ginkgo-shaw · 2 years
I was just thinking, since sam and dean were trying to close the gates of hell and banish all demons from earth do you think that would have included anything slightly demonic, so sam as well since he has demon blood? I feel like that would have been a very interesting way to get more boyking sam in hell
hii sweetie! this is a great question.
i haven’t really thought about it before but i would say that yes, he’d have been banished since he has demon blood.
it’s super interesting because we could have seen how much important sam was for people in hell, all his followers (if i can call them that) believing in his commandment leading to the big fight azazel talked about. it would have also strengthened the ‘bond’ sam share with lucifer because if sam had ended up cast out of earth/the world, i think learning that he’s the true vessel of lucifer would have been even more meaningful and the parallels they could have made omg it would have been crazy!!!
besides, i like to think that dean would have found a way to get back to sam and when he did, sam had already chose to become the king of hell and he’d have demon eyes, the powers and all. (if i get to choose how things would go from there : maybe we have a fratricide arc -> dean trying to kill sam that ends with dean staying with his brother in hell because even if he’s not really human anymore, he’s still his little brother).
as for sam, i feel like like at first he’d be devastated. he’s in hell because he’s not pure, unclean, without his brother, surrounded by demons and tortured souls. it would be hard, accepting his role especially since i’m sure the demons trusting in azazel plan would encourage him to become the boyking. he’d finally give in because he cannot see a future where he is saved. it would be a guilty pleasure because he likes it but at the same time, he’s feeling like he’s betraying himself and his faith.
i really like the idea of sam being banished because of his demon blood! thank you so much for this amazing ask <3
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fratricideknight · 1 year
You mentioned that you liked all of us are dead so now I'm going to bother you with a non spn question this time: which part did you find the saddest? I don't know if I can pick just one 🥲
ahhhh thank you for asking!! it's been a while since i watched it so my memory is rusty, but i'll try to answer. i should probably forsake myself and rewatch it, actually
obviously, spoilers below the cut. it's a great show, btw, ppl should watch it! it's available on netflix
honestly the whole thing is depressing as hell. i don't really know if i can pick one... the nice teacher sacrificing herself for the students, gyeongsu's murder... nayeon going through that journey of self-reflection just to be murdered, the kids being abandoned by the helicopter squad, eunji failing to stop the picture from being uploaded ;_;, the infected woman who tied herself to the doors of a restaurant so she didn't eat her baby, the swat team agent who left his family to help people and got infected, evacuees being denied entry into safe territory, joonyoung's death, cheongsan's sacrifice at the end, namra having to eat dead people!! and probably lots that i'm forgetting. i didn't like jimin much but i was sad that she died so alone and that nobody really noticed... but my personal saddest moment wasn't actually directly in the show. it was the moment i realised that there was no cure. for some reason, i thought that the scientist guy who caused it all would find a cure or a solution. i thought that the infected would simply have to "get over their fear" and they'd become normal or something... so i guess my saddest moment was when the scientist died. because my hopes, which i realise now were kind of dumb, died with him. it was the moment i realised this was a true tragedy and there was no way out. that everyone whose deaths i didn't mourn bc i thought there would be a cure was actually gone permanently. fuck. it sucked. then they were all blown up on top of it! great show, though. i invite anyone who spoiled themself by reading this to join in on the suffering!
i would very much like to know which moment you found the saddest. please tell me any and all thoughts you have on the show, i would love to read them!!
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pregnancykink · 11 months
hii spike! this dff do you have any favourite deanjohn headcanons during the stanford era? and did they enjoy the freedom of not having to hide all the time since they didn't have to hide from sam anymore?
Hi hi and happy DFF!! Omg what a great q. I think I may have talked about something similar before so apologies if I’m redundant here.
I think Dean enjoyed the freedom of not having to hide anymore. To John, I think this was probably still a covert relationship in his mind. Sure they can fuck in the motel without having to worry about Sam coming in, but John is still furtive. I just don’t know that he could ever move away from the “this is my son, this is a man, I’m cheating on Mary” guilt that lingers. Like I DO think John justifies things to himself insofar as their sexual relationship by seeing Dean in that capable wife/mother role. And I know a lot of people don’t like the “John is homophobic” headcanon. And I’m not saying he’s a violent homophobe or anything, I’m saying he’s a military man born in the 50s raising his sons in the 80s and 90s and it’s VERY likely that he’s got. Some internal feelings. About being with a man. So without Sam there it’s almost…he doesn’t have an excuse to hide and that’s awkward for him.
Meanwhile Dean is like this is so great I can wifey on main. I mean John is his first love, you know. But it’s not all great; without Sam there I’m sure there were more arguments between J&D no matter how obedient Dean is.
