#I’m very impressed the keyblade has held up so well after a little more than four years
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alangdorf · 1 year ago
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Yearly costume roundup!! Sora cosplay year 5 (actually done this time!) + demonstration of last-minute Adeleine costume for my husband (I lent him my sweatshirt and made the beret) + potential Touhou cosplay plans for myself and @just-my-narratives and my husband + coping with not having the resources for making a new full cosplay this year by spending the day planning out a Magolor
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angel-with-a-pipette · 5 years ago
How far I’ll go
It has been over a week since Sora had disappeared and Kairi had done absolutely nothing. Now that not only her enemies but also her friends started to sideline her and keep her out of anything remotely dangerous, Kairi has had enough.
Haunted by massive guilt along with her hurt and sorrow, she finally steps up to take her fate into her own hands - with the help of a small friend.
Rating: General
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Disney/Square Enix.
Also available on: ao3
A big thank you goes to @kairizine​. The fic wouldn’t exist without the zine and it definitely wouldn’t exist in this polished form. Thank you so much for your support and all the changes you made to the product so it would turn out just the way I wanted it to!
Another round of pre-sales open on July 5th, so please consider getting a copy for yourself! All money that doesn’t go into production and shipping of the zine will be donated to Futures without Violence. Check out their site here: https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org/
Let’s all work together for a wonderful future without violence ♥
Another thank you goes to @phoenix-downer​ who as always supports me and my writing despite me being very difficult to work with. Thank you so much ♥
Please enjoy!
The sun had barely started to rise when Kairi opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling, reluctant to get up.
An old toy boat that her father had crafted for her hung from the ceiling, complete with three little dolls that leant over the railing, staring back down at her. The cool morning breeze rocked the boat back and forth, causing one of the dolls to shift and hang even more precariously over the railing than the other two, yet somehow it didn’t fall.
The little grin that was etched on the doll’s face made a sad smile spread over Kairi’s lips before she sighed and got up, making her way over to the school uniform she had laid out the night before.
School. What a waste of time when she could be actively searching for Sora.
It has been over a week since he had disappeared and she had done absolutely nothing. Emphasis on 'she'. Riku had used the time to travel to Radiant Garden and the Land of Departure for intel, postponing the start of his first year of high school while Kairi was stuck finishing her last year of middle school after her friends had unanimously decided she should finish as much of her education as possible. While she understood their sentiment obviously, she couldn't help but feel frustrated that once again she was put on the sidelines against her will with no means to leave Destiny Islands on her own terms.
And that didn't even touch upon the massive guilt that was hounding her every day.
Kairi threw a glance at her vanity mirror. Her reflection looked back at her, with eyes red and irritated from so little sleep. Her face was starting to thin, too, but that was no surprise either. She hadn't felt like eating in over a week, not since—
A tear rolled down her cheek and she rubbed at it, furious with herself when instead more started pouring out. It was this weakness that got them into their current situation in the first place, probably the very reason everyone wanted her to stay on the Islands, to be out of their way.
With a small sniffle, she rubbed away the last tears and smiled down at the table. Her view was still blurred, but she offered her open palm to the small creature standing there. It immediately heeded her call and jumped onto her hand so Kairi could bring him up in front of her face and put on the best impression of a smile she could muster.
"Good morning, Jiminy. I hope you slept well."
It was Sora who had asked Jiminy to stay with Kairi. Knowing that his time was limited, he had urged the cricket to leave his hood and take refuge in Kairi's instead, to keep Jiminy safe from whatever was about to happen to him. She felt another tear roll down her cheek and a little frown spread on Jiminy's face in response.
"I slept wonderfully, you made me the softest makeshift bed possible. But the question should be: How do you feel?"
She shrugged her shoulders.
"No change," she answered softly, then shifted the sad cricket onto one hand. With the other, she held her skirt pocket open, allowing him to nestle into it. It wasn't as spacious and comfortable as her hoodie, but it had to do during school hours. She didn't need her enchanted dress—not yet. Not until the others told her it was time to go. Until then, she had stashed it away in a small traveling bag, filled with leftover potions and everything else that could be of use and loaded it into Riku's gummi ship. 
After an awkward and quiet breakfast, Kairi grabbed her satchel and quickly fled the pitying glances her parents were throwing her, only to be surprised by Riku who was leaning against the wooden fence of her front garden. Her heart ached at that. It was the place where Sora formerly—no, normally , Kairi corrected herself, because his disappearance was temporary, not permanent—waited for her each morning. 
"Good morning."
His smile didn't reach his eyes and her shoulders slumped a little.
Things with Riku were awkward ever since the fight in the Keyblade Graveyard. He rarely smiled and was tired constantly, something Kairi could more than understand as she was experiencing the same. However, she was very aware of how he avoided looking into her eyes—and she couldn't help but feel that he was upset with her—as if he blamed her for his best friend’s disappearance.
And how could he not? Had she been stronger, had she fought harder, maybe–
"C’mon, Kairi. You’re going to be late." 
Her heart skipped a beat.
"Are we going off-world?"
Riku shook his head and his smile wavered.
"I meant school." 
Oh. Kairi didn't reply to that, just walked ahead with her head hung low, avoiding Riku's eyes as much as he kept avoiding hers. After a few minutes of awkwardly walking next to each other in silence, Riku spoke up again.
"How are you feeling?"
Kairi shrugged."How are you feeling? Probably not too differently from me."
Aside from all the rightful anger and disappointment towards me , she added in her mind. But she had her own self-loathing to deal with, so maybe it evened out.
Riku didn't answer her, he just nodded, and before long, they reached the front of the school gate. Some of Kairi's classmates waved at Riku, having been friends with him for most of their lives and some of the younger girls giggled and fluttered their eyelashes at him as they passed by, but neither Kairi nor Riku paid them any mind.
"Why don't you take me with you on your world trips?"
Riku sighed and started rubbing his face tiredly, and for some reason it only made Kairi more upset.
"We've been over this before. We all think—"
"He is my friend, too."
"You're a Princess of Heart, Kairi," Riku tried again, a little quieter this time, fully aware of the students that threw curious glances at them. "You know we have to keep you safe."
"So that's what it's all about," Kairi huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "this was never about my education, this was always about this stupid 'light' business."
"It's not 'stupid light business' and you know that."
"He saved my life, Riku!"
"Exactly, that's why I won't let you throw it away!"
Kairi halted and let her gaze fall. She was right. She had been right all along.
Riku sounded hesitant as he called her name and Kairi fought hard to hold back her tears.
"I'm– I'm sorry it's me."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm sorry I'm here while he's somewhere else."
Riku startled her by grabbing her shoulders and making her look up into his pained eyes.
“Kairi, you can't believe that?!" 
“I will set this right,” she replied instead and internally cursed her voice for sounding weak and shaky. “I will fight harder and work harder and I won’t be a liability anymore. I know it’s all my fault, but I will help bring him back.”
And then Riku did something unexpected: he hugged her. Tears filled Kairi's eyes.
“I know I wasn’t good enough, but I–”
"No. You were good enough. It was all Xehanort. He chose to do these despicable things." Riku pulled her tighter. "Kairi, listen to me: I'm not blaming you. I never blamed you. You're my best friend as well, I could never choose between the two of you."
At that, Kairi couldn't hold back anymore. She grabbed a fistful of Riku's shirt and cried. Cried over the traumatic experiences she had had to go through, cried over the guilt she was harboring inside of her, cried over Sora being forcefully ripped away from her when she had just gotten him back.
They held each other for a couple of minutes, finally mourning the loss of Sora together, until the school bell interrupted their moment.
A little reluctantly, Kairi untangled herself from Riku, but he held onto her shoulders, searching her face with a worried gaze. She sniffled a little, brushing away a few stray tears that hadn't soaked into his jacket.
"I think I needed that. Thank you, Riku."
"Will you be okay?" he asked her and she shrugged.
"I feel better."
And she really did. Crying always made her head ache and she could feel the pain slowly creep into her forehead, but talking to Riku had lifted a heavy weight off of her chest. She adjusted the strap of her satchel and was ready to go when Riku called out to her again.
His eyes seemed strangely sad once more as he mustered her intensely.
"...Take care, Kairi."
Despite feeling better about herself and Riku, Kairi’s headache prevailed. Not that it mattered—she couldn't focus on her lessons lately anyway and when she could, she was unable to remember half of what had happened during class.
After the last bell of the day rang, Kairi quickly fled the classroom to escape her friends. She couldn't stand Selfie fussing over her constantly or the looks of pity Tidus and Wakka were throwing at her. But what upset her even more was the complete lack of compassion some of her classmates confronted her with, uncaring of Sora's whereabouts.
Two streets away from school, Kairi felt like she could breathe again. She immediately slowed down—she didn't look forward to arriving at home for the same reasons she fled school—and reached into her skirt pocket to free the little cricket. Jiminy gratefully jumped up and nestled into her hair and the two of them started enjoying the sun and warm rays on Kairi's walk home.
That was until Kairi arrived to see a familiar purple bag in her front garden. Her heart stopped.
Kairi quickly opened the gate and ran onto the grass, hands flying to the zipper and revealing pink material and green bottles along with a handwritten note.
I'm sorry
"No. He wouldn't!"
Everything was a blur when she dropped her book bag in favor of the purple one, grabbed Jiminy from the top of her head to let him slide into her bag gently, and began running to the beach. She quickly untied her old boat and rowed over to the play island, ignoring the growing pain in her shoulder as she pushed faster and faster, all the while repeating the mantras of "No" and "He wouldn't do this to me" over and over again.
Having secured her boat as fast as possible, Kairi took off again, this time into the bushes, fighting her way through the thicket to reach Riku's gummi ship.
Except it was gone.
The clearing Riku had used to hide his gummi ship in was empty.
Kairi felt herself sink to her knees and hot tears pool in her eyes. Jiminy carefully wiggled his head out of the insides of her bag and looked at her with pity. 
"Oh Kairi…"
"He left me behind again."
"He wants to keep you safe." Jiminy jumped back onto her shoulder and brushed away a big tear that was slowly running down her cheek. “He cares a lot about you. We all do.”
“Then why does he ignore what I want?” 
“You know Riku,” Jiminy brushed yet another tear away with both of his little hands, “he’s not the best when it comes to emotions and other people’s feelings, but what he does he does out of genuine concern for you.”
“Maybe that’s the problem. Not only Riku, everyone keeps disregarding my feelings and just assumes what’s best for me.” She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand before moving to massage her throbbing shoulder in an attempt to soothe the pain a little. It was another reminder of what had happened a week ago.
“Sora refused to let me help him because he thought it was too dangerous. Both he and Riku left me behind when King Mickey asked us to help him out. Axel held back during our training because he kept seeing Xion in me and refused to attack me with all of his power. If they had taken me more seriously, if they had just talked to me instead of protecting me...maybe things would have gone differently.”
“Don’t be too harsh on Riku. He helped you summon your Keyblade, remember? To be honest,” Jiminy let his shoulders droop a little, “I don’t think it was his first choice to leave you behind. I think he wanted to honor Sora’s last wish.”
Kairi's throat constricted. "Sora's– Sora's what?"
Jiminy nodded and climbed into Kairi's limp hand which she raised to better look at the little cricket.
"Before he spent his last moment with you, he asked Riku for a favor. He wanted him to take care of you—the same kind of request Riku had back when the Door to Darkness was about to close and trap him and His Majesty in the Realm of Darkness." Jiminy's expression softened. "They genuinely want what’s best for you, Kairi."
"I’ve always wanted what was best for them, too, and yet I never told them to stay put.” With her free hand, she grabbed the edge of her skirt tightly until her knuckles turned white. “I’ve always encouraged them to follow their hearts. Why does nobody allow me to follow my heart for once? ‘May your heart be your guiding key’—isn’t that what Master Yen Sid told us?"
Jiminy lowered his head with a sad frown and Kairi let her eyes wander, too tired to keep the argument going. The beach was bathed in an orange color by the setting sun and the water was glistening prettily. From here, everything seemed so peaceful, so unlike what Kairi felt right then. She lifted her eyes a little more and looked at the red sky when something caught her eye. It was small and very faint, barely visible against the strong rays of the sun, but that didn’t deter her. She gently placed Jiminy back on her good shoulder and got up.
"Kairi?” She felt Jiminy’s tiny hand press against her cheek. “Is everything okay?”
"See the line where the sky meets the sea?” was her only reply to which Jiminy cocked his head.
"Huh? You mean the horizon?" 
Kairi nodded. "It calls me."
She began walking forward, across the clearing and down until she reached a small cave.
"I don’t know why, but when I looked at the horizon I saw something in the distance. Like a small glimmer of hope. It sounds crazy, but my heart tells me to go. The horizon is where sky and sea meet. Sora returned to the world of sky and sea. It can’t be a coincidence. This is the best lead we have."
Her face lit up as she saw what she'd been searching for in the corner of the cave. Small and modest, but sturdy enough to survive strong waves, it still waited for its maiden journey.
"And our raft will take me there."
"No, no, no!” Jiminy pressed his hands into her cheek to catch her attention. “Kairi, that's dangerous! We might end up in the Lanes Between, a place filled with darkness!"
"I’m a Princess of Heart, the darkness won’t get to me. And this dress made by the Three Good Fairies additionally protects me from it. You’ll be safe in my hood or pocket, too. That is, if you want to come with me.”
She started to check on the ropes and sail, happily nodding to herself when she deemed them to be in good condition. 
"You've made up your mind, didn't you?" Jiminy asked her again and she smiled at him.
"I have to do this, Jiminy. I’ve waited for too long. Waiting isn’t good enough anymore."
"Then I don't have any other choice,” Jiminy mock-sighed and then puffed out his chest. “I will join you on your quest!"
"Oh thank you!" Kairi squealed and happily cupped Jiminy to her cheek.
This time, she would save Sora. And that's a promise.
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lovelyjasmari · 5 years ago
KHOC Week 2020 ~ Day 4
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Many of Ilysia’s most precious memories involve Eraqus. From the day they began training together, to their first kiss, their Mark of Mastery, and many more. They are the epitome of the perfectly arranged marriage trope, being both in love with each other as well as the best of friends.
But their relationship was not always so perfect, for today's prompt, I’m sharing a ficlet of Ilysia and Eraqus recalling probably their favorite of these memories, their first meeting when they were still small children. 
Never Run Away ~ 1819 Word Count
From behind their parents, the two children stared at each other curiously. Despite her own nervousness, the girl smiled and tried to appear friendly. The boy's father gave him a gentle nudge, silently encouraging him to approach his future bride, but he wouldn’t.
Ilysia  could see that he wasn’t going to take the initiative and recalled what her mother had always told her about how to make friends. She leapt in front of Eraqus with a large smile.
“I’m happy to finally meet you!” 
Truthfully she wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from this first meeting,  but she certainly didn’t think he would run off so suddenly after such an enthusiastic greeting. Perhaps a little too enthusiastic. His hurried little footsteps echoed from down the long hallway.
 “Eraqus?! Eraqus! Get back here at once!” But the boy would not listen to his father’s command and Lord Nixe shook his head, half disgusted and half amused. “For a future Master, it will not do! Please forgive him, Lady Thea.  ”
“No offence taken, My Lord.” Lady Thea laughed. “I expected nothing less from a boy his age.”
Her mother may have found this amusing, but Ilysia did not. Without understanding why, she felt strangely hurt by his rejection. In her short life, Ilysia had come to understand two fundamental facts about what her future would be. The first was that when she was a little older, she would train to become a Keyblade Master. Her father was a Master, she had two older brothers already training with keyblades, and so would she. 
The second was that once she had shown the Mark of Mastery, she would be joined in marriage to Eraqus, the young heir to Scala ad Caelum. Together they would rule and protect this world and the balance between light and dark that all worlds existed in. It was an exciting prospect, the more she thought about it. Unfortunately, things were not getting off to a good start. She tugged her mother’s skirt, biting the inside of her lip as to not cry,
“He...ran away from me.” she murmured. “I don’t think he likes me.”
“Don’t be disheartened, child.” Lord Nixe smiled. “He runs away from everything! Give him time, you’ll see!”
“But I don’t want him to run away from me!” her lower lip pouting. 
“He will like you, sweetie. I know he will.” Lady Thea lowered herself to meet her child’s level, she gave her an encouraging smile. “How about you go find where Eraqus has run off to! He might be hiding!”
“Think of it as a game, like hide and seek, and you’re it!”
Ilysia liked this idea, and she liked the idea of wandering the High Tower to look for him. Perhaps if she was clever enough to find his hiding place, he’d want to find her next and then they would be friends. 
That’s what she told herself but it was now more than an hour later, Ilysia had searched nearly every corner of the High Tower and found no trace of Eraqus. If this really was a game, he was far better at it than she thought. She was about to give up completely when she came upon two double doors leading to a room she had not yet tried, thankfully they were not locked. 
Opening the doors revealed what appeared to be a large classroom. A long table with seven chairs stood in the center of the black and white floor, with a tall windowsill against the wall, but not too tall that she couldn’t climb up onto it. As she took her seat by the window, she thought she heard something shift and quickly wondered if she was truly alone. 
“Anyone here?”
There was no response and she didn’t hear the shifting again for several minutes. Ilysia let out a sigh and gazed out the window, at the guilt cable cars and flocks of birds gliding in the sky. From where she sat it seemed that she could see the whole of Scala, even the islands in the distance across the sea. Today was the first time she had been anywhere outside home, and she was beginning to feel that she could learn to like living here, if she were allowed to stay. 
As she pondered this, she noticed the chessboard sitting next to her, with various pieces in silver and gold. She stared at the pieces for a long time before moving a silver star piece across the board. This was a game she was not unfamiliar with, her father had begun to teach it to her a few weeks prior in anticipation for this day. He had said that it could be something she and her intended could bond over. But even if he wasn’t here, she could at least practice. 
She continued with her solo chess game, thoughtfully moving the silver pieces and unaware of the curious grey eyes watching her silently from behind the Master’s podium. He rarely had the opportunity to interact with other children so that was enough to pique his interest, even if she was a girl. And he could see that she had a good chess strategy. Eraqus was still unsure about having a future wife, but that didn’t mean Ilysia couldn't be a nice chess opponent.
“You know, it’s more fun when you play with someone else.”
Eraqus finally left the podium, making himself known. Ilysia grinned. 
“Found you! I knew you were in here!”
“No you didn’t!” he replied, making a face. 
“You’re right, I didn’t. But I hoped.” From the moment she thought she heard movement in this room, Ilysia held the hope that maybe Eraqus would be here since he was in none of the places she had checked. He made another face but was soon smiling as he sat opposite of her. She moved her pieces back to the start and their game began. 
For while there was silence between them as they took turns moving the gold and silver pieces across the board. All the while pretending that they weren’t stealing glances of each other and wondering what the other was thinking. 
“You have a heart.” he said at last. “A heart on your arm.”
Eraqus smiled and pointed to Ilysia’s freckled skin. On her upper arm was a freckle that, now that she looked closely, did look a lot like a heart. But she frowned, she never much liked her freckles, even the heart shaped ones. 
“My brothers always make fun of them.” she said. “Mom says they’ll go away when I’m bigger. I hope so.”
“I don’t!” Eraqus laughed. “I like your freckles. They’re cute!” 
