#I'd make a tee hee funny
somecallmekay · 1 year
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puppygirlclaspers · 9 months
Hey people, so I was trying to find out a way of immersing myself in mecha even more and I settled on the idea of making funny little reviews about the gundam kits I've built on my blog so here it is tee hee
(Very minor spoilers for Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury season 1 episode 6 ahead)
I present to you:
Demi Trainer A.K.A baby's first gundam kit
This is what kickstarted my addiction to building these little guys and honestly it was such a blast as my first experience with it! I saw the HG (1/144) model of this mobile suit in a nerd shop I was in that I was told had these kits and I figured it was a good starting point. I liked the idea of the training mech from g-witch acting as training wheels for me building these kits.
Fun Facts About the Demi Trainer
the MSJ-121 Demi Trainer is a mobile suit seen in The Witch From Mercury series, and is primarily used by students in Asticassia as a mobile suit to train with (hence the name Demi Trainer)
The Demi Trainer is just one model in a series of other Demi mobile suits! Other Demi models we see throughout the series are the MSJ-OP122 Demi Garrison (seen early on when Suletta Mercury's Gundam Aerial is being detained after her first duel), the MSJ-R122 Demi Barding, which is a more advanced model of mobile suit, equipped with more armaments, while still maintaining the Demi model philosophy. There's also Chuchu's iconic MSJ-105CC Demi Trainer, which is an older model that has been heavily modified by Chuchu in order to compete with more modern iterations of Demi mobile suits.
Our primary experience with Demi Trainer in the show is when Suletta Mercury is tasked with piloting one as part of her spotting exam, where she has a particularly difficult time passing it. It honestly made me feel really sad when I watched it for the first time :(
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The Design of Demi Trainer
I really love how this mobile suit looks! It's a very simple design but I feel it's so effective at conveying it's primary purpose: to be a baseline training model for mobile suits. It's a lightweight mobile suit with minimal modifications done to it so that it can achieve high mobility and it's easy to maintain. It also looks very much like something a company would mass-produce for an institution like Asticassia.
Demi Trainers are used with a standard set of equipment, which includes a simple shield, a beam gun for ranged combat, a saber stick for melee combat, a combat knife, as well as the Daedalus multi-tool, which can be shaped and transformed into a variety of tools. This makes Demi Trainer a very versatile mobile suit, appropriate for use in many different situations. It doesn't seem to come with any sort of flight module, though that makes sense, as I imagine those are quite expensive to include on mobile suits, and this is meant as a simple trainer mech.
Of course, since it's heavily used in Asticassia, Demi Trainer also has an equipable antenna module for use in duels within the academy.
The Demi mobile suits are known for their extensive customisability, and the Demi Trainer is no different! You can even see these aspects within the design of this mobile suit. There are many little slots and places where you can modify Demi Trainer and potentially add modules or armaments, and you can see the extent of this modification in Chuchu's modified Demi Trainer, despite it being an older model. I'd really love to see what kind of modifications other student in the academy would apply to their Demi Trainers!
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Building the Kit
My experience with building this gunpla kit was a blast! I was so excited to get started on this, and the kit did not disappoint! It wasn't too complex so that I was overwhelmed, but it also wasn't so simple that I was bored. Hearing all the clicks and feeling the pieces snap together as I built it was extremely satisfying, and I really like how the instruction booklet was structured.
You're not told to put individual parts of the mobile suit together until you've built a number of modules beforehand. For example, the instructions tell you to build the head, body and arms before telling you to put those parts together, and I think that makes the experience more satisfying. The same structure applies for the waist and legs of the kit, and being able to put all of the parts together at the end is such a good feeling! Of course, you can totally ignore the structure of the booklet and put parts together as you build them, which is also fine.
The kit also comes with a variety of stickers, and with the help of hindsight after having built 2 more kits after this one (which I also plan on reviewing), I can confidently say that the stickers for the Demi Trainer are probably the easiest to apply based on my limited experience! You get a small choice of stickers too, mainly a choice of what colour you want the middle torso portion to be. Of course, I picked purple because it's my favourite colour, but other choices also include red, blue, yellow and pink.
At one point while building this kit, I tried to take a part out so I could hear and feel the click of it again as I assembled it, but I accidentally applied too much force into it and the piece snapped, which make me panic but thankfully I had some glue to repair it, which was a huge relief. Not a fault of the kit itself, just my own excitement getting the better of me! Though I will recommend to be careful when assembling these kits if you're not experienced, and be gentle with them.
I was so so happy when the kit was finished and I could play around with it! Building it is half the fun, and the other half is posing it in all sorts of cool ways! You've seen some pictures of that already, but I also have some gifs of the kit spinning on a little turntable saved for the end.
The HG Demi Trainer kit comes with just the shield, saber stick and beam gun that I mentioned previously, which I personally don't mind too much but of course having more options for equipment is always a good thing. Thankfully you can buy an expansion set for Demi Trainer that includes a beam rifle, gatling gun, combat knife, 4-cell hand missile launcher and open hand parts, as well as some smaller extras. I personally don't have this expansion kit but I would love to get it at some point!
Overall, I think this is a fantastic kit to build, particularly if you are new to gunpla and are looking for a place to start. The Witch From Mercury kits are some of the best quality I think I've seen in gunpla (again, from my limited experience) and if you love the series and want to collect gunpla, you can't go wrong with getting this kit. The posable nature and movement of the kit itself is great, which I think is really cool and allows for some creative shots to be made with them!
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This is a little series of posts that I hope to continue in the future! If you have any suggestions on things to add or change please let me know! I'm open to constructive criticism :)
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hi CC! Hope you’re doing good. 🐚🦀 here!
