#I’ve made … a lot of lore. for my farmer. I love them
pigeonwithapen · 2 years
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I have been playing way too much Stardew Valley lately, very tempted to make Moss’ boxers a repeating pattern [ID in Alt]
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sonofarathorns · 3 months
i finished return of the king for the first time!
and i’m gonna get sappy about it.
• the first chapter was so good and the movie does an excellent job staying so accurate to the book, except i love the additional detail we’re given by seeing everything from pippin’s perspective. we actually get to know beregond and his son, and we get to know denethor better.
• book merry is such a badass. i love him so much. all the hobbits are badasses, actually.
• HALBARAD!!!!!!!! my favorite minor character, i only knew him from fanfiction until now, but I LOVE HIM. i do so wish he was in the movies, i know they had to make difficult decisions but i would’ve loved to see the dunedain come to the paths of the dead with aragorn, legolas and gimli.
• i have spoken about eowyn’s riding into battle as dernhelm, but i will do it again. how intense was that!!! and then theoden’s death, i was cleaning my house and listening to the audiobook narration by andy serkis during this part, and i had to sit down and stop so i could cry properly. and eomer’s reaction to his uncle dying and then finding his sister who wasn’t even supposed to be there on the battlefield… excellent depiction by the movie, for that part.
• the frodo and sam chapters made me thirsty.
• aragorn in the house of healing… 🔥🥵
• i love that we get to see how eowyn and faramir start spending time together 🥹💕
• lobelia in chapter 9 🥺🫶
• um, how come i am just now finding out that saruman’s and grima’s deaths are different? crazy! well, there’s a lot that happens in the shire after they return, with the ruffians and farmer cotton and rosie, which:
• ^ i knew sam and rosie moved in with frodo after they got married from fanfiction but their conversation about it was awesome. just like, duh sam, you’re living with me?! good for them.
• bill and strider, i need a minute 😭🤧
• the very last page-…i didn’t know it was the last page because the appendices are so long, and i was not prepared. i cried. and then i got excited because it was time for me to do my nerd homework (read the appendices). lots of names and places i vaguely knew from fics (hello elrond lore, beren and luthien, etc.!) but i finally got to read the og source material!
i feel strange and sad. like i’ve been there and back again… i’ve loved these movies since i was 11, and now i will never be able to read them for the first time again 🥺
lotr got me through a really tough first anniversary of a death in my family a few months ago - that’s why i finally decided to read the books. fic writers and fan artists have brought me joy on days where it seemed like all hope was lost. all of this to say, i love this fandom ♥️ and i hope at least some of you have found enjoyment reading my thoughts on the books.
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lazybutsmexy · 2 years
Rotten Apple
Ghost x fem!Reader (Canary) x Soap
A/N: This is set after the events in Bird Hunting, but is mostly centered around Canary (here [Name] due to her being in a civilian setting) and her parents. Just a lil' bit of lore for BH fans :)
Warnings: hurt/comfort, referenced past child neglect, narcissistic/abusive parents.
Summary: Sweetened apples turn sour when rotten apples are around.
Word count: 2100~
“...Yae think we should’ve brought a leash?” Johnny pondered, and Simon had no choice but to consider his opinion for the next time they went to the farmers’ market with [Name]. Only ten minutes had passed from the moment they arrived, and it only took her catching a whiff of sweetened apples for her to zoom away into the crowd. 
And it was crowded today, with a congregation of people, alone, in couples, or entire families that had decided to brave the unusually sunny weather to stock up on organically harvested seasonal fruits and vegetables, animal products, and other produce made by the same people that sold them in cute little stands. 
[Name] absolutely loved the farmers’ market - Simon wasn’t that keen on crowds, but both him and Johnny were easily swayed by her excitement. The initial plan was for them to stock up on groceries before spending a long-awaited long weekend at Johnny’s cabin in the north. But now she had disappeared to who-knows-where. 
Her stealth had been an important skill during missions, but now it was a problem. Is this how their enemies felt, knowing that she was around there but being unable to find her?, Simon thought, his eyes scanning the crowd from above - luckily, there weren't many people even close to his size. 
“There!” Johnny exclaimed, and took off in a random direction. Simon was hot behind his heels, refusing to lose another one of his partners today. Both men had to struggle to part the crows around them without shoving them aside, and not tripping into distracted kids that wandered around their parents. 
Finally, Simon saw her, but there was something off about her. He couldn’t quite place it before Johnny got to her, his hand brushing her arm. 
“[Na-]! Oh, sorry,” Johnny quickly retracted his hand with a sheepish grin, “I thought you were my girlfriend, you look a lot like her.”
The girl eyed him up and down and quirked an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, “That’s the most awful pick-up line I’ve heard,” she sneered at him, and Johnny couldn’t help but notice that she really looked eerily similar to [Name], from the color of her hair, the shape of her lips, to the scrunch on her nose when she looked at him in displeasure. “And by the way,” she continued dismissively, crossing her arms over her chest, “I already have a fiance, and you can’t afford me anyway.”
Both Simon and Johnny blinked at the woman, who was looking at both of them up and down. Johnny was getting rightfully annoyed at her choice of tone, and was about to turn around when she saw the woman’s face shift into surprise as her eye caught something behind them. “...[Name]?”
[Name] had been about to grab Simon’s shoulder, excited to show him her newly purchased jars of jams while munching away at a caramel apple, but the moment she noticed who was speaking to them, she turned around and shifted through the crowds again. 
Her heart was pounding in her ears and she felt her lungs constrict against her ribs for oxygen. The soles of her feet stung - although her burns were healed, the new skin was still sensitive. She had lost her treat somewhere, but she paid it no mind, eager to find the exit, and wait for Johnny and Simon by the truck. 
However, and she should already know this by heart, Lady luck sometimes is a bitch. 
“...[Name]? Is that you?” The voice made her freeze on the spot, right outside the parking lot, and she felt like a child all over again as she slowly turned around, her eyes meeting her mother’s. 
“...Hi, mom,” she sighed dejectedly, resigning herself to her fate as she saw her father turn around to face her, regarding her with an unimpressed stare, “Hi, dad.”
“Haven’t seen you in years, darling,” the woman spoke sweetly and smiled politely, but it didn’t reach her eyes. It never does when it’s for me, [Name] thought bitterly. It was no different than when she spoke to a stranger at the grocery store, definitely not how one would speak to a daughter. 
“Have you finally come to your senses?” her father was less subtle, crossing his arms over his chest, “Are you finally coming back home?”
“Ah, no, I’m actually on medical leave,” she cleared her throat and straightened her back, finally remembering she was not a teenager anymore, “I have my own place, had it for a while now, actually.”
“Really now?” her mother cooed, “When are you going to get the rest of your stuff from home, then?”
[Name] blinked at her, tilting her head a little in confusion, “you told me you were getting rid of my things years ago, you said you were going to use my bedroom for an office for Trish or something.”
“Oh, we did repurpose your old bedroom, silly girl,” the woman laughed, then shrugged condescendingly, “what we couldn’t give away is in a couple of small boxes in the attic, mostly your childhood photos.” [Name] said nothing - she had already expected her parents to get rid of all traces of her the moment she joined the military, she was only mildly puzzled about them keeping anything. “I'm sure you’ll want those, at least.”
“...You don’t want them?” she asked, although she already had an inkling of what the answer would be. 
“Well, it would be embarrassing to have people asking about you, you know?” her mother sighed, shaking her head, “What would we tell them? It was easier to pretend your sister was an only child.”
“You could tell them the truth,” [Name] retorted, and her father seemed to tense up at her answer.
“Tell people that we have a daughter who whores herself out for a living?” He grumbled, while her mother looked around to see if anyone heard, “what do they call them, barrack bunnies?” 
[Name] bit her lip, her mind unhelpfully replaying the disastrous argument that resulted from her enlisting years prior. “I thought you didn’t care if I died, anyway.”
“But you’re alive, and you owe us,” her mother chastised, her pitch dropping a few tones, “we raised you-”
“Grandma and Grandpa raised me, you were too busy raising Trish.”
“We kept you fed and clothed even though you always rebelled against us,” her mother hissed, stepping closer, “you turned our family against us!” 
“You did that yourself,” [Name] kept her voice down, calm, knowing from experience that getting herself fired up would only give them more power, “you’re the one who started pretending I didn’t exist when I turned ten, saying you wished Trish was your only daughter.”
Her mother huffed and turned her face away indignantly, “and I stand by that.” 
“...I know, you find it easier to pretend I don’t exist than to check whether I’m alive or not.”
“We should’ve left you at the hospital when we had the chance.” 
[Name] rolled her eyes at that. After so many years living away from her parents, the usual quips and threats from her mother hurt less than when she was a teenager. It was a small comfort, to know that she’d grown out of her parents' shadow. “Yeah, that wasn’t very smart of you-” she was stopped by a sound slap, her face turning from the impact. She slowly raised her hand to cup her stinging cheek, and eyed her father, whose hand was still raised.
“You will not speak to your mother in that manner, young lady,” he growled, and [Name] just blinked at him, unsure of how to react without getting herself arrested. 
“And you will not raise your hand against my corporal again, unless you’re ready to lose it,” Simon’s voice was low, dangerously low, and it sent shivers down both [Name]’s and her parents’ spines, although for entirely different reasons. She glanced over her shoulder, finding herself eye-level with Simon’s chest. Johnny stood by his side with a severe expression in his face, one she had seldom seen before. 
Her parents warily stepped back, taking in the two large men who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. “W-who are you?” Her father stammered - although he would later deny he did. 
“Lieutenant Riley, and this is your last warning,” he grumbled, although he didn’t need to do anything else to intimidate them. They already looked as if they were trying to find somewhere to hide. 
Knowing that her parents were - for once - the ones cowering in fear stirred a newfound sense of power in [Name]’s heart - what was it that Gaz called it? Ah, yeah, scary dog privilege. She found it easier to look at the people in front of them and realize that nothing had tied her to them for a long time. 
The branches of the genealogy tree can also be snipped to one’s content, her Grandma had told her on her twelfth birthday, when she couldn’t grasp the concept of her parents choosing to celebrate one kid’s birthday and not the other’s. 
She had found herself being dropped off at her Grandparents’ early in the morning, while her parents boasted about taking Trish to an amusement park for the day. Little [Name] was heartbroken, and had begged her mom to forgive her for whatever she had done to not deserve a birthday party. But alas, they were relentless, and a lot of screaming from her mom and a backhanded slap from her dad had broken her pleas and made her silent, just like many other times. 
At that time, [Name] couldn’t grasp the meaning of her Grandma’s words, but now that she had grown up, and disappointment had settled in a long time ago, those words rang truer than ever in her mind. 
Even when she was on the brink of death in the forest, seeing them again never crossed her mind, for she knew they wouldn’t care even to visit her grave. 
Keep up with that attitude, and you will die alone, because no one will ever love you, her mother had told her at thirteen, when she started openly questioning the difference in treatment with her twin. 
How wrong she was, she thought. She was far from alone, and she was very well loved. Although her Grandparents were long gone, she had Simon and Johnny right here with her, and Gaz was her chosen brother, and Price was a better father figure than the man in front of her had ever been.
“Burn those photos, for all I care,” she smiled at her mother. It was a calm, detached smile - a polite smile you give to a stranger at the grocery store, not to a parent. “Make it real, that I do not exist for you.” 
And with that she turned around, tugging on Simon's long sleeve as discreetly as she could. Johnny did notice, however, and smirked to himself as he followed after them - Simon would’ve gladly squared up to those two for hours if needed, but he easily relented to her touch. 
Simon opened the truck’s passenger door for [Name] and she sat in silence, still mulling over her thoughts. A warm hand rested on her knee and she looked up to see her favorite pair of blue eyes staring back at her. They looked at each other in silence - there was an unsaid question in his lips, but she could almost taste it. 
“...Let’s go home, okay?” She whispered, her hand stroking his knuckles. He simply nodded and shut the door before climbing in himself. Johnny was already sitting behind her, his lips pressed in a pout as he caught her reflection on the side view mirror, staring out of the window at the pair of strangers that once held her heart in their hands.
