#I’m not the best at faceups on people dolls
bzedan · 1 month
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Ianthe is coming along.
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Crafting and Selling in the hobby.
I think there’s some important differences in expectations about crafting in the hobby. One is on crafting for our dolls and encouraging others to do the same and then the second is our expectation of quality or skill level when we buy a handcrafted item or doll. I think most of us feel it’s great when people want to learn (or even just try) any or every interesting aspect of customizing and crafting for their own dolls. Personally I think that’s one of the best parts of this hobby, the creative potential to customize so many aspects of our own dolls. I try to really encourage people to create for their dolls if they want to. 
But when I shop, buy or commission something I have a different expectation about skill level. If you are sewing items for sale, I expect well designed items, proper fit, evenly sewn stitching, appropriate fabric weights, reasonably scale of prints and trimmings, etc. If it’s a faceup, I want to see at minimum, several different well photographed examples of your work on several different resin bjd sculpts, a materials/sealants list, a published price list and an estimate of your average turn around times. I don’t think I would commission a faceup artist that had fewer than about a dozen good examples of their work to view.
If as a doll hobbyist, you make your own bjd that suits your vision, I’m happy to see that as part of your hobby activity and I like to follow the progress of these projects. But if you expect me to be interested in buying it myself, at minimum it needs to be a strong and unique concept, a well sculpted head or doll with a professional level of casting and finishing and properly engineered joints - priced competitively to other artist-made dolls. I want to see multiple photos, head examples in each resin tone offered and to see at least 1 finished example, painted and styled. Honestly, I feel that well over half of the artist dolls I’ve seen for sale in the last 2 years haven’t been developed or refined enough yet to be offered for sale. Regarding unfinished 3d printed dolls or files to DIY print, I would want to see several completely finished, assembled and painted examples, not just an example of the digital mock-ups. I expect these items to be priced accordingly too if it’s basically a bare-bones garage kit or if it is just a set of instructions and a file, which has no further time, replication or materials costs required beyond the initial development. 
 Is any of this required? Of course not. Everyone’s free to do just as they like. But I’ve also heard a certain  amount of complaining among doll crafters who say that people like their items and give them positive and encouraging feedback but they are frustrated when people don’t actually buy their stuff. If they hang out in groups that are mainly based on mutual encouragement and overall hobby enjoyment, especially if they don’t really offer an area for direct, honest and straightforward constructive critique, people may be mistaking a general feel-good encouragement and approval commentary of their crafting activities for an accurate quality assessment of their items. 
I am just one voice on these topics. I’m a person who crafts in another hobby, I know how to judge the skill level of my own work, price it accordingly and I sell it successfully. I’m also a person who likes handcrafted items, buys them regularly from others and would like to see more skill in the handcrafted items for sale within doll hobby - so my post is my opinion based on that. Hopefully the comments will also offer several additional opinions in this discussion. 
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bunnyscribblesbjd · 2 years
future doll plans
(heads up- there will be (censored) doll nudity below the cut :))
I am trying to figure out how to shell some of my characters from the same story and it was getting hard for me to visualize whether or not they would look alright together so i made a quick scaled mockup of the intended dolls side-by-side in photoshop. I was definitely able to rule out some of the options that I was waffling between for bodies, and I think this group is the best that it is going to be for now.
I lined up their heels so it looks like they're not being measured from the same point, but i tried my best with the different angles from the company photographs.
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from left to right there is:
Kira/Nathan- a Unoa Zest head on an Island Doll 48cm boy body
Charlie/Jonah- a Luts Model Delf Raven head on a Doll Chateau K-body-02
Marie- a Unoa Lusis on a Xagadoll X-F-40 body
Yuki- a Doll Chateau Phoenix on a Conarium msd girl body
Sina- a Unoa L-bi (sharing a body with Lemon, who is a Unoa B-el)
Lottie- a Minifee A-line girl Rames
right now I am most excited about Marie’s hybrid combination. I feel pretty confident about the resin match, and have seen + liked the proportions of a different unoa on the Xagadoll heart body :)
I’m least happy/comfortable with Kira and Yuki. Kira’s head is in tan resin, which the Island Doll body does not come in, and DC resin doesn't match Conarium normal at all. Kira would probably have to be dyed to match, which I would not feel comfortable doing myself; however, there aren’t many people who do color-matching dye commissions. Yuki could probably be painted or blushed, which I could also hire out, but I would have to find someone who could match and do a faceup that I like. both of them are definitely still feasible, but they wouldn't be quite as easy as some of the other dolls. if I can find a tall + broad msd body in a tan close to unoa tan for Kira I would prefer to use that over the Island Doll one, but I was having a lot of trouble finding many options while I was doing research. 
I do feel like they all look okay next to each other (the mdf head may be a little small, but I don’t think it looks too crazy) which is pretty exciting :) I especially like seeing Yuki and Marie together- they look exactly the way I envisioned them <3
it will be a long long while before I am able to collect all of them, but it is nice to have a somewhat decent plan :))
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Also most pro artist face up artists are so annoying. They always write shit like “ do it my own way“, “won’t copy from other artists“, “can’t guarantee it looks like you wanted“ b**** I’m not paying you so you can make a doll YOU like. It’s mine so do it the way I want or I find someone else
The thing is, they have their own system of morality and codes (that for the most part eludes the general humankind understanding), where some things are "bad" for X and X reasons.
The whole point of having a niche snobby circle it's that you NEED people out. In other words, there can't be kings and queens if the kingdom it's empty.
So, let's say the ones you're pointing out here and get to the bottom of why:
"I do it my own way": the proartists antis think they are unique special snowflakes. They want their "work" to be recognized by anyone who looks at your doll, mainly because of their ego, partially because your doll will be a publicity add for them, and lastly, because many of them just aren't good enough to pull out their comfort zones and internally think if they go out to do something they've never tried before, if they don't do it right, it's bad publicity for them. And when you're in a small elitists community, reputation is everything.
"Won't copy from other artists": this is because that proartist elitists antis are waaaay over their heels regarding what they consider "moral". So even if your doll look A BIT like another more important member doll, the artist painting your doll will be most likely expelled from their niche elite corner and burn down in a cyberbullying blaze of accusations and endless drama. Wich it's obviously something the faceup artist doesn't want, because, let's face it, working for antis it's a LOT more lucrative that working with normal people. I've seen faceups (yes only the faceup) go to up $250 just because "it was from X artist".
"Can't guarantee that looks like you wanted": This is a standard way to say "if I do it wrong, I won't be doing it again. It consumes my stock of materials and my priceless time. So even if you're paying, fuc k U." type of disclaimer.