These past few months I can’t help but ponder the demon brothers’ sock-wearing habits, especially for sleep. So here are some of my notes!
Lucifer: Old man vibes old man socks, through all seasons except summer because it might get too hot.
Mammon: One that changes depending on the temperature, cold means sock and vice versa. Although I do think that he’d get those really thick and fluffy ones to match his hair.
Levi: Going with the entire “reptiles are cold-blooded” thing, socks. All day everyday and season, he needs all the warmth he can get. Probably gets ones with his favorite characters on it but never wears them for preservation purposes.
Satan: No socks all year round but is someone (you/mc) gifts him a fair of cat ones he’s either going to try and preserve them or wear them until they have holes.
Asmodeus: Given that his preferred outfit for sleep is just… nude I’d say no socks. Unless if he wants to tease a shy mc, maybe something along the lines of: “Oh don’t be so shy mc, darling. I’m not completely naked now am I?~”
Belphie: I’d say that Belphie really doesn’t have much of a preference. He’s the demon of sloth and he is a professional in every aspect. Although I do imagine him sleeping with inly one sock to get a better temperature range when sleeping.
Beel: I can see him wear really fluffy socks like Mammon but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Will try to eat the socks with food patterns.
I’m not too sure about the dateables but Solomon’s definitely giving old man vibes and I dan see him getting socks with funny patterns. Maybe Luke also wears them because he’s scared of the monsters under his bed nipping at his feet.
Hope this was a fun read, what do you think? Would love to compare notes, and have a great day!
Well hello, 🐚🦀 anon! It's been a minute since I've seen you in my ask box! I hope you're doing well!
I am staunchly against wearing socks to bed... I like to be FREE lol. (To this end, I also don't wear pants. It's all oversized t-shirts for me.)
Anyway, I totally see Lucifer as a sock wearer. I mean, we had that whole saga in the daily chats about his missing socks. You can't tell me that old man doesn't cherish his socks. So I fully agree with you on that one lol.
I was under the impression that Mammon also sleeps in the nude? I think there was a daily chat where he said he only wears Devilish No 5 to bed which is a freakin' perfume. He's such a dork but for some reason that makes me love him more. But I also think that Mammon likes to be comfortable, so I think he'd wear socks (and possibly other pjs) if it was cold. Also you know I don't think he could handle sleeping nude with MC (at least not at first) and I also think he often sneaks into MC's bed. So therefore I tend to imagine him as being one of those pajama pants and tank top types. So I think he would absolutely wear socks if it was cold.
YES to cold blooded Levi always!! If they had animal forms and Levi could become a lil snake I think it'd be SO CUTE if he just curled up inside a sock. I'd carry him around in his little sock in my pocket all day tee hee~ But anyway, I very much think that he's always cold and needs socks all the time. If he's in demon form, he should have a tail sock too.
Satan can't resist the cat socks. I don't know why but I agree with you that he wouldn't wear socks to bed. He would probably find them irritating lol. He should still get a tail sock though just because that's adorable, but his is like... I mean I know we all kinda headcanon it as bone now, but it looks like metal. That thing would probably shred a sock.
Oh, Asmo. Definitely only wearing socks in order to tease MC, I agree with that 1000%. I mean you could wear socks if you sleep nude I suppose, but I think Asmo would prefer to go sockless in such an instance.
Oh yeah I think Belphie could sleep no matter what anyway. It's probably just whatever's most convenient at the moment.
I don't know why, but I kinda headcanon Beel as being naturally very warm. Just absolute furnace. So I see him not really wearing socks to bed. Though I like the idea of him wearing fluffy ones because that is super cute lol.
Diavolo wears Lucifer's socks to bed. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
Barbatos for some reason strikes me as a no socks type. I don't know why. But he also needs a tail sock because wow that would be so adorable I think I'd combust. He would only wear something like that if MC got it for him, though, I think.
I think it could go either way with Simeon. I think he's probably one of those who wears socks depending on the weather. If he's cold, he puts some on. If he's not, he doesn't. It just makes sense.
I agree about Solomon and the patterned socks. I think he'd find that amusing. I would try to find him socks that have pact mark patterns on them because I personally would find that absolutely hilarious. This is because I have a terrible sense of humor, but I think he'd indulge me and wear them lol.
Ahhh Luke wearing socks to protect his little toes from getting snatched is so cute! Headcanon accepted.
This was a fun read, thank you for bringing it to me! It was fun to think about this! I hope you also have a lovely day!
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kiefbowl · 7 months
i think fred is funny in drag because he’s not wearing drag to make fun of women in general, he’s just in costume to make a silly character that happens to be a woman
You know, I think there is something to this. Personally, I'm a little more neutral on cross dressing for comedy in general. I understand the general arguments of "the comedy of men dressing as women is assumed inherent because 1. women are worth degrading 2. femininity is inherently humiliating and ridiculous" and yadda yadda a host of other arguments. I just don't like writing off ~gender bending~ art immediately, I find that's a fairly conservative knee jerk reaction. I'd rather take each piece of media as it is, examine it from multiple contexts, etc. So if there's cross dressing in a comedy, I think there's a difference between putting a buff man in a ridiculously tiny dress to go "tee-hee, shoes!!!" as the inherent joke, and a male actor being a female character or a female actor being a male character.
I think the most successful cross dressing is when the design gives only the vaguest suggestion of the other sex, but the general facial features of the person aren't obscured too much. This is successful, I think in part, because the differences between men and women are fewer than most people are comfortable with. Obviously, there are some very big significant differences, but also there are spectrum differences that are only more apparent to us because we culturally highlight them. Which is just a complicated way of saying a man that looks like a man can also have big doe eyes, and a woman that looks like a woman can have a hard cut jaw...or w/e. there can be a billion examples.
