#I’m still in mourning 😔
kayayeteae · 10 months
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obv10usly · 11 months
when I said phil was too powerful with black hair & the quiff, I mean this:
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POV you are dan and ahead of him on the escalator going up. The light hits just right that you have to snap a pic even if it’s an awkward angle but you’re willing to fall from great heights for this man.
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
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I, the wonderful Sphny, have created a Transformers themed prompt list, for the month of July. But then I realized it could be used for any month to be honest.
For context, I recently made the terrible mistake of deleting a majority of my beloved masterpieces and I have been scrambling to find proper inspo to cope with my loss. Yet I couldn’t find any drawing prompts that fit my specific needs. So low and behold a very random roller coaster of creative prompts for creative minds!
These can be used for anything creative. That’s why I didn’t call it just a drawing or writing prompt list fyi. I thought it was clever.
Check This Out! @novafire-is-thinking @asmoteeth @sonia-aquamarineson @sonicnerd @jessenitrogen @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal @luciolefire @bdwarrior1
No pressure to do this with me, I’m just extremely proud of this. And I like being a show off!
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amimons · 2 years
Imagine if we still had the miraculous instagrams during season 5!!!
Adrien constantly commenting on Marinette’s post! Trying to see if she would catch a movie with him because he meant to do it after school but she flew out of the building before he had the chance. And just think about the things Adrien would comment when Marinette posts a simple selfie. He’d do anything to try to get an interaction with Marinette on instagram.
And Marinette!!! Feral Marinette going unhinged on Alya’s newest post that features a photo of Chat Noir and having to backtrack what she said so she doesn’t seem like she is hardcore fangirling. Alya blasting photos of Ladybug simping so hard for her partner while he is blissfully unaware! Marinette posting a photo of her workspace with a photo of Chat Noir with hearts on it peaking out in the background.
Literally just imagine the direction posts like these could go in based off of season 5, episodes 1-9
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
would I be stoned if I wrote my first tengen fic and I killed all his wives 😔
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
(JJK 236 spoilers)
i know gege personally which is why there’s no way next chapter won’t be the most frustrating choice of direction by making it solely about kashimo fighting sukuna instead of giving anyone resolve
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ilostyou · 1 year
i didn’t think i’d be so whiny about this but FUCK this i’m SAD
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We are Infinity
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Hi guys!
I had several asks for a new Luna one, I feel like I’m writing a lot for them those days but I think we all need some fluffy stuff after Mariona’s departure 😔 I’m still mourning.
TW : pure fluff honestly
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It was hard for Lucy to let Ona go to the Spanish camp, where she knows that the staff and the head coach won’t really take care of her girlfriend. She got hurt on her face and near her eyes and to get better soon it would have been better for her to rest at home.
But it wasn’t on the Spanish’ plans, so Ona had to take her plane with Alexia, Mariona and the other player from the Barca to go to camp. Lucy specifically asked Alexia to have a close look at Ona, the younger girl being a little too reckless at her taste sometimes. Lucy’s request activated Alexia’s protectiveness and Ona couldn’t make a meter without having her captain near her, slapping her hand away from her face, asking her to hydrate herself or checking several times a day her wound.
It was pretty cute to be honest and Alexia doesn’t stop, even if Ona walked on her feet almost three times before she gets called by the medical team to have a closer look of her injury. Alexia was there too, listening to the discussion and even giving her opinion.
Ona wasn’t really happy to go back home, to be honest. She loves camp and Leila, who she liked very much and doesn’t see a lot, was called too. She was happy to be able to play with her again, but it would be for another time.
They gave her only two hours to get her things together before leaving and she even run into Jana at the airport, who were coming at her place.  Ona was excited for her friend too; she knows how much Jana would be happy to be here.
While she was waiting for her plane, she finally calls her girlfriend, who is herself in England for the camp. Lucy doesn’t know for now that she was leaving.
