#I'll be waiting for you jun-ah
saythenameritwika · 15 days
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Omfg, Lollapalooza 2024 with Seventeen was fucking insane. Like, I thought they outdid themselves with Glastonbury in front of a crowd that didn't even know them, but damn! Thinking that it's possible for Seventeen to peak when they just keep growing bigger and bigger is always a mistake, lmao 😭.
First of all, the setlist was absolute perfection. Once again, what did the Germans do to deserve the leader line comeback?? WHY AM I NOT PART OF THAT CROWD?! 😭 But besides that, the setlist was so amazing, I can't believe they managed to perform 19 songs in the span of 90 mins. Seventeen, you never fail to amaze me.
And the crowd?! Carats in Lollapalooza were wild af! The cheers during Dino's part in Spell literally made my dinonara heart so happy! I also loved how much love the audience gave to Jeonghan (since this is his last performance 🥺). The members loved the crowd so much as well, and honestly, the crowd deserved it. Seventeen, Europe tour...when? 😭
But... yeah. Lollapalooza was insane, as expected. Seventeen just keep getting better and better, and it makes me so happy as a fan because I know they're always gonna grow. I can't wait for the day I get to see them live. But till then, I love you, Seventeen, and I always will. Till the last "say the name." 🩷🩵
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greentrickster · 6 months
Okay, so, been reading some good scumplane (OG!Shen Qingqiu/Airplane) lately, because in this house we support Airplane being loved by terrifying/terrifyingly hot men, but also, like... I do love Moshang just so so much as a ship.
And all this has awoken a mighty need in me.
A need for a Moshangjiu fic with scumplane getting established first and then bringing our favorite popsicle in on things.
Anyway, scenario! Shen Qingqiu starts noticing Shang Qinghua when they're disciples via the classic scenario of being smart enough to realize something is fishy about SQH being the only survivor of a demon attack, begins paying attention to his most anxious shidi, accidentally shows his most anxious shidi the simplest of Human Kindness, accidentally becomes shidi's favorite shixiong, accidentally becomes friends with shidi, accidentally catches feelings. Continues being a Sneaky Bastard in order to figure out what shidi is up to (and now also to confirm shidi is single).
Ah, shidi is entangled with an Ice Demon. This shixiong will make use of his scholarly peak's library to learn all and then decide to- wait. Wait, it's super violent by human standards, but is it- is this demon attempting to... court shidi?
Not if SQQ dates him first he's not!!!
There follows a whirlwind romance between SQQ and SQH where no one really knows what's going on, especially the two involved, it involves a lot of shit talking about everyone else in their lives, snacks, and accidental trauma bonding.
Also Airplane being Airplane and accidentally spilling that not only is he also kinda crushing (bad) on Mobei-jun, but also Mobei-jun's entire backstory and please, shixiong, I know it all looks bad but this shidi's house is literally the only place in the world it's completely safe for his king to sleep, everyone deserves to sleep without having to worry about their relatives murdering them for things that aren't their fault from time to time, right, shixiong???
Shen Qingqiu: ...goddammit, the demon's a fellow sad little meow meow. (only not in these exact words because he doesn't know these phrases, naturally)
In a wild, bold, and - dare I say it - shockingly sexy convolution of thought processes and ideas, SQQ manages to finagle SQH into letting him meet with MBJ (SQH nearly has a heart attack three times in the process but it's fine, it's cool, this is his life, this may as well happen, it's fine-).
SQQ: It has come to my attention that my shidi is spying for you on our sect.
MBJ: (glowering at SQH, who is cowering behind shixiong wondering how he got talked into all this)
SQQ: However it also appears that this is merely a cover story and the only thing you really do is use his room to nap. And also that you are quite fond of him.
SQH: (This is it, this is how I die. Again.)
MBJ: (...if I stare straight ahead and don't change my expression, no one will be able to tell that he's right)
SQQ: So anyway I think you should join Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.
MBJ: (gears grinding)
SQH: (squawking splutters of protest and confusion)
SQQ: (who speaks panicking!SQH at this point) Stop that, it's perfectly reasonable. He has the head disciple of our logistics peak under his thumb, it would be the simplest thing in the world for him to have you throw the sect into absolute chaos without even trying, then organize an attack, swoop in, and crush us all. He could have done it years ago, but he never has, he never even seems to initiate anything. I don't think he even cares about taking the Northern Throne, I think he's just incompetent about wanting to spend time with you. So he might as well just lie low until our shizuns ascend and then I'll take him on as a disciple on Qing Jing and you two can stop sneaking around like idiots.
MBJ: >8O
SQQ: Are you actually opposed?
MBJ: (folds arms and looks away sulkily, because like... it's true but you don't have to say it like that)
SQH: 8O ...reverse uno...
SQQ: What?
SQH: You're reverse unoing my blorbo!
SQQ: Quit making up word-
SQQ cannot continue because the System just presented the option to accept this potential new plot line (even if it does have the rather confusing title of 'Shidi Has Two Hands'), and holy shit, Mobei-jun seems to be potentially down for it, holy shit, apparently Mobei-jun actually likes me, holy shit, SQQ may have just solved all my problems-?!? This is great, this is fantastic, this is the best day of my life, this- is a long time I'm being allowed to be myself about all this, why is Shen shixiong not interrupting...?
It is because I am kissing him full on the lips.
Cool cool cool.
At least I'm gonna die on a high note.
SQQ: O///O o_o (ahem) Shidi's- shidi's a really bad kisser.
SQH: Ah-haha, I can explain-
SQQ: We should work on that. Later.
MBJ: (I... did not actually hate watching that. Hm.)
Anyway, he agrees to the plan, SQQ and SQH start dating, some more time passes, the previous generation of peak lords ascend, the new generation take their places, and a week later Mobei-jun is an outer disciple of Qing Jing Peak.
The other peak lords are not amused, Qingqiu that is a demon, no.
SQQ: So what I'm hearing is that whole 'Cang Qiong will accept anyone from anywhere' philosophy was a lie then?
He's a demon!
SQQ: Children can't help where they're born. Now if you'll excuse me, I have classes to teach.
First lesson of the day is SQH and SQQ are a package deal, take it or leave it. Second lesson is no canoodling with Shang Shibo until you've finished with lessons and chores for the day. Third lesson is if you see any Bai Zhan disciples hassling our peak's disciples you can break their swords. Just snap 'em in half. Throw them off the peak. Don't kill them, but do make them cry.
SQH, meanwhile, has now seen MBJ in an outer disciple uniform and had a whole bunch of new awakenings on top of all the other things he already knew about himself.
And, in a twist of dramatic irony... Qing Jing's first disciple to ever have demonic heritage decides the dorms are a no-go after one night because, to him, they are broiling hot, how can anyone sleep in this heat, and chooses to go sleep in the wood shed instead.
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anqelbean · 2 years
I need a bingqiu fic where everyone reverse transmigrates into the modern world but only Binghe and Mobei Jun remember their old world cause now THEY have the system and their task is simple: find their husbands and make them fall in love with them again.
Seems easy right? They've done it once already.
Because, when Binghe finds Shen Qingqiu, he's heartbroken to find that his Shizun's personality is almost the same as before his qi deviation in their previous life, and has absolutely no interest in him.
He also finds out that for some reason in this life Shen Qingqiu has a younger brother, Shen Yuan.
Shen Yuan is sweet and kind and pretty and gentle and funny and pretty. He's also closer in age to Binghe. Slowly Binghe starts to feel a devastating guilt every time he looks at him. He doesn't know where this man was in their previous life, but in this one. In this one Binghe is pretty sure he's falling in love with him.
He feels guilty because it feels like betraying his Shizun, his husband. He feels like the only reason he's in love with Shen Yuan is because he reminds him of his husband, but that's not fair to Shen Yuan either. It's like he's just replacing one brother for the other.
But no matter how much he tries he can't get Shen Yuan out of his mind.
Then his Shizun, Shen Qingqiu, starts dating Yue Qingyuan and Binghe's confused more than anything. He doesn't understand why he doesn't feel heartbroken. But when the System doesn't take away any points for this, he finally asks it "Hey, System." "Yes?" "Do you know why Shizun is acting as such?" "What do you mean? We've detected no abnormal behaviour from Shen Yuan." "No, not Shen Yuan, Shen Jiu— WAIT, WAIT, SHEN YUAN?????"
Then he finds out, this whole time, he's been going after the WRONG. GUY.
Shen Yuan, on the other hand is heartbroken.
Despite acting like he's straight his whole life (and very much believing it himself), there was just something that stabbed him in the chest every time he looked at Luo Binghe playfully flirting with his ge (while getting rejected every. Fucking. Time. Shen Yuan really doesn't know if his ge doesn't know the hottest guy on the planet is flirting with him, or if he's being an idiot and rejecting him).
He's gotten to know the guy quite well, and they have become quick friends. They talk, they text and they hang out, all the time. He finds that Binghe is an amazing cook (seriously, HOW can food be so good?). He also loves to read, and they proceed to rant about the books they've both read. He's also a huge cry baby. (Shen Yuan thinks it's cute)
And sometimes.
Sometimes he'll just look at Shen Yuan with so much, well, fondness. It's in those moments that Shen Yuan let's himself dream that maybe, maybe, this boy could be his.
Sometimes he'll say something that cannot be categorized as anything but shameless flirting.
Like the first time he made Shen Yuan congee. "This is the best thing I've ever had. Holy shit." "Ah, you like it that much? Alright then. I'll make it for you all the time, with variations." Then he proceeded to wink. WINK. (Shen Yuan did not blush. He did not. He's straight. It's just the halo-like light that surrounds Luo Binghe is enough to charm sven a straight man. Like him. Cause he's straight. Definitely.)
When his ge starts dating Yue Qingyuan. He expects Binghe to look heartbroken, but. He doesn't. He acts like nothing is wrong. Absolutely nothing is out of place.
Except he smiles at Shen Yuan with that fond look way more often. He flirts way more often. He cooks for him way more often.
Shen Yuan doesn't know how to feel about that.
Has this guy been some kind of playboy this whole fucking time? And when one target is no longer available, he just moves on? To his BROTHER? Yeah, no, scratch that, he knows exactly how he feels.
He's furious.
(Binghe has no idea why Shen Yuan seems so angry with him. He just wants to kiss his husband. Why must this always happen when they reunite?)
Mobei Jun on the other hand is having a, uhh, sorta better time. He's found Shang Qinghua. Shang Qinghua is the Shang Qinghua he knows, flighty, cowardly and cute. But, the thing is. Qinghua's absolutely terrified of him.
Every time he pops up next to him, he squeals and jolts so bad that one time he slammed into a door.
But he still blushes at their proximity. Still has the same taste in trashy novels. Still writes. Still loves having his hair ruffled.
They get together within 2 months. The system congratulates him 3 times.
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bleuside97 · 1 year
There is Only One Rule.
paring: toxichusband!jungkook x wife!reader
genre: yandere jungkook
summary: when y/n get home late and jungkook is waiting for her.
warnings: Jungkook is an asshole in this, abusive behavior, drunk and aggressive Jungkook, manipulative behavior, cussing, manhandling, bipolar jungkook, sadistic Jungkook, mentions of gagging, jealousy, degrading oc, oc is punished by jk.
This is purely fiction just for entertainment purposes. Do not condone or support behavior like this!
