#I'll add tags once it's posted
piningpercussionist · 4 months
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I don't think I ever posted these, but a while ago I made some icons to use for discord rp stuff, and I figured I might as well post them.
Future Kim (with Lucifer) our beloved... and werewolf Kim!
I forget if I've mentioned it in tags somewhere, but there IS a werewolf Kim blog I made AGES ago that just hasn't formally opened yet. And I'm gonna be honest- that shifted Kim might be one of my favorite werewolves I've drawn recently.
Anyhow, enjoy!
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gingergari · 1 month
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i loved @peaches2217's expectant mareach stuff and when they posted picrews of the gang i knew i had to draw at least one so hereeee's cocoa!
(don't worry about the fire, it'll go out soon. she hopes)
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dunmeshistash · 5 months
I made 3 new tags to help keep things easier to find, I'm slowly going back and retagging stuff with these
For referencing - Canon things and other information you might want to go back to. I'll try to make it clear what I'm sourcing and if something is an assumption rather than a fact. Compilation - Posts where I compile lots of canon art/sketches about a specific subject. Dunmeshi thoughts - My own non canon interpretations/thoughts.
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cultofsappho · 9 months
Sneak Peak Sunday
tysm for the tags everyoneee @kiwiana-writes @14carrotghoul @heybuddy-drabbles @happiness-of-the-pursuit !!!!!
although I only post for about 1/4 of the wednesdays and sundays here, i am actually working on things! just at a comparatively very very slow pace.
I have (very recently, be nice) been diagnosed as autistic and am working through it my favorite way: writing fanfiction and projecting my issues on fictional characters. So, have the first few lines written for my So Far Untitled Late Diagnosed Autistic Henry fic with a dash of internalized ableism that he's really gonna need to work through
It's not a problem, it's just that sometimes Henry thinks if anyone speaks to him he’ll spontaneously combust. It’s fine, really, but if one more person looks at him like he’s a fish out of water, he might just believe it. He’s okay, but he also occasionally thinks about ripping his own skin off.  It’s fine. He’s fine.  It’s depression. It’s anxiety, or grief, or this is just what it’s like for all queer people trying to exist within a heterosexual world. Or... it’s any number of his other plentiful issues. Surely, there can’t be another thing wrong with him. 
there can be actually :) and it's not something wrong but its there buddy :) you just learned to mask through posture coaching and oppressive royal formality sweetheart :)
as usual, no pressure tags (and some who probably already posted, i'm constantly behind sorry): @affectionatelyrs @inexplicablymine @daisymae-12 @cha-melodius @ships-to-sail @sherryvalli @myheartalivewrites @cosmicalart and open tag to anyone looking to share what they've been working on!!
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oceandiagonale · 6 months
okay. 42 inbox, 31 drafts. not all of them are oc sunday things but a lot of them are,,,,, hmm,,,,
(for the new folks, oc sunday is a thing where people send in their pokemon ocs and I post them because having ocs is rad and everyone has their own spin on the pokemon world/plots/stories. but I haven't done it since last july)
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popcorn-plots · 2 months
who you say you are
i feel like shit so here we are
possible TW for discussions of periods and everything that happens during them, like bleeding through three layers of clothing (that was a wonderful night)
Stephen hated his periods. He hated the general feeling of unwellness during that week, and he hated having to clean blood out of everything after he inevitably bled through.. everything. The worst part about it, however, wasn't even the blood. It was the dysphoria. It was the fact that every month, his period would bring the lies of his mind, telling him that he wasn't a real man and never would be. That he was weak for whining about it.
That he was never Stephen and he never would be. That he was too feminine, or that he was never 'good enough' to pass as a man. The worst was his mind telling him that he'd always be a girl, that deep down... he was never Stephen in the first place. He was just little Lucy, trying on her dad's shirt.
On those days, Stephen would curl up on his bed, clutching a hot water bottle. Cloak would hold him as he sobbed, telling himself over and over again, like a mantra, that his name was Stephen Strange. On those days, he would ask Wong not to bother him, despite every fiber of his being yearning to be held, begging for someone to call him handsome and take away the pain.