“Hola Bonita” Lucy says happily, making Ona smile.
“Hello beautiful” Ona answers back.
She can hear noises in the background, and she wonders what Lucy is doing. She sometimes forgets that there is one hour less in England. It’s not a lot, but it’s sometimes very much too.
“I’m sorry, am I disturbing you?” the Spaniard says.
“We are at diner but it’s alright. Is everything’s fine?”
To be honest, Ona thought about making a little joke to Lucy about here face going suddenly not good as a revenge for asking Alexia to look after her. She then changed her mind, but she haven’t thought that Lucy would be the one asking if there is a problem.
“Yeah, I mean… You know, how you asked me to be careful with my wound?”
Lucy’s tone was perfectly neutral, but Ona knows better. She can draw with precision the face of her girlfriend right now. Lips pinched, eyebrows raised and waiting for the end of the sentence while knowing that she will not like what will follow.
“Well, they decided to send me home” she finally say, not wanting to play with her girlfriend nerves.
“Oh, thanks God” Lucy sighs.
Ona hears someone piping in the background and she frowns slightly, trying to hear who it was. Lucy answers to the girl but her voice is almost muted, like if she putted the phone against her chest or something.
“It’s Ona, she’s going home.” She hears from afar before that Lucy’s voice is clear again. “I’m so glad Onita, it’s really a great thing.”
“I don’t know, I’ll be all alone in Barcelona.”
“What do you mean? You will be with your parents, your brother, Mapi and Bruna, the dogs…”
“Well, they are not you.”
“I will be back before you know, I promise.”
Ona can hear Lucy’s smile in her voice and if she’s not able to hear what is said next to Lucy, she easily can catch the teasing tone with which we are talking to her girlfriend.
“Who is talking to you?” Ona asks when she hear Lucy answer a « fuck off ».
“Maya. She’s so annoying.”
There are protestations and Lucy is laughing, making Ona smile. She misses her girlfriend laugh so much and they are separated since only two days.
“Oooh I miss her! Say hello to her for me”
Ona knows Maya very well; she played with her at Manchester United for three seasons before coming back to Barcelona. They were both playing on the last line on the pitch, being a lot next to each other during the games.
“I miss you too Ona!”
The Spaniard chuckle when she hears her friend’s voice, probably stuck against Lucy. She then hears Lucy groan something and asking Ona to wait for several seconds before she’s talking again. Without any noises or voices behind her this time.
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Even with Lucy reassurances, Ona hated her time at Barcelona without her. Sure she went to her brother’s house, she went for a lot of walk with their dogs, she ate lunch almost everyday at her parent’s house and she saw Mapi, Pina and Patri sometimes too. Not Bruna because she went to the camp after she left.
But the time is long without Lucy.
Even longer now that she knows how much her girlfriend is struggling with her knee. It’s not a surprise to be honest, their schedules are insane. Even if she hates being at home when her team is playing important games, she’s happy to have several days to rest correctly. This is something Lucy would have needed too.
And worse, Sarina made Lucy played the two games, every single minute. Saying that Ona is mad is very far from the truth. She’s fuming while looking at her girlfriend playing with her extra bandage on her knee.
Lucy complained about her knee several times on the phone during their calls and Ona knows how much Lucy is in pain to talk about it like that.
“Just ask to go home” Ona said during one of their FaceTime.
“I can’t, Ona. There isn’t anyone to replace me if I left. The team would be into deep shit.”
She knows Lucy is right, but having seen her girlfriend so upset after the first game and their lost crushed Ona’s heart. She almost jumped in a plane to England, but Lucy begs her not to do it. Ona wasn’t really happy about that, wanting to take care of her girlfriend if the England squad doesn’t seem to be able to do it.
Ona is jumping and stressing so much during the last game that her brother put several shots of tequila in her hands to try to relax her. It kind of worked, even if she’s a little bit tipsy when she FaceTime Lucy latter that night.