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Jungkook kisses his teeth, shaking his head. "Ah... What can she be doing out so late." He pressed his lips against the rim of the cold beer in his hand, closing his eyes letting the cold sensation trickle down his his throat. That was the last drop left of his drink. He rest the empty bottle on the coffee table that was in front of the chair. He leans back in the chair, kicking his feet on the coffee table in thought. Resting his tattooed arm above his head and the other arm scratching his chin. The cans and empty bottles of soju pile around the floor. Currently, it's early in the morning he awaits for your arrival, watching the minutes go by on the clock. His eyes turned to the front door as he heard the sound of keys unlocking it. You walked into your dark house, tired out of your mind. You just had the night of your life with a couple of friends and want nothing more to do than be in your loving husband's arms. You turned to lock the front door, taking off your shoes before the door.
His eyes narrowed at the sight of you. "Where the fuck were you?" He demanded, finally standing up from the couch. "Relax, I was just with a couple friends." Your voice is monotone. You pause in your steps, you stretch your arms above your head to yawn. You eyes land on the only other person in the room. You take in his appearance. He moved sloppy and slurred his words a bit. He's drunk. Nevertheless you go to kiss him on the cheek. He backs away slightly, he was clearly pissed off. Pushing you slightly away when you tried to kiss him. He crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at you menacingly.
"You know what time it is? You were supposed to be home hours ago. What is my wife's explanation for coming home at almost the crack of dawn?" He stared down at you waiting for a response.
"What's up your crack?" You muttered under your breath, making sure Jungkook didn't hear you. "I didn't know you were my dad. Next time I'll make sure to ask for permission first." Y/n rolls her eyes and carries her tired legs to the kitchen to get herself a meal out of the fridge. He follows you to the kitchen, standing behind you as you fill up a cup from the fridge. He grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him.
"Don't you fucking dare disrespect me!" He growls, his eyes blazing with fury. He shoves you hard against the fridge, pressing his body against yours. The back of your head immediately hits the cold metal throbbing immediately.
"You will never talk to me like that again." His once dark brown eyes become dark. He looks down at you intensely. His hands remain at the side of your head locking you in. "Jungkook stop!" You whined pushing your husband off her with all your might, he only stumbled a bit before catching himself. He takes a minute to walk straight towards you. He chuckles eerily as his hands worked to unbutton his cuffs and roll the sleeves of his crisp black button up to the elbow, telling you he is not playing around. When your husband is drunk, there's only one rule don't make him mad.
"Yah! Where are your manners is that how a wife should treat her husband, huh?” His voice is so powerful it is laced with hostile, enough to make you feel small. You looked at him to digest the situation not knowing who it can turn out. Maybe you where fucked out of your mind too, not thinking straight. Because you were most definitely brave at this moment. "Jungkook, who do you think you are huh." You answered bravely before you could see something in the Jungkook switch. The look in his eyes was cold and ruthless, as if he was ready to hurt you. And that scared you the most.
You wanted to say that Jungkook had never acted so aggressive before but that would be a lie. "Look at me y/n." He commands you in his busan accent. You look into his dark eyes, you don't see the same doe eyed man you, you knew before. He narrows his eyes at you menacingly, if looks can kill you'd be dead by now. "Sweetheart, I should really fix that mouth of yours... Just how rude are you? One warning was already given to you, now you will get the apprehensions."
Your eyebrows furrowed, giving him a confused look. You hesitate to utter another word. "Honey, are you drunk?" You asked the new man standing in front of you. He ignores your question, nodding his head kidding his bottom lip out. "Do you think I want to be like this? Do you think I like being so aggressive? No! I can't help it, I can't control myself when I'm around you. You make me lose all control. So you should be more careful around me. This is your fault, y/n." Jungkook's tone is cold as ice as if he doesn't feel an inch to blame for his abusive behavior.
He stands beside the counter grabbing your hand pulling you to the sink of the kitchen. He forcefully pushes your head down the sink, hand reaching for the soap. You try your hardest to fight against him. Yelling and thrashing out, but he didn't listen to you. He positions his body behind you his big strong arms wrap around your smaller frame like a lock. "Y/n. You know how much I can't stand when I have to repeat myself.” Through brute force he is able to force your mouth wide open and shoved the bitter liquid. He watches you with a smile as you react by gagging your hand in your mouth. He enjoyed seeing the tears leave your eyes. When Jungkook feels as if you've had enough he with water helps you rinse the cleaning substance out of your mouth. Soon enough all over the soap leaves you a chocking and crying mess on the counter. You try to catch your own breathe. He steps away from you admiring is his work. But soon, enough he feels only a tad guilty.
He grabs your wrists again, squeezing them tight. He pulls them behind your back, pressing your body against his. You could feel his warm breath on your neck, his voice low and menacing. she turns her face away from him as he reeks of beer. He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His eyes turned a shade lighter.
"Aigoo, I didn't mean to be so rough." he apologizes, seeming genuinely remorseful. He gives you a weak smile, hoping you will understand. He pouts his pink lips to you.
He reaches out and touches your cheek, caressing it gently. His eyes meet yours, filled with such warmth and affection. He looks at you with such devotion, as if you were the most important person in the world to him. He stops nuzzling your neck, his face just inches away from yours.
He gazes at you with such fondness and affection, his eyes filled with now love. You eyes now unsure if you can look at him the same. He seems completely smitten with you, as if all his anger has disappeared. "I'm sorry" he apologizes again, seeming genuinely remorseful. "I got carried away, I let my jealousy and possessiveness get the better of me. You have to understand, I'm afraid of losing you" he explains, "Y/n, let's go to bed now."
a/n edited: let me know if you like this one ... should i keep doing fics like this. I love writing yandere but maybe this is too abusive. But the real question is why am I writing fics like this so casually? and trust me i have many more yandere fics in mind. like idea wise and i basically have the whole brainstorming thing down. but it would really be amazing if I can collab with someone to write them with.
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astroyongie · 1 month
Seventeen: They Text You One Month After Your Death
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Note: heavy angst and mentions of S* Scoups
"Wake up y/n and stay with me"  "I swear to god that right now, I need you here"  "I need you to stay strong baby.. Can you yell those words at me again please?"  "Ever since you left i try to remind me where I came from and where I belong, but without you i feel so lost in this earth"  "So wake up y/n.. and stay with me"
"Its been a month already y/n.. do you remember, summer after high school, when we first met?"  "We maded out in my car and on my 18th birthday, we got those stupid matching tattoos. I still cry when i look at mine"  "do you remember when we used to steal your parents' liquor and go to your room? we spoke about our future like we had a clue you would leave me"  "fuck i never planned that one day I would be losing you. Why did you got to leave?"  "In another life y/n, I would be your husband and we both could keep all our promises of being happy together"
"I've been holding my breath each time i think of you"  “Wonwoo told me he put lillies on your tomb today. Sorry. didn't come, I've been holding back tears ever since that day"  "I miss you so much y/n"  "I've done a lot of things wrong, but i swear loving you was never one"
"y/n"  "I can't imagine a world with you gone and yet here we are. Fuck i am still in denial"  "I have always said i would be so lost if you left me alone in this fucked up world"  "I can't stop crying"  "the images of you locked in the bathroom, lying on the floor when I broke through"  "and i pulled you y/n, did you felt me? did you heard me y/n? I pull you in to feel your heartbeat and i couldnt hear a damn thing"  "did you hear me screaming?"  "Please don't leave me"
"It's not true. Even today i can't accept that its true"  "y/n, please tell me I've been lied to, that you are still here, that you are still alive and well somewhere"  "Crying isn't like me, but i didn't stop ever since you left"  "What the hell did I do?"  "I love you but I don't want to"  "this hurts so much"
"Hey y/n how have you been? Have you been sleeping well? have you been eating well?"  "I hope you are wearing that hoodie i gave you. I am wearing the one you gave me. as a matter of fact i dont have the heart to remove it"  "I hope you bribed the door on your way to the sky. I know god wouldnt mind it"  "y/n wait for me yeah? I miss you. Dont cry for me. The end is near”
"Hey y/n"  "sorry i am only talking to you now.. ah, i may have fucked up ahah"  "I am currently laying in the silence, waiting for the sirens of the ambulance"  "yeah.. i fucked up.. but i missed you so much"  "I'm alive still.."  "I don't wanna lose it but i cant bare being apart from you"  "but I'm not getting through this.. y/n what should i do?"  "should I pray? to whom? to myself? to a God?"  "y/n.. help me"
"miss your touch every nights y/n.. lately i have been feeling a little hollow. And you how have you been feeling?"  "I know you crossed the bridge that I can't follow, but hey brat, you could have said goodbye"  "but now we cant change the past.. the love that you left is all that I get"  "I want you to know that, if I can't be close to you, I'll try settle for the ghost of you"  "I miss you more than life"
"I am sorry i keep texting you. i just hate you so much right now.” ”never saw it coming, I couldn't read the signs that you werent okay and fuck this.. i hate myself"  "Now I know that it means nothing"  "you are always on my mind y/n"  "the others are trying to tricked into believing that everything will work out in the end"  "fuck them. You were the only one for me"
"Hey baby how are you? I am not doing good ahah.."  "All I want is nothing more but too hear you knocking at our appartment door"  "if I could see your face once more y/n, I could die a happy man"  "When you said your last goodbye that night, when that fucking disease took you, i swear to all angels I died a little bit inside"  "y/n, i miss you so much and all i do is lay in tears in bed"  "I never felt so alone"  "But if you loved me, why you leaved me?"
"Yo brat.." “Woozi and Joshua made me text you.. tsk they are idiots.."  "but hey brat.. you were the light to my shadow, did you know?"  "fuck god to take my star. another star they say, fuck them. you are fading away in my memory"  "Where are you now brat? Are you okay?"  "Please... y/n."
"y/n I think I lost myself again"  "But I remember you told me to stay strong and Seungkwan has been nagging me to eat more"  "But I wish you would be the one telling me that"  "y/n tell me why our love is six feet under ground? Are you cold down there?"  "I will go to your grave tomorrow.. Wonwoo told me to watered the Dahlias"  "Would they bloom?"  "It's all too much for me"  "How could you die carelessly? Whos gonna take care of my heart now?"
"Hey baby"  "i decided to text you bc sunday mornings were your favorite and we used to meet with the gang"  "your last sunday you did your hair up, you looked so pretty"  "y/n, I have been screamin at a God for the past weeks"  "I'm still holding on to everything, I don't wanna say goodbye bc this one means forever"  "I don't want to say goodbye so please.. come back to me"
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sweetiesicheng · 19 days
dino - award show
word count : 565
"ah these are next?" you speak while looking at the new cue cards you had just been given.
"oh, yes! i forgot we were presenting this one," your co-host cheers as he looks at the cue cards. "oh? a lot of my friends were nominated," he says while looking over the nominees for the next few awards.
"that's nice," you reply. "you should present these," you say to him, "and i'll present these."
he nods, "okay."
"y/n!" you turn when you hear your name called and see some of seventeen walking backstage.
"oh, hey guys!" you greet them as they pass by. "your stage was great," you say to them.
"thanks," hoshi says to you. "we'll see you later," he says.
"okay, see you guys," you say. hoshi, mingyu, seungkwan, and jeonghan walk past you, heading in the direction of the artists’ area.
dino walks by after a few seconds but stops when he notices you. "oh, babe," he instantly smiles, "you look cute," he compliments. "wow, my girlfriend is so pretty," he says to you.
you giggle at him, "thanks, babe," you say to him. "i'll see you later at dinner, okay?"
he nods, "yea. see you later," he says to you. "love you—ah!"
s.coups comes by, grabbing the collar of dino's jacket and pulling with him. "see ya y/n!" s.coups says to you.
you laugh as you watch your boyfriend get dragged off. you start looking over your cue cards with your co-host again.
