#I’m not super proud of how it turned out and I honestly had no idea how to end it
zootopiathingz · 5 months
A Promise in the Dead of Night
“I’m scared…”
Her voice is but a whisper, that Alastor barely registers her words at first. When he does, he feels himself tightening his arms around her, his mind already preparing to shield her from danger that he’s not made aware of.
Something’s been off about Charlie’s behavior and he hasn’t been able to determine the reason. From the moment she stepped in his room, he’s known she hasn’t been in her usual perky mood. It’s not unlike her to pay him a visit in the dead of night. Hell, it’s practically become routine for them. If he doesn’t end up falling asleep with her in her own bed, he can expect to find her hours later in his room, quietly requesting that she stay. And he never refuses. How could he possibly turn down such a request from the radiant, smiling princess of Hell?
But tonight, that gorgeous smile of hers that normally greets him when she enters a room was absent from her face. Her piercing eyes that could read all the secrets of his soul were puffy from tears she must have dried before coming to see him. She hasn’t uttered a word until now. She simply opened the door and walked over to join him on the sofa he sits on and crawled her way into his arms. He hasn’t questioned her, but he finds it odd that she had been so quiet. Not even a laugh, or even a breath. Has she been holding her breath the whole time?
Alastor brings his hand up to the back of her head that lays against his chest, raking his long claws through the soft strands of her golden hair. “Of what, dear?” He asks, his voice only slightly louder than hers.
She doesn’t answer. Not with words, at least. Instead she just further nuzzles her head against him, burying her face into the fabric of his coat like she’s trying to hide from something. Alastor swears he hears a faint whimper escape her—a sound that not only catches him off-guard, but fills him with rage. Several thoughts run through his mind like a herd of deer. What could have happened to her that would send her into such a fragile state? Who hurt her…?
Before jumping to conclusions, he decides to continue with his gentle approach. He shifts slightly, taking her chin between his fingers to lift her head away from his chest, her gaze instinctively meeting his. He’s met with the most heartbreaking look of vulnerability she’s ever displayed. He doesn’t like it one bit.
“What’s troubling you, my darling?” He questions her again, his thumb tenderly caressing the soft, milky skin of her face.
Charlie sniffles and briefly shifts her gaze downward as she struggles to answer in a way that makes sense. “I.. I don’t know.” She sighs shakily. She knows it’s a pathetic response, but she doesn’t know how to explain the hell-storm wreaking havoc in her mind.
Alastor stays quiet, only giving her a look that urges her to go on. And when she looks at him again, she does, however reluctantly.
“Oh Al.. I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and no matter what I do, it won’t leave me alone.” Charlie lets out a small hiccup of a breath, leaning her head forward slightly, longing to lay on his chest again. “I keep having these horrible dreams. They play out differently, but they all end the same way…something bad happens, or someone attacks us, and one way or another, you get taken away from me. I don’t know what happens to you after. I always wake up before I can find out, but I’m afraid that it means you were…”
She pauses, not wanting to actually finish the thought aloud. She knows she doesn’t need to, anyway. Alastor can easily fill in the blank.
His signature smile, sealed by his lips at the moment, tightens at the corners. Charlie doesn’t see it, but his blinking eyes go wide for just a moment. It may be just a coincidence, it had to be. But what are the odds that they were both struggling with bad dreams about losing the other to some unknown force of darkness? Alastor hasn’t let it affect him like Charlie clearly has, because to him it shouldn’t have meant anything.
But to know that his princess was facing the exact same troubling phenomenon…that was a cause for alarm.
He doesn’t tell her of this. No, he refuses to worry her any more than she already has been. It’s his job to ease her worries, not increase them. It’s a burden he’ll bear for them both. What’s one more, anyway?
He pulls her in close to him as she snuggles into his arms. “Oh Charlie, you must not fret over something like night terrors.” He assures in a calming tone, trailing his hand up and down the length of her back. “They’re just dreams, after all. They cannot hurt us.”
“That’s the thing. What if they’re not just dreams?” Charlie argues, her body growing slightly tense at this thought she only just now realizes she has. “What if..it’s a warning?”
Alastor doesn’t even want to entertain the idea. He doesn’t want to imagine that that’s the reason behind their shared unconscious terrors. No, he won’t give into the fear. It will only consume them, and then they will be doomed to face it.
“You shouldn’t think like that, dear.” He says, leaning his head down, resting his chin atop of her head. “It will do you no good. You mustn’t let your fear control you.”
Charlie closes her eyes, her voice reverting back to its pitiful hushed tone. “I can’t stop it.”
There’s a brief moment of stillness between them. Neither dares to move from the warmth of the other’s touch. The air grows quiet, with only the cackling flames of the fireplace providing any source of sound. That is, until Alastor slowly lifts his head and pulls her back to face her again. The look in his eyes takes her aback. His grin is as wide as always, but there’s a subtle glimmer of sadness in his gaze that she’s never quite seen before. She’s not sure if she should feel touched that he’s grown so comfortable to express such vulnerability in front of her, or horrified of the meaning behind it…
“Then tell me what I can do to make it go away.” He raises his finger up to brush her bangs away from her forehead, before resting his hand against the side of her face, cupping her face in his palm. “Whatever it is, it will be done. Just name it.”
Charlie frowns softly, staring at him quietly for the longest minute. She’s not sure there’s anything he can do to make this all disappear. Alastor may be a powerful overlord, wielding immense power that has left even her impressed. But sadly, he can’t just snap his fingers and rid her of her fears like he wishes. Miracles like that weren’t possible down here in Hell.
There’s one thing he can do, though. As simple as it may be, it’s what she needs him to do.
Charlie leans her face into his palm, bringing her own hand up to hold his wrist as she looks deep into his eyes. “Just..promise me that no matter what happens, if anything happens, that nothing will tear us apart from each other.” She says, her voice trembling more and more with each word. “Whether these are just stupid dreams or not, I cannot lose you, Alastor. So please.. promise me now.”
Alastor gives her an incredulous look, raising his brow a little, just before he leans in, inching his face closer to hers.
“Charlie..my princess,” He speaks firmly, his voice lacking any static or filter that it normally carries, “I swear on my damned life, I will never let anything take you away from me. Not Heaven. Not Hell. Nothing is ever going to keep us apart. Do you understand?”
She nods slowly, and as she blinks the tears she’s been fighting back threaten to burst like a broken dam. Alastor kisses her, the tender touch of his lips bringing her a warm sense of comfort. He then pulls her back into his reassuring embrace, and at last the woman crumbles down. She cries into his shoulder, clinging onto him like she may lose him for good if she even thinks of letting go. He doesn’t say anything, knowing he’s said all he can to bring her solace and all he can do now is simply be here with her.
But they both know his words held nothing but truth to them. Charlie’s been the one good thing to ever happen to him in a long, long time. And he would sooner die again than ever let something rip that away from his grasp. He will hold onto her and use everything in his power to fight for her, and he will do it all with a smile on his face.
It’s alright, my love. Is his immediate thought when he hears that dreadful sound of her sobbing. He hugs her as close as he possibly can, letting his eyes fall shut as his face presses onto the mess of hair on her head. The shadow that resembles his shape looms over the pair, hovering its claws protectively over the woman in Alastor’s arms.
Anyone who tries to take you from me will be faced with a fate worse than death…
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lesservillain · 2 months
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best friend!eddie x reader
cw: SMUT, unprotected piv, pregnancy scare, one sided feelings, sort of sad at the end? an: the prequel to baby daddy!eddie but could be read as a stand alone if you wanted wc: 3.4k
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A few years ago…
Music played on the stereo in Gareth’s garage, filling the house through the cracked door that connected to the house. The host himself was passed out on his living room couch, the rest of the boys laughing at him for falling asleep. The only ones left at the party were Jeff, Grant, Eddie and you, the few other guests who came to celebrate their graduations left not long ago.
You rolled your eyes as they placed Gareth’s hand in a bowl of water, a prank that one of them heard would make someone piss themselves in their sleep. Instead of taking part in their stupid prank, you chose to help out with cleaning up. Empty beer cans and other snack bags started filling up the trashcan as you made your way around the kitchen.
“What are you in here doing, sweetheart?”
You turn to see Eddie leaning against the door frame of the kitchen, watching you as you pick up more trash.
“Trying to be helpful,” you say, shoving as much trash into the can as you possibly can. Eddie laughs, pushing off from the frame to walk over to you. He grabs the bag from the can and proceeds to tie it. You smile up at him. “Thanks.”
“Of course,” he says after a moment of looking at you. You get an overwhelming feeling of domesticity as you watch Eddie take the bag out the back door. You watch him through the window as he places the bag in the can. Lighting up a cigarette, he waves at you from the cans, and you feel your cheeks grow hot from being caught staring. 
Eddie was your best friend. Has been since he moved to Hawkins back in 4th grade. The two of you met after you spent the summer in the trailer park where his uncle and your grandma both live in. You rolled with most of the kids there, but Eddie was like a new toy to you. 
He was hard to get out of his shell at first, mostly due to traumas you weren’t aware of at the time. In retrospect, you really pushed him hard, ever persistent in your daily trips to Wayne’s trailer to get him to come out. But when he finally did agree to play with you, the two of you became immediately inseparable. 
Everyone always joked about the two of you spending so much time together, laughing at the grossed out reactions the two of you would have at the mention of the two of you getting married one day. If your grandma was still alive, she would probably be distraught knowing that you had a massive crush on anyone other than Eddie.
After replacing the trash bag, you decide to join Eddie outside. The cool air feels amazing on your skin. The boys don’t have a lot of friends outside of each other, but when all of them start drinking and playing games they seem to generate a lot of heat in such a small space.
“Want one?” Eddie asks as you approach, smoke billowing from between his lips. You nod and he pulls out his pack. 
“Did you have fun?” You ask as he lights the cigarette for you, your hands brushing as he hands it over. The feeling of your skin touching felt like electricity through your hand.
“Uh, yeah,” he says, taking a drag. “I mean, I think it could have been just the two of us and I would have been happy. I’m just glad to finally not have to go back to that hell hole.”
“I’m happy for you, too,” you smile, taking a step closer to him. “Eddie, you honestly have no idea how proud I am of you. Like, I want to shout from the roof tops that Eddie fucking Munson graduated!”
Eddie giggles at your praise, swaying a bit where he stands from the amount of alcohol he’s consumed tonight. He stretches an arm out and you oblige, accepting his tight embrace. He smells like alcohol, weed, sweat, and notes of cheap cologne that he sprayed on earlier in the evening. It was a bit intoxicating in your current state. 
Drinking either made you super friendy or super horny, and tonight you were heading towards the latter. 
You would never admit it, but you’d been watching Eddie all night. There was an air about him tonight. Call it confidence or call it something else, but it was something you’d never seen in him before. It’s like he’s gotten a new found sense of life knowing that he was finally free to do whatever he wants in life. There was nothing left to tie him down and he knew it.
And, maybe unfortunately, it was doing something for you. You’d never really thought about Eddie like that before, your long time crush on Steve clouding your mind when it came to paying attention to anyone else. But something has…changed.
And after a shot or two that you took with a few of his friends from theater class (those kids are wild), everything he did just seemed to be doing something for you. You almost fell over when he lifted his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his stomach that you’ve seen a thousand times on on display looking extra lean and just…
“Hey, are you okay?”
You instantly went from feeling good to being super aware of the way Eddie’s body was touching you. With the way he was holding you, his hand rested just above your chest, almost resting on your breast. The veins in is hand seemed more prominent, the rings on his fingers suiting his hands well.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, letting go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding. When he doesn’t say anything, you slowly turn to look at him. Which was a mistake, because the way he was staring at you took your breath away again. His big brown eyes stared into yours, lidded in a way that made you want to squirm.
“Eddie? Are you good?”
He doesn’t respond, only blinks. His gaze shifts, flickering back and forth between your lips and your eyes and you feel your stomach flip. 
This isn’t how best friends look at each other. Friends don't caress your cheek like he does. They don’t pull you in, making your fronts flush with each other. They don’t start to block out the light from the moon as they lean in. Their lips don’t meet yours, and you aren’t supposed to accept it, kissing them back.
