#I’m tired of the edgelord takes
igotanidea · 1 year
No strings attached (1) : Jason Todd x plus-size!reader
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Summary: Madison was Jason's stalker and he was tired. When Y/N moved into the neighbourhood he saw that as an opportunity to get rid of the baggage. Accidental meeting led to something more than friend, never a relationship though. He was not into tail, surely not, right? So why sudden change of behaviour when she pushed him away? And why would she push him away in the first place?!
Warnings: not in this chapter, but definitely smut and angst in the next ones. I'll post individual warnings in each chapter
„Why the fuck can’t you just leave me alone?” Jason sighed deeply leaning onto the doorframe of the apartment next to his. Honestly he had no idea what was happening to him lately. Maybe it was the effect of getting back to Gotham, but he became more depressed than before. Guess being back from the death and realizing your family replaced you does such things to people. Of course, there was his hole Red Hood persona, but Jason? Jason Todd was insecure, sensitive and in desperate need of someone to love. And someone who would love him back. However, all those traits were skillfully covered by sarcasm, edgelord attitude and harsh behavior. So why wasn’t he able to just tell this girl to fuck off and leave him alone? Why couldn’t he say something mean, which will left her offended and disappear from his life.
He just couldn’t and it was really getting on his nerves.
“But Jason….” the girl whined “why can’t you see it?”
“See what exactly?” he raised an eyebrow
“We are just perfect for each other!” she squealed and almost jumped into his arms in an attempt to hug him “Come on, just give this a chance!”
“Please, go away, Madison.”
“You remembered my name!”
“Of course I remembered your name. How could I not?” he rubbed his forehead “you left like a hundred notes with your name and number in my mailbox. And sticky notes on my bike. And you tormented my ….’ He hesitated, the word brother, not getting thought his mouth “nevermind. I told you, I am not interested.”
“You just don’t know what you’re missing, Jaybird….”
“Stop calling me that! I hate it! Who …. Who the fuck taught you this nickname!?” now she actually managed to anger him. Maybe it was good, maybe for the first time in a while he would be able to take some direct action and get rid of that stalker of a girl.  
“I got my ways.” She smiled mischievously “nothing ever gets lost in the Internet and I got just the right tools to dig deep.”
“Listen up, Madison….”
“Oh, I am listening. Extremely carefully.” She took a step towards him and he immediately flinched. Cornered by a girl, fucking great. Grayson would never let him live this down. “Come on, Jason, let me in….” she cooed, her hand tracing up his arms towards his shoulder “you remember how much fun we had last time….”
“It was one time! One fucking time and it was a mistake!”
“The kind you want to keep repeating?”
“What the fu…..” he started, but another female voice joined the conversation successfully cutting him off. A very annoyed female voice.
“I’m sorry, but could you two take this conversation, elsewhere? You are kind of blocking the door to my apartment and I would love to take this off.” She pointed towards the heavy backpack she was wearing.
Oh, right. There have been a lot of talk in the building about a possible new tenant. Guess she was the one. And the timing was just perfect for Jason, who immediately jumped into the occasion.
“Baby!” he almost screamed and both girls looked at him with wide eyes. Madison in surprise, bordering shock, the other one with “what-the-fuck” expression, probably wondering if he was mental. So much of a good first impression “you are finally here!” he continued, hugging the girl lightly to not startle her.
“What the …..?” she hissed into his ear, but before she could finish the sentence he squeezed her tighter, almost getting a kick in the groin.
“Come on, just play along with me for a minute.” Jason whispered, so that only she could here “I need to get rid of her, I’ll buy you a wine or whatever, just help the neighbor out.”
“You’ll owe me much more than just a wine if you keep your hands where they are now.”
Oh, shit. Only now, he realized that his right palm was definitely way to low on her back. But damn, the girl got curves in all the right places and he was just a man.
“Sorry.” He mumbled and pulled away, acting like they knew each other for eternity “Why didn’t you call me, princess? I told you to do it the second you get in town! I can’t believe you carried all this weight by yourself!”
“I just wanted to surprise you…, em…, honey.”
“You most definitely did.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Hold right there.” Madison came in between them and pushed the other girl away slightly “who the fuck are you?”
“She’s my girlfriend.” Jason blurted, hoping his new neighbor would really play along.
“Yeah, um, hi, I’m Y/N. Nice to…..”
“Did you know you’re boyfriend is cheating on you, sunshine? No wonder, though.” She gave Y/N a look over  “You should really lose some weight, sunshine. Will do you good. ”
“I’m sorry, what….?”
“Hey! You have no right to talk to her like that!”
“Sure not. but for some reason you choose me over her multiple times….”
“Whatever, Jaybrid. If you ever get bored with her, again, you know where to find me. I’m not giving up on you, baby” Madison raised onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek briefly. Jason almost didn’t stop himself from wiping it off his face. “as for you, girlfriend” she almost hissed the last word “I don’t; think this is going to last long. Too bad for you.” her vicious laugh filled the whole staircase “love you Jaybird, call me!”
And leaving just a thread of perfume she was  gone. Not that she left furious Jason and absolutely confused Y/N behind.
“I’m sorry about ….” Jason turned around, ready to do some explanation, but much to his disappointment, the only sound he heard was clicking on the key in a keyhole. From inside.  “Hey, come on, Y/n! Open up!”
“Go away, you freak!”
“Let me at least apologize face to face, not through the door!” a moment of silence on her part gave him unreasonable hope.
“Apology accepted, now move out of my door or I’ll come at you!” if only she knew who she was threatening….
“I promised you a wine for helping me, remember?”
“I don’t care! If you don’t leave in ten seconds I’m gonna call the police!”
“Hate to break it to you, princess, but it’s Gotham. I’m the best chances at protection you have. Or you can always call upon Batman, but I don’t see that being successful.” Jason scoffed, starting to walk back and forth.
“Oh, yeah, right. That really sounds exciting. Meeting the big, bad bat in person.” Her voice reverberated somehow clearer and closer than before and when he raised his gaze realized she actually opened the door and was now standing right in front of him.
Shit, she was pretty with her h/c hair, flowing around her face, a bit fuzzy because of shitty Gotham weather, shiny e/c eyes and pouty lips. She might have been a bit on the heavier side, but it only added to her charm and fire that she showed before by putting on the little display.
She was beautiful and even tiredness of the journey couldn’t hide that.
“Hi.” Jason whispered, a little taken aback and filled with guilt of dragging her into his mess.
“What the fuck was that?” she sighed deeply “Look, Jason, I am exhausted. I had a long journey and as much as I would love to take you up on that wine offer I had no power in me to do that. So how about we just forget about this whole mess and say farewell to each other, hm? I have no interest in interfering in your personal life, especially with the girl who called me fat the second she laid eyes on me.”
“Don’t you want to know your handsome neighbor better?” he smirked and realized that even though it just slipped through, there was a chance that his old self was getting back to life. Was it because of her?
“Nah, not really. I think I’ve seen enough. And like I said, being back in Gotham sucks, but what can a girl do, right? Life sucks as well sometimes.” She shrugged and started closing the door
“Wait!” he put a feet in, before she managed to actually do it.
“What now?”
“Are you from around here?”
“Born Gothamite. Glad you can’t tell it just by looking at me. Now, I really want to go to sleep, if you don’t mind…..” she yawned and rubbed her eyes in the cutest child-like manner, making him feel to many things. Too many dangerous things.....
‘Right, sorry. I’ll leave you to it. Good night, Y/N.”
“Yeah, night, crazy boy.”
She already had a nickname for him.
