#I'll get to replies tomorrow]
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queenlua · 17 days
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 733: Sugimoto vs Danchiku
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Pag 1
1: By the way, Sugimoto-san, what about your “special technique”?
2: … ah
3: My self-awareness isn't that low that I didn't come prepared!!
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Pag 3
2: Huh!?
3: He.... has it? A “special technique”!?
4: Sugimoto!!
5: I'll tell you one more time.... one more time
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Pag 4
1: Come at me!!
Danchiku Ryuuhou!!
2: Go, Danchiku!!
4: Garu-
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Pag 5
1: Bamboo Hop Shot!!
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Pag 6
4: He caught up in an instant!!
5: Nice, Danchiku
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Pag 7
1: Keep going like this, pass him and tear him off!!
2: Sorry, Sugimoto-san, but!!
Please let me pass you, garuaa!!
3: I won't let you
4: do that, Danchiku!!
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Pag 8
3: Damn!! Haha in such a crucial moment!! All these trees block the view and we can't see!!
4: What happened to those two, teh...
It looked like Danchiku-san caught up to him in one go and passed him ,but
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Pag 9
1: Sugimoto!!
2: Sugimoto!!
3: Don't worry, first years!! Once we pass these trees we should see that Danchiku tore Sugimoto-san off and opened a distance of 100... no, 200m
4: He'll be riding in the lead!!
5: Ah, right, that's true
6: There's something I heard from the senpais.... until now, Sugimoto-san never stood out in races or got any good result... he even retired sometimes...
7: On the other hand, last year during the Minegayama Hill-climb race, Danchiku-san fought against a guy from Hakone Academy who had participated in the Inter High
8: And he won!!
The difference in their strengths has always been....
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Pag 10
1: clear...
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Pag 11
1: They're neck and neck!!
2: Sugimoto-san!!
5: He's following!! Woah
He's working hard to stay lined up to him, teh, Sugimoto-san!! Huh!?
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Pag 12
2: Haha, what are you doing, Danchiku!!
You have to pedal seriously!!
3: …. I was pedaling seriously....
6: When we passed the curve with the thick trees, I bent my frame with all my might
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Pag 13
1: We hit each other's shoulders, and I thought he would falter
2: Then I kept accelerating like that and thought I could leave him behind
3:  But this guy
4: didn't fall behind!!
5: Moreover.... usually, when you're chasing an opponent, you stay behind them
You use your opponent against the wind... but this guy.... when accelerating now
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Pag 14
1: He lined up next to me!!
As if he just wanted to prove that we're “equal”!!
2: Knowing that he's wasting his stamina!!
4: Of course, the second year is doing his best
So I, as a third year.... in this race
5: I'll let him practice against someone more experienced than him!!
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Pag 15
3: Issa.... I...
Calm down, Danchiku!!
4: You're stronger than him!!
You're stronger!! It's alright, he justhappened to be able to follow you with his eyes in this first attack, that's it
5: Attack over and over again and you'll tear him off!!
This guy can't keep up with you so many times!!
6: Kaburagi-san... incredible.... teh
Yeah.... even though Sugimoto-san is right next to him, he's dissing him to his face....
7: Don't falter, have confidence, Danchiku
8: Sugimoto-san!! For now, how about we say you race until that line over there?
The sun will set soon
This lap will be like...
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Pag 16
1: “500km” for each other!!
5: A “special technique”, in other words, it's the momentary activation of you own's “field of expertise”
6: Understanding your own “field of expertise” polishing it up, consciously controlling and, it in time of need – that specialty...
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Pag 17
1: letting it explode
2: But that's not something everyone can do
3: And it's especially troublesome when you can't find your own “special technique”
4: Or it could be that for most people, they don't know what they excel in, what their specialty is
5: And in that moment, they have no choice but spend time looking for it
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Pag 18
1: Using their intelligence and body, facing themselves and trying out
Over and over again
2: Only in the midst of “failure” you can find it
3: “Failure”, huh
4: Then, about that
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Pag 19
1: you might be the most experiecned among us!!
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Pag 20
1: Dammitl, he caught up again!!
2: What's this guy's deal...
Even though he's so out of breath!!
3: Danchiku!!
4: Back... back in the day....
5: Here is Sohoku there was a person called Tadokoro-san
His body was so huge... and he always thought of his kouhai
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Pag 21
1: He said that in order to be fast, “oxygen” was important
2: I practiced runnin whil taking in oxygen a lot
3: And there was a person called Kinjou-san, and he was very skillful in controlling the bike, so I practiced imitating his bike control
5: It was all a failure, but, but, Danchiku- have you ever heard these words?
6: In road racing the most important things are “practice” and
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Pag 22
1: “Experience”!!
