#I’m sorry but you give me an Angel who lost his wings he’s getting them inked in memoria
demonictacobeard · 7 months
I usually like to think Adam gets to keep his wings (or at least a hell effected set?) but if Sinner Adam lost his wings………and then got raging drunk a few weeks after coming into the hotel
He would have a pair of tatted wings on his back when he woke up the next morning. Adam would be confused as shit and wonder who the fuck gave him the money to get them in the first place (Also low key panicking because he doesn’t remember if Heaven gave a shit about tattoos and if they would let him back in with them)
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
Sanemi lashing out on his pregnant wife only to beg her for forgiveness later
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Pairing: Sanemi x pregnant!reader
Word Count: 3,1k
Synopsis: Like every week, you find yourself on your way back from Shinobu's estate and your pregnancy check-up. Little did you know what horror awaits you at your own home with your husband almost killing two kids...
Warnings: Sanemi is mean in this one and I mean it, extreme hurt but also comfort in the end so don't worry, full Shinazugawa package regarding language and violence lol, not proofread because I have to leave now
Thank you sooo much for that cool request @itsmscoco and I'm sorry it took a while. I really hope you like what I came up with 🤍
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You rub your minor belly. For a woman, a pregnancy should feel like a trip to heaven. After all, you are blessed with developing a child that is half you and half your husband. Oh, your beloved and surprisingly gentle husband who always makes sure that you get enough sleep, that you nutrition yourself properly. But even the wind hashira can’t do a single thing against your constant sickness and pain.
“Please try this out, (y/n). Don’t hesitate to come here again if you need something else. You really have an unfortunate pregnancy when it comes to nausea”, Shinobu comments gently while giving your belly a little massage.
“Don’t get me wrong, I am so excited about the honor of caring for a child in my own body. But honestly, I’m so glad when this pregnancy is over”, you huff while taking a deep breath in.
Please, don’t vomit all over the insect pillar who’s just trying to help. You’ve been here what feels like everyday since finding out you’re pregnant. Well, to be exact, Shinobu is the one who suggested that you might expect a child.
Because of your never-ending sickness.
“Oh, there’s nothing to get wrong at all! After all, your pregnancy is a rather difficult one. But I’m sure Shinazugawa is taking good care of you!”
“He definitely does. My husband is an angel”, you reply in an instant.
You can’t wait to go back home. Even though your sleep-drunken eyes won’t be able to stay open longer than maybe a few hours, even though you weren’t able to catch a proper glimpse at Sanemi’s part in the on-going hashira training until now, you can’t wait to go back home. Back into your estate, back into the arms of your beloved husband.
“Not quite the codename I’d use for him, but that’s just what love does, right? I will send a kakushi along with you. Otherwise, Shinazugawa might show up and threaten me”, Shinobu jokes while helping you to get up.
“Thank you for your help. Again.”
You pull the insect hashira into a deep hug. How lucky you should consider yourself for the opportunity to call Shinobu your friend, that Sanemi laid his eyes on you. Out of all the countless women around, the ones with faces like porcelain and bodies so well-formed you can’t hold a candle against every single one of them. But still, he chose you.
“Come on, (y/n). Why are you crying?”, Shinobo whispers into your ear while rubbing small circles onto your back.
“I’m just a little overwhelmed from everything I guess”, you mumble against her comforting shoulder.
Just a few months ago, you would have laughed at anyone who told you that your life would turn out like this. Of course, you’ve lost countless good friends and family members on the way and living with a suborn husband like Sanemi isn’t always easy. But somehow, the two of you always make it work.
-at the wind hashira estate-
“We are almost there. Are you feeling alright?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m just a little tired from walking, that’s all!”
Truth is, your feet hurt like hell. Shinobu reported about women who don’t even feel their baby until the second trimester. Why are your feet already swollen, your belly bloated, your guts constantly turning? And there’s still so much ahead.
“Looks like Shinazugawa-sama received a new bunch of trainees after the other corps members all landed in Kocho-sama’s hospital wing”, the kakushi next to you comments dryly.
“Was it really that bad?”
Of course you heard about the rather brutal training methods of your husband. After all, even the walls of his estate aren’t thick enough to stop every single scream from reaching your ears. But still…
“It was pretty bad. Some of the-“
Glass cracking. Screams from afar. Out of instinct, you pick up your pace until you dash towards your home, sweat now dripping from every pore. What happened? Is Sanemi alright? He wouldn’t leash out on one of his students like that. Something must have happened. A demon? No, it’s still daytime. But what is it?
“He’s back! He’s back! That cold-blooded man! Lie down and pretend that you’ve fainted!”, a blonde-haired boy screams while almost collapsing onto the floor.
“What are you talking about? What’s going on here?”, you press out.
Your lungs threaten to fail you, breath already tasting like pure iron.
Until your eyes find Genya.
Your guts twist and turn in every direction, almost force you to vomit all over the place. Genya shouldn’t be here. Out of all people, it shouldn’t be him. And who’s the boy next to him. That familiar scar, you’ve seen that boy before. Is it possible that…
“Kamado Tanjiro”, you breathe out.
Maybe that is even worse.
Your eyes dart around the area without an aim. Where’s Sanemi? Did he find them already? They need to leave before he finds out that they’re here, carry on with another hashira training.
“Please stop now!”, Tanjiro suddenly shouts while stretching out his arm in defence.
An uneasy feeling crawls up your spine, the dark claws of sickening foreshadowing. All you can do is standing death still right where you are and watch in sheer horror as your husband stomps out of your estate motion.
Is that your husband you love and adore, though? You know how untamed he can get especially when getting confronted with his painful past. It was never easy for him to see Genya join the demon slayer corps or realize that his mother could have been saved like Tanjiro’s sister.
But never in your entire life have you seen him like this. The empty shell of your husband, muscles tensed to the maximum and his empty orbs directed towards the two boys in front of him.
In this very moment, you’d trust him to actually kill them.
“What are you going to do? Are you planning to kill Genya?”, Tanjiro continues passionately.
Your glossy orbs are set on your husband. Would he really do something like that? What if you witness the father of your unborn child taking the life of two other human beings? Your heart can’t take it, knees threaten to fail you.
“Hell no, I’m not going to kill him. It would be easy enough to kill him, but since it’s against the rules and all…I’m going to ruin him beyond recovery!”
Until your blurry head finally makes a decision and allows your feet to run.
Straight towards the two boys.
Straight into the firing line.
Straight into the sight of your now maniac husband.
“You won’t do any of these things, you hear me?”, you jeer at him with your new-found courage.
“(y/n)”, Genya breathes behind you.
“How dare you to talk to innocent children like that, Sanemi?”
The man in front of you furrows his eyebrows, hands clenched into tight fists while taking a step towards you.
“Get lost. Right now”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
You swallow hard, all nerves now tingling in sheer horror. This is the first and last warning, without any doubt. The look on his stone-cold face tells you more than urgently that Sanemi isn’t playing, that he doesn’t want you here.
Maybe it’s best if you go back inside and pretend that nothing happened. He himself said that he won’t kill them, after all…
“I’m not leaving”, you bite back.
But that would mean leaving Genya alone. That would mean giving up all of your principles.
“Will you act out like this towards our child as well?”, you continue while growing bigger and bigger in front of the two boys.
He might be your husband, the love of your life. That doesn’t mean you’ll always have to do what he tells you, tough. Instinctively, you clench your hands into tight fists with your glossy eyes almost piercing through him. Enough is enough.
“If our child acts as dumb as you do, I sure as hell will!”
Your heart drops to the floor when a nauseous wave of agony hits you with full force. Sanemi is and has always been a hot-headed man who never thought twice about the things he said. But never, not even once in your entire relationship he insulted you.
Until now.
“Is this really how you feel about me? We should support each other, you should listen to me as well as-“
“Spare me with that bullshit, (y/n)”, Sanemi spits at you.
“Get.out.of.the.way. Can’t you hear me?”
It’s like you stop living for a moment. All this time, you did your best to understand him and his grief. Everything Sanemi does comes with a logical reason behind it, even though it’s hard to see from time to time. But lashing out at you like that?
“Stop being so disrespectful to me right now. I am your wife-“
“Right now, you’re my problem”, he jeers back.
“And now get off my sight and let me finish this real quick-“
You don’t know what made you act the way you just did. Was it his cruel behaviour, the way his words cut through your heart like a thousand knives? Before your husband is even able to finish his sentence, your palm races towards his cheek with full force.
The world around you goes silent, frightful gazes glued onto you while you can’t stop your tears from falling anymore.
“Is this how you’re acting around your pregnant wife by now, how you’ll treat innocent children? If that’s the live you chose, I’m not a part of it anymore”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
Suddenly, the urge to get as far away from him as possible becomes unbearable. Your feet start sprinting towards the estate on your own, carry you into your now so empty-feeling bedroom.
And finally, you allow yourself to break down and cry.
Is this really the man you love, that you’d give your life for? Your shaky fingers caress your belly mindlessly.
You can’t stay here. Not when Sanemi showed you a completely different face today. Not when this place doesn’t feel like home anymore.
-a few hours later-
“Fuck!”, Sanemi cries out on top of his lungs while dashing towards Obanai over and over.
Why can’t he get your stupid words out of his mind? The way you stood there with tears in your eyes, how he was literally able to hear your heart crack when those damned words left his mouth. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, to drag you into the fuckery with his little brother and that Kamado boy.
But why did he say all those dumb things, then?
“You seem off, Shinazugawa”, Obanai comments dryly, hitting the wind hashira with full force again.
“I guess I fucked up”, Sanemi mumbles.
What if you won’t forgive him for today? Your last words haunt him since the moment you left him standing in the rain.
“I bet you can talk your way out of it-“
“Hell nah. I don’t think she wants to see me tonight.”
“Did you ask her, though?”
“Who the hell do you think you are anyway? You’re the one to talk, not able to confess your feelings to Mitsuri”, Sanemi barks at the man next to him.
“But yeah, maybe I should get going…”
Coming home never fuelled him with so much fright. What if you’re still angry at him, if you refuse to even talk to him? Or even worse, what if you’ll really leave him?
Sanemi’s guts turn in an instant, feet now picking up their pace with every step. He can’t lose you. Not you, the light of his life. Not when you are the only ray of sunshine in this rotting hell. What the hell did he do? The fact that he even raised his voice at you is unforgivable.
Finally, his fingers grab the door that leads to your shared bedroom, finally he’s able to make up for his mistakes of today-
His eyes widen in sheer horror.
You’re gone.
Right there where your head should rest, there’s absolutely nothing.
Panic starts rising up his chest, forces his heart down his throat.
Did you leave?
He yanks out of your shared room, eyes roaming around each and every corner of your estate. But you aren’t there. You aren’t here.
“My lady is at the love hashira’s estate.”
Sanemi darts up immediately, greeted by the oh so familiar voice of your personal crow.
“Is she fine, why did she-“
“With all due respect, I suggest you to control yourself before making any more insensitive comments to my lady-“
“Who the hell do you even think you are you-“
“Your earlier spoken words really troubled her and my lady certainly does not deserve that.”
Without another word, your crow disappears into the darkness of night again.
Sanemi swallows hard. Fuck, did he really hurt you that badly? He never wanted you to feel bad, never wanted to hurt you. Damn, he only wanted to show Genya and that Kamado boy their places. It shouldn’t have hit you. Out of all people, why did he have to hurt you?
“I need to tell her”, he mumbles under his breath before dashing towards the love hashira estate.
-at Mitsuri’s-
“I can’t believe Shinazugawa said something like this to you, (y/n)! You are super far away from being dumb, after all! Here, eat another pancake and stay as long as you want.”, Mitsuri babbles while handing you another plate.
Your dry eyes are barely able to stay open any longer. All the grief, explaining, fighting and crying did apparently really wear you out. Good for you Mitsuri’s estate is near by and you just know she’ll always open her arms for you.
“Thank you so much for taking me in, Kanroji. I really don’t deserve your kindness”, you sniffle.
“You have to be joking, (y/n)! It’s my duty as your friend to be there for you anytime you need me! And also, I-”
Three violent knocks on Mitsuri’s wooden door almost send you over the edge. It’s past after midnight, the time closer to the morning than evening. Who would knock on Mitsuri’s door this late at night?
“Do you think that’s a demon?”, you mutter in horror, both pairs of eyes set on the door.
“I don’t think so. Let’s see!”
Before you’re able to stop Mitsuri, she rips open the door.
And reveals no other than your husband.
“Sanemi”, you breathe out.
Tears start swelling up your eyes in an instant when a flood of memories crushes you all over again. Just a few hours ago, your husband made very clear that he doesn’t want to see you again anytime soon. How did he find out that you’re here?
“(y/n), can we…have a talk?”, he mumbles with icy voice.
“Do you want to leave me?”, you blurt out.
Is that really how you feel, what you think of him? That he’ll turn his back on you after a fight? He did say all those nasty things to you, though.
“I think I’m going out and…cook!”, Mitsuri announces while sprinting out of the door, leaving you alone in the room with all that tension and him.
Him, the man you love more than anything else in this world. And also him, who broke your heart like he never did before.
“You have to be kidding me”, Sanemi mutters under his breath.
You turn away before you lose your composure completely.
“Why are you here, Sanemi?”
“Do you really think I’m here to dump you!? You, my pregnant wife!? You can’t be fucking serious about that!”
In the matter of seconds, you find yourself surrounded by his usual so comforting arms that now hurt like daggers against your skin.
“Please, let me go, I can’t do this ri-“
“(y/n), please.”
His suffocated voice forces your eyes to dart upwards.
Instantly, your heart drops to the floor.
Is this really your husband, crying against your shoulder while pressing your body against his?
“I’m sorry for all the shit I’ve said, I’m sorry for making you feel this way. I’d never leave you, not when I’m even lucky for calling you mine. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this, I just…I just can’t stand them…”
“And I get that I don’t deserve you and that I’m a jerk for hurting you. I know you could’ve had every man you wanted-“
“Sanemi!”, you snap at him, holding onto his face tightly.
“But you’re the one I want”, you finally cry out.
“But your words hurt me. Is this really how you feel about me? Do you really think I’m a burden?”
