#I am sort of leaning towards Crystal Gloom
manasurge · 4 months
Just doing a silly thing, but the ship name debacle for myself had been bothering me for months, and I have it narrowed down to a few now. Doing a poll here bc discord mobile won’t let me do it anymore for some reason lmao.
Mourynn x Caithe ship name
(Also bc apparently even tho I tried hard to make it obvious with the mourning themes with her, it still didn’t come across easily to folks, but her name is pronounced like “mourn”. I’m just at the mercy of the name creator limitations 😔)
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Beautiful Angel of Darkness (8/8)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader
Warnings: Mild fluff 
Word Count: 1.5k 
Part Summary: Y/N falls apart after Spike disappears again and can’t find the way back until something snaps Y/N out of it
A/N: FINAL PART!!! Woohoo the first end to one of my series! I hope you all enjoy :)
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A week later... 
Emptiness. All I feel is emptiness. For the last six months, I've been running toward finding my new purpose in this life. Then, one day Spike appears and knocks me off course. The walls and foundation I built grumbled into nothing. I am nothing. I feel nothing. In his absence, I'm nothing. 
There's a knock on my front door for which I ignore. 
"Y/N!" I hear Angel call from the other side of the door. "Y/N, answer the door." 
For the last week, I've laid in my bed waiting for some absolution. I stare out my window from dusk until dawn, yet nothing happens. Upon my silence, Angel wiggles the nob to learn that it was unlocked the whole time. He storms into my apartment calling my name until he appears in the doorway to my bedroom. 
"Y/N, no one has heard from you in days," he sighs as he approaches my bedside. 
My eyes remain fixated on my window. I watch as the branches on the tree wave in the wind, leaves fall from it with each passing breeze. Taking a seat on the edge of my bed, Angel releases a deep sigh. 
"Spike returned to Sunnydale," he tells me quietly. 
"I know," I speak for the first time in days. 
"He...um... " Angel stammers as he reaches into his coat pocket to reveal a piece of paper. "He stopped by the office before he left a few days ago. He wanted me to give you this. I was reluctant but Fred insisted." 
Gently, he places the folded-up paper on the edge of my bed beside my hand. I don't react, instead, I remain as I am, as I've been for the last few days. 
Angel brushes his hand over my cheek and rises from my bed. "I'm here if you need me," he assures quietly. He starts toward the door but stops in the archway. "He's not worth your pain, Y/N," he mutters over his shoulder. "I'll be back later to check on you." 
Once I hear him enter the hall, I lift the piece of paper and begin to unfold. Soon, Spike's handwriting is revealed on the small parchment. It's evident it was a last-minute decision, being on an official Wolfman & Hart labeled paper. 
My Love, 
I leave Los Angeles without you with great despair, a sense of pain I haven't felt in centuries. You are my dark angel. I'm nothing without you. My soul belongs to you. 
I will love you always and forever. 
Memories flash across my mind like seconds of light. My entire human life was superficial and ordinary. Then, I met Spike and I felt instantly that he was my dark angel sent to lead me through life.  One, in particular, stands out to me, the moment I knew wholeheartedly that I was where I was meant to be. 
“Okay, one more time,” he so kindly does it again. 
I huff, growing slightly frustrated that I’m missing it and losing my streak. 
An IL word, how hard can it be? 
“Is it a phrase?” I question aggressively. It’s the one solution. 
He hums, a mischievous smirk appearing on his lips. 
To help me figure it out, I begin to name the letters out loud. 
“I, L, O, V…” I stop saying them, but Spike continues writing out the letters. 
Slowly, I turn onto my side and Spike’s hand slides to my waist. A faint smile remains on his lips as he brings his fingers to my temple and brushes my hair back. His eyes search my face with such admiration. 
“I love you,” he reveals quietly between us. 
A breathless laugh escapes my lips as I leap to wrap my arms around him. He falls onto the bed with laughter. I climb on top of him, utterly exploding with happiness. 
“You love me?!” I question for positivity. 
He snickers, amused by my reaction. “Don’t believe me?” 
He sits up, resting against the headboard, and grips my waist. “Yes, Y/N, I love you! I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you!” 
I cup his face, pressing my lips to his. I can’t help but smile against the kiss. I want to make this moment last forever. I break away, realizing I haven’t said it back yet. 
“Oh! I love you too! I love you so much!” I rush out. 
He smiles brightly, “I was hoping you would.” 
