sassycheesecake · 9 months
The stadium is bursting with life and energy, people are ready to watch the long awaited game between Argentine and Japan‘s national volleyball team.
You came over to watch your husband play against his high school rivals, it’s been a dream of his ever since he left Japan.
Currently, you’re having a big heart attack, since you only turned around for a second to buy some onigiri snacks for you and your son, to find out said four-year old was just gone.
Panic flows through your veins along with adrenaline, you’re looking for that little brunette boy everywhere, when you remember that Mathéo has probably gone to look for his father.
Luckily at that time, Hajime Iwaizumi, 27-year old Athletic Trainer is currently helping Team Japan stretch for warm up when a heard a familiar voice of a child calling his name.
When the former Ace turns around in confusion, he sees Oikawa’s son, running towards him with big excitement in his dark brown orbs.
'Mathéo surely is a solid copy of his father.' Iwaizumi thinks as he greets his godchild.
"Mathéo, why are you by yourself? Where is your mum or your father?" The brunette crouches down as he looks around in concern to look for you or his best friend.
When you spot your son with Iwaizumi, you breathe out a big sigh of relief but you have to scold your son for pulling a stunt like that.
When the Athletic Trainer hears you, he is relieved that you found him and your son. But he is also happy to see you again, last time he visited you and Oikawa was almost over a year ago.
"Mathéo! Don’t do that again, I was looking everywhere for you! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" You scold the young boy and he looks incredibly guilty, almost ready to cry when he hears that you were so worried.
"I am sorry, mama. I just saw uncle Hajime and I wanted to say hello."
You sigh, feeling bad but also relieved that he is okay.
"I know but don’t run away from me again. Be glad it’s me scolding you and not your father."
"Yes, mama. I'm very sorry." Mathéo looks to the floor for a second, before looking at the Japanese players again, watching them with amazement and a big gleam in his eyes.
When you get up again from your crouched position, Iwaizumi notices something about you.
Your belly is having a small bump again.
"Has Shittykawa really knocked you up again?" He snickers a bit and raises a brow at you in amusement.
"Please don’t remind me, I had a moment of weakness with those eyes of his. Besides, Mathéo really wished for a sibling. He is already four years old. Can you believe that?" You look at your son in amazement and love, he looks exactly like his father, except that he has a very quiet personality, more like yours.
"How far along are you?" Iwaizumi interrupts your thoughts, looking at you with a smile, folding his arms.
"13 weeks now, Tōru really hopes for a girl this time." You grin at the brunette rubbing your stomach a bit.
"You shouldn’t run though, it’s not good for you during your early pregnancy." Still ever the concerned mother duck, Iwaizumi scolds you a bit.
"I know, I know, I was just in a huge panic mode, because I couldn’t find him." You sigh with a smile.
Iwaizumi smiles at you yet again and unbeknownst to you, a few players stopped their warm up, watching the interaction between you and their Athletic Trainer.
"I didn’t know Iwaizumi had a family." Hakuba states.
"Damn, she’s super hot. Too bad she is married ta our Athletic Trainer." Atsumu wiped a towel across his face, his brown eyes still captivated by the woman.
Hinata hears his teammates talking and looks over and sees Iwaizumi and a beautiful, breathtaking woman standing next to him, talking and laughing. For some reason you look very familiar but he can’t remember exactly where he has seen your face before.
All of sudden, you depart from Iwaizumi and the young boy who was watching the Japanese team, comes up to you to hold your hand.
When you turn a bit to see the players, you spot Hinata, giving him a bashful smile and a small wave at him, walking to the sides to look for your husband and his team.
Hinata can’t help but feel like you look extremely familiar, that young boy really reminds him of a certain brown-haired Setter that was once and honestly still is Kageyama‘s archenemy.
Iwaizumi turns back to the group and sees that some of the players are giving him weird looks.
"What?" He asks harshly into the round.
"Since when do you have a wife and a kid??" Suna frowns.
"What are you talking about?" Iwaizumi frowns back in confusion.
"The goddess of beauty itself that was just standin' next ta ya a minute ago." Atsumu clarifies.
"Also, I don’t know if you noticed but the kid looks nothing like you." Kageyama adds as well.
Iwaizumi finally understands but can’t help himself to be ticked off by Kageyama‘s last comment.
"Because she’s not? You have known me for what?Almost four months? You ever seen a ring on me or that woman visiting me at work? She is only a very good friend of mine. She used to be Aoba Johsai’s manager." The Athletic Trainer explains.
"That’s why she looked familiar! Her name is (Y/L/N) (Y/F/N) isn’t it?" Hinata is very excited and hopes to talk to you again, after meeting you in Brazil with Oikawa together almost 6 years ago.
"Well, believe it or not, it’s actually Oikawa (Y/N) now."
Another voice chimes in, the sentence carried with pride and smugness.
Some of the players tense up and almost growl at the sight of Argentine‘s official Setter walking up with an agonizing smirk.
"Nice to see you again Shōyō. Hope you and the suckers behind you are ready to lose." Oikawa just loves to rile people up, seeing the reactions of them are always a blast for him.
"The fuck did ya just say-" Atsumu growls and is ready to physically fight the opponent Setter when they hear that exciting voice again.
"Papa!" At the sound of his son‘s voice, Oikawa immediately turns around with a big smile.
Little steps run towards the brunette and Oikawa bends down to his son‘s height to catch him.
Standing up again to his full height, Mathéo smiles widely with closed eyes as he hugs his father‘s neck.
"Mathéo, this is Shōyō Hinata, your pa played with him in Rio when he visited the city. Can you say 'hi'?"
Mathéo turns to the orange-haired Wing Spiker for a second and immediately hides his face in his father‘s neck.
"Sorry about that, got my dashing looks but his mother‘s shy personality." Oikawa chuckles a bit, patting his son lightly on the back.
Hinata walks a bit closer to Oikawa‘s son, being extremely good with kids.
"Mathéo, do you also want to play volleyball when you grow up like your papa?"
Mathéo turns again to look at the orange-haired Opposite Hitter and hides his face partly to look at Hinata while being attached to his father.
"I do." Mathéo whispers out, still wary of the stranger.
"Maybe later on, you can show Shōyō how good you can receive already." Oikawa suggests to his son and he slowly comes out of his shy shell and nods enthusiastically at his father’s words.
"After of course, your amazingly talented dad has beat every single player. Especially Kageyama or the blonde idiot that only ranked second place in Japan‘s best Setter." Oikawa‘s pointy finger booped the tip of Mathéo‘s nose and the little boy squeals in delight.
"Mama said you shouldn’t say those words. They’re mean." Mathéo's face changes immediately again and he scolds his father, who in return just scoffs lightly at the words.
"Mijo, I am just telling you the truth, watch the game and you‘ll see what I mean."
"Okay papa!"
Oikawa farewells Hinata and wishes him good luck.
When the Setter seeks out his wife, he sees her standing by the sides, talking to some of his teammates.
Making his way towards her, he feels a great amount of pride flowing through his system. He’s got a family now and he is ready to show the world what he’s got.
Unbeknownst to Oikawa, lots of looks of glowering eyes follow the Argentinian Setter‘s movements, getting riled up by his words, they are ready to fight.
Let the battle begin.
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humanpurposes · 2 months
I really feel like the writers of HotD could benefit from keeping in mind the phrase "don't play the ending."
At the end of season one, Alicent has Aegon crowned King and puts herself physically between him and a dragon.
And all through season two she's having a miserable time. From episode one she straight up dislikes her sons, is terrified of Aemond, is hooking up with Cole and feeling guilty about it, is feeling guilty about Rhaenyra, feeling guilty about the war, constantly being undermined... but is there actually a moment where the stakes escalate for her? Jaehearys dies while she was doing the dirty with Criston, but she already felt guilty about that. She feels sorry for Helaena, but she already struggles in her relationship with Helaena. She hates Aegon and thinks he'd be a bad King, but she already hated Aegon and thought he'd be a bad King. Then she doesn't want to start a war, but she already did that by naming her son King over Rhaenya. She gets dismissed from the Small Council by Aemond but in the first episode she's already aware that none of the men around her actually respect her. So what is she doing here? What does she want? How is she relevant to the story aside from looking sad and feeling all this guilt for a conflict that is way more complex than her misunderstanding the final words of her rotting husband?
At the end of season one, Rhaenyra learns that her son is dead after she's been hesitant to let the conflict come to all out war. In that final shot of epsiode 10 she's full of anguish and rage. I'm thinking "cool, so when the story picks up again she's going to be ready for war."
But then she's spent so much of season two stalling because she doesn't want to incite bloodshed because war is bad. And she can't justify getting revenge for her son but she can justify letting hundreds die because of some dream her ancestor had. She wants the throne but she's hesitant to fight for it.
There's such a disconnect between where we left off and where we picked up, because there's no starting point in the character arcs. Alicent will become haunted by grief and guilt, oh so lets do that from episode one. Rhaenyra wants to be Queen and was vilified by the fictional history, so lets absolve her of her wrongs and effectively remove her agency.
And my boy Aemond... I love the idea of him feeling remorseful about Luke's death but knowing that he can't appear weak, and so losing his humanity more and more to this image of a Kinslayer. But the execution leaves a lot to be desired for me. I would LOVE to have seen this through his family relationships. Let him have a conversation with Helaena, when her son was murdered as revenge for someone he killed. Let us see the distance growing between him immediately after he comes back from Storm's End. It was clearly the intention all along that Aemond was going to become "the villain" of the series and I love that, but if he's going to feel like he has no choice but to "dracarys" his brother, boot his mum off the Small Council and then leave his family undefended by flying off with Vhagar, I want that to feel earned. (also I want my fav to have more screen time obvs) but I would love for his scenes to have more room to breathe, like the only interaction he's had with Helaena was a scene that was one sentence long, I AM SUFFERING HERE.
In a season with only 8 episodes the pacing is crazy. We've skipped over what clearly was a crucial few days between 1.10 and 2.01. We've got characters stalling for no apparent reason. Simultaneously we're rushing through scenes and character interactions to move on to the next thing. It's genuinely frustrating to watch. Kudos to all the actors doing an amazing job with the script they've been given.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
childhood sweethearts (3) II a.russo x reader
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series playlist part one part two
this fic really does have my heart tbh childhood sweethearts (3) II a.russo x reader
alessia exhaled shakily, tapping her foot nervously as her eyes flickered repeatedly between the time on her phone and the door to the cafe, counting down each second which passed that you didn't arrive.
maybe you just weren't going to show up at all, could she even blame you if you didn't? it had been six years since the two of you really spoke, and your last words exchanged were hardly on friendly terms.
when her mum had called her to invite her to dinner with your family, her heart leapt into her throat. your name was something that hadn't crossed her mind in years, well no actually that was a lie.
alessia often wondered what you were up to, occasionally in a moment of weakness imagining what would be different had things not gone the way they had between you both.
but she'd banish those fleeting thoughts and insecurities as quickly as they arrived, knowing she'd just spiral into a tornado of overthinking if she dwelled on them too much.
alessia tried to trick herself into believing she was fine with how things had ended, pushing her real feelings deep down away and filing them under painful memories she'd rather not resurface ever again.
but they always did, and no more so then when you'd walked into that restaurant beside her brother and every thought, feeling, memory and emotion she'd repressed the last six years came soaring to the surface, she could have thrown up with how suddenly she was swamped by them.
the pain only grew when you refused to even meet her eye, greeting everyone else first and alessia was almost certain if you hadn't had to sit beside her the two of you likely wouldn't have even conversed that entire night.
"hi i'm so sorry i'm late i got held up at work." she was snapped out of the depths of her overthinking as you hurriedly dropped down into the seat across from her, exhaling heavily and dropping your bag on the floor beside you.
"that's alright, i hope everythings okay?" alessia rushed out, playing with her fingers which sat dormant in her lap as you nodded, starting to ramble on about the frustration of substitutes not doing their assigned pick up duty so you'd had to fill in.
realising you were getting on a tangent and meeting those ever so familiar ocean blue eyes you suddenly stopped, clearing your throat and apologising.
"you don't need to be sorry, you've clearly found the right career. mum was right when she said she was sure you're an amazing teacher." alessia complimented with a soft smile as you nodded, admittedly still unsure quite how to interact with her after so much time.
"so...how have you been?"
"-no because that time was entirely your fault! you were always getting us in trouble." you chuckled, shaking your head at the grinning blonde across from you, your coffees long finished, empty mugs pushed to the side.
"i was not!" alessia defended herself with a playful offended scoff, unable to stop the smile spreading on her face. "you so were! every single time we had detention it was your fault, and any time we got in trouble with our parents it was one of your genius ideas that lead up to it." you couldn't help but smile yourself at the fond memories.
"miss!" your head turned as you heard a voice call out for you, spotting one of your students frantically waving at you from the counter. "sorry, he insisted on saying hi. i tried to explain that you have your own life outside of the classroom." his mum smiled apologetically as the boy hurried over and she chased after him.
"thats perfectly alright. i always say if you guys see me around to give me a wave and thats what you did, charlies one of my best behaved students! aren't you?" you smiled fondly, holding your hand out for a high five which he happily gave you with a grin, waving goodbye as his mum smiled gratefully and hurried the two of them away to another table.
"sorry about that." you apologized to alessia, a slight blush coating your cheeks as the blonde shook her head. "don't be, that was quite adorable. your class clearly love you and who could blame them." alessia complimented with a dangerously familiar look in her eyes as you forced a small smile and glanced down to your phone, eyes widening as you realised you'd been here well over two hours now.
"i should really get going, i've got dinner to cook and lesson planning to do for tomorrow." you smiled apologetically, alessia nodding in understanding as you both reached for your bags. "could we do this again, soon?" the girl asked hopefully as the two of you stood outside, causing you to bite the inside of your cheek.
"look alessia it was great catching up and i'm really glad that football and everything else is working out so well for you. but i just, i don't know if i can make this a regular thing." you admitted with a slight wince, watching as her face fell at your answer.
"why not?" as soon as the hurt was plain on her face it was gone, replaced instead with a firm look of defiance, folding her arms over her chest. "you know why, please don't make me say it." you responded quietly, shuffling uncomfortably and adjusting your bag on your shoulder.
"god you are so frustrating." alessia dragged her hands down her face with a shake of her head. "whats that supposed to mean?" you were now the one to respond with a frown.
"its like i said at the restaurant y/n we were best friends for years before anything changed. we've just spent the however many hours reflecting on how good that time was, i know the way things ended wasn't ideal but why can't we just work on getting a friendship back?" alessia almost begged, taking a step toward you and frowning as you immediately took one back away from her.
"before anything changed...the way things ended? you are so arrogant, as if it was nothing!" you scoffed and shook your head in disbelief that she could dismiss what happened so easily. "that's not what i fucking meant and you know it, don't put words in my mouth." alessia warned, jaw clenching tightly.
"no i think it was exactly what you meant. at least to me alessia what went on between us meant a hell of a lot, and it hurt when everything fell apart. for god sakes we were each others first everything! i can't just go back to being your friend after six years like none of it even happened." you had to stop yourself from shouting at her, well aware that she was a public figure now and though the cafe behind you wasn't crowded, you never knew who was inside listening.
"you are putting words in my mouth. just-" "no alessia, i've spent too fucking long getting over you to fall back into the trap of caring again." you regretted the words from the moment they fell from your lips, cringing with a shake of your head.
"i need to go i'm sorry. i really didn't want to argue with you but i just-I can't do this with you again alessia, good luck with everything." you forced a pained smile, the strikers stomach plummeting as you reached out, your fingertips just ghosting hers sending a bolt of electricity up her arm at the feeble touch, hurrying off away before she could even open her mouth to respond.
it seemed your words had struck a chord as you didn't hear a single peep from the girl the entire week following, it had been days of radio silence between you both and you had spent the whole time convincing yourself that was what you wanted and it was for the best.
you weren't sure what alessia had said to her own mum but yours seemed to be relentless in pestering you about how catching up for coffee went, you once again dismissing that too much time had passed and it was awkward.
though the ever persistent woman didn't take the hint it wouldn't be happening again and had tried time after time to press you for more, and you'd taken to dodging her phone calls all week just to avoid the ongoing conversation.
on the bright side you'd made it through another week and you were settling in well to life back in london.
you'd found a favorite coffee spot for your much needed morning brew on the way to work, loved your new school and your class, had dinner and drinks last night with a few co-workers at a local tapas bar and genuinely enjoyed their company, you were on top of your workload and despite needing to currently dodge her you were enjoying living closer to family again.
however you were a creature of habit and so saturday nights were always your night to relish in your own company, recharge for the week and properly switch off. armed with a face mask, a chinese and a glass or bottle of wine at your side, finding some sort of trashy reality nonsense to engross yourself in for the evening.
your family knew this and knew to leave you be, your friends knew this and had long given up trying to drag you out with them unless it was for some sort of holiday or celebration, and your co-workers you'd only gone out with last night and weren't yet all that close to.
which is why it caught you so off guard for your phone to be ringing at half past eleven at night, you'd almost dozed off with a bowl of crisps in your lap, snapping to attention at the ringtone.
rubbing your eyes you fumbled around in the blankets adorning your body for your phone, eventually finding it and answering without looking at the contact, assuming at this time of night it was either an emergency or a scam.
how you regretted that choice.
"you actually answered!" you winced as a loud and very intoxicated voice slurred in excitement, holding the phone away from your ear at the unexpected volume, music pumping away and people laughing in the background.
"alessia?" "baby! what you doin?" the girl slurred and you could already imagine the dopey smile which would be plastered on her face at her words, and the way the corner of her eyes would crease as she squinted.
you grimaced at how much one simple word could cause years of healing to wash instantly away. one little baby and you were suddenly sixteen again, wrapped up in her strong arms sharing soft kisses and giggling about something that happened at school that day.
growing up alessia wasn't one to ever drink all that often given how much time and energy she invested into being an athlete. though on the rare occasions she did drink you quickly learnt the girl couldn't handle her alcohol.
she was a messy drunk to say the least and anytime a drop of alcohol passed her lips you'd abandon your own, knowing you needed to be there and sober to look after her.
"why are you calling me? and at...half past eleven at night." you sighed, collapsing back into the lounge and tiredly rubbing your eyes. "because i wasn't lying when i said i missed you." she laughed and you shook your head at her words.
"alessia you're drunk. i'm going now, please be safe." you tried to wrap up the conversation, knowing she'd likely be embarrassed about this when she sobered up tomorrow, finger hovering over the little red button to end the call then and there.
god how you wished you'd pressed it.
"wait! i'm really smashed and my friends all left me, i can't find them and i need to go home. i'm seeing double babe!" the blonde groaned and you heard a smash and some yelling, your eyebrows furrowing at the noise.
"call an uber home then, or get a taxi." you remanded firmly but softly, knowing that in times like this she needed things very clearly broke down for her.
"i don't know how! i can barely see my fucking phone screen, can you come and get me?" she continued as you withheld a groan, sharply pinching the bridge of your nose at the seemingly never ending flow of possibilities for whatever you answered next.
"where are you?"
"god what am i doing here?" you mumbled to yourself, insecurely playing with the strings of your hoodie, feeling incredibly under dressed as patrons of the bar you were stood outside of stumbled around with giggles and drunken cheers.
"y/n?" you turned at your name, frowning at the unfamiliar voice as your eyes finally landed on alessia, who was not alone. "oh wow it is you, hi?" lotte spoke in surprise, eyes wide as alessia cheered when she spotted you, you weren't particularly close to many of the girls football friends but that hadn't meant you'd not known or become fond of some of them over the years, lotte and ella in particular were two names who came to mind.
"baby you actually came!" alessia stumbled her way over with her heels in hand, wrenching her bicep away from lottes careful grip. she was dressed in blue jeans and a charcoal coloured knitted vest, toned arms on full display as a rolex which probably cost you a months salary glinted on her wrist under the streetlights.
you shoved her away as she placed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, but had no choice but to grab her hands and steady her to stop her from falling over right afterwards.
"i didn't know you two were..." lotte trailed off with an awkward pause of uncertainty as you quickly shook your head, smacking away alessia's hands which poked at and clung onto you.
"we're not anything. we caught up for coffee once and it didn't go well, and then she called me tonight saying she was drunk and her friends left her and she needed a lift home." you sighed at the realization you'd clearly been played, feeling stupidly gullible as you swallowed the urge to yell at the tall dopey blonde beside you who really you knew had minimal control over her actions right now.
"well she ran off for a bit when we changed bars but then we found her again, we were actually going to send her off home but we weren't sure if a taxi would even take her, she's had a few too many." lotte winced apologetically as you nodded along with a sigh, knowing exactly how the older girl behaved when she drank.
"russo has a secret missus?" a brunette with a thick irish accent shouldered her way to the front of the group, slinging an arm around lotte and you shifted somewhat uncomfortably as her eyes narrowed and scanned you up and down.
"used to, not anymore. she hates me now!" alessia rolled her eyes moodily and you winced, knowing that sober she wouldn't have likely confessed that, especially given how much the brunettes eyes widened at the new information.
"wouldn't have pegged you for the type to drunkenly dial an ex russo, i learn new things about ya every day. she's quite fit though!" the brunettes lips curled into a smile and you felt a hot flush creep up your neck.
"lay off mccabe!" alessia scowled as her arm draped over your shoulder and you grunted as her body weight bore into you, struggling to keep the taller girl upright.
"oo and you're also the jealous type are ya russo!" mccabe continued to wind the drunken blonde beside you up with a grin, another girl stepping in to drag her back to the group with an apologetic smile flicked your way.
"are you sure you're right with her? i can get her in a taxi." lotte offered sincerely, glancing over her shoulder as someone from her group yelled at her to hurry up.
"no its fine, don't let her ruin your night. i know she's ruined plenty of mine before with her drunken antics." you sighed sparing alessia a glance who scoffed and stumbled slightly as you grabbed her.
"did not!"
ignoring her you again urged lotte to join her friends, sending her a reassuring smile and bidding her a good night as you struggled to move alessia through the crowd of drunken party goers and won the street towards where you'd parked.
"for fuck sakes just get in you idiot!" you grunted as you all but shoved her into the passenger seat, clicking her seatbelt in and slamming the door shut.
"why me? why?" you looked up to the sky with a sigh of defeat, rubbing your temples for a second before moving around to the drivers side and sliding inside, wincing at the strong smell of alcohol wafting from the girl beside you.
"don't touch anything!" you swatted her hands away as she reached for the gearstick, sinking back into her chair with a huff. "you're so bossy now, you weren't this bossy before. you used to do whatever i told you!" alessia slurred with a roll of her eyes as you started up the car.
"yeah? well then it took me six years to grow a backbone. now where am i taking you?" "home." "well obviously alessia but i don't know where that is, do I?" "god can you stop that!" "pardon?" "the whole alessia thing, i hate the way you say it. call me less, or lessi, literally anything else!"
"just tell me where the hell im driving you so i can go to bed? please!" you sighed in frustration, looking at her expectantly. "fine. only if you agree to hang out with me again!" the blonde tilted her head at you, staring with half lidded eyes.
"that is not how this works. i'll kick you out right here and you can walk home!" "if i end up dead in a ditch cause you left me i don't think your mum or my mum would be very happy." "maybe not but you know what? you are no longer my problem to deal with or my mess to clean up anymore alessia. you're responsible for your own shitty choices and their consequences! like calling your ex and lying about your situation to come and get her to pick you up, and then trying to manipulate her into doing what you want." you exploded suddenly, hands balled into fists as you let out your pent up frustration at this entire messy situation.
there was a thick silence that followed afterward and you refused to look at her, feeling her eyes bore holes into the side of your head.
"god you look so good when you're angry."
you let out a groan, head thumping down onto your steering wheel in defeat. the comment took you right back again to being a lovesick teenager, alessia's blatantly charming cockiness both equally attractive as it was infuriating even back then.
"just please tell me where you live so i can take you there and be done with all of this." "um...i forget." "you forget? how the hell do you forget where you live!" "stop yelling at me i'm drunk! all i can think about is jager and vodka and tequila and-" "i don't need a walk through tour of the bar cart currently sitting in your stomach alessia. can you seriously not remember your address?" "nope." "give me your phone then, its gotta be saved in there somewhere."
you grabbed it out of her hands with a roll of your eyes when she refused to hand it over, but trying to open it was a fruitless activity as the screen remained black.
"its dead." alessia commented with a lopsided smile and you almost threw it out of your window. your fingers drummed the steering wheel trying desperately to think of a way out of this. you didn't have lottes number so that was out, and you couldn't just leave her here as tempting an idea as that was.
you didn't have any of her families numbers, you knew where she used to live with them but that was hardly close by and you didn't even know for certain if they'd moved or not, and you did not want to call your mum for support right now.
which painstakingly and infuriatingly left you with all but one option as you sighed and shifted your car into drive, pulling away from the curb.
"where are we goin?" "home."
"this is really nice babe!" alessia slurred as you stumbled through your front door precariously balancing the intoxicated footballer clinging onto you, kicking it closed behind you and tossing your keys on your hallway table.
"stop calling me that." you mumbled, dragging her into the living room and pushing her to sit down on your lounge as you rubbed your neck, which was throbbing from having to cart around the girl who was easily a foot taller than you, and being so drunk meant leaning her entire body weight into you.
"make me some food please." alessia demanded, head thumping back into the sofa as her eyes fluttered closed. "what do you think i'm your on call taxi driver and personal chef?" you scoffed, kicking her sharply in the leg to wake her back up as she whined at the action.
"the last thing you need is anything else in your system which could wind up on my floor later. are you sure you don't feel the need to be sick?" you asked for the fifth time this evening as the blonde nodded wordlessly.
"c'mere and gimme a cuddle baby girl." her lips curled into a dopey smile as she opened her arms expectantly, barely able to hold her own head up as your entire body cringed at the long familiar endearment.
"absolutely not, and stop calling me names. you're going to bed!" you refused, wishing the ground would swallow you up as alessia groaned.
"you're so stubborn, and so hot. i miss you!" the blonde slurred as you grabbed her hands, hauling her to her feet with a grunt and stumbling your way to the guest bedroom, sighing in relief as you dropped her onto the mattress.
"no you don't, you're drunk." you replied firmly, running a hand through your hair with a sigh. "i do! i have for years, the one that got away." alessia shrugged, arm flopping across her face as her eyes closed.
with a roll of your eyes you left her for a moment, hurrying across the hall to your own bedroom and grabbing out some clothes. she may right now be the most infuriating person on the planet but you weren't about to make her sleep in jeans.
you hated yourself for caring, why didn't you just ignore the phone earlier?
"jesus alessia." you sighed as you returned to find her with her jeans around her ankles and her vest stuck over her head, meaning you quickly averted your eyes from her half naked form.
"help! i've gone blind!" the blonde yelled and you bit your lip to stop the smile breaking out on your face, shaking your head firmly. "stop that, god you're useless." you couldn't help but chuckle as you helped her strip off the rest of her clothes, again careful your eyes only remained on her face.
"made you smile." alessia slurred with a stupidly attractive smirk, poking at you as you pulled a black baggy shirt over her head, handing her a pair of shorts which she promptly threw over her shoulder.
"alessia!" you huffed as she shrugged, mumbling something about sleeping naked as she rolled over and with much struggle managed to get into the bed.
"god you're a nightmare." you turned to leave her as a hand gripped at the back of your hoodie, firmly yanking you downwards.
"no! get off." you grunted, struggling to wrench her hand away as she attempted to pull you into a hug. "i want a hug! i'll probably never see you again." alessia whined needily as you continued to fight her.
"ohh you always did like when i touched you there." the blonde laughed as her hand accidentaly grazed your bum and your breath hitched momentarily before you pulled yourself free, shoving her back down into the bed.
"jesus christ alessia please shut up before you embarass yourself any further, the less i have to explain to you tomorrow the better." you flared your nostrils and took a deep breath, counting to three and turning away.
"where you goin?" "to bed alessia, go to sleep." "isn't this your bed?" "no this is my guest bedroom, not that i can even really call you that given i had no choice in you staying here." "you can afford a two bedroom flat on a teachers salary? wow baby you're doing good!" "please stop calling me that, now go to sleep." "can't we cuddle? for old times sake, friends cuddle!" "we're not friends." "ouch, way to land a blow babe." "i told you to stop calling me that, now please just go to sleep."
part four
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Ok, I just read your sweet yandere post and would like to add something.
I love the idea of like a mafia boss yandere or someone who is usually cruel (like maybe a Hades sort of character) but is an absolute sweet heart to their darling. One of my fave tropes
OOOOOOH I LOVE THIS TROPE! I have a character who's just like this actually, a total sweetheart to whoever he's with but has a very low tolerance for most other people.
Sorry, this is a long one lol
I'm gonna make headcanons now because you've inspired me lol.
(Banner/divider credit goes to @cafekitsune)!
Tw: Kidnapping, mentions of violence
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Mafia boss! Charlie who is no stranger to violence. He's lived his entire life surrounded by it, in fact. Having a mafia boss for a father will do that to you, he guesses.
Mafia boss! Charlie who's spent his whole life working for the mafia, being trained to kill, smuggle, and deal ever since he was a child. He grew up living a life of crime, rising up the ranks (thanks to his father), before taking over as the boss when his father was killed by an unruly client.
Mafia boss! Charlie who's a cruel, ruthless man. He's killed dozens of people, injured many more, and runs his organization with an iron fist. He may be young, but he's learned enough to know that any show of trust, any display of kindness is a show of weakness, a show of vulnerability. He can't afford that, not when he's the head of the mafia, so he makes sure to make it so that no one will question or challenge his authority by any means necessary.
Mafia boss! Charlie who has very few real friends, keeping those he does have at an arm's length. He'd rather die than admit that he craves real relationships, that he desires to make genuine, true connections with others. But he can't, so he pushes his wants to the side, reminding himself that his only purpose is to keep his business running smoothly, nothing more.
