#I’ve written a lot of scenes closer to the end but have no idea how to start the story or introduce characters
darkandstormydolls · 2 months
I’ve kind of lost my writing mojo over the summer (I have still been thinking about my characters and considering things of course but I couldn’t seem to get anything written down), but this evening I was feeling like “eh I could write” and then say down for over an hour and wrote a good half (probably more honestly) pf a scene that has been languishing as a five word idea in my extremely rough outline for literally months
Thank you, writing fairies, for smiling upon me today
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polin-erospsyche · 4 months
I’ve been thinking a lot about how the society doesn’t really seem to react or gossip about how close Pen and Colin sometimes are. Some have said it’s because of how Pen is perceived in society and a spinster so no one in the ton thinks that an eligible Bridgerton man could be interested in her romantically. I believe it’s the contrary. And I think this commentary kinda supports this idea:
“All these rules are to keep the marriage mart churning. But once you have performed your function and found your match, you are free.”
“It’s an intriguing perspective that, one assumes, much of the ton shares. It also casts a new light on Colin and Penelope’s interactions thus far. From day one, they’ve always been a little (or a lot) closer than society allows. They think nothing of being unchaperoned alone, talking about highly personal things, or even physically touching. There’s a casual intimacy there, and it only becomes a “problem” when the ton begins scrutinizing them more closely. Symbolically, they are already on the level of an old married couple, with the freedom and intimacy it allows.” Amanda Prahl - Scene Breakdown: Colin and Penelope’s Dance in Bridgerton’s “Old Friends” (Marvelous Geeks Media)
Like yes, when they’ve been written about in LW then there’s gossip, or when Colin interrupts that dance then there’s scandal, but the rest of the time? Not really, no. Like the willow tree? The sweet stand? The repetitive dances they have throughout the season? The fuckin “come with me”? There’s talk at the end of season 2 sure but for how close they are most of the time this is nothing. This is just some teenage boys being immature and unkindly teasing Colin (it is basically what that is). My guess is that Pen and Colin have always been so close that the ton doesn’t really question it. Of course young girls still throw themselves at Colin because he is eligible and of good fortune and that’s the horrible game they’re all playing. Try to catch the biggest fish in the pond. But what strikes me for example is when Cressida says “Eros and Psyche battling it out”. She says it so nonchalantly. There’s not a hint of a question or surprise. She acts as if it’s obvious and there was no other plausible situation. And you can argue that she says it this cause she’s Cressida or that it advantages her because then Debling is available, but I think that in that moment she’s probably voicing what everyone else in the ton is thinking. That it’s a given. That there was probably always something unspoken between Pen and Colin, thus allowing them to act as they have with the freedom and intimacy it allows. The unspoken but well known fact that these two were always meant to be for each other
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erinwantstowrite · 17 days
I know you’ve probably answered this dozens of times (sorry) but how do you come up with ideas? I’ve been trying to get back into writing but I’m stumped
usually i go look at other media and ink about how i would put other characters into their situations. you can find a lot of AUs based on this, but there's also tropes from your favorite media that you might want to try writing.
for an AU: often times i see people draw conclusions about which characters would fit into an AU based on the character type (ex: a sunshine character acting like a sunshine character from another show), but i like to think about the situation the character is in. Say I want a Gravity Falls au for the Batfam. I could just shove the characters into the character types and it would be fun. Dipper and Tim are a lot alike with their smarts, I suppose. Or Ford and Bruce have a lot of similarities between each other.
or i could go a step beyond... Tim and Pacifica have similar backgrounds even if they don't have the same personality. Stan and Bruce are nothing like each other, but I can imagine Bruce waiting however long it takes to try and find someone he loves. I could combine these aspects into a fun au: Bruce Wayne lives in a mysterious manor in the woods. He's kind and the townspeople love him. He was raised by Alfred, a family friend, after his parents were killed in the woods. Bruce knows that his parents were killed because of the strange happenings in the town, and he follows his late father's journals while studying everything Gotham has to offer. Only, two of them are missing. Years later, his first adopted son Dick Grayson lives in the town and helps people who are afflicted by Gotham directly, and Bruce is searching for a young Jason Todd, his adopted son, who got lost in a portal. The local rich kid Timothy Drake found the one of the journals that Bruce hadn't found, and starts looking for monsters in the woods. Eventually, he and Bruce start working together.
Thus, I've expanded upon the AU with one simple shift in thinking!
for the tropes: let's use The Sea Beast as an example (wonder wonderful beautiful movie) (spoilers up ahead)
My favorite part was the growing parental relationship between the grumpy sailor Jacob and the young free spirit Maisie. Scenes where they grow closer and form an understanding of each other are fun, but I really liked the scene where Maisie brings up becoming family, and when she realizes that Jacob is turning her down, she grows upset and wishes for them to forget the entire conversation. That scene HURTS because Maisie lost her parents and thought she would find a family in the other Hunters. But she ended up learning that she could never be a Hunter since she doesn't have the heart for it. This is her last chance to find someone who might understand (at least, she believes it is) and Jacob basically implies it wouldn't work. But eventually Jacob figures out that he does want to be a parent for Maisie, and it's really sweet. I ended up wanting a scene like that in one of my fics, and now I've gotten it written into an outline. It won't be exact, but it helped me pull inspiration.
Basically: consume your media critically, think outside of boxes, and nurture your creativity. The more you understand what you're reading/watching, the easier it is to find ideas for your own story :) don't be afraid to push limits and see where it takes you
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 years
Ghost!Robin Part 4
Here's your next part of the Ghost!Robin fic for WIP Wednesday. I'm gonna start putting fic designation in the title field rather than WIP Wednesday because I think it makes it easier to read.
Also, everyone came out in numbers for last week's segment! Damn! Thank you and I'm glad so many of you are enjoying this little fic of mine. We'll probably get one more week of this before I go back to Bring Me Home, but it'll depend what I feel like. I want to rework some of what I have written next.
First, Previous
1.1k words + a 464 word Omake (cut scene)
Tim asked more details on the specs of the PDA which Danny happily answered. The things he built with Tucker were always his favorite inventions.
“So are you in school to become an engineer or something?” asked Dick who’d gotten Damian calmed down and sitting. The boy had gotten his knife back and was spinning it in his hands. Bruce seemed to be fondly exacerbated by the scene. Robin had pulled out a ghostly weapon and was trying to copy Damian’s movements, though he wasn’t quite as adept.
Danny shook his head to Dick’s question. “Nah. Hard to get into engineering school when you fail high school.” Danny narrowed his eyes as Damian’s mouth opened, but Dick whispered in his ear again and the boy didn’t say anything.
“I ended up dropping out of high school and getting a GED,” said Tim. “It can work just as well.”
Robin was nodding along and pointing at himself, too. Had he died before he could complete his schooling, too?
“I’m sure. It’s just not a priority for me right now. I don’t need one for my job and I can’t become an astronaut because of my accident when I was fourteen.”
Dick was nodding, but Tim looked confused and asked, “Fourteen? I thought you had your accident when you were older?”
“Why would you think that?” Had he or Jazz made any reference to when his accident was? “No, it happened when I was fourteen. A few weeks before I started my freshman year of high school.
Before Tim could ask anything else, Steph called out from the other side of the room. “Did you say you wanted to be an astronaut? Totally awesome. What made you pick that?”
“I honestly don’t know why everyone doesn’t want to be astronauts! Space is so cool. We can learn so much about the universe by studying it in closer detail. And with how many aliens are now living at least part time on Earth, it only makes sense to explore and see what else might be out there.”
Bruce nodded at him. “I am sorry you aren’t able to become one.”
Danny just waved a hand in the air. “I came to terms with it a long time ago. And my current job is fine. Might not be what I would’ve chosen, but I’ve made it work for me.” Deciding he should change the subject before someone had the brilliant idea to ask more about his accident or job, he asked, “So what is for dinner, anyway? You’ve all talked about how amazing the food is, but what are we having?”
Someone tried to speak up, but Jason held up a hand. “I’m the one who helped Alfie cook. Demon-brat is vegetarian so we have a vegetarian curry. If you like meat, there’s a prime rib roast. Then a half dozen different sides—vegetables, rice, potatoes. Huge salad with all the fixings and a dozen different dressings to choose from. And dessert after.”
“Damn, that sounds amazing. I haven’t had a good home cooked meal in ages, so I’ve been looking forward to this.”
“Has your Grandpa been keeping you that busy?” asked Jazz.
“That, but also getting things in order to take this evening off. There’s just been a lot. I’m spending the night at yours, by the way.”
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
Danny knew he could rely on Jazz.
“Ooh, do you have any good stories about Jazz as a kid?” asked Jason.
Laughing, Danny said, “So many! But I don’t think we’ll be able to get to those tonight. I’ve a feeling you’ll be interested in other things by that point.” At his words, Robin grinned and pointed at himself. Danny gave him a slight nod to confirm that yes, they’d be talking about him.
Before Jason could ask for clarification, Alfred came in to announce dinner was ready.
Robin cheered and flew over to sit on Alfred’s shoulders, hand extended, to lead the way to the dinning room. Danny couldn’t hold back the chuckle and Jazz shot him a look which he ignored.
“There better be a place setting for you, Alfie!” called Jason as they followed.
“You made your opinion quite clear, Master Jason. And as I wish to meet your young lady and her brother as well, I have set myself a plate at the main table.”
