#I’m reading up on everyone’s Lilith placements .. yes you reading this
yukierree · 2 years
The power I hold when someone sends me their birthchart is insane *evil villain laugh*
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astropookie · 1 year
transparent? placements pt2
as requested, part 2 🌝 hope you like it!!🫶🏼❤️
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Picture from Pinterest.
*Birth chart placements
Mars 8H
These ones don’t support the superficial, they can’t take it. They’re perseverant. They’re passionate. Don’t underestimate them, they have A LOT of power and inner strength. They don’t like it. When you’re acting, when you judge or you’re not speaking your mind, they just don’t like it. They hate it. They’re just them, you can’t ignore them, they can’t be ignored. They’re something else. Their self is full of confidence. My friend that have this placement DONT FUCK with people that says something and does another. HE CANT -stand them-. What he admires is honesty and free spirit non-judgmental people, bc this makes them be open to new experiences that could make them become or figure out their potential, passions and desires; what determines them and live without a fucking “what other people think/care” mindset. Also, this is what mars 8H struggles somehow the most. -That’s why?-They admire when they see someone that has become in tune with their potential. So yes, they’re transparent in a way they can’t stand with the ones they’re not.
Scorpio + Earth placements
All the fucking time I’ve met someone with these placements, they always makes it clear when they like a person or don’t. Water (pisces -not too much but yes- and cancer) + earth placement will hesitate and act like they do care about the person to not hurt their feelings, bc of empathy and whatever. HA. Earth placements + scorpio is completely opposite. They’re honest and direct, based on the perspective I have by being friends with them or their daughter🙄. They’ll tell you “I don’t like her”, “she hides something”, “a little weird, I see”. They be having INTUITION, but a intuition that frightens if it doesn’t benefits you and that reliefs if you’re by their side. They can see you. They can tell, what you hide. If you’re good or bad by their terms and morals, if you’re lying or if you want to. It could be that they get carried away by the relationship they have with their loved ones, the love and care they have for them that blinds them to not believe or to not listen to their intuition. But when the emotional is not persistent -when they don’t have a close relationship with you-, the rational side (earth) balance the emotional side (scorpio) to use their intuition to add arguments in their conclusion that’s made with evidence. Still, they always end up knowing. They’re transparent by making it clear if they like you or not, if you hide something or not and I can keep going.
(Example of a chart: scorpio moon, taurus ascendant with taurus degree, capricorn venus with scorpio degree, capricorn chiron, taurus lilith and etc.) (b chart: scorpio sun, moon and venus, neptune, Capricorn rising, virgo mars and etc.)
Lilith trine Moon
Such an interesting aspect. They can reveal what they truly feel without feeling shame, without a barrier. They feel comfortable talking about taboos, that not only mean sex, taboos for me also can mean to show your emotions, embracing them, let yourself feel. Like a river if you’ll like a metaphor. And in the right moment they show them -I’d they believe-. You can clearly see lilith trine moon has A LOT of introspection bc of pure desire of analyzing others🤪. They need it. They could be pretty obvious when they love someone, when they want to protect them. There’s full passion and determination that motivates them. They accept that not everything is logical and they let themselves be. Yet, they have to overcome their superficial feelings to enter that aspect and shi 😚
Sagittarius EVERYTHING
pass this part if you don’t want to read too much
I have to recall and specify -not everyone will agree- placements: Mercury and Venus. In my experience those are the ones that are TRANSPARENT -planets that are in big 6 and I’m only referring to signs and not houses (9H) and also not degrees (9° and 21°) but they count ALOT. I haven’t checked if I have known someone with sag rising but I have with sag moon and it scares me HAKDBSJD. clarifying☝️ they get bored easily and they can do something out of nowhere that you didn’t expect and that’s not kind of appropriate or can be uncomfortable. THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE WITH 1 PERSON so don’t base yourself on it pls ty.
Obviously. wtf. these series weren’t going anywhere without the mention of Sagittarius. They think it, they say it. They don’t need to think about it, they don’t do it, THEY SPILL IT. Without a filter, without care until a moment later they be thinking if they were too rude, depending on the moon and etc. BUT WTF HAHA. For the weird and complexed ones, they can seem weird. The truth is that they’re jealous of the free spirit, soul and mind they have in front of them. They say it, you wanting it or not, they feel the need to. They’re the kid/sibling that haunts you bc they know too much and they can say something random that have to do with the secret you’ve told them. I’m not saying they can’t keep secrets, but they can speak without thinking. Even tho that, they speak their mind with help of their knowledge. They fucking know something and they say it. They are a little bit of a headache, they presume and talk and you want to cut their tongue. sometimes 🥰
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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bakuwhoabro · 3 years
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The Owl House Introspective | Zodiac Signs
hello hello. so it seems there aren’t any canon birthdays for the characters (yet). and me being me, i love to know character’s astrology signs because it’s a passion of mine! and i’ve more than enough time on my hands, so let’s take a deep dive into what the character’s signs could be!
*this is just my opinion based on my knowledge of astrology and how i interpret the signs. i’d love to hear what you think, if you agree or disagree!
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Luz Noceda
Luz Luz Luz. Okay. So I’m not great at doing summaries for characters, BUT it’s easy to see that she can be very short tempered and act before thinking. She comes off as very social and easily gets along with everyone she meets. She’s high energy and seemingly is always on the go. But that’s just on the surface. At her core, she is very family oriented. She can be very emotional and I feel that family really drives her to make the decisions she does. She would do anything for anyone she cares for. She is most definitely creative and imaginative. And at her worst, she’s pessimistic and moody. And with that being said, Luz is a
Cancer Sun, Aries Rising.
(Possibly Libra Moon but I was too lazy to think that deep into it right now.)
I saw both of these results when trying to find her sign, and I think this works out so well. When we first meet her, she resembles an Aries. Loud and outspoken. A little firecracker ready to stand up for what she believes in. And I think her core (her sun sign) really powers this. As we get to know her, we see a more emotional side to her. As for the Libra moon thing, I took a quiz to get an idea of what signs she may be and Libra was in the top three. And it would make sense. But I’m not entirely sure.
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Eda Clawthorne
The wonderful, amazing, perfect, beautiful, awesome, (okay, we get it you love Eda) Eda. She’s hard to figure out. Which is a part of her character so cool deal. She is outgoing and passionate. She adapts very easily to change and maybe even prefers it. She loves adventure and definitely doesn’t like to be forced into a single box. She wants to learn any and everything. She thrives on being able to do her own thing and figure out the world through experience rather than learning by the book. She is humorous and fun to be around. But she can also be impulsive and not really think before she acts. She also doesn’t really consider others when doing so. But despite all of that, she is also very secretive. She hides a lot of herself and rarely opens up emotionally, even though she has a lot of feelings. She hides her emotions often. This is a conflict between her sun sign and rising sign, though her rising tends to hide emotions despite having a surplus of them. With all that being said, Eda is a
Sagittarius Sun, Scorpio Rising.
(Aries moon maybe, I dunno. Aries is somewhere in her chart. Maybe she’s an Aries Mars but I’m not going that deep 😂)
As a fellow Sagittarius, I relate to her a lot in terms of her description I wrote. Sagittarians tend to hide their emotions and insecurities under a facade of optimism and outgoing-ness. They don’t like to dwell on the negative and just want to have fun. They bounce around place to place in search of what fills them with life. Motivation. Knowledge. And with her rising, she can present herself as mysterious. There is a conflict in the show where she doesn’t really open up (aka. Raine.). And since rising signs symbolize the ‘you’ you show to others, this checks out.