Until he sees you, that is.
Mafia boss! Charlie who meets you out on a grocery run one day. Your interaction is nothing special, at least to you, but Charlie can't help but marvel at how easily you make conversation with him while ringing up his items, how seemingly unfazed you are by his snappy attitude and unapproachable appearance. It's been a long, long time since he's met anyone unafraid of him, and those people are usually rivals who are too cocky for their own good. So this, this is new. He knows it's stupid, he knows that your tiny interaction shouldn't have mattered much to someone like him, but he can't help but feel giddy about the connection he's sure he felt.
Mafia boss! Charlie who, against his better judgment, wastes no time in trying to find out who you are. It's not hard, he has an entire organization full of trained trackers, stalkers, and informants at his disposal, and by the end of the day, he has your full name, address, social media accounts, family tree, medical records, and much more safely in his welcoming hands. He knows this is a bit overkill considering he only met you today and your interaction lasted five minutes at most, but now that he has a taste of real human interaction, he's addicted. He needs more.
Mafia boss! Charlie who quickly becomes awestruck and obsessed with you. His whole life, he's been surrounded by the craftiest, cruelest, most violent people imaginable, so to see someone, especially someone as precious as you, live a completely normal life, naive to the dangers he faces everyday? It's captivating! Of course, he can't follow you all day, he is a mafia boss after all, but he has enough people following you around and recording your every move that he doesn't need to! He's never been happier to be who his is than now.
Mafia boss! Charlie who thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. You're a sweet little thing, too gentle and too unaware of the dangers around you for your own good. He loves everything about you, no matter how weird or embarrassing. He's content to watch you carefully for a couple months, but as time goes on, his need to feel our touch, to talk to you, to see you face to face is too much. He needs you. He needs you NOW. It doesn't help that you're so vulnerable and weak compared to him, with no knowledge of weaponry or stealth to keep you safe. What if someone were to try and hurt you? Of course, his goons wouldn't let that happen, not if they wanted to keep their organs, but he would feel so much better if he could keep an eye on you personally. Not to mention, every mafia boss needs a spouse, and some of his higher ranking associates have been hinting that it's about time he found someone...
Mafia boss! Charlie who immediately starts planning your "transfer" to his house, meticulously drafting out every last detail to secure your safety. He chooses his best, most skilled employees to carry out his plan, only the best for his darling, and sends them out to bring you "home". That day you come home from work, completely unaware of the people in your apartment, completely unaware of the sleeping pills dumped into your water while you weren't looking.
Mafia boss! Charlie who's ecstatic to finally have you with him, to finally have someone to hold, to talk to, to love. He brings your unconscious body to your new room, laying you softly on the bed while instructing his employees to pack up all your belongings and bring them to him. He doesn't tie you down or chain you up, he has enough security measures in place to make sure you won't be able to escape. You won't even be able to leave your room without him being notified.
Mafia boss! Charlie who watches the camera in your room as you wake up for the first time in your new home, confused and disoriented. All of your stuff is here, but this is NOT your apartment. Where are you? He watches as you start to freak out, guilt flashing through him for the first time in his life. He doesn't want you to be scared, he just wants to keep you safe!
Mafia boss! Charlie who sends one of his gentler employees into your room to explain everything, too afraid of scaring you even further by showing up himself. He waits a few days before revealing himself to you, when your terror has calmed down and you've become more familiar with your surroundings. He kind of just stands there, unable to formulate a sentence, which is extremely unnerving to you. You've been told you're to be married to a highly respected and violent mafia boss, and here he is, just...staring. When he opens his mouth to speak, your surprised at how soft his voice is, calmly explaining to you that you're safe, you won't be hurt. He reaches out his hand to touch you, but recoils when you flinch, not wanting to push you.
Mafia boss! Charlie who does everything he can to make you more comfortable and less afraid of him, getting you anything and everything you've ever shown interest in, giving you as much space as you need, and letting you roam the rather large house freely. All you can't do is leave. He doesn't understand why you're still so scared, sure he's a criminal, but he promised he would never hurt you!
Mafia boss! Charlie who gets more desperate for your love as time goes on. He starts appearing in whatever room your in, softly talking to you about his day or about whatever you're doing, trying to get you to be more comfortable with him. Once you've gotten used to that, he starting slowly initiating physical contact, holding you in his arms like he's never going to let you go (because he won't). He tried his hardest not to push your boundaries, but eventually his need to be near you becomes too great. Rest assured though, he would never, ever dream of hurting you or purposely scaring you.
Mafia boss! Charlie who can't get enough of the feeling of your skin on his. He starts hugging/cuddling you whenever he can, holding you like you'll break if he presses too hard. He's always near you, cuddling up to you while telling you about how much he loves you, adoration shining in his eyes. He's the clingiest at night though, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you fall asleep, him watching over you until he succumbs to his own tiredness. And his kisses? They are the softest, fluffiest thing you've ever felt. He cannot get enough of your lips, and he always kisses you passionately, like you'll disappear once he separates from you. With how loving and gentle he is, it doesn't take long for you to start loving him back.
Mafia boss! Charlie who starts giving you more privileges the farther you fall into stockholm. He'll even start taking you out in public on dates once he thinks there's no chance of you trying to escape him. He'd be able to find you if you did, he has many, many connections, but he trusts you won't. He loves going out with you and doing normal, coupley things with you, it's a nice break from his usual, violent life.
Mafia boss! Charlie who is insanely protective of you, never leaving you alone in a room with anyone except for himself. He knows how dangerous it is to be associated with him and now that he has you, he refuses to let anything happen to you. Any rival who attempts to hurt, kill, or kidnap you is met with Charlie himself, who enacts the most brutal, torturous death he can possibly think of on them. Nobody will come close to hurting you, he'll make sure of it. But no matter what happens, he'll always make sure you're far, far away from the violence. He never wants to subject you to the horrors he's seen (and done).
Mafia boss! Charlie who feels awful the first time you hear him raise his voice. It wasn't at you of course, he would never, ever think of yelling at his darling, you just happened to be in the room when he was meeting with one of his associates. It's scary seeing him yell, threatening brutal acts of violence on his own employee, and for the first time you realize how different he is with others than he is with you. He's quick to shut the meeting down once he realizes you're there, spending the rest of the night apologizing to you and assuring you he would never speak to you like that. This'll be the first time he truly opens up about what his job is like and why he has to be as cruel as he is, trying to help you understand why he behaved the way he did. It's difficult for him to make himself vulnerable, but he'd gladly to it if it meant easing your mind. From then on, he makes absolute sure you aren't around whenever he has to take care of business. He refuses to let you see him like that ever again.
Mafia boss! Charlie who never lets you forget how much he needs you in his life. You're the only thing keeping him from devolving into insanity, he wouldn't know how to handle himself if you were gone. He'll give you everything and anything if you listen to him and stay by his side, so please... please don't try to leave him.
Not that you would be able to, anyway.
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seventeendeer · 9 months
sorry to keep bitching about frustrating rain world fandom trends, but I think if you read downpour as a pure "being alive is good, actually" metaphor with a weird dissonant twist at the end (saint's campaign), that ... reveals a shockingly surface-level reading of the story that ignores every interesting question the game poses in favor of trying to force a comfortable, one-note moral that only actually works if you ignore a significant amount of canon.
like, I'm sorry, but there's no way to in good faith pry a straight answer out of this story. I know fandom tumblr is a hotspot for disillusioned former christians, and stories about how religion isn't all it's chalked up to be are comforting for many, but this simply is not that kind of story. if that's your takeaway from it - that the world the game presents is worth sticking with, that ascension isn't the right choice - that makes sense, it's a valid personal opinion to come away with. however, to argue that the void sea endings are objectively the "bad" endings, or that saint's campaign makes no sense thematically, is to overlook a massively important reason why rain world works so well as a game in the first place: it's intended to be a choice.
saint's ascension ability is in YOUR hands. the game is asking you, the player, what you got out of this, what you think is best. it is asking you to reflect on the themes it's been trying to communicate to you for the last several dozen hours
(can you cope with a life that brings you more pain than joy? if there was another way to exist, would you choose to change? what would you give up to attempt another existence? everything? what if you're being fooled and you're chasing a terrible fate? what if powerful people are preying on your misery and it's all a scam? what is left of you when stripped of all things that cause pain? is it your true self? in a world without pain, what is even left? what if it's everything that means the most to you? what if you're going home? what if you could love without the fear of pain, loss, sickness, death? is the grand more important than the small? is it better to stick with familiar pain, or to chase something frightening that may ultimately make you happy? who can you trust to guide you? who will take advantage of you on the way there? what would get in your way? your own ego? your guilt? bitterness? love for the world you know, an ability to see beauty in the midst of tragedy? is this weakness or strength? etc etc etc don't even get me started on the commentary on religious institutions, classism, structural and familial abuse, and how this is all woven together)
like, I'm sorry, rain world is not a saturday morning cartoon trying to teach you life lessons, it's a piece of interactive fiction using game mechanics as a vehicle for some extremely interesting philosophical discussions, which it politely asks you to actively engage with as you go along. I'm sorry if that's uncomfortable to people who don't relate to those topics, but declaring bad writing on a piece of fiction for not presenting you with a clear-cut moral stance at the end that already aligns with your personal lived experience is just ... a godawful way to interact with stories.
(deliberately handwaving or ignoring major and obvious pieces of symbolism for the sake of declaring it a Good Story That Agrees With You, Actually frankly isn't much better. stop making me read analysis posts where half the story has to be a drug trip for your point to make sense)
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auroreliis · 1 year
Hi can you please write a fic of yandere batfam with fem reader who is so so so in love with this guy that she's friends with, maybe the batfam get to take her to a party because they don't trust her on her own thinking she'd try to escape so they bring her but her friends are there and they see her stuttering and blushing with one guy. She looks so in love with him and is completely head over heels. Can I request a whole long fic for this?
Can do! I did have to change it a little in order to make the yandere-ish concept a little more apparent. Hope you don't mind ^^
Platonic Yandere!Batfam
Summary: You're in love, but how does your family feel about it?
CW: slight social isolation
(not edited or proofread)
"No", Dick's words caused to to turn to him.
"I asked dad, not you", you argued, not content with his reply.
"I said no, it doesn't matter who you asked. The answer is no. You will not be going to that party", Richard stated firmly.
"Your brother has a point, you go to school to learn things, not to make friends. You have no reason to go to that party.", your father chimed in.
"Please, dad. Can I please go?", you begged, hoping to change his mind.
Bruce sighed inaudibly, "I'm sorry, but no."
You huffed in disappointment before leaving angrily.
This was ridiculous.
They didn't allow you to participate in any human interaction outside of the manor.
You did have friends, but they only recently found out about it.
There was this person in your friend group who made your knees weak.
However, you couldn't tell them that they were the reason you wanted to go to the party, because they would fume.
You had no idea what they would do, if they found out that you were in love with someone, but you assume that they would hurt them or something.
You slammed your door shut, hoping they heard it and maybe decided to change their minds, before throwing yourself onto your bed.
They were hopeless, utterly hopeless.
A knock on your door made you think that they had, in fact, changed their minds, but you opened the door to find Jason standing there, instead.
"What's wrong, kiddo?", Jason asked.
"I'm not a kid. Also, dad and Dick won't let me go to a party", you muttered in defeat, slowly coming to terms with the fact that there was no way you were going to see your beloved.
"A party, well, they probably assume you'll be doing drugs or some other shit. No wonder they won't let you", Jason tried to comfort you.
"Drugs? What, no! Obviously not! I just want to spend time with my friends", you defended yourself.
Jason hummed in thought.
"Alright, if you agree to spend time with with me, I'll take you to the party", he spoke, a smug grin on his face, since he knew you would agree.
"What will we be doing?", you stalled, feeling this was too good to be true.
"I won't tell you yet, so make your choice."
A groan escaped your lips, "Fine. Just take me to that party!"
Huffing in defeat, you stood in front of the entrance, not willing to go in yet.
"This...isn't quite what I had in mind", you spoke, tugging at the handcuff attached to your right hand and Jason's left.
"Well, I can't let you leave, can I? Bruce would kill me", he spoke, obviously not concerned at all.
"Well, if I enter this house chained to you, people are going to think that YOU'LL kill ME."
Jason gasped dramatically, "I would never!"
You didn't bother replying.
You just wanted to go back home at this point.
You would rather not be chained to Jason, but there was no way that he would let you run around freely like that. You should've known.
Your hand lightly tugged at the handcuff, hoping it would release you from its bounds, but to no avail.
"Listen, if ya don't wanna go in, we can go back home-" "No!", you cut him off.
You decided that you would like to see your beloved first.
Talking to them was...awkward to say the least. Jason was chained to your hand and all but stared holes through your beloved.
They were quite intimidated and left.
Not only was your brother scary, but you were also shaking, not from fear though, you were so nervous about talking to them, that you barely formed a full sentence.
This was dreadful to you.
Jason, on the other hand, was having the time of his life. He doesn't get invited to parties often, so this was new for him. Not that he was invited to this one or anything.
"Let's go", you mumbled to him, after all of your friends left out of fear.
"Already? I thought you were so desperate to go to this party?", he mocked.
That tone. You immediately recognised that tone.
He was making fun of you.
He was purposefully scaring away your friends.
Your blood boiled and for a moment you were tempted to punch him, but he was much stronger than you and would undoubtedly get irritated if you tried.
So you stayed silent, taking in all of the information you just recieved. He probably only offered to take you to the party to see who your friends were.
You scolded yourself for not realising sooner.
Of course.
Why else would he take you to the party?
He only ever makes things difficult for you.
You should've known.
Your mind wandered for the rest of the night.
All of your memories were blurry. You don't even remember how you got home, all you remember was throwing yourself onto your bed.
You were lost in thought.
They didn't even let you fall in love. Would you ever be able to have a normal life again?
There was a knock at the door.
Your eyes shut and you sighed.
Here we go again.
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odue-sp · 1 year
Muzan x Male Reader x Kagaya Ubuyashiki
Part two
The walk back was a quick one, being able to keep up with the flying crow was a plus. His eyes gazed over the flowers as the scent overwhelmed him, maybe being around that demon caused some reaction. Everytime he interacted with the demon he'd feel sick near such beautiful flowers. He reached over and touched the petals before a soft voice gently touched his cheek. "M/n-san," Kagaya smiled appeared as he touched the face that was near and dear to his heart. "Hello, little one," he tilted his head and patted the child's head before taking them into his arms. "My, you've grown." He praised before setting them down.
The child smiled and waved before rushing to the small hut to the side where the other demon slayers cheered that they had come back and that they prepared food. "Your mission," he spoke before feeling the demon's energy slowly disappearing. He reached for his neck and brushed over where Muzan touched. "Completed. There was a small setback." He didn't need to say anything else. Kagaya knew how Muzan obsessed over the man.
"You'll stay, right?" He asked, he always worried that his will to stay human or even stay by his side weakened with every visit from the demon. "Of course, Oyakata-sama." He closed his eyes and the blind man smiled. He let the flowers scent him.
Kagaya and M/n have known each other since birth, L/n's have served the clan since day one. They were often favoured by demons. They were strong and their e/c eyes seemed to captivate demons... They would become obsessive. How was this known?
Muzan met the first L/n. He ate the first L/n after turning into a demon, thankfully, two children were spared before being saved by Ubuyashiki ancestors. They learned about his L/n's seem to be craved by demons... Of course, history isn't pleasant. When there weren't enough demons slayers during the first years of demon slaying. L/n were sacrificed to go into a village infested and kill until they were saved by Muzan. One wish; to save this village and they would gladly be eaten.
It was all fine. M/n's father was killed the same way, Kagaya was a kind master. He cried while grabbing into his friend. The L/n didn't discriminate against gender, whoever was powerful would be saved and the weak were sent to be sacrificed. M/n was the youngest during that time.
In the end, his life was too valuable. Muzan saw the first L/n in him, it would be good to kill him after killing the entire clan. As the boy grew up, the demon couldn't help but crave for the man that he became.
They loved each other, but as a demon who didn't care for humans and killed whoever didn't sit well with the righteous descendant. He ended things, breaking the demon even more when he married and had a child.
The wife died of sickness.
"M/n," a pair of lips brushing against his neck snapped him out of his thoughts. "Oyakata-sama is there something wrong." He brushed his hand over his face before resting his fingertips on his scar. "We should go apply some ointment." "Right now, I'm Kagaya, M/n."
They sat on the floor, M/n carefully spread the medicine, it was a shame. The man before him has such flawless skin. The purple fits him well nonetheless. Even his eyes suited him. "M/n," Kagaya whispered as he held his wrist. "You won't fall for him again, would you?" M/n paused. "No. I don't love him. For the sake of Kagaya's peace of mind and for humanity." He spoke as the Lord smiled. Their hands intertwined. "That's... Good to hear." He whispered before kissing the s/c male gently.
"I'm sorry you can't have a normal life, L/n."
M/n closed his eyes leaning into his touch.
"I don't mind. My ancestors knew the challenges and sacrifices we needed to make, I know it too." He opened his eyes to stare at him.
"I just beg you to have mercy on my child."
Kagaya smiled.
"We will save humanity. There won't be a need for any more blood in your family," his thumb brushed against his lips before carelessly pushing it into his mouth. It brushed against his teeth before rubbing his tongue. M/n slightly drooled. "I can handle one round."
The two became silent. "Kagaya, your body is weak." He sighed softly. "Then tonight let's just kiss."
M/n L/n, the official concubine of Kagaya Ubuyashiki.
Kagaya's will was much more stubborn than M/n expected. "M/n," he spoke pulling the male into a kiss, eager and lovingly. "I'm dying, I wish I could see your child grow." M/n stared and hugged the male tightly. "Kagaya, don't say such things." They both knew it was true anyways. "I tell everyone to let you rest this week." He kissed his cheek. "Thank you, I hope this won't be our last time. Even though I'm getting weaker. I still enjoy this." Ah, guilt. "Your wife."
Kagaya stared... "She knows." He just sighed. As if that made it any better.
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wttcsms · 4 months
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i have over 100k+ words in unfinished drafts/wips in my google docs. yikes.
in an attempt to gauge general interest + also to motivate myself in attempting to at least finish half of the projects i've started, i'm going to share some of the fics i think y'all will be most interested in 🤍 (and also because these are my usual first rough draft attempts, so these are just the best of the worst LOL)
as always, lmk what you think, what you're most excited for, and i'm always open to chatting about any of my concepts in depth 🤭
featuring keiji akaashi, atsumu miya, sae itoshi, tobio kageyama, naoya zenin, satoru gojo, + a plot that's still open for any character so tell me why ur fave deserves it (all with fem reader)
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— brace for impact, keiji akaashi elevator pitch: rich college girl with daddy issues is roommates/put under the care of old-time family friend, 20-something y/o keiji akaashi
“I just don’t want you to waste your life away.” He answers, which is the truth. He really hates picking you up when you’re drunk off your ass, unable to defend yourself against the swarms of sleazy college guys that are attending the same party as you. He hates the fact that you’ve been raised — if the dozen father-daughter interactions you had with your dad counts as him “raising” you — to believe that money can solve all your problems. Because, sure, having money has gotten you out of many tight spots, but it wasn’t money that drove to a college on the other side of the city to pick you up, it was him. He has to stand here and watch you push the universe’s boundaries, trying to test your luck, to see if there’s a problem or a bad situation that you can’t get out of this time. You’re reckless and privileged and insecure and rich — the deadliest combination for any college age girl to be. You’re going to ruin your life before it even fully begins. It’s like your default mode is self destruction. 
“Not this speech again.” You sigh, shifting your body so that your knees are turned towards the door instead of him. “Y’know, Akaashi, you’re not my dad.” 
“Yeah, because unlike him, I actually care about you.”
You’re silent now, still staring out the window. He’s usually better at keeping his mouth shut, but it’s hard to do whenever you’re constantly pushing and pushing and testing his patience and he’s just so—
“—sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” His knuckles are white from how hard he’s gripping the steering wheel. It’s a wonder how the words leave his mouth; you think the way he’s clenching his teeth acts as a formidable enough boundary. 
Actually, you think, it’s entirely justifiable. You’re coy, not dumb. You know when you’ve pushed Akaashi too far, and this is one of those times. And, really, you kind of — scratch that — you do deserve it. All of it. And then some. You’re irresponsible, and you drag him out to the other side of the city so he can act as your guardian, your protector, even though that is most certainly not the role he planned on playing. Honestly, you’re just surprised that he hasn’t left you out to rot like everyone else, and you’re thankful, you really are. But what are you supposed to say? That? The truth? Probably. 
You don’t, though. You just mutter some weak ass retort that sounds an awful lot like “you need to get laid” before staring out the window for the rest of the ride. 
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— devil on my shoulder tellin' me i'll die soon (i don't really want that to impact you), atsumu miya elevator pitch: yakuza au but a healthy amount of porn and plot. sequel to this.
The first time Osamu Miya meets you, you’re unconscious, and he has a feeling you’d be grateful about this fact considering the state you’re in. 
Atsumu’s carrying you bridal style, and even in your sleep, you still cling to him. The sight would be almost sweet, but Osamu’s not an idiot. There can never be anything sweet in his dear older brother’s life. Even in the pale moonlight, Osamu can see the bruises and hickeys lining your neck, a trail of them that seem to disappear underneath your clothes (he wouldn’t be shocked if there’s a map of hickeys littering your skin). Your hair is sticking up at odd angles, your lips are swollen, and you are knocked out in every sense of the word. 
If the situation wasn’t serious (even without verbal confirmation, he’s well aware of how dire this situation is right now; Atsumu wouldn’t have visited him if it weren’t), Osamu thinks he would have made a comment about his brother’s rough handling. 
(He doesn’t, though, because Osamu knows all about just how rough his brother can get — after all, they both had the same upbringing.) 
“‘Samu,” Atsumu says, and his voice makes him sound like he’s worse for wear. He sounds like when he was fourteen and had his first taste of initiation, when a group of the strongest men would beat him relentlessly for thirty seconds and he wasn’t allowed to fight back. The crack in his voice is subtle, and even though Osamu rarely speaks to his brother anymore, he’s still a master at reading him. 
“Who’s the girl?” Osamu nods to your sleeping form, trying not to focus on the purple and red marks. God, he can’t tell if he, Atsumu, you, or all three of you are lucky it’s so dark. Osamu can’t really believe it’s possible to go out in public after a night with his brother; not without being on the receiving end of a few concerned looks. 
“I need a favor.” Atsumu ignores his question, which is typical behavior for him, so Osamu’s not entirely too surprised or annoyed. “She’s in danger, and it’s—” 
Atsumu grimaces like the next words he’s about to say are going to leave a bitter taste in his mouth. And maybe it’s because that’s his brother and they grew up together, or maybe it’s because ‘Tsumu’s always been a little predictable (or has Osamu just always been good at predicting?), but Osamu can almost mouth what his brother’s about to say.
“—my fault.” 
So, you must be someone awfully important to his brother then. Important enough that Atsumu would finally visit him in person after all these years (with barely any warning beforehand, too). Important enough that Atsumu would treat you so roughly (if the marks on your body are any indication of what you’ve been through) and still care about you so deeply. Important enough that he’s finally taking accountability, finally taking the blame for his actions.
He didn’t think it was possible, but Atsumu’s left him genuinely speechless for a moment. 
“Please, ‘Samu.” Atsumu Miya is not the type of person who breaks down easily. He does not beg, he commands. But right now, Atsumu sounds like he’s this close to getting down on his knees and clasping his hands together if that’s what it’ll take to get Osamu to help him. “You told me you would owe me after what I did for you. Consider this your repayment.” 
Apparently, you’re someone so important to Atsumu, he’s cashing in a favor that’s worth his life just to ensure your safety. Osamu can’t tell if that’s true idiocy or true love — then again, there’s hardly a difference between the two, is there? 
“Idiot. I would have helped ya regardless, y’know.” He means it. Every word. 
“I know.” And Atsumu means it, too. Because even if they’ve went years with little to no contact, even though they both belong to two completely different worlds, they’re still brothers. Which means that they also know each other as well as they know themselves, and Atsumu knows that Osamu can never truly be at peace until he feels like the completely imaginary debt he owes is paid back in full. 
The universe must have a taste for irony, though, because Atsumu thought that ensuring your safety and bringing his brother peace would make him feel good. Instead, transferring you to his brother’s arms allows the weight of the world to rest more comfortably on his shoulders. 
Osamu takes one last look at his older brother, and he’s not entirely surprised to see that his attention is on you, dark eyes staring so intensely at your sleeping figure, he wonders if he’s trying to commit your face to his memory. He’s worried about Atsumu. Sure, he’s got a whole entire gang on his side, a rather powerful one too, but ‘Tsumu’s never been the greatest at being left alone to his devices, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. 
But then Atsumu looks up at him, and Osamu feels like they’re both fourteen again. Trapped, vulnerable, in immense pain… But not alone, never alone. 
“Thanks, ‘Samu.” 
“Any time, ‘Tsumu.” 
(It’s the same words exchanged by their teenage selves years ago, whenever Osamu would help him clean his cuts and sloppily stitch him up.
To them, it was another way of saying “I love you”.)
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— it always leads to you [chapter one], sae itoshi elevator pitch: literally the long ass, long awaited start to this series. if you listened to taylor's new album (ttpd)... yeah, that's basically the new soundtrack for this fic. do what u will with that info <3
A hard pill to swallow is that people never get over their first loves. 
It’s like, scientifically proven, or something. There’s been studies, you think. Not to mention that you belong to the group of people who have never gotten over their first loves. 
You’re aware that it’s probably embarrassing and should be something that brings you shame, but when Sae comes knocking on your door, infrequent, surprise visits that always catch you off-guard, you find yourself opening the door for him. 
(He has a key. He can let himself in any time he wants. You think he must forget.)
This time, he’s not knocking on your door, but he is waiting in the stairwell near the entrance to the floor of your apartment. He’s got a baseball cap on and a dark sweatshirt, and you want to tell him that everyone who lives here is most definitely getting shitfaced at the college bar you just left (the one whose only redeeming qualities are that it’s by campus and the drinks are cheap). He doesn’t have to worry about hiding his identity. 
You frown when he approaches you. 
“You didn’t tell me you were coming,” you pout and complain about this halfheartedly, but it’s all for nothing. Sae never tells you when he’s coming; it’s almost like you’re just a spur-of-the-moment decision to him, which doesn’t feel right since the Sae you grew up with was always meticulous and purposeful with his actions. Granted, the Sae you grew up with left on a plane to an entirely different continent four years ago, and the one you have standing next to you now sometimes feels more like a doppelganger than your ex-boyfriend. 
He doesn’t answer, because of course he fucking wouldn’t. He waits for you to fumble with your keys; if you knew he was coming, you wouldn’t have let Akane convince you to take as many shots as you did. Now everything is kind of blurry and hazy, and your hands shake despite the lack of coldness you’re feeling. 
You delude yourself into thinking that there’s something of the old Sae left inside of him as he gently pries the keys from your fumbling fingers and unlocks the door to your apartment himself. 
Entering your apartment feels like traveling in a time machine, only instead of traveling back in time or to the future, Sae is entering a present-day parallel universe. This apartment, with its best (and only) amenity being a short distance from campus, could have been his. Could have been shared by the two of you, even. 
If he had stayed, that is.
Sometimes Sae ponders what his life would be like if he stuck around. If he had never had the ego or the audacity to want to see more of the world. You know better than to ask him why he never visits you when you’re on a holiday break from school, and he thinks it’s because you still know him the best out of anybody, even Rin. The truth is, Sae is too uncomfortable to come crawling back to his childhood home that he grew up in, the one he’s spent years determined to grow out of. He only comes back home when absolutely necessary — out of eldest son/family obligation. 
This college apartment, seeing remnants of a life you’re living that he doesn’t know much about (even though all he has to do is ask, and you would gladly tell), feels wrongly nostalgic. Like, the sweatshirt lying haphazardly on the couch displaying a big, fat Tokyo U logo on its front could have been his instead of your roommate’s. He could have played college ball instead of trying to get recruited directly to the big leagues. Sae’s good enough to get a scholarship. Even received a letter informing him that Tokyo U would be more than glad to have him, full-ride. 
(The letter resides in the back of his closet, crumpled up but never forgotten.) 
And, most importantly, you wouldn’t be looking at him like this. 
Even drunk off of cheap alcohol, you sober up startlingly fast when you see him. You shouldn’t give him so much power over your life, but he’d be a damn liar if he said he didn’t relish in the overwhelming relief that you still love him just the same. Nothing ever changes back home, and he says this with disdain, but when it comes to your unshifting affection for him, he figures staying the same can’t be all bad.
“Y’know, it always feels like you’re judging me when you just stand there and look at everything.” An intoxicated you is an honest you. If he wasn’t so determined to mask everything about himself, he would have smiled at your admittance. 
He doesn’t smile, though. He just continues to let his cold eyes roam across the entirety of your cramped, college apartment.
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— an indentation in the shape of you, tobio kageyama elevator pitch: idol!reader who goes into hiding after a major scandal despite being the victim x pro!tobio who's been hopelessly pining after you since forever. now you're in hiding, but also living in the apartment right across from his.
When you spend most of your adolescent and young adult years standing in front of a camera, constantly served on a platter for the masses to scrutinize during your most formative years, you get used to being seen. People’s eyes locked in on you isn’t a comfortable feeling, but it’s one you’re very well acquainted with. Watchful, judging gazes cling to you like a second skin. 
It comes with the job is what your personal manager, Fumiko Gima, tells you, right before she tells you to toughen up. You had been fifteen at the time and saw a blogger discussing how you were the least attractive cast member on the children’s ensemble show you starred in. 