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hirokari · 2 years
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cat got your tongue?
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wc: 1.1k | g: fluff, superhero!au, chat noir!jaemin, gender neautral reader | w: profanity | a/n: tee hee chat noir jaemin tee hee ps. little personal mentions of the murder mystery novel i've been reading + the cat beanie i've been talking abt w sunny
Beyond the swaying trees and the dimly lit street lamps of the park, Na Jaemin manages to spot you between little gaps of the canopy above you, smiling a little fondly at the sight of you getting lost in another book you'd gotten; knee perched up against your chest and your book perched right up against your thigh as you indulge yourself completely in the plotline of your novel.
Though the hour is late, he knows all too well that you'd lost track of time already. Hopping off of a roof he'd been resting on, Chat Noir quietly sneaks behind the bench you sit on, pressing his hands next to both your shoulders.
"I believe someone should be heading home at the moment?"
At the slight upbraid, you can't help but jump with shrugged shoulders, turning around with what Jaemin thinks is the cutest bewildered expression.
"Chat Noir," You huff, pausing to mark the page you'd last left off. "Would it kill you to not give me a scare every time we talk?"
"It would, actually, yeah."
"Oh, very funny." Rolling your eyes, you stuff your book into your olive green satchel, fingers brushing against the faded denim.
Your "coincidental" interactions with Chat Noir had been an ongoing thing for months, though at this rate you're convinced he's monitoring you.
"Cute beanie," Jaemin comments, eyes casted to the headdress snug on your head. It's cat shaped, which makes him a little giddy. "What is this, a tribute to yours truly?"
"Sure, you could say that." You laugh softly, adjusting the beanie and brushing stray strands of hair behind your ears. Your response is like a little cup of serotonin shot into his veins, and he smiles.
"Come on," Urges the nation's greatest hero, tugging on the sleeve of your sweater. "I'm seeing you off to your home."
"You know where my home is?"
Yes, Jaemin resists the urge to bite out. You'd taken me there to work on a pair assessment together.
"Yes," Chat Noir drags out in a small voice. "A hero should know where everyone belongs, should he not?" Scrunching your nose up at him, you begin walking by his side. "No," You reply. "I don't think Seoul's mightiest hero should personally know where I sleep every night."
"Don't twist the story!"
"I'm not twisting shit and you know it, Chat Noir. It's as creepy as it sounds."
"It's not like I'm selling your information or anything. I doubt anyone would want that anyway." Jaemin says, a tad sour. You laugh at the slight bitter tone in his voice, bumping your shoulder to his in a playful manner.
"What book are you reading, by the way?"
"A murder mystery. Why?"
"Nothing, I'd just like something to do to kill time now and then."
You give him a sly, cheeky smile, "Heroes have time to kill?" To which Jaemin scoffs through thin lips, "More time than crimes to kill, trust me."
"Alright," You trail off. "I guess I could lend you my copy." Jaemin almost trips against the gravel below him. "Borrow-? Your copy?" Your head cocks to the side as you meet eyes with him through his jet black mask. "Yeah, it's cheaper that way, is it not?"
"Sounds like you're looking for more reasons to see me."
"That too, maybe,"
Now Jaemin freezes. He can't help the halt of his legs when you retort back. You'd always been witty with your responses, but never had you been so... bold. Nonchalant. He didn't know what to think of it.
"What? Cat got your tongue?"
Now you're doing cat puns? You'll be the death of him.
With dusted cheeks, Jaemin stretches his arms out and kneels down on one knee. At the action, you give him a strange look, grip tightening a little on your satchel.
"What the fuck?" You give him a confused laugh. "Are you, what, proposing?"
"I'm proposing to give you a ride home."
"What? How?"
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You never thought you'd ever have your arms wrapped around Chat Noir's neck, let alone see him give you a charming, boyish smile as he jumps from one rooftop to another nearing your apartment.
"This is literally crazy." You mumble, eliciting a small yell when the hero jumps a little too high, though you can't deny the small rush in your veins when he does. "This is literally safer, you child."
Your roll your eyes at his childishness, but still laugh. Frankly, he could not blame you for the way you're acting right now.
"I'm not a child, and I'm not a fan of cold winds." You complain, referring to the cold gust that bites at your cheeks. The skin of your face is cold and numb, and you bit the inside of your cheek to maintain any form of sense on your face.
"Sorry, love. We'll be there soon, I promise."
You can't argue with that. At all. He'd whispered it in your ear with his stupid soothing voice, you'd melted into putty in his arms at this rate. All you're left to do is watch the scenery of silhouettes contrasted compared to the dark blue that paints the sky.
"Blue hour," You mumble with a sense of admiration in your voice. "Your favorite," Jaemin adds. You hum, recalling when you'd told Chat Noir that on your way to your favorite bakery, around the same hour.
It doesn't take long for Jaemin to arrive at the balcony of your apartment. Perched up safely, he helps you out of his arms and into the safety of your home.
"Thank you," You chime, leaning closer against the same railing he rests on. "Oh, before I forget: here's the novel." You hand it to him. He admires it, the pages already slightly worn out, the paperback cover having been bent a little by your little habit of picking the corners of it.
"How about this," Starts Jaemin. He sets the book back into your hands, softening at the surprised tilt of your head. "You can give it to me the next time we meet."
"When will that be?"
"On our date. Next week Thursday, blue hour. I'll pick you up here."
You can't seem to form words, mouth slightly agape at the idea of going out with the city's greatest, most charming hero. Jaemin gives you a warm smile, letting a finger rest under your chin just to lift it up.
"What, cat got your tongue?"
You can't help but laugh, closing your eyes to relish the warmth from the proximity. Standing against the tip of your toes, you shift and press your lips against his warm cheek.