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King!!!! I fucking love this guy. He’s funny. Deadpan kinda humor. So first impressions, he’s very extravagant and loves being the center of attention. He loves control and likes to feel as if he is a leader in all situations. He can be very egotistical. And he definitely has tendencies of pushing people under the bus in order to gain for himself. He has a dark sense of humor and can be violent. There’s a lot under that “me me me” surface though. He can be very dedicated and passionate. He hides his emotions, much like Eda. He doesn’t like the fact that a lot of his past is unknown. He doesn’t like not being in the know. A lot of his character is secretive, not necessarily by choice. That being said, the lovely King is a:
Scorpio Sun, Leo Rising.
(Apparently Sagittarius and Virgo were high up in the rankings for him, so that can be taken into consideration for his moon. Virgo moon maybe. Sagittarius doesn’t really fit his vibe??)
I know a lot of people might see him as a Leo sun, but I think Leo Rising fits him more since that’s what he portrays to others. Think of rising signs as your “outer” self and your sun sign as your “inner” self. That’s very vague and it all depends on your chart as a whole but that makes it a little easier to understand, at least for me. As we get to know King, there is a deep vast of emotions under the surface of his confident and cocky exterior. I think these placements fit him well.
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Okay. Hm. Love to hate him. Hate to love him. Just as you’re starting to like him, he just- pulls a Hooty. He’s good natured at heart. All he wants is everyone in his life to get along and love each other. And he will stop at nothing to help solve any conflict. It’s almost as if he wants to feel wanted. He’s got a maternal vibe to him too. He is also very emotional, and it annoys me when he goes all “woe is me”. But that’s Hooty. He craves to be accepted just as he accepts everyone else. He cares deeply for his family. So Hooty is a:
Libra Sun, Cancer Rising.
(Virgo moon maybe. Virgo was high up there. Virgo something.)
These placements just make sense with who he is. I personally don’t like cancers for the sole reason that they act like hooty at their worst (and I’ve only met Cancers who were at their worst sadly.) But he’s also so warm hearted and loves to care for others. Libra’s want everything to be equal and for everything to be harmonious. And that’s exactly what Hooty strives for.
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Amity Blight
One of the best character development I’ve seen with this one, so far at least I don’t watch a lot of new media. But no, I love her. I’m sure we all do. She’s very cool. At first glance, she is very passionate about her status and goals. She works very hard to keep up the appearance of power and control. She wants to come off as put together. Everything has to go perfectly for her. And it seemingly is, but that’s only a mask. Under all of that is a girl who is overwhelmed with the pressure to be perfect. The pressure of fitting her parent’s expectations, as well as her own. Expectations that are wildly unachievable at the rate she wants. She’s meticulous with her ways. But also shy and reserved. She is picky when it comes to people she opens up to. But when she deems a person worthy of her time, she is more than caring. She pushes herself too hard and she is way to hard on herself. She strives to be the best even if it takes away from her sanity. And with that being said, Amity is a:
Virgo Sun, Capricorn Rising.
(Potential Aquarius Moon because yes.)
If any of you have known a Capricorn, you can’t deny Amity acts like one. She can be rude at first. She is intimidating. She is THE best. She works hard and never stops. But she also is very pessimistic and judges herself hard. I don’t know how to describe it, you’d have to be close with a Capricorn to understand what I mean when I explain them. As for her sun, this is perfect. I don’t understand earth signs very much so I can’t truly describe them to you, but she’s a Virgo. For sure. It’s the vibe they give off.
And that’s that for the main-ish cast! If you’d like me to cover the supporting characters, such as Willow, Gus, Lilith, Raine, Hunter etc- let me know. I probably will. What did you think of my interpretations? I think I got pretty close! Of course, I might be off when their birthdays are ever released, but I like what I decided on. I love love love astrology and diving deep into their potential charts in accordance to how they are etc. I do this in my free time (aka. at 3am when I’m bored.) so I decided to share. I might do more for other shows! What are your sign(s)? Do you relate to any of these characters?
Anyways, I’m off. Thanks for reading. Ignore any typos I’ve missed. It’s 2am and I’m tired.
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (Part 17 of ??)
Hello everyone! Thank you all for being so patient! I had pretty bad writers block and couldn’t figure out where I wanted the story to go from the last chapter. I was also dealing with some irl problems as well. It seems like a lot of creators were having the same problems though January and February though. Hopefully March will make everything smooth out! I think I figured out where to go from here (I have the end all planned out, but getting there without ruining the pacing is what’s been giving me problems). I appreciate everyone’s patience while I figured things out, and hopefully I can get back on a normalized schedule!
Anywho, if you’re new to this story and would like to start at the beginning, here’s the link to part 1. Every chapter should have a link to the next part at the end, so hopefully you decide to read it all :D
Tags <3 : @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia @a-dream-at-night @chloelikesobeyme @getbehindme-satan @theuglypugling @oofthelazyweeb @mammonismyfirstman (I’m not great about putting this on every chapter, but if you want to be added to the tags list, just comment below asking to be added (I don’t want to assume everyone commenting wants a tag so just make sure to mention tag in the comment) or you can send me a DM :) Also, I just went through all the chapters so far and I think I have everyone. If I missed you just remind me and I’ll put you in!)
Word Count: 2566
TW: some angst relating to last chapter but that’s about it
Satan sat in his room, contemplating whether telling Mc about Michael was a good idea or not. It’d been a couple days since she’d come over and he hadn’t heard anything from her. It was worrying him more than he wanted to admit, but he knew from spending a lot of time with her as a human, it would be a better idea for him to leave her alone until she was ready to talk to him. From the way she speaks about him, it’s pretty clear their relationship is a bit strained. Actually, it reminds me a bit of me and Lucifer, though with obvious differences. 
While the Avatar of Wrath would never admit it aloud, he did have a kind of respect for Lucifer. It took a different form than anyone else’s mostly because he knew him. All of him. Flaws, strengths, weaknesses, secrets. Well, at least up until his birth. He’d had no idea about Lilith and what Lucifer had done. Lucifer had definitely changed a lot since the Fall, but Satan could generally figure out what he was thinking or how he was going to respond to a situation. So, what was going on with Mc and Michael?
Obviously he didn’t want her talking with him at least. There was probably some fear she’d fall, taking the path of her ancestor but for a being in the Devildom. He couldn’t see any war resulting from her Falling. It would be from her own choice, with no forbidden fruit or humans involved. He was pretty sure Michael didn’t feel anything romantic for her, so it probably wasn’t anything involved in wanting her to stay for him. So why?
He was pulled from his thoughts by his DDD ringing. Hoping it was Mc, he answered by the second ring, “Hello?”
“Congratulations! You’ve won an-” Satan growled and hung up. Stupid solicitor.
There was a knock at his door, “Yo Satan. I got somethin’ for ya’,” Satan sighed, but got up to answer the door. Pulling it open, he saw Mammon and Mc on the other side, “Said she wanted ta talk ta ya. It sounded urgent so…” Mammon smiled a bit apologetically.
“That’s quite alright. Mc, hello. How lovely to see you. Do you want to come in?”
“I’d appreciate that. Thank you,” Mc entered his room as Satan shot daggers through his eyes at Mammon.
“A little warning next time would be nice.”
“Oi! If ya hadn’t been so… gloomy lately maybe I wouldn’t have been so worried- No, ya should just be grateful to the Great Mammon. I’m not an errand boy ya know,” and with that, Mammon stalked off down the hallway.
