#I'd rather wait the storm out with someone and never have the storm break than leave them alone in that; you know?
medicinemane · 10 months
Advice is one of those things where I'm very wary of giving it, not so much because my advice might be terrible, so much as I figure that a person knows their own situation better than I do an may just have already considered the obvious
Like don't get me wrong, I'll point out obvious stuff sometimes cause sometimes it's clear it was just a blindspot for someone; but far more often what I prefer over offering advice is offering the little help I can
In fact in many ways I think it's better to play rubber duck and let someone have it click for themself rather than being told. Like I very much do sometimes ask leading questions, play dumb like I don't already know the answer, to get someone to vocalize something themself to hopefully make it click. Mostly though I just kinda... sit there and use active listening, quickly touch on each of the things they said to make them feel heard and that's about it cause there's not much else in my power to do
I don't know, I get sick of advice, therefore I get sick of giving it
Too often people say stuff where it's like "I know... I seriously do know, it's just there's about a dozen things about this situation you're not familiar with that make that idea impractical which is why I haven't done that despite having thought on it"
So how often is my clever advice going to be the same? No, I'd rather say "how can I help?" and offer the little bit that's in my power to back people up
That's my thoughts on this
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read on ao3
really though, think about it.
girls in robin's year would totally still be hung up over steve "the hair" harrington. king steve. the boy they've created in their heads and would kill for a shot to go out with him.
so when they see his beemer in the parking lot after school on the first day in 1985, a game of telephone immediately starts. they gossip about how he's there to see a girl, nevermind the fact he'd never go for someone still in high school (unless you're a boy whose repeating his senior year but that isn't relevant just yet), and names start flying. news reaches inside the school building quickly and the halls are filled with whispers.
no one gets close to him. it's almost as if everyone is waiting with baited breath to see who's going to get in the car. they watch and discreetly point and make their predictions until a hush falls over them when they see steve perk up and sit in his seat a little straighter, turning his key in the ignition and starting the car. everyone looks around for the girl he's inevitably taking home, and the building doors slam open with a bang! and robin buckley comes tumbling out onto the sidewalk with all the gracefulness of a newborn foal. they pay her no mind and keep watch for the absolutely beautiful girl that has the honor of sitting in his passenger seat.
and then robin buckley moves in and throws her backpack into his backseat before sitting shotgun. says something that has steve letting out the most ugly cackle they've ever heard, a giant grin on his face.
there's no way.
how did robin buckley manage to capture the former king of hawkins for herself?
they watch as steve backs out of the parking space, still laughing and engrossed in whatever conversation the two of them are having, and drive away.
after he picked her up that first day, he's been driving her to and from school ever since just so she wouldn't have to ride the bus. even going so far as getting her breakfast and coffee before he drops her off. he's got her a little bit spoiled.
and it makes all the girls furious.
robin thinks it's absolutely fucking hilarious.
they mostly glare at her in the hallway between classes and she has to stifle her giggles behind her hand. they won't do anything directly, she's noticed, but she hears the jeers behind her back and it only makes her roll her eyes. if only they knew the real steve.
robin shows up late wearing a polo under her denim jacket that obviously belongs to steve. they had their weekly sleepover the night before (where they share a bed and oh wouldn't that knowledge make every girl see red) and they'd both slept through the shrill ringing of the alarm clock. she'd snatched the shirt off his floor in her haste to get dressed and neither of them noticed until someone was brave enough to point it out.
"woke up late and didn't have a clean shirt," robin shrugs. then, to be a little mean, "not my fault his bed's so comfortable."
and just like she thought, the girl's face goes bright red and the steam coming from her ears is almost visible. she storms off and they've got new gossip for the week.
it keeps happening. robin wears steve's clothes more than her own now after realizing how good she actually looks and how comfortable they are compared to her own. it's not all polos and buttons; there's a few plain tee's and a couple with graphic designs that she tends to favor more.
"keep 'em of you like them so much," steve had told her one weekend as she raided his closet. he was still bundled up under the blankets in his bed and looking at her fondly. "they don't fit me anymore and i'd rather they get more use than collect dust."
the day before christmas break, robin's sitting at her regular lunch table when the chair in front of her is turned backwards and eddie munson is straddling it, giving her a smirk.
"so, buckley, a little birdie tells me that you and harrington are going steady."
robin rolls her eyes. "me and the dingus?" she shakes her head. "there's nothing going on there, trust me. we are platonic with a capital P, all the way."
eddie hums in consideration and he's got that look on his face that robin recognizes well. she gives him a once over and leans in, beckons him forward like she's telling a secret.
"but you, on the other hand..."
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cherry-froggie · 2 years
Could I request a traveller!reader where growing up didn't have a comfortable home life?
CW: Neglect
They were shamed for taking up time and resources and made to feel like they should've been a better child, less sensitive and more passive. I'd like something with Kaeya; where the dam just breaks and you spill everything to him. Please and thank you :)
odyssey of a lonesome soul
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pairing — Kaeya x gn!reader
summary — As a child, you read stories of great adventurers and their loving families. As you grew older, you realized that your own family was not like these tales, and you set out on a journey to explore the world and escape your dreadful past. You ended up stranded in Teyvat, where you met diverse people who changed your perspective on life, including your friend and companion, Kaeya.
tags — cw: neglect; if you do not feel comfortable reading what was asked for in the ask, please skip this one!; reader is gender neutral
notes — thank you so so much for your request @voidlesslove! and I'm also sorry it took so long, but this one hit too close to home and i really had to take various breaks while writing it
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As a child, you were fascinated by the stories of daring adventurers who journeyed to distant lands and overcame incredible odds. These tales always ended with the hero returning to their loving family, their bond unbreakable, and their love unyielding. Family was everything in these tales, a source of support and comfort in the face of any challenge. You read about mothers who worried for their children, and fathers who believed in them, no matter what.
As the years passed and you still sat curled up with a book in hand, devouring the tales of great travelers and their caring familiars, a sense of longing and envy crept into your heart. You couldn't help but wonder if these relationships depicted in the pages were nothing more than figments of someone's imagination, a fanciful construct of a better life, something unattainable. But as you ventured out into the world, meeting new people and experiencing their familial dynamics firsthand, you began to realize that your own family was the exception, not the norm.
You observed the easy banter and affection between parents and their children, the tender messages left for a child who had brought home a less-than-perfect report card. You listened in on whispered conversations between siblings and caught glimpses of the unbreakable bonds that held families together. It was then that you came to realize that the relationships you had always read about in those stories were not imaginary, but rather a reflection of the love and connection that existed in the world around you. Your own family, in contrast, was a mere shadow of what a true family should have been, something that felt like a figment of your imagination, a distant dream.
The constant barrage of criticism and belittlement from your parents was like a relentless hammer, chipping away at your self-worth. Each word felt like a blow to your soul, leaving you feeling small and insignificant, while their weight was suffocating, making it hard to breathe. You felt trapped in a never-ending cycle of self-doubt and insecurity.
You couldn't bring yourself to confide in anyone about the way you were being treated, the walls had ears and mouths that spread every bit of details they could gather. The fear of being misunderstood and alone was too great, so you kept your pain locked away deep inside, where it festered and grew. You felt like a bird with clipped wings, unable to fly, unable to escape the cage of your mind.
There was a dark cloud that followed you wherever you went, casting a shadow over everything you did. But through all the darkness, you clung to the hope that one day, the storm would pass, and the sun would shine again.
You felt trapped and alone in your own home, the walls seemed to be closing in on you, and the weight of your family's expectations was suffocating. You couldn't wait to leave and explore the world, to escape the terrible atmosphere and start anew. And so, you did. You set out on your journey, leaving behind the past and all the misery.
With the weight of your past weighing heavily on your shoulders, you set out to escape the drowning environment of your childhood home, just like the great adventurers in the stories you had always treasured. You yearned to explore the skies and other worlds, to become a renowned traveler, leaving behind the pain of your past and starting anew. But as you soon discovered, life is never that simple.
You found yourself stranded in Teyvat, unsure of how to leave this strange and unfamiliar land. But despite the uncertainty, you couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and curiosity about this new place. The world of Teyvat was unlike anything you had ever seen before. The sky was painted with vibrant hues of pink and orange when you first arrived, and the landscape was dotted with towering mountains and cascading waterfalls.
As you explored this new land, you came across many fascinating and diverse people, each one changing your perspective on life in their unique way. Among them was Kaeya, a friend and companion who helped you with anything you needed. He was a shining light in the darkness, a shimmer of hope amid uncertainty.
Despite the challenges you faced, you felt excited every time you were with him. With each new day, you felt your soul come alive, and you knew that this was where you were meant to be. This was your chance to start anew, to leave behind the pain of your past, and embrace the possibilities of the future.
As your friendship with Kaeya deepened, you found yourself spending more and more time in each other's company. Whether it was in his cozy office, his warm and welcoming home, or on strolls through the city, you relished every moment you spent together.
It was also during this time that you grew closer to Diluc, who seemed to genuinely enjoy your company as much as everyone else did. He would often invite you to his magnificent manor for sumptuous meals or tasteful lunches, where the Ragnvindr family would come together in a celebration of life and the bonds that united them, even if they were not related by blood. The grand architecture, luxurious furnishings, and lively conversation that filled the mansion made you feel like you were a part of something special. The atmosphere was always of companionship, where any previous differences were left aside and everyone was united in celebration of the time they had together.
The invitation to dine with the esteemed Ragnvindr family filled you with enthusiasm. The prospect of spending time with the kind and welcoming people of Mondstat was a delight that you eagerly anticipated every day. Your companion, Paimon, shared in your eagerness; her spirit and appetite lifted at the mere thought of a meal shared in good company.
As you arrived at the grand manor, your eyes were immediately drawn to the stunning architecture and landscaping. The towering columns and intricate carvings on the exterior were like nothing you had ever seen before. The gardens were a symphony of color and aroma, with a riot of vines that seemed to go on forever.
Paimon, your ever-present companion, let out a joyful chirp as you walked through the front doors and into the grand foyer. The wooden floors glimmered in the soft light, and the chandelier cast a warm glow on the faces of the Ragnvindr family and their housemaids.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in your stomach as you followed your hosts to the dining room. The table was set with the finest dinnerware, and the smell of delicious food wafted through the air. You could feel your mouth watering as you walked, and Paimon settled in the kitchen.
Your eyes were constantly scanning for any signs of struggle among the bustling staff. You had been taught to be attentive to the needs of others, and you took that lesson to heart as you offered a helping hand to anyone who seemed overwhelmed by their duties. The working maids had grown accustomed to your presence, often mistaking your willingness to assist as a desire to take on more work than necessary. They would often attempt to distract you, some by giving you their company and some conversation as you sipped on steaming cups of tea or strolled through the lush vineyard alongside one of the Ragnvindr brothers. Whether it was cooking, cleaning, or sewing, you possessed a versatile set of skills honed by your tireless pursuit of perfection.
You immediately offered to assist Adelinde in the kitchen, but she graciously declined, explaining that everything was nearly prepared and that you should take some time to rest after a long day of commissions and errands.
As you persist to aid the head housemaid, you felt a hand on your shoulder from someone behind you. Turning around, you saw the black fingerless glove with a sharp golden star on the back, and you immediately knew who it belonged to.
"My, my, it seems you're always on the go. Don't you think it's about time for a break?" Kaeya said, his voice filled with amusement as he jokingly scolded your constant offers to help. He placed both hands on your shoulders and continued, "How about a leisurely tour of the manor with me? I'm certain there are still some corners you haven't seen yet."
Unable to resist his charm, you accepted his proposal for a walk around Diluc's grand mansion. Adelinde bowed her head before walking away to continue her work, leaving you alone as you began to make your way to the second floor.
The grand staircase was like a pathway to a fairytale, the wood was polished to a shine, and the banister was carved with elaborate designs. The chandelier that hung above was like a crown of light, casting a sparkling glow on the wooden floor below.
You felt a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty that surrounded you as you walked through the grandiose wooden manor. The intricate details of each piece of furniture and the brushstrokes of the artists on the paintings were like a symphony for your eyes. The light that filtered through the windows danced on the surfaces, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the halls, it was like walking through an art gallery. Kaeya, feeling a sense of pride and nostalgia, suggested showing you his childhood room, and you eagerly accepted, wanting to learn more about Kaeya's past.
On the way to his old chamber, you came across a painting of Diluc, his father, and a younger Kaeya, all looking very joyful. Kaeya couldn't help but smile as he looked at it, the memories returning. "Ah, Crepus. He was truly one of a kind," he said, his voice filled with admiration. "He was taken from us far too soon, but I'll always remember him as the kind, loving man that he was."
You inquired him about his adopted father as he smiled fondly, "He was the best," he said. "He saved me from a raging storm when I was just a kid and adopted me as his own; I have fond memories of our walks around Mondstat, playing in the vineyard and pretending the destroyed vines were some sort of mystery. I recall thinking he would be furious when he found out, but he just brushed it off; they were just vines, after all." The smile in his mouth grew as his cheeks perked up and moved the smile to his eye. "I'll always cherish the time we had together. Well, I'm sure you already know everything else."
The painting was like a window into the past, you could almost see the young Cavalry Captain running through the vineyard, laughing and playing with his sworn brother. The colors were so vivid and the brushstrokes so full of life, it was like they were still there, frozen in time.
However, as Kaeya spoke of the Delusion tragedy, the atmosphere around you seemed to shift. The light that had been illuminating the grandiose rustic wooden manor seemed to dim, and the air grew heavy with sorrow. You couldn't help but wonder what it must have been like for Kaeya, to lose the only family he had ever known so well. The significance of his loss was noticeable in the way he kept his eyes fixed on the painting of his childhood.
You felt a deep empathy for him, as the indication of gloom in his voice and the way he looked at the painting revealed the depth of emotion he held for Crepus. "I do hope that you reunite with your family soon," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I can only imagine the worry and longing they must be feeling."
The mention of your family brought a wave of memories flooding back, memories of a past where you were forced to call them "family" just because you shared the same blood. They were the ones that had always put you down, and every achievement you had made was nothing but a failure that needed to be improved until nothing was amiss. You questioned yourself, what kind of child is perfect? What was it about you that made it a necessity to never bother, cry, feel, break, or make a mistake? You were not born from perfect beings, they had more imperfections than anyone you had met on your travels.
If even an adopted father like Crepus, who had saved Kaeya from a raging storm when he was just a kid, could understand the mistakes of his adopted son, then why couldn't your family understand that you were never perfect, and should be treated as such? How different your life would have been had you not always stayed cautious to be the most perfect being you could ever be. The childhood that passed was now nothing more than a distant memory, foggy and blank. Most of what you remembered was being scolded for mindless reasons, the constant pressure to be flawless, and the never-ending cycle of self-doubt and insecurity. But as you stood there, lost in a trance-like state, with tears streaming down your face from all the screams of the past, a faint and drowned-out voice began to pull you out of the darkness, inviting you to come back to the present, to come back to a place of safety and security. It was a voice that invited you to come back to the present, to come back to a safe place.
As the memories of mistreatment and abuse bled off of your mind, the voice grew louder and louder until it was clear to you that it was the Cavalry Captain calling out to you. His melodic tone embraced you and warmed you up, like a ray of sunshine breaking through the dark clouds of the coldest winter.
The sight of his face filled with concern as he reached out and gently wiped away your tears. You looked up at him and your insecurities returned and you were once again consumed with fear. You couldn't shake off the feeling that Kaeya would react the same way as your family had, that he would judge you and make you feel small. You were led to believe that the things thrown at you were true, that it shouldn't be hurtful if you were strong enough, so why did you dare to cry now?
Kaeya gazed upon your face, carved with pain and suffering, feeling a deep ache in his heart that struck him like an arrow. He longed to take you in his arms and shield you from the misery that seemed to cling to you like a shadow. But he didn't know how. His eyes, deep and endless like a vast ocean, held wisdom and knowledge that you couldn't quite comprehend. They were a stark contrast to the cold and uncaring eyes of your family, who had never truly seen you for who you were.
"I'm sorry," you forced a smile, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. "This was an accident, I promise. I didn't mean to start crying." But you couldn't bring yourself to look at him, afraid of what you might see. Yet even in your fear, there was a glimmer of hope. His eyes seemed to hold the promise of something better, a life where you could be yourself without fear of judgment or rejection.
Kaeya could see through the facade you had built to protect yourself. He knew that something deeper was troubling you, that you were holding onto misery you had kept locked away for far too long. Without hesitation, he reached out to you.
"[Name], did I say something I shouldn't have?" His voice was gentle and soothing, like a warm blanket on a cold winter's night. Yet his face was tense, revealing the depth of his uneasiness.
You tried to shake your head and deny it, but your eyes betrayed you. The way your heart was pounding in your chest reminded you of times when you were running for your life from threats bigger than you, trying to escape harm. He reached out with a steady hand, his fingers long and elegant like the strokes of a master painter. As he gently grasped your hand, you felt the warmth of his touch spread through your body like wildfire. Your stomach fluttered with the sensation of a thousand butterflies taking flight, their wings beating in harmony with the throb of your heart. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down your spine.
"Please, [Name], tell me what's wrong," he implored, his voice laced with genuine worry. "I can't bear to see you cry. It's killing me to see you hurting like this." The words tumbled out of his mouth, like a waterfall cascading over jagged rocks. His eyes, like pools of molten gold, brimmed with anxiety, reflecting the deepness of his emotions. His hands reached out to clean your tears, pleading as if to grasp hold of your troubles and bear them as his own. The creases on his forehead deepened as he struggled to find the right words, his voice cracking with the weight of his worry. Each syllable was imbued with a sense of urgency as if the fate of the world rested on your response. At that moment, you knew that you could trust him with your troubles, that he would be there to support you, no matter what.
You took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp, fresh air that filled the manor. It was a moment of contemplation, a moment of gathering courage before you ventured into the unknown. As you exhaled, you felt the weight of your past, like a heavy stone in your chest, begin to lift. You looked into Kaeya's eyes, profound like the sea, and felt a sense of safety and understanding.
You gazed into Kaeya's eyes and felt your breath hitch in your throat. The blue depths seemed to swirl and churn like a tempestuous ocean. Your forced smile wavered as if it were a flickering candle in the wind, and you knew that once you opened up, there would be no going back.
With a deep inhale, you steeled yourself for the emotional downpour that was about to come. It was like a dam that had been holding back a flood of memories and feelings, and you knew that once it broke, there would be no stopping the rush of emotions that would come pouring out. The tears started to well up in your eyes, and you could feel the sobs that wracked your body, like a violent storm that shook you to your core. "It's just that my family has never been like that. Not at all," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. The words were tight and strained as if they were being forced out of you. "It's so unfair that the ones who support you the most fade away so quickly, but those who keep dragging you down live on like life never planned for their end."
The cracks in your voice, the quiet tone, the distress you were trying to hide, everything was like a needle that hit him before he could react as you kept on opening up. "It always felt like everyone had chances to fail or make a mistake, but if I didn't stay quiet and pretty at the top, then there was no use for me. I can hear their voices every day in the back of my mind reminding me of what I should have been. Sometimes it even sounds like they're right behind me, but there's nothing there." Your words came out slower with every sound you made. Speaking was becoming harder, and so was breathing.
Kaeya's heart ached for you, and he reached out to pull you into a comforting but tight embrace. You did your best to stop your cries. You apologized, over and over again, to him, to your relatives, to yourself. Whatever you had done wrong, you could do nothing but ask for forgiveness.
"It's okay," he whispered, his hands moving in a gentle, circular motion on your back. Each pass felt soothing, easing the tension that had built up in your muscles. The warmth of his touch radiated through you, threatening the shadow of the dark cloud that followed you around. "You are not responsible for the way they treated you. It's not fair that you've been made to feel this way… You are so much more than that to me, to everyone." The calm, steady tone of his voice lit up your world. "I'll always be here for you, [Name]." He held you close, and you felt yourself slowly begin to relax.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks like a waterfall, the importance of repressed emotions finally being released. You felt your body convulse with sobs as Kaeya wrapped his strong arms around you, holding you close like a safe haven. His whispers were like a lullaby, soothing and calming as he whispered words of comfort. You felt yourself melt into his embrace, finally feeling safe enough to let go and truly cry aloud.