He definitely wasn’t going to let this acquaintance end up at this….
next part ->->->
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Isat chatfic part 2 (Part 1 is pinned on my acc)
11:47 am
Wannabe edgelord: stars what is this name
*wannabe edgelord changed their name to Star*
Star: thats better
Bonbon: I hate Za so much
Mira: Why?
Bonbon: he said that he was better at stick fighting
That's a lie
You don't lie to people
Isa: Bonbon please don't do this
Star: a week?
Bonbon: FOR A WEEK
Isa: i'll take it thank you snack master
Bonbon: snack master?
Isa: I came up with it this morning, do you like it
Bonbon: YEAH
Star: Ok crab that
blinding stars above carla needs to calm down
Star: only Book 1 
I had no choice it was the only Book within arms length 
And I refuse to leave bed today
Long hair enthusiast: Why
Star: Stars above nille where've you been I need to yel, at you 
Long hair enthusiast: at the market
We were out of rice 
Any way answer my question 
Star: You know how climbing a mountain would feel
Long hair enthusiast: not rly but go on
Star: thats how leaving bed feels today
Mira: I think that has a name
Madame help us
Isa: Her phone is out of battery 
Mira: Oh
Isa: She doesn't have a charger
Nille has the only one
Long hair enthusiast: I do
Star: someone give me my headphones please
I need to listen to music
Isa: here are ur headphones <3
Star: thx <3
Bonbon: *huergh*
Star: What did we do
Isa: I don’t know
Hardcover Book To The Head: Responding to Mira
 Mirabelle it’s called workload paralysis.
Mira: Thank you madame!
Bonbon: Dile how are you texting
Hardcover Book To The Head: Laptop.
Star: Oh
Wait you had a laptop thios whole time
Hardcover Book To The Head: Yes.
*Hardcover Book To The Head changed their name to Odile*
Odile: That's better.
Long hair enthusiast: I feel betrayed
Yknow what
I'm tired of this
*Long hair enthusiast changed their name to Nille*
Mira: Siffrin, where are you in the book?
Star: Chapter 16 
I will throw up if carla misses one more obvious hint
like sir Rambert is right
Mira: I KNOW!!!!!!!!
Star: she needs to up the stakes
Get it
Mira: The whole staking warlock merlix in the heart thing
Star: Yeah
Mira: :[
Star: ;)
Isa: ;)
Mira: huh?
Isa: You realise I’m the one who was reading it before sif had it right
Isa: currently on book two
Nille: Isnt that series like rly badly writen
Odile: *Written
Nille: idc anyway yeah isnt it rly bad
Mira: Yes, but you can’t put it down.
Star: Yeah
Isa: Honestly I thought it was pretty good
Bonbon: Ok nobody cares Im making lunch
POTATOES CUZ WE HAD EXTRA (its fries cuz Frin doesn’t like potatoes)
Nille: aight cmon
Mira: ok!
Bonbon: Za yours are spicy
Isa: Oh crab
Nille: common get over here or im forcing you to
Star: I think Isa could beat you tbh
Odile: Siffrin please. Don’t start this again.
Star: alright
*Mira and five others went offline*
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
RWBY is a good show, and I’m tired of people pretending its not!
I’m sorry, I’m just so tired of all these random claims that RWBY is “boring anime cliche” or “racist white male writing”, So...let’s go over them in segments
Female characters:
Aren’t walking fanservice shots and aren’t sexualized
Aren’t degraded in their field (combat, tactics, dust usage, etc) to boost up male characters (cause seemingly female characters being too skilled at something is emasculating to incels)
When a woman says no to a man, the man takes no for an answer and doesn’t keep trying. (So dear Hbomberguy, stop claiming that Weiss x Jaune was ever a thing)
Women don’t require a man to “Defend their honor” (This is in response to the dude who harassed me in anonymous about V5 who was upset that Yang punched a creep)
Aren’t woobified or emotionally weakened, instead having reactions to things like normal human beings. (Sorry Shonen anime which loves to make women woobified or emotionally weakened vs men) Being capable of emotions but also doing things effectively.
Aren’t made into waifu for male characters. Nora is still a badass and even being allowed to explore who she is outside of Ren, which runs against the usual anime/manga bs. Weiss didn’t get with Jaune after finding out he helped w/ Neptune. Blake actually defended her boundaries when Sun crossed certain lines (even though they’re brotp not romantic, he’s a male character that could’ve been put as a pseudo-love interest). Yang is also shown to be more than just Blake’s GF as we see in Ruby Yang interactions, Yang vs Salem, Yang ageeing to talk with Robyn. They’re all their own characters not trying to be the perfect wife for a male character.
LGBT+ characters:
aren’t in a world of “everyone is gay or straight”, so for me at least coming across as more impactful
have Ilia (lesbian); Coco (lesbian); Terra (wlw) and Saphron (wlw) also married and w/ kid that aren’t treated different to any other couple; Scarlet (gay-male); Nolan (implied, I think its at this point and not confirmed, mlm); May (non-deadnamed, voiced by and helped crafted with the help of a trans VA, and not having her trans status be the central element of her character trans character); Blake (bi) and Yang (wlw) that are a main pair that are being allowed to build to a relationship at the same pacing as the hetero alt. pairing. BB being naturally built up and not rushed into a relationship, though still soft-canon locked in via Nora.
Are ALL ALIVE (funny how the straight white male characters get killed off?)
PoC characters:
Includes Marrow, Pietro, Joanna, Flynt, Yatsuhashi, Lie Ren, and Robyn as default heroes side
Includes Emerald having switched to the heroes side after having it foreshadowed in v3. Also possibly Elm and Harriet, depending on where they go in the future.
includes Sienna, who was admittedly actual wasted potential, being contrasted against Adam as the morally better version of violence in activism. A controlled violence actually giving a shit rights activist leader vs. a co-opting murderous abusive bloodthirsty psychopathic terrorist.
are easily the lesser in villain count vs. Caucasian villains.
So can the RWDE please stop trying to claim how RWBY isn’t better than anime/manga at least, but overall “isn’t progressive” in these areas.
Adam Taurus represents a very real element in real life regarding “Radical civil rights movements” ; extremism and co-opters; While the actual faunus rights aspect on its own is given a sympathetic light repeatedly. We also have Ilia Amitola, the female POC lesbian, get a redemption. While Adam Taurus, the cis white male edgelord? Is Evil  and gets his death by double penetration at the hands of two lesbians. (Edit: yes, I know Blake is Bi, as is her VA. It was an expression explaining how cis white male “authority” individuals get emasculated)
The WF has a lot of references, not specifically the Black Panther one. Also the WF on its own is fine, its the version that gets corrupted by Adam’s psychotic co-opting terrorist ass that is the problem.
 Reflective of reality where if any group for any cause crosses into violence that involves innocent bystanders; then they lose any credibility and are nothing more than terrorists. I don’t care what the cause is. Which is exactly what the WF under Adam presents; but is just 1 vein of it with Sienna’s vein existing, Ghira’s, and even Blake’s. Was it handled perfectly? No, you could have easily have shaved time from Adam to give to Sienna and had her live to continue. Personally I found Sienna to be the actual wasted potential, but EruptionFang naturally loves cis white male evil men as his favorite Meow Meows. Don’t even try to recommend a gay or bisexual dude to rwby critics, they’ll flip and call it pandering.
The MC’s aren’t remotely “paper thin”, nor secondaries. Heck the only ones that fit that bill are characters in the tertiary vein that are supposed to be that way. The “two traits” falls apart if one actually pays attention to the characters.
And most fixit fanfics not only sexualize the characters in a show with no fanservice...
