what Hu Tao said to Aether when he was interrogating her, begging for her to tell all of Xiao's shameful secrets. She had simply laughed it off, even though Paimon was still showing her best puppy eyes to convince Hu Tao, but she didn't say anything.
Xiao knew that there was not much to say anyway, (even though he felt strangely shy about the situation), after all Hu Tao was the one who talked the most in their relationship. In any case, if someone had any secrets from the other, that was Xiao, but whatever it was, he wasn't going to tell anyone.
"You're very quiet, is everything okay?" Xiao turned to see Hu Tao.
She was sitting next to him, her notebook on her lap. He could see a few scribbles written here and there, and Xiao felt himself blush as he read certain things that perfectly described him in Hu Tao's poem.
He cleared his throat, taking his eyes off the notebook. "I'm always quiet," he mumbled and Hu Tao laughed.
"That I know," she said with a giggle, "but you seem really quiet right now," she explained with a big grin on her lips. "I wonder if something is bothering you?"
Xiao sighed, shrugging one of his shoulders. "I was... just thinking about how the traveler and Paimon wanted to know my secrets," he mumbled and frowned, feeling a little exposed.
Hu Tao chuckled, "that's silly." She really didn't mince words. "Why would I share my favorite adepti's secret with the traveler."
Xiao widened his eyes. "What- my secrets? Do I have any?"
The giggle she let out and the sudden playful glint in her eyes made him think it had been a bad idea to ask.
"There's one secret I can think about right now," she sang and Xiao nearly jolted out if his skin when he felt her long nails scribbling his side. He gasped, jerking away. "Adepti Xiao is ticklish!"
Oh no.
Xiao stood up, but Hu Tao quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, her fingers scribbling against his stomach. Xiao doubled over, giggling brightly and feeling his face turning red.
"H-Hu Tahahao! Stohohohop!"
"No, not yet. Now I really want to hear your laugh," she said and her wiggly fingers climbed up Xiao's ribcage.
Xiao squeaked and tried to escape, but Hu Tao was dropping her weight on him and when he tried to take a step, they both fell with a soft thud; Xiao face first, Hu Tao on top of him.
"Oh? Do you want me to tickle your back?" She teased, straddling him from behind.
"What! No, I just fehehahaha! Nohohoho!" He begged, goosebumps covering his skin as soon as Hu Tao's fingernails started to trace the skin exposed at his back.
That felt terribly ticklish. Xiao was nearly cackling as she giggled, drawing intricate figures against his back, then dragging her nails against the edges of his shoulder blades.
"STAHAHAP!" He laughed, kicking his legs and flailing his arms, trying to reach back for Hu Tao's hands.
"Aw, what's wrong? Don't you like me tickling you here?"
Xiao shook his head with a loud bark of laughter when she traced his spine. "Nohohoho! Stohohop thihihis!"
Hu Tao giggled and Xiao felt a shiver run down his spine, not caused by the tickling.
"Of course you don't, you like it when I tickle you here!"
It had been a while since the last time Xiao had laughed that hard. In fact, he was almost sure that he had laughed so hard last time for this very reason: Hu Tao's fingers easily found an opening under Xiao's arms and as soon as she made contact with the sensitive skin, Xiao simply lost himself in hysterical laughter.
"HU T-TAHAHAHA! Stahahahap! Plehehease, not there! Not thehehere!" He shrieked, tightly clamping his arms to his sides, trapping her fingers under his arms.
Xiao couldn't see, but Hu Tao was blushing, her heart dancing at the beautiful sound of Xiao's laughter. Happiness overflowed her and she also started to giggle, bending a little to blow a quick raspberry against Xiao's back to make him squeak.
"Not here? It makes you laugh so much, though, are you sure you're not enjoying it?" Xiao howled with laughter, but he didn't deny it and Hu Tao chuckled. "I think you like it!"
"STAHAHAP!" He begged and this time Hu Tao did stop.
She pulled her hands out from under his arms and got up, letting Xiao catch his breath on the ground.
"Are you alright, Xiao?" She asked with a big grin as Xiao started to stand up, his body shaking and the corners of his mouth trembling slightly. "Did you have fun?"
He glared at her, shaking the dust off his clothes. "Let's come back. I want to eat something."
