#I’ve been trying for that white haired old man for days and nothing
orangespottedgiraffe · 2 months
I ain’t ever been so lucky
First pull and I got the 5 star but tbh I didn’t want this fool
It’s literally every one but William it’s no fair
Imma kill myself
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steamy-linguine · 2 months
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Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader
Read part 2 here
A/N: OMG, HI??? It’s been forever and I haven’t posted in ages but I’ve been on a wolverine kick and thought I should dump a drabble. Anyway, it’s a slow burn and the reader is already given a mutant name, enjoy, might post a pt. 2 hehe
Warnings: None, all fluff, slow burn (sorry), old man logan (need him)
Word count: idk??? Sorry babes.
There you were. Sitting in the garden with your hair pushed behind your ear, a pen between your lips, and a journal in front of your eyes in the grass.
You were new, he could tell. He would’ve remembered a face like yours before.
“Who’s that?” He pointed in the direction of the girl and Scott did a double take.
“That’s Aurora. She can manipulate light,” Scott answered him before he carried on about some mission but Logan was too entranced to pay attention to his words.
You laid on your stomach with your legs in the air, swinging slowly. You pulled the pen from your lips and began scribbling something and he peered his eyes as if he could see that far, or so he wishes.
“Logan, come on we’ve gotta go.” Scott broke his concentration. Trying not to draw any attention to himself, he turned to follow Scott and leaving the area.
So it was like this for the next few weeks. He would walk into the garden and you would be in your usual spot with the same journal. He would even catch you sometimes in the den watching tv with Rogue. You had a laugh that carried down the hall and would fill the space with something warm that would bloom in his chest.
He hated it, because he knew he couldn’t have you. He was much older, not in an illegal way (of course) but you were young and full of life while he was well over 200 years old, and lived a life full of loss which shaped him into the bitter man he was today. One of the days, he was walking the hallway trying to find Storm for some favor that he had forgotten about when you both had crossed paths and for a moment your gaze caught one another.
You gave him a gentle smile and he instead turned his eyes away from yours and continued forward although just your presence made him forget whatever the fuck he was going to do or ask.
The next night, Logan laid in bed trying to fall asleep but something was keeping him awake or more so someone. Ever since he had known you were here, you always invaded his thoughts and it was every night. He could usually push them away and try to sleep but he couldn’t stop thinking about that same tender smile you gave him. It was already bad enough that everyone around him loved you and wouldn’t shut the fuck up about you and now you were invading his thoughts before bed.
He let out a heavy sigh as he got out of bed and knew what could help him in moments like this which was a nice cold beer. He walked the hallways of the mansion, which was filled with nothing but silence and the sounds of the crickets that sang their night song outside of the windows. He pushed open the door into the kitchen when the fridge door shut suddenly and the sound of a bottle popping caught his attention and he turned.
“Sorry, was I loud?” You asked him in a soft voice, your eyes held an apologetic gaze.
His eyes searched over your body and he shook his head, “No.”
The two stood in silence and Logan looked at the bottle in your hands. “That’s my beer, bub.”
You looked down and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks and the lights in the kitchen flickered for a brief moment and he figured that you might be feeling a bit intimidated.
He shrugged, “You don’t need to be nervous. I also like a cold beer at night.”
He moved closer to you and you took a step back as he towered over you for a second before turning to open the fridge. His shoulders were broad and his arms were huge, you could tell under the white shirt that he was all muscle. Logan grabbed himself a bottle and closed the fridge.
He walked on the other side of the kitchen island and took a seat, popping open his beer also.
“Logan, right?” You broke the silence. He swallowed whatever was in his mouth and he nodded his head.
“Rogue speaks highly of you. She says you’re a friend.” Your voice is soft and you lean back against the fridge doors. He watches as you press the bottle to your lips and takes a drink.
“I’m sure she’s really the only one that thinks that.” His spoke in a hushed tone.
You smile, “Oh no, everyone thinks you’re pretty cool. I mean you are the wolverine.”
A ghost of a smirk graces his face and he looks down for a split second and back to you, whose eyes never left him.
“How are you liking the mansion?” He asks you trying to change the subject.
He notices there is a shift in you. You look around at your atmosphere and for a brief moment he can see there is a hint of sadness in your eyes. “It’s…nice.” You finally answer.
Logan doesn’t press for an answer from you because he knows that expression to well. You were hiding something and it was painful.
“Well, the students seem to like you.” He affirms.
“Is it only the students?” You ask him and Logan raises a curious eyebrow and you do the same to him.
God, I’m too old for this shit.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t want to just take you and kiss you right now. Lips pressed together and teeth pulling at the bottom of your lip. He wondered how soft your skin would feel under his rough hands, how sweet your voice would sound when you would call out his name and he wouldn’t even cover your mouth, he’d want to hear you.
“I’ve seen you quite a bit Logan.” Your voice pulls him out of his thoughts and he focuses on your words now. “But every time I’ve tried to talk to you, you just ignore me.” You chuckle out the last part.
Logan clears your throat, “I’m sorry I’m not good with conversation.”
“Rogue said that.”
“Of course she did.”
It’s quiet again as the two of you continue to drink and your eyes never leave one another.
“I should probably head to bed. Class is tomorrow and I’m here drinking your beer. Again, I’m really sorry I just assumed since it was in there-“
“It’s fine, bub. Just keep this”-He gestured to the beers-“Between us or else I won’t hear the fucking end of it from Scott.” He said to you as he stood on his feet and held his bottle in his hand.
You gave him that same sweet smile and you nodded as you wished him a goodnight and walked out.
He couldn’t get their conversation out of his head. He only went in the kitchen in hopes to drown his thoughts in the comfort of alcohol only to find the one thing that was being a distraction for him to be standing there in pajamas. It was comedic almost when he thought of it truly.
Logan didn’t think he would ever get another chance to talk to you again but on the next night when he couldn’t escape his thoughts, he went downstairs for another drink only to find you there already waiting for him with two cold beers on the counter.
A/N: CHEESY?? Maybe but pt. 2 will have smut…
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koiiiji · 29 days
part 2 for this
author’s note ; i like dynamics with Goo and his secret friends, so it’s gonna be few more parts!
tw ; none, maybe fluff
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working for Goo Kim had its perks. money and old friendship were a major ones, but the real fun came from the influence you wielded over his friends. dangerous, powerful men and all were under strict orders to cater to your whims — Goo valued your intel too much to let anyone else mess with you.
Lee Taesung had learned this the hard way when he spent an entire afternoon trailing you around a mall, carrying your shopping bags like some kind of personal valet. his discomfort reached its peak when you dragged him into a lingerie store, enjoying every moment of his mortification as he stood there, visibly uncomfortable, holding up delicate lace with the expression of a man who would rather be anywhere else.
now, it was Cheon Taejin’s turn.
Taejin, unlike Taesung, had a proud, almost regal demeanor. where Taesung would grumble and sulk, Taejin held his tongue, though you could always see the tension simmering beneath the surface.
“where to, boss?” Taejin asked with just enough sarcasm to let you know he didn’t appreciate the nickname as he opened the door of the sleek black car.
“nail salon, Taejin,” you replied, sliding into the backseat with a smirk. “my appointment is in fifteen minutes, so let’s not waste any time.”
he said nothing, just slid into the driver’s seat and pulled into traffic. you watched the world blur by outside the window, your fingers drumming lightly on your thigh as you planned your next move.
while parking the car in the parking lot, Taejin got out of the car, holding the door for you, he casually asked if you would stay long there.
“oh, i might be a while — there’s a new color i want to try.”
“right,” he muttered under his breath, barely loud enough for you to hear. “wouldn’t want to ruin your day.”
you took your time in the salon, chatting with the manicurist as she worked, enjoying latest tea about that one girl drama, who also visits your manicurist. when you finally emerged, nails gleaming a perfect shade of crimson, Taejin was leaning against the car, clutching a cigarette between his teeth.
the nail salon visit was followed by a trip to the hair salon, a boutique, and finally, after you had squeezed every last drop of patience from Taejin, a drive to Goo Kim’s office.
Taejin’s knuckles were practically bone-white as he parked the car, clearly holding onto the last shreds of his composure. before he could say anything, you pushed the car door open and stepped out, casting a quick glance over your shoulder.
“you know, Taejin,” you mused, your voice laced with mock concern, “you’ve been awfully quiet today. i hope you’re not mad at me for taking you on this little adventure.”
“wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied through gritted teeth, his expression remaining stoic despite the irritation brewing beneath the surface.
“good to hear,” you said sweetly. “now, let’s not keep Goo waiting. i’ve got something new for him.”
you made your way into the building, Taejin trailing a few steps behind. as you entered the lobby of Goo’s expansive office, you spotted Samuel leaning casually against the wall, his gaze sliding to you the moment you walked in.
“Samuel!” you called out, rushing toward him with open arms. Samuel barely had time to react before you were embracing him. “oh, you’ve done something different,” he said, glancing at your freshly manicured nails, his voice smooth and practiced. “new color? it suits you.”
You pulled back slightly, grinning up at him. “oh thank you, Samuel!! i knew someone would notice. i’ve been dragging poor Taejin around all day, but he didn’t say a word, can you imagine?!!!”
Samuel chuckled, casting a sidelong glance at Taejin, who had the decency to look slightly uncomfortable. “ah, Taejin. so focused on the job, aren’t you?”
“i’m not paid to notice nail polish,” Taejin muttered, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall.
you turned to him, a playful glint in your eyes. “maybe you should be, Taejin. it’s the little things that make the difference. girls like a guy who pays attention to the details.”
Samuel smirked, clearly enjoying the exchange as much as you were. “she’s right, you know. attention to detail is key, even outside of work.”
Taejin sighed, rolling his eyes slightly but otherwise refusing to take the bait. “noted. i’ll make sure to compliment your next manicure. just give me a heads up beforehand so i can practice my delivery.”
you laughed, patting Taejin on the arm as you moved past him. “i knew there was a soft spot in there somewhere. you’re learning, Cheon. soon you’ll be a gentleman yet.”
Samuel followed behind you, still chuckling as you all made your way toward Goo’s office. as you approached the door, you threw one last glance over your shoulder at Taejin, who was still following dutifully behind.
“don’t worry, Taejin. i’ll make sure Goo knows just how valuable you’ve been today,” you said with a wink.
“i’m sure you will,” he replied, his voice resigned yet still carrying that ever-present edge of pride.
working for Goo Kim certainly had its perks. and as long as his friends were willing to play along, you intended to enjoy every single one of them. after all, it wasn’t every day you got to boss around some of the most feared men in the city.
and if they didn’t like it? well, that was just too bad.
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mellowsadistic · 5 months
The Flower Girl - Part 1
Grace is getting married and she’s determined not to let Jessica, her husband-to-be’s ex, ruin the wedding. But if this is her big day, why is she being dressed as the flower girl?
Grace was walking around the reception, greeting her guests, when she spotted her out of the corner of her eye. Jessica. Grace had invited her out of politeness, but she’d really hoped the woman wouldn’t come. What was she thinking, turning up here? Surely she’d known Grace hadn’t really wanted her to be at her wedding!
She was talking with Sophie, one of Grace’s old schoolfriends, and Sophie seemed to be listening raptly to whatever it was she was saying.
Grace continued to wander around, accepting congratulations and beaming at everyone, tossing her beautiful blonde hair behind her and feeling like the prettiest woman in the room. Eventually she reached Sophie herself.
“Hi, Sophie!” she said. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Hi sweetie!” Sophie said, turning to look at her. She spoke in an oddly high-pitched, overly-enthusiastic voice, like she was talking to a nursery-schooler. “Are you looking forward to the ceremony?”
Grace didn’t know what to say. She’d been expecting Sophie to say ‘congratulations’. Why the hell was she talking in such a stupid way? “Uh, yes!” she managed, deciding it was best to just ignore her friend’s odd behaviour. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long! I hope it’s everything I imagined!”
“Awww!” Sophie cooed. Grace felt herself going red. Was Sophie mocking her? “That’s so cute! Are you going to wear a pretty dress, honey?”
“Uh, yes of course. I… In fact, I’d better go and get dressed now. It takes a while and I need my bridesmaids to help.”
“Of course you do,” Sophie said patronisingly.
“Well… See you later, Sophie!”
“Bye-bye, cutie!” Sophie waved.
Grace turned and walked away. What was that about?! She frowned, thinking. Jessica had been talking to Sophie not long ago. Could she have convinced Sophie to talk to her like that for some reason? Grace hoped the most special day of her life wasn’t going to be tainted by some stupid practical joke. But she couldn’t imagine Sophie taking part of something like that. Sophie had never even liked Jessica!
It was probably just nerves, Grace told herself, trying to push the matter from her mind. She needed to get her bridesmaids and go into the back to change into her wedding dress. She felt excitement bubbling up inside her. She’d never really stopped fantasising about the perfect wedding, ever since she was a little girl, and now she was finally getting it! And Rob was the most wonderful man she’d ever met. She flushed at the thought of her gorgeous husband-to-be. She wouldn’t see him until she walked down the aisle though. She wanted everything to be perfect.
“Good luck, Gracie!” someone said to her as she made her way through the crowd, and she smiled awkwardly back in the general direction of the voice. She hated being called Gracie - she wasn’t a two-year-old for goodness sake! But nothing was going to ruin her good mood today. She was determined of that.
She slipped past a group of guests and found the people she was looking for; Olivia, Caroline, and Annie. Her three bridesmaids. At least the three of them were acting normally. They hurried up to her the moment they saw her, looking almost as excited as she felt.
They put their heads together, giggling.
“Ready?” asked Olivia, grinning.
Grace grinned back and nodded.
The four of them moved through the guests and into a room in the back of the venue where Grace could get changed. Her wedding dress was hanging on a clothes rack waiting for her. She beamed at it. It was beautiful – pure white, of course, with a floral-patterned bodice and a flowing, floor-length skirt. Elegant and sophisticated, sexy but still classy. The perfect dress.
Grace would barely contain her excitement as Olivia, Caroline, and Annie helped her change into it. She couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror in front of her as she was steadily transformed into the bride she’d dreamed about being ever since she was a little girl.
She was almost done when Caroline suddenly said “Oh!”
“What?” Grace asked, worried something had gone wrong.
“Your veil! I think your mother has it. Or maybe it’s still in the car…”
“Don’t panic,” Olivia soothed, seeing Grace’s face. “The three of us will go and look for it. I’m sure it’s around. We’ll be right back.”
Her bridesmaids left the room, leaving Grace alone. But a few moments later, the door opened, and Jessica stepped inside.
“Hi sweetie!” she said, with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
“Hello Jessica,” said Grace, looking at her warily.
“Don’t you look pretty!” Jessica cooed, but her eyes were sparkling malevolently. “Looking forward to walking down the aisle?”
“Listen Jessica,” said Grace firmly, “whatever it is you’re here for, whatever you’ve got planned…”
“Planned?” asked Jessica, cocking her head.
“I just don’t want you ruining things by trying to make this all about you,” Grace said coldly. “This is a very special day for me.”
“Of course it is, Gracie,” Jessica said. Her smile widened. “The wedding couldn’t happen without you!” She let out a light, tinkling laugh, and then she turned and left the room.
Grace scowled. Gracie again. And she didn’t like the way Jessica had been smiling. Did she really not have anything planned? They’d been friends once, but Grace had got together with Rob shortly after he’d broken up with Jessica, and Jessica hadn’t liked that one bit. Grace remembered Jessica screaming at her, calling her a big-titted whore who’d stolen her boyfriend.
Grace adjusted her large breasts in her wedding dress. It was true she had a better figure than Jessica, but she hardly thought that mattered. She and Rob had been meant for each other, and that was all there was to it.
What else was it that Jessica had said to her? Stupid little girls shouldn’t steal other people’s things, that was it. Grace smirked. Rob was hers now anyway. They were getting married and there was nothing Jessica could do about it. She’d only been invited in the first place because it would have seemed rude not to invite her after Grace had invited all her other old friends – it would make it seem like she was the one still carrying a grudge.
Grace shook her head. What was she doing? She shouldn’t even be thinking about Jessica right now. Not on her big day! She admired herself in the mirror, picturing how she’d look walking smoothly down the aisle on the best day of her life.
Minutes past, and her bridesmaids still hadn’t returned. But just when Grace was starting to get worried, the door opened again. She look around eagerly as Olivia and Caroline stepped into the room, but her smile faltered when they were closely followed not by Annie, but by Jessica. She was holding something white and semi-transparent in her arms. Was that stupid bitch carrying her veil?! Hadn’t she got the message that she wasn’t wanted?
But as Jessica stepped forward, Grace realised the thing she was holding wasn’t a veil at all. It was a dress. A very different dress from the beautiful, elegant, sophisticated wedding dress she was currently wearing.
“What’s going on?” asked Grace. She’d just noticed that her two bridesmaids were looking at her rather strangely. They were both smiling, but Olivia was shaking her head from side to side, like a kindergarten teacher amused by the antics of a misbehaving toddler, and Caroline was looking at her with the same sort of sickeningly sweet eagerness that Grace had seen earlier on Sophie’s face. “What are you…?”
“Come on, sweetie,” Jessica interrupted, and her eyes were glinting darkly. “It’s time to get you into your proper clothes. That’s enough playing pretend. I need my wedding dress for my big day.” She smiled broadly. “But don’t worry. I’ve found something much more appropriate for you to wear!"
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littlemisssatanist · 7 months
on the topic of me being team green
a bit of a different post for me, considering what my blog is, but i was honestly so offended at being called a misogynist i made a fresh google docs page and typed out 1634 words of me ranting.
is there a real reason to post this? probably not, but i felt the need to establish myself as team green, considering all the posts i've been liking and commenting on lately. (if you are team green, and you see this, feel free to be my friend. in fact, i am begging you to be my friend. i have no tg friends and i need to see the light).
beware, typos and repitition are probably aplenty.
