#I’m not scheduled for anymore days yet so I’ll try to take a nap when I get home and catch up on owed art!
tariah23 · 4 months
My first morning shift at this location whaaa
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wooahaes · 10 months
where the heart is
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pairing: non-idol!mark x gn!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship au.
word count: 0.7k~
warnings: yearning. silly sweet bf mark. reader is written to be a foreigner, but its left vague where they're from.
daisy's notes: maybe one day ill know enough to write abt the other members but he is just so <3 to me ok
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The familiarity of your family’s house should have been all you needed to chase away your homesickness. So… Why were you still feeling like this?
A few days ago, your parents had picked you up from the airport, and you’d slept in your room for the first time in almost a year. This time you’d come alone, since Mark had been unable to take off work (you’d fight his boss one day for denying the request he put in months ago—him ‘needing’ Mark to work was bullshit when they had plenty of time to plan around his absence). Hopefully next time, you’d have Mark asleep next to you while you planned for something else to show him about your home. Yet the entire time you’d been home, you couldn’t shake this feeling from your chest. You were home with your family, and yet some part of you felt this awful yearning to go home again. At first, you had chalked it up to you knowing that you’d leave again…
But it clicked after a while. You had yearned to see your family and the house you grew up in, that had been true, but now you were yearning for your home. So you decided to pick up your phone and try to remedy that, even by a little.
Mark had picked up, half-asleep when he answered. You weren’t sure if he was just napping or actually sleeping with his current work schedule, but you’d apologize for that later. All you needed was to see that sleepy face squinting at the phone, his hair messy as hell as he slowly recognized your face.
“Hi, baby,” his sleep-riddled voice had croaked out. “Everything good?”
That feeling dissipated a little. “It’s better now,” you said, sitting down on your bed. “Sorry I woke you up.”
“Nah, nah,” he mumbled, “I’m good. I’m awake. I’m—” He stifled a yawn for a moment. “I’m awake, I swear. Everything good at home?”
“Yeah, yeah… Everything’s fine.” 
Mark sat up, suddenly looking a bit more awake than before. “You can tell me,” he said. “I’m awake now, I swear—”
With a sigh, you flopped back onto your bed. “Just… I dunno. I’m here, and I thought that would get rid of the homesickness, and it mostly does, but…”
How were you supposed to say it without getting embarrassed…? “I… miss my home still.”
“But you’re—” Mark stopped short, the realization dawned on him. “Aw… Babe…”
“Don’t say it.”
“I’m your home?” He was smiling hard, and you buried your face in your free hand. “No, no, it’s cute! Don’t get embarrassed! It’s cute, I swear!”
“It’s just weird to hear it out loud.” 
He chuckled warmly. “Well,” he shifted, running a hand through his hair. “You’re my home, too.”
You whined, “Mark…”
“I mean it! It always feels like home when you’re around.” His eyes were twinkling when he looked at you, and you started to wish he was there with you all over again. “It’s like… I dunno. I go out with my bros and stuff, but it’s not the same, y’know? You’re not here to remind me to stop ordering so much takeout and stuff.”
It earned a snort from you. “Because you’re not the best cook, Mark.”
“Right! But, like, I can manage… probably. I’m gonna get better. Once you get back, you can teach me all those cool recipes again and I’ll keep practicing.” 
You let out a blissful sigh at the idea. Sure, not all of your cooking lessons landed well, but you still loved spending the time with Mark. “We can try again, yeah,” you smiled, not quite so focused on him anymore. That hollow feeling in your chest had disappeared. “Mark?”
“I miss you.”
He smiled again, eyes twinkling. “Oh, yeah?”
“Don’t be a dork about it,” you giggled. “I just wanted to say it.”
“Well, I miss you, too.” He ran another hand through his hair, only making it messier. “Bring me back something cool, alright? Other than you.” 
It earned a snort-y laugh from you. “Mark. Baby. I’m not cool.”
“No, no, you’re like… the coolest person I know, easily.”
You rolled your eyes. “And you’re my favorite dork, you dork.” 
“Your dork.” 
It made you smile again. “Yeah,” you sighed blissfully. “My dork.” 
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
160 notes · View notes
amjustagirl · 3 years
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Love knows not its depth (until the hour of separation) 
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pairing: Kuroo x f! reader  genre: angst / fluff, post timeskip! warnings: a tiny smudge of suggestive content wc: 4.9k m.list ~ taglist. ~
a/n: this is my rendition of a grown up Kuroo. life has been a little hectic for me recently, so i’m only getting around to posting it now. pls be kind and i hope y’all love it <3 
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“I need a break.”
Kuroo continues to snore. You are unsurprised he doesn’t hear you. After all, he came home glassy eyed, smelling strongly of alcohol after yet another night of drinks with his boss before quickly falling asleep in bed. It’s what he does most weekday nights, leaving you alone at home to manage your two daughters and tuck them into bed. 
“I’m tired, Tetsuro.”
You are too tired to even tell him how you feel. You have a career of your own, two daughters to raise, a never ending list of chores and errands that must be done. You are a mother, a wife, a career woman. You have so many roles to play yet there is no space for you. 
You must do something, anything or risk your heart imploding in your very chest. 
You cannot survive that. 
The next morning, you call your boss, ask for a day off. Then you pack your girls off to your mother’s place with two little suitcases with toys and clothes enough for a long weekend before you take the train to Hakone, check yourself into the ryokan with a view of Mt. Fuji that you spent your honeymoon at - except this time, you’re alone (but then again, you’ve been lonely for so long, you hardly notice the difference anymore).
You dip yourself into the hot waters of the onsens, watch bamboo sway in the breeze. It’s been at least a year since you’ve been even able to take a bath uninterrupted. There’s always something - Aiko needing help with her homework, Fumiko whining for another piece of mochi, your boss calling to chase for yet another report, so all you’ve ever had time for is a hurried shower before placating your daughters or seating yourself in front of your laptop to deal with your boss. 
Finally, you’ve stolen a day to yourself. It’s absolute bliss. 
The water is kind to you. Its heat soothes your aching muscles, the rising steam steadies your breath. You walk out of the baths feeling refreshed, renewed, but when you enter your room you find Kuroo Tetsuro waiting for you. 
“I’ve been calling your phone all afternoon”, he says, face pinched. “I was worried.”
“Were you?” you say before you can stop yourself. “Really?” 
“Of course”, he says, uncrossing his legs to stand. “You’re my wife and the mother of my children, of course I care.”
Wife. Mother. Employee. 
The roles that life has handed you haunts you again. There is no escape for you. 
Your skin suddenly feels as if it’s stretched too tight over your frame. Your bones rattle, brittle. They threaten to break if you take another breath. Yet you laugh and laugh and laugh, the sound spilling from your lips filling the room, suffocating the pounding of your heartbeat in your ears. 
“If you really cared, you would have noticed that your wife is broken”, you tell him between bouts of laughter. “I tried fixing myself with a break but you can’t even give me that.” 
Kuroo stares at you, equal parts horrified and confused. He takes a hesitant step forward towards you before thinking the better of it, swerving over to the kettle instead, clutching it as if it holds the cure to your madness. 
“Calm down”, he says, “take a seat”, and you do. He offers you a cup of tea. You accept it, even though you’re still shaking from the aftershock of your laughter. “Drink”, he says, and you bring the cup to your lips, though you wonder absently why you taste salt in the bitter tea. 
“Tell me what’s wrong”, he begs. “Tell me what I can do to fix you.” 
You want to tell him that you’re not strong enough to do what’s expected of you. You want to tell him that you’re drowning from the weight of being his wife, the mother of his kids, from being a working woman that he can be proud of. You want to tell him that you understand his career is important, but so is yours, and you can’t carry the weight of the world alone. 
But that would take too many words, and you are far, far too tired for that. 
So you say blankly - “I can’t do this anymore, Tetsuro.”
His face falls. 
You should remember that Kuroo Tetsuro, first and foremost, is a child scarred by his parents’ divorce. You should remember that you made promises that you and he would never put your daughters through that. But you’ve floated beyond hysteria into a grey indifference, your mind too broken, too tired, too numb to consider him when you can barely even hold on to yourself. 
You don’t even notice the hot tears soaking through your yukata. You are deaf to his pleas to give him another chance. There is nothing left in you to give because you’ve poured all you’ve had into him, into your family, into your job. You are so, so empty, and you just sit and sip your tea and wonder idly if the warmth from the liquid you’re ingesting will make you feel a little more alive, or if it’s possible to ease the dull ache in your heart. 
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It is only when you wake up the next day and the sun is high in the sky that you register that he rolled out your futon for you, tucked you into bed, and kissed your forehead as a goodnight and goodbye. But all of this is washed away by the relief you feel when you read the note he’s left behind telling you that he’s returned to Tokyo, and to enjoy your break. 
So you do. 
You relish every bite of the meals you have at the ryokan. It’s nice not having to cook or scarf down your food at your office desk for once. You fill your time flitting between the onsens and curling up in your room with a book, taking frequent cat naps until tomorrow comes around again and it’s time to check out and head home. 
There’s a brief moment of surprise when the reception informs you politely that your husband already paid your bill - but you suppose that’s just Tetsuro being efficient at racking up credit card points. The bullet train takes you back to Tokyo, and a couple stops on the subway takes you home.  
“Okaeri”, you call softly out of habit, not expecting anyone to respond, but Kuroo responds with an even softer ‘Tadaima’, striding over to take your bags from you and usher you into the apartment. There are pink roses sitting in a vase, but you pay it no mind. 
“The girls?” you ask, already headed in the direction of their room. 
“I picked them up from your mom”, Kuroo responds. “Don’t wake them up, I just put them to bed”.
A peek into their room and it settles your mind to see that your girls are safe and sound asleep. 
“Thanks,” you say, back in the kitchen, checking the fridge for what you can whip up for breakfast for you and the girls tomorrow. “By the way, I’ll pay you back for the hotel room from my own money, don’t worry.”
“It’s fine”, Kuroo answers, scratching his head. His hair seems a little more rumpled than usual. “I’ll cover it. I should’ve realised you needed a break.”
“You sure? You don’t have to pay for me, I’ve got money of my own.”
“No, let me pay for it, please. It’s the least I can do.” 
You shrug. “Okay”, you say gracelessly. “Thank you.”
He continues to watch you over the kitchen counter as you lay out bread, eggs, ham, cheese. It’ll do for a quick breakfast for the girls tomorrow, never mind the guilt eating away at you that you really should do better than feeding them processed food all the time. You’re so preoccupied with planning the morning rush, the best way to clear the stack of reports that must have piled up on your desk at work by now that you miss Kuroo rounding the counter to stare down at you worriedly. 
“You haven’t had dinner?” 
“Oh no, I had a bento on the train on the way back.” It’s second nature to you to brush away anyone’s concern. “It’s for the girls’ breakfast.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take them to childcare before work tomorrow. Sleep in and take a break.”
“Really?” You stare back at him, confused. He doesn't even take charge of the girls in the mornings when you’re sick, your mother always has to fill in your place. He only ever turns up on the first day of school each year. 
“Yes, of course. In fact, I’ve rearranged my work schedule so I can take them to school all of this week at least.”
“Oh”, you say, brows furrowed in confusion. “Okay, I guess. Wake me up if you need my help.”
“I won’t”, he replies, with a cocky smirk that seems almost false. “Goodnight, love.”
You don’t think of Kuroo’s strange behaviour overmuch, falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. 
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Kuroo continues to act strangely all of next week. 
As promised, he takes charge of getting the girls out of bed and ready for school. But you’re taken aback when he starts coming home for dinner, completely floored when he hands you a whole armful of bath salts and orders you to take a relaxing, hot bath while he wrangles both the girls and the washing machine into submission. 
He even calls your mother to ask her to babysit on a Saturday evening so he can take you out for dinner at a fancy restaurant that serves foam instead of food. You manage to stumble through conversation with him - a commendable effort, since it’s been so long since you’ve even held a proper conversation with him besides snatches of discussion about the girls. 
At least until he states during dessert - “we can make it work if you want to quit your job and stay home full time with the children.”
The mousse on your spoon melts by the time you put it down on your plate. 
“Did the guys at work tell you it’s easier to have a housewife instead of a working wife? Are you saying this because you don’t think I’m a good enough mother to our girls? Is that what this is about?”
Kuroo shakes his head frantically, reaches across the table for your hand, but you yank it away with a glare. The extra rest you’ve gotten this week has injected a little more fight in you. 
“I try my best to be a good wife and mother, but I’m sorry I can’t be perfect and be there for you and the girls 24/7.” You press down on the sliver of cake with a vengeance. Clink! goes the flat of your spoon against the porcelain plate. “I’m sorry for being selfish, but I don’t want to be reliant on you.”
You regret your harsh words when Kuroo slumps back into his chair, murmuring “I just wanted you to be happy. Forget I ever said that.”
He pays the bill and you walk home in silence. He bids you goodnight with a crumpled smile. 
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It finally clicks when you are startled awake by Kuroo’s shout of alarm. 
You roll over, grabbing his shoulder to shake him awake from the nightmare that has him in its grip. His eyes jolt open, and the sight of your face makes him sink back into the pillow with a sigh of relief. 
“Thank the gods you haven’t left.”
“Why would I leave? This is my home, isn’t it?” You mumble, turning your back to him again. 
You feel the bed shift as Kuroo sits up. 
“No”, he rasps, voice rough with sleep. “I was afraid you left me”. 
Oh. So that’s what all of this is about. 
You must stay quiet for far too long, because he gingerly crawls over to you. 
“Dearest”, he says, your heart suddenly aching because you don’t remember the last time you heard him use that pet name with any amount of affection. “Darling”, he tries again, pawing at your back. You shut your eyes resolutely and refuse to turn to face him. 
He doesn’t give up, even though the distance between you seems to yawn wide and wider with each passing second. 
“Are you?” he asks, his words small, shrunken in the still, dark room. “Going to leave me, I mean.” 
No, you’re about to say, the word balancing at the tip of your tongue but it feels wrong. Your break has given you the space to breathe, the time to think. It’s made you realise what you’ve said to him in the ryokan that night remains true. 
This week has shown you that Kuroo can do better as a husband, as a father if he wants to. But he’s poisoned your marriage with neglect, forced you to dress up your sadness in silence, allowed your resentment to fester and simmer into frigid indifference. If you reassure him that you aren’t going to leave him, it’s only because you’re too tired to, not because you actually love him anymore. 
“I don’t know, Tetsuro. Our daughters deserve to grow up with both their parents, but I’m not sure I want them to learn from my example that it’s okay to shoulder the weight of marriage, parenthood and a full time job all by themselves. Your dreams and career are important, I know, but I’m just so tired of being alone in this marriage when it was always supposed to be a partnership between me and you.” 
You hear him choke back a sob. You should comfort him, but the exhaustion you feel at being honest with him, with yourself, weighs your bones down, forces you to sink further down into your mattress. 
“I’m sorry”, he finally says. 
“I’m tired, Tetsuro”, you whisper brokenly, clutching the blankets to your chin. “I think I deserve better.”
“I know. I’ll make it better, I promise.” 
You want to ask him how, but your eyelids grow heavy, and you allow yourself to submerge into slumber. 
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You’re not sure what to expect, but the ground beneath your feet shifts. Things start to change. 
Kuroo continues to take your daughters to childcare in the morning on the way to work as he did last week. That very weekend, he straps Fumiko to his chest, takes Aiko by her hand, and within an hour at the department store aided by a flash of his credit card, he purchases a dishwasher and robot vacuum for the house. He loads the dishes without you asking, runs the robot vacuum remotely once a day. It buys you time to breathe, a little more time to sleep. 
He doesn’t always make it home in time for dinner, but he tries his best to rush home so he can read the girls a bedtime story and tuck them into bed. 
“Dada”, Fumiko lisps, chubby fists wound around Kuroo’s tie. ‘I wanna hear another princess story!” 
“No Fumiko! Papa promised to tell us how he met mama!” Aiko prods Kuroo’s side with the wooden doll Yaku sent from Russia that you know he abhors. ‘Keep your promises, papa!” 
“Alright, settle down you monsters. I’ll tell you two stories if you promise to go to sleep right after that.” The girls cheer. “Now. Let’s see. A long, long time ago, your papa met your mama when she decided to beat him up because she thought he was trying to steal her food.” 
“You were trying to steal my food”, you interrupt, leaning against the doorway amused. “You didn’t stop til I stabbed you with my fork.”
He glances up, surprised when you sit beside him on the bed. Then he grins. 
“You left it on the table, dearest. What was a guy supposed to think?” 
“Mama, please let dada tell the story”, Aiko interjects with a huff. 
“Hurry up, dada! I want the princess story next!” Fumiko pulls at her silly dada’s shirt, pouting. 
You both laugh. There’s a soft smile playing on his lips when his eyes meet yours. 
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Travelling all around Japan is still part of his job as a marketing director of the Japanese Volleyball Association. But now Kuroo pares it down to the bare minimum, makes sure he’s always back by the weekend at the very least to sweep the girls in his arms and shoo you off for a break of afternoon tea with your friends or shopping with your mom. 
“Will you be ok when I’m gone?”
You hand him his suitcase, a flask of his favourite tea. “I’ve always managed fine. Nothing’s changed.”
He bends down to kiss Aiko on her forehead, pinch Fumiko’s cheek playfully. 
“Yes. Well. I’ll come home soon”, he says, quietly. You startle slightly as he brushes his thumb over your wrist, lets it drift over your pulse point. “Please wait for me.” 
You glance up at him from beneath your lashes. “I’ll see you soon then”, you reply. His smile widens, his eyes are hopeful, bright. 
On the weekends, he stops flitting off for work functions and events. Instead, now he joins you for lunches at the kaiten zushi near your house, indulging the girls by ordering yet another plate of sushi just so Aiko has another chance to win a toy from the gachapon and Fumiko has another chance at feeling grown up when she lifts the plate from the conveyor belt. He stops ducking out from dinners at the grandparents’ place - both his and yours. Your mom stops giving him dirty looks when he actually turns up more than three times in a row with sake in hand. 
Once every so often, he even throws little parties for your family of four, going so far as to buy a frilly pink apron that makes your daughters giggle when he whips it out for the first time. After a few mishaps (and a number of frantic calls to Fukunaga), he masters how to make takoyaki and okonomiyaki, and in the colder months, he makes steaming pots of nabe and shabu shabu. 
“Itadakimasu” you murmur, and the girls follow suit. “It tastes good”, you say. 
He ducks his head bashfully, pink dusting the column of his neck. 
“Thank you”, he replies. “That means a lot, coming from you.” 
You start to savour the bubbles of happiness in your chest when you see how your daughters’ eyes shine when they see their papa whip out the pink apron. You learn to laugh when you hear the pitter patter of little feet, their delighted squeals and shrieks when they tell you the latest exploits their silly papa is cooking up - sparklers under the stars one weekend, a nerf gun fight, the next.
The weight on your shoulders grows lighter and lighter until one day you hardly notice it at all. 
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“What’s wrong?” you frown at the sight of your husband dashing out of your bedroom, hair a frazzled mess. 
He whips around at the sound of your voice. “Oh. Oh.” He approaches you, slowly, carefully. “You’re still here.”
Your frown deepens. “My boss called and asked me to send out an urgent email. I was just about to go back to bed. Tetsuro, is everything alright?” 
He nods. “It’s fine - I just... I just woke up and thought you were gone.” 
You take a closer look. It’s dark, but the shadows of the night fail to hide the purple smudges beneath his eyes, the fine lines carved into his brow. His shoulders are bowed, his lips downturned and he looks broken, battered.    
Your heart hurts for him. 
“I’m here”, you say, beckoning him towards you. Physical affection has been scarce between you two for so, so long but he looks so distraught it’s only natural to pull him close, let him rest his head on your lap. “I’m here, Tetsuro. I’m not about to run off into the night – you know I don’t like the cold.”
He doesn’t laugh at your feeble joke. “Are you happier now? Are things better for you?” 
“Yes”, you say firmly, combing your fingers through his hair, rubbing circles along his back. “Thank you, Tetsuro. I appreciate it. I really do.”
You can feel him sag in relief. 
“You don’t have to work yourself to the bone for me. That’s – that’s never what I was asking for. If you’re tired, you need to take a break.”
He shakes his head stubbornly. “I’m fine. I can bear it as long as you don’t leave me.” 
“Tetsuro –“ 
He sits up abruptly, takes your hands in his. 
“Promise you won’t leave me”, he begs, head bowed. “I know I’ve been a shit husband to you for so long. It’s no excuse, but I thought - ” he swallows heavily, waits until his voice stops wavering. “I thought we were ok, ‘cos we didn’t fight, not like my parents did before – before my mother left.”
“I was too tired to fight with you”, you say simply. 
He nods once, jerkily. “I know – I know that now. When you disappeared that day, I didn’t know what to do. I went to your mom’s place and she reamed me out, screamed at me in front of the neighbours. I took the kids back, and it made me realise how fucking hard it was for you to do it all alone.” He inhales, closing his eyes as if the memory aches. “I know it’s late but I’ve changed, I swear. The girls need you. I need you. I’ll do anything as long as you stay.”
His fingers are freezing, but you do not pull away. Not when the desperation reflected in his irises makes your heart lurch in pain.
“It was hard”, you confess, and he shudders, struck in the chest by your honesty. “It was so hard, Tetsuro. You hurt me so damn much that I think I became numb to the pain. I don’t think I was really functioning for a while. For a long while.”  
“I’m sorry”, he whispers, and you nod shakily. 
“I know”, you reply, reaching out a hand to cup his face, a bittersweet twist to your lips as he melts into your touch. “That’s a chapter of my life, of our marriage that can’t be re-written. We can’t rewind that. But the past few months have been so different. I – you’ve shown me you’ve changed. And I think –“
You fall silent. 
He prompts you. “Dearest?” 
You recall the glimmer of light in your daughters’ eyes every morning when he takes their hands to walks them to school. You hear the echoes of their laughter, the lilt in their sweet voices every night when they welcome him home. You think of the tea parties he throws, the blanket forts he builds, the frilly pink apron he wears without shame and the bedtime stories he weaves every night.
“I think”, you say, with a smile that reminds him of the rising sun. “I think we can make this work again.” 
He stares at you until the weight of your words dawns upon him, and he surges forward to fold you into his arms. 
“Thank you”, he whispers into the shell of your ear. “I won’t fuck this up again, I promise.” 
“Don’t thank me, you silly man”, you nuzzle into his neck sleepily, draping your arms around his waist. “Thank yourself for making me believe in you.”
He laughs wetly, cradling you close as you fall asleep against his chest, soothed by his heartbeat and the tenderness in his gaze.  
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Fumiko wakes you up unceremoniously before the sun even rises by climbing into your lap, and you open your eyes to Aiko pouting, hands on hips, demanding to know what’s for breakfast, and dada, dada, make a ham sandwich, pretty please with a cherry on the top. 
“You guys are little monsters”, Kuroo teases with dancing eyes. “Can’t even give your papa a break to snuggle up to your mama.” 
The girls shriek in dismay. “Don’t be mean”, you admonish him gently. 
He mock sniffs. “I’m cranky in the mornings unless I get a morning kiss.”
Aiko and Fumiko crowd the sofa, clamouring to give their papa a kiss, but he stalls them with an imperious wave of his hand. 
“This morning, only a kiss from your mama can chase my crankiness away”. His tone is teasing, but his shoulders remain tense.  
“Nonsense. You make it sound as if kisses contain caffeine”, you scold, swatting his arm lightly as the girls giggle. 
“Yours do!” he protests, and you roll your eyes as you press your lips to the corner of his lips, laughing when he puffs out his chest and declares his day can now start, that everything’ll be as right as rain.
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Some days are full of sunshine, whilst others are full of rain. That’s life – but it’s bearable, enjoyable even, now that you and Kuroo face each day together, thanking the sun when it shines, and splashing through puddles on rainy days. 
Things recalibrate. 
The mornings are his domain now – he’s a master at concocting the most random breakfast items to satisfy your finnicky daughters. Aiko sniffs when she informs you that she’d prefer her papa to braid her hair, thank you very much, and when you shoot a look of death at Kuroo, he can’t even keep his face straight, his trademark hyena laugh erupting from his chest. 
You cook dinner in the evenings, appreciating the times when he can join you at the table, not counting the nights he can’t against him because you know he’s trying his best. The girls clamour for his stories every night, laughing when he teasingly scolds them for yanking on his tie, demanding goodnight kisses from both him and you. 
Now you force Kuroo to take some time to himself, shoo him off for lunches with Kenma, get-togethers with his Nekoma schoolmates. “I know you can manage it”, you tell him archly, “but you need breaks  so you don’t burn out, or worse – you’ll lose your hair and we don’t want that”. When he opens and closes his mouth without a smart retort, you smirk. You get your way. 
Both of you organise parties and playdates, inviting your shared friends – Kenma, of course, is a frequent guest, Bokuto, who brings along Akaashi and his sweet tempered little son (who Aiko always manages to pick a fight with, much to Kuroo’s amusement). You host Kai, who always brings offerings of flowers from his garden, Yaku, when he’s in town with his daughter, son and alarmingly fat cat. The adults congregate in the kitchen with food and alcohol, cracking good natured jokes at Kuroo and his frilly pink apron, watching the children cause a ruckus in the living room. 
But you cherish the quiet moments you share with Kuroo at night when the children are asleep in bed. The chats you have whilst soaking in a hot bath about your day at work, the snippets of stories he shares about his boss, his crazy colleagues, the warmth of his arm around you as you stay up to clear emails late into the night, the heated kisses he presses to the nape of your neck to distract you when he thinks you’re working too hard. 
It’s a good life. You’re happy, and so is he. 
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A year slips by. 
The seasons come full circle. You return to the ryokan, finding peace in soaking yourself in steaming pools, watching the bamboo sway, the sun rise over Mt. Fuji. But this time, you’re not alone. You persuade Kuroo that he, too, needs a break - deserves one, truly. So you leave the girls with your mother and take the bullet train down to Hakone. 
He shoots you a smirk as you both emerge from the private bath he’d insisted on booking. You swat at him, pulling your yukata higher up your neck, scowling as he winds an arm around your waist to press you into his side. 
“You couldn’t wait til we got back to our room?” you hiss at him. 
He chuckles lowly in response. “Didn’t hear you complaining”, he retorts. 
“We were in an onsen, Tetsuro!” 
“A private one”, he says with a waggle of his eyebrows, laughing aloud when you try and fail to slap your hand over his mouth. “What d’you think I was going to do with my lovely wife? I’m not a monk, sweetheart”
You try your best to shush him, but his cackling manages to capture the attention of everyone in the lift.  
“What a happy couple”, an old lady remarks, within your earshot. “They must be newly married” 
You think she must be a little senile. Or a little blind. 
Neither of you are in your first flush of youth anymore - there are streaks of grey in Tetsuro’s mop of hair, extra weight in your hips and lines in your faces. No one could conceivably mistake you for a pair of newlyweds.
