#I'd do a read more but we all know how that goes on mobile
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pynkhues · 3 months ago
When black people tell you that some of your talking points are racist, you should probably sit up and listen rather than slinging accusations of terfism back at them. Just a suggestion.
I mean, I have been listening, anon, and I've actually been reading pretty widely, and as I said yesterday in this post, which I assume is the one you're replying to, my talking points aren't being addressed at all. What's happening is that strawman arguments are being created for people to demonstrate my apparent racism which are built on things that I never said and would never argue, because it's easier to do that than actually engage with the nuances of what masculinity is and has been.
One of the ways that I've been listening was in regards actually to that post I was linked to yesterday which talked about the fact that Louis doesn't embody Black masculinity in 1910, which was genuinely an argument I was really curious to know more about, but because it was a stated point and no argument was actually mounted, I did / am doing my own research - I read Michele Mitchell's The Black Man's Burden: African Americans, Imperialism, and Notions of Racial Manhood 1890-1910 last night and I've read parts of Alexa Dagan's These Hard Times Gon' Kill You: Black masculinity, racial and intimate violence, and the blues in the Mississippi Delta, 1918-1945 with the intention of reading it in full over the next few weeks - and those have provided really useful context, so I'm very glad to have read the former and be reading the latter, but they don't support the argument that Louis doesn't mark traditional Black masculinity for the era. In fact they argue the opposite - particularly the first one that specifically goes into Black men being emasculated by white supremacy and the impact that had on Black masculinity, and the effect of class mobility being Black men would distance themselves from lower class Black men when they attained wealth, both things which I think are really present in Jacob's astonishing performance.
I've also previously read Jesmyn Ward's The Men We Reaped, Maxine Beneba Clarke's The Hate Race, and Clint Smith's excellent poetry collection, Counting Descent, among many others, which all explore topics of contemporary Black masculinity (although are broader explorations of Black history, life and identity), and yeah, obviously I don't have lived experience - I'm open about being white and Australian - but y'know. I'm not completely ignorant, and I am listening to voices. A lot of them actually. I just don't agree with you, and I'm not sure why that offends you so much that you've come into my inbox a couple of times now to say words to this effect (calling me a racist before saying 'just saying' / 'just a suggestion' is kind of a tell, anon), but I would say that when you send me asks like this that you're being disingenuous. I don't think you're asking me to listen, I think you're telling me to shut up, which really goes back to that point about this whole thing being an exercise in control, not conversation, which I made in that last post.
I'd also just pose a question to you too, if that's alright. Why is this request for self-reflection never one that goes both ways? I am interrogating my internal biases, are you? Do you ask yourself the question of why TERF rhetoric is really, really pervasive in these talking points? Do you think about why it is you try to apply heteronormative gender essentialism to a queer character / couple? Do you ask yourself why it's so important to you that this character be 'female-coded'? I can appreciate the challenge of that - trust me, working internally in this sort of way is a lot, I know how hard it can be to unpack this sort of thing, and I really do mean that genuinely, so I hope that you take it that way - and look, it can be really hard to know where to start, so here are a few resources, just in case you do want to explore this and maybe start tackling your own biases, because it's not enough to put TERFs DNI in your bio, and it's not enough to only be listening to the terminally online on tumblr.com (I say as someone who's often on here, haha):
Archer Magazine is a great magazine that explores gender and sexuality, with a really big focus on trans and non-binary identity and queer sexuality. There's a physical magazine, but they post a lot online for free. Here's the gender tag, if you want to have a look. I'd really recommend signing up for their e-news though.
TeenVogue's On Queer Fandom and the Radicalization of the Underdog
Who's Afraid of Gender? by Judith Butler
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson is a really interesting read on her romantic relationship with the trans artist, Harry Dodge, and merges memoir and philosophy. It talks also about gender and parenthood in ways that might be interesting in regards to these particular conversations.
Of course, the documentary Paris is Burning, which is available to watch free on YouTube here.
I also haven't read this one yet, but a few friends have recently recommended Invention of Women: Making an African Sense of Western Gender by Oyeronke Oyewumi that sounds genuinely pretty fascinating.
So, yes! Anyway. Not really sure how to close this one out, but again, just to reiterate, I've got no issue with you enjoying femme!Louis. Good for you, have fun, we interpret the character and the show differently. That's okay, anon, there are lots of people who like your interpretation more than mine, and I hope you guys have a great time with that in the hiatus and over the next season, but I'm gonna keep doing my thing over here.
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baphometsss · 3 months ago
so there's this post floating around about how the notes from the wolf's den in the lighthouse somehow ruin the heartfelt interactions solas has with the high approval inquisitor in trespasser (i read it on mobile when i was out earlier and i can't find it now so i'm just gonna blither about it here)
first off: this is a really disingenuous take. one of the biggest gripes i have with fandom atm is the complete lack of comprehension of environmental storytelling, particularly in the lighthouse, in a game which is literally bursting at the seams with it. you have to remember that the wolf's den is solas's study. he goes there primarily to work. his writing about the anchor is clinical and cold because it's a part of his research into the magic. it's not his diary. he's not going to wax lyrical about how much pain he's in or how much he misses his friends there.
i said this before about the memories of a duet codex and how, given its location and the way it's accessed, it makes more sense for it to be about a high approval inquisitor. it's accessed by making solas's statue face mythal's; a visual metaphor for facing up to his regrets before he can indulge in pleasant memories (the music room). the music room is the only place in the lighthouse where mythal's presence is completely missing and it's light and beautiful, not the dark violet hues of pride that bathe the rest of the lighthouse. it is full of mementos from the inquisition, a time when 'everything sang the same', when he was able to be himself most authentically. the inquisitor's chair is facing the harpsichord for christ's sake--which is reminiscent of there only being one dinner setting at the table. he's imagining playing for them, seeing them smile as he smiles at the crescendo, seeing him wholly and seeing them wholly in return. remember that solas relates to the inquisitor having to take on a mantle that they didn't ask for or necessarily want, and he had the same experience when he was given the title dread wolf. they saw each other without those mantles. he sees them for who they are, as they saw the version of him that he wanted to be, the person he truly is. the problem of course is that not all inquisitors are high approval, so it's kept vague.
you have to do this with the wolf's den too. i would've loved to have found more love letters, maybe drafts of 'notes from the inquisition' one that didn't make the final cut. but you can't have everything and honestly, i wouldn't expect to find them there if they were there. i'd expect to find them in the music room, because that's where all his pleasant memories are.
obviously we know that solas needed the anchor, but given how damaged it was by the time he got it back, it's really of no use to him. i think he quite likely anticipated this--remember he studied it during the inquisition too. he also didn't need to save the inquisitor's life or stop the dragon's breath. in fact, considering that the inquisition spends the next 8 years hunting him down, it would've made sense for him to neutralise them then and there. he enters a romanced lavellan's dreams, and we know he can kill people remotely via their dreams. why he didn't do it then?
the only real answer is that he essentially can't. he knows what he's doing is wrong, wisdom tells him he is wrong, but his guilt and attachment to the one who twisted him into pride (mythal) is what stops him from listening to it. he is too proud to admit that he's wrong. that's why he leaves clues for his friends to follow him, because he hopes that they can save him from himself. they changed everything for him. who, if not they, could change his heart once more?
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a-small-batch-of-dragons · 5 months ago
The Shadow Falcon | Hidden Depths
ik it’s only been a hour but i need a part two to the shadow falcon, cause im so invested ??!!!? also remus has got to explain why he was like yes beating him almost to death is what you do when you see your long lost brother for the first time in eight years – anon
Read on Ao3 Part 1
Warnings: descriptions of past presumed character death
Pairings: intrulogical
Word Count: 3713
The next time Roman wakes up, he's still sore, but mobile. He's just about to try and set his feet on the floor when the door swings open and in walks—yeah, no, he's still not quite wrapped his head around the fact that Logan Hoskins is a.) holding him prisoner, b.) not currently torturing him right now.
"None of that, now," the man in question tuts like a disapproving parent catching a sick child trying to get up, "you're nowhere near ready to do anything more than simple movements."
"Most would consider being able to get out of bed simple."
Logan just gives him a scolding look and crosses the room, setting his hands on his hips until Roman slinks back under the covers and props himself against the pillows. He rolls his eyes—still with that fond exasperation Roman can't quite figure out—and draws over a nearby chair, taking a seat next to the bed. "I'd ask if you needed anything, I'm fairly certain I know the answer. Some food is on its way."
"How generous of you."
He arches an eyebrow. "I am, in fact, being quite generous."
"I didn't say you weren't."
"I'd like to think there's enough mutual respect between us that you won't insult my intelligence by implying I don't understand inflections and tones of voice, thank you."
"Whatever you say."
And yet, Logan doesn't do anything more than lightly swat his less injured shoulder before leaning back and crossing one leg over the other. He tilts his head to the side and, try as he might, Roman can't suppress the small shudder that goes through him at the thought of being under that gaze, already injured. Judging by the way Logan's mouth quirks up just a bit, he may as well have shouted it for the world to hear.
"Remus really did a number on you, didn't he?"
Roman just shrugs. "I did say I didn't blame him."
"I'm pretty sure I said this too—"
"Yes, you feel responsible for his supposed death, and you'd take any sort of pain he inflicts on you as punishment in an attempt to alleviate your own guilt, I'm well aware—"
Wow. Okay. Didn't expect to be in the shrink's office this morning. Also, since when the hell did Logan Hoskins know enough about either of them to—?
Ah. Right. Remus works for him. Might have conveniently forgotten that little part. Does that send a new wave of fear and uncertainty through Roman's body? Perhaps.
"—but that doesn't explain everything."
He snaps himself back to the present. "Are you expecting me to explain everything to you now, then?"
Logan smiles. "See? Despite what you believe, you are capable of being reasonable."
"Didn't take this as your preferred venue for conversation, is all."
"I do mourn the days where one could have a nice cup of tea and a civilized interrogation, but we must adapt to our times. So…" And here he gestures for Roman to speak.
Roman takes a deep breath—or as deep as he can with his cracked rib—and lets it out slowly. "I'd tell you I wasn't expecting to see Remus at the Shadow Falcon, but I think you'd also take that as insult to your intelligence."
The corner of Logan's mouth quirks up again.
"I was on an unrelated mission. Seeing Remus again was…rattling. I wasn't prepared for the emotional consequences." He huffs. "And I also wasn't prepared for you, but—"
"That's not exactly uncommon."
"But accurate," Logan says lightly, "and you're dodging the question."
"What exactly do you want me to say? You already seem to know why I let Remus beat me up, what else do you want to know about it?"
"Why didn't you look for him?"
Roman scoffs and pays truly no attention to the protest of his ribs. "Now who's not operating at the same level of mutual respect?"