Whenever I see people talk about being TG, I always will see TB stans in the comments saying something along the lines of “Oh, you must be a misogynist, then.” And you know, it never happened to me until a few days ago when I commented on a TikTok post about Rhaenyra beefing with two-year-old Aegon. Someone replied to me, saying that I only brought it up because I’m a misogynist.
And. You know, I’ve been insulted before. I’ve been called ugly, stupid, immature, whatever whatever. But I honestly can’t think of a worse thing for someone to say to me, that I’m a misogynist. I know this isn’t that commentator’s fault, because they obviously don't know me. But the irony of calling me a misogynist when I am the most misandristic person to exist on this earth. I pray for the downfall of men daily. I make fun of them. Whenever I see an AITA post on TikTok, I am immediately on the woman’s side, regardless of what she may have done. 
It’s because I distrust men to a certain degree. You know what’s different for ASoIaF, though? It’s not real. It’s all fiction. TB stans will come on the internet daily and complain about TG existing, calling us misogynists, elevating the conflict between us to that of a literal genocide. Are y'all delusional? Are you guys stuck so far up Rhaenyra’s ass that you can’t tell reality from fiction? 
Y’all love to preach about how Rhaenyra is the number one feminist girlboss of Westeros, without realizing exactly how exactly you’re falling into the trap. You uphold a woman because she’s the heir, meanwhile she steals Rhaena’s and Baela’s inheritance in order to put her illegitimate sons on the throne (which, btw, is treason). But of course you guys wouldn’t care, because you like to think Rhaenyra is the exception to the rule.
That’s the thing. She’s only the exception because of her father, the king. After Viserys dies, she suddenly finds herself back in the same patriarchal world that y’all love to claim she’s trying to overthrow, that she’s trying to change. 
I don’t hate Rhaenyra because she’s a woman. I hate her because she’s a stupid woman. She knew exactly what it meant to be a woman in Westeros; she gets forced into an unwanted marriage (and even in that she gets far more freedom and will to choose than other women), she is undermined for being a woman, and others view her as unfit to rule. I would sympathize with her if she did absolutely anything to change that whatsoever. 
Y’all love to say that she’s so iconic with her dragon scenes, but what did that really accomplish aside from showcasing she is unfit to rule? She has three illegitimate sons who look absolutely nothing like her. Even if Viserys was on her side, everyone knows that they are bastards. Like, at least Cersei’s bastards looked like her. Rhaenyra was a white woman with white hair married to a black man with white hair, and her first three children are white boys with brown hair. Girl, if you were going to have bastards, at least do it with someone that bears at least some resemblance to your husband, or yourself. She purposefully made it harder for herself.
And for those of you guys who will bring up something about Laenor being gay. I genuinely don’t know how to tell you this, but if they truly cared about keeping up appearances, they would have had children. I say this as a queer person myself: If I were in Laenor’s shoes, I would have children with my coverup. Afterall, that’s what a coverup is for. And also: I could find nothing about Laenor being infertile. 
And for those who will also bring up Laenor accepting the Strong boys as his own, I literally couldn't care less. Everyone and their grandmother could see that those boys were bastards. Laenor accepting them and Viserys being delusional doesn’t change the fact that they were illegitimate, and everybody knew it. Secondly: Rhaenyra would need to admit the boys were bastards in the first place for anybody to claim them, something she did not do. In fact, she went so far the opposite way, I wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to delude herself that they were legitimate. 
And this I don’t understand. How do you shoot yourself in the foot, not once, not twice, but three times, with three obvious bastards, knowing that people would oppose you, people already oppose you, and still think yourself fit to rule? Every decision Rhaenyra makes is so stupid, it’s almost mind blowing to me. To live in Dragonstone for years while your father, the king, is sick (in which case, btw, the heir is supposed to step in to rule). Instead, we see Alicent ruling the kingdoms from behind the shadow, because Rhaenyra does nothing but live out a couple of years of bliss and comes back to King's Landing expecting everything to be handed to her. She does absolutely no politicking, absolutely nothing in order to sway the lords to her side. Should she be so surprised, then, that she is met with such resistance? 
Y’all TB stands love to call TG misogynistic because we don’t worship your perfect little dragon lady, as if her uncle-husband isn’t Lord of Fleabottom and grooms and rapes her from a young age. As if Daemon hasn’t called women whores and bitches, and his first wife, Rhea Royce, ‘Bronze Bitch.’ Like, is that not disgusting to you? Y’all love to preach about how Daemon loved Rhaenyra, as if he didn’t choke her the moment she disagreed with his methods. As if his first instinct everytime is anger and death and war.
(In case y’all couldn’t tell, I am extremely anti-war. I am under the impression that if you can’t solve things by talking it out, then you are definitely not mature enough to be ruling a kingdom, and Daemon is one of the most immature rapist misogynists I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing).
(As an aside, I am not blaming Rhaenyra for her relationship with Daemon. Yes, I do find that most of her actions are stupid, but I cannot deny the fact that she was groomed and raped by him-- yes, raped, because she was a child, and children cannot consent. That is in no way her fault, and Daemon is the one responsible for this).
Y’all praise Rhaenyra for her maternal instincts while simultaneously hating Alicent for hers. Of course, an eye for an eye is unreasonable and far too much, but a son for a son is totally reasonable and to be expected. Rhaenyra protecting her children is being a good mother, but Alicent (rightfully) assuming that her children would be persecuted if Rhaenyra ascended the throne is her being a jealous bitch. Y’all blow her “sweet sister” line so much out of proportion, saying that she wouldn’t have killed her siblings if they just came over to her side. As if Alicent’s children, Alicent’s family, would choose Rhaenyra over her. Because “Helaena was the only good green” and “if only she just joined Rhaenyra”. Why would she ever do that? Because Aegon was a bad husband? The show literally stated that he only ever laid with her when he was drunk, because he couldn't do it otherwise. Obviously neither of them sought any pleasure from it, but they are still family. Helaena only had Aemond, Aegon, Daeron, and Alicent. Why would Rhaenyra ever be worth what her family is worth to her?
On a similar note, TB stans will constantly say how “oh, I feel sorry for younger Alicent, but not older Alicent.” As if Alicent wasn’t a 14 year old girl groomed and abused, as if she wasn’t twice pregnant by 17. As if Alicent wasn’t a victim doing her best in a world specifically designed against her.
That’s the difference between her and Rhaenyra. Both were victims to a much older man, but Rhaenyra considered herself an exception. Alicent had no choice but to be the bad guy, and despite how much y’all love to ignore it, Rhaenyra should have done the same. “Oh but Alicent was jealous of Rhaenyra!” Like you wouldn’t also be jealous of Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra, the perfect little princess, loved by her rapist daddy the king, who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. Would you not also be infuriated by her attitude, the entitled way she views the world? I’m sorry, but if your “strong female character” needs every other female character to agree with her, then she’s not that strong. Or a girlboss.
In conclusion, Rhaenyra sucks and is a terrible role model. True feminists love Alicent Hightower. Also, negative comments will be deleted, bc yk what is so fun about the internet? You can block people. I know, crazy concept. If you don’t want to see me or other TG on your for you page, consider blocking them. That tends to get rid of the thing you don’t want to see. I will also be doing this to anyone who thinks they’re smart enough to argue this topic with me. I do not care, hope your day goes terribly. <3
Btw, please never call me a misogynist again. In fact, you can call me Little Miss Misandrist, because there is no universe out there where I side with a man over Alicent Hightower. Or any woman at all, for that matter. 
(Except for maybe if the pickings were between Rhaenyra and Criston. If you’re one of the media illiterate TB stands who consider Criston to be an incel, you should also go ahead and block me, your stupidness is draining my brain cells).
Stay mad, xoxo.
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ghostchems · 1 year
the wedding guest - terzo x female!reader
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you have just gotten over a break-up and attend a wedding of a friend alone. a man with face paint distracts you from the festivities.
author's note: i owed our guy a nice, fun time after putting him through so much pain. def not my best work but meh. mdni! 18+! 2.8k words. ao3 link.
You are in the women’s bathroom getting high with a few girls you met that night. It has been a long day for you. One of your childhood friends had gotten married and you sat through the ceremony and dinner and now the reception is about to pop off. It is a nice day, though, despite the circumstances.
You are supposed to be here with a date but your relationship with you boyfriend had imploded a few weeks ago. It hadn’t been good for a while but you were sticking it out because maybe things would have gotten better. A tale as old as time. A fight escalated to the point of no return and he left. It was devastating for a few days but life goes on. 
You had been dreading this wedding but you are relieved to find that you don’t really know anyone there. Even though it was awkward and you felt some jealousy toward the couples that were sitting around you, it was better than being there with an asshole. 
“What is up with those guys in the face paint?” 
“I think they’re from the groom’s church? Or something? I don’t know… it’s kinda weird.”
You are half listening as you mess with your dress. The men they are talking about have been quite the topic of conversation for the night. Most of them had dark circles painted and colored in around their eyes but the man who you couldn’t look away from had a full face of black and white paint. The two of you kept catching each other’s glances and you couldn’t help but think you were being rude for staring.
If you were the bride you would have been pissed that these guys were garnering so much attention. 
The conversation turns to more gossip about people you don’t know so you excuse yourself from the bathroom. You make sure the door shuts behind you and you’re met with a familiar sight: the man with the face paint adjusting his hair in one of the wall mirrors. You haven’t been this close to him before and you find yourself taking in the details of his face. You didn’t notice the different colored eyes before. He is in a black tuxedo complete with white gloves and spats.
“Ah, scusi, bellisima.” He rakes his fingers through his raven hair and smooths it into place. “I have been looking for you, cara.” He saunters over to you and gives you a brilliant smile.
“Me?” The Italian accent hits you like a truck and you find yourself stepping toward him.
“Si, si. You’ve been looking at me, I’ve been looking at you, we’ve been playing this piccola flirty look game so I figured I would ask you to dance, eh?” He holds out a gloved white hand to you. “Will you?”
You are so distracted by his eyes, the ghostly white one giving you goosebumps while his soft green eye makes your cheeks flush. You open your mouth but nothing comes out because it hasn’t caught up with your brain. After a beat, you put your hand in his and manage a nod.
“Sure, okay.” It comes out so quiet and you blush again. He takes your hand and brings it to his lips. You aren’t able to react because he is already whisking you away to the dance floor. 
“Io sono Papa Emeritus il Terzo but you can call me Terzo for short, cara.” He grins again and stops in front of you once you make it to the crowd of people. Terzo’s other hand takes yours and he starts to immediately dance. He is very at home on the dance floor, his hips wiggling and his whole body twirling while you’re trying to bend your knees in a way that resembles dancing. 
You start to loosen up, feeling buzzed from the alcohol and lighter from the weed. His group had exuded some kind of authority from afar but Terzo’s demeanor makes it easy for you to relax — he is a charming goof, much to your surprise. You find yourself giggling as you dance with him, his easy smile drawing you in closer to him. 
The music slows and he rests a hand on your hip and you place yours on his shoulder. It has been a long time since you’ve slow danced with someone but Terzo keeps it simple. You are able to get a good look at him now, his raven hair having fallen onto his forehead and the wrinkles more pronounced. 
“So, eh, you are curious about the paint, si?” He leans in close enough that you can feel his breath on your face.
“Well, yeah. You guys kind of stick out, ya know.”
“Mhm. It shows status in our church. The more paint you have the higher up you are, at least for those on the outside.” 
“You must be pretty high up, then?” Your gaze falls to his lips for just a second. “And didn’t you say your name is… Papa? Does anyone actually call you that?”
“Si, si. I am basically, eh, the leader. And Papa Emeritus is my title, cara, so most refer to me as that during official church business.” Terzo gives you a tail and pulls you in close to him, your chests touching now. 
“Wouldn’t this be official church business? This is a wedding, after all.” You manage to squeak as you look up at him. You start to slowly sway along with the music again but you feel heat pooling in your core due to how close you are to him.
“The ceremony, si. But this is the reception — party time.” Terzo’s lips curl into a smirk. “But enough about me, eh? How do you know the bride and groom?”
“Katie was my neighbor! We grew up together. She’s actually the only person I know here, other than her parents.”
“Ah, well you know me now, cara. I must ask and I apologize if this is somewhat forward but, I am shocked that a beautiful woman such as yourself does not have a date here with you.” 
Your smile falters and your eyes shift to the dance floor. You rest your cheek against his firm chest and take a moment before replying.
“We broke up not too long ago.” His arms curl around you and you didn’t realize how much you needed a hug until this moment. “I’m okay. I’m really fine with it. Just still kinda fresh.” Terzo gives you a small squeeze.
“Do you want to get some air, tesoro?” His grip on your loosens and he looks down at you, his expression soft. You nod and he whisks you away from the dance floor, out the doors and into the cool air of the night. His hands haven’t left you even though you were done dancing as the two of you walk silently over to the patio area.
You sit on the ground, freeing yourself from his grasp and start to take off your heels. Terzo sits next to you and stretches his legs out, his spat shoe lightly tapping against your heels at your feet. He loosens his tie and unbuttons a few of the top buttons of his dress shirt.
“I noticed something about you during our flirty look game.” He speaks up after a few beats of silence.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“Other than your looks being flirty… they were also curious. Which was nice compared to all the other judgemental looks I was getting.” His shoulder brushes up against yours and he leans toward you, grinning.
Oh, he has been so smooth tonight and he knows it. You don’t mind; Terzo pulled you from having a “meh” time at a wedding to actually having fun. You look into his duochromatic eyes that are so close to your face and you drift in closer, your lips grazing and then pressing against his for a soft kiss. Terzo sighs into you, his hand snaking to cradle the back of your head as his tongue dips into your mouth. You groan at the taste of him, smoky cinnamon, and you rub your hands at his chest. 
He leans back, his soft breath wafting against your lips before he peppers a few more kisses to it and then pulls away completely. 
“Your paint is smudged!” 
“Dio mio, I can’t show my face at reception with it looking like this.” Terzo cries jokingly then reaches his pristine white glove to your face to wipe off some of his own paint. “I guess we have to go somewhere more private.”
“Oh…” Suddenly, you are feeling sheepish and your cheeks flush pink. “I didn’t book a room.”
“I have one.” He purrs, his finger lightly tracing along your jaw. “If you’ll have me… my company, that is, if you’re comfortable, cara.”
This freaking guy.
“Hmm. I’m not sure you’ll give me what I want.” You look him up and down through thick lashes and then direct your gaze to the night sky. Terzo moves in even closer to you, his chest pressed to your side and you can feel it rumbling. You look at him out of the corner of your eye and you see him slowly remove his white gloves with his teeth. 
“This is something I’m very passionate about and very well-versed in, cara.” His voice becomes low and husky. “Let me give you a taste of what I can do — if you are impressed, we go back to my room, yes?” He presses his nose into your cheek and one of his hands pushes up the hem of your dress. You turn your head and kiss him again, your hand tugging at the lapels of his jacket.
He slips his hand up your dress and presses his palm to your clit through your underwear. You gasp against his lips as you pull him in even closer. He rubs you through your underwear, the friction of the fabric against your clit sending spasms down your legs. His fingers hook into the fabric and pulls them down and then runs the tips of them along your slick folds.
“Already so wet for me.” Terzo growls against your lips as he slips a finger inside you. He breaks off the kiss and dips his head to your ear, his teeth nibbling just below the earlobe just as he curls his finger against the sensitive spots inside you. You try to muffle a moan and you tip your head back against the patio wall.
He presses wet, open mouth kisses down your neck and adds another finger and then another, thrusting them slowly in and out and curling them against your walls. You weren’t expecting him to be so effective and you are already in complete bliss, your mouth hanging open as your eyes flutter open and shut.
“Enjoying this, yes?” He purrs against your neck and grazes his teeth against the sensitive skin. You whine and he starts to run his tongue along your collarbone, picking up the pace of his fingers. You are clutching his lapels, your nails digging into the smooth fabric. Your hips buck against his hand and he growls against your chest, his mouth moving up your neck to your jaw. “So close already?” 
You clench around his fingers and a deep moan spills from your lips that Terzo quickly swallows with his own. One of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever had washes over you as you moan into his mouth and he uses his fingers to coax you through it. Your body trembles while you come down from it, your eyes slowly opening to find him giving you a soft smile.
“Bene? Good?” Terzo quirks a brow but he knows. You sigh deeply with a dreamy smile stretched across your face. Then, you plant your hands firmly on his shoulders and use them to push yourself to your feet. You run your fingers through his soft locks and he groans quietly, sitting back on his heels as he looks up at you. “Please, cara, will you come back to my room? Or shall I take you right here?”
You haven’t felt this important or this in control in a long time. Seeing him on his knees in front of you with disheveled hair and his pink lips peeking through his smeared face paint is bringing the fire roaring back to life inside you.
“Carry me to your room?” The last syllable squeaks out as Terzo sweeps you off your feet and into his strong arms.
The good thing about this wedding venue is that the hotel is onsite which means that the voyage to Terzo’s room is a quick one. Or maybe it just feels that way to you. Before you know it, he has you on the bed with his fingers laced in your hair and his other hand resting on your hip. He settles himself between your legs and grinds his hips against yours. 
You tilt your head back onto the mattress and give a soft groan. Terzo’s lips immediately find your neck, biting and sucking sloppily as he starts to push your dress down your shoulders. He kisses down your chest and pulls your dress down to expose your breasts. Your fingers card through his hair as his mouth seals around your nipple, his tongue flicking his tongue against it while you moan. His free hand cups your other breast, massaging it before pinching your nipple between his fingertips. 