Tim leaned over to whisper to Danny. “Alfred considers his role as butler very important. He rarely eats with the rest of us unless we join him in the kitchen.”
Danny nodded to show he understood, but had no idea how to actually reply to that. It seemed needlessly complicated.
Once they made it to the dining room, Danny grinned as Robin did a flip off of Alfred’s shoulders and landed sitting down on one of the place settings facing the associated chair. He bit his cheek to keep from laughing as Jason sat down at that same place. Jazz took a seat next to him and Danny sat to her other side. Dick ended up sitting next to him.
The scents of all the food wafting off the table made his mouth water and he closed his eyes just to breathe it in. “This smells amazing. Thanks Alfred. And Jason.”
Even Robin had moved to look over every dish, reaching out a hand to try and take something and sighing when he just phased through it.
Even Jazz looked a bit overwhelmed at the quantity of food. “This is so much effort. You didn’t have to do all this just for Danny and me.”
Bruce smiled at her. “It is so rare for all of us to be together for dinner so we make a spectacle of it any time it happens. And this is the first time Jason has ever brought anyone with him which makes it an even bigger event.”
Danny nudged her. “So, Jazz, what’s it like living with someone who can cook?”
Jason laughed. “Jazz isn’t allowed in the kitchen. You know, I caught her grabbing my chef’s knife before going into the fridge the other day!”
Danny furrowed his brow. “Of course she did. It’s a fridge.”
“Wait, is that a family trait? Why do you grab a knife to open the fridge? There’s gotta be a good story behind that.”
Before Danny could make the obvious statement regarding attacking food, Jazz elbowed him. “We’ll tell you later. It has to do with our parents and that’s a large topic and not one we should get into now.”
Before Danny could ask any questions about what the big deal was, Dick nudged him. “Which do you want—curry or beef?”
Ignoring all of it, Danny shook his head and answered Dick. “Nah. Hard to get into college when you fail high school and are legally dead.”
Multiple people, including Jason, exclaimed at that statement and he looked to Jazz.
“Did Jazz not tell you about that? Our parents swear they saw my ghost and had me declared legally dead. I was missing at the time so the coroner agreed. Sighting the ghost of a missing person is all you need to confirm death in Amity.”
Under her breath, Jazz added, “You were only missing because they had you.”
Danny elbowed her and quietly chirped a Safe now.
Bruce was no longer smiling and was looking at Danny with narrowed eyes. “Your parents had you declared dead.”
“Yeah. It’s fine, though. I’ve an amazing doctor if I get into trouble. My grandfather is watching out for me. I’m financially stable. My partners are able to rent an apartment large enough for all three of us. I have other places to stay when I’m traveling. Honestly, it doesn’t impact my life all that much. Just means I’m not gonna go to college. And only reason I wanted to go to college was to be an astronaut, but my health makes that impossible.”
“Hn…” Bruce hummed.
And Danny had no idea what that meant, but Robin was now laughing, and Dick was exchanging grins with Tim, and Steph and Cass were whispering together. Damian was glaring at him even harder, blade hilt gripped in his hand. These people were strange.
Danny looked over at Jazz who shrugged. Jason was glaring at Bruce and said, “Don’t you dare.”
“Look, it’s really not a big deal. I know it’s kinda a messed up situation, but ghosts are generally treated really well in Amity. As well as any living human, at least. So long as you avoid the Guys in White and my parents that is. So outside of interactions with them, nothing has changed.”
“If you are ever in need of a place to stay or a meal or anything, you’ll have a room here,” offered Bruce.
Robin landed on Danny’s shoulders and was sending out happy-celebrate feelings. Steph handed Cass a few bills. Tim and Dick mimed giving each other fist bumps. Jason put his head in his hands and groaned. Duke was grinning at them all.
Damian half stood and said, “Father—!”
But Dick was at his side and pulling him back down to the couch with an arm around his shoulders, hand over his mouth, and whispering into his ear before he could do more than say the one word.
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal.” Trying to think of anyway to change the subject, he asked, “So what’s for dinner, anyway?”
And for the Tag List! (Which absolutely exploded this week. Holy shit.)
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @emeraldcorpral
The celebration post for 100 followers will be going out in another day or two! I've just had a really busy few weeks and didn't do as much writing as I was hoping for. But I hope to finish writing today and then I'll just take a few hours to edit.
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amirazat · 5 months
Saw your post about the Avatar state vs Katara’s anger at Yon-Rha, it was so civilly handled and well written! I’m scrolling through your blog now, and see you mentioning that you got ideas for how KA could have been written differently. Care to share? I am starved for fan content where Aang gets actual character development instead of being either perfect or the devil.
Thanks so much for your ask!
I actually have a lot of ideas for re-writes and additional scenes to help bolster Aang’s character development and, relatedly, the development of Kataang. I’m happy to share more of them if people are interested, but I figure I should probably start with something (relatively) short easy to digest. I hope I deliver on your expectations!
Since I was on the topic of “The Southern Raiders”, let’s start there. I think there’s a lot of nuance in the way that Aang approaches his discussion with Katara that’s easy to miss (which I expand upon at length in I this post) and I would have loved to have seen a scene at the end of TSR where Aang actually talks to Katara about what happened, and they become closer as a result. In my opinion, this would have made their romance arc a lot better, since I think one of the biggest problems with the way Kataang works out in canon is that even though they get on well for most of the show, they seem to spend the last few episodes having unresolved fights… then they kiss.
I had three main goals when writing this scene
1. Allow Aang and Katara to reconcile after their fight, showing a healthier friendship and making it seem more natural when that friendship transitions to romance.
2. Flesh out Aang’s motivations in this episode, and allow him to reflect on his mistakes
3. Write Katara showing an interest in Aang in a context where the text indicates to us (part of) why she’s interested in him romantically. We hear a lot about why Katara loves Aang, and we see that she’s interested in him romantically, but these scenes don’t tend to coincide so it ends up being difficult to relate to Katara in the romance.
Here’s what I’ve got:
(Some lines are taken directly from the show because I wanted to keep things as consistent with canon as I could while keeping to my goals.)
Instead of having Katara talk to Aang and Zuko on the dock after they get back, we instead have Katara and Zuko reconcile with a “thank you” and their hug while they’re still alone. Later, when Zuko brings the others to Ember Island, Aang approaches Katara by herself on the dock, giving the two of them space to have their own reconciliation.
Aang approaches Katara on the dock, sitting down next to her.
Aang: Katara, Zuko told me what you did. Or what you didn’t do, I guess. Are you alright?
Katara: I’m getting there.
Aang: I want to be here if you need me. I know that forgiveness isn’t easy.
Katara, sharply: I didn’t forgive him. I will never forgive him.
Aang looks at Katara in surprise.
Aang, tentative: But you let him go? I thought you needed closure.
Katara, staring out over the water: I did. And when I saw him, I wanted to do it. I wanted to take out all my anger on him, but I couldn’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too weak to or because I’m strong enough not to.
Aang sort of wilts in on himself.
Aang: When I saw you that angry, all I could think about was how I acted after I lost Appa. I yelled at you all. I went after the sandbenders. I wanted to…
Aang takes a deep breath and refocuses.
Aang: I wasn’t strong enough to not take my anger out on those around me. I needed to forgive in order to move on. Like the monks taught me. If either of us is weak, it’s me.
Katara, turning towards Aang and placing a hand on his shoulder: Aang, no. You’re one of the strongest people I know. You lost your entire culture to the Fire Nation, but you’re still here, still loving life, and you’re doing everything you can to save the whole world. That’s amazing.
Aang blushes and looks at Katara shyly.
Aang: I think you’re pretty amazing, too.
Katara also blushes, and leans her shoulder slightly against Aang. We fade out as the two watch the sunset together.
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Bridgerton Rewatch S1E1 - Diamond of the First Water (Part 2)
Here's part 2 of the S1E1 Rewatch
Something I noticed is that Eloise has a lot of sympathy for Daphne when it comes to the whole Berbrooke thing. She tries to stay with Daphne when he’s the only one who calls on her. In general, they’re a lot closer here than they are once Berbrooke is out of the picture.
Thinking back on it and watching the show again, Pen is the only one who could have ever been Lady Whistledown. Given the derision and abuse she’s been through by the entire ton, especially her own mother, she’s a teenager who’s lashing out. She’s an afterthought to everyone except Colin and Eloise.
Speaking of Colin and Penelope, he has always thought highly of her. When he’s leaving the Featheringtons after calling on Marina, Pen is the only one he says goodbye to. He doesn’t even bid Marina farewell; it’s just Pen.
Daphne and Eloise have very similar views on their place in the world. Daphne does not like that marriage is her only option. She has just made her peace with it.
Lady Whistledown’s dig at Marina’s “pretty little slippered feet” was so obviously Pen, I don’t know how anyone thought it wasn’t her.
The Queen’s dismissal of Daphne is a good early indicator of how much she cares about LWD’s opinion.
I need more Violet/Lady Danbury scheming. They’re both so clever, the matchmaking worked wonders.
This next note says “Anthony shut the fuck up challenge.” Again, no idea what that’s in reference to but it’s applicable to any scene he’s in.
So they plant a Cressida/Colin dynamic really early on of her wanting to be with him. Not much on this here, I’m just looking forward to seeing how that plays out in season 3.
What drives me crazy is that Colin DOES NOT LET GO OF PEN’S HAND when the music stops. They aren’t dancing anymore but Colin is still holding Pen’s hand. Idiots in love at its finest.
