#I'll get home at like... 12pm tomorrow
clowndensation · 11 months
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sporco-filth · 2 months
The second part of the story about Lee going from neat freak to slob.
Synopsis: A dramatic change in Lee's life gives him the freedom to be a slob and so Bob proceeds to be his guide to this new world
In the following month, Lee's office was a flurry of activity and the constant stress of work meant he was often too busy to do his usual errands and chores to the same level of astute perfection he had usually maintained. One night, after a long, tiring day at work, he returned home famished. He opened the fridge, the pantry, the cupboards, but all he could find was an apple, a few slices of wholemeal bread and a carrot: hardly anything to make a meal out of. He'd been so caught up at work he'd forgotten to buy more groceries. Looking at the clock, which by now read 10:12PM, he knew he couldn't muster the energy to go shopping and cook now. Either he ate his meagre scraps or…
Just because the house was devoid of his healthy fare didn't mean there wasn't any food around. Bob had his stocks of junk food and he always said Lee was welcome to have any of it if he wanted, not that Lee ever took Bob up on his offer. Lee looked around and stumbled on a frozen pizza. Normally he'd never look twice at something like that, but he was starving and his stomach gurgled in hunger. He heated it up and before long he was tucking into the cheesy, greasy, meaty mess. It was delicious, so much so that he found himself devouring the whole thing. He sat back in his chair, stifling a burp and pardoning himself, he patted his belly. It was ever so slightly distended. He imagined what it might be like if it was so much larger, a real gut, but he knew that although he enjoyed his fantasies, they were just fantasies.
Just then, Bob walked in. He had been out with his mates that evening and stumbled upon Lee rubbing his abdomen in front of an empty plate. "I can see you had a nice meal," he said with a smile and Lee quickly pulled his hand away from his stomach and started to tidy up. "I was just really busy in the office," Lee explained, flustered. "I didn't have time to buy any more groceries; I hope you don't mind if I helped myself to some of your things." "That's all right," Bob replied, not at all fussed. "I'm just glad to see you loosening up a bit. I hoped I'd have a positive influence on you." Lee smiled embarrassedly, face reddening slightly. "It's just this one time, I'll go buy more of my usual food tomorrow." "If you say so." Bob gave him a knowing look, as if he was sure this wouldn't be the last time, but didn't say any more and headed off to his room. Lee washed his plate and put it away. He wondered, what if he did let loose a bit? What would the harm be in that? But the rational part of his mind steered him away from that sort of thought and he prepared himself for bed as meticulously as ever, Bob's comments merely adding to his resolve to maintain his lifestyle in this den of excess and slothfulness.
In the days that followed, Lee returned to his fit, clean and healthy lifestyle with renewed ardour, cleaning and exercising almost twice as much as he usually did. He even went back to making his bed. But things at work were getting more and more stressful and he soon found himself worn out from all the internal and external pressures. "Mr Ngyuen, I'm sure you know that sleeping on the job is not acceptable!" "Wah?!" Lee was jolted awake from his exhaustion-induced daydreaming and saw his boss standing imperiously over him. "I-I'm sorry, sir," he said in a hasty apology. "I didn't mean to I just–" "You were just sleeping," his boss finished, shaking his head. "Listen, Mr Ngyuen, you know how tough business has been in the last few months, right?" Lee nodded slowly, concerned about where this might be heading. "I've heard talk," he said in a nervous voice, "of there being some cuts…" His boss nodded solemnly. "Don't tell the others, though. I don't want any panic. I'm warning you, Mr Ngyuen, because I'm afraid that if you don't manage to lift your game, you might be one of the ones to go." Lee was wide-eyed, he wasn't sure what to say. "B-but I've been working here for years! You can't just fire me! Where would I go? What would I do?" His boss gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm afraid that lately you've become a liability to the company: your past success hasn't translated into future success. There'll be some sort of compensation, of course. We have plans in place for this sort of situation…" Lee stopped paying attention. He couldn't believe this was happening to him.
He went home that night dejected and anxious. He sat down at the kitchen table with his head in his hands, not sure what to do. Just then, Bob entered from his bedroom. He'd never seen Lee, a man who seemed to have everything perfectly in order and under control, in such a state: shirt rumpled, tie loose, hair messed up and bags under his eyes. "What's the matter?" Bob asked, genuinely worried. "You know how I told you there were rumours they were going to lay off some people at work? Well, my boss told me today that I'm… likely…" Lee didn't want to say it aloud. "To be fired?" Lee nodded. "Man, that's tough…" "Yeah," Lee sighed. "They said if I manage to improve my performance they might keep me, but I got the sense the decision was already made." He looked up at Bob. "I'm not sure what to do. There's no one hiring so if I lose this I'll be out of a job for who knows how long. I can't lose my job, I just can't…" Bob watched as he slumped over the table in despair. "Don't worry mate, I'll be happy to help you out as much as you need until you're back on your feet." Lee looked up. "How?" Bob smiled. "I might not look it, but I'm actually pretty well-off." "Really?" "Yeah." "But I never see you work or anything." "And how do you imagine I manage to live like that?" "But where did you get the money? And what's your definition of 'well-off', if you don't mind me asking." "I've accrued it over the years in a variety of ways: property, investments, crazy business schemes, even a bit I managed to score in gambling. I also inherited a fair bit from my relatives. I don't quite keep a close eye on my funds, but it's more than enough for me to enjoy my life as I please." Lee was rather shocked. "You really don't mind helping me out?" "It's nothing, Lee. We're friends now, you and I." Lee was relieved. It was as if all the weight of the world had fallen from his shoulders. "Thank you," he said, smiling at last. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you." "It's nothing," Bob said with a shrug.
Lee tried his hardest at work but nonetheless he received the news he had dreaded. Even if he was prepared for it and had a back-up plan, he couldn't shake the sense of failure that it brought. He entered the apartment and dropped his work stuff in his room. Bob saw him on his way out. "It happened?" Lee was still numb from the shock and could only nod. "Here, sit with me in the lounge and relax, just forget about it." Lee was too rattled to think about his reasons against this and followed Bob to the living room. He sat down in the same armchair as he had during the 'challenge', not even bothering to dust away the detritus that was already on it. The empty wrappers and dropped crumbs crinkled and crunched under his weight. As he began to get into the show on TV, Bob handed him a beer. "Here, it might help take your mind off things." Lee accepted it. He largely abstained from alcohol and had never really gotten drunk before, so wasn't one to drink much, but he felt like now was an occasion that merited a stiff drink. One beer turned into two which was followed by a third and soon Lee found himself forgetting about all the uptight rules that dictated his life. Bob opened a packet of chips which he proffered to Lee and which he accepted. He hadn't eaten in a while and the salty, oily chips looked appetising. He grabbed a handful and munched away; they were delicious. So savoury and crunchy and moreish. Eventually he found his hand touching the bottom of the empty packet and dropped it onto the floor and wiped the grease off on his shirt, not caring about mess in his inebriated state. He took another swig of his beer and let out a sizeable burp. "I'm still kinda hungry," he said. "I'd better get something ready for dinner." "Relax," Bob said. "I'll order us a pizza. If you're worried about your diet stuff, it's only just this once." Lee ceded and went back to watching TV. Relax, he told himself. You can have some fun for once. He glanced down at himself and noticed he was still dressed for work; how could he get relaxed like this? He pulled off his tie and threw it away. Then he unbuttoned his shirt, dusting off the chip crumbs that had accumulated on it, and got rid of it. Finally, he unzipped his pants and kicked them off, leaving himself in only his underwear. He felt so liberated and unrestrained. Bob glanced over. "I see you're getting comfortable." Lee blushed slightly in embarrassment, forgetting he wasn't alone. "It's fine, do you think I mind? I spend most of my time in my underwear, after all." Lee nodded and eventually managed to relax again.
