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jez-bez · 1 month ago
If I let you go, can you go back to your room and sleep? [...] Phu. I think... I can help you. Phukan. I've already warned you. You've done it for me before. I just... want to do it for you too. Can I?
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realboutfatalfury · 10 months ago
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 months ago
I know you're still around the start of Vrains, but I just want to quickly ask: what do you think of Ryoken/Revolver/Varis? If you wanna answer after you have watched more episodes that's fine ^^
FINALLY GETTING TO THIS wanted to wait until i finished season 1 before really collecting my Ryoken Thoughts...
anyway, ryoken varisrevolver kogami definitely a yugioh guy I'm starting to Ponder, really rotate around in my brain, examining him with my big magnifying glass, etc. he's a solid yugioh rival, i kind of love that half of his deck is the most butt ugly dragons ive ever seen. i love that we spend a WHILE over his ~mysterious powerful card~ and then it's just, fucking Mirror Force. like this is 2003 or some shit, it's so funny. LIKE PLAYMAKER JUST RUN MST IT'S GONNA BE OK.
oh and his dynamic with his dad makes me want to go walk off into a field never to be seen again ! MAN VRAINS IS SUCH A GREAT YUGIOH TO WATCH FOR SOMEONE WHOSE DAD DIED TWO MONTHS AGO !!!!!!! (/J /J. IM FINE. I'LL BE OK. BUT WOOOOOF haha hey why is this guy's dad effectively in hospice in my card game show. haha oh ok so he just flatlines on screen and they kept that in the dub. cool! COOL.) RYOKEN... MY BROTHER IN GRIEF 🤝
whatever's going on with his shared history with yusaku is fucking bonkers, also. that "you saved me now i'll save you" shit going on in that last s1 duel of theirs like OKAAAAAAAAAAY. love this way ryoken sees himself as a bad person and it's like??!? for the crime of not doing enough to stop his insane dad's child experiments??? BRO YOU WERE EIGHT. really curious to see how his character further develops over the next two seasons thats for sure!
also his season one avatar is goofy as hell SORRY. MISTAH GIANT JIMMY NEUTRON FOREHEAD. i love that he canonly cannot resist the pull of that damn food truck. eating hot dogs and standing broodily over his comatose KoH admins.
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also real talk daniel j edwards absolute yugioh dub VA legend like what do you MEAN he voiced dennis AND ryoken AND the gore. the fucking range!!!!
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mythosidhesdollhouse · 9 months ago
Rainbow High Littles: Indigo Bailey, Pt. 1
All right y'all, I said we'd do this so let's go. I was originally going to make this all one entry, but I decided to break off the hair discussion as a separate post, since this one was already way too long before I even got to that point XD Will link Pt. 2 once it's published.
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Krystal Jr.: What the heck are we doing all the way over here? Krystal Sr.: We need to collect a delivery to take back to Rainbow Heights--a sister! KJ: I thought I was your sister? KS: No, you're a younger version of me from an alternate point in our shared timeline. We just say you're my sister so it's less confusing for everyone else. KJ: If I'm you from the past and we're both in the same place, shouldn't that create some sort of temporal paradox where you cease to exist? KS: The normal laws of physics don't apply in the doll universe, dear. It's best not to think on it too much. KJ: Okaaaaaaaaaay. But this one is NOT us, right? KS: …Probably not? Indigo: ((Maybe stop talking and let me out, please?))
Sooooooooo yeah, Indigo. Where to begin? For starters, I think the vitriol that's being dumped on these poor Littles is completely out of proportion to what they actually are--tiny dolls meant for small hands to play with. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I can see how they would be less appealing to adult collectors used to a more sophisticated product from this brand, but I personally will do my best to judge her by her own merits.
First impressions: I think she's cute! I pulled a few of her braids back with a rubber band to make her face more visible, but otherwise straight out of the box she's good to go.