All eyes are on you from this point forward. You really going to let them see you cry? Fumiko is not a nice person, but she is incredibly kind, in her own way. She’s the type of person who believes in tough love, all while claiming that she doesn’t even think love exists. 
You think about the disapproving frown on her face when you revealed your relationship with Kentaro Tanaka. 
“You think you’re in love with him?” Sometimes it’s hard to believe that Fumiko is barely seven years older than you. Her youth is evident in her flawless skin and shiny hair (both of which are maintained by very meticulous routines), but the flat expression she wears on her face makes her seem like a woman who found out the hard way that her thirties are not going the way she planned. You’re eighteen when she asks you this question, and you don’t know how a twenty-five year old woman can have such an intimidating aura, but you think that only adds to her beauty. 
“He told me he loves me.” 
“People like him and I don’t believe in love.” Fumiko makes a face; sometimes, she lets her poker face drop in favor of making a face of disgust, annoyance, irritation, or extreme smugness. Right now, she looks disgusted. “Well, I wouldn’t normally place myself in the same group as him, but our industries are pretty much the same. You don’t get to where we’re at because of love, that’s for damn certain.” 
At this point in time, you’re adamant that it’s love because that’s what he says it is, and you’ve never been in love before, but you know that it’s something great. You’re eighteen, and insecure, and he’s in such a powerful position — he could have anyone he wants, and he loves you, so he picks you. Maybe Fumiko is just bitter because no one’s ever chosen her. 
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— angel of the morning, atsumu miya elevator pitch: historical, ambiguous war au ft. soldier!atsumu x the civilian sweetheart reader who nurses him back to health
It’s the thunder that wakes you first. 
Lately, you’ve been a light sleeper. Paranoia is a good companion whenever you’re a young, pitifully unmarried lady who lives alone. You keep a chair propped under the knob of the front door, and you no longer open any windows, scared that you’ll forget to lock them at night. 
Normally, it’s the ticking of the grandfather clock in the foyer, or the creaks that come and interrupt the silence of the night (your parents used to swear that old houses just make those noises) that keeps you up. Sometimes it’s the neighbors next door; they like to get into screaming matches that seem to be so loud, they shake the walls of your home. 
It’s not your neighbors’ arguing that rattles the walls tonight. It’s the thunderstorm that the sweet old man at the farmer’s market warned you about. You be safe out, miss. Take some extra apples. It might be too flooded for you to go out like you normally do. 
You pull your blanket over your head, enveloping yourself in darkness but doing very little to block out the noise outside. The thunder seems to only grow louder, each boom punctuating the lightning that you’re certain is striking through the sky. It’s too loud. 
And rhythmic. 
You listen closer… Three booms in succession. A pause. Three more booms. After a minute of this pattern, the sound only comes more rapidly — louder than before, too. 
The loud booms — it’s not from the storm, then. 
There’s someone knocking at your door. 
You debate hiding under the blanket forever. Maybe this stranger will go away and leave once they realize that no one is going to answer the door. Besides, no one trustworthy is roaming the area at this time of night, right? What possible explanation could there be for someone to be stranded outside at midnight during a major thunderstorm? 
But the knocking persists. Whoever this stranger is, they don’t know when to quit. You’d be annoyed if you weren’t so paralyzed with fear. 
“Open up!” A muffled voice still manages to cut through the front door, traveling all the way to your bedroom. It only serves to make you more afraid; what sort of monster is waiting for you outside? The storm rages on, and the knocking won’t stop. 
What happens if this person is in genuine trouble? Would a murderer truly be going through such lengths to kill someone? A thief? 
Well, you rationalize, it’s not as if you have many items worth stealing. Besides, you have no family, no marriage prospects, and a dwindling stash of money with no means to make more. You’re just existing at this point, and you’re surviving on limited time.
So you make your way to the front door, cringing as one section of the floor creaks as you tiptoe through the darkness of your home. You highly doubt the stranger outside can hear you, but you still hold your breath as you peek through the curtains. It’s too dark inside and out for anyone to notice the movement, and all you can make out is a large figure. There’s a knapsack by their feet and hanging off their shoulder is a gun. 
The knocks shouldn’t catch you off guard by now, but one particular hard bang against the door has you jumping in surprise, away from the window. 
This stranger must be a soldier. 
There’s not a lot of fighting to be done down here. The southern towns have mostly been unaffected. Most of the war is being fought up north. All the southern soldiers write back home, telling stories about the cities they visited, careful not to mention the red that runs through the streets and the way the citizens will have to update the population count on the sign outside their City Hall. 
But still, you know what everyone knows — when a soldier, especially one from your side, shows up on your front step, you better let him know that this home is now his. 
You slide the deadbolt with shaky hands, turn the lock on the doorknob, and only hesitate for a few seconds before removing the chair that serves as your last barrier. He’s a soldier, you remind yourself, hoping that you’re not wrong. The least you can do for him is offer him a hot bath for leaving him outside for so long. 
You open the door, revealing a blond-haired soldier weighed down from the weight of his sopping wet uniform, his hair sticking to his forehead because his face is also covered in rainwater, and it’s now that you notice that he’s got one arm wrapped around his abdomen. His hand is pressing down on his side, and you don’t think the dark liquid coating his fingers is water. 
“Finally.” He says. “I’m First Lieutenant Miya, and I fight for the south. I am seeking temporary refuge in your home, and I require only what you can afford to give me. I–“ Before he can finish rattling off what he’s been forced to memorize for times like these, First Lieutenant Miya falls forward, his body crashing into yours. 
It’s been a rough day. 
A rough week. 
A rough month.
A rough life, really, but Atsumu Miya’s long past the days of whining and complaining about things he can’t control. For example, he no longer dwells on his father abandoning his mother right before she gave birth to him and Osamu. There’s still a bitter taste that gets left on his tongue when he mentions dear old pa, which is why, for the most part, he chooses not to discuss him at all. He can’t control the way the north and the south view each other; sure, the mandatory draft isn’t his definition of a fun time, but he honestly didn’t have many plans after school, anyway. He probably would’ve joined the cause, regardless of the law or not. It’s just… A choice is nice to have, y’know? 
Like, if he had it his way, he wouldn’t have gotten caught up in some ambush tonight. If only he weren’t just a lieutenant. If only his captain weren’t such a dumbass.
If he had a group to command, Atsumu’s certain that he wouldn’t lead his men into obvious traps, unlike some captains. But newly promoted Brigadier General Kita isn’t here to force people to listen to what Atsumu has to say. Kita has bigger problems to worry about, bigger troops to organize. 
Atsumu’s morning starts off bright and early with a five mile trek in the woods. The sky is overcast, and anyone with eyes is capable of predicting the storm that’s coming. Atsumu suggests building temporary shelter before the rain makes it too hard to walk; it’s already hard enough to navigate now, but Atsumu’s visited this town before, when he was a little boy. It floods easily, too easily. 
His captain doesn’t listen. Typical.
Around noon, they take a short break to eat. Rations are getting lower. Atsumu suggests that two or three soldiers turn around and head towards town to get supplies. His captain argues that their group is already small enough and sneers that Atsumu must be a northie lover since he’s trying so hard to sabotage this plan. 
The plan is shit, by the way. The captain swears his intel is good, that he’s just oh so certain that a troop of northern soldiers are planning to invade a series of small southern towns. They’re supposedly cutting through the woods to be discreet, and they plan on striking at night.
Atsumu thinks that the captain is just falling into their trap (spoiler: he’s right). There’s no way anyone would bother capturing small towns, just like there’s no way people ever want to listen to someone who’s just a lieutenant. Nobody thinks they have anything to offer, so it’s not worth the time to even pretend to care. These towns aren’t loaded with resources. They aren’t located in any coveted areas. There are only a couple of farms, but even then, they’re not big enough to justify wasting troops to terrorize the townspeople. 
But First Lieutenant Miya follows his orders anyway because what else is he supposed to do? Unfortunately, talking back comes to bite him in the ass because as nighttime starts to settle and the first drops of rain start to fall, his captain gives him a slimy smile before telling him, “Since you have such great ideas, Lieutenant, why don’t you go ahead and turn back into town to get us some of those supplies we needed?”
Well, Atsumu has a few choice words in reply, none of which will get him back into his captain’s good graces (not like he cares to be anyway). Atsumu can argue that it’s dark out, and no one in their right mind is going to be up at night. Atsumu can throw back his captain’s words and remind him that their measly team is already lacking in numbers. He can make the captain look dumb and ask him where the supposed enemy troops are at, since apparently they’re supposed to be capturing the town right about now. He can abandon the men, go back home, and enjoy a homecooked meal from ma. She wouldn’t care enough to scold him for being a dirty deserter; the lecture will come, surely, but she wouldn’t be too harsh with him. Atsumu misses home. He misses his brother, who belongs to a different troop. He misses Shinsuke, his former captain. He misses his mom. 
What he does end up doing, though, is biting back his tongue. He barely nods, clenches his teeth as he reluctantly says yes, sir, and treks off on his own. 
He’s about three miles in when the bullets start flying. 
Isn’t this just a lovely way to finish off the night, he thinks, before sprinting through the trees, weaving between them, trying to ignore how loud and how close the shots sound. He thinks he’ll probably go deaf by the time this damn war is over. A bullet narrowly misses his face, and then he starts to think he’ll probably be dead before then.
He can’t see. If he can’t see, he doubts the enemies can, either. That’s when he gets an idea. His legs are sore, he’s thirsty, and every step he takes is punctuated by a sloshing sound because the area is flooding, just like he predicted it would.
(Sometimes it’s a pain being right all the time.)
The shots are still coming at him in rapid succession, and he believes maybe it’s because they still think they have to shoot at him. If they think they got him, maybe they’ll leave him alone. It didn’t sound like anyone was bothering to chase after him, meaning they’re all probably perched in trees or hiding in bushes, shooting blindly into the night, hoping to land a lucky shot on a target. 
Before he can pretend to be hit, though, some bastard does get a lucky shot on him.
“Fuck!” He can’t help but yell out, the bullet piercing the side of his abdomen. A burning sensation begins to form on the spot where the bullet decided to make its happy home, and Atsumu can’t help but fall to the ground, clutching at the bottom half of his body. 
A minute goes by with no more shooting, and he’s glad he’s in enough pain not to realize that had he thought of his little plan of pretending to be shot sooner, he probably wouldn’t be in this predicament right now. 
It’d be so easy just to lie down and die. It’d be a slow death, sure. Painful, very much so. But no more fighting. No more captains belittling him. 
But if you die, a tiny voice in his head reminds him, it wouldn’t just be you that dies. It’d kill ma. It would ruin Osamu. Don’t be a selfish bastard. 
He allows himself only one more minute to stay absolutely still. He thinks the adrenaline pumping in his system helps to numb the pain, which is saying a lot, considering the fact that death would be preferable over this excruciating sensation. When he’s certain the coast is clear, he struggles to stand and keep himself steady.
He cannot die like this. 
Atsumu Miya knows better than to get upset at things he can’t control. He can’t control flying bullets aimed at him. He can’t control enemy soldiers; hell, he doesn’t even have soldiers he can control, enemy or ally. He can’t control a lot of shitty things that seem to happen to him, but as long as his heart is still beating, Atsumu Miya controls his own fate. He decides what happens next. 
It’s only a matter of putting one foot in front of the other, he rationalizes. He walks all the time. It’s not such a hard task. The storm continues to rage on, and Atsumu pretends he doesn’t even mind the water. He pretends that he’s not freezing. He pretends that he doesn’t care that his uniform is sticking to his body, making the dirty fabric cling onto him as if to act as a second skin. 
There’s a white flag in his knapsack. During training, they said to use it as a last resort. Die before you wave it, or something like that. 
He knows the intended use for it, but right now, he needs it as a tourniquet. He tightens the flag around his waist, using all his diminishing strength to get it as tight as possible. He can trick himself into thinking it’ll stop the flow of blood leaving his body, but at least it’ll slow it down. It’ll grant him enough time to make it into town and get help. 
He doesn’t choose the first house he sees; he chooses the one he likes the best. It’s nothing all too impressive — certainly not the biggest, but from what he can make out in the dark, it looks quaint. It reminds him of home, almost. There’s a porch with a bench outside and flowers on a window sill. It seems to glow in the darkness of the town, its paint a much brighter shade than the surrounding houses. A nice family must live here then. 
He knocks on the door, and there is no answer. Atsumu Miya did not walk this far with his life literally draining out of him to only make it this far. He knocks and knocks, and because he is too stubborn, even to the very end, he doesn’t quit. Someone must answer the door. It doesn’t cross his mind that perhaps this lovely family he’s envisioning might not even be home. It feels like ages since he first started banging on this door, and he thinks this might be it.
And then the door swings open, revealing a young lady with a certain glow about her. Maybe it’s the blood loss talking, but right now, you look like an absolute angel. His bright beacon of hope. 
“Finally.” He swallows hard, trying to remember what he’s supposed to tell you. The proper words are evading him right now. Honestly, even standing is a struggle now. He thinks he does a good enough job, but then he blinks, and his eyes don’t open back up after that.
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— to the victor belong the spoils, naoya zenin elevator pitch: the dark longfic i mentioned abt borderline yandere naoya + how he basically slaughtered your whole entire clan and is going to force you to marry him because you have a cursed technique that will basically grant him invincibility
“Who did this?” You’ve seen Naoya so angry that his words seemed to shake the very interior of the room he was shouting in. You’ve seen Naoya so furious that he had everyone in his vicinity cowering in fear, scared to face his merciless wrath. Never have you seen him so enraged that he can hardly speak, the sentence coming out from between bared teeth; they’re discernible growls more than they are words, but his message doesn’t need to be understood in order to know his intent. 
Naoya Zenin is out for blood. 
“Tell me who did this.” He demands, hand gripping your chin, forcing you to tilt your head up and stare him directly in the eyes. You know why he does this; he can read you like a fucking book. He’ll know if you’re lying before you can even finish whatever fabricated story you’ve spent forever formulating. There’s no point in trying to trick him because it’ll cause him to get angrier, and then what? Then, you’ll have the whole entire room’s blood on your hands. A massacre dedicated just for you. 
You hadn’t cried when he had taken you from your home. You hadn’t cried when you were about to be killed by that curse. You hadn’t shed a single tear despite the unfamiliarity of the Zenin Estate, despite the fact that you were forced into a marriage with a man you did not know, despite the fact that you’ve never been this far from home, suffering silently in feelings of isolation and despair. You hadn’t cried after all of that, yet now you’re sobbing? Now you’re here, struggling to stand on your own, clutching onto the material of his shirt as if he’s your only lifeline, dangerously close to burying your face in his chest and crying your little eyes out. He’s been angry more times than he’s ever felt any other emotion. He’s numb to the feeling of his blood rising, of his vision being tainted with red, of having nothing but sick thoughts and vivid memories of torn flesh and severed limbs surrounding him. This emotion isn’t foreign to him; it’s a part ofhim. And he’s angry, yes, but there’s something else that he feels when he looks down and sees you making yourself smaller, as if trying to use him as your own personal shield.
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— balancing act [chapter one], satoru gojo elevator pitch: the first month of your bet will you and gojo inevitably get together <3 the start of this series.
You have what you order down to a T. You first started your tried and true method of restaurant ordering when you were but a wee little intern, too shy to go to town on a rack of ribs in front of your peers and bosses. Once you entered the city’s dating scene (which is actually Dante’s tenth circle of hell — it’s just never discussed because that’s truly how vile trying to find a good man in a big city is), you realized that there’s not much difference between lunch dates and client lunches. 
You have the obligatory greeting exchanges (“hi,” “hello,” “how are you,” etc.), the awkward smiles, the mental countdown going off in your head as you wait for the perfect moment to get right into business (“what do you expect to gain from this partnership?” — a line surprisingly used more often in your meetings with potential investors and clients). There’s the pained professionalism, the tight-lipped smiles, the napkin resting in your lap, the battle to maintain constant eye-contact. When you sit across from someone at a table, date or client, you don’t see the person; you see a goal. 
And you’re good at working towards a goal. It’s why you’ve always been the analyst your managers rely on, why you’ve morphed into the senior associate that all your juniors look up to at G&G Capital, and why you automatically figure that if you set your sights on a man only to have him end things, it’s not you who was at fault. It has to be him. You’ve charmed the toughest clients and built fantastic working relationships with the most well-connected M&A lawyers; if you’re this good at professional relationships, why wouldn’t you also be fan-fucking-tastic at a romantic one? 
All the men who have taken you out on dates before wanted to sweep you off your feet. An ex-boyfriend once admitted to you that you appeared so unimpressed at everything, it had become this fun, twisted competition with himself to see what he had to do to get a look of amazement on your face. 
“I can tell by the look on your face that you’re impressed.” Gojo says gleefully, holding open the dirty glass door so you and Utahime can walk in. 
Utahime looks like Gojo just slid open the backdoor to a white van and told her to get in. There’s shock with a hint of disgust evident on her pretty, doll-like features, and you know you’ve got a similar expression, too. 
The floors inside this restaurant — if the dingy, dimly lit shack crammed with small tables and rickety chairs can even be considered a restaurant — are sticky with decades’ worth of mystery liquids that have congealed into the half-inch thick residue that coats the floorboards. You have to purposely think about moving one foot in front of the other in order to walk because actual pressure needs to be applied if you don’t want your heels to become glued to the floor. You’re walking in front of Utahime and Gojo, and you end up choosing a table in the far back; it looks the cleanest. Briefly, you wonder if you’re allowed to be here, then think better of it as Utahime takes the seat next to you, and Gojo takes the one across. You highly doubt there’s a hostess here that’s dictating where the customers sit.
Especially since, upon one glance of the whole place, you realize that it’s empty save for you three. 
“Gojo, if we get killed, I hope they murder you in front of us first,” Utahime hisses. Her family’s so rich (and traditional), she’s never willingly been to a restaurant that doesn’t have a Michelin star. Before college, she’s never even eaten out at a chain restaurant. Being caught in a place like this has Utahime mentally spiraling towards rock bottom. 
“I hope they would, too. I don’t think I have the stomach to watch you meet your grisly end.” Gojo says serenely. Usually, he says things loudly, teasingly, gets all up in your face. When it comes to Utahime, he likes to play at being nonchalant. He’s been doing this to her for over a decade now, and it still grates her. 
Before Utahime can reply, the shaky voice of an older woman is exclaiming, “Oh! Welcome in! Have you gotten a chance to look over the menu?” The voice belongs to a short, plump woman with gray hair, a wrinkly face, but a kind smile that reveals yellowing teeth. She’s got a slight hunch to her back and nails with overgrown cuticles. You try to do a mental calculation of what you could buy this building for, to ensure that this sweet old lady never has to work a day in her life ever again. 
“You know what I want, Mrs. Kimura.” Gojo is giving her one of his signature dazzling smiles. “You can just double the portions today since my friend Utahime here eats enough for a family of five.” 
Mrs. Kimura lets out a throaty laugh. Utahime kicks Gojo in the shin from underneath the table. You’re wondering what Gojo orders from this place, and why does he order here so often to the point of them memorizing his meals? 
“I’m glad you brought friends with you today, Satoru. Meals always taste better when shared with loved ones!” She directs a warm smile in your direction, and you feel bad for returning it with your normal polite one. Tiny and brief. It’s more muscle memory than born from any real emotion. She’s shuffling away to the kitchen before you can try to summon a genuine smile for her, and Utahime’s phone is ringing, filling this near empty space with the tinny, anxiety-inducing sound of an iPhone ringer. 
She doesn’t excuse herself; just looks down at the glowing screen, grabs her phone, and heads outside to take the call.
Which leaves you sitting across from Gojo. Just the two of you. Just the two of you in a dingy restaurant seemingly run by only one old woman. The table looks older than you. The chair you’re sitting on makes a weird squeaky noise with any slight movement of your body. There’s no decor on the walls, no windows either. Nothing to distract you, nothing for you to feign interest in as you wait for Utahime to come back. 
You straighten your posture, try to discreetly look out the front door to gauge how close Utahime is to wrapping up her conversation, and find yourself with no choice but to look in front of you. All you see is Gojo.
He’s tall, you know that. Broad shoulders. Definitely not hideous, you can give him that much. You just feel shocked at how much space he takes up, how it feels like your eyes have to stretch to try to accommodate all of him. 
You don’t know why you feel so awkward, almost like a teenager going on her very first date with a boy she barely knows but still, for some inexplicable reason, wants so badly to impress. You can’t remember the last time you’ve ever felt this way, and you definitely don’t like this feeling at all. 
“How’d you find this place?” You ask him.
“I like to support small businesses.” He’s not teasing you, but Gojo has this bad habit of always adding a playful inflection to his words. 
“I hope you tip well. You look like their only supporter.” It’s not meant to be an insult to the painfully empty restaurant. You know how much Gojo is worth; when Itadori Googled “Satoru Gojo net worth” and showed the results to everyone, Gojo caught him in the act, looked at the top result, and threw his head back in laughter as he told Itadori to “add an extra zero and triple the number.” You think back to your calculation and assessment of the place. “Might as well buy the business.” 
“You make capitalism so cute.” He has to be teasing you now. You scowl. 
(He means it.)
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— i wish to know the fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed, satoru gojo elevator pitch: yandere gojo, royal au, nanny!reader... yeah idk what happened to this fic either, just that it was depraved and i wish i wrote more to share LOL
You’re acutely aware of the noise you’re making, every huff and small, desperate gasp for breath only further betraying your location, but you can’t find it in you to care.
You know, deep inside your pounding, frightened heart, that it doesn’t really matter how fast or how far you run. 
I will always find you.
Just the mere thought of him is enough for you to ignore the ache in your legs and push forward. If you can find the exit, if you can just see the daylight, surely you’d be able to—
You stop in your tracks.
There are two paths: one right, one wrong. Left or right? Freedom or imprisonment? 
There’s no time to waste, but you can’t make a choice. Which decision would be the right one? Surely either route would still be able to lead you to the exit, right? The sharp snap! of a branch being trampled on leaves you even more frightened. Without thinking, you take a left.
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— i think you're too divine for my human mind, undecided elevator pitch: rough around the edges but w a heart of gold underground fighter!character x ring girl!reader. i think this was gonna be for bakugo LMAO but i do not have bnha brain rot so maybe a bllk or jjk or hq boy... NO ONE SAY ATSUMU I DON'T WANNA GIVE IT TO ATSUMU
The couch seems to shift with his weight, and you swallow hard, staring straight ahead at the same cement wall you’ve been staring at for the last ten minutes because you’re still too much of a fucking wimp to navigate this area by yourself. 
Despite the two of you sitting at opposite ends of the couch, there’s only about one foot of space separating his knee from yours. You suppose that he gets away with the manspreading since he probably has no qualms with punching anyone who voices their offense. After witnessing just how brutal the infamous [ring name nickname] can get, you know that you’re definitely not going to be the one to say shit to him. You can’t even look at him.
Where the fuck is your sister? You have your arms crossed, covering your torso, and you think you must have subconsciously pressed yourself as far back into the couch as you possibly could. Everything about you must scream out “she wants to disappear!!!”, and the worst part of it all would be the fact that it’s the truth. You knew coming down here would be a bad idea, and the sinking feeling of regret is practically solidifying itself into your stomach. You think you could throw up. 
“Hey,” a voice — a deep voice, scratchy and low and so scarily close to you — breaks the silence. “You must be…”
Of course, you’re used to it by now. Always being referred to as “Akemi’s little sister” no matter the situation, the person, the setting. It makes sense, you rationalize. Everyone knows Akemi. And so, by extension, they must know you — her shadow, her little sister. 
“...helped out Sakura.” 
“What?” You don’t know anyone named Sakura, but you finally turn your head to properly look at him as you answer. He’s got on a white shirt now, incredibly form-fitting, and he’s staring right back at you. You're quick to meet his eyes before getting too nervous and focusing on the space just below his eyes. Then, that becomes too close to eye contact for comfort, so you settle for staring at his jaw. It’s a nice jaw. Sharp. He could probably cut you with it if you contradict any of his statements, so maybe you should pretend to know this Sakura girl. 
“You must be the girl that helped out Sakura.” He repeats. He says it slow and almost carefully, like he thinks you must be some sort of idiot who can’t comprehend the most basic of statements. “Gave her your jacket.” He clarifies, and it makes sense. The girl with the hot pink colored hair must have been Sakura. 
“Yeah.” You nod. 
“So why are you here?” 
“Y’know… Pretty girls like you don’t normally end up here without a reason. So what’s your reason?”
He says it so casually, throwing it out there as easily as a punch. He probably means nothing deep by it, probably doesn’t even realize the fact that it is a compliment. 
He called you pretty.
“My sister.” You answer, finally looking away at him to look down at your hands that have settled nicely into your lap. Your cheeks feel a lot warmer than they did a second ago. You decide to blame this as a result of too many sweaty people in one basement. 
“She a ring girl?” 
“She’s dating a fighter here.”
“And you?”
“What about me?” 
“Are you dating a fighter here, too?” 
You look him properly in his face after that comment, almost resisting the urge to laugh. Fear that he’ll get offended and smack you into the floor stops that reaction. Instead, you stare at him, slightly surprised, lips almost curled up into an amused smile at just how unbelievable it would be for you to date anyone like him. 
“You finally did it.” 
“Did what?” 
“Look at me.” He holds eye contact, almost as if he’s trying to challenge you into looking away. “I don’t bite, y’know.” He smiles, showing off a surprisingly straight row of white teeth, not a single tooth missing despite the nature of his… job. “It’s against the rules.”
Yeah. Because [character], the fucking [ring name nickname], looks like the type of man who follows the rules.
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
I'm ascending with all this yan Jing Yuan content, thank you for feeding us 🙏
Ngl you got me giggling and kicking my feet over this stupid man thing, affectionate.
But have you considered Jing Yuan subtly using Yanqing?
Jing Yuan knows you have a soft spot for the kid, it's hard not to, he's very endearing, and knows you'd never do anything to hurt the kid.
Yanqing is very oblivious to his guardian's true nature, he just thinks you're a bit bashful is all about dating the general. The kid adores you and always begs you to come visit, how can you say no to him?
You don't want him to ever be afraid of you, it'd hurt your poor heart too much, so you never lash out when Yanqing is nearby and tolerate Jing Yuan's antics.
Jing Yuan, being the rat bastard he is, would use this to his advantage.
But I also love the idea of Yanqing being a platonic yan for you, always clinging to you when you're walking the streets of Luofu. Keeping tabs on things that you like or people you interact with to keep dear ol dad in the loop, definitely might've eliminated someone who got a little bit too chummy with you or most likely went to Jing Yuan later on and in a few days that person is suddenly convicted of a serious crime.
You three are like a little family to him, poor kid has always wanted a mom and you're perfect! You seem to fawn over him and when does accidentally calls you mom/mama/etc you never correct him, if anything you encourage him to do so since you believe he needs a maternal figure (also to balance out Jing Yuan's influence over the boy)
Yan Yanqing is highly aware that you're weak to his whims, so he's going to take advantage of it. He really is like Jing Yuan in that sense, but his love for you is purely familial.
Sorry for rambling djxjcjcj I just got excited about the possibilities
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Both possibilities are fantastic 🙈😚💕And sorry for taking so long to reply like I lost touch on another planet🥺
TW: yandere(jing yuan), platonic yandere(yanqing), non-con
You can't resist this precious cinnamon roll, especially with his puppy eyes on the attack? He tells you about his experiences in Cloud Knights. Yanqing may act proud in front of you and crave recognition and praise.
If you tell him that your relationship with Jing Yuan is not the expected couple relationship. He is just harassing you. This truth will break the heart of this child. Jing Yuan is aware of this and uses it as an excuse to bring Yanqing to visit your home, groping you in the kitchen while you prepare your afternoon tea, and putting his fingers in your panties. You still hold the tray of milk and cookies in your hands as you flee from the kitchen, panting.
If Yanqing is platonic yandere? The core of platonic yandere! yanqing is: He is afraid that you will leave him and the general, and disappear silently from the long life. After all, you have nothing to do with them or have an obligation to be around them. You can leave anytime. He feels care and sincerity in you. He wants him to have a mother who loves him. Is it that difficult?
Just like what you described! When you wandered the streets of Luofu, Yanqing followed you closely, helping the general watch out for all possible threats. Yanqing noticed that there is a guy who is too close to you - why are you giggling when talking to him? He even grabbed your hand and confessed to you? Never mind, this dangerous man will be deported to a remote planet soon 🫡
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tswhiisftteedr · 9 months
Gamer ‘Friend’ ☆ Chapter 1: Panty Incident(s)
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☆ Pervy!Dom!Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader : On a Thursday night, Ignihyde’s dorm leader, Idia Shroud bumps into a fellow gamer, and that happens to be you, someone that had become infamous on campus. Being new to this world, and having the headmaster stingy with money, you had yet to experience this world’s gaming. But not to worry, after all Idia Shroud the professional gamer that he is, is here to help, in more ways than attended…
(In this version reader eats breakfast alone not with her friends, lol)
Warnings : Mature content, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Somnophilia, Panty Stealing, Masturbating(male), Cumplay(Idia cumming in readers panties), Degenerate Fantasies, mentions of; Choking, Tying up, Spanking, Slapping, Denigration, Humilation, but no actually action. (It’s mention in a book the reader has.) (Okay, it’s my first fic so sorry if tag this wrong). Reader is said to be curvy about twice. IDIA IS CANONICAL 18.
Note: Reader is; a heavy sleeper(or maybe not👀), shorter than Idia, a masochistic degradee, an airhead, fucked up, unhinged pervert. And Idia gets horny very easily around the reader, since they are the first girl he’s ever seen in real life, besides from his family and the S.T.Y.X employees. Things move really fast because Idia is loke an obsessive pervert. Also when y/n is written it only refers to the first name. Idia is a bit/lot occ, not proofread.