Soon the pizza arrived, the scent of it filling the air and making Lee's stomach growl. Bob had ordered two large pizzas and he tossed one to Lee. He opened it up; it looked like the biggest, unhealthiest, most overindulgent thing he could imagine. "I'm not sure I should, or can, eat all of this," Lee remarked. "Just eat as much as you want," Bob replied. "But from what I can see, you could do with a bit of meat on your bones." Lee looked at his taut stomach with its washboard abs. This was the culmination of years and years of hard work and dedication, but was it really all that worth it? Was it really all he wanted? He looked over to Bob, who was digging into his pizza, and at his belly. It was so round, so soft, so flabby and jiggly. Imagine having a gut like that. It'd be like having a comfy pillow all the time that you can wobble and play with. What are abs good for? Lee looked enviously at Bob's chubby love handles and bum, his soft moobs and thick thighs. He knew he wanted that.
Did he, though? Maybe it was just the beer making his mind foggy. He shook the thoughts from his head and started eating his pizza. He only managed half of it before he was full. Bob offered him another beer and the two watched TV late into the night.
The next morning, Lee woke up in the armchair. He was still only in his undies and surrounded by the remnants of the night before. The TV was still on and Bob was still sleeping away on the couch. He looked at the time on the clock and saw it was after seven. He needed to get to work! Wait… work… Lee remembered the events of yesterday, he was now unemployed. Still, he should get up for his daily run. He tried to get up quickly, but was hit by a wave of pain in his head. He looked down at the coffee table to see a fair amount of beer bottles and wondered how many of them were his. Noticing that there was a similar, albeit larger, pile beside Bob, he concluded they were, likely, all his. This must be what it feels like to get a hangover, he thought. He sighed and caught a whiff of his breath; it stank. He realised he didn't brush his teeth the night before, which meant he hadn't showered either. He took a quick sniff of his armpit and smelt the odour of sweat beginning to develop. I should freshen up, he thought. It'll help me clear my head. But then Lee felt a pang of hunger. He was never the type to do anything before having first eaten breakfast, but he was hardly in the right state of mind to prepare anything. He was out of muesli so would need to make something if he wanted a healthy, filling breakfast. Maybe eggs on toast, but that'd be a lot of messing around with the eggs. Smashed avo? No, they were out of avocado too… Out of the corner if his eye, Lee noticed the leftover pizza from the night before. It was cold, but in his hungover state it still looked pretty appetising, and most importantly it looked filling. Lee grabbed a slice and began munching away. Here I am, he thought. Unemployed, unwashed, hungover, in my undies, surrounded with trash, having woken up on the couch and eating cold pizza from last night for breakfast. Instead of being repulsed by the idea, he felt oddly turned on by it. He had no responsibilities, no one to impress. Perhaps Bob was right, maybe it wouldn't hurt to let himself go a bit. He felt an itch around his groin. Usually he'd be too polite to scratch down there, but in the spirit of his new lifestyle he let himself. It felt good. He grabbed another slice of pizza and picked up the remote, flicking idly through the channels. I think I could get used to this. He kicked his feet up onto the coffee table and got comfy. Really used to this.
A little while later, Bob stirred and woke up from his slumber to see Lee idly watching TV. "Shouldn't you be off on one of your jogs by now?" he asked, glancing at the clock. Lee gave a nervous smile, like a kid excited to dive into the deep end but unsure if it was safe. "I'm thinking I might… maybe, like, let myself go, a little…" Bob wasn't sure he heard that right. "As in, stop exercising and stuff?" Lee nodded. "I think it might be fun…" Bob didn't understand. "But you keep going on about being healthy and fit… I know I said I didn't get it and was hoping you'd come around, but I didn't think it would actually happen." Lee grinned. "Well, I think I've wanted it for a while, I think it's why I decided to move in here, but I couldn't find the courage to actually do it. Losing my job, I'm free now. I can do what I like and just, you know, relax a bit." Bob smiled. "Well then, in that case why don't I take you through the basics of being a slob?" Lee could hardly wait.
"Now," explained Bob, "there are five main food groups–" "Carbohydrates, fruit, dairy, protein and vegetables," Lee proudly recited. "No," said Bob. "At least, not for a slob. They are: fatty, sugary, salty, carbs and meat. Anything else is tasteless fodder and empty vitamins. Now, the rule of thumb is if you want it, eat it. If you really wanted to eat vegetables," he said the word with disgust, "you can, but I don't see why when there's so much other tastier food to eat." Lee nodded. "Next up is hygiene," Bob continued. "Only wash if absolutely necessary. Be proud of your stink. When it comes to cleaning the house, don't. Why bother if it just gets dirty again?" "OK, cool," the thought of being coated in grime and living in a tip titillated Lee. "What else should I know?" "The general rule for everything is if you feel like it, do it, and if you don't, don't. You wanna stay up all night playing video games? Go ahead! Want to eat nothing but doughnuts for a day? Who's stopping you? Can't be bothered exercising? Stay in bed all day." Lee imagined this. A life of utter laziness where he let his desires take control. "This sounds amazing," he breathed in awe. "It's a sweet life," Bob agreed.
That afternoon, while Bob had gone out for a bit, Lee was laid out on the couch in his undies playing video games when his stomach growled. He paused the game and got up to see what was available. Looking through the junk food filled kitchen, he had trouble deciding what to eat; it all looked so tasty. Then he noticed a chocolate cake sitting on the counter. Out of habit, he looked at the clock: five fifteen, too close to dinner for snacking. Then Lee remembered Bob's advice and went with his gut. He plonked himself back down on the couch and began to stuff his face with the rich, sweet cake. He didn't even bother with cutlery, just scooping handful after handful into his mouth. He moaned in delight; it was so delicious. How had he forbidden himself from this for so long? Even when he started to feel full, Lee pressed on, his stomach wanting more and more. Eventually he finished it all. He rubbed his sore stomach which was by now pretty bloated, the chocolate on his fingers smearing over his body. He let out a burp and sighed with contentment. He thought about going back to his game, but the stuffing had made him sleepy so he took a nap instead. He woke up to the sound of the door and was the scent of food which made his stomach start burbling again. Bob had arrived and with him he had brought dinner. "Hey Lee," he called out. "You hungry? I got McDonald's." He went over to the couch to find Lee sleepy-eyed and chocolate-coated. Lee smiled bashfully, looking down at his messy state. "I had a cake a little while ago," he yawned. Bob was a bit befuddled. "The cake on the counter?" "Yeah." "The whole thing?" "Yeah, sorry… I was kinda hungry…" Bob grinned. "Don't apologise, I just didn't think you had it in you. I'm impressed, good job." Lee smiled back. "Thanks." "If you ate so much before, I'm not sure you have room for more." Lee got up quickly. "I can eat," he said, not wanting to miss out. Bob chuckled at his enthusiasm and tossed him his bag of food. Lee looked inside and pulled out his burger. "You know," he said, looking at it. "I don't think I've ever had McDonald's before." "Really?" "Maybe the chips or something, but not a burger." "Well, you've been missing out." Bob took a bite out of his. "They're great," he said, mouth full. "Try it!" Lee took a bite, the greasy meat filling his mouth and sending his taste buds into a frenzy. He ate with vigour and soon he was sitting back, belly full and sipping his soft drink. "I've never really drunk soft drink either," he said, enjoying the sugary rush and the sensation of bubbles on his tongue." "I don't know how you've lived all these years like this…" Bob replied in awe tinged with disbelief. "Neither do I," Lee said. He felt the bubbles rise up from his stomach and opened his mouth wide. A large belch escaped his lips. "Wow, I think that's the biggest burp I've ever done." He was rather chuffed with himself when Bob let loose an even larger one. Lee was impressed, if a bit put to shame. "Belching is an art form," Bob explained. "It takes practice. You need to know how to properly shape the mouth to really amplify it." "Can you teach me?" Bob shook his head. "That's like going to Pavorroti and saying 'teach me to sing like you'. I'm afraid I can't help you, Lee, this is something you need to learn on your own. Master it, perfect it, and one day you might be as good as me." Lee nodded to this sage advice, still sucking on his straw. "I'll do my best."