In contrast, pro recast, recast sellers, and recast friendly artist will be more like: "Cool, you want it to look exactly like this picture? I'll try my very best to deliver results, and if you don't like it, I can redo it a second time, if you're not into it the second time, we can call it off if you want, I'll send it back, just cover one shipping and we're good. Sorry couldn't make it, wish you the best."
That's how things work on their planet. Don't try to understand why. There is no "why".
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dollkastleinfo · 4 years
This is a blog dedicated to fans of the dollzkastle
To answer some Questions that you may have for myself or the dolls~ 🎀
I am going off of the questions I’ve been asked for years or even the new ones I’ve been getting since I’ve created a Tiktok~ I hope this answers your questions you’re looking for, now let’s begin 🐮
Myself Behind the dolls; my name is Decklynn but people call me Dk or Deck. I am an Agender with He and Him pronouns. I am a little with a caregiver/ daddy and I am a pet owner of 3 Kitties. I do both makeup and Doll art. I am a twenty something year old adult who’s been into crafting and customizing Dolls since I was a child. I am also an artist and got interested in drawing at a young age so I already had the type of skill to Draw on things and recreate facial hair and all types of stuff like this. I went to collage and majored in art while living at home with my parents who were Both Transphobic and Homophobic but also Abuse I’ve endured since a young age, physical, mental ive developed a great deal of mental health problems That even now I am being diagnosed and treated for. With an alcoholic parent and upon my mental health problems and living in a terrible environment that was life long I left home and left school and started my own life with my fiancé One day my fiancé was online and seen Big dolls that looked realistic and those dolls I was so fascinated by. I have never seen anything like them and to make a big 3D version of my ocs and crafting just sound like a dream come true. So I did it! I bought my very first BJD 600$ and I never regretted that. I wanted this one because I just fell Inlove with him. I know you’re thinking 600$!? That’s crazy but it literally is worth every penny when you put your heart and soul into a project it’s like your favorite anime character but you create them and you style them, that’s the best way I think I can put it.drawing on them is not as easy as other may think, you can be a phenomenal artist but still lack the skill to paint on them so it took me years to build the skill I have now. I am still learning 🤍🐮My first dolls unboxing is on YouTube under Octoberv12 ~ if you’re interested in just a little photo video of that time it seems like now, forever ago. My dolls gained huge popularity in 2018 on Instagram where there is a page I’ve dedicated to fanart and cosplays if you just #dollzkastlefanart on Instagram you will find them. I’ve taken a big break from them and left my old account behind to start a fresh and new one in 2020 till a month ago that’s when I decided to join Tiktok. I’ve been doing little music clips of the dolls for a while so I thought you guys would Enjoy them too 💓🐮
Questions and answers ?
Where are you from? New York
What websites are you on?
YouTube I have the dolls playlists individually. I put a lot of effort and energy into their characters they all have stories, music playlists and even avatars and their own accounts on Social media sites.
I am on Instagram under Dollzkastle, myDollzkastle, Decklynnkastle, Decklynnkastlee, omridurr, Acydfei, Princethedoll, Rjeaii, Dollzkastlefanart, Xeroyandere, milesophelia, crysky1, miloscenebabyxo,flowerboyrose, & itsmamamikki & Jasphire.vu
On Fb under Decklynn kastle or Milo Ryo
On Tiktok decklynn kastle or Dollzkastle
On Imvu Decklynnkastle, ivanx3, jeninsai, crackheadsymbols, charleta123, oaklynn10, jasphirexx, romanjackjrs, charleta1, Gemini953005, Milesawayfromyliife, BinxLemment, miloscenebaby, yandereboi7, Princethedoll1, acydfei, royal461349, KandyKimmy, mama13708, thyunderbolt1, ezratheomen
On Tumblr @dollzkastle @acydslitterbox
@ezratheomen , @mamamikki there are more but I’m not too active on tumblr right now
Do you sell your dolls? No I do not they’re my babies and I put a lot of work into their characters and I am emotionally attached to each of them. I have sold some that I didn’t bond well with.
What do you use to paint on them? I use acrylic paint, soft pastels, water color pencils, graphite, acrylic gloss and sealer. Doll eyelashes, little craft hoops and balls for piercings and craft tiny beads for jewlary. I use yarn sometimes for their hair but other times I purchase their hair online. Sometimes I draw them tattoos and sometimes I use Temp tattoos.
Do you do commissions? I do commissions for people who need work done to their own BJDs like faceups, hair or blush and nail art. I don’t buy dolls to work on to sell but in the future I’d like to do that. It’s an expensive hobby so get your pockets ready. My faceups are 60$ but for something really advanced it will be 80$ plus shipping charges. Nail art is 5$, blush is 10$ wigs are 25$ I’ve had people ask if they could buy the doll send them to my address instead of their home, I work on them and then send them to that person but you have to remember there is money involved and I mean lots of it so if you’re buying a 300$ doll via through me to a website you have to be willing to also pay me for putting this doll together which we can talk about via email the price. I will be able to hook you up with feedback located on Instagram under my thread “Dollzkastle” where you can see some of the items I’ve sold or commissions I’ve done and my customers I’ve had.
The quickest way to reach me is via Instagram on Decklynn kastle 🐮💗
What are the dolls made out of ?
Resin. I know there are vinyl bJDs out there but mine are just made out of resin~ 🍭🤍
So if you don’t sell your dolls, where do I get one ?? On BJD websites but be aware of scams or Recasts also which are usually cheaper and too good to be true prices. I’ve had my fair share in mistakes with this in the beginning after my first Doll. Do lots of research on YouTube to learn more. Recasts are heavily looked down upon in the hobby and people tend to stay away from and not talk about them because they are a problem to the hobby and create damage by taking an artists work and selling them for much cheaper. You will not get head plates or certificate or authenticity cards or an original Box. They tend to be much smaller then an originalwitj seam lines and sometimes they’re easy to spot so just save your coins and go legit, Support the artists. I do not bully people but others will. Some official Bjd cheap websites are thejunkyspot, Angel of dream, mystic kids, migidoll, Alicecollections, bobobie, withdoll, littleRebel, littlemonica, supiadoll and crobidolls and so many more just do some research y’all find them. If you have that type of money or want to save then check, Hummingdolly, dollshe, Soom, Doll chateau, dream valley, Iplehouse, Dikadoll, iOS (immortality of soul) distantmemory (the BTS dolls are from here I know a lot of you like BTS I am a Kpopper myself lol) and there’s just so so much more just type Bjd websites and y’all find a ton~ I just kinda remembered these at the top of my head. Lol 🐮💕
So where do you get clothes and accessories from?! Some are from EBay, Etsy, Amazon. Some are form people on IG who sell first come first served or little shops that don’t have a big name or anything that I just run into who happen to be selling what I want or need for a doll. I don’t make my own eyes but others do I get mine either commissioned or on the websites I just stated. Some stuff are handmade like wigs and clothing I do sometimes make those. You just have to know the size of your doll and their eye measurements and head measurements. 💗🐮
💜🍼Prince and his paci? The girl who sold them I bought two and she stopped selling them I’m currently looking myself for some Bigger doll pacis.