His hand wraps around the back of my neck and he brings me in for a gentle kiss. I’ve fallen under his spell, he’s utterly immaculate. Every moment with him is magical. I want to make up for every minute we spent apart before we met. As long as Spike’s mine, nothing bad can ever happen to us. 
We rest our foreheads against one another, starring at each other’s eyes. 
“From now until forever,” he promises me. 
“Forever,” I repeat the vow, meaning it wholeheartedly. 
God, I love him so much. My entire world is him. He’s the sun, the moon, everything. I will love him for eternity. 
As if resurrected and given a second chance, I rise from my bed and hurry to get dressed. I gather a bag of a few items that I can fit and rush down the hall to my living room. When I get out there, Angel is sitting in the armchair on the phone. When he sees me enter the room, he hangs up quickly. 
"Y/N?" He first says with confusion, then with seriousness. "Y/N! Where are you going?" He urgently questions as he flies up from his position. 
"Sunnydale." I grab my keys off the side table and march toward the door. 
Angel follows me like a shadow to the door as I swing it open. "Are you crazy?!" 
I chuckle wickedly and glance over my shoulder at the vampire. "Absolutely mad," I wink as I walk off. 
From atop the mausoleum, I watch as Spike returns from the Bronze. Even after almost a year, Spike hasn't changed his routine. I suppose I should be thankful since it made locating him much easier. He walks with a sense of gloom about him, instead of the usual confidence and lack of care. I smirk as I leap down from the roof onto the leaf-covered grass. Spike halts and whips his head around to investigate the sudden thud. I linger in the shadows and out of sight to his annoyance. 
"Who's there?!" He barks and awaits a response as he spins around. When he doesn't receive one, he huffs. "Whoever it is, it's Halloween! Take the night!" 
He starts to march off toward his tomb and I follow a few yards behind. It's sort of ironic now that I think about it. He must've done this when we first met. He hunted me like prey, lingering in the shadows. I felt his presence and now he feels mine. It's funny how the roles have reversed. He found me and now I must find me. 
"I said back off!" Spike snaps as he stops dead in his tracks. "We don't hunt on Halloween!" 
"That's a shame," I chuckle lightly as I hide. "Halloween was always my favorite..." 
"Y/N?" Spike mutters to himself, unsure if it's real. 
I emerge from behind a nearby tomb and approach him stealthily. His crystal eyes meet mine in awe. 
"Here I am," I smirk. 
"What are you doing here?" He questions quietly. 
I circle him with a mischievous grin as he did when we first met. Our little game of cat and mouse continues, except this time I'm the big bad cat. 
"Some blonde, problematic, North London vampire left me this note, would you happen to know anything about that?" I tease. 
I stand behind him, gliding my fingertips across his back. He inhales sharply with a hiss at my touch. The reaction makes me giggle. 
"Perhaps," he answers, his voice a tad shaky. 
"I read it. Quite short, but there was something about it...The words made something snap inside my head. It was like I was dreaming and rose again," I describe the experience. 
"Is that so?" He plays along and I can feel his body relax. 
"It was like someone turned on a light." I pause to whisper in his ear, "a sweet cure." 
"And now?" He presses, filled with curiosity. 
I step to stand before him and I meet his beautiful eyes directly. They've haunted me for months and I finally have them starring into mine again. 
"Nothing else matters," I tell him. 
Hesitantly, he reaches up and caresses my cheek with furrowed brows. "You've come back to me?" 
I nod, leaning into his touch. 
"I've always loved you," he confesses breathlessly. 
"I know... and I never stopped," I confess softly in return as my eyes fall shut to ponder the sensation of his hand. 
"You and me forever?" He questions urgently as he cups my face. 
I nod gently and bring my hand to cover his. "All time." 
The edge of his lips curves upward to a light smirk as he leans down and brings them to meet mine. I'm electrified by the feeling and am reminded that my place in the world is with him. For all eternity. 
Tags: @currently-obsesed-with-spike​ @mx-pibbles​ @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard​
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Memories from the past (Part five)(Caius Volturi)
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Word count: 2043
The street was very narrow, cobbled with the same colour stones as the faded cinnamon brown buildings that darkened the street with their shade. It had the feel of an alleyway. Red flags decorated the walls, spaced only a few yards apart, flapping in the wind that whistled through the narrow lane. It was crowded, and the foot traffic slowed our progress. We found another street at the end. The buildings were taller here; they leaned together overhead so that no sunlight touched the pavement—the thrashing red flags on either side nearly met. The crowd was thicker here than anywhere else. We continued the walk through the shadows, even when we reached the plaza with the clock tower in the middle. Coming out of the dark lane, I was blinded by the brilliant sunlight beating down into the principal plaza. The wind whooshed into me, flinging my hair into my eyes and blinding me further. I pushed urgently toward it, not realizing till I bruised my shins against the bricks that there was a wide, square fountain set into the center of the plaza. I glanced up at the clock again. Some sort of pull lured me towards it.