Not gonna lie, those lights are sick.
Season 1 Anthony has 2 modes: pompous idiot or callous asshole. He manages to be both when he tells Daphne that he promised her to Berbrooke.
Quick Marina sidebar - first, I couldn’t imagine just having to bleed through on my period. That sounds like hell. Second, it would never happen but I would love if Marina slapped Lady F back. Full on “They Call Me Mr. Tibbs!” action.
Back to Daphne, we’re at the attempted assault scene. Something that I noticed this time around is that Berbrooke is pissed at Daphne because, to him, she thinks she’s better than him. The thing is, she is technically higher class than he is. He comes from a barony; she’s the daughter of a viscount. In a purely hierarchical sense, she is better than him. She comes from a better family. And I know that there’s the gender politics involved here but I’m choosing to ignore them because they are stupid.
I’ve watched this show several times. Daphne punching Berbrooke in the face will always be satisfying as fuck.
I’d like to take this bullet point to say that Simon is iconic. His dialogue is so well-written. Love it.
End of episode thoughts: This is a really well-done pilot. It marries romance, drama, and comedy amazingly. I’m looking forward to seeing what else I find on a closer inspection of the series.
Thanks for going on this journey with me. S1E2 will be up tomorrow? Maybe? It depends on how busy I am with grad school.
Have a great day!
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firstkanaphans · 1 month
Do you have any tips on writing kissing/smut scenes? The uncertainty of writing those scenes often give me writers block and I won’t touch a fic for months because of it
The biggest advice I can give you about writing intimate scenes is to focus less on what’s actually happening and more on what the character’s are thinking and feeling. Here is an excerpt from “Best Laid Plans” as an example. 
He pulled Aye closer and kissed him again. He wrapped his arm around Akk’s back, holding him in place, and as he did so, he opened his mouth, inviting Akk inside. His lips tasted like popcorn, like rosemary and garlic—real, not artificial. Every nerve ending on his body had been lit on fire. Every place where he and Aye touched was a brand against his skin. Every kiss etched Aye’s name permanently on his heart, changing the shape of it forever. There was a rightness to it and he was no longer scared, but excited. He found that he was enjoying himself. He kissed Aye the only way he knew how: by instinct. His hands were tangled in Aye’s hair as Aye’s roamed his body, and each touch felt like an experiment. Each kiss a hypothesis. The answer was always yes. The fire inside him did not die. Aye’s stubble was rough beneath his fingertips and although Akk thought he knew him better than anyone else, he hadn’t known that there was a scar on the underside of his jaw you could only find by touch. He hadn’t known that when he kissed, he did so with his whole body—his whole heart. He hadn’t known just how gentle he could be. It felt like such an oversight. The thought suddenly occurred to him that they could have been doing this for years. It felt like such a waste that they hadn’t.
What you’ll find for these types of scenes in particular is that readers are going to have their own ideas about what’s happening, so giving them too much information is only going to take them out of the scene they’ve already constructed in their head. No one cares whose tongue is doing what. No one wants to be reminded that kisses are wet. In fact, I usually only bring those sorts of things up if I am purposefully trying to write a bad kiss. This is another example from “Best Laid Plans,” this time about Akk and Boeing.
Immediately, Akk could tell that it was nothing like kissing Aye. It was wet and slimy and tasted like the dry red wine they'd drunk at the bar. Boeing stepped closer and kissed Akk harder and Akk was surprised to find that his kiss with Aye hadn’t actually prepared him for this at all because with Aye, the kissing had been instinctual. He hadn’t had to think about how to move or where to put his hands because his body had just known. Now, he felt lost.
My advice for sex scenes is much the same. Focus on the feelings and the bigger picture rather than the nitty gritty details. And if there’s a portion of the scene you’re uncomfortable writing, just skip over it. I hate writing prep or anal fingering, so a lot of times I just don’t. As a writer, you might feel like that leaves a whole chunk of the scene missing, but the readers won’t even notice. Trust me. “Character A grabbed the bottle of lube and slowly set to work preparing Character B’s body” is enough. It really is.
But also don’t feel obligated to write these types of scenes if you have no desire to! The BL fandoms I’ve written for are generally starving for content and don’t really care if a fic has smut in it or not.
I also answered an ask a while back on how to deal with writer's block that you might find helpful as well! But my biggest piece of writing advice is always to just give yourself permission write badly. Get that crappy first draft down on the page and then edit it into perfection.
I hope this was at least a little bit helpful, Anon, and I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. It’s been a bit of a week (she says on a Tuesday) 😅
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Ruki Dark [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the guest room at Eden
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( Ruki-kun is reading a book again. Nothing new there but...Shouldn’t he go to bed soon? )
( Still, I’d feel bad for interrupting him. He seems to be focused after all...I wonder what kind of book he’s reading? )
Ruki: ...Would you like to say something? 
Yui: Eh? 
Ruki: You tend to make that kind of expression whenever you have something to tell me. Am I wrong?
Yui: ...You know me well.
Ruki: I’ve learnt to read your expressions from spending so much time together. So, what’s wrong?
Yui: It isn’t necessarily something I need to say but...I was just wondering what kind of book you’re reading.
Ruki: One you would never understand.
Yui: ...Perhaps not. 
Ruki: I was only teasing you. No need to sulk. 
This is a poetry collection written by a French poet.
Yui: What’s written in there? 
Ruki: To put it simply, there are a lot of poems which center around the topic of immorality. 
According to this poet’s words, all humans are being manipulated by the Devil. 
Yui: D-Demons...?
Ruki: Exactly. He calls this Devil ‘Trismégiste’. (1)
I mean, it is not that much of a stretch, is it? Vampires do exist after all. 
I am sure that all living creatures on Earth have fallen captive to this Devil he speaks of. That is why they continue to commit deadly sins.
Yui: ...Deadly sins...
Ruki: It might also be the Devil’s fault...that I continue to keep you by my side like this.
Yui: ...It wasn’t what you wanted, was it?
( To keep Eve by his side despite not being Adam is a form of betrayal. That’s why it was never his true intention. )
( I’ve always been aware of that but knowing that Ruki-kun never wished for this outcome...makes me really sad. )
Ruki: ...I believe I phrased myself badly. Listen carefully, Yui. 
While it may have been the tempting whispers of the Devil at first. Still, right now the situation has completely changed. It is my own decision to not let you go. 
Yui: ...Thank god. 
Ruki: That should have been obvious by now, no? That’s why...I didn’t think you’d take my words so literally.
Yui: You always talk in riddles...There’s times where I can no longer tell your jokes from the truth.
Ruki: ...In that case, I shall tell you upfront.
ー Ruki steps closer
Ruki: I do not have the slightest intention of handing you over to someone else. ...You belong only to me, Yui.
Not even the Devil can have you...
ー A flashback ensues
Ruki: ...
( ...I can’t sleep. )
Ruki: ( I feel very much awake today...I suppose I should just get out of bed and read a bookーー )
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: ( ...? There’s a lot of noise. Who could it be at this hour? )
Ruki’s Father: ーー Oi! Is anyone there!?
Ruki: ( Eh? ...Father? I thought he had left for the city for a meeting...? I’m pretty sure he isn’t supposed to be back until the day after tomorrow? )
( Did the meeting end earlier than he expected? ...Oh well. I suppose I’ll use the opportunity to go say hello to him. )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of Ruki’s old home
Ruki’s Father: Oi, I want booze...Bring me a bottle.
Servant: Not to be rude, Sir, but it appears that you have already had quite a bit to drink, so you probably shouldn’t...
Ruki’s Father: Silence! You’re going to talk back to me!? Just bring me a bottle already!
Servant: ...My sincere apologies. I shall bring you some at once...!
ー The servant runs off
Ruki’s Father: Damnit, what a bunch of incompetent fools...!
Ruki’s Mother: Dear...Did something happen at work, perhaps...?
Ruki’s Father: This is more than a little something! Some random fucker I had never even heard of before showed up and got ahead of me!
That guy...He appeared out of nowhere a couple of days ago and has already become one of the president’s favorites...!
He whispered a couple of sweet words into the president’s ear and had me removed by the president himself! How am I supposed to stay positive under these circumstances!? 
Does he have any idea how hard I worked to be able to climb my way up as just a simple merchant!? Yet that guy had the nerve to...!
That filthy swindler...What kind of dirty trick did he use!?
Ruki’s Mother: ...D-Dear! You’ll wake up our son...!
Ruki’s Father: Shut up!
...Fufu...Ahaha! Can you believe this? From what I’ve heard, that guy has sold his soul to the Devil. 
No...I actually think he is the Devil himself.
Just you watch...I shall reveal his true intentions and show the president that he’s nothing but a dirty crook!
Ruki’s Father: I will become the President’s right-hand man! I won’t give up that position to anyone else! To nobody!!
Ruki’s Mother: D-Dear, please stop!
Ruki’s Father: Don’t get in my way!!
Ruki’s Mother: ...!
Servant: Madam!
Servant: Please step back, Sir! I cannot believe you would harm your own wife...!
Ruki’s Father: Shut up! Don’t defy me!!
That swindler...The Devil...Trismégiste, I shall be the one to drive him out of this country!!
Ruki: ...Ugh...
ー A young Ruki runs away
ーー Up until that point,
Father had always been a kind man in my eyes.
As his son, he had always spoiled me,
as I could not even recall one time he had ever scolded me.