The gentle touch of his hand as he played with your hair was like a soft breeze on a warm summer day. It was a touch that was filled with love and tenderness, one that made you feel safe and secure. The way his fingers gently ran through your locks, sending shivers down your spine, was a reminder of how much he cared for you.
As you lay in his arms, the soft kisses he placed on your forehead were like a whispered promise of forever. Each kiss was a reminder of the love he had for you, and the deep connection you shared. His lips were warm and soft, and they left a trail of love and warmth on your skin.
The way he held you close made you feel like you were finally where you belonged. He was the one person you knew you could always turn to.
The emotions that ran through your body as he held you close and whispered sweet nothings in your ear were indescribable. You felt a sense of completeness like you had finally found the missing piece of your puzzle.
As the tears subsided, and your breathing returned to normal, Kaeya carefully lifted you from the ground and into his arms, opening the door to his old bedroom to sit on an old armchair where he rested, placing you on his lap.
As you entered his childhood room, it was like stepping into a time capsule. The furniture was old but well-maintained, and the room was filled with trinkets and keepsakes that held a special meaning to him. The bed was like a cocoon, inviting and warm, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of protection.
The room was like a sanctuary, a place where he could escape the outside world and be surrounded by the memories of an easier time. It was like a light that followed him, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of his past. It was a reminder that no matter where life took him, he would always have a place to call home.
The pressure of the world had finally lifted off your shoulders. You nestled into him, feeling the tension and turmoil of the day dissipate like the smoke from a dying fire. The softness of the blanket he covered you with shielded you from the harsh realities of the world. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat, like a soothing lullaby, coaxed you into a state of peaceful slumber.
The darkness of the room was broken only by the soft glow of the embers in the fireplace from the first floor. The crackling of the firewood added to the serenity of the moment, and the sounds of the Ragnvindr household faded away as you drifted to sleep.
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An hour passed, and it was finally time for dinner. The gentle touch of Kaeya's hand on your shoulder stirred you from your slumber, bringing you back to reality. As you blinked away the grogginess of sleep, you momentarily felt disoriented and uncertain, unsure of your surroundings. But the familiar warmth of Kaeya's presence and the soft smile on his face reassured you that all was well. "Did you manage to get some rest?" he asked, and you nodded, feeling a flutter of gratitude for his understanding and care. "Well then, let's not waste any more time," he said, offering you his hand and helping you to your feet. "Come on, dinner's ready."
An hour passed, and it was finally time for dinner. The gentle touch of Kaeya's hand on your shoulder stirred you from your slumber, bringing you back to reality. You blinked away the grogginess of sleep, the world around you was a blur as your eyes struggled to adjust to the light, and for a moment, you felt disoriented and uncertain of your surroundings. But as you focused on Kaeya's face, you were immediately reassured by the warm smile that graced his lips.
"Did you manage to get some rest?" he asked, and you found yourself nodding, unable to put into words the depth of gratitude you felt towards him. He knew exactly what you needed, and had given it to you without hesitation. "Well then, let's not waste any more time," he said, offering you his hand and helping you to your feet. "Come on, dinner's ready."
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As the meal progressed, you found yourself caught up in the lively conversation and laughter of your hosts. The Ragnvindr brothers regaled you with tales of their adventures, and you felt a true sense of belonging that you had never known before. The laughter and tales shared over dinner made you realize that this was what a real family felt like.
When the meal came to a close, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the warmth and hospitality of the Ragnvindr family. You knew that no matter where your travels took you, you would always have a home in Mondstat. And, as you bid your hosts farewell and made your way back to your lodgings, you felt a sense of satisfaction as you thought about the moment you had shared with one of your most beloved companions.
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this took more than a week to do bc it hit so close to home, so sorry if it sounds really rushed or not as good as the last one
i really hope you liked it!
fun fact: why did diner take another hour to finish if it was almost ready? paimon ate a lot of the dishes. yes. i wanted to include that but it just fits better in a fun fact
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faeriescorpio · 8 months
Top 5 MarckCU characters and why along with ur fav series so far? :000
The Host - I just think he's neat. We don't have much of him personality wise that isnt fanon rather than canon but I adore him anyway. I've done wayyy too much self-shipping when it comes to the Host. I think we would hate each other but sometimes its fun to be black for someone, to use the homestuck terminology. Kinda guy who I would get into a fistfight with and then we would sit down and watch a movie together.
Head Engineer Mark - I am an insecure hopeless romantic so when we got a guy who would die a million times for us and never think a bad thought about us I adored him immediately. Then he DID turn on us and I was soooo distraught. Then he realized it was all his fault and when back to practically worshipping us. The Captain could've turned EVIL and KILLED EVERYONE at the end of ISWM 2 and our head engineer would never stray from our side. He is Obsessed. I should continue my fic where the Captain goes insane but Mark sticks by our side.
Darkiplier - Imagine a guy(?) who is obsessed with us. Yes, yes, head engineer Mark, I know. Now imagine the OTHER guy. When ADWM first came out I watched it and my first ending was the chocolate ice cream. i was genuinely afraid of darkiplier. like i had nightmares. WKM definitely changed my attitude about this guy.
Yancy - Arguably one of the top 4 most emotionally aware egos. I need more of him. I would stay in prison for him but I would also break him OUT of prison. He dances AND he sings.
those four were EASY choices for me but oohhhh who would I add to this list? Jim? Last year I would've said Google or Yandere. If it's MarkCU in general I'd say Mack. I hate Mack. I love Mack. I want to bite him. I want him to become increasingly concerned for my well-being.
WAIT OMG How could I have forgotten. Stan the Water Man. Stan is my number five no shot. I loved those videos but since he's in Space he's part of the MarkCU so Stan the Water Man. I was about to say Jim but Stan is a lot like Jim I can't explain it.
Fav series: I cannot deny the effort and beauty put into ISWM 1 and 2, or the emotional pull of WKM. The superb acting of WMLW. The fun of ADWM. I think I was most hype for ISWM, I watch WKM the most, but my favorite series was A Heist With Markiplier. My first ending was on Caveman Mat's island, and I about burst into tears when Mark pulled us out of the ocean after the storm. I really love choose-you-own-adventures, and ISWM's all-choices-lead-to-the-same-ending kind of takes a bit of fun out of it. So Heist is my favorite.
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fox-daddy · 9 months
Breaking down my Mc's (2/3)
Since I've recently done Hunter I thought I'd take a break before going onto Bluebell.
This is what I originally meant to post.
Once again starting with their backstory Kyle's has a few dark turns. Due to where he lived and his size it made him a prime target for a species of big bird to carry him away. With his people's belives the elders in his tribe who are meant to protect him would let him go on his own leading to more bird attacks as his curios nature would lead him to end up far away enough from adults for the birds to take the chance at a meal.
Having a busy but caring mother he was given his dragon cape, a symbol to Kyle for resilance and courage as using it he was able to scare away the big birds. Yet, this leads into an issue that will follow Kyle almost everywhere as even when he was too young to properly realize it his mother was pushing him into becoming a healer. Since healers were the ones in thier orinal group that wore capes. This wouldn't stop his curios nature as when around four he'd run off to join his dad on a trip. Being found too late to turn around immedatly he indirectly caused their shipwreak as his dad was so focused on keeping Kyle safe it clouded his judgment of the situation where the safest thing to do was wait the storm out on the ocean.
When shipweaked Kyle was sent to find help as his dad was too injured to move much. However, by the time Kyle found help his dad had been finished by a flock of large birds known to hunt the shores during storms for food. Being so young he couldn't remember which island he was from leading him to being adopted by a high ranking family who would actually accept him.
This new life wouldn't be much easier. Despite the change of location meaning attacks from the big bird were less going from open plans to forest it was pretty clear he wasn't 'normal'. His warm nature while at first set him up great for working with animals and around the tribe it also made him work great with people older than him. This didn't go unoticed since at a young age his new dad start to try and raise Kyle up to take over the tribe, even if Kyle had no intrest in it. This attention also put him at ods with his older sister who is by nature more sly and agressive than him. Being given what she wants only made her see Kyle as an obstacle in her way rather than a younger sibling. With Tui being against Kyle this lead his older brother to jump in as his protector. This lead Kyle into having a dad who only seemed to care about what he can do for the tribe, an older brother who acted as his guardian than his brother and a sister who would do anything to dethrone Kyle form a throne he never wanted to begin with.
From a young age Kyle has been given expectations for what people wanted from him. A healer, a leader, someone to protect or someone to fight. This expectation plus his smaller size made his dad even more protective over him causing him to have less freedom than most kids his age as he was forced to spend more time around the tribe and thus learn more about their life and how to lead them.
When he hit the age he would have a ceremony of him reaching 10 the magic used only spelled fire and and destruction in his near future. One his dad tried to hide from everyone else while trying to avoid it. Later that year he was picked by the healers to be a part of a choosing ceremony for a type of power given to a few selected people. Heading to the main island he was chosen for the role related to the air symbol due to his connection to the element. Unawear he could refuse he accepted it much to his sisters anger. Feeling like he had gotten what she had wanted she turned angry as Kyle was once again forced into a role he hadn't wanted for himself.
His sister then startd to burn their tribe down and killed their dad, theatining to kill him if he ever returned focing Kyle to abandon everything he'd known.
At this stage Kyle has been under peoples own expectations for him with his own wants put to the side. Has been raised to think about what others want more than what he wants for himself. While traviling with pirates this veiw is challanged by a pirate getting him to help her design a tarot deck in return she would fix his capes protections. As they worked together Kyle would be forced to ask what it is he wants for himself. Oneday he woke up to find she had gone leaving him with a fixed cape and the question of what he wanted. While at the time he would've said he wanted her, looking back he thinks that's why she left. Because he needed to stop looking for others to find his own wants.
Then we have a split like with Hunter;
When the Mc Kyle finds the magic shop he starts to learn magic from his aunt. The question on what he wants is brought up again as he slowly learns what he really wants is to learn more. Find out about how magic works, learn more about birds and animals, to find the awnser to the questions that used to keep him up at night as a child. As he grew he decided he wanted to go the masqurade to interact with people to have fun. This dession is how he'd meet Asra. Someone Kyle can question and can get questioned back someone he can learn from and teach at the same time. While at the first meeting Asra would be able to connect Kyle to the element air being the element of freedom and curiosity as Kyle would be unapologetically himself the entire time. It wouldn't take long for them to start to bound both over the curiosity over the unknown and magic but also through Kyle's ability to connect to others without the burdan of commitment, with the only commitment being to be in that moment with him.
When the plague hit Kyle would want to help, the comment about it taking kids first would be something Kyle would know too much. Kids and the old those weakest. While he wouldn't think he could cure to the plague he would want to do what he can to help.
Once brought back he would be quick to open up to Asra falling back on his gentle nature when he can't remember anything. Being one of my faster learning Mc's due to his curiosity in what he doesn't know. Unlike the other two having less fear of what he doesn't know. Also being the Mc to get into the most trouble, climbing up the shelf to get something without having a plan to climb down, wanting to go ouside and join Asra in market trips even when he's still sensitive to the sounds, sights and smells and in general being more curios. This does lead him to becoming quiet smart as he knows a bit about a lot of diffrent things. Never taking the fact he doesn't know the awnser as an excuse but as a chance to learn more.
However, he has learned from how people see him to use it to his advantage. Seeing a small person in a childish cape it's easy to assume their weaker and more easy target. This is further from the truth than he'd show. Acting small and adorable because he enjoys being able to be less serious. Yet, he's aways keeping his eyes open to what is going on around them. Able to quickly pick up on people's intentions from how they present themselves and act, I.E Muriel is big and scary but he leans forward and doesn't make any attempt to show his size giving Kyle the sense he's not as likely to turn around and attack him. Unlike Lucio who's stance is more bold and assertive and who openly shows his power at every chance he can. Or even Nadia who looks intimidating but holds herself in a regal posture and who makes it clear by her words she's more focused on showing she's sharp minded and not about to roll over. Letting Kyle know she isn't likely to turn around and attack him but also isn't about to let anything go unoticed. I could do this for all the characters but his awearness while acting adorable tends to give him an advantage when meeting new people. Since it's more likely they'll think he's simple and easy to trick and use or even just reveal more in their body language and how they speak than what they would be willing to admit. He keeps this in both versions but with the Mc one he learned it from scrach again, at first hating his small size and slightly chubby body shape until he learned how to use it to his advantage. Now he loves it since it allows him to act as adorable as he wants. Although he still has some negitive feelings about how he looks this is a lot less than it was and usually only on those late nights when you can't sleep.
When not the Mc Kyle stays a pirate learning more about how to defend himself in physical combat. Although he mainly is used for his connection to the air element, being able to speed up and slow down ships using the wind. Also being able to tell when a ship is approaching before anyone can see it by using the changes in the air, able to predict storms and when they should slow down or even port. He still keeps his curios nature seeing 'I don't know' as a chance to learn more. His desire to learn is deeply baked into who he is and his element air. However, he also remembers the expectations of everyone. While he's able to break away and ask what he wants he knows he doesn't want to be a pirate and yet that's what the crew expects from him as he's traveled with them for years. Without any other plans he focuses on using the pirate life as a chance to explore and learn more about the world. This is where being shipped with Asra and Nadia comes into play with his personality. Them giving him the chance to ask what it is he wants which is to learn and give him the chance to gain what he wants without as much expectation on who he has to be.
(I know Nadia has expectations but those are more based around, don't make yourself an easy target, be able to think for yourself and not being an asshole. Things Kyle already has she doens't expect Mc to nessaserily become count if they don't want to, doesn't force Mc to be something they don't want to be. Even bringing up them being cort magician if they'd like that. Making sure to ask if that is something THEY would want.)
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7fragment · 1 year
Some said it was the height of stupidity to travel the reaches of space alone. They would probably be right. I almost made a living roaming the between spaces looking for salvage, and sometimes the long silences got to me. I was far from the only one out cruising. Away from the main space ways where the bigger corpos had control of even salvage ops there were plenty of us. Teams of two or three and the occassional soloer rattling around in tin cans looking for something interesting. I hardly ever saw them mind, but we kept comms open and every now and then someone came into range for a bit. Never for long, but enough to break the silence for a bit.
This run had been quiet. It was late in the cycle for this system, the local solar storms could be nasty and bigger ships couldn't navigate through them. I could manage if I did everything manually. I could, but it was a pain. Still, I'd rather deal with that than try to find money for docking fees for the next couple months. There weren't any regulations against being out right now but there were restrictions on entering deep space.
I reached over to turn on my speaker when the commlink started flashing. I was drifting, most of my nav tools folded away so I could almost manage to lay down and catch some sleep without fucking up my back too badly. The signal was weak, spotty. Because of distance or the next solar storm ramping up I couldn't tell. I only got a few words. Catastrophic. Aid. Emergency. Bits of the script from nearly every pre-recorded sos call. I shut off the speaker and tried to go to sleep. The wreck would still be there after i'd gotten a few hours of much needed rest.
After a few minutes though, I rolled over and pulled myself up to the comm array. If I waited, I might get scooped and this run hadn't exactly been a fruitful harvest so far. I needed at least one good find to even break even. The message was a bit clearer now, if still dropping maybe one word in ten. I listened to the quality, my eyes on the reciever to try and manually triangulate the direction it was coming from. I nearly missed when what I had thought was a prerecorded voice swore. Prerecorded sos beacons couldn't swear, they had a pretty stiff formula to follow in fact.
Tentatively, I tapped the intercom, not quite pressing it yet. I wasn't a rescue vessel. I barely fit in my cabin much less anyone else. I might be able to rig liveable conditions in my cargo bay- maybe. I didn't do rescue, I did clean up.
I pushed the button.
"This is the Kraken, you hear me, over?"
"Oh, hey," the voice said, "Dom owes me a drink he said no one else would be dumb enough to be out here."
"What're your coords? I'm a salvage rig not a rescuer but I've been keeping my ship going on grease and miracles for years now." I couldn't just walk away now I knew someone was out there. Dying stranded in the void was the worst nightmare of anyone who did regular space travel. I wasn't a people person or i'd have a different job, but I wasn't that much of a monster either.
I heard a sound that might have been static, or the person moving their intercom around. Then, "Last reading we were three clicks off the edge of the centauri-six cluster, but we've been drifting for a while now. I might be able to send a ping if I can get it on manual controls."
"Don't bother, my nav's too old for most all p2p. I'm near Prion right now, heading your way." I paused. I wanted to know how much time they had, if I was talking to someone who was already dead. I should have asked. Everyone who traveled deep space knew the protocols. If you got a distress call you got the situation and timeline first to determine if it was even worth your time going for. I had enough fuel to get to them and then the waystation between centauri-six and disteria, probably. If i didn't take on much more cargo. Or passengers.
"What sort of trouble you having?"
It took them a minute to respond. I busied myself setting up my nav arrays and gearing up to ease as much speed out of my little pod as I could. "Engine blew. I think it was... a solar flare."
"Could've been. They're nasty this year."
"What's your name?"
"I'm Lyndel. So, what has you out in the middle of fucking nowhere?"
"I'm a salvager. Wandering around the void is a good ninety-percent of the job."
"What's the other ten?"
"Five percent haggling with bastard scrap dealers, five percent boredom, and a dash or two of cool stories. What about you?"
"Oh, just a merchant ship with a fucking dumbass captain."
"That sucks." I turned away from the comms to fiddle with the nav relays, coaxing my engines back up to speed. "Can you see a return signal on me?"
"Yeah, I'll let you know if you drift off course too much."
"Thanks. Usually I can triangulate myself fine but usually i'm not in much of a hurry."
"No problem. Just glad I could have someone to talk to. You know."
Something in their tone made my gut lurch. I'd seen the aftermath of too many wrecks to not know what odds we were playing with, but I still didn't want them to just give up and die. "Like hell. We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other in the like four feet of cabin space i've got."
They laughed softly, and I tried to coax a bit more speed from my little ship. I could feel the vibrations of the engines through my seat and knew I was approaching the limit of what she could handle.
"Where're you from, Kalé?"
"What is this, twenty questions?"
"Humor me." They coughed, a wet ugly sound that went right to my gut. Were they hurt? Engine problems could be as painless as they stop working, or a literal explosion.
I pushed away the sense that I was talking to a ghost. If I didn't believe that they would make it who would?
"Taurei- the smallest moon off Sera Decatur. Booked it after my parents died and never looked back."
"Sounds lonely,"
I shrugged, mikdly embarassed when I remembered they couldn't see me. "It was fine. Never been a big fan of people anyway."
We swapped bits and pieces of each other's lives for a while. I told them about my dream of saving up enough to get a home base planetside somewhere like Bruma. They told me about their family back in the Vega system. I told them about the time I managed to lose a raider ship in the Corus asteroid belt.
They still responded, reacting to my only slightly dramatized story, but they didn't reciprocate. The silence on the other end of the comm put ice in my veins.
"Lyn? You still with me?" I did my best to keep the fear from my voice but have no idea if I succeeded or not. I was no actor, nothing even close to a crisis negotiator.
"Yeah," their comm crackled and for a second I thought i'd lost them.
Then I got a ping on my radar. It was fourth hand scrap, and barely functioned at all. It could pick up electrical and nuclear signals within a pretty small radius. Enough to keep me from drifitng into shit while I slept if my also jank as hell anchors failed. That I got a ping meant I was close. Within an hour at this speed, probably.
"Hold on, I think I've got you clocked." I swiveled in my chair, hauling the radar readout closer to the nav screen.
"Sorry Kalé, I--I don't think you're going to make it."
"Like hell. I can see you." I could, just barely, glimpse an odd red light formation in the distance. Standard distress signal, I'd seen it countless times when I found a wreck fresh enough that it still had power.
"Ah, damn." they said something else, too quiet to come through the comm. I was barely listening anyway, focused on timing pulling up to the shattered ship.