"yea, that sounds good," your co-host says to you.
you nod, "okay, cool."
a staff member directs you to where you'll enter, and both of you wait for the your cue to walk out. after the end of a stage, the lights dim and you walk out to an area of the stage where microphones are set up.
when the lights come back on, you and your co-host speak dialogue for the next award to be presented. after your dialogue for this award, a video starts playing, listing off the nominees for the award.
"and the male group of the year goes to..." your co-host opens an envelope, "seventeen! congratulations!"
fans cheer from the audience and you applaud while looking at the artists' area. seventeen walks over to the main stage, and you hold their award in your hands.
jun is the first to reach you and takes the award. "thanks y/n," he says to you before handing the award to woozi.
"congratulations," you say to them before walking out of frame so they can give their speech.
while some of the guys speak, you notice dino glancing at you every so often. you try to subtly gesture for him to not look at you, but it looks like he doesn't care as much.
he mouthes a few compliments to you, at least that's what you're assuming since you're not good at reading lips. you mouth back at him to focus, but he ignores it.
suddenly, music starts playing, indicating the end of their speech. some of the guys start walking back with dino trying to linger back so he can somewhat share the stage with you, but once again, he gets pulled by s.coups to walk back. you smile and keep your composure since you're on stage despite seeing your boyfriend whine again as he walks away from you.
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honeyhae-svt · 22 days
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On My Command
GENRE: Mafia, Businesses, Dark Romance, Smut, Gangs, RomCom, Action, Fem!Reader x Mafia!Seventeen, Baddie!Reader x Businessmen!Seventeen
⚠️ WARNINGS ⚠️: Language, Kissing, Making Out, Persistence. -warnings for this chapter
♡-Mention of other groups like TXT, EXO, ENHA, G-IDLE, LE SSERA, NCT DREAM, RIIZE (this is a series so ig i will be adding more to than these warnings) - MDNI OR I WILL BLOCK THOSE WITHOUT AGE INDICATOR ON BIO.
>>>> IMAGES ARE FROM PINTEREST so yeah, ctto. Enjoy babies. ♡
On My Command - Masterlist (Chapters)
"I heard our rival's CEO is either Chinese or Japanese," Wonwoo remarked, drawing the group's attention. "Who did you hear that from? And why didn't you share it as soon as you knew?" Jeonghan demanded.
"We weren't sure yet... so we decided to wait until Minghao and Hoshi could confirm it," Wonwoo explained. "What we know for sure is that they're not Korean," Soonyoung added, and Minghao and Hoshi nodded in agreement.
Xu Minghao is a Chinese member of Seventeen, known for his skills as both a hacker and a slasher. He's adept with blades, particularly nunchucks, and excels at coding. His contributions to the company include producing, design work, and managing store branches throughout the city alongside Mingyu.
Minghao shut his laptop and whispered something to Soonyoung, who nodded in response.
"I swear, if you keep another thing from us, I'll be the one to cut your tongues off," Seungkwan said, rolling his eyes at their exchange.
"S.Coups told us to keep quiet until now," Minghao clarified, and Wonwoo and Soonyoung. "But we need confirmation soon. The shipments are arriving in three days, and we can't afford any sabotage," another voice chimed in.
"We're aware," Jeonghan replied, glaring at the hacking team. "These hackers are too slow and don't take their jobs seriously."
"You can't blame us entirely. We've already done a lot for the group," Jihoon retorted, clearly annoyed.
"Jun, Dino, have you found any information yet?" Joshua asked, cutting through the argument. "We just returned from another mission, so apologies for the delay. We've confirmed that the rival company is indeed Chinese," Junhui said, tossing an envelope onto the table.
"You had this information all along and didn't share it sooner?" Jeonghan asked, grabbing the envelope and scanning its contents.
"We only just got it ourselves. Don't put the blame on us," Junhui replied.
"Well at least you guys did better on your researching than the hacking team," Seungkwan says, side-eyeing the team mentioned which makes Hoshi want to leap and beat Seungkwan up into a pulp, but of course, he wouldn't do that. Seungcheol would kill them if they caused another trouble.
Wen Junhui, another Chinese member of the group, is renowned for his research skills alongside Dino. He contributes to both planning and production and is responsible for disguises, which he handles with great expertise. His insane visuals are enough to make you think he'd bring no harm.
Lee Chan Lee Chan, known as Dino, is the maknae and excels in cons and disguises. He plays a key role in the group's planning and production and is known for his charisma, which enhances his disguise work.
Jeonghan, Joshua, Woozi, and Deokyeom left for their separate meetings, leaving the remaining eight members in the room.
"This is our first mission failure," one man said, disappointment evident in his voice. "It's not a complete failure yet. The deadline isn't up," Soonyoung assured him. "We were split into three groups, each with four members. We might have managed better if we had worked together."
"Ay, ay, it's alright, Vernon-ah. We just need to learn from our mistakes and do better next time," Seungkwan said, patting Vernon’s shoulder. "Besides, we all had different missions, so we couldn't assist each other."
Chwe Vernon, the American member, has high expectations and views 'failure' as unacceptable. He is involved in both business and gang operations, excelling as a strategist and sharpshooter.
"Even so, it's okay to be disappointed," Wonwoo said, standing up. "I'm leaving," he added before walking out."I’ll leave too," Vernon said, also rising from his seat and exiting. "Those two really have such huge egos," Seungkwan remarked as he watched them go.
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You were at work at the beauty store, successfully convincing a customer to buy three products. The sale boosted your confidence.
"Mei, our boss is visiting today because of yesterday's incident," Yuqi informed you, and you acknowledged the news.
Li Mei Quiang / YN, the protagonist, is a persuasive and observant 22-year-old Chinese who has lived in Korea since age six. Your expertise in psychological thinking and sociability makes you effective in your job.
Song Yuqi, a Chinese who moved to Korea four years ago, has become your close friend. She often calls you 'Unnie,' meaning older sister, as she is two years younger than you.
Choi Beomgyu, Choi Beomgyu, your best friend and a part-time store employee, is a year older and works as a musician. His social nature and connection to his band add to his role at the store. He also has his own set of other friends that is part of his band, and is practically a social butterfly.
Lee Heeseung, one of the people that you hold close with, your guardian since you were six, took you in when you were lost at the airport. Though his family needed convincing, he became your legal guardian and treated you like his own sister (once he reached his legal age). Ever wondered how a six year old even got there? Well, you were lost at an airport, you didn't know how to speak korean, so he took you with him.
He works at a small company, enough to make a living while taking care of you. He is five years older and treats you like his real little sister.
—AEYA HERE!: Count this as one of character introduction! Hehe, and, oh.
Choi Seungcheol is the boss of the Seventeen group, known for his stern and commanding presence. He has successfully led the group in both business and gang activities for five years.
3 days later.
The tension in the air was palpable as you stood in front of the manager, his eyes drilling into yours with an intensity that made your skin crawl. “You didn’t recover the stolen products, did you?” His question was pointed, almost as if he was challenging you.
You raised an eyebrow, biting back the urge to lash out. “No, sir...” you answered, your tone laced with thinly veiled sarcasm. His hand shot out, gripping your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. He smirked, a sinister glint in his eyes. “You know what that’ll cost you, right?”
A dangerous grin curled your lips. “And why exactly am I the only one getting punished? It’s not my fault your damn store doesn’t have any security.” You swatted his hand away, your voice dripping with defiance. Yuqi and Beomgyu exchanged knowing glances—they’d seen this side of you before.
The manager’s eyes narrowed, caught off guard by your audacity. “You little—do you want me to fire you?”
You didn’t back down. “Fire me? Because your store doesn’t have the budget for a single security guard? Or is it that you’re pocketing the money instead?” You tilted your head, feigning innocence, your voice cutting through the room like a knife.
For a moment, he was speechless, his bravado crumbling. “W-what are you implying?” gulping in his words at the sudden statement you had made. You grinned in a smug kind of way like the proud and confident woman that you are.
“You know exactly what I’m implying,” you shot back, leaning in just enough to make him uncomfortable. “The company’s successful nationwide. There’s no way it can’t afford proper security unless someone’s skimming off the top. Should I take this up with the CEO?”
Yuqi and Beomgyu were silently cheering you on from behind. Your boldness was nothing new to them, but it never failed to amaze. The manager, realizing he was backed into a corner, stammered out a weak excuse before scurrying off, tail between his legs. Of course, he could've defended himself, but you knew too much and he just couldn't find the words to deny it. He'd get away from more humiliation. As the manager, he'd have more power over you, but you towered over him so quickly he didn't have the time to escalate things. He didn't see that coming, he was the new manager after all.
“Damn, that was epic,” Beomgyu whispered, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Seriously, unnie, you’re my hero,” Yuqi added, eyes shining with admiration.
You waved them off, checking your phone as it buzzed. The manager had sent you a message, instructing you to handle an incoming shipment at the airport. A sly smile crept onto your face as you replied with a curt, “Send me the details.”
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Jeonghan, Joshua, Woozi, and Deokyeom were sipping their coffees, scanning the bustling terminal. They were waiting for the arrival of a critical shipment—a shipment they suspected had been compromised by their rivals.
“There,” Jeonghan muttered, nodding towards a woman talking to a man who matched the description of the dealer they were expecting. His eyes narrowed as he noticed something off. “That’s not the manager.”
“What do you mean?” Joshua asked, following Jeonghan’s gaze.
“The manager is supposed to be a guy,” Jeonghan replied, suspicion growing in his chest. “Could they be using someone else to do their dirty work?”
Woozi was already tapping away on his laptop, pulling up information on the mystery woman. “Li Mei Quiang... She’s listed as an employee from one of our branches, but there’s not much else here.”
Jeonghan’s mind was racing. “Why would a manager delegate something this important to a regular employee?”
Woozi’s eyes widened as more information came through. “It’s possible the manager’s a spy. He’s only been with the company a month—just before this whole mess with two groups started.”
Joshua frowned, piecing it together. “It was all planned. They sent him in as a mole.”
“And what about her?” Deokyeom chimed in, nodding towards you. “She could be part of it, too. There’s so little info on her, and she’s been working there for two years. Seems like a perfect candidate for a spy.”
Jeonghan sighed, his gaze still locked on you. “We’ll keep an eye on her, but for now, let’s make sure these products don’t end up in the wrong hands.”
The four men watched as you and the dealer loaded boxes into a truck. The tension was high as they followed you to the store, where they intercepted you just as you were about to offload the shipment.
Woozi approached you with a steely determination, flashing his ID. “These products need to be examined first.”
You glared at him, blocking his path. “And who the hell are you to make that call?”
Woozi’s irritation was palpable, but he kept his cool as he showed you his identification. Reluctantly, you stepped aside, arms crossed, watching as they took the boxes.
“So, we managed to stop the sabotaged shipment,” Soonyoung said, slumping into his chair, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. “But I’m still not sure about that girl,” Jeonghan muttered, pacing the room.
“You think she’s working with them?” Chan asked, leaning back in his seat.
“Possibly,” Jeonghan replied, rubbing his temples. “She might be more involved than we thought.”
“Relax, hyung,” Chan said, trying to ease the tension. “They wouldn’t send someone important out in the open like that. It’s too risky.”