“Nah”, Kuroo drawls easily into your ear. “Just your regular old, married couple.”
You don’t speak until you’re safely in your room. 
“A regular, old, happily married couple”, you say, as he hands you a cup of tea. “That obaa-san got that part right at least.”
Kuroo chokes on the lump of emotion in his throat as you serenely sip your tea. 
The tea tastes bitter (as it always does), but the kisses that follow are so very, very sweet. 
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moonctzeny · 3 years
Can I request WayV reaction to you suddenly avoiding skinship/intimacy because you don't feel attractive anymore after they rejected you once? (they were tired or just not in the mood at that time)
WayV reaction - you avoid intimacy out of insecurity after they rejected your skinship
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warnings: WinWin's gets a tiny bit suggestive, alcohol consumption
He looked so good when he cooked. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the veins on his arms as he cut the various vegetables in the smallest of pieces. Your fingers ached to run across their length so you let them, stroking the little hairs in the opposite direction from their growth in the meantime.
“Y/n, not now”, he whines with a strictness in his voice that has you withering away from him.
You stayed quiet for the rest of the cooking, watching Kun in silence until he finally put the dish in the oven to cook. He walks over to your seat on the countertop, fitting himself between your legs. His hands find their place on each of your shoulders, making their way down to your elbows lovingly, yet you go rigid at the feeling and back away from his touch.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Do I annoy you sometimes?”
Kun’s eyebrows shoot up at your question, dropping his hands immediately to wrap them around your wrists instead.
“Never. What makes you think that?”
“You seemed pretty annoyed at me when you were cooking earlier”
His face stays frozen for a second, trying to figure out what exactly you were talking about. You’re taken aback when he starts to laugh light-heartedly, planting a kiss on your pouty lips.
“I didn’t tell you to stop because I didn’t like you touching me, baby. I needed you to stop because I liked it too much”
You avoided his kisses like the plague. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into you, usually your nights visiting his dorm consisted of the both of you cuddling each other to death, napping in sheets that smelled of him and inviting the cats that snuggled between you. However now, the more he tried to approach you, the more you scooted away from him, and your excuses were starting to run out.
“Are you avoiding me or something?”
You shake your head negatively, avoiding eye contact so that he doesn’t see through you. But Ten is intuitive, especially when it comes to you, so he repeats the question again until he gets a sigh as an answer.
“You told me off pretty badly when I tried to kiss you an hour ago you know…”
“When I was drawing? You pushed my hand on accident and I missed like, half of my work!”
When he sees you continuing to be visibly upset at him, despite his light and teasing tone, he lifts your hand from your lap to his lips, kissing your wrist, then your palm, then your ring finger.
“I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t”, he leans over to peck your lips mid-sentence, and his voice is too soothing for you to resist him, “You know how much I love to kiss you.”
As if to prove his point he brings you closer again, and he smiles into the kiss when he feels you deepening it.
“I could taste your lips forever”
Your boyfriend was never big on skinship and you knew. You understood his paranoia of holding hands in public, even with sunglasses and a big mask covering half of his handsome face. Being a celebrity isn’t easy and you had come to terms with that, but you didn’t know he would react so coldly to you in this private party with his members being the only ones invited.
You were a little tipsy, holding on to Sicheng’s arm for stability, and admittedly you just wanted a little love from your boyfriend. Pulling his hair out of his eyes, you pucker your lips at him, waiting for a kiss that never came.
“What is up with you today? You’re all over me!”
The drive home was quiet, your whole body facing away from him, eyes staring outside the window or anywhere else but him. You weren’t angry, just sad if anything else, and Sicheng felt he had enough when you started to storm off to your shared bedroom without him. A hand on your wrist stops you abruptly.
“Why are you like this? You’ve been quiet ever since we left the party”
“Do you not find me attractive anymore?”
The filter between your brain and mouth had vanished from the alcohol, shocking Sicheng with your candor.
“What on earth makes you think that?”
“You never kiss me in front of your friends. It’s like you're embarrassed of being seen with me…”
Your boyfriend’s eyebrows furrow, almost meeting on the base of his forehead before he pushes you up against the entrance door. The kiss he initiates is full of passion and something animalistic that you’ve always thought looks good on him. It isn't long before the hands that you so desperately needed on your body before formed bruises on the skin over your hipbones.
“The reason why I don’t kiss you in public is because I won’t be able to stop, not when you always look so pretty. And then I will make you look needy and breathless and messy, just like you do right now. I don’t want anyone else to see you like this. You’re too damn beautiful. You’re mine.”
Skinship and Lucas were synonyms when it came to your relationship. He loved getting to touch you at all times, whether it was a big, suffocating hug or just his large hands on the small of your back. You were barely awake when your boyfriend came back to your apartment, his busy schedule with SuperM keeping his side of the bed colder than you’d like. He didn’t even bother to wash up, just took his clothes off and covered himself up with your shared duvet and his chest facing your own. Satisfied with his mere presence, you scoot over, and lay one arm over his waist, bringing yourself closer. It was a shock to you when he turned to the other side, unwrapping your arm in the process and letting it fall in the space between you.
You decided not to address the incident that left a sting to your heart the next morning, spending the whole day with Lucas since it was rare for him to be free of any schedules. It was absolutely lovely, from the movie you watched to the homemade food you prepared for the both of you. Until the sun set again.
“Are you going back to your dorm now?”, you ask him while doing the dishes, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe you prefer sleeping in your own bed. Alone.”
Your back is facing him but you can sense the pout forming on his handsome features. You feel his body heat as he comes closer to you and wraps his arms around you, only for you to squirm away from his hold and pat your hands dry, leaving the sink.
“What’s wrong?”, Lucas asks quietly, his eyes doubling in size.
“It’s just that last night when I tried to cuddle you to sleep you avoided me… It’s okay if you don’t want to crash here you know-”
“Babe, babe”, he starts, taking your hands in his, “I was dirty and sweaty last night. I didn’t have the energy to shower and I felt gross. I would never reject a night with you”
“Really. Now how about we go to bed and I give you those cuddles that I owe you?”
It was rare to see Xiaojun be so frustrated with anything. He’d been sitting on that same spot of the bed for hours now, guitar propped up on his lap and a blank sheet of paper in front of him. You tried to relieve his stress anyway you could, massaging his shoulders, kissing his cheek every time he sighed. And while your boyfriend accepted them at first, soon you saw him bend away from your acts of affection, so much so that you were worried about whether you have angered him.
An icky feeling weighed you down when he kept ignoring you as time went by, realizing that today was not the day you’d get the quality time you craved from your boyfriend. Quiet so as not to bother him, you start to collect your things and pack them back into your bag, the sound of the zipper finally catching Xiaojun’s attention.
“Where are you going?”
“You seem busy. I’ll come by another day”
“No no no!”, he exclaims, swiftly pulling his guitar aside, “I was looking forward to seeing you”
“Well you don’t seem to want any love from me right now. We can reschedule our date night for another time”
You didn’t expect him to jump up on his feet so quickly, neither to pull you into a hug as tight. His words come out muffled from your hair that is covering his mouth as he kisses it.
“Don’t leave, please. I’m sorry I was ignoring you”
“No, I’m sorry if I overstepped your personal space”
You soothe out the wrinkles that have formed between his pretty eyebrows with your thumb, taking a moment to appreciate his warm smile before he brings you into a long kiss.
“I’m stuck on this song that I’m writing. Maybe I just need inspiration”
“Why are you looking in the mirror so much?”
In the span of the last hour you managed to feel insecure over your hair, your skin, your choice of clothing. You thought you were being subtle when checking out yourself, the reflection only making you wanna shrink even more with every quick glance.
“Do you still find me as attractive as you did when we first met? Like do you ever get butterflies on your stomach anymore?”
“Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?”
You sigh, rubbing your face in embarrassment. Being content in yourself was a challenge on its own, even more so when your boyfriend looked like that.
“When we first started dating we were all over each other. I wouldn’t even make it past your bedroom door before you kissed me everywhere. Ten called us disgusting all the time.”
“And now it’s been an hour since I came here and you haven’t even touched me...”
Hendery sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair defeatedly. With a soft hand motion he encourages you to come lie next to him on his bed, cupping your face before leaving a kiss on your lips.
“When we first started dating I couldn’t believe you were mine. I had this urgency in me like I had to taste as much of you as I could. Like you would slip away from my fingers, but-”
Hendery takes your hand in his, and starts a trail of shiver-inducing kisses from your wrist up to your shoulder, so slow that you thought he’d never finish his sentence.
“But I realized that it wasn’t fair to you. I want to love you like we have a lifetime ahead, not like our time is running out. I want to love you like you deserve, and I want to take my time”
He was playing that damn video game again. Yangyang always looked so cute when he was concentrating so heavily, lips pursed in a pout and eyes following the different players on the screen. Desperate to feel the softness of his hoodie and comfort on his embrace you come closer to him, attempting to sit on his lap.
“He’s behind you! Shoot! Shoot!” You jump up from your seat along with him, wrapping your hands around his neck to keep your balance. “Babe not now! You made me miss the screen!”
Hurt by his sharp tone and volume of his voice you start to get up, hating the burning feeling of the fresh tears that begged to escape the corners of your eyes.
Yangyang’s grip on your elbow stops you before you leave his lap, a worried look painted on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
“You know sometimes you get so into your games that you yell at me over nothing…”
His pretty face falls into a frown, whole body rigid and focused on your sad expression.
“Baby, come here”
Throwing one leg over his lap, Yangyang turns you around in his hold so that you’re facing him. His fingers pet your hair until you close your eyes in bliss, your breath slowing down until it matches his.
“You’re right. I’m so, so sorry if I said something that hurt you. Will you please stay here? You’re my lucky charm. My beautiful, lucky charm that fits right into my lap”
You smile at his sweet words, letting your head rest against his neck and enjoying the little backrubs he gave you until he felt you were fully relaxed. You easily fell asleep in his arms, your sweet dreams interrupted only from the kisses he left on your temples.
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hii i don't know if the requests are open but if it is i just wanna request a short scenario where sapnap comforts reader (she/her pronouns preferred) after reader wakes him up just to kill (i really do feel bad when somebody kills it too so maybe he can just throw it out😔) a bug because not so long ago i saw this giant ass bug in the corner of my room at 4 a.m. and i am TERRIFIED of bugs so i had a mental breakdown while waking up my roommate to throw it out and that night i couldn't sleep properly so yeah it would be nice if sapnap would comforts and cuddle with the reader😭😭
also sorry if this sounds complicated or stupid, please take care of yourself and drink some water <33
Please Kill It For Me? (Sapnap)
pairing : sapnap x fem!reader
summary : as you were making dinner, you spot the biggest bug you've ever seen. being terrified of them, you left the kitchen to reluctantly wake up your boyfriend.
a/n : hey! my requests are always open since i usually don't have ideas anymore so thank you for sending me one! this one was so cute to think about and write. and you want comforting sap? i got you ;)
your boyfriend has an odd sleeping schedule, being awake from midnight till the next morning, and then sleeping through the night.
lately, however, his sleeping schedule had been getting a bit more normal, sleeping at a reasonable timing.
but he was up late last night, having to film a manhunt for his friend, dream, and now, there he was on your shared bed, napping.
he had told you to wake him up just in time when dinner is ready, and you promised that you would.
now, standing at the entrance of your bedroom, you were hesitant to wake him.
because it hadn't been dinner time yet. you barely even started on making it.
but you couldn't step foot in the kitchen anymore knowing the monster that was in it.
so here you are, standing small by your bedroom door, trying to figure out your next move.
of course, you had to just wake him, that was your only option here. but you felt bad. he looked exhausted this morning, hence the nap.
and you didn't want his nap to be cut short just because of your fear of a bug way smaller than you, that people say is harmless.
you replayed the scene of seeing the bug in the kitchen in your head again, and shuddered in disgust.
yeah, you need to wake him to get that thing out of your house, immediately.
but how? he looked so incredibly peaceful, his eyebags not as bad as it were this morning.
you had an internal battle with yourself in your head and replayed your choices of this moment.
don't wake him and he gets to get his extra hour of sleep like he deserved and he'll wake up refreshed.
only if you didn't wake him, that giant monster of a creepy crawly is still in your house, your kitchen and your boyfriend will not be getting food in his stomach for dinner.
but wake him, and he'd be deprived an extra hour of sleep and he's be tired and wake up late tomorrow, which then shifts his entire sleeping schedule, and he'd be back to sleeping in the morning in no time.
but if you were to wake him, he'd get the bug and you can continue to live in this house peacefully and get back in the kitchen and make him his meal for today.
crap, you're back to square one.
you stand in your position for another minute or two, going over what was best.
until you finally thought, 'what the fuck' and decided to wake him. you needed to get back into that kitchen and cook. and you knew that if he were to get that bug out, you could sleep peacefully at night.
you walked slowly to him, not wanting to startle or wake him with your footsteps padding the dark hardwood floor.
huh? you need to wake him anyway. you told yourself. you were being stupid right now. the faster you wake him, the faster he gets that thing out of the house
and with that, you sit by him on the bed and slowly put your hands on his shoulder.
it was still too soft for him to wake up, though. you were still battling yourself in your own head about waking him up from his deserving nap.
you shook him lightly, trying to wake up but not startle him. "baby?" you called out.
no response. he's still in dreamland.
damn it. you needed to be louder and shake him stronger.
you exhaled through your mouth, pushing yourself to really try to wake him, this time.
you shake his shoulders with more force this time. you need him to wake up. god knows where that bug is now.
"hm?" you heard him come out with a response.
god bless. he's awake.
"can you- uh, do something for me?" you stuttered over your words a little.
he turns from his position on the bed from away from you to looking at you on his side.
"yeah?" he says, voice still laced with sleep. well, you did just wake him out of a 3 hour nap.
"i'm sorry, i didn't want to wake you, you were so peacef-" you were cut off.
"it's fine, i'm awake now. what did you want?" he asked, smile on his lips showing you that he wasn't mad at your for waking him up.
you sighed out and finally came out with it. "there's this bug in the kitchen, and i can't cook if it's still there." you told him, embarrassed.
you see his smile grow larger as you tell him the reason he was awakened.
he laughs out softly. "you need me to get that for you?" he caresses your cheek. you nodded to him.
"i wanted to get dinner ready before i woke you up, i swear. but i can't if that's still in there, just staring at me cooking." you told him, a little shy after he laughed.
"you are so cute." he tells you, before taking the duvet covers off him to get up. "come on, let's find the culprit." he takes your hand and walks out the room.
after he found it on the kitchen counter, still the same place you found it before, he killed it and wiped the counter so you could finish making dinner.
"i'm sorry, i really didn't want to wake you, you can go back to sleep and i'll finish cooking." you told him, still apologetic that he had to wake up.
you were heating up a pan full of oil to continue before he comes up behind you, hands sliding on your waist to hug you closer to him.
"nope, i'm staying here to watch my beautiful girlfriend cook." he tells you, kissing the top of your head. "it's the least i could do from sleeping all day." he sways you gently.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 6}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
A @snelbz x @tacmc collaboration.
Word Count: 3080
** N S F W **
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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– Goddess of love, beauty, and desire
The second Aelin stepped into Rowan’s apartment, silence ensued. With the door shut behind them, Aelin felt like his apartment had significantly shrunk in size since the last time she had been there. 
Granted, everything looked the same. The blanket that was draped across his leather sectional in his living room still laid in the same spot, his television was still quietly playing a hockey game, and his laptop sat on his coffee table. Only, this time, there wasn’t a mug of coffee next to it but a nearly-empty bottle of beer. 
“So,” Aelin began, just as Rowan said, “Sorry, it’s a mess.”
Aelin blinked, looking around at his pristine apartment. “This is what you consider a mess?”
Rowan looked around before chuckling, nervously. “Yeah, well, there’s….dust.” 
Aelin nodded, slowly, continuing to look around. “Well, here’s your clothes,” she said, at last, holding out the bag.
“Thanks,” Rowan muttered, taking the bag from her outstretched hand before tossing it aside. “Do you…want a drink or something? I was just doing some grading.”
“Grading and drinking?” Aelin asked. “Quite the combination.” 
Rowan shrugged. “Only makes the shitty papers a little bit better to read.”
“Have you read mine yet?” Aelin asked, before she could think better of it. Rowan hesitated, and Aelin shook her head. “Wow, that was an inappropriate question. Sorry.” 
“No, it’s fine,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You could have asked me that in class and I’d have answered it. I have.”
When he didn’t go on, Aelin cleared her throat awkwardly. “I’ve never taken a mythology course, so I don’t know much about it, save for what Disney taught me. Which apparently was all wrong, anyways.” She tucked a loose hair behind her ear and cleared her throat again. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. “But music, I do know a lot about, so Apollo seemed like a safe bet. Even if I’m sure I sounded stupid and-.”
“You didn’t,” he interrupted, leaning against the counter. “Your essay is the only one I’ve read that seemed like a real opinion piece, and not like you’re trying to blow smoke up my ass and impress me with your knowledge. This is an introduction class, remember? You aren’t supposed to be a scholar of mythology yet. I liked how honest it was.” 
Aelin blinked. “Really?”
Rowan nodded, his eyes remaining on hers. It made Aelin’s heart beat a little bit faster. “Yeah, it was great. I love to hear your thoughts, and I’m excited to hear more of them.”
Aelin nodded and took a deep breath. She should have turned and walked out, told him goodbye, but she couldn’t. Her feet were glued to the floor, her heart nearly ready to beat out of her chest. Her thoughts trailed to the last time she was here, when she’d met the most abundant amount of pleasure she had ever received, and left smitten and wanting more. 
From the way the light in his eyes shifted, Aelin knew that Rowan was thinking the same thing. 
“I should go,” Aelin said, quietly. 
“Yeah,” Rowan agreed.
Neither of them moved. 
“You could’ve kept the clothes,” Rowan continued, swallowing. “You didn’t have to come all the way here.”
“I thought you’d want them back,” Aelin said, even though she wasn’t really sure that she even truly believed that. 
Every second more that Rowan stared at her, and she stared back, a throbbing formed between her thighs. Rowan said, “You look better in them than I do.” 
Aelin swallowed. “I should go,” she repeated.
“Do you want to go?” Rowan asked, hardly more than a whisper.
Aelin remained where she was, watching him, her chest rising and falling, rapidly, with each heavy breath she took. 
She slowly shook her head, and before she could form an intelligible thought, Rowan was coming toward her, taking her waist into his hands, and claiming her mouth with his.
She melted into his touch, her hands diving into his hair, holding her against him. He wasted no time, lifting her and setting her on the counter behind her, and stepping between her legs. Aelin gently nibbled on his lip and he opened for her, his tongue sweeping into her mouth just as hers did the same. His hands were still sitting on her waist, but hers were less than idle.
Finding the hem of his shirt, her fingers ran over the abdomen muscles she couldn’t get out of her head. He pulled his lips from hers as a shudder wracked through him and he let out a shaking breath.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you,” he admitted, pulling her to the edge of the counter and grinding against her.
Aelin’s lashes fluttered as she let out a soft moan. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, either.”
His lips were on hers again, hungrily, longingly, and all conversation faded away as Aelin pulled off Rowan’s shirt and ran her hands through his messy, short silvery hair. 
Rowan muttered a curse against Aelin’s mouth, and she felt a fire ignite within her core. She wanted it. Gods, she wanted it, wanted him. She knew it was wrong, knew there were boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed, knew the schools had rules, knew employers had rules, but as his mouth trailed from her lips to her neck, just beneath her jaw, Aelin had a really, really hard time caring about any of that. 
His hands slid beneath her top, feeling cool and needy against her skin. 
“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop,” he murmured between the kisses that trailed down her neck. She knew he would, too. One word, and it was done, over.
But, despite the rules, she begged, “Don’t fucking stop.” 
That was all Rowan needed to hear. He pulled her shirt over her head, his lips immediately finding her skin again. His kisses trailed from her neck to her shoulder and he pushed the strap of her bra down. His hand did the same with the other and as soon as the straps were free, he reached behind her and unclasped it.
Dropping his head, his mouth closed around her nipple and his tongue circled the sensitive peak. Aelin’s moan was louder than she meant for it to be, but Rowan didn’t try to stifle it. Instead his hand found her breast, rolling her other nipple between his fingers.
Aelin swore, and it had Rowan moaning, muffled, palming her breast as his teeth tugged on her nipple as his free hand made its way into the back of her leggings. 
When he realized that she wore no panties, he was about to combust. 
Aelin’s hands dove into his hair and she pulled his head back. “I need you. Now.”
Rowan’s only response was finding Aelin’s mouth again with his own, and shoving his sweatpants down onto the kitchen floor. His hard length was on perfect display inside of his boxer-briefs. When Aelin palmed him, he grabbed her off of the counter and carried her into the living room, dropping her down onto the couch. Before he covered his body with hers, he yanked off her leggings and tossed them aside. 
He groaned as she continued to rub him through his underwear until he finally couldn’t take it anymore, needing to feel her skin on his. He intended to take them off, but only got as far as freeing his length before she wrapped her hand around him and stroked once, twice. His head fell into the crook of her neck and he did his best not to look like an inexperienced teenager, but he bucked his hips into her hands, groaning again.
This was all he’d been able to think of for the past few days, ever since he saw her in his classroom. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of taking her against every free surface in the hall, as well as in his office. He didn’t have a chance to explain that to her though, as she shifted beneath him and lined him up at her entrance.
She was all slick skin and warm, soft wetness and he pushed into her. With a breathy sigh, her head fell back, eyes rolling back, and he took advantage of her attention elsewhere to look down at where they were joined. Watching as his hips rocked into hers, he breathed her name, gripping her hip and fighting the urge to press her down into the cushions with his weight.
Aelin’s hands snaked around the back of Rowan’s neck and she pulled him against her, kissing him, urgently. Rowan pulled out slowly before thrusting himself back into her, over and over and over again, relentlessly. It felt so good, so right. He kept his pace, pushing into her harder each time, until she was screaming, his name falling from her lips continuously. 
Rowan’s moan became muffled against her neck as her knees began to quiver around him. As he felt her come, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
When he came, Aelin was clinging to him, still coming down from her high.
Rowan’s body fell against hers, and her body remained wrapped around his as they caught their breaths. 
She was unable to stop herself from running her fingers up and down his back, even going so far as to brush them through the short hair at the nap of his neck. There was no question what he would say after he pulled out and cleaned her up.
This was a mistake.
We shouldn’t have done that.
You need to go.
Aelin wasn’t sure which it would be or if it would be some mixture of the three. All she knew is that it would hurt.
Seeing him in class every day, knowing that this connection existed between them, aside from just sex, was going to hurt.
Pulling back, his green eyes found hers and she braced herself for him to ask her to leave.
But then he kissed her again.
“I was going to order dinner,” he said, lips still brushing hers. “If you want to stay.”
Aelin hesitated, but not because she didn’t want to stay. 
Rowan picked up on it, though. “Or, if you don’t want to…” he began, pushing himself up off of her.
Aelin shook her head and held onto him, pulling him back down on top of her. “No, it’s not that, it’s the opposite.” She laughed, quietly. “I was just…preparing myself for you to say…anything but that.”
Rowan’s eyes softened as he nodded, slowly. “So…you do want to stay, then?”
Aelin brushed his damp hair off of his forehead. “Am I allowed to stay?”
“Right now, what we’re allowed to do is the last thing on my mind,” Rowan breathed, leaning down to kiss her softly. “Right now, all I’m thinking about is ordering dinner and having you here with me.”
She nodded, smiling softly. “That sounds nice.”
“Okay,” he replied, returning her smile. “Stay here. I’ll be back.”
Just as he did the last time, he returned with a warm rag, wiping her off and cleaning her up. He also returned with his shirt, the one she’d intended to return, rather than her clothes.
“I’m on the pill, by the way,” she said, glancing over at him as he pulled his own sweatpants back on.
He blinked once, as if he’d just realized they hadn’t used a condom.
And he’d come inside her.
“I…really should have asked before I just assumed.” He rubbed at the back of his neck again. “I’m sorry.”
Aelin chuckled, quietly. “Don’t worry. If I wasn’t prepared, I wouldn’t have let you inside of me to begin with.”
“Fair enough,” Rowan said, sitting next to her on the couch. “In my defense, our last…encounter is still a little fuzzy when it comes to the little details.”
When they’d been together last, there had been a lot of alcohol…and Rowan couldn’t remember if he’d used a condom then, but he couldn’t imagine that he had.
He sent up a quick thank you to the gods for the creation of birth control.
Now, he put his arm around Aelin as he pulled up the menu to a little local Mexican restaurant a block down the road. “What’re you in the mood for?”
Aelin hummed and looked through the menu as Rowan scrolled through it. “Chimichanga. And a taco. Make it two. With a side of rice. And a bowl of queso.”
Rowan gave her an amused glance as he entered all of her requests into the cart.
“What?” She asked, huffing a laugh. “You’re the reason I worked up an appetite.” 
“Fair enough,” he laughed and pressed a kiss to her temple. He ordered their food, thankful that his favorite restaurant down the road was still serving margaritas to-go, and then set his phone aside.
It was quiet for a minute and when he glanced over at Aelin, she was brushing the end of a lock of her hair over her lips.
He loosened it from her fingers and she looked over at him. “What’s on your mind?”
She shrugged. “I’m trying to figure out where we’re going from here, what we’re doing…”
She was still only wearing his shirt, her leggings and own shirt still strewn somewhere around his kitchen. He turned to face her, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. “It’s been less than a week and I can’t get you off my mind. I’ve tried, but… I don’t want to.”
Aelin hesitated. “I feel the same way. But….your job-.”
“I’ll keep my job-.”
“And my future-.”
“I won’t ask you to do this if you don’t want to do this,” Rowan said. “I’m more than willing to keep us a secret. I just want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you, too,” Aelin breathed. “But is it really a relationship if we have to hide all the time?”
“You won’t be in school forever,” he said, taking her face into his hands. “Soon, you’ll graduate and then we won’t have to hide anymore.”
She was quiet for another moment, so he added, “You wanted to date me before you found out who I was. If you’re not interested anymore because of that, I get it—.”
“It’s not that,” she replied, leaning into his palm. “I just worry about the consequences.”
“Damn the consequences,” he murmured, leaning in to kiss her. “And we’ll be careful, to make sure nobody knows. Not a soul.”
She made a face and for a second, he got worried, but she said, “I may have gotten wine drunk on Tuesday and told my roommate. But she’s my best friend, and she wouldn’t tell anyone.”
Chuckling, he nodded. “I got whiskey drunk and told mine. So we’re even.”
That made her laugh and the sight and sound loosened the strain in his chest,
“How do we do this?” She asked, covering one of his hands with hers.
“Carefully,” he said, and kissed her, slowly. “And one day at a time.”