That is exactly why ーー I was shaking in fear,
when I saw him rage that night.
For the first time in my life, I felt fear towards my Father,
as at the same time, I found myself thinking: ‘Who is that man?’
That man who stood there yelling with a glazed look in his eyes,
hurting my mother by raising his hand at herーー
It was almost like I was looking at the Devil himself. 
However, when I timidly sat down at the table the next morning,
the person who greeted me there,
was my usual, kind Father.
That is why I made myself believe. 
It must have all been a dream. 
And that who I saw ーー was not the Devil. 
ー Ruki wakes up from a dream in the guest room at Eden
Ruki: ...!
...What a horrible dream...
ー The scene shifts to the bathroom
Ruki: ( ...I thought I had stopped dreaming about the past. )
( It must be a bad joke to have such a dream at a time like this... )
( I had forgotten about it up till now...No, I tried to ban it from my memories. )
Father ーー My real Father,
he deeply despised a certain individual. 
A man who shared the same name,
as the Devil who appears in that poetry collection...Trismégiste. 
I wonder if he was actually called that? 
Or perhaps Father simply used it as an analogy,
to compare him to the Devil...?
I still do not know to this day.
However, back then,
I truly thought of my own Father as the Devil. 
Seeing him drown in his own desire, having lost sight of himself,
it was truly horrifying. 
Ruki: ( That dream...It feels almost like it’s trying to tell me something about myself. )
( If my Father was the Devil, then I also have that blood running through my veinsーー )
Ruki: ...Ridiculous.
It is simply outrageous to assume that a Vampire is being possessed by the Devil...
It is only humans such as my Father...who can fall victim to the Devil known as Trismégiste... 
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall
Ruki: ( ...I have to stop the bleeding. If Yui sees my hand, she’ll make a fuss againーー )
ー Yuma walks up to him
Yuma: Oh, Ruki. Whatcha doin’ here this late at night?
Ruki: Yuma...What are you doing here then?
Yuma: I was havin’ trouble fallin’ asleep so I figured I’d get some exercise...Wait, what the fuck happened to yer hand!?
Ruki: This is...nothing.
Yuma: Haah? 
...Look, if ya really think that it’s nothin’ when there’s blood gushin’ out like crazy, then you’re seriously bonkers.
Ruki: ...Good point. I must have surely gone crazy right now.
Yuma: ...Oi. Don’t put so much pressure on yerself, mate. It’s a bad habit of yers.
Ruki: What are you trying to say? 
Yuma: The Adam thing is weighin’ heavy on yer mind, isn’t it?
Ruki: ...Did she tell you?
Yuma: I don’t need to ask anyone to figure that one out. How long do ya think we’ve been bros for?
Knowin’ ya, I bet you’re frettin’ ‘bout it? 
Ruki: ...Whatever goes on inside my head is none of your business. Leave me alone.
Yuma: Aah? No need to act like that when I’m worried ‘bout ya, right?
Ruki: I don’t remember ever asking for your concern. If you understand that, then mind your own business. Do not make me repeat myself. 
Yuma: ...Listen mate, then maybe ya shouldn’t act in a way that’ll make us worried ‘bout ya?
Even right now ya look like a hot mess! Maybe you should take a good look in the mirror first before ya spout that sorta cocky bullshit!
Ruki: ...
ー Ruki grabs hold of his collar
Ruki: Remember, you’re the younger brother here, so don’t speak like you know me!
Yuma: Che...Ya stubborn blockhead! Do I need to punch ya first before you’ll actually snap back to reality!? 
Ruki: Punch me then!
ー Kou and Azusa walk up to them
Kou: Geez~ ...It’s the middle of the night, can’t you pipe down a liーー Wait, what are you two doing!?
Azusa: An argument...?
Kou: Hey, Yuma-kun! I don’t know what happened, but let go of him!
Yuma: Shut up! Ya guys back off! Words just don’t work on this fool over here!
Ruki: Excuse me...!? 
Azusa: Yuma, calm down...! You too, Ruki, why are you so upset...?
Kou: Exactly! I’m not so much surprised about Yuma-kun but this isn’t like you, Ruki-kun!?
Ruki: ...!
Yuma: There’s no talkin’ to him! With guys like him ya need to...!
Ruki: Guh...!
ー Ruki collapses
Azusa: Ruki!
Yuma: They just don’t understand unless ya give ‘em a good ol’ beatin’! Isn’t that so, Ruki!?
Ruki: Yuma, youーー ...!
Yui: ( Ruki-kun...He wasn’t there when I woke up. I wonder where he ran off to? )
( Also, there seems to be a commotion going on up ahead...? I wonder if somebody else is also awake? )
Kou: Cut it out already, you two!!
Yui: ( Was that...Kou-kun just now? )
Ruki: Stay out of it, Kou!
Yui: ( Ruki-kun as well!? Don’t tell me they’re fighting over something...!? )
ー Yui runs up to them
Tumblr media
Yui: You guys!? What are you doing...!? 
Ruki: Oh...
Yui: Ruki-kun!? You’re bleeding from your mouth...! And your hand is covered in blood as well!? What on earth happened...!? 
Ruki: ...This is nothing for you to worry abouーー
Yuma: There ya go again! Seems like ya could still use a couple more punches!
Yui: You punched him...!? 
Yuma: Yeah, exactly! Got a problem with that, huh!? 
That fool over there was frettin’ by himself while tryin’ to act like nothin’s wrong so I gave him a reality check!
Kou: Oh come on, Yuma-kun! Calm down already!
Ruki: ...
...You can take it however you want. 
But I was just doing what I always do. Then he started to insult me.That’s all.
Yuma: Ruki, you bastard...!
Ruki: ...I’ve had enough. 
Yuma: Wait! You’re runnin’ away now!? ...Why don’t you get it!?
Ruki: ...Unlike you, I’ve got more than just one brain cell.
ー Ruki walks away
Yui: Ruki-kun!
Yuma: ...Fuck! Just leave that idiot be!
Yui: ( Why...? I can’t believe they would get in such an argument when they’ve always been so close...! )
Wait, Ruki-kun!
ー Yui runs after him
Yuma: ...That stupid big bro of mine...
Yui: Ruki-kun! Hey, hold up!
Please, talk to me. What exactly happened...!? 
Ruki: Didn’t I just tell you? It isn’t anything serious. 
Yui: Don’t say that! You must have had a proper reason to get into such a big fight, right!?
Ruki: ...Why do you think that?
Yui: Why, you ask...? I mean, because it’s nothing like you.
Ruki: ...So even you are saying the same thing now.
Yui: Eh...?
ー Ruki walks away again
Yui: ...I said wait! Where are you going!? 
Ruki: ...
ーー The Sakamaki Castle. 
Translation notes
(1) The French poet Ruki refers to here is Charles Baudelaire who is famous for works such as ‘Fleurs du Mal’. 
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joshuahyslop · 9 months
The last 10 books I’ve read:
1. Death In Her Hands - Ottessa Moshfegh I really enjoyed this book. Previously I’d only ever read a collection of her short stories and they were incredibly dark and depressing. This one is more of a mystery. It feels a little bit like watching an A24 movie. I kind of wish the ending had gone a different way, but it was enjoyable and very well written.
2. Stoner - John Williams I’d read another book by Williams a while back and hadn’t been particularly blown away but this book was recommended to me by multiple people over the last few weeks and then I saw it as a “staff pick” at my local used bookstore, so I went for it. It’s a lovely book, but I’m not sure the description on the cover, “The best novel you’ve never read” was really accurate. Good book. Not great.
3. The Creative Act: A Way of Being - Rick Rubin I’m having a bit of a tough time with this one. I like Rick Rubins work. I’m not sure how to feel about the man himself. He has a bit of a cult following and he’s really taken on this sort of guru-like persona over the past few years. This book is full of some really helpful and insightful ideas and ways of looking at art and creativity in general. But I can’t help feel it’s a little self-indulgent. Each chapter is, at most, 5 pages long, usually less, and there are blank pages between each chapter. A lot of paper could’ve been saved with this one. Still, you can’t argue with Rubin’s track record and the breadcrumbs he’s scattering here are absolutely worth picking up - I just don’t think there needs to be quite as much space between them.
4. Yellowface - R. F. Kuang My wife read this for her bookclub and recommended I check it out. She read it in a day so I figured I could put my very tall stack of books to read on hold for a minute. I read it in two sittings. It’s a very quick and easy read but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good book. It’s written by a woman of colour from a white woman’s perspective. I won’t give anything away but it was very well done. It’s part thriller, part comedy, part drama, all the while dealing with creative liberty, plagiarism, and racism. I really enjoyed this one.
5. American Buffalo - David Mamet Every once in a while I get really into reading plays. I think there’s always been a part of me that wanted to be an actor but I was always way too insecure. I love going to live theatre and I try to pay attention to the scene as much as I can - even if I’ll never take the stage. This is a great play. The whole thing takes place in one room. It’s gritty and funny and brutal. Although I’ve read a lot about him I’d never actually read a play by David Mamet. He’s not for everyone, but I loved it. If you’re into plays and have any to recommend, send them my way.