Logan tilts his head. "Your brother, your dear, departed brother, vanished in front of you and you didn't so much as look for him, I'm not sure—"
"Did he tell you that?" Roman shakes his head. "It's not true. I don't know what he's told you, but—"
"Careful, now," and just that, just that slightly icy tone has Roman right back in that room, hanging by his wrists, "let's not make this any more uncivilized."
"I'm telling you the truth. I don't know what he's told you—but I can probably guess, based on how you're treating me and how you treat him—"
"What would you know about how I treat him?"
Roman levels him with a glare. "I'd like for you not to insult my intelligence either."
There's a pause. The fans hidden in the ceiling momentarily kick on again. Logan taps his fingers on his knee until he sighs, uncrossing his legs and standing.
"Food will arrive momentarily. Do try and eat it, you'll need to regain your strength."
"Hey," Roman calls as he turns to go, "you haven't explained what you want from me yet."
Logan pauses, glancing over his shoulder with a hand on the doorknob. He smirks again. "What sort of interrogation would this be if I let you know precisely what I wanted?"
"The kind where the likelihood of you getting it increases because I'm not exactly in a position to do much of anything about it right now."
"Keep telling yourself that, little hero." Logan winks and disappears through the door.
Roman sighs, slumping back into the pillows. So. Still a hostage, still don't know what the hell is going on, still trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that Remus is alive.
Holy fuck, Remus is alive.
He forces himself to take deep, slow breaths, trying to keep the machines from going haywire and summoning who-knows-what back to his room to figure out what's going on. He'd done a pretty good job—okay, maybe a halfway decent job—at keeping his cool in front of Logan, he'll be damned if he fucks that up now.
He stares at the wall as he calms himself down, trying to figure out what to do next. HQ would know, no doubt, that he's missing by now, but he's not going to delude himself into thinking any of his trackers are still on him or even remotely near him.
So now he has to play the hostage game.
"Is he awake?"
Logan chuckles as he closes the door, coming to sit next to Remus at the breakfast bar, taking a cup of coffee with him. "Awake, back to his normal quip-throwing self, yes."
Logan eases himself onto the bar stool, sipping from the mug as he glances at Remus. He's sitting hunched forward, one hand tapping restlessly on the counter, the other fiddling with the nails on his thumb and index finger as he stares a hole into the stove top.
"You really did do a number on him," he says softly, trying to cross the distance between them.
"I know."
"Not that I don't understand why you did it, but was such a harsh treatment really necessary?"
"I had to be sure."
Logan huffs a laugh into his coffee. "Do his ribs break a certain way that only his brother would know? Are his bruises only formed in a pattern you can recognize?"
"Only Roman would be a big enough fucking idiot to let me beat the shit out of him and then be upset because he can't hug me when I'm done."
Just like that, the humor leaves the room as Logan places a comforting hand on Remus's shoulder. He lets out a shuddering breath and his eyes flutter closed, head tipping forward. After a moment, Logan's hand shifts to card gently through the hair at the nape of his neck. Remus's hand trembles slightly.
"Did you ask him?"
"I did."
"What did he say?"
"He asked me now who wasn't operating at the same level of mutual respect."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, dear."
"Can we find out?"
"I have people on it. We'll figure it out." Logan shifts to scratching lightly at his scalp. "You know, you could try asking him yourself. He's not seen you in a long time—"
"I know he hasn't seen me in a long time, that's the whole fucking point." Remus pulls himself away and paces up and down the length of the bar, twisting his fingers together. "I'm not fucking ready for him to just stare at me like the answer's fucking obvious when he just abandoned me to—"
"Shh, shh, darling, you'll work yourself up." Logan takes Remus's hands in his and gives them a squeeze, looping them around his neck. "I'm not saying you have to like what he says, or even that it'll be the truth."
"So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that Roman loves you enough to nearly dislocate his wrist trying to give you a cuddle after you cracked his ribs, perhaps he loves you enough to be honest with you too."
Remus looks at him for another long moment, before he sighs, tears hanging heavily behind his eyes. "I don't know if I can do this."
"You can," Logan coaxes, giving his hands another squeeze, "I know you can."
"What if it goes wrong?"
"Then we'll just kill him." Remus's head jerks up so quickly for a moment Logan frets he's hurt his neck, so still he may as well be a statue, and he chuckles. "I'm only teasing, dear."
"Don't fucking do that."
"I know, I know, that was in poor taste, I'm sorry." He cups Remus's cheeks and kisses his forehead. "I didn't mean it, you know I'd never have your brother killed. We'll just rough him up a little and throw him back to the kennels."
"He's stubborn."
"Believe me, I'm aware. That's a trait that runs in the family."
"He'll…he might not want to go back—I—it's just—"
Logan frowns when Remus keeps stumbling over his words. "It's alright, dear, say what it is you want to."
"I don't want to lose him again," comes the whisper, "and I don't know how to keep that from happening."
"That's what we're trying to do, isn't it?"
"But Roman never chooses this." He gestures around at the room, between them, at the little pin with Logan's calling card affixed to his lapel. "He's so fucking noble."
"Everyone has a weak point—I think it's been well established by now that you are our dear little hero's."
"That didn't stop him from abandoning me last time."
Logan sighs, stepping closer to pull Remus's face into the crook of his neck. He runs his fingers through his hair, the other smoothing up and down his back. Remus's hands curl hesitantly into the fabric at his sides. He hums an encouragement. Remus inches forward until their chests are flush together, breaths still stuttering just a little.
"You won't be alone," he whispers into Remus's ear, "never again, my dear. I'm right here, I won't leave you."
"You better promise."
"I promise, Remus." He pulls back just enough to kiss the tip of Remus's nose, now suspiciously red, and rest their foreheads together. "You're bound to me just as I am to you. Nothing short of death will change that."
"Then you'd better not fucking die either."
"That's what I have you for."
Remus laughs at the familiar joke, relaxing a little into Logan's hold. They stand there like that for a while, the soft music coming from the radio filtering the worst of the city's background noise. For a moment, they could be any other couple enjoying a quiet morning together, swaying in the kitchen, until Logan's phone buzzes and he regretfully pulls away.
"I have to go," he murmurs, "but I won't be gone long."
"Will you be there, when I talk to him?"
"Of course, my dear."
"Re?" Roman's head lifts slowly off the pillow, eyes widening as he sees Remus sitting on a chair next to the bed. "Remus!"
"Hey, Roro. You doing okay?"
"Little bumped and bruised, but yeah, I'm okay."
Remus snorts. "Okay, your gift for fucking understatement clearly hasn't gone anywhere."
"Yeah, well."
"That's not a fucking answer!" Roman just shrugs, grinning up at him until he shakes his head. "You're a bigger disaster than I thought."
Still, nothing quite hides the way their hands stutter for a moment as Remus pulls his from under the covers, tucking it under his chin again. He can feel Remus's pulse against the back of his hand, can feel the way his fingers are still callused, still worn, still alive. He lets out a shaky breath and Remus gives his hand a little squeeze.
"Aren't you two sweet?"
Roman jerks his head around as Logan comes in, taking a seat on the other side of the bed. He sets a glass of water on the nightstand and ruffles his hair. Remus huffs.
"Yeah, he's not really good at turning off the whole villain-jump-scare thing."
"I've noticed."
"Hush, the both of you." Still, he offers Roman a small wink before sitting back in the chair, seemingly content to let Remus…do whatever.
Wait a moment.
"Is this…the rest of the interrogation?"
Remus's grip tightens a little. "Yeah."
"I see." He's not going to let go of Remus's hand until Remus wants to, though, so he just takes a breath, tries to relax against the pillows and squeezes. "Well. What do you want from me?"
"Why didn't you look for me?"
Wow. Don't ease into it or anything. Though he supposes that little chat with Logan this morning might've counted. "What did Logan tell you?"
"Does it matter what Logan told me?" Remus glares at him. "Answer my fucking question."
"I thought you were dead, Remus, I couldn't—"
"So, what, they just told you I was dead and you bowed your head like a good little boy and said yes, sir? No fact checking, no nothing? Were you happy to be rid of me?"
Now, see, Roman was not, in fact, known for his ability to keep his emotions in check. So much so, in fact, that he's pretty sure there's a note in his file not to bring up his brother in any way, shape, or form. Said brother, of course, would be unaware of this fact, and so he gets treated to a very surprised expression on Remus's face when he yanks him forward by his collar.
"Don't you ever," Roman hisses, "say that again. I was not fucking happy to be rid of you, I almost fucking died trying to follow you. They locked me in a room with your fucking corpse, Remus, I was not fucking thrilled about that!"
"They did what?"
Roman makes himself take a deep breath. "That night. You went to train. Middle of the night they woke me up with a blaring alarm and forced me down to the cells. You were there."
"No, I fucking wasn't—"
"I know that now. But Re, you—" don't get stuck there, don't get stuck there, don't get stuck there— "there was so much blood. You were there. You looked—you were so hurt, I stayed there all night trying to do CPR to bring you back, even when I knew it was—they had to pull me off you and sedate me."
Remus is staring at him now, eyes wide with horror. Roman's breathing is too heavy. He's broken the cardinal rule of interrogations. He doesn't give a shit.
"I tore that fucking morgue apart when I couldn't find your body again. That body was you, Remus, they got everything right. Your birthmarks, your scars—"
"What do you mean, 'they got everything right?' What the fuck are you talking about?"
It's Roman's turn to pause. "You don't remember? That whole thing about the body duplicator?"
"The what now?"
Roman turns to glare at Logan, only to see him looking equally confused. He heaves a sigh and eases his grip on Remus's collar, wincing as he does so. "There was a rumor about duplicates going around. Victims turning up dead many times over. They were trying out this new hallucinogenic that made you see the body as someone else. Took everyone way too fucking long to realize the call was coming from inside the house."
Logan's eyes widen in recognition. Remus splutters. "Wait, wait, wait, what? Lo, what's he talking about?"
"The Director was replaced nearly a decade ago, a few months after your…disappearance," Logan says slowly, "but I had no idea he was…"
"A mad scientist plotting a sadistic takeover via emotional blackmail and murder?"
He looks back at Remus, who's staring at him in that lost way that he did before and oh, fuck, his brother's alive. "I never meant to abandon you, Re. I swear to god."
"Is this fucker still alive? You said he got replaced—who found him out?"
"Who do you think?"
Now Remus's eyes truly go wide. There's suddenly a lump in Roman's throat.
"Did you really think," he croaks, "that I'd let something like that just go? I thought he'd murdered my brother. I wasn't about to let him live."
"You killed someone. You killed the Director. You did that…for me?"
"Remus, the entire agency is different because of you," Roman says desperately, "the Director—the handlers, fuck, the training—I—you have to know I wasn't the only one fucking furious. There are so many safeguards in place, now, there's so many contingencies—you're the first name on the Wall of the Fallen in the facility garden, you—"
"The what?"