Sadly they also overfocus on male characters and have their favorite male characters talk down the female main characters.
Robyn Hill represents the people standing up NOT against the military, but against fascism/totalitarianism. We see that for all the “good intentions” that Ironwood MAY have? It is always sabotaged by him. Ironwood backstabs Ozpin, brings an Army as a show of force, does multiple projects behind people’s backs, and yet displays more than few acts of hypocrisy. Volume 7 literally showed him acting as a dictator because he believed that only he knew the answer to everyone’s problems. Yet the consequences of HIS actions are what led to Atlas Downfall. Yang and Blake even tried to get Robyn to work with Ironwood and Robyn was literally willing to do so. Which of course pissed off Ironwood stans that anyone, especially a POC hero of the people, would stand against a Cis White Male Authority figure. The elections in V7 meant that anyone’s authority could be challenged by the people. Of COURSE Ironwood stans REFUSE to acknowledge the election part was good.
The attempt to balance idealism with realism is pretty interesting. What do you do against an enemy with an unlimited army, immortality, and agents who seek to turn everyone against each other? Do you submit to the “inevitable?” Or do you keep fighting to the end, instead prolonging the end?
You can think of this as having borrowed a theme or two from dark souls!
RWBY is at the very least leaps and bounds beyond most anime it's close in genre with. I remember seeing, partially in jest, the idea that RWBY has half the fanbase it does for being an action anime with a female case and no fanservice and I think it might almost literally be true.
It is depressingly hard to find a decent action show with a female cast that doesn't sexualize them in gross ways. Even shows I like on the whole end up doing that.
Of course, the points regarding love are helped by the fact that a good chunk of the female cast is front and center in the story. They’re largely in the driver seat and aren’t secondary to any male titular protagonist. Thus you don’t get cases where a girl on the main cast is there to be… the girl.
In any other story, Oscar and/or Jaune  would be front and center. Heck, the three creators of RWBY are guys before their team grew so you’d think they’d “write what they know.” Yet they stick to their guns on having girls get shit done.
One Anime a person I know felt came close to this was, if you can believe it, Fairy Tail where Natsu might’ve been the prominent ass kicker but Erza is the one effectively leader the team, Wendy goes on an arc of learning to love herself and Lucy grows into the wizard that leads the charge against Acnologia.
Yet it sent mixed signals with how the girls (those of age) had designs that left little to the imagination. I can appreciate an artist honest in his horniness… but the Anime did something right when it came to Erza’s torture in Tartaros that helped sell the gravitas of the traumatic experience.
RWBY feels like the above but far more refined in execution. There’s a time and place for schlocky cheesecake but not when it clashes with the narrative and themes overall.
So tell me...without using Hbomberguys’ repeated false information about the “love triangle” or “self-insert” slander...how would YOU respectfully criticize RWBY?  How would you claim to be “a critic” yet still encourage people to watch RWBY? 
If you try to bring up Hbomb’s 2.5 hour hate video, then anyone who tries to claim that a video from 2 years ago no longer is relevant is just being hypocritical. (Looking at you, RWDE Apologist, you know who you are)
Oh, one more thing. RWBY seasons 1-3 were the weakest in terms of writing and animation. But even so, the fact of the matter is that anything that happened in those seasons are ignored by critics, theorists, and straight shippers.
Material Inspired from   https://www.tumblr.com/crimsonxe/691425946111295488/since-i-ran-across-a-dumbass-earlier-that-tried-to 
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the-shy-wolf · 1 year
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I’ll be posting this to Twitter tomorrow, but since I’m more active here, I’ll go ahead and post. To everyone who has supported me up to this point, I appreciate everything, more than you will ever know. Despite my claims of being an ‘edgelord’, I think it’s no secret that that’s absolutely not the case. I’m an incredibly sensitive person. So sensitive, in fact, that I’m easily stressed when it comes to certain things. I’ve been having to take frequent breaks from the internet due to my extreme levels of anxiety. My anxiety has been so bad, I now have seizures due to my stress levels being so high. Don’t worry, I am working with a therapist and psychologist with this, and with therapy and appropriate medication, I can beat it.
With that being said, I’m sorry to say I’m stepping away from the Deltarune fandom. I’m sad and extremely conflicted about it, because it was Deltarune that helped me make so many friends and meet so many people. This is my first time having a place in fandom, I was briefly involved in the Adventure Time fandom, but that was years ago and it was a brief thing. I’ve never had this many eyes on me, and it’s overwhelming. My time and the emotional investment I’ve been putting into fandom/art has felt like a second job, and I’m not okay with that. I originally started posting art, because I was inspired. It’s also helped me cope with the loss of my brother. But it’s no longer a coping method, it feels more like a chore and it no longer brings me happiness. I’ve been harassed by anon hate/criticisms mercilessly, and it’s taken a toll on me. I’m 30 years old, and if I have not developed a thick skin now, it’s safe to say I never will. Which is another thing I want to bring up: I no longer want to draw ship art of Deltarune characters, and that includes Kris and Susie. I’m tired of the shipping discourse/hate, and to be honest, I don’t want to only be known for shipping characters from a game. I think it’s made people not take me seriously as an artist at all, and it’s no longer enjoyable. I started shipping the characters because they both reminded me of my partner and I, but now, it’s all anyone ever relates my work to, and that includes oc’s. It’s frustrating. I’m a short, brown headed enby. Bram is a big freckled long haired dude. My ocs look like us. Please stop mixing the two- it ain’t that deep.
I’m sorry if this came out of the blue, but after receiving my diagnosis yesterday, I need to cut back on my stress levels, and a lot of that stress stems from fandom. Will I draw DR in the future? Maybe. Especially once new content is dropped. Idk if it will be shipping, but it’ll be something. I will, of course, continue to support all of my art friends. You’ve been nothing but kind and supportive of me, and despite my absence, I care very, very much. So much, in fact, I isolate myself from everyone because I don’t feel worthy to associate or even share my art. I know that’s a shitty excuse, but it’s true. There is a voice in my head that keeps telling me I’m not worthy to even associate. If this disappoints my friends/supporters, I’m so very sorry. It’s how my brain has always worked.
I also want to apologize for leaving my other sm accounts. I was not trying to worry or cause panic. I don’t think too many people even noticed, which is good. It’s not the first time I’ve deactivated. My hands get busy and sometimes deactivating and stepping away is a good reset button for me. But I wanted to throw all of this out there. I’m sorry if this is disappointing or upsetting, but I want to be honest. About all of it.
Thank you for reading, again- I’m so sorry. I’ll probably reactivate and post this message to Twitter tomorrow.
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dizzydennis · 2 years
I need to get this off my chest.
I’ve been vocal about the IDW/Ian Flynn haters in the past. In fact, they’re the entire reason why I mostly left this platform. But it never ends. Whether it’s on tumblr or twitter or even in twitch chats, it never ends!
Don’t you get tired? Just go somewhere else? Just ignore the comics. The argument always comes up of “We can’t ignore it, they’ll ruining Sonic.” You can. You absolutely can!
I very much hate the Animal Crossing series now despite having liked it in the past. You don’t see me constantly writing essays about how bad it is. You don’t see me hating on every bit of news that comes out with it.
Comic books are a monthly narrative. They’re a medium very different from video games. I understand that people want Sonic to be a particular way. I do too, if I’m being honest. But I’m also aware that it’s a different interpretation as has been Archie Sonic, Movie Sonic, Fleetway Sonic, X Sonic, Underground Sonic, and so on. Sonic always changes based on the medium and interpretation. Heck, he changes between games. Sonic being “chatty” in the comics is a different interpretation and part of the entire medium of comic books. It’s how reading works.
