#I’ve fallen more in love with Arkham Joker playing this game
drrandombear · 11 months
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Heh so I got around to playing Arkham Asylum and you might be able to tell what my main priority was :]
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Gotham’s 31 Most Wanted - NUMBER ONE
The first month of the new year ends today. Ladies and gentlemen…undecided…fellow geeks and nerds alike…the hour has come. Today marks the end of Gotham’s 31 Most Wanted. All throughout January, I’ve counted down My Top 31 Favorite Batman Villains of All Time. Now, the time has arrived for me to unveil the wicked fiend at the top of the criminal heap. If you haven’t guessed who it is by now – especially if you know me fairly well – that’s quite a shock. But if you need a hint: he can’t be killed, that’s why they cast a Phoenix to play him. (And again, if you got that reference, you are awesome.) MY NUMBER ONE FAVORITE BATMAN VILLAIN IS…The Joker.
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Now, for MOST of you reading this, this is probably neither a surprise nor a disappointment. The Joker – The Clown Prince of Crime – has been Batman’s nemesis practically since he was first created. The character first appeared in the first issue of Batman’s title series in 1940; the character had only been around for three years, and most of his villains prior to the Ace of Knaves never really “stuck,” so to speak. However, despite apparently dying in that first issue, the Joker was, at the last minute, given a second lease of life: someone on the team making Batman recognized the potential of the character, and a final panel of the comic was hastily slapped together, revealing that the Joker wasn’t actually dead. This began a long tradition for the character: over and over and over again, the Joker has seemingly died in horrible ways. He’s been stabbed, shot, electrocuted, drowned, torched, blown to bits, hit by automobiles, and has fallen from great heights, just to name a FEW of the ways the character has seemingly kicked the bucket…but, inevitably, the character pops up again, usually with no real explanation of HOW he survived, just to cause trouble once more. However, one could argue this also marked the beginning of a trend that, in recent years, has been seen more and more frequently: the OVERUSE of the Joker. You see, after that initial appearance in Batman #1, the Joker appeared over and Over and OVER again in multiple stories that followed, almost one after the other. And to this date, the character has appeared – both in and out of comics – more times than any other Batman Villain out there. Counting only live-action standalone theatrical films (and you will note how VERY specific that category is), the character has appeared in movies no less than FOUR times. In direct contrast, looking at the same category, most Batman Villains who have even gotten a CHANCE to appear in such movies don’t get more than one or two appearances. I think the only ones who have come close so far are Catwoman and Scarecrow, and in the latter’s case, that was because he appeared in all three “episodes” of the Dark Knight Trilogy. So, technically, there’s only one version of Jonathan Crane in this sector. And let’s not even THINK of other media beyond that, like animated features, TV shows and their spinoffs, direct-to-video movies, video games, et cetera and so on and Scooby-Dooby-Doo. (Literally, since he’s APPEARED in Scooby-Doo…multiple times…see what I mean?) As a result of this constant popping up over and over again, the character has, in recent years, received a bit of a backlash. It’s probably been around for a while, but the time when I heard it becoming most vocal was when the “Arkham” games came out. In “Arkham City,” you see, the character died, and many fans felt it was one of the best “True” deaths the character had. It was even meant to cap off a career, as it marked – at the time – what everybody thought would be the inimitable Mark Hamill’s last time playing the role. But just as he has in comics before, the Joker – and Hamill as the Joker – returned in later installments of the series, and many felt the Clown Prince was starting to poke his pale nose into places he really didn’t belong. More and more people were saying that the Joker was, while perhaps not necessarily OVERRATED as a villain, certainly OVERUSED: people wanted other Batman Villains to get the same focus and attention he was getting, and for DC to stop falling back on him as a way to get sales going and get fans interested. I must confess, despite my placing him here at the top…very recently, I’ve started having similar feelings. I needn’t discuss the…well…EVERYTHING that was Jared Leto’s Joker, and while I personally liked the TV series “Gotham,” the way they handled Joker/The Valeska Brothers is actually one of my personal biggest upsets with the series. Those are just two examples. However, it doesn’t annoy me as much as the