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fiorella-a · 1 year
Karasuno boys as... "Vampire" song lyrics!
(+ Short scenarios)
-future! Karasuno boys x gn! Reader
-No Tanaka, he's married after all 🤷🏻‍♀️
-toxic relationship
-slight angst (i guess)
"I loved you truly
Gotta laugh at the stupidity"
"I should've known it was strange
You only come out at night"
>> You always found it weird that Daichi would go out around midnight or almost midnight, I'm talking about 10, 11 or 12PM and then come back an hour and a half later. God you hate yourself for falling into his trap when he assures you saying, "It's required for me to patrol around the area" or "you know I'm a police officer, babe" and due to your sincere love for him, you always did understand his responsibilities.
Although you can't help but notice that every time he comes back, he smells and looks.. fresh? Like he had just taken a shower and re-used his clothes.
Maybe he did take a shower with a girl he was giving an after care for. Maybe he was patrolling the area of his girl's apartment. But you can't do anything, you don't have enough evidence.
"Cause I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine"
"You're so convincing
How do you lie without flinching?"
>> Sugawara gave you an extra key to his class just in case he locks the door and you wanted to visit him. Your relative, who goes to the school that he teaches, called you and told you how amazing his day was, you found it weird that Sugawara isn't home yet. "That's awesome, buddy! But I gotta go, alright? I'll call later on, bye-bye!"
Once you hung up, you drove as fast as you can to the school and came into his classroom without warning.
You saw a woman sitting on Suga's desk, while he has his right arm wrapped around her waist. The woman could only eye you up and down before turning to yell at Suga, "I thought you told them? Gosh Suga! We've been over this for what? A thousand time?!" The said woman jumped out of his grasp, pushed you aside and walked out while slamming the door behind her.
He scoffs at you before opening the door and chasing after the woman.
He left you, huh? Of course he did.
"Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire"
>> Being an apparel designer and someone who used to get nervous all the time, Asahi gets insecure about the things that he has or had created. He always yearns for your compliment and your opinion both for him and his designs.
And God did it drain you, always saying "you did a great job today, pretty boy" "look at this! One thing missing and after that, it'll be all perfect!" You acted more like his worker rather than his partner, to be honest.
"Ooh, what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked-up little thrill
Can't figure out just how you do it, and God knows I never will"
>> Nishinoya takes you with him every time he goes travelling, he winks at you before saying, "It's my treat, love"
After a long day, you both headed onto a nearby hotel before resuming your adventures for tomorrow. The room was spacious, the balcony had the best view and you were busy day dreaming while Noya went into the hotel lobby to fetch you both some food and when he came back, he surprised you with your favorite meal!
You're so easy to distract that you missed the kiss mark on his temple and his neck.
"The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, famefucker
Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire"
>> Kageyama kept your relationship very lowkey, he didn't wanna make you overwhelmed by the amount of fans and paparazzi that's on his back, but his team does know you.
When Kageyama is fast asleep, you grab his phone and tries to find one of his teammate's number and luckily, you did!
2:09 AM:
"Hi! Kageyama's girlfriend here, I got your number off of his phone. Can you please help me set up a party for him? Thank you and it's no biggie if you decline."
5:31 AM
"Hey, you have a different number? Gosh [random name] you didn't tell me sooner."
"I'm sorry you must've misunderstood, It's actually Y/n!"
"Oh, Y/n? Aren't you his one night stand? Please stop messaging me, i'm uncomfortable knowing Tobio has a girlfriend and you're trying to earn his attention. Thank you for the efforts of reaching out for me."
He kept you a secret because all they know is you were nothing but a fling to him.
"How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about?"
>> When Hinata got home from practice, he could tell that you were tired and he asked about your day, "Nothing much, just stressful customers always making a scene, you know?" You laugh at your words while Hinata looked into your eyes, "That's sad." He coughs "anyways my day was more stressful than yours, I–"
You spaced out while his rambling started.
Did he even put himself into your shoes?
"I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naive"
"And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called them crazy too"
>> Tsukishima has you wrapped around his fingers and he knows it. He made you so dependent on him that he knows you can't even go on a day without telling him stories. Gosh he loves the way you're so easy to manipulate! you could've lent in some time for the girls to explain themselves but no, you took his words.
What a fool.
"Went for me, and not her
'Cause girls your age know better"
>> Yamaguchi likes someone from his class, but when you confessed to him, he can't help but accept it out of pity. And Yamaguchi successfully shaped you into his crush. Making you trim your hair, dress in a different aesthetic and even changing the way you talk, just for him. And gosh when you saw the way he looked at the person he liked, you noticed something similar about them.
Everything. You're like that person's mirror.
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softsky-daily · 4 months
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The clouds were soft and hazy in the morning but eventually turned into classic puffy ones.
Positive thing: I got to go to the farmer's market with my friend and had catfish for the first time in a while.
I used to live in Louisiana, which is known to have really good seafood. I didn't realize how spoiled I was growing up there until I moved to Florida, and I thought the seafood would be similar since it's still near water and has access to the Gulf. But even though I have had some good seafood here, it's just not the same caliber. The catfish I had today came pretty close though.
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The breading was so nicely seasoned and crispy and flaky.
It was super hot out though. My friend and her fiance and I were there to pick up the wedding flowers, but we stuck around to look at the tents and also the lake. It was fun but by the end I was sweating up a storm.
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There were quite a few creatures out and about. Especially ducks and turtles. They seemed to be enjoying the weather at least.
After I got home I basically passed out in bed and then woke up in time for Conversation Table (we're trying out having 2 sessions a week - my partner is running this one).
I'm glad today felt a little easier, even though I did have a headache for most of it. I haven't been in the best mood in general lately. I really wish I could just be graduated and move on to other things, but there's no way to speed up time. It sucks being cranky without much else I can do besides get through each day. Maybe I'll feel a bit better when TTYD finally arrives.
Oh yeah, I started playing Hades today. It's pretty fun. I unlocked the bow pretty fast and I've been having a good time with that. I got through a few runs but I hit a wall with Elysium so it might be a while until I get through that. The enemies that revive if you don't kill them again are annoying.
Anyway, tomorrow is the week where I just have my week long class. A good thing though - I learned it's not 8am to 5pm like I thought, it's actually 9am to 12pm, which is infinitely more bearable. I can't wait to be done by noon and then go home and nap all day.
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blueredg52 · 5 months
My situation [FxF]:
Last night, I went clubbing with my roommate and her friends and had an amazing night (as we always do after going to our local gay club). Before heading home, we stopped by our popular local pizza shop on our college campus to get some food to sober up a little. I didn't get any food, but my friends did so I waited with them.