He didn't think that Wong knew. He was near-positive that Wong had no idea that Stephen was trans. As far as the other sorcerer knew, Stephen was just another man. A man with a broken soul to match his broken hands and scarred chest.
It was one of those days (Dark Days, Stephen called them) when Stephen was in his room, clutching a pillow to his chest. A second was between his legs, pressed to his crotch. It was surprisingly helpful when dealing with cramps, the pressure on his lower abdomen easing the discomfort. Unfortunately, he had forgotten his heading pad in the library from when he last used it and when he finally needed it again, he was too comfortable to get it.
Magic was out of the option as well considering just how horrible he felt between the pain, dysphoria, and his hands. It was a bad hand day, because of course, and he really didn't want to move. Which, unfortunately, meant breathing through the pain and trying not to cry.
Eventually, he managed to fall into a light sleep, nodding off then jolting awake again. He woke up in a way that jarred his hands and he groaned. It might be time to sacrifice his comfort for some much-desired relief.
He was mentally preparing himself to climb out of bed when there was a knock at the door. "Stephen?"
Stephen blinked. "..Wong..?"
"You left your heating pad in the library." Wong announced.
Stephen sighed. "I know. Leave me alone."
"I warmed it up for you. I thought you might need it. May I come in?" Stephen didn't respond. Wong had found his heating pad and warmed it up for him. For a second, Stephen wondered if Wong knew, but he had hidden it so well-- "Stephen?"
"...yeah. you can come in."
There was a click as the doorknob turned, then Wong was walking across the room in brisk strides, stopping in front of the nest of blankets that was Stephen Strange. "Here." he set the heating pad down near Stephen's hands. "I also have tea and some of your painkillers. It's raining today."
Stephen let out a shaky breath. Maybe Wong was just looking out for his hands. That would explain it, right? But Wong was never so... caring. Aside from his the week after Everest and his usual quiet help when Stephen needed to handle large stacks of books.
"You're paler than usual. If you turned yourself into a vampire on accident, I will kill you again." Stephen huffed.
"I'm not a vampire."
Wong reached out a hand and felt Stephen's forehead. Stephen nearly froze at the contact, but didn't say anything. He tried to look anywhere but Wong until the hand was gone. "You're not running a temperature."
"I'm trans." Stephen found himself blurting out.
Wong looked at him. Blinked. "Do you need any supplies?"
"Pads, tampons? You disappear in your room once every four weeks, only coming out for food and when you do, you look horrible. Deathly pale, hunched over as if in pain, it wasn't hard to figure out."
Stephen looked up at his friend. Wong had taken a seat in the armchair next to Stephen's bed -- one of the large library chairs that had found itself in Stephen's room after a few too many vigils of Wong's when Stephen found himself injured.
"You... you never said anything."
"If you wanted me to know, you would have told me when the time was right."
"You... always made my favorite meals."
Wong huffed a rare smile. "I have never menstruated, but I can sympathy. I have a sister. She was always... vocal with.. everything. I did what I could to make her feel better."
Stephen smiled. "It sounds like you love her."
"Very much." Wong was smiling ever so slightly. Stephen found that watching Wong smile seemed to take the pain away.
"What's her name?"
"Li." It was soft, spoken just above a whisper. "You'd like her."
"Li. Pretty name." Stephen sighed. "Mine was-- is--"
Stephen paused. He stared at Wong. Wong stared back. "Your name is Stephen. You are Stephen Strange. Do not give me your dead name. It is dead for a reason. You are who you say you are, not what someone else wants you to be. You told me on your very first day that your name is Stephen Strange. That is who you are. If you wish for me to use a different name, then I will. I respect you, and I will respect you, whoever you decide to be."
Stephen swallowed, tears pricking his eyes. He refused to let himself cry in front of Wong, of all people. Wong looked at him again and nodded. "You are Stephen Strange. Remember that."
Before he knew it, Wong had closed the door behind him and Stephen was sobbing into his pillow.
A few hours later, Stephen woke up feeling a hundred times better than before. He decided to find his way to the kitchen for dinner, now that the cramps had disappeared.
He found Wong at the stove, making friend rice. Wong's go-to comfort food that had quickly become Stephen's as well."