Before Jeonghan could respond, Wonwoo and Mingyu entered the room, looking drained. “Turns out the ones who sabotaged our products were from EXO,” Woozi announced, breaking the silence.
“EXO?” Chan echoed, incredulous. “What the hell do they want with us?”
“They see us as competition,” Seungcheol said, his voice grim. “They’ve started a business here in Korea, and we’re in their way.”
Their company has been going well for the past 5 years, yet this commotion started about a week ago, making the rest of Seventeen members alert at the suddenness. EXO was a chinese group gang who had recently started their own business here in Korea a few months ago.
“Great, so now we’re dealing with a bunch of sore losers who resort to sabotage,” Seungkwan scoffed.
Seungcheol nodded, his expression dark. “We’ve lost a lot of money because of them. But this isn’t over. We’re going to double down on security and make sure every shipment is checked thoroughly. And as for that girl...”
Jeonghan straightened, his eyes narrowing. “We’ll keep a close watch on her. If she’s working with EXO, we’ll find out soon enough.”
He knew something was different too, but they also could be wrong. Wasting a time on that is just a big no for them given to the situation they're in for now.
Seventeen knew that they've already sent a few spies to their company to take note of whatever they had planned, so EXO was practically one step ahead of Seventeen.
A tense silence settled over the room as the members of Seventeen prepared for the inevitable confrontation. The stakes had never been higher, but they weren’t about to let anyone bring them down.
You walked back into the store, still reeling from the encounter. Your mind raced, wondering what the hell just happened. But there was no time to dwell on it—you had a job to do. And something told you this was just the beginning of a much bigger game.
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The sun barely broke through the clouds that Sunday, casting a muted light across the room as you moved with purpose, determined to clean every corner of your apartment. Heeseung wasn’t home, so you had the place to yourself—rare time to get things in order on your day off.
As you wiped down the countertops, the silence was interrupted by your phone buzzing on the counter. You glanced at the screen: an unknown number. Ignoring it was second nature; you never took calls from numbers you didn’t recognize. But the phone buzzed again and again, the persistent vibration grating on your nerves.
“The hell is this?” you muttered, irritation creeping into your voice as you prepared to block the number. Just as you were about to hit the button, the phone buzzed again, your thumb accidentally grazing the answer key in your frustration.
“You finally answered,” came a hoarse voice, instantly familiar and unwelcome. Your heart skipped a beat, a cold realization sinking in. “Who is this?” you demanded, now holding the phone to your ear.
“Baby… Please… Come back to me,” the man’s voice cracked, punctuated by the sound of soft sobs. Recognition hit you like a wave—this was your ex, the one you broke up with over a year ago, his obsession clearly as strong as ever.You hung up abruptly, a frustrated sigh escaping your lips as you massaged your temples, trying to stave off the headache that was beginning to form. The phone buzzed again, the same number flashing on the screen. You blocked it immediately, your frustration bubbling over. “How did this guy even get my new number?” you muttered. You’d changed it twice, yet somehow he’d found you again.
Hours later, the apartment was finally spotless, and the only task left was to take out the trash. You had missed the janitor’s usual rounds, so you grabbed the bag and headed for the stairs. As you descended, the faint sound of footsteps echoed behind you. At first, you brushed it off as someone else taking the stairs, but as you reached the third floor, a hand suddenly gripped your arm, spinning you around.
Your instinct was to fight, to kick the assailant away, but then you saw his face—Riki, your ex-lover. Your body tensed, recognizing him instantly.“Riki…?” you muttered, eyes narrowing in disbelief.
Nishimura Riki, the same guy you’d dated for three months before calling it quits. Heeseung’s friend, a year younger than you, with a reputation for being far too obsessive. Even after a year, he clearly hadn’t moved on.
“I told you, we can’t,” you said, your voice firm with frustration. “Babe, please, just one last chance,” Riki pleaded, his voice desperate as he grabbed your hand, ignoring the trash bag you were holding. “I just held the trash, don’t touch that,” you snapped, yanking your hand away. “Let’s talk some other time. Not now.”
But Riki wasn’t about to give up easily. He lunged forward, wrapping his arms around you from behind in a desperate hug. “Riki! Let go of me or I’ll cut both your arms off!” you yelled, your voice echoing off the stairwell walls.
“Baby… I don’t know what I did wrong, why did we have to break up?” Riki’s voice was filled with pain, his grip still tight around you. “I swear, this guy is so stubborn,” you thought, pushing him away with all your strength until you were finally free.
“For the thousandth time, you didn’t do anything wrong. We just didn’t work out, okay?” you said, putting as much distance as possible between you and him.
Riki was a good guy—too good. Caring, loving, understanding, he had every quality someone could want. But that was the problem; he was too nice, and you didn’t feel like you deserved it. You didn’t take things seriously, and you knew that if you didn’t end it early, it would only hurt him more. But looking at him now, you realized how wrong you’d been.
You shouldn't have dated him in the first place, right? Your brother had set you up with him, on which you did agree to go on dates until you found it to yourself that you weren't that serious about it, which made you regret your decision.
“I’m sorry, Riki,” you said, your voice softer now as you turned to finally head downstairs. You hurried to the ground floor, feeling his gaze on you until you reached the exit. You placed the trash bag with the others by the side of the building, taking a deep breath as you bent over, hands on your knees.
You watched as Riki’s figure retreated, driving away, his shoulders slumped in defeat. Just as you felt a slight relief, another figure caught your eye—a man dressed entirely in black, with a mask covering most of his face and a cap pulled low over his eyes. You’d seen him around the complex before, always looking out of place. You decided not to get involved—whatever his business was, it was none of yours.
Back in your apartment, exhaustion washed over you as you slumped onto the bed, scrolling through your phone mindlessly until sleep finally claimed you.
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Across town, in a dimly lit meeting room, a man entered, his footsteps echoing in the silence. Eleven figures were already seated around a large table, their faces obscured by shadows. The man took his place, and the one next to him leaned in, whispering, “What took you so long?”
“Seventeen has upgraded their security,” the man replied, his voice low. “The new system’s protection is too high—I can’t hack into it anymore.”
The leader at the head of the table slammed his hand down, the sound reverberating through the room. “Shut it. Because of your reckless actions, they found out about the shipments! Now you can’t even stay focused!” he shouted, his voice filled with barely contained anger. “Contact those seven boys and the three spies I’ve placed in each of their stores. Seventeen is already on to us.”
The group nodded in agreement, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife.
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The following Tuesday, you were back at work, talking to Yuqi about the argument you had with Heeseung the day before. “Typical sibling fights,” Yuqi remarked with a shrug, while you rolled your eyes in response.
“Even if I’m mad, I don’t have the right to be. He’s the one who raised me,” you said, sighing as you fixed the shelves, Yuqi nodding along.
After a brief silence, Yuqi suddenly perked up. “Oh, unnie, do you have any plans for your birthday tomorrow?” she asked, her tone light.
You thought for a moment before shrugging. “Not really. Heeseung said he’s busy, and Beomgyu has something going on, so I guess there are no plans this year.”
"But unnie, we should still celebrate!" Yuqi insists, her excitement has not diminished. "How about we go clubbing? You're stressed, and maybe a night out will help."
You considered her suggestion, a small smile tugging at your lips. “Not a bad idea. I didn’t have anything planned, but I guess this could work.”
The next day, Shuhua picked you up in her luxurious limo, Yuqi and Minnie already inside. You wore a simple black dress with white off-shoulder puffed sleeves and a slit up the side, practical yet elegant. Your makeup was light, accentuating your natural beauty.
As soon as you stepped into the car, the girls squealed in delight, their eyes wide with admiration. “You guys act like you’ve never seen me before,” you quipped, rolling your eyes as you took a seat.
“We just wanted to give you extra attention since it’s your birthday,” Minnie said with a chuckle, the other two nodding in agreement. “Happy birthday, pretty girl,” Shuhua added, handing you a pair of designer bags.
“Thank you, girlies,” you replied, smiling as you accepted the gifts. Shuhua, ever the generous CEO, had picked out something luxurious, while Yuqi handed you a small box containing a delicate necklace engraved with all your names.
“Aww, this is really sweet,” you said, giving Yuqi a hug before slipping on the necklace. The car ride was loud and full of laughter, the four of you enjoying each other’s company until you arrived at the club.
The night was going well—too well, perhaps. A few hours in, the girls were already passed out, Minnie was nowhere to be found, Yuqi was slumped over the table, and Shuhua was making out with some random guy. You found yourself alone at the bar, the night still young but already feeling drawn out.
It was just after midnight, and you watched the crowd from above, perched on a stool with your legs crossed and your chin resting in your hand. You were starting to feel the effects of the drinks you’d had when a man walked into the room, instantly drawing everyone’s attention.
He was striking—tall, around 178-180 cm, dressed in a slim-fitting, jet-black suit that accentuated his lean frame. The suit’s fabric caught the light with a subtle sheen, perfectly tailored to his body. Underneath, a crisp white shirt contrasted sharply against the dark suit, the collar open just enough to reveal a glimpse of his collarbone. His deep burgundy tie added a splash of color, and a simple silver tie pin completed the look. His hair, slightly tousled yet meticulously styled, framed his sharp jawline, softening the intensity of his gaze. The way he carried himself—with a quiet confidence and a subtle, knowing smile—commanded the room’s attention.
His presence was magnetic, and despite yourself, being tipsy, you found yourself drawn into his presence. He started a conversation with you, offering you a few more drinks, making you feel more tipsy and you just couldn't help but feel drawn to this man in front of you. After a few moments of talking, the next thing you knew is that you had your lips all over his already.
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~~~You've reached the end. Wait for Chap 3 ;)
On My Command - Masterlist (Chapters)
—AEYA HERE!: YNNIE??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ and who is that man? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
—AEYA HERE!: your likes, reblogs, follows are very much appreciated. it boosts my dopamine and makes me want to upload asap so yeah, interacting with me really helps ^^
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dumbkatsu · 2 years
Hi! Could you please do hualian (together or separate) with a mortal s/o who has reincarnated? Thank you!!! (I don't normally do request like this so I'm kinda nervous)
Hey anon! I'm so sorry I'm only responding to you now. Thank you so much for waiting! I really like this prompt so I'll try my best. Hope you like it!
(I'll do a mix of both here. from personal pov to hc of them together)
I was listening to this playlist video on yt while writing
When Xie Lian saw you he couldn't believe it. He thought it was just some spirit messing with him. But no it was you. It was you.
Time stood still while flashbacks of memories and feelings you shared styarted flooding back in. From the joyous times where everything seemed right to the unbearable grief, rage and sorrow from your loss. By the time he'd recovered you had already disappeared into the crowd.
He wandered around for a while until he heard the voice of his beloved in the comunication array. "Dianxia where are you? Did you forget about our date in Yu Jun mountain for our 50th anniversary. I'm counting on your wonderfull cooking." "Ah yes San Lang I'm on my way!"
Xie Lian arrived and Hua Cheng was quick to greet him with a peck on the lips. A cheeky gesture that held an insurmountable of love. "Gege everything's ready and this tine I'll make sure we won't have any interruptions" "Hmm" Xie Lian was looking at the horizon deep in thought. "Gege are you alright? You seem distant. What happened today?"
"I saw them" xie lian blurted
"Who?" San Lang inquired
"Y/N san lang."