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Krystal Jr.: Are we a family? Are we clones? Honestly folks, it's anyone's guess. Indigo: Is she always this snarky? Krystal Sr.: Don't worry sweetie, it's just her being a tween, we grow out of it eventually. I: We? KS: It's complicated.
More detailed discussion of clothes & accessories under the cut--
Let's talk about the dress and that reviled plastic bodice. Honestly? I don't mind it! I can't speak for the rest of the line, but in Indigo's case at least it's clear there was some effort put into her overall design. I was especially delighted by the skirt portion of her dress, which is made of a lovely little textured woven fabric featuring a butterfly design, with a coordinating tulle ruffle trim. There's even an underskirt made from a plasticy fine-weave fabric. Both the main skirt and underskirt are sewn (that's right, not glued--there are STITCHES) to the base of the plastic top portion of the dress.
Ok so, no one loves plastic doll clothes. I get it. Not a fan myself. But for what this is, considering it's all one piece, I'm impressed by the amount of detail, and how well it reads as 'normal' clothing. The midsection has a sculpted raised texture that closely mirrors the design of the skirt fabric. The collar section is painted a lighter contrasting shade of purple that compliments her shoes (all the adult collectors who whine about lack of painted detail on molded plastic pieces, here you go), and the ruffle around the armholes compliments the trim on the skirt. Everything is held together neatly at the back with a piece of velcro at the top of the skirt.
Given how difficult it can be to sew fabric doll clothing in this scale that actually looks good, I think the plastic top is a fair compromise to increase ease of use for smaller hands.
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The shoes! I was pleasantly surprised by the level of detail on these. The butterfly motif from the dress is carried on here, with sculpted decoration all the way around the tops and even on the soles. This was absolutely unnecessary, but I'm so happy they did it.
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Indigo's official height is listed as 5.5 inches, which lands her somewhere between an old school Kelly doll and the closest MGA equivalent in my collection, a Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini. I believe Magic Mixies Pixlings are also of a similar size, but I don't have one to include in this comparison.
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Indigo's pet is...a thing that exists. Her product description says it's a 'magical fox'. Sure.
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Ok folks, that's it for pt. 1. We're going to take a closer look at those braids in pt.2
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refriedrambles · 1 year ago
So, the fics ideas and failed execution. They're scattered absolutely everywhere and I'm struggling to get everything together to sort through it to see what I'm gonna try again on.
I'm thinking I should divide things by character for now? Like there is so much I'm getting lost in it. I think the outline I have for the pre being fired part of Being Fired is pretty fucking solid so I could remove that from the mess and possibly attempt work on it again. Think I'm gonna try writing it in more of a script sort of format cause I know a large part of me getting frustrated is my prose not being up to par enough for me to feel like I can finish anything. At least for the first draft
I want to get through the sorting, transferring part soon cause I have all these notes in my binder and they're like spilling out of it
As for Space, I'm pretty happy with my progress on it for now. It's a bit slow but that's okay. I just need to let it happen and not try to rush through it. Just one step (and I mean ONE step) at a time
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casie-mod · 1 year ago
ok ok ok ok ok okay OKAAAAAAAAAAY
All the people who thought the first three episodes of Season 1 of Our Flag Means Death were 'a bit slow' are going to get freaking run over by the first three of Season 2. I'm definitely not one of those people and I'm still reeling.