“I was out of my fucking mind for saying that to you! You’re my blessing, my everything, the sunshine in this rotting hell. You’re…You’re my wife, right?”
That innocent look on his now tear-soaked face runs shivers down your spine, reminds you that even though he acted out today, this man is still the Sanemi Shinazugawa you fell in love with years ago.
“I am your wife”, you press out before a new wave of tears haunts you down.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). So so sorry”, he mutters again and again while kissing every tear away that escapes your eyes.
“And I’ll never talk to you like that again, I promise.”
“Will you promise to not treat Tanjiro and Genya like that ever again too?”
Sanemi shifts his weight underneath you, his orbs growing hard again. Was this too much to ask for? No. Even though you love Sanemi’s rough side as well, he simply can’t do something like this again. Not when you’re his wife, not when you are expecting his first very own child.
“I will. But only if these jerks leave me alone”, he grumbles before giving you a passionate kiss.
“That might be manageable. I want to go home now…”
“No problem, I’ll carry you-“
“You really don’t have to carry me-“
“Oh, but I sure as hell will.”
“Did you have to tell her everything?”
“She’s my friend, Sanemi. Of course I had to.”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
@yaninnaacu @hopefulbelievertimemachine @laurencrsnt
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
yandere adam x reader x yandere lucifer
like basically durning the last extermination adam sees the sinner and basically fall heads over wings for them
and yk durning the heaven meeting he made a globe to watch angel dust i feel like he makes that globe thing to watch the reader see how there doing and sees that lucifer is too close to them
i feel like he would try to do anything to get them into heaven with him and far away from lucifer be he already took his first wife and maybe his second and he doesn’t want him to take his third wife
The Third Wife
Part 1/2 Part 2
Yandere!Adam x Reader x Yandere!Lucifer
A/N: I had fun writing this but I don’t plan on a part 2 because I don’t know where to take it from here. I hope you enjoy!
Lucifer had taken Lilith, and Eve, and now he was going to take (Name). He met her first, it wasn’t fair Adam was trying to steal her. (Name) was a human on Earth who had summoned Lucifer a few months back to strike a deal. Lucifer found her adorable and endearing and found himself slowly catching feelings. He planned to convince her to join him in Hell.
Adam had Lilith stolen from him by Lucifer. Then Eve. He’d be damned if he lost (Name) too.
He first met (Name) during an extermination, (she had died and reincarnated as a sinner) and to his own surprise, he fell hard. He became obsessive, spending most of his free time in Heaven holed up in his room watching (Name) through his globe. He had to make sure she and Lucifer weren’t getting too close while he tried to figure out how to get (Name) into Heaven.
To Adam’s dismay, (Name) joined the princess’ stupid hotel. That meant more time spent with Lucifer. Adam couldn’t let that happen. The more he watched, the more possessive Lucifer began to act over (Name). It infuriated Adam. He came to the conclusion there was only one way to get (Name) away from Lucifer to be with him.
He was going to approve of Miss Sunshine and Rainbows’ Hazbin Hotel.
Lute was appalled when he told her. “But why, sir?” “None of your fucking business,” Adam snapped. “Tell the bitch princess I want another meeting.”
Adam actually came to Hell to meet with Charlie.
“So…” Charlie looked skeptical. “What’s this about? I thought you were too good to come to Hell outside of the extermination.”
“I’m giving your stupid little hotel the green light.”
“What?” Both Charlie and Vaggie’s jaws dropped.
Adam rolled his eyes. “Don’t shit your panties.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?” Vaggie asked suspiciously.
“Doesn’t matter. You gonna give me a tour so I know what I’m agreeing to?”
Charlie wasn’t nearly as suspicious as Vaggie. “Of course!” She was practically bouncing with excitement. “Come with us!”
When they entered Hazbin Hotel, all the residents stopped what they were doing to stare. Adam made eye contact with (Name). She was the only one who mattered.
“What is he doing here?” The porn demon asked.
Charlie linked her arm through Adam’s and he tried not to grimace. “Adam has agreed to the Hazbin Hotel! We’re giving him a tour!” The residents looked skeptical. Except for (Name), who smiled and waved at him. His heart fluttered.
Charlie dragged Adam around the hotel, talking his ear off and introducing him to different residents and discussing their progress. When she got to (Name), Adam cut her off. “We’ve met.”
“Oh!” Charlie exclaimed. “Good!”
“Charlie–” a voice sounded from down the hallway. Lucifer had rounded the corner, calling his daughter’s name, but he stopped abruptly when he saw Adam. “What the fuck.”
“Dad!” Charlie tugged Adam over to him. “Adam said yes to the hotel!” “Did he now?” Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Adam. Adam narrowed his back. The energy was palpable as they stared one another down. “Your change of heart wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with (Name), would it?”
Adam smirked and answered with silence. Lucifer was fuming. “Alllright… that’s enough of that. I’ll talk to you later, Dad!” Charlie broke them up, leading Adam back to the lobby.
At the door, far enough from any nosey ears, Adam stopped Charlie. “The agreement comes with a stipulation, princess.” Charlie’s face fell. “Relax, sweetie, it’s not a big deal. If sinners are cleansing their souls and coming to Heaven, I want (Name) to be the first.” Charlie looked relieved. “Deal!” They shook on it.
When Adam left, Lucifer approached his daughter. “You can’t trust him, Charlie, he definitely has ulterior motives.” “He only had one stipulation,” Charlie smiled. “(Name) is to be the first sinner redeemed!” “What?”
Lucifer was furious. He knew Adam had been up to something.
“Tell me you didn’t agree, Charlie.”
Charlie looked confused. “I did… why wouldn’t I? (Name) is here to be redeemed, who cares about the order?”
“I care! Because I was going to convince her to stay in Hell!”
Charlie was surprised. “What, why?”
But Lucifer was already storming away. He stormed straight to (Name)’s room and banged on the door. She answered it, and as soon as she did, Lucifer pushed his way into the room and shut the door.
“Well, hello to you too,” (Name) said sarcastically.
“I want you to stay in Hell.”
“I want you to stay in Hell,” Lucifer repeated. “Why?” (Name) asked. “Because I’m in love with you!”
(Name)’s mouth fell open, moving as she tried to form words, but nothing came out.
Lucifer took her hands in his. “Please. Say something.”
“Lucifer that’s… that’s a lot. I care about you, a lot, I do, but I want to go to Heaven. My quality of life down here is shit, and you can’t change that.”
“But I can!” Lucifer insisted. “Be mine and I’ll give you everything you could possibly want.”
“I’m sorry,” (Name) said, looking sympathetic. “I want Heaven.”
Lucifer continued to try to get her to change her mind over the next month as she worked to be redeemed, but before he knew it, her soul was cleansed and Heaven was ready to take her.
Adam was of course the first to greet her, a massive grin on his face. “Welcome to Heaven, babe! Congrats on getting out of that shithole. Let me show you around.” He offered her his hand, and his face warmed under his mask when she took it without hesitation. He had won.
Lucifer was scheming, no doubt, but for now, Adam had won.
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arjwrites · 3 months
— Guess who's back with another request.....‼️‼️‼️
A fluff Castiel x Winchester!Reader where she helps Cas with his wings after a hunt please 😘😻 (I imagine them being dark, HUGE and MEGA soft and she goes like "Woah" (completely distracted for a moment))
Saving Grace- Castiel x GN!Reader
Summary: Cas is hurt after a hunt, and when he's hurting, you're hurting. Sometimes even an angel needs a helping hand. PART TWO HERE! Warnings: None! A/N: WELCOME BACK ANON! Sorry this took me a couple of days- for some reason I was really struggling to get Cas's character right here. I really wanted to do him justice for my loyal requester!!! A bit of context for this one- Cas is able to reveal a physical form of his wings if he chooses. All of the logistics of angel wings are pretty much made up. Good thing I view canon as more of a… rough suggestion! It’s right there in my bio, people. Have a little bit of suspension of belief for a few of the details!!!! Also- this doesn't quite make it to outright romantic territory- it felt to me like a buildup to something bigger in the future! Maybe I'll write a part 2 at some point, who knows... It had been a few hours since you had finished up the day’s hunt. Upon your return to the motel, Sam had instantly run out the door to the local library in search of a better wifi connection to research for the next case, while Dean had followed him into town to grab some supplies. This left you and Castiel, perched in your usual positions on opposite sides of the bed in your separate room. It was common for you and the angel to spend some quiet time together after a hunt- you both often found an unspoken comfort in each other’s simple presence. While you were leaned back, propped up with pillows and dialed into whatever was on TV, Cas held his usual stiff posture, but something seemed off about him. His eyes were glued to the ceiling, and every so often, he would shift in his seat and his whole body would tighten and cringe. You knew he had taken a few pretty serious blows during this hunt, but the fact that he let himself continue to hurt, rather than quickly healing himself, was concerning to you. Usually, this time spent together was silent, enjoying a moment of peace while you each lost yourself in your own thoughts. But after a few episodes and many stolen, worried glances, you felt you had to speak up.
“Cas, what’s wrong? It’s obvious you’re still hurting. Why haven’t you healed yourself?” 
“I’m fine. I just need to figure a few things out.” He continued to avoid your gaze, rising from the bed and pacing across the room to distance himself from you. 
“If you don’t tell me, I can’t help you.” Your level of concern forced you to cut right to the chase. 
Cas pondered this for a second. Could you really help him? Was it even okay for him to ask? Humans certainly hadn’t taken very well to an angel’s true form in the past… But that was a couple thousand years ago, and those humans hadn’t known what you know. If anyone could handle this, it was you. If he could trust anyone, it was you. And it was only his wings- just a sliver of his full form. But still, Cas was hesitant. This was unfamiliar territory for him. 
You watched from across the room as the wheels turned in his mind. His expression was pained, and it seemed like he was wrestling with a hard decision. As much as you wanted to close the gap between you, to comfort him, you knew the best thing to do was to give him his space. You were glad you did, because after a moment, his gaze rose from the floor, settled on you, and he opened his mouth to speak. 
“There’s something wrong with my wings. It’s blocking my grace and I can’t heal myself.” His expression was solemn and his tone direct. Clearly, he wasn’t happy to have to bring this up with you.  
“Your wings?” The mention of the most angelic part of your dear angel sent your heart aflutter (no pun intended). For the most part, Cas’s wings were out of sight, out of mind. Usually he was just the dorky man in a trench coat who just so happened to have some pretty crazy powers. But when you thought about his wings, the parts of him that were so divine and otherworldly, your cheeks burned scarlet. It was a reminder of just how different Cas was from you. 
“Yes. I might need you to… Inspect them. Figure out what is wrong and remove whatever is blocking my grace. I can’t heal myself, Sam, Dean, or you until it’s gone.”
You sucked in a sharp, full breath, your lungs holding tightly to the air for just a moment before slowly pushing it back out of you. 
“Okay. I can do that.” Why were you nervous? It was just Cas. You were just helping out a… friend. 
“It’s very… personal. This vessel you see isn’t really me, but my wings? That is as close as you can get to seeing my true form. I’m… not sure how you would react. It’s not something meant for human eyes. Not here on Earth, anyways. It might upset you or-” 
“If it means helping you, I’m sure I can handle it.” 
“Are you sure-” 
“Cas. Are you in pain?” 
He hesitated for a moment before conceding the truth. “Yes.” 
“Then let me help.”
Castiel sighed, his body tightening in a way that seemed like he was bracing himself. A terse “Alright” escaped his lips, and then the whole room shifted. 
There was no earthly way to describe the sight that unfurled before you. Castiel’s wings were dark, so dark they held no color or shine or reflection- just a void, deep, black nothingness. And yet, they almost glowed. There was some sort of aura that radiated off of them, just as dark as the wings themselves yet tinged ever so slightly blue. It must have been his grace. The aura wrapped around the perimeter of each wing and hugged each individual feather, defining them just enough so you could barely distinguish one from another. Somehow, his wings were dark and light and everything in between- you had never seen anything like it. Cas was right- it was hard to wrap your head around it. You reached down to grasp the surface you were sitting on, half to ground yourself in the moment to believe what you were seeing, and half to make sure you didn’t jump right up to inspect his wings closer. You knew this was hard for poor Castiel- your greatest fear was making him uncomfortable.
“Wow, Cas,” was all you could say. You were completely entranced, absolutely at a loss. It took everything in you not to burst into tears- he was definitely right. This was not a sight for just any human to see. He started to shift underneath your gaze, each movement triggering his wings to follow in a parallel movement. He looked uncomfortable. Gathering your composure, you rose to your feet. It was just Cas, the same Cas you’ve known all along. As nervous as his wings made you feel, you knew he was just as nervous, so you pushed yourself to help him feel at ease. 
“Okay. How do you want me to do this?”
“You can touch them. See if you notice anything that doesn’t look like it should be there.” 
Touch them. Just the thought sent another jolt of electricity through your body. Touching Cas’s wings? He was asking you to touch his wings. There was no stopping the thoughts racing into your mind- How would they feel? How would it make Cas feel? How would it make you feel?
Pushing the worries aside, you crossed over to Cas. Mid-step, your gaze grabbed on to the angel’s and wouldn’t let go. As you inched closer, you were less and less inclined to look away. Because once you did, you knew you would be face to face in the task at hand.
It’s not that you didn’t want to look at Cas’s wings. They were the most beautiful, ethereal things you had ever seen. They just made you so nervous. For the first time since knowing Cas, it truly registered to you- he was an angel, a heavenly creature, so powerful and beautiful that even this small glimpse of his true form had you weak in the knees. But beyond being just an angel, he was a teammate, a friend, and to you, something far more. All you wanted to do was take his pain away.
Finally, your eyes were forced to stray from the angel’s as your feet led you behind him, ducking under his left wing and settling yourself square between them. There was a physical sensation radiating off of them- a warm, low buzz that made your whole body tingle. 
“One more thing.” Cas’s voice stepped in to break what felt like an age-long silence. 
“Yes?” You whispered.
“It will be a bit… sensitive. Please be gentle.” 
“Of course, Cas.” 