“I can do that,” she said, and climbed into his lap, straddling his waist.
“Me too,” he promised.
“We’ll have to lay down some ground rules,” he replied, his hands immediately finding her ass. He hadn’t forgotten she wasn’t wearing underwear. “Like minimal contact in class. We can’t seem too…familiar.”
She nodded. “That’s reasonable. And no special treatment from you. I’m still your student, whether we’re having sex or not.”
“Special treatment?” He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, like you can’t grade my papers or exams easier because we’re sleeping together.” She was running her hands over his bare chest, following the lines of his tattoo. Her eyes met his and went wide. “Or harder. Not unless you’re willing to give extra tutor sessions.”
Rowan rolled his eyes, but leaned up, capturing her lips in a kiss. “I promise, I’ll treat you just like every other student I have. Except for the fact that we’re having sex. That is just for you.”
“So,” she mumbled, acting shy all of a sudden. Rowan thought it was adorable. “You’re saying we’re exclusive?”
Rowan’s eyes softened. “I sure as hell don’t want to be seeing anyone else.”
“Pretty sure that’s the definition of exclusive,” she said.
Rowan huffed a laugh, his fingers gripping her ass a little tighter. “Then yes, smart ass.”
Aelin’s grin widened. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
Rowan pulled her closer into him before kissing her, yet again.
He liked kissing Aelin.
He didn’t think he would ever grow tired of kissing Aelin.
“So what excuse should I give to women when they throw themselves at me?” Rowan asked. “You know, since I can’t tell anyone that you’re my girlfriend.”
She snorted. “Do women throw themselves at you often?” His raised eyebrow was enough of an answer. That and Aelin was living proof that, yes, women did throw themselves at him. Chuckling, she said, “Right. Maybe the old, generic excuse of I’m working on myself right now. Don’t really have time for a girlfriend.”
She dropped her voice an octave when she said it, doing a horrible impression of Rowan’s deep voice, but he laughed. “I guess that would work. And you’re obviously so focused on your studies, 
since it’s your last semester, that you don’t even have time to think about dating.”
“I do take my studies seriously,” Aelin said, and though her tone was stark, her eyes were playful.
“I can tell you do.” Rowan was leaning in to kiss her again when there was a knock on the front door.
They both jumped, Aelin going so far as to climb off of his lap, when Rowan realized it was their dinner.
She blushed as he went to retrieve it, grabbing two glasses for the margaritas.
“Are you going to jump every time we order food?” Rowan asked, sitting next to her with a pile of to-go boxes. He handed her a margarita.
Aelin chuckled as she took it. “Are you?”
Rowan sipped from his glass as he grinned. When he set it on the coffee table, he said, “I guess this will just take some getting used to.”
“I guess it will,” Aelin agreed, pulling her knees up on the couch as she began to flip open the boxes. “But I’m okay with that.”
Rowan leaned over to kiss her, softly, as he said, “Me too.”
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ackerfics · 3 years
slow dance with you — mikasa ackerman
— goth!mikasa ackerman x soft!female reader (modern au)
— warnings: slight mention of alcohol, pure rotten fluff
— summary:  after gaining some courage from the drinks she had in the party and from the advice she got from her friends, mikasa is ready to become your girlfriend.
— word count: 3.9k
— author’s notes: i would like to thank the anon who gave me some ideas for goth!mikasa, you are so amazing !! thank you for the small headcanons. and since we’re on the topic of writing abt goth!mikasa, i couldn’t help but pair her up with a classic soft girl who likes to wear pink at every time of the day. this dynamic is based on marceline and princess bubblegum so i hope you enjoy !!
p.s. the reader will have dyed hair here, if this is not your cup of tea, just let this fly by your dash.
listen to this while reading.
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“She dyed her hair pink,” came a dazed yet mesmerized tone.
“You’re staring at her again.”
Mikasa jumped on her seat at Eren’s nonchalant observation. She whipped her head to her best friend, his attention directed on his laptop, hands flying across the keyboard as he typed out the next few words in his essay. Noticing the incredulous look the black-haired girl was shooting him, Eren rose an eyebrow before rolling his eyes. Mikasa huffed, crossing her eyes with a subtle hue of red on her cheeks, complimenting her dark lipstick. “I am not staring,” she mumbled. “Shut up, Eren.” She looked away from her subject of interest but continued shooting small glances.
Eren sighed, running his hand through his hair. He was always one of the witnesses of his best friend slash sister being meek around her crush. At first, he was teasing her because not going to lie, Mikasa’s crush is a pretty person but as their years in college made them juniors, Eren will be the reckless idiot that he is (courtesy of Armin) and set Mikasa up. But he liked to live his life out first — Mikasa will probably curse him with that spellbook she bought from the antique bookshop they encountered in their little exploration back when they were first-years. “Mikasa, why don’t you take the chance and confess to her? It’s not going to be the end of the world.”
“If she rejects me? What then?”
“Then that’s the next problem that you will have to face.” The brown-haired boy turned back to his essay. He stared at his laptop screen blankly before spewing out curses. “Now, I forgot what to write next! Damn it.” He picked up his iced coffee and drank from the metal straw as his life depended on it.
Mikasa rolled her eyes at her best friend’s first statement. “Gee, thanks for the advice. It was very much appreciated.”
“Glad to be of help.”
There was a thud on their table that made the two look up from their respective activities. Eren had a scowl on his face because for the nth time this day, he was interrupted from finishing his essay (for fuck’s sake, he doesn’t want to fail Ackerman’s class). Mikasa blinked from scrolling through her crush’s Twitter account (the last post she wrote was about how Levi Ackerman, Mikasa’s relative and everyone’s Anthropology professor) and fixed her attention on their blonde friend, Armin. He looked too bright after a round of morning classes, something that Eren doesn’t comprehend. The blue-eyed young man has always been the rational and genius third of their little group. There wasn’t a time where Armin’s advice got a situation to erupt in flames. It was either the situation became an inferno instead (Eren) or nobody had the guts to do it (Mikasa).
“Hey, guys!” Armin greeted, arranging his side of the table, meticulously placing each component of his lunch in front of him. “How were your morning classes?”
“Shit,” Eren spat out.
“Of course, it is.”
“They were alright,” Mikasa shrugged.
“Figured.” Armin glanced at his friend’s sides of the table, nodding at Mikasa’s balanced lunch while blankly staring at Eren’s laptop. The device should’ve been a good tray of lunch. “I thought you were eating lunch, Eren? That’s what you said in your text.”
“Can’t,” the brown-haired boy huffed. He gestured at his iced coffee without taking his eyes off the laptop. “I guess, this counts as my lunch.”
“When’s that essay due?”
“In about,” Eren looked at the time on his laptop, “three hours. Ackerman is my first period later. That fucking terror professor has no mercy when it comes to this. Can he just piss off for once? Mikasa, do you even tell him to get laid? Because I think that would solve his attitude. I swear to God, he’s getting more pissed every damn day.”
“Wow, I guess getting my short, grumpy, middle-aged uncle to start his sex life will be a nice conversation starter,” Mikasa drawled, half-lidded, bored eyes reading every tweet her crush has posted for the entire week. Mikasa couldn’t help but smile at one post about a new movie her crush just watched, saying that it was now a new favorite. She was tempted to give a heart on every single post but that would it weird because they never followed each other despite the small interactions they shared in between classes. With a sigh, she looked up, only to be met with Eren’s unamused stare. Raising an eyebrow, she asked, “What? Do you think that would work, Eren? Levi is probably a virgin his whole life and will continue his record until he’s all shriveled up.” Eren blanched at the image. “Just finish your homework and stop complaining.”
“I’m trying!”
“You’re not trying hard enough, that’s for sure. If you just started that essay the day he assigned it to your class, you would have finished it way before the deadline.”
Eren pointed at Mikasa with narrowed eyes. “Don’t even go there, Mikasa. I have a life aside from being a sleep-deprived college student.”
“I mean, she’s got a point, Eren.” Armin immediately rose his hands in defense when Eren shifted his glare from the black-haired young woman to him. “You always tend to procrastinate in the most impeccable timing that we sometimes have to remind you of your backlogs. And now, here you are, doing things last minute when you could’ve prevented the rush by doing it immediately.”
“Thanks for slapping the reality to my face, you two,” Eren dryly replied, going back to his essay for the final time. “And by the way, Armin, give Mikasa some solid advice that she will finally follow because she’s making googly eyes at Miss Pretty two tables from us a couple of minutes before you arrived. You know, the love of her life?”
Armin roamed his eyes in the lunch hall and sure enough, there was Mikasa’s goddess sitting with her group of friends. There was that brown-haired girl that was dubbed as the Potato Girl for eating mashed potatoes during Ackerman’s class (the professor told the class his rules of no eating or going out of the room while he’s discussing the moment the girl took a spoonful of her snack). A young man with a buzz cut snorting at what the brown-haired girl said. Armin remembered sharing a class with him. He never got the chance to introduce himself because the young man was sleeping throughout the lecture. There was usually a fourth person in the little group but it seems like he was running late or already in his class. That person was Eren’s sworn frenemy, the reason for that relationship was unknown to this day.
The three people at the table all stood up, the brown-haired girl and the taller young man leading the way. Armin instantly had an idea.
“Hey, [Name]!”
Mikasa nearly had whiplash from turning her head to Armin. “Armin?!” she hissed under her breath, face becoming hotter when you looked at their table, a bright smile lighting up your face. You called your friends, telling them to go on ahead without you, to which they nodded before walking towards the trio’s table. Her brain wasn’t processing the moment you lifted a hand to wave at whoever you were smiling at. Mikasa wished it was her. “Fuck,” she whispered, registering how cute you look. You donned a salmon pink plaid sundress and a white cardigan, matching with the bubblegum pink locks you let down. Her heart was hammering a thousand miles per second and there was no hope of stopping it.
“Hi, Armin,” you replied, stopping a few feet from Mikasa, who looked away from you to fix her wide-eyed stare on her empty plate.
“I was just going to ask if you already have a partner in our Molecular Biology lab?” The blue-eyed young man then turned to Mikasa and Eren. “I’m in the same class as her this year.”
“As if calling her here wasn’t that obvious,” Eren murmured, still typing out his essay.
“I don’t need your dry remarks right now, Eren, don’t want to ruin the atmosphere. So, [Name], you have a partner?”
You shook your head. “I think not. It would be great if we could be partners though. I need a break from the people I’ve been partnered with throughout college.”
He gave you a sympathetic smile. It was true, though. Most of the grouping during your first years of college were all set up by the teachers so the students really had no say on the matter at hand. Even Armin was exposed to a variety of students, most of them being too slacking to participate or too overbearing with their suggestions that they have no plans of doing. He nodded with a smile, “I’ll be sending an email to Professor Zoe about this and we’re done.” He glanced behind you, noticing that your two friends weren’t there anymore. “I’m sorry for holding you up. I’m pretty sure you have a class after lunch. See you around?”
You waved him off. “It’s fine, I told them to go ahead since Sasha has a class scheduled right after lunch and Connie had to nap in his dorm. And I don’t have any class the whole afternoon, except for an online session so yeah, see you around, Armin.” You acknowledge Eren with a nod, to which he responded with a cool expression (as if his mind wasn’t a mess from the cramming), and gave a soft smile to Mikasa, “Bye, Mikasa.” And you were off to your dorm, leaving behind two amused men and an awestruck Mikasa.
The black-haired young woman was hyperventilating the moment you disappeared from the lunch hall, hands clenched on top of her black shorts. She regretted wearing a thin, long-sleeved striped sweater under her black shirt because it was so fucking hot after that encounter. Her entire body was vibrating with too many emotions all at once, short-circuiting until she became a heap of flustered mess in front of her best friends. “Oh, my God,” she muttered like a prayer. She definitely needed one after seeing you all pretty in pink. It was too much for her soul because you two are a perfect match this time. Her grommet belt and choker were not helping because she couldn’t fucking breathe.
“Mikasa, breathe,” Armin reminded beside her. “Yeah, that’s it.”
Once she regained her composure, Mikasa realized she probably looked like a gaping fish. “Oh, my God! I’m so sure that this time, she thinks I’m weird. My name is the only one she mentioned aside from Armin which is saying something because she’s classmates with him. But why did she say goodbye to me? Oh, my God, she’s giving me so many butterflies right now.”
“Your gay is showing,” Eren pointed out calmly.
“Eren, not the time,” Armin murmured, hovering his hands over Mikasa’s back.
“Just wanted to alleviate the tense atmosphere. No need to get so worked up.”
“But, Mikasa, your feelings for her are showing.”
Eren clapped his hands, pointing a finger at Armin. “That, my friend, is a genius observation.”
Ignoring the green-eyed man, Armin continued, “I think it’s time you confess to her. Three years is a pretty long time pining for a person. In the end, her knowing your feelings will be inevitable. That is if you have no plans in letting her know.”
“Of course, I want her to know,” Mikasa murmured, fiddling with the sleeves of her striped long-sleeves.
“I heard that there’s a party this Saturday in Reiner’s frat,” Eren told them, meeting both of his friends’ eyes over the top of his laptop screen. “We’re in the same football team with Jean. The horseface is a friend of your girl,” he nodded at Mikasa, who erupted in a sputter of her crush not being her girl, “okay, not your girl — yet. As I was saying, [Name] is good friends with Jean and if Jean is there, Miss Pretty in Pink will be, too. That’s your chance to ask her out, Mikasa.” He met the blinking gray eyes of his best friend. “The question is, are you up for that?”
“You were staring at her so hard at lunch again.”
You looked up from your book to acknowledge Sasha entering your dorm room after a whole afternoon of packed lectures. The brown-haired young woman was so tired that she immediately plopped on top of her bed on the other side of the room. At first, you didn’t register what she said because you were preoccupied with your book. You chose to indulge the night in a good book because it has been a long time since you’ve done that. With furrowed eyebrows, you asked, “Can you repeat what you said, Sasha?”
Sasha tilted her head to look at you with one eye uncovered by her duvet. Her hair fluttered after puffing out a breath of disbelief. “Oh, don’t pretend that you have no idea, Miss Pretty in Pink.”
“That’s because I didn’t catch what you said,” you replied, gesturing at your novel. “And what’s with that Miss Pretty in Pink nickname? Did some of the students around campus started that?”
“Sort of,” Sasha hummed. She sat up from her bed and took out her phone from her backpack lying on the floor. You watched the whole time she stretched her arm without changing her position on her bed. With her phone in hand, she opened her Twitter account. “Actually, a friend of mine tweeted it, wait, I’m just going to scroll through my Likes tab to find her tweet. Oh, here it is.” Sasha showed you her screen, patiently waiting for you to take the device from her hand to get a closer look. Her hopeful smile turned into a small pout when you made no moves in doing so. “Take my phone and see for yourself.”
You sighed, following her pleas. “It’s probably just someone from the volleyball team. You know how some of them never stopped following me around campus. Can’t they take the hint that they’re not my type?”
“This person is much better than those himbo simps following you around. She’s an amazing person behind that shy exterior of hers.”
You only hummed, blankly staring at your roommate’s phone before your eyes widened in realization. Your eyes skimmed over and over again at the handle, mkackerman, beside the display picture of a short-haired girl in pigtails. It was the girl that managed to capture your attention during your first year at Eldia University. The girl with an air of mystique that the stars are jealous of. You always admired her from afar, appreciating her style each day. But your admiration was getting replaced with something more at the five words she tweeted. 
You’re so pretty in pink.
Roses bloomed in your cheeks, complimenting your pink hair the longer you gawked at her short post. 
“What?” you breathed out after a full minute of silence.
“Mm-hmm,” Sasha hummed with a smug smile. “And who dyed her hair pink impulsively last weekend?” She intentionally looked at you with sharp eyes, her smile turning into a smirk full of mischief. In actuality, Sasha knew of Mikasa’s crush on you since they were acquainted with each other. It was an embarrassing first meeting between the two, with Sasha latching on a random person’s arm in the station and it turned out to be Mikasa. The two became great friends after that, well, after Mikasa lowered her guard down, leaving her pocket knife safely tucked underneath her checkered skirt. It was Sasha who managed to make Mikasa confess of her undying love for you, the former squealing her heart out in the library. (They were kicked out after that.) 
“I don’t know,” you denied. “There could be a couple of people in the campus who thought that spontaneously dyeing their hair pink is an awesome idea.” You threw your hands in the air, giving back Sasha her phone right after.
“Trust me. Mikasa doesn’t have any interest in any other girl other than a special someone I know.”
You chose to ignore her, turning back on the discarded book on top of your covers. The words flew around your mind, aggravating you until you placed the novel on your lap. A defeated sigh came out of your lips. “Okay, let’s go out for some dinner.” You stretched, switching your pajama bottoms for a pair of loose jeans, and leaving your button-down pajama top on. The people in public will never know your top is a part of a pajama set. As you ducked down to roll the bottom of your jeans, you hear Sasha’s bed shuffling. Sitting up, you regarded her with an inquisitive raise of an eyebrow. “Spill it.”
“Oh, alright. Jean told me to bring you to a party.”
You stood up, patting your lap of imaginary dust, placing your things and book inside your tote bag. “Tell him no. I have a written exam coming up and I don’t want to fail one of my majors. He can manage without one person in our friendship group.”
Sasha huffed, mimicking your actions. “This will be the last time!”
“You said that the previous party you pulled me to.” You narrowed your eyes at her. “I couldn’t get up for a whole day because of that party. Don’t forget your wallet.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Sasha threw her wallet in her small bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder. “I promise that this will be the last time, I’ll even call Connie for the witness of my pact!” She placed a heartfelt palm over her chest, lifting her chin a little in the air. “I solemnly swear I am … keeping my promise.”
“You hesitated.”
The brown-haired girl giggled sheepishly, scratching the back of her neck. “It’s kind of hard not to continue the quote from Harry Potter. You can’t blame me for that!”
“I’ll think about it, okay?”
“You better because Mikasa will be there.”
You blinked at her statement. “What does this have to do with her?”
Your roommate looped her arm with yours, pulling you in the direction of the elevators. “Because,” it sounded like she was talking to a child, “you were staring at her earlier during lunch period. I understand that because Mikasa looks so good every second of the day but there was something different about the way you’re staring at her.” She tapped her finger on her chin. “Let me see, there’s some pizzaz there.”
“The pizzaz you’re talking about is me admiring her make-up — nothing more.”
“Whatever you say,” came Sasha’s sing-song voice. “I will be the first one who will say ‘I told you so’ to your face when you two start dating.”
The night of the party was not as bizarre as you thought.
Sure, there were people having shots in the living room but there weren’t any extreme scenarios lying around unlike some of the parties Connie and Jean went to. It was mostly catching up with old friends or making connections with strangers by ranting about the education system of your university. All in all, it was a fun night, yet here you are, holding your cup of beer with two hands as you craned your neck to get a glimpse of Sasha. Your roommate disappeared as you turned to get a shot, leaving a confused you behind. To think you specifically asked Sasha to be by your side throughout the night. You cursed in your head, you being reliant on the presence of others surfacing. Your stress made you tip your head back, downing your drink in a go.
Without anything to do, you leaned back on the wall. Mind hazy, eyes glassy, you searched the living room for a spunky brown-haired girl that you were supposed to be buddies with. Instead of Sasha, you met gazes with a girl with stars for her eyes. She was equally mesmerized as she was staring straight at you. Everything became silent as your heartbeat resonated with hers. She was beautiful in her all-black outfit — a leather pencil skirt over fishnet stockings, cropped tank top, and combat boots. The two of you are contrasting with one another; her lipstick so dark whilst yours shone a pretty coral, her hair framing her face in a midnight pixie cut whilst yours were in pink waves cascading down, her entire appearance blending in the background whilst you were a beacon with your coordinating soft outfit. 
God damn it, Sasha was right.
You are definitely falling in love with Mikasa Ackerman.
Mikasa who you saw reading tarot cards of her blonde friend. Mikasa who you bumped into during the opening ceremony two years ago. Mikasa who you discovered to have an affinity for electric guitars when you stumbled in one of the auditoriums, her department’s band having an audition. Mikasa who never meets your gaze because you make her nervous at how effortless you carry yourself. 
But tonight, she never looked away from you, her eyes having an adoring yet determined shine.
She stopped in front of you, mere inches separating you two. You looked up at her, her combat boots making her taller than she already is. You saw her eyes flick to your lips, your breath hitching at the thought of having her dark lipstick on any part of your body. With a careful tilt of her head, Mikasa ducked her head a little to fully meet your eyes face to face. “I saw you’re alone,” her voice is still soft-spoken as if she was afraid that she was scaring you. It might be because of the liquid and verbal courage she got from drinking and listening to her best friends because Mikasa had no plans of letting you go tonight. “I thought you needed company.”
A breath came out of your lips, your proximity making Mikasa feel it. “Uhm, if it’s you, I don’t see why not?”
A large smile brightened Mikasa’s face before it dimmed as she lowered her gaze to your lips once more. “I’ve been waiting three years for this.”
Maybe your mind was too hazy with alcohol or it could be because you accepted your feelings for the black-haired girl, so you whispered, lips brushing against hers in the most addicting way possible, “Just kiss me, Mikasa.”
Her lips softly moved against yours in a slow dance, the inches separating you disappearing as Mikasa wrapped an arm around your waist. You lift a hand to cup her jaw, tilting your head to deepen the kiss and to brush your tongue with hers. You felt her shiver, biting your lower lip to make you open up more, with your whimpers tingling her hearing. Mikasa pulled away, trailing firm kisses on the skin where your shoulder meets your neck. Seeing the black kiss mark on your skin, she smiled and placed fluttering kisses on your neck up to your cheek. Opening your eyes, the silver grays in front of you have never been so beautiful. You returned the favor of placing kiss marks. You stood on your tiptoes, feeling Mikasa’s hand steadying you, and left a coral pink mark on the corner of her mouth. 
Mikasa dipped her head, placing her lips close to your ear.
“I want to slow dance with you,” she sung to your ear. “I know all the other boys are tough and smooth and I got the blues. I want to slow dance with you.” Mikasa hid a small smile at your flustered expression. “So can I be your vampire queen, Bonnie?”
The moment you said yes, there was a shout in the crowds. “Hell yeah, your plan worked, Eren, Armin!”
You and Mikasa stared at each other with wide eyes before laughing. 
“Let’s go ditch this party.”
“Thought you’d never ask, Bonnie.”
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hello there! I totally agree Kunikida is soooo underrated!! one of the best BSD charatcters in my opinion! do you still take requests? if so, could you write a Kunikida story with Quote number 14 please? He deserves so much love, but if the requests are closed it's okay dont worry omg I understand you have many requests already! take care <3
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Kunikida finally getting the love he deserves >>>>>>> literally anything else. This got a little shorter than usual so hope that’s okay. Thank you guys for requesting and liking my work 🥺💚💚 reader is gender neutral!
Prompt: “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.” with Kunikida!
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You don’t know if you can do this.
“(Y/N) pl-please, just listen”, a harsh cough erupted from his throat. “I’ll-I’ll be okay, just please, you have to let me go.”
“Kunikida, you know I can’t do that! I won’t leave you! So please...”
His eyes were watery, hair disheveled, bags under his eyes, form shaking and barely standing. He looks like he’ll drop at any second, and you don’t know how much longer he has until he collapses...
“Get back in bed already! I told you that you have to sleep so you cannot go to work today. I already told Fukuzawa, and he said that it’s fine, so go get in the bed!”
Yeah you couldn’t do this. Kunikida, the man who never misses a day of work and who is determined not to, came down with a cold. His body would have been able to fight it off, but after working on this case nonstop for three straight days and cutting back on his sleep every night, his body gave out on him.
Good news: you and the President predicted that he would still try to come to work, so he asked you to stay home and stop him at all costs. Bad news: Kunikida is very determined to go to work, and has not stopped trying to leave the bed every time he wakes up from his naps.
“Please I’m...already late.”
“Kunikida, the day’s already over with and you need sleep.”
“But, I can’t just...abandon my work...the agency...what if-”
“Everything’s okay dear, just lay back down for me. Okay?” His forehead is burning up and he keeps fighting his sleep like a child. Despite how troublesome and stubborn he’s being, you couldn’t help that a little part of you was enjoying taking care of him. You don’t understand why he would be so embarrassed by this (I mean hello, you are his romantic partner after all) but this is Kunikida you’re talking about, so you’re not too surprised.
You know that he’ll be mortified when he remembers this- if he remembers this- but you don’t care.
Also, the fact that he’s acting so clingy and pretty much saying anything that’s on his mind the longer he’s awake isn’t helping his case either (and just making you enjoy this more and more).
“(Y/N)...why don’t you ever call me by my name?”
“Why, are my nicknames not good enough for you?” You were feeding him some homemade soup, making small talk and teasing him to try and keep him awake long enough to eat.
“No, I love it when you use them. But why don’t you ever use my name?”
You weren’t expecting that answer, but a half asleep Kunikida is an honest one, “I do call you by your name Kuni-”
“No. My first name.”
That’s...actually a good question. Why didn’t you call him by his first name? You’ve been thinking about it for a while now, but you’re just so used to calling him Kunikida that it hasn’t crossed your mind yet. Your relationship isn’t new per se, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable or make him feel like he has to do something that he’s not ready for. He does pretty much everything by his notebook, and what if he had it written down when he wants to bring this up? Maybe you’re overthinking it-
“(Y/N), call me...call me Doppo. Please.”
“You sure? Maybe we should wait to talk about this late-”
“I’m sure.”
He gazed at you with so much sincerity in his eyes, his hand laying on top of yours before sliding under to hold it. “I don’t want- I don’t want to wait any longer.”
You could only smile, and lightly squeeze his hand, “Okay, Ku- Doppo.”
You don’t recall ever seeing a smile so bright on his face before, but you wished it happened more often. It just brings a sort of glow to him, one that really suits him. “It’s late, and you need to get some sleep. Call me if you need anything-”
You hoped he wasn’t trying to fight his sleep again, “Yeah?”
“Can”, his face was flushed, and not just from his cold. “Can you...c-can you stay the night?” He tighten his hold on you, so scared that you’ll disappear forever if he dares let go. “Only if you’re okay with that, of course!”
Ever the gentleman even when he’s sleep deprived, you couldn’t stop the giggles from escaping your lips. You weren’t leaving anyway, but it was still sweet. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this.” He was about to protest that he’s not cute (you’re the cute one, not him!), but he stopped after you brought the blanket over him and took his glasses off his face. “Let me go get changed, and I’ll be back, I promise.”
He heard the door click and felt his head land on the pillows below. He couldn’t believe that someone like you wanted to be with him. Someone so kind, so caring, someone that was so tender and compassionate with him. Words alone can’t describe just how...breathtaking you really are.
It’s no wonder he became so smitten with you.
He could feel his eyes drooping, but he didn’t want to go to sleep yet, he had to wait until he saw you again! You still had to come back, you said you would-
The door clicked open, and you came back changed with your own set of blankets and pillows. You aren’t shocked to see that he’s barely awake, his eyes slid closed with a smile on his face. “You came back...”