The back half was blown off, debris bouncing off my hull as I towed myself in to disembark. My ship shook when it nestled up against the remains of the engine room floor and I did a quick check of my pressure suit before I pulled on my helmet and flung myself out of the ship.
The airlock between the engines and the main cabin was still in tact, and I had to try three different override keys before I could get in. The little bits if tech were one of the msot expensive parts of my job, but all licensed salvagers had the ability to get them for situations just like this- when we were first on the scene and peopel might be- people /were/ alive inside the pressurized zone.
The cycling of the air and hiss of pressurization had never taken so long.
When the cycle finished and the door opened I froze. The wreckage outside had been typical Tuesday sort of stuff. But when the doors opened the first thing I saw was the blood. No bodies, they were probably drifting outside, but so much blood.
I fumbled, trying to unclasp my helmet. It wouldn't unseal though. A dull red alert flashing across my vision when I tried.
A dull rasping sound broke the heavy silence in the cabin. I tripped over something as I lurched forward. The person propped against the main console shifted , and I veered towards them.
They didn't move again. I fell to my knees in front of them, reaching. I couldn't bring myself to touch them. I fumbled for the emergency oxygen mask on my belt. I pressed it over Lyn's face. The seal went green to show it was in place. A rattling gasp shook them, and honey colored eyes looked blearily at me.
"You... came."
"Don't waste your breath, we'll have plenty of time to talk when we get back to my ship."
Lyn coughed, the ugly sound that I'd thought was static or interference staining the inside of the mask.
"It's okay, you..." The words died on my lips and I had to swallow a few times so I wouldn't throw up, my brain only just processing what I was looking at. I had never had a chance to save them. Not really.
I stared blindly at the space where their right arm should have been. Was that what I had tripped over?
"I'm sorry," I said. Talking to a corpse. I reached out and pulled the mask from their face, tossing it to the floor. I'd have to get a new one, it wouldn't stand up to cleaning off the blood. Lyn smiled up at me.
I grabbed their suit, as if I could drag them back to life if I tried hard enough. The edges of a name-plate cut into my hand. I wiped off the blood- not mine- to read it.
/Capt. Lyndel J. Morhan/
"Idiot." I whispered. I could almost hear the echoes of their voice 'fucking dumbass captain'. I'd heard the bitterness then but now it made all too much sense.
It was a while before I could manage to move. Even when I did, I set my claim beacon and then just stood there. My job had never felt like anything more than digging though trash. Picking up the detrius of other people's lives. This though, felt like grave robbing.
Instead of looking for valuables, I just started looking. Trying to understand, I think.
I took the blackbox and tucked it into a pocket before I started stripping the ship. I would need to hit that depot to refuel, and if I was going to be paying interstellar fuel prices I'd need all the value I could wring out of this useless fucking tragedy. I usually found a moon or something to drop into for that because it was significantly cheaper.
I left the ship and it's captain to drift and clambered back into my pod. The familiar confines felt off. Emptier, despite being packed to the gills with salvage.
It was nearly three months later, when I was treating myself to a stretch planetside on Gibdo that I finally got up the courage to crack the black box. I'd just got done being interviewed by the ITA about the wreck, pretty standard fare for the first salvage crew to find it. Properly I ought to have handed over the box to them for whatever investigation they'd do. I didn't want to put the contents of that last conversation into the hands of fucking government beauracrats. Talking about it again had made put me in a nostalgic mood I guess.
I didn't want to pull up the logs on my ship, because then everything in it would go into my own blackbox and eventually end up with the ITA anyway when I inevitably broke down or ran out of fuel or got hit by desperate raiders or any of the thousands of ways to die in the void.
I had used some of my money from Lyn's ship to buy myself a standalone transmitter that could read the blackbox discs. I still was in my ship when I booted up the transmitter and tried to comfortably settle the chunky old-fashioned headset it had come with properly. Getting one with a speaker would have defeated the purpose of not just using my ship's comms relay.
I scrolled through the ordinary day to day ship's logs. Maintenance checks, inventory, contacts with ITA and local check points. Boring stuff really. I was only looking at the last trip, so I didn't have too much to wade through before I started getting error messages.
One of the protocols built into every blackbox, every ITA-certified ship, was a trigger for automatic voice recording triggered on certain log entries. Pretty much any major engine error did it, and Lyn's ship had been no exception. The Nightingale, it had been called. Crew of four- Lyn, the pilot Sephicle, the navigator Misa, and Paul-the engineer. They'd been in the middle of running a basic maintenance scan when the first error hit. Fuel cell rupture. One of those things that sometimes just happened and except on ships big and expensive enough to have top tier failsafes, when it happened it was a matter of dying quick or dying slow. Suppose Lyn's crew had mostly been lucky in that.
I had to pause the feed when the first explosions happened- automatically dulled to tolerable levels by the decoder I was listening through. I reminded myself to breathe and hit play.
The screams were the hardest, until the quiet after. A video file opened automatically, and Lyn's face filled the small screen of the transmitter.
"For the official record," they said, pain drawing h
their face tight at the edges. "this is captain Lyndell Morhan, of the Nightingale. Our ship's main emgine blew today at-- I don't know, maybe ten minutes ago. Check the damn logs if you want to know. Took the back half of the ship with it. The cockpit's intact but it doesn't matter. Dead in the water, oxygen tank blown to hell. Guess that doesnt mattter either, got bashed by some debris trying to check for survivors. Fuck. They're all gone-" Lyn's face disappeared and thier voice got muffled, "- fuck." After a few more seconds the video died.
Almost immediately the recording of Lyn's SOS picked up. I skipped through most of that. It just hurt to hear it all again. I saw the text logs scrolling over my screen though. Something unfamiliar caught my eye, and I rewound a bit.
/Unknown A: Don't waste your breath, we'll have plenty of time to talk when we get back to my ship.
Cpt. Morhan: Thanks... for staying with me./
Even when I went back and listened to the recording I couldn't hear their last words. They must've had an implant comm.
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welkinsky · 3 years
Is it ok if i rq a angst to fluff headcanons with kakashi where he tries to make it up to y/n after he hurt her? (Like he avoided his feelings for her and he ended up hurting her so poor bby just wants a second chance)
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Kakashi X Reader | How He Apologize To You After A Fight
He is not really someone who gets frustrated or gets angry at all with you. But this one time, you got this very important mission assigned to you and you were so pumped to go on it and can't wait for him to come back home so you showed up to the common room where mostly all the jonin used to hang out in breaks.
He was talking to Gai when you approached him to tell the news. But rather than being all excited he was quite angry for some reason and tried to convince you not to go there but since you won't listen he said "You're not cut out for this mission!"
It came out way too loud for some reason and everyone was staring at you two, Gai tried to lighten up the mood but you felt kind of offended because he was supposed to be supporting you but here he was being completely opposite. So you didn't say anything but just stormed out of the room and avoided him for the entire day.
In the evening:
You were packing your bags in your room in silence when you heard a knock on your door. You went to answer it but sensed the familiar chakra, so you stopped, you were about to turn around and go back to your room when you heard "I'm sorry Y/N" from the other side of the door. You stopped but were still silent. "I didn't mean it that way."
"You should have thought that about that before you insulted me among my colleagues," You said with hurt, clearly visible in your voice. You headed towards your bedroom.
You were startled a little with a tall figure in your balcony, it was him. The door was locked though so he couldn't enter the room. You could hear his muffled "I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that. You know I'd never say anything like that." No response from you made him continue. "I-I... I just got a little worried alright. You've never traveled that far alone and that too with so much danger already out there."
You turned to him and your mood shifted completely from being angry at him to just wanting to hug your man. You could see, he felt REALLY bad. You walked towards him and placed your hand on the closed glass door of the balcony. Which he replicated and put his hand in front of yours. His face was hanging low, not able to make proper eye contact with you. He was genuinely scared that this was it :) poor guy.
"You need to have a bit more trust in me and my capabilities. I look up to you for everything but it was so hurting to hear that from you." You both were silent for a moment. "So are you still gonna be a jerk or take me out for some ramen to make it up to me"
His face lit up which made you laugh. You could see through the lines of his mask that he was smiling a HUGE toothy smile, that only you got to witness in the entire village.
"Oh and you still need to open the front door, I have a couple of things there." and you open the door and there he is with flowers, RAMEN, and a bunch of supplies for the trip. :)))
Thanks For Reading and for the ask! You can send new ones too if you liked this.
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A-Z Headcanon
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m-jelly · 2 years
Kenko Panda's fun little writing challenge event!
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@kenkopanda-art thank you for the incredible banners.
5 random songs. 5 sections. One story!
Link to event Link to playlist
So this is love - Disney princess song
Like you say you do - Gabrielle Aplin
Insomnia - 2WEI
Mad at Disney - Salem Ilese
Bloody Stream (Jojo theme) - Miura Jam
Thank you @kenkopanda for making this event!
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Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, alternative AU, future AU, falling in love, fluff.
Concept: You and Levi have had nothing but trouble when it comes to love. You were told a Prince would come to love you and Levi has had people date him just so they can say they're with him. Sick of waiting around and being a "good girl" you decide to do something. You join the galactic army and rise up through the ranks. During your time working and fighting, you become closer and closer to the famous Captain. At first, you try to deny your love, but you both can't ignore real love.
Note: Originally, I was going to do Levi as a superhero, but that would mean the reader falling in love with a hero saving her, similar to all the other partners Levi has had. I wanted to make it a little different. Plus, a strong reader is fun!
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Like you say you do...
Levi was tired. He was tired of being used. He was tired of not experiencing real love. He felt like he was a theme attraction of some kind. He tried dating people who didn't love him.
He looked over at his current girlfriend as she took the fiftieth picture and huffed at Levi not smiling. He pulled his arm from her and saw her desperately try to cling to him.
He stared at her as she shouted and stomped her foot in annoyance. Levi called her name. "Would you love me if I wasn't the famous Captain? If I didn't have the money and fame, or the scars from the battles I've been in. Would you still be with me?"
She looked nervous. "Wh-what are you talking about?" She laughed a little. "You're so silly."
"Just be honest."
She ran her hand up his chest. "Of course!"
He pulled her hands off him. "I know I'm not good-looking and I can be a bit dry and cold, but surely I deserve love?"
"I do...love you..."
He stepped back. "This was never love. I'm so desperate to find it that I just...I'm sorry, I can't do this. I'd rather be alone than keep repeating this cycle of being with someone and not having love."
She gasped as Levi walked. "W-Wait! Come back! I will not be known as the girl who was dumped by the Captain!"
Levi walked to his hover car and drove it to the spaceport. He stormed passed everyone and the cameras. He locked himself in his room and lay on his bed thinking that things would never go his way. He placed his hand on his chest and wondered what love was.
Erwin opened his friend's door. "Levi?"
"You break up with your girlfriend?"
Erwin grabbed a chair and put it near the bed before sitting. "You'll find love. It'll come your way."
Levi pressed the palm of his hands against his closed eyes. "I doubt it. I'm very much done with it all."
"The military has made a massive fuss over you. They put you out there for everyone to see and people try and use that fame."
Erwin smiled a little. "Well, I understand your pain. Love is hard in our job." He stood up. "I hate to break this moment, but we have a soldier to meet. She's being transferred to us due to her exceptional work in the main unit. She signed up out of the blue two years ago and has been rather impressive."
Levi sat up and sighed. "Alright."
"Be nice to her, okay? I know she used to be in planet relations and all, but she's not some pretty princess, okay?"
Levi thought about it before nodding. "Got it."
Erwin walked to the door. "I mean it. She's a great soldier and she works very hard."
"I understand."
Erwin led the way to the upper deck and to the meeting room. He called your name. "Good to meet you."
Levi locked eyes with you and felt his cheeks burn and his heart skip a beat. He offered his hand. "Hi."
You smiled and blushed a little. "Hi." You shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."
You giggled a little. "Hi."
He kept shaking his hand. "Hi."
Erwin cleared his throat. "Levi?"
Levi let go of your hand. "Sorry. Welcome to the scouts."
You smiled. "Thank you. I'm happy to be part of the team." You handed over your electronic file. "This is everything you need about my service. I'll settle into my room and I'll start the paperwork."
Levi stared at the file in his hands. "She's pretty."
Erwin smiled. "She is."
Levi sat down and read through your file. "She's an impressive soldier too."
"Maybe you should ask her for a drink?"
"What if she's like the others?"
Erwin shrugged. "You don't know unless you try."
Levi ran to the lift and went down to the rooms. He slipped into yours to see you unpacking. He called your name. "Hi."
You laughed. "Hi."
He cleared his throat. "I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink with me."
You stared at him. "Oh...look, you're cute and all, but I umm...I don't think it's a good idea."
He felt his heart drop. "You...you don't?"
You gave him a little smile. "It's nothing against you, it's just I have a lot of bad luck in love. I don't date well-known people anymore." You pulled a little face. "I'm sure you're a great guy and all, but I just can't."
He let out a long sigh. "What if I wasn't famous? Would I have a chance?"
You blushed. "Maybe."
"What if I as you in a month?"
You laughed. "A month to get to know each other more? Deal."
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Mad at Disney...
You finished your speech and smiled at the room as they clapped for you. You sat down and looked at your communicator to see your boyfriend hadn't gotten back to you. You sighed and waited for the votes to see your policy won again.
You got up from your seat and left the embassy. You ignored reporters asking questions and got into your car. You ruffled your hair as your driver started taking you home. You frowned when your communicator went off. You looked at your messages to see the news was your boyfriend being caught having an affair with not one, but two women.
You clenched your jaw. "Prick." You got out your car and thanked your driver. You pulled your blazer off as you felt tired. You ignored the media outside your house and noticed your boyfriend was waiting for you. "Why are you here?"
He hurried over to you. "Babe, I can explain."
You punched him in the face. "Get away from me. I don't ever want to see you again. Prince of his city? More like whore of this city! I'm so sick of this shit happening to me."
He clicked his nose. "Let me explain."
"It's over. All this shit is over!" You stormed into your house and kicked a table. You turned the tv on and saw you and your ex were all over the news. You kept changing channels until you saw an advert for the military. "That's it."
You packed a bag and marched out of your house as your ex chased you and begged you to take him back. You heard him promise you everything, that's you'd be his princess and he'd love you forever and more. You threw your bag into your car, turned to him and kicked him hard in the balls.
You turned to the camera and grabbed it. "Listen up all the girls out there. Disney love is a fucking lie. Forever this whole fucking planet, I'm done being your little political princess. I'm off to join the galactic military. Peace!"
You got into your car and rode it to the military sign-up. You wrote your name down, took your uniform and started training right away. You worked your ass off and your fingers to the bone to stand with others and not be seen as the princess of the stars.
You ignored any advances from guys. You danced around them all and pushed yourself when it came to your missions. You would drag injured people out of war zones with bullets raining past and explosions making it rain dirt.
Each mission you got more and more respect, even if your nickname was the princess. You became one of the lads and had fun with them. You'd saved them all more times than they could count. You were worth your weight in gold. You gained fame again, and with that came countless love letters.
You sat staring at another love letter from a well-known alien race representative. You sighed. "What the hell is love?" You tossed the letter down and looked up at your commanding officer. "Sir?"
He smiled at you. "You, my dear, are being moved."
You frowned. "Moved, why?"
"You're too good for us. I have loved having you all these years and you've been the best friend I could ever have, but you are needed elsewhere."
He smiled at you. "How does the scouts and Commander Erwin Smith sound?"
You gasped and shot to your feet. "You fucking serious?"
He nodded. "Congratulations."
You squealed and jumped at him. "YES! Oh, I can do so much there."
"I'm proud of you."
You punched the air. "Sweet!" You grinned at your friend. "I'll make you proud, I swear."
"You always make me proud. Go get 'em, princess."
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Bloody stream
You dragged on your dress with one slit to flash your leg. You sat and strapped the gun holster onto your other leg and armed yourself. You stood up and put your heels on. You gazed at yourself and admired your body for a moment.
"Tch, oi?" Levi stopped and stared at you in your evening dress and felt his heart skip a beat. "Wow."
You smiled at him and loved his suit. "Wow yourself."
You and Levi had been dancing around each other for two months. You both knew there was attraction and love between the two of you. There was clear love and desire, but there was fear. Everyone could see how you both were, but you never did anything about it.
Levi cleared his throat. "Let's get this undercover mission over with."
You walked over to the lift. "What's wrong Levi? Don't want to be seen with the princess?"
He blushed. "You know very well that's not what I mean."
You giggled. "I know." You fixed your dress and sighed. "You know the plan?"
You nodded and walked out onto the platform to the waiting car. "I've never done anything like this, so it should be interesting."
Levi sat in the car with you. "It should." He sat back as the driver took you both to the party. "Evidence is key."
You gulped hard. "I know."
He looked over at you. "It'll be okay."
You smiled at him. "I know."
"You know, you really are beautiful tonight."
"Thank you." You looked out the window. "Almost there. I'll get the evidence."
Levi frowned. "You'd be better at distraction."
You looked over at Levi. "It all depends on who's fame they like more, the political princess turned soldier or the great unstoppable Captain."
"May the best famous person win."
You winked at him and stepped out of the car. You waved to people taking pictures. You hugged Levi's arm and walked inside the bar where the party was. The place was showered in riches with people from all kinds of races. You parted from Levi and most people swarmed you. You smile and talked people up as Levi went to steal what was needed from the computers.
You laughed it up and flirted with all that came near you. You looked around the bar to see unfamiliar people. You excused yourself and went upstairs to the office. You looked around before slipping inside to see Levi finishing up.
Levi looked up at you. "All done. You didn't need to check on me."
You smiled softly. "Wasn't checking. We have company and it looks like it'll be a robbery."
"Tch, shit. We should get out before things go down."
"Well, might be good if the host owes us one."
"Maybe." He stared at the door when gunfire went off. "Looks like we're going with your idea."
You whipped your dress open at the bottom and unclipped your gun. You checked it to make sure the gun was charged. "I'm ready to go."
Levi pulled a gun from the band of his trousers. "Let's not make a show."
You nibbled your lip. "Just a bit of fun."
He smiled a bit. "Okay."
You winked at him before you both slammed the doors open knocking two gunmen over the balcony and down to the bottom floor. You ran and jumped onto the railing and rode it down as you fired at surprised gunmen.
Levi leapt over the railing and landed on a man. He rolled and fired at another right in between the eyes. He kicked up a stool, twisted his body and kicked it hard when it came down right into a charging man.
You jumped onto a chair and next onto a table. You jumped and grabbed the chandelier. You swung and flew toward a man setting up a machine turret. You slammed your heels into him and grabbed the turret. You grinned at the gunmen and made the turret manual. You fired the gun and laughed as you mowed down anyone in your way.
You looked down at your gun when it ran out. You yanked the gun off and smacked a man hard with the weapon. You ran towards Levi then skidded on the floor under a table as Levi slammed a chair into a man chasing you. You twisted on the floor and shot back at the gunmen.
Levi grabbed you and yanked you behind the bar with him. He gasped when the slammed against you on the floor. "Sorry."
You smiled as the bottles above you were shot to pieces. "Don't be sorry. I like this."
Levi blushed. "I really want to kiss you right now."
You hummed a laugh. "That would be nice, but I need you to lie flat against me." You lifted your gun when Levi complied and shot a gunman in the head as he stood at the side of the bar. "Got him."
Levi got off you and looked around. "Think we're in the clear."
You knelt up and looked. "Good." You stood and sighed. "Well, you know how to show a woman a good time, huh?"
"I try."
You smirked as you panted a little. "It's not over yet."
You walked to the exit of the bar and looked out. "We're gonna have company real soon. We need to take some guns from the dead and go. I'll drive, you shoot."
"Got it."
"Once we're done, we'll talk about that kiss."
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You tapped your thumbs on the wheel of the car as you and Levi stayed hidden. You looked over at the Captain as he worked hard on fixing the rifle. You stared at the gun and watched Levi's talented hands get to work. You looked up to the mirror and hummed.
Levi huffed. "I can fix it."
"I didn't say anything."
"I can hear you worrying."
You sighed and looked at the mirror. "I don't like how quiet it's gotten." You watched cars fly by. "We need to get moving."