"Thank you." Stephen whispered. Wong responded by dishing Stephen and himself a large helping of rice.
"Of course, Stephen."
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rathag · 20 days
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My Take on what Gargauth should wear.
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
Vince in 4d and/or mick in 1d pretty please 🥺👉👈
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they are so panty and stocking coded 😳👉👈
art meme
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pokemon-npcs · 2 years
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Happy New Year, everyone!
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townofcadence · 2 months
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that I have some stuff I gotta do during the weekdays that's job related. So while usually i try to fire back rp replies pretty quick, i'll probably for a while need to focus on that. What that means here is that I'll be holding on to drafts during the weekdays, because my neurodivergence is kinda-- heavily fixated on writing with people, so if I allow myself to keep posting rp and ending up in a back and forth every day--- it will severely impact my focus on what i need to. Especially since i have over .... fifty threads currently i think? Somewhere up there lol. SO i'll probably collect any rps that come in over the weekdays and then fridays will be my post my drafts days, with saturday and sunday being days I'll reply as well-- then if anything comes back to me during the week i'll save it for friday. I'll probably still be reading my dash and stuff, and sending in replies to posts or asks! I love interacting with my mutuals and friends on here too much not to. I might even reblog a meme or two that are short or not gonna be continued at night. but I might be quiet on the thread front and not continue any memes just to keep myself from being irresponsible. Thank you for understanding <3
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rindemption · 7 months
So I've talked about my nomad werewolf headcanons before (I'm not at home so I'll try to find the post and link to it later)
But my version of werewolf nomads have a lot of wolf and dog-like behavioral traits, especially when it comes to pack bonding, familial structure, and child rearing. And I got thinking about it more, how the nomad lifestyle plays into their werewolf traits. On top of it lending itself well to their social structures and pack tendencies, I also realized their infrastructure fits pretty well, too.
They live in tents, small RVs, trunks of vehicles gutted out to make room to sleep. Very den like structures, made into their homes and safe spaces. They move as packs, on foot and in vehicles, one or two to a car or bike but all moving as one. A few here and there running ahead to scout out the area, check for danger or for prey.
I just- I love nomad clans being gathering places of werewolves, I love thinking about how the two cultures mesh and build off each other.
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nuclearspring · 5 months
i know there's a little bit of info on him currently included in my roster but ! i wanted to cobble together a more detailed rundown of my courier (the sixth one) + his verses. he is a bit of an unreliable narrator, so i'm leaving gaps in this - thing is he doesn't know what's up, so neither shall we.
(that said, if anyone has ncr muses who could maybe piece some things together, hit me up. he can't keep getting away with this).
rough bio under the cut. trigger warnings for death, violence, drug use, the military, addiction + memory issues.
name & aliases: sasha dubrovhsky / boris medvedev / courier six. tag skills: unarmed, survival, guns. (note: given his backstory, he's proficient in these, and in stealth). age: late twenties / early thirties during the events of fallout new vegas. moving into his late thirties if in the tv show era. sexuality: bisexual. you know, for the extra damage. alignment: chaotic something. personality types: estp. enneagram 8. physical appearance: 6'3", buzzcut, brown eyes, cheekbones, numerous tattoos. imagine a large russian man who has clearly broken his nose more than once. he is russian jewish & roma ft. general slavic aura. always clean shaven if he can help it, but stubble happens to him frequently. if in the verse in which he's courier six, he will have two scars on his forehead courtesy of benny. notable features: speaking to six, one may get the sense that english isn't his first language. he doesn't really have much of a russian accent, but his cadence (especially when he is particularly tired), as well as his word choices can sometimes give him away.
he is also autistic, and may have adhd. both are undiagnosed. the latter may have something to do with six's mentat habit.
his face is rarely shown - he tends to wear full combat armour, helmet included.
the man who eventually becomes courier six is born in ncr territory to a family who are descended from vault 13, if a tad distantly (nobody in the family can track the exact lineage, nor have they tried).