💕How big are your dolls? They’re as big as a toddler but much thinner. Some 3 feet and some a bit smaller but they’re large dolls sometimes people don’t realize that 🐮🤍 you can by a variety of diff sizes like MSD (1/4 30cm ranges) SD (1/3 60-75 cm range) SD uncle 80+ and Yosd (smaller 20cm or smaller range) I might be a little off but it’s because I only purchase the bigger ones I don’t have much interest in smaller currently.
Is it okay if I cosplay or draw or use anything from you for a project or anything like that? Just let me know or tag me 🌸💜🍭 I love seeing recreations in your art style.
Can I send the dolls gifts or things?
Someone is making my dolls currently clothes from their clothing line and I am so excited for this!! Over the years some of the dolls have been greatfully gifted things or given things and it just makes my heart melt so of course you can! Just Message me Via Decklynn kastle on IG to let me give you some info🤍💕💗🐮
I will be back to continue filling this out if I get more questions I haven’t already answered 💕🤍🐮 I hope I answered some for you! 🍭🌸 thank you for being lovely & have a great day!
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xdazzlex · 3 years
bjd - related rant
so, here’s a little rant. And gossiping behind people’s back, yass :) 
So, I just went out for a photo shoot with my beloved Supia Rosy. I figured I like her so much, I need a twin. Ok, want not need... Anyway. I’d love a twin. Maybe it’s just a phase. I don’t know... 
Anyway, I searched through the MP and at the moment there are not just one but two Rosies out there. How awesome. So, I PM-ed one woman who even comes from the same country (yay for lower shipping cost). Her Supia’s been on the MP for the last 6 months. That tells you something. I mean, everyone once in their bjd career owns a Rosy. So, it should be easy to sell one. Also, she’s a girl, so girl dolls generally sell awesome. Also, she’s in Europe, so she sells twice as fast. But... if you’re selling yellowed, *permanently* stained piece of junk *without* CoA or box at a price... lemmie see... right now Supia’s offering a sale and you can get a *brand new* Rosy at $452,70. So, this person basically overcharges for something which we normally term as ‘fixer upper’. Cool... 
And yeah, it has a faceup by an overpriced (in relation to the originality.. I mean, this faceup is cute, technically cool but it’s *basic-as-freak*) by a Polish artist who ‘but doesn’t paint recasts’. Cool... I’m a revolving door, so say it to all the non-Poles who’ll buy it off me within next couple years because that’s how I roll doll. Also, God forbid something happens to the faceup and I either once again pay over 100 bucks to a person whom I associate with the Polish forum which I detest heartily in order to repair the basic faceup or what... oh yeah, or: have the doll devoid of its value. Wow, thanks. 
So anyway, I won’t keep it a secret - I got my baby with her CoA & box for less thatn 400 bucks. From Europe, where they’re also charging for the duty fee. I got some lovely extras and I am forever thankful for having this doll. She also had a lovely faceup by an even-more-expensive artist. The eyebrows are a little too high for my taste, but otherwise it’s cute. And if I ever decide to have it repainted it looses no value. Also, it’s not a yellowed & stained junk from the times when Cerberus Project was in vogue. cool
I PMed that seller asking if the above reasons (the condition, the sellable market value, the brand new pricing, the lack of CoA) are somewhat persuasive but no.. “She may just as well keep the doll’. B****h! You damn well can! 
So, then I went to see what’s up with the other Supia currently out there too. She’s priced at the symbolic 599... wow clever. Hmm.. she has the company faceup, I guess she has the CoA too so... not the best, but not the worst. *only* 100 bucks more than the regular shop price and only 200 bucks more than what I paid for mine. Ok, lets say this poor owner had to breathe their lungs out to pay the fee and the shipping... 599 after minor negotiations wouldn’t sound too bad.
Turns out (I did a bit of research on the blog) this doll is at least 10 years old and (when having asked about it) I learnt that it has neither the company box NOR the CoA. Oh, supposed I wanted to wipe out this (even more) basicTM faceup... this doll loses half of the value with the flip of.. a cotton bud lol. But hey... the owner told me that ‘she always gettin her dolls outta respectable doll forums and DoA’. Oh good... like DoA has no history of ever banning owners who’d scam people and sell to them recasts... loool. 
So yeah, right now I am waiting for a Rosy. A decent (don’t mind junk like the aforementioned, half of my dolls are junk but I was getting them at half their damn prices, duh!) one with her documents (what’s so freaing hard about keeping a darn piece of paper with your darn doll?! wtf?) at a price which is not plain freakin ridiculous. Like, what is so hard about pricing your junk doll without a CoA at the price of a recast? Quick ebay search tells me from 220-300... Another quick search on the DoA Archive tells me it’s been done! So yeah, I am *not* insane. I’m not stingy (I don’t even need a layaway). I’m just not giving in to two scalpers.
I just don’t get it how people who’re selling junk/old dolls without their CoAs and stuff are charging even MORE than the company?! WTF???  Not even the same, but MOAR, can you hear me?
And yeah, I am angry and frustrated and you can eat your popcorn to my rage. I know I will get another Supia and wait a couple more months before I go directly to the artist’s website (she offers these discounts every couple months). The money is no issue. The quality and the dumb attitude of these lazy scamming b****s who’d rather overprice dolls to get a few more bucks than go and get a damn job like all the rest of us, normal people... is what drives me insane. 
Well, just two more individuals in my small ‘ignored member’ section <3 
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diario-secreto-bjd · 4 years
Lost in Translation:
Diary of a doll.
“Where does my story begins? How can I know..?
Have I forgotten the sweet smiles, or the blazing sun on my resin as I was sitting there?, and the smell of the grass that came trough the window..?
All I know is that my memory is shattered, and now, after a bit more than ten years, I’m giving a second chance... but I wonder what happened in my past life that got me here, to the other side of the world in only eight days.