"I know."
You ruffled your hair. "An invasion. Shit."
Levi looked over at you. "It'll be fine."
You started up the car. "Look alive Levi, we gotta move."
He glanced up to see cars turning sharply and racing towards you both. "Shit."
You smirked and set the car in reverse. "Hold onto your hair!" You shot backwards past the cars and ships. "Let's fucking do this!" You whipped the car around and flew it into oncoming traffic.
Levi gripped the chair. "The fuck!? Watch it!"
"You wanna fucking die?"
You smiled. "Good." You turned the engine off. "We're going down!" You laughed as Levi screamed loudly as the car fell down and through traffic and buildings. "Less screaming and more getting that gun fixed!"
Levi gritted his teeth and tried to fix the gun. "Get the car steady and maybe I can!"
You turned the car on and yanked the car to go up. "WOO!"
Levi slammed against his seat and grunted. "STEADY!"
You glared at him. "You want steady? I'll give you steady!"
Levi grabbed the door and placed his hand on the roof when you span the car. "FUUUUUUUCK!"
You laughed hard and flew sideways between two buildings. "Catch me now fuckers!" You shot out the buildings and saw a transporter explode on impact. "YES!" You looked over at Levi to see his hair was a mess and he looked a little scared. "Sorry about all that."
He groaned. "I might throw up."
"Less moaning, more shooting, please."
He huffed. "I feel sick."
"If you fix the gun, I'll reward you with a date."
Levi worked fast and heard the gunfire up. "You owe me a date." He opened the window and hung out of it. "Alright fuckers. Now it's my turn." He gritted his teeth and fired his gun at the car following. He shot the driver between the eyes and watched the car fall. "Tch, too easy."
You moved the car to a safer spot and admired Levi getting a bullseye on every shot he took. You carefully moved the car through a tunnel and around the traffic. You were less chaotic so you wouldn't hurt Levi. You saw a landing pad up ahead with scouts waiting. You yanked the wheel and skidded the car onto the platform as Levi kept shooting.
You rolled out of the car and hid in cover. You saw a launcher on the floor and grabbed it. "Borrowing this for a bit Hange." You twisted and fired the launcher causing the last transporter to blow up.
Levi looked over at you and panted. He eyed you in your glamorous dress, hair slipping out of its nice style with the launcher on your shoulder and a grin on your face. "What a woman..."
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So this is love...
You climbed out of the transporter and looked up at the sky to see a planet going by and two moons. You looked over at Levi as he climbed out of the pilot's seat. "It's stunning."
He grabbed a blanket and basket out the back. "I did a lot of research to find the best planet for our date. This one was the best." He offered his hand. "I want us to be alone." He blushed. "You know cause people now are obsessed that we fought together yesterday at that party and with the car race."
You held his hand. "We're a popular pair."
He walked with you. "Yeah, we are."
You smiled a little. "So, you planned all this, for me?"
He nodded. "You're worth it."
You blushed as your heart skipped a beat. "Wow..."
He cleared his throat. "Come on." He pulled you up a hill to a strange light pink tree with a twisted trunk and white flowers. He let your hand go and laid out the blanket. "I scouted this place out and knew it was perfect."
You hugged yourself and you gazed out at the rolling hills and the setting sun. "It's so beautiful." You turned to Levi and smiled. "I feel like I'm floating."
Levi gulped. "I should get you medicine."
You laughed as you walked closer. "I'm not sick." You cupped the side of his face. "You make me feel this way."
He blushed at your words. "Really?"
You nodded. "Really."
"May I kiss you?"
You gripped his shirt and tilted your head a little. "Please do."
He softly pressed his lips against yours and felt his whole body relax. He exhaled through his nose. He hummed a little as he knew that he wanted to kiss you for the rest of his life. He could see his future was with you.
You wrapped your arms around Levi's neck and pulled him closer. You smiled as his hands ran up your back and tugged you against him. You parted your lips and welcomed his tongue. Your tongue moved together in a perfect dance. You were all a flutter from his touch.
Levi pulled from your lips and smiled. "So this is love..."
You blushed and smiled back. "This is love." You giggled. "I'm in heaven."
Levi started dancing with you. "Me too." He twirled you around making you laugh. He pulled you against him and slow danced with you. "Worth the wait."
You nodded. "So worth it."
He dipped you making you squeal in delight. "You are so cute."
"You say that to a woman who has killed many."
You hummed a laugh as he stood you up. "Shall we eat and drink? I made it all."
Levi pulled you to sit with him. "I'm excited for this."
You opened the basket and handed him a bottle and glasses. "Get the drinks and I'll get the food."
"Of course, my love."
You smiled as you got the food out. "Love..." You gazed at Levi as you held a plate with a slice of cake on it. "Love."
He nodded and kissed you. "Love."
You shuffled close and snuggled up against him as you ate and drank for a moment. After you were done, you hugged Levi's side and watched the sun set. "Perfect."
"Yeah, it's perfect."
You looked up at Levi. "I love you."
Levi leaned over and kissed you. "I love you too."
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rinstars · 3 years
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PAIRING: Suna Rintarou x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Angst.
WC: 1.3k+
TAGS/WARNINGS: Hurt/Comfort (or maybe not). Suggestive themes. Profanity. Cursing. Slight use of petnames.
SYNOPSIS: Suna Rintarou never break a promise. Especially not to you.
NOTE: A famous Filipino song came on shuffle and prompted the birth of this fic. Can you guess which one?  HINT: It's a pretty old famous love song lmfaooo. Also again, I didn't proofread, deal with it hehe. REBLOGS are appreciated <3
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He sent you a text message fifteen minutes ago. Nothing but a few simple words that somehow weighs you down every single time—like an anchor tied to your ankles and tossed to the ocean. Something that leaves you gasping for air. But you enjoy the cool breeze anyways.
I'm coming over.
Promises meant a lot to Suna. Even if the words weren't outwardly said, he treats the phrase like an unspoken promise between both of you. He always comes when he tells you he will. A little late, a little early, but never not.  And you wait for him. Over and over—in the raging storms, the summer breeze, the winter cold. At the break of dawn, the setting sun, beneath the midnight moon.
Because it was your side of the promise.
I'll be here.
The knocks on your door grow heavier each time. The longer you take to open the door the more you feel the constricting pain choking the life out of you. You drag your feet to the wooden entrance, fingers never getting used to the way the cold steel of the knob makes you want to cry. The ray of light that peeks from the small opening of the door blinds you—God, does it blind you, yet you open it wider. Welcoming the burn as he hastily pushes the door open.
You wish you were able to hide the flinch when he wrapped an arm around your wrist, pulling you closer to him as he buries a pale face down your neck. He probably didn't notice the shake from your body—seeing as he was shaking just as bad. The wetness on his shoulders going unnoticed as his own tears stain yours.
With a small tug, you are beneath him. On the other side of his endless praises, his sweet, sweet words. He kisses you like he's drowning as much as you and you let him. His fingers were no longer shaking when he pulls your underwear down, or at least tries to.
"Rin," you breathe out, pushing against his chest to get him off of you. "Will you talk to me first?"
He looks in your eye, unblinking, unmoving—and you could've sworn you were able to glimpse at the internal debate going on inside his mind. He hovers over you for a few more minutes before completely sitting straight with a sigh, nodding to himself as he offers a hand to you.
You take it, and you hold tight, and if you were given the gift to do what you wanted, Heaven knows you wouldn't have let go.
He notices, and he knows it. He has known for the longest time. Knows how this affects you—how you feel, how you hurt. So, he smiles at you and lets you hold on for as long as today's conversation permits.
"I just, fuck-- I don't know what to do." He swallows thickly, like he's holding back the tears from spilling. "I swear—shit do I fucking swear, that I try, I really try, yeah?"
"I know, Rin," you squeeze his hands a little tighter, thumb running over his knuckles as a poor attempt in comforting. "But sometimes, things just don't work out the way we want it to. You know that."
His eyes look over to you, the gentle smile on your face laced with something he would rather not think about too much. He thinks you're right—you're always right. He couldn't remember a time when you were wrong.
"Then," he crawls over to you slowly, fingers trailing a path from your temples to your jaw before settling there and tugging your bottom lip—a silent request from his breaking heart.
Closing your eyes, you released a shaky breath before slowly opening them and continuing with your constant reject. "Then let's stop doing this. I just—you know this isn't right, Rin."
It's almost like something clicked in him the moment you said that. The fog in his eyes clearing as the hand holding your jaw drops to his side. You ignore the pain building up your chest, the sensation almost numbing, as you wait for him to agree. He will, you thought. He always listens to you.
"Yeah, yeah," He almost chuckles humorlessly, throwing his head back on the couch. "Bet she really wouldn't take me back if she found out I run over to you again, right?"
Turning your head to the side, you hope you blinked the tears fast enough for him to not see. Of course, it's her. It has always been her. He never really calls you when he's not going through another rough patch with his girlfriend, never meets up unless he wants to find solace between your legs, never really smiles at you that often
"Rin, we—" you bite your lip to prevent it from shaking, tightening your hold on his fingers to hide the tremble. "We need to stop doing this. She loves you, and—God, do I know how much you love her."
He smiles at nothing, like a fond memory is replaying in his head, the next few syllables breaking you more than you think it should. "Yeah, I do."
This time, you decide to finally show your tears, enough pretending as you prepare yourself for what's about to come. "S-suna, I really—you see, I loved being with you. I adore you and you're probably someone I'd never be able to forget ever, you know?"
He turns his body as he faces you, the hairs falling on his forehead too irresistible for you to not fix. He eyes you with a mix of confusion and recognition—like he knows where this is going but needs you to say it for him.
"Me too, princess."
"I've been meaning to say goodbye a few months ago," you sniffed, looking down on your lap as you lose all the strength to stare back at the eyes you've grown to love. "But I thought maybe I'll let another winter pass. I know how much you break in this weather."
He laughs with you at that—the humor lost in the sea of regret and pain, eyes glossing over but he didn't understand why. Maybe you meant a lot more to him that he cares to admit. And he isn't sure what to do with it, doesn't recognize it clear enough to come up with a course of action.
"I love you, Rin."
Snapping him out of his thoughts, you could notice the faint flinch on his fingers. Hearing you choke up the words like this, vulnerable and broken in front of him, almost made him want to be irrational again. How do you break someone who's done nothing but mend you?
He has known for the longest time. The suspicion always lingering on the back of his head and yet hearing you say it doesn't compare to the amount of times he's run the scenario up his head, finding the right way to respond.
"I know."
"And it's hurting me so, so bad." The cracks in your voice almost mirroring the ones in your heart, hand flying up to your face like you wanted nothing more than to hide. The pain, the tears, the love.
"I know, princess." He repeats, hands tugging yours so you can hide your face on his neck, sobbing onto him the way he's always done with you. He keeps your head there—partly because he knows showing his own tears will just make this harder. "You take care, yeah? Love someone who really deserves it next time."
"I'm not—I w-won't be here next time, Rin. Sorry for breaking my promise."
"In the next life, princess," He kisses your temple, threading long fingers through your hair, a shaky voice accompanying his next words. "I'll come over to you."
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Mermaid Princess and A Pirate King
"Don't think I didn't notice, Princess. I been at sea a long time. You ain't the first fish girl I run into."
Motonari's words bounced around in my head. I looked at him, my eyes wide and questioning. "You…you know about…my people?"
Motonari sneered. "That's what I just said, ain't it? Learned lots o' things from 'em, too." It was then that he was gesturing to a box on the table. "Open it up and put on the present and I'll let ya outta that iron collar."
I looked at the wooden box, noting the familiar and intricate carvings. My hearts dropped into my stomach. "No…"
"I don't know if yer aware of the situation yer in m'lady," Motonari began, "but ya better do as yer told."
I could feel the anger and the rage building up inside me. If I hadn't already exhausted my powers, if I weren't weakened by these damn iron chains…I'd have a chance. I'd be able to conjer up the worst storm imaginable. I'd be able to fight my way out of this. But somehow this…this sorry excuse for a human being had been able to know about my people, know about me, know my weaknesses…and he was easily using them against me.
"Ya better not make me wait forever, Princess." Motonari said, impatiently reaching for the chain and tugging on it. "I ain't a patient man."
I reached for the box, with shaking hands and opened it. Just as I had expected. Inside was silver bracelet bangle type bracelet. Beautiful swirling waves were engraved on the outside…but on the inside, symbols were carved…symbols I recognized all too well. "How…how did you come across this?" I asked.
Motonari smirked. "A pirate has his ways. Now put it on."
I swallowed down the anxiousness I felt as I reached inside and picked up the bracelet. These bracelets were well known and used widely by my people. Only used on the worst criminals in our society to keep them from being able to escape…to bind them to obey and not be able to use their powers on the ones they sought to harm. And once it was on the only way it could be removed was by the one who had you wear it in the first place.
"We ain't stayin' here all day." Motonari said, angrilly yanking on the chain around my neck once more.
"You're despicable and vile." I told him before sliding the bracelet on my wrist and instantly feeling the effects over my body and my powers.
Motonari gave me a smug grin before tossing the key to my collar at me. "There now ya can get rid o' that collar. That bracelet ain't as noticible."
I glared at him as I removed unlocked the collar. "I swear I will find a way to break this damn thing and then I'll break you for making me wear it."
"Bold words fer someone effectively collared." He replied. "Yer mine ya hear. Now say it."
I felt compelled to obey, the invisble binding stretching over my body from the bracelet. I wouldn't be broken. I wouldn't say it. I don't care how it made me feel. "I…will…never…be…yours." I declared, my words coming out stilted from the power of the bracelet. I don't care how it made me feel. I don't care how hard I had to fight it, but I would. I wouldn't let him break me.
I figured this would piss Motonari off…and perhaps it did but only momentarily. He let out an amused chuckle. "Defiant one ain't ya. That's fine. I like a woman with some spunk." He said. "Tamin' a spitfire like you is gonna be fun."
"You're not the first man to try." I said, glaring at him. "Well…maybe the first human man."
"Talkin' 'bout yer betrothed, huh?"
"I broke free of him…and I'll break free of you, too." I replied.
"We'll see." Motonari replied. "Now come on."
Reluctantly, I followed Motonari out of the room and were leaving the auction ship, soon heading for Motonari's own ship. I was surprised when he gave me a cabin to stay in rather than placing me in the ship's hold. I was also surprised that there was a rather large and comfy-looking western style bed in the room.
Next to the bed was a small window. I sat down on the bed and looked out at the ocean. How long had it been since I'd left? How long had it been since I'd lost my first home? I clenched my hands into fists in my lap. Anger rolling through me and causing tears to well up in my eyes. I couldn't count the number of times I had lost my home by this point. And here I was losing another one and for whatever scheme Motonari had.
"Dammit…no…now is not the time to despair." I told myself, clenching my fists tighter in determination. "I will…I will break from him and his control and I will help my new family and protect my new home."
I closed my eyes and focused on the braclet at my wrist. I could feel the constricting power of it, flowing over my entire being. I fought against the invisible bonds I felt, but the chains wouldn't break. My internal power felt so weak. I let out a groan as I felt a pang in my head.
I fell back into the bed, my head landing on a surprisingly soft pillow. The bed was as warm and comfortable as it looked. The toll of exhausting my powers and being restricted so, was finally catching up to me along with the lonliness. My eyes closed and the blackness of unconsciousness consumed me.
Motonari stood on the deck of his ship, looking out over the railing at the ocean. The waves lapped at his ship. The ocean normally helped to calm him, but nothing could calm him or stop the crawling feeling on his skin. He ran his gloved-hands through his hair in agitation.
"Is something wrong, my lord?"
Motonari looked up at the sound of his vassals voice. "Nothin'." Motonari snapped. "Just damn…that look on 'er face."
"The princess, you mean?" Hiroyoshi asked, his voice calm.
"Damn girl's smarter'n she looks." He said, with a dry mocking chuckle. "Them fish girls must know more…just can't believe she saw through it."
"It was bound to happen eventually, my lord." Hiryoshi replied.
"Never thought it'd be some fish girl ta see through me though." He replied, he let out a growl of frustration.
Hiroyoshi watched his lord, a knowing look on his face. "Is she in the extra cabin?"
"Yeah and she ain't goin' no where." Motonari replied, glaring out at the ocean.
"So, the plan is well under way then?"
"Yeah." We'll make port back in Aki in three days." Motonari said. "Get the Oda all good 'n' worried. Let 'em shake fer a while."
"And the princess?" Hiroyoshi asked.
"Get 'er used ta her new role." He answered.
"Right, my lord." Hiroyoshi replied. "Would you like me to relieve you for the night?"
"Nah, I got it. Now…just leave me alone ya old codger."
"As you wish, my lord." Hiroyoshi replied.
Motonari continued to stare out at the ocean. He hated having to change plans, but that's why he was always prepared. He knew even the best laid plans could change like the swift tides of the ocean. He couldn't help but to continue to glare out at the ocean, everything felt unsettled. Frustration and annoyance would be his companions this night and it appeared they were there to stay. His thoughts churned, the storm underneath brewing and showing no signs of settling. It was to be a long night.
I awoke sometime the next day, groggy from sleep, my eyes bleary. I still felt so drained and my head punded. "Ugh." I groaned, as I set up, putting my head in my hands.
"Heh, ya regrettin' yer choices yet, princess?"
My head snapped up and I shot a glare as Motonari came into view. He was sitting at a western style chair in front of a vanity in the room, directly across the bed. He wore that smug grin even as I glared. "What choices?"
"Lettin' that bleedin' heart o' yers lead ya to here. Ta bein' my property." Motonari clarified.
"I belong to no man." I replied.
"Still ready ta fight me, huh? Yer a spit fire fer sure." Motonari replied.
"Take this damn bracelet off of me and I'll show you just what a spit fire I can be."
Motonari chuckled. "This might actually be fun."
"What? Holding me hostage to draw the Oda forces into a trap? I hate to break it to you, but I doubt that will work. They're smarter than that."
Motonari chuckled. "Pretty sure yer wrong there. That Hideyoshi is turnin' all of Aki upsides down and inside out lookin' fer ya…but that ain't my plan."
I blinked in surprise as I looked at him. I could see a glint of madness and cleverness all rolled into one in those sharp red eyes. "W-what is your plan then?"
"Somethin' better and more interestin' that's for sure. You'll just have to wait and see. Good news is ya get a front row seat ta the biggest show."
"Whatever your plan is, I WILL stop you." I told him.
"Can't wait ta see ya try, m'lady." He was then standing up as the door to my cabin came open.
A kind-looking older man was walking in. He bowed to Motonari. "My lord, I thought I would bring breakfast for the princess."
"Whatever ya old goat." Motonari replied, grumpily.
The old man seemed not to notice and just smiled as he turned to me. He was then setting a tray down beside me. "Here you are, Princess. I must say it is an honor to meet you. I am Hiroyoshi Shiji, Lord Motonari's chief vassal."
I blinked and fell into stunned silence for a moment at the sharp contrast between Motonari's gruff nature and his vassal's kindly visage. "I…uh…thank you. It's nice to meet you…and just Ava is fine."
"It wouldn't be proper for me to address you so informally, Princess." Hiroyoshi replied.
"You know she ain't no real Oda princess." Motonari said, mockingly.
"That is her title now. So, that is how I shall treat her." Hiroyoshi replied. He then looked at me with a kind smile. "While you are with us, Princess should you need anything just let me know. I am at your service." He was then bowing before leaving the room.
I blinked completely confused. Then I looked at Motonari. "The hell was that?" I asked him. "Some kind of good cop bad cop routine?" The phrase shot out of my mouth before I could even think better of it.
"The hell you talkin' about, m'lady?" Motonari asked me.
"Bad guy and nice guy routine." I replied. "You know, you're the complete asshole that tries to break me with this you're my property bullshit and Hiroyoshi comes in with the nice guy act. Win my confidence."
Motonari laughed. "It ain't that. Good idea though." He replied, rubbing his chin with gloved fingers. "That old codger's head's a stonewall and there ain't nothin' that can make 'im be any other way."