“Of course I did, I said I would didn’t I? Now”, you already laid your blankets out on the floor. You would sleep in the same bed, but you two being sick wouldn’t help the situation (as much as you wanted to cuddle, his health comes first). “Goodnight Doppo.”
A yawn left his mouth, “Goodnight (Y/N)...thank you for...everything.”
If you strained your ears hard enough, you could have sworn that you heard him uttered that he loves you, but either way, you fell asleep content.
Kunikida woke up feeling refreshed and clear minded, not having that sluggish feeling anymore. He doesn’t remember parts of yesterday, and the parts that he does remember feels like a dream (were you really calling him by his first name now? Something that he’s been wanting for forever it seemed). He reached over for his notebook, but he felt something holding his hand, or really, holding his pinky.
Looking down, he saw you, his lover, sleeping on the floor, your pinky interlocked with his. He would have yelled at you for sleeping on the floor, but you looked so peaceful and he didn’t want to disturb you. All he could do is shake his head, “You fool.” His words held no bite, and he had a smile gracing his face.
He picked you up and put you on the other side of his bed (the one that you’ll hopefully be sleeping in by his side more and more), making sure not to wake you up in the process. Looking at his notebook, he’s already behind schedule on making breakfast, and he has to make sure that everything else happens on time.
Today is all about you, and it’s the day that he’s been planning on for a long time.
It’s the day that he plans on being the first to say that he loves you after all, and everything needs to be perfect. It’s for you, after all.
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forcefulkitten · 4 years
peeping your neediness
[uvogin x fem! reader]
summary: Uvogin walks in on you pleasuring yourself and proceeds to give you what you truly needed.
warnings: 18+, nsfw, oral sex
word count: 1,573
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After a long day of work, being home with a cup of tea and your favorite show after a shower was almost the best you could ask for. Almost, because the best would’ve been if your boyfriend Uvogin made it back from his work trip yet. His schedule was nothing ordinary, leaving him gone for months, weeks, days, who knows anymore. He made sure to call you every few days, since texting really wasn’t his thing. Hell, the man only calls because you text him asking for any sort of signal that he’s alright.
You found yourself thinking of all the ways you missed Uvo. How his muscles flexed with every movement he made. The way he smiled at you with feral intent whenever he needed you. The feeling of his hair in between your fingers. How his lips hit yours with such fiery passion, leaving your lips red and swollen. The husky breaths and moans he made into your ear while fucking into you with resistance so he doesn’t break you in half. How he cares for you afterwards with gentleness that you wouldn’t think is capable from a man of his size. Fuck, you missed him more than you thought.
Your neediness taking over, you powered off your television and made your way to your bedroom. Settling in, you decided to change into one of Uvo’s tank tops. Needless to say its more of a dress on you, but his scent lingered on this one shirt you decided not to wash so you can cuddle it when you miss him. 
Bringing your fingers between your legs, even just thinking about Uvo made you soaking wet. You pressed gently onto your clit, sighing when even the smallest bit of pressure made you sensitive. You began pumping a finger in and out of your sopping pussy, relishing in the way that your walls clenched around your finger. Sighing softly, you added another finger and fucked yourself with a need that wouldn’t be satisfied on your own. Now bringing your finger back to your clit, you played with your swollen bud while bringing your other hand down and pumping your fingers in and out of your hole at the same time. You were so close, calling out Uvo’s name like your life depended on it. Continuing your ministrations, your orgasm hit you in a wave of hot pleasure that left you a panting mess. It had been so long since you touched yourself, always opting to wait until Uvogin was home to give you everything your body needed. Laying spread out on the bed, you turned onto your side facing the wall with your hands between your thighs, just resting between your sex for the warmth it provided. You planned on getting up and taking another shower once your high wore off.
“Missed me that much?” Uvo chuckled.
His voice made you spring up into sitting position. When did he get here? How didn’t he make any noise? Had you been so occupied that you didn’t hear this giant trotting through your apartment?
“You fucking creep! You could’ve announced yourself and helped me out instead of just standing there!” You jumped straight into his arms and wrapped your legs around his torso, bringing him into a bruising kiss. “And interrupt that show you put on for me? Pfft, never.” He retorted. You really missed him, and he felt your need radiating off your body. You two made out sloppily, ready to explore each others bodies after being apart so long.
Holding you up with one arm, Uvo brings his other hand down to touch your folds, still wet but not yet ready to take him. He bites your lip and you let out a hiss, begging him to stop being a tease and he slides two of his fingers into you. You tangle your fingers into his hair, bringing your mouth to his neck and leave open mouth kisses all over. This drives Uvo mad, you know that he loves the way you pay attention to him even when your mind is clouded from the hot sensations coursing through your body. You’re bouncing up and down onto his two fingers, his name slipping from your lips into his ear. “Uvo, please, please ruin me.”
No need to ask twice. Uvo’s no scholar, but the man isn’t dumb at all, and he always meets your demands. You never had to ask him more than once about anything. The man loves you more than he loves himself, and he showed you this better than he could tell you.
Placing you onto the bed lightly, Uvo pulled you by your legs until your pussy was on the edge of the bed. He ducked his head in between your legs and began lapping at your wet tavern. Already sensitive from your previous orgasm, Uvo knew he needed to take it easy with you. He sucked at your clit with soft precision, then brought his tongue to lick at your hole. The pace he set was gentle but still so delicious. Your fingers grabbed at the sheets of the bed, grasping for any semblance of reality. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” He hissed out against your pussy and it sent vibrations straight through your body. Uvo brought two fingers into your hole, pumping in and out slowly. He focused his tongue and lips on your swollen bud, and you were so close to your second orgasm. Your heavy panting and bucking against his mouth told him the same, and he moved his face from between your legs before allowing you to cum. “No, sorry kitten. You’ve already cum by your own hands, so now you’ll cum on my cock.”
You whined as Uvo picked you up from the bed, plopping himself down with you on his lap. He brought your legs onto his shoulders, gripping you by your hips and holding all of your body weight in his hands like if you weighed nothing. Lining his cock up with your entrance, Uvo sunk you down onto his length painfully slow, allowing you to adjust to his sheer size. Giving a few tentative bounces, Uvo began picking up the pace. You grasped his forearms, trying to balance yourself, knowing regardless he is strong enough to hold you on his own. Squelching noises and loud moans from the both of you filled the room and his thrusts became harder as your noises spurred him on. You felt your orgasm building in your core because his cock hit your G spot beautifully in this position. Uvo bucked into you relentlessly, making you scream out as tears began to well in your eyes. He took notice of this and slowed down, asking “Baby, is it too much? I’ll slow down, I’m sorry princess.” You felt your heart warm at the fact that he was so caring even during these intense moments, you whined “I’m fine, I love you Uvogin. Use me, please just use me.” His eyes were mesmerized by your boobs bouncing up and down and the way your pussy practically sucked him back in when he pulled out. You made him into even more of a feral man and your desire for him turned him into putty in your hands, his main goal always to please you and have you all fucked out. 
He let go of your hip with one of his hands, wiping the tears that fell down your face. Bringing you into a searing kiss, your tongues fought for dominance that Uvo let you have because he was too busy fucking into you. You tangled your fingers into his hair, one of his arms on your hip, the other holding your face into his neck while he bounces you on his cock. His breathing was becoming erratic, you knew he was close. The pleasure that was building in your body was consuming all of your senses. You began fucking yourself onto him with any strength you could muster and he grunted your name out in between breaths. This sent you over the edge, your cum releasing all over his length as he tried his best to continue his ministrations even though you were clamping down on his cock so beautifully.
“I want you to cum for me Uvo, stuff me full of your seed, please daddy.” You whispered into his ear, and he turned his head to kiss your lips and then bit down to tease you. A few more heavy thrusts and he pulled you all the way off him before slamming you fully onto his cock, rolling his hips while his cock shoots thick ropes of cum into you. The feeling of his orgasm inside of you made you moan and whine while Uvo was grunting and breathing heavily. He kept you onto his softening cock, which was still huge even when flaccid. Uvo laid back, opting for some cockwarming. You were sure that there would be a round 2 since he just got back home, and you didn’t mind at all. He reached for your blanket and draped it over your body and you began to fall asleep on top of him. His heartbeat and scent always brought you comfort and lulled you into a slumber. Uvogin made sure to stay up until you were asleep before whispering “I love you more…”He definitely wanted a round 2, but he’d grant you both a nap first.
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Bite to Break Skin {Katsuki Bakugo}
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! Welcome to my first time writing for A/B/O dynamics, one of my absolute favorite things in fanfic. There’s so much potential and I’m definitely interested in exploring it with other characters! Just a small heads up, this one is pretty dialogue heavy throughout.
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“C’mon,” he said as his breathing finally slowed, “we gotta get up.”
The fingers combing through his damp hair paused. “Can I wear your shirt?”
“You’ve been wearin’ ‘em for years, ain’t gonna stop you now, idiot,” he huffed as he peeled himself away from her, their skin tacky with sweat. “Let’s go.”
“Don’t be shitty to me, Katsuki, I have your virginity!”
“And I have yours. Even exchange. No reason to stop teasing you,” he grunted. Pulling her to her feet he guided her towards his bathroom with a hand on her lower back.
They cleaned up in easy silence, each of them still feeling the content fuzziness in their minds that now seemed amplified and even better than usual. At different points they briefly wondered if that was normal after losing their virginities.
Probably, they decided. For them it was a natural progression in their over two-year relationship. Having gotten together just after the provisional license exam in their first year their hero course schedules only got busier and they got less time to spend together between classes and training and work studies and internships. But those moments were coveted and left plenty of time for them to take their relationship at the perfect pace for them.
Two years of wandering hands and mouths had culminated that afternoon while the majority of the class had gone to the shopping district and neither of them could regret a single thing about it.
She felt warmth bloom in her chest as he looked over his shoulder, his eyes half-lidded and expression relaxed. “Yeah?”
“I love you,” she smiled, fingers absently twisting the hem of his shirt that she wore.
“’Course you do,” he smirked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and returned them to his bed, the grey sheets rumpled. He bunched them down to the end of the mattress and laid down, pulling her to lie next to him curled into his side.
He was always so warm and she loved it, now especially as the chill of January lingered in the dorm hallways and throughout their rooms. Being close to him as they laid together was one of her favorite things about their relationship. As much as he seemed like a loner in their first weeks at UA she never believed it was true and once they were together behind closed doors he was happy as long as they had some sort of contact with each other. She’d never been prouder of being right than that day.
His attentiveness was something she knew would likely contribute heavily to his secondary gender when he presented in the future. There was no doubt in her mind that he would be an alpha, and an amazing one at that. His protective streak and pride in his own abilities couldn’t be attributed to any other presentation. While she herself was unsure of what she would present as, he had always promised that it didn’t matter.
“Alphas want omegas but I want you, and that means I get you no matter what we are,” he’d grumbled one evening not that long ago when she revealed her fears of presenting as a beta and not being what his alpha would need. “Secondary gender can go fuck itself if it thinks I’d leave you over some random omega. Shit, you don’t even know if I’d be an alpha anyway, dumbass.”
If she hadn’t been sure about him before, that conversation had cemented it in her mind and in her heart. Katsuki Bakugo was the one for her and it sent her heart into a tailspin to know that he felt the same way.
She pressed herself closer to him, basking in the warmth of his body and of her thoughts.
“You’re warm,” he mumbled against her forehead.
“So’re you.”
“Nah, your skin’s pink like you took one of your showers from hell.”
She huffed out a laugh. “’M fine, Katsuki. It’s ‘cause you’re warm and I’m still kinda hot from before.”
“You’re always hot,” he said with a pinch to the seat of her underwear.
“Just cuddle me, you ass.”
His arms tightened around her and they laid together in comfortable silence. At one point she started to doze against the warmth of Katsuki’s chest, one hand on his hip at the waistband of his sweats. She’d never felt safer.
In the middle of her dreamless nap she awoke to a persistent poking to her nose. When she opened her eyes, her boyfriend’s furrowed brow came into focus as she blinked. He pressed the back of his hand against her forehead.
“You’ve got a fever.”
She wanted to protest but the trails of sweat she could feel having trickled down her back was unmistakable. She definitely felt warm but she wasn’t disoriented or feeling sick.
“It’s like a full body fever,” Katsuki muttered, dropping his hand from her forehead.
“I feel really hot, but I don’t feel sick,” she told him, sleep leaving her as confusion took over.
He fisted the collar of the shirt she wore at the base of her neck, squeezing for just a moment before pulling back a glistening hand.
“Shirt’s soaked with sweat, take it off and I’ll get you one of my tanks,” he said, rolling out of bed and walking over to his drawers.
She peeled the sticky fabric from her skin, the feeling more uncomfortable than the fact that she was sitting topless once it was off. Nothing Katsuki hadn’t seen plenty of times after all.
A black tank top hit her chest before falling to her lap and she picked it up immediately, pressing her nose into the bundle. It’d barely been a minute since he left her side but she needed the comfort. Which is why when all she smelled was the scent of detergent her nose wrinkled.
“It doesn’t smell like you,” she complained, and he laughed from where he was straightening the other tank tops in his drawer.
“It’s clean, dumbass, I haven’t worn it yet. I’ll be next to you again in like two seconds anyway.”
“Hurry up,” she whined, slipping the tank top over her head and surprising him with her needy tone. “I haven’t smelled roasting chestnuts in almost two minutes, this is cruel. I even miss the little bit of sugar.”
He turned to her with furrowed brows. “I smell like that right now?”
“You smell like that all the time, ever since I’ve known you. What, you don’t know what your own cologne smells like anymore? You gone nose blind?”
He shook his head slowly. “My cologne is sandalwood. Always has been. The sugar I’ll give you because of my quirk but your perfume has nothing on that with your sweet cherries’n shit.”
Now it was her turn to be confused. “That’s not my perfume, Katsuki. My perfume is the same floral one I’ve worn since middle school, it’s not fruity or sweet at all. Come here, do I smell like that now?”
He crossed back over to the bed and sat in front of her, gently tugging her forward to press his nose into her hair. Her face tucked under his chin and she breathed in the same familiar scent.
“Sugared cherries just like always,” he muttered. “Do I…?”
“Mhm, roasted chestnuts with a pinch of sugar,” she replied almost dreamily. It was stronger than usual, but maybe that’s because she was concentrating on it. It felt like it was surrounding her and through her and it made her skin burn hotter. It was good. So so good, and she wanted and she needed more.
She pressed herself closer to him, his confused grunt falling on deaf ears until he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her from himself to look at her. He’d felt her skin grow warmer against his bare chest, the heat startling. But when he looked at her panic shot through him as she doubled over with a whimper.
He called her name but she didn’t answer, just clutched her stomach harder while curling further into herself and whining low in her throat.
“Alright, hey, hey, listen, okay? I’m calling Aizawa, he’ll help us figure out what’s wrong,” he tried to soothe, pulling her back into his chest. Her skin burned against his but he needed her to know he was here, he wasn’t going anywhere when she wasn’t alright.
It was awkward trying to reach his phone on the bedside table with her curled against him but he was hellbent on making her feel better and if that meant practically popping his shoulder out of its socket with the stretch so fucking be it.
“What’s wrong, Bakugo?” was the greeting he got and he immediately started listing off what was happening as she continued to tremble in his lap.
“She’s burning up to the point I feel like I’m touching an oven and she—”
“Todoroki’s still in the dorms, call him up and have—”
“NO!” he snarled into the phone. “He doesn’t need to be near her, just tell me how I can help her! She’s in fucking pain and nearly incoherent right now! You’re not fucking helping me!”
Aizawa was silent for a long moment. “Bakugo, where are you two?”
“We’re in my dorm and I’d appreciate if you could save the damn lecture for when she’s actually conscious enough to fuckin’ hear it too.”
“How long has she been like this? What was she doing when she started feeling the fever? Is there anything that’s—”
“For fuck’s sake, I don’t know! An hour or so and we were just here, she was asleep while I scrolled through my phone.”
Aizawa’s tone went knowing as he prompted, “And before that?”
He weighed his options for answering. They were already in shit for her being on the boys’ side of the dorms, how much worse could it be? They were consenting adults and they were responsible about it and if it did help figure out why she was—
“That’s what I thought,” Aizawa sighed before he could decide how to answer. “I can’t be there to help but I’m sending Recovery Girl. Try and keep her comfortable until she arrives.”
When the line went dead, he could only mumble out curses as he dropped his phone and kept her pressed against him. Her little noises of pain had lessened and she didn’t feel as tightly coiled in his arms as she had, but he was still worried. At least the old lady might actually be able to do something.
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“Well I must hand it to Aizawa,” Recovery Girl chuckled as she pulled the thermometer from her lips, “the man does know his students.”
“The hell are you laughing for?” Bakugo hissed. He had been pacing back and forth while she examined her, hovering close and getting more frustrated by the moment. Sure, his girlfriend didn’t seem to be in pain at the moment but he wanted whatever caused it to be taken care of now.
“Don’t take that tone with me, boy, you may be an alpha but I won’t be disrespected.”
He did a double take, sputtering, “An alpha? I’m eighteen, I haven’t presented!”
She smiled in amusement. “Not fully, no, but you’re both presenting as we speak. Fated mates can present at an earlier age when establish an intimate connection prior to turning twenty. It likely hit her first being an omega and that pulled you over too. I must say I’m a bit surprised as fated mates are quite rare at your age, though maybe even more so that this took so long. It’s admirable of you children to take things slow but when I was your age—”
“We’re fated mates?” she murmured, breaking the older woman’s rambling. “So we…?”
“Quite a spin on the high school sweetheart’s trope wouldn’t you say? Certainly a story for the pups.”
“Wait, so she’s burning up because…” he trailed off as his cheeks flushed pink. “This is…”
“Yes, yes, this is her heat beginning and your rut will follow, keep up boy. I’m sure I don’t need to go into detail on that—”
“NO!” they shouted together, mortified.
She laughed, high pitched and maniacal. “Oh alright, I’ve had my fun. You children are so easy to poke at these days. But I do suppose we need to get you prepared for the next week or so. Dear, make a list of things you’ll need from your room and Bakugo will go fetch them for you.”
“I can’t just go myself?”
“Look at that boy’s face and tell me he’s alright with you leaving his den.”
Of course when she looked to him Katsuki’s face was contorted into an angry grimace, his lips twitching back to bare his teeth.
“Just tell me what you need,” he ground out, and she quickly rattled off everything she could think of that she may possibly need. Without a word he disappeared through the door, a lingering touch to her hand a silent promise to return quickly so as to soothe any worries of abandonment or actions that could be interpreted as rejection by her inner omega.
Recovery Girl turned the chair towards her and grabbed her bag from the floor. “We have a few things to discuss now, dear.”
She went over the arrangements made by Aizawa for their classes and schoolwork as well as daily drop offs of prepared bento boxes for them since they wouldn’t be leaving Bakugo’s room. Their parents had been contacted which sent a fresh wave of nausea through her for reasons other than the heat, but she was assured that it wasn’t as a punishment since they were both eighteen. Still, she could only image the conversation she would hear at the end of her heat when she heard from home.
Expectations of what would happen during the shared heat and rut were next and she while she was sure her face couldn’t get any hotter, she was proven wrong. As awkward as it was though, at least she was talking it over with another woman; having the same conversation with Aizawa would have killed her.
Finally, it seemed that the verbal torture was finished as Recovery Girl reached into her medical bag with one hand and beckoned her closer with the other.
“Let me see your arm, I need to give you a preventative injection.”
“Ah, I uhm,” she stuttered, cheeks still reddened but not from the heat, “I’m already taking…”
Recovery Girl shook her head with a chuckle. “Presenting alters your existing biology by releasing additional hormones which awaken parts of your mind and body that contribute to the primal instincts of your secondary gender. Generic contraceptive methods would be fine for a newly presented beta but as an omega the hormones released at presentation boost your fertility to a point where the pill may as well be candy for all the prevention it does.”
“Yes, ‘oh.’ Now unless you and that boy of yours have decided that you want pups within the year I need to give you this.” The syringe was brandished in front of her.
She held out her arm and she cleaned the area with a swab before feeling the familiar prick to her skin and the cold chill spread into her heated blood.
“Any last questions for me before he gets back?”
She went to shake her head but paused. “Just… what about our quirks?”
“Nothing to worry about, dear. Quirks take a backseat during these times unless a threat arises. Once bonded you will kill and die for the other and your pups, but for right now you two shouldn’t have an issue. I’d say ‘won’t’ but I think we both know your class has a habit of finding trouble, hm?”
“More like trouble finds us,” came a grunt from the doorway.
Katsuki reentered the room with her laundry basket on his hip and a tote bag over his shoulder. He visibly relaxed as he crossed the threshold and set her things on the floor at the foot of his bed.
She sat down on the plush area rug to go through what he’d brought, her legs tucked beneath her as Recovery Girl began speaking to him about the upcoming week like she’d done for her.
Rifling through the laundry basket she pulled out her pillows and blankets as well as her favorite hoodies, then she pulled everything out of the tote and put those sweaters and shirts onto Katsuki’s bed. Once everything was piled atop his sheets she began to sort through everything, enjoying the familiar smell of her own things mixing with the scent of Katsuki’s den. She hoped he would scent a few of his shirts and let her use his pillows and blankets for her nest.
“…and once you know the heat and rut have passed I’d like you to give me a call so I can come and assess you two.”
“Whatever,” Katsuki mumbled, his cheeks burning from the conversation as he took the offered slip of paper with her number. He’d never been more relieved to have a conversation end, and as soon as the door closed behind the terrible old bat he turned back to his girlfriend and his heart nearly stopped.
She was absently arranging his sheets with some of what he’d brought from her dorm to make the beginnings of her nest. Their combined scents filled his room to an almost dizzying potency but he had never felt more alive, more proud, and his inner alpha growled happily in his chest. Here was his mate, his omega, building a sweet-smelling nest in his den for the two of them and their pups.
The thought of pups broke through the haze of his instincts to allow nerves to set it. They were only eighteen and just about to finish their last few months at UA before becoming fully licensed heroes. Having pups wasn’t something they could do, at least… at least not now.
Recovery Girl had mentioned the preventative and rationally he knew that she wouldn’t give them something designed to fail and he was grateful for that but at the same time, he’d love to have pups with his mate. She was everything he could ever imagine wanting in a partner and he knew his mate would be the best mother to his pups. He’d thought so long before they presented and he was sure he’d think it until he took his last breath.
Her soft voice brought him out of his musings as she looked up at him through her lashes and shyly asked, “Could you… scent a few of your shirts and sweaters? For the nest?”
“’Course,” he replied, and seeing her eyes flicker towards his discarded pillows added, “You can use anything of mine. We’re mates.”
The heat-induced flush on her cheeks darkened slightly with embarrassment, but she nudged his pillow towards him anyway. He grabbed it and held it in his hands feeling both uncharacteristically anxious about scenting something for the first time and filled with pride at his mate seeking out his scent for her nest.
As he scented different things for her and she took them to construct their home for the next week or so he could see the flush fading little by little and he saw less sweat droplets running down her hairline. It was almost as if the larger and more structured the nest grew the tamer her inner omega became. That soothed him too, making him thankful for the calm before the storm of her first heat really began and pulled his rut to the forefront with it.
He leaned against the far wall as she worked in silence arranging their things into the what he assumed was a perfect nest—he didn’t know much about omega nesting instincts but it looked inviting enough to him that he had no qualms about spending the next week tangled with her in the textile haven. It was as if the movement she caused sent more of that sweet smell of hers wafting through the room and he could’ve sworn the sugary scent was getting stronger by the moment.
With a few last cursory pats to the sweatshirt walls she looked up at him.
"Do you think we'll lose ourselves in the heat and rut?" she asked quietly, shifting from foot to foot.
Katsuki sighed. "That's what happens with most people."
"You know, I… I knew you were it for me a long time ago, Katsuki. This morning is an amazing memory and I guess, even if this is how we get to spend the rest of our lives I'd like to remember this first too."
"Then maybe we can bond before it fully hits. I can… smell that it's going to hit hard again and that you're already feeling it creep up.”
The slick feeling between her thighs meant he was probably right. "Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I guess I'm just nervous."
"Hey, I know this whole thing became way bigger than either of us thought but I’m still me—the alpha part doesn’t change that. Shit I couldn’t even think of hurting you without wanting to die before, can you imagine what type of insufferably sweet asshole I’m gonna be now?” he asked with only mild disgust as he crossed his room to lay one hand on her hip and the other on her cheek.
The smile he received was worth the uncomfortable admission of his feelings; reassurance wasn’t his forte and sharing his feelings even less so but he’d always try for her.
“I know, and I’m happy you’re the one I get to be with.”
“C’mon, your nest looks good,” he said, easing her forward towards his bed. “We able to get in it yet?”
She kissed his cheek. “Yeah, let’s get in our nest, alpha.”
The shudder was hard for him to suppress, but he allowed her to pull him into the plush space where they laid together once more. They laid on their sides facing one another and Katsuki reached out to stroke his thumb over the back of her hand where it lay between them.
It was an unspoken agreement to take all the time they could before allowing themselves to indulge in the instincts of their new secondary genders, and they spoke quietly about what it all meant for them.
Mates were more permanent than marriage and fated mates even more so. The idea of claiming bites at only eighteen was daunting but at the same time it was always the plan anyway. Of course they knew they’d present but that seemed far off and more inconsequential the longer they were together prior to a few hours ago. They had their after-graduation plans and a claim had been a mutual desire, and even pups sometime in the far future. Secondary gender, as Katsuki had loved to point out, wouldn’t change that.
But with the presentations occurring and revealing them as an alpha/omega pair there were still some things that hadn’t been discussed or planned for, and they needed to be addressed.
“I’m getting warmer,” she murmured.
“We’ve got a long week ahead of us but it’s nothing we can’t handle,” he smirked.
She gave him a weak smile and pushed past her nerves to bring up what had been on her mind since her talk with Recovery Girl.
"Will… will you…?"
"If you want to, we can bond now while we're still mostly clear-headed. Some shit I’d like to remember too, you know?"
Her cheeks went pink. "No—well, yes that's probably a good idea but I… I'm… will you actually knot me?"
He choked on his tongue. "Fuck, shit, do you want me to? Do I need to? For your heat?"
"I don’t— Don't you need it to get through your rut?"
"It's… I don't want to make the decision for you, alright? If you want me to I will and if you don’t I won’t. ‘S always your choice.”
She rolled onto her side to face him, one hand rising up to trace his cheekbone and the slope of his nose, even the dip of his cupid’s bow until she came to a stop at his chin. She pressed lightly and he turned his head to look at her.
“I’m not afraid of you or anything like that. It’s all just very sudden and a lot to wrap my head around, you know? Six hours ago we were virgins and now we’re literally together for life. That’s not bad, just a lot.”