"Okay. A date."
Pulling away, you lean back down to your original height and step away slowly. "Good night, Chat Noir."
Slowly, Jaemin wears the shyest smile you must have ever seen him with, "Good night, Y/N."
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© hirokari, 2023
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queenofbaws · 4 months
heyyy queenie hope ur doin well!! bit of a curveball but im Curious since ive been brain rotted with it lately, so could i ask for whump prompt 13 for the scream franchise?? any characters/movie u want, but id love u to take a stab (tee hee hee) at it :]
not-quite-six sentence weekend :P
There were a lot of emotions playing across Mindy's face as Amber pulled the knife out: doubt, intrigue, disbelief, something that could only be described as pre-schadenfreude...but worry wasn't among them. Neither were its closest cousins, concern and fear, so Tara had to figure the sudden uptick in her pulse was, in fact, solely her issue. If Mindy wasn't worried, then there probably wasn't anything to worry about. Period.
"Sick, right?" Amber flicked her wrist, a flourish that immediately came across as practiced even to her untrained eyes, and the butterfly knife click-click-clicked around her fingers before snapping back into place. "Copped it at a gun show this weekend with my dad. Guy running the stall said I was a natural."
"Why am I not surprised?" Tara snickered, then feigned a frightened little noise and pulled away when Amber turned, holding it out towards her. "You know if anyone catches you messing with that thing, like, right outside of school, they're gonna take it, right? You do get that? It makes sense to you? In your brain?"
She pulled a face, scrunching her nose up. "Uh, no they won't."
"Uhhh, why not?"
With another click-click-clack, she spun the knife around. "How're they gonna take it from me? I've got a kniiife."
Before she could pull away, Amber took one of Tara's hands in hers, laying it flat on the table they were sitting at. She laid her own hand perfectly on top of it, lining their fingers up until Tara's hand disappeared entirely.
"Want to see the coolest trick?"
"Uh." That was it. That was all she had time to say before Amber flexed her hand - both their hands, really - and their fingers spread wide, and...and she understood what she was about to do. Her eyes widened. "Hey, wait, nononononono!"
"Chillax, I've been doing it all week and I've still got all my fingers. You're in good hands."
"Famous last words." Though she'd been going on quite the face journey across the table, Mindy had been awfully quiet until then. Now, as Amber switched her grip on the knife, holding it more like a caveman getting ready to strike, she leaned forward with her elbows on the table, pointing her phone down at their hands.
Pre-schaudenfreude. Yeah. Tara had been right on the money with that one.
"Seriously?" Amber scoffed, "What? You think I'm gonna get performance anxiety or something?"
She sniffed once, Mindy, then shrugged one of her shoulders. Her phone didn't budge. "Nah, I just want to make sure I get this clusterfuck on video so there's evidence in the inevitable personal injury suit Tara's gonna file against you when you slice her open like an Amazon box."
Amber raised her eyes to Mindy's, her expression inscrutable. "I'd stab myself first, duh. That's the whole point of putting my hand over hers."
"Oh yeah, totally," she nodded. "The whole point, mhm. Well this is for you too, because when you stab yourself, then, I can send it to America's Funniest Home Videos. They give out cash rewards for the really funny ones, don't they?"
Tara braced herself as Amber readjusted, rolling her shoulders and assuming her focus-face. Ooh, she didn't want to be a part of the finger-stabby-knife-game-thing, she didn't want to be a part of that at all, but what choice did she have? If she pulled away, it'd knock Amber's concentration off! If she just sat there and took it, the risk of getting stabbed was literally exactly the same! There was no winning here, no getting out it, no -
"Hey guys!"
The choice was made for her.
Wes slammed his hands on the table as he joined them, sliding up from behind to sit on her other side. It startled her so badly that she could only pull away, jolting like a cat with its tail stepped on. Across the table, Mindy groaned, and beside her, Amber similarly jumped, and while her poor, asthmatic little lungs really didn't appreciate the sudden scare, her poor, unstabbed little fingers sure did.
"What's going on? Why're we all hunched over and whispery?" he asked, but the only answer she had for him with a quick smack on the wrist. "Ow?"
"Why would you do that?" she breathed a second later, the tension leaving her in one huge whooping rush. "That wasn't cool! You could've - " But as luck would have it, that was where her lecturing came to a close. Her eyes had flicked to the side for just a second, a natural human reaction, and what she'd seen...well, she wasn't sure what to make of it. "...what?" Tara asked, glancing between Amber and Mindy.
"So America's Funniest Home Videos then, huh?" Mindy's eyebrows went up as her phone went down. "If I was a pettier person, just so you know? This is where I'd be saying I told you so. But I'm not! Lucky you."
It took her a moment longer than she would've liked to figure out what that could've possibly meant. When she did, she startled all over again, almost jumping out of her seat as she spun to look at Amber. "Ohmygod - did you - ?!"
"I'm. Fine," she said through gritted teeth, looking anything but.
She did get up then, standing from the table's bench to circle around and - the noise that came out of her was a little too embarrassing to describe. "Fine? You're fine?! You have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg!"
Wes paled immediately, turning to Mindy with wide eyes, no doubt hoping she'd shed some light on the situation. She didn't, surprising no one, and instead glanced towards the front doors of the school, waving Chad over to join them when she spotted him across the way. "Well here's the good news, Am," she said, not even trying to hide her amusement, "I think you can definitely still salvage that psychosexual homoerotic tension you were going for with that brilliant stunt. Just yank that puppy out, let Tara stick a finger in there and wiggle it around a little. No harm, no foul. Everybody wins!" Then, under her breath but still more than loud enough for them all to hear over Amber's harsh breathing, "Especially me, once your idiot-ass goes viral."