“Ona are you drunk?” Lucy asks after hearing her girlfriend giggling about everything during several minutes.
“Nooooo, not at all my Love, why?”
“You are” Lucy laughs. “What have you done; you burden?”
“Nothing” Ona giggles again. “It was Joan, he forced me.”
“He sure did” Lucy says, rolling her eyes, before asking with a softened voice “You are at home, right?”
“I am. At home and safe” Ona smiles too “I can’t wait for you to come home though. I really miss you.”
“Tomorrow you’ll have me in all for yourself again. It won’t be long now.”
“I can’t wait”
Ona rolls on her side to get under the cover of their bed. The dogs are sleeping on Lucy’s place in the bed, but Ona didn’t say it to Lucy. Dogs aren’t allowed in their bed usually.
“How is your knee?” Ona asks with a suddenly sleepy voice, the alcohol starting to kick in.
“The ice was very welcome, to be honest.”
She shows her knee wrapped in ice and Ona frowns. She hates seeing her girlfriend in pain and even more if she’s not with her to help her to get better.
“This is so bullshit, honestly.”
“I know” Lucy shrugs.
What can she say more? She knows her girlfriend’s opinion and she know too that if things were reversed, she would have the same. But she doesn’t want to pick a fight now, she would rather look at Ona falling asleep.
“Sleep well Bonita” Lucy whispers when she spots Ona’s heavy eyes.
The younger girl only answers with a vague groan before falling asleep for good. Lucy smiles and for the first time since they started talking, she doesn’t hang up. She cute the sound on her side not to wake her girl up, but she falls asleep a half-hour later looking at dead-asleep Ona.
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Ona is more excited than ever. Lucy was only several minutes from her now, Ona can follow her on the app on her smartphone. Of course, her girlfriend told her when she left Paris and when she was in Barcelona’s airport, but being able to follow her like this help her to be patient. Or to be even more excited, maybe.
“Mommy is coming home Narla!” Ona sings, making the dog waltz in the living room.
Narla barks and Ona really think that the dog understands what she was saying. Laughing softly when she tries to lick her face, Ona put her softly on the ground, to hug a jealous Coco. She kisses her head several times but stops when she hears a car stopping at the bottom of their building. She just has to take a look by the balcony to see her girlfriend collecting her suitcases before going in the building.
Ona is almost running when she goes to the door and Lucy just has the time to open it before being struck by a brunette storm. Lucy laughs when Ona jumps on her arms, securely passing hers around her girlfriend’s waist.
She lets Ona hiding her face in her neck, allowing herself to do the same in her hair, breathing with pleasure the comfort that her smell offers her. She smiles when the younger one start to kiss her cheek and then every part of her face she’s able to reach.
“Hi” Ona says happily when she retracks her head to have a better look at Lucy.
“Hi” Lucy laughs in return.
She puts slowly Ona down, kissing her lovingly on her lips this time. She doesn’t remember who and when they close the door, but it doesn’t really matter. After the kiss, Lucy grabs very softly Ona’s chin between her fingers to tilted it a bit and have a good look at Ona’s injury. Rolling her eyes but still smiling, Ona lets her do, waiting patiently while Lucy is looking at it.
“It’s look better, sì?” Ona asks after several seconds.
“It does” Lucy approves softly.
She then takes Ona in her arms again to hug her, enjoying Ona’s heath against her. The Spaniard sighs of well-being and closes her eyes to enjoy the moment.
“I missed you so much” Lucy mumbles against Ona’s hair.
“I missed you too” Ona smiles, raising her eyes to look at her.
The sweet moment is interrupted by Narla, who seems to think that all of this is very cute but she waited enough for her humans to have their reunion and that it’s now her turn. The small dog nudge Lucy’s knee with her nose, making both girls laugh.
“You know I missed you too!”
Lucy manages to take Narla in one of her hands without letting Ona go. But it was before Coco came too, barking with what could be vexation.