“I know,” he mumbled. “But it’s why I want you to make the call. I ain’t gonna force you to do something you don’t want. We got forever to figure our shit out.”
She laughed. “Yeah we do. For now though, I want you to. We’re gonna bond today and then heatshare, rutshare, and get tied together for the next week. This morning was amazing and now that we know we’re fated mates I think that’s gonna make it even better.”
“Once is all it took to get you addicted, huh?”
“Shut up!” she whined as she pushed against his shoulder and turned away with a blush. His loud laughter echoed throughout his room and she crossed her arms with a pout.
“Oi. Look at me.”
She rolled onto her side to face him again, lips still pouted cutely. His eyes were soft as he looked over her face and she felt proud of the small smile upturning his mouth as he did.
He reached out to smooth a hand over her hair and then gently nudged her shoulder. “Lie back.”
She moved onto her back and he settled himself over her, lying between her parted legs. It was familiar and made her smile; they’d laid together like this a hundred times over the course of their relationship and maybe it was the perfect way to cross into something more permanent.
“Katsuki,” she murmured, feeling his hands go below the tank top. He pushed it up and over her head, tossing it to the side and fixing her with an unwavering gaze.
His hands slid beneath her, pressed between her body and the sheets below, and he kissed her softly. Her hands slid up his back before settling over the solid muscle of his shoulders.
“’M gonna be the best alpha on the fuckin’ planet,” he said as they pulled apart. His lips ghosted over her cheek and down her jaw to settle at her neck. “Know I already got the best omega.”
“Will you say it?” she asked quietly, closing her eyes.
The huff of a laugh and curl of his lips on her skin made her shiver. He moved in closer to her and raised up to whisper exactly what she wanted.
“I love you.”
Her arms tightened around him and tried pulling him closer but she knew it would never feel like enough until they bonded.
Katsuki seemed to understand that too because he moved back to her neck and grazed his lips teasingly for just a second before sinking his teeth into the perfect spot as a claim.
She gasped as her head tipped back at the rush of sensations that seemed to flow from the bite. Her brain filled with static but her body felt a rush of coldness like ice water had been poured over her to combat the heat she’d been feeling for so long. Her heart sped up in her chest and she knew it was synched perfectly with Katsuki’s. The entirety of her being was aligned with his and the bond cemented as she let herself move forward and bite into her mate’s neck to stake her own claim.
Time seemed to speed up before slowing down again when she was tasting blood off of both her and Katsuki’s lips as his hands cradled her face and kissed her deeply. The coolness she had experienced during the claim had been almost completely swallowed by the heat she felt pulsing through her and becoming tangible as a needy whine against his mouth. He was so close and smelled so perfect and she wondered if she could feel him closer, her hands digging into the defined muscles of his shoulders as she held him against her.
“Look at my pretty mate,” he said lowly, his voice hushed. He nosed against the underside of her jaw just above the fresh bite as his hands roamed over her torso. “My omega, smellin’ so sweet just for me.”
The purr that bubbled from her lips surprised her but his warm hands on her and the quiet praise pushed it aside quickly when he kneaded her chest.
Her hands traced over his arms, fingers trailing down over dips of muscle. “The strongest alpha I know is all mine. I’m so lucky to have such a handsome mate.”
A please growl rumbled through his chest as her fingers hooked in his waistband and began sliding down the sweatpants until he was able to kick them off. He quickly returned the favor with her underwear to leave them both completely bare. With their scents completely unhindered for the first time with the bond formed, they could both smell the heavy, warm sweetness of roasted chestnuts and cherries that filled his dorm room. It was spicy but soft and made their heads spin knowing that this was them.
Katsuki’s hands roamed the familiar curves of her body as he leaned forward to kiss around the bite mark, feeling her lips against his neck as she did the same to him. Shivers ran up his spine at the contact and a groan escaped him as his fingers reached the apex of her thighs.
“Tell me what you need.”
She whined, hands splayed on his toned stomach.
“C’mon, tell your alpha what you need,” he coaxed.
“You,” she whispered. “Your knot. Your pups. Our pups.”
When we’re ready, was the silent understanding about the request.
Their hips met as Katsuki rolled his forward, breathy moans coming from both of them as they relished the still-new feeling of intimacy and clutched onto one another tighter.
Instincts took over, cutting the moment short, and filled with room with groans and whines and pleas between the two of them. There was no slow fumbling like there had been earlier but instead the primal need to be closer and chase the pleasure that came with the heat and rut.
She kissed him hard as the heat throughout her body pooled low in her stomach and she could tell the difference in the feeling of closeness but her hazy mind couldn’t dwell on it past knowing that this was what she needed, what would finally cool her down at least a bit.
“You’re mine,” she murmured as her back arched up from the bed and her nails dug into his shoulders.
“’M yours. You’re mine,” he grunted, mouthing at the bite once more.
Their scents were overwhelming the closer they came to their end.
“C’mon alpha, need your knot,” she whined, crying out as he still within her.
His teeth sank into the bond mark fully again, and she bit into his as she felt exactly what her inner omega needed, what she herself wanted, and allowed herself to succumb to the feeling of contentment and pleasure she would live in with her mate going forward. Warm and sated and full and safe with her alpha was where she wanted to stay.
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“Bakugo. A word.”
He stalked over to his teacher, watching his mate step into the hallway from the corner of his eye. The new bond was sensitive and he was anxious when he couldn’t be with her. “What?”
“May I ask which of you proposed the idea of a non-traditional bite?”
“The hell are you talking about? We both have bites and they’re scarring the right way.”
Aizawa regarded him silently for a moment before waving him off. “It’s not important. Go.”
The blonde rolled his eyes and left the room, and he gathered his sleeping bag in his arms to set up in the corner for his midday nap.
It was annoying and awkward to have to deal with the paperwork and phone calls to guardians because two of his problem children couldn’t keep it in their pants while on campus—what he wouldn’t give to have seen Mitsuki Bakugo deal with this shit—and he certainly didn’t like the fact that he had to relay to the class what had happened either. He had prepared what would’ve been one of his best punishments to date for when the overwhelming scent of newly presented and bonded mates had lessened at least a bit, but it had all been abandoned the moment the two stepped up to speak with him.
Her embarrassment was obvious, the fact that her twice her age male teacher knew exactly what had been happening in that room for the past week probably enough to make her want to vomit, but furious blush aside she held herself well. Bakugo had (likely somewhat unintentionally) over scented the room alarmingly with equal parts calm for his mate and warning to his alpha teacher, his own blush prominent.
What stood out though, was the bond mark on her neck. It was already scarring which was to be expected and its placement was correct but it was backwards. Traditionally a bond mark was given to an omega by an alpha in the midst of a shared heat and rut, primal positioning meaning that the bite was given from behind. It was biology, instinct, the overwhelming need to lay claim—he understood that, had experienced it many times over even long after a bond mark was given. Fated mates were more susceptible to this too, especially when presenting early.
But this type of bonding mark made him think that it wasn’t fueled by that need or desire built deep into the rumbling chest of an alpha. At least, not completely. Looking into someone’s eyes was intimate, vulnerabilities laid bare before the person they’re going to spend their life with. That wasn’t easy, and a week prior he would’ve said that Bakugo would probably never be able to do it. To see that it was quite the opposite and seemingly unconscious on his part was fascinating.
He considered that instinct wasn’t the reason but the more he thought about it as he sat cocooned within the warmth of his sleeping bag, the more he realized it may actually be the opposite. Maybe it was instinct. Love was funny like that sometimes.
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A/N: Please be sure to reblog, comment, review, and like if you enjoy! Feedback is what keeps me motivated! I have a few ideas about a possible sequel for this story that would take place in the future when they’re ready, though nothing concrete just yet!
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uhgoodmoni · 3 years
I’ll Sleep on the Floor | JJK
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Summary: Eunjae (oc) and Jungkook aren’t really friends. Like, at all. Actually Eunjae hates Jungkook’s guts. The real issue is that they both are best friends with Seokjin, who wishes that they would just get over their seemingly petty hatred for one another. So to try and solve that Jin invites them to a trip in Greece. Should be fun in paradise? But paradise turns to disaster when a flight gets delayed... they need a hotel and... There’s only ONE bed??
Warnings: Angst cause I always have angst, some fluff ig, idk this ones pretty chill tbh, implied anxiety 
(14,286 words) 
Ao3 | Wattpad
 With my suitcase trailing behind me, wheels scoring the tiles, I walk towards my gate. The first flight was easy up until the end. I napped restfully the entire time but as we came to Tbilisi International Airport in Georgia, the captain had announced that the descent would have rough turbulence because of the storm that was starting. Rough turbulence indeed, a few storage bins had opened up, allowing passengers belongings to fall to the cabin floor. My items were safe, luckily, but the woman seated in front of me had gotten a book to the face. We landed safely and that really was the only thing to be concerned about. Thunder echoed throughout the airport, the flash of lightning shining through the windows. This was bad, very bad. The second flight I would take, Tbilisi air to Athens air. Would it get delayed? I pray not as I walked towards the gate.
Seokjin and I had planned the trip to the T, the next departure an hour and a half after the time we’d land in Tbilisi. A shame we even had to have a layover but our last minute planning had cursed us with that. 
I feel like calling Jin now that I have service. Or wifi anyway. So I pull out my phone as I continue my stroll. The airport here is not as busy as Incheon, but still bustling with more people than expected at 8pm. 
“Did you make it?” I smile at Jin’s voice coming through the speaker of my phone, only seventy percent. I should charge it before the next flight. 
“No, the plane crashed in a fiery accident and I’m calling from my deathbed.” I glance around, looking for a map, or a guide or something that would tell me if I was headed in the right direction. 
“Ah, good to know. The beach is waiting here for you. The sun is setting now.”
I look out the window, “I’ve got bad news.” 
“What?” He asks, his voice changing to worry after hearing the change in my own tone. “Has Jungkook’s flight not landed yet?” 
I shake my head, “No, no. I don’t know where he is. I haven’t even got to my gate yet.” Looking for Jungkook? As if I could care if his plane landed or not. Hopefully it hasn’t and I can fly the final stretch to Greece alone. “There's a storm, it's thundering and I’m not sure if it is going to stick around or not. I haven't checked if our flight is on time.”
He hums, “Well figure it out and let me know.” I nod, seeing the flight list a little further down, just small enough in my vision not to see it yet. Jin stays on the line as I walk.
I glare up at the lit up sign. “Isn’t it supposed to be clear weather here.” I groan, red sign in Georgian, and next to it in English. Delayed. 
“That doesn’t sound good? Delayed?”
I sigh, “Yeah.” I look towards where I think my gate is and see the correct number. A few attendants were talking to passengers. “I’m gonna go find out how long. I’ll call you back.” 
He hums and hangs up first, he’s probably upset, he’d already been in Greece the whole day alone. He’d just have to wait. It’s not like I have any other choice. 
The passengers are complaining of course, their nags getting to my ears before I am close to the desk. Their questions were “How long really is it?” and “you’re joking right?” But some of the other’s I didn’t understand because they weren’t speaking English or Korean. 
I look around the gate, seeing that dreaded face sitting in the waiting area. He smiles at me, but only because he knows I’m unhappy to see him. I try not to let him get to me, and I walk towards him instead of the desk. Surely he already knows. Which I’m sure he does because his face turns to a frown as I get closer. 
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news.” he mutters as I reach him, standing up to face me. “But the flight is delayed.”
I shake my head. Yeah I already know that. “How long?” 
He shrugs, “They haven’t said how long yet.” 
“What?” I flip to the attendant at the desk. “How do they not know?”
Jungkook smirks, “It’s nice to see you by the way. And you look just great.” He says, and he’s being sarcastic. I glare and then remember to soften my face because I was sure I looked like a bitch to the poor attendant behind the desk who was already surrounded by Karens. 
“Seriously?” I take a deep breath, holding in my feelings that are already about to explode. Fifteen minutes in the airport and only one minute in his presence and I was ready to punch him. 
“All I said was that you look great and it’s nice to see you.” He shrugs, that smug grin never leaving his face. “And all you have to say is seriously? Can’t even greet me back?”
I ignore him, seeing an open opportunity to speak with the attendant and slip between the shoulders of two others. “Hi excuse me, this flight is delayed right?”
The person nods, “Yes I am so sorry.” But they don’t say anything else. 
“Is it possible you could tell me when it’s going to take off?” I pursue further, but the attendant looks dejected, making me think Jungkook was right. 
“Georgia isn’t a country where storms this bad come in. This is probably the worst storm they’ve seen this summer. We just don’t have an exact time right now.” 
“You’re joking right?” I sigh to myself, and then cringe realizing I sound like everyone else who is surrounding them. “I’m sorry, actually is there any information that you can give me?”
The attendant frowns, speaking to all of us now. “It’s likely that this flight will be canceled within the hour.” They pull out a map of the airport from under the desk. “For rescheduling you’ll want to go here. They point to a dot on the far end, “It should be easy to get one within the next day or so.” My eyes widen. Day or so? I look back to Jungkook who looks equally as worried.
I thank the attendant and return to my luggage and Jungkook at the benches. “What do we do?”
He glances at the hoard of people heading away from the gate, “Try and get on a flight that’s open I guess.” He sighs, pulling up his phone and dialing for Jin.
I bite my lip, glancing and seeing that the people were all heading off to do the same thing. Our stress-free flight that was planned to the T was no longer in sight. And now the line of those trying to do the same thing as us, would make it take even longer.
“Hey…” I turn to Jungkook who sits back down in the chair. “They are advising us to find another flight. Something for tomorrow or the next day…” He’s talking to Jin, whose voice I hear on the other end. Much more upset than he was earlier. I try and listen in as I sit next to Jungkook, the nagging feeling that I should go get us a spot in line urging me to bite at the inside of my mouth even more. But the line would be long whether I went now or waited with Jungkook. 
“Yeah I know… I’m really sorry Jin.” Jungkook says and then faintly I hear an ‘its not your fault’ and then an ‘room service here is good’ I smile at this, hoping that Jin would make the best of our late comings. “We are going to wait until they cancel it and then I guess see what kind of flights there are. I’ll call you then okay?”
I shake my head. He decided for the both of us. I open my mouth as he finally hangs up the phone but he speaks before I can. 
“Listen Eunjae, before you get all gripey with me, I think we should wait because if we go and buy new tickets just to find out that this attendant was wrong and the flight doesn’t get canceled that would fucking suck.” My mouth shuts and Jungkook grins. For now I would listen to him. 
Twenty minutes later the sign changed to cancel. Jungkooks defeat, not that it brings me joy. But if anything is going to make me smile in this situation it would be that Jungkook is wrong. 
“What if they only have one seat?” I grin at the thought of this. “Can I buy the first flight out?” Jungkook rolls his eyes. 
“Jin might despise you.” He retorts, dragging along one more smaller suitcase than me. I know he was right and stop thinking about the idea. Jin would be furious. Maybe more than Jungkook knew. 
Before we had planned the trip Jin had come to me very angry, (as angry as he lets himself get) and very sad that his two best friends hate each other's guts. He had said it made him anxious and he wasn’t sure if either of us would stick around him because of the other. 
Which had never crossed my mind. Of course I hate everytime Jin tells me Jungkook would be at an event or would be tagging along with us but I didn’t think that it bothered Jin. To be honest it looked like it stressed him out more than Jungkook and I. Which I understand. It is hard to be the middleman. 
No, I never thought about not hanging out with Jin because of Jungkook. Well maybe I was lying. But it was never a permanent thought in my head. Rather it was fleeting in moments that I found out Jungkook would be coming and I didn’t want to go that night anymore. I always told Jin that there were ways to schedule us around eachother, and he’d pretend to listen. Which genuinely upset me, because Jungkook is an asshole. An asshole who I hate, and Jin should listen to how I feel too. But I never tell him that. Instead I agreed to go to Greece with the two of them. Jungkook completely unaware that this is basically a bonding experiment. 
“The earliest flight I can put you both on together is tomorrow evening at 5 pm” Which is extremely disappointing. Regardless, we don’t have another choice, so we laid out some money for the flight. Now another decision would have to be made. To stay in the airport and sleep on the floor, waiting hours and hours on end, or to get a hotel just outside of the airport. “With or without you I am getting out of this place.” Jungkook groans, and for once I agree with him and in silence we find our way to the exit. “I called a hotel that’s pretty close.” I say putting the phone down, exhausted as we had just gone through security. “They said we are lucky there are two rooms open so last minute.” Jungkook only grunts in response, hailing a cab for us. I sigh, which is the most either of us lets out the entire car ride to the hotel except to thank and pay the driver. 
Neither of us speak when we exit either, heading into the hotel side by side but far apart. Despite the silence so obviously caused by resentment towards each other, I don’t try to fix it. I’ll save my energy for the rest of the trip, while in Seokjin’s presence. 
We check in, and pay our own separate ways. A two hundred dollar expense that I wasn’t expecting to pay, but because it’s so last minute the prices for just one night were high. 
“Heres your key cards. Hope you enjoy your stay.” The receptionist has a small smile and ushers us along. We aren’t the only people checking in.
I finally break the silence. “I think my room is in the other direction…” I announce and he looks back at me with a curt nod. 
“Well if you need anything you have my number.” He says before turning around. “Be safe.” is barely heard as I turn around too. I don’t mutter ‘you too’ back because he’s already walking off. 
As I walk off towards my room I let out a deep breath of relief. Glad that the silence wasn’t forced anymore. I seriously don’t know what Jin was thinking. A week trip with just the three of us? It is going to suck, and probably for all of us. Maybe that’s why Jin’s destination is Greece, a place we could try and relax amongst agonizing company. Jin’s trying at least and, since he cares so much I’ll put in my effort. Or at least try to. 
I text Jin that we finally got to a hotel and that I would message him before our flight tomorrow. He responds with a smiley and a goodnight. I smile, hoping that he was having a good night too.
By the time I get to my hotel room I am giddy with the idea of jumping in bed. My arm is tired from dragging my suitcase and my back hurts from the airplane seats. Not to mention my aching brain from the practically pointless conversations with Jungkook. Seriously did he not even care to at least make some small talk? He spoke things of such little importance. ‘You look great’ He could have asked some questions about how I was doing or something worth conversation. Or at least make it genuine. However, would it have been worse to hear him speak more? 
I pull the card up against the slot, a beep and then a red light blinking. Red is never a good sign. And what do you know the door doesn’t unlock. What a joke. I look down at my stuff debating whether to leave it by the door or take it all the way back to the lobby with me. Then I decide that leaving everything on my person in a foreign country is stupid and I pull the luggage back. 
“Hi what can I help you with?” It’s a different attendant this time, and I slide the card to them 
“Hi, um I’m in room 128 and my key wont work.” 
They nod a few times, taking the key and inserting it somewhere. She types up some things on the computer and then. “Mr Hamira?”
I shake my head. “No it should be under Ha, Ha Eunjae” They seem confused and double check. They shake their head. 
“I’m sorry we…” they purse their lips, typing in something else. “I’m sorry one moment.” So I stand there wondering if the earlier receptionist was wrong. There weren't two rooms, and instead had given me a room that someone else was in. Fuck I hope not. 
“Well, you’re name is there. I have your receipt here… but someone else already has this booked out as well…” I swallow. Damnit. I nod. “Are you sure?”
They frown and then reach for the phone. “I’ll call the room to see if anyone is in it.” So she dials it up and a moment later an answer. My heart drops. I’ll have to find another room? And if they don’t have one? Then I’d call another hotel. I don’t want to think about what I would do if there aren’t any open hotels for the night. Why’s it so damn busy at this hotel? “Sorry sir for waking you, we just wanted to check…” I open my phone googling a nearby hotel. “Is there any other rooms?”
The receptionist puts the phone down shaking her head. “Not tonight I’m afraid. I’m so sorry, do you remember the name of the person who sold you this room?” I shake my head, not really caring for them to get reprimanded. “I will refund your money right now.”  I bite my lip. Damn, what was I going to do?
“Okay.” I mutter dialing the phone to the next closest hotel. They answer but no good news, they were booked out for the rest of the week. 
“We have a festival going on nearby that’s why.” She frowns, “I’m sorry…”
I don’t really care, it’s not her fault, but as I call the next hotel and the next and the next all within an hours radius I realize there’s no hope. I could travel the two hours to the next hotel but… I find myself seated in the lobby head pressed against my suitcase. I feel like throwing up, crying and screaming all simultaneously. 
Jin crosses my mind and for a moment I think about calling him, but I decide not to bother him. It is my own problem to deal with. Though I can imagine him saying something like “your problems are mine and vice versa.” Blah blah, he cares too much. I frown, thinking about how bad the trip is going to be. I wonder if Jin dreads it as much as me. Does Jungkook dread hanging out with me as much as I do him? He must. After all he thinks that ‘I’m a stuck up cunt’ and many other things I don’t feel like replaying. I frown, how misogynistic and cruel. But I don’t linger on his past words and instead his most recent flutter into my thoughts. 
Well if you need anything you have my number.
So because I have no other ideas, I pull open my phone and search him up. There was nothing.
Fuck. Of course not, I never saved his number. I hate his guts. For a moment I hate my own guts. How stupid could I be, not saving his number? Any number of emergencies could have occurred where I might need to contact him. 
I cave, realizing who I need to ask, and open our text messages.
‘you’re really asking for his number’
‘yes dont ask i just rlly need it oki???’
‘mhm, why don’t you ask him yourself ;)’
‘jin give me his number’
I roll my eyes, but another text comes and it's a phone number. I stare at it for a moment. Do I text or call? And then I think about doing neither, I could just bear with the two hour drive. I close the message. Honestly getting a cab for two hours would be expensive. But not more expensive than the time I’ll be stuck with Jungkook. Plus I’ll have to sleep on the floor. It would be rude to ask to take the bed… Fuck. 
So I call a cab, the line ringing and my head buzzing with regret. How expensive would this ride be? Not to mention I’d have to get another cab back to the airport tomorrow? My teeth tear into the skin in my mouth, this time the taste of iron filling at my tongue. 
“What are you doing out here?” I jump at the sound of his voice, turning to see Jungkook standing with his wallet in hand. 
I don’t know how to explain but settle with “They sold me a room they don't have.”I stutter thinking how stupid I must look still sitting in the lobby with all my stuff. I was sure to look a mess, almost crying. He looks over to the receptionist who is speaking to someone else. I look at the clock on my phone, still waiting for an answer. It is almost eleven. 
“Is there another hotel?” He mutters not even looking back at me. 
“No, well. There is one but it’s two hours away.” 
His eyes widen as he opens his wallet. “Seriously?”
“I wouldn’t be joking.” I say, my voice raising. I am not in the mood right now. He doesn’t respond. “I’m trying to call a cab.” I take the phone away from my ear as it goes to voice mail. The message is in a language I don’t know. “Fuck.” I hang up. Putting my phone on my lap.
“Did you already rent a room at the other hotel?” He asks, looking longingly to the vending machines. 
My jaw clenches. “No.” I spit at him, “They won’t fucking take my money over the phone, because of this damn.” I choke, “This.. Damn festival.” I sniff, pressing my hands against my cheeks that were now rosy and warm. 
“What kind of festival?” 
I blink, a tear falling from my eye. “I don’t fucking know.” I almost yell, the receptionist looking over. A few more tears drip down my cheeks. I wipe them hastily away. 
Jungkook takes a seat next to me. “I’m sorry… I didn’t ask to piss you off..” he sighs, “I wasn’t thinking.” he presses his lips together looking anywhere but me, “you’re not going anywhere, that’s stupid.” I wipe away more stupid tears as he continues. “It’s just one night you can come to my room…” He sighs, eyes falling to his hands. 
“Really?” I sniff.
He glares at me even though I was really asking. “Yeah don’t ask again or your calling that cab.”
My smile is small while I stand with him, awkwardly following him to the vending machines and watching as he glanced over his options. He finally just chose a water bottle and some m and ms. 
“Do you want anything?” He asks me, and I shake my head softly. Still a foggy mind from the anxiety attack I narrowly dodged.
He buys another water and hands it to me. We quietly walk back towards his room. The receptionist was staring, probably conjuring what kind of person would pick a stranger to stay in their hotel room. Little does she know, we actually know each other.
As we got to his room and he taps the key on the door, I will myself to speak again. “you didn’t have to…” but I only mumble the words.
He pops a chocolate in his mouth and looks down at me. “What? It’s just water.”
“No…” I frown as he kicks open the door. “letting me stay with you.” 
He shrugs as we enter the hotel room. “I said don’t mention it, otherwise you’re back on the street.” Despite sounding serious I can tell that he’s not. I shuffle to the side of the room leaving my suitcase on the side. 
“I can sleep on the floor…” 
“Ew what? No, that's disgusting.” He shakes his head, and unzips his suitcase. He stands there a moment before pulling out some clothes. I stand there idle as he walks around me, closing himself off into the bathroom. 
He is right, that is gross. But I don’t want to take his bed? Would he sleep on the floor? How annoying, I know that if it were the other way around I’d be pissed. I should have just gotten the other hotel. I could have napped on the drive and been fine. Although I wouldn’t want to be alone with some driver for two hours. It would probably be a man, and he might be creepy. 
“Eunjae are you okay?” Jungkook has come out in sweats and a tshirt. I stare at him a second, but not for any reason other than he spoke to me.
“Oh, yeah.” I realize I’ve been standing in the same place since I got in the room and so I decide that I’ll follow in his footsteps, taking out a pair of shorts and a tshirt I had packed for pajamas. 
He squints at me, walking around back to the other side of the room. “You’re being weird…” 
“Sorry.” I mutter going into the bathroom to change. Although I knew I would look tired, when I found myself in the mirror I looked worse than I thought. My eyes are red and puffy from fatigue as well as crying. I roll my eyes at myself. It was a stupid reason to cry. I try not to think about the day that had gone wrong so I distract myself by changing. It is in the past now so it doesn’t really matter. But still, I don’t want to be on another flight tomorrow and I don’t want to be in this room, but I don’t want to be anywhere else either. I just want to be in Greece already. Drinking and sitting on the beach with Jin. 
After changing I brush my teeth and wash my face. I am ready to pass out. I come back out to the room and Jungkook is playing some videos on his phone. He is laid out on the left side of the bed, already under the covers. Two pillows separate the two sides of the bed. It is only a queen sized bed, and Jungkook isn’t small so there is only just enough space for me.
“What?” He glares at me. And it bothers me because I’ve done absolutely nothing to him. 
“N-nothing.” I say, plugging my phone in and stepping to the bed. Really I never did anything to him the entire time we had known each other. And yet he is such an asshole. I take a seat, but really I don’t want to get in the bed. It’s weird. 
I hear Jungkook sigh as I stare at my phone. “We aren’t twelve you know.”
“I am aware Jungkook. That doesn’t mean I want to sleep in the same bed as you.” I shoot, back to my regular self.