And so you were. With the softest touch you could muster up, you reached out and made contact with his right wing, settling your fingers amongst the feathers. You felt Cas’s body shudder underneath your touch, but his low voice mumbled that all was well, to carry on. So you did.
For nearly thirty minutes, your fingers worked through the wings. Touching them was like weaving your hands through silk, sifting through layer upon layer. The feathers were so light and delicate that they almost felt like nothing at all, and the way they kissed your skin was without a doubt the most beautiful sensation you had ever experienced.
Your hands zoned into their task, sifting through the wings to remove all of the debris leftover from the day’s hunt. Cas spoke to you as you worked, teaching you about their anatomy, their capabilities, and everything else. You listened intently, fascinated by this intimate insight, but you weren’t sure if he was speaking with the pure intention of teaching you or simply to distract himself from the feeling of what was going on behind him. Every so often, his voice wavered or his back pulled away, and in response, you would stall your hands, giving him a moment to adjust. 
The process was long and tedious, but you took the liberty of enjoying every second of it. Watching the ripple of the feathers beneath your fingers, the way your hands seemed to disappear as they bobbed in and out, eventually you dropped the last piece of shrapnel into the empty box you had been using to collect it all. 
“There. All done. Is that… any better?” 
Cas didn’t vocalize a response, but your question was answered when his entire form shone with the familiar blue glow of his grace. And when the glow subsided, his wings were tucked away yet again, leaving behind his unadorned trenchcoated vessel. He turned to you with a face of gentle features. 
“Thank you,” was all he could express in his low timbre. It seemed as though every trace of worry had melted away, and everything about Cas’s presence had softened. But if you hadn’t been completely sure of his newfound comfort and ease, the angel confirmed it when he took a long stride closer, halving the distance that had served as the buffer between you.
“Thank you for trusting me to do that,” you breathed through a slight daze, both lingering from the experience and sparked anew from his rapidly increasing proximity. 
“There is no one else I trust as much as you.” Now he was merely inches away, hovering closer to you than he ever had been before. Here you froze, both sinking into the feeling, until the magnetism that emanated off of him grew to be too much. Just as you took the leap of faith to close the gap, you were interrupted by the crash of the front door flying open. You jerked backwards on instinct, reinstating the safe buffer space. 
In strode Sam and Dean, oblivious as ever. Stopped just inside the doorframe, and in complete unison, the brothers tilted their heads in confusion.
Gesturing between the two of you, Dean spoke. “Hey. We interrupting something?”
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hinakazino · 2 years
Meeting their future kid! || Angel, Aki
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Summary: Meeting their future child they had with you!! Or, in which your child with them somehow lands in the past for awhile.
Context: This is before an established relationship, the kids a teen here. Oh and (C/N) stands for your Childs name.
Warnings: SPOILERS (mainly on Aki’s part), none, just fluff.
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— angel devil
Honestly, he’s shocked. Literally thinking what? That’s impossible. Touching him shortens one’s lifespan! He didn’t have a lover either, humans and even devils didn’t interest him- So how is it possible that he has a child?
But he couldn’t deny it either, the girl standing in front of him looked like him. She carried the same features, like the red hair and had wings just like him. There wasn’t a halo though, and he could instantly tell she was a hybrid.
“Dad!”, his daughters voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He hadn’t even realized that he’d completely zoned out. Angel had no idea what to say, but listened as his daughter spoke. “Dad, I know this is quite shocking, but I’m really your kid, my names (C/N),” she said.
It seems that from this Angel regained his composure, he didn’t like beating around the bush anyway. So he asked straightforward, “who is your mother?” “Y/n,” and it clicks. He’d seen you around, and you were his recently assigned partner.
“Um.. you can ask any question you want dad, don’t worry I’ll answer!” your daughter says as she grabs his bare hand to take him to sit. Angels terrified and instantly slaps his daughters hand away. “Woah woah- sorry, I forgot to say, dad I’m immune to your curse!” she says.
His face shows skepticism, but he sits down next to her and he finds himself apologizing. “Sorry..What’s it like in the future?” he asks. “No worries! Oh well, you and mom are basically retired devil hunters. You still go on the job but you get 4 days off now."
He watches as his daughter talks with enthusiasm, and finds himself softly smiling when she says, “happy to hear right dad? Mom says you didn’t like fighting or working much.” Angel feels that he quite enjoys the thought of a future with you and his daughter, it was just truly too good.
Angel then wonders on, "what is it that you do?" he asks. He watches as his daughter responds, "I'm a devil hunter too- but you don't have to worry because I'm pretty strong!!" "Really?" he says. "Yeah! You know you still always have that look on your face father, I'm not a baby anymore," your daughter states proudly.
Angel chuckles at this, as he realizes that his future won't be a lonely one. He won’t be alone anymore, he has his own family. It was in that moment that another thought had occurred to him, my touch drains others lifespan so how strange is it that we were able to have offspring?
Before he could ask though, your daughters time was up. "Sorry dad, I gotta go, this mechanism that got me here doesn't last long," she says. "Ah, no it's okay, stay safe," angel says. "One last thing though! Mom said to give you this, she said it may solve a question you have."
He watches as his daughter hands him a note, and stiffens when she hugs him. Angel finds himself slowly recuperating the hug, hands softly placing themselves on his daughters back, it felt foreign to him. When his daughter had left, he had opened the note.
'From Y/N.
Angel I know you're probably wondering this, so what we did was ...'
Angel blushed, rather his whole face became flushed as he finished reading the note. He could tell that you knew him fairly well since this answered his question exactly, and when he saw you later that day he couldn't stop the thoughts constantly popping up in his head.
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— aki
Aki was more so surprised he lived long enough to actually have his own family, but the point that it happened was pleasant to him. He’d lost every person that was there for him in his childhood. Aki felt a sense of warmth knowing that he’d become someone who was now there for others.
Truthfully the idea that a devil hunter lasted in public safety more than 7 years was considered celebratory and it was no secret why. Having a family on top of that? That’s quite the achievement.
But there’s a lot of questions he has, who is his lover? The mother of his child, what’s life like? Has a lot changed? What about Denji and Power, how are they doing? His curiosity shows itself on his face and his son starts off.
“Soooooo, dad like I said I’m your kid and it’s a lot to take in, but I know you have a lot of questions so ask away,” his son says. The kid looks like Aki for sure, he stares at his child’s face and offers a smile. Aki signals for his son to sit down next to them and a father-son talk ensues. “What’s your name kid?” he asks.
“I’m (C/N), and I’m pretty old now,” his son responds. Aki can feel a sense of annoyance, but not with any dislike. “I call you kid a lot huh?” “So you do realizes that you overuse the word,” his son says matter-of-factly. Aki chuckles and continues on, “Yeah uh, who is my lover?”
“Y/n,” and it makes sense, Aki’s noticed your recent starting at him. It wasn’t unwelcome, he could tell you were looking at him with admiration he just didn’t know it was much more. You were his recently assigned partner, one he was tasked to train.
“Mmh, what’s life like?” he asks, trying to sound casual. Aki’s face heated up as it started to settle in that you were a big part of his future. “You and mom are retired married devil hunters, both of you do get called on missions sometimes but it’s really just living and doing normal stuff now,” your son responds.
Aki felt relieved that he let go of his revenge. “How are power and denji?” he asks. “Uncle and Auntie are doing fine, they’re both still in the devil hunting business, you can bet they’re annoying the heck outta me,” your son says sighing. Aki can only smile hearing this.
Everything felt so perfect, he still couldn’t grasp that this was what his future was like. “You decided to be a devil hunter,” Aki comments softly, he genuinely felt slight concern hearing this since he himself has seen many of his coworkers lose their lives.
He watches as, (C/N), his sons face shifts to one of pride. “You don’t have to worry about me father, I know what I’m doing, I got taught by the best of the best after all,” he says. Aki feels proud to hear this, he’s glad knowing that this wasn’t something he pushed on his son. This actually made his curiosity spike again, what about the gun devil, makima, or the agency at his sons time?
“I- I just want to confirm some more, I didn’t force you into devil hunting right? I know I do dislike gun devil and all, what about miss makima-” Aki stops talking as his son cuts him off. “Dad this is my decision, for real, and I don’t know what you’re talking about? The gun devils captured during your time and it’s last appearance was to take down the control devil, Makima,” your son says while shrugging.
Aki couldn't help feeling confused, he had been given no time to ponder over this revelation though, as his son announced his retreat. "Sorry, I've got to go back to my time now father," his son says. Aki feels saddened by this but before he lets his kid go, he makes sure to give him a good hug.
"I'm proud of you, and tell your mom I'm on my way to see her," he says ruffling up his sons hair. He stand there watching as his son laughs and heads on his way with a soft wave.
© 2023 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
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helluva-dump · 5 months
Day 1: Meeting
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It was a fun and joyful night in heaven, with a big grand tour performing in their big stadium. Two bands were performing on a tour together, The Pray as well as Adam and the Exorcists.
Lucy is we filled with so much joy, she was always eager to watch The Pray before… though she wasn’t too familiar with Adam and the Exorcists, simply, her father banned their music in their home. To put it simply, he told her a lot of terrible things about the musician and how he’s an obnoxious creep towards women. But after all the convincing from Emily and begging from Lucy, he decided to let her go out.
Azrael knew how much Lucy loved the Pray and knew her intentions were mainly for them. But he did tell Emily to make sure they come straight home after the concert, and to only get autographs from the Pray. And to NOT let Lucy get lost in a crowd or to not even interact with the other “so called band”. Emily feels like Azrael is a bit too paranoid, but understands.
Later that evening, The Pray began to perform as well as Adam and the Exorcists. Lucy, Emily, and Keenie were all in joy just listening to the beautiful angelic voices of the Pray. It was like a miracle for Lucy as if she was in a beautiful ethereal dream with her musician crushes. Though, as she heard Adam and the exorcists perform… she didn’t think they sounded too bad. The music almost sounds like old records her father Azrael had.
It was simply okay. She didn’t really get the hype for Adam and the Exorcists. She was much more into things with a softer and mellow sound with some heavy strums here and there. As the concert was finished, Keenie got so happily excited and flew way towards the merch… Emily tried to ask Keenie to slow it down but the two got into a little fuss. Emily got very peeved with Keenie not following what Azrael told them, that they accidentally separated form Lucy.
Oh poor Lucy, the poor thing. She got lost in the crowd, trying to look for her friends. She was starting to feel over stimulated as if she eas gonna get an anxiety attack… She decided to fly up to search for her friends… that’s until she bumped into a chubby figure in the sky.
“Ow! Hey fucking watch it! I get it! I’m the main star, but listen dude, if you want my autograph, wait your fucking-“ The voice stopped as he took a good look at who bumped into him.
Oh damn, it appears so be some Angel chick… but not just any Angel… she had a beautiful bright blue eyes like the sky, white feathery body with her pigeon like wings, freckles, and long raven hair… but also wearing a cute shirt blue dress with cloud print and sheer sleeves… holy shit…. Damn her curves and body, is Heaven really missing an Angel? She doesn’t seem like a winner or a cherub, but she almost looks like a seraphim… yet her halo looks normal.
Lucy looked at the stranger and realized it was no other than the vocalist from the other band… Adam himself…. In person, right in front of her. Wow, her dad was right, he was pretty rude and arrogant. But she didn’t want to set him off, Lucy replied “Oh goodness! I am so sorry! I got lost in the crowd! You see I’m trying to look for my two friends and ummm… I’m sorry.”
God, her voice is even cute! Her naive nature and how soft and docile she seemed…. So lovely, submissive, and wholesome sounding. Almost reminds him of the days of Eden with Eve…. Adam felt a hard boner downstairs but tried to play it cool… “Oh shit! Excuse my manners babe! I just couldn’t resist to notice how drop dead gorgeous you are!” He replied with a flirtatious grin, trying to be suave. “You know, I can always give you a freebie if you badly want me to sign something.”
“Oh don’t take this personal…. I’m not that familiar with your music… I mainly came for the Pray, my father is sort of strict when it comes to your band… he would get upset if I’m talking to you.” Lucy said with a shy expression on her face, but feels bad. She knew Adam sung his heart out but didn’t want to lie to him.
“Pfffft a daddy’s girl! Ah I got it! Most of their dads don’t like me either!” He replied, but feeling disappointed. How can she not ever hear his music??? Adam, THE ADAM. The original dick! But he kept his cool and held her hand. “If you like, I can offer you some assistance to find your friends.”
“Oh that’s okay… I think I can find them.”
“Don’t worry babe! I always helped lost fans like you find their crowd! Just give me their names.”
As he was about to help her, a voice called out her them.
“LUCY!!!! LUCY!!! ARE YOU UP HERE?!!” The voice got closer and it wasn’t anyone other than Emily. She was so relieved. She felt so bad for getting into an argument with Keenie that she lost Lucy in the crowd. She flew towards her and gave her a hug… “Oh I’m so relieved! Please don’t scare me like that! Keenie is gonna meet up with us down at the souvenir shoppe.”
“HOLY SHIT BALLS! HEY EM!!! How’s your Friday night, didn’t think you knew this cutie too!” Adam was shocked to see Emily here… but wait… the fact she knows this cute girl… holy shit. He’s got a chance! A chance to get to know this special friend! “How come I’ve never seen this cutie around you?”
Emily glared at Adam and held Lucy close to her. “Adam no! She’s off limits! She’s not interested! We are just having a girls night out!”
“Oh c’mon i just wanna know her name!” He whined and pouted. “very rude you know Em…”
Lucy looked at Adam and decided to thank him with a Reply “Oh it’s okay! Thank you Adam… if you do want to know my name… my name is Lucy.”
“Oooo Lucy huh? Makes me think of a certain fallen one… but besides that, I like that name! Hell, it sounds cuter than you know who!”
“Oh no! It’s short for Lucinda! My mom picked it since it means light.” She flustered but felt embarrassed.
“Ah I see, well your are a beautiful light!” Adam got closer to the two girls as he winked at Lucy. “Anyways, got shit to sign but up I’ll give this for you.” He offered Lucy a poster of himself, with a special signature.