Don't cry. Don't fucking cry. "In…in the middle of that big garden, you know the one with the—with the fountain?"
"And the benches?"
"Yeah, that one. There's a, um…there's a monument to all the people we should've been able to save and couldn't—people who lost their lives in the line of duty or in service to the agency. I…might've thrown a fit when I learned that there wasn't any way to make sure you were remembered."
Well, fuck. He's made Remus cry. And that definitely means he's about to cry and this is the worst he's ever done in any interrogation ever and they're gonna rake him over the coals for this but he doesn't care because Remus just threw his arms around him and he's sobbing into his neck and he can actually hug back this time and he's—
If Logan has a problem with either of them bawling into each other like children, he doesn't say anything about it.
At least until Roman gets too exhausted to hold himself up and when Remus tries to lay on him, he accidentally lays right over the cracked rib.
"Easy, dear," Logan says softly, standing up to brace a hand on Remus's shoulder, "you'll hurt him like that. Come over to this side, yes, that's it, come lie down next to him over here."
Remus just crawls over Roman on the bed and flops down, arms around him again. Logan chuckles, but Roman doesn't give a shit. And wow, what sort of day is this turning into where he can afford to not give a shit about Logan Hoskins?
"I didn't know you were alive, Re."
"Yeah, you've made that pretty fucking clear." Remus wipes his nose and mashes his cheek against Roman's good shoulder. "I forgive you."
Oh, no.
"I think you've broken our little hero," he hears Logan say distantly with something that might be concern, but Roman's head is still ringing with those three little words.
I forgive you.
I forgive you.
"Oh, come here, you big sap," Remus grumbles with his voice all thick and they're cuddling again, Roman's hands shaking as he holds onto his brother.
"So," Roman says hoarsely when they've both cried themselves out, Remus dozing on his shoulder, "what now?"
Logan picks up the water and hands it to him. He manages a few sips before he has to give it back. He sets it back on the table and folds his hands. "Well, I believe we've reached a slight impasse."
"…where I want to go back, Remus wants to stay here, and we both can't deal with the idea of it?"
"Astute as always, little hero."
He looks at Logan. Really looks at him for a few seconds. "You know, I always thought the Director was awful before I really knew how much of a shit he was."
"I never wanted Remus to be in a room alone with him. I tried to stand between them. I tried to make sure he'd never get the chance to get at Remus without going through me."
"And I suppose you're regretting that you never had the chance to stand between me and him?"
He gets the distinct pleasure of catching Logan off guard. "Really?"
"You care about him. You actually do care about him. Am I thrilled about it? No—" Logan stifles a snort— "but you…you're not actually trying to hurt him."
"I could be."
"I thought we agreed not to insult each other's intelligence. No one leads with 'you don't know how he sleeps at night' and isn't holding onto first-hand knowledge of that. You weren't exactly being subtle."
Logan chuckles. "I suppose not."
Another pause. Remus snuffles in his sleep and Roman squeezes his hand just as Logan reaches forward to card his fingers through his hair.
"This is gonna be a big fucking mess, isn't it?"
"I'm sure we can work something out. What," he laughs when Roman eyes him, "I did say I was capable of being reasonable."
"What do you get out of this?"
"Aside from the potential of a very convincing deal between me and that pesky agency?"
He sighs, brushing his thumb over Remus's temple. "A chance to bring him some modicum of peace."
"I can work with that."
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cleolinda · 1 year ago
In which we try to do something with the Patreon
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I'm gonna try something tomorrow: the first of the month is when the Patreon billing cycle starts, so on Sunday (October 1st), I'll open a $5 level. (Right now I just have a $1 level with tumbleweed rolling by as a tip jar sort of thing.) There, you'll be able to see Effort Posts, you know, the essay-length things about vampires or perfume or music, or anything else that strikes me, early. At least 24 hours early, in a handy PDF file, and also, I can see if people like the piece before I post it here on Tumblr. Some personal pieces may stay Patreon-only, depending on the topic (do I want Tumblr at large commenting on my genealogical research? Probably not!), so there's also that. Similar things I've already posted are the Varney recaps, Donna Summer and Disco Demolition Night, Sparking Joy (Jean Patou, 1930), or my retelling of Tiny Moist Hand, so that's the kind of thing you'd see early.
That up there, in screenshot preview format, is a two-part (true) story called "I Grew Up in a Haunted House and I Didn't Notice"; it's about 5300 words all told. (Question: would you rather have the pdf in the larger font size, which I found easier to read on mobile, or the standard 12 pt, both shown above?)
After a day or so, I'll put the story here as two normal tumblr posts. So you will be able to see them here, but if you want to know how tf I could have been haunted and not known it and then my sister said I had it all wrong anyway, you can see it tomorrow on Patreon Dot Com Slash Cleolinda.
What I would also like to do is start posting weekend links as free/public posts on Sundays--kind of like a newsletter you can get whether you chip anything in or not. I'm more concerned with people knowing where I am while all these social media platforms crumble into the sea, honestly. I'll also archive some older posts as PDFs as well, although that might take a minute, so there'll be a back catalogue to browse.
As we go along, I'd like to see if I can either record some readings or just do short (under five minutes) voice posts, but I would also want to type up transcripts for those, so I need to get a feel for how much time that takes. I miss doing podcasts, although I deeply need to get a new headset. And some Throat Coat. I'm already looking over the two short Halloween stories from Livejournal that people mentioned, the ones I read aloud years ago; I'll repost those as we get further into October, and I have some posts about scary movies in the works. And you'd get those delivered to your inbox rather than them be solely awash on the waves of Tumblr.
Anyway, I'll reblog this tomorrow once the $5 level goes live, but I thought I'd get some feedback a bit in advance.
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i-mybrunettelady · 5 months ago
im enjoying playing guardian again after not playing it for a long time— also having brainrot about nyra at the same time (i’ve been reading through her tag a bit 👀). so i have questions im curious about
maybe i need to read about her more, if you’ve already talked about this, but how did nyra’s guardian powers manifest? did she always have them since she was young?
& how did they develop over time? did her powers adapt with her as she traveled (like how you got a new elite specialization in each expansion)? is there anything unique with her guardian powers that other guardians don’t have?
omg hiiiiiii
i am so !! that you like my girl!! thank you!!! i'm so glad we are all unwell about her, actually, and i get very emo whenever people tell me they like her ;;; she's my dottir! and i'm so happy you're enjoying guardian!! if you ever have any questions for it (sans wb which i don't really play) my dms and inbox are open <3
a lot of my guardian nyra hcs and lore are like. old content almost and live in my head and i don't talk about them as much here, which i probably should since they're due for a review/revision. a few core things remain:
she was a magical late bloomer; humans generally are, seeing as they're not originally from tyria, but she was a late bloomer even for human standards. she got her magic at 15. i wrote some of it here for my commander week prompt!
she is a firebrand/dragonhunter mix in canon. her starter abilities resemble dragonhunter moreso than base guardian. she doesn't use firebrand tomes but she uses the mantras, and she doesn't have blue guardian fire. she doesn't use dragonhunter bow (even if i use it mechanically for her build.)
she can use light to transform it into physical objects.
her weapon pipeline goes like this: hammer (PS to HoT) -> staff (HoT - EoD) -> polearms/spear (SotO, JW and onward) + a crystalline weapon called Lightbringer that she can shape to be whatever she wants it to be, a gift from Aurene.
her powers progression is less tied to elites and more tied to her magical usage i'd say. in PS she's only had her magic for about four years, enough to know basics of how to operate it, but not enough to be the caster she will become in the future. we're talking spirit weapons as aids to her melee, hammer attacks. when mordremoth gave her her shoulder scar, she had to switch to staff because wielding a hammer with a badly healed shoulder is unattainable, and her magical abilities developed further.
during her time in elona, she spent some of it in the company of roni gehianu, who she got the knowledge of mantras from that help her to this day! i give little nods to this in my writing sometimes when i describe her making a motion and being suddenly calmer than she'd been before, for example, so she gave them day-to-day usage as well. by season 4 she developed her own blend of guardian that she technically is to this day :)
in cantha she never really took to willbender. she took notes on willbenders' mobility, which help with her spear fighting, but never quite leaned into that part of her training fully. this might change if i give wb another shot and i see if i like it, but for now, she isn't a willbender.
i will also add that if she wasn't a guardian at all, she'd be a warrior, and a spellbreaker at that, because her magical proficiency could've also been inverted and become an ability to repel magic. for an awesome exploration of this idea that i don't think i'll do well bc i'm too attached to guardian!nyra, look no further than Wayfarer, an amazing high fantasy interactive fiction novel that is legit one of my fav pieces of media of all time. Anyways.
thank you for dropping by and for dropping this question! i'm always down to talk abt my girl and abt guardian and like. get my brainrot constantly enabled further <3
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inkybloom-luv · 2 years ago
Words Unsaid
I'd like to say that when I first met you I fell for you instantly and I knew. But I didn't know. And it wasn't even a meet. I saw you at orientation first, trying your damnedest to put out the fire breathed out by the stupid mage cat that had tried to steal my spot as a student, not that I really knew what was going on at the time, that had somehow spread to your Housewarden's robes.
I didn't have much time to look at you then, frantically trying to avoid the chaos and near frozen by fear and confusion. But even in that you looked gorgeous. I blamed it on the lighting at the time, running to catch up with the grey and blue creature.
The second time I saw you was after I'd been enrolled for a while, chaos seemed to follow me as I adjusted to everything. By then I'd had to replace my glasses, not that I think the headmage intended to replace them until I had begged Riddle to bring it up with him, as I could hardly see any board or far from me and using my phone camera only did so much. I must've looked weird to you. I was staring, I know, but I could not help it, even if I was supposed to ask about your, albeit not as severe but incredibly inconvenient, injury that would keep you from participating in the spelldrive tournament.
I couldn't tear my eyes away from you then, unable to find any excuse for such behaviour even now. Only then did I learn your name, Jamil Viper. Had I known that name would haunt my every waking thought, I would not have asked it. Your hair looked so lovely that day. And the accessories you wore, I wondered if they'd look good on me, if I could watch you do your hair up.
I saw you play basketball the other day. I was sent to the school Gym to help do maintenance on the equipment. You had your club activities supervised by coach Vargas at the time, seeing as I was also there. Unbeknownst to you, the band on your uniform that you wear around your arm had fallen in the cafeteria in the lunch period before. I noticed and picked it up, sure enough that I would see you and return it eventually.
When I actually saw you there I stared again, as one with a crush does, I guess. You take my breath away. Coach Vargas yelled in my ear on accident, which embarrassingly made me flinch and cower. I have not gotten over loud noises, but I don't think I need to. God I still hope you didn't see that. But you might've.