Chapter 1 | Next Chapter |
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☆ More under the cut. ☆
Idia was walking through the halls of Night Raven College, avidly trying to avoid unnecessary attention. His flame-like hair glowed a light blue, and his yellow eyes darted around the halls. He hoped to reach his dorm room without any issues.
However, that was not the case when he accidentally bumped into you. With his scrawny physique, he was almost knocked over by the collision.
“O-oh, I’m so so sorry! Are you alright? Sorry again I wasn’t paying attention!” You tell him, Idia's eyes widened as he nearly fell over. His hands went out to catch himself on you, grabbing hold of your wrist, leaving faint marks of his presence behind. He quickly let’s go when he realizes he is making contact with you. "Y-Yes, I'm fine..." He muttered softly, trying hard not to sound annoyed. Finally, he gathered enough courage and turned around to face you properly.
"Um- So.. h-hello?" He stammered nervously, unable to meet your gaze directly.
He noticed how small and curvy you were compared to him. Your soft and smooth hair was like a magnet pulling him in, making it difficult for him to tear his eyes away from your features. The way your hips swayed with each step had an odd effect on him; one that made him extremely horny.
“Uh, hi?” You reply, questioning the interaction.
"Umm... uh..." Idia stuttered, unsure of what to say next. His hands fidgeted nervously with his his tablet case. "I-I'm Idia Shroud, the Housewarden of Ignihyde." He managed to croak out finally, offering a weak smile that barely reached his eyes, still unsure of why he was introducing himself. But his brain told him to continue.
"And you are?" He asked tentatively, hoping he hadn't crossed any lines by asking such ‘personal information’ so soon after meeting you. Of course to an antisocial guy like himself, such question was considered personal.
“Oh, I’m f/n l/n, and I guess I’m the prefect of the Ramshackle.” You tell him, with a bright smile. He then remembered the whole story behind the girl who had been summon from another world, apparently she had stop 2 Overblots already, he usually didn’t pay attention to normies so he didn’t look into her. But he does remember commenting to himself how she was like an anime protagonist, getting isekaid into a reverse harem type of world….
“Oh, nice to meet you f/n l/n." Idia said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, feeling heat rise in his cheeks at the mention of being associated with someone so currently relevant, well at least on campus that is.
"So... uh, what brings you here?" He asked awkwardly, hoping it would steer the conversation away from himself and onto something else entirely.
"I was heading towards the library to get some reading material. You would be surprised how many of the books there are not school-related.” You informed him,
Idia blinked a few times, trying to process your words. "R-Reading? That's... nice," he muttered, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Well, I guess I should get going too then." He mumbled quickly, turning around and speeding away down the hallway, hoping you wouldn't follow him.
“Bye Idia, I hope to see you soon!” You speak up for him to hear,
"Y-Yeah... see you later..." Iida called out softly after you, his voice trailing off as he rushed towards the exit door of the school building. He wanted to arrive at the mirror chamber and reach Ignihyde as soon as possible, in order to return safely to his dormitory. Once alone in his room, he leaned against the door, panting heavily. His heart raced wildly inside his chest, and sweat formed on his palms.
He closed the door behind him, locking it tightly before collapsing onto his bed, burying his face into the pillow. What did you mean when you said ‘You hoped to see him soon’. How could someone like you—so beautiful and confident—possibly find anything interesting about a loser like him? He berated himself internally, feeling more worthless than ever.
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Meanwhile, you went to the library and found what you were looking for: smut books. You picked up two books, one with a vanilla and soft theme called 'The White Lily', and another one that was right up your alley - a dark romance novel that contained all hardcore explicit content in its plot. It was called 'The Trap of Mr. Sota'.
Here’s a summary of both of the books.
Title: The White Lily
‘"The White Lily" is an adult romance novel that tells the story of Ella, a successful businesswoman who has everything she could ever want, except for one thing: true love. Ella has never felt a real connection to anyone she's dated, and she's starting to think she's destined to be alone. That is, until she meets Michael, a charming and handsome stranger who shakes up her world in the most unexpected way.
As Ella and Michael start spending more time together, they discover that they have a deep and meaningful connection, and they can't resist the attraction that grows between them. But just as their relationship begins to blossom, past secrets and old wounds from Michael's past threaten to tear them apart. Will Ella and Michael be able to overcome their differences and find their happy ending? Or will their love be doomed to never be fulfilled?’
Title: The trap of Mr. Sota
‘"The Trap of Mr. Sota" is an alluring adult romance novel that delves into the depths of human desires. This captivating story follows Sakura, a young woman on a journey of self-exploration and sexual awakening.
As Sakura explores BDSM, she discovers her masochistic tendencies and finds comfort in the hands of Mr. Sota, a dominant figure who pushes her boundaries.
Sakura willingly surrenders to the degrading words and experiences pleasure through being tied up, spanked, slapped, and choked by Mr. Sota.
But Sakura's desires go beyond that. She enjoys being provocative and being disciplined by Mr. Sota.
In "The Trap of Mr. Sota," Sakura explores her submissive desires, becoming an object of pleasure. As pain and pleasure intertwine, Sakura and Mr. Sota embark on a journey of self-discovery, testing their limits and forming a deep connection.’
As you signed out the books, the elderly librarian gave you a knowing look, ‘they must have read them before-‘.
Afterwards, you left the school building, returning to your dorm, the ramshackle, and followed your nightly routine. This included cooking dinner for you and your magical beast roommate, Grim, taking a shower, doing your skincare routine, completing a bit of school work, and now, the newly added activity before falling asleep, reading a couple of chapters of 'The Trap of Mr. Sora’. And commenting on the books chapters using some sticky notes, after all it was still school property.
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The next day..
Idia woke up late, or more exactly, on time, his alarm having failed to go off. He hade made habit of waking up early to avoid interacting with other students at breakfast. Groaning, he rolled out of bed and stretched his stiff muscles before getting dressed in his usual attire: a black t-shirt and his NCR school uniform pants paired with his signature hoodie and shoes. The bayou blue hoodie featured a zippered pocket on the front and a white triangle design on the sleeve, adding a unique touch to its appearance. Its lightweight and breathable material ensures comfort and dryness in various weather conditions and occasions. The shoes, designed with a unique combination of white and blue colors, feature a white sole and a blue stripe.
He gathered his belongings and made his way downstairs to the Ignihyde common area. Stepping through a magic mirror, he arrived on campus and headed towards the cafeteria, where breakfast was being served.
As he entered, he noticed you sitting at one end of the many tables, engrossed in a book. His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary before he quickly looked away, feeling guilty for admiring someone he shouldn't be attracted to.
"Morning, Shroud," greeted another male student, an Ignihyde student, one he had encountered a couple of times. "You look like shit today." The students adds on.
Meanwhile you were engrossed in your book, currently reading ‘The trap of Mr. Sota’. As you muched on a syrupy pancake for breakfast, a spicier scene form the previous one begin, the sentence were extremely descriptive, which caused you to get a bit flustered, maybe a hint of arousal.
Idia winced at his dorm-mate’s blunt comment, avoiding eye contact as he grabbed himself something on the sweeter side to eat. "Thanks... uh, yeah, I didn't sleep well last night." He told him, trying to end the conversation quickly. As his mind wondered back to the thought of you, he decided to do something extremely bold for someone like him. After Ortho prestred him last night about not getting your contacts, especially after you had told him ‘you wanted to see him soon’, Idia made the decision to seat with you at breakfast or at least try his best to.
He sat down across from you, his eyes flickering involuntarily towards your exposed cleavage when you lifted your glass of orange juice. You usual wear a bow around your neck, but the days started getting hotter since yesterday, so you had opted for no bow and 2 unbuttoned buttons.
‘Damn it’, he scolded himself internally, forcing his gaze back to his own plate.
"So, umm..." he cleared his throat awkwardly. “How was your morning?" He asked, hoping the question would allow him to steer a conversation away from personal topics.
"Ah, hello Idia! I didn't notice you here. My morning has been going well so far. I woke up on time and caught up on some reading. How about you? What have you been up to this morning?” You told him.
"Oh, uh... well, I guess it was alright. Just another morning at school." Idia mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you as he stirred his meal.
In reality, however, his mind drifted back to last night's encounter with you—your soft voice, your scent mixed with the faint hint of vanilla from your perfume, and those enticing curves that made him ache with desire. He shook his head forcefully, trying to banish these thoughts from his mind before they consumed him entirely.
"So, uhm, have... y-you ever thought about joining any clubs or extracurricular activities around here?" He asked abruptly, hoping to change the subject once more.
"Yes, definitely! While there isn't a visual arts club, which was a big disappointment to me, I'm considering joining the board game club. Have you given any thought to which clubs you might want to join?” You asked him.
"Oh, nope, never really had any interest in joining anything like that. Also I heard that club wasn’t so great.." Idia replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his orange juice.
In reality, he was lying through his teeth; there were several clubs and activities he wanted to join, particularly ones related to technology, plus he was actually a member of the board game club. The thought of being around people was one he disliked,—but an attractive girl like you—made him break out in cold sweats, how was he suppose to beat Azul if you were around to distract, just by exiting.
"I mean... I enjoy playing games alone in my room," he added quickly, hoping it would end the conversation sooner rather than later, this was already too much for him.
“Oh, really, that’s fun! I used to game a lot in my home world, but now that I'm here, I can't. The headmaster is stingy with money, so I can't buy any games, much less a console or laptop to play on.” You explained, begin excitedly but ending with a pout.
"H-Hey, wait a second. I... I could help you out with that!" Idia blurted out before he could stop himself. His heart raced wildly in his chest as he realized what he'd just volunteered to do.
"I have some old games and consoles lying around my room, that I could bring around." he continued nervously, hoping you wouldn't reject his offer. "We could play sometime, maybe after classes?" His palms grew sweaty at the mere thought of spending time alone with you in his messy abode.
"Sounds good! Let's meet up in the library after class. I gotta go now too, so I'll see you later Idia!” You say, putting your school bag around your shoulder, and taking your leave for class.
But what you didn’t realize at that time, was that you had forgotten your two borrowed books on the cafeteria table, ‘The trap of Mr. Sota’ wide open, right at an explicit scene.
Idia's heart had skipped a beat as he watched you leave, his eyes lingering on your figure moving gracefully down the hall. He couldn't believe you had actually said yes to playing games with him.
But before he could savor this victory, his attention was drawn back to the books you left behind. His gaze locked onto the juicy scene described in 'The Trap of Mr. Sora', and despite his better judgment, he found himself unable to look away.
With trembling hands, he picked up the book and flipped through the pages, reading the explicit content with increasing interest. The characters engaged in taboo acts that ignited a fire within him, making his cock throb against his pants.
"What am I doing?" He muttered under his breath, trying to snap out of this dangerous thought spiral. “I can't... I should just put these damn things away." But instead, he continued reading, devouring every word like starved monster.
Idia's heart raced faster as he read through the book, his fingers tracing over your notes in wonder. The way you fantasized about being treated like a mere object, used and discarded without mercy, sent shivers down his spine.
He couldn't help but imagine himself as Mr. Sora, dominating and controlling this perfect girl named y/n. His mind spiraled out of control, filling with images of him tying you up, spanking your plump ass, thrusting into your tight hole—all the things you wrote about yourself wanting.
"No... no, it's wrong," he muttered under his breath, closing the book tightly. Standing up abruptly, he headed back to his room in Ignihyde, pacing the small confines of his room, trying to shake off these forbidden thoughts.
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Class was now over, Idia finally managed to calm himself somewhat, although his heart still raced like a wild animal trapped in its cage. Gathering up the courage, he leaves the books on his desk—his mind still clouded with forbidden images of you—and hurriedly made his way to the library.
As he entered, he noticed you sitting at the same table, already engrossed in another book. His gaze briefly lingered on your figure before he forced himself to focus on setting up the old console and games he'd brought from his room.
"Uh, hey y/n," he said nervously, clearing his throat. "Ready whenever you are." He says setting the console in front of you and taking out an old laptop to use as a monitor, or a second control.
“Hey, Idia! Your old console looks great. Also, can you help me familiarize myself on how to operate it? I'm not used to this world's gaming system or games, so your expertise would be a big help. Are you up for a tutorial?” You ask him,
"Oh, it's no problem!" Idia replied eagerly, plugging in the console and turning it on. He selected a simple racing game and handed you the controller.
"Just press these buttons here," he said, pointing to the symbols on the screen. "And use the joystick to move your car around the track." His hands trembled slightly as he demonstrated, his eyes fixated on yours.
The scent of your perfume mixed with the faint smell of books filled his nostrils, making it hard for him to concentrate. "Umm... so, uh, what games do you usually play back home? Maybe I know some similar ones we could try?" He asked nervously, hoping this would engage a conversation.
“Well I like games like open world rpg, where you needed to collect material to craft items, especially the ones where you could choose classes like swordsman, craftsman, mage, etc. But I also enjoyed puzzled games or visual novels type of game!” You state,
"Oh, I know some games like that!" Idia's eyes lit up with excitement. He rummaged through his bag and pulled out an old copy of 'The Ancient text: Cloudium', a game known for its expansive world and flexible character creation system.
"This one fits the bill," he said proudly, handing you the disc. "You can create your own character and choose from different classes like warrior, mage, thief..." His voice trailed off as he watched you insert the disc into the console.
As the loading screen appeared on the laptop screen, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, so... uh, do you want me to help you set up your character or should I just... leave?" He couldn't bring himself to watch as you crafted your perfect avatar without asking first, fearful of what it might spark within him.
“Oh no stay! I might need you, after all you seem to already know the gimmicks of the game. Plus I wanted to game with you, sure I like doing it by myself, but I also greatly enjoy playing with others!” You explain, bugging him to stay longer.
Idia's heart raced wildly in his chest as you moved closer beside him, your legs brushing against each other ever so lightly. He forced himself to focus on the game screen, trying hard not to think about how your body felt pressed against his side.
"Alright, well, let's start with creating a new character," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "You can choose between male or female... and uh, what race do you want?" His fingers hovered over the keyboard, ready to type out whatever you desired.
“Does the gender affect the game experience, like do you get favouritism from NPC if you chose one or the other?” you question, Idia nodded, "No, it doesn't really matter for this game."
“Okay then I’ll go with a female character.”
Idia's typed in your request, his hands shaking slightly. "Alright, female it is," he managed to croak out, “what race?”
“Oh you can choose.”
He decides to select the race of Snow Elf for you due to its ethereal appearance and agility. "And what class?" He asked timidly,
“I want to be a scout.” You inform him.
"A scout, huh? That sounds interesting," Idia replied, typing in the appropriate options. "You'll be able to move quickly and deal damage from range. Sounds like a good fit for you."
He handed you the controller again, his fingers brushing against yours briefly before pulling away quickly. His heart was racing wildly in his chest as he waited for you to continue with the game setup, as you customize your characters clothing.
“Okay, I’m done! Let’s start playing!”
Idia's heartbeat slowed down slightly as he launched the game, and soon enough, you both found yourselves exploring the vast world of Cloudia. Idia guided you through the character creation process, explaining various abilities and skills that would come in handy during the adventure. Than with other laptop he connects to his older game account, and joins your character.
As you navigated through the snow-covered landscape, the two characters interacted with nonplayable characters (NPCs), completing quests, and fighting off fearsome creatures. The atmosphere shifted dramatically whenever they entered dungeons or dark caves, casting eerie shadows across the screen.
"Do you like it so far?" Idia asked nervously, his eyes fixed on yours. He couldn't help but notice how well you controlled your character, effortlessly dodging attacks and landing devastating blows.
“It’s great! Also Idia I got a question for you.” you tell him,
"Yeah, go ahead," Idia replied eagerly, his voice cracking slightly.
“Actually I got two questions, sorry.. my first one is if you know where the book I was reading this morning went, also the other book that came with. When I realized I had forgotten them it was to late and I had to go to class, but when I came back to the dinning hall during lunch they were gone. So I’m wondering if you saw anyone take them when I left?” You ask him.
Idia's heart skipped a beat as you mentioned the book he hadn't been able to resist peeking at earlier. "O-oh, uh... I... ah..." He cleared his throat nervously. "I-I didn't see anyone take them," he lied, hoping you wouldn't press further.
"But I did notice they were left on the table we shared today," he added. "Maybe one of your friends picked them up accidentally?" His mind raced with guilt and excitement, wondering if you would confront him about it later.
“Oh okay!” 
Idia's heart was pounding in his chest, as he tried to focus on the game. His mind drifted back to your body moving so gracefully with the controller in hand, imagining how it would feel against his own…
"Uh... what's your second question?" He managed to croak out, breaking the awkward silence.
“Ah, yes, I’m sorry if this is a bit direct.. but..” you turn your head to look at him, “do you perhaps own old copies of more adult-rated games, like explicit and erotic content type of stuff, that you wouldn’t mind giving away. Sorry this is weird thing to ask lol.”
Idia's heart skipped a beat as you turned your head towards him, your eyes meeting his. His mind reeled with shock and confusion at your boldness, but a part of him found it oddly thrilling.
"W-well... uh... I mean..." He stuttered, struggling to form coherent thoughts. "Y-you know, some stuff like that might be in my collection," he finally managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.
"But I-I mean, we're supposed to be just playing normal games here!" He added quickly, trying to deflect the conversation back to their shared activity.
“Oh don’t worry I won’t play those games around you, they would just be for ‘me time’ lmao” you tell him with a chuckle.
"O-oh, uh... well, I guess that's fine then," Idia stammered, feeling a mix of relief and unease wash over him. He couldn't believe you had actually asked him about such things, but it also made his cock twitch in anticipation.
"Uhm, so, uh, do you need any help with the game?" He changed the subject hastily, hoping to redirect his wandering thoughts elsewhere.
In reality, he was already formulating a plan in his mind: tonight, after everyone else was asleep, he would sneak into your room and leave those explicit books on your bedside table, along with some games that fit your request. Perhaps steal one of your panties, maybe even the one you wore to sleep…; He was definitely going to steal that specific pair.
“No it’s alright, I’m just enjoying playing with you!” You tell him with a smile,
Idia' break out of his trance, heart racing as you continued to praise him, his mind whirling with the possibility of what could happen between you later.
"Well, uh... nice playing with you too," he managed to croak out, clearing his throat nervously. "I-I think we should call it a night for now."
Standing up, he gathered his belongings handing you the console, old laptop and two games to keep. He then walked towards the exit, trying hard not to look at your figure swaying in front of him. Once outside, he hurried back to his dorm room, his thoughts consumed by images of you, naked and eagerly awaiting him.
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Time had passed and you were already asleep in bed. You were only wearing a t-shirt and panties, as a pyjamas.
Meanwhile Idia waited outside your building, his heart hammering in his chest as he prepared himself for what he was about to do. After ensuring he heard no noise, meaning you were sound asleep, he quietly pick the lock of the front door and climbs the stairs to your floor and crept down the hallway towards your room.
His hand trembled slightly as grabbed the handle of your door, holding his breath as it beeped softly. Slowly, he turned the handle, pushing the door open a crack. The dim moonlight filtering through the window cast eerie shadows across your sleeping form, sending shivers of desire coursing through him.
With practiced ease, he slipped inside the darkened room, closing the door behind him softly. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, honing in on the bedside table. Carefully, he placed 'The Trap of Mr. Sota' and 'The White Lily', onto your desk, with a copy of erotic visual novel game called ‘maiden of the abyss’, a game that would definitely fit your taste.
Then, he approached your bedside, reaching out tentatively to brush aside the covers covering your legs. He paused, taking a deep breath before, with shaking hands, he removed your panties from your body. Leaving your bare glistening cunt in plain sight.
You gasped in your sleep at new and colder sensation with the lack of fabric covering you.
Startled by the sound of your soft voice, Idia froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He hadn't meant for you to wake up! Panic surged through him, but he quickly composed himself and grabbed your panties, stuffing them into his pocket before dashing out of the room.
He closed the door behind him, his pulse racing wildly. Had you heard him? Was he caught? His mind raced with worry as he hurried back to his own dormitory, trying to calm down. Inside his room, he paced nervously, unsure what to do next. But he soon decided that the best course action was returning to his dorm.
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He was now in his room, splayed out on his bed with the adrenaline form the thrill still coursing through his veins, and the image of your body still fresh in his mind. He needed to jerk off…
Idia's breath hitched as he slid his hand downwards, running it over the silky fabric of your panties. The familiar warmth and scent enveloped him as he brought the article closer to his face, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through his veins.
He closed his eyes, focusing on the image of you, spread wide open for him, begging for him to claim you. His fingers traced along the edge of the panty waistband, savoring the softness against his skin before bringing it to his mouth, licking it with a soft moan.
"Oh god, yes," he muttered, his voice cracking with need. "You taste so good." With renewed determination, he removed his pants and briefs, freeing his throbbing member from its confines. Gripping the base firmly, he began to stroke himself vigorously, imagining how amazing it would feel to bury himself inside you.
Idia's eyes stayed shut tightly as he continued to pleasure himself, his dick throbbing in sync with each thrust of his hand. The panties now draped over his cock, adding an extra layer of sensuality to the act.
"Oh god... I want you so much," he panted, his breath coming heavy and fast. "I need you." His pace picked up, faster and harder, his hips rocking back and forth in rhythm with his hand movements. Sweat trickled down his forehead, staining his pillow.
He imagined himself inside you, claiming you as his own, marking your body with bites and bruises. He would make love to you slowly at first, savoring every inch of your tight, warm passage. But soon enough, he'd lose control, pounding into you mercilessly, taking what he believed was rightfully his.
Idia's climax hit him like a tidal wave, his cock exploding in his hand, covering the panties with thick, sticky cum. He groaned loudly, his body convulsing as he rode out the wave of pleasure.
His breathing gradually returned to normal, and he carefully cleaned himself up before slipping back into his pants and pulling on a fresh pair of boxers. Tucking the panties away in his drawer, planning to steal a new pair tomorrow and put the used ones in your laundry basket as if he didn’t steal them. He switched off the light and crawled into bed, trying to banish thoughts of you from his mind.
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The next day…
Idia woke up feeling heavy-headed and sore, his mind still replaying last night's encounter with you. Groaning softly, he opened his eyes, blinking several times to adjust to the dim light filtering through the curtains.
After stretching, he got out of bed and dressed in his usual uniform, avoiding eye contact with anyone who crossed paths. He knew he had to face the day ahead, hoping nobody would notice anything amiss about him.
As he descended the stairs, he couldn't help but wonder if today would be the day you confronted him about what happened yesterday. His heart raced at the thought, both dread and anticipation warring within him.
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Idia's heart skipped a beat as he entered the dining hall and saw you sitting at your usual table, engrossed in 'The Trap of Mr. Sora'. You we’re already there, even though had returned to his early morning schedule. His gaze lingered on your figure for a moment too long before quickly looking away, his face flushing crimson with embarrassment.
"Good morning, y/n," he managed to croak out, trying to sound casual. "Uhm, er... uh... did you sleep well?" He cleared his throat awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah it was alright. Also you know what, when I woke up this morning I found both of my books placed on my desk!”
Idia's falters as you mentioned the books, his eyes darting nervously around the empty cafeteria. "Oh, uh... I-I see," he stammered, trying to sound contrite. "I thought they went missing... er, but I guess they just reappeared, maybe some type of spell..." he lied knowing full well he had broken into your dorm the previous night and put them on your desk for you to find.
His voice trailed off, and he quickly shifted the conversation towards safer territory. "So, uhm, how about we continue our game later today? Maybe after classes?" He cleared his throat again, hoping his proposal would diffuse the awkwardness between them.
“Yeah definitely!.. But there’s also something else that happens to me last night..” you tell him softly.
Idia's heart dropped into his stomach as you continued speaking, his eyes wide with fear. "What happened?" He managed to choke out, his voice cracking slightly.
"I... I think someone stole my panties last night," you begin, getting closer to his ear, lifting off your chair a bit, and whispered to him matter-of-factly, with your lips curving into a sly smile. "They were missing from my body when I woke up. Plus there also was a copy of an erotic game on my desk." You sit back down normally, with a small confused pout on my lips, wondering who was the panty thief.
Idia's heart raced wildly in his chest, feeling a mix of terror and excitement course through him. He forced himself to remain composed, placing a placating hand on yours reassuringly. "I-I... I... well, I-I don't know anything about that," he stuttered, his voice cracking slightly.
"Someone else must have taken them," he insisted, though his mind was racing with the possibility that you had caught him red-handed. "Maybe someone wanted them as souvenirs?" His fingers trembled slightly as he tried to steady them on his coffee cup.
“Chill out, I never said it you lol. Plus.. as weird as it sound I find it kind of cute for someone to do that, it’s like having a secret admirer. But in this case they steal your underwear off of you when you sleep, instead of sending anonymous gifts, we’ll I guess the erotic game counts as one lmao.” You say in an unhinge like some crazy pervert.
Idia's heartbeat calmed slightly, though it was still racing faster than usual. "Well, I... uh... thank you," he managed to croak out, his face turning even paler than its natural hue, when he realized what came out of his mouth.
"I mean, that's... nice of you to say, it’s not like I was that pervert that did that to you!" he added, lying, then clearing his throat awkwardly. “So, about our game... after classes, yeah, let's meet up at the library again." With that, he stood up abruptly, grabbing his tray and carrying it away swiftly, leaving you alone at the table.
As he walked away, his mind raced with conflicting emotions: terror, shame, and an unwelcome desire that threatened to consume him. He couldn’t help but wonder if she would like him if she found out he was the pervert who did that to her. Would she like him to touch her while she was asleep? Would she be aroused if she found herself covered in his cum when she woke up in the morning?
Idia hurriedly moved towards his class, trying hard to calm down and focus on his studies. However, the image of your exposed body and the thought of touching you while you were asleep played like a looped video in his head.
As the day progressed, he struggled to concentrate on anything else but you. During breaks between classes, he finally, in a moment of desperation, he decided to take matters into his own hands (literally). Grabbing his phone, he searched online for tips on how to calm down aroused individuals without resorting to masturbation….
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Finally, it was finally time for their scheduled gaming session at the library. He gathered his things and headed over, hoping you wouldn’t mention last night's events again.
“Hey Idia!” You call him out,
Idia's heart fluttered a beat as he entered the library and saw you sitting at your usual table, already booted up for their gaming session. "Hello y/n," he managed to croak out, his voice cracking slightly.
He set down his bag on the empty seat beside yours and pulled out his laptop, trying hard not to stare at your exposed cleavage peeking out from your unbuttoned top. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he opened Cloudium and began loading the game settings. "So, uh, ready to continue our adventure?" He tried to change the subject, hoping to divert his thoughts away from last night's escapade.
“Yeah! Also I got something for you,” you reach into your bag, pulling out a small bag of a double dozen homemade cookies. “I don’t know if you like sweets but I went back to my dorm during lunch, for us to munch on while we game!”
Idia's eyes lit up at the sight of the cookies, his mouth watering in anticipation. “Oh, thanks!"
Placing the bag on the table between you, he took one of the treats, biting into it slowly, savoring the flavors melting on his tongue.
"These are great," he complimented between chews, glancing sideways at you, taking in your beauty once more. His hands trembled slightly as he reached for another cookie, unable to tear his gaze away from yours.
He continued setting up their characters in the game. "So, where do you want to start today? Any particular location or quest?” He asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.
“Thanks, it was no problem, really! And no, there isn’t any thing I wanna start with in particular today. You choose, I’ll just follow your lead!”
Idia nodded, his mind still occupied with thoughts of you. "Alright then," he said, selecting a random location on the map. "Let's head to Greyjog. We need to speak with James Berkeley about joining the Tornadocloths or the Imperials."
As your started their journey in game, Idia's mind drifted back to last night's events. He couldn't shake the image of your bare glistening pussy, and wiggling hips as he stole your panties off of you. His cock twitched in his pants, growing harder against the fabric.
“You okay Idia?” You turn to him, “You look red,” you put one of your hands on his forehead and then your own forehead on the backside of said hand, measuring a possible difference in temperature. Your face inches away from his. “well you don’t feel hot to me, doesn’t seem like you have a fever.” You say then pull back, taking your hand and head away from his.
Idia's heart hammered in his chest, his body on fire with desire. "I-I'm fine," he managed to choke out, clearing his throat nervously. "Just a little tired, I guess."
As they continued playing the game, Idia tried to focus on their surroundings, but his mind kept drifting back to you. He wondered if you noticed how hard it was for him to concentrate today. Would you tease him about it? Or maybe... he shook his head violently, dismissing the filthy thought. No, he couldn't think like that. Not here, not now.
After hours of adventuring and battling monsters together, they finally reached Greyjog. Idia led them inside the castle, trying hard not to steal glances at the contour of your form as you played, making your character followed closely behind his.
“It’s already 7 p.m., let’s save our progress, and return to the game tomorrow. Since tomorrow is the weekend maybe we could game at my dorm or yours! Well, only if you’re down to do so, it’s totally your choice.” You tell him,
Idia nodded, relief washing over him as you suggested calling it a day. "Sounds good to me,"  he agreed, saving the game before closing the lid of his laptop. Standing up, he gathered their belongings, careful not to let his bag brush against your leg accidentally, savoring the feel of your warmth radiating through the thin fabric of your skirt.
"Thanks for today, y/n," he muttered, his voice low and husky with exhaustion and desire mixed together. "Have a good night." With that said, he turned away briskly, walking out of the library, leaving behind the intoxicating scent vanilla perfume and books lingering in the air.
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You headed to your dorm, cooked dinner for Grim and yourself, ate, took a shower and did some skincare, reviewed some schoolwork, read a bit more of ‘The trap of Mr.Sora’. Then headed to bed in your usual sleepwear, a t-shirt and panties, no bra.