A deep, booming chime echoed through the square. It throbbed in the stones under my feet. Children cried, covering their ears. Alice pulled me towards them back into the shadows. The clock tolled again. We ran past a child in his mother's arms—his hair was almost white in the dazzling sunlight. A circle of tall men, all wearing red blazers, called out warnings as we barrelled through them. The clock tolled again. On the other side of the men in blazers, there was a break in the throng, space between the sightseers who milled aimlessly around me. My eyes searched the dark narrow passage to the right of the wide square edifice under the tower. I couldn't see the street level—there were still too many people in the way. The clock tolled again. It was hard to see now. Without the crowd to break the wind, it whipped at my face and burned my eyes. That was the way we went, towards even more shadows. Edward walked in front of me while Alice walked behind me, gently pushing me into the right direction. I was so mesmerised by the small town and the beautiful plaza it contained that I hadn’t seen the two dark shapes detach themselves from the gloom. "Greetings, gentlemen," Edward's voice was calm and pleasant. “The girl as promised.” “And no harm done. We made sure of that.” Alice said, her hand still on my lower back. "Very well. Shall we take this conversation to a more appropriate venue?" a smooth voice whispered menacingly. “Very well.” Alice said as she gently pushed me for ward. “I will take it from here, miss.” The smooth voice spoke again, walking closer towards me. “Very well, Demetri.” Alice said as she took a step back and the other took a step closer to me, now occupying the spot Alice just seconds ago held. I finally dared to take a closer look at the newcomers. They were both concealed within smoky gray cloaks that reached to the ground and undulated in the wind. The second, taller man still hadn’t moved, but I felt his glare on me. “How can we be sure this isn’t some trick?” he asked. “Your Masters can confirm that it isn’t, as you should know, Felix.” Edward said in a harsh tone. The one named Felix growled at him. Wait, what? Humans can’t growl. "Felix," the second, more reasonable shadow named Demetri cautioned. "Not here." He turned to Edward. "My apologies, Edward. We have had some… disappointments in the past. That is all." My eyes were adjusting to the deep shade, and I could see that Felix was very big, tall and thick through the shoulders. Felix and Demetri stole closer toward the mouth of the alley, spreading out slightly so they could come at us from two sides, forcing us closer into the alley. "Let's behave ourselves, shall we?" Alice suggested. "There are ladies present." "Enough." The voice was high, reedy, and n came from behind us. I peeked under Edward's other arm to see a small, dark shape coming toward us. By the way the edges billowed, I knew it would be another one of them. Who else? At first I thought it was a young boy. The newcomer was as tiny as Alice, with lank, pale brown hair trimmed short. The body under the cloak—which was darker, almost black—was slim and androgynous. But the face was too pretty for a boy. The wide-eyed, full-lipped face would make a Botticelli angel look like a gargoyle. Even allowing for the dull crimson irises. Her size was so insignificant that the reaction to her appearance confused me. Felix and Demetri relaxed immediately, stepping back from their offensive positions to blend again with the shadows of the overhanging walls. Edward dropped his arms and relaxed his position as well—but in defeat. "Jane," he sighed in recognition and resignation. Alice folded her arms across her chest, her expression impassive. "Follow me," Jane spoke again, her childish voice a monotone. She turned her back on us and drifted silently into the dark. Felix gestured for us to go first, smirking. Alice walked after the little Jane at once, Edward following her at once. “After you, mia bella signora.” Demetri said as he gently pushed me to follow them, my confusion most
likely clear on my face. The alley angled slightly downward as it narrowed. My mind was racing as my feet moved forward on automatic pilot mode. What was going on? Where these people some kind of cult? Would I be sacrificed to their blood lusting god? There was a loose curve to the alley, still slanting downward, so I didn't see the squared-off dead end coming until we reached the flat, windowless, brick face. The little one called Jane was nowhere to be seen. Alice didn't hesitate, didn't break pace as she strode toward the wall. Then, with easy grace, she slid down an open hole in the street. It looked like a drain, sunk into the lowest point of the paving. I hadn't noticed it until Alice disappeared, but the grate was halfway pushed aside. The hole was small, and black. I stopped dead in my tracks. “With all due respect, I refuse to simply fall to my death thank you very much.” I said, trying to find a way to run far away from these people. “No worries, signora. Just close your eyes and I assure you that you will be safe.” Demetri