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teriwrites · 1 month ago
Boy of My Imagination: Chapters 1-2
My Live Reactions to Reading Through My 2015 Novel
Divisions are going to be working a little differently, now that chapters are no longer like 6K+
We open with our main character waking up in a hospital room, classic
'I wasn't expecting to wake up in a hospital room. But the white-washed walls, stiff bed sheets, machine monitoring my heart rate, and the IV sticking out of my arm made it clear that that was exactly where I was. A nurse in her scrubs was fiddling with something on a tray across the room, facing away from me. Her light hair was tied up into a tight knot on her head. She didn't seem to notice that I had woken up. Not wanting to startle her too badly, I tried to clear my throat. My mouth was dry and tasted like death. How long had I been asleep? When had I ended up in the hospital? Why couldn't I remember anything?' (okaaaaaaaaaay writing growth!! love how lil Teri was setting the scene)
'I took a good look around myself, trying to see anything that might give an indication of how long I'd been in the hospital, but the room was as plain and colorless as a prison cell. Even the curtains, drawn but thin enough to let in some light, were the same shade of white as everything else in the room.' really vibing so far
"Should I call her family?" the nurse asked. "Or do you think it would be too overwhelming for her?" "Why don't you ask Penny?" Doctor Ingram responded. (i like this guy. i have 0 idea how stuff like this works in a hospital and whether he needs to make calls like this, seeing how she literally just woke up from a COMA, but like yk, the sentiment is nice lol)
Penny hates attention, she's just like me fr
There's really no sidestepping around 'the accident' here, we dive straight into it in Chapter 1: collision in her car 6 months ago while driving home to visit her parents from university
Don't ask 17 year old Teri how comas work in cases like this
Don't ask 26 year old Teri how comas work in cases like this
Don't ask 26 year old Teri how comas work
I do know that most cases of people falling comatose wake up within days, maybe weeks, not usually SIX MONTHS
'When I'd first opened my eyes, I'd had that feeling that I had slept in too late, like when you want to take a short nap and wake up knowing that you were out for an hour too long and it was too late at that point to go to class. I'd personally experienced that more times than I cared to admit.' okay i'm pretty sure it probably doesn't work like that, but it DOES tell us a little more about Penny so I'm forgiving the inaccuracy lol
Classic 'in and out of consciousness', hazy memory of someone standing by her bedside
'[Suddenly], a short woman with long, wavy hair jumped out of the seat. She ran to my bedside, and I was afraid to realize that I didn't recognize her. "Penny!" she cried out. "Oh, dear, I wasn't sure if you were... they told me you were awake and... Oh, I can't believe I fell asleep!" The woman must've recognized my confusion. She clutched my hand, and though I tried to pull it away, she held it tightly. Her manicured nails were digging in between my knuckles. "Oh, Penny! You recognize your mother, don't you?" Something clicked in my mind. This was my mother. Of course this was my mother? How could I have forgotten what my own mother looked like?' (trippy, but also, I'm realizing that maybe I do like writing in 1st person POV, actually, this has been a vibe)
Her mother, naturally, gets Very emotional, and Penny is just there like awkwardly trying to comfort her lol
'I had only seen my mother cry once before in my life, and that had been when her cousin died in a boating accident.' wildly random piece of lore there
Penny nooo don't APOLOGIZE lmao
Once again, I don't think 17 year old Teri knew that being comatose is Not equivalent to being like... asleep
Why tf is Penny's dad not answering his phone?? Like my guy, if I had a daughter in the hospital who'd been in a coma for several months and she'd pulled through, I would take my phone off 'do not disturb'
AHA Penny is 21
Or maybe 22 now, idk when her birthday's supposed to be
Penny's mother showing so much care being so out of character for her and jarring for Penny is kinda sad
But also tbf this woman is, like, smothering
But then again, comatose daughter. Fair enough.