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Idia returned to his own dormitory, his mind still racing with thoughts of you. Once inside his empty room, he locked the door behind him and collapsed onto his bed, removing his uniform piece by piece as he did so. His body ached from hours of sitting in one position, but that wasn't the only thing that needed relief.
Reaching into his nightstand drawer, he pulled out the used panties from last night, admiring the mix of your sweet perfume and his own musky scent on them. A smirk spread across his lips as he imagined how they belonged to such a perfect angel like you.
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Later that night…
Idia waited patiently outside the Ramshackle dormitory, his heart thumping in anticipation. After ensuring you had retired for the night, he silently unlocked the door by picking at it just like he had done the previous day, and tiptoed down the hallway, up your stairs, towards your room. Carefully, he opened the door, peeking inside to ensure you were asleep before creeping closer.
His hands trembled as he reached out, grasping the edge of your blanket to lift it slightly. His eyes locked onto your exposed thighs, ached with desire as he slid his hand underneath your panties, tracing along your smooth, silky-soft skin. Reluctantly, he pulled them downwards, exposing your beautiful pussy to his hungry gaze. He was so entranced by it. The accumulation of his horniness and the fact you had admitted to enjoying the perverted acts he had committed. His mind went haywire and he decided to do something bold; He was going to jerk off using the fresh pair of underwear, while looking at you.
Slowly, he lowered himself onto the bed beside me, positioning himself between my spread legs. He wrapped the newly acquired panties around his cock, and started jerking off while observing you.
As Idia waited for any sign of movement, his heart raced wildly in anticipation. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he heard a soft moan escape your lips. His eyes widened in delight and terror as you shifted slightly, unknowingly grinding your body against the bedsheet.
Pushing aside all rational thoughts, he continued to stroke himself faster and harder, groaning softly as he watched your perfect breasts rise and fall with each breath. Each thrust of his hand matched the rhythmic motion of his cock sliding in and out of the panties. He could feel his orgasm building up inside him, reaching its peak.
Without warning, he erupted, coating the fresh pair of panties with his seed.
He then decided to do something crazier, something even more fucked up then the ones he had done before. Slowly unwrapping the cum covered panties from his cock, he then lifted your hips and legs, sliding the underwear pair back on, slightly higher than intended, causing the fabric to dig into your folds. He observes with a shaky breath how his hot semen made contact with your cunt.
His heart raced as he watched idly, his breathing heavy and labored. He had gone too far this time. Could you ever forgive him? Would he lose everything he held dear because of his perverse desires?
Without giving himself time to think, he hurriedly got dressed, he quickly throws takes out the panty pair he stole yesterday from his pocket and throws them in the laundry basket in the corner of your room. Carefully, he tiptoed out of your room, closing the door quietly behind him. As he headed back to his own dormitory, he wondered if today was finally the day he complete lost his sanity and any sort of moral compass he previously had.
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207 notes · View notes
unholywriters · 2 months
Golden Trap
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Summary: Finding a place to run a way from the loud city is often harder then some would think. You could wonder into the woods for hours, far from the loud sound of cars blaring horns, people walking with their phones on speaker and them yelling into it, yelling into it so the other person could hear them in order for each other to hear, the constant beeping of machines being used for almost everything that never seemed to have stopped. With of course the pressure of having to fit in, which can bring someone to their breaking pint and there’s no going back from that kind of pressure. But when your boss is a large figure in the fashion world for what seemed like years, it's hard to get away. But why does it seem like he holds a dark secret that no one can seem to remember? Who stays in the castle that he once lived in and why does he want y/n despite fighting so hard with his own captain before getting here?
Tags: vampire Yunho, curious male reader, unprotected sex {wrap it up people its okay to have safe sex}, classic Yunho, modern reader, non-idol AU, vampire AU
Genre: Smut, minors do not interact with
Word Count: 12.7k
Authors note: I'm sorry these fics are taking longer to come out then I'd hope so. Working two jobs is not for the weak along with a family planning a trip for a week but I will keep trying to crank them out, even on the trip unless I can find a way to get out of it. I'm sorry if this felt rushed or not as detailed as some of the others, mainly tigers prey but I do hope everyone enjoys it and it comes out like I imagined it. Please enjoy
“Come on Yunho, you’ve been in this castle for decades! The least you could do was upgrade some of the rooms that we use.” Someone said, overall happy to see his old friend once again after a long day of work and crunching numbers from his office. Running his fingers through his long silky black hair. His dark brown eyes scanning the room of his old home, letting the memories flow through his mind before his eyes landed on his friend. Sir Jeong Yunho, who was holding an old yet prestige tea tray with a silver tea pot and the matching cups. His outfit, some would classify it as the medieval times. Just a nice clean white buttoned up shirt with a black leather vest with the exception of some black dress pants that were gifted to him by another friend of his when they were slowly coming into style. His skin looked like caramel, giving a missed contrast from his dark brown eyes, slowly changing to red while he fixed his long black hair. On his hands were some finger rings, though one of them was sharp enough to leave a deep scratch onto anything and anyone, if it were a living person it would be bleeding some. This was on his left hand, the right hand had on a black glove. Yunho was happy to see his friend, who was dressed in a classic black and white suit while taking off the jacket to also reveal his own white buttoned up shirt. Walking on the stone floor behind Yunho.
“Now now if I were to attempt to do that, the memories would start to fade away. I can’t let any of my old friends forget the times we had in this home of ours now could I, Wooyoung?” He asked, leading Yunho to a clean wooden table that was covered with a black cloth. The chair having a small pillow for comfort and the best view of the still lively garden outside with a view of the stream passing by. Setting down the tray and pouring the red liquid into the cup before setting it down. “I can’t say much, saying how Seonghwa was the last one to leave because he loved the interior. You still take care of everything before any of us come here.” “Speaking of, how is sir seonghwa?” He asked with a. Curious look on his face,w arching as his friend playfully rolled his eyes at the old name. Watching Yunho walk to one of the openings to bring out a small tray of sweet she had made just for times like this. “From what I’ve heard he’s doing well. Though he plans on coming over soon after me, you know seonghwa can’t leave this place for long.” Sarcastically saying, but Wooyoung knows that seonghwa is mainly worried for Yunho. Being left alone taking care of a home that had kept them safe for centuries at this point. Something the others won’t take away from him, but they do get worried for the male.
“Then it’s a good thing I have enough blood for everyone as always, right Wooyoung?” He asked, walking closer to the edge to grab another chair and get it set up close to the table Wooyoung was sitting. Where Wooyoung was simply just taking a. Couple of sips of the blood in front of him before it was clear that he was content with the drink he had. “You’re always prepared for whoever of us decide to come over and have a chat with you.” “It would be improper of me to not be prepared for whenever a guest were to come over.” Wooyoung playfully rolled his eyes as he watched the older male get a table prepared. Sitting there under the bright and welcoming moonlight before hearing the soft calls of others. But it surprised Yunho as he looked up from the balcony while Wooyoung just smiled. Seeing two small bats come into view before getting close to the balcony before turning back to their human form. Softly landing on the stone while the black and red smoke started to clear away and reveal the two humans. Both were bright red eyes but looking more relaxed and happy. One of them walking right to Yunho whist the smoke cleared. Revealing a male with long pink dyed hair that seemed to be bouncing with each and every step. Showing his Carmel tanned skin along with his bright smile with two sharp fangs. His white shirt combined with a black corset that was tied nicely in the back with his matching heels creating excited clicking sounds. With the black sleek pants almost seeming like they were gliding through the air as his arms opened for a hug. “Oh Yunho look at you! You look amazing!” He cheered, happy that Yunho embraced his hug in the same happy manner, even if he was surprised to have guest over like this, where he wasn’t prepared for it.
The other male was standing close to Wooyoung, he was much more shorter then the pink hair male. His hair was more short, it was combed back but curly, it wasn’t black but more of a hazel brown color. His pink plump lips had a lip ring on the bottom lip in the center of it. He smiled softly while pushing aside a part of the fur coat he was wanting, showing a loose black shirt, showing some of his chest while wearing tight black pants, with his black shoes pulling it all together. “Sir Seonghwa, sir hongjoong! Goodness me if I knew there would be more I would have more cups ready! But it is wonderful to see you as well.” Smiling as bright as he could, pulling away and allowing Seonghwa to fix his hair and mainly just take a nice long look at the male, feeling as though its been forever when in reality it’s only been a week. “Now now Yunho, it’s alright if you didn’t get to prepare anything. We just wanted to come and check on you is all. Last time we saw you, you looked a bit…amused by something.” Hongjoong said, walking over and embracing Yunho in a hug. Afterwards Yunho had bowed, almost kneeling but hongjoong stopped him. “Now Yunho, I may be your captain still, but I am no king.” “Old habits die hard, and mine have yet to die out sir hongjoong.” Hongjoong could only chuckle before getting Yunho to sit, knowing that Yunho wouldn’t have done so without the gesture. It was just the four of them happily sitting at the table.
“Now back to what hyung here said, you were actually amused by someone and I didn’t hear about this?” Wooyoung said, looking a bit hurt in a playful way. Looking at Hongjoong’s raised brow and Seonghwa’s curious look while yunho’s ears seemed to have started to turn red. “You see…Sir hongjoong had invited me to a party he was hosting for his business, well one of them. But I was running late when choosing what to wear before he had arrived and helped me get dressed. But before we left I saw a male walking through the woods. And I almost followed them out of the forest till sir hongjoong grabbed me and reminded me why I was dressed up to being with. But I couldn’t find the person once we left.” He answered, watching wooyoung's mouth go wide with a smile as seonghwa wiggled his eyebrows in a playful gesture. Watching hongjoong lean back in the chair with his legs opening some more, getting himself comfortable while the other two started to ask questions. “So someone who works under Hongjoong manage to capture your attention? My my classical Yunho with a modern day human? Could you imagine the conversations?” “Wooyoung, you like it when San makes you silent in public spaces. You can’t say anything related to something like this.” Seonghwa teased, watching Wooyoung cover his mouth to laugh about his own likings. Even if his lover is still a human, he can’t turn him without permission nor would he force his lover to do anything of the sorts, no matter how badly he was craving to do so. Meanwhile Yunho was still pretty flustered. Because it was the first time in a long time, more like decades since someone had captured his dead heart the way it was slowly beating in a way when even thinking about the male. But Yunho and his friends are no regular vampires who simply flirt and give the world. No, they were known as the black pirates for a reason.
They would stalk their chosen partners, almost as if they were being lured into a trap and their only saving grace was for their vampire lover to come to their dying rescue. But in a sick way, mainly why Wooyoung wasn’t ready to ask San, because this was something that would break the two of them, well mainly San sadly. Wooyoung would be prepared for something like this, of course making it up to San in the best ways he was taught how to but other then that, it was like watching a. Sick and twisted horror game come to life only †here was no quitting it and picking it up once again when you felt brave enough. And there was no winning. Which is why not a lot of vampires are created from this group, their ways are horrific, many vampires have even tried to degrade them for it, but they weren’t just simple vampires. If they wanted to be known for something then it would be this and there would be no stopping that no matter how hard someone would have tried to do so. Since Yunho had grown more under the wings and care of hongjoong, he knew just how brutal hongjoong could be when it came to his teachings about this. And he needed to be ready to give his own twist in order for the person he grew attached to understood just how much he didn’t want to do this. But it was going to be done one way or another, and he would not hold back. After all, every lover should give their all when showing the worst side of them, he can’t hide it forever and was trained to so something like this in order to show it. That’s better than not lying now isn’t it?
“Now to be fair, Yunho was raised under Hongjoong before I came into the picture, this male has to be resilient or they’ll crumble before the game can even start!” Seonghwa cheered, licking his fang while sharing a quick glance to hongjoong, who had an approved look in his eye with his head slightly tilted to the right. “So Yunho, am I right about who it is, or do we need to keep preparing for this little encounter of yours, hm?” He asked, slowly leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees, holding his hands together while all eyes turned to be on him.
“You’re right sir Hongjoong, it’s who you think it is.” All hongjoong could do was simply smirk.
“Y/N, Hongjoong is calling for you in his office again!” Wooyoung cheered, rolling over in his chair to push his way over to his favorite coworker's desk, who seemed to look both interested and annoyed. Y/N is one of hongjoong's many offices workers who was known to be very efficient with their workload, whether it was doing paperwork or computer work with their designs, scheduling their events and parties to even just anything he needed help with a time crunch, so to hear that y/n was needed for something was a shocker. So, peaking in the corner from his computer, he looked at his excited coworker and best friend. “Did he tell you why I was needed or is this a surprise for something?” Y/n asked before sitting up, watching wooyoung stop and cross his legs with a shrug. “Said it was for another gathering he has plans, and we know that you come in great during the time crunch.”  
Y/N looked surprised and kind of used to this. After all, Hongjoong was a well-known person, who loved making his own clothes and didn’t mind making more with the world to see. Standing up, fixing his dress shirt and grabbing his planner and iPad to make sure he had everything. He waved to wooyoung as he walked over to the elevator and pressed the top floor. Hongjoong was also known for having these large lavish gatherings where he was also very picky and stern with his guest list. If you weren’t invited to his gatherings personally, you would not be let in. This was just a safety reason to make sure his gatherings were a safe and open place, and he would not let any drama ruin the vibe of it all, no matter how close they were. 
Y/N was someone he could count on for the arrangements, the two of them would work with seonghwa to make the place grand, which meant that this was going to be a long couple of days, if not an entire week before the place was perfect to hongjoong’s liking. From the location to the food and drinks, to the dress code, to the silver wear. Hongjoong was a perfectionist when it came to these sorts of things, and one mistake would nearly ruin the entire thing and he would start over from scratch till everything was ready. Walking down the dark hallway y/n opened the rich black doors with golden doorknobs. Twisting them and pushing one of them opened. Y/N was greeted by the time bright room, the far back wall was nothing more than just tinted windows to show the view of the city, along with some of the trees in the back. The floors were installed with a midnight black carpet with the walls being painted black with some painting of some random things. Some being of fruit and some even being pictures of him on his trips and designs.  
His desk was in front of the window wall, it was an old antique desk with drawers on both sides, with plenty of room for drawers to be used and kept with storage. Ow of course, hongjoong wasn’t wearing the outfit he wore last night, and neither was his right-hand man. He had changed into a basic black and white suit with only one sliver necklace on, while seonghwa had worn a royal blue suit, which contrasted to his pink hair, but it was something he loved to show off when he got the chance to do so. The two had looked up from hongjoong’s iPad with ideas and hongjoong smiled before slowly standing up, “There’s my little magic worker, just in time to.” “God morning Sir, Mr. Park.” Y/N said, bowing down from their waist, after all it was disrespectful to only bow from the neck, especially to your seniors.  
“I know this is short notice given that I just had a party in the last two weeks. But this one is more of a... private one for those closer to me. There's a lot that we can work with here since they aren’t picky, which gives the two of you more freedom to work with here, making it feel like a relaxing place.” Hongjoong started as he watched y/n walk closer to his desk in order to get a better understanding of what he was asking for. Along with seonghwa having some pictures pulled up of the place they were thinking about, a place here almost no one would hear them, which made y/n curious of the matter of what they were looking at here. “I went walking around in the woods and found this place, it’s still running and there’s a caretaker there, he’s willing to help us, if we choose to see this place. I could take you while hongjoong stays here and maybe can get some more ideas on what he’s looking for exactly?” Seonghwa suggested showing off the pictures to a curious y/n.  
The place seemed to be surrounded by red roses on the outside with a little circle way with a working three-layer water fountain. The outside seemed to be covered in vines, but it was giving off a more relaxed with a more subtle look. “I’m surprised that Mr. Kim was interested in a place like this, but it’s away from the city and you’d be able to enjoy yourself. I don’t mind coming with to see.” Seonghwa brightly smiled before setting the iPad down on desk before the two of them bowed to hongjoong. “Don’t take too long seonghwa, make sure that you’re talking with the keeper to see what we can do. The place is beautiful and I don’t want to break anything or change it.” Staring at the two, he watched y/n walk out of the office first before soenghwa had turned to look at him at the gap of the door. 
Staring at hongjoong's eyes as a smirk slowly appeared on his face as his eyes flashed from their dark brown to the bright red color before leaning back in his chair. Watching Seonghwa's eyes do the same before the door slowly closed as he looked a the picture on his desk. It was only of him and seonghwa with Yunho in the back while seonghwa was holding wooyoung, who was passed out in his arms with blood on his neck and two small holes. He knew this picture was going to be updated, but he needed to make sure wooyoung knew what to do before he would chase someone bigger than him. But with Yunho, he needed to push him. So, he slowly turned in his chair and walked over to the window, where he could see the castle standing in the woods. “My little golden retriever, don’t let me down with this one.” 
Walking through the woods, y/n was close to seonghwa who seemed to walk in these woods a lot, not nearly tripping over anything since the way to get here was still blocked off by fallen tree logs. Seonghwa was slowly scanning the area to make sure Yunho wasn’t there, or really anyone for that matter that would throw off everything that was planned. Unless it was needed. “Mr. Park, do you often come walking here a lot? You seemed to have this way memorized like nothing.” y/n pointed out, watching seonghwa turn his head to look back at them, trying to hide his shy smile while his eyes stayed their dark brown color. “I won’t lie, I do tend to walk in the woods close to my home. Here, let me help you.” He offered, holding his hand out as the two kept walking within the woods. It was a fun little adventure before they arrived at the old castle.  
Where Yunho was trimming the flowers while clearing one of the small pathways before turning his head to look at y/n first, he could feel his ow dead heart slightly starting to beat before bowing to the pair. Taking off the dirt gloves and walking over. “Ah you two must be whom Mr. Kim mentioned over the phone? I’m Yunho, the caretaker of Castle of the Night, or it was also known as dead walkers den. But that’s a myth since no one had ever seen the rulers walk out during the day.” “You must know everything about this place with an introduction like this now Mr. Yunho?” Y/N questioned, seeing how Yunho was even dressed for the occasion while seonghwa watched the two. Seeing how Yunho was giving y/n all his attention and seemed to even glow just a little while listening to every word as if a storyteller was beginning the first part of a story and he was the listener, there to sit and listen. “My family was tasked with caring for the castle when it was built, even when it was no longer in use, we still care for it just in case for events like this. I was told it was for a private gathering, yes?” He questioned, keeping his hands held in front of his torso while seonghwa crossed his arms. 
“Ah yes, he sent me and Mr. Park to come by and get a better look at the place to see what is allowed to be brought in and where.” “Then let’s head inside and I’ll answer any questions, though do be warned. I do not know much about technology.” Seonghwa stayed outside and watched the two walk inside the doors, he ended up looking around some, the memories of when he was first brought here flooding back as if he were reliving that day all over again. It was in the 1910s that he found himself running around in the so-called cursed woods. Where very few came back alive and those who did couldn’t remember what happened or what they saw. Only to die a week later if they were lucky to make it that long. Seonghwa ran in here to escape an arranged marriage that he was almost forced into instead of going to school to run away. But it was here that he met hongjoong, he was kneeled drinking the blood from someone who tried to break a stone off his home. When the two met eyes, hongjoong's jaw was covered in the red liquid with his eyes glowing a dark red while his licked his lips, letting the body fall to the ground before standing up. 
Seonghwa was about to run for it, trying to get away before he was soon to be killed but it never happened. Before he could even move hongjoong was in front of him and held the older man's jaw with his head tilted to the side. “Now now, little bunny, weren’t you taught to never walk into the woods at night by yourself? You could get hurt...or worse.” He teased, feeling seonghwa shake in his hands, but hongjoong didn’t kill him that day. No, he wanted to toy with him. So, he asked seonghwa why he ran into the forest and stumbled here, where Yunho was inside still sleeping after being bitten and turned. So he offered seonghwa a deal, he stays in the castle and takes care of the place with Yunho, and if hongjoong likes it, seonghwa will live as is. And seonghwa took it, seeing how there was no going back home. But one day, hongjoong chased seonghwa threw the forest to get his blood bumping faster along with his heart. Hongjoong's favorite way to turn people, which is something he's rarely done. So when it came to Seonghwa and Yunho, it was clear that these two were very special and very important to him.  
Rubbing the left side of his neck where he can faintly feel the bite marks still. He remembers hongjoong whispering in his ear before he was painfully bit and could feel his life slipping from his hands, but he remembered waking up in a dark room. Where there was a a tub full of water, confused he had walked over and saw his reflection in the water. His long black hair had changed somehow, it was pink, and his eyes were the same dark red as hongjoong. Something that he was confused about before seeing the dried-up blood on his neck and the two holes. He was going to wash it off before he heard the door open and saw him. Hongjoong still had that same black coat he wears today with his hands being held behind his back and he got closer to the shaken elder. “I never knew the changing process could change your hair, then again, Pink does look good on you.” he answered, watching seonghwa try to back away and create more distant between the two which made him only chuckle at the gesture. “Now now, little bunny relaxes. You still have many things to learn about, after all my husband needs to know how to hunt.” (might make a series explaining this) 
“Wait so you know everything about this place? What else do you know?” Y/N asked, still walking beside Yunho, who was carrying a tray with some freshly made teacups as the two walked around one of the main halls that would also take them to the large garden, along with the stream. “They say that the old occupations of the home gave birth to the vampire legend. Do you have an interest in something like this?” He asked, leading y/n to a table and a comfortable chair in the garden to give a view of some of the flower patches and the calm streaming lake. Yunho had served y/n with different color macaroons and a green matcha tea while carrying his famous napkin that was carefully handwashed daily. “Who doesn’t like vampires? Their interest, some can walk in the sun like nothing can harm them, others find it harder to do so without getting hurt. Some spell their vampiric name differently; some hunt for fun, some don’t and some just live peacefully. Though I never got to hear about anything like this before from this place.” Yunho smirked some, pulling up a chair and sitting down, glancing at the water and back over to y/n, giving them his full attention since this was one of his favorite stories to tell. 
“They say the main one, or the captain as he was called, was a kind and adoring leader to his subjects, he could bring anyone to his side with his passion and he was strong. But one day when he was walking through the woods, he was assassinated by the kingdom of the shadows, a longtime rival that the captain had tried his hardest to be friends with them. But this did something to him, they say at night they could hear his pained screams when this happened, and when his second in command went to check, the body wasn’t there but there was a pool of fresh blood. Walking further they found him tearing apart the team of assassins that killed him. He turned from a kind leader to a ruthless killer, which was understandable given how hard he worked. As for the person, they say he came back and said the king was dead since no one would've believed him if he told the people what truly happened. He kept the blood thirsty king in the tower that’s still sealed off, even for events such as this, for safety reasons since he would’ve killed anyone. The second in command was turned after a war, where the people were killed sadly, and their bodies were brunt. When the shadow prince had tried to sit on the throne, in the morning his body being slaughtered, and his body was drained of blood.”  
He watched how nervous y/n seemed to get while telling this story in a calm yet creepy manner. Something that would play into the fear and Yunho could smell it, but he had to stay still. After all, if he started it too soon then everything would be ruined. He needed to wait, even if he could feel his throat tightening, so he just drank his own cup of tea to keep himself calm and sane. “Was he...ever caught?” “Oh, he was after a couple of years, they say he was chained somewhere here with the stunned body of his second in command next to him in a bricked-up cave. He can’t ever get out, from what I know of.” Standing up and walking over, titling his head slightly to the right and kept a soft and welcoming smile. “Don’t be sacred, the cave is far and the last person that went said he died from not having any blood to drink for years. Now that we have your party things ready, I’ll set up everything when I get the chance to. You’re free to come by whenever you wish to, there are just no cars. There are too many fallen trees and anything big would destroy the area. Just take the path. Now let’s go find your friend.”  
The party decorations would be centered around, like a mascaraed ball, with things set up like fountains that would have certain choices of drinks. From water, to wine, to champagne, to even some juice just as a another option. There would be a large arrangement of sweets, some cake, cupcakes, maroons, sweet cakes, brownies, and cookies. With the two choices for dinner being steak with mash potatoes it sweet potatoes fries. Another being salmon fried vegetables with potatoes as well. Hongjoong was a very classy person when it came to these things. Everything had to be perfect and there was no room for area. The dress code was a little strange from what y/n was used to. If someone were to go with a partner, one had to wear black and the other had to wear white. It didn’t matter how it looked, the two had to have some form of black and white to match with each other, and the little get together would be on a Saturday near 10pm, since everyone would be busy and that’s when traffic would start to die down.  
Yunho had asked y/n if they didn’t find someone in time, if he could be his partner for it. Since he wouldn’t have to take care of anything till later in the night and he was perfectly fine with that. Y/n had agreed to it and the two were walking around to find seonghwa, who was still walking around the front of the property but there was something else that confused the pair. Seonghwa seemed to be talking to someone with a concerned tone. “Mr. Park? What’s going on here?” Y/N asked, watching seonghwa turn around with a worried look on his face before holding the younger male's shoulder. “I’m not sure, I was just looking around at the place and thinking where a great place was to have signs to bring everyone else and saw this man, he looked lost but not harmed. I think his name is yeosang?” The quiet male nodded his head, Yunho looked at the male and was trying to hide an excited smile.  
“What should we do? Could we take him back?” “I can take care of him. I have plenty of first aid supplies and can take care of him till someone comes by. You two are on a time crunch I’d imagine and need to submit this to Mr. Kim.” Yunho offered, ushering the male to his side and watched as he stumbled over, looking somewhat dizzy but also very stable to walk over. It was hot outside and maybe Yeosang needed something to drink, which is what Yunho had and knew that if they were to rush to the city, Yeosang might not be the best choice. Y/n watched the male trying to see what all was wrong, and even with his neck covered, he could see that there were two dark spots on the top of his neck but thought it was just a mole. “Oh wait!” Y/N said, grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling down a number and handing it to Yunho, who was turning his head to face them and held the paper. “It’s my personal number, you can call to ask me about anything regarding the banquet and also if this man needs anything.” Yunho held the paper and nodded his head, carefully placing it in his shirt pocket before bowing to the pair and helping yeosang inside to the large heavy wooden doors.  
“How did you like the place so far Y/N? It seems peaceful and away from the busy and loud city noises.” Seonghwa said as the two walked back to the black business car. Where a driver stepped out of the car to open the door as he waited for the two as they slowly walked closer. “It’s a nice choice for hongjoong to pick for the banquet. I take it you will be there as well Mr. Park? You seem very close to Mr. Kim. Are you two dating? He always seems to be looking for you before doing anything else in the office.” Curiosity got the best of y/n as the two of them sat in the car. Putting seatbelts on and letting the driver start their drive back to the company building.  
“I met him when I was just starting my own fashion career. He asked me to do a deal with him and sometime after that, he asked me out when he took me on a gala he was invited to and managed to get a plus one.” Seonghwa answered, watching y/n’s smile grow while learning. “No, you can’t tell anyone else this, he hates people prying on his private life and you know that.” “Oh, I know, don’t worry.” y/n said, knowing damn well they were going to tell wooyoung when they got back and were getting ready to go home to make sure they had plenty of time to get prepared for everything when it came to little ball. Meanwhile yeosang was wide awake, holding his head while he could feel the dirt partials still in his hair while Yunho was dusting off his back, trying to be gentle as possible since yeosang had been asleep for a very long time, and buried with only just enough space to crawl out with his hands. Barely remembering anything at first and slowly trying to come back. 
“Don’t move too much, waking up after a years long sleep like you have is very scary. Take the drink. It will help you feel stronger.” Carefully watching yeosang drink the cup, letting blood drip down from the corners of his mouth till the cup was empty. He let it go with quicken pants as his eyes started to glow red. Feeling like he had just finally tasted fresh cold water while Yunho stepped back and watched how the dirt started to fall from his hair before his thin body started to look more healthy. Yeosang had turned his head to look at Yunho, who had a smile on his face before walking back over with his napkin. “Now then, we have work to do and not a lot of time to teach you before captain comes back, he’ll be thrilled to see that you’re awake along with your old friend, wooyoung.” 
“Hello? Oh Hey Yunho, oh no I was on my way over there I had to get a driver then I’m walking. I wanted to surprise you with a visit but didn’t want to scare you. I’ll be fast!” Y/N cheered, walking into the woods with their bag in hand, it was mainly their work bag with more pictures of outfits for the pair to try. Since y/n had agreed to be Yunho’s partner two days ago since it was getting close to the date and the two needed to have their outfits and how the colors would fall and match along with just the style of them.  Remembering the trail y/n started to walk to the castle, softly humming and looking around but soon stopped at the sound of a twig snapping close by. It was strange, even though there were some animals around here, they would’ve kept walking around like nothing happened. But this sound stopped before slowly picking back up. 
“Y/N? You look like you just saw a ghost, are you alright?” Yunho asked, peaking from around the end of the pathway and seemed to look confused as he watched them slightly walk faster to him. He kept his hands behind his back as he watched before letting their eyes seem to lock in place and stand closer to each other. “Thought I heard a twig snap before I got here, but I’m sure it’s just an animal.” They said with a shrug, watching Yunho look around before giving a slight nod. “Since it’s winter, most animals are starting to leave or find more food for hibernation. Now come, come I’m curious to see what you have.” He ushered, holding his hand out and placed it on their lower back as they walked up the stairs and back inside. The place was slowly getting placed together with most of the rooms being locked off to the public. The garden’s flowers were still in bloom and the lake seemed to be getting faster as the days went on. The lights in the main ballroom were being cleaned and maintained for the time to come along with the black and white streamers being hung on the walls.  