said as he gently placed his hands around my waist. I sighed in defeat, knowing there was no way out of this. I was doomed. Death was approaching with every heartbeat. “Very well.” I closed my eyes so I couldn't see the darkness, scrunching them together in terror, clamping my mouth shut so I wouldn't scream. I felt Demetri pick me up slightly and jump down the hole. It was silent and short. The air whipped past me for just half a second, and then, with a huff as I exhaled, he gracefully landed on the floor without a sound. Demetri stood me upright and placed his hand on my back again, ready to guide me forwards. It was dim, but not black at the bottom. The light from the hole above provided a faint glow, reflecting wetly from the stones under my feet. Felix jumped behind us and we continued our stroll in silence. The sound of the heavy grate sliding over the drain hole behind us rang with metallic finality. The dim light from the street was quickly lost in the gloom. The sound of my staggering footsteps echoed through the black space; it sounded very wide, but I couldn't be sure. There were no sounds other than my frantic heartbeat and my feet on the wet stones. The path beneath our feet continued to slant downward, taking us deeper into the ground, and it made me claustrophobic. I couldn't tell where the light was coming from, but it slowly turned dark gray instead of black. We were in a low, arched tunnel. Long trails of ebony moisture seeped down the gray stones, like they were bleeding ink. We hurried through the tunnel, or it felt like hurrying to me. At the end of the tunnel was a grate—the iron bars were rusting, but thick as my arm. A small door made of thinner, interlaced bars was standing open. We all ducked through and hurried on to a larger, brighter stone room. The grille slammed shut with a clang, followed by the snap of a lock. I was too afraid to look behind me. On the other side of the long room was a low, heavy wooden door. It was very thick—as I could tell.
We were in a brightly lit and unremarkable hallway. The walls were off-white, the floor carpeted in industrial gray. Common rectangular fluorescent lights were spaced evenly along the ceiling. It was warmer here, for which I was grateful. This hall seemed very benign after the gloom of the ghoulish stone sewers. The heavy door creaked shut behind us, and then there was the thud of a bolt sliding home. Jane waited by the elevator, one hand holding the doors open for us. Her expression was apathetic. Once inside the elevator, the three figures with cloaks seemed to relax further. They threw back their cloaks, letting the hoods fall back on their shoulders. Felix and Demetri were both of a slightly olive complexion—it looked odd combined with their chalky pallor. Felix's black hair was cropped short, but Demetri's waved to his shoulders. Their irises were deep crimson around the edges, darkening until they were black around the pupil. Under the shrouds, their clothes were modern, pale, and nondescript. I cowered in the corner, cringing against the wall, their red eyes freaking me out even more. They were most defiantly a cult. And I was the stupid lamb that jumped happily and unknowingly into their bloody arms. Bloody hell. Stupid lamb I am. The elevator ride was short; we stepped out into what looked like a posh office reception area. The walls were panelled in wood, the floors carpeted in thick, deep green. There were no windows, but large, brightly lit paintings of the Tuscan countryside hung everywhere as replacements. Pale leather couches were arranged in cosy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly coloured bouquets. The flowers' smell reminded me of a funeral home. In the middle of the room was a high, polished mahogany counter. I gawked in astonishment at the woman behind it. She was tall, with dark skin and green eyes. She smiled politely in welcome. "Good afternoon, Jane," she said. Jane nodded. "Gianna." She continued toward a set of double doors in the back of the room, and we followed. As Felix passed the desk, he winked at Gianna, and she giggled. On the other side of the wooden doors was a different kind of reception. The pale boy in the pearl gray suit could have been Jane's twin. His hair was darker, and his lips were not as full, but he was just as lovely. He came forward to meet us. He smiled, reaching for her. "Jane." "Alec," she responded, embracing the boy. They kissed each other's cheeks on both sides. Then he looked at the group before his eyes landed on me with curiosity. "Is this really her?" he noted, looking at me. Jane nodded, a proud look on her face. "Nice work." She laughed—the sound sparkled with delight like a baby's cooing. "The Masters will be so glad to finally meet you, madam. Master Caius and Mistress Athenodora especially.” Alec said, speaking to me directly now. I only looked at him in confusion "Let's not keep them waiting," Jane suggested. Alec and Jane, holding hands, led the way down yet another wide, ornate hall. Yup. I was going to die. To some weird BDSM cult… great. Stupid little lamb I am.