I’m not going to claim that IDW or Ian Flynn are perfect. Is Sonic too morally righteous in the comics? Yes. Is Shadow written as an edgelord and against his growth from the game canon? Yes. Does Eggman lacking any back-up plans seem idiotic? Yes. Have the stories gotten a bit too repetitive with them constantly going to the Eggperial City? Yes. Is this something worth exploding over every month? NO!
All media is going to have things that aren’t perfect. You’re allowed to dislike it, but where is the line drawn in how much you need to vent about it?
The reason I want to write this post is how the “opinions” against the comics and Flynn have gotten to this unavoidable, venomous point. I’ve seen haters say how they’re excited to see the IDW sales fall so the comics eventually get canceled. How they want to take this particular faction of the Sonic fandom and dissolve it. I ask this genuinely: What is wrong with you!? Just because you dislike a particular part of a series means you want it destroyed even for those who enjoy it? Grow up. It’s selfish, mean, and just not what fandom is supposed to be about. The insults, the name-calling, the mob mentality, and everything coming out of this negative side of the fandom is really, really gross.
I’ve seen many haters always say that there are IDW-lovers who have also bullied, name-called, and even sent death threats. Now, I have never seen these myself besides retaliating against the haters who go too far. But I have never ever seen death threats over this (it could have been to previous writers and I may be mistaken). Now, I am stating it right here that just because I didn’t see these posts doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If they do, I obviously do not condone that behavior. It is awful! But I also see the haters bringing up these examples to justify any action they take. I’ve lost track of how many times it’s been brought up. First off, you know (if the posts do exist) that it’s a couple of bad apples amongst plenty of normal fans. But it’s brought up so often that I wonder... is it still a legitimate justification for how you’re acting? Even if it was one bad post, how much mileage can you get out of that? Does it still legitimize how you’ve been currently talking about others? Does it make your bullying fair? Your words do hurt and they do get to the ears of those you’re talking about.
And about Ian Flynn. You all need to stop. No, Ian Flynn is not perfect. No, I don’t think his Bumblekast things help a lot; in fact, it muddies a lot of the waters. But it’s a stupid podcast on the side... just ignore it. You do that with what’s actually written in the comic already. However you feel about him, Ian Flynn has contributed a lot to Sonic through Archie, IDW, and the games.
But there’s such a hatred for anything Ian Flynn puts his name on. I have a former friend who hated Sonic Frontiers before it came out simply because Ian Flynn was attached to it. The moment they heard he was the head writer, they wrote the game off. I am 100% sure that no matter how Frontiers or the story within it turned out, they would have disliked it. Just because Ian Flynn was in the end credits. The insults thrown at Ian Flynn, the artists, and writers of the IDW comics are inexcusable. If he has two characters even share a panel, you call it shipbaiting. If two female characters have a fight, you claim it’s written by a sexist man. If a villain is killed off-screen or turns out to be alive, you complain. This last point is exactly how a monthly, serialized story works. I don’t know if you’re unfamiliar with comic books outside of Sonic, but this is how the medium just is. Said villain gets killed and you shout foul about how the one “queer” character was killed. How the writers are homophobic for “leading readers on” and then killing him. There have been racists posts about the fandom praising Flynn over Japanese writers. You make posts ranting and raving how Nite and Don being a gay couple is bad because they’re “nothing characters” and then you post about how Don abandoned Nite... despite the fact that literally ONE PAGE LATER, he comes back to essentially die with his boyfriend.
It makes me wonder if the haters actually READ the comics or if they scan, decide they don’t like something, and then get angry. Sonic is a comic series under mandates and rules, especially after everything that went down with Archie. No, I’m not saying these mandates are excuses for poor characterization or writing, but it does somewhat explain why certain characters are handled in certain ways. The IDW comic writers are people with the freedom to take the characters in certain directions. That’s all. They’re creators working hard.
The defenses you all set up to lean back on Pontac and Graff is also bewildering. Now, if you love the “Meta Era” of games then that’s totally fine. I honestly don’t care which games you like. But retroactively praising the writing of games like Sonic Lost World and Sonic Forces is odd. Yes, Pontac and Graff are human beings and don’t deserve the massive hate and mistreatment they’ve been dealt. But their work is rightfully criticized. We went through over a decade of poor writing and canon being completely screwed up. But some of you will defend them because Eggman said he’d strangle a zeti or that the way he said the sun would crush the heroes justified so much in Forces. Why are you willing to die on this hill? For four games? For four games that have objectively more lighthearted and cookie cutter plots?
I’m not perfect in this. For a while, when Sonic Forces came out. I would make post after post about it. After a couple of months, I realized that I simply hated the game and I was harming the experience of people who liked it. I made an apology and I stopped. I still hate Sonic Forces. It’s still my most hated Sonic game, but you don’t see me reacting to the Infinite mini figure getting announced by making weeks of posts saying how badly he was written.
Just get over it. Move on. Stop hating on the aspects of a thing you’re supposed to be a fan of. Aren’t you miserable? Sonic the Hedgehog has been such a positive influence on my life. Sonic has inspired me, gotten me through bad times, and has introduced me to some of the best people I have ever met.
Why stick around and constantly surround yourself with such negativity? Again, I don’t hang around Animal Crossing things anymore and I’m personally better off for it. You’re in a fandom, but are you even fans anymore? You’ll hate everything that comes out simply because a particular writer is attached or because you’ve decided the comics have betrayed your headcanons. It’s gotten to the point where the IDW Haters really have become a joke. People see what you’re saying and it’s affecting the perception of the fandom. Moreover, you’re actively ruining the experience for fans around you and are voicing that you hope it fails.
That’s not what being part of a fandom is about. I am so, so, so tired of seeing negativity about the comics and Ian Flynn. Again, honest opinions are fine and I want people to feel how they feel. Their feelings should be valid. But having your opinions and becoming toxic to the point that you’re notorious for it... is just too much.
I love Sonic as I am sure many other fans do. Hell, there’s definitely love for Sonic with the IDW-haters as well; you wouldn’t feel so passionately about the blue blur if you didn’t care. But just take some perspective and realize what this is doing.
I had a good friend once who I thought would be somebody I could always relate to for good and bad. This friend would get angry if I didn’t agree to certain comments about Dr. Eggman and would be upset if I didn’t reply in a certain way to certain posts. It was like walking on egg shells. It came to a point where I needed to separate myself from that person. They became constantly toxic about all things modern Sonic. It made me feel depressed and guilty just to enjoy the series that I love. Toxicity is something that just corrodes you to the pit of your soul if it goes too deep. I miss this friend, but I don’t think I can ever truly be friends with them that way again. It affects me so often to this day.
Please, feel how you feel about Sonic comics, movies, games, whatever. Just realize how much your distaste for something is affecting you, your friendships, and others. I can’t stand this kind of drama anymore. I just want to love Sonic and want people to love Sonic as well. That’s what fandom is supposed to be about.
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Roundup: Arc-V!
Favorite main character: Shay Obsidian
Raidraptors slap. Every era of this show has one archetype that makes the twelve year old inside my brain start cheering in adoration, and this time, it’s raidraptors. What can I say. I like birds.
Shay himself also does a whole lot to sell the coolness factor of his mechanical falcons. The blunt, to-the-point, selfassuredness he carries himself with is almost intimidatingly edgelord, but some great voice acting work by Matt Shipman keeps him on the humaner side of anime emos. (Also, if you didn’t know, Matt Shipman, also voice of Reki in SK8 the Infinity, and if you hadn’t made the connection between season one Shay and breakup arc era Reki, I’m sorry that is in your brain now.) 