Pulling out the iPad out of the black work bag and showed some of the designs hongjoong said the two could pick from, since he would have plenty of them and could give them over in such a short notice given with how time was slowly falling into place. One of the designs was two suits, the shoulders were covered in red rubies that would sway from side to side with each step. The second one was somewhat the same concept, but one of the suits had a wrap around black skirt that was an optinal choice to have attached with the other suit having a cape trailing behind. Something Y/N liked the most but wanted to ahve Yunho’s opnion on the matter, since the two of them would be going together for something like this and it was only fair to have both sides agree to something. It wwas somehting different for Yunho to see, sure he had seen hongjoong make things like this before, and often wear his own designs with the biggest grin on his face knowing how some people would act but it never onced stopped him and now he thrives on it. 
“There’s more that you can look through, but this one is my favorite, we can add anything to them without worry, well at least to some degree.” Yunho had slightly tilted his head to the side before looking over to Y/N, his hands were tucked behind his back while his eyes were filled with curiosity. “Well Y/N, your choice is beautiful, but I am curious, what more could you add to an outfit that would look perfect on you as is, hm?” He had a grin on his face while watching them swipe passed some of the other design Choices before showing their one. For Yunho’s suit on the shoulders there were a couple of red rubies here and there, but with some trickling down to the front of the jacket on each side. With the skirt on the other suit have some of the same ones on the bottom ruffles along with a black collar with a red ruby in the center. It was something small, but it would contract with black and white. Y/N did like to add their own little flare to their outfits, so they just felt like themselves. Something they managed to pull off and could walk around happy as could be. 
“I was thinking something like this? If not, I understand-” “This is beautiful to look at. You did amazing with this y/n. Never doubt that.” Being as truthful and Sencere as he could, he watched y/n’s face light up in a way that made him smile at the reaction. It was like watching someone fall in love for the first time, that certain glow that they were getting, how their smile seemed to get more meaningful and truer whenever that person was around or even just speaking about them would turn their entire bad mood into a good thing just because of feelings. Even yeosang, who had walked in the room to ask Yunho a question could see that look in his face, mainly his eyes. “I’ll send them to Mr. Kim to see what he can do, I’m glad you like them. Oh before I forget, how was yeosang when we were last were here?” Asking with a tilt of their head, Yunho turned his head over to look at yeosang. Letting Y/N repeat the same action while yeosang stood there slightly cornered while holding a broom in his hands. He looked in better shape, he wasn’t as dirty or disheveled like he was before and almost looked like an entirely new person. But he did maintain a small smile on his face, mainly it was because he was nervous. He was told about what the others were planning thanks to a very excited wooyoung, who was beyond joyous to have his friend back after years of not seeing him. 
He knew he couldn’t male Y/N worry or question about much, and with the calm yet terrifying look Yunho was giving him while Y/N wasn’t paying attention was all he needed to know before trying to say anything. “Oh...I’ve been good. Just helping Yunho-Hyung out for everything, he’s shown me around and made sure I don’t overwork myself. I just wanted to ask where the inside broom goes.” “The door between your room and mine. No need to be nervous.” Yunho was able to keep his voice calm and tamed when it came to having to keep someone under their thumb while a guest was nearby. Keeping everything the same expect the stare, which is something people would feel instantly when talking or even having to deal with a slightly annoyed Yunho. 
Yeosang  softly bowed and walked down the hall to the broom closet while Yunho turned his attention back to Y/N, looking down at them with a smile on his face that never seemed to leave his face. “The party happens tomorrow night correct? Or am I getting very excited to see you here in your outfit?” He teased, watching Y/N’s smile grow and their face light up. “You have three more days Yunho, don’t get so excited or you won’t be able to sleep for a while. Can’t have my date falling asleep on me when it comes time for the party to start now can I?” There was something inside of Yunho when he heard that roll off their tongue out to the world. Something for his ears to only hear while he stood there smiling, knowing that Y/N would have to leave soon. But he was happy to hear about it, he wanted to hear it more. He wanted to grab them and show them things only movies would be able to show them. 
“Oh don’t worry Y/N. I will get enough sleep before the big enough.” He said with a smile, watching Y/N bow since they still had to hurry and tell hongjoong what they wanted for the outfits. While Yunho stood there on the stairway with a smirk on his face. By that time the woods would be closed off and there’s no help for a good 20 minutes given how tucked in the place is with all the woods being in a tangled mess. The Food would be the start of the game with Yeosang being the one who gets to explain the rules of it since he has yet to find the one who bit him, who was coming over for this but that wouldn’t take a while. Yeosang stood by the door with a nervous look on his face as he watched Y/N disappear. He wanted to tell her to run, to get out of here and move away from hongjoong and his friends before it’s too late, but it already is. 
Y/N woke up with a headache and blood slightly dripping from the left side of their head. Looking down at their outfit to see some ripped pieces here and there. It was the night of the party and Y/N had walked inside with Yunho and got to see the others and what they were thinking of when it came to this with their own outfits and creativity. Hongjoong stood out the most, wearing his infamous fur coat with a sliver chain necklace with a white shirt loose shirt underneath with black tight jeans and black platforms. His hands were almost covered in rings while he greeted everyone and lead them to the ballroom. Where everyone was able to dance and have their own drinks and food to eat and enjoy and the flower garden was opened to all. At some point Y/N had walked back there to go and look at the flowers along with getting closer to the stream with a smile on their face. But before they could go back, yeosang had silently ran up to them and tried to get him to run. To tell Y/N to get out of the house and to run away as far and as fast as he can while looking behind him to make sure no one was behind him, listneing in if they could.  
At first Y/N was confused, thinking that Yeosang had nightmare and just needed sometime to get it out. But Then Yunho was walking over, his eyes were still brown but they almost looked lighter then normal, even in the dark of the shadows his eyes still looked bright as he walked over. Yeosang went stiff and gulped just a little as Yunho joined the pair. “Their about to have a toast,  but we can’t do that without the two friends here now can we, Yeosang?” The name almost came out like acid to Yeosang’s ears. Remembering what happened last time he tried to warn Wooyoung that he needed to run, but he failed and it seemed that Wooyoung was thriving in this kind of life not wanting to have it any other out. But with defeat and fear in his eyes he looked at the ground while Yunho and Y/N were happily talking about the events inside before Yeosang arm was grabbed by Wooyoung. Who had a bright on his face but that spark in his eyes, something that Yeosang knew he had to go with him while they walked around to the side of the table across from Yunho while Hongjoong started his toast. Keeping Seonghwa close while he tried to not look either excited or scared. 
“I want to dedicate this toast to all of you. You’re more than just coworkers to me, all of you are important to me and I can’t wait to spend more years with all of you. Even if we fall out of touch with it all, and yet all still come to this old place we manage to call home with Yunho and now Yeosang taking care of it to ensure we can stay here and have a place far away from the loud city. Here we make memories, good and bad, for better or for worse. And we welcome Y/N to the family and give Yeosang a warm welcome to it. So, drink up and let’s celebrate our new beginning.” He raised his dark wine and watched everyone take their sips with their friends. No one set down their glass but Y/N, who seemed to look dizzy almost as he looked down at cup, seeing how it was almost gone but it tasted weird, it didn’t taste like wine. And when he managed to look around, he almost dropped his cup. 
Wooyoung had set down his empty cup with a smile on his face, showing off his bright red eyes and his two small fangs, though they were growing due to the drink he had while yeosang seemed to be trying to wipe the drink off, his eyes glowing red but he didn’t want to smile at the fact that he knew his fangs were growing but he didn’t want to show them off he didn’t feel safe enough to do so and just wanted to get out of here like he did last time. Seonghwa had looked over, licking his own fangs when he heard the cup falling on the ground and breaking, yet again. It wasn’t their own personal cup; it was just a cup they would buy so it could break and nothing else they had would shatter at the realization of what was happening. Y/N didn’t even want to turn up and look up at Yunho and had tried to run, but Yunho’s grip was tight as he set down the cup, which settled in some of the fabric being ripped in their attempted to get out of is grip before he was hit on the side of the head and was picked up by Seonghwa, knowing that now Yunho had to get ready to chase them down while this would result in Yeosang being punished for trying to scare away the new joiner. Which is why he and Wooyoung had to go and explain the games.  
“Now Yeosang, why would you try to scare away Yunho’s partner like that? You just woke back up from your 20-year nap. Wooyoung was hoping you two could still be friends.” Hongjoong teased, walking over and turning yeosang around. His eyes were red still, he was trying to remain calm but wooyoung had holding him from behind, basically keeping Yeosang there while Yunho was going into one of the spare rooms to take off the rich suit he was given and into a black shirt and pants, something that didn’t make noise and something that was loose and more comfortable enough to drink in. Yeosang had tried to keep eye contact with hongjoong while he could feel the dark and haunting gaze of the leader. But nothing was coming out of his mouth to give an answer. “I think you two will enjoy explaining things to Y/N while Yunho gets ready to run. After all, you know he needs his little chase to bring in his own fiancé. Besides, you remember how that felt when you first woke up. Don’t you little Doberman?” 
Now Y/N had woken up in a dark cave, in front of a large stone slab where rusty black chains were still hanging and broken while there looked to be dried up blood stains there. There were fire torches light and nailed to the stone walls. But Y/N would soon see Wooyoung confidently standing with a smirk on his face while Yeosang seemed to be trying to look away. Not wanting to have any part in this situation and just wanted to get out of here and forget that it had ever happened. Something he knew wasn’t going to happen no matter how hard he tried. Y/N looked a mixture of hurt and betrayed by this. Watching Wooyoung walk over and kneel, Y/N was somewhat chained down on the ground with his wrist tucked behind his back. “Wooyoung...what the fuck is going on!” 
Y/N yelled while trying to free their wrist. Trying to look at Yeosang, who was still looking away with his arms hugging himself while Wooyoung started to explain. “Well, a lot of things are going on. Take your pick on what you like to have explained to you.” He started to laugh, clearing his throat with a quick roll of his eyes. “Relax, I’m joking you have a lot to learn about. But it all starts with that same little story I know for a fact; Yunho told you about the lovely place that same prince still calls home.” He hummed while slowly standing up, clicking his tongue loudly and listened to Yeosang’s small footsteps get closer before standing close while holding a small book with the title Blood Thirst. Letting Yeosang keep it since he knew for a fact Y/N had read it before, since it was something Wooyoung saw them at the office with the book before. “Hongjoong, was the prince in this...little book you enjoy. And in that same little tale Yunho told you. After all he was chained down in that very spot watching Hongjoong from across him just losing his mind trying to eat or drink anything he possibly could in that matter. He would wake up hungry for days before one day, seonghwa stumbled right in here thinking the two of them had just died in here. Feeling bad about it he unlocked the chains and soon got chased by hongjoong, who was more than excited at the fact that he was able to run and chase his first live prey thinking he killed seonghwa at first. Till Seonghwa started to change. But of course they had to wake up and turn Yunho to join. After all he had been with captain that entire time, it took them 20 years to get out of there. And now, you get to be part of that! Whether you like it or not. Yunho picked you, out of everyone Hongjoong had let him meet before, he choose the amazing little y/n who was going to soon be chased by him in the same way all of us were chased. But he wanted to be the one to bite you and turn you, it would feel more...intimate for him." 
Y/N wanted to scream, this was a man they had saw as their friend, who was now standing in front him with blood drying on his chin explaining a sick game of cat and mouse and there was almost no way for the mouse to escape without nearly dying in the process. While Yeosang seemed to be hating this idea, there was nothing he was allowed to do but stand there. Looking down and severing out his punishment so maybe he wouldn’t have to be buried in his lonely coffin once more. “Now then, Yunho should be in position for me to let you go and try to run. If you get to the palace before him, you’ll have two options since at this point you know too much and letting you run away and move somewhere is out of the question. Captain doesn’t want or need anyone else to know about his family. You’ll either be forced to drink the captain's blood or Yunho’s and you’ll be locked in a coffin in their place of choice till you turn. Which can be minutes to years, it took yeosang almost 200 years to finally wake up. When you saw him that day, he just finally turned and let’s just say Yunho isn’t willing to wait that long. Yeosang, unlock them.”  
Yeosang had slowly walked over, kneeling to the damp ground and started to unlock the chains. Listening to Wooyoung push over the heavy rock door to show the outside. It almost seemed like the moon wasn’t even shining down on the ground despite it being a full moon. It was almost impossible to see anything but the sound of the chains falling was enough to break the silences before seeing wooyoung’s dark red eyes look down into Y/N’s eyes, smirking as he stood aside the door. “Better start running, he gets excited very easily when chasing.” Wooyoung watched Y/N stumble to get up and started to run. Not too fast to avoid falling from the twigs, bushes and who knows what else on this floor while trying to look around. Trying to see if there were any signs of light, thinking maybe they could run out from the sides and find a way. Or maybe even somewhere to hide without fail, maybe waiting this out to see if Yunho would return home to take care of the castle, leaving plenty of time for them to run back. 
They aren’t one to give up no matter who says, after all if they listened to any of that advice then they wouldn’t have gotten the job they always wanted and have their own expensive home. A wide range of closets or really anything of that matter and were slowly building their own permeant home with no one telling them no, or trying to take control of their own home and how it looks from the outside to the inside. Trying to run in these woods was almost like trying to move through Jello or even water. But also trying to remain silent in hopes of no one being able to hear their footsteps or the sounds of their breathing. Almost being able to get away, noticing the trees were opening and there seemed to be another home, the only place here was that damn castle. All Y/N had to do was cross that line, despite knowing the choice, but maybe this was also to the opened road, the hard part of this would be trying to run back to the city hopeing that no one there would be able to get them or chase them around and bring them back. Getting ready to take another step, two strong arms wrapped around their body and kept them off the air. Watching their feet kick around while the hand was wrapped around their head and pulling it to the side, reveling their neck while the other arm was wrapped around their waist to keep them in place. Despite Y/N’s attempts to kick free and rip the arms off. 
“Kicking just makes it more exciting.” Yunho whispered closely before licking the showing side of their neck. Listening to the muffled screams and cries, feeling the body shaking underneath him before he finally bites down with enough force to pierce skin and start to drink blood. Almost letting out something in return while feeling their body tense up. Slowly removing his hand just to hear that ear piercing scream of pain while hongjoong stood on the stairs watching as the hanging lights finally came back on. Showing the stunned and ruined state of y./N who was shaking in Yunho’s arms as he drank. Tears were falling from their left eye before they started to let out gasp for air. Which were then followed by groans and trying to scratch 
Y/N wanted to scream, this was a man they had saw as their friend, who was now standing in front him with blood drying on his chin explaining a sick game of cat and mouse and there was almost no way for the mouse to escape without nearly dying in the process. While Yeosang seemed to be hating this idea, there was nothing he was allowed to do but stand there. Looking down and severing out his punishment so maybe he wouldn’t have to be buried in his lonely coffin once more. “Now then, Yunho should be in position for me to let you go and try to run. If you get to the palace before him, you’ll have two options since at this point you know too much and letting you run away and move somewhere is out of the question. Captain doesn’t want or need anyone else to know about his family. You’ll either be forced to drink the captain's blood or Yunho’s and you’ll be locked in a coffin in their place of choice till you turn. Which can be minutes to years, it took yeosang almost 200 years to finally wake up. When you saw him that day, he just finally turned and let’s just say Yunho isn’t willing to wait that long. Yeosang, unlock them.”  
Yeosang had slowly walked over, kneeling to the damp ground and started to unlock the chains. Listening to Wooyoung push over the heavy rock door to show the outside. It almost seemed like the moon wasn’t even shining down on the ground despite it being a full moon. It was almost impossible to see anything but the sound of the chains falling was enough to break the silences before seeing wooyoung’s dark red eyes look down into Y/N’s eyes, smirking as he stood aside the door. “Better start running, he gets excited very easily when chasing.” Wooyoung watched Y/N stumble to get up and started to run. Not too fast to avoid falling from the twigs, bushes and who knows what else on this floor while trying to look around. Trying to see if there were any signs of light, thinking maybe they could run out from the sides and find a way. Or maybe even somewhere to hide without fail, maybe waiting this out to see if Yunho would return home to take care of the castle, leaving plenty of time for them to run back. 
They aren’t one to give up no matter who says, after all if they listened to any of that advice then they wouldn’t have gotten the job they always wanted and have their own expensive home. A wide range of closets or really anything of that matter and were slowly building their own permeant home with no one telling them no, or trying to take control of their own home and how it looks from the outside to the inside. Trying to run in these woods was almost like trying to move through Jello or even water. But also trying to remain silent in hopes of no one being able to hear their footsteps or the sounds of their breathing. Almost being able to get away, noticing the trees were opening and there seemed to be another home, the only place here was that damn castle. All Y/N had to do was cross that line, despite knowing the choice, but maybe this was also to the opened road, the hard part of this would be trying to run back to the city hopeing that no one there would be able to get them or chase them around and bring them back. Getting ready to take another step, two strong arms wrapped around their body and kept them off the air. Watching their feet kick around while the hand was wrapped around their head and pulling it to the side, reveling their neck while the other arm was wrapped around their waist to keep them in place. Despite Y/N’s attempts to kick free and rip the arms off. 
“Kicking just makes it more exciting.” Yunho whispered closely before licking the showing side of their neck.Watching Y/N continue to struggle and kick as hard as he could in order to finally break from Yunho’s grip, but this is a man who wears little finger armor, just enough pressure can cut anyones skin if he were to lace anything with it to his advatnage but in this case he was reayd to just use it for a tease. Leaning over and licking the side of their neck, hearing the squeak and ignoring the bleeding from his cut sleeve arm, he finally bit down into the place he wanted to. Making sure his grip was tight as he drank and kept them in place while his eyes remained closed before dropping Y/N as he leaned his head back and let out a relieved sigh while licking his lips before looking down to see them trying to roll around before looking up to show their eyes.
From their beautiful natural color to a dark blood red with two small baby fangs starting to show. The feeling felt like something was starting to rp the very blood from your body in every pore that was on your body. Everything was burning and stinging. Wanting to do nothing more than run away from the feeling but it was stuck staying there and feeling something change in you but there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Not even you. Everything was feeling way too light, bright, burning and too fast to grabble and understand before finally falling limp in Yunho’s arms. His lips and jaw were covered as he slowly pulled away and let out a Shakey and relaxed sigh. He looked over to the stairs, where Hongjoong was swirling a cup of drinks from easier with Seonghwa standing close next to him with his hands tucked behind his back. Wooyoung had dragged over Yeosang with a skip of his feet while everyone slowly looked down to see if Y/N would start to twitch. Their fingers started to twitch as Yunho started to walk up the stairs before Y/N”s eyes shot opened. Scrambling out of Yunho's arms onto the hard stone of the platform of the stairs. Watching them slowly look up at hongjoong who had that same twisted grin on his face as he kneeled with the cup still in hand. Swirling it around and teasingly holding it out and pulling it back in towards him. 
“Awe, the little bats thirsty. Should I be a nice captain and let you drink or punish you for creating such a scene at the dinner.” He started to chuckle when he could see the old Y/N trying to come back, fighting the urge to pounce but also wanting to say some very few choice words while trying to run away as far away as possible. But Hongjoong handed the cup to Yunho, who kneeled down and lifted up their chin and allowed them to smell it. It was a rich scent of blood, something that didn’t smell cross but something that smelled like fresh baked goods and everyone was excited to finally take a bite Slowly pouring the cup down their throat with little to no struggle, Yunho gave a genuine smile since the drink was his own blood. Which was something down to make the person closer to you. Meaning the only way, you would be able to die was if Yunho had died as well and that was almost entirely impossible to do since Yunho was also very careful of what he did. And he was turned by hongjoong. So, there was almost no getting rid of any of them. 
“Welcome Home Y/N, you’ll learn how to handle it soon. But just know there is and will be no escaping.”  
“Yunho- Why are you walking on the roof?” Y/N questioned, walking out of their bathroom with a black soft robe softly tied around their body before looking up at their roof, seeing Yunho walking with his hands holding something before he finally looked down and showed off his birhght smile, letting hikmself fall down and land on his feet like he was excited to fianlly say something about his day or what he managed to get for his lover this time. Ever since he was able to teach Y/N things, he knew that at some point one of them would have to move. Hongjoong wasn’t going to let go of Y/N since wooyoung made it clear that he would make a fuss about it till they came back and hongjoong was not about to deal with that all by himself. So, he took it upon himself to teach Yunho things about the city and how to act and hide his eyes more often while Wooyoung, Yeosang and Seonghwa had taken turns teaching Y/N things, from simply hunting to how to act when hungry.  
But at some point, Yunho had come back after making sure he knew everything and offered to move in with Y/N, but some things had to change. Even if they were used to the sun, when he first went to Y/N’s house he was dumbfounded by the Amont of windows looking down at the city and allowing the sun to shine brightly in the main bedroom. Something that confused him, sure the sunrise and sunset was beautiful to watch but, the sun is bright and people are nosey, so they got curtains large enough to hide things. It was only in their bedroom so they could had ethe privacy. He was getting used to driving around something he ended up enjoying but he was trying to get used to people and their crazy driving attempts it seems as well. But overall, he was enjoying his time and being able to get things for Y/N to show them that they do love and they're excited to keep learning in hopes of being able to work with the rest of his friends and partner. 
“Hongjoong-hyung gave me this to give to you! He said it was something you would enjoy and that I should give it.” He cheered, holding out the black box, smiling brightly before letting yn take it and slowly open the box to revel a golden necklace with red sapphire in some of the circle designs. The charms were made to look like water drops, some could say even blood drops with the red in the middle, but it was something Yunho wanted to gif. It made yn smile while carefully holding it to examine everything. Yunho was like a excited puppy happy to be around the owner after being separated for what felt like hours. “Yunho this is beautiful, I can’t wait to find something to wear it with.” Placing it back in the box carefully, y/n walked back to their walk in closet and placed it on another stand for it to be shown and taken care of. The two of them were home and just enjoying being around with each other after working.  
Yunho had walked behind them and lifted them up into their arms, even if they weren’t fully dressed or anything. He enjoyed letting his hands roam on their soft skin and enjoying listen to them talk about their day with their tv playing in the background. It was something he was slowly getting used to as the days went on into weeks and months and almost even 2 years at this point since it took around 4 months for yn to get used to being a vampire, a bit longer for Yunho to get used to the city life itself. The two of them were laying on the large circle bed with their backs lay against the headrest with the tv playing a show while resting against each other. Something they truly enjoyed doing when they had nothing else to truly do anymore. Quality time with each other just to enjoy themselves. Yunho would be holding them close and rubbing their back with their lips softly kissing their shoulders.  
Y/N would lean their head to the other side to allow Yunho more room while they let the robe tie get loosen just to allow Yunho’s hands to continue to roam while y/n’s attention was drifting their attention between the show and Yunho’s touch. But they were at the climax, but they let out a soft gasp before letting out a gasp and a moan before looking at Yunho and his hands. His mouth was sucking on that sweetspot on their neck, where his bite marks were, and his hands were holding his lover's thighs carefully while softly rubbing them. His eyes were closed as he was losing himself in the touches he was giving before he opened his eyes, locking eyes with y/n, almost looking like a dog who got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do or they were finally excited to do. It was something that Yunho had always wanted to do but was nervous since this would be their first time together doing something like this. He wouldn’t know what to do, what was good or wasn’t good. But he also wanted to build the confidence and trust before allowing them to be raw with each other. The two of them were locking gazes with each other before Y/N gave the nod of approval. 
“Y/N, Fuck...please.” Yunho whimper, leaning his head back to let out a loud whimpery moan while holding their hair to keep their head close before slowly looking back down, letting their red eyes look down at their lover on the ground, their knees on the soft carpet with their mouth taking in Yunho’s cock like it was a popsicke in a hot day and it was melting away at the heat wave. Yunho’s clothes were thrown off instantly before this while the two of them were having their passionate makeout session between the two of them. Allowing everything fall off to the corners of the room before getting into this position. Yunho was a mess just from this while he tried to keep his grip not as tight but also not as loose as well. Bucking his hips up at the feeling and listneing to the gagging sounds, which only made him moan out more. It was something he was enjoying in ways he wasn’t ever sure how to express like this. 
He could feel like something was close, so instead of allowing himself to finish he pulled Y/n off, watching their mouth stay open while their fangs were showing, they were still small fangs still showing some, they were growing. But Y/N had to hunt down their first prey or drink a certain Amont of blood to get there. But the two of them had locked eyes while Y/ smiled before crawling ontop of Yunho before the two of them had flipped over. Y/N was smiling and chuckling at the actions while the pair kept having their own passionate kiss. Yunho’s hands going down to y/n’s thighs and softly kept squeezing them. Carefully spreading them open while lifting them up onto his shoulders to give a better angle while he enjoyed the feeling of y/n’s hands running through his hair, doing soft and random tugs before the two had to pull away. Opening their eyes before looking at each other. If there was any way to describe the look into each others eyes it would be seen as something, like a love feeling almost entirely too hard to put into words without messing up somewhere and making it sound like they were getting off topic. 
“Dear, I’ve never done something like this before. How would I do this?” Yunho mentioned, letting his eyes start to fill with worry before starting to slowly relax at his lovers touch, looking down into Y/N’s eyes while their soft fingers were rubbing Yunho’s cheeks. “Start off slow, like just the tip of it. Then after keep checking on me, they we can go from there, how about that okay?” Yunho nodded his head, leaning down to kiss their chest and shoulder before allowing himself to slowly push in the tip inside of Y/N’s hole, listening to the sound of their gasp before feeling the tightness squeeze around him, making him groan out in their ear before raising his head to see the look on Y/N’s face. Their eyes closing while their chest was rising and falling, biting their lip while listening to the sound of their moans and gasp. Feeling their hands tug on his hair before he nodded his head. Keeping his eyes closed but knew that Yunho wasn’t going to move without getting a green flag. But of course, Yunho being a good boy, listened and started to push in the rest, letting his groans and soft moans of pleasure be drowned out by the sound of Y/N’s moans and gasp. Letting their hips finally meet each other. 
“Never have I ever felt a dick this fucking big holy shit what blood were you drinking!” Y/N shouted with a loud moan following afterwards, making Yunho softly laugh at the accusation before trying to answer, making sure Y/n was comfortable before they started to move once again. “The blood I drink has nothing to do with the height of anything. If it did then captain would be a little bit taller than he is now, you tell me when I’m allowed to move or do anything alright?” Hearing the sudden line made Y/N laugh, it was a sly comment to add into this moment something hongjoong will never be able to live down despite how he could easily throw the two if he wanted to. 
“You can move Yunho, thanks for the lovely information.” There was something about Yunho’s smirk almost as if he was ready to drive Y/N crazy before he started to move his hips at a somewhat fast pace, it wasn’t too slow or gentle. Looking down to see a moaning Y/N hold his shoulders before he could feel the pace starting to pick up. Which would’ve made anyone else think this was a different person. The soft Yunho that is always asking if someone is okay, now roughly pounding into his lovers tight hole like nothing else was important. Watching how Y/N’s reactions went from soft pleasure to their eyes rolling to the back of their head, the moans and gasp reaching a higher pitch. Their nails digging and scratching into Yunho’s back. Listening to the endless whispers of praises thoughtlessly slipping out of Yunho's mouth with ease. “You look so pretty on my cock dove.” “I never felt something so tight suck me in before.” Almost all being drowned out by Y/N’s loud moans while their back arched upward, almost showing the outline of Yunho’s cock quickly moving back and fourth to that same pleasurious spot he’d hoped to get.  
Yunho wasn’t focused on pleasuring himself. Letting his smirk grow before seeing the squirming state and hearing the begging please for a release. The loud moans and gasps from in-between each response. There was no better art piece in Yunho’s mind than watching Y/N come undone under him. The air being a mess and slightly sprawled on the sheets, heir chest covered in blue and purple marks on their chest and neck, the way their mouth stayed opened to let out the sounds. ‘Harder Yunho Please’ ‘Please I need to come can I please’ ‘Please fill me Yunho please I’m begging!’ 
Yunho’s thoughts were being drowned once again by the endless sound of their moans before Y/N let out a loud scream of pleasure, curling upwards to hold onto Yunho’s shoulders before feeling Yunho’s release seconds later, making him whimper and shake before hearing Yunho’s groans ring in Y/N’s ear before the two of them went back to panting. Even if they truly weren’t tired, they had that look in their eyes. They were gonna be at this for a while... 
“Yunho, you have got to stay off of them, or something man I can’t talk to Y/N without seeing them covered in your markings and barely able to stand for a minute before feeling better!” Wooyoung said, crossing his arms and pouting while Y/n was laughing. The pair of them sat on the main couch with a blanket wrapped around them while Yunho was grabbing a tray with enough drinks for everyone. Given how there was now a new addition to the vampire circle his name was San. Wooyoung claims to have turned him n a game of chases but that wasn’t even close, but he seemed to have gotten Wooyoung under control while getting to know everyone else in the circle. “It’s truly not my fault, look at him he’s attractive and knows the look to pull me in!” He defended himself, setting down the tray and letting everyone take their own glasses to enjoy themselves. The growing group was sitting in the living room around a large round black table with gold table clothes and coasters for them all. 
Hongjoong leaning back in a rocking chair with his leg crossed over the other while the cup in his hand, close to his lips with a happy smile on his face. His family was complete, and they were happy. He had his own partner with him, his group was explanting to meet new people, and now his oldest member with him had his own partner who was able to make him smile more. And crawl out of his old shell and explore the world with and move on. If you asked hongjoong, this is where he would rather be and nothing else matter. He was now watching Yunho Walk over and sit close to Y/N, wrapping his arm around their waist and pulling them closer. Softly kissing their foreheads and enjoying their smiles being passed around the room.  