While waiting, 3 girls were talking about what to get because one girl, who I will name Red Shirt, was debating whether to get a slice of pizza or cheese fries. This pizza shop is known for having horrible pizza unless drunk. For some reason, I went up to them and told them that I don't get their pizza ever, but I get their cheese fries because the sauce is good and it's one of the cheaper items on the menu. Plz know I'm an extreme introvert and won't willing go up to talk to people, but I was also a little tipsy and a little more social. After hearing what I had to say, the 2 other girls besides Red Shirt agreed and then I went back to my friends.
A few minutes later, Red Shirt comes up to me and tells me one her friends (I'll refer to her as P) thinks I'm cute and asks me if I'm single. I say yes because I'm very very very very single. Then, Red Shirt gets my snapchat for P. I also told Red Shirt to let P know that I thought she was also cute. I tried my best to keep myself calm and collected BECAUSE THIS HAS LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE.
Next, my friends and I are talking about Chappell Roan because we got our fav DJ to play Chappell in the club. The 3 girls then come up to us and we start talking about Chappell. For context, I didn't directly talk to P or make direct eye contact BECAUSE PRETTY GIRLS INTIMIDATE ME AND I SHUT DOWN. WE DIDN'T EVEN EXCHANGE NAMES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
When my friends got their food we headed home and said "Have a good night!" to these girls as we were leaving. Before falling asleep (around 3:30 am), I dm her saying hi and introducing my name because we didn't exchange names. Throughout the whole day I was very giddy and I kept checking my snapchat to see if she responded.
Around 12pm today, I told myself that she probs is still asleep or busy because she probs went to sleep late. Then around 7pm, I started to get sad, but I told myself that it's final exam week and she has other things to attend to. But she still hasn't responded at 8pm and I did cry.
Any way, I threw out my pride and ego and sent her a snap directly telling her I thought she was cute around 9:30pm. I also apologized if I seemed awskward or disinterested in her because I was in shock and an introvert. After I sent the snap, I turned off my snapchat notifications because I'm scared of rejection and heartbreak.
I'm actually really sad because it was hot that she pulled me last night and she is definitely my type physically. My roommate found her insta and knew people who followed her. She then got some info about her from people she knew and while I only got vague info about her, nothing bad was said. I told my roommate that she still hasn't responded around 4pm and she could tell I was sad about it and so we watched Killing Eve for a few hours to make me feel better.
Be honest, is this what dying feels like??!!?!?
I'm also the type of person who responds to messages asap, so maybe I shouldn't expect other people to do the same thing. I don't even know P so maybe I'm making this a bigger deal than it actually is. For context, I just want yall to know that I'm not good with dating and I've never been in a situationship or a relationship ever and maybe I'm just naive.
If you're interested, I'll give an update sometime tomorrow and if she still hasn't responded, I'm going to cry in my room after I take a final exam.
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yuripoll · 1 year
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I'm home tomorrow! 🎉🎉🎉 Apologies for the delay folks! I'll get the poll scheduled tomorrow, ready to post on Tuesday 5/9/23 at 12PM (GMT)!
No particular metric for voting! Your fave, which looks prettier, which is serving the most cunt, etc etc
The match will be up for a week, and should TGSWIIWAGAA (...we need to stop naming manga like this guys) lose, it'll get a rematch.
If you want to scroll through just the poll posts or check out the propaganda, the navigation tags are linked in the pinned post.
Obligatory statement that if you take things too seriously or get overly vitriolic in my notes, your candidate gets penalised by 10%.
The guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all VERSUS Tamen de Gushi (...again!)
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No1 Councilblr Weirdo Bracket
7 contestants left, and we are in the home stretch. After a stressful round, I've decided I'm going to leave organising dates until at least tomorrow. But what I will let you know; I myself already broke my vow to leave propaganda off this blog, so let's level the playing field. If you submit propaganda to me, I'll attach it to the next polls. Keep it condensed, keep it appealing and keep it weird! Here are the remaining contestants.
UPDATE: Poll will be posted Mar 10th 12PM AEDT
The highest ranking the nominee: coming from red, it's @colestyle! With 81.8% of the vote, hy got the highest percentage of votes this round! It's only natural.
The most skrunkly of artists and chronic post limit hitter: coming from green, it's @jadejemdoesstuff! A fitting nominee for green if I do say so myself!
Neurodivergent and a major: coming from orange, it's @enby-ralsei! There were some quite funny points of propaganda in the last poll's notes. I think I liked, "I'm making a wallet out of my testosterone packets" best.
Truly the most unexpected of outcomes: coming from purple... It's a tie between @burning-sol and @tragicfaggots! With a massive lead on Sol, it looked like the poll was cut and dry, but little did we know. With propaganda efforts out of this world Team Sol closed the gap within the last 15-20 minutes of the poll. Talk about close cut! With a whopping 292 votes, this has been the THE largest pool of voters this whole bracket!! Can it get bigger? Let's wait and see!
I most recognise xem by their gay Rand pfp: coming from blue, it's @chaos-caverns! A bit of lore, last round Lua and Mantis were heavily supporting each other to have a face off lover to lover. It was so nice to see them both make it, absolutely heart warming!! Anyways, love lost this day.
One of the og navysealers: coming from pink, it's @navysealt4t! The only @ / whatgeese profile haver here, it's nice to see that Gillion and Jay are still having a good time! So glad you could make it!
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frostworkxfiction · 2 years
Important Announcement !!!
I am starting my job tomorrow at 12PM EST. I have no idea what my schedule looks like yet nor do I know what time I'll be home. I assume I'll be getting off around 6-6:30 PM though it could be sooner or later than that. I am not allowed to have my phone on me during work hours except for when I'm on break. Again, I don't know when that will be.
I'm saying all this to say that I will not be as active on here during the week anymore. My activity will be spotty and replies will most likely be done when I get home if I have the mental capacity and energy to do them. Please be patient with me as my responses may be even slower than they already are. I will be around on weekends seeing as I only work Monday-Friday when I am scheduled to work. I might have days off in between, my schedule is still a mystery but I will keep you all updated.
Thank you for your patience ❤️
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now-we-say-c0ral · 10 months
November 20, 2023
I'm regretting booking bank shifts but I know it'll all be worth it on Friday when I get the pay. It's all going to pay off. I haven't done bank shifts since May and I think I've forgotten the satisfaction of seeing the money roll. I need to remind myself that I'm poor and I need to finance my life so I can buy what I want.
I'm assigned in Th15 with Elli and Katie and I did two cases today. Sarah, our consultant, she's so funny and humble. I wouldn't mind scrubbing for her everyday. I mean it. The day went on without a hitch. I enjoyed having made my breakfast and lunch for today. The couscous and the beef stirfry tasted good and it was healthy.
Went to the gym and did chest, arms, and some abs. Went home and cooked my meals for tomorrow and also did a chia pudding cup for tomorrow breakfast. It's an excuse to wake up a bit earlier and have breakfast. I didn't eat dinner today. My last meal was around 12pm and I'm going to be fasting afterwards. I feel really motivated to do what I did last year that made me lean. It's good to be trying to get back on track.
Played Diablo 4 after taking a shower. Booked two more bank shifts after today. It's all gonna be worth it. It's all gonna be worth it.
November 19, 2023
Good grief! We got home around 5am from Ross and Carl's place and slept like babies. I have a bank shift booked for tomorrow and I don't really want to work while I'm on my annual leave but I have to because I have bills to pay and I don't want to drown in my credit card. It's a bit hard being an OFW that sends money back home but seeing my grandma happy is all I want. If I wouldn't send money, I think I'd have some substantial amount of money in the bank now but I don't. Filial piety, folks.