Emily rolled her eyes and sighed “Bye Adam, we have to go now.” She said as she grabbed Lucy’s hand and the two girls fled away…
“Hmmm he sure is strange… but seemed so nice and friendly…. Why does my dad hate him?” She has thought to herself.
Yeah I’m a day late but here’s my prompt for @hazbinocxcanon for the oc x canon week.
As I said before I changed things with their story and how they met. I’m gonna say him blackmailing her doesn’t happen until later in their relationship. But here’s an insight of how they both met each other.
Yes Keenie is the absent friend where Emily cares so much about her and will fight for Lucy’s life.
Hope you enjoy the art and short story 💖
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devastatedloyallute · 2 months
Fall For Me
Guitarspear Week 2024 Day 2: Fallen Angel - Rebirth [Read on AO3] Songs that inspired this, if you wanna listen to my inner thought process 💕 Fall For Me ---- Hangfire 💕 (Adam's POV) ----- (Lute's POV)
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Summary: A year and a half after the last extermination day, as the new commander of the exorcist army, Lute leads a standard attack onto the denizens of the Pride Ring. Plans quickly change however, when Lute is captured by the newest Overlord in town. Word count: ~2k
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Lute had decided to hold off the next extermination and retrain the exorcists on how to defend themselves. She was offered a way to receive a new arm but refused, too prideful in her own abilities. The following year, she set out to hit a new personal record for abolishing sinful souls. Only then would she feel ready to once again target the Hazbin Hotel. Setting her sights to the crowded city streets below, she descended to begin her slaughter. 
Targeting in on what appeared to be a lone sinner with not a care about the happenings around them, she moved to strike with a swing of her sword. As she did, a second sinner had appeared behind her, binding her wings with rope. As she was caught off guard by the sinner behind her, the one standing in front pulled her sword from her hand as he swept her legs out from under her, causing her to crash to the ground. The sinner behind her forcefully held her arm behind her back as he lifted her to her feet. She flailed, growling and trying desperately to escape, until the sinner in front gave her a right hook to the jaw, sending her back to the ground. 
“The boss said not to harm her, remember? Or did you want to get obliterated?”
They scanned the skies, on the lookout for other angels who would be coming to her rescue, before rushing her into a nearby building. She did not scream. She knew no one would be coming to help her, so there was no point in doing so. Her sisters were nowhere in sight. They had all gone to different areas of the Pride Ring. There was no hope for her, but she no longer cared. She had already lost all that was important to her. She should have known this would happen. Of course knowing that angels can be harmed and even killed would give them the will to fight back.
“Hey boss, we got her. She was alone, just like you said she would be,” said one of them upon entering the lobby.
Lute’s head hung down, appearing defeated, but in reality she was just waiting for them to drop their guard to make her move. Hearing footsteps getting closer, she calculated her point of action. There’s now 3 of them. Should be easy enough if their guards are down.
“Perfect, great work.” 
Wait, she knew that voice. Quickly raising her head, she froze.
“A-adam?” She breathed out in astonishment.
“The one and only,” Adam smirked. “‘Sup, babe?”
Lute stared back in disbelief, her mouth agape under her mask. 
“Aight, let her go,” Adam said with a wave of his hand.
“Are you sure? She-“
“Are you refusing a fucking order? From me?” He sneered.
“No, sir. Apologizes,” the sinner replied, unwrapping the rope from her wings and releasing  her.
“Great, now go fuck off somewhere.”
Adam began stepping toward her, “Sorry ‘bout that, babe. Figured it would be the easiest way to get you in here. How the hell did they beat you so fast?  The extermination just started. Have you been slacking?”
As he got closer, Lute cautiously took a step back. 
Adam made a confused face at her before realizing that, duh right, he’s a demon now. He held out his hand for her to take, “I’m still me, you’ve got nothing to worry about.”
Lute looked down at his outstretched hand, then up to his face. He looked…different. Twisting black horns protruding from his temples at his hairline. The whites of his eyes now black, his pupils no longer golden but instead they were now red. His skin a sickly pale, almost gray tone. His once gorgeous golden wings had been replaced with incubus-like wings, with a pointed tail to match. 
“What’s wrong? Didn’tcha miss me?”
Lute was snapped out of her trance when she realized he had removed her helmet and pressed his hand against her cheek. She blinked at him a few times before her eyes started to form tears. Was it really him? How was this possible?
“Woah, hey, no need for the waterworks. Come on, let’s get you comfortable~” Adam said, leading her towards the elevator, hitting a button and inputting a code. Lute watched quietly, still shaken.
“Where are we?” She asked as the doors slid open to reveal a lushly decorated room.
“This is my place! Pretty fucking cool, right?”
Lute looked around the room, seeing all sorts of stuff littered around, doors that lead to other rooms, etc. 
“You gotta come check out my room,” he said, pulling her along. Adam flopped himself onto his comically large bed, and pat beside him. Lute hesitantly followed over, crawling over to sit beside him.  
He wrapped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her in to lay on him, “So how, ya been? It’s been fucking forever. Gotta say, I was super fucking pissed when you didn’t do the exterminations last year, fucks up with that? Had everyone thinking they were in the clear, that the Princess over there scared you away for good.”
“I thought it best to better train everyone before coming back. That miserable hotel is still standing?”
“Yeeahh…When I had built up a big enough following here, I tried to go back and hit them when they weren’t looking. But unfortunately, Lucibitch was there. And he had me fucking make a deal with him to leave the place and the people living there alone. It was either take the deal or a more permanent death.”
“Wait, a deal as in…”
“Yup, soul deal. Mine wasn’t really worth much anymore anyway so I said fuck it, I can still do whatever here so,” he shrugged. “Drugs, drinking shit other than that weak ass wine, doing literally anything. I even just kill some of these fucks for lookin at me funny. It’s amazing!”
Lute rolled her eyes, “You did half of that in Heaven anyway.”
“Sure, but now there’s no one to scold me for doing it!”
Lute looked down in thought, “Do you also sleep around just as much as before?”
“Fuck that! You know how many fucking diseases there are down here?” He dry heaved at the thought, “No thanks.”
Lute nodded in surprise. “Wow…how are you surviving without having put your dick in something for over a year?” She asked sarcastically.
“I mean, I still have my hand. Can’t say the same for you though,” he said, hiding a laugh behind his hand.
“Real funny,” she rolled her eyes in annoyance. 
Adam groped her ass, “Besides, I was perfectly fine waiting for you. I knew you’d be back one way or another.”
“Is that why you had your goons bring me here?” Lute asked skeptically.
“Isn’t that obvious? I wanted you here with me. I woulda done it earlier but ya didn’t fucking come.”
“You…want me to stay down here?” She asked nervously.
“Well yeah, I need you. You’re my other half. And you’d never leave me again,” he said, tightening his grip on her. His voice lowered sinisterly,  “Right?”
Lute’s heart began to race. On one hand, she would do anything to stay by his side, and on the other the fear of being an angel trapped in Hell. 
“Think about it, babe! You and I can rule this fucking city. Think about all the pathetic souls you could take out day after day. No longer restricted to just one day a year!” He pulled her close in his excitement, “Best of all, you get to come back to me and get rewarded every night after killing worthless sinners. Wouldn’t you love that? Having me all to yourself at last?”
When she gave no reaction, he brought his hand to her chin and lifted it up to look at him. He thoughtfully examined her face as if trying to read her mind. Was she actually afraid to leave everything she knew behind? When he was everything she could ever need?
“Lute, nothing up there matters anymore. Down here we’re free to do anything . Forget about the exorcists, why not give them their own freedom? We can start over down here, just the two of us, we don’t need anyone else. So I guess what I’m saying is–” 
Lute found herself subconsciously holding her breath as he slowly brought his face to hers. His thumb rubbing at her bottom lip, his lips inches away from her own.
“–Won’t you fall for me?”
After what seemed like a dreadful eternity, she turned her head away. With a hard swallow she replied, “Please give me time to consider.” She stood from the bed, facing away from him. Taking in a deep breath, trying to suppress her nerves and putting her mask back on, “I will return after the extermination with my answer. Please escort me out.”
Adam watched her scornfully with disbelief. Did she really just reject him? He couldn’t believe the audacity of this bitch. With an internal sigh, he sat himself up on the edge of the bed before going to stand beside her. He motioned her to the doorway and led her back to the elevator and down to the lobby. 
Neither of them said a word as she exited the building alone. Adam felt a pain in his chest that he hadn’t felt in quite a while, heartbreak. Maybe some anger mixed in as well. He hadn’t let anyone get close to him emotionally for this exact reason. He never thought Lute of all people would be the one to hurt him in this way. His most loyal companion, but with this act her loyalty to him was being tested.
When Lute stepped out of the building, she looked around the now empty street. Everyone must have hid upon seeing that the exterminations were continuing. Miraculously, her sword had been untouched and remained in the same spot where it had been tossed. She picked it up and took off into the sky, looking for a new area to hunt. Maybe a killing spree will help clear her mind and decide what would be right. Right for her.
Hours passed. Adam had been observing her every moment since she had left using a VoxTek drone. She and the exorcists were huddled around an open portal back to Heaven. After a brief pep talk, all of them went through the portal. Except for Lute. The portal closed and the drone followed her as she made her way back to his penthouse.
He once again met her in the lobby. Lute removed her mask before locking eyes with him. The silence dragged on as they stared at one another. Her waiting for him to make a smartass remark, him waiting for her answer.
Lute closed her eyes and bowed her head at him, holding her hand to her back, “I am devoted to you, and you alone.”
Adam chuckled as he extended his hand out to his queen, “Welcome home, Lute. With you by my side again, these fuckers won’t even know what hit them.”
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Thanks for reading my little one shot idea! 😊
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meli-meliai · 26 days
When Seth was a child, he wanted to know about everything.
How humans had first came to be, who the mysterious God that his parents so often whispered about on nights when they didn’t think that he was awake, why his mother always flinched whenever she caught even a fleeting glimpse of a snake. Why his father went out of his way to hunt down every snake he saw. Who decided that the trees and grass should be the same color in vaguely different shades.
It wasn’t just mere, childish curiosity, either. His thirst for knowledge was insatiable. But books weren’t invented yet when he was young; so instead he focused on listening to as many stories as he could.
His beloved mother, though an eternal burden weighs upon her shoulders, took it upon herself to weave the young world’s very first stories. Before the Son of the Lord had walked upon the Earth, gentle Eve held her son in tired arms and spun tales that no one but him would ever hear, parables of virtue and morality, her melodic voice floating in the cool, nighttime winds whistling past the orchards that could never compare to the Garden of Eden. Though she was exhausted-a feeling that she could never quite get used to, no matter how many times she has experienced it- she had never failed to scoop her son into her arms and hold him close as she spins another new story out of thin air.
“My son, have I ever told you about the angels who fell from eternal paradise?”
”No, you haven’t! Tell me!”
”Of course, of course…but before I tell you, do you know WHY they fell from paradise?”
“I can’t know ANYTHING if you don’t tell me! Why did they fall?”
”…I don’t quite know either! But… I might have a guess.”
”What is it, mom?”
Eve still had dreams-or rather, nightmares- of the beautiful angel who held out the tantalizing red apple out to her- his soft, sultry voice promising her an eternity of knowledge and a vast sea of answers. On some nights, she woke up shivering, swearing that she had felt a feathery wing envelope her back and raise her up, up, up… to a light so bright that she felt as though she might burn if she rose any further Funnily enough, though, it wasn’t his beauty that she remembered. That part was wispy around the edges, blurred and faded like a memory of the wind.
No. It was the promise. Of freedom, of knowing. For what is life without the crisp, sweet satisfaction and reward? What is humanity without automity?
Sometimes the taste of forbidden fruit lingers on her tongue, the crisp sweetness unlike anything she had ever experienced. Yellow-gold snake eyes watched her as she bit into the crisp flesh, and a part of her wanted to kiss it. To thank it for giving her a choice, the freedom, the knowledge that she could make decisions by herself.
Knowledge was a beautiful thing, for if she hadn’t eaten the fruit, she wouldn’t have seen the way the snake’s eyes softened in turn. And for a moment, she could see an angel behind it.
Then she and her Adam were promptly kicked out of Eden.
Her Adam…
”Mom! Are you okay??”
”…Oh! I’m so sorry, Seth. I was just… lost in thought.”
”About what?”
”Nothing, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter now, anyway.”
Seth looks so much like his father, but also…so much like him. The fallen angel that she never had a chance to understand.
”Hm? What is it, my son? Are you tired? I can put up your bedroll…”
”No! I just wanted to ask, how did you come to love Father? He’s so…”
Frigid. Bitter. Demanding.
She couldn’t imagine a day where she wasn’t in love with Adam.
“I was created for him, Seth. I was born to love him.”
”Yeah… but what about him? Do you think that he loves you back the same way?”
Eve wasn’t sure. Before the fruit, before she got them both thrown out of Eden, she had never questioned her purpose or place in Adam’s life.She was literally created from his bones, shaped to be perfect and his love, his constant companion. But… he had another one, didn’t he? Before her. She never learned the woman’s name, but Eve wonders if she left because of the same reason that the snake tempted her with.
Knowing. Freedom. Something more out in the world.
She wonders about this woman, would love to talk with her about all the answers of the world. She wonders if she is as beautiful as the angel of her dreams.
“Of course he does. If he didn’t, he would’ve left me to face the consequences in the Garden of Eden.”
Seth frowned, scrunched up his nose. His mother always seemed distracted whenever he asked these kinds of questions, but never doubtful. He saw the way her warm brown eyes (the only part of her appearance that he had inherited) stared wistfully into the trees, as if she was reading something that wasn’t- and will never- be there. Waiting for answers that will never come.
And he hated it. He hated leaving questions unanswered. He hated the twistedness of guessing, of having to wrack his brain over and over again just to find a puzzle piece of the uncompleted whole story. What was the point of breaking God’s rule to consume knowledge itself, only for it to be twisted in a labyrinth of confusion? He was only a child, and he had hundreds of years in front of him to figure everything out- but he wanted to know now.
But he loved his mother. He inherited her eyes, her smile, her craving for knowledge. Her desire for something more. But unlike her, he would never have the chance to satisfy his curiosity until long after his death. And his fate will be far, far more cruel.