“Terzo…” You whine and you tighten your grip on his hair. He releases your breast from his mouth with a pop and looks up at you with a grin. He is so devastatingly handsome, even while as crumpled as he is right now. His white eye is practically sparking as he pulls your dress off of you and he gives a soft moan at the sight of your naked body.
You sit up and tug his tie off before starting to work at the buttons of his shirt. He lets his jacket fall to the floor and starts to rub at your sides with his strong hands, slipping them down further to grasp your ass. You whine quietly as you scratch at his chest, feeling his chest hair at your fingertips.
He is looking at you as if he would worship the ground at your feet, but there is still a hint of mischief in his eyes. Your cunt has never ached for someone with this intensity before and you feel almost like you’re in some kind of lust-fueled haze. He gently pushes you back on the bed and unzips his pants, his perfect, hard cock tumbling out of them.
“Così bella, così perfetta per me.” Terzo purrs, resting his hand beside your head as he lines himself up. Your legs wrap around his waist and you can feel the pressure of his cock against your entrance. He pushes in slowly and lowers himself on top of you. Your half-lidded eyes meet his and the both of you sigh as he works himself in, a growl rumbling up in his chest. You kiss him as he bottoms out, swallowing his growl.
The kiss deepens while Terzo rolls his hips, your legs around his waist allowing for him to go deeper and deeper inside you. He moans into your mouth, his one hand clutching at your hip as his thrusts grow more and more powerful. Your teeth graze at his bottom lip before giving it a love bite. 
“Cattiva…” He groans against your lips, breaking the kiss to lower his head into the cook of your neck. You gasp as he bites at your neck and digs his nails deeper into your hip. Your nails scratch at his scalp and pull at his hair as he growls against you. 
His hips start to snap harder into you and you can’t hold back a deep moan. Your back arches and your eyes fall shut, whines and breathy sobs falling from your lips. Terzo continues to pound into you, even harder now as your soft sounds are music to his ears.
“Look at me, cara.” He huffs after lifting his head to look at you. You do as he says, running your fingers down his hair and neck and resting them on his shoulders. You don’t dare look away or close your eyes, even as your moans grow louder and your limbs start to tremble. Pleasure ripples through your body. You can tell by his eyes and sounds that he is close too. His thrusts stutter, his legs tensing and untensing as he pants and grunts.
You can’t hold it any longer, your eyes squeezing shut and a cry screaming from your lips as your orgasm washes over you. A few more thrusts and he’s right behind you, pulling himself out and spilling his seed on your stomach and breasts. When he’s through, he plants his full body on top of you, mess and all, and pulls you into his arms. 
A thought crosses your mind.
“Didn’t you say you’re high ranking in the church? What kind of church allows this kind of fucking?”
“The Church of Satan, tesoro.”
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Niragi x reader
TW: Violence, Alcohol Consumption, Harassment.
Niragi had not slept well a single night since the encounter with Y/N. All those memories he had kept buried deep in his mind, hidden behind the persona he had created to survive in Borderlands, had surfaced tumultuously.
He no longer knew who he was. Was he truly the violent, threatening man, rifle in hand, whom everyone feared? Or perhaps he was just Niragi Suguru, her Niragi, as she used to say—the man who stayed up late at the library trying to escape his ghosts.
Y/N's arrival in Borderlands had turned his world upside down. Once again. And now he could do nothing but drink late into the night to forget, to forget that she was there, somewhere in that dangerous world, playing deadly games, facing rivals, facing people like him... Or maybe she was already dead. He could never rule out that possibility in Borderlands... and so he drank more. He drank more to forget.
Pool parties until the early hours of the morning, encounters with women his drunk mind mistook for her, shouts and screams from the people he threatened and beat violently simply for being in his way... only amidst that chaos did Niragi seem able to silence the voices in his head, to blur her image in his mind and quiet the fears that gripped his body, sending shivers down his spine. He had lost her.
It was due to all those extracurricular activities that Niragi did not learn of her arrival at The Beach until the following day.
Y/N had been kidnapped, from her perspective, by a group of people who seemed to have been impressed by her in the last game. A diamond four, nothing too fascinating in her view, but those men did not seem willing to let her go once the game was over. They put her in a car, blindfolded and tied her hands “to avoid complications,” they said, and drove what seemed like an eternity to her until they reached an old hotel that stood imposing in the middle of nowhere.
“There’s electricity,” was the first thing she noticed, and the idea of staying in such a place became a bit more appealing. When she also saw the pool in operation, indicating the presence of running water, and the image of a warm shower formed in her mind, she decided that the place couldn’t be that bad.
“Welcome! Welcome to The Beach!” A curious-looking man, who would later refer to himself as The Hatter, greeted her in a room illuminated by the first rays of the morning sun. “I’ve heard about you and couldn’t wait to have you in our ranks!”
Y/N remained silent, assessing the situation. The room was not too crowded—four people beside the Hatter, two by the door, and two others behind her.
“In this utopia we call The Beach, you can enjoy the comforts of a luxurious life... as long as you contribute,” continued The Hatter.
“Contribute how?” Y/N thought, of course, there had to be a catch.
“I don’t ask too much, Y/N, just follow a few basic rules and play all the games assigned to you, returning here with a card for me,” the man said simply, while watching the girl, studying her reaction.
The woman was surprised that this man, whom she had never seen before, knew her name, but she did not show it. She immediately understood that this place was based on a hierarchy where the Hatter was at the top, and that was exactly what he intended to demonstrate with his cheap trick of calling her by name.
“Alright, I agree to stay,” Y/N nodded. The advantages that the place seemed to offer were too tempting to refuse.
“Oh, darling... you don’t have a choice,” The Hatter laughed.
An hour later, the girl had her own room, a swimsuit too sensual in her opinion, and a bracelet with the number 12 around her wrist.
Y/N walked around the room, scrutinizing each corner with suspicion. The first thing she noticed was the impossibility of locking the door. “Security measures,” the white-haired man with the hoodie who had accompanied her to her door had simply said. The next thing that caught her attention was the huge bed occupying more than half of the room, and from that moment on, her body started to act on autopilot, lying down in the plush sheets and surrendering to sleep. That morning, with the sun lighting up the room and the fresh memory of a bloody game just hours before, Y/N slept like she hadn’t in a long time. Perhaps it was the lack of rest in recent days, the nights of solitude and uncertainty, the vivid memory of Niragi in her mind... but that dawn, tangled in those fluffy and cozy sheets, the girl found a peace and serenity she never thought she would experience again.
Time passed unnoticed by Y/N until some screams beyond her window jolted her from her deep sleep. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was as a frustrated sigh escaped her lips, longing for a few more minutes of sleep.
More shouts filtered through the window with the curtains drawn, and Y/N got up heavily from her comfortable paradise, approaching the window and searching for the source of the disturbance. Beyond the glass, a pool party seemed to be taking place, people yelling with joy, enjoying the water and the afternoon sun. There were barely a few hours of daylight left before the moon rose in the sky and night overcame day. “I’ve slept a lot,” the girl told herself. She spent a little more time observing the crowd before deciding to go down. She had never been much of a party person, not even in college. While her peers enjoyed a “wild night,” she preferred the quiet of the library in the company of Niragi... and there it was again, that thought. She quickly discarded it from her mind; she had promised herself never to think of him again. Never again.
Before she knew it, she had blended into the crowd, blending in among drunks and intoxicated people, making her way to the bar. If she was going to stay in this place, she had to adapt to it, as if it was just another of the many games tormenting her in Borderlands. She ordered a drink she recognized as alcoholic and headed to an available lounger near the pool.
“Are you new? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
Y/N turned towards the voice. A tall woman with braided hair looked at her with curiosity from the lounger beside her, chewing on what seemed like plastic.
“I’m Kuina,” she introduced herself.
“Y/N, nice to meet you, and yes, I arrived today.” Although making friends wasn’t on her list, Y/N couldn’t help but be drawn to the woman’s aura and, upon reflection, it wouldn’t be bad to have an acquaintance in a place like this.
“Well, if you’re new, you must still be in shock… Have you tried the showers yet? They have running water!” Kuina said excitedly.
Y/N smiled. Yes… there was something about that woman that gave her an instinctive trust, a good feeling accompanied by a warmth in her chest as she smiled for the first time in a long time.
The girl was about to respond to Kuina when a sudden silence fell over the pool. The atmosphere became tense, and, without apparent reason, what had been a party was buried under a bitter unease that made her hair stand on end.
“The Militants,” Kuina whispered.
Y/N turned to try to figure out what Kuina was referring to. She saw a group of armed men advancing as if they owned the place, with arrogant and haughty expressions, following a serious-looking man who seemed to be their leader.
“If you want to live peacefully here, don’t mess with them...” Kuina whispered again, still watching the group as they pushed aside those who seemed to bother them with their mere presence.
Y/N watched nervously as the men drew closer to her position. She had faced games, the life beyond the placid comfort of The Beach, but for some reason, the presence of that group sent shivers down her spine. She observed the leader moving forward with a steady gaze. “He looks like a military man,” she thought as she studied his firm and calculated movements, and almost jumped in fright when the man stopped right in front of her, still looking ahead. He turned his head towards her, his body rigid, and she felt his penetrating gaze examine her from head to toe. Y/N made a move to shield herself from his gaze as the man turned to his subordinates, nodding in her direction.
“Bring her to me,” his voice echoed in the silence.
The girl’s heart skipped a beat as she realized the situation she was in, and she quickly felt a hand on her thigh gripping her tightly, as if fearing she might fly away. Kuina had taken on an almost defensive position, holding her in place.
But the leader didn’t even notice; he was watching one of his men intently.
“Didn’t you hear me, Niragi? Bring her to me,” he spat through clenched teeth.
For a brief moment, Y/N thought her mind was tricking her by making her hear that name she had been trying to forget for days, and the next moment, she wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole as she made eye contact with the man holding the rifle, in a patterned shirt, and facial piercings who had been frozen in place.
Niragi’s world had crumbled once again upon seeing the woman that Aguni seemed to have his eye on. Normally, he had no trouble obeying his leader’s orders with sarcasm and arrogance, but this time, although he wanted to, his feet felt like lead and his legs refused to move. Additionally, his mind was reluctant to comprehend his boss’s words that seemed to be relegated to the background while he stared at the girl in astonishment, not even able to understand how he felt at that moment: Happy? Confused?... no. He was scared, of that he was sure.
“Niragi!” Aguni’s roar seemed to snap him out of his daze, making him aware of his situation as he was observed with curiosity by everyone at the pool. His image was in danger if he didn’t act at that very moment.
He took a step towards Y/N, horrified as the girl trembled at his approach. He didn’t even know what he would do when he was in front of her, he was supposed to grab her and hand her over to his leader, but all he wanted was to hold her in his arms and beg for her forgiveness.
“What’s going on here?” A new voice echoed through the silence and tension of the moment. The Hatter had arrived. Niragi let out a sigh of relief, halting his advance and standing still, watching Y/N, who had slid back on the lounger as if trying to keep the maximum distance between them. He could also see the woman he recognized as Chishiya’s companion holding Y/N’s thigh tightly as if trying to prevent her from being taken.
“Hatter,” Aguni greeted, clearly annoyed.
“You can’t just take people away like that,” The Hatter said as he approached the scene with a hint of mockery in his voice, raising both arms nonchalantly. “I’m in charge here,” he spoke closer to Aguni, with a touch of tension in his voice.
Aguni clenched his jaw, staring at the other man before turning away.
“Let’s go,” he shouted to his men, who quickly started walking behind their leader.
Niragi seemed to hesitate in his movement, his mind maliciously assuring him that he would never see her again if he left at that moment. With his eyes locked on hers intensely, he tried to convey a message of reassurance: “Don’t worry, I’ll come back for you,” but Y/N only saw in his gaze the monster she had seen days earlier in that alley, the monster she was desperately trying to erase from her mind.
The paradise... it was too good to be true.
© 2024 [@dreamwavesexploringreality]
The third part of Night in the Library has just been published!
What do you think? Your feedback is much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Should I continue with the next part?
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creative-heart · 5 months
I've heard you want requests? 😏
You know how to make me happy 🥹
I still l o v e the newest pictures... could be something you can work with? Quiet and peaceful vacation with Enzo, away from all the trouble of life🙏🏻
I definitely could need it... ❤️
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Lucia's notes: Thank you my lovely @lastflowrr for this request, it was so cute to write this little Drabble/One Shot based on these pictures, I really hope I make justice to what you had in mind 🤗🤗🥰🥰.
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"Hidden haven"| Enzo Vogrincic
Content Warning: Just a little slight reference to sex, but in general, just a fluffy little piece.
Word Count: 1k
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You know  Enzo has been so stressed and tired with all the press tour and award season for his last movie, in almost two months you’ve rarely seen each other all three consecutive days, being a last year neurosurgery resident you can’t go away for long. Luckily enough, the universe, the gods or whatever you want to blame it on have aligned for once to your favor and your yearly holidays are coming up just as your raven haired boyfriend finishes with all this madness; so to celebrate and without telling him, you’ve organized a little roadtrip to a cabin in the mountains, just a week or so just for the two of you and you couldn’t wait to surprise him with it. 
As soon as the tan skinned man walked inside your shared home you run to hug him as if it is the last thing you’ll do in your life and you need it to stay alive “I missed you so much Zo” you mumble in the crook of his neck holding yourself up to try and match his height. He holds you up as he peppers your face with featherlike kisses “I missed you too chiquitita mía” he spaces each word with a kiss ending up on your lips with a soft, loving kiss. 
“I’ve got a surprise for you…I know you’ve been traveling so much, but…I’ve planned a roadtrip getaway for us, we’re going to Bariloche for a week, just us two, no phones answered, nothing” you smile looking at him “We’re leaving tomorrow, I’m driving so you’re relaxing and in charge of the aux chord”
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Early the next morning you two set your course out for the sweet and long awaited retreat from the world. You glance over in your boyfriend’s direction to see him laid back on the passenger seat, coffee mug in hand, sunglasses on. Enzo sighs relaxed and glances at you “I love you so much for this, I really needed this, thank you so much bebé”. You smile and the drive goes by smoothly while singing oldschool songs in the most out of tune way possible, snacking on your favourite chocolates and fries and just enjoying the time being just you two with no one from the outside world to derange you.
You arrive at the little cabin in the woods just before the sun starts setting behind the beautiful mountains, and you know it’s been snowing not long ago, the white carpet fresh on the ground. While you go and set your things down in the master bedroom upstairs, Enzo starts trying to work the fireplace and get it started, it’s an old school one with actual logs. After everything is settled, you longue on the couch in your pj’s cuddled up to your boyfriend’s chest playing with his fingers absentmindedly as he hummed eyes closed enjoying being this close to you “You know, I love the fact that getting more well known allows me to work and keep making a living out of this, but….getting recognized everywhere and people staring or asking for pictures is something I definitely do not love” you smile softly keeping your eyes closed as you hear Enzo’s deep soothing voice behind you and you give his forearm a soft squeeze, you knew he didn’t like people looking at him, and you definitely didn’t enjoy not being able to do as many things as you once did together because of that, but on the other hand, you also knew how much he loves acting and that this is what helped him keep doing it.
“I know darling, but I just think you are so good at what you do, that people just get too taken with you and your characters, take Numa for example, you touched so many people with him it was unbelievable”. You feel him humming against the skin on your neck as he trails soft kisses up and down, and you know exactly what he’s doing, it’s his tactic every time he wants to shift the conversation from himself, and in all honesty, it always works. “Zo…” you whisper in what wants to be a warning tone but ends up being more a pleading tone and the little sucker smriks against your warm skin “you can’t blame now, can you princess?” and all you can do is hum when you hear him call you that, he knows just what to say and what to do to make all your stress melt away and your brains turn into mush.
The next few days go by in a haze of late lazy mornings in bed looking out the window, limbs all tangled up together after having some coffee, once you both can master up the will to get out from under the bed covers, usually after some lazy love making as well, you sit down to work on a puzzle Enzo insisted on bringing over, it has like a thousand pieces and you most definitely do not have the patience to do it, but if that’s what the love of your life wants to spend his hours doing, then you’ll sit next to him mostly pretending to help before getting bored and taking his camera walking around snapping silly candid pictures of him working on his project the surrounding mountains, you even go out on little walks around the place to capture some nature through the lens.
Time definitely goes by differently here because when you’re feeling at home and Enzo and you have fallen into a sweet rhythm of slowed down life, you need to go back into the real world and as you pack up your clothes back into the suitcase you sigh, you have definitely enjoyed this time you’ve had here being just the two of you, no prying eyes and screaming girls asking for pictures with your boyfriend feeling left aside. You try to push those intrusive thoughts away as Enzo has made it his life work to reassure you that there’s no one more important in his life than you, well…maybe Ada, but you’re a close second to the cat you share custody of and you know that’s absolutely true, for wherever you may be, his eyes always find your own, and you feel as if you were right here, in a secluded spot just the two of you know.
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P.S: This hasn't been proofread, so if you see any mistakes, please do let me know, I appreacite it. Also, my girlies, keep the reqs coming, don't be shy, fluff, smut, angst whatever you have for me, for Enzo, Kuku, Simón and Santi 💖💖💖💖
@madame-fear  @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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eternal-love · 7 months
Austin and Me
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and Me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
All my life I’ve been going back and forth between México and L.A, it’s been my two homes since I can remember. I was born to a new formed family, my mother met my dad when she already had a baby which was my sister, and since then my parents had two more kids.
I’ve always dreamt of being an actress, ever since my father forced me to watch ‘Viva Las Vegas!’ and ‘King Creole’ with him. For two years, my innocent little me actually believed Elvis was still alive and somehow young, so my dream was to act besides him. I cried hours when my older sister told me Elvis had died decades ago.