Somehow I actually managed to talk to you and return the armband. Told you I liked the way your hair was up, that you looked cool playing basketball. I wish I could've kept talking but really, I probably only would have embarrassed myself. If you knew how red my cheeks were, how hot they felt after I'd gone out of sight. I'm sure you'd laugh at me. But I can't help myself, not when my heart threatens to break my ribcage when I so much as think about you. Your eyes are gorgeous too. Can't believe I never noticed them, but I don't look people in the eyes when speaking all that much.
Your eyes though, your eyes I adore. They are endlessly beautiful to me. They ensnare me, hold my attention, I can't look waya no matter how much I try, not that I want to though.
Not that you're ever going to read this. I'm going to hide this away later. I just had to get my thoughts out. But I, Inky, do adore you. Moreso than I have anyone before. But I won't call it love. I don't think I'd be worth that yet. Maybe one day, Jamil, maybe one day I will be worthy of calling you my love. Until then, I do hope you don't think I'm too weird.
I've got to leave it here though, the damned bird is calling me in again, for no reason I bet. My allowance better get higher, lest I go nuts here.
Aaand here we have my Yuu-sona being down bad for the snake man. In case of terrible formatting, I am, in fact, on mobile. Might make more depending on how well this goes over but I hope it's not too obvious that this is my first writing piece,,, ya. Hope y'all enjoy! <3
Can be read as x reader, it's only my Yuu-sona, feel free to change the name in y'alls lil delulu heads cause me too<3
716 words
Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5
Part 6 Part 7
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 months ago
170 of 2024
What would you do if right now the love of your life walked in and asked you to marry him/her?
It already happened a few years ago.
Do you trust your friends?
Yeah. Otherwise I wouldn't even bother to call them friends.
Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
I kinda did it already, too.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Yes, but also our own actions bring consequences.
Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?
Mistreatment and abuse.
Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor?
Nielsje would be the best psychologist/therapist for sure, but I'm not sure about who would be the best doctor.
Are you afraid of falling in love?
No, but I'm not prone to it.
Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times?
Yeah, a lot of people. Mostly this little train dude. I still think about him.
Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?
No. Friends are friends.
When was the last time you flew in a plane?
What did the last text message you sent say?
I don't remember, probably something about my cat.
What features do you find most attractive in your preferred sex?
Eyes and voices.
Fill in the blank. I like _ .
When everything goes just right.
What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
Read more books. I love reading, but I haven't had much time in 2024.
If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extensive time who would you call?
Well, I was in coma before and when I woke up, calling people or even using my phone was one of the last things In was thinking about. Plus, the longer you are in coma, the less chance you have to come back to full mobility and such.
How many kids do you want to have?
None. One adult stepson is pretty much enough.
Would you make a good parent?
I know I would make a good uncle, but a father? I don't think so, somehow.
Where was/were your ID picture(s) taken?
Probably in the studio.
What is your middle name?
Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
The song I'm listening to right now. This one, specifically.
Shoe size?
42 in EU.
What are you wearing right now?
Red hoodie and cargo pants, nothing unusual.
Righty or Lefty?
Well, I used to be left-handed, but since my left hand lost some function, I had no other choice lol.
Can you make a dollar in change right now?
Not really. Not to mention that the currency where I live is euros.
Best place to eat?
Chinese Wok in Bruges.
Favorite pair of jeans you own?
All my cargos, no question.
Favorite animal?
Cat, cheetah, elephant, rabbit, some birds. I love cheetahs because they meow and purr, just like their domestic cousins.
Favorite juice?
100% apple and orange, but without pulp.
Have you had the chicken pox?
Yeah, when I was six or something.
Have you had a sore throat?
Too many times. I have chronic tonsillitis.
Who knows you the best?
I think my husband and a couple of friends.
Do you get along with your family?
Most of them, yes. Best with my dad and sister.
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
Glasses. I'm really nearsighted and I can't wear lenses because my eyes are always irritated and dry.
Ever been in a fight with your pet?
...wut. How can you fight with your pet at all.
Been to Mexico?
Never in my life, but I'd love to.
Did you buy something today?
No, but I have three packages to pick up.
Did you get sick today?
No, I didn't.
Did you miss someone today?
My parents. We just came back from their place last Sunday.
Did you get in a fight with someone today?
No, I didn't.
When is the last time you had a massage?
Thursday before I left to my parents, from my physiotherapist.
Last person to lay in your bed?
My husband, but surprise, we actually share a bed.
Last person to see you cry?
Probably my cat. Yes, she counts as a person.
Who made you cry?
People don't make me cry. It must have been a situation.
What was the last TV show you watched?
Some Polish sitcom, old episodes.
What are your plans for the weekend?
Football tournament at Sunday.
Who do you think will repost this?
Anyone and everyone is welcome to do it. I love reading other people's answers.
Name of the person you got this from.
I found it probably on DeviantArt lol.
Are you happy?
95% of time, I am.
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raywritesthings · 2 years ago
For the character meme if you're still doing it...
MASH: Trapper, BJ, Hawkeye
DW: Ninth doctor, tenth doctor
FMA: Alphonse Elric
Sorry this took so long! Have family in atm so I've only been using mobile lately. Here goes--
First impression: I saw MASH out of order, starting with season 4 (not because of any particular bias, my dad just wanted to introduce us kids to the show and saw the season 4 DVD boxset first at the store), so my first impression of Trapper was the whole "Trapper's gone" sequence between Radar and Hawkeye. I think kid me didn't really fully understand that there were prior seasons of MASH, so I didn't think about Trapper all that much given there's virtually no mentions of him after that episode. Ironically, I probably pictured him in my head looking more like the Elliot Gould version than Wayne Rogers, idk why because as far as I was concerned he was just an entirely offscreen presence.
Impression now: Definitely glad I ended up going back to watch the earlier seasons once I realized they did, in fact, exist because Trapper's easily become a fave. Most of it is just down to Wayne's performance more than anything, plus his chemistry with Alan Alda's Hawkeye is unmatched. I know some people wish that Wayne had stuck around for the later seasons, and in a sense I get that desire in terms of wanting more time with his character, but I also just like what we got with him and kind of worry how the later seasons might've tried to "deconstruct" his character or give him and Hawkeye more conflict or something that would've felt OOC to who we know him as.
Favorite moment: Man, this is hard, but I think I might choose the second-to-last scene of "Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde" where up until the general arrives and goes into the latrine, Trapper's been trying to stop Hawkeye's sleep-deprived shenanigans, but as soon as the general goes in he just steps back and watches it all play out even as Radar's still desperately trying to avert disaster. Trapper's laugh is just so joyful as he watches Hawkeye tow the latrine away with Clayton inside, and I think in some ways it's a moment that says a lot about who Trapper is without necessarily intending to be a statement piece on his character.
Idea for a story: I lowkey want to write an AU where, after the events of "Preventative Medicine", Hawkeye pens a sort of pretend letter to Trapper expressing how alone he sort of feels in his defiance of the army these days with no intent of ever sending it (sort of like Sidney's pretend letter to Freud), only for it to end up getting picked up by Radar or Klinger by accident and sent out. Receiving the letter prompts Trapper to write back, they reconnect... I don't have much of an idea of what happens after that or even if it really works, but it's something I've had turning around in my brain after reading some of @marley-manson's posts on the episode in question.
Unpopular opinion: I guess my unpopular opinion was probably expressed above, which is that I'm not sure Trapper's character would've survived intact with the shift in perspective of the later seasons. It's not that I think Wayne wouldn't have turned in a good performance, I just don't know that it could have been recognizably "Trapper" in a way.
Favorite relationship: I mean if anyone answers anything besides Hawkeye, I'd be shocked. Like I like some of his dynamics with the other characters for sure and wouldn't have minded seeing them explored more, but as far as what's on the screen his relationship with Hawkeye is just kind of the whole point.
Favorite headcanon: I definitely like the ex-Catholic headcanon I think you and some others have, as I especially think it adds an interesting layer to any of his interactions with Mulcahy. I also enjoy the headcanon that he and Charles somehow end up working at the same hospital after the war and realize they know some of the same people (and then Charles' anguish if Hawkeye ever comes for a visit to realize that "Oh God, there's two of them").
First impression: Given I started with s4 and it was all I had access to for a number of years, my impression of BJ was fairly positive. He's kind of just a Good Dude that season, and to a kid he worked well enough as someone for Hawkeye to bounce jokes off of. I sympathized with his being separated from his daughter, and I thought moments like where he tells Radar it's okay to cry were very sweet. I still think those things, actually.
Impression now: Nowadays, I find BJ a very fascinating character to look at from the lens of deconstruction (unlike Trapper). How war peels back the layers of Mr. Right to find a very flawed, very human man underneath, with all the good and ill that entails. It's funny because as I said when I first watched, I thought his and Hawk's double act worked fine, but I feel a little bad for him and Mike Farrell after having watched the early seasons because it just does not compare to the Piercintyre duo. Whereas I could easily see an AU where Hawkeye and Trapper met outside the war and became friends, I don't get that vibe with Hawk and Beej; their relationship exists purely because of the war. I can't say I necessarily like the person BJ became over time at the 4077th, but I still sympathize with what he went through and find him interesting to examine.
Favorite moment: I'm really not sure, honestly, because the later moments that I find interesting about his character aren't necessarily BJ at his best. Honestly, I think it might be that scene with Radar I mentioned above, because I think it shows that he is much more emotionally aware than the popular tumblr depiction of him.
Idea for a story: I floated this thought in the tags of a post I made about him and Frank recently, but I kind of want to know what effect there would be on the characters and relationships had BJ arrived in Korea without the Hawkeye Welcome Wagon there to meet him (like say Hawkeye doesn't arrive back in camp until that night rather than in the morning before Radar leaves to drive to Kimpo). How does this impact BJ's impressions of everybody else, and how long does it take him and Hawkeye to become friends, plus what's that one week under Frank's command look like in this version?
Unpopular opinion: I'm not really sure what counts as an unpopular opinion because the Beejgirls seem to take it as a badge of honor that he can be kind of a bad friend sometimes, but I guess what I'll say is that while Hawkeye was essential to helping BJ make it through the war, I kinda think the opposite is true in reverse. I don't think BJ needed to be some kind of yes man to Hawkeye, but man he really does love to just not be emotionally available for his best friend in the whole world and also gets his jollies out of playing mind games on him semi-regularly. And unlike writer/director Alan Alda, I don't really think Hawk deserved it most of the time.
Favorite relationship: That's a tough one, because I know it's not Hawkeye for me, but I also don't know who it is.
Favorite headcanon: I think he had one of the hardest times readjusting to life back home because he'd built it up so much in his head that any little deviation from the fantasy would be a let-down. I think he'd eventually get over this, but it would be a pretty serious stumbling block.