“Oy and you too of course! I’ll never forget my boy. Sorry, Bonita” Lucy grins at Ona when she needs to let her go.
Too happy to have her girl back to even imitate a pout, Ona let Lucy with their dogs, taking her suitcases directly to the bathroom to start the laundry. She smiles hearing Lucy’s talking to the dogs, even if she can’t really understand all she was saying. They both are barking happily, and Ona doesn’t hear when Lucy asks “Alright, where’s Mama now?”.
She’s soon spotted though, Lucy’s hugging her from behind only ten seconds after that.
“Fuck the laundry, Babe. I need to catch all the hugs and kisses I missed” Lucy mumbles against Ona’s neck.
“Mh I don’t know if you deserved it, you choose the dogs after me just two minutes ago” Ona jokes before turning in her arms.
“You know very well that I’ll make it up to you”
Lucy has a smirk and a playful face, who make Ona smile wider. She knows that they will be separated again during the Olympics – if Ona is selected of course – but those separations aren’t easy anyway. Ona feels like it got even harder every time. She just too used to have Lucy next to her in her daily life.
Lucy drags her on the couch, and they put something on TV that none of them is really watching, too busy to hug, talk, look and kiss each other. Maybe not in that order.
“I’m hungry and I probably should go take a shower” Lucy yawns when the sky is almost dark.
“Go shower and I take care of the food” Ona decides before getting up from the couch.
She was already turning her mind upside down to know what to cook to Lucy, when the girl takes her by the arm and make her sit on her lap. She stoles a rather hard kiss to the younger one before letting her go.
“Now we can go” she smirks, getting up to even left the room before Ona.
Ona stays still in the kitchen for several minutes after deciding that it was better to command something for tonight. They are both tired and the fridge is empty, they really need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. When she’s alone, she’s usually feeding herself with fruits, avocado toast and Iberic ham, much to Lucy desperation.
Lucy finds Ona sitting on the table in the kitchen when she’s showered, smiling at her with her phone in her hand.
“What?” Lucy asks.
“Nothing. You’re here, walking with your two knees. I’m just happy.”
How can someone be so cute, adorable and dramatically hot at the same time? Lucy asks herself for the hundred times since she met Ona.
“Happiness looks good on you.”
With two steps, Lucy is in front of Ona, passing her arms around the smallest girl. She just can’t help herself, with time she even sometimes forgot that they are supposed to be private about their relationship in public. So, in private, she just can’t keep her hands away from Ona. The Spaniard being touchy, she never complained about it.
“You can congrats yourself, you are the reason of my happiness.”
“Look at you, who is the sweet talker now?”
Ona laughs, it was one joke during the first days of their relationship. Lucy liked to hit on Ona with the most random sentences ever. It wasn’t in attempt to flirt really, she just wanted to hear Ona’s laugh every single second. She had other things to flirt with Ona and make her fall for her. She never had to try hard to be honest.
“But I see no food cooking. Were you planning to give yourself to me for diner?”
“You wish” Ona laughs when Lucy wiggles her eyebrows. “I ordered to the Thai restaurant across the street. It will be here in like ten minutes.”
She made Ona squeak when she takes her suddenly in her arms to go to the couch again and dropping her on it before wrapping herself around Ona.
“We have time for more hugs until they come” she decides.
“We have” Ona confirms, smiling softly.
Looking at the ceiling, she starts to stroke Lucy’s back under her shirt. She can feel her muscles contract under her soft skin, and she just have to take a look at Lucy’s face to realize that she’s half-asleep. Lucy must feel her girlfriend’s gaze on her though, because she mumbles
“’m not asleep”
“Sure, Beautiful” Ona laughs slightly.
She smiles again when Coco jumps on the couch to install himself next to them and raise her head a little bit when she hears noises that she can’t really identify.