“We couldn’t even go hunting till 3am! Someone thought I was a demon who was hungry.” Wooyoung pouted, rolling his eyes playfully at the late-night hunt which should’ve started at 1am and ended at 2 so everyone could still enjoy the night before the sun started to rise. “To be fair here Wooyoung, I can’t say no he’s not shy about being in bed anymore.” “Why is this something I would need to know in public here.” Y/N started to laugh more as they tried to take sips of their drink while trying to respond still. “Why is this something any of us needed to know about in a public setting here.” “And this, Yeosang is Y/N’s house it’s private.” Yunho countered back while the laughter kept filling the living room along with playful eyerolls from some of them even. To think all of this happened because of a very kinky bite. 
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abbysdolly · 1 year
(idk if you do x reader stuff i just saw your requests for asks lmao)
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𝘷𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨!𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘺 𝘹 𝘷𝘪𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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ೀ › 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: OMG anon I've been thinking about viking!abby so many times before! And thank you so much for being officially my first request! hope you like it and sorry if there's any errors hehe. (Also I took the last name for Abby because of Eivor the main character of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and the style of female Eivor is how I envision viking!abby) ♡
ೀ › 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Reader is female, suggestive content so minors do not interact, fluff and lightly mention of battles and scars. Let me know if there's anything else! ♡
(Special thanks to @andromeda-abides and @little-star-bun who helped me proofread this fic ♡)
There she was. Accompanied by the imposing howl of wolves, ax in hand. Crimson droplets adorned her shield and clothes while her slightly chapped lips quivered with irrepressible courage. She fought like no man known could. The way her ax moved smoothly like the wind itself was hypnotic and filled with such grace, passion and anger.
Her golden hair trapped in tiny and big braids, some strands danced freely adorned with silver rings that made it look like the golden light of the sun combined with the mysterious silver stars from the midnight sky.
And in that exact moment you knew that your heart belonged to her, for eternity.
The stories people told didn't do her justice. Especially the first time you saw her fight. The first time your eyes and hers connected with deep love and devotion between the clashing of axes and bodies that now sleeped eternally waiting for the Valkyries.
Like a ravenous wolf she ended every enemy in sight; she was a living myth. Some even believed that she was perhaps the unknown daughter of Odin himself, given that her strength was comparable to the All-father himself.
But only you could see the truth behind those tough looks and that pretty scar that adorned one side of her face, a scar of forgotten battles that helped her to build the respect she had now. You could see the woman who had fears and weakness like all humans, but there was nothing more beautiful to you.
"Freyja, Lady of the North, empower me. Give me strength, withhold my fear, embolden my spirit... Give me courage" she whispered, the familiar view of her kneeled in front of the wooden statue of the Goddess only meant that another battle was waiting beyond the threshold of your shared home.
The prayers to the Goddess Freyja and Odin were the only things that accompanied Abby to her battles, the battles to defend the honor of her people and most importantly to defend the land where you lived in peace with her.
"They are back, they are safe!" one of the children shouted while running to the entry of the village. Soon enough you heard the cries of the families that awaited for their beloved ones.
Your feet moved with such speed, eager eyes searching for Abby that was greeting the many children around her that were impatient to know the adventures she had this time.
"Okay, okay. I'll tell you all that we saw before dinner!" she answered to the children who ran and laughed around her.
Her beautiful eyes met yours making you feel goosebumps like the first time you exchanged looks with her.
A tender smile found a place in her face. She fought for days and she was beyond tired but seeing you was the best part of coming back home.
"Abby, you're back! Oh you can't imagine how much I missed you. Are you alright? Are you injured?" your voice breaking like the thin ice that covers the rivers in the winter, filled with emotion.
Trembling hands caressed Abby's face, making sure she was really there and not something created by your mind. But no, she was there with you.
"Of course I'm back, like I always do" she responded with a now toothy smile and continued "Shh, shh. I'm alright my love, I'm here with you… Finally" her lips soon found yours with deep need and desire, her familiar pine scent filled your senses while the heated kiss said better than any words could.
"Let me help clean you up before dinner, you need to rest my love" you whispered once the kiss ended, her forehead pressed slightly to yours while her big and calloused hands holded your face with tenderness.
A surprised gasp left your mouth as soon as you were now being carried away by Abby, your waist resting against one of her broad shoulders like it was nothing.
Shortly after between laughs she put you down, the door already opened because of the urge to see her a couple of minutes ago "Well, thank you for the ride" you teased as a smirk appeared on Abby's face.
She sat on one of the two wooden chairs, humming when you began to peel off each one of her clothes leaving her upper body bare "You don't have to thank me, I like carrying pretty girls" her cocky attitude always made you smile endlessly, Abby carried herself with lot of self confidence and you couldn't blame her, she was powerful and beautiful. And she knew it.
"Oh, so you carry every pretty girl that crosses your view?" you questioned, eyebrow arched slightly. Your question made her chuckle "Well, not exactly. Just one pretty girl caught my sight… and my heart" she revealed, her voice and gestures exaggerated making her look like a teenager in love and you couldn't help but roll your eyes and smile at her.
"You're such a tease, Abby Wolf-Kissed" her legs opened to leave place to yours, your hands undoing her tight braids making her blonde locks fall beyond her shoulders and covering her chest slightly "But I love you that way" you continued, this time in a gentle and loving whisper due to the closeness. The dim and warm light of the lantern illuminated the scars spaced across Abby's body, your fingertips traced along them and you remembered how some of them were cleaned and treated by you.
She looks up at you, feeling safe under your gaze and touch "I thank the gods for letting me see you again. And I thank you for doing my duties while I'm away" her hands found home on your waist trying to have you closer.
"You don't need to thank me, Abby. I enjoy taking care of our people like you always do, I thank the gods as well for bringing you back to me… Safe'' her eyes sparkled beautifully and just by looking at them you could feel all the love behind those icy orbs.
Her hands caressed your waist going down slightly to your thighs, missing the feeling of your warm body against the skin of her rough hands. Your cheeks warmed up at the familiar feeling of her hands roaming your body with such confidence, your body molding like clay under her hands making your current task of cleaning her body something so hard to do.
Her eyes never left your face as you tried to soak a piece of cloth to clean hers. The black painting around her eyes now slightly faded and easily to clean, the dirt going away allowing you to see those pretty freckles spaced across her nose and cheeks "You're so beautiful" you whispered again now cleaning her neck and shoulders, the air thick enough that Abby could cut it with her ax.
She smiled, her cheeks getting warm as soon as she heard your compliment. Even though she was tough and strong you could make her so shy with just a compliment "Not as beautiful as you, my love" she answered in a whisper, the muscles of her toned arms flexing each time you passed the wet cloth on her warm and freckled skin.
Her gentle, slightly calloused hand cupped your cheek, searching for those beautiful eyes of yours. Searching for those pretty lips she craved so badly until she couldn't control herself anymore and stole a kiss from them. The passion glowed through both your pores and each gentle touch said a small "I love you" onto the other's skin.
The only thing in your mind was her and only her, all of her. Her smell, her hair, her lips, her body, how warm she was, everything.
"I have something for you" she breathed between the heated kisses. "Close your eyes for me, please" her velvety voice making your head fuzzy (obviously not for the heated make out session you had a couple of seconds ago).
And so you did, you closed your eyes and sighed nervously. Her gifts and surprises were always exciting but this time everything felt even more intimate, more serious.
Gently Abby put a gold ring out of one of the tiny pockets in her belt.
"Open your eyes now, my love" she whispered, leaving a gentle kiss on the tip of your nose while putting the precious ring on the palm of your hand. Her heartbeat fast, eager to see your reaction.
Your eyes opened slowly seeing her red cheeks and a shy smile, she took your hand and took the ring again putting it slowly on your ring finger, eyes not leaving yours.
The ring was shaped like a little flower with gemstones for the petals, each one shining beautifully almost like Abby's eyes. "Oh Abby this is so beautiful, you–" she cut you off with a gentle kiss on your lips "My love… Would you marry me?" each side of her hands on your face as she said that, her voice making you enter to the Valhalla almost instantly.
"Of course I want to Abby! I would be so glad to be your wife. I'd love to" you answered with tears of happiness running down your cheeks. Her smile grew bigger from the pride of finally having you as her precious wife. Her strong arms lifted you with ease and she laughed with joy while she spinned you around the house.
Both of your hearts felt the same thing as the first time you saw each other. With unconditional love and devotion, though she wasn't a seer, she definitely saw that you were for her and only her; your destinies were sewn together by Fregga herself.
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Thank you for reading! Any like reblog or comment are really appreciated, have a good day/night and don´t forget to drink water! love ya! ♡
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graciesbow · 3 months
I love you, I'm sorry
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You were running late, and to your first meeting. Nervousness knotted your stomach as you desperately hoped you would be let off the hook, explaining that it was simply a misunderstanding over directions. If only you didn't have to be there in the first place.
The heavy door of Malfoy Manor creaked open as you made your entrance. Hurrying up the grand staircase, the muffled hissing voice of the dark lord echoed in the air. As you reached the top, you stumbled slightly, drawing everyone's attention. What met your gaze was enough to make your stomach churn: the repulsive faces of the death eaters, a massive snake coiled at the far end of the table, and the unmistakable figure of Charity Burbage suspended above the long dining table.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as your head spun from the sheer pressure of the moment. You knew that any show of weakness could put your family at risk. "Late to your first meeting," Voldemort's voice cut through the tension. You snapped your gaze towards him and quickly bowed your head. "I'm terribly sorry, My Lord, I had forgotten the directions you assigned," you spoke barely above a whisper.
Voldemort approached you, circling as he observed you. Your eyes remained fixed on the ground, and it felt like you could barely draw a breath. "Well sit down then, you're wasting my time," he hissed out. You nodded and muttered a quick thank you as you took the only available seat, which happened to be beside a woman you recognized as Bellatrix Lestrange. Throughout the meeting, you kept your eyes glued to the table, acutely aware of the weight of countless eyes upon you. Many of those present had no idea who you were, but you could feel the eyes of someone who did. 
 These eyes did know you. You could feel them. But you didn't dare look up.
It wasn't until Voldemort called you out personally, did you look up from your spot on the table. But as you drifted your eyes to the head of the table, your eyes got caught on the person guilty for staring. Severus Snape. Your breath caught in your throat. While you knew he was a death eater, you didn't expect him to be here as he was now running a school. 
He was staring at you with what seemed like a mix of disappointment, confusion, and longing. You snapped your gaze towards the dark lord, he asked you if you had any knowledge on the subject, even if you had just joined. You had a small bit, which you told him. You could feel the eyes of Severus on you the whole time. 
After the meeting came to an end, and the tension in the air slightly dissipated, everyone was allowed to go their separate ways. You were the first to take your leave, eager to avoid any interaction with Severus. The sound of his voice calling your name as soon as the Dark Lord departed sent chills down your spine, but you didn't acknowledge it. Instead, you swiftly apparated back to your scenic lakeside home. With the approaching twilight casting a dusky glow, you moved around the house, carefully lighting the flickering candles you had placed throughout, casting a warm and comforting glow in the gathering darkness.
You sighed as you sat at the window overlooking the lake, a cup of tea in hand. You looked over the lake, sunset gracing the horizon as you thought about seeing Severus for the first time in two years. You knew it was your fault, you had left him. Left him when he told you he loved you.
Two years ago
You were lying in Severus’ bed, breathless, as a thin layer of sweat graced your bare bodies. You lay up against each other in silence. This had been a regular occurrence since you became a professor at Hogwarts a few years prior. You liked being able to escape your thoughts with him. Either it was like this, naked alone with each other for hours, or just sitting with each other in his living area. He had been your breath of fresh air in the chaos of your mind.
It wasn't until he had whispered out an ‘I love you’ while you were curled up with him one night that were things fine. As soon as he said it, your head whipped up, horror-struck on your face. You shook your head as you rose from the bed swiftly, slipping on your clothes. He hesitantly got up as well, asking if you were all right. You snapped at him, “I told you, I don't do love. This was just supposed to be fun, you weren't supposed to fall in love with me!” He looked astonished, he was nervous to tell you his feelings, but he was sure you reciprocated them, and here you were practically screaming at him. 
“I know you said that, but I thought something had changed!” he raised his voice back at you. You glared at him as you tore out his bedroom door, slamming it behind you. He quickly redressed, and then he strode after you. “Don't you dare slam my door and walk away without talking” You whipped around and stormed closer to him. “Why? Why do you love me?! I told you I can't love anyone, were you expecting me to love you back?” You were both breathing hard as you argued with each other. “I was expecting you to change, people who are just acquaintances don't act the way we do, Y/N” he yelled at you. 
“I don't know what you want me to say, Severus. I told you from the beginning what you were signing up for, I told you so that this,” you pointed your finger between him and yourself, “didn't happen!” you screamed at him. He couldn't believe you were acting this way, he truly thought something had changed in you, he thought that you could love him back. “Well if you're so stuck on the idea that you're so unloveable, leave.” he hissed through his teeth. “I was planning to before you told me,” you said with tears brimming in your eyes. 
You stormed out before he could get another word in, slamming the main door, before running up to your quarters. You sat on your window sill sobbing, while staring out at the sunset covering the black lake.
As the memory of that moment faded into the darkening sky, tears streamed down your face in silence. You realized that you truly loved him, more than you had ever admitted to yourself. When you heard the words leave his lips, panic surged through you. Your inner voice had always convinced you that you were unlovable, too different, and not pleasant to be around. Now, in the quiet of your empty home, you finally acknowledged your love for him. But it was too late – you had already lost him.
You whispered out up to the night sky, 
“I love you, I'm sorry.”  
Before turning towards your stairs and heading to bed. Wanting nothing more for this war to end, and praying that Severus survives it.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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He swore he could hear him when he slept.
Four months ago (name)s world came crumbling, on his eighteenth birthday his soulmate mark appeared, the words his soulmate would speak to him upon their first meeting in their handwriting.
"A human?" Was what it said in elegant handwriting, the words concerning the Omega who kept the words hidden from those around him.
Especially his brother.
Tengen would lose his mind if he read what was written on the other.
(Name) wandered down the streets with his brother, wanting to do some light shopping as tengen had given him some money to buy more supplies for his hobbies, the Alpha pleased his little brother found peace from their family with activities.
"Oh- I'm sorry, here you take it" (name) said politely to the tall man before him with the deepest plum eyes he had ever seen "a human?" The black haired man mumbled, stepping closer to (name) "my soulmates human..."
Muzan should have expected it, the only way his mate would have not been is if he or...her, had changed him.
"I-I must go" (name) said panicked, Muzan taking in the sweet pharamones of the Omega, burning it into his memory as he watched the Omega run off.
He will make arrangements to collect the Omega soon enough.
He knows the consequences of anything happening to his Omega.
It could be incredibly detrimental to him.
When two soulmates interact for the first time, their souls are connected and if one gets hurt, the other would feel the pain and humans were fragile.
Tengen saw the interaction go down, ushering his brother urgently.
His room was covered wall to wall with wisteria, papers soaked in the flower smacked against the walls, poor (name) not allowed to leave the grounds under any circumstances.
But everyone forgot that they were connected, the demon using the soulmate connection to influence (name) via dreams.
It was faint whispers of sweet words, seducing him to leave his room.
But (name) resisted, ignoring the others words and sweet whispers.
Then he appeared in everything.
Words began shifting in the books his brother brought him amongst everything else, poor (name) conflicted and scared.
Logically, this was the king of demons.
He was responsible for killing many he held dear and causing tragedy anywhere he went.
But his Omega practically screamed at him to see his alpha.
Tengen spoke to the other demon slayers about this, worried for his brother who was definitely struggling, nearly dropping twice.
(Name) would be taken to the headquarters so his health could be better monitored and protected.
(Name) was weak as his brother lifted him, clinging helplessly "don't worry (name), I will keep you safe" tengen said assuredly as he carried him out, the Alpha having changed the Omega in clothes soaked in wisteria flowers to ward off any demons.
(Name) sat with closed eyes as the train rumbled, the wisteria having quickly faded from his clothes due to the long trip and just feeling dazed.
"Excuse me sir?" A small voice rang from beside him, (name) blearily turning to see a small boy with well kept hair and a soft expression "I can't find my father... Could you please help me?" He asked with a pleasing tone and (name)s Omega sensed his alpha was near...maybe this was his pup.
Due to the poorness of his health, (name) didn't remember the warnings his brother told him, the white haired alpha having to step away for a moment.
"My brother will be here in a moment... He's better equipped than I am currently" (name) could barely stand as the pup came closer "can I stay with you?" He asked sweetly and (name) struggled to resist as the boy gently gripped (name)s clothes "I suppose, when my brother returns we can look for your father" (name) said letting the boy scoot beside him and after months his Omega was finally quiet.
Tengen was confused as he spotted the child beside his brother, the little boy familiar but (name) seemed content by the pups presence "whose this?" Tengen asked kindly and (name) for the first time in a while smiled "his name's Toshikuni, he's seperated from his father... I thought it would be safe for him to stay here till you return"
Tengen smiled at his brothers kindness, the Omega was always incredibly kind and wanting those around him to thrive.
Which is why it confused him in why he was soulmates with the true antithesis of himself.
A monster.
It felt like his brother had been cursed and Tengen had no way of fixing it.
It was devastating.
He remembers when his brother finally spoke to him about it, the pieces connecting and devastated he looked at the concept of the person for him trying to kill those he loved.
Tengen got ahold of a train attendant and (name) weakly crouched to the boys eye level, letting him hug him "I will return for you" the child's voice completely changed to the voice of...him.
(Name) pulled away to see flashing red eyes before turning back to a deep purple, the boy taking the attendants hand and wandering off.
(Name) was frozen in place as his brother helped him back into his seat, the white haired man assuming his brother was just dealing with slight withdrawal and held him close.
Tengen was abnormally quiet, worry evident in his movements and scent as he tried to think of anything to make his brother happy.
"I'm sorry..." Tengens voice was soft as he stared at his brother "I'm sorry your soulmate is...is him"
"It's not your fault, it's nobodies..." (Name) whispered as he stared off before closing his eyes.
He was just so tired.
Tengen looked panicked as his brother dropped again "shit! (Name)--- let's get you comfortable" tengen said panicked and adjusted his brother to a better position.
the train suddenly began shaking, tengen pulling out his blades.
Something bad was about to happen.
Things moved in slow motion as the side of the train ripped open, the little boy from before having spikes from his back... Tengen knew something was off with the kid.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be" Muzan hissed out as the train continued moving, the air pulling things out as Muzan manipulated his arm to stab at tengen, tengen keeping him away from grabbing at (name).
(Name) was practically being thrown around as the two fought for him "keep away from my brother you fucking demon!"
"We're here!" Tengen looked to see the other demon slayers whom had been previously missing "there were other demons on the train, we were ambushed" Tanjiro said as Muzan attacked once more but sadly the strike was hard enough to shake the train aggressively.
(Name) was set in a seat, still dealing with a drop when his body was forced out.
Below them was a lush forest, everyone watching in horror as (name) fell below.
Muzan and Tengen barely spared a glance as they both followed after.
It was by some miracle that (name) landed safely, falling into a pond and waking as his body forced him awake for his safety.
(Name) was Shakey and coughing as he made it to land, unsure how he got... wherever he was.
Clothes soaked he stood up, not looking unlike a newborn lamb as he did so.
He stumbled through the woods, leaning into trees before eventually dropping and leaning against a large oak tree, vision hazy and body cold.
Footsteps could be heard, his eyelids heavy unable to see as a hand gently cupped his cheek "tengen...?"
"No Omega, open your eyes" the voice commanded as (name) opened his eyes to see red staring back "I told you I would return for you" (name) wanted to be scared, to be angry but he was so tired and his Omega was so happy...
"(Name)!" Tengen yelled out as he raced towards the two, Muzan holding (name) in his arms and then...they were gone.
(Name) was gone.
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mrs-pondwater19 · 1 year
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Onceler x Shy Fem Reader SMUT
First of all, I'm so sorry, I am weak and have fallen for the Tumblr sexy man *but he do be kinda hot tho*. So being the weak, cringy little thing I am, I now feel entitled to write shameless smut of a non eco-terrorist because I can. Yeah so this takes place before his greed era when he is a sweet, little baby, but has some slight greed tendencies. Also this is kind of a little different from the movie events wise but not by much. The reader lives in the forest (mega cottagecore aesthetic) and is very shy and secluded, but somehow managed to become friends with the Onceler. And when the time came to meet his family, things got a little crazy. Minors this isn't for you, please walk away. Enjoy my dears, and I'm sorry again for the cringe, I'm so sorry.
*side note: I started this like four months ago and dropped it for a bit, but I didn't want to abandon this project so yeah, here you go*
WARNING: 18+, Minors DNI, extravert and introvert dynamic, flirting, friends to lovers, angst, dysfunctional family, arguments (not with Onceler), confrontation, reassurance, confession, porn with plot, Slight inexperience, breath play, neck kissing, bulge palming, fingering, oral (f receiving), slightly rough sex (p in v), comfort, literally the most loving man, whimpering, admiration kink, creampie, cuddles.
You watched as raindrops pitter pattered against the cold glass window of your little cottage. The rain had started earlier in the day, about the time you got back from your venture to the neighboring town not far outside the forest. The day started off so nicely, the sun was bright and there's wasn't a cloud in that big blues sky. You were actually hoping to get some gardening in today, and maybe a walk around the forest foraging some flowers to decorate your home with, but the day seemed to have other plans. On your way home, dark gloomy clouds set in and the cold rain began to fall. Sighing heavily you stepped away from the window in your living room and made your way to the kitchen, changing your plans to baking a pie or two. Pulling out one of your cookbooks you flipped to a basic mixed berry pie recipe and gathered the ingredients to start. Humming lightly to yourself as you made the dough for the crust, you thought you might make a double batch for a friend that lived half way across the forest.
He called himself the Onceler, he had moved to the Truffula forest almost a year ago, although it seemed like he'd been there a lot longer than that all things considered. He came to the forest with a small wagon, his mule Melvin, and big aspirations of success for his invention that he called a Thneed.
The two of you didn't converse much when he first arrived, considering you weren't much of a people person. In fact you often made it a point to not interact with people if you could help it. Having to talk and interact with people made you incredibly nervous and uncomfortable at times, so you kept to yourself. You preferred to stay at home and keep up around the house, do your crafts, and tend to your garden. It was easier for you to avoid conversations and be alone to try and overcome your deathly shyness on your own. It was so bad at times you thought for sure someone would make fun of you or point out all things that were wrong with how shy you were, but you carried on as best you could. You found peace and comfort in being alone, but there were times you wish you had someone to talk to. Being unable to break out of the tough, shy exterior made it almost impossible to make friends, it didn't stop the Onceler though.
The first day he moved to the forest he approached you with the upmost of confidence and was quite friendly towards you. When he saw how reserved and shy you were he backed off a bit and respected your need for space as he took his time getting to know who you were, not wavering his confidence whatsoever.
And, slowly but surely, you opened up to him. He would stop by your cottage daily whenever he'd go to town, checking up on you making sure you were well, and you'd do the same for him. You'd often bring him baked goods or fresh produce from your garden as a thank you for his kindness.
The two of you would spend a decent amount of time together when he wasn't working on trying to sell his Thneeds. Often sharing tea and talking about life was probably one of your biggest past times with him. Things you had a passion for, town life, and your life experiences were the most discussed topic when you were together. His big plans of becoming a successful entrepreneur were always on the forefront of his mind, and he was ambitious to meet those goals he had set for himself. You had to admit it was commendable in some aspects, the amount of work he put into his Thneeds and his efforts to hopefully get his products noticed were really something. Although you didn't agree with how he went about getting the materials for his Thneeds. Cutting down and using the tuffs of the Truffula tree wasn't what you expected nor really wanted to happen. You mentioned to him a few times how it made you upset and even asked if he'd promise not to cut down anymore of the trees out of respect for the forest. To which he said he'd oblige, and from that point on he hadn't cut anymore down.
After some time passed the both of you became incredibly comfortable with one another, to the point where you both confided in each other for just about everything. Whether it was on walks to town, while you picked away at your garden, or nights when you'd stargaze with him. You told him about all the reasons why you were so reserved and why you wanted to be alone. About all the people who abandoned you in your past, the ones who were supposed to be there for you, and how they just drifted away. It was easier not getting attached to people so you wouldn't be let down when they couldn't be there anymore. So you closed yourself off and away from the world, creating a little bubble around yourself. But he never judged you for what you did to protect yourself from something like that happening again. And he'd find himself doing what he could to reassure that he wouldn't be like the others, that he'd always be there for you no matter what.
There were days when he'd let down his happy go lucky attitude and tell you some of the more depressing parts of himself and his past. Just as you did for him. How he was afraid he would never be successful, and that his mother was right about him. He never had the best relationship with his mother, older brothers, or anyone in his family. He was often looked at as the black sheep of the family and was constantly belittled and made fun of for his ideas and ambitions. His mother never truly had any faith in him that he'd make it, and the last thing she and his family did was laugh at him as he left the only home he ever knew. It never faltered him though, no matter how bleak things seemed, he never gave up hope that things would work out. Even if it seemed no one else was going to support him or his ideas. And that's when you assured him you'd be there to support him along the way, through thick and thin.
As you made the filling for the pie you smiled to yourself while humming a light tune. Thinking about how nice it was to have a friend like him and how sweet he was to you. He'd always compliment you whenever you two were together, saying how nice you looked or how amazing you were. He never had anything bad to say about you and was always kind and respectful. You never had anyone like that in your life prior to him, and it was a really nice change of pace for you. Which in turn made you like him, a lot. Probably more than friends should like each other, and he seemed to reciprocate it from what you could tell. The way you two acted with each other sometimes wasn't really how people who were 'just friend's" acted. You two would secretly exchange looks of admiration while the other wasn't looking, the lingering touches whenever you hugged one another, and how he looked so deeply into your eyes from time to time during your conversations. Just the way he made you feel was something you couldn't explain and it was exciting, but scary all the same. Shaking off that bubbling feeling, you focused on finishing the filling and assembled the pie. You lightly covered the pie with the top crust pinched the edge's together, and sliced a decorative pattern in the dough before putting the pie in the oven.
You walked down a beaten path to the Onceler's home, umbrella in hand and a basket with the pie as well as some homemade jam. The rain lightly and rhythmically fell around you, making you a bit sleepy as you walked on. The little puddles that formed at the edges of the trail reflected your form, you looked down to see joyful eyes and a red face staring back at you. Turning your gaze back up to the path trying to ignore the sight of yourself. It wasn't long before the Onceler's home came into view and your heart began to beat faster and faster as you approached the door. A light fog from the rain surrounded the vicinity, giving the disproportionate structure almost and eery effect. You quietly walked up the steps as you heard the tune of a soft, solemn guitar playing with a slight hint of jazz. This was a tune you heard more than once, it usually meant that day trying to sell his Thneeds went especially bad. Preparing yourself for him to be in bad mood, you gently knocked on his door,
"Who is it," he asked very clearly irritated. You cleared your throat as you spoke up,
"It's me."
"The doors open," he said, his voice softening a little knowing it was you coming to see him. You closed your umbrella and opened the door quietly so you wouldn't interrupt his playing. You stepped into his home, softly closed the door behind you and set your umbrella aside before making your way into the kitchen. His home was a bit small and cramped, but you didn't mind it too much, it was manageable. You looked over to the Onceler, he was slouched in one of his kitchen chairs, feet propped up on a chair across from him as he strummed the chords. His eyes flickered up to yours for moment and shot you a sweet but defeated smile before looking back down at the strings. You sat the basket down on the side counter before cautiously approaching the table,
"May I," you gestured towards the empty chair next to him. Not looking up from his guitar he hummed lightly in approval. You pulled the chair out and sat down next to him, your hands resting on the edge of the wooden table. The two of you sat there for a minute, listening to the chords he strummed.
"Rough day?" He stopped playing for a moment at your question,
"Yeah you could say that," he said bitterly before strumming again. You let another minute pass before asking him softly,
"You wanna talk about it?" You asked kindly looking up at him. He stopped once again and set the guitar aside, crossing his arms while looking away from you. He took a deep breath, as if he was trying to keep himself from screaming at you in frustration. A few moments passed before he spoke in a strained manner,
"It just keeps getting harder and harder Y/N. Everyday I'm out there, rain, sun or snow, and no one listens to me. No one wants to hear what I have to say about my Thneeds. You and I both know it's a great product, and how it can improve everyone's lives, change the world. But they don't care. And it just feels like I'm wasting my time at this point," he said giving a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He continued pouring his heart out to you, saying how his family was right about him and how it felt pointless to continue trying to achieve his goal. He just wanted to see some resolve from his efforts, and to be able to prove his family wrong. You reached over to him and laid your hand on his shoulder,
"Hey, listen hun. I know I don't exactly what it's like doing what you do. Being out there trying to be somebody and bring something good to this world. And you knew it wasn't going to be easy Once, but that didn't stop you. You knew there were going to be days that seem harder than others, but you still kept going. I know the day is coming where someone is gonna say how amazing your Thneed is and your life is gonna go in an great direction, I just know it. Today was a bad day, but just think about what tomorrow could bring Once, it could be the day you become successful. Just think about it, ok sweetheart," you said taking your hand off his shoulder. He turned to you with a soft smile on his face as he removed his legs from the chair adjacent from him and hastily stood up from his. He took a few step towards you and leaned down, giving you a tight, compassionate hug.
"You're right, I just need to be more patient and try to stay positive. Thank you Y/N. You always know what to say, and how to make me feel alright again. I couldn't ask for a better friend," he said. You wrapped you arms loosely around him and smiled,
"Of course Once, I'll always be here for you." He let go of you and pulled you up from your chair as he walked over to the side counter where the basket was.
"What kind of goodies did you bring me today," he asked excitedly as he peeked into the basket.