After a few silent moments as they pulled out of the parking lot, Johnny reached over, presenting [Name] with a fresh candy apple with sprinkles on top. She took it from his fingers, chuckling to herself at how easy it was for them to draw a smile from here, even though her heart still stung a little.
"Thanks, love," she hummed, pressing a kiss to his wrist and knowing that Johnny was grinning proudly to himself. Simon's hand was warm on her thigh, a welcome weight that grounded her in the present.
She could grow her own tree, if she so wanted, with the people she loved the most.
A/N: poor bby Canary deserved better parents :(
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I need the dobqi lore actually I am hearing you out so hard
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ANON! infodumping under the cut (also warning i’m gonna start typing like a normal person cause i wanna get my thoughts down right lmao!)
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Personally I have a whole AU in my brain made up for them, but I might write a fanfic eventually and I don’t want to spoil it too much, so I’ll try to stick to pseudo-canon.
The main gimmick of the ship is that Qi has reached an enlightened state where he is self aware of the player and the code and can break the fourth wall, whilst Dobson is quite literally stuck IN the aforementioned code. There are two main ideas I’ve been basing the ship on here— one, that Qi knows Dobson is stuck in the code (and possibly why), and two, that Qi is possibly the only one who would even know that Dobson ever existed in the first place.
With these basics, I think you can take the ship in a lot of directions. I joked about it in the tags of the fanart I made, but the idea of them getting romantically involved/having a dramatic breakup and Qi trapping him in the code out of embarrassment is kind of funny to me. That prompt specifically also means that there’s a lot of room for this shit:
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(Fun fact, this was actually my first fanart of them. It looks like shit cause I never finished colouring it but you get the concept lmao! Weird DDLC type toxic creepypasta yaoi.)
RE; Qi’s role itself, I also think there’s a lot of room for Undertale/When They Cry/EEAAO timeline shenanigans (which is the idea I go for the most because i’m such a sucker for it!). I mean, it’s implied that Qi knows you’re playing a video game, so I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that he COULD find a way to be watching every player in every save file at all times. How Dobson is involved is up to you, but I just think it would be really fun if this was involved somehow beyond as a vague statement…
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…Personally, I really adore the idea of Dobson and Qi being foils in the sense that Qi plays with the farmer for enjoyment, whereas Dobson plays with the farmer to win. I think if Dobson made it impossible for a player to complete the game, for instance, or if he was a particularly sore loser, that even a man like Qi who trusted and loved him enough to hand him the metaphorical Eden apple on a silver platter would take it away in a heartbeat for the good of the valley and the joy of the game.
My final real Thing Of Note is about the 2nd point I mentioned, because I think regardless of why Dobson was sealed away, the idea that Qi would be the only one to remember him is kind of tragic and haunting. I very much enjoy the idea that a man who lacks even the quality of basic existence would have such a profound effect on a man like Qi, who is, knows, and has everything anyone could ever ask for. This song reminds me of the situation a lot, especially this part:
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…But those are just my takes. Like a lot of SDV side characters, they’re so malleable that within reason, you can honestly headcanon whatever you want about them (which is the part of the appeal to me!) I think part of me just likes it because the idea of Qi having more fanonical demons beyond like “might have been into your Grandpa” really gets me going.
Anyway, I don’t really know how to end this, so here are some goofy fic lines I had in my drafts about them and also more lyrics from Miracle Aligner (the song in the caption of that post), because I think THAT fits them really well too!
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stiffyck · 1 year
hello hello! I have not braindumped in your asks for a while now lmao
I honestly can’t think of anything you might be interested in hearing hkajskj i’ve not been as interested in hermitcraft as much recently as I have been with empires and limited life
uhhhh here’s some fun facts
vampires couldn’t see themselves in mirrors in original lore because at the time all mirrors were made of silver, which burned vampires if they touched it. however now, since silver is expensive, most mirrors are made of aluminium and so theoretically they would be able to see themselves in most mirrors (I love the idea of recently turned vampires going into an antique store and being jumpscared by their lack of reflection / old vampires going into any modern establishment with mirrors and being jumpscared by their very much present reflection)
a pineapple is not a fruit, not a vegetable, but Lots of berries fused together
in the victorian era, lower income people in england such as farmers would struggle to keep warm in the winter nights, and so made a blanket from sheets of paper stuffed with cotton wool. it was very insensitive, and we didn’t really know about them until we found an excerpt from a book explaining how to make them (presumably because they would wear down relatively fast and would be burned or composted when it was useless)
chicken nuggets (from mcdonald’s) originated in the 70s when people were suddenly aware of red meat being a cause of heart disease and were supposed to be a ‘healthier’ alternative to the burger, but actually contain more cholesterol than the burger did
on that topic, the study saying red meat and cholesterol was the main cause of heart disease was found to be false only a few years after, but the facts disproving the study was only found in the last 20 years (the original study didn’t take into account smoking and alcohol and inactive lifestyles)
I can’t think of any more facts hkahs
this is a long ask wow lmao
uhh just had my first practice exams today and my final test was so long that I fell asleep twice after I finished and still had 30 minutes before it was over which was funny
I can’t think of anything else to say, I hope your day wasn’t awful, I love you! /p
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the-halfling-prince · 10 months
Abe please gimme Harlow lore (I’ve seen snippets and am Intrigued)
The Harlow fans are getting FED tonight. (Idk how many of those there are, but there's at least you)
So just so y'all know I've got the basics of the series all planned out, but ive only got the first book written (draft 2 is almost finished). A lot of things I say here may contradict with things ive said in the past or will contradict with things I say in the future. Anyway let's go.
The main setting of the books is The Alavenik Archipelago, a small group of islands who's culture is inspired by (but not super directly) Norse (and a little Celtic) aesthetics. Of course most of the stories take place in the main character, Harlow's, home island of Drakenvel (the southernmost island in the archipelago.) The other islands are called Njotidan, Yfgusti, Krowethia, Nihdrikah, and The UnNamed Island. The islands are home to mostly humans, deer, birds, fox, rabbits, wolves, and oh yeah dragons. There's dragons in my Nordic inspired fantasy books don't look into that too much. (I'm a huge fan of httyd and skyrim what can I say?) The culture around how the Alavenikians treat dragons is basically just they avoid them like the plague. The dragons have human intelligence but they don't speak the same language. Our main character, luckily, is autism and thinks it's weird to not try and befriend the creature of equal intelligence that live in their home. This obviously gets her into trouble.
Drakenvel Island is very small. It's got cliffs all along the western shore, and forests covering most of the island (minus where the village is). The archipelago's islands trade with eachother regularly, and the Drakenvellians have mostly livestock and crops to offer. Their land is good for farming, with the main farm being owned by the Freyrson family (Wintergrow Freyrson is the head farmer. She's not super important to the story but her oldest kid is, just wait).
Another important thing to note about Drakenvel is that epithets are important to them. Almost all of the Drakenvellians go by an epithet/nickname of some sort. It can change later in life but typically it doesn't. The exception to this is the chief and his heir, who go by their real names (aka Harlow and her dad. I didn't bother giving him a name tho ngl). Like Harlow's best friend Tiger, who's real name is Björn. Or his dad, Inkwell, who's real name is also Björn. (Also until very recently in Drakenvel history, all the families had patriarchal last names. But slowly they've been transitioning to just having last names. Some of them have previous family members' epithets as last names, such as the Stormrages and Crowthornes, and some of them kept the patriarchal last name they had when making the change, for example the Freyrsons. Inkwell and Tiger's family hadn't made that change yet, but they basically decided they were going to stick with Björnson, since the past three generations have had that name. Hence Tiger's unfortunate full name being Björn Björnson the Second)
The chief is in charge of the village, but there is a council. This council consists of: Chief Stormrage, Wintergrow Freyrson, Inkwell Björnson (who owns the library), Halvor (the children's training leader, more on that later), Spiderweb and Bloodfell Crowthorne (more on them later. Hate them, tho.), and of course, Harlow. (Cause why wouldnt you have a 12 year old on your council.)
Real quick wanna mention Harlow and Tiger's mothers, Harlow's mother (who doesn't have a name yet I'm working on it) and Bullseye Björnson where adventurers who went missing when Harlow was four and Tiger was two. Harlow was basically raised by her mother's mother, and Tiger was raised by Inkwell (who is the best dad ever btw take notes y'all I love him)
Now I mentioned earlier that the kids have training. So on that: Drakenvel is a mostly peaceful village. But after Halvor first showed up from Yfgusti (a not very peaceful village), he suggested that they start a training program for the youth to learn to fight in the odd chance that they do go to war, just like they had on Yfgusti. The chief wasn't sure, but his wife thought it was a good idea so he agreed to it. From ages 10-18 the kids train in swordfighting, archery, wilderness survival, hunting, etc. They do that a few times a week. Harlow is great at it. Tiger is not. It makes for fun dynamics idk
Okay okay enough of Harlow and Tiger (never) what of the other kids? So glad you asked! There's four other kids in training. Catface Freyrson, Darkwind and Burnchaser Fjordson, and of course, my boy, my main man, the motherfucker himself: Careless Crowthorne. Careless is constantly described as an expert archer. I really like archery so I talk about him and his archery a LOT in the books ngl. Careless and Cateface have a history similar to Harlow and Tiger, extremely loyal childhood best friends, but as circumstances changed Careless and he became a jerk, that rubbed off on Catface (and Darkwind and Burnchaser) and in the words of Catface himself, they "became less friends and more 'the bully and kids who followed because they didn't want to be a victim'". Unfortunately, even after Careless had his half-assed redemption (it gets better in later books but his initial redemption was so bad even Harlow talks about it, he really just wanted to clear his own conscious) the rest of the boys we're still assholes.
Holy shit this is getting long
oh btw Harlow's dad doesn't like Tiger. This bitch has beef with a 10 year old fuck OFF i hate him.
Wait, hold on, aren't there some more important main characters in this... Hmmm... I talk about this all the time who am I forgetting... ah yes.
Daliah. (And another I'll get to next just wait, Cloudstorm fans)
Daliah of Krowethia. A mysterious girl who just showed up on Drakenvel one day. She's secretive, but doesn't really try to be. She just never talks about herself, and everyone else assumes she doesn't want to talk about her past. Anyway, they find out later she mysteriously showed up on the docks of Krowethia as a child, not remembering anything, and being taken in by the owner of a boarding house, a woman named Meilani. More of her another day. But Daliah had an urge to see the rest of the archipelago, and taught herself how to sail, and survival skills, and she went island to island, enjoying the landscapes (and avoiding dragons, which she was deathly afraid of)
Oh yeah there's one more member of their little gang. Another outsider from another land. A little dragon, an Amber-Winged Wyvern by the name of Cloudstorm. Harlow is obsessed with Amber-Winged Wyverns. In the same way someone who will never see their favorite animal IRL would be. Seeing an artic dwelling dragon is an unattainable dream for poor Harlow (me too girlie when do I get to see a caribou just out in the wild. Except her seeing an animal native to the artic is more likely than me seeing a Caribou so damn I guess.) She's only seen illustrations. But yeah then she finds on on her island???? The fuck??? (When will a Caribou show up in the Southern USA come on man. Sorry I got distracted. Anyway.) She talks to the dragon (because of fuckin course she does) and desperately wants to befriend him. Cloudstorm wants nothing to do with this weird kid. The rest of the gang wants nothing to do with this dragon.
More dragons come into the story later, but the first book is very much about the main group becoming, well, a group.