overuse I’ve mentioned from his (ex?) girlfriend, Harley Quinn, who really, REALLY gets on my nerves with how she keeps popping up in places and in ways she really shouldn’t. It's for this reason some may feel that me placing the Joker as my favorite villain is too predictable, and perhaps not even fully deserved. But here’s the thing: being overused does NOT mean the character, by default, is bad. Do I wish other Batman Rogues would get more attention? WELL, DUH. I’d love to see a more comic-accurate take on Two-Face, or a film with Scarecrow as the main bad guy, or, heck, ANYTHING with Jervis Tetch on the silver screen. GOD. PLEASE. JUST….SOMETHING WITH JERVIS TETCH. But that doesn’t make me like the Joker, himself, any less. The ways he works and the reasons he works have been analyzed, argued, and even essayed upon so many times, I think not even HE would find it funny at this point; he’s a character who opens up discussion very easily, and you can see why his fate as the Dark Knight’s arch-nemesis was so quickly set. With all the horrible things he’s done to Batman over the years, no one is truly a more personal threat than him; sure, Bane broke his back, and sure, Catwoman and Talia have had many a romance with him, but it’s hard to say any of them have CONSISTENTLY proven to be as big a pain the neck as the Joker. He’s crippled friends, murdered allies – occasionally allowing them to return as villains themselves – and done numerous other atrocities that are pretty hard for ANY Batman Villain to top, not only in terms of how high the body count ranks, but in just how HORRIBLE the actions are and how meaningless the reasons frequently tend to be. He is, very simply, one of the most evil characters in literary history…and yet also one of the most entertaining. The genius of the Joker, generally speaking, is he makes you laugh and grin…but then you realize what you’re laughing at, and you almost feel nauseated. He is the Master of Dark Humor. Ever since I was a little boy, the Joker was pretty much always my favorite Batman Villain. And as time has gone on, that feeling has never truly wavered, and I doubt it ever will. In fact, as time has gone on, instead of liking the Joker less, I’ve only seemed to like him more and more; as a kid, I liked the character for his dark sense of humor, his eye-catching design, his zany gadgets and tricks, and his flair for the dramatic. As an adult, I find the philosophy of the character fascinating, I like seeing how different people interpret his origins, and I love to see how people continually toy with the twisted relationship he has with the Dark Knight. Much like Batman himself, he’s another one of those characters it’s just really hard to ruin…though Lord knows certain reimaginings have done their best to attempt THAT. Is he perhaps too popular and too focused on for his own good? Oh, almost undeniably…but at least he’s popular and focused on for a good reason, at the end of the day. It's better him than Killer Moth. The Joker: forever and always My Favorite Batman Villain…and, very possibly, my favorite villain of all time, period. “Laugh, Clown, Laugh.” Thank you all for joining me during the course of this countdown! I don’t know if I’ll do another one in the future; not sure what topic it may cover or what event it could be for. XD We’ll see what happens, but in any case, hope you all stay safe, and let’s hope 2021 shapes up better than 2020 as the New Year Rolls On…
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If I Go Back In Time Part 2
I realized that were I to actually pitch the movie, the executives and producers would probably ask about more movies going forward. After all, this is supposed to be a cinematic universe to compete with Marvel. I've given it some thought- firstly, the casting of the heroes will be the same, because as far as I'm concerned they all did okay. Secondly, here's a list of possible films in my version of the DCEU:
Man of Steel 2
Plot: See the old post.
To Be Released: Given I said I'd go back to 2012, earliest release would probably be mid 2014
Marketing Notes: Keep it to a minimum. Maybe 2 trailers and a handful of tv spots. Around 4 minutes of footage total, all of it from the first half of the movie. Lower people's expectations a little so they can be surprised if it's any good.
Wonder Woman
Plot: Mostly the same as the one we got for real, but a few significant changes...
Lois Lane is the one conversing with Diana about the photograph, not Batman.
Ares did not kill all of the gods, they simply withdrew from the world of man once humans got too violent. They're in some pocket dimension version of Mount Olympus, waiting for future movies.
Diana does not think that Danny Houston's character is Ares. But she does think he knows where Ares is, because she has a very black-and-white view of the world right now, and Steve told her that Britain and their allies were the good guys. So obviously Ares is on the side of the 'bad' guys, the Germans.