I know I saw the light around December, 2009. Some tender hands put me together and I was adopted in Japan... although I can’t remember by “who”, or the details, it’s like knowing you were born, but can’t remember how.
Did I belong to the Katori town on the Chiba Prefecture? Have I ever visited their Shinto Shrine to see the spirits? Or the old Merchant Town near the Sawara canal? Did I ever attend any of the Festivals? Or sit on my window near the beautiful river view of Old Sawara..? Was it the smell of the crop fields filled with rise, chives, and onions, the fresh smell that I remember..?
Why I can’t remember the face of my previous owner, but I can remember the gentle touch of the hands changing my clothes? Was it my Tae..? ...and the fussy black fur wig I had on my head, hold by my velcro.., the now dried white eye putty holding my yellow glass eyes and the feeling of my own box..? Who’s box is this? Did I knew another doll..?
I remember being taken away from my home, bald and almost naked, with just my gray underwear, ...and then left at that warehouse on a buyback store, ...the endless orange shelves and the red walls...
Why my owner never returned to pick me up?
Didn’t my human had the money? or just forgot about me? ...was I ever loved and cherished? and if so, why it never came back for me? ...is it even still alive? ...how was it that I got so lost?!
I’m full of questions about who I was, and I don’t know who am I supposed to be now...
In such a short time, so much has changed... I heard of a pandemic, and the entire world closed their borders, a few days before my departure, hearing from my box comments about a cruise ship with infected people... and then arriving in secret at the last minute before the quarantine, hearing as I was carefully restored about a new Tsunami and how the Olympics got canceled in my country, just when the Sakura trees where starting to bloom.
All my body being put apart and carefully sanded back to remove my ten years of tan sunlight yellowing my resin skin, the silicone rubber circles around my joints being hold back again... and my faceup being restored, new wig and clothes. - How long did it take? How did I waited there, on a room full of other dolls I never knew..?
What is my name? ...was I ever given one? or should I just being called Minoru..?
I stayed on my new house then, waiting for my final reveal...
...was I the loving birthday gift to a seventy year old mother now?
I don’t want to be left alone again...
...I don’t want to get lost again...
...whatever it is, I’ll try my best to be a good doll.
As my new humans look at me, I wonder how I’m reflected in those eyes to them... am I really able to accept them as my owners knowing the damage old doll I am now? ...or would I be abandoned again..?
And I wonder, would my previous owner cry for me when thinking I’m gone?, would it even remember my face..?
I want to believe so... even if I never remember it.”
~ Minoru
Original Facts about the story:
- Listed as: “Volks Super Dollfie Graffiti Boy SdGr Minoru Kamimura DP22 After Limited Edition 82”
- Value: Y$ 35,000 yen
- Original Release date: DollPa 22, 6th December 2009. - It’s part of the “Naval Academy” story arch made by Volks.
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- Store/warehouse: Katori is located in the Chiba Prefecture, Japan (Kanto region)
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Area known for: the Katori Shrine, the Old Merchant Town, the Canal of Sawara. - Katori is located in the far north-east of Chiba Prefecture (lower reaches the Tone River). Katori is a regional commercial center. The economy is mostly agriculture: Rise, Chives, Onions, and greater burdock (as major crops). - In October and July there are Sawara Festivals, there is a traditional river view of Old Sawara.
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Mandarake stores have a warehouse there, long lines of orange shelves and red walls in the workers room (with computers and tables, processing the orders). It’s a “buybacks only” (empeños), not sales nor pick ups, set at: 4365 Sawaraha, Katori-shi, Chiba. Open from 12 PM noon, to 7:30 PM (opens every day of the year).
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The doll was exposed to sunlight on a sitting position (based on the yellowing marks) near a source of light: hands, chest/neck, knees (inner joint), and feet where yellowed. He wasn’t wearing his original outfit (obviously).
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Only a small set of grey underwear. - The velcro on his head had traces of a black fur wig and it came with yellow glass eyes. The doll was a “single jointed body” (long legs SD-Gr), silicon circles around the joints where added.
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Arrived from Japan to Argentina in only 8 days (with a different box from another Volks doll), just the right time in the midst of the (Covid-19) pandemic, a day before the packages transit was closed and it was retrieved by me around 26 hours before the obligatory lockdown was established by the Argentinean government.
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Days after, during his restoration, there was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and tsunami (11:49 JST 25 Mar 2020 - Northwestern Pacific Ocean - M 7.8) that triggered volcanic activity in the American continent. Japan Olympic games where postponed from 2020 to 2021 due to the Covid-19 worldwide outbreak.
This doll had such a ride, such a past, and such a present, that deserves to be told as much as possible. It’s not maybe the object itself, but the story, time and places it has endured to being here right now.
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thedollnerd · 5 years
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Very excited to get my first LOL OMG doll.   I’ve been eyeballing these dolls ever since they came out, read a lot of reviews, people talked about how great the details on the dolls are and along with decent articulation, it was an irresistable combo.. The strange chibi heads put me off at first, but I’m always a sucker for a fully articulated doll, and these are actually chubby looking! .. or at least plumper than the usual fashion doll.
Groovy Babe is from the latest wave of LOL OMG dolls, called Lights.  They all have some kind of UV-reactive element on their face and/or clothes and each doll is inspired by a different type of 60s fashion.  I don’t know an exact reference to point out other than Twilight Zone, but Groovy Babe is clearly evoking a whole black and white psychedelic/hypnotic vibe.  I feel like there’s a film reference here that I’m not aware of.  She is also supposed to be a beatnik poet.
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I kinda love the little hatbox, it fits all her accessories except the comb.  The little white cylinder is a tiny blacklight, with battery included.  The “book” is a single sheet of paper folded in half.  
Hair: super thin rooting on the top of her head, can see scalp through the hair (including black lines presumably there to guide the rooting but clearly totally ignored).  The long hair feels soft, but it’s a little plasticky – is it nylon?  Bangs are one solid mass of gel plastered to her forehead.
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Clothing: Cutout in dress is poorly sewn and bunchy.  Jacket is pretty nice but was carelessly stuffed into the garment bag, so now the lining is sticking out in the front and the collar is permanently popped (which also shows a white mesh lining).
Fully dressed, she looks like maybe she made her clothes herself, and isn’t terribly good at it. 