But, before you know it, your kiss turns into kisses. Feverish and hungry, tongues dancing in sync like lovers do. You’re not lovers, but you feel that line blurring as your body is being pulled away. 
The two of you don’t disconnect until you suddenly stop. Eddie is the first to break off the kiss, reaching behind him to open the doors of his van where he pulls you in. You don’t protest, gladly jumping in and pushing him down so that he lays under you. You can tell by the look on his face he wasn’t expecting it. His eyes watch you as you pull the van doors closed.
Once they click together, everything happens quickly. Rushed touches and clothes flying in every direction, the two of you melt into each other.
Your perched in his lap, breasts are pressed into him with arms wrapped around his neck as you almost eat him alive. His hands rub down the expanse of your back until they land on your ass, palming you underneath your panties as you grind down against him.
Eddie is painfully hard under you. For the brief moment that you looked down at him, you were shocked at the size of the tent in his boxers. It was the one thing about him that you didn’t know anything about after all these years. It sent waves to your core that only made you feel things for him you’d never felt before.
In an attempt to speed things up, you let your hand trail down his chest, his stomach, and down past the hem of his boxers. Your brows shot up when you gripped him, his true size in your hand taking you by surprise.
“Mmmm, shit,” he moans under you, and your breath hitches. You watch him carefully as his face contorts in a way that you’ve never seen; a new side of Eddie that you feel privileged to witness.
And then his his hand is on your head, guiding your mouth up and down on his huge cock. Tears threaten to fall down your cheeks with how far down your throat he tries to get you. But you do your best to take it like a champ. Especially with how he praises you.
“Fuck, you’re amazing.” The words fall from his lips like flowing water. He lost the barrier to keep his thoughts to himself as soon as you took your bra off. “Please don’t stop.”
How could you possibly deny him? You can’t. You blow him better than you ever have before, until his thighs are clenching around your head. You were fully expecting him to blow his load in your mouth at this point and you would have let him. But he pops you off of him and holds you in his hands until he can catch his breath.
“Eddie, whats wrong?” You ask confused.
“I’m sorry,” he says with heavy breaths, “Didn’t want to waste this chance by cumming too quick.”
Your heart leaped in your chest at his words, insinuating that he wanted more than just a quick bj in the back of his van. You’d never thought you’d be doing this with him, but in your current state Eddie could tell you to kill someone you would without question.
“Okay,” you say with a nod, shifting your body until you were sitting in front of him. There was an awkward pause as the two of you stared at each other. You waited for him to make the next move but it seemed like it was never going to come. You’re sure Eddie is just as wrapped up in the moment as you, so you decide to go ahead and make the next move.
You crawl towards him until you’re sitting just above his lap. His eyes never leave your face, round and in awe of you as you move closer to him. You place a hand on either shoulder and you can feel how tense he is.
“Eddie, are you sure you want to do this?”
He’s frozen for a moment. Until his head begins to nod so quickly he could have given himself brain damage from the speed.
“Yes, yeah, I am. As long as you are…”
“I do, too,” you assure him. You look around the messy interior of his van for a moment before looking back at him. “Do you, um, have a…”
Eddie’s eyes look like they’re about to bulge out of his head as his face shifts into that of a state of panic. He starts to babble, words incoherent until he’s able to form a sentence.
“I-I-I don’t, um, I don’t have any…condoms.” The last word comes out in a hushed tone, almost ashamed as he admits it.
“Well, shit,” you say, finger coming to tap against your lip as you think. You’d never done it without a condom before, and even if you trusted Eddie, the last thing you two needed was an accident to happen.
“I’m sorry, I just--I’ve never done this, so--”
“Wait, what?” You say, stopping him in his tracks. He looks up at you like he said something wrong and it kills you. “Eddie,” you try and keep your tone as neutral as possible, “Are you…still a virgin?”
Eddie swallows, eyes now looking anywhere but you. Eddie’s never brought up anything about his sex life before to you, but you’d not really been all that open with him for that very reason. But you’d always assumed it was just a mutual respect thing, not that he didn’t have anything to share to begin with.
“It’s okay if you are,” you add, “It doesn’t bother me.”
Eddie looks at you again, though now with cheeks pinker than ever. He sighs, nodding once again, but with less vigor than before.
“Yeah, I’m a…virgin.”
Something inside you flips when you hear him admit it out loud. A giddy feeling inside takes over your thoughts as you come to a realization.
“Do you want me to help you change that?”
You barely recognized your own words, and the look that Eddie gave you told you that it came out just as suggestive as you intended. 
“Are you sure?” He stutters out, “I don’t want you to do it because you feel like you have to--”
“Shhh,” you shush him, placing a finger on his lips. “I’m doing this because I want to,” you say, lowering yourself so that the tip of his cock sits right at your entrance. You feel it jump in your hand at the contact. “You just have to say the word.”
Eddie’s eyes are locked where the two of you touch, his breath hitching as your juices coat his thick head. 
“Please,” he says, still looking between you. “I want to.”
You smile, a heat taking over your body as you realize what you’re about to do. But, you try not to let the idea of taking your best friends virginity take you out of the moment. You had to be in charge here and you didn’t want to let Eddie down.
Without a second thought, you start to lower yourself down on him. He’s bigger than you’ve been with before, so you take your time to work him in since you didn’t get any prep before hand.
“Wait,” he says suddenly, stopping you just as you get the tip all the way in. 
“What, what’s wrong?” You ask, starting to pull off of him. But his hands land on your hips to keep you in place.
“I want to do this. Like, you have no idea how much I want this right now. But, what about the no condom thing?”
You blink, thinking quickly over your options. The two of you are too intoxicated to go and get a condom right now. Plus, he’s already technically inside of you, so what good would one do that pulling out wouldn’t, right?
“Just…when you’re about to cum, just tell me and I’ll get off. Okay?”
“Are you sure?”
“Do you want me to change my mind?”
Eddie mimics zipping his lips, and you roll your eyes at his playfulness.
“Can I continue now?” He nods again, giving you a thumbs up.
You try to get yourself back into the moment by slowly moving up and down, focusing on the feeling of Eddie’s cock inching deeper and deeper inside of you with each movement. Eddie’s head rolls back and you feel his hips bucking subconsciously beneath you. 
You decide not to torment him anymore and fully seat yourself in his lap. He bucks forward, face colliding with your chest as he’s taken aback by the feeling. 
“You okay?” You say with a giggle, though you’re barely holding back a moan yourself at feeling his cock fully stretching you. 
“Mhmm,” he whimpers into your skin, the grip he has on your hips almost bruising. 
“Do you want me to give you a minute?”
He shakes his head. “No, please move.”
And so you do. You take your time at first, really to give yourself ample opportunity to prepare to take him at a faster pace. But with the sounds he’s making, you feel yourself getting wet enough that you can bounce yourself on his cock with more ease. He keeps his face burried in your chest as you move up and down on his cock.
Eddie’s hands loosen on your hips and move themselves up your sides until they land on your breasts. He holds them around his face, fondling and groping as they rub against his face. He takes one of your nipples in his mouth, licking and teething at it softly, sending little shocks of pleasure through you.
All of the feelings were honestly a lot for you to take in. And the more you looked down at him the quicker your own orgasm was approaching. You let yourself forget about his pleasure for a moment as you chased your own high, fully seating yourself to let the thick patch of hair at his base rub deliciously against your clit. You rolled your hips against him and he whined into your chest.
Suddenly, your vision goes white as you feel yourself cumming on his cock. Your body starts to shake, and you’re pussy spasms around him, coating him in your cum.
“Is that you cumming? Holy fuck, I--”
There wasn’t much time to react as your pussy was suddenly being filled. Eddie’s body tenses under you as you’re only just now coming down from your own high. But when you finally realize what was happening, you jump up as fast as you can, head hitting the top of his van.
“Fuck! Damn it, Eddie!”
He snaps out of his post orgasm bliss and jumps up after you, also hitting his head on the ceiling in the process. 
“Shit! Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Eddie’s never been more panicked in his life than right now. Not even when he almost got caught by Hopper selling out in the woods. “I can fix this! I-I-I-”
“Eddie, how the hell are you going to fix this? Fuck me, this is my fault. I should have just said no when you said you didn’t have a condom.”
“No, please don’t be mad,” he says, grabbing your arms and giving you the most pathetic, sad look you’ve ever seen. 
“Do you have any money?” You ask him after a moment.
“I probably have like $3 to my name right now. Why?”
“Shit, I just paid my car payment so I only have like $10. I was going to say we could run to the pharmacy and get a Plan B.”
“What’s that?” 
“It’s like a pill that’s supposed to keep you from getting pregnant. But they’re, like, $20 or something crazy like that.”
“I’ll go to Rick. I can probably get some supply from him and sell it in a couple days.”
“I think it only works like the next day. It’s called the morning after pill for a reason I think.”
“Shit, shit, shit.” 
“What about Wayne?”
“I can’t go to Wayne.”
“Why not?”
“Why don’t you ask your mom?”
You sigh. He had a point. There was no way you could ask your mom without her asking why. And money was already tight so there wasn’t a good excuse to make up for you needing $20 out of the blue. 
“You know what, it’s fine.” You say, convincing yourself that it was. “My period should be coming soon, so I think we’re okay.”
“How soon is soon?” Eddie asks, clearly not convinced.
“Like, in a week and a half? Usually around the beginning of the month.”
Eddie breaths in, then out, head slumping. He drops to his knees before you and you can see his body start to shake.
“Eddie?” You drop down to his level and get a look at his face. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, and it sent an arrow through your heart to see him so upset.
“I’m so sorry.” His words come out watery, his head starting to shake. “I didn’t want this to be how it happened.”
His words hit you like a truck. Of course he didn’t want his first time to be like this. He probably wanted it to be with someone he loved, not with his friend, and definitely not with the possibility of getting you pregnant. 
Guilt washed over you. You should have been the better person and not given in to your sick desire to share something like this with him. 
But it’s too late.
You can only hope that this doesn’t ruin your friendship forever.
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than you for reading!
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reigningqueenofwords · 4 months
Losing Her
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader Word count: 1,156 Request: Anonymous. Love that you’ve jumped on the chubby Bucky train 🤗. Maybe reader is planning a party for a recent promotion or something and she has to be secretive so he gets super duper worried she’s leaving him because he’s gotten chunky?
Read on AO3
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Bucky had gotten a promotion that he’d been hoping for finally, and you were so proud of him. He’d worked hard, and it had finally paid off. You wanted to show him just how proud, so you took it upon yourself to start planning him a part. That he would have no idea about. Conspiring with Tony, Nat, and Steve, the four of you worked to make it perfect. They’d help you make sure all your friends were there on time, and that everything was how you wanted it to be.
The phone was between your shoulder and ear as you worked on dinner for that evening when Bucky walked in. “That’s perfect! And it’s in my budget?” You asked. “Tony, just because you make a lot of money, doesn’t mean the rest of us do.” You teased. Hearing the door shut, you quickly worked on ending the call. “We’ll talk tomorrow. Night.” You hit the red button and put your phone on the counter before turning to see Bucky standing there, eyebrow raised. “How was work?” You smiled. 
“It was work. What did Tony want?” He asked, curious. 
You waved it off. “Working on Christmas presents early this year.” You told him. 
“It’s May.” He noted. You simply shrugged and went back to cooking, confusing him. 
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Crawling into bed that night, you got a text as you got comfortable. Bucky was already waiting to cuddle you, but you quickly grabbed your phone. It was Nat, talking about catering. You replied, chatting with her for a few minutes before putting it face down on your nightstand. “Girl from work wants to grab lunch tomorrow.” You pecked his cheek before wrapping your arm around his waist, which had grown since the pair of you had moved in together. Putting your head on his chest, you didn’t see the look of worry on his face. 
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“I don’t know what to do, Stevie.” Bucky paced his office while on the phone with his younger brother. “I feel like I’m losing her.” His heart ached. “I’ve put on weight, I get that. I’m not as fit as I used to be. I work, and so sue me I’d rather enjoy my girl’s cooking over spending an hour at the gym.” He half whined. 
Steve sighed, trying to ease his worries without giving anything away. “She loves you, Buck.” He assured him. “So much.” Being in the middle was hard, but Steve understood why you’d asked him to help. “How long have you felt this way?” 