" I-I couldn't believe it myself either but- "
"No, that's impossible they're dead" Hua chengs face was deadpanned. Showing no emotion "San Lang it's true I saw them today at the market"
"No gege they're dead I saw them die"
It was brutal and ice-cold. Xie Lian knew this was a touchy subject but he pressed on. "I think they've finally reincarnated" "..." "It's been so long since I've seen their face...seen those eyes-" "Dianxia I'm very sorry but it seems there is trouble in ghost city and it requires my presence. I'm terribly sorry but I must go. I'll meet you in puqi shrine." with that hua cheng disappeared. Xie Lian knew Hua cheng didn't need to go to ghost city, yin yu could basically manage ghost city without hua cheng for a year in the least. He'd seen it. Alas xie lian sighed and he knew hua cheng just needed space.
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Hua Cheng didn't even try to find you. With his network already so spread out (yin yu) it was too easy to find out where you were.
You were there. Rigth there.
You were working in a lantern shop. Helping the owner preparing for the grand festival that celebrated the two deities of the village. Hua Cheng could only watch. Fighting the urge to come to you and hold you. To make sure you were real. It took too much of him when he lost you right in his arms. He wanted to protect you. So much so that you'd never leave like that ever again.
But he couldn't. He didn't move and just stared at you until the shop closed.
The walk back to puqi shrine felt longer than usual. With all his turmoil at least he knew with certainty that he could always find comfort in his beloved's arms. Xie Lian swallowed him in a hug as soon as Hua cheng laid down. "So how were they?" "Still has that same selflessness... they were helping the old Tao with the lanterns for tomorrow " "Do you want to meet them?" "I don't know" "I don't know either. To be honest I'm scared." hua cheng turned cupping xie lian's face "It will be alright. We've been through worse."
The day of the festival was hectic. You were filling in for old Tao's nephew that broke his leg two days before the festival and the customers were flooding the humble stall, the craftsmanship and ability of old Tao that translated to his lanterns was indeed mesmerizing. After things slowed down old Tao gave you time off to enjoy the rest of the festival. You went straight to the food stalls and grabbed some "chastity meatballs" you always found the name a bit odd but the tale was that the Scrap‌ ‌Immortal saved a family by offering the ghosts those meatballs and went to a quiet table to enjoy your treat.
After the meal, you got up but tripped on your robes and bumped into a man and spilled some liquor on them. They made quite a fuss and were very angry. As they prepared to strike you, you closed your eyes and prepared for impact. But it never came.
A strong hand pale as chalk was holding tightly onto the wrist of the man. A youth that had such a delicate physique was looking at the man like he was about to kill him.
"Is there a problem here?" Hua cheng inquired.
The look from his threatening gaze was enough to send the man running. As he was out of sight Hua cheng swiftly turned away and started walking. Until he felt a gentle tug on his sleeve "Hey gongzi wait up! I never got the chance to thank you. Can I offer you a meal to repay your act of bravery and kindness?"
The young man turned to you with a face of disgust. But his eyes were of melancholy and hurt.
Hua Cheng breathed in sharply and held his breath. His pupils slightly shrunk. "Ah, I'm sorry I don't know why I called you by that name, forgive me. You do look quite familiar..."
The resurgence of memories foreign to you started flooding back into your mind at a rapid speed. The fog started clouding your mind and you started to lose your balance. But before you could fall you were enveloped by soft white fabric.
"San Lang let´s get them somewhere safe"
That was the last thing you heard before falling into slumber.
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Alright! Time for some hc!
Ok so while you were sleeping you regained your memories of them. You saw everything happen before your eyes. How you met Xie Lian and Hong'er when the kingdom of Xianle was vast and prosperous. The memories you made with them. How you died in honger's arms in the war. Everything.
You woke up in a staw mat. The two faces you thought you'd never see again now are looking at you with worry.
Your eyes started to swell up with tears and pulled them both into your embrace while softly crying.
Xie lian closed his eyes and embraced you with so much strength to compensate for all the years filled with regrets and let out a deep sigh.
Hua cheng on the other hand hugged you reluctantly and buried his face on your shoulder, biting his trembling lip to keep himself under control.
He was the first to break the embrace and booked it into the woods. With you following behind for a while.
He stopped at a lake and turned to you.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"For leaving you"
You got closer to hua cheng and just held him there.
"It's ok. I'm here now"
You both stayed there for a while. Sitting in front of the lake embracing each other. Hua cheng with his head on your chest and you carding your fingers through his hair. Xie Lian Joined you shortly.
Now! Obviously they put you up to speed on all the events that happened. And you were incredulous at the adventures and plots they uncovered. But you were glad everything turned out in the end.
Surprisingly, an activity you guys like to do together is fishing
Even though you and hua cheng had to "fish" xie lian out of the sea most of the times.
You help xie lian in collecting trash so you can sell it.
Dude. When I tell you sleeping with them is THE BEST THING
Take that info as you wish 😏
They would introduce you to their friends. Even yushi huang!
Becoming buddies with shi qingxuan was bound to happen.
Thankfully mnq although at the beginning skeptical, accepted you more then hua cheng for xie lian.
Travelling with them to other lands is so enjoyable.
Hua cheng likes to spook you with sneaky kisses on your neck
Giving gifts to each other bcs something reminded you of them is very frequent.
One day after xie lian came from working in the rice fields you were preparing dinner and he sneaked up behind you, covering your eyes "Now who from my two lovely husbands might this be?" you said playfully.
Xie lian's heart skipped a beat.
"It's me dear" he said pecking your cheek lovingly.
He then took your hand stroking it lovingly and and sliding a grass ring in your finger.
"I did that with a couple of grass I found. I know it's nothing compared to san lang's elaborate rings but-" he was interrupted with your kiss.
"I love it A-lian"
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joshushuaji · 3 months
another friend || w.jh x afab!reader
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꩜ genre / tws . fluff, angst, has some swearing, mentions of a cat's de@th, reader is depressed, jun is your cutie bf to comfort u <3
꩜ wc . 1.2k (1240)
꩜ synopsis . after losing your cat that you grew up with since you were 13, your sweet boyfriend found another way to cheer you up other than using his words.
꩜ a/n . this is a late bday gift for my baby boy, jun. i hope you guys like it!! (i'm doing a hoshi one next then i'm going to be releasing my seungcheol series <3)
sfw masterlist > here .
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jun silently looks at himself in the bathroom mirror before hearing a loud buzz coming from his bedroom.
he turns off the lights before walking towards the noise, soon finding out that you were calling him. he answers the phone with a warm smile on his face, “hey baby, do you need something? i miss you.” he asks, with a chuckle.
you sniffle quietly, trying to calm yourself down and as soon as he heard that he asked you if you were crying to which you confirmed you were.
“what's wrong? did something happen? do you need me to come over, my love?” his sweet, sweet smile disappearing as you let out a stuttered “yes”.
you look at your phone through tears, your vision slowly getting blurry as you try to stay in contact with jun but there was no point because all the words that he just said went into your left ear and went out the other.
the last thing you heard from him was “i'll be there in a few minutes.” before he hung up.
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jun rang the doorbell to your apartment and surprisingly, your mom opens the door.
“ah, jun.. i didn't expect you to be up this late. i told y/n to not call you because i thought you were asleep.” she says with an awkward smile though her expression didn't last long.
jun shook his head nonchalantly, “i've been staying up lately because i have work, eomeo-nim.”
she nods her head. “right, come in. y/n's in her room, sweetheart.” her mom offered one last smile before jun disappeared from her sight, walking towards your bedroom.
he knocked gently on the slightly open door, “y/n, love? i'm here.” he entered your room, opening the lights as he let out a devastated sigh when he saw you lying on the ground with empty beer cans everywhere.
he sat down on the floor next to you, “what's wrong now, hmm?” jun softly ran his hands through your hair as you slowly sat up and hugged him.
he hugs you back with no hesitation and you started sobbing loudly in his arms. “my cat.. ming— ming is dead, junnie..” you stutter.
he strokes your back as he struggles to find the words to comfort you but as a few seconds pass, he manages to discover the right ones; “i'm so sorry, y/nnie.. i'm sure ming's watching you in heaven, i know it. someone else has to take care of him now that he's in the afterlife , but he'll always remember that you're the first and only person that's in his heart.”
“come on, baby. don't cry anymore, okay? we're all here for you. it's hard but i promise you'll feel better soon. ming's missing you too and i'm sure he wants you to be happy, even if he's gone.” he wipes your tears off, placing a kiss on your forehead while he massaged your hand.
you lean in and give him a peck on the lips, “i love you, junnie.” you sniffled, smiling a bit. “i love you too and so does ming, so stop crying now okay?” he smiled back.
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recently, you moved in with your boyfriend since your job was much closer to his house and so was his. when jun knew about this, he was more than happy to help you out with moving into his apartment because he's always been lonely ever since minghao left to spend his vacation in china with his parents.
it's been a few months since your beloved cat's passing. you've moved on with the help of jun but of course it still saddens you when you think about ming.
you're left alone in jun's apartment, waiting for him to arrive home from work; it's been a stressful day for you— you had to take care of rude customers and the cafe was packed with so many people, you almost bursted out of that place in anger.
walking towards the living room, your body falls limp on the brown sofa.
you suddenly hear the door open and immediately stand up, knowing that it was your boyfriend. “love, i'm home.” he says as you came running into his arms, not letting him put his bag down.
“hi junnie.” you say, smiling as he placed a kiss on your forehead. “hi y/nnie.” he replied back and chuckled as you let go of the hug to let him take his shoes off.
“i have a gift for you, baby” jun said and god, he fell in love when he saw your eyes widen. he looked at them as if there were sparkles in those eyes, so plain yet so ethereal. “why don't you go wait in the living room and wait for me?” he says and you oblige quickly.
he opened the front door to grab the portable pet carrier from one of his friends that were waiting outside, thanking him one last time before he left.
“y/nnie, are you still in the living room?” he yelled, but not too loud to which you replied with a gentle ‘yes, i am’ before he proceeded to enter the living room while carrying a pet carrier.
you confusingly look into his eyes and back at the object he was carrying, not knowing what to say— or what it was either. your curiosity killed you.
junhui sits next to you before holding your hands and looking into your eyes. “baby, i know you've been wanting another cat ever since ming's passing. so.. i, um,”
your eyes widened and tears started welling up, “what the fuck?! are you serious junhui?! did you get me a kitten?!” you freaked out, hugging him immediately after he nodded to your questions. he stroked your back as you sobbed into his arms, humming.
“o-oh my gosh..” you say, looking at the kitten that he took from the pet carrier and now presenting it to you. “it's a little guy! this is the best gift ever, junnie..” you sniffled.
and as you thought that things wouldn't get worse, the kitten meowed at you. it meowed at you. and you felt your heart swell, hearing its first meows right in front of your eyes. “oh my.. he looks just like ming, doesn't he?” junhui pets the kitten as you admired it.
“you sweet baby.. mommy and daddy junhui will take care of you.” you booped its nose and sniffled as you smiled through your tears.
junhui looks at you with pure adoration, he can't help himself but admire you. even while you were crying, he felt like you were the most beautiful person he's ever seen in his entire life. just as he was getting lost in his thoughts, you made eye contact with him and gave him a peck on the lips as well as the kitten he held.
“thank you, junhui. i love you so much.” he cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for one more kiss before you pull away, not wanting to suffocate the kitten in between your bodies.