Also the dynamics between Harlow and the other main characters are so fun to me. Harlow and Careless and both headstrong leader types, but Harlow more boisterous, and Careless is more idk menacing is the only word I can think of. Harlow and Daliah are both adventure seekers, but Daliah is a play it safe survivalist, and Harlow is way more spontaneous. Then Harlow and Tiger are almost complete opposites. With Harlow being the boisterous, headstrong, adventurous, spontaneous leader, Tiger is a shy, weak, careful pushover and follower. Yet they're somehow best friends. Harlow and Cloudstorm are basically the same which makes their dynamic so funny. He treats her like she treats her own authority figures. (Not that Harlow is Cloudstorm's authority figure that was just the comparison I had)
idk if I have anything else to add RN but I'm willing to answer any about specific things
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wewinbees · 4 years
the st george of the dream smp
philza’s hardcore tour with slimecicle has got me thinking about one line from doomsday again. during ghostbur’s argument with phil, he says “i’ve read the history books, phil. you slayed the dragon, you slayed alivebur, you are the st george of the dream smp, we understand, everyone understands that, phil. but look what you’ve done. how can you look at this and still see yourself as a hero?”
i’ve always loved that entire speech from ghostbur, but i don’t know we’ve ever had an actual canon explanation for what most of it means, namely “the dragon” part.
first, phil being in history books in the dream smp 100% makes sense - for his role in smpearth (hinted canon) as co-leader of the antarctic empire, for his aid on the dawn of the 16th, arriving late and killing wilbur and then as an age old immortal who has probably born witness to enough things to at the very least be a valuable source for historical documentation.
in his hardcore world, phil describes himself as a traveller who discovers the remnants of the ender war, uncovering war torn builds and monuments. now the hardcore lore is COMPLETELY SEPARATE to the dsmp and is really cool and i am only considering dsmp phil as like... an offshoot timeline version of him where he goes to check on his son. and the only reason i do this is bc this speech has been lingering in my head for two months and we don’t have enough phil lore to pad out theories
the canonising of phil’s hardcore life system could mean his hardcore lore is loosely canon to the dsmp, though, making the battle for endlantis a candidate for the dragon. for anyone who doesn’t know a lot about that, watch this video bc oh my god it’s so cool they don’t call him philza minecraft for nothing. main issue though, there’s TWO dragons he kills there. plus, it’s during his ‘lonely voyages’ and it’s to protect another dimension’s abandoned ruin - not exactly something that would be documented in history books
it should be noted, too; dsmp phil doesn’t know what the end is. he doesn’t recognise the portal, implying the dragon is something else entirely. since he’s centuries old, the end could potentially have been created later on, as if to banish the creatures of the end including these dragons to this separate dimension, and philza would have no clue. this would make sense for a being as powerful as dreamXD taking the portal as a protectorate, fearful of those forces being released out to the world.
with that in mind, this makes smpearth a possibility since they technically went to the MOON, not the end. main issue with this one is that phil didn’t kill the dragon. he helped, but so did everyone else and timedeo dealt the killing blow, with the main egg being collected by the antarctic empire by techno. however, this would make philza a canonical astronaut which i think is cool and justifies any historical inaccuracy :)
now st george.... hmmm. had to research him for this. apparently he slayed a dragon that had been terrorising a village, demanding human sacrifices every now and then and george only jumped in to save a princess. st george himself is the patron saint of england, as well as farmers and soldiers. with phil being “the st george of the dream smp” this suggests that phil is viewed as protector of the server, and maybe l’manberg if we’re looking at the saint of england part. making ghostbur view this as a betrayal, that their great hero turned on them at their moment of need.
but phil... isn’t? he killed the withers during doomsday, because that was the immediate danger at the situation, and he helped build new l’manberg, but he was never really loyal, or believed in the their country, seeing how they treated tommy and techno and the corruption from the origins values, as he hears from ghostbur, to what it becomes under the new cabinet. he stayed neutral until the tipping point, and then left. i don’t think he was ever considered a great hero for the server, more just a respected figure
i think it could be ghostbur’s bias, made up of fond memories of his father from childhood and his dislike of alivebur that formed this illusion. phil is respected by everyone on the server, they know his wisdom, he’s apparently extremely historically important, but that’s the pedestal they’ve put him on, just like the fandom’s “dadza, creeper hole covering up” dreams. philza acts justly, and if his idea of justice goes against l’manberg’s values and the rest of the server’s wishes it doesn’t matter. he’s seen enough in his life to know what a worst case outcome is, and to him, doomsday wasn’t it.
still, he cares about people. he gave up his wings after having them for an immortal lifetime just to save his son, only to have to kill him minutes later. he spent time with techno despite everyone warning him he was a traitor, and grew to understand the reality of his situation in pogtopia. he stayed neutral for fundy, tommy and tubbo, knowing how much the nation meant to them and how they were so deeply tied to it. he showed care for virtual strangers, saving ranboo from the lava and gaining his trust as a result. and he cared for ghostbur, the clueless shell of his dead son that served as a reminder of everything l’manberg took from him.
phil is so complex and we don’t know anywhere near enough about him. characters are very relationship driven in the dsmp but people limit his character to the role of a father, so im glad cc!phil’s setting the facts straight on that one, and i hope the syndicate will let him fully explore more elements of his character. and i. i just.
i just really wanna know what the deal with the dragon is guys like what did that mean what is that implying i just don’t understa-
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saintmarymead · 2 years
💃🏻🚢Death on the Nile thoughts and review !!!🥂🕌
Spoilers under cut !!
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After literal years of waiting, hearing that teeny teaser at the end of Murder on the Orient Express- I have finally got to watch Kenneth Branagh’s Death on the Nile!!!!!!!
Death on the Nile is my joint favourite Agatha Christie book (along with Five Little Pigs), and I adore Suchet’s version soooo much, I’ve rewatched it so many times. Not a fan of Ustinov but that’s just my personal taste. I love murder lovers Jackie and Simon (the fact Simon was last played by JJ Felid and now Armie….. the downgrade) and the ending scene is one of my favourites in not even just any Poirot, but of all movies (and why I started listening to Al Bowly) So this new adaptation had a lot to hold up to !!!
Overall, I did really enjoy it! The cinematography was beautiful and the acting was really good too!! I loved the scene with Poirot and his little biscuits!!!! “Leave my little friend alone.” Baby boy baby.
Van Schuyler and Bowers being together made me really happy!!! Lesbians, lesbians, lesbians!!!!!!! Little old lady lesbians!!!! It was a very nice and fitting addition. But I did Not like how Poirot outed them in front of Bouc? And how … aggressive he was being.
Emma Mckay was really good as Jackie. I didn’t think I would like anyone who wasn’t Emma Griffiths Malin as Jackie but I loved Emma Mckay just as much!!!!! She played her so well.
The merging of Pennington with Allerton and Mr Ferguson with Dr Bessner was interesting. As was how they were all in Egypt for the Doyle’s wedding party and all knowing each other rather than just coincidentally going on the same cruise. And of course the addition of Bouc and his mother being apart of that. I’m not sure why Branagh kept Bouc in when Colonel Race was right there…. or the reason to kill him off that wasn’t just to make Poirot more edgy and sad.
The mustache lore…. I hated. Hated. Poirot has a funky mustache. That is it. We don’t need a traumatic reason Mr. Branagh…. not to mention him SHAVING IT AT THE END. I loved Rosie’s little Poirot roast, but I resent that he admitted it was true? Like yes, Poirot is all those things. He is egotistical and a little freak but I don’t think he would ever admit to that. And I really don’t like that Poirot is the little freak that he is, because of the moustache trauma, because of the weird love interest back story. “I was normal before :)) I was gonna be a farmer :))” No, Poirot is just a little weirdo. An egotistical little freak penguin man. That is why I love him. He doesn’t need a reason to be so!!! The weird edgy trauma porn for him was weird as heck and I wish Branagh had left that out, but, artistic liberty, his vision and all I suppose.
So yes, overall I did enjoy the movie! Beautiful cinematography, great actors and lovely music! It was a good adaptation of the original story, and though I did not enjoy it nearly as much as it or the 2004 version, they will always be there for me to reread and rewatch !! I’m very excited to see what else Branagh does in creating the AGATHA CHRISTIE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE!!!!! I’ve seen him mentioning making a Miss Marple film, and that I would love. But he better not make her young or anything!
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inkabelledesigns · 3 years
So anyone that’s been chatting with me in the past week knows that I’m on a bit of a kick for Balan Wonderworld. A friend of mine has been livestreaming it, and I finally got my hands on it!...Only for my brother to kind of monopolize my Switch and play it for himself. ^^’’’ I don’t mind too much, but he’s probably gonna beat it before I do, the kid’s almost made it to World 7, just needs a few more statues for the train. Meanwhile I’ve only gotten to touch the game for the second time tonight, which has landed me searching for statues and beating the World 3 boss. But I’m glad he’s having fun, it’s awesome to share this game with him. He dances along to all the little celebration sequences, it’s adorable. 
Today he went back and beat the boss for World 4, and he told me it had the same music for that dance sequence as World 2 did. I double checked just to be sure, and he’s right, it does! That strikes me as pretty interesting. I knew they reused the dance tracks for different bosses, but I never paid much mind to the order in which they’re repeated. Because it’s not a straight “123,” it jumps around a little more. It makes me wonder about the ties between the game and the novel. (This is where we get into spoiler territory.)
So I haven’t finished the novel yet (I get the sense I’m right before the final boss, much like my friend is for her game playthrough), but in it, every character has a different name. So our World 2 stage master, Fiona, is called Seagazer, and our World 4 stage master, Haoyu, is Skygazer. It’s established that these two have a close friendship since coming to Wonderworld, and they’ve got a lot in common. So the fact that their sequences share music makes me wonder if the others do too. So now I need to check. If you guys want to look too, here’s the other friendships:
Watcher and Sentinel (World 5 and World 8)
Clocktower Kid and Pensive Pierrot (World 6 and World 9)
Madam of the Mansion and Checkered King (World 10 and World 7)
If they have the same dance music, I’m gonna chuckle, that’s a really clever note game developers. I’d also like to say, dammit devs, some of the stories of these characters are so much darker in the book. Like, we find out Checkered King, the chess guy, lost his wife to sickness while he was too focused on trying to keep his title. Like oh my god, way to make me cry! Not all of them get fleshed out like that, but a lot of them do. Skygazer over there? He almost gets paralyzed in an airplane accident. Scarecrow, our good buddy Farmer Jose? He’s got a family, his home and crops are destroyed in that storm, and he’s afraid he’ll never be able to send his son to college. Madam of the Mansion has some serious issues with imposter syndrome as an artist (that hit me). Bugsy, our sweet little bug loving girl? I already loved her in the game, I identified with her as someone who had weird interests growing up, but when they go into detail about her laboring over these bugs for a class project, and everyone making fun of her for it, oh it hurt, it hurt a lot. And Lady of the Midnight Sun? Oh my gosh I cried the most over her. Her parents loved her dearly, and while going out to get her a Christmas present, they died in a car crash. She feels responsible for their death, and that hurts, that hurts so much. While I still have both of my parents, I can’t help but empathize a little with her and Clocktower Kid on the subject on death. I’ve been afraid of losing my dad since my 17th birthday, and I’m now 24. I know that even when his death does come, while I’ve been expecting it, it’s going to hit me harder and a lot worse than I think it will, and mind you, my imagination is scarily vivid. It all hits very close to home, all of the things they go through are very human problems.
That’s the thing I really love about Balan Wonderworld, but it’s also the biggest contrast between the game and the book: It’s a story about healing. In the game, everything starts out bad but ends up happy, but in the book, it starts off happy and turns out really sad. Honestly, you read the book for the angst and then play the game for the good vibes, ‘cause like, you can’t NOT smile at least a little bit while seeing these characters! In the book, everyone is so upset when you snap them out of their monstrous forms, angry and grieving now that they have the memories of their human, Earthly lives back, because they didn’t want to have to go through any of the pain and trauma again. Lance locked it all away, let them be happy, but it wasn’t real happiness. And it’s the moments where Balan pops in and tries to comfort some of these characters that really hit me. (Y’know, besides the lore point of him taking off his hat.) He sounds like he feels bad that this has to be done, but he knows that if he, Leo, and Emma continue to let Lance manipulate things, Wonderworld won’t be alright, and neither will any of the people who live there. Balan makes it very clear that Wonderworld isn’t about being happy all the time, it’s about finding balance within your life, within yourself. Even though we go through difficult times, we have to keep going, we have to believe that there’s something better on the horizon, that we can move forward and make things better for ourselves, be it by charting our own path or working together with our friends. That’s a really positive message. We have to balance the positive and the negative, otherwise we won’t know joy for what it really is. While I may not know how this whole thing ends, I have to say, I haven’t had this much fun with a game in a long time. 3D platformers are usually not my jam, I’m really bad at being precise (which has been a problem a few times so far), but this game goes at a slower pace, which is exactly what I needed. It’s so cheery and bright, super colorful too. Not gonna lie, I have a fanfic in the works already. ^^’’’’ Hope to share a lot of love for the maestro with all of you!