Penny's mom's name is Gertrude. Sounds like the name of a woman who would name her daughter Penny
Last name reveal: Kalani
Okay, we seem to be fully in the clear from describing skin tones with food, I think that one from 2012 was a one-off. Thank God. I would love to see little Teri just use, like, yk, descriptors, but explaining her 'half-white, half-Hispanic' and describing her dark hair/eyes and her tan skin works for now
Penny's parents are the most dramatic people on Earth. I kinda love them
Anyways, her dad arrived and Immediately collapsed onto the ground and started sobbing
It's been nearly a decade since I wrote this, and I already have guessed the 'surprise' ending within the first chapter lol
Oof she missed the second semester of her junior year of college and her first thought is that she hopes they got refunded for the tuition
Penny's best friend's name is 'Chrysanthe Jezebel Aldrich'
(Her parents are rich. That might explain the naming system)
'Chrysanthe Jezebel Aldrich was my best friend from Manoa University. She was what my mother enjoyed calling a 'bad influence'. While I would admit that she had a bit of a drinking problem, and was unable to turn down a challenge no matter how dangerous, there was more to Chrys than my mother ever stopped to notice.' once again, a return of the 'Teri would've joined the Temperance Movement and cheered on Prohibition' mentality
'[My mother] shoved something into my hands. My vision blurred for a moment before focusing on a small journal, and my heart sank. I had been hoping that she'd have brought me something useful, like smuggled in some chocolate or keys to a new car. If all I got for living through a coma was a bound stack of paper, we were going to have a problem.' pfft
Ohhhhhhhhh wait
Every chapter ends with a journal entry
I totally forgot about that
Also wtf this book takes place in 2009???
Penny 'woke up' on April Fools Day rip
I'm not gonna share all of the journal entries bc there are 17 of them and some get long iirc, but here's the first one:
April 1st, 2009 Funny how I wake up on April Fools Day, isn't it? I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be doing with this, but mom said that I should write down what I remember. My name is Penny Kalani. I'm Hawaiian, and my family is from Honolulu. I used to attend Manoa University, but I had to drop out for the second semester of my junior year. See, I got into a car crash. A pretty nasty car crash. I ended up in a coma for six months, and I don't know what happened to the driver of the other car. My favorite color is green. I like wearing contacts over glasses. The doctor here that's been taking care of me is named Ingram. Mom tells me that I'm going to have an appointment with him every week for a few months after I get out of the hospital, to make sure that I'm adjusting well to regular life. So far, it isn't looking very promising. I can't remember much, and my head hurts all the time. I wish they'd give me some painkiller.
Aaaaaaand here we go
You're telling me the Kalanis struggle to afford Penny's tuition and yet have a 'family villa on the coast'?? Uh-huh.
Penny's dad's name reveal: Honi
'My shirt depicted a typical beach scene with the word 'Hawaii' splashed across the sunset. It looked like something that would be bought in a tourist shop. In all likelihood, that was exactly where my father bought it for me.' something about this just feels more personable than the somewhat-forced fantasy mindset Delroy was giving
Doctor Ingram is my favorite character so far, he seems like a chill doctor
'A couple nurses crossed our paths, and I caught sight of a young boy sitting outside of a room, waiting.' huh, a boy, you say?
There's so much potential here for an interesting discussion on disability, and it's about to be so wasted that my heart is already breaking
'[My] dad unlocked our regular Honda, and I was told to sit in the back. My mom didn't want me freaking out - because apparently that was what I was supposed to do because of my accident.' like??? come ON, that's such a 'parent of a newly disabled person' move
Penny still feels so off-kilter about everything. Not immediately recognizing her childhood home. Stepping into the house and reactively yelling, "I'm home!" before realizing the only other people in her family are right there with her, worrying about her mom worrying about her and trying to disguise even normal discomfort to prevent the overreaction
I've made a couple references to weight fluctuation due to her coma, which I just fact-checked and confirmed is NOT how that works lol
Google was free and even more effective in 2015, Teri
That said, this is a little trippy in the fact that, when I got diagnosed with T1D a few years ago, I DID have a pretty significant weight fluctuation prior to my diagnosis, and now reading back through this is the weirdest experience
Oh lordy, here we go again with the 'is this the character's take or Teri's?' because either this commentary is fatphobic or it's meant to reflect the general society's unhealthy obsession with thinness, entirely dependent on who's actually using these words here
Another instance of Penny confidently being wrong, then having the rug pulled out under her. This time: forgot where her bedroom is
Penny is Hawaiian, therefore Penny must be a surfer 👍
Okay, we're pushing into disturbing here, the description of her appearance lines up with me pre-E.R. visit in 2020... like, I could go back and find photos from the time that would line up with these general descriptions she's giving
'I looked horrible. And worse, I looked sick.' Bro, I didn't even intend for Penny to be a self-insert, but ig Apollo decided otherwise lmao
'I quickly turned away from the mirror and faced my father. He seemed taller than I remembered. Maybe I had somehow managed to shrink while in a coma. I made a mental note to look up later whether or not that was possible.' quick fact check, it's possible! not by like a Lot, but with muscle atrophying, yeah, she might've lost a lil height
Describing the notably indigenous Hawaiian character as 'calm as the sunset' feels... off.
