#ugh mi abuela
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groriatrevi10xx · 11 months ago
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G: Puedo apostar mi vida a que la Ex-Reina Scarlett habría amado mucho a su nieta y hubiera preferido que ella hubiera sido su Hija.../I can bet my life that Ex-Queen Scarlett would have loved her granddaughter very much and would have preferred her to have been her Daughter...
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Aunque la razón obvia por la que la habría preferido como su Hija es porque ella realmente no destaca tanto como Umbra... Incluso si suena cruel.../Although the obvious reason he would have preferred her as his Daughter is because she doesn't really stand out as much as Umbra... Even if it sounds cruel...
{M: Aunque si hubiera amado a Brittany, porque sus actitudes son similares.../Although if he had loved Brittany, because their attitudes are similar...
Si Teagan supiera que su abuela era la “Reina de Corazones”, uff… Que escándalo…/If Teagan knew that her grandmother was the "Queen of Hearts", ugh... What a scandal...
Es demasiado ignorante para ver que no es la Hija original de Umbra y demasiado vaga para querer estudiar la Historia del mundo donde vive.../She is too ignorant to see that she is not the original Daughter of Umbra and too lazy to want to study the History of the world where she lives...
Pero bueno, así amamos a nuestra chica fresa... ✨/But hey, that's how we love our strawberry girl... ✨}
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bugeyedfreaks · 2 years ago
To the adult heroes and villains: How would you react to someone if that person is similar in many ways to whom they’re either a fan of and/or have a crush on
(Me in particular for a handsomely fluffy banjo-playing monster cause I’m a country boy who lives in the woods and generally avoid people outta fear 😘)
Princess Morbucks: [scrambling for the ask] I wanna answer this one! I WANNA ANSWER THIS ONE!
Mojo Jojo: [holding the ask high in the air] You may NOT answer it! This message clearly states that the adults of Townsville should be the ones answering such a mature message. That does not include immature, whiny little brats who cannot keep their bratty mouths shut. [sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry at her]
Princess Morbucks: Oh, you’re one to talk about not keeping their mouth shut, jerk! [scrunches her face and sticks her tongue back out at him]
Him: [plucks the ask from Mojo’s grasp, tisking] You two are quite possibly the most immature and unlikable out of anyone here, hardly the kind of personalities that would scream “crush” material.
Mojo Jojo: [gestures angrily towards himself] I will have you know that I am the only villain in this series with at least two canonical girlfriends, so it is already proven that I am quite well liked romantically, thank you very much.
Sedusa: [filing her nails] I heard you Frankenstein’d one of them in pathetic desperation and got massively tricked by the other.
Mojo Jojo: [blushing furiously, balling his fists] Wh- b- well! At least I don’t have to resort to the pathetic methods you employ in order to succeed in my crimes. I would hardly call throwing oneself onto stupid lovesick saps a worthy evil superpower.
Princess Morbucks: [wrinkling her nose at Sedusa] Or wearing your underwear on the outside all the time, for that matter.
Sedusa: [shoots them a dirty look] It’s a lot more effective than building tons of dumb robots, Dunstin, and a whole lot cheaper than spending money on expensive gadgets. [smirks] There’s much less overhead to be had in under-the-table schemes, if you know what I mean.
Princess Morbucks: I don’t get it.
Mojo Jojo: [visibly grossed out] Do not even try to.
Him: I suppose I was wrong~… [waving the ask around as he cackles] I would hardly call any of the villains of this town mature. Let’s hope there’s no one out there into any one of you. Now, when it comes me, of course–
Ace: [jumps up and grabs the ask from Him’s claw] Hey! We ain’t mature neither an’ plenty of people like us!
L’il Arturo: [sticks his tiny arms out proudly] Sí, mi abuela says we’re the most handsome boys in Townsville!
Ms. Bellum: [snags the ask from Ace] Ahem. I believe that we were also asked to respond?
Professor Utonium: Yes, they did say heroes were allowed to answer this question as well…
Ms. Keane: [hands planted on her hips] I would hope that people would have enough sense not to idolize villains.
Ace: [snatches the ask back from Ms. Bellum] Whatever! You goody-goody good guys are way too lame. You’re just jealous we all got tons of fans who wanna be like us and dig us and you dorks don’t.
Snake: Yeah! You hate usssss ‘cause ya ain’t usssss!
Ace: Yeah, true, I take it back, Ms. Bellum actually ain’t that bad.
Ms. Bellum: [sighs] Just give us the ask and let us answer it, alright?
Princess Morbucks: [fuming] I saw it first and I wanna answer it!
Sedusa: Oh, can it, kid. [holds out her hand] Come on Ace, sweetie, give it to someone who actually has admirers.
Mojo Jojo: Yes! Exactly! [tries jumping for the ask] Ugh! Hand it back to someone who can actually answer this query, someone with actual experience in this department!
Ace: [dangling the ask high in the air] Oh, really, youse all want this? Well come an’ take it!
[everyone pounces on top of one another, whipping up a huge dusty fight]
[the ask suddenly floats out from the fight and onto the ground]
Fuzzy Lumpkins: [saunters by holding his boomstick, hearing all the commotion, picks up the ask, reading it upside down] Well, fer the life of me I can’t read none o’ what y’all’re hollerin’ ‘bout…
Princess Morbucks: [is suddenly spat out from the fight dust cloud] Oof! [sees Fuzzy and rolls her eyes] Oh, I dunno, some weirdo wrote in an ask I wanted to answer… hey, actually, they said something about liking you or that they act like you or something. [scoffs] I was gonna say they were crazy, but–
Fuzzy Lumpkins: [eyes grow wide] What? This was fer me? Me?! Y’all STOLE MY MESSAGE?! Y’all put yer mitts on myyyyy PROPERTY?!
[the dust cloud stops as everyone freezes in place mid-fight]
[Fuzzy cocks his boomstick]
Professor Utonium: [suddenly very pale] …should we, uh, run?
Ace: [equally pale, gulping] Looks like it, pops. Let’s cheese it, fellas!
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shikitstubasibrary · 6 months ago
Track 38: If it could become one kind day
El verano llegó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Habrá leído y releído el diario de Rinne ya varias veces, no habían suficientes poemas para seguir componiendo canciones, por mucho que pudo considerar alargarlo le era imposible.
Así que al final, aquel proyecto se ha quedado como un mini álbum, del que ciertamente se encontraba un poco celoso, pues ha terminado siendo el más vendido.
Oyó que la boda de Oz sería hoy, así que estaba frente al espejo, tratando de colocarse un corbatín.
—¿Necesitas ayuda, hijo?
Su abuelo se tomó la libertad de pasar al baño, si no recuerda mal su nombre era Yanagi— Dejó que le ayude a colocar el corbatín.
—Tu cabello está quedando algo largo, ¿has considerado cortarlo?
Haru se lo considera por un momento, negando.
—Deberías, la abuela Reina puede ponerse muy pesada al respecto.
Lo ve reír a carcajadas, Haru le sigue la corriente y sonríe.
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
No recuerda cómo fue la primera vez que fue forzado a reunirse con los padres de Kaito, al parecer su madre había estado fuera de Kioto en la prefectura de Gifu por unos cuántos meses.
Ojalá recordara por qué.
Su padre por supuesto ya estaba enterado, pues era el dueño del edificio, le era extraño por qué él nunca dijo nada respecto a lo que hizo su hijo.
Hasta hoy.
—¿Cómo es que te consigues un hijo antes de casarte, Kaito?
Le vio reírse nervioso.
—Admito que fue un poco impulsivo de mi parte, lo lamento madre.
—¿Tú tomando la iniciativa? Eso es nuevo. —añade su padre.
Entonces, su hermana ríe a carcajadas.
No era muy distinta físicamente de Kaito, era de lejos la mejor vestida en la familia de cuatro —aún no estaba listo para incluirse—pues llevaba el cabello en una doble trenza burbuja bastante suelta.
De hecho, todos iban bien vestidos menos Haru, que tenía encima algo mucho más casual.
Desentonado por completo con el tono elegante del restaurante donde estaban.
Si es que se puede llamar un blazer rojo y negro con textura casual en primer lugar, al menos lo era para los estándares de Madoka.
—¿Puedes explicarte?
Kaito lo miró.
Haru toma su móvil con el bloc de notas listo:
«Me fui de casa y Kaito ofreció adoptarme para pagar el tema de mi anemia y tal». Escribe, dejando el móvil en la mitad de toda la mesa.
Todavía le parece increíble lo rápido que se regresaron a Okinawa luego de oficialmente dejarlo ir. Todos esos años…. vivieron en Kioto sólo por él, ojalá supiera por qué.
Quería pensar que era algo más que obligación, quería... que estos pensamientos oscuros dejaran de hacerse realidad.
En un impulso por cersiorarse de que estaba siendo completamente claro, tomó el móvil y añadió unas palabras más «ellos me abandonaron primero». La ansiedad estaba corroendo su delicada estabilidad.
Céntrate, nadie te está juzgado.
Eres tú, solo eres tú.
La mesa se volvió silenciosa, se sintió un poco mal, éste era el tipo de caos que definitivamente disfrutaba.
Por favor, no os calléis.
—Estuvo bajo el mismo tratamiento por diez años, mamá —su tono se volvió serio, algo extraño de ver— no podía seguir de brazos cruzados.
—Recuérdame cuál era tu nombre, querido.
La mujer le sonríe.
—Bienvenido a la familia.
—¿El papeleo está completo? —preguntó quien ahora vendría a ser su abuelo.
—No del todo, aún hay un par de cosas que estoy muy corto de tiempo para hacerme cargo de momento —explica— como el cambio de nombre…
Haru se tensó.
—¿Nombre? —su hermana se vio sorprendida.
Toma su móvil para añadir el que seguía siendo su apellido de momento, con el descaro de usar su kanji favorito en lugar del verdadero.
Otra vez.
—No es este. —la mujer lo reta, Haru estaba algo fastidiado porque no la pudo engañar.
—Lo sé. —pero no pensaba flaquear.
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—La abuela te espera adentro, yo no iré contigo tengo otros pendientes por los que debo atender.
—Cuando sea hora de irse, pueden llamar a Aoi, os vendrá a recoger.
Se baja del auto.
—¡Ten buena tarde, hijo!
Se había saltado todo el rollo de estar durante la ceremonia, solo quería la comida.
Se fija en sus alrededores, había más gente que ni conoce de la que sí, lo más extraño es que el tal Chuuya estaba ahí, compartiendo mesa con claro disgusto junto a Hanko.
Mira hacia otra dirección, no era de su incumbencia.
—¡Haru! —la abuela saluda luego de finalmente encontrarle.
Silenciosamente se sienta a su lado.
—Así que coleta.
—Tienes el cabello bastante desigual, al menos corta las puntas. —recomienda— ¿Estás llevando manga larga debajo de un traje?
En efecto, lo que llevaba hoy no eran guantes, sino un buzo fino blanco que llegaba a cubrir parte de sus manos, como un guante de medio dedo pero el único dedo que se cubría era el corazón.
—Me gusta.
Era el mismo buzo que había llevado durante aquella cena.
—Fue a atender una llamada.
Busca a su «padre» con la mirada, otra vez estaba junto a aquella colega de trabajo, no se sabía su nombre todavía.
Había algo genial sobre llevar trajes, casi nunca lo hacía pero lo disfrutaba bastante.
—Oh, sí vinisteis todos. —Tama pasó por su mesa— Chise acaba de irse a cambiar, tal vez tarde un poco.
En cualquier caso, ¿por qué estaba aquí? durante los últimos meses ha tenido muy poco tiempo de visitar el templo de Akihiko— le echaba de menos.
Empezaba a sentirse enfermizo de estar entre humanos por tanto tiempo. Estaba muy cansado.
—¿A qué hora te dormiste?
Era Kaito, al fin de había reunido con todos.
—Cuatro, tenía que estar despierto a las seis. —explica bastante perezoso, regresando a enterrar su cabeza entre sus brazos.
Las notificaciones de su Twitter han estado siendo bombardeadas desde que publicó la última canción de Rinne.
Se había arrepentido de revelar el verdadero nombre del lirisista bastante más rápido de lo que predijo.
Ahora no sabía cuándo iba a ser capaz de volver a hacer acto de presencia en redes.
La pareja que la mayoría estaba esperando pronto llegó, era la primera vez que reconocía todos esos comentarios sobre que Chise era bonita. En efecto, se veía hermosa hoy.
Pero él solo quería comida.
Habían cosas más importantes en su mente —aparte del desastre que ha provocado y no tenía ganas de lidiar ahora mismo— primero: La locura que era ser invitado a una boda, tener amigos que le quieran invitar a una boda.
Segundo: que pueda percibir el sabor de la comida, era algo que muy rara vez pasaba. Hasta ahora estaba convencido de que solo podía sentir el sabor de la comida dulce.
Pero ahora podía percibir sabores y sentir hambre. Una locura, qué día más extraño.
Haru se acercó a su «padre» cuando vio que la abuela se distrajo hablando con otro de los invitados.
—¿Quién es la mujer que vino hace un rato?
Nunca le había visto.
—Tsukasa, es de medicina familiar. —responde— no tiene mucho desde que fue transferida al hospital, le conozco desde que era practicante.
Vaya, así que Kaito tiene amigos.
Que bueno.
—Acaba de volver de Fukushima, parece que su familia finalmente logró convencerla.
—Haru, deberías saber cuándo dejar ir a los muertos —acaricia su cabeza— seguro que a Oz también le costó un montón.
Ahí va de nuevo, diciendo cosas que no entiende del todo, debería irse acostumbrado.
Sus sentimientos respecto a Rinne eran simples celos, no aflicción como la gente que sí la conoció en vida. Aunque deseaba que lo que sentía por su familia biológica fuera eso.
¿Pero cómo iba a sentir dolor por algo que nunca tuvo? El anciano que manipuló su memoria está muerto.
La chica con la que se obsesionó resultó ser completamente diferente a la que vio en sus sueños. Y aquella isla… por algún motivo injusto no se le permitía entrar.
Cuando era un niño deseaba felicidad, amor y estar rodeado de personas más amables.
Pero la única felicidad que podía sentir era temporal; aquella que sentía por haber comprado sus figuras favoritas, sus voicepacks favoritos, ganar un juego o que sus canciones superen las cien vistas.
Tenía cierto entendimiento sobre la amabilidad, pero cada vez que él mismo la mostraba sentía que estaba engañando a las personas.
Y «amor»… le aterrorizaba.
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Recordando haber visto que el establecimiento tenía un estanque con peces en el patio, toma la oportunidad de escabullirse cuando nadie le tenía en la mira, sentándose cerca de la orilla, observa los peces en silencio.
Por alguna razón, mirar peces era una actividad relajante, si cerraba los ojos podía imaginar aquel cuerpo de agua con peces dentro flotando encima de su cabeza una y otra vez. Sin darse cuenta había empezado a tartamudear la balada de Mari en Awakening.
Samuel seguía insistiendo con que debería intentar jugar el remake del juego si nunca había probado el original, pero aún faltaba mucho para su lanzamiento. Sin embargo se había obsesionado con aquella melodía de igual manera, pues era nostálgica y le recordaba a alguien.
—«Hogar» Hogar está... está....
«Amor» está donde está tu hogar. Seguía sin conseguir continuar.
Tal vez era la misma persona que había hecho el truco de hacer a los peces flotar. Recuerda, el tiempo transcurrido en «Hogar» se le fueron enseñadas palabras muy importantes.