To him, at least.
”Hm? What is it, my dear?”
”If you don’t know exactly why the angels fell, can you make up a story about it?”
Eve smiled, and in that moment the tiredness from her face faded. She nuzzled her son and placed a kiss upon his silvery-white hair, and her heart felt light and content. It was as if she had never left Eden. In fact, she felt even happier, somehow. Would she have had her wonderful children if she never ate the Fruits of Knowledge? Would she have had the joy of holding her bright-eyed son in her arms and making up lullabies to sing to him every night? Motherhood was suffering, but what is joy without it? Light and color would’ve never existed without darkness. And, though she knows that she should disagree, a part of her felt like she would never have it any other way.
If only she could’ve done the same for Abel and Cain…
If only she could’ve saved both of them.
But she was powerless to her own consequences, the first seeds of sin taking root in her own children. Holding Seth close so that he wouldn’t see his failure of a mother blinking back tears, she whispered a feather-soft prayer into the nighttime wind, that none of her children would ever suffer the same fate for as long as they lived. Otherwise, if anything happened to them because of her idiotic mistake, trusting that damned snake’s honeyed words and false promises…
She felt like crying. What kind of mother cries in front of her own child? She felt like a failure of a mother, unworthy to be the forebearer of humanity. For was the purpose of humans simply to struggle, due to her choice? Did she bear her children only to have them face the same fate?
…No. It won’t be like that again.I’ll get them right this time. She thought, as she wiped her face and lifted her face to smile at her son again, unaware that he heard and saw everything. But Seth has always been good at hiding his true emotions, so he gave her a smile that mirrored Eve’s own. He felt her hands tremble against his back.
She could still see the blood that coated her son’s dead body, could still feel the rasp in her voice as she screamed and screamed and screamed as Adam came running to see what was wrong-
No. It would be different this time. It would never happen again.
Her smile faltered a little bit as she looked at her son. So much like his father, but so much like her. Forced to carry such a burden at such a young age… but he never would’ve been born if not for that burden. Truly, a gift from the omniscient and omnipotent Almighty, sent as both a consolation and a reminder of what she had done wrong. And if not for that gift, she would’ve never been here, singing lullabies and weaving stories to tell him. And so, she began a new one, her ethereal voice carrying in the cool airs of the wind, the stars twinkling overhead mother and son as moonlight enveloped their silhouettes. The creatures of the Earth held its breath in anticipation of a new story:
“There was once an angel, the most beautiful out of all the ones in Heaven… he was God’s favorite, until the day he fell, both from his home and from grace.”
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rabbitenn · 10 months
hi there I hope it's okay to ask for headcanons for the twins with a s/o who's fun loving but kinda shy? Like the moment they know something they like they ramble and just hide's their face with their hands smiling and stammering out apologizes realizing how long they spoke?
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Your endless talks about your passions are the hearth he’d love to sit by as shades of your vibrant smiles fill his heart.
ft. Kujo Tenn, Nanase Riku x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff.
hello, lovely anon ! this is such a sweet idea for the precious twins <3 I’m sorry I’m posting it late, but I still hope it’s to your liking.
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— Tenn is so perceptive, he can tell right away when you’re brimming with excitement, be it because you’re going to be doing something you like soon or just because you’ve taken up a new hobby.
— You always loved to share your joys with him, rewarding him with your most unadulterated smiles, eyes sparkling, a kaleidoscope opening up your heart fully to your lover.
— You were so precious like this… Tenn’s expressions turned utterly mellow when he beheld you in these moments.
— To him, you danced beneath the rosy caress of late dawns; the way you shined, only accentuating with every word you spoke.
— And Tenn feels honored that you choose him.
— See, he’s used to the fame and being his fans’ first choice, but, for you to share your passions and favorite interests with him, just because he’s himself, with no stage or colored lights to paint his angel wings in technicolor mosaics… It warms his heart.
— Of course, though, sometimes the topic you choose to fawn over is none other than him.
— And honestly, that makes Tenn equally as happy. He loves his fans, after all, and you’re naturally his favorite.
— And, well, if what you’re talking about happens to be something he’s into as well, Tenn is so grateful to be able to share this joy with you!
— “Tenn! Tenn!” You call him, wide smile illuminating the face he so adores. “Look! Look what I found! You’re going to love it!” You call him, showing him your phone screen.
— The idol’s gaze softens the moment he sees you, practically jumping up and down in excitement.
— “It’s a new cat cafe! It’s so cute! They have so many kittens, and they even adopt strays that have nowhere to go. Look, it’s all explained on their official page.” You scroll down a bit. “Here! They give them medical treatment if they need it, and they get good food and shelter this way! Isn’t it amazing? And look at the sweets they sell! Cat shaped strawberry cream donuts! We have to go, Tenn!”
— You grab his wrist softly, tugging on his sleeve as you ramble on.
— A smile filled with tenderness draws on your boyfriend’s face, a chuckle leaving his lips.
— His fingers find yours, slotting them in between.
— ‘You’re too cute.’ Tenn thinks fondly, as he’s completely lost in your adorable features rather than paying attention to the pictures you show him.
— Don’t get him wrong. He loves what you’re sharing with him, but you are so enchanting and perfect to him… Especially when you shine so bright with excitement… He just can’t take his eyes off of you.
— “We should go indeed, my love.” He tells you, head resting against yours.
— That’s when you fluster, realizing how much you’ve rambled on.
— “Tenn… I’m sorry…” Comes your mumbled apology, face buried in your hands. “I talk too much…”
— Your boyfriend’s response comes in the form of a light chuckle.
— “Don’t hide from me, my sweet [Y/n].” He utters, delicately taking your hands in his soft ones. “I love it when you tell me about the things that make you happy.”
— And when your eyes meet his, you can tell he means it.
— His eyes are the shade of first kisses beneath a wintry sunset, pink clouds drifting away as bright rays sway in between naked branches. There’s so much gentleness and care contained in a single gaze…
— “Aren’t I… annoying? When I go on for so long?” You wonder.
— “You could never be annoying.” Tenn assures you, lips brushing over your knuckles. “Please, always keep being this bright, sunshine.” He asks you, fingertips tracing your jawline.
— Any other statement dies in your throat at his proximity, strands of silken stardust tickling you as the angel places one last tender kiss to your cheek.
— He loves you and your long talks, and he’d be damned if he didn’t let you know.
— Honestly, you’re made for each other!
— Riku is pretty excitable himself, his every emotion clear as day in the little changes of his expression.
— So when it is you who is enthusiastic about something, it’s like a full circle feedback of exhilaration between you two.
— Honestly, Riku is your biggest hypeman, whatever it is you want to ramble about, he’s more than happy to listen; he just thinks you’re so cool.
— Due to his condition, IDOLiSH7’s center grew up pretty sheltered, resulting in him still being naive in regards to a variety of aspects.
— So, you telling him about the things you love makes him feel like a window to your inner colorful world opens right before his eyes.
— On one hand, he loves discovering new things you tell him about or that you’ve gotten into recently.
— And on the other, Riku is so happy you trust him and go to him first when you have news to share! Instead of walking on eggshells and just keeping him shielded, you share your passions with him, and invite him to take part in them.
— “Riku! Rikkun! Guess what?” You excitedly greet him, jumping from his bed, as soon as he gets to the dorms.
— You wrap your arms around him, holding a magazine in between your hands.
— “Mph!” Your boyfriend has time to let out, as he embraces you, trying not to topple over to the ground with you.
— You pull away a little, enough to meet those big vibrant eyes of his, so often puppy-like.
— “Riku! They’re holding a book fair and look at this! There’s gonna be signed limited edition copies of the next book from that series we were reading! Will you go with me? I want to give you a copy! You’ve been working so hard, I’d love to get something nice as a reward for you!”
— “Really? They’re releasing the next book already?” He inspects the magazine you show him. “Aah! They are indeed! This is such a nice surprise!”
— “Right? Right?” You prompt, holding both of his hands in yours, as you swing them. “We could have a date on that day. I’ll take you to a cafe with tasty donuts and then we can have omurice for lunch too…”
— You suddenly trail off, averting your gaze as your face feels suddenly a little too hot.
— “Ah… I… I’m talking too much…” You lower your head, burying it in your boyfriend’s chest. “I’m getting carried away… Sorry, Riku…”
— He smiles, his arms instantly tightening their hold around your form.
— Carmine eyes flutter closed, as his hands gently brush through your hair.
— “You never talk too much.” He tells you, searching for your gaze, brows slightly furrowed, offering you a reassuring smile. “And��” He scratches the back of his neck. “You already know that I like it when you share news with me, [Y/n]. It makes me happy.”
— A shy smile curls your lips as you fleetingly brush them against Riku’s.
“Thank you, baby.” You whisper, combing vibrant crimson strands away from his adorable face. “You make me the happiest, Rikkun.”
— His nose brushes yours lovingly.
There is no doubt you make him the happiest too.
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Devil May Care: Part One
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: canon angst and violence
Summary: Castiel is missing after you told him to go to the Bunker after the angels fell. However, that is put on hold when Abaddon calls with two hostages that you now need to save.
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated.
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Instead of heading straight to the Bunker, Dean parked on the side of the road next to some outdoor picnic area. Sam's curious as to what's been happening since the fall, so you've told him everything minus the angel that's locked inside of him.
Dean is laying flat on top of the wooden table, and Joanna is climbing all over him like she's at a jungle gym. Mary's having some trouble crawling, but you're right next to her so she doesn't fall off the table.
"Joanna, be careful."
"Daddy is strong. He can take it," she says casually.
You and Dean laugh at this, and he tickles her side until she is crying with laughter.
"So, Cas is human?" Sam asks.
"Ish," Dean says, holding onto Joanna and sitting up so she is now in his lap. "I mean, he doesn't have any grace, no wings, no harp, and whatever the hell else he had."
"Okay. Where'd he crash-land?"
"He called us from a payphone from Longmont, Colorado. We told him to head to the Bunker."
"You think he can handle a road trip like that?"
"Cas is a big boy. If things go sideways, he has our number. Right now, we have bigger worries."
"Like the fallen angels."
Dean meant about Ezekiel, first, but he doesn't make a move to show his true feelings.
"Right. Thanks to Metatron, we now have a couple of thousand confused loose nukes walking around down here."
"What do you think they're gonna do?"
"We have no damn idea," you sigh.
"What about Crowley? Did you kill him?"
"I would've loved nothing better than to ice that fucking bitch. Then I thought to myself, what would Sam Winchester do?" Dean says bitterly.
"I'd've stabbed him in the brain."
"Well, I figured the King of Hell might know a few things, so why not keep his ass alive for the time being?"
"He's alive?" Sam asks, shocked.
You pick Mary up and follow Dean over to the car, to which Dean unlocks the trunk. Inside is Crowley, handcuffed, gagged, and unable to get out because of the warding. Dean painted a devil's trap underneath the roof to keep him from smoking out.
"Yeah, he's our bitch now," you grin.
"Yeah, bitch," Joanna says.
"Joanna!" you laugh, and Dean covers her mouth immediately. Crowley rolls his eyes at the sass she gives him, and Dean closes and locks the trunk. "We should really watch what we say around her."
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By the time you get back to the Bunker, you're disappointed that Castiel isn't here. He either got lost, got captured by the many different angels after him, or found someone else to help. Either way, he's not here. The only person who you left behind in the Bunker is Kevin, and you're not sure what you'll be walking into.
Some of the lights are on, but as soon as you walk in, someone sets off the first trap. An arrow whizzes straight at you, but you use your magic to catch it before it can hit anyone. You look below to see Kevin with an automatic crossbow in his hands. You can't see much from your vantage point, but you can see that he's overturned the library tables to make some sort of barrier to protect him. He also took the books and stacked them all around him so nothing could get him.
"Easy there, Katniss," you say and walk down the metal stairs with Dean.
"Dean? Y/N? You're alive!" Kevin laughs.
"Had that hit me, not for long."
"Sorry, it's been a bad couple of days. I haven't slept or eaten, and I'm pretty backed up."
"Okay, TMI," Dean shakes his head.
"After we talked, this place went nuts, alright? There was some alarm, all the machines were freaking out, and the bunker just locked down! I couldn't open the door, my cell phone stopped working, and I thought the world was ending!"
"Close. The angels fell from Heaven."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing good," Dean answers, and takes the crossbow from Kevin. "Listen, next time the world's ending, grab a gun." He takes out his cell phone to check if he has service. "I have service."
Kevin flips some switches on the control panel in the war room. All the lights turn on, and the machines whir into action.
"It's back online. Maybe when you opened the door from the outside, it reset the system."
"Yeah, let's go with that. Clean this all up," you say regarding the mess.
Sam enters the Bunker from above with Crowley next to him, and the demon has a bag over his head so he doesn't see where the Bunker is or what's inside. As soon as Kevin sees him, all he sees is red.
"No," Kevin whispers to himself.
Sam and Dean lead Crowley to the dungeon which is perfect for holding a demon while you put the kids to bed. They've been stuck in a car for almost twenty-four hours, so they need to take a much-needed nap. After that, you leave their room and head to the dungeon where Crowley is now chained to a chair in the center of the big devil's trap on the floor. Crowley takes in his surroundings. The side wall is filled with all kinds of torture implements.
"Homey. Where did you get this fantastic little treehouse?"
"Alright, here's how it's gonna go. You're giving us the name of every demon on Earth, and the people they're possessing," Sam demands.
"Am I? That doesn't sound like me."
"I saw you break down, Crowley. When I was trying to cure you, I knew a part of you was human again, and maybe still is."
"Blah blah, boohoo," Crowley rolls his eyes. "Are you done? Good because this is what I know. I'm not giving you anything. Why would I? You have no leverage, darlings. You're not gonna close the gates of Hell because you didn't. You're not gonna kill me because you haven't. So, what's left?"
"We have a few ideas," Dean smirks.
"Torture. Brilliant. Can't wait to see Sam in stilettos and a leather bustier, really putting the S-A-M into S&M. Honestly, boys. What are you gonna do to me that I don't do to myself just for kicks every Friday night?"
"Rot in Hell. See if we care," you say.