Good ol' dad giving good ol' dad advice of not ruining your sleep schedule. Or maybe that was just always my dad, since we dealt with jet lag a lot when I was growing up
As I glanced into my mirror and saw myself staring back, I called out to him. "Hey, dad?" "Yeah?" "How do you think they'll react when I return in the fall?" "How will who react?" I glanced at my father in the mirror, keeping my eyes from drifting back towards the skeleton that remained of me. "My classmates. I don't want my friends at Manoa thinking I'm fragile because I got into an accident. I look fragile enough already." (i'm screaming, write more of this focusing on disability and chronic health, you coward)
'Adjust. That was the word everybody kept using, like the goal that I was reaching for. But right then, adjustment felt impossible.' screaming
Also a little disturbing is how Penny is a little bit panicking about being a semester behind all of her friends in college, and I myself wound wind up graduating a semester after all my friends in college
Apollo leave me Alone
Penny wondering when she's gonna get better after a WEEK out of the hospital omg
Wait, no, a week since she WOKE UP
Girly, dw, I'm sure that 17 year old Teri will unknowingly 'fix you' over the course of like 30 days lol
'At what point was I supposed to start feeling better? When were my constant headaches going to fade? When would my memories return to me? How long was I going to have to wait until I could feel normal again?' the entire purpose of this novel is apparently to give 26 year old me an existential crisis
Penny's mom: keeps entering her room without knocking and leaving without closing the door Penny: 'Another pet peeve of mine. It wasn't just patients with severe head injuries that had trouble remembering things sometimes.'
Yk, I keep thinking about this story in the vein of 'well, I wouldn't go on to get diagnosed with T1D until 2020, I wouldn't show real signs of chronic cubital tunnel until 2021, clearly 2015 Teri just didn't Understand medical maladies' but, in 2015 Teri's defense, she was wearing a resin back brace 24/7 for scoliosis and was technically a candidate for surgery but thankfully never needed it and would have to miss school and stuff to go to a hospital 90 minutes away every few months for adjustments and things.
So, tbf, it's not like she had No awareness of medical issues
She also at this time in her life was newly realizing that one of the jobs she'd taken an interest in (military band, bc, listen, listen, hear me out! it was familiar to a military kid, and jobs for professional saxophonists are Extremely few and far between lol) would never accept her due to said medical issues, so I'm giving her a pass
'I'd never made any friends in my neighborhood, as when I was growing up, all of the other kids had been too young for me to really befriend. I'd babysat a couple of them, and it's difficult to make friends with someone when you're getting paid to make sure that they get to bed on time. It doesn't make you very popular.' pfft
So far, my nods to Hawaii in this have included: earlier listed cheesy touristy gift shop tshirt, reference to a 'family villa on the coast', Penny's surfboard, the neighbors bringing over a guava cake
This is fine... :) ...