Entonces, encontró esta canción, la canción que siempre recuerda cuando piensa en «Hogar» y «Amor» así como la voz de Megurine Luka le recuerda a alguien, así como sonríe cada vez que alguien señala la coincidencia entre Megurine y Chiaki
«Y cuando me enteré de la palabra llamada «amor»
Sabía de la forma del mundo»
Después del trasplante, tan solo tenía sus dolores de cabeza con los cuales lidiar— quizá era por eso que hoy se estaba sintiendo más vivo que nunca.
—¿Eres Haru?
El muchacho mira por encima de su hombro, era la colega de su «padre» asumió que se habían dado cuenta de su ausencia.
—Tu padre te busca. —le ofrece la mano, pero Haru se levanta por su cuenta y camina de regreso a donde estaban los demás.
Al llegar al sitio donde estaba su familia, una parte de él esperaba ser regañado.
—Han servido la comida, siéntate. —Kaito anuncia con calma, era una mesa para cuatro.
Haru mira en dirección a la mujer que había ido a buscarlo con curiosidad.
—Ahora me apetece comer contigo.
Haru se ruboriza con cierta pena. Aún extrañado de que nadie le regañara. Su padre responde con una suave sonrisa.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Canciones incluidas:
▶ If it could become one kind day (優しい一日になれたなら) Lamaze ft. Hatsune Miku
▶ The madman's march (狂者の行進) 164 ft. Gumi
▶ Memoryless story (記憶のない物語) Noboru ft. Hatsune Miku
▶ Ballad of the wind fish, Nagamatsu Ryo ft. Aoba Ichiko
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indiweb · 8 months ago
i looked through the mom’s acc on tiktok and found this
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYWFY7eV/ THIS ONE’S TOO CUTEEEE!!
ok but like i would say that toji’s latina wife started doing those videos with their twin babygirls only for toji when he’s away out on a mission or something, just so he won’t be missing out on them too much but then one day she started posting them online and gained SOOO many views! the comments were like begging to see the dad and stuff so she made one where she’s getting the babygirls ready for a picnic and toji just pops out from behind and walks over to them to give his three girls kisses😩🩷🥹
“this is their papi, guys! say hi mi amor!” and toji gets so shy and shit he hides behind his wife’s shoulder and his eyes aren’t leaving hers at all🥹🥹🥹
SOSO SORRT FOR SEEING THIS LATE MIJAAA was on the plane for my vaycay 😋😋 pero OHMYGODDDD that vid had me cheesing so so bad it’s lit the cutest thing ever omfff???? the twins and the mommm omg ☹️☹️☹️
also YES YES YESSSS !!! that’s the most adorable idea ever istg. i’d cry omg. him hiding behind her shoulderrrr ☹️☹️ UGH THATD BE THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLDDDD! he’d definitely be the type to try and learn spanish just for her and either learns from her abuela or primas , and he ONLY ever speaks to her in spanish bc it’s their (literal) love language with each other. he’d learn special nicknames from the fam and surprise her with them which ends up with him getting attacked with kisses. 🥲🤒😞🥹 ugh ay dio mio i could go on and on about this au istfg it’s the cutest thing ever ima cry rq :sobs:
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cupidcore · 6 years ago
...... necesito un abrazo aquí hm
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the-fictional-wife · 3 years ago
Bruno Madrigal X Fem! Reader Chapter 2
Part 1 is here!
Recap : I must’ve been staring for too long because he quickly looked down, face flushed.
'Now I’m making him uncomfortable great’
With that I ran.
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"UGH MAMA IT WAS THE WORST, I just stupidly stood there without saying anything" I said as I slouched into the sofa.
It's been a day since I had that interaction with the Madrigal. It was the worst one yet- I've never frozen up so badly, god I didn't even get his name!
"That is a pretty bad first impression" Mama states without looking up from her work.
"You aren't helping you know" I head over towards her craftsmanship. She was the towns best designer ranging from clothes to bags and pouches. I was able to pick up on some of her skills, now I'm not as good as her but I do the job.
"Soo whatcha making?" I inquired
"The Madrigal family asked me if I could make the best dress I could for little Luisa's 5th birthday and I'm just about finished with it! Say later today, how about you deliver this to them"
'A chance to redeem myself and ask for a vision, a new win for me, Y/N!'
"Of course! I mean- sure" I nervously chuckled out.
Mini time-skip
You were on your way again to the Madrigal Casita already seeing it in your sites. You were sure you were going to do better this time around. With your basket in one hand that contained Luisa's dress, after a deep breathe, you knocked on the door.
You can a little girl's voice saying "I heard a knock on the door". After a few mutters more you find yourself in front of Julieta.
"Ah Y/N what a nice surprise! What brings you here?" Julieta says with a soft smile
"Long time no see! I'm just here to deliver Luisa's dress that my mom made"
"That's gr-" Julieta didn't even get to finish her sentence before Alma- I mean Abuela cuts her off.
"Right on time as expected from the L/N" Abuela pridefully says.
Abuela and mi mama have some history with each other. Three years back when Dolores, who was now 8 , was 5 she needed the perfect dress for her gift ceremony and my Abuela turned to my mom for help. They hit it off right away and ever since, my mother has been making dresses and other clothing for the Madrigals.
"Ah please you're too kind!" I bashfully said, it's not often I'm complimented on anything I do..
"Nonsense! Julieta, please take our delivery to Luisa's room and Y/N why don't you stay for dinner?, I'll introduce you to the rest of the familia"
How could I say no? She's no stranger to my family and one dinner wouldn't hurt. Before I could even offer a response, Abuela led me more into the Casita to meet more of the familia.
'oh boy here we go, deep breathes Y/N deep breathes'
I quickly knock on wood using Abuela's voice as a disguise so no one would hear me, just for good luck.
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Pepa"
"I'm her esposo, Félix it's a pleasure to meet you!"
I accidently zoned out with everyone else's introduction until my ears perked up on a certain name.
"I'm Bruno, it's nice to see you again señorita"
'wait- again??'
My head shot up at the voice alone. 'That's..Bruno..dios mío I ALREADY EMBRASSED MYSELF-'
"M-my name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you all" I couldn't keep my face from flushing, the embarrassment from yesterday is coming back full force he probably thinks I'm a creep, I have to make this right.
Shortly after introductions, everyone went back to their normal schedule, huddled into their own preferred groups with light chats amongst another; everyone but Bruno.
I awkwardly stand near Julieta noticing that Bruno is alone in his own little world near the walls.
'I should go talk with him, it doesn't hurt to try'
I didn't realize how long I stood contemplating, staring, until I felt a little tug at my leg.
"Are you okay miss? Why are you talking to yourself staring at my Tio?" Ah. It was Dolores who stared at me questionably with a slight tilt to her head.
'She's so cute!- I was talking out loud!?'
"Oh I just was um about to head over there now to uh talk with your Tio" I nervously said. Great another person who probably thinks I'm a cre-
"Tio Bruno, Y/N wants to talk to you!" Dolores shouted across the room.
Now she's done it, Bruno quickly picks up his in shock looking right back at my face. God is it hot in here or just me, I WASN'T READY- as cute as she was, she was too bold for her own good.
To make matters worse I could see some of the Madrigal familia side eyeing in my direction wondering what Dolores was shouting about. I quickly sprint my way towards Bruno.
'God where do I start'
This is getting awkward...again.
We both uttered at the same time.
"You go first!" Again.
"I just wanted to apologize for my actions yesterday I was just caught off guard I swear! It was very rude of me!" I say with squinted eyes to the floor, god I can't even look at him at this point.
"Oh! Uh don't worry about yesterday, I don't think any of us was really expecting Casita to open the door so suddenly" Bruno says with a bashful smile. "Besides if it were any real creep, Armando would take care of it.."
"Who's Armand-"
"I'm Armando and I'm afraid of nothing!" "Armando" says with his hood thrown up.
"..pfft BAHA" I couldn't help myself, I didn't know this guy had jokes too! Good looks and humor...
'Wait. Did I just say good looks-'
Bruno joins me in my sea of laughter. It isn't until we both settle down that I remember what I first came here to ask him.
"Oh yeah Bruno! May I ask something of you?"
"Ask away, Señorita"
I slightly hesitant before saying "Can you do a love vision for me ya know of my future?" I quickly add " You don't have to of course! It's almost dinner time anyways"
"Oh uh sure, though I warn you the way up isn't the best trip" Bruno says lightly scratching his head.
"Oh I don't mind!" With that we headed up the stairs..to even more stairs.
'How bad could this be?'
Turns out very- Not even after 5 minutes were we at the top! I was getting tired considering I'm not used to this amount of walking. I look to the side at Bruno and he seems just fine...guess it's something you just get used to.
Finally, we reach an open cave like plain with sand.
Bruno sits down and light's a fire then looks at me expectantly.
'what does he want me to do'
"Well...come sit in front of me" Bruno says as he flexes his hands in a grabby motion.
"o-oh right" I said as I quickly sat down in front of him. Before he grabbed my hands he reaches into his poncho and grabs a handful of salt.
"Just a pinch doesn't hurt" he says. I didn't question him since my mother does the same quite often.
I watch in amazement as Bruno takes his fairly larger hands into mine as his eyes glow green and the sand around us starts to rise and spin creating a bubble inclosing us in.
"Woah this is amazing" I whispered to myself. I could see figures start to form, I could see...me?
In the vision I'm being spun by another figure, we're doing something- I look like I'm having the time of my life but... with who?
"Your future lover's about to come in! You're dodging no no dancing!" Bruno shouts out
"Almost there! I see, I see.."
The sand vision starts to finally form the second figure.
"..me" Bruno says in a hushed tone.
I can feel my face erupt into a dark red color at the scene I'm watching. It felt like all time stopped, the only sound is my heart beat thumping in my ears to the vision playing in front of me. It showed me and Bruno dancing with bright smiles and laughter until he dips me down into a passionate kiss. The scenery is a wedding...our wedding.
"Y-you're seeing what I'm seeing right" Bruno stampers, his face equally as red as mine.
I was too stunned to speak so I just nodded.
'I have a future...with Bruno' As if my face couldn't get any redder, it did at this thought.
The vision slowly changes to me sad and alone. 'but why, wasn't I just happy?'
I look pregnant looking out of a window with tears in my eyes and just as it was about to form another figure...
The vision stops.
The sand starts to fall and a glowing emerald tablet forms into Bruno's hands. As you shift the tablet, it showed both visions into one. On one end, me and Bruno are happily in love, the other is my misery.
"...I'm sorry" Bruno says with his head facing down, dropping the tablet.
"What are you sorry for? I'm happy with my vision! I promise" I quickly say. How couldn't I be!? I just found out I met my future lover, I'm more than ecstatic!
"That you have to have a future with me.."
Bruno saw my look of confusion and elaborated.
"What I mean is, I let you down. Even when yo-we got happily married, you still end up alone with a child on the way. I'm always disappointing people, it's always curse Bruno, bad Bruno, I'm never enough for people!" Bruno ends his rant with slight shout that made me flinch.
"Sorry! sorry.. I just" Bruno lets out a sigh of air " I don't think I'm good enough for you which is why-"
Bruno stops mid sentence hearing me finally speak.
"Bruno, I don't see you like the town does. I don't think you're some bad man, you're an awkwardly funny man- dios mios! you're my future lover for crying out loud" I softly said while holding his hands in mine.
'When did I get so close to do this-'
Bruno's POV:
I couldn't help but flush from all the affectionate words and actions from Y/N.
'When was the last time I've been given so much comfort and kind words...too long'
"Do you actually mean that? Do you think this could work out" I hesitantly said. I need to know, I need to know that I won't be so alone anymore.
"I meant every word I said Bruno" Y/N says with the biggest smile on her face. I'm not sure if it was the heat of the moment but...she hugs me.
It's like nothing I've ever felt.
I feel my heart pick up in beats but the feeling of her warm embrace over rides it. As soon as I come back to earth I quickly return the embrace.
" We're in this together right?" Y/N asks into my ear.
With her voice so close, I can't help but shiver.
"Right" I say hugging her a bit tighter.
Before we could enjoy the moment I hear my mother call us down for dinner.
'I don't want to let you go yet..'
Our touching moment didn't last long when I heard "Time for dinner!" from downstairs.
I quickly let go of Bruno as much as I didn't want to. We were stuck staring at each other with pink faces.
"U-uh we should start heading down now" I said looking down slightly swaying back and forth.
"Oh! Uh yeah of course" Bruno said fiddling with the loose strings of his poncho.
We started to head down the tiring flights of steps in a comfortable silence as I started to rethink about everything that happened. 'I miss his embrace..' I thought solemnly.
The thought itself brought right back the blush I had just overcame which I quickly hid from Bruno with the turn of my head.
We finally made it to the dinner table where we ended up sitting next to each other. The table was filled with delicious food and light chatter though this did not last when Dolores raises her voice telling her mom something.
"I'm telling you! I heard it all, Tio Bruno is going to be with Y/N in the future! That's what they went to go see!"
With those words alone the whole table went silent and everyone stared at Bruno and I in shock.
I take back what I said earlier, NOW you've done it Dolores you little gossiper-
"Is this true mi hijo?" Abuela softly said in shock.
"Well if you want to look at it- yes it is" Bruno says running out of excuses with his eyes dead set on the floor with the biggest blush I've seen yet. I don't blame him, we weren't going to tell anyone now especially when we're still recovering from the shock.
The rest of the familia was too stunned to even speak besides the little "aww's" from little Dolores and Isabella which their parents were quick to nudge them for.
Abuela breaks the silence.
"If this is true then the two of you must wed quickly, Y/N you're a great fit for mi hijo Bruno!" She says as she clasps her hands together
"It's decided, I'll have a talk with you're mother for an arranged marriage!"
.."WHAT!?" The whole table shouts in shock.
Tags: @elliesarisugawachan
Notes: And that's the end of chapter 2~ I hope you enjoyed this part! It's double the length of the first part- If there's anything you see I can improve on please let me know!
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camileeon · 3 years ago
For the new event, maaay I request A 14 with either Camilo or Dolores, whichever you feel you want to do!
Thank you!!
(a/n) yes hello i know theres no title for this one because i can't thunk of anything for the past few minutes,, personally loved this prompt because yes <3 hope you all enjoy this one! Thanks for requesting! (Also this is not proof read:'))-🍊 (UPDATED!!: TITLE UPLOADED)
🦋- GN!Reader (they/them) x Camilo (he/him)
Oh the boy in yellow, he always loved to pull such strange pranks out of nowhere. On his primas and hermana, even once on abuela and his parents. It can be a little too much sometimes but the boy knew when he would crossed the line and always makes up for the victim of his antics.
But on one lovely peaceful day, his primas and y/n had conjured up a plan to get a taste of how it felt to be in the boy's victims shoes, just a little prank that wouldn't hurt to get back at the shapeshifter.
They had decided that it'd be funny if y/n had avoided his kisses and y/n won't give him any for a day, given to how clingy Camilo can be and is big on physical affection, especially his cielito's kisses.
As much as y/n wanted fo decline, there was a part of them that wanted to get revenge on the boy for the stunts he pulls.
After being invited over to casita for the plan they discussed, they went out to the town to find the shapeshifter. Or rather for him to find them really, they stayed near the town square where the children and town persons enjoyed their time dancing and playing music. They felt a hand cover their eyes from behind and an arm around their waist, flinching a little before letting out a sigh, knowing who it was
“guess who mariposa?”
“i don't think i need to, mi amor.” they chuckled as the hand uncovered their eyes, readjusting their vision before facing to see them with a big grin
“oh how I've missed you mi vida” the boy in yellow spoke, pulling them closer by the arm wrapped around their waist for a kiss.
They gave a smug smirk and slipped their palm in between them and his lips, letting out a chuckle as they escaped his grasp and didn't speak a word about it as their day continued.