My parents always told me that acting was a waste of time and that I wouldn’t make it, not because I wasn’t talented but because out there, there were people that were the same or even more talented than me.
But somehow, I was making it, I had my debut when I was 14 years old and since then I was constantly booked— I adored doing any sort of horror movies, I was a scream queen if you know what I mean.
Once I turned 18 years old, my career was stable, I wasn’t no A-Lister but people at least recognized me, that’s when I was invited to a party, which obviously— my parents didn’t want me to go, they were very strict when it came to permissions, specially when those permissions involved other actors.
“You want us to let you go to a party with other actors?” My mom asked rhetorically as we were setting the table for dinner.
“Absolutely not.” My father interrupted firmly, he was quite strict.
“It’s the weekend, why can’t I go? I’ll be with Elle and her sister.” Hollywood was separated from my family life, my parents didn’t like hearing about actors or nothing, just me and my movies.
“Who are those people, we don’t know them. So no.” My mother was harsh whenever she wanted to, and I get now their distress of being adamant to not let me go to that party, I wish I had listened to them.
I was a girl that was sheltered all her life, so with a sigh and pout I walked to my room, mumbling some cuss words as I knew it would be difficult to convince them.
Surprisingly, Elle and Dakota convinced them, Dakota was older, she had been an adult for quite some time and she knew how Hollywood worked. Freaking out I waited for the day and picked up something from my closet, which now seemed to be all wrong in the eyes of an excited me.
Vintage clothing, go-go boots, Mary Jane heels. I chose something I could work with. I chose a 60s baby blue dress, it only reached mid my thighs so I knew it was good, I grabbed some blue heels too and for my hair I went all out as always, I liked the 60s, my fashion icons were women from that era so I teased my hair to the high heavens, creating a bouffant, my makeup was also heavy around the eyes, black eyeliner and two pairs of falsies, I liked it. I smiled once I saw myself in the mirror, this was me.
The party was surprisingly chill, nothing like the parties I heard about so I was comfortable but I stuck out like a sore thumb, I started to regret going all in on my own style until I saw him. Long blond hair, tall, blue eyes, perfect nose and he was wearing black pants and a white tee. I recognized him immediately, not only was he Hudgens’ ex but he was also the guy that was on one of my favorite movies: Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure.
We stared at each other for some long minutes, until he finally got closer to me.
“Hey— I know ya. You’re the girl from that movie about the psychotic grandparents.” He said playfully, he pushed his hair back.
“I am. Cynthia.” I extended my hand shyly and he accepted it, shaking it and squeezing it a little bit. I was not a fan of the long hair but he looked handsome enough.
Austin knew my age but there’s no problem on asking, once he knew I was legal enough, he hit it off right away. Austin couldn’t help but eye my whole look which made me think he was judging me.
“I like your dress.” Austin laughed. Feeling embarrassed, I snapped at him.
“I don’t even even know why I decided to wear this stupid dress and stupid hair today!” I snapped harshly, which only made him laugh.
“Little girl has some spunk.” He joked which made me feel even more embarrassed after snapping at him.
“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes playfully. He was 7 years older, for some reason he acted as if he was 20 years my senior.
Since that night, we both started seeing each other. He was my first real boyfriend— I think he liked that, he liked the idea of teaching me what love was, he felt that responsibility.
My parents weren’t at all okay with my relationship, for some reason they said that no relationship with an actor could ever turn right. Once again I wish I had listened to them. He trusted me enough to talk about his late mom with me, when we were in his room after an hour of being intimate or whatever we were doing.
“I wish my mom could’ve met you. She would’ve really liked you.” Austin whispered to me in full confidence, he felt like I was the kind of gal his mother always wanted for him, not someone like Vanessa.
“I wish I could’ve met her too.” I whispered back to him softly, I hated seeing him with tears in his eyes while he talked about his mom because I didn’t know how to comfort him.
“She was my whole world… my mama.” Austin rubbed his eyes and sniffed some tears, I tried cuddling closer to him.
Take my advice here: never date a mama’s boy.
“Why you? Why can’t he go back to dating women older than him? You’re only 18.” My mom nagged me, sometimes I felt bad because not only did she have to worry about me but also for my younger sibling, who were barely even teenagers.
“He’s not like you imagine, mami.” I tried excuses for my relationship, they didn’t even know him that well to judge him.
“Oh really? He’s just another damn white actor. Tu crees que tu papá va a dejar que te cases con alguien cómo Austin? (Do you think your father will allow you to marry someone like Austin?)”
I stayed silent, marriage had not been discussed by Austin and I, we were still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship. I was happy— we were happy. Out first Valentine Day’s was amazing and it made things finally official to everyone. Austin gave me this beautiful locket with his picture inside, great gift.
I think he also liked that things were pretty much private between us, I barely posted him on my Instagram since he barely posted me on his, he liked that I wasn’t loud, bitching and moaning about our relationship.
“Should I marry her?” Austin asked his older sister, Ashley, who was engaged herself.
“I don’t know, Aus. She’s not your type.” Ashley never really liked me, she was weirdly a Trump supporter and well— it’s not like Trump was the most inclusive person.
“She’s exactly my type, she’s not bossy or loud. She’s a brunette— well I would rather her being more natural and drop the jet black hair. But she’s exactly what I want.” Austin said.
“You do whatever you want, just remember that marriage ties you down. Don’t let her cut your wings.”
I was 19 years old— marriage was the last thing on my mind. I was happy with my career and surely acting in more stuff gave me more fame and people started to recognize me more. But every action has its consequences and not wrapping it before tapping it caught up to us.
Have you guys heard of shotgun weddings? Well us was in some way. But the wedding should be another part of this.
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So, this is the beginning. Austin will be kind of an asshole just cause his behavior is kinda inspired by Elvis.
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zweetpea · 11 months
Zhongli x reader The Dragon of Geo (Spicy, no smut)
The classic tale of a young lady and a dragon, but with a twist. AU no deities, or Tevat (I’ll still use Liyue and the Qixing just for convenience), no Archons. And I made Shenhe an Adepti because I thought that thematically it fit better. Also female reader.
Warning: not for the kiddos! Has foul language and mentions of heat and breeding. And if you want me to write you smut based of the sultry scene feel free to ask.
Feel free to request any genshin ideas
Ao3 version here
Once upon a great beast roamed the sky. His scales, as brown as mud yet they sparkled like crystals. His hair as thick and shiny as gold yet it was softer than silk. His claws as sharp as rocks yet somehow held a gentleness reserved for the mortals of his land. And did he ever love his mortals. Hewent by many names, Rex Lapis, The Great One, Mighty Dragon of Geo, the children often called him Zhongli, but my favorite name for him has always been Morax. Something about it just presented power and authority. To me it screamed “I am your protector! You are mine to love! Though the seasons may change and life caries on for mortals, I will be here to protect you always!”
But those were the foolish wishes of a young girl who knew nothing of the world. A girl who was enchanted by the glimmer told to her as a child to keep her innocent.
He protected us for a millennia, but a century ago he decreed that unless he was given a bride by sunset he would ravage the land. The Qixing gathered everyone together to see if there was anyone who was willing to go. In the end they had to draw up a lottery since no one volunteered. Five years later he demanded another girl. And another after another five years. Some mothers or sisters left instead to protect their family, some had to be carried away screamed and crying. When I was fifteen years old I even witnessed a girl ask that she be escorted there in a carriage with a beautiful white dress. She was convinced that she was going to die and wanted to be pampered and treated like a princess in her last minutes.
I was never convinced that he ate them. I thought that they were a part of his harem and he got bored with them eventually. But it was undignified and unlawful to let a woman marry a man after she had been deflowered, lest she be a widow.
Anyway, it’s now five years later. Liyue is waiting on a letter from one of the four Illuminated Beast. This time 15 years ago Xiao came. He was a beautiful black and teal eagle (A/n: Don’t question the animal forms). 10 years ago Yanfei a lovely salmon pink deer came. 5 years ago an adorable little blue goat named Ganyu arrived with the letter. So this year should be the elegant white crane Shenhe.
Right on time she flys down with the letter in her mouth. I inform her of my name, how I knew her and the other Adepti’s name. “Don’t worry Shenhe, there’s is no need to go back to the others. I’ve been informed that I should wait here until the letter arrives and if it never came I was to return at the end of the day. I am the new bride of the dragon of Geo.”
Well truth be told the reason that I didn’t want to go back to the others was because I had a plan to stop all of this. In the back of my traditional dress I hid a dagger. I’m not much of a fighter but I figured... someone had to try? I guess? I dressed modestly as I figured that he would like it enough to not eat me immediately. If I died in battle I was going to take down Rex Lapis. I don’t need the praise, and I just want my people to live peacefully oblivious lives. In a few centuries this nightmare will become folk lore. A cautionary tale to spook children into being good. It’s finally going to end. I wonder if they’d get most of the details accurate, maybe they’d try to scope out the cave to try and find more details.
We walk out to the middle of the wild and into the mountains. The cave of the beast. Surprisingly it had doors. They’re beautifully sculpted and chiseled with various pattern that made me stop and gape at them in awe.
“This way, young one.” Shenhe motions with her wing. The doors open slowly and I enter the unnatural dark cave.
Once they close lanterns illuminate the corridor and standing before me was a gorgeous woman with long white hair that fades to black at the end, tied in a beautiful braid. “Who...?”
“Right my apologies. It’s still me Shenhe. In the cave myself, Xiao, Ganyu, and Yanfei take on more human characteristics. Come on, we mustn’t keep the master waiting.”
She leads me to the end of the corridor and into a large room. It looks like it had to be a thrown room due to the throne at the far back on top of a short flight of stairs but it feels as if someone could throw a party in here.
“Shenhe. You’ve returned earlier than usual.” A deep voice from behind a burgundy curtain called. His glowing gold eyes peer through the semitransparent cloth. She kneels to him once we reach the bottom of the stairs.
“The mortals came prepared, this time.” She informs the man on the throne. Gold and brown plush pillows surround him as he lay there waiting for his next plaything.
I kneel too to show him that I am as loyal and docile as his servants. “Shenhe you are dismissed.” She exits the room and he rises from his throne and draws back the curtains. “Rise my bride. Rise and look at me.” I do as he commands. I gape with wide eyes at the man before me. Long thick black hair pulled back in a ponytail, he had on a strange white outfit that showed off his chest and yet was like a skirt at the bottom. His arms were black at the shoulder and gradients to a yellow at his hands, I wonder if that was natural or part of his clothes. He starts to descend towards me as I’m standing there like an idiot. He chuckles, his voice even more sultry. “Like a little bunny caught in her predictors sight.” In the blink of an eye he’s behind me, holding my dagger to my throat. His hood most likely fell off as he dashed for me. “You are the only one who has ever tried to kill me. Others have begged or tried to bargain. Some I’ve even fed to Xiao because they only cared about the prestige of becoming my wife.”
“Your eyes... the legends and one own imagination cannot do them justice. I’ve imagined them thousands of times. How could I have hated these beautiful ambers for five years?” I looked up at him as he leaned over me.
“Excuse me? Did you just ignore what I said? Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. Women who try to seduce me are fed to my servants.”
I’m off in lala land and can’t fully register his word. “My father’s probably told me your legend 100 times when I was younger. If you’re going to kill me please let me die with your eyes being the last sight I see.”
“100 times? I could never fathom hearing something 20 times let alone that many.”
“Ironically I am your 20th bride.”
“Do you think that makes you special?”
“That’s for you to decide. Are those horns real?” His horns came up from his head and slanted back then curled back towards the front. I turned around in his hold.
“Yes they are, and they’re vERY—” He cuts himself off as I grab his horn. He groans at the contact dropping my dagger, it clangs as it reaches the ground. “—Sensitive.” He grabs my hips and nearly grinds our waists together. He breathing is heavy as he layers his head on my neck and guides me up the stairs. I almost trip a few times as I have to walk backwards. “If you ever do that again, you won’t be walking for a week.” He pushes me down on his throne. He pins my hands above me.
“Was- was that supposed to be as erotic as you made it sound?” My face feels hot and is undoubtedly red.
He looks at me surprised and then angry. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t take you right here, or better yet call in the Adepti to watch as I fuck you dumb on my cock like the whore that you are?”
“Morax, I know that you probably won’t care but I’d like to ask you a question before you deflower me.”
He looks a bit surprised, probably because of the name I called him by. “... this better be good.”
“Why did you ask for a bride?”
“Why? Why?! I don’t have to tell you anything!!”
“Okay. I’m ready.” I say nonchalantly. This caught him off guard.
“Excuse me.”
“You granted me my question, and from the stories I’ve been told Morax keeps his word. You told me you were going to torture the poor Adepti by forcing them to watch us propagate.”
“Do you just believe everything that you’ve been told or read in a book?” His face like the fabled Jueyun Chili’s.
“I was actually also wondering about those stories. But you’ve only permitted me with one question, so I guess I’ll never know.”
“If you were so curious about me why’d you try to kill me?” He lets me sit up.
“I mean, you are quite well known for your brides going missing and never coming back. It would be stupid not to have some kind of protection, whether or not it would work is a whole different argument. I figured that if for some reason I changed my mind I should still have some protection.”
He smirks at me. “I don’t think that’s you wanting to kill me is the truth. Not anymore at least. You wanted to convince yourself that you would be the hero. But what you really wanted was answers. Answers to the questions that you’ve been tossing and turning in your sleep about. I can see it in your eyes. The was they sparkled when you went to grab my horns. The way you looked over my body as I came closer to you just a few minutes ago. The way you were ready to use your last boon on something that should be so innocent, just so that you could get the answers that were just eating you alive.”
Could he really read you like an open book? One with the letter printed big and bold? “Okay, you forced me to face a truth I really didn’t want to confront. What does this mean now? You know that I won’t try to kill you, you know that I don’t want your power, and you know that I’m not gonna beg for my life or try to bargain for the sake of Liyue. So what will you do now?”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone who’s interested in history and my stories stumble into my life. I’d like to keep you around for now.”
“What happens when you don’t want me anymore?” He walks back to where he dropped my dagger and comes back with it. He makes a slit on his palm and smeared the golden blood on my forehead in a single line.
“I make this contract to you that should I get bored of you that you may leave this place and never return. Once you wash off my blood the contract with solidify.”
(A/n: just go with it)
“Well what happens if you take my virginity then get bored of me? It wouldn’t be proper for me to marry another.”
He makes another slit on his palm as the first healed already. Then drags another line across my forehead. “If I am to take you, let our first contract become null and void and I will make you my wife.”
“Does this mean that I may ask you anything that I want?” My eyes widened probably sparkling.
He chuckles. “How about you go explore while I um... ahem, straighten up.” He gestures to the tent in his pants.
I blush and look away. “Right! So Um, bye!” I run from the room to the door on the left of the main entrance to the throne room.
I didn’t see him again until dusk that same day. I got well acquainted with the rest of the rest of the adepti in their human forms. I also found water to wash off his blood. He found me wandering around and brought me to a bedroom.
“This will be your room. Mine is just across the way if you need me.”
“Thank you.”
“Think nothing of it. This is my only article of clothing and if we were in the same room then I’d be too overwhelmed by that little body of you little bunny to resist.”
“Um, will I have more than one piece of clothing?”
“I’ve already asked Shenhe to get your clothes from your father. I believe that some of the other citizens have given you presents as well. Something about this being a change for the better.”
“They probably think that if I’m moving my clothes here that you’ve accepted me and won’t seek another bride at least for a few decades.”
“By then who knows what invention they will make to stop me. I might be done for.”
“I don’t think so. You’re the oldest documented creature in the world!”
“And yet you still wonder why I want a bride.”
“Your lonely?” He goes into his own room and closes and locks the door. “But what about the Adepti!”
“Good night bunny.” He says through the door.
“That not my name!” I shout my name to him.
3rd person POV
When Shenhe reached Liyue she was confused about the what the people were doing. Most were celebrating. But there was a lone man in the background shaking and trying to stay calm. When she arrived the celebration stopped dead in its tracks and everyone looked panicked.
“Where is the new brides father?” No one new who she was talking about so she informed them that a new bride had offered herself up. The brides father steps up to Shenhe and asked what happened to his daughter. She asks for your clothes and tells everyone that the girl was alive and well.
After that everyone ran back to their homes and grabbed something nice to give her for the new bride. They all tagged the gifts so the bride knew, who gave her what.
1st person POV
I found the gifts in my room. Very pleasant silk clothes and finely made hair pins, combs and brushes. A few even sent toys. ‘Wait, they think...’ I thought as my face heated up. ‘No, no. Get those disgusting perverted thoughts out of your head girl! He’s just keeping you around for entertainment!’
The next day at breakfast I started asking him questions.
“So if you only fed a few to Xiao what happened to the rest?”
“Well I either got tired of their nonsense and killed them or they ate a Jueyun chili and died. The ones I fed to Xiao I turned into mice first. And the rest of them who left behind bodies were buried.”
“They’re real? Jueyun Chili’s I mean.”
“Of course.”
“Are they really as hot as a thousand fires?”
“Oh no, it’s more like ten thousand.” He chuckles.
“Are you making fun of me? I really am curious!”
“I know. You’re just too cute Little Bunny.” He smirks. “They are spicy enough to kill a mortal with a single bite. Even the smallest nibble would kill a fragile soul.”
“Are you going to set a limit to how many questions I get to ask you per day?”
“Why would I do that? That would just restrict my fun!”
“I just don’t want to make you annoyed.”
“You are very interested Little Bunny.” He chuckles again, as I blush.
“Are your arms... naturally like that?”
...it’s how I look because I my dragon form.”
“Right, Shenhe mentioned that in this cave you all transformed into human like beings. Why is that? What is it about this cave that allows you to transform.”