Satan rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything back. He understood Mammon was just trying to help him, “Well, it’s nice to see you Mc. How… Are you okay?” Mc was turning slowly, looking at his room in awe. He would’ve just figured she was simply impressed by his room like she had been the other first time she’d seen it, but she looked rattled.
“Oh! I was just… Umm… Your collection is really impressive,” she deflected his question, smiling. The unease remained in her eyes though.
“Yes. This is my personal collection,” Satan answered, leaving his question unanswered.
“It’s quite… impressive,” as she turned, Satan caught her frown again. Does she not like how messy it is?
“Though they’re not all on shelves, I make sure they’re all kept in good shape. I honestly just don’t have enough wall space or bookshelves for them all.”
“Oh… I understand. I tend to get book piles too,” Mc answered, a bit caught off guard. 
So it’s not the mess. What could it be?
“So, what are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you. I just haven’t heard from you for a couple days.”
“I’m sorry about that and just showing up out of the blue like this. I had a lot to think about after… last time, and some things to research. Then inspiration randomly struck for my next art show. Not to mention, Michael’s been keeping a close eye on me ever since he blew up. I wanted to see you, and I didn’t even think to message you first. I’m sorry about that.”
Satan was at a loss for words. She wanted to come see me. She wanted to see me so much, she just showed up. I should really say something to her right now, but I’m not sure what to say.
“You’re not angry with me, are you?” Mc turned back to him, looking worried.
“Of course not. I was afraid you were possibly upset with me, and Lucifer I suppose, for what we told you. I know hearing something like that must be hard.”
Mc smiled, “Well, that’s good to know. As to what you told me… I do trust you guys. More so than I trust most of the other angels in fact… But you are demons and what you told me was… Anyway, I was researching what you told me to see if I could corroborate your story and I did find a couple different mentions of Lilith, one of which told of a connection between her and the fruit. I couldn’t prove or disprove the claims that he… That he was the one that shot her, but with how defensive he immediately got after I mentioned seven angels falling instead of six… I… I can’t bring myself to believe he’d do something that terrible yet, but I do believe you guys on everything else, and… it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. In any case, the Celestial Realm definitely covered up much of the war, including its causes. I had a suspicion when I originally learned about it, but figured it was all just in my head,” Mc looked Satan straight in the eyes, “I want to thank you for being honest with me.”
“How are you so sure we didn’t lie to you? Like you said, we are demons.”
“Call it a hunch,” Mc smiled, “Anyway, I really appreciate it, and I wanted you to have this,” she handed him a very lifelike drawing, “I thought you might like cats, so I frew my favorite one from the Celestial Realm.”
Satan couldn’t believe his eyes, “Leo?”
“That’s Leo. I… half adopted him a while ago.”
“How can you tell?”
“Well, he’s got hearts all over him right? The one on his forehead and chest are the most prominent, but there’s a couple more on his back and stomach right? Hold on. I have a couple photos here,” and Satan went rustling through a drawer. It was hard to find a photo of him without Mc, but he knew there were some. Leo was a cat that he and Mc had adopted together. She’d used all her charm and reasoning skills to get Lucifer to agree to allowing a cat in the house. She had promised him it would only be the one cat, though they secretly were planning on getting another once Leo passed. They unfortunately didn’t get the chance to see that happen, as Mc passed away before Leo did. Lucifer had allowed Satan to keep the cat as a way to cope with Mc’s death. He listened to me! I told him to go find his Mom once he left me, and he did! I’m so happy!
He finally found a good picture to show Mc, “See? Same cat.”
“Oh my! You’re right! That’s incredible!”
“So, you said he was your favorite?”
“Yeah. Because of how transient most cats are, they don’t spend long in the Celestial Realm. He may not spend a lot of time with me, but I do see him around a lot, and he has comforted me before. A lot of the other angels think he was a pet of mine from my human life, and that's why he sticks around.”
“Well, who wouldn’t want to stay with you?”
Mc looked up at Satan, “You really think that?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“You didn’t even know me then. What if I was boring or really dumb in the human realm?”
Satan slapped himself internally for not being more careful, “I highly doubt you were either of those two things. I know when people come down here, they don’t lose any of their personality.”
“Yup. It makes the whole process of breaking them so much more entertaining,” seeing Mc’s worried expression, he cleared his throat and moved on, “With that line of thinking, angels would be the same way. Your placement was just decided by how good you were in life.”
“What if I was a Wanderer though?”
Satan sucked in a breath at that. She had been a Wanderer? There was a chance she could have ended up here with him?
“There’s a lot of theories on why someone might Wander. None of them are conclusive though. I wouldn’t worry too much about it if I were you.”
“When the time comes, will you answer my questions?” Mc didn’t look at Satan, but he had the feeling this was an extremely important question.
“Of course I will.”
Satan watched some tension leave Mc’s body, as she turned to him and smiled sincerely, “Thank you.”
“Well, of course. That’s assuming I can answer them.”
“I have a feeling you’ll be able to,” she answered cryptically.
“Very well then. Since you’re here, would you like to stay and read? Or we can go somewhere if you’d like,” she turned to him, and he couldn’t help the words that fell from his lips, “I just want to spend some time with you.”
Mc looked a bit shocked, but then she smiled softly, “I’d really like that.”
They decided on reading, but not before they went downstairs to grab some snacks. As predicted, Beel was there as well.
“Hey Mc,” Beel grinned, his feast not yet begun.
“Hi Beelze… Actually, is it alright if I call you Beel?”
“Huh? Why wouldn’t it be okay?” Beel cocked his head to the side in confusion.
“It’s just… I don’t know you very well, so I didn’t know if it was alright. Plus, they always refer to you as Beelzebub in the Celestial Realm.”
“Wait… Do they talk about us up in the Celestial Realm?”
“Not a lot, but when speaking about our history they do talk about you all, especially Lucifer.”
“What do they say about me?” Beel had grabbed his wrist.
“Yeah, what do they say about us? I wanna know,” Belphie’s head popped out from underneath the table, making Mc yelp a little and grabbed onto Satan’s arm. His hand automatically covered hers, a reflex from when she had been a human.
“Oh yeah. Belphie’s here too,” Beel added happily, watching the angel and his brother.
Belphie smirked, eyes on their arms, “So, what do they say about us?”
“You give me a near heart attack and then carry on like nothing happened?” Mc asked, a bit embarrassed.
“Your fault for not looking,” Belphie grunted, looking at Satan who was nearly frozen in place, his eyes focused on the point of contact, “You woke me up so maybe you should be apologizing to me.”
“Belphie, don’t be mean. You were hiding weren’t you?” Beel asked.
“Well, yeah, but that’s not the point. And how long are you going to keep clinging to my brother like that? I know he’s stronger than me, but I’m not going to hurt you.”
Mc looked to see she was still grabbing Satan’s arm, “Eep! S-Sorry! I didn’t realize,” she removed herself and took a step away, face burning.
“That’s quite alright Mc,” Satan managed to get out.
“So, what’d you guys come down here for?” Beel asked, frowning a bit at Belphie.
“Ah, right. Snacks. We came down for snacks,” Mc said quickly, face still flushed.
“I can help with that,” Beel said, “Come over here Mc and I’ll help you pick food out.” By the time their snacks were decided, both Mc and Satan had to carry them up to his room.
“We have way too many snacks,” Satan observed, “I’ll still have some in my room a month from now.”
“Awww, come on you guys! I went down to resupply early to avoid Beel taking everything, but it was really you two I needed to watch out for?”
“He was already there when we went down. He sent us back with all this,” Satan answered, not really wanting to deal with Levi at the moment. The twins had already taken up enough valuable reading time as it was.