Towards the middle of the movie, when Charlie the sniper is having his breakdown, Diana takes him aside and tells him that the older Amazons still have nightmares about battles from thousands of years ago. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It tends to help them when their friends are nearby. Now, they're not going to force him to fight, but they do want him to come with them. After all, if he stays, who will sing for them? I just think that having that conversation beforehand would be a bit more respectful of his condition. Also it comes back in the climax, Diana at one point has a gun to the back of her head in the middle of a fight, and Charlie shoots the guy first.
When Ares shows up towards the climax, he's actually a good guy who's been trying to end the war peacefully. Turns out, the mythology Diana was taught was wrong. The gods withdrew towards the end of the reign of the first Amazon queen, Otrera. Otrera according to the real world myths had a fling with Ares, which probably ended badly. Here, she would have lied about the reason for the gods' leaving just because she doesn't like Ares. And turns out, mankind really are just a bunch of warmongering assholes. Sometimes.
The real big bad is Doctor Poison. She uses Diana's discarded sword to stab Ares in the back, poisons Diana to weaken her, then huffs some of her own super-serum gas to make the boss battle a fair(-ish) fight.
When Steve comes up to Diana to tell her about his plan to destroy the plane, she can hear him and actually gives him her blessing. So no more 'hung up on her ex' version! It's just not possible if she told him to do it.
There are a couple bits of set up for the next film. First, at some point underwater ruins are mentioned, and Diana asks if Atlantis has fallen in the war. Steve asks if it actually exists, to which Diana replies, “Last time I knew...” The second part is a mid-credits scene where Lois sends Diana another message, asking her to look at a video. The video is exactly the same as the one we got in BvS, of Aquaman underwater stabbing the camera with his trident. During the clip, we hear a part of what will be Aquaman's theme, same as how WW's theme played in her pre-credits scene.
To Be Released: Probably late 2015, early 2016
Marketing Notes: Nothing is released or announced regarding this film until after MoS 2 has been in theaters for a week. I want people to go absolutely fucking apeshit in theaters when they realize that Wonder Woman of all characters will be the next film. Considering how she'd been regarded by Warner Bros. in the past.
The Aquaman
Plot: It's like a crazy Star Wars/Black Panther/Moana fusion. An Operatic Superhero Political-and-Family Drama based out of a futuristic Polynesian magitek version of Atlantis, with only a few scenes above the water.
To Be Released: Mid to late 2017.
Marketing Notes: Don't have a lot of action in the trailers. There will be action in the movie, including a badass final fight, but it'll be less than most superhero films. Focus on the drama in the trailers to accurately represent the movie.
Knight of Gotham
Plot: This movie will be the smallest scale movie in the franchise. It'll focus in on Batman's detective skills more than anything (though he'll still kick major ass).When the movie begins, all of Batman's more famous foes are locked up in Arkham Asylum. He hasn't been seen much lately. So smaller criminals are starting to think it's safe to operate in Gotham again. Mob boss Don Carmine Falcone wants in on it. So he puts out a hit on Commissioner Gordon, the only non-corrupt official in the city. The first taker is Deadshot (setting him up for you-know-what, but a better version). After that a couple of small-time killers. Then Ra's Al-Ghul shows up and tells Batman that every assassin not a part of the League will likely be heading to Gotham to try and kill James Gordon. However, there's only one to really be concerned about: a man named Victor Zsasz. The rest of the film is a cat-and-mouse game between Batman (plus Jim and Batgirl) and Zsasz, culminating in a boss fight that would rival both John Wick movies put together. At the end, Zsasz is a sore loser and blows up Arkham, releasing the villains for future films. At some point, Batman talked to Deadshot in prison and got him to give up Falcone as the one who put out the hit, so Falcone goes to jail and Deadshot is placed in lesser security, with his name marked under the Task Force X label.
To Be Released: Early to mid 2018.
Marketing Notes: Give a significant amount of focus to Batgirl's involvement. People will love that, so long as there's no hint of anything between her and Bruce (there won't be).