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SIDE 1A: ROUND 1: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera (Ducktales 2017)/Clover Ebi (RWBY) VS Gregor (Star Wars the Clone Wars)/Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
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Propaganda for Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Clover Ebi:
Okay so, I don't know if you've heard of it or not but there's this roleplay I do with my buddy called DTLS, okay, so, when we started I'd planned on having Clover in a secret relationship with Cinder (I know, I know, but I was feeling really spiteful about both of them and making them both straight seemed like a power move) BUT then my partner was like "tee hee what if Fenton has a crush on him as a fellow superhero?" oh by the way, he's a superhero in this crossover, anyway, so I thought "hee hee we can have funny unrequited silliness" but then at the end of their first thread my boy was like "sike guess what" and decided he was going to date Fenton actually, and fuck my plans, and I was all "whaaaaaat" but I let him, anyway long story short now they're engaged and they adopted a penguin girl who stowed away on the Sunchaser on the way back from Antarctica.
Propaganda for Gregor/Harley Quinn:
Gregor does not have a no killing rule. While I admire the Batfam for their stance and so would Gregor, it's not a rule he follows. He's also a highly competent, specially trained soldier of the greatest army ever. So he will be putting those skills to use to kill the Joker. There are many reasons for that, not least of which is all the abuse Harley has suffered at the hands of the Joker. Gregor isn't letting that clown hurt her again.
Gregor is an absolute mad lad in the best way possible. He can match Harley's energy and would love to be a part of all her hijinks.
Harley thinks Gregor's laugh is cute. He might not be able to control it, and when he's frustrated by that, she's ready to support him. She knows he's not trying to be a jerk when he laughs at the worst moments (unlike a certain ex of hers.)
They would wreak absolute havoc together. Become one of Batman's biggest headaches that he doesn't actually want to get rid of. Gregor already has plenty of experience working outside of and running from the law as a rebel.
They would teach all the local kids how to swear in Huttese and Wookie.
Art Credit: Fenton/Clover edit by me, @/astro-b-o-y-d Gregor/Harley edit by @/karlyanalora
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aetheternity · 2 years
If you’re making a butchered character roundup, Venti needs to be at the top. The fandom takes this deeply traumatized kind playful and free-spirited god who loves his lost friend, his nation and his people, and has saved Mondstadt from Decarabian, Durin, Ursa the Drake, The Lawrence clan, and Stormterror- to “ehe useless drunkard who can’t take anything seriously” And they call Barbara dense 🙄
Everyone on my page knows Venti is my baby but I'll be honest if I really talked about how badly the fandom treats him I'd never shut up. You can always tell the difference between Venti stans and fanon Venti stans.
Also Also I'm gonna say it: Venti being an alcoholic really isn't funny. I don't really like how it's handled in game and I don't like how the fandom acts like it's so tee hee funny funny. Like no he's drinking his feelings whenever he has the mora to do so or whenever he can sneak a glass. Poor baby stays smiling and I just wonder how many nights he's spent sobbing his eyes out with a bottle in hand because constantly being the happy go lucky person can not possibly stay when he's truly alone with his thoughts.
And another thing about his lost friend the only time I ever see anyone bring him up is to debate that he was fifteen. God forbid we talk about how deeply pained and how influential this beautiful person must have been to Venti for him to recreate his body exactly and then live the rest of his life making sure people never forget this person who he loved with all of his heart. But yeah sure let's start another stupid age debate that holds zero water because Venti is his own person no matter if he recreated his friends body or not.
And I find it extremely uncomfortable how the fandom seems to think he just took over his friends dead corpse and has been animating the thing for who even knows how long. Like do they realize how fucked up that is??
Not to mention the blatant disregard for Venti's incredibly soft heart. He saved Traveler's life despite knowing nothing about them outside of they stole anemo power from the seven and then disrupted his talk with Dvalin. He freed Stanley from the turmoil of carrying his friends soul along with him everywhere. He gave Dvalin, Mondstadt and Vanessa freedom, He created an entire city for his people to populate in, He calls his people his children. He's honestly the sweetest guy and anyone would be so lucky to have a Venti in their life.
People never talk about all of the good the archons have done for their nations and themselves outside of Nahida and it makes my blood boil. It's always "they didn't tell Traveler about their sibling!" Like it does actually make perfect sense that Nahida is the only one with actual information you dumbasses!! Nahida has a link to what is basically Teyvat's database! What do the other archons have their own SIGHT. Venti was probably asleep when the sibling came through his nation, I have no idea what Zhongli might have been doing and Ei wasn't even paying attention to her goddammed nation! She had a puppet running the show.
Let me stop ranting because I'm already starting to shake again. I just wish this fandom didn't look at everything at face value. I want more people to see the Venti that me and other Venti stans have fallen in love with. He deserves so much. Like most people don't even fully understand why Venti doesn't run his nation even though he EXPLAINS IT TO THE TRAVELER IN GAME.
Ugggghhh ok I'm done.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
I think the reason why Bor'Dor is a dog theories and Colin Provolone is just a guy theories and to a lesser extent secret dragon theories strike me as more dull than anything else is because they're all just a punchline. And the thing is that's fine if you are telling a joke (making a shitpost) but if you have several episodes with this character it's like okay so either the reveal happens at the very end and is never explored, so it really is just a largely irrelevant punchline that didn't achieve anything narratively and never meant much other than tee hee funny and stops being so after like five minutes; or the reveal happens midway through but then it sort of cuts off all the interesting promise of the character as presented because now it's about how this guy is a dog or whatever and no one ever seems to think past the punchline. Like. The best way to put it is that these kinds of theories all strike me as the types of twists I'd expect to see if studios make good on their threats to use AI to draft premises of scripts.
