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picathartidae Ā· 10 months ago
random ask: what is your go-to daily drink? your special occasion drink? detail delightful, recipe spectacular.
āˆ§,,,āˆ§ (Ā  Ģ³ā€¢ Ā· ā€¢ Ģ³) /Ā Ā Ā  恄ā™” I love you drinks [you're pretty cool though]
Alas poor Yorick, I am so boring. My usual drinks are tea (white no sugar; daily) and coffee (flat white; less frequent, but still often). Sometimes I will be a tiny bit more fancy and have chai or hot chocolate. All of the hot beverages, really.
Special occasion drink is a Vietnamese iced coffee (basically coffee with condensed milk and ice). I am too scared to attempt making one myself, and if I was successful I'd have a serious problem on my hands because I would never stop having them. So, special occasion drink it stays.
(I think you're pretty cool too)
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picathartidae Ā· 11 months ago
random ask: what is your absolute most favorite food ever? the one that you wish you could summon at will with no prep required and also need everyone around you to try and also love (but not so much that there's none left for you)?
I am a sad little carb gremlin and I love pastries! Meat pies specifically, as I am annoyingly Australian. They've been my safe-food since forever, and I have had a lifelong obsession. It's pretty bogan of me and a little embarrassing, but oh well.
The best one I ever had was actually at a renaissance fair a few years ago. I went back several times in later years but could never find the same stall again :(
The thing I would actually want other people to try was a mango float I had at a dessert bar I frequent with my partner - absolutely blew my mind. Oh my goddd it was so so so good. If they didn't change their menu every month, I would never get anything else from there. Instead, I must patiently wait and vibrate until they decide to bring it back.
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picathartidae Ā· 7 months ago
Thanks for the tag, @vestigialpersonality!
Three Ships: Iā€™m not a big shipper and I donā€™t really understand shipping as a concept (blame it on my aro/aceness). It isnā€™t how I prefer to engage with media, but Iā€™ll try to come up with some pairings I like anyway.Ā 
Resist!Dark Urge/Spawn!Astarion, Baldurā€™s Gate 3. To the surprise of absolutely no one, I like these two together a whole lot. I tend to prefer a male Durge over a female one, but whatever. Itā€™s a good fun time and they vibe. I like how Durge is the one character that forces Astarion to step up and be the responsible stable one. I love how you see this more emotionally available side to Astarion in a Durge run. I love how two objectively terrible people can end up bringing out the best in each other, despite the odds. I love the mutual and simultaneous redemption arcs.Ā 
Jonas Kahnwald/Martha Nielsen, Dark. These two are a fucking disaster and I am so taken with how their weird obsessive love for each other is so destructive but also so pure and how that is so tied up with the themes. The way this show deconstructs relationships and the lengths people will go to for the sake of their loved ones is really compelling to me.
Shen Qingqiu/Luo Binghe, Scum Villainā€™s Self-Saving System. Another trash dumpster fire of a pairing, but whatever they are my boys and I love them. All of MXTXā€™s main pairs, really, but sqq/lbh are my absolute favourites, likely because Scum Villain is by far the easiest read of them all for me. I like the relationship in how it is used to actively deconstruct masculinity and support the overall themes of the novel.
First Ship: Iā€™m pretty sure it was Scott Summers/Jean Grey from X-Men. Scott was always my #relatable vaguely autistic king, and Jean was genuinely just so cool and interesting to my young self. Iā€™m still salty about it and I will never forgive Marvel.Ā 
Last Song: I have been playing Die For You (ft Grabbitz) on a loop for maybe a month now. This is what happens when my partner rewatches Arcane and then listens to all of the League of Legends and Valorant music and sends me their favourites. And also the song perfectly fits in with my stupid Durge and his stupid Durge vibes, soā€¦ yeah. A song from Valorant for you. I have never played it and I barely know what it is, but this song is great.
Last Movie: I think it was Dune Part 2? Itā€™s fine. Itā€™s a good movie. I think it had the same problem as the book for me, in that the messaging was like getting hit repeatedly in the head with a sledgehammer because it didnā€™t seem to trust that people would get it, but since Iā€™ve seen plenty of people completely miss said message, I canā€™t really blame it for that. It's very visually impressive and Denis Villeneuve is an insanely talented man who clearly knows the book series so well. Give him all of the awards.
Currently Reading: an eclectic collection of BG3 fanfictions.
Currently Watching: Iā€™m making my way through Teen Wolf for the first time, because Iā€™m legitimately shocked I never watched it when it was on (I was directly in its target demographic and never saw it? Who even am I). At the moment, Iā€™m about three episodes into season 4. Itā€™s a whole experience and I have so many feelings. Is it good? Not even slightly. Does it make sense? Barely. Am I kind of loving it anyway? Fuck yeah. Teenage me would have been all over this show. Iā€™m so mad.
Currently Eating: Carbs! Always carbs. Just finished some spinach and feta scrolls, specifically.
Currently Craving: a decently written character-driven genfic. Please, I am begging.
Favourite Colour: dusty blue
Current Obsession: pretty much anything D&D related. Mostly BG3 specifically.
Last Thing I Googled: lots and lots and lots of Forgotten Realms lore.Ā 
Favourite Season: Autumn, purely for the aesthetic.
Skill Iā€™d Like To Learn: figure drawing, for sure. I am desperate to be able to produce decent character art for OCs, especially since I am poor and canā€™t currently afford to commission someone.
Best Advice: You shouldnā€™t have to justify every facet of your existence to others. Youā€™re allowed to take up space.
Tagging: I think everyone I would tag has been tagged already, so Iā€™m just going to leave it as anyone who wants to participate, consider yourself tagged.Ā 
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