"So…that nice old man is loyal to an asshole like you?" I replied.
Motonari leaned in, his hands resting on the foorboard of my bed. Leering at me. "Ya keep up with them compliments, m'lady…ya just might be surprised by what happens."
I wasn't going to back down though. "Clearly you don't want me dead or else you would have done that already." I replied, leaning in myself. "You also went through the trouble of putting this damn bracelet on me. You NEED me for something. You NEED me under your control."
Motonari glared hard at me. He pulled back as I leaned in closer. For someone who was crowding me, he sure moved back fast. "In three days ya get ta go back ta yer Oda buddies. And when ya do yer gonna be singin' Shojumaru's praises. How I saved ya."
"You're using me to get closer to the Oda forces."
Motonari clapped those white-gloved hands together. "Good work, m'lady. I'm sure ya know what'll happen if ya don't go along with that I say, though." He said gesturing to the bracelet on my wrist.
I could feel the power of it stretching out over my body. Constricting, draining. I'm going to have to play along till I can figure a way out of this. I glared hard at him. "I will get out of this…and when I do there's gonna be hell to pay for you."
"Sure ya are, fish girl." He replied, grinning before heading for the door. "Ya better eat. I ain't takin' ya back ta yer buddies in bad shape. Wouldn't do well fer Shojumaru if the precious Oda Princess was hurt too bad."
"I hate him so much." I muttered as I looked at the door. I then looked down at the tray of food Hiroyoshi had brought in. Dammit the food actually did look and smell good…and I did need to help build my strength back up. The only way I was going to break free. "Damn pirate."
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mimisempai · 3 years
You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind
During his journey with Sylvie, Loki realizes that Mobius occupies his mind much more than he thinks.
5 times where Loki thinks about Mobius and 1 time where he realizes that he misses him.
Loki along the episode 3, in the episode Mobius is not present... physically, but in Loki's head... it's another story...
1992 words - rating G
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As he tried to keep up with her, Sylvie wryly asked him, "What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?"
Seriously, why were they all asking him the same thing? Loki remembered their first discussion with Mobius.
"All I seek is a deeper understanding of the fearsome God of Mischief. What makes Loki tick?"
Mobius... who seemed to know him before Loki even answered him. Who seemed to know before him what made him tick. Mobius who had made him tick, who had helped him see his flaws, but who hadn't used them against him.
He wouldn't reveal anything to Sylvie, he didn't know her well enough to trust her yet. Though a little voice in his head whispered to him, "You didn't know Mobius for much longer when you made yourself vulnerable to him."
Yes, but Mobius was Mobius as Loki was Loki.
He sighed before replying, with his usual verve, "Independence, authority, style."
Some would say three words weren't enough to describe him, but it was enough for now.
Sylvie sneered and retorted, "So, naturally you went to work for the boring, oppressive time police."
What a cheeky woman, she didn't know anything.
He protested, "I don't work for them. I'm a consultant."
Even though several people at the TVA had repeatedly reminded him of his place in the short time he'd been there, Loki liked to think that Mobius considered him as such.
If Loki was honest, he had enjoyed "working" with Mobius. Not to mention the way they had "grown closer."
But now... he didn't even know if they would get reunited and if they did... he didn't even want to think about it. He couldn't. He didn't have time for that.
Sylvie replied, "You don't know what you want."
Loki answered with a deflection, even though deep down he knew exactly what he wanted, or rather who he wanted.
"I can't sleep in a place like this."
Loki, surprised, asked Sylvie, "You can't sleep on a train?"
She replied, annoyed, "No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people."
That he could understand.
Of course, he couldn't help but think of the last time he had slept like that.
In the TVA archives, while he and Mobius were doing research, Loki had fallen asleep. He hadn't just dozed off, he had fallen deeply asleep.
One could argue that it was because since New York he hadn't really been able to sleep, so exhaustion outweighed caution, or that he was bored with the research, but Loki knew it wasn't either of those reasons.
No matter how exhausted he was, no matter how tired he was, he had never slept in the presence of anyone else without his subconscious being in a state of minimal awareness.
It was ingrained in him. Few people had given him reason to trust.
In a place like the TVA, filled with hostile people, the presence of one person had been enough for him to let his guard down and sleep soundly.
He couldn't help but wonder why.
What was it about Mobius that was breaking down Loki's defenses one by one? Worse, what did Mobius have that made Loki's defenses fall one by one without making him want to run away?
Sylvie was a little more open and asked, "Hang on a second. So, tell... Tell me about your mother."
Sylvie was different in a way, kind of like Mobius, she made him want to confide... a little. Or was it because she was a variant of himself? In any case, he didn't mind answering, even if the news of his mother's death was still tough to accept.
"I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point. You know, when I was young, she'd do these little bits of magic for me. Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. She told me that I'd be able to do it too because... Because I could do anything. You wanna see?"
He twirled his hand and mini fireworks erupted from it. He smiled, proud of himself.
Sylvie snorted and said, "Not bad.
Then Loki added, "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you."
Knowing the truth about his mother's death now, his sadness was all the greater. He could never again give her reason to believe in him.
The same little voice came again, "But there is someone else..."
There was someone else he would want him to believe in him.
Someone else who had believed in him enough to ask him for help, even if it was to fulfill his own agenda.
Mobius who had put his head on the line so that Loki wouldn't be reset, because he had seen something in Loki the same way his mother had always seen something in him.
Mobius had told him something that had resonated with him, like an echo of his mother's words.
"I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?
But then things happened and Loki had to make this choice in a hurry.
He wondered if Mobius still believed in him now.
He could still hear him shouting just before he went through the portal.
"Loki wait!"
He couldn't help but hope that the man would listen to him before judging him.
That Loki would still have time to show him that yes, he could be believed in.
"How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince." Sylvie punctuated her sentence with a little wink, as if she was daring him to prove her wrong.
But Loki was proud of who he was, and he wouldn't hide, he answered her with a little smile, "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you."
She nodded and Loki continued, "But, nothing ever..." he paused because what he was about to say was not completely true anymore.
However, Sylvie finished his sentence for him, "Real."
As he heard Sylvie say this word out loud, he realized it was no longer true. He took a sip.
This sort of relationship they had started with Mobius before they left for Alabama, Loki didn't want to believe it wasn't real.
He, the master of illusion, didn't want to believe that the emotions Mobius stirred in him weren't real.
He couldn't believe that the caress of his fingers, the taste of his lips that he could still feel were not real.
The very idea that the understanding and compassion he had read in Mobius' eyes was not real, it was terrifying to Loki.
Because for once he'd caught a glimpse of something that could only be his, not a throne, not a title, not glory. Just something real.
Sylvie had fallen asleep and Loki found himself alone with his thoughts, his thoughts that were only directed towards one person.
So he continued to drink and as the musicians played a melody that reminded him of Asgard, uninhibited by alcohol, he felt like singing and dancing.
With a snap of his fingers, he changed his borrowed uniform into that of the TVA.
It wasn't the leathers of Asgard, nor his god-like outfits, but he felt better right away.
Because it was the same as Mobius and it made him feel like he belonged. That the bond was not broken.
The jacket, even though it had the horrible name of Variant on the back, it was Mobius who had given it to him, who had told Loki that he looked smart in it.
Okay, drunkenness made him particularly sappy, but after all, for a short while, he felt like letting go.
He began to sing and dance in the middle of the dance floor, with some of the other passengers joining in.
When she sings, she sings “Come home”,
When she sings, she sings “Come home”
He almost burst out laughing when Sylvie woke up and saw him on the dance floor. She asked him where his uniform was. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to sing and dance happily.
Suddenly the music became slower and more nostalgic, similar to a song his mother used to sing to him, and he leaned against the bar and couldn't help but sing along,
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
og synger “når kommer du hjem?”
Men traner danser og fossene stanser
når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
And before the emotion took over, he began to dance and sing happily again in an attempt to keep the nostalgia from overwhelming him.
When the music stopped, he returned to Sylvie and took his place in front of her.
She asked him with a raised eyebrow, "What did you just sing to look so troubled?"
Loki with a slightly tight throat, but trying not to let it show, answered, "It's Asgardian, it says :
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair and sings,
"When will you come home?"
Loki had to stop, overwhelmed by emotion.
Sylvie, her eyes devoid of all mockery, said softly, "So there is a would-be-princess somewhere..."
Loki chuckled sadly before replying, "I like metaphors you know, in this instance, it's not a princess, it's a prince, and I don't know if he's waiting for me or hoping to see me again, it's not even really my home, but..."
"...but you'd like to believe it, right?"
Loki could only nod.
Sylvie was explaining to him how her power worked as they made their way to where they could escape.
"That young soldier from the TVA, her mind was messed up. Everything clouded. I had to pull a memory from hundreds of years prior, before she even fought for them."
Loki stopped, shocked, not wanting to realize what Sylvie's words implied.
He asked her, urgently, "What? What'd you just say? Before she joined the TVA?"
She answered as if it were the most normal thing, "Yeah. She was just a regular person on Earth."
"A regular person?"
"Loved margaritas."
Loki continued as he began to understand, "I was told that everyone who works for the TVA was created by the Time-Keepers."
Sylvie laughed, "That's ridiculous. They're all Variants, just like us."
Loki appalled, "They don't know that!"
Mobius doesn't know that. The way he talks about the TVA, the jetski, Casey not knowing what fish are. They don't know that!
As they ran toward their destination, Loki couldn't stop the stream of thoughts that swirled in his head.
He thought back to their discussion.
"I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure."
"It'd be fun, though."
"Yeah, it'd be really fun."
"So, why read about them?"
"Just helps remind me of what we're fighting for."
How would he react if he learned that his whole life was a lie?
Loki knew it. Loki had lived it. He had been devastated when he learned that his parents were not his parents.
Loki's heart bled for Mobius, even though the man didn't know yet.
Mobius who had that kind of candor that Loki had lost for so long.
At that moment he realized how much he missed the man and how much he had become an important presence in his life. For the first time since they met, he didn't want his comforting and protective presence. He didn't want Mobius to be there for him, he, Loki, wanted to be there for Mobius.
He felt like protecting and comforting.
He felt like fighting for something other than himself.
At that moment, it wasn't the time keepers, or the tempad or anything else that mattered to him.
He had only one thought, only one word in his mind.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
Not beta'd
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The Strings That Bind Us ~ Vulcan's Mission
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Summary: Vulcan heads to the other 3 Lord Holds to get information on the Lord Dinner. Will it go well?
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Vulcan
[The Next Morning After The Lord Meeting] [At House Beneviento]
Vulcan stood before the front door as he secured the Beneviento House Crest Clip on his hooded cloak to ensure it remained on his shoulders; once he removed his hands, the crest clip shined in the light of the lamp.
"Leaving already, Vulcan?" Donna asked as she descended the stairs and walked over to Vulcan who turned around to face her.
"It's better if I leave in the morning so I can back come by the evening. I'll get the list first then I'll go shopping for the food in the morning." Vulcan said as he watched Donna's face look off to the side; he could see the fear in her eyes. His hand grasped her chin and moved her face to look into his eyes. "I'll come back to you, Donna; I'd never turn away from you and Angie. Thank you for trusting me with this." He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, which she returned as she placed her hands on his chest.
Vulcan pulled away when he felt a tug on his pants leg causing him to look down to see Angie looking up at him with the eyes of a child.
"Can I have a hug?" Angie asked.
Vulcan smiled and crouched down, gathering the doll in his arm, and hugged both her and Donna. After a while, he set Angie on her feet and gave Donna one last kiss before he turned on his heel and left out the house door, down the stairs, and down the trail to begin his mission.
[A Few Moments Later - At The Stairway to Castle Dimitrescu]
Vulcan looked at the massive Victorian-Styled Castle before him - The Home of the First Lord, Alcina Dimitrescu. He was not looking forward to talking with her but he knew she was going to be the most difficult of the lords.
'Better to the pain in the ass out of the way first.' Vulcan thought as he took his first step to scale the stairs until he reached the massive door; he knocked upon the door for a few moments until it was opened by a Housemaid.
"Can I help you?" The Housemaid asked in a very timid voice.
"Yes, I would like to see Lady Dimitrescu." Vulcan said.
"What reason do you have to see the Lady of the Castle?" The housemaid asked again with a raised eyebrow.
"House of Beneviento Business." Vulcan said as he moved the side of the cloak to reveal the house crest upon his chest. The Housemaid's eyes widened as she moved aside.
"Of course, please, come in. I'll call the lady." The housemaid said as she moved into the castle with Vulcan behind her.
The Housemaid asked him to wait in the foyer while she retrieved the Lady of the Castle, Vulcan gave her a nod and watched as she scaled up the stairs. He stood there in the center of the room - the fire in the fireplace crackling now and then. He looked around - the floor was so clear that Vulcan could see his reflection upon the surface, the chairs, and table resting by the fireplace looked as if they were sown & carved by hand, the chandler above his hand looked like it was crafted with diamonds as opposed to crystal; it was beautiful but too expensive for Vulcan's taste.
'This place is too grand - how can you stop yourself getting lost in here? House Beneviento is more accustomed to me.' Vulcan thought with a smile at thought of Donna and Angie back at home waiting for him...when the sound of buzzing rung in his ears. Vulcan opened his eyes again to find a few dozen flies circling around him like a slow cyclone - carried with was multiple giggles.
"Oh, look at the newcomer, sisters." One voice purred.
"Isn't he the one mother was trying to get to come here?" A second voice curiously asked.
"Yeah, that's him. Maybe he finally came to his senses." said the 3rd voice.
"I'm here to speak to Lady Dimitrescu for House Beneviento." Vulcan said as he remained still.
"Aw, don't you want to stay here?" The first voice asked. "I'm sure Mother would treat you much better than Aunt Donna would."
"You would be a Lord, yourself. Live in the lap of luxury and have the power to command anyone you desire." The second voice said.
"I've said this to Lady Dimitrescu and I will say it to you - I am not interested." Vulcan said.
"If you're not interested, why are you here then?" The sound of Lady Dimitrescu's voice came from on top of the stairs. Vulcan looked up at the towering lady, stating at the top of the stairs, slowing descending down with her hand dragging along the wooden pole. The flies moved away from Vulcan and formed into 3 separate bodies - the Daughters of Dimitrescu. Vulcan waited for Alcina to get to the bottom of the stairs before he gave a slight bow in respect with his eyes closed.
"Lady Dimitrescu, forgive me for arriving unannounced but there is something I would like to discuss with you regarding the Lord Dinner begin hosted at House Beneviento." Vulcan said - his eyes opened when he felt the large hand of the Castle Lady grip his chin and lifted it - Amber meet Gold.
"Are you sure that's all you wish to talk about, Little Mortal? Are you certain you didn't want to see what I have to offer you?" Alcina purred with a glow in her eyes but Vulcan's face remained professional. He rose to stand at his full height, which removed Alcina's hand from his face.
"Lady Dimitrescu, please, I have expressed on numerous occasions that I am not interested in being your...other half." Vulcan said.
"And why is that, little mortal? Why would you not want to live in a castle with servants waiting on you hand and foot? Riches that pile so high could by the world and still have more? Everything you could want and need within arms reach and you wouldn't want that?" Alcina asked.
"I have all I could want with Donna and Angie - I've traveled the world to become someone that would be worthy of them, a partner that would make House Beneviento proud." Vulcan said with a smile when mentioning his girls; this made Alcina frown.
"You would rather have her than anything I could offer you?" She asked with a hiss.
"Yes." A simple answer.
Alcina inhaled and exhaled before she looked into Vulcan's eyes.
"What do you want to talk about regarding the Lord Dinner?" Alcina asked as she folded her arms.
"I want this Lord Dinner to be grand for all the Lords and Madam Miranda, to do that I would like to know 3 things about you: Your preferred dish, your drink of choice, and any kind of dessert you would enjoy?" Vulcan asked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper pad & pen.
Alcina began speaking and Vulcan wrote down her order.
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
Main Dish - She asked to try the Blood Steak she heard about from Donna
Drink - Romanian Red Wine (I have to pick some from The Duke)
Dessert - Black Forest Cake
Vulcan pocketed the pad and the writing utensil before he looked at Alcina and her daughters, gave them a nod, and turned on his heel to begin walking away - before he could reach the stairs; he was suddenly picked up by his waist from behind and was lifted with his back pressed against the busty chest of Alcina Dimitrescu.
"Lady Dimitrescu, what is the meaning of this?! Unhand me!" Vulcan barked as he began squirming against her grip; he left her hand on his chest and her lips near the back of his neck.
"Why must you fight against me, Vulcan? I know you want more than my sister could offer you but your blind love for her is making you refuse what you really want. Let me give it to you - stay here with me and have everything you could ever want." Alcina whispered against his neck.
"I told you no - I am loyal to Donna and I would never turn away from her. Now - Let me go." The man demanded.
"Such fire in your voice, I wonder just how good your blood tastes." That made Vulcan's eye widen but before he could do anything - his house jacket was ripped open to expose his shoulder and he felt the pain of fangs breaking his skin.
Vulcan gripped his teeth to keep from screaming but he felt anger flood his body.
"I TOLD YOU TO LET GO OF ME!" Vulcan roared.
Alcina was suddenly thrown off him by an unknown force - making her slid back to her daughters.
"Mother! Are you alright?!" The blonde-haired daughter asked as she ran over to her mother. Alcina didn't answer - her eyes were wide and dilated, almost like a cat's - as she looked at Vulcan's bleeding shoulder. The Servant of Beneviento covered his wound before glaring at the Castle Lady - his eyes blood red and his pupils... slit like a predator's.
"If you weren't one of the Lords of this Land, I would have killed you for doing something like that! I won't act on my own but I will be informing Madame Miranda of this. Keep your distance from, Alcina Dimitrescu; I shan't notify you again." With a growl - Vulcan turned on his heel again and stormed out of the castle, slamming the door behind him.
Alcina stood to her full height again - her hand covering her mouth as her tongue collected the blood dripping down her chin.
'His blood... it was... DIVINE. Richer than any maiden's blood I have ever tasted. Whatever he is, he is not human...and I want him. I must have that blood for myself; he must aid me in continuing the bloodline of House Dimitrescu!'
[Meanwhile - With Vulcan]
The amber-eyed man marched down the dirt path, holding his house jacket close to the wound - cursing all kinds of things about Alcina. He made his way to the gate leading the Moreau's Reservoir when a familiar voice called out to him.
"That looks like a pretty nasty bite wound." Vulcan turned to see the Duke sitting at his carriage. "If I were to guess, I'd say Lady Dimitrescu decided to take a bite out of you." Duke said as he wrote down something in his small journal.
"You won't be wrong, Duke; she literally grabbed me and sunk her teeth into me." Vulcan said as he walked over to him.
"Unpredictable as ever, she is; that wound will get back if you don't do something about it. Would you care for a bottle of First Aid Medicine?" The large man asked as he held a small bottle of green liquid.
"I don't have any Lei on me right now, I wasn't planning to buy anything." Vulcan hissed in pain.
"Nor were you planning on getting bitten by a Vampiric Castle Owner. You've been a loyal customer to me for years, Vulcan, you can have it for free." The Duke said as he reached down a gave the bottle to Vulcan.
"Thanks, Duke," Vulcan said as he opened the bottle and poured it on his wound. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to have some Romanian Red Wine, would you?" Vulcan asked as he fixed his jacket back on his shoulder.
"I do but I'd be willing to part with it for 5000 Lei." The Duke smiled at him.
"I'll come to get it tomorrow and a few other things, can you hold it for me?" Vulcan asked.
"Of course, your coin is the best coin for me to receive." The Duke said.
"Perfect, I'll see you later." Vulcan turned and began walking away.
"Anytime, Lord Vulcan." Duke said, making Vulcan stop and turn back to look at him.
"Duke, I'm not a Lord." Vulcan said, making the fat man laugh.
"Not yet, but at the rate you're going, you'll be a Lord within a few months' time...maybe a father even." Duke chucked, Vulcan blushed and turned to head to the reservoir
[Timeskip - At Moreau's Reservoir]
"Lord Moreau? Are you here, Lord Moreau?" Vulcan called out as he walked around the reservoir depths - he searched for a while before he heard the static of television and the sound of someone sobbing. He followed the sound until he saw the hunched few of Lord Moreau sobbing before a small static tv.