I find the Stanford era to be pretty sad, tbh. Like I think they’re both really missing Sam and Dean is trying his best to make up for that but…it’s just not the same as it was.
SORRY, THIS GOT KINDA DEPRESSING. I love to entertain fluffy HCs but when it comes down to my analysis of canon I tend to have darker reads 😞
I absolutely DO headcanon that there were lots of quick, desperate, dirty fucks in the Impala and John’s truck, though. Not something that could happen with Sam around. Same goes for shower blowjobs, doing it up against the window, in a warehouse after a hunt, etc…… they definitely get to have more adventurous sex.
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wilsonthemoose · 1 year
Is this how dean stands guard outside the door so sam can't escape or leave him again 👀
Can I eat your brain my dude it sounds yum
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this is exactly what i thought too 😭 dean with tiny sam and then dean with larger sam
exactly! I love that we are so steeped in SamDean that we saw these kitties and thought, Dean will always see Sammy as his *little* brother.
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wrathandbones · 2 years
What are some things that make you happy?
hii, thank you for this lovely ask!
a not complete list of things that make me deeply happy: spending time with close friends & walks in nature (might be a little cliché, but genuinely nothing else makes me feel as at peace as that) & getting to bask in the sun when it's not too hot, getting to observe & listen to birds (i heard some woodpeckers a few days ago and it made my whole day!!), playing with dogs, taking pics of flowers & plants & editing them (just realised i haven't done this in a while!), cooking & baking when im in the right mood & sharing with my loved ones — & also, as a friend recently put it, happiness is in the laughter of little children >:)
hope you're having a nice day and i'd love to hear your answer to the question as well if you'd like! :3
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ihavepointysticks · 1 year
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I love your tags so much! The angel grace and the demon blood in him turn him into something entirely new and neither side knows what to do with him. I think we see demon eyes with smoke coming out of them in some episodes, and I love that for sam except the smoke/glow is just coming from everywhere and is a combination of the angelic and demonic powers he has now.
Thank you for the ask! I love going down this rabbit hole!! And each side is a bit afraid of him because they don’t trust the part of him that comes from the opposite side. Is he actually a kind of nephilim or cambion now (He was already said to be the Antichrist)? Do the grace and demon blood somehow start to work together in him (because he was made to hold both)? I also love the idea of the two forces (are they forces? Attributes?) giving him a really different aura that is also at least a little bit visible. And it really stumps those beings that can see auras-side note, Pamela would have had so much fun meeting him at this point and I would love to hear her comments on it. Now I have picture in my mind of Sam standing there with a faint gray/blue haze surrounding him and the ends of his hair are kinda floating a little bit because of the power.
I love Powers!Sam and wish the show could have done more with it. The rumors that would start in the hunting community and the monster/demon community over him would get so out of hand!
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acesammy · 1 year
I follow you bc I love your art and your content! <3
🥺🥺 tysm
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ambersock · 1 year
Hi! Spn fic question this time: out of the fics you've written, do you have a favourite?
@mostlybbucky thanks for your ask!
I have a lot of different favorites depending on the category (characterization, imagery, plot, etc), but I'll give you my two overall favorites.
The one I enjoyed writing the most was Thorn in Your Side, which practically wrote itself. Or maybe it was Crowley who was writing it. The dynamic between Sam and Crowley is just sitting there like an untapped vein of gold waiting to be mined.
The one I like to reread the most is Thick as a Brick, which is largely a comfort fic. Sam gets so much criticism and blame unfairly heaped on him during the course of the show, especially at the end of s10. I just needed to see Sam get some validation and reassurance for a change.
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ginkgo-shaw · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! <3
hello sweetie! thank you for the ask
1- my family and friends 🤍 i love loving them and they truly are the best thing i have (and you my tumblr friends are part of it too!! i love y’all so much)
2- medias! whether it’s tv shows, movies, games or more. i love thé feeling of getting attached to the characters and joining their worlds
3- books! just like medias, i love discovering new characters and their worlds. but there definitely is something different about reading. we have so much more liberties with imagining the world and the characters and i love that
4- buying clothes and creating outfits! it’s so much fun
5- taking pictures of every moment to keep mementos! my memory is kinda bad so it helps me remember and i can look at them as much as i want to relive the best moments i had (+ i have some good pics for my instagram’s story haha)
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fratricideknight · 2 years
Hi! (It's me again back to bother you with more spn questions) Are there any characters from spn that you didn't like that much or thought were overrated?
hello, beloved!! you aren't bothering me; i love your asks!