“Oh. Looks like Narla wants to show you her new rocks” Ona informs Lucy when she sees the dog starting to align to rocks in front of the couch.
If Coco groans before heading back to sleep, Lucy groans and sit down, rubbing her eyes. But she can’t be mad at her dog who have a strange thing for rocks when she looks at her with so much happiness, wiggle her tail with excitation. And she just has to look at Ona’s smile to feel her heart melt. She’s the happier girl in the world. She would never complain about anything.
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drysdalesworld · 8 months
Can you write a social media fic with Luca and his girlfriend announcing their relationship?
my lover
luca fantilli x fem!zegras!reader
idk why i always make the readers in my social media fics related to one of the boys somehow. i feel like that’s super basic lol. if you don’t like that, feel free to imagine reader as just fem!reader <3
y/nzegras just posted!
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liked by adamfantilli, _quinnhughes, and more
y/nzegras: he’s definitely a man written by a woman and that woman is taylor swift
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trevorzegras: i knew i shouldn’t have let you go to umich
trevorzegras: WHO IS THIS MAN 💢💢
lhughes_06: i know something you don’ttttt hehe
y/nzegras: bc he doesn’t have a big mouth like you
trevorzegras: 😟
adamfantilli: you’ve completely converted him to a t swift girlie
y/nzegras: making momma swift proud
luca.fantilli: frfr
userone: that side profile looks hella familiar i swear
usertwo: my moneys on rutger
userthree: nah it’s def either luke or luca usertwo
jackhughes: girl zegras is growing up so fast 😪
lhughes_06: the best couple i know fr
trevorzegras: i still don’t get why he knows and i don’t
luca.fantilli: damn, he’s holding your food AND flowers?? wife him up 😤
y/nzegras just posted!
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liked by seamuscasey26, umichhockey, and more
y/nzegras: my lover 🤍
tagged: luca.fantilli
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y/nzegras: chill
trevorzegras: I AM CALM
markestapa: MAMA Y PAPA 👨‍👩‍👦
jackhughes: finally! i don’t think i was going to be able to keep this from z any longer
_quinnhughes: you’re mouth likes to yap trev. she had valid concerns, that being your big mouth trevorzegras
lhughes_06: you would’ve announced their relationship the second you knew bro trevorzegras
trevorzegras: i am speechless. the hughes brothers knew before i did 😔 i’m in mourning
dylanduke25: mother & father finally announced their relationship ❗️❗️
rutgermcgroarty: one big happy family 😌👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
luca.fantilli: my lover ❤️❤️
trevorzegras: i will find you
y/nzegras: you will not threaten my boyfriend t. stop being childish
jackhughes: so, i’m assuming you’re bringing a plus one to the lake house?
y/nzegras: exactly 💞
yourroommate: the cutest couple ever <33
luca.fantilli just posted!
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liked by yourbestie, tyler__duke5, and more
luca.fantilli: i’d marry you with paper rings 🤍🤍
tagged: y/nzegras
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seamuscasey26: bro she immediately had you wrapped around her finger the MINUTE you saw her
markestapa: SIMP
rutgermcgroarty: SIMP
dylanduke25: SIMP
nolan_moyle: SIMP
lhughes_06: SIMP
nick_moldenhauer: SIMP
luca.fantilli: please get out of my comment section all of you
userone: they’re so cute!! <3
trevorzegras: i guess he ain’t that bad 😒
jamie.drysdale: bro stop beating petty 😭
adamfantilli: making my best man speech as we speak
y/nzegras: that won’t be happening for a couple of years bestie
adamfantilli: never too early future sister-in-law
yourbestie: i’ve had mine ready since the sixth grade adamfantilli
adamfantilli: i see how it is 😑 yourbestie
y/nzegras: i love you so much 💓💓
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igotlovestruck · 1 year
wherein singer!y/n shocks her fans when she reveals her relationship with a person her fans obviously didn’t expect, f2 driver, jack doohan.