Xiao tried to ignore Hu Tao's happy giggles as she grabbed her abandoned notebook.
"Ah, and don't worry, Xiao. I won't ever share this little secret of yours, after all, I really know nothing about the adepti!"
Xiao huffed a laugh, a soft smile pulling at his lips. Perhaps he had enjoyed himself a bit, but that too was an adepti secret that Hu Tao did not need to know.
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lakemichigans · 2 years
hey i'm back to clear things up, i was just so quick to get my thoughts out i didn't think to properly explain them
i wanted joel to seem more dramatic was what i meant. yell leave and then turn his head to the side bc he can't look at her go, or smtn like that. idk maybe i'm too hung op on this i'll rewatch the ep tmrw to see if i still feel the same
i liked the funnier in her head line too, but the fake bite was soo cute
ok fedra time this is gonna be a long one lol. i totally got what why ellie was saying those things, it's more so about the "rules" of the show. yk how every piece of media has it's own rules about the world and how the ppl in it are allowed to function. ex if someone other than the main cast shows altruistic intentions they're hiding something (spn), everyone lies for their own benefit to some degree (house md), the people can't rule themselves (got) etc. the rules of tlou (so far at least) are that there can't be an uprising without one firm hand who has clear and realistic end goals which happen to coincide with the morals of the writers. no one firm hand and no realistic goals means the fireflies are idealistic and ineffective. the morals don't coincide with the writers and no clear end goal means kc is brutal and senseless. it's not so much about these specific groups, but what they stand for. further examples for the fact that the people can't rule themselves. (ps jackson has council representatives which is called council communism and again proves the point that in the world of tlou there need to be people who make decisions for the majority)
i totally got the type of crush you were explaining for riley, i was just lacking the feeling like the actress was actually about to blush and then try to hide it and then lovingly look back etc. idk this one is really personal i think
sorry this was so long and i also hope this doesn't come off as me arguing i'm really happy just to be sharing my thought with you <3 excited for next week!
i think it's just up to personal interpretation! maybe i'm just not looking into it hard enough, but i felt that since this is a TV show, they can only focus on a few characters at a time. even if they wanted to show us a positive society without any sort of leader, it would be difficult to follow the story if we were bouncing around through a whole bunch of people, each with their own lives and ideas about the world they live in. it's a cool idea that i would happily watch, but it wouldn't fit with the (mostly) linear story they're trying to tell here. like, it was much easier for them to give maria this sorta-leader role because then she can be used for plot purposes and exposition about jackson. and there's always going to be some element of politics involved in apocalypse stories, but tbh covid has jaded me because i saw so much selfishness and greed arise from that, to the point where i'm burnt out and uninterested in the government systems and i'm much more concerned with the individual stories within. i probably should care more considering this show is so popular and definitely has an impact, but.... idk. maybe someday i'll rewatch and skip all the emotional scenes so i can focus on the rest of the show's message!
i think where we differ is that i like a more subtle type of acting. overacting is much more egregious to me than underacting. if joel had been sobbing or screaming his head off i would've been like.... 🤨 also it's worth pointing out that riley is a bit older than ellie and she's getting ready to do this very adult thing (essentially being deployed for war), so she's not in the same headspace as ellie is for most of the night. ellie is excited that her best friend just came back into her life, she's doing all these incredible fun things, and she's got butterflies in her tummy ;-; but riley knows what this night is really about. she's just trying to give ellie a good time, she's not focused on her own feelings yet. if everything had gone as planned, riley would've walked ellie back to the dorm, left boston, and then probably would break down and feel all her feelings when she's alone. i don't think she ever expected ellie to kiss her or for their relationship to go past friendship, so she didn't even bother getting hopeful about it. it's possible that i'm projecting a lot onto riley because this is exactly how i act when i'm interested in someone lol. sometimes i over-correct so hard that it seems like i don't like you at all, let alone feel romantic feelings towards you 😭
but either way i love talking about tlou in any capacity so please always feel free to share your thoughts!!!
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katebisxop · 6 months
shoot your shot | kate bishop
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summary: kate misunderstands clint's instructions, but something good comes out of it.
warnings: none
wc: 582
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"try shooting a little higher this time," clint advises, angling kate's arm a few inches higher. kate nods in understanding, her brows furrowed in concentration, and she was about to let her arrow fly when a voice shoots through the air and pierces her heart.