Justice League
Plot: We introduce The Flash and Cyborg as a comedic duo of superheroes from STAR Labs, with a dynamic not too dissimilar from Deadpool and Cable, or maybe Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch. The villain of the film is Abra Kadabra, a Flash villain from the distant future who uses nanomachines to do... a lot of different things. He styles himself after a stage magician. As a character in the film, he wants to shunt the Earth into a pocket dimension (make the whole world... disappear!) in order to save it from future disasters. However, the process would kill most of humanity, which is why the League have to stop him. It takes all five powered heroes to hold him down, while Batman delivers the disabling blow using one of his gadgets.
To Be Released: Day after New Year's, 2019.
Marketing Notes: In the film, Abra Kadabra will use his powers to shape shift into the heroes at multiple points. We can use this to run a “Who can you trust?” tagline, with emphasis on the fights, because this movie is spectacle incarnate. With a simple plot.
Man of Steel 3
Plot: This is the one where Lex Luthor reveals his true nature. The big fight will be Warsuit Lex vs Superman. Kryptonite will be introduced here. Other than that, I'm not sure.
To Be Released: Fall 2019.
Marketing Notes: Fake anti-Superman propaganda clips put out by Lex Corp.
Wonder Woman 2
Plot: Villain will probably be Cheetah, since she's the one of the most popular. Might be good to have Diana team up with Flash, just to bring that fun element in, and maybe some time travel stuff. Possibly bringing Steve Trevor back.
To Be Released: Late spring 2020.
Marketing Notes: If Flash is involved, focus on his and Diana's dynamic.
Gotham Sirens
Plot: Catwoman and Lady Shiva have been partners in thievery for a while now. They're hired by Silver St Cloud to steal a sacred amulet (it's actually magic), and they decide to team up with Arkham escapees Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn for the extra muscle. Ivy has her own plans, however, and it involves using the amulet to turn the whole city into a jungle.The reason they needed the extra muscle to steal the amulet is because it was guarded by a private security firm named Grayson and Sons. One guess to who the survivor of the Siren's attack is. Yeah, this movie introduces Nightwing (he skips the Robin identity). He teams up with Batman, Batgirl, and most likely our two thieves to stop Poison Ivy.
To Be Released: Mid fall 2020. Hitting a rhythm now.
Marketing Notes: One half of the material is about the all-girl villain team, the other half is about the growing Bat Family.
Fall of Justice: Tower of Babel
Plot: After Abra Kadabra's tricks, Batman realized how dangerous the rest of the League were and created weapons to stop them if they ever went bad. Unfortunately, someone (maybe Joker? Who would not be played by Jared Leto- I'm thinking Nicholas Hoult, considering his performance as Nux in Mad Max Fury Road) has stolen those weapons and the League is in genuine danger. If not the Joker, perhaps The Rogues came over from Central City and this is Leonard Snart's origin as Captain Cold (the cold gun is in the weapon cache).
To Be Released: Spring 2021.
Marketing Notes: This'll be the darkest entry in the canon so far. Someone will probably die, though who I don't know. Probably a supporting character, but an important one.
There will of course be more movies, but I'm not sure of the order or most of the details. Here's a really quick list:
Constantine (introduce the weird mythos of Dream and the Endless)
Dark Justice (aka, Justice League Dark- the villain will be Enchantress)
Titans (a second superhero team is started by Nightwing and includes Beast Boy, Starfire, and a couple others, and Deathstroke is the villain)
Crisis on Infinite Earths (eventually)
Fall of Justice: The Crime Syndicate (evil versions of our heroes from another Earth)
Flashpoint (without the major reboot aspect)
An Untitled Green Lantern Film (used to introduce planets like Thanagar and Tamaran, as well as the Manhunters)
Identity Crisis (without the “Doctor Light is a serial rapist” part)
Final Crisis (not the last movie)
Suicide Squad (alternately titled “Task Force X”, with a different villain)
Untitled Justice League Sequel (with the Legion of Doom as the bad guys)
Untitled Titans Sequel (with Brother Blood as the villain)
New Gods (I don't know enough about them to even speculate, but this oughta be cool)
Untitled Man of Steel Sequel (uses “Death of Superman” plot)
The Dark Knight Lives (at some point, probably in a League film, Bruce Wayne retired and Batman was believed to be dead. Now he comes back, because Gotham City truly does need him)
Batman Beyond (so it turns out Bruce needs to retire, too, so he finds a protege to take his place)
Justice League Kingdom Come
Man of Steel: Rising Son (deals with the “multiple heroes trying to be Superman” scenario from the comics, before bringing Kal-El himself back)
Green Arrow
Untitled Flash Movie
Untitled Green Lantern Sequel
Untitled Justice League Dark Sequel
Blue and Gold (Blue Beetle and Booster Gold buddy comedy film)
All Female Justice League Film
The final film in the entire universe would be titled Fall of Justice: Blackest Night (the “FoJ” title is applied to all the truly dark entries). This is the finale because it would include every character ever introduced in all the films, at least as a cameo; even the dead ones would return as Black Lanterns.