“you're welcome and i love you too, my love.” he smiled as he gave you the kitten and watched you for the rest of the day playing with your new pet.
he was so happy and he wished that life would be like this forever. you were his source of happiness and he wished that you were still his by the time both of your hairs turn white.
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a/n 2: if you liked this, please like & reblog tysm! support an underrated author <33
for more like this, check out my masterlist!
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s2pdoktopus · 6 months
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Jiang Cheng in Seclusion
Jiang Cheng: *squeezes his belly where his golden core is with a pained expression*
Jiang Xie: *watches him with furrowed brows*
Jiang Xie: *in the kitchen, talking to the head cook* Ayi, about A-Die...
Jiang Cheng: Hao Fei, this is the fifth day you've given me congee.
Hao Fei: I'm sorry if the food is not to your liking, Sect Leader, but young mistress Jiang had insisted that you only eat food that can help with your upset stomach.
Jiang Cheng: I don't have an upset stomach.
Hao Fei: Perhaps if Sect Leader communicated this with his daughter, he wouldn't have to endure four days of eating bland food.
Jiang Cheng: Are you telling me how to handle my kid?
Hao Fei: Xiao-Xie has been running around with the three trouble makers looking for the person responsible for your seclusion, sect leader. I heard she reached out to Jin Rulan and asked him to, and I quote "use his sect leader powers" to find a perpetrator.
Jiang Cheng: Nosy brats.
Hao Fei: I wouldn't dare ask sect leader why he chose to lock himself up in his room but I expected our sect leader, whom raised his home from the ashes while caring for his nephew after losing his family to be strong enough to be there for his children, especially at a time like this.
Jiang Cheng: ... *eats his food* Tell Jin Ling to bring his cousin home immediately. Otherwise I'll go to Carp tower myself and break their legs.
Hao Fei: Right away, Sect leader.
Jiang Xie: A-DIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (slams to Jiang Cheng's legs)
Jiang Cheng: *sigh* A-Xie, what did I say about running by the docks?
Jiang Xie: You never told me you have a big brother!
Jiang Cheng: I didn't?
Jiang Xie: You do! A-Ling called him Dajiu which makes him my Dajiu too!
Jiang Cheng: Bofu, your Bofu. And who's Da-jiu?!
Jiang Xie: Senior Mo! *Gasp* but doesn't that mean that insect really happened in our family???
Jiang Cheng: In...sect...? You mean incest? Where do you even learn these?
Jiang Xie: Do not change the topic, A-Die! You have a brother and you never told me!
Jiang Cheng: I... did have a brother.
Jiang Xie: hmph!
Jiang Cheng: But I don't have one anymore. It's complicated.
Jiang Xie: Is it that "you'll get it when you're older" thing?
Jiang Cheng: ... yes.
Jiang Xie: But Senior Mo was your brother?
Jiang Cheng: No?
Jiang Xie: No?
Jiang Cheng: Senior Mo... is possessed by my brother. No, Zidian can't make him leave.
Jiang Xie: Oh... is that bad? What about Senior Mo?
Jiang Cheng: I don't know. (I don't care either.)
Jiang Xie: *nods* But what should I call him now A-die? He's like, Senior Mo and your brother at the same time!
Jiang Cheng: Jin Ling will be annoyed if refer Wei- his DaJiu with respect before you do to him.
Jiang Xie: A-Ling is A-Ling. Senior Mo is your brother, I want to leave a good impression!
Jiang Cheng: Brat. (You already left a horrible impression I'm sure.) I don't know how you should address him.
Jiang Xie: It's complicated. (Nods sagely)
Jiang Cheng: It's complicated. But you can just ask him how he wants to be called and do as he says to make it simpler.
Jiang Xie: Oh! You truly are wise, A-Die! I'll go ask him!
Jiang Cheng: Brat. Wait. Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling are here?!
Wei Wuxian: Ah, Xiao-Xie, to what do I owe a visit?
Jiang Xie: Senior Mo, can I call you Bofu?
(Jin Ling in the background: *offended gasp*)
Wei Wuxian: ... YES OF COURSE! I'd be honored-(Glows)
Wei Wuxian: But, Ah... wouldn't your A-die mind?
Jiang Xie: A-die said I should ask you.
Wei Wuxian: *Glows even brighter*
Jiang Xie: A-Die?
Jiang Cheng: What is it this time?
Jiang Xie: If Senior Mo-
Jiang Cheng: Wei. His, my brother's name is Wei Ying. Courtesy name Wuxian.
Jiang Xie: If Senior Wei is my Bofu, doesn't that make Hanguang Jun my shenshen?
Jiang Cheng: (torn between accepting Lan Wangji as family and how funny it would be if his daughter calls him shenshen) Maybe. Ask your uncle how to address him.
Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian allowed my kid to call him uncle. What does this mean????
Wei Wuxian: Jiang Cheng allowed his kid to call me uncle. What does this mean????
Jiang Xie: A-die! a-Die! Did you know that Bofu has a son?
Jiang Cheng: A... WHAT???
Jiang Xie: A son!
Jiang Cheng: A son?
Jiang Xie: *nods* isn't that great? Our family doubled in just a year!
Jiang Cheng: Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian: Yes, A-Cheng?
Jiang Cheng: If I learn one more life altering secret about the family from one of my kids again, consider this fledgling bridge we've been building broken.
Jiang Xie: A-Ling, A-Ling why are you sad?
Jin Ling: Nothing, I just-
Jiang Xie: Just?
Jin Ling: I just wish I have parents too.
Jiang Xie: We have A-die.
Jin Ling: He's your A-die. Mine is...
Jiang Xie: (contemplates) (with determination) A-Ling, swear brotherhood with me.
Jin Ling: Huh? Why? And what does that have to do with anything.
Jiang Xie: (brightly) If you're my brother then my A-die is your A-die too!
Jin ling: I'm not replacing my father.
Jiang Xie: yeah you're just getting two fathers now. Your Baba and my A-die.
Jin Ling: that's not how it works.
Jiang Xie: It is too! My brother should naturally my father's son too, no?
Jin Ling: that's not- sighs
Jiang Xie: well?
Jin Ling: (hugs Jiang Xie) I'll think about it, thanks A-Xie.
Jiang Xie: (hugs Jin Ling back)
During a Cultivation conference
Jiang Xie: *looks at Lan Wangji, cowers behind Jiang Cheng a bit* A-Die? Why is Hanguang Jun always mad at you?
Jin Ling: *winces and drinks his tea*
Jiang Cheng: ... He's not mad at me.
Jin Ling: *spits his tea* jiujiu?!!
Jiang Cheng: he looks at nearly everyone the same way. He's just born with that face, no need to put meaning on his stares.
Jiang Xie: *looks at Lan Wangji again* oh, you're right.
Jin Ling: he's no-
Jiang Cheng: Sect Leader Jin, if you're so eager to correct my words, I'm sure you wouldn't mind educating my daughter for the next hour or until her curious mind is satisfied.
Jin Ling: ah, *looks at Jiang Xie's eager eyes* of course, sect leader Jiang is right, the chief cultivator does look at everyone the same way.
Christmas (kind of)
Jiang Cheng: 'To make it clear, this wasn't my idea. A Senior Disciple came to me one day. "Sect Leader, how about we do something to boost the juniors' morale?" The proposition was thus: We tell the children that if they work their hardest, some of them will be given the chance to have their wish granted by some magic man, or something, Jiang Cheng isn't pivy with the details other than the magical wish grantor is actually just him using the magic of money. It was supposed to be a one time thing but it was a very effective motivator so it became a tradition.
In this year's conferences the Yunmeng Jiang Sect continued to rank among the top in competitions. And now, Jiang Cheng has to complete his end of the bargain.
Jiang Cheng: Next time someone asks to be whipped by Zidian, I'm going to do it so hard no one will ever ask for it ever again. *Picks up a letter separate from the stack* Xiao Xie has been loud but otherwise good this year. Maybe I'll give her something she wants
Xie's letter: I wish to have a Didi.
Jiang Cheng: I thought she already moved on from that... Jin Ling performed very well in the last archery competition. He's A-Jie's son so he's technically Yunmeng Jiang by blood. *Picks up Jin Ling's letter* why is it heavy?
Jin Ling's Letter: I wish Jiujiu and Wei Wuxian to reconcile.
Jiang Cheng: that brat, he should learn to mind his own business- *a gold drops from the letter* is he bribing me?!?!
Jiang Cheng: *massages his temple* picks up a letter from the pile. Yu Meilai, *nods* she more or less carried the sect during those competitions. She deserves to-
Yu Meilai: On behalf of lotus Pier, I humbly ask our wish grantor a torture dungeon. With-
Jiang Cheng: *puts it back in the pile. Picks another letter.* Ah, XinXue. She has been very good with the new Shimei and shidi, I'll try my best to-
XinXue's letter: I wish all demonic cultivators a slow agonizing death
Jiang Cheng: Ah, that's impossible. Even for Sandu Sengshou. I mean, I would attempt it but that would but the sect in danger considering who the chief cultivator's husband is. Yes. That's why I can't do it. I can but I can't. Sorry XinXue. *Picks up a different letter* Please for the love of every deity protecting lotus Pier, let this be something I can actually grant. *Read the letter
Jiang Lian: Our sect Leader works too hard, I wish him a day or two of rest.
Jiang Cheng: Jiang Lian has always been my favorite.
(Jiang Cheng slept soundly that night and then the next.)
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lizziexmeow · 1 month
[ Jun Posted 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 19:33 KST
> I'm so sad that I have to tell CARATs about this situation, no matter what the schedule is, I will work hard to complete it all. I hope to show CARATs better works in the future, please take care of your health too!! I will work hard and go to CARATs as soon as possible~~ i love you ❤
It is a pity to tell the carats about the current situation. No matter what the itinerary is, I will try my best to complete it. I hope to bring you better works in the future, everyone should pay attention to their health! ! I will try my best to come back as soon as I finish it~~Love you guys❤
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[ THE8 Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 19:42 KST
M: Take care of yourself, stay safe ~ work hard🥰🥰🥰
J: The same to you!!!❤️Take care of yourself~
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[ Vernon Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 19:45 KST
V: Good boy~
J: ❤️
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[ Dino Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 19:45 KST
D: Fighting!!💪
J: Thank you<~~~Fighting❤️
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[ Wonwoo Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 19:47 KST
W: Jun-ah, come show us your new world!🙌
J: okay~wait for me!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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[ DK Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 19:47 KST
D: moong junghwi~Always take care of yourself and stay healthy!
Make sure to eat well˘͈ᵕ˘͈ I'll miss you, have strength hyung🩷🩵
J: thank you~~~❤️You too, always take care of your health~~~
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[ Scoups Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 20:29 KST
S: Do well and come backkk
J: Hyung, I'll work hard and come back 🥺❤️
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[ Hoshi Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 20:33 KST
H: show us then come back!!!!♥️🔥
J: I'll work hard, thank you!!!!!❤️🐯
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[ Seungkwan Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240812 - 20:36 KST
S: Junlove Huilove 💛
J: ❤️❤️❤️
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no-gram · 7 months
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Jacka:...... Ah! Good morning! I've been waiting for you to wake up…!
Ai:You are ......
Jacka:You don't remember, do you? Well...first of all. Do you know where you are?
Ai: This is... this is a prison.
Jacka:Correct! Yes, I should introduce myself. I'm...I'm Jackalope. Well, you can call me Jacka...? But call me whatever you want!
Ai: Nice to meet you. I'm...Ai. I'm the administrator of this prison.