He huffs, “For one night only. You’ll never get the chance again.” He winks when I turn staring daggers at him. 
I ignore this and pull myself under the covers. If I ever am going to fall asleep tonight in the presence of that demon I will have to start getting comfortable now. 
We both fall into a silence. The only sounds being the rain hitting the window, the air conditioner, and the tiktoks he's scrolling through. The light is still on so I don’t close my eyes yet. Instead I think about what Jin had asked of me. He won’t want me to fake it. No fake smiles, or being a bitch back to Jungkook after he’s been an asshole. I will have to genuinely be nice to him. How can I do that when he’s only being an ass to me all time? Be honest with my feelings? Hey Jungkook, that hurt my feelings. Ha, he’ll laugh in my face and then do it again… right? 
I have never tried that before… and earlier when I had very obviously almost had a breakdown he actually apologized. I think it was genuine. I think that might have been the first time he had ever seen me cry. 
“Jungkook.” I hated myself the moment his name came out of my mouth. Why had I spoken?
He rolls over slightly as he had been facing opposite me. “What?” He sounds annoyed, rightfully so. 
I stare at the ceiling. “Why do you hate me?” And after I ask the question I bite my lip because it sounds stupid.
He scoffs, “Who told you I hated you?”
My brows furrow. “What do you mean? At the very least you dislike me highly. When have you ever shown any ounce of kindness to me?” Silence, and that sounds even more dumb because he had by letting me stay in his room “Y-you know what I mean.” I squint, realizing I am being a bitch and failing at even one step of pleasing Jin. 
“I only treat you the same way you treat me.” He states blankly, my anger immediately blowing over. 
“What?” I push myself up on one arm, Jungkook raising a brow at me. “Are you fucking joking? You’ve only ever been an asshole to me. I never did anything but deal with your shit.”
He blinks. “That’s not true.” My mouth falls open at his unwillingness to admit that he had done something wrong. “I only don’t like you because you don’t like me. No other reason.” He sits up, “You started whatever this is.” He scrunches up his face, “and don’t act like you didn’t because from the very beginning of our relationship, you acted like I didn’t exist…” 
He shakes his head, hands clenching tightly against his phone, continuing; “and everytime I came into the room you’d look at me like I was some disgusting animal and then whisper to your friends. Do you know how that makes someone feel? All I ever did was say hi and you were so fake I could feel the bitchiness radiating off you. I didn’t do anything and you treated me like shit.” He looks me over. “You were awful.”
I wish I could have interrupted his stupid speech. He really believes that I am in the wrong? Does he really have no recollection? 
“Liar.” I growl. “Don’t act like you dont know.” I sniff, “I only ignored you because you thought you had me figured out from the get go.” My frown becomes prominent and that feeling from earlier returns along with the redness in my cheeks and the water in my eyes. “You had met me one time Jungkook. One fucking time and had the nerve to assume you knew anything about me.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He has a stupid look on his face, one that makes me even more angry.
“How can you not remember your great first impression of me Jungkook?” I feel a tear slip down my cheeks but it's more out of anger than sadness. “Eunjae seems like a pretentious cunt, I don’t know why Jin is friends with someone like that-” the tears fall freely now, “a- a whore and…” I clasp a hand over my mouth, stopping a sob. There isn’t really a point in continuing. That should refresh his memory enough. a whore and a gold digging bitch. Only friends with Jin for his money. None of which was true. Well maybe the pretentious part, only sometimes. The tears are dripping onto the sheets of the bed, embarrassing. So I push the covers off of me. 
“I-” He shakes his head, shakes and shakes. “I didn’t say that. I never said that.” But I am not listening, I stand up and walk into the bathroom, unable to hear whatever it is he’s saying. I shut the door and sit on the edge of the tub, tearing at the tissue to blow my nose. 
I had only told a few of my friends why I hated Jungkook. Only the ones that weren’t mutual with him. Even Jin always wondered. Why would I tell him that the young man he looks so highly of is a total douchebag? It only felt right to keep it to myself, I was sure, no, am sure that Jungkook had relayed that impression of me to all our friends. After all it was my friend who had told me she overheard him telling these things to Taehyung. I had met Taehyung that night and after that I thought I saw a tinge of disdain everytime we spoke. At present it is gone, but did he still sometimes agree? Does he think I am a whore? Do Namjoon or Yoongi think I am a golddigger? I am sure Jungkook thinks those things all of the time. Because he has always been an asshole. Always.
There is a knock at the front door, which I hear Jungkook answer. The door opens and I wondered what it is. It shuts again a moment later. Maybe Jungkook left. After gaining my bearings I rinse off my face and go to open the door. How am I meant to stay here after that?
Jungkook is standing across from the door, “There was a noise complaint.” He spoke quietly, scratching the back of his neck. I don’t respond, only try to walk past him back to the bed. “Eunjae, I never said that.” I close my eyes not really wanting to hear it. “I swear to you, I never said that.”
I pout, looking up at him, barely whispering. “I don’t believe you.”
“I- I really didn’t. I don’t know how to prove to you I didn’t. Why would I? I never have thought those things about you. I really would never say those things.” He stutters a few times and then gets annoyed. “Who told you I said that?”
I clench my teeth, “P-Park Iseul.” 
He looks defeated, “I- I don’t even know who that is…”
He can’t defend himself which is enough for me. “You said all those things about me, to Tae…”
“No Jae… listen.” I scoff, “Really gonna try using a nickname on me now? You’re really-”
“Eunjae, I’m sorry.” He’s holding back his annoyance with me, “Why don’t you ask Tae then? Mhm?” He purses his lips, “I have never lied to you. Have I?” And I think for a moment. I can’t recollect a time when he had lied, but I’m sure there had to be at least one. “I didn’t say those things about you. In fact I thought you were really cool. Whoever may have said those things really is an asshole and they're wrong.” He flicks his hands up, “But it wasn’t me.”
“Then- then why have you been so mean to me?” Is all I could manage. At this point I’m not sure whether I believe him or not. This whole time of thinking that he had said those things only to be wrong? 
“I told you. You made me feel like I was a parasite. Like I didn’t belong. I’ve been wondering why you’ve hated me for years, and figured that there was just something wrong with me.” 
My frown is stuck to my face. I never wanted him to feel that way. No, I did, but only because he made me feel the same way. Because he is evil. But if that isn’t true and he never had been evil in the first place, then it was I who had been the evil one. 
“I’m sorry.” I say softly, “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, his hair falling into his face, “I’m sorry too.” However, if he is telling the truth then there is no real reason for him to apologize. I had thought that Jungkook was reigning terror over me the whole time I had known him but it had actually been the other way around. I am the bitch he thinks I am. 
“No really.” I wish I had grabbed a few more tissues because my eyes are leaking again, “I’m so sorry. I’ve been so mean.” He doesn’t say anything. “I really thought that-”
“It’s okay.” He sighs, leaning against the wall. “If it had been the other way around, I might have done the same thing.” But something tells me he wouldn’t have. Despite despising him, the years and years of being around each other I knew Jungkook fairly well. The only person he acts like this around is me, and it is all my fault. 
I fold my hands together, sniffing. “Jungkook I’m so so so sorry. I really am. I wish I could take it all back.” 
He pushes himself off of the wall. “Please, it’s fine I promise you. If you apologize again I’m making you sleep on the floor.” He walks around back to the bed. “I wish I could take it back too, but it’s just the past.” He sits down. “And now we know it was a dumb miscommunication.” A miscommunication and an assumption on my part. And now I feel awful. And as if reading my mind he speaks again, “Don’t apologize again, really.”
“But I-” He shoots me a glare that stops me. 
“Eunjae, I know you’re sorry. I think I know you well enough to know now that you mean it genuinely.” Which only made me feel worse knowing that I never have truly apologized for any of the mean things I’ve said to him. I wonder how often I made him feel sad. He didn’t really show it, instead he’d shoot some sarcastic thing back at me. 
“I want to apologize for everything… anything I’ve ever said-” I continue… and he sighs. 
“Well don’t. Just pretend that we were teasing each other. Most of it was teasing anyway.” 
But he is wrong, “For you maybe. You teased me. I was just awful. I can’t imagine how you felt. I-”
“Yes you can imagine, because you felt the same way about all the things I said to you. So we’ll call it even.” He pulls the covers over himself. “Now let's forget about it and sleep. It's already midnight.” I stand in my place for a moment, before admitting defeat and going back to bed. After pulling the covers up to my shoulders, Jungkook switches off the last light, the whole room going dark as well as silent. The patter of rain on the window lulls me to fatigue but my brain doesn’t want to stop churning. Eventually my thoughts calm themselves and I’m able to fall asleep. 
It was an awkward morning. Both of us were quiet as we tiptoed around each other, getting ready to head back to the airport. Showered, and freshened up for another 5 hour flight. We had slept in but still were tired, and my back still ached. There were almost six hours till our flight but checkout was at 11 and it was 10:45. I was hungry the last meal I had was back in Korea, and last night I hadn’t even thought about eating. We would hopefully pick up something on the way. 
“Do you want to eat?” Jungkook asks as he gives the attendant his keycard. “I’m starving.”
It was the first thing he had said that morning and it felt weird. Our conversation from last night had ended abruptly. At least to me it had. There was so much left unsaid. I wanted to apologize again, in a moment where we were not in the heat of the moment. A real apology. 
“Me too.” I say, and I try to smile. “We could go through the drive through with an uber?”
So that’s what we did. A quick sandwich place where the food was cheap and easy. The driver allowed us to eat in the car as long as we didn’t make a mess. The drive to the airport took longer than expected. There was traffic from the event the attendant spoke of last night, but thankfully the driver played music as Jungkook wasn’t talking much. What was he thinking? 
He was probably thinking about how much he hated airport security. At least that was what I was thinking as we made our way through the airport. Conversation was the last thing on my mind while I walked through the metal detectors. By the time we were set free by the employees and back around to our new gate it was 1pm with four hours to kill. 
“What do you think Jin is doing right now?” I spoke to him for the first time in what might have been an hour of waiting. Now we are sitting together on a bench, with several other passengers. It's not like we have much else to do. I can at least try to kill the awkward with conversation. 
He sighs, “Probably eating a five star lunch with a view of the beach…” He leans back against the chair, stretching his neck, and pushing his hair back. He closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. His chest rising and falling softly. I look away and think back to Jin. 
“I wish…” I pull out my phone, he is probably wondering what we are doing too. I dial his number, looking away from Jungkook. 
He answers almost right away. “Hey Jinnie….”
“Hey are you at the airport?” He sounds more cheerful than he was last night. He is just as excited as we are that we’ll finally be in Greece with him. 
“Yup, still got a while to wait though.” I say frowning, looking at the clock. “We are just sitting here… waiting. Waiting. Waiting.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry…” He sighs and then mumbles to someone off the phone. “I can't wait to see you… In like eight hours…”
I shake my head… “It’ll be late then, you should sleep.” He shouldn’t wait for us. It’s not like we are alone. We’ll be able to find our way to the hotel with eachothers help. I glance to Jungkook who looks like he could be asleep. His lashes were quite long. Just as long as mine, how unfair. He had such a pretty face. 
“No, no it sucks that you guys got stuck and I want to meet you there. Don’t need you getting lost.” And I smile at this. He’s always like this. Caring for others. It sucks even more that he is alone though. Is Jungkook asleep? That same soft rise and fall of his chest. No he isn’t, His thumbs twiddle with the tag on his luggage. 
“Alright… Then I’ll see you in eight hours… try and save doing the fun stuff with Jungkook and I. I think I have severe FOMO.” I laugh, picking at my fingers. I was a patient person but god this is a long time to wait.
“Me too.” Jungkook huffs, not opening his eyes “What’s he eating? How’s the food?” He groans, “I wanna be there and not here.”
I relay Jungkook's questions which Jin happily answers. “Oh you will love it. Everything is delicious. I don’t want to stop eating. It's so good.”
I smile, barely holding back my anticipation. “We can’t wait to be there.”
For a moment he’s quiet, “You’ve sounded weird… What happened? Did you guys argue or something?” He sighs, “Why am I even asking of course you argued.”
“What?” I purse my lips together. How’d he figure that out so easily? Am I that easy to read? Did I really say something that made it obvious? I didn’t think so. “What do you mean?”
“You’re being suspicious. What happened?” 
 I frown. What does he mean? Am I really being suspicious… No. “You’re suspicious… When do we not…” I look at Jungkook who’s still not paying attention. “seriously? When has there ever been a time where we didn’t…” I avoid saying the word fight. I don’t want Jungkook to know that we are talking about him.
“Well I asked you not to.” I can just see him crossing his arms, The way his voice has sped up, of course he's upset.  “Man I can't handle this, if you guys are going to hate each other the whole trip. Seriously you can’t suck it up and have a good time? Once? Literally that’s all I’m asking is for this one time…”
I clench my phone tighter, “Jin. To be honest you’re a liar.” I try to speak in a cool tone, still not wanting Jungkook to be paying me any mind. “One time? really? No it’s been the whole time, all the times. Fuck.” I take a deep breath. “What about what I asked of you? Mhm? Yeah you didn’t listen to that.”
“Well I’m older than you so…”
“It doesn’t matter anyway because nothing happened anyways, Well, nothing like usual so you can keep your assumptions to yourself. Bye I’ll see you in Greece.” I hung up the phone.
“So what was it that you asked of him?” I look over to Jungkook who’s staring down at me. I blink, why was he eavesdropping? I am a fool to think he wasn’t paying attention. “You know you’re sitting right next to me and it’s not like Iphone speakers are very quiet. So what was it that you asked of him?” He crosses his arms, an eyebrow raised. 
“It doesn’t really matter, does it?” I lean back in my chair, “it was before we figured out it was a misunderstanding.”
“I still want to know.” He’s acting like a child. 
“Really? Why? We’ve already spent all day in silence and I’d rather you not hate me again.”
“We already covered that I never hated you in the first place.”
“Really Jungkook?” I roll my eyes. “Plus you’re the one who wanted to stop talking about it? So why are you asking now?”
He shrugs. “I wanna know.” A short breath comes from my nose while I contemplate what to tell him. It was cruel now in hindsight. But it was genuinely how I felt at the time. 
I shake my head , “I asked him to make sure I never saw you again.” I almost laugh cause it sounds so stupid. “Like, literally all the time I used to ask that, but a few months ago I genuinely asked him to stop inviting me if you were going to be there. And that’s when he planned this trip. One last big event before I boycotted you.” He stares at me, “Does that make you feel better?” I grind my teeth. “Not that you probably didn’t feel the same way.”
His eyes fell to the floor, his face softening. “Sorry.”
I squint, looking him over. “Why are you apologizing? I’m the one who’s being a bitch… again.”
His eyes roll over to me. “No, I’m sorry for making you feel like you couldn’t hang out with your best friend.” He frowns, brows furrowed as he contemplates what to say. “That sucks”
“I’m sure you felt the same way…”
He shakes his head. “Not really. So, I’m sorry.” His eyes haven't left mine, and it’s making me uncomfortable. 
“I-If I can’t apologize.” I swallow, sitting back in my seat, avoiding that burning eye contact. “Then neither can you.” 
“I don’t think I did last night, so I-” he folds his hands together. “I’m really sorry for e-”
“No. You did apologize, so no more apologizing.” I pull out my headphones, “I forgive you so it’s fine.” And I plug them into my phone, shutting him out. 
He blinks, shaking his head and turning away from me. Doing whatever. While I sit here and wait. 
“Hey, we are boarding.” I blink, waking to Jungkook shaking my shoulder lightly. I yawn, grateful that I had managed some sleep, but knowing that I’d regret it on the plane ride. Planes are so awfully uncomfortable. We board slowly, waiting in line behind other people. I should have grabbed a coffee before we boarded, because now I feel so groggy. But maybe I would manage to fall back asleep. Four hours would be awfully boring if I didn’t. I guess I did download those movies though. 
“Do you want the aisle seat?” He asks as we scoot down the aisle. I shrug as we reach our seats. We couldn’t get an outside seat, so we are stuck in the middle aisle. “It doesn’t really matter to me.” He mutters, reaching up and sticking his bag in the overhead storage. 
“You’re taller, and wider.” I smile. “It’s fine I’ll take the middle.” He grins, “Who ever could have thought you could actually be nice to me.”
“I’m just being considerate.” I mutter, pushing my extra stuff into the storage as well. 
He squeezes past me, “Well so am I.” He takes the seat over, some guy already in the other seat. I squint, wondering if he’s being considerate or petty just to keep me from being nice. Or am I being petty too? 
I take my seat anyways, turning my phone onto airplane mode as the attendants go through the safety briefings. “But are you going to have to go to the bathroom?” 
He shakes his head, pulling his hoodie over his head. “Nope, I’ve got a strong bladder.” 
I take the hoodie as a sign he no longer wants to talk so I plug in my headphones and press on the horror movie I downloaded and brace myself for takeoff. 
Halfway through the flight I notice that Jungkook was asleep. It had taken him a little while, likely because of the uncomfortable seat. Or the random stranger that is sitting next to him and their loud chewing. Or that he is in a hoodie and it is really hot. 
Earlier in the flight I could tell he wanted to take it off, but for the sake of not bothering other people he left it on. For a while he watched an anime, but now he is sleeping. 
His hair is in his face, his breath hitting one strand that flutteres over his lips. I feel like waking him up as he is about to be leaning on the random stranger, but that feels wrong. He is really peaceful when he sleeps. Those same pretty lashes resting over his cheeks. 
The strings of a sharp violin jump up in my ear, making me jump and look back to my screen. I take a deep breath. What am I doing? I pause the movie. Maybe I can try and sleep too. I close my eyes, tucking my phone into my pocket. Ignoring whatever that was.
“Sorry, excuse me.” I open my eyes, Jungkook standing and attempting to squeeze between me and the chair. He’s got his sleeves rolled up, his tattooed arm reaching over my head. I furrow my brows, trying to press myself against the chair and out of his way. 
He had taken off his hoodie now, a tight button up shirt that fit around his muscles very nicely. Why would he wear that under a hoodie?
“You look very beautiful.” My eyes scrunch up as I glare at him. Is he being sarcastic? What a weird comment to make? “No really. I mean it.” 
I blush, why’s he saying this? On the airplane? While he’s hovering over all sexy like? What the fuck?
“Can I kiss you?” I stare at him, hands clenching the sides of my seat. What does he mean? I look over to the stranger who is surely as uncomfortable as me, but he is gone, as are all of the other passengers. It is just me and Jungkook. 
I flinch upon his hand at my cheek. “I asked you a question…” he smirks, my heart skipping a beat. 
I shake my head. “No, Jungkook? What the fuck?” I push him off.
“What the fuck? What’s that for?” I blink, seeing Jungkook still over me, back in his hoodie, the stranger sitting next to us staring. I look around, a couple of eyes staring at me. “I’m trying to go to the bathroom.”
I try to collect myself, was it a dream? I look up, catching Jungkook’s glare. “I’m sorry I-” He scoots out of the aisle. “I had a- a bad dream.” He looks at me in confusion before turning his head and heading down towards the bathroom. I sigh checking the time. So I managed to fall asleep… There is about thirty minutes of the flight left. What a relief. I pull the movie back out and decide the time will go by faster that way. Jungkook returns in no time, scooting back to his seat.
“So what kinda bad dream was it?” I turn my head to him, “You were pushing me pretty violently. Something traumatic happen to you that I should know about?”
I laugh light heartedly to hide my anxiety. To be honest or not? “Uh…”
Jungkook turns his eyes to slits, staring intently with a horrid grin. “You said my name. Ring any bells?”
I blink, “I- well. You tried to kiss me.” He laughs at this. 
“Really? And it was that bad?” He crosses his arms. “I mean damn you really shoved me into the chair of the person in front of you. It was that bad?” He teases. 
My mouth falls open, void of speech for a moment. “It’s awkward… It was weird.” I cover my face. “Wouldn’t it be weird if you had a dream where I tried to kiss you?” 
He ponders this for a moment, “You know… I think I’d let you.” He smirks, “Why not?”
“What do you mean why not?” I lean over, trying to maintain my whisper voice, I had already drawn too much attention to myself. “Thats-”
He shrugs, “It’s not like it’s real. No big deal.” He looks at me, expecting an answer. 
I fall back into my chair, “Well it felt pretty real so-” I fiddle with my shirt. “It’s not like you would know if it was real or not in the dream.”
“I guess you’re right.” He glances at his phone, the clock ticking oh so slow. He doesn’t say anything more. Leaving me wondering. Would he still let me? Why was that even a question in my mind? I press play on my movie, hoping for it to distract me. 
The plane lands and it’s extremely dark outside, the city lights blinking around us. Now that we finally landed I was feeling giddy, excited not only to be there but also to see Jin. 
The airport this time around was a lot harder to get around. Our baggage claim took twenty minutes in itself, poor Jin texting me from outside. But we were on our way out, needing to stretch and get some fresh uncirculated air. 
“Hey!” I look up seeing Jin waiting for us with an Uber. “Welcome to Athens!” He stretches out his arms, me rushing to be the first to greet him. 
“Jinniaahh.” I embrace him, missing his bear hugs. I reluctantly let go, giving Jungkook his turn as well. 
“How was the flight here? Not considering the fact that it wasn’t the original one you were meant to take.”
Jungkook beats me to an answer, “It was good aside from the fact that Eunjae tried to claim I assaulted her.” 
“No I-”
“It was embarrassing, everyone was staring.” He giggles, looking at me with a smile, and it isn’t meant to be conniving. He is only teasing.
I try to loosen up, not expecting him to be teasing so light-heartedly. He isn’t trying to be mean this time. Would I have to remind myself of that everytime he speaks? I smile, “Yeah it was embarrassing for me to.” I elbow him. “Everyone really was staring.” I pout at Jin, “I felt really bad.” 
“Did you now?” Jungkook’s lips curl to one side. “Can we get coffee?”
“Coffee?” I look at the clock, “Are you crazy? It’s almost two in the morning.” 
Jin looks at both of us, “What’s going on? Is this playful banter? Are you playing a prank on me?” 
I look at him, “What’s wrong with playful banter?” I tease Seokjin, “Isn’t it everything you ever wanted?” The uber driver helps us get our luggage into the trunk.
Jin glares at me, holding the door open for me. “I-”
“Everything you ever wanted.” Jungkook winks at him, getting in on the other side. 
Jin gets in the front seat, all of us in the car now. “Now I really think you’re faking it…”
I roll my eyes, turning an air conditioning nozzle towards me. “No Jinnie, just teasing you.” He hums and I can tell he’s not fully convinced. Not that I’m all that convinced either. 
We get to the airbnb by two thirty, and Jin is ready to pass out. Jungkook and I however are pumped, finally out of the plane and ready to explore Athens, it is a shame that we arrived so late. Here's to hoping that our jet lag won't ruin the day tomorrow. 
We pull our luggage into the little house and Jungkook and I are wide eyed. It is really nice, and I am sure it has to have five stars and incredible reviews. It is an open concept, the kitchen, dining, and living room are all connected, stairs at the door leading up to the three bedrooms. 
“Thank god we don’t have to share a bed.” Jungkook says, starting up the stairs with a smile. I shake my head pulling in my suitcase behind me. Not only is the inside open, but it is a full fishbowl style, all the windows open towards the city below. We’re up on a hill, trees surrounding the rest of the house for moderate privacy. But the view is beautiful. I wonder what it will look like at sunrise or sunset. 
“You guys shared a bed?” Jin asks curiously, opening up the fridge where he pulls out a water, tossing it to me and taking out another for himself. 
“Yeah… Was kinda weird. But there was only one room in the hotel we were at. Very very unfortunate.” I huff, “But I guess Jungkook didn’t have to let me stay with him. It was better than being on the street.” I laugh. 
“Mhm, is this why you’re being all buddy buddy?” He crosses his arms, taking a sip of his water. 
I shrug, opening up my own bottle. “I guess you could say that. I don’t know, we resolved some things.” 
“Well that’s a relief…” He sighs, “Why was it that you didn’t like him anyways?” 
I look at the ground. “It was dumb really… I’m sorry Jin.”
“No no, It’s fine. I’m just happy you guys can be civil.”
I nod, “Yeah…” Civil. I still feel awful about it. Jungkook really had done nothing after all. He said it himself: We can pretend that we were teasing each other. Had he been teasing me? Playful banter that I returned with malice. 
“You good?” I blink, Jin is still standing in the kitchen. 
“Yeah… I’m going to try to sleep.” I hike up the stairs, luggage in hand. 
“Goodluck,” He says following, and dipping into a far bedroom. 
I sigh, I will need that luck. Jet lag, and not to mention the fact that I already slept on the plane. It would probably not be a successful night's sleep. Both doors of the other rooms are closed, nice; Jungkook couldn’t have left me a clue to which room he had taken?
I knock on the door, and wait for anything. No sound so I open the door, peering inside. With a sigh of relief I walk inside. Tugging in the luggage after me. The bed looks so comfortable and suddenly the energy I thought I had was gone. 
“I claim this room.” I turn around, Jungkook barging in from behind with his suitcases in tow. I'm speechless as he hops onto the bed. 
“I was here first.” I look back out the door, wondering what is so wrong with the other room that he abandoned it. 
He raises his brows, looking over from the bed, “Well you didn’t claim it… I did.” 
“That’s childish.” I look around, deciding the other room won’t be that bad. “And I’m not so…” I walk out the door so I can take the other room.
“You are childish.” He nags. “Hey, close the door.” To which I ignore him and move on to my room. Which, like I thought, isn’t that much different than the other one. I check the bathroom though, which doesn’t have a shower. I sigh, so that’s why Jungkook must have taken the other one. It’s not like he can stop me from using his, unless he wants me to smell bad. Maybe Jin’s room has a shower too. 
I unpack a little into the small chest of drawers in the room, and plug in my phone. I make sure I have everything in order for tomorrow. What is it that we were doing tomorrow anyway? 
The first day on our itinerary had been ruined by the unforeseen storm in Georgia, but it’s not like it was strict. We could go to so many different museums or historical sites. Hopefully the other two will be just as interested in those as me. Too bad our other friend Joon didn’t come along. He’d love the art. 
Looking at the clock I decide it’s time for bed. I shut out my lights and tuck myself in. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but falling asleep is particularly tricky. What time were we waking up? Should I go ask Jin? No, he might have already fallen asleep. Surely we would sleep in? Jungkook might complain about going straight to the museums instead of something more exciting. What is it that he wants to do again? Surfing, oh yeah. But surely not on our first day after a tiring flight. 
I fluff the pillow that is already too hot. My back hurts from the flight and the bed isn’t proving to be as comfortable as I thought it would be. I wonder if the other bed is more comfy. Why’d Jungkook have to go right ahead and take it from me? He’d probably sleep in later than me too. What if Jin’s bathroom didn't have a shower and we both had to use the one in Jungkook’s room? Surely that would be absurd, Three bathrooms and one shower. No way. Not with five star reviews. There should be a shower in my bathroom too. The architect sucks. Brain shut the fuck up. I sigh into the sheets. They smell good. At least I can be sure that they are clean. I bet the floors are clean. If there was only one bed here, we could sleep on the floor and it would be way less disgusting than that of the hotel floor.