He sighed. “It really started maybe a week ago?” He shrugged, even though he couldn’t be seen. “I come home and she’s talking to Tony. Something about a budget. She tried to play it off as wanting to work on Christmas presents already. I pointed out it’s May. Then she gets into bed, and instantly starts texting someone. She said it was a girl from work, but why would she be texting her so late?” 
“Honestly, you are dating someone who likes to plan.” He pointed out. “She honestly could be planning Christmas presents. Last year she took over a month just for your birthday present, remember?” 
“Yeah, I remember.” He mumbled. It had been a good present. 
Steve smiled to himself. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll all blow over, and you’ll laugh at yourself for every thinking she’d want to leave you. She probably has bridal magazines stashed in your apartment somewhere, Buck.” He saw the two of you making it in the long run. 
Bucky’s cheeks turned a bright red at that. “You think?” He asked, now a bit worried for a different reason. Were you hoping he’d propose or something? “Wait, do you think she’s planning to propose?!” He felt slightly panicked. He loved that you were independent, and didn’t care about ‘gender roles’, but he wanted to get down on one knee for you! 
Chuckling, Steve was amused. “Calm. Down.” He said gently. “Breathe. Just get back to work, okay? I’ll see you for our usual dinner Friday.” He told him. 
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Throughout the next few days, Bucky’s worries went back and forth. From him thinking you were leaving, to thinking you’d propose and he wouldn’t get to surprise you with that. By the time Friday rolled around, he hoped that dinner would help. Every Friday night, your group of friends made their way to Tony’s for a nice dinner. It was something to look forward to when the weeks were long and hard. 
“Tony never sends a car.” Bucky noted when you told him your car was there. 
“Guess he wanted us to feel special.” You smiled, lacing your fingers with his as you led him outside. There was a nice black car waiting for you, the driver there, ready to open the door for the two of you to slide in. 
Once in, his eyes watched out the window. “This isn’t the way to Tony’s.” He looked to you, noting how the lights from outside hit your face just so. “Where’re we going, doll?” 
You grinned over at him. “You’ll see.” You teased, making him furrow his brows. 
Twenty minutes later, the door was opened again. Bucky got out first, and then offered you his hand. He looked to the building, and noted it was a very nice hotel. Bucky allowed himself to be led by you, his mind trying to grasp at the most logical outcome. He stopped you, making you look at him. “Babe, I love you, and I wanted to be the one to propose. I don’t have a ring, or I’d do this the right way. But, I have to ask before you do it.” He rambled, making you stare at him. “Will you marry me?” He blurted out, making you giggle. 
“I will, but I wasn’t proposing.” You cupped his cheek gently. Motioning to the two large doors that had opened, showing your friends, the room behind them set up for a party. A banner that read ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ was hung up. 
“I guess we have two reasons to celebrate now!” Tony beamed. 
Bucky’s eyes went wide, looking back to you. “Uh…” His face felt like it was on fire. 
You pecked his lips. “We can go ring shopping tomorrow. We’ve been putting together a party for your promotion, babe.” You explained. “That ‘budget’ I told Tony to stick to, that he didn’t….” You shot a fake glare at the man. “Was for the venue, and supplies. That text I got was Nat. She was in charge of food. I worked with them, and Steve, to pull this off in about two weeks.” You wrapped your arms around him. 
“That…didn’t even cross my mind.” He admitted. “I thought you were leaving me because I gained weight, or proposing. Then I saw this place and…well…” He said bashfully. 
“I love your extra weight.” You grinned with a wink. “Now, let’s celebrate!” 
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kaeyalovr · 8 months
Cult leader! Suguru Geto x F!Reader
Wordcount: 2,9k
My first ever fic, so be nice !!! Had a super fun time writing this and I hope y'all enjoy :)
Cw: Non-con/dub-con, smut, creampie, abuse of authority, manipulation, rough sex, degradation, fingering, orgasm denial, religious symbolism, ooc geto, breeding, slight misogyny, religious guilt, verbal humiliation, Geto is not nice lol
You have been summoned to meet with the “esteemed leader”, Suguru Geto to discuss marriage. Every woman in the “family” must do this once they come of age, as creating more members is one of the utmost priorities of the cult. 
Your parents walk you to the esteemed leader’s chambers. You’re wearing your finest kimono, the obi tied a little bit too tightly around your waist. Sweat drips from your forehead, you curl your hands into tight balls, and dig your nails into the palms of your hands so hard they start bleeding. Not that you felt it, you’re so nervous it feels like you could drop dead at any moment. 
And before you know it you’ve arrived at the doors. Even though it’s at least a ten minute walk from your room to Geto’s chambers, it felt like seconds. You turn to look at your parents who have giant grins on their faces. They say something about how they’re so proud of you and how you’re their best achievement in life. Honestly you didn’t really hear anything but you assume they’d say something like that.
Right when you thought you were going to pass out, the two big wooden doors in front of you opened. You quickly looked away from your parents and turned to face the opening. Then you saw him. The esteemed leader in all his glory sitting on a mat in the middle of the room. Gods he really was beautiful wasn’t he. From his long raven locks to his perfectly chiselled body. No wonder people were utterly devoted to him.
You didn’t even realise how stupid you must’ve looked ogling at him until you felt a hand lightly push you forward. You didn’t even look back to see who it was, you just started walking forward in uneven wobbly steps. Once you reached the mat Geto was sitting on you made a light bow out of respect and sat down opposite to him. It was only then when you realised this was the closest you’d ever been to him. Of course you’d seen him in person before but only as a part of the crowd when he was on stage. 
The noisy closing of the wooden doors broke you out of your thoughts and brought you back to reality. Your newest revelation was the fact that you were now completely alone with Geto. Not that that worried you… except maybe a little bit. You weren’t scared of him per say, but he definitely had a very commanding aura.
He’s the first to break the silence by saying. “Now that you are a woman grown and in the prime of your life, I think it’s only logical that you start to think about marriage.” 
You send a frown his way, you weren’t very fond of the idea of getting married so soon. You wanted to experience life first after all, maybe travel the world, just like your mother did. Then get married, settle down, and start a family.
“Really there’s nothing to be worried about, I’m sure we’ll find you a suitable match within the family. And I’m positive you’ll make some man very happy.” He smiles.
The air hung heavy with tension. Geto was staring at you, his gaze calculating. You felt your heart beating so fast you thought it might jump out of your chest.
"Geto," You began, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I'm not sure if I’m ready for marriage. I don’t particularly like anyone in the cult… like that, and I don’t think I’m ready to start a family. I was just wondering if it was really necessary..?”
Geto’s expression changed instantly. His soft smile fell into frown. "Necessary?" he repeated, his tone laced with disdain. "If I need to remind you; when you joined this “family”, you vowed to follow my instructions fully. No matter the cost. So do you really dare to question the necessity of your esteemed leader’s decisions?”
Your heart sank at the icy edge to his voice. "No, Geto, I... I meant no disrespect. Really, I just thought-" You stammered, trying to explain yourself.
But Geto was not one to tolerate disrespect, especially from one of his lowly followers. His lip curled into a sneer as he cut you off sharply. "You speak out of turn, y/n" His voice a low growl. "Do not presume you have the authority to talk back to me."
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, your gaze dropping to the floor as you struggled to speak. "I really meant no harm, sir" You whispered, your voice barely audible.
Geto was not one to let you off the hook so easily. His eyes flashed with loathing as he started ranting. "Nothing is ever enough for you, is it?" he spat, his words dripping with disgust. "You always expect the best of the best. I bet you think you’d deserve to marry me, as if you were worthy of such honours.”
Your heart clenched at his words, a pang of guilt piercing your chest. "No, I- that's not what I meant," You protested frantically, but he silenced you with a dismissive wave of his hand, a prominent scowl on his face.
"Enough," Geto snapped, his voice loud and commanding. "So you wouldn't want to marry me, is that it? You think you’re too special to marry even me?"
Your breath caught in your throat at his insinuation, your mind racing as you started hyperventilating a bit, who knew this would be this stressful. "No, sir, I didn't mean..."
But Geto’s piercing gaze bore into you, his words cutting you off before you could even finish your sentence. "You’re so ungrateful, y/n," He declared feigning disappointment, his voice laced with scorn, even though he was internally smiling, everything was going just as he wanted. The same couldn’t be said for you, you were a complete and utter wreck. So worried about what your parents would think of you right now, daring to question the esteemed leader, God how stupid could you be.
"It would be the highest honour for you to bear my seed, to carry my children."
Your cheeks burned with shame at his words, shock painting your face. "Yes, Geto, it would be… an honour," You murmured softly, your words slightly tinged with resignation.
But deep down, beneath the facade of compliance, you couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at your insides. You knew that you would never truly want such a fate, that the thought of bearing Geto’s, or any man's children filled you with dread.
And yet, as you stood before him, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the thought of disappointing your parents, of failing to live up to the expectations they placed upon you. I mean it was one of the main values of the cult, that every woman get married to a good religious man and bear his children.
You sat frozen, your heart pounding with fear. Geto's smirk widened at the sight of your vulnerability, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. "Well, I'm glad you agree," he purred, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "Maybe we should do it then."
Your breath caught in your throat at his words. Was he actually implying what you think he was? "But... I thought you weren't allowed to get married?" You stammered, trying not to assume the worst.
Geto’s laughter echoed throughout his chambers. "No, not the marriage part, sweet lamb," He murmured with a smirk on his face, "The sex part."
A wave of panic washed over you at his brazen statement, your pulse quickening as you realised the gravity of the situation. You had no time to think about the situation at hand any longer though, as he stood up and took a few steps in your direction, closing the distance between you two.
You quickly did the same and got up off the floor to take a few steps backwards. “Don’t make this difficult, y/n” He stated coldly, as if you were being an inconvenience. Everytime Geto took a step forward, you’d take one back. You tried to protest, but no noise came out of your mouth. 
Eventually your back hit the wall and you were cornered. Suddenly, a strong hand grabbed your arm and pulled you into an embrace. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but before you could, a hand clamped over your mouth. You felt his hot breath on your ear and his chest pressed against your back.
“If you scream, I’ll tell your parents that this was all your idea. They’d be terribly disappointed in you y/n, and you’d be known as a whore for the rest of your life. I’d tread carefully if I was you.” Geto whispered in your ear as he lowered his hand.
“It’s my word against yours…” You said, voice barely above a whisper. God you could just picture his dumb fucking smirk right now. “You’re not actually naive enough to believe that, right?”
You just remained silent and unmoving, until you felt your kimono being undone. Before you could even process anything that’s happening, it falls into a heap on the floor. The next thing you feel is Geto’s hands groping your breasts through your bra. You try to swat his hands away while pleading and begging him to stop, the actions evidently being fruitless. 
“Shhh, stop struggling so hard. I can make this pleasurable for both of us you know…” Was he being serious? He was in the middle of forcibly undressing you, and he thinks you’ll enjoy this?
He skillfully unhooks your bra and throws it on the floor next to your abandoned kimono. He spins you around to face him, while you try to save your dignity and cover your newly exposed breasts. The only piece of clothing you have left on are your panties, and they don’t really leave much to the imagination.
He scolds you like a child and says something about not hiding your body from him. You try to tune him out, and leave your hands crossed, covering your chest. “Are you going to make me bring your parents in? I’m sure they’d love to hear about how disobedient and disrespectful their daughter is to their “esteemed leader”.” God he was so fucking childish, you hated how he called himself an “esteemed leader”. Really, he wasn’t very “esteemed” at all. You wonder if he had done this before to other girls, if you were just one of his many victims.
Reluctantly, you eventually lower your hands to your sides, and look away out of shame. This was the first time any man had seen you like this. Geto let out a low whistle, while you thought about how much he disgusted you. He then effortlessly picked you up bridal style, and carried you back to the middle of the room where the mat resides. 