Jacka: Nice to meet you, Ai. I'm glad to see you're swallowing so quickly! Well, do you remember that much?
Jacka: I'll be quick, but can you get ready to leave the room?
Ai: Where are we going?
Jacka: We're going to go around the prison to where the prisoners are. This is a small prison, so I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the map in no time... but it would be nice to have an explanation, wouldn't it?
Ai: Okay, let's go.
Jacka: Um...do you mind if I hold you?
Ai: Can't you walk by yourself?
Jacka: Well, well, well... look! Your stride is different, isn't it?
Ai:Sigh...I guess we have no choice.
Jacka: There's your room now, and my room, and storage and dining room. There's also a shower room.
Ai: Are there any rules?
Jacka: Hmm, why don't you decide...? You are the administrator, right?
Ai: Do you know how it feels to suddenly have power in a strange place?
Jacka: Do you think I can understand other people's feelings?
Ai: ...I lose. Tell me the next room.
[Door opens]
Jacka: The next room is a very special place, so listen carefully. This is the Panopticon. You can look around and keep an eye on all the prisoners too. They're all sleeping now, though.
Ai: Prisoners...
Jacka: Are you worried?Well, it's not comforting, but they are all girls about your age. I'm sure you'll get to know them quickly. Well, they are all called to be evil person.
Yes, let me introduce all of you! I think it will be much easier for you that way, rather than going about your business without knowing anything about them.
Ai:agree.. We need efficiency in our work.
Jacka: You're very motivated, aren't you? You're not even intimidated by the prisoners. That's worth explaining.
Jacka: Okay, first then, prisoner number 001, Tsuguha. She is the youngest girl here, 12 years old. She seems a little cautious, so please be gentle with her.
Ai: An elementary school student, huh? I wonder if I can be gentle.
Jacka: You might be able to force her to disclose information by frightening her, but there are not many prisoners in this prison. We can unravel their information over time. If so, don't you think it's worth being gentle?
Ai: Maybe so. But they are equally bad people here. We will not know until we interact with them.
Jacka: It's good that you are willing to do this, but don't overdo it. I don't want you to miss the truth. Next.
Jacka: Prisoner number 002, Jun. She's the staunchest of them all. She's not very sociable.
Ai: Hmm.Is intimidation sometimes necessary?
Jacka: I'm scared! I may have to make you learn to be nice...
Jacka: Let's move on already!!Prisoner number 003 Kizuna. Hmmm, she seems relatively bright and normal among the prisoners. But she might be the one I don't understand the most.
Ai: What do you mean you don't know her well?
Jacka: She is more ambiguous than the other prisoners. It's like there's something the prison can't detect.
Jacka: You are halfway there. Keep up the good work. Prisoner 004, Tuzuri. Hmmm. She seem calmer than the other prisoners. Maybe too calm, in fact.
Ai: How can he be calm in the presence of potential bad guys? I can say this now that I don't know anything about them, but I find it more suspicious when people are calm.
Jacka: My explanation is only an image, but it may indicate that we should also value our intuition.
Jacka: Alright, well, let's move on. Prisoner number 005, Itoho. Hmmm, she is the oldest one. Perhaps that's why she has a certain amount of leeway.
Ai: Can i stand up to an older opponent?
Jacka: You threaten younger people, but are intimidated by older people?
Ai: Don't drag out the joke...I'm starting to look foolish. I still don't really understand proper communication.
Jacka: I don't think intimidation is allowed, but we are here to record what you feel and what you learn, so it's up to you how you behave.
Jacka: last. Prisoner number 006, Rinne. You can tell at first glance. There is something bizarre about her. Now you are pure and innocent, for better or worse, so be careful not to be consumed by her pressure.
Ai: ...I definitely have a sense of responsibility as an administrator. I don't know if I have the dignity, but I am ready to manage these girls. I will not be defeated so easily. I don't know if I can defeat violence, but...
Jacka: Oh, you will be fine on that point. The prisoners cannot hurt you.
Ai: Wow, that's great.
[The sound of bells]
Jacka: Just in time. Now, your life as an administrator is about to begin. The girls will be waking up soon.
Jacka: Let's review. You are the keeper of this prison. You have to give the prisoners a "Justice" or "Evil" verdict. You can base your decision on whether they are good people or not, whether you like them or not, the law or not, or any other criteria.If I were to give advice, it would be to give justice to the people you want to model your life on.
Ai: I should have thought about how to address everyone. I'll have to improvise and see what I can do.
Jacka: That's it. They can't hear my voice. good luck.
Ai: Nah...that's terrible.
No, I'm an administrator. I am not going to be outdone by girls my age. First impressions count.
Jacka: That's the spirit. I'll be watching from afar. So, Ai, I look forward to seeing what your choice will be.
Ai: Good morning, prisoners. I'm the administrator.Have a good life.
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soapy-soartp · 3 months
Day 5 of @whumperless-whump-event
Im so sorry Lan Zhan but these prompts just fit you
Prompt: Wheezing / Light-headed / "I'll count, you just breathe."
Fandom: MDZS
Characters: Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Backround/Mentioned: Lan Sizhui and Wei Wuxian
“Wangji…” Lan Xichen starts, trying to reason with his younger brother.
Who was once again kneeling by a closed door, desperately waiting for it to open once again for the people inside to let him in.
Even all these years it’s still a painful sight to see, and even more painful to remember. Lan Wangji’s grief and desperation, his own grief and sadness, all far too overwhelming for two young children. But no one around could- no, would help them. The only one who was willing and happy to guide them was gone.
“...” As expected he got silence in return, but he can tell now that his brother’s word may fail him, his eyes don’t.
Those eyes are glassy and far away. So he does what he can as he holds over the umbrella he had over them both.
“…Let’s go inside, hm?” He tries to coax, it was raining instead of snowing but that's to be expected in Lotus pier, where the weather was much warmer than that of Gusu.
“Wangji… They’ll be ok…” He tries to reassure but it falls on seemingly deaf ears.
He can't even imagine what's going through his didi’s head right now, not only was his husband hurt, he couldn't even see him and the scene was far too similar to the one from their childhood.
It all happened so fast. At least that’s what was reported, Wei Ying and A-Yuan got hurt.
And he wasn’t there to help them.
“Move! get out the way!”
“I'm sorry, Hanguang Jun but you can't enter while the Jiang healers are in there…”
“They’ll be fine. He’s survived worse and you’ve both raised a tough kid.”
The long engraved need to follow the rules, to keep his composure wars with the anxiety, fear, and dread he feels at this moment.
So he kneels, out in the harsh rain of lotus pier, slightly off to the side from the Jiang sect's healing ward. His brother tries to coax him out of the rain, but he can't hear very well, actually he can’t do anything much more than fixate on the fate of those in the medical ward.
It’s getting harder to think, to breathe. He suddenly feels cold and lightheaded… and his vision starts to swim with dark spots.
Then someone’s (his brother?) is in front of him and there’s hands gripping at his shoulders.
“-ngji?...Snap…it- Breathe!” Is being yelled at him.
Breathe…? Isn’t he breathing? He has to be, why wouldn’t he be… Oh.
He isn’t breathing.
He tries but all he can manage is a wheezing breath, he blinks and his sight fogs over with tears.
“G-ge…?” He manages while struggling for breath.
“Wangji, Didi, it’s alright, you’re alright. Just breathe, ok? Just-” Was the frantic response, he feels himself shift and soon he’s leaning against his brother.
“C-can’t…” He gasps for breath but it ends in a choked wheeze.
“Ah, follow my breathing, hm?”
He feels his brother’s chest rise with a steady breath in and fall with one out. He tries to follow through but his attempts end in staggering wheezes. He feels more dark spots dance in his vision and he, embarrassingly slumps and clings to his brother.
“G-ge…g-ge, can’t. W-wei Yi- Shinz- Shu-” A gasps interrupts his desperate and panicked babbling then he continues on again.
He feels the tears fall as he calls out to the people who he cares for the most.
“Shh… A-zhan, A-zhan. Just breathe.” His brother states firmly, taking his wrists in a firm hold and pulling him in closer to the solid embrace, “I’ll count, just breathe.”
“In for One… Two… Three…” His brother starts, and he tries another breath in.
It was still hard but the solid presence helps, the calming voice and the counting helps. Thankfully after a few rounds of the breathing exercise, his own breathe steadies. But that doesn’t do much for the emotional exhaustion and anxiety he still felt, so he allows himself a moment of vulnerability.
He openly weeps in his brother’s arms, concern for his husband and their child too great to bear. Once he’s truly exhausted himself he slumps fully in the solid hold.
Now they were both soaked and kneeling in a Jiang sect courtyard. He lets out a quiet hum, an apology and thanks to his brother.
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lunosou · 2 years
Aren't I mean~? (Ensemble Stars!!)
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Summary: No matter how hard you try to be mean, you just can't. But what would the Enstars characters think of your behaviour? Will they find it amusing? Will they help you and give you tips? What's their reaction to you miserably failing at being mean?
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A/N: Hello! My friend told me about this idea she got. She was inspired by Luca Kaneshiro's stream where he'd basically call a few friends and tried to be mean to them and kind of failing at doing so.
This can be read as platonic or romantic!
Reader is gender neutral!
I didn't want to write for all the characters 😅 So since my friend decided to give me this idea, I'll write this for her favorite characters (+ Nagisa because he's my favorite character and I refuse to not include him)
Characters: Nagisa Ran, Ritsu Sakuma, Mika Kagehira, Sengoku Shinobu, Jun Sazanami
Warnings: Swearing/Cursing
Sorry if Jun's was short idk what to say for him lol
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Just to clarify! You are not Anzu/the producer! Just pretend you're part of another unit. What unit, you may ask? Just make up any unit you want lol
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Well, well. You headed towards Nagisa. What were you doing to do? Well, you're going to try to be mean of course! Your unitmate (or friend if you don't have a unitmate like Madara for MaM) decided to tell you that you're not scary and that you can't be mean to someone to save your life! You don't think so. You need to prove them wrong! So what do you do? Well as bad as you may feel, the first person that comes to mind is Nagisa. So you're going to do the "mean" on him.
(Don't commit the mean people)
Oh! You spotted Nagisa reading! Better go over to him.
"Nagisa!" You yelled to capture his attention. He looked up from his book. "Y/n? Hello. Is there something you needed?" He asked you. "Uh... let's see..." you began searching your mind for any insults you can come up with. Alas, you finally found something to say!
"You—uh—you! You're—You're a gerbil!" You yelled. You had said something without even processing what you had just said. Nagisa tilts his head to the side a bit and asks, "A gerbil?"
Nagisa gives you a confused look. Oh no. Did you mess up? Was it too mean? Well, not by the chuckle that he gives you, I don't think! "What do you mean by that Y/n?" He asks you. Your brain starts short-circuiting.
"Uh—well... you're adorable?—wait no. Uh, forget that!" There was no recovering from that embarassing experience. Nagisa chuckles once more. "Thank you, Y/n." Nagisa pats you on the head.
"No! Wait! I have something else to say!" You exclaimed. Nagisa watched as you tried to think of any more "mean" things you could've said to him. "I won't trust you with my pet rock!" You exclaimed.
"What?" Nagisa chuckles. "You have a pet rock? Can I see it?" He asked. Uh... do you have a pet rock? Welp better go find one because Nagisa wants to see!
You can hear your unitmate/friend laugh at you from a distance. You groaned in frustration. "Sorry Nagisa. Uh—I'll see you later!" You exclaimed, running away from whatever that was. Leaving behind a confused and amused Nagisa.