honestly, these days, i'm pretty chill regarding characters. i very rarely hate characters, i mostly just appreciate them for what they have to offer. i have favourites, of course, but i generally just accept characters as they are (and lament lost potential lol). so, i'm going to turn the question around and talk about how i think sam is massively overhated and underrated (only in the online fandom though; i'm pretty sure this isn't the case with the general audience). warning for an oncoming rant!
certain individuals' dislike of sam is at once incomprehensible to me and completely predictable. because i don’t understand how anyone could come to the logical conclusion that sam is boring, but i’m not at all surprised. i’m not saying they’re necessarily similar characters, but it’s kind of like people calling steve rogers from the mcu "bland" (my mcu knowledge is rusty forgive me if i say something stupid). like, no, you just hate optimists and nice people? you don’t have to like him, but don’t act like it’s not just a personal preference. funny thing is, sam and steve have something similar going on in their stories. both are good people who try to make the best of their circumstances: sam tries to use his demon blood “curse” for something good; steve tries to remain a force of good in a corrupt, grey world. and that’s interesting as hell!! unfortunately, both will always be overshadowed because they’re not smart-mouthed assholes (even though sam is sassy…) who default to treating people dickishly. and, worst of all, neither of them consider decapitation a good time and therefore cannot fulfil edgelord fantasies
ah yes, sam – no killing others (before resurrection in s2) even if it causes problems, monsters can be good and sexually attractive, veggie bacon but demon blood is acceptable on occasion, using evil powers for good, vessel of Satan who prays to God every day – winchester is uninteresting and boring, but a violent pessimist with daddy issues who kills monsters to unleash ✨️ the darkness inside ✨️ and a celestial being who doesn’t understand human customs or emotions or free will but comes to fight on the side of humanity are ground-breaking. i love dean and i like cas – i think they’re good, and i'm not saying this to throw hate at them – but acting like they’re amazing while sam sucks is just… really? people, regarding every form of media – music, films, books etc. etc. – conflate “shallow” with “not dark,” and i’m so tired of it
i have absolutely no issue with people preferring other characters for whatever reasons, or even for no real reason at all, but outright calling sam boring??! speaking on him with utterly tragically bad takes in an attempt to denigrate his name and proving only that you don't understand him at all?!? you are all tasteless imbeciles and should be ashamed of yourselves
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pregnancykink · 1 year
any headcanons for who samdean would have a threesome with? (besides john)
yes yes and three times yes. my number one answer is BELLA!!!! pleaseeee, sam literally dreamed about eating her out, and her and dean have SO much chemistry, and like...the weird quasi-self-cest foe yay thing going on between them is so fucking hot, i just know that would be so buckwild sex
also JO big time, especially if she's their half-sister hehehe. she had more tension with dean than sam admittedly but come onnnn they def wanna show lil sis the ropes
crowley has definitely asked and they have definitely turned him down (although let us not forget that dean and crowley have canonically fivesomed with triplets). rowena has also asked sam got out half of an enthusiastic yes before dean was like "we're good" lol and sam gets all mopey
it's low-hanging fruit but i do gotta say....in late seasons....probably castiel lol. they're all living that little domestic life
i'm also so into them threesoming with like random bartenders and stuff that they pick up out on the road, and those people are left wondering if they're really brothers or not
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wilsonthemoose · 1 year
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YES sam being 22 and a small baby is absolutely important here youre so right
I'm holding your hand and feeding you purple ice cream for your amazing unhinged dean takes <3<3<3
And it's all so much worse because he now knows what normal feels like. And he had it, he was normal, he was going to be normal. And he just doesn't have it in him to do it all again.
And at the same time though. There's a small never-to-see-the-light-of-day part of him that really and truly believes this is better. He belongs with Dean and what's a little gunshot? It's just a little flesh wound, Dean made sure of that.
("You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in.")
I am screaming.
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it's all of these and just the general ... sam-ness of him
(also yes what is it about sam holding cups in both hands that is so hot)
you're so right, it's the general sam-ness and with the added double fisting for our pleasure. Sam + cups = hand porn
tags for this 2sw post
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degenderates · 1 year
I didn't see anons message but your picture was gorgeous so I have no idea what they could have complained about (fuck them though)
The thing is all they did was reveal certain biases (fatphobia, misogyny, & transphobia) and I feel no different about myself. If anything, they have convinced me to be even more lewd or whatever so. Cope and seethe
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wrathandbones · 2 years
#this is demon blood drinking arc to me
Yes! Siken just fits sam and dean so well, no wonder kripke sent him fanmail
yeah 😮‍💨 they were on the same wavelength it's insane
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