First impression: the whole sequence with him riding up in the rickshaw and defying Frank's military precision was very funny to child me, and then the scene in the showers immediately shows you that this guy isn't just about the laughs. He has things and people he cares about, and he can be hurt, and he can work really hard to try and get the things he wants. If he doesn't succeed, then he'll just keep working hard to make everything better for the people around him. A+ character introduction, I was hooked, +1 role model and Guy I Like To Project Onto acquired.
Impression now: Honestly? Largely hasn't changed. He's still a great character, and I still aspire to have his quick and sharp wit. Obviously there's a lot to it that child me overlooked, and there's certainly moments where I don't like something he says or does, but that's part of what makes him 3-dimensional, and it's also unavoidable in a show that old.
Favorite moment: This is a frankly impossible question for this character. I can't even pick out a favorite speech. I guess I'll just say the Yankee Doodle Doctor film for managing to capture both extremes of his character in a few short minutes.
Idea for a story: My ideas for Trapper and BJ are also just ideas for Hawkeye, because that's just kind of how MASH works. Even when it's about someone else, it's about Hawkeye.
Unpopular opinion: I prefer the earlier seasons when Hawkeye's rebellions worked and achieved even little victories here and there, where his character was certainly critiqued but it wasn't like a half-hour of self-flagellation, and while the camp could at times find him irritating they also worked with him to pull off the hijinks. They're just more fun (and the satire more biting), and MASH is best when it's a comedy.
Favorite relationship: Early seasons? Trapper. Later seasons? Margaret.
Favorite headcanon: 70s Middle-Aged Vietnam War Protester Hawkeye, My Beloved
Ninth Doctor
First impression: I also watched DW out of order, so I just kind of was vaguely aware of Nine as the guy the new episodes were started with. He seemed kind of broody, wasn't really sure what else to think of him because I had almost no information. The post-series 1 RTD Era kind of almost does their best to make you forget he even was there? Like why does the Doctor-obsessed fan club in series 2 only have photos of Ten?
Impression now: He's a great Doctor, and I really should get around to finishing his series instead of picking and choosing episodes to check out (I'm just struggling to work myself up to watching the farting aliens one, I'm sorry). From what I can tell, Christopher Eccleston was going through a rough patch while making the series and had additional disagreements with the producers that contributed to him leaving early, so while I understand a lot of people wish he'd gotten more time, I also wouldn't have wanted him to keep making it while he was miserable. I'm glad he's getting to do new stories for Big Finish and seemingly enjoying it.
Favorite moment: I mean for me it has to be "Just this once, everybody lives!", Eccleston's joy there is so pure and palpable.
Idea for a story: Honestly don't really have one.
Unpopular opinion: He was the right Doctor for Rose and she the right companion for him, and it all went downhill for that duo after he regenerated. Although idk if that's actually an unpopular opinion amongst Nine fans. Oh, here's an unpopular opinion for those who like Nine: the way he treated Mickey was cruel and there was no real reason for it, and he should have apologized.
Favorite relationship: It kind of has to be Rose by default, right? Although I'm to this day fascinated by whatever he and Jack had going on...
Favorite headcanon: I don't really have one of these, either. Unless we're talking about the AU in my head where everything's the same except he and Rose aren't awful to Mickey for literally no reason...
Tenth Doctor
First impression: Again, because I watched out of order, Ten was my second Doctor (after watching series 5 and 6 with Eleven), but the friend who introduced me to the show did not really care for Rose and had me start on "The Runaway Bride" instead. I then chose to skip to the rest of Donna's episodes since I was aware she became a full-time companion later and had a great time. He was kind of a bit too broody at times for my taste, but Donna was there to keep it from dragging out. He could be hypocritical, but it was an interesting and expected flaw for a character that old and varied, and I'd already grown to expect the Doctor to be deep in the moral ambiguity. He was never my favorite, but I found series 4 enjoyable (until the end, anyway).
Impression now: Hoo boy, is this one a doozy. Well, first off, I still really enjoy Ten and Donna's episodes. But it's all kind of downhill from there. After finishing Donna's episodes and the specials, I went back to series 3 with Martha. And because I love Martha... I can't really stand Ten for that entire series. It's the Mickey problem x3000. And because I knew what an awful person he was going to be to Martha, I couldn't ever get into enjoying him and Rose in series 2 when I went back to watch that knowing what it all was leading to. And also because they were both treating Mickey like crap still during it. I think that Ten is a fascinating character with a lot of depth and darkness to him that the narrative is sorta aware of but doesn't want to explore meaningfully enough until basically the last minute in the specials. There's a lot of cut moments and storylines that could have made this better and at least left me appreciating what RTD was trying to do, but... they're cut. So what we're left with is a guy who's mean to like half of his friends for very little cause (and when that half is made up of two Black characters and one queer character while the other half are all white and straight), and who causes most of his own problems (his and Rose's attitudes leading to Queen Victoria forming Torchwood -> Torchwood finds the breach at Canary Wharf and makes it bigger -> the Doctor and Rose have to intervene and get separated VS. the Doctor deposes Harriet Jones -> the Master steps into the power vacuum caused by Ten changing the timeline -> The Year That Never Was happens and puts Martha, her family, and Jack all through hell Fight!), and who very rarely gets called out on most of this in a way that sticks.
Favorite moment: Can't think of a specific one right now, but it probably involves Donna somehow.
Idea for a story: I wrote a ton of Ten/Donna stories a number of years back and kind of burned myself out on it (plus the general negativity of RTD fans towards the newer eras killed some of my enjoyment of that era in reverse), but maybe I'll get around to writing more for them someday. Or maybe just something where Martha gets to be awesome instead.
Unpopular opinion: He and "Fourteen" are the same guy, and RTD will never convince me otherwise.
Favorite relationship: Donna's the only person I can really tolerate him with, her and Wilf really, so that seems to be my answer. Good thing they're in the upcoming specials! All joking aside, whether you see it as platonic or romantic, he and Donna just had the best dynamic, and in RTD's own words it was the most "equal" partnership the Tenth Doctor had. Which just makes me feel bad for Rose and Martha, honestly, but... it definitely comes across that way in the show to me.
Favorite headcanon: I think he often knows his behavior is in the wrong but is one of those people who refuses to apologize for anything and instead just withdraws from the people he hurt to punish himself... which is again sorta an interesting character choice but unaddressed or uncritiqued just makes me think he kind of deserves to be alone, yeah.
First impression: First read this series in high school, so it was probably "Wow, this guy and his brother are so cool, but their story's so sad! I hope they get their bodies back!"
Impression now: Wow, this guy and his brother are so cool, and they've gone through some really sad stuff! I'm so glad they got their bodies (mostly) back!" For Al specifically, he's so great. Both the nicest but the sassiest mf you will ever meet. His and Ed's brotherhood is Best of All Time, even and especially when he's being a little shit to his big bro.
Favorite moment: Nothing makes me laugh harder when the Elric Bros are telling Mustang to leave the forest where Gluttony is, because you expect it from Ed but Al's just so mean to Roy there, it's hysterical.
Idea for a story: Nothing comes to mind at the moment because I just love the original story so much it's hard to know what I'd add!
Unpopular opinion: I don't like Al/Mei and kinda find Mei's reasons for switching her crush from one brother to the other to be extremely shallow. I'd prefer if they got to know each other better as they grew up but just remained friends.
Favorite relationship: If the answer to this is anything but Ed (and vice versa) it's Wrong.
Favorite headcanon: I think Al both loves and resents Ed for trying to take on so much as the older brother.
So yeah, this one is probably a bit all over the place, and I'm fairly certain we won't see eye-to-eye on everything here, but I hope you find my answers interesting at least!
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kxmikomrade · 2 years ago
oh ho ho
why hello there
I just read through a bunch of the stuff you have about yourself, and now you have to deal with me <3
so first of all: i saw that you really liked blue period, and I was wondering how you'd recommend it? I keep on wanting to watch it but my mind goes "but you have this thing" and "what about the other three animes you're watching" but who cares! It looks really pretty tho. Also me and my partner are going to watch Bungo Stray Dogs together (eventually-) bc it's his favorite anime lol.
ok next point: WATERMELON IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS I LOVE WATERMELON. MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM IS THE BEST. and i agree, winter and autumn are the best seasons. rain. rain is nice :).
third and i think final thing: you're learning japanese, you say? ok, i have a few questions for you. what are you learning it on? (i'm learning it on the demon bird app, aka duolingo). what words have you learned? what do you know about the grammar/word structure? and the scary one: have you started learning the terror that is katakana? (if no, it's just another alphabet with the same order and sounds, except different characters. i hate katakana :,>) because i can't type in japanese on my chromebook, i'll just use the romanji. But expect me to send you random hiragana and have you say what it is!
Kimu-san, yahho! Anata ga kakkoii to karai desu yo! (i promise you it's a compliment <3)
try to tell me what that means, and expect more random japanese in your future :)
anyways have a lovely day byeee <3
when i saw the 'oh ho ho' i heard french venti LMAOOO 💀💀
omg new moot guys NEW MOOT !! u match my vibe so <3
BLUE PERIOD IS SO SHHEHEHEHHE esp if ur an artist like myself, it gives u a different and probably more professional view of art ^^ For wat i like abt it, i'd say da characters and how theyre written. The main character is pretty relatable. Theres another character who has family issues and may be trans (or genderfluid? it isnt confirmed but she was born male, currently dresses feminine and hates it when people uses her dead name). Another one who was born a 'Genius' but doesnt really understand art, hes only doing it bcs its basically wat he can only do. Another character who'm gets compared to her older sister and so on. Even minor characters have well written stories I suggest u watch da anime THEN read da manga from da beginning :>> Sanaol may partner- jkjk ur prob fil but imagien having a partner 😭 my lonely ass could never U SHOULDD WATCH BSD!! I LOVEEE DA ENDINGS ITS SUCH A VIBE AND DA OPS R BANGERS UGH THE CHARACTER DESIGNS AND PLOT I WANNA 👊 ITS INTERESTING BUT I SUGGEST ALSO READING THE MANGA FROM THE BEGINNING SINCE THE ANIME SKIPS ALOT OF THINGS AND IT MIGHT GET U CONFUSED 😭😭 Also, hes so true for that, hes DEF a keeper 💪 unless hes a mori/fukuchi stan then ew no
Im currently just memorizing da basics; hiragana and katakana before i continue off where i left off in grammar and vocab (i'll most likely start over since its been arounf half a year and i have goldfish memory 🥲) Ive already memorized hiragana, now im going with katakana but im focusing on art lately since i just got my stylus back so im prob not gonna do it for awhile but i'll try to before may >:DD I currently only use 'Write it Japanese!' app on mobile, its REALLY useful, idk anything to help with grammar but my jp speaking friend recommends da book 'Minna no nihongo'. She used to be my jp study buddy but shes been VERY busy with uni lately so :'''D AND YES BBG (can i call u dat??) LETS PRACTICE TOGETHER <33 tbh it would be better if we use hiragana/katakana/kanji (i literally dont know kanji SOBS) since it helps us learn!! AND DAT WOULD BE FUNN
From just my understanding: 'Kim-san, Yahoo/hello! Youre a cool person [smth smth]'
from google: 'Kimu, Yahoo! It hurts to think you're cool' (pls get ur shit together google 😭😭i couldnt call my friends bitches lovingly bcs of u)
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theirunspokentales · 2 months ago
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#theirunspokentales! - an independent oc mumu writing blog that's selective and mutuals only. low to medium activity, mostly queue-based, mature themes present. multi - verse , multi - fandom , & oc friendly ! especially female ocs ! MINORS AND PERSONALS DO NOT INTERACT.