Penny constantly avoiding her reflection is so sad but also I get it
Her anxiety around taking too much pain medication is so me-coded teehee
Angsty but so real journal entry about her anxieties about not fitting in and feeling like a stain on their Perfect Neighborhood filled with Perfect Families made up of Perfect People, and she's the Sick Girl, which only drives her more towards getting back to college in the fall, which only means she's gonna burn out and crash even harder (in a realistic setting, which I'm not sure this is lol)
Ending Thoughts:
Holy shit. I really didn't know much of what to expect going into this book. Like, I have a couple of scenes vaguely bobbing around in my head, I know exactly where the ending goes (it's so disappointing, folks), but the actual content was mostly a blurry, probably-lowkey-racist notion. And, to be clear, 2015 Teri still has a ways to go in how to research and interact with cultures outside of her own. But, that unfortunate byproduct of early learning aside? This has been incredibly eye-opening. Regardless of whether or not I really could relate, it's clear that I was doing a much better job of seriously putting myself in my main character's shoes to determine how to interact with the story, and it shows! There are parts of this writing that really highlight how little I was interested in fact-checking my own vibes-based research (in my defense, it WAS a rush job in November). But at the same time, there are lines of thinking and aspects of Penny's experience that I'm finding not just understandable but familiar to my now-lived experiences. Not that I've ever been in a coma (but I did come disturbingly close that one time!), and I've also never been in a serious car accident or experienced head trauma of that level, thankfully. So I can't really speak to any of those aspects of it, but in terms of a general 'newly disabled' perspective, weirdly getting like a 9/10.
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kkami-writes · 1 year ago
hi baby :) i ended up not going to one of my classes yesterday cause i had a breakdown :// but thankfully my college has free therapy so i was able to talk to someone today!
i hope you’re feeling better today xx
I'm proud of you for going to someone when you needed help!! I'm feeling okaaaaaaaaaay I guess. Taking one day at a time.
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khunismydrug · 5 years ago
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I know the entire anime staff said KhunBaam rights, but rachel too? I'm getting more ship material in 13 episodes then I did in 400 chapters.
Alexa play I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
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gale-dragon-writer · 3 years ago
Sin of Reveal
Okaaaaaaaaaay..... Somehow my brain has laid out the entire premise of the story idea for one of my Lila Rossi's Lies are Revealed w/o Miracuclass Salt involving Lila trying to make a contract with Satan, Lord of Wrath, to make Marinette's life utterly miserable but accidentally summoning Asmodeus, Lord of Lust (Though Lila doesn't know that and Asmodeus doesn't tell). Since Lila tried to make a Blood Wrath Contract (sacrificed a pidgin) with the Lord of Lust, that contract has to be thoroughly reviewed by Satan (since a different Sin oversaw it and could possibly make a massive error in the construction of the contract, plus the Summoner has already "Paid" (literally the minimum) so the Contract must be fulfilled). And by thoroughly reviewing, I'm talking about Satan actually going to Paris and essentially observing Marinette to see if she was truly deserving of all the wrathful things that Lila (or the Summoner as the Sins tend to refer people who make contracts with beings of Hell) want to be done to her. (Though admittedly, Asmodeus joked that Satan was Stalking during this). Guess what Satan finds out during his observations.
Meanwhile, Asmodeus also has to be in Paris to collect the final payment for a contract they made with a rude human who wanted to be the biggest name in fashion (*hint*hint*). Much to the Lord of Lust's annoyance and then later anger, the rude human tried to use all of her children to pay off her contract (Can't say THAT's much of a surprise). So while Asmodeus is slowly and painfully destroy that Summoner's reputation in the World of Fashion and in the world in general, they decide to try their hand with directing some photoshoots (w/ the Gabriel Brand to further mess with that person) and ends up having to work with Adrien Agreste. The Lord of Lust couldn't help but notice that Adrien doesn't seem to enjoy/desire modelling. To Asmodeus, it was blatantly obvious that Adrien didn't want to be there, despite the model smile on his face and him telling the Lord of Lust that he was fine. Asmodeus is not happy with the lack of True Desire from Adrien and actually tells him to leave the set, despite the other staff members telling them that Adrien needs to be there. Asmodeus silenced everyone by stating that Adrien has no desire nor wants to be here and the one thing that they will never do is force someone to do something that they do not wish to do. It makes the staff question things to themselves as Adrien leaves with Gorilla, somewhat in disbelief over this. This also causes Asmodeus to look into things with Adrien's homelife, since the Lord of Lust does have a bit of a soft spot for kids (in a Parental kind of way! Nothing more!) (Hey, Lust isn't just about sex, it can be the desire for a feeling or want for a non-materialistic thing. IE, Knowledge or honing one's craft, or in this case wanting to become a parental figure) Take a wild guess what Asmodeus finds out during this.