My throat is a little dry. I push myself out of the comforter. Is the ac on or Is it my high level of activity that is making me hot? I flip on my bathroom light just to see around me. Where is the thermostat? Downstairs probably. I pick up my phone and switch my flashlight on, waltzing through the hallway and down the stairs. What a house. A chandelier's crystals glimmer from my phone’s light above the stairs. How much would it cost to live in a place like this?
I don’t consider it, it is far above my salary. The kitchen is grand, meant for entertaining, a bar overlooking the living room below. Wow I’d kill to live here, my simple apartment is half the square footage, and not a speck of glamour shines there. Unless you count the prints of someone’s art I bought off of etsy. 
I scour the kitchen cabinets, finding lots of plates and dishes for serving. Ah yes, my hands find the cups which shine the reflection of my flashlight. The fridge dispenses ice and cool water which I down quickly. I sm more parched than I thought and I refill the cup a second time. Sipping on the second one I think about the bathroom again. Childish indeed. If I were as childish as he, I would have replied. I don’t see your name on it. But I didn’t… Though it was just playful banter. Did he really see it that way? Was he teasing me all those years? Certainly he did it just to spite me. Either way, it was out of spite of my malice when he had done nothing wrong. He didn’t mean all the little things he said? Was he really just joking? I never was… God I feel awful. Maybe I can hope that he thought I was joking. Which is unlikely. 
“Is it hot in here or-” I jump at the sound of his voice, the glass slipping from my hand and onto the floor. It shatters in the dark, pieces glimmering in the light that still shine from my phone. 
“Oh my god Jungkook!” I glare at him, yelling in a whisper, hoping that the sound of glass hitting the floor hadn’t woken Jin. What is his reasoning for creeping up on me in the dark? At almost 3:30 in the morning?
“Oh my god Eunjae.” His eyes widen, “You’re bleeding.” I look down to my foot, a piece of glass lodged into the side of the sole. 
“Oh my god.” I swallow, it is bleeding. Like a lot. “Oh my god…” I feel sick, blood pooling a little under my foot, I hadn’t even felt it at first, but now I do. “Oh-”
“Don’t freak out.” he says, his voice raised from his own panic. He looks around, flipping the lightswitch and blinding both of us. “Oh my god.” He’s spinning around the room, avoiding stepping on any glass. “Where’s a broom?” He says annoyed that he can’t step any closer. 
“Oh my god. Jungkook it’s bleeding all over.” I cry, looking for a towel or something, but I can’t move anyways because little pieces of the cup are scattered over the floor. “Oh fuck.” I look up, avoiding looking at it. How big is the piece? Will it stop bleeding? Will I need stitches? How can this trip get any worse? What if this ruins it? It’s bleeding a lot, the blood sticky under my heel. It hurts so bad, the sharp feeling throbbing as blood seeps out of the wound. “Please help!” I whine and he almost growls at me, searching in an open closet. 
“I’m fucking looking.” He runs around to the downstairs bathroom, eventually coming around with a broom and a dustpan. “Pick up your foot.” I shake my head, not wanting to move it. It hurts. He looks at me, annoyed and then more gently. “Please pick up your foot so I don’t accidentally touch it.” 
I sit back on a bar stool, my foot coming off the hardwood like a sticker. My stomach churns as blood drips down my toes to the floor. Jungkook sighs, sweeping up the floor around us until no shards are seen glimmering against the lights. 
“Oh my god I’m gonna throw up.” I whine, looking anywhere but my foot. 
Jungkook frowns, “please don’t it’s just blood,” but I can tell he’s not pleased with the look of it either. He takes some paper towels and tosses them on the floor where I had left a bloody outline of my foot. He hands me a rag that’s slightly dampened from the sink. 
“What?” I look at him in horror, “You think that I’m going to touch it?”
Exasperated, he shakes his head, “Do you expect me to? No, no. This is your foot. I’m not touching your foot.” “I- I can’t.” I look down at it, feeling queasy. And I feel hot tears run down my cheeks. “Please…” 
His nose scrunches as he looks at it again, “Man you are such a crybaby.”
“Do you want to have the glass lodged in you!” I threaten, wiping away my tears. “This is your fault anyway.”
With a sigh he takes my hand, pulling up my ankle. “Just press the rag here.” He gently sets my hand at the base of my foot, soaking up any blood that was still dripping down. “You don’t have to touch the glass.” He presses my hand slightly, the sharp edge still cutting me. “Just for a second, I’m going to go look for a first aid kit. Or something.” He pushes his hair back taking a quick breath before leaving me in the kitchen. 
The glass itself doesn’t seem too long. But without knowing how much of it is in my foot, I can’t gauge if I’ll need stitches or not. It is coming up about an inch from the skin. That is pretty long right? And it’s not coming right out if I move. Fuck. What if I can’t go surfing, or swimming or walking around for long periods of time because of this? I can’t forgive myself for ruining the trip not only for myself but for the other two. I’ll just be a burden. 
Jungkook comes back with a smile, “look they actually had stuff!” A wrapping of gauze, medical tape, and some sanitary wipes were in his hands. “I didn’t think they would.” 
I feel my heart racing, blood pumping to my foot, bleeding more and more. If it keeps bleeding it would need stitches. That’s how it works, right?
“You aren’t holding it tight enough.” He scoffs, taking the rag from me, and holding my foot more firmly. 
“Ow,” I wince, wanting to yank my foot away from him. 
“You’re just letting it bleed, dummy.” He frowns looking at it, and then whines, “Why does it have to be me?” He examines the glass, “And before you say anything, yeah I know it’s because I scared you so it’s my fault.”
“Sorry.” I mumble.
“Good you should be, butterfingers.” He reaches down for the glass, making me flinch. 
“Are you taking it out?” I cry, making his shoulders drop. 
“What else is there to do?” He looks annoyed, I’m one hundred percent getting on his nerves. But it’s not my fault. What if the glass is really deep? And what if the bleeding doesn't stop? “What’s wrong?” He asks and my eyes begin to water. 
“There’s a glass in my foot.” I clench my fists. How does he not see what’s wrong?
He huffs, with a hint of amusement. “Yeah, duh. That’s why I’m going to take it out. I can tell that you aren’t okay with it and I’m just wondering why.” He tugs on another bar stool, sitting across from me, and setting my foot on his knee. “What would you rather me do?”
“I- I don’t know.” I sniff, wishing I had a tissue. “Just, what if it’s really deep? And it doesn’t stop bleeding and then we have to go to an emergency room and then I’ll need stitches. It’s four in the morning and we’ll have to wake up Jin.” I take a shaky breath. “And then the trip is ruined. Part two.” I grind my teeth together, “I don’t want to ruin the trip…” 
Jungkook shuts his eyes, “God all that anxiety is all up inside you.” He nods, patting my ankle. “Yeah that might happen… but either way we have to take out the glass to find out.” Which is nothing but a fact, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m worried. “It’s gonna be fine, Eunjae. Things like this happen,” He smiles softly, revealing his little mole under his bottom lip. It had been hiding the majority of the trip, underneath a frown. “plus if the trip does get ruined, then you can blame it on me.” I smile through the pain, “yeah, that would make me feel better.” 
“Figured.” He turns his attention back to the glass. “Now I’m going to take it out, please don’t freak out. Look away or something.” 
I squeeze the counter bracing for the pain, “Don’t like, just rip it out.”
“Relax. I can promise you it’s going to hurt a lot more if you’re tense.” His voice is calming, even though I can tell that he's not exactly at ease himself. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes. The glass shifts as his hands take hold. I tense despite him telling me not to. It pulls out fairly quickly and I can feel a gush of blood when it’s out. Jungkook cringes, and presses the rag against it. The sting worsens, and I can feel the throbbing throughout my whole foot. 
“Is it out?” I look down seeing the glass in his hand, slick with my blood. He wraps it in paper towels and throws it out. “How big was it?” 
“Like a third of an inch in there.” He shrugs, “that wasn’t that bad was it?” He holds tightly to my foot, the blood seeping through the rag. He lifts my foot, giving it some more elevation. 
“We’ll see.” I say shakily. 
“I’d say it was worse for me, since I had to touch your foot and take the glass out.” He sticks his tongue out, “feet are gross.” 
I rest my chin on my hand, trying to not pay any attention to my foot. “Yeah they are.”
“Eunjae, will you relax?” He pokes my shin, “You’re stressing me out.” 
“Were you really teasing me the whole time?”
He rolls his head back, “I didn’t want that to be our subject change. Really?” But it’s too late because my mind has been reeling all day. I just want to apologize, even if he doesn’t want me to. 
“Because I wasn’t joking. And if you were… that’s so shitty.” I frown, “And you said, we could pretend that we had teased each other the whole time. Were you doing that already?”
He tilts his head, staring at me. “I don’t know, sometimes.” 
I pout, “I thought you were just being mean.” 
He shrugs, “I mean I wasn’t teasing you to be nice.” 
“But you were teasing!” I look at him, and catch his eyes before looking away again. “I wasn’t. I was being mean to be mean.” 
“This conversation is just going in circles, you know that right?” His hand rests on my shin, and he squeezes it softly. “You were being mean because you thought I was being mean.”
I scoff, “That wasn’t what I should have done. I should have been nice even though I thought you were bad. I should have always been nice and maybe we could have found out that it was a misunderstanding sooner…”
“Well that’s not what happened and it's too late to change it now-”
“I just feel so awful, Jungkook.” My tears are falling again. “And- and I said some horrible things about you and to you… I am just so sorry.” My hand lifts to cover my mouth. Jungkook lets out a deep sigh, his eyes staring off at nothing. “I thought we weren’t apologizing anymore?”
I speak through the tears, “I’m sorry.” 
“Eunjae…” He rolls his eyes. “Come on. You can’t feel bad for the rest of our friendship.” But couldn’t I? “We both did things we shouldn’t have and now it's over. You’ve apologized, like ten times now and I forgive you. So please let’s move on.”
“I can’t stop thinking about how mean I was-”
“Well stop thinking about it because I don’t care.” He doesn’t let me respond and moves back to my foot, uncovering the cloth. I flinch at the fabric sticking to my skin. “Sorry.” he mutters, opening the package to the sanitary wipe. “See the bleeding has already slowed. We’ll just go surfing later in the trip.” 
“How do you not care? Because I care so much… and I don’t know how to stop.” I settle my breathing, “I wish I could take it back.”
He breathes in through his nose. “I care. I just don’t care about the things you said because I know that you wish you could take it back. You would never say those things again would you?”
“That’s all I care about. Right now. That’s what matters.” He wipes the sanitary wipe gently around the cut. “I wish I could take things back too, but I can’t and I know that so all there's left to do is watch what I say now.” Carefully he wipes over the cut itself, and I clench my jaw. “So I’m sorry for scaring you earlier, that wasn’t my intention.”
“I know-”
“Let me finish please…” He says quietly, “I am sorry for calling you butterfingers, and stealing the bedroom with the shower.”
I almost laugh, “Really? You don’t have to apologize for that...” He glares at me, but I can tell he’s trying not to smile. “I’m sorry for returning your comments with snide remarks all this time. I should have known that you took them personally.” His face falls, “No, I did know that, I just didn’t care and I should have. So I’m sorry.” He looks up at me. 
“But you didn’t do anything wrong. I shou-”
“Eunjae just let me apologize.” He whines. 
I suck it up, nodding. “I forgive you. I-”
“Good good.” He interrupts, tossing the sanitary wipes away. “We both forgive each other and now we are going to be friends?” 
“I can’t tell if that's a joke or not.” 
He smirks, “I’m being serious.” All his attention goes to wrapping my foot in gauze. It uses up the whole wrap to keep it secure on my foot, he tapes it for the final measure of security, and sits up from his seat. “It’s so late, but I’m not tired at all.” I’m not tired either and it is already 4:30. Time is going by so fast. 
“If we don’t sleep we won’t be able to wake up for tomorrow.” I say, watching as Jungkook cleans up the floor. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wasn’t sure if I could trust you not to throw up.” The clean up is over and I get a new glass of water. “Now I can find the thermostat, I was sweating up there.” On the side of the wall by the fridge it waits for him. “Please don’t change.” The voice he uses to read the note is naggy. “It’s so hot though.”
“Just don’t wear a hoodie or sweatpants.” I mutter, helping myself stand. 
He looks offended, “What and sleep naked?” He shakes his head, turning off the kitchen light. 
“That is not what I said…” I squint. “Why do you have to be wearing such heavy things?” We make a slow trek up the stairs, Jungkook only talking to me who limps up each step. 
“Well normally I don’t really sleep with a lot of clothing on but this is not my own bed so.” 
“Just wear a shirt then…” 
“But hoodies are comfortable.” 
I smile, “yes they are.” 
“If I could I would wear hoodies all the time.”
“What about your tattoos? They would just be covered up all the time.” We finally get up the stairs, whispering as to not bother Jin. 
“Yeah that’s true, I just really think hoodies are comfortable.” 
I shake my head, “yeah I get it, but that doesn’t mean you have to burn up the whole night.” 
He fake pouts, pulling up his hoodie, “Since we can’t change the temp, I guess you’re right.” He lifts it over his head, his shirt going with it up his abs. I roll my eyes. Did he really just have to flash me? “Anyway, here.” He goes into his room for a moment, coming back with a pillow. “Here’s an extra pillow, put a couple under your foot to keep it elevated.”
I take it from him, “Yeah I know…” My lips purse together, and I glance into my room. 
“Try and get some sleep.” He smiles softly. 
“Hey Jungkook.” I breathe through my nose, and he hums. “Nevermind. It’s stupid.” My door creaks as I push it open to leave. 
“No- what?” He steps away from his room and toward me. Oh boy he’ll never let me live this down. 
“It’s humiliating -I” A blush creeps up onto my cheeks out of embarrassment. He gets closer, trying to regain eye contact. “Jungkook.” I look away. 
“Eunjae-” his fingers ghost over my chin, a hesitancy not hidden before his fingers clasp at my jaw. I swallow upon eye contact, his eyes scanning over my face. He winks, “Is this what it was like in your dream?” And then pulls away. 
“J-” my brows furrow. “Why’d you do that?” 
He raises a brow, “What were you going to ask me?” 
I shake my head. “No, no you answer me first, Why’d you do that?” 
He grins, “To tease you of course. Why else?” I glare at him, turning away. Not before he can grab my shoulder and flip me around. “No, what were you going to ask me?” 
I push him away, “No you ruined it. You’ll never know.” His face drops into annoyance. “Goodnight Jungkook.” I smile, limping backwards. 
“Eunjae I wanna know.” He whines as he always does, making me roll my eyes. “Please, I'd like to carry you around or something tomorrow… Just tell me.” He makes puppy dog eyes, hands folded together all prayer like. 
“No you’ve embarrassed me enough.” 
He groans, “I’ll buy your dinner too.” 
I sigh, that is a pretty good deal. “I was gonna ask-” My shoulders drop, and I’m not really believing that I am actually saying it outloud. “I was gonna ask if we could hug.” I glare. “There.”
He stares at me for a second. “That’s what you were going to ask me?” He looks almost amused. 
“See- I didn’t want to tell you.” I groan, my cheeks still flush. How embarrassing, why did I even say it out loud? “It’s stupid.” 
“No really- is that what you were going to ask me?” He softly chuckles, “that’s cute-” I shake my head, turning into my room. “No really Eunjae-” He stops me. “Is that really what you were going to ask?” 
“Yes!” I step backwards, my voice raised. “Why do you keep asking that? I just said it didn’t I?” Why does he have to humiliate me further? 
He sighs, “Stop doing that thing where you misunderstand me and get mad.” He steps towards me again. “You’re yelling and going to wake Jin up.” I look towards the bedroom Jin was staying in. He is right. God he is right. “Yes we can hug that’s a dumb question.” 
I frown, “It’s just- we never have before and-” 
“Yeah I know.” He smiles, pulling me into his chest before I can protest. “It’s because you are so repulsed by me.” His voice vibrates into my hair. “You didn’t even have to ask.”
I shake my head, trapped in his arms. “No I- I wasn’t” I look up at him, brows knitted together. “I’m not.” The guilt is brought back up again. I don’t want him to remember that. 
His eyes shine between those lashes, a grin plastered on his face. “Good.” his breath brushes over my face. “Cause it really sucked when I thought you did.” 
“Jungkook, I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head, “It’s okay.” His eyes fall on my lips, is he thinking of actually kissing me or is he joking again? I blink, my eyes dropping to his chin. I could hug him tighter and say goodnight and then it would be over. 
But his thumb drags against my cheek, pulling my eyes back up to his. Agonizingly slow, his head tilts to the side, his hair falling over his face. That tattooed hand sits against my back, holding me in his embrace. His heart is beating really fast, but it matches my own. Would he notice that? He takes a long deep breath, pressing his forehead against mine, my heart skipping a beat. Why isn’t he doing anything? Only his eye contact is consistent. I bite my gums, wanting to look away. 
“I just want you to know that this time I’m not fucking around.” He whispers, leaning into my lips. His hand snakes around my neck, pulling me closer. His nose squishes against mine, lips soft and warm. The kiss I had missed in my dream. In an exhale he releases me from his tattooed arm. His eyes scan mine for a reaction. 
I didn’t know what to say. “Good” is what comes from my mouth. Another dumb thing out of my lips. “I- I meant”
He laughs, “Thanks” he pinches my neck making me shrug away. Jungkook's lips meet my cheek. 
“No I meant-” He shuts me up with another kiss, pulling me closer by my waist. 
“Better than in your dream?” He smirks, eyeing me up and down. 
“I meant that it’s-” Another kiss, his hand at the base of my neck, the other at my waist. He doesn’t let go so quickly this time. He smiles into the kiss. “Jungkook…”
“Okay,” he looks down at me, “go on.” 
“I meant that it’s good that you aren’t fucking around.” I sigh, finally getting to breathe as well as speak. “I- why?”
“Why not?” 
He ruffles my hair, making me blush again. “I told you: I thought you were really cool. Mhmh. I do think that you’re really cool.” 
“I didn’t think that was code for you wanting to kiss me.” 
“You’re the one who had a dream about it.” he teases, “Now go to sleep, we’ve got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” 
The next day:
“God did you guys like fuck last night?” Jin looks disgusted at the two of us. I choke on my orange juice. Looking wildly between the two of them. 
“Where the hell did you get that idea?” I say staring deep into my breakfast. Did he have to make it more awkward? I barely even knew what to do next after last night. What was that? Are we going to date? Is it going to be casual? Will it never happen again? 
Jin squints, “Well, the tension in the room. I’m used to it with you too. But DAMN, it's never been so sexual.” 
Jungkook snickers, swirling around his drink “No. No we did not. Just first base.” He winks and my mouth drops. 
“Jungkook!” I throw a piece of toast at him, he really is going to expose us just like that?
He flinches, smiling. “I’m actually not sure what the bases are…” 
Jin runs his hand through his hair, “I don’t know what’s going on anymore.”
“Good.” I huff, biting into my breakfast. “All you need to know is the directions to the Acropolis.”
Like this? This is a one shot from my A Year of Fics with Han series found
Happy Jungkook day everyone !! :P
Greece is on fire click here for more information
y’all pls follow me 😭 i’m posting for joons bday as well and then i’m in a fest rn for bts abyss fest which will be on ao3!!
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cuddlepilefics · 3 years
Motion Sickness
Fandom: Stray Kids
Sickie: Jeongin
Caregivers: Stray Kids
Prompt @sicktember
No one's POV.:
Stray Kids had just finished a photoshoot, which had lasted most of their day. Not having eaten at all that day for the fear of looking bloated, they were understandably hungry. The drive back to their dorm would take another three hours, so none of them felt like having dinner at home and decided they'd stop for food somewhere close by before heading home. Checking google maps, Hyunjin found a cozy looking diner not too far away, which looked pretty promising. It certainly didn't disappoint, the atmosphere being calm and since there weren't many customers there, they could have some privacy. They went all out, ordering different dishes to treat themselves after going hungry for so long. Having fun with his friends, Jeongin didn't pay much attention to what he ate. He tried most of his hyungs' dishes too and soon found himself more than full. Maybe he had overdone it a little but he hadn't eaten all day, so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. At least they didn't have anymore schedule for the day and only had to get back to the dorm. Filing into the car, the maknae sat in the backrow, squeezed between Minho and Seungmin. Before they knew it, they were off on their way back to the dorm with the mood still light as the trio in the backrow teased each other as well as the rest of their friends. Chan only rolled his eyes, realizing that it had been a bad idea to let the three most savage members sit together for a drive this long.
It was only half an hour into the drive though, when Jeongin started to grow quiet. He was sweating a lot as the interior of the car felt overly stuffy. Thinking the air conditioning might have been turned off, he asked: "Am I the only one who feels really hot and uncomfortable?" Worried, Chan glanced into the rear mirror and frowned: "The aircon is running on the highest setting, it's pretty chilly, at least in the front." – "Back here too", Minho agreed, when Chan turned his eyes back on the road. "You okay, Innie?", the dancer asked quieter, only for his dongsaeng to hear. The maknae nodded and when Minho touched his forehead, he didn't have a fever, so the topic was dropped soon. While the group slowly forgot about their youngest's discomfort, Jeongin felt progressively worse. His stomach had started to churn and his shirt clung to his back from how much he was sweating. When Seungmin rested his head on the boy's shoulder, Jeongin moved away a bit and shook his head. He was too hot to be touched right now. By now, the maknae was certain that he was getting carsick. It hadn't happened to him in a long time, so he hadn't expected it to happen today but considering how much he had eaten before they got into the car, it did make sense. Closing his eyes and taking deep breaths through his nose, all Jeongin could think of was: 'I shouldn't have eaten before riding this long.'
Seungmin was starting to catch on too, the younger's pale complexion was a dead give-away. His suspicions were confirmed when Jeongin spoke up ten minutes later: "Chan-hyung, could you roll the windows down? I feel a bit sick." The maknae hated speaking up about not feeling well, so Chan knew he had to feel more than a bit sick. The leader rolled the windows down and glanced back at his dongsaeng. "Do you need me to pull over?", he asked worriedly, afraid their youngest was downplaying his struggles as always. Jeongin shook his head and closed his eyes again, while Seungmin placed a comforting hand on his knee. Hoping he'd be able to go to sleep, the maknae rested his head on his youngest hyung's shoulder. He tried his hardest to relax, sneaking a hand under his shirt to palm his unsettled stomach. His attempts were futile though, napping becoming impossible as he felt queasier by the second. His mouth was already watering but he was determined not to get sick in front of all of his hyungs. Hearing the youngest groan as he moved his head from Seungmin's shoulder to Minho's in an attempt to get comfortable, Chan glanced back and asked worriedly: "How ya holding up, Innie?" – "I'm starting to feel pretty sick back here", Jeongin admitted shakily. He swallowed a few times to get his stomach to stay down but was also sweating more and more. At this point, he was getting more certain that he'd have to be sick sometime. "There won't be another rest stop for the next thirty kilometers but I'll pull-over as soon as possible to give you a break, yeah?", Chan promised. Nodding with his eyes closed, Jeongin prayed that he'd last that long.
Two minutes later, he knew that he wouldn't last that long. Sitting up straight, he asked shakily: "D-Do you have a bag or something? I-I think I'm going to be sick." Chan hurriedly reached over to open the glove box. "There must be a plastic bag in there", the leader stated, focusing back on the road to let Changbin, who was riding shot-gun, retrieve the bag. It was quickly passed through to the back row, where Jeongin sat with both of his hands clamped over his mouth, taking labored breaths while Seungmin rubbed his back comfortingly. Minho opened the bag in front of his dongsaeng just in time for the maknae to gag into his hands. He had his eyes closed, so the dancer gently pulled at his wrist to move his hands out of the way. Opening his eyes and spotting the bag, Jeongin clutched it and brought it up to his face before pitching forward with a productive retch. "Aww maknae", Minho cooed, steadying the boy's shoulders, while Seungmin rubbed his back. The youngest let out a hoarse whine before throwing up again, the bag growing heavier in his hands. Coughing, he realized he really shouldn't have eaten this much. How was he supposed to stop now that it had started? The car took a sharp turn, knocking Jeongin sideways, and the youngest was glad his hyung kept him steady as he choked up another wave of his dinner. Catching a short break, the maknae sat up and wiped away the tears that dotted his lashes from the strain. Hyunjin turned around in his middle-row seat, handing the youngest an uncapped water bottle but Jeongin urgently shook his head and buried it back in the plastic bag, heaving. The weight of the bag only made him more aware of the amount he had already brought up. Why did he have to overdo it that much?
Jeongin didn't even notice how Chan had pulled into a rest-stop and brought the car to a halt. The members hurried to get out to clear the way for the three in the back row. Seungmin got out first, while Minho continued to comfort the maknae, whispering: "We stopped, do you want to get some fresh air? Maybe standing on solid ground for a few minutes will help." Jeongin nodded and allowed Seungmin to take the bag from him, so Minho could help him out of the car. His head spun dizzily and he had to rely on his hyung to keep him on his feet. The dancer wrapped an arm around his shoulders and led him to a trashcan close by. "Do you feel like you're done?", he asked quietly. Jeongin shook his head, a wet burp escaping him before be bent over the trashcan as more sick spilled from his lips. "Wow, you really ate a lot, hm?", Chan cooed, impressed by the amount his dongsaeng was still bringing up. The oldest took over from Minho and gently patted the maknae's back as he coughed. Swaying dangerously, Jeongin clutched the Aussie's hand to steady himself. He choked up another wave before whimpering: "Hyung, please make it stop." – "I'm sorry, Innie", Chan cooed sympathetically, "Try to take deep breaths, yeah?" Shakily Jeongin did but failed miserably as his stomach wasn't yet done emptying itself. After a while though, he was reduced to dry heaves, which took a few minutes to taper off but when they did, Chan guided him to sit down on a bench close by their car. Hyunjin came over with tissues and some water for the maknae to rinse the taste off his tongue.
Drained from the earlier events, it didn't take long for Jeongin to go to sleep. Luckily, he was able to rest for a while before suddenly sitting up, startled. They only had another thirty minutes till they'd be home but the boy's stomach was rebelling again. Shakily picking up the bag, he squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't want this to happen again. Feeling his stomach clench, Jeongin gave a strained cough, that instantly brought up a small wave of sick. His mouth watered before he lurched forward again. Biting his lip in sympathy, Felix leaned forward in his seat behind the maknae and placed a comforting hand on his back. In an attempt to steady himself, Jeongin braced on hand against the dashboard while the other gripped the bag tightly. "You're doing great, Innie. We're almost home", Chan promised with a sad smile, taking one hand off the steering wheel to pat the younger's back. The boy could only groan in response, shaking from the strain. Leaning back against the window, Jeongin closed his eyes and let the bag dangle between his knees. He was certain he'd need it again if they weren't home very soon.