His design is the wonderful kind of harmonizing amazingly well with his monsters without being overbearing. With all the old fighter plane influence of the raidraptors, it makes perfect sense for Shay to sport his trademark leather trenchcoat that comes complete with the asymmetrical zipper and wide collar of an aviator's jacket. I particularly love the red scarf being the unofficial uniform of the XYZ rebellion, and it going completely unremarked on in the story. It’s clever to see how it’s worked into everyone’s outfit without it being pointed out to the viewer; it’s like an easter egg hunt. On Shay, he wears it in mimicry of a silk flight scarf, another visual nod to WWII pilots. 
And in Shay’s case, it makes perfect sense he would need the outfit of a pilot, because asides from Yuya, he is the one who most routinely rides around on the backs of his monsters. I never get tired of Shay flying onto the scene on a 3,000 pound eagle shaped warmachine, completely nonchalantly. Why is he the only one taking advantage of having his monsters around outside of duels. Let everyone have terrifying monstrosities as their main form of transportation.
Favorite antagonist: Sora Perse
The candy munching warcrime gremlin of all time. While it’s a little weird that Arc-V out the gate started exploring the ramifications of being a card game child soldier, Sora’s arc as he grapples with it is the emotional core of season 1, and it genuinely gets pulled off pretty well. Also, he plays fluffals.
Fluffals is the pitch perfect archetype for Sora. I’ve said before how much I love in yugioh when the cards someone plays tells you more about their character, how I go off the wall when their archetype is a mirror of their personhood. Fluffals is also just great on its own. Perfect yugioh design. Cutesy cuddly monsters that are actually filled with KNIVES and SAWS like they are being dissected by a deranged weird little child. Then the double meaning of fluffals being innocent and adorable, but secretly hiding a darker side, just like Sora. He is constantly switching back and forth between frighteningly competent and “oh my god he’s just a kid”. 
On of my favorite moments in the show is when he and Zuzu reunite and she says farewell by doing the fusion summon salute, only for Sora to jokingly correct her posture. Their friendship is so wholesome okay. Deep down, this kid is genuinely hurt and doesn’t know how to make friends, so he’s reaching out with the only way he knows how, by taking the role of teacher but that's only a facade to get to hang out, and that line is where we first hear them acknowledge it to each other, grins on their faces, happy to still be teacher and student, but also, friends. 
This is in the same stretch of episodes as Sora casually stowing away on a helicopter by jumping fifteen feet into the air and grabbing the wheel well.
Favorite side character: Yugo
I guess they just put a special sauce in the Arc-V blue haired bois.
Why do I list Yugo as a side character? Surely, by virtue of being an au version of the main character, he should be counted with equal narrative status?
Nope! He shows up maybe a dozen times, usually randomly, to yell and crash his motorcycle into things. Then disappears again. I love him.
Yugo has, unlike the other two blue haired bois, this endearing puppy quality that makes every conversation he’s in feel playful and exuberant. And that lends itself well to the few dynamics he does find himself in, whether it’s bouncing off Yuri’s smirky villainy, or having genuinely a more emotionally intelligent discussion with Zuzu about what going on than Yuya ever manages to have with her in the whole series. And while I would have loved to get more time between him and Rin, it’s clear from just a few minutes with him how deeply he cares about her. Winning him the coveted medal of “#1 straight relationship in yugioh I would 100% believe in”. They’re just really sweet. And I would storm the Konami headquarters to get them the happy ending they deserved.
Favorite duel: Shay vs. Sora
They’re my favorites for a reason. 
Shay v. Sora is peak, not only for both characters, but the entire show. It’s certainly in my list of Top 5 Yugioh Duels Ever. Everything about this duel is pure character expression. Shay’s cold and unemotive dueling crashes right up against the peppy dueltaining that Sora has spent the past few weeks learning. At first, Sora doesn’t even seem to take the duel seriously, countering audience expectations that this duel is going to be important. Because we know at this point, that something is up with Sora. That he knows more than he is letting on and this Shay guy is someone who can seriously engage with him about the larger mystery, unlike everyone else who is still in the dark on the dimensional wars.
Then Sora’s slow burn of the facade melting away. All that theatricality can equally double as a dang good yugioh villain performance. The way the duel slides from using its standard duel cinematography to more of a Marik Ishtar unhinged closeup. There is more dramatic tension in the increasing ferocity that Sora chews on his lollipop with than a full fledged horror movie.
On Shay’s side of the duel, we get dramatic monologues of backstory, finally filling in our understanding of the larger plot, delivered by a seriously shaken refugee who is finally able to traumadump about what he and his friends had to live through. It’s chillingly intense, especially contrasted by Sora’s increasing villainous theatricality. While Sora cartwheels and flips around the crumbling city like an acrobat, Shay’s got a utilitarian body language as he dodges debris. He’s not here to put on a show. He is here to survive and get revenge.
And the conclusion. By gods. There’s something haunting about seeing Sora, who has up to this point been laughing and gloating, crack. Not at the thought of being hurt. But at the thought of losing. Of being second best. He screams as Shay walks away, no longer violent and dramatic, but just a broken kid, terrified of receiving a bad grade.
Gods. Good duel.
Favorite arc: Arc league championship
Shay v Sora may be the highlight, but it’s not the only banger duel from that arc. And there’s also a great variety of good duels. From character duels like Julia v. Zuzu, or plot important duels like Sora v Yuto, to just plain fun duels, like Gong v Grizzlepike. And once the finals get going, it’s basically a nonstop duel fest, cutting between a half dozen parties finding eachother and splitting off again, while some duel and others just try to sit down and figure out what on earth is going on. Which shouldn’t work, but it does. 
Listen, if battle city worked the first time, the second time, the third time, and the fourth time, it’ll be good the fifth time. Trust us. We did the math. Now go out and duel in [interesting environment] and wager [this tournament’s gimmick item] on duels until you have [arbitrary number]. 
And hey! The formula works once again! This isn’t sarcasm, I genuinely think this is a great way to make tournament arcs interesting. The citywide split of four biomes allows for some cool backdrops, and every duel being able to happen basically simultaneously means we can simply cut between whatever's most interesting at the moment, instead of having to see every duel start to finish. 
Also, Moonshadow gets introduced in this tournament, and he is the unsung mvp of the entire series.
Greatest strengths of the series: Polish
The Arc League Championship also stands out to me because I was startled by the quality of its episode-to-episode writing. Plot information is slowly revealed on a regular basis, instead of thirty episodes of Shenanigans that’s interrupted by a lore dump. There’s genuine mystery, and intrigue, as we try to figure out what is up with these mystery xyz summoners and Declan’s master plan. And it’s not just scenario writing that’s received a massive punch-up! Dialogue is flowing better than ever, and effects animation is legible and looks awesome, instead of hyper-compressed pixels. Heck, Yuya has a really good looking 3D model, and his eyes aren’t covered by a helmet, and his jacket realistically flutters with his movement!
This may not sound like that big a deal, but the very premise of Arc-V gives us such a clear point of comparison for “How It Started” versus “How It’s Going”. It warmed my little 5Ds adoring heart to see turbo duels back, and rendered in such believable and genuinely excellent modeling. (Though points off for making Jack’s duel runner drive sideways. You guys know it can’t do that.) Aside from a few minor nitpicks, almost everything that made previous shows awesome is lovingly given a fresh coat of paint, from summoning to landscapes. 