As they spent time with eachother while the sun began to fall, camilo just pondered in his head "their probably messing with me right?" He tried various attempts to kiss them but they just moved past him or move their head in the different direction. As much as the prank was hilarious, they did in fact notice how a little upset he got when he continued to attempt and fail miserably and couldn't help but feel bad. Dolores could probably hear all that has been happening, leaving the shapeshifter's primas cackling in their rooms-
As soon as they gotten back to casita, he decided to confront them about it in his room, he was feeling a little sulky and needed his attention from you “y/n.. why have you been avoiding me?”
“hm? We were together the whole day?”
“no no i meant- don't you like me kissing you anymore? Did i do something wrong? D-do you not love me anymore??”
and that was all it took for y/n to breakthrough everything, they couldn't help seeing how he reacted “no no no no amor amor, i'm sorry it was a prank! your primas started it i swear i just went along with it. We just thought that we could get back at you with this for fun, i didn't think it'd go that far.” they explained, immediately latching their arms over him and hugged him tightly before cupping his face to wipe tears that was trying it's best not to fall out the boy's eyes. His jaw dropped and escaped your touch before pacing exaggeratingly “you guys are mean! I seriously thought another soul inhabited your body! You- you-! ugh just kiss me already-!”
He went back to them to hold their face firmly to pull them into a deep longing kiss, his body made theirs stumble a little, making them land on the floor but that didn't quite seem to stop them. “hmm.. i love you camilo.”
“mhm! i love when you say that, i love you more mi mariposa.”
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bellathechildbitch · 3 years ago
Pepa Madrigal Married Life Hcs:
Be happy that im blessing you with these Hcs.. I BARLEY SEE ANY WORK FOR PEPA.. SO YOU GET MORE PEPA CONTENT ... 😡🔪
A continuation of the last Hcs
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🌞You two didn't really uh ... Let's say.. HAVE A GOD DAMN HONEYMOON because like where would you go knowing that abuela literally needs Pepa to work for the encanto... LIKE SHIT LET YOUR DAUGHTER SPEND TIME WITH HER NEW SPOUSE JEEEZ 😡
🌞But hey you manage to snag a few moments with her where you would actually enjoy being newlyweds..
🌞Before she does her chores for the day you make sure she spends atleast ten minutes with you in bed.. enjoying the relaxing setting before she has to go and work all day :(
🌞But she is just overjoyed that she married you. Dating you was one thing... But marriage? Oh boy she couldn't be any happier to be your wife..
🌞(I saw some other fanfic of Felix being like a surrogate for Pepa and the reader when the reader is a female and we are just gonna stick with that...but you of course can have other thoughts of how this happens.. and that is completely fine) When thinking of starting your family you could barely wait.. but Pepa was such a nervous reck. Before even having the conversation of starting a family... Pepa had a head start and read books and books about parenting. But she was still nervous.. what if she ain't a great mother? what if something goes wrong? WHAT IF HER KIDS HATE HER????
🌞You finally come to an agreement that she will be the one carrying your children. As the process begins she finally get pregnant... OHHH BRUHH she is in so much discomfort because of the morning sickness 😭😭😭
🌞Like bro you need... NEED to be with her while the morning sickness is kicking her ass. Hold her hair up while she gets sick.. COMFORT THE WOMAN
🌞Jesus her emotions are.. CRAZY one minute she happy and the next she's on the verge of flooding the entire Casita because you forgot to put away one small item.. but my dear reader.. you just have to deal with it.
🌞But once the nine terrible months are over with.. and labor kicks in... You better buckle up because ... When Pepa feels any type of pain wether she stubbed her toe, gave herself a paper cut, fell, etc there is a 100% chance that she will either cause thunderstorms to happen.. or .. cause it rain to pour... Like badly... SOO her going through labor is.. scary.
🌞Contractions cause her to start drizzling.. honestly there isn't much you can do but be there for her and comfort her through all of contractions. Even though you will get drenched later on.. it's great 😃👍
Pepa would groan as she held her stomach anxiously as the rain would be lightly drizzling from the cloud above her head. You sat by her bed side as you would be rubbing her back humming a small tune. She would look over at you and sighed "Mi amor.. you're going to get wet.." she whined as she leaned twords you, resting her head on your shoulder
"And what about it..? Didn't I tell you that I love the rain.. and plus I'm not missing a second of this" you laughed as you rested your chin on top of her head
She would groan more as she somewhat glared at you "This is your fault.. when will it come out already!" She yelled as lightning would strike on the floor shocking your foot a bit you winced
"Aye mi princesa.. no need to yell.. everything will be fine.. " you nervously said as you gently continued to rub her back
"Oh like you would know how it feels.. so don't even talk to me " she whined as she would pull away from your touch. She would fold her arms as she pouted a bit
You did as she said.. all you needed is for her to get mad during a time like this. But as you sat there she would be constantly glancing at you and then back at the wall.. and then back at you.
"Ugh are you just going to sit there and do nothing or are you going to hold me..I'm sorry for the way I acted just please.. I cannot bare this pain any longer.. I need my wife/husband to care for me.." she said dramatically
You looked at her as you smiled "does that mean I can talk to you again..?" You teased as she rolled her eyes "Yes ... For the meanwhile.. until you get on my nerves again.." she said as she fidgeted with her wedding ring.
Laughing a bit you would scoot closer to her gently embracing her "Oh my poor Pepa.. I'm sorry.. for making you mad.."
Pepa would grumble quietly "it's fine..I didn't mean to snap at you.." she said as she would rest her head against your shoulder again as she wrapped her arms around you.
🌞It would be time to deliver the baby.. Pepa was anxious from all the pain and discomfort.. but you were nervous because you were literally going to have a child with the one you love most.. like.. so many things could happen..
🌞As labor went on..Pepa almost broke your hand.. and she stuck you with lightning a few times.. but heyyy you now have a beautiful daughter!
Pepa would be laying down on the bed as she tiredly looked up at you. You held your new born daughter as you smiled down at Pepa "Good job princesa.. she's perfect.. now I have not one but two princesas " you teased which caused her to let out a soft giggle "Oh you flatter me.. " she said quietly.
You would gently lay your daughter on Pepa's chest as she gently drapes a towel on top of her. You admired the two "So my dear.. what shall we call her?"
Pepa stayed quiet for a few minutes before speaking again "I always liked the name Dolores.." she said as she would glance up at you. "Oh that would be a wonderful name.. it suits her very well.. " you stated as you leaned down and placed a kiss on Pepa's cheek. And then leaning down to place a kiss on Dolores head "Ah.. mi princesas.. I adore both of you.." you said softly as you admired your new family
🌞 Parenting.. is hard.. Dolores was a calm baby.. but waking up in the middle of the night and barley sleeping drained the both of you. But Pepa having to work and take care of a baby... Just killed her.
🌞When she came home one day she was going to do her daily routine. Change Dolores, feed her, wash her, get her ready for bed. But you stopped her before she could even do anything. You demanded that she went to bed and rested. And that you will take care of everything. A rainbow would appear above her head as she gladly went to bed with no hesitation.
🌞Years would pass and Camilo and Antonio would be born as well. Your little family soon became a rather big family. But you didn't mind it. You were just happy that you finally had a family that you could call your own.
🌞You and Camilo would pull pranks of Pepa and the others. but you bet that Pepa would prank you back.. so don't think that you'll get off that easy!
🌞Overall Being married to Miss Pepa Madrigal was the best thing that you ever did. She's a great wife, you may have some ups and downs but I can assure you.. everything will be alright..
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We've had tìo Félix, but can we get some tìo Agustín in here?
"Agustín! Agustín!"
Agustín looked up from his book at Félix, who just poked his head through the door. Julieta decided to take the kid's out with her to work today, and he had the day to relax. Least, he HAD the day to relax.
"What's up?"
"Listen, I forgot today was Dolores's performance at school, and I told Pepa I could manage while SHE helped Julieta in town. So I KINDA need you to watch Camilo."
Agustín raised a brow. Ever since he'd known Félix, he had never been the best with timing and managing things. He ALWAYS managed things the last minute, often getting people to help him out of just nowhere. It was a position Agustín had been in a million times before. Some things just never changed.
"I don't MIND it, but how come you can't just bring him with you?"
Félix's face translated to 'you fucking serious, dude?'.
"He's a kid who JUST got shape shifting powers. I can't focus on him AND her music."
"And Bruno can't watch him? Abuela?"
"Abuela got Bruno on another of those dates she keeps setting up for him. She's gonna be too worried about him to focus on Camilo. Plus you and I both know she's a little. Strict. My boy has confidence, I don't want her to ruin that."
Agustín had to agree. He liked Abuela, but she was a bit. Forceful, strict. She made people feel small, without even trying. That stuff was damaging to his self confidence as a teen (what little he had anyway), so him and Félix agreed to try to avoid Abuela being alone with the kids as much as one could. They didn't hate her in any way, she was great. In small doses. Agustín sighed, putting his book back up on his wife's shelf.
"Fine, fine. But you owe me a drink."
"I'll pick us up something on the way back, something REAL nice. I know a guy."
"When do you NOT, amigo?"
They had a bit of a handshake to seal the deal, before Félix left with Dolores. After wishing Dolores goodluck with her performance (her voice would pair beautifully with her playing, he's heard it before), he went to Camilo's door. He gave it a knock, and stiffened as soon as he saw Abuela step out of it.
"Abuela. Were you spending time with Camilo?"
"Yes. And his room is fairly close to Julieta's. You'd be amazed how much I can hear from it."
Oh. Shit. He adjusted his tie nervously. Abuela grew to like him eventually, but that didn't mean he ADORED him like Félix.
"Abuela, I can explain. You see-"
"Mi mami would be disappointed if she knew you spoke of Abuela like that."
"I didn't mean- wait. Your...mami?"
Abuela's face looked startled, before she sighed. The woman in front of him groaned, before suddenly turning into Camilo. He huffed bitterly, arms folded.
"Ugh, I HAD you! You were shaking in your fancy socks!"
Agustín sighed in relief. Kid was a pretty good actor, and the voice was pretty damn good.
"Hijole-you CAN'T scare your poor tìo like that. Do you want me to keel over, mijo?"
"Didn't you leave me your glasses in your will?"
"Camilo that was a joke."
"Not to me it wasn't."
Agustín remembered when he used to want a son. He gave a gentle shake of his head, before gently nudging Camilo out of his room.
"How about we forget that for a second, and get you some food. You're hungry, right?"
"But tìa says I can't eat till dinner."
"Well, Julieta isn't here. And if I don't tell her you had a snack, and if you don't tell her, how will she know?"
Camilo nodded, seeming satisfied with the logic. Agustín assumed her 'no snacks' rule was for manners, as this boy was never NOT hungry. Agustín walked him into the kitchen, expecting to find something to heat up. Unfortunately, nothing. Shit, now he was going to have to cook.
"Uh...tìo? You okay?"
"Yep, totally. Fine. How we feel about fruit?"
"I want eggs."
Of course. Of course this kid wanted something that involved fire. It's okay, Agustín, you can cook an egg.
"Okay, one egg-"
"I want five."
"Five-I don't even eat that many eggs!"
"I do."
Agustín thought about arguing that this kid didn't need five eggs, but he decided to just bite the bullet.
"Alright, fine. How do you want your eggs?"
Okay, at least he wanted it in the easiest way possible.
"Okay, scrambled. Go sit down and-"
"I wanna help."
"Camilo you can't even reach the counter-"
Camilo immediately turned into Julieta. He put his hands on his hips, looking rather cocky.
"You were saying?"
Well this was surreal, teaching Julieta how to cook. He sighed, and handed him an egg.
"Okay, fine. Crack one egg into this bowl and-CAMILO!"
You ever watched your wife bite into a raw egg? Well today, he had. It dribbled down his face, and he winced at the crunch of the shells.
"Feels weird. I'd eat it without the shells."
Agustín quickly swiped what was in his hand, before tossing it into the trash.
"Please don't. You could get sick. And now you're a mess."
He watched as Camilo sloppily licked the egg off of his mouth and forearms. He will never unsee this as he looked at his wife. He let Camilo watch as he cracked all the eggs, and started to mix them into the bowl. Camilo peered over his shoulder, brow raised.
"So what next?"
"Next, we put butter on the pan, so it doesn't stick. You want to help me with that part- dios."
He'd give Camilo points for enthusiasm at least. But this kid was grabbing a soft stick of butter, and just. Eating it.
"It's salty."
"Yes, yes it is. Since you have it, can you put it in the pan?"
He watched as Camilo smeared the butter on the pan with Julieta's usually dainty fingers. He waited till he seemed he was done, before quickly turning on the stove, and starting to wipe Camilo off. So weird, the skin even FELT like Julieta's.
"You are such a messy boy. If you're not careful, you'll just take a permanent bath."
"Pants on fire."
"I'm not lying! I'm-"
"No I mean your pants are on fire."
Agustín quickly turned to see his butt pressed against the open flame. He yelped as he immediately hopped into the sink, thanking his lucky stars that Pepa was too lazy to drain it this time.
"Thank you. I uh, assume you didn't want toasted buns with your eggs."
Camilo chuckled, offering no help as Agustín stepped out, and poured the eggs into the pan. Camilo clung to his sleeve as he studied the pan, only, looking like Pepa this time. Odd, seeing such a bashful and timid look on the face he'd grown to associate confidence with.
"Don't burn these, please."
"I won't, I won't. We just have to stay here, and focus on it."
Agustín mixed the eggs till they were just a smidge undercooked, before putting it onto a plate. A little salt, and it was done. Camilo immediately sat at the table, turning back into himself. He tucked into his eggs extremely quickly. He recalled, when he was a baby, that he was always in the mood to be fed.
"'S good eggs."
"Thank you. It was nice to cook for you. But you probably shouldn't eat every ingredient along the way."
"But what if I like it? I can't know if I don't try it."
"I mean. That is true. But it can also be unsafe for you, mijo,"
Agustín took his plate as soon as he finished, taking it to the sink and rinsing it off, alongside the pan he cooked with.
"What if you eat something, not knowing it's dirty, or old? Could hurt your pansita, then you won't be able to eat and-oh no."
Camilo was NOT sitting in the chair anymore. Holy shit, he just lost his nephew. Oh Félix was going to kill him, and Pepa was gonna kick his corpse. Okay think, you're five years old with the ability to shapeshift, what do you do? He tried to think, when he heard something fall from the other room. He immediately ran, and saw him. He had knocked down a vase as he tried to climb up his piano. Why? Because Bruno left the jar of cookies on top of his piano. Half the time his instrument was used as a table, which he hated tremendously.
He immediately dove in to grab Camilo, knocking over the jar, and making it fall on some of his keys as they fell onto the floor. It didn't break, thankfully, but the loud sound hurt his damn ears. He was about to scold Camilo, when he laughed.
"Wait, was that sound?"
"The...piano? You've heard it before."
"Not like THAT! It always sounds like wussy music, like the kind Dolores plays. I liked what THAT was!"
He set Camilo down on the stool as he picked up the jar from the floor.
"I mean, the piano does way more than just sweet songs. I can play something different, if you'll sit there and listen."
Camilo looked at him with big ol' eyes, and nodded eagerly. Agustín sat down next to him, and immediately knew which song to play.
"Okay, this one is one of my favorites. It's called 'flight of the Bumblebee'. Now try to follow my hands."
The one thing Agustín didn't fumble on, was the piano. It made him feel in control, it made him feel like he can do absolutely anything. His fingers flew by themselves, he hardly paid attention to the keys. And Camilo just watched. He was amazed, fascinated even. When he finished, he was expecting just praise, maybe a song request. He didn't get that.
"Can you teach ME how to do that?"
"What? You wanna learn how to play? Really?"
Camilo nodded, reaching over to press a random assortment of keys, seeming to experiment.