"hey, how's training?"
her eyes drift over to you, as if you were the north her magnetic field aligns with.
"good, so far." clint gestures to kate with his head. "kate's been doing good."
"did you just compliment me?" kate asks incredulously, not daring to move in an attempt to look impressive to you.
the former avenger scoffs. "don't get used to it."
"mom wants you inside, by the way," you cut in, redirecting kate's attention to you. "says something needs to be fixed."
"yeah, yeah, i'll be right there." you nod and take out your phone, plugging in your earphones. clint turns to kate. "alright, shoot your shot."
kate shakes her head, turning back to clint with raised eyebrows. "what, now?"
clint scowls. "yeah. now. shoot."
the young archer blinks, registering his words. then she shrugs, drops her arrow (much to the confusion of the older master archer), and basically skips over to you.
you pluck out an earphone to look up at her and her breath hitches. your e/c eyes meet her blue ones and she can't tear her gaze away. she almost backs out from your intense stare and the feeling of her partner slash best friend (or so she says) glaring holes into the back of her head, but she reminds herself of her mission.
"so, um." she swallows. "i was wondering if you'd like to, you know," she spreads out her arms as if that made her intentions more obvious, "go out with me. on a date, i mean. and i really hope you don't see me as a sister like lila, cooper, or nate do because that would be really awkward and- and it would suck. and i'd feel like an idiot."
"and for the rest of my life i'll remember this really big fumble and it would haunt me forever-"
"yes, kate, i'll go on a date with you."
she stops mid-ramble and stares. "wait, what?"
you smile at her. she feels the heat rushing to her face and she's sure the pink tint isn't because of the cold. "i said i'll go on a date with you. if i'm being honest, i though we already were dating, since we hang out a lot. my advances seem to be reciprocated."
her blush deepens. "oh. yeah. well, i wasn't sure if you'd interpret it that way-"
"y/n!" lila yells out from the doorway. "mom needs your help with the pie!"
you roll your eyes at the interruption. "already on my way!" you turn to kate and plant a kiss on her cheek before walking away, leaving her there like a medusa victim - that's to say, like stone - until she regains her senses and walks back to where clint has been standing.
"what the hell was that?" he demands.
"what?" the bishop girl frowns. "you told me to shoot my shot. i shot my shot."
clint groans and facepalms. "i meant your arrow, kate. the arrow. shoot the arrow."
clint firmly repositions kate as if she were some action figure, grumbling underneath his breath about "stealing his kids from him".
but kate could swear she could see the grumpy old man attempting to hide a smile.
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sakinotfound · 2 years
help me sleep?
characters~ toman founders
genre~ fluff, comfort
tw~ usage of cuss words and established relationship in mitsuya's and kazutora's part. draken's a bit ambiguous because it is up for your interpretation. sorry for any typos, i'll edit them soon.
a/n~ i'm depressed so i can't write but here's something till i get back to writing. i'll prolly vanish again
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mikey was busy reading a manga when you plopped down next to him on the sofa.
you didn't say anything for a few minutes and he kept reading on, thinking nothing of it. now what you were going to ask could be interpreted as absurd or even illogical by him so you were a bit hesitant to approach him about this.
he was your best friend though. time and time again he has offered to help you and stated that you could always come to him if you needed any help. he wouldn't judge you, right?
"hey mikey..." you began.
"so... i have been having trouble falling asleep lately,"
"oh, why?"
"i don't know about that but uhm, i kind of wanted to ask for a small favor." you said before quickly adding. "only if you are okay with it, of course. no pressure."
leaving his manga aside, he shifted his position and was now completely facing you. "what is it, y/n?"
"could you keep talking while i try to sleep? just talk about anything in general, i don't really care but don't stop till you think i have fallen asleep."
mikey stared at you for a couple of seconds, just blinking before asking, "you want me to keep talking while you try to sleep?"
you nodded.
"but wouldn't that be distracting?"