“I was the only one able to shape shift. They all longed to have the ability to have a human form. I carved these halls and cast a spell over this place that allows them to transform into whatever human form they desire.”
“I’m happy for them!”
“As am I.”
After a four months I was still living with them and it was reaching near my birthday.
“Hello Morax! Do you want to know why today is so special for me!”
“I’ll bite, why?”
“I’m 21 today! It’s my birthday!”
“Birthday?” He looks confused.
“Well yeah! Mortals have this tradition called a birthday where we celebrate the day that we were born and how many years we’ve been alive!”
“Well good Birthday to you then.”
“Silly! Mortals say happy birthday and whoever is having the birthday receives presents. So can yours be you telling me stories from the millennia that you protected Liyue? Please?”
He looks at me like I’m crazy. “You are certainly interesting. You can ask for anything and you ask for that?”
“I wasn’t sure that if I asked any other day that you would tell me stories.” I look down in embarrassing.
He pulls me onto his lap as he sits on his throne. “I’ll tell you anything that you want if you tell me what else you want for your birthday.”
“Um, well I guess... the only other thing that I’d want is to maybe go outside. Only for an hour or two. It’s just, I haven’t been out since I moved in and I’d like some natural sunlight.”
“I’ll do you one better. As long as myself or one of the Adepti are with you, you can go out anytime.”
“Really?” My eyes shine brightly. He nods. “Thank you so much!” I squeal and hug him, as well as giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Do you want to go now?”
“Just let me hug you a little longer.” I request a bit embarrassed.
It’s getting close to a year now and I’ve noticed that Morax seems withdrawn from me.
“Hey. Morax? Rex Lapis? Zhongli? Are you okay?” I knock on his door and don’t get a reply. Xiao is walking past when he decides to pull me away from his masters room. “Hey what was that for?”
“You’ve made it farther than most. Except for one. Guizhong, the first bride.”
“What happened to her?”
“The legends you’ve been told are wrong. Guizhong offered herself to the master. She was much like you. Curious, fearless, trusting but not naive, but the biggest difference is that she could tell him to back off. You just let him tease you like a masochist.”
“Okay so why isn’t she here?”
“He had never had a lover before, he was possessive over her. And as time went on she started to hate him. And she flung herself off of the balcony in his room.”
“Oh my goodness, poor Morax.”
“On top of all of that she was his first love.”
“Xiao please, help me get in there! I want to let him know that I won’t leave him! That I want to stay with him!”
“Luckily I have the only other key to the masters room. I have to warn you though, he’ll be in his dragon form but it’ll be only a tenth his true forms size.” He unlocks the door and I rush in to the lavish room. It’s the most beautiful room in his palace. He lays motionless in his dragon form. Around his bed. In this form he huge. 50 feet long, brown scales, gold locks and curly horns. The legends really don’t do his majestic beauty justice.
I rush to his side and hug his head in my arms. He’s very thick though so I can’t get my hands all the way around. “I’m here, and I’m not going to leave you. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”
He lets out a small roar, something akin to a whimper.
I’m in my fifth year staying with Morax, and I’m madly in love with him.
On this wonderful day all of the Adepti are running around the hall in a panic.
“Ganyu what’s going on?”
“Well um... maybe you should stay in your room for a few days to about a week... and lock the door... and hide if someone tries to come in.”
“Ganyu, where is Morax?”
“Please for your own safety stay away from the master this week.”
“But-” before I could ask her anymore questions she rushed off. ‘Morax what are you hiding?’ I thought. I know that it’s rude to go into someone’s room without their permission but I am supposed to be his bride so surely an exception can be made just this once.
I slip through the door and the room is almost pitch black save for a few candles. His balcony door is closed and his curtains are drawn. I hear rustling around the room and feel arms snake around my waist. “What are you doing here, my cute little bunny?” Morax’s voice sounds strained, and yet hungry. Husky and low and so sultry. As he spoke that into my ear his hot breath hitting the shell I almost melted right there.
“Morax? What’s going on?”
“Seems there are stories that even my little scholar doesn’t know. Once every 100 years or so I go into heat, it’s a time period called breeding season. You seem so ravenous right now.” He groans in my ear and suddenly I feel my underwear becoming damp. “Don’t you know how rude it is to enter someone’s room without knocking? I think that you need to be punished.”
A small squeak was all I could muster as he threw me over his shoulder and walked me over to his bed. He dropped me down onto it and made quick work in getting rid of my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear.
“Naughty little thing aren’t you.” He teased as he felt my slit through my underwear.
“Morax, please. Stop teasing me, and just fuck me.” I whimper.
“Eager are we?” He smirks.
“I really love you and I want this. Please, let me help you. I want to help you, I want you!”
He blushes at my confession and gently smiles at me. “Whatever my love wants, she will get.”
“Do you think that I’m pregnant?”
“I’m not sure. I fucked you good though.” He teased.
“Yeah and I can’t feel my legs.” I deadpan.
“What a shame. Looks like you can’t leave then.” He snuggles closer to me as the week of his breeding period is over.
“I love you.” I tell him.
“I know you’ve practically chanted it this entire week.”
“Well you better get used to it because you promised to marry me if we had sex.”
“I’ve known for a while now that I wanted to marry you.”
“Does that mean that I can touch your horns whenever I want?”
“Didn’t you get enough of that this week?”
“I like your horns, I find them very cute and so smooth.” I smile as he flushes red.
“Given the chance to become immortal and live with me forever, would you take it?”
“Staying young with you forever? Yes please, where do I get this immortality?”
“The Valberry. A single bite will give you keep you young forever and you will get to be with me, forever.”
“Really? Screw til death do us part! I want you to myself forever!”
“Do you Rex Lapis, The Great One, Mighty Dragon of Geo, Zhongli, Morax, take this woman to be your wife for eternity?” Yanfei asks.
“I do.”
“And do you-”
“I do!”
“She doesn’t even need to think about it, that’s what I like to hear! I now pronounce you husband and wife.” We embrace is a long loving kiss.
All of Liyue cheers at the sight of their protector finally being satisfied.
After the wedding we went back to the palace and Morax lays me down on our bed and crawls on top of me.
“I hope you’re ready for me to fuck a baby into you.” He licks his lips with his long dragon tongue.
“We don’t have to rush anything we’ve got all this time in the world.” I smirk at him.
“I am your protector. You are mine to love. Though the seasons may change and life caries on for mortals, I will be here to protect you always. I love you bunny.”
“I love you too Morax.”
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finnickfan8 · 10 months
You’re in the Wind, I’m in the Water
Pairing: Finnick x reader
Genre: Songfic, Under the Chemtrails Over The Country Club by Lana Del Rey
Warnings: none
You hadn't seen Finnick Odair for years as he was tied up with being Mr. Popular at the Capitol, drinking and partying around with the bigwigs and the who's who of Panem. Every year, you had made him a birthday card in case he comes back, you had just made your 6th one and tomorrow it will join the others in the box in hopes that he will come back next year. As you were cleaning up from making the card, you heard a knock on my door. You stood up from your sandalwood chair and creeped across the old creaking floorboards to the captain's style door. The round window on the door had been covered with spare scraps of fabric that you had been too tired to lift up to check who was at the door.
“Of course I am, Idiot! It’s been 6 whole years since I’ve seen you and you’ve been galavanting around with rich snobs and it’s unbearable.” you teared up a little, reverting back to when the two of you were younger, when you had heard Finnicks name get called as the male tribute. You remember how you looked at each other scared and he promised he’d come back for you one day, although you never thought it would be true.
He had felt horrible throughout the years not being there to protect you physically but he definitely was protecting you. “I had things to do to protect you, and that’s why I came to see you now, to protect you again. Pack your things, we have to leave, now.” Finnick had never been a man of secrets, not to you at least. You assumed it wasn’t without reason, and packed what little you had left in your ramshackle “house” and joined him on the walk to the train.
I'm on the run with you, my sweet love
The ride was silent until Finnick leaned over and chuckled, “You still wear the necklace I gave you?”
“Yeah, I do. It helps me when you’re not there for me.” you started to play with the shell around your neck “Why weren’t you there for me? Why didn’t you come back for me?” You both felt a tinge of hurt surge through you.
“I had to stay and let The Capitol sell me off.” He looks down and fiddles with his well-tailored dress shirt, “I had to do it for Snow so you would be safe. I had to do things I’ve never dreamed of in order to save you.” He starts to smile a little bit and it pulls on your heart strings. “But it was all worth it because you’re safe.” You were still trying to reason with why Snow would use Finnick like that, his job is to protect his people, not sell them.
There's nothing wrong contemplating God
You arrive to a small town and keep hiking out to the abandoned shores on the outskirts of District 11. There was a seemingly small cave up ahead that you followed Finnick’s lead to. “Home sweet home” he proclaims as you see this fully decorated cave with his spears and pictures up everywhere along with a small pallet in the corner with off-white pillows and blankets the outside of the cave lead to a pool-like calm in the water.
Together the two of you hopped in to the water outside of your little cave-home, the water smiling up at you as your legs danced to keep you afloat. Finnick took his ring-adorned hands and cupped water over your hair and smoothed his hands over the (H/C) locks before tucking it behind your ears. Finnick then reaches down and grabs the slightly tarnished chain around the shell on your necklace.
“I told you a piece of me would always be with you didn’t I, Pretty Girl?” He put his arm around you and help you tight so you could watch the Capitol’s airplanes paint small ribbons of white in the sky a beautiful yet fearful reminder of their control.
Under the chemtrails over the country club
Wearing our jewels in the swimming pool
The wave of relief and peace you felt was quickly quashed by questions that had been unanswered.
“You know how you went to the Capitol with my sister as your stylist?” Finnick begins to tense up around you and just nods. “She did well, kinda, your makeup was a little sparkly as per my request.” Finnick softly laughs, not wanting to really remember the games, but remembering the sparkly eye makeup that your sister had adorned him with.
Me and my sister just playing it cool
Under the chemtrails over the country club
“I don’t really know if now is a good time because obviously it’s hidden for a reason,” you had started, “but why are we running?” He sighs and cups your face tenderly, while trying to figure out how to tell you this without breaking your little heart.
“Y/N, you know how The Capitol is all mighty when it comes to the Hunger Games?” He begins to stroke your hair while you nod. “In my games there was no trident in the Cornucopia. I was a Career so there was no way that I wasn’t the first to the Cornucopia. Later in my games, a trident was gifted to me.” You didn’t really see where this was going, but he looked so pretty when he was talking so you let him continue. At this point he had let you go and had his arms rested propping him up on the side of the cave. “My games was rigged.” He turns to you. “ALL the games are rigged and you were next.” He finally confesses.
“What do you mean I was next? I was the next one that was to be reaped from District 4?” You had never taken food from the Capitol so you should have only had one slip in. Everyone you knew had 20,30,40 slips in so it made no sense.
“You were to be reaped next and they were going to torture you to get back at me ever since I started to rebel. I stopped going to appointments for people who had booked me because of how wrong it felt to do to you.” His green eyes glinted in the now ever present moonlight. He had done this to save you and you’ve done nothing to repay him. He starts to pull himself out of the water and grabs a towel, wrapping it around his waist. “ready to go to bed sweetheart or do you wanna grab a cup of coffee and talk?” You hastily get out and grab a towel while you wait for him to start a fire for the coffee.
Meet you for coffee at the elementary schools
It feels just like how it felt to talk to him all those years ago you just talked and laughed about little inside jokes. Slowly throughout the night he reminded you of the boy you had fallen in love with all those years ago. He made you feel like nothing else in the world mattered. There might have been so much bad outside and so much good in him. He made everything feel alright again.
We laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool
It's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me
“You’re probably bored of me talking about the games so much, I know that time must have been hard without me there like I promised to be. I won for you, I won for us.” you shake your head and him and clasp his hand, placing the intertwinement in your lap.
“I could never get bored of you, my love.” You reach up to cup his face as he cups yours, gently kissing you for the first time.
I'm not bored or unhappy, I'm still so strange and wild
“That was amazing, Love. You don’t know how long I’ve waited to be able to do that with you. I want a life with you. A life outside of the mess of a world. A world with just me and you together away from this world. We may have existed in two different worlds before, but together we can be one of our own.”
You're in the wind, I'm in the water
“we have nothing but each other in this world” you pressed your forehead softly against his.
He chuckles “Nobody’s son” you softly pull him in and kiss him. The two of you linger there for a while, feeling each other’s breath as it comes out.
“Nobody’s daughter.” You know that despite both having lost most of your family that you would make one together one day. He was yours and you were his.
“I love you Finnick Odair.”
“I love you more Y/N L/N”
A/N: I took this from my wattpad, it wasn’t being seen much there so i’m hoping for this to get some requests and feedback
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imnotasuperhero · 2 years
Some feelings, they can travel too.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Sometimes, the greatests love stories come to an end.
TW: Cancer, grieving, major character death. A doze of smut just to add to the angst (I set it in cursive, so you can scroll past it if you don’t mind the little bits of feels)
A/N: My dudes. I don’t know what to tell you. I’m here once again with a request that was too hard to decline since it hits home and I thought it might work for some overdue catharsis. I cried my eyes out resulting in a headache, so pardon any mistakes I made. I’ve been working on this for several hours and babysitting a 3 y/o is no calm job. Hope you enjoy this over 6k monster of mine (I reached anotehr milestone and I couldn’t be prouder) And like I say, if I hurt, it’s only fair you do, too.
Looking up at the imponent building in front of her, Wanda readjusted the straps of her backpack and followed the commands of her twin, doing some breathing exercises to calm her erratic heart.
Being the new kid at school was never something Wanda enjoyed, no matter how many times she had to transfer thanks to her dearest father. She hated feeling so small and the fact that she wasn’t the best at making friends did nothing to ease her anxiety.
“Come on, Wanda!” Pietro grunted annoyed, backing his steps and grabbing her hand to drag her along.
“Do you even know where we’re going?” Wanda sighed, trying to escape his tight grip to no avail.
“I do. And if we don’t hurry, we’re gonna miss our first period.” At the annoyance tinting his voice, Wanda decided to shut her mouth and follow him to the reception.
After getting each of their class schedules, the twins headed back through the path they walked.
“Okay, your classroom is at the next hall, third-”
“I heard what the lady said. I know where to go,” Wanda rolled her eyes at the need to punch her exasperating brother.
“Okay then, I’ll see you in the next period,” Pietro kissed the top of her head, trotting towards his own class.
Looking through the small window of the door, Wanda could feel the baby hairs of her neck spiking up at the new faces unaware of her presence.
‘Please, may this year be nice,’ She begged silently to whoever God was out there.
Wanda had to remind herself not to run the small distance that separated the teacher’s desk from the door at the numerous heads turning to her simultaneously.
“Hi,” Wanda handed the white schedule to Mr. Chadman -as she read in the tag at the door. “I’m Wanda.”
The old man inspected the paper for a few seconds and nodded quietly. “Welcome, Wanda. Please be seated and enjoy.” He gave her a smile that reminded her of her late grandpa.
Looking over the classroom, she walked hunchedly to the only seat free, beside some girl with unique glasses.
“Hi,” said girl gave her a toothy smile, making Wanda smile. “Name’s Y/N,” she turned back to doodle something on the blank page of the boy behind her before fully turning to the front. Her head leaned to her expectantly.
“I’m Wanda,” the brunette mumbled as she took a seat and slowly took her books, as if trying to seem unbothered by the stare burning the side of her body.
“It’s not all the time we get new students,” you said in a whisper, for Mr. Chadman had started the lesson already. “Where are you from?”
“Um… Sokovia,” Wanda braced herself expecting the typical questions that followed, but gasped when you surprised her.
“That’s near the Czech Republic, right?” You asked thoughtfully.
“Yep,” Wanda couldn’t help but smile. Maybe this won’t be a hard year, after all.
The rest of the school day was spent with minor inconveniences, except for Pietro’s teasing when he found out she might have made a friend.
Thought that was confirmed when she heard a familiar voice calling over her. 
Looking to her left, she saw you standing on a table waving at her with that characteristic smile she learned to like.
“Hi,” Wanda smiled timidly at the 6 smiling faces staring at her.
“Guys, she’s Wanda. Wands, they’re… my friends,” you giggled sitting back down, scooting over to leave room for Wanda.
“Natasha,” the redhead spoke, sending daggers to you, to which you just threw a small piece of bread at her. “Nice to meet you,” she now turned to Wanda, showing her white smile.
“How’s school treating you?” The tall, brunette boy sitting adjacent to her spoke next. “I’m Bucky, by the way.”
Before Wanda could answer you gasped, earning your friend's attention.
“Right! Wands, he’s from near your country,” you smiled brightly, almost excited.
“Wait. Where you from?” His blue eyes lighted up expectantly.
“Sokovia,” Wanda dried her sweaty hands on her jeans, gathering all the confidence she could muster.
“Not that near, but I'll take it!” Bucky raised his hand.
Laughing at the glee plastered on his face, Wanda high-fived him.
The passing days had Wanda relaxing by the minute as it seemed she had met the right people thanks to you. Granted you all could be a little too much for her to handle, but she was expectant of what this school year could bring to her.
What she didn’t expect though, was discovering you in a new light as you busied yourself with a well-used notepad. Be it because of curiosity or something she wasn’t familiar with, she wasn’t able to take her eyes off you for the past few minutes.
“What are you working on?” Wanda scooted over, sitting beside you on your bed. “Seems like your life depends on it.”
Pausing for a second, you sighed calmly as you turned to look at her. “Remember how you told me you loved to sing but you sucked at writing your own songs?” You asked cheerfully.
“Yes,” Wanda’s face contorted into one of suspicion. 