"Mixed berry pie and some jam," you said cheerfully. The Onceler reached up into a cupboard and he pulled out two plates as well as some utensils for the both of you while you put the kettle on. He cut you both decent sized pieces of pie and drizzled a little bit of jam on top of each slice with a little sliver spoon. When the kettle roared out a sheer whistle you took it off the stove and poured it onto two empty mugs with a green tea bag in each. He handed you your plate and you made your way back to the table where you sat down and conversed over pie and tea for the remainder of that rainy afternoon.
Weeks past since your last visit with the Onceler, but your advice seemed to have worked well. He was still going out to town and trying to get his Thneeds to sell. Each and every day he was out there, and when he wasn't in town he was at home tending to his property. He would still drop in to check on you to make sure you were doing alright, as he always did. But it seemed like there was hardly any time to visit during those few weeks. Just both of you trying to keep up with your individual lives seemed to be more of a priority. You had to get your garden tilled and seeds as well as seedlings planted for the harvest in the fall. And he was more gungho than ever to start his business.
The sun was shining and the heat was hot as you dug holes for your beet seedlings. You tilled up the dirt multiple times a few days ago and plotted out where everything was going. You kneeled down into the freshly pulled up earth and began planting your seedlings. Getting a few rows in when you heard a noise coming from across the hill that broke you out of your rhythm. You wiped the sweat off your forehead with the back of your gloved hand as you looked up into the distance. You saw the Onceler running swiftly, and very clumsily towards you with a massive grin on his face. You stood up and smiled as you waved to him as he approached you, he waved back very haphazardly as he continued towards you at full speed, shouting incoherently. Thinking he'd slow down before getting to you, you stood in your spot awaiting him, but that wasn't the case. Before you could process what was fully happening he was running onto your garden, took you into his arms and spun you around joyously,
"I did it Y/N. I really really did it," he cried out to you as he set you back on to the soft dirt, not letting go of you.
"What did you do, Once," you asked, a bit taken back by his sudden actions. His tight grip loosened as he looked you in the eyes, his bright blue eyes beaming,
"My Thneeds, I finally sold my Thneeds. Everyone loves them, and they want me to make more of them. You were right Y/N, all I had to do was stay positive and persistent. And it all paid off," the man was practically squealing at how happy and proud he was with himself as he hugged you tightly again,
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Y/N, I couldn't have don't it without you." You hugged him back and smiled,
"Of course Once, I'm so happy for you," you said to him happily. You really meant it when you said that to him, after all of the hardships he endured and the time he put into his craft, he finally got the resolve he wanted.
He kept you in his embrace for a few more moments before letting go of you and taking a few steps back. He took in the sight of you, his eyes going wide for a split second then softening again. Your knees dirtied from the soil of the garden, a loose short sleeved t-shirt hung loosely from your shoulders, and the slightest remnants of sweat from the heat laid across your skin. Your hair put up very messily, and bits of your clothes and skin covered in dirty hand prints as well as smears from your gloves, forgetting they were on your delicate hands.
You chuckled nervously and tucked a few stray strands of hair behind your ear as he stared at you admiringly. This wasn't uncommon for him to do every now and then, he'd just look at you with a silly little smile and loving eyes. You didn't mind it though, it made you feel special. He snapped back to reality after a moment, a dusting of pink creeping upon his face,
"Oh, well, I think this calls for a celebration don't you think? When you're finished with your garden you're more than welcome to come by my place if you'd like. We can have some supper and a drink or two," he said not looking you in the eye, his face growing a darker shade of pink. Nodding in response with a soft smile,
"I'd really like that Onceler, " you said quietly looking at him with a genuine smile. He returned the smile and gave you a quick hug,
"Alrighty I'll see you in a bit" he said before making his way home, practically bolting to get started on some more Thneeds. You chuckled slightly to yourself, finding his persistence and interest in this endeavor so sweet. You smiled to yourself once more before resuming your previous activities, settling into the soft soil and planting your seedlings.
After you finished with your garden, you went into your cottage to wash up before going to the Onceler's home. As you walked to the sink, you heard a harsh crashing coming from the forest and some of the animals screeching in fear. You ran outside to see a set of freshly dug up tire tracks not far from your home headed to the Oncelers. You rushed down the path to his home, an unsettling feeling forming in the pit of your stomach as you saw his home come into view. You saw a run down camper van parked haphazardly in front of his home and there were a fair amount of people crowded out in the front. You saw Onceler talking with them, a pained smile on his face as you approached him. When he saw you he smiled and approaching you,
"Hey," he said hugging you tightly before letting go. You looked at him, to the few people gathered in front of his house, then back at him confused.
"Uh hey," you said quietly, looking at the people behind him with an unsure expression. He looked at you confused for a moment before realizing what you were doing. He guided you over to the group of people, you hesitated, but did your best to hide it as he introduced you to them.
"This is Y/N, she's my neighbor and a dear friend of mine," he said kindly as he placed a hand in your shoulder. You gave them a curt wave and a half smile. Although they didn't seem impressed with you whatsoever. The women with glasses have a you a condescending sneer while speaking,
"I see, is she always covered in dirt or is that just today's attire?" They all snickered at her remark. You didn't realize you were still in your work clothes when your rushed there. A blush crept on to your face as you looked down in embarrassment. The Onceler caught on to your embarrassed state quickly rebutted,
"Y/N has been tending to get garden recently and I invited her up here after she finished. She just didn't have time to change is all. But anyways Y/N, this is my family," he said with false confidence. He gestured to the woman with glasses and poofy blonde hair,
"This is my mother, Isabella." She gave you the fakest smile you'd ever seen, clearly unimpressed with what she saw in you. He then gestured to the taller more robust woman in purple and the short man in the suit,
"Aunt Grizelda and Uncle Ubb," both of them seemed more or less indifferent towards you. And the finally to the two twins, who were both going you devilish grins,
"And my brothers Brett and Chett." You moved slightly closer to the Onceler, feeling a bit uncomfortable in your current situation with these people he called family. He told you about how they treated him, so you weren't exactly thrilled to be in their presence. Wondering why they decided to reappear in the Oncelers life you asked,
"What brings you all the way out here?"
Isabella seemed to be a bit taken back and slightly offended by the question. Snidely responding with,
"We came to see our little Oncie, after hearing about his success with his invention we thought we owed him a little visit." You 'hmmed' at her response, knowing that was only half true. She walked up to you and the Onceler, completely ignoring you when she said,
"Oncie dear, it's been so long since we've seen each other. We'd all love to stay for a while and catch up with you. Maybe talk a little bit about your amazing invention," she said pulling him away from you. He looked back towards you as she rambled, seeing the disappointment in your face as you turned to go back home. He loosened away from his mother's grip as he reassured her he'd be back,
"Hey hey," he said softly as he caught up with you. He stood in front of you, placing his hands on your shoulders gently, trying to get you to look at him. You looked up at him, giving him a falsified smile,
"It's ok Once, they're your family. Go spend some time with them. We'll have that celebratory drink some other time." He looked at you with a somber expression,
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah Once, I'm sure," you said as you took his hands off your shoulders gently and gave them a slight pat. You nodded before giving you a quick hug,
"Soon, I promise." He let go of you and headed back towards his home, waving you goodbye. You waved back, not realizing how drastically everything was about to changes between you two.
A month or so passed, and his family's camper van still nestled in it's spot from when it first arrived. From what you could tell the Onceler had turned it and his home into a shop for making as well as distributing Thneeds. Not that it was the main issue in the forefront of your mind, no, it was something else entirely.
The few times you went to visit, his mother was always interjecting herself into your conversations and taking control as quickly as she could. Often making the excuse that her Oncie was incredibly busy, or that he had other things to attend to that were more important. Frankly you were getting just about fed up with her always keeping the Onceler away, forcing him to make more Thneeds, and making you feel inadequate comparatively to her and his family. How you're shyness was a weakness and that you'd need to grow a backbone if you were ever going to make it in the world. And how your lifestyle wasn't as preferable to high class living like theirs, if you'd call it that. Knit picking the little things about you she didn't like, how you dressed, the way you styled your hair, how you carried yourself and what you took interest in. Which in turn made you keep some distance between you and the Onceler, or more than you would've cared for anyways. You just felt that his mother had complete control over the entire situation.
Nothing about you was appealing to her. She thought that since the Onceler had became as successful as he was, he deserved better. Even though before his success she didn't care what happened to him, he was just a disappointment to their family.
It was to the point where you didn't know if you could keep it together. To not scream at her for the way she was acting, but you needed to stay calm and collected for the Onceler, it wouldn't be fair to him if you lost it on his insufferable mother.
You took a deep breath as you finished getting ready to go have those celebratory drinks with the Onceler. He was able to get away from his work and his family and invite to his place for supper and drinks to which you happily agreed. You put on a cute floral dress the hugged your form in all the right places, but left enough to the imagination for someones wandering eyes. You finished with some light makeup, a spritz of honey like perfume, and grabbed your basket with some freshly picked berries and wine.
The walk was short and sweet as you tried keep your thoughts focused on what you were looking forward to that evening. Just a nice, calm, quiet dinner and a couple drinks with your friend. That's what you were hoping for anyways if you were lucky. You walked up the steps, your heart beating rapidly as you approached the door and knocked lightly, hoping not to catch his families attention. The door opened almost as quickly as you knocked, the Onceler in the other side, looking a bit disheveled as he motioned you inside. You stepped inside hastily as he closed the door behind him. You looked to the table, two platefuls of pancakes topped off with butter, two empty glasses waiting to filled with the wine you brought, and a candelabra centerpiece. You smiled as you set the berries and wine on the table before turning to him,
"You did a good job Once," she said as she walked over to give him a hug. He smiled back, he looked tiredly at her as he hugged her back lightly.
"Thank you," he let go and pulled out the chair for her. She sat down and he pushed her in closer to the table and sat adjacent from her, looking at her with admiration in his eyes,
"You look lovely," he said quietly as he popped open the wine you brought and poured both your glasses half full.
"Thank you Once,"you said as you took your glass in hand, looking down and lightly swishing at the rosy pink liquid. You looked up at him and rose your glass to him,
"To you and your Thneeds Once." He clinked his glass gently against yours, drinking down the sweet burn. The two of you ate your super and caught back up, not that there's was anything new on your end of things, just tending to your garden. But it was a different situation for the Onceler. His business was absolutely booming, he was making and selling more Thneeds than he ever imagined. Money was flowing in abundantly and he loved it. Eveything that was happening to him was exactly what he wanted, its what he dreamed of when he first moved into the forest. But he wanted more,he wanted to bigger and bigger his productions, his distribution, and expand everything. You smiled forcefully, you were happy for him truly, but there was something about his plans that didn't sit right with you. It all felt wrong.
As you continued your conversation with him you heard the door slam open and his mother flamboyantly made her presence known. You groaned internally as she shouted,
"Oncie dear, Brett and Chett," she stopped mid sentence when she saw you, eyeing you down with an unimpressed grin.
"Oh goodness, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important," she said sarcastically as she walked over to the Onceler. You looked at him with a look he'd never seen before, bitterness.
"Well actually mother we were-" She refused to let him finish as she pulled his chair out and pulled him up trying to push him out the door,
"I'm sure it's not as important as talking about your business endeavors dearie. I'm sure you're little friend here doesn't mind, right?" She asked snidely raising her brows maliciously. You sighed in frustration as you stood up from the table and brushed your dress down,
"I guess not." You took a few steps away from the table and began to gather your things when she made the nastiest comment you'd ever heard her say about you,
"That's what I thought, you're a lot smarter than I figured you to be. Knowing that my Oncie has more important things to do than run around with a silly little girl. And if I may dearie, next time maybe wear something a little less revealing next time you come around here. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to seduce my precious Oncie." She snickered in a sour tone.
That statement did it in for you. You had it with that woman and her antics. After taking so much disrespect from her for almost a month, you couldn't stand it anymore.
You were done.
You and the Onceler had stared at her in disbelief, you turned your attention her and snapped,
"How dare you? How are you say something so awful and disrespectful to a woman you don't know? In your entire time of staying here all you've done is pick me apart, nothing about me is good enough for you," you paused. Her face dropped, apauled by your statement. She was about to speak, but your cut her off as you resumed your vent.
"But that's not even the worst of it, the fact that you've been keeping the Onceler under your thumb and away from the people who actually care about him is absolutely awful. You didn't give a shit about him until he became successful with his Thneeds, only then did you run running to his aid. While I have been here with him since day one, I've been the one who's had to comfort him when he had a bad day. I'm the one who told him not to give up and that his efforts would pay off. And I'm the one who's supported him through everything he's been through, and I'm not just talking about his business endeavors," you took a deep breath, feeling the anger truly bubbling over and spilling out infront of the Onceler and his mother before you took a dangerous leap and said,
"You are a bad mother Isabella. And frankly you should be ashamed of yourself." You said as you gathered your basket and stormed out the door. Leaving an astonished Onceler and his fuming mother behind.
The walk home that evening was a brutal one. Angrily stomping down the path and slamming the door behind you as soon as you got home. You washed your face and put on a comfy T-shirt and shorts, wanting to just spend the rest of the evening being as comfortable as possible. Letting the events sink in, you realized how terrible you must have looked in front of the Onceler while you ripped apart his mother. You sighed, trying to figure out how you were going to face him after all that happened earlier that evening.
Sitting in your chair you had a cup of chamomile tea in hand as you read peacefully, trying to clear your head before you head a gentle knock at your door. You got up and approached the door slowly, looking out the window see a familiar face.
"What are you doing here Once," you asked through the door. Not that you were bothered by his company, you just felt now probably wasn't the best time for a visit considering the circumstances.
"Can I come in?" He asked kindly. You opened the door with a tired sigh, motioning him inside and out of the darkness.
He sat at the small kitchen table as you brewed up a pot of tea, placing the mug in front of him as you sat adjacent, the soft light from a table side lamp was the only source illuminating the room. You both sat in silence for a little while, listening to the tick tock of the clock and sipped your tea respectively. You cleared your throat and broke the silence as you asked,
"Why are you here Onceler?" His expression dropped when he heard the usage of his full name. The only time you used it was when you were upset or serious, which meant this situation didn't look good in his eyes. He set his mug down and rested his elbows on the table as he looked at you,
"I want to apologize to you for this evening," he paused before he continued. You perked up when he apologized and listened intently as he continued,
"What happened at my home should never have happened. It should've just been you and me enjoying a meal and a celebratory drink, not my mother interrupting and insulting you as she did. And I'm so truly sorry I never noticed how awful she's been to you, if I had known sooner I would've intervened. But now that I know, I've taken care of the problem, I had a very stern talk with her and she wont be bothering you anymore, I promise Y/N," he said with heartfelt eyes. You looked at him a bit dumbfounded, not expecting to have this conversation after such a horrendous evening, but you weren't complaining in the slightest. You smiled at him as you sipped your tea,
"You don't know how much I appreciate that Once, but you didn't have to do that. I could've defended myself just fine." He cut in abruptly,
"No I wanted to, the way she spoke to you wasn't ok at all. And if I'm being honest I felt obligated to defend you," he said as he anxiously placef his hand behind his head, a dusting of pink littered his cheeks as he continued.
"What she said about you really irked me, calling you a silly little girl and how you dressed inappropriately, I couldn't stand it." You looked at him confused, not sure why he was so upset and angry over his mother's words. Sure what she said was terrible, but it shouldn't have been enough to get him as fired up as he was.
"It made you that upset?" You asked as you finished your tea and stood up to collect the mugs you used, putting them in the sink to wash later.
"Of course it did, you're my best friend Y/N and I care about you...a lot" he said as he stood and opened his arms to you. You approached him and hugged him softly, feeling his arms wrap around you tenderly. You smiled and your heart began to race,
"I'm so happy to have you Once. You always make everything so much better for me and I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it," you said as you tightened your arms around him. He brought his hand to your head and rested it there,
"I'm happy to have you Y/N. You make everything feel like a dream sometimes," he said softly as he pulled away and looked into your eyes. His face a deep crimson and his pupils wide and full as he looked at you, slowly leaning forward. You blushed as the space between you got smaller and smaller, making you're heart race as you placed your hands on his polyester vest,
"What are you doing Once?"
"I..I," he stammered as his eyes darted to the side, breaking contact with yours as he tried to find an explanation for his actions.
"Once?" Your voice was sweet and caring, and whatever else was in that tone of yours broke him down.
"There's something I should tell you," he started looking away in embarrassment before he continued once more.
"I've liked you for a really long time now, and I just never really knew how to tell you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship and make things awkward between us, so I just kept it to myself. But after tonight I realized how much you mean to me, and I don't wanna hide it anymore. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
You smiled as your face turned a bright red, now realizing that the man you had feelings for all this time felt the same way you did. Your hand wandered to his cheek and rested there, him leaning into your touch.
"I understand what you're saying very well Once," you grinned as you looked deeper into his icy blue orbs. Your heart raced against your breastplate harshly as his hand reached for your waist.
"You feel the same way?" He asked in a whisper. You nodded as you pulled him into a tight embrace. Feeling his hands cautiously wrap around your waist as he hugged back. Your hands lightly ran down his back, causing him to shiver involuntarily. You were about to pull back when he firmly held you in place, it wasn't aggressive, but enough to let you know he wanted you to stay there. His hot breath on your sensitive neck caused you to shiver slightly as you tried to steady your breathing. He took note of your body's reactions and he moved to face you,
"Is everything ok Y/N? You're shaking," he said in concern as he looked at you with a caring gaze. You nodded in response,
"I'm alright Once. Just," your face grew hot in embarrassment as you tired to find the right words to explain what was happening. You took a deep, jagged breath as you whispered,
"The way you were breathing against my neck, it felt nice." He gave you a devilish smile as he lowered his head back to your neck and let out a deep exhale. Your hands gripped at his back as you held in the need to moan, that was until he planted a soft kiss on your now ultra sensitive skin. You let out a low groan in response to his actions, feeling your self control dwindle as his kisses become more passionate against your neck. You gave out needy whimpers as you felt his nether regions begin to stiff against you thigh. Your hands roamed down as he began to playfully nip at your neck, causing you to moan out loudly.
"Once," you whimpered against his ear. He chuckled against your wet skin,
"So sensitive," he teased as he began to move his hands delicately up your shirt, testing the waters. Your hands moved down his back and maneuvered towards the front dangerously close to his now throbbing member, looking at him for permission. She nodded as he began to push the collar of your shirt down and kissed down your collarbone. Your hand gently brushed against his bulge, he shivered at your touch, groaning lustfully into your neck.
"Y/N," he gave a breathy grunt as your fingers skillfully ran along his shaft and rubbed his tip through his trousers. He was crumbling fast, as were you. Both stumbling over one another, your hand palming and rubbing vigorously as his kisses becoming more needy. You brought your hands up to his back as whispered in his ear,
"Let's take this to my room."
You didn't need to tell him twice, he practically carried you to your room and shut the door quietly behind him before approaching you slowly. He brought his hand to your face as he looked you in the eyes,
"I love you so much," he whispered as he brought his lips to your plush ones. Feeling his hands wander to your arms and gripped them gently as he lips moved down your jaw. You felt him pepper your jaw and neck in soft kisses before letting out a shuddered breath against your skin once more. You shook against him as his hands cautiously began to run up your shirt. You pulled away and lifted your arms, allowing him to take your shirt off, leaving your upper half bare for him. He pushed you lightly back on to the bed as he lips made contact with your collarbone. Causing you to shake and shiver under him as his hands pulled off your shorts and grasped at your thighs,
"Once," you moaned out softly as his lips traced the skin of your breast.
"Is this ok?" He let out a shaky whisper against the flushed skin. You nodded as you guided one of his hands that rested on your thighs to the heat between your legs. He looked up at you in surprise for a moment as you pressed his hand against your plush, slick folds. He let out a guttural moan from his throat as his expression of surprise turned to one of pure desire. He latched his lips on to your hardened buds, while his fingers gently pressed against your clit. You let out a squeal as he worked his fingers against your burning heat, placing a hand in his ebony locks to find some sort of grounding.
"I can hear your heartbeat Y/N," he said softly in between kisses and light nips at your skin. He began to trail his kisses down you stomach as his fingers gently pushed a long, slick covered digit into you. You shuddered at the fulfillment in your heat as he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out of you. It was almost cruel and how slow he was going, arching your back and slightly bucking you hips against his hand trying to create juts a little more friction.
His lips now hovered right above your clit, giving an exasperated sigh before licking a fat stripe between your folds and attacking your clit eagerly as he added another digit into your sopping pussy. You let out an loud, pleasurable moan as he continued to work his fingers against your wet walks and his tounge sucking on your clit tenderly. Your hands wandered down into his hair once more, keeping him firmly between your legs. You let out desperate, pleading moans as he continued his slow pace,
"Once, faster please," you begged in gentle, breathy burst as you felt the coil in your course slowly building up. He hummed against your pussy as he kept his steady pace, his face and hand lightly covered in your slick. Your fingers gripped and pulled lightly as his locks, needing more friction as the coil continued to build. And though he wanted to drag it out, he knew better than to overly tease you.
The pace of his limber fingers slowly picked up and his tounge swiped swiftly across your small bundle of nerves. He added a third finger, stretching you gently as his fingers pace steadily grew faster and faster. You pleas and moans filled to room, as well as the sound of your squelching heat against the Oncelers fingers. His free hand spread your thigh as far as it could go, trying to reveal as much of yourself to tim as possible, seeing you in all your wet, messy glory. You arched your back as far as it could go and threw your head back onto the pillow as you felt yourself losing control. Unfiltered moans spilling out of your mouth as you pressed his face in between your legs as much as you could without hurting him, wanting him to finish what he started. He hummed against you clit as his pace began to become erratic, wanting to speed up too fast, but knowing that if he'd slow down you'd be very displeased.
Your legs began to shake as your orgasm approached,
"Once, I, fuck," you mewled out. Cumming on his fingers and in his mouth as he gave an approving grunt. He lapped up your fluids thoroughly before stepping back and off the bed, stripping down in front of you. You looked up and down his form in admiration, seeing his lean torso and slightly toned arms made your heart beat faster in anticipation. Your eyes wandered down to his clear bulge in his boxers as he pulled them down swiftly letting his cock spring free.
It was fair in length, decent girth, a few veins scattered along the shaft, and a tip leaking ungodly amounts of precum. You looked up at him, seeing his face a deep red and avoiding eye contact with you, looking slightly ashamed of himself.
"Hey," you spoke sweetly and softly to him as you watched him hesitantly walk to your side of the bed, but not crawling in it.
"What's the matter Once?" You asked as he sat on the edge of the bed. He looked at you with a shamed experience,
"It's just, I don't have much experience," he said as he rubbed to back of his neck. You gave him a remorseful smile and gestured him to come crawl in the bed next to you. He nodded as he made his way to you, his weight sinking into the mattress as he laid his head on your chest,
"It's ok Once, you don't have to feel ashamed for not having much experience. I'm here with you now because I want to be. And if it makes you feel better, I don't have much either, so we'll help each other along the way, ok?" You whispered to him and gave him a light kiss on his forehead head. He looked at you with the most loving look you'd ever seen in a man as his lips crashed on to yours passionately. He crawled on to of you cautiously as or not hurt you and spread your legs, feeling his patience depleting with each passing second. He pulled his lips away from yours and adjusted his throbbing member at your entrance, looking at you innocently for permission, you nodded your head with haste,
"Please Once," desire dripping off your tounge as he sheathed himself slowly inside of your wet folds. A loud, high pitched groan erupted from his throat once he was fully inside of you,
"Fuck," he cursed out in a breathy moan, his hands gripped your thighs tightly, trying to keep himself from being overly rough with you. You moaned out his name, letting your hands roam up his back and nails digging into his pale skin as he began to softly thrust his hips against yours. His thrusts were soft and gentle at first, his hands resting on your face as he looked into your eyes with need,
"You're so beautiful," he praised, placing a soft kiss in your forehead as his pace was slow and steady. He wanted to savor it, every movement, every expression you made, every sound, all of it. He never had any like this before in his life and never wanted to lose it.
You bucked your hips up slightly, wanting him to pick the pace as you moaned gently,
"Once, more, please," you begged slightly. He took note of your plea and thrusted faster and a bit more rough than before, causing you to let out a surprised yelp. He stopped for a moment and looked at you with worry,
"I'm not hurting you am I?" He asked in a breathy whisper. You shook your head as you pulled him in and against your chest,
"Not at all, I liked it," you whispered back. That was all he needed to hear from you. He nodded before he thrusted into you harshly, causing you to arch your back in pleasure. He chuckled to himself as he began to snap his hips against yours, thrusting his cock roughly in out of your dripping pussy. You let out desperate yelps and moans as he gripped your shoulders, your nails dragging against the skin of his back as he seemed to hit all the right spots.
"God you look so good like this, you're so beautiful Y/N," he moaned out, almost in a whimpering manner. You clenched around him in response as his gripped loosened on your shoulders and moved down to your hips. Gripping you tightly once again as his lips made contact with your neck, kissing and nipping gently as his moans began to turn into needy whimpers.
Your hands roam from his now scratched up back to his face, looking at him with loving eyes and taking in the sight of him above you. His face red, eyes completely drowned in lust and desire, and a light layer a of sweat across his brow. His grip became more harsh as he looked into your eyes,
"So, pretty," he stuttered as he pulled you up into a sitting position in his lap and he continued to thrust into you, slamming your hips down against his. The new angle allowed him to penetrate deeper into you, causing you to throw back your head in ecstacy, your release slowly approaching one again. Your moans and yelps became louder and more frequent as he thrusted up into you. He took note of how close you were and wrapped his arms around you, placing his hands on your back and gripping them gently,
"You close sweet girl," he cooed in a breathy whisper. You nodded as you squeezed you eyes shut and hugged him tightly. He kissed your head sweetly, his pace steady as you felt your release wash over you abruptly.
You gave him a long, pleasure filled moan as you squeezed your entire being around him, holding onto to him like your life depended on it. His pace slowly began to speed up and his moans and whimpers became more desperate,
"I love you so much, you're so perfect Y/N, fuck," he yelled against your neck, causing you to shiver in his arms. His soft grip on your back soon turned into his nails gently digging into your soft skin as his thrusts were harder than they'd been that night. He could feel he was close, his breath heavy, grip harsh and needy, as the sounds he made we absolutely unholy to say the least. You brought your lips to his ear as you let a out breathy moan,
"Please cum inside of me Once, please." That was enough for him. As soon as the words feel off your tounge, his body tensed up and shook as his cock twitched inside of you, letting himself fill you with his hot seed. He mewled out praises of you, how much he loved you and how good you were for him as he rode out his high.
You felt him soften inside of you before pulling yourself off of him, laying down next to him as he continued to catch his breath. He looked at you with soft eyes as he ran his slender fingers through your hair as he whispered,
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that," eh chuckled as he kissed your cheek tenderly.
"Oh believe me, I know."
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soireegurl · 7 months
Sick kidnapped reader (fever, cough, throwing up etc) with ni-ki?
"Tsk tsk tsk... Look how pathetic you are baby... If you would have just accepted my confession... Maybe it wouldn't have ended up like this..."
Ni-ki said while slowly caressing your cheeks.
You are having a bad fever but Ni-ki is not going easy on you.
*Cough cough cough*
You felt so weak that you couldn't even reply to Ni-ki.
"Aww... Baby is sick... I feel bad..."
Ni-ki said with a pityful tone.
You are currently in Ni-ki's house. Not that you chose to stay here, but you were forced to.
It all started from you rejecting Ni-ki's confession.
You are just a normal student in school, but just a little different as you are born with asthma and lung problems...
You are naturally weaker than a lot of people to the point where you can even climb up a flight of stairs without stopping midway.
On the other side, Ni-ki is well known for his good athletic skills and good physics. And not to mention he is hella rich. While your family's financial condition is below average. Both of you are the opposite.
No one ever thought that you guys can get along or even meet each other. As you would only stay in class, and Ni-ki is everywhere but in class.
However this might be what they say "opposite attracts". Ni-ki apparently had a crush on you.
But of course, you didn't know and doesn't care. You just want to finish your study and earn some money so you can treat your illness.
Ni-ki's tiny crush slowly became obsession. He don't even know what was making him feel that way as he had never talked to you or interacted with you in any way.
And one day he decided to confess to you, thinking that you would accept him.
But things doesn't go the way he wants.
You rejected him... In the nicest way possible.
"I'm sorry Ni-ki, but I'm not ready for a relationship... And my health condition isn't at it top most condition.. I'm afraid I wouldn't be a funny partner... I'm so sorry, but you deserve better."
You said nicely but still sounded weak.
"No it's okay... I have money and can pay for your medical fees. "
Ni-ki said anxiously... Hoping that you would change your mind upon hearing his words.
But no...
"Sorry Ni-ki... that's very nice of you... But I can't just accept free things like this... Thank you but I'm afraid I still can't accept your confession."
You said and bowed to him before leaving.
And the next day, you found yourself in his room being tied up.
[Back to reality]
"Ni-ki... Why... "
You said weakly.
"Like I sadi Y/n... You should have accepted my confession.."
"But... I don't like you..."
You said straight forwardly... You tried to reject him in the nicest way but seems like he doesn't understand... So you'll just do it the hard way...
" I don't care... You have to be with me... Even if you don't want to..."
Ni-ki's tone was colder than before.
"But... Isn't relationship both ways? You can't force me..."
You tried to reason.
"Oh I can baby... Ss... If I remember correctly, you have a younger brother... Right?"
Ni-ki smirked seeyung your shocked expression.
"If you don't want to see his head tomorrow infront of you... Then maybe accepting me us a better option."
Ni-ki said in a cold tone while his expression was creeping you out.
You threw up upon the thought of your brother's head chopped off and also because your fever was becoming worse.
"See there baby... I can force you..."
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