↳ TYPE: ig au
↳ PAIRING: jack doohan x singer!reader (face claim: aespa’s karina)
↳ DETAILS AND WARNINGS: fluff/romance
↳ AUTHOR’S NOTE: some drafts i’ve written/made, just needed to clean up the drafts. there’s more but i’ll edit them first before i post em! enjoy ❤️
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. © newuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
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liked by yourbffsig and 1,874,737 others
yourusername last moments with my black hair 🥹 any guesses which color i’m choosing? (it’s my first time dyeing my hair i’m nervous 😓)
view all 397,826 comments
yourbffsig i think you’ll look good without hair :D
yourusername i’m blocking you!! 🫵
yourbffsig KIDDING!! love youu 😌
yourusername love u 🙄
user omg queen!! what if you go blonde 🥺
user i can’t see her going blonde though, it’s a bad idea 😩 purple would look good!
user the day y/n dyes her hair is the day i go insane.
user no because she literally has one of the healthiest hair i’ve ever seen and now she’s planning on dyeing it 😭 what if the hairdresser sabotages her hair and she ends up bald
user maam what if you bleach your hair 😌
57 weeks ago
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liked by danielricciardo, antoniogiovinazzi and others
jackdoohan happy to come away from the #spanishgp with a p2 and most importantly solid championship points, let’s keep it rolling into monaco next weekend! #f2
view all 103 comments
user still can’t believe you cut off your hair 😭 i’m still mourning over it, jack.
user congrats mate! 👏🏻
user 🔥🔥
56 weeks ago
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yn.updates y/n seen today in barcelona with a bleached hair 🎀 sources said she came with her best friend to watch both f1 and f2 races!
view all 20,732 comments
user sometimes i forget her best friend is literally a nepo baby, a fia nepo baby to be exact
user huh what
user yeah lol her dad’s one of the board of directors of fia! she was often seen in the paddock when she was young and i think she’s close with mick as there’re some pictures of them both in and out of the paddock!
user i apologize 😔
user ok but like whats the reason behind her bleaching her hair 🤨
56 weeks ago
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liked by yourbffsig, jackdoohan and 3,826,829 others
yourusername 22 coming your way 😉
view all 282,727 comments
user WHAT.
user it’s so random pls
user 😭 icb it’s a canon event lmfao
user i think it’s because they met(?) each other in barcelona! i think her bff introduced them to each other 😄
user why haven’t i heard that y/n went to the gp 😧 i was literally there
user she went there for a music video filming i think, she just went to the race during her break she said it during one of her ig lives hahaha
51 weeks ago
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liked by yourbffsig, jackdoohan, mickschumacher and 1,839,938 others
yourusername it’s been a little over a year since 22 was released! as you all know, i’ve written my first full album last 2022 and it has a special place in my heart, as the title song tells the story about being young and carefree ❤️ thank you all so much for all the love you’ve given 22 ✨ as a thank you, i’ve released a new song titled DRESS, which is now available to all streaming platforms!
i’d like to express my deepest gratitude to my label, my manager, my friends, my family and last but not least, my muse–the reason behind this piece, jackdoohan 🤍 this is for you, my jacko!! happy anniversary to us, my racer <3
enjoy the surprise song, everyone! sending you all love, xo.
view all 241,829 comments
user y/n??? jack??? what???
user y/n, when was this???
user im so confused rn
user can jack fight tho 🤨
user this wasnt on my bingo card this year
yourbffsig congratulations lovie!! happy for you and jack 🥰 thank me yall hahaha happy anniversary and stay in love!! 🤍✨
— ❤️ by yourusername
mickschumacher loved the song, y/n!! happy for both of you 🤍
— ❤️ by yourusername
jackdoohan happy anniversary, angel 🤍 i love you and all the songs and poems you’ve written for me 😍
yourusername love you soooo much, jacko 💞
user SONGS?!?!?! THERE’S MORE?!?!?