“Well, I’m finishing a song you might like to-”
“You what?” Wanda all but took the notepad from your hands, reading through the black letters contrasting against the white pages.
“As I was saying, I thought you’d like to participate in next month’s talent show.
“I- No.” Wanda shook her head. “Not happening.”
“But why,” you whined, taking her hand in yours and Wanda felt an electricity wave travel up her arm. “You have a beautiful voice and it’s unfair the world doesn’t know it.”
“I appreciate your willingness in sharing your talent with me and I love this song already. But I don’t sing in public.”
“You really like my song?” You asked, your eye shining with something Wanda couldn’t put her finger on.
“Are you kidding? It’s amazing!” Wanda smiled proudly.
“Thanks,” you looked down, but Wanda could notice the rosy tint in your cheeks. But as soon as the shyness came, your stance was taken over by mischief.
“Tell you what,”
“Oh, no. I know that look and I don’t want-”
“But Wanda! I promise it’s a good thing!” You pleaded and Wanda could only sigh.
“Okay,” you paused confidently. “You sing this song in the talent’s show and I show you the tons of songs I’ve written.” 
“Absolutely not.” Wanda nodded in the negative repeatedly.
“But Waaaaaands!” You whined deeply, conjuring the best pout you could, and Wanda only raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.
“Besides, you dream of being a famous singer,” you continued when the silence had stretched for way too long. “How you’d make it if you don’t get out of your comfort zone?”
Wanda hated when you used her future to have it your way. But if she was being honest, she knew the day would come sooner or later, so she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply.
“You better show me all of them,” Wanda laughed joyfully when you threw yourself at her, hugging her.
“I knew you’d come to your senses.” You spoke toothily, looking down at her comfortable smile.
But said smile turned into a thin line when Wanda realized how close you were. So close she could feel your small breaths colliding against her lips like a needed breeze on a hot summer day.
Poking your side, Wanda scurried from under you. “You’re squeezing me,” 
“Blandy,” you rolled your eyes, sitting up.
“I- That’s not a wo-”
“I’m the creator here,” you shrugged her off to which Wanda poked her tongue at you.
The following weeks passed in a blur as you both worked on the song Wanda would sing. Long nights on the weekends turned into a constant between you two and Wanda couldn’t help the peace she felt when you were by her side. Despite the bubbly, -hyperactive at times, charming persona you held, you were like a soothing balm to her conflicted insides, silently healing the wounds her demons left her with.
“I can’t do it.” Wanda panicked, turning to her best friend.
“You can and you will,” you grabbed her by the shoulders, making sure her eyes stayed locked with yours, making Wanda hold her breath for a little longer than necessary. “I believe in you, Wands. You’ll do great!”
“What if-”
“Nope. I’m forbidding you to go there.” You chastised. “You said you trusted me, right?”
“Always,” she answered nervously.
“Then believe in yourself, babe. You’re capable of amazing things if you just cross the line,” you smiled comfortingly, fighting Wanda’s inner shadows away.
With those words, Wanda hugged you before she stepped onto the stage after hearing her name, adjusting her guitar trying to avoid the public’s eyes.
Looking at you one last time with your supportive smile grazing your features, Wanda faced the crowd with her eyes closed as her fingers played the right chords expertly.
Picture a place where it all doesn't hurt
Where everything's safe and it doesn't get worse
Oh my
We see through bloodshot eyes
Wanda’s soft voice accompanied the soothing notes from her guitar, creating a spell that hypnotized everyone in the room.
Jump with me, come with me, burn like the sun
We'll talk, then we'll cry, then we'll laugh 'til we're done
Oh my
It's like we're out our minds
We've been runnin' for our lives
We've been hidin' from the light
We've been far too scared to fight
For what we want tonight
Wanda dared to open her eyes as she gained the confidence needed and smiled something proud at the faces full of calm in front of her.
Close your eyes and leave it all behind
Go where love is on our side
It's a trust fall, baby
It's a trust fall, baby
By the time Wanda realizes she’s been staring at you, the last few chords come to its end. Feeling her heart burning from something she wasn’t sure of, Wanda played the last note smiling as everyone clapped and cheered at her. The adrenaline of the moment took over her, making her run to you after she walked off the stage.
“That was amazing!” Wanda giggled, closing her arms tightly around you.
“You are amazing,” you stood there, patiently holding her.
Breaking the hug, Wanda looked at your eye and felt the fire inside her burn stronger at the utter pride she found.
Before she could react, her lips touched yours, like a magnetic force dragging you together.
“I’m sorry,” she freaked when she realized what she just did. But the dreadful feeling disappeared when this time, you leaned forward, kissing her painfully slowly.
Smiling through the kiss, Wanda encircled her arms around your neck as you hugged her waist, bringing your bodies impossibly closer.
“Let me take you on a date?” You smiled when you parted for much-needed air.
“I would love that,” Wanda smiled as calmly as you, hugging you one last time hiding her face in the process, as she heard the voices of your friends nearing at a fast pace with the promise of celebrating after the show.
The stars shining over reminded you how small you were. Your small body was nothing compared to the cold rocks twinkling up in the black sky and a pang wounded your heart as Wanda shifted beside you, feeling the right side of your face burning under her intense gaze.
“Can I ask something?” Wanda’s voice was barely audible, afraid to break the calm.
Turning your head, you leaned forward pecking her lips. “Go ahead.”
“Why there’s a tinted side on your glasses?”
Closing your eyes, you sighed defeatedly. You knew it was too good to be true. Yet, you wished for the ask to never come.
“I’m blind in my left eye,” you pursed your lips, awaiting a reaction.
The gasp that escaped Wanda’s lips had you bracing yourself for the worst. You weren’t ready to give up on this living dream.
Before you could dwell too much into your sadness, Wanda’s hand cupped your cheek, as if inspecting her following actions were safe.
The burning sensation you felt on your left cheek started to prickle upwards your face as slender fingers were dragged agonizingly softly -a featherlight touch, really. Your breath stopped mid-exhale as Wanda lifted your glasses, caressing the skin beside your eye. You were thankful for the dark of the night around you, making it harder for Wanda to notice what could easily shine with the light.
As Wanda’s intense gaze shifted from one eye to the other, you closed your eyes to stop the forming tears. But what happened next had you choking a cry as Wanda kissed your broken eye and you could only wrap your arms around her waist as you hid your face in the crook of her neck, trying unsuccessfully to hide your pain.
“Detka,” Wanda mumbled with her lips against your head.
Seeing you did not move, Wanda just stood there, holding you at a weird angle that provided you the comfort you needed and you silently thanked her. You weren’t ready for this part of your story to see the light and being honest, you didn’t think you’d ever will.
“Detka,” the brunette tried once again after a few moments. This time, you complied. And the look you saw in those green eyes had you inhaling sharply.
“What happened?” She asked, combing some locks off your forehead.
“I had an accident when I was little,” you lied. “I was helping my dad with a project and a splinter got in my eye, leaving it useless.” You spoke confidently, having used the lie for so long.
“It suits you,” Wanda winked and you laughed something small, appreciating the fact she didn’t pity you. Or that she didn’t show it if she did.
“Can I have my glasses again, please?” 
“You can,” Wanda carefully placed your glasses in its place, kissing your nose to move to your lips.
Humming at the contact, you allowed yourself to relax for the time being. More than ever, you decided to live your life the best way you could without thinking of the looming ghost over you.
It was a Wednesday when the fact you were a few weeks away from graduating high school hit you. And with that, the rainy day felt even more gloomy as the thought of another milestone so close, yet so far away given the condition you were in.
But that thought was pushed to the back of your mind when the honking car outside signaled your ride had arrived.
You had planned to go bowling with your friends as the last gathering before finals started the following week, determined to cherish every single second you had with the people you loved.
That’s how you found yourself fighting with your left shoe as the lights were dimmed.
“Let me,” Natasha squatted in front of you, making a quick job of your shoelaces.
“Thanks,” you smiled toothily, hooking your arms together as you walked to your friends a few feet away rooting for each one of the Maximoff twins in some game you didn’t care to pay attention to.
Once everyone was in your booth, you started the game as Pietro decided he was going first.
The afternoon was filled with laughter and playful banter and you couldn’t be happier having your friends and your girlfriend by your side.
“You’re up,” Bucky cheered you. “Show speedster how we do it,” he winked, causing you all to laugh while Pietro grumbled something you couldn’t hear.
Walking to the line, you chose the purple ball and measured your distance with precision. Balancing forth and back until you felt confident enough, you sprint to the limit line throwing the rolling ball as hard as you could.
“Wooh!” Wanda and Natasha cheered as you dropped all the pines in one shoot.
You smiled proudly as you walked back to your friends, waiting for Pietro’s commentary.
“Pretty impressive for having one eye,” he rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed that you were leading the charts.
“Who says I just have one?” You frowned, hiding the giggle in your voice. “Tony gave me a bionic eye.” You shrugged, earning a chorus of ‘ooh’s’ from the youngsters.
“What!” Pietro looked shocked at the boy adjacent to him.
“What can I say? I like helping my friends,” Tony high-fived you as you sat beside him.
That night you held onto the toilet bowl as if your life depended on it with Wanda holding your short hair up in a ponytail as you had woken up with a sudden need to empty your guts.
“What can I do?” Wanda asked on the verge of tears as she never stopped the circling patterns on your back.
“It’s okay, love.” You sighed deeply as you stood up on wobbly legs. “It was the fried egg, probably,” you opened the mouthwash and gargled the nasty taste away.
Turning around, you couldn’t help but hug your girlfriend at seeing her so small. It was at that exact moment that you knew you did good in not telling her the truth.
“I don’t like seeing you sick,” the brunette pouted.
“Having you by my side makes it bearable,” you kissed her nose. Something that had become usual between you both whenever the other needed reassurance.
“Come on, let’s go back to bed,” you encircled her waist with your right arm, walking her to the bed.
The next minutes were spent in silence, enjoying each other’s warmth. Until the air around you started to weigh.
“Penny for your thoughts?” You turned to the body beside you.
“You think we’ll make it?” Wanda’s voice trembled and you felt your heart constrict at the not-so-positive prospect of your life.
Raising your hand to her face, you allowed your fingers to caress her soft skin, tracing her features with the lightest of touch, admiring her natural beauty and the dreamy way her eyes shone with the moonlight casted over her.
“It’s just college, baby,” you reassured her, pecking her lips.
“Far away schools,” she pouted something that had you all mushy.
Pausing, you decided to bite the bullet. “I was waiting till graduation,” you sat up, rummaging through your nightstand until you found the black velvety box. 
You smiled softly at the choked gasp that left Wanda’s mouth as her eyes landed over the small square.
Opening the cube, you took out the small chain, holding it between your faces, absorbing all of Wanda’s emotion at that moment.
“Oh my,” Wanda grabbed the silver object, smiling watery at the pendants in her trembling hand.
“I know how much music means to you and is no secret it’s what bonded us,” you spoke calmly. “This is a reminder that no matter how far we are, we’ll always be connected.”
You quietly admired Wanda’s eyes glued to both musical notes, the eighth note hanging lower than the sixteenth note.
“Thank you,”
The sudden weight on top of you had you laughing as Wanda peppered your face with kisses while she repeated the same two words after every kiss.
“I love you,” the brunette cried with a smile before she locked your lips against hers in a searing promise. Of what, you didn’t know; but you surely won’t stop her for anything in the world.
But what started as an innocent kiss filled with promises of a future you might never see, shifted to something passionate that burned your body from the inside out and the clothes hugging your body started to suffocate you.
“Wands,” you moaned as your hands toyed with the end of her shirt.
The brunette sat quickly, discarding the clothing on the floor and you couldn’t help admiring the pale skin that invited you to emboss random patterns on its surface. And you did.
Your hands cupped her breasts, massaging them gently as you sat up to meet her lips, drawing out her moans.
At the tug on your shirt, you parted to take it off before you attacked her lips once again, grabbing her waist to guide her against your cunt, enjoying the every sinful sound that escaped her mouth.
Not having enough, you rolled over, landing on her as you started to trail wet kisses down her body, applying everything you learned during these three years, determined to allow her to remind you when your time had come. 
The primal moan she mouthed when you bite on her hip bone had your hunger increasing ten times. 
“Detka, please,” Wanda grunted in a gasp, bucking her hips up trying to find what she needed.
Grazing the tip of your nose against her mons pubis, you inhaled her intoxicating essence.
If the sound Wanda freed were sinful, the guttural sob she gifted you with when your tongue lapped at her folds had you in paradise.
Repeating the action once, then twice, you gathered as much wetness as you could, moaning between every lick. As if you licked your favorite lollipop after a bitter taste.
Deciding to finally give her what she wanted, your kisses ascended up, wetting every single patch of skin you could reach, smiling at the neediness of her voice.
“I need you,” she cried as she grabbed your head and brought you to her level, devouring your lips just to moan when she tasted herself.
Taking advantage of her dizzy state, you pumped three fingers inside of her as her head rolled back breathing something so sinful that you thought you’d been cursed for life, and you didn’t complain. Moving your digits in and out of her entrance at a slow pace you groaned at how tight she felt.
“You feel so good,” you praised. “Taking me so well.” Wanda could only moan at your words, too focused on matching your movements.
Sitting up, you stilled her with your free hand, never stopping your action as you looked down at her. The immaculate way in which her body writhed under you was something you could never forget. The perfect shifts in her face’s muscles with every pleasure you provided her had you wishing for your reality to change. You wanted nothing more than to live forever just to have her this way. A vulnerable mess under your touch, trusting you her soul.
Muffling a painful cry, you leaned over to kiss her devil’s lips, hoping the knot in your throat would go away.
“I love you forever,” you cried as you increased your pace, feeling her walls clenching around your fingers. Your hips pushed your hand deeper inside her as your fingers curled up, hitting the right spot.
“Oh, fuck.” Wanda cried arching her back, unaware of your inner turmoil.
“Cum for me, love,” you commanded, stilling your shivering voice.
She didn’t need much more than a few extra pumps to cum all over your fingers, panting her way down the high.
Opening her eyes, the lust in those green orbs turned into concern as she looked at you.
“Why the tears?” She asked, bringing you to lay on top of her.
‘I’m dying’ “I love you,” you sobbed, placing your ear on her chest, desperate to hear her heartbeats full of life. 
It was all so unfair. You deserved a lifetime with the love of your life. You deserve to have a family and to grow old with the woman that had stolen your heart out of the blue. You deserved to see her in white walking down the aisle. You deserved to see her achieve her dreams.
But all you had was a sand clock emptying itself by the minute and an excruciating pain taking over your stiff body. Breathing was becoming harder and harder as the will in you fought in vain to win a war you had lost time ago.
Wanda’s sobs joined yours as she hugged you tighter, unaware of the fact that the love of her life was nearing the end of her path.
The morning came and you were thankful Wanda didn’t comment on your breakdown from the previous night, for if she did, you weren’t sure you’d be able to keep the lie much longer. You knew she deserved the know, but you also knew she’d be willing to glue herself by your side and give up on her desires, and you never wanted to be that person. She deserved to fly and you could only support her with pride.
The following weeks provided little time for you and Wanda to spend time together since finals were kicking all your asses. But Wanda consoled herself knowing that you all would celebrate after graduation, proud of having achieved a milestone together. That and the prospect of having you for herself the whole summer had her squeezing her fuel tank to no end.
To say all of you had nailed the exams was an understatement as your glasses clinked together on your designated booth.
“I can’t believe we did it, guys!” Natasha smiled toothily, proud of herself.
“Next step, a week off at my beach house,” Tony proposed, earning all of your cheers.
“You sure your parents will let us all together?” Steve raised an eyebrow, always the reasonable one.
“They will. Leave it to me,” Tony winked.
“Make sure you don’t bring any toys,” you smirked as everyone laughed at the memories of last summer’s escapade.
“You wound me,” Tony faked being hurt.
Wanda’s hand rested on your bare thigh, smiling peacefully as she enjoyed the banter between you all. 
Her mind took her back to the first day at school when she prayed before entering your classroom and she silently thanked all the gods out there for having you in her life. With your differences and disagreements, all of you conformed a tight-knotted group that she was sure would last a lifetime.
Kissing your cheek softly, she stood up with both your empty glasses in hand, walking to the bar for a refill.
“You’re Wanda, right?” A tall brunette took her out of her reverie.
“Yes,” Wanda frowned as she waited for her beers.
“I’m Maria. Maria Hill,” the lady introduced herself, stretching her hand. Once Wanda accepted it, she continued. “I saw you on stage the other day and I’ve been waiting to meet you,” her words had Wanda’s attention.
“I’m a music producer and I know how to spot talent,” she explained. “I’d like you to sing at the upcoming festival next month.” 
“Are you serious?” Wanda’s eyes opened wide at the offer the woman was giving her.
“Dead serious,” Maria nodded curtly. “If the public likes you, we can talk business.” She handed her a business card. “Call me if you’re interested.”
With that, the woman smiled politely and walked away, leaving Wanda in a frozen state until Tom called her name.
“Warm beer doesn’t taste good,” the young man smirked.
“Right. But did you hear what she said?” Wanda’s smile grew bigger by the second.
“The only way is up,” he winked before moving to another customer.
Wanda walked back to your booth in an ecstasy state after the short encounter. She could be signed up.
Feeling your eyes on her, she looked at you, unable to hide her happiness.
“I’ll tell you later,” she mumbled to you, kissing your cheek and you smiled contently.
To say you were excited was an understatement. When Wanda told you about her offer you didn’t pause to think about your words.
“You should’ve said yes!” You smiled toothily with your own body vibrating from happiness and Wanda couldn’t help giggling at your reaction.
“I was kinda shocked,” she scrunched her nose.