"Yeah! That was cool! And it wasn't boring like your usual music! Can you teach me? Please?"
Agustín chuckled. He'd taught his daughters, surely this wouldn't be too difficult.
"If you'd really like to, I'd be honored. Let's start with some basic keys. Follow my lead now, I'll go slow."
Agustín didn't know how long he had been sitting there for. Just that this was the most concentrated, most still he had ever seen this boy.
"Very good! You're a natural, mijo!"
Camilo looked happy for a second, before sort of frowning.
"I always wanted to learn to play something, just like Dolores."
"Why didn't you ask your papi? He's wonderful with a tiple, and Dolores is learning."
Camilo sulked, pressing the same key over and over slowly.
"Papi offered to teach her, and she never asked him. I thought, because he didn't ask, he didn't want to teach me."
"Well, you have me to teach you this. So you know it's something I WANT to do. If anything, your papi might be jealous that you chose MY instrument instead of his."
Agustín was an only child, so he didn't know if that was common between siblings, but it was still unfortunate. He lightly patted Camilo's head, and his heart melted for those helpless little eyes.
Camilo chuckled, turning into a spitting image of Agustín.
"He just might be. Now come on, teach me more!"
"Teach you more what?"
They turned to see Pepa and Julieta, both of whom were guiding the girls back in. 'Agustín' grinned at the sight of his mother, and dove for her, immediately being picked up by his mother.
"Mami!! You're home!"
Pepa grinned at her sister almost smugly.
"Here I am, stealing your man, after all these years. You think you'd know someone."
Julieta rolled her eyes at her sister, before welcoming the hug from the real Agustín.
"You watched Camilo for the afternoon, eh? How was it? Any accidents?"
"Not at all! You don't have enough faith in me, vi vida-"
"What's wrong with papi's butt?"
Isa asked, peering over to the scorch marks on his pants. Julieta gave him a look, hands on her hips, with Mirabel copying her.
"You cooked again, didn't you?"
"Listen I didn't need an arepa, I don't count that as an accident."
"You guys wanna hear an accident? My absolute disaster of a date."
Bruno grumbled as he walked into the scene. The poor guy looked exhausted, making the adults wince. Dating had NOT been kind to Bruno, never had been. 'Agustín' immediately sat back down at the piano, eager.
"Oh wait wait, let me play, I have just the thing for this!"
He played 'dun dun dunnn' loudly, making Bruno chuckle.
"Geez, where were YOU when I was absolutely bombing back there?"
"Eating eggs and playing the piano."
"...can Agustín babysit me next? That sounds a million times better than anything I just did."
The real Agustín chuckled as Camilo showed him what he learned today. He wrapped an arm around Julieta, softly sighing.
"We should have a son, mi vida."
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desichameleon · 3 years ago
ink stained hands
pairings : camilo x gn!reader
request : yes / no 
summary : in a world where your soulmate has the same temporary markings it’s still hard to find yours
warnings : moving, i think thats it !
Everyone had a soulmate, some believed in them and some didn’t. Everyone had the choice to find their soulmate and most took it. How would you find your soulmate? Easy, just put some form of temporary marking upon your skin and see who matches it. 
Ever since you were young you would always be drawing on yourself in order to find your soulmate, you would draw patterns on your hands and shapes on your cheeks but nobody ever seemed to match your markings. Soon you started to loose faith in having a soulmate and stopped drawing on yourself as much, your parents worried that you’d never find true love.
So one day your parents declared they were moving - with you of course - to a magical community, somewhere where people are always happy. You were ecstatic, finally, maybe you would meet your soulmate there! 
“hola, welcome to our Encanto” an elderly woman greeted your parents, “hola, gracias por dejarnos movernos aquí“ your mother said shaking the woman’s hand. They spoke for a short while longer but you couldn’t register what they were saying, you were too tired from the journey. “need help with your bags?” you heard a voice say, looking to your left you see a boy, a boy with light freckles, brown skin, beautiful curls and a yellow ruana.
“sí” you speak quietly as you look the boy in his eyes, you could tell they were a hazel colour but in the evening light they look of a gorgeous green colour. The boy in the yellow ruana picked your suitcase and bag up and took them into the house, you picked up another bag and went to follow him.
“¿cómo te gusta la ciudad hasta ahora?” he asked as he set the bag down on the floor, “well it looks very nice and the people are lovely” you say honestly with a smile on your face. He smiled back, looking into your eyes before quickly looking away.
The boy scratched the back of his head before speaking again, "I uh didn't catch your name..." "(y/n)" you replied as you started taking the bags to the rooms. "(y/n)" he said as if testing the name out, "I like it!" he said happily following you through the house.
"you haven't told me your name yet though" you tell the boy with curly hair, "oh yeah, it's Camilo" he said bouncing along beside you. The two of you entered your room you heard a call from outside.
"Camilo! Come on its almost dinner time" you wondered who that woman was to Camilo and as if he could read your mind he said "oh that's mi abuela, I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow?" you nodded and waved him goodbye.
“ese chico era agradable” your mother said as you helped her unpack the bags, “Sí, su nombre es Camilo” you replied gazing out of the window at casa de Madrigal. “oooh I know that face... does someone have a crush?” she said as she placed a hand on your shoulder. “what? No mama!” you jerked away from her, face red with emmbarassment.
“fine fine, how about me and your father finish unpacking and you can go to bed” she said and you nodded. “buenas noches” and with that you walked through the hallway to your room, it might kill you to admit it but the boy was very attractive. His thick curls, his shimmering eyes, his freckles and his voice had you weak at the knees.
“come on (y/n) don’t get carried away, he’s just a boy” you said to yourself as you got ready for bed, tomorrow was a new day maybe you’d find your soulmate. Maybe your soulmate was Camilo... ‘ugh you have only known him for a few hours are you’re already crushing on him. Get a grip’ you thought to yourself as you climbed into bed.
The next morning everyone was busy, your parent’s were opening a bakery and were working on building it, you had to go around town getting groceries and you couldn’t even get into your own home since there was too many people helping build the bakery or they were there to welcome your family.
As you were picking out the fruits from the stalls you heard a familiar voice, “hey (y/n)”, you spun around to see Camilo, his smile so bright it could blind you. “hola Camilo” you say as you start looking at the fruits again, “how’s the bakery going?” he asked, “good I think, I haven’t really seen it yet” you replied.
He hummed, “¿hay algo que quieras decir?” you asked and he nodded, “¿ves que me preguntaba si te gustaría ir de picnic conmigo?” you pretended to ponder the question for a minute before nodding. “let me give these to my mama and then we can go” Camilo smiled before setting off.
You quickly got the rest of the groceries and headed home, you were happy Camilo had invited you on that picnic because not only would you get to spend time with your new ‘friend’ but it would also keep you busy until your parents were done with the bakery for today.
You entered your house and set the basket on the kitchen counter and quickly brought out a piece of paper and pencil, you left the not next to the basket telling your parents you would be with Camilo for a while before heading off to his house.
When you reached the front door you noticed a stain on your fingers, it was blue. You thought nothing of it and knocked on the door but then it opened by itself? What the heck? That’s when the tiles beneath you started moving you inside, “¡¿qué pasa?! you said out loud as you were pushed into the house. That’s when you saw a girl with a red bow and matching dress tiptoe out from another room holding a basket of food.
She let out a shriek when she saw you and then... transformed into Camilo? What was going on here?! “(y/n)! Uh hey, you’re um early” he said in a what he must have thought was an even tone. “you didn’t give me a time, I said I’ll meet you when I drop off the food” you said, “right” he replied. “uh Camilo, how did you just you know, change faces?” you asked.
“I’m a shapeshifter” he replied casually as if it was normal, “what.” you said blankly, “mi familia is magical, we all have powers because of a candle but then the candle went poof and we lost them then we got the powers back mine is shapeshifting, my oldest primas power is flower power or something, my sisters power is super hearing and I could go on but we-”
“okay okay I get it” you laugh at the boy’s rambles. “good because I’m starving and want to have this picnic” he says as he leads you out of the house and towards the woods. “we better not have this picnic up a tree” you say and he just waves his hand, “been there, done that” and you both laugh.
You two come to a clearing and Camilo starts setting down the picnic blanket and that’s when you see a familiar blue stain, “hey Camilo, what’s that on your fingers?” you ask, “oh I tried to sneak into Isabela’s room and I got flower bombed but luckily I jumped away but it still got my hand” he explained. “espera ¿por qué quieres saberlo?” 
That’s when you lifted up your hand to show him the same blue markings, “no way” the shapeshifter got up to examine your hand, “you’re not lying. Are you?” you shook your head no and the boy practically squealed. “dios mio! I was hoping we were soulmates and I know it’s a stretch but you were and are still so handsome/beautiful and-” thats when you kissed him.
“shut up, you still need to tell me your last name”
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lizziesfirstwife · 3 years ago
Hello! Would you mind writing me a story about Bruno Madrigal dating a Bruna? (That's my name btw) I was so happy to see it on the big screens but in Encanto I felt really touched. If that's ok she could an artist for the family or something? There are a lot of painting in the wall of casita, the family tree for example. Thanks a lot for your time! 💕
¡Mi alma gemela!
Warnings: None, maybe a few swear words, fem!reader (she/her)
Note: A young woman named Bruna has been a passionate artist since she was little. Alma Madrigal immediately recognized her talent for art, from then on she was the personal artist for the Casita of the Madrigal's. But not only artistic talents slumbered in the young woman, and no one expect one certain person seemed to notice them...
°(¡Deja de tirar de mi falda Antonio!: Stop pulling on my skirt Antonio!)
°Mi alma gemela: My soulmate
°madre: mother
°abuela: grandmother
°1 kilometer= 0,621 miles
°cariño: my darling
°Mi vida: my life
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"¡Deja de tirar de mi falda Antonio! I'm still older than you youngster!" He pulled his head away under my hand and gave me no chance to whirl through his curls. More than once his hand had found itself in my hair, as he loved to play around in it. And oh, how he loved attention. He sometimes pulled on my skirt when in his opinion it had to be, even if he knew that his mother almost always got wind of it and then scolded him. "I just want a picture of Paloma", he whined. I continued to focus on the last stroke in the new painting Isabela wanted next to her door, in exchange for a light purple dress in her wardrobe that I fell in love with.
"Antonio, I can't just paint a new painting for each of your animal friends", I almost had to laugh when I put the brush away and saw Antonio's sad face. "Well, if you're lucky, Bruno and I won't need so long with our plans today! And if you're nice to Dolores and won't annoy her with your caterpillars again, then maybe I'll consider it." The little boy nodded eagerly and hugged me from the side before running out of the kitchen.
"You know, maybe my madre lied to me and you're our lost sibling. We were quadruplets, that's why you're named Bruna, and I was blessed as Bruno!", my lover murmured with his head in my hair, arms around me whilst enjoying the sunbeams shining on our faces. I just shook my head and laughed. "You know that sounds very stupid, right? I'm younger than you, and we don't even look like each other." Bruno just shrugged his shoulders and picked a daisy. "Then you are just mi alma gemela! Besides, we talk about colombian genes after all. That's why Pepa has red hair, anything can happen. Nothing is impossible."
Bruno sat up and clung his arms around his knees so as not to fall over, and looked at me with a tired look. His hands played with the petals of the daisy. "Maybe, only hypothetical... If we were to have a son, wouldn't it be funny to call him Bruni or something?" The worried expression on my face changed to playful indignation. "Who says we won't have a daughter? Or triplets? You know what they say about male twins or triplets..." Bruno's eyes widened before a grin found it's place on his face. "Well, then I'd better start building baby cots."
"Abuela, you don't understand, she's definitely and one hundred percent pregnant." The elderly lady just shook her head at the claim of her second oldest granddaughter. "Dolores, this is nothing to speculate about. A real pregnancy is based on obvious characteristics. You can't just spy and overhear a conversation between the two of them that is a kilometer away", the woman scolded her granddaughter. Dolores was about to say something back when they heard a door slam and the person they were talking about enter the kitchen to go to the dinner table. "Ugh, I think Camilo thought the plate of arepas was for him. You can't even leave your food there for later.... Oh, good afternoon Abuela, Dolores!", the young woman greeted happily, her mouth stuffed with Julieta's food that was left on the counter for emergencies. The two women just stared at her, smiling politely. "Hey Bruna!", Dolores replied with a grin , who was also suddenly hungry at the sight of Julieta's arepas. Bruna looked at the two of them slightly hesitantly, unwilling to leave the kitchen because she had a bad feeling about leaving them alone. "Well, I won't bother you any further, I'll just go to Isabela's and bring her her painting..." With that, the young lady disappeared from the kitchen as quickly as she had appeared there. Abuela took Dolore's arm and patted it. "Very well, she is pregnant for sure."
"So, Bruna", Pepa began with her mouth full at dinner after the incident in the kitchen, "a little bird whispered to me that you are in joyful anticipation." The noodle I was chewing got stuck in my throat, Bruno had to pat me on the back several times to probably save my life. I knew that the whispering before dinner, and the rainbow over Pepa's head were a little suspicious. I cleared my throat and gave Bruno a grateful smile before looking at Pepa. My hands were clasped under the table, playing with the wedding ring on my finger that Bruno gave me half a year ago, on his knees and in tears. "Hermana! Don't make her nervous, I'd know if my wife was pregnant." I put my right hand on his left hand which was on the table, and slowly shrugged my shoulders. "Well, it wouldn't be completely out of the question. I hadn't had my ...problem... for two months."
I felt Bruno's surprised look on me, and heard Camilo choking playfully. Antonio tried to process my words, although he was still so young he knew that this would mean he would have a playmate, and no longer an adult who had to concentrate on her painting so. Dolores took advantage of her family's distraction and grabbed Camilo's food from his plate. Since he loved to take other people's food without asking, Dolores wanted to show him what it was like. She also loved baked baby carrots with pepper and salt, and saw this as her favorite side dish to tía Julietas arepas. Mirabel and the rest of the Madrigal girls didn't dare to talk, too eager to see what would happen next. "Are you serious cariño?", Bruno whispered without paying attention to the others. I nodded quickly, too afraid to take too much time with my answer, and too afraid of his reaction. But he just started grinning, and wrapped both arms around me. A relieved sigh went through the ranks of the Madrigals, and I could even see Abuela Alma smiling slightly out of the corner of my eye. "I love you mi vida, do you know that? You truly are mi alma gemela."
I'm sorry for taking so long to get this done, but first, Duolingo really claimed my time with the constant reminders. Then, I was really busy with trying to finish the book I was reading (I still have 24 pages left, ugh). And last, I started to watch Daredevil and was addicted to Matt Murdock x reader on here. I still am. So here is this request, with a not exactly requested ending, but I still hope this turned out quite good. I'm sorry for any writing mistakes, but let me know if you liked it :)
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years ago
The first thing Félix felt when he woke up was the rain. He noticed the sniffling next to him a few seconds later
(have no idea what this is but go ham with pepa angst bc i love her)
“Amor?!” He’s quick to shift next to her, wrapping an arm around her slender waist, “Mi Vida, what’s wrong?”
Pepa blinks through the stream of tears, glancing at him with subtle alarm, “Oh Fèlix! Lo Siento, I didn’t want to wake you! ugh I knew I should have left!”
Fèlix frowns softly, tugging his wife softly till she’s leaning in his warm embrace.
”Their is no apologies necessary, Amor. You never have to worry about waking me. I would gladly wake up if I meant I could help you feel better. You are my life. And if theirs an ounce of sadness in your beautiful brain then I want to be awake. So I can be Their for you?”
Pepa just sniffles sadly. Avoiding his gaze as she yanks on her braid harshly. Mumbling her mantra like her life depends on it.