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batfam-imagines · 7 years
Find You
So it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything! I’m really sorry for that! I have been working on this for a few days, I coudn’t really find the words that I needed to write, so it has been sitting on my computer waiting ot be finished.
i hope you enjoy!
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you are, once again, tied to a chair, and in the middle of an abandoned warehouse.
“It’s about time you woke up!”
“Hello, Harley”
“Mr. J went out for a bit, lookin’ for that man of yours. I wanted to stay, I like talkin’ to you!”
“I like talking to you too, Harley, it’s just the Joker I don’t really like.”
“Puddin’, wouldn’t hurt ya! I wouldn’t let him!” Harley jumped of the shipping container she had been on.
You had known Harley before she had met the Joker, before she had even taken the job at Arkham. The two of you had remained friends, much to Jason’s displeasure, even after she had gone crazy, even going as far as protecting each other from the Joker. After you had a “talk” with the Joker he had started being nicer to Harley. Of course your friendship with his girl didn’t stop him from kidnapping you and completely trashing your apartment.
“So he went to find Hood?”
“Yup! Said that he trashed your apartment jus’ to scare him!”
“And he had to knock me out?”
Harley just hummed conformation as she worked on releasing you. At this point you knew that it would be a mistake to run, the Joker had probably set traps all around the building, so it was just safer to stay and talk with Harley.
“Well, it looks like I’ll be here for a while, so we can catch up. How’ve you been? How’s Pam?”
The apartment is completely trashed, broken glass litters the floor, the couch is overturned, and there is blood on the floor. Grocery bags hit the floor when Jason notices the Joker card in the middle of the flood. As soon as he sees the card he immediately whips out his communicator and starts calling in backup.
“B, Y/N’s been taken by the Joker! The apartment’s trashed and there’s blood in the floor. I need you and Robin to get here as soon as possible!”
“We’re on our way. Robin and I will be there in 10 minutes. Suit up”
“I’m calling in Nightwing and Red Robin. I want everyone here. We need to find her!”
Throwing down the communicator Jason rakes his hands through his hair, trying to calm his breathing. Of course he knew that Y/N had remained friends with Harley, but if the Joker told her to do something, she would do it. Jason quickly called up his other two brothers, letting them know what happened, and they both agreed to meet at his apartment.
“There was a Joker sighting in Crime Alley an hour ago. My sources say that he was leaving a warehouse”
“Hood, just got another sighting. It seems like he’s looking for you. He probably wants to brag about stealing your girlfriend.”
Jason nodded quietly and headed toward the window, “If he wants me then he can have me.”
“You need to think this through, what do you think will happen if you go to him? Do you think he’ll just tell you where she is?”
“No” Jason growled, his gloves creaking as he clenches his fists, “But I can make him talk”
“Jason …”
“I won’t kill him, Dick, don’t worry. He’ll just gladly give up Y/N’s location when I’m done with him.”
Finding the Joker’s location was the easy part, but actually catching him, that was a different story.
“Get back here you fucking clown!”
The Joker just cackled when Jason barely avoided another trap. “Come and get me, Hoodie!!”
A rubber bullet hit the Joker in the side, causing him to stumble and allowing Jason to finally catch up. Jason hauls the Joker up by the lapels of his jacket, “Where is she?”