"no actually. your voice..." you cleared your throat. "your voice is very soothing. and it helps me calm down. whenever you're talking, i feel at ease. i have noticed it quite a few times. i don't wanna resort to pills so i thought of asking you first."
slowly, very slowly pretty pink started creeping up his round cheeks. his eyes softened and he clicked his tongue in hopes of hiding the blushing smile threatening to show his real emotions. so he turned away from your observing gaze, suddenly feeling overwhelmed.
"is that so, hun..." he got off the sofa and sat at the carpet now. "here-" he placed a cushion. "lay down and get comfortable, kay? i'll- do you need a blanket?"
"nah i am fine." you got conformable and he nodded in response. "it's too hot, can you switch on the a/c though?"
"cool, shall we start?" you gave him an affirmative nod but he looked a little confused.
"what is it?" you questioned.
"uh, what should i talk about?"
"anything mikey, really. talk to me like you normally do, it would definitely work. you have a pretty voice."
a cough was let out by the blond to cover up his smile. boy was his heart racing. he was on cloud nine today.
and he began. talking about his shenanigans with the founders since his early childhood, and he didn't even realise how invested he got in the stories, replaying it all in front of you so happily, that he forgot what he actually was supposed to be doing this for.
"and then you know what hap-" his charcoal black eyes, usually devoid of emotions darted towards you.
you slept like a little baby. with one arm under your head and one on the pillow, you were curled up. your breathing was slow and light. your body moved up and down gently due to your shallow breathing. and he noticed then how there was a small smile adorning your face.
"beautiful..." was all he could say and he never realised when his thoughts slipped past his lips. well good for him, you were in a very deep sleep to hear his words.
he spent the next five minutes staring at your pretty sleeping form before releasing how creepy it was to stare at someone who's sleeping so he scrambled to get a hold of that manga he was reading.
"oi Mikey-" draken opened the door, rather harshly.
"shhh!" mikey glared at his best friend with a finger to his lips.
"y/n is sleeping. don't make so much noise." he whisper-yelled.
"oh, sorry." draken mumbled before pointing at the watermelon in his hands, effectively delivering the question to which the 5'3 nodded excitedly.
tip-toe-ing to the dining table, behind the living room he made a beeline towards the watermelon. "we'll save some for them too. remind me to give them, soon as they wake up."
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"draken, are you busy right now?" you asked as you closed the door to the room you just entered.
The aforementioned person looked up and smiled. "oh hey y/n. no i am not, what's up?"
"i... uh... i kind of wanted to ask for a favor if that's alright with you."
"favor you say. let's hear it."
"yes, so uh lately i have been having some trouble falling asleep. don't ask why because i myself don't know but it's annoying to say the least. it leaves me all tired and exhausted the next day. pills are a stronger option, so i wanted to ask if you could help me a little."
"me?" he frowned. "how can i help in this?"
"well you know when I used to be a kid, i used to lay in my mom's lap and she would gently pat my ear. the sound of the rotating fan and then the muffled sound as soon as she would cover the ear canal, would always lull me to sleep. you can say it's one of my favourite sounds."
draken nodded, getting the message. "but are you sure you are comfortable with laying on my lap?"
turning to him, you flashed him a genuine smile. "i trust you draken and i feel safe when you are around. that's why i came to you instead of anyone else."
place a stethoscope against his chest and hear how crazy his heart started beating. had he not have mastered the art of always showing a grumpy face since his childhood, it would have been painfully obvious he was blushing.
draken knows he looks intimidating and his image as a gang member, doesn't help him much. but to think you feel safe with him so much so that you are willing to be vulnerable in his vicinity as well as asking him to help you, made him so very happy, you have no idea.
"sure, you wanna try it right now?" the sun was setting, casting an orange-ish glow to the room. with the cool atmosphere and comfortable lighting, this was the perfect opportunity for an afternoon/evening nap.