“My baby is getting famous!” You launched yourself at her and Wanda burst out laughing at your eagerness.
You’ve always been her biggest supporter. Always by her side in whichever gig she got and always fighting the anxiety that sometimes took the best of her.
She’ll never forget when she showed you her first song. Your eye had lighted up like the fourth of July and the pride reflected in it had her insides warming up. And the jokes of having to quit your job but still waiting to get paid had her stomach flipping at the wondering of how you’d celebrate this time when she told you she accepted to play at the festival.
But all of that flew off her mind when she got the call from Natasha saying you’d been admitted into the hospital.
All her dreams and wishes shifted into one. 
‘Please, may you be safe’ she begged to any deity willing to hear her.
Stomping through the hospital doors, she rushed to the front desk asking for your whereabouts, just to sprint the two floors that separated you both.
The air filling her lungs had become toxic and it hurt to breathe. Her trembling legs burned from the sudden running from the parking lot to your hospital bed.
“Detka!” Wanda cried entering room 274.
What she saw had her heart jumping on freefall down a cliff.
Your weakened form looked at her without the life that was so characteristic of you. All the little traits that adorned your happy features were erased as if they never existed.
Her legs menaced to give away and she wasn’t strong enough to fight back. Knees collided against the cold floor as her hand grabbed yours as if the act alone would transmit to you some of her light.
“Detka,” she sobbed as her world started to tumble.
“It’s gonna be okay,” you spoke calmly as your free hand cupped her cheek.
She placed her hand over yours, holding it tightly as she tried to understand.
Two days ago you were laughing gleefully about your vacation together and now… now you looked like a ghost.
“Come here,” you commanded weakly as you scooted over and Wanda didn’t need to think twice.
Careful not to step on any IV, she cuddled against you, choking at the warmth barely existent.
“What- Why,” she cried defeatedly as she crumpled your hospital gown in her hand.
Your arms held her trembling body, spasming with every sob that escaped her. Kissing your head, you mumbled against her. “My eye,” was all your broken voice allowed to communicate.
“It wasn’t an accident. Was it?” She should’ve caught the signs. The random sickness and the vomiting, all had an explanation she was too oblivious to note. 
“It’s a retinoblastoma,” you paused, trying to steady your voice. “It had reached the majority of my organs,” you tightened your hold and Wanda’s soul cried with her at the barely change in strength.
“You can’t leave me!” She screamed between sobs. “You- You’ve- You have promised me,” her whole face contorted as another pang ran through her heart.
The news had left her weak to speak, so she stood there, laying by your side in your hospital bed, crying her pain away as she tried to process how her life would change soon. You were slipping through her fingers and she could do nothing about it other than see you leave.
“I’m gonna call Maria and cancel-”
“What?” You cut her off, looking down at her.
She sat in bed, sighing at the refusal from her body. “You’re dying,” she groaned.
“That doesn’t mean you have to pause your life,” you frowned sternly and Wanda felt herself becoming small, like a little kid being chastised because they ate too many sweets before bed.
“You’re the one abandoning me! You can’t tell me how to spend your last moments on this earth!” Wanda spits venomously, rage taking over her.
The resentment only grew stronger as you stood quiet, your sight staring at your lap.
“You have no right when you’re the one giving up!”
By the time she realized her words, your cheeks were already marked with tears running freely.
“I-” Wanda paused as a fresh wave of tears burned her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she launched herself towards you, holding you with all the will she possessed just to anchor you here. She refused to let you go.
“I’ll always be with you, Wands,” you cried, hugging her with what little force you had left.
“I’ll love you forever.” She vowed sincerely.
And she did. Every day for the next two weeks she stood by your side, telling you about the song she was writing for the festival and watching your favorite movies along with her favorite sitcoms. Even planning gatherings with your friends as you all enjoyed the last moments together.
Against her will, the day of the recital had come sooner than she expected and her heart ached knowing you won’t be there. It was the first time you missed one of her presentations and everything in her broke. Her heart shattered and she knew a part of her would go with you.
But she had promised you. And she would never break her word, no matter how hard it was to comply.
Looking at her reflection one last time, she smiled tearily as she saw your image in the mirror by her side, with the proudest toothy smile you only reserved for her. And that alone was enough to enlight her willpower.
She stepped into the white light as everyone cheered something she could really understand and she couldn’t help the rush of adrenaline running through every cell in her body.
“Good night, Westview!” Wanda smiled cheerily when the crowd erupted. “I hope you’re having a wonderful night. I wrote this song thinking of someone special and I hope you enjoy it.” She spoke confidently, feeling your joyful energy surrounding her. Finding Natasha’s eyes, she nodded as the redhead raised two thumbs up.
As the first tunes filled the silence looming over them, Wanda breathed deeply, reassuring herself.
I've tried to leave it all behind me
But I woke up and there they were beside me
And I don't believe it but I guess it's true
Some feelings, they can travel too
Wanda sang slowly, evoking every emotion into those lines.
Oh there it is again, sitting on my chest
Makes it hard to catch my breath
I scramble for the light to change
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
Her intrusive smile hung crookedly on her lips, feeling your presence by her side.
And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
Wanda allowed her mind to travel back to the moment she first heard your voice for the first time. Back then, she didn’t know that her heart could feel so strongly for someone.
But even closer to you, you seem so very far
And now I'm reaching out with every note I sing
And I hope it gets to you on some pacific wind
Wraps itself around you and whispers in your ear
Tells you that I miss you and I wish that you were here
And boy, how she wished to see your face in the crowd, with your toothy smile lightening her path.
And if I stay home, I don't know
There'll be so much that I'll have to let go
You're disappearing all the time
But I still see you in the light
For you, the shadows fight
And it's beautiful but there's that tug in the sight
I must stop time traveling, you're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
Wanda sang her soul in those lines, hoping somehow you knew.
We all need something watching over us
Be it the falcons, the clouds or the crows
And then the sea swept in and left us all speechless
Her eyes watered at the realization you’d be the one watching over her. Always guiding her, even if she couldn’t see you. And she couldn’t feel more blessed.
And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
But even closer to you, you seem so very far
And now I'm reaching out with every note I sing
And I hope it gets to you on some pacific wind
Wraps itself around you and whispers in your ear
Tells you that I miss you and I wish that you were here
As she sang the last words, she allowed her fingers to take over the melody, imagining said notes floating away to you, for all she wanted now was to see your proud smile one last time when she rushed to your side shortly.
But she never saw you again. 
By the time she met her friends, her legs gave up as she saw the tears running down their faces, confirming to her what her soul had felt when she saw you in the mirror was nothing more than the bond that linked you breaking as you left this world.
The arms of her friends surrounding her meant nothing at the realization that you had left her. All alone to pick up the pieces of her heart scattered around.
Sadness reigned over the group of people gathered by your casket. Each one with their own thoughts and feelings, but if Wanda was sure of something it was that everyone there asked the same question.
How come the nicest people are the first to leave? Seeing your picture over the easel with that big smile that had taken her captive and your eye shining with that unique light it held, enlightened a wave of anger roaring free. It wasn’t fair.
“Wanda,” your mom spoke softly once the funeral ended.
Looking up, Wanda couldn’t help her cries as the woman hugged her tightly, crying along with her.
“She loved you,” she spoke against the brunette’s hair. “Until her last breath, she loved you.”
Those words played in her mind like a mantra. Maybe if she repeated them enough, it wouldn’t hurt that much.
“She asked me to give you this,” the woman gave her a white envelope when they parted away. “And one last thing? Thank you for loving her.” She kissed Wanda’s head before walking away, leaving a broken Wanda by your grave.
Sitting down, she let the silence surround her, almost like a bubble that would pop with even the softest touch, breathing twice, thrice before opening the letter.
Wands, if you’re reading this it means my body is no longer by your side. But know that my soul will always be linked to yours, for a love like ours is hard to die.
Thank you for all the great moments you shared with me. Unbeknownst to you, every single smile and laugh you gifted me added time to my sand clock and that blessing is something that kept me fighting till the end.
I know you’re suffering right now and you need to mourn, like any loss. But when you’re able to truly smile again, I beg of you not to close your heart. Life is too magical to be lived alone.
Allow yourself to feel love again, don’t fight your heart. Yes? Promise me you’ll keep your head high and not let my departure keep you from enjoying the little things in life.
I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner about it, but I know you and I didn’t want you to leave your life on standby while you worried about things no one could solve. Know that till the last breathing of my heart, I lived. And I hope to live forever in your memory.
The necklace I gifted you holds a meaning. I knew it deep in me the first moment I saw you that you were my forever love. And I wished with all my heart I lived long enough to grow old with you. But as the latest didn’t happen, I found the right totem to keep our love for the end of times.
The sixteenth note means the union of our souls and the sincere love we held for each other. The eighth note holds the reminder that even though I'm not present, my spirit will always guide you through your dreams, helping you achieve them. Always silently rooting for you in whatever challenge you face. Just like I always did.
No matter what, bet your ass I’m so, so, so proud of you, baby. And I always will. You were my biggest love and I’m forever thankful for you had taken me.
I love you forever. Until we meet again.
Wanda hugged the letter tightly against her chest, silently crying her pain away as she stared numbly at your whereabouts buried three feet underground.
“I’ll love you forever,” she cried, mustering all the love she held for you in those three words, hoping the wind would let you know.
As always, coments and reblogs are appreciated (:
Taglist: @summergeezburr @red1culous @wandabear @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mitarashi-san​
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 5 months
More to Me
Pt 2 of Glaciated Memory AU | Master Of Ice Art | My Dearest Friend... (pt 1/prequel)
When Zane found the blueprints in his father’s old lab, showing his design and revealing what he was, he thought it would be the last major discovery about himself that he would find.
Oh how wrong he ended up being.
He always had dreams. Prophecies. Memories. Not quite to the degree that Lloyd began to have them, but they came all the same.
When they needed to discover more about the serpentine war, they became all the more vivid.
He was fighting. For his friends. To defend them. Ice wrapped around him. His dark hands, the only exposed skin he had reached and pulled his friend to their feet. “Watch your step,” he told them. The man who looked up bore a resemblance to Lloyd in a distant way. His hair was a similar colour and he had a serious expression set on his face in a similar way, too weary to be on the face of someone so young, just like Lloyd.
“Thank you. We must hurry.”
The sounds of battle crept up behind him slowly as they ran. He used his powers to create ice walls left and right to keep their assailants out. They were heading somewhere. They were trying to get to something but what--
Dreams were a funny thing when you did not sleep. Even stranger was waking up.
Zane did not need to recharge. He had a self-sustaining power source. Still, sometimes he would still need rest if he overused it, not unlike his human counterparts needing sleep. Sometimes he would close his eyes and other times he would lay down and stare up at the stars or relax and read. Sometimes his eyes closed on their own, and although it was not sleeping, it was very close to it.
In this case he woke up with something in his chest pulsing, not unlike a heartbeat he thought. He didn’t need to breathe but he breathed anyway. In and out. Long and slow.
In all honesty he had never wondered. But now, it was time to ask.
“I’m gonna be totally honest with you, dude,” Jay said. “I have no idea what this is.”
Zane sat on the metal table in their little room set aside for experiments on the bounty, his chest compartment open, wires and things clipped and plugged inside and hooked up to the ship’s computers. His power source pulsed like a heartbeat as it always did, its bluish white light reflected in the color of his eyes. He contemplated Jay’s diagnoses.
“Nya and Pixal could not explain it either.”
“Oh, I was the last person you came to, awesome. Love that. I feel very appreciated and properly utilized.”
Zane smiled. “I did not wish to interrupt your gaming.”
“Sure, sure,” Jay waved his hand dismissively. “You don’t have to lie to me. I’m not real active with this kinda stuff anymore anyway.”
“Do you regret not being involved in it?”
“Eh,” said Jay, “I’ve got other stuff to fill the time now.”
“You can always come back to it.”
Jay paused to stare down at the wires and pliers in his hands for a long while.
Zane smiled. “I am sure Nya and Pixal would appreciate your company.”
Pixal was always very digitally focused. Despite being a nindriod himself, Zane had never felt the same pull towards technology that she did. He always operated off of instinct.
When they discussed it one time, Pixal had been intrigued about how he interacted with technology because, in her words, it seemed as though he operated things through feeling rather than numbers or calculations. Which was a funny thing to hear considering he was known by the rest of the team as the most calculating of the bunch.
Zane connected with technology the way he connected with his elemental power. Instinct, practice. He didn’t know the logistics of how it worked behind the scenes, behind the instinct and feeling. It had been that way since his first days training with Master Wu. His ‘sixth sense’, they called it. Now there were numbers that flashed across his vision when he calculated certain things, when he felt who was close and who was far. Then, it had been nothing but a feeling.
What a silly and confusing thing it was to not be human but to operate off of feeling.
“You’re different, Zane,” Pixal told him.
“Well,” said Zane, “I am a nindriod.”
“So am I,” Pixal told him. “And you are still different.”
That sat with him for a few days. He pondered on it quite a bit. Turning it over in his mind again and again. He was different, wasn’t he? Even in the body of a young adult without his memories he had always acted older than his counterparts. He had attempted to imitate and enjoy things with them and he truly had, but it had taken some practice.
Still, what he was remained a mystery. Not even Wu could comprehend what powered him.
“When I look, what I see is the element of ice, contained within you.That is all.”
Which, in and of itself, was a curious thing.
How was it possible for a vessel of technology to hold an element? How was it possible for the element to dwell in that vessel when it was passed from parent to child, through destiny and fate rather than human engineering?
“I guess we could try taking it apart,” Nya said. “But we don’t know what that would do to you.”
His core wasn’t what it used to be. There wasn’t a piece of it that he could spare. When the original source was destroyed by the overlord--when he had been destroyed by the overlord--the only piece that remained belonged to Pixal, who Chen’s men had dismantled to retrieve the remaining piece of Zane’s core from and place it into Zane’s new titanium body. That piece now resided in Zane’s chest as before. Small and there was no telling what would happen if they split it another time or if they chose to experiment on it, so what it was would remain a mystery.
For now.
Zane kept dreaming. He kept seeing a battle, feeling urgency. He kept seeing his father’s face, younger than he ever remembered witnessing.
In the end what he chose to do was visit the site of the battle that he kept dreaming about.
It was in an eastern area of the Birchwood forest. A distance away from his father’s original laboratory in a still snowy but warmer climate. He placed his hand on the frosted over birch that felt so familiar. He felt as though he had woven through them before despite never having set foot in this area of the forest. His father had never explored this far nor bothered to leave the lab.
It was curious. That it felt so familiar. Curious that he felt… no, he knew he’d been here before, but according to Pixal no one had set foot in this forest since the war had ended.
He scanned his surroundings. He could feel when his titanium skin started to frost over after being there for a few hours.
“Have you found what you are looking for?” Pixal inquired, her voice settling comfortably inside his head as it had when she had no body to linger elsewhere. It was something that was familiar too. Something that was a memory that he knew he had experienced himself.
“I am not sure,” he confessed. “It’s a strange feeling, is all.”
“What will you do?”
“I will come back home.”
And he did just that.
“Find anything?” Kai asked him when he landed on the deck of the Bounty. He was sitting on the steps leading up to the control cabin.
“Nothing but old graves, I’m afraid.”
“Too bad. You’ll figure it out eventually. Just let us know if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Kai. I will.”
There were curious things about himself he could not put his finger on, but he would always have his friends there to help him discover and support him if what he found was not what he expected.
“I heard you’ve been having dreams.”
Zane glanced to see Cole leaning against the doorframe of his room. “Yes.” He watched as Cole entered, taking his response as the invitation it was. He came to sit next to him on the bed Zane didn’t need but still used.
“Have you talked to Lloyd about it?”
“Not yet. I was attempting to investigate first of all. If I were having visions of the future I would have initiated discussion with haste, but to my knowledge thus far they are things of the past.” Saying what he thought they were--the previous master of ice’s memories--felt inaccurate somehow. Saying they belonged to someone else didn’t feel right. And if Zane had learned anything from his time living, it was that his feelings often allowed him to see while logic blinded him.
He closed his eyes and breathed for a moment despite the fact he did not need to.
“What do you feel like it is?”
When he opened his eyes Cole was watching him. He was the first person to ask him that. Not what he thought it was. What he felt.
He remained still as he thought for a minute. “Something. I feel it is something.”
“It’s not nothing. It’s something,” Cole repeated.
“Yes.” Zane said.
“Okay,” said Cole. Zane could hear in his tone that he believed him. “So what next?”
“I follow where I feel.”
“Like always then,” Cole smiled.
Zane smiled slowly back. “Yes. Like always.”
It was comforting to know Cole trusted his instincts. That his family trusted his instincts. At times he did not feel he deserved such intense trust, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
Like Cole said, whatever this was, he’d figure it out.
He was Zane, Elemental Master of Ice. Titanium Ninja. And possibly, if his theories were correct… something more.
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witchersmistress · 1 year
The road to Hell
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Hello my darlings!! this man almost, ended back in the punishment room!
Trigger warnings: age gasp, foul language sassy FMC, forced marriage
Word Count: 2.7 K
Amelia’s POV
Your wedding day is supposed to be one of the most exciting days of your life. Just like my mother, I’m about to marry a man I didn’t choose and who I don’t love. I actually despise him and everything he represents—money, greed, and power are just a few of them. My mother hates my father, but there was nothing either one of them could do. Their fate was decided, their destiny sealed. Same as mine. Same as my children’s. And my grandchildren’s. We are bred for the sole purpose of power. Control in numbers. Fuck that!