six is born alexander dubrovhsky. his branch of the family are loyal to the ncr in some ways, though their primary ideology is born not of the ncr, but of memories of their heritage. sasha receives more of an education than he feels he needs, but he is a curious soul and enjoys picking apart the way of things. devours books when he can get them. is in trouble more than once in his childhood for taking things apart to see what makes them tick.
he is not yet of age when he enlists. he's tall and broad enough to pass for it, and nobody in ncr recruitment looks too deeply into the issue. even before taking two bullets to the forehead, he is an improviser - there's no real plan tied to his enlistment. he makes it through basic easily enough - can remember that fine. can remember being passed up for first recon so as not to waste his hand to hand abilities - he is, in a word, large. can remember being filtered into the rangers instead. can remember later leaving his dog tags on a corpse about his size. tossing the tags that had originally been on the corpse in question into the colorado river.
the why of it is unclear. but he remembers the bloodless panic, and in hindsight is certain he had something to do with that death. can't say for certain whether or not this is unlike him, but the potential will keep him watching himself out of the corner of his eye, waiting for some similar slip up.
he knows he picked his new name out of the past. boris was the name of some relative, he thinks. perhaps a distant cousin, perhaps not. medvedev, on the other hand, is born of the bear tattoo adorning his ribs. (two-headed, stick and poke, slightly weathered, scar cutting through it).
recalls a time, too, when he burns his armour and weighs his options. he knows how to kill things, and is the sort of person with at least a chance at surviving the wasteland. so far so good, anyway. he passes a town with a mojave express office, and volunteers himself for a job. from that point on, he is a courier.
post gunshots to the head, he'll wonder if the memory issues are new. thinks they must be. things improve with time, but some things, he thinks, will never come back to him.
he remembers just enough to feel like helping the ncr is the most deranged thing he's ever done. he does it anyway. that said, six saunters vaguely in the direction of socialism whenever possible.
he identifies a chem habit, but can't be sure he had it before he was shot. can remember snippets of things he used to know, and understands that a great deal of the information is barred now. one hobby of his is gathering it again.
choices in game:
these will be updated in time (i'm going to play again to refresh my memory on him), but he can either pick the independent or ncr route depending. if we're writing post game, his default is independent, though that was a difficult decision for him and he still feels two ways about it. he isn't a blind ncr loyalist by any stretch, and is aware that there are some in the ncr who'd string him up if they knew he'd deserted, but he is not immune to propaganda.
alternate depictions:
i have written him before as an ncr ranger spy who is only moonlighting as a courier, never properly deserted (because the desertion catalyst wasn't there; he made it through the battle of hoover dam in 2077 just fine in this verse), and didn't end up shot in the head in goodsprings. in that verse, he can be recruited as a companion - for anyone who's into that.
this version of him isn't as fleshed out right now (read: i don't remember most of the development i did when i was writing him this way) but i'll update this later, and i'm happy to plot things out on a character by character basis. he is generally motivated to fight the legion, and will in time become somewhat disillusioned with the ncr.
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agenericarcadebot · 6 months
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"I dont want to lose you."
"You won't."
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modern-inheritance · 7 months
Arya and Glenwing Scar Maps (Eldest)
(This post is somewhat WIP I lost my train of thought but will be back at it in the morning!) These are indeed what it says on the tin, and as we know, MIC!Arya is not the type to A. heal her scars and B. can't. really. heal them. I'm again working on some stuff to explain that but I keep hitting roadblocks and...yeah. Right, I meant to say that this has scars and whatnot, so trigger warning and I've put it under the cut.
I've done a ton of research into this stuff (read: reread the same stuff over and over and downloaded some papers but didn't read them yet) and think that if that was early enough intervention and continued management/PT then these two could probably live with the scars that I've laid out. But we will have to suspend disbelief and remember we're in a fantasy world.
On to our Trauma Twins/Trauma Babies and the scar map they have in their med files in Eldest!~
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Glenwing isn't as (dare I say) religious about keeping his scars. He has kept his first bulletwound scar on his calf, a handful of cuts from battles where he just didn't feel the need or have the time/energy to put aside for himself afterwards to heal, or just liked the look of to be completely honest. The scars on his face are from a battle that involved not only highly trained soldiers that were the personal guard of a Forsworn, but the Forsworn themself. Due to his reliance on close quarters fighting, Glen got into the thick of it and ended up getting fairly soundly beaten while he provided a distraction for a counterattack. The scars wrapped around his legs from a rather unfortunate encounter with a barbed wire countermeasure during one of his and Arya's many covert sabotage runs are his personal reminder to remain vigilant.