"i mean if it's okay with you then yes please. i am exhausted." you emphasised. one look at your dark circles and he didn't question further.
nodding his head, he patted his lap. draken was a large man, standing at 6'1 and bulky so it wasn't a surprise that his lap felt more like a warm pillow. a smile immediately crept up your face. it felt oh-so comfortable, plus he was warm.
he started gently, slowly. trying and testing. his eyes not leaving your face for even a second, he was trying to decipher what worked best based on your expressions. you took in a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. peace.
later he realised it had been quite some time and your breathing had started decreasing until it was shallow. you looked so peaceful. like someone finally at rest after a long day of work.
he just couldn't help but smile, a big one. a happy one. having you so close to him, resting as the sun went down and sleeping on his lap made him let out a happy chuckle. he pushed aside some hair that had covered your face due to the light breeze coming in from the open shoji doors.
you looked so soft and pretty. he wanted to kiss your face right then and there. but for now, he layed back, against the back rest and went deep into the slumber land.
this was nice.
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"kazu?" you called.
"yeah?" he replied.
it was a very pleasant weather today. the sky was clear with a few clouds floating above. cool breeze touched your skin, your hair, which were spread in all their glory - or not if they are very short - on the grass, ruffling slightly as you both laid on the soft, green grass staring up at the sky. it was kazu's idea to go to the hills and spend some alone, peaceful time, away from the hustling and bustling city life.
you couldn't deny. how could you? you often found yourself giving into whatever kazutora has to offer - it's always good though - it's kinda hard to say no to this cutie. he is just so adorable with his big golden eyes and cute puffy cheeks and awefully adorable laugh. you are just so mesmerized by him. but he doesn't need to know that, he would surely take it's disadvantage.
though you love everything about him, his voice - especially when he sings or even hums a tune - brings tranquility and solace to your often anxious mind. his voice is definitely your favourite thing about him. he brings peace and calmness like no other. ironic for someone with a not-so peaceful and calming past. but that's his beauty.
in all honesty all the credit goes to him, for his non-stop, determined efforts and his wonderful therapist. these two are doing amazing these past few years and bringing great results too. you are glad to have been able to witness his journey and outcomes alike. you are so very proud of him.
you turned from looking at the sky to his pretty face. cute.
"love, can you sing for me please?"
"hun?" you caught him off-gaurd. despite your love for his voice, you don't usually ask him to sing. wanting to save it for only special moments. "why all of a sudden?"
"i have been having trouble sleeping these past few weeks. i thought i'll just suck it up till i finally get back on track but this problem only seems to get worse." you let out an exhausted sigh. "so i thought maybe if your singing or even humming a tune could get me a wink of sleep, i'll be a happy human."
he let out a laugh, "you should have told me sooner, pretty." he traced his fingers on the outline of your face, taking in how gorgeous you looked to him before sinking his face and placing a feathery kiss to your lips. "sure."
and then he began, singing lyrics to a song you both loved. pushing his shoulder down, you moved to lay your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his upper torso. he continued singing and his hands continued rubbing your sides.
you don't know when you fell asleep but you bet it was one of the best sleeps you had. being with him was heaven on earth.
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people often questioned baji about what was the secret to his beautiful hair? what products does he use? what fruits does he eat?
and he always responded with, "it's natural dude. all i do is oil them."
that never seemed to satisfy the interrogators because seriously? that's all it takes? they are sure he uses some secret shampoo he isn't letting them in on.
and they are right. baji has got lusciously long and thick hair. shining black with silkiness of satin itself. your fingers would slip right through the strands of his hair despite them being slightly wavy. they are not straight.
now perks of being baji's best friend is that you spend majority of your day in his house. no really because if somebody needs to contact you, the first place anyone would recommend would be the baji household. none of the bajis minded though, courtesy to you being both of them's absolute favourite.
and that is how you find yourself, sitting cross-legged on the floor between baji's legs with your head mercy to his long, slender fingers. behind you, baji was sitting on a stool whereas his mother sat on a chair with longer legs. baji sitting in between his mother's legs with his head, mercy to mrs. baji.
this is called champi in hindi. an intense massaging of the scalp with essential oils, used to strengthen and nourish the roots. while it does help in getting longer, smoother, thicker hair, it also makes people very very sleepy. i mean it is used to help relieve stress after all. and to top it all off, mrs. baji has made you both a glass of butter milk.
your head lolls in his hands and he smacks you, shouting at you to stop moving so much. but you let out an annoyed hiss because it feels so good. if you could, you would spend your entirety of your life like this. it feels as if the source of the sound is faraway but you make it out to be mrs. baji.