While in his hold you feel something hard poking at your side. Whoa. Before you can ponder about it further he places you on top of the mat on your back. The next thing you know he’s ripping your panties off and spreading your legs. You let out a shriek at the loss of the last barrier between you and Geto. “Your pussy is even cuter than I thought.” He states brazenly while pushing two fingers into your cunt without warning. You let out a loud gasp at the sudden intrusion. You are a virgin, but you’re also a woman who has needs, and has obviously pleasured herself before. But Geto’s fingers were unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
You let out little mewls of pleasure while his long fingers scissored and curled inside of you, occasionally hitting your sweet spot. Your cheeks were burning red with embarrassment, you knew it was only biology but still, you shouldn’t actually be enjoying this. Still, you arched your back and threw your head back in pleasure as you felt a knot tightening inside of you. Just when it was about to snap, he pulled his fingers out.
You let out a whine in protest as your back hit the floor, you send him a nasty glare. “What happened to not wanting this? I mean just look at how wet you are.” He says with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. You were going to retort until he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you gag and taste your own essence. “Uh-uh, I don't wanna hear a word out of you anymore.”
After removing his fingers he roughly flipped you onto your back and propped you up on your hands and knees. You heard the sound of clothes rustling and pants falling. Only then did you realise that you were in deep shit. You turned and looked back at him to say something about how you weren’t ready, but then you saw it. Geto’s cock, right in front of you. You had never seen a man’s dick up close or in the flesh before, but you knew that that was not average. And you also knew that there was no way it was going to fit inside of you. 
“Like what you see? By the look on your face I’d say you’re quite amazed.” Most likely referring to your mouth hanging slightly open, and your dumbfounded expression. “Geto, I-I don’t think that’s going to fit.” You mumble under your breath. “First you don’t want it, then you want it, and now you don’t want it again. I wish you’d just make up your mind.” He lets out a loud sigh.
“Not that it really matters what you want though, I’ll make it fit.” The next thing you know, you feel the tip of his cock pushing into you. You try to get up and move away but his muscular arms hold you still by your hips. You open your mouth to tell him to stop, but right at that moment, he pushes his cock into you. You let out a scream as he breaks your hymen and stretches you out. You had never felt such tremendous pain before, it felt like he was ripping you apart.
He’s quick to put his hand over your mouth and silence you. “Whoa there, easy girl,” You hated how he talked to you like an animal, like you were inferior to him. “Can’t have you alerting someone now, can we?” He was such a fucking dickhead, and you had had enough. So you bit down onto his hand, hard. Geto quickly retracted his hand and murmured something angrily. You just smirked. You were happy about this one victory, even if it was small.
“You know, I was gonna make this enjoyable for you too, but since you wanna act like a bitch, I’ll fucking treat you like one.” Was all he said before he violently grabbed your hips again and started ramming his cock into you. If you weren’t bleeding initially, you definitely were now. Surely his fingers didn’t stretch you out enough for his cock. You were never good with estimates but it had to be at least seven inches. 
Geto was hitting your cervix with every thrust, probably bruising it in the process. It felt like he was rearranging your guts. Abruptly, he pushed your head down into the floor. “Fuck, you’re so tight, such a fucking slutty pussy.” He delivered a sharp slap to your left ass cheek while groaning in pleasure when you tightened up around him. Embarrassingly that’s what made you climax, and see stars. You were glad your cheek was currently pressed against the floor looking away from him, because you were bright red from shame. “Yeahh, you like that whore? Like it when I hit you.”
Tears started to spill from your eyes. You didn’t think it could get any more degrading than this. But he just loved to prove you wrong, didn’t he. “Mmm, I’m so close-” He threw his head back in pleasure. “This pussy’s all mine, isn’t it? Say it.” He said, slightly slurring his words. To be honest you hadn’t really processed what he had said at all, you were too busy worrying about what was going to happen after this was all over.
“I told you to fucking say it!” He wrapped your hair around his fist and pulled your head back so hard, you thought the force might snap your neck. You’d rather eat shit than say something so deranged, but he was pulling on your hair so hard, your scalp was burning. “This pussy’s yours-!” You blurted out, much louder than you anticipated. 
That’s what seemed to push him over the edge as he let your hair go, and came to a halt inside of you. You were just relieved he had stopped mercilessly pounding into you, and it had presumably ended. Only once you felt a warm liquid inside of you did you start to panic again. There was no way he had just come inside you, right? He wouldn’t be that cruel.
You heard a light chuckle come from behind you as he pulled out. You crumbled to the floor without his support. You felt his cum drip out of your used pussy, but you were too exhausted to care about that right now. Geto’s finger scooped it back up and pushed it back inside of you. You moaned in pain as your cunt was really fucking sore.
“Now, now, don’t waste any, you too agreed that it would be the highest honour to bear my children. Let’s just hope it sticks” He says with contempt flashing you his signature smirk.
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This is a post that I’ve been planning on making for well over a year, but have been putting off repeatedly. Tomorrow, I start my final semester of undergraduate education, however, and I want to go into it as the most myself me I can be. So, to quote the great Rav Hillel, “If I am not for myself, who is for me? [...] If not now, when?”. But first, some backstory.
When I was like two or three, I saw my sister and mother painting their nails and, naturally, I wanted to join them. Apparently, I asked for my polish to be purple, still my favorite color, and my mom is genuinely still proud of the fact that I painted my own toes, apparently very well, at the tender age of not-quite-three. The next day, I went into preschool, and when my preschool teacher saw my toes, she asked me who painted them. I, of course, proudly exclaimed that I had done it myself. 
She then proceeded to gruffly explain to me that I was not allowed to have painted toes, because little boys aren't allowed to paint their nails, and I was a little boy. When I got home, I asked my mom why she let me paint my nails even though I was a little boy and therefore not allowed. 
My mom, who I imagine was as close to genuinely desiring that preschool teacher’s death as she ever has been of anyone’s, before calling the school to ask “what the hell?”, did her best to explain to me that the teacher was wrong. She tried to explain that nail polish, and other nice things in that category, are for EVERYONE, boy or girl. But it was too late, the damage was done.
In the over twenty years since, I never wore nail polish, even when asked if I wanted to join. My parents were successful in instilling in me a deep suspicion of the general idea that some things are “for girls” and others are “for boys”, but I could never apply that suspicion to myself. Sometimes, when you are queer and neurodivergent and learning to mask, you get your wires crossed. Over time, despite my disregard for gender conformity in others, I became deeply uncomfortable with the idea of myself not conforming to a certain degree of gender presentation. 
Boys don’t paint their nails, so mine remained bare.
Boys don’t wear bright colors and patterns, so I am most comfortable wearing grays and blacks and monotone clothing.
Boys don’t show strong emotion, so I maintain an air of stoicism.
Boys don’t cry, so, to this day, even alone, I have trouble letting myself just cry.
The fact that, despite living in a house where all of these stereotypes were actively discouraged, I internalized them all says something about how pervasive they are in our society. 
In second grade, I was very close friends with several of the girls in my class, until the whispers developed into a new internal Rule that (straight) Boys don’t hang out with girls unless they have a Crush. I didn’t have a Crush, so I stopped hanging out with them, because that was the Rule.
I didn’t have many friends in elementary and middle school.
By high school, I had somewhat gotten over that rule. Most of my small friend group was female. That said, I still made sure not to show undue affection, lest anyone think, God forbid, that I was experiencing and/or acting on physical attraction, like some sort of CREEP. 
Then, like two or three years ago (I honestly have zero sense of time at this point) I learned about, realized that I was, and came out as aromantic and asexual. It unlocked something in me. I started saying "I love you" to and hugging my friends (male and female). Realizing that I wasn’t straight let me let go of some of the internalized rules about things that I felt I had to conform to as a straight man, because it turns out I wasn’t. It also let me start thinking about gender. 
I increasingly realized that I didn’t feel super connected to my masculinity. It was just sort of… there. Finally, (reading The Murderbot Diaries helped) it finally cracked and I decided that I didn’t actually need a gender anyway… and then I didn’t do anything about it for an entire year. But now I’m ready to say it:
Hi! I’m agender. I use any pronouns. I am not a boy, and that means I’m allowed to do things that boys don’t do.
Do you like my nails?
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quackitys first kiss with you im thinking itd be awkward but so sweet
this idea is so cute tysm for the ask!
warnings: female pronouns,fluff, cursing, kiss, FLUFF.
deep-sea romance 🐠
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I’ve been going out with alex for a little over two weeks. he’s so sweet and considerate of everything we do making sure that I’m having fun. the motherfucker won’t ever let me pay for anything, which honestly I’m not complaining. he always will let me rest my head on his shoulder if I’m tired, he buys me roses and lily’s, but there’s one thing he hasn’t done. kissed me. he’s resorted to kissing my hand which is just so sweet in a way. but tonight I think might be the night. he had texted me “hey amor tonight just wear anything :)” I smiled to myself at the name amor, and put on my black cargo pants and a shirt.
45 minutes later I hear a knock at the door, and I open it to reveal mr alex quackity. he comes into my apartment indulging me in a hug.“you look very pretty” he says into my hair smiling as I mumble a quiet thank you. we leave my house getting into his car, of course he opens the door for me. he has one of the playlists that I made for him on, as he holds my knee driving with one hand. I turn to him “sooo..where are we goingg” he laughs lightly “ynow it’s cute you think I’m going to tell you.” I roll my eyes smiling a little.
eventually we get to the destination. it’s an adorable aquarium. I smile softly, he remembered how I had told him last night on call, about when I was younger I was obsessed with marine life. I turn to him “your so sweet.” he smiles getting out of the car, a proud grin of himself on his face. I knew I’m his head he was probably saying something like “fuck yeahhh” cause he’s just like that.
alex’s pov:
FUCK YEAH! I actually chose a date that I was sure she would like and here we are. I took her hand and we walked inside me paying for the entrance fee. everytime I do it’s the same look she gives me signaling she wanted to pay, I just smirk in reply. we walked into the place seeing her face immediately light up when we walked in made me laugh a little. not in a mocking way, she was just.. really fucking cute.
we looked around us there were stingrays floating above our heads, the blue light reflecting onto her face making her look so beautiful. she grabbed my hand pointing to a turtle, “it looks so tiny and helpless. but over there look at the axolotl! ” she smiles brightly while observing every animal. “I thought those were only in Minecraft” she looks at me not sure if I was joking or not. “wow you think I’m that dumb.” she puts her arms to her sides,”welllll” I roll my eyes and laugh.
the whole date she was just absolutely stunned by the aquatic life. if she didn’t know what an animal was she would search it on her phone, stunned by how cool they were. she was holding my hand like a little kid, and I smiled in return. she pointed to crab,”that weirdly reminds me of you” she said tilting her head laughing a little. I wrap my arms around her laughing a little too. “Wellll you look like uh.. that one.”I point to a clown fish. she giggles a little,”and why is that?” I try to think of an explanation “mmm I don’t know it’s just, a cute fish. and so self explanatory” she laughs looking away from me to hide her smile.
she points while giggling a little bit “awe look those two seahorses are swimming togetherr” I smile softly and hold her closer.”they are, aren’t they.” she looks up at me with her silly little smile,”thank you for this date..it’s super thoughtful of you..” I feel myself have a pure feeling of love, was this the moment? I keep eye contact with her “any time..” she starts leaning in my eyes widen, I try to lean in and we bump noses. we both laugh a little bit, in my head I was full of embarrassment. I tilt my head and she leans in more us finally having our first kiss. she didn’t know what to do with her arms so she just held mine, my eyes didn’t even close really they were just heavily squinted. we both let go, I knew my face was a little pink. I continued holding her watching the animals, it wasn’t perfect, but it was our first kiss.
Tysm for the suggestion also hope you enjoyed reading! 💌💌
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benanazauce · 5 months
cw eyestrain/bright colours and a lil blood!!
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PROPER ULTRAKILL ART!!!!!!! V1 and gabriel yippeeee!!!
I found a new brush and OH BOY have I been messin around with it HYUHGUAHGSHUGSUHV
poses heavily inspired by the painting Dancing With Death by Hugo Simberg (1899)!!!!!! super super cool painting I love it so much
honestly had 0 idea what I was doing here but I’m very proud of how this turned out!! and I found a new brush to use heehee :3
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strikersexhaver · 1 year
i think i got the go signal to request something more angsty? so here's my little request..
striker's S/O can't call striker while he's on a job right? what if they did and accidentally risked themselves getting tracked?
maybe happening after the job to kill stolas again, which he failed, let's say stella didn't approve of his second slip-up and possibly risking herself getting it out to the public about the attempt, leading to her getting furious at striker and instead wanting him dead for it.