An odd, warm sensation washed over her face at this statement. She never really thought of her freckled skin as anything but a nuisance, but it made her happy nonetheless. He went on. 
“And don’t worry, if your brothers make fun of them, they’ll answer to me!” 
“Hmph!” a mischievous little smile came to her face. “You won’t do a thing! They’re bigger than both of us, you’ll just run away from them!”
“Not if they hurt your feelings!”
“Yes you will! Your dad said you run away from everything!”
“Not everything!”
“You even run away in chess!” Ilysia laughed and followed this laughter by cornering his king in an inescapable check. “And because of it, I just won.”
Eraqus grumbled at his sudden loss but he knew she was right and was secretly impressed that she had managed to best him so quickly. He was beginning to think that maybe he had run away too quickly, this time. 
“I’m sorry.” he sighed. “You’re nice and you’re good at this game. If I knew I wouldn’t have run away from you.”
“Apology accepted.” Ilysia smiled, her heart warmed by a sense of relief. She placed the pieces back in place. “Would you like to play again?”
He agreed and they began another game. This time Eraqus was more vigilant and managed to win the next game. As they began again they talked about their lives, their families, and how cool it was gonna be to have keyblades. The more they talked, the more they grew to like each other, so much so that Eraqus felt comfortable enough sharing a secret with Ilysia. 
“I’m not sure about marriage.” he confessed. “It seems like a lot of work, and I don’t know anything about it.”
“Neither do I.” Ilysia replied. At six years old, she couldn't really admit to knowing anything about marriage either. “But we have a long time to learn.”
“I’d rather we be friends.”
 “Yeah, I like the idea of being your friend better than being your husband.” he moved his king with a little smile. “How about it? Would you like to be friends?”
Without realizing it, her cheeks flushed red as she smiled. This was truthfully exactly what she hoped would eventually happen. Twelve years seemed like a very long time but something in Ilysia’s young heart told her that if she and Eraqus could be friends, then learning everything else about their future roles wouldn’t be too bad. 
“Okay, but I won’t be your friend until you make me a promise.” Eraqus nodded, not noticing that she had pushed her silver queen towards his king. “No matter what, you won’t run away from me again. Can you keep that promise, Eraqus?”
This was no question for him, Eraqus only ran away from things he either disliked or feared. As far as Ilysia was concerned, he felt neither any longer. Who knew what would happen in twelve years? He agreed and Ilysia extended her pinky out to him. 
“Now pinky promise,” she said. “Promises mean more when you pinky promise!”
“Alright.” He smiled as he also extended his pinky to her, locking them together. Their eyes met. “Pinky promise, I’ll never run away from you again.”
The years past, faster than either had suspected, and not once had he retracted that promise. Though the young boy had been unsure about many things, the young man was now certain. How he felt about her would never change. 
 The ceremony was concluding and it was now time to make a new sort of promise to her. Eraqus gently lifted the white veil covering her face, he smiled at Ilysia and then surprised her by extending his pinky to her. Just as she had done to him all those years ago. 
“Reaffirming my promise.” he whispered. “That I’ll never run away from you, Ilysia.”
She giggled, but locked her pinky with his all the same. Much to the amusement of all those watching. 
“Uh...Eraqus…” Yen Sid whispered loudly behind him. “That’s...not what you’re supposed to do.”
Of course the couple knew that, but they didn’t care. They shared a secret smile and then sealed their vows with a kiss, their pinkies still intertwined. 
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mewtwowarrior · 5 years ago
Under the Keep Reading is a janky fanfic that got way away from me and contains spoilers for Tron: Legacy and Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.
I’ve been on a Tron kick lately and yesterday I was reading about the Tron: Legacy world in Dream Drop Distance and came across something that struck me as so fascinating, I had to write about it.
Apparently, at one point in the game, Clu offers to trade Sora Rinzler in exchange for the Keyblade. Sora, of course, says no, but it got me to thinking...
Things to keep in mind:
-I haven’t played Kingdom Hearts in forever and I haven’t started Dream Drop Distance yet, things will definitely be wrong. I read a little bit more, and I know things don’t play out even partially like I’ve written them, but I loved my original idea so much I had to keep it.
-I haven’t seen anything Tron in forever, except for playing some of Tron: Evolution lately, so character voices are probably super wrong
-Ark’s just a placeholder name for now, I don’t have a dedicated Kingdom Hearts OC, except for generic self insert nonsense, so I just put in my Tron OC’s name because it fits.
-Probably need to tweak some of Ark’s dialogue, I don’t really have a solid personality for her yet, but it started coming out as I was writing more of the story.
-I’m not completely happy with parts of this, but overall, I think it’s okay. It needs a better beginning (possibly going back in the past more and fleshing things out) and a better/actual ending (I’m not sure how to resolve the conflict just yet).
-I don’t know what happened here, the story got away from me, I had a rough outline last night, and when I started writing it, details kept coming up more.
-I’ve been wanting to write something about Rinzler for a few days now and this is what I finally hit on as working.
-I probably need to go back and most of the italics I was intending to be there, I wrote it in Notepad, so I didn’t have that option and forgot about it when posting, whoops.
-I feel like I should somehow apologize for this, so I’m sorry.
Part 1/Prequel 1st Draft
Part 2/Original 1st Draft (You are here)
Part 3/Finish 1st Draft
All Combined Revision 1
All Combined Revision 2
All Combined Revision 3
All Combined Revision 4
Circuitous Pathways (Final)
Even though this world was different, he was different, Ark had recognized her dear friend.
The problem was, he didn't recognize her at all.
She had called out to him and had hurried closer, but he had walked on by like she wasn't even there.
It had taken some time, but she had finally started getting to the bottom of this mystery.
Someone named Clu had taken over The Grid and seemed to have something to do with the transformation of her friend.
For some reason, he had approached Ark, her friend at his side.
He called him Rinzler.
She knew his name as Tron.
Clu had a solution, because he also had a problem, one that only Ark could solve.
"I've been watching you as you traveled The Grid. Your Keyblade is capable of some amazing things, isn't it?" He gestured to the weapon she had in hand, a movement that made her grip tighter to it.
"There's a...door, that I need open, your Keyblade can do that." He tilts his head ever so slightly, "You have something I want, and I have something you want, right?" He casually gestured towards Rinzler.
"I'll give you Rinzler in exchange for your Keyblade. That way, everybody gets what they want. It's a simple deal."
Clu changes his stance, putting both hands behind his back as he patiently waits for her response.
Ark gasps at the offer, it's one of great magnitude. She was chosen to weild the Keyblade, to fight the darkness and put things right. It wasn't something you gave away lightly.
But, Tron was her friend, and something was wrong with him. He needed her help, and that was something that needed put right.
Before she can consider the offer, Ark has one question, "How do I know you'll keep up your end of the deal."
Clu smirked in response, "I control The Grid and everyone who lives in it. If I wanted to, I could take your Keyblade by force. But, that would cause a lot of trouble and likely the loss of a lot of Programs. I'd much rather skip all of that and make a deal that would save us both the time and trouble. The fact that I haven't already made a move for it should be trust enough."
That wasn't exactly a comforting answer, but it was all that Ark got.
What did he need the Keyblade for? She had a feeling that he wouldn't be forthcoming with the answer, he had already been vague about it. But, it likely wasn't good.
But, could he even use the Keyblade? You had to be chosen for it, right? Plus, he wouldn't know how to use it, at least, not at first. And, he hadn't bargained for Keyblade lessons, just the Keyblade itself. She knew a few of the Keyblade's tricks, in face, there was one that might come in handy for this exact situation...
Ark looked down at her Keyblade, while in the grand scheme of things, she was a rather new Keyblade wielder, but she and it had been through a lot together. How many Heartless had she slain? How many worlds had she helped? What did her future as a Keyblade wielder look like?
She glanced to both Clu and Rinzler, Clu waiting for her answer, and Rinzler standing there cold and motionless, nothing at all like the Tron she remembered.
That was enough to make her waver.
Ark's decision was made before she had realized it herself. She had to save her friend, there wasn't any other choice she could make.
However, she had a plan, and, if it worked, then maybe everything would be okay after all.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, tightening her grip on her Keyblade for the last time.
Ark exhaled and swung her Keyblade up so that she could hold it in both hands, feeling its weight and presence and taking a moment to remember everything that they had been through together.
The moments she takes are quiet and reverent, she's solemn as she takes it all in.
Finally, she looks to Clu with tears starting to well up in her eyes. She knows what she has to say, but the words won't come out.
Clu meets her gaze, "Have you made your decision?"
Ark can only close her eyes and give the slightest of nods.
"Very well." Clu reaches over and takes off Rinzler's Identity Disc. He taps a few things and makes a few changes before attaching it back to his back.
Rinzler himself walks over and turns around to stand next to Ark.
Clu gestures to them both, "Rinzler is yours now, he will only answer to you."
He then holds his hand out to Ark, "Now, for your end of the deal."
Ark gasps softly, she didn't think it would go this quickly, she hadn't even been sure who would make the first move. At this very moment, she had both Tron and her Keyblade, she could make a run for it.
But, a deal was a deal.
And, if Clu was right and he controlled the whole Grid, she wouldn't get far without her Keyblade, even with Tron fighting for her.
Trembling, she adjusted her grasp on her Keyblade so that she was holding the blade in both of her hands and offering the hilt out. She clings to it for one final moment before lowering it to rest right above Clu's outstretched hand.
There's no such hesitation on Clu's part.
He grabs the Keyblade and carefully takes it out of Ark's hands, she gasps and flinches as he does so.
Clu holds the Keyblade up, admiring it, "Magnificent. It's even more impressive than I had realized." With a swift motion, he holds it down at his side, seemingly already comfortable with the weapon.
"Now that our transaction is done, I have things I need to attend to. You're both free to go." He quickly turns and strides off, no longer concerned with either of them.
Ark stands there in shock, never keeping her eyes off the Keyblade, until both it and its wielder are long out of sight.
Finally, she manages to look over at Rinzler, her dear friend she had just sacrificed so much for.
Was it worth it?
Before she had given up the Keyblade, her answer had easily been yes. But, now that the Keyblade was gone, she felt its loss as an ache. There was a part of her missing that was now in the hands of someone else. Someone who would likely do a lot of bad with it.
Tron was safe, yes. Or, Rinzler was. The Tron that she knew didn't seem to be anywhere under that cold black mask. Would she be able to restore his memories?
But, after her shameful action of giving up the Keyblade, did she even want Tron to remember? She knew he'd be disappointed in her, as she was disappointed in herself.
There was still her plan, the one scrap of hope. But, she was no longer confident in it. The act of giving up the Keyblade had been much more serious than she had imagined.
Ark closed her eyes and held out her hand. She'd always been able to summon the Keyblade before, and counting on that fact had been one of the reasons she had made her terrible decision.
She tried to feel for the Keyblade, in that space wherever it went when she wasn't holding it. Reaching out deeper and deeper, through her heart and the light and the darkness.
Ark came up empty. The Keyblade was no longer hers, it did not answer to her any longer. She had given it up, betrayed everything she and it stood for, and it reflected that fact.
She sunk to her knees, sobbing her heart out as the full magnitude of what she had done washed over her.
Ark had given the darkness everything it had wanted. She had handed it this world on a silver platter, and who knew what else. Clu had wanted to open some kind of door, was it the door between worlds? He so easily commanded this world, would he conquer the next and the next and the next?
She sobbed for a long time, while Rinzler, ever silent, stood next to her.
Finally, she wiped her eyes, trying to clear her vision so that she could think.
She had a few things in her pockets, some Potions and supplies she had picked up before travelling. Like everyone else in this world, she had an Identity Disc, which could be used to fight. And, she had Rinzler. He wasn't Tron, not yet, but he was a fierce fighter.
Ark didn't have a lot, but it was better than nothing.
She looked up at Rinzler, "Me and you against The Grid, huh? What do you think of our chances?"
Like always, Rinzler didn't respond, he just stared straight ahead.
Ark laughed coldly, more of a bark than a genuine laugh, "That's what I thought." She picked herself up and dusted off her knees, a reflexive gesture more than anything.
"It doesn't matter what the odds are, I know what we have to do. I'm glad I'm not going to have to do this alone, but I have to wonder, if you were still Tron, would you be proud of me?"
No answer came.
"I didn't think so." She shook her head, "It doesn't matter what Tron thinks now, or you, I guess. I'll deal with that if we get out of this alive."
Ark looked Rinzler up and down, "The Grid's changed a lot since I've last been here. It'll be a lot easier if you still know your way around. I don't know what he did to you to transfer you over to me, but if you still remember..."
She took a deep breath and looked straight at Rinzler, "Take me to Clu. I've got to set this right."
There was a moment where nothing happened, Ark was afraid that Rinzler's memory was wiped again or that he wouldn't actually listen to her. She held her breath until he looked around for a moment, then headed off in a specific direction.
She exhaled and followed Rinzler further into The Grid.
Ark knew that even if they were able to stop whatever plan Clu had, the Keyblade likely wouldn't come back to her. But, that didn't matter. All that mattered was keeping Clu from using it. Once she did that, she could deal with no longer having a Keyblade.
She looked again to Rinzler, who was walking with a single-minded determination. After they stopped Clu, she stil had to find a way to bring back Tron. Like the Keyblade, he probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with her, either, but, she still owed it to him to try and fix him. He had been her friend, one important enough to sacrifice the Keyblade for.
Ark had no idea if they would be successful, but she had to try. That's all she could do.
Her and Rinzler traveled through The Grid and to their, and everyone else's, destinies.
Behind the scenes:
My rough notes I hastily wrote in my phone before bed last night:
-Some kinda past friendship -Oh noes Rinzler -Make a trade -Trade with intent to take backsisies -Rinzler ownership transferred -Get away fast -Tries to take backsisies -Nope -lol accidental Bequeathing -oh crap what have i done -maybe it's best Rinzler has no memories because he would be disappointed -Gotta Fix This -No Keyblade, Disc Only, Final Destination
The story doesn’t have a name yet, but I saved it under the name “Meow Meow I Make Bad Keyblade Choices”. (My sister has a saying about a cat that visits, “Meow meow, I make bad choices” and it just seemed to fit.)
Continuation here!
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mastrechef · 5 years ago
I finally finished one of my other writing projects, so I came back to this early. So here’s the next installment of my Kingdom Hearts fic that I still have yet to come up with a name for.
If you haven’t read the previous parts, here are links:
Part 1: https://mastrechef.tumblr.com/post/610880203769757696/this-idea-has-been-stewing-in-my-mind-for-a-while
Part 2: https://mastrechef.tumblr.com/post/611540563650609152/more-kingdom-hearts-stuff-just-because-i-feel-like
The scene was familiar, and yet at the same time not. She looked like no more than a doll, motionless and absent of any sign of  life aside from the faint rise and fall of her chest. Looking on, Namine felt the usual stirring of remorse as a different image superimposed itself over Kairi. She had already spent far too much time standing by the wayside, watching while others slept away, unaware of the world moving on without them. To be in that situation again, even if—or perhaps, especially if—her involvement was minimal, left her feeling unsettled.
“How are things looking?” And there was Riku, checking in for updates like clockwork.
“Still nothing I’m afraid. Ienzo and the others were thinking it might be time to wake her up.” Riku nodded distractedly. Namine contemplated him for a moment. He had been running himself ragged lately, although he tried his best not to show it, his misplaced guilt over Sora’s disappearance driving him to extremes. Idly, she wondered when he’d last had a decent night’s sleep.
Speaking of sleep… “I heard you’ve started looking into your dreams for leads.”
“That’s right.” He huffed in discontent. “I feel like there’s something there, but I don’t really know what it is I’m looking for.”
Namine pursed her lips together, debating to herself. There had been something on her mind for a while now, something she hadn’t really known how to address. If anyone should know about it, it was Riku; yet, she still found herself hesitating. Her powers had caused nothing but pain, and if she could live the rest of her life without using them again she would be happy. More than anything, she wanted them to be gone. But in this case, her lingering connection to Sora might be their best lead. As much as she disliked it, she owed him this much.
“There’s something I need to show you,” she said eventually, flipping through the sketchbook she carried with her everywhere. She skipped past all the old drawings of Sora and of Roxas, past the newer sketches of Radiant Garden, finally coming to a halt on an image that stood out from the rest in its monochrome coloration. “The place in your dream...does it look like this?”
He took the offered sketchbook from her to examine the drawing in detail. “The buildings themselves look different, but something tells me they’re the same place. How did you know?”
“I suspected as much,” she said mostly to herself. “It was so strange, I wasn’t sure what to make of it at first. It seems my ability to influence Sora’s memories still works. I pulled this from some of his newest memories.”
“You mean you can tell what Sora’s been up to? What he’s doing right now?”
“Sort of. The memories are distorted, and they’ve only been getting worse.”
“Still, it’s another avenue we can pursue.” He took Namine’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Thank you for sharing this with me.” Riku understood what it was that she was offering; he also understood just what it would cost her. Already she felt anxious. For Sora, she reminded herself.
He’s like a stray cat, Sora couldn’t help but think when Vanitas inevitably hunted him down again, this time aimlessly wandering the winding city streets. About as prickly as one too. He made a mental note never to mention that out loud. He had a feeling Vanitas would take issue with the comparison. Deciding to let the other start the conversation this time, Sora kept his silence. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Who is that guy you’re always fighting?”
“His name’s Yozora, although I don’t think that’s really him.” Sora didn’t bother to elaborate further. He had the barest inkling of what was really going on, though Yozora’s role in it was the one thing he was certain of.
Nevertheless, Vanitas obviously understood anyway. “He’s the reason you’re stuck here.” It wasn’t a question; rather it was a confident assertion.
“Yeah.” Sora took a moment to scrutinize the other boy. There were deep bags under his eyes and weariness hung over him like a cloak. While physically they looked to be about the same age, Vanitas looked to be much more weighed down, like every instant just existing was felt as a physical burden. An ache of a different kind bloomed in his chest. “Why don’t you stay with me for a while?” he offered on impulse. “My heart has always been a sanctuary for others. I was able to help Ventus become whole again; I could do the same for you.”
Vanitas shot him a flat stare. “You don’t get it.”
“I’m not dumb. I don’t know all the details, but I know that everything you’ve been through must have been painful.” He had enough vague impressions from Roxas and Xion to understand that much. And he himself knew intimately the pain of not being enough; not strong enough, not fast enough, not worthy enough. More gently, he said, “At least if you stay with me you won’t ever be alone. And if you want to sleep and ignore the world for a while, that’s fine too.”
The sound of Vanitas’ footsteps halted, and Sora stopped as well to look back at him.
“Why are you trying so hard to save me?” If he was trying for aggressive, all he achieved was sounding mildly annoyed. Above all else, he just sounded tired. It made Sora incredibly sad to see someone in such a state.
“Because you deserve a chance. All you’ve known is darkness, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have something else.” He put as much sincerity into both his words and his expression as he could. He wanted—no, needed Vanitas to believe him.
In the face of Sora’s earnest desire to help, Vanitas was unable to refuse. Sora could read it in his eyes. He beamed. Vanitas stubbornly avoided looking at him directly, seeming to already be regretting his decision, but all the same, he didn’t call up a dark corridor to get away.
“So how does this work?”