”Cariño what’s wrong?” He questions softly. Cupping her fingers with a guiding hand, slowly coaxing her death grip to relax.
“It’s stupid.” She mumbles.
Fèlix smiles softly, “Nothings stupid if it’s coming from you Amor, especially your feelings.”
”It’s just,” she hesitates, breath coming out in little puffs on his neck, “I have to go to the fields later today. And the Farmers complained last time that I didn’t evenly water all the crops. I just know mama will be mad if she catches word about it, and, and, and I don’t know what do!”
she bursts into a round of inconsolable tears. Cloud growing darker as Rain soaks them.
Fèlix is quick to sooth her, using the hand wrapped around her waist to rub small circles on the space above her hipbone. The other hand carefully tracking through her waterlogged bands. Slicking them back so the ends don’t bother her.
he knows what he has to do.
“Mi Sol. I’ll handle this.” He murmurs. Pressing a kiss to her wet forehead.
Pepa looks up with wide eyes, “W-W-what do you mean handle this? F-Fèlix you can’t fix me?!”
”Their was never anything wrong with you,“ he’s quick to say, ”I’ll go talk to Abuela. You won’t have to go to those blasted fields.”
his wife shakes her head in disbelief, “B-but, but, but-“
”Shhhh,” he soothes softly, pressing another kiss to her crown and guiding her back into bed, tucking her in efficiently, ”Just Rest my Love. It will all be taken care of when you wake up.”
Pepa looks concerned, but soon the comfort of the bed, and his hands stroking her hair work their magic. And she’s finding it hard to keep her eyes awake.
“Fèlix?” She mumbles. Barely their.
“Yes Mi Vida?”
”Gracias...Te Amo.”
He smiles, “Y yo a ti, Reinita. You sleep well now.”
—— (jsnsusjsjsnd i completely failed the five sentence limit but I saw this prompt and couldn’t help but write a mini Drabble!!)
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witchlyboo · 3 years ago
Definitely, maybe.
Part five: The one who belongs to someone else.
Introduction. Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four.
Paring: Latina!reader x Logan Lerman x Tom Holland x Ben Hardy x Timothee Chalamet x Pedro Pascal x Michael B. Jordan
Warnings: Swearing, angst, misspellings, some Spanish, me learning how to write properly, and NY stuff that I've learned from movies that we all agree to pretend are real.
Word count: 6.4 k
a/n: You been asking for smut, I know, I know, I just wanted to introduce you to all the boys first, and we're getting there, just one more ahead. Also, I'm working on a masterlist because we are getting too many parts already.
All body types and skin tones friendly. You can also enjoy it as a no Hispanic reader. Constructive feedback and misspellings correction is always welcome.
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Red and blue lights flash the driving mirror.
—No, no, no, por favor que no sea a mi—You beg to the sky looking at the patrol that is asking you to park, or someone else, there's a lot of cars in this part of the city, there's a big chance is the panic who's controlling your senses.—Dios, mi abuela fue a la iglesia cada domingo de su vida y nunca te pidió nada, please let me have some of her divina recompensa.—But that's not how it works, you end up parking with just a few seconds to think what to say. There's a perfect explication of why you are driving a car that is not yours in the middle of the night and smelling like a minibar.
Then this ridiculous thought comes to your mind, you look expensive, you've never seen the daughter of a senator but you must be close to it, it would make you less of a feminist if you just use your attributes? Ugh, you feel sick just to think about it but don't have enough money to pay a fine, and the constant paranoia of being chased all the time as an immigrant will only get stronger.
You pull down your dress a little so your neckline can do its job but you regret it immediately, and you're pretty sure you look more like an expensive prostitute who stole the car of his lover than some influential men's daughter.
—License and registration.—You hear him say when he approaches your window. You don't like this but you have to play the dumb tourist, the pretty foreign girl that is too stupid to be dangerous, with the look you have tonight it shouldn't be hard. But damn you hate cops, any uniformed man that works for the government is your eternal enemy, and you don't know how long you could keep the nice dumb Latina game before spit on his face.
—There's something wrong, officer? ...You?!—Your sexy and fake high voice is ruined when you see the face of the man who stopped you. This night couldn't get worse.
—Wait, what happened with the party?—Evan interrupts you while you finish some notes for work, little remainders for later when you don't have an eleven years old kid running around you, he's not usually this energic and you have to blame yourself for that, you're describing a life of excess and eccentric fun, something you let behind so many years ago that your own son doesn't know even a bit of it.
—Ugh, a nightmare doesn't worth telling.—You remember vaguely most of it but what keeps fresh in your mind is bad enough to don't want to bring it back.
—But if Timothée is my dad I have to know the important things, including the bad stuff.—Sounds perfectly reasonable and that's what makes you groan at him. Sometimes you feel blessed that your kid is better than you in any possible way, and sometimes you want to kill his brain with video games and reality shows like the rest of the parents.
—Ok, cool, but I'll keep all the +18 content for myself, so this part of the story might be blurry for you.—It kinda is for you anyway.
You should’ve known this night was cursed, you had a feeling because a) your earring fell off at the same time Timothée texted you to give you the party address and say he can't pick you up. And b) he won’t pick you up. Your mother would say that’s reason enough to not go, a real gentleman wouldn’t make you go to an unknown place in the middle of the night on your own in a city like this. But you decide to ignore it because you are a modern woman and because it’s worth it. It better be.
The outfit must be something special. You always take your time to choose what to wear, even if just another regular day, and since this isn't the case you thought about it for hours, that made your mind busy enough to not thinking about Tom and the whole love confession. He texted you saying he'll come for you to go to class together on Monday, which is completely impractical because he's way closer than you but is progress and you're going to take it.
You wanted to ask for Sheep's opinion but you thought she might not care, has been a few days since she started acting strange like she's bothered just to see you breathe. You want to blame his boyfriend to take all her time and attention from you but is probably just her new job, she got a small role in a Netflix show, and even when you're so happy for her, that's the event that has changed her into someone completely different. But you give her time, stress can do bad things to people.
The winner is the exact copy you made of the black and white striped dress Cameron Diaz wore in "The Mask" beautiful, classy, and sexy enough without being too scandalous, not that you have any problem with that, but this isn't the occasion, you don't want to feel like you're being too much or too little, just enough, it's supposed to be easy, right? you were born for this. Just adding some big shiny earrings you got on a thrift shop that look like real diamonds and you're ready, not that you own any to compare. Red lipstick, dark eyes, and a messy bun to get that disinterested pitch every look needs.
Getting there wasn't a problem, you were in the rich part of the city, everyone know who, where and what just to brag about it. The excitement is growing with every second, you check your makeup like thirty times in the elevator and send texts to your mom just to let her know where you are, and because you have to share that moment with someone and you are limited of friends these days.
Timothée opens the door with red eyes, drunk, high, or somewhere in between, you know then you were right about the bad feeling. He jumps on you to kiss you and no matter how much you try to explain the delicacy of your lipstick, he does it anyway, leaving a taste of alcohol and shrimps in your mouth. Taking you by the waist he walks you to a group of people you don't know while you're trying harder to fix the red color of your mouth without a mirror.
—Here is the companion I bought, look at her, that's how five grand per hour look like.—They laughed but you were too disoriented to process all the things he said, it was supposed to be a joke? if it is, why isn't he correcting? Instead, his hand goes straight to your ass and presses it to get you closer to him.
—I'm actually an intern in the costume designer department of the new version of "Sense and Sensibility".—You wanted to mention your recent promotion to hairstylist and makeup artist but that might be too pretentious. Anyway, they don't seem to care what you are or not, in fact, they don't even see you, all eyes are on Timothée
—Oh, well, is easy to forget when you're paying them—All laughs again. Who is this person? Who are all these people, actually? You recognize some influencers, a few cast members but there's no sign of the director, other main actors, not even his co-star. You feel like an extra in a movie where someone will be killed in a luxury party, hopefully not you. You take his hand from your body and clear your throat.—I'm just joking my love, she looks stunning, isn't she? I’ll get you a drink.
He leaves and the group of people surrounding you suddenly dissipated like boiling water, you were on your own again and despite some judgmental gazes is like you’re not there, you’re sure you could just take your dress off and throw it to someone’s face and unless Tim says something about it, no one would care. You’re there as his companion, an ornament, and that’s not enough to earn their attention because it’s too obvious you’re the one in turn.
You walk to the only window no one is smoking and check your phone, you know, the thing you do when you pretend you have important issues to attend, but no, you end reading some old messages, pictures, texting your mom of how much fun you’re having at the party, and somehow you check your filed Facebook messages to find Logan’s name. You cover the screen so fast you hurt your nail, his name is enough to make you tremble like a Chihuahua, you haven’t talked to him since that night, you know from his sister he lives in the house he bought for you two and he’s having the happiest life without you. You want to believe that because that means you took the right decision but deep inside… no, you can’t be that person, you want him to be happier than ever.
You find the guts to open the message, and you read as slowly as is humanly possible. “My angel, I hope this finds you in perfect health…” Dios, just Logan could start a message like that, your smile is almost too big to fit in your face so you bit your nail to cover it a little. “I recently found one of the human body drawings you made for me to study, you’ll be happy to know…”
—That’s a fucking long-ass message.—Tim appears behind you and takes your phone from your hand, spilling some of his drink on your dress in the process. Apparently, he's been there long enough to read part of the message.
—Give it back.—You command in the most severe voice you have, your magical moment got ruined and you remember the hole of hell you are.
—"My angel, I hope this finds you in perfect health. I recently found one of the human body drawings you made for me to study, you must know I still use them now and then"—Timothée starts reading the message, and even when no one is close enough to hear it and you don’t really care about this people’s opinion, that’s not for anyone to read, that’s one of the few parts of your life you treasure the most and you’re not ready to get over it.—You little slut, are you cheating on me with a med student?
—Give it to me.—You repeat trying to take the phone from his hand but he’s faster and walks away putting it out of your reach.
—"I meticulously preserve them, I certainly know any piece of art made by you will be priceless in the near future"—You don’t want to hear it coming from his drunk mocking voice, so you try to ignore what he’s saying and put more effort on chasing the phone.—Should I had kept the jeans where you left the wet spot on? I didn’t know you were an artist, my love.
—Timothée, por el amor de Dios.—Now you're trying to climb him, it wouldn't be that hard to take him down, he's skinny and you're fierce. That's what you thought but he's not moving even with you are on top of his shoulder and his opposite long arm keeps the phone away from you.
—Who is this guy and why is he talking to my girl like this?—You see the olive eyes getting darker and the tone of his voice went deeper than you thought he could do. You desist from taking the phone, you know the bullies love the attention, maybe that's exactly what he wants and give it to him just makes it worse.
—I'm not your girl.—You claim fixing up your dress having enough of games, and you have no reason to keep worrying about losing your job, the filming is done, and apparently your relationship with him too. You don't care about any of that anymore, just want to read Logan's text.
Even behind all the alcohol and the eyes injected in blood thanks for who knows what kind of drug, you can see the disappointment and anger, but it's not a broken heart, Is the hissy fit of a child that loses his balloon and now everyone will pay for it, especially you.
—Are you sure about that?—You can see him swallow hard, almost looking vulnerable, but his voice is defiant and threatening to prove you wrong. He just has to stretch out his arm to reach the open window with your phone in hand, his intentions are clear and the only thing you can do is raise your hands as a reflex.—You were mine the moment you put a foot on my trailer, and I don't fucking share my stuff.—Before you can say a word he drops the phone from the fourth floor.
You know is senseless but you find yourself running out of the party and going to search the device, using it also as an excuse to get away from that place. This is the first time someone makes you feel meaningless, you know the famous' world is cold and lacking in empathy but this is ridiculous, they're a bunch of parasites fed by attention and power. By Timothée.
The screen is crashed and the rest of it is probably beyond repair, not that you're surprised, its life is longer than you've been in the country and you admit you should have replaced it much earlier but you're not the kind to throw away things that still work. However, is not the phone you are worried about, not as much as what it contains.
—That was obsolete anyway, I'll get you a better one.—You didn't know he was following you, his voice interrupts your self-wailing. He sounds calmer and a little embarrassed, but not enough to say sorry, you don't think he's capable of saying it.
You shake your head and start to walk away without a word, you don't want anything from him, not materially, at least.
—Don't make a scandal out of it, it's just a phone!—He yells erasing any trace of regret in his voice. He doesn't see the reaction he expected and that's when he runs after you and with a hand on your upper arm pulls you back, you gasped for the sudden bluntness.—That annoying habit you have of leaving when I'm talking to you.
You push him away with all the strength you have, which resulted in him almost falling on the ground.
—I don't care about the stupid phone!—You finally break, but sadly is not as satisfactory as you thought it would be.—You are mean, vain, arrogant and the worst part is that you enjoy being this despicable human because you have absolutely no consequences to it. Everyone around you just accepts it and I feel so sorry for you because the only possible way for you to fill the void inside is to be surrounded by that crowd of mules licking your steps—To your surprise, he has nothing to say, he's just standing there with no facial expression, whatever he feels is easily covered by his years of experience acting, even drunk.—I can't give you that and it's obvious they don't want me either. What am I even doing here?—You ask yourself thinking where would be the best way of getting a cab, is a rich zone, must be easy.
—Everything is better when you're around—His voice is thin and fragile, you have to process what he said three times in your head to understand his words. You're not willing to look at him yet.—You're not like the others.
—Pure bullshit. You love to repeat that misogynist discourse of girls being in a certain way because is easier than be responsible for the people you choose to be—You were hugging yourself the whole time, is a cold night, but not enough to be bothersome, you enjoy Fall weather—You got me for a moment, I give you that, you fooled me but I'm too tired of guessing what version of you is real��When you return your gaze at him, he doesn't try to hide the guilt anymore, but there's still haughtiness in there.—Now, if you don't mind Mr. Chalamet, I need to get a cab.
—No, you came with me, you leave with me.—There's no trace of alcohol in his voice anymore, a good scolding is enough to put you sober, you know that thanks to your mom. Oh god, you're becoming her.
—You didn't bring me here, gigantic head—You look at him and put your hand in front of him with the palm up. He stares at it for several seconds before put his own on it—Not that!—You shake it and start looking inside his jeans pockets until you feel the metal of his key car.—You can't drive and I have to get home. You'll find it in the studio tomorrow.
That's how you ended with a car way more luxurious than you expected, driving so slowly and carefully that the police stopped you. What a night, but at this point, you couldn't care less about anything that is not that message, is been months and you can't get over it, over him. Not even Ben moans, Tom's comforting arms, or fight with a movie star at 3:00 am. is enough to get him out of your mind.
—So is true, you don't wear anything that hasn't appeared in a movie, huh?—Michael B. Jordan is leaning on the car window with a mocking smile and a sparkle of satisfaction that you would love to punch but his uniform keeps you in line, where you come from police is not equal to justice, most of the times is oppression.
—You know where it's from?—That was kind of comforting, no one at the party noticed. Not that you care.
—Is The Mask, not some Adam Hitchcock's blurb.—He smiles and even when you really don't like him, it's nice to be with a familiar face, you are really tired of running away, scaping for problems that are a result of your null capacity to deal with emotions. Ugh, what a word.
—Is Alfred Hitchcock, actually.—You didn't want to sound priggish, but you correct him with no time to stop yourself, an old habit.
—You got me, smarty, you know more than movies than me. Where did you get this car?—You feel really nervous even when you got this legally, you have your documents and license on time and he's being nice enough to not want to run away in a car that you technically borrowed for yourself.
—It's not mine.—No shit, Sherlock.
—No shit, Sherlock, I was asking where did you steal it.—You wanted to laugh but there's something with the uniform that just doesn't allow you to be yourself.—Are you drunk?