You and the brothers turn and leave the dungeon, closing the doors and locking them. Not like he can get out anyway. You turn off the lights and leave Crowley alone to stew in his feelings. When you get back upstairs, Kevin isn't shy to show his anger.
"What's Crowley doing here?! Why isn't he dead?! Why aren't you stabbing him right now?!"
"Calm down, Kevin," you sigh. "We need him."
"If we can get Crowley to give us the name of every demon he's got topside, we can hunt them down. All of them. He will break. When he does, we'll hold him down while you knife him. Then, we all go out for ice cream and strippers," Dean jokes.
"Just stay away from him, alright?"
Kevin sighs knowing he is outnumbered and unable to get past two heavyset Winchesters and a witch.
"Now what?"
"I gotta make some phone calls. You need to hit the Angel tablet and see if you can find anything on the spell that Metatron used to empty out Heaven," Dean says.
"Yeah, maybe we can reverse it before the God Squad does too much damage," Sam says. "I'll check anything relating to angels and demons and anything with monsters."
"It's going to be a long year," you sigh.
The best thing to do is to get on top of this angel thing, and Dean called every hunter he knew to see if they knew more about the angels falling. Some of them had no clue what was going on, some had information that Dean already knew, and others didn't answer. Dean's on the phone with Irv, a hunter your dad used to work with that he'd tell stories about. You've never met him but you know about him.
"Did you say fallen angels?"
"Yeah, they're monsters with good PR," Dean rolls his eyes. "So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil. Oh, and if they drop a silver sword, grab it. Those pigstickers come in handy."
"Copy that."
"Hey, I know this is weird, but--"
"Weird is what we do," Irv cuts him off. "I remember this case me and Bobby worked up in Saskatoon, and it had these two—"
"Werewolf siamese twins," Dean chuckles.
"He told you about that?"
"Every time he drank Labatt's," you say.
"Yeah, so if you run into any problems, give me a call, okay? The more hunters that know, the better."
Sam comes in with his laptop in hand just as Dean hangs up on Irv.
"I found something. Nothing angel related but it's demon related."
"They're all the same thing to me. Tell us in the car."
"Kevin!" you shout. You peek your head into the library where Kevin is cleaning up the books he made a mess of. "You're on kid duty. Can you handle that?"
"Fine," he sighs.
"Great. Thank you. Call me if you have any issues."
After packing up your things, you three head out. All that Sam knows is that a bus that held a few army soldiers and some prisoners was abandoned in a parking lot. The only thing left behind was the prisoners, but they were all dead. The entire area has been marked off with yellow tape, and there are multiple police officers and army personnel present. This is either going to go very well or not at all.
As soon as you step out of the Impala, you cough at the strong scent.
"Oh, God. This place reeks of sulfur," you groan.
"Between the stink, the freak thunderstorms, and every dead cow within three miles, I'll take demons for $1000, please," Dean jokes. A sergeant walks up to you three with an unhappy face. She must not like that you're here. "Hey. Agents Stark, Banner, and Maximoff, FBI. We're here to have a look around."
"Why? This is a military case, not a federal one."
"Well, that's not what our supervisor said," Sam sasses her.
"Is that so? Then maybe he and I oughta have a chat," she says with a bittersweet smile.
You're about to use your magic on her, but Dean is already pulling out his phone. There are a bunch of police and military personnel here, and if one of them sees you using magic, then it's game over for you. Dean quickly dials someone without looking at the Sergeant.
"Hey, boss, uh... we have a little problem here."
"Boss?" Kevin says, confused.
"Yeah, just a local badge needs confirmation we're supposed to be here. About how the word came down from FBI headquarters in DC."
"Wait, what?" Kevin stutters.
Dean has no choice but to hand her the phone, and you wait and see if you'll really need your magic or not. The Sergeant doesn't take her eyes off Dean as she puts the phone to her ear.
"This is Sargent Miranda Bates, who am I talking to?"
"Uh, Kevin... Solo."
"How old are you?"
Uh oh. Kevin better be quick on his feet if he is going to get you access to this crime scene without you stepping in.
"Old enough, and I'm with the FBI so you have to do what I say, or—"
"Listen, kid," Miranda cuts him off, "I don't have to do anything, and I don't take orders from the Feds. So, unless you can give me one good reason you got a few pretty-boy agents poking around my crime scene, I'm gonna put them in cuffs and spank your ass raw, understand?"
"Cabo, last June."
"What?" her face pales, and you smirk subtly.
"That's my reason. My favorite is you in a sombrero doing a body shot off some naked guy in a Luchador mask. Super classy."
"How did you find that?"
Classic Kevin to go hacking around in her life.
"Because I'm Kevin fucking Solo. So, unless you want this forwarded to your commanding officer, Major Velasquez... I suggest you give my guys anything they want. Understand?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir," she sighs and hands the phone back to Dean.
She looks around awkwardly before leaving your side.
"Kevin? What the hell did you just do?" Dean asks.
"All military computers are linked to the same network."
Dean gives Sam the okay, and both you and Sam leave his side so he can finish his conversation with Kevin.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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angst-king · 5 months
Monster by Definition pt 2
(CW mention of starvation/ED & panic attack)
It had almost two weeks since she had been brought to the castle. Two weeks of sleeping, crying, or being lost in thought. Two weeks of coming to grips with what has happened. Two weeks of denial, in hopes her wings would come back and she could fly her way back to heaven.
“Knock knock, you decent?”
She jumped hearing Lucifer’s voice, she still hadn’t gotten used to the fact she was in the king of hell’s castle. It still surprised her that the man hadn’t come around much less try anything with her. What did he want now?
“Come in” The door creaked open and in walked Lucifer, much shorter than she expected, and holding a tray in hand.
“Glad to see you’re sounding a bit better, you’ve got your voice back, and you’re not as pale as the first time I saw you.” He says with a soft smile and setting the tray down in front of her.
“Wh-whats this?” The angel asked, curiously staring at the food in front of her.
“Just breakfast, you haven’t eaten since you got here, and well two weeks is way too long to go without food.” Furrowing her brows she looked at him warily and shrugged muttering.
“I’ve gone longer” “You don’t have to eat everything, but you need something on your stomach, Without it you won't heal well.” Looking back down at the tray, she was still confused, there had to be some strings attached to this. She was never just given food like this without any sort of trade deal or without it being taken.
“You…you didn’t do anything to it?” There was a soft chuckle that came from the demon king who sat himself down in a spare chair.
“No no, if you’re thinking I’m trying to poison you, sadly you’re mistaken. I’m not into that whole make you give up your soul and do my bidding for eternity for selfish wants thing.” Then there was a soft growling and clattering noise. Lucifer looked up to see the exorcist shoveling food into her mouth. Lucifer knew it had been a long time since she’d eaten but was still concerned over the way she hovered over the plate like an animal protecting their kill.
“Ey ey careful, don’t want you to choke or make yourself sick.” He warned gently, he watched as she swallowed what was in her mouth and wiped her mouth with her hand. Thankfully she slowed down a little much to his relief.
“Damn I knew you’d be hungry but, I really underestimated ya kid.” At first, the angel didn’t seem to like the name ‘kid’ but she straightened up when she realized Lucifer was an immortal being who’d definitely been around much longer than her.
“So, you got a name, young angel?” The angel almost dropped the piece of pancake she had in her hands and shrugged. This made Lucifer raise a brow.
“Did my brothers not name you when they created you? I’m surprised to know Adam hadn’t given you one either.” “H-how did you know?” “Lilith told me.” The angel sighed and answered the original question.
“Most of them called me a monster…’the monster’ or ‘machine’….Sir Raphael and Gabriel called me ‘little creation’…” The light from the angel’s golden eyes became dim, Lucifer sighed.
“Those two were never the best at naming things….Ey look kid, I know that I don’t know much about you or what you’ve been through but. I wanna help you.”
“Help me?” She echoed back confusedly.
“Yes, I want to do what I can to help you.” “I-I don’t need help…what I need is to get back into heaven.” “And how are you gonna do that?” She shrugged and gulped down the water she was given.
“Once my wings grow back, I’ll fly my way back.” Another laugh came from Lucifer as he adjusted himself in his chair.
“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, kid but. By the time you get your wings back, it’ll be too late. They don’t just get ripped out and regenerate at the snap of your fingers.” Her face scrunched up with anger, shaking her head as her hands balled into fists.
“No I have to get back up there, I can’t stay here. I can’t fail again, I have to get back to heaven! It's my fault I’m down here. I can’t wait that long, I have to go back!” Her voice trembled as well as her body. Her hands started to tangle and yank at her silver hair as her breathing became ragged. Lucifer could see her panicking and quickly got up from his seat.
“Hey hey it’s okay, you’re not a failure, things happen.” Continuing to shake her head, the exorcist curled away from Lucifer as she clawed and yanked at her hair. Lucifer stood back, he wanted to help but was unsure of how. He just stood and listened as she cried herself through a panic attack.
“My fault, my fault, my fault, my fault, it’s all my fault.” She frantically repeated over and over. Lucifer felt useless as he watched the poor thing spiral, though relief came when Lilith entered and sprung into action.
Once again Lilith pulled the exorcist into a gentle embrace, though this time singing softly. At first, Lucifer didn’t think it would work, however, in the next minute, her hands went from clenched in her hair to weakly holding onto Lilith’s wrist. Her panic repetition slowed down to a stop. This time she wouldn’t let Lilith go, almost like a scared child hanging onto their mother. Lucifer figured this was the first woman in the angel’s life that was ever this kind to her. Lilith didn’t seem to mind this as she gently brushed her fingers through the angel’s greyish-white hair. The ends and roots seemed to be darkening slowly, as were her arms, going from an almost stark white to a dark gray.
One day Lucifer dropped a book in the angel’s lap.
“Wh-what’s this?” she asked, Lucifer smiled and replied teasingly.
“Well kid, I gotta know what to call ya if you’re gonna stay here.” Her hands brushed over the book, reading over the title. ‘Book of names’.
“I-..I get to pick it myself?” “Yeah, ya do.” A small smile curled at her lips as she cracked open the book, and flipped through the pages. Lucifer stayed for a while before leaving her be and went to spend time with Lilith. Finding his wife in the kitchen drinking her coffee he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Hello, Lili Flower~” He purred sweetly, Lilith giggled feeling her husband nuzzling into her back.
“Morning, Luci, how are you?” “I’m alright, what about you, my love?” “Quite well, so how is the angel doing?” “She’s alright, I gave her that book so she could pick out a name.” “That’s good” Lilith eventually turned around and pulled Lucifer into a loving kiss. The demon king kissed back tasting the coffee on Lilith’s lips.
“I see you’re trying out that coffee Ozzie made.” “Mhm, and must I say, it’s definitely working.” She smiled while going back to her mug. “Good, I’d hope so. Anyways, got any plans for the day?” “Hm no, I don’t have anything scheduled. Though I was thinking about taking her out of the castle, maybe to the park or stores?” Lucifer nodded at this idea.
“I think that would be good, she hasn’t been outside in a while. Plus I was thinking maybe offering the redemption thing since she’s rather hellbent on getting back into heaven. Though I won't if you think it's too soon.” Lilith shrugged and took a swig of her drink.
“It won't hurt to offer it up, I believe she knows deep down she can’t get back into heaven, and if she were to she’d get even more hurt. But she’s clinging onto the only place she’s ever known.” “I can’t say I blame her, she’s been through horrific things I’m sure-” The sound of soft footsteps pattering against the floor echoed through the castle and made their way to the kitchen.
“E-excuse me?” The angel’s voice called out, turning their heads to see the young exorcist standing on the threshold holding the book Lucifer had given her.
“Oh hi, dear, have you picked out a name?” Asked Lilith, she nods shyly and hands the book back.
“Ph-Pheobe” Both husband and wife shared a fond smile, as they praised her choices.
“That’s a pretty name” “Oh yeah, it has a similar meaning to Lucifer’s” Phoebe looked curiously at Lucifer when they mentioned the meanings.
“Lucifer means bringer of light, or bright, similar to Pheobe which means radian, pure, or bright.” “You’re good at picking names, kid” This made Pheobe blush lightly as she fiddled with the robe she was dressed in.
“Th-thank you” “You’re welcome. Hey, we were thinking about going out today, would you like to come with us?” Phoebe seemed confused by this offer, why were they wanting to take her out? Wouldn’t they want to keep her hidden from others? Why would the queen and king of hell want to be seen with someone like her?
“A-are you sure?” “Yes, you haven’t been out in a while and you need new clothes, so I think it's perfect,” Lilith reassured softly, Phoebe stalled a response before agreeing to go along. Lucifer made breakfast as the other two got dressed. Since Pheobe hardly had any clothes Lilith came in with a dress of her own.
“It might be a bit big on you but, I think you’ll like it.” It was a short black dress that reached to her knees and covered her back. Looking at herself in the mirror, Phoebe’s expression remained neutral. She didn’t know how to feel, on the one side she was grateful and it felt nice to be in something so pretty. On the other hand, she was still wondering when the dice would fall, when the coins would be cashed in, and what they would want from her in return.
“You’re very pretty, you know.” “Y-you think?” Lilith nodded as she adjusted the dress and started to brush Pheobe’s hair out.
“Wh-why is my hair so dark?” The roots and ends were darkening day by day and climbed to meet each other. Lilith knew Pheobe wouldn’t take the news well but she couldn’t lie to her.
“It can happen sometimes when you stay in hell. Some people’s appearances will change.” She explained she wasn’t going to fully tell her she was becoming a demon, knowing it was too soon. Phoebe seemed to take the answer well enough, nodding quietly. When Lilith had finished, they went down to meet Lucifer at the front to begin their day out.
This would be the first time Pheobe had ever fully seen Hell or well at least Hell’s pride ring. Phoebe was nervous to venture out, not knowing whether any of the demons would recognize her as an exorcist. Most of them didn’t seem to pay any mind. She remained close to Lilith and Lucifer who guided her around. They went into many shops, and many were curious as to why the king and Queen of hell had a random girl following them around but most didn’t inquire openly. Sticking to their corners and whispering amongst themselves.