“Of course he would. He never thinks about me when he cleans out the fridge. It’s not like it’s easy for me to just leave the house to go get something, but no one ever thinks about me. It’s probably because I’m a-”
“Oh, do you want these then?” Mc cut him off, extending her full arms.
“Wha…? You’re giving these to me?”
“Sure. Why not?” Mc smiled at him.
Levi’s eyes went wide and his lower lip quivered a bit, “You’re so kind. You’re truly an angel now.”
“Because I wasn’t before?” Mc chuckled.
Levi’s eyes got even wider and he looked down, “W-Well, I-I… Just… Thank you for the food. I think I need to go back to my room now!”
“Oh, sure. Here you go,” the snacks were handed off, Levi only dropping 3 in his haste, and then he was walking as quickly as he could down the hallway towards his room.
“That was weird,” Mc commented, watching him hurry down the hallway.
“He’s weird,” Satan sighed, extremely grumpy that Levi not only interrupted them but then said something so thoughtless, “Don’t worry about him.”
“Sure,” Mc replied, though he was sure she was still wondering about it.
“Let’s just get to my room before we’re interrupted by anyone else.”
Satan closed his book and stretched, enjoying the increase in blood flow throughout his body, “How are you enjoying- Oh,” Mc, who he had given the bed to, the place she had read before they would read cuddled together, was asleep. She was breathing deeply, book still clutched in her hand.
Chuckling, Satan padded over to the bed, and pulled a blanket over her. Coincidentally, it was one she had given him. She had been convinced it was the best blanket for reading ever. He had put a perseverance spell on it so it never got worn past where it was comfortable. Now that he had it for a long time, he found himself agreeing with her.
He allowed himself a moment to admire her sleeping form, the muntins in his window throwing a line across her face. She adjusted in her sleep, pulling the blanket closer. She smiled sleepily, murmuring something that almost sounded like his name. She truly is just as beautiful as before she left that last time. The last time I ever saw her alive…
His hand caressed her jaw line before he knew what he was doing, “I’ll never lose you again. For as long as you’ll allow me in your life, I’ll be here. I promise you that,” he whispered, leaning down and lightly pressing his lips to her forehead.
She stirred at the contact, eyes opening sleepily and focusing on him, “Mnh, Satan?”
As always, likes, comments and reblogs are always welcome! Until next time!
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gg-astrology · 5 years
okay so idk how to really explain but is there any compatibility in sister signs + opposites in the calendar year?? Like would a Taurus born on April 24 be compatible with a Scorpio born on October 24?? Is there any correlation with birthdays exactly 6 months apart with compatibility?? Thank you and I absolutely adore your blog 💕💕
Hey there!! ❤️💕 
Musing on Sister Signs + specific time-frame, generational construct (loose) ⬇️
🚫long post🚫
*not even sure if i worded the title right for this read more but its basically me looking at sister signs + shorter time frame of around 6 months instead of years (shortest time-frame for this) and how it might? affect us in our peer groups idk but its fun!!! i had fun!!!❤️💕
Sister signs are very valid uwu ❤️💕 Just in general/across the board as well (I know thats probably not what you asked but let me just start with this) – sister signs across different ages/generations can often bring various insights and work at specific points in their life, that may/may not uplift each other– just depends on how well you get along with that person as well tbh ❤️💕 
In terms of having the same calendar year 🤔just like those you share similar generational planets with + social planets too, certain things can pull you closer to one another ❤️💕It’s not to say we’re completely the same as our peers, but think about how sometimes certain individuals born during certain transits – can benefit from different configurations in their chart. 
Say we have a generation of those born with Sag Jupiter, Cap Saturn, Aquarius Uranus + Neptune and Cap Pluto (right now) and person A is a Cap Sun. Whilst person B is a Cancer Sun. Person A might find themselves having conjunctions to the Cap Saturn/Pluto. Whilst person B might be in opposition to their social + generational planet instead. 
I say ‘might’ because you can be born degrees apart from it, which can in turn not have it in conjunction/opposition. But it is something to think about– like just in terms of sharing these placements but how it could affect different groups of people tremendously, shaping their experience from one another just looking at a focused group – your peers of the same age as you y know? 
Separately it’s also interesting to think about transits, particularly ones that may be slower moving or indirect. Sometimes we may find ourselves separated between those born at the beginning of the next year over or maybe feeling closer to those born at the end of the year earlier. 4-6 months transits that affects us in term of this *wriggly hands* time-space is also very interesting to think about. The constraint and construct around it.   
Other than that, it would also be interesting to figure out someone’s house divisions. The time we shift through the houses can be irregular (*there are time-based house systems and space-based house systems we can technically use, but placidus is usually categorized as a time-based system)– so it’s not always a guarantee that those born categorically 12 hours after us would always be our opposite sign asc. This is more to do with the house system we use, but it’s so cool to think about. 
I made an entry to be the opposite of me born in the same calendar year on astro.com. It turns out that fortunately this metaphorical person (anyone born July 10th 1995, at 4.18am close to where I was born) would probably be a gemini rising (im a sag rising) with cancer sun in 2nd (im a cap sun in 2nd) gem venus in 1st (im sag venus in 1st) sag moon in 6th (im taurus moon in 6th). Interestingly, they would have their Virgo mars in 4th and Pisces Saturn in 10th. Whilst I have my Virgo mars in 10th and Pisces Saturn in 4th instead.
I’m amazed at the similarity in the result, but that’s also because I live near the tropics and the placidus system prefers that. We don’t have intercepted signs/houses – the more you move apart from the equator, the more the house division gets a little wonkier. 
Also, although it looked pretty amazing for me – I don’t think its the same with everyone else. House divisions especially can be pretty tricky. Whilst this person doesn’t have Pluto in 12th like I do (conjunct to my 1st house stel) they do have a 6th house stel instead (Scorpio/Sag in the 6th). Pick a poison in this case, but it’s interesting to see how the sky shifts/moves through space during a specific time frame (6 months apart).
… I just realized I completely got into beepity boopity-ing over the hypothesis you brought up and forgot to actually answer the question. But um!!! yes!! ❤️💕 compatibility for sister sign is usually focused on balance, since they’re opposite signs. The idea here is that because in your overlays– your sun signs would occupy the opposite houses for each of you. In the case that you don’t share the same asc – it would mean you’d have oppositions in up to 4 different houses (you together). Thats 4 different affairs. Just from the sun signs alone. And that can be interesting to look at and think about, just like– differences but also similarities, and how you handle/manage that as well.
But i’d advise to probably look at your other stuff as well, not just sun signs. Your Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars –even your outer planets + social planets so what you can do together or see who’s which/where/what. Aspects that it makes to each other and maybe even space/points/asteroids i.e. lilith, eros, Juno can be good to check too. Sun sign astrology can only do so much for synastry, but hey anyways. Composite charts might be good too? It’s kinda like your relationship chart in a way. It’s usually the mid-point between you two together, which is really fun to see. But yeah ❤️💕 I hope I didn’t make this too long and rambly ;; ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕 Thank u for asking!! ❤️💕❤️💕  
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eyecicles · 7 years
Hi, you say that L is a Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon and Aquarius Rising, have you thought of all of his placements and the astrology placements of the other death note characters? (I'm very interested in astrology and death note and your opinion on this)
Oh god, I could probably write you a book about this, haha. That’s three (DN, L, astrology) special interests at once! So thanks for the question.