(like the first episode where he got introduced and his whole get-up and all at the end of that episode where he's on call with stella type of thing?)
he's on call with her while she's literally threatening him, and then suddenly his S/O calls at that really horrible time and he accidentally answered it and the reader blabbing about being sorry for calling him but they just really badly miss him to which stella hears and continues to threaten to kill them next if he keeps fucking up.
how would striker feel and what'd he do now?
THE REST IS UP TO YOU LOVES! sorry this is kinda long.. but tysm!!💕
(A/N) I love this request oh my god, it is so interesting it’s insane- I genuinely think if Striker had an S/O this would 100% happen at this time in the show! This was super fun to write and honestly- I wouldn’t mind making a part two to this or something like that!
Wrong place, and wrong time… 🦢 🗡️
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Striker messed up, big this time- not only did he fumble the bag he also had an annoying Goetia Swan squawking at how much he failed so… Adding more pain to the blow.
“You had ONE job! ONE! I even made the job easier for you and simply asked you to bring him back to me!” Stella yelled, her voice breaking the microphone of the motel phone.
He had to turn down the volume from how loud she was, but it showed how badly he pissed her off.
Even though he disagreed, he could’ve killed Stolas if not only she didn’t request to torture him THEN kill him. This job would’ve been easier- plus, it would’ve been cleaner if she had him not attack him in a PUBLIC RESTAURANT.
She kept yelling at him on how regretful he should be, how bad he failed, and etc- he was expecting this when he failed to the M&M’s
He sighed, practically tuning her out- only to hear another ring but from his burner phone. He was confused, because the only person he gave the phone number to was Stella, maybe a few other clients but…
While Stella kept yapping her mouth, he accepted the call then sighed, scratching his temple before saying-
“Bad time Rogue, I ain’t got-“
“Striker, I’m so sorry I called I just missed you, and it’s been such a while since I heard from you and I didn’t know if you died or anythin-“
His eyes widened, it was you- how did you get his number? Most importantly, why did you go against his one request to not call him during a job? But he couldn’t blame you because he had been away for a long time.
He tried calming you down as you sounded genuinely upset on the phone, like you were breaking down.
“Darlin’, Darlin’, listen to me- breath in- breath out- “ he said in a calming voice, trying to be as comforting as possible.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry-“ you kept going sobbing on the phone.
“It’s okay darlin’, just calm down- I’ll be home soon..” he spent the next few minutes trying to calm you down, and reassure you- he admittedly was mad at you for it but that’s for a different time. Even though, if only this was at a different time too.
Stella stopped yelling and listened in, she panted then kept quiet to hear.
She looked around, then had an idea brew in her head, a smirk formed on her mouth.
“Striker,” she started, “I’ll give you one last chance, ONE LAST CHANCE! If you fail this time I’ll make sure to get someone who can do what you can’t, finish the job! But not on Stolas on your pathetic little bitch whining like a damn child!” She hung up and left it like that, feeling more than too proud of herself.
Striker paused, stopping himself from even speaking a single word.
A ringing was in his ears, as the only color he saw was red.
He grabbed the phone Stella was on and tossed it to the wall, it smashing into pieces. He had a angry rattle in his tail and the sound of a snake warning it’s prey; hissed throughout the room.
In a fit of rage he tore off the window’s covering and ripped the sheets of the bed into shreds.
Before panting and tuning back in to hear you calling out for him, concerned and scared with all the noises he created.
“Darlin’ pack your shit’ and meet me at our hangout, now,” he tried to seem softer but it came off much more aggressive and serious.
“Pack your shit and go now,” he hung up on you.
He was serious, you could tell, without hesitation you got up and started packing your bags and things from your shared home.
He needed to cool down during this time, he was angry mostly at Stella but he couldn’t help but feel angry at you. Even if you had good intentions, he never lets you call him to protect you and only you.
Now you’re in danger, and there’s probably nothing he could about it- besides killing off two birds with one stone…
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praetorqueenreyna · 9 months
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For our little ACOTAR gift exchange! This is a gift fic for @taymartiart, who is one of the BEST artists I've ever met! When asked what she wanted me to write, she said "accidental dick pic." This was so much fun, I love silly modern AUs! Enjoy!
Read here on AO3, or continue reading below:
Rhysand was about ready to silence his phone for the evening. It had been pinging non-stop as war raged on in the group chat. It had started with Mor saying she was craving a sparkling water, and Cassian replying to ask why she liked drinking raw sewage. That had been two hours ago, long past the point that Rhysand thought it was funny. He had also found Amren’s threat to murder Cassian by replacing his blood with sparkling water a little alarming.
There were a few minutes of peace where his phone made no noise at all. The reprieve was interrupted by a lone ding. Rhysand sighed, fully expecting the barrage to begin once again. When it didn’t, he risked actually checking his phone. The text was not from the group chat (ironically named “The Inner Circle” after Mor got way too into mafia movies, and Rhysand didn’t know how to change it), but was from Tamlin. It was a welcome distraction. Tamlin was a little weird, but Rhysand liked him. They had both started off as their fathers’ proteges, expected to take on the family business. Rhysand had fulfilled his end of the bargain, and Tamlin had run off to play guitar in coffee shops around town. An absolutely ridiculous career move, but it was endearing, in its own way.
It didn’t hurt that Tamlin was super hot and also into guys. Rhysand wasn’t too proud to admit that. He had tested the waters, putting on his most seductive voice to tease Tamlin, always just on the edge of outright flirtation. Every time, Tamlin turned a splotchy red and adorably ducked his head, which only made Rhysand want to do it again.
There was no text preview for the message; it only had an attached image. Rhysand opened it and blinked. He had worked a long day, and surely he was hallucinating. Staring at his phone didn’t change anything, and he finally accepted that Tamlin had sent him a picture of his dick.
It was nice, both the dick itself and the picture. Good size, good lighting, good angle. The photo captured his well-defined abs and a small tattoo on his hip bone. Rhysand zoomed in on the picture to see that the tattoo was a name. Alex, maybe? Or Alec? He had no idea why Tamlin had sent him this. The last text exchanged between them was from a week ago, when Rhysand had asked if he was playing this weekend. Nothing to indicate that the next step would be dick pics.
More curious than upset, Rhysand quickly typed out a message.
”Nice tattoo. Ex boyfriend?”
Tamlin began replying right away, in a series of rapid fire messages.
“Oh no.”
“Oh no no no no no.”
“I am SO sorry!!!! I didn’t mean to send that to you!!! I’d never do something like that!!!”
The overuse of exclamation points aside, Rhysand felt bad for him.
”It’s all good, I swear. Not the first dick I’ve seen.”
The reply was instantaneous.
”Oh good!! Not that you’ve seen dicks, that you’re not mad. I’m really sorry.
He probably could have ended it there, but Rhysand was intrigued.
”Who was it for?”
Tamlin didn’t respond for a bit, and Rhysand worried he had overstepped. It was an unexpected relief when another message came in.
”Some guy from Grindr. A friend signed me up for it because I haven’t gone on a date in a while. His name also begins with an R.”
The thought of Tamlin and his awkward demeanor cruising on Grindr was honestly hilarious. This friend had to have been fucking with him. Then again, he never would have expected Tamlin to send a dick pic to a random guy on a dating app, and here they were.
”Already at the dick pic stage? Seems like it's getting serious.”
This time, the reply was faster.
”Ha ha. I actually haven’t even met him yet. We were just talking and he asked for a picture. I’ve never done that before and thought what the hell. And then immediately fucked it up.”
Tamlin was way too sweet and sincere for the guys on Grindr. Thinking fast, Rhysand searched for and downloaded a photo of the Washington Monument. Before he could let Tamlin stew in his self pity for too long, he sent:
”We’ve all fucked up. I’ll send you a pic too, so we’re even.”
He attached the downloaded photo, only thinking to question the joke after he had sent it. It was familiar, bordering on flirtatious. The kind of thing he’d usually only send to Azriel or Cassian. His phone pinged.
”No wonder your ego is huge.”
Another text came in, this time a photo of a male mallard with the title “duck pic.” Rhysand actually laughed. He shot back something about the head of the duck being bright green, and maybe he should get that looked at. Tamlin coyly asked if he knew any good doctors. Holy shit, was Tamlin hitting on him? He knew that Rhysand was a doctor; more accurately a surgeon, working in his father’s clinic.
Rhysand found himself draped over the couch, texting with Tamlin for over an hour. The mortifying start to their conversation seemed to loosen something in him. He was funnier and more charming than Rhysand had ever seen. It felt special, to have Tamlin be so open with him. The thought of Tamlin being like this with “random guy from Grindr who’s name begins with R” filled Rhysand with a seething hot emotion that he eventually identified as jealousy.
When the conversation seemed like it was drifting to an end, Rhysand made his move. He selected one of his own pictures from a hidden folder on his phone (yes he had his own dick pics saved for occasions like this) and sent it. He waited a few seconds, then wrote:
”If you want to keep going, give me a call.”
The urge to throw his phone across the room overwhelmed him. He resorted to putting it face down on the coffee table and staring pointedly at the ceiling. The next minute was the longest of his life. But then, like a miracle, his phone began to ring.
One month later
“You owe me a thank you drink.”
“What did you do now?” Tamlin asked, only giving half of his attention to the giant man sitting on the floor. His roommate was supposed to be helping him set up, which mostly just involved finding a stool for Tamlin to sit on. Mission accomplished, Andras sat back on his hands, watching as Tamlin fiddled with his guitar. The coffee shop was almost empty, but it would start to fill up as Tamlin’s set started. He was a regular here.
“Don’t try that innocent act on me, I know all your secrets.” Andras pointed an accusing finger. “You found a hookup on Grindr. You’re welcome.”
“What? No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did. I know all the signs. Lucien and I barely see you anymore, you haven’t brooded in weeks, and I found this in your backpack.” For his final exhibit, Andras brandished a small foil packet that revealed itself to be a condom when he stopped shaking it around.
“Stop that!” Blushing, Tamlin snatched the condom out of Andras’s hand. “Why were you going through my backpack anyway?”
“Don’t change the subject. Who is it? That guy with the blue hair? What was his name, Ryan?”
“What are you guys talking about?” Tamlin’s second roommate, Lucien, asked, appearing as if summoned by an omniscient being that wanted to ruin Tamlin’s life.
“Tamlin’s new boy toy,” Andras answered before Tamlin could.
“Ooooooh. Is it that guy with the septum piercing? Rowan?”
Tamlin was about to tell them that he was moving out and they were never allowed to talk to him again when his gaze caught a familiar dark-haired figure swagger into the coffee shop. His heart stuttered, his breath caught in his throat. Rhys sat down at a table near his little stage, leaning back in the seat. He saw Tamlin staring and grinned, waggling his fingers obnoxiously in greeting.
Of course, Rhys had known where he was going. Tamlin had come here straight from Rhys’s apartment, having barely escaped from the lean arms that had grabbed at him, inviting him back into the comforting warmth of Rhys’s bed. Tamlin just hadn’t thought that Rhys would actually show up.
Too late, he remembered that he was in public, being scrutinized by the two people who knew him better than they knew themselves. He watched in horror as Andras and Lucien looked back and forth between Tamlin and Rhysand. Recognition dawned on their faces. At the same time, they said,
“No fucking way.”
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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changbin was a romantic, and he wanted nothing more in the world than to run away with your hand perfectly fit into his. if not forever, for a little while. he just wanted to show you how much you were worth.
PAIRING seo changbin x gn!reader WC 1.0k TAGS established relationship trope. hurt/comfort. reader has implied body issues. insecurities. kissing. OMI NOTE this is the final part of the series! it was a struggle getting this one out because characterizing changbin is really hard for me for some reason? i had to read so many bin fics to kind of get a clear picture and in all honestly i'm still not super proud of it. despite that, this series as a whole has been a journey, so ty to everyone who tuned in !?!?!