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cmbdragon98 · 7 months
Please tell us more about how your wife tricked you into dating her
So, setup, details all under cut, cuz it's a bit lengthy. Fun story though!
Tumblr circa 2015. Junior year of high school. I've convinced myself that dating is NOT for me, and that I should just wait until college to fuck around and find out. Just gone through a nasty little emotional breakup where in the near future, I'll wish that thar 2nd ever relationship was simply, entirely expunged from my life.
Paige, known as benedict-cutiebatch here, makes a post about being bored and wanting asks sent her way. Send your best pickup line. This was back when people sent eachother asks willy-nilly. I think, "Oh, sure, I've seen this person around, she seems alright. I'll send something funny and stupid, maybe make her laugh."
Send the "hot leg, hot hot leg" poem thing. She is so amused by it, she asks for my hand in marriage. Yaddayaddayadda, back and forth of just playing around pretend times. I have a lot of lighthearted fun. Cue the interaction ending, and us doing our separate things again. A week or so passes, and I've been specifically checking her blog. I don't do that with anybody else. This is a new habit I've picked up, because I loved the silly fake marriage tee hee haha joke.
Send an ask saying as such. She expresses similar sorta thing on her end. And we start talking again. Talking waaaayyy mooorree.
We talk fully through the night. No sleep. We talk fully through that next day. Eventually we exchange Skypes, because that's what everyone did in 2015. Flirting through the roof. Terribly blatant. Oml. But we're not dating, we're just. Completely all up in eachother. And I'm perfectly convinced that this girl probably just wants to enjoy the fun of somebody being bluntly into her, but not actually follow through further then that, and we'd just remain terribly forward friends with eachother, and that's how life goes sometimes.
Until I recieve an anon ask, that basically asks if me and her are dating and how c u t e we both seem to be, and I Assume that this is an unrelated third party, because, again. It was just waaay more common to recieve asks like that, back when I was a teenager. I respond to it all...
"L o l, naaahh.... b u t... It's not a Bad Idea.... 👀"
Anon sends another ask all... You should! You should try asking!
I think nothing of it, I take it as quite genuine advice that I do frankly agree with. And so. That's what my ass did. Asked Paige out in the most goofy, awkward way, after sending her screenshots of the anons, all "Haha, omgg, isn't this just sOoOoOo CrazyYyYy?? How Silly, hahaha.......... Unless.....?"
Fast forward like 2 years later into us being together, she's visiting me while I'm at college, we've Been seeing eachother, we've been having fun! So much fun!
She's sat on my lap while we're waiting on a ride back to my home, outside at a table and chairs; my ass fucking commuted. It's winter, and terribly cold in NY. I'm holding her close, and she starts saying something like... "Hey, you wanna hear something kinda fucked up...?"
I'm intrigued, of course, I'm like. Shoot, okay! I'm all ears.
Tells me that She was the one who sent those anons, and that she had a feeling I wouldn't Just Ask without being prompted. She, as she put it herself, lied to and tricked me. And she's clearly all broken up over it a bit, because she's sounding so hesitant as she tells me it.
I just sigh, hug her tighter, and I'm honest. Recalling best I can, I think it was something along the lines of...
"Thank goodness you did that, because you were totally right. I was too nervous otherwise, to just do that myself. And I would've kept on thinking you only wanted somebody to flirt with. I liked you too much. I didn't want to accidentally ruin anything between us."
Poor thing starts crying. So I just keep holding her, and telling her I love her, and that I'm r e a l l y not upset, after she says she was so worried that I would be, that I'd hate her, or think our relationship was built on a lie. I just see it as a perfectly reasonable thing to do, when someone too stuck in not doing the wrong thing, is too afraid to just ask for what she wants.
So yeah, basically, I got led into a relationship with a carrot and then a box slammed down around me, and I was completely chill with it the entire time. I truly was just having a blast.
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tetskuro · 2 months
haiii id love to have a match up c:
im a she/her and i'd prefer a romantic matchup with a male pairing.
im generally pretty quiet and shy, but if i get out of my shell i can be pretty talkative. my humor is questionable, i think it's funny though. TvT..im not that good in social situations tbh, i can go nonverbal if im overstimulated.
reading, writing and studying (sometimes..) i also like collecting little trinkets (just like my gramps lol), it isnt a huge collection but yeah! though if im not doing any of those things im either on my phone or sleeping.
definitely simple traits like loyalty, honesty and being caring. not that picky tbh, as long as we click! unless they're a horrible person/j plus points if they make me feel included though tee hee
definitely a cafe date, though i wouldn't mind any other option (unless its one that includes a lot of walking, my weak lungs cant handle that lol) i think we could get to know each other more at a cafe, having a bunch of yummy desserts while talking about life? sign me up!!
+ if it wasn't obvious, i have a really big sweet tooth- i can finish a tub of cotton candy in one sitting..i also cant really cook, i can try though!
tysm!! >~<
your matchup is...
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yamaguchi tadashi
⭑ yamaguchi is a caring and loyal guy
⭑ he's observant and notices all the little things about you
⭑ he's also pretty honest and straightforward about his feelings
⭑ yamaguchi knows what it feels like to be left out so he makes sure that you're always included in everything
⭑ he understands social settings can be overwhelming and wouldn't do anything or force you do to something that would make you uncomfortable
⭑ overall he's a very considerate person and is always thinking of you
⭑ yamaguchi finds your trinket collection super fascinating, and he thinks you have the coolest stuff ever
⭑ he'd love to hear the backstories about how you acquired each piece in your collection
⭑ he could listen to you talk for ages about each and every single little item that you've gathered over the years
⭑ ever since seeing your collection, he'd gift you small trinkets every so often
⭑ definitely encourages your sweet tooth and fuels your craving for pastries, candy, ice cream, etc.