6: Sugimoto-san jumped ahead!! Chyase him!! Danchiku!!
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i know i'm getting hyper over all the wrong things but
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and whatever these are, i'm obsessed. i think orcas should be allowed to go to school if they want. and phoenix playing the piano here is extremely funny to me
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byanyan · 2 months
been picking at the stuff at the top of my drafts this evening..... got five lil things in the queue rn that i think i'm gonna set to post tomorrow, but i'm also like. gonna keep going for a bit longer, see if i can't get a few more done too uvu
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RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence
Tagged by @alittleflashvibe thank you! I am very excited to read your fic from that sentence. I haven't done mountains and mountains of writing for the past few days (having a break after somehow managing to get those other fics done), but I have finally had an idea for the Wally Fic! Still a little bit between what I have and the part I've just written, but I am having Ideas so here's a sentence:
“Time is a gift,” Henry said.
Tagging @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet @angst-is-love-angst-is-life @kitkatt0430 @ftl-faster-than-life @simpledontmeanpeachy if you'd like?
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kimmkitsuragi · 1 month
help me my mom is shipping me with some random chinese man whom i helped buying tickets
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zoomingupthathilla · 4 months
I think one of the shittiest feelings is not feeling like you're needed..
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ofscalesanddatabanks · 3 months
I didn't do jackshit it was all @raytm fhskaldb a ma
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mar64ds · 7 months
Ask game for funny guys that work for supervillains
I didn’t want to say ‘minions ask game’ because everyone would think I was talking about despicable me lol
Made this ask game for myself because I like funny guys that work for supervillains, but you can reblog too if you want. Both for pre-existing characters and OCs!:
1. What are some of your favorite minions/henchmen/supervillain sidekicks?
2. Do they get along with their coworkers? Are they close to any of them? Or does everyone hate this person
3. Are they good at their job? Bad? Do they just have bad luck?
4. How would they react if they actually succeeded at a mission?
5. Do they like working for a supervillain? Or do they have other aspirations?
6. How is the relationship with their boss? Good? Bad? Could be better?
7. Talk about their skills! What makes them good at the job?
8. Talk about their flaws! What makes them loose again and again?
9. Do you think they could join the heroes at some point?
10. What is their relationship with the heroes? Or how do you think it would be like?
11. If they made a huge mistake or fail at a mission would they be able to hide it? Put the blame on someone else? Cry?
12. Would they ever betray their boss and coworkers to get power for themself? Or work for another supervillain?
13. For crossover purposes, would they admire, get along with or relate to a henchman from another piece of media?
14. What fun minion scenario do you think they would be up to? Just an excuse to talk about a fun scenario with them
15. And the obvious question: headcanons about their identity
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luimagines · 1 year
Imagine the links now have the blind child travel with them since they can't leave a lone blind kid in a burned raided town that have no survivors in, the child tho blind is helpful to the links (after a couple days to get to know them and they get to know the child too) by stop time from stepping into magic trap or have healing potion on and hand it to hyrule or wild when injured even tho the child end up having cuts or bruises but want the links to be okay than themselves.
Legend knows nothing of this kid but if anything happened to them he would kill everyone and them himself.
Overprotective Twilight? Given.
Overprotective Warrior? Expected.
Overprotective Wind? Everyone step aside, he's the older brother today and forever because he actually has a younger sister.
Hyrule tries to help to control and strength their powers and Wild gives them the best parts of every meal. Not to mention they get their food first.
Time takes to letting them ride on his shoulders and only them.
Sky gives them the sail cloths more often than not so that they can sleep comfortably.
Four teaches them how to defend themself much tot he chagrin of everyone else. But he knows how to use his small size to his advantage. Although he's a bit bigger than them still, he's the closest to get the job done.
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unopenablebox · 9 months
blocking lace is. so difficult [ETA: this is about knitting. thanks cham for reminding me that blocking is an ambiguous word lmao. anyway here's the. passive-aggressive parenthetical from the original post.]
(if we are strangers please don't reply to this post by explaining blocking methods or technique to me, or with encouragement. i am aware of many tips. i read the blogs. but sometimes you are doing a thing for the first time and you do it with knowing compromises and a clear-eyed understanding of one's own limited resources and experience. and i want to complain about it here, in my own blog, despite that, without people who don't know things about me showing up with assumptions that they are simply intrinsically more knowledgeable than me bc if i was as good as them i wouldn't express any frustration ever.
if we're buddies it's cool because i invited you here to hear me complain. the vibes are different)
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bangcakes · 7 months
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soultoken-archived · 7 months
[ as i drink chamomile to get a decent night of sleep for once ] mmmhh. i want to write horror.
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lockedtowers · 5 months
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starter call. specify if you want someone specific/want it for someone specific/if you want a specific verse, or i will randomize it.
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