—No, no, fuck, no, it's just, I don't feel comfortable with cops—He raises his eyebrows but that is his only reaction.—Listen, is my boss' car, I'm doing the favor to take it to the studio, and I'm really nervous because is fucking expensive, he's an asshole, I haven't drive un almost a year because you people only use cars if you're rich or your work and lives depend on it. I'm starving.—The last part came out of nowhere, you haven't eaten anything in almost 13 hours, maybe that's the actual reason why you are that moody.
He doesn't answer right away, takes his time to look at you, what makes you blush, he's really close, closer than he's ever been. Does he smell like green apples? Not the actual apples, the artificial smell they had given to them.
—Get out of the car.—Oh no, is he arresting you? Is he finally taking revenge for every time you make fun of his Hawaiian-type shirts? You know you have too much karma accumulated and a cop making you pay for it when you don’t believe in their sense of justice is kinda poetic, and evil.
You don’t want to discuss with someone with a taser, gun, pepper spray, or who knows what else. So you take your bag, the key car, and get off defeated.
—My turn is almost over, I’ll take you to eat something, c’mon.—He walks back to his patrol and you stay still for a few seconds still processing his words, you must look totally devastated for him to offer that. How you see it you have two options, go with him and spend an awkward hour with a person you don’t like or risk getting a fine, Tim can pay it, it’s not a big deal but you don’t want to owe him even the minimal thing.
You get in the car holding on to your bag to feel calmer, this is the first time you’re fully alone with him since you found him half-naked in your kitchen. Those defined abs may never leave your brain.
—Are you cold?—He interrupts your thoughts with his question, you didn’t notice you were shaking. He looks for something under his seat and gives you an NYPD hoodie, you hold it doubting your next move, is not like you don’t appreciate the gesture but it’d be easier to take if it doesn’t get that words printed—Is clean.—He says chuckling when he sees the way you’re looking at it.
—Is not that, just, you know, fuck the police, defund the NYPD, demilitarize the pigs and that stuff.—You say putting on the hoodie anyway, is a cold night and you won't help the institution wearing their propaganda.
—Yeah, I get it, but you can't change the system just from within.—You decide is not the right moment to have a political conversation so you shrug your shoulders and discreetly smell the hoodie, a mix of cologne, green apples, and cheap soap, you know is cheap because you buy the exact same, do its job.
—I'm in the mood for pizza.—You say casually, making a deal to yourself to try to be his friend, he is a small part of your life anyway.—Domino's is open at this time of the night?
—Tell me you're not consuming that shit, dear Lord, you been here for how long, two years? I can't believe your idea of a good pizza is Domino's. Stella hasn't taught you anything?—You're surprised by the level of condescension with a pizza and you mirror his smile, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Your school program includes people from all around the world so you don't have that much experience with actual new yorkers. Logan is rich, so he doesn't really count.
—What's wrong with Domino's? I don't buy much street food, is cheaper to buy things on the food market. Besides, all pizza is good.—The mention of Sheep makes you a little tense, so you don't say anything about it, is not a conversation to have with him.
—Don't blaspheme in the patrol, I just washed it—You laugh, finally, after a terrible weekend. You can see why she likes him, there is something about his voice, smile, and his eyes that feel... calm, like watching Friends after a marathon of Lord of the Rings.—There are rules to survive this city, and I'm surprised you have made it this far without a proper guide.
—Chill out Mr. Miyagi, I'm not from the jungle, and I've learned a lot by myself.—He gives you a lopsided grin as a request, and you put your fingers up ready to enlist your acquired knowledge.—Walk fast, like you're about to be stabbed, something that actually happened to me, with an umbrella—He nods and laughs being related to it.—Number two, no small talk, no one cares, even if they ask. Number three, if you look a stranger in the eye, especially a homeless person, you have essentially invited them to approach you.
—Number four, we never eat from Domino's, Papa John's, Pizza hut, or any other chain restaurant, only trucks and local places are allowed.—You roll your eyes but you get the point, is just, again, you're not much into street food, it doesn't taste like home and the only way to eat food like that is preparing it yourself.
—Fine, fuck capitalism, let's support local places—You make an obvious fake enthusiastic tone but he nods proudly.—Number five, you don't need a car to live here, not even know how to drive. I would have successfully avoided this police brutality if I had followed that rule.
—For someone who is about to eat for free, you whine too much.—He parks the car and gives you a sign to go with him. You see him go to a pizza truck and order, you realize at the moment how ridiculous you look, so before chasing him you let your hair down, take your huge earrings off, and roll up the skirt of your dress until your mid-thighs letting the hoodie cover the rest, and clean the red lipstick with a Kleenex from your bag. Now you look more like a college person and not a rich girl who just got seized.
—Here you go.—He says giving you a slice as big as your head, looks oily and spreading cheese everywhere. Perfect.
—Is it vegan?—You ask receiving the food with an obnoxious face. His kind grind turned into a dread expression and you give him your second laugh of the day.—I'm kidding.
You are about to give it a bite when you see passing next to you a huge rat with the exact same slice as yours in its mouth, running into the dark of the night happy to have obtained the food for its family. They use to scare you when you just moved out but now they're like any other pigeon in the sky.
—Rule... whatever, a rat with a slice of pizza is a symbol for good luck, congratulations.—He pets your head awkwardly, not sure if you're ok with the physical contact, which, surprisingly, you are.
—I see rats with bagels all the time.—Pizza and bagels, that's the main culinary wonders of the city, you like it, not much to object but is hard not to compare it with your home's food.
—Is easy to confuse a rough diamond with a simple rock.—You both eat in silence, enjoying the mixed sounds of the city and all the different smells, the whole situation feels like one of those lofi music videos. You remember thinking about moments like this before getting the scholarship, what would it be like to feel normal in the city of your dreams.
—How do you know that much about movies?—He asks after a few minutes when you take a break to drink something, that pizza is not easy to take.
—When I was a kid a spent much time on my own, so my dad bought me a used DVD reproducer, and at the corner of my neighborhood was this movie store where you could buy 5 pirate movies for one dollar. They were blurred, with a terrible sound, and most of the time with the wrong movie inside but they helped me to not feel lonely. Eventually, the store closed but I've watched everything in it by then—He gives you a warm smile, you never told that story to anyone, not because is too intimate to share, but because no one asked, it doesn't sound like a question with a complex answer.—Anyway, I watched Marie Antoinette when I was like eight, and I decided at that moment that however is done I wanted to be part of that magic.
—You hear all kind of people chasing dreams in this city but is hard to find someone who actually deserves it.—You blush and you cover it with your hair but the smile on your voice is impossible to hide.
—Is that a compliment? You must really want me to like you to date Sheep.—You laugh but you can see his face tense, so you can guess your friend has been busy breaking everyone’s hearts.
—She hasn’t returned my calls in three days so I don’t think there’s much you can do—You nod, all this time you thought he was the reason she is ignoring you but apparently you are both in the same boat.—But yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking, what I should have said is, Marie Antoinette at eight? I can see where all the damage started.
You gasp and throw your napkin at his head, he easily catches it without even looking at it and laughs; that was unexpectedly attractive.
—Why a cop?—You ask, not sure where that question came from, maybe you authentically want to know more about him, he just bought you food, and honestly, that's the easiest way to win your trust.
—I wanted to be an actor when I was a child. This is the city of opportunities so you may think that if you want to chase the big wonder, this is the perfect place to do it. But I grow up surrounded by these people giving their entire lives to get something just given to one in a million so I decided is not worth it. For many years I wondered what I wanted to do with my life and the answer was really clear, my dad was a cop, a good one, or that’s what people say. I don’t remember much because he died when I was seven—Conversations about death are not your strength, everything can turn out uncomfortable if you choose the wrong words.—It might not be that glamorous but if my father died for it, it surely worth it.
—For the good ones.—You raise your almost empty can of Coke and he does the same with a grin that warms the cold weather of the night.
—For the good ones.
The next two hours passed like minutes talking about anything and everything. It just felt right to talk freely with him, you didn’t feel judged for your awkward family moments or your random thoughts, not even once because he told you his too. At some point of the night he borrowed you his gym sweatpants, any of you could just suggest going home but that was off the table, end that peace just for weather reasons would have been a tragedy.
—I read Timothée Chalamet is a dick. Is that true?—The mention of his name remains you of your life and everything that comes with it, including the middle semester project that you must dedicate your entire day, one that is about to start.—What, you can’t talk about it?
—He is a complete dick with no sense of privacy or human decency—And when he interrupts a deep kiss to look at your eyes, smile, and caress your chin, you feel like a character of his Victorian movies. But he didn’t ask that.—But the next week he’ll be no longer my problem.
—That’s why we have rule twenty-three, don’t ask for a picture of a celebrity unless they are local—You have heard about it before but you haven’t got the opportunity to decide if you like that rule because the only celebrities you have seen are from work and that club’s party opening.—That means you’ll be free to go to the Stephen Kings’ movie projection there will be for Halloween.
You don’t know if that was a proposition, a suggestion, or just a simple recommendation, and whatever it is, you noticed he was nervous to ask. Is it wrong? It feels wrong like you were betraying your friend accepting to hang out with his boyfriend without her consent. But he didn’t ask you to go with him so is safe to answer.
—Yeah, I guess—You get a moment, four seconds top, where you shared innocent, curious, and tenting gazes like three graders in the playground. And that’s the further you will allow yourself to go.—We better leave, if the sunlight touch me I’ll turn into dust.
You get off the car hood and go to the side door, but this time he opens it for you. You give him a “seriously?” Look, receiving a little push in your arm as a response.
A distant voice asks you to wake up, softly whispers that turn into caresses on your cheek, your eyes feel so heavy, even when you are well aware of your environment your eyelids keep closed.
—Good morning, Princess—This is the first time Tom calls you that way, the change from silly nicknames to Princess is enough to get you out of hibernation. He is squatting beside your bed, his smile is the promise of a better day, and chasing that idea you give him one small back.—Your mom has been texting me desperately all day, she said you're not answering her calls and is worried.
—Fuck, my phone broke last night, can I call her from yours?—That’s an oversimplification but in the search for a better story, that's what you decide to believe and tell. Tom nods and gives it to you, he looks happy, beyond that, this is the first time you see that subtle blush on his cheeks and the eyes sparkling. You sit on the bed next to his body looking for your mom's number, slowly he moves between your legs, you have shorts and an oversized Back To The Future t-shirt, you got took the time to prepare yourself to bed last night and keep Michael’s clothes inside your closet to wash them, like The Tell-Tale Heart, a little innocent secret who feels dirty somehow
The conversations with your mom are always long, nostalgic and the tears are hard to hold for both parts; after a long life sharing almost every day with her, her absence never feels smaller. But this time is different, Tom is exploring the bare skin under your knee with his warm hands, asking for permission with curious eyes, and when you don’t object to the touch the British boy keeps his exploring mission cautiously, giving special attention to see your eyes in case something change. Is time to hang up when he gives a long and loving kiss to your knee, the less erotic kiss you could think of but so intimate to bristle your skin.
—Not nice to touch someone's daughter when is talking to her mom.—The protest of your voice loses strength at every word, he heard that and just straight his back to reach your face, the gap is almost extinct.
—We're okay, she likes me.—He assures holding your hips and pulling you a bit to him. Tom looks very comfortable with the new closeness authorization, you like it but are not very sure about it yet, most of you still think of him as your best friend.
—Did she tell you that? Are you talking with my mom behind my back?—You laugh when he does, almost like nothing changed.
—She adores me, I swear, I'm invited to Christmas, you know?—You're not surprised, she invites everyone, Logan was too but the first time he got family plans and didn't make it to the second.
—You should go, maybe we can do...—His lips touch yours in a peak at the middle phrase and makes you forget what you were about to say.—Man, the audacity to interrupt...—Then he kisses you again, deeply, using his tongue to taste your inner lip and his hands holding your shirt in fists. That's a twist of events.
—Is that ok?—You hear a weak whisper coming out of his voice but you got so mesmerized on his lips that decided to ignore it and kiss him back instead. He responds to your touch and starts to lean over you to make you lay on the bed.
Jesucristo bendito, is this happening? like, actually happening? you must look like trash, you barely took all the makeup from the night before and didn't take a shower, you start to get so worried about smells, feelings, and what that'll mean to your already too much-spoiled friendship.
However, the time of doubts is done when Sheep starts yelling in the living room, you both reacted running to the sound and looking for your blonde friend. Michael is there but doesn't look like the same as a few hours ago, is annoyed and tired for the lack of sleep, a look that doesn't match him at all.—What did you do?—You ask him fast assuming she's mad for something he did.
—Just in time, the star of the movie, I was wondering how much it will take you to be the protagonist of this.—That is Sheep's voice talking about you and what must be your heart breaking from her words.
—Excuse me?—You wish your tone would be less savage but you can't help respond the same way she did.
—Logan wasn't enough, then you got the drummer, fucking Timothée Chalamet, Tom and now my boyfriend. I'm so glad I didn't leave you alone with my dad or I'd be calling you mom now.—You have no words to that, Michael doesn't even dare to look at you, he must have told her something she misunderstood, but Sheep, or well, Stella is saying things she actually thinks and keep to herself. Tom walks in front of you whispering things to her to calm her down but she is not looking at him, you didn't tell her anything about Tom either so he's taking responsibility this time.—Go ahead and fuck the whole city, Michael if that please you but you're crossing the line with Tom and you know that, you're going to ruin him as you ruin every man that enters in your life.—She has a very you moment having the last word of the dispute and getting out of the apartment with Michael going after her but not putting much effort in it.
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lyon-amore · 2 years ago
¿Qué pasaría sí...? Duskwood Capítulo 32
Capítulo 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Macie POV*
Pensaba que Dan era el rey de los inoportunos, pero Phil se había coronado. No, mejor dicho ¡El emperador de los inoportunos! Ugh… No tengo nada en contra de él, porque una vez que hablas con él, no se muestra como todos dicen, le tengo como amigo ahora, pero solo eso. Y me dijo que era la única mujer que había sido capaz de resistirme a sus ‘’encantos’’. Obviamente, nunca he sido tan fácil, no iba a dejarme atrapar por él.
Sobre todo porque ‘Mister celoso’ me había atrapado.