Most of the burns Glenwing sustained while dragging himself and Fäolin's body through the charred area of Du Weldenvarden after the ambush were healed while he was unconscious. A few were left due to them being deemed non-critical, and with the secondary gunshot wound to his hip being muscle only, focus was primarily placed on his left arm. Some attempts were made to save the limb, but in the end it required amputation due to the already encroaching gangrene and irreparable damage to the elbow joint.
Nowadays you can see Glen out and about wearing his custom prosthetic, a magically enhanced metal limb he and Rhunön developed, fitted and created together. Combining Glen's bio and physiological knowhow with Rhunön's crafting skills, the end result was a near identical ruddy orange, grey and white left arm that fit to his residual limb and connected to his nerves for natural movement, speed and grace. He's still adapting to it, constantly working with Rhunön and later Arya to make tweaks and adjustments, along with the neverending maintenance and upkeep that comes with a mechanical limb, but Glen is always singing praises for Rhunön's craftsmanship and for giving him another shot at ending this damn war.
When he's at the flat in Ellesméra, taking a much deserved break without threat of attack, or simply hanging out with Arya, Eragon, Saphira and Brom, Glen doesn't mind taking his arm off. It's when he's among others that he feels somewhat self conscious, but he's never turned down questions about his injuries.
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Arya's scars are...extensive. To say the least. A majority of them are from her time in Gil'ead, and a somewhat disturbing truth of it is that despite the mess her back was left in, it's not even a fraction of what was done. Most of the scars that are left are ones that had healed before her rescue, ones that were minor enough for Eragon, Saphira and Brom to pass over, ones that could only be healed up to the surface to save time/energy, or had to be healed over time. Most are ones that had already healed previously.
Both she and, eventually, Glenwing, have attempted to heal some of the more physically painful scars to decrease the smattering of movement restriction and nerve pain that the scar tissue causes, but, at least for the time during Eldest, are unable to do much more than PT and nonmagical healing methods. Eragon was not the sole recipient of a curse at Durza's hand, and for the time being it prevents the scars from being healed. Not that Arya minds all that much, but there are some that she'd prefer to have erased.
The lines up and down her arms are ones she'd be happy to do away with. She's not yet told anyone what their purpose was, waving it away as something that causes her no problem and thus something not to worry about. She does her best to ignore them and the memories around them, but sometimes, after days without sleep in misguided attempts at staving off night terrors and Recall, she can't keep those memories at bay.
Arya wears her scars as a badge of pride, though she's not entirely open about them with certain people. She's more comfortable openly displaying them among the Varden, where scars and other disfiguring marks are more commonplace due to magic being less of a factor in everyday life. It saves her from having to explain why she never healed them. The scars are also, in a strange, twisted way, a way to ground herself in the present. Durza resorted to twisting her reality at times, induced fevered states that he could use to influence her dreams and nightmares. And in each, he never thought to include the scars her imprisonment would have left. They are a reminder to Arya that she is not stuck in Gil'ead, not living her current life through the haze of a false memory placed there by some man shaped monster. She's out, she's free, and while the imprint of the shackles remain, they serve to remind her that she shattered them months ago.
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everyitachi · 1 year
Happy birthday Itachi!
Hi! It's me again Laetitia @beatriceportinari from @everyizuna.
To the surprise of no one I couldn't live too long without another little screencaps blog, and I've chosen Itachi for this next one!
This will be similar to how I ran everyizuna: 2 (now 3) queued posts per day until it runs out.
Again don't hesitate to send me an ask for any clarification abt the inclusion of a panel, or if you think I've missed one!
Big thanks to the person who let me have the url and happy screencaps summer,
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jesterjunkie · 1 month
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⋆。𖦹°Character Playlists
⋆。𖦹°Ship Playlists
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