“I have no clue. I don’t really remember how it happened before. Maybe—if it’s anything like the power of waking, it’ll come to me when I need it.”
Without warning, Sora grabbed Vanitas by the wrist to pull him close, simultaneously placing a hand on his chest, digging blunt nails in slightly when he tried to flinch away. He closed his eyes in concentration. He had opened his heart to Ventus once, and later to Kairi, Roxas, and presumably Xion, even if he hadn’t been conscious of it at the time. Now, he just needed to replicate that. His heart would lead the way.
There was a slight shift in energy, and a tingle went down his spine. Sora could sense it now, the flickering pinprick of light coated in darkness that was Vanitas’ heart. He focused on it, drawing it out. Vanitas exhaled in a woosh, but Sora didn’t acknowledge it, focused as he was. Come to me, he willed. There was a sudden pulse and Sora nearly lost his balance as Vanitas disappeared in a shower of light. In his mind’s eye, he could see Vanitas descending gently onto his station of awakening.
“Oh,” he whispered breathlessly. The void that had opened up when Ventus woke was shrinking, the cracks in his heart filling in. The old, persistent ache was gone. In its place he felt...surprisingly warm, like a flame had ignited within his chest. It was a little strange, but not unwelcome. Apparently he wasn’t the only one who had forgotten what being whole was like.
You cozy in there? He was only a little startled to actually receive a reply.
Just peachy. Now shut the fuck up and let me sleep. But don’t think I won’t take over if you start doing stupid shit.
Got it.
Sora lifted his gaze to the stars overhead, renewed resolve flowing into him. He had a feeling that his next meeting with Yozora would go very differently.
Dodging immediately to the side had become so routine as to be pure muscle memory. He brought his keyblade up to block the swift alternating succession of laser beams and sword strikes. Feeling faster than he had in all their previous battles, Sora took the initiative to charge Yozora, landing a couple solid strikes to his midsection. Yozora backflipped away, and Sora held back, knowing he would be readying his next attack.
Phantom sword slashes flew through the air as Sora danced around them. Narrowly twisting away from another one, he threw a firaga his opponent’s way, distracting him enough to allow Sora to close the distance once more. A surge of exhilaration flooded his body. After what felt like an entire lifetime fighting heartless or nobodies or any resident big bad that was up to no good, battle was in his blood. As much as he’d like nothing better than to return to Destiny Islands with Riku and Kairi, he doubted he could settle into a peaceful life. A restless part of him would always seek out adventure or the adrenaline rush of a good fight.
When Yozora retreated from his assault again, Sora tensed his muscles in preparation. He rolled away before the glowing red pyramid could trap him. As soon as he got to his feet, he instantly spun around, bracing his keyblade against Yozora’s lightning quick onslaught. He evaded a second pyramid, then cast thundaga to interrupt the other’s rhythm.
The battle continued, becoming more of a competition of stamina. The fatigue that had plagued Sora before was non-existent. He felt so energized that he could go on like this for ages. Yozora showed no signs of slowing either.
An idea formed as he recalled the fight at the Keyblade Graveyard. Pouring all his magic into it, he summoned forth the ultimate keyblade transformation. Surrounded by a swarm of blades, he had but to direct them towards Yozora. He was quickly overwhelmed.
Yozora collapsed to his knees, panting in exertion. He lifted a hand as it began dispersing into blue light. “I guess...that my powers aren’t needed yet.”
“What do you mean?” Sora was confused. What powers? Was Yozora not the one who trapped him here?
Yozora’s expression turned strangely melancholy. “Nevermind.” He gave Sora one last tiny, barely there smile before everything burst into light.
Sora uncovered his eyes, blinking away the spots burned into his vision, to see the cloud filled sky and mirror-like watery landscape of the Final World. The last specks of light drifted off into the air like puffs of dandelions blown by the wind.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 5 years ago
Heroine - Chapter Seven of “Night Light”: a RokuNami Story. Story summary: n a future, where the Master of Masters has already been dealt with by Sora-and Kairi dies once more, making Sora lose it for a while-Roxas and Naminé must now contend with the similar to Roxas, Gula, going bad.
Naminé’s PoV It was Naminé who confronted Simba and told him that she thought there was too much circumstantial evidence against Kovu, and he actually listened to her some. But before that, when Naminé had told Roxas of her suspicions, he'd wanted to go to Simba on himself… but Naminé was tired of being behind closed doors, so she declined his offer of protection. And it turned out that she’d been right to go at it herself, because here she was getting through to him! "And on a side note," Naminé said, as she tried to dig a pretty flower out of the dirt it was stuck in. "If you tell Kiara, 'no' about being with Kovu, just because you think Kovu is a spy of this Zira’s, she's more likely to defy you. People long for what they don't have, I mean. In fact… I wouldn't be surprised if she was meeting with Kovu right now... but if you give her freedom, your daughter will always come back to you." After all, wasn't this how she'd somehow become friends with Ansem the Wise in the end? Naminé thought ...Perhaps that wasn't the best example, but it still showed that relationships needed to have an open door with them. "'Naminé', was it?" Simba asked, as he turned around to face her now and successfully freed the flower for her himself. "Thank you. And I- I think you may be right… even in this mess of a situation we’re in. It’s hard for me to admit as a father… but there’s truth to your words. Like, I knew Sora had to let you go a few times… and yet you always returned to him and found your love again… So, thank you for reminding me of that.” 'Except that you're thinking of Kairi, and not me. And while I guess, even now, I'm somewhat the same as she was... I'll still never reach her light. Especially now. But thank you," Naminé thought. And at first she thought about not saying any of that to Simba… but in deciding that she was done being self-conscious, and that maybe she should, Naminé opened her mouth to say something… but at that exact moment, Naminé heard what she would have described as an explosion if she didn't know any better. But, no: it was just lions roaring in their anger. Suddenly, Naminé was terrified. Was Roxas involved in whatever was going on?! Near instantly, Naminé headed off towards the savanna where she had heard these noises and Simba was hot on her heels. But once they got there, Naminé saw the situation wasn't as bad as it could have been. When she’d first seen what looked like even Xion and Isa being involved in the lion drama (of which Roxas, Kovu, Kiara, Simba, Nala, and Zira’s pack were now in), Naminé’s first thought was that Zira had done something drastic. But Xion and Isa were actually focused on how Lea, while hanging partly out of a Corridor of Light, was pushing cougars their way and trying to get his two friends to put the other cats into their hammer-space? "I can't," Lea tried to explain it, as Isa, Xion, and Naminé each gave him a look. "I don't have access to mine anymore... I can't seem to be able to summon my Keyblade at the moment, and only have my chakrams." And so Xion and Isa agreed with a sigh, as they let the animals appear in this world for just a second and then "disappear". Lea disappeared then, too. Thankfully, none of the lions had noticed the cougars—with as wrapped up as they were in their war—which was a good thing, because Naminé didn’t know what they would have done if Zira in particular had thought that Simba had somehow summoned them to help aid him in this fight. "Forget about your plan for revenge, !" Kovu shouted now, as he circled his surrogate mother. "It was always in the wrong spirit, Zira. I- I believe Simba will let us be a part of his pack now. And I won't hurt Kiara." For just a second, Naminé had really thought that love had won the day: that Zira had seen the errors of her ways and was giving up on her endeavors, as she began walking away. But of course it was a fake-out, Naminé thought as she growled. Of course it was! And though she hated using her memory powers to hurt people, she was very tempted to try and do that to alter Zira’s ways. At the last minute, Zira had gone for Nala and Roxas had pushed her out of the way just in time. And then Kiara was there, trying to avenge the attempt on her mother’s life. And as they of course would be, the Heartless were drawn to all the darkness here. Little bird-like ones, that Naminé had never seen before, were easily getting past her friends' defenses to hurt them... everyone was getting hurt except for Isa, who was now going berserk on a number of the “birds” with his claymore. Naminé was currently trying to write "poison" into the Heartless' memories now—so they would then be poisoned—as Xion yelled to her friends. "Get these guys as fast as you can! Otherwise, they'll make you pass out before you can even blink!" And the Heartless were certainly trying that: while Isa was making light appear as he leapt into the air and then brought his weapon down with so much force, that it literally shook Naminé… and as Roxas used his circle of light power. And even during Naminé poisoning many of the enemies, so that they would fall on their own... but when a few somehow didn’t, Xion gave those a good whack. But during the chaos of the Guardians of Light fighting the Heartless and the two lion armies baiting each other, Zira had taken the moment to try and use some of said beasts on Nala! And Naminé was running to the older lionesses’ aid as fast as she could, but as she started to... the real problem unfolded. A Corridor of Darkness appeared before Naminé’s very eyes and… Gula stepped out of it. And faster than any of the friends could blink—had Gula teleported?—he had both Kiara and Zira in his hands, as he held knives to their necks. "Everyone calmly let me take these two Princesses of Heart with me," he said icily, "or I slit their throats." And both armies did. And it became so quiet, that Naminé knew she could have heard one of her crayons drop if she had had one with her. As Gula snapped his fingers, all the Heartless disappeared and it then became clear to everyone that Gula had been the one to summon them to begin with. And Naminé’s dear Roxas seemed particularly angry with himself, that he hadn’t figured that out, as he said in a very deadpan way: “Bastard.” "You're bluffing, bastard." Isa continued Roxas’ thought. And in any other situation, Naminé would have been happy about how close they’d become. But this situation was nothing short of horrifying. If Gula was able to kidnap all the new Seven Lights and open Kingdom Hearts-. "I've kidnapped Princesses of Heart before myself. And yet—even while I threatened it—I would have never hurt someone as important as- as Kairi. And I'm sure it's the same for you, too." “Except… that he isn’t,” Naminé figured out, as she looked into Gula’s memories. And Gula very swiftly showed that she was right about the kind of man he was, as he buried his knife in Kiara's heart and she roared in pain… and Roxas had to summon a barrier in order to keep Simba and Nala from running towards Kiara then, and to even keep Zira’s fellow “outcasts” away from her.  "I'll admit that these two are Princesses of Heart now... but with all the changes in that group lately, they might not always be. So, them dying wouldslow down my hand... but I don't need them. So try me." And it was just as Gula explained himself, that Naminé knew what needed to be done in order to save everyone here. "Take me instead," the blonde insisted, as she held out her paws for Gula. And naturally, this caused quite a reaction in all of her friends. Roxas was running towards Naminé now... Xion and Isa were begging her not to do it—and even seemed willing to try and fight Gula—and Simba and Nala were selflessly telling her not to do this for them… And Zira was, of course, telling her to make the sacrifice. But Naminé listened to nothing but her heart. "I know that you are bluffing about one thing," Naminé said, as she sent a Cure spell both Kiara and Roxas’ way—Kiara’s, so that it healed her and Roxas’ way, so it would knock him down for a second and he wouldn’t be able to get to her--"You say Zira is a dark person, who may go the Princess of Heart way like Elsa did. But I know she isn’t, and you do, too. The other one is really Nala here, but you couldn’t get to her—and still can’t—so you grabbed Zira to create a show. Well… I say, take me instead of anyone else here. I'm the former Nobody of the most impressive Princess of Heart of all time, who was both a Pure Light and a Guardian. And I have my own powers, too. So do it, Gula, and you’ll get way more than you bargained for here.” And as soon as Naminé had finished speaking, Gula had let both Kiara and Zira go—and Zira ran away with her tail between her leg, and Naminé knew she’d never trouble Simba again—and Gula grabbed her. Roxas had already jumped into the air above Gula’s head, though, and was about to decapitate him… but Gula stepped back into another Corridor of Darkness just in time… and pulled Naminé with him. And when she realized what he was planning to do to the World, via his memories, she passed out. Author’s Note: I’m sorry that it took me so very long to post this. I swear I haven’t abandoned this story; I’m just working on a million things with it… So, updates will probably be super slow. I apologize.
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complicatedandstained · 5 years ago
358 Nights: The Poker Night That Never Was, Part 3: Pretty Things
They can smell it before they can see it—the delightfully rank aroma of rotting fish and the spike of salt air. The streetlamp above Axel and Roxas has long since been shattered to bits, but the island’s night air, split open with a silver knife of moon, is far brighter than the dark corridor the pair have passed through to get there, so they stand still for a moment, just blinking. 
They turn to each other, crinkling their noses against the stench. Axel tugs at the material of his coat nearest his thighs, showering the cobblestones underfoot with Agrabah sand, and Roxas chuckles, patting the sleeves of his own coat to free it from grime that had once coated the basement of the Beast’s Enchanted Castle.
Roxas stops patting puffs of dust from his uniform when Axel abruptly reaches for his cheek. At first Roxas thinks Axel’s going to caress it, and then, as the man’s fingers twitch, he thinks Axel is going to pinch him, which is usually more Larxene or Xigbar’s department, but fine. 
Instead, Axel gently plucks something from his skin. It catches the light for a moment and Roxas sees the faint glisten of an intricate spider’s web passing through the air before settling on the back of Axel’s hand.
“Ahg. Gross,” Axel says, voice quiet in the darkness, shaking the offensive strands free.
“I don’t know,” Roxas responds thoughtfully, just as quiet. “I think they’re kind of beautiful.” The web tangles and drops to the cobblestone, and Roxas stares for a second, almost disappointed.  
Axel chuckles and briefly rubs his knuckles below Roxas’ chin. Axel can feel his chest warming, breathing in the same air as this impossible piece of nothing who can find the bright spot in everything, even Axel himself. “Of course you do.”
After spending his day baking in the oven that was Agrabah, Axel welcomes the nip of the wind yanking at his coat like it wants him naked, but he can tell Roxas, who spent the better part of his day fending off the soul-sucking Heartless that swarm the dank smelling, drafty, damp castle basement of the Beast, does not appreciate it quite so much. Roxas’ shoulders slump against the insistent tug and with every sharp breeze, he grits his teeth to ward off the shivers he thinks Axel wouldn’t be able to resist teasing him about.
With each step Roxas veers slightly closer to Axel, until Roxas’ shoulder collides with Axel’s chest. Axel chuckles a bit, and then drapes both arms over Roxas’ shoulders, like a heavy scarf. As Axel’s unnaturally strong heat seeps into Roxas’ bones, Axel feels him relax against him despite his initial surprise at being held in such a public, albeit empty, location.
Abruptly, Axel shifts his hands until he’s hugging Roxas’ neck, one elbow locked over the other in a loose chokehold. Roxas yelps, halting, and Axel stops along with him, leaning forward to rest his chin in Roxas’ hair, soft as ever despite the lingering layer of dust.
 Axel chuckles, low, slow. “What’s wrong?” he whispers into Roxas’ ear. “Chilly?”
Roxas mumbles something unintelligible into the material of Axel’s sleeve, and Axel laughs again, just a quick exhale, pressing the fabric closer to make Roxas huff, and then pulling it away. 
“I’m sorry,” Axel taunts quietly, “were you saying something?”
Golden eyebrows furrow. “I will fug you up,” Roxas says, words somewhat less muffled, no doubt a direct quote from one of the other Org members, though not quite as tough as he had hoped. This is made all the more ridiculous because Axel knows Roxas very well could take him down, if the other keyblade wielder’s powers were any indication. 
Axel tries to push thoughts of Sora from his mind. Just a kid... It makes him remember what guilt felt like, and even though the full weight of it can no longer freeze up his chest, it’s not exactly pleasant. 
Roxas shifts his head to glare up into the green eyes darting playfully as they take in Roxas’ piss poor impression of anger. Axel’s not sure he’s even fully convinced Roxas has reached actual irritation.
“I’m shaking in my boots, Roxas.”
Roxas’ arms cross. He wriggles around to face Axel and better hit him with his glare, and Axel gives him the extra room to do so, his arms stretching out a bit, his thin lips drastically pulling up on one side.
Roxas’ chin juts up. “Good.”
Axel leans forward until their noses brush. He exhales, a white puff of air that bridges the distance between their lips. His eyes seem a darker green in the evening shadows. He stops smiling. “Good,” Axel echoes.  
Roxas can’t contain his grin, and then, fast as he would dive at a Heartless with his blade, he’s tilting his head, rising up on his toes.  His hands cup Axel’s jaw, rough with auburn stubble, and he presses their lips together. It’s not the bittersweet tingle of sea salt that they’re used to, or the familiar staleness of morning breath. Axel tastes like hot sand and Roxas like damp earth. But somehow that makes the moment feel all the realer. Not something dazed or dreamy that could slip away any second, but something concrete and imperfect: something real, something theirs.
Axel’s arms wrap tighter around Roxas’ upper and lower back, pressing their torsos together like he thinks if he tries hard enough, they can melt into each other completely.
They only pull apart when they recognize the distant explosion of music and drunken chatter as the sound of a pub door being open and shut. The cacophony reminds them of their destination and the time crunch they were already on before they stopped.
Roxas sighs and turns back around, Axel’s arms still barring his chest and waist, and begins to take heavy steps to maneuver them forward, though Axel’s heels drag the first few feet.
But, it being Tortuga, and Roxas being Roxas, Axel knows it will not be long before his steps slow, and Axel’s pace has to quicken to make up for it. Axel doesn’t mind. He kind of adores Roxas’ constant state of distraction, his abrupt fascination with window displays and passing strangers and snippets of sound. 
Maybe because of his amnesia, Roxas seems to have retained more curiosity, interest, passion for life than the other Nobodies, and Axel can’t help but find it amusing, hell—mildly intoxicating—to get sucked into. He’s grown used to Roxas asking a million questions, stupid or brilliant and seemingly nothing in between. 
He likes that Roxas thinks Axel has all the answers. He even likes when Roxas shows a flicker of the growing realization that Axel doesn’t have all the answers. Then again, there’s not much about Roxas he doesn’t like.
However, Roxas has seen Tortuga before on multiple occasions and walks with surprising intent. It’s not until they pass a hatter’s shop that his pace begins to flag, eyes shifting off to the side more and more often, head starting to tilt. Axel is forced to suppress a fond sigh.
“You want one?”                                                                                             
The window’s nothing special as far as Axel’s concerned. A bare bones wooden shelf displays rows of captains’ and sailors’ hats in chestnut brown, night black, and ash gray leathers, festooned with all manners of ribbons, feathers, brooches, and embroidery. But for Roxas, who has no memory of owning something of his own, aside from his standard issue Organization coat, slacks, and boots, and a few stray popsicle sticks, Axel can see that it means more. 
“It’s stupid,” Roxas says, though his eyes linger, because he’s used to being told anything that he takes an interest in is, by the other members, certainly, if not by an unthinking Axel himself.
“If liking pretty things is stupid,” Axel squeezes Roxas’ shoulder, and a lick of flame springs to life in his free hand to illuminate fair skin, fire blue eyes, the faintest sweep of freckles, “how ‘bout, we can both be stupid together?”
Roxas’ cute little nose crinkles, his lip quirks up, eyes narrowing. “You don’t like pretty things.”
Axel’s face tilts closer to Roxas’, his smile mild, his words more whisper than sound and more to himself than to Roxas, “Says the boy I take to the top of a clocktower every damn day so I can watch the light of the sunset play in his hair.”
Roxas’ chest does that hot mushy thing, that thing like his arm’s been clawed open, but on the inside. He smiles so hard it hurts.