Miro a Jake que está buscando información sobre Michael Hanson, mientras yo espero a que Jessy me confirme si irá a casa de Michael. Aún no le he dicho a Jake que quiero ir. Y mientras espero, navego por el foro, mientras que mis pensamientos se centran en nuestro caso. Era extraño que Phil nos hubiera dado el nombre de Michael ¿Qué tenía que ver él con aquel hombre? Michael Hanson… Un padre con una hija a la que atropellaron… ¿Cómo encaja todo esto con lo que está sucediendo?   — ¿Macie? —Me incorporo en la cama al escucharle llamarme— He encontrado algo en relación con Michael Hanson.   —Que rápido —me arrastro por la cama hasta llegar a la la orilla y sentarme, esperando a lo que pueda mostrarme.   —Esperaré a que escuches la grabación —Jake me pasa unos auriculares para escucharlo.    Asiento y reproduce el audio.   —El interrogatorio del testigo Michael Hanson continuará ahora —hasta este momento no había caído. Esta voz… Esta voz ya la he escuchado antes, pero no por teléfono ¿por qué habré sido tan tonta de no haberme dado cuenta?— Son la una y treinta y tres minutos. El testigo Michael Hanson y el oficial Alan Bloomgate se encuentran en la sala —miro a Jake que parece pendiente de mi reacción ¿Ha notado que he reconocido la voz?—. Así que, Michael, por favor, proceda.   —Como ya dije antes, estaba trabajando y pensaba que ya habría llegado hace rato y que estaría en algún lugar del festival —escucho a Michael cansado, es como si ya hubiera contado esto antes. Me da cierta tristeza escucharle en ese tono.   — ¿Por qué pensó eso? —le pregunta Alan, firme.   —Porque el año pasado también lo hizo. No es nada raro. Escucha Alan… Es tarde, estoy cansado… —¿Cuántas horas le debieron estar preguntando? ¿Acaso dudaban de él?   —En su última declaración dijo… Un momento por favor… —escucho papeles. La declaración escrita del último interrogatorio— ‘’Pensé que Jennifer había ido al Festival de Pine Glade con amigos después de llegar a Duskwood. ’’   —Sí. Pensé que estaba viendo los fuegos artificiales. El Aurora está a petar con el Festival de Pine Glade. Ella sabe que allí no tengo tiempo para ella. Y quería ver los fuegos artificiales. Siempre ha sido lo que más ilusión le han hecho, los fuegos artificiales.   — ¿A qué hora llegó a casa, Michael?   —Sobre las tres o las cuatro.   — ¿Y no entró en la habitación de Jennifer cuando llegó a su casa? ¿No se aseguró que su hija estuviera en casa? —Se hace el silencio en el audio y espero una respuesta— Que conste en el acta: El testigo mueve la cabeza en un gesto de negación. Por favor, diga que no, señor Hanson. La grabadora no puede verle.   —No. Ya se lo he dicho miles de veces —Michael alza la voz, enfadado ahora ¿por cuántas veces ha tenido que contarlo de verdad todo? ¿Cuánto tiene que sufrir un padre por esta situación?—. Pensé que Jennifer ya estaría dormida, así que me fui a la cama —Hannah dijo que Jennifer era adulta, así que el padre pensó que había sido responsable de regresar a casa… Pero…—. A la mañana siguiente fui a despertarla… Entonces vi que no estaba en su habitación.   —Fue entonces cuando informó a su ex-mujer, Iris Hanson, ¿verdad?    Michael toma aire antes de contestar.   —Sí, sí. Claro. A Jennifer no le gustaba su habitación. Nunca dijo nada, pero me di cuenta por la expresión de su cara cuando vino a verme por primera vez. Todavía estaba decorado como el cuarto de la señora que cuidaba a su abuela. Nunca la cambié. No sé qué les gusta a las jóvenes de su edad. —Entonces su ex-mujer informó a la policía de Duskwood ¿correcto? — ¡Claro por Dios! —Michael alza más la voz— Igual de las cien veces anteriores cuando me hiciste esa puta pregunta ¡Mi hija ha desaparecido! —Da un golpe en la mesa que me hace sobresaltarme, impotente— ¡Ir a buscarla en vez de perder el tiempo!
   El audio se termina y me quito los cascos, devolviéndoselos a Jake.   —Gracias por esperar —digo mientras me arreglo el pelo.   —Pienso que no deberíamos perder el tiempo con esta conversación —Jake deja los cascos en la mesa y se inclina hacia delante, apoyándose en sus piernas— ¿por dónde empezamos?    Me pongo a pensar en todo lo que he escuchado. Es mejor empezar desde el principio para no perder el hilo.   —Sobre el bar Aurora —Jake pone mala cara, pero asiente. Debe de haberle venido Phil a la mente—. Por eso se conocen Phil y Michael.   —Sí —suspira, mirando hacia un lado pensando—. A Jessica sin embargo, no parece importarle el nombre de Michael Hanson —me mira ahora con duda— ¿No debería haberlo conocido al menos un poco mediante su hermano?    Me masajeo las sienes, pensando en por qué nadie había dicho nada sobre esto.   —El resto del grupo esto también deberían saberlo —me inclino también hacia delante, pasando al siguiente tema. De esto tendremos que preguntárselo a ellos cuando se lo contemos—. La policía estaría sospechando de él —digo con una voz rota, pensando en lo difícil que debió de ser para él—. Eso debe de haber sido muy duro para él.    Jake me mira con detenimiento. Se nota bastante cuando estamos concentrados y cuando estamos distraídos. Busca saber algo.   — ¿Te parece sospechoso? —Me pregunta, serio— Soy consciente de que esta pregunta parece un poco prematura, pero me interesa tu valoración inicial.    Suspiro mientras escucho la voz de Michael en mi cabeza. Destrozado. Hacía años que no escuchaba un interrogatorio, pero no olvidaba el saber cómo suenan las voces que de verdad están desesperadas.   —No, en absoluto —niego con la cabeza, mirándole un poco triste—. Parecía bastante desesperado… Y puedo entenderlo que estuviera así… —Jake asiente y continúo— Michael tenía una coartada ¿no?   —Aunque posiblemente no durante toda la noche —se frota la barbilla, pensativo—. La policía debe de haber tenido relativamente pocas pistas en este punto.   —Por lo que se enfadó Michael. Ni si quiera había notado que Jennifer había desaparecido.   — ¿Y eso te parece extraño o normal?   —Había estado muy ocupado en el Aurora.   —Supuso que Jennifer había estado en el festival y que había ido a verle después.   —Pero en realidad… Nunca llegó allí.    Nos quedamos callados. Recordando el resto de la grabación. Debo centrarme como antes lo hacía, no poner mis sentimientos en cómo Michael se sentía. Tengo que estar concentrada.   —Michael había mencionado el Festival Pine Glade en su última declaración, al menos, según Alan —le miro regresando a concentrarme en la investigación— ¿Has oído hablar de ello?    Asiento, estaba aquí justo por el festival.   —Sí. Por eso estaba Jennifer en Duskwood.    Jake se levanta de la silla y se pone a pensar.   —Tal vez una conversación con este Michael Hanson nos pueda beneficiar.   —Es lo que estaba pensando —me levanto de la cama y me acerco a él, preparada para contárselo—. Jessy me ha dicho que piensa ir a su casa para ver si hay suerte y poder hablar con él y que si puedo acompañarla.    La mirada de Jake pasa de la concentración a la preocupación en un segundo. Ya sabía que se pondría de esta manera. Se gira ignorándome, queriendo regresar a la silla. Le detengo cogiéndolo del brazo, haciéndolo mirarme.   —Jake, no pasará nada —pongo mi tono de voz más calmado posible, acariciándole con cariño la cara—. Será rápido, hablar con él y volver, ni notarás que me he ido.   —No quiero que vayas —me coge las manos con cuidado—, no después de lo de Richy ¿Y si también va a por ti?    Intento esta vez no dejarme dominar por sus ojos, que me miran con miedo y con súplica de que me quede. Niego con la cabeza y él suspira, mirando el suelo.   —Supongo que no puedo detenerte —dice finalmente.   —Además… —me muerdo el labio, emocionada— Tengo ganas de investigar algo con Jessy.   —No es un juego, Macie dice en tono molesto.   —Ya lo sé, Jake —le contesto con el mismo tono— ¿Sabes cuántos años hace que no tengo esta sensación de volver a la acción?    Jake se queda mirándome. Estoy temblando de la emoción. Esto era lo que más me gustaba cuando estaba con mi padre. Macie Connor investigadora había vuelto gracias a Jake. En parte era su culpa.   —Pero ten cuidado —me dice finalmente—, no sabemos si el secuestrador la está siguiendo.   —Lo tendré —le doy un beso en la mejilla y le oigo hacer un sonido de molestia. Igualmente sé que no puede resistirse a mí—. Por cierto, no deberíamos privar a los demás de este interrogatorio.   —Tienes razón —ya se le había olvidado que pertenece al grupo. Jake pertenece al grupo de chat… Eso me gusta—. Entonces, por favor envíalo al grupo de chat. Voy a por el móvil y en seguida voy al chat en grupo, enviando el audio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Macie Escuchad esto, por favor
Thomas Por fin contestáis. Llevo horas en ascuas
Macie No preferías haber hecho algo en lugar de esperarnos? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  —Vaya, qué agresiva —oigo a Jake decir desde su silla y por el tono, creo que está sonriendo.   —Solo porque tengamos a uno de los mejores hackers del mundo no significa que tengamos que ser rápidos —le digo, acercándome a él y dejándole un beso en la mejilla.   —Gracias, hago lo que puedo —me mira y me guiña el ojo.    Suelto una risa y a la cama.
Recibo otro mensaje de Alan. Esta vez me dice que no tenga miedo de hablar con él. No es precisamente él… No tengo buenos recuerdos de cómo me hicieron sentir la policía en general en el pasado.   —Jake, Alan me está enviando mensajes de texto de nuevo —le aviso, mordiéndome la uña.   — ¿Qué? —Oigo como hace click y se queja— Todavía no puedo ver sus mensajes —me mira e intenta calmarme con su mirada—. Luego volveré a ocuparme de eso.   —De acuerdo.   —Lo solucionaré pronto Macie.   —Lo sé, confío en ti —le sonrío, o al menos lo intento. Estoy un poco nerviosa.    Regresamos al chat de grupo y Jake les dice que Alan era el encargado del caso en aquella época. Les cuento que Phil me ha llamado y obtenemos la información que él se hizo cargo del Aurora desde hacía bastante tiempo. Por desgracia para nosotros, es que el antiguo dueño del bar se marchó repentinamente Duskwood…. Traducción, Michael no estaba. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy Pero tal vez estoy confundiendo las cosas. Como mi tiempo tampoco ha sido correcto🤔 😔 
Macie Jake y yo queríamos a hablar con Michael
Thomas Cómo podemos lograrlo?
Jessy Macie y yo tenemos la dirección de Michael Bueno y aunque la dirección ya no sea actual, los vecinos o incluso los nuevos inquilinos podrían saber algo
Thomas Jessy, deberíamos ir tú y yo a esta dirección entonces?
Jessy Claro, por qué no 🙂 Ah! Iba a ir con Macie Pero podemos ir los tres juntos 😊
Thomas Ah, vale Y así la conozco por fin 🙂
Macie Jaja, sí ya tenemos que vernos 🙂
Jessy Te iremos a buscar al motel, ves preparándote!!  😄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dejo el móvil y me voy al baño para arreglarme un poco. Tengo el pelo hecho un desastre por estar tumbada en la cama todo el rato. Me miro en el espejo y siento de repente un escalofrío. No sé cuál será el siguiente objetivo del secuestrador… Exacto, de momento voy a llamarle así para no decir su nombre. Es mejor todavía reunir pruebas ¿Quién sabe si al final Richy está siendo amenazado y que por eso está haciendo todo esto? Todas las teorías son posibles. Jake me mira desde la puerta, preocupado.   — ¿Qué sucede? —me pregunta, mirándome desde el espejo.   —Tengo un mal presentimiento de repente… —contesto, apoyándome en el lavabo.   — ¿Por qué?    Me giro y le miro, apretando los labios.   —Todo parece peligroso de repente —explico, recordando todo lo que ha sucedido—. Al menos todo lo que hay en Duskwood…   —Entonces no vayas —Jake se acerca a mí, colocando sus manos en mis mejillas—. Deja que vayan ellos…   —Tengo que verlo por mí misma —digo decidida—. Sea lo que sea que nos encontremos ahí, al menos lo habremos intentado.    Jake apoya su frente en la mía, trazando círculos con sus pulgares. Me calma al menos que esté conmigo.   —Siento no poder hacer nada para mejorar la situación —susurra.   —Que estés aquí ya me es suficiente.    Sonrío cerrando los ojos, disfrutando del momento. Estos momentos en los que podemos expresarnos sin palabras y con caricias lo mucho que necesitamos de nuestro contacto.   — ¿Te ocuparás de Alan mientras no estoy? —sé que es estropear un poco el momento, pero me aterra que la policía esté detrás de mí siendo yo inocente.   —Lo haré.   —Gracias.    Me besa en la frente y suelto una risa floja.   —Ten cuidado —me dice de nuevo separándose despacio—, mantente conectada ¿de acuerdo?   —Sí papá.   —Macie...   — ¿Sí?    Me mira serio, como si quisiera decirme algo más.   —Si te sucede algo, no se lo perdonaré a ellos —suspiro y asiento ante sus palabras.   —Pero no seas muy duro —le digo, jugando con los cordones de la sudadera.   —No te puedo prometer eso.    Me río y tiro de él, besándole cerca del labio. Si ahora me entretengo, no me iré nunca.
El sonido del claxon me avisa que están aquí. Cojo mi chaqueta y antes de salir miro a Jake.   —Deséame suerte —le digo, suspirando.    —Estaré ocupado con Alan, pero avisarnos de todo por el grupo —me mira todavía con preocupación.   —Está bien, hasta luego Jake —me despido agitando la mano y salgo del cuarto.    Me acerco al coche y Thomas y Jessy salen de él para saludarme. Justo había comenzado a llover un poco, así que me subo la capucha antes de entrar al coche. Jessy me abraza con fuerza y al separarse señala a Thomas y luego a mí.   —Thomas, Macie. Macie, Thomas —dice, presentándonos.    Thomas me ofrece su mano para saludarme y la acepto.   —Mucho gusto en conocerte en persona —me dice, un poco tenso—. No pensé que nunca nos conoceríamos…   —Pues ya ves que estoy aquí —contesto, mirando nerviosa al hombre que me metió en todo esto— ¿Cómo lo llevas?   —Supongo que podría estar mejor… —comenta mientras vamos al coche— ¿Estamos listos entonces?   —Sí, vamos —voy a entrar en el coche y veo que Jessy se para, mirando a la ventana del cuarto— ¿Jessy?    Mi amiga me mira y señala, nerviosa.   —Me ha parecido ver una sombra —me dice, con curiosidad— ¿Has venido aquí acompañada?   —No —niego con la cabeza, entrando en el coche—. Te lo habrás imaginado.   —Puede…    Le envío un mensaje a Jake diciendo que Jessy casi le descubre por estar vigilándome desde la ventana. Me aguanto la risa al leer su respuesta. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake Dile que era un fantasma. ¿No le gustan esas historias? ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas me mira por el retrovisor, incómodo. Jessy le da un toque en el brazo, animándole a hablar.   —Macie —me llama, nervioso.   — ¿Qué pasa?   —Yo… Siento haber dudado de ti en la votación —Jessy le vuelve a dar otro golpe y él se queja—, y de Jake. También de Jake.   —Acepto tus disculpas, Thomas —digo mientras se lo digo a Jake.   — ¿Te escribes con él? —escucho a Jessy decir, antes de girarse en el asiento como podía con el cinturón— Con Jake.   —Me ha dicho que habléis por el grupo, para que todos estemos pendiente —contesto, mirándola ahora—, me gustaría grabar la conversación en caso de que Michael estuviera en la casa, para él.   —Eso es una buena idea —asiente Thomas.
Nos vamos acercando al camino hacia la casa de Michael y recibo un mensaje de Cleo en el grupo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleo Hola
Macie Hola Cleo Jessy, Thomas y yo estamos yendo a casa del padre de Jennifer O más bien, a su casa presuntamente abandonada
Cleo No habíamos acordado que hoy nadie saldría de su casa?
Macie Es una situación excepcional
Jessy saca una foto y se pone a escribir en el chat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy Pronto estaremos allí Este camino del bosque debería llevarnos a la casa de Michael…
Cleo Necesitáis mi ayuda?
Macie No, con nosotros tres ya somos más que suficiente ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  —No se lo digas a Cleo, pero prefiero mil veces mejor que hayas venido tú que ella —dice Jessy, con una risa.   —Cuidado que no me vaya a chivar —bromeo.   — ¡No!    Nos reímos y Thomas niega con la cabeza. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Qué está pasando aquí?
  — ¡Oh! Para un momento Thomas, hagamos foto para mostrarles que estamos con Macie —Jessy le da toquecitos a Thomas.   —Claro, con tal de retrasar eso —le dice, soltando un suspiro.    Jessy me hace una señal y me acerco apoyándome en el asiento, mientras sonrío a cámara. Al menos Jake verá que estoy bien durante el viaje. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Espera, espera, Macie también va?