yourusername will be released soon 🤫
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, danielricciardo and others
jackdoohan so amazed to see you on stage tonight, beautiful. you looked absolutely stunning and happy doing what you love. congratulations on your first concert, i love you ❤️
view all 2,783 comments
yourusername crying!! you really surprised me when i saw you in the crowd 🥺 i almost didn’t finish the song and was thinking of running straight to you!!
yourusername the flowers are pretty btw!! 😍
jackdoohan just like you ;)
yourusername OH??
mickschumacher there are children on this app.
yourbffsig tell them to go away, let these two be in love!!
user oh idk which one i wanna be...do i wanna be jack or do i wanna be y/n
user he came right after his race yall, and on her concert’s first night. if he wants to, he would.
user damn it, when will i be in love... GOD I SEE WHAT YOU DO TO OTHERS ?! WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN !!
user the hand placement yall :( hand fucking placement!!!!
user jack is SOOOO in love 🥺
user “you looked absolutely stunning and happy doing what you love” haha guess who will sleep on the highway tonight haha
user you 🤝 me
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francarieq · 3 months
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i’m still mourning their deaths😔😔
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bunnie-online · 11 months
nobody's son, nobody's daughter {A.S.}
getting into an argument with ani & your parental issues are brought up
warnings: NO SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT BUT MY BLOG IS 18+ ONLY. hurt/comfort, parental issues lol, crying, Anakin is lowkey mean i’m sorry ✋🏽😔, not accurate SW lore, one use of ‘y/n’, d3ath mention.
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Anakin was so done with today. it was friday afternoon and he had just endured 8 hours of training and then a 2 hour meeting with the Jedi Council where he was scolded for a rash decision he made on his most recent mission. to say Anakin was frustrated was the understatement of the century.
you weren’t having a great day either, it was your fathers birthday. he had left you and your mother to start a new family when you were in your early teens. shortly after that your mother spiraled into depression and had tossed you out. you escaped to Coruscant and happened to be found by Master Windu who took you under his wing.
the weeks of what used to be important family events were always difficult. especially birthdays. you couldn’t wait to curl up into your boyfriend’s arms and feel the weight of the day melt away.
Anakin made his way to your quarters, wanting to do the same. his walk was all a blur until he reached your door. Anakin walked into your apartment ready to collapse into you. he found you curled up on the couch, looking forlorn.
“hey, angel. what’s wrong?” his voice soft and obviously sullen. you lift your head, your face tear stained. “oh it’s just my dads birthday..” you trail off. Anakin sighed. “oh that again.” he sounded slightly annoyed.
granted you’ve been sulking about this all week, but you had a right to. you missed normalcy, you missed coming home from school on your father’s birthday and giving him handmade cards you crafted so carefully. you missed the delicious birthday dinner your mother made and hiding his gifts behind your back, making him guess what it was. you missed sitting on his lap and helping him blow out his candles after singing to him loudly and in between giggles. it sickens you to think about his new children doing all of those things you thought we sacred to him, just as they were to you.
“what does that mean?” you ask, getting defensive. “nothing, angel.” he corrected his tone, realizing what he had done. “no. what did you mean by that?” you doubled down, standing up and walking closer to him. “again? again?! oh i’m sorry that i’m mourning my family.” you cross your arms over your chest, rolling your eyes.
Anakin scoffs. “you have to be kidding. it just slipped out i didn’t even mean it like that.” he steps closer to you. “obviously you meant something, Anakin. you wouldn’t have said anything otherwise.” your eyes threw daggers into his. “angel, can we just drop it? i had a long day i just wanna relax.” he reaches his hand out to touch your arm. you pull back harshly. “darling, come on.”
“no! you have the audacity to tell me to ignore a comment like that?! really?!” your voice gaining volume. Anakin pressed his palm against his forehead, his anger building. “love, i didn’t even mea-“ he starts. “don’t even try to throw that shit at me again.” you interrupt him.