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it was the little things that changbin would always do for you. over time it became extremely obvious that acts of service were one of his favorite love languages. nothing mattered to him as long as you were a happy and spoiled significant other, and words could never begin to explain how grateful you were. 
he was extremely true to ‘go big or go home,’ taking you on dates to fancy restaurants, big viewing spots with the most gorgeous sunsets, or just whispering sweet words into your ear during a movie night in his apartment. 
even when things weren’t perfect, and you didn’t feel deserving of the love he gave you, he was always there to treat you. it was almost like you couldn’t escape him.
maybe that was the beauty of it all, having someone to keep you steady when you felt yourself falling. having someone to care for you when you didn’t feel worthy enough. someone so willing to grant the world at your feet.
you practically felt your heartbeat in your ears, pounding loud enough to drown out any sound. the built up anxiety in your stomach, an unknown void of creatures in the back of your mind convincing you that you weren’t good enough. despite being able to subside it for just a little while, it always came reeling back. 
a victim in your own mind, trapped in the idea that you had more flaws than you can count. on the outside it seemed like nothing, but inside it was everything. squeezing at your skin in the mirror, flesh raw from trying to move it around to your liking. 
this was a battle between you and yourself, but there wasn’t a clear winner. you never won, and it killed you. it felt impossible to be slightly comparable, a goal that rot in your head. what else were you supposed to do when you were displayed on someones arm, but none of his fans seemed to think you quite fit? 
but he always heard your cries.
coming home to a quiet apartment, the only sound being muffled sobs from your shared bedroom. he immediately rushed to find you, the feeling of worry drowning him suddenly. when he opened the door, you turned to look at him with such a heartbreaking expression.
“binnie..” you sniff as he scrambles to get his arms around you in an embrace.
“baby.. i’m here. i’m here. tell me what’s on your mind” he coos, caging around your fragile body.
“this is so unfair.” you cry into his chest.
“i know baby, just take deep breaths.” he guides you, rubbing circles into your back, “you’re so perfect, y/n. your face, body, and everything else inside.”
“but people always say–”
“it doesn’t matter what people say. who are they to say what’s good for me? you’re good for me.”
“i just wish i could run away from everyone. with you” you say, though it comes out more like a beg.
“then let’s run away.” he responded with no hesitation.
“binnie,” you move your head from his chest, looking at him with glossy eyes, “that’s impossible– you have a job and so much here.”
“shh, don’t worry about that. if not forever, at least for a little while okay? let me take you somewhere.”  he cupping your cheeks gently.
“where?” “wherever you want to, i just want to help you get away for a bit.” 
“okay.” you whisper hesitantly, the crack in your voice sending a spike through his heart.
“take binnie’s sweater, i know you like it when it smells like me.” he smiles, pulling a sweat shirt off his head and over yours. 
warmth floods you, a familiar scent wafting through your nose. when the hood peeks over your head, you were met with your loving boyfriend once again. he took your hand and led you to the door, letting you stop for a moment to slide your shoes on.
and while you weren’t exactly sure where he was taking you, it felt right. his hand wrapped in yours, making your thoughts a little less loud. 
changbin walked you to a park, somewhere the both of you liked to stroll though during the day when the sun was still beaming; but never at night. the calm atmosphere surrounded the two of you, the temperature was cold but not freezing.
“i’m sorry that you had to walk into that bin.. i was just having trouble.” you mumble, looking down at your feet.
“hey, don’t say that. i understand that you have your troubles sometimes.i love you and i’ll never leave your side.” he squeezes your hand. 
“i love you too. it just gets so– so crazy in my head sometimes. and listening to all these things people are saying makes it so much worse, because you’re so so perfect. i feel so stuck in my own skin.”
“no fan of mine knows you the way i do, y/n. do they know how absolutely ethereal you look in the morning? do they know how much of an effort you make to come to the gym with me even though you hate workout out? never in my life have i ever found someone as special as you, and this goes so much beyond your looks.” he tells you, taking a deep breath after he got all his words out.
“gosh, you’re gonna make me cry again.” you choke, feeling overwhelmed with so much emotion.
“you don’t have anything to worry about, just don’t ever look back. there’s nowhere to go, nothing to worry about, when it’s just us.” he walks in front of you, taking your head in his hands to angle a kiss on your head.
“do you promise me?”
“promise.” he wipes a finger under your eye to dry your tears, before leaning in to catch your puffy lips in a kiss.
and with his lips on yours, everything disappears for a couple seconds. it will take so much time before these thoughts can truly leave you. but as long as he held you in his arms, you could forget about it for a short moment.
you knew you’d make it eventually.
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muniimyg · 1 month
heyy idk if anyone ever asked u this before so i am gonna ask lol !
which one of your works do u love the most and why :>
not in order
your universe: i rlly liked the concept. its an easy read, characters are easy to digest, but it also had that element of push and pull in terms of their romance. it’s not really meant to be specific and super detailed (again because it’s supposed to be an easy read), so when i recall little concepts like their names (ace & aki), their contact names (fermented cum), and their setting in general was really fun for me. i’ve always liked writing uni au’s but this one hit the spot. i also remember it fondly because my readers were super into it! the interactions made writing the story so fun and it’s how i got close with 2 of my favourite readers 😋
nonsense: god this jimin was so sexy to me. the idea of 2 virgins being each others fwb ,, and then add the enemies to lovers vibe because of academic rivalry?? sounds like a lot but their dynamic jus worked. it flowed so well and even tho the story has the least interactions; i had such a good time writing it. i remember writing majority of it at the airport during my trip to toronto. it felt like i was truly writing for fun and didn’t feel much in terms of the pressure to make it as good as my last fic or to update as consistently. overall so precious to me because of the process!
left on read / close to you / all at once: ok let’s get into it LOL
lor jk’s lore is so sweet to me! like wdym you’re a ppl pleaser and the only person you want to actually please hates you 😭 the sunshine boy x grumpy girl duo is elite to me. the first draft i had of them was made soooo long ago. it was supposed to be the first fic i ever posted but it turned out to be the 3rd or smt.
c2u jk is iconic. like in terms of growth as a writer, i think this fic showcases that. from the way i write smut to the actual flow and pacing for this fic—i’ve honestly never been so proud of myself. not to mention how much this fic was supported. i was literally going thru it, thinking i was done writing fanfics cos i was a) out of ideas b) didn’t think there were anymore readers for me (silly, i know) but it was so interesting to see how suddenly all eyes were on c2u jk. i’m beyond thankful for the readers i met along the way and all the laughs. i felt like i was able to explore more in terms of my freakiness but also push my content quality. it’s also one of the very few smau i have that the texts are mainly focused between jk and oc so incorporating that comedic relief was hehe haha
aao jk i feel is like if lor and c2u jk had a baby. i impulsively wrote and posted aao jk cos i felt like i had to cleanse my mind from how nasty c2u turned me. he’s so funny and comforting, i’m so glad everyone got the boyfriend feels! i also had such a fun time writing it and was impressed with myself for keeping up with the updates and flow. it was meant to be a one shot but obviously it turned out to be even more… wouldn’t have it any other way 🌟
my other faves: please love me kth, chaebol jk (it pissed so many ppl off LOL), and bbydaddy jk… paraluman is pure trauma but has to be on this list because IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW.
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thatbigbisexual29 · 10 months
Play with us, Papa Rei! (Buddy Daddies)
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HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ALL OF US TO YOU! WE WISH IT WAS OUR BIRTHDAY TO WE CAN PARTY TOO HEY! Ayooooo happy birthday to my dearest and bestest friend on this site, @giggly-squiggily !!!!!!!! Gonna be honest, I had this one saved and unfinished in my drafts and thought "She would love this!" so HERE WE ARE!!!!! Like I said in a message before, I'm super glad to have you as a friend! I truly appreciate you and your friendship, you've even inspired me to post some of my own fics! (Which was not as scary as I thought it would be XD Sorry this is a bit late, but I hope you enjoy it! This one is for you :3 And again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!
The days when Miri was home from school were probably the most eventful days Rei’s ever experienced in his life. She was such a wild bundle of energy that he could barely keep up sometimes. Thank god Kazuki was there to help out. Even though he barely acknowledged it or said anything, he genuinely loved and appreciated the help the older man gave. And now was no different. She asked, no, demanded that the two build her a massive pillow fort to her liking. And since they couldn’t say no to her cute face, they got to work. Soon enough, all the couch cushions, pillows, and blankets in the house had been used to make a, quite honestly, impressive pillow fort in their living room. And Miri was so overjoyed.
“Thank you Papa Rei! Thank you Papa Kazuki!” she squealed, diving into the opening. Kazuki momentarily panicked as she jumped in with no caution for the structure of the fort! But, he soon relaxed as he saw their girl laughing happily.
“Papas! You need to come in here!” she claimed, grabbing Kazuki by the wrist and pulling him in, giggling loudly at his grunt of surprise. He chuckled and cuddled close to her, making her laugh even more.
“Thank you for your hospitality, Lady Miri! I was afraid I would go cold and hungry this night, but you have saved me! How can I ever repay you??” The blonde man played up, relishing in his daughter’s squeals. Rei lifted up the blanket entrance and watched them, the slightest smile on his lips. He was proud of this. It wasn’t a shabby job, at least not to him, and Rei knew he was going to be invited in by both Miri and Kazuki. As comfy as the inside looked, it would probably heat up real quick. Not to mention he was wearing a long sleeved shirt. So he dropped the blanket curtain and attempted to make his leave.
“Papa Rei, wait!” Miri cried, poking her head from the fort. Rei sighed. Busted. “You need to play with Papa Kazuki and me in the fort! Pleeeeeeeeease???”
“Yeah, pleeeeeeeeease Papa Rei?~” Kazuki also poked his head from the blanket, smirking and egging the former assassin on. With a quiet groan, Rei obeyed their orders and crawled into the space with cheers from the two invitees.
“So! What are we gonna do now, Miri?” Kazuki asked, a big grin on his face. With a starry-eyed look, she ran out the fort yelling behind her, “Let me get my things!” Rei glared at Kazuki, mentally cursing him out for the fate the younger man just exposed them to. The little girl rushed back with an armful of bright hair clips that immediately made the men cringe.
“Let me do your hair Papas!” she asked loudly. And it was less of an ask and phrased more like ‘I’m going to do your hair whether you like it or not.’ Kazuki, of course, didn’t mind. Rei was against this idea entirely. But, like always, he couldn’t say no. Kazuki was first and mixed in with sitting still for Miri to finish his hair, he also had to keep Rei from escaping constantly. After Miri was done making Kazuki a “pretty lady” (Rei chuckled at that), it was Rei’s turn to have all the attention on him. Miri held up a bunch of sparkly bows that she could put in Rei’s hair. The man sat still for several moments as he took in the sight of the bows… then he raced for the exit.
“Wh- REI GET BACK HERE!!!” Kazuki exclaimed, grabbing the former assassin around the waist and falling to the floor with him. “If I have to put silly bows in my hair, then you do too!”
“Never!” Rei shouted as he reached for the door, so close to the outside! Then, Rei felt a poke to his armpit that made him shoot his arm down with a squeak. He turned to look at Miri, who poured angrily yet adorably at the man.
“Papa Rei!” she fussed. “You promised you would play with us! Good daddies don’t make bad promises!”
Kazuki grinned immediately while Rei furrowed his brows with guilt. She was right. He had promised. But then again, that was when he had gotten home from a long day and was half asleep. It technically didn’t count! But he couldn’t let her down… it’s decided then. He will play with his family! … That doesn’t mean he won’t be hard to get though!
“If you tell Papa Kazuki to let me go…” he looked at Miri with a mischievous half-grin. “I’ll tell you where he hides his chocolate pudding!”
Miri gasped excitedly while Kazuki made sounds of betrayal.
“Rei!!! You can’t just do that to me! And Miri! Don’t even think of switching sides! We’re putting bows in his hair whether he likes it or not!” Kazuki declared as he now wrapped his arms around Rei’s chest to keep him in place.
“But Papa Kazukiiiii! I want chocolate pudding!” Miri whined. Rei struggled in Kazuki’s grip, he was stronger than he remembered, as he kept his grin. The pair knew she would start helping Rei as soon as she could. To get her back on track, Kazuki reached out one hand and quickly scribbled his fingers against her belly. Miri squealed with laughter and backed away, holding her tummy as she giggled.