Women in my world—the secret society of the Ravens—should not reproduce. I don’t want children. The cycle will end with me. It has to.  The Ravens will only find a way to use its members. They marry us off to ensure we add to their army. The next generation of Ravens and Ravenia will help them take over the world.  Phil though he was so smart and allowed me to see a  Raven approved Drs only, well the joke was on him, that particular doc, i saw his wife instead who was a fellow Ravenia and a Nurse practitioner. By the end of my first appointment, I had an IUD and that idiot was none the wiser. I’ll be damned if I allow them to have any say over a son or daughter I'll never have.
 I stand in the middle of the room, overlooking the white dress in the mirrored wall, running my hand down the mulberry silk—some of the finest silk available in the world. I take in a deep breath. It cost a whopping two million. Two million dollars for a fucking dress? My soon-to-be husband had it custom-made by a designer in France. I know this because my mother reminds me every chance she gets. Why would I get to pick out something so important in my life? That’s insane, right? Give that money to charity, or he'll let me loose in a bookstore, not that i could spend two million dollars but i'll try like hell.
 To think I should have any say in what I wear on the day I give my life to another. It’s as if she thinks his wealth will impress me. It’s blood money. I know this because it’s the same fortune I grew up with. I never did want the finer things in life. I know a poor person would roll their eyes at that statement, but it’s true. Give me a beer, a cheap hoodie, and a hat to hide my three-day old mop of bleach-blond hair, and I’m happy. But no. That’s unacceptable. The one percent aren’t allowed to look anything less than perfect. Not in public anyway. I’m surprised they even let us speak. We as women might as well walk around with duct tape over our mouths dressed in nothing but chains. A Raven needs a Ravenia but not because of the reasons you may think. It’s a way to hide who he really is. He’ll have fucks all over the world, but we’re expected to cook, clean, and spread our legs for him when he’s home. Worship him like he’s God himself and birth his children. I’ve never been religious, and I’m not going to fall to my knees and start worshiping a man now.  
My brother comes up behind me, his eyes scanning over my dress in the mirror. “At least he has good taste.” I roll my eyes. “As if that matters.” “Just pop out some kids and get fat.” He shrugs. “Then he’ll screw anyone but you. Oh! Hire a hot, much younger nanny.” He nods to himself. “Let me try her out first, though. Make sure she’s good enough.” His words just prove that all Ravens are the same. He’s been a Raven for years but has yet to marry. He has the privilege of fucking his way around the world while I’m forced to sign my life away. A cell rings, and he pulls it out of his tuxedo jacket to answer. “Hello?” Sighing, I pick up the dress and walk over to the stained glass window. You can’t see shit out of it. This place is ancient. The Cathedral is to a Raven as a church is to a religion—their sanctum. It holds a hundred years of secrets like a sarcophagus encloses a mummy. 
It was handed down to them years ago—a place to perform their sick and twisted rituals. There’s nothing fancy or special about it, if you ask me. I could be walking down the aisle in blue jeans and a T-shirt or lingerie. Doesn’t matter. Not all Ravens and Ravenia are required to wed here. But it’s where my future husband picked. Our parents wanted it to be as traditional as possible. It’s a bullshit reason. They just want to make a spectacle of handing me over to him. We might as well be standing in a courtroom with a judge sentencing me to life in prison without the chance of parole for a crime I didn’t commit. I place my hand on the cold glass, listening to the rain fall. It’s been storming for the past two days. It's like the world knows I've been destined for a lifetime of servitude to a man I'd rather kill than kneel and suck his dick. 
I blame my mother. She raised me to be strong-willed and determined. But now, I’m just supposed to turn it off and believe that I'm to devote my life to a man that will neglect me during the day but demand I spread my legs at night. I won’t accept that. I deserve more. I want more. My brother ends his call, getting my attention, and looks at me. “We have a problem,” he states. My whole life is a fucking problem. “What?” “Phil is missing.” I snort. “Don’t toy with me like that.” That’s not a problem; that’s a prayer answered. “I’m serious.” He swallows, looking around the large room nervously as if Phil’s going to appear out of thin air. “He’s not here. He never arrived. He’s also not at his house. He’s missing. No one has seen him.” “I’m not sure why that’s a problem.” I don’t want to marry the sick bastard. Phil Buxton is the highest-ranking Raven you can come by, which just makes this even worse. Ravens are like anything else in this world. You have some at the bottom, and others at the top. There are different tiers. 
But honestly, it doesn’t matter; they’re all sick fucking bastards who will kill anyone to get to where they are. Even the bottom feeders will destroy anything to get a chance at serving. He steps over to me. “Amelia …” The door opens, and my father enters with my mother. I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m guessing this good fortune has nothing to do with you two?” My mother’s injected lips seem to thin a tad at my comment. She’s told me a million times that this is just the life we live. That it’s a “tradition” and I just have to accept it. That as far as Raven and Ravenia goes, we’re royalty. Bull-fucking-shit. I’d rather be someone’s bitch than a Raven’s Ravenia. My father, however, stares at the floor while running a hand through his dark hair. “Daddy?” I step over to him, holding my dress in my hands so I don’t step on the hem. “What’s going on?” His throat works, swallowing before his eyes find mine. There’s a look of regret in them, and hope fills my chest. Maybe he’s realized that I don’t want this life. He clears his throat. “I just received a call …” “Please tell me you did this—called off my wedding?” I rush out, my words hopeful. “I’m sorry, Amelia, but the wedding is still on.” He sighs. And what little hope I had is now smothered. “But Dylan said Phil’s missing.” I point at my brother. Had my father received the same phone call that my brother did? Or was it someone else? “You are no longer to wed Phil.” He yanks on the collar of his tux. Picking up the dress so I don’t trip over it in my six-inch hooker heels—that my soon-to-be husband also picked out—I take a step back, my heart picking up speed. This is good news. Why does he look so concerned? “I don’t understand. If he’s not here—” “A new Raven has chosen you,” he interrupts me. My mother places her hand over her mouth, trying to quiet a sob. “No,” I argue. “That can’t be.” It was decided that Phil would be my husband when I was eighteen—three years ago. 
Things like this aren’t just changed at the last minute. I’ve lived the past few years preparing for this day. To be his wife. What he wanted. A Raven can’t choose to marry me, not when I’m already promised to another. “Who?” my brother demands. “Who in the hell would make this change?” He fists his hands at his sides. I reach up and grab the pearls my mother gave me. She thought they would give me some kind of comfort, and I laughed, but now I hold on to them as if they’re an anchor to a lifeline. “I—” The door swings open once again, this time hitting the interior wall and making me jump. A set of baby-blue eyes meet mine, and my stomach drops. The wind knocked out of me. I haven’t seen them in years, but they’ve haunted my dreams ever since.
Three years ago
 “Where is she?” my mother demands, entering the hospital. She received a phone call that my sister was brought in tonight, but no other information was given. “Ma’am—” “Where is my daughter?” she screams at the nurse, pounding on the check-in desk. I turn around to see my sister’s boyfriend walking toward us. His white T-shirt and jeans are covered in blood, and my chest tightens to the point it restricts my air. My mom’s legs give out when she sees him. “N-o,” she chokes, placing her shaking hand over her mouth. Walter catches her and holds her body to his, but his baby-blue eyes meet mine, sending a chill down my spine so cold, it’s paralyzing. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “She’s gone.” 
“Walter,” my brother growls, shoving me to the side and pulling me out of that memory, and steps in front of me.
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snuggerudism · 6 months
Jimmy proposing to Teagan
she’s not sure why jimmy is being so secretive with her that morning, slipping out of bed early before she leaves for the nail appointment elise, her, and hallie had at 11 that morning.
elise had insisted she curl teagan’s hair and do her makeup after the nail appointment, which she doesn’t think much of.
teagan’s also not sure why elise has the outfit they bought for her at the mall last weekend to change into after the appointment, along for a dress for hallie.
she’s even more confused when elise doesn’t take the turn to the snuggeruds house, instead choosing to go straight. “els?”
“we’re going to the lakehouse.” elise doesn’t take her eyes off the road, turning onto the highway.
“i don’t have a swimsuit for hallie, and she’s going to want to go in the lake, and i don’t have one for myself. oh, and i don’t have her floaty-“ the older girl rambles on
“relax teegs. jimmy texted me, he brought everything,” she puts her hand on the girls, reassuring her.
her shoulders relax, and she looks out the window, distracted until they turn into the lakehouse driveway.
“put your dress on in here.” elise looks at her, and teagan’s eyes widen.
“in here?”
“yeah, i’ll take hallie inside and get her in hers then you can meet us in the backyard.”
“alright…” she’s hesitant, but hops in the back seat and slips the dress on. it’s a cute baby blue summer dress that she had bought after elise told her how pretty she looked in it.
she walks in the back yard, seeing the two rows of candles with roses spread in the middle, leading to the dock where jimmy and hallie stand. she freezes, turning around and sees jimmy’s entire family standing on the back porch.
she doesn’t know how long she’s frozen there for, but she feels a hand slips into hers. “momma! you look pretty,” the four year old smiles at her mom. “look at my dress!” she spins around, giggling at how it flows.
“it looks so pretty bug. you look so pretty.” she bends down and presses a kiss to her daughter’s cheek.
“thank you momma. now we have to go see daddy.” she tugs her forward, the young girl practically skipping to the dock.
jimmy is wearing a white polo and khaki shorts, sporting a big grin on his face as the two come closer. “hi teegs.” he takes her free hand, pulling her close to him.
“jim, what is all this, i-“
“you’ll see. i promise,” he reassures her. “you know i’m not good with words, but i’m going to really try to make this good.” he licks his lips, letting out a breath of relief.
“jim?” she’s so utterly confused by all of this.
“teagan abigail. since the day i walked into that coffee shop and saw you, i have been truly and utterly in love with you. i fall in love with you more and more everyday, which i honestly didn’t know was possible. i love how caring you are, and that you always have the right words to make me feel better. i love waking up next to you, and seeing the smile on your face when you look at me. i love watching you be a mom to hallie,”
he chokes, emotion pouring out of him. “you both are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and i want to be with you forever. i will follow you to the ends of the earth, and wherever you are is where i want to be,” there’s tears pouring down her cheeks now.
“i’ve been thinking about how to ask you this for so long, but here goes nothing. teagan abigail, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?” he pulls the small box out of his back pocket and gets down on one knee.
her hands fly to her mouth, and she nods her head. “yes,” she chokes out. “yes, i’ll marry you.” she jumps into his arms, looking down at him. she surges forward, touching their foreheads together and pressing a kiss to his lips.
she can hear his family cheering, and looks back. elise and his mom have tears running down their cheeks as they photograph the scene in front of them.
“momma! daddy!” hallie looks up at them as jimmy puts her down. he lifts hallie up, looking at her.
“hey bug,” jimmy presses a kiss to her cheek. “i have a question for you too. how would you feel if i became your dad for real? like, we’ll make it official.”
she turns her head to the side, looking at teagan and then back to him. “you are my dada already, daddy.” she touches his cheek, wiping the tears that are on his face.
“okay.” he whispers, smiling at her.
“i love you.” teagan whispers to jimmy, showing off the ring on her hand to hallie.
“it’s shiny.” she giggles, touching the diamond.
they’re all so happy that this is their life, and wouldn’t change any of it for absolutely anything in this world.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Rumors of the Woods of the Kingdom of Amity
@modordracena @gamma-radio
There were rumors about the woods of the kingdom of Amity.  You could hear them at any inn or tavern you went to in any town within a hundred miles of Amity’s border.  You could hear them from storytellers and mendicants begging for their meals.  You could hear them whispered between children trying to scare one another, or old women doing the same.  
They went like this:  
The woods were home to bandits, displaced and deserting soldiers from beyond the southern sea.  Hungry people, some of them, desperate for money and not seeing any other way to it.  Well fed brigands, by other accounts, gone fat off the misfortune of others.  
There was a horrid beast in the woods, a chimera or dragon the likes of which had rarely been seen outside of ancient heroic legend.  It stalked anyone who entered the woods, and if you were unfortunate enough to be selected as its prey, you would never be seen again.  
The trees moved on their own, others said.  They whispered to one another.  They had eyes.  Sometimes, they had teeth.  They would lead you astray, if they could.  Move while you weren’t watching.  Confuse your path.
Or, perhaps, it was the ghost fire that danced between the trees that misdirected travelers and led them to uncertain dooms.  They were more common in swampier lands, marshes, bogs, and the like, but who knew the preferences of ghosts except for ghosts themselves?
But, no.  The woods were haunted, yes, but by the pale ghost of a child, murdered before his time.  Or was it the ghost of a young man?  If you were polite, he would lead you to safety.  But if you asked too many questions…
But they also went like this:
Once, the Conqueror King swept across the land with his thrall armies, seeking to make all the kingdoms of the world his own.  He marched into the woods of Amity.  He did not march out.
The woods were large enough not only to lose armies in, but towns, cities, kingdoms.  And, for those brave enough to dare them and the kinds of risks always associated with ruins, kingdoms’ ransoms.  Assuming, of course, that those kingdoms did not still live, in one fashion or another…
The princess would disappear into the woods for days on end, not to be found unless she wished it.  She would return with flowers in her hair and fruit in hand, no matter the season, her secrets kept tight behind smiling lips.  
Some said there were elves and goblins in the woods.  Small, clever folk who would trade the fantastic for the mundane, blessings for curses, memories for skills, truth for lies, and other, stranger things besides.  
Other rumors spoke of the oldest tree in the forest, and how it had been grown from a cutting of the tree of life itself.  They said the waters of the pool it grew by could take you to strange lands, body and soul together.  
And, as with any rumors, many of them were false.  Much… but in this case, not all.  
“Hey, Tucker.”  
The felter’s apprentice jumped about a foot, then craned his neck to look up and backward at the branch Danny was currently lounging on.  “I hate it when you do that.”
Danny grinned and propped his chin up on his hand, clearly displaying his unnaturally white teeth.  Especially the canines.  “Really?  I love when you do that?”
“What?  Jump out of my skin.”
“Maybe,” said Danny, his smile inching just a little wider, until it was at the edge of what was possible for a human face.  He could take it wider, if he wanted.  He didn’t. “Aren’t you going to ask me how I am?  Aren’t you going to ask me what I’ve been up to?” 
“I know what you’ve been up to, you menace.  It’s not like the bounty hunters you’ve been tormenting have been quiet.”
“Aw, you love me.  It’s Walker’s fault anyway, not mine.  Nothing’s making him send anyone.”
“Isn’t he, like, your grandfather or something?”
Danny shrugged and stretched languidly, like a cat, and reversed himself on the branch, fingers growing into claws so he could climb his way down the tree until he was sitting on a particularly prominent root.  Not the ground.  He tried to avoid that, when at all possible.  His tail lashed back and forth.  
“But that’s not all that’s been happening.”
“Oh, gods, please tell me you haven’t started another bizarre rumor.”
“Are they really rumors if they’re true?” asked Danny.  
“Ninety percent of them are crap.  There aren’t any elves in here, or magic immortality trees.”
“Well, I suppose that’s a matter of opinion,” said Danny, tilting his head to one side.  
“Your curse doesn’t count.”
Danny made an offended noise in the back of his throat.  
Tucker sighed.  “Is this something we’ll need Sam to fix?”
“Why do you assume there’s something to fix?  Why do we need Sam to fix it?  She’s the one who broke things in the first place.”  Danny tsked, then put on a disturbingly accurate impression of Princess Samantha of Amity, “Why don’t you look in the mysterious pool, Danny?  Why don’t you try out the red vial, Danny?  I want to see what will happen, Danny.”
“She didn’t say that.”
“That’s not what I remember,” huffed Danny, turning around. “Maybe I should just do this by myself.”
“Okay, okay, I give up.  What have you been up to?”
“The tops of the trees!”  Danny burst out laughing.  
“Wow… it’s just like the same joke you’ve told a thousand times,” said Tucker.  “But, seriously.”
“Seriously,” repeated Danny, “I found the Labyrinth!”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah!  The part of the Deep Woods it was in finally opened–  Hey, where are you going?”
“I’ve got to get Sam,” said Tucker, walking quickly the way he’d come.  
“Well, yeah,” said Danny, crawling back up into the trees and bounding along tree branch by tree branch, “I want her to come, too, exploring weird ruins is kind of her thing, but you don’t have to–  Tucker!”  The plaintive cry was more of a shriek than anything else.  Tucker skidded to a stop.  “You know I can’t leave the woods.  Don’t you at least want to know where the Labyrinth is first?”  
Tucker skidded to a stop.  “Yeah, sorry, buddy.  But I just realized–  The reason for all the weird cursed weather lately.  The frogs and toads and all that.  There was something in the Labyrinth that could do that, I remember reading about it.  If someone got into the Labyrinth before you…”
“They could have gotten it,” concluded Danny. 
“Sam needs to know.”
Danny clacked his claws against the branch he was sitting on.  “Alright,” he said.  “I guess I’ll need to go into the Labyrinth to talk to the spirits there.”  They’d be old ones, slow with age and memory, bound to tree and stone and the ancient meanings carved into once-worshiped rock.  
“Yeah?  But you were going to, anyway, weren’t you?”
“With you guys,” said Danny, “and it’s no fun if it’s work.”
“Yeah… sorry about that.  Look, how about after all of this, we go chase down the river-spire and see if we can’t find those ice sprites again?”
Danny’s ears pricked forward, fur shivering out of his skin at the remembered winter-chill.  He soothed them away.  Stupid shape shifting not working right.  
Tucker hunched his shoulders slightly.  “Well, we’ll try, anyway.”
A little too wise to the ways of creatures like Danny to trust even Danny with a promise.  Too bad.  Danny chittered, then shrugged.
“I’ll take it.  You know how to call me once you get Sam.”
“You say that like I didn’t just do it ten minutes ago.”
Danny shrugged.  “Hey, you never know.  Humans have bad memories.  That’s why there are all those rumors.”
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