Spent the day just resting. Woke up around 12pm and Eddie was already in the kitchen doing what he does best-- being productive. On the other hand, I'm having a pre-anxiety attack because I'll be working tomorrow.
We both went to the gym and did legs, abs, cardio, tri/biceps, traps, and shoulders and I'm impressed that he could keep up with me. I'm not eating dinner for the time being but my birth week might be an exemption because the hotel offered buffets all day long. I have to be more conscious though. Today has been good.
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shoyoist · 2 years
y'all i had such a nice day todayy <3 feeling so refreshed rn so i'll tell you guys abt it to share the good vibes hehe —
under the cut because it got a little long.
so as some of y'all might know because i've been complaining on dash, i had 7am classes today. and i'd pulled an all nighter last night for chemistry, so i was really tired when i showed up to class (o_o; )
was ready to sit alone in the corner, take my notes and do the worksheets and just go home without interacting with anyone.
but my friends were really glad to see me omg 😭💖 they told me they'd missed me so much (because i haven't been attending most of the revision sessions, since i prefer to do self study at home during exam sesson) and bought me cake and a drink, i felt so loved LMAO v_v <3
and at abt 12pm i picked my sister and two of her friends (they're our neighbors so when their parents get hung up at office i usually take them home w me and my sister) up from her school. one of them told me i looked thirsty (i was) and gave me some water, and i felt so touched 😭😭
when i got home i took a shower, had lunch and talked to my girlfriend on the phone for a bit before i took a nap. talking to her always makes me feel better hehe <3
then, i woke up at 4pm, took another shower and then i got to work. i did some chemistry and physics, but i got stuck on a chapter and was struggling so hard i wasted a lot of time on just a couple of questions ( t_t).
that always pisses me off, like when i don't understand something that ik i should and waste time trying to figure it out that makes me so mad. plus i don't really have TIME to waste on a single chapter but i couldn't just leave it behind without understanding it right? so i was just so upset about it.
around 7pm my brother called my phone (he's actually my cousin but he's rlly more like a brother to me) and he lives in the next city ok, so i wasn't expecting him to say he'd come over.
he's annoying as per usual for older brothers LMAO so i picked up his call like "what do you want :/" but he was like "hey i'm omw let's play valo together"
which surprised me because, "why can't we just play you don't need to come over? and besides i don't have time to play"
but he said he missed us and wanted to see us ;(( and when he showed up, i was still not done going through that one physics chapter. while he waited for me to be done, he took my laptop and adjusted all the settings to his liking (now that i think abt it i'll have to fix everything before i play NAWW) and played a couple of matches by himself 😭😭
then i was like "...dude what are you doing LMAO" like none of our family is on very good terms w eachother so i was just surprised that he showed up outta nowhere like this.
— and all of a sudden he was like "hey i brought my card w me you wanna go out for dinner?" and it was around 8pm, so i said it's too late, our youngest sister has school tomorrow too so we probably shouldn't. but he said that i seemed kinda stressed out, and that a walk outside and a nice dinner would do me good.
WHICH WAS TRUE BTW i've been mad stressed out these days, and i haven't had a break in forever. i knew that and i just felt like, ykw why not? so i agreed, and once we convinced my mom, the three of us (me, my brother and our youngest sister) went out.
except we only recently moved to this city so i didn't know any good places. and he was living in the other city so he didn't know either. we walked around for like an hour 💀💀
then we surrendered and went to a pizza place, it was already like 9:30pm by then and i knew our mom would be PISSED LMAO but we still went and got pizza and milkshakes. it was so nice fr like i felt really good.
he told me about work, and we vented to eachother a little on our separate family situations and all, and then we moved onto just talking abt random things that took our minds off our stress. realized halfway through that he needed this little walk out too.
we also went over to a bridge that's over a river near the area, because it's one of my favourite places to go to. it was hella dark and there were stoners and all around but my brother is a big guy (he's a gym rat like me, stands at 6'2) and so we weren't rlly abt to be bothered LMAO. watched the moon and just stood together in comfortable silence for a while, till we decided it was rlly time to go back home.
i could feel the pent up stress leaving me during the time we were out. and plus, i haven't let loose and had some good fun in a long time 😩
got back home at 11pm and my parents were MAD but that's okay we had fun!!
and yk, i just wanted to say 😭 if you find yourself working hard without room for a break or anything, if you're stuck between deadlines and tight schedules and all, sometimes all you need is a few hours out with your friends/family, a few hours to unwind and let loose.
it's okay to spare a few hours to take care of yourself. i'm feeling sm better and much better prepared to immerse myself into my work and actually understand and absorb what i'm going to revise and practise now.
it rlly helps!! some fresh air, some good food enjoyed w your loved ones and a few hours of fun with them, it fr fixes your whole mood.
and it's different from relaxing alone. trust me.
don't hesitate to reach out and take some time to relax and get together with people you love <3 it really makes a difference.
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sukislady · 3 years
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# warnings; cursing, poly relationships, bakugo x midoriya x oc (yuriko)
# word count; 837
# an; na
# part: 005
"Alright everyone, I'll regret saying this... I just know it," the professor mumbles with sleepiness clearly evident in his voice. "Pick your partners for this quarter's project." The entire class groans right along with the professor. Yuriko was gathering her things as it was almost time for class to end. She knew she'd be working this alone since none of her friends were in this class, even though if they were she would still want to work alone. "Oh yeah,"
Please don't say it... "It has to be at least two people in the group; Toma no flying solo on this one." Yuriko forces a smile and rolls her eyes in annoyance. Now, Yuriko was not a problem student, no. She was the one who stayed to herself most of, if not, all of the time. So having to look for a partner was going to be easier said than done.
The bell finally rings and everyone is making their way to the door to either go home or to their next class. Yuriko sighs and heads to the front of the class towards the professor. "Sir?" She starts off timidly, "Could I have a second of your time?"
"What is it Toma?"
Yuriko rakes her manicured nails through her bangs as she composed herself before asking, "Are you sure there is no way for me to work on this alone? I don't really know anyone."
The professor neatly piles the papers on top of each other before looking at his student. "I would let you do this on your own if it wasn't such a big project." Yuri sighed. "Listen kid," he starts. "Pick anyone, no...  Not just anyone. Pick a kid who's smart and gets their work done." The professor looks around the near empty room and spots the one kid he had in mind by name. "Maybe someone one like Midoriya?"
Hearing that name Yuriko froze. Midoriya? As in Mina and Eijiro's friend?  Looking to where her professor was looking her pale hazel eyes widen in shock, similar expression on Izuku's face.
"Toma, hey."
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Later on that day after all of her classes Yuriko looks at her notebooks which had the premises for her project. Sighing she pushed the chair away from her desk and throws the pen down. After reading over it she realized that her professor was right, it's too much to do on her own. It's three essays with over two thousand words for each one on the global pandemic and how it's effect each country, honestly overkill.
Yuriko's mind wonders to who she was partnered with. It was surprising to find out he's in the same college as her, even taking the same class. "I should've gotten his number..." Yuriko says to herself as she walks over to her kitchen. She pulls out a bag of chips and heads towards the couch to watch tv.
A little over an hour goes by of her enjoying the show before the phone begins to ring. "Hello?" She answers. There's silence on the other end of the line. "Hello?" She repeats. Finally she hears shuffling from the other side. Yuriko pulls the phone away to check the number to see if she knew it. It was completely foreign to her. After not hearing anything a couple of more seconds she goes to hang up before a voice cuts her off.