this is a side-blog ! all follow backs will come from paralyziingfears.
let's get down to the personal stuff! you can call me rapookie! i'm 29 years old, in the GMT-7 timezone. i work with coffee, have three cats, an unhealthy car and redbull obsession, a mom to a wonderful boy and soon to be little girl, and in a relationship with the best golden retriever boy that a black cat girl can ask for! DRAFTS: 0 / INBOX: 0 / QUEUE: 0 / open for plotting. / UPDATED: -
you can assume that all basic rp guidelines are applicable! such as: no godmod, no hate/ooc drama, use proper grammar, don't rush replies/force ships, don't steal content, mun does not equal muse, and i only like to write with 21 and above! i'm also a big lover of novella and para rps, but short para and one-liners can be fun too! want to write? my inbox/dms or sending ask memes is the best icebreaker! under the cut is an extended list of my guidelines!
ᴮᴸᴼᴳᴿᴼᴸᴸ .
001. canon muses blog the hub of this side-blog ( @paralyziingfears. ) 002. oc werewolf pack established in 2012 ( @jacksonspack. ) 003. tristan original vampire oc ( @sinisterhearted. ) 004. wesley wyndam-pryce angel the series ( @paidthepryce. ) 005. landon carter original character ( @littlerockrunaway. )
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to be added.
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ᵐᵘˢᵉ ˡⁱˢᵗ & ᵍᵘⁱᵈᵉˡⁱⁿᵉˢ . ᵃˢᵏ ᵖʳᵒᵐᵖᵗˢ . ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵖˡᵒᵗˢ .
ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗˢ .
graphics made by me. psd is by calirph.
ᵍᵘⁱᵈᵉˡⁱⁿᵉˢ .
001. GENERAL. general roleplay etiquette applies to this blog: no god-modding, cut your posts, reblog from the source, no hate or bullying will be tolerated, use proper grammar (there's an exception if english isn't your first language of course), don't rush for replies ic or ooc, don't steal content, mun does not equal muse. i like to only write with 21 years old or above. nsfw & triggers will be present on this blog but will be tagged properly! 002. SELECTIVITY. i am mostly mutuals only and semi-selective. i will post opens that are sometimes open to non-mutuals in search of new partners! generally, only approach if we are mutuals, please. 003. MEMES AND STARTER CALLS. memes and starter calls are for mutuals only. same goes for private dms or asking for my discord. if an open starter is posted, please search for a label that indicates that it is open to non-mutuals. 004. PLOTTING. i absolutely love plotting! mutuals are more than welcome to message me in the dms or ask for my discord so we can plot out dynamics or general story ideas! i'm open to most things: horror, fluff, angst, romance, dark romance, toxic, supernatural, violence, slice of life ... pretty much anything! the things i'm not open to are the general not okay things: no incest, no animal abuse, no rape/non-con, nothing inappropriately involving children. if you aren't sure i'm not open, just ask. no harm in asking! 005. FORMATTING. i don't do too much fancy formatting. i use small text with some bold or italics, maybe change color of the words. if you have a hard time reading my replies, please let me know and i will keep it basic for you! 006. WRITING SPEED. i'm not the fastest person when it comes to replies. please always be patient with me and you will always have patience from me as well! messages or writing replies! i utilize the queue a lot and consider myself a medium to low activity writing blog. i have a busy personal life: being a mother, full-time job, and have family obligations. i try to be here when i can. my speed does not reflect how i feel about my partner's plots/dynamics! 007. MAINS. i'm open to mains and exclusives! if we write and plot consistently together and chat ooc, i'd love to be mains! just approach me about it! it's unlikely i will say no. 008. SHIPPING. i love shipping! all different kinds of romantic dynamics i'm definitely open to. not only romance but other dynamics as well: enemies, best friends, siblings, allies, co-workers, etc! i'm open to any and all! 009. TRIGGERS. triggers include but not limited to: violence, blood, pregnancy, depression, drugs, alcohol, sex, abuse ... everything will be tagged. if there is something i haven't tagged, please let me know and i'm happy to fix it.
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coppermarigolds · 5 months ago
DYW Letter
Hi, Yuletide writer! Apologies for the delay in getting this letter complete. Thank you for your patience, and for whatever you write this year! (I am also perfectly happy to receive treats.) Here are a few notes on my fic preferences:
What I like: Genre-wise, pretty much anything goes–angst, romance, fluff, humor, etc. I love fics that dig into characters’ heads: what they’re thinking and feeling, what drives them, how they interact and react to the world and the people around them, and so on. I also love female characters being awesome. That doesn’t have to mean being physically kickass, either. It could be anything from a witty line of banter to a thoughtful conversation to a creative problem-solving method, just to scratch the surface. I particularly enjoy female characters being assertive and taking charge in romantic relationships. Smut is very welcome, though I typically don’t read anything more hardcore than some light bondage–please no watersports, etc.
What I’m not so into: Rape/non-con is my biggest DNW. I would prefer for character death to be avoided if possible, unless the story deals with the ramifications of a canonical character death. Also, while I’m fine with an angsty story, I tend to avoid fiction that goes full-throttle bleak and hopeless. Angst with a happy–or at least hopeful–ending is much more my jam. Finally, if writing smut, please avoid anything with a female character being dominated by a male character. (Femdom, on the other hand, is encouraged!)
Merge Mansion "What's Grandma Hiding?" Ads, Tim Rockford
Admittedly, I requested this because I love me some Pedro Pascal, especially in that tight white shirt. However, I'm also addicted to the mobile game itself, and am fully up-to-date on the story there, so feel free to include characters and/or story elements from the game as well if you want. But as far as Rockford goes, feel free to take him and his story in any direction you please! Is he a good guy who genuinely wants to solve crimes, or a shady cop who collaborates with bad guys (or somewhere in between)? Does he have a partner/kids at home? (I am, of course, fully here for single-dad-Pedro a la Mandalorian or TLOU if you choose to go in that direction.) How does his job affect his personal life, and vice versa? What's his backstory, and why/how did he get into police work? As far as the mansion-related crimes and mysteries, feel free to go in any direction you want there, as well. I love mysteries of all kinds, so you basically can't go wrong (aside from, as mentioned in my DNWs, no rapes please).
Midnight Mass, Warren Flynn, Leeza Scarborough
I found the ending of this show to be absolutely perfect, and yet I also really want to know what happens next for these two sole survivors. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be a teenager and lose not only your parents, but your entire home and community–and to be unable to talk about it with anyone, because how do you say, “the entire population of my hometown got turned into vampires and burned alive?” In a very real sense, all these two have is each other. How do they explain to the authorities what happened? Are they detained, or at least under suspicion, and how does that turn out? Are they able to stay together, or at least in contact, after the fact, or do they get shuffled off to relatives or foster care? If they do get separated, do they meet up again years down the line? Do they get together/stay together romantically? There’s so much potential to dig into here, and I’d love a story about any or all of it!
Star Wars: The Acolyte, Jecki Lon
I love Jecki and was gutted when she died in canon, so I'd love a story where that just...didn't happen, lol. You could reimagine the rest of the canon events with Jecki surviving, or take the story in a whole different direction. Or, if you prefer to remain canon-compliant, that's fine too! I'd be equally happy with a story set in her past prior to the events of the show, which we of course know very little about. I'm a big fan of mission-fics, if you wanted to write a story about her going on Jedi adventures, with or without other characters. If you want to include other characters, I'd be particularly interested in something focusing on her master/apprentice relationship with Sol, diving deeper into what he's like as a master and how Jecki responds to his methods. I'm especially curious about how he would have approached being a master to another young female Padawan after his fraught experiences with Osha, and how that would have affected Jecki, especially once Osha comes back into the picture. I also love Yord and his relationships with Jecki and Sol, so feel free to include him too if you like. As far as shipping goes, I'm totally down for Jecki/Osha--it was disappointing that they hinted at a possible attraction between them only to immediately kill Jecki off. (Platonic Jecki/Osha friendship would also be completely welcome!)
Star Wars: Outlaws, Kay Vess
I haven't actually finished this game yet, but I'm making good progress on it, so I hope to have it done by Christmas! I absolutely love Kay and would be happy with literally any story about her, past, present, or future. I love how she has so much earnestness and bravado, yet also is dealing with some very real abandonment issues, all while making things up as she goes along, forging through a very big and very messed-up galaxy. A story expanding on her relationship with her mother, whether pre or post-game, would be very welcome. I'm also totally down for mission or heist fic centering on any thorny situations she gets herself into. As far as shipping goes, I don't have any hard-and-fast preferences, but would be very open to Kay/ND-5 (I love his dry sarcasm with her) or Kay/Vail.
True Detective: Night Country, Rose Aguineau
I thoroughly enjoyed this whole season (full disclosure: I have only watched Night Country, not any of the previous TD seasons), and I found Rose particularly fascinating. I would have happily watched a whole show about just her. I'm a huge fan of stories about compelling older women, especially older women who aren't relegated solely to wife/mother roles. And Rose has clearly lived a very interesting life. How, for example, does she know exactly where to go on the ice to dispose of a body--and how to prepare the body so it doesn't resurface? Exactly how many bodies has she been involved in hiding, and why? I'd also love anything relating to her ability to see the dead. Does she ever see any of the people she's killed (or whose bodies she's dumped)? How does she relate to them, and vice versa? What was her reaction the first time she saw a dead person's spirit? If you want to go even further back to her pre-Alaska days, that would be welcome too. I know in the show she says she used to be a professor, but was that really true? And how exactly does one go from professor to ghost-whisperer-body-dumper in the middle of nowhere, Alaska?
I hope these prompts are enough to get some inspiration going, but if you have ideas different from anything I've listed here, please don't feel constrained. I'll enjoy whatever you write. Thanks again, and happy Yuletide!
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k8rgrl · 1 year ago
Another vent post. For those who've kept up, this is about the ex. Similar tws apply.