This place was much larger than expected and a lot redder. Not to mention not as chaotic as she had thought. Sure you’d see a gang of sinners doing something devious but, most people were just going about their day. Going on walks, getting food, and groceries, or cleaning up.
“This place is much calmer than I expected” Phoebe commented quietly as she kept up with Lucifer and Lilith.
“It can get chaotic a lot of the time but it's hell that’s so be expected though, most times it can be pretty docile with a few crazies getting their murderous fix in.” Lilith replied, maybe this place wasn’t so bad?
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content* 
Sam Asato stares at the burnt wreck of the car with a strange expression shifting over his face. 
His dark red eyes narrow as he surveys the blackened ground and his gold-feathered wings shift uneasily on his back.
"There are traces of magic here," he says, his short, sharp fangs showing as he bites his bottom lip. 
"The car didn't just burn. Someone used it as the focal point for a ritual. Whatever happened here, it wasn't anything good."
"A ritual? For what?" Ian Foley asks, still studying the charred frame of the car, working up the courage to look inside and see if it contains a corpse.
"I don't know," Sam says quietly. 
"All I can tell is it was something dark. I can see the...shadow of a symbol of some kind. Any idea what this means?
He kneels and traces something in the dirt. 
It looks like an oblong oval with a horizontal line through the center.
"No," Ian says. 
"It looks familiar but no idea. We can look it up when we get back to the Lodge. How about you, Carlos? Seen that before?"
Carlos Martinez shakes his head. 
"Sorry man. Magick is, like, kind of above my pay grade, you know? Maybe I come from a family of Asesinos but I'm just a guy who works in a bar and helps out in his aunt's auto shop sometimes. And gets possessed a lot," he adds with a shrug. "If you want to know more about rituals and symbols and shit, you'd be better off asking Toni."
"She or your mom, didn't teach you about that stuff?" Ian asks, curious.
Ian: ‘My own dad had tried to teach me everything he knew when I was a kid. It had been like attending regular school and being home-schooled at the same time and I hadn't excelled at either. Now that my dad was gone, I regretted not having tried harder to learn from him back then. Whatever knowledge I'd failed to absorb whatever he'd failed to pass on now it was lost to me forever, taken to the grave.’
Carlos stares off at the horizon, hands on his hips. 
"No," he says. 
"I guess if you want to be technical, my family weren't Asesinos. They were Asesinas. Only the women got the knowledge. The men could help out the way I did with Toni's exorcisms but they were never let in on all the cool secrets and shit."
"Huh. That's like my family but the opposite," Ian says. 
"Until recently, the male side had all the power. I think it's better now that things are more equal. Maybe Toni would teach you, too, if you asked."
Carlos lifts a shoulder. 
"Maybe. The thing is, I don't know that I'm interested. I'd rather just be a normal guy."
"Speaking of normal guys," Ian says, turning to look at Sam, 
"You'd better lose those wings before the Walkers show up."
Sam nods and shuts his eyes but when he opens them, he still looks like a golden angel with horns.
"Urgh," he groans. 
"I thought I had the hang of this. Fuck me. What if I'm stuck like this now?" 
He looks down at his talon-tipped hands with a frown.
"You usually turn back after you satisfy your desires, right?" Ian says. "So...what do you want?"
Sam laughs. 
"Right now? Nothing we can do at a possible murder scene, with Carlos watching and a dead body a few feet away."
"Nothing?" Ian asks, raising my brows at him. 
"There must be something you want that doesn't require an X-rating."
Sam gives him a lop-sided, sharp-toothed grin but it slowly fades into a softer smile. 
"Fine," he says. 
"Just hold me, okay? And say that you love me again."
Despite the grim setting, Ian laughs. 
"For a demon, you sure are a softie," he says, shaking his head as he slides his arms around Sam’s back and under his wings, pulling him close. 
"Are all... uh... what did you call them? Ai..."
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cosmok13 · 2 years
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The android was not able to finish as the door suddenly swung open, revealing a glitching figure with a wide smile and tears running down his one, visible eye. He stared directly over at Henrik as he gasped. “DAD!” He ran over to the doctor, practically jumping on him and knocking him down to the ground.
“Gack!” Henrik was caught off guard as this strange figure jumped on him and nuzzled up into his chest, purring as he pinned him to the floor. 
The other egos were caught completely off guard as they watched the newcomer jump and tackle Henrik. Marvin stumbled back as his tail puffed up. Chase just stared with red, puffy eyes that were caused by the weed. “The heck is that thing!?” The cool dad questioned.
Henrik tried to speak, wanting to get an explanation of the creature. But Anti was the one that talked. “I’m so glad you’re here and safe! I was worried they hurt you! I really missed you so much!” Anti rubbed his head into Henrik’s chest, hugging him tightly. 
“Uh…. how much weed did I have again?” Marvin questioned, looking at the scene in utter confusion.
“You guys…? Am I hallucinating right now?” Chase wondered, rubbing his eyes.
“If you are, then so are we cause we appear to be seeing the same thing.” Bing noted.
Jackie shook as he seemed lost as well. “What the fuck…? I swear I’ll never do drugs again, Henrik…”
Everyone wanted some answers as to what the scene they were being exposed to was all about. The front door swung open again, this time it was Angus who stumbled in as he tried to get Anti back. “Dad, I can explain!” He shouted. He stopped in the door frame though as he saw everyone else look his way. Once again, he felt his blood freeze over as he realized his mistake. “Ohhhh shit…” He thought to himself as the color in his face drained. 
Marvin gasped, seeing the Hunter in the doorway. Chase stared over at Angus, still confused and now more than ever. When Henrik looked up at Angus, as much as he could with this child in the way, his eyes were wide as he had never seen the figure before. “Uh… w-who are you?” Henrik questioned.
Angus expected that question, after all they didn’t know him in this form. “D-Dad, it’s me! A-” He went to explain, needing to tell everyone what was going on if they could help. 
He was cut off though as his green eyes turned to a figure in black and yellow. Bing rose up from where he had fallen, slowly making his way over to the Hunter. He blinked a few times, taking in the person that stood in his doorway. “An...gus?” His voice sounded hesitant, as if he didn’t want to believe what he was seeing. At the same time though, he prayed that his vision was not having a malfunction. Tears began to collect in his eyes, as a smile spread across his face with hope written in his pupils. “Angus… is… is that really y-you?”
The Hunter looked over at his love, giving a nervous smile as he attempted to explain. “B-Bing, I-I um…” 
He didn’t get a chance to finish though, as he was once again cut off by the Android. “I...I can’t believe it! It’s you! You’re really here! Oh my god, Angel!!!” Without thinking, Bing ran over to Angus, holding his face and pressing his lips to the Hunter’s. Everyone watched, not sure what to even think about the scene anymore, just let it happen in the hopes it would all be explained. Angus almost fell as Bing embraced him, but he ended up returning the kiss. To be honest, this was something he had wanted to do for a long time. Eventually, the two pulled away, but Bing began to ask a million questions at once. “How did this happen? How are you like this? Are you staying like this forever? Where did you get the wings? Will you keep them? How long have you been like this?” Sorry I’ve been gone for a while, haven’t had a lot of motive to draw and just been focusing on my writing. But I am back with another screenshot of my soulscape revise fanfiction! Now Angus has revealed his true self to the egos, and while many are confused, a certain android is stunned yet blessed to have his angel back.  Check out this scene of SoulScape revise in Chapter three on fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13872298/4/Soulscape-CosmoK13-edition
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 301
Plot Description: eager to find Gabriel, Sam, Dean, and Castiel consider some risky options. Rowena’s tampering with fate puts all of humanity in danger
Did I talk at all about how Gabe really and literally burned Azmodeus up? I feel like I didn’t and I feel like I should have
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I would NEVER make an enemy of Rowena, so she’d have no reason to kill me. I’d be more like the boy toy she had tagging along with her
Also Cas saying “Rowena’s right. You never go to parties” like….sir, do you remember what show we’re on?
Sorry, more Cas thoughts…babes, why do you think Dean wouldn’t know what a Hail Mary play is? Like…you only recently learned all human idioms. They had to create Jack to take your wide eyed, confused about humans place
Yes, Sammy, justify Rowena’s setting that rich woman ablaze. Join my side
Dean’s giving into too many bad ideas, I think
I like this angel that’s supposed to be guarding the gates of heaven. Oh no…he was being snarky to cover up how depressed he is and how little he believes anything matters anymore 😭
Nooooooooo. I’m glad Castiel is getting help from the angels but are they gonna try to put him in a leadership position again??
I sure hope nothing bad happens to this reaper. She’s apparently been keeping tabs on the boys since Dean almost died when Billie was revealed to be the new Death. She knows entirely too much about them (please don’t eat that three day old burger in your room, Dean. Please throw it out when you get back. NO! IT IS NOT FOR EMERGENCY CASES ONLY! IT IS FOR THE TRASH CAN, DEAN!!)
All-powerful Rowena is very hot
I can’t believe they’re summoning Jessica the reaper like she’s Siri or Janet from The Good Place
I have to know what Dean thinks is Ashton Kutcher’s best movie…
This is me officially turning my back on Sam forever no matter I say in his favor ever again. He’s destined to kill Rowena, and I can’t forgive that
Lmaoooo the angels lost their wings so long ago, Dean got unused to people just popping up in the backseat of his car
Hmmmmm…is Rowena trying to negotiate immortality for herself??
I did not realize the angel shortage was THAT DIRE. There’s about eleven left….anywhere, and that’s why heaven’s having power surges
God I love Rowena. Is she killing bad people in the pharmaceutical industry who lied about their product and hurt thousands of sick people? Yes…but she’s not doing it for the “right” reasons
Ohhhhhhhh, oh. She wants Crowley back 🥺 that’s why she’s trying to get Death’s attention
Bernard (Roro’s boy toy) is the most relatable character to me “she’s powerful, she’s gorgeous, and she’s paying me a small fortune. That woman didn’t have to cast a spell on me” I need him protected, but Dean’ll probably kill him :/
I love that she can stop witch killing bullets now 💖
Billie’s hands off policy for reapers is getting to be a liability for the boys. Rowena’s got Sam, and Dean could have gotten there sooner if Jessica could have helped him kill Bernard
Billie’s fair but….it still feels cruel.
It’s really off putting to hear that, in this universe where heaven and hell are very real places, “everything ends” includes heaven
Normally when you fight Death and lose, you die. But Rowena is special like that i guess
Plot Description: the Doctor and her friends encounter a seamstress named Rosa Parks
Fuck that bus driver. Stole her money and drove off
1955 Alabama is…an interesting place to forget is very dangerous for Ryan to be running around with his modern sensibilities
It’s not often that the local police force of an American town is a potential hindrance for the Doctor and companions
Who is this dude following them around?! I know that’s not what the new Master looks like
Pfffffft, the Doctor insinuating she could be banksy
Omg Graham telling the officer he’s Steve Jobs
The optimism expressed in this show is nice and I have to remember that this is a family show because…otherwise I’d be a little too jaded for it
Why does this guy want to stop Rosa from being on that bus so badly??
To be fair, if we’re in a room with Rosa Parks and MLK, I’d have a hard time not constantly using their full names, too, Ryan
Oh. The guy who was trying to stop Rosa was just racist……not the most interesting motivation, especially since Ryan got rid of him pretty quickly and easily with the dude’s own vortex manipulator
Obviously living in the Jim Crow south is harder, but strictly speaking from a character perspective, it must be hard for Graham to be one of the white people on that bus. His recently deceased wife ADORED Rosa Parks to the point that on their first date, when she found out he was a bus driver, she made sure he wasn’t like the one who told Rosa to move. This must feel like he’s betraying her
But they kept history from being nudged so I guess that’s that
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| wolfstar x reader | smut |
anon requested. marauders fucked you extra rough the night before and you wake up with a pain by your stomach. you have cervix trauma (your cervix is bruised... & impact play/knife play w the marauders but they accidentally push you too far and you end up having to go to the hospital wing...
a/n: these requests hit me so hard in the face and nothing would’ve prepared me but here we go because I want to make my angel babies happy
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“That’s how you want it, hmm?” Remus teased, kissing your neck, and you squirmed in his arms. You suddenly felt embarrassed by your boyfriends’ teasing and you regretted your brutal honesty.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you whined.
“We’re not laughing, bunny.” Sirius smirked, and Remus slipped out from behind you, tying your wrists to the headboard. They may not have been laughing, but they were certainly amused, and excited.
You’d had a stressful week, and you had shyly expressed to your boyfriends that you wanted to blow off some steam with some particularly rough sex. They were always ones to push your limits and melt your mind, but you rarely asked for it overtly. When you wanted it, you favored the approach of being a brat and teasing them until they ravaged you. 
You immediately began to tug at the restraints, getting used to them. Remus and Sirius watched you with feigned disappointment, watching your pathetic squirming.
“Already struggling? We’ve not even touched you yet.” 
You stopped immediately, turning to look at Remus pathetically. He came and knelt between your legs on the bed, skimming his hands up your body and feeling you.
“Silly girl, you ask for things and then struggle when we give them to you,” Remus mocked gently, and when you opened your mouth to object and defend yourself, he slapped the inside of your thigh. 
“We’re going to mark you up all pretty with bruises, make your body like a painting,” Sirius hummed, biting your skin lightly as he fondled your chest, getting you wet and squirmy. He was rough with you, liking to hear little pained, pleasured noises. It was all teeth and pinching, hickeys dotting your skin. 
Every time you made a noise from Sirius’ torture, Remus landed another slap to your body, leaving red handprints and light bruises rising to the surface. He knew how hard he could smack you without truly hurting you, and you trusted him, even if it frightened you in the moment. 
You squeaked as Sirius’ teeth grazed along your breast, lightly biting down on your nipple. He smirked and Remus pinched your clit, making you jolt. Sirius laughed darkly at your reaction, reveling in the sight of your torture. 
They continued on for much longer than you had anticipated or desired. They finally let up when you were begging them to fuck you. You were exhausted with pent-up need, and you wanted to release it and let your stress fade.
“Oh, bunny, are you all needy for our cocks?” Sirius teased, lightly pinching you and making you whine.