⭑ he would buy you a tub of cotton candy without you even asking and knows exactly which flavor is your favorite
⭑ yamaguchi is totally down to go to cafes with you and eat a lot of desserts together
⭑ and once you guys start yapping, you could on go for hours
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your matchup runner-up is akaashi keiji
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hi!! I'd like to ask for a romantic jjba matchup if theyre available! I use she/they pronouns and am pansexual. I'm 5'11 and pretty chubby. When comfortable, I'm really energetic and playful and I love talking!! So much! If the right topics are brought up nothing can make me shut up. I'm really loud and don't realize I'm yelling until people point it out. I'm super unaware and oblivious to both my surroundings and others feelings, so total honesty is super appreciated at all times bc I'll be honest! I'm really dumb. Like really dumb. I'm very affectionate, and my love languages are just about all of them except for gift giving (Im HORRIBLE with picking gifts). I get really uncomfortable with physical or verbal affection in public though. I love spending time with other people, but my social skills are kinda trash so I rarely ever initiate conversations. I tend to rough house with my friends and family a lot, and love teasing them too, though sometitmes I can be a bit too mean. My memory is PATHETIC! I forget things all the time. I'm also kinda emotional and can have a pretty bad temper, and will lash out the second I'm disrespected but I forgive so easily. I am physically incapable of holding grudges for longer than a few days. I love overdressing! I personally pride myself on my humor and think I'm super funny! I value laughter heavily and think that finding someone with a similar sense of humor is very important.
My fashion taste is way too expensive for my budget, but I love clowncore and decora the most!
I love music so much! I'm listening to it every day of the year, every hour of the day, so on and so on. I listen to all kinds, hip-hop, classical, country, theres not a genre I dont like, but my favorites are ska, metal, hyperpop, and disco music!
My hobbies include gaming, writing, watching anime, dancing, staring up at the sky like a turkey, doll collecting, plushie collecting, cooking, and napping. I really like clowns, zoology, and amusement parks (I like the spinny rides).
I hope this is good! You don't have to reply! Hope you have a good day, sorry for the poor grammar and excessive exclamation marks! English is my first language but as I said earlier, Im really dumb *<}:•]
notes: Hi love!!! <3 sorry this took so long! i was piled with so many requests, but I'm finally here! I really hope you're well!! Also, you just sound so delightful and in that regard, I have the PERFECT character for you!
the character I chose for you is...
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this is the perfect man to match your energy
he loves that you are always hype and he will be 100% hype with you
he is also just as playful so you have the perfect man for you
he loves talking just as much as you, so you two get to talking for HOURS and definitely lost track of time
you both can get SO LOUD OMFG
but it's cute
other people have to shut you two up
he's dumb too, don't worry
you both will be the dumbest people in the room, and then people will correct you and you'll just look at each other and burst out laughing
dont worry, he'll be the gift giver
expect goofy gifts like funny socks lol
but he loves cuddling
and will respect you in public because that makes you uncomfy
he will definitely leave the loving words and cuddles for home ;)
he's a big talker to others
he is not shy
so he'll help you initiate conversation with people you want
he kinda helps boost your social skills
it's rad
you two will play fight a lot lmaoooo
like a ton of mini wrestling matches tee hee
he can also get a bit of a temper (about his hair, duh), so he will know how to handle you when you get angry and emotional
you two help each other <3
you both forgive each other pretty easily, so temper is never a big deal since you both know how to deal with it
he laughs at all of your jokes and he will tell you jokes too
like seriously omfg
he is someone who loves to dress a little too expensive too, so you both cry over your bank account, but dress like gods at the end of the day
date time for him is just sitting and listening to music outside in the summertime watching the sunset <3
he loves your room so much
like you two spend a lot of time in there and he notices cool new things every time
he will game with you and cuddle and watch anime
he will kick your ass in video games and you will kick his
he will 100% take you on amusement park dates omfg
like most fun time for the two of you
again, he just loves your energy and you cant get enough of each other <3
matchup rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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joocin-thebox · 1 year
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[ prompt by @/bweirdart ]
Day 5: Relationships!
Now I've got a multitude of OCs, but I LOVE character relationships! My all time favorite + some special mentions :)
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Starting with Troutspeckle and Dewspot
They are close in age and joined the group around the same time. Heck, Dewpaw was originally the one who found Troutpaw lying in the snow in the first place!
I like to imagine they're BFFs and bond over being, like the kids of the group. :3
(More under cut)
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Next: Nora and Axel (Cyprus when he knew her)
I brainrotted SO HARD abt these two when developing Axel
They were BFFs, like THE best friends!! Playing games, doing mischief, and always taking on missions together when they could! They were the dream team and my silly self couldn't help but mix in secret and unrealized pining (mostly from Nora, but Cy knew deep down she felt the same)
But as the story goes, Cyprus was special to their guild master, and she got pulled away more and more and influenced to be so unlike herself, and it caused a huge rift between her and Nora
Nora didn't take it personally, he saw the good in her when he could, but Cyprus was quite far gone in her ego, even thinking of him as beneath her in terms of power and wits when they used to be on the same page :(
Unfortunately, there was no room for apologies after years of disconnect, and he died before anything could ever change for the better.
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Next: Ophelia and Maye (so weird to have backwards!)
