craybies · 7 years
I kid you Not, my partner caught four (4) shiny dratini today. I caught none, and we were together the whole time.
I’m so jealous and thrilled for him guys, Mike caught a shiny Dratini.
Also glass blowing was fun. Pics when we get our projects back.
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craybies · 7 years
Correction: snakes have a long body and short tail! You have to find the butthole (vent) to tell where the tail starts
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craybies · 7 years
Please don't let this shit creep across the border
It’s scary – Bell, Cineplex, Shaw, and Rogers are trying to censor the internet and force the end of net neutrality in Canada. And worse, they’re trying to do it behind closed doors.
These 4 companies, led by Bell, are pushing to create an internet “blacklist” of certain websites that all internet service providers in Canada would legally have to block. They know this outrageous proposal would never pass, so first, they tried to sneak it into NAFTA negotiations – and now Bell is expected to introduce its proposal to Canada’s telecom regulator TOMORROW.
Critics are calling this move “unprecedented” and dangerous. If these companies get their way, this internet blacklist would have absolutely zero oversight in the courts. We need to stop this urgently.
Continue Reading and sign the petition here.
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craybies · 7 years
Fashion Cat
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I just discovered that brown hyenas exist and I am delighted <3
Photo credits (in order): Christophe Jobic, catnip254 (on flickr), Kerstin Molthagen, Andy Hensel, Helge Denker
My hyena tag>>
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craybies · 7 years
my sister just told me that technically kangaroos have five limbs because their tail is classified as a leg bc they use that to propel themselves forward which makes them the only pentapedal animal on earth
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craybies · 7 years
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Do you long for the company of your very own pancake, but don’t have several hundred gallons of water at your disposal? Well your time has come!
Since this blog centered around rays, elasmobranchs, and most importantly science has become a little popular I figured it was time for a giveaway! There are currently four cute pancakes to giveaway and if I manage to hit 3,000 followers by time this giveaway ends I’ll add another prize as well.
Two rays are ultra soft cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus) plushies; complete with detailed mouths, gills, and a bit of support in their wings so they are more sturdy, these guys are ready to travel the world with you! The second two are softer plastic blue spotted ribbontails (Taeniura lymma); who make the perfect desk companion! Smaller in size, with beautiful accurate detailing ,even down to the claspers on the underside. 
In order to win one of these cuties all you have to do is like, reblog, and be a follower of @potamotrygonbio! Feel free to like and reblog this post as many times as possible, each reblog/like/etc will count as an individual entry; please be mindful and do not spam your followers. I’ll also give you an extra entry if you tell me what your favorite species of stingray is! Winner will be chosen in about a month so around July 3rd, 2017. I will ship internationally if the winner is not in the US.
Have fun and good luck!
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craybies · 7 years
Good to know! I've never kept goldfish before so it's excellent to have someone with experience chime in
thanks! my main problem is deciding what fish to use, as what is normally used is tilapia or other food stock, but im vegetarian so i was looking into more decorative fish, but i have no idea which ones would be good for my 30 gallon. could you give me some suggestions?
hmmm… I think that tilapia for sure would get to big for a 30g in terms of swimming space. You might be able to get away with a pair of fancy goldfish (not commons or Koi), although usually the minimum recommended size for a pair is 40b. I’m not sure if that minimum is for swimming space of bioload though, if it’s bioload then with your aquaponics it should be fine as long as you watch your parameters. 
In general, you’ll want to stick to coldwater species, as the aquaponic system will cool off the water to similar to room temperature. Be careful looking at lists of “coldwater” species, as a lot of them are actually subtropical and still need water warmer than room temperature. 
If you’re looking for a community tank, a trio of paradise fish and a school of white cloud minnows would work well. Here’s the link to some beginner coldwater fish http://www.aquariadise.com/7-easy-coldwater-aquarium-fish/
I really trust that site and the author can be reached at @aquariadise. I think she’s also pretty knowledgeable about goldfish. 
Hopefully this helped a bit!
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craybies · 7 years
thanks! my main problem is deciding what fish to use, as what is normally used is tilapia or other food stock, but im vegetarian so i was looking into more decorative fish, but i have no idea which ones would be good for my 30 gallon. could you give me some suggestions?
hmmm... I think that tilapia for sure would get to big for a 30g in terms of swimming space. You might be able to get away with a pair of fancy goldfish (not commons or Koi), although usually the minimum recommended size for a pair is 40b. I’m not sure if that minimum is for swimming space of bioload though, if it’s bioload then with your aquaponics it should be fine as long as you watch your parameters. 
In general, you’ll want to stick to coldwater species, as the aquaponic system will cool off the water to similar to room temperature. Be careful looking at lists of “coldwater” species, as a lot of them are actually subtropical and still need water warmer than room temperature. 
If you’re looking for a community tank, a trio of paradise fish and a school of white cloud minnows would work well. Here’s the link to some beginner coldwater fish http://www.aquariadise.com/7-easy-coldwater-aquarium-fish/
I really trust that site and the author can be reached at @aquariadise. I think she’s also pretty knowledgeable about goldfish. 
Hopefully this helped a bit!