“This is no time for chocolate pudding, Miri! We have to-” Kazuki paused. An idea formed in his head. Rei acted as if he’d read Kazuki’s mind because they made eye contact and the former assassin shook his head feverishly.
“Kazuki, no!” Rei said in a hushed panic. Kazuki only grinned evilly.
“Kazuki yes!! Miri, help tickle Papa Rei!” Kazuki quickly sat on Rei’s thighs as he forced his arms above his head. Huh, he was faster than Rei remembered too.
“Will I get-?” Miri began before Kazuki shouted, “YES you’ll get chocolate pudding!”
“Weeeeee!” Miri squealed as she ran over. Kazuki already started on scratching over Rei’s ribs, giggling at how Rei immediately squeaked at the touch. The former assassin pursed his lips together and puffed out his cheeks in an effort to keep the laughter in. Miri, who began repeatedly poking his side, laughed at his funny face.
“Hahaha! Papa Rei’s making a pooping face!” Miri exclaimed. Kazuki immediately started laughing at her declaration, as he found it hysterically accurate. And with the combination of Miri’s joke, their combined laughter, and the hands tickling over his ribs and sides, tipped the scales a lot quicker than anyone anticipated. Rei started giggling and quietly laughing with his family.
“Aha!” Kazuki barked as he caught these adorable sounds. “Hear that, Miri? He’s laughing! We’re one step closer to getting him to surrender!”
Miri squealed happily and began to use both her hands to poke Rei’s sides, all the while she chanted the words ‘chocolate pudding’ over and over again. Rei shook his head back and forth with glee, smiling wide and freely as Kazuki turned his hand into a claw and vibrated them in between his ribs.
“Khehehehehehe! Ahahahahahahahaaaa! Sttthhahahahahahahap! Get off mehehehehehehe! M-Mirihihihihihi, quihihihihihihit it! Kahahazukihihi, knock it ohohohohoff!” Rei wheezed with laughter as he addressed the man above him and the girl beside him. He rocked his torso back and forth as the two continued to tickle the former assassin silly.
“Papa Kazuki! Let’s get his tummy!” Miri said. Kazuki gasped with delight as Rei groaned in despair.
“That’s a great idea Miri!” Kazuki said as he shoved Rei’s shirt up to his neck. Rei continued to shake his head no, but his smile didn’t leave his face at all. “Alright, Miri! Should we do raspberries or nibbles?”
Rei’s eyes shot wide open at the question and he tried to sit up and pull his hands away. Miri placed her finger to her chin and pondered, humming in thought. Rei tried hard to yank his wrists from Kazuki’s hand, but that bastard just kept him still using his other hand! Rei growled at him and Kazuki stuck out his tongue.
“Raspberries!” was Miri’s decision.
“Raspberries it is then! You ready, Rei?~” Kazuki cooed at his partner, wiggling his eyebrows at the younger man. Rei attempted to scowl at the blonde, but his wavering smile would not leave his features. Then he jerked and barked out a laugh as Miri blew a raspberry on the former assassin’s side. Miri giggled hysterically at his reaction.
“That’s not funny Miri!” Rei fussed, blushing like no one’s business. Kazuki and Miri began laughing again.
“Of course it is, Rei!” Kazuki exclaimed. He was next to dip his head down to Rei’s smooth belly and blow a torturous raspberry.
“GAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohohokay- ohokay. Thahat’s enough. That’s enoHOHAHAHAHAHAF! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOOO! Ehehehehehehehehehe! C-C’mohohon! Youhu guys!” Rei tried to argue, but he was interrupted by the two taking turns and blowing raspberries until his wheezy laughter turned silent.
After one final raspberry from Kazuki, the blonde man let go of the former assassin and scooped Miri in his lap so they could give him a break. The younger man immediately curled up after being let go and panted, still giggly after the whole ordeal. Miri covered her mouth and giggled with him while Kazuki took in the sights and sounds fondly.
“So,” he started, “you gonna actually play with us now?”
Rei peeked his eye open and looked at the two, noticing how big Miri’s eyes were, hopeful that he’d say yes. Rei just chuckled and pat her head.
“Yeah, I’ll play.”
“YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!” Miri squealed at the top of her lungs. She wiggled out of Kazuki’s grip and jumped onto Rei’s arm, flopping over him and laughing while he grunted. The older man growled in a playful manner and caught the little girl in his arms.
“I’m gonna eat you!” he exclaimed as he nuzzled his face into her ear, lightly nibbling it and making the girl squeal and laugh like no tomorrow. Kazuki  leaned his head on his knee and watched on lovingly, thinking that his life couldn’t get better than this. In truth, it could, especially when he saw their reactions to pulling out three cups of chocolate pudding.
Happy Birthday, Rei, he thought.
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yandere-sins · 1 month
Good Afternoon! If seen your spiels and tales for a while now and may I just say I adore it all, you’re quite talented in your work and you should be proud of yourself! I aspire to write as well and I’m wondering if you have some tips for the long run?
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Here are my latest posts with links to the ones where I actually went a bit more into details about what I recommend doing.
For the blog
For writing
Honestly, not much has changed, at least for me. It would be interesting to find out whether the tagging rules truly are still the same from the past but from recent experience I can tell you that posting regularly is the key to building a following. But at the same time I know now, more than ever, it's just not doable under normal life circumstances unless you find a rhythm to write and use the queue to schedule your posts.
If you want to write yandere stories specifically, personally, for me it's very important to be balanced. Like a super strong yandere is always cool, but it's cooler if they are so delusional that they will end up hurting their darling with their strength. Or a manipulative yandere is fun and tricky, but if it turns out they are deadly afraid of being left alone and are a bit pathetic about it, that's yummy! Also, depending on the darling, the yan's personality might change as well. I guess what I want to say, balance out the parts of the story to keep it more "realistic" and less Mary-Sue-Behavior. Not always possible or necessary because an OP yan has its benefits in certain situations, but it makes for a good story if there are some flaws in everything.
Also use the tropes. As harsh as it is, no idea of yours will ever be completely original. But I love retellings of ideas! And so do others! I don't care how many more times I read the same "chased by a monster only to be pinned down to the dirty ground" I will literally inhale these stories!!!! I love them!!! And you will put new words and new spins to it, so it will never feel dull!! So yeah, absolutely nothing wrong to lean into tropes and cliches. It might even be very beneficial for bringing your writing closer to people.
For warnings, I'd say, depending on if you do requests or your own work, always warn everything you find problematic in your own works before the story starts and add warnings if someone asks for them. For request, do the same if you derail from the original request too much to not warn (like, have sexual acts/gore/etc. suddenly even though it wasn't specifically requested). I'm not a fan of warning if the request is very clearly what the story will be, but do as you are comfortable. It's your blog. In the end, no one can tell you what to do, but of course don't be mean about it.
Doing requests is fine, but doing your own ideas is also fine. Of course, starting out with only your original ideas can be hard if you don't have a community built already, but you can always mix fanworks with OG writing. I know it's tempting to say "others do it too and they manage to just write their own things" or "I don't want to write for fandoms" but it will be very hard if you do. It's just the truth, tumblr isn't for original content in writing, it has always been for fandoms and blogging and art. It got better over the years but it still is.
Following up with this is: don't compare yourself to other writers/artists on here please, honestly, if you keep finding yourself discouraged by how much more likes and interactions they get, you should unfollow them. It's harsh. I love the stories and the writers of some blogs here, but I had to prioritize myself. Sometimes I sneak back to check out what I missed, but it will still get whiplash and compare myself.
In the same notion: If someone is mean or an idiot in your asks just block them and move on. Drama can entice people to interact with you, but it's not the kind of interactions you want constantly. And it honestly ruins you vibes if your blog becomes dramacentral. It's okay to speak out sometimes and make it clear that you don't want certain kinds of interactions, but feeding the trolls will only end in more and more and soon you feel bad and your followers feel bad, while the trolls are thriving. 9/10 cases it's just not worth it. Block and if it was a crossed boundary, let your people know afterwards unrelated to an ask.
And most importantly: pease just have fun. Put your ideas out there for the sole reason that no one will ever put them into your words the way you would. Of course it's impossible to ignore likes and interactions because it really does fuel the motivation. But I wish you two that you can create because it makes you happy. The rest will follow.
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lcs-library · 6 months
I'VE BEEN LOVING THIS!! LC could i ask if possible one pomegranate and green tea for Tsuzuru as in, you know, the usual reader? and theeeeen could you do coffee for him again but with Haruna sob I don't have much of her but I trust you with my life ksdhchjk basic info is those two are a super slowburn, she's a med student and has a similar personality to tsumugi <3 love uuuuuuuu take your time no rush!!
WAHHHHH HI EMMMM<33333. You want…. Me??? To write Haruna??? Ueueueue…….. I’m so honored…. I hope I did her justice!!
Request rules
Request game
Pomegranate: answered here!
Green Tea: How do they comfort their s/o?
🖋️ Tsuzuru’s one of the best when it comes to comfort I think.
🖋️ He heard you had a bad day and he’s already at your side rubbing your back and asking if you want to talk about it.
🖋️ That said, he definitely goes into older brother mode and can and will treat you like a child on instinct.
🖋️ He’ll get you something to drink and tell you to be careful not to burn your tongue in the softest tone of voice, and make sure you don’t spill, even though you’re fully capable of handling it.
🖋️ He will also not leave you alone, he’s constantly at your side, you’re stuck with him. Sorry. He’s worried. He wants you to be okay.
🖋️ He seems like the type to already know your preferences and will follow them to a T.
🖋️ You prefer physical affection? He’s got you in his arms, patting your head, making sure you feel safe and grounded. You want a distraction? He’s already turning on your favorite movie and grabbing a snack.
🖋️ He’ll definitely talk you down from the situation until you’re calm again, offering you simple decisions to make, and putting the issue into a new perspective.
🖋️ “See, there you go, we’re all good now, right? Did you get everything out?” He asks gently, smiling even as your eyes are puffy and red from crying. You nod, and he sighs, relieved, as he ruffles your hair. “Good job, I’m proud of you,” he praises, kissing your forehead.
🖋️ And ofc it all ends in you two falling asleep on the couch ehehe<33
Coffee: Do they get jealous? How do they show it?
🖋️ I’m setting this during the pining stage you can’t stop me
🖋️ Tsuzuru’s not really the type to get jealous, honestly. He’s really chill about that sort of thing.
🖋️ That said, after becoming friends with Haruna, he’s surprised to find this feeling in his gut when some of the male students in her classes start trying to hit her up.
🖋️ Even when it’s simple things like asking her to a mixer, there’s this odd way his stomach starts to turn, unsure of how he feels about the idea of her going.
🖋️ What if she finds someone there? What if she likes them, and they like her back? What if they want to hurt her? Maybe she wouldn’t care, and she’d end up stuck in some torturous cycle, and she could end up living an awful life. He didn’t want that.
🖋️ Any friend would… right?
🖋️ But then why did his heart start to ache at the thought of her introducing him to a partner? Why did it hurt to imagine her leaving him? Wait, they weren’t even dating, why was he imagining a breakup? He didn’t even like her in that way!
🖋️ …right?
🖋️ “Tsuzuru? You alright there? Kentaro was asking if you wanted to come to karaoke with us!”
🖋️ Haruna’s voice snapped him out of his spiral of thoughts.
🖋️ “A-ah, no, I’m good. The next script for the company is due soon, so I’ve gotta head home soon anyway. Maybe next time, though,” he replied, his hand finding its way to the back of his neck.
🖋️ “You promise?” She asked jokingly.
🖋️ “Yeah, I promise,” he said with a grin, holding up his pinky on instinct.
🖋️ Haruna blinked for a moment, only to link her pinky with his, giggling.
🖋️ And when she let go, Tsuzuru couldn’t help but want more than their pinkies to touch.
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prettyoddfever · 2 years
about Northern Downpour...
there are a few misunderstandings related to this song in the modern fandom, so I’m going to try to hit a bunch of different points all in one post.
Ryan continually said that Northern Downpour was the most important song to him, his favorite lyrics were on that song, and the most meaningful line was “I know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home.” He said this song summed up his experiences of the last few years (and he’d definitely processed a lot of huge life changes). 