6. The Missionary Position - Christopher Hitchens This is a quick read but definitely a worthwhile one. For one thing, I love reading Hitchens for his incredible ability to wonderfully articulate himself. For another, I love reading Hitchens because, to him, there is nothing sacred. Despite having what seems like a rather provocative title, this is a very grim and sober look at the life of Mother Theresa. Hitchens noted several instances of seeming hypocrisy and political opportunism in her religious life and decided to take a closer look, judging her reputation by her actions and words and not the other way around. I grew up admiring Mother Theresa - even when her journals full of doubts were published, I was encouraged by my church to continue believing because, "Even Mother Theresa doubts!". It wasn't until I went to India and volunteered at The Missionaries of Charity that things began to unravel for me. There was little to no medical care being extended to these kids and several passed away in the few days I was there. It was heartbreaking and confusing and it took a long time for me to begin to understand it. This little book helped.
7. The Caretaker - Harold Pinter Another play. I've never read anything by Pinter before but I've heard his name many times. I didn't particularly enjoy reading this play. It's kind of confusing and pretty uneventful. But once I'd finished reading it I looked it up on YouTube and saw a young Colin Firth performing one of the monologues from it and it was amazing. I'll be keeping my eye out to see this one live.
8. The Love Poems - Harold Norse A short while ago I was consumed (and not for the first time) by Bukowski's poetry. I couldn't stop reading it. I bought book after book and would go home and immediately dive in. Somewhere in all my reading I noticed he'd mentioned Harold Norse as one of the best poets to ever live. Being a massive fan of Bukowski's I decided it would be wise to read what inspired someone who’s inspired me. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, and - to be fair, I've only read this one collection (which, I should mention was SO generously gifted to me by a friend after I posted that I was looking for some of Norse's work) and in it's very title it suggests romance, but it wasn't this. It's very sexual and very confusing. Harold Norse was an openly gay man at a time when it was not openly accepted to be so. For that reason I found his writing brave as it deals mainly with issues of homosexuality. But, overall, I wasn't moved in the same way as I've been while reading Bukowski's. I have another book of his (which was also a gift from the same friend) so, we’ll see.
9. Why Grow Up? - Susan Neiman A small book but a lengthy read. It's been a while since I've jumped into the world of Philosophy. It's one I've always felt drawn to but then almost immediately overwhelmed by whenever I've dipped my toe. This was no exception. It's an unflinching look at ageing physically, emotionally and mentally and societies/politics role in either encouraging or discouraging growth and maturity in these areas. I enjoyed it and now I've got lots to think about.
10. Dangling in the Tournefortia - Charles Bukowski What can I say? I wasn't even looking for another book of his poems, a friend gifted it to me and I dove straight in. This particular book was released in 1981. It's not my favourite era of Bukowski's. He's no longer down and out, he's no longer hungry. He's living well and has a bit of a name for himself. Still, there are gems here. He wrestles with those very issues, he still has words in his soul. It's inspiring but in a different way. I'm glad I read it and I'm thankful for the gift from my friend, but I'm also glad that this wasn't my introduction to his work. I don't think this would've hooked me the way his early work did.
more soon, -joshua
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years
I am pissed.
Let me rephrase that: I am euphorically pissed.
I had my pretty little plan: I wanted to write the analysis for CLBG and I actually started. I was so happy to write about my favourite episode! I still want to do it, because there are a lot of interesting things to talk about, like the details, the body language, the words, the plot and so on.
And after that, I would’ve started the next analysis. And the one after that. I am closer and closer to the end of this mini-series and, like every time I get close to the conclusion of a project, I also get a lot more energies.
Also because this mini series will end (for now, at least) with a big post about season three and I need some time to plan that. So I wanted to close the analyses of the past episodes to focus on that too.
After that, I have other projects outside Sanders Sides I want to talk about. I have something written already, but I am also leaving something new on the side to properly talk about it.
Oh and let's not forget the fanfiction I am planning. This one required A LOT of research and by “a lot” I mean it. It is very challenging, more challenging than anything else I’ve tried until now. And I have to be extra careful about what I write and how I write it, in order to sound realistic.
But it is also fun, because there will be Janus and Remus, my beloved chaotic besties. I want to write Remus being a creepy idiot, I want to show Janus’ affection towards Thomas, I want to write Thomas dealing with them and vice versa. There is a lot I want to write, but I need an outline first and I still haven’t written it because, you know, analyses first.
So I had my plans and my ideas and the will to do everything.
But then Mr. Sanders looked at all my careful planning and said "Mmmh, you know what? That sounds like the perfect moment to drop a new video with so much moceit and so much aesthetic to fill a continent".
I always said that, one day, I was going to write a moceit. I just need a good idea, I said. I just need something that helps me organize everything and, most importantly, to keep it short. This couple has too much to offer and I can't write an endless story. I need a plan, before writing.
Then this video came out and a simple image popped in my mind. Not a story, not a plot, just an image.
Very nice, I thought, just enjoying it. Very nice, my brain thought, while working and building stuff around it.
Moral of the story: I got my idea. And I wrote 11 pages in three days. Of the story? No, silly, of the outline. I wrote 11 GODDAMN PAGES just about the outline. And they would’ve been even more, if I wrote the entire dialogues I summarized.
Just to give you an idea: there’s a part I summarized as “they talk about Anxiety leaving the dark sides”. Not exactly a theme you can solve in a couple lines of dialogue (in fact, it will take an entire scene).
It’s going to be long. And by “long” I mean that there are going to be three parts and each part will probably have at least two chapters. I need them not only because of how long this thing is going to be, but also because I want to use both Janus’ and Patton’s pov and alternating them between chapters seems like the best solution.
Also, there are some scenes I specifically imagined with one of their povs, so I really need them to alternate.
And I am absolutely, completely captivated by this. I want to write this and lose my mind, trying to make every word sound perfect. I want to show exactly what I see and to give them the romantic development they deserve. I want to explore their relationship and to make it sound realistic. I want to talk about trust and love and passion and trust again.
So if you were hoping for other fanfictions, blame Mr. Sanders. If you were hoping for more analyses, still blame Mr. Sanders. Now I have to write my moceit and I will do it, because this idea is eating my brain and I have to put it down on (virtual) paper.
I apologize in advance for the future lacks of updates. However, if you want, I can still give you completely out of context details about this, just for the sake of you asking yourself wtf am I even writing.
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Oooo tell me more about family on the mend?
Hello Britt :)) I'm sorry this took so long to get to i swear it wasn't my fault //w//
Ask me about my WIPs game
Family On The Mend is originally a fic written by the talented @tracingpatternswrites and @heartofspells. It's a Wolfstar raising Harry and Teddy fic, but with a twist of a muggle family therapy show. Lots of family drama (and some therapy).
Soooo a while ago I had the idea of writing something similar but with the Black family. They are trying to reunite and make amends after the war ends, but aren't very successful. Ted's parents are muggle therapists and he and Andromeda suggest muggle family therapy.
It's not very concrete at this point, just a mix of random scenes and ideas that I'll probably have to rewrite and fix once I sit down to actually work on this.
Here's a small snippet of something half way decent:
“This,” Andromeda brings up the pillow in her hands, “is the feelings pillow. Whoever has the pillow, gets to talk about their feelings, and nobody-” she scans her family with her gaze, daring them to argue with her on this, “nobody is to interrupt them while they are talking. If you want to say something, you wait for your turn with the pillow.”
“This is the single dumbest idea I’ve ever heard in my entire life.” Sirius replies immediately, his foot still tapping against the wooden tiles of the floor as he keeps edging closer to the side of the seat, like he is considering getting up and leaving the room any moment now.
“I absolutely loathe saying this,” Bellatrix speaks up before Andromeda gets to put in a proper response, “but for once, I agree with Sirius.”
Regulus snorts loudly, then attempts to mask it as a cough when his mother sends him a glare from across the room.
“I don’t know, I actually like the idea,” Narcissa cuts in while Sirius turns to gape at Bellatrix, mouth open wide in mock shock while the older grimaces back at him, “I don’t think I’ve ever spoken for longer than thirty seconds without being interrupted in this house, let alone about my feelings.” She states, spitting the last word out in disgust like it's an uncooked piece of meat in her mouth.
Bellatrix and Sirius both drop their mockery to turn around in their seats, glaring at her with genuine astonishment. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Sirius asks sharply, “You literally never shut up.”
“Sirius, language.” Walburga hisses.
“Look who’s talking!” Narcissa exclaims loudly, a long shaky finger pointed at Sirius in accusation.
Regulus raises a hand to rub at his temple, eyes shut in irritation. “Can you not do this over my head?”
“I refuse to even be a part of this madness in theory,” Walburga declares, getting up to her feet, “this clownery is disgraceful, it will not happen under this roof.”
“I never wanted to be here in the first place.” Sirius growls, eyes narrowing in indignation.
“Nobody wanted that.” Bellatrix retorts.
“Then how--”
“Shut it!” Andromeda yells forcefully, the uncharacteristic loudness of her voice stunning most of the members in the room into momentary silence as they all turn to glare at her with various degrees of contempt. She sends a reluctant glance to the side of the room, where Ted is sitting silently at the table. He gives her a reassuring smile and a brief nod, encouraging her to go on.
“This is exactly why we need the pillow.” She says firmly, holding up the object in her hand. “You will never be able to hear the other side’s demands if you all keep talking over each other.”
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sarahlevys · 2 years
Trivia TWednesday
Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!
Thank you @swearphil for tagging me!
I decided to write about time—curious, mystical, wondrous time as it’s one of my all-time favorite fics that I’ve written. For those that don’t know the fic, I’ll paste its summary here:
Alexis leans in, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I already lived today. Like, yesterday was August 20. My mom got back on Sunrise Bay, and I gave you all my clothes, and—"
"Alexis!" Twyla exclaims. "You did what?"