"Ah yes, you were sooooo mean." Your friend/unitmate taunted you. "Shut up." You pouted. Unbeknownst to you, Nagisa wasn't reading anymore and was chuckling at your miserable attempt to be mean. He thought it was cute.
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Ritsu was sleeping on some grass. You figured that this was a good time to see his reaction if you were mean to him. Of course, you won't go too far... you hope.
You snuck up on him and started to nudge him awake. "Hnn... Y/n?" Ritsu yawned. "I have something to say to you!" You announced to him. "Yes...?" Ritsu questioned.
"I—Uh—I hate you! I won't talk to you again!" You exclaimed to his face. He stared at you sleepily. "Oh no... what did I do?" Ritsu feigned being hurt. "I must be a really awful person to be around, huh?" Ritsu pretended to cry.
"W-Wait! No! Wait! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" You exlaimed. He quirked a brow. "Wha—uh... I mean go ahead and cry! I don't care! Hmph!" You said. "I guess I really did make you hate me..." Ritsu pretended to cry once more.
At this point you two were just going at it. You trying to be mean while Ritsu was very unimpressed with your shenanigans, but decided to play along anyway.
"Ah... FORGET THIS! I'm so confused..." You sighed. Ritsu laughs at you. "I guess you can't even be mean to save your life." He flicked your forhead.
"No no! I can be mean! It's just... uh.. I just don't want to be mean to you!" You tried to come up with an excuse. "Listen, Y/n. You might need someone to help you with your little stunt... maybe I can teach you a few things." Ritsu yawned.
You were about to say "Really?" when you looked at him and saw him fast asleep. You decided to back out for now and find a new way to bother Ritsu.
One day... one of these days you'll get him back for always teasing you! Mark your words! You'll just need to find some reinforcement!
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Mika, Mika, Mika...
Poor boy. You didn't have a choice. He was right there. And unknowing of what you're planning. He walked up to you.
"Y/n!" He waved at you. You looked at him and internally went "Oh no". You didn't want to be mean to poor Mika. But you didn't have a choice. You inhaled deeply and decided. Okay, you'll try it.
"Mika... I've thought about this for a while..." You started. Mika looks confused. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked.
"Mika, you're a loser." You said. "What? Y/n?" Mika said, "Yer not normally like this... are ya okay?" Mika asked you. You feel really bad! But you have to keep the facade up just for a bit longer.
"Did ya jus' call me a loser? That's kind of mean Y/n..." Mika looks down. You feel really bad now! "Ngahh..." Oh no. Not the sad Mika noises.
"Yeah! I-I don't care!" You huffed. "Yer usually so nice.. what happened to you?" Mika asks, "Did ya get possessed by a spirit or somethin'?!" Mika concludes. "N-no? What do you mean I'm always like this!" You said.
"I won' let the spirit possess ya Y/n!" Mika exclaimed. Oh god what direction has this conversation gotten to. Is Mika going to attempt to exorcise you?! What's going on?!
"Mika! No! I'm not possessed!" You exclaimed. He doesn't look like he believed you. Are you doing any better than that time where Ritsu pretended to be dead and Mika attempted to bury him?
"Ngahh... I don' understand what's going on... did I do somethin' wrong to make ya mad?" He asked you. "No... it's alright Mika, forget what just happened! Everything's alright!" You comforted him.
Now he's REALLY confused. You're suddenly back to normal? What's going on? Why were you being mean to him?
Lesson learned. You don't wanna be mean to him. Unless you want to get unprofessionally exorcised by Mika Kagehira.
Boi's still confused on wtf just happened
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"Shinobu." You tugged his sleeve. He looks at you joyfully. "Y/n-dono!" He exclaimed. You feel bad for what you're about to do. "Ah! Y/n! Did you need help with something!" Chiaki exclaimed. The rest of Ryuseitai's here so it wouldn't be too much trouble, right?
"Uh, you're... uh... short and uh... dumb!" You exclaimed. You didn't wtf you just said but you're going with it anyways, trying to look mean while you're at it.
"Y-You think so?" Shinobu began sniffling. Kanata is going to kill you, well he would if he didn't know that you were trying to actually upset Shinobu. Kanata can laugh at your attempt tho. Midori on the other hand, just looked at you with the most dead inside look ever. He's probably thinking, "Shinobu really fell for that, huh?"
"Y-Yeah! Ninjas are—uh—like cheese! They crumble easily?" You can hear Midori face-palming in the background. Shinobu has tears in his eyes now. Crap.
"Uh... Shinobu?" You nudged him. "That was the worst attempt at trying to be mean." Midori exhaled. "FU HA HA HA HA! If you wanted to be a villain you could've said so! That was a really good attempt! Shinobu found it quite convincing!" Oh god.
"Oh... I thought you were being serious de gozaru." Shinobu looks at you, wiping his tears. "You did really good Y/n-dono! I honestly believed you de gozaru!" Shinobu says, clapping.
They thought you weren't being serious. Were you really that obviously bad? "We can give you a few tips! I can give you some examples of villains I've seen on tokusatsus!" Chiaki exclaimed, patting you on the back.
"If you're trying to be a villain, then you'll be a perfect counterpart for Ryuseitai!" Tetora exclaimed. "I'll help you become a better villain de gozaru!" Shinobu seems to really support you. This isn't how this was supposed to go.
Congratulations! Now Ryuseitai is hyping you up for your next victim! What has this become? Ryuseitai's own tokusatsu where you're the villain?!?!
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You kinda don't wanna do this. Not going to lie.
But hey, here we are anyways.
You tried of thinking of some insults before you approach him.
"Hey... uh... bitch!" You exclaimed, almost laughing at yourself for saying that.
"What?" He quirked a brow at you. "Did you just call me a bitch?" He slightly laughed. Uh... okay. "What the hell is going on." He asked.
"Uh... you're not pleasant to be around?" You said. Yeah i think you lost Jun. He started laughing. "You call be a bitch and now this?" He started laughing.
"I'm really mean! Say I'm mean!" You gave up at this point 💀💀
"Yeah... uh... thanks but no. I have other stuff to do. Thanks for the, uh, whatever that was." He waved at you and walked off.
"He didn't even care lmao" is what you heard your unitmate/friend say in the distance. You sighed, you should be more prepared next time... a script maybe?
Later that day you got a text from Jun that just said "bitch"
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[Without my permission do not: repost, translate, or use my work for your personal benefits/purposes]
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sakumz · 2 years
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ s. ibara x gn reader ]
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sneaking into your lover's office in hopes to suprise him with your presence. you didn't expect him to actually be asleep, head against the table with his laptop screen glaring at him in the dimly lit room.
" ibara, " with one poke to his forehead from the soft call to another poke to his cheek. you let out a sigh with your lips forming a pout afterwards. maybe you'll give him a good thirty minutes of sleep and then you'll wake him up to go home. all your thoughts were cut short when a certain lime haired man breaks in with the rest of eden.
" y/n, you're here!! " hiyori greets happily with jun mentally face palming and nagisa's soft smile sent your way.
" ohii-san, you're gonna wake up ibara... " ibara wakes up upon the noise.
" ah, you're all here... " he yawns upon seeing each eden members to you, by his side.
" well, let's leave the two love birds alone. see you around, y/n, " nagisa says, leaving you in a small shocked state. where did he learn such a word, love birds!?
" my, you learn quickly hehe. let's go, " hiyori grabs jun and nagisa, leading them out the door.
ibara silently gets the message and quickly pack his things, which is just shutting off the laptop and grabbing his bag before offering his hand for you to take.
" thank you, for waiting for me and pardon my messiness today! I didn't expect to fall asleep even after sleeping by your side in what felt like forever, " ibara shyly looks away as you both continue to walk out of the building and to the train station.
well with how busy you both are and how you don't belong to cospro, you both rarely get to see each other during work but you're making the effort to be by his side like he tries to do the same for you. good thing you get off work at least an hour earlier than ibara, the past few days, which gives you enough time to stop by cospro and drag him out. everyone from cospro knows and adores you for being his lover and for taking good care of their tactician.
with one assuring squeeze from your hand to his, " thank you for your hardwork today and if you're not going to come over, please don't forget you need sleep or I'll get the other eden members to ban you from entering cospro becuase of your lack of rest! "
ibara laughs at your cute threat. oh how he couldn't wait to slip a ring on your finger and marry you.
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a/n : ihateenstars. JSKSIWOQJ and I gotta study for my exams but no motivation ToT
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cherriegyuu · 11 months
seventeen as songs from 1989 (ts)
a/n: for this, i'll be giving songs and lyrics to each of the members, as well as small plots based on those lyrics. i don't plan to write all of these, but they are still my ideas (as basic as some of them might be). so if you are interested in writing one of them, you can message me about it. if you want to read one of them you can send in a request and i'll write for you
red | 1989 | reputation | lover | folklore | midnights
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• Seungcheol ➝ New Romantics It's poker, he can't see it in my face But I'm about to play my Ace, ah ↳ in the smoky casino, your eyes met Seungcheol’s and soon you found out that you were playing for more than just money and chips.
• Jeonghan - Blank Space 'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream ↳ Jeonghan looks like an angel but that couldn’t be further from the truth
• Joshua ➝ Wildest Dreams Say you'll remember me Standin' in a nice dress Starin' at the sunset, babe ↳ since the moment you saw him, you knew that your relationship with Joshua had an expiration date, however, you want him to remember you forever
• Jun ➝ All You Had To Do Was Stay Had me in the palm of your hand, then Why'd you have to go and lock me out when I let you in? ↳ it was a dramatic kind of relationship, immediate chemistry, like you were meant to be
• Hoshi ➝ Wonderland You searched the world for somethin' else To make you feel like what we had And in the end, in Wonderland, we both went mad ↳ soonyoung did his best, but he never managed to fill the void in his heart after you left him.
• Wonwoo - Suburban Legends I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it ↳ you always felt as if you were just floating around Wonwoo, waiting for him to finally take notice of you.
• Jihoon - Is It Over Now? At least I had the decency To keep my nights out of sight ↳ you and Jihoon always had a complicated relationship, you were together, but sometimes not, almost like a friends with benefits kind of situationship, never exclusive.
• Minghao ➝ Now That We Don't Talk You grew your hair long You got new icons And from the outside It looks like you're tryin' lives on ↳ Minghao changed so much over the years, yet you hoped there were parts of him that remained the same.
• Mingyu ➝ Style He says, "What you heard is true, but I Can't stop thinking 'bout you and I" I said, "I've been there too a few times" ↳ it doesn’t matter how many times you tried to stay away, somehow you always find your way back to Mingyu
• Seokmin ➝ You Are In Love And you understand now Why they lost their minds and fight the wars ↳ there's no line, limit, or border you wouldn't cross for Seokmin.
• Vernon ➝ This Love These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me, oh-oh, ↳ Vernon always regretted that he let you go, but now that you're back in his life he will do everything in his power not to lose this new opportunity
• Seungkwan ➝ Clean The water filled my lungs I screamed so loud, but no one heard a thing ↳ you were drawing, falling deeper and deeper until someone reached for your hand, it belonged to the person you least expected help from, Seungkwan
• Chan ➝ Out Of The Woods The night we couldn't quite forget When we decided, we decided To move the furniture so we could dance Baby, like we stood a chance ↳ it was a relationship that was doomed from the start but even so, Chan wanted to see just how you could go
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