“She who? She, she, she, there are so many she’s!! Gotta be more specific, Hoodie!”
Jason just snarled and threw him down, “You know who!! Y/N!! Where is Y/N!!”
“You didn’t need to yell” The Joker pouted up at Jason, “She’s in the old textile warehouse with Harley. She can’t get out, and you have to play some of my games to get in!!”
There was a soft thud from behind the two, “Let him go, Hood. He just told you where she is. Nightwing will take him back to Arkham. Red Robin, Robin, you, and I will go to the warehouse anf start disabling the traps. She is safe with Harley, you know that.”
“Harley is just as crazy as he is!! Harley could go postal on her! We don’t know!” Jason shouted
“You need to calm down. We know where she is. The longer you stand here arguing with Joker the longer she is trapped with Harley”
Throwing the still laughing Joker at Nightwing, Jason turned and started to walk toward the edge of the roof, “Let’s go get Y/N, I need to make sure that she is safe”
Laughter echoes in the warehouse, “Harley, you nut!!”
“I know! I know! I’m sorry!”
“I can’t believe you set off one of the Jokers traps! You know where that all are!”
Harley huffed, still hanging upside down, “I forgot about this one. Are you gonna help me down?”
“I suppose I can. I’m gonna climb on the box right here, hopefully I won’t fall”
“I’m gonna laugh if you fall!”
“You laugh at everything, so that wouldn’t surprise me”
Harley giggled, “Hurry up and cut me down! Your boyfriend will be here soon!”
“And how do you know that?” You start cutting the rope with the knife that was strapped to Harleys thigh.
“Because he’s right behind you!!”
You whirl around, letting out a yelp when you lose yoru footing and atart to tip over the side of the box. Strong arms stop your fall, “Hey, sweetheart”
“God damnit, Hood! You scared the shit out of me! I could have fallen!”
Jason chuckled and pulled you closer to him, “I wouldn’t have let you fall, you know that”
Tension that had been there since your kidnapping began to drain out of you both. “I’m glad you finally found me, I was starting to get a little worried”
“Nothing could keep you away from me, you know that.”
“Awwwww!! You two are so cute!”
“Shut it, Harley, let me reunite with my boyfriend”
Jason chuckled and pulled back a little bit, “You look like you go into some trouble, Harley” She just crossed her arms over her chest, “Well, I don’t want to leave you hangin’, but the police are on their way. Batman disabled all of the traps, and I’m taking Y/N back to the Cave to get her checked out”
“Is Puddin’ on his way back to Arkham?”
“Yes, you’ll be joining him shortly”
“Alright, you’ll come visit me, right Y/N?”
You reach out, giving your friends a side hug, “I visit you every time you go back, what makes you think I wouldn’t this time?”
“Someday you’ll get tired of me” Harley whispered
The bright grin that one word left on your friends face made it a lot easier to leave her hanging there for the police.
Once back at the apartment, which had been cleaned, Jason wrapped you in another tight hug, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again”
“I’m sorry, I’ll try harder not to get kidnapped”
Pulling back he held you at arm length, “Not by the Joker. I don’t mind Harley as much because she seem to be relatively sane around you, but not him. He’ll kill you without a second though”
“I know. I’m sorry”
“It’s okay, everything’s okay, not that I got you back”
You lean up and kiss the underside of his jaw, “Can we order take-out and watch a movie? It’s been a stressful day for us both”
“Yeah, we can do that. And you’re sure you aren’t hurt?”
“The blood was the Jokers, I already told you that”
“I know, but I thought that you were hurt, that he had hurt you”
“I could tell you were scared, you managed to talk to Bruce without starting a fight!”
Jason chuckled and tucked you into his side, “I was too busy trying to find you to really pay attention to the others. Batman and Robin disabled the traps, Nightwing took the Joker to Arkham, and I went in to get you. We actually seemed to work together really well.” He placed a gently kiss on your forehead, “I love you”
“I love you too, Jay. I’m really glad you found me”
“I’ll always find you”
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entergamingxp · 5 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Tomas’ Top 10
December 26, 2019 10:00 AM EST
Astral Chain, Death Stranding, Super Mario Maker 2, and Erica were some of my favorite games from 2019, with plenty of others in the running.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
2019 has been a very odd year for games. While we didn’t have any heavy hitters like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, God of War, or Red Dead Redemption 2, everyone had their niche catered to, so I think DualShockers‘ personal GOTY lists will be quite varied this year. I have rounded up the 10 games that stood out to me the most in 2019, and they are all quite different from each other.