Axel closes his glove around the flame and the light goes out, Roxas’ dark lashes fluttering as his eyes attempt to readjust. Axel straightens and shifts behind Roxas, resting his chin atop Roxas’ head again.
Roxas tilts his head up searching for eyes, hunter green in the sinking evening, Axel’s sharp features, all highlighted with affection and concern like no one else has ever shown him. And Roxas has been told over and over that the emotions shown by a Nobody aren’t real, that they’re just a reflection, an echo of what used to be, but when it’s Axel showing them, he can’t bring himself to care. 
Axel’s smiles, laughs, and kisses may be edged with briars of hollowness, reluctance, distance, but at the end of the day, they’re the only smiles, laughs, and kisses anybody’s ever given him. Maybe they’re not supposed to be enough, but they are. And maybe he’s not supposed to believe them, but he does. 
Maybe it’s like Xigbar says and Axel’s possessiveness isn’t really love. (Whatever the fuck love is.) But if it isn’t, Roxas doesn’t want to know. 
If it isn’t, he figures it’s close enough.
Roxas’ words aren’t much more than a whisper, either, “I think you’re pretty, too.”
Axel’s smile slips, taken aback, but he recovers in half a second, smirks. “Well, whaddaya know?” He lifts his chin, ruffling Roxas’ perpetually messy hair, before linking their arms together and drawing him a few steps closer to the hat shop. “C’mon, let’s step inside for just a minute.”
Pulled out of the moment with a sharp laugh, Roxas’ heels drag, catching against the dirty cobblestones of the street. “But it’s locked!”
“Roxas,” Axel claps Roxas’ arm, words wheedling as ever, “you wield the key-blade, not the but-it’s-locked-blade.”
Roxas grimaces, glancing down the dimly lit street though the pub they’re headed toward isn’t yet in sight. He notes no Heartless, no obstructions. It won’t take them long to get where they’re going. But… “Luxord won’t be happy if we’re late.”
“Eh.” Axel shrugs. “We’re already late.”
Roxas stares at him for a second and then his gaze returns to the window, the hats, all that flair and personality and glossy leather. He grins brightly, his keyblade materializing in his hand in a brief flash of golden light. “Okay. But we’re just going to look.”
“Of course, we are.”
*           * 
The hat shop is dark and smells like shoe polish and sunned leather. Axel lights another flame in his gloved hand to illuminate a space crowded with sun-bleached shelves and tables, dapper manikins, and tilting racks sporting its wares. A lone cutlass hangs just above the door and sand smatters across tired wooden floorboards.
Their resolution to just look lasts approximately zero seconds, as Axel grabs the first hat within grabbing distance and, with flourish, caps Roxas’ head. As Roxas turns to search for a mirror, the leather immediately slips in front of his eyes, setting them both into a quiet fit of giggles. 
It takes a fair bit of searching—both grateful for their practiced, quiet steps on the warped, creaky floorboards—before they locate hats in a small enough size that the petite young man can wear them without his vision being obscured. 
After parading Roxas before the mirror in increasingly absurd styles, each more feathery and frilly than the last, Axel finds a sturdy, glossy brown tricorn, a reliable, trusty hat, its only ornament stitched X’s on either side. This one suits Roxas just so, his nervous smile twitching into something real.  
Humming, he runs his thumb across the bottom rim, tilting it ever so slightly. He meets his own eye in the mirror, and then Axel’s. “This one.”
“That one,” Axel agrees. 
“Your turn.” 
Axel takes a step back, raising his palms in half-hearted argument. “I don’t need—” 
But Roxas has set off, away from the mirror, at a determined pace, and Axel just shakes his head, watching the strong cut of Roxas’ back as he shifts, lifts, and replaces hats on this shelf and that one. Eventually, Roxas finds his way to the front window, and Axel paces just after him, once again filling his hand with a small flame to illuminate their way. 
After staring for a long while, Roxas selects a single elegant ebony captain’s hat from the center of the display. Its edges are rimmed with a delicate dark gold embroidery and just above the left ear sits an elegant emerald feather with gold accents, just the shade of Axel’s eyes. 
“This one,” Axel realizes, accepting the hat Roxas sets into his hands, and placing it above his unkempt red curls. 
Roxas nods. “That one.” He catches Axel’s hand in his and tugs him over to the scratched, speckled, but probably once beautiful, looking glass he’d modeled in front of a few minutes earlier.
Axel looks fierce and fine at once, the plume and his violet tattoos offering just a hint of the exotic. Roxas can’t seem to tear his eyes away, Axel notices with an unexpectedly warm feeling.
“We could almost be,” Roxas tilts his head, trying to decide how to phrase it, “...like everybody else…” 
“Roxas…” Axel’s voice takes on a careful warning, turning away from their reflections to face the real thing, “we can’t ever really—” A flash of gold flickers in the corner of his vision, sending a cool prickle up his spine. The thoughts evaporate as he whirls, a chakram appearing in his hand as he crouches. 
Roxas is quick to follow suit, scanning the area Axel’s edging in on, until he spots an itty-bitty Shadow climbing out of the floor, off in a shadowy corner near the cash register. Ordinarily, Axel would evaporate it and be done with the matter, but he can’t risk sending the building up in flames. 
He gives his chakram a spin and steps closer, directing his next words to the tiny monster, “Didn’t anybody tell you it’s our night off?”
“Careful,” Roxas cautions, but Axel’s already tossed his weapon, his aim true, and the little Heartless fizzles out in a fine black mist, the chakram clanging loudly as it plunges into the wall beyond.
Immediately, they hear the scrape of claws and a stern bark, which resonates throughout the entire room. 
“Shit,” Axel curses. 
A large, fluffy white dog surges forward from the shadows where it had been deep in slumber, reminding Roxas warily of the massive purple and green dog-like Heartless that had near squashed him with their girth just hours prior. Jangling rings high in their ears as the dog is stopped abruptly, a chain attached to the collar around its neck going taut. The dog goes silent, surprised.
“Thank the gods,” Axel hisses, backing away, his chakram reappearing in his hands. Roxas follows after, backpedaling swiftly, his keyblade materializing in a dazzling shower of light. 
This turns out to be too much for the dog, which begins yapping once more with vigor. 
A staircase occupies the far side of the wall, and atop it, lights flicker on. No longer concerned with stepping lightly, Axel and Roxas turn and barrel out of the shop. 
As they hit the dark street, the smell of leather and polish replaced with briny salt and scales, Axel and Roxas glance up to see the window of the room above the shop, its shutters thrown open and a man in a nightcap leaning out it, his graying bearded face fixed in a violent scowl. 
“Stop this instant, ya bloody thieving pirates!”
Axel and Roxas do not stop. Holding tight to their accidentally stolen hats, they sprint, and the man gives chase, surprisingly swift in step despite his generous gut. But Axel and Roxas glide over the uneven stone streets, used to sudden exertion and unafraid of the threat of the man’s waving cutlass.
The crowds of sailors, pirates, and merchants grow denser the closer they get to Gibbs’ pub and they manage to give the hatter the slip in a back alley. Roxas pushes his way inside first, the door near slamming the side wall, and then stops, half bent over, choking over rapid breaths and sharp laughter. Axel enters a minute later, sparing a final wary glance outside, before his arm catches Roxas around the shoulders and steers him out of the threshold, elbow jabbing him in the side to help him get a handle on himself.
“We’re just going to look,” Roxas repeats. “You said we were just going to look!”
Axel hasn’t stopped grinning their entire escape and he doesn’t stop now. “Worth it.”
Roxas shakes his head, bemused, “How was it worth it?”
“I look really sexy in this hat.” Axel leans in until his lips near brush Roxas’ ear, and whispers, “and you look really sexy in that one.”
“Luxord is going to kill us!” Roxas squirms away, but he doesn’t completely manage to fend off his smile, even as he declares, “I’m never speaking to you again.”
Axel sets a hand on Roxas’ bicep, tugging him closer to the bar, and tilts his head, pretending to contemplate this. “That’s going to make it a little difficult to kiss you.”
“I’m never kissing you again, either.”
“We’ll see about that.”
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nadziejastar · 6 years ago
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Terra’s name was carved on the handle of that wooden Keyblade. It was Ven’s most treasured possession. Both of his friends had gone off without him, though.
He whirled the practice blade around and held it aloft. Maybe it’s because I’m still in training.
When he spun it around once more, his hand slipped, and the sword tumbled to the ground. Someone else scooped it up.
“This yours?”
It was a red-haired boy about the same age as Ven, wearing a scarf with a checkered black-and-yellow pattern around his neck. Who is this weirdo?
“You still play with toy swords? That’s cute.”
Something about his tone irked Ven. What was this guy’s deal?
Yes, me too! I thought their reunion would be so awesome, but it was a joke. Literally. There was no sincerity to it. There was no emotional music or heartwarming dialogue. It was simply played for laughs. Ventus was like...oh hey, you’re that one dude I hung out with for five minutes. Cool. And Lea was just confused why he looked identical to Roxas. I got the same impression that you did. Lea was so close to Roxas because he reminded him of Ventus. Because he WAS Ventus! I mean, it’s just so obvious that the reason Ventus was the only one of the wayfinder trio to meet Lea, was because he was going to develop a relationship with Axel later. Duh!
“You scared of losing? C’mon. Hope you’re ready.” Ven could probably wipe the floor with this scrub if he used a real Keyblade—but he was probably supposed to use the wooden one.
“Yeah! Now we’re talkin’!” Lea’s enthusiasm was weirdly contagious.
“You’re gonna be sorry!” Ven shouted. Lea leaped gracefully into the air by way of response. Ven launched himself upward at nearly the same time, and the two met in battle.
Huh? This is kind of…fun.
While the sound of the wooden sword and toy discs clashing wasn’t exactly epic, he could still feel the force of each blow.
It had been a while since Ven had fought like this against something other than Unversed.
“Not bad, Ventus!” Lea said with a smile. Off to the side, the blue-haired boy—his name was Isa, if Ven recalled—observed them in exasperation.
After KH3 first came out, I made a post on Reddit saying I didn’t like how Roxas and Ventus were kept as separate people because they felt like the EXACT same character, and it would have created a deeper relationship if Ven had his memories of Lea from BBS AND his memories of Axel. And the amount of of people outraged that I could even say such a thing was hilarious. As if there weren’t countless hints in the story that Roxas had Ventus’s heart...
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“Yeah! That’s more like it!” Axel leaped up and struck with the chakrams, then gave Roxas a flying kick that sent him sprawling.
Axel was far, far stronger than the Dusks. But there was something off about him, Roxas thought as he scrambled to his feet. What was it…? What made him seem so strange?
“Time to heat things up!” A gust of flame shot forth from Axel’s hand, knocking Roxas back again. “Ha-ha! Nice, Roxas!”
Axel was laughing—why was he having so much fun?
Actually, fighting him was kind of fun.
Roxas was so fed up with all these things happening to him, and he couldn’t stand this Axel guy spouting all this weird stuff with his smug know-it-all face—and yet, fighting him like this wasn’t all that bad.
What’s going on? How am I having fun fighting him? He’s obviously holding back against me… Why? What does it mean?
The fight scene from KH2 was made to be similar to Ventus play fighting against Lea. Roxas felt like fighting Axel was familiar, even though they never fought before. His heart remembered Lea. The original plan was for Lea and Ventus to rekindle their friendship after Ven got his memories as a Nobody back. All of these characters were supposed to be connected! Not segregated into trios that barely interact with each other. That defeats the whole purpose. 
Terra has a special connection to Riku, Lea has a special connection to Ventus and Kairi due to Roxas and Xion, Ventus has a special connection to Sora and Kairi, Kairi has a special connection to Aqua. The Xehanort Saga should have felt like one cohesive story. The characters meeting should have felt like destiny and all the trios would overlap. 
BBS and Days were sister games being developed at the same time. Ventus meeting Lea was the foundation for the way Roxas/Axel was written in Days. Terra and Lea had a special connection because Axel picked up his toy sword and took on the “big bro” role for a while. Ventus and Isa had a special connection because Roxas found the WINNER stick and took on the role of “best friend” for a while. But now it feels like Days is a self-contained story that has almost nothing to do with BBS and vice versa. 
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“I get it… then I guess we may as well fight!” Roxas cried out, leveling the Keyblade.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way… Roxas!”
Axel launched a flying kick into Roxas. The force sent Roxas smashing into the ground.
I haven’t fought Roxas like this before. And, the Roxas I know isn’t the kind of guy who’d be knocked down by something like that.
“Let’s burn!”
Flames erupted from his hands. Taking the hit directly, Roxas was thrown to the ground again.
“Hahah! ‘Sokay, Roxas!” laughed Axel.
Maybe it would have been better to have fought him like this sooner.
Roxas stood, and came at him with force. Axel caught the Keyblade with his chakrams and forced it down, Roxas’ face in point-blank range.
“How like you, Roxas!”
I’m sure that Axel remembering meeting Ventus and having a play fight with him made it impossible to eliminate him. He met Ventus when he was still Lea, an innocent happy kid who liked to make people smile. Destroying that “stray puppy” would be betraying the very essence of who he is deep down. It would have destroyed him. That one single meeting in BBS made Roxas and Axel’s relationship much more interesting, since Axel was always so nostalgic for the past. Roxas was a relic from his past, as much as his memories of Isa were. Only Roxas was the exact same kid from his memories. Isa became corrupted and Norted. Axel was trying to recapture his lost friendship with Isa through Roxas. It’s why Roxas was such a perfect “replacement” best friend to fill the void of Isa’s absence. Axel clung to Roxas so much because he was everything he wished Isa still was.
I really don’t like the direction the series seems to be going with Roxas now. When he returned in KH3, he was talking in this fake sounding lower pitch than he did in Days or KH2. Like we’re supposed to see him as some edgy hardass now, LOL. Yeah, whatever. His reunion with Lea felt hollow in KH3, because it was just put in for pandering. There was no emotion behind it. There was hardly any dialogue, and what little there was had no substance. There was no mention of the WINNER stick or anything. 
It’s sad because Roxas and Axel’s relationship actually had a lot of emotion and meaning in Days, due to its connection to Axel’s childhood. And it was because Roxas was a sweet innocent kid, and NOT an edgy hardass. In KH3, I felt nothing when RAX reunited, unlike the scene where the wayfinder trio reunited. A reunion like that shouldn’t happen in the middle of a battle. TAV reunited after their fight. RAX’s reunion felt like it was inserted into the story at the last minute, which I am sure it was. It’s why Kairi and Isa got the shaft and why Nomura needs DLC to explain why the hell they’re even there in the first place.
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He didn’t really understand the “icing” part, except that it was ice cream. Like Winner, though, it meant something special. So when Axel came back, Roxas would use the freebie and get him some “icing.”
Roxas left Axel when he was very angry. They ended their friendship on pretty poor terms. Roxas never ever understood Axel, not even a little bit. When Roxas was sitting on the clock tower, he was feeling regret over how he left, which I found so sad. You need TIME to repair this friendship. I would have preferred that Lea reunite with Ventus at Yen Sid’s Tower because we would have gotten a FULL SCENE of them talking and working out their differences with open communication and honesty. This is something Axel never had with Roxas. 
Roxas was thinking too much to taste the ice cream, and before long, it was almost gone. The stick was blank.
There was a lot he’d left unfinished with the Organization—and with Axel. But at the moment, the thing that concerned him the most was the stick that said Winner. Why had he held on to it for so long? He should have given it to him sooner.
Ventus could have learned who Lea really was for the first time. Not the facade he wore all the time. Axel was a person who laughed and smiled all the time to hide a lot of pain, which Roxas (and half the fandom) never realized. Only by learning this could their relationship move out of the babysitter dynamic and grow into something more mature and satisfying for both of them. Lea could finally be himself and not have to hide all of his suffering under a Mr. Rogers mask. This is exactly why I think Lea isn’t able to have a true identity in the sea-salt trio. He has to hide who he really is. Imagine a friendship where you try to solve all of your friend’s emotional problems, but you can never talk about your own. That’s what Axel’s relationship with Roxas (and Xion) was like.
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Other than being told today’s mission, I didn’t really do anything yesterday. Maybe in reality it’d even be okay to have called it a day off. A holiday…
“Didn’t get to go in the end,” muttered Axel, and he got up.
Today I have to destroy Roxas. I cannot betray the organization.
From the little shelf at his bedside, Axel took a white envelope, and looked at it vaguely for a while. Putting it in his pocket, Axel got up off the bed and left the room.
A short while after Axel had entered the room, Saïx still hadn’t said a word. As he typed away at the keyboard, working, the pallid light radiating from the monitor gleamed on the already pale Saïx.
Maybe, this is the last time I’ll see Saïx, too.
Thinking, Axel looked at the seated Saïx’s back.
“We’ve known each other for a pretty long time, haven’t we?”
Ignoring Axel’s words, Saïx continued typing on the keyboard.
“Say something. Have you even thought that maybe I can’t erase Roxas?” Axel said, in a playful tone, and Saix finally looked up. “It’ll be all right. ‘Cause I’m tough.” Axel puffed out his chest.
“How stupid,” said Saïx, and for a moment he smiled.
How am I supposed to buy that Roxas and Lea are such close friends if Roxas never knew anything about the real Lea, his past, or his inner turmoil? The reason why he always lied to him, and why he didn’t come with him when he defected? I mean, come on. There was so much more potential for a genuine and meaningful friendship between Lea and Ventus. Lea could get to know the real Ventus. He wanted to bring back Terra, who was Norted. If he retained his memories as Roxas, he would have learned that Xemnas---the guy he promised Xion he’d defeat---was actually body-jacked Terra. We should have seen his reaction to that. I also think Lea would remind Ventus a lot of Terra. They are both very protective and caring. The reunion would be so emotional due to that.
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Lea handed over some munny and took the two cones from Scrooge, one of which he gave to Isa.
“It’s cold…,” Isa muttered as he took a bite.
“What’re you talking about? It’s ice cream; of course it’s cold. Got it memorized?”
“Salty, too.”
“But sweet!” Lea added, and Isa smiled a bit. That was rare for him. Well, eating ice cream together, talking about silly stuff, laughing together—it was just what friends did.
Wonder what he’s doing now—Ven, was it?
Ventus could really empathize with Lea and offer him emotional support for the first time. Axel only lied to him to protect him, like Terra would have. They would reestablish their trust. Their relationship would be a lot less one-sided. It wouldn’t have to be superficial and totally revolve around ice cream and small talk, either. Like Terra, Isa was a Nort. Ven and Lea could understand each other’s pain. They could develop a deeper friendship on a more adult level. 
Ventus could tell Lea the story of how he was abused by Xehanort. Then Terra gave him the toy sword that Lea picked up when they first met, which was his most treasured possession. And Lea could tell Ventus about his past, and how he took him out for ice cream all the time because of his memories of Isa---which were his greatest treasure. Instead of letting Lea’s friendship with Ventus grow and evolve along with his character, they chose to have Lea regress his development in order to maintain the relationship with Roxas (and Xion), which was relatively superficial and based on lack of communication and dishonesty. 
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mimiplaysgames · 7 years ago
Beloved Memories, in Notes (Vol. III)
Pairing: Terra/Aqua Rating: T Other characters: Ventus Word Count: 7,485 One-shot (part of a series) Pre-Birth by Sleep / Fluff / Mutual Pining / Sexual Tension
Summary: The Mark of Mastery is almost here. Nineteen-year-old Terra and eighteen-year-old Aqua have one last mission to complete before they they are evaluated for all the efforts they put into being Keyblade Masters. If only they had mastery over their own emotions.