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craybies · 7 years
hey! im in the planning stages for an aquaponics system and was wondering if i could ask a few questions? it's mostly about the fish, not the plant part
I’ll answer what I can, or try to direct you to someone who’d know!
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craybies · 7 years
If you’re thinking Pea Puffer don’t forget that you’ll need to set up food cultures too. The amount of snails they go through is ridiculous. 
Stocking Options for 10 or 15g
im considering:
+shellies +badis +dwarf pea puffer +fancy shrimp? +give me other options
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craybies · 7 years
Weeds are in the eye of the beholder... 
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craybies · 8 years
Let me introduce you to three of my friends: hallucigenia, opabinia, and wiwaxia. They’re all from the Cambrian explosion, the period of time around 500 million years ago when life was just starting and was still trying to figure out questions like “how should a mouth work?” and “legs?”
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Hallucigenia was about an inch long (most life back then was tiny, they were only a few eras removed from being single celled after all) and it had sixteen clawed legs, hard spines coming out of its back, and a wicked tentacle neckbeard. 
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Opabinia was between two to three inches long and it had thirty fins along the side of its body, along with five mushroom shaped eyes on top of its head. By far though, its most interesting feature was its strange proboscis. Like a Dr. Moreau style mashup of an elephant and a lobster, the long nose terminated in a large claw that it used to grab prey and bring it to its backward facing mouth.
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Finally, this is wiwaxia. This danger-artichoke was a two inch long armored slug-like creature with no head. In fact, its actual body was largely just its one massive foot. 
I find these animals interesting for three main reasons. First, it’s incredibly fascinating to see all of the potential paths that life on earth could have taken. Imagine an ocean filled with elephant lobsters! Second, whenever I feel like my life is going nowhere and all my choices are the wrong ones, I like to think that I’m in in my phase where I’m still developing hallucigenias and wiwaxias, and not yet making awesome things like butterflies or velociraptors. Finally - it serves as a stark reminder that if we ever find alien life, there is a fantastic chance it will look like nothing we’ve ever seen before - it might look more like one of these creatures than a human being. 
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craybies · 8 years
I used to be terrified of sharks, but then I went to an aquarium and asked the guy in charge of the sharks why one of the nurse sharks was just laying on the bottom. He said she found the vent that puts new water into the tank and was being lazy by letting that push water into her mouth, instead of swimming around. I have never related with an animal more.
big mood
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craybies · 8 years
With one Betta in a 10g you should be fine to do water changes once a day (or every other day) as long as you're not making a mess with food or anything. 10g is a lot of water to dilute ammonia. But check your parameters daily just in case
holy sh*t guys i really need some help!!!
Short story: my mother is the queen of impulse purchases. Seriously. Its the worst thing. When we went to pick up my 40 gallon tank last month and I had to spend 45 minutes talking her out of buying a parakeet for my grandma. (yes, mom, grandma DOES like birds but shouldn’t you ask her first? no, mom, it needs a bigger cage. PLEASE MOM dont get her that bird)
In the past she has impulse purchased glofish, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, ferrets, and ALMOST sugar gliders (until i told her they will pee on you).
Needless to say I’ve been working her over for YEARS. She is definitely getting better about it. It’s been a couple years since her last purchase (the glofish that i now “rescued” from my fam). She also has this horrible habit of listening to the petsmart/co/land employees and believing what they say is correct (how we ended up with hamsters and ferrets).
well today
she comes home with a familiar plastic cup filled with water. and as soon as i recognized it my heart sunk to depths deeper than i knew were possible. “look honey!! i knew youve been wanting a betta fish and your coworker never got back to you, so i got you one!! its black because i know you like black and white… they didnt have black and white bettas but they had this black one. he does have a bit of red on himn is that ok? those stupid petsmart people tried to tell me they can live in the cup forever, but i knew better and i told them you had a 20 gallon and they said it was too big…” she went on and on… she is quite proud of herself.
meanwhile im thinking: i knew i shouldve gone with her to petsmart this morning. she cant be trusted by herself.
she means well but jesus my new tank isnt even cycled yet since i restarted it and i dont have food either and she just GOT ME THIS BEAUTIFUL BLACK AND RED BABY THAT I LOVE SO MUCH
i cant ask her to take it back. i love my mommy and it was really nice of her to think about me but i will feel guilty beyond measure if i ask her to take it back. and she will be sad. i knoowww she shouldn’t do this and ive talked to her about it again… for the second time this year… but thats all long term concerns… as for now…
WHAT THE HECK DO I DO?! many water changes daily while my tank is still cycling?! will that be okay? i know all the rest of the care stuff- food, temps, etc. but what do i do about the tank?!
also hes very pretty. ill post pictures when i have a moment.
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craybies · 8 years
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I am addicted to doing giveaways, and I love all of my amazingly kind followers. 
I am going to give someone an entire set of my stickers AND make a custom sticker of whatever fish they want. Giveaway ends February 22nd
Reblog this
No need to be following
Have your asks/PM open
Live within the US or be willing to pay shipping outside the US
*Custom sticker commissions can be purchased for $15, you get the high-res art file and 1 sticker mailed to you. Email me at [email protected]
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craybies · 8 years
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craybies · 8 years
Everyone who sees this reblog and say the worst fish to keep with Bettas
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