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Tights and boots are perfect.  Earrings are adorable!  They spin!  Hypnotic!  But they’re hard to see when she’s wearing them; they kind of face sideways and her hair covers them.  Also, the paint has started coming off already, the first time I put them on the doll.  Sunglasses are odd and not very 60s mod, but pretty damn cool; they’re made of a softish, almost rubbery plastic, so they’re very easy to put on and take off without having to worry about breaking them.  The long narrow glasses look funky and cool with the round eyes of the doll; makes me think of Novi Stars.
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  Body:  Love those curves!  These dolls have wonderfully chonky butts and thighs.  Butt dimples!  Still has a thigh gap though, for some damn reason.  Also, extreme hourglass waist and sculpted abs, just in case you might be afraid this doll is a nasty fatty fatfat.  Beautiful curvy legs, but sadly they have very old-fashioned jointing – hips have zero rotation and knees are crappy click joints that are hard to use and barely bend.
  Why these dolls come with chair-like stands is totally beyond my comprehension, since they can barely sit.  Feet are en pointe like a ballerina – not just tiptoed high heel feet, these are almost torturously pointed.  Wonderfully sculpted little toes though.  Smallish pointed breasts with just a hint of nipples.  Painted-on bikini undies match her pale turquoise eyeshadow.  Hands pop off for ease of dressing and are gracefully sculpted, with cute little dimples on the knuckles (which would make more sense on chubby hands, but whatever).  The hands actually go off and on really nicely, no fear that I’m going to break the joint doing it.  Fingernails are pointy and painted white; the paint is actually quite well-done here, they’ve done a pretty good job of keeping it only on the nails without overspray onto the fingers (unlike some other OMG dolls I’ve seen).
Face: Bizarre LOL round-eyed face; almost Bratz-like in the lips and near lack of a nose, but the eyes are absolutely enormous and perfectly round.  The proportions of the features put me off at first, but there’s something about the way they’re done that’s surprisingly appealing.  This doll has a very matte faceup in solid colors; edges are mostly clean and the paint is almost completely within the lines of the sculpt.  Her lips remind me of a certain iconic stomach medicine.  Eyeshadow is a light turquoise color with a darker turquoise line above it, with a cat-eye black liner and spiky lower lashes that mimic the drawn-on lashes people used to do in the 60s.  Somebody did their homework on 60s mod makeup.   Eye color is an indigo blue, complements the makeup nicely; a little boring, but more detail in the eyes might just make them look creepy since they’re so very large. 
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My doll has three tiny black spots on her face, and a handful of faint white spots on the black of one eye (the paint seems thinner on this eye for some reason – the swirl is more obvious in regular light).  Head has an unfortunate tendency to tilt slightly back, and not because of the weight of her hair.  She can tilt her head just fine when she’s looking to the side, but facing forward, she can’t look up or down at all.  The vinyl of her head is slightly more orangey than her body?  
Gimmick: It’s a fail, at least with this particular doll, at least with the tiny black light included with her.  The black and white overall color scheme looks cool under black light, but the specifically UV-sensitive stuff is mostly barely there. The UV-sensitive? stripe on the dress is rather visible in regular light, and yet indistinguishable with the black light.  The “hypnotic” twirls in her eyes are barely visible even with the black light right up against them.  I tested all of this in the dark btw.
The makeup is the one thing that actually does change noticeably.  The lips are still pretty much the same color, but they’re super bright neon under the black light.  The eye makeup changes color and has an extra layer of eyeliner that’s mostly invisible under regular light.
It’s a pretty underwhelming effect overall, but if I had a blacklight room I’d display her in it, after finding her some new clothes.  I’d rather they’d just made things better quality and not done the stupid gimmick, but whatever; their goal is to sell toys to children and the LOL brand is kind of rooted in gimmicks.
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These dolls are extreme caricatures of a “sexy” human female (if you like big butts – and do not lie).  I do wonder if they were inspired by Betty Boop; they have almost an identical silhouette, with the big round heads, tiny waist, and big hips.  Their proportions are so cartoony and absurd and clearly very thoughtful choices were made that sacrificed functionality for form – the terrible click joints in those smooth, shapely legs, for example.  Though why the hip joints couldn’t rotate is a choice I can’t understand..
She’s a cute little doll, to be sure, but not display-worthy, or even something I’m really excited about photographing (which is the only real surprise involved in opening this box that supposedly contained 15 surprises). 
Real talk about the surprises, actually – the things included in this box that are not pictured on it are: the stand, the garment bag with plastic hanger, the plastic hatbox with patterned tissue paper, the sunglasses, and a folded piece of paper pretending to be a notebook of poems.  So the only real bonus item that you wouldn’t expect to receive by looking at the box is the sunglasses.  At least there’s something. 
Anyway.  I’m left with mixed feelings, honestly kind of disappointed?  Is the doll I got sub-par or is this typical?  Am I just hugely, stupidly picky?  I want to rehair her; she’s crying out for it, really.  Maybe I’ll fall in love with her once her worst flaw is gone.  Maybe I’ll rip her head off and try some other ones.  Maybe she can be my big-booty guinea pig.
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This is the best I could get her clothes to look in a photo.. Unless she’s holding it shut like this, the jacket keeps flapping open with that white mesh stuff flopping out.
Still excited for Angles.  I’ve had a thing for Mondrian and his right angles for a long time and it’s really fun to see his art referenced with a fashion doll.
Review: Groovy Babe LOL OMG doll Very excited to get my first LOL OMG doll.   I've been eyeballing these dolls ever since they came out, read a lot of reviews, people talked about how great the details on the dolls are and along with decent articulation, it was an irresistable combo..
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acosmic · 5 years
thots on dolls, i'm curious abt how u got into them/what u like abt them
dolls are neat! sometimes you’re a fourteen-year-old kid with unrestricted internet access living in a town without art and a best friend who you hate as much as you hate yourself -- but this friend has good taste sometimes and oh no
they show you, or you find, this, and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. (taste is an acquired thing, i don’t know what i was thinking). and then there’s her (it’s been eight years and i’d still sell my soul for her) and her and these and these and even this hideous fucker has amazing detailed construction and tiny intricate details if you look closely even though he’s ugly as all hell (his owner and i are no longer friends, he was not a factor but i’m so glad i get to trash him because jesus christ what IS that). and you look into it a bit further and holy shit you can customize them, they come in one colour and sometimes in pieces and when you’re doing their makeup you’re actually pretty much adding their skin since they don’t have blood vessels or freckles or anything. and you can make their clothes and wigs and shoes (it’s way cheaper that way) and there are wildly different sizes and styles and levels of poseability and they only really became a thing in the late 90s so the older ones look simplistic and awkward but they still look sweet. some of them have intense expressions, or stylized ones, but most of them only come with one face and photographing them is like making postmortem pictures look lifelike.