"Mother Miranda... why don't you love me like the others? You know I'll do anything you ask me to do, so why don't you love me too?" The Lord of the Reservoir; that made Vulcan's heartstring tug.
"Lord Moreau." Vulcan called out, startling me small 'man'.
"Who...Who are you?! Why are you here?!" Moreau panicked before he looked at Vulcan again. "Wait, I know you - you're Donna's Servant, right?" Moreau asked as he inched closer to him.
"Yes, Lord Moreau. My name is Vulcan and I serve Donna at House Beneviento; it's nice to finally meet you." Vulcan smiled at the man, who was so confused.
"You...You stood up for me. At the House Meeting. You told Heisenberg to respect me..." Moreau said as he a Vulcan were now facing each other.
"He should - You're his brother and brothers are supposed to be there for each other. Donna told me that you were very kind and she was right." Vulcan said.
"I...No one has ever told me that, thank you, Vulcan." Moreau said with a smile.
"Of course, Lord Moreau." Vulcan said.
"Please, call me Salvatore; that's my first name and you're very kind." The creature smiled again.
"Of course, Lord Salvatore. Now, as much as I would love to stay and chat, I'm a bit pressed for time. As you know, The Lord Dinner is coming up and I would like to know what your preferred food, drink, and dessert is." Vulcan said as he pulled out the pad and pen again with a smile. Salvatore smiled again and told him what he wanted to know.
"I don't know if I'll be welcome there." The small man said.
"You're a Lord and this is a Lord Dinner; of course you're allowed and welcome, besides, I have a little trick up my sleeve." Vulcan smiled as he waved his hand.
"What kind of trick?" Salvatore asked.
"You'll find out at the dinner. Have a great day, Salvatore." Vulcan rose to his feet and made his way back out the way he came, looking at the new list of items.
Lord Salvatore Moreau
Main Dish - Grilled Salmon with a side salad and cornbread
Drink - White Wine
Dessert - Keylime Pie.
'That man goes through all that pain with siblings who don't even respect him and a mother who rarely acknowledges him... I'll do what I can for him. He's too kind not to get the love back he dishes out.' Vulcan thought as he pocketed the pad and pen again before heading to the last of the lords - Karl Heisenberg.
[Timeskip - Karl Heisenberg's Factory]
Vulcan opened the door and walked into the factory with his hand on his dagger, just in case something popped off.
"Well, Well, Well - if it isn't the Ugly Ass Psycho Doll's Plaything?" Karl's voice rung out of the empty space.
"I'd appreciate you not disrespecting her like that, Heisenberg; I'm here on House Beneviento Business and I would rather get it over and done with so I can make my last stop and go home." Vulcan said as he looked around the make sure there were not hidden Lycans waiting to pounce on him.
"House Business? What could she want with me?" Karl's voice rang out again.
"This is about the Lord Dinner and I'm doing this to make sure it goes well. Just tell me what I want to know and I'll be on my way." Vulcan said.
"Now, where's the fun in that - just telling you...when you could work for it?" Karl's voice called out - that when Vulcan heard movement and found himself surrounded by at least 20 to 30 Lycans.
"What the hell is this, Heisenberg?" Vulcan snarled as he pulled his daggers from under his cloak.
"The challenge is simple - kill them and I'll tell you what you want to know. Lose and...well, Donna and her doll will be short once playmate." Karl laughed over the intercom.
"Smug Bastard." Vulcan growled and got into a battle stance.
"Ready? Set...SIC HIM BOYS!"
All the Lycans charged at Vulcan but there's something Karl should have known - You don't fuck with the House of Beneviento's Servant.
[Small Timeskip - After the fight.]
Vulcan stood in the center of the lycan bodies - most of them with their throats cut open, some with missing limbs, others with their bellies completely sliced open. His daggers in his hands - soaked in blood. His clothes and cloak with multiple claw marks. Panting, he looked up at the intercom and smirked.
"Ya done, Karl? You gonna tell me what I want to know or do I have to come up there and show you I mean business?" Vulcan smirked.
Karl was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.
"What do you want to know?"
Karl Heisenberg
Main Dish - Fried Chicken with corn and mashed potatoes
Drink - Whiskey
Dessert - Sweet Potato Pie
Vulcan was tired as he walked out of the factory with the last of the lords' orders taken but there was one last stop to make and he wasn't looking forward to it.
[To Mother Miranda's Location - The Lord Meeting Room]
Miranda looked at the kneeling man with ripped clothes and damage to his body that would have killed a normal man but it was obvious he was no mortal man.
"You're telling me you did all this without Donna's recommendation to make the Lord Dinner go better?" Miranda asked as she looked down at Vulcan.
"For the glory of House Beneviento and for Donna & Angie, I would go to any length." Vulcan said as he remained kneeling.
"If you have all the lords' orders, why are you here?" She asked.
"It wouldn't be right to get the lords' order and not get the Village Leader's Order, Madame Miranda. I would like to know what you would consume so that I may return home to Donna and Angie." Vulcan said.
"You really consider House Beneviento your home?" Miranda asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Anywhere Donna and Angie are is my home. They are my home." Vulcan said.
After a few moments, Miranda gave Vulcan the order she wanted and watched as he rose to his feet and turned to leave.
"I want you to know - I still don't think you're worthy of her. She hails from noble blood while you are commoner. You will never be worthy of Donna, even if she loves you." Miranda said as watched Vulcan leave.
"I know but I will give her all the love in the world just to stay by her side." The man said as he disappeared into the darkness.
"What the hell are you, Vulcan?" She questioned herself.
[Timeskip - House Beneviento - around 11:35]
The moment Vulcan opened the door - he was engulfed in a hug...well...two hugs. He looked at Donna who had her arms wrapped around his waist and Angie who was hugging his leg.
"Where have you been?! It's almost midnight and..."She looked at his condition. "What happened to you?!" Donna shrieked with worry.
"Sit down and let me make us some tea...this will be a long one." Vulcan said as he walked to the kitchen.
-After Explaining Everything-
"How dare she?!" Angie said. "She had no right to touch my father, let alone bite him!"
"And Karl made you fight Lycans to get his order?! I told you this wasn't a good idea, Vulcan; I can't believe you talked me into this." Donna said.
"But it was worth it, Donna." Vulcan said as he finished his tea.
"No, it wasn't! No orders were worth the condition you're in now!" Donna yelled.
"I know you're mad but trust me when I tell you that it was worth it." Vulcan said as he gathered her hand and kissed it a few times.
"I..."Donna tried to find the words.
"Please, love. Everything will be fine." Vulcan's eyes shined like stars as Donna blushed and looked away.
"Alright, I'll let it go this time but no more risky trips." Donna said as Vulcan gathered her in his arms and kissed her.
"I promise." Vulcan said as he placed another kiss on her lips.
"Soo..."Angie began. "When am I getting a sibling?"
"ANGIE!!!" Vulcan and Donna blushed at the smirking doll.
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novanitas · 3 years
There are Other Ways to Fall in Love
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- Warnings: Zhongli is manipulative? suggestive content?
- The work was written with the mindset of a female reader but no pronouns were used so any reader may enjoy~
Falling in love was supposed to be love at first sight, and for you, it was. Falling in love was supposed to be magical, every moment filled with bliss. Falling in love was supposed to be finding that one person in your life and staying with them forever, no change in heart. Falling in love was that way for you. But were you really falling in love?
They say the devil hides in plain sight, where he is easily seen and the star of the show. They say the devil can be as sweet as honey to the right person or as cold and cunning as the winters of Snezhnaya. They say the devil draws people in and traps them with their dashing looks and silver tongue. They say love is a game. Your heart the pawn.
Falling out of love was never a thought to you. You never imagined that if you did find that one love at first sight that you would find yourself tired of your lover's presence and wondering what went astray. You heard in the whispers of the wind that falling out of love was like falling out of a tree, swift and painful, knocking the air out of your lungs, leaving you gasping for breath. For you falling out of love was that, but it was so much more. Falling out of love was painful in the way that the love in your partner's eyes turned to something darker. Falling out of love was breathless for you in the way that you were swept off your feet by someone completely unexpected.
Love is like that of a summer storm coming in unannounced and ripping everything you knew to pieces, everything you knew to be true apart, and that is precisely what Childe did to your heart.
Zhongli was elegant, classy, breathtaking, and one hell of a man to look at. His golden eyes caught yours the second he waltzed through the room, his long coat chasing behind him. Slender legs making his gait seem as if he were from another world. His cologne engulfed every room he stepped in as if it were taking claim to the area, taking claim to your heart—a casanova in disguise.
At first, when your relationship began with Zhongli, you were stunned. How could someone of such stature be interested in you? How could the man you fell head over heels from the second he walked in the room even glance your way?
The devil is cunning, and so was Zhongli. He knew too much of everything. He knew just what to say to make any person come undone. He appealed to all your senses, and you found him intoxicating. He was like a drug you can't get out of your vein.
He came in swiftly and stole your heart, but he took so much more.
You stole away the pride that you once had in yourself. He ripped away your dignity. Zhongli slowly took everything that was you away.
You didn't notice it at first, the way that after he came into your life that everything seemed to falter. Money seemed to dissipate into thin air. Time seemed to be consumed by him. Family and friend's faces seemed never to be around anymore. Life seemed to be closing in on you, or was it Zhongli's hands around your life choking everything else out.
"Y/N," his voice purred in your ear. You stood there, still as the heat of his breath lapped against your ear. "Let's go out. For,"
Zhongli seemed to pause as if testing the waters as if testing to see how far he could push you.
You bit your lip, not daring to lift your head to meet his gaze, to meet his flaming eyes.
"Lunch," he said, placing his hand on the small of your back.
Your heart raced at his touch, flames on his fingertips, fear in your veins.
You, in fact, did not want to go out for lunch because you had no mora, and Zhongli always made you pay for the meal. You, at times, have had to pay for meals and other expenses with questionable means.
Zhongli stepped forward and walked around you, dragging his hand along your body as he went. You shuddered as he stopped behind you, placing his head on your shoulder, his lips grazing your ear.
"You know you don't have a choice in the matter. Why don't you just say yes to me?" His voice was a low growl, an inhuman pitch to it.
"Of course, I'd love to go to lunch with you." The words stumbled out your mouth.
You were strong, but the Geo archon was stronger, eviler, a wicked sense about him.
"Good," Zhongli said, standing back up straight removing his hands from your body.
"Get changed. Your clothing is," he hummed to himself, "a little damaged."
A little damaged, you thought. They are more than damaged; they were charred, blackened to a crisp, barely clinging to your body as the flames ate at the threads and danced across your skin. The only thing saving you from burns adorning your body was the cryo vision you were graced with days before meeting Zhongli.
A Geo Archon using the ability of magma rocks was never a story told in Liyue folklore, but you assumed that most people that encountered it either died or were silenced by other means.
Falling in love meant staying in love even if you lost some of yourself in the process. You did love Zhongli, didn't you? Your mind would ponder over the thought often but never for too long in fear of the answer being something less than true love.
Going on dates to the Genshin Restaurant was a common occurrence for you and Zhongli. The thought of going there again made your blood run cold. But you loved Zhongli, or you thought you did, so you would go anyway. Maybe this is what love was? Perhaps love was giving yourself up for someone else. So you changed your clothes and stood proudly by his side and made your presence known to the people of Liyue once again.
Entering the restaurant, Zhongli's fingers trailed down your arm, leaving traces of golden dust on your skin, sparkling as the light hit it. You were timid, but you held your head high because this love at first had turned to be so much more. Ningguang waved a slight hand at you both as Zhongli elegantly weaved his way to the usual booth the two of you occupied. Ningguang, the owner, so graciously allowed "Zhongli" to "buy" the table permanently in exchange for something you'd rather never think of again. You shuddered at the thought, but your attention was snapped back to Zhongli as his searing hot hand pressed into your back, guiding you into the chair.
The two of you sat quietly, making idle conversation, waiting for the waiter to approach the table. Your heart froze as Ganyu sauntered over to Zhongli. In his eyes were flames, full of lust and want. You bit your tongue, holding back the feeling that you weren't good enough even after giving yourself over to him.
The devil finds in people their weaknesses, and he breaks in, destroying everything with the drop of a match.
"What will you be eating today, Mr. Zhongli?' Ganyu asked pen and paper in hand.
Zhongli looked at Ganyu head to toe and hummed.
"You," he said, pausing a little too long, "suggest something to me."
Ganyu's face flushed red "The um slow-cooked bamboo shoot soup is rather delightful. Only men with such a particular taste know how to appreciate it."
Zhongli looked at Ganyu, studying her before nodding his head.
"And for them?" Ganyu asked Zhongli, throwing you a glance.
Zhongli stirred in his seat, leaning forward placing his elbows on the table. He stared you in the eyes.
"Hmmm, what do you deserve?" He asked aloud.
"Water, and" he flipped his wrists, "whatever you're planning on throwing out."
Your face flushed pink, embarrassed once again by Zhongli's treatment of you.
He always treated you less than him, like you were a dog picked up off the streets, meant to eat table scraps and to be beaten.
You looked around, hoping that no one noticed, hoping that no one saw again how the amazing Geo Archon treated you.
How embarrassing was it to be treated like this by someone who was supposed to love you? But Zhongli did love you, just in other ways, right?
Childe stood off in the corner watching the scene he had witnessed too many times, and his heart ached and raged burned within him. He felt his water swords beginning to materialize in his hands, and he left. He tore out the restaurant and down the streets of Liyue, looking for something to take his anger out on. He soon found himself on the outskirts of Liyue, looking towards Mondstadt, a trail of blood behind him. Was the blood his, or was it the blood of the treasure hoarders and hilichurls, or was it both? Childe heaved in a deep breath and turned around, slowly walking back to Liyue, blood rolling off his hands.
"If that bastard." Childe started to say, war raging inside him. "If he touches Y/N again and I see him treat them like that again, I will not hold back anymore. I swear."
And a few days later, the time came where Childe did not hold back. You were seated in the usual booth of the Genshin Restaurant, eyes bloodshot and clothes charred at the edges. Zhongli was across from you, but his eyes were somewhere else, following the waitress around the tables.
"Excuse me," Childe could hear Zhongli say from the corner he placed himself in. His eyes trained on Zhongli watched as Zhongli stood up and waltzed over to the waitress and whispered something in her ear, his hand lingering on her hip before slowly falling away. Zhongli made his way to the bathrooms, the waitress not far behind.
Childe stood up from his seat and took the opportunity that presented itself to him. He strolled over to the table you sat at and grasped the chair before taking a seat across from you.
Your eyes shot up with surprise at the harbinger sitting in front of you.
You admitted to yourself at that moment that you had noticed Childe before, that you had stolen glimpses of him while Zhongli was infatuated with the waiting staff. You didn't fall for Childe instantly as you did with Zhongli, but your heart began to yearn for him whenever his presence was no longer in the restaurant or the streets you walked. You began to find comfort in knowing that his eyes seemed to find you in a crowd even though the two of you didn't know more than each other's names.
"I see you need some company, comrade," Childe said, a smile playing on his lips.
You smiled at him with a genuine smile, and Childe's eyes lit up.
You didn't know it, but in all these months that Childe has seen you, this was the first time he had seen a smile on your lips.
It was as if the atmosphere had lightened up as the sky did when a storm had passed.
"I would love no other company than yours." You said, truthfully. Silently you wished that Childe could save you from the devil's trap that you had so carelessly fallen into.
At fourteen, Childe fell into the abyss, and at (your age or 18+), you had fallen into the devil's snares.
"Well, you're in luck," Childe smirked. "I so happen to be free. Care for a meal?"
"I," you sighed, "have no mora. Zhongli, he-"
"I never said I would let you pay. When you're with me," Childe cheesily gestured to himself, "You will never pay anything. So order what you want, the most expensive dish. I'll buy it or this entire restaurant all for you."
"I just," your voice was small, "thank you. I'll have 'A Prize Catch' and an Apple Cider Vinegar then."
Childe sat there shocked, "You want 'A Prize Catch?'"
"If that's too much, then," you began.
"No, no. It's just that's my favorite dish, and I have never known anyone else to like it." Childe's eyes sparkled as he spoke.
Childe raised his hand above his head and waited for someone to notice. A waiter soon made his way over, and Childe placed the order, two servings of "A Prize Catch" and two Apple Cider Vinegars, one with light ice.
The two of you sat there in the quiet corner of Genshin Restaurant and ate the food as the conversation flowed between you.
Halfway through the meal, Zhongli finally made his appearance again, his hair slightly ruffled and his clothing half undone. His eyes turned to stone the second his eyes laid on Childe's silhouette.
"Y/N" Zhongli's voice shook the entire restaurant, an ice formed in your veins. Fear grasped your heart.
"Y/N, don't look at him, okay. Look at me." Childe said, his voice soft but strong, caring.
You lifted your eyes from the table and looked at Childe, his eyes a dark blue, determination swimming just beneath the surface.
"Don't answer him. I'll take care of this." Childe said, pushing himself up from the table.
"Childe," his name slipped from your lips.
"It's okay," Childe said, reassuring your beating heart.
And so it was okay because, in that short amount of time you spent with Childe, you realized that everything you knew about falling in love was wrong. You learned that there are other ways to fall in love and that love, at first sight, is just that, love of the eyes, not a love of the heart. You found that falling out of love was painful, but it is even more painful to stay in a relationship that wasn't there. You learned that the devil could be anyone and not just those that look the part.
In the end, Childe paid for your lunch that day, and he paid for it in the coming days after that. Childe crashed your date, but more importantly, he crashed into your heart.
Love is like that of a summer storm coming in unannounced, pouring water to the earth, and drowning out all the things that don't belong. Childe was the storm, you the earth, and Zhongli the thing that didn't belong.
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Nothing's More Important Than Quidditch
Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Some Swearing. Highly Suggestive. Someone gets hurt.
This story is inspired from a request of my F.R.I.E.N.D.S Themed Prompt List.
Using Prompts two and three: "OH...MY...GOOOOD!"/"MY EYES! MY EEYEES!"
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Fred and George Weasley were men of simple tastes. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred he would argue that there were nothing more important than Quidditch.
He'd never missed a game. Never missed a practice, and had been able to afford it he'd never miss a Cup. So that being said, you can imagine how shocked his team were when he told them he wasn't feeling well enough to train tonight.
"You're dying aren't you?"
"What? No, Lee. I'm not dying!"
"Then I'm sorry I mustn't have heard right when, the Fredrick Gideon Weasley, just said he wasn't well enough to play Quidditch?"
"Piss off."
It was Sunday lunch in the Great Hall and Angelina had the whole Gryffindor team huddled together. She was discussing her newest game strategies when Fred spoke abruptly, all eyes bulging at his words. Expressions a mixture of confusion and concern. Fred never. Missed. A. Game.
"Hey!" [Y/N] had arrived and happily sat her self amongst her close group of friends. "What's with the faces?" Her brows furrowed as she filled a Goblet with her favourite drink.
"Fred says he's not training Tonight." Angelina answered, still gawking at the Redhead in question.
[Y/N] choked on her drink. "He's what!?" She coughed, hand on her chest in shock.
"It's not a big deal!" Fred groaned. "I've just got one cracker of a headache. Need to sleep it off and I'll be right as rain." He forced a smile, though to the group it appeared more as a painful grimace.
"Well, I do hope you feel better." [Y/N] leant over the table, placing her hand atop of his to offer some comfort with a reassuring smile. "What about the rest of you?" She straightened herself, taking a pastry from the bowl infront of them as she did so.
"We're still training" George replied, "Not all of us roll over because of a wittle headache" he pouted at his brother, trying to stir him up. Fred retaliated, through the light laughter of his friends, by throwing a bread roll at his brother.
"Coming to watch, [Y/N]?" George spoke, still laughing as he brushed crumbs from his clothes.
"Afraid I can't, tonight."