“you aren’t the only one without parents, y/n!!” he yells. you jump back. Anakin had never yelled at you before. “i held my mother as she passed away after not seeing her for ten. years! you aren’t the only one mourning!”
you were too shocked to speak, but your face said everything. after what felt like an eternity, Anakin’s face softened, he realized what had came out of his mouth. “angel…baby…i am- i am so sor-.” “don’t.” you interrupt him again. “i know- i know i’m not the only one mourning. i know you don’t have parents either but i still supported you. i held you after every nightmare, flashback, anxiety attack, everything. i still do.” your voice cracked often as you choked down tears.
“if you were annoyed with my sulking, you could’ve shut it out like you do to me every time something bothers you.” you started walking past him, he tried to grab you by your bicep. “get the fuck away from me, Anakin.” you state coldly, his eyes widen. you’ve never spoken to him in that way. you push past him and walk out of your own apartment.
Anakin stood there, not only shocked at your actions but also his. he’s always been so caring not matter how his day went, he always held space for you. and you held space for him. the tears welling up in his eyes finally spilt over, his usually stoic face contorted as he cried.
you stormed out to the garden, finding a bench in a secluded area. you sat there and cried for what seemed like forever. you cried until your head throbbed and your lungs were sore.
Anakin had to make this right, he couldn’t leave you like this. the sound of leaves crunching behind you nearly scared you out of your skin.
Anakin placed a blanket over your shoulders before sitting down next to you. “angel. i am so sorry. truly. this week was exhausting and i have no right to take it out on you.” he wraps one of his arms around you and you melt into his warmth. “i forgive you, Ani. and i’m sorry too. i know you’re also grappling with your own feelings. i never meant to appear selfish.”
“i love you, my angel.” his plants a kiss on your temple. “i love you too, Ani.”
this was my first time writing hurt/comfort pls don’t bully meeee
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cocoajuly · 3 months
My daddy dom and I are officially done. There will never be another us. I’m honestly heart broken and soul crushed. This is the first time my pussy has cried with sadness. All sexual energy aside I’m trying to mourn the death of my love for him, and I can’t because I still love him. That’s the part that hurts the most. I wish I didn’t love him. I wish I hated him with every fiber of my being. I need to hate him but my soul won’t allow me to. Idk if I’m stupid or if it’s the ethereal being within me. I pray for the day I’m completely over him. My heart, mind, and soul are tired. 😓
Probably going to be giving you guys a lot of sad girl porn until my heart heals 🥺😔
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elliespuns · 3 months
Replying to the if Joel would go for younger women, I doubt he’d have the time to even get with dates. But, if he did I’m sure he’d go towards women his own age. Don’t know why just seems Joel-like. He seems like a gentle man & I don’t imagine him with someone way younger than he is😔
He's definitely a loner. I can't really imagine him with women. Which is funny because he's practically a pussy magnet, and they intended to give him a girlfriend in Part 2 (which they decided not to go with; I wonder why).
I think Joel was too sad for most of his life to even care about relationships or flings. I mean, before Ellie, he was this broken man who mourned his daughter with every beath of his heart. Then, after Ellie, he tasted the happiness again for a while, and it didn't even last for more than 2 short years, and he was back where he was, only now he was this sad man who mourned a person who was still alive.
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wh0re-in-the0ry · 2 months
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I’m still mourning his bear body 😔
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manasurge · 4 months
Just doing a silly thing, but the ship name debacle for myself had been bothering me for months, and I have it narrowed down to a few now. Doing a poll here bc discord mobile won’t let me do it anymore for some reason lmao.
Mourynn x Caithe ship name
(Also bc apparently even tho I tried hard to make it obvious with the mourning themes with her, it still didn’t come across easily to folks, but her name is pronounced like “mourn”. I’m just at the mercy of the name creator limitations 😔)
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