they have this weird sense of personality to them, even the serene-looking ones. when i bought ada (third link above), it was kind of terrifying? she was tiny and fragile and the seller didn’t put her head on and she came in a pink child-size shoebox with all these tiny tiny clothes and accessories with her face painted on (here she is) and she was literally seventeen centimetres tall. i hate kids, i’m not a fan at all, but it was like seeing a new baby. and then she was a brat! she doesn’t like holding poses, her limbs snap around, her head lolls around on its socket, and she goes cross-eyed if you bump her slightly. she can’t decide on a hairstyle or eye colour, she hated her original face and she hates how i redid it, and she’s too tiny and delicate to take anywhere. i love her so fucking much. i’ve had her since i turned sixteen, and i’m twenty-two now. the reason i like lola so much isn’t just that hesitant alien is a kickass album, it’s because there’s this weird little creature and it’s you and it’s also not you and it’s your best friend and a strong critic of your every move and it’s cute and it’s fuzzy and it’s not real like a person but it’s kind of more real than that?
other dolls are cool too. i’ve spent more time with this $40 impulse purchase than i have with all $200 USD of ada, and i love her a lot too, but in a different way. some people use dolls to “shell” their characters, but mine tend to just happen, and ada’s character is more important than emi’s, no matter how cooperative emi is. one of my other oldest dolls is a pair of legs (because she’s the type you can buy as separate parts) and i keep putting off assembling her entire body because she feels like art and she’s kind of my favourite weird sculpture now. even the ones that don’t work out are really neat to have around -- most doll hobbyists sell members of their collection that don’t work, some are like revolving doors, others keep everything, so there’s always a secondhand market going that you can add to or pull from, or just look at for inspiration.
the customization aspect is really fun, too. some of them you have to reinvent from the ground up (i finally got a blythe and that’s what i’ll be doing with her as soon as my WIP list is at a better point), others you have weirder tasks on, like dyeing or repainting a body to revitalize it/suit a character (doing that to a unoa kit like the one pictured above) or modifying it to improve poseability or visuals (i’ve been hacking at a barbie body so she can bend her legs to fit in her wheelchair). sculpting your own dolls is a super-involved process, but i’ll do that eventually too (reading books about it is really meditative, especially since they tend to be in other languages so you have to inspect the pictures super closely. it’s like targeted dreaming). making doll clothing was a really strong draw for me for a while -- i wasn’t happy with how i exist in a body and it’s never the way i want, so i used dolls as kind of clothing horses for styles or designs i wouldn’t or couldn’t wear myself. now that i feel better about that, the dolls just kind of get what they want (and i’ve been neglecting them to sew for myself lmao but they don’t mind).
my phases run in weird cycles, so i’m really out of the loop on new developments relating to anything other than mattel inc. (the fashion doll community on tumblr is great), but it seems like the hobby is getting a lot more creative and a lot less stale than it was the first couple of times i was really into it. it’s this fluid, ever-changing thing that makes jumping back in really interesting (and a lot of work), but there’s still this comforting base to it that stays the same (use respiratory protection and high-quality materials when doing faceups, don’t buy recasts, volks/fairyland/alchemic labo are popular and cute). and if you swap doll types, there’s months/years more of entertainment. (i have big gay autism, or, like, adhd-autism crux/combination, and research is so fun)
dolls are great! they’re like muses, photography subjects, OCs, clothes horses, mascots, art projects, and (sometimes) investments all at once. whatever kind of phase i’m in, there’s something i can do with them. and they’re good company, and great for decoration and indulging your goth sensibilities and freaking out your visitors if you feel like it
random bag of onions to finish off: creepy and cute are accidental and if you deliberately aim for them you’ll get boring off-base results, what kayla said about s*x dolls applies to other types of doll too (if you try to put too many conventionally attractive features together you’ll just end up with something uncanny and grotesque instead of something really beautiful), toyetic design is for babies, doll hobbyists esp. forum communities still have a lot of unconscious biases esp. racism and homophobia to unpack, recasting is art theft and is killing the community via its artists but barbie/blythe/integrity knockoffs are basically a moral responsibility, and art dolls with huge hips are the new minifee chloes
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Hi I got back from Resin Rose last night and procceeded to absolutely die once I hit my bed but here’s some of my favorite highlights from the weekend:
HOW EVERYONE WAS SO FREAKING CUTE AND SWEET!!!! I honestly cannot get over the happy welcoming atmosphere there and how every person I ran into was so nice and sweet, especially with Linus and respecting his boundaries. You guys were wonderful I’m crying
Seeing @roqdoll and literally running to her hotel room in heels because I couldn’t wait to hug her.
Finally meeting @mirrorada @funnylori @glyndarling and so many others in person for the first time!
Having my whole ass ripped out of my body the second I saw the minifee Sia tail for sale for $300 and knowing my whole plan and budget for the weekend was absolutely WRECKED
Seeing my mom get to meet everyone and have fun shopping and browsing dolls, and finally realizing the style she likes AFTER BUYING TWO DOLLS NOT THAT STYLE LMAO M O M
My mom somehow having the best doll karma and winning a Pumpkee at the dinner, a MSD shirt from the day raffle, and then a WHOLE doll at the ending ceramonies
Eating red robin mac n cheese with a straw and just shoveling it in my mouth because we didnt have forks and thats just the energy cons have
Everyone’s usernames, putting faces to usernames
When I yelled “I love your doll!” At someone across the hall and heard a chorus of “oh thank you!!”’s back because no one knew who the compliment was for
Any loud thud and every person in the room would gasp
The sheer amount of goblin energy I was able to embody this weekend alone
Kawaii_Berry owning my ass and giving Zoe a wardrobe skejdkwkd
When dropping off Dahlia for the faceup contest I ran into someone who complimented her up and down and loved my work and honestly that was the win for me there. I lost the contest but seeing people love her and take photos was my win.
Sidric and my mom roasting me to my soul when they had been talking about TJ Maxx and I dissociated and then jumped in saying “hey you know a good place to get makeup from? TJ Maxx”. Rip in pieces my dignity
Seeing Ada run full speed by me with TWO handfulls of barbies/monster highs CACKLING
The distant woops and yells whenever someone’s name was called in the raffle
When I tried to play never have i ever at the slumber party and my brain gave up in the middle of the sentence
Linus discovering he had TWO beds to sleep on at night so he would sleep on mine till i fell asleep then get on my moms
Any moment I spent with Sid because I love that binch to the moon and back
THE DISCORD MEET WAS SO FUN!!!! And oh my god the discord chat saved me so many times. Thank you to all who answered my questions and put up with my Autism On Main all weekend.