(Again: it’s not meant to be taken 100% seriously and just something I do because my brain loves to obsess over certain topics, so please, anyone who reads this, don’t come to me with the “Validity of Astrology Discourse”)
We neither know the exact time of L’s birth, nor where he was born (and that’s true for every DN character, it’s just especially complicated with him because of his ethically mixed background). Which means that we will probably never know the placements of his Houses, but the rest of his radix is fortunately pretty much set. I looked it up for various potential birthplaces (relevant are: England (Europe is tiny, so it would only make a minimal difference if he was born in Italy or France), Russia (I tried a few places for Russia, for obvious reasons) and Japan) and at least none of his luminaries change signs, depending on where he was born, so that’s great.
I also tried many different times for the time of his birth and this is the one I probably like the best:
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As I said, I headcanon his AC to be in Aquarius, but that’s not the only thing I like about this: it would put his Scorpio sun almost at the zenith and in the 8th house too. He’s quite the extreme Scorpio, in my opinion, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if his sun were in the “Scorpio House” on top of it. (I could also talk about his MC and IC in Sagittarius and Gemini, but then I would never stop talking, so I’ll shut up for now) (Or his Leo DC *cough*) (Or that Pisces - where also his moon is - is caged in this one)
I also consider this:
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It’s pretty different, as you can see, and I think Virgo Rising is less likely than Aquarius rising, but what I like about this, is that most of the luminaries are under the horizon (which would fit his introverted and secretive nature) and also left (which would fit his self-centered nature). (And his DC in Pisces would be interesting too, considering his weird, complicated relationship with Light, who’s Pisces)
I looked at his horoscope with various other House placements too, but whatever.
So, anyway, funnily enough, all of this:
Scorpio Sun
Pisces Moon
Sagittarius Mercury (barely, though, his Mercury is still heavily influenced by Scorpio)
Scorpio Venus
Leo Mars
Virgo Jupiter
Virgo Saturn
Scorpio Uranus
Sagittarius Neptune
Libra Pluto
Virgo Lunar Node
Libra Lilith
Taurus Chiron
Pisces Pholus
is canon. Of course, Ohba doesn’t give fuck about any of this, except his Sun (I think), but I’m still very satisfied with practically all of this and can’t help but analyse it in my spare time.
And I think this:
Scorpio Sun, House 8
Pisces Moon, House 1/Rising
Sagittarius Mercury, House 9
Scorpio Venus, House 9
Leo Mars, House7
Virgo Jupiter, House7
Virgo Saturn, House7
Scorpio Uranus, House9
Sagittarius Neptune, House10/MC
Libra Pluto, House8
Virgo Lunar Node, House7
Libra Lilith, House7/8 (8, imo)
Taurus Chiron, House 2/3
Pisces Pholus, House1/Rising
looks very, very good. Pisces Moon in AC would probably surprise a few people, but think about his pale skin, round, bulging eyes and his wacky (”loony”) hair. Seriously, he’s quite the classic water type. It would also explain why he does everything he needs to do to feel comfortable (eating sweets, walking barefoot, limp posture, wearing only certain, comfortable clothes = classic Pisces stuff) in front of everyone (which is part of what the AC stands for), without caring about what people might think (= Aquarius Rising).
And where does his incredible stubbornness come from? Mainly from basically everything about his Sun, Leo Mars and Sagittarius MC. Honestly, the motto of a Leo Mars in DC could very well be: “
He who moves first always wins.
The only thing I don’t like about this, is that it would make the 7th House his most prominent House……. I have no idea what to make of that.
As for other DN characters: yes, I’ve thought about most of the main character’s placements too. And it’s really nice that we know all of their birthdays & the years there were born in and can also guess at least the country they were born in.
So, in my opinion,
is either Capricorn Rising or Virgo Rising:
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(This “looks” more like him, but I like some other parts of the second one better) (Libra Moon at the centre is just…. very Light-ish)
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(especially that his Moon would already have some Scorpio influence in this one) (But Gemini MC sounds… unlikely)
So I think his radix would either look like this: 
Pisces Sun, House 2Libra Moon, House 9Pisces with Aries Mercury, House 2Pisces Venus, House 2Sagittarius Mars, House 11Pisceswith Aquarius Jupiter, House 2Sagittarius Saturn, House 11Sagittarius Uranus, House 11/12 (I’m sure it’s 12)Capricorn Neptune, House 12Scorpio Pluto, House 10/MCTaurus with AriesLunar Node, House 3Taurus Lilith, House 4/ICGemini Chiron, House 5Taurus with AriesPholus, House¾ (maybe IC)
or this:
Pisces Sun, House 6/7 Libra with Scorpio Moon, House 2Pisces with Aries Mercury, House 7Pisces Venus, House 7Sagittarius Mars, House 4/ICPisces with Aquarius Jupiter, House 6Sagittarius Saturn, House 4/ICSagittarius Uranus, House 4/ICCapricorn Neptune, House 4/ICScorpio Pluto, House 3Taurus with Aries Lunar Node, House 8Taurus Lilith, House 9Gemini Chiron, House 10/MCTaurus with Aries Pholus, House8/9
All this stuff in IC would explain a lot and I like that this puts his sun in the 6th House.
As for Misa:
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(I’m pretty sure that’s what her radix would look like) (& I’m at least 90% certain that her AC would be Gemini)
Capricorn (with Sagittarius, btw, which is pretty important - she doesn’t have much of a Capricorn) Sun, House 7Aquarius Moon, House 9Sagittarius Mercury, House 6/7Aquarius Venus, House 9Aquarius/Pisces (it’s at 0°00in Pisces with the time of birth I chose, haha) Mars, House 10/MCCapricorn with Aquarius Jupiter, House 8Scorpio Saturn, House 6Sagittarius Uranus, House 6/7Capricorn Neptune, House 7Scorpio Pluto, House 5/6Taurus Lunar Node, House 12Aries Lilith, House 11
Gemini Chiron, House 12Aries Pholus, House11
So, deciding on Near’s Rising sign was probably the most difficult one for me. But I think it’s, probably, an Earth sign - like his Sun. I considered Aquarius, for example, too, but he’s already an Aquarius Moon and I think most of what I see in him of this sign is pretty much covered by this. And he also has a strong Leo influence either way… (I think he was born late into the day - after 6 pm - for various reasons, so I’d put his AC anywhere form Capricorn to Taurus) (Oh, and I think he was born somewhere in Great Britain, but I could be wrong) This is with Taurus:
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(As you can see, he has lots of Capricorn influence regardless)
Virgo Sun, House 5Aquarius with Scorpio Moon, House 11Leo with Aries Mercury, House 5Leo Venus, House 5Virgo Mars, House 6Leo Jupiter, House 5Aquarius Saturn, House 10/MCCapricorn Uranus, House 9Capricorn Neptune, House 9Scorpio Pluto, House 6/7Capricorn Lunar Node, House 9/10 (maybe MC)Capricorn Lilith, House 9Leo Chiron, House 4Cancer Pholus, House4
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(Yeah….. looks a bit extreme, but I like how his AC looks here, especially because of the Aquarius, Pisces and Moon influences)
Virgo Sun, House 7Aquarius with Scorpio Moon, House 1/RisingLeo Mercury, House 7Leo Venus, House 7Virgo Mars, House 8Leo Jupiter, House 7Aquarius Saturn, House 1/RisingCapricorn Uranus, House 12Capricorn Neptune, House 12/1 (maybe Rising)Scorpio Pluto, House 9/10 (maybe MC)Capricorn Lunar Node, House 1/RisingCapricorn Lilith, House 12Leo Chiron, House 7Cancer Pholus, House 7
On to Mello:
We don’t know where he was born, but I chose Slovenia for his birth place:
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(And I think this fits him pretty well! Especially Sun in House 9 and all those luminaries in House 10 opposing his Moon - and Jupiter - in House 4, lol)
Sagittarius Sun, House 9Cancer Moon, House 4Capricorn Mercury, House 10/MCAquarius Venus, House 11Scorpio Mars, House 8Cancer Jupiter, House 4/ICCapricorn Saturn, House 10/MCCapricon Uranus, House 10/MCCapricorn Neptune, House 10/MCScorpio Pluto, House 8AquariusLunar Node, House 11/12Scorpio Lilith, House 8Cancer Chiron, House 4/ICGeminiPholus, House 3/4 (maybe IC)
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(But, imo, Leo Rising is just as likely, my Sun is in the 5th House too and I can see some of what this means in him) (Also, Aquarius DC sounds like him too)
Sagittarius Sun, House 5Cancer Moon, House 12Capricorn  Mercury, House 6Aquarius Venus, House 6/7Scorpio Mars, House 5Cancer Jupiter, House 12Capricorn Saturn, House 6Capricon Uranus, House 6Capricorn Neptune, House 6Scorpio Pluto, House 4/IC (this would explain a lot)AquariusLunar Node, House 7Scorpio Lilith, House 4/IC (this too)Cancer Chiron, House 12GeminiPholus, House11
And….. I’ll stop here, but you can always ask me about other characters too (or to go more in-depth), if you want to! I won’t get tired talking about this, no matter how pointless it might be, haha.