 "Okay, I promise I will circle back to that, but." Alexis flattens her hands on the countertop. "Like, am I losing it, or is this something that maybe you've heard of happening before?"
 Twyla purses her lips, thinking a little, before she turns her patient gaze back to Alexis. "I don't think that's ever happened to me, but nothing's impossible if you believe that it's true."
OR: Alexis finds herself reliving Start Spreading the News... over and over again.
This is a really long ramble about all of my feelings regarding Alexis’ overall arc in the show, how I see her relationship with Twyla, and my thoughts on her decision to move to New York, so I’ll put it under the cut...
(Also, I’m tagging @stereopticons @rosedavid @lilythesilly @roseapothecary @danieljradcliffe @rhetoricalk @hullomoon @schittposting @schitthappens and  anyone else who sees this!)
I first got the idea for this fic back in 2021, during @elevatefemslash/Elevate. I’ve always been fascinated by time loops, thanks to @schittposting‘s endless (pun intended) championing of the trope, and I thought this might be a fun prompt to leave for whoever ended up writing for me. (It ended up being @middyblue, who wrote like glass from sandy ground for me—not a time loop, but one of my all time favorite fics!)
After Elevate, I put the idea away in the back of my mind, since it didn’t get used by the writer, but it always sat there, waiting for its moment.
And then: I wrote a lot of Twylexis throughout all of 2021. Like, a lot. Some AUs, some canon-compliant, some canon-divergent, but when 2021 turned into 2022, I found myself itching for something new.
Along came @scrarefest/Rarefest!
I knew I wanted to write this fic for that fest, and I knew I wanted it to be focused on the growing pains that Alexis must have felt as she made her peace with deciding to leave Schitt’s Creek.
I know that not everyone thinks that Alexis should have left Schitt’s Creek, and prefer to have her either move back after moving to New York or move to Toronto or somewhere else that’s closer. Personally, I’m very on board with the decision that she made—I think Alexis wants to have a home to come back to, one where she’s seen and respected and wanted, unlike the way she grew up, but I think that where David might take comfort in the familiarity and routine of staying in Schitt’s Creek, Alexis is always seeking something new. I totally respect the viewpoints of others who disagree, but the fic—and the discussion around Alexis’ decision to move—was written from the perspective of that being the decision that was best for her.
Another big theme I wanted to play around with was the idea that part of Alexis’ breakup with Ted was because she’s now in the position where she can make something of herself through her own merits, talent, and knowledge.
It’s easy to see Alexis’ arc prior to Season 6 and think, “Alexis’ main storyline is Ted, and learning to love in a way that’s healthy and adds value to her life”—but as much as the Tedlexis breakup hurt me at the time, I love that the breakup reframes her storyline and makes us refocus on everything else—going back to school, going to college, launching Singles Week, opening ARC—through a new lens. Those weren’t whims, they were intentional, directional decisions that she made for herself, without anyone else telling her she should.
So now, post-breakup, instead of using other people to get what she wants, or relying on her looks, fame, and money to get her way, she has something for her very own and has the chance to pursue that on a bigger stage than if she stayed. And that, of course, brings with it questions of failure: am I good enough? Were these previous successes because of luck, or because of me? Am I making the right choice? Who’s to say that this will actually work out? Etc. Etc. Etc.
Those are already interesting, universal feelings and concerns, but they’re especially interesting to play around with when the character is also canonically a daredevil, who used to risk her life for excitement and adventure and the sheer thrill of getting away with something—but also, probably, did all of those crazy things to see if anyone would ever care enough about her to tell her to stop.
I always outline, so I started with that first. I did a lot of rambling to @schittposting @lilythesilly @roseapothecary @landofsonlali, and tried to sketch out the pace of the fic. The first part had to be when she decides to do something different, the thing that triggers the loop, and then the rest of it fell naturally into place. She’d fight it at first, keep trying to find ways to stay, but then as she relied on Twyla more and more to try to sort through the time loop, things she’d never been conscious of—the way she feels about Twyla, the attraction that’s always been under the surface, etc.—start to come to the surface. And I knew the fifth part had to be when she decides to break the loop, and the +1 had to be when it actually happens.
I won’t give away the ending of the fic here for those who haven’t read it, but one of my favorite things about the fic was getting a chance to play with a familiar fic format and hoping it worked out. And overall, I think I did a decent job distilling the long ramble above into a fic, hopefully.
If you read it, I’d love to hear what you think!
time—curious, mystical, wondrous time
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Ah so many good replies to my recent asks! Thank you! Not me asking for it and then feeling sad about the contract ending and the relationship for the contract ask lol it’s an interesting concept but oof it hurt a lil lol. My hollyhomburg thoughts kinda going everywhere lol. And I ask you for thoughts like 3 times, sorry lol. Yeah, I’ve read hollyhomburg’s fic! One of my favorite writers. They said the next ch is going to be smutty so 👀 I love their smut in bily but they space it out more which is nice too. The fluff is also super cute. And the angst is top tier. I’ve teared up to it a few times. Their omegaspace stuff is so good and written the most I’ve read in bts omega verse fics. Mc is so cute especially during it. The Namjoon feeding her on her lap and then lightly scruffing her part ahh omg. I love the casual dominance!! I wanted to ask you about it but idk if you’d know what I meant lol Please share some thoughts on it! I kinda want that bc I find it hard to take care of myself with food, water, and sleep ;^; Collars is a holy grail ch omg! it’s written so well for a concept I love. I follow them on Twitter and read some good member x members fics based on their likes. I’m too scared to check their nsfw account hmm even though I think they’re pretty. The snake top pic omg. I just want to imagine them as cute :( But not them saying mc’s heat will come closer to the end of the series TT I’m hoping we’ll get to see the others in rut and heat soon at least. The tae and Jimin in the car scene omg. Slick drunk Namjoon with his chain collar and leash. The spanking ch esp bc yoongi uses mc’s thighs and we first get to see slick drunk Namjoon. I can’t wait to read when mc can fit him. The few ideas she wrote that Namjoon is so big. It makes his pups quiet and dumb during cockwarming omg. I crave a full on puppy hobi scene with mc there too. But it’s still slow burn between them. It’s so torturous but good. Please share thoughts on puppy hobi and mc with Namjoon and Jin dom! Omg dom Jin is so good here. I also thought the full alpha bts pack would include omega mc but it’s cute as is too. Please share thoughts on thus! Tae’s story and poems. Mc’s development TT NOODLE best boi! Too bad he doesn’t like all of the pack, but the reasoning is nice :/ How could they make it that noddle doesn’t like Yoongi though?! I want to imagine Yoongi with a cat since we haven’t seen it irl :/ It’s such a masterpiece omg! -🖤
ahhh i’ve been reading bily since the first chapter and i’m so excited for the next one!!!!!!! their writing is always so pretty ahhhh
the m/c and namjoon’s recent date was cute as well AND NOODLE IS A WHOLE BABY i’d have thought that maybe because the m/c and yoongi are bonded noodle would have warmed up to yoongi more
i’ve really enjoyed the series so far though! it was always nice to wake up to the new chapter and i don’t usually read slow burn fics because i’m extremely impatient and like to be able to finish a series in like 2 or 3 sittings. however! bily is definitely one of my favorite stories on tumblr!
i love the idea of just being taken care of, it can be really hard sometimes to remember to do everything by yourself and making sure that you’re healthy, i’d sell a kidney to just have someone do all of the hard bits for me 😭
ahh i haven’t followed them on twitter maybe i should do that!!!!
i’m interested in the way they plan to write the rut/ bear scenes especially since i think a lot of the big stuff if happening towards the end of the series!! i’ll wait though because i know it’s going to be good. it’ll be interesting to see everyone’s dynamics while all in that situation rather than 3-4 of them at a time
there’s something so yummy about the m/c physically being too small to take namjoon and you just know it’s going to be so so good when she finally can
m/c x puppy hobi would be really interesting to see but as it stands we’re still slowly working towards their relationship 😭
i think puppy hobi is really cute and somehow really fits his character. i also love the dynamic between namjoon and the m/c, just broad alpha who’s really trying his best to keep everyone together and slowly learning how to love the m/c the way she needs to be loved is so precious. now i love the m/c x jin even more HES SO I DONT EVEN HAVE THE WORDS EXCEPT YES PLEASE jin is just so yummy and i love how he loves the m/c and just always seems to know what’s best and he’s firm but not pushy
the m/c’s development has been slow but when you look back on earlier chapters shes come so far!!!! and i love tae’s character she’s so precious and her whole storyline has been so interesting to read about and now that she’s come out IM SO EXCITED FOR MOMMY TAE IM GONNA SCREAM
bily is definitely a masterpiece and will remain one of my favorite fics i’ve ever read!
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lake-archive · 2 months
Scene 37
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Anja / Luka (OC), Goro Akechi
Scene 36 - Masterlist - Scene 38
Talk about someone having a serious work ethic… Goro had not been expecting progress anytime soon but they were serious… Luka seemed to be eager to figure out this mystery for one reason or another and it was getting somewhat under his skin for reasons he cannot explain. Was it because he feared that they could uncover something they shouldn’t? He was keeping an eye on their progress that way but if it happened so rapidly then… No, he first had to listen to what they had to say. So he led them somewhere else, one of the benches nearby. Yet also far enough from a crowd to overhear. Of course he told them to keep their voice down all the same, just in case. He had to hear them out, one way or another.