Spending $5 at the swap and getting a gorgeous white wig, some black holographic shorts, and a white t for Zoe
Linus being the best boy and showing how far he has come in a year amd a half. I’m so proud of him.
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I love Miku but if she wins the Best Selection voting AGAIN I’m gonna scream. People act like she’s the only DD that exists. There are so many older sculpts that are so unique and fascinating that would look amazing with modern faceups but Miku, the most overproduced DD of all time, still gets people clamoring for a rerelease. I’m seeing people talking about voting for her in the rerelease poll as if she hasn’t had more releases than literally EVERY OTHER collab doll. I love her but come on.
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elizabethplaid · 5 years
acetone versus resin
I don’t feel like reblobbing the doll-hobby discussion about appropriate versus inappropriate materials, so I’m just gonna put it here.
@dollsahoy said she used acetone on her bjd (Dragondoll Zhao), the one I bought from her. I removed the doll’s faceup by sanding, and I found pock marks around the lips - where (I think) the acetone wore away at the resin.
I had planned to sand down the pitting along the lip edge and crease, then build up the lip shape with apoxy. Figured I could hide the clay addition under lip paint.
So if anyone plans to use acetone to remove a resin-bjd faceup, be careful. I wouldn’t recommend it, but I see other people are saying they haven’t had trouble. Your mileage may vary, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.
And @dollsonmain also said it best, if you decide to use acetone on resin: “Never soak, wash with soap and water after.” I do the soap-wash after with regular squishy heads, too.
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pirate-cashoo · 7 years
Hey there, I love your Nick Valentine figure touchup! I got one just a few days ago myself and wanted to do the same thing, but I've never set paintbrush to a figure before, can you post anything about the process you used? If so, awesome, I would super appreciate it, if not thank you for taking the time to read this anyway, you did an amazing job c:
Oh thank you!!  Aw man I should have taken progress shots. To be honest I didn’t know how good or bad it was gonna come out (I love touching up figures and toys but I am still a bit new to it). I will at least tell you the tools I used and how I used them!
So it’s actually very similar to how most people do faceups for BJDs (ball jointed dolls, you know those really pretty ones?). If you need more information than this post, I’d definitely look up ‘bjd faceup tutorial’ on google or youtube, you’ll find tons of em. This is a long post so I’m gonna put it under the cut.
So, to start, you need acetone and cotton balls/q-tips. It gets rid of the ugly paint already on his face. I didn’t do this, because I didn’t have acetone at the time and I was very impatient lol. But I just tried acetone on the Fawkes figure and it took the gross paint wash right off.
Let it dry, then take a matte sealant (Mr. Super Clear is the most recommended) on his face. Of course, do it outside because it’s bad for your lungs. Use a respirator if you can. Starting off with sealant gives the surface a bit of tooth to make your materials stick to it better. Apply some of the materials and when you’re happy, seal it again, and I recommend doing it often! This is so that if you make a mistake, you can wash it off without ruining your hard work underneath. Make sure to get a good even coat and wait for it to dry fully each time, or else it can mess up your progress.
Here are the tools I used:
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I started off by mixing the grey and dark brown pastels in a palette plate-thing and grinded them up so they were evenly mixed. Make sure it’s NOT a warm brown, or else that won’t blend well with the rest of his face. I used the 2nd brush in the bottom picture to lightly blush over the more concave parts of his face (eyes, under the cheekbones). I used the 1st brush (it’s a more flat brush) to do the wrinkles and the more sharp creases on his face. Go wild with the texture, do what you think looks best! But pastels are GREAT for doing blush and soft changes of color on the face. It’s always the first step because it lays down the foundation for the rest of the details. Start big and go small. After I was satisfied with the grey-brown shading, I did very light layers of black on the concave parts of his face to make things like his cheekbones stand out more.
Later on, I also used a black Prismacolor pencil (watercolor pencils tend to be best because they wash off easily in the event of a mistake, but if not that’s okay) to line in tiny details and light creases around his eyes. I also used the black pencil to fill in the line on his mouth, his nostrils, and the darkest parts in his ears.
I did his eyes last. My god his eyes were a pain. I re-did them like 4 times. I filled them in with the Micron pen (tbh any black pen or black acrylic paint works), all black, and sealed it off. I did a light outline with the white Prismacolor pencil to make sure the eyes lined up okay, and then filled in the whole circles with the white gel pen. I made black circles with the Micron within both of those. That was the easiest method I could find to get evenly-shaped eyes. If you have a REALLY tiny fine brush that can get those little details, then I’d recommend doing that with yellow acrylic paint! I lost my brush so I had to do it the hard way and go back in after sealing it with a yellow marker to get them yellow. RIP. After it’s all done give it a couple good layers of sealant and it’s done.
Also, q-tips are your friend! If I got too much of a color in one spot I just blended it out, and the pointy q-tips are good for dragging out subtle wrinkles and stuff. and if you mess up, dip the q-tip lightly in some water and wash off the desired spot.
That’s a really general overview, but I hope that helped. Let me know if you have any more questions! And again, definitely check out those BJD tutorials and other stuff like that, there are a lot of good resources out there to show how to use those tools. Overall, for doing touchups to figures, try to keep your all of your mediums water-based so it’s easier to go back in the event of a mistake!
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nolluska · 6 years
Faceup is LIVE, 1 spot is free! -edit- slot is gone ❤️
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Are you interested in a faceup? Then read ahead! 
Faceup commissions and details
Hello, I am Nolluska (Or @Dr.Nolls on Instagram) (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) (Mostly everywhere else than DoA, where I’m Giggy - don’t ask) and I’ve been painting dolls since 2008 and doing commissions and working on dolls for as long. I was on a long hiatus the past two years but now I feel I can slowly start on doing these again. 
I want to give a heads up that because of my chronic illnesses, I have to plan out commissions very carefully and not take more than 2 at a time so I won’t burden myself with too many things going on at the same time. It is the first thing that might lengthen the period of finishing your doll. This is why I have listed the painting period of one head to 2-3 months but I might also finish your doll even earlier than 2 months. I can give updates when there are updates to give, but please keep the messaging to a minimum unless you have some important information or add-ons for the faceup instructions than was previously discussed. 
✿ As a start; please notice that I will take pictures of the faceups I’ve done and I have full usage on the pictures of the pictures I’ve taken and I can use them wherever I want.