"Feeling a little better now?", Felix asked, walking up behind the bench to massage Jeongin's shoulders. The younger shrugged but relaxed, while the Aussie worked on his tense muscles. Handing the maknae some gum, Jisung commented: "I didn't know you get carsick, Innie?" – "Hm, been a while since it last happened. Just ate way too much earlier", Jeongin hummed, cringing at the memory of his dinner which didn't taste nearly as good the second time. Despite all of them wanting to get home soon, they hung around for some time, none of the members having the heart to force their youngest back into the car. Knowing they would have to continue eventually, Chan crouched in front of Jeongin and studied his pale face before cooing: "How do you feel now, Innie? Ready to continue?" The younger grimaced but he knew there was no way around finishing the rest of their drive. He nodded and allowed the leader to pull him to his feet. Changbin had readily traded seats with him, hoping his dongsaeng would feel better if he sat in the front. They got Jeongin settled with an empty plastic bag in his lap, incase he'd feel sick again later and Seungmin gave him his jacket because the maknae had started to shiver in his sweat-through shirt. By now, Jeongin was mostly tired, exhausted from the whole ordeal after already having had a long day, so as they continued their drive, Felix watched his dongsaeng's head dip down to his chest repeatedly. Taking pity on the boy, the Aussie took off his hoodie and bunched it up to a make-shift pillow. Stuffing it between the seat and the window, he gently guided Jeongin's head to rest against it. He hoped this way, the maknae would be able to sleep through the remaining two hours.
Dizzily dozing off, he didn't notice the car coming to a stop before somebody took the bag from his hands. Chan got out first and disposed of the bag before walking around to the passenger side. He waited for Felix to sneak his arm around the front seat to hold Jeongin, so he wouldn't fall out when Chan opened the door. The leader carefully opened the car door and unbuckled his dongsaeng, who sleepily blinked up at him when he got picked up. "Go back to sleep, Innie", Chan shushed, waiting for the rest of the group to get out. When everyone had gotten out of the car, he carried the maknae to their dorm. Minho was quick to open the door to let them in and Chan went straight for Jeongin's room. Setting the boy down on his bed, the Aussie helped him take of his sweaty shirt and put on a fresh one. Jeongin struggled out of his skinny jeans as well, sighing when the pressure was off of his stomach. When he was changed, he curled up and dozed off. He wasn't fully asleep yet, so he heard some rustling around the room before a hand shook him. Jisung whispered softly: "There's a bucket next to you and some water on the nightstand. Get some rest, Innie." The maknae hummed in reply, going to sleep while his roommate climbed into his own bed after making sure the younger had everything he might need. 
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xnchxntmxnt · 3 years
𝐶𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑜𝑦𝑠
𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑋 𝐺𝑁!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
TW/CW: none, much fluff. (There may be cursing I don’t remember but it’s only a little)
Characters: Sugawara Koushi, Kuroo Tersurou
HS!Reader for kuroo/Adult for suga, GN!Reader
Psst psst—I’ll call you pretty if you reblog, maybe you get a forehead kiss if you want one, idk
𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜 𝑇𝑒𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑢
It was a long day at school—a long week, really—and you wanted nothing else than to spend time by yourself. You’d probably sleep a lot that weekend, especially Friday night. However, your boyfriend had other plans.
Despite how much you loved him, you had to admit that Kuroo was exhausting once in a while. You’d never decline an invite to hang out, but you listened to him talk about the latest thing he was learning in class and you were ready to fall asleep.
“You stopped listening ten minutes ago,” he said with a sigh, holding his hand out for you. “Talk to me, baby. What’s going on with you today?”
“I’m tired, Tetsu, I’m sorry,” you mumble, placing your hand in his. He slowly leans back on his bed, pulling you on top of him. You let yourself fall on him, laying your head over his steady heartbeat. “I promise I was trying to pay attention…”
“Don’t apologize, you’re okay.” He played with your fingers, his other arm wrapping around you protectively. “Do you wanna talk or just cuddle for a while?”
You sigh. He was too amazing—being able to read you like a book, and knowing what you needed when. “You don’t have to sit here with me, babe, I can go home and take a nap…”
He tilted your chin up so you could look at him. “Or you can stay here—“ he ran his thumb gently over your cheek— “and stay with me. Because I love you and I like to spend time with you . Even when you’re sleepy.”
You were silent for a moment, contemplating what he said. “Are you sure, Tetsu?” you asked finally.
He kissed the top of your head, squeezing you a little tighter for a moment. “Yes, I am. Go to sleep, listen to me talk for a while, I don’t care. Do what you need to. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
𝑆𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝐾𝑜𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑖
You smile at the sun coming through the window—morning person or not, when you got to wake up and get moving on your own schedule on the weekends, it was always nice. Being that you woke up earlier than your boyfriend, Koshi, you decided to make breakfast to bring him. So you stood, stirring the eggs the best you could and hoping not to burn things.
You heard quiet footsteps padding out towards the kitchen and you sighed. So he was awake anyway. You were trying to get it done before he woke up so he could have breakfast in bed, but he probably woke up when he realized your warmth wasn’t there anymore.
“Good morning,” he said, cutting himself off with a yawn. “I wasn’t expecting to wake up to an empty bed this morning. You okay?’
“I was hoping to wake you up with food, but you kinda spoiled that,” you tease, dumping his eggs on a plate next to you, then turning around to face him. “Your tea is almost done. Just the way you like it.”
“How did I ever end up with someone as amazing as you?” he asked, taking your hands and guiding them around his waist. He pulled you into a gentle hug, nuzzling his cold nose into your shoulder.
You laugh, kissing the side of his head. “I love you too, Koshi. Also, good morning because I don’t think I said that yet today.”
He hummed in reply, only burrowing in the crook of your neck further. Breakfast could wait for a few minutes until he was ready to wake up, you figured. He was still half asleep with you in his arms and probably could fall back asleep standing there.
You played with his messy bedhead, smiling softly. It was mornings like this you always cherished with him--no getting up super early in the morning and barely saying more than “good morning” to each other because you were both half asleep. No, days off were always good.
And hey, you made breakfast which meant you had an excuse to make him do dishes.
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omigiry · 4 years
Sleepy 💤
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Middle Blockers with a sleepy s/o 
warnings: none
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━━━ 𝙏𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖
He really doesn’t care if you fell asleep in class, but would compile notes for you if you ever did end up sleeping for the rest of the class.
Whenever you study together you’d always end up falling asleep as well or requesting for a nap.
He’s confused as to why you could sleep so much even if you get a whole 8 hours of sleep or even more. 
You yawned as your handwriting became unreadable, your eyes were starting to slowly close and your visions were blurry. It was a sign that you needed to sleep. 
“It’s only an hour into studying.” Tsukishima said as he saw you shaking your head trying to stay awake. Despite your sleepiness you still easily caught up on the lessons except for a particular subject that you hate. 
“No more studying, please. Sleep is needed.” 
“It’s only 8pm.” He loves to prolong a conversation when you’re sleepy just to see you suffering, but in reality he enjoyed your adorable whining expression. How you would pout, how your eyebrows creased together, and your eyes squinted. 
“Yeah, and it’s time for sleep.” 
“No, you need to finish this assignment first.” 
You grumbled at him and glared at the book in front of you.
“I can do it tomorrow. I’ll wake up by 4am and do it.” 
“I don’t trust you with that.” He said. If the subject is scheduled in the afternoon he knows that you would do tha assignment during break time. He knows that you could finish it, but cramming is not a good habit. 
“If you finish this right now, I’ll let you borrow my hoodie that you could sleep in.” With that statement coming out of his mouth it was enough to motivate you and try to stay awake as much as possible.
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━━━ 𝙃𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙖
A sunshine. He would literally be beaming early in the morning.
When he visits your classroom during break he could see that you were sleeping at your desk. He would let you rest for a few minutes before waking you up to eat.
You couldn’t be mad at him for waking you up.
“Is (y/n) here?” Hinata asks one of your classmates. When they pointed to you, you were already sleeping at your desk. 
He entered the classroom and took the seat available in front of you. He puts his lunch box down and would just look at you while you sleep, sometimes he would play with your hair. 
20 minutes later, he wakes you up to have lunch together. You woke up with a frown on your face ready to fight whoever woke you up, but your expression quickly changed when you saw Hinata in front of you. 
“It’s time to have lunch. As much as sleep is important, eating is also important.” He said as he sets his lunchbox in front of you. 
You were blinking away the sleep from your eyes and grabbed your lunchbox as well.
He would start a conversation and by how he was smiling at everything he says to you, it helps you wake up. You hated the beam of the morning sun, but this was something you’d always want to wake up to.
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━━━ 𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙖𝙬𝙖
Annoys you whenever he sees you asleep in the classroom, but he would let you sleep in peace occasionally. 
Whenever you would fall asleep when he’s next to you he would let you lean on his shoulders. 
He tried giving you coffee every morning but it has no effect. You couldn’t drink straight black coffee so that was out of the option. 
First thing in the morning when he got to school, he saw you in class already asleep. It’s a surprise that you could come to school early just to sleep. 
He puts his bag down on his seat before he goes to you. He pokes your arm to wake you up and he will not stop until you do. 
You were slowly waking up and knew who’s annoying you first thing in the morning. 
“If you do not stop, I’ll break that finger.” You threatened him.
“Sheesh, no need to be violent. Can’t I just want to see your beautiful face?” 
You lifted your head and looked at him with a deadpan expression. He compliments you, but this one was something to annoy you. 
“Come on, let’s go buy some drinks. You're low on sugar.” He pulled you to get up and dragged you out of the classroom. You try to get away from his grip wanting to sleep more.
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━━━ 𝙏𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙪
Already has so much energy first thing in the morning and it will not run out for the whole day. 
He would greet you with a smile and wants to talk to you about the latest chapter of manga he was reading but when he sees your head bobbing down he would stop talking and would gently lay down your head on the table. 
He may look sleepy but in reality you were the one who is actually sleepy. He may be playful and loves to tease whoever he is close with but he wouldn’t dare annoy you when you’re asleep. 
It was lunch break and Tendou was excitedly talking about his current favorite series. You were listening to everything said, afterall you also share the common interest. He would suggest some of his favorites that you haven’t checked out yet and tell you the gist of the series, characters, and some of his favorite arcs.
As you listened to him, your eyes were slowly closing. It’s not because you aren’t interested anymore, Tendou knows that, it was because of the time. You always feel sleepy after eating. 
“You always fall asleep when I’m getting on the good parts.” He says.
“Tell me more about it later. It seems interesting.” 
“Did you binge another series last night?”
You nodded and yawned. You doze off as he gently puts your head down on your desk.
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━━━ 𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙤
Would also let you lean on his shoulders and offer an arm for you to hug. 
You’d always end up sleeping on your ride back home, and when it has gotten to a point where you missed your stop it was a wise decision to wait for Kuroo and go home together so he could wake you up. Sometimes you would end up also falling asleep while waiting for him.
He’d entwine your hands together if you fall asleep on his shoulder.
You were waiting for Kuroo to finish his practice as you finish your homework so you could sleep and relax once you get home. You were waiting for them by the court but when practice got intense and there would be a lot of stray balls you decided to go to the second floor of the gym and sat down there on the floor, since it was only a small walkway for people to watch from above.
Kuroo didn’t notice that you went there so when they were taking a break and did not see you at your usual spot, he was confused. If you went home early, you would inform him or at least wait for them to have a break so you could tell him. 
“Are you looking for (y/n)?” Coach Naoi asked. 
“Yes, have you seen her coach?” 
Coach Naoi pointed at where you were located and Kuroo went up there. He saw you leaning on the pillar of the wall with a notebook loosely held in your hands. Kuroo sighed and shook his head, but he found it adorable, he went back down to grab his jacket and put it over you.
He let you sleep peacefully as practice resumed and only woke you up once it was over. He was amazed that you could sleep through all the shouting they made when they play.
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━━━ 𝙎𝙪𝙣𝙖
He’s also sleepy as much as you are. When he sees you asleep on your desk, he would also sleep next to you, he also puts his head down next to yours. 
When he realizes that you’re a sleepy head he starts to bring a small pillow for you so you could be comfortable. 
If both of you were sleeping, that means someone needs to wake you up before the teacher comes. The twins were the one who does this, and find the most annoying ways to wake you two up. 
There was a vacant hour because of an emergency meeting between the school faculty. Suna went to the lockers and grabbed the pillow he leaves there for you. He knows that if there’s a vacant time you would spend it either asleep or scrolling through your phone. 
Once he returned to the classroom he pulled his chair and put it next to you. 
“Already sleepy?” You asked him as he laid his head down on your desk.
Suna hummed. “Not yet, I’ll just sit next to you until I do. I’m pretty sure you’ll be the first one to fall asleep though.” He replied.
“Is that a bet?” 
“You guys are so weird, who would make a bet on who would fall asleep first?” Osamu commented. You both ignored him as you turned your attention back to your phone and Suna did so as well. “It’s like I’m invincible when these two are together.” Osamu sighed.
“You’re not the only one.” Atsumu added. 
Eventually you and Suna dozed off at the same time. Suna taking up the most space on your desk you ended up resting your head on his back. Five minutes before the next teacher comes to the classroom, Atsumu blasted loud music near your ear. When you woke up, you were ready to throw your shoes at him. Suna wouldn’t even stop you, in fact he would be the one encouraging you, along with Osamu, as he readies his phone to record the moment.
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Puppy love.
summary: Harry finally makes his lover’s wishes come true when they adopt a dog together.
word count: 2.2k
based on this request:
“please could you write a cute domestic puppy piece? Maybe just lazy day / taking their pup for a walk 🥺 and maybe y/n is pregnant and the puppy is super protective”
a/n: send me more ideas pls, i’m in a writing mood but idk what to write haha
you can find the rest of my masterlist here.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Usually when people decide to adopt a dog, they’re always secretly looking for a puppy, thinking it’d be easier to handle rather than an older dog. It was quite sad, to be honest. There were dozens, if not hundreds of animals looking for a home, waiting to be adopted and it wasn’t fair people ignored big dogs with the excuse that they could be aggressive. Well, at least it to Y/N, it wasn’t fair. A dog was something she’s been wanting for a while. And was also the one thing Harry has been unable to give her. Tight schedules, interviews, traveling and touring were a few reasons why they haven’t adopted a pet, leaving it as the only desire Y/N had that Harry was yet to fulfill.
But today was the day. Y/N has finally convinced Harry and they were on their way to the shelter, ready to meet as many dogs as they could with the hope of finding the one. She wasn’t looking for anything in specific, telling herself she’d go with an open mind.
“We can take one, love.” Harry remained her when they went out of the car, intertwining their fingers as they walked inside of the building. He knew the moment they walked in, his girlfriend would be bawling her eyes out because she can’t take every single one of the dogs home with them.
“This is the best day of my life.” She whispered in excitement and Harry chuckled at the way her eyes light up.
“Oh, evening. What can I do for you?” A middle aged woman spoke from behind her desk, offering them a friendly smile while pushing her glasses.
“We’re here to—”
“We’d like to adopt.” Y/N interrupted him, squeezing his hand.
The woman’s smile grew bigger as she stood up from her chair, taking a set of keys from her desk. “Alright. Follow me, please.” She gestured the door that was a couple of steps from where they were standing and started walking, Harry and Y/N just behind her. “Are you looking for anything specific?”
“No. We, uh, we’d like to look around for a bit, if that’s okay.” Harry said.
“That’s fine, you can take your time.” She smiled at them then opened the door, revealing dozens of dogs in every color and every size. The animals started barking and jumping in their places. Y/N’s eyes filled with instant tears when she saw they had them in cages.
She sniffed and Harry looked down at her, concerned. He furrowed his eyebrows then squeezed her hand, trying to soothe her. “Thank you.” He said to the woman before passing through her and entered the room. For a moment he felt slightly overwhelmed for all the barking and noise the dogs were making, but he quickly recovered when Y/N let go of his hand to kneel in front of a Pomeranian. “He’s cute.”
“His name is Barry, oh my god.” She practically squealed as she read the little card that was attached to the dog’s cage. “Harryyy.” Y/N practically dragged the words, too excited to care.
“He arrived last month.” The woman commented from behind.
“Hi, baby. What a good boy”
Harry started to walk around the room, observing a few dogs himself. He was obviously going to let her pick their new pet, being okay with whatever she desired. But look around wouldn’t hurt either. They spent a little time apart, but Harry was still able to hear Y/N’s squeals as well as his name being called at least a hundred times whenever she knelt in front of another dog.
He smiled as small Chihuahua started barking at him. The little fella was so small it could easily fit on Harry’s big hand, and he knew his baby would love it so he called for her.
“You like this one?” She asked, smiling at the dog. “Her name’s Pippa. Oh my god, who picks their names? I’m gonna cry.”
“A few volunteers like to name them. They come a few times a week.”
Y/N nodded at the woman, returning her vision at Harry. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know. You choose, baby.” He smiled sweetly at her.
“Okay. Come see this one, I was just with him when you called me.” She took his hand in hers and pulled from him gently. Harry let her lead him to whatever part of the room she previously was and his eyes winded when he saw a beautiful Siberian husky laying on the floor.
The dog itself looked majestic in his opinion. It was a big ball of fur with a pair of beautiful, crystal blue eyes that were looking directly at him. “His name’s Thor. He’s so adorable, isn’t he?”
“Ah, I see you found Thor. Poor thing’s been looking for a home for quite some time now. A few people come by and see him but never adopt him.”
“Why wouldn’t someone want him?”
“Big dogs aren’t always practical, Sir.”
Harry pouted unconsciously. “I know he’s large, but look at him.” His girlfriend made puppy eyes at him, and he could tell she was trying to hold it together after hearing no one wanted to adopt Thor.
“He’s perfect.” He turned to the woman. “We’d like to take him with us, please.”
“You don’t want to discuss it first?”
“No need. He’s the one.” The green eyed man said confidently.
Thor might look like a whole ass wolf, but in reality he was the biggest softie you’d ever met in your life. In the ride back home, Y/N sat in the back of the car with him, and the dog immediately put his head on her lap, its tail never stopped moving as she scratched its ears. Being almost 2ft, Thor occupied pretty much the whole backseat, leaving Y/N squeezed by the window, not that she minded.
“How are we feeling, uh?” Harry asked after a while.
“He’s perfect. Do you think we have everything we need at home for him? I want him to be comfortable.”
Yesterday they had gone on a trip to the store to buy everything they thought they might need to welcome their new pet into their home. Two bowls for water and food, a couple of collars and leashes to take him out, every toy the store had available and a bed.
The only thing they were lacking was dog food, but it was because they didn’t know which dog they’d take from the shelter and didn’t want to buy the wrong one.
“We can make a quick stop at the store for food, it’s on the way home.”
Y/N smiled, sighing happily while leaning down to hug Thor. She got lost on all its fur, nuzzling him gently. She had read stories about how dogs from shelters often tended to act aggressively at first, as they probably had a bad life before, but she was glad Thor wasn’t like that.
“Thor, come right here!”
The large dog ran outside the house and towards Y/N, thinking he was being summoned to play in the backyard, but was met with its owner standing next to a massive whole in the ground, where Y/N’s freshly planted daisies were supposed to be.
“Jesus Christ, look at you!” She exclaimed. Thor’s white fur was now brown because of all of the dirt he played with. “Daddy gave you a shower yesterday.”
At hearing the word ‘daddy’, Thor started jumping around while barking happily, starting to run around in look for Harry. Suddenly, Y/N wasn’t mad at him anymore for destroying her garden, instead, her heart melted at how adorable he was.
Yeah, Thor could dig a hole in the ground whenever he wanted and he could send all her flowers flying if that’s what made him happy.
Today but six months ago, Harry and Y/N were on their way to the nearest shelter to finally adopt a pet together, not knowing Thor would be entering their life with its chaotic personality and its big heart, changing their life forever. Having a dog together definitely made the couple closer and stronger, as Thor basically became their child.
They celebrated with a day out. The couple took Thor to the dog park, playing with him for hours. The big husky loved to chase Harry around until the both of them were in the ground, the dog lapping his face happily. Sometimes Thor forgets its size and acted like a baby, practically begging Harry to lift him and carry him around.
There were several pictures the next day of them at the park, and the fans were collapsing over the content of Harry with Thor. Y/N thought one specific picture of the three of them walking down the street and back to their car looked so cute that she had to post it with the caption ‘six’, again making everyone die out of love.
One of the things Harry did first thing in the morning was go for a run. Now, before he used to go alone, as he always let Y/N sleep a little longer, but now he had an exercise buddy to take in as many runs he wanted. They were usually out for an hour or so, and when they were back, Thor always went straight to his water bowl first then to his bed to take a nap. However, after he hydrated, he went straight upstairs to the master bedroom.
Harry followed him upstairs, seeing with a smile how the dog jumped on the bed and cuddled with Y/N. Thor was a cuddler, it was no secret, so he going with her wasn’t a surprise for Harry. It was only when Harry sat down beside them and Thor started whining that the man grew confused. Thor put its head on top of Y/N’s stomach, looking at Harry.
“What’s wrong, mate?” He asked as he extended his arm to scratch the dog’s head.
Y/N started moving, fluttering her eyes open and smiling softly when her vision caught her favorite boys there. “Morning.”
“Morning, precious.” Harry smiled. “Just came back from out run.”
“Have you showered yet?” He shocks his head. “Then go, I’ll start breakfast.” She leaned towards him to kiss his check before standing up. “How do you feel about banana pancakes?”
“Sounds delicious.”
Y/N walked out of the room with Thor right behind her. Harry shrugged off Thor’s previously odd behavior and went to take a shower. After he was done, he went downstairs and to the kitchen where he found his girlfriend flipping some pancakes with Thor laying closely by her feet.
Thor’s odd behavior continued for a few days, always wanting to be as close as possible to Y/N and nearly panicking whenever she left his sight. He’d lay by her feet or on her lap if she was on the couch, and he’d follow her around like her personal bodyguard if she was on the move.
At first it was quite adorable, but then Thor started whining whenever Harry wanted to come closer, not allowing him to cuddle with Y/N.
In the seventh day, Y/N started to feel sick, she’d wake up and throw up first thing in the morning. They thought it was just something she ate, thinking it would go away in a few days. But then she started to throw up more and more and Harry started panicking, so they went to the doctor.
“We’ll run a few tests to find out what’s wrong, including a pregnancy one.”
“P-pregnancy?” Harry shuttered.
“I’m not pregnant, doctor.” Y/N assured.
“We might as well be sure.”
The results arrived in just half an hour, but it surely felt like an eternity. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about the pregnancy test. He’d be lying if he said a part of him was excited to know whether he has created a new life with the love of his life or not, but he didn’t want to get his hopes too high. And the other part of him was terrified of the possibility of Y/N being pregnant.
When they were finally back with the doctor, Harry held Y/N’s hand and squeezed it tightly. She looked at him and he gave her a smile, assuring her that no matter what the results said, they’d be fine.
“Congratulations, you’ll be parents.” The doctor lifted her head from the papers, offering the both of them a gentle smile. “You’re three months pregnant, what explains the morning sickness you’ve been experiencing.”
Harry sat there in shock, the fact that he was actually going to be a father finally hitting him. “I’m gonna be a dad.” He whispered. His head snapped up, his eyes looking for Y/N’s. “You’re gonna be a mum.”
Y/n choked a sob, standing from her place at the same time as Harry and hugged him tightly. He pulled her closer to his chest as he kissed the top of her head, a few tears rolling down from his eyes.
“I guess I’m having your baby, eh?” Now it was Harry’s turn to choke a sob, barely able to speak due all the emotions he was feeling right now.
“Can you believe Thor knew first?” Harry said when they were finally inside of their car again, ready to drive back home.
“What do you mean?”
“Dogs can tell if a woman is pregnant.” He said. “And that would explain why he behaved like he did.”
“Like what?”
“He panicked whenever you weren’t in the room, always followed you around. He even waited for you outside of the bathroom!”
“He just loves me more than he loves you.” She joked.
“Yeah, but he will love our baby even more.”
Our baby.
Didn’t sound that bad, didn’t it?
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general life update
today was my second morning giving kinnie insulin. (@actuallylukedanes and i are trading off, they give it to her after dinner.) it definitely went better than the first time, though i was even more aware of my anxiety this time, and my hands shook even worse. but the first time kinnie jolted and tried to escape, and this time she sat in my lap and was honestly calmer than me til it was over. so that seems like good progress.
she’s already got more of an appetite and to my eye, isn’t as overly thirsty anymore. the insulin has been making her sleepy, but i had to remind myself today that after i get up and begin my day, she has always demanded her morning nap in which i’m not allowed to do anything but hang out with her. so it’s not concerning that she does that now after her breakfast and insulin. and of course, we’ll get things adjusted later this month. it’s early stages yet.
myself, i’m having a weirdly good day! i volunteered to take the morning shift because leander has a pretty regular wake up time that wouldn’t mesh well with 12-hour shifts for kinnie--whereas i have basically no sleep schedule. much easier for me to put myself on a new morning routine when i didn’t have one to start from. the sleep deprivation hasn’t been fun (i have a bit of a headache from it atm) but on early days, i always feel extra clearheaded. 
things with kinnie have been so stressful and so frantic, all while we’ve been trying to get ready for a short visit from the 9-year-old next week when i also had an invasive procedure coming up on monday. i learned at the last minute that the procedure wasn’t happening locally, just adding more stress to everything, so i rescheduled it for next month and here in our city. i think that might be part of why things feel calmer to me now, in addition to being out of the ‘oh god kinnie is sick’ stage and into the ‘taking planned action’ daily routine. 
whatever the reason though, i got up today, gave kinnie and mellie their breakfast (they’re both getting wet food now), took care of kinnie’s health needs before she cuddled up with me, and then i realized: i feel clearheaded today and calm and like i could get things done, for the first time in a week. and i hadn’t even taken my adhd meds yet! so maybe my theory about mornings will turn out to be true. 
i’m naturally nocturnal and always have been, which is why i can never convince myself to get up early every day just for life improvement reasons. even though it gives me quiet time to get chores done, and focused work on things like writing...i need that external motivation or i default back to thriving at 4am. kinnie loves her new delicious (lol i find wet food so gross, even the kind she eats that smells like human food) breakfast and she likes me being up early to provide a reliable lap, so i’ve got excellent external motivation now.
i have a bunch of chores to get done (mainly cleaning my bathroom before i start sharing it next week) and not a lot of energy as i adjust to this new schedule, but i have faith that i will manage it, now that i’m not planning on being out of commission starting monday. if day two is surprisingly cheerful, maybe i’ll be almost at maximum functioning again by tomorrow or the next day. 
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