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askluxnovalibra · 7 years
FAQ & Blog PSA
To help navigate my blog!
✨✨✨ My top FAQ: Who is the guy in your icon/ theme?😉🔥 He’s a male model named Stephen James. I love him lmao if you see me say “my Sagittarius husband” I’m talking about him. His Placements
📝📝📝📝Blog Psa Stuff:
-What’s this blog about?❓❓❓ This blog, @askluxnovalibra , is the ‘ask box’ for my main astrology blog @luxnovalibra . To avoid cluttering everyone’s dash, I made a separate blog. This way I can answer many asks in a row and manage/organize the questions more thoughtfully.
-What can we ask about? 🤔 Anything really. The most common asks I get are about compatibility and placement descriptions. If you need advice or to rant, I will always try to help you out or send you a link to someone who can.
-Do you answer compatibility asks? If we send in a compatibility ask, what should we expect? ❤️ Yes I do, at least for now. Most people will send their sun, moon, rising, mercury, mars, and venus of themselves and their partner or crush. I will give my first impressions and potential problems I see. I may say how they get along, how they like to be treated, and what they want/need. It’s important to remember that without seeing charts, I can give only very very very generic answers. Know that people are complex and unique. I do not know you or your crush/partner personally. I can only attempt to guess how they act according to my knowledge of the signs’ archetypes. I will never be 100% accurate. No one will be.
-Do we have to send our sun, moon, mars, venus, etc. when asking a compatibility question? ❤️ No, you can send as many or as few placements as you want. It’s more interesting to send specific questions like ‘how is a Scorpio venus in love?’ or ‘how does a Scorpio venus and Leo venus get along?’ or ‘compatibility for x mars and x venus with y mars and y venus?’ Stuff along those lines. If I’ve already answered something, I will link you to it.
-What’s important to know about compatibility? ❤️ I believe no matter the placements any pairing can get along with patience, time, and understanding. Communication is necessary and vital for healthy relationships. Most of the time, problems are not solved by simple compatibility. They are solved by committed partners learning to compromise and work with each other.
🔎🔎🔎 ***Want a better and deeper insight into compatibility? Do a synastry chart. A synastry chart takes you and your partners’ chart and overlays them together. Your planets will aspect theirs and your planets will fall into their houses & vice versa. These aspects and placements will tell you how you will interact, get along, and how you work together. You can calculate your synastry chart on astro-charts.com or astro.com or any astro site you trust. How do you read a synastry chart? It would be very hard for me to explain it step by step as I don’t do a lot of synastry. There are many resources online that tell you exactly what aspects and placements mean what. Have your venus sextile your partner’s mars? Type in “venus sextile mars synastry” into google and stuff will come up.
***** please note, I do not do synastry, so I can't help very much
-My crush smiled at me in the hall last year but hasn’t talked to me since. Do they love me or not? What are they thinking? 🤔❤️🔎 I don’t know. I do not know you or your crush personally. It’s important to remember that most crushes are just that, crushes. It’s best not to spend too much time worrying about them. For most people, crushes don’t last more than a few months, if that. As an air dom with a Scorpio venus, I hardly ever have crushes and so when I see a lot of people obsessing over them, I usually will give you an honest answer. That being said, it’s totally ok to ask for advice. I’m never going to chew you out or call you stupid for liking someone. It’s natural. It’s a part of life. I’m just saying, crushes are not going to make or break you. They’re not the end of the world. What will happen will happen. I only say this because I know how you feel and I try to tell you the things I wish someone told me when I was younger. In fact, most of the advice I give is based on what a younger me would need to hear.
-Is it ok to message you for advice? What do people message you about?📨📬 Sure, I get a few private messages about people wanting insights about crushes / situations / placements and I try my best to help.
-Are there any kinds of private messages you don’t like?📭💣 I generally respond to everything
-Do you answer some asks before others? 🔢🔝 Most of the time my inbox isn’t that full (RIP the blogs that have 50+ lol) so I try to answer them all as fast as I can. Usually I answer chronologically (first ask gets answered first). If a question is simpler, I’ll try to get those out of the way. Complex questions take longer because I need to think about them and look up info as needed. Lately, anon compatibility gets answered last. I am more likely to answer non-anon asks a little faster, especially if you’re following me @luxnovalibra (you don’t have to follow @askluxnovalibra). Why? Because I don’t like when anons copy and paste compatibility q’s into 20 astro blogs’ boxes. It’s a bit disheartening because usually it’s just people who don’t care enough to look into astrology at all, and send in their crush-of-the-week’s placements. But don’t worry sending anons is perfectly fine! I totally understand being shy, or even because you don’t your main blog to pop up or because you’re not a full-time astro blog or whatever the reason. I get it, and I send anons sometimes too. And don’t worry if you’ve sent multiple blogs the same ask to get another opinion. Usually we can tell who’s just copy and pasting and who wants to learn. Pro tip for sending asks to other blogs: it helps if you say hi and/or mention something specific you like about their blog not just ‘compatibility xyz love ur blog.’ “Thank yous’ and polite feedback are nice too. Remember most of us are just teenagers that don’t get paid and genuinely want to help and learn together. To put it short, most asks get answered in 6 days or less
-Why do you add so many links?📚 I’m an air dominant lol I like to know things. It’s because I want to help and sometimes links are the best way to go. If I don’t know a lot about something off the top of my head, I’ll give you links and references. I get most of them from tumblr and a simple google search. Links aren’t mean to scare you, they’re there for deeper insight. I learn best with specific examples and links provide that. I give multiples because everyone has a different preference for writing style and multiples increases the chance of you understanding something and relating to something. Also, sometimes I’ll add them if the asker doesn’t specify if they want my personal opinion or a more general description.
-What if I ask about something you don’t know about? 🤷🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♀️ I will give you my best guess but admit that I don’t know a lot about that subject. I assume you don’t want a random answer and I don’t want to give one. Expect links or I’ll send you to someone who might be able to help
-What if I don’t agree with your opinion or your interpretation? 🙅🏻🙎🏻 That’s fine, I don’t expect you to agree with me all the time, that’s why it’s my opinion/interpretation. I’m still learning everyday. I’m not a professional. I’ll make mistakes. It’s all a part of the process.