Of course, I did not have the time nor the patience to get through every single game that came out this year. That means some notable releases like Resident Evil 2, Gears 5, and DualShockers‘ Game of the Year Judgment did not make my list. Some great games were also just barely beat out, but I’d still recommend Ape Out, Baba is You, Samurai Shodown and Mortal Kombat 11 if you are looking for a good time. Without further ado, here are my 10 favorite games of 2019:
10. Erica
While this live-action interactive game is very short and definitely won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, it is an experience that has certainly stuck with me this year. Unlike most FMV heavy games, Erica doesn’t try to justify its use of live-action through its premise, it’s just how Flavourworks wanted to tell this story. That was an incredibly risky move, but the experience is held up by good writing and a great performance by Holly Earl.
I always love trying games that are innovative, weird, and unorthodox and Erica was able to check all of those boxes. For that reason, it’s still on my mind at the end of 2019 despite a couple of problems. If you’re done with Telling Lies and are looking for another intriguing FMV game, Erica should be on your radar. The game, not the person. That’d be quite creepy.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Erica.
9. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
After Star Wars Battlefront 2 got struck down, EA’s Star Wars games have become even more powerful than you could possibly imagine. While the discourse surrounding Star Wars is hitting an apex of toxicity following the release of The Rise of Skywalker, fans should still remember that the franchise received two great additions this year: The Mandalorian and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Capping off a great year for Respawn Entertainment, this game finally provided the engaging single-player focused Star Wars experience that players have been yearning for ever since EA and Disney struck their Star Wars game deal all those years ago. In fact, the only reason this game isn’t higher on this list is that I haven’t beaten it yet, and I’m sure my love for it will only grow as I play it more.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
8. Lonely Mountains: Downhill
I initially slept on this game upon its October release, even though I enjoyed my time trying it at E3. When I recently got an Xbox One and Game Pass, I decided to download this game and have been hooked on it ever since. Lonely Mountains: Downhill is a great podcast game, and I have now played it while listening to everything from stand up comedy to podcasts to the last democratic debate. Still, even if I wasn’t listening to anything, the game remained enjoyable.
Just like the Trials series, half of the fun is in mastering the course, and a few unique objectives across the game’s sixteen tracks and four mountains add to its replayability. Lonely Mountains: Downhill can still be quite difficult and somewhat irritating at points when you just can’t get a part of the course down, but overall Lonely Mountains: Downhill is a soothing and relaxing game to play if you aren’t doing anything else or want to do something more than just listen to John Mulaney, Ben Hanson, or Andrew Yang.
7. Super Mario Maker 2
I’m not much of a creator, but I’ve had a ton of fun seeing what everyone’s made in Super Mario Maker 2. Whether I’m rating levels for StephenPlays’ Morning Mario, getting random grab bags of levels in multiplayer or endless mode, or just browsing for myself, I am always surprised by the masterpieces and monstrosities that people can come up with if you give them the right tools.
On top of all of that, the story mode provides a meaty and varied single-player 2D Mario experience, which is something that the series has needed for years. It is my favorite platformer of 2019, and the first of many indicators on this list that 2019 has been an amazing year for Nintendo Switch. Also, Super Mario Maker 2’s multiplayer is terrible, but I love it.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Super Mario Maker 2.
6. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate also made my top 10 list last year. In that article, I said it could make the list this year if the game added Geno. While they weren’t added to the game, we still got exciting characters like Joker, Hero, Terry Bogard, and most surprisingly Banjo.