That sounds like... "Midoriya?"
The caller lets out a chuckle as he situated his notebooks on the desk. "Yup," Izuku starts. "I got your number from Momo, sorry, I should've asked for it at school."
He sounds so calm and laid back that it causes butterflies to erupt in Yuriko's tummy. The line was silent as Yuriko tries to voice her thought without accidentally stuttering her answer. "N-no it's okay Midoriya." Fuck! "What's up?"
She heard more shuffling and assumed he was getting comfortable. "The project. I was wondering if you wanted to meet at Sunnie's tomorrow to go over it?"
"Sure, what time?"
Izuku smiles as he can hear the shyness in her voice. He found that to be adorable. Izuku wanted to hear it again and again. Only if... he thought. "How about 12pm?"
"Okay yeah, sure, sounds good. See you there Midori-"
"Izuku— we're going to be getting to know each other more— might as well be on first name bases right?"
"Right, Izuku."
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canonloveinterest · 3 years
parallax and barlow for mary, sunspot and magnitude for papa :>
Parallax: Did your FO deserve better?
This isn't fair cause you've been hearing me yell about his convoluted backstory on discord for weeks on end and you know the answer
Barlow: What’s something that only your FO could tempt you into doing? What about the other way around?
OUTWARDLY ACTING STUPID. Jack is pretty flat and monotone, very much the "straight man" of the group, tries to keep out of trouble and stay lowkey. Mary has a way of making him act stupid in a big way.
Conversely, I think Jack's pretty dece at getting Mary to settle down and think things through instead of acting on impulse. Doesn't make him a little angel automatically or anything like that. More along the lines of "I'll only have three drinks after the function cause I still need to get home and wake up before 12pm tomorrow."
Sunspot: what's your favorite costume or outfit your FO has ever worn? (If they don't have a canon physical appearance or they only have one canon outfit, make something up!)
I like his papal regalia a ton but listen. listen. i'm a sucker for the causal outfit. it's not even casual, he's wearing a dress shirt with a vest and coat with slacks and nice shoes. I know i can already see his eyes normally but catching glimpses of his eyes from behind sunglasses hits different. leave me alone.
Magnitude: What is one thing they have learned from you? Could be a skill, a topic you know a lot about, etc. What about vice versa?
"one thing" lol
Things II has learned from Cirice: unorthodox methods sometimes get better results. the fact that you dont have to repress your emotions 100% of the time. practical aspects of art/history/music/etc. some pretty good bands.
Things Cirice has learned from II: work smarter, not harder. emotional restraint/discipline. theoretical aspects of art/history/music/etc. some pretty good bands.
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fatd0ll · 3 years
i do voluntary work on a adoption fair every saturday. I go around 11am/12pm and I stay until like 4pm. during this whole time I spend a good part walking with the dogs, getting up and down to move it, talk to adopters and etc. it's good exercise, and all this time I don't eat anything. tomorrow I won't be able to stay long because I have to go home and take care of my sister, so I'll try to go fast and only eat when I get back. wish me luck.
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
(tw: rant, boundary issues and family issues?) I'm gonna keep it short. Sharon, baby, I need you. You see I usually don't get to have boundaries. Like whenever my door's closed, my mum knocks and knocks and knocks until I open and I have like zero privacy. But during these online classes of mine and online exams, she disturbs me. Classes, I let it go but even exams? The thing is we shifted, we had to because of financial issues and it was on the day of my exam. That is okay, I understand. But during my exam, my mum peeks in and opens the door even though I requested - like literally begged - not to do that during my exam timings. And I told her my timings but she does that. It was for giving me breakfast served hot but MY EXAM? Care is no excuse, she knows how I'm particular about this one exam. It was the hardest, I told her. She also wants me to help with arranging but I have 4 finals on consecutive days. Back to back. I have just half a day to study. But I still arranged my clothes and few of my books. I told her I'd arrange my other books after exams are over. My last exam ends at 12pm tomorrow and it's an assignment, I'm doing it now but she keeps on interrupting me. She keeps on pestering me and entering my room, she can't arrange them without disturbing me because it's a mess rn. I told her so many times today and I'm tired. My today's exam went bad because there was a power cut and my phone was malfunctioning and it stressed me out, I wrote WAY below the required word limit because of that. I told my professor about it but she didn't say much except tryna cheer me up, she's a sweet lady. But I think I'll get a C or maybe B if she pities me. I've had such a bad day today. My mum knows all of this and knows I've been sleep deprived since 4 days but this is her behaviour towards me. So, I just- Sharon *hugs her tight* please stay with me.
I'm sorry to hear you are having such a rough time with your family at home. I lost my own parents at a very early age, so I've always felt somewhat envious of those who are fortunate to still have a family.
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However, I suppose reality isn't quite as black and white, and not all parents are the same either. It is unfortunate, but there are some people on this world who are simply not fit to be a parent.
I truly do hope that you and your mom get the opportunity to sit down and talk about your boundaries - so she can respect them as well. Even if you are still a minor, you are clearly not a child anymore, so she should understand that.
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chwesolai · 4 years
change up. | lee chan
inspired by change up by seventeen and grease, yes, the movie (you’ll understand why in a second don’t you worry)
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university au!
nerd!chan x class clown!y/n
chan spent his times in his books, in his studies, in ‘always looking in the future’. he never took a break. but towards the end of his senior year of high school, his parents wanted to reward his hard work and studious efforts. it was post-finals, he finished, he got into the university he dreamed of. 
he was free, finally.
so the trip began, his family packed their bags and the road trip to Daecheon Beach from Iksan. chan and his younger brother remained silent most of the ride, chan's brother playing on his phone, occasionally showing chan the new character he unlocked.
"you're going to fry your brain because of those games," chan scoffs, lifting his head up from reading.
"you're going to become evil because of all those scary books you read."
"then, let me."
the two brothers laugh and slowly immerse themselves into their activities and as the sun sets, the two fall into a deep sleep.
four more hours later and the sun began to warm chan's face, they have arrived.
y/n's parents allowed her to pick this year's summer family vacation, her older sister picked last year and her older brother did the year before. they've been to the us, europe, japan but she just wanted to stay home. but her family just didn't allow that so she picked the beach. 
"THE BEACH? Y/N ARE YOU KIDDING?" her sister wasn't here for that, but her brother backed her up, "hey less money spending for us then. we wouldn't need to exchange money, buy flight tickets, bla bla blah."
"exactly." y/n proud of her decision.
"alright, i guess we could go visit my hometown's beach then," y/n's dad shrugs looking at her mother, who was nodding in agreement, "ok, saving money this trip, I like it. we could stay at mom's house then," it was set.
y/n packing her bags, excited to just bathe in the sun, swim, eat her grandmother's food again, this was her trip.
the car ride was absolutely chaotic.
y/n gained the entire back seat to herself with her two older siblings stuck ripping each others' heads off in the middle seats.
"ok bet," her brother held out his hand as his little sister handed him a strawberry pocky packet and her older sister then received her chocolate pocky.
"thank you," y/n bathes in the silence as she goes back to her drama.
the two met at y/n's grandmother's restaurant. y/n was peeling oranges as chan's family walks in, if you're offered to earn some money on vacation, you take it, y/n dropped the peeler, telling her grandma she can take this table.
chan pushed up his glasses as he looks up at the possibly cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on. she was definitely she was shorter than him, her hair held back in two braids, she kept her pen behind her ear and she looked just like how chan envisions the female characters in the classic novels he reads.