AO3              FF.net
A/N: It’s FLUFF TIME!!  @holyteapotofrussell sent me this prompt:
“It’s three in the morning.”
For a romantic pairing, that sounds pretty smutty, but I can’t have them romancing just yet! So this was born instead. It’s long. It will be released in parts so the prompt will be addressed later. There was also no Ventus in the last chapter, so I had to really give our adorable little hero some screen time.  I also wanted to dedicate this beast, which took weeks to write, to my readers. It has been a very dark month. You guys are the only reason why this was finished, and the only reason why I continue writing. Thank you guys so much!!! You being there gives me so much meaning that no words can define. It’s the lifeline I rely on. <3
Title of the chapter is named after Fleetwood Mac’s “Landslide.”
A Tale of Landslides, Pt. 1
Terra twirled the card detailing the goals of his next mission, written neatly in the Master’s handwriting, in his hand. He would share this mission with Aqua, who was currently busy drilling her dance movements. He learned to respect her time to that kind of dedication, since it was such an important aspect to her fighting style. It was also a craft that wasn’t shared with either him nor Eraqus - it was her own thing, her time for herself. 
This annoyed him a little though, not that he would ever ask her to stop dancing. He normally loved watching her, admiring her ability to adapt such beauty and grace to the way she commanded her magic. It proved fruitful, since he had been stumbling more often in their last several duels. And if he was going to be honest... watching her dance was also the one chance he got away with gazing at her.
But the Mark of Mastery was less than two weeks away. Eraqus had already informed them that an old friend of his, another Master, would be on his way to examine them. Another pair of eyes from a stranger, there to judge their performance. Terra needed the both of them to do well, including this mission. They’ve worked too hard for too long to make a bad impression on someone else who wouldn’t know a thing about them.
I’m sure Aqua is also nervous. Why else would she be dancing before we have to embark?
He entered the castle’s lounge, a spacious room featuring several desks and loveseats, a small library, a wardrobe, and massive windows with an unbeatable view of the mountains. We really need more students. This castle is far too big for us.
Ventus sat there alone with an open book, looking like he was working on an essay. Except he really wasn’t. He was doodling a mess of himself fighting monsters. Terra pulled on the backrest of the boy’s chair so that the blonde can look directly up at him.
“That looks like a fantastic essay you’ve got written there,” Terra said to the young boy who was showing off a grin, happy to see his oldest best friend.
But the grin quickly faded. “This book sucks,” was all Ventus had to say.
Terra let go of the chair and leaned over to read the cover of the book. Guidelines from the Philosophies of the Greats: On the Adjustment of a Keyblade Bearer’s Lifestyle. It was the driest book he and Aqua had ever studied, and it was mandatory. He didn’t understand why Eraqus still required it.
Terra didn’t grimace at the sight however, knowing that showing any sign of discouragement was going to make it so much harder for Ventus to start his essay - a feat that the boy already struggled with. It usually led to too many long nights before the deadline, rushing to finish it. Terra was often the one to help him, as Aqua quickly ran out of patience.
“You know, when you finish this book, it will do wonders for your sparring. It will completely change the way you approach fighting,” Terra said.
It was a lie. There was nothing in this book about fighting.
Ventus at first looked suspicious, then softened his expression as a timid excitement seeped through. “Really?”
“Of course. It’s the most important book that a Keyblader wielder needs.” Terra tried hard to keep a straight face.
Ventus put his doodles aside, curious to find out how the book would cater to his interests. It was then that Terra noticed another book underneath the messy stack of papers and pencils. It was battered and well-worn, displaying the image of a fox and a bear donning a bow and arrow. The Adventures of Robin Hood. This book belonged in the library normally, but if he were to open it, the very first page would grace the scratchy hand-written words of a ten-year old: this book belongs to Terra.
“What is this doing here?” Terra asked, a little smile curled on his lips as his heart pumped with childish excitement.
“Isn’t it the coolest book ever? It’s so much better than this crap.”
“Well, there’s nothing that could be better because Robin Hood is the greatest hero of all time.” He cleared his throat. “But it’s no excuse not to do your studies.” Terra flipped through the pages. He read this so many times that he could almost recite the entire thing. Images of his childhood imagination threatened to take his mind away. “I actually wanted to be exactly like him.”
“You know he reminds me of you.”
Terra flashed a look of disbelief at first, not certain if it was a genuine compliment or a jab. Still, he was proud of the comparison. Not that he had the time to respond, since Aqua rushed into the lounge, panting a little bit, and looking a bit more serious than what was usual after a drilling session. Dance normally perked her up.
“I’m ready,” she said as she approached Terra. She gave a small smile, but the tone of her voice forced optimism.
Yup, she’s stressed.
Ventus swung around in his chair. “I hate the both of you right now for leaving me here alone.”
“We don’t have a choice, Ven,” Aqua said as she gently brushed his hair. “You can always have the Master help you out.”
Ventus rolled his eyes. “All he’s going to do is criticize the way I do anything. Terra is much more fun doing the most boring things with.”
Terra snorted. “I hope that’s not all I’m good for.”
“And it sucks that I can’t do anything.”
Aqua let out a deep breath through her nose, her jaw a little tense. She normally was soothing and understanding of how isolated Ventus felt in the castle, but it seemed as though she was itching to get this mission over with. 
”C’mon Ven,” Terra said, “what do we make you repeat every time one of us goes away on a mission?”
Ventus let out an incredibly loud and snarky sigh as if to protest. “When you guys were my age,” he started with clear mockery and contempt, “you weren’t allowed to go out either.”
Terra gestured to Ventus to continue the speech.
And Ventus glared at him. “And one day, even though it will never happen because the Master is absolutely paranoid, I will be able to leave the grounds - let me mention that the Master took you guys out when you were young and never does for me.”
“That’s good enough.” Terra smirked. There was nothing he could do to ease his friend’s restlessness and feelings of abandonment except to keep the atmosphere uplifting. Aqua smiled sadly.
“Where are you guys going this time?” Ventus asked, seemingly unaware of her mood.
Terra held up the card with the details. “We need to guide a princess of a kingdom into following her destiny. Apparently, the forces of fate are stirring for her, and the Master doesn’t want her following a dark path. That’s where we come in.”
“And we can’t mess up,” Aqua said with a forced smile. They normally had a philosophy of keeping positive about their prospects, although her slightly perfectionist tendencies were definitely going to get in the way this time.
Well, we can’t always have a great outlook. I’m going to have to be the one to let her relax this time.
“We won’t,” Terra said as he gently squeezed her shoulder.
The two Keyblade wielders stood in the throne room, guards surrounding them. They were being questioned by the king and queen while their daughter, Merida, pleaded with them to listen to her. She tried to tell them that they had saved her from her horse reacting to a round of boars and throwing her off - hiding the fact that she was there to hunt them in the first place.
The queen in particular was much more concerned about the way Terra and Aqua looked and dressed. She focused on Aqua’s choice of hairstyle and how she refused to dress like a woman. She focused on Terra’s tan skin, and wondered where he had come from. Clearly, they were outsiders, and the queen feared an invasion. The king, however, burst into a fit of hysteria and dismissed his wife. He pointed to Terra and exclaimed that there was no way they could pose a threat since this pretty boy has eyelashes like a cow’s!
Merida used her father’s reaction as leverage to convince her mother that neither of them posed a threat and that they were her friends. So, please Mum, let them stay.
The queen was convinced to agree. The king pulled Terra aside while Merida  grabbed Aqua by the hands and led her away. The princess took quite a liking to her the moment they met. Aqua lingered back at him as she disappeared through a doorway.
The king listed the things he expected Terra to do as they walked through the stone castle halls. Hunting. Upkeeping the farms. Guarding the castle. He slipped into his long speech that Terra could not continue to dress the way he did. He took time to tell Terra of a tale where he faced a large, monstrous bear and how proud he was of his accomplishments (even though he failed to capture or kill said bear). He then introduced Terra as “the foreigner” to his men.
Terra was shown to his quarters, a large room of bunkers that he would share with the other servicemen in the castle. He was given what they called a kilt, and was dragged outside to start his chores. The other men flipped between calling him “pretty boy” and “foreigner” for nicknames. The latter made Terra’s skin crawl, though he tried not to let it terrify him. He focused on making himself seem as less threatening as possible. The last thing I need right now is to be thrown into the dungeon because they suspect I’m a spy or something.
When he sparred, he messed up on purpose in order to make it seem like he didn’t know what he was doing - despite that none of the other men posed a challenge to him. Nonviolent. As long as they understand me as nonviolent.
This invited more teases and laughs from the other men however, who then considered Terra as someone who wanted very hard to look like a man but could never be one. Terra bit his tongue each time they referred to him as a “lady,” and instead thought about ways to reunite with Aqua. He wasn’t allowed up in the princess’ ward of the castle, so he couldn’t just walk up to her.
Not that these restrictions in behavior were important to Aqua, or to Merida for that matter. He saw them together in the field while he was herding sheep. They were practicing archery and riding horses. Aqua wore a long brown gown made of cotton, indicative of maid work. She looked pretty. But she was pretty anyway in whatever she wore, even after grueling training sessions that left her sweating. She beamed a smile as she rode a horse for the first time in her life, radiant as her short hair bounced. A stress-free smile.
Terra forgot he had sheep to take care of. The men made sure to remind him of that as they guffawed about his pretty little head up in some maid-in-waiting’s bosom where it don’t belong. One of the sheep bayed as if she was in agreement.
Aqua noticed him from the distance and while on her horse, gestured with her head toward the forest behind the castle. It was to say that they should meet later that day, in private. Terra knew what was expected of him and how it should happen. He tended to his sheep with determination and focus to finish as fast as possible, and it kept the other men off his back. Knowing he will reunite with her was comforting enough to keep him going on with his meaningless chores.
With every single one of his sheep accounted for, Terra took the opportunity to sneak away when the other men gathered together for a late afternoon brew. He slid through the shadows in between the trees, leaving the castle behind, which sat in a valley amidst serene mountains that were threatened by storm clouds far away. Lakes rested in between, undisturbed by wind or any other force of nature. Taller mountains stood peacefully beyond with snow caps. It was a beautiful sight, very much like home.
Deep in the thicket, he placed his thumb and middle finger up against his tongue as he rolled it. He whistled three short times. Silence. A half hour later, after finding a clearing with a creek, he whistled three short times again.
Two long ones replied. This was the signal. Anytime they were separated in the mountains as children, this was their call to find each other.
Aqua arrived, her brown dress dragging the leaves on the ground and her short, choppy hair perfectly framing her face. Terra must have stared for a little too long because she suddenly got self-conscious.
“It’s called a dress, Terra. Sheesh.”
He forced a chuckle to hide his nervousness. “As long as you’re comfortable.”
She put her hands to her hips. “What about what you’re wearing?”
“A kilt.” He wrinkled his chin and swayed his hips back and forth. “It’s nice and airy. But... well...”
Something on his face must have given his anxious disposition away, because Aqua immediately gave him a knowing smile that told him she was ready to tease.
“What is it?” She grinned, not a single ounce of stress on her face and this was the way he liked her best.
“Well...” His voice wavered. “Some of the men, you know, kind of... don’t... wear anything underneath.”
She snorted very loudly and eased herself into laughter, the sound of which made his heart jump. She was most beautiful laughing, and he had to control the aching need to touch her.
He continued, “I’ve had my fair share of sights today as it is.”
“No!” Her hand was on her chest and her eyes were tearing from the laughter. “Tell me you’re-”
“Of course I’m wearing shorts under it, Aqua,” he stressed, his nose wrinkling as she laughed harder. “What is hard to deal with though is how the guys here just have these very specific expectations of how I am supposed to act - like I’m not worth their respect otherwise.”
“Tell me about it, it’s suffocating. I swear, I think the queen mentioned the length of my hair three times.” She composed herself and wiped her tears. “Merida really struggles under this kind of pressure, which is a shame because she has such spirit and she’s a great fighter. I’m grateful the Master doesn’t force such insignificant and stupid rules on us, it’s ridiculous. I wish I could take her with us.”
“I would like to do the same for her...” Terra started to say and then fell silent. He didn’t need to finish the sentence. They both knew that they could not mess with the political affairs of other worlds. Merida was just unlucky and he was no Robin Hood.
Merida however was lucky enough to have Aqua as a friend. She told him that she served mainly as a personal counselor for the princess: sparring with her, learning about archery, and meeting her trivial needs. Aqua gained the princess’ trust fairly easily.
“Anyway, I asked you to come here for a reason.” Aqua proceeded to take her brown dress off and toss it to the side, revealing a shorter but simple white cotton underdress with no sleeves. White was the best color on her. Her skin looked nice, too. She summoned her Keyblade and got serious, her upright posture ready to duel. “We can’t slack off.“
Terra summoned his own, grateful for the chance to practice so shortly before their exam. “Who said we would?”
Aqua, having trained with him since she was eight years old, utilized her acrobatic abilities to outmaneuver him. It was best for her not to directly encounter him head-on since he was a powerhouse, and she struck him whenever he left himself open, which happened more often than Terra would like to admit, since his attacks could get slow and wide as he pushed every ounce of strength into each blow. He could easily brutalize her if he caught her unguarded, but over time she barely allowed it. Of course, there was also her magic that he had to juggle as well. He bore magic too, but it never shone a light in comparison to her skill.
Because of this, Terra stumbled several times, as what had become usual in the last few weeks. Normally, he would have no trouble keeping up with her or making up for his mistakes. She has improved so much in the last couple of years and I’m now falling behind. I’m sure the Master has noticed my lack of performance. ...Am I not going to be able to pass the exam?
When their duel was over, Aqua headed over to the creek to rinse the sweat from her arms, neck, and face. He silently squatted next to her and did the same. It wasn’t just the Master that he worried about. For as much as he admired Aqua, he wanted her to reciprocate. He wanted her to continue to see him as an equal. What if she doesn’t think that I am good enough for her anymore? What if I drag her down?
“How did I do?” she asked. It was always the question that followed after a duel. Checking on their progress. This was the way the two of them held each other accountable for their work.
“You were incredibly difficult to pin down. You’ve been working hard, I can tell,” he said.
She sighed, sounding as if she was relieved. It made sense. Progress was always a good sign. Terra didn’t bother asking about his own performance, however. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear what she had to say.
She noticed that he didn’t ask and went ahead with her thoughts anyway. “I was pulling new moves on you. You’ll eventually get the pattern down in no time and start beating me. Definitely by the exam. I mean, you know me. You’ve done this longer and you’re an amazing fighter. You’ll see that I’ll get predictable again.” She leaned forward in order to meet his gaze, to make sure he got the message.
All of those words made sense. They were far softer than anything the Master would have told him. But it brought little comfort. The point was to be good enough to hear only words of praise out of her mouth. Terra nodded in return, thinking about how time had changed his perspective completely. Before, he had no trouble bracing himself for what she had to say. They were on this road to becoming Keyblade Masters together. Only together should they succeed, and only together could they improve.
But as he got older, as he noticed different features on her, as he started to feel new sensations in his body and the pangs of loneliness that came after, he yearned for her praise. He needed any ounce of proof that he could win her affections, that he could be something more than just her equal. It had been a few years since she was more to him after all. As time passed, it was less comfortable for him to hear her criticisms. He had to do better. He had to be better.
She smacked him on the shoulder, a gracious smile on her face. “Hey, I’m not talking to myself for my health.”
“Sorry.” He forced a grin. “There’s a lot to think about.”
“Yeah.” She nodded as she pursed her lips, the weight of the exam heavy in the air around them. But her eyes were bright and large and stunning anyway, and they locked with his. A pause between them. She chuckled and stood up, breaking the connection and it pained him a bit. She pulled her brown dress on and dusted off the dirt.
“I can’t imagine the queen’s fright if she saw me walking around in what is technically my underwear,” she said. “I’m relieved that we fought. I needed to get away from all of those pointless rules.”
It seemed as though she was trying to make him laugh, although he didn’t give her what she wanted. She cleared her throat and gestured her head behind her. “C’mon, Terra. There is this secret passage that I want to show you back at the castle.”
“Secret passage?”
“I asked Merida about it and she just showed it to me. It goes straight to her side of the castle.” She stepped toward him.
“So we’ll be sneaking around. The guys will never let it down if they ever find out.”
“Then don’t let them.”
Another lingering look. Another nervous chuckle, Aqua and Terra together wondering about the implication of what sneaking around was supposed to mean.
Two nights after that duel, Terra sat with his best friend inside a room tucked away within the secret passage of the castle. It was the safest place for them to converse without any interruptions, expectations, or demands. They sat atop some dusty crates that the tens of people living within the castle had all forgotten about, eating lamb meat. Though Aqua made a passing comment that it had no flavor.
“You know,” Aqua said, “the queen talked today about preparing Merida for a possible suitor for marriage. Three princes from other clans will arrive tomorrow.” She sounded a bit apprehensive.
“I can’t imagine that she would want that,” Terra said.
“Maybe this is what the Master meant by fates changing for her? What am I supposed to do, though, Terra? Am I supposed to comfort her and make her feel at peace with the ceremony?”
“It’s funny, I don’t actually think it’s the right thing to do.” Terra imagined what Robin Hood would do. To the depths of the deepest cracks of the earth with the idea of a forced marriage! But if only he was working in an actual fairy tale. He swallowed his flavorless meat, though he didn’t mind it. “But still... you can’t tell her not to see it through. We can’t actually affect how another world maintains its balance.”
“I know, but I’d hate to agree with the queen on this one.”
“Maybe you don’t have to.” Terra stopped eating. “So far, all we have done is observe. There is no darkness here. Maybe we should let it happen and see what Merida does.”
Aqua nodded unenthusiastically. Terra noticed for the first time that she had stopped eating a while ago. “What’s on your mind?” he asked.
Aqua smiled, though it wasn’t her usual calm, collected grin. She was worried again. “I was thinking about the Keyblade Master coming. You know, Master Xehanort? Remember him?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “He didn’t spend a lot of time with us, though. He dropped Ventus off, and spoke with the Master for the most part. He was a bit eccentric. He actually tuned that old piano in the ballroom, played for a bit, and then left rather abruptly when Ventus wouldn’t wake up. I remember him expressing a desire to have dinner with us. He was very nice otherwise.”
“I remember him being very knowledgeable when he was talking with the Master.”
“You nervous?”
“Well, if you ask me, he could never have a good reason to fail either of us. But that’s just the one day he will see us. He won’t get to see all the years we put into this.”
“There’s absolutely no way you can fail, Aqua.”
She sighed through her nose. “There’s no way you can fail, either. But even if we pass-”
“Okay, when we pass...” Aqua looked a bit overwhelmed. “We have been training our whole lives for this. Aside from the house I left when I lost my family, I know nothing else except training for this one special day. We have been dreaming for this for so long. Once we become Masters, what is left for us?”
Terra found the question rather strange. What else would she want besides being a Master?
“You do realize we can suck as Masters, right?” He cut a piece of lamb, but did not eat it. “I mean, there must be some incentive to be good at our jobs. Think of all the opportunities we will get to fail at our missions. Think about this scenario: we could tell Merida to relax about the marriage, and then she murders him.”