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Runeterra Retcons 1: Thresh
This is something that I did today. I plan to make this an on-going series (might even take it to YouTube someday if I get the nerve to share my voice), but for now have it as a tumblr post.))
The world of Runeterra is one of the most interesting and complex fantasy settings in modern gaming; a fictional realm bustling with fantastical beings, characters, and a wide variety of plot points offering near endless potential for story-telling. The story of League of Legends is not, in fact, a singular narrative, but rather a collection of different stories spread out across a variety of fictional countries, continents, and even dimensions.
Runeterra as we know it today wasn’t always like this, however; in 2015 Riot Games opted to effectively reboot the lore of their world to be rid of the more restrictive plot elements like Summoners and the Institute of War to allow themselves more wriggle room to tell the stories they wanted to tell. While the decision to effectively make League of Legends non-canon to its own story was initially controversial, the writers of Riot Games have effectively proven themselves extraordinarily capable of using this newfound freedom to its full potential… For the most part.
With a retconned world came the need to retcon characters; Riot has made a substantial effort in the last few years to reimagine and redefine the backstories of the iconic Champions to make them fit into the new narrative, albeit with mixed results. Let’s face it: no writer is perfect and hindsight is 20/20, so a number of characters throughout the years have been left with less-than-stellar backstories compared to most of the roster.
Welcome to Runeterra Retcons, a series in which I’ll be analyzing some of the more controversial champion bios in the game to pick apart the good, the bad, and the horribly missed opportunities. With all that out of the way, let’s begin, shall we?
Episode 1: Thresh
Thresh is at once both an interesting and a bland character. He’s arguably one of the more iconic characters in the game, to the point where he’s practically become the unofficial mascot for the Shadow Isles. In-spite of this, I’ve long felt that Thresh is one of the most awkward fits into the region; before we can discuss the problems with his current lore, however, we first need to address Thresh’s backstory pre-retcon and see if we can analyze the core of his character.
Insert original lore here
So, we can see the concept behind Thresh’s character pretty easily: he’s a jailor who loves tormenting his charges, so much so that he continues to do so even after death. If you were to describe Thresh in a single word, it would probably be “sadistic.” Unfortunately, the original lore doesn’t give a lot beyond that; not where he’s from, not when he died, not even where his prison was located. The bio itself literally says that no one knows the details, and while that does add a faint air of mystery to the character, it doesn’t do much to tie him into the faction he’s supposed to represent: The Shadow Isles.
With that out of the way, let’s now take a look at Thresh’s new bio and see how Riot decided to change him after the retcon.
Insert new lore here
Alright, so, there’s a lot to unpack here. Perhaps the most notable change is that Thresh went from tormenting people to… Tormenting “living relics.” The relics are offered no further explanation in the lore or given any prior context. There’s just… A mirror with a soul in it. There’s a sentient book hidden down in the vaults. For some reason, the monks of the Isles even decided to stash a living person down there because he infused his body with raw magic. Why? Who was this person? What did he do to end up in chains? If this was a dangerous mage, wouldn’t it be better to build a proper prison for him rather than stuff him in a vault full of powerful, dangerous artifacts?
There are so many mysteries here, but perhaps biggest one is this: why was Thresh changed from a warden of people to a warden of relics? Why did they feel the need to turn him from a jailor who enjoyed tormenting his inmates to a curator that was slowly corrupted by the very magics meant to help him do his job? Well, I believe that’s meant to tie into the change made to the Shadow Isles themselves, or rather, the Blessed Isles.
While we never had much info on what the Isles were like before becoming an undead haven, a lot of the lore suggests that they were effectively a paradise, hence the name “Blessed Isles.” This was a place without war, without starvation, without corruption. Naturally, there would be no criminals in paradise, and so this of course means that to make Thresh a warden of things that are inhuman… At least, this is the thought process one might have until they introduce the mysterious regenerating mage, but I guess he’s meant to be one bad egg amidst the crowd, assuming he even came from the Isles at all. Again, it’s never really elaborated on.
So, while the change does make a degree of sense, it kind of feels… Flat. I mean, a guy who enjoys tormenting prisoners in their cells to hear their screams sounds a lot more terrifying than a guy who just stops his sentences halfway through to spite a book. Also, the fact that his lantern just becomes a seemingly endless vessel for souls because of the Ruination is a little silly; like, I know the Black Mist does all sorts of nonsensical things to matter, but the fact that an ordinary lantern gets turned into a relic arguably far more dangerous than anything Thresh was ever guarding seems kind of backwards, at least in my opinion.
So, how can we change this? How would I, personally, retcon Thresh if given the chance? Well, there are a lot of base elements that I would keep, but also some key components I’d like to alter. I’ve written up a short bio of my own for you all to enjoy, so without further ado…
In an age all but forgotten to history, there existed a realm known as the Blessed Isles. Hidden away from the world by a veil of magical mist, the Isles were a place of peace and prosperity; a land free of war, corruption, plague and misery. This paradise was ruled by an order of sacred monks devoted to learning and enlightenment. It was within this paradise that Thresh was born and raised by a pair of humble farmers, growing up surrounded by nature’s bounty.
Though expected that he might follow in his fathers’ footsteps, Thresh showed an aptitude for learning from an early age. In-particular, Thresh seemed fascinated with matters of philosophy; the nature of the soul, morality, and other complex subjects were frequent on the boy’s mind. This attitude quickly earned Thresh the attention of the brotherhood, who invited him to join their order as soon as he was of age. Thresh agreed without hesitation, leaving the farm behind to study at the Isles’ monastery.
For many years, Thresh studied under the tutelage of the order, distinguishing himself from his peers for his ability to grasp complex philosophical issues. Though acknowledged by his teachers, Thresh was met with looks of envy and scorn from his fellow students; rather than let himself be disheartened, however, Thresh instead took an interest in the root of their envy in scorn. Upon approaching his elders with such questions, Thresh found himself being led to a secret chamber deep beneath the monastery, guarded by powerful wards and runes. It was here that Thresh learned the truth of the Blessed Isles.
Thresh watched as one of his fellow pupils stood surrounded by figured in ominous robes, chanting an ominous spell in unison. Thresh’s teacher explained to him that this was ritual had been used by the order for ages to ensure that the Isles flourished. Evil was present in all humans, and so the only way to ensure it did not corrupt their paradise was to extract it from the soul, and seal it away. As the ritual drew to a close, Thresh saw the essence of all the other student’s hatred, envy, malice and warped desire ripped from his body, and placed into a special lantern made to contain it.
Thresh was intrigued. He approached the lantern without hesitation as the other boy was escorted from the chamber, and to his surprise, he heard voice whispering to him from within. The monks explained that though the evils of humanity could be removed, they could not be truly discarded. They needed to be contained, and more than that, they needed a warden to watch over them. Thresh volunteered in a heartbeat, and the monks smiled, pleased by their pupils’ devotion.
What they did not know, however, was that the whispers in Thresh’s mind had already begun taken root. From that day forward, Thresh vigilantly stood guard over the lantern, watching each successive cleansing as it took place. Each time, the wicked essence in the lantern grew stronger, as did the whispers in Thresh’s mind. He began to dream of enacting twisted torments upon the monks, the other disciples, and even his own parents. Slowly but surely, the brotherhood noticed a change in Thresh’s behavior. Fearing that he himself would be subjected to their cleansing rite, Thresh stole the lantern and fled the monastery.
The monks chased Thresh for days, but their search was brought to an abrupt end when strange ships arrived on the Blessed Isles: something Thresh thought impossible. From the safety of the cliffs, Thresh watched in delight as a soldiers led by a foreign king massacred his fellow monks. Their screams were music to the warden’s ears, and as the chaos spread, Thresh found himself reveling in the suffering of all who fell to the foreigners’ blades. Even at the cost of his own life, Thresh dared to move about the battlefield, searching for survivors left in the king’s wake only that he may snuff out the remnants of their lives himself.
Finally, as the screams of his victims began to subside, Thresh turned his attention to the heart of the Isles. From there, he saw a cloud of pure darkness rushing to meet him, and opened his arms wide to embrace it. In that moment, all the wickedness trapped within Thresh’s lantern was freed, bound to his soul through the power of the Ruination. Thresh emerged a being of pure maliciousness, and his lantern, now empty, would serve as the perfect vessel to enact his twisted fantasies.
Thresh now roams Runeterra as an avatar of sadism, bringing pain and misery to all unfortunate enough to cross his path. He stalks his victims and torments them by slowly stripping them of their sanity, before finally prying their souls from their bodies with his wicked sickle. If you hear the sound of chains in the dead of night, run… Though it may already be far too late.
So, what did you think? Now, it’s at this point I feel I need to clarify something: I’m not trying to bash on Riot’s creative team, nor am I saying that I can definitely make a better version of someone else’s character. Hell, I’m not even really saying that my version of the story is flawless; it would probably need to go through several more rewrites before I’d ever consider publishing it as canon, not that I have the power to do so, of course.
Rather, I wanted to take a closer look at Thresh’s character and how well his current lore represents him. I said earlier that Thresh is at once and interesting and a bland character. I consider him a little bland because you can sum him up in a single word: “sadistic.” He has no goals and no motivation other than to cause pain and suffering. Even the other undead of the Shadow Isles typically have some kind of agenda, even if it’s only to spread the Black Mist’s influence. Thresh doesn’t care about that; he just wants to see you writhe in agony, both before and after death. I’d argue he has more in common in with League’s demons than the other specters of the Isles, but it’s BECAUSE Thresh is undead that he has so much potential for an interesting backstory.
The main points I wanted to emphasize in my rewrite are: expanding on the magics that corrupted Thresh into being so sadistic, giving his lantern some greater significance in the story, and replacing the vault full of otherwise pointless macguffins with something a little more sinister that gives the Blessed Isles a hint of dichotomy. Riot loves adding a little morally grey to all their characters and factions, after-all.
Anyways, what do you all think? Could Thresh’s lore be improved, or do you all like his story the way in currently is? Lemme know down below, and I’ll see you all next time!
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theoriginoffire · 3 years
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Second tierlist, for the boys! It was also posted to my main, but I’m going to expand on it here. You can find the girl one here. 
I either don’t like you too much or you’re forced as an ‘option’
I’M SORRY EVERYONE, I JUST DON’T LIKE LLOYD. I don’t even have a good reason. 
That said, I don’t really hate any of the dude characters. Calvin’s down here because I vaguely remember him being sexist, though it’s more interesting to me that a glitch stops you from marrying him in Tree of Tranquillity at all. Pete/Jack on the other hand is the only marriage option for the gameboy colour game, and I’m not to thrilled about that, but I don’t dislike him or anything.
No personal interest
Sorry fellas, you’re just not my type? After playing more of SoS I think I’d put Raeger higher since he’s kinda funny, but I wouldn’t date him. 
A cut above ‘no personal interest’ because I have a bit more respect for ‘em. This varies, though, so I’ll run through:
Bob has a body type you don’t usually see in candidates. Angelo does art. Julian is rather feminine and I think that’s neat. Gustafa is weird but, like the other Forget-Me-Not candidates, he breaks the mould. Dan is...well he’s got a gambling problem but this negative aspect makes him stand out. Klaus is a modern older-bachelor type that actually looks older. His first event is strange, though. Skye was added so people would have eye candy for DS Cute and, while he annoys me, I still respect his inclusion and army of fangirls. Mikhail ... has a violin? Idk. His design intrigues me. I haven’t actually met him yet!