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notababy-babygirl · 4 years ago
I'm running out of words. Di ko nadin alam ano mafifeel ko. 🙂 Tryin' my vv best to be okaaaaaaaaaay. As in totally okay. Dunno what to feel anymore. Pati ako naguguluhan what to prioritize sa lahat ng emotions na meron ako. Ano baaaaa ha. Dabat ba keri lang lahat palagi? But there are things that I couldn't accept as of this moment.
Maybe tiisin ko muna no? Hehe. No other choice. May pa maybe maybe pako pero alam ko naman na hindi possible ung maybe ko.
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mrchocostix · 5 years ago
Choco Chatter Volume 2
Okaaaaaaaaaay. I should probably put this in immediately. Sorry for the wait y'all. I'll be honest, I got tired of making posts due to some technical difficulties I encountered when I did finishing touches. So yeah, I kinda made a sissy fit and decided to leave this blog for a while. Now that I finally have my motivation and my soul back, I will do my best to put up top notch, finest quality content.
...So uh... very late Christmas wishes to most of y'all that will probably see this lmao.
Alright enough jibber jabber let's get on with this post I'm gonna choke the tag with.
Kokoro's Magia Lvl. has increased to 2.
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...This is probably the most random development in this update lmao. But whatever, I like Kokoro so suck it ha.
Mito has unleashed her Doppel, Akakiy.
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Eyyyyyy, I LOVE this Doppel's background and the attack is just... HMMMMMMMMM.
Tsukuyo has unleashed her Doppel, Dum.
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Other than the usual gushing, I really love the detail with how this pairs up nicely with Tsukasa's Doppel when she got uncapped. I will just have to wait for that!
Homura Akemi (Glasses) has been Awakened to 5 stars.
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Homura Akemi's (Glasses) Magic Lvl. has been increased to 3 and unlocked her final Memoria Slot.
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Himika has been Awakened to 5 stars.
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Ren's Magic Lvl. has been increased to 1 and unlocked her second Memoria Slot.
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Jdjdjckdkdkdkkwkwl my luck is pretty extravagant this year. I'm so glad I get to strengthen my dark baby.
Homura Akemi (Glasses) has unleashed her Doppel, Homulily.
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Ooooooooooh yes. I finally got one of my favourite looking Doppels in the game. Ugh, I really hope I get to use her though.
Kokoro's Magia Lvl. has increased to 3.
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I think you can tell where was the point I gave up in trying to sound smart lmao. But seriously, thanks for y'all for probably waiting for me to make a post lmao. I promise I'll try my best to not get frustrated from this website.
Anyways... I hope y'all will have a good New Year's!
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eosinophil-hate-blog · 6 years ago
still laughs because I keep thinking cells at work Blog "DAMN YOU Eosinophilic- Eosinophil "I'm sorry okaaaaaaaaaay I'm sorry you have it.
Don’t be fooled, she feels no remorse
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marserainbow28 · 3 years ago
OKAAAAAAAAAAY i'm gonna died
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jikoookmin13 · 7 years ago
Jimin: *shooting serendipity*
JK: *watches*
Jimin: *blushes* Jungkookie stop staring.
JK: Why? I'm just admiring the view
Jimin: *Blushes even more* Yah! You punk you're making me shy!
JK: Weh? Why tho? You're not even nake-
JK: What? I was just gonna say nake-
Manager: Yah! We know! We don't need the mental image. Get this punk outa here or we won't be able to shoot properly.
And that folks is the story behind JK watching Chim's shooting 😂😂😂
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xxtruexspirit-blog · 11 years ago
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