I’m at my best as girly natural faceups but doing anything out of the ordinary isn’t scary! I can paint realistically or as fantasy as it gets, who doesn’t love a little challenge! 
I will not copy other peoples work but I can get influenced from example photos or try to paint something like some other person in the photographs. But if you want the whole faceup to be painted like person X, then please ask that person for a faceup, not me.
I don’t take photos of the works in progress, you will receive only finished faceup pictures. I’m sorry about this but doing this will stretch the finishing time enormously for me as the weather here is as quirky as it can be. 
Faceup price: 55€ (+ shipping fees)
✿ Includes previous faceup removal and cleaning
✿ Includes eyelashes from my stock and glueing them on
Waiting time is 2-3 months for one head, starting from the day I receive the head. Waiting time may vary due to weather conditions since I live in a very wet/mixed weather climate. I might or might not take more heads at the same time to work on - you can always PM me for details. 
Possible: I might stream the doll painting sessions on my Twitch account (Nolluska). PM me for more info if you’re interested in seeing your doll being painted live!
What I DON’T do:
Fantasy parts painting, no horns or fantasy legs etc. 
What I CAN do:
Tattoos, price to be decided after size and difficulty
Scars, price to be decided after size and difficulty
Freckles and moles, free of charge
Beards, free of charge
Modifications like adding epoxy or carving/sanding, fee decided after discussion.
Repairing broken parts, fee decided after discussion
Postage, calculated with the lowest possible fee (no insurance or tracking, ask for a quote in those):
Europe (EU): ~12€
USA: ~20€
Check our Posti service out to see what it costs: https://www.posti.fi/index-en.html
Other than those, ask for details if you cannot figure out the Posti -webpage. :3
For the faceup details I need, there are different possibilities:
You can give me free hands after giving me slight instuctions of what you’d like the doll to appear like. (Gentle, shy, confused etc.)
If you are very strict of what you’d like your doll to look like, from the color cheme to the eyebrow shape, you can give me example photos and I’ll carry them out the best I can.
General color theme
General atmosphere (realistic, natural, gothic, cheerful, sad etc.)
Color and shape of the eyelashes
Color and shape of the eyebrows
Color and shape of the lips
Blushing, the preferred amount.
Glued in eyelashes, Y/N, color and size preference.
Any add in’s, like beauty marks or freckles.
!! Add example photos if you have any !!
You can also give me some small story to read (if you have any) or some character information for me to get inspired from. ^_^
You can PM me here or contact me directly with email to:
[email protected] (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
Please read!
Also everyone under 18 years of age please note that I need a legal guardians written agreement on my prices and return shipping fees. I will also refuse to send items back unless I’m paid the full amount. I will ship items paid with Paypal, ONLY to the Paypal adress.
I will anyhow accept IBAN bank transfer payments from EU countries. 
Layaway is not an option, the payment for the faceup must be made upfront. Postage you can pay later when I've finished the head and ready to post, as the prices might change over time. 
Thank you for reading this ^_^
- Much love from Suvi <3 
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dollycoffee · 6 years
Hey what tools do you need to do basic face-ups and is an air brush necessary? Love ur work btw (^o^)
Hey there! First off, thank you, I really appreciate it! Sorry my response is a bit long :’DAn air brush is not necessary at all! Some artists prefer to use them, but I’m not comfortable using one since I don’t have the experience with them, and I feel much more in control with pastels. I do have one, but I haven’t actually used it yet? I may in the future,  since I do want to repaint a very large area of one of my dolls. For materials, soft pastels and watered down acrylic paints are my main go-tos while doing faceups! Other things I’ve seen people use, and I want to try, are pigment powders, which I think contain glitter, holographic powder, and gouache paints. They differ from acrylics, but I’m not sure how. They do wash off better than acrylics though, if you  make a mistake.  But, on a budget, chalk pastels and acrylic paint work just fine! Do look out for pastels and paints that contain oil, though, oil is not good for resin.As for tools for faceups, I use a variety of brush sizes. For blushing, a soft, fine brush  with a circular brush part works best. Imagine like a makeup brush, used for blush, but on a smaller scale to use for doll heads. Other good brushes are ones with firmer brush tips, when doing eyeshadow or deeper colored parts like lips or around the nose and ears. Very thin tipped brushes I use for painting individual hairs in the eyebrows or eyelashes (It’s not as hard as you think!) Stiff, almost toothbrush like tips, work really well if you want to do freckles or skin texturing ^^Another tool that’s really good for faceups is a Q-tip, surprisingly. They can hold a lot of color and works well for vibrancy in just a few layers. They’re also good for smoothing color or cleaning little paint mistakes. And they’re cheap, which is awesome. With a normal faceup, I go through about twenty, I think? But a big pack lasts a good while for me. Aside from them, other things to make your work pop are glosses and varnishes, if you want the lips and around the eyes to look shiny. Just little details, I like using them on my dolls’ lips. But they’re not necessary, just like an airbrush. It’s all personal preference :DI hope this helps! Thanks so much again, Anon!
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smartchicken · 6 years
List five things that make you happy and then send this to the last ten people in your activity feed. (No pressure if you don't wanna!)
CACKLES yeah sure tonight's been super weird it'd be a shame not to
1. The two super weird convos I had with people I don't really talk to on tumblr tonight, plus SOMEONE somehow finding a certain mafia au? Yeah all of that is grade A delightful. I'm gonna resist the urge to list all of the tumblr A+ content but the current highlights are Sauce's slug saga, and the adorable hockey fandom.
2. My dumbass cats, bless their stupid faces. Mutant screams and Kitten Kitten will never outgrow the belief that, if I am standing, he should be on my shoulder.
3. Flan. Have you ever had flan? It's so fucking good. Including cheap premade flan. That's the sort of shit i want in a dessert.
4. Silly names for silly things. I have a cactus name Harryson Ford. I named twin chickens Beef and Stew. Someone named their cat Concrete. Ridiculous names are the best. My brother gave Kitten Kitten a "name" that is so long I, to this day, cannot remember all of it.
5. Soft things like fuzzy blankets and cotton t-shirts and well worn pillows. Plants and fruits and birds and the beach and this sweepstakes I got in the mail for a trip to the "#1 in the US" but the beach is actually like ten beaches and also it's about 30 minutes from me. Being on bc, doll faceups and lets plays and diys. I'm such an asshole all the time and so much of the world is just straight up awful but there's so much awesome stuff too.
Also cusswords. Fuckyeah.
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