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rideboldlyride · 5 years
Repeat : The Mission
Despite the constant threat of rain in the distance, the skies over Beacon Academy stayed mercifully clear. The hours of time spent prepping her hair and makeup weren’t going to waste this night, it would appear. But the lightning popping just outside the campus made her move with alacrity from cover to cover towards the main hall.
Slipping into the front door, she breathed a sigh of relief. All the rest of her teammates had already arrived to the dance, but she had insisted upon finishing up her last few pieces of class work.
That’s what leaders are supposed to do, right? she reasoned, it wasn’t like I had a date. Not like the rest of them.
The main hall had been transformed. It was awash with the glitter of a thousand crystals. In the intended darkness and gloom of the dance floor, the flashing of the not so distant lightning caught the facets of the crystals spread about the room. For a moment no one noticed her arrival, and she allowed herself to be overwhelmed. Team CRLN had done a beautiful job.
In her solace, she watched her teammates flutter about the room.
Tai and Raven were the couple to be, in sweeping colors, light and dark, yin and yang across the floor. Ever the debonair, Tai twirled his striking woman, instilling envy in all the other men and women present. Eyes sparkling, Raven was a glorious sight to see.
Qrow... was Qrow. A beautiful lady in arm, one she recognized by face, not name, was different than the one she had met last week. Blushing away as he whispered something most likely scandalous in her ear, it was obvious that she was under the slight haze of alcohol, no doubt supplied by her partner.
Elsewhere about the room, the crowd undulated and swarmed, colors and sparkles of every kind hypntoizing to the beat. The sensation was beginning to overwhelm the petite young woman, pressing, pushing. A clear voice broke through the static, pushing back on the masses.
"Slightly overwhelming, is it not, Miss Rose?"
Shaking her head to clear it, she took a moment to respond to the speaker.
"Yes, Professor Ozpin, it can be."
"It's quite obvious to see the Atlesean influence in CRLN's design, wouldn't you agree?"
Nodding, she reveled in the peace and quiet that proximity to the headmaster seemed to invoke.
An eyebrow raised, the Professor was the first to break the silence.
"I'm glad you took this time to come. I was concerned when your teammates arrived without you."
"Well, they had reasons to be here."
The young woman raised an arm to the dance floor, gesturing to her teammates and their dates, preoccupied.
"Ah. I see." Clearing his throat, the professor shuffled slightly, as if nervous. "Well, Miss Rose, I would warn you to not diminish your worth as to a companion. Or the worth of a gathering of this sort without said companion."
A slight smile tugged at her lips. "I'm here, aren't I?"
"Indeed, you are. I am still surprised that you had none ask you..."
"I never said that I wasn't asked, Professor."
Finally turning to actually face the young woman, the older man's brow shot up, an unspoken question across his eyes.
She sighed, considering how best to explain her thoughts. Settling in to an answer that both answered and was polite enough, she continued.
"There was none that I wanted to be here with."
It was the headmaster's turn to offer up a slight smile.
"I see."
"Professor... I've seen when two people aren't picky on who they choose. I am intimately familiar. I have no desire to live like that."
"And why waste time when you don't see any potential to begin with?"
A slight blush creeped up to the woman's cheeks.
"That makes it sound so very callous..."
A thoughtful look crossed his face.
"Not callous. Merely... far-seeing. Not a bad trait."
"I just..." The redheaded woman, at loss for words, glanced out into the dance floor, where an inebriated young woman giggled uncontrollably as she stepped on her partner's toes. Qrow was beginning to show signs of frustration. It dawned on Summer what she was trying to define.
"I don't want to be like Qrow."
For the first time in her life, she heard the headmaster laugh.
"Miss Rose, I don't think you would ever be viewed like Qrow."
She puffed out a breath, frustrated. "I don't want to just take what's offered by any and everyone. Qrow jumps from one girl to the next. I don't even know the name of this most current girl, and I doubt she's going to last the night... That's what I mean by not being like Qrow."
"Quite honestly, I don't think Qrow wants to be like Qrow."