"What!?" Lee groaned, "come on! I'm going!"
"Yes, well as tempting as it may be to spend more time by your side Lee", she leant into him with doey eyes batting her eyelashes flirtatiously, hands cupping his bicep. Returning to her previous position she continued, "I have so much Homework to do it's not funny. I'll find myself joining the next Headless Hunt if I don't hand Snape his Most Potent Poisons Assessment tomorrow."
"Barrell of fun you two are, today" George rolled his eyes.
"Right, well the rest of you. We've got training to do!" Angelina stood, gesturing for the Quidditch team to follow. Somewhat begrudgingly, with various disapproving moans escaping their lips, they made for the Pitch.
"Positive you'll be okay, Freddie?" George lagged behind in a final ditch effort to convince his brother to join them. "You could always just watch from the stands."
"I'm positive, Georgie. I'm just not right at the moment."
"Do you want me to stay? I will if that's what you'd prefer..."
"Who are you? Mum now?" Fred joked "Get out of here you sap!" He waved his arm as if trying to shoo him from the hall.
"Don't worry, George. I'll look after him" [Y/N] assured.
"Such a faithful little bestie you are." He said while ruffling her hair. "Alright then, see you two in a couple hours" he waved to them as he ran to catch up with his team.
"Come on you. Let's get you to bed." [Y/N] spoke to Fred and they made their way to the common room.
So much for a couple hours. Mere forty minutes later saw the same team arriving back through the Fat Lady.
"How was I supposed to know she was right behind me!?" George complained loudly, followed closely into the room by the light giggles of Lee and Harry. No such laughter, however, could be heard from the mouth of the Gryffindor Captain.
"A concussion George! You gave Katie a concussion!" She was near shouting at the boy.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY! I didn't see her!" He threw his arms up in defence. "Pomfrey says she'll be right in a few days, what's the fuss?"
"The fuss, George, is that we just lost a whole night's training! You're just lucky our next game isn't for another fortnight, Weasley. I have to take Katie some things for her stay in the Hospital Wing, YOU! had better think fast about how to make this up to her." With a final menacing point of her finger Angelina stormed off towards the dormitory she shared with Katie.
"Should we check on Fred?" Lee spoke to break the guilty silence.
"Yeah, hey - don't forget to tell him how his Golden Boy brother sent our best chaser to the infirmary!" Harry goaded making his way over to Hermione and Ron by the fire.
"Little prat" George grumbled as he and Lee made their way to the dormitory. Lee was laughing hard at his friends remark."He doesn't watch it he won't be 'The Boy who lived' for much longer. Might pick up where You-Know-Who left off." George went on as he leant his back against the door, pushing it open as his hand twisted the door knob. Lee's laughter only increased.
"I'd like to see you- OH...MY...GOOOOD!!" laughter and smiles faded instantly as his eyes fell on the tangled mess of sheets and the bodies of his two close friends in place of where Fred should have been resting.
The sudden exclamations catching the attention of [Y/N] and Fred, their eyes shooting directly across the, should have been empty, bedroom.
"SHIT!" Fred yelled as he pulled off of [Y/N] and covered her with his blanket. "YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE BACK FOR A COUPLE HOURS!"
"MY EYES! MY EEYYEES!!" George screamed dramatically. Turning away from the scene he covered his face by his hands, desperately trying to lose the imagine of his brothers and best friends mostly naked bodies.
"It's not what you think!" [Y/N] began, throwing Fred's jumper on over her head which could very well have been a dress on her. She stood, tugging at the material willing it to stay in place before fixing her hair.
"It doesn't look like you were napping!" Lee snapped sarcastically, "nor does it look much like a POTIONS ASSIGNMENT!"
"[Y/N]" George began, not turning to face the two - rather speaking to the ceiling as his back faced them. "I know you said you'd look after my brother but MERLIN I should have laid out some guidelines, that is not how you handle a headache."
Fred had put on a pair of trousers and a singlet and quickly made his way to stand infront of the two boys, arms out pleadingly, "I know you're both a little shocked right now and this is going to take some time to process but for the love of GODRICK!" He clenched his teeth and spoke in a low growl, "would you keep your voices down before the entire bloody common room hears yo-"
"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Ron had burst through the door. "Oh God" Fred groaned throwing his head back walking away from the door.
"We heard shouting, is everything okay?" Hermione asked frantic, as Harry followed her in.
"Yes, Hermione everything's fine -" [Y/N] went to explain.
"NO!" Lee interrupted "NO! THEY'RE DOING IT!" He screamed pointing his finger accusingly at the two red-faced teens. Harrys eyes were wide with shock.
"It's not what you all think! Please just listen to me..." Fred begged as [Y/N] stood beside him. Looking to one another defeatedly.
Everyone, aside from George, turned to face them. Awaiting the explanation as to why these two had been...doing what they were.
"Uhmmm..." seeing the group stare before him suddenly ran Freds mind blank. "This isn't the first time this has happened. Actually it happens a lot." Not the best opener. The group grimaced, looking very uncomfortable at their friends confession. [Y/N] dropped her head into her hand. "What I mean is" he tried to recover, "this isn't a one time deal. We're not just fooling around, we're..." the words caught in his throat.
What were they? A couple? Was he wrong and they were just friends with benefits? What was this?
They looked at one another, Fred's eyes searching [Y/N]'s face for the answer. She smiled, grabbing his hand gently.
"We're together" she spoke. Eyes not leaving Fred.
"That's great and all. But this is still traumatising." Lee deadpanned as he gestured between the couple and Fred's bed.
George cleared his throat, "umm, yeah. I'm really happy for you two."
"That'd be more convincing, had you actually said it to us rather than the wall." [Y/N] laughed. Fred threw his arm over her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. Georges head turned slightly, eyeing the two in his peripheral before shutting his eyes tightly. Trying to muster the courage. "Yeah, sorry bout that just...it may be difficult to look at you the same for a while. I saw a lot more than I'd had like to." Everyone laughed at the comment. The light atmosphere helping him to relax a bit he turned to face them. Even if his eyes fixed to anything but them.
"Wait a minute." Harrys laughter had stopped completely. "Did you two plan this whole thing?"
"I guarantee we never planned on getting caught" Fred replied.
Rolling his eyes Harry continued "ditching practice I mean."
Lee and George both looked at each other before slowly turning to glare at the couple.
"Well. Yeah" [Y/N] answered.
A slow clap started to sound throughout the room as Lee and George mockingly applauded the two. "Well done. Truly you two that was quite the convincing performance." George smirked. "Honestly, [Y/N], that spit take really sold the whole thing. Couldn't have done better myself." Lee nodded as she playfully curtsied with her hand on the seam of Fred's jumper.
"WELL!" Lee clapped once loudly, rubbing his hands together. "This calls for a celebration. Shall we?" He bowed to the door, ushering everyone from the room.
"Ummm Lee. Mind if I put some pants on first?"
"If you-OH! right. Yeah. Meet you two down there!" He was the last to leave, closing the door with a quick wink.
Fred and [Y/N] looked shyly back to one another before breaking into fits of side splitting laughter. Fred wrapping his arms around her waist as they calmed down.
"So...we're together, huh?" He grinned resting their foreheads against one another.
"Only if that's what you want." [Y/N] placed her hands on his chest, eyes nervously searching his.
"That's all I've ever wanted" he moved a hand to the back of her neck, pulling her lips into his. Kissing her like he never had before.
Fred and George Weasley were simple men. They liked pranks, food and Quidditch. Though if you were to ask Fred, he would argue there were nothing more important than Quidditch. Well...maybe one thing.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 05 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (04)
Next part (06) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
On the next morning, you're still feeling a little anxious, afraid of what he said last night was just to keep you from moving out. But, since you were sleeping on the couch, you woke up just when he was leaving for work, and you were so relieved when he didn't just say ‘good morning’ and left. He asked if you slept well, and said that you can try and sleep a little more on the bed now. It's just a little thing, but it's different from before. And you hope it lasts. You also got the chance to tell him not to bring anything for dinner. He has been spending too much money with that, so you told him you'd cook something yourself.
And that's what you doing now. The chicken breasts are in the oven, almost ready and you focus on finishing the potato salad, adding mayo, a drizzle of olive oil, and seasoning it, mixing everything together. You're happy with what you could come up with, and it did help you pass the time since there's nothing to do here other then watch the news, and that only makes you anxious. After checking the chicken once again, you sit on the table, pinning your hair up on a ponytail, and that's when Billy comes back, your eyes immediately finding him on the door as he closes it shut.
“Hey.” You mumble, running your fingers through the ponytail. For the first time, you notice the uniform he has to use. A nice, black polo shirt with the logo of the company on the left side. On all of those days, you were avoiding looking at him, since he seemed like he didn't want anything to do with you. “You look like such a good boy in this shirt.” You know he doesn't usually wear stuff like that. Billy doesn't know it, but you went through his wardrobe a couple of times, and there is nothing like that that shirt in it.
“That's company policy.” He sounds a little annoyed, and you can tell he doesn't like to wear it. “It smells nice in here. What are you doing?”
“Lemon roasted chicken with potato salad.” You gesture at the oven. “It's almost done.”
“You... Can cook?” Furrowing his eyebrows, Billy comes near the table, giving the oven a look. “Like, actually cook?”
You get what he means. The girls don't usually know how to cook since they'll always have someone to do that for them. “Well, in my house, my parents always choose what we'll have for the meals. So I figured out if I wanted something different, I'd have to cook it myself.” Shrugging your shoulders, you stand up to check the oven again. “So Amelia taught me everything I know.”
“You're a box full of surprises,” Billy mutters, so low it makes you wonder if he wanted you to hear it. “I'll shower. If you wait we can eat together.”
“If it's not in an uncomfortable silence, I'll accept the invitation.” Leaning on the countertop, you give him a look.
“Good.” He stands there for a few seconds before moving away, and you can't help but try to understand why he always does that. It feels like he wants to say something, but he never does.
You patiently wait, and when he comes back, hair still damp, you both serve yourselves and take the usual seats on the table, across from each other. Billy takes a look at his place and squints his eyes, right before staring at you. “(Y/N)?”
“Where did you get these peas?”
You didn't think he'd notice. “Uhm... There's a nice grocery store just around the corner.” It sounds like a question, but before he can say anything you raise a hand. “I know, I know. But I do look different and I borrowed your sunglasses just to be sure. I didn't speak to anyone... Well, I did chat with this old lady, but that was it.”
“You gotta be careful. I know it's far from your neighborhood, but even so.”
“I was careful, I just... It sucks being in here all day doing absolutely nothing.” You didn't want to rant about it, but it just comes out. “And, inevitably, I will watch the news channel.” Then, you're not hungry anymore... Despite skipping lunch again.
“Did they find anything yet?” Silently, you just shake your head no, deciding to push the food in, even though the heavy sensation on your stomach. “Sorry.”
“Don't apologize, it's not your fault.”
Then the silence hits again, and it goes on for way too long for your taste, a leg bouncing nervously. “It's really good, by the way. Much better than what I can come up with.”
“Thanks,” you mutter with a smile.
“I've been meaning to tell you. I usually go to the gym with some friends a couple of times a week. I've been coming straight back because–”
“No, no. Please, go. I don't want to mess with your routine. More than I already did.” Reassuring him, you feel relieved when he nods. “Oh, you mentioned something about college. What do you study?”
“Marine Biology.”
“That's so cool.” You exclaim, imagining what Billy could work with. California has a lot of opportunities for marine biologists. “I bet it's amazing.”
“It is. What about you?”
“It's not that cool.” Warning him, you can't help but feel bored just to think about it. “Law. At Cali's Elite Academy, obviously.”
“It doesn't sound like you enjoy it very much.”
“I don't.”
“Then why do you do it?” As he speaks, Billy moves to the fridge, muttering something when he opens it. And you know why. “You also bought soda.”
“Yup.” Turning towards him, you take the can he offers you, cracking it open and taking a sip. “You know why I do it. Mom wanted me to, father is a lawyer already, so you get the picture.”
“I hope to be around on the day you decide you had enough of this shit and rebel against everyone who tells you what to do,” Billy says as he goes back to his chair, his eyes focused on you. Sometimes it feels his eyes can see right through you, even the parts you try to hide from yourself. The places you rather keep secret, locked deep inside. He also brings to life things you didn't even know existed. A true need to break free from everything you can't take anymore, everything that has been drowning you, suffocating you.
“Maybe it won't happen.” You burst out, pushing your plate away, still half full. “You said it yourself on the night I came here. I'll probably just slip into anything my mother wants me to do and be as frustrated as she is. With nothing in life but some millions in the bank.” There's a lump in your throat, a cry you're holding back. You don't want to be like your mother. Or like anyone else from her circle. But would you be able to shake this away? You're so used to doing this, avoiding conflicts and being the good, obedient daughter... Could you be more?
“Don't you remember what you said after?” Billy leans forward, elbows on the table, those ocean blue eyes burning through your skin. “That you'd leave California before she forced you into being another stupid girl pushed into a loveless marriage just to add up to the family's fortune.”
“I remember.” Whispering, you look down at your hands, hoping he can't see your teary eyes. “I get brave when I'm sleepy, that's why I say those things but... I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to just leave like that.”
“I came back here a year ago. My father forced me to move to Hawkins, Indiana, a dipshit small town that I hated more than anything.” His words and the weight behind them makes you raise your eyes again, meeting his stare. Billy never told you anything about his past, and you want to hear it. “I have no good memories of that place, and the moment I turned eighteen and got my High School diploma, I got into my car and left.” There's power in him, courage. You know there's more to the story, but you won't push him into sharing it if he doesn't want to. But you can picture it, Billy running away from somewhere he hated, hitting the road and leaving it all behind. You're mesmerized by it, you're not sure why. “And I came back here. I came back home.”
“California never felt like home to me.” That you remember saying. “I... I really wish I had a place where I could feel–”
“Free?” Billy finishes off for you, and you nod. “I don't think California is the problem. I think–”
“Me. I'm the problem.” Crossing your arms, you sigh. You have no idea why you're telling him all this, or how he so skillfully stormed through your walls, but you feel like Billy is the only person who can understand. Who won't think you're stupid or crazy. “I feel so... Lonely and desolated, even when I'm in my bedroom. I feel better when I'm at the beach, all alone than when I'm in the comfort of my bed. I know it's insane, but it just... It's just what it is. Of course I wish I could run away like you, but maybe I can't.”
“It's not from California you have to run away, it's from this person you pretend to be just to please everyone.” Billy stands up, taking both your plates and moving to the sink. But you stay there, motionless, thinking how you could do that.
“Tell me how and I'll do it.”
“Be the girl you were at the party.” He says, and you decide to stand up as well to help him with the dishes... But also because you want to be near him as if he's the only one who could help you do this. What exactly, you don't know. But Billy was brave enough to do something you wish you could. “The girl who doesn't care if her company is just the pool guy, who doesn't care if she almost hits a waiter, and doesn't mind having to suck some chocolate off her thumb.” Billy glances at you, and you start taking the dishes and drying them with a dishcloth. “The girl who ran from a very important beneficial gala and was very happy about it.”
“Yeah, but if you weren't there, I would never do that.”
“I might have given you a little push, but you made the decision.”
You'd never take Billy for the guy who would say these things. By what people told you about his behavior, you'd never think he'd be this... Kind. “Are you always this nice with girls?” Trying to light up the mood after the emotional conversation, you ask him, chuckling.
“No, I'm not.” He passes you the last fork, and you dry it and put it on the drawer. “Definitely not.”
“I get it.” Lying the dishcloth down, you shrug your shoulders. “Guess some girls like the bad boy.”
Billy giggles, taking the dishcloth to dry his hands. “What about you? Good boy or bad boy?”
“A guy like you would be nice.” Wait. What? It takes a couple of seconds for you to process what you just said, and what it means. “Uhm... I'll... I'll organize some of my stuff.” You quickly manage to say, turning your back at him and leaving the kitchen.
When you reach the bedroom, you shut the door behind your back, wondering what the hell just happened to you. It's completely out of question to start liking Billy. You're literally living with him for who knows how long, it would complicate things to such a high level that you would really have to move out. You're already too lucky he doesn't bring girls here, but out there... Suddenly, the names Gisele gave you start flashing through your mind, and you groan, throwing yourself on the bed.
“Don't be stupid.” You mutter, pulling the sheets over your head and expecting a calm, dreamless night.
• • •
Before, you were anxious. Worried. Now, you're just angry. Another week has passed, and nobody knows anything. A bunch of people were abducted, in huge black vans, and nobody knows where they went. It's plain stupid by now. You're already up when Billy opens the bedroom door to shower and change for the day, and you move to the living room, putting on the news channel again and letting yourself fall on the couch. The boredom won't help either. Besides going to the grocery store, you're locked in here, doing absolutely nothing other than housework.
You're by the window when Billy comes out, already in the company uniform. Turning around with your arms crossed, you stare at him. “We gotta talk because I'm losing my mind.”
“Does it has to be now? Because if I don't leave in five minutes I'll be late.”
Then, the best idea you ever had in days comes to your mind. “Take me with you.”
“What?” He bursts out, eyebrows furrowed.
“Take me with you. Where are you going today?”
“William's. The mansion by the cliff.”
“They don't know me very much, my parents hate them. Please, take me with you. I can't stand being in here all day.” Walking over him, you grab his hand. “C'mon, Billy. I can help with something.”
“I don't think it's a good idea.” He looks down at you, a thoughtful expression on his face. “If anyone recognizes you it could be dangerous. Everyone thinks you were taken too.”
“See? Nobody will hope to see me hanging around.”
“I swear to God if you don't take me I'll head to the beach and stay there until sunset.” It wasn't a plan, but now it is. Stepping back, with both your hands on your hips, you wait for Billy's reaction.
“Is it a threat?”
“I don't make threats, only promises.” Shrugging your shoulders, you cross your arms. “So?”
“You have three minutes to change out of these sweatpants.” He's still speaking when you're moving, quickly taking your pj's off and putting the first thing you find. Short jeans and a black T-shirt that's a little bit similar to Billy's. Not so much, but it's the best you can do.
When you're back in the living room, dramatically putting Billy's sunglasses on, you rush through the door when he opens it, more than eager to spend the day somewhere other than in the apartment.
And, as if on purpose, Billy takes one of the most beautiful roads of California. At least in your opinion. On your side, you can see the ocean, and since the waves here are more violent, the beach is empty, except for some surfers. Billy has the windows open, and the wind messes with your hair. But you like it. Closing your eyes, you stretch your arm out, feeling the wind brushing in between your fingers. Maybe it's the speed, or the daylight, or the fact that you're finally outside after weeks of confinement. Maybe it's the company... But this feels good. Almost overwhelming. There's a smile on your face that doesn't look like it's leaving anytime soon, and for the first time in... Since you can remember, you have no worries. You allowed the wind to carry them all away.
“I forgot how beautiful this place is.” You tell Billy, holding your hair out of your face so you can look at him.
“Beautiful.” He says, his eyes on you instead of on the ocean outside the window. You squint your eyes, just about to ask what he's looking at when he clears his throat, eyes on the road again. “But we're almost there. Look.”
Some miles away you see the William's house. Huge, way bigger than yours, built by the cliff, which gives them an amazing view of the ocean.
A few minutes later, you're being guided inside by one of their employees. There's nobody home, and by what the old man said, they'll only be back by nightfall, when you and Billy will be far away. So there's no danger. You're taken to the pool, and Billy starts moving around.
“What do I do?” You ask, taking a look at the enormous pool. It's so big it has an isle in the middle. The last time you came here, you were a kid, and you didn't remember it to be so big.
“I'll start with emptying the pool skimmer.” He looks around and then points at the skimmer net. “Think you can get rid of those leaves floating?”
“Yup.” Moving to get the skimmer, you start with your task.
As you move around the pool, catching the leaves and placing them on a plastic canvas Billy lied on the deck, you notice him giving you a few glances. But you only know that because you're also staring every now and then, as he comes and goes from the supply closet. Soon enough, you get so nervous about it that you can't help but giggle as you walk to the plastic canvas, dropping some more brown leaves on it. Since he's coming your way, you wait there, using the pole to sustain some of your weight, your free hand on your hip.