"hi welcome to kitchen by paradise, i'm y/n and i will be your server today and if you have any questions about any items on the menu, i'll be more than happy to recommend you anything! now, could i get you all anything to drink?"
chan's mom ordered water, his dad got a cola, his brother banana milk and chan didn't have a clue.
"and for you?" y/n says as she turns her attention towards chan.
"u-um. um. do-do-o you guys have any specialty drinks?"
"oh yeah! we grow our own oranges so we have a whole specialty of drinks. we have an orange-hibiscus iced tea, an orangeade, an orange-pineapple refresher and an orange mint sunrise."
"could i get the orange-pineapple one? please?"
"of course, that's my personal favorite," y/n smiles and chan could've sworn his heart melted, "i will get those ready for you guys and again, if you guys have any questions, call out for y/n!"
"thank you!" chan's parents chimed in as y/n walks away.
"channie has a crush channie has a crush." 
"i will drown you." chan glares at his little brother as his cheeks began to flush.
chan never knew he could fall so easily, i guess this is what happens when you're not focused on studying instead of girls, but this charismatic waitress got his attention.
chan watched y/n peel oranges and make the drink he had ordered, almost feeling bad because the drink looked so tedious to make. he saw the tray of drinks coming their way as she finishes pouring the yellow-orangey iced drink.
"here we go!" she places the drinks at the table, handing each drink to its rightful owner, "so are we ready to order?"
y/n took everyone's orders and y/n couldn't help but giggle at this nerdy guy stuttering ordering his seafood bibibimbap.
he's cute i can't deny it.
"alright let me repeat your guys' order and i'll send this to the kitchen!"
chan's family finished their meals and had left while y/n was on her break, disappointing chan, so he jumped to this opportunity. his 18 y/o heart couldn't believe himself that he left his number for this cute waitress he just met, i mean she probably is a local here and i'm here for the next two weeks.
y/n couldn't believe either. she smiled that that dorky kid thought she was cute, so she saved his number, texting him around sunset.
to orange boy: hey! this is y/n!
to server girl: hi! i'm chan i can't believe you actually saved my number ha
to orange boy: i just had to thank the guy who called me cute and also thinks my favorite drink is good because its our least popular haha
to server girl: thats surprising its rly good omg
to orange boy: so are you free tomorrow?
to server girl: i think my family is just hanging out tmr why?
to orange boy: my grandma is sending me to the market tomorrow to pick up some ingredients and i know you're here for vacation and i know im just a stranger but idk want to explore the coast tmr?
chan couldn't believe it, in his 18 years of his life, he is being asked to go out. with a girl. and she isn't trying to steal his study book.
y/n couldn't believe herself, she just asked a stranger to go out with her.
to server girl: i'm down wanna pick me up?
to orange boy: tmr 12pm i'll bring us lunch 
to server girl: sounds like a plan, so whats your favorite color?
the two spent all night getting to know each other, learning they're the same age, chan was older by a month and a half, y/n's favorite color is every color and said some picasso joke making chan laugh in his hotel room. they both felt like they've known each other for years.
the next day came and y/n packed her backpack and her scooter for the day, writing down the list her grandmother has told her the night before and then sending a text to chan for his address.
"I'M TAKING THE SCOOTER!" y/n yells as she runs down the stairs, "TEXT ME IF YOU NEED ME!"
her family all replying as they hear her leave.
as she makes it to the garage, she ensures she brings the second helmet.
this is a vacation. the wind blowing in her hair as she follows the directions to chan's hotel. her dark blue scooter shimmering in the sunlight and she arrives in front of chan's hotel, rich kid huh?
to orange boy: outside by the lobby!!
chan was already in the lobby for the past ten minutes, didn't want to look like a complete weirdo and come out right when she texted so he waited for a good minutes before walking out. he was wanted to be casual, didn't want to screw anything up with her.
"hey! chan over here!" he walked out seeing the pretty girl from the restaurant on a blue electric scooter? taking off her helmet waving her hand around. he smiled and waved back as he walked towards her.
"this is tomi, my trusty stead," she smiles proudly at her scooter making chan stifle a laugh, leading y/n to laugh at his poor hiding of a laugh, "this is yours, hop on!"
"did not expect this to be the start of my day," he laughs as he puts on the helmet, he gets on the back of the scooter and before y/n turns on the scooter, she grabs chan's arms and to his surprise, wraps them around her stomach, "we're going fast so i don't want you falling off," she turns and smiles at him. what am i feeling right now? butterflies swarm around the two teenagers' stomachs, falling in love before they've even gone out.
"oh o-ok."
and they were off. 
y/n parked the scooter in her usual spot, the noise of the market sang to her and before getting off, she introduces the market, "welcome to daecheon market where old men try to peddle tourists and where local teenagers find the best clothes AND one stand has the BEST fruit produce." 
"y/n i think i should just call you fruit girl because you seem very enthusiastic about them," chan smirks
"i dare you to, orange boy."
"alright fruit girl."
the two laugh as they barely even notice chan's arms are still around y/n, y/n begins to take off her helmet right before she bumps chan in the face with her helmet.
"OH MY GOD! i am so sorry chan oh my god im sorry oh my god i-"
"y/n its ok really," chan laughs at her worried look, "i'm all good no bleeding see?"
"alright im still super sorry i kind of forgot i had a passanger with me," she nervously laughs, im such an idiot what is wrong w me wtf y/n
chan hops off and helps y/n down, "thank you, sir," y/n bows.
"you are very welcome madam," chan bows back, leading them both to laugh once more because of their dorkiness.
"here hold this," y/n opens the scooter compartment and hands chan a camera, "thats my prized possession, keep it safe." she pretends to glare at him but ending up laughing anyways, "you're on picture duty and i am on food duty," y/n pulls out a picnic basket and a large water bottle, "before we explore lets eat!"
y/n leads chan down to a secluded area next to the market, "my siblings and i love coming down here and eating lunch and playing ball. its our secret hideout, and you are a new member of paradise cove, mr chan."
"i'm honored," chan couldn't believe how comfortable he felt around her, a stranger that he had a very long text conversation last night about their favorite colors and whether or not aliens exist. y/n couldn't believe either. why did she feel so bubbly around a kid she met on the job at her grandmother's restaurant?
chan helped her put out a small picnic blanket from the basket and y/n began to pull out the food, “so i remembered your order from the other day and grandma pulled through and made some more this morning and a special touch, an orange-pineapple refresher. dig in!”
their picnic was nothing but boring, time passed so quickly while they talked more about the city and high school and where they want to go for univerity, and what they want to be. a convesation nether of the two have had with another human being. they both took some pictures while they were at it, y/n always doing some silly pose when chan had the camera and chan always looking away from the camera. they were comfortable with one another. 
“so, let’s explore the market shall we?” chan standing up, offering his hand to her, she was hesistant at first, “come on y/n i don’t bite,” he laughs, looking away. feeling odd with  his hand out for so long, he looks back at her smiling this time, “i’m feeling a cramp coming on”
standing up, she grabs his hand and pulls him close to her, both of their faces flushed now. y/n had NO idea what she was doing, “can i?” she looked at his lips and then back up at his eyes, prepare for any reaction
“yes,” once y/n heard his answer, his hand caressed the side of y/n’s face and pressed their lips together, almost melting into the kiss. y/n felt her cheeks burn up, the kiss lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. pulling away, the two laughed with their eyes closed and foreheads pressed against each other, “so the market?” y/n slowly opened her eyes, seeing the flustered boy in front of her interlocking their hands together.