The band often described Northern Downpour as the most meaningful song on the album and Mad as Rabbits as the most defining song. Sometimes that got switched around, but the point is that those two songs were very important. And honestly, ”I know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home” has a lot in common with “we must reinvent love.” Both of those songs reject bitterness and show an intentional turn towards embracing love (we see your influence, JWalk). Those songs saw Ryan making a powerful statement on how he viewed the world and life now.
The whole band talked about how they wanted to do something positive, uplifting, and meaningful with the second album. Ryan mentioned several times that Jon’s positive outlook on life had influenced him, and told NME that “Life isn’t all bad – it’s not all good obviously – but there’s a lot of good to be found in it. And there was no good on the last record – it was all negative.” Ryan told Mean Street Magazine that “I think Jon coming into the band was a big deal, a big thing for us because he’s such a positive person. Me and him spent a lot of time together over the summer and we wrote a bunch of new songs together.” Jon said in a 2008 interview that “I think that was a lot of people’s motives back then was to try to write music to inspire people and make the world better.” 
Ryan told Kerrang in 2008 that “But at some point things got so big and so out of our hands that we had to do something important because we have so many people paying attention to what we do. And this album is us doing something important.” Even in early 2006 Ryan was talking about how he didn’t think AFYCSO was that good... but the way that he talked about Pretty. Odd. in 2008 was so different. It was clear that the second album meant something very significant to Ryan on a personal level. In an interview in late May 2008 Ryan complained that a crowd wasn’t fully listening to Northern Downpour. Basically, he was super invested in this song that meant so much to him. He wanted it to be delivered correctly with the right emotion and for fans to properly appreciate it.
The band talked a lot during the Fever era about how much Ryan & Brendon had fought in the early years as they struggled to figure out how to successfully work together. Both guys explained in many different interviews that Ryan had a very specific idea of exactly how he wanted his lyrics performed, but he wasn’t able to sing well enough yet to communicate what he wanted… and Brendon couldn’t read his mind. They definitely still had their struggles in 2006, but by the end of the Fever era Brendon seemed proud that he’d learned how to read Ryan and work with him better. However, Ryan was still talking about how parts of his lyrics would get lost in translation when he handed them over to Brendon. 
The early tension only grew in 2007 after the Fever era ended. Ryan had become WAY more confident and worked so hard on his singing that he was like a completely different person onstage than he had been in 2005. Plus, the band was changing so much that they no longer needed a dramatic frontman to step into a flamboyant narrator character and dance energetically around onstage singing the risque lyrics. Ryan could have easily delivered the eventual Pretty. Odd. songs too (but that wasn’t the case for the Fever era). So if you understand the positions they were in while entering the Pretty. Odd. era, you can see how Ryan would probably be extra picky about Brendon’s performance if Brendon was still going to be delivering the majority of the songs. 
Ryan REALLY wanted his favorite line (”I know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home”) to be delivered with the right emotion. That had absolutely nothing to do with Ryden...
Here’s a Rolling Stone interview clipping where Ryan talked about Northern Downpour:
Tumblr media
I’ve seen some people claim that the clipping above is a Ryden moment because Ryan was telling Brendon to notice a hidden message to him or something?? lol no. This is like a movie director saying that they told an actor to pay special attention to a line… it’s because that’s a key moment they want to make sure is delivered precisely how it’s meant to be. 
When you suggest that this song is a Ryden thing, you completely erase Ryan Ross and all of the pain & loss & really profound growth he went through in 2006-2007 as he processed his life and seemed to make peace with a lot of things. This is absolutely not a love song to Brendon, and the whole associated Seattle Ryden story never even happened. Like I’ve said in other posts, I’m not necessarily against Ryden if everyone’s on the same page that it’s just for fun. I’m against erasing all of reality in order to pass off Ryden theories as real. It’s not fair to new fans, and it’s certainly not fair for Brendon or Ryan to endure a fandom’s escalating warped perceptions over time.
Side tangent: it was very common for Brendon to tell the crowd that he loved them during this song:
At the time I figured he was trying to get into the right “I love you” mindset to deliver the song with the correct emotion, but now as an adult I’m like eh whatever it’s probably not that deep. Moving on.
I think it might be easiest to first say that there’s this popular video from May 6th where Brendon messed up Northern Downpour, and it’s evident in the comment section that the current fandom has a very loose understanding of spring 2008. That mistake was not unique to that one night, the way that Ryan sang the line and “helped” Brendon isn’t special either, May 6th is absolutely not the specific reason why Brendon cried while singing this song in 2011, and there’s clearly just a LOT of context people are missing.
Brendon seemed to feel the extra pressure while delivering ”I know the world’s a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home” because he messed up that part way more than anything else in their set list. His first serious mistake was at Bamboozle 2008 when the band was headlining. 52:56 in this video shows the band backstage at Bamboozle (Shane is behind the camera) and Zach touches on a topic that the band talked about a lot in 2008: they focused more on playing the festival circuit that year in the hopes that they could reach a “new” audience and expand the type of people who listened to their band. Most of the big festivals were that summer in Europe & Asia, so Bamboozle was an early one. It was deemed the first festival that Panic at the Disco ever headlined (which seemed debatable to me, but I’ll stay on topic). Bamboozle was definitely turned into a decently big deal and carried more weight than their regular shows each night, so Brendon could have understandably been more anxious about getting the line right.
The band didn’t play Northern Downpour during the European tour that spring before Pretty. Odd. was released. The first tour with that song was the Honda Civic Tour that started on April 10th. So they’d only been playing Northern Downpour live for a few weeks by the time Bamboozle happened on May 4th.
Brendon messed up Northern Downpour at Bamboozle by skipping ahead to *the important line* a bit too early... it felt like he was overly focused on it. Ryan called out Brendon’s mistake to the audience, and then took control when it came time for the correct part (and also brought attention back to the fact that Brendon had messed up). So it’s understandable that Brendon would have been even more anxious about that part at the very next show... which was May 6th (the show that currently gets singled out as “the one time Brendon forgot the lyrics”). Brendon literally just repeated the previous show’s mistake where he jumped ahead to the line too early. BUT then he actually caught himself on May 6th and that’s why you see him singing nonsense sounds until he can switch tracks and jump to the correct part. It’s not because he suddenly forgot the lyrics. So then at the next show on May 7th when Brendon screwed up yet again (but in a different way) we were like omg please help him break out of this anxiety loop lol. And obviously he did!! But the context of those 3 shows in a row helps illustrate why he might have been extra anxious. You can’t isolate one show and act like Brendon was lazy for not knowing the lyrics. (btw I put the details of these 3 shows in the video below... Brendon’s reaction after finally getting it right on May 8th is adorable).
I think the most noteworthy mistake in any Northern Downpour performance was actually the Johannesburg show in South Africa in April 2009. Brendon legit blanked on the song towards the start and froze. A couple fans closer to the stage said that Brendon looked scared and/or like it was anxiety that caused him to space out... like I remember several people mentioning his panicked look. So Ryan told Brendon the lines and restarted the song. Brendon still couldn’t get the lyrics, though. He ended up on the floor laughing and said something to the crowd about how his parents have always said he was a f*ck-up and they were right. I think Ryan even had the crowd sing the words to help remind Brendon?? This is a hazy memory but basically it was a hot mess. May 6th was absolutely not “the one time” Brendon messed up Northern Downpour and it shouldn’t be given any weird special significance.
Brendon sang *the line* on his own at the first 2 shows of the Honda Civic Tour, but then Ryan became very much involved. Occasionally Brendon stepped back and just let Ryan sing it, but most often they sang it together. Sometimes Brendon sang the first half and then Ryan took the second half, but usually Ryan either sang the whole line alongside Brendon or else joined in for “but melt your headaches call it home.” Here are some examples of how that part went throughout 2008:
Ryan didn’t sing at the show in Malaysia (I heard he was sick), so Jon sang Ryan’s parts there. I thought it was interesting how Jon didn’t step in for *the line* on Northern Downpour, though... like that made it feel even more like Ryan’s line.
Brendon & Ryan delivered that line together throughout the Pretty. Odd. era. That’s why it was such an emotional & stark contrast to see Brendon singing that part ALONE in 2011 (I’m not speaking for Brendon here, this was just my own feeling when I saw the videos). Ryan’s voice was almost always there for that line, so the absence just drives home exactly how gone the old band was. It’s the most painful, sharp illustration possible of how much things had permanently changed. That line just feels empty & wrong with only Brendon’s voice.
Ryan didn’t do too much with P!ATD’s book club after starting it, but one of the girls who ended up taking over the book club reached out to him to get a recommendation at the end of the Fever era. Ryan recommended Jack Kerouac’s On The Road, which had the line:
“But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles…”
Northern Downpour’s not my favorite song on the album, but it’s absolutely the most meaningful song that defined the Pretty. Odd. era for me (and not just because the band said it was meaningful or named their new fan club Northern Downpour lol). It completely represents 2008 and a whole era that’s just… gone. Forever. This particular sound is sad to me these days because I get hit with such a strong wave of nostalgia, but the song in general is absolutely NOT a sad song! I’m genuinely curious why today’s teens seem to view Northern Downpour as an inherently sad song to cry to (especially since they weren’t around in 2008 to have any sort of emotional nostalgia connected with it). The song’s underlying contentment & honest happiness felt like a love letter to everyone who had come into the band members’ lives… it was really meaningful to both the band & fans in a positive way. 
Here are some of the main moments of the band talking about Northern Downpour:
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ficsforeren · 1 year
hii kana, hope u and your family are doing okay, if you’re okay answering this, i just wanted to ask you how was pregnancy for you, i’m so scared of all about it, and about how my body will look after, did you worried about this?
Hi, sweetheart!! My family and I are doing just great, and I hope you are too ❤️
Read below the cut cause this ended up as a super long answer LMAO
Honestly, I was so scared too, Nonnie 😭 I had a planned c-section for my second time (cause I had c-section the first time so my doctor recommended me to do so) and even then I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I don't want to lie and say it was easy cause it definitely wasn't. During my second pregnancy, I could only eat white rice and boiled eggs every single day cause that was all I could eat (I always threw up if I forced myself to eat anything else), and during the first three months, I couldn't even climb down my own bed without help. I was nauseous all the time, and very emotional. I got hospitalized for two weeks, got treated in the ICU where they took my blood three times a day even from my feet and it hurt like hell 🫠 Fortunately, my family (especially my husband) were so supportive throughout the process so it wasn't as stressful as it could've been for me.
Hmm I don't think I've ever worried about how my body would look like, probably because I was worrying more about giving birth and my baby health's condition (now THIS is stressful. as a mother, it kills you to see your baby get sick and newborns are so vulnerable so during the first month I just felt like crying all the time cause my baby had jaundice, and we had to do a surgery cause she couldn't feed properly and she lost a lot of weight, so we went to the hospital for like once every 3 days, it was a lot, both mentally and financially 😭)
when I had my first baby, I gained 15 kg (33 lbs) but I lost 13 kg in less than 6 months due to breastfeeding. I don't like exercising, all I did was taking care of my baby and doing chores but I still managed to get my normal weight back so I don't think you have to be concerned about gaining weight (if that's what you're worried about). even right now, my baby just turned two months old and I've lost 7 kg (I'm hoping I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in the next 4-5 months hehe)
but your body will look different, that's for sure. I got stretch marks all over my belly, some on my breasts too, and they're still there though they don't look as nasty anymore. And of course, I also got my c-section scar but they don't matter much to me. I actually feel proud to have these marks/scars on my body 😁
If you're worried/scared about being pregnant/giving birth/being a mother, trust me, you're not alone. I'm a mother of two children and I'm still scared, but also, the joy of being a mom is truly something else. I used to hate the idea of getting married, let alone having a child of my own (rough childhood lol you know the drill) but after I gave birth and I held my baby in my arms, I was so, so happy. And that was just the start. The first time they smiled, the first time they laughed out loud, the first time they called me "mama" and the first time I kissed my son goodbye before he went to school... so much happiness in every little thing and I'm so grateful for it. so what I'm trying to say is, it's normal to be afraid, but believe me, it will all be worth it 😊
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