Mason is REALLY interesting, but he doesn’t have a face and ends the game so he’s pretty low. 
Harvest King is also a fantastic inclusion to AP in my opinion, but if I were putting in that much effort, I think I’d rather woo the Goddess. 
Oh You Know
A lot of these dudes are fandom-hated or mean in general. But I like them for that reason. I don’t think Brandon or Allen or Kappa are nice, but I LOVE poking fun at them, so I appreciate their existence as a result. This is essentially the ‘Would Date For the Lolz’ tier. 
I know Jamie is a lot higher on my ladies list, but consider that the extent of my divided opinion!
I like you but not THAT much
I suppose this is similar to the ‘friends’ tier on the ladies’ list. I’m not too interested in marrying them, but I’d be inclined to raise their friendship some.
I should marry them...
Fellas I’ve considered dating but it’d take time and effort that I don’t have. They weren’t top priority on my first playthrough. Lots of interesting routes, though!
Why did I marry them...?
A confusing tier to be in. I never got around to marrying Dirk, but I’ve married both Carter and Rod. Rod is really sweet and nice, I just... hate his clothes, and personality-wise I prefer a few of the other candidates. I’m really sorry Rod, you deserved better. 
Carter is, uh. The oldest man of oldest men, and deluded to boot. I mostly married him to get a specific child sprite. He has a really funny blushing face, though, and I’m going to use that to validate my decision. 
With Dirk, it’s simply a change in taste. He looks pretty young in Bazaar, and I was young when I was interested in him. But nowadays I’d rather marry ...
... Ivan. He gets a special tier because I liked his name so much that I named my mascot OC after him. I’ve never really fancied him, per se, but I think he’s well dressed and is my top choice for GB. 
Married ‘em or was going to
My various husbands. I’m not as certain about Hiro anymore, but the last time I played ToTT I was pursuing him. Mistel has dropped a few tiers since I first made this, I’d rather date Elise. Like his sister, Mistel is written quite poorly, and he doesn’t even like birds! It’s hard for me to trust people that don’t like birds...
Ludus was my replacement for marrying Inari after finding out I can’t have kids, and...he’s pretty nice! I respect him and his hardworking nature. I’m not as crazy about him as I am about Doctor, though, who I’ve married a few times.
Soseki is ... unusual. I’ve come to love him, despite how much I hate his ‘ohh nooo I’m so old’ shtick. C’mon dude, you’re only pushing 30. He’s got a rather mysterious backstory and his trust issues are explored in his heart dialogue. I think he has a lot of potential, so I married him, and I still ship him with my MC, Duck!
My all-time favourites. 
Pierre is one I’m not super interested in anymore, his face is baby, but I hardcore crushed on him when I was 13, so I still have a lot of respect for his character. I like seeing Gourmet family lore, and he makes a lot of funny faces, as well as having a personality centring around the culinary arts. I like food.
Carl has a whole entire tragic backstory attached to him, but long story short, you can only play as a boy in the EU version of Magical Melody. I really wanted to marry him bad, but had to marry Kate instead. Nowadays I have means of playing the USA version and I was finally able to marry him. I think he’s great. A polite fellow with a big dream.
Gill is just really good, probably my top favourite. He comes off as cold and aloof, but as the son of the mayor he cares deeply about the town(s) he lives in, and in turn warms to the farmer because of their work ethic. He might be distant at first, but not in the same way that Vaughn and Neil are. I’m just a bit soft for his character type, that’s all.
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hyperfixateandchill · 4 years
aaand because I can’t stop thinking about it i’ve written down my ranking of post-finale deancas scenarios including a non-exhaustive list of pros and cons for each. read on at your own discretion.
1st place: Deancas open up the new Roadhouse. My personal favorite because, again, Dean’s canon dream. I think Dean would LOVE running his own bar and playing host and serving people food and drinks is basically his love language. Cas isn’t as into the bar vibe specifically but he enjoys seeing people come and go and getting to know the locals who come by and just being with Dean. They get to stay connected to the hunting world without being actual hunters which is probably the perfect win win situation for them.
Other Pros of the Bar scenario (i’ve thought about this a lot): Claire and Kaia come by increasingly often to visit until eventually Claire basically works part-time at the Roadhouse when she’s not off hunting and Dean starts only semi-ironically calling it the “family business.” Claire puts up pride flag stickers on the front door and Dean makes a thing of it at first but then warms up to the idea. People start catching on and now local queer people will come from several towns over to visit the bar because there aren’t exactly that many queer friendly spaces in their corner of Kansas. Then it’s pride month and Claire and Kaia secretly update the bar’s online info to explicitly draw in queer customers and on the evening of the nearest pride march the bar is PACKED with all the local gays and Cas has the pop music blaring and he will NOT let Dean change it but it’s ok because Dean’s made friends with a drag queen who’s a professional comedian and now they’re comparing calendars to see when she might be able to come do a set at the Roadhouse and basically their bar is now a gay bar. “LGBT friendly”, Dean insists, because 1. he’s not gay and 2. he still caters to the local straights and the hunters. but now hunters come in and end up sitting 2 stools away from a flamboyant!gay and some are slightly weirded out but most don’t care at all and all of them end up making some kind of comment about how they’d heard about Dean Winchester and his angel... guess it’s true huh? And Dean shoots them a cocky grin and says ‘yep’ but he still holds to the rule that pop music is only allowed on tuesdays and thursdays and maybe very late at night on the weekends when everybody’s drunk and dancing. The Roadhouse is a second home to Dean and it’s the perfect mix of middle american dive, hunter’s hangout and lgbt space, and that’s literally DEAN so it’s perfect and he gets to work with his family by his side and be a part of a community (or several) and he feels useful and happy.
Cons of the Bar scenario: Doesn’t work great with having a small child or hobbies. very long hours and unusual work schedule. would encourage Dean’s drinking habit. I.e. it might be more intense than some alternatives (unless the bar is more cafe/diner during the day and Claire/Kaia/whatever other youngins can mind the place on their own if deancas aren’t in and the bar is located quite close to their house to they can come and go).
Overall works pretty well for a more active/energetic take on deancas’s lives post-finale. 8/10
2nd place: Mix of mechanic!Dean and retired!deancas. Dean’s never had a proper job before or much of a social circle who aren’t hunters, so I find it hard to imagine Dean working at an autoshop and playing mr. normie with his coworkers. Same with Cas and a regular job.
What I can imagine, however, is Dean having his own small business where he fixes up old cars (for like, vintage car enthusiasts). It starts as a hobby but then he realizes people would pay him to do it so now it’s a business. Deancas obviously have a a house on a big plot of land near the woods and a lakeside, so there’s plenty of outdoor space for him to set up a small shop and most of his customers call ahead so he doesn’t have people just coming in anyway. The work is not quite enough to pay all the bills but again, Charlie’s magic credit card, so who cares. Cas gardens and beekeeps and occasionally sells the extras at the local farmer’s market. Dean cooks and fishes and uses Cas’s ingredients whenever possible. They spend their days on their own property, doing their hobbies on their own time and making enough money from them that they don’t feel useless and still have plenty of time left to get over-involved in Jack’s pta. It’s a very calm, contented life. the millennial hipster dream, fulfilled by two 40-some year old dads.
Pros: deancas getting to spend their days doing what they love, being ridiculously domestic and married (even if they’re not officially married), both being absolute malewives in their own ways and it’s disgustingly sweet.
Cons: this scenario doesn’t have quite as much excitement and opportunity for shenanigans as the bar scenario. Less connection to a community, more living like hermits. Dean might appreciate the more social atmosphere of a bar. Cas might be equally happy either way, but he’d probably like having Claire help them out at the bar so that’s a plus for him.
Overall a good scenario for a more placid semi-retired life. 7/10
3rd place: a bait and switch. Cas is the one who ends up still having something you could call a ‘job’, Dean is the househusband. It starts with deancas still helping saileen with HOL (hunters of letters) stuff but eventually Dean is very decided that he wants out now that things are in good hands. Cas agrees with him but still consults with the hol network since he’s got all that lore knowledge. Dean very occasionally helps with research/strategy for a hunt but that’s IT no more hunting for him, and so it ends up that Cas still comes by the bunker fairly often and works from home the rest of the time on research and translations etc and Dean’s 100% amateur chef-in-training and papa bear because now nobody can look down on him for being a housewife (or nobody he gives a shit about anyway) so he’s gone all in. and whenever he comes by the bunker these days is after he’s picked up Jack from school and he comes to join their family to cook them all dinner while they finish up the work.
Pros: love me a Dean who’s gotten over his hypermasculinity and is now comfortable with doing whatever he likes even if (sometimes specially if) that thing is considered stereotypically feminine. It’s his big fuck you to his dad and it’s the life mary had wanted when she was young and dean is mary and therefore he’s honoring her memory when he spends his days on a bright airy kitchen making lunch for his 4 year old and waiting for his ex-soldier husband he adores to come home and doing not one bit of hunting. except dean never had to lie about his past and cut ties with his hunter family to get this. which is why this time for him it works, when it didn’t for mary or sam. love that energy.
Cons: Dean is not in fact just a malewife and would probably still want some more action in his life. might feel kinda useless with Cas having a ‘thing’ to do when he doesn’t. Cas would be perfectly happy regardless though.
Overall heartwarming and sweet but not as realistic: 6/10
4th: Disheveled-magic-shop-owner!Cas (+ Sam and Dean). Just thought of this. Cas knows his shit about spell ingredients and magical objects and supernatural weapons, probably more than even Sam. And Cas gardens. And Cas most likely enjoys pinterest and mom blogs and finds out about etsy... So Cas may or may not start growing/hoarding specific goods he knows are useful in the hunting world. at first it’s just to help HOL out but eventually Dean realizes like... we could profit off of this? And Cas eye-rolls because he doesn’t care but then again he knows his shit so he sets up a poorly-designed website to sell hunting stuff. and maybe Sam goes in on it with him because Sam also knows his shit and it’s kind of cute because they work together and Dean probably does the mechanic/barkeep/househusband thing though he does help with making the special bullets and dropping off parcels at the post office and so on. And maybe eventually they open up a small magic shop where they sell their shit. And maybe the shop is next door to the Roadhouse and it’s all become ‘your one-stop shop for everything a hunter might need’ (and you know the gays like their new age shit too so it all works), and the bunker isn’t even far away either and all three business are interconnected, the ‘family business’ that AU John Winchester of Hunter Corp wished he’d created.
Pros: Cas gets to do a thing he’s knowledgeable and passionate about and Deancas get to leave hunting while staying adjacent to the community. Cas as a disheveled shopkeep who’s not particularly nice to customers but who provides them with insights and mysterious comments that make people certain he must be legit.
Cons: Cas using his knowledge of the supernatural to profit off of hunters sounds too capitalist and not very Cas-like. He would be the type to gladly give people stuff for free and methinks that Dean and Sam would feel that way too. Cas helping with HOL stuff is basically established in options 1-3 already and so is him gardening for potentially useful ingredients. He doesn’t need to sell this stuff in a shop.
Overall makes sense theoretically but doesn’t vibe well for me. 5/10
5th: full on retirees, doing basically the same things as no 2 except with maybe some more travelling and less caring about making money from any of it.
Pros: the “and they lived happily ever after” they deserve after all the shit they’ve been through.
Cons: boring. uneventful. Dean and Cas are still quite young and neither’s had a chance at something even resembling a normal life for more than a couple of months at a time. They should get more of a middle aged married life experience before moving on to full retirement.
Overall valid but less interesting: 4/10
6th: Cas gets a job at a local library or shop, Dean is either a mechanic or a househusband. To preface, if Cas were to get a job out there in the world, my favorite would be like a magic shop or a bookshop with *unique* books. But I find that unlikely unless Cas is running his own shop (see 4th place for that). So here we’re talking about a regular normie shop.