Thanks to its hefty post-launch support and just being a damn good game in general, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is one of my most played Nintendo Switch games of the year and has managed to make my top 10 once again. Even though it didn’t work last time, I will say it again: now just add Geno, Sakurai, and we’ll talk about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate making it onto my 2020 GOTY list as well.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
5. Tetris 99
I was simply addicted to Tetris 99 earlier this year. I played it every day non-stop and had to actively draw myself away from playing it when I had other things to take care of. While battle royale and puzzle games don’t seem like they would mix, boy howdy they certainly do. While Fortnite remains the king and Apex Legends brought a lot of innovation to the genre, Tetris 99 proved that the mechanics of battle royale aren’t limited to just shooters.
Tetris was already great on its own–just look at last year’s Tetris Effect–and splicing battle royale mechanics in there only embellished the whole multiplayer experience. As the game has received some single-player and local multiplayer modes since launch, Arika and Nintendo’s game has cemented itself as one of the best Tetris titles of all time. It’s becoming a mobile game too. That’s always a good sign, right?
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Tetris 99.
4. Death Stranding
I really like Death Stranding, but for the opposite reasons of most people. Many despise the traversal mechanics and adore Kojima’s writing. I can barely stand many of Kojima’s cringey scenes, but love the melancholic but tense and engaging delivery mechanics. Death Stranding tends to struggle anytime other than when it does do that. While the writing can be bad and the shooting sucks, I was still totally engrossed by Death Stranding and couldn’t put it down until I finished it. Its “Strand Genre” mechanics are also very innovative, showing how multiplayer elements can be combined with a single-player experience for maximum impact.
We’ll be seeing this game’s influence on the industry over the next couple of years, whether that be via making traversal interesting alongside the online mechanics. We need more games like Death Stranding. Still, I don’t think I can ever hear another line as terrible as “Like Mario and Princess Beach.”
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Death Stranding.
3. Dicey Dungeons
PLAY THIS GAME!!! Dicey Dungeons is dice-based in both a mechanical and literal sense, and is by far the most underrated title on this list. It turns standard roguelike and deck-building mechanics on their heads with its dice-based actions and differing playstyles between its six characters. I tend to be very lukewarm on deck-building or card games, and while games like Slay the Spire are fun, that still served as a roadblock for me.
Dicey Dungeons made deck-building interesting by turning genre conventions on their head in its various playstyles. It is a game that everyone should give a whirl, even if they don’t typically like roguelikes or deck-based games. Dicey Dungeons never stops being fun and is far and away the best indie game I played this year. I don’t have a joke for this one, but I think the jokes have been on a good roll thus far.
2. The Outer Worlds
The Outer Worlds was everything people wanted it to be and more. While studios like BioWare and Bethesda have seemed to abandon their roots in recent years, The Outer Worlds revels in its old-school RPG design. It isn’t the largest or most grandiose game out there, but it is certainly one of the most well-written and replayable RPGs in a long time.
I’d rather play a 30-hour RPG 4 times than a 120 hour RPG one time. The Outer Worlds seems to understand that mentality and delivered an experience that can be quite diverse depending on one’s character build and choices. It was just barely edged out of being my game of the year and is certainly a must-play for those who have ever remotely enjoyed an RPG at some point in their lives. On that positive note, Parvati is my daughter and if any of you hurt her, you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of The Outer Worlds.
1. Astral Chain
I don’t really have any problems with Astral Chain and it’s super innovative, which is why I gave it a 10 earlier this year. Astral Chain features the tight and rewarding action PlatinumGames is known for but is quite accessible at the same time. Its detective case-solving portions feel like better versions of similar segments in the Batman: Arkham games. Astral Chain is one of the best-looking games on Nintendo Switch. And finally, the Legion is the most innovative thing to happen to action games since Bayonetta’s Witch Time. Creating a unique weapon-user relationship I’ve never seen in a game before, Astral Chain remains fun and manageable while still tasking players with controlling two things at once.
Just like many of the other games on this list, Astral Chain is a trailblazer within its genre and will push the industry forward. While 2019 didn’t have one or two truly groundbreaking games like previous years, games like Astral Chain show that the game industry is at an all-time high when it comes to creativity and quality. I don’t have a joke this time either, seriously.
Check out DualShockers‘ review of Astral Chain.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 26, 2019 10:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-tomas-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-tomas-top-10
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