“So… Looking at the smaller cases… All of the targets show the same symptoms as others. There’s a gap and the change was sudden. But I think that was already obvious.” Luka began while scrolling through their phone, presumably their notes. “Looking at the Phansite there seem to be quite a few cases at Shujin. It’s not much and maybe it was just dumb luck but given that it had all started there…”
That quick!? No, keep calm. They have said nothing yet. “Please, continue.”
“W… Well… Given that there are rumors going on that the Phantom Thieves are actually Shujin Academy students… It would make sense to take requests from around the area first. If they are located there then they would hear of a lot of incidents in regards to the student body. In fact, they only recently started expanding. And taking Kamoshida into account…” A quick pause on their end. “Can I… Say something? I had a thought since starting this.”
Ugh, there it goes. But he had to hear what it is… “Of course. Please, I would like to hear what you have to say.”
“I think it cannot be denied that there are Shujin students involved.” Luka continued. “Listen, it’s suspicious that their first target was Kamoshida of all people. I asked around the school and watched some reports too. Well, it was all over the news I guess. But anyone who believes that this is a coincidence… I don’t buy it.”
Huh? Now that was something interesting. He could gain insight on their thought process here… How were they even going to connect everything like that?
“This is just speculation but… Let’s treat this like a story for a moment.”
“A story? What are you heading at?”
“Students reported that the school knew what Kamoshida was doing yet they covered it up. All of them. I mean, no one wants their school to be known as a scandal school.” Luka even shrugged while explaining it. “In any case, I think this has been personally charged. Started by at least one student who knew about it and wanted to do something. And when they found a method they went on ahead and use that. I managed to get a closer look at one of the calling cards.”
They got access to that!? What in the— “Weren’t they disposed of?”
“A student handed me one they kept after I told them this was for some report. Told ya I’ve got this!” They responded with a grin. “The first few sentences were interesting. What was it again?” They then scrolled a bit further down before suddenly… “Ah yes!” ‘ Sir Suguru Kamoshida, the utter bastard of lust. We know how shitty you are, and that you put your twisted desires on students that can't fight back. ’ “I compared it to what was written in the calling card for Kaneshiro. They were all over town after all.”
“A… Ah… So in the end you resorted to literary analysis?” Goro asked, very carefully however. He expected them not to go this deep into their research. They were serious about this, finding out who was behind this… Well, it was no easy task for anyone who didn’t know where to look. But if this continued they would just get closer to everything! And he couldn’t have that! But… If they kept it up… A bait… Though he shook that idea off quickly. No, he didn’t need that! They were just proving to be a pain in the neck! 
“It’s what I do best~” Luka nearly chirped for a moment before continuing. “Anyways, comparing that with the following…” ‘ Sir Junya Kaneshiro, the money-devouring sinner of gluttony. You indulge in scamming others with horrendous methods that target minors exclusively. ’ “It sounds less heated than the one before. Either these were two different people or the first occurrence was started by a student who had personal vendetta against Kamoshida. The language used is more vulgar. But with Kaneshiro it’s… I wouldn’t say formal but straight to the point.”
“And your point is…?”
“It’s like a character inside a story. At first there is a personal motivation driving the person forward, something which makes them keep going. It is personal, they have a reason to see this through.” Luka continued. His assumptions… Made sense. Too much sense. He put the pieces together on his own, just from picking apart a few sentences! Well… Goro had overheard that people called them the ‘Literary Genius’. Both as Luka or Anja they had such a reputation. All from a mere skill to pick apart sentences in a matter of seconds and noticing things people would need take ages to catch onto. In fact, he had once witnessed them casually reading something and then suddenly starting a whole analysis from the top of their head. And yet another proof that they were so observant. 
“Yet once learning of the power they can hold over others they decide to continue their endeavors. In  this case bringing others to justice and picking up where the police slack off in their opinion. No need to wait for evidence. If they know they can do something about it. But no clue how they do it.” They shrugged yet again. “But it’d be easy to figure out if one can  which students had a problem with Kamoshida and then go from there. Who had a motive to go that far basically.”
For a moment Goro couldn’t help but stare… Literally in disbelief. The thing was that what they said made sense and they were not too far off. Narrowing it down like this… It was the highest possibility. They were awfully close… He underestimated their special ability. That and he didn’t expect them to get a hold of more than one calling card. But who would even consider going about it that way in the end? “I cannot argue against that theory of yours. But I hope you are aware that it is just a theory.”
“Of course I know that!” They responded quickly. “I could be off and miss some information here. I’m not saying that my interpretation is spot on.”
“As long as you are not disregarding other possibilities.”
“Of course not.” Luka then went silent for a moment. “It’ll be hard to figure out who these students could be. The school really covers up their tracks in that regard. And some students might not be willing to talk. I’m seriously considering sneaking in as a transfer student or something.”
“A… Luka, please. Do not do anything rash. This is not an official investigation.”
“I know that! But I think that’d be the only way at this rate.”
They weren’t seriously— No, they would. “Didn’t we agree on not doing anything reckless?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’ll think of another method.”
A moment of relief. Goro was really about to panic here. Still, he had to monitor them better. Because if they managed to figure out that much then… There was a chance that they would figure out the truth. And that would prove to be a threat. He didn’t need another inconvenience here. That was the only reason he had to keep them out of this, on a false trail perhaps. But… At the same time… This was irritating. They were irritating! 
“Well uhm… Can we drop the subject for a moment though? I said everything anyways.” They suddenly said however, putting their phone away finally and… There was a sudden shift in mood. And tone as well. “There’s something else I wanted to ask. Something more personal.”
“You’re not wasting any time, are you?”
“Mom would get worried if I did. Just… Say, you got some time on the 18th?”
That… Goro had not expected this all of a sudden. Where was that coming from now? An invitation of some kind? “Up until a certain point. Why do you ask?”
Though it seemed that hearing that made their eyes shine for a quick moment, being overly enthusiastic out of nowhere. “Really!? Then would you mind spending some time with me!? There’s a festival on that day so maybe… I mean if you got the time that is!”
Was it just him or did they seem a little more nervous when asking? They were even fumbling around with their hands a little. “You won’t take no for an answer, will you?” Goro brought up, knowing exactly that they were that stubborn anyways.
“Ah— I just…”
“It’s fine. It would be nice to relax before having to go to those interviews again.”
“R… Really? You won’t mind?”
“Not at all.” 
“Great! I’ll text you the details later then, alright?” And they were also more cheerful all of a sudden… A contrast compared to earlier. Really, they were someone he just didn’t understand… At all. They’re so unnecessarily irritating.
Scene 36 - Masterlist - Scene 38
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aranarumei · 1 year
B, F, K?
thought abt going thru all of my fics and felt an intense bout of decision fatigue so I’ve decided to limit things to mostly a3, which I think is probably the more interesting way to answer, anyways. I ramble so this is a bit lengthy.
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
oh yeah. I am Not Immune to Projecting Sometimes. I know I just said I’d talk abt a3 but this bakugou-centric fic was just me drawing heavily on my personal experiences with like. complicated family dynamics and it seemed to go okay so. I’m pleased with it mostly bc i felt like the conclusion wasn’t very… wish fulfillment? which is nice sometimes, but not what i wanted. 
on the a3 side, the Specifics are rather different but dress for success was definitely inspired by conversations i’ve had about gender and presentation before... but the detail drawn most from real life was probably juza’s thoughts about his smile, particularly that he’s just a guy that. Doesn’t Smile. As a kid i was 100% the sort of like. Person who has never smiled ever to my classmates and that made me later in life believe that i was just like. Incapable of smiling properly. I smile lots nowadays tho :) 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
[LUKE] It’s not. Besides, when I wake up, won’t you be there? On the other end of sleep, and “ Good night,” is a “Good morning”. You don’t need to follow me into everything, as long as you know you’ll see me again. [S] “Good night” is a very strange greeting, then. [LUKE] Maybe so. More than a greeting, I think it feels like a promise. 
clockwork heart is. my favorite play. it may even be my favorite event. (tough competition w/ captain’s sky pirates + my master’s mesmerized by mystery for me. and nocturnality.) 
this snippet is really just. it's kind of barely a fic. the whole post is not that long. I had Lots Of Thoughts about how luke, at the end of a clockwork heart, says, “So it’s just good night for now.” it was, to me, just such a perfect encapsulation of the idea that this separation was temporary and not forever, even though they were both saying goodbye, so I wanted to write something that expanded on that idea a little. i think it's effective, seeing as how I get more emotional about the ending, now, and the script format forced me to pretty much rely on dialogue alone.
K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with? 
this made me look at myself and be like… huh, i think i’ve decreased in angst as i’ve grown older. interesting.
anyways i think mine would be…  there’s this backstage for nocturnality (so like, spoilers for that) where azuma is transported into the world of nocturnality and like. meets with kota after the ending of the play. and he makes this comment about like. oh, I prefer tasuku to kota, after all. 
and it just like. I’ve never stopped thinking abt that. so I had the sketches of an idea where it’s like. azuma is dropped into that world only like… he Stays There for wayyyy longer than a couple of hours. and u get very fun stuff of like. kota projects his feelings about reo onto azuma and azuma kind of does the same, and the like… lines blur a little badly and they probably lash out at each other somewhat. and it’s a bit complicated, since at this point in time azuma and tasuku have grown closer but they still don’t know each other Perfectly. and he’s not even here but there’s a guy with his face who is Almost Like Him (and how well can you be sure you knew tasuku, too…) all while you’re also slowly losing your sense of self because like, in this world, “reo” is the real existence?  there was also gonna be some kind of drama with the vampire society I think… since azuma would actually be like Human and not. Turned Yet. 
anyways it never rly went anywhere bc it would have to be a lengthy multichap and i’ve got a slow track record with those. i need to finish at least One. these are all also just like… vague concepts that i hadn’t fleshed out into proper plot beats, so it requires a Lot of Work that i just. don’t want to do currently. but i think it could be like. really fun.
ask me about fics & stuff!