“i thought you were the romantic,” he smiles back.
two spent nearly everyday together. y/n told chan she didn’t live in daecheong, they both knew they were both on vacation and the day one of them was leaving was soon appoarching them. “what will you do without me?” “cry.” “shut up chan” “you asked i answered~!”
chan didn’t want to believe but neither did y/n. their two weeks was up, y/n helped chan pack. “are you really going to cry?” “y/n you’re my first kiss, my first love, my first crush, the first girl that actually has gotten my attention so what do you think?” “now, you’re going to make me cry.” she pouts “y/n you have my number, i have my license, you have a kickass scooter. we have ways to still see each other even if that means our universities are miles apart, we can do this.”
to orange boy: i miss you
they couldn’t do it. the long distance lasted about a month and then school started.
to server girl: i’m sorry
chan was at yonsei university and back to his old ways. head in the books, no partying no social interaction just studying. this physical therapy major wasn’t moving an inch.
now, what chan didn’t know was y/n was ALSO at yonsei. this visual arts major was the biggest party animal on campus. she ruled frat parties and she was a good students. her professors loved her and her charm.
- ten months later -
“CHAN! you have to come dude!” chan’s roommate, xuxi, begs him. xuxi was the polar opposite of chan, same age same major COMPLETELY different social class.
“no ‘xi for the last time, i’m not a party guy.”
“chan please dude, its a costume party, nobody will know its you.” chan began to consider it, when was the last time i had fun?
“what are you dressing up as?”  “i’m going to be capt. american because im going as the avengers with mark and the other guys. if you don’t want to be recognized then wear a mask, be a masquarade ball dude? idk wear a suit and a mask, be that DUDE”
“i’m in.” here we go lee chan
to server girl: finally going out with the boys for the first time hope you’re well i miss you
y/n read the text almost immediately, “i wonder where he’s going?”
“who?” y/n’s roommate jungeun asled as she’s doing her makeup.
“some summer fling, he just texted me after like three months.”
“he’s more than a summer fling hon if you saw his text so fast.”
“shut up”
“kiss me,” jungeun stuck her tongue out at her, “so what are you dressing up as y/n?”
“poision ivy, mark said they’re going to be the avengers and so i’m showing him up and being dc’s sexiest villian.”
“you’re such a heartbreaker miss y/n let the boy breathe, he may have cheated but-”
“but nothing! he treated me like a one night stand and i wanted more! im going all out!”
chan looked at himself one more time in the mirror and xuxi walked behind him in his captain america outfit, “my son you look so fucking good,” pretending to tear up
“shut up,” chan rolled my eyes, sitting back down on his bunk, “should i still go?”
“YES! you look good dude! can’t even recognize you, you look so different and the contacts? you’re really hiding your identity with this one channie.”
“this is the only night we get to be other people so,” he puts on his lacey masquarade mask he bought from target, ‘let’s go.”
xuxi wraps his arm around him, “LETS FUCKING GO!”
jungeun and y/n nearly in shock of how well this costume curves around her body.
“green is your color girl,” jungeun sighs, “you knock them dead baby.”
“you look amazing yourself j OMG ms daphne over here.”
“I’m finding my fred tonight ok?” she smiles as she ties her scarf around her neck.
y/n places her red mask on, “i’m heading out!”
“HANG ON!” y/n was practically out the door before jungeon runs out, “ok ready.”
“let’s go fuck shit up.”
the party was everything chan was not used to, drinking, loud music, people EVERYWHERE, you could say he was slightly overwhelmed. 
you could say he also wasn't used to the attention around him, girls coming up to ask if they wanna hook up or take a shot with him which he declined all of them until she walked in.
ms poison ivy walked in.
it was about 30 minutes after the party started and y/n walked in like she owned the place, jungeon next to her, y/n walked in red heels and green latex in its full glory.
"i'll go get us drinks!" jungeon pracatically screams in y/n's ear.
"OK!" now alone, chan saw this as an opportunity, still not knowing who that was or even who he was in this moment he walked up to her.
"hi!" y/n was drawn back but the handsome stranger in front of her
the music got increasingly louder as this conversation went on so chan yelled back, "NOT EXACTLY, IM A MASQUERADE BALL HOST"
y/n felt eyes beaming her up and down and she saw him, mark, and before he could come any closer, y/n kissed this handsome stranger in front of him.
chan had no idea what was going on but he really didn't care anymore, this kiss began to be a full makeout session in the middle of the dance floor.
 both of them walk out of the loud frat house, "so who do i owe this honor to mr masquerade man?"
"chan, i'm chan. how about you?"
"i'm sorry did you say c-chan?"
y/n hasn't heard that name in what feels like ages until today.
"yes? is something wrong?"
was it really him?
"no its just i knew someone named chan awhile back, ha." she sadly smiled.
it can't be him chan was never this bold.
"ah i see, how about you ms poison ivy?"
"y/n huh?"
"yes, what about it?
"do you still have that blue scooter?" chan takes off his mask and turns to face the girl he's been wondering about for so long.
"long time no see huh?"
"i-i-i didn't even recognize you? where're your glasses? did you get your braces off too? your hair's lighter, you look really good, chan," she sighs in disbelief.
"college does stuff to you i guess," he nervously rubs the nape of his neck, "and you? wow. i didn't think someone could look so gorgeous in latex." he smiles all goofy.
pulling herself into his chest, "i've missed you, im sorry for being an asshole, im sorry for saying those things i shouldve held on im sorry im-"
"nothing is your fault y/n, look at me," he pulls her out of his chest, "i'm here now! we just needed time i guess," he lets out a small laugh.
"now you're the jokester mr lee."
"lets restart. hi im chan."
"hi im y/n," she smiles and takes his hand in hers, "lets never leave again."
"yes ms poison ivy."
“never call me that again.”
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now-we-say-c0ral · 11 months
November 7, 2023
*sigh* It's the start of my 4 day work week. Let this madness begin. I came to work on the dot and to my surprise (sarcasm) I'm not on my rotation in ENT and instead I was put to work in Spines in Th 11 with Rosie and Naw. Good lord! Apparently there were only 2 ENT cases and I was needed in Spines more. I will not settle with this set-up especially on a Thursday.
I scrubbed on the PSF with navigation. I was apprehensive at first because I never did navigation before but luckily Ate Kimmy and Ropesh was there to guide me through it all. I'm really developing well in Spines and I like it, I really really do. My colleagues has been noticing and that makes me happy. I scrubbed from 10am to set-up and got scrubbed agai at 12pm after setting up and the case finished at 5 fucking pm. I had my lunch at 5:15pm and left around 5:45pm and headed to the gym.
I did tri/biceps, traps, cardio and some really good stretching. Oh, I love the stretch before and after the workout. The walk home was kind of lovely. I loved how I get to walk past by the British Museum every day.
Cycled back and arrived around 8:30pm and Ed didn't cook for dinner. Luckily I had some leftover from yesterday and just cooked some baked salmon on top. I was a bit annoyed that Ed didn't cook. Apparently he was 'tired' from work but aren't we all? He just played his games from 6pm when he came back until I arrived. He had some leftover pesto and I had my own meal so I didn't make a big deal about it. I did last time and the result was catastrophic. I just cooked myself some salmon though he told me he was going to cook some after I asked him if he cooked dinner. How convenient. I cooked some for my own and didn't for him. Living together, I came to realize that love isn't 'completely' unconditional. I always cook whenever I'm tired if I come home earlier than him. I even ask him what he wants so I can get it done. He'll realize this on his own because I'm giving him the attitude, a bit. I'll be okay tomorrow. I'm just *slightly* annoyed. I hope I'll be in ENT tomorrow. Today was a tiring day.
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