"What do you me--"
"As for you, Miss Rose, it's a good way to be. And I am certain you will find someone that you will wish to spend this time with you, and vice versa. Someone you will not 'settle' with, but rather choose."
Turning distinctly away, he signified the end of their conversation.
"In the meantime, I hope you do get at least a single dance. Grace in battle is often a sign of grace in dance, wouldnt you agree?"
"I'll try my best, Professor."
Qrow heaved out a deep sigh as he stepped out of the door and on to the balcony. Glancing down at the scuffed toes of his shoes, he looked angrily back to the ballroom where his inebriated date was loudly searching for him. He shut the door behind him.
Pulling his flask from it's hidden pouch in his jacket, he swirled it, contented to find it mostly full still.
What a freakin' lightweight. She had one, maybe two shots, and she's sloshed.
Taking a swig, he glanced down the length of the balcony. He noticed a student - a young woman - at the far end. Her face turned away, her slight form was draped with a deep red, flowing gown, gathered at her neck, elbow and wrist, but hugged at all the right spots. Hair tucked up into intricate pulls and tacks, the bandit found himself wondering why he had missed this beauty inside.
Tucking his flask away again, his lopsided smirk fell into it's usual place, and he began his walk towards the young woman.
"Hey the--" she turned at his voice, and he knew instantly why he hadn't seen her. "--re, Sum."
He quickly shifted gears. "What are you doing out here?"
She raised a brow. "I could ask you the same."
"She was a lightweight. You?"
Shrugging, she turned back to gaze out into the horizon where the storm was still raging. He joined her in leaning against the balcony edge.
"Your date?"
She scoffed. "What date?"
"You've got to be kidding me. Somebody had to have asked?"
"Oh they asked. I just..." She seemed nervous to confess whatever was in her mind. "I didn't want to come with any of them."
Not sure how to respond, Qrow joined her in watching the storm for a moment. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his flask.
He was surprised to have their team leader wrench his flask away so quickly.
"Hell yes."
The empty flask laid on it's side between them on the stone barrier.
"What is that stuff, Qrow??" Summer chuckled contentedly, her face awash in an alcohol induced blush.
"Just a little something from back home." Flushed himself, he was smiling genuinely at the young woman. "I can't believe we just finished that flask and you're still standing. It's like 150 proof..."
She waved a careless hand. "Eh, reminded me of home."
His eyes glinted mischeviously. "If that's how your home is, I think I'd like it there."
"You would."
From the inside ballroom, a loud clear voice called out last song. Furrowing his brow, the lanky young man turned to his teammate.
"Did you dance at all?"
The young woman shook her head.
"Did you want to?"
She shrugged, trying too hard to seem uninterested in the conversation. Setting his jaw, he grabbed her hand, pulling her away from the edge of the balcony and into his arms.
"Qrow, what are --?"
"It's a dance, isn't it?"
"... Yes..."
"And you'd like to dance, right?"
"I guess, yeah..."
"Then let's dance."
"Will you stop talking about this and just dance with me, Rose?"
Her face pulled into a look of false offense, before morphing into a smile.
Pulling her gently closer, the soft music wafted out on to their private balcony, twisting and wrapping about them on the increasing wind. Slowly, the stiffness in her shoulders eased and she began to melt into his touch.
There was something intoxicating about his touch on her, she found, as he moved them across their private dance floor. Maybe, she thought, just maybe she was finding who she wanted to be around. To be held by. To...
She willed that thought away, firmly forcing her mind into enjoying a moment. A comfortable, inebriated moment. Summer dropped her head to his chest, watching with detached contentedness as the distant storm neared.
Still, when he continued to hold her even after the song's last few notes had died off, swaying to the completed melody, she didn't want him to stop. And when he did stop, she didn't want him to let her go.
Raising her head finally, she found him gazing down at her, her own expression mirrored. Silver met garnet and she was lost.
His hands on her bare arms, gently gently on her shoulders. They were calloused. She didn't realize how calloused they were before. But the touch- so gentle, so kind. Cupping her jaw, thumbs brushing her cheeks. The haze...
So softly his lips on hers. Patient, inviting, tender. Her body no longer wanted her weight, so she leaned into him. A turn, and the kiss started to deepen and--
The nearby lightning strike jolted her out of her stupor. Both shared a glance, and before either could speak, the clouds opened up on them.
A blush burst forth on Summer Rose's cheeks as they both laughed, soaked already in the sudden downpour.