Aqua laughed and it sounded genuine, as though he gave her an outlet to relax. He relished the thought that he could help her, even in small ways.
When she was done laughing, she opened her mouth as if to say something, but then stopped herself. She shuffled nervously and played with her food. Was she expecting a different answer from me?
“I’m so glad you and I are friends, Terra,” she said softly as she held his forearm. She meant it.
While this should have been fantastic news to Terra, a part of him hurt to hear it.
The arrival of the neighboring clan members was met with a welcoming ceremony. Terra stood outside with the other men, garnishing fur on his shoulders. The king requested that all of his men should wear fur, as a representative of his kingdom. Bagpipe performers were there to welcome the guests with their music. Terra knew that Aqua, who was still in the castle, was enjoying it. That was always her favorite part of exploring new worlds: participating in the kinds of ceremonies, traditions, music, and dances that everyone else shared.
All the guests were escorted into the throne room. The suitors did nothing but boast about their accomplishments. Their fathers boasted more. Terra kept to himself, not really wanting to be part of this. He could be spending the time differently, with more interesting things to do. Such as sparring. When the feast officially began, he found a table off to the side, away from the thrones where he can sit by himself, a tall mug of ale in his hand. Nothing but a wallflower, watching the other guests converse and play competitive drinking games.
Merida arrived with her parents, followed swiftly by Aqua. Terra had his drink to his lips when he saw her, forgetting that he should be taking a sip of it. Aqua wore a brown dress again, but this one was... tighter than her simple cotton dress, hugging her curves. When she approached him, he could tell there was  small embroidery detailing the fabric. She had a matching knotted headband around her head, contrasting with her blue hair.
“That looks tight,” he told her, gesturing above her.
Aqua reached to touch her headband as she sat down next to him. “It is. But is that all you have to say?”
All I have to say?
Terra never ventured into the territory of actually complimenting her looks. He always forced himself to stay calm when those kinds of feelings swelled. To hint at what he truly thought of her wasn’t anything he needed to do. Not yet anyway. He needed time.
But now she’s expecting me to say something.
“You look refined,” he said.
She scoffed and tugged at his fur, a contemptuous smile on her face. “You look refined, too.”
He laughed and sipped his drink. The immediate sensation that followed burned his throat and sent chills up to his forehead. This ale was the strongest he had ever tried. He looked over to Merida, sitting on the throne. It was quite obvious that she was frustrated, a huge scowl on her face as she crossed her arms. She tossed glares toward her mother when the queen wasn’t looking.
“She’s happy,” he said.
“It was incredibly difficult getting her into that corset,” Aqua said, lowering her voice, as if scared that anyone would hear her. “Have you met the suitors?”
Terra leaned over to her and whispered, “they’re idiots.”
Aqua closed her eyes slowly and pursed her lips, taking a long exhale. She quickly shook her head, as though she was trying to shake off the oncoming stress that she undoubtedly felt in the moment. She stared at Terra’s hands.
“What’s that like?” she asked with a gentle nod toward his drink.
“You won’t like it.”
“How would you know that?” She cocked her head to the side.
He looked at her, close enough to see the individual strands of her hair. His peripheral vision was aware of the tightness of her dress, the way it shaped her chest and waist. Stay calm. “Because I know you.” 
“So then what, I can’t try the drink out? I can’t relax and let go at a party?” She smiled and her eyes looked like they sparkled. Stay calm.
An older gentleman sat in front of them. This was a man Terra recognized, who often worked with the cows. He was normally pleasant, and answered any questions Terra had about the sheep without a witty remark. He had his own ale, his breath stinking of alcohol. He hiccuped and burped.
“That’s not a drink for cute ladies, lass, even ones who want to look like boys,” the man said to her.
Aqua’s pleasant expression froze for a bit as she stared at the man. Never, in the entire time that Terra knew her, did she ever tolerate being treated differently because she was a girl. But it wasn’t just this. Aqua could get competitive, sometimes strongly so if she was provoked enough. The flash in her eyes told him this.
The worst thing that could ever be said to her was that she was cute.
“We’ll see about that,” she said, in the most polite way she could have mustered it when she looked like she really wanted to slap the man.
She grabbed Terra’s drink from in front of him and took a large gulp. She shivered as her face contorted and her mouth was left open. When she composed herself, she narrowed her eyes at Terra, as if to say that she couldn’t believe he would ever go near such a nasty thing.
The man laughed at her, shaking his head at her hideous expression and took a huge swallow of his own drink.
Another man approached the table. He was younger, and wore the red kilt and blue facial paint that labeled him as part of the Macintosh clan. He placed his hand on Aqua’s shoulder. “What’s a proper lady doing with a drink like that?”
She pulled her shoulder away from his grasp.
“There is no such thing as a proper lady,” she told him, rolling her eyes in the most obvious way she could. She forced herself to drink more of the ale, frowning and distorting her chin with each swallow.
There she goes. Terra knew that she wouldn’t pass the chance of proving these morons wrong.
“Aqua,” Terra whispered to her. “You never drank this much before. Are you sure you’re going to be okay with this?”
She shot him a glare. That was the wrong thing to say.
As if betrayed by his question, she lifted the mug to her lips, taking several gulps of the ale without stopping. She finished, moaning from the disgust, and slammed the mug on the table. She continued to glare at him, the men around them laughing and teasing about her tenaciousness. She wavered a bit, blinking a bit too much. Her cheeks were flushed, and her frown severe. I’m not sure drinking that much that fast was a good idea.
The men continued to make jokes about her, and while she tried to interject, they never allowed her to. She was losing her sharp wit. Eventually, she was left to lean on her elbows as the men continued to taunt, unable to reply. She held her hand to her head, as though she had a headache. Part of it was probably the headband. Terra, afraid to say anything to provoke her further, watched her.
It was at this time that the queen had announced that a competition of some kind was to be held in order to win Merida’s hand in marriage. Merida declared archery, a skill that she never hesitated to show off on the castle grounds. It was a skill that he immediately noticed when he first met her in the forest.
“I guess something big is going to happen tomorrow,” he said. “This is probably what we’ve been waiting for.”
“I just want to get all of this over with,” she said sluggishly. “I want to go back home.”
A maid brought Terra another mug of ale. He waved his hand to reject it, but the fact that only Terra was offered it set Aqua on edge.
“Hey, I’m over here, too,” she mumbled as she leaned over the table. The maid set the mug down, but in front of Terra.
He wasn’t able to take a sip of his new drink, because Aqua grabbed it and swallowed some more. I guess it doesn’t matter. It’s probably better that I stay alert for both our sake.
“Ugh, why won’t anyone take me seriously here?” she said as she slammed the mug down and wiped her mouth.
The man from the Macintosh clan leaned over and grabbed her by both of her shoulders. Terra could see that he was massaging them, and his own jaw clenched a bit with anger. The man’s breath was incredibly strong, traveling too far for someone who was slightly drunk.
“Why don’t you learn to behave the way you should, lass? Have some honor? Grow your hair out?” He laughed, clearly amused, and possibly aroused, by her behavior.
Terra started to reach over to push the guy off of her, but Aqua shrugged his shoulders off herself, and stood up to face him. He was a head taller than she was.
“Who gave you permission to grab me?” she asked, her speech the tiniest bit slurred. Terra stood up alongside her, attentive and watching for any small movements that might indicate the start of a struggle.
“Aw, lookit how the girlie thinks she can to talk to me this way.” The man grabbed her arm and attempted to pull her toward him.
Aqua aggressively shook his grip off while reaching for Terra.
She leaned on Terra and kicked the man on the middle of his stomach, sending him backward against the wall behind him. “Don’t touch me!” 
The surrounding men collectively guffawed together, marking on how such a weakling could be overcome by a simple service woman. Terra knew what that meant. Hurt pride. Shameful reputation. A man from a different clan altogether would consider this an insult since he represented his own group.
And it seemed that Terra was right. The Macintosh clansman immediately contorted into rage.
But the slightest movement that was his first attempt to lunge toward Aqua was thwarted.
Terra stood in front of her, blocked his attempts to grab her, and punched him squarely in the jaw. He then grabbed the man by the throat and pushed him back up against the wall.
“Don’t go near her again,” Terra said to him, sternly but softly. A threat only meant for him, not for any one else to hear.
This change in events sparked an uproar among the men that had worked alongside Terra for the past several days. Compliments of how he had grown to be a man were showered on him. Statements such as looks like we got a brawler in our midst were passed around as one of the older men ruffled through Terra’s hair.
But it didn’t make Terra feel any better. The last time he came up against another person in such a way was when he was still in the orphanage. The Macintosh clansman of course was insulted, and called for justice to right this horrible embarrassment. Lord Macintosh took notice of course, and demanded an explanation.
This was exactly what Terra had wanted to avoid. He could be thrown into the dungeon for this. Aqua leaned on a chair, her hand still to her head and not entirely aware of what was going on. I can’t leave her alone like this.
The king, however, brushed off any concerns. “What is it, Lord Macintosh? Your men can’t stay away from things that aren’t theirs? Let the man protect his woman.”
Terra was tense and expected some sort of retort from Aqua, who probably didn’t have the judgment anymore to tell her that she shouldn’t speak back to the king. But she didn’t say anything. She actually gazed into his eyes, a pale look on her face. He knew her well enough to understand what they said. They told him she wanted out. That she wanted some comfort from the pounding headache, from all the unwanted attention, and from her own mistakes.
The men continued to grant hard slaps on Terra’s back for growing some real courage, of which he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
He gently held her elbow and asked her what she wanted. Some alone time and rest, she told him. He began to escort her away from the table until he reached the stairs leading up the ward that should lead to the royal chambers. He caught sight of the queen, who gestured to him that it would be alright. Merida leaned over to see what was happening, a look of worry plain as day on her face. The noises of the hollering from the throne room faded away, as was the collective scent of alcohol when they entered the ward.
He held Aqua’s arm as they walked down the halls, asking her to lead him to her room.
“Terra, am I that boyish?” she asked him as she stopped in front of a small wooden door, in a hallway of many.
He pushed the door open for her. “Well, honestly it’s not important. But for your information, you’re absolutely not.”
Her room was tiny, almost like a walk-in closet. There was a small wardrobe and a bed with wool blankets. A candlestick stood on the tiny stool next to the bed, and he lit it. There was a bucket of water for washing and a small window. Better than sharing many bunks with snoring men who smelled of livestock.
He left her leaning on the wall while he looked through her wardrobe.
“I’m going to find you something comfortable to wear, then I’ll leave you to it,” he said as he sifted through some clothes. He heard a thump, and looked over to see her collapsed on her bed, with her shoes and everything else on. “Or not,” he muttered to himself.
He wiggled the boots off her feet and placed them gently on the floor, careful not to disturb her. He then stared at the headband. Her headache is going to be bad enough when she wakes up.
He reached over to take it off, trying not to wake her. But the headband was tight, and it pulled on her hair.
“Don’t touch me!” She slapped him across the nose. He stumbled backward as his face stung and throbbed from the hit. Touching his nose only brought more pain as he groaned out loud.
She sat up quickly. “Terra, is that you?”
“Aqua, who else would it be?” His nose bled a little and he took a rag that laid on the stool rest to his face.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry.” She reached out to him, her eyes squinting.
He held up his free hand and chuckled. “I’m innocent, please spare me.”
She laughed, perhaps a little too much over his pain. “So how did I do?”
“It was a perfect strike. You’ve been practicing,” he said in between some laughs and inspections of the rag to see how much he had been bleeding. He sat on the bed in front of her, noticing that the rag has been showing less signs of blood. “I was trying to get that headband off of you.”
“It is tight.” She nodded, her eyes drooping.
“Let me then.”
She stood still and he reached over, trying to find the knots that would untangle such a piece from her hair. She whimpered in pain from his attempts.
“Sorry,” he whispered.
“S’okay.” She stared into his eyes while he continued to struggle with the headpiece. She wore a goofy grin. “Did anyone tell you that they’re the color of the ocean?”
He smirked and shook his head. “You, apparently. Did anyone tell you that your breath stinks?”
She scoffed and he finally set the headpiece loose. She sighed loudly, reaching into her hair as she massaged her scalp. “That feels so much better. Thanks, Terra.”
She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. It could have been a grateful, sisterly peck. But it wasn’t. She had kissed him close to his nose, and while it hurt, Terra’s heart was pounding too much for him to care. And she lingered, too. Close enough that he could see how her eyes reflected the light of the candle in the room, searching his own before they wandered downward.
She touched the edge of his lips with her own, soft and puckered. Then she moved to kiss him again, inching closer to him. He allowed himself to lean against her as he kissed her back, taking in the softness of her mouth and relishing the taste of the bitter alcohol, which he truly didn’t mind. This was certainly different - of that he was sure. They had kissed a few years before. It was simple and innocent enough. And it was only done once. But this kind of yearning between them was everything he could have ever wanted. His heart beat so fast, it might as well tear itself out of his chest and dance down the hills outside.
Am I taking advantage of her, though?
He held her by her biceps and pushed her away. Her eyes scattered around the room, and she was nodding off. She didn’t ask what went wrong. It didn’t even look she registered what happened.
“What am I going to do with you?” He sighed loudly, unable to control how shaky he sounded. Stay calm.
“What?” She asked this incredibly slowly, as if it took her a while to calculate what he was saying.
A stifled laugh. “You’re a dork.”
“That’s so rude.” She sounded sleepy.
“I think you should rest.”
She smiled sheepishly while her eyes closed. “Okay.”
He laid her down and covered her with the blankets. Blowing out the candle, he tip-toed out of the room and shut the door behind him as quietly as he could. He leaned on the door, not bothering to control the smile that stretched from ear to ear. He rubbed his face as an attempt to manage his emotions, his hands shaking. Realizing that he was standing in the hallway where all of the maids must have slept, he sneaked out of there, finding the wall panel which would lead him down the secret passage, where he could eventually find his own bed.
He was the only one back in the large bunk room. Lying in bed, he tried counting sheep in order to fall asleep. This was futile, though. First of all, he didn’t want to think about sheep when he wasn’t herding them. Secondly, his heart just wouldn’t allow it. It beat hard, and Terra tossed and turned as he asked himself what that kiss meant.
Did it mean that she felt something for him? Did it mean that she cared for him in the same way? Did she enjoy it? He was excited at these ideas and was desperate to ask her.
But what if he read her wrong? She was drunk, after all. What if she was just acting up? What if she regretted it?
This last thought hurt most of all, because it meant that he should stop hoping for anything he wanted. His stomach began to grumble, unable to handle all of these conflicting questions. I hope she doesn’t regret it.
In reality, Terra spent hours in bed, staring at the moon through the window frame until it drifted out of his sight. He then stared at bottom of the bunker above him, analyzing every small detail of that kiss until a time when he couldn’t remember when he had fallen asleep.
To be Continued...
This chapter references Robin Hood (1973) and Brave (2012).
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darkcloud-kcalifornia · 6 years ago
Alrighty, not sure when the next season is going to start, but I do know that this bunch of pony is ending with the two-parter “School Raze”.  I… may have been one of those kids who wouldn’t have been sad to see their school razed.
* Cozy Glow is being helpful.  Supposedly. I wouldn’t really be sure all of the dropped letters were for the school.  Or that there wasn’t more.
* That kid’s got more of a rainbow mane than Rainbow Dash.
* Girl’s gunning for Spike’s job.
* I feel ya Yona. Except for the falling through a cloud bit.  Can’t say I’ve come that close to death from heights.
* And this is why you should keep your feet/hooves on the ground!
* Spontaneous magic failure is a good enough reason for a crying fit.  Gonna be a pain to touch up her makeup afterward though without it.
* It seems like jumping the gun to blame Tirek.  I mean, Chrysalis had that throne made of magic-nullifying stone.  Oh sure, her last plan did not impress, but she is still out there.  Or for the same kind of source it could easily be Maud.  Or a new threat.  But it’s probably Tirek, as he’s the one mentioned.
* OK, Spike almost chocking on a letter is kinda horrifying.  Also, if you’re having magic problems, don’t send messages by magic. Lucky that got through at all. Though maybe Celestia sent a pegasus as well just in case.
* See, Starswirl knows to just use a mundane messenger.
* I dunno, it doesn’t really match Tirek’s MO.  I mean, he’d mug one pony at a time, or grab groups, but it was still very targeted. If he could pull this kind of a generalized drain I think he would have.  Unless he just figured it out or something.
* When was Twilight ever in Tartarus?  She was the only princess not to get sent there.  …Oh right, walking Cerberus back to his post.  Never mind, forgot the offscreen occurrence for a second there.
* Eh, Twilight’s justified in a little freak out away from the troops her friends.
* Yeah, Cozy totally just made a power grab here.  I do have to wonder what she did to Starlight after she stayed behind rather than adventuring.
* Smolder was raised in a culture of struggle and dominance.  She’s knows Cozy’s story stinks like the restrooms after a class trip to Taco Bellflower.
* Bug repellent spells would probably be the one of the best things about magic.  Anyway, has Rarity considered using her tail as a flyswatter?
* And the show says that 2 seconds later.  It’s nice when they remember they’re equines.
* “I think we have all the magic we need right here.”  Cue Rainbow’s cloud holding ability failing in 3… 2… 1…
* Nice door to the pits of Hell.  Er, Tartarus.
* How many doors has Pinkie gotten in that way?  Also, not having a key seems like a lack of foresight when you know the normal way of opening the lock is failing.
* It can magically open any door… and just so happens to perfectly match the indentation of this one.
* Alternatively, imagine the “key of unfettered access” looking like a keyblade, because of course that’s what comes to mind when mentioning a magical key that can open any lock these days.
* On one hand, yes, it’s sad that all of these creatures have lost abilities inherit to them.  In the wild that could cause a huge problem for survival.  However, I would remind Spike that they are in Tartarus for a reason.  I mean, assuming that they don’t want to lock up every creature from a species that would strongly imply that these are the dangerous, feral pony-killers.
* Chancellor Neighsay has a point about a foal being left in charge.  Except she wasn’t, but Cozy’s not about to admit that.
* Yeah, I don’t think you can just walk into a facility and declare yourself to be in charge now. Even Cozy has made the pretense of being put into her position temporarily under extreme circumstances by the people entitled to make that decision.
* Yeah, uh, pretty sure Cerberus doesn’t need magic to do his job.
* OK, I did not need to see Tirek do that thing with his tongue.
* Magic goes missing and so Neighsay thinks Twilight is wasting her time trying to fix the problem rather than stomping on other races while she is at her weakest.  Wow. This guy is officially pants-on-head duuuuuuuuumb.
* Further proof this guy has drunk far too much Trump-aid is he actually buys Sandbar’s sudden yet inevitable betrayal of his friends.
* I’m not sure the CMC can actually help here.  They ain’t got power either.  Of course they’re only supposed to cause a distraction, but still.
* So Cozy Glow learned how to drain magic from Tirek, because she bothered to write and ask and he was bored.  You know… I’ll buy it.  Guy’s still probably plotting an escape, and at least he could be assured of revenge by proxy.
* “Empress of Friendship”? Girl… no.  Just, no.  That name is stupid.  So, so stupid.