Pros: Cas has a job he likes and feels useful in? And he’s not completely tied down to Dean all the time (though not sure that counts as a pro). More of the ‘normal life’ vibes.
Cons: Cas working at a random bookstore or library or shop or whatever would be passably interesting but not as fulfilling or useful or fun as any of the other options.
Overall valid but not interesting or all that heartwarming. 2/10
6th: deancas don’t know any life outside of hunting so they keep on doing it, except now with lower stakes than before and they go on less actual hunts.
pros: umm... consistency? they keep working closely with saileen and the new hunters who start coming by/moving into the bunker.
cons: everything. Dean’s wanted out and he should get it. Cas literally died several times over and he should get to experience a human life with the man he loves and not just do more dangerous shit.
Overall a terrible idea. 1/10 (because 0/10 would be the Cas never comes back and Dean dies and goes to heaven scenario)
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ask-abe-oddworld · 4 years
oddworld ask game, tagged by my sister @ask-alf-oddworld !
1. Which Oddworld game is your favourite out of the series?
it’s hard to choose, but i’d have to go with Munch’s oddysee. it was the first game I was introduced to, and the first game I played.
2. Who’s your favourite mudokon?
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3. Who’s your favourite slig?
there aren’t many slig characters (unfortunately) but I like Lulu’s slig. he was a cool guy
4. Who’s your favourite glukkon?
Molluck, he was cool 😎
5. Who’s your favourite Oddworld character in general?
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6. Which sapient species is your favourite? (I.e. Muds, sligs, gluks, vykkers etc)
definitely mudokons, they’re so cute
7. Which non-sapient species is your favourite? (I.e. Paramites, scrabs, slogs etc)
gabbits babey!!
8. Which is your favourite level/cutscene?
I can’t choose a favourite level, but I can choose some of my favourite cutscenes! one was that cutscene in New n’ tasty where Abe first transforms into Shrykull and then he does that walk where you can tell he’s thinking ‘yeah i’m the shit’
other favourite cutscenes are the good ending from Munch’s oddysee, and Alf having a go at Abe in Exoddus because he and his friends want a drink.
9. Which location in Mudos is your favourite?
I actually really like west Mudos and wanna see more of it!
10. What’s your favourite quote/line from the games?
the b o i l e r ?
11. Which is your least favourite game out of the series?
this is a hard question, if I had to choose it’d have to be Stranger’s wrath, but that’s still a very good game.
12. Who is your least favourite Oddworld character?
eugene. also big bro sligs used to scare the absolute crap out of me
13. Natives or industrialists?
natives all the way!!
14. Abe, Munch, or Stranger?
I think we know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
although when I was first introduced to Oddworld, my favourite character was Munch- he’s a close second for me now, but I used to love him a lot
15. When did you first get into Oddworld?
I was around 7 years old when my sister showed me a drawing of Abe that she did. I was like “h u h” and Abe gave me a certain weird vibe that was hard to explain. a mixture of discomfort and intrigue.
she began telling me about the Oddworld games and showing me cutscenes and stuff, and I happily and excitedly watched her play them. I made a DeviantArt when I was 8 or 9 (has been abandoned for yEEEARS) where I mostly posted my Oddworld fanart.
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i drew this when i was like 8 or 9?
16. Has there ever been a moment in the games that terrified you?
the bad ending for Munch’s oddysee. sweet jesus
17. What moment from the games made you laugh?
i’ve has some really funny glitches, also various moments from cutscenes.
18. How many times have you played the games?
i’ve only finished Munch’s Oddysee and New n’ tasty once each, getting the good ending both times. I played part of Stranger’s wrath but stopped at Packrat Palooka (I think?)
as for all the other games, I watched my sister play them lmao
19. What’s your fondest Oddworld-related memory?
there’s multiple! finishing Munch’s oddysee for the first time and getting the good ending (I think I cried? lol) and any other one would probably be watching my sister play the games lmao
20. Do you have an OC?
oh man. i’ve had a lot of Oddworld ocs that have come and gone. the first one I made was called Bob, an average looking mudokon with a single red feather for hair. he stuck with me the longest but I abandoned him a couple years ago. he still means a lot to me though, he’s one of the ocs i’ve had for the longest in general. may revive him in future
though I am actually working on an OC at the moment! his name is Leif, he’s a farmer mudokon who grows crops and stuff. i’ll probably make an account for him later.
21. Do you have any headcanons?
yep! I can’t remember all of them, but one is that Toby is a teenager.
22. Do you have any AU ideas?
Abe but he’s on the side of the industrialists lmao
23. Do you own/collect any merch?
I have a Munch plush that my sister kindly gave to me!! I love him a lot
24. Do you have any unpopular opinions?
alf is smelly hehe
25. Who’s your favourite person (or people) on Oddtumblr?
y-you guys know who you are 🥺👉👈
(absolute favourite though is @ask-alf-oddworld , she’s my sister and she got me into Oddworld in the first place)
26. What are your thoughts on Lorne Lanning, Sherry McKenna, and/or Oddworld Inhabitants?
I love them and their work so so so so much, and can’t thank them enough for creating this beautiful and messed up story.
27. What piece of lore do you hope makes it into the games?
aw man. anything relating to the queens or Munch’s oddysee.
28. Which character from the lore do you hope shows up in the games?
29. What hopes do you have for the franchise?
I hope it gets more attention!
30. How has Oddworld impacted/influenced you?
it influenced me to develop morals. the stories were so creative and inspiring, but also based on actual things that were going on in the world. the Oddworld games have this unique and indescribable vibe about them (in a good way)
also Oddworld just made me really happy. it’s been one of my most important and biggest interests, it was the first thing I ever became really obsessed with, and I have so many positive childhood memories.
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Dystopia novel?
yeah! I’m writing a book! I’ve had the idea since sixth grade (seven years now!) and I’ve written multiple different drafts of it, but the basic premise and plot has stayed the same. 
However, last night (or really, this morning) at around 1 am, I decided to, yet again, change the pov. So I had to rewrite it. And then, I started renaming things. And while I was renaming things, I changed the main character’s name.          My writer friend was live texted the whole time as she got to watch the cogs in my brain start turning in real-time. 
Basic premise of the book: there’s a city that survived an apocalypse that decimated everything outside their walls. They are the only ones left on their continent, maybe the only in the world. And so, they built up their walls, enclosing the society in a dome with a glass top, focused on forming a self-sufficient society. The society is entirely focused on innovation and advancement, to ensure that they’re ready for whatever could happen next. 
To ensure that everyone’s individual potential is maximized, the jobs are separated into divisions, named Affinities. There are seven Affinities, with a floor of the city dedicated to each. I’ll put more about each in the read more because it’s long. 
Plot: Phoenix lost her parents and her memories to an accident that wouldn’t have happened if she had just listened. She didn’t have to go after them. Didn’t have to always play the hero. But she did. And now they’re gone. And she doesn’t even remember them. 
As she’s trying to piece together her rapidly returning memories, her friends are trying to convince her to lead their rebellion. 
I’ve made a personality quiz for the book that has extra lore with an interactive twist.
Selling point: it’s gay. it’s diverse. none of the main characters are cishet. All of them are disabled and/or neurodivergent.
The main character has my own personal experience with memory loss. (not via an accident, but I have a memory issue that causes me to have huge chunks of time completely blacked out. I just don’t have access to those memories.)
Okay so here’s where it gets a little bit like Divergent but please trust me it’s literally NOT Divergent and that book wasn’t even a thing in my school when I started writing the first draft of this book okay?
The human-touch. 
In our city of robots and enhanced technology, Amicable are our nurses, teacher’s assistants, spa technicians, and other such jobs. They have the floor below Bellance. This floor is the main hub of activity. The school is located here, as well as the hospital, daycare, spa, library, and recreation center. It is, by far, our busiest Division. 
The farmers, and the main merchants. 
They sell the everyday necessities, and provide materials to the other Divisions as needed.They have the top floor, with a domed glass top to allow sun to shine onto the farm in the center. The market stands and stores surround the farm, blocking the view of the plants from those who are not in Agricola.
The beautiful.
While everyone in our city is beautiful, Bellance makes a job out of it. They are our actors, singers, and models. They have their own stores, separate from Agricola, that sell luxury items, such as expensive clothes or furniture. However, they do not sell the necessary daily items. Those can be found in Agricola. Their floor is under Agricola, and is full of nightlife. 
The leaders. 
Our government, the leaders, lawyers, bankers, and realtors. They have the floor above Innovation. This floor holds the courtrooms, and other governmental functions. We are governed through a Legislature, where most of those tested into Kingspin work. Houses are bought through the government, which is why realtors work in Kingspin.
The Inventive. 
One of our most esteemed Divisions, Innovation holds our scientists and researchers. Our smartest citizens live and work in Innovation, ensuring that our city stays up and running, constantly evolving to maximize potential. They have the floor above Valiance. Due to it’s academic rigor, Innovation has its own college to teach and train incoming Innovators. Most of their floor is top secret, however they do occasionally hold seminars in their college that are open to the public.
Our guards. 
They are our sentries, protecting us from the inside and out. They have the bottom-most floor. Unless they are visiting family, no one outside of Valiance wants to spend a lot of time on their floor. The jails and detention facilities are down there.
(acab!!!! don’t worry a major plot point in this is them dismantling both Valiance and Kingspin. Fuck cops. Cops and government stinky corrupt.)
This isn’t like the Christian Myers-Briggs that Trisscuit had going on in D*vergent. I swear. Listen, listen. It makes sense. I promise. And also the plot and story line and society are entirely different and I’ve been working on this for a long time and it’s really diverse and it’s written by a queer, disabled, not-christian non-binary person. This isn’t your mom’s dystopian novel. 
If you read this, I love you. I will share the google docs with you if you want to read what I have. I will go o f f  if you want to hear about the lore I’ve written for this book. I will scream about the characters and the intricacies I’ve given them. I have so little written but so much developed. I know what I want to happen. It just hasn’t happened yet.
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evilisk · 5 years
Reading Len’En Profiles Pt 1
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Just realized that except for Jun, Shou and Hibaru, I’ve been making judgments on characters purely off the games and also my gut. I’m gonna go through the profiles and see if they can change my mind. This part is for the Evanescent Existence characters.
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Yabusame Houlen
Original Opinion: Except for that one line when talking to ‘Tsubakura’ in EE, Yabusame seemed perfectly sensible, if a little boring, as a character. Then EMS comes along and they are consistently portrayed as ‘dumb as Sukune’ in EMS and RMI. I find it hard to like a dumb protagonist, though RMI pairing them with Tsuba made them more tolerable.
Profile Details: 
Apparently Yabu was always meant to be dumb, JynX just didn’t do a good job of showing it in EE
 I find it hilarious that line 1 is “Yabu can be described is plain and boring” but then line 2 is “Yabu is outrageous weirdo”
I did pick up on “Yabu is a cross dimensional thing” but I did not know they were *not* spirited away to Senri in this game... that explains one line during their convo with Tsuru.
New Opinion: Eh, I still don’t like ‘em. Their profile makes it seem like they’re a satellite character to Tsubakura and I don’t really like one of the series protags having that kind of attitude.
= = = 
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Tsubakura Enraku
Original Opinion: I had no opinion on Tsuba in EE since you spent almost no time with them. EMS and RMI made me realize I do like Tsubakura... thought not as much as I like Kuroji. My impression of them is “lazy, entertaining jerk’ with strong emphasis on the lazy part. 
Profile Details: 
“Young genius scientist” is not what I was expecting to read in Tsuba’s profile. The “slave to sponsorships” and “suspicious research” makes them sound really shady tbh.
It’s zany that a young genius scientist was Tsuru’s first pick for their successor / substitute.
Why is their power described as ‘controlling ink’ only for ‘ink’ to actually be frigging nanomachines? Why do you write profiles like this JynX?
Enjoying things which are enjoyable is my ability too.
New Opinion: Tsuba is way more interesting than I gave them credit for, though I can’t believe “the greatest prodigy in all of history” is supposed to be one of their titles. Now I can understand Kuroji’s salt.