//////////// Personal-ish Stuff:
-What are your placements? ☀️🌙💫 Libra sun 6th, Libra moon 6th, Taurus rising, Virgo mercury 6th, Sag mars 7th, Scorpio venus 7th, Cap neptune 10th, Aqua jupiter 10th, Aqua uranus 10th, Aries saturn 12th, Sag Pluto 7th, Virgo north node 5th, Cap MC, Virgo lilith 5th, Virgo juno 5th
About Me My Chart My Placements
-What are your dominants? 👁 Libra & Virgo especially. Then Capricorn, Taurus, Sag, Scorpio, and Aqua. My planets differ based on the calculator but usually I go by Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Pluto, and moon. Air and earth. Cardinal.
-How long have you been studying astrology? ✏️📓 I just found out I made my blog on May 8, 2016, so since about then. I got into it because of the memes and stayed when I realized there was so much more than your sun sign. It’s more of a hobby for me than a full-time study. I mostly learn through tumblr and google. I never want to intimidate or scare anyone away from it. When I first started, I didn’t know all 12 signs let alone their order. Even now, I still have a lot to learn but I think I’ve come a long way 😊
-Do you use desktop or mobile? 🖥📱 I use mobile 99% of the time. That’s why I make a lot of typos lmao usually I answer asks on the iPad and it lags a lot so expect typos and weird wording. Trust me, it hurts my Virgo and air placements way more than it hurts you
-Is this your main blog? Technically my main is @erinwriting so all likes, follows, replies, asks show up as that blog. The blog I use the most is my astro blog @luxnovalibra . I’m also @falling-for-the-winchesters and my tarot blog @queenofswordstarot
-Can we ask personal questions about you or your experience? 😁 Sure! It’s easier for me to talk about myself if someone asks rather than me coming right out and saying it (my air dom lol). If I don’t feel comfortable answering, I’ll say so, no hard feelings. Or if I can better answer you privately, I will
-Age/Gender/Name/Location 🎂🚺 20, Female, Erin, USA
-Are you in school? 🏫 I go to college for art
-Do you have any hobbies? 💡 Art & photography, reading, writing, astrology, tarot, camping, listening to music
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tonxstark · 4 years
Macho game, on the internet ??
This is actually the 145th original of Xianren JUMP 1 My childhood is a story lingering with toilet literature. You can find traces of my creation in every wall of the school toilet. The protagonist is normally the foreign language teacher I hate the most. He continually taught me some tough English, and I always suspected he tried too hard. When I grew up, I read Mr. Chuan's Twitter to confirm this. Isn't the English of the President of america the same? Top of the limit of the English world reaches this level. Needless to say, I realized later on that the value of learning English lies in finding him grammatical errors. In lots of years of literary creation, I did not encounter any difficulties. The only trouble is that I don't possess time and energy to play games. During the past, when I just knew more easily, I could still have a hardcore stand-alone for 3 hours prior to going to bed. Later, We double-opened Pinterest, and I could only take the time to purchase two pesticides and chicken, and I would occasionally sigh easily viewed my accounts with full pores and skin and inscriptions. Before I started to tinker with station B this past year, I had to cut all the game time. Except on weekends, I could only play idle mobile video games, and the reason is really boring-for a apparently high-producing sow, in fact, there is absolutely no one that can let me play with paper while smashing the liver. People, there is no delay in the game. Yes, I'm discussing swords and expeditions. 2 The sword and the expedition are burning, and the fire is really a little unusual. A new public beta mobile sport has been on the very best 3 of the IOS best-seller listing for just two consecutive months, eating poultry and pesticides makes the chrysanthemum tremble. I am afraid that if I'm not careful, I will give out an intoxicating fragrance. Lots of people were caught away guard by the fire of sword and expedition. Right now when Tencent and NetEase dominate the mobile game market, only the crazy cooking strength of the two-dimensional component to the document man's wife can barely support one or two explosions and struggle against it, or it is a re-enactment of the terminal game IP mobile game a decade ago. Stable gold absorption. Making money is so boring. The complete Chinese mobile online game market has been without interesting waves for too much time. Five or six years ago, the era when thousands of cellular game groups of thousands of heroes in troubled occasions were effective, all publishers had been looking for products and teams. Nobody would have believed that Lilith, who utilized to create her debut with the legendary dark equine of Dota, would usher in her 2nd spring after a few years of dormancy. Lots of people cannot understand the sword and the fire of expedition. The overall game screen looks unremarkable, revealing a staleness in the popular flat UI. Placing apart the idle gameplay, Sword and Expedition seems to be at best two or three generations behind the current trend of aged card game primary. The character development is a serious pit visible to the naked eye, revealing an aura of cheating and running, and the players who've been washed again and again by the domestic Krypton gold mobile game have always been developed to run away with their noses while watching VIP system. Knee-jerk reflex. But Sword and Expedition continues to be on fire. 3 Why did the sword and the expedition fire? Many people can tell the answer making use of their eyes closed: because the announcement is normally ready to spend money. The advertisement of Sword and Expedition has been spread since November, and following the public beta in January, it has spread over the sky, land, and air without dead ends. Many people see the spokesperson Luo Zhixiang more often than their very own mother. Binance Right down to Douyin Kuaishou, around top KOL, Bao Yuan is really a master performer, all APPs get turns to open the screen, and also the legendary account of GQ Labs is also a lover of Sword and Expedition. In the last second, I worked on Weibo, and in the next second, he repeatedly jumped across Kuaishou Douyin at Station B. You can also see his primary video clips and ghost music on the website where you find out about sow postpartum treatment. This kind of non-lifeless corner private sale has produced mobile game advertisements from the era of silly dicks once talked about by people to the era of coin throwing. It's not that I've in no way seen mobile sport ads brainwashing the screen, but it is the first time that I've gotten this battle. "Sword and Expedition" was suggested by the homepage of various channels It really is conservatively estimated that the marketing cost of Sword and Expedition inside the initial month is a lot more than 300 million yuan. It has caught up with the yearly turnover of many game companies. Banknote capability is definitely the core competitiveness. After the events at the beginning of the year, everyone's living conditions are specific. The entire online entertainment sector has experienced a spurt of growth, and video games are usually no exception. What the marketplace blowout brings is a mixture of seafood and dragons. Everyone wants to catch a wave. Then why just sword and expedition can perform it. The answer is easy. During the past, no enterprise dared to spend so much cash on advertising. You imagine that throwing money is just throwing coins, and the influencing causes of it are actually very complicated. The technical content of throwing money is quite high, and the difference between the actuary and the Kaizi is 10,000 in the market. Everyone inside the mobile sport industry opens their mouths. DAU ARPU ROI CPI, one by one, is better than anyone else. At first glance, it is a sport item, but behind this is a total data analysis system. Just how much a consumer will probably be worth, and how much money can be paid back are known. It's another issue if the amount of money goes out and not collected. If it were not for 100% confidence in the product, no company may have this type of large budget. The quantity will be more expensive as it sells. Sword and Expedition has already been continuously and intensively screened for just two months. It is really rich. Actually, the reverse also shows that Lilith really has confidence in her own products. Otherwise, no sum of money will make sense. 