“Getting tired, princess?” Billy mutters in a mocking tone, and you roll your eyes. “Still half of the pool to clean.”
There's that pet name again, and at the very mention of it, you feel something on your stomach, like tickles. “I'm alright so far.” You mumble, hoping you're not blushing. As soon as he walks by, you resume your task.
The truth is that you're very tired already, and the skimmer is heavy. And the wind starts blowing the leaves all around, which makes you walk around the pool too many times. It's past 1 pm when Billy is over, and you decide not to get the four leaves left in the water.
“Let's go.” He says, and you get up from the wooden bench you've been seated for the last five minutes after he locked the supply closet, following him.
“I'm starving.” You mumble, letting your hair down from the ponytail as you get into the car again. “Where do you usually have lunch?”
“In a restaurant associated with the company. Which means employees don't pay.” He glances at you. “And I guess you didn't bring any money, so...”
“I would have if you told me that.” Pulling the door close, you take a deep breath. “Just buy me an ice cream and I'll be fine.”
“Absolutely not.”
“I'm fine. You did the hard work.” You buckle up when he speeds away, once again hitting the road. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath when you feel the fresh wind on your face. “What are you doing next?”
“Got a fancy car to fix.”
“Uhm...” Opening your eyes again, you look at Billy's side, taking in the beach. It's completely empty now. But your eyes wander to Billy. In this perfect light, he looks amazing. Breathtaking. His grip on the wheel is loose, and he has a hand out the window, looking carefree. Billy loves this place, you can see it on his eyes, on his posture. He's home. “Do you think we have a few minutes to spare?”
“What for?”
“I just wanted to take a walk on the beach. But it's ok if you can't.” Looking away, you focus on the road ahead. But Billy is slowing down, pulling over to the side of the road. Biting your lip, you wait for him to stop before stepping out of the car. You're already crossing the road when you notice Billy is still in the car. So you stop, turning to look at him from the middle of the road. “Hey! Aren't you coming?”
“It sounded like you wanted some alone time.”
“I had plenty of alone time in the apartment.” Rolling your eyes, you gesture for him to come. “Let's go.” Reaching out your hand, you smile when he leaves the car, patiently waiting for him. You were just about to put your hand away when he takes it, rushing you to move since there was a car coming that you didn't see. It makes you giggle a little, your other hand coming to hold on to his forearm. “Seriously, you have to stop saving my life.”
“Then stop putting your life in danger.” It takes a little too long for him to let go of your hand, your fingers brushing against each other.
“I'll try.” When you get to the edge of the road, you don't see any steps leading to the sand. Only a rock that someone placed here to offer some help, but it's still a little too high for you. “Isn't it a buzz killer?”
“I'll help you.” Billy easily jumps to the sand, not even using the rock. “Come.”
“If I fall, I swear to God...” Sitting on the edge, you try calculating if you could just jump to the ground.
“You won't fall. C'mon.” Billy comes to stand right in front of you, both his arms raised to catch your fall.
Taking a deep breath, you push yourself forward, closing your eyes on the process, so you only feel when you collide with Billy. His hands are quick to hold your waist, sustaining your weight, and not allowing you to reach the ground. The sudden change makes you open your eyes, and you immediately take in how close you stand. His face is only three inches apart, and as he pulls you down, you hold tightly on his biceps. Billy's eyes are locked on yours, and even after you're safe on the ground, he doesn't move. His hands remain on your waist, his face still close enough to kiss, if only you were brave enough to stand on your toes. Your stomach feels funny, and your heart is trying to beat its way out of your chest.
But a car passing by snaps you out of it, and you both move at the same time, stepping back.
“Sorry.” You mutter, clearing your throat. “But thanks for not letting me fall.”
“I told you I wouldn't.”
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23
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septicstories · 3 years
When Will You Realize (UNEDITED)
A/N: @you-said-yes is a bloody freaking genius and came up with this idea for the multiverse twins, and I'm in love. So, I'm gonna write this (Peter-centric, of course) and attempt to do it justice! I just hope I don't goof this masterpiece up too much.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: cursing (duh, it's me), family drama, Charles + Logan + Hank ignore Wanda and Pietro because they need Peter, very brief mentioning of a needle, sad Peter + Wanda + Pietro, Pietro having the nickname "Piet" (pronounced as the first bit of his name, not diet with a "p"), no beta readers or edits (sorry)
Word Count: 3.3k (3,380)
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"Peter! The cops are here! ... again."
When Wanda had yelled that down to him, Peter only found himself sighing. What store manager is accusing him of shoplifting this time? Did that punk-ass kid behind the counter at 7/11 rat him out again?
But Peter didn't do anything about it.
Well... actually... maybe a quick pick-pocket wouldn't hurt, right? Just see who the hell these cops are, maybe spook them when he says their names. Unless he already knows them, then that'd be weird.
Peter let go of the paddle he was using, calmly walking upstairs as time just slowed around him, nearly to a halt. He was greeted with three new faces, all three of the men. None of them looked like cops.
He went into the pocket of the man with hella sideburns, opening up his wallet, only to see a folded-up piece of paper instead of a badge.
After looking over the paper for a moment, Peter found himself grinning. This was a rental agreement for a car. These guys were from out of town.
Peter folded the paper, replacing it into the man's wallet before slipping it back into his pocket. And with new confidence, he went back to his basement and continued to play his solo game of ping-pong as he waited for the men to come down.
He heard one of the stairs creak, a sure sign that it wasn't one of his siblings. A very particular spot on one of the stairs made the most obnoxious creaking noise, and it was the only way he was able to identify anyone new.
"What do you guys want?"
Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Peter just kept going from one end of the table to another, waiting for his brother to come down so the two could go even faster.
"I didn't do anything!"
Of course, that was what he was waiting for before the cops showed up. But now, he was just waiting for them to all get down here. He was just showing off at this point.
Peter dropped his paddle once again, slowly stretching across his couch. Well, slow for him. To the three men, it probably looked like it happened in the blink of an eye.
"I've been here all day."
A shit-eating grin spread across his face as the three men turned to him, one staring at him as though he were an animal at the zoo. The other two seemed exasperated.
"Just... relax, Peter. We're not cops--"
"'Course you're not cops, if you were cops, you wouldn't be driving a rental car." Peter interrupted.
"You're not cops?"
Peter didn't even hear Pietro come down the stairs.
"How'd you know we got a rental car?" the man with long hair and sunglasses asked.
"I checked your registration while you were walking through the door." Peter shrugged.
Wanda must've recently come down as well, as she lightly smacked Peter's shoulder, like a scolding mother rather than an older sister.
"I also had some time to kill, so I went through your rental agreements and saw you're from out of town." Peter's shit-eating grin just spread across his face, before it dropped into a look of confusion. "Are you FBI?"
Peter shot up, grabbing the nearest wallet, which came from the guy with sunglasses. Nothing that a cop would carry. But there was a business card.
"Nope, you're not cops," he said in a near-mumble, reading the card.
"Hey, what's with this Gifted Youngsters place?" Peter asked, ignoring his sister's scolding tone as he dropped the wallet, heading over to one of his many mini-fridges.
Peter grabbed two popsicles out of the fridge, slightly melted but still solid, handing one to his brother before beginning to munch on one.
"When I knew him, he wasn't so... young."
That was all he caught out of the conversation the three men had.
"Young?" Peter asked with his mouth full. "You're just old!"
"Peter, don't be rude," Pietro said, opening his popsicle and beginning to eat it at a monstrous pace.
"Both of you, stop!" Wanda said, her eyes beginning to shimmer a bright red color.
"So you're not afraid to show your powers." one of the men said.
"Powers, what powers?" Wanda squeaked out, her eyes flaring red before returning to their usual color.
"You see something strange here?" Pietro asked, leaning against Wanda with an empty popsicle stick in his hand.
"Nothing anybody would believe if you told them?" Peter asked, a massive smirk on his face.
When he saw the tired look on one of the men's faces, he did a little internal victory dance, patting himself on the back for that.
With the cockiest fucking look on his face, Peter went over to the pong machine in his room, turning it on.
"So who are you, what do you want?"
"We need your help, Peter."
"With what?" Wanda and Pietro asked in unison, glaring daggers into the three men.
"To break into a highly secure facility. And to get someone out."
"A prison break?" Wanda asked, her eyes widening.
Peter just chuckled, smirking. "That's illegal you know."
"Well, only if you get caught."
"Okay, no. Peter's not going." Wanda said, her fists clenched by her sides.
Exactly as she said that, Peter asked "What's in it for me?"
"Peter, no, this is an awful--" "You, you kleptomaniac, get to break into the Pentagon."
Peter's fingers froze on the joystick, pausing. The Pentagon? The fucking Pentagon? Wait, were these guys actually cops? Like, undercover cops who are actually good at their jobs?
"How do I know I can trust you?" Peter asked, arching an eyebrow, slowly turning from the machine.
"Because we're just like you."
Peter stiffened, eyes bouncing between each of the three men. They all look normal, albeit a bit like hobos, but still normal. They didn't have any of the physical bits to a mutation, the lucky sons of bitches.
"Show him."
An absolutely disgusting squelching noise filled the room as the man with sideburns had bone breaking through his clenched fists, into a trio of boney claws, gnarly and super gross.
Peter's breath hitched as he watched, before gulping and nodding. "It's cool but it's disgusting."
"So? Are you coming with us?"
"No, he's not," Wanda spoke up again. "Listen, I don't know who the hell you are and why you're asking for Peter to help you break into the Pentagon, nor do I want to know who you're breaking out of the Pentagon, but my baby brother won't be joining you."
Peter rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Who are you to make decisions for me? I'm fucking 17, Wanda! I'm not gonna be staying in this damn house my whole life!"
Peter stood up, going over to his closet, and grabbing a backpack.
"Look, I know you guys are gonna drive me there and there's probably a plan. Fill me in on our way there. I need to bring food so I don't pass out on you guys."
"Peter, ple--" "We'll meet you outside. Thank you, Peter." the man with the sunglasses said as the three left the basement.
Pietro and Wanda shared a glance before heading up the stairs. "Wait for a second!"
Peter shook his head, grabbing the nearest box of food and stuffing it into his bag.
I'm not a baby. I'm 17. I can't stay here for the rest of my life because of humanity. I can't do that to myself. I'd rather be slaughtered for my mutation than sit the hell still and never leave this fucking house.
Pietro and Wanda couldn't keep him here. He loved them both to death, and he'd absolutely come to visit. But he couldn't stay. Even just a taste of adventure like this would be enough to sate him for the day. Maybe a few.
Besides, it wasn't like he was leaving for good. He was gonna come back. Probably. Y'know, assuming he doesn't get caught and shot to death.
Peter gulped.
That won't happen... right?
"Nah, I'll be fine," Peter mumbled to himself, grabbing another box of snacks and opting to grab a hair tie as well. The clock on his wall was ticking slower and slower the deeper into thought he got.
They wouldn't let him get hurt, right? He'd be a-okay.
"Slow down, you crazy child."
Peter stiffened for a moment.
That creaky stair was a blessing and a curse.
Reluctantly, he looked at Wanda, giving her a glare as time sped up. Pietro was right behind her.
"You're so ambitious for a juvenile."
Peter rolled his eyes again.
With this shit.
"But then, if you're so smart, tell me, why are you still so afraid?" Peter asked sarcastically, a scowl finding its way onto his face.
Wanda and Pietro give each other another look before they come closer to Peter. Peter went over to another side of his room, grabbing another box of food, this one already opened.
"Where's the fire? What's the hurry about?" Pietro asked, letting out a nervous laugh as he joked. The tension in the room was making everybody uncomfortable.
They get a bit closer, and Peter forcefully shoved what was bound to be a squished Twinkie into his backpack.
"You better cool it off before you burn it out. You got so much to do."
Pietro and Peter's eyes met, making Peter's resolve crack. Just a little bit. Not much. But a little bit.
Wanda's hand landing on his shoulder wasn't much help.
"And only so many hours of the day."
Wanda's voice was always soft and soothing. The Sokovian lullabies she'd hum to him when he was a child would sometimes play through his head when he was stressed out, and he'd even find himself mumbling the lyrics.
But not right now. Now wasn't the time for her calming voice. No, he had shit to do.
Peter brushed Wanda's hand off of him, storming away from them before speaking, "But you know when the truth is told, that you can get what you want, or you can just get old."
His tone was sharp, like a blade cutting open old sutures.
Pietro's brow furrowed, with a frown making its way onto his face, his own tone becoming less playful.
"You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through."
The scowl on Peter's face only deepened as he turned away from his siblings. He didn't need to hear all of this. Not right now.
Wanda, with that voice that made Peter want to cry, spoke up again. "When will you realize..."
Peter stiffened, a lump growing in his throat. They couldn't do this to him. They couldn't persuade him to stay. They couldn't do that.
"Vienna waits for you." Pietro and Wanda spoke together, Pietro's tone had softened a tad.
When the twins saw Peter's face when he turned around, their hearts broke a little.
Their younger brother had tears in his eyes, his mouth twitching as he took in one shaky breath after another. His mouth opened, only to clamp shut, gritting his teeth and shutting his eyes tight.
Peter sped over to his dresser, digging through one of his drawers, in search of his goggles.
"Slow down," Wanda began, her voice making him stop for a single second. "You're doing fine."
Pietro piped up again. "You can't be everything you want to be before your time."
Peter clicked his tongue, fresh tears beginning to roll down his face. They had the motherfucking audacity to pull that shit on him.
"Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight," Peter said sarcastically, turning around and spreading his arms out as he gave both of his siblings a teary-eyed glare.
To them, it probably looked like the glare of a child. Pathetic. Weak. Fragile.
Did he care?
"Tonight," he mumbled again.
Nope, not one bit.
Wanda took a step forward as Peter turned back around, still looking for those damn goggles.
"Too bad, but it's the life you lead," she said calmly.
She was going to start losing composure soon, Peter was sure of it. She had to crack soon. He wasn't going to let his dam burst anymore until he knows he's not the only one who wants to cry.
"You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need."
Peter winced as though he just got a needle stabbed into his arm. A painful pinch that'd be sore for a bit, but he'd forget about it soon.
Wanda sent Pietro a glare, which made the other speedster back down a bit. But only a bit.
"Though you can see when you're wrong, you know you can't always see when you're right." Wanda and Pietro spoke at the same time, making Peter shiver.
It bugged him the hell out whenever they did that. Creepy as shit.
Wanda made it even creepier by repeating herself. "You're right."
She came closer as Pietro spoke. "You've got your passion."
"You've got your pride," Wanda said softly, taking Peter's shaky hands into her calm grip.
They need to stop. They needed to stop doing all that shit to him. They were trying to get him to stay. They shouldn't be doing that.
Peter yanked his hand out of Wanda's grip, his other hand grabbing his goggles before stuffing them in his pockets.
"But don't you know only fools are satisfied?" Peter said bitterly, staring between the twins.
He gulped as he watched Pietro glare at him, his arm going around Wanda as he did so.
"Dream on," Pietro said dully as Peter turned his back on the twins.
"But don't imagine they'll all come true." Wanda and Pietro did their freaky twin thing again, speaking at the same time.
Peter zipped up his backpack, just trying not to cry. He just needed to get past them, and into that car, and then it would be smooth sailing from there.
"When will you realize?" Wanda asked as Peter slung the backpack over his shoulder.
"Vienna waits for you." Pietro finished with a soft murmur.
Peter didn't even need to turn around for Pietro and Wanda to know what Peter's face looked like.
Hot tears burned down his face as he shoved past his older siblings, Pietro purposefully knocking Peter's shoulder with his own. A little thing they'd do when they knew they had a rough day ahead of them. A sign. A quick "good luck. I love you."
A sob got stuck in Peter's throat as he went up the stairs, hitting that creaky stair on the way up.
Wanda, with a defeated sigh, fell back onto the couch, burying her face in her hands. There wasn't any way to stop Peter. Once his mind was set on something, he was going to do it if it were the last thing he'd do.
She just worried that this would be the last thing he'd do.
Before Wanda could even speak, Pietro's hand rested on her back as he sat beside her.
"He'll be okay, Wanda."
Peter was about to leave, fingers grazing the doorknob before he paused.
He turned to the small stand by their front door, grabbing Wanda's locket from when she and Pietro were children. Carefully, he opened it, revealing pictures of Wanda and Pietro as children.
Peter's fingers clumsily fiddled with the locket before placing it around his neck before taking in a deep breath and wiping the tears from his face.
The front door of the Maximoff household swung open as Peter left the house, his hair falling in front of his face as he left, walking at a pace that seemed a tad bit too fast to be human.
The guy with sideburns was sitting in the driver's seat of the car while the two other men stood outside the car.
"Ready?" the man with the sunglasses asked.
Peter found much more interest in the markings on his shoes, staring down at his mixed shoelaces before giving a weak response.
Slow down, you crazy child. Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while.
Peter got into the back seat of the car, slamming the door shut as the other two men piled into the car. He swears he heard Pietro and Wanda in his head.
It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two
His backpack got tucked by his feet on the floor of the car, buckling his seat belt before releasing a sigh. He wanted their voices out of his head. They needed to get out of his head, or else he may actually get fucking shot because he wasn't focused on the mission.
The Maximoff house was now quiet. The only noises came from the basement.
"When will you realize?" Pietro asked, his voice barely carrying over a whisper.
"Vienna waits for you." Wanda finished softly.
The two were leaning against each other on the couch that Peter called his bed, looking around the messy room.
A picture sat on his desk, the three of them all together and smiling. Peter was only eight when they took that picture. His two front teeth were missing from his massive grin, curly brown hair framing his face. He just looked... happy.
Peter, at that moment, felt far from that young kid he used to be. His arms crossed over his chest, doing his best to seem nonchalant. But he was stressed as hell.
In Sokovian, Peter mumbled to himself "And you know that when the truth is told, that you can get what you want, or you can just get old."
Peter could live with dying young. As morbid as it may be, he's accepted his mortality. He knew people wanted him dead because he didn't share the same species name as others.
His eyes looked out the window while the man in the sunglasses and the man with the sideburns spoke in the front seat. Hopefully not to Peter, because he wasn't paying attention.
Unfortunately, instead of seeing an empty doorstep, Pietro and Wanda were standing on the porch.
Pietro's hand was still on Wanda's back, and Peter could see the tear streaks on Wanda's face from within the car.
"You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through," the two whispered, Pietro beginning to choke up "Why don't you realize?"
"Hey, kid, you alright?"
Peter turned to look at the guy with glasses who sat with him in the back seat, nodding with pursed lips.
"I'm good, man. What's the plan?"
Wanda and Pietro still stood on the doorstep, watching Peter look away from them. Wanda bit her lip, looking down at the ground as fat tears streamed down her face.
"Vienna waits for you." she and Pietro were so choked up, their speech was barely audible. "When will you realize?"
Peter listened in on the plan, nodding, but once they stopped saying his name, he looked back out the window. His sister was in tears as Pietro wiped at his face, making Peter's eyes well up a bit too.
With all he had in him, Peter mustered up a small, sad smile on his face. Luckily enough for him, his siblings looked up right then.
Peter gave a small wave, getting teary smiles and waves from his siblings.
The car's engine roared to life, and the group began to pull away from the Maximoff house. Peter turned in his seat a tad, watching as his siblings grew smaller and smaller in the window as the car pulled away from the Maximoff house.
At the same time, the twins watched as the car pulled away from their house, Wanda's body shuddering as she kept in unshed tears.
Pietro let out a heavy sigh as Wanda's head hit his shoulder.
"He'll be okay, Wanda. He always comes out of these things okay."
"He's breaking someone out of the pentagon, Piet. I don't want him to... y'know."
"Yeah... I know."
Peter turned back around in his seat, letting out a heavy sigh of his own.
"They'll be okay." the man with glasses murmured beside Peter.
His only response was a nod and a yawn. "I'm gonna rest up real quick, okay? Save up energy, and stuff."
Because I'm absolutely fucking drained.
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