= = =
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Original Opinion: I have no opinion on Kurohebi (I typically don’t have opinions on Stage 1 bosses even in Touhou) other than ‘the comparisons to Rumia make me very angry’ because Rumia makes me angry. (NOTE: My opinion is that Rumia is a PC98 character who stumbled out of a PC98 game and lucked out into being the Stage 1 Boss of the most popular Touhou game ever)
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So you’re telling me that Kurohebi is this super Frankenstein and is such an ultimate assassin that you can’t detect them by sound or even touch, only by sight, and that they’re actually a “fake assassin” only because they haven’t been given an assassination order yet? What the hell, I love Kurohebi now, why the hell are they only a Stage 1 Boss?!
New Opinion: No seriously, how could you make the character with the coolest backstory the Stage 1 Boss, Jynx?!
= = =
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Aoji Shitodo
Original Opinion: I don’t like them for being a wimp, and also for being Absurdly hard for a Stage 2 Boss (seriously, even on Easy, they’re too Hard!) 
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Wow, this profile has nothing! Seriously, it describes their powers and that’s it. There’s only two lines describing their personality, and they’re details you can easily pick out from the game (they’re the youngest Shitodo sibling, and they’re hesitant)
New Opinion: I have the exact same opinion as before, as reading their profile is like adding 0 to an existing number.
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Hooaka Shitodo
Original Opinion: They’re also pretty hard (I hate that spell card where they summon a bullet maze that you have to scale before it fires downwards) but at least they’re on Stage 4 instead of Stage 2. And I guess they have some funny lines too.
Profile Details:
Wait, their species is “Magician”? What? Are we operating on Touhou rules here? (In Touhou, Magician is a subspecies of Youkai)
I’m also not getting a whole lot out of this profile (talk about powers is useless to me). All I’m really getting is that Hooaka can read the mood (literally) and that they’re quite adaptable.
I’ve heard that Hooaka is a lazy bum, so I’m a bit surprised it’s not referenced anywhere. Is Hooaka in Brilliant Pagoda then? Cause they’re sure as hell not in EMS or RMI.
New Opinion: I don’t know what to do with the information that they’re very adaptable. And that they’re species is “Magician”, but I guess I still like ‘em more than Aoji (who, by comparison, is still my least favourite EE character).
= = =
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Kuroji Shitodo
Original Opinion: I didn’t really like this character for feeling like discount Seija, but I slowly came around on them. I can’t hate on this dashing and competent scamp in purple who is ready to shakedown everyone and everything. It helps that they’re basically the underdog MC (now if only they’d stop problematically blackmailing poor Snek Kid)
Profile Details:
Continuing the weird bit on Species, we have Kuroji’s species as “Scholar of Prehistory” (though they’re listed as Human in the subsequent description.
Their backstory is sounding a lot like discount Tsubakura tbh...oh, okay, I get it. No wonder they see Tsuba as their rival. 
With how many mentions of Tsuba there is in their profile, it’s no wonder they ended up being a player character in EMS. Because besides Tsubakura themselves, the other two characters that focus on Tsuba on their profile are also the two player characters in *this game*.
I didn’t really pick up on the Historian theme (I don’t have “Historian” in the same mindspace as “Archaeologist”) though in hindsight, their two themes do have “History” in their titles.
I think if I read their profile as I was playing EE, I probably would have liked Kuroji even less (bc of the discount Tsubakura angle)
New Opinion: Kuroji’s still my favourite MC though I empathize with them a little more with this profile.
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Original Opinion: This fella gives me big Rinnosuke vibes. I do not like this fella.
Profile Details: 
Ah I see, so Clause is exactly what they appear to be (they’re that one annoying person you know, who is now so much worse now that they have actual superpowers)
Thank God Wilhelm von Clausewitz etc. isn’t their real name. Now if only some character got to rib ‘Clausewitz’ about this.
“Species: Annoyance” okay yeah, JynX is totally joking around here.
This isn’t in the profile, but the one good point I’ll give to Clause is that even Suzumi gets annoyed by their talk.
New Opinion: So, basically, what you’re saying is, I am totally justified in not liking this fella. Got it. 
= = =
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Tsurubami Senri
Original Opinion: Tsuru’s easily the coolest character in this game, but is that any surprise? I mean, they’re one of the two original player characters, they have a cool fight, they have one of the best tracks in the game AND they have the best smack talk too. They even BTFO Suzumi in her own Extra route. They’re basically the complete package.
Profile Details:
I actually know a lot about Tsuru just because they seem to be such an integral part of Len’En’s setting, and most lore bits that you see repeated ad nauseum (e.g. Tsuru is a militant tyrant) seem to be ripped directly from Senri’s profile.
With that said, uh, what the hell does “ability to raise poultry” mean?! Is Tsuru a farmer? Or is this referencing the final two lines where Tsuru can “raise latent potential in others” and then use it for themselves? (If it’s the latter, ‘poultry’ is an incredibly unsettling way of describing that power’)
Wait, are you telling me that Tsuru did all of this so they could go on VACATION?! What the hell. Tsuru really is “tired Reimu”
New Opinion: This character just got a little more interesting. I’m hoping they get to be playable in Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle, but in their true form instead of their disguised form.
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On Suzumi
I already mentioned them a bunch of times, but yeah, I sort of get what their deal is, just from in-game conversations and from general popular knowledge of the series (e.g. you can’t not watch a video with her theme without all the commentators losing their shit, talking about how spooky she is).
Since this is about profiles and since I also don’t specifically remember what reveals about Suzumi were in EE, I’ll hold off on writing about her until she gets an in-game profile I can comment on.
= = =
And that’s about it. Aside from Aoji, Clause and Yabusame (who were like my bottom 3 EE characters already), I have a much better appreciation of EE’s cast. I’ll get to doing EMS and RMI’s casts soon.
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pchlarz · 5 years
Minecraft could have such a cool lore and game mechanics
So I played minecraft since I was like 13 or something, when the thing was still in early beta. I still play it, but after half an hour tops I just lose interest and quit. The game isn’t challenging, the world seems empty and npc and animals like wind up toys than anything else. I know minecraft is a canvas you have to paint on, but I was always more into the idea of Minecraft as a world you have to tame and grow into. There are mods that do that, like rlcraft (which im not gonna play cause the lycanite mobs don’t fit into the games art style and ice and fire mobs are straight up unfair). And you know, since I have a script, dissertation, stop motion animation to do this semester for my Filmmaking Uni, I’ve been thinking about minecraft a lot. Procrastination, am I right my dudes?
I have no idea how to make mods, I can barely use Java to install Optifine for crying out loud, but I can write a couple hundred words post on this hellsite that no ones gonna read, cause it’s literally my first post, and no one can stop me! Also maybe somebody’s gonna get inspired and make it. No need to credit me, just let me play it XD
The World and Lore, I guess
So, let’s get one thing straight... Is the Minecraft world post apo? Like let’s be real for a second. The player is the only human specimen in the entire world. There are villigers that are vaguely humanoid, but they are definately “The other” some ofshoot of the human race than actual human beings. Zombies and skeletons seem to share the player’s anatomy but they’re undead, therefore dead, therefore had to be alive at some point. So yeah, let’s work with that! 
Let’s say that in a distant future, like distant enough for new subspecies of homo sapiens had time to evolve with enough pressure. The human world died after they opened the portal to the End. This allowed magic to seap into the world, boosting the technology but also corrupting people it cam across with. Like why is the Ender Dragon dropping more exp than your PC is able to handle? Cause she’s the source of all magic! Why do monsters drop it? Cause it’s what reanimated/mutated them. So according to this, fucking with the eldritch magic balls is what created the zombie virus, destroying the human race. Also the End is the moon. Like not our moon. Opening the portal didn’t just link the worlds together, it straight up teleported the End into the earth orbit, destroying the native moon and replacing it. And that’s why the monster’s only come up night, cause that’s when the End holds the most influence over the overworld. 
But what about the villigers? Just descendents of humans who have survived the apocalypse. Some adopted peaceful agrocultural approach to survive, sharing and caring and being lovely anarchocommunist communities. The other ones living according to the “Survival of the Fittest” evolving into the illigers. But that’s only the two races that are already in the game. Since it’s supposed to be a mod adding shit, lets get some new races! The dwarves have been talked about by the developers so let’s add them. Shorter and stockier than humans, with glowing eyes and not so much beards as just thick fur on their bodies. The underground is cold after all. Also descended from humans, this time those that had enough brains to burrow themselves underground.They just chill in caves, building something like big ant colonies. You could trade with them just like villigers, although instead of emeralds they’d want silver (We need like shitload of new ores, my good people). Oh, and they wouldn’t be pacifist like villigers, if you piss them off, they will mine you to pieces. You could also find them in random caves mining their own business (XD) and by business i mean resources you could mine yourself. And so if you’re a bellend, you could straight up murder them and grab their stuff and have your ores left unmolested. Or you could pay them off to share the loot, giving you a temporary partner with basically x ray vision, leading you to more ores, than you’d find yourself. But at the end of the day, you’d be obligated to split what you found 50/50, meaning that you could get more stuff than on your own, or less, depending on your in real life luck. Boom, reasons for morals. 
I’d like to see a basic faction system, based on which aspect of the game the player finds most appealing. If you’re the kind of a peaceful player who just wants to build and farm, the villigers are your people. They’d gladly take you in if you build, farm and trade for them. If you’re into conquest and looting Pilligers could use your skill to cut some Villigers throats. And if you want mining and exploration, The dwarves wll take you in. Ofcourse you can just be your own person and solo the entire thing, and no one will nag you. 
Character Customination and Skills
I want roleplay, man. Skins are cool but what if on one save I’m the peaceful farmer, developing my village and chilling with my bros, but on other I’m the fucking antichrist, burning them to the ground and taking what I want? Do I just swap my skins depending on what world i’m gonna play today? I quess I could, but that’d be hardly graceful. So let’s just put proper character creation into the game, with ethnicity, hair models and all that other bling. Ideally you’d also be able to paint on your characters if you want scars or tatoos or just dont want to look human. Clothing on the other hand would be a seperate system linked to the survival system. But more about the clothing system later. 
Also since Minecraft is getting slack for becoming more of an RPG when it got its full release, lets embrace that. I’d split them to Gathering, Combat and Crafting skills.Gathering would include your tool proficiency, allowing you to skip enchanting altogether while still getting some upgrade for your tools. Also chances for more resource drops or just getting new utilities from the tools. Any movement releated skills should also be there for simplicity sake. Combat is self explanatory, if we add different weapons types, than there has to be some incentive for specialization. Some skills for combat overall wouldn’t go unwelcome. Dodging, parry without a shield, throwing various weapons and stuff like that. Crafting would be for the new weapon customization, enchanting (including proper spell casting wands) and alchemy. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves with that. 
Custom Tools, Weapons and Armor
Doesn’t it bug you that on multiplayer server everyone just walks around in enchanted diamond eq, throwing all sense of individuality out of the window. Do you like the idea of roleplaying as a cave men the entire game, but the stone sword doesn’t really give you that opportunity? Well let’s do something about it. Instead of vertical tool and weapon progression let’s do it horizontally. Lets take a bit more realistic approach to crafting. Stone tools have to knapped and assembled, bronze has to be casted, iron hammered into shape and wood carved. All types of materials have their drawbacks. Knapping tools would just need you to pick a stone in your offhand and the crafting material of your choice in your main and right click. And from there you get the list of shapes you can knap your stone into. And after choosing the tool/weapon type of your liking you knap it again to customize the shape more. Do you want your hatchet to look like a primitive piece of sharp rock or a skillfully crafted tomahawk? Casts for soft metals and wooden objects would be made in the same way, just with a carwing knife instead of stone and wax or wood for the crafting material. Than just put your cast into clay to get a mold. Fire the mold, craft a crucible and pour the molten metal into the mold. Change the anvil from an enchanting tool into a proper workbench for your hard metals. Then craft some handles, guards or accesories and put them all together in your crafting window. Different materials would have different pros and cons. Stone tools have low durability but don’t have any wear mechanic. Wood rots, Soft metals can bend and have to be straightened and hard metals rust and have to be cleaned. Also no tool progression. What you can mine depends on your mining level. Right now you can easily get diamond on yout first day if you mine deep enough. Locking it over a skill tree would pace the games more high tier materials more naturally. Also diamonds are classed as knapped material. No diamond swords for you, but a diamond macuhuitl is totally cool. Just craft a wooden sword of your choice and add some diamond blades in the crafting. 