There is no relationship post without bringing up the girls that infested my brain for like basically a year LMAO
Their relationship to this day is rocky, and unstable and unhealthy, but damn they can't get enough of each other and they love each other so much
Poor x Rich is always a terrific trope, especially when the rich is prone to spoiling and the poor is so meaningful in their symbols of love :(
Strangers to friends to strangers to always have been lovers <3 glorious to me
I'd have to make a separate post about their whole thing... it's actually way too much
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Next: Caitlyn and Alice
I don't have any like, solid art of them especially not in human forms, bc they're two oc my "mainly writing" OCs so I don't think to draw them, ever
They were my first ocs to be like, romantically involved? In a complicated way?
Caitlyn was an average nobody student only known by her friends and a few other classmates, and Alice was a delinquent with discipline issues so severe they moved her around the state multiple times :/
But in the original story, Alice stood up to some kid harassing Cait, and Cait fell super hard.
In my rewrite, Cait and Alice met bc of shared classes, but they got close bc Cait's friend Jackie blackmailed Alice into showing up to a Christmas party and kissing Caitlyn under the mistletoe,,
Which only went so well because people bond when they share something stupid or uncomfortable. Alice thought it was funny Caitlyn believed the scary rumors about her, and Caitlyn didn't want to make Alice feel left out... but I definitely think kissing her as a second impression is kind of pushing it tee hee
They're so very much in love and it's a classic nerd x jock thing, and Alice is oh so silly and a secret agent and Caitlyn can't help but worry about her when she's gone!
And for the record... I could totally talk about Warren and Jessie but nobody is ready for that yet :) let's get comfortable before we get there
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🌚 Pete and/or Craig (tee hee)
Hi you (:
pete: i feel that we didn't know each other extremely well but i also feel this weird kinda respect for and closeness with all of the goth kids i guess... i've been trying to figure this out for a pretty long while now because i don't really get it based on the memories i do have but it suuuper feels kin related? if that makes sense. from a show-watcher perspective i think he is funny and cute and i admire his aesthetic sense etc etc. from a (?) perspective it's like. i want you to feel more positive because it must be hard but also i admire that you allow yourself to feel darkness and have like an outlet and stuff. maybe it's better adjusted than randomly exploding sometimes - truthfully i wanna smoke behind the school and write gay poetry about death as well i just don't wanna be quite so eruuuhjmm. WELL i won't finish my sentence LOL. also you kinda scared me but in a chill way.
craig: CRAIG LOL god i dunno i... we were actually good friends at some point when we were little in my canon - in like a "our parents are hanging out so let's play together i guess" kinda way - i'd say that we got along but it's hard to know how craig felt about it! we played in similar but different ways which meant that we could kinda chill.
as we got older i think i ended up having less positive feelings for some reason... there's some weird bitterness when i think about teenage craig but... i don't feel any animosity when i look at it objectively... from a show-watcher perspective, again, i just find craig very cute and funny and he makes me laugh 'cuz he's so goddamn plain and it's funny that he's deeply yaoi-fied both in and out of canon. but yeah from a me perspective i guess i don't remember craig very well after we were kids which i think must mean we drifted. so the bitterness is a very passing and casual sorta thing. i guess it's mostly some kind of envy anyways
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MDE - 2nd Election
(Belated post, oops, tee-hee, anyway.)
Yesterday was our 2nd server leader election! The first election is somewhat of a mystery, since I wasn't there and somehow Creeper won in the Merlin VS Snackdude race. But, anyway, details of the event under the cut:
Originally, we had two candidates: King Krok and JIMBO. But, then Merlin made a surprise appearance and bid for leadership.
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Merlin stood up and made their case for leadership first. He was met with much support from the audience, mostly comprised of his three minecraft wives (Vriska, Panda and Creeper). Merlin's campaign was based on the noble principles of being a surprise late arrival, getting redemption after being usurped by their wife (Creeper) in the previous election, and being funny.
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After Merlin gave his speech, Jimbo was up.
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Jimbo made a very passionate speech about law and order. Luckily, because Jimbo can only talk through text, here's an excerpt of his time on the stage:
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(Jimbo 'fucking loves' potatoes.)
Jimbo's campaign centred on outlawing all crime and making the server draw up laws for him to enforce (for enrichment).
Following Jimbo, we had the tall-hat wearing crocodile legend himself: King Krok (also known as Spyder).
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King Krok outlined his policies of: banning xylophones (and only xylophones) within 23 and a half metres of water, requiring all citizens have a pit, and holding games of connect four.
After these great speeches, the votes were held and Valkyrie read out who had won the election:
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And the winner was...
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👑🐊 King Krok! 🐊👑
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He did a victory vertical death roll spin, then went about planning his Connect 4 build at the Soul King's Castle.
The build actually functions as Connect 4 in Minecraft, I'd show screenshots but they're kinda 'meh' + hmm, maybe join our discord to access the server and find out yourself 🤔?
That wasn't all, though!
Immediately following the election, a server wedding was held between Merlin, Vriska, Panda and Creeper. I'm not sure if this makes the four Merlin's double-wives, if they'd gotten a divorce immediately before the ceremony, or their marriage had not been officially recognised.
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The wedding was officiated by our new leader, Krok, and the ceremony was attended by Valkyrie and Jimbo (who was the fish boy; that's like a flower girl only more smelly). Another wife of Merlin's, Astro, would join shortly afterwards and was also married, I think.
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The Gock Family/The Cursed-Sans-Potatoes-Trucks Family. Just a raccoon feller and 3 out of... 6 (?) of his wives. This is a normal Minecraft server.
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cancerously · 4 years
hey! remember when you made a post about karkat saying the n slur as a tee hee funny naughty word joke? heritage posts reblogged it! i hope you've grown as a person since you made that comic but since you're 26 years old with those 2012 homestuck sprites in your sidebar i'd say not
uhhhh this is incredibly confusing because i dont draw comics? or make any of them? i quite literally have no idea what’s going on and like six anons sending me slurs what is happening rn
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