Macie Sí, también voy 😄 
Dan Cómo?
Macie Encontramos la dirección del padre de Jennifer Hanson
Dan Y qué?
Macie Y ahora vamos a mirarla con más detenimiento..
Dan Por?
Macie Porque esperamos encontrarlo o una pista de su paradero…
Dan Por qué?
Macie El chat le ofrece respuestas a todas sus preguntas! Dónde has estado en todo el día?
Dan En el hospital? Esa pregunta ya no tiene gracia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jessy y yo nos reímos. Parecemos dos adolescentes bromeando con un chico de clase.
Les digo que escuchen el audio que he pasado y Jessy me da unos golpecitos para prestar atención.   —Macie, estamos llegando.    Levanto la vista para observar la casa, mientras, Jessy graba en vídeo nuestra llegada. El temporal hacía que los alrededores parecieran ser sacados de una película de terror, incluso la casa parecía que perfectamente podrían usarla como sacrificios humanos… Menudos pensamientos tengo ahora mismo…   —Es enorme —comenta Thomas, junto con un silbido.   —Así es como empiezan todas las películas de terror —digo, sin apartar la vista de la casa.   — ¡No digas eso Macie! —Exclama Jessy, un poco asustada— Recuerda, estamos aquí para investigar, nada malo va a pasar. No te preocupes.   —Eso debería decirlo yo —le respondo.    Hay incluso un granero ¿Qué clase de casa tenía Michael? Esto debe de costar más que mi casa.
Bajamos del coche y Lilly se conecta. Le cuento que el último número de la lista de Hannah era el de Amy. Parece ser que ni Cleo lo sabía. Es todavía un misterio el cómo es que nadie la conocía ¿por qué se mantenía en secreto que se conocían?
Nos acercamos a la puerta y llamamos. Por desgracia, el timbre no funciona. Jessy toca a la puerta, pero nadie responde. Por el estado de la casa y todas las ventanas tapadas, creo que podemos deducir por completo que en esta casa no vive nadie.   — ¿Y ahora qué hacemos? —pregunta Thomas.    Miramos a todas partes y Jessy me da un toque en el hombro.   —Voy a sacar fotos ¿vale? Me voy a alejarme un poco —me dice, para que no me preocupe.   —Vale —asiento y me fijo en las ventanas, buscando alguna manera de entrar—. Dos de las ventanas están cerradas con cinta adhesiva —comento también en el grupo, para que sepan qué hacemos en todo momento.    Me fijo en los alrededores, acercándome a Jessy, mientras, Thomas me sigue, reuniéndonos.   —No hay casas por ningún lado —comento, al ver ningún vecino.   —Nadie vive aquí en kilómetros —dice Jessy—. Voy a seguir sacando fotos.    Me quedo con Thomas, que parece bastante nervioso.   — ¿Estás bien? —pregunto.    Es casi igual de alto que Jake o incluso un poco menos, o es que yo soy la bajita.   —Este sitio —veo que le da un escalofrío—, espero que Hannah esté aquí.    Aparto la mirada, con tristeza. Esperemos de verdad que encontremos algo aquí que nos ayude…   — ¡Ey! ¡Chicos! —Grita Jessy y nos miramos antes de correr hacia ella— ¡Algo se ha movido ahí dentro!   — ¿Puedes describirlo? —pregunto a Jessy, intentando ver yo ahora por dentro.   —No, fue algo rápido —contesta, con un suspiro.    Está demasiado oscuro para saber si se ha podido ver algo o no. Intentamos mantener al grupo informado en todo momento. No deben perderse ningún detalle tampoco. Por suerte Jessy también está sacando fotos. No veo nada raro todavía como para analizarlo.   —El granero está justo al lado del edificio —Thomas se aleja un poco, mirando el edificio—. Tal vez podamos entrar desde allí. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Claro, adelante Como siempre, es agradable entrar en la casa del horror Hasta ahora no hemos aprendido nada de todo esto 👍 
Macie Tenemos que hacer algo. Dan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  —Vale, vamos a entrar… —comento, guardando el móvil para ir a la entrada del granero. Thomas intenta abrir la puerta. Parece que hace años que no se intenta abrir, la puerta está algo atrancada.
Una vez abierta, probamos a que la puerta se abre y se cierra con facilidad. Lo único que pesa un poco, pero nos vendrá bien en caso de que sea la única salida que tengamos si la puerta de la entrada no podemos abrirla. Por el granero se cuelan las gotas de lluvia y es bastante extenso. Hace muchísimo frío y la humedad del agua no ayuda. Que ganas de tomar algo caliente…   —Hay una puerta en el otro extremo —señala Thomas al final del granero—. Veré lo que puedo hacer.    Nosotras asentimos y me quedo mirando los alrededores, examinándolo. Jessy se aleja continuando con las fotos. Parecemos un equipo de investigación.   — ¡Macie! ¡Thomas! —Exclama Jessy y nos acercamos— Fuera hay un bunker.   — ¿Vamos a mirar? —pregunto mirándolos.   —Id vosotras, voy a ver cómo abro la puerta —Thomas se aleja y nosotras nos miramos, asintiendo como si dijéramos ‘Vamos’.    Mientras sigo a Jessy, Jake se conecta en el chat de grupo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Macie Ey 🙂
Jake Hola. Siento llegar tarde.
Dan Estás perdonado
Macie Jake, podemos hablar en privado un segundo?
Jake Por supuesto que sí. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rápidamente me paso a nuestro chat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jake No quieres contarle a los demás que Alan está intentando contactar contigo ¿verdad?
Macie No quiero preocuparlos De todas formas, Alan no me pillará 😋 
Jake He conseguido descifrar su encriptación. Así que ya no será posible que se ponga en contacto contigo sin que yo lo sepa.
Macie Gracias Jake ❤️
Jake :) ¿Cómo vas en la casa de Michael?
Macie Ah… Sería más divertido contigo Es verdaderamente aterradora por fuera
Jake Hm.. Ya veo.
Macie Aunque ahora que lo pienso, sería peligroso Porque ya sabes que nos sucedería si estuviéramos juntos aquí si fuera como una película de terror
Jake Eso no pasaría. Te mantendría bien cuidada ;)
Macie 🤭 ❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  — ¡Macie! ¡Vamos! —me llama Jessy.    Me acerco deprisa a ella, está casi en el bunker. Nos asomamos despacio, inspeccionando el interior.   —Falsa alarma —dice finalmente Jessy, soltando un suspiro de alivio.    Entramos y se pone de nuevo a sacar fotos. En parte me tranquiliza saber que Hannah no está aquí. Este lugar sería arriesgado para su salud… Si es que eso al secuestrador le interesa. Thomas nos envía un mensaje diciendo que ha conseguido entrar en la casa, así que empezamos a dirigirnos de nuevo al granero.   — ¿De qué has hablado con Jake? —Miro a Jessy, confusa— He visto que querías hablar con él en privado.   —Oh, tan solo le decía que sería divertido venir aquí con él si pudiera —contesto, con parte de la verdad.   —Sería muy romántico venir a investigar con él ¿verdad? —me da un empujón flojo y me río.   —Sí… La verdad es que sí… —miro a Jessy, que fuerza una sonrisa—. No tienes que fingir conmigo, Jessy —le digo, también yo forzando una sonrisa. Menuda dos somos—, ya sé que te preocupas por Richy.   —Lo vamos a encontrar ¿verdad? —Jessy para de caminar y me mira a los ojos, preocupada— Macie, dime que lo encontraremos.    Asiento despacio, tragándome mis palabras. No soy capaz de decirle ni que Richy está muerto, que posiblemente está detrás de todo esto, o que puede que esté colaborando bajo amenaza. No tengo todavía las pruebas suficientes para ello.   —Lo encontraremos Jessy —contesto al final.    Jessy me abraza, aguantándose las lágrimas.   — ¡Esto, chicas! ¡Tenéis que venir a ver esto!—nos grita Thomas desde la casa.   — ¡Ya vamos! —le aviso.    Jessy se quita las lágrimas y asiente para seguir.
Entramos en la casa y vemos una habitación sin puerta, iluminada con velas.    — ¿Thomas? —llamo, preocupada de que pueda ser una trampa.    — ¡Venir aquí! ¡Ahora! —nos grita alarmado.      Jessy y yo nos miramos asustadas, acercándonos al cuarto. Thomas estaba con el teléfono cuando entramos, pero eso no era lo que más nos llamó la atención.
Capítulo 33 pronto
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storydays · 3 years ago
When Isabela' singing, her words look like this
When Mirabel's singing, her words look like this
When they're singing together, their words look like this
(3rd POV)
(Y/N) looked around his room, as it was void of cracks, and seemed to be frozen in time. Elena chirped as (Y/N) made his way to his pond, and with his fingers glowing violet, he closed his eyes and peered into the present. "Please, if you can hear my prayers, please help me protect my family. We are broken beyond mi mama's powers can heal. Tell me if I've helped push us in the right direction." He begged, opening his eyes and watching as Mirabel and Isabela were talking.
(In Isabela's room)
"Hug it....out? Luisa can't lift an empanada." Isabela started out slowly as her vines lowered her to Mirabel's sight. "Mariano's nose looks like a smashed papaya!" She crushed a flower before turning to her sister with fury in her eyes. "Have you lost your mind?!" Isabela screeched, as Mirabel smacked her lips, considering her words before walking forward.
"Isa...I feel like you're upset. And you know what cures being upset? A warm embrace." She held her arms out but paused as vines blocked her path. "Get out." Isabela huffed at her younger sister, before popping a flower in Mirabel's face to prevent her from talking.
"Everything was perfect. Abuela was happy, the family was happy. You wanna be a better sister?" Isabela got closer in Mirabel's face so they were inches away from each other as the older provoked the other. "Apologize for ruining my life." Mirabel glared at her defiantly. "Go on. Apologize." Isabela whispered, a smug grin on her face, hands on her hips.
Mirabel looked around the room, listening to the distant rumbles before swallowing her pride. "I.....am.....sorry." Mirabel felt her anger spike as Isa's grin narrowed, the flower Madrigal letting out a satisfied hum. "That your life is sooo great!"
(With (Y/N) )
He winced sharply, gripping his hair. "Ugh, these two and this rivalry!" The rainbow turtle on his head squeaked in protest of her spot being roughly moved.
(With the sisters)
"Out." Isabela rolled her eyes, as her vines pulled Mirabel towards the exit. "Wait!" Mirabel grunted as she tried to slow her forced escort.
"Fine! I apologize! I wasn't trying to ruin your life! Some of us have bigger problems, you selfish, entitled princess!" Isabela gasped as she stalked towards Mirabel, purple flowers hitting her in the face. "Selfish? I've been stuck being perfect my whole entire life! And literally, the only thing you have ever done for me is mess things uP!" Isabela rampaged.
"Nothing's messed up!" Mirabel retorted. "You can still marry that big, dumb, hunk!"
"I never wanted to marry him! I was doing it for the family!" Isabela let out a gasp as a cactus appeared after her admission.
(With (Y/N) )
He smiled, satisfied that finally, they were going to reconnect with each other. "Looks like they've got it from here. Now, there's something I need to go do. Vamos, Elena." He closed the window, and walked over to his desk to finish something he started a long time ago.
(With Isabela and Mirabel)
"Oh, my gosh." Mirabel got up, ankles free from her sister's vines. "Isa, that is a very serious confession." Isabela stared at the green plant that stood out so vividly against the pretty pink flowers. "Okay, get over here. Bring it in." the bispectled teen sighed, and held her arms out for a hug. "Isa?" she whispered as Isabel knelt down next to her creation.
"I just made something unexpected.
Something sharp, something new.
(Isa, this the part where we...)
It's not symmetrical or perfect
But it's beautiful and it's mine!
What else can I do?
(Wait! Bring it in, bring it in
Good talk! Bring it in, bring it in)
What else can I doooo?
(Let's hug! Bring it in, bring it in
Free hugs! Bring it in, bring it in)
I grow rows and rows of roses
Flor de Mayo by the mile
I make perfect practiced poses
So much hides behind my smile
What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?
Do you know where you're going? Whoa!
What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect?
It just needed to be?
And they let me be!
A hurricane of jacarandas
Strangling figs (Fig!)
Hanging vines (This is fine!)
Palma de cera fills the air as I climb and I push through
What else can I do?
Can I deliver us a river of sundew?
Careful, it's carnivorous, a little just won't do
I wanna feel the shiver of something new
I'm so sick of pretty
I want something true, don't you?
You just seem like your life's been a dream(whoaaaa-ohhhhhh)
Since the moment you opened your eyes (How far do these roots go down?)
All I know are the blossoms you grow (whoaaaa-ohhhhhh)
But it's awesome to see how you rise
How far can I/you rise?
Through the roof, to the skies,
Let's goooo!
A hurricane of jacarandas
Strangling figs (Go!)
Hanging vines (Grow!)
Palma de cera fills the air as I climb and I push through
What else, what else?
What can you do when you are deeply madly truly in the moment?
Seize the moment, keep going!
What can you do when you know who you wanna be isn't perfect?
But I'll still be okay!
Hey, everybody clear the way, whoo!
I'm coming through with tabebuia
She's coming through with the boo-yah
Making waves
Making waves
Changing minds
You've changed mine
The way is clearer 'cause you're here
And well, I owe this all to you
What else can I do?
Show 'em what you can do
What else can I do?
There's nothing you can't do
What else can I doooooooooo?"
The two landed in a pile of colorful flowers that Isabela summoned to cushion their fall, they continued to giggle as Isabela turned to Mirabel.
"You're a bad influence."
Clapping from the top of the stairs caught their attention, as they looked up to see their hermano grinning down at them.
"Now, that was a performance, girls!" (Y/N) slid down Casita's stairs before helping both girls up. "You saw all that?" Isabela asked, suddenly feeling ashamed. "Every imperfect part of it, Isa. This is the real you, and I can see in your face that you are truly happy. Who cares what anyone else thinks? And Mirabel! Mi heroe! Look at what you're doing!" He gestured to around the house, his ice gently frosting Isa's flowers making them even more beautiful as he laughed happily.
He squeezed his sisters' in a hug, as they squeezed back, all giggling together. (Y/N) looked at Mirabel, their cheeks squished together, both grinning.
"I knew you could do it, mariposa."
Their tender moment was ruined by a harsh voice demanding,
"What is going on?!"
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princessfbi · 4 years ago
“Now say, ‘Mi abuela siempre tiene razón’,” she said and Eddie tipped his head with a laugh. “I know what that means,” he said instead. Abuela swatted his face with a pinch. “I didn’t say you didn’t. I said you should say it.” For the commentary game 🥰
UGH NONNIE!!! Be still my heart. I'm going to add a little more to that quote.
Eddie’s parents had ripped his happiness away but Abuela had yanked it right back because Eddie had given in.
He never wanted to feel that way again.
“I promise,” he said.
“Prometo.” Abuela nodded for him to repeat.
“Prometo.” He echoed after her.
“Now say, ‘Mi abuela siempre tiene razón’,” she said and Eddie tipped his head with a laugh.
“I know what that means,” he said instead.
Abuela swatted his face with a pinch. “I didn’t say you didn’t. I said you should say it.”
This entire scene was my FAVORITE of I Want You to be Happier in the Buckley Bookshop AU Like.... Getting to write Bad Boy Eddie was a dream but getting to write Bad Boy Eddie with his abuela was maybe one of my favorite writing processes I've had writing for this fandom. Getting to write that environment and that culture and that difference to where he came from and how much that meant to Eddie was just such a fun time to get to explore that.
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