Armor would be split into classes, Light, Medium and Plate. You can’t make armor out of stone (so no diamond armor either, but you could encrust your other armor with it) but you can make wooden plate. Just for the heck of it. Different armor classes would affect your stamina meter differently. 
I’m not a gun nut, but hey we have gunpowder in the game. Let’s add guns. But just the flintlock ones, atleast the ones made by the player. They could be made out of anything even stone, just for the heck of it. They would be crafted like any other weapon. But shooting them would be expensive with all the gunpowder you’d have to loot from creepers (I like the idea of dead creepers burning away, giving you only a short window to loot them) or craft from sulfur, a new rare resource. Still they’d pack quite a punch and make hella noise, bringing all the monsters to you. Also long reload time, they’re flintlock after all. 
Also lets adhere to an old fantasy trope and make them unenchantable. Their op as they are. 
Animals and Looting 
Just add more animals. Add more predators, so the day isn’t just a cake walk. Add predators hunting. Pray running from a player simply approaching. Give me a run for my food. Animals reproducing on their own. If you want to tame livestock or pets than you better hope for a rare domesticated kind of animals or trap and break them enough for them to let them eat from your hand. 
And what about hunting. If you manage to kill an animal, it doesn’t just disappear and live porkshops in the cloud of smoke. Every killed entity just turns into a corpse that you have to manually loot, while holding a sharp weapon (for simplicity sake). All of them drop their hide (acting kinda like armor with its own durability, on which depends how much letter you’ll get from it, thus encouraging clean one hit kills), a lot more meat (so you don’t have to slaughter an entire herd just to have something to eat) and bones. Also food would spoil now, to discourage hoarding it. But there would be workarounds like salting it or drying it for jerky. 
Various animal hides could act as trophies (if you’re a cunt) or for crafting special clothing items or beds (since proper wool would be much harder to come by now). 
Monsters and the Night
Same deal as in the main game. Mostly undead with some mutated mobs like creepers and phantoms. The only hostile mob I’d add would be Vampires, who would follow the player and try to score a hit while you’re unaware. Of course they’d be rather rare. Enderman on the other hand... Let’s raise them to the mini boss standard. When they were announced I was hyped, that they’ll be a proper horror mob that you could be genuinely terryfied of. But no, they just vibin’ most of the time. So let’s change them. Since in the new lore the undead are humans corrupted by magic, enderman should be the remnents of the humans who have gone and got trapped in the End, turned into the Dragons army. And now their job is to stalk you and kill you. You still have to look at them for them to turn hostile, but now they don’t care if you only looked at them from the distance. If they can see you and you can see them, they attack. Give them proper range. Let them teleport behind you to score a hit. Put blocks in your way if you try to run. They could pick you up and teleport with you next to ledges (they shouldn’t just be able to throw you over the edge, let’s give players a fighting chance). They should also steal more valuable blocks than just dirt. Let them target specifically blocks placed by the player, allowing them to pick holes in your defenses for other mobs to get to your house. 
The night itself would change. For the first couple nights there should be no monsters. The rise of the undead according to the new lore is the Dragon learning about the new human in the world trying to slow them down from discovering the End portal. But for the first few nights it would be unaware of your existance, letting you to get comfortable. But when the first full moon hits, The dragon saw you and she will let you know she sees. And from then on, every night the undead horde will rise to haunt you, only resting during the eclipse (since the dragon can’t see). On the other hand the full moon would be equivalent to the blood moon from terraria.  With mobs more aggressive, able to break your doors and forcing you to defend yourself. Also you wouldn’t be able to sleep during the full moon. If you manage to fall asleep, you wake up dead with mobs spawned all over your house. Also the mobs don’t burn in the sunlight. When the night ends, they just disapear like Enderman. 
The mobs right now spawn only on active chunks, but let’s add a lore reason for it. They’re targeting you. This is why going to a village means bringing the horde to them. And if you don’t fight or they kill to many, the viligers will add two and twoo together, banishing you from their dwelling. The illigers will just turn hostile. The dwarves won’t mind since the undead are plentiful underground anyway. 
Also give me my Overworld Dragons. Like proper fire breathing ones. Kinda like the ones from Ice and Fire but actually managable and not the size of goddamn school. 
Survival Mechanics
Let’s add thirst. You can’t just drink any water ofcourse, so while food means you have to scavenge or hunt, thirst encourages you to either find drinkable streams or distill the water. Eventually just drink juices or booze. Yeah, let’s add booze. Just for fun, with all the stuff i’d want to add the game wouldn’t be kid friendly anyway. 
You have to sleep now. Unslept nights cut your stamina meter by 25% while also bringing the phantoms to you. You can sleep without a bed, but you’re risking temperature debuffs and less stamina regen. 
Temperature. With adding seasons and all the clothing option it seems reasonable (also i loved it in don’t starve). To not make the HUD to cluttered I’d just display the temperature on your heart meter, having them freeze over for cold and dry out for hot. Dried and frozen hearts wouldn’t be included in your hp pool, meaning that temperature makes you weaker. You could fight the temperature with proper clothing, fire or ice. Although the hot temperatures would be more forgiving, just making you lose water faster and being managable with shadow from blocks. 
Clothes would have their own slots, be made in their crafting table and heavily customizable like banners and letter armor, giving proper use for all the dyes we have. They could also be drawn on like player skins. You could also wear some of them on armor, allowing for further character customization. They’d have their own durability, but be easily repairable. Aside from temperature protection they would be mostly cosmetic and if you don’t like the idea of having to wear a coat in the winter, just enchant your shorts with some frost protection. 
Hunger would be overhauled slightly, letting you to get fat from food. But just like in real life FAT IS YOUR FRIEND (just you now, moderate amounts). It let’s you absorb all foods value even with a full bar. Still to much of it will slow you down and make your stamina bar go down faster. Oh and it’s no longer your stamina bar, that’s a seperate thing now, indicated by a small lighting bolt icon above your exp level. Still a full food and water bar is nessecary for healing. 
Bookshelves no longer make the enchantments stronger. Atleast not the decorative ones. Instead you have to enchant books on your own hoping for the “Arcane Knowladge” enchantment, which can’t be put on anything but, if you put a book with it in the bookshelf it will raise the enchantment cap. So does leveling your enchanting skill, as well as allowing you to see what enchant you’re putting on your stuff, as you grow more fluent in the language of magic. Enchanting would also be more powerfull in the night, as that’s when the End - The birthplace of magic is the strongest. This also means that enchanting during the full moon would create the most powerful enchantments, if you can manage to enchant while the undead hordes attack. And they will try to get to you as an active enchanting table is drawing them closer. 
Different materials have different enchantibility. Pracious metals are overall more conductive, while obsydian might make fire enchantments stronger. This would come into play mostly when crafting staffs!
While Guns are unenchantable, Staffs are just weak pole weapons without magic. But enchanting them let’s you pick a spell for them, like lightinig bolt, healing, stuff like that. One staff can hold only one enchantment and casting spells uses exp points meaning that you’d need quite a big pool to be able to just be a mage. While staffs are two-handed you can also make wands to cast with your offhand. Ofcourse they’d be less powerful to balance things out. 
As the Anvil is now a crafting station, the Arcane Anvil would take it’s place made from obsidian and golden bars. While we’re at it lets also think about Arcane Chests to store your exp. 
Player Death
Why can the player just live after death? Well depends on difficulty. If you want to lose your stuff but keep the skills, it’s because the last humans put a spell on you allowing you to be uneffected by the corruption and also be linked into the world, cursing you to wake up from dying in the last place you slept, making you think if your death was just a dream. If you want a more hardcore experience then it’s because they cast a spell of reincarnation on you, so you don’t come back as the exact same person, having to work upon the achievements of your predessecors (I have no idea how to write that, I’m polish okay?). And if you just want straight up hardcore, they sent you to the future, with only one chance to make things right. Applies to the multiplayer, there’s just more of you that have been cursed.
If you find your dead body you can loot it. But on the reincarnation difficulty all the food, potions, weapons and armor you had will have long rot away. A lot time passed afterall. 
The Stronghold and the End
So if you actually read so far, I love you and congratulations. I’m writing this while I’m high, so it probably doesn’t make much sense. Still, thanks! 
So... Strongholds suck. Let’s get rid of them. Instead let’s put the End Portal in a new rare biome. The Ruins! They would be a large decimated city from before the apocalypse, now overtaken by vegetation with undead present even in the daylight. The magic is right in the heart of the city after all. The undead are much more powerfull here, some even having modern weaponry like assult rifles. They can be looted, but they’re all falling apart and you can’t craft them. But you could repair them and use them. They’d be end game unenchantable gear. Enderman also stalk the city, so you’d have to be prepered for them. You still find the city with the eyes of ender, but this time crafted with a compas and obsidian to create the Ender Compass, cause fuck throwing balls into the air. The End Portal is in the heart of the city in the special dungeon called the Crumbling Facility. It’d be a long parkour challange with you having to reach the top while also fighting for your life. “But Pchlarz”, I hear you saying, “You could just build across or up, this is Minecraft”. Well no, cause the building would be made from gravity affected blocks, meaning that if you do, the whole thing falls apart. As for building up, try to do that while being shot from every direction. What if the tower falls? Well, the End Portal awakes spawning more monsters and moving to the height limit. So now you would have to build straight up, while the Enderman teleport to your position and try to throw you off. But if you get there, the Portal is your to enter. 
And so you do. Before you stands a temple build in the center of the New Moon. The towers are still there and the Dragon still heals from them. The temple is built from blocks the Enderman took from you (not just them ofc) You destroy the crystal and fight the dragon. It picks you up, throws you around, breathes Black fire (purple is ugly, sorry guys). You chip at its health and finally you bring it to half. And thats when the dragon falls into the temple with broken wings. Now it’s a ground battle. Now you have cover, but the temple is destructable. It’s blocks affected by gravity. Finally you kill the dragon. It imbues you with its magic and drops it’s heart. Still beating, Scarlett and glowing. The Enderman stand around you, their eyes no longer white (yeah i dont like purple), but now inteligent with pupils. They seem thankful. You’ve won. The end stone around you starts crumbling, falling into the void. And there’s no way back home. You start to accept your fate. You’ve sacraficed yourself to end the Undead horde’s reign. And thats when an Enderman takes you by the hand. You walk to the edge of the crumbling world and gaze into the blue globe staring at you from the abyss. It’s the Earth. But you wouldn’t survive the impact. Not from space. That’s when you see the Enderman holding something, with his hand stretched out to you. He’s holding a pair of wings. The Elytra. You put them on, say goodbyes to the newly freed Enderman and dive into the world beneath you, watching as the tall figures behind you die with their dying world. 
You crush into the earth. With half a heart you drag yourself to safety. The Ender compass now points the way to your bed. You walk. Victorious. 
So you’ve beat the game. What’s now? Well the Enderman are no longer hostile. And the dragon heart? You can put it into your alchemy station and turn it into the potion of resurection. While the zombie villigers could be cured with a golden apple and the potion of weakness, the human zombies need this one. The skeletons are to far gone, but zombies and vampires can be turned back. The Dragons Heart can never be used, but if you lose it, well it sucks to be you hero. 
With cured humans you can create a village and start rebuilding. You can have relationships with them, turn them into companions and even have children with them (i like stardew valley okay). And with their numbers growing it’s up to you if you will live in peace with new races populating the world or reestablish the human reign on earth. 
Okay this took me like three hours and the weed is wearing off. I think way to much about minecraft, maaan. Still hope you like it. And make this mod for me. I’d be grateful. 
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