“M’so achey, I need you,” you pouted, desperate tears welling in your eyes.
“Crying for us to fuck you like a cockslut,” Remus rarely joined Sirius in degradation, but you were living for it. It was making arousal drip down your thighs and onto the bed sheets, and you pushed your hips up into his hand.  
“Be patient.” Remus lightly smacked your sex, pulling a choked moan from you. 
“Who do you want to fuck you first?” Sirius asked, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look him in the eyes. 
“Remus,” you whispered, earning a smile from the other boy. 
“Siri,” you whined when he pulled away from you.
“What, bunny?”
“Kiss me?” your eyes widened, and his stormy eyes softened slightly, dropping the bratty dom act. He leaned in and gently kissed you, swallowing the noise you made when Remus bent your knees to your chest.
“Fuck, daddy,” you yelped as he didn’t let you adjust, forcing himself into you all at once. 
“Pretty girls don’t use foul language like that. You know better.” Sirius smacked your cheek just hard enough to sting. Your eyes watered from the impact, and you hated that you loved it. 
“M’sorry,” you got out between Remus’ rough thrusts. He pulled nearly all the way out of you every time, hitting deep. You knew he went easier than Sirius, and your mind was spinning with adrenaline and anticipation. You were tight around him and the slight burning slowly eased, but didn’t disappear as he kept fucking into you.
“Play with her clit, Pads, let her get off at least once tonight. She’s been good taking all that,” Remus instructed the other boy. You tugged at your hands, wanting to grab the sheets to ground you as Sirius rubbed quick circles on your clit. He knew exactly how to touch you to rip an orgasm from you as quickly as possible, and you were coming within minutes, squeezing tightly around Remus as he continued to thrust.
“No more, Siri, please,” you begged as he stimulated you, and Remus pushed his hand away as he sheathed himself fully in you before pumping you full of his seed. He came deep inside of you, and you moaned loudly at the sensation. 
He pulled out of you, undoing the ties at your wrists. You went limp, and Sirius smirked. 
“No, bunny, you’re not done. C’mon, on your knees.” He flipped you face down and dragged your hips back, pulling you onto your knees and elbows. 
“I want to hear you scream.”
Without warning, Sirius was slamming into you from behind, somehow going even rougher than Remus had. His thrusts were fast and powerful, hitting deep parts of you that you didn’t even know existed.
As promised, Sirius had you screaming into the mattress, your fingers clawing at crimson sheets. Remus was making out with him over you, and you shuddered from the delicious pain that spiked through your body. You were moaning and whining, barely able to hold yourself up before he was done with you. 
You were relieved when Sirius finally hit his orgasm, the snapping of his hips against your ass ceasing. Your breathing was ragged and uneven as he let you down, Remus helping clean the three of you up. 
You collapsed when Sirius let go of your hips, curling up into a ball in the bed. Your entire body was throbbing and aching, and exhaustion seeped into your veins, dragging you into a heavy sleep. You were content, the stressful week gone, and all that was left was the feeling of your two boyfriends.
The boys took care of you affectionately before curling up in bed with you, pressing kisses to your cheeks, even in your dreamy state.
You struggled to wake up, your body feeling heavy with lethargy. Remus tried to get you up, and you refused to move from the warmth under the duvet. You were aching between your legs, and as you moved, you felt a sharp pain shoot deep in your belly. A whimper escaped your lips, and the boys teasing as they tried to get you up disappeared.
“Y/N, darling, what’s wrong?” Sirius softened at the noise of discomfort you made.
“Just give me a minute.”
The boys looked at each other but let you get up slowly. You needed to be in potions this morning, unable to miss the second half of the lecture from the day before. 
You were able to ignore the pain for a while, but by the end of class every movement sent a sharp jolt of pain deep inside of you. 
“Siri, I can’t,” you breathed, gripping his cloak. He fretted with worry, cursing himself for not letting you stay in bed.
“What is it, bunny?”
You put your hand on your abdomen, and he frowned, looking around before sighing. Sharp pain interfered with your focus, and you silently threatened to cry if Sirius didn’t help you. 
“Let’s get you to Pomfrey. Can you walk?”
You shook your head, and he let you onto his back, carrying you to the hospital wing. He’d alerted Remus, who met the two of you down in Pomfrey’s exam room. Remus’ expression was clouded with worry, and you felt guilty for scaring them. 
Pomfrey ushered the boys to wait on the other side of a screen, and Sirius leaned against Remus’s chest as they waited. Pomfrey had a look on her face when she moved the screen back, and they saw you drinking a potion behind her. 
“Y/N’s cervix is bruised. There isn’t much I can do other than give her the pain potion. She’s got to let it heal, so no more trauma to it. She’s fine, but she’ll be in pain for a while.” 
Both boys’ eyes widened, and you were red with embarrassment. Sirius couldn’t bite back a smug smirk, and even Remus looked rather pleased. You rolled your eyes at them, embarrassed that they were so proud of their work on you.
Once the three of you were back in your dorm, they were tearing into you.
“Can’t take cock as well as you thought, bunny?”
“We’re so big we just break you.” Remus was laughing, and Sirius had a grin plastered on his face. 
You covered your face in embarrassment, and Remus pulled your hands away. They wanted to see you blush as they continued their teasing, lightly pinching your sides.
“Told you we were going to destroy that little pussy,” Sirius giggled, and you hid your face in his sweater.
They continued their teasing, even while they got you snuggled into bed in their oversized clothes, making sure you were as comfortable as possible. Pomfrey’s potion had taken the edge off, but hadn’t alleviated the pain. You shifted a few times before Sirius got into bed with you, settling you between his legs.
“I’m sorry, darling.” Sirius finally relented, kissing your temple.
“I’m okay. Just maybe not that hard next time.”
Remus kissed you then, promising to be more gentle in the future. He apologized, and you kissed him sweetly before watching him go back to class. Sirius gently massaged your sore hips and legs, getting you to relax against him.
“You could’ve told us it was too much,” Sirius said, kissing your temple.
“I liked it, I was lost in it, didn’t realize how hard you were going.”
He kissed up your jaw before catching your lips, scolding you lightly for not paying attention to your body before finally letting you rest and sleep it off.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
c!multiple x god!reader
notes: the reader will be the god of death to make it a little bit more spicy :). c!punz’s pronouns are he/they, i’m not sure about the others, but i know theirs. also why does ranboo take away my gender? /j
word count: 1,672
warnings: arson, violence, cursing, yelling, mention of death, voices in technos part, spoilers for wilbur if you haven’t watch tommy’s lore stream, revival for wilbur, making a religion, time travel, egg, prison, stealing, anarchy, playful name calling
so obviously y’all would be a great match :)
you have creative mode, so when sap would ask you to give him a lighter and tnt, you would GLADLY give it
also, can we talk about him being a nether hybrid
fire squared
like fires left and right, hide your mom and your children in your house lol /j
but besides the whole arson thing, you favor him above anyone else on the server
like if he asks for diamond blocks, well here’s a whole inventory of it, also, here’s some ancient debris and some netherite
if someone asked, you would probably grant them with poison and curses, just because you can’t be “unloyal” to snapchat 
wouldn’t be lonely anymore
this duo is less chaotic, but chaotic enough where people avoid you
he still asks you for stuff, but most of the time, you don’t give him it because he annoys you too much about giving stuff
“hey y/n/n, can i pretty please get some emerald blocks.”
“nope bitch, get it yourself.”
but sometimes, you grant him some op shit, when it’s your good day
“because i’m being nice, here’s some diamond, now, don’t ask me again you little piss baby.”
“shut your trap y/n.”
“or what homeless teletubby, what are you going to do to a god like me?”
“you hang out with technoblade to much.”
maybe the least chaotic duo
you guys keep on relaxing and relaxing until the point where you don’t do anything
he barely asks you for anything, but only when it’s really really important, like a house or build
especially when he was building his little cottagecore house, he needed your godly presence to help
“y/n, what should the roof be made of?”
“i suggest brick, it makes it more aestheticy if that makes any sense.”
also barely any drama or tea with you guys
never arguing and never betraying each other is a must
also another least chaotic duo
literally help him with his bee farm, he will (platonically) love you forever
gotta be close to ranboo, that’s the rule
gives him SO much stuff, he’s a precious boi 🙄
also gotta be close to tommy, but not as much unfortunately
you help him pick out things for builds, like what material clashes with another, etc
“do you think that the wool and the netherite blocks look good together y/n?”
“nah, what i suggest is the wool with the gold, it looks perfect.”
sometiems, gotta put him in check because he gets a little ego built up
you definitely yank his horn a little too hard because of your IMMENSE STRENGTH
“calm down sunny, you were just getting a bit over your head a little.”
chaotic duo like sapnap
snaps at anyone who annoys you and vice versa
you give him EVERYTHING, obviously except op and creative
he tries to persuade you to do something, but dreamxd wouldn’t allow it, since he is the main boss
“come on y/n, give me op.”
“no tommy, xd will kick my ass.”
you would DEFINITELY help him with the Big Innit Hotel, making the whole layout and color palette.
both of you have an intense hatred for ranboo, since he “stole” tubbo away from tommy
least involved in everything
just stay in the tundra and drink some tea, and you’re good for all of your life
helps him get netherite all the time so your boii can get the good stuff 😬
when he mines to get diamonds, he literally prays to you
“y/n, if you’re listening, please give me a 6 vein, i desperately need it for my collection of diamond blocks.”
more than a 6 vein actually, a 12 vein
guess he needs to pray to you more
daily tea sessions, to talk about the good stuff, and NO, and i repeat NO skipping
threatening to flick water on him check ✅
Wilbur Soot
literally you spoil him
not to be angsty, but when he died and lost his last canon life, you revived him instead of Dream
now he’s practically at your knees
like he’s thinks that he owes you, but actually that’s the opposite
he was revived because you were lonely, and wanted your best friend back :(
prays to you when he goes to bed
“hey y/n, hope you’re having a great day, (platonically) love you.”
“love you too mortal.”
sometimes, to be at the peak of godness, you shower upon wilbur as gold to symbolize blessings, like zeus did before
“omg y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m trying to bless you, shut up bitch.”
just saying, he would make a religion about you :/
Karl Jacobs
omg don’t get me started on this
first, you wouldn’t codone him going back in time
he would definitely forget your name a lot, so that’s why you hated it
“hey karl, how are you doing?”
“i’m sorry, but do i know you?”
you were definitely the one to push him towards sapnap and quackity
this is also another spoiled boi
give him the entire world while you’re at it pwease
he wants a few diamonds, nope, give him a chest full of them
why are there so much chaotic duos in here?
literally chaos times infinity
energy to the max
literally, did you take an energy drink
grants him every wish he can randomly think off
“can i get a bucket with lava and a fish in it?”
“weird choice, but ok man.”
gotta be close to sap and karl or he isn’t your friend anymore /j
helps with las nevadas a lot, and definitely tries to rig the machines so you get money
“hey big q, i got 10,000 dollars.”
“that’s impossible... y/n, did you cheat?”
“nooo 😊”
help him preen his wings, and he goes “I LOVE YOU, MWAH MWAH.” obviously in his mind 🙄
definitely helps him maintain the prison
you both love setting up red stone contraptions and pistons and all that giz
“hey sam, do you know where the redstone torches are?”
“yeah, there behind the pistons in the back.”
also you helped build the prison, since he could do that by himself
“are you sure that lava wall will work y/n, your calculations seem inaccurate.”
“i’m sure sam, this will add some more security to this goddamn server.”
nerd squared lol
wouldn’t condone the egg
you warned him multiple times to get away from its grasp, but most of the times he’ll decline
“i won’t y/n, the egg is the future.”
he still, even after all the advancements, even after everything, he tries to ask you to join the eggpire
“come on y/n, you’ll like being with us.”
“i don’t wanna be on a stupid egg side, like let me crack the egg, i wanna eat it and turn it into a omelette.”
he doesn’t like that joke :(
but before he discovered the egg, both of you were joint at the hip
sight seeing was a must
languages being thrown around everywhere, since you were the little language muffin
steals stuff from everyone
hide your stuff, because the punzo-y/n team is unstoppable
definitely they can be really stubborn and indecisive
like one day, he will be like, “i need gold blocks.” and the next, “nevermind, i need netherite actually.”
like hon, stop switching
also anarchy buddies
burning down forests and buildings are your guys’s specialty
when you give him gold when they doesn’t ask, his heart goes brrr and his brain goes, “pog pog, they’re so cool, lets hug them.”
now this is the most deadly duo in the entire Dream Smp
better not piss you guys off 😐
he’s the Blood God, and you’re the God/Goddess/God being of Death
so if some occasion where you need to battle someone, like Techno’s enemies, *clears throat and murmurs Quackity*, you will obviously back your boy up :)
help him with enchanting and potions and he’s set for life
also you got have to be close to the great Philza Minecraft since him and Techno are buddy buddy
anarchy squared
helps with the voices since you have some of your own
“so what you’re saying is that i need to pay attention to them?”
“yeah, when i first learned that the voices were in my head, i tried to ignore them, but that sucked. so what i did was try to distract myself with various tasks, and that sucked.”
“so what do i do, you’re saying that i should listen to them, but how do i do that when they literally shout at me.”
“just embrace it, obviously when they do their little chant of blood for the blood god, you have to ignore them.”
“you suck at advice.”
Philza Minecraft
so since both of you resemble death, him being the Angel of Death and you being the God/Goddess/God being of Death, y’all are fucking best friends, platonic soulmates if you will
death squared
watch out, because if you piss them off, prepare to d-
gotta be close to Ranboo and Techno, and obviously others who he platonically likes
he doesn’t need to ask you for stuff, he’s the fricking Angel of Death, but he will ask you to preen his wings :D
“ow, not there y/n.”
“oh shut up grandpa, let me do it.”
Dream XD
two gods at once, damn there is so much chaos
left and right, you guys are noticed by everyone, like purrrr
y’all would be in some fancy shit, to show your power
you would get jealous of him hanging out with george
“why are you jealous y/n?”
“you’re hanging out with george to much, hang out with me please :(.”
gifts are a must, even though both of you have access to creative
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