4 Delivery and product quality participate in the relationship among 0 and 1. Don't think about it. The merchandise can stand, that is, there is 1 ahead. And the placement is the 0 behind. If there is zero 1, how many 0s is a 0, without the real value. When there is zero 0, there is only 1 1, that would be very lonely. Swords and Expeditions isn't just the saturation announcement, the merchandise itself actually has a deep doorway, and the art style of cup painting is a big plus point. Before the national service went live, the overall game had been operating overseas for a year, also it had the highest income from domestic cellular games overseas. Community content and user portraits accumulated overseas also provide precise model guidelines for domestic publicity strategies. The accumulation of overseas operations in advance isn't only this content of the game version, but has actually fully verified the payment style of the complete game and the player's recognition of the gameplay. This is a base for Lilith's daring to saturate domestic investment decision. The gameplay appears to be outdated, but in fact the growth team, because the original team of Dota Legends, based on the six years of experience accumulated in this former national mobile game, it brings a very powerful detailed experience and a very strategic strategy. Solid, is one of the expert shot. After merging and putting the gameplay, a chemical reaction occurs even more. Now there certainly are a lot of people like me who prefer to play video games but don't have fun with games. There are a lot of tales on the Internet, that may satisfy these people's pursuit of entertainment and offer in-depth strategic expertise. , Became the G point that Sword and Expedition precisely hit. 5 Prior to the upgrade of popular cellular phone configurations and the popularization of 4G, probably the most profound feeling of every player from the age of barbaric growth of online flash games should be the immaturity of the entire market. There are, or even a few, excellent functions. With regards to absolute number, the domestic manufacturing does not also lag behind the top studios in European countries, America, Japan and South Korea. However in those yrs, many small companions who only found games in their eyes were puzzled, exactly why most of the excellent games are usually basically rare inside the domestic market, whether they are usually imported or first products, whatever the player's evaluation of good or poor, and also some game popularity God, the collective retention of paying gamers is helpless. Internal personnel can't control it, the censorship mechanism is not set up, the piracy of personal servers is certainly prevalent, and also the in-game studio has caused the game ecology to collapse. All kinds of incredible issues have existed. In short, the market is immature, the producers are immature, the gamers are immature, and any facet of immaturity or small twists and turns could make a magical work which may be sold for ten years to end because of the cask principle. During the avalanche, every snowflake is usually bravely breaking in to the world. It had been not until slowly that everything gradually matured, and the more cruel information came. It had been not that the mobile game was born with the golden key to the finish game. Many online game manufacturers that are too past due to transform or have no strength to consume the remaining market surplus are falling at a fork in their destiny, which is regarded as a crime of nonwar. Many people remain clamoring that the cellular terminal is really a challenge and counterattack to the PC terminal. The target fact is that the decline of the complete PC terminal shows an irreversible decline across the entire development curve. The player pioneers took an iron pot from the sky and hit it on the top of the Duanyou group. The type that can not be deducted. Looking deeper by means of the glass at the rear of games and technologies, this is even determined by the state of life of everyone throughout the age. The economic foundation determines the superstructure. The development of the Internet has more and more eliminated enough time and space barriers to information dissemination, and normally it has blurred the sense of boundaries between function and life. Day and night are no longer the "spiritual globe" and "material assurance" of the Chu River and Han realms, so it must be a faster pace of life, more fragmented period, and a minority of people in modern society who can control their own destiny, let alone work and rest. Time, in any case, the moon established every day and the rise of the very next day won't be suspended. So for almost all people who have simply no ability to change the guidelines, they do not have the right to state NO with their lifestyles, and at most try to modification their positions when they are knocked down, so as not to make themselves less painful. Unless you have period, then choose the placement course that doesn't take a lot of time. Get up and click, take a go through the pit, check out the results before going to bed, and think about how long the liver can last when time is definitely empty. There will be more difficult progress waiting. Your luck. And the symbolic meaning of the achievement after reaching the difficult degree is higher than the practical meaning of attribute worth or core experience. Easily create a flow of expertise. 6 Liver strength revolves, krypton revolves, while providing emotional satisfaction and entertainment worth for the majority of gamers, how to balance the game connection with deep celebration and white prostitution may be the most comprehensive quality check of the current F2P cell phone game. The really hard place is really difficult, and the soft place should make everyone feel soft and comfortable. This is what many new video game manufacturers must practice, and it is also the place where Lilith Games has continually done well. If the market may be the only criterion for quality inspection, then the sword and expedition that returns from overseas to export to domestic product sales can be reported to be the pacesetter of the complete market. Talking about last. The self-cultivation of a fantastic online game must have an art style that may impress most people initially. Whether it's pretty or punk technology fiction, the initial step is to make the eyeballs ready to read. Especially manufacturers that concentrate on the worldwide marketplace, in a way, need to spend more believed, his battlefield isn't just a nation and region. Cut the cash of domestic gamers to visit the outside world, or get the recognition and recharge of worldwide players before returning to the homeland. That is Lilith's different answer in comparison to many big producers. Which decision is more complex? Everyone provides their own answers. Then there is a group of gameplay construction, strategic depth, long-term operation, etc. from front to back to match the primary product points. The configuration can be broad, and nothing can be bad, nonetheless it doesn't have to be precise. Pursuing the best in everything often means nothing. In the end, the sport is actually a commodity. Since it is a commodity, it's important to pursue price performance and respect ROI. Passing ZZ is definitely correct, unless you are usually aiming at individuals who like to visit the road and shout slogans, like small pets, Islam, vegetarians, gays, dark feminists, that's really horrible. People and video games are also a process of choosing each other. It isn't always for the screen to be indifferent to the severe, nor is it necessarily the two extremes of prostitutes or giants. If online games must have a self-cultivation book, so should gamers. Actual punk players choose only the ones that are the most suitable for them. Individual preferences, economic conditions, and living conditions. To put it bluntly, every game that everyone chooses is tantamount to a confrontation with lifestyle. 7 The mutual choice between video game producers and players is essentially a number of cyclical games, continuously optimized commercial mutual battles. Keeping up with the smart enough manufacturers associated with the changing times, he actually needs to know very well what most gamers want in this particular era and exactly what probably the most cost-effective choices they can make. Then just give them something, don't actually spill too much, just right. I don't think there is anything bad with this particular. Many things ought to be broken aside and shattered. In reality, true villains are continually cuter than hypocrites. Similar to the emergence of tens of vast amounts of subsidies, it really pierced the underpants of the e-commerce industry that have been slightly raised. The rise of mobile games like Sword and Expedition is only the necessity for such a huge specific attribute on the market. In case you are rational good enough to obtain out of your viewpoint of the few games before you, check out the top-sharing games in the marketplace that take turns dominating the search positions, and then get yourself a deeper understanding of who is spending money on which heart requirements. You may even have got a glimpse The pulse of the days. When hard-primary stand-alone machines are released, behind them are a large number of players that are keen on video games and waiting to be fed. When all sorts of online games are popular, there are always a large numbers of those who have a solid demand for another kind of life and more than enough free time. When it comes to casual and idle games that can win this type of large market, it is very clear that behind the moments are the huge demands of the times. The overall game at the top of the marketplace is similar to flowing water, in fact it is individual beings after all. Probably the most advanced products are games that understand people, adjust to them, and actively make changes to meet the needs of the changing times. Click to learn the original text experience The hottest placed mobile game right now **** Fairy Jump Long press the BlockchainLink about the still left to follow! You will feel a soul that frees yourself And every write-up includes a surprise ----------------------- Thank you for reading through. Below is really a link button for the lucky draw. The lottery will undoubtedly be drawn at 19:00 on March 31st, totaling 6,666 yuan, and 2020 reddish colored envelopes. Many thanks for the support. Thank you for reading, viewing and forwarding at all times. Click on me to take part in the lucky draw! Click me to participate in the fortunate draw! Click to learn the initial text and become a macho
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