I really could use some support, on this one.
What do you do, when you're so sure that you did right by someone, and they affirmed you at every turn, and months later, after stress, anxiety, and heartache, they tell you that you made them feel unsafe?
A new account led to a stray friend request from them. I accepted, of course.
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I responded immediately.
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Nothing. Radio silence.
They're still online, just… silent. They typed for a moment, but only a moment. Then, nothing. Agonizing nothing.
I waited. And eventually… gray dot. They're offline.
I didn't want to take any chances, so instead of sending a new message, potentially sending a ping that could lead to something going wrong, I edit the message, at around 1am.
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The fox emoji has been a friendly calling card of mine for a while now. Hell, this whole blog is minorly themed around me being a fox. For those who know me, it's my way of showing a softer, more sensitive side of myself. It's me when showing physical affection, or listening to a vent. It's me when I'm too sleepy to person, and just wanna curl up in a warm ball.
I left it there because it was my way of saying "I still care about you, deeply, and haven't closed off my heart to you. I'm here."
This detail seems a tad superfluous now, but, the catalyst for this post will make it slightly more clear why I say all this.
Briefly, around 1:30 am, they flicker back online. I quickly edit my message to say "I'm still online, and awake! I'm here, and listening!"
1:33 am - gray dot
I remove that portion of the message.
I didn't get much sleep that night. Ended up awake again around 5:45. Didn't get back to sleep until that afternoon.
I leave my third and final edit of the message at 7am.
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They didn't go online yesterday.
I forced myself to forget about it. If I heard back, I heard back. I go about my day. Last night, I ended up playing a game with my sister from 9 pm, to roughly 1230. I took a melatonin gummy, and got a few things downloading before heading to bed. . . Is what I would say, if I didn't get caught up in downloading stuff before forgetting to get to sleep. Fuck. Oh well. Here we are.
Nothing super interesting happens until 9:43 am. Censored, frankly because explicit stuff, and because it hurts too much to have to see the details of what was framed as positive and fun interactions in such a horrifying way.
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To be clear: I was given very clear, enthusiastic consent, during both of these instances. When said consent was revoked, it was verbal, and was followed up with post-talk and after-care.
That was my understanding.
This was fucked-up to read. Because it goes against everything I try to be as a person.
And no matter how I try to look at it, it's always fucked.
Situation 1: I did everything right, and they gave what very clearly seemed to be consent in a situation they were not comfortable with, and did not express such, when they said stop.
Outcome: that's fucked, and I feel like I should've done more.
Situation 2: I did everything right, and they were consenting, but now in retrospect are coloring it as nonconsensual
Outcome: what the fuck, why? That's fucking gut-wrenching
Situation 3: I violated their consent, took what wasn't consent to be, and essentially assaulted them, all without knowing
Outcome: I'd be a fucking monster, dear gods I pray this isn't true.
See how all of these suck?
Now here's the part that's really fucking with me.
Remember how I said they were online on web?
Here's where that comes in. The message from today was on mobile.
They stayed online on mobile until 10:18, when they finally fucking go offline. I've been writing this post since 5 or so minutes after sending my final message. They haven't unfriended me as of 12:16.
I replied, of course. To no response.
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I'm reading into the tone of fucking everything. Was that last bit too guilt trippy? It was true! I mean-
I tried so so hard to do right by them. I spent hours talking to and consoling them, and have the records to prove it. I spent hours worrying about them and have the records to prove it.
I have records of them saying they had a good time. I have records of them saying they'd be interested in more. I have records of all of this. But the mere insinuation that it was non-consensual makes my soul fucking squirm.
The idea that I hurt them that severely, when I tried so damn hard, and received affirmation to the contrary
It tears me up. Help.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years ago
Big win for us he says huge wind and really is. It was so much needed to hear that and what he says is it's just an amazing day I couldn't have asked for anything better to happen cuz these people are so damned annoying and I'd say it's very dangerous and the second part of it is not the greatest but we can handle on it and it's true you said that last sentence but really it is just a blessing what's happened it took a lot of the devices and they didn't want to wait a day and just slowly do it they did it all over the place and they're really pain all over the place every city block or stuff comes from it goes to is traced and they're doomed they're not everybody is all over the world huge spy agencies are mobilized finally we have to watch for our own but really they're going to enhance their hands full all these devices and moving around is a huge huge effort on the part of the warlock and they're losing every single base and on Earth of theirs is infiltrated and highly and we're going to eat now with humongous force all over the world everywhere I tell you every every single morlock is going to regret this tomorrow there's such jerks and yeah it's Tuesday no but by Tuesday they'll figure out what happened maybe they're going to talk to them all and feel depressed and you'll say these two s**** and all this stuff and said you're following us around making sure that you screw yourself and most of time we only know like 2% of what you're talking about and Ken says 1%. This smile says we got you it started telling people they said no you're an a****** that doesn't do anything and it started laughing and said we have to beat you up and you're the idiot trumpsters telling people because you're stupid and they started doing it right there and it started hit him and a big group of BJ came by and grabbed them and tons of them grab them all over the place in Florida and said you're the idiots who screwed up and now we all might die he's trying to help me and you have me turn to a jerk and have a fat ass like Jenna. So she got mad at trumpsters cuz he know what I meant and it's going to happen on Tuesday because of what's happening now all the bases are going to be worse and they're going to crash tonight at the end of the eastern hemisphere and Stan is breathing inside relief and Biden and our son and he says we'll have to go to those relaxing chairs and sleep I don't get a picture of us probably all be morlok there though. So is that laughing and they're thinking about how stupid that would look is Four horsemen or something by his famine Ken is definitely pestilence stands a mummy he says no right away but there's other stuff happening but we're appreciative because we didn't get a job and there's tons of stuff going on tonight for us and it's huge and I triggered a huge reaction and be famous forever because this maneuver and it works and it's working even better and his idea really helps out leave Giants behind and start reading the area then take to the base and take it out of there find out it's even better he was saying to a ammass and I'll just come in and try and grab it, and yeah for a Time this is great this is a great idea so moving on but really this has been a good night and good day
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
Not cussing me to yell that and you started yelling at me today so we're going to get something done so we did that pulled it all out they ran in there we pulled it all out and nailed them called everybody for help and called more people for help and called everyone and he declared a state of emergency not all non-essential to go to military full combat and we read it like that and sent it out and Thor Freya almost killed and said why he's talking about TV stores and stuff and said holy s*** and we checked and a whole bunch of them were starting to activate and we went all the way over the line no we sent it in and they start doing it and we got a huge for us it's going in now we should be okay and so we got to secure all sorts of crap the sewer I know gas tons of stuff all sorts of private stashes and we're going through all that is a huge huge Army it's everywhere all these armies down below too see huge huge effort and these people are all done no More Mr Nice Guy and the clothes are fighting them on the island. It's a couple other things you got really tested today and it's really not normal but these idiots are getting beat up and they just keep doing it to him and he said I can't stand anymore I'm like three like nobody has so much responsibility and we can't let it happen and it started firing off stuff I said what is this going to stop and finally we helped him understand what the situation was but really it was necessary and they forced it and it's this AI idiot and he doesn't really have much of a system he does the same thing every time and we're going after him and we're taking his computers and his program and whatever else we want to take and we're going to take it now we have a whole bunch of things to do to him and we have a list I'm going to start using it one of them is to make sure that he does not have an opportunity to get near a sun or and within earshot and we have restraining orders and more and he had vital and got a swipe put on and this is really a joint effort and it works and we are going to repossess houses in cars and arrest this clan all the time now Max's doing it all the time we have to for the money and tomorrow's a huge day tons of this idiots assets are going to be ours and the big Banks too he has money in there quite a bit of it about half and half his money is in the banks for taking over tomorrow and we're taking the money and yeah it's going to be pissed and have bad reaction and it's going to force us to take the rest and God help us all no really we need support and we need ours to sign on our troops are strapped so please ours wherever you are sign on now it's time it's been time for a while
Frank Castle hardcastle
What is a cute trick now today you do a good job it's approaching midnight is trying to go to bed by midnight it's good guy is doing the job I will have to say one thing we did a great job too and he's commending us and really we did it's just amazing. I'm going to use these parts is up because it's so gross there's one things happening tonight we have an emptying of punta Gorda Florida and it's due to the warlock evacuated that's right they're evacuating on their own. At least 50,000 of them got up and left Charlotte county a few moments ago most of them are from Port Charlotte and another hundred thousand is going to get up in a moment and we have as an estimate and it's going on now and it doesn't happen every night mostly that number stays here thier planning on leaving and we think it's for good. The remaining 50,000 to say they're going to start trouble and they're planning on stuff and they're trying to make devices and the cops are out tons of them but not enough but they're out
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petro1986 · 9 months ago
Spitballing here: answer machine, perfectly acceptable! As your phone was a landline, therefore immovable, and while you're away you get messages throughout the day to be addressed once you return... When the first brick size/weight "mobile" phones came up, it became the "I can get this yuppie to quickly answer my question"
As mobile phones got smaller/cheaper/popular (onto 2G digital frequencies) it became more important to have features to make your phone distinct from the competition (Nokia were like the kings of this, 3210 and 5210s, then an 1600 I think we're my Nokias until I got a fruit phone (once)) and for carriers now serving areas well enough that now they need to compete... So you get SMS text messaging, WAP internet, and of course; voicemail! Features that are nice to access via cellular systems...
Then the smartphone nation invaded!
Your phone was no longer your phone, it was a camera (one you'd actually use!) a MP3 player! Diary, and has the proper web now¹, this motivating new modes of service... Unshackled from a cellular provider for adding features to your phone, given how everyone wanted to be "The Next Facebook!"
...or depending on those in the know, "the next pdf!"
So now there are evolutions of MSN and Skype, broadening out, along with logging into your Facebook profile and having access to your emails, the communication avenues are getting to be really powerful, so powerful that companies start monopolising your attention... Wait, wasn't this about voicemail?
And here's my thesis to this post: we can do better than voicemail now, if you NEED to talk to someone, you phone them on your their mobile! If they don't pick up, you ring them again, or shoot off a message, either SMS, RSC, or across the various apps that Facebook do and don't own! The person will get back to you!
My guess is that you don't know (I'll enjoy watching this post age like milk behind a radiator) but if I'm right, it's a feature that has atrophied, as previous to this paradyne shift, answer machines were a good enough solution to the state of the art. But for the most part we simply wish to know if something time sensitive is happening. Phone calls for me in a subjective sense can function as alert barks, as interest in checking phone plummets if it's the same tone over and over².