 * Did Twilight just suggest draining the monsters of their remaining magic to power her own for an escape? Don’t turn into a Blood Mage Twilight!  Stay good!  Stay good!
* If all of Equestria’s magic is being sucked up to where Starlight is being held, I wonder what that’ll do to her after this is all fixed.  I mean, I know you shouldn’t consume an energy field larger than yourself, but if there was ever a time to have a bite…
* Yeah, not to disagree with Sandbar, but… I gotta disagree with Sandbar.  There’s no way that idiot wouldn’t think this was just some trick by the monsters.
* “The reign of Princess Twilight is over?”  Yeah, look forward to a long stay in Tartarus after this for an attempted coup.
* Yeah, that was a pathetically short stint as headstallion.  Dude was barely a road bump to Cozy, and all she had to do was point out what a complete failure and traitor he was.  If only it was that easy in real life…
* Shoulda kept charging, Yona.  Impressive that she can pick a lock with a horn that size though.  Wonder where she learned it?  Probably Pinkie’s class.
* Tirek was kinda short-sighted here.  He had no plan beyond getting rid of magic.  Which screws him too, as he’s left frail and powerless.  Unless he has a way of drawing upon the Ether he hasn’t mentioned.
* Fluttershy is about to attempt an Epic Druid feat.  Pinkie meanwhile attempts an Epic Troll feat.
* So, yank out a single artifact and cause the Cataclysm.  Got it, thanks for the safety tip Ocellus.  Guessing this means they have to pull them all out at the same time.
* You know, if there was ever an opportunity to have Twilight undergo a second ascension, that was it.  Also, kinda weird that draining the magic from those creatures made them normal, separate animals.
* Nothing like the stupidity of an angry mob.  Seriously, so many idiots in this finale.
* The Tree just said “no”,
* Well, points to Cozy for trying to salvage the situation with the wrath of an angry alicorn before her.
* Make that 3 angry alicorns, an angry mob of students, the Elemental Harmony squad, the Elemental Harmony Jr. Division, and a whole lot of angry guards.  Oh, and a braindead bigot who happens to have a powerful artifact.
* And so a little girl was shut behind bars in the deepest pit of Tartarus forever.  But chances are that she’s a complete uncurable sociopath anyway?
 And that’s the end of the season.  For the finale itself, eh, it was alright, but Neighsay if still aggravating and Cozy only got as far as she did because most ponies apparently love to eat lead paint chips as a snack.  But the actual threat was certainly menacing enough.  I am a little disappointed Neighsay didn’t have to pay for all the crap he’s pulled.  Seriously, dude should have at least lost his job several times over during this season.
 And as for the season itself, there were some interesting world building and character episodes in there. But honestly the whole Friendship School idea still hasn’t sold itself to me.  And considering they had an entire season to do that in with the opening and finale focusing on the place and its students, that’s not good. Bringing students together from a wide area and different species?  Sure, sounds interesting.  Having the teachers help out their students with friendship problems and demonstrate how it and teamwork can help you out in an academic setting and outside it as well? Great!  But having an entire school dedicated to friendship is still just the most eye-rolling thing.  They really shouldn’t have tried to push it that far.  It just doesn’t work.  But overall while this hasn’t been my favorite season I still enjoy the show overall and am looking forward to more… whenever they get around to that.
0 notes
thevoidgearbeckons · 7 years ago
Training Accident
Vanitas slashed through the last heartless that his Master had spawned with ease. He breathed hard, the exertion starting to wear him out a little. They had been at this for over an hour now, and he was starting to tire. He turned to his Master, up on a higher ledge, when he addressed him.
“Very good, Vanitas. You’re getting faster, but your form lacks stability still. We’ll do the exercise again.”
Vanitas growled between breaths, trying to find the energy for the next wave of Heartless that were sure to appear soon. He wanted a break, but there was no rest with that old man at the reins of his training.
Just have to do it right this time, than maybe we can stop.
He took a few more calming breaths, took an offensive pose, and waited. A moment later, he could see the Heartless materializing around him.
At his Master’s command he jumped for the nearest Heartless and swung, his keyblade easily destroying the creature beneath it. At the end of his down strike he spun to face the others behind him, making sure to keep an eye on his footing this time. As the Heartless came at him, he stood his ground, attacking as they leapt at him. Eventually, he was down to the last one, and he dispatched it with ease, his chest rising and falling as he attempted to catch his breath once more. The sound of clapping from the ledge drew his attention back to it. He was confused as to why his Master would be clapping for him; it just wasn’t something he did. That confusion changed into dread when he saw who was clapping.
He was sitting perched on the ledge next to his Master, one leg drawn up so as to rest an arm on. The Shadow grinned at him, lowering his hands.
“Impressive. Seems you’re finally on your way to learning how to properly fight.”
Vanitas gripped his keyblade a little tighter.
“The hell do you want, freak?”
“Simply observing my pet in his natural habitat.”
“Pet?” his Master snorted, “And what do you mean by that, Shadow?”
“Nothing for you to concern yourself with, Xehanort.”
His Master regarded the Shadow with an unreadable look before turning back to him, “That will be all for today, Vanitas.”
Vanitas nodded, about to recall his keyblade, when the Shadow interjected.
“I’d like to see just how much he’s improved. If I may, Xehanort?”
A thread of fear shot through him and he tried to contain it even as his Master nodded in agreement.
“Very well. The boy can only get so much out of fighting such trifling creatures,” he glanced down at him, “Once more, Vanitas.”
The boy nodded, and assumed his offensive position, despite his hesitance to fight the Shadow. He was more concerned with keeping the Unversed in check. He could feel them starting to bubble to the surface even as he tried to quash his fear. He took a few slow breaths, trying not to jump when the Shadow was suddenly in front of him. He would get through this, just like he’d gotten through all their other…encounters.
The Shadow came at him faster than expected and Vanitas narrowly escaped a punch to the chest. He even felt the whoosh of air brush past him as he took a swing with his keyblade. The Shadow caught it easily with his other hand, resisting the strike even as Vanitas tried to push all his strength into it. He growled, feeling his fear starting to boil over into anger. He wasn’t going to lose to this creep; not again.
“Still as weak as ever, I see. Hasn’t that Master of yours taught you anything worthwhile yet?”
“Shut up…” he hissed, trying to break the standstill.
“Then again, I suppose even if he has, it’s not like you’re competent enough to understand it.”
It was bait, and Vanitas knew it. But it didn’t stop his anger from flaring up either way. He growled loudly and pulled his keyblade back to strike at the Shadow again, only for the man to catch it once again. Except this time he used the keyblade to send Vanitas airborne, where he was met with a series of several kicks and punches to his person. One last swift hit to the middle, and a muted cracking sound, and Vanitas felt himself bounce across the ground until he came to rest on the dusty earth.
He groaned, trying to moved, but felt his torso seize up around his ribs and he gasped. Were his ribs broken?
“Vanitas, get to your feet! Fight back!”
Maybe a cure spell would work? He still hadn’t gotten it to work yet but maybe this time he could? He pressed his hand to his side and muttered the word under his breath, hoping a wave of healing magic would make some of the pain stop. But nothing happened. He cursed and did his best to try and stand, knowing his Master would be angry with him if he didn’t at least get to his feet. He bit into his cheek to ignore the pain and weakly held his keyblade out in front of him, waiting.
“Is that…all you’ve got?”
The Shadow chuckled at him, “It’s pathetic, really. Seeing you struggle even when you know you’ve lost.”
“I can still…fight,” he insisted.
“Can you now?”
The Shadow rushed him again, and despite his best efforts, Vanitas felt his body give out under just a few more blows and he fell to his knees. His frustration and humiliation rose as the Shadow continued to mock him.
“I don’t see what Xehanort hopes to accomplish with someone so weak,” he lamented, taping his chin.
“I’m…still learning. I’m not weak!”
“You are from where I stand, child. Though I do suppose you have your…uses. I do enjoy our time together, after all,” he grinned.
A ball of white, hot anger joined in with his other turbulent emotions, and several of the Unversed finally emerged around him as he let off an exasperated scream. A few of the smaller ones latched onto the Shadow’s form and started trying to bite or scratch him. The Shadow watched with mild amusement at the attempted assault on his person that didn’t even seem to be hurting him. He grabbed hold of one by the back of its neck and held it out in front of his face. It seemed to flail and try to get at him, but wasn’t able to escape the grip. The Shadow smirked, exposing his fangs, and Vanitas felt a shard of fear enter him.
The Shadow clamped his teeth around the throat of the Unversed as Vanitas watched in abstract horror. The Unversed struggled, clawing at the Shadow’s face even as its movements slowed until its body slowly began to dissolve and the Shadow consumed it. A wave of nausea and pain washed over him, making his body shake with disgust.
“I’ve always wondered what these creatures you produce are,” he sneered, “How curious, that they seem to be an even purer source of negative energy. They’re even more delicious…”
The Shadow licked his lips and Vanitas tried very hard not to throw up.
“I simply must have another…” he sneered, grabbing one that had latched onto his shoulder.
“N-no! Don’t!” Vanitas screamed, finding the strength to get to his feet. Only to have it taken from him as the Shadow bit into the second Unversed that sent a sharp pain through his neck.
Perhaps he had been so shocked from the first that he hadn’t noticed, but he could almost feel part of himself leaving his body and entering into the Shadow’s. It was dark there; dark and horrible. Like nothing he’d ever felt before. It was an almost palpable thing; like he could feel the very core of this creature and it…wasn’t right. He might have been made of pure darkness himself, but the Shadow was on another level. His hands and knees both began to violently shake and he felt himself half collapse back onto the dusty ground as the second Unversed’s energy joined that of the first.
“S-stop it…please…”
The Shadow raised a brow at him, “And why should I? I’m enjoying this too much,” he grinned grabbing hold of another.
“It hurts…I can’t…”
The Shadow bit into the third one and started to drain off its energy as well and Vanitas thought he felt the world around him starting to dissipate. He looked down at his hands, and felt his unease grow. It wasn’t the world disappearing, it was him. There was a dark smoke starting to billow out from his body, taking small pieces of him with it.
Oh god…what’s happening?
He was dying, wasn’t he? The Shadow was finally going to kill him. Maybe it would be better this way. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with Xehanort’s stupid plans anymore; or the Shadow himself. But then, why did he feel like he was still there? Just somewhere else? Somewhere darker. He glanced at the Shadow as his vision blacked in and out and realized that no, he wouldn’t be free of the Shadow. His energy would still be with him. And perhaps that was the worst feeling of all. He wouldn’t even be granted an end to his suffering like the old man had promised. He would suffer for the rest of his nonexistence.
I’ll never…see Ven again. I’ll never get…to go home. I just want to go home…
Before he pitched forward and hit the ground he thought he heard his Master call his name. He blacked out briefly as someone managed to catch him. He came to a moment or so later to the sound of his Master’s voice.
“Vanitas, can you hear me? Say something, boy!”
He groaned and managed to open his eyes. He squinted as the direct light of the sun hit them. Someone, probably his Master, had taken off his helmet. As the aging face of his Master came into view, he felt a little bit of relief wash over him. Xehanort had stepped in for once. Maybe he did care about him?
“Y-yeah…I’m here…barely.”
His Master nodded, looking over at the Shadow, glaring with accusation, “What were you doing to him?”
“Feeds on…negativity. He’s done it before but…not like this…”
His Master looked down at him briefly before returning his gaze to the Shadow. Vanitas also glanced over at him, noting he seemed a little distressed.
“I didn’t know something like this would happen,” he rebuffed.
His master snorted, “I figured as much. The Unversed are connected to Vanitas. They are his emotions made tangible. He shares their pain as much as they share his. By feeding on them as you did, you nearly destroyed him.”
“I assure you that was not my intent, Xehanort.”
“Regardless,” he snapped, “You ever pull another stunt like this it won’t end well for you, Shadow. Vanitas is crucial to my future plans; the future of all worlds. He must be alive for that to transpire. Understand?”
The Shadow nodded curtly.
“Good. Now then…can you return the energy you stole from my pupil or will you force me to take it from you?”
“Surely he will be fine without it?”
“After what you did, his form has become unstable. I’m managing to hold him together for the moment, but I cannot be certain of how long.”
The Shadow snorted and approached them, “Very well.”
Vanitas looked up at him as he bent down to their level. He produced a small, dark globule in his hand and gently pressed it into his chest. Almost instantly he could feel the sense of disassociation starting to lessen, but the new energy seemed…wrong somehow; like it wasn’t all his. Did the Shadow put something in him? He didn’t have the strength to voice this as his Master tried to help him stand.
“Feeling any better?”
His Master studied him for a moment before frowning, “I suppose after that ordeal, you’ve earned some rest. Do you think you can make it back to camp on your own?”
“I’m…not sure.”
“Very well. I will escort you there myself,” he turned to look at the Shadow once more, “After that I’ve a few questions for you, Shadow.”
The Shadow glared at him, saying nothing, but nodded as his Master led the two of them through a dark corridor and back to camp.
His Master set him gently down on his bed roll, and Vanitas felt like he could have passed out then and there; but first he had something to say. As his Master turned and started to walk away he called out to him. He stopped and looked back at him.
“I know it sounds dumb but…thanks, old man…”
He snorted, but his lips held the trace of a smile, “Don’t thank me just yet, boy. As soon as you’re better its back to training as usual. Understand?”
“Got it,” he nodded.
Xehanort disappeared through another dark corridor, leaving him alone in the cave they had decided to make their permanent camp site. He sighed, closing his eyes, trying to ignore the feeling of a strange lump that seemed to be pulsing inside his chest.
0 notes
nadziejastar · 5 years ago
The Icing on the Cake
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The wayfinder trio’s story arc was handled pretty well in KH3. The main concept of their relationship was their unbreakable connection, which was connected to the stars. They would look up at the stars, thinking of each other. No matter where they went, they would always find their way back to each other. 
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The stars meant a lot to the wayfinder trio because no matter where they were, they were always underneath the same stars.
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And Terra told Aqua that she was always lighting his way back. Their reunion had a lot of thematic resonance. It felt like it was planned many years in advance. That’s what made their story well-written.
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Axel’s main priority in KH3 was bringing Roxas back, but it didn’t really have much thematic resonance, if you ask me. The entire concept of Axel’s character was “memory”. Got it memorized? Like with the stars, Axel is very nostalgic about the sunset, due to his memories of the past. 
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And Axel’s relationship with Roxas in KH3 didn’t really tie into this theme that well. His relationship with Ventus actually had a lot more thematic resonance.
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But the story dropped the ball hard on that one. Lea recognized Ventus as Roxas, and was hoping that Ventus recognized him as Axel. But...he didn’t. Lea was visibly disappointed. This would have been the perfect time for them to have a heartfelt reunion. But the scene had almost no impact at all because Lea and Ventus were practically strangers, despite their relationship having so much thematic significance. In the end, their meeting was pretty pointless.
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Lea’s reunion with Roxas was saved for the final battle. But the scene didn’t feel like it belonged there. It didn’t resonate with the themes of Lea’s character arc. It had nothing to do with “memory”. Unlike Ventus and Aqua’s reunion with Terra, the Keyblade Graveyard didn’t feel like it was planned to be the place for Lea to reunite with Roxas. Compared to the wayfinder trio, the sea-salt trio’s reunion was awkward, out of place, and poorly written.
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On the other hand, Lea’s fight with Isa did tie into this concept of “memory”. Isa was possessed, and it seemed like he forgot about his friendship with Lea a long time ago. Their final battle was all about how they never forgot each other. The Keyblade Graveyard felt like it was supposed to be about Lea’s reunion with Isa, not Roxas and Xion.
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Everything about Lea and Isa’s relationship revolved around the theme of “memory”. In Birth by Sleep, there is an extremely happy and innocent song called Eternal Moments. It only plays during the scene where Ventus meets Lea and Isa. It’s pretty much Lea’s theme. It also plays a few times during KH3. 
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The song that plays during most of the sea-salt ice cream moments in 358/2 Days is called At Dusk, I Will Think of You… It’s basically a more melancholy version of “Eternal Moments”. It’s pretty much Axel’s theme in the game. Axel was always, ALWAYS wishing to go back to the past. Sea-salt ice cream and the sunset always reminded him of that. To Axel, the sunset was his star, and ice cream was his wayfinder.
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The first chapter of the Days manga was called “The Ice Cream That Started It All”. 
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At the end of the chapter, Roxas started remembering things after Axel took him out for ice cream. 
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The sun sank lower and lower as Axel watched, his mind wandering. If he stared for too long, the image would burn itself into his eyes, visible even after his eyes were closed. A phantom sun. Someone had once told him why sunsets were red… Who was that?
Roxas was eating ice cream with Axel when he brought up his first week. Ice cream = memories. Axel remembered the reason why the sunset was red on this day.
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In KH2, one of the early chapters is called “Sea-Salt Ice Cream”.
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It starts off with the kids eating ice cream. Pence calls it a simple pleasure before he wonders if they will always be together, which Hayner says is impossible. 
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Simple pleasures are experiences that are brief, positive, emerge in everyday settings, and are accessible to most people at little or no cost. 
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It’s like the saying “the best things in life are free”. Kinda cheesy, like something off a fortune cookie. But it’s still a nice message.
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Roxas: I could have done that blindfolded.
Axel: Ha ha! I dunno if I want a blindfolded zombie on the loose. All right, smart aleck, you did good. And no successful mission is complete without a little icing on the cake. C'mon.
On their mission together, when Roxas acts self-aware for the first time, Axel gave sea-salt ice cream to him as a reward for working hard.
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In KH2, the kids were broke. But they worked really hard to save up enough money to go to the beach. Of course, the money was stolen so they never got to go. 
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They had to settle for the simple pleasure of eating ice cream together. And they were fine with that.
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The trip to the beach was all about creating memories, since they couldn’t be together forever.
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The message is, it’s not the cost of the trip that was valuable, it’s the memories they created together. 
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Eating ice cream is cheap. It isn’t exactly as exciting as going to the beach, but it doesn’t have to be. The memories of the people you’re eating it with are more important. That’s why Axel stole a lot of Hayner’s dialogue in Days. It was all about the theme of “memories”.
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"C'mon, C'mon, stop by and try some! It's a sweet and salty mysterious ice cream!"
“What’s that?” Lea ran up to check it out.
“Hullo, there, laddie. Would you like one?” 
“I’m…guessing they aren’t free?” Lea asked, jamming a hand into his pocket. 
Scrooge hopped up and yelled, “Of course not! Are ye daft?!” 
When Lea was a kid, he didn’t have a lot of money, either. He was even hoping the ice cream Scrooge was offering was free.
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For a little bit, Lea was deep in thought. Scrooge held the ice cream in his hands. "Then I'll have one....no, two!" “Thank ye kindly!” 
Lea paid the munny, took the two ice popsicles from Scrooge, and handed one to Isa.
He was broke, but he still bought Isa an ice cream, too. There’s a reason I think the localization used the term “icing on the cake” for Axel’s sea-salt ice cream ritual.
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"It's cold....." Isa mumbled, nibbling at the ice cream. "Whaddya mean, it's ice cream so of course it is, got it memorized?" ".....moreover, it's salty." "But sweet!" As Lea went on, Isa smiled just a bit. It's rare to see Isa smile. But, well, friendship means eating ice cream together, talking about stupid things, and laughing like this.