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lgcmanager · 1 year
Tumblr media
SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
on APRIL 3, PARK EUNSOOK gathered all of the girls together as she hands them the files for their upcoming schedules. while they aren’t as busy as the other groups, they still have a lot of filming and preparation to do before their comeback next month especially after the loss of one member.
starting MAY, JIAE will be eligible to do OPEN EVENT 006 ( FANSITES ) and OPEN EVENT 007 ( BIRTHDAYS ). details about that can be found in their respective posts.
“this is going to be a relatively short meeting, but one that is of importance to all of you.” EUNSOOK began the meeting before looking at her files to see the first topic, which is pertaining BULLET INQUIRY. “since MINJI and HAYOUNG are featured in BULLET INQUIRY, the staff thought it would be a good idea to promote the show a bit. so for you two, you will be given a chance to watch the first-two episodes and give your reaction. the video will more or less promote both the drama and fabula, so feel free to give input and thoughts about what you think might happen in the drama.” 
MINJI and HAYOUNG will be filming a two reaction videos ( one for episode 1 and the other for episode 2 ) and this will be posted on FABULA’s youtube channel. they will be watching and reacting to the episodes before it officially airs ( the reaction videos will be posted on APRIL 17 and 20 ). the girls will be doing the reactions together, but on the actual videos they will compile the best parts of the reaction and put it into two videos.
it is important to note that while there is a farewell party and vacation for the BULLET INQUIRY cast, unfortunately the two of them will not be able to attend those events due to their busy promotion schedules. furthermore, since ARIN has been dropped from the roleplay, she will still have her appearances on the drama but the announcement of her leaving the group will not be made until it’s closer to their comeback. the FABULA members are asked to not disclose such details until the company has publicly announced it ( and there will be no staff article about this on lgcmedia, it’s more for ic knowledge ).
“i’ve been told by a fellow co-worker that there is going to be another acting project in the works. since some of the people in lgc agency will be busy in the next few months, they’ve suggested to me to extend this invitation to all of you. i’ve written some information about this audition for each of you in your files so you can review it whenever you have time.
for this audition, each of the FABULA members will each schedule an appointment with the staff member for the show ( if they agree to do this ). a few days before the audition, each individual is asked to brainstorm and create a character for a slice of life and workplace comedy show ( which will then be used for the actual audition ). once they arrive at the audition, there will be three people ( director, casting director, writer ). the CASTING DIRECTOR will be asking the individual to tell them in about ten minutes everything regarding the character the person has compiled thus far. 
by the end of the ten minutes, the DIRECTOR will then give the person one of the scenes mentioned below and the person must react to it by acting out the scene through their character’s lenses.
#1: your team is assigned to create a new packaging design for a banana box that is about to be released in the upcoming months. today is the day that you’re asked to present the design to the committee but the problem is that your teammate accidentally lost/deleted the file that would be used for your presentation to show the new design. how will your character deal with presenting the idea without any references or information at hand?
#2: your boss is on vacation for a week and you and a fellow co-worker are assigned to take care of some of their work while they’re gone. a few days in, you notice that the co-worker has been slacking on their work thinking that it would be fine to procrastinate on their tasks or that you could finish up the rest of their work instead. would you confront your co-worker and if so, how would you do it?
#3: as a team building activity, your boss and team decides to do some volunteer work and plant some bananas. while planting the bananas, you hear some gossip from the other employees about your boss and their wealthy status. do you listen in to the conversation or remind them to focus on the assigned task?
( IMPORTANT NOTE: as a reminder, while the scenarios mentioned above can be viewed more as serious real life situations, this is for a slice of life and workplace comedy show, so comedy is key here! also, you [ as the mun ] can choose which scenario is given to them, but ic wise the individual will have no idea about it beforehand. )
information regarding the possible roles that you could audition for along with the requirements will be with the CASTING CALL 013 ( ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ) post. for EUNHYE, HAYOUNG, MINJI, and YEJIN they can only audition for the GUEST ROLE ( if they meet the requirements ) while JIAE can audition for the SUPPORTING or GUEST role. depending on the success of the show, if the muse has time in their schedules, and completion of the requirements, they may make another appearance in the future season.
“FABULA has been invited to be one of the attendees for the dream concert. at the moment, there hasn’t been that many details disclosed so far but i’ve been told that this will be hosted in BUSAN. you will be joining another fellow lgc group, V&A. there will be several other artists attending too as well, so it’s quite a special event.” EUNSOOK smiled at the girls, feeling excited that they would get a chance to be in one of the biggest yearly concerts in korea.
details about this will be revealed later this month, so keep an eye on that!
during the comeback season, the FABULA members will be split into pairs ( or solo ) and host a livestream to interact with the fans! listed below is the arrangement and what date they will be doing their livestream:
the livestreams will most likely start after all of the girls are done with their schedules for the day and happen inside their dorm rooms. the videos will last around 30-45 minutes, depending if they have any schedules the following day.
the loud knock echoed throughout the room at an unexpected time, which caused EUNSOOK to interrupt the meeting. “hold on…” EUNSOOK walked towards the door and as she opened it, she spotted another woman who was then revealed to be another manager to add to the team. “this is SHIM JOOHEE, she’ll be joining us as another manager. as the legacy groups expand and become more popular, the company has been slowly bringing in additional managers to help the groups. in this case, they brought JOOHEE to the team because she’ll be a manager for a specific person…” both EUNSOOK and JOOHEE’s eyes slowly turn towards EUNHYE. 
JOOHEE smiled at the idol before revealing, “yes, i will be taking care of EUNHYE in the meantime. EUNSOOK and i were reviewing your schedule and believed that there would need to be an additional manager to help take care of your schedules, especially the radio shows…” she let out an airy chuckle, turning towards EUNSOOK who mostly stayed up late thanks to the leader’s radio show schedules.
“and that’s it for all of the news. now all of you should get back to what you were doing before.” EUNSOOK placed her hands on her hips as she watched each of the FABULA members leave one by one. when it was only EUNSOOK and JOOHEE left, JOOHEE handed EUNSOOK a small bag containing a handful of yogurt flavored gummy candies. “you-know-who told me to give that to you and say, ‘don’t overwork yourself. see you soon’. i guess you-know-who didn’t want to be teased by the others, especially by legacy’s tweedledee and tweedledum.” EUNSOOK laughed at the nickname the managers had for KYUHWAN and KYUWON before taking the bag. she responded as the two of them were about to leave the room, “thank you. i’ll send a message to you-know-who later.”
if you want a comprehensive list of all of the gigs that the group will be participating in during Q2 2023, you can refer to the Q2 2023 SCHEDULES post, which will be posted at a later time.
this will be split into two parts. to give the admin team enough time to work on banana division, you would need to do the following: 
BANANA DIVISION AUDITION (CHARACTER): write a 300+ word headcanon post where you describe the character that your muse would have proposed to the judges. the post MUST include the following questions/topics: name, personality, backstory, quirks, interests, how do they react under stress/pressure, and education background ( this doesn’t have to be detailed, but more so if they have a degree and if so, for what area of interest ). completing this will earn you +5 ACTING and +5 VARIETY ! 
BANANA DIVISION AUDITION (IMAGINARY SCENARIO): write a 300+ word solo regarding the audition. in the solo, it MUST include how the actor’s character reacts to one of the scenarios mentioned above ( and please add which scenario you picked ). completing this will earn you +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY !
make sure you tag the above posts with the hashtag lgc:castingcall013. you have until MAY 13, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the banana division requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ CASTING CALL 013 - BANANA DIVISION AUDITION (CHARACTER): +5 acting, +5 variety [ LINK ]  – BANANA DIVISION AUDITION (IMAGINARY SCENARIO): +8 ( skill points distribution ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ]  - AUDITIONED FOR: [ main / lead / support / guest ]
and here are the remaining tasks for this mission:
BULLET INQUIRY REACTION: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) with the other ( MINJI/HAYOUNG ) reacting to the first two episodes of bullet inquiry for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY !  ** only for MINJI and HAYOUNG **
COMEBACK PROMOTIONS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another FABULA member regarding anything that they will be doing during q2 ( ex. dream concert, rehearsals and live performances for antifragile, fansigns, etc ). this task cannot overlap with the other ones mentioned above ( as in you cannot use the bullet inquiry reaction video for this ). the thread/solo has to be different. completing this task will earn you +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +4 NOTORIETY ! ** can be completed up to two times **
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:bulletinquiry for the reaction videos and lgc:fabulamission for the task. you have until JUNE 17, 2023 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ FABULA MISSION 007 - BULLET INQUIRY REACTION: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ] ** only for MINJI and HAYOUNG ** - COMEBACK PROMOTIONS: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +4 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be completed up to two times **
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