"they must be tired, kei. you know how it helps you sleep, right? massage the sides with your thumbs gently- yeah just like that and the bring the thumbs to rub circles on the forehead. it would help them relax. good, now-"
ten minutes later and mrs. baji is resting her head against the wall, with keisuke's head planted on her left thigh and you clinging to her son's left thigh, fast asleep.
the cooler made little rumbling noise in the background and for once, all was quite in the baji household during the day. you all definitely have to do this more often!
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your boyfriend and you had decided to spend the night together at his house. the plan was to put his sisters to bed by ten and then you two would do whatever the fuck you wanted all night. discussions reached from baking to trying a new ramen recipe to watching anime or some movies to bringing books for each other and reading in silence with each other's company and the list went on. a perfect plan, right?
wrong. had you known mitsuya was a genius at putting people to sleep - both temporarily and permanently, your boyfriend can fight - you wouldn't have agreed to this.
here you were laying down next to luna as mitsuya held mana in his arms, all four of you clumped up in a bed made for two, with limbs entangled because apart from the lilac haired, none of you held enough consciousness to move aside. too sleepy to even register about whatever the fuck he was reading from a children's book.
luna and mana were understandable, what were you doing, as a grown up person, falling asleep to mitsuya's reading was the question. you were sure, this was some sort of trick on mitsuya's part because knowingly or unknowingly he hit the nail on every single thing that lulled you to sleep!
and just like that you were knocked out, asleep. mitsuya stifled a laugh. in his view was, you in the middle with luna and mana latched on your sides like little koalas. funnily all three of you had lips parted as slight drool dribbled down.
mitsuya was aware of your troubles with falling asleep so he didn't dare wake you up. your night date could wait, you needed to get a good night's sleep first. but not wanting to leave this adorable scene and also wanting to be a part of it, mitsuya muttered a "fuck it" and wrapped his arms around mana's back.
mrs. mitsuya would be sure to click hundreds of pictures tomorrow morning because all four of her children looked so cute and sweet like this.
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☁️haruki hayashida (pah-chin)
"hey, can i talk to you for a minute?" pah looked up at you and grinned.
"yo y/n, wassup?" he excitedly got up and made his way upto you.
mirroring his smile you walked upto him, "no no, wait i'm coming."
squatting down, you pet Pochi's head to which the dog wagged their tail happily. you were one of the few people Pochi actually liked.
"though you're always welcome at my house and i always look forward to when you come but can i ask why are you here right now?" he religiously hoped he didn't come out rude. you were probably the only person after mikey and draken which he actually wanted to impress and actually respected.
"ah," you chuckled nervously, dreading the talk you came here for. "about that."
you stood up, signalling Pochi to walk away. shifting on your feet and eyes swerving left to right you thought upon your words again as if you hadn't prepared a pre-designed monologue because this was embarrassing.
"i wanted some help..."
absolutely elated about the fact that you came upto him for help he asked excitedly. "oh? what is it?"
"well, actually, the thing is..." taking a deep breath you said. "can i sleep in your bed?"
eyes shut close, the embarassment and horror of what you just said started settling in.
who the fuck says that?!
"...come again?"
a groan, "look, remember the time when our parents went out for dinner together and we decided to have a movie night? but i fell asleep so you brought me to your bed? well i have never slept like i did that night. it was fucking amazing. and the problem is, i can't seem to fall asleep as of late. i have no idea why but i desperately need it. so please can i sleep in your bed?"
there was silence in the big room. pin drop silence. deafening silence.
"...okay." he nodded. "i mean if it helps you then uh sure."
you tilted your head, confused because pah's face looked seconds away from exploding. he was bright red.
"are you sure?"
"y-yeah." he replied. "do you wanna go to my room right now?"
and that's how you ended up in his bed, tugged inside the comforter on a soft satin pillow.
"right... so uh i'll be leaving then-"
"no wait! uhm can you... like... stay here?" you didn't dare look at him. "please?"
fumes were escaping his nostrils and ears. his eyes were wide and lips tugged inside by his teeth. oh how much he struggled with breathing and not showing what a mess he was, only he and God knew.
but he was delighted. he was bursting with happiness inside. every cell in his body was doing their own dance.
what a blessing... he sighed.
"okay." he nodded. he can never say no to you, can he?
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