"Cold shower, got it!" Qrow yelled out at the heavens.
Summer smiled back at him, but stepped away.
"We should go inside..."
"Yeah," Raven called as she opened the balcony door to them. "that might be smart if you prefer to be alive."
Summer was the first in, Qrow on her heels, pausing first to snatch up his empty flask.
Raven gripped a soggy lapel of his, turning him to her as she closed the door behind him.
Qrow rolled his eyes.
"Says the girl who's screwing over who again...?"
"Strings don't tangle me up like they always have you... Don't forget your mission."
Both of his hands shot up.
"Listen, sis, it was just a kiss. Nothing more."
She eyed him suspiciously.
"Trust me, once the liqour is out of her system, she'd rather have kissed Port."
His sister's nose crinkled.
The clock on the wall beat out every second like a drum. Summer Rose laid awake in her bed, fully aware of every moment passing. It was twelve past three in the morning. She had counted every second. The liquor had long dissipated, but she was certain of the migraine in the morning.
Her silver eyes pierced the darkness, accustomed to the gloom. He slept soundly across from her, his head turned towards her.
She knew it was passing.
She knew it was the liquor.
She knew he wasn't really interested.
She knew it was all a game for him.
But in that one evening, she knew she had found who she wanted to be with. Who she was having a hard time imaging not being around.
Qrow "Ladies Man" Branwen.
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kdinthecity · 8 years
Alright, as the title implies, this one is nsfw, although I consider it pretty mild. Your boss might not, though. This is for Zutara Month, “snowflakes.” If any plot points don’t make sense, it’s because I adapted this from one of my multi-chapter fics. I tried to make it stand alone, though.
In retrospect, planning an Ember Island reunion in the winter may not have been the best idea. The bitter wind persisted and therefore thwarted their beach plans to some extent. Zuko and Katara eventually joined their friends at the waterfront—after stealing a quiet moment alone back at the beach house. When the icy tendrils of the tide reached their bare feet, it became obvious why no one was swimming.
 "I thought this was supposed to be the perfect vacation spot," Toph grumbled. Not that she wanted to swim anyway.
 "I don't know. I've never been here in the winter," Zuko replied.
 "Apparently Yue Bay is where the weather is perfect all year around," Katara said, although she couldn’t remember who told her that.
 "I'll make a bonfire. I always liked those as a kid. At least until…" Zuko trailed off and set about the task of finding firewood.
 "I'll help you." Aang met the Fire Lord’s scowl with his characteristic grin. Katara wasn’t sure what dark memory plagued Zuko, but she hoped that the Avatar’s animated chatter and goofy antics could help snap him out of his sudden gloom.
 After the fire had been burning for some time, the younger two of the group expressed their boredom and wandered further down the beach to build sand sculptures with their earthbending. When the conversation amongst the remaining four died down, Katara noticed that Sokka and Suki had gone from cuddly to handsy. It had to be some form of torture to watch her brother do that. Zuko picked up on her annoyance pretty quickly, though. "Let's go for a walk," he said.
Zuko seemed to have a destination in mind, and when they arrived at the cave at the far end of the beach, Katara recognized it. They had celebrated her birthday there two summers ago. It was decidedly one of the best birthdays she'd ever had and largely because Zuko had gone to great lengths to make it special for her. And that was before we even…
 Zuko pulled her into a kiss and then led her into the cave. He gave her the look, his sly smile, and she realized that not only did he have a destination in mind, he also had a plan. She was curious and yes, aroused even, but also feeling a bit feisty. What if I play hard to get? Besides, it's so damn cold…
 The weather appeared to not phase the firebender at all because once inside the cave, Zuko immediately started stripping off his clothes.
 Okay, then.
 "Z-z-zuko, what are you doing?"
 "Well, I don't want to get them wet, do I?"
 She remembered now. At the back of the cave was a hot spring. Zuko stood still for a few minutes with his back toward her. It seemed like every muscle in his body was flexed, and all he was doing was just standing there, inadvertently driving her crazy. He then looked over his shoulder at her, flashed a seductive smile, and strode to the water's edge. For all his lack of self-confidence in other ways, in this, he did not. Or perhaps it was just where Katara was concerned. Those types of smiles were only reserved for her, after all.
 And this was something they only shared together.
 He eased into the water and sighed. She melted.
 "It feels great, Katara. Are you coming?"
 Playing hard to get was such a stupid idea. Shivers went down her spine and not because she was cold.