And the writing is also pretty good on the au versions of prior characters! I particularly love Actually Not Problematic Celebrity Jack Atlas, the fun writing challenge of taking a character whose story is so deeply rooted in his setting, then trying to figure out what he’d look like without those factors. Happily Married Crow Hogan. Rebellion Leader Alexis Rhodes. Genuinely Lost His Family And Turned Murderhobo About It Kite Tenjo. There’s something so fun about seeing the paths certain characters could have taken, if only their environments had been different. And it’s a far more challenging premise to convincingly pull off than I see it get credit for. On so many levels, yugioh shows, on a purely technical level, have just gotten better as time goes on, and I absolutely adore seeing what each new series manages to perfect.
Weakest points: Scope
Unfortunately, Arc-V just has a lot to juggle. The devotion to quartets means the math spins out of control. incredibly quickly. Four versions of the protagonist, four versions of the female lead, four story arcs in four separate worlds. A handful of cameo appearances for each dimension, but also two to three original characters as well, bloats the main cast to nearly three times that of any previous show. Four different types of playstyles to write, and for characters that use blends of all four, duels four times as complicated in a single turn. Let’s never forget that this is the era that gave us the infamous D/D/D spreadsheet.
Individual moments stand out as excellent, but there simply isn’t enough time for any of them to really shine. All of the characters I’ve stated as loving, Shay, Sora, Yugo, I love in spite of the fact that their stories never really go anywhere. Shay and Yugos’ primary motivations are to find and reunite with their bracelet girls. And they don’t. Sora? After a wonderful bleed from “no morals allowed” to “one moral allowed”, after struggling for almost a season and a half to rationalize his child soldier upbringing, the camera just stops looking at him. And that’s one of the most complete stories Arc-V manages to tell. Even Yuya, our protagonist, ends the series having not confronted anything about his father, or his blatant mental health issues, both things that he is literally introduced with being shockingly core to his character. Very few plotlines are resolved in a satisfying way, if they’re resolved at all.
In the end, I can’t help but feel that Arc-V wrote more ambitious checks than its writing budget could cash. 
Most yugioh moment:
The entire episode where they break out of prison by hosting a talent show. Specifically, the cheer in Yuya’s voice when he says “Good night, FACILITY! <3”
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drbased · 9 months
The difference between me when I was spiritual vs me now is like night and day. Spiritual beliefs kept me a scared, perpetual child. And now when I interact with the people who still have those same beliefs I see them as not just a scared, perpetual child, but also incredibly insecure. It’s like being a vegetarian around meat eaters - you just existing as an atheist in their vicinity will have them say things out of the blue like ‘I’m not in the preaching business but’ and then they go on to list some coincidence that happened in their life recently. And I’m there thinking, why are you telling me this? I literally don’t believe what you believe. I know it’s important to you, but if these experiences *are* so special and important and personal to you, isn’t that enough to simply feel them in your heart? Isn’t that what belief is literally about - your own personal relationship with the universe? Why are you telling me all this as if you’re clearly not trying to persuade me of something? Aren't you just kinda rubbing it in when you assert that you take such comfort in, say, there being an afterlife when I don't necessarily believe in one?
But, of course, it would be a social faux pas for me to say what I actually think - and, besides, I’m actually *not* in the business of converting people - so I just play along and nod. Because these things clearly give them some comfort, and I’m not about to interfere with that. Besides, part of me still feels like that inside - I was raised that way, after all.
It's been rather weird for me because I don't think I've ever explictly said out loud to these people that I don't believe in that stuff anymore - I've just sort of, not indulged them further than that smile and nod. I don't know how they figured it out, maybe I've looked really awkward or something. But I can't help but notice that even though I used to literally believe what they believe, they start with the square one arguments, as if that's gonna somehow convince me. One of those square one arguments is literally 'it gives me comfort' (as if that's a legitimate argument for proving anything!!).
And, you know, when the same person is really upset at some recent bad luck and thinks that it’s a ‘sign from the universe’ that they’re not Allowed to have some certain basic joy (such as - and this a real example - a fucking birthday party), you start to wonder just how much comfort they really get from all this. That comfort clearly comes from a deeply insecure place. You realise that people who believe things need *you* to believe it too - in fact, it’s a necessary component of belief that everyone else has to either believe it, or they’re just in denial. Simply knowing that there is someone else who doesn’t believe is enough to shatter the illusion. Not to be all edgelord here, but it's all very Santa Clause-esque.
Faith and belief are fundamentally insecure, and I'm tired of having to be the adult whenever I engage with someone with these beliefs. Especially when I know how much I benefitted in other, larger ways, from dropping these beliefs and taking full responsibility for my own actions. I mean, I guess that's an argument for 'comfort' from my end, too, but just to reassure you, I'm not in the preaching business 🙂
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fratricideknight · 2 years
Hi! (It's me again back to bother you with more spn questions) Are there any characters from spn that you didn't like that much or thought were overrated?
hello, beloved!! you aren't bothering me; i love your asks!
honestly, these days, i'm pretty chill regarding characters. i very rarely hate characters, i mostly just appreciate them for what they have to offer. i have favourites, of course, but i generally just accept characters as they are (and lament lost potential lol). so, i'm going to turn the question around and talk about how i think sam is massively overhated and underrated (only in the online fandom though; i'm pretty sure this isn't the case with the general audience). warning for an oncoming rant!
certain individuals' dislike of sam is at once incomprehensible to me and completely predictable. because i don’t understand how anyone could come to the logical conclusion that sam is boring, but i’m not at all surprised. i’m not saying they’re necessarily similar characters, but it’s kind of like people calling steve rogers from the mcu "bland" (my mcu knowledge is rusty forgive me if i say something stupid). like, no, you just hate optimists and nice people? you don’t have to like him, but don’t act like it’s not just a personal preference. funny thing is, sam and steve have something similar going on in their stories. both are good people who try to make the best of their circumstances: sam tries to use his demon blood “curse” for something good; steve tries to remain a force of good in a corrupt, grey world. and that’s interesting as hell!! unfortunately, both will always be overshadowed because they’re not smart-mouthed assholes (even though sam is sassy…) who default to treating people dickishly. and, worst of all, neither of them consider decapitation a good time and therefore cannot fulfil edgelord fantasies
ah yes, sam – no killing others (before resurrection in s2) even if it causes problems, monsters can be good and sexually attractive, veggie bacon but demon blood is acceptable on occasion, using evil powers for good, vessel of Satan who prays to God every day – winchester is uninteresting and boring, but a violent pessimist with daddy issues who kills monsters to unleash ✨️ the darkness inside ✨️ and a celestial being who doesn’t understand human customs or emotions or free will but comes to fight on the side of humanity are ground-breaking. i love dean and i like cas – i think they’re good, and i'm not saying this to throw hate at them – but acting like they’re amazing while sam sucks is just… really? people, regarding every form of media – music, films, books etc. etc. – conflate “shallow” with “not dark,” and i’m so tired of it
i have absolutely no issue with people preferring other characters for whatever reasons, or even for no real reason at all, but outright calling sam boring??! speaking on him with utterly tragically bad takes in an attempt to denigrate his name and proving only that you don't understand him at all?!? you are all tasteless imbeciles and should be ashamed of yourselves
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 2 months
I’m going to delete all my of Star Wars posts. I feel like Star Wars discourse is something that got me riled up and a bit angry and people saw me at my worst. I really have a love-hate relationship with that franchise. I kind of feel like I didn’t really believe in what I was saying and was just going along with what was popular. Hence why I flip flopped between pro and anti Jedi opinions but I just got tired of it after a while. I don’t really care what people think of my views about this overrated franchise and it’s become so over saturated and I don’t really want to keep up when there’s better stuff I’d rather watch.