So what can we draw from this? Should mobile providers dump voicemail? No! It's better to have it Vs expecting everyone to move over to a walled garden messaging service! But what would I suggest? As much as it pains me to say this, but: there is a possible place from speech recognition software to transcribe some/all to become a text message, as a possible option... Now if you think that's "let AI type out someone's text message" then you are very bad and I use my spray water bottle on you³
Voicemail is a remnant of a time past, and while I'm sure there are advocates, it's important to understand that if you do phone me and it goes to voicemail, just please, hang up! It'll take longer for me to answer your queries if you do leave a voicemail Vs not.
- if you've made it this deep into this ramble, thank you! I don't expect reblogs or comments, but if you do, I'd be very flattered!
- if you resonate with this post and switch it to a different medium (animation, dramatic reading, comic, stage play) I'd deeply appreciate you linking back to this original post⁴
- I wish you a lovely day, no matter how you find this post
_appendix under the break_
¹: note that certain manufacturers chose to neglect various popular web protocols that had been well established for years, thus driving people to only support what they deemed worthy, cutting out a huge amount of web 2.0 history that is harder to access now for those with only smart phones/similar devices.
²: I understand if someone messages like they did on MSN or AIM but, for me you have to get a reply from someone before you both can start quick fire message each other, but this is a Me problem and I don't expect anyone to change, just know your priority drops if your last message to me makes zero sense with 4 messages worth of context.
³: AI today is how people used Cyberspace in the late 80s and early 90s to talk about getting online, so throwing AI about without deep clarification is a huge red flag my dudes/dudettes/non-dudes
⁴: if you James Summerton this post, I will curse you to the knowledge that the entirety of what makes you a thinking person is a similar texture and odour of blue cheese, and is just about as mingin' to touch (talking about your thinking brain)
I'm all about preserving tech, but one thing that doesn't need to exist in [current year] is: Voicemail
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moonlight-ghoulette · 5 years ago
How about drunk Rhett and Link getting handsy at a house party when no one is looking. 😘
“Baby c’mon, cut it out,” Rhett whispered, slapping Link’s hand away from his inner thigh for the third time, almost spilling his drink into his own lap in the process. “Not while everybody’s still here.” 
They invited a modest sized group of friends over for a pre-holiday get together, and while the main activities were over, a smaller group stayed after for drinks and some catching up. Link already had trouble keeping his hands to himself all night, but as more liquor seeped into his bloodstream and as the party goers slowly dissipated, he only got bolder.
“But I want you so bad,” Link whined quietly, his southern drawl heavy, sweet and whiskey-scented and so close to Rhett’s ear. The return of his accent was a clear indicator that Link was nearing the point of too much. “Nobody’s lookin’ over here anyway.”
Link was right. Their attendees were all engrossed in their own conversations, loose and inebriated and paying the pair no mind, even though they were practically on top of one another on the couch. Rhett’s attention was snapped back to the moment when he felt a warm tongue trail up his neck to his ear, his drunken nerves sending the sensation straight to his cock. He let out a quiet moan, his eyes slipping closed.
“See, you want it too,” Link purred, his hand snaking back to Rhett’s thigh, this time with no resistance. His breath was warm against Rhett’s ear as he took his earlobe in between his teeth, the tiniest whimper escaping his throat as he sucked softly. Rhett, against his better judgement but now slave to his other brain, couldn’t help but slip his hand up Link’s leg and nestle it in the dip between his crotch and thigh. Link pushed his hips forward, searching for a nice, big hand to cup around his achingly hard cock, but found no such thing. 
Link doubled his efforts, lavishing Rhett’s neck with wet, sloppy kisses, the back of the couch making quick work of unstyling his hair as he buried his face to access every bit of skin he could. Rhett moaned softly at the attention and squeezed Link’s thigh, his knuckles just barely rubbing the tight bulge in Link’s jeans.
“Shouldn’t be doin’ this out here.” Rhett warned, but with no weight to his tone. Link simply smiled into the soft skin on Rhett’s neck, knowing he had Rhett wrapped around his finger now.  
“Then les’ go to the bedroom real quick.” Link punctuated his request with a slow grind of his hips, desperately trying to get Rhett’s hand to do something while its there. “No one will notice we’re missin’ for a couple minutes.”
Rhett scanned the room once more, his gaze landing back on Link’s pleading eyes. 
“Fine, but you better be quiet.”
The moment Rhett pulled their bedroom door shut, Link was already halfway undressed, much to Rhett’s amusement. 
“Shut up. Been wantin’ you all night, I’m just excited.” Link giggled out, clumsily stepping out of his jeans and socks. Rhett shortly followed suit, removing each item of clothing and snatching the lube off their nightstand before diving in towards Link, softly pushing him down onto the bed, this time lavishing him for a moment with nibbles and kisses all over his jaw, neck and chest. Link took the bottle of lube from under Rhett’s hand, squeezed a pool of it into his own and reached between their bodies, wrapping his slick fingers around Rhett’s cock. Rhett moaned and dropped his head, resting his forehead on Link’s shoulder.
“Can’t wait. Need you to fuck me now,” Link’s voice was breathy and low as he stroked Rhett, coating every inch of him with the slick liquid. Rhett, also not too keen on waiting longer than he had to, replaced Link’s hand with his own as he positioned himself lower, lining himself up with Link’s entrance. With a slow push, Rhett slowly slid the head of his cock into Link, drawing a sharp moan out of the man below him. Rhett stilled his hips immediately.
“Shhh, you want everyone to hear what I’m doin’ to you in here?”
Link’s eyes widened, his expression desperate, a soft whimper escaping him without even meaning to, while Rhett’s expression went dark in response to the sudden shift in Link’s demeanor. 
“Hold on. You do, don’t you?” Rhett said, slowly sliding his cock into Link’s tight hole. “You want everyone out there to hear you getting fucked?”
“Nnnh, Rhett, please,” Link begged, his hands moving to Rhett’s hips to pull him closer, burying his cock just a little deeper. The simple question lit something within Link that was easily visible to Rhett; It was the same expression he’d get when they found a new position that drove him wild or he found a fun new kink. A look of ‘yes, holy shit, please!’ 
He allowed Link to take the reigns only for a moment before he pulled back, snapping his hips to drive himself into Link once more. Link cried out, but Rhett immediately silenced him by covering his mouth with his hand. Rhett was all for feeding into Link’s newfound interest, but not at the expense of their good friends outside their bedroom door.
“You want em’ all to know how good you are at takin’ my cock?” Rhett continued in a growl, snapping his hips in a fast rhythm, knowing time was against them. Link moaned and mumbled against Rhett’s hand, his eyes narrowing in pleasure and desperation, his fingers digging into Rhett’s skin.
“God, if only they could hear how good you sound for me. But unfortunately for them, I’m not gonna let that happen. You’re mine Link, aren’t you? I’m the only one who’s ever gonna hear how you sound when you're gettin' fucked, yeah?”
Link nodded, letting high-pitched moans out through his nose as he wrapped his legs tight around Rhett, his breath speeding up into a shallow pant as he got closer and closer.
"Gotta get back, baby. C'mon, come for me, yeah, just like that, good boy," Rhett praised as he felt Link tighten in all around him, his eyes screwing shut as he dug his fingers into Rhett's hips hard enough to bruise. 
"Rrrmmf!" Link cried out as best he could under Rhett's hand as he came, his release pooling over his chest and belly as Rhett pounded into him a few more times, spilling himself into Link with a long groan. 
"Better?" Rhett asked after a moment, slightly out of breath as he slowly pulled himself out. Link gave a lazy smile and nodded, leaning up to plant a soft kiss on Rhett's lips in thanks.
The pair took a moment to wipe themselves clean with a few hand towels grabbed from their hamper and eventually stood by side in the mirror, redressing and fixing themselves up to look at least halfway presentable. They could just blame their flushed cheeks and starry eyes on the liquor. With a cheeky grin from Link and a quick smack on the ass in return from Rhett, the couple made their way back into the dwindling party. 
Hope this what roughly what you were looking for! :)
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bigwishes · 2 years ago
Since I heard you’ve got a few of those vials back in stock - perhaps I could get some for this new group of lads I’ve taken on for the year. Hopefully it’ll give my team the edge!
Sure thing coach! anything for a friend. Although surely you know that players "enhancing" themselves never goes the way they want it to, but no matter all your players have already picked out a vial from the shop.
Thought they'd all get the same vial? nah not enough of this stuff to go around but why dont we check in with some of your players to see how they are going.
First there is Kyle, a block you were hoping to be your star player of the season, 7ft tall with the same amount of muscle as some of the blokes training for Mr Olympia! all at the age of 24, the dude sure was going places on the field, playing ruby he could basically just carry the ball from one side of the field to the other, anyone who'd try to tackle him would basically just bounce right off. I see he took a vial called "Prince Power". A pretty unusal choice for a guy that massive to pick up a vial like this but hey who am I to judge.
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I see Kyle has shrunk down from 7ft to 5 and all that muscle seems to have evaporated. I guess he didn't read the back of the bottle or maybe he wanted a change of scene because "Prince Power" turns whoever drinks it into a power bottom who drools at the smell of another mans musk and needs a big strong knight in shining armour to come rescue him from practically anything...yeah he might be useless on the field now, unless you want to take one of the enemy players off the field by having Kyle here..."distract" him behind the goals half way through the game.
We of course also have Tyler, a bloke who only really started trying to get big when you signed him for his skills. 22 and 5.5ft the guy wasn't much wider than a twig which is why I think "Wall 'o' Mass" caught his eye, very popular in the muscle fetish community but providing Tyler is good at math he should be able to work out the correct dosage lets check on him now.
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Wow he has really beefed all the way up in a matter of hours, good for him, 1/4 of a bottle was a good starting point now he can-.....what's that? Tyler took more? well I'm sure he didn't- oh, he wanted to be bigger than Kyle and be the new star player? SO HE DRANK THE WHOLE BOTTLE? man someone get this man a couch to get comfortable because I give it 40 minutes before he is swollen into a massive meathead who is unable to move, well the vial wasn't called "Wall 'o' Mass" for nothing, drinking the whole thing means you'll turn into a bodybuilder so big all you can do is flex, a literal wall of mass.
Boy will he be kicking himself when he finds out what happened to Kyle, bro threw away his mobility for nothing.
What about Jake? well Jake did the smart thing, he wanted enough mass to be able to move freely but also drop anyone who tried to tackle him, so I sent him over to our Bear section, although I can't tell you which one he took I was busy taking stock in the back.
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The man is definitely going through some changes, nice muscle growth definition, I see he has become insanely hairy. What else will happen? well let's check which one he took now that I'm free, hmmm, oh man, none of your players are fucking smart are they bro, Jake could have taken anything off the shelf to get the results he wanted but he had to take "Wild Bear". No that doesn't mean he's a bear with a wild partying side. Let's put it this way man, I'd hide any cans of salmon you got lying around and maybe send animal control around to his house in the morning, looks like the zoo will be getting a new exhibit and you'll be looking for a new player.
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