Once she had joined him in the water, he said, "You told me I needed to relax and have fun, so I just thought—"
 She cut him off with a kiss. A very insistent, I-have-to-have-you-now kiss. He broke it just briefly to look into her desire-filled eyes before he lost himself in them—and then lost himself in her completely.
 They had "bathed" together before back at the palace, but this… this was different. It was such a combination of sensations: the heated pool, like fire and water; them moving together, team liquidy hot; the occasional burst of cold air against their heated skin, opposites attract…
 And snow.
 Wait, snow?
 Zuko stilled their motions even though it almost pained him to do so. Katara let out a little whimper in response.
 "K-k-katara, why is it snowing?"
 "Oh…um…" She tightened the grip she had around him with her ankles before leaning back slightly to look up at the top of the cave. In an act of impulse before entering the water, she had frozen the condensation there. She had also regulated the surrounding air temperature, so that when the water droplets began to melt and fall, they would refreeze, crystallize, and then float down like snowflakes.
 The flurries melted instantly when they touched Zuko's skin, she noticed. She wondered if he could feel their icy prickle first like she could, or if everything with him was just constantly and irresistibly hot. He watched the snowflakes fall in between the puffs of steam their quickened breaths made. When he realized she wasn't going to give much more of an answer, he coaxed her to the edge of the pool where he could get more leverage. It wasn't long before their cries of pleasure echoed off the cave's walls.
On the walk back to the beach house, Katara confessed. "So, I've always had this… fantasy… about doing it in the snow. Or, um, maybe inside an igloo. I dunno."
 "Sounds cold." Zuko smirked.
 "Yeah, I guess that's the part I couldn't figure out. I never factored a firebender into the equation, though."
 "Wait… how long have you had this fantasy?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
 "Oh, come on. It's not like I ever thought I would leave the South Pole."
 "Is this what all little Water Tribe girls fantasize about?"
 "Zuko, stop it! Maybe I'm just homesick, did you ever think of that?"
 "Oh." He looked taken aback. "Are you?"
 "Maybe? I don't know. I just don't know if I could live in the Fire Nation for the rest of my life, OK?"
 "Whoa, whoa, what brought this on? Nobody's forcing you to stay in the Fire Nation. Even if we… well, I had hoped you would stay with me, but of course, you could go back home whenever you want. I wouldn't stop you." All confidence was lost. Zuko was not the man in the cave anymore. He felt uncertain, vulnerable… and cold.
 Katara realized that while she had been playing with snow flurries before, she had just thrown ice daggers without meaning to. And instead of melting upon impact, they had penetrated. That came out completely wrong. How do I explain? It’s just a big decision, that’s all…
 "I want to go with you," Zuko said.
 "Huh?" Katara had been so distracted by her own inner dialogue, that Zuko's comment caught her off guard.
 "I want to go with you to the South Pole."
 "You d-d-do?"
 "Yeah. I want to meet Gran Gran. And eat seaprunes. And go tiger seal hunting with your dad. And try ice fishing. And I want to make love to you in the snow. Or in an igloo… whichever you prefer." He smiled, this time a shy and hopeful smile.
 "Technically you've already met Gran Gran…"
 "That doesn't count."
 "And you've had seaprunes."
 "That doesn't count, either."
 "And just now, it was snowing, sort of…"
 "Katara?" His smile vanished.
 "Are you… ashamed of me? Do you not… want me to go?
 "No! I mean, yes!" Zuko's frown contorted into a look of confusion. Katara made a noise of frustration.
 "I'm sorry, I can't seem to say what I mean. No, I am not ashamed of you. And yes, I would love to take you to the South Pole!"
 "Who's going to the South Pole?" Sokka fell in step with them out of nowhere.
 "Sokka! Where did you come from?" Katara squeaked. And how much did you hear?
 "I've been looking for you two. Lunch is ready. And then after lunch, Zuko, you owe me a sword fight."
 "You're on," Zuko replied. "Hey, Sokka, we'll see you at the beach house in a few, okay?" He gave the other teen a rather pointed look, and his meaning was understood.
 "Sure thing." Sokka left.
 Katara marveled at how easily Zuko could get rid of her brother. She couldn't do that if she tried. In fact, if she had insinuated or even outright asked him to leave, he would take that as all the more reason to stay.
 Zuko interrupted her thoughts with a kiss. His breath was warm on her neck when he whispered, "So… I've always had this fantasy of doing it in a hot spring… inside a cave…"
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