While both fandoms have flaws and the two franchises have a lot in common, Ben 10 has been the best fandom I’ve been in and Star Wars was my least favorite. Ironically, despite all the toxicity I’ve read about, Steven Universe has been a decent fandom for me as well. I think it’s because while those shows are popular and made a lot of money, they’re still relatively niche and there’s a more specific subset of people who watch them. I took a break from Star Wars for a while because it was pushing me into edgelord territory and I’m taking another long break away from it. It’s honestly my least favorite franchise and it brings out the worst in me.
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if-maggots-knew-god · 10 months
Speed character personality descriptions (but I refuse to take myself seriously like always)
Main characters:
“Venison” Birk: sopping wet pathetic man, begrudgingly the narratives “favorite” (help him)
Calliope Wright: spite incarnate, SO tired of everyone’s shit (acab)
Georgette “spots” Bailey: people pleaser, let her have a nap for gods sake, (acab)
Secondary characters:
Plague man/Victor: angry old gay man commits one million counts of arson
Razzmatazz and Lucerne: polyamorous lesbians just want to be dead in peace
Arachne: flipping off the sky (edgelord supreme)
Supporting characters/the rest of them idk:
Frank Solare: the Cheshire Cat if it had a gun, biblically accurate bastard (acab you spooky cop fuck)
Tetra Volkov: crossdressing priest like ok slay I guess, in love with the biblically accurate bastard
Elijah Williams: it bites and it bites and it bites and it bites and it bites and it-
“God”: you are not god, stop lying you overgrown Bambi, gaslights you for no reason
There will be more characters but I’m too lazy to write something about them
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seeminglyseph · 6 months
Playing a non-Durge Cin run on BG3 because I have anxiety and I just… don’t know? I think of all the characters I’ve started Cin was my favourite but Durge is imposing and I want to just try playing an average Tav playthrough where the asshole angsty bullshit just comes from being Lolth-born Drow, that’s enough edgy bullshit for Cin without going full Durge. They still get to have like… “I’m raised among the death and poison and assassination of the Spider Queen. Being able to walk out in the sun without being blinded or burned is bizarre. Pain and I are old lovers… I give and receive.” Like. I can make a dramatic little Drow bitch without making them a Durge.
And I’m just. Really in the mood to embrace my inner teenage emo edgelord okay? Like. Cinnabar “Cin” the Draconian Sorcerer is like. Fully embracing the Ebony Darkness Dementia Way experience of making an OC only part of my indulgence is how much metaphorical/allegorical/literary or symbolic references I can fit in to make him dramatic, tragic and badass.
And also hot and weird. I’m giving him weird little vestigial wings, since the entry for Draconian Sorcerers says they can develop wings for a short period of time at a curtain level and fly for a couple turns basically. I’ve decided to modify it as he’s born with very small vestigial wings, like his scales, and when he gains the spell and ability to fly the wings grow and develop into larger and more powerful appendages that still technically would not physically support him in flight so there is magic involved, but that much should be obvious given the physical transformation taking place. But yeah. It’s not canon to the game but it’s my OC, my rules. The wings are purely an aesthetic thing and basically a deformity for the first like fifteen levels of the character. But my idea for him is like… someone thought it was attractive and intimidating and since he came with built in magic it was a useful investment so long as he showed results.
So like. Yeah he’s the super special Dragon Drow Sorcerer with a tragic backstory because they were special, like. That’s why he’s a main character. Sometimes that’s the kind of story it is, about the specialist special Drow in the whole Underdark who save the whole world with their feral nonbinary energy and extremely cute badass cool attractive looks.
I’m so stoned and tired.
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aravenwriter · 2 years
Aravenwriter’s Prompt List Part 4
I've been having nightmares lately, I don't know why
Now it's too late, I don't trust you anymore
We have to go back, right now!
Don't push your luck, you stupid idiot
There's nothing you can do to stop her now, and you know it
I'm tired of your stupid comments and your whining!
She seems more interested in the stars than me
How could you take him from me?
You're tiny, what are you doing trying to protect that absolute mountain of a man?
You used me! You used me like you always do!
Okay calm down edgelord, and tell me what's wrong now
Since when have I cared about him anyways? 
This is how it ends, I just know it
It's stuck in my head, like a song on repeat
You believe that, don’t you?
No, stay! You're warm and it's freezing out there
You look very beautiful dressed in burgundy
That was such a tender moment, I didn't know how to react 
It's important to me because it's important to you!
So what you're telling me is you're projecting?
Have fun trying to do that, dear
You said this wouldn’t hurt!
I think you should stop panicking and just give them that flower
Stop! Stop! I'm human!
I really wish I was enough for you, but I don't think I'll ever be
Why are you so obsessed with dancing all of a sudden?
I shouldn’t have given it to you… You didn’t deserve that power.
You have to go, or else they'll suspect something
I really love my hairy legs, I don't understand why you don't!
I was hoping you could help me with a wardrobe malfunction…
He said he'd do it alone, and then he left without saying another word
I'm not going to wear that, I'm not a doll!
I warned you about this, but you didn't want to hear
I need coffee. Like a good cup of coffee, not that nasty shit.
You put her in danger! And for what!?
I haven't really felt this way for anyone since I lost him
I feel like I'm abandoning them
I just didn't want to ruin everything by telling you the truth
Maybe I'm just enough?
He just offered to keep you company just because he knew you'd refuse
This isn't a date, I promise
Can you stop singing? I can’t think.
This isn't friendship, it's something else
When I saw her with them I knew it. I knew I didn't stand a chance
I can't believe how self centered you are! No, wait, I can.
I'll keep watch while you sleep, don't worry about it
Oh no, no no no no no. Not you again! 
What? You've never seen one of these before?
That was a long time ago, I'm sure she's forgotten about it
Now, who’s ready for the apocalypse?
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dustywave · 5 years
call me a square but i think “fuck the troops” is a pretty weak take
i get where folks are coming from with that and there’s definitely something satisfying about rejecting the glorification of imperialism that feels increasingly mandatory in a time when fascism is on the rise, but i don’t think channeling hatred toward individuals is a useful way to go about that. military recruitment is highly manipulative, coercive, tantamount to brainwashing. growing up in a military family is very much like growing up in a death cult. there are large swaths of the US where military culture is inescapable. it’s not as simple as wanting free college tuition or a better paying job. people are indoctrinated from birth to view military service as benevolent, if not downright virtuous, and it’s no simple matter to overcome that. but i’ve seen it happen! i’ve met people who have managed to “deprogram” after being raised in a military family, and even after serving in the military. their voices seem especially vital if we’re actually going to go after the roots of militarism and prevent more kids from being funneled into a system that makes them complicit in mass murder, whereas saying “fuck the troops” without nuance serves no purpose other than to make you sound like an anarchist edgelord with no real praxis outside of being provocative 🤷‍♀️
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gi-nathlam-hi · 2 years
piggybacking off of my last post, I’m just having Thoughts, but I also fully understand the backlash against how the writers have said over and over that they want to carry on Tolkien’s legacy and further his work, staying true to his work, when they have made so many changes already and also when Tolkien himself made it very clear that he didn’t approve of his work being adapted to film.
But guess what? Jackson’s trilogy did it.
And also, when the writers say that, I don’t think they really mean Tolkien’s legacy, as in the legacy of the man himself, but I think they mean the legacy of Tolkien’s work. Which is SO much bigger than the professor. 
And that legacy, in my opinion, is a fantasy world and narrative that is built around light and hope, around the good and the beautiful things in the world, around saying, unironically, that friendship and love can save the world.