Icing on the cake is defined as an attractive but inessential addition or enhancement. It’s the not the main attraction. It’s just something extra that makes a good thing even better.
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“Why, look at that, you’re a winner! Congratulations!” 
“‘Congratulations’…?” It was a new word to Roxas. Was that what he’d won? 
“You get another ice cream, on the house,” she told him. 
“Um, how much?” He didn’t know what “on the house” meant, either. But he had heard that one could get things in exchange for munny or for hearts. 
“No, no, it’s free. You won! Have you got a friend you’d like to treat?”
A WINNER stick gives you a free ice cream. It literally costs nothing. It’s the epitome of a simple pleasure.
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Day 357: To My Best Friend
Author: Axel
Roxas left. It’s so like him to just leave that WINNER ice cream stick behind. Come tomorrow, I’ll probably get the order to hunt him down, but leaving that here makes it feel so permanent. I wish the three of us—three? No. That the two of us could share some ice cream again someday. That’s what it is to be friends.
My impression was that Isa was the type of person who didn’t care what activity he was doing. The ice cream was just extra—the icing on the cake. It was nice, but it wasn’t even necessary.
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“Precisely, Roxas. That is no ordinary rose. To him, at least, it seems to hold more value than all the castle’s riches.”
As long he spent time with Lea, that was all that mattered. It didn’t matter if they were broke or not. Day 193 is even called “Memories”. And Axel brings up eating ice cream. To him, that’s what it meant to be best friends.
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“So, okay, say you don’t need a heart for things to be important to you… Maybe the closest thing we Nobodies have is our pasts. It’s the memories that give things value.”
“Memories…,” Roxas mumbled at his lap. “Well, I don’t remember my past, so I guess that explains it.” 
Axel pondered that for a few seconds before suggesting, “What about your present, though?” 
Roxas looked up. Somehow, he hadn’t expected to hear that from Axel. “Huh?” 
“You’ve got your memories since you joined up with the Organization, right? There must be something special to you there.” 
“I dunno…” Memories…? Roxas didn’t have any from when he was human. But he did remember his time with the Organization so far.
My theory is that Isa was Subject X. He had amnesia after Lea reunited with him in Twilight Town. They were going to start over and create a new life and new memories together. Since Isa had no memories of his past, Lea wanted them to do something memorable together, so he thought of going to the beach. 
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Other than being told today’s mission, I didn’t really do anything yesterday. Maybe in reality it’d even be okay to have called it a day off. A holiday…
“Didn’t get to go in the end,” muttered Axel, and he got up.
Today I have to destroy Roxas. I cannot betray the organization.
From the little shelf at his bedside, Axel took a white envelope, and looked at it vaguely for a while. Putting it in his pocket, Axel got up off the bed and left the room.
They probably didn’t get to stay in Twilight Town that long, though. Probably just 7 days, if I had to guess. They never got to go to the beach. Probably didn’t have the munny.
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Axel thrust his hand into his pocket, and took out the white envelope.
The memories of me and Roxas haven’t faded away. For now, that’s just fine.
“…Really feel like some ice cream,” Axel muttered, watching the sunset absently.
We were always together with the sunset. We talked about all kinds of things in that place. I think it’d be good if we could talk and eat ice cream there again someday. Now, there’s nothing but that. I only hope for that.
The setting sun was shining on Axel.
They spent quality time in Twilight Town, but then they realized they weren’t even safe there. They had nowhere to run from Xehanort. 
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He didn’t really understand the “icing” part, except that it was ice cream. Like Winner, though, it meant something special. So when Axel came back, Roxas would use the freebie and get him some “icing.”
They were out of time, so they decided to commit suicide together. Isa was grateful for the memories Lea was able to give him, even if the were just simple pleasures like ice cream. 
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That meant a lot to Lea. He said that inside people’s memories, he could live forever. 
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So, as long as they remembered each other, they’d never be apart. They promised to see each other again in the next life.
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Everything about Lea and Isa had thematic resonance, even if KH3 dropped the ball on them badly. It felt like Lea’s entire character arc for the whole Xehanort Saga revolved around his past with Isa. Everything he did with Roxas and Xion involved his past with Isa.
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I can’t really think of anything about Roxas and Axel’s relationship in KH3 that had thematic resonance. He just showed up out of nowhere and barely even interacted with Axel afterwards. It really felt like their reunion during the final battle wasn’t planned very far in advance and had very little thought put into it; like it was just shoehorned in at the last minute. Lea’s reunion with Ventus felt like it had more planning and thought put into it.
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Roxas and Axel barely even acknowledge each other after Roxas comes back. The moment where Isa treats Lea to an ice cream on the clock tower had waaaay more thematic significance than any moment between Lea and Roxas. It felt like that moment was being built up for a long, long time. Practically the entire Xehanort Saga. It was the equivalent of Terra telling Aqua she was always there lighting his way back. Lea and Roxas don’t get a special moment like this.
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nadziejastar · 6 years ago
You’re metas and analysis of Isa and Lea are amazing. And ty for standing up for Isa. Nobody tries to make distinction between his real self and the possessed emotionless puppet he was a Nobody. You actually made me like Isa, and I’m desperate for Lea/Isa content.
Aww, that makes me happy that you like Isa now. I absolutely adore the entire concept behind Isa. He was such a fascinating character, in theory. Everything about him was conceptualized to connect to the Realm of Sleep and the concepts of rebirth and love. It was incredibly unique and well thought out. It’s just such a shame that he was not utilized in any meaningful capacity. Like, how do you just waste such a perfect setup for an amazing story? How? Why? It just…kills me. Makes me question my faith in humanity, lol.
The fact that people don’t differentiate between Isa and Saïx is SO sad. That was the entire purpose of his character arc. KH3 was so unfair to poor Isa. It went against everything the series stood for. I honestly feel bad for the writers. They must have been so disappointed after they put so much thought into his and Lea’s story. Just the stuff they did with the moon impressed me so much.
Isa: The Moon Goddess of Love and Rebirth
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The triple moon is a Goddess symbol that represents the Maiden, Mother, and Crone as the Crescent, Full, and Balsamic Moon. It is also associated with feminine energy, mystery and psychic abilities. You often see this symbol on crowns or other head-pieces, particularly worn by High Priestesses.
In the Maiden, Mother, Crone aspects of the Goddess, Selene is the mother Goddess, Artemis the maiden, and Hecate the Crone. Two of Saix’s weapons are named “Selene” and “Artemis”.
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The Balsamic Moon phase is visible in pre-dawn twilight; the darkness is nearly complete. We begin the Balsamic Phase with just a thin sliver of light, and by the end of the phase, darkness is complete. We are approaching New Moon; this is the last waning phase. She has withdrawn into the darkness, leaving the night wrapped in shadows. Disappearing from sight, she is resting, preparing for the next Lunar Cycle.
Isa’s symbol is a waning crescent. But Balsamic is the term used in astrology/magic. It’s the last phase of the cycle before the darkness of the new moon, visible in twilight. I love this since sunset is also associated with twilight. Axel and Saix’s relationship is Days is in a state of twilight. It’s the time when it’s not quite day, but not quite night. Twilight is a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline.
This is a time of quiet contemplation. We withdraw into the shadowy depths of thought and emotion, resting, reflecting, thinking, feeling, dreaming, and preparing. To a great degree we exist in the ‘invisible worlds’ of subconscious, spiritual realms, daydreaming, and our own inner depths. We are often consciously unaware - much is happening, yet it seems that nothing is happening. The past slips away, quietly into the night as the future slips in. While the Moon releases her current cycle, extinguishing the light and preparing for the next cycle, we too are releasing extinguishing and preparing; even if we don’t know it on a conscious level.
This is just…perfect for the Realm of Sleep storyline. Like, too perfect. This is what Saïx’s Mystery Gear was all about. Xemnas conducted mind control experiments, as a way to get a person to renounce their sense of self. This would allow them to be open to his heart, and he could turn them into another Xehanort. That was his entire goal in the Xehanort Saga. It’s exactly what the letter chi stands for, which inspired the Recusant’s Sigil. The scar symbolizes that Isa had to die for Saïx to exist as another self of Xehanort.
But the rabbit on the moon is a symbol of immortality. The Jade Rabbit was so selfless, he was willing to give up his life for a hungry beggar, who turned out to be the Lord of Heaven in disguise. In reward for his deed, he was taken to the moon to live forever. It’s also a symbol for people on Earth to look at, so they never forget the rabbit’s virtue.
During the experiments on the darkness of the heart, all the subjects suffered the collapse of their hearts. None could be used as vessels. The entire idea behind Subject X is that they were a unique specimen that did not collapse, unlike everyone else. This crescent phase of “Moon Rabbit” is used when Saïx is in his normal state. The rocket is taking Isa’s heart to the moon, where it will live forever. His love and selflessness will never be forgotten. But…it’s not there yet. The rabbit isn’t on the moon. It’s still on the way. But Axel doesn’t know this. That’s why it was called “Mystery Gear”. Of course “Moon Rabbit” feels totally at odds with Saïx’s personality. That’s the whole point.
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New Moon is the phase of new beginnings. It is also called Dark Moon. You may not be aware you are beginning anything at all. In fact this is often a time with little conscious awareness of direction. This is a time of emotion, desire, and spontaneity. This is also considered to be a very powerful time to do “destructive magic”, like hexing and cursing.
Saïx’s first weapon in Days is called “New Moon”, and it is also perfect. It’s a new beginning, though not necessarily a happy one. “New Moon”, “Werewolf”, and “Berserk”  are all shaped like the alchemical symbol for antimony. The metal antimony symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man and nature, and it was often symbolized by the wolf. In alchemy, it is thought that antimony has the ability to free gold from impurities, and the innate power to have a similar effect on humankind. Basically antimony is poison, but can be transmuted into pure medicine. And that’s exactly what Saïx needs. A transmutation.
Roxas: What’s it like having a best friend, Axel?
Axel: Couldn’t tell ya. I don’t have one.
Roxas: Oh…
Days completely revolves around two parallel stories. Pretty much everything Axel talks about with Roxas relates back to his past. When he teaches Roxas stuff, it’s almost always implied that he’s speaking from experience. You can tell he is here, because he gets so sad about not having a best friend. Obviously he was thinking of Saïx. And it’s like that for the entire game.
Xion: But you have memories, don’t you?
Axel: Yeah. Not that they’ve ever done me any good.
The entirety of Days takes place in this Dark Moon period of death and darkness. Isa has been banished with deconstructive magic. Isa was the Old Moon. Saïx is the New Moon, the Dark Moon. In his heart, Axel could tell that Isa and Saïx are two different people. He knew Isa’s heart was gone. And he was mourning a loss, just like a death. He was doing a lot of soul searching. He struggled with how to come to terms with his grief.
Lea: In memories, you live forever, you know?
Isa: Well, you may be a really small part of my memories, but at least you’ll never disappear.
Lea: I’m SO flattered.
The best thing he can come up with is to try viewing things from the perspective that he held in the past. If you exist inside of people’s memories, you can live forever. He may have to let go of any hope that Saïx will be his best friend ever again. But he can still hold onto the fond memories of Isa. Those memories can stay separated from the negative memories of Saïx. They can remain pure and undefiled in his heart forever. Isa said that Lea would never disappear from his memories. As long as Axel remembers THAT Isa, he will live forever.
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Gibbous is when the moon is nearly full. Nearly, but not quite. We are poised and ready, the goal is so near we can almost touch it, almost reach it. So very close, but not quite, not yet. The Gibbous Phase holds a great deal of power and potential. It may take some patience and determination to tap into it. We find ourselves at the precarious point of being very close to a goal. This phase is about refining, fine-tuning, and tuning in. What you have begun may seem ready, but it can be better.
“Crescent” and “Gibbous” have a similar shape to Lea’s Keyblade.
Challenges, really, are always opportunities in disguise. But this is more true than ever during the Gibbous Phase. When you find yourself encountering glitches in your plans, realize that it is fortunate they were discovered at this stage, and most likely the result will be improving and enriching your endeavors. Impatience is so strong you can feel it in the air during Gibbous Phase. Yet patience is one of your best allies. It will come. It will be soon.
In magical terms, these phases are about breaking hexes, and using constructive magic to attract the things you want.
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The level of energy is higher on Full Moon than any other time of the month. We see it, feel it, and sense it. We feel our own power, and the power of the world around us. The moon is the natural astrological ruler of emotions. When she is riding high, so are our emotions. We aren’t happy, we’re elated; we aren’t mad, we’re furious; we aren’t interested, we’re excited; we aren’t sad, we’re depressed. There is an out-of-control tendency that can make it difficult to harness this energy. This is a powerful time, of excess and extremes, which can manifest in a positive or negative way.
And of course, the moon is what breaks Saïx’s icy calm. The Full Moon can bring out the very worst emotions from a person’s subconscious. And during the final battle, Kingdom Hearts is a big Full Moon.
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The Balsamic Moon Phase is a time for acceptance and release. What has gone too far to be repairable, we must let go of. The Moon is now retreating into the shadows, withdrawing into herself, resting and preparing to come back strong and vibrant in the next cycle. This is the time we should be preparing ourselves to be refreshed and ready for great momentum and new growth to come.
“Balsamic” is a weapon similarly shaped to triple goddess symbols. The Balsamic phase describes Isa’s story so perfectly.  He disappeared into the darkness of sleep.
This phase of the waning Moon is particularly good for final endings. Anything you don’t want to return - now is the time. We must have faith in ourselves, and the natural cycle, knowing what we let go of now will be reborn. We are making way for something new, releasing emotions and beginning healing…
But “Balsamic” is Crisis Gear. Saïx gets this weapon after he gets the Phoenix-shaped ones. This time it refers to the end of a different phase. The painful phase of the Dark Moon. I think this was meant to represent the time after Saïx is defeated, but before Lea uses the power of waking. I’m sure he wouldn’t know how to use it immediately. The purple aura symbolizes spirituality. But a black aura symbolizes long-term grief.
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The Sun illuminates the Moon; she transforms and reflects his light upon the Earth. The illuminated Earth transforms and reflects her light, producing a mystical, silvery glow. These energies of illumination and reflection are ingrained into the phase of Full Moon. We reflect upon our lives and selves, we see more deeply into our own souls, as well as others. We are drawn to the illusive and mysterious.
The Full Moon is when the moon fully reflects the sun’s light. The moon’s energy is at its peak, so it can bring out the worst emotions. On the other hand, due to its power, it is also good for healing.
Full Moons are times when the moon is reflecting all of the sunlight it receives, flooding the earth with powerful energies. These are great times to receive energy healing. The Full Moon energy helps us release that which no longer serves us. It lights up the night, and energetically, these are times when the light can more easily eliminate the darkness in our lives, releasing old blocks. It makes us aware of life patterns that do not work for us. On a subconscious level, we may feel safer holding on to certain toxic emotions such as anger, fear, and jealousy. But with the Full Moon’s energy we can work on letting them go.
This version of “Moon Rabbit” is used in Saïx’s Berserk state. When the rabbit appears on the moon, it is full.  
“I think you can be inseparable even if you’re apart. It’s like, if you feel really close to each other. Like best friends.”
“As long as we remember each other, we’ll never be apart.”
These quotes are very similar and that was no coincidence. It was definitely implied that Axel used to feel not just close, but inseparable from Isa. As long as you feel really close to someone, you can be inseparable from them, even if you’re apart. And as long as you remember each other, you’ll never be apart. He still felt really close to the Isa from his memories. He never wanted to be apart from that Isa.
“I guess the closest thing we Nobodies have got is our past. You know, memories of the stuff we couldn’t bear to lose, back when we couldn’t bear to lose it.”
That’s why he shifted his attitude on Day 150. Before, he said memories were “just baggage”. Now he says that what he can’t bear to lose are his memories of what he couldn’t bear to lose…back when he couldn’t bear to lose it. Isa is the only established character from Lea’s past, so this was no doubt referring to him. Axel was admitting that when he was a human, he couldn’t bear to lose Isa. Of course, Axel did lose him. So, the next best thing was to hold onto the memories of him. The sad reality was that Axel’s hokey speech was really about finding a way for Isa to live forever, and for them to be inseparable once again. In his mind he knew this was probably hopeless. But his heart just wouldn’t let go of Isa.  
Axel thought he lost something precious—a special heart connection he had with someone. But the heart’s connection can never be lost. Lea realizes Isa’s heart never died. His love allowed his heart to live forever. The rocket carrying Isa’s heart has finally arrived on the moon. The rabbit is now immortal and his virtue will be remembered forever. Under the light of Kingdom Heart’s Full Moon, Lea is able to give Isa a birth by sleep, awakening his heart from the darkness of sleep, and offering him new life. He was right all along. Inside people’s memory, you do live forever. And no matter what, Lea’s heart just could not forget Isa.
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Crescent Moon is now visible and increasing in size and brightness, having moved from darkness in the New Moon Phase to a slender, but solid easily visible sliver during this phase. This is the energy we feel during this phase; the beginnings of solidity. Visions and intentions are beginning to evolve into manifestation. Momentum is building, and we are beginning to see and feel the formation of what we have began. Our vision is clear, and direction is chosen. This is a time of seeking, and developing. We are encountering details, and confronting the challenges we must face. The vision held is going from a dream to a goal; from an idea to a plan.
The final scene shows Isa’s pin and it symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle, and also the Maiden phase. This phase is good for constructive magic, attracting things like love, wealth, and personal development.
Roxas: This is gonna sound stupid. Do you know what love is?
Axel: ‘Scuse me?
Roxas: I found out about love on today’s mission–that it’s something powerful.
Axel: That’s true. It is. But I’ll never get to experience it.
Roxas: Nobodies can’t love?
Axel: You need a heart, man.
A few days earlier, Axel was pretty dismissive about Roxas’ girl issues. On the other hand, he was NOT so dismissive about love. Sounds like he had a lot more personal experience in this matter that hit a lot closer to home than girl troubles. Axel has been in love. And he longed to be in a relationship where that love is reciprocated to him. This is something he’s never experienced, so he had no memories of it to fall back on.
After Axel said that, I didn’t think it would be truly satisfying unless he found love. But he specified that the love he truly longed for was the special kind between two people that’s different from caring about your friends. His arc was setting up more than platonic love. He longed for romantic love. That’s why I don’t think his ending in KH3 was a fully satisfying one. Friendship was important to him, yes. But the story set Axel up to have a lover when he finally got his heart back.
Axel: Love is what happens if there’s something really special between two people.
Roxas: You mean, like, if they’re best friends? Inseparable?
Axel: Well, you can care about your friends, I guess, but that’s not what I’m talking about.
Everything in Days was carefully written to parallel Axel’s present situation involving Roxas, with his past involving Saïx. It was done very deliberately. Axel speaks of the past in broad terms, but he always speaks with a hint of wistfulness. The past is very personal to him. And the only established character from his past is Saïx. This was NOT an accident. It’s why I think the story was subtlely implying that Lea was not just best friends with Isa, but in love with him as well. They were best friends who were inseparable, just like Roxas and Xion. But Lea felt something else between him and Isa. And that something was different from the way he felt towards his other friends. What he felt for Isa was special. Lea felt love for him. And what better way to rekindle a lost love than under the heart-shaped moon of Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds?
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