And right now after having so many years of grimdark fantasy fiction (which in my opinion is not aging well at all), it’s really refreshing to have positive, hopeful fantasy be in a mainstream show again. Like, for me the legacy of Tolkien’s work is his themes. And I know we’re only a few episodes in but they already seem to understand the themes of Tolkien’s work: of friendship, and family, and love, and light, and good against evil. I’m honestly so tired of the edgelord gray morality and grimdark fiction. I don’t think the theme of the good and the just prevailing over the evil and the unjust is childish. I’m really over the edgelord anti hero stuff right now. Give me something full of light and hope and friendship, even if it’s not the best scripted show in the world, it IS stuffed full of friendship and love, and the desire for light to prevail over darkness.
And to me that’s Tolkien’s work, y’know? That’s his legacy. He gave us a grown-up fairytale that is real and sincere and full of hope. And full of heroism: of characters who do the right thing not because they believe they will win, but often in the face of overwhelming odds and inevitable defeat. But still they do the good and the right and the noble thing. Maedhros goes to treat with Morgoth. Earendil slams Vingilote into a giant dragon and sinks half of Beleriand. Fingon rescues Maedhros even if it means cutting off a hand to do it. Finrod gets into a song battle with Sauron and loses, but boy what an epic battle! Maglor raises two children who he’s responsible for orphaning, and grows to cherish them. Aragorn stops running and takes up his responsibility, his birthright. Arwen and Luthien choose love and doom. Elrond chooses to endure, to stay, to guide, to help, to preserve--- even when he has lost so much. He chooses to be kind. Celembrimbor takes the secret of the Three to his grave under unimaginable torture because he believes that there is a chance they might prevail. Theoden and Eomer and Eowyn and the whole company of Rohan ride ‘for death’, Aragorn runs a suicide mission to help Frodo. Frodo carries the ring. Frodo carries the ring. Frodo carries the ring. Maedhros & Fingon and Frodo & Sam find each other in the dark by singing.
That’s Tolkien’s legacy for me. And to be honest I get those vibes from the show so far. Granted, we’re not even close to even being done with the season yet. But so far it’s full of that very specific Tolkien light, and I love that about it. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
AirLock Anon:
oh yeah I have one more if that’s cool? [maybe She/They if you want?]
HC’s on the Egos reacting to being called Papa and Y/n being called mama by a little kid in the middle of a confession?
I think you mentioned something about the kid being Y/N’s (we stan a she/they single parent) so imma include that.
Also unless specified I’ll just choose like 4 random egos
Oh shit.
Man’s commitment issues are really being put to the test here. Working up the courage to confess to each other was already hard enough.
“Calling me dad already? I haven’t even asked your mother out yet.” He pats their head, looking to you with a dreamy sigh. “But..that would be quite nice. Adventures get tiring and I wouldn’t mind settling down for once so...alright.”
You just wipe the sweat from your forehead (that you didn’t know existed till rn) like “whew”. At first you thought this would’ve scared him off.
Though you couldn’t blame your kid for wanting a dad already. It’s been too long and they liked listening to all of Illinois’ stories.
You’re just happy he said yes, willing to give love a chance.
“..I-I’m sorry? Did you just..?”
Your kid tilts their head like “just what? Call you papa? Is that okay?”
You’re a bit flustered that you never got to finish the confession, but Eric was already tearing up during it, and now he’s full-blown sobbing after what they said.
For a moment they worry about him being upset, though once you explain he’s happy to be called that, they smile and hug him alongside you.
This was such a big deal to him, especially knowing he gave up hope of having kids long ago. He literally couldn’t have any even if he wanted to.
But now he realizes they don’t have to necessarily be biological ones.
He swears to be a better dad than Derek ever was.
This edgelord is kinda shocked your kid sees him as a father figure. Him? The scary, glitching, monochrome entity???
He was actually about to confess to you when they interrupted and accidentally called him “papa”.
They think they’ve upset him as he stares at them, but in reality he’s...quite happy. 
He never entertained the idea before: of having an s/o, or a kid..or just a normal life in general.
Of course, he still wants to hunt down the snake who robbed him of his life. He can’t allow himself to get too distracted.
However, he may allow himself this “moment of self-indulgence” and try to be a good dad. Not the best but he’ll try.
At first he chastises them for ruining his “carefully-plotted profession of love” and threatens to rewind time.
But then what they said sinks in and he double-takes like “wuuwHAT??? Y-You..see me as a papa????”
Bro is flabbergasted.
Your kid just shyly nods and Wilford immediately scoops them into a hug. He’s overjoyed at the idea.
Though you jokingly inform him that he didn’t hear your answer to his confession and he whirls around in a panic, still holding your kid.
You just laugh and tell him yes, and he breathes a sigh of relief.
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goldensunset · 2 years
I know like nothing about TWEWY except for the stuff in like DDD but I know Game Partners are a thing at least and I've seen a lot of people talking about Sora doing the Reaper's Game in Quadratum and like. After Dark Road I'm now sitting here wondering "okay but what if Sora's Game Partner was just Xehanort14."
if there’s one mantra that’s constantly being repeated in twewy it’s ‘trust your partner.’ (and also like, open up to them and bond with them and all that, but that all filters into trust, cuz ya can’t trust someone you don’t know.) neku has trouble trusting people because he’s a little edgelord because he makes snap judgments about them based on limited information. then later on he realizes he got it all wrong and they’re not really bad people after all.
and you NEED to be able to trust your partner in twewy. not just bc ‘friendship is magic teamwork is power yay’ it is LITERALLY power. you physically cannot use psychs (psychic abilities/weapons/powers) at all without an official partner pact in the first place. and both players have to consent to it. and after you have a pact then yeah you can both use your powers individually but you’ll be super weak if you try to do everything yourselves. your true power only comes from the two of you being in mental/physical sync.
but like. young xehanort. quadratum xehanort. xehanort14. whatever we’re calling him. that is CRAZY that would make one heck of a player partnership. there would be instant tension between him and sora. because, see, sora is an open-minded and friendly guy who loves going the extra mile for other people, even a bunch of strangers. at least until kh3 cuz you could just tell that boy was losing steam and getting tired of putting on a smile but it’s different when it’s someone he already knows, and more specifically knows that he can’t trust.
(now i guess the specifics here depend on what version of young xehanort this is, exactly. which is something we have to consider anyway if we’re theorizing he’ll be in quadratum at all. my main idea is essentially a version of him from a splintered-off timeline in which he DIDN’T become evil. maybe even before the whole time travel thing happened, so like… immediately following dark road. that would mean he would have no idea what sora was accusing him of. but then also he wouldn’t know sora at all so it wouldn’t be nearly as interesting.
so i guess…what i would hope for is a version of yx taken from his time travel adventures. or maybe afterwards, in a situation where his heart somehow managed to keep those memories. or idk it could be outright a new life for him after his death in kh3, which honestly seems the most reasonable to work with. so it’s young guy who’s guilty of everything old norty did. even harder to forgive. tbf we saw him transform back into that form before ascending with eraqus so idk maybe it’s possible)
anyway. imagine sora and xehanort being like ‘aw snap, we’re the only two unpartnered players left. dangit ok fine i’ll make a pact with you. but i am WATCHING you the entire time i don’t trust you as far as i can throw you.’ great, initial threat nullified. but oh man would it be messy after that. yeah can you imagine sora and yx having a nice heart-to-heart? forming a warrior’s bond and fighting side by side? i’d absolutely love to see it. but it would take a great deal of effort first in any case
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